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69 Famous Quotes by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The famous quotes of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah are very inspiring and motivating. His quotes are most sought after by the people of all ages.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan was a politician and a lawyer.

Jinnah the leader of the All India Muslim League, served the party from 1913 until the independence of Pakistan on 14 August 1947.

He served as the first Governor General of Pakistan till his death.

Quaid-e-azam muhammad ali jinnah

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Quick Facts

  • Date of Birth: December 25, 1876
  • Date of Demise: September 11, 1948
  • Place of Birth: Karachi
  • Parents: Poonja Jinnah, Mithibai Jinnah
  • Spouse:  Rattanbai Jinnah (m. 1918–1929), Emibai Jinnah (m. 1892–1893)

Quaid-i-azam day special programs at lok visa

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Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: 69 Famouse Quotes

  • I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.
  • No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.
  • Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.
  • We are starting in the days where there is no discrimination, no distinction between one community and another, no discrimination between one caste or creed and another. We are starting with this fundamental principle: that we are all citizens, and equal citizens, of one State.
  • If you will work in co-operation, forgetting the past, burying the hatchet, you are bound to succeed.
  • You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the State.
  • One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering – I do not say that other countries are free from it, but I think our condition is much worse – is bribery and corruption. That really is a poison.
  • I know there are people who do not quite agree with the division of India and the partition of the Punjab and Bengal. Much has been said against it, but now that it has been accepted, it is the duty of every one of us to loyally abide by it and honorably act according to the agreement which is now final and binding on all.
  • There is no parallel in the history of the world. This mighty subcontinent with all kinds of inhabitants has been brought under a plan which is titanic, unknown, unparalleled. And what is very important with regard to it is that we have achieved it peacefully and by means of an evolution of the greatest possible character.
  • Think a hundred times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.
  • I would still ask the government not to drive the people of India to desperation, or else there is no other course left open to the people except to inaugurate the policy of non-cooperation, though not necessarily the program of Mr. Gandhi.
  • The British Government very naturally would like to see in India the form of democratic constitutions it knows best and thinks best, under which the Government of the country is entrusted to one or other political party in accordance with the turn of elections.
  • There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There are great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.
  • Democratic systems based on the concept of a homogeneous nation such as England are very definitely not applicable to heterogeneous countries such as India, and this simple fact is the root cause of India’s constitutional ills.
  • Let those men who still have these misguided ideas, let those men who still have these hallucinations realize that by anarchism, by dastardly crimes, they cannot bring about good government; let them realize that these methods have not succeeded in any country of the world and are not likely to succeed in India.
  • Expect the best, prepare for the worst.
  • I see no reason why the Shias should be debarred from having their voice in the elected bodies and governmental institutions in any matter which affect the Shias. We must so organize the Muslim League that justice is done to every sect and section inside it.
  • Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State – to be ruled by priests with a divine mission. We have many non-Muslims – Hindus, Christians, and Parsis – but they are all Pakistanis. They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other citizens and will play their rightful part in the affairs of Pakistan.
  • We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live.
  • Black-marketers are really knowing, intelligent, and ordinarily responsible people, and when they indulge in black-marketing, I think they ought to be very severely punished because they undermine the entire system of control and regulation of foodstuffs and essential commodities, and cause wholesale starvation and want and even death.
  • It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality.
  • The great majority of us are Muslims. We follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (may peace be upon him). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam in which all are equal in rights, dignity and self-respect. Consequently, we have a special and a very deep sense of unity. But make no mistake: Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it.
  • Democracy is in the blood of the Muslims, who look upon complete equality of mankind and believe in fraternity, equality, and liberty.
  • The Western world, in spite of its advantages of mechanization and industrial efficiency, is today in a worse mess than ever before in history. The adoption of Western economic theory and practice will not help us in achieving our goal of creating a happy and contented people. We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on the true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice.
  • With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
  • You will have to make up for the smallness of your size by your courage and selfless devotion to duty, for it is not the life that matters, but the courage, fortitude, and determination you bring to it.
  • I cannot understand the logic of those who have been deliberately and mischievously propagating that the Constitution of Pakistan will not be based on Islamic Sharia. Islamic principles today are as much applicable to life as they were 1300 years ago.
  • The weak and the defenseless in this world invite aggression from others. The best way we can serve peace is by removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and, for that reason, they can bully or attack us. That temptation can only be removed if we make ourselves so strong that nobody dares entertain any aggressive designs against us. Pakistan has come to stay and no power on earth can destroy it
  • India is not a nation, nor a country. It is a subcontinent of nationalities.
  • I have full faith in my people that they will rise to every occasion worthy of our past Islamic history, glory, and traditions.
  • There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.
  • I insist you strive. Work, Work and only work for satisfaction with patience, humbleness and serve thy nation.
  • I have lived as plain Mr. Jinnah and I hope to die as plain Mr. Jinnah. I am very much averse to any title or honors and I will be more than happy if there was no prefix to my name.
  • My young friends, I look forward to you as the real makers of Pakistan, do not be exploited and do not be misled. Create amongst yourselves complete unity and solidarity. Set an example of what youth can do. Your main occupation should be in fairness to yourself, to your parents, in fairness to the State, to devote your attention to your studies. If you fritter away your energies now, you will always regret.
  • I have nothing to do with this pseudo-religious approach that Gandhi is advocating.
  • Any idea of a United India could never have worked and in my judgment, it would have led us to terrific disaster.
  • Islam expects every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realize our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.
  • The story of Pakistan, its struggle and its achievement, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of great odds and difficulties.
  • Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us.
  • I sincerely hope that they (relations between India and Pakistan) will be friendly and cordial. We have a great deal to do…and think that we can be of use to each other and to the world.
  • I am not going to respect… gray hairs unless there is wisdom beneath them.
  • Failure is a word unknown to me.
  • No settlement with the majority is possible as no Hindu leader speaking with any authority shows any concern or a genuine desire for it.
  • Come forward as servants of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody.
  • I don’t take the right decisions, I take decisions and make them right
  • You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.
  • When Mrs. Jinnah feels cold, she will say so and ask for a wrap herself.
  • My message to you all is of hope, courage, and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation.
  • We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.
  • With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to the duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
  • I shall never come to Punjab again; it is such a hopeless place.
  • No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men
  • For a real New India to arise, all petty and small things must be given up. To be redeemed, all Indians must offer to sacrifice not only their good things but all those evil things they cling to blindly – their hates and their divisions, their pride in what they should be thoroughly ashamed of, their quarrels and misunderstandings.
  • If we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor.
  • Character, courage, industry, and perseverance are the four pillars on which the whole edifice of human life can be built and failure is a word unknown to me.
  • We are now all Pakistanis — not Baluchis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis and so on — and as Pakistanis, we must feet behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else.
  • Religion should not be allowed to come into Politics…Religion is merely a matter between man and God.
  • I am almost inclined to say that India will get Dominion Responsible Government the day the Hindus and Muslims are united.
  • India’s blood and India’s gold was sought and unfortunately given – given to break Turkey and by the fetters of the Rowlatt legislation.
  • What I am afraid of is… Gandhi. He has brains and always tried to put me in the wrong. I have to be on guard and alert all the time.
  • The first duty of a government is to maintain law and order so that the life, property, and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.
  • You are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan.
  • Think well before selecting your leader, and when you have selected him, follow him. But in case you find his policy detrimental to your interests, kick him out.
  • We maintain and hold that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition or test of a nation.
  • That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent.
  • Our object should be peace within and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbors and with the world at large.
  • Do not forget that the armed forces are the servants of the people. You do not make national policy; it is we, the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out these tasks with which you are entrusted.
  • We have undoubtedly achieved Pakistan, and that too without a bloody war, practically peacefully, by moral and intellectual force, and with the power of the pen, which is no less mighty than that of the sword and so our righteous cause has triumphed. Are we now going to besmear and tarnish this greatest achievement for which there is no parallel in the history of the world? Pakistan is now a fait accompli and it can never be undone, besides, it was the only just, honorable, and practical solution of the most complex constitutional problem of this great subcontinent. Let us now plan to build and reconstruct and regenerate our great nation…
  • Nations who love and sacrifice for their countries, find the honorable place in history.

READ MORE: ’Quaid-e-Azam’ Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948)

READ MORE: Pakistan Resolution Day – 23rd March 1940

READ MORE: Jinnah’s Speech on Two Nation Theory

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Essay on Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Essay on Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah With Quotations

by Pakiology | Aug 19, 2024 | Essay | 0 comments

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a prominent political leader and the founder of Pakistan. Born in Karachi in 1876, Jinnah studied law and became a successful lawyer before entering politics. Over the course of his career, he played a pivotal role in the creation of the country of Pakistan and served as its first Governor-General.

