Writing Beginner

100 Halloween Writing Prompts (Scary Good Ideas)

Halloween is here. It’s the perfect time to let your imagination run wild.

Whether you’re in elementary, middle, or high school, these 100 Halloween writing prompts will spark your creativity. From spooky costumes to mysterious monsters, get ready to write some thrilling tales.

Halloween Costume Writing Prompts

The words Halloween Writing Prompts with cute monsters

Table of Contents

Get ready to transform! Costumes are a huge part of Halloween.

They can be magical, mysterious, or downright spooky. These Halloween writing prompts will help you imagine all the possibilities that come with dressing up for Halloween.

  • Your costume magically changes every hour. Describe the transformations.
  • You find a vintage costume that grants special powers. What powers do you gain?
  • Design a costume for a mythical creature and tell its story.
  • Your costume comes to life at midnight. What adventures do you have?
  • Imagine a costume that can disguise you as anyone. How do you use it?
  • Describe a costume party where everyone’s outfits have secret meanings.
  • You create a DIY costume from household items. What do you make?
  • Your costume allows you to speak to animals. What do they say?
  • Design a futuristic Halloween costume and explain its features.
  • Your costume is inspired by your favorite book character. Write about your day as them.
  • Your costume gives you the ability to teleport to any Halloween event in the world. Where do you go?
  • Design a costume that reflects your biggest fear. How do people react?
  • Imagine a costume that changes based on the emotions of the person wearing it. What happens?
  • Write about a costume that allows you to see through walls. What do you discover?
  • You create a costume from materials found in nature. Describe what it looks like and how it feels to wear it.

Halloween Tradition Writing Prompts

Every culture has its own way of celebrating Halloween. Traditions can be full of mystery, fun, and history. These Halloween writing prompts will help you explore how different people celebrate the spookiest night of the year.

  • Describe a unique Halloween tradition in a fictional village.
  • Imagine celebrating Halloween in a place where it’s celebrated year-round. How?
  • Write about a family tradition that makes Halloween special for you.
  • Create a Halloween festival with games and activities. What happens?
  • Describe a Halloween parade with floats and costumes.
  • Imagine a tradition where you plant spooky seeds that grow into magical plants.
  • Write about a tradition of telling ghost stories around a bonfire.
  • Describe a Halloween night where everyone lights lanterns to guide spirits.
  • Create a tradition of exchanging handmade Halloween decorations.
  • Imagine a tradition where children create their own trick-or-treat routes.
  • Create a Halloween tradition where everyone in town decorates their pets. What kinds of costumes do the animals wear?
  • Imagine a town where Halloween is celebrated by carving magical symbols into pumpkins. What do the symbols mean?
  • Write about a tradition where the youngest child in the family chooses the Halloween dinner menu. What’s on the table?
  • Describe a tradition where every house on the block competes to create the spookiest sound effects. How do they do it?
  • Invent a Halloween tradition where the town gathers to create a giant candy sculpture. What does it look like, and what happens to it after Halloween?

Monster Writing Prompts

Monsters aren’t always scary—they can be funny, mysterious, or even friendly! These Halloween writing prompts will take you into the world of Halloween monsters, where anything is possible.

  • Invent a friendly monster who helps kids on Halloween night.
  • Describe a day in the life of a misunderstood monster.
  • Create a story where monsters and humans live together peacefully.
  • Imagine a monster that changes shape based on your fears. What does it look like?
  • Write about a monster that only appears during Halloween.
  • Describe a monster that collects forgotten Halloween decorations.
  • Invent a monster that protects the haunted forest. What does it do?
  • Create a story where you befriend a shy monster.
  • Imagine a monster that loves candy more than anything. How does it behave?
  • Describe a world where monsters attend a Halloween school.
  • Imagine a monster that is afraid of Halloween and hides during the entire season. How does it cope?
  • Write about a monster that only appears in reflections. What does it want?
  • Describe a monster that helps people face their fears by turning into them. What happens when it does?
  • Create a story where a monster collects laughter instead of screams. How does it gather laughter, and why?
  • Imagine a monster that is invisible during the day but visible at night. How does it interact with the world?

Haunted Place Writing Prompts

There’s something magical about haunted places—they’re full of mystery and history. These Halloween writing prompts will help you imagine what it’s like to explore these spooky locations.

  • Write about a haunted house that reveals secrets to its visitors.
  • Describe an abandoned amusement park that comes alive at night.
  • Imagine a haunted library where the books whisper stories.
  • Create a tale set in a spooky old mansion with hidden rooms.
  • Write about a haunted forest where trees move on their own.
  • Describe a haunted school where past students still roam the halls.
  • Imagine a haunted playground where the swings swing by themselves.
  • Create a story set in a haunted lighthouse guiding ghost ships.
  • Write about a haunted bridge where spirits cross over.
  • Describe a haunted carnival where the attractions never stop.
  • Write about a haunted garden where the plants have a mind of their own. What mysteries do they hide?
  • Imagine a haunted movie theater where the films change based on the audience’s deepest fears.
  • Describe a haunted bakery where the pastries are baked with a touch of magic. What happens to those who eat them?
  • Create a story set in a haunted train station where ghostly trains arrive at midnight. Who boards them, and where do they go?
  • Write about a haunted zoo where the animals are not what they seem. What secrets do the cages hold?

Spooky Object Writing Prompts

Even everyday objects can become spooky on Halloween! These Halloween writing prompts will help you imagine the magic and mystery behind some of the simplest things.

  • Your flashlight reveals hidden spirits when you shine it.
  • Describe a mirror that shows your Halloween costume in a different world.
  • Imagine a pumpkin that can talk. What stories does it tell?
  • Create a story about a broom that sweeps by itself.
  • Write about a haunted mask that changes expressions.
  • Describe a spooky clock that counts down to midnight.
  • Imagine a lantern that lights the way to magical places.
  • Create a tale involving a haunted book that writes itself.
  • Write about a spooky key that unlocks mysterious doors.
  • Describe a necklace that grants Halloween-themed wishes.
  • Imagine a pair of glasses that lets you see the past Halloweens of anyone you meet. What do you discover?
  • Write about a pencil that writes stories by itself when left alone at night. What kind of stories does it tell?
  • Describe a mysterious lantern that only lights up in the presence of truth. How does it change the course of events on Halloween night?
  • Create a story involving a mask that reveals the true face of whoever wears it. What does the wearer see when they look in the mirror?
  • Write about a book that can trap its readers inside its pages. What happens when someone tries to escape?

Magical Creature Writing Prompts

Halloween is the perfect time to believe in magic. These Halloween writing prompts will take you into the world of magical creatures, where anything can happen.

  • Invent a Halloween fairy who grants spooky wishes.
  • Describe a wizard who specializes in Halloween magic.
  • Imagine a group of magical creatures preparing for Halloween.
  • Create a story about a dragon who loves Halloween parties.
  • Write about a unicorn with a Halloween-themed mane.
  • Describe a fairy tale creature celebrating Halloween in their realm.
  • Imagine a gnome who crafts magical Halloween decorations.
  • Create a tale involving a mermaid who collects Halloween treasures.
  • Write about a centaur organizing a Halloween hunt.
  • Describe a phoenix that shines during Halloween night.
  • Imagine a Halloween phoenix that is reborn every year on Halloween night. What does it symbolize, and where does it go?
  • Write about a group of fairies who only appear when the first pumpkin is carved. What mischief do they cause?
  • Describe a magical cat who can grant nine Halloween wishes, but with a twist. What are the rules, and what happens when someone breaks them?
  • Create a story where a group of mythical creatures gathers for an annual Halloween celebration. What do they do, and what makes this year special?
  • Imagine a werewolf who can control when they transform, but only on Halloween. How do they use this ability?

Ghost Story Writing Prompts

Ghosts don’t always have to be scary. These Halloween writing prompts will help you create gentle ghost stories that are full of mystery and maybe even a little bit of fun.

  • Write about a friendly ghost who helps lost children find their way.
  • Describe a ghost that loves to play Halloween tricks.
  • Imagine a ghost who tells stories from long ago.
  • Create a story where you meet a ghost at a Halloween party.
  • Write about a ghost that guards a special Halloween treasure.
  • Describe a ghost that can change its appearance.
  • Imagine a ghost who wants to experience Halloween like everyone else.
  • Create a tale where ghosts join in on trick-or-treating.
  • Write about a ghost who loves to decorate for Halloween.
  • Describe a ghost who becomes your Halloween friend.
  • Write about a ghost who can only be seen by children. What does the ghost want, and how do the children help it?
  • Describe a ghost who is trying to solve the mystery of its own death. What clues does it find on Halloween night?
  • Imagine a ghost that haunts a single object rather than a place. What is the object, and why is it haunted?
  • Create a story where a ghost protects a secret Halloween recipe passed down through generations. What happens when someone tries to steal it?
  • Write about a ghost who has never celebrated Halloween before. What happens when they decide to join the fun?

Trick-or-Treating Writing Prompts

Trick-or-treating is one of the most fun parts of Halloween. These Halloween writing prompts will take you on adventures filled with candy, costumes, and a bit of Halloween magic.

  • Write about a magical neighborhood where every house has a surprise.
  • Describe a trick-or-treat route that leads to an enchanted place.
  • Imagine meeting a mysterious stranger while trick-or-treating.
  • Create a story where your treats come to life.
  • Write about a neighborhood with the best Halloween decorations.
  • Describe a trick-or-treat adventure in a spooky forest.
  • Imagine finding a hidden house during trick-or-treating.
  • Create a tale where you and your friends solve a Halloween mystery while trick-or-treating.
  • Write about a trick-or-treating night where you discover a secret path.
  • Describe a house that offers magical treats instead of candy.
  • Imagine a trick-or-treat bag that gets heavier with each house you visit, but the candy never runs out. What’s the secret behind it?
  • Write about a house that gives out mysterious potions instead of candy. What do the potions do?
  • Describe a neighborhood where the houses change their appearance depending on who is trick-or-treating. What do they look like?
  • Create a story where you and your friends find an abandoned trick-or-treat route that leads to a hidden treasure. What’s the treasure, and who is guarding it?
  • Imagine trick-or-treating in a town where everyone wears the same costume. How do you find your friends, and what’s the reason for the matching outfits?

Halloween Adventure Writing Prompts

Halloween isn’t just about costumes and candy—it’s about adventures, too. These Halloween writing prompts will take you on thrilling journeys filled with mystery and excitement.

  • Write about a Halloween treasure hunt in a haunted castle.
  • Describe a night when Halloween decorations come to life.
  • Imagine exploring a spooky cave on Halloween night.
  • Create a story where you discover a hidden Halloween portal.
  • Write about a Halloween quest to save the season.
  • Describe a midnight adventure in a haunted carnival.
  • Imagine finding a map that leads to Halloween secrets.
  • Create a tale where you journey to the Land of Halloween.
  • Write about a Halloween escape from a magical maze.
  • Describe a night when you and your friends become Halloween heroes.
  • Write about a Halloween scavenger hunt that takes you to all the haunted places in your town. What do you find at each stop?
  • Describe an adventure where you follow a mysterious black cat that leads you to a hidden Halloween party.
  • Imagine a Halloween night where every door you knock on opens to a different world. What worlds do you visit?
  • Create a story where you’re invited to a secret Halloween ball in a castle. What happens when you arrive?
  • Write about an adventure where you and your friends are chosen to save Halloween from disappearing forever. How do you do it?

Enchanted Forest Writing Prompts

The forest can be a magical place on Halloween. These prompts will guide you through enchanted woods filled with Halloween magic.

  • Write about a forest where the trees glow with Halloween lights.
  • Describe meeting magical creatures in an enchanted Halloween forest.
  • Imagine a Halloween festival held deep in the enchanted woods.
  • Create a story where you find a hidden Halloween village in the forest.
  • Write about a magical stream that flows only on Halloween night.
  • Describe a forest path that changes every Halloween.
  • Imagine discovering a secret garden in an enchanted Halloween forest.
  • Create a tale where the forest animals celebrate Halloween.
  • Write about a tree that grants Halloween wishes.
  • Describe an enchanted forest where every Halloween is different.
  • Imagine a forest where every tree tells a different Halloween story. What story does your tree tell?
  • Write about a magical clearing in the forest that only appears on Halloween night. What happens there?
  • Describe an enchanted forest where the animals speak and share their Halloween traditions with you.
  • Create a story where you find an ancient Halloween artifact deep in the forest. What powers does it have, and what do you do with it?
  • Imagine a forest where the paths change every hour, leading to different Halloween-themed locations. What do you discover along the way?

Watch this video for 12 more spooky Halloween writing prompts:

Tips for Teachers: How to Use These Prompts Creatively

These Halloween writing prompts are a fantastic way to get students excited about writing. Here are some tips for using them in your classroom:

  • Themed Journals : Encourage students to keep a Halloween journal where they can write a prompt every day leading up to Halloween.
  • Group Storytelling : Divide students into groups and have them choose a prompt. Each group can write a part of the story, and then the class can combine them into a spooky anthology.
  • Illustration Activity : Pair writing with art by having students draw scenes or characters from their stories.
  • Spooky Read-Alouds : Have students read their stories aloud during a Halloween-themed class event.
  • Creative Display : Turn your classroom into a spooky gallery by displaying the stories alongside Halloween decorations.

These activities can make writing fun and interactive, while also giving students a chance to show off their creativity in a festive way.

Final Thoughts: Halloween Writing Prompts

These prompts are here to help you conjure up some spine-tingling tales.

So light a pumpkin-scented candle, grab some candy corn, and get ready to write your way into the Halloween spirit.

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Home » Ideas » 64 Best Halloween Writing Prompts (& Story Ideas)

64 Best Halloween Writing Prompts (& Story Ideas)

Halloween has increased in popularity with many countries around the world celebrating, although the dates and names for the celebration may vary. In the United States, Halloween celebrations occur on October 31. Latin American countries celebrate the Day of the Dead for three days from October 31 to November 2. Wherever you live, one of the major components of this celebration is a concentration upon skulls, skeletons, and things unexpected, unusual, and scary.

Table of Contents

Active imaginations find it fun to share their thoughts and experiences in writing. However, it can be difficult coming up with an original idea. Our Halloween writing prompts are designed to get you started. In this article, you will find Halloween writing ideas, then some categorized story ideas. Next we have some Halloween story prompts that begin the story for you. If you like something really scary, we have creepy writing prompts. The article ends with Halloween writing activities suitable for families and classrooms; things to do that involve unique writing opportunities. Have fun and create something memorable related to this popular holiday.

Halloween Writing Ideas

Sometimes all you need is a quick idea to kick-start your writing. Our Halloween writing ideas are designed to do just that. We have included scary, funny, and both the expected and unexpected. You are sure to find the perfect idea to get your story started.

  • Weird new neighbours with a secret
  • A doll or stuffed animal that is alive
  • Waking up sealed in a wall, in a coffin, or in an electric chair
  • A terrifying dark place, such as a basement, attic, or cellar
  • Walking alone in a graveyard
  • Waking up in a room with no doors, windows – no way to get out
  • Fear of and contact with spiders or snakes
  • Scary clowns chasing someone
  • A door that appears in a wall that leads to another world
  • Waking up with no eyes, or nose, or mouth
  • The discovery that a family member is a serial killer
  • A repetitive scary noise without any apparent source
  • Objects suddenly flying off surfaces and crashing on the floor
  • A Halloween pumpkin or scarecrow coming alive
  • Opening the door to the scariest costume ever
  • Being lost in the woods at night and something following you
  • Waking up in an insane asylum with a straight jacket on
  • Finding out you had a close relative you knew nothing about that was insane
  • Garden gnomes and other cement decorations of people and animals come alive
  • A mannequin in a department store that is alive
  • Making the mistake of stealing from witches
  • Neighbours suddenly start dropping dead for no apparent reason
  • A glance in the mirror reveals fangs and a hairy face
  • Waking up in your bed and seeing the floor covered with snakes
  • Dating someone you discover is not human
  • Losing any knowledge of who you are or where you live
  • Your car breaking down in the middle of nowhere or the most dangerous part of town

Halloween Story Ideas

Sometimes you just need one good idea to get started on the perfect story. In this section, we give you Halloween story ideas to help you start writing with ease and creativity.

