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  • Healthy Lifestyle Essay


Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

The top secret of being physically fit is adopting a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, taking good care of self, healthy sleep habits, and having a physically active daily routine. Lifestyle is the most prevailing factor that affects one’s fitness level. A person leading a sedentary lifestyle has a low fitness level whereas living a healthier life not only makes a person fit but also extends life. Good health has a direct impact on our personality. A person with a good and healthy lifestyle is generally more confident, self-assured, sociable, and energetic.

A good and healthy lifestyle allows one to relish and savor all the pleasures in life without any complications. Even all the wealth is less valuable when compared to sound health. Having all the luxuries in the world does not fulfill its purpose when one is continuously ill, depressed, or suffering from a significant health complication. A healthy person has a clear and calm perception of everything without prejudice. His actions and decisions are more practical and logical and are hence more successful in life.

A good habit is a key factor for a healthy lifestyle. To maintain a stable body and mind, one needs to inculcate good habits. Waking up early in the morning, regularly exercising or a good morning walk helps to keep our body energetic and refresh our mind. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet throughout the day is vital for maintaining a good lifestyle. Too much indulgence in alcohol or smoking excessively is not at all appropriate for a healthy lifestyle.


Self-discipline is important for maintaining a good lifestyle. When we are self-disciplined then we are more organized and regular in maintaining good health. A disciplined life is a regulated life. A man without discipline is a ship without a rudder. Discipline needs self-control. One who cannot control himself can seldom control others. The level of discipline and perseverance largely determines a person’s success. Self-discipline is the act of disciplining one’s own feelings, desires, etc. especially with the intention of improving oneself. It strengthens our willpower. The stronger our will power the positive will be our decision. It enables us to conquer our own self.


Punctuality is the habit of doing things on time. It is the characteristic of every successful person and everyone must observe punctuality in order to win success in life. Punctuality is necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It should become a habit with us. A punctual person is able to fulfill all his responsibilities and hence is treated with respect in society. It is needed in every walk of life.

Diet is an important component for overall fitness and works best in combination with exercise. A balanced diet and exercise regularly help to maintain good health. It is necessary to reduce weight if one is overweight or obese, failing which one cannot be physically fit for long. For people with obesity, more exercise and a strict regime are necessary, preferably under guidance. There are many ways of making the diet healthier.

Use less sugar and salt while cooking food.

Use less oil while cooking. Avoid deep-frying as much as possible. 

Eat more fruits daily. They provide more vitamins and minerals to our bodies.

Add sprouts of gram and moong dal to at least one meal in a day. Add fiber to your diet. Use whole grains instead of polished cereals. Eat lots of salad and yogurt.

Eat fermented food regularly. Fermented food contains many useful bacteria that help in the process of digestion.

Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases

By adopting a healthy lifestyle one can avoid lifestyle diseases. The following are some ways in which we can prevent lifestyle diseases.

Eat a balanced diet that contains important nutrients. One must include more fresh fruits and green vegetables in the diet. Refrain from eating junk food. Stay away from foods that contain large amounts of salt or sugar.

Exercise regularly. Spend more time outdoors and do activities such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling.

One must avoid overindulgence in alcohol, junk food, smoking, and addiction to drugs and medicines.

Avoid spending too much on modern gadgets like mobile phones, laptops, televisions, etc. Spend time on these gadgets for short intervals of time only.

Set a healthy sleeping routine for every day. Waking early in the morning and going to bed early at night should be a daily habit. Lead an active life.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Bad food habits and an unhealthy lifestyle such as less or no physical activity may lead to several diseases like obesity, high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, anemia, and various heart diseases. An unhealthy lifestyle reduces productivity and creativity in a person. It also adversely affects moods and relationships. It leads to depression and anxiety in human beings.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only makes a person confident and productive but also drives him to success. A person with a healthy lifestyle will enjoy both personal and social life.


FAQs on Healthy Lifestyle Essay

What Do You Understand about a Healthy Lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, taking good care of self, healthy sleep habits and having a physically active daily routine.

How is Punctuality Important for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle?

Punctuality is the habit of doing things on time. It is the characteristic of every successful person and everyone must observe punctuality in order to win success in life. It should become a habit with us. A punctual person is able to fulfil all his responsibilities and hence is treated with respect in society. It is needed in every walk of life.

What Happens When One Does Not Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

When one does not maintain a healthy lifestyle then several diseases like obesity, high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, anaemia and various heart diseases can occur. An unhealthy lifestyle reduces productivity and creativity in a person. It also adversely affects moods and relationships. It leads to depression and anxiety in human beings.

What are the Main Factors that Determine a Good and Healthy Lifestyle?

In order to maintain a good and healthy lifestyle, one must be self-disciplined, self-motivated, maintain punctuality and have good habits like waking early in the morning and maintain a regular fitness regime and a balanced and nutritious diet.

