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Concourse 2

For and Against Discussion Essays (FADEs)


Learners working in English for Academic Purposes are not alone in needing the skills to write FADEs.  They are also important in business, education, government and other fields where the ability logically and dispassionately to set out arguments for and against a proposal or situation is valued. The social sciences, in particular, value written, balanced arguments. For this reason, this guide is linked from both the EAP sections and the general skills and discourse indexes.

It is important to be clear about what FADEs are not.  They are not:

  • Expositions which require the writer to set out one side of an argument and attempt to persuade the reader of a point of view.
  • Reports which require the writer to set out facts in logical stages with some discussion of each.
  • Problem-Solution texts which require the writer to set out the problems and suggest solutions for each which are evaluated in terms of effectiveness, advantages and drawbacks.

Confusing the text types will bewilder learners.

All texts have purposes.  One definition of genre is that it contains texts which share the same cultural purposes.  Discussion is no exception so we need to identify what exactly the purpose of a FADE is.  We will start with this definition of purpose:

to look at more than one side of an issue: to explore various perspectives before coming to an informed decision Butt et al , 2001:9

and unpack it a little:

  • more than one side ... various perspectives : A common error in students' writing (and in some teaching) is to see dichotomies where none exists or even to invent them.  Few important issues have only two sides and there are shades of opinion and many perspectives which need to be considered.
  • to explore : This requires the writer to identify, discuss and exemplify a point of view, not simply state it.
  • an informed decision : so not a simple statement of a point of view uninfluenced by facts and research.  The coda (at the end of the essay) needs to refer to the facts that have been set out.

The result of bearing these three issues in mind is that an essay will impress the reader with the depth of thought that lies behind it and gets away from some people think X, some people think Y but I agree with Z .

This guide is ordered as follows according to the key skills that are required.  They cannot be taught in a single lesson.

  • Organisation This involves the knowledge, some of it cultural, of the conventional staging of information in a FADE.
  • using appropriate verbal processes
  • selecting appropriate tense structures
  • using lexis concerning the register
  • syntax and punctuation
  • knowing who will read the text
  • selecting an appropriate style (tenor)
  • content knowledge (field)

We'll take the sections one at a time.

The staging of a discussion in English (not necessarily in the languages of other cultures) is, on the face of it, quite simple.  It comes in two basic options:

Structure 1 Structure 2

The first and last stages are common to both forms and, in fact, the last, the Coda, is often optional.  The other stages are not.

A classic error is to mix the structures and, for example, start with structure 1 and give a bunch of arguments for and then confuse the reader by transitioning to structure 2 and mix the points up.  That disconcerts, disorientates and displeases.

We can break all this down and exemplify what is meant.  As an example, we will take a topic in a field in which there are few technical terms and special registers to be considered.

Only at very low levels should this be a one-sentence section.  It involves two parts and each should be properly refined and defined:

  • The particular topic of the essay needs, of course, to be stated clearly both in the title and the introductory paragraph but then the issue has to be set in its wider context and properly defined.
  • The importance of the issue has to be stated in general terms and then has to be further refined to set out what is meant by importance: to whom, in what circumstances, says who?

Here's an example of the introduction to a FADE of the pros and cons of allowing smoking in public spaces:

This essay concerns whether smoking should be allowed in public spaces and attempts to set out the arguments that have been proposed for and against permitting it.  This is a social, legal and public health issue and in what follows these aspects of the subject will be taken in turn. For the purposes of this essay, public spaces are defined as any areas outside private homes which are open to the public either free of charge or on payment of an entrance fee.  It includes, therefore, open spaces, shops, bars, public houses, services and utilities such as airports and train stations as well as public roads and streets.  Excluded from consideration are private spaces although consideration will be given to borderline cases such as hotel rooms, hostels, prisons and private vehicles. Smoking is defined as the use of tobacco in pipes, cigarettes and cigars but excludes other, non-smoking ways of ingesting tobacco.  Consideration will also be given to the recent development of e-cigarettes. The issue is important for three reasons. Firstly, there are public health concerns regarding the use of tobacco and its effects both on individuals and those around them.  This includes the resources devoted to the care of those whose illnesses may have been caused or exacerbated by smoking. Secondly, it is a social issue in which the rights of individuals need to be balanced against the rights of others and society as a whole. Thirdly, it is a legal and ethical issue insofar as it concerns the extent to which the law should be used as a social engineering tool to encourage, enforce or prohibit the activities of individuals.

This is a rather sophisticated introduction written by a competent user of English and learners are unlikely to be able to produce writing of this sort without a good deal of help and teaching.  However, such a text may serve as a model for learners to encourage them to say more than just what the essay is about and to define their terms from the outset.  A check-list is helpful for this:

  • State the topic
  • organisational
  • public health
  • industrial etc.
  • What terms do you need to define?
  • Give two reasons why the issue is important.

Given such a list, even learners at lower levels can begin to develop an introduction that is more than a title.

These lie at the core of the essay and should be carefully constructed.  If the introduction has successfully previewed the areas into which the arguments fall, organisation becomes significantly easier. The most important issue here is to avoid what has been termed spaghetti writing characterised by rambling sentences, short unconnected points or a stream-of-consciousness approach.  Good advice is to confine each argument to four paragraphs:

  • the issue and examples
  • the argument
  • the evaluation of the strength of the argument
  • the evaluation of any weaknesses in the argument

The damage to health that smoking causes is no longer seriously debated by health professionals and other experts.  It has been shown in numerous well-conducted studies that smoking tobacco has a range of detrimental effects including but not limited to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, reduced fertility and damage to unborn babies. For this reason, there are many who argue that an absolute ban on smoking in public spaces is required to protect individuals from the effects of smoking.  Banning smoking, it is argued, will reduce the amount people smoke, encourage abstinence and reduce the costs to the health care services as well as improving the population's overall fitness. This is a strong point because the costs to individuals and society can be readily estimated and the potential health benefits of a non-smoking society are also quantifiable in terms of health service, insurance and other costs. However, this argument relies on the assumption that it is society's right and duty to protect individuals from their own actions.  Extended logically, the argument might just as well apply to banning dangerous sports, such as mountaineering or solo yachting, boxing and even horse riding, rugby, judo and other contact sports, all of which cause thousands of deaths and injuries worldwide every year and all of which people take part in voluntarily despite the risks.  These activities, too, involve costs for health services and the emergency services whose members own safety may be put at risk rescuing others from the results of their own choices of recreational activities.

