How do I add an assignment?

Go to the assignment tool..

how to submit assignment on sakai

Select the Assignments tool from the Tools Menu in your site.  

how to submit assignment on sakai

Click the Add button to add a new assignment.

Give your assignment a title.  

how to submit assignment on sakai

The title of your assignment should be something descriptive and unique, as this is the title students will see when they go to the Assignments tool to submit their work.

Add assignment instructions.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Enter the instructions for the assignment into the Rich Text Editor . You may use the editor to format your assignment description, and add images, links, or other media if desired.

Add honor pledge. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would like to add an honor pledge to your assignment, check the Add honor pledge box.  

Student View of Honor Pledge

how to submit assignment on sakai

When the honor pledge option is selected, students must agree to the statement pictured above that reads "I have not given, received, or used any unauthorized assistance on this assignment" in order to submit their assignment.

Add Attachments. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would like to attach any additional files to the assignment, such as a grading rubric or peer review rubric, click the Add attachments button to browse for and attach file/s.

Specify the availability.

how to submit assignment on sakai

When you create a new assignment, the Open Date will default to the current day, and the Due Date and Accept Until dates will default to one week later.  Change the dates using the calendar icon to bring up the date-picker pop-up calendar.

  • The Open Date for your assignment is when it becomes available for students.  
  • The Due Date is the deadline to turn in the assignment.
  • The Accept Until date allows you to accept late submissions after the due date (late student submissions marked as late). If you do not accept late submissions, you may leave the Due Date and Accept Until date the same.

Tip: Often, faculty like to set the time on the due date to 11:55 PM, as that is the latest time you can select on a given day. Selecting 12:00 AM will display the date as the next day, and this may confuse students about the actual due date if they assume they have all day to turn in their work.

Send a reminder email. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would like a reminder email to be sent 24 hours before the due date, check the box next to Send a reminder email 24 hours before the due date .

Hide due date from students. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would prefer for students not to see the assignment due date, check the box next to the Hide due date from students option.

Add due date to Calendar. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would like your assignment due date to be added automatically to the Calendar in your class, check the Add due date to calendar box.

Add an announcement. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would like an announcement to be automatically posted to the site regarding the open date for your assignment, check the Add an announcement about the open date to Announcements box. If you enable an announcement about the option date, you will also have the option to choose an email notification for the announcement.

Note:  The announcement will be posted immediately when you post your assignment, regardless of the actual open date of the assignment itself. This option is best used to announce changes in a due date, or the availability of a newly posted item.

Choose how to Assign the assignment.

how to submit assignment on sakai

You may display your assignment to everyone in the site (the default), or to selected groups.

Note: You must have existing groups in your site in order to select the second or third option.

Assign to each individual member of the selected group(s). (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you select the Each individual member of the selected group(s) option , the settings will expand to show a list of all existing groups in the site. Select one or more groups to display the assignment to those groups only. If you selected the Group Submission option, you may limit the groups that are allowed to submit here.

Note: This option only controls the visibility of the assignment for users in different groups. By default, each member of the group still submits an individual assignment, but this display setting allows you to identify different assignments for different groups or sections. 

Assign to the selected group(s), as a group assignment (one group member submits on behalf of the entire group).

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you want students to submit one assignment per group, use The selected group(s), as a group assignment (one group member submits on behalf of the entire group) option.

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you've chosen more than one group to submit a group assignment, a notice will appear offering to scan the groups for duplicate participants (students who appear in both groups). Select the Check Now button.

how to submit assignment on sakai

If there are no duplicate participants, you will receive a Success message confirmation.

how to submit assignment on sakai

If duplicate participants are present, an alert message will be displayed listing participate and group details. You need to resolve all duplicate entries before the assignment can be posted. To learn more about how to manage groups and participates, go to the Site Info tool.

Choose the submission format.

how to submit assignment on sakai

There are several submission formats that you may accept.

  • Inline only:  Student may only submit a response by entering their content into the Rich Text Editor. The attachment option is not available. This is a good option to choose if you want to be able to grade all of the responses online without having to download or open any files.
  • Attachments only: This format removes the Rich Text Editor option and leaves only the attachment option available.
  • Inline and Attachments: This is the default format and it allows students to either enter content into the Rich Text Editor inline, or attach a file, or both.
  • Non-electronic: This format choice is for assignments that you expect students to submit in person, but you want the option to view assignment details and/or grade the assignment in Sakai.
  • Single Uploaded File only: If you want students to submit a file, but you only want a single file, this is the option to choose. (Both the Inline and Attachments and the Attachments only option allow students to upload and submit more than one file at a time.)
  • External Tool (LTI):  If you would like to collect submissions from students using a third party tool integrated with Sakai via LTI , you may select the External Tool (LTI) option to configure the tool. See the What is the External Tool (LTI)? article for more information about LTI tools.

Choose your preferred format from the drop-down menu.

Allow Resubmission. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you select Allow Resubmission , you may specify:

  • The number of resubmissions allowed for the class
  • The deadline for resubmitting
  • Whether to notify students via email when the grade is released and resubmission is available

Tip: You may also choose to allow resubmissions on an individual basis when you grade student submissions.

Submission notification.

how to submit assignment on sakai

The default notification setting is Do not send me notification emails for any student submissions . If you would like to be notified, select either of the following two options:

  • Send me a notification email for each student submission: This option will send a separate email for each student immediately upon submission.
  • Send me one email per day summarizing notifications for student submissions: This option will send a digest email listing all student submissions for that day.

Choose the radio button for the notification setting you prefer.  

Note: The notification email message will be sent to the external email address for your Sakai user account. It does not send the notification to the Sakai Messages tool.

Choose Grading details.

how to submit assignment on sakai

The Grading section includes two options. The first option, Hide submitters' identities , allows the instructor to grade student submissions without seeing the associated student name in the grading interface.

Choose grade scale.

how to submit assignment on sakai

The second option in the Grading section allows you to choose a specific grade scale for the assignment. There are several grade scales to choose from:

  • Points: Allows you to assign points to an assignment for grading.  This is the option you should choose if you plan to send the assignment to the gradebook.
  • Letter grade: You may select this option if you like to grade your assignments by letter grade only.
  • Pass/Fail: Designates an assignment as pass/fail.
  • Checkmark: Allows you to mark assignments with a checkmark for completion.