Is writing an essay hard?

Essay writing is a difficult task that needs a great deal of study, time, and focus. It's also an assignment that you can divide down into manageable chunks such as introduction, main content, and conclusion. Breaking down and focusing on each individually makes essay writing more pleasant. It's natural for students to be concerned about writing an essay. It's one of the most difficult tasks to do, especially for people who aren't confident in their writing abilities. While writing a decent essay is difficult, the secret to being proficient at it is reading a lot of books, conducting extensive research on essential topics, and practicing essay writing diligently.

Why is it important for one to aspire to have a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is an important way for reducing the occurrence and impact of health problems, as well as for recovery, coping with life stressors, and improving the overall quality of life. An increasing collection of scientific data suggests that our habits have a significant impact on our health. Everything we eat and drink, as well as how much exercise we get and whether we smoke or use drugs, has an impact on our health, not just in terms of life expectancy but also in terms of how long we may expect to live without developing chronic illness. A large proportion of fatalities are caused by conditions such as heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, joint disease, and mental illness. A healthy lifestyle can help to avoid or at least delay the onset of many health issues.

How to download the Essay on Healthy Lifestyle from the Vedantu website?

The Essay on Healthy Lifestyle, which is accurate and well-structured, is available for download on the Vedantu website. The Essay is accessible in PDF format on Vedantu's official website and may be downloaded for free. Students should download the Essay on Healthy Lifestyle from the Vedantu website to obtain a sense of the word limit, sentence structure, and fundamental grasp of what makes a successful essay. Vedantu essay is brief and appropriate for youngsters in school. It is written in basic English, which is ideal for kids who have a restricted vocabulary. Following the Vedantu essay ensures that students are adequately prepared for any essay subject and that they will receive high grades. Click here to read the essay about a healthy lifestyle.

Who prepares the Essay for Vedantu?

The Essay on Healthy Lifestyle designed for the Vedantu is created by a group of experts and experienced teachers. The panel of experts has created the essay after analyzing important essay topics that have been repeatedly asked in various examinations. The Essays that are provided by Vedantu are not only well-structured but also accurate and concise. They are aptly suited for young students with limited vocabulary. For best results, the students are advised to go through multiple essays and practice the topics on their own to inculcate the habits of time management and speed.

What constitutes a healthy lifestyle?

Healthy life is built on the pillars of a good diet, frequent exercise, and appropriate sleep. A healthy lifestyle keeps people in excellent shape, it also gives you more energy throughout the day, and lowers your chance of developing many diet-related chronic diseases. Healthy living is considered a lifestyle choice that allows you to enjoy more elements of your life. Taking care of one's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is part of living a healthy lifestyle.

Good Nutrition, Eating Right and proper diet.

Getting Physically Fit, Beneficial Exercise and working out often.

Adequate rest and uninterrupted sleep.

Proper Stress Management.

Self-Supportive Attitudes.

Positive Thoughts are encouraged.

Positive Self-Image and body image.

Inner Calmness and peace.

Openness to Your Creativity and Self-care.

Trust in Your Inner Knowing and your gut feeling.

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

It is said that it is easy to learn and maintain bad habits but it is very difficult to switch them back. The issue of a healthy lifestyle is very serious but the people take it very lightly. Often, it is seen that the people take steps to improve their lifestyle but due to lack of determination quits in the midway.

Moreover, for a healthy lifestyle is it important that you take small and one-step at a time. Also, do not go overboard with it. Besides, this healthy lifestyle will help you in life in a lot of ways.

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Habits That Keeps You Healthy

For keeping your body and mind healthy you have to follow certain rules that will help you achieve your goal. Besides, there are certain measures that will help you to stay healthy.

First of all, for being healthy you have to plan and follow a strict diet. This diet should contain all the essential minerals and vitamins required by the body. Also, eat only healthy food and avoid junk and heavily carbohydrate and fatty food.

In addition, wake up early in the morning because first of all, it’s a healthy habit. Secondly, waking up early means you can get ready for your work early, spend some quality time with your family. Besides, this decides time for your sleep and sleep early because it de-stresses body.

Doing exercise regularly makes your body more active and it also releases the pent-up stress from the muscles.

Avoid the mobile- the biggest drawback of this generation is that they are obsessed with their mobile phones. Moreover, these phones cause many physical and mental problem for them. So, to avoid the negative effects of mobile the usage volume of them should be reduced.

Connecting with positive minds because the more you indulge with these people then less you will go to the negative side.

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The things that should be avoided for a healthy lifestyle

We knew that there are several bad habits that affect our healthy lifestyle. These habits can cause much harm to not only to the body but to the society too. In addition, these habits are also the cause of many evils of society. The major healthy lifestyle destroying habits are smoking, drinking, junk food, addiction , meal skipping, and overuse of pills.