Jinnah’s political career began in 1906 when he joined the Indian National Congress, a political party that sought greater autonomy for India within the British Empire. However, Jinnah quickly became disillusioned with Congress and its leadership, and he left the party in 1913.

In 1919, Jinnah joined the All-India Muslim League, a political party that represented the interests of India’s Muslim population. At the time, many Muslims felt that their rights and interests were not being adequately protected by Congress, and they saw the Muslim League as a way to promote their own political agenda.

Jinnah was a strong advocate for the rights of Muslims in India. In a speech to the All India Muslim League in 1943, he said,

“I have always maintained that the Muslims are a nation apart. The Hindu and the Muslim are two major nations by any definition or test of a nation. We are a nation of a hundred million, and what is more, we are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of value and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions.”

In 1940, the Muslim League adopted the Lahore Resolution, which called for the creation of a separate Muslim state in the northwestern and northeastern regions of India. This marked the beginning of the movement for the creation of Pakistan. Jinnah worked tirelessly to achieve this goal, negotiating with the British government and other political parties to secure support for the creation of Pakistan.

In a speech to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in 1947, Jinnah said,

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed – that has nothing to do with the business of the State.”

Jinnah’s efforts finally paid off in 1947 when the British government agreed to partition India and create the independent state of Pakistan. Jinnah became the first Governor-General of Pakistan, and he worked to establish the country’s government and institutions. However, he faced numerous challenges, including a refugee crisis, economic instability, and tensions with India over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

In a speech to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in 1948, Jinnah said,

“We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one state. Now I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.”

Despite these challenges, Jinnah remained committed to building a strong and prosperous Pakistan, and he worked tirelessly to lay the foundations for the country’s future success. He believed that Pakistan should be a country where all citizens, regardless of their gender, religion, or ethnicity, were treated equally and had equal opportunities.

“I have full faith in the future of Pakistan and the destiny of our people. You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice, and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.”

Jinnah’s legacy as the founder of Pakistan is undeniable. He was a visionary leader who saw the potential for a separate Muslim state and worked tirelessly to achieve it. His efforts were instrumental in the creation of Pakistan, and he remains an important figure in the country’s history. He will always be remembered as the father of the nation.

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quotations of quaid e azam essay

Essay On Quaid-e-Azam 200 & 500 Words For Students

Aspect Important Points
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
December 25, 1876
Karachi, British India (now Pakistan)
Founding Father of Pakistan
Studied law at Lincoln’s Inn, London
Party All India Muslim League
Vision for
First Governor-General of Pakistan

200 Words Essay On Quaid E Azam


Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the esteemed founder of Pakistan, was a charismatic leader whose pivotal role in the creation of an independent nation for Muslims in the Indian subcontinent remains indelible. His exceptional qualities and unwavering determination continue to inspire individuals to this day. This essay sheds light on the unique and captivating attributes of Quaid-e-Azam that made him an iconic figure in Pakistan’s history.

Visionary Leadership

Quaid-e-Azam’s visionary leadership served as a beacon of hope for millions. With resolute conviction, he envisioned a separate homeland where Muslims could live with dignity and freedom. His farsightedness, coupled with his ability to articulate the aspirations of the people, inspired a sense of unity and purpose among his followers.

Unyielding Determination

Quaid-e-Azam’s determination knew no bounds. Despite facing formidable challenges, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of a separate nation. His resolute stance during negotiations with the British and his unwavering commitment to the cause of independence were instrumental in realizing the dream of Pakistan.

Charismatic Persona

Quaid-e-Azam possessed a magnetic personality that captivated the masses. His eloquence, grace, and dignified demeanor left an indelible impression on all who encountered him. His ability to connect with people from all walks of life made him an influential leader and an inspiration for generations to come.

Defender of Rights

Quaid-e-Azam was a staunch advocate for the rights of all individuals. He firmly believed in upholding justice, equality, and freedom for every citizen. His tireless efforts to protect the rights of minorities and marginalized communities showcased his unwavering commitment to building a just and inclusive society.

Quaid-e-Azam’s visionary leadership, indomitable spirit, and commitment to justice continue to inspire and guide Pakistan toward a brighter future. His legacy remains a testament to his remarkable character and enduring impact.

500 Words Essay On Quaid E Azam


Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, stands as the eminent founding father of Pakistan. His influential role in the creation of Pakistan and his exceptional leadership during the independence movement has shaped the destiny of the nation. This essay delves into the remarkable life and achievements of Quaid-e-Azam, presenting a captivating account of his invaluable contributions to the birth of Pakistan.

Early Life and Education

Born into a privileged family on December 25, 1876, Quaid-e-Azam hailed from Karachi, which was then part of British India. His family background instilled in him a sense of dignity and honor. With a strong educational foundation, he pursued his studies in Karachi and later moved to England to refine his legal education at Lincoln’s Inn. Quaid-e-Azam’s unwavering dedication and commitment to his work as a lawyer earned him immense respect among his peers.

Political Career

Quaid-e-Azam’s journey in politics commenced with his early association with the Indian National Congress, where he sought to advocate for the rights of all Indians. However, growing disillusionment with Congress’s inability to protect the interests of Muslims led Quaid-e-Azam to part ways and spearhead the All India Muslim League. Under his astute leadership, he aimed to unite the fragmented Muslim population and secure their rightful place in the Indian subcontinent.

Demand for Pakistan

Quaid-e-Azam’s historic Fourteen Points and the Lahore Resolution are emblematic of his resolute determination to establish an independent Muslim state. He envisaged a land where Muslims could thrive and flourish without fear of marginalization. His unwavering commitment and persuasive negotiations with the British and Congress paved the way for the creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947.

Leadership during the Independence Movement

As the leader of the Muslim League, Quaid-e-Azam emerged as a skilled diplomat and negotiator during the tumultuous partition process. Despite facing numerous challenges, he navigated the delicate political landscape with remarkable resilience, ensuring the rights and protection of minority communities. His indomitable spirit and steadfast leadership provided the strength needed to overcome the trials of independence.

Vision for Pakistan

Quaid-e-Azam’s vision for Pakistan was rooted in democratic values, inclusivity, and social justice. He championed the cause of religious freedom and emphasized the importance of equality among all citizens. Through his impassioned speeches and addresses, he outlined his vision for a modern, progressive, and prosperous Pakistan, where every individual had the opportunity to succeed.

Quaid-e-Azam’s enduring legacy remains etched in the fabric of Pakistan’s history. His contributions to nation-building, such as the drafting of the country’s constitution, continue to shape the nation’s trajectory. As Pakistan’s first Governor-General, he nurtured unity and stability during the early years, setting a precedent for future leaders.

In conclusion, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s exceptional leadership and visionary guidance played a pivotal role in the creation of Pakistan. His unwavering commitment to the rights of Muslims and his relentless pursuit of a separate homeland have left an indelible mark on the nation. Today, Pakistan stands as a testament to Quaid-e-Azam’s principles, serving as a source of inspiration for generations to come. As we remember his illustrious legacy, we must strive to uphold the values of unity, equality, and progress that he ardently advocated.

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quotes

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quotations of quaid e azam essay

I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.

We are now all Pakistanis — not Baluchis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis and so on — and as Pakistanis, we must feet behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else.

There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.

With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.

There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.

Character, courage, industry and perseverance are the four pillars on which the whole edifice of human life can be built and failure is a word unknown to me.

No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.

Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.

I insist you to strive. Work, Work and only work for satisfaction with patience, humbleness and serve thy nation.

My message to you all is hope, courage and confidence.

You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed - that has nothing to do with the business of the State.

Expect the best, Prepare for the worst.

I am not going to respect... gray hairs unless there is wisdom beneath them.

It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality.

If we cannot agree, let us at any rate agree to differ, but let us part as friends.

Failure is a word unknown to me.

The story of Pakistan, its struggle and its achievement, is the very story of great human ideals, struggling to survive in the face of great odds and difficulties.

quotations of quaid e azam essay

Every Mussalman should serve Pakistan honestly, sincerely and selflessly.

I have full faith in my people that they will rise to every occasion worthy of our past Islamic history, glory and traditions.

My message to you is: build up physical strength not for aggression, not for militarism, but for becoming fighting fit, all your life and all the time in every walk of life of your nation wherever you be and always to be a force for peace, international amity and goodwill.

No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.

My guiding principle will be justice and complete impartiality, and I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest Nations of the world.

That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent. We are in the midst of unparalleled difficulties and untold sufferings; we have been through dark days of apprehension and anguish; but I can say with confidence that with courage and self-reliance and by the Grace of God we shall emerge triumphant.

Come forward as servants of Islam, organise the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody.