Select the assignment's grade scale from the drop-down menu.

Note: The only grade scale option that can be added to the gradebook automatically is Points .

Enter maximum points.

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you select Points as the grade scale, you must enter a maximum number of points for the assignment.

Use grading rubric.

how to submit assignment on sakai

  • Select the  Use the following rubric to grade this assignment  radio button.
  • Choose the desired rubric from the drop-down menu.  Note: You must have existing rubrics in your site before they will display in the menu. Shared rubrics must first be copied to your site before they will be available for selection.
  • (Optional)  Preview  the selected rubric to make sure that it is the correct one.
  • (Optional) Check the box for  Adjust individual student scores  if you would like to be able to change the number of points awarded for individual criteria ratings while grading student submissions on a per-student basis.
  • (Optional) Check the box for  Hide Rubric from student  if you do not want students to see the rubric prior to submitting.

Send grades to the Gradebook.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Within the points grade scale, there is also the option to Send grades to the Gradebook. Once selected, this reveals two additional options:

  • Create new Gradebook item: This will create a new item in the gradebook with the same name as your assignment title.
  • Associate with existing Gradebook item: This option allows you to link your assignment to an existing gradebook item. This is useful if you have already created items in your gradebook and you want to use one of them, rather than creating a new assignment. You may only link an assignment to a single gradebook item, and vice versa.

Tip: Remember that you must have a Points grade scale in order to add the assignment to the gradebook!

Use peer assessment.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Within the Points grade scale, there is also the option to Use peer assessment . Selecting this option will allow students to review their peers' assignment submissions.

  • The Evaluation Period Finishes section notes the date when the last peer reviews can be submitted. (This date must be after the Accept Until date for the assignment.)
  • Anonymous evaluation allows students to submit their reviews without their names appearing to those they are evaluating.
  • Allow students to see reviews of their submissions enables students the ability to view evaluations from their peers of their submitted assignment.
  • The Number of submissions students must review is the total number of peer evaluations required.
  • The Instructions for reviewers text box allows instructors to outline specific instructions to students regarding peer assessments.

Note: You must be using a Points grade scale in order to enable peer review.

Released grade notification.

how to submit assignment on sakai

The default notification setting is Do not send notification email to student when the grade is released .  

If you would like students to be notified, select the radio button for Send notification email to student when the grade is released .

Note: The notification email message will be sent to the external email address for the student's Sakai user account. It does not send the notification to the Sakai Messages tool.

Include Additional information. (Optional)

how to submit assignment on sakai

This section gives you the option of including additional information, such as a Model Answer , Private Note , or All Purpose Item .  

Click the Add link to add any of these items.

Model Answer

how to submit assignment on sakai

The model answer can provide an example of the ideal correct answer or solution for a particular assignment.  

  • You may enter your model answer in the text box provided.
  • You may also click the Add Attachments button to browse for and select a file containing the model answer and/or solution.
  • Use the Show to students option to select when you would like the model answer to be displayed: Before student starts assignment, After student submits, After submission is graded and returned, or After accept-until date.
  • Click Save to save your changes.

Private Note.

how to submit assignment on sakai

If you would like to make any private notes, which are not visible to students, you may enter them here.

  • Enter your notes in the space provided.
  • Select who can read and edit the notes from the drop-down menu: Keep private to myself, Allow other instructors to read, or Allow other instructors to read and edit.

All Purpose Item.

how to submit assignment on sakai

You may also create an All Purpose Item that can be displayed based on specific dates or users.  

  • Enter a Title for your item.
  • Enter the content of the item in the text box provided.
  • You may also click Add Attachments to browse for and attach file/s.
  • Select when the item should be displayed.
  • Choose which users can see the item.

Post your assignment.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Once you have entered all of your assignment settings, scroll down to the bottom and click Post to save your changes and post the assignment.

Learning Center

Getting the Most from Sakai

Wondering how Sakai might be used in your classes? Struggling to know which features are important and how often to check it? Concerned you may miss an important assignment or message from your instructor? This handout coaches you through the process of getting comfortable with Sakai, a class management tool used in many UNC classes (though many of the questions apply to other course management platforms as well!). If you haven’t accessed Sakai yet, start with these frequently asked questions about Sakai and login with your ONYEN credentials to get started.

Keep in mind that different instructors use Sakai differently! This handout highlights some of the most commonly used features and functions while encouraging you to consult your course syllabi to learn more about how Sakai may be being used in each of your classes. Don’t expect every Sakai site to have each and every one of these features enabled.

Where does each of your instructors post messages and announcements?

Are announcements posted on the class website? Are they sent out by email? Or are they posted to Sakai? If the answer is Sakai, make sure you are familiar with these features:


Announcements: Your instructor may post announcements to follow up on something explained in class or to explain how to prepare for the next class. Usually, you will also receive an email when an announcement is posted. Announcements always appear on the homepage of your particular course.


Messages: Your instructor may also or alternatively use the messages tab to contact your class with announcements or updates. As with the announcements tab, you will usually receive an email when a message is sent. Your instructor may use both the announcements and messages feature, especially in a multi-section course with multiple instructors or a large course with recitation sections.

What is the expectation for submitting online assignments?

If you will be submitting online assignments to Sakai, familiarize yourself with these features:


Assignments: Some instructors may have you submit work through the “assignments tab.” If this is the case, check to determine the exact due date (day and time) your assignment is due as this feature may not let you upload your assignment if the due date has passed!

Drop Box

Dropbox: Dropbox is another feature that allows you to upload assignments and materials. Unlike the “Assignments” tab, Dropbox does not have a “due date” feature, but your instructor will still be able to see the timestamp on your work when you submit it.


Forums: In many courses, “forums” will be used as a discussion board where you may be asked to engage in online discussions with your fellow classmates. You could be required to post a response to a discussion question or respond to someone else’s post as a homework assignment. You may also be asked to use forums during class time. Check your syllabus to determine exactly how your instructor will use forums.