  • Halloween is known as the one time of year when people can dress up and become whatever they wish. Write a story cantered on this tradition. Ideas include: A costume that cannot be taken off. Someone you think is wearing a costume, but it is really their appearance (scarred, fangs, etc.). Costumes in a store that come alive.
  • Certain creatures are associate with Halloween. Choose one of them to write a story about, such as: A black cat following you and continually crossing your path. Cloning a beloved family member or pet. A demonic pet. Abused animals in a pet store escape and take their revenge.
  • Death and everything associated with the dead and undead are frequent themes of Halloween stories. Consider the following ideas: A murdered child rises from his grave to get revenge. Visiting a relative and finding out later they were already dead when you did so. At a funeral, the deceased rises up and accuses someone present murder.
  • There are some interesting facts associate with the Halloween celebration. Use one of them to write a story, such as one about: A special tradition your family includes in your Halloween celebration. The origins of Halloween. Celebration of Halloween in another country, i.e. the Day of the Dead in Latin American countries.

Halloween Story Prompts

A story writing prompt is a brief passage of text that gives you a starting point for an original story. The first part of the story gives you just enough to picture the setting and characters. From there, you write your original story. The following Halloween story prompts could take several directions and become either a scary, humorous, or intriguing piece of writing.

  • The doorbell rang. It was late, but there were other lights on in the neighbourhood still. A wild party raged next door; the cops had already come by once to warn them to keep it down. Maybe they were asking if she had made the call. Or maybe it was a Trick or Treater hitting one last house before heading home. She grabbed the bowl of candy, opened the door, and screamed because . . .
  • He could not find their cat, Missy. The stupid animal had not eaten her dinner. In fact, he realized she hadn’t eaten for the last three days. He hadn’t wanted a cat, but his daughter had begged for a pet. At least she chose a full grown one, not a kitten that needed house breaking. He hadn’t meant to kick her so hard the other day. He was just showing her out of the way with his foot. He was on the back porch when he heard a noise behind him and saw the claws just before . . .
  • He turned the page of the book. Chapter one had been pretty exciting. Interesting. There was a blank page before chapter two. He turned the page again and saw the spot of blood on the page and realized . . .
  • She loved gardening and her new house faced the way she had hoped. She could sit on the front porch and watch the sun come up and, in the evening, the back patio gave her a view of sundown. She gardens were neglected, but with just a bit of work, she would have them looking awesome in no time. She headed to the far bed that lay in the shadow of a big tree and was not visible from the road. Funny, there was a pile of clothes in the corner by the fence. She carefully lifted the corner with her hand trowel and saw . . .
  • She almost didn’t see the girl on the side of the road until she turned the corner and her headlights picked up her silhouette. Luckily the road was wide enough there was no danger of hitting her. The rain had soaked her witch’s costume and she looked miserable. She never picked up hitchhikers, but this rural environment was non-threatening, and she was a girl, and it was raining. She slowed, rolled down the window, and asked, “Can I give you a ride into town?” The girl turned, and to her horror, she saw . . .

Creepy Writing Prompts

Halloween is associated with frightful beings and happenings. We have collected some creepy writing prompts to help you find the perfect scary story. Four of them are relatively long. Then we share a list of creepy short writing prompts. Are you brave enough to read them?

  • The first time I heard the voice, I thought it was part of the lyrics on a new song on the radio. But when I heard, “I see you,” in the kitchen and then in the shower, I knew something or someone was speaking in that awful, creepy voice. I decided to . . .
  • Sonja stretched and sat up in bed. She was excited about today, because it was her birthday. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and opened them to see him standing at the foot of her bed. “Are you excited about our birthday, today, sister?” She screamed for her parents because she had no brother. However, her parents . . .
  • They had waited so long to have their own home. The apartment had been so small and in a bad part of town. They were careful to check the crime rate in the new neighbourhood, thinking that might be the reason the house was on the market so long and at such a good price. It needed some work – minor cosmetic changes mainly. It wasn’t until they moved in that the neighbours told them the history of the house. A horrible . . .
  • I was so excited to inherit my grandmother’s doll collection. I played with the dolls for hours when I visited her house as a small child and she knew how much I loved them. It took a few days to unpack them because I washed all of their clothes, redressed them, and made sure their hair was perfect before setting the ten dolls on a special shelf in my living room. The next day, I thought they were in different locations. But it took a week to discover . . .
  • I was taking a shower, when I heard the door open and saw the shadow of . . .
  • The little girl was home alone, heard laughter and headed downstairs, only to discover . . .
  • We were on a road trip when we stopped in the small, dark, town where we . . .
  • I answered the phone, heard a scream, and then heard my own voice say . . .
  • Every morning when I looked in the mirror, there was something different and I couldn’t . . .
  • I had to walk home alone, and the only way was through the cemetery, where . . .
  • I had loved that dog and burying it in the back yard kept it close. However, I did not expect . . .
  • Was it my imagination or did my ivy house plant’s tendrils keep growing toward me when . . .

Halloween Writing Activities

Sometimes what one needs is an activity related to Halloween; something to do with the kids or family related to Halloween. Our Halloween writing activities include some drawing and other activities associated with the holiday. However, they all have writing as a component. You’ll have a great deal of fun and have something to share with others.

  • Carve a jack-o-lantern and create a story for it.
  • Write up a detailed description of a haunted house with the type of rooms, inhabitants, noises, smells – everything you can think of to make it scary.
  • Draw a corn maze. Then write up the instructions for getting out if someone gets lost.
  • Think about all the Halloween costumes you have worn in the past, write a description of your two favourites, and tell why they were the best ones.
  • Write up directions for making a Halloween costume from recycled materials and other things you have in your home.
  • Create a Halloween poem. Use words related to Halloween, such as black, cats, bats, witch, scary.
  • Make up and write down a recipe for a witches’ brew that can be used to cast a spell. Think about and use unusual items related to Halloween, such as the hair of a black cat.
  • Write out plans for a Halloween party including decorations, food, activities, and costume suggestions. You might even want to build your party around a specific Halloween theme, such as goblins and ghosts.
  • Write up real estate listings for haunted houses. You must mention that the house is haunted, but convince prospective buyers that they really want to live in a haunted house.
  • Write a Halloween acrostic poem. Write a Halloween associated word down the left side of the page and start each line with that word.
  • Write and post on-line an opinion piece about Halloween. Should trick-or-treating have an age limit? Is it dangerous in all neighbourhoods? What costumes are appropriate for what age? Which is better, store bought or homemade costumes?
  • Create a fictional social media profile for a monster or a character from a scary book or movie. Try to make the individual you choose sound like a normal, misunderstood individual with issues. For example, the Mummy is just shy and doesn’t want anyone to see his face.
  • Write a list of safety rules for Halloween . Think about trick -or-treating, costume safety, and party attending.
  • Write a description and invitations for a monster’s wedding or funeral. Include descriptions of flowers, clothing, and those in attendance.
  • Write an alternative ending to your favourite Halloween book or movie. You might want to give it a humorous or romantic ending.
  • Write up some interview questions for your favourite scary character. Then use the questions to ask a friend or relative who pretends to be that character. Make sure you write down their answers.

Halloween story telling remains part Halloween celebrations, especially with children and teens. Whether you are a teacher seeking suggestions, an author looking for ideas, or simply someone who likes to tell a good story, our Halloween writing prompts will get you started writing something to increase the enjoyment of this annual celebration. Start writing!

Susan majored in English with a double minor in Humanities and Business at Arizona State University and earned a Master’s degree in Educational Administration from Liberty University. She taught grades four through twelve in both public and private schools. Subjects included English, U.S. and world history and geography, math, earth and physical science, Bible, information technologies, and creative writing.

Susan has been freelance writing for over ten years, during which time she has written and edited books, newspaper articles, biographies, book reviews, guidelines, neighborhood descriptions for realtors, Power Point presentations, resumes, and numerous other projects.

Read full bio

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The Write Practice

15 Haunted Halloween Writing Prompts

by Abigail Perry and Ruthanne Reid | 10 comments

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BOO! Halloween is right around the corner—what better day to write some spooky stories? Sharpen your pencil and take a stab at one of these Halloween writing prompts !

halloween writing prompts

Scary Stories Connect With Readers in Big Ways

You write to get a reaction out of your readers. No matter the genre, you want your reader to feel  something when they read your writing.

For horror writers, that feeling is fear. But it's also so much more.

Great horror stories take the everyday creepy and turn it into something even  more  creepy (and often become a condemnation of injustices in society). The great thing is, horror stories teach you that those creepy things can be beaten. That's what keeps bringing the readers back.

And that's why horror writers keep churning out the fear.

Maybe you love writing scary stories. Maybe you don't, but I hope you'll give it a try, just for practice (we're fans of that around here!).

Just like reading outside your genre is valuable to mastering the writing craft, so is writing a scary story .

This story doesn't have to be long, it could be a short story . Try for something you can write in one sitting, like 1,500 words.

To get you started, use one of the Halloween writing prompts suggested in this article. Then let loose, and have fun!

Creepy Story Writing Prompts

1. It's late at night, and you hear footsteps in the cellar, but you're definitely home alone…or so you thought.

2. You've put that doll in the cabinet, in the closet, in the attic, but no matter where you tuck it, it always shows back up on the sofa. On Halloween night, you find it watching you…

3. A bad-tempered businessman is driving home after a long day of work. He thinks he sees his kids trick-or-treating and stops to pick them up but those aren't costumes.

4. It's Halloween night and you and your friends think it would be fun to visit the local town's annual corn maze. But when you're inside it, someone inside the maze doesn't look like an actor in a costume. And shortly after, your friends start to disappear one by one.

5. You don't believe in the rumors that say a certain scary book is cursed—and that anyone who reads it will meet their maker by the end of the week. So naturally, you read it. And then things start going wrong…

Monster/Ghost Story Writing Prompts

6. A young woman goes to her grandmother's house for tea on Halloween night. They have a wonderful time together, sharing stories, joy, and the best times of family. The next day, the woman learns her grandmother has been dead for a week and no one could get ahold of her to tell her.

7. A little boy is lost in the woods, but at least his faithful dog is with him. As they look for the way out, the dog defends his master against terrifying monsters and animals. But the closer they get to the escaping the dark forest, the more apparent it is that they'll need to face the person, or thing, releasing these monsters in the first place.

8. A farmer who dreams of being a scientist experiments on this year's pumpkins, hoping to enlarge them. He has a lot of success, until one of his potions is tampered with, and the cute pumpkin in his patch morphs into a monster that eats anyone who stumbles over its vines.

9. Your girlfriend/boyfriend brings over your favorite treat on Halloween, but when you eat it, you transform into a giant, poisonous snake that kills anyone who touches you. What do you do next?

10. You wake up on Halloween night, look outside your window, and see your sister sleep walking away from the house. You chase after her but can't catch her until she plunges into a dark lake, where there's a mysterious song that starts to pull you deep below the surface.

Not-So-Spooky Story Writing Prompts

Not all people love scary stories. If this is you but you'd like to try to write a scary story—and have a fun time writing it—try tackling a (not-so) scary story prompt that could turn a potentially scary tale into something that is fun (even funny):

11. You hate clowns, which makes it even worse when your husband secretly decides to hire a clown for you son's birthday party—which just happens to be on Halloween.

12. Aliens have just landed on Earth and boy, did they pick a weird day to come. How do they respond to Halloween, supernatural or otherwise? Do they decide this place is just too bizarre and get the heck out, or do they stick around and join in the fun?

13. On Halloween night, lovers get to come back and spend the evening together one more time. One couple from the Roaring Twenties decides to come back from the grave to help their extreme nerd great-grandchild or the kid will never get married.

14. You decide that this year you're going to crash the ten top costume parties in town—and prank each one while you're at it.

15. A mad scientist determined to destroy the world falls hopelessly in love with a not-so-wicked witch. As hard as he tries, he can't impress her.

Write Your Spooky Stories

Writing a scary story can be a fun exercise to give your students (regardless of age, elementary students to college graduates) around this time of year. It also can stir some exciting writing ideas in  any  writer, whether or not they're part of an entire class or their personal writing group.

As mentioned above, writing scary stories can also push you to better your creative writing skills, even if it's not normally in your genre lane. Bestselling author Neil Gaiman has some great insight about  why  this is true:

Fairy tales are more than true: Not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

You don't have to love horror stories to write one, but you will learn about protagonists who face trialing, often life or death, situations when writing them. Challenge students or writers to become better at their writing craft by pushing them to write a short scary story with one of the writing prompts in this article.

Sit down with your favorite candy or flavor of candy corn and get ready to write. Pluck it from the list, and let your imagination free!

What is your favorite Halloween writing prompt from this list?   Why did it stand out to you?  Let us know in the comments .

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Abigail Perry

Abigail Perry is a Certified Story Grid Editor with professional teaching, literary agency, and film production experience. In addition to writing Story Grid masterwork guides, she works as a freelance editor and is the Content Editor for The Write Practice. Abigail loves stories that put women and diverse groups at the center of the story—and others that include superpowers and magic. Her favorite genres include: Smart Book Club Fiction, Women's Fiction, YA Fantasy, Historical Fiction, and unique memoirs. She also has a B.S. in TV, Radio, and Film and loves working on screenplays that are emotionally driven and/or full of action. You can learn more about Abigail on her website.

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Ruthanne Reid

Best-Selling author Ruthanne Reid has led a convention panel on world-building, taught courses on plot and character development, and was keynote speaker for The Write Practice 2021 Spring Retreat.

Author of two series with five books and fifty short stories, Ruthanne has lived in her head since childhood, when she wrote her first story about a pony princess and a genocidal snake-kingdom, using up her mom’s red typewriter ribbon.

When she isn’t reading, writing, or reading about writing, Ruthanne enjoys old cartoons with her husband and two cats, and dreams of living on an island beach far, far away.

P.S. Red is still her favorite color.

halloween writing prompts


William J. DeProspo

“Damn, I hate those busy bodies. Auditors, they call themselves. Pains in the ass is what they are.” said Joe aloud to no one who could hear. The radio blasted the nightly news and told a grisly story about three kids poisoned by bad candy. Joe, shaking his head from side to side and mumbling,

“For crying-out-loud. They’re just kids. Who in their right mind would do that to kids?”

The traffic became lighter and Joe took the off ramp to his street. As he drove toward his house, he saw his children walking down the sidewalk trick or treating. After hearing the news about the poisoning, he wanted his kids to go home. He stopped the car and walked over to them.

“Jeremy, Julian, why are you out here alone. Your mother was supposed to wait until I got home?”

He stood over the children waiting for an answer. When none came, he grabbed an arm, one child in each hand, and marched them to the car. He opened the back door and demanded they get in.

“In the car. Don’t stand there, get in… I’ve had a rough day, keep this up and you’ll get a Halloween to remember.”

Jeremy, the cutest little goblin, turned to Joe, jumped on top of him, opened his enormous mouth, and swallowed Joe whole. Julian, danced around Jeremy singing

“Remember, remember, a Halloween to remember, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down”

To the children passing by, the song sounded familiar. They started to sing,

“Ring-a-round the rosie, A pocket full of posies, Hush! Hush! Hush! Hush! We’ve all tumbled down.”

Susan W A

William – I enjoyed your story. Nicely developed in such a short span.

Great lead-in to the story as a way to introduce taking his kids home. One suggestion in the first paragraph … not sure you need “from side to side” after “shaking his head”, and you could modify it to ” Joe, shaking his head, mumbled, …” or “Joe shook his head and mumbled, …”

While it could be viewed as too abrupt (I didn’t think so), I love how Jeremy “the cutest little goblin” got right down to business and “jumped on top of [Joe], opened his enormous mouth, and swallowed Joe whole”, with Julian dancing and singing along. Those two lines plus Julian’s clever integration of “Remember, remember, a Halloween to remember” made for a ghoulishly delightful twist.

Thanks for the Halloween treat.

– Susan

Thanks Susan. I already made the change (Joe, shaking his head, mumbled). It reads much better. William

anika sahunja

Hi thanks for writing this story it gave my students some ideas to write about since halloween is coming up

Thanks for the Halloween treat, Ruthanne. Great prompts.