All these activities severely damage body parts and organs which cannot be replaced easily. Besides, they not only cause physical damage but mental damage too.

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle has many benefits not only for the body but for the mind too. Also, if you follow a healthy lifestyle then you can reduce the risk of having cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.

To sum it up, we can say that there are various benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. Also, a healthy lifestyle has many benefits to your social as well as personal life. Besides, it improves the relationships in the family. Most importantly, the person who lives a healthy lifestyle lives longer as compared to those who do not.

FAQs on Healthy Lifestyle

Q.1 Give some tips to live a healthy lifestyle. A.1 Some tips for staying healthy are eating a balanced diet, maintain weight, having enough sleep, sleep early and wake up early, use mobile lesser, etc.

Q.2 What is good health? A.2 Good health means freedom from sickness and diseases. It is a costly gift of nature to us for living a purposeful life. Also, good health means that we can do more work than our capacity without getting tired.

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SPM Essay Writing Guide – Format & Examples

Table of Contents

What is SPM?

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, or SPM, is a significant national exam that Malaysian students who have completed Form 5 education—typically at the age of 17—take. It’s crucial since it determines whether or not they can continue their education after high school and serves as a measure of their overall academic success. Writing an essay is a significant part of the SPM exam since it evaluates the test taker’s command of the English language , analytical reasoning skills, and ability to form coherent arguments.

SPM Essay Format

Excellent SPM essays may only be written by students who have a firm grasp of the proper essay format. An essay typically consists of three primary components:

1. Introduction

The introduction of an essay serves as the initial section, strategically designed to captivate the reader’s interest and provide essential contextual information for the subsequent content of the paper. The factors that contribute to the level of interest in an introduction are:

A hook: A hook is a provocative statement or query that grabs the reader’s attention.

Background context: Introduce the topic and its relevance in a brief background context.

Thesis statement: Clearly state your essay’s principal contention or goal.

The body of your essay comprises several paragraphs, each of which deals with a different aspect of your thesis or a related concept. When composing the body, adhere to the following guidelines:

Topic sentences: Each paragraph should begin with an introduction to the key concept that is succinct and straightforward.

Supporting evidence: To support your claims, offer statistics, examples, or supporting proof.

Smooth transitions: Make sure the transitions between paragraphs are reasonable, retaining the coherence of the structure.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion is the last section, where you restate your thesis and briefly review your significant points. To write a strong conclusion:

Summarise main points: Briefly summarise your main points from the body paragraphs.

Restate thesis: Rephrase your thesis statement to reinforce your main argument.

Closing thought: A provocative statement or call to action should be the closing thought.

How to Write an SPM Essay?

Essay writing is a craft that can be honed with time and focus. Write an excellent SPM essay by following this simple outline:

1. Understand the Question

To completely understand the criteria of the essay question, carefully read and consider it. Indicate the essay type (e.g., descriptive, narrative, argumentative) and the keywords that will be used.

2. Plan Your Essay

The key ideas you intend to cover in each part should be included in an outline. Planning ensures a clear essay structure and helps you organize your thoughts.

3. Start with a Strong Introduction

Write a captivating beginning that introduces the subject, establishes the mood, and expresses your thesis statement succinctly.

4. Develop the Body Paragraphs

Each paragraph should focus on a single idea, with supporting details and arguments. Make seamless transitions between ideas.

5. Craft an Impactful Conclusion

Reiterate your thesis, restate your essential points, and give the reader a thought-provoking conclusion.

SPM Essay Writing Tips

Take into account these helpful tips to improve your essay-writing abilities:

1. Read Widely

Your vocabulary and knowledge base will grow due to exposure to various reading sources, including books, newspapers, and articles.

2. Practice Regularly

Consistent writing practice improves your writing abilities and increases your comfort level while confronting various essay subjects.

3. Seek Feedback

To pinpoint areas for growth, get comments from teachers, peers, or family members.

4. Time Management

Use your time effectively during the exam to allow enough time for preparing, writing, and reviewing.

5. Grammar and Vocabulary

Pay close attention to your grammar, spelling, and language choices for your writing to remain coherent and clear.

Types of SPM Essays

SPM essays can take many forms, each requiring a different strategy. Here are a few common types:

1. Narrative Essay

It tells a tale with aspects including characters, setting, and plot, frequently from the viewpoint of the author.

2. Descriptive Essay

It uses sensory details to create a realistic image of a person, location, or event to capture the reader’s attention.

3. Argumentative Essay

Presents reasons and proof to persuade readers to take a specific stance on a hotly debated subject.

4. Expository Essay

Gives details, justifications, or analyses on a subject backed up by examples and facts.

5. Reflective Essay

Reveals one’s own feelings, thoughts, and experiences while highlighting the lessons learned from a certain incident.

