Jane Friedman

3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing

writing classroom

Today’s guest post is an excerpt from DIY MFA by Gabriela Pereira ( @DIYMFA ), just released from Writer’s Digest Books.

Most writers want an MFA for one of three reasons: They want to teach writing, they want to get published, or they want to make room in their life for writing. It turns out these reasons for doing an MFA are actually based on myths.

Myth 1: You Need an MFA to Teach Writing

Many writers get the MFA because they think it will allow them to teach writing at the college or graduate level. Once upon a time this might have been the case, but these days so many MFA graduates are looking for jobs and so few teaching positions exist, that it’s a challenge to get a teaching job with a PhD, much less with a terminal master’s degree. The writers who do manage to snag a coveted teaching position are often so overwhelmed with their responsibilities that they have to put their own writing on the back burner. While in the past an MFA may have served as a steppingstone to becoming a professor, it’s not the case anymore.

More important, many teachers in MFA programs do not have that degree themselves. Some professors are successful authors with prominent careers, while others are publishing professionals who bring the industry perspective to the courses they teach. This goes to show that the MFA has little impact on a writer’s ability to teach writing. Being a successful author or publishing professional is much more important.

Myth 2: The MFA Is a Shortcut to Getting Published

No agent will sign you and no editor will publish your book based on a credential alone. You have to write something beautiful. If you attend an MFA program and work hard, you will become a better writer. And if you become a better writer, you will eventually write a beautiful book. An MFA might help you on your quest for publication, but it’s certainly not required. After all, many writers perfect their craft and produce great books without ever getting a degree.

Ultimately getting published is a matter of putting your backside in the chair and writing the best book possible. For that, you don’t need an MFA.

Myth 3: An MFA Program Will Force You to Make Writing a Priority

If you can find time to write only by putting your life on hold and plunging into a graduate program, then your writing career isn’t going to last very long. Only a small percentage of writers can support themselves and their loved ones through writing alone. This means you must find a balance between your writing and the rest of your life.

Even within your writing career, you must become a master juggler. Forget that glamorous image of the secluded writer working at his typewriter. These days, writing is only a small piece of the writer’s job. In addition to writing, you must promote your books, manage your online presence, update your social media … and likely schedule these tasks around a day job, a family, and other responsibilities.

The danger with MFA programs is that they train you to write in isolation but don’t always teach you how to fit writing into your real life, or even how to juggle writing with all the other aspects of your writing career. Not only that, but external motivators like class assignments or thesis deadlines don’t teach you to pace yourself and build up the internal motivation you need to succeed in the long-term.

Genre Writing in MFA Programs

Most MFA programs focus on literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. While these are noble areas of literature, they cover only a tiny slice of the wide and diverse world of writing. Heaven forbid a writer in a traditional MFA program produces something commercial—or worse, genre fiction. While a handful of MFA programs allow writers to study genre fiction or children’s literature, the majority still focus on literary work alone. If you want to write genre fiction, commercial nonfiction, or children’s books, you likely will not learn much about them in your MFA courses.

Writers of genre and commercial fiction are among the most dedicated, driven writers I know. They take their craft seriously and work hard to understand the business side of the publishing industry. In addition, a vast number of associations, conferences, and guilds are dedicated to specific genres or commercial writing. Literary writers are not the only ones who crave knowledge and community. Commercial and genre writers want it, too.

This is why I created DIY MFA : to offer an alternative for writers who do not fit the strict literary mold of the traditional MFA system.

Should You Pursue an MFA?

MFA programs are not a bad thing. In fact, they are exceptional at serving a small and very specific group of writers. If you write literary fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry, and if you thrive in a formal academic environment, then the traditional MFA is a great option. If you can afford the tuition without taking out loans, and if you have the time to make the most of the experience, then you are one of those ideal candidates for graduate school.

One reason I am extremely grateful for my own MFA is that it gave me the opportunity to work with several phenomenal teachers. I studied YA and middle-grade literature with the brilliant David Levithan. The legendary Hettie Jones was my first workshop teacher. I worked closely with Abrams publisher Susan Van Metre, who served as my thesis advisor and mentor. These experiences were invaluable, and at the time I didn’t think I could make connections with such literary luminaries any other way. Now I know, however, that you can make connections and find great mentors without attending an MFA program.

The “Do It Yourself” MFA

As an MFA student, I discovered the magic equation that sums up just about every traditional MFA. The Master in Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing is nothing more than a lot of writing, reading, and building community. In the workshops, you exchange critiques with other writers and work toward a manuscript that becomes your thesis project. Most programs also require you to take literature courses both in and outside your chosen area of literature. Finally, you are asked to attend readings or talks by other writers—to build your personal writing community. To create a personalized, do-it-yourself MFA, you have to find a way to combine these three elements.

Write with focus. You have to commit to a project and finish it. In traditional MFA terms, this project is your thesis, and it’s a crucial part of your development as a writer. But you don’t need to complete a thesis to get this experience; you just need to finish and polish a manuscript. While you can feel free to play and explore early on, you must eventually choose a project and see it through from beginning to end. When you write with focus, you write with a goal in mind.

Read with purpose.  This means reading with a writer’s eye. If you’re like me, you were a bookworm long before you could hold a pencil in your hand. Writers love books. In fact, many of us become writers so we can create the very books we love to read.

Reading for pleasure is wonderful, and it certainly has its place. Reading with purpose is different: It is reading in a way that serves our writing. It’s not just about finding out what happens in the story; it’s about learning how the author pulls it off. Reading this way isn’t just an intellectual exercise. When we read with purpose, we examine how an author crafts a story so we can emulate those techniques in our own work.

Build your community.  In the traditional MFA, building a community happens organically. You meet fellow writers in your workshops and literature courses. You go to readings and conferences to connect with authors. You attend a publishing panel and learn about the industry. The community element is baked into the MFA experience.


To learn more about crafting your own customized MFA experience, sign up for the DIY MFA newsletter , and check out the new book, DIY MFA .

Gabriela Pereira

Gabriela Pereira is the Creative Director at DIY MFA , the do-it-yourself alternative to a master’s degree in writing. She develops tools and techniques for the serious writer, to help you get the knowledge without the college. With an MFA in creative writing, Gabriela is also a freelance writing teacher, and has led workshops throughout New York City via writing programs like: 826NYC, East Harlem Tutorial Program and Everybody Wins. When she’s not working on DIY MFA, she loves writing middle grade and teen fiction, with a few short stories for “grown-ups” thrown in for good measure.


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[…] Today’s guest post is an excerpt from DIY MFA by Gabriela Pereira (@DIYMFA), just released from Writer’s Digest Books. Most writers want an MFA for one of three reasons: They want to teach writing, they want to get published, or they want to make room in their life for writing. It turns out these reasons …  […]


I find screenwriting programs to be more honest with respect to story telling.


So true, I did a screen writing module in my degree. It was easy, fun and clear to write a script. So weird!


THANK YOU! I needed this. I occasionally doubt myself and my future success possibilities because of my lack of an MFA. I’ve been gradually letting that notion go, and this helps!

Also, I’m not interested in social media with exception of using Twitter as a news aggregator. From my perspective it’s an unwanted hassle. I write fiction and have neither the time nor inclination for blog posts or podcasts, but I do understand the nature of the disadvantage this might impose. And I think reality reliably informs us a social media presence is not necessarily mandatory to find success.

[…] view post at https://janefriedman.com/mfa-creative-writing-3-myths/ […]

[…] 3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing (Jane Friedman) Most writers want an MFA for one of three reasons: They want to teach writing, they want to get published, or they want to make room in their life for writing. It turns out these reasons for doing an MFA are actually based on myths. […]

[…] to the rest at Jane Friedman and thanks to Matthew for the […]

[…] the program could help build contacts, at the very least. Here is an article by Jane Friedman with 3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing to help answer some of the […]

[…] Jane Friedman […]

[…] Honoree Corder’s Website Removed by S.J. Pajonas How Do You Like Them Apples! MFA: Myths for Authors Write, Camera, Action! DRM Drama Audio on the Go Singles’ Night (1) Singles’ Night (2) Swan […]


The Enlightened Storyteller

Is an mfa really worth it the pros and cons of creative writing degree programs.