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Muhammad Ali Jinnah

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  • Born: December 25, 1876
  • Died: September 11, 1948
  • Occupation: Lawyer
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Essay on Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah with Quotes and Outlines

quotations of quaid e azam essay

  • December 19, 2023

Kainat Shakeel

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was a visionary leader who devoted his life to the cause of Pakistan. Born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi, Jinnah was a counsel, politician, and leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until the establishment of Pakistan in 1947.  

Early Life and Struggles:

Quaid-e-Azam was born into a Khoja family of Hindu parents who had converted to Islam and followed the Shia faith. He entered his early education at home before attending Sindh Madrasa Academy in Karachi. In 1893, he moved to England to pursue a law degree at the University of London. While in England, Jinnah was told by nationalist politicians and originally aimed to become” a Muslim Gokhale,” fastening on Muslim interests within the environment of Indian nationalism still, by the morning of the 20th century, the growing conviction among Muslims demanded the preservation of separate Muslim interests, leading to the founding of the All-India Muslim League in 1906. 

Achievements and Leadership:

In 1913, Jinnah became the leader of the All-India Muslim League, a position he held until the establishment of Pakistan in 1947. He played a pivotal part in the non-cooperation movement of 1920, which aimed to gain Indian independence through violent means. In 1924, he was tagged to the Viceroy’s Executive Council, making him the first Muslim member of the British Indian government. Despite his benefactions, Jinnah abnegated in 1925 due to dissensions with Mahatma Gandhi over the nature of the non-cooperation movement. Jinnah’s leadership and determination were necessary in the passage and perpetration of the Pakistan Resolution in 1940, which demanded the creation of separate Muslim and Hindu countries. In August 1947, Pakistan came into being, and Jinnah became its first governor-general. 

Personal Traits and Vision for Pakistan:

Quaid-e-Azam was known for his strong personality, seductiveness, and leadership chops. He was a professed lecturer and pen, able to rally people around his vision for Pakistan. Jinnah envisaged a Pakistan where all citizens, regardless of their faith, race, or gender, would be equal and have the occasion to prosper. He believed in the significance of education, profitable tone-reliance, and social justice for the development of the country. 

Quotes from Quaid-e-Azam:

Then are some memorable quotations from Quaid-e-Azam; 

  • “Pakistan isn’t a piece of land for us. It’s a living, breathing reality that we’ve to nurture and develop. It’s a commodity that belongs to all of us, and all of us must put in our sweats, our smarts, and our hearts to make it a success.” 
  • “We’ve to make a new Pakistan, where the weak will get justice and the strong won’t exploit the weak.” 
  • “I wish to make it clear that the people of Pakistan, the Muslims and non-Muslims, will have to live together. There will be no question of equivalency because we’re all equal. There will be no question of maturity or nonage because we’re all equal. There will be no question of a separate motherland for Muslims or non-Muslims because we’re all Pakistanis.” 
  • “May you be firm and bent in your faith. Don’t allow anyone to make you diverge from your path.”  

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s fidelity and leadership played a pivotal part in the establishment of Pakistan and the shaping of its identity. His vision for a just, equal, and prosperous country remains the foundation of Pakistan’s bourses and progress. In his memory, we must continue to work towards realizing his dream of a united, inclusive, and thriving Pakistan. 

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Top 30 Quotes by Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Qaid-e-azam quotes in english for class 12 students.

In this post, I am sharing 30 Quotes by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for the Students of FSC as they need quotations for English Essays . This consists of 2 parts, the first part contains Quotes by Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the other one is based on Quotes about Quaid e Azam personality. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder and 1st Governer General of Pakistan. He was born on 25 December 1876 and died on 11 September 1948.

If you are a student of FSC and you are looking for English Essays with Quotations, you should go through this list of English Essays with Quotes. Essay on Quaid e Azam is very important for the students of all grades in Pakistan. You can write the same essay under the title Essay on my Favourite Personality and Essay and Essay on my Hero in History . I have shared English Essay on Quaid e Azam with Quotations already. So, if you do not have an essay, you can get the complete essay by visiting ilmihub but if you have an essay and you are looking only for Quotations, then this post is for you.

Quotations by Quaid e Azam for 2nd Year Students

  • We follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam in which all are equal in right, dignity and self-respect. Consequently we have a special and very deep sense of unity.
  • Our duty to the state comes first; our duty to our province to our district, to our town and to our village and ourselves comes next.
  • With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
  • My message to you all is of hope, courage and confidence.
  • Failure is a word unknown to me.
  • “There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.”
  • No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.
  • Think 100 times before you make a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.
  • Never forget our motto, unity, discipline and faith.
  • I insist you to strive. Work, work and only work for satisfaction with patience, humbleness and serve the nation.”
  • There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.
  • We maintain and hold that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition or test of a nation.
  • I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make right.
  • Expect the best, Prepare for the worst.
  • You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.
  • Corruption and bribery are like poison and a horrible disease, which needs to be put down with an iron hand.
  • We are now all Pakistanis, not Balochis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis and so on and as Pakistanis we must feel, behave and act, and we should be proud to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else.
  • That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent.
  • Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us.
  • Islam expects every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past.
  • If you will work in co-operation, forgetting the past, burying the hatchet, you are bound to succeed.
  • Let our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large.
  • Come forward as servants of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody.
  • No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.
  • We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind.
  • It is in our hands to put the government in power or remove the Government from power, but you must not do it by mob methods. You have the power; you must learn the art to use it; you must try and understand the machinery. Constitutionally, it is in your hands to upset one Government and put another Government in power if you are dissatisfied to such an extent.
  • Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Muhammad Ali Jinnah did all three.
  • Think well before selecting your leader, and when you have selected him, follow him. But in case you find his policy detrimental to your interests, kick him out.
  • You are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan.

Quotes about Quaid e Azam Personality for FSC Students

Students are advised to use 4 to 6 most relevant quotations in the English Essay. You can choose 2 or 3 quotations from the sayings of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and 2 or 3 quotations about Favourite personality Quotations. You can choose the first type of Quotations from about shared 30 quotes and if you need Quotations about your Favourite personality to use in the Essay on Quaid e Azam, see the following video on youtube or click here .

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Angrezi PK

Quotations For Essay Quaid E Azam

“Quaid E Azam” or “Quaid E Azam as my hero of history” is an important topic for the essay at the matriculation and intermediate level. Even in competitive examinations, essay on Quaid E Azam is frequently asked.

Students learn this essay by different means, but they have been finding themselves in problems when they are to add quotes in their essay Quaid E Azam. As there are many quotes by Muhammad Ali Jinnah but we find hardly any quotation for Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Following are the best quotes for the essay Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. These are in poetic form. You can add these quotes according to the room of different paragraphs and can get full marks on your essay question.

Quid e Azam Essay Quotations in Pakistan For 10th Class

Here are the best quaid e azam essay quotations in English. You can use these quotes about essay Quaid e Azam in your test or paper with confidence.

In the cruel reign, Of Great Britain, When all seem in vain, There born a personality main, Muhammad Ali, it was called, In whose greatness, Now the pen is being crawled. Calym Nush

quaid e azam essay quotations

Jinnah was such a man, Whom everyone is a fan, To others when its ban, He said, “Yes I can.” Calym Nush

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Studied Jinnah from lincoln’s inn, Came back to his kith and kin, To the hostile, he proved a grin, How can there be his twin? Calym Nush

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Being the history reader, I found a leader, Who with his vision, Took the decision, To demand a homeland, For the Muslim’s band, At last, he won it, Where we stand and sit. Calym Nush

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Also, Check: Quotations For Essay Cricket Match

Though they were slim, Muslims stood with him, Such a leader Jinnah proved, With whom they moved, To break the chain, With muscles and brain. Calym Nush

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Hundred years of slavery, Were ended by his bravery, Among heroes he is vital, Quaid e azam was his title. Calym Nush

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Nation is point, whole is Jinnah, In Muslims’ body soul is Jinnah, Jinnah is the one who won us land, Where we proudly sit and stand. Calym Nush

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Every nation has a leader, Our Jinnah is above them all, He is the one whom a reader, Finds gigantic, discovers him tall. Calym Nush

essay quaid e azam quotation

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Quaid e Azam Essay in English Language with headings

Quaid e Azam Essay in English

Today we will write about Quaid e Azam Essay in English with headings, pdf and quotations for classes 3 4 5 6 7 8 9th 10th and others in easy and short wordings. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the real name of Quaid e Azam. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is one of my all-time historical and national heroes.

Our nation leader Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi. He was a lawyer and politician who established Pakistan. The political career of Jinnah was prosperous and long. As the nation’s first Governor-General, he oversaw Pakistan and is credited with directing it during this crucial period.

Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah made significant efforts to promote peace and stability after the nation attained independence. Still viewed as a towering figure in Pakistani history by millions of people worldwide. Maulana Azharuddin bestowed upon Muhammad Ali Jinnah the titles of “Quaid e Azam” (The Great Leader), “Baba e Qoum,” and “Father of the Nation,” respectively.