SPM Essay Example for Malaysian Students

To provide you with a practical reference, here is a brief example of an SPM essay provided by Malaysian Essay Helpers :

Example Title: “The Impact of Technology on Education”

The digital era has completely transformed every part of our lives, including education. Classrooms have changed as a result of the growing use of digital devices and the internet, with both positive and negative effects.

Paragraph 1 (Positive Impact)

The educational process has been greatly improved by technology. Interactive instructional software and applications provide pupils with fun ways to understand difficult ideas. Additionally, e-learning platforms have made it possible to receive a degree from a distance, eliminating geographic restrictions and fostering lifelong learning.

Paragraph 2 (Negative Impact)

However, there are negative consequences to using too much technology in the classroom. The decline of conventional methods of instruction may lead to a shortage of students with strong critical thinking and interpersonal skills. Additionally, the digital divide between kids from various socioeconomic origins has the potential to make educational disparities worse.

In conclusion, it is undeniable that technology has significantly influenced modern schooling. To guarantee that every student receives a well-rounded education, educators must strike a balance between tech-based instruction and conventional teaching techniques, despite the fact that technology has many benefits in terms of accessibility and learning opportunities.

For Malaysian students who want to perform well on their exams, mastering the art of SPM essay writing is essential. Students may improve their writing talents and create compelling essays highlighting their knowledge and critical thinking skills by adhering to the correct essay style, employing effective writing approaches, and practicing frequently. Remember to experiment with different essay formats to increase your writing versatility and use other people’s work as inspiration to enhance your own.

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Healthy Lifestyle Essay | Essay on Healthy Lifestyle for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Healthy Lifestyle Essay:  A healthy lifestyle involves a lot of things under it, including a nutritional diet, daily exercise, adequate sleep, being happy, and thinking positively. When we do all the necessary elements to have a healthy lifestyle, our lives are going on the right path. Living a healthy life is vital for you to be happy and feel good in your present life and for the future. Once you choose to live a healthy life, it lasts all your life. It not only helps you live longer but also better and less prone to sickness and diseases. A healthy lifestyle is the kind of lifestyle that we should all strive for.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Healthy Lifestyle for Students and Kids in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Healthy Lifestyle’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on a Healthy Lifestyle of 400-500 words. This essay about Healthy Lifestyle is suitable for students of classes 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Healthy Lifestyle of 150-200 words. This one is suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Healthy Lifestyle 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Healthy Lifestyle of 500 words. This long essay on the topic of healthy lifestyle is suitable for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Having a healthy lifestyle is all about choosing to live your life in the most healthy way possible. There are a few things you have to do to start living your life in this way, i.e., the healthy way. This means doing some amount of exercise daily, such as jogging, yoga, playing sports, etc. Adding to this, you must also have a balanced and nutritional diet with all the food groups. It would be best if you were taking the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats to help you have a proper diet. Grouped with these two essential aspects (diet and exercise), a healthy person also maintains the same sleep cycle, which should consist of around 7-8 hours of sleep.

However, we must remember that a healthy lifestyle not only refers to our physical and mental health. Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising daily, and sleeping well are essential parts of a healthy lifestyle. But feeling happy is also a big part of a healthy lifestyle. To enable happiness, thinking positively is a must. When a person does not feel happy or good about themselves, they are not entirely healthy. Thus we must do our best to think positively so that we can feel happy rather than sad.

We have talked about what all entails a healthy life, so now we must speak of what all does not. There are several things that one must avoid in order to live a healthy lifestyle. These include the kind of practices and habits that are harmful to us and also to the people around us, i.e., society. Such practices and habits include gambling, smoking, drinking, illegal drugs, or any other things that can turn into an addiction. These habits are harmful to not only you but for all the people around you, as addiction causes unhealthy attitudes and behaviors. Other unhealthy practices include skipping meals and eating junk food.

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are manifold: living a healthy life allows you to live longer, which means that you get to spend more time with your family. Exercising daily will enable you to release endorphins and helps you feel happier. Regular exercise also improves the health of your skin and hair, bettering your appearance as well. Healthy lifestyles also primarily reduce your risk of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc. and also reduce your susceptibility to cardiac arrests.

Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Short Essay on Healthy Lifestyle 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Healthy Lifestyle of 200 words. This long essay on the topic healthy lifestyle is suitable for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

A healthy lifestyle is a vital part of our lives. There are some things that we must do to live a healthy life. The first thing to do is to ensure that you eat three meals a day. These meals should have the right amount of all the food groups, which are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. You should not eat any junk food, which is unhealthy for you.

The next thing is to exercise daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can be jogging, running, playing sports, dancing, or even walking for a minimum of 30 minutes. Exercise is essential not only for health but also for your skin and hair to look more delightful.