Should you get an MFA in creative writing? Explore the pros and cons of creative writing degree programs, and decide if it’s the right move for your career.

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To get a degree or not to get a degree. This is a common dilemma many writers (and creatives in general) face when deciding how to obtain needed skills to advance their artistic careers. But is an MFA in creative writing worth it?

Many of us were told that earning a college degree was the key to unlocking a bright future. However, those in creative fields often regard higher education with skepticism. What can a degree really offer? Isn’t the way to get better at a creative skill to . . . just keep doing it?

I’m not here to tell you what to do, but I do think deciding whether you should get an MFA in creative writing is more nuanced than a simple yes or no. Let’s delve into what an MFA in creative writing is, the pros and cons of these degree programs, and other methods of improving your skills if you decide higher education isn’t for you. 

What Is an MFA in Creative Writing?

First off, MFA stands for Master of Fine Arts, and it should not be confused for an MA or Master of Arts. In an MFA in creative writing program, you take at least one writing workshop per semester. This gives you a chance to have your creative work read and critiqued by your peers and professor. 

The goal of an MFA is to complete a creative manuscript-length piece of work, such as a collection of short stories or poems, by the end of the program. Meanwhile, MA programs focus more on reading and critically or theoretically analyzing published texts. 

Alongside workshops, you also take courses on literature and other specialized topics, including rhetoric or publishing. Some MFA programs, like mine, ask their writers to take courses in different genres than what they applied for. For example, I studied fiction but also took courses on poetry and creative nonfiction. 

Most MFA programs last for about 2 to 3 years. You spend the first year or two meeting program requirements, taking about three to four classes per semester. Your final year focuses mostly on completing your thesis (creative manuscript). 

Should You Get an MFA in Creative Writing?

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You should get an MFA in creative writing if a program’s offerings align with your career goals and you don’t have to incur exorbitant debt to complete one. For example, I have an MFA in creative writing, and I’m from a working-class family. 

The only reason I could pursue this degree was because my program awarded me a generous tuition waiver package that included a student stipend, although I acknowledge everyone’s financial situation differs. We’ll dive further into the financial aspects of MFA programs in the below pros and cons sections. 

Now, let’s answer the question you’re actually here for: Is an MFA worth it? Let’s find out. 

Pros of Getting an MFA in Creative Writing

Attending an MFA program offers several advantages. See if these pros align with your personal and professional goals. 

Emphasis on Improving Craft

Although everyone’s experience differs, attending an MFA will make you a better writer. You take classes focused solely on improving your craft taught by professors with published novels, short stories, poems, or essays. These creative insights from professional writers helped me improve my own writing. It’s hard to get this level of exposure anywhere else unless you have personal connections to the literary world. 

Professional Experience

Depending on the program, you don’t only attend classes in an MFA. You also get access to professional work experience. Some programs offer student stipends, which are essentially paychecks awarded for working at the university. Common job opportunities include:

  • Tutoring for the university writing center
  • Teaching lower-level writing or literature courses
  • Reading and editing for the university’s literary magazine
  • Conducting administrative tasks for the department

Time and Money to Focus Solely on Writing

As mentioned, some MFA programs offer generous admissions packages. These typically include a tuition waiver and student stipend. They’re also usually renewed each year you’re in the program and may increase depending on your responsibilities. For example, I earned a higher stipend my second year because I was promoted from a research assistant to a teaching assistant. 

Admissions packages and stipends range widely depending on a program’s funding and location. However, this financial aid helps you focus solely on improving your writing for the duration of the program. In other words, you’re partly getting paid to write. And that’s the dream, isn’t it?

Community and Networking Opportunities

Being surrounded by a community of writers is one of the biggest benefits of an MFA. Most MFAs have small cohorts. Mine had 6 fiction writers and 5 poets. This intimate size helps you form close bonds with your peers and one-on-one relationships with your professors, enabling more personalized feedback for your writing. 

Many programs also hold readings, plan special events with visiting published writers, or pay for their students to attend conferences such as AWP. These networking opportunities can help you immensely in the future. 

Cons of Creative Writing Degree Programs

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There are two sides to every story, as they say. Consider these disadvantages of MFA programs if you’re still straddling the fence. 

Not every MFA program offers an admissions package. And without aid, these programs can be very expensive. Public universities charge an average of $30,000 annually for graduate degrees , while private universities charge about $40,000. And this doesn’t factor in costs for out-of-state students or other expenses, such as books and transportation. 

Lengthy (and Expensive) Application Process

This isn’t exclusive to MFA programs but still a factor worth mentioning. Applying for creative writing degree programs is no small feat. Applications may involve several components, including:

  • Two to three letters of recommendation
  • A statement of purpose
  • A creative writing sample
  • A literary criticism essay
  • Transcripts from all prior universities

Some programs also interview potential candidates and charge an application fee to submit materials. Fees range from $50 to over $100. This means if you apply to multiple programs, as most people do, you can potentially spend hundreds of dollars, and that doesn’t include fees to access copies of your transcripts. 

Although, some programs may waive application fees for students facing financial hardship. 

Minimal Career Opportunities

MFA degrees are terminal, meaning they qualify you to teach college-level courses. However, full-time positions teaching creative writing courses can be hard to come by, and many universities prioritize those with PhDs to teach other English courses unless it’s for an adjunct or lecturer position. But those pay considerably less. 

And if you don’t want to teach, you can look for editing jobs at literary journals, but those are also hard to find and then there’s that other dilemma . . .

What if you don’t want to enter either of these career paths?

To put it bluntly, an MFA in creative writing doesn’t guarantee you a job or literary success after graduation. This doesn’t mean you won’t learn useful skills. You’ll just have to get creative with your resume. But after surviving an MFA, that shouldn’t be a problem. 😉

Focused on Short Story Writing

This only really applies to fiction candidates, but as someone who prefers novels, I think it’s worth mentioning. MFA workshops cater to short story writing, primarily in the literary fiction genre. If this doesn’t interest you or align with your writing goals, an MFA may not be for you. 

However, certain programs offer specialty concentrations on novel or genre writing, like Emerson College . 

How to Improve Your Writing Skills Without an MFA 

There are ways to improve your creative writing skills if you decide an MFA isn’t for you. Consider these strategies:

  • Create a daily writing routine
  • Read a lot (books that interest you and those that fall outside your preferred genres)
  • Join a community or online writing workshop
  • Invest in craft books or research online craft essays
  • Attend a writing retreat , residency, or conference
  • Join a Facebook group to connect with other writers

At the end of the day, whether you should get an MFA in creative writing depends on your personal situation and professional goals. There’s no right or wrong answer. Trust your gut, and whatever you do, never. Stop. Writing. 

Because the only way to truly get better at writing is to keep doing it.

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is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

27 Writers on Whether or Not to Get Your MFA

Now that September is here and school is back in session, a writer’s thoughts turn to the eternal question: Is an MFA worth it? Ever since the publication of the Chad Harbach-edited anthology MFA vs. NYC: The Two Cultures of American Fiction earlier in the year, the perennial neurosis about whether or not an advanced degree in writing is worth it has become a progressively louder conversation. It’s one that we should be having, considering the explosion of the MFA in the past 40 years: from a mere 79 programs in 1979 to 854 today, according to Harbach. The MFA may even be having its moment — after all, the last shot of Girls Season 3 had Lena Dunham’s Hannah Horvath joyfully looking at her acceptance to Iowa. We checked in with some of our favorite writers from then and now to see what they think of the rise of the MFA.

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Photo by Agf/REX/Shutterstock

Gary Shteyngart : Author of this year’s memoir Little Failure and several novels, including Super Sad True Love Story .

Does he have an MFA? Yes, from Hunter.

Does he teach in programs? Yes! Which is why he is a promiscuous blurb writer and has a tendency to pop up in some James Franco joints.