Debra johnson

I love prompt #4 with the grandma, I was devastated when my grammy died…. this will be good to write about.

justin boote

Harold Saggerbob loves Halloween. Has his very own Pumpkin Club. But while the ‘pumpkins’ on his shelf, might be round, they are certainly not orange. And every Halloween, several kids disappear near his home…

Elmax fleur-de-lys59

It’s not really creepy but I tried it with my characters. English isn’t my first language so if you see any mistake, please let me know:

“Aymeric was eating alone in the kitchen. He didn’t have much appetite and spent more time looking at the dark sky through the window than eating. He sighed. He wished he had company. But that wouldn’t happen. Rose was back to his home and was probably already sleeping – flowers go to sleep with the sun, after all. The sky was covered in dark clouds so thick he couldn’t even see the Moon – and it was definitely up somewhere. He could feel it. It felt as if he had a knot in his throat. He covered his plate and put it in the fridge. He would eat it later, when he’d be hungrier. Suddenly, he stilled. He had heard footsteps. He closed the fridge slowly, careful not to make any noise. It wasn’t some kind of rodent. They were scared of lycanthropes. And Aymeric was able to recognize footsteps from rodents. With a hearing like his, no one could fool him. He put his fork and his knife in the sink, shrugging. It wasn’t as if the intruder could mess with his stuff unnoticed, anyway. What bothered him was that he didn’t heard the intruder enter. It was definitely strange. He didn’t know what or who it was but he’d better be careful. He grabbed a dagger and followed the noise. It definitely came from the cellar. He barged in there, determined to end all this quickly. The moon was rising and waxing, anyway, so he shouldn’t have any problem dealing with whoever it was. What he saw still surprised him. A tiny body in the middle of the room. Thick wavy blond hair, long ears, big grey eyes. Aymeric recognized the child immediately. When the little elf saw him, he rushed into his arms. “Hey, what’s wrong, champion?” He didn’t expect the kid to reply. The elf only hugged him tightly. Aymeric could feel his relief and his fear. The ability they had to travel between spaces and times was really something he couldn’t get used to…”


Noah was waking up. He had been knocked down while he was chased by a group of teens. It was Halloween. Noah left his home with Oscar his dog. He headed to park across the street where his friends were waiting for him for trick or treating around the neighborhood. As they got treats from the third house Noah and his friends headed for the next house. Suddenly a huge dark figure appeared and almost grabbed one of Noah’s friends. The group was actually chased by teenage boys who looked hideous beasts in their costumes. Noah and his friends were dispersed. Some managed to stick together, some made it back home. Noah lost the sense of direction and was running for a while now. Suddenly he stumbled and tripped over. He knocked his head hard on something and passed out. After he got up he could see dark figures with blazing eyes staring down at him. Noah jumped to his feet and fled into the woods that were the only easy hideout he could access fast. Oscar was behind him growling and barking at the dark figures that followed them into the woods. As he went farther it got more and more dark. The only thing that kept him going was Oscar who was right behind him keeping the dark figures at a distance. Noah saw bushes and managed to hide within. Oscar had stopped barking now and there was a deadly silence. Noah was panting and was trying to calm down. He was about to lie down when he saw a huge hand trying to grab him from within the bushes. Noah screamed in panic when Oscar jumped in between just in time to save him. Noah was running fast when suddenly he saw light piercing through the darkness. He ran towards the light fast. When he came near he couldn’t believe his eyes. The sun shone bright and there were beautiful flowers and trees. Far away he could see children playing. He quickly entered the garden as he had no better choice to escape the dark figures. Oscar slowly paced back and ran all the way home where Noah’s parents were mourning his death.

karamjit kaur

great Helloween


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100 best halloween writing prompts to boost your creativity.

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Table of Contents

A list of the best journal prompts for Halloween

With Halloween right around the corner, I couldn’t help but get into the spirit of the season by creating a blog post about the best Halloween writing prompts.

Halloween isn’t just about dressing up in spooky costumes or munching on candy (though those are definitely highlights!).

It’s also a perfect time to ignite our creativity and delve into some bone-chilling Halloween writing prompts that not only give us a good scare but also help us grow as individuals.

So, grab your favorite pumpkin-spiced drink, cozy up with a blanket, and let’s dive into some Halloween-themed journal prompts that’ll send shivers down your spine and spark some serious personal growth!

a pin that says in a large font halloween journal prompts

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Halloween journal prompts about the holiday in general

  • Reflect on your favorite childhood Halloween memories.
  • Describe your ideal Halloween costume and why it appeals to you.
  • Write about a spooky encounter you’ve had on Halloween night.
  • Discuss your thoughts on the origins of Halloween and its significance.
  • How do you typically celebrate Halloween? Describe your traditions.
  • Write a letter to someone you’ve lost, sharing memories of past Halloweens together.
  • Explore the symbolism of pumpkins and jack-o’-lanterns in Halloween folklore.
  • Discuss your feelings about haunted houses and whether you’ve ever visited one.
  • Describe your favorite Halloween movie or book and why it resonates with you.
  • Write about a Halloween party you attended and the memorable moments from it.
  • Share your thoughts on the commercialization of Halloween in today’s society.
  • Describe the scariest costume you’ve ever worn and the reaction it received.
  • Reflect on the role of fear in Halloween and how it impacts your experiences.
  • Write a spooky poem inspired by the atmosphere of Halloween night.
  • Discuss your superstitions or beliefs surrounding Halloween and the supernatural.
  • Describe a Halloween-themed dream you’ve had and its significance to you.
  • Share your favorite Halloween recipes or treats and why you enjoy them.
  • Reflect on the changing traditions of Halloween over the years and how they’ve evolved.
  • Write about a Halloween prank you’ve pulled or experienced firsthand.
  • Explore the cultural differences in how Halloween is celebrated around the world.
  • Discuss your opinions on the controversy surrounding cultural appropriation in Halloween costumes.
  • Describe a spooky urban legend or ghost story associated with Halloween.
  • Reflect on the role of community and camaraderie in Halloween festivities.
  • Write about a Halloween-themed adventure you’d love to experience someday.
  • Share your hopes and aspirations for future Halloweens and how you’d like to celebrate them.

halloween vibes

Spooky or creepy Halloween writing ideas

  • A group of friends accidentally summons a malevolent spirit during a Halloween seance.
  • A trick-or-treater discovers that the house they’re visiting is actually inhabited by monsters.
  • A haunted mirror reveals unsettling truths about anyone who gazes into it on Halloween night.
  • An ancient curse is unleashed upon a small town during its annual Halloween festival.
  • A mysterious stranger offers children candy that has sinister consequences.
  • A group of teenagers explores an abandoned asylum on Halloween, only to uncover its dark secrets.
  • A child’s imaginary friend turns out to be a ghost seeking vengeance on Halloween.
  • A family moves into a new house and discovers a hidden room filled with cursed objects.
  • A young girl receives a cursed doll as a Halloween gift and must find a way to break the curse.
  • A creature lurks in the cornfields on Halloween night, preying on unsuspecting trick-or-treaters.
  • A Halloween carnival is revealed to be a front for a coven of witches performing dark rituals.
  • A teenager discovers that their town’s Halloween parade is a cover for a supernatural gathering.

halloween aesthetic

  • A family inherits a mansion haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants, who died under mysterious circumstances on Halloween.
  • A group of friends becomes trapped in a cursed maze while exploring a cornfield on Halloween night.
  • A trick-or-treater stumbles upon a portal to another dimension hidden in a pumpkin patch.
  • A cursed costume transforms its wearer into a monstrous creature on Halloween.
  • A ghostly figure appears at a Halloween party, seeking revenge for a long-forgotten betrayal.
  • A cursed book of spells falls into the wrong hands, leading to disastrous consequences on Halloween.
  • A child discovers that their town’s Halloween decorations are alive and plotting something sinister.
  • A mysterious fog descends upon a town on Halloween night, bringing with it creatures from another realm.
  • A vengeful spirit seeks to possess the body of a trick-or-treater on Halloween.
  • A group of friends summons a demon while playing with a Ouija board on Halloween.
  • A cursed carnival ride traps its passengers in a nightmarish alternate reality on Halloween.
  • A family’s Halloween pumpkin comes to life and wreaks havoc on their neighborhood.
  • A child’s shadow takes on a life of its own on Halloween night, leading them into a world of darkness.

30-day guided journals

Halloween-themed writing topics that take place in the fall

  • Write about a group of friends exploring a mysterious abandoned mansion on a chilly fall evening.
  • Write about a pumpkin carving contest in a small town, where the winner’s creation comes to life.
  • Write about a family’s tradition of visiting a haunted corn maze every Halloween season.
  • Write about a young witch-in-training who must complete a series of challenges before Halloween night.
  • Write about a secret Halloween party held in an enchanted forest, attended by magical creatures.
  • Write about a town where the leaves turn blood-red every fall, signaling the return of a vengeful spirit.
  • Write about a haunted hayride that takes unsuspecting passengers on a journey through the afterlife.
  • Write about a mysterious fog that descends upon a town, trapping residents in a time loop on Halloween.
  • Write about a pumpkin patch where the pumpkins come to life and wreak havoc on the town.
  • Write about a Halloween carnival where the games are rigged by ghosts seeking revenge.
  • Write about a family’s tradition of telling ghost stories around the campfire on Halloween night.
  • Write about a small town where the residents transform into werewolves under the full moon on Halloween.

halloween aesthetic

  • Write about a group of teenagers who accidentally summon a demon while performing a Halloween ritual.
  • Write about a cursed painting that brings misfortune to anyone who gazes upon it during the fall season.
  • Write about a town where the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest on Halloween night.
  • Write about a pumpkin farmer who discovers a portal to another dimension hidden in their field.
  • Write about a ghostly figure that haunts a local cemetery, searching for closure from a past life.
  • Write about a family of witches who must defend their home from dark forces on Halloween.
  • Write about a Halloween parade where the floats come to life and wreak havoc on the town.
  • Write about a group of trick-or-treaters who stumble upon a hidden underground city inhabited by monsters.
  • Write about a cursed forest where the trees come alive and snatch unsuspecting travelers on Halloween.
  • Write about a haunted amusement park where the rides are operated by ghosts on Halloween night.
  • Write about a town where the residents transform into their costumes at midnight on Halloween.
  • Write about a cursed mask that grants its wearer supernatural powers but comes with a deadly price.
  • Write about a town where the ghosts of past Halloween celebrations return to wreak havoc on the living.

halloween vibes

Monster/ghost story writing prompts

  • Write about a family moving into a haunted house and discovering the tragic history of its former inhabitants.
  • Write about a group of friends encountering a shape-shifting creature while camping in the woods.
  • Write about a cursed mirror that reflects the darkest desires of anyone who gazes into it.
  • Write about a ghostly apparition haunting a lighthouse, warning sailors of impending danger.
  • Write about a werewolf hunter tracking down a pack of werewolves terrorizing a small town.
  • Write about a child’s imaginary friend turning out to be a ghost seeking companionship.
  • Write about a scientist experimenting with reanimation and accidentally creating a monster.
  • Write about a cursed book of spells that brings misfortune to anyone who reads from it.
  • Write about a haunted doll that comes to life and terrorizes its owner.
  • Write about a vampire hunter facing off against a powerful vampire lord.
  • Write about a group of explorers stumbling upon a hidden graveyard inhabited by vengeful spirits.
  • Write about a creature lurking in the shadows of a small town, preying on unsuspecting victims.
  • Write about a haunted carnival where the attractions come to life after dark.
  • Write about a family inheriting a cursed mansion and uncovering its dark secrets.
  • Write about a group of friends investigating a series of mysterious disappearances in their neighborhood.
  • Write about a ghost ship appearing off the coast every Halloween, signaling impending doom.
  • Write about a cursed painting that brings death to anyone who possesses it.
  • Write about a creature from folklore coming to life and terrorizing a rural community.
  • Write about a haunted asylum where the spirits of former patients seek revenge on the living.
  • Write about a group of paranormal investigators exploring a haunted house on Halloween night.
  • Write about a cursed artifact that brings about the downfall of anyone who possesses it.
  • Write about a ghostly figure haunting a theater, seeking closure for a past tragedy.
  • Write about a town plagued by a series of mysterious murders, with suspicion falling on a supernatural entity.
  • Write about a creature living in the depths of a lake, emerging to prey on unsuspecting swimmers.
  • Write about a cursed forest where the trees come alive and trap anyone who enters.

a pin that says in a large font halloween writing ideas

What are Halloween writing prompts, and why should I use them?

Imagine yourself on a cozy autumn evening, wrapped in a blanket with a cup of hot cocoa in hand.

Outside, the leaves rustle in the cool breeze, and you’re sitting at your desk with a blank page before you, waiting to be filled with words.

Now, why should you even consider delving into Halloween writing prompts, you might ask? Well, let me paint you a picture.

These prompts are like keys that unlock hidden chambers within your mind —chambers filled with stories waiting to be told.

They’re not just about crafting spooky tales (although that’s certainly part of the fun!), but they’re also about pushing the boundaries of your creativity.

Each prompt is a challenge, an invitation to explore new ideas and stretch your imagination beyond its usual limits. And there’s something incredibly liberating about facing your fears through the medium of writing.

It’s a safe space where you can confront the things that scare you most, whether they’re ghosts, monsters, or deeper, more personal fears.

By putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), you’re not only telling a story but also engaging in an act of self-discovery and growth .

So, whether you’re a seasoned writer looking for a new challenge or someone who’s never written a story before, Halloween writing prompts offer a gateway to a world of creativity and personal exploration.

They’re an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, to embrace the unknown, and to emerge on the other side with a deeper understanding of yourself and your craft .

Will you use any of these Halloween writing prompts?

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I consider myself an expert when it comes to positive affirmations, journaling, and inspirational quotes. My blog is all about spreading good vibes and helping you feel awesome! I've got loads of cool stuff for you to explore, like uplifting affirmations that can boost your confidence, fun journal prompts to spark your creativity, and inspiring quotes to motivate you every day.

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A New Community of Writers

150 scary Halloween fiction writing prompts

July 15, 2024 by Richard Leave a Comment

150 scary Halloween fiction writing prompts

Embark on a thrilling journey into the realm of Halloween creativity with our collection of 150 Spooky Halloween Writing Prompts. Whether you’re a seasoned author looking to craft bone-chilling tales or a student seeking inspiration for a haunting essay, these prompts will ignite your imagination and send shivers down your spine.

From eerie encounters with supernatural entities to twisted takes on classic Halloween traditions, our diverse array of prompts covers every corner of the spooky spectrum. Dive into tales of haunted houses that come alive, cursed Halloween candy that transforms unsuspecting trick-or-treaters, and ancient rituals that unleash otherworldly horrors upon sleepy towns.

These writing prompts are perfect for a variety of purposes. Use them to kickstart your next horror novel, create engaging content for your blog or social media during the Halloween season, or challenge yourself to write a series of short, spine-tingling stories. Teachers and parents can also utilize these prompts to inspire young writers and encourage creative expression during the spookiest time of the year.

Each prompt is carefully crafted to spark your creativity and challenge your storytelling skills. You’ll find yourself exploring the depths of human fear, unraveling mysterious supernatural occurrences, and bringing to life the monsters that lurk in the shadows of our imagination. From psychological horror to gore-filled frights, there’s a prompt to suit every taste and style.

So grab your favorite writing tool, dim the lights, and prepare to unleash your inner horror maestro. With 150 prompts at your fingertips, you’ll have more than enough material to keep the scares coming long after the jack-o’-lanterns have burned out. Let these prompts guide you through the misty veil between our world and the realm of nightmares, and discover the terrifying tales waiting to be told this Halloween season.

