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How to Write SEO Business Plan + Free Template

Executive summary image

In the cut-throat competition, every business wants to be known. And the “known” thing comes after proper SEO, digital marketing, and traditional marketing. Thus, you know by choosing an SEO business, you are indulging yourself in a profitable venture.

However, to make it successful and importantly, to keep it successful – a business needs careful planning, foresightedness, and funds. All these things are possible with a solid SEO business plan, but do you know how to write a business plan?

Well, here is when we come to your rescue. This is our SEO business plan guide with various examples that will support you in writing yours. Excited? Let’s dive right in.

sample business plan

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  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
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How to Write an SEO Business Plan?

Writing an SEO business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and summarizes each section of your plan.

Here are a few key components to include in your executive summary:

Introduce your Business

Start your executive summary by briefly introducing your business to your readers. This section may include the name of your SEO business, when it was founded, the type of SEO business, etc.

Market Opportunity

Summarize your market research, including market size, growth potential, and marketing trends. Highlight the opportunities in the market and how your business will fit in to fill the gap in the industry.

SEO Services

Highlight the SEO services you offer your clients. The USPs and differentiators you offer are always a plus.

Marketing & Sales Strategies

Outline your sales and marketing strategies—what marketing platforms you use, how you plan on acquiring customers, etc.

Financial Highlights

Briefly summarize your financial projections for the initial years of business operations. Include any capital or investment requirements, associated startup costs, projected revenues, and profit forecasts.

Call to Action

Summarize your executive summary section with a clear CTA, for example, inviting potential partners or investors to get interested in your business.

Ensure your executive summary is clear, concise, easy to understand, and jargon-free.

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2. Business Overview

The business overview section of your business plan offers detailed information about your company. The details you add will depend on how important they are to your business. Yet, business name, location, business history, and future goals are some of the foundational elements you must consider adding to this section:

Business Description

Describe what kind of SEO company you run and the name of it. You may specialize in one of the following SEO businesses:

  • General SEO agency
  • Local SEO agency
  • Link building agency
  • SEO consultants agency
  • Technical SEO agency

After that, describe the legal structure of your SEO company, whether it is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or others.

List the names of your SEO company’s founders or owners. Describe what shares they own and their responsibilities for efficiently managing the business.

Mission Statement

Summarize your business’ objective, core principles, and values in your mission statement. This statement needs to be memorable, clear, and brief.

Business History

If you’re an established SEO service provider, briefly describe your business history, like—when it was founded, how it evolved, etc. Additionally, if you have received any awards or recognition for excellent work, describe them.

Future Goals

It’s crucial to convey your aspirations and vision. Mention your short-term and long-term goals; they can be specific targets for revenue, market share, or expanding your services.

This section should provide a thorough understanding of your business, its history, and its plans. Keep this section engaging, precise, and to the point.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section of your business plan should offer a thorough understanding of the industry with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. You should include the following components in this section.

Target market

Start this section by describing your target market. Define your ideal customer and explain what types of services they prefer. Creating a buyer persona will help you easily define your target market to your readers.

The target market for an SEO company can be small and medium-sized companies, eCommerce websites, or niche-specific companies.

Market size and growth potential

Describe your market size, growth potential, and whether you will target a niche or broader market.

For example, the market size in terms of revenue of the SEO and internet marketing consultants industry was around $75 in 2022.

Competitive Analysis

Identify and analyze your direct and indirect competitors. Identify their strengths and weaknesses, and describe what differentiates your SEO services from them. Point out how you have a competitive edge in the market.

Market Trends

Analyze emerging trends in the industry and explain how will you cope with all the market trends. Some of the market trends in the industry are artificial intelligence, machine learning, user experience, video SEO, voice search SEO, etc.

Regulatory Environment

Here, present the list of licenses or permits you need to operate the SEO business in a particular location.

Some of the regulations are:

  • Consumer protection laws
  • Data protection & privacy laws
  • Advertising laws
  • Competition law
  • Anti-spam laws

These rules and regulations differ on location, niche of your SEO business, and other such factors, so consult before you apply for the registrations.

4. SEO Services

The product and services section should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

Describe your services

Mention the SEO services your business will offer. This list may include services like,

  • Keyword research
  • On page optimization
  • Technical SEO
  • Content creation and optimization
  • Link building

After listing all the services, mention the details about each service, how you provide them, and when to expect results.

Quality measures

This section should explain how you maintain quality standards and consistently provide the highest quality services.

This may include keyword research quality, regular quality audits, effective use of meta-tags- descriptions, content quality, quality link building, etc.

In short, this section of your SEO plan must be informative, precise, and client-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Standing out in this competitive world is a must. Especially, when the world is digitalizing and the number of SEO companies are rising constantly.

In this situation, only having USPs will help you drive the clients to your business. Some of the USPs can be a results-oriented approach, white-label SEO, local area SEO mastery, personalized services, etc.

Pricing Strategy

Not just competitive services, but competitive prices are also important to make your business successful. Describe your pricing strategy—how you plan to price your services and stay competitive in the local market. You can mention any discounts you plan on offering to attract new customers.

Marketing Strategies

Discuss your marketing strategies to spread the reach of your SEO business. You may include some of these marketing strategies in your business plan—social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and search engine marketing (SEM).

Customer Retention

Describe your customer retention strategies and how you plan to execute them. For instance, introducing loyalty programs, discounts on annual payments, personalized service, etc.

Overall, this section of your SEO business plan should focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Remember : Have a specific, realistic, and data-driven approach while planning sales and marketing strategies for your SEO business, and be prepared to adapt or make changes in your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan outlines the processes and procedures involved in your business operations, such as staffing requirements, quality measures, and operating hours. Here is an example,

Operations plan for OptiRank Solutions

OptiRank Solutions is dedicated to providing strategic SEO solutions for businesses aiming to enhance their online visibility. The staff includes SEO specialists, content writers, and analysts based on workload and client needs. Regular training sessions are conducted to keep the team updated on the latest industry trends and tools.

The business operates during regular hours from Monday to Friday, with flexibility for monitoring and urgent client needs outside standard hours. OptiRank Solutions employs high-performance computers, industry-standard SEO tools, collaboration and video conferencing tools, and a secure server for data management.

The client onboarding process involves an initial consultation, an SEO audit, and the development of a customized strategy. Quality assurance measures include internal audits and regular client feedback. The plan also outlines scalability strategies, ensuring OptiRank Solutions remains at the forefront of the SEO industry.

Adding these components to your operations plan will help you lay out your business operations, which will eventually help you manage your business effectively.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of your SEO business’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.


Mention the founders and CEO of your SEO company, and describe their roles and responsibilities in successfully running the business.

Key managers

Introduce your management and key members of your team, and explain their roles and responsibilities.

Executive managers for an SEO business can be digital marketing managers, content writing managers, SEO head managers, client services managers, etc.

Compensation Plan

Describe your compensation plan for the management and other members. Include their salaries, incentives, and other benefits.

This section should describe the key personnel for your SEO business, highlighting how you have the perfect team to succeed.

8. Financial Plan

Your financial plan section should provide a summary of your business’s financial projections for the first few years. Here are some key elements to include in your financial plan:

Profit & loss statement

Describe details such as projected revenue, operational costs, and service costs in your projected profit and loss statement. Make sure to include your business’s expected net profit or loss.

Cash flow statement

The cash flow for the first few years of your operation should be estimated and described in this section. This may include billing invoices, payment receipts, and any other cash flow statements.

Balance Sheet

Create a projected balance sheet documenting your SEO business’s assets, liabilities, and equity.

Break-even point

Determine and mention your business’s break-even point—the point at which your business costs and revenue will be equal.

This exercise will help you understand how much revenue you need to generate to sustain or be profitable.

Financing Needs

Calculate costs associated with starting an SEO business, and estimate your financing needs and how much capital you need to raise to operate your business. Be specific about your short-term and long-term financing requirements, such as investment capital or loans.

Note : One of the most interesting parts for readers is the financial plan, so make sure to keep it understandable and add graphs & charts to it.

Be realistic with your financial projections, and make sure you offer relevant information and evidence to support your estimates.

9. Appendix

The appendix section of your plan should include any additional information supporting your business plan’s main content, such as market research, legal documentation, financial statements, and other relevant information.

  • Add a table of contents for the appendix section to help readers easily find specific information or sections.
  • In addition to your financial statements, provide additional financial documents like tax returns, a list of assets within the business, credit history, and more. These statements must be the latest and offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.
  • Provide data derived from market research, including stats about the industry, user demographics, and industry trends.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Include any additional documentation related to your business plan, such as product brochures, marketing materials, operational procedures, etc.

Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your SEO business plan should only include relevant and important information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This sample SEO business plan will provide an idea for writing a successful SEO plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready business plan to impress your audience, download our SEO business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, should i include a swot analysis in my seo business plan.

Adding SWOT analysis helps one to know the current market positioning of their SEO business in the market. Also, it will support you in understanding your competitive edge. Thus, SWOT analysis is highly recommended.

Can a good SEO business plan help me secure funding?

Indeed. A well-crafted SEO business plan will help your investors better understand your business domain, market trends, strategies, business financials, and growth potential—helping them make better financial decisions.

So, if you have a profitable and investable business, a comprehensive business plan can certainly help you secure your business funding.

Do I need charts and graphs in my SEO business plan?

Everyone gets bored with text and text, of course, adding graphs and charts will help you keep your audience engaged. This way your readers can skim-read your business plan and still get an idea about your SEO business. Adding graphs and charts is a must, but don’t overdo it.

How detailed should the financial projections be in my SEO business plan?

The level of detail of the financial projections of your SEO business may vary considering various business aspects like direct and indirect competition, pricing, and operational efficiency. However, your financial projections must be comprehensive enough to demonstrate a complete view of your financial performance.

Generally, the statements included in a business plan offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.

What is the easiest way to write your SEO business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any SEO business plan example and edit it as per your needs. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our AI-powered business plan software .

About the Author

business plan of seo company

Vinay Kevadiya

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics, the #1 business planning software. His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans. He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts. Read more

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Download How to Write SEO Business Plan + Free Template

SEO Company Business-Plan 2024

April 28, 2024  in  Uncategorized by Sameer@Khan

Navigating the Digital Frontier: Crafting Your SEO Business Plan

In the vast expanse of the digital landscape, search engine optimization (SEO) stands as a beacon, guiding businesses toward visibility and success. As entrepreneurs set sail on the tumultuous seas of online commerce, a well-crafted SEO business plan becomes their North Star, illuminating the path to sustainable growth and prosperity. Join us on this journey as we explore the essential elements of charting your course in the realm of SEO entrepreneurship.

Key Takeaways:

  • Strategic Planning is Essential: Crafting a comprehensive SEO business plan is crucial for navigating the complexities of the digital landscape. By outlining your objectives, strategies, and financial projections, you can establish a solid foundation for success.
  • Client-Centric Approach: Prioritize client satisfaction by offering tailored solutions that address their unique needs and challenges. By delivering tangible results and exceeding expectations, you can build long-lasting relationships and foster loyalty.
  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Keep a pulse on emerging trends and market dynamics to remain competitive in the ever-evolving SEO industry. By embracing innovation and leveraging data-driven insights, you can position your company as a leader in the field.
  • Integrated Marketing and Sales: Develop a cohesive marketing and sales strategy that leverages both traditional and digital channels to expand your reach and attract new clients. By investing in targeted advertising campaigns and strategic partnerships, you can drive growth and maximize revenue.
  • Operational Efficiency is Key: Streamline workflow processes and invest in technology infrastructure to optimize efficiency and maximize productivity. By maintaining a focus on operational excellence, you can ensure seamless execution of your strategies and initiatives.
  • Financial Prudence: Develop realistic financial projections and exercise fiscal discipline to achieve sustainable growth and profitability. By managing expenses, diversifying revenue streams, and making strategic investments, you can position your company for long-term success.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and revise your SEO business plan to adapt to changing market conditions and seize new opportunities. By embracing a mindset of continuous improvement, you can stay agile and resilient in the face of uncertainty, driving ongoing success and innovation.

SEO Business Plan 2024: Step-by-Step Guide for SEO Company

Executive Summary:

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, our SEO company , UI Cubix, emerges as a beacon of innovation and excellence. With a steadfast commitment to delivering unparalleled results for our clients, we seek to redefine the standards of SEO excellence. Our business plan outlines a strategic roadmap for success, blending cutting-edge techniques with unwavering dedication to client satisfaction.

Company Description:

At the heart of our enterprise lies a passion for empowering businesses to thrive in the digital age. Founded on the principles of integrity, professionalism, and innovation, UI Cubix embodies a culture of excellence in all facets of our operations. With a diverse team of seasoned professionals, we leverage our collective expertise to deliver tailor-made solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

Market Analysis:

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the demand for effective SEO services has never been greater. Our market analysis reveals a landscape ripe with opportunities, characterized by growing competition and shifting consumer behaviors. By staying abreast of emerging trends and harnessing the power of data-driven insights, we position ourselves at the forefront of the SEO industry, poised to seize new opportunities and overcome potential challenges.

Services and Solutions:

At UI Cubix, we offer a comprehensive suite of SEO services designed to elevate our clients’ online presence and maximize their digital potential. From strategic keyword research to meticulous on-page optimization and authoritative link building, our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, driving organic traffic and enhancing search engine visibility.

Marketing and Sales Strategy:

Central to our growth strategy is a robust marketing and sales plan that leverages both traditional and digital channels to expand our reach and attract new clients. Through targeted advertising campaigns, strategic partnerships, and thought leadership initiatives, we aim to position UI Cubix as the premier destination for cutting-edge SEO solutions.

Operational Plan:

Efficient operations form the backbone of our organization, ensuring seamless execution of our strategies and initiatives. From streamlining workflow processes to investing in state-of-the-art technology infrastructure, we are committed to optimizing efficiency and maximizing productivity at every turn.

Financial Projections:

Our financial projections paint a picture of sustained growth and profitability, driven by a combination of recurring revenue streams, strategic investments, and prudent fiscal management. With a clear focus on profitability and scalability, we are poised to achieve our long-term financial objectives and create lasting value for our stakeholders.


As we embark on this journey into the digital frontier, our SEO business plan serves as a roadmap for success, guiding us toward our destination with clarity and purpose. By staying true to our core values and embracing innovation at every turn, we are confident in our ability to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and redefine the future of SEO excellence. Join us as we chart a course toward a brighter tomorrow, one optimized search result at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • What is SEO, and why is it important for businesses?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). It is essential for businesses because it helps increase organic traffic, enhance online visibility, and attract potential customers who are actively searching for products or services related to their offerings.

  • How can an SEO business plan benefit my company?

A well-crafted SEO business plan serves as a roadmap for success, outlining your company’s objectives, strategies, and financial projections. It provides clarity and direction, guiding your efforts to achieve long-term growth and profitability. Additionally, a comprehensive business plan can help attract investors, secure funding, and align your team around common goals.

  • What services does an SEO company typically offer?

SEO companies offer a range of services tailored to improve a client’s online presence and search engine visibility. These services may include keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content creation, website audits, local SEO, and analytics tracking. The specific services offered may vary based on the needs and goals of each client.

  • How long does it take to see results from SEO efforts?

The timeline for seeing results from SEO efforts can vary depending on various factors, including the competitiveness of the industry, the quality of the website and content, the effectiveness of the SEO strategies implemented, and the consistency of efforts. Generally, significant improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic may take several months to achieve, with ongoing optimization efforts required to maintain and enhance results over time.

  • How do you measure the success of an SEO campaign?

The success of an SEO campaign can be measured using various key performance indicators (KPIs), including organic traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and return on investment (ROI). By analyzing these metrics regularly and tracking progress against predefined goals, you can assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize performance.

  • What sets UI Cubix apart from other SEO providers?

At UI Cubix, we distinguish ourselves through a client-centric approach, leveraging our expertise, innovation, and commitment to excellence to deliver exceptional results. Our tailored solutions, transparent communication, and dedication to client satisfaction set us apart, ensuring that we exceed expectations and drive tangible value for our clients.

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Starting an SEO Business: The Ultimate Checklist for Your SEO Company

It often starts with the idea of being your own boss. Then that idea breeds another one – achieving success.

No matter what brought you on the path of starting an SEO business, it boils down to these two questions: What is an SEO business and are you willing to give it your 100%?

The last thing you want to happen is to start an SEO business and end up with a half-baked venture and a string of unhappy clients. . . .

So what does an SEO company do? Simply put, SEO (acronym for Search Engine Optimization) is the process of making your website more visible in search engines. A company that specializes in digital marketing and SEO focuses on strategic processes to elevate your businesses online ranking. If a company is wanting to grow, compete with others in the same niche, needing more sales, and reach a wider audience, then SEO is a necessity.

We all know that Google is the king of search engines, but did you also realize how important it can be for your business? SEO expertly implemented will increase web pages rankings in order to make them pop up more when someone enters industry related “keywords” into their browser. From on and off page optimization, social media, content creation, pay per click ads, reputation management, speed, etc. . . these combined elements impact the grade of a page to influence ranking. A trustworthy SEO company can be the solution for increased visibility and better traffic numbers which leads directly towards more leads/sales as well!

Most people have started a growing business because they have utilized their skills to sell their product or service. SEO does not come naturally and most people have  little to no experience with the topic and strategy. They hire SEO experts so they can focus on what they’re good at, and trust external companies to grow their business online. In this article, we briefly review how to start a successful SEO business so that your paying clients are ecstatic and satisfied with the results for their business. 

How To Start an SEO Business

That’s why we made this checklist – to provide you and other agency aspirants with step-by-step guide on starting, running, and scaling an SEO business.

Whether you’re an SEO consultant or a digital marketing professional aiming to have your own SEO agency , this checklist will instill the essentials to help you go from startup to powerhouse.

1. Everything You Need to Start an SEO Business

The beginning is often the hardest, as they say. But, the sooner you understand the basics of how to start an SEO business, the smooth-sailing the next steps will be for your agency. The first thing you need to do is lay down the requirements for starting your SEO agency.

Are You Ready to Run Your Own Agency?

Start your dream agency

If you  answered yes, there’s nothing that will stop you from continuing reading until the very end of this guide. But, if your answer is no, that’s okay. We’ll help you get there.

In reality, no one is ever ready to start and run an SEO company. Apart from the ever-changing SEO industry, you have operations to think about. Everything is a learning process.

Before you dive into making your SEO business plan, make sure you tick off the following:

Prepare to Quit Your Job

Let’s get one thing straight first – starting an agency isn’t an excuse to abandon work. If anything, you need to dedicate extra effort and time to get started on your SEO company.

But, when do you quit your job and focus your attention solely on your SEO business?

It’s when you have enough cash flow that matches what you’re currently making at your day job. It’s when you have enough loyal clients to maintain business continuity. It’s when people are asking about your SEO instead of you asking them to hire you.

If you think you’ve met the criteria above, then maybe it’s time to quit your job.

Possess Business Acumen

An SEO agency is like any other business. If you have zero business acumen, you’re likely to have a hard time keeping your agency above water.

Many business owners squander thousands of dollars just because they lack the sense of doing what’s best for their business. There are many resources online and amazing books you can read that can provide you with insights on setting up a successful SEO business. So, here’s your assignment—be sure to grab a copy of the following titles:

  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
  • Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin
  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Learn the Basics of Digital Marketing

Neil Patel didn’t start out as an SEO guru. In fact, he had to learn SEO and experience a few hiccups along the way.

That’s the thing when you start an SEO business. . . people like Neil Patel didn’t establish their authority by sheer luck. It’s a matter of educating yourself about the industry.

Ask yourself this: Would you trust an agency that doesn’t have an ounce of SEO knowledge?

Not likely, right?

A wealth of information about SEO and digital marketing is out there, so you’ll have no excuse to skimp on the learning aspect. You can start with some of the downloadable materials we have on the Resource Center that you can access when you sign up. We also encourage you to check on Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, Moz, and Google’s Webmasters Help Community for up-to-date information on everything digital.

Legal Matters to Handle

As with any business, starting a search engine engine optimization business comes with legal implications. every decision is guided by specific regulations, and knowing these from the get-go can save you from headaches later on., determine your business structure.

Before you even come up with a name for your agency, you need to decide on your business structure. Your decision will depend on which provides the best structure when filing your taxes to the IRS. Do you want to operate as a sole proprietorship or as an LLC?

As a Single Proprietorship

Registering your SEO agency as a sole proprietorship means you’ll be running your business with a single owner. This is often the case for many startup agency owners who operate their businesses as freelancers. The flexibility and simple setup make this structure an attractive option for many SEO consultants aspiring to own their own agency, but it may come with a few risks.

As a single proprietorship, the agency may be liable for damages in case problems arise. Single proprietorship also doesn’t require filing business taxes separate from personal taxes. This makes it hard to determine the value of the business when it’s tied to personal assets.

As a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

As opposed to a single proprietorship, registering as an LLC means you can have more than one owner (member) to run the business. Operating as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) poses fewer risks for startup agencies—one of these is having business taxes separate from personal assets. Using this business structure for your agency also provides you with legal protection.

With limited liability, you can protect your personal assets from business debts and obligations. An LLC is also more favorable if you’re planning to reach out to suppliers or lenders.

NOTE: Talk to a lawyer or a CPA before deciding on the business structure for your SEO agency.

Create Your SEO Contracts

A contract may sound intimidating to clients, but trust us when we say you need one. It’s the only piece of document that binds your agency with your clients. However, an SEO contract goes beyond legalities. Think of it as an agreement on what needs to be done and what is to be expected from both parties.

An SEO contract allows you to go into the granular details of how your agency will handle campaigns – from the roles and processes to ownership of assets and the length of the agreement.

Set Up Your Payment Methods

Most agencies rely on the easy way to receive payment – PayPal. But, other payment methods are worth exploring if you want to make the most of every cent that goes to your business.

  • Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfers : Clients send an electronic money transfer from their bank account to a US-based business bank account. This can either be credit or debit transactions.
  • Credit Card Payment : One of the most common payment methods practiced by businesses globally. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are often the common card networks used. Many businesses prefer this method because clients only need to enter their credentials over a secure network to complete their transactions, we recommend Stripe.com.
  • Online Payments : PayPal falls into this category. Other similar services are Alipay, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

When deciding the payment method, think of what works best for your clients. Keep the experience smooth by ensuring each transaction is secure.

Prepare Your Invoice Templates

An invoice is proof of a transaction between a client and your search engine optimization business. This helps you organize and track accounts, so you know your agency gets paid within the payment terms. Each invoice should have its corresponding number for convenient tracking.

A standard SEO invoice includes the itemized charges with clear descriptions for each service rendered by your agency. The due date and payment methods should also be clearly stated in the invoice.

Your Agency’s Brand Matters

Your brand is one of the things you need to develop – not just at the start, but also as you grow your agency.

Building your agency’s brand is all about identifying what makes your clients choose you above other SEO companies. It’s what differentiates you from the rest.

Choose Your Search Engine Optimization Business Name and Logo

Your name and logo are the most recognizable aspect of your brand. Both go into all of your assets – website, business cards, online ads, lead magnets, and other digital resources.

When choosing your agency’s name and logo, think of the following:

  • Value proposition : What are your main differentiators?
  • Audience : Who is your clientele?
  • Personality : What emotion do you want to evoke from your audience? How do you want them to perceive your brand?

Identify Your Target Buyer Personas

Your target buyer personas represent the ideal clients you want to attract and convert for your agency. Defining your buyer personas make it easier to understand your clients, their business, pain points, goals, and the digital marketing solutions they need.

Identifying buyer personas come in two parts: their demographics and psychographics.

The first part pertains to their physical characteristics, such as age, gender, location, and employment status. The second part refers to behaviors that influence their buying decision, such as motivations, goals, and brand affinities.

Buyer personas serve as a guide on how you’re going to position your SEO marketing business. These are highly useful when you’re crafting content that aims to nurture and convert prospects.

Choose Your Niche

This is where many startup agencies fall short.

It can be tempting to cast a wide net and take the “sell to everyone” approach when identifying the niche you want to service. However, knowing which niche to serve can make a big difference in how your agency scales. Do you want to offer SEO for small businesses or realtors ? Are you into more competitive niches?

When choosing a niche for your SEO startup, consider the following:

  • Go with an industry you’re familiar with. The more you’re well-versed with the industry lingo, the easier it will be to connect with prospects.
  • Start with your social circles. Leverage the power of referrals.
  • Do market research. This makes it easier to do prospecting and qualify leads later on.

Decide on Your Service Offerings

Are you focused solely on SEO? Do you want to expand to PPC, Social Media, or Web Design? Planning to cater to businesses in your area and offer local SEO for businesses ?

Making SEO your main product offering provides your business with recurring monthly revenue. The reason behind this is SEO doesn’t stop in the first month. Clients need consistent optimization until they can see a positive ranking movement. Compared to web design that’s often packaged into one-off products, SEO as a service provides you with more flexibility to upsell clients.

Once you’ve already gotten your first few SEO clients and managed to get them to stay with your agency, it’s time to expand to other digital marketing services. For now, you should stick to one solution.

Build Your Website

A website can make the difference between getting prospects and losing them to the competition. At this point, it doesn’t matter if the website isn’t as stunning as most established digital marketing businesses (you can get to that later on). What matters is you have one.

For now, you’ll need:

  • Domain and hosting : Choose a domain name that resonates with your agency’s brand and have it hosted on a web hosting site. GoDaddy, Bluename, and WPEngine are some of the domain and hosting sites we recommend.
  • Platform : Start with WordPress. It’s reliable, easy to use, and, best of all, FREE. Plus, there are tons of WordPress themes for Search Engine Optimization businesses , so it’s easy to get started.
  • Design : Not a designer? That’s fine. You’ll find tons of web design templates that take away the heavy lifting when it comes to design building. But, if you have the budget, you can outsource website design (or have our team build it for you).

Checklist: Things You Need to Accomplish

Have you done the following?

  • Brush up on your business acumen
  • Learn the basics of digital marketing
  • Decide on your search engine optimization business structure
  • Create an SEO contract template
  • Set up a payment method
  • Prepare an invoice template
  • Choose an agency name and logo
  • Identify your target buyer persona
  • Choose your niche
  • Decide on which SEO services to offer
  • Acquire a domain and hosting for your website

2. Work on Your SEO Methodology

Work on your SEO methodology

SEO companies are doing the same thing. Yes and no.

While on-page optimization, link building , and content marketing are the common strategies for ranking websites, each SEO agency has a different approach for its clients. All these depend on their SEO methodology – one that you need to define for your agency.

Let’s dive into how you can build the foundation for your search engine optimization business strategy and establish your expertise.

Develop Your Core SEO Methodology

It’s not about doing what Google says; it’s doing as Google ranks. Your SEO methodology is a culmination of expertise and strategies that ultimately provide value to businesses and their target customers.

In-house or Outsource?

Becoming an SEO consultant then transitioning into a full-time digital marketing agency means establishing your expertise. This doesn’t mean you have to master everything on your own.

There are two tracks to establishing expertise: build your in-house team of experts or outsource the work to experts.

Learn About Project Management

SEO is a never-ending project. Unlike web design that’s often a one-off project, you need to be continuously optimizing a client’s website to make it rank . This calls for learning project management so you can manage expectations, tasks, and – when you become a larger SEO business – manage your team.

Project management in SEO is usually two-pronged: Planning and Fulfillment.

Planning involves research, evaluation, and strategy. This builds the framework of your SEO campaigns, so you have a clear direction of what and when to do things. Keyword research, competitive analysis, website audit, and content quality evaluation often fall under the planning phase. After planning comes execution, and this is what fulfillment covers.

Fulfillment, however, goes beyond delivering what you promised to clients. It’s a matter of implementing a consistent, scalable process to get things done. Do you want to go about the SEO project in an agile way, or are you more of a kanban type of person? Fulfillment can go smoothly if you have a defined sequence—the result being an increase in the number of happy clients and more revenue for your SEO business.

As you learn about project management, it’s best to familiarize yourself with the following project management tools for SEO agencies :

Avoid using multiple platforms—choose one that fits into your current process and team setup. If you have a small team to manage your SEO business, it’s best to try the free project management tools and see how it goes.

Use SEO Tools

Every SEO starts out with the basic knowledge of Google Search Console or Google Analytics. Both SEO tools can provide reliable reporting metrics that come from Google search results.

But, are these tools enough? Not in the slightest. If you’re looking to establish a solid SEO methodology, you need an arsenal of SEO tools.

Many SEO tools and marketing tools for small businesses are designed to accomplish other tasks, such as keyword research, link building prospecting, and competitor analysis. You’ll find a combination of free and paid tools online—we recommend starting with the free ones, so you can get a feel of how the tool works first.

Be sure to check out the following tools:

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Data Studio
  • ScreamingFrog

Pro-tip : Create a manual for SEO software and tools, then cascade to your team. This can become a part of your standard processes to eliminate dependency on individual talents.

Before you move forward, be sure you’ve done the following:

  • Develop your SEO methodology
  • Determine whether to hire in-house experts or to outsource
  • Learn project management skills
  • Familiarize yourself with project management tools
  • Determine which SEO tools to use
  • Create a manual on using SEO tools and cascade to your team

3. Market Your SEO Agency

Market your SEO agency

Marketing SEO services and your agency is about positioning yourself as the provider of choice for businesses looking to increase their digital presence. This means one thing—practice what you preach.

Think of it this way: will businesses trust your agency if they can’t even find you on Google? Highly unlikely.

An established online presence tells a lot about how your agency does SEO. Your newly-built website may take a few months to rank, but this doesn’t mean you need to rely on SEO alone. That’s what you’ll be learning in this chapter.

This section covers the best practices on marketing your SEO company and ramping up your online presence to ultimately get more SEO leads .

Inbound Practices

Inbound practices lay the foundation for your agency’s online presence. Think of it as passively getting eyes on your brand. This involves different strategies to attract leads to your agency – SEO, social media, content marketing , and paid ads.