Does he think you should get an MFA? In The Paris Review , he responds to the question “What is your advice for young writers?” with this:

You have to get an MFA. Without an MFA nobody will look at you right, so you have to get an MFA. You have to go to the right parties ( The Paris Review is great). “Don’t be pretentious” is my first advice to young writers. This is the big problem — just because you’re getting an MFA doesn’t mean you have to write for the Academy. Be true to your personality. Don’t temper your personality down with words. Don’t build defensive fortresses around yourself with words — words are your friends.

Jonathan Franzen : Funniest punching bag in American letters, lord of Franzenfreude, the author of essential novels like Freedom and The Corrections .

Does he have an MFA? No.

Does he teach in programs? No.

Does he think you should get an MFA? He thinks you should get a great first wife! From The Paris Review :

I got married instead to a tough reader with great taste. We had our own little round-the-clock MFA program. This phase of our marriage went on for about six years, which is three times longer than the usual program. Plus, we didn’t have to deal with all the stupid responses to writing that workshops generate.

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Photo by David Sandison/The Independent/REX/Shutterstock

Helen Oyeyemi: Author of Boy, Snow, Bird and others, Flavorwire office crush , wildly successful before 25 .

Does she have an MFA ? Dropout!

Does she teach in programs ? No.

Does she think you should get an MFA ? Not if your mind is crooked. From Buzzfeed :

I only lasted a semester on my MFA program, but you know, that program offered the best of everything: I was taught by the likes of Victor LaValle and took an excellent history faculty course on medieval marriage customs. To those in MFA programs I’d say stick with it if you can but don’t feel bad if your mind is crooked like mine is and you find you’ve got to leave.

Elif Batuman: Author, academic, journalist, the best byline in The New Yorker , writer of The Possessed: Adventures With Russian Books and the People Who Read Them , very funny lady .

Does she have an MFA? She is a doctor, folks.

Does she teach in programs? She could be your professor, but probably not your workshop professor.

Does she think you should get an MFA? No. Read all of her wonderful (and notorious) filleting in the London Review of Books regarding an M.F.A. book from 2009, The Programme Era by Mark McGurl. Here’s a sample: “Why can’t the programme be better than it is? Why can’t it teach writers about history and the world, and not just about adverbs and themselves? Why can’t it at least try?”

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Photo by Bebeto Matthews/AP/REX/Shutterstock

Junot Diaz: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, certified MacArthur Genius, author of short story collections Drown and This Is Where You Leave Her and the novel The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao .

Does he have an MFA? Yes, from Cornell.

Does he teach in programs? He’s a professor of creative writing at MIT, which has to be a bit different.

Does he think you should get an MFA? Naaaaaah. In “ POC vs. MFA ,” a horror story about the MFA experience that just gets worse, he writes: “I didn’t have a great workshop experience. Not at all. In fact by the start of my second year I was like: get me the fuck out of here . So what was the problem? Oh, just the standard problem of MFA programs. That shit was too white .”

Ted Thompson: Author of The Land of Steady Habits , a well received debut novel from this summer that is due to be adapted by Nicole Holofcener (!) for the screen, and a charming and honest presence regarding the writing life on the internet (his “ Ask a Debut Novelist” column is great reading).

Does he have an MFA? Yes, from Iowa.

Does he teach in programs? Teaches, but not in an MFA program.

Does he think you should get an MFA? No .

But I guess what I’m saying, mostly to myself, but also to you and to anyone else who might be struggling with this, is that you don’t need a book deal for your commitment to your writing to be valid, you do not need a grant or a residency or an MFA. All of those things are nice, and by all means you should go after them, but I guess what I’m saying is that you do not need permission. You give yourself permission, one day at a time, you find the hours and protect them, you treat them as important and they become important, you treat your work as valid and it becomes valid.

Maureen Johnson: Prolific Young Adult writer of books delightful ( Suite Scarlett, The Bermudez Triange ), series frightful (the “Shades of London” books which are Jack the Ripper-themed), and noted internet personality.

Does she have an MFA? Yes, Columbia.

Does she teach in programs? No.

Does she think you should get an MFA? Officially, no: “ Frankly, I don’t push MFAs on people at all .” She’s pro life experience. But she has good techniques on how to get the most out of your MFA.

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Photo by Mediapunch/REX/Shutterstock

Elizabeth Gilbert: Journalist and author of books both true and fictional, including Eat, Pray, Love , The Signature of All Things , and The Last American Man , among others.

Does she have an MFA? No.

Does she teach in programs? No. She’s currently on Oprah’s “The Life You Want Tour.”

Does she think you should get an MFA? Try an advanced degree in the school of life, working on ranches and learning how to rope a steer and all that kind of stuff. From her site :

“After I graduated from NYU, I decided not to pursue an MFA in creative writing. Instead, I created my own post-graduate writing program, which entailed several years spent traveling around the country and world, taking jobs at bars and restaurants and ranches, listening to how people spoke, collecting experiences and writing constantly.”

Alexander Chee: Author of Edinburgh , and next year’s hotly anticipated historical novel about an opera singer in Paris, The Queen of the Night .

Does he have an MFA? Yes, Iowa.

Does he teach in programs? Yes.

Does he think you should get an MFA? Yes. In his MFA Vs. NYC essay, excerpted on BuzzFeed Books , he makes an argument for putting writing first, for what a writer can get from a workshop (after, of course, lots of youthful MFA-whatever cynicism):

It’s true of families, and equally true of workshops: You meet people there you’d never meet otherwise, much less show your work to, and you listen to them talk about your story or your novel. These are not your ideal readers — they are the readers you happen to have. Listening to their critiques forces you past the limits of your imagination and also your sympathies, and in doing so takes you past the limits of what you can reach for in your work on your own.

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Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock

George Saunders: Best short story writer alive, mensch, author of books from Civilwarland in Bad Decline to Tenth of December .

Does he have an MFA? Yes, Syracuse.

Does he teach in programs? Yes, Syracuse.

Does he think you should get an MFA? Yes! In a recent interview :

Writing somehow tends to move us from a position of one-dimensional certainty about a topic to a more ambiguous or even confused state — and that is mind-enlarging. On a more pragmatic level, I think the MFA degree has made it easier for our grads to get teaching jobs.

Flannery O’Connor: The best practitioner of southern Gothic, short story writer and novelist.

Did she have an MFA? Yes, from Iowa.

Did she teach in programs? No.

Did she think you should get an MFA? No! She went hard against writing that came out of the Academy: “We want competence, but competence by itself is deadly. What is needed is the vision to go with it, and you do not get this from a writing class.”

Jia Tolentino : Former editor for The Hairpin, MFA graduate from Michigan, great freelancer.

Does she have an MFA? Finished this spring!

Does she think you should get an MFA? Only for free : “Here, briefly, is where I stand on writing programs. The ones that make you pay are dead to me and I do not understand how they continue to exist and multiply. The ones that pay you are rare and beautiful, like unicorns.” For more of her M.F.A.-related thoughts, try this piece .

Stanley Elkin: Your favorite writer’s favorite writer, the author of such wicked, crucial work like Boswell and The Magic Kingdom .

Did he get an MFA? Ph.D in literature.

Did he teach in programs? He was an English professor.

Did he think you should get an MFA? No. But you should take some time to write and find your style, not William Faukner’s style: “The remarkable thing, remarkable for me anyway, was that I discovered that I could write only after I passed my prelims. I had been writing and chopping away at stuff, at this story or that. I took all the writing courses, but I had no style — or, rather, I did have a style but it wasn’t mine.”

Lan Samantha Chang: Author of Hunger and All Is Forgotten, Nothing Is Lost , and the director of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

Does she have an MFA? Yes, Iowa.

Does she teach in programs ? Yes, she is a professor and the director of the most prestigious MFA program in the country.

Does she think you should get an MFA? Yes. The odds are staggering, but she’s all for the value of the Iowa education:

“So, those of us who work at the program, we see the Workshop as a kind of quirky home for gifted misfits. We feel like we’re nurturing young writers, and we’re thrilled by signs of promise. We have our own — and I don’t mean to speak for everyone — somewhat eclectic or eccentric lives. Small town lives. We don’t think of ourselves as representing anything at all.”

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Photo by Sutton Hibbert/REX/Shutterstock

Curtis Sittenfeld: Author of Prep , American Wife , and Sisterland .