Again, only advanced learners are likely to be able to produce such a sophisticated text but, as before, such texts can be used as models to develop their own writing.

  • State the field in which the argument lies (financial, health, social, legal etc.)
  • State the argument clearly
  • State the argument's strength
  • State the argument's weakness

A coda may be defined as a concluding remark .  The word conclude , of course, also implies arriving at an opinion by deduction (not just stating a view) so the section needs attention.

Here, the job of the writer is to draw the reader' attention to the points which need to be emphasised and convince them that a just and fair conclusion has been arrived at by weighing the facts and arguments that have been identified. It comes in four parts:

  • Identification of the main issue
  • Identification of difficulties
  • Reiteration of the strongest points
  • Statement of view

Here's an example to treat in the same way as the previous ones.  It's more than can be expected of all but the strongest students but would serve as a model.

Whether smoking should be banned in all public spaces is by no means an easy issue to determine. Firstly, there is a tension between the public and private spheres regarding the extent to which the rights of smokers may be subordinated to the rights of others to breath clean air. Secondly, there is the issue of social costs and how far only one type of potentially dangerous voluntary activity should be controlled because of the costs that may be involved to society as a whole. Thirdly, there is the ethical issue of how far the law should be involved in the private decisions and choices of individuals. Arguments on both sides have merits and there are many intermediate points of view that lie between no control at all and an outright, universal ban. On balance, it seems that the costs to society and to the health of its members are more important than the respect we owe to allowing individuals to make informed choices concerning their own lives.  Smoking is not an activity which only affects the smoker.  Others are affected by the degradation of their surroundings, damage to their own health and costs to society as a whole to which all taxpayers contribute. A reasonable position to take, advocated here, is to limit smoking in circumstances which most affect non-smokers but to allow individuals to make choices in other settings. This will mean banning smoking in enclosed public spaces such as shops, bars, cafés, cinemas, theatres and so on but permitting it in private spaces and in the open air where the risk of damage caused to others is either voluntarily run or negligible.

In what follows, we will draw on the examples already given to see what linguistic issues underlie the ability to construct a FADE. As it is unlikely that the ability to write a discussion is something you would teach to lower-level learners, we shall assume from the outset that the learners can competently produce acceptable syntax, control most of the tense structures of English, can make passive and active voice sentences and use a range of conjunction. We shall not assume that they are familiar with complex pre- and post-modification or the large range of discoursal features that are needed in a FADE.

Here's one short paragraph from the example used above:

The damage to health that smoking causes is no longer seriously debated by health professionals and other experts.  It has been shown in numerous well-conducted studies that smoking tobacco has a range of detrimental effects including but not limited to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, reduced fertility and damage to unborn babies. 

The first sentence in this section is, structurally, about as simple as we get in English and akin to, for example:     The book is published because it consists of a subject, a copular verb and an attribute.  The fact that the attribute is a participle so the sentence is also analysable as a passive is actually not very important.  It breaks down like this:

Subject noun phrase Copular verb / auxiliary verb phrase Adjective / verb phrase

and we can do exactly the same to the longer, apparently more complex sentence, like this:

Subject noun phrase Copular verb / auxiliary verb phrase + modification Adjective / verb phrase

A feature of many academic texts and of FADEs in particular is that noun, verb and adjective phrases often contain a good deal of pre- and post-modification to make the expression of the data more concise and accessible.  We can of course, avoid most of this with shorter, less informative sentences and could produce a paragraph such as:

Smoking causes damage to health.  The damage used to be debated.  The damage is not debated now.  Health professionals do not debate this.  Other experts do not debate this.

but the outcome is clumsy and inefficient.

A primary teaching aim is to focus, therefore, on how pre- and post-modification of items is achieved in English.  There are guides to modification elsewhere on this site so the point will not be discussed at length here.  See the links to related guides at the end.

However, to teach this kind of structure is not as hard as it may seem.  We can start with something easy, like this and proceed as suggested:

  • Homework is useful Add a relative clause to say what sort of homework:
  • Homework which is set by the teacher is useful Add an adverb and another verb to make a phrase:
  • Homework which is usually set and marked by the teacher is useful Add an adjective phrase for the subject:
  • Subject-related homework which is usually set and marked by the teacher is useful Add a prepositional phrase to say who benefits:
  • Subject-related homework which is usually set and marked by the teacher is useful for school children
  • Now add a conjunction and another clause to say why this is true: Subject-related homework which is usually set and marked by the teacher is useful for school children because it helps them to learn

Once learners get the hang of doing this to simple and undemanding sentences, they can revisit their own writing to see how to compress more data into each clause and make the writing more sophisticated and interesting as well as densely informative.

Once complexity is built into clauses, we can move on to how clauses are connected to make complex and compound sentences. Here is another example taken from the texts we have already used:

Firstly, there is a tension between the public and private spheres regarding the extent to which the rights of smokers may be subordinated to the rights of others to breath clean air. Secondly, there is the issue of social costs and how far only one type of potentially dangerous voluntary activity should be controlled because of the costs that may be involved to society as a whole.

There are three systems at work here: prepositional links, conjunctions and conjuncts and they need to be handled separately.

Join the parts on the left using the prepositions on the right
thanks to
pertaining to
in place of
other than
Join the parts on the left using the conjunctions on the right
as long as
  • Conjuncts Confusing conjuncts with conjunctions is a major source of error for learners trying to write formally.  They are superficially attractive because their use is often a sign of sophisticated writing but they need to be handled with some care.  Errors such as:     *The problem is severe moreover it is difficult to solve     *The problem is severe.  Although it is not difficult to solve. are common outcomes of confusing conjunct with conjunction. Examples of conjunct use from above are:     Secondly, there is the issue of social costs     On balance, it seems that     For this reason, there are many     However, this argument relies on Conjuncts expressing the following concepts are frequently needed in FADEs:
Use one of the conjuncts on the right to introduce the second sentence
In view of that
On the other hand

It should be emphasised that teaching this kind of idea linking should precede the demand for learners to produce fully finished essays.