SEO is the most cost-effective way of building your online presence, but only if you do it right. The key is to optimize your website as you do with clients.

On-page improvements

Do a quick SEO audit of your website and see what you need to improve. Do the pages target the interests of your buyer personas at their stage of the buyer’s journey? Is the website loading at optimal speed? Does the site navigation support user experience? Think of your agency’s website as needing its own SEO hygiene to rank better in search results.

Off-page initiatives

Link building strategies can go hand in hand with your on-page improvements. As your agency’s website is slowly getting organic traffic through on-page optimization, building links can provide you with referral traffic to boost authority to top pages.

Relevant Listings

Set up and claim your Google My Business listing to build your agency’s presence on local search results. You can also add your SEO business on Yelp and other relevant business listings to get more online real estate. However, make sure your Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) are consistent and accurate across these listing sites.

Another boost to your SEO performance is having reviews on top review sites and on your actual website. Be proactive in asking your clients to review your SEO company, but do this without being too forceful. Each review should come from people you have a professional relationship with to attest to your agency’s reliability, work ethic, and integrity.

Social Media

If you don’t have a social media page, it’s time to create one. Businesses spend six hours on social media per week, with Facebook being the most popular platform they use to stay active. Using social media for your inbound efforts requires more than publishing posts on Facebook, though. You need to:

  • Customize your message according to your audience and the platform.
  • Be a member of social media groups to get insights on what your audience is talking about. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit Groups are great places to learn about updates and topics that your audience is interested in.
  • Be human. Don’t be a robot and post just for the sake of engagement. Instagram and Twitter are great platforms to show the human side of your agency.

Content Marketing

Content is (and will always be) king. But, it’s not simply about publishing a blog post and hoping prospects will stumble upon it. A solid content marketing strategy is all about presenting the right content to the right audience at the right time.

Optimize your website content around the intent of your buyer personas. Dive into Google Search Console and look at the queries your website is getting. Choose terms with high search volume and build topics for your content around these. Remember that your content should always be evolving. Update and optimize to align the content with the interests of your audience.

Using paid ads is ideal for a highly targeted audience. Paid ads can supplement your SEO efforts, as this puts your agency in front of people who have the highest intent of working with an SEO company. You can go about this in two ways:

  • Google Ads : This involves text, image, and video ads that appear on Google Display Network or Search Marketing Platforms.
  • Remarketing Ads : Ideal for users who have already visited your site, remarketing ads help reinforce your value proposition to your audience.

With paid ads, you can stay on top of your prospects’ minds and be there when they’re ready to hire an SEO expert . Note : When doing inbound, always think of your buyer personas. Everything needs to relate to them at their stage in the buyer’s journey.

Outbound Practices

Outbound practices are strategies that you use to find prospects instead of them finding you. It’s your job to initiate contact with prospects and make your agency brand stick until they’re ready to get your complete SEO services . An effective outbound campaign involves a combination of strategies—this includes inbound practices.

Attend Trade Shows and Conferences

It may be the oldest rule in the book of marketing, but attending industry events can help your agency be more visible to businesses looking for SEO services. This provides you with the opportunity to connect with prospects.

Start with events that are happening within your area. If you know someone in the industry, ask them to introduce you to potential prospects—think of them as your handshake.

Leverage testimonials from a previous client. But, if you don’t have any testimonials to present, that’s fine, too. You can offer them something free and valuable (a lead magnet) in exchange for their contact details. A quick SEO audit is a good example.

Send Cold Emails

This ties with your inbound practices and trade show appearances. when a prospect provides their contact details (whether via a contact form on your site or a lead magnet you sent during your interaction at a trade show), you can pipe them into your email list. while there’s no definite formula to sending a cold email to a potential client , stick to the best practices to evoke the best response from prospects:.

  • Use a business domain on your email instead of a generic email address.
  • Refine your email list—segment your list according to the message of your email.
  • Include a compelling subject line and personalize your email message.
  • Schedule follow-up emails to get a response—two follow emails can be a good start.

Both your inbound and outbound efforts should point to how your SEO agency can provide value to businesses.

Pro-tip : Use a lead generation tool to find prospects easier and faster for your audience.

Here are the things you need to do before going to the next step of starting your SEO marketing business:

  • Do a quick audit and optimize your website
  • Start building quality links for your agency website
  • Set up and claim your listings on relevant business listings websites (Google My Business, Yelp, etc.)
  • Get reviews from your first client
  • Optimize your social media profiles
  • Join social media groups
  • Write and optimize content for your buyer personas
  • Launch paid ads campaigns to promote your SEO business
  • Attend trade shows and conferences in your area
  • Prepare a lead magnet to offer to prospects attending the same event as you
  • Prepare and refine your email list for cold emailing

4. Sell SEO Services

business plan of seo company

Even if you’re an experienced SEO specialist, having the cadence to sell SEO services can make a big difference between a successful agency and one that’s barely making the cut. Everything boils down to defining your SEO sales process.E

Learn how to sell SEO to businesses and provide your agency with a repeatable process and tactics that lead to more revenue.

Establish Your SEO Pricing Structure

One of the things prospects will ask from you is how much your SEO costs. You’ll find different answers to this question, and it may get confusing if you’re not familiar with the value of SEO.

How do you justify the cost of your SEO to clients? Start by defining your SEO pricing structure.

SEO companies use three types of pricing structures for their services:

  • Hourly: Agencies often apply this pricing structure for minor SEO tasks, such as keyword research and website audits.
  • Fixed : This can be ideal for projects that include a combination of SEO work – from on-page optimization to SEO consulting services. Those who expand to other services consider a fixed pricing structure, such as when pricing their website design services .
  • Retainer : Established agencies often put their clients on a monthly retainer pricing model that fits their budget and digital marketing needs.

As you start your SEO agency, it’s best to choose a fixed and hourly pricing structure before moving to retainer fees. Before you do that, research. Know the level of competition for the industry you’re planning to serve. Your pricing should also match the capability of your agency to deliver. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by asking a steep price for your SEO services and overpromising—then make the mistake of under delivering.

Find Your Clients

You’ve done your research, figured out processes for SEO strategy, taken care of the legalities and more. The next step is figuring out how to get your first SEO client? Typically, the first clients are likely the following: referrals, prospects you’ve met at industry events, people within your personal and professional network, and people you’ve met on social networks (LinkedIn or Facebook groups).

Finding clients coincides with your inbound and outbound initiatives that we’ve discussed in the previous steps. The more visible your agency is, the more opportunities you have of connecting to businesses that need SEO services.

Here are a few things you can do to make it easier to find clients (or them to find you):

  • Download the SEO Audit Widget . Every time a prospect enters their details on the audit widget form on your website, they get a free SEO audit . In turn, you get their email.
  • Ask for referrals . A good word or two about your SEO company can spur prospects into getting your service.
  • Cold call with conviction . Prepare a script, pick up the phone, and start calling businesses in your local directory.
  • Offer free site audits. Give advice on how they can grow their organic search traffic. On any of your social media or websites, this can be a freebie in order to start communication with a potential client. Potential clients have a greater risk of turning into paying clients.
  • Specialize in a  specific niche, like legal services or real estate. This will help you identify what types of content should be created so that it fits right alongside other sites focused around these topics (and not vice versa). It solidifies your expertise and validates your position within the same industries. Helping one client 
  • Partner with design agencies if possible. This can produce compelling logos/icons while also creating marketing materials such as newsletters which could include promo codes listeners could use when booking appointments through various channels mentioned above.
  • Speak at marketing conferences . Being on stage continues to build your credibility. Providing education for certain topics and niches in front of an audience will help grow your company name. References can also stem from these conferences.
  • Publishing “pillar content” on the internet. Sharing it with friends via social media platforms such as Linkedin or Pinterest.
  • Creating monthly packages targeted toward specific needs.
  • Reaching out to individual businesses through email campaigns.

While not all of them will always work, these have been known to help accelerate the process of finding retainer clients.

Note : Take the time to get to know your clients before you reach out. This will help you match your sales approach to the type of client you’re facing.

Qualify Your Leads

A common mistake startup SEO agencies – even some of the established ones – make is selling SEO to everyone.

Why? Two reasons: 1) It’s a waste of time; 2) Not all prospects are right for your SEO company.

This is where qualifying leads come in.

Qualifying your leads allows you to focus on the right prospects based on four factors: Budget, Need, Authority, and Timeframe (BANT).

These factors entail whether your prospect can afford your services, has a definite need for your expertise, has the power to make decisions, and is ready to buy from you.

Develop a Set of Probing Questions

Probing questions allow you to determine the needs of your prospects and whether they’re right for your agency. Some of the questions to ask SEO clients are:

  • Did you work with an SEO company before?
  • How satisfied are you with your current SEO agency?
  • What are your main challenges? How did you resolve these?
  • Do you have a marketing budget?
  • How do you measure SEO success?

Pro-tip : Use this client questionnaire template as a guide when developing your questions.

Know When to Say No

As much as you want to take on all prospects and their requests, you have to face the reality that you can’t do everything—even more so if you’re running a small SEO business. This is where you draw the line.

Set high standards at the beginning and stick to them. It may seem a bit absurd to say no to SEO clients (because why would you turn away business, right?), but this allows you to prioritize leads who are more likely to convert.

The entire qualifying phase revolves around this. If you deem a prospect not fit or may not need your services now, you can put them into a nurturing campaign until they’re ready to become your clients.

Pitch to Your SEO Prospects

A strong pitch is a combination of a great amount of prep, an SEO proposal that sells itself, and a good rapport with your prospect.

Do Your Prep

Think of this as doing your homework—or what we call Step 0 .

Your prep allows you to develop a pitch around your client, not around your SEO agency.

What are their business and industry? What are their common pain points? What solutions do they need?

Everything you need to learn about the client to help them find the right solution and position yourself as the agency of their choice happens in prep.

Create a Proposal That Sells Itself

Your SEO business proposal is your agency’s value proposition in print. It includes information about your client, the details of your SEO methodology, your proposed SEO solution, and the timeline and deliverables.

It’s best to have a template for your SEO business proposal, so you can simply plug in the information. This saves you time on building an SEO proposal from scratch.

Supplement your SEO proposal with marketing materials to reinforce the value of your SEO service. Send them a pitch deck, a comprehensive competitor analysis, case studies, or even white papers. This helps in demonstrating the impact of your SEO service on their business.

Build Rapport

A strong rapport with prospects allows you to have a stronger influence on their buying decision. Not only does this show effort in building a good relationship, but it also helps you establish trust. As you get the hang of running your startup SEO agency, you should also dedicate time to learning a few rapport-building techniques:

  • Common ground
  • Cheerleading

Close Your SEO Prospects

You’ve pitched and talked to clients. Now, it’s time to close.

There’s one rule we always reinforce when it comes to closing: Once you’ve said your closing pitch, STOP TALKING. The first one to speak loses.

That said, make sure that you’re closing line is strong because this sets the tone on whether a client will accept or reject you. Learning sales closing techniques can help you determine what’s the best to say as you end your pitch:

  • Sell the benefit of your service.
  • Close by scheduling your next conversation (assumptive close).
  • End with a question that offers them a limited choice (assertive close).

IMPORTANT : In any pitch, there will be objections on price, the value of the service, or even SEO horror stories. Learn how to overcome these objections so you can solidify your pitch.

Retain Your Clients

Closing a prospect doesn’t mean you stop trying to win their business. You need to provide value and build desire consistently and continuously to make them stay with your SEO agency.

The moment you stop building their desire to work with you is the moment you lose clients. This can affect your SEO business because of lost credibility and relationships. Client retention lays the groundwork for your startup agency to scale. It drives repeat business and predictable revenue, so you can eventually attain a seven-digit earning SEO agency.

Before moving to the final steps, make sure you’ve ticked off the following:

  • Establish your SEO pricing structure
  • Download the SEO audit widget
  • Ask for referrals
  • Qualify your leads
  • Develop a set of probing questions
  • Say no to clients who are not the right fit for your agency
  • Do your prep before pitching
  • Create an SEO proposal and other marketing materials for your pitch
  • Learn rapport building techniques
  • Learn closing techniques
  • Write down the different ways to keep clients

5. Maintain Business Continuity and Operations

Maintain SEO business continuity

One of the challenges of most SEO startup agencies is not having the cadence to run their operations. The lack of predictable processes, in turn, affects their bottom line. This doesn’t have to happen to you.

By following the practices we’ve outlined, your newly established SEO agency can have the process to maintain business continuity and run operations smoothly.

Align Sales with Fulfillment

While it’s tempting to get as many clients on board with your agency, it’s important to think of your operational capabilities. Remember that you’re operating as a startup—that means your resources and manpower are limited to what’s available to you. This calls for alignment between sales and operations.

Your SEO business plan should include the following steps:

  • Evaluate if sales goals are aligned with your operations.
  • Set a baseline and performance measurements across intersecting areas.
  • Identify the gaps to develop a more collaborative approach.
  • Map out a process with clear timelines and deliverables.

Keeping your sales aligned with fulfillment will help you deliver what clients need and ensure consistent performance.

Avoid the Talent Trap

Most SEO companies that are new often have a limited number of heads in their team—a team of two or five at most. Given the lack of hands to take care of the work, there are often cases of work falling into the responsibilities of a select few in the team. That’s a talent trap in the making.

You need to acknowledge that every talent in your team has limitations. What happens if the talent handling the very campaigns you have suddenly gets sick or leaves? Who will take care of the work? Instead of relying on a single rockstar to bring you success, develop a succession plan. This should include standards for experience, products, and customer expectations.

Build Processes

This ties with avoiding the talent trap. Your agency should be process-driven.

Developing processes helps you avoid being too dependent on talent and provides you with defined steps that your team can follow on autopilot.

Think of the Pareto principle – focus on doing 20% of the effort that drives 80% of results for your clients and agency. This makes it easier to prioritize tasks and your whirlwinds (tasks that take too much time to accomplish but have minimal impact, such as admin work).

Develop processes and provide documentation, such as:

  • Checklists for repetitive tasks
  • Operations manual
  • Sales manual
  • Customer service manual

Pro-tip: Create these processes and support with training to establish a cadence of responsibility for your team.

Prepare to Scale

At the end of the day, every startup SEO agency wants to reach that high revenue mark.

This points to the question, “How do you scale your SEO agency?”

One simple answer—don’t be the hero.

What we mean by this is to delegate tasks to people in your team. Most agency owners (especially those who are new owners) tend to roll up their sleeves and take on the work themselves. As honorable as that may seem, it’s counterproductive. To scale your agency, you need to work ON it, not in it.

Outsource the Work

If you or anyone on your team can’t do the work, outsource it. We’ve covered outsourcing a bit in the previous section, but we’re going to dive deeper into how this can affect your operations.

Outsourcing your SEO provides you with more time to focus on your agency’s growth instead of the minute tasks. Moreover, it helps you tap into a larger pool of talent to get deliverables done while establishing your expertise. You can outsource SEO to freelancers. This may be the ideal option if you have small SEO projects or tasks that require a minimum number of hours to accomplish.

However, if you’re looking for a long-term partnership to deliver bulk SEO work, outsource to an SEO provider . This provides you with a larger team that will take care of your projects.

Pro-tip: Look for case studies provided by the outsource professional that showcases their ability to deliver results consistently.

Just a bit more and you’re all set! Be sure to accomplish these for your SEO business:

  • Set a baseline and performance measurements to align sales and fulfillment
  • Create a succession plan to avoid the talent trap
  • Develop processes and provide documentation for internal use
  • Delegate tasks – don’t be the hero
  • Find an outsource provider to ease fulfillment from your in-house team

6. Conclusion

Starting an SEO company will test your capabilities and will.

Many would-be SEO company owners tend to give up halfway—don’t let that be you.

If you manage to do all the things in this checklist, that’s already a big win. But if you need another set of hands to establish your SEO agency, we’re here for you.

While the steps to starting your SEO business may feel like an uphill battle, the result of all the work can be worth the effort. All the learnings that come with the changing digital landscape, as well as the businesses you can help along the way, make your work as an SEO agency more than fulfilling!

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Great article Itamar.

I want to ask you.

What is the most difficult part about starting an seo agency?

Kind regards, Filip

As a full-service advertising agency, I understand that it is imperative to take the time to brand and advertise yourself, in order to instill trust in any potential clients. If they look at your online presence and it is anything less than impressive, they likely won’t want you to perform that same work for their business. SEO is such an in-depth process that is not a one-and-done kind of service; it takes a lot of work month after month, so it’s definitely important to form positive relationships with your clients. Great article with action steps on how to turn the SEO agency dream into a very possible reality.

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How To Start and Grow Your SEO Business

Author: Stevie Carpenter

Stevie Carpenter

11 min. read

Updated May 10, 2024

Free Download:  Sample Digital Marketing Agency Business Plan Template

There’s never been a better time to start an SEO business. In this day and age, SEO is all but essential to businesses. It’s crucial for helping brands get seen by the right customers at the right time.

Consequently, starting an SEO business can be a lucrative venture.

But with so much competition, it takes time and effort to successfully grow an SEO agency that stands out against your competitors. In this piece, we look at how you can start growing your SEO business, from business plans to lead generation.

  • What is an SEO business?

As the name suggests, an SEO business is a company or agency that performs SEO services for and on behalf of a brand.

For those not in the know, SEO refers to  search engine optimization . This is the practice of helping a website appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for keywords related to their specific product, service, or niche. An SEO business, then, is one that offers this practice as a service.

With  81% of people looking to search engines  to find a product or service and a further 74% of those people actually making a purchase, SEO is clearly essential to businesses.

However, the actual process of optimizing your website can be complex, requiring a degree of technical and niche knowledge in order to do so. SEO businesses provide the skills, experience, and tools to help their clients optimize their digital presence so they appear higher in the SERPs.

Naturally, with SEO so important to growing businesses, there are plenty of potential clients out there. But actually winning those clients is a different matter.

  • How to write an SEO business plan that outlines your goals

A business plan is essential for any growing SEO business. It’s what guides your SEO agency’s growth and trajectory, identifying where you want to go — and how to get there.

Here are a few key points you should bear in mind while writing your SEO business plan:

Identify your target customers

Who are you targeting  your SEO business’ services towards? You might want to be an all-rounder SEO agency or, as we discuss later in this piece, you may want to specialize your verticals.

Build a solid value proposition

There are a lot of SEO businesses out there — what sets you apart from your competitors? Do you have a proprietary tool that you leverage? Expertise in a specific industry vertical or process? Work to set yourself apart early and showcase to both customers and investors why they should choose you over other agencies.

Write a concise executive summary

The  executive summary  is a general overview of your SEO business that covers all aspects of your business plan. Be sure to save this part of your plan for last, since it should function as a concise representation of your larger business plan.

Outline your financial plan and forecast

Your  financial plan  will include your cash flow statements, estimated sales forecasts, profit and loss statements, and more. This is an essential component of your plan that will help you layout steps for growth and help prove that your SEO business is viable.

These are just a few points that your SEO business plan should include. For a full and comprehensive list (with business plan templates), check out our  step-by-step guide to writing a business plan .

  • How to get SEO clients with a solid sales pitch

Part of the trouble with getting clients for your SEO business (or, indeed, retaining them) is that it is difficult to convince prospects that are not familiar with SEO of its value and necessary tactics.

SEO takes time to execute and take effect. Indeed, it is often in constant competition with  PPC for budget . PPC is comparable to a speedboat — fast, agile, and quick to pivot but, as it requires constant refueling, it can soon get expensive.

SEO, on the other hand, is more like a sailboat. Sure, it’s slow, to begin with, and it can take a while to gain momentum. But once a sailboat gets going, it really comes into its own, spurred along by the wind — no expensive refueling required.

Due to this relative lack of speed on SEO’s part, it can be difficult to make the case for it, but leaning on data can help.

Prospects that are unfamiliar with the intricacies of SEO (and why it’s arguably better than PPC) might be reluctant to sign up as a client. Or if they do, they may be reluctant to stay on past their contact’s end date because they haven’t seen the instant results they desire.

That’s why it is essential that you thoroughly outline your forecasted results for your clients during your sales pitch,  and  back those predictions up with solid data.

Present value with data

This guide from SEOmonitor  explains that you need to demonstrate the value of your targeted keywords and showcase where a brand stands against its competitors. Use this to create a forecast that showcases what really matters for the business: the link between clicks and conversions.

Convincing prospective clients of the benefits of SEO all comes down to one thing: the positive impact on their business. Clients that are familiar with how SEO works might be an easier sell, as they know that good SEO takes time and effort to implement and to see results. But for those clients that are new to SEO (and, indeed, for those that aren’t), it requires a solid, data-backed forecast of the expected results from your proposed optimizations.

By backing up your predictions with hard data — translating ranking increases into estimated clicks, conversions, traffic, and so on — you can convince even the most skeptical clients of the value of your SEO business.

Educate your customers

In the same vein, you should also seek to educate your customers. Offer one or two real insights, relevant to your prospect’s niche, that they can use and that demonstrate your own expertise and authority.

Don’t share too much, of course — give too much away, and your prospect won’t need your help. But by providing a few nuggets of useful information at first, you then prime them for further collaboration, helping your sales pitch convince and convert as a result.

  • Sell local SEO services to local businesses

Many local businesses rely on word-of-mouth, local out-of-home (OOH) advertising, or high street footfall to get customers. But as consumers increasingly turn online to search for their desired products or services, these traditional marketing tactics fall short.

Now, in a post-COVID world, OOH advertising and customer footfall have become less valuable. With the rise of eCommerce during the course of the pandemic, these habits will likely remain long after the world returns to any semblance of normality.

Consequently, SEO businesses looking to grow should target local businesses with the offer of local SEO services.

Why offer local SEO services?

Local SEO helps your clients reach new customers in the same area, customers who might otherwise have looked to national brands to buy a product. As consumers become increasingly conscious of the benefits of buying local, this is essential.

It also helps them appear ahead of their competitors in local searches. By ranking higher in the SERPs, local SEO gives them a slight (but valuable) edge.

Beyond this, local SEO can also help your clients expand into new (but still local) regions. Rather than limiting their reach to the strict geographical area, your clients can appeal to customers in the next town or district.

The essentials of SEO for local businesses include, but is not limited to:

  • Completing your Google My Business listing:  a business’s Google listing is essential for SERP success. These appear first in local search results, so it’s important your client’s listing is complete.
  • Optimize page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs:  metadata is essential for targeting local keywords. While meta descriptions aren’t important for SEO, they can help convince customers to click on your client’s result.
  • Get your schema markup right:  your client’s schema markup helps search engines understand your client’s website and display relevant results in local search queries.

These are just a few ways you can build local SEO for your clients —  this Search Engine Journal guide to local SEO  outlines them more in-depth.

But by targeting businesses with the offer of local SEO services (and clearly outlining the benefits of it to them), you can increase your roster of smaller (but paying) clients.

  • Grow your SEO business by specializing in your verticals

When you first start your SEO business, it can be tempting to take on clients from all industries. As long as they are willing to pay and take onboard your actions, they’re a worthy client.

While this is certainly a valid approach, you run the risk of overreaching. Trying to cater to every business under the sun can be done, but it is often more manageable (and, indeed, more lucrative) to  go niche .

Often, the best way to increase your client base is to narrow the scope of industries your SEO business caters to — your verticals. Although most SEO techniques can be applied to any business, each industry has its own unique challenges and issues.

Take pharmaceutical clients, for instance.

If you are  working with online pharmacies  or drug manufacturers, they will be subject to strict and specific guidelines over what they can and can’t say on their websites.

Potentially misleading claims could result in strong penalties, both from industry regulators and from search engines themselves. This requires a working knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry from a digital point of view. An all-rounder SEO business might struggle to get to grips with these complex regulations.

But an SEO agency that specializes exclusively in pharmaceuticals would hit the ground running with any new client from that industry, leaning on tried-and-tested tactics that provably grow their business.

By specializing in one, two, or a few specific verticals, you can build up your knowledge of the challenges and requirements these industries face in SEO. Consequently, you can look to offer a broader skillset and depth of experience to potential clients. Your value as an SEO business grows considerably and will help grow your client roster as a result.

  • Improve your own SEO, improve your SEO business

If you’re looking to grow your SEO business, you should first start by  ensuring your own SEO is in order . Your prospective clients should be able to enter the keywords relating to your SEO business and see you appear in the first search engine results page, at least.

This starts with a modern-looking website that is well-designed, quick to load, and represents your brand and its SEO offerings. Build out your service pages so they clearly outline exactly what you do, and how potential clients can benefit from it.

Accompany this with plenty of relevant keyword-optimized content that demonstrates your value as an SEO business, both to potential clients  and  to search engines.  As outlined by this Search Facts blog , building expertise, authority, and trust are essential for good SEO, and your website is where this begins.

Your website also includes the other basic elements of SEO: optimized metadata, good site structure, plenty of backlinks, and so on.

But alongside this, you should also improve your accompanying digital channels too. Your social media profiles, email newsletter, paid ads, and so on all create a comprehensive digital presence that, whether directly or indirectly, enhances your business’ SEO.

  • Market your SEO services by offering something for free

Every growing SEO business needs a solid lead generation strategy, and one of the best ways to grow your SEO business this way is by offering something free.

A contact form is a good way of building up your potential client base, creating an email recipient list that you can target with value-adding email marketing newsletters. But getting relevant, qualified leads to actually sign up for your newsletter isn’t always easy.

Convincing prospective clients to hand over their personal details requires a value exchange, and in order to incentivize potential customers to sign up, you need a way of encouraging them to provide their contact details.

Consequently, it is worth offering something free to achieve this.

For SEO businesses, this typically means a  free SEO site audit , but this can get expensive if you’re not guaranteed a sale out of it. But you could also look at including content templates, tools, social media calendars, and so on.

Whatever incentive you decide to offer should appeal to your target client, relevant to SEO, and adding value without detracting from or replacing your own services.

While this won’t guarantee clients, it will increase your potential audience base for your SEO business and help you get your marketing messages to the right people, boosting your business as a result.

Starting and growing an SEO business 

The tips and tactics outlined above are just a few ways  you can start growing  your SEO business. Start with a plan, set milestones, and explore opportunities to differentiate your service offerings. With time, effort, and no small amount of patience, you could soon build up a solid client base that spurs your SEO business growth.

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Content Author: Stevie Carpenter

Stevie Carpenter is an experienced writer and editor with over 10 years of experience. Passionate about marketing and developing profitable side hustles, Stevie specializes in writing about business and entrepreneur-related topics.

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Table of Contents

  • Starting and growing an SEO business 

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How to Start an SEO Business (2024 Update)

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Learning how to start an SEO business could be the best decision you’ll ever make.

How do I know?

Because that decision forever changed the course of my life.

My name is Nathan Gotch, and I started my SEO business in 2013 without any entrepreneurial experience or money. But since then, I’ve sold millions of dollars worth of SEO services, consulting, and training.

I built my SEO business from the ground up, and today, I’m excited to share how you can do the same.

Here’s what you’re going to learn:

  • How to Pick a Niche
  • How to Get Real SEO Results
  • Use the Outbound System
  • Stack the Inbound System
  • Make Your Clients Love You

And so much more, but let’s address the elephant in the room:

You should feel skeptical about anyone who claims to have business success online (even me). I’m not going to flex on you with credentials and experience.

If you’re still unsure whether you should trust me or this information, please read my bio , see my company reviews , check me out on Amazon , or see my stuff on YouTube or LinkedIn .

If so, it’s time to get down to business, no pun intended.

DISCLAIMER: According to BLS Data , 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. What I’m sharing today is what worked for me and many others. However, there’s no guarantee you’ll succeed. This is for educational purposes only.

How to Start an SEO Business From Scratch

Before we get into building, you first need to understand why businesses are willing to invest in SEO.

The SEO Business Model (Simplified)

SEO business is a broad phrase that could include many models such as client services, consulting, affiliate marketing, or even software.

But in this post, we’re focusing on the SEO agency or SEO client services model.

Here’s how it works:

Businesses of all sizes (enterprise and small) need more customers to continue growing revenue. And they have unlimited choices when it comes to achieving that goal.

business plan of seo company

However, SEO is top of the list because it’s 100% organic traffic, and they don’t have to pay for advertising to get new customers.

SEO vs Social Media Marketing

SEO is also one of the top marketing methods because of search intent.

The best explanation is to compare SEO vs social media marketing (SMM).

With SMM, you publish content and hope your ideal client sees it.

business plan of seo company

But it’s not that simple.

First, you’re not just competing with your competitors on social media.

I know that sounds weird but stick with me.

You’re competing with EVERYONE on social media. It’s an attention war on social media.

business plan of seo company

For example, I love SEO, business, MMA, and basketball.

So, my feeds are mixed with content related to those interests, even though my domain expertise is SEO and digital marketing.

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Social media algorithms use an interest graph to serve what’s most relevant and interesting to you to keep you on the platform.

Search engines like Google are different.

People only use traditional search engines like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo to find specific solutions to their problems.

business plan of seo company

That means we know exactly what they’re searching for, and we can deliver a page that is 100% relevant to them.

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Unlike social media, where you must endlessly post and hope your ideal client sees it.

And that’s why:

Businesses are willing to invest a significant sum in organic growth.

business plan of seo company

While you can’t set it and forget it regarding SEO, it is much more evergreen than social media.

For example, the average social media post lasts about 24 hours .

This means that> 80% of all views you’ll ever get for that post occur within the first 24 hours.

business plan of seo company

Meanwhile, the average SEO content asset can drive views for 6 – 12 months without additional work.

But of course, getting SEO results isn’t as simple as just publishing content (I wish).

This is when you enter the picture.

Most business owners don’t have the time, resources, skillset, or desire to build and manage an SEO campaign. So they’re willing to pay you to do it for them.

And the better you deliver results, the higher you can charge for your SEO services.

Now that you know why SEO is so valuable to business owners, let me address the most critical question of all:

Is Starting an SEO Business Worth It in 2024?

The SEO industry is constantly changing, but the biggest development recently is the advent of AI. It completely changed how I do SEO (in a good way).