Quaid e Azam Essay in English with headings

Born and Family early life of Quaid e Azam

On December 25, 1876, Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi. Poonja Jinnah, his father, was a well-known trader in Rajkot. Quaid e Azam received a very kind and caring upbringing.

In Karachi, he completed his early education. He was initially accepted into Sindh Madrasa High School. He was a young Indian who associated with Lincoln’s Inn in 1893. After three years in Bombay, he rose to the rank of a prominent lawyer.

Political Quicksand

In 1905, he entered politics as a representative of the Indian National Congress. He travelled to England as a supporter of the Congress and spoke out in the British elections in Favour of India’s self-rule.

He was a young man with great promise and intelligence. On its main entrance were the names of well-known global lawmakers. The Holy Prophet’s name was inscribed at the very top. He thus joined that inn. After receiving his Bar-at-Law certificate, he returned to Karachi.

He encouraged Muslims across the subcontinent to exercise their right to self-determination by joining the Muslim League. He wisely remarked, “We’re the distinct nation with the distinguishing civilization, our own culture, language and literature, names and nomenclature, legal laws and moral code, art and architecture, values and proportion sense, aptitudes and ambitions, customs and calendar, history and tradition, and, to put it briefly, we have the distinguish outlook on life. We are a nation because of all international conventions and laws.

All-India Muslim League

In 1910, the Imperial Legislative Council (ILC) was founded, and Quaid e Azam was chosen as its first president. Throughout his time in parliament, he was the leading advocate for Indian freedom rights. He was the most powerful Indian with the necessary skills to steer the private member’s bill through Council. He rose to the position of group leader in the legislature.

In 1913, Quaid-e-Azam joined the All-India Muslim League while continuing to be a member of Congress. Because of the Satyagraha movement, he resigned from his position as a congressman in 1920.

Essential Functions

It granted the ability of Muslims to vote separately and the reservation of seats in the legislature, resulting in powerful representation for the minority and the provinces in the centre. The pattern strengthened the exclusivity of Muslims in Indian politics. He deserves all the credit for the Muslim faith.

Muslims and Hindus alike recognized Quaid-e-Azam as India’s greatest political figure in 1917. In the ILC and Congress, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a truly outstanding figure. He was represented as the President of the All-India Muslim League and the Home Rule League, Bombay Branch. Due to his outstanding efforts in the Lucknow Congress-League Agreement, he was referred to as a peerless ambassador of the Hindu-Muslim union.

The Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was heavily involved in keeping track of Muslim legislation pertaining to Pakistan. His support for distinct countries and his innovative negotiation tactics, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the war, made separate states unavoidable.

Achievements of Quaid e Azam

essay on quaid e azam in english

He put out the demand to split India into Pakistan and India in 1940. The Pakistan Resolution is the name of it. He campaigned for Indian Muslims’ independence. He boldly handled the opposition from the English and Hindus. He put in an unending effort, and on August 14, 1947, Pakistan was born. He was chosen to serve as Pakistan’s first Governor-General.

Quaid e Azam Death Date

He put in day and night labour to create the biggest Muslim state. His condition deteriorated. In 1948, on September 11, he met his maker. The entire country lamented his passing. In Karachi, his tomb has been constructed. The most well-liked Muslim leader at the time was him.

Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s final message

On August 14, 1948, Jinnah made his final speech to the nation. In it, he expressed his tremendous joy at having reached his goal. He stated:

The foundations of your State have been laid; it is now up to you to keep constructing as quickly and effectively as you can. In order to finish the task, he had taken on the day Pakistan was created, Jinnah had worked himself to death.

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Essay On Quaid E Azam 2023 Urdu/English (200 & 500 Words)

Quaid-e-Azam is the most outstanding leader of our history. During the establishment of Pakistan, he was remembered as an influential leader who brought Islam from slumber by calling for Muslims to live according to Islam’s teachings without Hindu influence.

His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah; he was born into wealth on 25th December 1876 near Karachi, where he spent most days reading books about law at home. He collected all the Muslims on one platform. He created a spirit of unity and fought against Hindus and the British.

His battle was peaceful, but his enemies tried to purchase him with money instead of asking for peace or any other form of negotiation that would have ended in compromise rather than bloodshed; he remained unyielding when faced by these offers, which often included large sums from wealthy merchants as well as promises from higher officials who Britain himself had appointed.

A man filled with great determination , Jinnah worked very hard for Pakistan despite his failing health – even making numberless speeches demanding separation into an independent state where Islam could be practiced freely without fear under appropriate legislation guided not only towards Muslims but also their Hindu counterparts too according to equality before the law itself.

Essay on Quaid e Azam – 500 Words

Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan. He was a great leader with an ambitious vision for his people and their land, which he never stopped fighting to make happen – even from behind prison bars in London during WWII! Born on December 25th, 1876, in Karachi.

Mr. Poonja Jinnah ‘s eldest son grew up being groomed as heir apparent by both parents; though it would be ultimately his father who sent him off at age 16 to study law abroad- first England, then later Lincoln Inn where Muhammad passed Bar-at-Law before returning home only two years later feeling fully qualified to take over managing family business interests when necessary but also ready open own legal practice if desired upon return Muhammad Ali Jinnah became one of. After four years of exile in London, Muhammad Ali Jinnah returned to his Bombay law firm.

He quickly became a successful lawyer and by 1900 was appointed magistrate for the region’s presidency. During this time, he noticed that while both Hindus and Muslims were united against England, it seemed like Hindu leaders had their interests at heart rather than those of India as a whole.

To join with other Indian groups who shared similar beliefs about British colonization – namely Muslim ones – Quaid-e-Azam left behind practicing law on behalf of Indians living abroad (a job which would be crucial later) so that he could take up leadership positions among organizations whose goals aligned more closely with what came to form Pakistan’s identity.

The Quaid-e-Azam , or “Great Leader,” was a human rights activist who dedicated his life to the liberation of Pakistan. He worked for Muslims in India and presented their concerns with fourteen eloquent points rejected by Congress.

His efforts did not go unrewarded; after enduring many hardships, he remained steadfast in achieving freedom for Muslim people, known as East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). During this time, Quaid’s speeches affirmed all aspects of what would become an independent state: its culture, language, economy – everything from top to bottom.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a thin and lean man but he had great qualities of head and heart. He overcame his frail body with determination, courage, faithfulness to the cause for which Pakistan would be created- namely that there should never again exist in this world any discrimination against Muslims on account of their being followers of Islam or because they live in a part of the world called Asia; nor will anyone have power evermore to humiliate them as long as they preserve these cardinal principles: Unity – Discipline – Faith.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah possessed all three attributes–unity, discipline, and faith. This drove him day after day towards achieving his goal-a a Muslim country where people are treated equally regardless if they were religious or not. 

He had a powerful, resolute voice and an unshakable sense of conviction. “An impossible man,” Gandhi called him. Then the Pakistan Resolution was drafted at Minar e Pakistan in Lahore in 1934, which was the backbone for Pakistan’s freedom struggle. He died on September 11, 1948.

Essay on Quaid e Azam – 850 Words

In Karachi, the great leader & founder of Pakistan, Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was born on December 25, 1876. 

Quaid-e-Azam was a great politician and well-known lawyer of his time. He was the son of a wealthy Gujarati merchant named Jinnahbhai Poonja. Before Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born, Poonja Jinnah moved to Karachi.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah fought for the freedom of the Muslims of the sub-continent. His achievements were recognized by the title “Quaid-e-Azam” (the father of the nation) by Maulana Mazharuddin.

Jinnah lived in Bombay with an aunt and may have attended the GokalDas Tej Primary School before going to the Cathedral and John Connon School. He participated at the Sindh-Madrasa-Tul-Islam and the Christian Missionary Society High School.

After completing his higher education in England, he was admitted to the Lincoln’s Inn law school in London.

His mother passed away during his stay in England. Within three years

He was invited by the advocate general of Bombay to join his bar and offered him 1500 rupees a month, which was a substantial sum a decade ago. 

Still, he refused this offer and stated that he would earn 1500 per day through his impeccable efforts. However, he set 1 rupee as his monthly salary as governor-general of a newly declared Pakistan. His character was sensible and reasonable.

As a member of the largest Indian political organization, Jinnah joined the Indian National Congress in 1906. He then joined the Muslim League seven years later.

He tried hard to bring Congress and the Muslim League together, but he realized that under the British and Hindus, the Muslims of the subcontinent were losing their cultural and social freedoms.

To create a state where Muslims could feel a sense of freedom, he began fighting for the independence of Muslims in British India.

In this freedom war, unity among Muslim organizations was the most critical factor, and we enjoy a state of independence and are free to practice our religion as we wish.

