How to Publish a Research Paper in a Journal (According to Published High Schoolers)

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By Tom Gurin

Fulbright Scholar; music composer, historian, and educator

10 minute read


Abigail Bogdanovsky - Published in Curieux Academic Journal

Claire Loftus - Published in Curieux Academic Journal

Suraga Nallan - Published in the Journal of Emerging Investigators

Surabi Bhaskar - Published in Curieux Academic Journal

“As a rising sophomore, I didn’t have any experience publishing papers. The thought of publishing a paper seemed daunting to me, but ultimately it was not. My mentor was able to share his expertise and experience with me in publishing papers.” -Claire

The double process of writing a research paper and then getting it published can feel terrifying, especially your first time going through it. But research shouldn’t be scary, it should be about finding and diving into your academic passions! Conducting and publishing research contributes valuable knowledge to a global community of scholars. High school students who sign up for Polygence benefit from dual-pronged support in conducting research and showcasing their hard work through peer-reviewed journals, such as the National High School Journal of Science .

In this article, we’ll hear from real high schoolers as they break down the step-by-step process for conducting and publishing your own original research. It’s not easy, but it’s less intimidating than you might think!

Do your own research through Polygence!

Polygence pairs you with an expert mentor in your area of passion. Together, you work to create a high quality research project that is uniquely your own.

Step 1: Connect with a Mentor

“My mentor was very helpful in guiding me in the right direction, accessing papers for me, simplifying things I didn't understand and making sure I was never overwhelmed with the project… Polygence was super helpful with publishing. I had no idea what I was doing and without a mentor, I would have definitely been a lot more stressed…. I also had no idea what this project entailed when I started and my mentor explained everything thoroughly and helped walk me through what was required step by step.” -Abigail

Importance of Mentors for Research

If you’re reading this article, then you’re ready to take your first step toward publishing your research paper by finding and connecting with a mentor! While there is no universal rule stating that research can’t be a solo mission, 99% of the time, researchers are not working in a vacuum on their own. Researchers have support from teammates and colleagues, and, most importantly, they receive guidance from mentors. Undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, even accomplished professional researchers, and tenured faculty receive guidance from mentors within their fields. High school research is no different in this respect. Even though it’s possible to conduct and showcase original research on your own as a high schooler, receiving high-quality mentorship will take your research to the next level, empowering you to produce and publish an original research paper that you will be proud of for years to come.

Tips for Finding and Connecting with a Great Mentor

Identifying and connecting with a dedicated mentor who is also an expert in your field can be challenging. When contacting potential mentors, keep in mind what you are hoping to get out of that mentor/mentee relationship. Communicate the aspects of research where you feel confident, as well as the areas where you feel less sure and could use some support. Demonstrating that you are excited about contributing original research to your field and that you are eager for constructive feedback is a great way to set the right tone. If you are still looking for your perfect mentor, Polygence works with hundreds of expert researchers, all of whom are passionate about supporting young scholars. Let us connect you with your mentor match!

Your Own Engineering Project - Ready, Set, Go!

Polygence pairs you with an expert engineering mentor in your area of passion. Together, you work to create a high quality research project that is uniquely your own. We also offer options to explore multiple topics, or to showcase your final product!

Step 2: Develop Your Research Question

“I have become adept at identifying and analyzing literature for my work… My experience with Polygence was immensely helpful in developing both my research and writing skills. Now, as a college student working in a lab, I am able to apply these skills in both classroom and lab settings.” -Sarubi

Understand Existing Research

The very last thing you want is to find yourself halfway amid your final round of experiments, only to realize that the research topic you chose was too broad, or that others have studied it before in great depth. To make sure this doesn’t happen, and to set yourself up for a successful project in general, it’s important to familiarize yourself with existing research before designing your own experiments. Your mentor can help you find, access, and understand relevant and recent literature within your field. 

Select a Research Topic

Once you and your mentor have explored the existing literature and understand the current state of the field, it’s time to develop a research question or find a gap in the research or an opportunity to contribute your own data. For example, many research papers conclude with ideas or suggestions for further research. If you read any articles from the past two or three years that interest you, take a look at their conclusions and ask your mentor whether it would be feasible to accomplish a portion of what the authors suggest. A great research topic should be:

The goal is to contribute new information or novel connections to the scholarly community.

Robust but feasible

Your topic should be significant but not overwhelming. The research should be important but possible to accomplish within your time frame.

Something you are passionate about

Selecting a topic that you are deeply interested in will make the entire process much more meaningful and enjoyable.

Step 3: Research!

This step will depend on your chosen topic and the plan that you and your mentor develop together. Once complete, we can move on to step 4!

Step 4: Write a Draft of Your Manuscript

“The publication process was quite long... My mentor really helped me figure out how to design an experiment, how to write a paper, and how to make edits.” -Suraga

“One tip I would give is: don’t go into a project hoping to publish in a specific journal. Being able to publish in any journal is an accomplishment that you should be proud of. Additionally, I think that it is important that students write what they want to, and not to impress these journals.” -Claire

“In AP Bio, we had to write many lab reports and the format was very similar to my research paper. It made the lab reports feel not too difficult because I understood the step-by-step process of how to write them.” -Abigail

Once you've completed the research, experimentation, and/or data collection phase of your project, it’s time to start writing. After all, scholarship is a community, and it’s important to clearly communicate your findings so that others can continue to make progress in your field. During manuscript preparation, you will need to carefully organize and present your research data in a way that is both clear and compelling. Some scholars recommend going ahead and identifying your top choice through an academic journal before you even begin writing your paper. That strategy has the advantage in terms of familiarization with the preferred style, format, length, etc., and of the journal you wish to publish in. However, based on input from high school scholars who have been published in these journals, having a particular publication in mind can distract from the writing process, particularly if it’s your first time putting together an original research paper. They suggest taking the process one step at a time, focusing on writing the best manuscript possible and getting frequent feedback from your mentor. Once you have a draft of your manuscript, there will be time to tailor your academic paper to a specific journal during the revision process.

Manuscript Writing Tips for Clarity and Impact

Each field is different. Consult peer-reviewed journals in your field for ideas on how to structure your writing, how to perform data analyses, and how to present your findings.

For scientific papers, your hypothesis should always be constructed based on results from published literature.