What routine can you establish to visit Sakai (or your class website) regularly? How will you remember this routine?

Determining how often you plan to check Sakai as well as how you will remember to do so may help you remember to submit assignments and complete readings for class on time. Could you add a note in your planner? Could you use a sticky note on your computer? Could you set a reminder on your phone? If your syllabus is published on Sakai, you may find that you need to check Sakai quite often!


Syllabus: If your instructor posts an electronic version of the syllabus on Sakai, it can generally be found under the heading “syllabus” on the left hand side of your course’s homepage.


Lessons: Many instructors, especially for remote or hybrid classes, use the “lessons” tab to provide a week-by-week or day-by-day breakdown of your class. The Lessons tool has many features, so its appearance may vary from instructor to instructor. However, some common features instructors may include are: content links; links to assignments, tests, forums, or announcements; checklists; or resource folders. Your instructor may also embed subpages within the “lessons” tab; these link to additional pages that include resources devoted to a particular class or week.

How can you access class readings and other course materials?

If your instructor makes these resources available through Sakai, familiarize yourself with these features:


Resources: The “resources” tab on the left hand side of each course’s homepage is generally the place where you’ll find online readings and other course-related materials. Once you click on the “resources” tab, you can peruse the course materials your instructor has uploaded.

Course Reserves

Course Reserves: Readings made available through the library for your course may be found via “course reserves” rather than “resources.” Make sure you check your syllabus to determine where you can find a particular reading.

How can you assess your progress in your course?

If your class uses Sakai, these features may be important:


Gradebook: If your instructor uses the gradebook feature, they will post your grades for assignments here.


Attendance: Sakai allows instructors to keep an online record of attendance. Be sure to check each course’s syllabus as absences and lateness may be assessed differently depending on the course.


Sign-Up: If your instructor plans to hold individual student conferences during the semester, they may use the sign-up feature to schedule these meetings. Make note of when and where you will meet your instructor, and whether this meeting will be in-person or online.

What can you do if something goes wrong?

As with any software, you may run into technical difficulties someday with Sakai. This is one reason not to wait until the last minute to submit assignments! But if something does go wrong, don’t feel that you are stuck: you can still email your instructors to let them know. If, for example, the “Assignments” feature is not working, you can email your professor a copy of the assignment by the due date while you work to troubleshoot the technical problem. To get help with technical problems, consult this guide to troubleshooting Sakai .

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Loyola Support Documentation

  • How do students submit an assignment?

Updated on Oct 25, 2022

Select Assignments.

select Assignments

In the target Sakai site, select Assignments from the Tool Menu.

Select the title of the assignment.

select the assignment title

All assignments in the site will appear in a list on the tool landing page. The following information is displayed for each assignment:

  • Assignment Title , or name of the assignment
  • Status (i.e., Not Started, Submitted, Returned, etc.)
  • Open Date , or when the assignment becomes available to students
  • Due Date , or deadline to turn in the assignment

Select the assignment to submit to by selecting the title of the assignment in the list.

Accept the Honor Pledge.

select Agree

If the assignment requires an Honor Pledge, select Agree .

Enter and/or attach a submission.

Type into the Assignment text field or attach a file

Depending on the assignment settings, students may be allowed to enter a submission in-line and/or attach files.

  • Enter submission text into the Assignment Text  field using the Rich Text Editor .
  • Under Attachments , select the Choose File button to browse for and select a file to upload. (Alternately, select the or select files from 'Home' or site button to select a file already uploaded to Home Resources.)

After attaching a file, the name of the file as well as the file size and upload timestamp will be displayed under Attachments .

Tip: Select Remove to remove the attachment if the wrong file was attached.

Select Proceed.

select Proceed

Select Proceed to continue the submission process.

Tip: If students are not yet ready to submit, they may select Preview to preview the submission, or Save Draft to save the submission and submit it later. Select Cancel to exit the assignment without saving or submitting.

Select Submit.

select Submit

Select Submit to complete the assignment submission process.

Submission confirmation displays.

confirmation message siplays

A confirmation message will appear. In addition, if students have opted to receive email notifications of assignment submissions, they will receive the confirmation message via email.