Does she have an MFA? Yes, from Iowa.

Does she teach in programs? Sometimes!

Does she think you should get an MFA? Sure? Maybe? In an interview with the Iowa Writers’ Workshop director Lan Samantha Chang, Sittenfeld weighed in, noncommittally: “When I was teaching at the Writers’ Workshop last fall, I talked to my students about that particular essay. I thought it made some interesting points. I’m not sure I agree with its overall argument, but it is something that is popular for people to say, that there are too many MFA programs.”

Blake Butler: Editor of HTML Giant, writer of many things, including the novel There Is No Year and the memoir Nothing: A Portrait of Insomnia .

Does he have an MFA? Yes, from NYU.

Does he teach in programs ? Does HTML Giant count?

Does he think you should get an MFA? Only if it’s free :

“A lot of people rarely seemed to do their work. Many people complained about writing like it was a job they were actually getting paid to do, or as if coming to college were just a really expensive party with a shitty required costume. In general, I would not recommend anyone get an MFA unless you get funding. That way you can feel less bad about fucking off.”

Edan Lepucki : Author of California — a debut novel that got the “Colbert bump” due to the Amazon vs. Hachette wars — and frequent writer for literary website The Millions.

Does she teach in programs? She runs Writing Workshops Los Angeles, check out the offerings here .

Does she think you should get an MFA ? If it’s free. As she wrote in an “ Ask the Writing Teacher ” column for The Millions:

“I also didn’t pay to go, and that is important. My main advice to you, should you decide to get an MFA: Don’t spend money (or, not a lot) to get it. Get funded. Anyone who makes the argument that MFA students are rich, or going deeply into debt to talk about short stories, don’t know anything about how these programs work.”

Sheila Heti: Author of novels including Ticknor and How Should a Person Be? , recently the co-editor of Women in Clothes .

Does she think you should get an MFA? Nah . “For me, grad school has never had much meaning or allure. As well, I have known a lot of people in grad school and no one seems very happy about it.”

Lorin Stein : Editor of The Paris Review , former editor for Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.

Does he have an MFA? Yes, from Johns Hopkins.

Does he think you should get an MFA? He’s undecided, really. Depends on the person :

You can learn things in a writing program, of course. It can give you the sanction to spend your days reading and writing, if you need that kind of sanction. More important, it can offer a stipend. This is probably the best thing a program can do, beside helping you to realize if you have no talent. (This service tends not to be advertised.) But I find it hard to believe that spending so much time with other young writers — people so much like you — is good for the spirit, or makes you a more interesting person.

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Photo by Omar Vega/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock

Cheryl Strayed: Author of Torch and Wild , beloved advice columnist behind Dear Sugar .

Does she have an MFA? Yes, Syracuse.

Does she teach in programs? She teaches, but she’s in demand regarding Wild .

Does she think you should get an MFA? She’s unsure. But it was good for her as a writer:

I can speak from my own experience, and that is getting my MFA was really important to me because it allowed me time to really focus on my writing and to take my writing to a deeper level that would have been a lot harder to do completely on my own. An MFA program gives you a reason and it gives you permission to go new places in your writing and spend some time focusing on it. It sort of legitimizes your writing.

Chad Harbach : Author of The Art of Fielding , editor of MFA vs. NYC , N + 1 guy.

Does he have an MFA? Yes, University of Virginia.

Does he think you should get an MFA? In his dystopian vision of the future of writing, the M.F.A., while imperfect, seems like an okay option :

“The rapid expansion of MFA programs in recent decades has opened up large institutional spaces above and below: above, for writer-professors who teach MFA students; below, for undergraduate students who are taught by MFAs (and by former MFAs hired as adjuncts). All told, program fiction amounts to a new discipline, with a new curriculum.”

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

Photo by Amanda Schwab/Starpix/REX/Shutterstock

Susan Orlean: New Yorker staffer, journalist, writer of The Orchid Thief and other excellent books.

Does she teach in programs? Yes. Also Skillshare .

Does she think you should get an MFA? It’s a gift, but don’t cloister yourself and go experience the world:

Colleges are a wonderful terrarium, and I can see where you might just think, “Hey, I really like this, and this is where I’m going to stay.” That’s fine, but if your idea is that you’re going to be out in the world writing for The New Yorker — as is often the ambition that they describe — you’re getting further and further away from being part of a world that would be interesting to write about.

Anelise Chen: Writer, MFA grad.

Does she have an MFA? Yes.

Does she teach in programs? Maybe?

Does she think you should get an MFA? She called it a Ponzi scheme in The Rumpus . It gets better:

“For a person who really wants to become a writer, none of this matters. She will go to school if she feels it will help her become a better writer; she will not go if she feels it will harm her. She will teach in a Program if she needs the money, she will not teach if she is can find another way to make a living. Even if she decides the Program is nonsense, she can go her own way.”

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

Photo by Marty Reichenthal/AP/REX/Shutterstock

Kurt Vonnegut, Jr: Legendary author. Start with Slaughterhouse Five .

Did he have an MFA? No.

Did he teach in programs? Yes.

Did he think you should get an MFA? He’s quoted as saying , well: “You can’t teach people to write well. Writing well is something God lets you do or declines to let you do. Most bright people know that, but writers’ conferences continue to multiply in the good old American summertime.”

Michael Nye: Author of Strategies Against Extinction , the managing editor of The Missouri Review .

Does he have an MFA? Yes.

Does he teach in programs? Unclear.

Does he think you should get an MFA? He’s questioning whether it’s a fair investment in a career : “What if we honestly ask ourselves: what does this degree actually prepare our graduates to do ?”

Arielle Greenberg : Poet, former professor at Columbia College Chicago, currently living in rural Maine.

Does she teach in programs? She has, yes.

Does she think you should get an MFA? Yes. She makes the argument that an MFA is a bellwether against our country’s anti-intellectualism :

I’d be thrilled if we lived in a nation — like some others in the world — where people gathered in local cafes and plazas to recite great verse and breathe it in, but the truth is, in America, this happens primarily in the classrooms and reading series and conferences and living rooms of MFA students, alumni, and faculty—and for this we should be thankful.

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock

Margaret Atwood : Canadian for “writing that will blow your mind.” You’ve read The Handmaiden’s Tale , now go read her other works.

Does she have an MFA? A Master’s Degree from Radcliffe.

Does she teach in programs? Yes.

Does she think you should get an MFA? She thinks you need a room of your own , writers:

You do it by yourself, or on your own time; no teachers or employers are no involved, you don’t have to apprentice in a studio or work with musicians. Your only business arrangements are with your publisher, and these can be conducted through the mails; your real “employers” can be deceived, if you choose, by the adoption of the assumed (male) name; witness the Brontes and George Eliot. But the private and individual nature of writing may also account for the low incidence of direct involvement by woman writers in the Movement now.

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15 Best Creative Writing MFA Programs in 2024

May 15, 2024

Whether you studied at a top creative writing university or are a high school dropout who will one day become a bestselling author , you may be considering an MFA in Creative Writing. But is a writing MFA genuinely worth the time and potential costs? How do you know which program will best nurture your writing? If you’re considering an MFA, this article walks you through the best full-time, low residency, and online Creative Writing MFA programs in the United States.

What are the best Creative Writing MFA programs?

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this article, let’s start with the basics. What is an MFA, anyway?

A Master of Fine Arts (MFA) is a graduate degree that usually takes from two to three years to complete. Applications typically require a sample portfolio, usually 10-20 pages (and sometimes up to 30-40) of your best writing. Moreover, you can receive an MFA in a particular genre, such as Fiction or Poetry, or more broadly in Creative Writing. However, if you take the latter approach, you often have the opportunity to specialize in a single genre.

Wondering what actually goes on in a creative writing MFA beyond inspiring award-winning books and internet memes ? You enroll in workshops where you get feedback on your creative writing from your peers and a faculty member. You enroll in seminars where you get a foundation of theory and techniques. Then, you finish the degree with a thesis project. Thesis projects are typically a body of polished, publishable-quality creative work in your genre—fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

Why should I get an MFA in Creative Writing?