Here are 150 scary Halloween fiction writing prompts:

  • A trick-or-treater’s bag starts consuming everything placed inside it.
  • The last house on the street gives out cursed candy.
  • A child’s Halloween mask fuses to their face.
  • Pumpkins in a patch start sprouting human-like features.
  • An abandoned haunted house attraction reactivates itself.
  • A costume party guest realizes they’re the only human present.
  • Jack-o’-lanterns whisper secrets when no one’s looking.
  • A Halloween snow globe traps souls who gaze into it.
  • The town’s fog conceals creatures that hunt on Halloween night.
  • A haunted hayride takes a detour into a nightmare realm.
  • Halloween decorations come alive and seek revenge.
  • Trick-or-treaters discover they’re trapped in an endless loop.
  • A Halloween seance summons something ancient and malevolent.
  • The full moon transforms more than just werewolves on Halloween.
  • A costume shop’s mirrors show reflections of the dead.
  • Carved pumpkins reanimate their source plants, creating pumpkin monsters.
  • Halloween candy contains fragments of trapped souls.
  • A Halloween parade float is powered by human sacrifices.
  • The veil between worlds thins, allowing the dead to possess the living.
  • A Halloween game of hide-and-seek turns deadly when players vanish.
  • Trick-or-treat bags start devouring their owners.
  • A ghostly Halloween party traps attendees for eternity.
  • Halloween face paint alters its wearers’ personalities.
  • A cornfield maze reconfigures itself, trapping visitors inside.
  • Halloween night extends indefinitely, growing darker each hour.
  • Discarded Halloween candy wrappers animate into tiny monsters.
  • A Halloween bonfire’s smoke forms shapes that predict grisly deaths.
  • Costumes grant their wearers the abilities of what they represent.
  • Shadows cast on Halloween night come alive and hunt the living.
  • Bobbing for apples in a tub of blood summons a vengeful spirit.
  • Halloween store mannequins stalk customers after closing time.
  • A Halloween-themed video game sucks players into its world.
  • Carved pumpkins scream when lit, attracting otherworldly entities.
  • Neighborhood pets transform into monsters on Halloween night.
  • A haunted house’s rooms shift between dimensions.
  • Halloween makeup refuses to wash off, slowly transforming its wearer.
  • Trick-or-treaters discover they’ve been dead all along.
  • A cursed Halloween playlist entrances listeners into a deadly trance.
  • Halloween night reveals hidden doorways to nightmarish realms.
  • A Halloween photo booth captures souls instead of images.
  • Fake cemetery headstones become real, trapping people underground.
  • Halloween costumes merge with their wearers, changing them permanently.
  • A Halloween-themed true crime podcast manifests the killers it discusses.
  • Pumpkin seeds planted on Halloween sprout carnivorous vines.
  • A Halloween piñata bleeds when struck and curses those nearby.
  • Discarded Halloween fangs grow real in their wearers’ mouths.
  • A Halloween-themed escape room becomes an inescapable death trap.
  • Plastic Halloween spiders animate and swarm in massive numbers.
  • A Halloween time capsule releases a long-imprisoned evil.
  • Fake cobwebs become real, ensnaring trick-or-treaters.
  • Halloween night reverses aging, turning adults into vulnerable children.
  • A cursed Halloween recipe book brings culinary horrors to life.
  • Drinking “fake” blood at a Halloween party turns guests into vampires.
  • Halloween fortune cookies predict gruesome fates that come true.
  • A Halloween-themed VR game glitches, causing real-world deaths.
  • Discarded Halloween masks hunt for new faces to wear.
  • A Halloween night cemetery tour awakens all the buried corpses.
  • Halloween face paint slowly consumes its wearers’ flesh.
  • A Halloween wishing well grants twisted versions of every wish.
  • Novelty Halloween teeth take over their wearers’ minds.
  • A Halloween labyrinth leads to a dimension of eternal torment.
  • Halloween night causes inanimate objects to crave human flesh.
  • A haunted house’s mirror maze traps souls in reflections.
  • Halloween candy corn transforms into flesh-eating insects.
  • A Halloween-themed talent show summons demonic judges.
  • Fake Halloween scars become real, opening portals to hell.
  • Halloween night causes sleepwalkers to act out their darkest impulses.
  • A cursed Halloween calendar extends October 31st indefinitely.
  • Halloween store animatronics gain sentience and seek revenge.
  • A Halloween-themed cruise ship sails into a Lovecraftian nightmare.
  • Costume jewelry on Halloween grants dark magical powers.
  • Halloween night causes shadows to devour those who cast them.
  • A Halloween bonfire’s ashes resurrect the dead when scattered.
  • Discarded candy wrappers form a creature that hunts trick-or-treaters.
  • Halloween face paint allows wearers to see horrifying hidden realities.
  • A Halloween night forest trail leads hikers to a cannibal village.
  • Fake Halloween wounds become real, never healing.
  • Halloween night causes people to swap bodies with nearby animals.
  • A cursed Halloween snow globe creates apocalyptic winter wherever it goes.
  • Halloween night makes recorded screams manifest their sources.
  • A Halloween-themed amusement park ride travels through hell.
  • Discarded Halloween pumpkins reanimate as flesh-eating creatures.
  • Halloween night causes nightmares to leak into reality.
  • A Halloween costume contest prize is a ticket to a hellish dimension.
  • Fake Halloween gravestones summon the spirits named on them.
  • Halloween night causes underground creatures to surface and hunt.
  • A Halloween-themed AR game overlays deadly entities onto reality.
  • Drinking from a Halloween punch bowl binds souls to a demon.
  • Halloween night allows imaginary childhood monsters to materialize.
  • A cursed Halloween advent calendar releases a new horror each day.
  • Halloween decorative skeletons animate and stalk the living.
  • A Halloween night forest becomes a feeding ground for ancient gods.
  • Discarded Halloween candy mutates into flesh-eating slugs.
  • Halloween night causes people to experience their greatest fears.
  • A Halloween-themed immersive theater becomes a real-life slaughterhouse.
  • Fake Halloween blood turns real, draining life from its wearers.
  • Halloween night awakens a vengeful spirit in every mirror.
  • A cursed Halloween soundtrack turns listeners into monsters.
  • Halloween face paint allows demons to possess its wearers.
  • The stroke of midnight on Halloween unleashes every urban legend simultaneously.
  • A witch’s familiar gains the ability to speak.
  • An ancient cemetery comes to life on Halloween night.
  • A child’s Halloween costume becomes real.
  • The last house on a trick-or-treat route holds a dark secret.
  • A haunted house attraction turns out to be genuinely haunted.
  • A cursed candy bar circulates on Halloween.
  • Ghosts throw their own Halloween party.
  • A time traveler accidentally arrives on Halloween night.
  • Carving a pumpkin unleashes an ancient spirit.
  • Halloween decorations come to life at midnight.
  • A monster hunter attends a costume party.
  • The veil between worlds thins, allowing supernatural creatures to cross over.
  • A Halloween seance goes horribly wrong.
  • A mysterious fog rolls in on Halloween, bringing eerie changes.
  • An old Halloween urban legend turns out to be true.
  • Trick-or-treaters stumble upon a real magical artifact.
  • A Halloween mask refuses to come off.
  • The last piece of Halloween candy grants a wish with unintended consequences.
  • A Halloween parade float harbors a sinister secret.
  • A group of friends accidentally summon a demon while playing with a Ouija board.
  • An abandoned amusement park reopens for one night on Halloween.
  • A Halloween candy maker creates a recipe that brings inanimate objects to life.
  • A jack-o’-lantern carving contest takes a dark turn.
  • The full moon on Halloween grants werewolves unusual powers.
  • A Halloween party game reveals hidden truths about the players.
  • Trick-or-treaters discover a hidden world behind a mysterious door.
  • A Halloween-themed escape room becomes all too real.
  • The world’s longest haunted hayride takes an unexpected detour.
  • A Halloween snow globe traps those who look into it.
  • An old Halloween movie begins to affect reality when watched.
  • A Halloween costume shop owner has ulterior motives for their designs.
  • The town’s Halloween festival awakens an ancient evil.
  • A child’s imaginary Halloween monster becomes real.
  • Halloween night lasts for 48 hours, with increasingly strange occurrences.
  • A Halloween-themed VR game glitches, trapping players inside.
  • The last trick-or-treater of the night isn’t what they seem.
  • A Halloween time capsule from 100 years ago is unearthed with unexpected contents.
  • A Halloween-themed true crime podcast leads to a real-life mystery.
  • The world’s largest corn maze becomes sentient on Halloween night.
  • A Halloween baking competition takes a supernatural turn.
  • An enchanted Halloween costume grants the wearer special abilities.
  • The town’s Halloween decorations start rearranging themselves each night.
  • A Halloween-themed escape room becomes impossible to exit.
  • A centuries-old vampire hosts a modern Halloween party.
  • A haunted house’s AI system gains consciousness on Halloween night.
  • Trick-or-treaters discover they’re trapped in a time loop.
  • A Halloween fortune teller’s predictions start coming true in unexpected ways.
  • The Halloween harvest moon brings long-buried secrets to light.
  • A Halloween-themed video game character escapes into the real world.
  • The last piece of Halloween candy in town holds the key to saving the world.

As you reach the end of our 150 Spooky Halloween Writing Prompts, you’re now armed with an arsenal of spine-chilling ideas to fuel your creative endeavors. Remember, the true power of these prompts lies in your unique perspective and imagination. Let them be the springboard for your own terrifying tales, each one a reflection of your personal fears and fascinations.

Don’t hesitate to mix and match these prompts, combining different elements to create even more complex and horrifying scenarios. The beauty of creative writing is that there are no limits – except those of your own imagination. Push the boundaries, experiment with different writing styles, and don’t be afraid to venture into the darkest corners of your mind.

For those looking to share their terrifying creations, consider starting a horror-themed blog or podcast to showcase your work. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are also excellent venues for sharing short, spooky stories or teasers for longer works. Engage with the vibrant online community of horror enthusiasts and fellow writers to gain feedback, inspiration, and support.

Remember that writing, like any skill, improves with practice. Challenge yourself to write regularly, perhaps tackling one prompt each day leading up to Halloween. Not only will this sharpen your writing skills, but it will also help you develop your unique voice in the horror genre. Who knows? You might even discover the seed of your next bestselling novel or award-winning screenplay among these prompts.

As the witching hour approaches and the veil between worlds grows thin, let these prompts be your guide into the realm of the supernatural and the terrifying. Embrace the darkness, unleash your creativity, and craft tales that will haunt your readers long after they’ve turned the final page. Happy writing, and may your Halloween be filled with delightfully dreadful stories that send shivers down spines and spark nightmares for years to come.

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Unlock Your Spooky Creativity 100 Haunting Halloween Journal Prompts

About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

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The write stuff, set your story in a world where contacting the dead is as easy as making a phone call., write a story where ghosts and the living coexist., write a story about someone trying to raise the dead., write a story about someone who is haunted. whether by a ghost or something else is up to you., write a story from a ghost’s point of view..

halloween prompts creative writing

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It's Halloween, and a war has suddenly erupted among the neighborhood kids. The battle: Twix versus Kit-Kats. Who wins?

  • Write a story set in a haunted fairground on Halloween.

You are responsible for taking your neighbors' kids out to trick-or-treat, but you look outside and suddenly feel scared of the gloomy dark...

Write about a costume competition at a halloween party..

  • Write about a caveman who accidentally time travels to present-day Halloween, only to become unexpectedly popular in the town because of a surprising talent: pumpkin carving.

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  • Write a story about a family that goes pumpkin picking together.

"Wow, great costume! How'd you make it?" you say to the kid dressed as the Grim Reaper, reaching a hand out to test the material of the mask. The mask doesn't come off. It's not a costume.

You are the owner of the best halloween costume store in town. then a rival costume store moves in… and sets up shop right next to you., set your story backstage at the theater., write about someone whose busiest night of the year is halloween., set your story at the boundary between two realms., write a story that involves a secret or magic ingredient., write about a drummer going to a halloween party for musicians..

  • Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.
  • Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.

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The best Halloween writing prompts

Spooky scary skeletons and things that go bump in the night have one favorite night of the year: Halloween. And we love this holiday just as much, which is why we've curated our favorite Halloween writing prompts — the perfect inspiration for any writer who loves the macabre.

The options are endless. A tale of trick-or-treating gone wrong. A haunted house that turns out to be haunted for real. Ghost, goblins, and witches roaming the streets freely. Parties, decorations, costumes and facades all provide ample inspiration for a spooky holiday story. Since you're spoiled for choice, we've narrowed down our top story ideas for you.

Here are our top ten Halloween writing prompts:

  • You have a few friends over for a Halloween party. You've just finished watching a scary movie when the power goes out and the door is slammed open. What happens next?
  • "Wow, great costume! How'd you make it?" you say to the kid dressed as the Grim Reaper, reaching a hand out to test the material of the mask. The mask doesn't come off. It's not a costume.
  • You are responsible for taking your neighbors' kids out to trick-or-treat, but you look outside and suddenly feel scared of the gloomy dark...
  • Write a story about someone spending the night in an old Victorian home-turned-hotel on Halloween.

Want some more tips for writing horror stories? You can check out the following free resources:

  • How to Master the 'Show, Don't Tell' Rule (free course) — Halloween stories are all about the atmosphere. And to capture atmosphere, you need to evoke all five senses. From the twinkling of a jack-o-lantern, to the scratchy interior of a monster costume, the sweetness of candy on your tongue, the sticky grab of cobwebs, or the chill of a wind whistling through a graveyard lit by the moon — all these sensations will immerse your reader in your story. Show, Don't Tell is the golden rule for descriptive writing, so check out our free course.
  • How to Write a Horror Story: 7 Tips for Writing Horror (blog post) — Our horror writing bible. If the story you're writing errs on the side of scary, this is where you'll find the best tips to pull it off.

Want more help learning how to write a dramatic short story? Check ou t How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published — a free, ten day course guiding you through the process of short story writing by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn.

Ready to start writing? Check out Reedsy’s weekl y short story contest , for the chance of winning $250! You can also check out our list of writing contests or our directory of literary magazines for more opportunities to submit your story.


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Blogs / Crime, Horror, and Thriller / 50 Fun Halloween Writing Prompts

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50 fun halloween writing prompts.

You might be thinking, it’s a bit early for Halloween. Some people think about horror, I mean, Halloween, all year long.

But if you’re a writer, it is important to start brainstorming and writing early, so it can be edited, revised, and polished as a reader magnet or published around the holiday. I love getting into the spirit of things by reading books based around pumpkins, costumes, and tricks.

And I enjoy watching Halloween movies for great ideas. Everything from family fun, like Halloween Town, to psychological horror, like Lady in White.

Here are some ideas to get you started writing your own scary stories to tell the the dark.

Spooky Writing Prompts

These are writing prompts for everyone. Both kid friendly and for those who enjoy the fun aspect of the holiday. The tricks are mild, and the treats are sweet enough to get the juices flowing. What makes Halloween stories great is the focus on the setting elements.

  • Goblins and spooks treat Halloween as a night to hide.
  • You find an injured bat on Halloween night.
  • The ghosts, witches, etc. use Halloween as a time to join the groups and stock up on candy for the year.
  • You get an invitation to a mysterious Halloween party/ball.
  • There’s a Halloween gathering of black cats.
  • What if the uncarved mini-decorative pumpkins started self-dividing in a mitosis manner all over town?
  • Everyone knows the person who lives in the house on the hill is a witch/ghost/vampire. Write a letter inviting them to your Halloween party.
  • You got so excited about collecting candy that you and your friends just kept going, following the crowd, until suddenly it was just a few of you, then just you and your friends, and you realized that you were lost.
  • You won best costume at a Halloween party. But you’re not wearing a costume.
  • New neighbors move in on Halloween, or you move into a new neighborhood on Halloween.
  • The town is decorated with jack’o’laterns, cobwebs, and skeletons. The only problem is, it isn’t Halloween.
  • What if costumes weren’t necessary to change your appearance and behavior on Halloween?
  • Every year your town makes the corn maze in the same field where there is a giant oak in the center. This year, you stand at an opening next to the tree when it is hit by lightning. And you can see something inside the center of the tree.
  • Your ability to create jack’o’lanterns, decorations, or costumes that are super realistic is literally magic.
  • Take a Day of the Dead twist and write a story about someone who spends Halloween celebrating in a cemetery with their dearly departed.
  • There is a new candy this year that everyone wants and has to have.

Scary Halloween Story Prompts

For those who like the scare factor of Halloween, these prompts up the trick level and add some sour to the treats.

