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research service quality solutions

How to measure service quality

Updated July 5, 2024

It’s imperative that you provide excellent service to your customers . With a wealth of competition, companies that don’t compete on customer experience will lose customers to those that are continually delighting and providing a high quality of service.

However, even companies that understand the need to provide exemplary experiences have a hard time measuring their service quality. Since it’s a qualitative measurement, rather than a quantitative measurement, it can be challenging to assess. Even some researchers have struggled with the issue of how to measure service quality and understand how you’re impacting your customers.

In this article, we’ll list ways to assess service quality and provide actionable insights on how to improve on your findings.

Start measuring service quality today with our free customer satisfaction survey question template

In a general sense, measuring service quality depends entirely on the context and brand promise, and service quality dimensions vary according to the industry. However, the industry standard and most widely-used metric is SERVQUAL.

SERVQUAL is based on a set of five dimensions which have been consistently ranked by customers to be most important for service quality, regardless of service industry. These dimensions defined by the SERVQUAL measurement instrument are as follows:

  • Tangibles : appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials.
  • Reliability : ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.
  • Responsiveness : willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.
  • Assurance : knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence.
  • Empathy : the caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

These five SERVQUAL dimensions are used to measure the gap between customers’ expectations for excellence and their perception of the actual service delivered. The SERVQUAL instrument, when applied over time, can help you understand both customer expectations, perceptions of specific services, and areas of needed quality improvements.

SERVQUAL has been used in many ways, such as identifying specific service elements that need improvement, and targeting training opportunities for service staff.

Proper development of items used in the SERVQUAL instrument provides rich item-level information that leads to practical implications for a service manager.

The service quality dimensions evaluated by SERVQUAL should be adjusted for optimal performance in different industries, including public and private sector applications.

SERVQUAL scores are highly reliable, but when used in different industries may fail to produce a clear delineation of the five basic dimensions. Other measures, such as the Six Sigma model should be considered for applicability in quantifying the gap between service expectations and perceptions.

Service quality questionnaires

In order to improve service, you must understand customer satisfaction and customer expectations. This can be done by asking for feedback from your customers using service quality questionnaires . These are typically completed after the service with a follow-up email or paper survey. Following up immediately is the best way to fix any mistakes or clear up misunderstandings before your customers become detractors.

Service quality questions

There are many types of questions that can be asked in a Service Quality Questionnaire. They should focus on the customer’s interaction with the customer service rep (positive and negative), the service and experience overall, and if the customer would use your service again. It’s also good to have a couple open text questions so your customers can write in their own feedback.

Sample questions include:

  • The service rep was helpful (strongly agree to strongly disagree)
  • Which of the qualities about the service did you like (include a list patient, friendly, attentive, willing to help, empathetic, etc)
  • Was there anything about our service that stood out to you? (open-text response)
  • Over the next 12 months, how likely are you to use our product or service again (strongly agree to strongly disagree)

Get our free customer satisfaction survey question template

Industry examples

As mentioned before, measuring service quality depends entirely on the context and brand promise, and that varies by industry. To understand if you’re providing good service, you must know exactly what your customers are looking for in terms of service quality.

Below are examples of how service quality is measured in different industries.


In restaurants, service quality tends to focus on timely service (not too rushed or too slow), server attentiveness, and friendliness.

In fine dining restaurants with a fairly engaging experience, an expected part of service quality is the ability to make relevant recommendations. This can be easily measured by a manager asking the customer questions at the end of the meal, such as “how satisfied were you with the server's recommendations?”  The manager can also ask if the order placed was influenced by the recommendation(s).

However, this is clearly not a measure that would be relevant in a quick-service restaurant, showing the importance of context. In quick-service restaurants, things like order accuracy and speed of delivery are more accurate measurements. To gather this data, you can put a link to a survey on a receipt and giveaway a free menu item upon completion.

CX Study: Learn how to increase the ROI of your customer experience

Service quality is especially important in automotive because the customer’s car must be fixed and completed on time. This is mostly focused on the service itself, and less about the interactions with the technician or front desk attendant, except when it comes to trust (because they must trust the professionals' recommendations).

You can ask questions like “how would you rate the quality of the service you received” or “is your car now running like you expected after it was serviced?” You can also ask an NPS question like, “how likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?”

In retail , you typically ask things about staff product knowledge (think Adidas and knowing what type of running shoe best suits your use) and recommendations.  You can also assess merchandise knowledge (what goes with what), friendliness, and availability (were team members on the shop floor easy to engage).

While there are all very straightforward questions to ask, they can be conditional based on the text comments or score provided on that element.

These questions help to identify both the frequency with which it happens and the customer's satisfaction with the experience.

You can then regress that against the outcome measure and see how big an impact that makes on the overall experience.  This provides direction on what to focus on in your store (or restaurant), and what action you should take. For example, if shoe recommendations are a significant part of the experience and guests are not satisfied - you can provide better merchandise training, and if they are knowledgeable but not making relevant suggestions, retrain to better read guests' interests.