Sakai 22 Student Guide

  • About Sakai Help
  • What is the Announcements tool?
  • How do students view announcements?
  • What is the Assignments tool?
  • How do students submit a video assignment?
  • How do students complete a peer assessment assignment?
  • How do students view their assignment feedback?
  • What is the Attendance tool?
  • What is the Blogs tool?
  • How do I add a Blog post?
  • How do I read and comment on blogs?
  • How can I edit or remove a blog entry?
  • What are Bullhorns?
  • How are Bullhorn alerts created?
  • How do I clear my Bullhorn alerts?
  • How do I view the content of an Bullhorn alert?
  • What is the Calendar tool?
  • How do I customize my Calendar display?
  • How do I view calendar item details?
  • How do I change the Calendar view?
  • How do I add items to the Calendar?
  • How do I edit a calendar item?
  • How do I delete a calendar item?
  • How do I print the Calendar?
  • What is the Chat Room tool?
  • How do I read, post, or delete Chat Room messages?
  • What is the Commons tool?
  • How do I create a post in Commons?
  • How do I comment/reply to a post in Commons?
  • How do I edit a post in Commons?
  • How do I delete a post in Commons?
  • How do I edit a comment/reply in Commons?
  • How do I delete a comment/reply in Commons?
  • What is the Conversations tool?
  • How do I post a question in Conversations?
  • How do I answer a question in Conversations?
  • How do I modify a post in Conversations?
  • How do I add emojis in Conversations?
  • How do I remove emojis in Conversations?
  • How do I create mathematical equations with LaTeX in Conversations?
  • How does bookmarking work in Conversations?
  • How do I customize my presence in Conversations?
  • How do I add a tag to or remove a tag from a Conversations post?
  • How do I filter posts?
  • How do I save posts to draft?
  • What are course sites?
  • What are project sites?
  • How do I navigate among different sites?
  • How do I navigate within a site?
  • How do I reset a tool?
  • How do I create a new project site?
  • What is Digication?
  • What is the Discussions tool?
  • How do I post to a forum topic?
  • How do I reply to a forum post (i.e., conversation)?
  • How do I email a forum post author?
  • How do I delete a discussion post (i.e., conversation)?
  • How do I watch or subscribe to forums?
  • What is the Email tool?
  • How do I send an Email message?
  • What is the Email Archive tool?
  • How do I send messages to the Email Archive?
  • How do students view archived messages?
  • What is the Evaluation System tool?
  • How do students complete an evaluation?
  • What is Follett Discover?
  • What is Gradebook?
  • How do students view their grades in the Gradebook?
  • What is Gradescope?
  • What is Home?
  • What is Site Navigation?
  • What is the Home Tool Menu?
  • What is the Home Message of the Day?
  • What is the Home Calendar?
  • What is the Home Information Display?
  • What are the Home Recent Announcements?
  • What are the Home Message Center Notifications?
  • What is Membership?
  • How do I view my account details?
  • What is the Preferences tool?
  • What are the Resources in Home?
  • How do I switch from Light to Dark Theme?
  • What is the Learning Cloud tool?
  • What is Labster?
  • How do students access a Labster simulation through Lessons?
  • What is the Lessons tool?
  • How do students add content to Student Pages in Lessons?
  • What is the Messages tool?
  • How do I view my messages?
  • How do I send a message?
  • How do I reply to a message?
  • How do I create a Messages folder?
  • How do I move a message?
  • How do I delete a message?
  • What is the News tool?
  • How do I view News tool content?
  • What is Overview?
  • What is the Polls tool?
  • How do students take a poll?
  • How do I view poll results?
  • What is the PostEm tool?
  • How do students view their feedback in PostEm?
  • What is the Profile tool?
  • How do I set up my profile?
  • How do I post a status message to my profile?
  • How do I add pictures to my profile picture gallery?
  • How do I search for and add connections?
  • How do I accept a connection request?
  • How do I send a message to a connection in Profile?
  • How do I change my Profile privacy settings?
  • How do I set my notification and other profile preferences?
  • What is the Resources tool?
  • How do I navigate the Resources tool?
  • How do I upload files to Resources?
  • How do I attach files from my Home Resources to submissions in my other sites?
  • What is Respondus LockDown Browser?
  • How Does Respondus LockDown Browser Work?
  • How do I determine if Respondus LockDown Browser is required for a test or quiz?
  • How do I download and install Respondus Lockdown Browser?
  • How do students take a test or quiz in Respondus LockDown Browser?
  • What is the Rich Text Editor?
  • What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons?
  • What are Rubrics?
  • How do students view rubric feedback?
  • What is the Sign-up tool?
  • How do I view meetings in Sign-up?
  • How do students or participants sign-up for meetings?
  • What is the Site Info tool?
  • What is the Statistics tool?
  • What is the Syllabus tool?
  • What is Tests & Quizzes?
  • How do students submit an assessment (i.e., test or quiz)?
  • What information is in a Tests & Quizzes email notification?
  • What is Top Hat?
  • How do I access Top Hat from my Sakai course?
  • What is Turnitin?
  • How do students view a Turnitin Similarity Report?
  • VoiceThread Guide
  • What is the Web Content tool?
  • What is the Wiki tool?
  • How do I view wiki pages?
  • How do I search wiki pages?
  • How do I edit wiki pages?
  • How do I add attachments to a wiki page?
  • How do I add images to a wiki page?
  • How do I view wiki page info?
  • How do I watch or subscribe to a wiki?

Sakai 23 - Assignments: How do I submit an assignment?

Pacific Lutheran University KB

is under revision. For assistance with the current version of Sakai, see .

Sakai at PLU will be upgraded from version 21 to version 23 on August 24, 2024. For more details, see:

How do I submit an assignment?

Watch the following video to learn how to submit an assignment, or refer to the instructions further below.

{insert YouTube video}

Go to Assignments.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Select the Assignments tool from the Tool Menu in your site.

Click on the title of the assignment.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Click the title of an assignment to begin creating your submission.

The following information will be displayed for each assignment.

  • Assignment Title , or name of the assignment
  • Status (i.e., Not Started, Assignment submission required, Returned, etc.)
  • Open Date: when the assignment becomes available to students
  • Due Date : the deadline to turn in the assignment
  • Last Modified : the name of the instructor or site manager that last made a change to the assignment
  • Modified Date : the date and time when the assignment was last changed

Or, click the direct link to the assignment on a Lessons page.

how to submit assignment on sakai

If your instructor has included a link to the assignment in the Lessons tool, you can also access it from this location within the course content.

Enter and/or attach your assignment.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files.

  • Note the Instructions section of the page.
  • Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text  area using the Rich Text Editor .
  • In the Attachments area, click Choose File to browse for and upload your document from your computer. (Alternately, you can also click or select files from 'Home' or site to select a file you have already uploaded.)
  • Optionally click Preview to ensure that your submission appears correct before you submit it.
  • Click Proceed .

Once you have attached a file, the name of the file, as well as the file size and upload time stamp will display under Attachments .

Tip : click Remove to remove the attachment if you've selected the wrong file.

Review the submission and click Submit.

how to submit assignment on sakai

  • Review your submission information in the Submission and Attachments areas.
  • Click Submit .

View the submission confirmation message.

Image of the confirmation message displayed after submitting an assignment.

Once you have submitted your assignment, you will receive a confirmation message on screen. In addition, if you have opted to receive email notifications, you will also receive an email confirmation of your submission.

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Keywords    Doc ID134418
OwnerSean H.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2024-01-18 10:47:39Updated2024-05-29 13:07:07
SitesPacific Lutheran University
Feedback 0   0    

Sending papers (or other files) to instructors in Sakai

  • 1.1 What characters should I avoid when naming files?
  • 1.2 Sakai Drop Box
  • 1.3 Student Video for Assignments
  • 1.4 Sakai Assignments: Submitting Assignments
  • 1.5 Sakai Assignments: Submitting Peer Review Assignments
  • 1.6 Sakai Assignments: Review Graded/Returned Assignments and Peer Review Assignments
  • 1.7.1 Rules for submitting papers to Turnitin
  • 1.7.2 Accessing your Turnitin report
  • 1.7.3 Viewing your Turnitin Originality report
  • 1.7.4 Turnitin error messages

How do I send assignments or documents to my instructor?