You don’t need an MFA to be a writer. Just look at Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison or bestselling novelist Emily St. John Mandel.

Nonetheless, there are plenty of reasons you might still want to get a creative writing MFA. The first is, unfortunately, prestige. An MFA from a top program can help you stand out in a notoriously competitive industry to be published.

The second reason: time. Many MFA programs give you protected writing time, deadlines, and maybe even a (dainty) salary.

Third, an MFA in Creative Writing is a terminal degree. This means that this degree allows you to teach writing at the university level, especially after you publish a book.

Fourth: resources. MFA programs are often staffed by brilliant, award-winning writers; offer lecture series, volunteer opportunities, and teaching positions; and run their own (usually prestigious) literary magazines. Such resources provide you with the knowledge and insight you’ll need to navigate the literary and publishing world on your own post-graduation.

But above all, the biggest reason to pursue an MFA is the community it brings you. You get to meet other writers—and share feedback, advice, and moral support—in relationships that can last for decades.

Types of Creative Writing MFA Programs

Here are the different types of programs to consider, depending on your needs:

Fully-Funded Full-Time Programs

These programs offer full-tuition scholarships and sweeten the deal by actually paying you to attend them.

  • Pros: You’re paid to write (and teach).
  • Cons: Uprooting your entire life to move somewhere possibly very cold.

Full-Time MFA Programs

These programs include attending in-person classes and paying tuition (though many offer need-based and merit scholarships).

  • Pros: Lots of top-notch non-funded programs have more assets to attract world-class faculty and guests.
  • Cons: It’s an investment that might not pay itself back.

Low-Residency MFA Programs

Low-residency programs usually meet biannually for short sessions. They also offer one-on-one support throughout the year. These MFAs are more independent, preparing you for what the writing life is actually like.

  • Pros: No major life changes required. Cons: Less time dedicated to writing and less time to build relationships.

Online MFA Programs

Held 100% online. These programs have high acceptance rates and no residency requirement. That means zero travel or moving expenses.

  • Pros: No major life changes required.
  • Cons: These MFAs have less name recognition.

The Top 15 Creative Writing MFA Programs Ranked by Category

The following programs are selected for their balance of high funding, impressive return on investment, stellar faculty, major journal publications , and impressive alums.


1) johns hopkins university , mfa in fiction/poetry.

This two-year program offers an incredibly generous funding package: $39,000 teaching fellowships each year. Not to mention, it offers that sweet, sweet health insurance, mind-boggling faculty, and the option to apply for a lecture position after graduation. Many grads publish their first book within three years (nice). No nonfiction MFA (boo).

  • Location: Baltimore, MD
  • Incoming class size: 8 students (4 per genre)
  • Admissions rate: 4-8%
  • Alumni: Chimamanda Adichie, Jeffrey Blitz, Wes Craven, Louise Erdrich, Porochista Khakpour, Phillis Levin, ZZ Packer, Tom Sleigh, Elizabeth Spires, Rosanna Warren

2) University of Texas, James Michener Center

The only MFA that offers full and equal funding for every writer. It’s three years long, offers a generous yearly stipend of $30k, and provides full tuition plus a health insurance stipend. Fiction, poetry, playwriting, and screenwriting concentrations are available. The Michener Center is also unique because you study a primary genre and a secondary genre, and also get $4,000 for the summer.

  • Location : Austin, TX
  • Incoming class size : 12 students
  • Acceptance rate: a bone-chilling less-than-1% in fiction; 2-3% in other genres
  • Alumni: Fiona McFarlane, Brian McGreevy, Karan Mahajan, Alix Ohlin, Kevin Powers, Lara Prescott, Roger Reeves, Maria Reva, Domenica Ruta, Sam Sax, Joseph Skibell, Dominic Smith

3) University of Iowa

The Iowa Writers’ Workshop is a 2-year program on a residency model for fiction and poetry. This means there are low requirements, and lots of time to write groundbreaking novels or play pool at the local bar. All students receive full funding, including tuition, a living stipend, and subsidized health insurance. The Translation MFA , co-founded by Gayatri Chakravorti Spivak, is also two years long but with more intensive coursework. The Nonfiction Writing Program is a prestigious three-year MFA program and is also intensive.

  • Incoming class size: 25 each for poetry and fiction; 10-12 for nonfiction and translation.
  • Acceptance rate: 2.7-3.7%
  • Fantastic Alumni: Raymond Carver, Flannery O’Connor, Sandra Cisneros, Joy Harjo, Garth Greenwell, Kiley Reid, Brandon Taylor, Eula Biss, Yiyun Li, Jennifer Croft

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs (Continued) 

4) university of michigan.

Anne Carson famously lives in Ann Arbor, as do the MFA students in UMichigan’s Helen Zell Writers’ Program. This is a big university town, which is less damaging to your social life. Plus, there’s lots to do when you have a $25,000 stipend, summer funding, and health care.

This is a 2-3-year program in either fiction or poetry, with an impressive reputation. They also have a demonstrated commitment to “ push back against the darkness of intolerance and injustice ” and have outreach programs in the community.

  • Location: Ann Arbor, MI
  • Incoming class size: 18 (9 in each genre)
  • Acceptance rate: 2%
  • Alumni: Brit Bennett, Vievee Francis, Airea D. Matthews, Celeste Ng, Chigozie Obioma, Jia Tolentino, Jesmyn Ward

5) Brown University

Brown offers an edgy, well-funded program in a place that only occasionally dips into arctic temperatures. All students are fully funded for 2 years, which includes tuition remission and a $32k yearly stipend. Students also get summer funding and—you guessed it—that sweet, sweet health insurance.

In the Brown Literary Arts MFA, students take only one workshop and one elective per semester. It’s also the only program in the country to feature a Digital/Cross Disciplinary Track.  Fiction and Poetry Tracks are offered as well.

  • Location: Providence, RI
  • Incoming class size: 12-13
  • Acceptance rate: “highly selective”
  • Alumni: Edwidge Danticat, Jaimy Gordon, Gayl Jones, Ben Lerner, Joanna Scott, Kevin Young, Ottessa Moshfegh

6) University of Arizona

This 3-year program with fiction, poetry, and nonfiction tracks has many attractive qualities. It’s in “ the lushest desert in the world, ” and was recently ranked #4 in creative writing programs, and #2 in Nonfiction. You can take classes in multiple genres, and in fact, are encouraged to do so. Plus, Arizona’s dry heat is good for arthritis.

This notoriously supportive program is fully funded. Moreover, teaching assistantships that provide a salary, health insurance, and tuition waiver are offered to all students. Tucson is home to a hopping literary scene, so it’s also possible to volunteer at multiple literary organizations and even do supported research at the US-Mexico Border.

  • Location: Tucson, AZ
  • Incoming class size: usually 6
  • Acceptance rate: 1.2% (a refreshingly specific number after Brown’s evasiveness)
  • Alumni: Francisco Cantú, Jos Charles, Tony Hoagland, Nancy Mairs, Richard Russo, Richard Siken, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, David Foster Wallace

7) Arizona State University 

With concentrations in fiction and poetry, Arizona State is a three-year funded program in arthritis-friendly dry heat. It offers small class sizes, individual mentorships, and one of the most impressive faculty rosters in the game. Moreover, it encourages cross-genre study.

Funding-wise, everyone has the option to take on a teaching assistantship position, which provides a tuition waiver, health insurance, and a yearly stipend of $25k. Other opportunities for financial support exist as well.

  • Location: Tempe, AZ
  • Incoming class size: 8-10
  • Acceptance rate: 3% (sigh)
  • Alumni: Tayari Jones, Venita Blackburn, Dorothy Chan, Adrienne Celt, Dana Diehl, Matthew Gavin Frank, Caitlin Horrocks, Allegra Hyde, Hugh Martin, Bonnie Nadzam


8) new york university.

This two-year program is in New York City, meaning it comes with close access to literary opportunities and hot dogs. NYU also has one of the most accomplished faculty lists anywhere. Students have large cohorts (more potential friends!) and have a penchant for winning top literary prizes. Concentrations in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction are available.