For a healthy lifestyle, you should also get the right amount of sleep at night. The proper routine is to sleep early and wake up early, with a 7-8 hour period of rest. It is crucial to get enough sleep, but not too much or too little, as it can affect your concentration and your abilities.

A healthy lifestyle helps you live longer and have a better and happier life. It is essential to living a healthy life to make the best out of it.

10 Lines About Healthy Lifestyle Essay

  • Exercise daily by running, jogging, playing sports, dancing or brisk walking
  • Eat three nutritional meals a day with all the food groups (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals)
  • Make sure to get enough sleep, i.e., 7-8 hours per night
  • Don’t sleep too much or too less, because either can lead to fatigue
  • Mental health is as important as physical health for a healthy lifestyle
  • Once you start living a healthy lifestyle, there’s no turning back to old, unhealthy ways
  • Avoid harmful habits like smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, etc.
  • A healthy lifestyle helps you live longer
  • Healthy living reduces your risk of life-threatening diseases like cancer and diabetes, among others
  • You will be grateful later in life for practicing a healthy lifestyle as well as now

Essay About Healthy Lifestyle

FAQ’s On Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Question 1. What are some tips for living a healthy life?

Answer: Exercise regularly, eat all your three nutritional meals a day, sleep enough, refrain from engaging in unhealthy practices which can cause addictions, and be positive to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Question 2. What benefits do I get from a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: A healthy lifestyle helps you live longer and have a better life with less risk of high fatality illnesses and also reduces your risk of heart failure.

Question 3. How do I know if I have good health?

Answer: Good health means that you are free of illnesses or diseases. It means that you can work efficiently and provide for the people you care about.

Question 4. What entails a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: A healthy lifestyle is the kind of lifestyle which ensures that a person maintains good health.

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Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle

If you’re about to write a “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay, make sure to check out our sample below! Here, you’ll get some ideas for your “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay. 

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle: Essay Introduction

Choice of lifestyle, short and long term health benefits, benefits of a healthy lifestyle: essay conclusion, reference list.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘A complete state of mental, physical and social well-being not merely the absence of disease.’ Physical fitness is one area of my lifestyle that I currently fail to meet this organization’s guidelines.

WHO’s guidelines recommend physical activity for all ages. In my bracket (18-64), it is recommended that I do a minimum of 150 minutes weekly of moderate-intensity aerobics in bouts of at least 10 minutes. Muscle strengthening undertakings should also be carried out at least twice a week.

It is in addition to leisure time and physical activities such as walking, hiking, swimming, and gardening. A healthy balanced diet should accompany it (Greenberg et al., 2004). An analysis of my routine depicts that I fall short of following these guidelines. As such, I have resolved to adopt a different lifestyle to enhance my physical well-being.

My new choice of lifestyle will entail healthy eating and increased physical exercise. Eating a healthy diet will be necessary for weight management and improvement of the quality of life, especially during my old age. Using scientific data to determine the amount of calories accrued from each food type, I can regulate my intake to ensure I only take the nutritionally recommended portions.

Nutritionists state that eating more fruits and cereals is vital in providing vitamins and minerals. Vitamins contribute to the functioning of various body processes. These include in-tissue growth, antioxidants, and mediating cellular regulation. They facilitate chemical reactions in the body cells by functioning as cofactors in enzymatic pathways.

Such other vitamins as biotin are essential in the formation of fatty acids. I also intend to lower my fat intake (Richards, 2009). In response, I will adopt only skim milk and fat-free yogurt and shift from full-fat salad dressing to non-fat alternatives. It is because fat has twice as much the number of calories as protein or carbohydrate sources.

Furthermore, fats raise cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing the risk of pulmonary disorders. Taking appropriate ratios of carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals such as potassium, iron, and calcium and taking the recommended daily water intake, my health will be on the way to recovery through losing unnecessary fat deposits (Winson, 2010).

Adopting a well-informed physical exercise program is another part of my healthy lifestyle change. Engaging in constant physical activity is known to burn calories. It, in turn, reduces the risk of accumulating excess energy trapped by adipose tissue in the body. It is essential in the regulation of body weight.

Physical activity also promotes the uptake of high-density lipoprotein, or the “good” cholesterol, while decreasing the uptake of the low-density cholesterol form known to be responsible for increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other disorders, including stroke, diabetes, cancer, and depression.

Regular physical activity also improves muscle strength and increases endurance. It is in addition to enhancing oxygen and nutrient delivery into body tissues. It significantly boosts the performance of the cardiovascular system enabling it to work efficiently (Hu et al., 2011). Therefore, I will reap all these benefits and lose weight by adopting this new lifestyle.

The benefits accrued from adopting a healthy lifestyle are numerous. In general terms, a nutritious diet and regular exercise contribute immensely to improving the quality of life. According to medical and nutrition professionals, proper nutrition helps curb the accumulation of unhealthy body fat and cholesterol. The appropriate diet will also reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disorders.