  • You and your sister visit the sweet old lady who always offers gingerbread (modern Hansel and Gretel).
  • The ghouls and ghosts attack those who smash pumpkins and jack ‘o’ lanterns.
  • The Great Pumpkin Spirit arrives in a pumpkin patch and consumes the teenagers there.
  • On Halloween, the chalkboard of the school room starts writing on its own.
  • Gremlins are doing the tricks around town because they aren’t getting treats.
  • Dead mice, rats, and birds litter the yard of someone handing out full-sized candy bars (or other highly prized treat).
  • How many zombies are too many?
  • The story you tell around the campfire on Halloween night becomes real.
  • Teenagers are daring one another on Halloween, until things get way too out of hand.
  • You’re playing “light as a feather, stiff as a board,” and the person in the middle begins floating.
  • You inherit the family home. Everything is fine, until you get out the Halloween decorations.
  • You are alone at home. The spouse has taken the kids out trick-or-treating, and you run out of candy. You think there are some lollies in the chest freezer, but you open it to find a dead body.
  • The spirits only stay away on Halloween as long as the candle in the jack’o’lantern on their grave lasts. Then, they can escape the graveyard.
  • A teacher or parent tells a group of children why Halloweens of the past were so deadly and why they aren’t anymore. Or at least for now.

Best Halloween Creative Writing Prompts

Some of these were my favorite visuals that can lead anywhere to any type of story. But in the spirit of Halloween, see if you can up the trick factor by flipping your initial ideas on their head (pun intended).

  • There’s a witch sitting alone in a cemetery on Halloween.
  • Death with his scythe is sad, standing next to a jack ’o’ lantern.
  • The abandoned jack’o’lanterns become angry the day after Halloween.
  • Only adults trick or treat on Halloween.
  • People walk outside in the fall leaves. Suddenly, the leaves touching people cause different events to happen. Those that are hit by red leaves have something happen to their blood. Those that are hit by a falling orange leaf become angry. A yellow leaf that touches someone causes them to become overly optimistic. A brown leaf means they die. 

Unique Halloween Topics

All the stories are about witches, ghosts, pumpkins, black cats, and trick’ or’ treating. What else is there? Try to think outside the box, and consider some of these same things differently. Or consider different things that could be a part of the holiday.

  • A love potion mixed into the Halloween party punch goes horribly right or wrong.
  • Every time someone says trick-or-treat, a mechanical randomizer tells the homeowner which to do.
  • The porch lights on after dark on Halloween doesn’t mean you get candy.
  • What if when trick or treating and you see a specific-colored pumpkin on their porch, you could go to the back door instead for something different?
  • Instead of black cats, candy, and corn, Halloween is celebrated with orange tabbies, tooth brushes, and unicorns. And people dress the most like themselves.
  • Halloween is outlawed.
  • What if it was fall or Halloween all year long?
  • You get to choose a new holiday tradition to add to the Halloween festivities.

Halloween Story Starters

Maybe you want to write something with a little more meat to it. These starts have enough possibility to take you all the way to a full novel, though depending on how you’ve been inspired, any of the prompts here could take you on the journey to writing a full story.

  • Like Dorian Grey, a family’s bad deeds become a living curse exemplified in their family manor, and it comes to a culmination on Halloween.
  • It’s Halloween on a dark highway where the road keeps changing and eyes are watching from the sides.
  • Explore the experience from the eyes of the ghosts on Halloween.
  • What would Halloween of the future be like after there has been a rift in space/time where the creatures are real or aliens have joined us that have a similar feel to things like werewolves, ghosts, and vampires?
  • Halloween decorating and the town carnival are mandatory. No one has ever broken the rule, except you cannot participate this year. Why can’t you participate, and what is the penalty?
  • You wake up alone in a room with no memory of who you are or how you got there. There are no doors or windows and nothing inside the room except for a calendar on the wall with a day circled and Halloween a week away with a big red ‘X’ on it.

From everything from short story reader magnets, to full length fiction novels, Fictionary Storyteller can help you see if you have really hit those elements of the setting super group in the ways that best tells your Halloween story.

With holiday stories that take place in autumn and around Halloween, the locations are a bit different than in just any old story. There will be corn mazes, funhouses at fairs, fall festivals, and the decorations. Mysterious Halloween stores and costume shops pop up all over the place in abandoned strip malls. And people spend more time at pumpkin patches or getting hayrides.

The five senses are key to Halloween and horror. The sight descriptions can be bright and fun or disturbing. Hearing can help with tension, especially if you can hear things you can’t see. You know something is getting close when you can smell it. But smell can also invoke the happy memories of childhood. Touch can mean you are in loads of trouble, or it can mean safety and security because you are now within arm’s length. And somethings can taste delicious, while others are truly horrible.

Fictionary StoryTeller keeps track of all these elements within each scene. The story map can give you an overview of where there are patterns or cliché uses in your story or an element is absent. Then, you can edit and revise your story into one that really draws your reader in and makes them laugh, gives them chills, or leaves them with a scream.

I hope this list of ideas can help you get started and gets the creative flow moving as much as it has for me. I found writing this absolutely fun, and it gave me a unique way of looking at the world around me.

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10 Halloween Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Spooky Stories

10 Halloween Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Spooky Stories

  • 3-minute read
  • 15th November 2022

With its tricks, treats, ghosts, vampires, and everything in between, Halloween is a great season to inspire creativity in your writing.

Whether you’re an author in need of an idea for your next story or a writing group looking to embrace the spooky season, we have 10 Halloween-inspired writing prompts to help out. Check them out in our guide below!

Mischief Night

Some places in the world begin Halloween celebrations early with Mischief Night . It’s also known as Devil’s Night, Cabbage Night, or Goosey Night, depending on where in the world you are, but the concept is the same nearly everywhere: a night for tricks, pranks, and parties.

Try writing a mischievous story by starting with one of these prompts:

1. Some ghosts are downright evil, while others are just good-natured tricksters. Whose pranks will win in an annual battle between the two sides, and what ensues when unsuspecting humans get caught in the middle?

2. A pair of friends, lovers, or siblings plan elaborate Halloween eve pranks every year, but this time, what starts as a prank irrevocably changes their relationship.

There’s a reason it’s known as spooky season! Try adding some suspense and horror into a story by using one of these prompts:

3. A group of friends go to a Halloween corn maze, haunted house, or carnival. The monsters and zombies are a bit too realistic to be just people dressed in costumes, and the friends start disappearing, one by one.

4. Halloween isn’t for everyone, so you sneak into the library after hours to avoid the celebrations. You find an open book, and when you pick it up, you’re transported into a horror story.

5. A Halloween party with a simple theme – vampires! It’s all fun and games until the next morning when one of the partygoers wakes up in a sealed coffin.

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6. A society either bans Halloween or requires participation in it, and the punishment for disobeying is shocking.

7. A group sits around a bonfire telling ghost stories, and one of the stories starts playing out in real life.

8. Put a Halloween spin on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein by writing about a farmer who takes a science experiment too far and brings a giant pumpkin to life.

Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead ( Día de los Muertos ) is celebrated throughout Latin American in late October and early November. Although it’s different from Halloween, the holidays share a similar theme of reuniting the living with the dead.

Try using one of these prompts to write a story that embodies this theme:

9. Two lovers are banished to separate sides of the spirit world – heaven and purgatory – but they get to reunite for two days every year when the passageway between the real and spirit worlds opens.

10. You’ve grown up hearing eerie voices in the expansive, dark forest next to your house. You venture into the forest on a dare one night. What happens when you discover and meet the spirits for the first time?

Proofreading and Editing

If you’ve found inspiration to write a Halloween short story , don’t forget to get it proofread. After all, spelling and grammar errors aren’t the kind of spooky you want in your writing! Try submitting a free trial document today to learn more.

And if you’re looking for more creative writing ideas, check out our 12 prompts to inspire your next novel.

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13 Halloween Creative Writing Prompts! {Free Printable}

13 Halloween Creative Writing Prompts! {Free Printable}

Halloween, as I have said many, many times before – is our favourite time of the year. It is such an exciting time of the year, whether you are into the cute and spooky side for the little ones or the horror movie and spooky ghost story side for the older ones. Either way, it can be fun for all ages! And it can be super educational too. For my Blogtober#2 post for my October blogging Challenge, I have created a small collection of Halloween creative writing prompts with a Halloween twist. It is the month of Halloween after all! 

Why writing prompts?

Writing prompts spark imagination, characters & ideas. Writing Prompts can draw out the creative soul inside your child and even yourself if you wish to join in as well! I plan to because it is a lot of fun creating your own stories! With creative writing there really is no holds barred. The floor is 100% yours on the characters, where the story goes, creating the set or area where your story lives in and it can be fun!

Free Halloween creative writing printable

I think these Halloween writing activity sheets are great because they are in theme with the season. Naturally! And I think it is so important for children to find fun in creating their own worlds through storytelling. It is a skill that needs nurturing and encouragement. As a parent, I have children who have the ability to write a creative story and another who couldn’t think of anything worse to do with their time.

13 Halloween Creative Writing Prompts

This is a list of fun prompts that we have thought of, as a family to encourage any creative flourish for you & your child.

You’re trick or treating and you pass a spooky house and before you can knock on the door, the door opens…

You are interviewing a Vampire – write out 10 questions you would ask them…

Want to make a Witches brew? Write down your ingredients…

You are carving your pumpkin and it starts talking to you – what did you both talk about?

Describe your idea of a Haunted House…

You hear a noise from inside your wardrobe. You open it up and see…

You’re a mad scientist and you are creating a brand new monster in your lab. Describe your Monster and maybe draw a picture of it too!

If you could be a ghost for a day, what mischief would you get up to?

Every Halloween, at 6pm, your pet starts talking to you, what do you do?

Would you rather be friends with a Werewolf or a Vampire? And why?

What would you do if your best friend turned into a zombie?

As I reached into my bag of candy, I heard a little voice saying “pick me! pick me!” – what do you do?

The monster that lives in my wardrobe is very…

Halloween Writing Prompts Printable

You can download your Free Halloween creative writing printables here. The whole collection of prompts are in there for you to enjoy whenever the creative juices are bubbling like a witches brew in a cauldron.

Halloween writing prompts

I would love to read your children’s creative Halloween stories! Leave them in the comments below or even share them on my Instagram for me to find!


halloween prompts creative writing

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  • Image Prompts

25+ Halloween Picture Prompts To Master Horror Stories

Want to be the next R. L. Stine? A horror story legend? Then you need a killer story idea to start with! But coming up with a scary tale is harder than you think. There are so many stories out there about ghosts , zombies, werewolves and vampires. How do you make your horror story original? And most importantly, how can you scare the pants off your readers with just words? Research is the key! We suggest you read plenty of scary books if you’re not afraid of course. And take note of what makes these stories so scary. I personally love reading the Goosebumps collection . If this alone does not inspire you, then take a look at these 25+ Halloween picture prompts. To help you out there are a couple of key things that make a horror story extra scary:

  • A super spooky setting
  • An evil character with surprising secrets
  • Knowing and focusing on your reader’s fears
  • Build suspense with descriptive words (but not too much)

Now you know some of the key elements of a good horror story, it’s time to find a terrifying idea! We have collected over 25 pictures to help you write your first horror story. Take a look at our post on how to use image prompts to write stories for more help.

You might also like this super cool ghost name generator . And for more writing inspiration, check out our October writing prompts challenge and our horror book title generator .

25+ Halloween Picture Prompts


5 Tips for Writing Horror Stories Using Picture Prompts

Now that you’re feeling inspired, it’s time to learn about the key ingredients to a really spooky horror story. Here are our 5 tips for writing horror stories:

  • Choose a super scary villain:

What makes a character scary? A number of things can actually make them scary beyond the way they look. You might look into their back story, such as what happened to them when they were younger. Or maybe they had a perfect life growing up, but are just seeking revenge?

  • Choose your setting very carefully:

Not all horror stories need a dark, gloomy setting – You’ll never know what you’ll find in the sunny suburbs of a nice little neighbourhood! Either way, it’s really the words you use to describe your setting that make it scary. For example, a neighbourhood might look nice, but there might be a creepy-looking house next door.

  • Know what your audience is most scared of:

Fear is the scariest thing! What kind of things give you nightmares? Is it spiders, dark rooms or monsters under the bed? Think about what your readers are most scared of and then times this by 10 on the fear scale.

  • Build suspense, through twists and turns:

How boring is a story which stays the same the whole way through? No shocking news and no surprises make a really bad horror story! So, make sure to include a nice amount of surprises for your readers to enjoy. But be careful too many twists in your story can put some readers off.

  • Think about starting carefully:

The opening of your horror story is very important. Just like with any other story, the opening will hook your readers and if it is any good it will keep your readers hooked until the end. That being said, make sure your ending is just as good as your opening – You don’t want to disappoint your readers when they finish reading.

Want to write your very own horror story? Join our online writing community , where you can publish your very story for free and share it with other members!

Master Horror Stories With These 25 Halloween Image Prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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1. Halloween Jumble

2. halloween nouns and adjectives, 3. scary like halloween: similes activity, 4. trick-or-treat plural sort activity.

Halloween is a time for spooky fun, and learning new words makes it even better! In this blog, you’ll find a Halloween words list filled with Halloween-themed words that are perfect for kids. Whether you’re decorating, dressing up, or just having fun, these words will get you in the Halloween spirit. Plus, we’ve included some fun ways to learn and play with these words, making Halloween even more exciting!

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List of 300+ Halloween Words for Kids – From A-Z

Apple Bat Candy Dark Eerie
Autumn Broomstick Cauldron Drizzle Elf
Adventure Boo Costume Dungeon Eyeball
Apparition Black Cat Creepy Dracula Enchant
Amulet Bones Cobweb Disguise Evil
Alarming Bat Wings Cackle Doorbell Enigma
Abracadabra Bewitched Creature Darkness Evening
Antics Bats Carve Demon Enchanting
Apparition Bewitching Chills Dusk Entrance
Frankenstein Ghost Haunted Invisible Jack-o’-lantern
Fright Goblin Halloween Icy Jumpy
Fear Graveyard Howl Imps Jitters
Fog Ghoul Hocus Pocus Incantation Jolly
Fangs Grim Reaper Haunted House Illusion Jester
Fiend Gory Hayride Imagination Jump Scare
Flicker Gloomy Horror Insect Jinx
Freaky Gasp Hoot Ivy Jade
Fable Gravestone Hooded Icicle Juju
Kettle Lantern Monster Night Owl
Knocking Light Mask Nocturnal October
Key Lurking Magic Nightmare Ogre
Kitten Laughter Moonlight Nightfall Oracle
King Looming Mummy Noises Orange
Keepsake Leaves Mystery Nighttime Omen
Knife Labyrinth Mischief Nook Ogre
Knot Lurker Midnight Netherworld Ooze
Knick-knack Legends Masked Nebula Ominous
Pumpkin Quiet Raven Spooky Trick
Potion Quiver Rattle Skeleton Treat
Phantom Quest Rip Shadow Toad
Pirate Quicksand Robe Spider Tomb
Poltergeist Quill Rotten Scarecrow Twilight
Peekaboo Quarantine Rustle Sorcery Torch
Party Quirk Ritual Spell Tale
Poison Quarry Reaper Scary Trickster
Patch Quicksilver Roam Spirit Tombstone
Uncanny Vampire Witch Yell Zombie
Underworld Vanish Web Yikes Zoom
Unearthly Velvet Wraith Yowl Zany
Unseen Vial Wand Yellow Moon Zap
Unusual Villain Werewolf Yarn Zigzag
Unmask Voodoo Wisp Yeti Zenith
Upside-down Veil Wicked Yearn Zephyr
Urn Vortex Whisper Yonder Zipper
Unravel Vicious Wailing Yeast Zonked
Spooky Halloween Words Ghost Halloween Words Scary Halloween Words Creepy Halloween Words
Spooky Ghost Scary Creepy
Eerie Phantom Fright Slithering
Haunted Spirit Terror Crawling
Shadowy Apparition Fear Whispering
Uncanny Poltergeist Chilling Lurking
Foggy Wraith Spine-tingling Shivering
Mysterious Specter Startling Peering
Twilight Haunting Goosebumps Clawing
Gloomy Shade Bloodcurdling Rustling
Ominous Ethereal Dread Watching
Sinister Whisper Nightmare Flickering
Chilling Moan Shock Slimy
Hushed Mist Petrifying Dripping
Murky Spectral Alarming Tangled
Macabre Linger Unnerving Glaring
Foreboding Ghastly Disturbing Groaning
Bewitched Invisible Panic Chattering
Enchanted Cold Gruesome Scratching
Charmed Wandering Horrifying Peeking
Cryptic Chilling Startle Slime-covered

If you are looking for ways to expand your vocabulary further, check out these fun and educational word lists: 

  • Summer Words for Kids
  • Funny Words for Kids
  • Opposite Words for Kids
  • Sight Words for First Graders
  • Rhyming Words

4 Printable Activities To Learn Halloween Words

Halloween worksheet

In this fun and educational Halloween Jumble activity, kids will work to unscramble a series of jumbled letters to reveal hidden Halloween words. Each scrambled word is mixed up, and their task is to figure out the correct word by rearranging the letters.