  • Location: New York, NY
  • Incoming class size: ~60; 20-30 students accepted for each genre
  • Acceptance rate: 6-9%
  • Alumni: Nick Flynn, Nell Freudenberger, Aracelis Girmay, Mitchell S. Jackson, Tyehimba Jess, John Keene, Raven Leilani, Robin Coste Lewis, Ada Limón, Ocean Vuong

9) Columbia University

Another 2-3 year private MFA program with drool-worthy permanent and visiting faculty. Columbia offers courses in fiction, poetry, translation, and nonfiction. Beyond the Ivy League education, Columbia offers close access to agents, and its students have a high record of bestsellers. Finally, teaching positions and fellowships are available to help offset the high tuition.

  • Incoming class size: 110
  • Acceptance rate: not publicized (boo)
  • Alumni: Alexandra Kleeman, Rachel Kushner, Claudia Rankine, Rick Moody, Sigrid Nunez, Tracy K. Smith, Emma Cline, Adam Wilson, Marie Howe, Mary Jo Bang

10) Sarah Lawrence 

Sarah Lawrence offers a concentration in speculative fiction in addition to the average fiction, poetry, and nonfiction choices. Moreover, they encourage cross-genre exploration. With intimate class sizes, this program is unique because it offers biweekly one-on-one conferences with its stunning faculty. It also has a notoriously supportive atmosphere, and many teaching and funding opportunities are available.

  • Location: Bronxville, NY
  • Incoming class size: 30-40
  • Acceptance rate: not publicized
  • Alumni: Cynthia Cruz, Melissa Febos, T Kira Madden, Alex Dimitrov, Moncho Alvarado


11) bennington college.

This two-year program boasts truly stellar faculty, and meets twice a year for ten days in January and June. It’s like a biannual vacation in beautiful Vermont, plus mentorship by a famous writer. The rest of the time, you’ll be spending approximately 25 hours per week on reading and writing assignments. Students have the option to concentrate in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. Uniquely, they can also opt for a dual-genre focus.

The tuition is $23,468 per year, with scholarships available. Additionally, Bennington offers full-immersion teaching fellowships to MFA students, which are extremely rare in low-residency programs.

  • Location: Bennington, VT
  • Acceptance rate: 53%
  • Incoming class: 25-35
  • Alumni: Larissa Pham, Andrew Reiner, Lisa Johnson Mitchell, and others

12)  Institute for American Indian Arts

This two-year program emphasizes Native American and First Nations writing. With truly amazing faculty and visiting writers, they offer a wide range of genres, including screenwriting, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. In addition, each student is matched with a faculty mentor who works with them one-on-one throughout the semester.

Students attend two eight-day residencies each year, in January and July, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. At $12,000 in tuition a year, it boasts being “ one of the most affordable MFA programs in the country .”

  • Location: Santa Fe, NM
  • Incoming class size : 21
  • Alumni: Tommy Orange, Dara Yen Elerath, Kathryn Wilder

13) Vermont College of Fine Arts

VCFA is the only graduate school on this list that focuses exclusively on the fine arts. Their MFA in Writing offers concentrations in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction; they also offer an MFA in Literary Translation and one of the few MFAs in Writing for Children and Young Adults . Students meet twice a year for nine days, in January and July, either in-person or online. Here, they receive one-on-one mentorship that continues for the rest of the semester. You can also do many travel residencies in exciting (and warm) places like Cozumel.

VCFA boasts amazing faculty and visiting writers, with individualized study options and plenty of one-on-one time. Tuition for the full two-year program is approximately $54k.

  • Location : Various; 2024/25 residencies are in Colorado and California
  • Incoming class size: 18-25
  • Acceptance rate: 63%
  • Alumnx: Lauren Markham, Mary-Kim Arnold, Cassie Beasley, Kate Beasley, Julie Berry, Bridget Birdsall, Gwenda Bond, Pablo Cartaya


14) university of texas at el paso.

UTEP is considered the best online MFA program, and features award-winning faculty from across the globe. Accordingly, this program is geared toward serious writers who want to pursue teaching and/or publishing. Intensive workshops allow submissions in Spanish and/or English, and genres include poetry and fiction.

No residencies are required, but an optional opportunity to connect in person is available every year. This three-year program costs about $25-30k total, depending on whether you are an in-state or out-of-state resident.

  • Location: El Paso, TX
  • Acceptance rate: “highly competitive”
  • Alumni: Watch alumni testimonies here

15) Bay Path University

This 2-year online, no-residency program is dedicated entirely to nonfiction. Featuring a supportive, diverse community, Bay Path offers small class sizes, close mentorship, and an optional yearly field trip to Ireland.

There are many tracks, including publishing, narrative medicine, and teaching creative writing. Moreover, core courses include memoir, narrative journalism, food/travel writing, and the personal essay. Tuition is approximately $31,000 for the entire program, with scholarships available.

  • Location: Longmeadow, MA
  • Incoming class size: 20
  • Alumni: Read alumni testimonies here

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs — Final Thoughts

Whether you’re aiming for a fully funded, low residency, or completely online MFA program, there are plenty of incredible options available—all of which will sharpen your craft while immersing you in the vibrant literary arts community.

Hoping to prepare for your MFA in advance? You might consider checking out the following:

  • Best English Programs
  • Best Colleges for Creative Writing
  • Writing Summer Programs
  • Best Writing Competitions for High School Students

Inspired to start writing? Get your pencil ready:

  • 100 Creative Writing Prompts 
  • 1 00 Tone Words to Express Mood in Your Writing
  • 60 Senior Project Ideas
  • Common App Essay Prompts

Best MFA Creative Writing Programs – References:

  • https://www.pw.org/mfa
  • The Creative Writing MFA Handbook: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students , by Tom Kealey (A&C Black 2005)
  • Graduate School Admissions

Julia Conrad

With a Bachelor of Arts in English and Italian from Wesleyan University as well as MFAs in both Nonfiction Writing and Literary Translation from the University of Iowa, Julia is an experienced writer, editor, educator, and a former Fulbright Fellow. Julia’s work has been featured in  The Millions ,  Asymptote , and  The Massachusetts Review , among other publications. To read more of her work, visit  www.juliaconrad.net

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An MFA in Creative Writing: Is It Worth It?

Read the bios of a dozen new fiction writers, and the chances are good that at least half will list among their credentials an MFA in Creative Writing. I completed my own MFA in Creative Writing through the University of British Columbia, and I’m often asked by my writing students: is a Masters in Creative Writing essential, if you want to see your work in print?

Arguments Against an MFA in Creative Writing

A Masters Degree is expensive and some writers might argue it would eat into the limited time they have available for writing. Many MFAs also require you to diversify in ways you may not wish to. Why take a course in poetry, screenwriting or memoir, if what you want to do is write a novel? Some writers might also argue that by teaching specific approaches to structure, creative writing programs discourage experimentation and originality.

So Why Take an MFA in Creative Writing?

When you participate in an MFA in Creative Writing, you join a community of writers who critique one another’s work, and this critiquing process is one of the most valuable learning experiences a writer can have. There is so much to learn by examining how and why a piece of writing works – and when it doesn’t. Classes are led by respected writers who understand how to articulate the importance of technique, and they also set deadlines, which many of us need if we are ever to see a creative writing project – a novel, short story collection or play – through to completion.

Creative Writing MFA: A Personal Perspective

My MFA in Creative Writing not only taught me how to be a better writer and editor, it also taught me how to articulate the skills a writer needs, and this has been essential to my career as a creative writing teacher. I learned how to spot classic errors in a first draft, and this is knowledge I pass along to writers who take my creative writing classes, and my creative writing retreats in Mexico and Costa Rica. I’ve published 3 books since completing my Creative Writing MFA, taught dozens of creative writing courses, led writing retreats all over the world, and I’ve also started a business offering solo consultations for writers, and assisting as they edit their manuscripts.  Just as importantly, I completed my MFA with a network of writing and editing partners. We critique one another’s work and provide each another with continual support as we build our writing careers.

Is an MFA in Creative Writing worth it?