But here’s why I think starting an SEO business is a good move in 2024:

1. SEO is Harder Than Ever

You might think that’s a strange reason, but stick with me.

Technically, anyone can call themselves an SEO expert.

business plan of seo company

However, to be considered an expert, you must drive results consistently across different campaigns and niches.

You must have many different skills, such as:

  • Keyword research
  • SEO competitor analysis
  • Technical auditing and optimization
  • On-page SEO
  • SEO content strategy
  • SEO copywriting
  • Link bait development
  • Backlink acquisition

As you can tell, SEO isn’t just one single skill. It’s a culmination of skills; with each of those skills, you have to practice and develop micro-skills.

I’m not trying to scare you off. This is a good thing.

Most people who want to start businesses want to take the path of least resistance.

business plan of seo company

I’m speaking from experience.

When I started to try to earn money online, I was doing every sketchy thing under the sun, like paid surveys.

The problem was that I focused on tactics. You are not building a real business.

Building an SEO business is a serious endeavor. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It won’t be easy, and it will take everything for you to succeed.

But when the fruits of your labor bloom, you will realize you made the right decision.

Most people aren’t willing to do hard things.

So, your strategic advantage is to do 20% more than what the average person is willing to do.

business plan of seo company

The point is that SEO being hard is an advantage to anyone willing to work to learn and master the skill.

The good news is that you don’t have to go on that journey alone because you have programs like Gotch SEO Academy that can get you there in half the time.

2. AI Has Leveled the Playing Field

Treat tools like ChatGPT as a member of your team. For only $20/mo, you have data science, coding, data entry, and content creation at your fingertips.

Once you master technology like ChatGPT, you’ll realize how scalable your SEO business can be.

But remember, this new technology doesn’t replace human interaction and connections. Running a successful SEO agency is all about the human connection.

You’re not selling business to business. You’re selling to people. To be successful, you must build relationships.

3. Businesses Need You More Than Ever

Google is on its trying to compete with ChatGPT.

business plan of seo company

So they’ve launched Bard , and they’re starting to roll out SGE. SGE will likely be disruptive for SEO campaigns because it decreases organic CTR.

business plan of seo company

As a result, websites will get less organic traffic and lower conversions (by volume).

But this is not a new trend.

For years, Google has implemented different SERP features like Featured Snippets:

business plan of seo company

And People Also Ask:

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Plus, the SERPs are loaded with more Google Ads than ever.

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That means you need to be in the top 3 to attract as many organic clicks as possible.

Achieving that goal requires a high level of expertise.

Meaning businesses will need you more than ever to achieve their SEO goals.

Pick a Niche

Instead of being a general agency, you should focus on a specific niche.

Resource: Get access to my database of 4,058 SEO niches (sort by competition).

Some advantages of niching down are less competition, easier marketing and sales, and more efficient fulfillment.

In short, everything gets better when you niche down.

And if you’re convinced, here’s a fun little exercise.

We know there are at least 50,244 SEO agencies worldwide.

business plan of seo company

But how many SEO agencies specialize in helping waterproofing and foundation repair companies?

With a quick Google search, I found one agency that offers SEO services to this niche.

business plan of seo company

That means you can become the go-to expert in a very short amount of time.

The key is to pick a niche that has high customer value.

I picked waterproofing because I had to shell out $15k to fix water issues in my basement. Think about that.

Let’s say you’re running one of these companies, and I told you that I could get you 3-5 deals a month, and let’s assume each deal is worth $10k.

That’s $30,000 of new business per month on top of what they’re already doing.

Would they be willing to invest $3,000 – $5,000 to gain $30,000?

The short answer is yes.

This is how you pitch SEO. You don’t talk about the geeky stuff. You focus on what they care about, getting more customers and growing revenue.

While niching down on the industry is the best, you can also:

Niche Down by Location

So, instead of choosing a niche business structure, you’ll choose locations to go after.

When I first started, I chose smaller cities high on the wealth scale.

So, for example, instead of targeting Los Angeles, I targeted Santa Monica, Glendale, and Beverly Hills.

Santa monica SEO

These cities have a lot of money flowing through them, but the competition is lower than Los Angeles.

One way to determine how wealthy a city is is to look at how much police officers and firefighters earn.

For example:

According to Indeed, on average, police officers in Beverly Hills make about $80,000 per year (37% above the national average).

Beverly Hills Police Salary

With that said:

If you’re new, your SEO business should target lower competition, high-value cities in the beginning.

Then, as you begin to build a portfolio and website authority, you can venture into more competitive cities.

The third way to niche down is on both the industry and location.

Niche Down by Industry and Location

For example, you could target lawyers in Beverly Hills. Or you can get even more specific and only target personal injury lawyers in Beverly Hills.

Keep in mind:

Your pool of prospects will be much smaller with this approach, but it can be effective when you’re starting.

In general, focusing is always the best route.

The final way to niche down in your SEO business is on the service level.

Niche Down on the Service Level

Instead of offering full-service SEO, you can splinter your service into microservices.

For example, you could specialize in technical SEO, SEO content creation, link building, or local SEO.

Growth Gorilla

Leveraging microservices also has one other huge benefit:

It can act as a “foot-in-the-door” tactic to land larger full-service SEO contracts.

As you’ll be finding out soon, this is one of my favorite methods for landing clients.

You can also become the “link building guy” or whatever identity you want.

Many SEO agencies have been successful in using this approach.

Page One Power

Focus is good.

So, there are four ways to niche down:

  • By industry. Choose an industry with high customer values
  • By location. Focus on smaller, wealthier cities
  • By industry and location
  • Niche down on the service level by splintering your core service into microservices.

Now it’s time to show you how to build a portfolio of real SEO results, even if you’re not an SEO expert.

2. Get Results

Here’s something that most gurus won’t tell you:

You need to get SEO results before you start an SEO business.

Here are three reasons you need to prove that you can do SEO before taking on clients.

3 Reasons You Need Results Before Taking on Clients

Companies that invest money with you are under the impression that you know what you’re doing.

But don’t get this confused:

You DON’T need to be an industry-leading SEO expert to take on clients.

All you need are some results to prove your competence.

What if you don’t have results right now? Don’t worry because I’ll show you some ways to build your portfolio as fast as possible.

It’s unethical to start an SEO business if you’ve never ranked or gotten results.

Think about it this way:

Would you hire a supposed plumber to fix your pipes if they’ve never done it before? It’s unlikely and super risky for you.

When you hire a plumber, you assume they A) know more about plumbing than you do and B) have practiced plumbing and have experience.

Now imagine if you hired a plumber with no experience and they flooded your house?

You would be fuming if you found out that this person lied to you and made you believe that they were competent.

That brings me to the second reason why you need results before taking on clients, and that’s:

2. To Protect Your Reputation

If a company pays you to do SEO but finds out you have no experience, your reputation and SEO company will be on the line.

You may figure it out and get the client results, but it’s risky for you and them. If you don’t get the results, they might wreck your reputation.

That’s why you need to learn how to get SEO results.

The best way to think about this is a quote from Warren Buffet:

warren buffet quote

Buffer is implying that protecting your personal and SEO business reputation is critical to long-term success.

The third reason why you need results before trying to get clients is:

3. It Makes Your Sales Process 10x Easier

Demonstrate that you know what you’re doing, and persuasion becomes easy.

That’s why it’s a priority to build your SEO portfolio as fast as possible.

Now let me show you a few methods you can use to build up your SEO portfolio fast.

How to Build Your SEO Portfolio (Fast)

The first and most hated method is to:

Work for Free

I know you rolled your eyes at this idea, but hear me out for a second.

First, it’s easy to close someone if you say:

“I’ll help your rank for some lower competition keywords for free because I’m trying to build my SEO portfolio.”

Then, once you get these clients some results, you can convert them into actual paying clients.

The key is to choose a small number of very low-competition keywords.

Your goal in this process is to get results fast (so you can add them to your portfolio) and to demonstrate to the client that you know what you’re doing.

If the client has a decent website, you should be able to rank for some low-competition, micro-long-tail keywords pretty fast.

After you’ve achieved some results, I recommend pushing for referrals for your SEO business.

For example, you can say, “I’ll help you rank for x, y, and z for free if you send me some referrals.”

The second method, which takes much longer, is to:

Build a Niche Website and Rank for Low-Competition Keywords

You’re still working for free, but you’ll be the one to reap the benefits of the success of your niche website.

Each keyword you rank for is a success that you can add to your portfolio.

The goal is to prove that you’re more competent at SEO than the companies you’re trying to sell.

That’s it.

If you do that, you’ll land clients.

The third method is to:

Build a Local Website and Rank for Low-Competition Keywords

In particular, keywords that your target market wants to rank.

You could rank for long-tail keywords like: “best HVAC company in Beverly Hills CA” if you’re targeting HVAC companies.

As a result, you’re demonstrating SEO expertise in their target market.

Those are the best ways to build up your SEO portfolio.

Focus on demonstrating SEO skills by getting results.

I know, shocking concept!

Now let me show you my Outbound System for getting new clients. These methods are powerful for anyone trying to land their first client quickly.

3. Use the Outbound System

The first question is, what is outbound marketing?

Outbound marketing (or push marketing) means that you’re the one pushing for new clients.

You’re reaching out to qualified prospects and persuading them to become a client (cold calling).

Now, before I can show you the outbound methods, I need to show you:

How to Find Prospect Contact Information

Since you’ll be sending emails, this is critical.

Hunter.io is my personal favorite tool.

Enter the target company’s domain and let Hunter.io work its magic.

Sometimes, it won’t produce any results, so you’ll need Voila Norbert as a backup option.

Open Voila Norbert and enter the first name, last name, and domain of the prospect you’re trying to reach.

If these two tools don’t produce any results, then use LinkedIn to find the point of contact.

Those three tactics should help you find most companies’ point of contact information.

Now let me show the process.

Strategy #1: Identify a Point of Leverage

Some possible leverage points you can use in your cold calling are:

  • The company is ranking on page 5 of Google or worse for their most important keywords
  • The company is paying for Google Ads but has no organic search visibility
  • The company doesn’t have an SSL certificate installed
  • The company’s website isn’t mobile-friendly
  • The company’s website loads slowly
  • The company’s website doesn’t have Google Analytics or a Facebook pixel installed
  • The company hasn’t claimed or set up their Google My Business listing
  • The company has inconsistent NAP-W (Name, Address, Phone, or Website) information

Now, what you’ll do is:

Gather a Large List of Prospects

Then, go through each of these items. Then, mark if their website or company displays any of these leverage points.

Then you’ll:

Develop a Customized Pitch

For example, let’s say the company is ranking on Page 5 or worse for their target keywords.

What you would do is pitch a free video audit to help them identify what’s holding their SEO performance back.

Then, once they agree, you perform the audit.

Upsell Full-Service

After you deliver the SEO audit , you ask them if they would like you to handle the SEO campaign for them.

How you approach the pitch will depend on your experience level.

If you’re trying to build a portfolio, it will make sense to either work for free or pennies.

You can also pitch a micro-service BEFORE trying to score the large full-service SEO contract.

As a result, you’ll acquire the client without them having to make a huge commitment.

Finding leverage is the key.

You’ll be different than 80% of all SEOs because you’re taking the time to analyze these businesses and develop an intelligent, targeted pitch.

Now let’s talk about the second-best way to land new clients:

Strategy #2: Partner with Agencies

In short, you’ll do SEO for the agency’s clients on a white-label basis.

You’ll do the work and get the results, but they’ll take credit for it and communicate with the client.

You’re working on the backend.

This is a great arrangement in the beginning because:

  • You don’t have to focus on sales (other than the initial sale with the SEO agency) and…
  • You don’t have to deal with direct customer service because you’ll only be communicating with the SEO agency.

The downside is that the monthly retainers will be smaller because the SEO agency has to make a profit.

Don’t look at the engagement on a per-client basis, though.

Look at the total value of the relationship.

I used this exact method when I first got started.

I initially had white-label agreements with several agencies, which was a great source of income for my SEO business. It also led to all kinds of other opportunities down the road.

I recommend combining both white-label and direct-to-client to maximize your income growth.

The question is:

How do you land white-label agreements?

Target Companies That Offer SEO Services

First, you have to know what types of companies to target. I recommend making a list of all marketing, digital marketing, SEO, PPC, graphic design, and web design companies.

Or any business that may provide SEO services.

Second, you must understand why an SEO agency wants to outsource to you.

Understand the Reason Why They’re Willing to Partner

The main reason they’re open to outsourcing is that it saves them time. It also doesn’t force them to hire and train employees.

If an SEO agency gets more time, it can focus more on bringing in new clients.

The most crucial part for them is working with a competent SEO expert who can get their client’s results.

The last piece of the puzzle will depend on your level of experience.

Design Your Unique Selling Proposition

If you’re new, I recommend pitching the SEO agency that you’ll work for free on one of their client campaigns to prove yourself.

You need to emphasize that they have nothing to lose by hiring you.

The long-term value of this approach is worth working for free for a little bit of time.

If you do a solid job, a single SEO agency could send you enough clients to replace your day job income.

At least, that’s what happened to me.

There are a few other places you should check and try to score clients like Upwork or even Fiverr.

Upwork SEO Jobs

You have nothing to lose by applying. And you get an opportunity to learn what works during this application process.

I’ll tell you this:

I’ve hired many freelancers on Upwork, and I almost always hire the person with the best attention to detail.

For example, I’ll inject something like “write the word banana” in your proposal in my job posting.

Upwork Job Posting

I disqualify people who ignore this directive because:

  • It shows they didn’t take the time to read the job posting, which implies laziness, or they don’t have enough time to service my SEO company the right way.
  • It implies that they can’t follow instructions or have low attention to detail.

These are bad qualities, and that’s why I eliminate those possibilities at the onset.

Here’s the main takeaway:

Put in more effort than the average freelancer, and you’ll produce far better results. But unfortunately, most people on these freelancing websites are focused on quantity, not quality.

If you submit one thoughtful SEO proposal per day for three months, you will have sent 90 quality proposals.

If you converted 3% of these proposals into new clients, you would have three new clients. And this is being very conservative as far as output and conversion rate!

Believe it or not:

Increasing your client base is nothing more than putting in consistent, quality work over time.

The best way to illustrate this is through a quick story I read in James Clear’s book.

In 1993, a 23-year-old named Trent Dyrsmid was hired by a bank in Abbotsford, Canada.

Upon his hiring, people didn’t expect much of him, but they noticed how fast he was progressing. Drysmid used a simple method each morning to excel at his new job.

He placed two jars on his desk; One filled with 120 paper clips, and the other was empty.

Then, after every sales call, Drysmid would take one paper clip and move it to the empty jar.

And he didn’t stop until he moved all the paper clips to the other jar.

That signified that he made 120 sales calls for the day.

By using this simple and consistent method, Dyrsmid was making $75,000 per year (which is the equivalent of $125,000 today) within only 18 months. He then landed another big job shortly after that.

The main takeaway here is that consistency pays off.

Most people aren’t consistent and won’t do this type of work.

That’s your advantage.

Do the work and be consistent.

Those two qualities are the key to landing new SEO clients.

Now it’s time to learn my proven Inbound System that makes leads and SEO clients COME TO YOU.

Stack this with the outbound system, and you’ll never need to worry about getting new clients for your SEO business again.

3. Stack the Inbound System

Outbound marketing is when you search for and reach out to potential clients.

Inbound marketing is when potential clients reach out to you.

You should stack both methods together to achieve maximum results.

Outbound methods are effective for getting clients fast, while inbound methods take longer.

Here’s the good news:

Once your inbound marketing picks up steam, you’ll get new leads 24/7, 365 on autopilot.

You can stop doing outbound marketing if you’re driving enough leads from inbound.

For example, I only used outbound methods for the first three months of starting my SEO agency.

Since then, my SEO company has gotten 100% of its leads through inbound marketing.

It’s a lot easier to grow an SEO company this way.

There are three types of inbound methods I’m going to show you:

  • Referral generation
  • Content marketing
  • Paid advertising

The key to understanding inbound marketing is how a content marketing and sales funnel works.

What is a Content Marketing Funnel?

A content marketing funnel has three parts: the Top (ToFu), Middle (MoFu), and Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu).

Content Marketing Funnel

In short, you need to produce content at each stage of the funnel.

My process for doing this is as follows (and this applies to both products and services):

  • Create a blog post or YouTube video (ToFu) targeting a relevant keyword.
  • Create a free lead magnet (MoFu) to convert traffic into email subscribers.
  • Create a conversion piece like a VSL (Video Sales Letter) to turn MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads) into SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads).

Notice how the content changes as you go down the funnel.

  • First, you educate without selling.
  • Second, you add more value, but you ask for them to make a small commitment (an email).
  • And lastly, you sell once you’ve delivered value.

Here’s the funny part:

Traffic is the least important part of this equation.

You can get tons of traffic, but that traffic won’t convert into leads or clients if your funnel is weak.

That’s why you must invest time and effort into your funnel.

It’s critical!

So, now let me show you how you can create a strong marketing and sales funnel to land more SEO clients.

The first method is what I call the Case Study method.

The Case Study Method

You’re going to create an SEO case study about some results you’ve achieved.

Try to use one that’s relevant to your target market.

Then, you’re going to add a call-to-action in this case study for the reader to apply for a free SEO audit.

Then, all you need to do is drive traffic to your SEO case study.

In most cases, you’ll need to use paid traffic.

Method #2 is my favorite, but it’s also the most challenging.

Rank Geo-Targeted Pages

It might come as a shocker, but my favorite client acquisition method is to use SEO!

For example, if you search for “st louis seo consultant,” you’ll find one of my assets:

business plan of seo company

This little one-pager drives qualified leads 24/7, 365 days a year, because of SEO.

Start by targeting smaller cities first. Dominate those first and then move on to bigger areas.

Target Informational Keywords

I’ll be honest; this is challenging because of the competition.

But it’s valuable once you rank because there is no better way to demonstrate your SEO skills.

You’re building social proof and trust upfront before talking to a lead.

Think about it:

What occurs if they’re searching Google, going to your page, and submitting a form?

You demonstrated that SEO works without talking or having to persuade them.

I laugh when some gurus (who aren’t ranking for any keywords) claim that ranking for SEO keywords is a waste of time.

80% of my leads come from SEO keywords that Gotch SEO ranks for.

Don’t let them fool you.

If you take this approach, make sure you start by targeting longer-tail keywords.

For example, trying to rank for “ best CMS for SEO ” or some other tough keyword will need lots of links, content, patience, and a big budget.

You should wait until your website is authoritative to target those keywords.

In the meantime, go after long-tail keywords and dominate those.

You don’t need a ton of traffic to get qualified leads.

Create Public SEO Audits

The final method is to perform public SEO audits and post them on YouTube.

Here’s an example:

Audits are a great way to demonstrate your expertise, and they only cost you time to create.

YouTube is an untapped source for driving leads when you’re starting an SEO business.

So take advantage of it!

There are only a few SEOs pushing hard on YouTube , so there are a lot of opportunities there.

You can produce case studies or even general informational video content.

The ultimate goal of your YouTube content should be to educate, inform, and establish you as an authority.

The ultimate goal of inbound marketing is to educate and build trust for your brand.

Trust is the key to sales.

Look at every channel as an opportunity to add value and build your brand’s authority in the industry.

You should also add value to Quora, forums, blog comment sections on industry blogs, and even Facebook Groups.

Quora Answer

People have built entire careers by only adding value to Facebook groups and forums.

While contributing to communities won’t always drive direct traffic to your website, it’s a way to build your brand.

And guess what happens?

You’ll start getting more branded searches like “Gotch SEO.”

business plan of seo company

Branded searches are super beneficial when you’re starting an SEO business .

But it’s only possible by adding massive amounts of value across many channels.

Now let me show you how to convert your leads into paying SEO clients using my simple sales process. The best part is that you’ll close leads without being salesy or over-the-top when using the system I’ll show you.

SEO Sales 101

You need to capture leads through email or application forms.

For email, I use ConvertKit. And for lead capturing, I use Gravity Forms or Calendly.

What do you do after you’ve collected a lead?

Your initial outreach will depend on what they request by filling out a form.

For example, your outreach will differ from a full-service SEO application if they fill out your SEO audit application.

If they applied for an SEO audit, then reach out, thank them for their application, and let them know when their free SEO audit is coming in X amount of days.

I recommend the same process even if they’re full-service SEO leads.

Once again, thank them for applying and then ask if you can perform a free SEO audit.

What do you do after you’ve completed the audit?

Send an email like this:

“Hey NAME, I’ve completed your SEO audit! Do you have a few minutes to discuss the findings? The biggest actions you need to take to improve your SEO performance are: 1. HIGH IMPACT ACTION 2. HIGH IMPACT ACTION 3. HIGH IMPACT ACTION These actions will have the most significant impact on performance, but there are many other actions/issues you’ll need to tackle (as you’ll discover in the audit). Please go here to schedule a call so we can discuss this further. Thanks!”

Never send the audit without getting a call booked on the calendar!

Let’s assume you get them on the phone to discuss the SEO audit findings.

You don’t need to do anything complicated here.

Talk about what you found and what they would need to do to make the changes you’re suggesting.

The only method I recommend here is to discuss how much work goes into the actions.

Remember, companies hire SEO experts because

  • It’s too technical for them to execute and…
  • they don’t have enough time to execute

These two factors will be evident during the discussion (because SEO is challenging work).

Then, the last step (during the call):

Ask them if they need help executing what you found in the audit (so they don’t have to waste time or effort to figure it out themselves).

If they say “yes,” tell them that you’ll develop a proposal and get it over to them by the end of the week.

And that’s it.

If they say “no,” you should counter with a down-sell.

“Ok, no worries. I know it’s a big commitment. Would you be interested in us fixing your technical issues? It won’t require a monthly commitment. It’ll just be a one-off project, and we’ll make your website technically sound.”

If they say “yes,” you’ll send them a mini proposal.

The goal is to get them to pay your SEO company money.

That’s when the relationship changes.

It may seem like they’ll never become a full-service client, but everything changes once there’s an exchange of value.

Now, let’s talk about proposals.

First, let’s talk about what tools or software you can use to deliver proposals.

There are a few different ways to create and send proposals.

My personal favorites are:

  • Google Docs
  • Pitch Decks using Google Slides or Powerpoint
  • Proposal software such as Proposify, PandaDoc, and Nusii

I recommend testing each to see what works best for you.

But listen:

The vehicle for your proposal is by far the least important part of the process.

What matters most is the substance of the proposal.

19 Qualities of Effective SEO Proposals

Here are 19 elements you need to produce successful SEO proposals

1. They’re Personalized

Personalization is the key to successful proposals.

The best way to accomplish this goal is by performing an SEO audit upfront before you send your proposal.

You can add your findings from the SEO audit to the proposal and create a personalized roadmap based on their situation.

2. Successful Proposals are Efficient

No one wants to or is going to read a 100-page proposal.

That’s why I live by this Albert Einstein quote:

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

Your proposal should be efficient and get to the point but don’t go overboard and make it thin.

3. Use Opening Testimonials or Data

Think of this section as a quick hook to get the prospect to read your entire proposal.

Use testimonials and case studies from successful clients to build trust and authority. Ideally, make these relevant to the prospect.

If they’re a plumber, try to include plumber SEO case studies.

4. Write Your Opening Statement

Use your opening statement/executive summary to do two things:

1. Thank them for the opportunity

2. Explain their goals in their own words (based on the initial call).

It doesn’t need to be more than a sentence or two.

5. Outline a Scope of Work (Overview)

The scope of work section defines what you’re offering the prospect.

Think of it as an overview of the service offering.

For example, you may say something like: “Gotch SEO will conduct an extensive SEO campaign to increase traffic and customer volume through organic search.”

6. Define the Objectives

Outline the goals of the SEO campaign here. Be as specific as possible.

Some common SEO campaign objectives are to increase organic search traffic, improve the total keyword ranking positions, and drive more customers through organic search.

7. List the Deliverables

“Deliverable” is business jargon for what the client will receive.

A simple deliverable is: “We build a keyword database of at least 1,000 potential keyword targets.”

Be specific in this section. You can even lay out the action items that are required for specific deliverables.

8. Emphasize the Benefits

Emphasize the benefits of your SEO service throughout your proposal, but it’s also a good idea to dedicate a section to it.

The one question you need to ask yourself is:

How is my service going to make their business and lives better?

The #1 benefit of investing in SEO is making more money. The second benefit of working with a great SEO company is that it’s off their plate!

Emphasize both points.

9. Establish Realistic Expectations

Most SEO proposals skip this part because it’s not a “cool” topic.

In this section, you want to be honest about what they can expect from an SEO campaign.

This section alone will eliminate a lot of headaches down the road.

For example, you should outline how long it takes for an SEO campaign to pick up steam.

In other words, how long it takes to see results.

I say 6-12 months.

Although this may seem like a “bad idea” on the surface, it’s genius.

Here’s why:

You’re eliminating prospects who don’t understand how much work goes into an SEO campaign and how long it takes to see results.

On the other hand:

You’ll close the clients who understand that SEO results take time.

You do not want clients breathing down your neck about results within the first couple of months.

This section eliminates most of these issues upfront.

10. Outline the Timeline

This section sets deadlines for when you’ll complete the deliverables.

I recommend outlining the timeline by months.

For example, in month #1, you could say that you’ll finish the keyword database and the competitor analysis and complete an in-depth SEO audit.

It will depend on your offering, though.

Here’s the key takeaway: you’re giving them an idea of what to expect every month of the engagement.

It also holds you and your SEO company accountable for delivering what you promised.

Sometimes, it’s good to have this type of motivation to avoid slacking.

11. Establish the Project Lead

Write out who will be managing their SEO campaign. Explain who this person is, their accomplishments, and why they’re qualified.

12. Reveal the Investment

Notice that I didn’t say “pricing.” You have to angle your service as an investment, not a cost.

The good news is that this is true. Investing in SEO can produce a return on investment.

It’s not like buying a car. Instead, you’re investing in a marketing channel because it will make your SEO company more money in the future.

This section will show how much they need to invest to work with you.

I recommend offering three different pricing options (tiered pricing).

I recommend having a super-premium option because it will act as a price anchor for the other options.

For example, I’ll have a $5,000/mo package on the low end and a $20,000/mo package on the high end within the SEO proposal.

Most people won’t choose the premium option, but anchoring is a powerful method. $5,000 on its own looks pretty huge, but it doesn’t look that big if I showed you $20,000 first.

That’s the power of price anchoring .

I also recommend itemizing the deliverables in each tiered pricing section.

That way, you can negotiate by removing unnecessary deliverables.

13. Inject Social Proof

Dedicate this section to testimonials, results, and case studies to prove yourself.

14. Use an Action-Based Guarantee

While you can’t guarantee SEO results, you can guarantee to complete the work. Therefore, I recommend you do this.

15. Thank You & Call-to-Action

It might seem obvious, but you need to instruct the prospect to act.

First, thank them again for the opportunity and then ask them to sign the proposal to get started.

16. Use Scarcity

I recommend adding an expiration date to the proposal and a special offer.

So, for example, your proposal may say:

“This SEO proposal is valid until December 31, 2024.”

Then, I added a special offer:

“If you sign up by Friday, we’ll give you 20% off your first three months of service.”

The goal here is to get them to act.

The fear of loss is stronger than the possibility of gain ( loss aversion ).

17. Add a Signature Section

You’ll need to discuss the proposal before a client signs on in most cases.

That’s okay, but some prospects are ready to go, so give them that opportunity.

18. Check Your Grammar and Spelling

Your goal is to be as professional as possible, and that starts with your grammar and spelling.

Use Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to optimize this.

Hemingway Writer

And last but not least:

19. Optimize Your Design

You can use Canva templates to create well-designed PDFs, or you can hire a designer on Fiverr or Upwork.

It helps to have a presentable, well-designed, and professional proposal.

Now, there’s one other big question:

When should you send your proposal?

I recommend setting up a phone call or screen share BEFORE you send the proposal.

Then, on the day of the conversation, send the proposal right before.

That way, you can guide the client through the offering.

As a result:

You win over clients through perceived value instead of pricing shopping.

Pricing means nothing.

Your goal is to amplify your perceived value, and the best way to do this is through the strategy I outlined.

That’s all you need to know about developing strong SEO proposals.

That’s All!

Starting an SEO business isn’t easy, but the rewards are worth it!

Bookmark this guide to reference it as you build your SEO business.

Also, check out The SEO Entrepreneur book if you want to learn my complete process (for free).

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Nathan Gotch

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How to Start an SEO Business

seo business plan

Importantly, a critical step in starting an SEO business is to complete your business plan. To help you out, you should download Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template here .

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here

14 Steps To Start an SEO Business:

  • Choose the Name for Your SEO Business
  • Develop Your SEO Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your SEO Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your SEO Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your SEO Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your SEO Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right SEO Business Equipment & Software
  • Develop Your SEO Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your SEO Business
  • Open for Business

1. Choose the Name for Your SEO Business

The first step to starting an SEO business is to choose your business’ name.  

This is a very important choice since your company name is your brand and will last for the lifetime of your business. Ideally you choose a name that is meaningful and memorable. Here are some tips for choosing a name for your SEO business:

  • Make sure the name is available . Check your desired name against trademark databases and your state’s list of registered business names to see if it’s available. Also check to see if a suitable domain name is available.
  • Keep it simple . The best names are usually ones that are easy to remember, pronounce and spell.
  • Think about marketing . Come up with a name that reflects the desired brand and/or focus of your SEO business.

2. Develop Your SEO Business Plan

One of the most important steps in starting an SEO business is to develop your business plan. The process of creating your plan ensures that you fully understand your market and your business strategy. The plan also provides you with a roadmap to follow and if needed, to present to funding sources to raise capital for your business.