How to take action on your findings

After you’ve defined and measured your service quality, it’s time to take action and create a better service experience. This can be done on an individual or team level.

Learn how to capture and capitalize on customer insights with our eBook: Download Now

Analyze team-wide data

By analyzing data across your team, you’ll get a big picture into where the knowledge gaps are as a whole. For instance, maybe the team lacks product knowledge or customers don’t find them friendly and helpful. Once you understand the collective feedback, you can implement training programs in those specific areas. This will also ensure new employees don’t make the same mistakes.

Analyze individual data

Every service rep has their weakness and developing an individualized service improvement plan can help strengthen every service rep. It’s important to go over the feedback in a positive way and emphasize the positive qualities, but you can also highlight areas of improvement. Individual service reps might be one quality away from exceptional, and it’s the manager's goal to get them there.

Creating great customer service takes time and effort. You must be intentional about collecting feedback, putting that feedback into action, and creating exceptional experiences for your customers.

Want to learn more about creating great customer experiences?

Qualtrics compiled a reading list based on recommendations from CX leaders, you can download that here.

eBook: 16 ways to capture and capitalize on customer insights

Qualtrics // Experience Management

Qualtrics, the leader and creator of the experience management category, is a cloud-native software platform that empowers organizations to deliver exceptional experiences and build deep relationships with their customers and employees.

With insights from Qualtrics, organizations can identify and resolve the greatest friction points in their business, retain and engage top talent, and bring the right products and services to market. Nearly 20,000 organizations around the world use Qualtrics’ advanced AI to listen, understand, and take action. Qualtrics uses its vast universe of experience data to form the largest database of human sentiment in the world. Qualtrics is co-headquartered in Provo, Utah and Seattle.

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Home CX Customer Experience

Service Quality: What it is + Top 5 Components

service quality

Service is the key part of keeping users engaged with an organization. Even if an organization has the best product on the market but misses out on providing an equally good service the chances that they might get lost to completion are inevitable. This is where understanding what service quality means and how it can be kept at its best comes into the picture.

What is Service Quality?

Service quality is a measure of how an organization understands its users’ needs and fulfills their expectations. Understanding how to improve the service quality of your product is the key step to growth for any organization.

Measuring and improving service quality is a valuable art. But this requires research and expertise. To learn more about service quality we need to understand the key dimensions of service quality.

The 5 Service Quality Components

The key dimensions can be categorized into 5 components. Let’s take a deep dive into the above points and learn how to make your product the best in the market: 1. Service Quality Reliability

Consistency all year round will not only ensure the probability that a product or service will operate as desired but also make sure that there is no breakage in the deliveries as set out. This helps in uncovering the customer experience measures well as potential risks in losing customers to the competition.

There might be numerous factors that could potentially cause disruption or breakage of a quality of a service being provided, especially in the case of continuous service delivery enterprises. Analyzing these deadlocks, and sources and coming up with strategies to mitigate the risks so that the end customers get consistent service delivery is a key component in making sure. 

For instance, in a multi-tenant architecture fluctuation of end-customer volumes can be quite uneven- while regular web traffic can be quite manageable, we might end up having exponential requests on the first working day of the month. It is absolutely necessary that proper contingency plans be developed during the inception phase so that there is a smooth transition in handling these anomaly scenarios.

2. Service Quality Tangibility

Customers should feel a palpable sense of quality in the level of services being offered to them. Total perceived quality is generally based on the juxtaposition of expected quality vs. experience quality.

In general, Expected quality is usually deduced from various marketing campaigns, sales promotions, brand images, and word-of-mouth. 

Multiple types of research have shown the experienced quality can be measured with either:

  • Technical Quality – The Whats
  • Functional Quality – The Hows  

Sometimes, organizations can also derive their custom indicators to measure tangible service experience with the help of well-formulated questionnaires and surveys .

3. Responsiveness

Being responsive to your consumers, making them feel heard, and giving them the right directions is a key factor in service quality. If you have a product and are facing issues with it, and the service team for the product is taking ages to get the issue resolved, would that make you want to use the product? Or will you find a product with a great Time-To-Resolution and better service?

How can you be better at Responsiveness?

Understanding your customer, providing consistent support experience, providing them with resourceful self-help guides, using canned responses for a quicker process, training the employees, setting performance goals for your employees, and monitoring them are some of the key factors that will benefit your organization and the product.

4. Service Quality Assurance

It is worth noting that consumers are getting bombarded with targeted digital advertisements all over. It is difficult to measure the reliability of each of these on a daily basis and with less attention span on a digital platform for end-users for e.g. e-commerce sites, trusting a brand is very important.

Assurance measures the ability of service providers to relay trust to the customers which are paramount in getting confidence in customers to stick with the organization as opposed to the competition. 

Assurance can be marked in different ways – Brand loyalty might be the first. People generally tend to trust a brand they are familiar with. But this might be a bit difficult for new startups. New aspiring companies need to pay special attention to delivering sales pitches which magnifies their commitment to reliable service delivery in the long run.