The style of writing in most research papers is very dry. Use simple sentence structures, and don’t be afraid to say the same thing twice — in the same way — if that’s what you mean. If you catch yourself reaching for synonyms in search of new ways to rephrase the same idea, remember that academic writing prioritizes clarity above all else. Unnecessarily mixing up your wording can be confusing and obstruct readers’ comprehension of your meaning.

Step 5: Select Your Top Choice Journal During the Revision Process

“My mentor helped me make a list of different places I could send my paper too. Polygence has a platform which shows a bunch of journals to which you can publish and which can align with the subject of the paper you wrote.” -Abigail

Once you feel that your paper is coming into focus, it may be helpful to begin looking for journals that would be good matches for your submission. Remember: ethical research practices dictate that you should only submit your work to one journal at a time. 

Choosing the Right Journal

With your mentor, browse the recent issues from various publications that accept submissions from high schoolers conducting research work in your field. For each publication, learn about the journal’s scope, its audience, its impact factor, and its acceptance rate. Next, create a ranking of your top three or four that seem to be well-aligned with your work and your goals. Make note of the submission requirements for your top choice journal (for instance, some journals specify a maximum number of works cited per article) and the types of papers that they tend to publish. As you fine-tune your paper, keep in mind their stated requirements and your own observations from recent issues.

Step 6: Submit Your Manuscript

“A takeaway would be to be patient because the process to hear back can be kind of long and it is stressful not knowing. But always know that you can resubmit somewhere else if your first attempt doesn't work out.” -Abigail

“It was definitely a strenuous process, but I learned that the reality for any level researcher, from amateur to seasoned, is ultimately that your work is bound to be rejected, but as long as you revise and keep submitting, eventually your work will align with the interests of a publication. Thanks to Polygence, I had my mentor to support me through the process and encourage me to keep pushing until we found success…” -Sarubi

Patience is Key

Waiting is arguably the hardest part of the publication process. Once you submit your paper to a suitable journal, typical response times vary from a few weeks to a few months, depending on their publication timeline, their backlog, and their review process. Stay patient and stay positive. If your article is not accepted, don’t be discouraged. Resilience and openness to feedback are crucial ingredients to finding success in academic publishing. There are plenty of reasons for a journal to reject a paper, even if the research is solid and the article is well-written. If your top choice journal passes on your article, simply work with your mentor to prepare it for submission in another one on your list.

Step 7: Your Article’s Been Accepted — Congrats! Now What?

Having your article accepted by a journal is a great accomplishment, but the process is still not over! Be prepared to go through a few more rounds of revision and editing, which can take several more weeks or even months. Throughout this final revision and editing process, expect to receive detailed feedback from peer reviewers and other scholars. Depending on the journal, these readers could be high schoolers, undergraduate students, graduate students, or and/or professional researchers.

Responding to Critical Feedback

Receiving and responding to critical feedback on your work can be challenging, especially when the paper has been finished — in your opinion — for months. Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind if and when you receive comments on your paper that you disagree with.

Do not respond immediately. If possible, take some time to reflect on the criticisms. Sleep on it, if you can.

Remember that your reviewers are on your team. Sometimes, direct feedback can come across as harsh, but don’t take it personally. Their goal is simply to help you publish the best possible version of your article.

Keep an open mind. Openness to feedback is necessary when engaging with the scholarly community, and the best writers tend to be the ones who genuinely welcome and take advantage of the constructive criticism they receive.

Try your best to understand where the suggestions are coming from. Even if you disagree with a critique, understanding why a reviewer perceives a weak point in your paper can give you ideas to strengthen your work throughout.

Say, thank you. Always respond to feedback graciously and politely.

Long-Term Benefits of Publishing a Research Paper

“The biggest benefit of publishing my work is knowing that my research paper is out in the world helping others learn. Through this project, I have also gotten more familiar with the process of writing a research paper. Specifically, what content to include, how it should be structured, and editing. I know that this skill will serve me throughout the rest of my life.” -Claire

Publishing a research paper in high school can have a lasting positive impact. In addition to the satisfaction that comes with active participation in the scholarly community, you’ll learn from your mentor about the process of conducting research in your chosen field, as well as how to write effective journal articles in an academic style. These skills will be beneficial throughout your academic career, particularly if you are interested in continuing to conduct research at the undergraduate level. Finally, authoring an article that is published in an academic journal can help demonstrate intellectual curiosity and resilience in your applications to colleges and universities.

Polygence Scholars Are Also Passionate About

How polygence can help.

Polygence supports high schoolers throughout the entire process of conducting and publishing original, independent research. Over your chosen timeline, you’ll develop and accomplish your own original research project with personalized guidance from a dedicated expert mentor in your field. Once you’ve completed your research, you’ll receive tailored feedback as you draft, revise, and edit a research paper that you’ll be proud to show off. Polygence also offers premium showcasing support , giving you a boost of confidence as you and your manuscript step into the world of academic publishing.

Original research is about stepping into the unknown. For high schoolers, producing and publishing an original research paper on your own can feel overwhelming. Having the right mentor on your team can give you confidence that you’re going in the right direction as you discover, explore, and share your passion for research.

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How can I publish a lot of papers quickly and easily, so that I can qualify for a researcher visa?

Can you give me advice, how can I publish easily and quickly in a number of papers? I'm not really a scientist, I'm a web developer, but I really need to build a publication list. I need to publish at least 10 papers or maybe 20.

I want to build a publication list because if you publish (and you meet some other criteria - which I do meet) you can get an uncapped visa to the USA. I'm currently being interviewed by top firms in the Silicon Valley, but even they are not able to guarantee the visa. The researcher visa seems to be the most flexible one and the only thing I miss is the publication list. The number 10 is because I consulted with an immigration lawyer and they have a 98% success chance with researcher visas.

I wrote a thesis for my Masters last year in an interesting and not really researched topic related to Web Usability and Search Engines and I think I can put together some articles in this topic. I'm also working on a second Masters in another university to investigate the problem's business/user behaviour aspects. Both are in the top 200 according to the Times ranking and Sanghai ranking, too. I'm planning a PhD, too, hopefully on Stanford, where I work with a professor.

I don't need to publish in Nature or Science, I just have to build a publication list.