Pakistan was established due to the bloodshed of thousands of freedom fighters and Jinnah’s leadership. The country wouldn’t have existed without him.

A man of his words, he was always as firm as a rock in the face of enemies and never faltered. Gandhi’s title “Impossible Man” was given to Gandhi due to his determination over his policies.

In 1930, he became the authoritative leader of all the Muslims in the subcontinent, and he led the Muslim League from 1933 to 1935.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah founded Dawn , a newspaper significant for delivering the League’s perspective, in 1941. 

After becoming president of the Muslim League, Jinnah was drawn into a conflict between a pro-Congress and a pro-British faction. Jinnah believed the state of Pakistan should be based on authentic Islamic culture, civilization, and national identity rather than a theocratic interpretation of Islam.

Independence & Resolution:

The Muslim League wrote the Pakistan Resolution in Lahore in 1940, which was declared the backbone of the struggle for an independent Pakistan.

He sacrificed not for his business for the entire Muslim Nation but the Pakistan Resolution. His health was deteriorating day by day as he worked day and night.

His aggressive leadership and vigorous efforts resulted in Pakistan’s creation on August 14, 1947.

August 15, 1947, marked the first day of the rise of the independent state of Pakistan under Quaid-e-Azam. The new responsibilities were like a bed of thrones to him.

Jinnah is regarded as Pakistan’s founding father, a man devoted to safeguarding Muslim interests during the dying days of the British Raj. Most of the Pakistanis take Jinnah as a hero and an inspiration.

A Statesman:

If Jinnah’s stay in London was the sowing phase, the first decade in Bombay after returning from England was the germination stage, and the next decade (1906-1916) was the vintage stage; this was also the period of ideological thinking, as he was a romantic both in personal and political life. Jinnah came out of his shell. 

The limelight shone on him; he was blossoming as a lawyer and a politician. As a political child during the first decade of the century, Jinnah had become a political giant when Gandhi returned to India from South Africa. 

Since his early years in London, Jinnah has been fascinated by the world of politics. He was deeply impressed by Dadabhai, a Parsi from Bombay. 

When Jinnah returned to India, he entered the world of politics as a Liberal nationalist and joined the Congress Party despite his father’s anger at him leaving the family business. 

Jinnah attended the 20th annual session of the Congress in Bombay for the first time in December 1904. 

It was presided over by Pherozshah Mehta, a great admirer of Jinnah. Mehta suggested that two of his disciples be sent to London as Congress deputies at that time to observe the political arena there. 

A. Jinnah and Gopal Krishna Gokhale, whose wisdom and moderation he also admired, were his choices for the job.

Although he struggled with tuberculosis over the years, he never let it become a vulnerability, and he died on September 11, 1948, just 13 months after our motherland was created.

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محمد علی جناح پاکستان کے بانی اور بابائے قوم تھے۔ انھوں نے اپنی زندگی کا بڑا حصہ ہندوستان کی آزادی اور مسلمانوں کے حقوق کی جدوجہد میں صرف کر دیا۔ وہ ایک ہمہ جہت شخص تھے جو سیاست، قانون اور قوم سازی میں کامیاب ہوئے تھے۔ وہ اپنی قوم کو اکٹھا کرنے اور پاکستان بنانے والے سب سے بڑے قائدین میں سے ایک تھے ۔

جناح 1876 میں کراچی میں پیدا ہوئے اور ابتدائی تعلیم وہیں سے حاصل کی۔ وہ لنکن کالج سے گریجوایشن کرنے والے سب سے کم عمر وکیل تھے۔ آپ نے اپنے پیشہ ورانہ کیرئیر کا آغاز بمبئ سے کیا۔ انہوں نے 1905 میں آل انڈیا کانگریس کے ساتھ سیاست میں قدم رکھا اور 1910 میں امپیریل لیجسلیٹو کونسل کا حصہ بنے۔ وہ 1916 میں مسلم لیگ میں شامل ہوئے اور جلد ہی اسکی قیادت کرنے لگے۔ وہ برطانیہ، ہندوستانی نیشنل کانگریس، ہندوستانی مسلم لیگ کی جانب سے تقریریں کرتے رہے۔ وہ ھندوستان کی آزادی کے لیے برطانیہ پر دباؤ ڈالتے رہے۔

 جناح نے ایک پلیٹ فارم پر مسلمانوں کو منظم کرنےکے لئے خود کو وقف کردیا۔ انہوں نے ملک گیر دوروں کا آغاز کیا اور صوبائی مسلم رہنماؤں سے التجا کی کہ وہ اپنے اختلافات کو ختم کریں اور لیگ میں شامل ہو جائیں ۔ انہوں نے مسلم عوام کو اپنے آپ کو منظم کرنے اور لیگ میں شامل ہونے کی تلقین کی۔ انہوں نے گورنمنٹ آف انڈیا ا یکٹ 1935 کے حوالے سے مسلمانوں کے سیاسی جذبات کو ہم آہنگ کیا اور واضح سمت فراہم کی ۔

قائداعظم نے ہمیشہ واضح الفاظ میں دعوی کیا کہ “ہم ا یک قوم ہیں”۔ ہم اپنی مخصوص ثقافت اور تہذیب ، زبان و ادب ، آرٹ اور فن تعمیر ، ناموراقدار کے احساس کی حامل ا یک قوم ہیں۔ قوانین اور اخلاقی ضابطہ ، تاریخ اور کیلنڈر ، رسم و رواج اور روایت ، قابلیت اور عزائم؛ مختصر یہ کہ زندگی اور زندگی کے بارے میں ہمارا اپنا مخصوص نظریہ ہے۔ بین االاقوامی قانون کے تمام اصولوں کے مطابق ، ہم ایک قوم ہیں۔ 1940 میں پاکستان کے لئے مسلم مطالبہ کی تشکیل نے ہندوستانی سیاست کی نوعیت اور اس کے طریق کار پر زبردست اثر ڈالا۔

آپ کی انتھک محنتوں سے مسلمان متحد ہوئے اور یک زبان ہو قائداعظم کی پکار پر لبیک کہا اور تمام تر مشکل حالات اور دشمن کی مکاریوں کے باوجود انہوں نے پاکستان کی بنیاد ۱۴اگست ۱۹۴۷ کو ڈال دی۔ اس ملک پر یہ انکا ایک انمول احسان ہے جو ہمیشہ یاد رکھا جائے گا۔ قائداعظم جانتے تھے کہ یہ ملک بن گیا ہے لیکن اسکو بہت سے مشکلات سے نبرد آزما ہونا ہے۔

قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح نے 14 اگست 1948 کو اپنے آخری پیغام میں قوم سے فرمایا؛

آپ کی ریاست کی بنیادیں رکھی جا چکی ہیں اب یہ آپ پر ہے کہ آپ اسکی جلد از جلد تعمیر کریں جتنی جلد ی آپ کر سکتے ہیں ۔ پاکستان کے وجود میں آنے کے بعد انہوں نے سارہ بوجھ اپنے اوپرلے لیا ۔ جناح نے اپنی آخری سانس تک کام کیا ۔ رچرڈ سیمنز نے کہا تھا “پاکستان کی بقا کے لئے سب سے بڑا کردار جناح نے ادا کیا تھا” ۔ ان کا انتقال 11 ستمبر 1948 کو ہوا۔

10 frequently asked questions about Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan:

  • Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah? Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a barrister, politician and the founder of Pakistan. He served as the leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until the inception of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, and then as the Dominion of Pakistan’s first governor-general until his death¹.
  • When and where was Muhammad Ali Jinnah born? Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876 in Karachi, Bombay Presidency, British India (present-day Sindh, Pakistan)¹.
  • What were Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s political affiliations? Muhammad Ali Jinnah was affiliated with several political parties throughout his career. He was a member of the Indian National Congress from 1906 to 1920, the All-India Muslim League from 1913 to 1947, and the Muslim League from 1947 to 1948¹.
  • What were Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s political views? Muhammad Ali Jinnah advocated for Hindu-Muslim unity in the early years of his political career and helped shape the 1916 Lucknow Pact between the Congress and the All-India Muslim League. He proposed a fourteen-point constitutional reform plan to safeguard the political rights of Muslims in the Indian subcontinent. However, by 1940, Jinnah had come to believe that Muslims should have their own state to avoid possible marginalization in an independent Hindu-Muslim state¹.
  • What is Muhammad Ali Jinnah known for? Muhammad Ali Jinnah is known for successfully campaigning for an independent Pakistan and becoming its first leader. He is known in Pakistan as ‘Quaid-I Azam’ or ‘Great Leader’³.
  • When did Muhammad Ali Jinnah die? Muhammad Ali Jinnah died on September 11, 1948 in Karachi, Federal Capital Territory, Pakistan¹.
  • Where is Muhammad Ali Jinnah buried? Muhammad Ali Jinnah is buried at Mazar-e-Quaid in Karachi¹.
  • What did Muhammad Ali Jinnah study? Muhammad Ali Jinnah studied law at Lincoln’s Inn in London, England and became a barrister¹.
  • Did Muhammad Ali Jinnah have any children? Yes, Muhammad Ali Jinnah had one daughter named Dina Wadia¹.
  • What is the significance of Muhammad Ali Jinnah in Pakistani history? Muhammad Ali Jinnah is considered the founder of Pakistan and played a crucial role in its creation. He is revered as a national hero and his legacy continues to shape Pakistani politics and society.