Understanding the consumer’s use case, how the product will be useful to them, guiding them and helping them achieve their goals, and being empathetic to their needs is a very important process for an organization. This is what separates a human from a bot, the ability to empathize with your customer and make them feel valued.

Empathizing with your clients would make them feel valued and it will lead the user to be loyal to your product and services. What’s better than having a loyal client who can spread the word about your product.

LEARN ABOUT: Total Quality Management

Customer-centric support promotes customer service as a primary objective to create engaging, innovative, and personalized service delivery. Constant growth and customer retention can only be achieved with smooth delivery of services over extended periods of time. 


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11 Top market research services and solutions that deliver expert insights

Insights from your target customers can turn your business into a long-term profit-generating machine—but only some organizations have the budget to employ teams of market research experts. That’s where tools and external partners come in.

These solutions and services bring benefits by the boatload, including fast, quality insights into consumer behavior, trends, and into how your competition is performing. By providing easy-to-interpret data, they empower you and your colleagues to make informed decisions. The right tool saves valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Sounds good? Since every business has different needs, we’ve compiled a list of options to find one that fits you.

Here’s the summary of services in our list:

Attest , , Find out more about
SurveyMonkeyEasy survey creation, extensive question types, powerful data analysisFree plan available, paid plans starting at $25/month
TypeformInteractive survey design, mobile-friendly responsiveness, advanced data managementFree plan available, paid plans starting at $35/month
SuzyReal-time consumer insights, AI-powered analysis, agile research capabilitiesContact for pricing details
GartnerIndustry expertise, research reports, advisory servicesContact for pricing details
PollfishMobile-first surveys, targeted audience, fast and actionable resultsContact for pricing details
NielsenAudience measurement, retail measurement, data-driven insightsContact for pricing details
Google TrendsTrend analysis, search volume data, regional interest insightsFree to use
RemeshAI-powered conversational research, real-time insights, participant engagementContact for pricing details
LatanaBrand tracking, customer segmentation, real-time data visualizationContact for pricing details
QualtricsRobust survey creation, advanced data analytics, customer experience managementContact for pricing details

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Get quality consumer insights fast with Attest

Make sure you’re giving customers the products and services they want! Gather reliable insights with Attest to make better decisions for your business.

The strength of market research tools and surveys is most obvious when you use them proactively, quickly, and with the right questions—Attest makes all of that easy. Our intuitive platform helps you spot shifts in the market landscape, allowing you to stay a couple of steps ahead of competitors and make informed strategic decisions that help your companies like yours offer consumers more of what they want.

One of the key advantages Attest customers love is how we’ve combined an easy-to-use survey platform and designated research advice to give you a truly comprehensive market research service. Whether your job title includes junior or chief, our platform gives you what you need to gather reliable consumer research quickly.

Key features:

  • All our packages come with a designated research manager who advises you in how best to create the perfect survey, how to analyze your respones, and how to move forward with your market research projects.
  • Send your surveys to a representative audience of 125 million people in 59 countries . Customize your survey audience with precise targeting options to ensure highly relevant results.
  • We give you consumer insights you can trust by combining multiple high-quality sample sources . With three layers of quality control—including human and machine-learning processes—you can confidently use your responses for informed business decisions.

Average Rating (G2): 4.5 out of 5

Pricing: Your first survey is on us! Find out more about Attest pricing .

We use the data from Attest to engage with prospects or existing clients and bring them global insights – that’s something that was missing in the past. It provides support to our teams to have discussions with key clients. They have been impressed with our ability to pull out industry data that quickly. Jim Dores, International Marketing Manager, JCDecaux OneWorld

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Start gathering consumer insights you can trust

With Attest you get reliable consumer insights fast, and you get designated research advice at every step to make sure your research project is as good as it can be!

2. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is an online survey tool with a user-friendly interface and a wide range of customizable survey templates.

  • Create surveys effortlessly using the platform’s user-friendly interface and customizable templates.
  • Pick from a range of question types to gather the specific information you need, including multiple-choice, rating scales, open-ended, and more.
  • Analyze survey results in real-time using built-in tools and generate insightful reports to uncover trends and patterns from the collected data.

Average Rating (G2): 4.4 out of 5 stars

Pricing: their cheapest plan, Team Advantage, starts at $25 per user per month, with a minimum of 3 users to get started with. 

3. Typeform

Typeform is the tool that makes market research looks good on both ends. It stands out with its sleek and interactive survey design, forms and quizzes that enhance respondent engagement and improve response rates.

  • Create engaging research with dynamic and interactive elements such as conditional logic, multimedia content and conversational interfaces.
  • Typeform surveys are optimized for mobile devices , ensuring a seamless experience for respondents across various platforms.
  • Collect, analyze and export survey data with Typeform’s intuitive data management tools, including built-in analytics and integration options for seamless data transfer.

Average Rating (G2): 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Pricing: The most basic plan starts at 25 USD per month but only allows for 100 monthly responses. The business plan costs 83 dollars and will let you receive 10,000 responses.