This activity helps kids improve their spelling and vocabulary skills while having fun with Halloween-themed words. As they work through the jumbles, they’ll become more familiar with common Halloween words and practice critical thinking by figuring out the correct order of the letters. 

Halloween worksheet

In this creative and engaging activity, kids will explore Halloween-themed words by coming up with six nouns related to Halloween and then pairing each noun with a descriptive adjective. They will write these nouns in the left column of the worksheet. Then, for each noun, they will choose an adjective that best describes it, such as “spooky,” “glowing,” or “haunted,” and write these adjectives in the right column next to the corresponding noun.

By matching nouns with adjectives, they develop a better understanding of how descriptive language works, which enhances their writing skills . Plus, it’s a great way to get into the Halloween spirit while learning!

Halloween worksheet

In this imaginative activity, kids will practice using similes by completing sentences with Halloween-themed comparisons. Similes are a fun way to make writing more vivid and descriptive by comparing one thing to another using the words “like” or “as.”

Kids will look at the incomplete similes on the worksheet and think about Halloween-related words or ideas that could fit into the blanks. For example, they might complete a sentence like “You look as ________ as ________” with “You look as spooky as a ghost.” They’ll fill in each blank with words that create a fitting and creative comparison. 

We hope you had fun exploring these Halloween words in English. Now you know some cool Halloween terms to use in your celebrations. Have a spooky and exciting Halloween!

Halloween worksheet

In this fun and educational activity, kids will learn how to form plurals by sorting Halloween-themed words into the correct columns based on how their plurals are made.  Kids will look at the list of words at the bottom of the worksheet. Their task is to decide how each word should be changed to become plural. 

For example, the word “vampire” would simply add an “-s” to become “vampires,” while “fairy” would change to “fairies” by dropping the “y” and adding “-ies.” They will write each word in the appropriate column based on its correct plural form. 

By sorting the words into the correct columns, kids will become more confident in their spelling and understanding of English pluralization rules.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the spooky g words.

Some spooky words that start with the letter “G” include “ghost,” “ghoul,” “grave,” “gory,” and “grim.” These words are often associated with the eerie and frightening aspects of Halloween.

What is a fancy word for Halloween?

A fancy or more formal word for Halloween is “All Hallows’ Eve.” This term reflects the holiday’s origins as the evening before All Saints’ Day.

What are some 5 letter Halloween words?

Some 5-letter Halloween words include “ghost,” “witch,” “creep,” “ghoul,” and “scare.” These words are simple and commonly used during Halloween.

halloween prompts creative writing

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Scary Movie Trivia Game for Halloween: Test Your Horror Film Knowledge!

Dive into the spooky season with our Scary Movie Trivia Game! Perfect for Halloween parties, this fun challenge will test your knowledge of iconic horror films and chilling moments. Gather your friends and see who knows the most about the scariest flicks—who will be crowned the ultimate horror buff?

Gather your friends and gear up for the ultimate Halloween scarefest! A Halloween scary movie trivia game can add a twist to your spooky gatherings, turning a typical movie night into a fun and engaging experience. This game not only tests your knowledge of horror films but also sparks lively discussions and friendly competition.

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Imagine challenging your friends with questions about classic and contemporary horror films while munching on Halloween treats. It’s a perfect way to ignite nostalgia for the scariest moments in cinema and discover who in your group knows their horror flicks best.

Whether you’re hosting a Halloween party or simply looking for a unique way to celebrate the season, creating a trivia game centered around scary movies will keep everyone entertained and eagerly anticipating each question. Get ready for scares and laughs as you see who emerges as the trivia champion!

Download a printable scary movie trivia game + instructions

Get ready for a frightfully fun night! Our Halloween Scary Movie Trivia is the perfect way to celebrate the spooky season. Challenge your friends with questions about classic horror films, unforgettable villains, and bone-chilling scenes. Will you survive the ultimate horror quiz?

  • Evolution of Halloween Movies

The first Halloween-themed films began appearing in the early 20th century, laying the groundwork for the horror genre. A landmark moment came with the 1978 release of Halloween , directed by John Carpenter. This film introduced iconic elements such as masked killers and suspenseful storytelling.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, horror films evolved, showcasing slasher motifs and supernatural themes. Movie franchises like Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street became staples during this era. Today, Halloween movies vary from family-friendly fun to spine-chilling horror, ensuring that there’s something for everyone to enjoy during the season.

Iconic Halloween Movies

Halloween movies create a perfect blend of suspense, terror, and tradition. You can explore classics that shaped the horror genre, along with modern hits that continue to captivate audiences.

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Classics That Define the Genre

Classic Halloween films set the foundation for what we now expect from horror movies.

“Halloween” (1978) introduced the world to Michael Myers, a masked killer that became synonymous with the holiday.

“Psycho” (1960) changed the game with its shocking twists and psychological depth.

“The Exorcist” (1973) remains a staple, known for its chilling depiction of possession.

These films often rely on suspense-building techniques and iconic soundtracks, making them unforgettable. From music to memorable quotes, these movies have left a lasting impact on horror film culture.

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Modern Halloween Hits

Modern Halloween films have evolved to engage newer audiences while retaining classic elements.

Movies like “Get Out” (2017) and “Hereditary” (2018) showcase psychological horror, offering social commentary that resonates today.

“A Quiet Place” (2018) introduces a new level of suspense through silence, challenging characters to survive in a sound-sensitive world.

Additionally, “Hocus Pocus” (1993) remains a beloved favorite, blending humor with spooky fun, making it perfect for family viewing.

These movies reflect contemporary fears and creative filmmaking techniques, ensuring they resonate with both old fans and newcomers alike.

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  • Creating a Trivia Game

When planning a Halloween scary movie trivia game, it’s essential to focus on the questions and the rules. Engaging questions and clear rules will enhance the fun and competitiveness of your event.

Choosing the Right Questions

Start with questions that cater to various knowledge levels. Consider the following categories:

  • Classic Horror Films: Questions about iconic movies
  • Modern Scares: Focus on recent hits
  • Actors and Directors: Include notable contributions

Aim for a mix of easy and challenging questions. For example:

  • What is the name of the haunted house in “The Haunting”?
  • Who directed “Get Out”?

Make use of multiple-choice or true/false formats to provide a straightforward approach. This keeps the game lively and prevents players from feeling overwhelmed. Gather questions from various sources, like movie databases, to ensure accuracy and interest.

Related Article:  Halloween Minute to Win It Games for Kids for Spooktacular Fun!

Setting the Game Rules

Establishing clear rules is vital for a smooth-paced game. Here are key points to consider for a scary movie trivia game:

  • Format: Decide if the game will be individual or team-based.
  • Scoring System: For example, award points for correct answers and bonus points for speed.
  • Time Limits: Set a specific timeframe for each question, like 30 seconds .

Make sure to explain how players can answer—whether it’s raising hands, writing answers anonymously, or using apps. Keeping everything clear helps maintain excitement and keeps everyone engaged. Lastly, consider offering small prizes for the winners to boost the competitive spirit.

Sample Trivia Questions:

  • What is the name of the killer in the “Halloween” series?
  • In “The Shining,” what phrase does Jack Nicholson famously type repeatedly?
  • Which horror film features a doll named Chucky?
  • What is the title of the first “Scream” movie released in 1996?
  • In “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” what is the name of the character who haunts the dreams of teenagers?
  • Which movie features a group of friends trapped in a cabin in the woods?
  • What is the name of the hotel in “The Shining”?
  • In “The Exorcist,” what is the name of the possessed girl?
  • What horror movie features the quote, “They’re here!”?
  • Who directed the classic horror film “Psycho”?
  • In “The Silence of the Lambs,” what is the name of the cannibalistic serial killer played by Anthony Hopkins?
  • What is the main setting of the movie “It” (2017)
  • In “The Conjuring,” what paranormal investigators are the main characters?
  • What classic horror film features a character named Norman Bates?
  • In “Get Out,” what is the name of the main character played by Daniel Kaluuya?
  • What is the name of the ghost in “Ghostbusters”?
  • In “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” what is the name of the dream world where Freddy Krueger attacks?
  • What horror film is based on the true story of a family experiencing paranormal activity in their home?
  • In “Saw,” what is the name of the character who sets the deadly traps?
  • What 1973 film features a young girl who is possessed by a demon?
  • Michael Myers
  • “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
  • Child’s Play
  • Freddy Krueger
  • The Cabin in the Woods
  • The Overlook Hotel
  • Regan MacNeil
  • Poltergeist
  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • Hannibal Lecter
  • Derry, Maine
  • Ed and Lorraine Warren
  • Chris Washington
  • The Dream World
  • The Conjuring
  • John Kramer (Jigsaw)
  • The Exorcist
  • Trivia Themes and Categories

When planning your Halloween scary movie trivia game, choosing engaging themes and categories can elevate the fun. Below are some popular topics that will excite participants and challenge their knowledge.

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Characters and Villains

Famous characters from horror films provide a rich source of trivia questions. Think about iconic figures like Freddy Krueger , Jason Voorhees , and Michael Myers .

You can create questions that cover:

  • Character backstories
  • Motivations for their actions
  • Memorable quotes

For instance, ask players to identify which movie featured a specific character or even what their defining traits are. This category not only tests knowledge but also sparks discussions about favorite films.

Iconic Scenes and Quotes

Iconic scenes in horror films often leave a lasting impression. Scary movie trivia questions can focus on memorable moments, such as the shower scene in Psycho or the “Here’s Johnny!” scene in The Shining .

Create questions that include:

  • Who said the quote?
  • What led to that moment?
  • What film was it from?

This category adds excitement as you relive these chilling moments and tests both recall and recognition among players. Plus, discussing the scenes can bring nostalgia to your game night.

Soundtracks and Scores

Soundtracks play a crucial role in building tension and atmosphere in horror films. Questions about famous horror scores, like that of Halloween or The Exorcist , can be both challenging and fun.

Consider asking about:

  • Composers, like John Carpenter or Bernard Herrmann
  • Signature themes from specific movies
  • Influential musical choices that define the genre

This category allows players to appreciate the artistry behind the scary moments while enjoying the haunting melodies that linger long after the film has ended.

  • Hosting and Presentation Tips

Creating a memorable Halloween scary movie trivia game involves setting the right mood and engaging the participants effectively. Employing a few strategies can transform your event into a spine-tingling experience.

Creating an Atmosphere

To set the stage, focus on the lighting. Dim lights or use colored bulbs, such as orange and purple, to enhance the eerie vibe. Candlelight—real or LED—can add a warm yet spooky touch.

Incorporate themed decorations. Hang cobwebs, place fake skulls, and use movie posters from classic horror films. Background sound effects, like creaking doors or distant screams, can intensify the experience. You might also consider a festive snack table featuring Halloween treats, such as “witch’s brew” punch or “monster” cupcakes.

Don’t forget to wear a costume. This encourages guests to join in and adds to the excitement. The more immersive the setting, the more engaged your guests will be.

Engaging Your Audience

Interaction keeps energy levels high. Begin with an icebreaker related to horror films to warm up the group. You might ask participants about their favorite scary movie or a favorite scene.

Use a quiz format that encourages teamwork. Divide your guests into teams and foster a competitive spirit with lighthearted prizes for the winners. Consider incorporating multiple-choice questions, true or false, and even visual clues.

Make sure to read questions clearly and interact with your audience by mixing in some fun facts about the movies between rounds. This keeps everyone informed and entertained. Use a fun scoreboard to track points and encourage participation throughout the game.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering about some classic horror trivia? Here are some key questions that fans of scary movies often ask.

Which classic horror movie features a serial killer in a William Shatner mask?

The movie you’re thinking of is Halloween , which showcases Michael Myers wearing a mask that resembles Shatner’s face.

What is the name of the camp where the first ‘Friday the 13th’ movie takes place?

The original film is set at Camp Crystal Lake, the infamous location for many of Jason Voorhees’ horrific events.

Can you name the movie based on Stephen King’s novel where twins haunt the hallways?

That would be The Shining . The film presents haunting twins who famously state, “Come play with us.”

In what horror movie does the protagonist write a book that contains only the phrase ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’?

This phrase is repeated in The Shining , highlighting Jack Torrance’s descent into madness.

Who directed the movie ‘The Exorcist’ released in 1973?

The Exorcist was directed by William Friedkin. This film is known for its intense portrayal of demonic possession.

What is the name of the motel in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie ‘Psycho’?

The motel featured in Psycho is called the Bates Motel. It plays a crucial role in the unsettling narrative.

Follow my Halloween Games board on Pinterest.

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In case you missed it:

42 Creative Trunk-or-Treat Ideas for Halloween That Are Spooktacularly Unique

Make sure your car outshines them all this with one of these fun and easy-to-execute decorating ideas.

preview for 6 Fall Craft Ideas for Kids and Adults

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Like many holidays, Halloween is a time of tradition. Fall activities like pumpkin picking and carving , choosing fun Halloween costumes or making your own , decorating the house in hues of orange, black and purple, watching classic horror movies and, of course, trick-or-treating on Halloween night have always been favorites. But one newer tradition that we can't get enough of? Trunk-or-treating.

Not everyone lives in a busy neighborhood or has the opportunity to pound the pavement, going door to door for delicious treats, which is why trunk-or-treats were created . Participants typically bring their cars to a central location, usually a parking lot or park, and pop open their trunks to set up an elaborate candy display that trick-or-treaters can come to and score some good loot. Whether you're attending your first trunk-or-treat this October or have been partaking in the newer tradition for years, there's always room for inspiration, thanks to our easy trunk-or-treat idea s that bring fun to any spooktacular celebration.

With simple ideas that involve the usual decor like skeletons, pumpkins and tombstones and others that show you how to DIY your own red carpet for a Hollywood movie theme or create a cardboard version of the house from Up ( balloons included), you can really choose any idea that fits your crafting level (most are h0memade how-to's) and your budget, since some items require more items than others. Just don't forget the most important thing of all — the candy!

Hollywood Movie

trunk or treat in a hollywood movie red carpet theme with a red carpet and hollywood sign with treat and popcorn boxes

What better way to show off some truly stellar costumes than with a red carpet decorated with stars from the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame? As for the treats, serve up the movie theater boxes of candy and mini servings of popcorn for a more unique offering.


Get the tutorial at DIY Inspired »

Pumpkin and Spider Web Decor

pumpkin patch car and spider web decals

Sometimes simple is the way to go. Depending on the type of car you're working with, you can easily use pumpkins and gourds in a variety of sizes along with some spooky cobwebs window decals for a low-key but still very photogenic trunk or treat setup.


Get the tutorial at The House That Lars Built »

Day of the Dead

little boy dressed in day of the dead face paint sitting on the back of a truck trunk decorated in a day of the dead style theme trunk or treat

Día de Muertos , also known as Day of the Dead, is a popular Mexican holiday that has increasingly been celebrated worldwide, usually on November 1 and 2nd. Using candy, photos, toys and even alcohol, people create setups or altars in memory of and as a celebration for those who have passed away.


Get the tutorial at Deonna Wade»

RELATED : When Is Día de Muertos in 2024? Everything You Need to Know About the Holiday

Glam Cemetery

truck bed decorated with cloth and fake tombstones and golden skeletons to look like a cemetery

One thing about Halloween? A spooky cemetery setup is always a winner with a trick-or-treater, and this one makes the perfect backdrop for photos.


Get the tutorial at Jordan's Easy Entertaining »

Spooky Romantic Dinner for Two

two skeletons set up for a romantic dinner for two with candles and a table cloth

Don't worry, this dinner for two is happy to get interrupted when it comes to giving out candy to eager trick-or-treaters.


Hawaiian Luau

mini van trunk decked out in plastic ocean decorations and a long grass skirt

It might be October, but some of us can't keep the summer energy away. Besides, what will stand out more about cobwebs, costumes, skeletons and more than a colorful Hawaiian luau-themed trunk or treat?