Your business plan should include the following sections:

  • Executive Summary – this section should summarize your entire business plan so readers can quickly understand the key details of your SEO business.
  • Company Overview – this section tells the reader about the history of your SEO business and what type of profitable SEO business you operate. For example, are you a service, software, or education SEO business. Service businesses provide on-site optimization, link building, and other services to help clients improve their search engine rankings. Software businesses make and sell SEO tools, such as rank checkers, backlink checkers, and keyword research tools. Education businesses offer courses and tutorials on how to do SEO.
  • Industry Analysis – here you will document key information about the SEO business industry. Conduct market research and document how big the industry is and what trends are affecting it.
  • Customer Analysis – in this section, you will document who your ideal or target customers are and their demographics. For example, how old are they? Where do they live? What do they find important when purchasing SEO services like the ones you will offer?
  • Competitive Analysis – here you will document the key direct and indirect competitors you will face and how you will build competitive advantage.
  • Marketing Plan – your marketing plan should address the 4Ps: Product, Price, Promotions and Place.
  • Product : Determine and document what products/services you will offer 
  • Prices : Document the prices of your products/services
  • Place : Where will your business be located and how will that location help you increase sales?
  • Promotions : What promotional methods will you use to attract customers to your own agency? For example, you might decide to use pay-per-click advertising, public relations, search engine optimization and/or social media marketing.
  • Operations Plan – here you will determine the key processes you will need to run your day-to-day operations. You will also determine your staffing needs. Finally, in this section of your plan, you will create a projected growth timeline showing the milestones you hope to achieve in the coming years.
  • Management Team – this section details the background of your company’s management team.
  • Financial Plan – finally, the financial plan answers questions including the following:
  • What startup costs will you incur?
  • How will your SEO business make money?
  • What are your projected sales and expenses for the next five years?
  • Do you need to raise funding to launch your own business?

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

3. choose the legal structure for your seo business.

Next you need to choose a legal structure for your SEO business and register it and your business name with the Secretary of State in each state where you operate your business.

Below are the five most common legal structures:

1) Sole proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is a business entity in which the owner of the SEO business and the business are the same legal person. The owner of a sole proprietorship is responsible for all debts and obligations of the business. There are no formalities required to establish a sole proprietorship, and it is easy to set up and operate. The main advantage of a sole proprietorship is that it is simple and inexpensive to establish. The main disadvantage is that the owner is liable for all debts and obligations of the business.

2) Partnerships

A partnership is a legal structure that is popular among small businesses. It is an agreement between two or more people who want to be an SEO school lang and . The partners share in the profits and losses of the business. 

The advantages of a partnership are that it is easy to set up, and the partners share in the profits and losses of the business. The disadvantages of a partnership are that the partners are jointly liable for the debts of the business, and disagreements between partners can be difficult to resolve.

3) Limited Liability Company (LLC)

A limited liability company, or LLC, is a type of business entity that provides limited liability to its owners. This means that the owners of an LLC are not personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. The advantages of an LLC for an SEO business include flexibility in management, pass-through taxation (avoids double taxation as explained below), and limited personal liability. The disadvantages of an LLC include lack of availability in some states and self-employment taxes.

4) C Corporation

A C Corporation is a business entity that is separate from its owners. It has its own tax ID and can have shareholders. The main advantage of a C Corporation for an SEO business is that it offers limited liability to its owners. This means that the owners are not personally responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business. The disadvantage is that C Corporations are subject to double taxation. This means that the corporation pays taxes on its profits, and the shareholders also pay taxes on their dividends.

5) S Corporation

An S Corporation is a type of corporation that provides its owners with limited liability protection and allows them to pass their business income through to their personal income tax returns, thus avoiding double taxation. There are several limitations on S Corporations including the number of shareholders they can have among others.

Once you register your SEO business, your state will send you your official “Articles of Incorporation.” You will need this among other documentation when establishing your banking account (see below). We recommend that you consult an attorney in determining which legal structure is best suited for your company.

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4. Secure Startup Funding for Your SEO Business (If Needed)

In developing your SEO business plan , you might have determined that you need to raise funding to launch your business. 

If so, the main sources of funding for an SEO business to consider are personal savings, family and friends, credit card financing, bank loans, crowdfunding and angel investors. Angel investors are individuals who provide capital to early-stage businesses. Angel investors typically will invest in an SEO business that they believe has high potential for growth.

5. Secure a Location for Your Business

Having the right space can be important for your SEO business, particularly if you’d like to meet potential clients.

To find the right space, consider:

  • Driving around to find the right areas while looking for “for lease” signs
  • Contacting a commercial real estate agent
  • Doing commercial real estate searches online
  • Telling others about your needs and seeing if someone in your network has a connection that can help you find the right space

6. Register Your SEO Business with the IRS

Next, you need to register your business with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) which will result in the IRS issuing you an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Most banks will require you to have an EIN in order to open up an account. In addition, in order to hire employees, you will need an EIN since that is how the IRS tracks your payroll tax payments.

Note that if you are a sole proprietor without employees, you generally do not need to get an EIN. Rather, you would use your social security number (instead of your EIN) as your taxpayer identification number.

7. Open a Business Bank Account

It is important to establish a bank account in your SEO business’ name. This process is fairly simple and involves the following steps:

  • Identify and contact the bank you want to use
  • Gather and present the required documents (generally include your company’s Articles of Incorporation, driver’s license or passport, and proof of address)
  • Complete the bank’s application form and provide all relevant information
  • Meet with a banker to discuss your business needs and establish a relationship with them

8. Get a Business Credit Card

You should get a business credit card for your SEO business to help you separate personal and business expenses.

You can either apply for a business credit card through your bank or apply for one through a credit card company.

When you’re applying for a business credit card, you’ll need to provide some information about your business. This includes the name of your business, the address of your business, and the type of business you’re running. You’ll also need to provide some information about yourself, including your name, Social Security number, and date of birth.

Once you’ve been approved for a business credit card, you’ll be able to use it to make purchases for your business. You can also use it to build your credit history which could be very important in securing loans and getting credit lines for your business in the future.

9. Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits

To start an SEO business, you will need to obtain a business license and a permit to operate a business in your state. You may also need to register your business with the state or local government. You can find more information on the licensing and permitting requirements for your state or local jurisdiction online or by contacting your local government office.

10. Get Business Insurance for Your SEO Business

Other business insurance policies that you should consider for your SEO business include:

  • General liability insurance : This covers accidents and injuries that occur on your property. It also covers damages caused by your employees or products.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance : If you have employees, this type of policy works with your general liability policy to protect against workplace injuries and accidents. It also covers medical expenses and lost wages.
  • Commercial property insurance : This covers damage to your property caused by fire, theft, or vandalism.
  • Business interruption insurance : This covers lost income and expenses if your business is forced to close due to a covered event.
  • Professional liability insurance : This protects your business against claims of professional negligence.

Find an insurance agent, tell them about your business and its needs, and they will recommend policies that fit those needs. 

11. Buy or Lease the Right SEO Business Equipment & Software

When starting an SEO business, you’ll need some key pieces of equipment to get you started. First and foremost, you’ll need a computer and an internet connection. You’ll also need software that can help you with your SEO work, such as a keyword research tool, a backlink checker, and a plagiarism checker. You may also want to invest in some SEO course materials or coaching to help you get started.

12. Develop Your SEO Business Marketing Materials

Marketing materials will be required to attract and retain customers to your SEO business.

The key marketing materials you will need are as follows:

  • Logo : Spend some time developing a good logo for your SEO business. Your logo will be printed on company stationery, business cards, marketing materials and so forth. The right logo can increase customer trust and awareness of your brand.
  • Website : Likewise, a professional SEO business website provides potential customers with information about the services you offer, your company’s history, and contact information. Importantly, remember that the look and feel of your website will affect how customers perceive you.
  • Social Media Accounts : establish social media accounts in your company’s name. Accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and/or other social media networks will help customers and others find and interact with your SEO business.

13. Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your SEO Business

The most important software for an SEO business is a keyword research tool. A good keyword research tool will help you find the right words to target for your SEO campaigns. Other software that can be helpful for an SEO business includes a website analysis tool, a link analysis tool, and a backlink checker.

14. Open for Business

You are now ready to open your SEO business. If you followed the steps above, you should be in a great position to build a successful business. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that might further help you.

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How to Start an SEO Business FAQs

Is it hard to start an seo business.

No, it's not hard to start an SEO business. In fact, there are a lot of steps you can take to make it successful. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure you have a good understanding of SEO basics.
  • Choose the right niche for your business.
  • Develop strong branding and marketing strategies.
  • Offer quality services and customer support.
  • Stay up to date with the latest trends and changes in the industry.

How can I start an SEO business with no experience?

There are a few things you'll need to do in order to start an SEO agency with no experience. First, you'll need to learn about SEO basics. You can find a lot of information online, or you can take a course to get started. You'll also need to create a business plan and find potential clients.

What type of SEO business is most profitable?

There are a few different types of new SEO agencies that can be profitable. The most profitable type of SEO business is one that provides a comprehensive suite of services, such as search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and web design. However, it is also possible to be successful with a more limited offering, such as only providing search engine optimization services.

How much does it cost to start an SEO business?

The cost of starting an SEO business can vary depending on the size and scope of the business. However, most local many business owners will need some basic equipment, including a computer, internet access, and software. Additionally, most businesses will likely need to invest in marketing and advertising to generate leads. Startup cost can range from $500 to $5,000. 

What are the ongoing expenses for an SEO business?

Some of the most common ongoing expenses for an SEO business include marketing materials, website hosting and maintenance, and employee salaries. It's important to carefully consider these costs when starting an SEO business so that you can accurately budget for your business' success.

How does an SEO business make money?

One way for an SEO business to make money is by selling its services to businesses who want their websites to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). These businesses will typically pay the SEO business a monthly fee in order to have it optimize their website for certain keywords or phrases. Another way that an SEO business can make money is by selling advertising space on its website. Advertisers will pay the SEO business a certain amount of money each time one of their ads is clicked on. Finally, an SEO business can also make money by referring customers to other businesses that offer related products or services. When these customers purchase something from the other business, the SEO business receives a commission.

Is owning an SEO business profitable?

An SEO business can be very profitable if done correctly. There are a few things you need to do in order to have a successful SEO business.

The first thing you need to do is find a good SEO company to partner with. A good SEO company will be able to help you with everything from website design to link building. They will also be able to help you create an effective SEO strategy.

The next thing you need to do is create a good website. Your website should be well-designed and user-friendly. It should also be optimized for search engines.

The last thing you need to do is market your SEO business. You can do this by creating a marketing plan and targeting the right audience. You can also use online marketing methods such as PPC, email marketing, and social media marketing.

Why do SEO businesses fail?

There are a few key reasons why SEO companies can fail. One of the main reasons is a lack of understanding of how SEO works. A lot of business owners think that they can do it on their own, or they hire an inexperienced consultant who causes more harm than good. Additionally, some business owners don't bother to track their results and simply throw money at the problem without seeing any improvement in their rankings. And finally, another common reason for failure is when business owners stop investing in SEO once they see some initial success – eventually their rankings will drop and they'll be left scrambling to catch up again.

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How to Start an SEO Business

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Lindsay Halsey

Starting a new business of any kind is an exciting — and scary — endeavor. Fortunately, starting an SEO agency requires little overhead or capital which makes it relatively easy to get off the ground.

Whether you want to start an SEO agency or add SEO as a service to your existing web design or digital marketing business, our 5 step process will help you start an SEO-based business that thrives.

But first, we are going to answer a couple of the most common questions people ask when learning how to start an SEO-based business.

Why Start an SEO Business?

Offering SEO services is a meaningful way to help people grow their own businesses. After all, most businesses rely on getting found on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. It’s satisfying to help them improve their visibility in the search results, grow their website traffic, and generate more sales/leads. All of which helps them feed their families and live better lives.

SEO businesses don’t operate in a back-office environment. As an SEO services provider, you’ll actively collaborate with your customers so that they understand the importance of integrating SEO into their daily operations and processes. And because SEO overlaps with so many other aspects of marketing, good SEO agencies steer the ship for their clients’ marketing on many levels.

Are SEO Businesses Profitable?

Yes! SEO businesses are profitable. The search engines are ever-evolving. So too are your customers’ businesses. Thus, delivering SEO services is an ongoing endeavor that includes a monthly retainer-based offering. You’ll quickly discover that one of the best parts of starting an SEO company is recurring revenue that comes from monthly services.

The consistency of this recurring revenue stream makes it easy to scale. You can hire new team members or outsource aspects of the delivery of the service as your business grows. And you can rely on the monthly recurring revenue to cover your expenses.

Now, let’s look at how to start your SEO business.

How to Start an SEO Business in 5 Effective Steps

Let's break down starting an SEO-based business into actionable steps.

1. Create Your Packaging

The first step is designing your SEO services offer. How will you group your offering in an insightful way that makes your services easy to sell and consistently deliver? This is packaging.

The most common models for delivering SEO services include:

  • Recurring (Monthly)

At Pathfinder SEO, our approach blends one-time services with monthly services, and it includes the following three offerings:

SEO Assessment

This is your on-ramp

This is your accelerator

Monthly SEO

This is for maintenance & evolution

In addition to defining the structure for your packages, you’ll also want to outline what’s included in each offering. This creates your scope of services for each offering.

Learn more about packaging SEO services .

2. Define Your Pricing

Now that you have your packaging outlined, it’s time to price your services. The goal is profitable pricing that maintains a high value to your customers.

SEO services can be priced in many different ways — hourly, project-based, monthly, value-based, keyword-based, or performance-based. Each of these pricing strategies comes with advantages and disadvantages.

After ten years of running an SEO agency , our preferred method includes starting project-based and monthly pricing.

In the packaging model outlined in step 1, we utilize a pricing strategy as follows:

  • SEO Assessment: Project-based.
  • SEO Set-Up: Project-based.
  • Monthly SEO: Monthly retainer.

For the project-based pricing, we simply estimate the number of hours we’ll invest in delivering each item in the scope of services. Add this all up, and multiply it by an hourly rate for the project-based price total.

For the monthly retainer pricing, we create a three-tiered offering that corresponds to the monthly effort. For example, 5, 10, and 20 hours/month of service. We then multiply the hours by our hourly rate and have prices for each package.

You can learn more about pricing SEO services here .

3. Dial in Your Marketing

Packaging and pricing complete, it’s time to present your offering to prospective customers via great marketing. Copywriting in this stage is crucial. After all, one of the most important parts of being an online business is having an online presence.

The best way to create an online presence is to create a website for your agency. If you already have a website for your other marketing services, then now is the time to add an SEO services page to the mix.

Learn more about what to include in your SEO services page on your website.

Then, start generating ideas about how you’ll market your services to find your first customer. One immediate action item is creating a Google Maps listing categorized as a Marketing Service. Then, ask a few friends to leave a review to help generate some social proof. They may not be able to reference the results from a specific project, but they can speak to your professionalism and any value they see in your service(s).


Grow your customer’s business while growing your recurring revenue. Learn how in “Getting Started with SEO Services”.

4. Prepare for Your First Lead

Before you know it, you’ll land your first lead. It’s exciting! It is also nerve-wracking as now you need to go sell the service.

The SEO industry is crowded, and this can make selling your service even more worrisome. How will you differentiate yourself from your competition?

The answer is not based on price or false promises like ranking guarantees.

Instead, you can differentiate your services in the sales process using these three techniques:

  • Sell the end destination
  • Avoid industry jargon
  • Make it a simple decision

Learn more about these sales techniques .

Then, it’s time to create a sales process that you can consistently follow to make selling SEO a repeatable process.

Two templates will help you save time in the sales process:

  • SEO Proposal
  • SEO Discovery Call Agenda

The good news is that our library of free content is here to support you along the way. Learn what to include in your SEO proposals and get access to a sample agenda for your first sales call .

5. Deliver Your First Project

Congratulations! You’ve now created the infrastructure to land your first SEO services client. Now it’s time to deliver the service.

If you are new to SEO, some learning is required to master necessary skills such as keyword research, writing title tags and meta descriptions, crafting a content strategy, etc.

The good news is that SEO is a very learnable craft. At Pathfinder SEO, we’re here to support you. Subscribers to our platform have access to step-by-step tutorials for delivering SEO services.

Subscriptions include group coaching, office hours, and workshops, so you don't have to go it alone.

Additional Considerations as You Start Your SEO Agency

Of course, there are a few additional steps to consider when starting a new business, such as an SEO agency.

Before you get to the fun stuff, talking to a lawyer and an accountant is essential. They can help you determine what protection your business needs. Should you be an LLC, an S-Corp, or a Partnership? Get professional advice on insurance, banking, and taxes from the beginning. Starting with your books in shape is much easier than unscrambling things later.

Take a Guided Approach to Offering SEO Services

Starting an SEO business is a rewarding experience, both personally and financially. While starting any new venture is always a little scary, following the proper steps and planning will get you going in the right direction.

And we are here to help! We took our 10+ years of experience delivering SEO services and turned it into a platform for people just like you.

We accelerate you through every step of the process — packaging, pricing, marketing, selling, and most importantly, delivering the service. We call it guided SEO, your SEO business-in-a-box solution.

Schedule a demo to learn more.

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Honest Business Plans

SEO Company Business Plan Template

  •   SEO Company Business Plan Template (Microsoft Word)  –  $47.00
  •   +Add Excel Worksheet (Recommended)  –  $35.00
  •   +Add PowerPoint Template and 4 Funding eBooks  –  $65.00
  •   +Add Business Startup, Finance, Marketing Documents 781 Templates  –  $185.00
  •   +Add Operational, Employee and Policy and Procedure Templates  –  $35.00

How to get funding for your SEO Company business!

“Here’s the ‘Perfect Solution’ to getting your SEO Company business funded quickly…even if you don’t have a clue on how to write a business plan and don’t have the budget to pay a professional to do it!”

If you want to get your SEO Company business organized and funded then here’s the perfect solution:

Did you know that a well-written and researched business plan is the key to getting funding for your SEO Company business?

But most entrepreneurs neglect this aspect of their startup.

That’s usually because they are not knowledgeable enough to write a business plan on their own.

Or do not have the budget to pay a professional business plan writer.

But if you’ve ever wanted to start a SEO Company business and you need to write a business plan to get funding then our Hybrid Fusion Business Plan Template is for you .

Our Hybrid Business Plan Template is not just high quality, in-depth and researched, but also a business plan that has examples for you to insert your own market and business specifics into.

A SEO Company business is a great business for those interested in entrepreneurship.

An SEO company offers an opportunity to help businesses thrive in the digital landscape by enhancing their online visibility and reach. In today’s highly competitive market, a strong online presence is essential for attracting customers and staying ahead of the competition. By offering expert search engine optimization services, one can assist clients in improving their website rankings, driving organic traffic, and ultimately, boosting their online credibility and brand authority. Moreover, operating an SEO Company allows for the constant exploration and implementation of innovative strategies to adapt to the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines, ensuring sustained growth and relevance for clients. By effectively optimizing websites for search engines, businesses can better connect with their target audience, fostering engagement and building lasting relationships with customers.

And with our business plan template, you’ll be able to seek funding from investors and be up and running in no time.

With modifications (Like the name of your company and owner’s bio, market, financials, company images and location specifics) you can customize this business plan for your exact needs.

Here’s why a free business plan template can risk your chances of funding:

Lenders and investors see thousands of business plans and they know when you’re using a generic free template because the “Wording is just not right.”

You can have the best idea for your venture and pitch it to them perfectly, however when you leave and they review your plan what will it really say about you?

And free isn’t really free if it costs you your funding .

Why leave the future of your business to chance?

Our business plan templates are written for your specific market and references are included.

Start your business off the right way with our comprehensive Hybrid business plan template.

As part of this package, you will receive our SEO Company business plan template, which contains the following sections:

  • Executive summary
  • The enterprise
  • The business concept and need
  • Industry/market overview.
  • Growth strategy and implementation summary
  • Management plan
  • Risk factor
  • Use of proceeds

Click here to view sample pages of this exact plan.

Depending on which version of the business plan options you purchase (more on that in a moment), you’ll receive the following:

37 page SEO Company busines s plan template with references.

  • This SEO Company business plan template will be delivered via digital download in fully editable Microsoft Word and includes a SEO Company business pre-written example text, general industry research, references, and narrative already completed for you.
  • Red instructional text above each section is included to let you know what to insert in that section. In some areas, you can just add your information, in others you will need to use the example text as a basis to write your own business specifics such as what sets you apart, your local market, your business team, etc.

business plan of seo company

Click here for screenshots of the plan you will be receiving.

SEO Company Financial Templ ate in Microsoft Excel (recommended )

This Excel template will allow you to enter financial data specific to your business and will produce proforma financial statements for use in your business plan. The worksheets (Set-up, Start-up, Sales, Headcount, Inventory, Operating Expenses, Capital Budget, Equity & Debt, and Amortization Schedule) contain instructions, questions for you to answer, and boxes (cells) for data entry. Cells in which you are to answer questions or enter data are yellow. Purple cells contain formulas that will be calculated automatically.

business plan of seo company

Click here for screenshots of these documents.

Business Funding Package with PowerPoint and 4 eBooks

(A must-have if actively seeking investment). Includes a business Microsoft PowerPoint slideshow template “Pitch Deck” to show lenders and investors your concept at a glance. It includes 12 slides with instructional text for you to insert your specific business images and information into.

This funding package also includes the Funding eBook bundle to educate you on your funding options and how to best present your business concept. These 4 eBooks guide you through individual interventions, second-party arrangements, corporate funding options, government interventions, managing business cash flow, quick start funding overview, exit strategy, common mistakes to avoid when pitching your concept, and much more.

business plan of seo company

Business Startup, Finance and Marketing Templates to show investors that your business is prepared to launch

Business Assessment Documents. Vital documents to make sure you are prepared for your venture. Includes: Business Plan Guidelines, Strategic Planning Checklist, Trend Analysis Checklist, Executive Summary Template, Market Study Outline and Business Analysis Worksheet. 6 Documents to help get you organized.

Business Startup Documents. Essential Documents to Help Launch Your Venture. Includes: Board of Directors Documents, Confidentiality Agreements, General Administration, Basic Financial Checklist, Franchise Feasibility Test, Startup Cost Worksheet, Franchise Comparison Worksheet, Strategic Management, Organization-Wide Goals and much more. 66 Documents to help you get started.

Raising Capital Documents. Practical documents to help you get started raising capital. Includes: Government Grants and Program Worksheets and Guide, Loans and Borrowing Documents, Investment Analysis Summary, Bank Loan Request Sheet, Loan Application Review Form, Loan Calculator, Pledge of Shares of Stock, General Continuing Guaranty, Due Diligence Checklist, Promissory Notes, Investment Analysis Summary, Term sheet for potential investment and much more. 51 Documents to help you obtain funding.

Online Startup Documents. Key documents to establish your online presence. Includes: Advertising and Marketing Online documents, Confidentiality Agreements, Content and Copyright Agreements, Hosting Agreements, Software and License Agreements, Website Development Agreements, Website Notices and Checklists and much more. 72 Documents in total to help you online.

business plan of seo company

Finance and Accounting Documents. Vital documents for your finance and accounting business needs. Covers: Banking, Bookkeeping, Buying and Selling of Shares, Financial Statements, Government Grant Programs, Insurance, Investments, Investors Relations, Invoices and Billing, Loans and Borrowing, Raising Capital and much more. 169 Documents in total to help with your business finances and accounting.

Employment and HR Documents. Key documents you need as you grow your venture with employees. Covers: Compensation and Benefits, Contractors and Consultants, Employee Records, Employee Reference Letters, Firing and Termination, Hiring Employees, Insurance, Managing and Motivating Employees, Policies and Documentation and much more. 267 Documents in total to help manage your workforce.

Sales and Marketing Documents. Crucial documents as you grow your venture with marketing and sales. Covers: Addressing Complaints, Customer Relations, Market Analysis, Purchase orders and price quotes, Sales and Marketing Management, Sales Agreements and Contracts, Sales letters and much more. 142 Documents in total to help grow your venture.

Advertising and Marketing Online Documents. Documents to get your name and brand online effectively. Includes: Affiliate Program Agreement, Agreement for Internet advertising services, Co-branding agreement terms and provisions checklist, Co-branding agreement, Free linking agreement, Press release template, Website Cross Sponsorship Agreement, Website Linking Agreement. 8 Online Marketing Documents to help develop your online presence.

business plan of seo company

Business Operational Plan, Employee Handbook, and Policies and Procedures Templates

Show your investor that you are ready to launch by completing these vital foundational documents prior to starting. They include:

Operational plan template for you to describe your business’s mission and operations, including information on your strategic content, company objectives, key performance indicators, key assumptions and risks, goals, and more.

Employee handbook template to create for your current or future employees explaining your policies and what you expect from them and what they should expect from you.

Policies and procedures template (an addition to your employee handbook) to communicate the culture of your business, your standards on employment, schedules, compensation, benefits, hiring policies, and other workplace policies to protect not just your business but also your employees.

*These are templates for you to complete as operations and employee requirements vary per business. Please view the sample pages.

(Delivered in digital Microsoft Word format)

business plan of seo company

That’s a lot of information! But don’t be overwhelmed. We have offered each item individually so you can choose what you need or all of them. Scroll down to learn more.

See what our customers are saying about our business plan templates.

“The plan had some great points that were very beneficial and important to my business. I hope other clients are able to see the value you are able to provide in their business plans, just like myself. I would highly recommend you to other prospective entrepreneurs. It’s been a pleasure and I look forward to execute my business plan.”

Kristina K.

“Honest Business Plans has given me the tools and inspiration to pursue my business venture. Not only was the template helpful in helping me form my business idea it really explains how it would benefit my company.”

Mikio VanDrunen

“Shawn has been a tremendous help to me and my business ventures. His templates were extremely helpful to me with regard to moving my business from the conceptual phase to something that could be successfully implemented. Furthermore, his business plan example and associated materials allowed me to organize and structure my venture according to how I wanted to run and grow my business. I also found the process much easier with the materials (as opposed to doing everything on my own), since they provided a solid blueprint for my business.   I would recommend Shawn and his team to other entrepreneurs and business owners without hesitation. They have been great to work with!”

Kevin Cisney

The best part about our plans is that the TIME-CONSUMING parts are DONE for YOU.

Our Hybrid Fusion Business Plan Templates save you time as most portions are already completed for you, including the general narrative, market research and format are already researched and written for the SEO Company industry.

What makes our Hybrid Fusion Business Plans Different?

Here are just a few reasons why our Honest Business Plan Template is the best solution to begin planning your venture:

  • Formatted layout for investor and lender use.
  • A full narrative written from scratch for your industry.
  • Red instructional text guides you through each section of the business plan, explaining what each section is about and what to include, ensuring a polished, professional plan.
  • Written in a persuasive way to show investors the true potential of your venture.
  • Hybrid Fusion Cross between a business plan sample and template to make customization more realistic.
  • Simple Pricing: Straight forward pricing no long-term subscription or obligation. Purchase and instantly download and edit.

Click here for sample pages of this SEO Company business plan template.

But we don’t want to sell you on EASY.

We want to make sure you obtain a researched market-specific business plan template you are able to build a realistic and truly investor-friendly business plan upon.

Real investors and lenders see 3 to 15 business plans a day.

With the big “Corporate” business plan template companies luring you in with an “Easy” business plan those very lenders see right through them.

With our plan templates, you will have something extensive, unique as well as researched to set you apart from the “Corporate” generic business fill-in-the-blank plan templates.

Know exactly what you will be receiving by viewing our sample pages for this business plan here.

Do it yourself and not only save but learn more about your business as well.

  • Each complete plan takes us about 160 to 200 hours to research , write and create and is written in a way to make it easy to understand yet investor friendly. A professional business plan writer would charge a minimum of $650 to create a unique business plan of our length.
  • This is the viable solution you have been looking for. A comprehensive template with full narrative specifically for your industry. Our business plans are investor friendly, and offered at a fraction of the cost of a professional business plan writer.
  • We stand behind our quality. Our plans are in-depth and researched. If you are able to find a more researched, referenced, comprehensive, SEO Company business template for the SEO Company industry for a lower price we will refund your money.
  • Don’t believe the MYTH of “Fill in the blanks” business plan templates. Each venture is unique as is each market. If someone promises you a “fill-in-the-blanks” template or automated way to create your business plan then you are effectively getting a generic plan. Our hybrid business plan offered here is researched written and formatted specifically for the SEO Company industry.
  • Before purchasing, please understand the usage of this document (Yes, you will have to put in some work)  we are honest about what we offer and provide screenshots of the documents you will be receiving so there is no misunderstanding.

A customized or turn-key document from a reputable professional business plan writer starts at $950 and a cost upwards of $5,500 or more (A Google search will show you this).

We are attempting to help you get started on a budget hence we are providing our extensive hybrid fusion business plan documents as a starting point for you to build your plan upon.


Like any business, there are risks. I am so confident that this is the most comprehensive SEO Company business offering out there that if you are able to find a more comprehensive SEO Company business plan package that includes a 35+ page business plan template and matching Excel worksheet for a lower price, I will refund your money. Click here for terms and conditions.



There is never a better time than the present to start your SEO Company business as online competition continues to intensify, and businesses increasingly recognize the importance of optimizing their digital presence to stand out in crowded markets. The resources we provide will help jump-start you. However, in the end, only you can choose to make a difference in your life.

*This is a Business Plan Template/Outline in Unlocked and Editable Microsoft Office and should only be used as a starting point/foundation to write your own plan. You will need to edit it for your needs.

CHOOSE THE OPTIONS THAT WORK BEST FOR YOU. SSL Secured Checkout via PayPal or Credit Card. Your future SEO Company customers are waiting.

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Disclaimers (Please read prior to purchase)

-This is an editable example business plan template, which is in between a business plan template and a sample. This is NOT a complete Turn-key business plan. Modify and use this Hybrid business plan template as a foundation to create your own plan. View Sample pages to see exactly what you will be receiving.

-We are unable to make any changes to this plan or excel sheet or pitch deck or documents for you.

-By purchasing these documents, you agree not to resell, copyright, or post them online.

-Digital Download for Microsoft Office XP 10.0 in Windows XP and higher versions.