Here we are on simpler ground.

The following sorts of verbal processes are common to many differently focused FADEs.

  • Existential: These are almost always introduced by it or there followed by a simple copular verb.  They are easy enough to deploy but learners often need help in noticing the need for them.  For example, from the texts above:     there are many who argue that an absolute ban on smoking in public spaces is required     it seems that the costs to society and to the health of its members are more important     It has been shown in numerous well-conducted studies that
  • Relational: As the name suggests, these verbal processes link two items.  Examples from above include:     areas outside private homes which are open to the public     points of view that lie between no control at all and an outright, universal ban     costs to society and to the health of its members are more important than     Arguments on both sides have merits Setting up relationships between ideas is central to the role of writing a good FADE.
  • Material and behavioural processes: These refer either to how people or things act.  Example from above include:     The damage to health that smoking causes     the law should be used as a social engineering tool     illnesses may have been caused or exacerbated by smoking      banning smoking in enclosed public spaces Which verbs learners will need will depend greatly on the topic under discussion, of course.  That they will need to deploy verbs relating to material and behavioural processes is not in doubt.
  • Projecting: These refer to what people believe or say and are central.  Examples from above include:     no longer seriously debated     there are many who argue that     Smoking is defined as

Tense use is also predictably simple.

Almost all the verbs in the examples given above are in the present simple because the discussion involves a current situation.  Occasionally, the present perfect may be used to refer to a previous event that has significant present consequences, as in, for example:     It has been shown in numerous well-conducted studies that Otherwise, the simple present is conventionally used throughout.

Passive-voice clauses serve to distance the writer from the topic by implying that it is the action that is important, not who did it and that is conventionally how the tone of FADEs is achieved.  For example, from above:     public spaces are defined as not:     I am defining ...      voluntary activity should be controlled not:     The state should control etc. There are many more examples and if you use a model text as a teaching tool, it is worth taking the time to notice the frequency and effect of the structures.

Modal auxiliary verbs are used sparingly and generally confined to their function as hedging tactics or to express degrees of certainty.  For example:     Banning smoking, it is argued, will reduce a predictive use.     whose illnesses may have been caused a hedging use. Occasionally, usually hedged, modal auxiliary verbs of obligation are used but almost never ones which express absolute obligation (deontic modality, in the trade).  For example in

Whether smoking should be banned in all public spaces is by no means an easy issue to determine. Firstly, there is a tension between the public and private spheres regarding the extent to which the rights of smokers may be subordinated to the rights of others to breath clean air. Secondly, there is the issue of social costs and how far only one type of potentially dangerous voluntary activity should be controlled because of the costs that may be involved to society as a whole. Thirdly, there is the ethical issue of how far the law should be involved in the private decisions and choices of individuals.

all the uses are putative rather than expressing obligation per se . Modality in FADE writing is usually focused on the likelihood of a proposition being true.  That is epistemic modality and there is a link below which will take you to a guide.

Circumstances refer to concepts such as location in time or space, contingency, cause, matter, means and angle.  Many of these, including contingency, matter, angle and cause have been considered above under conjunction and prepositional links. However, the discussion would not be complete without some consideration of how adverbials and prepositional phrases in particular are used in a FADE.  Here are some key examples:

There is a guide, linked below, to how theme-rheme structures are achieved in writing.  Here it will be enough to consider two aspects only and we'll take this paragraph as the example:

On balance, it seems that the costs to society and to the health of its members are more important than the respect we owe to allowing individuals to make informed choices concerning their own lives.  Smoking is not an activity which only affects the smoker.  Others are affected by the degradation of their surroundings, damage to their own health and costs to society as a whole to which all taxpayers contribute.:

  • The topic sentence It is not invariably the case that every paragraph in a well-written FADE will begin with a topic sentence to alert the reader to its contents but that is the way most texts work and, for novice writers in particular, a safe way to proceed. In our example, the first two word of the first sentence, the conjunct, to give it its proper name, tell the reader what this paragraph will do: sum up and conclude.
  • The theme and the rheme The theme of the first sentence is the subject of the verb (excluding the hedging in it seems ).  That subject is:     the costs to society and to the health of its members and its rheme, which follows is     are more important than the respect we owe to allowing individuals to make informed choices concerning their own lives The reference to individuals is taken up as the theme of the next sentence with     Smoking is not an activity which only affects the smoker and that rheme, only affects the smoker , becomes the theme of the next sentence with:     Others are affected and so the coherence of the whole paragraph is maintained.

Simple approaches to teaching in this area involve:

  • Recognition, noticing and analysis using cut-up paragraphs for re-sorting, jumbled sentences for re-ordering and so on.  The aim is to get learners to notice how topic sentences are used in the first instance.
  • Giving learners paragraphs without topic sentences and getting them to compose something suitable.
  • Analysing theme-rheme structures by tracing connections, underlining links and so on.
  • Getting learners to write short paragraphs of their own and analysing them to see how (and whether) the theme-rheme links are working.

Short-term, the goal of learners' writing is probably for some kind of assessment purpose, either of their language skills or their subject knowledge and ability to construct rational arguments. The target audience is often, therefore, a single teacher or tutor rather than the audience one imagines for most essays in non-educational settings which may be somewhat wider. However, a long-term objective is to apply the skills learned in real-world settings for true communicative purposes. Possible audiences include, therefore:

  • a teacher or tutor
  • higher management
  • policy makers
  • readers of newspaper or magazine articles
  • readers of technical or trade journals
  • readers of academic journals
  • website visitors to serious sites
  • website visitors to blog sites (although few of these contain argued discussion, normally being just unsupported bluster)

The nature of the audience will determine a number of issues and can affect the choice of lexis as well as the choice of grammatical structures.  For example:

Writing well in this genre is not achievable overnight or in a lesson or two. Teaching demands consistency in planning and delivery over a series of lessons with sensible and achievable tasks to be accomplished along the way. You may decide, based on your reading, the nature of the learners and your own propensities, to adopt a product, process or genre approach to teaching writing skills but whichever approach you take, you will almost certainly have to find or compose model texts which can be drawn on for examples of the language that needs to be used.  There are examples which you are welcome to use above. An outline syllabus might appear something like:

Lesson series Language foci

This is by no means a simple syllabus to design because, although the general structure of FADE writing can be explained and exemplified quickly and will lead naturally to some level of coherence, achieving cohesion involves weaving together the seven issues identified on the right into a series of lesson focusing on the elements on the left.