Listed below are several different ways a student can send electronic documents to an instructor.

Before using any of the methods described below, BE SURE to check with your instructor. You must submit your assignments using the method YOUR instructor specifies .

What characters should I avoid when naming files?

When saving a document that you plan to send or post in Sakai, do NOT use any special symbols in the file name (such as: # $ @ * & ? and so on).

  • If you do, others may not be able to open your file. The file name CAN contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens and underscore marks.

Sakai Drop Box

If your instructor has specified that you should use Sakai's Drop Box tool, follow these steps to upload files.

  • In your Sakai course, go to the course menu on the left and click on the Drop Box tool. If you don't see the Drop Box tool on the course menu, the tool is not available.
  • Note: Keep in mind that there is a limit of 25 MB per upload.

Student Video for Assignments

Sakai Assignments: Submitting Assignments

Some instructors use the Sakai Assignments tool to collect documents from students.

  • Follow these instructions: How to submit a file in Assignments

Note: Contact your instructor if you have questions or need to resubmit an Assignment.

Sakai Assignments: Submitting Peer Review Assignments

If your assignment has a peer review component, the Peer Assessment for the assignment will appear immediately beneath the assignment title in the list.

  • However, you must submit your own assignment before you can complete your peer review(s) for other students.
  • And your Peer Assessment links will not be available until have the due date/time of your original assignment.
  • Here are the step-by-step instructions for submitting Peer Assignments

Sakai Assignments: Review Graded/Returned Assignments and Peer Review Assignments

If your instructor used the Assignment tool, you can view your grades and instructor comments and/or file(s) in Assignments.

  • Step-by-step instructions for students to view their assignment grades and feedback

Note: Contact your instructor if you have questions about your Assignment grade or feedback.

Sakai and Turnitin

Some instructors use a service called Turnitin to check papers for plagiarism. Some instructors also use Turnitin to return graded papers with comments to students. Instructors may enable Turnitin on selected Assignments within Sakai.

  • If your instructor is using Turnitin to check for plagiarism: Documents you submit through Sakai’s Assignments feature will be compared to a database containing text from billions of web pages, publications and other students’ papers. About 15 – 30 minutes after you submit your paper, a report will be returned that highlights sentences or passages that match text found in the database. This text is marked "unoriginal" and may or may not constitute plagiarism.
  • If your instructor is using Turnitin to provide comments on your paper: After the instructor has graded your paper, you will be able to access the paper on Sakai and view your instructor’s comments.

Rules for submitting papers to Turnitin

Find out from your instructor if he/she is using Turnitin. If so, before submitting your document in Sakai, be sure it adheres to these rules:

Turnitin Submission Rules
Document Type Turnitin converts the PowerPoint file into a PDF file. Turnitin retains all text and images in their original format but removes the following: :
Document Extension or
Minimum Number of Words
Document Size

Accessing your Turnitin report

  • Click on the same link in Sakai that you used to submit your assignment.
  • If the Turnitin report is ready, beside Turnitin Report click on the colored status icon link; a new browser window will open showing your results.

Sample blue hourglass status icon

  • NOTE: It may take 30-60 minutes from the time you submit your paper for the Turnitin report to appear.
  • ALSO NOTE: Instructors can choose to make the reports unavailable to students or to delay the availability.

A submitted assignment displays a Turnitin Report row, with a square, red status icon link beside it

Viewing your Turnitin Originality report

  • The Turnitin report will show the Similarity report , which highlights any sentences or passages of text that match those in Turnitin’s database.
  • NOTE: Your instructor must grade your paper using Turnitin before you will see comments in Instructor Feedback/Grademark. Many instructors do not use this feature.
  • For details about the Turnitin Report, please review the image and explanations listed below:

Long Description is located below the image

  • In the example above, the Turnitin Report displays the Similarity report, which highlights any sentences or passages of text that match those in Turnitin’s database. Click on numbers displayed IN the Similarity report, to learn more about the source of the highlighted text that Turnitin found. In the example above, the highlighted text is associated with multiple sources.
  • The red overall similarity percentage (96) reflects the percentage of the entire submission that matches selected Turnitin sources. This paper may or may not have been plagiarized, even though the similarity percentage is 96%. Why? Some or all of the sources may have been quoted properly and/or referenced in footnotes or in a bibliography in the paper. Click on the overall similarity percentage (96) to view the Match Overview , which displays the top matches in different colors. According to Turnitin , "Matches are color coded and listed from highest to lowest percentage of matching word area to the submission. Only the top or best matches are shown".
  • Below the similarity percentage, click on the "graph icon" , the All Sources icon, to view all matches between the paper and sources in the Turnitin database. In this paper, there are many potential sources of the highlighted text.
  • Finally, click on the filter or "funnel" icon, which is the Filters and Settings icon, which allows you to exclude quotes, a bibliography and/or small word matches, which could affect the matches found. After editing the filters and settings and saving the changes, the student and instructor will be able to make a better decision about whether some or all of the text was plagiarized.
  • Turnitin Student User Guides : How to view or interpret the Similarity Report.

Turnitin error messages

  • This attachment has been submitted and is pending review.

This means the Turnitin report is processing but not yet complete. Check back in 30 to 60 minutes, and the report should be available.

  • An error occurred submitting this attachment to the originality checking service. The system will automatically try to re-submit this attachment.

This means Turnitin could not process the paper. This error could appear for several reasons. Wait about an hour; the problem may resolve itself.

  • If not, make sure your paper adheres to the rules for submitting papers to Turnitin .
  • Contact [email protected] if you are a Durham Tech student and need assistance.

Credits: "Yield" image: By Jacob Hnri 6 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( ) or GFDL ( )], via Wikimedia Commons

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Sakai Documentation

  • How do I submit an assignment?

Go to Assignments.