Suzy is a versatile market research tool for US-based businesses . It makes it easy to collect qualitative data and customer feedback and conduct user research, offering a variety of research methods, like 1-1 video interviews and survey questions—almost like focus groups.

  • Survey templates help you get started in seconds.
  • Make your surveys match your branding, thanks to the customization options .
  • Conduct live interviews with people anywhere.

Average Rating (G2): 4.7 out of 5 stars

Pricing: Reach out to their team for info on pricing.

Psst: looking for UK solutions and services? Check out these UK market research companies .

Gartner is a leading global research and advisory firm focusing on technology and market trends.

  • Gartner’s team of analysts and experts possess deep industry knowledge and provide valuable insights and recommendations to help businesses navigate complex market dynamics.
  • Access Gartner’s extensive library of research reports , which cover a wide range of topics, including technology trends, market forecasts and strategic insights.
  • Benefit from Gartner’s advisory services , where businesses can engage with experts for personalized guidance, strategy development, and implementation support.

Average Rating (G2): 4 out of 5 stars

Pricing: This varies per project, so reach out to Gartner for a quote

6. Pollfish

Pollfish is a market research tool that works best for sending short surveys, quickly testing a concept, and tracking brand metrics or customer satisfaction.

  • AI-powered surveys mean you get super quick support in creating surveys.
  • Mobile-optimized surveys are sent to respondents when they are using a third-party app.
  • Easy concept testing capabilities to quickly validate assets like logos.

Pricing: Their cheapest plan starts at $95 which allows you to collect up to 100 completed surveys with up to 5 questions.

Nielsen is one of the biggest global analytics companies. They are best known in the US for the famous Nielsen ratings, measuring the audiences for television, radio and newspapers in media markets.

  • Nielsen offers audience measurement solutions that provide detailed information on consumer demographics, media consumption habits, and advertising effectiveness.
  • Nielsen’s retail measurement services provide valuable insights into consumer purchasing behavior.
  • Nielsen brings on board extensive data and advanced analytics capabilities for expert research.

Average Rating (G2): No rating available.

Pricing: Every project is different, so pricing is too. Reach out to Nielsen for a quote.

8. Google Trends

Google Trends is a completely free market research tool that lets you compare trends and watch them evolve. You can uncover basic yet useful data on the interest in specific products, brands and other keywords.

  • Search term analysis over time lets you see how frequently a term is being searched and where in the world it’s most popular.
  • The related topics and queries feature will give you an idea of the other search terms closely related to your original search term to give context to trends.
  • Compare multiple search term s, you can see how your brand stacks up against the competition.

Pricing: Free

Focus groups with 1,000 people sounds like chaos and not focused at all, but with Remesh it is possible. They let you gather qualitative feedback at a quantitative scale for several research applications, thanks to AI.

  • Remesh works like scalable focus groups . You can launch a live conversation with an audience that is relevant to you, with up to 1,000 target customers at once.
  • Ask in-depth questions to many people at once and let live AI analysis uncover trends and themes, compare responses and segment your audience, all automatically.
  • Different question types mean you can keep the conversation flowing with open-ended questions and polls and even add visuals to clarify what you are asking about.

Average Rating (G2): 4.2 out of 5 stars

Pricing: You can get pricing info by requesting a demo.

Latana is a market research tool with a focus on tracking brand performance. You can uncover your growth potential by calculating market size, define purchase drivers and measure brand awareness and how it changes after you launch new campaigns.

  • Industry benchmarking helps you understand where your brand ranks by comparing your KPI data against your competitors in an interactive dashboard.
  • Latana works with mobile-first micro surveys which consumers can access through in-app surveys.
  • An MRP algorithm selects the right audience for your business, increasing data quality.

Average Rating (G2): No rating is available yet.

Pricing: Book a demo with Latana to find out more about their pricing and plans.

11. Qualtrics

Qualtrics is an all-in-one market research solution with different tools and platforms for your research needs.

  • Survey tool with audience management where you can purchase access to millions of respondents through Qualtrics.
  • Analyze your existing data with statistical tests and watch how Qualtrics churns out data visualizations.
  • A variety of market research tools to research purchase behavior, market segmentation, competitor analysis benchmarking and more.

Pricing: There’s a free survey maker that lets you gather 500 responses. Request a demo for all other market research tools to learn more about pricing.

Which market research service is best for you?

When choosing a right market research solution, think about how much you want to invest in the research process in terms of time, effort and budget. Look for a platform that offers a streamlined experience and provides dedicated support and reliable data, but also leaves you in control of the process.

That’s where Attest’s market research services come in. With our easy-to-use platform and the support of a dedicated research manager, you can conduct thorough, reliable research at speed. Try our product research or market analysis template to get a feel of it all.

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See how to gather reliable insights fast with Attest

Schedule a demo with our research experts to see how you can use Attest to make better decisions for your customers (and for your business!)

Market research services FAQs

There are a few top contenders like Attest, Nielsen, Gartner, and Pollfish. Each has its strengths, so it’s essential to consider your research objectives, target audience, and available resources to find the best service with your requirements and project.