The creative writing techniques and skills I developed made my MFA experience invaluable for me. However, there are other ways to develop such skills. Check out the Creative Writing Courses and Retreats offered through Centauri Arts, for example. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how you choose to grow as a writer – through a Creative Writing MFA, Creative Writing Courses or Creative Writing Retreats… as long as you continually strive to be the best writer you can be.

Julie Hartley Director Centauri Arts

https://centauriarts.com https://juliehartley.ca

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R-Lick New Member

Does anyone here have an mfa in creative writing.

Discussion in ' The Lounge ' started by R-Lick , Jun 10, 2014 .

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); How do you feel about this degree? Was it worth it, or would you advise others not to follow your path? What are the pros and cons to an MFA? I'm just genuinely curious about this because I've read both good and bad things about this. It'd be nice to hear anyone's opinion on this matter.  


HealSomeBabies Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); I do not have an MFA in creative writing. I've always thought creative skills are self-taught. I think the gist of school is you pay a professor to give you assignments and he critiques everything relentlessly, which is not a bad thing if you want to really improve. It will also put you among like-minded people. On the bad side, you'll have spent $$$$$ on college(really depends though), and years of your life learning something that isn't applicable to a lucrative career. However, if that's your passion, you really don't need anyone's advise.  


chicagoliz Contributor Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); What I've always heard is that if you want to teach writing, you need one. If you don't want to teach, you don't. Now, you will likely actually *learn* things and you will certainly improve your craft, if for no other reason than the intense focus and increased ability to practice writing and reading. Having an MFA might make an agent read to the end of your intro letter, instead of only halfway. It really depends on why you want the degree and on your financial situation (and the opportunity costs involved).  


EdFromNY Hope to improve with age Supporter Contributor

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); The only published writers I know of who have MFAs are Rachel Simon, who taught creative writing for a time, and Elizabeth Kostova.  


thirdwind Member Contest Administrator Reviewer Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); I don't have one, but I do know enough about it to offer my thoughts. Pros: 1) Some programs pay for your tuition and give you a stipend, so you're basically getting paid to do the MFA. Again, this is only some program, and I bet they're very competitive. 2) It forces you to write because you have deadlines. 3) You'll be surrounded by people who are just as passionate about writing. 4) It's a good way to build contacts with editors, other writers, and people in the publishing field. 5) If you like teaching creative writing, getting an MFA is required for such positions. Cons: 1) If you don't have financial aid, you'll be paying a lot of money and quite possibly have a ton of debt. 2) Having an MFA doesn't guarantee publication or success. 3) You don't need an MFA to be published or a great writer. 4) Because it's hard to make a living off writing alone, you might end up in a teaching position, so you should be open to that idea. 5) This last one is my personal opinion, but so many times creative writing classes teach formulaic writing. That's why it's important to make sure you get a good advisor and are part of a good department. This is where you have to do some research and look at the works of previous students of the program. That's all I got.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); EdFromNY said: ↑ The only published writers I know of who have MFAs are Rachel Simon, who taught creative writing for a time, and Elizabeth Kostova. Click to expand...
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); I know of several writers with MFAs, including Alice Sebold (author of The Lovely Bones ), Junot Diaz (2008 Pulitzer Prize winner), Adam Johnson (2013 Pulitzer Prize winner), and Jhumpa Lahiri (another Pulitizer Prize winner; nominated for Man Booker Prizer and National Book Award). Those are just the ones I know off the top of my head. I know Junot Diaz teaches at MIT, and Jhumpa Lahiri is a member of several committees. So I don't think anyone on that list except for Sebold is earning a living only from writing fiction. But it does give you an idea of what writers with MFAs are doing.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); Unfortunately, I know a few MFAs who work at places like Office Depot. This piece says basically what I said, but in much more detail: http://www.writing-world.com/fiction/MFA.shtml  


ChickenFreak Contributor Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_7839cd75562a79bd5594ca1292e329b6'); }); See? I knew more would show up.  

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, mfa in creative writing worth it.

Heyyy! I've been really into creative writing lately and I'm considering pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing after I finish my undergrad. Can someone share their experiences with MFA programs? Are they worth the time and money? Will it really help me become a better writer and establish connections in the writing community?

Hey there! It's great that you're passionate about creative writing and considering an MFA. While an MFA in Creative Writing isn't a requirement for a successful career in writing, it can definitely have some benefits.

First, note that the value of an MFA program varies greatly depending on factors like the prestige of the institution, the program's faculty, and your personal goals. A well-regarded MFA program can help you improve your writing skills through rigorous coursework and feedback from professors and peers. You'll likely be part of workshops where you can learn from others' writing and get valuable critiques on your work. Plus, you'll be dedicating a considerable amount of time to hone your craft, which can be a rare opportunity in a busy life.

Another important aspect of pursuing an MFA is the connections you'll make. Networking is vital in the writing community, and an MFA program can provide a supportive environment to build relationships. By connecting with fellow students, faculty, and visiting writers, you might find mentors, collaborators, or even job opportunities.

However, there are some downsides you should be aware of. MFA programs can be expensive, and the financial return on investment might not be immediate or guaranteed for a career in writing. Also, since writing is a subjective field, the improvement you'll see in your writing from an MFA program may vary and could even be achieved through different means like online writing courses or writer's workshops and conferences.

Consider your goals and what you hope to achieve from an MFA program. If you're looking for improvement, guidance, and connections in the writing community, it might be a good fit. But be aware that success in writing can come from various channels, and an MFA is only one path. Ultimately, it's up to you to weigh the costs and benefits and decide if pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing is the right choice for you. Good luck!

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Should You Get An MFA In Creative Writing?

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

As a published writer, I often get messages from aspiring writers who are recent grads and looking for advice. They want to know what first steps to take in their post-grad life. Do they intern for a publisher? Do they join a writer's community group? Do they read all the Knausgaard books and hope to absorb his genius through osmosis? Or do they turn around and go right back to school for master's degree in fine art for creative writing ?

As someone who battled with weighing the gravity of each other those paths for a long time, I have a lot of lengthy opinions and arguments for each path. The short answer is that there is no universal answer. Different programs and paths are good for different writers. It depends what your work ethic is, it depends what medium you want to write for, and it depends what you want out of your professional life. Not all writers want the same thing, and the differences between platforms are vast and varied. Because there are so many options, it's easy to get overwhelmed and feel immobile with ambiguity.

When you finish your undergrad degree, it can feel like every step you take is locked in cement and that your life is as vulnerable as glass. And understandably so — you just spent at least four years working your butt off and you want to make the most of it. But indecision can be crippling, and no steps forward tend to be steps backwards. These are a few things you should consider when toying with the idea of an MFA in creative writing :

When Getting An MFA Is A Good Idea

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

If you need assignments and a group of like-minded friends to motivate you to be inspired to write, a master's program in creative writing might help you write that story you have in you that might otherwise have just sat around in your head for years and years. If you need the routine of a class in order to unlock that creativity, an institution is going to be the best place for you to become the writer you're meant to be.

If you think this might be the case for you, do some research first and look into all of the teachers. Make sure that before you apply to any programs, you have classes in mind that you want to take and that you've talked to at least two people who went to school there to see what they thought of the program. These days it's easy to find people online, so this shouldn't be a problem.

In addition to this preliminary research, make sure you consider the financial obligation and that you have a back up plan for paying back student loans (if needed). You can't rely on your writing career to blossom upon graduation. Make sure you're willing to take on odd jobs that pay well, if need be. Also make sure you're OK with the possibility that an MFA won't make it any easier for you to find a job or get an agent or sell a book. Make sure you have a realistic goal, like using the program to complete a manuscript or experiment with different genres and mediums.

When Getting An MFA Is Unnecessary

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

If you do your best writing when you're alone, stick with what works. Not everyone needs external inspiration to motivate. If you have a schedule that leaves room for working on your writing projects, and you have friends who are willing to give you feedback on your work, you might want to just stick with what you're doing. Really ask yourself what it is you want out of a program, because you might be able to further your career on your own time. If you have a strong network of friends who are in the publishing industry and you have friends who give you valuable and thoughtful notes on your work, there's really not much else you need. One of the biggest reasons aspiring writers join MFA programs is to find writer friends and to be given a structure to help them produce work. If you already have these things, you're golden!