(1) Muhammad Ali Jinnah – Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Ali_Jinnah . (2) Historic Figures: Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) – BBC. https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/jinnah_mohammad_ali.shtml . (3) Mohammed Ali Jinnah | Biography, Accomplishments, Religion …. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Mohammed-Ali-Jinnah .

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quotations of quaid e azam essay

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.


Quaid-e-Azam Essay

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, known as Quaid-e-Azam, is a prominent figure in the history of Pakistan. Born on December 25, 1876 in Karachi, he played a key role in nation building. In this “ Quaid-e-Azam Essay” we explore the life of Quaid-e-Azam and his impact in simple language.

Table of Contents

Early Life and Education

Quaid-e-Azam went to school in Karachi and later studied in London. He became a lawyer, someone who helps people understand and follow the law. He had no idea that his path was meant for something extraordinary.

Quaid-e-Azam Essay:  Starting in Politics

Quaid-e-Azam started his journey in politics by joining the All India Muslim League in 1906. He wanted to ensure that the rights of Muslims in British India were protected. Over time, he became a strong voice for Muslims and worked tirelessly for their welfare.

Dreaming of a Separate Nation

One of the great things that Quaid-i-Azam dreamed of was a country where Muslims could live freely and practice their religion without any problems. He called this country Pakistan. The idea was that Muslims and Hindus, two different religious groups, could have their own separate countries and live in peace. The friendship /relationship  between Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal was an important alliance that significantly shaped the history of Pakistan.

The Long Struggle and the Birth of Pakistan

The journey to create Pakistan was not easy. Quaid-i-Azam faced many challenges and had to work hard to convince people about the need for a separate nation. Finally on 14 August 1947, Pakistan became an independent country. It was a joyous day, marking the end of British rule and the beginning of a new chapter for millions.

Leading During Difficult Times

It was a difficult time when Pakistan was formed. There were many people coming and going in the new country. Quaid-e-Azam demonstrated strong leadership and tried to ensure that everyone, irrespective of their religion, felt safe and secure. He wanted Pakistan to be a place where people from different backgrounds could live in peace.

A Leader Loved by All

Quaid-e-Azam was not only a leader. He was also a person who was liked by everyone. He was known for his honesty, simplicity and kindness. People respected him not just because he was a leader but because of the person he was.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy

Although Quaid-i-Azam died soon after the creation of Pakistan, his legacy lives on. His vision for a united, progressive and tolerant Pakistan is something we still talk about today. His principles of unity, faith and discipline guide our nation.

Quaid-e-Azam Essay is a story  life of Quaid-i-Azam is a story of dedication, struggle and victory. He showed us that with determination and unity we can overcome any challenge. His vision for a peaceful and inclusive Pakistan continues to inspire generations. Quaid-e-Azam will always be remembered as the great leader who gave us the gift of freedom.

Essay on Quaid e Azam “Unveiling the Legacy in 600 Words”


Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, revered as the “Father of the Nation,” stands as a prominent figure in the history of Pakistan. His life, marked by leadership, vision, and statesmanship, played an important role in the creation of the independent state of Pakistan in 1947. This essay on Quaid e Azam delves into the introductory aspects of Quaid-e-Azam’s life, tracing his early years, education, entry into politics, and the enduring impact he left on the emerging nation.

Quaid-e-Azam was born on December 25, 1876, in Karachi, then part of British India. His early life was characterized by academic brilliance and a thirst for knowledge. Growing up in a well-off family, he laid the foundations for a remarkable journey that would shape the destiny of millions.

Jinnah’s quest for knowledge led him to pursue law in London, England. His educational journey in a foreign land not only polished his legal insight but also exposed him to diverse ideas and cultures, shaping the worldview that would later define his leadership.

Entry into Politics

Quaid-e-Azam’s entry into politics marked a significant turning point in his life. Initially joining the Indian National Congress, he soon realized the need for a platform that championed the rights of Muslims, leading him to become a prominent figure in the All-India Muslim League.

Essay on Quaid e Azam: Two-Nation Theory

At the heart of Jinnah’s political ideology lay the Two-Nation Theory, which asserted that Hindus and Muslims were distinct nations with different religious, social, and cultural foundations. This theory became the foundation stone of the demand for a separate homeland for Muslims.

Leadership and Advocacy

Quaid-e-Azam’s leadership and advocacy for Muslim rights were instrumental in the negotiations with the British and leaders of the Indian National Congress, ultimately leading to the creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947. His statesmanship during the challenging period of partition showcased his ability to navigate complex circumstances.

Legacy and Impact

Quaid-e-Azam’s legacy extends beyond the political realm. His founding principles of democracy, inclusivity, and religious freedom continue to shape Pakistan’s identity. His contributions to education, including the establishment of institutions like Quaid-e-Azam University, highlight his commitment to knowledge and enlightenment.

In conclusion, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s introduction sets the stage for a deeper exploration of his life and contributions. His journey from a brilliant student to a visionary leader reflects a commitment to justice, freedom, and the principles that define the nation he helped create.

Why is Quaid-e-Azam considered the “Father of the Nation”?

Quaid-e-Azam’s leadership and role in the creation of Pakistan earned him the title, symbolizing his pivotal role in the nation’s foundation.

What is the Two-Nation Theory, and why is it significant?

The Two-Nation Theory asserted that Hindus and Muslims were distinct nations, forming the basis for the demand for a separate Muslim state. It is significant as it influenced the creation of Pakistan.

How did Quaid-e-Azam contribute to education in Pakistan?

Quaid-e-Azam’s commitment to education is evident in the establishment of institutions like Quaid-e-Azam University, reflecting his belief in the importance of knowledge.

What challenges did Quaid-e-Azam face during the partition, and how did he handle them?

The partition was marked by communal tensions and mass migrations. Quaid-e-Azam’s statesmanship and diplomatic skills played a crucial role in ensuring a relatively smooth transition for the newly formed nation.

What are the enduring principles that Quaid-e-Azam left for Pakistan?

Quaid-e-Azam ‘s principles of democracy, inclusivity, and religious freedom continue to shape Pakistan’s identity, emphasizing the values that form the nation’s foundation.

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Academia Magazine

Best Essay on Quaid-e-Azam

  • by Academia Mag
  • October 15, 2022
  • 2 years ago

Best Essay on Quaid-e-Azam

The great leader and founder of Pakistan. His real name is Mohammad Ali Jinnah but widely known as Quaid-e-Azam or Baba-e-Qoum which means the father of the nation. Quaid-e-Azam was born on the 25th of December in Karachi, in 1876. Quaid-e-Azam was a successful lawyer as well as a politician. Quaid-e-Azam’s father’s name was Jinnah Poonja and his mother’s name was Mithibai. Quaid-e-Azam belonged to a rich merchant family.

Quaid-e-Azam received his early education from Sindh Madrasa-ul-Islam and a Christian missionary school. He was sent to England at the mere age of 16 for higher education and later got admission to Lincoln’s Inn Law school to study Law. He returned home after studying abroad, then took over managing his family business.

A few years later, Quaid-e-Azam opened his law firm and became a successful lawyer and by 1900, he was appointed as a magistrate for the region’s presidency. During this time, Jinnah noticed that Hindus and Muslims were united against England, but the Hindu leaders had set their interests somewhere else. Soon after this Quaid-e-Azam left behind practicing law and went on to join political parties so he could take up leadership positions among organizations that planned to form Pakistan’s identity. He started his political career with Indian National Congress in 1906, then after a time span of 7 years, Jinnah joined the Muslim League.

He was a man with great qualities and leadership. He was a human rights activist who constantly fought for the rights of Muslims and dedicated his whole life to the liberation of Pakistan. He tirelessly worked for the Muslims struggling in India and presented their concerns in the 14 points which were rejected by Congress. He endured many hardships for the formation of Pakistan and the rights of Muslims, but he did not give up. However, his efforts did not go unrewarded.

He was a man of his word and one of the greatest spokesmen. Mahatma Gandhi called Quaid-e-Azam “an impossible man” due to his determinacy over his principles. Jinnah always stood like a rock in front of his enemies and never backed down. In 1933, Jinnah became the leader of the Muslim League. In 1940, the Pakistan resolution was drafted by The Muslim League at Minar-e-Pakistan.