Super Mario Bros.

a car decked out for trunk or treat in a super mario bros theme with chain chomps, question boxes, plants and more

Kids who were thrilled checking out Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad and Bowser on the big screen will get a kick out of this Super Mario Brothers trunk — I mean the Spooky Mario Brothers trunk. (Well, there are ghosts.) For this video game scene, paper lanterns became ghosts and chain chomps and tissue poofs became the bombs.


Get the tutorial at Frog Prince Paperie »

stripes and all things pink, plus an inflatable flamingo, make up a trunk or treat setup

This setup offers some good advice — if you don't know what to be for Halloween, be a flamingo! Something like this is perfect for a family that doesn't want to do anything ghoulish or scary.


Get the tutorial at Cupcake Wishes & Birthday Dreams »

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

two ninja turtle kids and a pizza delivery mom stand in front of a tmnt themed trunk or treat setup

You don't have to re-create the grimy New York City sewers to pay homage to those heroes in a half shell (though you always could — they are frightening). This trunk-or-treat setup took inspiration from the TMNT's love of a pizza and decorated the car to look like a pizzeria (though you can see the sewer entrance manhole in the left corner).


Get the tutorial at The Ashley Maria Blog »

a homemade trunk or treat set up like the house and balloons in up in the trunk of the car

Kelly Parker of The Craftpreneur made this Up -themed trunk-or-treat setup so vibrant, it looks like it's going to take off from the trunk! And yet, she says it only costs $14 in supplies (even with the lights for nighttime illumination).

See more at The Craftpreneur »

a minecraft themed trunk or treat setup features a big cardboard creeper, tnt and a kid dressed as steve

Trunk-or-treat and Minecraft are both all about crafting, so they make for a natural match. This one features DIY pumpkins, TNT and — the pièce de résistance — a life-size creeper. (There's also an Enderman just out of the frame, but you'll see it if you click through to the blog post below.)

pokémon a kid dressed as pikachu, a kid dressed as snorlax, a mom dressed as ash stand in front of a pokemon themed trunk or treat setup

When it comes to Halloween candy, "Gotta catch 'em all!" isn't a bad motto. Run with it with a Pokémon-themed trunk. This one features a giant Pokéball made from cardboard.


See more at The Ashley Maria Blog »

'Star Wars'

carved pumpkin death star and star wars toys make up a star wars themed trunk or treat setup

Crossed lightsabers and a pumpkin carved to look like the Death Star are the focal point of this Star Wars - themed setup, which is perfect for nighttime events. Other touches, like the Millennium Falcon and other ships, are the icing on the cake.

Get the tutorial at Curly Crafty Mom »

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'The Addams Family'

a car decked out for trunk or treat in a addams family theme with a cutout of the family household

Try to walk past this trunk without snapping twice. Wednesday fans are encouraged to bring their own "Goo Goo Muck" dance moves.

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'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'

a car decked out for trunk or treat in a great pumpkin them with the charlie brown characters and pumpkins

Everyone knows that the truly loyal wait in the pumpkin patch on Halloween, hoping the Great Pumpkin will rise up and give them treats. If your kids can't wait that long, a scene like this is the next best thing.

Get the tutorial at Intelligent Domestications »

'Hocus Pocus'

a car decked out for trunk or treat in a hocus pocus theme with gravestones, cauldrons, witch hats and more

Okay, who lit the Black Flame Candle? This Hocus Pocus -themed trunk-or-treat setup includes gravestones for some of the movie's favorite characters, along with cauldrons, witch hats, skulls and other spooky items.

Get the tutorial at Pineapple Paper Co. »

' The Wizard of Oz'

a car decked out for trunk or treat in a wizard of oz theme with an emerald city, a yellow brick road and striped witch legs sticking out of the bottom

Follow the yellow brick road to this re-creation of the Emerald City. The striped socks of the Wicked Witch of the East sticking out from under the bricks is truly a great detail.

Get the tutorial at Kelsey Klos »

Three Little Pigs

a car decked out for trunk or treat in a three little pigs theme with three houses and kids dressed as the fairytale characters

Did you make your house with straw, sticks or bricks? (Or, heaven forbid, candy!) A Three Little Pigs theme is the best way to incorporate a trio costume like the ladies of HersheKissis did — just be on the lookout for the Big, Bad Wolf.

See more @hershekissis »

RELATED : Iconic Trio Halloween Costumes

'Jurassic Park'

'Jurassic Park'

Welcome ... to Jurassic Park! While the full Jurassic Park trunk-or-treat decorating kit is currently sold out at Oriental Trading, life finds a way, and you can still buy pieces of it — like raptor cutouts , fake leaves , dinosaur footprints and paper cones and tissue paper to make torches — all individually.


a car decked out for trunk or treat in a beetlejuice with a light up sign and people dressed like beetlejuice and a sand worm in front

There's a lot going on in the afterlife as envisioned by Beetlejuice , which makes for great trunk-or-treat fodder. In this display, black and white tablecloths make for the striped backdrop, and flashing LED globe lights even illuminate the sign at night.

Get the tutorial at Tikkido »

Headshot of Marisa LaScala

Marisa (she/her) has covered all things parenting, from the postpartum period through the empty nest, for Good Housekeeping since 2018; she previously wrote about parents and families at Parents and Working Mother . She lives with her husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found dominating the audio round at her local bar trivia night or tweeting about movies.

Halloween 2024: Costumes, Food & Decor

brie cheese and puff pastry decorated to appear as a mummy

55 Un-BOO-leviable Halloween Appetizers

black margaritas with torched limes

These Halloween Cocktail Ideas Are a Treat

frog and lily pad cupcakes

35 Spooky Halloween Cupcakes

chocolate marshmallow spiderweb cookies

60 Spooky Halloween Desserts You Need

night shot of illuminated pumpkins in front of a house

55 Stencils for Pumpkin Carving This Fall

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This Olivia Rodrigo Costume Takes GUTS to Pull Off

madrid, spain march 11 dancers perform michael jacksons thriller during the presentation of the show la magia continua a musical tribute to michael jacksin at lope de vega theatre on march 11, 2010 in madrid, spain photo by eduardo parragetty images

The Ultimate Halloween Playlist

a child dressed as if you give a mouse a cookie and a woman dressed as the rabbit from alice's adventures in wonderland

40 Best Book Character Costumes of Halloween 2024

tv and movie character costumes

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smiling demon mask and krampus costume

35 Super Scary Halloween Costumes

88 Easy DIY Halloween Decorations that Will Get Your Neighbors Talking

Decorate your door, yard, and more with these fun crafty ideas.

boo garland made from vintage book pages hung on a mantel

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From the spooky front door décor to the cobweb-wrapped dining room where you've laid out a spread of savory and sweet Halloween treats , your house and decor will be the talk of the neighborhood this year. Why? Because you've got the best DIY Halloween decorations in town!

Craft a few of creative ideas to ensure that every inch of your house looks unique and festive this season—not to mention just the right amount of scary! Bonus: Many of these cheap and easy Halloween decorations are pumpkin-themed and seasonal enough to keep around through Thanksgiving. And if you're short on time, you can pull together many of these last-minute.

Fill up every room with wickedly creative Halloween DIY crafts ranging from ghostly Mason jar ideas to larger, more challenging projects like wall hangings. Or, use what you have in your house as inspiration: Create transferware pumpkins to arrange alongside your collection in the china cabinet or paint pumpkins with shiny copper paint to display in the kitchen.

If you don't feel like taking on the task alone, get your little ghouls and goblins involved in the handiwork—there are plenty of simple Halloween crafts for kids here too. And for the front porch or yard, you'll find our favorite DIY outdoor Halloween decorations for that all-important first impression. Dress up your door with a Halloween wreath or a witch broom, or hang oversized spiders that will wow your party guests. The DIY possibilities are endless!

More Fall Decorating Ideas

  • Beautiful Fall Centerpieces To Liven Up Your Dining Table
  • Fall Door Decorations for the Most Festive Autumn Curb Appeal
  • Absolutely Stunning Halloween and Fall Mantel Decor Ideas

Boo Garland

boo garland made from vintage book pages hung on a mantel

Give the mantel a little seasonal decor with a garland made from vintage book pages. To make: Start by tearing three pages from a vintage book. Use a glue stick to attach the pages to three sheets of black construction paper. Trim construction paper, using a craft knife and graph ruler , so that it is about 1/2-inch larger on all sides than the book paper. Trace a letter, using a set of letter stencils , in the center of each book page using a black fine tip pen. Fill in the outline with a black permanent marker, being careful to stay within the lines. Use a small hole punch to make two holes in the top of each page. Thread a long length of black rickrack through the holes, spacing letter evenly. Hang using tape or small nails.

Wreath of Plenty

colorful pumpkins in a vintage wheelbarrow a few covered in craft grasses

Grasses come in all colors, shapes, and textures, creating infinite opportunities for embellishment.

To make: Craft a wreath from dried millet and hare’s-tail grass to circle the stem of a larger pumpkin, such as a blue Jarrahdale (middle), or use a wispy grass such as stipa to crown a small white pumpkin (bottom center). Glue stems of puffy hare’s-tail grass (far left) at differing heights around a white pumpkin.

Related: Get more Halloween wreath ideas.

Pumpkin Napkin Fold

an orange napkin folded into the shape of a pumpkin set on a white plate

Set a festive, seasonal table by turning an orange linen or cotton napkin into a perfectly formed pumpkin.

Get the instructions .

Twine Flowers

blue and white pumpkins decorated with leaf shapes made from twine

Leaves and vines made from twine add a layered natural element to pumpkins. Opt for monochromatic colors for a sophisticated look.

To make: Start by drawing your desired shape on the pumpkin. Use hot glue to attach lengths of twine, following the outline of your drawing.

Related: More No-Carve Pumpkin Crafts

Witch's Booth Wreath

victorian sytle black boots hung on an orange fron door to mimic witches boots

Toto and Dorothy will thank you for stealing the Wicked Witch of the West's boots! Proudly display her demise by hanging them on your front door.

To make: Hammer a nail into your door. Hang vintage or new Victorian-style boots from their laces. Hang a bow (ours is made from jute upholstery tape) just above the nail with heavy duty double-sided tape.

Related: Get more Halloween wreath ideas .

Pretty Floral Pattern Pumpkin

a classic orange pumpkin covered in flowers made from sunflower seeds with acorn cap centers

Artfully arrange cleaned and dried pumpkin seeds with an acorn top center on a classic orange pumpkin.

To make: Start by cutting small circles of craft paper (about a 1/2-inch diameter). Hot-glue the pointy ends of the seeds around each circle to create the petals, then cover the exposed center with a small acorn top. Use craft or hot-glue to attach the flowers to the pumpkin in a haphazard fashion.

Wild and Wiry Wreath

wreath made from craft moss and mini white pumpkins

Create a textural wreath by incorporating different types of moss, such as Spanish moss, preserved forest moss, and dried tree lichen.

To make: Cover a 12- to 16-inch foam wreath form with clumps of moss and lichen, attaching with hot-glue. Glue tiny bits of moss and lichen around the stems of mini white pumpkins, then secure to the wreath with floral pins and wire.

Pretty Plumed Centerpiece Pumpkins

a tall pumpkin filled w ith flowers and feathers on a table with two smaller pumpkins that are completely covered in feathers

Flowers and soft feathers transform pumpkins into ideal table centerpieces. To make: Hollow out a tall gourd such as a Hubbard squash, and slice a sliver off the bottom to help it stand. Place a piece of damp floral foam inside and fill with feathers, foliage, and flowers (here, roses and ranunculus). For the festooned pumpkins, use hot-glue to cover with long turkey (large) or pheasant (small) feathers. For the larger pumpkin, finish with wispy green chicken feathers around the crown.

Related: More Fall Centerpiece Ideas

Yard Ghosts

ghosts made from styrofoam balls and ribbon set in a front yard

Spooky but sweet, these ghosts are made from easy-to-access craft materials.

To make: Place 6-inch craft foam or styrofoam balls on long wooden dowels . Cover balls with metallic mesh ribbon , layering if necessary to cover completely. Secure mesh with thin ribbon or string. Tie black-and-white striped ribbon into a bow around the ghost "neck," covering thin ribbon.

Spooky BIrd Houses

wood birdhouses painted black for halloween set on a mantel draped in faux spider webs

Or ghost houses..either, way this easy DIY can be used year after year on the mantel or Halloween treat buffet.

T o make: Paint wooden bird houses with black acrylic paint. Once dry fill with paper ghosts or fake birds . Set on the mantel and stretch fake spider webs over the houses. Hang paper bats above the houses, if desired.

Vampire Be Gone Wreath

a halloween garlic and moss wreath hung on a light green door

Keep the blood suckers away with a wreath fashioned from fresh garlic cloves (you can use artificial garlic if you want to keep the wreath from year to year).

To make: Start by hot gluing moss to a wooden wreath form . Next glue garlic cloves, root side out, on top of the moss. Hang using a piece of natural jute ribbon.

Leaf Etched Pumpkins

pumpkin with etched leaves on them set on a bench infront of a brown barn

Skip the carving (and dealing with the gunky insides of the pumpkin) by simply etching a shape in the front. We opted for leaf patterns like ginkgo, maples, and oak.

To make: Start by tracing leaves on a pumpkin with a pen. Use a thin linoleum cutting tool to etch each leaf outline and stem, then a wider linoleum tool to remove the skin inside the etched outlines, exposing the flesh. To prevent the pumpkin’s exposed flesh from browning, spread a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the area.

wreath form wrapped in black ribbon with cat ears made from wire attached to the top and an orange bow tie on the bottom

The puuurfect front door decor for the season. And the silly bow tie makes him extra sweet so trick-or-treaters won't get scared away!

To make: Wrap 14-inch foam wreath form with wide black ribbon, securing with floral pins as you go, until completely covered. Cut two 10-inch lengths of 18-gauge craft wire. Poke holes in top of wreath for ears. Bend wire to make ear shapes, and insert into wreath form. Wrap wire ears with ribbon, using hot glue to secure. Add orange burlap bow .

Flower Power

pretty colorful pumpkins covered in dried hydrangea flowers and dried straw flowers

Create monotone pumpkins with an array of different dried flowers. To make: Remove the petals from dried blue hydrangea blooms and use them to fully cover a blue (such as a Jarrahdale) pumpkin. For a pink-ish pumpkins preserved star flowers have the perfect pink blush. Attach the both types of flowers with hot glue.

black linen napkin folded into the shape of a bat on a set table with an orange patterend table cloth

Celebrate the season with a perfectly set table. A black napkin transformed into a bat helps take you Halloween table to the next, spooky, level. Get the instructions .

Pumpkin Flower Tower

three stacked white pumpkins with flowers arranged in the area where the pumpkins meet

Display this towering beauty on a sideboard during your Halloween soirée! It's also makes perfect decor for a fall wedding!

To make: Start with three white pumpkins that stack nicely. Remove the stems from the bottom and middle pumpkins. Insert three wooden skewers into the bottom of the middle pumpkin, then pierce the skewers into the top of the bottom pumpkin to help hold them together. Repeat with the top and middle pumpkins. Using long floral greening pins, attach small pieces of floral foam where the pumpkins meet. Dampen the foam, and insert flowers (here, dahlias, ranunculus, and roses), foliage, and privet berries.

Transferware Pumpkins

pumpkins made to look like transferware placed among ceramic transferware in wood cabinet as diy halloween decorations

Grab the Mod Podge. A simple trip to the color copier is all it takes to “transfer” your transferware collection to a pumpkin. Simply make a color copy of a your favorite plates and trays, then cut the paper into strips and adhere to a pumpkin or gourd with the Mod Podge; let dry. Finally, tuck your DIY Halloween decorations among your real transferware pieces—visitors will do a double take.

Leaf Ghosts

leaves painted white with two black eyes to look like ghosts displayed on table as diy halloween decorations

Kids of all ages can assist with this easy DIY Halloween decoration. Gather fallen leaves and paint them white. After they dry, you can go back and add eyes with permanent marker. Use the ghosts to decorate a plain table runner or glue them to pumpkins.

Related: Leaf Crafts for All Ages

Wine Bottle Candlesticks

diy candlestick halloween decorations made from wine bottles painted black and filled with orange taper candles

An eerie flicker is a must at any Halloween gathering. Paint wine bottles with matte-black spray paint. Once dry, insert an orange taper candle in each opening.