The reason is that the diet provides all the necessary elements for health maintenance (Thomson et al., 2011). Conversely, exercise reduces the chance of premature death from disorders related to inactive lifestyles.

By increasing the level of high-density cholesterol, exercise will minimize the risk of coronary and other related health complications. Regular exercise increases bone density in the long run, which is vital in preventing osteoporosis. It also enhances general body composition by maintaining acceptable limits of tissue-to-body fat ratio, thus discouraging overweight and obesity (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009).

The importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle cannot be overemphasized. The benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle are numerous, with overall improving the quality of life. The WHO’s description of health as the absolute harmony among physical, mental, and social life components and not necessarily the absence of disease indicates that a healthy lifestyle is essential.

However, the simplicity with which this can be achieved depends solely on the individual. One can effectively lead a healthy lifestyle by adopting healthy nutrition, physical exercises, adequate rest, stress management, and high self-esteem. It has informed my decision to change my lifestyle to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Chodzko-Zajko, et al, 2009, ‘Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults’, Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise , 41, 7, pp. 1510-1530.

Greenberg JS, Dintiman GB, & Oakes BM, 2004, Physical Fitness and Wellness: Changing the Way You Look, Feel, and Perform. Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics .

Hu F, Liu Y, & Willett W, 2011, ‘Preventing chronic diseases by promoting healthy diet and lifestyle: public policy implications for China’, Obesity Reviews , 12, 7, pp. 552-559.

Richards S, 2009, ‘The building blocks of a healthy diet’, Practice Nurse , 38, 3, pp. 12-17.

Thomson J, et al, 2011, ‘A Simulation Study of the Potential Effects of Healthy Food and Beverage Substitutions on Diet Quality and Total Energy Intake in Lower Mississippi Delta Adults’, Journal Of Nutrition, 141, 12, pp. 2191-2197.

Winson A, 2010, ‘The Demand for Healthy Eating: Supporting a Transformative Food ‘Movement”, Rural Sociology , 75, 4, pp. 584-600

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Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

Students are often asked to write an essay on Healthy Lifestyle in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Healthy Lifestyle


A healthy lifestyle is a way of living that lowers the risk of being seriously ill or dying early. It’s not just about eating fruits and vegetables, but also about regular exercise and positive thinking.

Healthy Eating

Eating a balanced diet is crucial. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid junk food and sugary drinks.

Regular Exercise

Exercise boosts your mood, strengthens your body, and reduces the risk of diseases. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

Positive Mindset

A healthy mind is as important as a healthy body. Stay positive, manage stress, and get enough sleep.

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250 Words Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

The concept of a healthy lifestyle is not just about eating nutritious food and engaging in physical activities. It is a holistic approach to wellbeing that includes mental, emotional, and social health.

Importance of Balanced Nutrition

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining health. Consuming a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber helps in boosting immunity, energy levels, and overall physical health. However, it’s not just about what you eat but also how and when you eat. Mindful eating and maintaining a regular eating schedule can significantly contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Physical Activity and Its Impact

Physical activity is another cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and promoting mental health. It does not necessarily mean spending hours in the gym; even simple activities like walking, cycling, or yoga can have profound benefits.

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Mental and emotional health is often overlooked in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Stress management, sufficient sleep, and nurturing relationships contribute to emotional health, which in turn impacts physical health.

Social Health: An Integral Part

Social health is about maintaining healthy relationships and having a sense of connection and belonging. It involves balancing personal needs with those of the community and environment, fostering empathy, and building strong support systems.

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept. It involves balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, mental and emotional wellbeing, and social health. By adopting such a lifestyle, one can significantly enhance their quality of life and longevity.

500 Words Essay on Healthy Lifestyle

The concept of a healthy lifestyle is not just about eating nutritious food and getting enough physical exercise. It encompasses a much broader spectrum of behaviors that contribute to physical, mental, and social well-being. A healthy lifestyle is a conscious choice that one makes and is a crucial step towards a fulfilling life.

The Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle

The foundation of a healthy lifestyle rests on four pillars: a balanced diet, regular physical activity, adequate rest, and mental well-being.

Regular physical activity is another cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. It can help prevent chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and stroke. It also promotes mental health, reduces stress, and improves sleep.

Adequate rest is often overlooked in discussions about a healthy lifestyle. However, it is just as important as diet and exercise. Lack of sleep can lead to a range of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and even heart disease.

The Role of Mindfulness in a Healthy Lifestyle

Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is a powerful tool to help manage stress, enhance emotional intelligence, and improve overall health. Incorporating mindfulness into daily routines can significantly contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the known benefits of a healthy lifestyle, many individuals face challenges in maintaining one. These challenges include lack of time, inability to stick to a routine, lack of motivation, and limited access to healthy foods or fitness facilities.