We don’t want you to conduct market research to get data you can’t do anything with. That’s why you get a designated research manager who offers advice throughout your project, ensuring you can take action based on your learnings. Attest’s platform also give you these quality insights at a speed your organization will thank you for.

It’s all about staying proactive and getting to know the ebb and flow of your market. With market research solutions, you uncover market opportunities, fine-tune your marketing strategies, and can develop a long-term plan for your business.

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Elliot Barnard

Customer Research Lead 

Elliot joined Attest in 2019 and has dedicated his career to working with brands carrying out market research. At Attest Elliot takes a leading role in the Customer Research Team, to support customers as they uncover insights and new areas for growth.

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Service Quality New Directions in Theory and Practice

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12 Top Full Service Research Companies

A Quirk's resource guide covering the top companies that specialize in full-service research.

When conducting a marketing research project, you need experts who can help take it from start to finish. Full-service marketing research agencies offer a wide array of solutions and resources to fit your every need. 

These companies can help you conduct any kind of project from quantitative or qualitative to online or virtual. Whether you require brand research, a data collection partner or B2B insights, take advantage of the experts, their tools and techniques to conduct the best project possible. 

Audience Align

Founded 2022 | 7 employees

Mike Wagner, CEO

Mike Wagner, CEO of Audience Align.

E-mail  [email protected] Phone 1-717-715-2216

Decision Analyst Inc.

Founded 1978 | 150 employees

Bonnie Janzen, Executive Vice President

Felicia Rogers, Executive Vice President

Bonnie Janzen and Felicia Rodgers, executive Vice Presidents of Decision Analyst.

Phone 1-817-640-6166

Founded 1980 | 350+ employees

Steve Raebel, President

Fieldwork office space.

Phone 1-800-863-4353

Focus Groups of America logo

Focus Groups of America®

Founded 2009 | 20 employees

Paige and Dale Hanks, Founders

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Phone 1-214-622-6500

Global Survey

Founded 2008 | 50 employees

Mayank Bhanushali, Founder and Managing Director

Mayank Bhanushali, Founder and Managing Director of Global Surveys.

Phone 91-740322-0322

Information Specialists Group Inc.

Founded 1996 | 13 employees

Robert McGarry Jr., President

Robert McGarry Jr., president of Information Specialists Group.

Phone 1-800-279-5314 or 1-952-279-5314

Founded 2014 | 270+ employees

Lisa Wilding-Brown, CEO

Lisa Wilding-Brown, CEO of InnovateMR.

Phone 1-888-229-6664

Ironwood Insights Group LLC

Founded 2017 | 300 employees

Brian Cash, VP, Research Services

Brian Cash of Ironwood Insights.

E-mail  [email protected] Phone 1-602-661-0878 x2110

Murray Hill National

Founded 2013 | 35 employees

Susan Owens, COO

Murray Hill National: we find the perfect people for your research projects.

E-mail  [email protected] Phone 1-972-707-7645

Founded 2016 | 150 employees

Sascha Eder, CEO

Sascha Eder is the CEO of NewtonX.

Phone 1-201-580-6569

Founded 2017 | 20+ employees

Jim Whaley, CEO

OvationMR: It's a great day for discovering why.

Phone 1-212-653-8750

P&K Research

Founded 1957 | 200 employees

Dr. Richard Popper, CEO

Dr. Richard Popper, CEO of P&K Research.

Phone 1-800-747-5522

Free on-demand marketing research insights and learning sessions Related Categories: Research Industry, Qualitative Research Research Industry, Qualitative Research, Artificial Intelligence / AI, Innovation, Research Industry – COVID-19, Social Media Research

What does it take to redefine B2B marketing? Related Categories: Business-To-Business, Bus.-To-Bus. Research, Marketing Research-General Business-To-Business, Bus.-To-Bus. Research, Marketing Research-General, Journey Mapping

2024 The Quirk's Event New York Shared Presentation Documents Related Categories: Research Industry, Marketing Research-General

Leveraging marketing research translations: Transforming local insights into actionable global strategies Related Categories: Research Industry, Translation/Interpreting Services, Marketing Research-General Research Industry, Translation/Interpreting Services, Marketing Research-General, Cultural Insights, Strategy Research, Business Plan Development, International Research

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SIS International Research

New York, New York


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SIS International Research

SIS International Research, founded in 1984, is a leading full-service Market Research and Market Intelligence firm.

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Global Coverage

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Healthcare Research

Strategy Consulting

Learn more about SIS International Research

Beyond Feedback

Cave Creek, Arizona

Beyond Feedback

Beyond Feedback is a boutique firm specializing in employee engagement services, customer satisfaction & loyalty, and customer experience management.

Why choose Beyond Feedback

Customized Programs

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Excellent Client Service

Client Focused Approach

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Santa Clara, California

Quid's Generative AI empowers you to gain an unmatched and holistic view of the customer context.