  • publications

ff524's user avatar

  • 9 You publish when you have results , which have to be novel , by definition. This is not something you can do easily, if we are talking about real research. A typical PhD, meaning 3-5 years of full work, will give you on average 4-5 papers. –  mmh Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 9:26
  • 7 -1 The implication that publishing 10 papers even in moderate venues is quite easy shows very little knowledge at what effort is required for publication. Voted to close –  Alexandros Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 10:59
  • 16 I strongly disagree with the votes to close. The answer may very well be "No, that's not how it works," but the question is firmly on topic. –  JeffE Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 12:34
  • 5 I voted to close because the question needs clarification. It's implausible that a web developer one year out from a master's degree really needs ten or twenty academic publications. Asking how to do it "easily and quickly" comes across as trolling or asking for advice on how to cheat the system. Is the research for 10+ papers already completed, with the question being how to get them written and published ASAP? How to split one master's thesis into ten or twenty papers? How to carry out the research for ten papers quickly? How to publish research papers without actually doing research? –  Anonymous Mathematician Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 13:38
  • 10 How to publish research papers without actually doing research? — Yes, precisely. This is an important question of direct relevance to academics, whose correct answer is a slap to the back of the head. –  JeffE Commented Jul 14, 2014 at 16:36

3 Answers 3

Ten or twenty papers in reputable journals is hard, and will take years. So how do you get started?

Something that may appeal to you as a software developer is creating or contributing to open source software and writing a paper about the software. An example from my field is the Journal of Statistical Software . It's very reputable, and the many of the articles are essentially introductory guides to software that the author has created. I'm sure there must be a web development equivalent.

You could also consider making friends with scientists and contributing to their research. For example, if you can help scrape some data from the internet, or help social scientists run a questionnaire (and then write what you did in the methods section of the resulting paper) then you can get your name on a paper without too much work. You won't be first author, but that may not matter. (As a statistician, I'm resigned to permanently being second or third author on papers.)

Richie Cotton's user avatar

If you want to publish your Master's results, have a chat to your supervisor about writing a paper. You should not try to publish them without involving your supervisor(s)!

It's certainly feasible that a Master's thesis will produce publishable results, but more than one or two papers? No way, no how. It could easily take well over a decade of research to publish 10 or 20 first-authored papers in a respected conference or a reputable peer-reviewed journal.

In the eyes of a scrupulous employer, writing a large volume of low-quality papers simply to bulk up your CV will reflect very poorly on you. Having one good paper published from the results of a Master's thesis is a good achievement. Having 10 or 20 poor quality papers will just raise suspicious eyebrows.

Moriarty's user avatar

  • My supervisor works for the military currently and she removes even the references/mentions about herself... It's difficult. The number 10 is because I consulted with an immigration lawyer and they have 98% success chance with researcher VISAs. That's why I'd like to publish at least 10 papers. –  Laszlo Varga Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 9:29
  • And to be honest I don't need to publish in Science magazine or similar... I will probably never be a big scientist. As well as may of my current professors, who are not great scientists, too. But they still publish. –  Laszlo Varga Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 9:30
  • 1 +1 for never ever...ever think about publishing or doing anything without consulting your supervisor !!! Don't even think about... –  KADEM Mohammed Commented May 8, 2018 at 3:22

The rules for publishing articles vary by discipline. Many of the people on here are in scientific fields, and the rules for scientific publication is much more strict. What you find in many of the IT fields might be considered a 'white paper' than a 'scientific article'.

As you're in web development, I'd recommend looking at web development blogs that accept external contributions and cover the specific sub-topic you want to write about. (eg, A List Apart got slammed after their first article on JavaScript, because they didn't have the expertise to peer review it properly, so they accepted some less than ideal code).

If your work involves building websites for a specific community, you might look to see if there are journals or newsletters in that community that accept short papers describing new tools & software. (there's a growing push for software citation ) You might also consider if your topics cover other aspects outside of software development, such as psychology or design, and look for journals in that field.

I'd also consider who it is that has decided that you 'need' to publish; if it's a professor or boss telling you this, then can likely tell you where you should be publishing. If you're just trying to bulk up for CV because of a percieved need, then try to find CVs of people with a similar background and see where they're publishing. I've heard of people getting consideration when hiring for running blogs in their field (scientific field, even ... the blog handles outreach to the general public), or even for writing good answers on stack exchange sites.

Joe's user avatar

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how to publish a research paper in india quora

Conference Alerts Blog

How to publish a research paper in India

If you are perusing your Ph.D., Master or Bachelor, then according to your university requirements you may need to publish a research paper. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process for how to publish a research paper in India.

How to publish a research paper in India

There are two major ways to publish your research paper.

  • Through International/national conferences
  • Through Peer-reviewed international journals

Here we will guide you through both the ways you can publish your research paper easily if follow the right procedure.

Publish research paper at international conferences in India.

International conferences are these conferences where the participants or the committee from more than one country are present. Here the participants or the researchers discuss their research papers belonging to one particular theme or it can be multidisciplinary.

Who can organize an International conference in India?

International conferences can be organized by

  • Universities/Colleges/Education Institutions.
  • Registered Reputed Learning Societies or Non-Profit Private organizations/Academic Publishers
  • Professional Academic institutions

It’s always advisable to attend the International conferences organized by the Indian Govt. Registered Reputed Learning Societies or Non-Profit Private organizations/Academic Publishers

Must read: Best conference organizers in India

Conferences to Avoid: Any conferences organized by

  • private person,
  • unknown organizations or
  • even a group of people

must be avoidable as it could be a predatory conference.

Such Predatory conferences can be found on Facebook groups, individual profile pages, etc. As a researcher, you need to avoid such conferences.

Steps to Publish research paper at international conferences in India .

Step-1 Find a good upcoming International conference

You could start by finding a good conference related to your research topic and area. Conference alerts India is the best place to find reputed upcoming conferences in India. Find the International conference in the metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata. Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune, etc.

Apart from the Metro cities, you can find conferences in small cities.

Must read: Upcoming Scopus indexed conferences in India 2023

Step-2 Right a good research paper

After finding a good international or national conference now its time to write the research paper. Make sure that you read all terms and conditions of the conference and write the paper according to the format given by the conference.

You can take the help of a good article editing service to write an excellent paper.

After writing the research paper takes the help of a Plagiarism checker to check the plagiarism of the paper and try to reduce it. Normally 10 to 20 % plagiarism is fine for the conference.