-Will also open in Microsoft Office for Mac, however, some formatting issues may be present and will need to be corrected. For this reason, we are unable to guarantee 100% direct compatibility with Microsoft Office for Mac.

-This is a large Microsoft Word file. Please keep in mind that we are not responsible if your computer processor is unable to render them quickly. We have tested these files on multiple MACs and PCs and they render fine on our end. However, we are unable to account for or guarantee how the files will perform on your end due to various extensions and operating system performance. Although rare, if you are having rendering issues you may need to attempt to open and work on the Microsoft Word files on an alternative, newer or faster computer.

The best time to start is now. Purchase with confidence. SSL Secured Checkout and 30-Day Money Back Guarantee if you are able to find a more comprehensive and up-to-date plan and funding package combination for a lower price point.*

Thanks for scrolling down to the bottom of this page! Whether you purchase from us or not I wish you much success in your SEO Company business venture!

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Your competitors are optimizing their content. Are you?

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How To Start An SEO Business In 12 Steps

business plan of seo company

If you're starting an SEO business, brace yourself for some fierce competition.

There are over 191,000 SEO and online marketing consulting businesses in the U.S. alone, and their number has been increasing at an average rate of 17.2% since 2018.

This tells us two things.

First, the demand for SEO services keeps growing, so there's room to take your piece of the cake. And second, you'll need to roll up your sleeves and figure out how to rise above the crowd.

To give you a leg up, we'll show you how to start an SEO business from scratch. Our 12-step guide dives into all the necessary details, so let's start with the most obvious requirement:

1. Master SEO

Before you can start charging for SEO services, you must become a trusted expert.

SEO has evolved into an entire ecosystem of practices, so you need to stay on top of all relevant trends and keep honing your skills ongoingly.

Google makes important changes to the search algorithm several times a year.

Some of them are known as "core updates," and you should keep track of them to ensure your service offerings don't leave out anything important.

Other algorithm changes are minor, but it still doesn't hurt to be familiar with them.

The simplest way to ensure no changes pass you by is to check the Google Search Status Dashboard regularly.

business plan of seo company

It lists all notable updates in reverse-chronological order, so visit the dashboard every month or two for a quick overview.

Of course, you can and should also follow industry news from reputable outlets, such as:

  • Search Engine Journal
  • SEO Chatter
  • Surfer's Blog
  • LearningSEO

When it comes to building your SEO skills, you can find countless SEO courses and programs worth investing in.

If you need a starting point, you can check out:

  • Surfer's Certification Program
  • Hubspot Academy
  • LinkedIn Learning

2. Identify your target market

To build a successful SEO business, you must know the importance of niching down.

Trying to be a jack of all trades is bound to backfire, as you'll disperse your SEO company across a bunch of unrelated industries and won't be seen as a go-to option in any of them.

Besides, doing SEO for a law firm is vastly different from serving a healthcare provider or an e-commerce business.

While the general SEO practices might be similar regardless of your chosen industry, specific tactics and strategies can vary greatly depending on your niche.

This isn't to say you can't succeed as a general SEO consultant or service provider; it only means you should start with a niche you know and/or are passionate about, as this will make it easier to draw in your initial clients.

You can then branch out and sell SEO services to a wider audience.

Besides personal interests, the main factors for choosing your target market are:

  • Demographics —Connecting with a younger audience requires a different marketing toolset and tactics than attracting more mature clients. The same goes for gender, location, and other attributes, so define your ideal client persona.
  • Budget —Do you want to provide SEO services that don't break the bank, or will you focus on high-end clientele? This is an important question because there's typically a trade-off; you'll either have a higher number of lower-paying clients or a smaller group of exclusive ones.
  • Competition —Some industries are more saturated than others. For example, e-commerce SEO has been around for a long time, so it might get harder to get your foot through the door. On the other hand, industries like AI and renewable energy are relatively young, so there aren't many SEO agencies focused on them.

3. Create your offer

Once you've found your target audience, it's time to decide what your offer will look like.

Ideally, you'll have several packages and tiers for clients with differing budgets and needs.

Some SEO clients will only need you to publish a few SEO-friendly content pieces, while others might need an entire overhaul of their website.

To accommodate these differences, you'll need to figure out two things:

  • Which pricing model(s) you want to adopt
  • How to structure your SEO service packages

When it comes to pricing models, you can choose from many options, most notably:

  • Hourly rates —Your client pays you for the number of hours spent on a project. This model offers transparency, but it can be hard to predict how much time you'll need to complete a project.
  • Project-based pricing —The cost is fixed according to the services you'll provide. Your client gets more certainty, but there's not much flexibility to buffer any unexpected issues or additional efforts.
  • Output-based pricing —You get paid according to the results you provide. Clients often find this model highly appealing because it ensures their investment pays off, but your SEO agency might face scope creep if you need to do more work than expected to generate the desired results.
No pricing model is universally the best—it all comes down to the alignment between your offer and the client's needs.

As for your service packages, you can create them based on the types of SEO you offer; for example:

  • On-page SEO — Keyword research and optimization, meta optimization, internal linking, etc.
  • Off-page SEO —Link building, social media, branded mentions, etc.
  • Technical SEO —XML sitemaps, site speed, mobile-friendliness, etc.
  • Local SEO —Google Business Profile optimization, reviews, local keyword research, etc.

Of course, your clients might need a mix of services from different packages, so you can create custom proposals based on their needs and the site audit you might do during the initial consultation.

4. Hire an SEO team

Your SEO business might be a one-person show in the beginning, but as you attract clients and start scaling up, you most likely won't be able to do all the work yourself.

Besides, you'll need time and energy to focus on growth and work on your business instead of working in it.

As your SEO agency grows, you can start expanding your team by partnering with contractors before moving on to full-time employees.

This gives you more flexibility until your client base and workflow are more predictable.

You can also combine the two options by hiring full-time SEO professionals for recurring projects and outsourcing resource-intensive tasks like link building to contractors.

In any case, you can look for SEO experts in many places, such as:

  • Freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr (particularly good for finding contractors)
  • Job boards and platforms like Indeed or ProBlogger

The SEO industry is full of talent, so you should have no trouble building your team.

The main challenge is finding the optimal number of employees/contractors to ensure you don't burn through your budget.

Luckily, there's a simple rule of thumb to follow here—break down your SEO efforts into tasks, and estimate the time needed to complete them.

Then, divide the estimated time by 30 or 40 (depending on how many working hours you'll have in a week) to find the number of people necessary for each task.

Of course, you might not get a perfectly precise number, especially in the beginning until you've completed a few projects and can create better estimates.

As your business solidifies and you start noticing project patterns, determining the size of your team will be much easier.

5. Build internal resources

As your SEO knowledge grows, you'll want to structure it into an extensive library of resources.

This makes it easier to pass your skills on to your team and make sure everyone's on the same page.

Start by developing a rich SEO toolkit that encompasses all the platforms and standard operating procedures (SOPs) you rely on to complete projects.

At the very least, you'll use analytics tools such as:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Third-party tools like Surfer's Keyword Research and SEO Audit

As your service offerings evolve, you'll likely add more digital marketing and tracking tools, so gather them all in one place and make sure that every team member has access to the ones they need to do their part.

Search engine optimization changes all the time, so don't set aside and forget the knowledge you've gathered by the time your business is up and running.

Keep educating yourself through courses, articles, case studies, and similar resources.

Create a knowledge hub where you maintain a swipe file of the most useful and interesting ones, and encourage your team to contribute to it.

6. Offer free services

Everyone loves freebies, but they give your business another major benefit—letting you showcase your SEO expertise.

A complimentary SEO audit can go a long way toward positioning you as a trusted expert in the eyes of prospective clients, so it can be a start of a fruitful relationship.

If you don't feel compelled to offer SEO audits for free, think about it this way—you spend a couple of hours doing free work, which can result in months of paid work for a new client.

It goes without saying that this investment can pay off handsomely.

Besides, this is standard practice among SEO companies, particularly those that are just starting out.

A lack of useful freebies can put you at a significant disadvantage and make it harder to get your SEO business off the ground.

An SEO audit isn't the only thing you can offer for free.

You can also do keyword research to show your prospect new ranking opportunities, which will entice them to work with you.

Or you can review the client's GBP page and suggest improvements that will result in more traffic or conversions.

Whatever you do, the point of a free service is to strike a balance—you want to provide enough value to get a potential client excited about your services while still leaving them wanting more.

Luckily, the scope of an average SEO project is more than wide enough to let you do this.

7. SEO your website

If you're running a search engine optimization business, you must show clients you know what you're doing.

And what better way to do this than to nail your own SEO strategy and rank your business high in search engines?

Working on your website also gives you a chance to hone your SEO skills and perfect your services.

If you do it right, you can even be your own case study and use the site as proof of what you can do for clients.

To reap these benefits, follow the same practices you'd use for client work.

Create a rich blog that will not only serve as a go-to source of information but also help you rank for all the right keywords.

This way, you can become a thought leader and supercharge your inbound marketing efforts.

If you're doing local SEO, make sure your business shows up in the Google Map Pack.

Show clients what their GBP page should (and could) look like if they sign up to work with you.

8. Leverage case studies and testimonials

Social proof is the lifeblood of sales and conversions.

Because customers are becoming increasingly skeptical of ads.

According to a report by Kantar Media , they're the least trusted source of information about a product or service.

By contrast, recommendations from friends and family are the most trustworthy alongside reviews.

business plan of seo company

While you may not get a client's friend or family member to recommend you—at least in the beginning until you get some word of mouth going—you can do the next best thing and publish real-life testimonials and success stories.

The whole reason someone might hesitate to work with you is that they're not sure if they'll get the results they're looking for.

Testimonials eliminate this doubt by showing that success is more than possible, increasing a prospect's confidence in you.

Now, you may find yourself in a catch-22 situation while your SEO business is still new—you might struggle to find clients without testimonials, which you can't get if you don't have clients.

The best way around this is to offer your first few clients a discount, or even free services in exchange for a testimonial.

You might sacrifice the bottom line a bit in the beginning, but this is a fair price to pay for testimonials that can keep generating new clients in the long run, so it's more than worth it.

Besides testimonials, make sure to include some case studies demonstrating client success.

Don't hesitate to showcase your achievements, as your competitors sure won't.

9. Prospect everywhere

Prospective customers are all around you both online and offline, so you should cast a wide net through various internet marketing strategies and traditional efforts.

Facebook and Google ads are an excellent starting point, as they can draw eyes to your website that will leverage other tactics to attract clients and convert them,such as:

  • High-quality content
  • Freebies (whitepapers, books, and other lead magnets)
  • Testimonials and case studies

You should also take full advantage of social media platforms to boost your online presence.

Your posts should educate the audience and spark conversations to position you as an authority.

The specific platforms will depend on your target audience, but you'll want to be on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn at the very least.

An often overlooked prospecting strategy is partnering with digital marketing agencies and other SEO companies that provide complementary services.

Of course, you won't do it with direct competitors, but if your core offering is off-page SEO, you can benefit greatly from teaming up with SEO businesses offering other services like on-page or technical SEO.

This way, you can create a fruitful win-win—your partner company can expand its service scope, and you get new clients without too much effort.

If all else fails, you always have cold outreach as one of the most well-known prospecting strategies.

Its main downside is that it can take a while to work because it's largely a numbers game, and it's more laborious than inbound marketing strategies.

Still, cold outreach is a good way to draw in clients that might be unaware of SEO services.

10. Communicate with clients

Effective client communication is the backbone of a successful SEO business.

Due to the nature of search engines, your services won't yield overnight results, no matter how good you are.

That's why you must maintain a clear communication channel and keep your client posted on everything you do for them.

Once you've attracted a client, prioritize their pain points to see how your services can help.

A quick SEO audit using Google Analytics and Google Search Console should tell you everything you need to know, but make sure to also ask your client about their goals.

Remember to make practical, even conservative promises.

It's better to make a modest promise and overdeliver than let your client down by failing to meet their expectations.

Many clients don't understand how SEO works and might expect a lot from the get-go, and it's your job to explain what's realistic in a given timeframe.

As you kick off the project, make sure to establish regular touchpoints. Y

ou can do so through SEO reports or monthly meetings that will keep the client updated on all the progress you've made.

This can do wonders for client satisfaction and benefit your business in many ways.

According to a Netomi report , 77% of customers believe great customer service is essential for generating business and building brand loyalty, so make sure that your clients feel valued.

11. Manage Your SEO Business

Establishing your SEO business is the easy part—the real challenge lies in managing it wisely so that it survives the initial trial by fire and reaches the point of stability.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data , half of small businesses don't make it past the fifth year, so you should do everything in your power to stay in the other half.

To make this happen, don't set and forget your business plan.

Revisit it regularly to see where you stand and determine if any changes are needed.

Keep your plan flexible to account for the ever-changing SEO landscape, as your business will need to evolve and adapt to new circumstances continuously.

You must also get your finances in order and stay on top of them at all times.

Set up different payment methods, open multicurrency accounts, and make sure to keep close track of your cash flow.

Some business owners decide to outsource this task to an accountant, but this is only a good idea if you understand that you're outsourcing the function , but not the responsibility .

It's still your business, so nobody should have a firmer grasp of your business' finances than you.

Finally, clients come and go, and there's no way around it.

As important as it is to onboard a client properly, you should know how to offboard them when the time comes.

Simply stopping your operations isn't the best way to do it, as it might burn the bridge you'll need later on.

Proper offboarding showcases professionalism and can do wonders for your reputation and referrals, increasing the sustainability of your business.

If you're not sure how to offboard SEO clients, consider these tips:

  • Thank the client for their business and discuss all the results you've helped them achieve
  • Hint at the possibility of future re-engagements through additional services they might find valuable
  • Offer to mention them in your newsletters—doing so gives them exposure, lets you leverage them as a case study, and keeps the relationship alive
  • Consider a parting corporate gift that will end your partnership on a positive note

12. Scale your business

Once you've built a solid foundation for your business, it's time to consider different growth paths.

You shouldn't wait too long because you might find yourself in a situation where you need to reject new clients due to a lack of capacity.

There are several ways to scale your operations, most notably:

  • Productizing your SEO services
  • Market expansion
  • Partnerships and collaboration
There's no one-size-fits-all solution here—you'll make the decision based on your niche, client base, network, and other circumstances.

When your SEO business is ready to grow, you can use the following strategies to ensure proper financial support and infrastructure that will allow it to do so:

  • Build a referral network —One of the most effective ways to attract clients is to run a referral program. You gain a client effortlessly, pay a commission, and keep scaling without extensive involvement on your part.
  • Upsell your service —The " Would you like fries with that? " approach is an excelllent way to your bottom line. You can include more services as add-ons on top of your main offering so that each sale has a higher dollar value.
  • Increase your prices —As your business positions itself on the market, don't hesitate to charge more. Doing so lets you invest in your team, marketing materials, and other resources you need to scale without interruptions.
  • Niche down —Scaling your SEO business doesn't always mean branching out to different industries. You can go the opposite direction and drill into a specific niche to become a go-to SEO expert and leverage increased demand with a limited supply.

Types of SEO businesses you can set up

Here are some of the most common business types offering SEO services you can start.

The agency model is highly scalable because you can offer a range of services (keyword research, content marketing and creation, on-page optimization, etc.).

The main downside is that an agency might take longer to set up because you need to:

  • Set up an extensive framework
  • Hire employees
  • Systemize your operations

Still, if you're willing to be patient and make the necessary investments, an SEO agency can pay off multifold.

SEO consultancy

Being an SEO consultant is an excellent way to break into the market without hefty investments. You can provide consulting services on a project basis or work ongoingly with a client.

While you'll have lots of flexibility, you'll also be the one doing all the work.

If you want to scale or expand your client base, you might need to transition into a different business structure with time.

This often happens to consultants who make a name for themselves, so be ready to expand when the time comes.

SEO product

If you don't want to work with clients directly, you can create an SEO product to sell instead.

There are numerous SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions in the SEO space, so you'll need to differentiate your product to find your place in the market.

Note that building an SEO platform doesn't happen overnight, so you should be comfortable with delayed gratification.

If you're in a position where you can put in the work without immediate returns, an SEO product might be a better option than selling SEO services and involving yourself in them because it's a more hands-off model.

SEO white label provider

If you're not ready to establish and build your own brand, you can provide SEO services under someone else's as a white label provider.

This means an existing SEO company outsources a specific service to you, most likely because they don't offer such services in-house.

It's also cost-effective for an SEO agency to do this, so everybody wins—they have an expert handling a project they can't complete, and you get SEO clients somewhat passively.

On the flip side, this means you're not investing in your own brand and business, so making a name for yourself might be tougher.

SEO training

Your SEO company or consultancy doesn't need to only work with clients—you can pass your knowledge on to other aspiring SEO experts and turn this into a sizeable stream of income.

There are numerous ways to do this, most notably:

  • Group or one-on-one coaching
  • Webinars and workshops

Note that this opportunity will only open once you've positioned yourself as an expert. You need credibility and quite a reputation to ensure people trust you as a reliable source of information.

SEO content agency

High-quality content is among the key aspects of SEO, so it's entirely possible to build a full-fledged business around it.

If you're not interested in providing other SEO services, you can specialize in content creation and offer blog posts, web copy, product descriptions, and so on.

If you plan on going down this route, make sure to step up your on-page SEO game, as even the best content won't do much unless you know how to rank it.

Local SEO company

Many small business owners are unaware of how beneficial local SEO campaigns can be.

You can offer to improve their GBP page, work on their reviews, drive more organic search traffic to their businesses, and provide many other benefits that will translate into more customers.

Note that educating local clients on the value of SEO might take a while, though, especially if they run traditional brick-and-mortar businesses and aren't familiar with the online space, so arm yourself with patience.

Is starting an SEO business worth it?

The current SEO landscape looks promising to starting an SEO business. Over the last year alone, the market grew by $12.01 billion (from $62.75 billion in 2022 to $74.76 billion in 2023). This means a lot of money is still being poured into the industry, so there's room for new businesses.

According to last year's Atrios research , the search volume for queries like "SEO agency" and "SEO consultant" saw a consistent increase from 2016 to 2022

business plan of seo company

Of course, this doesn't mean that every SEO business that steps into the market will thrive.

You'll need to overcome quite a few challenges before you can reap the rewards, such as:

  • Competition
  • Finding clients
  • Hiring the right people

This is why you might need to wait a bit before seeing any returns, especially if you choose a more comprehensive business structure like an SEO agency.

While you might see the results relatively quickly as an independent consultant, a full-fledged business might take between a few months and a couple of years to generate the desired results.

Key takeaways

  • With so many SEO businesses currently on the market, you need to put in quite some effort to position yourself properly and ensure the long-term viability of your venture.
  • The first step toward building a thriving business is to master SEO and invest in the necessary tools and processes. Stay on top of all the emerging trends and Google's changes to the search algorithm so that you can keep updating your SEO services accordingly.
  • You shouldn't try to serve everyone, as doing so will make you spread yourself too thin. Identify your target clients based on demographic factors, budget, and industry where you believe you can make the biggest difference.
  • When creating your SEO proposal and service scope, decide on the pricing model and types of SEO that align your goals with your knowledge and interests. Make sure to also factor in the demand for specific services in your chosen niche.
  • As your business gets off the ground, you may need a team and a clear system you'll follow while completing projects. Work out the number of team members you need based on the hours needed to complete the work, and remember to build internal resources that your team will have access to.
  • To attract your first clients, nail down your own SEO and consider offering free services that will compel someone to sign up for the paid ones. Leverage your initial work through case studies and testimonials to build trust in your niche and draw in new clients.
  • Managing and scaling your SEO business requires proper planning and tracking. Figure out the direction in which you want your business to go in the long run, and make sure you have the necessary financial support and infrastructure to enable growth.
  • You can start various types of SEO businesses—an agency, consultancy, product, and so on. Each business model has its ups and downs, so consider what would work best based on your current circumstances; you can always shift to another model if it makes sense.

The path to a successful SEO business might not be easy, but the reward is well worth going through the steps you saw here.

Choose your preferred services, business model, and clients wisely, as getting it right from the get-go lets you avoid costly course changes later on.

SEO isn't going anywhere, and there's plenty of room for new businesses to thrive, so be patient and stick it out until you see the results.


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SEO Marketing Strategy: 8 Components of a Successful SEO Strategy in 2024

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  • Macy is a marketing writer with over five years of experience creating content for dozens of industries including food and beverage, home services, and education. She also specializes in creating SEO and PPC content. Her work has been featured by Search Engine Journal, HubSpot, Entrepreneur, Clutch, and more. In her free time, Macy enjoys trying new crafts and reading comic books.

A whopping 75% of users don’t look beyond the first page of online search results. This means that if you don’t rank at the top of search results, you’ll miss out on valuable traffic, leads, and revenue for your business.

Luckily, a robust search engine optimization (SEO) marketing strategy will help you rank at the top of results for keywords related to your business. And the right SEO strategy elements will allow you to drive more valuable traffic to your site.

On this page, we’ll provide you dive into the ins and outs of SEO plans, as well as eight elements of a successful SEO marketing strategy. If you want to kick things off swiftly, use our free SEO toolkit . It offers an immediate SEO assessment, guidance and explanations for enhancing your website’s SEO.

  • Relevant, long-tail keywords
  • In-depth, quality site content
  • Fast-loading website
  • User-focused design
  • Responsive design
  • Voice search optimization
  • SEO analytics

To get started, just keep reading or call us today at  888-601-5359  to speak with an SEO expert!

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What is an SEO marketing strategy?

An SEO marketing strategy is a plan for optimizing your site for search engine optimization. Building, implementing, and maintaining an SEO strategy can help your business improve its search rankings, organic traffic, and even organic conversions.

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Top 8 elements to add to your SEO marketing strategy

When creating your custom SEO marketing strategy, you’ll want to focus on these elements to improve your SEO and return on investment (ROI).

1. Relevant, long-tail keywords

The first element to add to your SEO marketing strategy checklist focuses on keywords.

If you want to show up in search results for keywords related to your company, you need to target those keywords in your site content, page titles, meta descriptions, and more.

To get the most from your SEO marketing strategy, you’ll want to focus on targeting  relevant, long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords contain three or more words like, “best plumber in Harrisburg, PA.” When people search long-tail keywords, you’re better able to distinguish their search intent — exactly what they’re trying to find.

If someone searches a short-tail keyword like “plumber,” they could be searching for a number of things — a list of the best plumbers near them, plumbing services, or even plumbing jobs.

However, if someone searches the long-tail phrase, “best plumber in Harrisburg, PA,” it’s clear they want to work with a top plumber in the Harrisburg area.”

By targeting long-tail keywords, you’ll connect with qualified leads who are most likely to become customers.

example of long tail keywords in organic search results

To find long-tail keywords for your SEO strategy, you must conduct keyword research.

This research will help you find keywords that are relevant to your site and customers. You can use keyword research tools , like  Buzzsumo  or  KeywordsFX , to help you find relevant long-tail keywords for your SEO strategy.

For more advanced keyword research tools, consider Semrush or Moz .

Once you select your long-tail keywords, you’ll add them to key places on your site. This integration will help you rank in relevant search results for those keywords.

By choosing the right long-tail keywords, you’ll help your site appear in more relevant search results and drive more interested leads to your site. When you make your SEO strategy checklist, be sure to include long-tail keyword research on your to-do list.

2. In-depth, quality site content

Another key SEO marketing strategy element —  custom site content  is necessary for ranking in search results and helping leads learn more about your business.

Content marketing allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with your audience. It’s an excellent method for helping you establish your business as an authority, while you drive valuable traffic to your site.

To start creating content, you’ll want to come up with topics and ideas. You’ll want to stick to topics related to your industry and use keyword research to ensure you’re driving the right traffic to your site.

If you’re a baker writing about how to make pizzas, you’re going to drive traffic interested in pizza shops, not bakeries.

Your keyword research will help you find new topics to cover. These keywords will give you a starting point for creating valuable content your audience seeks.

Once you select your topics, you’ll choose the content formats you want to use. Content comes in many forms, including  videos , blogs,  infographics , articles, and ebooks. You’ll want to use a variety of these formats to ensure that your content is always fresh and exciting.

After you select your format, you’ll start composing your content.

If you don’t know what to cover in your article or where to start, you can start by conducting a quick Google search. The Google search will allow you to see what other results come up for the topic.

You can also look at the “people also ask” section to see what questions people ask around the subject. It’s a great way to get inspiration for shaping your content.

people also ask example

When you create content, you’ll want to publish it consistently and often. An effective SEO marketing strategy involves continually publishing content to drive traffic to your site. You always want to try to get in front of your audience and get them to check out your business.

Once leads find your in-depth, quality content, they will remain on your site to absorb the information and take the next step with your business. This longer dwell time will send a positive signal to Google that your site and relevant and helpful — and in turn, it will boost your rankings.

Creating quality is essential for earning and maintaining top rankings, and it’s a crucial component of your SEO marketing strategy.

3. Fast-loading website

A whopping  83% of users  expect your website to load in three seconds or less — and if it doesn’t, they’ll leave.

One of the most critical components of SEO in digital marketing is your site’s load time. When users visit your site, they want to access information quickly. If your site is struggling to load, users will abandon your website in favor of a faster loading site.

These actions will lead to an increase in your site’s bounce rate. A high bounce rate sends a negative signal to Google that your website isn’t relevant to the user’s search query — and a slow-loading website will hurt your SEO rankings.

To prevent this from happening, you must incorpporate improving your site’s load time in your SEO strategy.

You can use  Google PageSpeed Insights  to evaluate your site’s current load speed. This tool helps you understand if your website loads quickly enough on desktop and mobile. If you need improvements to your site, Google will offer suggestions on how to improve your site’s load time.

google page speed insights example

If you don’t know how to improve your site or don’t have the time to improve it, you can invest in  page speed services  from a digital marketing company. At WebFX, we offer page speed services that help you make improvements on your site that allow your website to load quicker.

Call us today at  888-601-5359  to speak with a strategist about our page speed optimization plans.

4. User-focused design

When it comes to SEO planing, user-focused design  is one of the most critical components of your SEO marketing strategy.

When you increase dwell time on your site, it sends a positive signal to Google that your website is relevant and helpful to your audience. A user-focused design will help you keep your audience engaged on your site longer.

If you have a well-designed site that is easy for your audience to use, they are more likely to remain on your website. Your audience will easily find the information they need, which will keep them engaged on your page longer.

So, how can you create a positive user experience on your site?

The first step is to create a navigation that is easy for your audience to use. People don’t want to struggle to find information on your site. If it’s too difficult to use your navigation bar, you’ll risk losing leads on your page.

Make your navigation straightforward by using broad headings. These broad headings will allow you to organize numerous categories beneath them, followed by subcategories. This organization will make it easier for your audience to browse your site and find the information they need.

Another great way to improve user experience is by breaking up your text with images and headers. Headers help you break down your information so your audience can easily read or skim it. In addition, images, graphics, and videos add visual appeal to your text that makes your content more interesting for your audience.

These design elements are just a few of the features you can use to create a better user experience for your audience. By integrating these elements, into your SEO plan, you’ll help your audience have a positive experience on your site and spend more time on your page.

5. Responsive design

In addition to user-friendly design, you also need to make  responsive design  part of your SEO marketing strategy. Your audience will access your website from a variety of devices. You must ensure that your website’s loads correctly on all devices.

Responsive design ensures that your website adapts to whatever device a user is using. Whether your audience uses a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer, they will have a positive experience on your site. Your website will adapt to fit their device as best as possible.

Each of these devices has a different screen size. You wouldn’t want to view the mobile version of your site on desktop and vice versa. By integrating responsive design into your SEO plan, you’ll ensure that your website adapts to any device your audience uses.

Responsive design will provide your audience with positive user experience and keep them happy on your page. It will encourage them to spend more time on your site, which will improve your SEO rankings. So, be sure to include this element in your SEO marketing plan.

6. Voice search optimization

When it comes to SEO planning, voice search is one of the newest ways for users to search for information. And voice search optimization is a critical component of your SEO marketing strategy.

More than  1 billion voice searches  happen each month. This mode of searching is continually growing as one of the most popular ways to find information. You want to ensure that you’re not missing out on leads who search for your business through these devices.

So, how do you optimize for voice search?

To optimize for voice search, you must understand how users search verbally. When users conduct verbal searches, they phrase their search queries differently.

Let’s say someone is searching for somewhere to buy pizza. If this person searched online through a browser, they might search “pizza near me.” On the other hand, someone who searches verbally would ask, “Where can I find pizza near me?”

The most significant difference you’ll notice between the two types of searches is that people pose verbal searches as questions. People ask their voice searches devices a question in hopes of getting a direct answer.

When you’re optimizing for voice search in your SEO marketing plan, you’ll want to optimize for questions people may ask when trying to find your business, products, or services.

Additionally, you’ll also want to optimize for any slang your audience might use when conducting verbal searches. People are more likely to use slang when searching verbally because they’re speaking. You’ll want to optimize for slang words and phrases to ensure you’re reaching people who search verbally.

These are just a few ways you can optimize to reach people who search verbally. By adapting for voice search, you’ll reach more people interested in your business. It’s a great SEO strategy to help you reach more people conducting searches.

  • 7. Local SEO

When you’re creating your SEO marketing strategy, you’ll want to make sure  local SEO  makes the list.

Local customers search for your business online. If you optimize for local SEO, you’ll help your business reach local leads looking for your company.

So, how do you optimize for local searches?

When users conduct a local search, it generates a box with a list of three businesses. This box is known as the  local SEO 3-pack . Users tend to use the local SEO 3-pack to help them find the right company for their needs.

example of local seo 3 pack

To help your business appear in the local SEO 3-pack, you must start by claiming your Google Business Profile listing. Your Google Business Profile listing  is your business’s local listing that enables you to reach more local leads interested in your business.

Once you claim your Google Business Profile, you’ll want to fill it out completely. Fill in your contact information, verify your address, add photos of your business, products, or services, and include any critical details that can help sell you over the competition.