After the Pakistan Resolution was passed, Quaid-e-Azam worked tirelessly day and night and did not care about his health at all, slowly his health started deteriorating but he never stopped working. It was due to Quaid-e-Azam’s tireless efforts that Pakistan came into being on the 1947, 14th of August. Quaid-e-Azam passed away on the 11th of September in 1948.

Some of the most famous quotes by Quaid-e-Azam are:

1. “Think a hundred times before you take a decision, but once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.”

2. “Expect the best, prepare for the worst.”

3. “With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”

4. “I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.”

5. “Failure is a word unknown to me.”

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Top 50 Quaid-e-Azam M. Ali Jinnah Day Poetry & Quotes in Urdu | Quaid e Azam Day Poetry

quaid e azam day poetry

Top 50 Famous Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Day, 25 December, 11 September, Azadi Day, Independece Day, 6th September Defence Day, 23 March Pakistan Resolution Day & 14 August Poetry, Quotes, Shayari, SMS & Wishes in Urdu

Viewers, this collection of poetry is being presented to you especially on the founder of our country Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a brave, fearless and fearless leader. Who established a separate state for Muslims without caring about their health. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876 in Karachi and he also died in Karachi on September 11, 1948. Hope you guys will like this collection of Muhammad Ali Jinnah poetry and you will definitely share it with your social media friends to boost our morale like never before. Below are the pictures of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah poetry collection. See


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پہنچا گیا جو منزل مقصود تک

وہ میرِ کارواں تھا محمد علی جناح


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Woh Meer Karwan Tha Mohammad Ali Jinah


Naqsh Be Maienay Mein Ik Rang Haqeeqat Bhar Gaya

Mard Aahan To Ne Namumkin Ko Mumkin Kar Diya


Pareshani Ka Aalam Hai Nah Jeetay Hain Nah Martay Hain

Suno. ..! Ae Quaid E Azam Tumhe Hum Yaad Karte Hain


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لیکن تیرے جو خواب تھے یکسر بھُلا دیئے

Har Simt Tairay Naam Ke Kunbay Saja Diye

Lekin Tairay Jo Khawab Thay Yaksar Bhula Diye


تیری صداقت کا سہرہ تیری ذہانت کے چرچے ہیں

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Sabza Norst_H Is Ghar Ki Nigehbani Kere


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Aye Khak-e-Watan Qarz Ada Kyon Nahi Hota


Watan Ki Pasbani Jan-o-Iman Say Bhi Afzal Hai

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یہی سُرخی بنے گی ایک دن عنوان آزادی

Nah Hoga Raaygan Khoon Shaheedan Watan Hargiz

Yahi Sُrkhi Banay Gi Aik Din Unwan Azadi


Ae Ahal Watan Shaam O Sehar Jagtay Rehna

Aghyar Hain Amaada Shar Jagtay Rehna


Tairay Baad Bhi Guzray Hain Kuch Log Magar

Teri Khushbu Nah Gayi Raah Guzar Se


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Tera Farmaan Hum Ko Hai Azizar Jaan O Dil

Teri Har Ik Baat Hum Ne Apne Mann Mein Basai Hai


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Karte Hain Hum Ghulami, Aaqa Badal Badal Ke


کہہ دو ستم گروں سے ہم پھر سے جی اُٹھیں گے

دیکھا نہیں ہے تم نے سو بار سر کچل کے؟

Keh Do Sitam Garon Se Hum Phir Se Jee Aُthin Ge

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کچھ دلخراش آہیں اٹھتی ہیں جب کہیں سے