Step-3 Submission and registration

Most conferences give the email submission process or the online submission process to receive the paper. So submit the paper according to it. After the submission and the conference team will contact you once your paper got selected after review.

Generally, the conference takes 5 to 30 days for the review of the paper. You can enquire about the duration from the conference helpline number or by sending an email.

If your paper got selected you can now register for the conference by paying the registration fees. Currently days most conferences offer an online portal for payment. You can also transfer to the bank account given by the conference team.

With the conference registration fees, you may also need to submit a Copyright form or Registration form.

Step-4 Publication with Conference proceeding

The selected and registered papers will be published in Conference proceedings by the International conference organizer. Most of the time the conference proceeding is published as a hard book or it may available online. Organizers like IEEE, Springer, IRAJ, ASAR, and ARSSS, publish their proceedings online with open access.

As a participant, you may get the published paper link a few days after the conference and the hard copy of the proceeding on the day of the conference.

By following these 4 steps you can publish your paper at an International conference in India.

How to publish your research paper in an International journal in India?

As we discussed you can publish your research paper in international journals all the things you need to do is

  • find a good International Journal related to your research topic
  • and check the research paper format
  • Indexing and Impact factor of the Journal

other terms and conditions mentioned on the journal home page.

Always check the reputation of the publisher of the journal before submitting the research paper.

Scopus Indexed journal

Scopus is a reputed journal indexing platform where you can find reputed journals that maintain their ethics and publication procedure. Many universities in India prefer to accept the paper in a Scopus Indexed journal.

UGC CARE Journal

Apart from the Scopus Indexed UGC has also released a list of recommended journals where you can publish your research paper.

Final words

Here we have discussed how to publish a research paper in India. By following the above steps you can publish a research paper in India.

Check the Plagiarism of your paper now  Click here

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How to Write and Publish Your Research in a Journal

Last Updated: May 26, 2024 Fact Checked

Choosing a Journal

Writing the research paper, editing & revising your paper, submitting your paper, navigating the peer review process, research paper help.

This article was co-authored by Matthew Snipp, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Cheyenne Main . C. Matthew Snipp is the Burnet C. and Mildred Finley Wohlford Professor of Humanities and Sciences in the Department of Sociology at Stanford University. He is also the Director for the Institute for Research in the Social Science’s Secure Data Center. He has been a Research Fellow at the U.S. Bureau of the Census and a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He has published 3 books and over 70 articles and book chapters on demography, economic development, poverty and unemployment. He is also currently serving on the National Institute of Child Health and Development’s Population Science Subcommittee. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 706,250 times.

Publishing a research paper in a peer-reviewed journal allows you to network with other scholars, get your name and work into circulation, and further refine your ideas and research. Before submitting your paper, make sure it reflects all the work you’ve done and have several people read over it and make comments. Keep reading to learn how you can choose a journal, prepare your work for publication, submit it, and revise it after you get a response back.

Things You Should Know

  • Create a list of journals you’d like to publish your work in and choose one that best aligns with your topic and your desired audience.
  • Prepare your manuscript using the journal’s requirements and ask at least 2 professors or supervisors to review your paper.
  • Write a cover letter that “sells” your manuscript, says how your research adds to your field and explains why you chose the specific journal you’re submitting to.

Step 1 Create a list of journals you’d like to publish your work in.

  • Ask your professors or supervisors for well-respected journals that they’ve had good experiences publishing with and that they read regularly.
  • Many journals also only accept specific formats, so by choosing a journal before you start, you can write your article to their specifications and increase your chances of being accepted.
  • If you’ve already written a paper you’d like to publish, consider whether your research directly relates to a hot topic or area of research in the journals you’re looking into.

Step 2 Look at each journal’s audience, exposure, policies, and procedures.

  • Review the journal’s peer review policies and submission process to see if you’re comfortable creating or adjusting your work according to their standards.
  • Open-access journals can increase your readership because anyone can access them.

Step 1 Craft an effective introduction with a thesis statement.

  • Scientific research papers: Instead of a “thesis,” you might write a “research objective” instead. This is where you state the purpose of your research.
  • “This paper explores how George Washington’s experiences as a young officer may have shaped his views during difficult circumstances as a commanding officer.”
  • “This paper contends that George Washington’s experiences as a young officer on the 1750s Pennsylvania frontier directly impacted his relationship with his Continental Army troops during the harsh winter at Valley Forge.”

Step 2 Write the literature review and the body of your paper.

  • Scientific research papers: Include a “materials and methods” section with the step-by-step process you followed and the materials you used. [5] X Research source
  • Read other research papers in your field to see how they’re written. Their format, writing style, subject matter, and vocabulary can help guide your own paper. [6] X Research source

Step 3 Write your conclusion that ties back to your thesis or research objective.

  • If you’re writing about George Washington’s experiences as a young officer, you might emphasize how this research changes our perspective of the first president of the U.S.
  • Link this section to your thesis or research objective.
  • If you’re writing a paper about ADHD, you might discuss other applications for your research.

Step 4 Write an abstract that describes what your paper is about.

  • Scientific research papers: You might include your research and/or analytical methods, your main findings or results, and the significance or implications of your research.
  • Try to get as many people as you can to read over your abstract and provide feedback before you submit your paper to a journal.

Step 1 Prepare your manuscript according to the journal’s requirements.

  • They might also provide templates to help you structure your manuscript according to their specific guidelines. [11] X Research source

Step 2 Ask 2 colleagues to review your paper and revise it with their notes.

  • Not all journal reviewers will be experts on your specific topic, so a non-expert “outsider’s perspective” can be valuable.

Step 1 Check your sources for plagiarism and identify 5 to 6 keywords.

  • If you have a paper on the purification of wastewater with fungi, you might use both the words “fungi” and “mushrooms.”
  • Use software like iThenticate, Turnitin, or PlagScan to check for similarities between the submitted article and published material available online. [15] X Research source

Step 2 Write a cover letter explaining why you chose their journal.

  • Header: Address the editor who will be reviewing your manuscript by their name, include the date of submission, and the journal you are submitting to.
  • First paragraph: Include the title of your manuscript, the type of paper it is (like review, research, or case study), and the research question you wanted to answer and why.
  • Second paragraph: Explain what was done in your research, your main findings, and why they are significant to your field.
  • Third paragraph: Explain why the journal’s readers would be interested in your work and why your results are important to your field.
  • Conclusion: State the author(s) and any journal requirements that your work complies with (like ethical standards”).
  • “We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.”
  • “All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [insert the name of the target journal].”