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The Center For Client Retention

Delray Beach, Florida

The Center For Client Retention

We craft tailor-made survey programs that provide valuable insights into customers' experiences, preferences, and expectations.

Why choose The Center For Client Retention

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Upcoming AAPS eChalk Talk: Don't Blot Out Your Results: The Value of Topnotch Science and Quality Presented by Jera Kantz September 18, 2024 Learn More

We Are The Bioanalytical LC-MS Experts. Our scientists thrive in a research-based environment where imagination and experience are brought to every project. Because our scientists work directly with you, we develop a full understanding of your goals, which become as meaningful to our lives as they are to yours.

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Poster Presentation at ISSX

View the abstract for the upcoming poster presentation by Chad Christianson on September 16, 2024.

Bioanalysis of Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) by LC-MS/MS at Alturas Presented by Sharon DeChenne View Presentation

Scientific poster: accurate and precise quantitation of the pentadecapeptide bpc-157 from human blood collected with the tasso-m20 microsampling device and analyzed by hplc-ms/ms view poster, we blend passion & science to spark innovative bioanalytical solutions.

Scientist smiling at camera.

an innovative problem-solver and an experienced LC-MS expert at Alturas Analytics

Scientific Poster: Quantitative Analysis by LC-MS/MS of Thyroid Biomarkers Extract from Whole Blood Collected with the Tasso Microsampling Device View Poster

Pharmacokinetic Analyst smiling at camera.

an avid swimmer, a skilled equestrian, and a talented Pharmacokineticist at Alturas Analytics

Bioanalytical Services

Alturas Analytics is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) specializing in preclinical and clinical bioanalysis. Using liquid and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS) platforms, Alturas supports drug candidates from discovery through late phase clinical trials. Our scientists and regulatory experts work with you to provide a personalized and comprehensive service to help you gain marketplace advantage.  Read More

  • PK/TK Services
  • Method Development & Validation

Two scientists in discussion in bioanalytical laboratory.

We believe data integrity is the single most important component of our bioanalytical services.

Our Quality Assurance (QA) unit brings a history of comprehensive knowledge as it performs facility-based audits and in-process, data, and report audits for regulated studies.

Our greatest priority is the on-time delivery of datasets with the highest level of integrity. Alturas Analytics utilizes an electronic document management system to distribute controlled documents.

Each employee must complete comprehensive training before performing any study-related task and is mentored on every process and system applicable to ensure the highest level of data quality.

Our Facility

Alturas Analytics operates in approximately 30,000 square feet of purpose-built laboratory and office space located in the Pacific Northwest, less than eight miles from the University of Idaho and Washington State University.

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Resources & Ongoing Research

Two staff members in discussion with tablet in foreground.

Since our inception in 2000, Alturas Analytics has been collaborating with industry innovators to assist in developing novel technologies designed for the needs of the bioanalytical chemist. Implementation of novel technologies to routine workflows in the regulated bioanalytical laboratory is our standard working model.

Our complete library of Alturas Analytics includes presentations, publications, eBooks, newsletters, and videos.

Industry related guidance documents and professional organizations.

Over-night accommodations, dining, transportation, and local interest.

Ask Our Experts

We're here to help you find the answers you need. Pick the expert who best fits your topic of interest.

Jennifer Zimmer, PhD

Laboratory director.

Laboratory or project question? Ask Jennifer by clicking here

Bo Cheng, PhD

Director of it.

Information or document Management question? Ask Bo by clicking here

Quality Assurance Manager

Quality or Regulatory Affairs question? Ask Jera by clicking here

Speak with an Expert

Headshot of Jennifer Zimmer.

Dr. Jennifer Zimmer is the Laboratory Director at Alturas Analytics, Inc. and has worked in the field of bioanalysis for over 20 years. Dr. Zimmer is responsible for the overall operation of the Alturas Analytics laboratory, ensuring client deliverables are met while working laterally with Alturas QAU to maintain laboratory compliance with all procedures and regulations.

" * " indicates required fields

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Director of Information Technology

Bo is the Director of Information Technology and GDPR Data Protection Officer at Alturas Analytics, Inc. His 20 years of IT experience in analytical laboratory settings allows him to effectively perform system planning, validation, and management.

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Jera Kantz, LATG, RQAP-GLP

Jera A. Kantz, MBA, LATG, RQAP-GLP, serves as the Quality Assurance Manager at Alturas Analytics, Inc. With over 16 years in the CRO industry, she has experience in the laboratory as a Research Associate, and after gaining her AALAS LATG certification, specializing in the Quality Assurance Auditor and Senior Quality Systems Auditor positions. Jera is incredibly passionate about quality assurance. Influencing others to be embrace compliance leading to intuitively generated quality data and ensuring patient safety is her ultimate goal.

Our Company

Alturas Analytics is a CRO providing personalized MS/MS bioanalytical services to the pharma and biotech industries worldwide.