آنکھوں سے پھوٹتے ہیں دریا اُبل اُبل کے

Kuch Dilkharash Aahein Uthti Hain Jab Kahin Se

Aankhon Se Photte Hain Darya Ubal Ubal Ke


اِزنِ فلک سے جنگل اُگتے ہیں دردوغم کے

اے کاش تو بھی دیکھے اپنی زمیں پہ چل کے

Azn Fallak Se Jungle Ugte Hain Dard-o-Gham Ke

Ae Kash To Bhi Dekhe Apni Zamee Pay Chal Ke


دستِ حُمُوز میں ہے گلشن کی دیزبانی

قائد تڑپ رہا ہے کروٹ بدل بدل کے

Dastay Hamoz Mein Hai Gulshan Ki Dezbani

Quied Tarap Raha Hai Karvat Badal Badal Ke


Millat Ka Pasban Hai Mohammad Ali Jinah

Millat Hai Jism Jaan Hai Mohammad Ali Jinah


Ho Halqaye Yaran To Barysham Ki Terhan Naram

Razm Haq O Baatil Ho To Folaad Hai Momin


یوں دی ہمیں آزادی کہ دُنیا ہوئی حیران

اے قائداعظم تیرا احسان ہے احسان

Youn Di Hamen Azadi Kay Dunia Hoi Heran

Aye Quaid-e-Azam Tera Ahsan Hai Ahsan


Khush Zouq O Khush Libaas, Woh Khush Fikro Khush Kalaam

Har Rukh Se Lajawab Hai, Mohammad Ali Jinah


Khoon Phir Khoon Hai Behta Hai To Jim Jata Hai

Zulm Par Zulm Barhta Hai To Mit Jata Hai


Qudrat Ki Taraf Se Hum Sab Par Jab Rehmat Ka Imkaan Bana

To Ilm O Tadabbur Ka Maalik Taqdeer Se Ik Insaan Bana


Is Shakhs Ne Duniya Ke Agay Hum Sab Ki Waqalat Aisay Ki

Duniya Ki Adalat Mein Ae Logo Woh Hum Sab Ki Pehchan Bana


پھر اس کی قیادت میں اے لوگو ہر سمت میں مسلم ایک ہوئے

کفار سے لڑنے کا جذبہ یوں ہر دل کا ارمان بنا

Phir Is Ki Qayadat Mein Ae Logo Har Simt Mein Muslim Aik Hue

Kufar Se Larnay Ka Jazba Yun Har Dil Ka Armaan Bana


کفار کے آگے اے مسلم اسلام کے نعرے لگتے تھے

توحید کا کلمہ لب پر تھا پہچان تیری ایمان بنا

Kufar Ke Agay Ae Muslim Islam Ke Naaray Lagtay Thay

Toheed Ka Kalma Lab Par Tha Pehchan Teri Imaan Bana


Woh Mulk Bananay Ka Jazba Jo Har Ik Dil Mein Basta Tha

Bahar Nikla Jazbun Se Mila Aur Phir Milakar Tufaan Bana


اک فہم و فراست سے اُسنے جذبوں کی قیادت ایسے کی

قائداعظم کہلایا اور بانیِ پاکستان بنا

Ik Feham O Firasat Se Usany Jazbun Ki Qayadat Aisay Ki

Quaid E Azam Kehlaya Aur Bani Pakistan Bana


Phir Is Be Misl Qayadat Mein Allah Ne Aisa Malik Diya

Islam Ki Raahon Par Chalna Hum Sab Ke Liye Aasaan Bana


وہ لوگ جو پہلے ڈر ڈر کے کفار کے ساتھ میں بستے تھے

یہ ملک بنا تو ان کے لیے اک راحت کا سامان بنا

Woh Log Jo Pehlay Dar Dar Ke Kufar Ke Sath Mein Baste Thay

Yeh Malik Bana To Un Ke Liye Ik Raahat Ka Samaan Bana


Phir Mulk Ke Karbay Karbay Mein Har Simt Azaan Haq Gungi

Mandir Chhootey Masjid Utthee Rahein Nikleen Dalaan Bana


خواب غفلت میں تھی ملت اور تو بیدارتھا

کارواں بکھرا پڑا تھا جس کا تو سالار تھا

Khawab Ghaflat Mein Thi Millat Aur To Bedar Tha

Karwan Bikhra Para Tha Jis Ka To Salaar Tha


Duniya Ki Tareekh Ke Lab Pay Teri Siyasat Ke Charchay Hain

Tairay Tadabbur Ki Baatein, Teri Firasat Ke Charchay


تاریخ کے اوراق اسے یاد رکھیں گے

اس بندہِ مومن کو کوئی لاکھ بھلا دے

Tareekh Ke Ourak Usay Yaad Rakhen Ge

Is Bandah Momin Ko Koi Laakh Bhala Day


اس فہم و فراست سے اس نے جذبوں کی قیادت کی

وہ قائد اعظم کہلایا اور بانی پاکستان بنا

Is Feham O Firasat Se Is Ne Jazbun Ki Qayadat Ki

Woh Quied Azam Kehlaya Aur Baani Pakistan Bana


Teri Danish , Teri Hikmat, Teri Himmat, Tera Imaan

Nijaat Ahal Hindostan, Hayaat Ahal Pakistan


نقشِ بے معنی میں ایک رنگِ حقیقت بھر دیا

مردِ آہن تونے ناممکن کو ممکن کر دیا

Naqash-E Be Maienay Mein Aik Rang Haqeeqat Bhar Diya

Mrdِ Aahan Tunay Namumkin Ko Mumkin Kar Diya


Suno Ae Quaid E Azam Tumhe Hum Yaad Karte Hain


Hamein Dilwai Azadi Baseerat Se Tadabbur Se

Mila Karti Hai Yeh Nemat Naseeboon Se Muqaddar Se


Yeh Nemat Chhin Bhi Sakti Hai Ravayye Jab Bdalty Hain


Mulk Se Jo Mukhlis Ho Hamein Woh Rehnuma Chahiye

Watan Ka Dard Ho Dil Mein Woh Mard Bawafa Chahiye


Mulk Ko Rakh Diya Girwi Tumahray Janshinon Ne

Bhanwar Ke Beech Mein Chorra Hamein –Apne Safeno Ne


Quied Ka Ahsaan Hai Ke Aaj Pakistan Hai

Mere Dil Ka Yeh Armaan Hai, Buland Is Ki Shaan Hai

Azadi Ka Sooraj Puraka, Yeh Fzlِ Rehman Hai

Ghulam Se Sab Ki Jaan Bachi, Uss Rab Ka Ahsaan Hai

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quotations of quaid e azam essay

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10 Lines on Quaid E Azam

February 7, 2024 by Sandeep

Quaid-e-Azam, the “Great Leader,” wasn’t just a title for Muhammad Ali Jinnah; it was his legacy. Born a brilliant lawyer, he fought for the rights of Muslims in British India. His voice, sharp as a scimitar, rose above divisive whispers, advocating for unity and, when necessary, for a separate homeland. In 1947, his unwavering determination birthed Pakistan, a nation carved from struggle.

While complexities shroud his story, his vision for a Muslim state and his role as its first leader cemented his place as the “Father of Pakistan.” His legacy continues to be debated, celebrated, and studied, reminding us that the echoes of leadership can resonate for generations. You can read more about Quaid-E-Azam in the sets of 10 lines below.

Below, we have provided 10 lines on Quaid E Azam for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 students, written in easy and simple words. These 10 lines can help you compose an essay, paragraph, composition, and summary on Quaid E Azam.

  • Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is a national hero.
  • He was born on December 25, 1876 in Karachi.
  • He is the founder of Pakistan
  • He was the first governor-general of Pakistan.
  • He became the leader of the All-India Muslim League in 1913.
  • He advocated for democracy, social justice, and the rule of law.
  • He studied law in London.
  • He became a barrister.
  • He also became a member of the Indian National Congress.
  • He passed away at the age of 71.

10 Lines and Sentences on Quaid E Azam

  • Quaid E Azam is the father of Pakistan.
  • He married twice; his second wife was Rattanbai Jinnah, a known philanthropist.
  • He founded the Sindh Muslim Law College, which later became the Sindh Muslim Government Law College.
  • His birthday is also a national holiday in Pakistan.
  • He completed his higher education in England.
  • He showed exceptional academic talent, studying in Karachi, Bombay, and London.
  • He wanted the Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent to have their homeland.
  • Some criticize his role in the partition of India, while others view him as a necessary figure for Muslim self-determination.
  • He died on September 11, 1948.
  • His vision and leadership continue to shape Pakistan’s political and social landscape.

5 Lines on Quaid E Azam

  • Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is respected by the title of Quaid-e-Azam, which means a great leader.
  • He is also given the title of Baba-e-Quam, which means father of the nation.
  • His birth name was Mahomedali Jinnahbhai.
  • Jinnahbhai Poonja and Mithibai were his parents, and he was his parents’ second child.
  • He had a wealthy background, with his father being a merchant.

We hope you LIKE these few sentences – 10 Lines on Quaid E Azam. You can find more 10 lines on various topics such as events, sports, festivals, technology, and many more.

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Quotations of Quaid E Azam

Quotations of Quaid E Azam

“Come forward as servants of Islam, organise the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody. ” Presidential Address at the All India Muslim League, Lahore March 23, 1940

“I have always maintained that no nation can ever be worthy of its existence that cannot take its women along with the men. No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women. ” Speech at Islamia College for women March 25, 1940

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“The prosperity and advancement of a nation depend upon its intelligentsia, and Muslim India is looking forward to her young generation and education classes to give a bold lead for our guidance and a brilliant record of histrorical achievements and traditions. Islam expect every Muslim to do this duty, and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify ourselves worthy of a glorious past. ” December 24, 1940

“The vital contest in which we are engaged is not only for the material gain but also the very existence of the soul of Muslim nation, Hence I have said often that it is a matter of life and death to the Musalmans and is not a counter for bargaining. ” Predisential Address devlivered at the Special Pakistan Session of the Punjab Muslim Students Federation March 2, 1941

I particularly appeal to our intelligentsia and Muslim students to come forward and rise to the occasion. You have performed wonders in the past. You are still capable of repeating the history. You are not lacking in the great qualities and virtues in comparison with the other nations. Only you have to be fully conscious of that fact and to act with courage, faith and unity. ” Message to Pakistan Day, issued from Delhi March 23, 1943

“No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. We are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that our women are shut up within the four walls of the houses as prisoners. There is no sanction anywhere for the deplorable condition in which our women have to live. ” Speech at a meeting of the Muslim University Union, Aligarh March 10, 1944

“Pakistan not only means freedom and independce but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us” Message to Frontier Muslim Students Federation June 18, 1945

“If we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor… you are free- you are free to go to your temples mosques or any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state… n due course of time Hindus will cease to be Hindus and Muslims will cease to Muslims- not in a religious sense for that is the personal faith of an individual- but in a political sense as citizens of one state” Address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, Karachi August 11, 1947

“Our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large. ” Lahore August 15th, 1947

“My message to you all is of hope, courage and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation. ” Eid-ul-Azha Message to the Nation October 24, 1947

“You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil. With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve. ” Address to the officers and men of the 5th Heavy Ack Ack and 6th Light Ack Ack Regiments in Malir, Karachi February 21, 1948

That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent. We are in the midst of unparalleled difficulties and untold sufferings; we have been through dark days of apprehension and anguish; but I can say with confidence that with courage and self-reliance and by the Grace of God we shall emerge triumphant. ” Speech at a Mammoth Rally at the University Stadium, Lahore October 30, 1947

“We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where rinciples of Islamic social justice could find free play. ” Address to Civil, Naval, Military and Air Force Officers of Pakistan Government, Karachi October 11, 1947

“We must work our destiny in our own way and present to the world an economic system based on true Islamic concept of equality of manhood and social justice. We will thereby be fulfilling our mission as Muslims and giving to humanity the message of peace which alone can save it and secure the welfare, happiness and prosperity of mankind” Speech at the opening ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan, Karachi July 1, 1948

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Death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah observed with due solemnity

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  • CM pays tribute to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

CM Pays Tribute To Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Umer Jamshaid Published September 11, 2024 | 03:20 PM

CM pays tribute to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Sep, 2024) Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif paid glowing tribute to founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on his death anniversary, stating, “Salute to the great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah .”

In her message, she prayed that May Allah Almighty elevate his ranks in Heaven. She said the edicts of Quaid-e-Azam are a guidance for every Pakistani , adding that Quaid-e-Azam dedicated his life to the dream of a separate homeland for the Muslims of Subcontinent.

Maryam said that love and devotion to Quaid-e-Azam required following his thoughts. “InshaAllah, we will develop Pakistan as per dreams of Quaid-e-Azam.” She prayed, “May Allah Almighty always keep our homeland safe and grant us the ability to stay united for development.” She also advised that hard work, honesty, and integrity should be our guiding principles to make Pakistan a great nation, in line with Muhammad Ali Jinnah 's vision.

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    These 10 lines can help you compose an essay, paragraph, composition, and summary on Quaid E Azam. 10 Lines on Quaid E Azam. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is a national hero. He was born on December 25, 1876 in Karachi. He is the founder of Pakistan; He was the first governor-general of Pakistan. He became the leader of the All-India Muslim ...

  22. ⇉Quotations of Quaid E Azam Essay Example

    Quotations of Quaid E Azam. "Come forward as servants of Islam, organise the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody. " Presidential Address at the All India Muslim League, Lahore March 23, 1940.

  23. Death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah observed with due

    Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah served as leader of All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's creation on August 14, 1947. He passed away on September 11, 1948, shortly after achieving freedom for the nation.

  24. CM Pays Tribute To Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

    LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 11th Sep, 2024) Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif paid glowing tribute to founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on his death anniversary, stating, "Salute to the great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah." In her message, she prayed that May Allah Almighty elevate his ranks in Heaven.