Related guides
which contains links to associated areas such as reporting verbs, modality and hedging in academic writing
use this guide if terms such as product vs. process vs. genre approaches to teaching writing are important to you.  It is the essentials-only guide to the area.
for a similar guide to another popular genre concerning relating experiences
for more about cohesion is maintained using connections of ideas
this guide briefly considers the main types of modification and has links to other, more detailed areas
for a functional way of seeing adverbials and prepositional phrases
for more consideration of how these connected concepts are developed in writing
for a guide to the six main clause structures in English
a guide to this type of modality which is particular important in FADE writing
the in-service skills index for links to more areas

References: Butt, D, Fahey, R, Feez, S, Spinks, S and Yallop, C, 2001, Using Functional Grammar: an explorer's guide. Sydney: NCELTR Burns, A, 2001, Genre-based Approaches to Writing , in Candlin, C and Mercer, N (Eds.), English Language Teaching in its Social Context . Abingdon, UK: Routledge Halliday, M, 1994, An introduction to functional grammar: 2nd edition. London: Edward Arnold Tribble C, 1997, Writing . Oxford: Oxford University Press

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Creative Resources for ESL/EFL Teachers

for and against essay topics

25 For and Against Essay Topics and Ideas that Double as Conversation Topics

25 for and against essay topics that can be also used for class debates.

For and against essay topics: layout.

• The first paragraph should be the introduction. Include a thesis statement, which summarises the main issue.

In the past, most people lived with their parents until they got married. But in the modern world, it is more common to leave home and share accommodation with friends. This choice has both positive and negative aspects.

• The second paragraph should focus on the advantages. Include at least two arguments, if possible. Give examples where appropriate, introduced by phrases like For example or For instanc e.

There are several advantages to sharing with friends. Firstly, it gives you the opportunity to spend time with your friends and to build strong relationships with them. Secondly, it allows you to develop some of the practical skills that you will need as an independent adult. For instance, you will learn how to manage household bills, how to shop and cook, and so on. And thirdly, it makes living in your own home more affordable, and the more people who share, the more cost-effective it is. For instance , a shared house for six people is far cheaper than two houses for three people.

• The third paragraph should focus on the disadvantages. Include at least two arguments, if possible. Begin the third paragraph with a phrase like On the other hand or Howeve r,.. to express contrast with statements in the previous paragraph.

On the other hand , sharing a home has its disadvantages. Sharing a house can often cause disagreements. For instance, housemates often argue about household chores. What is more, it can be difficult to have time alone when you need it. And finally, the houses which young people share are sometimes in poor condition and landlords are not always good at repairing appliances when they break down.

• The fourth paragraph should be the conclusion. State your own opinion and decide whether the arguments for outweigh the arguments against the thesis statement or the other way around.

Although sharing a house with other young people is not always easy, the advantages definitely outweigh the problems. It is certainly something I would like to do in a few years’ time.

Source: Solutions Upper-Intermediate

esl taboo card game

For and against essay topics

  • Having a role model can affect someone negatively.
  • Should dyed hairstyles be allowed in school?
  • Can a bad upbringing be an excuse for a felony?
  • Social media – a blessing or a curse?
  • It’s possible to learn to love somebody.
  • You don’t need a college degree to be successful.
  • Your past does not define you.
  • Does watching fantasy films affect our perception of reality?
  • Should there be a mandatory number of trees per square kilometer?
  • Should people older than 65 be able to be politicians?
  • Should healthcare be state-owned or privatized?
  • Is immortality a blessing or a curse?
  • Is the sous-vide method of preparing meals worth trying?
  • Should self-driving cars be illegal?
  • Should sharing hoaxes and false information on the Internet be severely punished?
  • Should students do a part-time job while they are still studying?
  • Sessions with a therapist should be mandatory for kids and teens
  • Every country in the world should ban cigarettes.
  • Every country in the world should stop producing and selling plastic bags and bottles.
  • Field trips to prisons should be mandatory to help lower the crime rate.
  • Scientists should pair people up for marriage based on DNA.
  • A new universal language should be taught in every school.
  • Should universities be apolitical?
  • Do orphans have the same opportunities to be successful as children from complete families?
  • Should the state have more control over our privacy?

Download the worksheet.

Other resources:

Picture Prompts for Speaking and Writing: An ESL Activity

Storytelling Cards: Imaginative Speaking and Writing Activity

Questions for ESL Conversation: 60 Questions Based on Vogue Interviews

ESL/EFL Speaking Activity: Role Play Debate

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Comments (4)

I like the idea of essay topics that focus on the student’s own experiences. This can be a great way to show that the student has been thinking about the material and is not just reading about it.

Thank you 🙂

Thank you for this!! (emil du suger rövhål)

Excellent topics Helped me giving topics to students ……..

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The Key to an Interesting For-Against Essay

Table of Contents

There are many types of essays, each with a different purpose and style. Argumentative essays are particularly tricky because they ask students to go beyond being informative. They require students to present arguments on a subject and support them with evidence. This guide will provide readers with a  for and against essay outline  and explain a few basic concepts. 

If you want to learn how to write potent essays and arguments, read on!

woman in dress holding scale figurine

What is a For and Against Essay?

A for-and-against essay is an argumentative essay that requires writers to formulate arguments for and against the main topic. After presenting both arguments, the author will then choose a side and explain the reason for their decision.

A for and against essay follows the standard five-paragraph format but dedicates each body paragraph to a different stance on a topic. The key components of a for and against essay are:

  • Introduction paragraph
  • [For topic] Body Paragraph
  • [Against topic] Body Paragraph
  • [Writer’s Opinion] Body Paragraph

Conclusion Paragraph

The main point of a for and against essay is to explore both sides of an argument and teach students to exercise sound judgment. Moreover, it also cultivates their ability to assert their stance and express their opinion.