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ZEISS X-Ray Inspection Solutions

alt text

ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions


Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Connect to productivity and manufacture a better future

ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions is a leading manufacturer of multidimensional metrology solutions. These include coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), optical and multisensor systems and metrology software for the automotive, aerospace, medical technology, additive manufacturing, industrial equipment and plastics industries. Innovative technologies such as computed tomography (CT), X-ray, 3D laser scanning and portable metrology for quality inspection round out the product portfolio.

  • Our Team – the global ZEISS team and partners offer technical support and personal consultation for all of your needs
  • Our Measuring & Inspection Systems – CMMs; CT and X-ray scanning machines; tactile, optical and multisensor measuring systems and sensors
  • Our Engineering – process automation, manual and automatic loading, component and sensor handling, measuring robots and cells
  • Our IT Integration & Programming – measuring software and data quality management, as well as automation solutions
  • Our Accessories & Services – training courses, services and accessories such as clamping devices, measuring room monitoring, scanning systems, scanner storage, etc.

Learn how ZEISS can be your partner for the quality and measurement challenges of the future:


2 Columns / text left - image right - HEADING

Sub headline.

Optional image caption

Optional image caption

Headline for 2 Columns / text left - video right

Headline for two image combination.

research service quality solutions

Don't guess. X-ray it.

Optional image caption

2 Columns / form left - text right

Placeholder for the form, 2 columns / headline left - form right, placeholder for the registration form, 2 columns / image left - text right, 2 columns / text left - image right.

An aerial view of University of Idaho's Moscow campus.

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Two students ride down Greek Row in the fall, amid changing leaves.

Helping to ensure U of I is a safe and engaging place for students to learn and be successful. Read about Title IX.

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A mother and son stand on the practice field of the P1FCU-Kibbie Activity Center.

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The homecoming fireworks

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A student works at a computer


U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to SlateConnect.

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Analytical Sciences Laboratory

Physical Address: (FedEx/UPS) Holm Research Center 2222 West Sixth Street Moscow, Idaho 83844-2203

Mailing Address: 875 Perimeter Drive MS 2203 Moscow, ID 83844-2203

Phone: 208-885-7466

Email: [email protected]


Students taking soil samples

The University of Idaho Analytical Sciences Laboratory (ASL) is a full-service laboratory that operates within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Our staff of scientists, technicians and support personnel is committed to providing the highest quality analytical and research services.

ASL directs its services and research support to universities, government agencies and contractors, nonprofit organizations, the clinical veterinary community and agricultural producers. As a supporter of private commercial laboratories, ASL encourages commercial clients to contact a local independent testing laboratory.

ASL provides analytical services in five main areas (note: our laboratory has capabilities beyond those listed in the Price List; if you are in need of a test that’s not listed, please contact us):

Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering

College of engineering, tim hamel, pmp.

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Tim Hamel has extensive experience across the medical device, appliance, automotive, and research industries. Currently serving as a Sr Director in Laboratory Equipment for Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tim spearheads customer-centric digital transformations and the deployment of Generative AI solutions to enhance customer service, supply chain, and commercial processes. His strategic Value Engineering Value Analysis initiatives have also led to substantial material cost savings while maintaining and even improving  quality and performance standards.

Tim's journey in engineering and project management began at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he earned his Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering. Tim was a co-op with GTRI under Dr. Krishan Ahuja, where he learned and applied acoustics research techniques for clients such as Ford Motor Company. 

A certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Six Sigma Black Belt, Tim is recognized for his expertise in deploying continuous improvement and project management tools to deliver tangible results. His innovative contributions to the field are underscored by the 12 patents he holds for consumer product inventions.

Tim's leadership philosophy is rooted in servant leadership and continuous improvement. He believes in leading by example, fostering an environment of transparency, and championing inclusivity. Tim is committed to mentoring and developing future leaders by sharing his knowledge and providing opportunities for professional growth. He enjoys coaching and mentoring to help develop the next generation of leaders.

INVITRO is a provider of full Central laboratory services and Clinical trial management services for Phase I-IV.

INVITRO Laboratory also performs Local laboratory services for International clinical trials. Because of our broad experience and specialized expertise, we’re in unique position to support safety laboratory tests as an alternative to the different site bases.

research service quality solutions

Local laboratory services are offered for Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

INVITRO Clinical Research can use its own Courier logistics service for pick-up and delivery of samples to the laboratory.

Due to the absence of custom between these countries, we are one of the small groups of organization with the capability and expertise to conduct Laboratory services and development projects for either local or global clinical trials.

All the tests for Clinical trials are performed in the Moscow laboratory.

It is stocked with high-tech equipment and located in a space of 3 500 sqm including:

  • 365 work days per year, including monitoring and registration of biological samples around the clock
  • Quality assurance of laboratory services in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 15189 certificates
  • Validated methodologies, logistical and data management support, reliable and flexible reporting systems and cohesive quality control, which are critical to meet the requirements of your organization and regulatory agencies.

Our Project teams perform ongoing monitoring and proactive communications to provide high-quality outcomes. Protocol specifications are built in during database setup to provide customized reports and sophisticated result flagging for monitoring. Our secure Internet-based, remote data access system allows members of the project team to review lab results in real time. INVITRO scientists, technologists and project managers can assist with protocol development to provide the most appropriate tests for each study, and all INVITRO staff is trained and certified accordingly. INVITRO Laboratory offers the flexibility required for quick and customized responses to unique client needs for any size project.