Select the Assignments tool from the Tool Menu in your site.

Click on the title of the assignment.

Click on the title of the assignment.

You will a list of all assignments in the site. The following information will be displayed for each assignment.

  • Assignment title , or name of the assignment.
  • Status (i.e. Not Started, Assignment submission required, Returned, etc.).
  • Open date when the assignment becomes available to students.
  • Due date, or deadline to turn in the assignment.

Select the assignment you want to submit by clicking on the title of the assignment in the list.

Note: If your assignment has a peer review component, the Peer Assessment for the assignment will appear immediately beneath the assignment title in the list.

Or, click the direct link to the assignment in Lessons.

Or, click the direct link to the assignment in Lessons.

If your instructor has included a link to the assignment in the Lessons tool, you may also access it from this location within the course content.

Or, click the direct link to the assignment from Announcements.

Or, click the direct link to the assignment from Announcements.

If your instructor has posted an announcement about the assignment open date, you may also access it from the assignment link in the Announcement tool.

Or, click the direct link to the assignment from Schedule/Calendar.

Or, click the direct link to the assignment from Schedule/Calendar.

If your instructor has included a calendar post about the assignment deadline, you may also access it from the assignment link in the Schedule/Calendar tool.

Enter and/or attach your assignment.

Enter and/or attach your assignment.

Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files.

  • Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text area using the Rich Text Editor .
  • Under Attachments , click the Choose File button to browse for an select a file to upload from your computer. (Alternately, you may also click the or select files from workspace or site button to select a file you have already uploaded.)

View attached file.

View attached file.

Once you have attached your file, the name of the file, as well as the file size and upload time stamp will be displayed under Attachments .

Tip: You may click Remove to remove the attachment if you selected the wrong file.

Submit your assignment.

Submit your assignment.

When you are ready to turn in your assignment, click the Submit button to complete your assignment submission.

Tip: If you are not yet ready to submit, you may click Preview to preview the submission, or Save Draft to save your submission and submit it later. Click Cancel to exit the assignment without saving or submitting.

Submission confirmation.

Submission confirmation.

Once you have submitted your assignment, you will receive a confirmation message on screen. In addition, if you have opted to receive email notifications, you will also receive an email confirmation of your submission.

  • Prev: What is the Assignments tool?
  • Next: How do I complete a peer assessment assignment?
  • About Sakai 10 Help
  • Accessibility Information
  • Rich Text Editor Accessibility Guidelines
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  • What are course sites?
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  • What is the Reset button?
  • What is the Announcements tool?
  • How do I view announcements?
  • What is the Assignments tool?
  • How do I complete a peer assessment assignment?
  • How do I view my assignment feedback?
  • What is the Chat Room tool?
  • How do I read, post, or delete Chat Room messages?
  • What is the Drop Box tool?
  • How do I add items to the Drop Box?
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  • How do I send an Email message?
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  • How do I post to a forum?
  • How do I reply to a forum post (i.e. conversation)?
  • How do I email a forum post author?
  • How do I watch or subscribe to forums?
  • What is the Gradebook?
  • How do I view my Gradebook grades?
  • What is the Lessons tool?
  • How do I add Student Content in Lessons?
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  • How do I send a message?
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  • What is the News tool?
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  • How do I view or download an individual podcast?
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  • How do I view my feedback in PostEm?
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  • How do I set up my profile?
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  • How do I post to my wall?
  • What is the Resources tool?
  • How do I navigate the Resources tool?
  • How do I upload files?
  • How do I create folders?
  • How do I add a web link or URL?
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  • How do I create a text document?
  • How do I drag-and-drop files from my computer to a Resources folder?
  • How do I set the display of a Resources item to a specific time period?
  • How do I upload and unpack a zip file to a Resources folder?
  • How do I move a file or folder within Resources in the same site?
  • How do I remove a file or folder in Resources?
  • How do I make a file or folder publicly viewable?
  • How do I upload or download multiple resources?
  • What is the Resources quota?
  • What is the Rich Text Editor?
  • What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons?
  • How do I embed an image in a text box?
  • How do I embed a YouTube video in a text box?
  • How do I embed a linked web image in a text box?
  • How do I create a link to a Resources item in a text box?
  • How do I create a link to a web site in a text box?
  • How do I add special characters to a text box?
  • How do I add/edit a table in a text box?
  • How do I add a content template to a text box?
  • How do I paste text from a Microsoft Word document to a text box?
  • How do I embed an mp4 video in a text box?
  • How do I embed an mp3 audio in a text box?
  • What is the Roster tool?
  • How do I view/search the roster?
  • How do I view roster photos and/or profiles?
  • What is the Schedule/Calendar tool?
  • How do I customize my Schedule/Calendar display?
  • How do I print the Schedule/Calendar?
  • What is the Search tool?
  • How do I perform a basic search?
  • How do I perform an advanced search?
  • What is the Sign-Up tool?
  • How do I view meetings in Sign-Up?
  • How do students or participants sign-up for meetings?
  • What is the Syllabus tool?
  • How do I print the syllabus?
  • What is the Tests & Quizzes tool?
  • How do I submit an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
  • How do I view the feedback on my assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
  • What is the Wiki tool?
  • How do I view wiki pages?
  • How do I create a new wiki page?
  • How do I edit wiki pages?
  • How do I add images to a wiki page?
  • How do I view wiki page info?
  • How do I view wiki page history?

Last Updated

Dec 05, 2022

Other Resources

  • Sakai 19 User Guide (English)
  • Sakai 19 Administrator Guide (English)
  • Sakai 12 Administrator Guide
  • Sakai 12 User Guide
  • Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)
  • Sakai 11 Administrator Guide
  • Sakai 11 User Guide
  • Sakai 10 Administrator Guide
  • Sakai 10 Instructor Guide
  • Sakai 10 Student Guide
  • Sakai 10 Basics for Instructors
  • Sakai 2.9 Basics for Instructors

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  • Entertainment

City Council to receive briefing on proposed downtown ballpark Wednesday

A proposed multi-purpose facility would become the new home of the san antonio missions.