The act of taking a stance is as much a mental exercise as it is a writing exercise. It encourages students to commit to an argument and to defend that stance.

While there are only five paragraphs in a for and against essay, it can still get complicated. This is especially true when there are a lot of ideas and topics involved. 

The best way to create a clear and strong essay is to start with an outline.

The Importance of an Essay Outline

An essay outline gives writers a full view of their topics . It helps them identify the key angles of approach and direction of their topics. Outlines help writers draw connections between topics, which creates a sense of coherence and progression.

It allows them to ease the reader’s transition from one key topic to another by priming them for the upcoming information. 

Outlines also simplify the discussion of topics by narrowing the scope per section. It simplifies essays into sections and subsections that have a focal point and function.

The next section provides a sample for-and-against essay outline .

A Basic For and Against Essay Outline

Remember that the main premise of a for and against essay is to explore both sides of a topic. We will delve into each paragraph’s purpose and components. Let’s begin.


  • Start with a hook and introduce the main topic.
  • Provide background information on the main topic.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the writer’s hypothesis.
  • State your claim at the end of the paragraph.

First Body Paragraph

  • Start with a topic sentence that explains the benefits of the main topic.
  • Include at least two sentences that support your argument for the main topic.
  • Explain your supporting sentences using facts, examples, anecdotes, quotations, and statistics.

Second Body Paragraph

  • Start with a topic sentence explaining the risks related to the main topic.
  • Include at least two sentences that support your arguments against the main topic.
  • Explain your supporting sentences through facts, examples, anecdotes, and other credible sources of evidence.

Third Body Paragraph

  • Start the paragraph with a topic sentence stating your position on the topic.
  • Provide at least two sentences to support your stand.
  • Explain supporting details using credible sources.
  • Restate your argument and supporting evidence. 
  • Give a balanced consideration for both sides of the main topic
  • State your final opinion.

Outlines simplify all types of essay writing by helping writers organize and plan the logical flow of their content . Outlines create a workflow that identifies the key topics writers must emphasize in each essay paragraph. If you’re unsure of how to start an essay, you can always start by writing an outline.o

Remember that effective writing is all about proper planning and presenting the right ideas in the right order. Outlines are as essential to writers as scripts are to actors.

The Key to an Interesting For-Against Essay

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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English Writing Exercises for B1 – A for and against essay

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More university students should stay in education after their first degree in order to get another qualification.  Do you agree?

1. Read the task and the model essay. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in the task?

Agrees  ◻   Disagrees ◻

Nowadays, the number of students who do a second degree is increasing. In order to decide if this is a good thing, we must examine the advantages and disadvantages of taking a postgraduate course.

It is certainly true that there is fierce competition for employment, and candidates need something extra in order to get a good job. We should also remember that people with a second qualification can expect to earn more when they start work. Moreover, postgraduate courses offer the chance to focus on a topic which you find particularly interesting. What could be better than spending an extra two or three years studying something you find fascinating?

However, there are disadvantages too. Firstly, it is an expensive option. You often need to pay for your place at university and also support yourself financially during the course. What is more, many young people are understandably impatient to leave education by the time they finish their first degree.

On balance, I believe it is a good idea to continue your studies beyond a first degree, if possible. Although it may be expensive, an extra qualification allows you to find a better job and earn more money.

2. Study the model essay and answer the questions.

In which paragraph (1-4) does the writer …

1   describe the arguments for?

     How many does she / he describe?

2   describe the arguments against?

3   give his / her opinion?

1 2, 3   2 3, 2   3 4

Writing Strategy

Rhetorical questions can make an opinion essay more persuasive, provided you only include one or two. You do not have to answer the questions, but always make sure that the expected answer is clear, e.g.

Some people work long hours for very low pay. How can this is be right? (Expected answer: It can’t be right. )

3. Read the Writing Strategy. Find and underline a rhetorical question in the model essay. Choose the expected answer.

a   everything ◻

b   most things ◻

c   nothing ◻

What could be better than spending an extra two or three years studying something you find fascinating?, c

Writing Guide

More students should do their degree at a university abroad rather than in their own country. Do you agree?

4. Read the task above. Then plan your essay following the paragraph plan below. Use the questions to help you.

Paragraph 1: Rephrase the statement in the task.


Paragraph 2: What are the arguments for doing a degree abroad? Think of two or three.

Paragraph 3: What are the arguments against doing a degree abroad? Think of two or three.

Paragraph 4: Give your opinion

your own answers

5. Write your essay using your plan from exercise 4. Extra exercises

Use signposting phrases ( Firstly, …, Furthermore, …, etc.) to introduce opinions for the statement and against it, and to introduce your opinion in the conclusion ( On balance, … ).

1. Read the Strategy. Then complete the text with the words below.

addition      also      another      furthermore      other      overall

One issue with social media is that it can distract people from work or study. In 1 …………………….., it can create unhappiness and anxiety when people compare their lives to other people’s. 2 …………………….. problem is that some people use it to spread unkind ideas about others.

On the 3 …………………….. hand, thanks to social media, people can build friendships quickly and easily by sharing photos, links, ideas and opinions. Social media 4 …………………….. allows people to ask for help and advice. 5 …………………….., it can educate people about things like health.

6 …………………….., I think social media has more positive than negative effects on everyday life.

1 addition   2 Another   3 other   4 also

5 Furthermore   5 overall

2. Read the task below and write a for and against essay.

Teenage students should spend more time at school studying I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technology). Discuss.