By filling out your profile thoroughly, you’ll help your audience feel more informed about your business. When your audience knows more about your business, they can better determine if you’re a good fit for their needs.

Local SEO is one of the essential components of SEO for reaching valuable local leads. By claiming your Google Business Profile and optimizing it, you’ll have a better SEO marketing strategy and reach more interested leads for your business.

8. SEO analytics

The last component of a successful SEO marketing strategy is  analytics.

When it comes to SEO campaign management , it’s important to track your strategy’s performance. You don’t want to invest time, money, and effort into a campaign if you aren’t continually improving your campaign to make the most of your investment.

One of the most critical elements of an SEO roadmap is your analytics. Your analytics will provide you with valuable insight into your SEO strategy and how you can improve your plan to drive better results.

When you monitor your analytics, you can see numerous metrics that will provide you with insight into your campaign. You can track page views, time on page, conversions, and more. All these analytics will help you understand the effectiveness of your campaign and how people interact with your business.

Knowing how your campaign performs helps you make adjustments. You can see where your campaign falls short and needs improvement. Your analytics will help you optimize your SEO marketing strategy to drive better results.

Optimize your SEO marketing strategy with SEO.com

A solid SEO marketing strategy will help you drive more traffic, leads, and revenue for your business. And an effective SEO tool like SEO.com can help optimize your strategy for maximum performance.

SEO.com makes it easy to take control of your SEO marketing strategy with hassle-free and user-friendly features including keyword research, organic traffic and performance monitoring, competitor analysis, and much more.

Try it for free today to get started!

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Table of Contents

  • What is an SEO Marketing Strategy?
  • Top 8 Elements to Add to Your SEO Marketing Strategy
  • 1. Relevant, Long-tail Keywords
  • 2. In-depth, Quality Site Content
  • 3. Fast-loading Website
  • 4. User-focused Design
  • 5. Responsive Design
  • 6. Voice Search Optimization
  • 8. SEO Analytics
  • Optimize Your SEO Marketing Strategy with SEO.com

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How To Develop an SEO Strategy in 2024

Jennifer Simonson

Updated: Jul 16, 2024, 9:35am

How To Develop an SEO Strategy in 2024

Table of Contents

What is an seo strategy, why seo strategy is important, 8 steps to develop an effective seo strategy, bottom line, frequently asked questions (faqs).

With over 1 billion websites live on the internet at any given moment, how on earth is a random internet search supposed to discover yours? One answer is SEO. SEO, or search engine optimization , is the practice of optimizing your website to increase its visibility on Google, Microsoft Bing and other search engines in hopes of landing on the coveted first page of search results. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to use the best SEO strategies to optimize your website in order to increase visitors without the need to pay for advertising.

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On Highervisibility's Website

SEO is all about customizing a website’s content and structure to match the algorithms used by search engines to rank websites. An SEO strategy serves as the deliberate road map for turbocharging your website’s credibility in the eyes of search engines. If done properly this ultimately leads to a higher ranking in search results, which leads to an increase in organic traffic. This strategic blueprint involves fine-tuning multiple facets of your website and its content in order to make it discoverable by search engines such as Google. The main objective is to elevate your website’s prominence within search engine results pages (SERPs). This is considered organic traffic as opposed to paid advertising. SEO strategies encompass a diverse range of tactics including keyword research, content creation, technical website enhancements and link building.

Developing an SEO strategy can be a game-changer for small businesses. It offers a cost-effective way to help potential customers discover their business when they search for relevant products or services. Optimizing their website for search engines allows small businesses to compete on a level playing field with larger competitors and reach a broader audience.

Outperform Local Competitors

Having a tailored SEO strategy helps small businesses outperform local competitors in searches. Precise geo-targeting and local keywords boost your website in local search results. This will increase visibility among potential customers and drive more foot traffic or inquiries into your establishment.

Increase Organic Web Traffic

SEO strategy is undeniably vital in significantly increasing organic traffic to your website. Unlike paid listings that appear at the top of search results, organic search listings gain their higher ranks based on the relevance and quality of their content. This makes organic traffic more trustworthy to users as it reflects a genuine alignment with their search intent. In fact, recent studies show that organic search listings drive 20 times more clicks than paid ads. In addition to increased traffic, an effective SEO strategy aids in building credibility in an online marketplace.

Maximize Limited Budgets

SEO is a cost-effective way to expand brand exposure and reach for small businesses with limited marketing budgets. Effective SEO strategies can result in high-quality organic traffic that’s more likely to convert. In fact, organic search is one of the most impactful marketing strategies with an ROI between five and 12 times.

Build Brand Credibility

High search engine rankings give brands a kind of credibility that paid advertising simply cannot accomplish. This is especially beneficial for smaller businesses that do not have the name recognition behind them that a larger company might have.

Capitalize on Consumer Decision-Making

Many consumers turn to search engines before making a purchase decision. Developing an SEO strategy for small businesses helps put your products or services in front of potential customers when they’re most likely to buy. By optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages, you not only increase the likelihood of immediate sales, but also build brand awareness that will help increase future sale opportunities. This will help in the overall success of your small business in a competitive online marketplace.

Developing a successful SEO strategy requires a methodical approach similar to other marketing tactics. Start by creating and implementing a comprehensive plan by incorporating the following SEO tactics. Regularly test each of the SEO practices and adjust your strategy as needed for the best results.

Set SEO Goals

Before you can create an SEO plan, it is important to know what you want the plan to accomplish. Therefore, your first step should be to prioritize your business objectives and determine the specific goals you want to achieve through your SEO efforts. This could include increasing website traffic, improving search engine rankings, generating more leads or enhancing brand awareness.

Consider SEO Scalability

Evaluate whether you have the resources and expertise to handle SEO in-house or if you need to outsource to a dedicated agency. Companies unable to outsource SEO marketing because of a limited budget can consider self-education through platforms such as Moz and HubSpot Academy. These resources offer a wealth of knowledge to help you develop and enhance your SEO skills over time. If you decide to hire an SEO agency for your business, be sure to check out our 10 Best SEO Services .

Do Keyword Research

Keywords are at the base of any effective SEO strategy. They improve search engine rankings by acting as the bridge to connect users’ search queries with relevant website content. To find the best keywords for your website, it is important to conduct thorough keyword research. SEO tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Semrush and Ahrefs can assist in finding relevant search terms and phrases for your target audience. They can also analyze the search volume and competition for specific keywords or phrases.

Create Website Content

Develop a content marketing strategy that aligns with your SEO goals. Content marketing involves creating web pages, blog posts and other forms of content to attract visitors to your website. Once you gather your targeted keywords, be sure to focus on optimizing individual web pages by including them in headlines, meta tags and throughout the content. If you used WordPress to create your website, be sure to download the Yoast SEO plugin to help with on-page optimization and content analysis.

Technical SEO

While content creation might be the fun part of SEO optimization, technical SEO optimization is the boring, but necessary, part. Technical optimization for SEO includes improving website speed, implementing proper URL structures, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions and using schema markup. Once you think your website is optimized, use Google Search Console or Moz Pro to identify and help fix any remaining technical SEO issues.

Optimize for Mobile SEO

With more than half of all website traffic coming from mobile devices, it is imperative that your website is not just mobile-friendly, but also optimized for mobile SEO. So how do you optimize your website for mobile? First, make sure you build it with a responsive design. This means that it adjusts to any screen size. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search ranking. It is also important to keep the load size quick. Slower load times lead to high bounce rates that negatively affect your search ranking. To optimize for quick speed times, make sure to compress images, use browser caching and minimize the use of render-blocking JavaScript and CSS. Finally, make sure your SEO-friendly content is easily consumable on mobile devices by breaking up large chunks of text, using subheadings and incorporating visuals.

Link Building

Backlinks are one-way hyperlinks or “backlinks” from another website to your website. Each backlink acts as a vote of confidence from other websites and increases your website’s authority. Search engines, such as Google, often view these backlinks as indicators of a web page’s quality. Consequently, a higher-perceived quality by Google often translates to a better ranking in search results. Among various SEO practices, “backlinking” is considered challenging with nearly half of companies identifying it as the most difficult aspect. Effective backlink-building strategies include guest blogging, producing content that encourages sharing and interacting with industry influencers. Tools such as Moz’s Link Explorer and Ahrefs can help in tracking and analyzing your backlink profile.

Analyze Competitors’ SEO

Analyzing your competitors’ SEO strategies is an integral part of optimizing your web presence. By understanding what your competitors are doing in terms of SEO, you can gain valuable insights about their tactics and the effectiveness of their approach. With tools such as Semrush and Ahrefs, you can analyze competitors’ keywords, backlinks, estimated total traffic, bounce rate, time on page, top traffic sources and overall SEO performance. You can use the insights gained from a competitor analysis to help identify gaps your business can fill, overlooked approaches and opportunities for differentiation. You might consider molding your unique offerings into some of their successful strategies. Whether it’s about improving your keyword targeting, on-page optimization or link-building strategies, leveraging competitive analysis effectively forms a vital part of a well-rounded SEO strategy.

As the world of business continues to move online, developing an effective SEO strategy will continue to be crucial for any business wanting to stay competitive in 2024. An SEO strategy that focuses on customized content, keyword searches and structural optimization helps align websites with the algorithms of major search engines such as Google. Higher-ranked websites translate into more visibility, more website traffic and (hopefully) more sales. Implementing a well-thought-out SEO strategy is particularly vital for small businesses. It offers a cost-effective way to level the playing field against larger competitors, maximize limited budgets and reach a wider audience.

Whether managing SEO in-house or outsourcing it, the key is to address all aspects of SEO while keeping up with the ever-evolving digital landscape. By doing so, businesses can not only improve their search engine rankings but also establish a strong digital footprint in a very crowded online world.

What are the top five SEO strategies?

Top SEO strategies include keyword optimization to enhance visibility, creating high-quality content for engagement, ensuring mobile-friendliness for a better user experience and building high-quality backlinks to increase site authority. Additionally, focusing on technical SEO such as website speed and secure connections is crucial for better indexing by search engines.

What are the four basic elements of an SEO strategy?

The four foundational elements of an SEO strategy are keywords, content creation, backlinks and on-page optimization. Keywords, and high-quality content creation that leverages those keywords, are central to driving targeted traffic to your website. Backlinks, or inbound links from external websites, enhance credibility while on-page optimization formats your website in a specific way to make it easy for search engines to crawl and rank it.

How do I optimize my SEO strategy?

The first aspect of optimizing your SEO strategy is conducting thorough keyword research to identify the terms your target audience is searching for. Then, use those keywords to create high-quality content, URLs, tags and descriptions. Lastly, focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable sites to boost credibility and rankings.

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Top 10 SEO Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 SEO Plan Templates with Examples and Samples

Kavesh Malhotra


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, where businesses jostle for online supremacy, a solid SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plan is not just an option but a necessity. SEO is the compass that guides your website to higher search engine rankings, ultimately leading to increased organic traffic. But here's the challenge: crafting an effective SEO plan can be intricate, involving technical SEO, content optimization strategy, URL structuring , link building, online reputation management, and more. Fortunately, SlideTeam has got a solution for you. 

To simplify this process, SlideTeam has curated a list of the top 10 SEO Plan Templates, each accompanied by examples and samples, to set you. You can download them and tailor them to your needs. Furthermore,  check out our blog  for guidance on crafting a winning marketing plan to enhance business performance, but before we dive into these templates, let's understand why an SEO plan is crucial.

Why is an SEO Plan Crucial?

A wise man once said, "The best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of Google." While it might sound morbid, it's a harsh reality in the digital world. Studies reveal that a vast majority of online users never venture past the first page of search engine results. So, if your website doesn't reach that coveted first page, it's essentially invisible to potential visitors. This is where an SEO plan comes to the rescue. It's the tool that helps you climb the ranks, increasing your online visibility and, consequently, your website traffic. Now, explore the top 10 SEO plan templates to help you boost your online visibility and drive organic traffic.

Template 1: SEO Content Plan Template to Improve Online Visibility 

This Content Marketing deck focuses on creating a content plan that enhances online visibility. It starts with an organizational overview section, offering a comprehensive understanding of your company's position. It includes a thorough competitor analysis to gauge your current market standing. It then delves into a strategic SEO content plan designed to optimize your website's content. Additionally, the Keywords Marketing module incorporates keyword integration & mapping, ensuring keywords are in the right places. It also covers SEO content audit details for content optimization . For effective planning, this complete deck includes quarterly and annual budget slides. The deck also helps you plan your content calendar, ensuring that you consistently produce high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. Finally, there are slides dedicated to KPIs and performance dashboards, facilitating SEO managers in evaluating the success of this SEO content plan. Access it instantly to supercharge your online visibility.

SEO Content Plan to Improve Online Visibility


Template 2: SEO Marketing Strategy Development Plan Template

Crafting an extensive SEO marketing strategy is vital for long-term success. This exclusive deck is your comprehensive guide to crafting a powerful marketing strategy tailored specifically for services. The “marketing plan to launch service section provides an in-depth understanding of service marketing, highlighting its distinctions from product marketing. It emphasizes the significance of the 7Ps of the marketing mix. The PPT incorporates a competitive analysis segment, enabling businesses to identify key strategies competitors employ to maintain a competitive edge in the market. The Digital Marketing Campaign module tackles the current situation analysis, offering strategies to conquer service marketing challenges across diverse industries. It includes tactics for successfully launching new services to boost sales.

SEO Marketing Strategy Development Plan

Template 3: Backlinking and SEO Strategic Plan to Increase Online Presence 

Backlinks are a crucial aspect of SEO. This presentation begins by shedding light on the current SEO practices within the organization while pinpointing the necessity for a fresh strategy to attain predefined objectives. It then lays out an SEO roadmap , a well-defined path to help the organization hit its targets effectively. Next, the template delves into the new SEO strategy's specifics: On-site or Off-site SEO. These strategies are subject to careful analysis and scrutiny to ensure perfect alignment with the organization's goals. To cap it off, the presentation explores the metrics used to gauge the performance of this new SEO strategy. With our Backlinking and SEO Strategic Plan, businesses can access a potent tool.

Backlinking and SEO Strategic Plan to Increase Online Presence

Template 4: SEO for Travel Industry Detailed Strategy and Action Plan Edu PPT

This industry-specific preset caters to the travel sector. It provides a detailed strategy and action plan for optimizing websites related to travel and tourism. It covers topics like offering valuable tips and highlighting common pitfalls to steer clear of. It goes further by enumerating various SEO techniques tailored specifically for the travel sector. These techniques encompass optimizing your homepage, implementing SEO strategies for category and tag pages, enhancing destination pages, leveraging user reviews and rich snippets, delving into the blogging world, and underscoring the importance of a travel blog.

Table of Contents for Travel Industry SEO Strategies

Template 5: SEO For IT Industry Detailed Strategy and Action Plan 

This presentation slide set offers tailor-made SEO strategies designed exclusively for the IT sector. It delves into the SEO landscape within IT companies, elucidating their objectives and highlighting key ranking signals. Furthermore, it furnishes insights into industry-specific techniques pertinent to the IT sector. These encompass best practices in user experience (UX), fine-tuning keyword integration optimization strategies, optimizing link profiles, and even delving into voice SEO, among others. Ready to supercharge your IT company's online presence?

SEO for IT Industry

Template 6: SEO For Education Industry Detailed Strategy and Action Plan 

These slides provide a finely tailored SEO roadmap for the education sector. They encompass a range of strategies, from technical and local SEO to content optimization . Additionally, they delve into specialized aspects like multilingual and mobile SEO, ensuring educational institutions can reach a wider audience. Furthermore, the presentation emphasizes the importance of website navigation and voice search optimization. Unlock the full potential of your educational institution's online presence by downloading this slide deck that covers areas such as optimizing educational content, enhancing user experience, and building authority in the education niche.


Template 7: SEO For Healthcare Industry Detailed Strategy and Action Plan 

The healthcare sector can leverage this preset to develop a detailed SEO strategy. We start by underlining SEO's critical significance in healthcare and its unique role in this industry. The presentation then guides you through specialized techniques specific to the medical field. Topics covered include Medical Keyword integration Research, Local SEO, and optimizing for Website Speed and Mobile Use. Additionally, it addresses vital aspects like Image and Video Optimization. To ensure your healthcare website ranks higher and reaches the right audience, we've also included a healthcare SEO checklist and a list of do's and don'ts. Maximize your healthcare organization's online visibility and effectiveness by accessing this layout.

SEO Tips and Strategies for Healthcare Industry

Template 8: SEO Content Plan PowerPoint PPT Template Bundles

This bundle provides a collection of SEO content planning slides. It covers various aspects of content optimization, including steps to create an SEO content plan, SEO content plan for various industries such as fashion and e-commerce, and SEO content elements for online marketing plans, among others. Download this bundle that offers content structuring and strategies for increasing online visibility.


Template 9: PPTX SEO Social Media Strategy Plan Diagram PPT Slides

It is crucial to include social media in your SEO strategy. This layout creates a cycle that integrates SEO with social media efforts. It includes publishing quality content, getting shares and likes, gaining subscribers, fans, and followers, gaining authority in search engines, and a continuous and sustainable flow of users discovering the website organically. Download this diagram with visuals to help you understand the connection between SEO and social media actions.

SEO-Social-Media Strategy Plan Diagram PPT Slides

Template 10: SEO Plan for Website Roll-Out Communications

Launching a new website or revamping an existing one requires careful planning. This slide offers a comprehensive search engine optimization strategy tailored to planning website rollout communications for a substantial boost in organic website traffic. The strategy encompasses crucial elements such as optimized website content publication, creating a practical sitemap framework, publishing UX-friendly content, etc. By implementing these steps, your website rollout can be seamlessly coordinated to attract more organic traffic, enhancing its overall performance. Download this slide tailored for website rollouts and includes strategies for optimizing the new site's SEO, communicating changes to stakeholders, and ensuring a smooth transition.

SEO plan for website roll out communications

The Parting Thought

SEO is the cornerstone of online visibility, and a well-structured SEO plan can make all the difference. These top 10 SEO plan templates provide valuable resources for businesses and professionals looking to enhance their online presence. By customizing these templates to your specific needs, you can develop effective SEO strategies that drive organic traffic and contribute to your online success. To further enhance your SEO and marketing strategies, you can  click and explore  additional resources on our blog. 

Boost your website's visibility and download these SEO plan templates today. Remember, a well-optimized website is more likely to capture the attention of your target audience and lead to increased organic traffic, conversions, and business growth.

FAQs on SEO Plan:

What is an seo plan .

Ans: An SEO plan is a strategic roadmap that outlines the specific actions and techniques to optimize a website for search engines, such as Google, intending to improve its organic search rankings. It involves keyword integration , content optimization , URL structuring, and other strategies to enhance online visibility, increase website traffic, and boost online performance. The plan also typically includes analytics and reporting to measure the effectiveness of SEO efforts, address issues like high bounce rates and low website traffic , and monitor the online reputation.

How does SEO work step by step? 

SEO works through a series of strategic steps:

  • It involves keyword research and integration to identify a website's most relevant terms and phrases.
  • Content optimization ensures that web pages are well-structured, informative, and engaging, catering to user needs and addressing concerns like high bounce rates. URL structuring and linking strategies are employed to enhance the website's structure and navigation.
  • Analytics and reporting tools are then used to monitor website performance and user behavior.
  • Online reputation management and the use of infographics can also play a role in an effective SEO plan, as they contribute to the overall user experience and engagement.

How do you write an SEO plan? 

To write an SEO plan:

  • Start by analyzing your website's current performance and identify areas that need improvement, such as high bounce rates or low website traffic.
  • Conduct keyword research to discover relevant terms for your industry or niche, and create a list of keywords to target.
  • Develop a content optimization strategy, including the creation of high-quality, user-focused content and URL structuring .
  • Incorporate analytics and reporting tools to measure the success of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions.
  • Consider strategies to manage your online reputation and use infographics to enhance user engagement.
  • Ensure your SEO plan is tailored to your specific business goals and regularly updated to adapt to changing search engine algorithms and user preferences.

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Best SEO services in 2024

Taylor Sansano

Sierra Campbell

Sierra Campbell

“Verified by an expert” means that this article has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy.

Updated 12:09 p.m. UTC May 20, 2024

  • path]:fill-[#49619B]" alt="Facebook" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
  • path]:fill-[#202020]" alt="Email" width="19" height="14" viewBox="0 0 19 14" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">

Editorial Note: Blueprint may earn a commission from affiliate partner links featured here on our site. This commission does not influence our editors' opinions or evaluations. Please view our full advertiser disclosure policy .

SEO is a complicated, ever-changing marketing strategy that requires a lot of time, dedication and expertise. For smaller businesses, it can feel overwhelming to maximize SEO while still managing day-to-day operations. That’s where an SEO service comes in.

But, because SEO is hyper-specific to each business and its operations, most providers create custom plans and pricing for every partner they work with. That makes finding the best provider a difficult process, as it depends on many factors.

We analyzed everything from general pricing (if available) and more unique features to customer support so we could uncover the top providers in 2024. Keep reading to see what businesses made the cut and who their services are best for.

Our Partner

Highervisibility, monthly fee, local seo services, website management services.


Best SEO services

  • WebFX : Most comprehensive service.
  • Fannit : Best for local businesses.
  • Sure Oak : Outstanding link-building services.
  • Straight North : Specialized PPC service provider.
  • Manta : Unique e-commerce SEO services.
  • OuterBox : Best for first-time SEO.
  • SEO Brand : Excels at building brands.
  • Thrive : Best for franchise businesses.
  • Lounge Lizard : Best website design service provider.
  • SEO Tonic : Great global SEO provider.

Why trust our small business experts

Our team of experts evaluates hundreds of business products and analyzes thousands of data points to help you find the best product for your situation. We use a data-driven methodology to determine each rating. Advertisers do not influence our editorial content. You can read more about our methodology below.

  • 28 companies reviewed.
  • 620 data points analyzed.
  • 100+ hours of research.

Most comprehensive service


Starting monthly fee

Free technical audit, dedicated account manager, pros and cons.

  • Comes highly rated by customers with a 91% retention rate.
  • Shares pricing and plans to make it easy to compare your options.
  • Base plan optimizes up to 30 web pages – perfect for smaller businesses and sites.
  • Be prepared to pay a high initial upfront cost of $7,750.
  • Custom plans start at $3,000 compared to the base plan of $2,500 per month.
  • May be too comprehensive if you’re just starting out with SEO.

Who WebFX is best for

WebFX is the perfect partner for e-commerce businesses that need a strong website that converts. It offers the entire kit and caboodle when it comes to SEO (not to mention other services like digital marketing, user experience testing and Shopify optimizations), making it a solid partner for a business that really wants to take its online operations to the next level.

It offers three tiers of pricing, a high level of customer satisfaction and tailored solutions based on exactly what your business may need outside of just SEO implementation. It also gives all SEO customers access to its reporting dashboard, MarketingCloudFX, for a real-time look at what’s going on behind the scenes.

This transparency around pricing and results is a real standout feature from this company, and likely why it rates so highly with its customers (and our reviewers).

Why is WebFX the best?

If you want an SEO service provider that offers pretty much every feature you could want from a partner, it’s hard to beat WebFX. Plus, you can compare its three options and features without talking to a service rep. If you want more details, ask for a free technical audit of your current site or use its free SEO health checker.

WebFX shares pricing upfront, which is definitely not the norm in the industry. And, at a $2,500 starting monthly cost, it aligns with industry standards. But, it does require a pretty hefty upfront investment (at least $7,750) for the initial two-month campaign set up.

But transparent and clear-cut pricing means you can compare all the features included for the price without going through a lengthy audit process or frustrating introductory call when all you want is information about cost. For some business owners, that alone is worth the cost.

But, because custom plans start at $3,000, take a good look at what’s included in the base plan to see if it makes sense for your business. If it’s more than you need or can afford, it probably isn’t worth a call to learn about custom pricing and options.


Comprehensive is the best way to explain WebFX’s offerings. Its three plans cover nearly everything a business could need regarding SEO services. For a small business with a smaller website, the base plan probably offers more than you need, although it caps optimized keywords at 150 and only offers six earned media assets per quarter (like CRO, outreach or content).

Depending on your business strategy and site depth, this could be perfect for you or could just barely scratch the surface. Or in some cases, it could be way more than you need at a cost that doesn’t fit your budget.

As a WebFX customer, you get a dedicated account manager whose job it is to understand your specific industry, business and goals. The base plan also includes quarterly keyword ranking and competitor reports and access to its MarketingCloudFX where you can track and measure campaigns in real time without needing to contact one of its team members.

Outside of its quarterly touch points, it’s unclear how often you should expect to hear from your dedicated account manager. But many reviews say their account manager acted as an extension of their own team, which is a huge bonus. Not to mention it has an impressive customer retention rate of 91%.

Our expert opinion

Our editorial team created our expert opinion scores. The expert score contributes to 10% of the data-focused methodology, which underpins our Blueprint rating for each company. The expert score combines first-person experience, subject matter expertise and extensive research to develop these metrics as another source of truth for readers during their decision-making process.

Full details

Our expert opinion
Value for money8/10If you’re looking for a company that values pricing transparency, WebFX is it. But, its upfront cost may be a bit steep for some
Feature set10/10It’s hard to find a fault with its list of services, features and support. We especially like its MarketingCloudFX platform for transparent access to results
Responsiveness10/10We got someone on the phone in under 30 seconds when we called, and reviews back up that responsiveness
Reputation10/10Customers across the board love working with WebFX and especially find their dedicated account managers to be easy to work with and extremely knowledgeable
While there’s little flexibility in pricing or plans, what WebFX does offer is transparency, reliability and results

Best for local businesses


  • SEO services are targeted specifically for businesses focusing on local services.
  • Builds a custom plan based on each business’s specific needs and location.
  • Full-service content marketing suite, including blogs, video, email and social media.
  • Probably not a good fit for businesses outside home services.
  • Doesn’t share specifics in terms of what services it includes and at what cost.
  • Hard to find customer reviews outside of those on its website.

Who Fannit is best for

We really like that Fannit focuses on local home services like HVAC companies, plumbers and solar installers. If local services are your bread and butter as a business model, you should partner with an SEO provider that specializes in more than just optimizing a Google My Business profile page, like Fannit.

Fannit has over a decade of experience helping home service contractors find and implement the best SEO strategy for their business and physical location. All plans are customized to each business model, meaning prices are probably pretty flexible too (although it doesn’t offer any pricing models to review).

Fannit is also a small team, with only about 20 employees. That means they’re probably pretty experienced in getting crafty with their time and money. But, it also means you may not get the timely dedication and support that you might get from larger companies with more hands on deck, nor some of the same benefits and high-tech tools.

Why is Fannit the best?

As a smaller business itself, Fannit has a unique business model of helping local small businesses maximize their exposure online.

While this won’t be the best-fit SEO service for everyone, its services definitely deserve a spot on our list for home contractors who need a partner with ample experience in their specific needs.

Working with an SEO provider who specializes in your specific needs is often well worth the cost. And in this case, with a starting price of $1,000, it’s a pretty affordable price too.

As a prospective client, you’ll receive a few things for free as well, including a website authority discovery analysis, sales and marketing goal setting and campaign strategy and a recommended budget.

Based on how quickly its team got back to us, this could be absolutely worth your time to scope out the value for yourself without any type of investment.


Fannit specializes in local SEO for home contractors, which means its features center around services like content marketing, GMB management, reputation management, link building and optimizing website traffic.

Together, these features create a healthy marketing mix that is specific to each business and its location. Depending on whether you need to rank for market-relevant keywords on a city, state or national level (or really aren’t sure what makes sense for your operations), Fannit is able to create a marketing plan for your business.

In our experience, it was easy to get support when calling Fannit. Its team was responsive, available and readily helpful when answering our questions. As a customer, that extends to your business operations as well.

Fannit clients get a dedicated account manager, plus monthly reports, to stay on top of their SEO goals and tasks. That individual is tasked with learning about your company and industry and analyzing the trends that drive your customers to develop a fact-based SEO strategy.

Full Details
$2,500 per month
Our expert opinion
Value for money8/10Starting at $1,000, its SEO services are affordable, although it’s unclear what that cost includes in terms of deliverables
Feature set9/10Fannit offers all the SEO features a home service contractor may want, although any other business owner may find it lacking
Responsiveness8/10We received a call back in a few hours, and the response was friendly and helpful which we appreciated
Reputation8/10Customers appreciate Fannit’s communication, reliability and experience. But, some wish for higher quality deliverables
While its niche is pretty specific, its value and features for those customers are second to none

Outstanding link-building services

Sure Oak

  • Sells specialized link-building packages with custom approaches.
  • SEO consulting available if you’re not ready to invest in a managed plan.
  • Has experience working with big-name brands like Gap and Mercedes Benz.
  • Doesn’t share pricing or details on any other type of plan outside of link building.
  • Pretty standard selection of services across the board.
  • Only offers a free strategy session, not a free technical audit.

Who Sure Oak is best for

Many SEO companies offer link building as a part of a general SEO package, but it’s hard to imagine their services are as in-depth and proven as Sure Oak’s. If you already have a copywriter on staff with some basic SEO skills, Sure Oak can provide more in-depth expertise to maximize your online impact. We especially like its specific link-building packages that are focused on increasing a company’s domain authority through vetting, outreach and content creation.

Link building is an ideal strategy for companies that want to improve their rankings efficiently, especially if they’re a local business or are determined to become a thought leader in their industry.

But, the cost is pretty high to start with ($2,000 per month, plus a per-link fee) and doesn’t include many additional SEO features. That’s why we recommend only choosing Sure Oak if you already have someone on staff with the skills to write SEO-driven content.

Why is Sure Oak the best?

Sure Oak offers expertise in link building that other SEO providers provide as a secondary service. If your goal is to grow your online presence in a reputable and proven way, Sure Oak has the skill and service set to get you there.