Sean Talbot , Manager of Content and Coverage

Steve Spriester , Anchor/Reporter

Garrett Brnger , Reporter

SAN ANTONIO – City Council on Wednesday will discuss a proposal to build a new baseball stadium for the San Antonio Missions downtown.

The proposed plan would be a joint effort between the city, Bexar County and the team’s ownership group. According to the city, that proposed stadium would be a multi-purpose ballpark facility with approximately 4,500 fixed seats and total seating for about 7,500.

According to an agenda memo for Wednesday’s meeting, the cost of the project would be an estimated $160 million. The project would be funded by a public-private partnership that includes a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone bond, which would be repaid through team revenues and new development around the proposed facility.

The meeting is planned for 2 p.m. Wednesday KSAT will provide coverage of the meeting in the 5 p.m., 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. newscasts.

The team currently plays games in Nelson Wolff Stadium, which opened in 1994. It seats approximately 9,200 people with fixed seating and a grass section in left field.

In 2022, Major League Baseball raised requirements for minor-league baseball facilities. The team’s ownership group said that Nelson Wolff Stadium would need significant renovations to meet those requirements. The group has said it would prefer a new ballpark downtown.

In July, Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai and Mayor Ron Nirenberg sent a letter to Major League Baseball expressing the county and city’s intent on working with the Missions to build a downtown ballpark. The letter said the goal is to open the ballpark no later than 2028.

The Missions currently have a lease to play in the city-owned Nelson Wolff Stadium through 2031.

  • Downtown baseball stadium for San Antonio Missions expected to open by 2028, letter to MLB says
  • Mayor Ron Nirenberg voices support for new San Antonio Missions ballpark downtown

Copyright 2024 by KSAT - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Sean talbot.

Sean Talbot is Manager of Content and Coverage at KSAT. He formerly served as the Assistant News Director and Assignments Manager. He joined KSAT in 2001. He graduated from Texas State with a degree in Mass Communication with a minor in Political Science. When he’s not working, he’s at home with his wife Lomisa and their daughters Grace and Sydney.

Steve Spriester

Steve Spriester started at KSAT in 1995 as a general assignments reporter. Now, he anchors the station's top-rated 5, 6 and 10 p.m. newscasts.

Recommended Videos

Sakai Documentation

Sakai Community Documentation

  • How do I upload and submit a video or audio file to an assignment or assessment?

Instructors can create assignments or assessments where you upload a video or audio file as a response using the Rich-Text Editor .

This article will demonstrate how to upload and submit a video to an assignment.  The same steps work for an assessment question in Tests & Quizzes .

  • Watch a video
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions

Video Guide

Step-by-step instructions, navigate to the site where you will be submitting the assignment..

how to submit assignment on sakai

To go to the site with the assignment you need to submit, select the site's title in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or under My Sites .

Go to the tool where the assignment is located.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Select the tool where you will submit your recording, for example, Assignments , from the Tool Menu in the site.

Access the assignment where you will submit the recording.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Select the title of the assignment where you will submit the recording.

Review the assignment instructions.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Review the requirements provided by your instructor for what to record.

Enter some text in the Rich-Text Editor.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Type some text in the editor, then hit Enter or Return on your keyboard to make a space under the text for your video.

Select the Kaltura icon in the Rich-Text Editor.

how to submit assignment on sakai

The Kaltura icon looks like a sun or star burst.

Select Add New, then Media Upload.

how to submit assignment on sakai

The Kaltura window will pop up where you can select a media file to add.

  • Select the + Add New button.
  • Select Media Upload .

Drag and drop or browse for the file to upload.

how to submit assignment on sakai

  • Drag and drop a file from your computer into the Drag & Drop a file here box,
  • Or select + Choose a file to upload and select the file from your computer.

Wait for the upload.

how to submit assignment on sakai

  • Depending on the size of your file, the upload may take some time to complete. During this time, the upload progress will display on the screen.
  • When the file is successfully uploaded, an  Upload Completed!  message will replace the progress bar.

Enter a name and optional details.

how to submit assignment on sakai

  • By default, the  Name  will be the image's or video's original file name. It is recommended that you edit the  Name  to make your file easy to find.
  • You can add an optional  Description  or  Tags  for searching.
  • Select Save to save the name and details.

Select </> Save and Embed.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Near the top of the Kaltura window, select the </> Save and Embed button to save your video and insert it into the editor.

View media.

how to submit assignment on sakai

  • A fuzzy thumbnail image will display in the editor at the location of the embedded media item.
  • Select the Preview button in the Rich-Text Editor to preview your video in another internet browser tab or window.  The Preview button looks like a paper with a magnifying glass.

Save or submit the assignment.

how to submit assignment on sakai

Don't forget to Submit your assignment, or select Save Draft to continue working on it later!

  • Prev: How do I submit a Personal Capture file to an assignment or assessment?
  • Next: How do I copy embed code for public display on the web?
  • What is the Tests & Quizzes tool?
  • Essential Tips for Taking Online Tests in UVACollab
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Tests & Quizzes
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  • How do I create an assessment in Tests & Quizzes?
  • How do I create a new assessment using markup text or cut and paste?
  • How do I add a new question (with the assessment builder)?
  • What is a minimum point value?
  • How do I create a multiple choice question?
  • How do I create a true false question?
  • How do I create a short answer/essay question?
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  • How do I print an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
  • How do I give specific students an assessment with different settings (e.g., extra time)?
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  • Kaltura Features Chart
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  • How do I import final letter grades into Gradebook?
  • How do I export grades from Gradebook to SIS?
  • How do I message students from a Gradebook item?