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  • What's the paragraph plan that a for and against essay follows? Introduction - one side of the argument (for / advantages) - the other side of the argument (against / disadvantages) - conclusion
  • Does the writer have to show both sides of the argument? Yes.
  • How can the writer open an introduction? How can he / she close it? You can open the introduction with a fact or general statement, with a reference to the past, etc. You can close it with a rhetorical question.
  • The writer can express his / her opinion in the introduction. True or false? False.
  • What does the writer do in the conclusion besides summarising the main points? Giving his or her opinion.
  • Can the writer use 'we'? Why (not)? If not, how could he / she fix it? No, because it's too informal. It could be fixed by using third person instead (people, individuals, citizens, etc.).
  • Can the writer use contractions? Why (not)? No, because they're too informal. The writer has to use full forms instead (is, are, cannot, does not, should not, etc.)
  • Can the writer be neutral in his / her point of view? Yes.
  • What linking words are used to add information? Give examples. And, in addition, moreover, furthermore, also, as well (as), what is more, etc.
  • What linking words are used to express contrast? Give examples. But, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, one the one hand, on the other hand, etc.
  • What linking words are used to open the conclusion? Give examples. In conclusion, to sum up, in a nutshell, to conclude with, all in all, overall, etc.
  • What expressions can be used to express opinion? Give examples. In my opinion, I think (that)..., I (strongly) believe (that)..., to my mind, from my point of view, I reckon, etc.
  • The writer doesn't have to give examples or details for every argument. True or false? False. Every argument needs to be backed up by an example or a piece of information that justifies the argument or further explains it.
  • What linking words are used to give examples? Give examples ;) For example, for instance, such as, etc.
  • Can the writer use expressions such as 'a lot of', 'a bunch of', 'like' or 'stuff'? Why (not)? No. Because they're too informal. The writer should use 'many' / 'a number of', 'a great deal of', 'such as' instead.

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Want to write a college essay that sets you apart? Three tips to give you a head start

How to write a college essay

1. Keep it real. It’s normal to want to make a good impression on the school of your choice, but it’s also important to show who you really are. So just be yourself! Compelling stories might not be perfectly linear or have a happy ending, and that’s OK. It’s best to be authentic instead of telling schools what you think they want to hear.

2. Be reflective . Think about how you’ve changed during high school. How have you grown and improved? What makes you feel ready for college, and how do you hope to contribute to the campus community and society at large?

3. Look to the future. Consider your reasons for attending college. What do you hope to gain from your education? What about college excites you the most, and what would you like to do after you graduate? Answering these questions will not only give colleges insight into the kind of student you’ll be, but it will also give you the personal insight you’ll need to choose the school that’s right for you.

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Breaking news, dricus du plessis no longer writing off ufc 305 challenger israel adesanya’s last loss.

Through the process of defeating Sean Strickland in January — consequently becoming the UFC middleweight champion — Dricus du Plessis absorbed two key lessons that could serve him well in his first title defense.

  • He’s got a big enough gas tank to go five whole rounds against the best (other than himself) in the world.
  • Maybe Strickland’s stunning upset of Israel Adesanya last September, the one that made Strickland the champion in the first place, wasn’t just some off-night performance from Adesanya.

Dricus Du Plessis celebrates after his middleweight title win over Sean Strickland at UFC 297.

The latter in particular could serve du Plessis well when he puts his gold on the line Saturday night (Sunday morning Down Under, care of a 12-hour time difference) in the UFC 305 main event against Adesanya.

“Strickland didn’t beat the Adesanya we know,” du Plessis recalled saying at the time during a recent video call with The Post. “Strickland beat a guy that didn’t look like he trained, didn’t want to be there. He was completely off.”

That was then, before du Plessis (21-2, 19 finishes) spent a full 25 minutes — a career first for him — in the cage with Strickland, getting to know his opponent as only those who’ve gone head-to-head in a cage can understand one another.

The experience brought a new perspective on Strickland vs. Adesanya and how a man du Plessis admits to not giving “a shot” to win pulled it off.

“And then, after fighting Strickland, my whole opinion around him changed because I went back to that fight and I said that,’Wow, actually, Izzy fought the way he always fights: staying on the outside, picking one shot,’ ” du Plessis explains, also making sure to credit Strickland’s unique combination of defensive acumen and posture for the way the fight played out. “… And then I started thinking that Adesanya wasn’t off that night. It was just Strickland who completely shut down Izzy’s game, and he enforced his game.

“That style that Strickland fights was kryptonite for a guy like Adesanya.”

One can’t expect du Plessis to morph his style into that of Strickland in a matter of months, so it’s not that the champ can duplicate that particular formula to neutralize the former longtime lord of the 185-pounders.

But there’s something to be said for not merely writing off a fighter of Adesanya’s caliber before locking horns in the octagon this weekend.

If the UFC had its way, these two would already have faced off in April, when the promotion had sought to make them the headline act of the milestone UFC 300 event.

Adesanya (24-3, 16 finishes) has said he agreed to the date, which du Plessis confirmed was simply too soon after his January win to allow his broken foot to heal.

Du Plessis believes the fracture occurred midway through the second round against Strickland, and said the UFC had seen his medical records and was aware of the situation that prevented him from being at the heart of the spectacle event in Las Vegas.

“Obviously, I would have loved to be part of UFC 300. They offered me some great money to fight on that card,” du Plessis said. “Take money out of the equation; just the magnitude of that event would have been, it would have been one of the most amazing things in the world to be on that card, but it wasn’t possible. And sometimes, things just work out that way. We have no control over that.”

UFC 305 in Australia marks the seventh country du Plessis has competed in MMA.

As much as he says he has been feeling the love from local fans since arriving ahead of fight week, du Plessis hasn’t had a home crowd on his side since before signing with the UFC in 2020.

But there is an opening for du Plessis to help pave the way for an event in his native South Africa.

UFC CEO Dana White told reporters last month the first event on the African continent could wind up in du Plessis’ homeland.

“This fight that is going to happen in Australia here coming up will determine our next trip to Africa,” White said during his post-UFC 304 media availability in London. “I know everybody doesn’t want to count South Africa as Africa, but I do. So, more than likely, our first fight in Africa will be South Africa.”

What White means by the UFC 305 title clash determining the prospective Africa event is not entirely clear, although he noted at the time that he was not up to speed on all the latest progress on bringing an event to the continent.

Regardless, du Plessis said he long has felt pressure to get the UFC to put on an event in South Africa.

“Being the first African-residing champion and then being the first South African champion, that’s always been something that I’ve aspired to do is to bring the UFC to Africa, obviously as a champion and the headliner,” said du Plessis, carefully styling himself as residing and training in Africa as a distinction from African-born former UFC champions such as Francis Ngannou, Kamaru Usman and Adesanya who later moved and primarily trained elsewhere. “And, yeah, this fight’s one step closer. But, I mean, it was in the talks for when the Strickland fight happened as well. So right now, that’s not pressure. That’s just excitement.”