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle is a valuable asset to one’s life. It not only improves physical health but also contributes significantly to mental and social well-being. Despite the challenges, with determination, discipline, and a positive outlook, everyone can lead a healthy lifestyle. It is a journey, not a destination, and each small step towards it is a step towards a healthier, happier life.

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Dieting: Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind Essay

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Being healthy is of great importance to our lives, and people are constantly looking for ways to maintain good health. One condition that is detrimental to good health is obesity, which is characterized by excessive weight. This condition increases the likelihood of developing diseases and diminishes the quality of life for the person. Obesity has emerged as one of the most important issues threatening human health in modern society.

The World Health Organization reports that the prevalence of Obesity in Europe has tripled since the 1980s, and the numbers are rising even higher (par.1). Being overweight has numerous physical and psychological health consequences. It is, therefore, necessary for people to deal with obesity and maintain good health. There are many diet plans designed to assist people to quickly lose weight. These plans vary in their efficiency, health outcomes, and cost. It would be important to know how to select the most appropriate diet plan. However, there are a few general steps common to all weight loss plans.

The first step is determination and perseverance. Determination will cause someone to research on the various weight-loss strategies available. Determination and perseverance can be fostered by gaining a better understanding of the various risks associated with obesity. Head reveals that the alarming increase in the incidences of obesity in Western nations can be attributed to the lack of knowledge on the numerous adverse health impacts of obesity (1). When a person understands the risks of metabolic disease, cardiovascular complications, and premature death associated with obesity, he or she is likely to develop the determination to lose weight. A person will be prompted to seek a real solution to his/her weight problem when he/she understands that the excess weight can lead to chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension (Head 2).

It is, therefore, important to look for information on the health consequences of diabetes in order to promote determination and perseverance to lose weight. An individual can also get determination by finding a support group. A person might find it hard to faithfully follow the weight loss program on his/her own. In such a case, a support group will be beneficial since it will connect the person with other individuals that are facing the same challenges. One can join a fitness class, which will help increase the motivation to lose weight. Fitness classes provide a social support system as the person is surrounded by other people who are trying to achieve the same goal. These people support and encourage each other in their journey to acquiring healthy bodies.

The second step in the process is to increase water intake considerably in order to promote weight loss. Water consumption has numerous benefits to humans since it promotes health. Overweight people benefit from increased water intake since it reduces food consumption in addition to facilitating digestion. Research by Muckelbauer, Sarganas, Gruneis, and Muller-Nordhorn demonstrated that water consumption contributes to weight loss among dieters (1).

Consuming water before a meal reduces food consumption since the water produces a filling effect, therefore, causing the person to eat less food. Another reason why increased water intake contributes to weight loss is that people sometimes confuse thirst for hunger. They, therefore, end up consuming food that they do not need since they do not understand that they are feeling thirsty and not hungry. Regular consumption of water will ensure that this confusion does not occur therefore reducing food intake and promoting weight loss. Drinking water also facilitates obesity prevention since this is a health drink that does not contain any calories. People consume between two and three liters of liquid every day. Without consuming water, individuals are likely to consume unhealthy drinks that contain a lot of calories, such as soft drinks.

Elder declares that water consumption may also suppress sugar-sweetened beverage drinking (149). This is of significance to weight loss since the high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has contributed to the overweight issue in many countries.

The third step is eating healthy foods to improve the nutritional content delivered to the body and adopt healthy lifestyles. The food consumed by a person has an effect on his/her health, and it can either promote health or put someone at risk of developing certain diseases. The person trying to lose weight might have to change his habits in order to promote healthy eating. Changes might have to be made in the environment that the person is constantly in. This means that the person might need to make some changes in his work setting or home setting in order to increase the chances of succeeding in healthy eating. Maoyong and Yanhong acknowledge that making changes in eating habits is a difficulty since most unhealthy foods are appealing, and people tend to pursue immediate gratification and place short-term impulses over long-term goals (127).

It is, therefore, important to realize that the changes in eating habits do not need to be huge and sudden. A person can make small and gradual changes, and over time, the changes will have become big. Behavioral changes can be enough to start weight loss for many people. These changes include planning meals in advance and choosing meals that contain a healthy balance of vegetables, fruits, grains, low or free-fat dairy, and low-calorie proteins.

For instance, replacing fried potatoes or spicy steak with salad or steamed vegetables can reduce the number of calories in each meal. Also, preparing meals at home instead of buying junk food can decrease unhealthy calorie intake. Maoyong and Yanhong note that eating at restaurants increases the consumption of unhealthy foods (137). When dieting, the individual should plan meals in advance. This helps in the tracking of the number of calories consumed each day. A person should not skip meals, especially breakfast, since starting the day with a healthy meal keeps energy levels high. It also helps a person resist the impulse to consume high calorie snacks, such as a piece of chocolate, during the day.