Link building is an especially complicated and expansive process that can add up costs pretty quickly. And, if you try to cut corners, you could waste precious time and money — not to mention potentially getting your website blacklisted from search engines. Sure Oak provides great value and expertise if your goal is to build domain authority.

Its link-building packages start at $2,000 monthly, plus $333 per link (up to six). It seems decently expensive to pay a monthly fee plus a per-link fee, but depending on the quality of a link it could be well worth it. And if you’re a marketing company, you can also take advantage of its white-label services to pass along to your clients.

With its base link-building package, Sure Oak’s team provides in-depth research on your industry to find the highest-quality link opportunities and help seal the deal on your behalf. You also get a dedicated account manager and monthly reports. And if you need help massaging or optimizing the content, its team can do that as well (for an added cost.)

Outside of link building, Sure Oak also offers a pretty solid array of SEO management services like keyword research, content creation and strategy, on-page optimization and analytics. It doesn’t offer any real unique selling points, but there are also no glaring gaps in services either.

As a Sure Oak customer, you have access to a dedicated account manager who provides monthly reports and insights to keep you updated on the progress of your SEO initiatives. This person’s job is to make sure they understand your business and its operations to the fullest potential in order to make smarter decisions about your SEO.

According to reviews, its team is always available and reliable, offering solid communication and helpful expertise.

Full Details
No setup fee for SEO (fee for paid campaigns)
Our expert opinion
Value for money8/10If your strategy is to pay for high-quality link-building services you can trust, choose Sure Oak. Otherwise, it’s hard to rate the company’s value without more information
Feature set7/10Outside of link-building expertise, its features seem pretty standard (although there are no glaring gaps). We do wish it offered a reporting dashboard for live review
Responsiveness8/10When called, we were connected with a live agent within seconds. Many reviews also use words like “excellent” to describe its communication
Reputation10/10On Clutch, Sure Oak maintains a five-star review out of 30+ customer stories. Many mention high-quality results, great communication and industry expertise
The best value Sure Oak offers is in its link-building campaigns. Otherwise, its services seem fairly standard, although reviews are very positive

Specialized PPC service provider

Straight north.

Straight North

  • Offers PPC-only packages starting at $1,000 per month.
  • Clients get access to daily reporting metrics through the GoNorth! Reporting platform.
  • All PPC team members are in-house and U.S.-based.
  • Monthly PPC management price doesn’t include content creation.
  • Doesn’t offer website management services, if that’s on your required feature list.

Who Straight North is best for

For businesses that only want a PPC partner, Straight North is a great option. We like that its PPC-only plans are straightforward and packed with benefits for a relatively low cost ($1,000 per month or 15% of your monthly media budget). Whether you’re running Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising or Meta Ads, its in-house experts are experienced and available.

And, in addition to a traditional reporting meeting, Straight North gives you access to its GoNorth! Reporting dashboard for real-time campaign-level data like spend, impressions, clicks and conversions. This transparency can be second to none for some business owners — especially when your operations rely on the success of a PPC campaign.

For business owners who desire insight into their paid media campaigns but don’t have the skills to manage them themselves, they’ll love the services and reporting that Straight North offers at a competitive price.

Why is Straight North the best?

PPC is a heavily involved SEO strategy that requires quite a bit of manual effort. Straight North offers both hands-on and AI-powered services that take that heavy lifting off your shoulders for a solid price. And with its real-time reporting dashboard, you always know what’s going on with your ad spend.

Straight North offers the best value for PPC clients. At $1,000 per month, its starting prices are relatively affordable while still packed with value, like real-time reporting and analytics, AI-powered smart bidding and optimization, and a vast array of expertise. We also like that all work is done in-house (meaning no third-party contractors) in the United States.

However, the monthly cost does not include any type of content creation, so be prepared to either pay Straight North to handle this or have someone on staff who can tackle image sourcing, writing and videography. Depending on the cost of content creation, the value could shift from customer to customer.

With PPC services, we like all the features included in the cost: AI rules, smart bidding, regular adjustments and access to real-time reports. Its services cover everything from search to shopping to display ads, plus social media advertising and management, on all major platforms.

Plus, you get to see your results in real time on its reporting dashboard rather than having to wait for your monthly reporting call.

But outside of PPC, the site doesn’t offer a lot of clarity around other services. While it’s evident that its SEO expertise is fairly broad, you definitely will need to call to understand what additional features and value it could offer your business.

Customers get a dedicated account manager who provides monthly reports and insights into performance. In addition, PPC clients also get access to the GoNorth! Reporting dashboard, where they can answer some of their questions themselves at the push of a button.

This is a good thing, as some customer reviews mention inconsistent communication or lackluster reports. So, unless you’re willing to dive into the details yourself within the reporting platform, you may need to lower your support expectations if you choose Straight North.

Full Details
Contact company
Contact company
Our expert opinion
Value for money8.5/10For the expertise and real-time analytics, its PPC prices are worth its value. But for other services, it’s hard to judge
Feature set6/10While it seems to offer most of the features you may want, it’s hard to get an overarching look at the company’s offerings based on its website
Responsiveness5/10When we tried to contact them, we never got a call back. But, reviews say its team is fairly responsive and helpful, although some wish it were better
Reputation8/10Most customers have positive experiences and results with Straight North. Some wish for better communication and more consistent reporting
As a PPC client, you’ll find Straight North a good partner and a few unique selling points

Unique e-commerce SEO services


  • Offers e-commerce-specific SEO packages starting at $1,000 monthly.
  • Has a pretty impressive resume of results.
  • Manages a free small business listing directory you could utilize.
  • Doesn’t offer social media marketing services.
  • Somewhat confusing approach to packages and service offerings.

Who Manta is best for

Manta’s business model is unique: It’s both a small business listing directory and an SEO provider. You can claim your business listing for free on its directory and then use its in-house SEO experts to boost your website’s SEO and visibility. While its SEO services are fairly generic, there is one standout feature: its e-commerce packages. 

If you sell online, Manta’s e-commerce services have pretty impressive results with 6 million Google top 10 page results. It gets these results through services like keyword-packed product listings, off-page backlinking strategies and industry research. Plus, it offers additional features like web design and content creation.

But, one big question we have is what its plans mean by “Monthly Tasks Completed.” Each plan limits how many monthly tasks its team will do (starting at just four tasks for its base plan), which seems pretty minimal compared to everything required from SEO. Definitely ask for more clarification before signing up for a service.

Why is Manta the best?

Manta offers a unique approach to e-commerce SEO with standout services like web design and proprietary software. If you want a robust offering tailored to your business, consider Manta. But for some business owners, it may be a bit too complicated and confusing.

At $1,000, its Bronze e-commerce package is pretty affordable but doesn’t include a lot of deliverables. We recommend at least signing up for its Silver plan at $2,000, which comes with six monthly tasks, keyword research and article engagement, a custom blog, e-commerce content creation (like product descriptions) and adjustments as needed.

You can also pair the e-commerce services with local SEO to get more bang for your buck. With its background in business listings and customer success, we think your money could go a bit further with Manta.

As an e-commerce customer, you get many SEO features specific to building a solid reputation online. Its team goes beyond just researching keywords with services like keyword mapping for website placement, on-site recommendations and custom content creation.

We also like the ability to package your services with its more unique SEO services like website design and business management software. The software includes features like team calendar management, automated listing management and CRM features.

Plus, customers get access to its proprietary reporting dashboard, which provides a lot of transparency into the work being done behind the scenes.

Manta is a tech-forward company, so it seems like a lot of its support is done online — like with its proprietary reporting technology. This platform gives you access to your SEO campaigns in real time to track the progress and results.

You’ll also get assigned a dedicated account manager who will reach out once a month with status and performance updates. For some business owners this is all they need, while others will like the real-time reporting dashboard. Having both means more options for insight when you want it.

Full Details
$1,500 per month
Contact company
Yes; paid ad management only
Our expert opinion
Value for money6/10Manta has some pretty solid starting prices, but it’s unclear how much work is included in its base plans. We can’t judge value without recommending an in-depth conversation with a rep
Feature set9/10With multiple plan features and some unique areas of expertise, like web design or CRM, small businesses have many options with Manta
Responsiveness5/10We could not get in touch with a representative when we tried, maybe due to the company’s size. But you’ll get an account manager
Reputation8/10Manta has a great reputation for success and is decently well-known for its business listing service, although its SEO services aren’t as well-reviewed
Manta offers a unique array of features with good starting prices, but its packages may lack depth depending on your need

Best for first-time SEO


  • One-stop shop for SEO and digital marketing services.
  • Over 125 employees including back- and front-end developers, designers and SEO experts.
  • Averages a whopping 273% increase in organic traffic for its clients.
  • Doesn’t offer any type of insight into pricing or how services are packaged.
  • There may be too many options (and too high of a cost) for some small businesses.

Who OuterBox is best for

With every type of SEO service offering under the sun, OuterBox ticks most of the boxes you’ll want from an SEO provider. It staffs a team of 125+ and has been around since 2004, meaning its services are packed with expertise. So, if you’re just starting out on your SEO journey and aren’t sure exactly what you need, OuterBox is a good place to start. 

This is especially true considering it offers free estimates and website audits to help you discover your current SEO issues, see where you can make immediate improvements and learn if OuterBox is the right fit for your business. 

This free estimate is important, as OuterBox doesn’t share any information up front about what SEO might cost. This is likely because its product range is so vast and pricing is more of a pick-and-choose model, where it depends on what services you need and at what cadence.

Why is OuterBox the best?

OuterBox is the best for companies that don’t even know what they need when it comes to SEO services. With a wide array of services, a large team of experts and a free estimate, OuterBox can package together a solution that works for most businesses.

While OuterBox doesn’t share any information about pricing, that shouldn’t necessarily be a red flag. It says that SEO campaigns can range from $2,000 to $10,000+ per month, although it varies from company to company depending on goals.

With so many features and services, your price will truly depend on what type of package you piece together with its team. But the fact that its options seem nearly endless means it could provide great value to your business operations.

Sign up for a free estimate and 26-point audit to see how it can help (and for what price) and to get a better sense of value.

OuterBox’s SEO services cover everything from local SEO to PPC to web design. It offers specialized SEO services for certain sites, like Shopify, WooCommerce, Amazon and Magento, plus generalized (and award-winning) e-commerce services. In addition to SEO, it also offers a variety of digital marketing services like email marketing and campaign management, social media management and copywriting.

If that sounds exhaustive, it’s because it is. Truly, there don’t seem to be any gaps when it comes to options for OuterBox customers.

And outside of its expertise, we also like that it has a live reporting dashboard function and a monthly reporting call with a dedicated account manager.

OuterBox offers both a live reporting dashboard and on-call support from a dedicated account manager. Reviews say they felt up-to-date on progress and plans and that all deliverables were sent in a timely manner.

OuterBox also has a small resource center with a podcast, guides and articles about a range of SEO-related topics. You can also find the podcast, called Search Authority, on Spotify as well.

Full Details
$600 per month
Contact company
Our expert opinion
Value for money5/10It’s hard to outline its value when it doesn’t offer a look at pricing, but you’re eligible for a free estimate and audit to determine this yourself
Feature set10/10OuterBox offers the entire kit and caboodle when it comes to SEO features. The only gap we can find is a lack of reputation management, but this is often a niche service
Responsiveness8/10While we couldn’t test its responsiveness ourselves, reviews find its team available and competent
Reputation10/10Compared to others on this list, Outerbox has some of the most robust and numerous customer reviews, averaging 5 stars out of 50+ customers
If you want the most options for features and are willing to wait for a free estimate, we highly recommend giving OuterBox a chance

Excels at building brands

SEO Brand

  • Excels at branding design and implementation.
  • Has worked with big-name companies like Sotheby’s, BMW and Ritz-Carlton.
  • Customers get bi-weekly updates rather than monthly reporting calls.
  • Doesn’t provide a free technical audit.
  • Can’t review pricing online.

Who SEO Brand is best for

SEO Brand places an emphasis on helping brands establish themselves and grow in their space. It prides itself on being an expert in small business lead generation and growing e-commerce sales with services that cover every stage of the customer life cycle: competitive research, SEO implementation, PPC management and social media.

All clients begin with what SEO Brand calls “The Discovery Process,” where its team learns more about your business, industry and weaknesses to establish a path forward. We like this because it means you get a custom approach to SEO based on your specific operations — a critical component to building your brand.

And to take it even further, it offers specific branding services, like logo and web design, content marketing and brand identity. This is a pretty niche service and one that makes SEO Brand stand out among the competition.

Why is SEO Brand the best?

SEO Brand pairs traditional SEO services with branding expertise to help companies stand out organically (or, paid if you prefer the PPC route.) If your goal is to start a new brand or further hone into your existing one while also increasing your company’s visibility online, take advantage of SEO Brand’s wide array of expertise in both areas.

SEO Brand offers a few things that may increase its value, including a free proposal and a wide range of services. Whether you need basic SEO consultation or a revamp of your entire branding and marketing strategy, its team is there.

We also like that its team updates you with bi-weekly consultations, which gives you more insight and time to make adjustments as necessary. Most competitors offer monthly reports, some that are more data-heavy and complicated rather than action-oriented like SEO Brand’s.

That said, without knowing the price, it’s hard to judge its value.

If you’re in the market for branding services, we like that you can get that with SEO Brand (we haven’t seen that with many other competitors). A brand based in SEO strategy could mean greater success in the long run, rather than waiting to implement SEO after branding has already been completed.

Its branding services include logo design, content creation and social media. When paired with its SEO packages — which include all the technical, local and on-page strategies needed to make your site show up in search — SEO Brand offers an abundance of features for brand growth.

Clients are paired with account managers who conduct bi-weekly reporting meetings and updates, which is about double what most companies offer. These reports include technical improvements, web performance and mobile optimization.

SEO Brand also has a fairly robust blog, covering a wide array of topics and strategies, although it may be a bit outdated. If you’re still learning more about SEO and what an SEO partner can offer your business, this blog is a good place to start.

Full Details
Contact company
Contact company
Our expert opinion
Value for money7/10Without knowing cost, it’s hard to judge value — but SEO Brand does a lot of things really well, which in itself is a big benefit to small businesses
Feature set9/10SEO Brand offers everything an SEO customer could need, plus a few added services like brand building and mobile app development. But, it doesn’t provide a free technical audit
Responsiveness7/10We were unable to test its responsiveness ourselves, but reviews find its service team helpful, professional and kind. And while the industry standard is one monthly report session, SEO Brand offers two
Reputation9/10Across all major review sites, SEO Brand has a great reputation for services, support and results
If you want to build your brand alongside your organic visibility, SEO Brand offers unique tools and services

Best for franchise businesses


  • Experts at helping franchises stay consistent and impactful across multiple locations.
  • Depending on your package, you may get weekly reports as part of the service.
  • Offers a unique mix of additional digital marketing services.
  • Doesn’t share any information about pricing or packages.
  • Reviews are mixed, with some talking pretty negatively about their time with Thrive.

Who Thrive is best for

As a member of the International Franchise Association (IFA), the world’s largest membership organization for franchisors, franchisees and franchise suppliers, Thrive is uniquely positioned to help franchisers grow their business locally, nationally and internationally.

When operating in multiple locations, it can be difficult to keep priorities and plans aligned across each operation. Thrive’s team creates and implements SEO and marketing plans that target your unique challenges as a franchiser, like location-based variances, brand inconsistency and data management failures.

Today, Thrive works with 175 franchises across 39 states in all types of businesses. If your goal is to expand your franchise or franchise in the future, Thrive is a top SEO expert you should consider.

Why is Thrive the best?

Thrive offers specialized SEO services for franchise businesses backed by nearly 20 years of experience and expertise. When paired with its other digital marketing and e-commerce services, Thrive’s multi-faceted approach to SEO can help multi-location businesses stay ahead of the competition without getting bogged down in the details.

If you’re a franchise business, Thrive’s expertise in the industry could provide considerable value. Other SEO providers may not understand all the complexities of multiple locations and instead try to implement a cookie-cutter approach to SEO that’s inefficient for your more unique operations.

Plus, it offers a few more unique services that can help beef up your digital marketing and online presence, like optimized Amazon listings, product photography and video testimonials.

So, while we aren’t sure how much Thrive charges for its services, we believe its experience and breadth of knowledge could be a great benefit to a franchise business.

For franchise businesses, Thrive combines services like local SEO, GMB optimization, local advertising, social media advertising and reputation management to optimize search performance for all locations.

Outside of franchise support and the standard selection of SEO services that most companies provide, Thrive also offers a few more unique areas of expertise like Amazon marketing and SEO and drone videography. Its Amazon services help businesses become best sellers in just 30 days with targeted and optimized content. And its drone videography is one of its many digital marketing services that go above and beyond (literally, in this case) the standard selection of features.

During a campaign, Thrive’s SEO experts send either weekly or bi-weekly updates on factors like search rankings, paid and organic traffic, page visits and overall site performance. Plus, it guarantees that its team will reach out prior to making changes to SEO strategy so you’re always in the know.

This level of involvement could be quite an improvement in communication for some business owners, as most companies offer monthly updates and make changes as they see fit without approval. And, if you prefer a more hands-off approach, we’re sure you can negotiate fewer updates.

Full Details
Contact company
No; proposal only
Contact company
Yes; bi-weekly
Our expert opinion
Value for money7/10Without pricing information, we can’t say whether the cost is worth it. But, if you are a franchise or Amazon seller, its expertise could be extremely valuable
Feature set10/10Thrive’s list of features comprises traditional and unique marketing services that go above and beyond the industry standard
Responsiveness7/10We like that clients get at least monthly communication if not more. But, some customers said it was hard to get timely responses
Reputation5/10Reviews are mixed, with some customers saying they loved their experience and others using words like “scam” or “inconsistent” to describe their time with Thrive
While reviews are mixed, Thrive’s unique services and areas of expertise make it stand out from the pack

Best website design service provider

Lounge lizard.

Lounge Lizard

  • Combines web design and UX expertise with SEO implementation.
  • Offers a wide range of digital marketing services.
  • Has a physical location in six different cities across the nation.
  • Doesn’t shed light on pricing or packages.
  • Limited insight into what its SEO services really cover.
  • No free technical audit.

Who Lounge Lizard is best for

Lounge Lizard is a web design company first and foremost, although it offers some generalized SEO services as well. Its SEO services start with a free consultation and proposal and are customized to each client depending on their needs, and include services like local and e-commerce SEO.

But its real bread and butter are its web design and digital marketing services. Its team specializes in creating custom websites that offer standout graphic design and SEO implementation. So, if you’re just starting out with your business or are creating an entirely new site, we like Lounge Lizard’s tailored approach that combines SEO with excellent visuals.

Unfortunately, web design can get expensive (and rightly so, as it’s a big undertaking), so be prepared to shell out quite the cost to combine the two services.

Why is Lounge Lizard the best?

While Lounge Lizard specializes in website design, it also offers additional marketing services like SEO and digital marketing. If you want a full-service partner and are in the middle of planning for a new website, Lounge Lizard is worth considering.

When you need a new website, sometimes you’re stuck choosing between great visuals and solid searchability. SEO plays a big role in web design — and vice versa — so combining both services with one provider can save you a lot of time, hassle and money down the road.

Lounge Lizard’s biggest value is that it can do both (and, according to reviews, does both pretty well, too.)

But, the site is pretty limited on information specific to its SEO services and doesn’t offer any insight into pricing or how partnering with its team works so you’ll need to sign up for a consultation. This extra step may seem tedious, but if you need a custom site and SEO plan, you should expect to have to do this anyway with a provider.

As mentioned, Lounge Lizard’s services mostly focus on web design and digital marketing, specializing in skills like UX, UI and content marketing. While other competitors offer a laundry list of SEO services and areas of expertise, Lounge Lizard simplifies it to one page that mostly states that plans are tailored to each company’s needs.

That doesn’t mean its SEO services are lackluster, just that they may not be the company’s top priority. For that reason, we suggest only choosing Lounge Lizard if you’re looking for a robust digital marketing or web design partner first, and think it’d be nice to get some SEO support while you’re at it.

According to the site, Lounge Lizard offers 24/7 customer service for its SEO clients — not something we see from most SEO providers. But, it’s unclear exactly what that entails or what it means you should expect regarding realistic response times and support.

It also doesn’t really outline how often to expect communication, like whether you should expect monthly reporting or will be assigned a dedicated account manager. Those two support features are pretty standard in the industry, but Lounge Lizard makes no mention of them on its site.

Full Details
Contact company
Contact company
Our expert opinion
Value for money6/10If you need a new website, you may find the value worth it. Otherwise, other companies are more upfront about what they bring to the table
Feature set6/10The site is somewhat tight lipped on specific features, but we don’t see any glaring gaps in overall service availability
Responsiveness6/10Lounge Lizard says it offers 24/7 support, but we couldn’t get in touch on the weekend when we tried. Nonetheless, reviews are positive surrounding responsiveness
Reputation8/10Customers seemingly love working with Lounge Lizard, although many reviews are specific to website building and not general SEO
Lounge Lizard specializes in web design first, though its SEO services seem to tick most of the boxes of what a small business owner may want. But the real value is in design

Great global SEO provider

SEO Tonic

  • Services clients across the globe.
  • Specializes in a few business types, like auto dealerships and chiropractors.
  • Likely lower prices than many others on this list due to location.
  • Located in India, which may not be the ideal partner for some business owners.
  • The website is too high level to really understand specific service offerings.
  • No real pricing data to review.

Who SEO Tonic is best for

SEO Tonic is an India-based SEO company with a global presence. It services companies in a wide variety of industries — everything from carpet cleaning to education to taxi companies — with content marketing, on-site optimization and linking strategies. But, the site itself is pretty limited on in-depth information and seems centered around vanity metrics like keyword rankings.

That being said, customers across the board say they’ve seen good results while working with SEO Tonic. Not to mention that the fact that it’s based in India likely equates to more competitive pricing options for American business owners. 

So, we’re a little mixed on SEO Tonic. If your business needs a partner that can reach wider audiences and at a lower cost, consider SEO Tonic. But, don’t expect a large selection of features and services.

Why is SEO Tonic the best?

If you’re interested in a more traditional approach to SEO and have a global presence, SEO Tonic is a good option. It focuses on content marketing and keywords, which is a bit outdated compared to some other providers, but its India-based location may equal better rates.

SEO Tonic doesn’t share what it charges for SEO services outside of local listing management. These plans start at just $99 per month and include keyword research, listing creation and maintenance and reporting. For that price, it’s definitely a worthwhile service to look into.

In general, outsourcing SEO work to India will always be more cost-effective due to the competitive labor market. Customers are eligible for a free SEO analysis before they start working together, though, which is a nice perk.

So, if your goal is to find a partner who can help with SEO at the lowest possible price, SEO Tonic could be a good choice.

SEO Tonic seems to be a pretty traditional SEO provider, focusing on tactics like local SEO page optimizations, keyword rankings, content marketing and link building. It also offers a handful of digital marketing services like social media marketing and web design.

One thing we don’t like is that its case studies are mostly focused on keyword rankings, which isn’t necessarily a top indicator of a solid SEO strategy. We recommend asking about more impactful metrics, like conversion rates, to get a better idea of how impactful its SEO services are.

After a campaign is set up, you’ll be paired with a team of in-house experts, including an SEO account manager, an SEO expert and a link-building expert who help build and implement your SEO strategy. According to reviews, its team is easy to communicate with and fairly prompt with deliverables — which are often two areas of concern when working with an overseas agency.

SEO Tonic also provides real-time data-driven SEO reports that keep you up to date with your progress at all times, although it’s unclear what type of platform its team uses and at what cadence.

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Our expert opinion
Value for money6/10As an India-based company, it’s likely to be pretty cheap. But, we don’t like the emphasis it places on keyword ranking or its lackluster online presence
Feature set5/10SEO Tonic seems to offer a pretty limited service selection, although we do like that it has a global presence
Responsiveness7/10Responsiveness continually comes up in reviews, with many customers saying they were always able to get in touch with someone. We were unable to contact a representative though when we tried
Reputation7/10Most reviews are highly positive, specifically pointing out increased rankings and visibility. Some wish for higher quality deliverables, though
Although pricing isn’t available, SEO Tonic is likely an affordable SEO provider for companies focused simply on SERP results

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We extensively research the key competitors within an industry to determine the best products and services for your business. Our experts identify the factors that matter most to business owners, including pricing, features and customer support, to ensure that our recommendations offer well-rounded products that will meet the needs of various small businesses.

We collect extensive data to narrow our best list to reputable, easy-to-use products with stand-out features at a reasonable price point. And we look at user reviews to ensure that business owners like you are satisfied with our top picks’ services. We use the same rubric to assess companies within a particular space so you can confidently follow our blueprint to the best SEO services of 2024.

Expert score (10%): Our expert score weighs a handful of factors, like value, feature set, responsiveness and reviews to determine an overall score that can be used to compare against other companies in the ranking.

Value (25%): Value is often equated to price versus usefulness. Because most SEO providers offer custom pricing, value is hard to establish in this industry. So instead, we considered how unique its service offerings are in comparison to other providers based on average costs.

Features (65%): Some small businesses want a provider that does one thing really well, like link building, while others prefer a team of experts across a variety of service areas. We looked for SEO providers that offer a mix of both to give business owners a better idea of what’s available in the industry and how that relates to a company’s expertise.

What are SEO services, and how do they work?

SEO services are designed to help your website perform better in search result rankings like Google’s. Basic SEO involves making a website easier for search engines to find and index. 

Many factors determine this, including quality of content, mobile friendliness, the number of backlinks and page performance (like speed and responsiveness). An SEO service will address these various components with the end goal of making it easier to find a website online.

Benefits of SEO services

SEO services are not cheap. For a monthly retainer for a comprehensive package, you can expect prices starting at around $2,500. Is it worth it? Here are some reasons why people invest in SEO services:

  • Drive organic traffic to your website: When people search for a product or service they need online, they’re probably going to focus on the first few pages of results that Google (or any search engine) displays. SEO helps your website rank higher, making it easier to find. This means more potential web traffic coming your way.
  • Generate leads: Your website can be a wonderful way to generate leads for your business. By increasing your organic visitors, SEO can help you get more leads, which hopefully means more sales and greater profits. Some SEO companies also provide conversion rate optimization (CRO) services to improve your ability to convert traffic into leads.
  • Stand out from the crowd: Every second, there are about 63,000 Google searches performed. With SEO pushing your website further up in search rankings, you will be found more easily, boosting general brand awareness. Even if that doesn’t mean an immediate sale, it could mean a sale later.
  • Build out your marketing: A solid online presence can be part of your broader marketing strategy. For example, your website might link to your social media platforms and vice versa.

How to choose the best SEO services

SEO services can encompass everything from content writing to link building. On top of that, there are specialty SEO areas, like Amazon SEO and YouTube SEO. The diversity of options can make picking a provider and plan challenging. The below guidelines on what to look for can help.

Key features to look for

Regardless of your SEO-specific needs, there are a few key traits to look for in an SEO services company. Keep an eye out for these points:

  • Technical SEO services: Technical SEO involves website improvements that make it faster and easier for search engines to find and classify the website. It could include improving the site architecture, for instance, or making it mobile friendly.
  • Website management services: Website management refers to the regular upkeep of a website. Depending on the scope, it could include everything from web hosting to troubleshooting errors and updating content.
  • Content writing services: Search engines can’t find a webpage if it doesn’t have content. Content writing is thus an important part of SEO and, when done right, it can improve visibility and generate leads. It can also establish thought leadership.
  • Performance dashboard: A performance dashboard provides concrete data about how your website is performing, including details like search engine ranking, organic traffic volume and clicks generated by certain keywords.
  • Dedicated account manager: A dedicated account manager can help you navigate the world of SEO, explaining the details of your proposal and how key points will be implemented. They can also be your contact person for queries or concerns.
  • Free audit: The majority of the SEO providers we surveyed didn’t offer clear pricing plans on their websites. Instead, you need to request a quote that’s tailored to your precise needs. A free audit can help determine what those needs are so you know where you can improve your SEO.
  • E-commerce SEO services: Some SEO companies specialize in optimizing e-commerce websites. They have experience helping clients manage and optimize websites built with e-commerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce and Woo-Commerce. Other companies may offer SEO services specialized for third-party platforms like Amazon, which can involve different practices compared to managing SEO for businesses seeking to draw traffic to their own websites through search engines like Google.
  • Local SEO services: Businesses who want to drive engagement locally should work with an SEO company that is experienced with local SEO. In addition to ensuring your website is optimized to target geo-specific keywords, local SEO services will help you to optimize your Google Business Profile, obtain local citations and obtain online reviews. 

Add-ons and extras

Beyond the basics, you may be interested in specific SEO add-ons. These are some popular perks that you could benefit from, depending on your business needs and goals:

  • Paid search services: While some search engine results are organic, others are paid (like those ads you see at the top of a Google search page, ahead of the organic results). If you’re interested in a paid search, there are specialty services for this.
  • Conversion rate optimization (CRO): Simply put, a conversion rate is when someone on your website does what you want them to do. CRO is the practice of optimizing how often someone converts on your site or app. For most marketing strategies, conversion rate is the most important factor, so optimizing it to its highest potential is often well worth the cost.
  • Reputation management: Like public relations, reputation management tracks how the public perceives your brand. With SEO services, reputation management involves improving and shaping search results to provide the best possible first impression for your potential customers. 
  • Social media management: Social media management, in relation to SEO, is typically specific to building the profile but not maintaining it. That means an SEO provider may help develop the perfect handle, craft a search-friendly bio and add any technical components (like alt text or subtitles) to your posts for searchability. But, SEO teams typically don’t help write or post routine content on your behalf unless you pay for additional content marketing services.
  • Link building: Search engines look toward other reputable websites to boost the reputation of newer or less viewed websites. Link building is when your site is linked from a reputable website, which signals to the search engine that your brand is legitimate and worth a higher ranking. SEO services can help you look for opportunities to maximize your link-building strategy, but beware of black-hat strategies like link stuffing. Google could actually ding your site if it finds you’ve used unethical practices.