A group of young men watch a sports game and bet on a smartphone

The gambling industry is pulling out all the stops to prevent an ad ban, but the evidence is against it

a for and against essay writing

Professor of Public Health, Deakin University

Disclosure statement

Samantha Thomas has received research funding from the Australian Research Council Discovery Grant Scheme, the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, Healthway and the New South Wales Office of Responsible Gambling. She is a board member for the International Confederation of Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drug Research Associations (ICARA). She is the Editor in Chief for Health Promotion International.

Deakin University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU.

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With parliament sitting this week, the federal government is trying to finalise its proposed laws to limit gambling advertising.

The current proposal is a partial ban , with limits to ads during general TV programming. Previously, a parliamentary committee, chaired by late Labor MP Peta Murphy, unanimously recommended banning gambling ads entirely.

The betting industry, unsurprisingly, doesn’t want a full ban. Speaking on ABC Radio , the chief executive of Responsible Wagering Australia (the peak body for the industry), Kai Cantwell, argued bans push gamblers to illegal offshore services. He said this has already happened in parts of Europe. He also rejected suggestions advertising was normalising gambling to children.

But is that true? What does the evidence say about ad bans like this?

Marketing is key

The gambling industry is one of the most innovative health harming industries of modern times. The evidence about the harms from gambling is clear. They include relationship breakdown, physical ill-health, job loss, debt, crime, homelessness, family related violence and suicide.

Technological advances have enabled the industry to develop sophisticated and instantly accessible products. They promote these products using novel marketing strategies that are able to rapidly target individuals through different media channels , including TikTok. The industry is driven by highly profitable and powerful companies, including those who legitimise and facilitate gambling, such as broadcasters and sporting codes.

For the gambling industry to make money, people have to lose. This is also why a continuing customer base is necessary. Marketing is core to the industry’s business model, creating pathways to new products and brands.

A smartphone screen filled with betting apps

As companies compete to spruik their products, children and young people are exposed to saturation gambling marketing in their everyday lives. Evidence from multiple countries shows that marketing is doing its job – contributing to the normalisation of gambling for young people, promoting brand recognition and recall and shaping positive perceptions of gambling. It’s also creating a perception that gambling has limited risk attached to it . As one 11-year-old told us :

When kid’s get to 18, they will want to bet all the time.

Of course the gambling industry disagrees with these conclusions. When asked if he thought that gambling had become normalised for children in recent years, Cantwell said no.

He agreed more could be done to ensure that children were not targeted by advertising, but went on to state that it was the illegal offshore market that was “advertising very heavily towards children and young people”. Cantwell said Australian providers were working with government to ensure that children were not targeted by advertising.

That work doesn’t appear to be preventing children from being exposed to gambling marketing everywhere they go . Sportsbet and the TAB are commonly recalled brand names among young people. Young people have also told us they would bet with a particular brand because of familiarity, they liked the advertisements, or that they had seen a company promote deals or offers. One said:

Sportsbet, because if you bet with them you can get your money back.

What did the inquiry find?

This is why the recent parliamentary inquiry unanimously recommended the need for strong regulatory action on gambling advertising. It proposed legislation to phase in a blanket ban on gambling advertising, with a fundamental aim of protecting children. These calls have been backed by numerous Australian politicians and many others who have stressed that partial bans will only ever get partial results.

Read more: The government is under pressure to ban gambling ads. History shows half-measures don't work

It is perhaps not surprising that gambling companies, and those that profit from gambling, strenuously oppose significant restrictions on gambling marketing. They use a range of strategies to delay, distract, and deflect calls for evidence-based regulation that would disrupt pathways to their products.

In his interview, Cantwell advocated for a “balanced, nuanced approach” and “sensible reforms”: in other words, nothing that would cause the industry any discomfort. He also stated a blanket ban on advertising would “run the risk of driving Australian consumers into online illegal offshore providers”.

However, experts have cast doubt on these claims. A focus on protecting young people overshadows any claims about the impact of advertising restrictions on driving people to unregulated markets. Financial counsellors, who are at the forefront of helping those recover from gambling related harms have said :

In financial counselling casework, we observe that the dominant harm comes from those licensed in Australia [who can advertise heavily]. We observe only a very small amount of gambling with the unregulated, overseas operators […]

The parliamentary inquiry also looked closely at illegal offshore gambling. They cited evidence from the regulator in Spain . The gambling industry, television and advertising sectors lobbied against reforms there too. After implementing advertising restrictions, the regulator found:

None of the dire predictions have occurred […] The TV stations said that they would go broke without gambling revenue and this has not happened […] Spanish sports teams said that they wouldn’t be competitive if they were the only ones not allowed sponsorship, and this hasn’t happened either […] The threat of gamblers migrating to illegal operators had not occurred either.

The inquiry acknowledged that continued action on illegal offshore gambling was an important part of preventing gambling harm. It is worth noting that since November 2019, the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA) has actively blocked 995 illegal offshore gambling and affiliate websites.

While there will always be means for some determined people to access these sites, increased resourcing for the regulator would help ensure people are prevented from accessing them where possible.

In her foreword to the parliamentary inquiry report, Peta Murphy thanked those with lived experience of gambling harm who had testified to the inquiry. She stated:

It took incredible courage and strength for you to come forward, and it is your experiences, described in your own words that have provided the foundation for this report and its recommendations.

We now wait to see if the government will show the political courage and strength to go up against powerful vested interests.

  • Advertising
  • Gambling addiction
  • Sports betting
  • Tobacco marketing
  • Gambling adverts
  • TV advertising
  • Advertising bans

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Candice Miller, in a white summer dress, poses for a portrait with her husband, Brandon Miller, in a light blue shirt. Both are holding wine glasses.

How an Instagram-Perfect Life in the Hamptons Ended in Tragedy

Candice and Brandon Miller showed the public a world of glittering parties and vacations. The money to sustain it did not exist.

Candice and Brandon Miller. In photographs shared online, their lives were full of parties and luxurious vacations. Credit... Joe Schildhorn/BFA.com, via Shutterstock

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Katherine Rosman

By Katherine Rosman

  • Published Aug. 8, 2024 Updated Aug. 9, 2024

In the modern Gilded Age of New York, where Instagram is awash in unrestrained displays of wealth, Brandon and Candice Miller were royalty.