How To Give Yourself A Continued Education

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

If you want to continue your education but can't afford it or don't have the time for it, you can give yourself a DIY version of it. Make a list of books to read based on the MFA program you're interested in and give yourself a schedule to work your way through it. You can map our your own curriculum based on your own goals! For example, give yourself a daily writing minimum. Whether it's 500 words or 50 pages, stick to it. If you need prompts, check out creative writing websites that offer them and let that be your "teacher". If your goal is to write a full manuscript, give yourself a deadline and get there. This will take a lot of self control, but if you're passionate about it, you'll get there.

Other Ways To Become A Professional Writer

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

Check your local listings for poetry nights, reading series, and open mics. These are great events to go to if you want to meet like-minded people. You don't have to have an MFA to perform at a reading, so you might want to sign yourself up and use the opportunity as an educational challenge. You'll also want to find your closest book store and stop in to talk to them about author events. This is a great way to network and forum for you to ask professional writers thoughtful questions that might guide you in your career.

Getting involved in internships in your platform of choice is also hugely important. It can be very hard to get a job in the exact place you want to work, but it can be easier to find an internship in that same place. If you're so inclined, you can start a meet up group or a workshop circle of your own — ask your local bookstore if you can advertise on their message boards. Having a group of people who you can share work with is key.

And most importantly: read, read, read. The best way to become a writer, is to read other writer's work. Understand the market. See what's out there. Get a sense of the genres. Understand the dimensions of plot and the different ways different authors approach it. Expand your mind, inform your own writing, and keep submitting until your work is accepted. It's all about trying.

Images: Pexels , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

is a mfa in creative writing worth it reddit

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Is an MFA worth it?

As the title says, I'm wondering if getting a Creative Writing MFA is worth the time and expense?

I'm at the point where I'm making potentially life-altering, post-graduation decisions and graduate school is one of my options. Any advice/alternatives would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. Thoughts on Getting an MFA in Creative Writing? : r/writing

    It will make you loathe writing and humanity and your job at Barnes and Nobel. Join the Peace Corps, or buy a motorcycle, or start a union, or jump a train, or live in a subway-city, or do anything, anything but get an MFA in Creative Writing. All you will receive from your MFA is a vague sense of entitlement and a batch of five short stories ...

  2. Is getting an MFA in Creative Writing worth it? : r/writing

    View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Is getting an MFA in Creative Writing worth it? Lately I have been seriously considering going back to school to get my MFA in creative writing. However, I have heard that the main benefit, if not the only benefit, is the connections gained and not so much honing of the craft.

  3. My experience applying to 15 of the best Creative Writing MFA ...

    My experience applying to 15 of the best Creative Writing ...

  4. Is an MFA Worth It? 7 Writers Weigh In

    To gain some insight, I asked a few published writers to weigh in, including those outside of the traditional creative writing realms. Here's what they recommended thinking through if you're considering getting an MFA. 1. Identify your end goal. To pursue her goal of publishing a novel, immerse herself into literary culture, and satisfy a ...

  5. 3 Myths About the MFA in Creative Writing

    Genre Writing in MFA Programs. Most MFA programs focus on literary fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. While these are noble areas of literature, they cover only a tiny slice of the wide and diverse world of writing. Heaven forbid a writer in a traditional MFA program produces something commercial—or worse, genre fiction.

  6. The Pros and Cons of Getting a Creative Writing MFA

    Amazon. [WD uses affiliate links.] PROS: 1) Community: Writing is a solitary pursuit, and after spending hours alone with your thoughts, you might crave a tribe of writers. MFA programs offer exactly that: total immersion in a culture of books and writing to the exclusion of all else. (Call us fanatics.

  7. Should You Get an MFA in Creative Writing? (Pros and Cons)

    Con #1 is obvious…it's quite expensive. The average cost of an MFA in the United States is currently about $37,000 per year. At 2-3 years depending on the program, that comes to nearly, if not over, $100,000. That ain't cheap.

  8. Is an MFA Really Worth It? The Pros and Cons of Creative Writing Degree

    In an MFA in creative writing program, you take at least one writing workshop per semester. This gives you a chance to have your creative work read and critiqued by your peers and professor. The goal of an MFA is to complete a creative manuscript-length piece of work, such as a collection of short stories or poems, by the end of the program.

  9. MFA in Creative Writing Programs Guide

    MFA in Creative Writing Programs Guide

  10. 27 Writers on Whether or Not to Get Your MFA

    She went hard against writing that came out of the Academy: "We want competence, but competence by itself is deadly. What is needed is the vision to go with it, and you do not get this from a ...

  11. Is An MFA Worth It?

    There are no author education requirements, so having an MFA isn't going to increase your chances of getting a publishing deal. However, if you think you'd like to teach college English, then an MFA will satisfy the prerequisite to do so, making the degree far more worth your while. An MFA may also be enough to teach English in some private ...

  12. Is it worth going for a MFA in creative writing? : r/writing

    It was one of the best things to happen to my writing and my writing career. I'll explain why. 1.) Getting an MFA puts you in the company of excellent writers. Your professors and your peers are great at what they do. There are readings by visiting writers and writing related events constantly.

  13. 15 Best Creative Writing MFA Programs in 2024

    15 Best Creative Writing MFA Programs in 2024

  14. An MFA in Creative Writing: Is It Worth It?

    Creative Writing MFA: A Personal Perspective. My MFA in Creative Writing not only taught me how to be a better writer and editor, it also taught me how to articulate the skills a writer needs, and this has been essential to my career as a creative writing teacher. I learned how to spot classic errors in a first draft, and this is knowledge I ...

  15. Is an MFA in Creative Writing Worth It?

    all of their students, most of the time, you'll have to fork out some serious cash, ranging roughly between $20,000 to $80,000. A Facebook friend recently asked other writers how much their MFA student loans came to, and dozens of people who went to private schools said they were sitting on loans in the $250,000 range!

  16. Does anyone here have an MFA in Creative Writing?

    I do not have an MFA in creative writing. I've always thought creative skills are self-taught. I think the gist of school is you pay a professor to give you assignments and he critiques everything relentlessly, which is not a bad thing if you want to really improve. It will also put you among like-minded people.

  17. MFA in Creative Writing worth it?

    Hey there! It's great that you're passionate about creative writing and considering an MFA. While an MFA in Creative Writing isn't a requirement for a successful career in writing, it can definitely have some benefits. First, note that the value of an MFA program varies greatly depending on factors like the prestige of the institution, the program's faculty, and your personal goals.

  18. Is an MFA in Creative Writing Worth It? : r/GradSchoolAdvice

    They specifically mentioned that some of the graduates were in completely unrelated fields but were using their degrees to help write their books, which is understandable. Still, even if an MFA is a terminal degree, earning one won't do me any good if I'm just going to go back to working as an admin assistant. 2. 2. Add a Comment.

  19. Should You Get An MFA In Creative Writing?

    When Getting An MFA Is A Good Idea. If you need assignments and a group of like-minded friends to motivate you to be inspired to write, a master's program in creative writing might help you write ...

  20. The Truth about a M.F.A. in Creative Writing

    Full-time positions are difficult to find, and adjutants often live in poverty. If you want to teach creative writing, consider looking for community programs or doing so through a writers' organization. 2. Become Better Writer. A MFA in Creative Writing will make you a better writer; it just might not be at writing what you want to write.

  21. Is an MFA worth it? : r/writing

    If you just want to write, you don't need one. You can learn the same things from an MFA through life experience and finding good critique partners. You read a lot, write a lot, study the craft, build discipline. If you specifically want to teach at a university level, it's practically necessary. If you want to network and make connections ...

  22. Was My MFA in Creative Writing Worth It?

    In this video I way the costs vs benefits of getting an MFA in Creative Writing—specifically my experience—to answer the question "Was My MFA Worth It?"Prime...

  23. 5 Bad Reasons to Pursue an MFA in Creative Writing

    An MFA in Creative Writing is certainly worth your time if you go into it for the right reasons. I talked earlier this week about the many reasons why an MFA in Creative can absolutely help you as ...