Step 3 Submit your article according to the journal’s submission guidelines.

  • Submit your article to only one journal at a time.
  • When submitting online, use your university email account. This connects you with a scholarly institution, which can add credibility to your work.

Step 1 Try not to panic when you get the journal’s initial response.

  • Accept: Only minor adjustments are needed, based on the provided feedback by the reviewers. A first submission will rarely be accepted without any changes needed.
  • Revise and Resubmit: Changes are needed before publication can be considered, but the journal is still very interested in your work.
  • Reject and Resubmit: Extensive revisions are needed. Your work may not be acceptable for this journal, but they might also accept it if significant changes are made.
  • Reject: The paper isn’t and won’t be suitable for this publication, but that doesn’t mean it might not work for another journal.

Step 2 Revise your paper based on the reviewers’ feedback.

  • Try organizing the reviewer comments by how easy it is to address them. That way, you can break your revisions down into more manageable parts.
  • If you disagree with a comment made by a reviewer, try to provide an evidence-based explanation when you resubmit your paper.

Step 3 Resubmit to the same journal or choose another from your list.

  • If you’re resubmitting your paper to the same journal, include a point-by-point response paper that talks about how you addressed all of the reviewers’ comments in your revision. [22] X Research source
  • If you’re not sure which journal to submit to next, you might be able to ask the journal editor which publications they recommend.

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  • If reviewers suspect that your submitted manuscript plagiarizes another work, they may refer to a Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowchart to see how to move forward. [23] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ Matthew Snipp, PhD. Research Fellow, U.S. Bureau of the Census. Expert Interview. 26 March 2020.

About This Article

Matthew Snipp, PhD

To publish a research paper, ask a colleague or professor to review your paper and give you feedback. Once you've revised your work, familiarize yourself with different academic journals so that you can choose the publication that best suits your paper. Make sure to look at the "Author's Guide" so you can format your paper according to the guidelines for that publication. Then, submit your paper and don't get discouraged if it is not accepted right away. You may need to revise your paper and try again. To learn about the different responses you might get from journals, see our reviewer's explanation below. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Publishing Journal Articles book

How to Publish a Research Paper: A Beginner's Roadmap

how to publish a research paper

Quick Summary

  • Publishing a research paper requires a systematic approach.
  • Utilize platforms like ResearchGate and explore various publishing options. 
  • The publication of a research paper can be both difficult and rewarding.

Table of Contents

In today’s rapidly advancing world, publishing research papers has become crucial for students who want to excel in their careers. These papers are powerful catalysts that help professionals move forward by enhancing their knowledge, credibility, and opportunities. As of 2022, 5.14M research papers are published every year. Thus, publishing a research paper is an important step, especially for researchers, scholars, and academics. A well-crafted research paper showcases expertise and promotes knowledge sharing. It opens doors to collaboration and recognition within the academic community. Many of us get confused while thinking about how to publish a research paper. In this step by step guide, we’ll go through all the stages of how to publish a research paper. So, you have the knowledge and understanding you need to get through it.

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Detailed Steps: How to Publish a Research Paper?

Publishing a research paper involves several steps, from selecting a suitable journal to the final production and post-submission processes. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to publish a research paper.

Step#1: Selecting a Journal

Choosing the right journal is crucial. It determines your research’s audience, impact, and visibility. Consider the following factors:

  • Relevance: Look for journals that publish papers in your field of study.
  • Impact Factor: Check the journal’s impact factor. It reflects its reputation and influence in the academic community.
  • Scope and Aims: Ensure that the journal’s scope aligns with the topic and focus of your research.
  • Target Audience: Identify the readership you want to reach with your paper.
  • Publication Frequency: Determine how frequently the journal publishes. It helps estimate the time it will take for your paper to be available.

Step#2: Preparing Your Paper

Once you have selected a journal, prepare your paper according to their guidelines. Common considerations include:

  • Title and Abstract: Create a concise and informative title and an abstract summarizing your research.
  • Introduction: Clearly state your study’s research problem, objectives, and significance.
  • Methodology: Describe the procedures used for research design, data collecting, and analysis.
  • Results: Present your findings in a logical and organized manner. You can use tables, figures, or graphs as necessary.
  • Discussion and Conclusion: Interpret your results, and discuss their implications. Also, provide a summary of your study’s main contributions.
  • References: Cite all the sources you have referred to in your paper. Do not forget to follow the required citation style.

Step#3: Formatting and Submitting the Paper

Follow the journal’s formatting guidelines, which typically include the following:

  • Font style, font size, and line spacing requirements.
  • Margin specifications and page limits.
  • In-text citation and reference formatting style.
  • Figure and table formatting guidelines.
  • Once your paper is correctly formatted, submit it through the journal’s submission system. This may involve creating an account and filling in metadata about your paper. It involves the title, authors, and abstract.

Step#4: Peer Review Process

Peer review is the independent evaluation of your research piece by professionals. Reviewers are also known as referees. They are requested to assess your work’s validity, importance, and uniqueness. This procedure assures that a peer-reviewed article has been rigorously reviewed. It ensures that the technique is solid, the work can not be duplicated, and it fits with the purpose and scope of the journal considering it for publication. It is a crucial type of quality control for research articles. They evaluate it based on several criteria:

  • Originality and Significance of the Research.
  • Methodological rigor and validity.
  • Clarity and organization of the writing.
  • Ethical considerations and adherence to research standards.
  • Reviewers provide feedback, suggestions for improvements, and recommendations for acceptance, rejection, or revision. You may need to address the reviewers’ comments and revise your paper accordingly.

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Production and Post-Submission Process

A research paper’s preparation and post-submission process contains several critical processes and concerns. These procedures are critical for ensuring the quality and spread of scientific knowledge. Here is a breakdown of the important stages:

1. Manuscript Preparation:

After completing the research, authors must prepare the manuscript. It is done by the instructions supplied by the target journal. This entails categorizing the text into sections like introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion. Formatting rules, citation styles, and word limitations must all be followed by authors.