Customer service

While SEO providers know a website’s technical elements, business owners are experts on their customers and operations. Seek out a company that actively asks for your input and feedback. But don’t expect your SEO service provider to be available 24/7 or have the capacity to provide key updates daily or even weekly. 

SEO takes time and effort plus some massaging and adjustments over time to get right. So practice patience, but don’t settle for a complete lack of communication.

How much do SEO services cost?


The prices for SEO services can vary drastically depending on your needs. For example, if you just want a link-building campaign, that would be more affordable than if you need a full SEO audit, website design and content writing, plus link building. 

Our research suggests that you can expect to pay at least $2,500 for a monthly SEO plan, with costs going up to $10,000 or more per month.

For the most part, the providers we surveyed didn’t provide transparent plan prices on their websites. Instead, consumers are asked to request a quote. We were able to find some general pricing insights through the SEO services we researched, which we’ve included above, to give you an idea of what you might expect. 

Still, we recommend getting quotes from multiple providers to determine your own potential costs. Most services offer a free audit and quote.

What we don’t recommend

We don’t recommend settling for the cheapest provider because you may end up paying for fewer features or fewer results. But going with the most expensive provider doesn’t mean you’ll get the best service either. 

Also, be wary of companies that try to guarantee results. SEO is an ever-changing environment, and no company can guarantee anything. If someone says they can take you to the top of SERP within a certain number of days, don’t believe them. There are far too many unpredictable variables at play.

And lastly, look out for companies that over-emphasize vanity metrics like keyword rankings or traffic. In SEO, what matters the most are conversion rates and quality leads. If the company tries to bog you down in the nitty gritty without proving any real ROI, it could be that they don’t have the experience or expertise to get the job done.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

SEO services can be useful for any brand or business that wants to be found online more easily. This could include being found in search engine rankings like Google’s, for example, or in online shops like Amazon. Boosting your online presence can help you connect with potential customers online, improve your online reputation and possibly generate leads and sales.

The scope of SEO services varies according to the provider and the client’s needs. Basic technical SEO might involve points like making sure webpages are responsive, ensuring the site is mobile-friendly and checking that the site’s architecture is logical. More comprehensive SEO services could include writing content and creating backlinks.

A comprehensive monthly SEO service will likely cost at least $2,500. However, costs can vary widely depending on the scope of services. Most SEO providers offer a free audit and fee proposal, which we recommend taking advantage of.

With the right tools and support, anyone can do SEO — but it’s a pretty hefty undertaking. While not all small businesses necessarily need some of the more robust SEO services like link building or technical audits, good SEO can benefit pretty much every online business in some way or another.

If you don’t have someone on your staff who could dedicate at least half of their time to understanding and implementing SEO, it’s likely better off left to a professional. That’s because SEO takes a lot more time and education than most understand. It’s an ever-evolving practice that requires nearly constant management and upkeep to get right. 

So, if SEO is imperative to your business operations, we highly recommend hiring a professional to do the job for you.

SEO will improve your organic search rankings in a way that Google Ads can’t. But, it takes time and effort — two things many small businesses simply don’t have an excess of. If that’s the case in your situation, implementing a Google Ads strategy can be a faster way to get clicks as long as you have the budget for it. 

If you go that route, start working on improving your SEO in the background. When done correctly in tandem, the two can strategically improve your operations without spending as much time and money.

Blueprint is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Blueprint has an advertiser disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Blueprint editorial staff alone. Blueprint adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Taylor Sansano

Taylor Sansano has more than nine years of experience writing in a variety of industries, from healthcare to education to B2B. With a background in journalism, Taylor has a passion for research and fact-checking. She is published on various websites, including Consumer Affairs, Angi, and US News and World Report.

Sierra Campbell is a small business editor for USA Today Blueprint. She specializes in writing, editing and fact-checking content centered around helping businesses. She has worked as a digital content and show producer for several local TV stations, an editor for U.S. News & World Report and a freelance writer and editor for many companies. Sierra prides herself in delivering accurate and up-to-date information to readers. Her expertise includes credit card processing companies, e-commerce platforms, payroll software, accounting software and virtual private networks (VPNs). She also owns Editing by Sierra, where she offers editing services to writers of all backgrounds, including self-published and traditionally published authors.

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How To Create An Effective SEO Strategy in 9 Steps

From keyword research and content strategies to demonstrating E-E-A-T, learn the steps to create an SEO strategy for your website.

A magnifying glass with a lens filled with rings of orange and light orange on an orange and light orange background.

Growing your business through search engine optimization involves more than installing an SEO app or adding some keywords to your website’s content. To ensure a steady stream of organic traffic—affordably—you’ll want to develop a comprehensive SEO strategy grounded in competitor research and an understanding of user intent. Here’s how to create an SEO strategy to boost visits to your ecommerce site.

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What is an SEO strategy?

How to create an effective seo strategy, seo strategy faq.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of practices to improve your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. An SEO strategy is a plan that involves various techniques to optimize a website so it ranks higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) and attracts more organic (non-paid) web traffic. 

SEO strategy draws on competitor analysis (evaluating rivals for SEO success), keyword research (discovering valuable search terms), and user intent (search query purpose) to optimize content for visibility. A defined SEO strategy can help you determine the best growth opportunities for your own site and keep you accountable in improving your digital presence.

  • Establish your target customers
  • Evaluate your website
  • Conduct competitor research
  • Decide on your SEO goals
  • Create a keyword strategy
  • Craft a content plan
  • Identify technical obstacles and opportunities
  • Put your E-E-A-T on display
  • Use a measurement plan

Here are the steps you can take to create an SEO strategy for your website:

1. Establish your target customers

A good SEO strategy starts with the consumers you’re targeting, since the web content you make should be tailored to their needs. Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and think about the types of information they’ll look for along their journey to purchasing your product. Understanding their life stage, average income, common interests, and pain points will help you understand how potential buyers may query search engines so you can target them with the right content. 

2. Evaluate your website

Evaluate the current state of your website to understand your strengths and weaknesses, and to provide benchmark data to measure your SEO success later on. Use Google Analytics , a free tool provided by Google, to answer the following questions:

  • How much organic traffic does my site get?
  • Which pages get the most traffic?
  • Which keywords are driving the most traffic to your site?
  • How many micro-conversions (e.g., newsletter sign-ups) and macro-conversions (e.g., purchases) come from organic users?

3. Conduct competitor research

SEO tools like Semrush and Ahrefs have free and paid plans that can help you evaluate the online presence of your SERP competitors, or other sites competing for the same SERP rankings you’re targeting. 

Focus your SEO competitor analysis on top-performing keywords and the content your rivals produce to target those keywords . Explore which keywords they rank for that you don’t, look at their typical blog post length, and assess what strategies they use to get backlinks .

4. Decide on your SEO goals

To set effective SEO goals, use the SMART goal framework —set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Identify your website’s weaknesses and identify goals that can help you improve in those areas to advance your larger business goals, like increasing sales or brand awareness.

Here are some examples of SMART goals for an SEO strategy:

  • To increase brand awareness, we must increase organic traffic to the blog by 50% this year.
  • To increase organic traffic, we must increase publication volume from one blog post a week to three blog posts a week.
  • To increase the authority of our blog posts and improve SERP rankings, we must have a link-building strategy to get 30 backlinks to our site by the next quarter.

5. Create a keyword strategy

Before you can start writing more content, you need to identify which topics to focus on. That’s where keyword strategy comes in. To conduct keyword research, gather data on search volume and ranking difficulty for target keywords with a keyword research tool such as Ahrefs or Semrush. You can also use tools like Google Trends to understand how search volume fluctuates over time, which will help when it’s time to schedule a content calendar .

Identify a mix of short-tail keywords (terms that indicate broad categories, like “women’s jeans”) and long-tail keywords (terms that indicate specific interest, like “high rise women’s skinny jeans”) to target. Short-tail keywords usually have higher search volume but are more competitive. Long-tail keywords, on the other hand, usually have lower search volumes but are less competitive. They also tend to have higher conversion rates as they indicate a user’s specific, well-understood interest in a subject.

6. Craft a content plan

An effective, holistic SEO strategy targets search queries throughout the user journey. With your keywords in mind, make blog posts, videos, and infographics to educate and engage users considering making a purchase.

Think about your customer’s goals and pain points and come up with content ideas that target relevant keywords. For example, a blog post could target “best jeans for wide hips” or “straight leg vs. bootcut jeans” to help those still gathering information before making a purchase.

7. Identify technical obstacles and opportunities

The best SEO content in the world doesn’t matter if search engines can’t properly crawl and index your website (which is how search engines like Google understand and present your website’s content). Using a tool like Screaming Frog, conduct a technical SEO audit of your website to identify issues like slow page load speeds, orphan pages, 4xx errors, and others that could prevent your website from ranking high on SERPs.

You can also use Google tools like PageSpeed Insights, Search Console, and the CrUX Dashboard—all of which help you monitor and improve core web vitals , the metrics by which Google judges the usability of your site. 

8. Put your E-E-A-T on display

E-E-A-T stands for “experience, expertise, authority, and trust.” While it’s not a direct ranking factor, Google uses this criteria to ensure its organic search results are useful for users and free of misinformation. 

There are many ways to demonstrate E-E-A-T, such as including a contact page and privacy policy, information about your company and its employees, quotes from subject matter experts in your content, and testimonials or product reviews.

9. Use a measurement plan

Finally, track the impact of all of your hard work. Pinpoint KPIs you want to measure, how frequently you’ll track them, and the tools you need to do so.

There are many analytics and keyword tracking tools—such as Ahrefs, Semush, and Google Analytics—to track common SEO metrics like organic traffic, revenue, keyword rankings, share of voice, and backlinks. You can also use Google Search Console, a free tool that provides insights on organic performance and technical elements of your site.

How do you start an SEO strategy?

An SEO strategy should start with understanding your core customers, evaluating the current state of your website, and conducting competitor research to determine where to focus your efforts.

What is the difference between SEO strategies and tactics?

An SEO strategy tells you where you want to go and the ways you can get there. SEO tactics are the actions you take to bring that strategy to life and achieve your desired goals.

How often should you analyze your SEO strategy?

You should analyze your SEO strategy every quarter with a more in-depth review once a year. Quarterly reviews strike a good balance between planning ahead and staying the course through the normal ups and downs of organic traffic.

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The White House plan to stop companies from wasting our time

Greg Rosalsky, photographed for NPR, 2 August 2022, in New York, NY. Photo by Mamadi Doumbouya for NPR.

Greg Rosalsky


There’s a fabled version of the free market that says consumers are almost always well-served by companies. If not, the story goes, consumers can just shop somewhere else. This threat — losing customers to competitors — creates an almost magical force pushing companies to act more in the interests of consumers. No need for government involvement. Competition will take care of the job.

The real world, of course, can be more complicated. What if there isn’t vigorous competition in an industry? What if consumers lack critical information before handing a company their business? What if, in some instances, making their customers’ lives a nightmare can actually help companies make a profit? Like, for example, making it unnecessarily difficult to cancel a subscription, get an airline ticket refund, or file an insurance claim.

A new initiative from The Biden-Harris administration aims to stomp out corporate shenanigans that it says “add unnecessary headaches and hassles to people’s days and degrade their quality of life.” They’re calling it the “ Time Is Money ” initiative, and it’s a suite of executive actions across numerous federal agencies aimed at eradicating time-sucking business practices.

“Companies often deliberately design their business processes to be time-consuming or otherwise burdensome for consumers, in order to deter them from getting a rebate or refund they are due or canceling a subscription or membership they no longer want — all with the goal of maximizing profits,” the White House argues in a press release about this initiative.

So why does the White House want to intervene in the free market in an area as fundamental as how companies treat their customers? And why do they think they can succeed? We were curious about the economic thinking behind this new initiative. And the White House offered us the opportunity to speak with Neera Tanden, Domestic Policy Advisor to President Biden, head of the White House’s Domestic Policy Council , and one of the chief architects of “Time Is Money.”

Tanden beamed in via Zoom from her office in the West Wing of the White House. I, for once, made sure to wear a collared shirt. Professionalism.

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 29: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (L) and Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden (R) answer questions during the daily press briefing at the White House on August 29, 2023 in Washington, DC. Jean-Pierre and Tanden answered questions on a recently announced list of the first ten medicines that will see a decrease in price following negotiations with Medicare. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 29: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (L) and Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden (R) answer questions during the daily press briefing at the White House on August 29, 2023 in Washington, DC. Jean-Pierre and Tanden answered questions on a recently announced list of the first ten medicines that will see a decrease in price following negotiations with Medicare. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images) Win McNamee/Getty Images/Getty Images North America hide caption

The Economics Of The Time Is Money Initiative

The Time Is Money initiative began after President Biden was watching The Real Housewives Of Washington, DC — and he just couldn’t believe executives canceled the show after just one season. The president was done. So he tried to cancel his Peacock subscription but…

Okay, no. We wish. The real backstory of this initiative is a bit more boring.

Tanden says this initiative came out of the administration’s work last year to eliminate junk fees (Our daily podcast The Indicator covered this ). These are extra fees that companies often tack onto a bill at the end of a transaction. It’s been a common practice when, for example, you buy tickets to a concert or book a hotel or rent a car. Companies advertise one price but then it turns out that’s actually not the real price at all.

Within the context of fighting junk fees, Tanden says, she and her team met with the president. “And really what animated him is that he thinks that sometimes companies are kind of playing consumers for suckers,” Tanden says. President Biden instructed them to look across the government and see what sort of actions the administration could take to help consumers against shady business practices beyond just junk fees.

The Time Is Money initiative has numerous targets. The Federal Trade Commission, for example, is aiming to make a rule that “would require companies to make it as easy to cancel a subscription or service as it was to sign up for one.”

“I had a newspaper subscription where it was literally three clicks to subscribe, and then to end my subscription, it was 45 minutes on the phone,” Tanden says. “There's really no reason that it should take so much longer to end a subscription than it is to start a subscription.”

The Department of Transportation has issued a new automatic cash refunds rule that “requires airlines to pay you back the airfare when your flight is canceled or significantly changed for any reason, and you are not offered, or choose not to accept, alternatives such as rebooking.”

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) wants to make a rule “that would require companies under its jurisdiction to let customers talk to a human by pressing a single button,” as opposed to getting stuck on the phone in “doom loops,” where you have to keep pressing buttons and never get to talk to anyone. The administration also might crack down on the use of AI chatbots, which, they say, “frequently provide inaccurate information and give the run-around to customers seeking a real person.”

The Biden-Harris administration is also hoping to encourage health insurers to enable consumers to more easily submit claims online.

We asked Tanden why she believed the government needed to step into this arena and goad companies into improving customer service. In a competitive, free-market economy, shouldn’t companies already face strong incentives to treat their customers well? If one company provides shoddy customer service, wouldn't another company adopt better practices in order to entice their customers?

Especially considering the Biden-Harris administration’s well-publicized antitrust efforts to break up monopolies and increase competition in the economy, we expected Tanden to say that the big problem is that there isn’t enough competition for that to happen. But we were wrong. She argued that, while a lack of competition can contribute to the adoption of time-wasting shenanigans in some industries, the problem is bigger than just a lack of competition.

First off, Tanden says, the issue is that consumers often shop on price, not on customer service. “Consumer experience is a gray area,” she says. “It’s hard to have a metric for it. There’s no system out in the world that’s grading companies on consumer experience.”

In other words, consumers don’t have full information about company practices when they’re shopping and may not foresee issues that will annoy them later. Even in a competitive market, she says, “I think this gray area makes it just a lot easier for companies to end up providing poor services.”

Second, Tanden says, there are many instances where the consumer has already bought a product or subscribed to a service or paid for an insurance plan — and it’s only after that they encounter the shady practices. Facing the prospect of losing a customer or having to give them a refund or a payout, companies may not actually care how customers are treated. They don’t want to lose money, so they may be incentivized to make consumer lives difficult.

Tanden suggests that competition is not enough to eradicate anti-consumer practices. If one company does the right thing and makes it easy to cancel a subscription or talk to a human support agent on the telephone, Tanden suggests, they might not see significant rewards. In fact, Tanden argues, they may become less profitable than their competitors who adopt shady practices. Nice companies apparently finish last.

Instead of competition resulting in better customer experiences, she argues, it becomes a “race to the bottom” even in industries with a lot of competition. She argues the government needs to step in and do something about this market failure.

“What we're really trying to do is essentially even the playing field,” Tanden says. “So companies that wanna do the right thing can do the right thing because they won't lose money to other companies that are basically holding onto your dollars when they shouldn't.”

Cleaning Up “Sludge” Without Calling It That

The behavioral economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein (who previously served in the Biden-Harris administration) coined a term for when companies and governments adopt systems that make it hard for people to make choices: “sludge.” (We spoke to Thaler about the concept of sludge in a past Planet Money newsletter).

Tanden says this academic work on sludge influenced the Time Is Money initiative. “I sort of thought a government-wide initiative on ‘sludge’ probably wouldn’t sound great to people,” Tanden says. “Another way to think about sludge is essentially friction. You create a lot of friction, so it makes it harder for people to make choices that are best for them, their families, and really most fundamentally best for their pocketbook. And we discussed this with Cass Sunstein and others and they very much informed this work.”

However, Sunstein and Thaler have made clear that sludge isn’t just about the private sector. In fact, we’d guess that if you ask people about their time being wasted by inefficient organizational practices, they’d probably cite the DMV, the post office, filing taxes, and other interactions with the government. Dealing with the government is often a sludgefest.

We asked Tanden why this initiative seems to focus only on the private sector. First, she says, the initiative will not just be about the private sector. Second, she pointed to an executive order issued by President Biden to improve consumer experience with the federal government “way back in 2021.” This initiative, she says, sought to make it easier and reduce friction when dealing with the federal government, including when filing taxes.

She says that, for example, because of this executive order — and also a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act that provided funding for reform — the IRS piloted a program that offered people with relatively uncomplicated tax situations the opportunity to directly file their taxes online for free with a simple form. For a long time, she says, even people with relatively simple tax situations have had to pay professionals to help them or use programs like TurboTax to file federal taxes.

The administration recently announced that “Direct File,” as they call it, will be rolled out nationally in the 2025 filing season, and they’re encouraging state governments to also join in and make it easier to file state taxes.

“So people who were spending hundreds of dollars before are getting a much easier tax filing experience,” Tanden says. “It’s free. It takes minutes versus hours. So that's a good example of where we are trying to improve in the federal government. We believe it's as important to walk the walk as talk the talk.”

Industry Responses

We were curious to get the perspective of some of the industries directly named and affected by this new initiative.

We asked AHIP, which represents health insurers, whether they objected to calls by the Biden-Harris Administration to make it easier to file insurance claims online and "take concrete actions to save people time and money when interacting with their health coverage.” AHIP didn’t directly comment on the initiative but, rather, provided a general defense of how the industry treats consumers.

“Health plans are supporting consumers by negotiating to make care as affordable as possible while ensuring access to needed care among a range of high-value providers,” an AHIP spokesperson said in a statement. “Health plans are also helping consumers navigate a complex and fragmented health care system, promoting use of preventive and primary care, and helping people manage chronic conditions.”

We thought maybe the airline industry would oppose the Biden-Harris administration’s new automatic refund rule for canceled or significantly altered flights. One could imagine that by forcing airlines to shoulder more risk of things like bad weather events or airport traffic problems, they might argue they’d have to increase ticket prices due to, perhaps, an increased probability of losing money.

But a spokesperson for Airlines For America (A4A), an advocacy group for airlines, told us in a statement that they actually support this new rule. “A4A carriers support current rules requiring carriers to provide an automatic refund when a flight is significantly delayed or canceled and the passenger doesn’t take an alternative flight or a voucher.”

The US Chamber of Commerce issued a statement making clear they oppose the Time Is Money initiative. “While we agree on the problem of all-too-high costs for American families, the regulatory burden unleashed by the so-called 'Time is Money' initiative will cost the American people more time and money,” the statement says. "Businesses succeed by being responsive to customers and have a far better track record of customer service, streamlined paperwork, and prompt response times than the federal government. Imposing heavy-handed regulations that micromanage business practices and pricing is the wrong approach, inevitably raising costs for consumers."

“Fundamentally, I think that good companies should be doing good customer service,” Tanden says about industry opposition. “And if there are companies who are complaining that the government is making them do basic things like make it as easy to cancel a subscription as it is to sign up, then, you know, we're happy to engage that argument with them.”

The Time Is Money initiative is the latest chapter in a centuries-old story of the federal government intervening in the market to try and protect consumers. It may be relatively small potatoes compared to consumer protection landmarks like the creation of the Food and Drug Administration, the slew of auto-safety measures institutionalized by the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, or maybe even the Biden-Harris administration’s other actions against monopolies and so on — but the administration argues that, through a slew of small executive actions, they can push companies to improve how they treat consumers and meaningfully improve the lives of Americans.

Got ideas for the administration to fight “sludge,” or “frictions,” as Neera calls them? The White House is soliciting ideas via an online portal .

We remain hopeful that Planet Money+, our premium subscription service, is considered absolutely honest and above board when it comes to shady sludge practices — and that the administration won’t put a target on our backs. “I’m sure Planet Money isn’t making it exceedingly difficult [to unsubscribe],” Tanden says with a laugh.

If you aren’t already subscribed to Planet Money+, please do . We promise we won’t make it too hard to cancel. And, if we do, we now know we could be targeted by the federal government.

And, speaking of Planet Money+, subscribers will soon get a bonus episode featuring an extended, audio version of our interview with Neera Tanden. Stay tuned!

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NASA decision against using a Boeing capsule to bring astronauts back adds to company’s problems


FILE - The Boeing logo is displayed in El Segundo, Calif., on Jan. 25, 2011. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon, File)

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NASA’s announcement Saturday that it won’t use a troubled Boeing capsule to return two stranded astronauts to Earth is a yet another setback for the struggling company, although the financial damage is likely to be less than the reputational harm.

Once a symbol of American engineering and technological prowess, Boeing has seen its reputation battered since two 737 Max airliners crashed in 2018 and 2019, killing 346 people. The safety of its products came under renewed scrutiny after a panel blew out of a Max during a flight this January.

And now NASA has decided that it is safer to keep the astronauts in space until February rather than risk using the Boeing Starliner capsule that delivered them to the international space station. The capsule has been plagued by problems with its propulsion system.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson said the decision to send the Boeing capsule back to Earth empty “is a result of a commitment to safety.” Boeing had insisted Starliner was safe based on recent tests of thrusters both in space and on the ground.

The space capsule program represents a tiny fraction of Boeing’s revenue, but carrying astronauts is a high-profile job — like Boeing’s work building Air Force One presidential jets.


“The whole thing is another black eye” for Boeing, aerospace analyst Richard Aboulafia said. “It’s going to sting a little longer, but nothing they haven’t dealt with before.”

Boeing has lost more than $25 billion since 2018 as its aircraft-manufacturing business cratered after those crashes. For a time, the defense and space side of the company provided a partial cushion, posting strong profits and steady revenue through 2021.

Since 2022, however, Boeing’s defense and space division has stumbled too, losing $6 billion — slightly more than the airplane side of the company in the same period.

The results have been dragged down by several fixed-price contracts for NASA and the Pentagon, including a deal to build new Air Force One presidential jets. Boeing has found itself on the hook as costs for those projects have risen far beyond the company’s estimates.

The company recorded a $1 billion loss from fixed-price government contracts in the second quarter alone, but the problem is not new.

“We have a couple of fixed-price development programs we have to just finish and never do them again,” then-CEO David Calhoun said last year. “Never do them again.”

In 2014, NASA awarded Boeing a $4.2 billion fixed-price contract to build a vehicle to carry astronauts to the International Space Station after the retirement of space shuttles, along with a $2.6 billion contract to SpaceX.

Boeing, with more than a century of building airplane and decades as a NASA contractor, was seen as the favorite. But Starliner suffered technical setbacks that caused it to cancel some test launches, fall behind schedule and go over budget. SpaceX won the race to ferry astronauts to the ISS, which it accomplished in 2020.

Boeing was finally ready to carry astronauts this year, and Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams launched aboard Starliner in early June for what was intended to be an 8-day stay in space. But thruster failures and helium leaks led NASA to park the vehicle at the space station while engineers debated how to return them to Earth.

The company said in a regulatory filing that the latest hitch with Starliner caused a $125 million loss through June 30, which pushed cumulative cost overruns on the program to more than $1.5 billion. “Risk remains that we may record additional losses in future periods,” Boeing said.

Aboulafia said Starliner’s impact on Boeing business and finances will be modest — “not really a needle-mover.” Even the $4.2 billion, multi-year NASA contract is a relatively small chunk of revenue for Boeing, which reported sales of $78 billion last year.

And Aboulafia believes Boeing will enjoy a grace period with customers like the government now that it is under new leadership, reducing the risk it will lose big contracts. NASA administrator Nelson said Saturday he was “100%" confident that the Starliner will fly with a crew again.

Robert “Kelly” Ortberg replaced Calhoun as CEO this month. Unlike the company’s recent chief executives, Ortberg is an outsider who previously led aerospace manufacturer Rockwell Collins, where he developed a reputation for walking among workers on factory floors and building ties to airline and government customers.

“They are transitioning from perhaps the worst executive leadership to some of the best,” Aboulafia said. “Given the regime change underway, I think people are going to give them some slack.”

Boeing’s defense division has recently won some huge contracts. It is lined up to provide Apache helicopters to foreign governments, sell 50 F-15 fighter jets to Israel as the bulk of a $20 billion deal, and build prototype surveillance planes for the Air Force under a $2.56 billion contract.

“Those are some strong tailwinds, but it’s going to take a while before they get (Boeing’s defense and space business) back to profitability,” Aboulafia said.

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What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far

The vice president supports the tax increases proposed by the Biden White House, according to her campaign.

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Kamala Harris, in a lavender blazer, speaking into two mics at a lectern with a crowd of people seated behind her.

By Andrew Duehren

Reporting from Washington

In a campaign otherwise light on policy specifics, Vice President Kamala Harris this week quietly rolled out her most detailed, far-ranging proposal yet: nearly $5 trillion in tax increases over a decade.

That’s how much more revenue the federal government would raise if it adopted a number of tax increases that President Biden proposed in the spring . Ms. Harris’s campaign said this week that she supported those tax hikes, which were thoroughly laid out in the most recent federal budget plan prepared by the Biden administration.

No one making less than $400,000 a year would see their taxes go up under the plan. Instead, Ms. Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and large corporations. Congress has previously rejected many of these tax ideas, even when Democrats controlled both chambers.

While tax policy is right now a subplot in a turbulent presidential campaign, it will be a primary policy issue in Washington next year. The next president will have to work with Congress to address the tax cuts Donald J. Trump signed into law in 2017. Many of those tax cuts expire after 2025, meaning millions of Americans will see their taxes go up if lawmakers don’t reach a deal next year.

Here’s an overview of what we now know — and still don’t know — about the Democratic nominee’s views on taxes.

Higher taxes on corporations

The most recent White House budget includes several proposals that would raise taxes on large corporations . Chief among them is raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 21 percent, a step that the Treasury Department estimated could bring in $1.3 trillion in revenue over the next 10 years.

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SEO & Web Development: How to Optimize Your Website Design for SEO

Published: August 20, 2024

SEO, copywriting, and design are three aspects of web development that go hand in hand. More importantly, they’re all critical for helping people find your website, understand what you do, and take action. In auditing and writing copy for over 100 websites, I’ve found that all three need to be strong to make a great website — so my recommendations for optimizing conversions often factor in all three.

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Why? It’s one thing to have a beautiful site that your prospects love; it’s something else to have a site that search engines and their bots love, which is what enables you to reach a wider audience.

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With that in mind, I’m sharing tips and advice to help you understand how to optimize your website design and copy for SEO performance.

Table of Contents

What is SEO web design?

Why is seo important for web design and development, web design elements to optimize for seo.

Before we go any further, I want to be sure we’re on the same page about what SEO web design really means. In a nutshell, it’s about creating and organizing websites using methods that increase visibility on search engines such as Google and Bing, among others.

While keyword optimization remains a critical aspect of SEO strategy , a more holistic approach that integrates SEO principles into design and development, as well as copywriting, ensures that your website is user-friendly, conversion-focused, and optimized for higher ranking on search engines.

At a high level, know that you’ll need to consider a blend of written, visual, and technical elements that include:

  • Site structure and navigation.
  • Mobile-friendliness.
  • Page load speed.
  • Copy and content optimization.
  • User experience (UX).

I’ll explore these elements and more in a few moments, explaining how they relate to SEO web development and offering tips to optimize each. But first, let’s clarify why SEO optimization is mandatory for anyone who wants to stand out in the online business world.

First, I always say that every business is an online business. While it’s been true for a long time, most businesses started realizing it during the pandemic when the entire world shifted online.

Not convinced?

Even if you run a brick-and-mortar business, prospective clients probably Google you before deciding to contact you. Your website lends you legitimacy, authority, and credibility. And while personal recommendations go further than just about anything else, if someone is on the fence, seeing that you’re legit can tip the needle in your direction.

Of course, conversion-focused design and copy go deeper than simple credibility. However, if they’re searching for you, one thing is clear — they have to find you .

And that’s where SEO website development comes in. By optimizing your website for search engines, you’ll enjoy several benefits, which include the following.

How SEO Benefits Web Design

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77 Brilliant Examples of Homepages, Blogs & Landing Pages to Inspire You

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On the other hand, when you keep it short, sweet, and focused, it helps your site win.


This option is descriptive and makes it easy to understand what the page is about.

Similarly, I’d recommend using /about instead of /about-us and /contact instead of /contact-us to keep things clean and focused.

Pro tip: When I’m writing copy for a site, whether individual web pages or blog content, I identify the slug, or what comes after the slash, so whoever is in charge of implementation has a guide to follow. (I also include the meta content here so it’s a matter of copy and paste.)

3. Mobile Optimization

seo web design; StatCounter says that over 60% of searches are mobile.

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