At their 10th wedding anniversary “Midsummer Night’s Dream” party, they celebrated with a few dozen friends in the backyard of their 5,500-square-foot vacation home in the Hamptons.

Beautiful women in gowns watched with their handsome husbands as the couple renewed their vows near a swimming pool strewn with peonies and rose petals beneath a canopy of lights.

It was a grand public display of their perfect life and marriage. Ms. Miller told a lifestyle blogger who wrote about the party that her husband’s speech “made me cry by the end with his authentic, raw emotion and romantic words.”

It all culminated in the kind of envy-inducing images anticipated by the roughly 80,000 followers of “Mama and Tata,” Ms. Miller’s popular Instagram feed, which featured a near-constant stream of photographs and videos of her glittering life.

The Midsummer Night party was in 2019. Five years later, the glamorous image that Ms. Miller cultivated and promoted has disappeared, replaced with heartbreak, anger and a mountain of once-secret debt.

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American Psychological Association

How to cite ChatGPT

Timothy McAdoo

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We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test , and we know our roles in a Turing test . And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT . We’ve also been gathering opinions and feedback about the use and citation of ChatGPT. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback.

In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript. We know instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use ChatGPT, and we’ll be continuing to collect feedback about instructor and student questions. As always, defer to instructor guidelines when writing student papers. For more about guidelines and policies about student and author use of ChatGPT, see the last section of this post.

Quoting or reproducing the text created by ChatGPT in your paper

If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.

Unfortunately, the results of a ChatGPT “chat” are not retrievable by other readers, and although nonretrievable data or quotations in APA Style papers are usually cited as personal communications , with ChatGPT-generated text there is no person communicating. Quoting ChatGPT’s text from a chat session is therefore more like sharing an algorithm’s output; thus, credit the author of the algorithm with a reference list entry and the corresponding in-text citation.

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat

You may also put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix of your paper or in online supplemental materials, so readers have access to the exact text that was generated. It is particularly important to document the exact text created because ChatGPT will generate a unique response in each chat session, even if given the same prompt. If you create appendices or supplemental materials, remember that each should be called out at least once in the body of your APA Style paper.

When given a follow-up prompt of “What is a more accurate representation?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “different brain regions work together to support various cognitive processes” and “the functional specialization of different regions can change in response to experience and environmental factors” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

Creating a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software

The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large language models (e.g., Bard), algorithms, and similar software.

The reference and in-text citations for ChatGPT are formatted as follows:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Let’s break that reference down and look at the four elements (author, date, title, and source):

Author: The author of the model is OpenAI.

Date: The date is the year of the version you used. Following the template in Section 10.10, you need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.

Title: The name of the model is “ChatGPT,” so that serves as the title and is italicized in your reference, as shown in the template. Although OpenAI labels unique iterations (i.e., ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4), they are using “ChatGPT” as the general name of the model, with updates identified with version numbers.

The version number is included after the title in parentheses. The format for the version number in ChatGPT references includes the date because that is how OpenAI is labeling the versions. Different large language models or software might use different version numbering; use the version number in the format the author or publisher provides, which may be a numbering system (e.g., Version 2.0) or other methods.

Bracketed text is used in references for additional descriptions when they are needed to help a reader understand what’s being cited. References for a number of common sources, such as journal articles and books, do not include bracketed descriptions, but things outside of the typical peer-reviewed system often do. In the case of a reference for ChatGPT, provide the descriptor “Large language model” in square brackets. OpenAI describes ChatGPT-4 as a “large multimodal model,” so that description may be provided instead if you are using ChatGPT-4. Later versions and software or models from other companies may need different descriptions, based on how the publishers describe the model. The goal of the bracketed text is to briefly describe the kind of model to your reader.

Source: When the publisher name and the author name are the same, do not repeat the publisher name in the source element of the reference, and move directly to the URL. This is the case for ChatGPT. The URL for ChatGPT is https://chat.openai.com/chat . For other models or products for which you may create a reference, use the URL that links as directly as possible to the source (i.e., the page where you can access the model, not the publisher’s homepage).

Other questions about citing ChatGPT

You may have noticed the confidence with which ChatGPT described the ideas of brain lateralization and how the brain operates, without citing any sources. I asked for a list of sources to support those claims and ChatGPT provided five references—four of which I was able to find online. The fifth does not seem to be a real article; the digital object identifier given for that reference belongs to a different article, and I was not able to find any article with the authors, date, title, and source details that ChatGPT provided. Authors using ChatGPT or similar AI tools for research should consider making this scrutiny of the primary sources a standard process. If the sources are real, accurate, and relevant, it may be better to read those original sources to learn from that research and paraphrase or quote from those articles, as applicable, than to use the model’s interpretation of them.

We’ve also received a number of other questions about ChatGPT. Should students be allowed to use it? What guidelines should instructors create for students using AI? Does using AI-generated text constitute plagiarism? Should authors who use ChatGPT credit ChatGPT or OpenAI in their byline? What are the copyright implications ?

On these questions, researchers, editors, instructors, and others are actively debating and creating parameters and guidelines. Many of you have sent us feedback, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the comments below. We will also study the policies and procedures being established by instructors, publishers, and academic institutions, with a goal of creating guidelines that reflect the many real-world applications of AI-generated text.

For questions about manuscript byline credit, plagiarism, and related ChatGPT and AI topics, the APA Style team is seeking the recommendations of APA Journals editors. APA Style guidelines based on those recommendations will be posted on this blog and on the APA Style site later this year.

Update: APA Journals has published policies on the use of generative AI in scholarly materials .

We, the APA Style team humans, appreciate your patience as we navigate these unique challenges and new ways of thinking about how authors, researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

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Full index of topics


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    Top Tips for writing. 1. Start each paragraph with a word or phrase so the reader knows what to expect, for example Firstly, On the other hand or To sum up. 2. Link your sentences with these words: In addition; Another advantage is that; However; Also; Another disadvantage is that. 3. Organise your essay in paragraphs. paragraph 1 - introduction.

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  4. PDF Writing skills practice: A for and against essay writing practice

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    For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response. ... researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies. Reference ...

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