2. Peer Review:

The manuscript is subjected to a thorough peer review procedure following submission. Experts in the field review the paper for scientific validity, originality, methodology, and significance. Reviewers provide feedback and suggestions that authors must address before resubmitting the amended work.

3. Revision and resubmission:

The authors carefully evaluate the reviewers’ suggestions and revise the article as needed. They may need to run further tests, re-analyze data, or explain particular portions. The amended version is then resubmitted for review.

4. Acceptance and copyediting:

The revised article is accepted for publication if it fits the journal’s requirements. The paper gets copyedited at this point, where language, grammar, and formatting are polished. Authors are involved in this procedure to confirm the content’s accuracy. They carefully check the proofs for faults or typos and make any necessary changes.

5. Post-publication:

Following publication, researchers can market their work. They can do it by presenting it at conferences, posting on social media, or working with other researchers on future studies. In addition, they should react to reader questions and participate in conversations about their study. It creates academic dialogue and increases the significance of their findings.

Tips to Help You Write a Research Paper

Writing a research paper can be difficult, especially if you are unfamiliar with the procedure. You can, however, generate a high-quality paper. thus paper may successfully explain your study findings with careful organization. Here you will find some helpful hints for writing and how to publish a research paper.

1. Choose your area of interest

The first step in creating a research paper is to choose a topic of interest. It should also relate to your academic or career aspirations. This will make the research process more enjoyable and motivate you to produce your best work.

2. Conduct a literature review

Before diving into your research, conducting a thorough literature review is essential. This involves reviewing existing research and scholarly articles relevant to your topic. A literature review helps to understand your field’s current level of knowledge. It identifies research gaps and determines the distinctive addition of your work.

3. Develop a clear research question and hypothesis

Based on your literature review, develop a clear research question your paper aims to answer. Your research question should be specific and focused. It should align with the objectives of your study. Additionally, formulate a hypothesis that predicts the outcome of your research. This will provide a framework for your investigation. It will also guide your data collection and analysis.

4. Use proper citations and references

It is critical to acknowledge the writers whose work you have mentioned when writing a research paper. Proper citation and referencing show academic integrity. It also provides credibility to your research. Use a recognized citation style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Follow the guidelines for in-text citations and reference lists. This verifies that your article follows academic writing standards and avoids plagiarism.

5. Seek feedback and conduct peer review

Before submitting your research paper for publication, seek feedback from your peers, mentors, or professors. They can provide valuable insights and identify potential weaknesses. They also suggest improvements. Additionally, consider participating in peer review processes where you exchange papers with other researchers. Peer review helps ensure the quality and rigor of your research. It increases the chances of acceptance for publication.

6. Revise and edit your paper

Writing a research paper is an iterative process. Once you have completed a draft, take the time to revise and edit it thoroughly. Eliminate grammatical or spelling errors. Moreover, ensure your paper follows the required formatting guidelines. Consider using proofreading tools or asking a colleague to review your work. This will help with any overlooked mistakes.

7. Prepare for submission

Follow the relevant submission criteria before submitting your article to a journal or conference. These guidelines may include formatting requirements, word limits, and specific sections such as an abstract or keywords.

8. Utilize online platforms

Take advantage of online platforms such as ResearchGate, which can assist you in the publication process. Researchers can use ResearchGate to share their work and collaborate with others. Researchers can read various scientific articles on ResearchGate. It can also be used as a networking tool. It helps interact with other researchers and raise awareness of your work.

9. Stay up-to-date with free articles

While some journals require a subscription or purchase to access articles, many researchers make their work freely available. Watch for open-access journals. Such articles are posted on arXiv, bioRxiv, or preprint servers. These resources can provide insightful information and references for your research paper. They ensure you have access to the most recent results on your subject.

Publish your Research Paper with Ease!

Publishing a research paper requires a systematic approach. You have to be careful with several key steps. Hope this article has helped find the answer to how to publish a research paper. Firstly, conducting thorough research and organizing the findings are crucial. It gives the quality and relevance of the paper. Proper formatting and adherence to the guidelines of the target journal or conference enhance the chances of acceptance. Utilize platforms like ResearchGate and explore various publishing options. It can widen the paper’s reach and impact. Finally, authors should take advantage of peer review and revision opportunities. It strengthens their work before submitting it for publication. The publication of a research paper can be both difficult and rewarding. From picking an acceptable topic to presenting the findings, it requires precise organization and execution. Engaging in an effective literature review can also contribute to the credibility and novelty of the paper. Researchers can confidently follow the step-by-step guidance outlined in this article.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can i publish my research paper for free.

Yes, you can freely publish your research paper through a variety of open-access publications and platforms. Open-access journals make published articles available for free, and many do not charge authors for publication. However, before submitting your work, thoroughly assess the reliability and reputation of the journal or platform to ensure the quality and integrity of your research.

Can I publish a paper without a Ph.D.?

Yes, a Ph.D. is not required to publish a research paper. Many journals consider the quality and significance of the research rather than the author’s academic credentials. To meet the publication standards you are submitting to, you must have a good comprehension of the topic area and undertake rigorous research.

Can anybody publish a research paper?

Yes, anyone can potentially publish a research paper. However, it is crucial to emphasize that research publications are subjected to a thorough peer-review procedure to confirm their quality and validity. It is crucial to conduct robust research, adhere to ethical guidelines, and meet the target journal’s specific requirements to increase the chances of publication.

How much does it cost to publish a paper?

The cost of publishing a paper varies depending on several factors. Traditional subscription-based journals may have article processing charges (APCs) ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. There are, however, open-access publications that do not charge publication fees. It is advisable to carefully review the journal’s guidelines and policies regarding fees before submitting your research.

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5 tips for publishing in a high impact journal

April 27, 2020 | 10 min read

By Sneha Mittal Sachdeva

Academic student in library with laptop

There are plenty of ways to get your research out into the world, from broad-scope open access journals to preprint platforms. In some instances, you may be keen to see your work published in a journal that scores highly in citation-based metrics. After all, in an age of information abundance, these metrics have become a shorthand for where to focus your limited time.

However, many researchers aren’t aware of the assessment processes at high impact journals. Here are some techniqeus and strategies you can use to ensure your work has the best chance of finding an appropriate home.

1. Ask these questions before you prepare your manuscript.

Manuscript preparation is an important cornerstone of research. There are multiple steps and goals in the manuscript preparation and its publication. However, even before you start creating the manuscript for your paper, think about the underlying messages you want to communicate and  why  you want to publish your work.