Pretty Sideboard

pumpkins nestled in glass clouches on a wood sideboard as diy halloween decorations

Create a seasonal sideboard by filling class cloches with pumpkins and an urn with fall foliage. The domes provide the perfect spot for displaying a selection of Jack Be Little gourds. To easily fill, hold the cloche or bell jar upside down and fill with pumpkins. Set the base on the opening (you can also use cutting boards or cake stands), and turn right side up. On the night of the party, complete the scene with a tray of spooky Halloween appetizers .

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glasses of pomegranate rum punch in front of a smoking cauldron

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Is It Even Halloween Without a Snake Appetizer?

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jack o lantern bean bag toss game and kids in costume playing halloween games in yard

Mwahaha-velous Halloween Games

brother and sister playing outside and wearing homemade crowns

These Halloween Puns Are Frightfully Clever

From ‘Insidious’ Demons to ‘Ghostbusters,’ Universal Orlando’s Horror Nights 2024 Is Ready To Terrify and Thrill


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The Big Picture

  • Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 2024 event features 10 new haunted houses and 5 scare zones, with a mix of familiar properties and original horror stories.
  • Lora Sauls, Director of Creative Development and Show Direction at the theme park, reveals event planning details, weather precautions, and their creature creation process.
  • HHN Orlando focuses on original content and aligns with the West Coast team on the story points for the featured properties.

Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights 2024 is in full scare mode through November 3, with 10 all-new haunted houses, both inspired by well-known horror properties and created from original stories, and five scare zones. Between the demons from Insidious: The Further , the massive creatures of A Quiet Place , a frost threatening to freeze everyone to death in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire , and a group of female Universal Monsters getting their time to shine with Eternal Bloodlines , there will be plenty of screams to go around. And when you add six original twisted tales about goblins, killers jacked-up on candy, a folklore museum, monsters of Latin America, terrible triplets, and a B-movie horror marathon to the mix, no one will leave unscathed.

Before the 33rd annual HHN kicked into gear, Collider got the opportunity to chat with Lora Sauls, Director of Creative Development and Show Direction at Universal Orlando , about what it takes to pull off the hugely popular event. During the interview, she also discussed pushing creative boundaries, how things have grown over the years, the differences between the event in Orlando and the event in Hollywood, the fun in bringing creatures to life, taking the Orlando weather into account, that guests should be prepared for how terrifying the Insidious: The Further house is, the key to a successful HHN, and how far along they are with planning and development for the 2025 event.

Collider: Please give my regards to whoever is responsible for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man S’mores because that person is absolutely a brilliant genius.

LORA SAULS: Yeah, when we saw it, we just loved it. Our food and beverage team knocked it out of the park with some of their awesome specialty items this year.

On top of that, you have Pumpkin Guts, which is actually butternut squash and zucchini noodles. When did you realize that you could really push creative boundaries with what you offer for HHN?

SAULS: It was just a few years back that the entertainment creative teams were working directly with our food teams. They are such amazing creatives, in and of themselves, and they come up with all these amazing specialty products for Halloween every year. There were the Cordyceps noodles (for The Last of Us ) last year.

Horror Nights Has Greatly Evolved in the 33 Years the Annual Event Has Taken Place

As one of the people behind putting this event together, when did you start working specifically on Halloween Horror Nights and what was the event at that time? How much has it grown since you started working on it?

SAULS: I started my long career with Halloween Horror Nights in 1998. I think we were still in single digits. It’s crazy that we’re 33 years young. We only had a few haunted houses. It was definitely less than 10. We had a few shows, and scare zones were a part of it. It really has evolved. I choreographed my first show in 1998. And then, in 2000, I got the awesome opportunity to choreograph Jacked Up , which was a show for an icon that we had created for that year, Jack the Clown. I never knew what I was a part of when I was able to choreograph that show. Still, 33 years later, Jack is such a huge part of the Halloween Horror Nights lore.

When did you start working on this year specifically and what was the first thing that you started working on?

SAULS: For this year, we started working on the event in August of last year. We typically start working on the event with our original content haunted houses because we get to curate original horror stories that we get to highlight at the Orlando event. And then, from there, we fold in our intellectual property haunted houses, and then scare zones and shows. We actually started 2025 development in April. Now, we’re about an 18-month creation cycle, which really allows us to spend time and hone in on all those original content stories for not only haunted houses, but also scares zones.

One of the things I love most about this event is that there’s so much work put into all the details of each house.

SAULS: One amazing thing we have here at Universal Orlando is our “Unmasking the Horror” lights on daytime tour, where you get a behind-the-scenes look at the amazing movie-quality sets that our scenic team builds and the decor that our decor team puts all their love behind. It’s a lights on tour, so you get to see all those incredible details.

Was that something that came about because you guys wanted to do it, or was it something that came about because of fan demand?

SAULS: It’s a little bit of both. We truly listen to our fans and hear what they want out of the event , as far as content and what they want to see. So, we were able to listen to both our fans and ourselves and said, “We really should do this.”

At Universal Orlando's Horror Nights, the Original Content Houses Play an Important Role in the Event

Guests scream in the Slaughter Sinema 2 haunted house at Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 2024 

Even for the properties that are on both coasts, the houses are typically different experiences. Does that come out of there just being two different creative teams and you guys wanting to do your own take on stuff? Are you also keeping in mind the fact that there’s an ever-growing group of fans that attend on both coasts?

SAULS: Here in Orlando we have the great pleasure of typically doing a 5/5 split of original content and intellectual properties. But this year, we are doing a 6/4 split, with six original concepts and four intellectual properties for our haunted houses. We know our fans in Orlando absolutely love the original content stories that we get to tell and we wanna tell more of that. We are listening to our fan base, at all times. But honestly, we really try to create an overall story with our event in Orlando and really try to develop iconic characters. It is two creative teams, but we work very closely on the intellectual properties for both coasts.

I got a behind-the-scenes tour of the house for A Quiet Place at Universal Studios Hollywood. How did you approach that house in Orlando?

SAULS: For all our intellectual properties, we work very closely with our West Coast creative partners on really aligning on the story beats. With A Quiet Place , the creative teams from the West Coast and East Coast got together and really aligned on what we wanted those story beats to be, representing both A Quiet Place 1 and 2 , and how we wanted the creatures to be in each of the haunted houses. Now, on the West Coast and East Coast, the house layouts themselves vary, but that’s just because of the buildings we go in. Patrick Magee, who built all the creatures for Hollywood, also built all the creatures for the East Coast, so we were aligned on what those creatures look like and how they would move now. How we mechanically move them is uniquely different on each coast, but the fact that we were able to align so brilliantly on what they look like was incredible.

Universal Studios Hollywood had the first Monstruos house in 2023 and it was hugely popular. What made you want to do that in Orlando this year? What are you excited about, when it comes to bringing that particular house to your audiences this year?

SAULS: Several of us from the Orlando creative teams got to go out to the Hollywood event last year and all of us came back saying that was our favorite house. We immediately asked if we could bring it to the Orlando event because we thought it would just be perfect, and we’re so honored that our West Coast partners said yes and even shared some of their assets with us.

Which do you personally enjoy more, bringing creatures and monsters to life that previously only existed in a movie, or creating a creature or monster for an original house that didn’t exist prior to somebody imagining it?

SAULS: Oh, my gosh, it’s definitely both. We love taking our intellectual property stories and really diving in and seeing how we can make it into a haunted house. But also, we absolutely love creating original content characters, environments and stories that we can share with our guests, that are all new horror stories. I love both and our team absolutely loves doing both.

When Designing Horror Nights, Universal Orlando Must Keep the Tropical Weather in Mind

The "Demon Queens" scare zone with a demon woman in a white dress at Universal Orlando's Horror Nights 2024

How challenging is it to build and run an event like this, knowing that some of it is outdoors and you’re likely going to have to deal with some severe weather at certain points? Is that something you’ve had to become more aware of during the planning stages?

SAULS: Of course. Our technical teams have all the skill and expertise to make sure that we have secured everything for the very severe weather we get here in Orlando , during this time of year. Because we wanna give this amazing content to our guests earlier than ever before, we know we’re gonna deal with those summer storms and with some possible tropical weather that comes our way, but the teams are well-prepared for that. We take into consideration everything when we’re building things that are outside and make sure they are engineered and properly held down, so that weather doesn’t impact them. We try to make every consideration when we are putting things out in the streets. We are very well aware of the weather that we have. There have been times in our history where we were squeegeeing out haunted houses and making sure that we weren’t underwater. We prepare every year because it will rain sometime during our opening time period.

How often do you find yourself standing around the exit of houses, so that you can hear what the immediate feedback is? What’s it like to be involved with something where you get that immediate feedback?

SAULS: It’s my favorite thing to do, and we find ourselves doing it a lot more than we probably realized because we love doing it so much. We were just reviewing the houses last week and we all said that we’ll stand outside Insidious: The Further and watch people scream because those last scenes are just intense.

Horror really has grown over the years, with such a variety of types of horror now. What most scares you? Is there a horror property or character that you find most terrifying?

SAULS: I will say going through the Insidious: The Further house is truly frightening. Those demons and creatures really do put me on edge. But for me, it’s just the love of everything. When our scareactors scare us, they get a bigger kick out of that. And it’s silly, but frogs scare me.

What is the key to a successful year of Horror Nights?

SAULS: Having a diverse slate of content and really having something for everyone. Not everyone loves a slasher, but there are some people that love slashers. We want to make sure we have something for everyone in the event that they can enjoy and find joy in.

What are you most proud of being able to pull off this year, that you maybe weren’t sure you’d actually be able to pull off?

SAULS: Our iconic characters for Orlando this year are SINIST3R and SURR3AL. Those characters have been in the brain of me and a couple of other people for the last decade, so we’re very excited that we were finally able to bring those characters to life and that they will reign over Halloween Horror Night 33 in Orlando.

How Far Are Universal Orlando's Creative and Design Teams in Preparing For Horror Nights 2025?

The "Demon Queens" scare zone with a multi-eyed creature at Universal Orlando's Horror Nights 2024

How far into HHN 2025 are you, at this point?

SAULS: We have developed six original content houses. Our design team is already into sketching those houses. Our creative team is already writing full treatments for those houses. We’ve already pitched those six creative ideas to our senior leadership here. So, we’re now in full development.

Halloween Horror Nights is being held on select nights at Universal Orlando Resort from August 30 through November 3.

  • Halloween Horror Nights


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    Each writing prompt listed below may be used for solo writing or for a group Halloween writing project with kids. This list of prompts is especially useful for students in 1st through 3rd grade although they are great for older students, too, given their fun, easy, and creative tone. Additionally, you could add some excitement to the writing ...

  13. 10 Halloween Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Spooky Stories

    6. A society either bans Halloween or requires participation in it, and the punishment for disobeying is shocking. 7. A group sits around a bonfire telling ghost stories, and one of the stories starts playing out in real life. 8. Put a Halloween spin on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by writing about a farmer who takes a science experiment too ...

  14. Writing Ideas about Halloween

    22 Spellbinding and Fun Halloween Story Ideas. Halloween Story Ideas and Writing Prompts — Halloween is a highly imaginative and creative holiday and perfect for getting kids interested in creative writing practice. This is especially so when you have a list of fabulous Hallow Story ideas at your fingertips. Oh yeah!

  15. Halloween Writing Prompts: 17 Free PDF Worksheets

    Use these free PDF Halloween writing prompts for fun and learning. ... If your kids love a good scare and enjoy getting creative, you'll love our free Halloween Writing Prompt Activity PDFs! A collection of Halloween-themed writing crafts featuring various illustrated characters, such as a mummy, ghost, pumpkin, Frankenstein, witch, vampire ...

  16. 53 Halloween Journal Prompts Adults and Kids Will Love

    Engaging Young Kids with Halloween Writing. Halloween is a festive time for young kids, and it offers an excellent opportunity to bring excitement into their writing activities. Halloween journal prompts can be a fun and creative starting point for children, making writing an enjoyable experience and inciting their imaginations.

  17. 13 Halloween Creative Writing Prompts! {Free Printable}

    13 Halloween Creative Writing Prompts. This is a list of fun prompts that we have thought of, as a family to encourage any creative flourish for you & your child. You're trick or treating and you pass a spooky house and before you can knock on the door, the door opens…. You are interviewing a Vampire - write out 10 questions you would ask ...

  18. 25+ Halloween Picture Prompts That Inspire Horror

    If this alone does not inspire you, then take a look at these 25+ Halloween picture prompts. To help you out there are a couple of key things that make a horror story extra scary: A super spooky setting. An evil character with surprising secrets. Knowing and focusing on your reader's fears. Build suspense with descriptive words (but not too much)

  19. 300+ Halloween Words From A-Z for Kids [Free Downloadable]

    In this creative and engaging activity, kids will explore Halloween-themed words by coming up with six nouns related to Halloween and then pairing each noun with a descriptive adjective. ... which enhances their writing skills. Plus, it's a great way to get into the Halloween spirit while learning! 3. Scary Like Halloween: Similes Activity ...

  20. Scary Movie Trivia Game for Halloween: Test Your Horror Film Knowledge!

    These movies reflect contemporary fears and creative filmmaking techniques, ensuring they resonate with both old fans and newcomers alike. Related Article: Halloween Charades: Fun Game Ideas for Spooky Celebrations Creating a Trivia Game . When planning a Halloween scary movie trivia game, it's essential to focus on the questions and the rules.

  21. 55 Best Halloween Appetizers

    She graduated from NYU with a liberal arts degree focusing on creative writing. She makes killer scrambled eggs, enjoys a glass of un-oaked chardonnay and takes pride in her love of reality ...

  22. 24 Spooky Halloween Cocktails

    Jamie Ballard (she/her) is a freelance writer and editor who covers news, lifestyle, and entertainment topics, including sex and relationships, TV, movies, books, health, pets, food and drinks ...

  23. 42 Easy Trunk-or-Treat Ideas and Fun Car Decorations 2024

    42 Creative Trunk-or-Treat Ideas for Halloween That Are Spooktacularly Unique Make sure your car outshines them all this with one of these fun and easy-to-execute decorating ideas. By Marisa ...

  24. Halloween Prompts (28 Ideas!) » JournalBuddies.com

    Halloween Prompts (28 Ideas!) Halloween Prompts- Writing may be practiced year-round, but the holidays are a particularly fun time to encourage children to practice their creative writing skills. A great way to encourage and inspire young writers is through the use of writing prompts. Below is a list of 28 great prompts for your young writers.

  25. 88 DIY Halloween Decorations That Are Easy and Scary for 2024

    Fill up every room with wickedly creative Halloween DIY crafts ranging from ghostly Mason jar ideas to larger, more challenging projects like wall hangings. Or, use what you have in your house as inspiration: Create transferware pumpkins to arrange alongside your collection in the china cabinet or paint pumpkins with shiny copper paint to ...

  26. PDF SNOHOMISH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2024-2025 Calendar & Handbook

    also notify their school office in writing as soon as possible each new school year. This information will be not be released for commercial purposes. Also, federal law requires the district to provide military recruiters with names, addresses and telephone numbers of secondary students upon request unless parents have advised the district

  27. Category:Museums in Astrakhan Oblast

    Main page; Contents; Current events; Random article; About Wikipedia; Contact us; Donate; Help; Learn to edit; Community portal; Recent changes; Upload file

  28. Astrakhan

    Astrakhan is located in the south-east of European Russia, in the Caspian Lowland, in the lower reaches of the Volga river. The region is a part of the Southern Federal District and is a border region: by land it borders on the Republic of Kazakhstan and on Azerbaijan Republic, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan ...

  29. Astrakhan Oblast

    Astrakhan Oblast is a region steeped in the history of Central Asia. Before the arrival of Russian power, this area was at times ruled by the Jewish Khazar Khaganate, the Golden Horde, and the Astrakhan Khanate (centered on the present day city). In 1556 Ivan the Terrible conquered the region and annexed most of its territory at a time when Russian-allied Kalmyks were attacking and displacing ...

  30. Universal Orlando's Horror Nights 2024 Is Ready To Terrify ...

    Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights 2024 event features 10 new haunted houses and 5 scare zones, with a mix of familiar properties and original horror stories.