Last Updated

Aug 18, 2020

  • Generate Article PDF
  • Generate Manual PDF

Other Resources

  • Sakai 23 Administrator Guide (English)
  • Sakai 23 User Guide (English)
  • Sakai 22 Administrator Guide (English)
  • Sakai 22 User Guide (English)
  • Sakai 21 Administrator Guide (English)
  • Sakai 21 User Guide (English)
  • UVA Articles Contrib
  • External App Integrations
  • Sakai Community Contrib Tools

Sakai 10 - Portuguese

  • Sakai 10 Instructor Guide (Portuguese)
  • Sakai 10 Administrator Guide (Portuguese)
  • Sakai 10 Student Guide (Portuguese)
  • Sakai 10 OSP Guide (Portuguese)

Sakai 10 - Simplified Chinese

  • Sakai 10 Instructor Guide (Simplified Chinese)
  • Integrated Tools

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  1. How to submit assignment and view feedback on sakai

    how to submit assignment on sakai

  2. How to submit an assignment using Sakai

    how to submit assignment on sakai


    how to submit assignment on sakai

  4. How to Submit an Assignment in Sakai

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  5. How to Submit Assignment // document on TURNITIN on Sakai

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  6. Sakai Assignments: Submit

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  1. Accessing or Submitting Assignment on Sakai Made Easy ...

    This video will show you a very few steps in accessing or submitting an assignment on sakai. Note that you upload assignment using the same steps.

  2. How do students submit an assignment?

    Due Date, or deadline to turn in the assignment Select the assignment you want to submit by clicking on the title of the assignment in the list. Or, click the direct link to the assignment in Lessons. If your instructor has included a link to the assignment in the Lessons tool, you may also access it from this location within the course content.

  3. How do students submit an assignment?

    Enter and/or attach your assignment. Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files. Note the Instructions section of the page. Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text area using the Rich Text Editor. In the Attachments area, click Choose File to browse for and ...

  4. How do I submit an assignment for a student?

    Find the student either by group or search from the list. Once the student is selected the set assignments will be revealed sakai.assignment

  5. How do students submit an assignment?

    Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files. Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text area using the Rich Text Editor. Under Attachments, click the Choose File button to browse for an select a file to upload from your computer.

  6. Submitting Assignments

    Submitting Assignments How do students submit an assignment? How do students complete a peer assessment assignment? How do students view their assignment feedback?

  7. How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a student?

    Submit the student assignment. Enter an inline submission (if applicable). Select a file to attach (if applicable). Click Proceed to submit the student assignment. A submission confirmation will display. When you view the list, you will see the date and time of the submission next to the assignment.

  8. PDF How to Set Up Assignments in Sakai

    How to Set Up Assignments in Sakai In order for students to submit files in Sakai, the instructor must first add the Assignments tool to the site AND create an assignment. Follow the steps below to do both of these things!

  9. How do I add an assignment?

    Non-electronic: This format choice is for assignments that you expect students to submit in person, but you want the option to view assignment details and/or grade the assignment in Sakai.

  10. Getting the Most from Sakai

    What is the expectation for submitting online assignments? If you will be submitting online assignments to Sakai, familiarize yourself with these features: Assignments: Some instructors may have you submit work through the "assignments tab."

  11. How do students submit an assignment?

    Enter and/or attach your assignment. Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files. Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text area using the Rich Text Editor. Under Attachments, click the Choose File button to browse for an select a file to upload from your ...

  12. How do students submit an assignment?

    Enter and/or attach a submission. Depending on the assignment settings, students may be allowed to enter a submission in-line and/or attach files.

  13. Sakai 23

    Enter and/or attach your assignment. Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files. Note the Instructions section of the page. Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text area using the Rich Text Editor. In the Attachments area, click Choose File to browse for and ...

  14. How to submit an assignment using Sakai

    This video intends to help us submit our assignments on sakai. Please don't forget to subscribe to our channel, like, share and comment on this video

  15. How do students submit an assignment?

    Due date, or deadline to turn in the assignment. Select the assignment you want to submit by clicking on the title of the assignment in the list. Or, click the direct link to the assignment in Lessons. If your instructor has included a link to the assignment in the Lessons tool, you may also access it from this location within the course content.

  16. Sending papers (or other files) to instructors in Sakai

    Sakai Assignments: Submitting Peer Review Assignments If your assignment has a peer review component, the Peer Assessment for the assignment will appear immediately beneath the assignment title in the list.

  17. How do I submit an assignment?

    Assignment title, or name of the assignment. Status (i.e. Not Started, Assignment submission required, Returned, etc.). Open date when the assignment becomes available to students. Due date, or deadline to turn in the assignment. Select the assignment you want to submit by clicking on the title of the assignment in the list.

  18. How do students submit an assignment?

    Enter and/or attach your assignment. Depending on the assignment settings, you may be allowed to enter your submission in-line and/or attach a file or files. Enter your submission text into the Assignment Text area using the Rich Text Editor. Under Attachments, click the Choose File button to browse for an select a file to upload from your ...

  19. City Council to receive briefing on proposed downtown ballpark Wednesday

    In July, Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai and Mayor Ron Nirenberg sent a letter to Major League Baseball expressing the county and city's intent on working with the Missions to build a downtown ...

  20. How do I submit an assignment?

    Select the assignment you want to submit by clicking on the title of the assignment in the list. Note: If your assignment has a peer review component, the Peer Assessment for the assignment will appear immediately beneath the assignment title in the list.

  21. How do I add an assignment?

    Non-electronic: This format choice is for assignments that you expect students to submit in person, but you want the option to view assignment details and/or grade the assignment in Sakai. Single Uploaded File only: If you want students to submit a file, but you only want a single file, this is the option to choose.

  22. How do I add an assignment?

    By default, each member of the group still submits an individual assignment, but this display setting allows you to identify different assignments for different groups or sections. Tip: If you want students to submit one assignment per group, use the Group Submission - One submission per group option below.

  23. Japan's Yui Susaki: The first 'grand slam' wrestler in history aiming

    She is also the first wrestler in history to achieve a "grand slam" in the sport - becoming world champion at U15s, U17s, U20s, U23s, senior and Olympic level.

  24. How do I upload and submit a video or audio file to an assignment or

    Instructors can create assignments or assessments where you upload a video or audio file as a response using the Rich-Text Editor. This article will demonstrate how to upload and submit a video to an assignment.

  25. How do students submit an assignment?

    Due Date, or deadline to turn in the assignment Select the assignment you want to submit by clicking on the title of the assignment in the list. Or, click the direct link to the assignment in Lessons. If your instructor has included a link to the assignment in the Lessons tool, you may also access it from this location within the course content.