Ask yourself these questions before you begin:

Have you done something new?

Is there anything challenging in your work?

Will your results influence other researchers?

Have you provided solutions to some difficult problems?

If you can answer is “yes” to some or all of the above questions, then it’s a good time to share your research and start the preparation for your manuscript.

2. Make your manuscript publication worthy.

What makes one manuscript more effective than the other? What are the components of a good manuscript? High impact journals seek high quality manuscripts that not only contribute to the knowledge of the reader but also clearly communicate the results and impact of the research. Here are some important characteristics of a good manuscript:

Clear scientific message: The manuscript contains a scientific message that is clear, useful and exciting. A good manuscript conveys the authors’ thoughts in a logical manner so the reader arrives at the same conclusions as the author.

Manuscript format: The manuscript is constructed in the format that best showcases the authors’ material and is written in a style that transmits the message clearly.

Title and abstract: The title and abstract are very important. The title should be succinct, free of obscure abbreviations and to the point, and it should describe key content in an effective way. The abstract should be clear, interesting, understandable, accurate, specific and to the point. Ensure that your title and abstract do not misrepresent your research or mislead the reader.

What’s the story? Find a simple and concise way to tell your story through your manuscript. Ensure logical layout of arguments and flow of experiments (the chronology of the experiments is not important), and don’t forget to make use of summary statements.

3. Write a good cover letter.

When you submit to a premium journal, make sure you write a good cover letter. This is your chance to convince the editor why your research is interesting and worth a review. While a strong cover letter does not guarantee publication, a badly written letter may make the editor wonder about the quality and thoroughness of your research paper. Here are some tips to write a good cover letter:

Start your cover letter by stating why you think the paper is a good fit for this journal.

Include additional background information that is relevant but does not fit in your abstract.

Focus on answering why you think the question you set out to address is important and/or why what you found is so exciting.

Inform us if there is a controversy or competition we must know about.

Do not include the abstract, a list of past accomplishments from your lab, the details of meetings where you’ve presented this work, and feedback you might have received for your research

4. Write an effective results section.

The results section of your manuscript represents the core findings for your research. Here are some tips:

An effective results section is clear and easy to understand, features unexpected findings and provides statistical analysis of the research.

Use paragraph headings to describe concrete findings, and use the similar headings for the figure legend titles to ensure the data is easy to understand.

Tie together your results with the discussion, and make the discussion correspond to the results

5. Mind your references.

The references and acknowledgement section is very important. Ensure you give credit to all papers you referenced and to people who have been helpful in the success of your research. Here are some quick tips for this section:

Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based.

Do not use too many references.

Ensure you fully understand the material you are referencing and that it supports your work in the way you think it does.

Keep self-citations to a minimum.

Avoid excessive citations of publications from the same region.

Acknowledge your advisors, financial supporters, funding bodies, suppliers who donated materials and any other people who helped you in your research process.

Webinar: How to publish in high-impact journals

Watch this  free webinar with Dr. Philip Earis opens in new tab/window , Editor-in-Chief of  Joule opens in new tab/window ,  to learn more about developing your paper for publication in premium journals.

Then you can add questions to the  Researcher Academy Mendeley group opens in new tab/window  that were not answered in the webinar. We will try to find expert answers for you.


Sneha mittal sachdeva.

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Authors can also choose to publish under the traditional publishing model (no APC charges apply); both options will be offered after the paper has been accepted.

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Visit Springer Nature’s open access funding & support services for information about research funders and institutions that provide funding for APCs.

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If you know the name of the journal you want to submit to, view all journals .

If you would like us to recommend the journal/s that are best suited to publish your article, use our Journal Suggester . All you need is an abstract or description of your article to find matching journals.

Tips for finding the right journal

Submitting a manuscript to unsuitable journals is a common mistake, and can cause journal editors to reject the manuscript before peer review. Choosing a relevant journal makes it more likely that your manuscript will be accepted. Some factors to consider are:

  • The topics the journal publishes. If your research is applied, target a journal that publishes applied science; if it is clinical, target a clinical journal; if it is basic research, target a journal that publishes basic research. You may find it easier to browse a list of journals by subject area.
  • The journal's audience. Will researchers in related fields be interested in your study? If so, a journal that covers a broad range of topics may be best. If only researchers in your field are likely to want to read your study, then a field-specific journal would be best.
  • The types of articles the journal publishes. If you are looking to publish a review, case study or a theorem, ensure that your target journal accepts theses type of manuscripts.
  • The reputation of the journal. A journal's Impact Factor is one measure of its reputation, but not always the most important. You should consider the prestige of the authors that publish in the journal and whether your research is of a similar level.
  • What are your personal requirements: Does the journal usually publish articles quickly; is the "time to publication" important for you?

When looking for suitable journals in which to publish your own results, start with what you have read. You should already be familiar with published studies that are similar to yours. Which journal were those studies published in? The same journals may be appropriate for your manuscript, so make a list of them. If you need more journals to consider, you can do literature searches for other published articles in your field that are similar in scope and impact on the field, and see where they were published.

When you have a list of potential target journals, visit and read the websites for these journals. Every journal should have a page that provides instructions for authors, including information on many of the factors listed above.

Journals on your list that are not a match for your manuscript based on the factors listed above should be eliminated from consideration. Among the remaining journals, it is likely that one or more will stand out as a very good candidate. Consider if any additional experiments will give you a better chance of achieving publication in your top choice. If you are in a hurry to publish, consider which of the remaining journals offers rapid publication; if none do, consider which has the highest publication frequency. If your main goal is to reach as many readers as possible, strongly consider candidate journals that provide an open access option. Open access allows anyone to read your article, free of charge, online, which can make your article more likely to be read and cited.

When you have chosen the journal you think is the best fit for your study and your goals, it is usually a good idea to also identify your second- and third-choice journals. That way, if your paper is rejected from your first-choice journal, you can quickly submit to your second-choice journal.

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I want to get a research paper publish in UGC recognized journal but don't know the approach I should take. Should I first search for a suitable journal and then write a paper or write a paper and then try to find a journal to get it published. How difficult or easy is it to publish a paper in a good journal?