The final step in the weight loss process is to engage in physical exercises such as swimming, running, walking, and bowling. There is a strong correlation between being overweight and not exercising. Barnes declares that sedentary behavior contributes to the development of obesity in people (224). There is a higher prevalence of obesity in adults who report no leisure-time physical activity compared to those who engage in some physical activity.

As such, regular physical exercise can contribute to weight loss in obese individuals. However, it should be noted that physical exercise should be combined with healthy eating. If a person exercises without eating healthily, he/she is unlikely to achieve the desired weight loss. Exercising should, therefore, be supplemented with healthy eating to ensure the best weight loss results are achieved. Engaging in physical exercises leads to weight loss since it promotes the burning of excess calories.

For example, by engaging in cardio exercises such as rowing and cycling, the individual burns many calories and improves his/her fitness. Walking can also be a good form of exercise, and it can be carried out without causing significant strain to the body. Maoyong and Yanhong declare that to promote weight loss, and a person should engage in exercise that lasts at least 30 minutes for at least five days during a typical week (132). Therefore, the person who wishes to achieve significant weight loss must engage in consistent exercising.

Obesity is a dangerous condition that is linked to numerous health consequences. Dealing with this condition is crucial to promoting good health and ensuring a good quality of life for everybody. Obesity can be defeated by undertaking a weight loss program. Losing weight is a desirable and achievable goal that anybody can achieve. However, most people assume that losing weight is a challenging endeavor that is hard to achieve. This is not the case, and by following the four steps described in this paper, a person can achieve his/her goal of weight loss. The journey to weight loss begins by having a sense of determination and insistence.

After that, the person should drink a lot of water, which will help in the reduction of the amount of food consumed. Healthy eating is crucial to weight loss, and this step should be done in order to promote weight loss and good health. Finally, the person should engage in some physical exercise. Through these steps, the seemingly tough challenge of losing weight can be overcome. The individual will be able to achieve a healthy weight and avoid all the negative consequences associated with obesity.

Barnes, Ann. “Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyles.” Texas Heart Institute Journal 39.2 (2012): 224-227. Web.

Elder, John. “Promotion of water consumption in elementary school children in San Diego, USA and Tlaltizapan, Mexico.” Supplement 56.1 (2014): 148-156. Web.

Maoyong, Fan and Jin Yanhong. “Obesity and Self-control: Food Consumption, Physical Activity, and Weight-loss Intention.” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy 36.1 (2014): 125-145. Web.

Muckelbauer, Rebecca, Giselle Sarganas, Anke Gruneis and Jacqueline Muller-Nordhorn. “Association between water consumption and body weight outcomes: a systematic review.” AJCN 10.3(2013): 1-18. Web.

World Health Organization. Obesity: WHO Approaches to Obesity. 2015. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 13). Dieting: Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind.

"Dieting: Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind." IvyPanda , 13 June 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Dieting: Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind'. 13 June.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Dieting: Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind." June 13, 2020.

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IvyPanda . "Dieting: Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind." June 13, 2020.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Healthy Lifestyle — Impact of Lifestyle on Health


Impact of Lifestyle on Health

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Words: 766 |

Published: Jan 29, 2019

Words: 766 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Farhud, D. D. (2015). Impact of lifestyle on health. Iranian journal of public health, 44(11), 1442–1444.
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  • Gopinath, B., Hardy, L. L., Baur, L. A., Burlutsky, G., & Mitchell, P. (2011). Physical activity and sedentary behaviors and health-related quality of life in adolescents. Pediatrics, 128(6), e1493–e1500.
  • Knutson, K. L. (2010). Sleep duration and cardiometabolic risk: A review of the epidemiologic evidence. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 24(5), 731–743.
  • Richter, D., & Berger, K. (2016). Postmodern Health: Critical Perspectives and Issues. Routledge.
  • World Health Organization. (2021). Tobacco. Retrieved from
  • McEwen, B. S., & Gianaros, P. J. (2010). Central role of the brain in stress and adaptation: Links to socioeconomic status, health, and disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1186(1), 190–222.
  • Yazdani, S., Yaghoubi, A., & Mirzaei, M. (2017). Sleep quality and its relationship with lifestyle indices in patients with type 2 diabetes. The Scientific World Journal, 2017, 9805342.
  • Kandiah, J., Yake, M., & Jones, J. (2014). The relationship between dietary quality, serum vitamin D and depressive symptoms in an urban clinic. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 33(6), 481–486.
  • Thompson, W. G., Foster, R. C., Eide, D. S., Levine, J. A., & Fealey, R. D. (2008). Sleep duration and body composition in a nationally representative sample of adults. Sleep, 31(9), 1317–1326.

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