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  1. How to Publish a Research Paper in India

    how to publish a research paper in india quora

  2. How to Publish a Research Paper: The Indian Context || Manu Mangattu

    how to publish a research paper in india quora

  3. How to publish a research paper in India

    how to publish a research paper in india quora

  4. How to publish research paper

    how to publish a research paper in india quora

  5. How to publish a research paper in India

    how to publish a research paper in india quora

  6. How To Publish Research Paper

    how to publish a research paper in india quora


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  3. How to Publish a Research Paper in any Journal

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  6. Free Online Academic Journals


  1. Quora

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  2. How do I publish research papers in India without a college degree?

    I'll keep it short. To publish research papers in India, you need to have original research results or findings to present (obviously). You can present your research at academic conferences, workshops, or forums and if it is well received, you may be invited to submit a full paper for publication. There are also several online platforms and ...

  3. How to Publish a Research Paper in a Journal

    Long-Term Benefits of Publishing a Research Paper "The biggest benefit of publishing my work is knowing that my research paper is out in the world helping others learn. Through this project, I have also gotten more familiar with the process of writing a research paper. Specifically, what content to include, how it should be structured, and ...

  4. publications

    No way, no how. It could easily take well over a decade of research to publish 10 or 20 first-authored papers in a respected conference or a reputable peer-reviewed journal. In the eyes of a scrupulous employer, writing a large volume of low-quality papers simply to bulk up your CV will reflect very poorly on you.

  5. Publish with Elsevier: Step by step

    4. Track your paper. 5. Share and promote. 1. Find a journal. Find out the journals that could be best suited for publishing your research. For a comprehensive list of Elsevier journals check our Journal Catalog. You can also match your manuscript using the JournalFinder tool, then learn more about each journal.

  6. How to publish a research paper in India

    Publish a research paper in India key steps. 1. Picking The Best Possible Journal For Your Brand Of Research. Choosing which journal to publish your research article in is one of the most important decisions that you will potentially have to make as an academic or research professional. Which journal you decide to submit your work to can make a ...

  7. How to publish a research paper in India

    Steps to Publish research paper at international conferences in India. Step-1 Find a good upcoming International conference. You could start by finding a good conference related to your research topic and area. Conference alerts India is the best place to find reputed upcoming conferences in India. Find the International conference in the metro ...

  8. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project ...

    There are 4 modules in this course. What you will achieve: In this project-based course, you will outline a complete scientific paper, choose an appropriate journal to which you'll submit the finished paper for publication, and prepare a checklist that will allow you to independently judge whether your paper is ready to submit.

  9. How to Write and Publish a Research Paper for a Peer ...

    Communicating research findings is an essential step in the research process. Often, peer-reviewed journals are the forum for such communication, yet many researchers are never taught how to write a publishable scientific paper. In this article, we explain the basic structure of a scientific paper and describe the information that should be included in each section. We also identify common ...

  10. Any Advice on Undergrad Research and How to Publish

    Easier to do, imo. However, when it comes to publishing, the level of journal varies a lot. Some indices and metrics help. For a proper journal, the quality of research and the time to publish is higher. You'd spent your 3rd year doing research and then try publishing in 4th. Or there are certain journals that take money and publish literally ...

  11. How to Publish a Research Paper: Your Step-by-Step Guide

    3. Submit your article according to the journal's submission guidelines. Go to the "author's guide" (or similar) on the journal's website to review its submission requirements. Once you are satisfied that your paper meets all of the guidelines, submit the paper through the appropriate channels.

  12. How to Get Published

    Free 1 hour monthly How to Get Published webinars cover topics including writing an article, navigating the peer review process, and what exactly it means when you hear "open access.". Join fellow researchers and expert speakers live, or watch our library of recordings on a variety of topics.

  13. How much does it cost to publish a paper in a Journal?

    Here is the tentative cost to publish a paper in a journal. SCI Indexed Journal: 500USd to 6000USD per article. Scopus Indexed Journal: 200USD to 1500USD per article. Web of Science Indexed ...

  14. How to publish research papers as a working professional?

    As someone currently working, how to go about publishing research papers for MS?I made a mistake of not focusing on research papers in my undergrad but for masters I believe they play an important role. So whom should I approach and how to do this while working. Currently my qualifications are 1 year of experience in a startup.

  15. Learn How to Publish A Research Paper in 4 Simple Steps

    Scope and Aims: Ensure that the journal's scope aligns with the topic and focus of your research. Target Audience: Identify the readership you want to reach with your paper. Publication Frequency: Determine how frequently the journal publishes. It helps estimate the time it will take for your paper to be available.

  16. How to write and publish a research paper? Step-by-Step Start to End

    Publishing a research paper for the first time? In this video, we talk about the process of how you can do a research project and then build it into a resear...

  17. 5 tips for publishing in a high impact journal

    Find a simple and concise way to tell your story through your manuscript. Ensure logical layout of arguments and flow of experiments (the chronology of the experiments is not important), and don't forget to make use of summary statements. 3. Write a good cover letter. When you submit to a premium journal, make sure you write a good cover letter.

  18. How to publish with us

    Article processing charges (APC) Authors who publish open access in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics are required to pay an article processing charge (APC). The APC price will be determined from the date on which the article is accepted for publication. The current APC, subject to VAT or local taxes where applicable, is: £2090.00/$2990.00/€ ...

  19. Find the right journal

    The topics the journal publishes. If your research is applied, target a journal that publishes applied science; if it is clinical, target a clinical journal; if it is basic research, target a journal that publishes basic research. You may find it easier to browse a list of journals by subject area. The journal's audience.

  20. What is the fastest way to publish a paper? : r/Professors

    3d_extra. • 6 yr. ago. My general strategy for faster papers is to write better papers and submit them to higher ranked journals. Lower ranked journals tend to have sloppier editors. Nature Pub. Group also not that fast due to 7~10 days quality check on some of their journals such as Scientific Reports. 18.

  21. How to publish your first research paper? Step-by-Step Start to End

    How to publish your first research paper? Research papers can tremendously enhance your resume and your profile as an applicant. In fact, they can get you in...

  22. To the research scholars of r/india how do I get a research paper

    Paper is sent to the editor of the journal. Editor sends it to the subject matter expert. Correspondence takes 2-5 months, if everything works out - you get your paper published. Get a verified Google scholar account if you are serious about academic research. 6.