We strongly believe that a collaborative relationship between INVITRO Laboratory and Clinical Investigators is fundamental study success.

We provide:

  • Design of study-specific manual
  • Lab Kit manufacturing in accordance with GLP requirements
  • Study-specific requisition forms and courier documents
  • Biomaterial transportation in compliance with IATA requirements
  • Telephone assistance
  • Specimen handling
  • Long-Term Storage and frozen specimen tracking
  • Personal Account of clinical trials – an opportunity to use a tool that allows you to monitor the results of laboratory research, query, order a courier and lab kits online and have access to laboratory documents and project -specific documents

INVITRO clinical research

  • Patient service
  • Project Management
  • Request for proposal

Invitro Clinical Research

INVITRO Clinical Research has supported clinical study teams at pharma companies and CROs facing the challenges of recruiting study subjects

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Elevating 3D characterization with enhanced performance and efficiencies

Introducing the zeiss versaxrm 730 3d x-ray microscope.

  • Designed to flexibly address dynamic needs
  • Increases return on investment
  • Provides greater accessibility to a wider array of users

Today, ZEISS launches its latest innovation in the field of X-ray microscopy: ZEISS VersaXRM 730 ® . The new system offers researchers an unprecedented level of performance, choice, and accessibility.

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, it is essential for researchers to have access to cutting-edge capabilities that can keep up with the changing landscape. ZEISS VersaXRM 730 is designed to meet these dynamic requirements, offering breakthrough resolution performance as well as faster throughput and time-to-results to accelerate productivity. The platform’s intuitive guidance and control system, the award-winning ZEN navx ™ , takes accessibility to the next level, accommodating users of all skill levels. FAST Mode delivers one-minute tomographies, dramatically accelerating 3D imaging by using continuous sample motion data collection.

ZEISS VersaXRM 730 3D X-ray microscope – designed to meet dynamic requirements, offering breakthrough resolution performance as well as faster throughput and time-to-results to accelerate productivity

ZEISS VersaXRM 730 3D X-ray microscope – designed to meet dynamic requirements, offering breakthrough resolution performance as well as faster throughput and time-to-results to accelerate productivity

ZEISS VersaXRM 730 3D X-ray microscope – designed to meet dynamic requirements, offering breakthrough resolution performance as well as faster throughput and time-to-results to accelerate productivity

3D renderings and 2D slice view of rechargeable lithium ion 2025 coin cell battery. Using FAST Mode 1 minute quick overview scan is obtained followed by 3 μm/pixel resolution scan to resolve the layers and 1 μm/pixel resolution to image defects in the cathode and layers of the coin cell.

ZEN navx with built-in guidance, automated workflows, and intelligent system insights, winner of the prestigious Red Dot “Best of the Best interface design” award for 2024

ZEN navx with built-in guidance, automated workflows, and intelligent system insights, winner of the prestigious Red Dot “Best of the Best interface design” award for 2024

The intuitive and intelligent ZEN navx user-centered guidance and control system has garnered the prestigious Red Dot "Best of the Best interface design" award for 2024.

The intuitive and intelligent ZEN navx user-centered guidance and control system has garnered the prestigious Red Dot "Best of the Best interface design" award for 2024.

“Successful 3D X-ray microscopy requires efficient exploration, precise feature targeting, and powerful capabilities to enable new discoveries. With new, patented technologies wrapped in an award-winning software environment, ZEISS VersaXRM 730 delivers synergistic performance that is truly more than the sum of its parts”, said Martin Fischer, Head of Global Sales and Service. “We’ve capitalized on the most proven and versatile XRM platform, representing our commitment to excellence and once again advancing the field of 3D X-ray microscopy.”

Improved productivity and accessibility with human-centered design

The ZEN navx guidance and control system is a systematic approach of built-in guidance, automated workflows, and intelligent system insights. It enables even the newest user in a busy environment to be immediately productive, achieve experimental results more easily and efficiently, and obtain the right data the first time without extensive training. It also allows experienced users to explore the full versatility of the platform. ZEN navx provides system and sample protection with its built-in SmartShield. Additionally, ZEN navx File Transfer Utility (FTU) automatically transfers data from the microscope to other locations so that users have their information where they need it, when they need it.

“The new navx software has been instrumental in improving workflows for acquiring 3D datasets,” said Professor André Phillion from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada. “Due to the safety and built-in sample knowledge, we find it especially useful when training young researchers to be independent system users. It has also helped to reduce the time needed for setting up a sample run.”

Achieving rapid turnaround on imaging or sample inspection with one-minute tomographies

The optional flat panel extension (FPX) on the ZEISS VersaXRM series further increases versatility, delivering one-minute tomographies via FAST Mode. FAST Mode enables true, nearly real-time 3D navigation for all samples thanks to full integration with the Volume Scout workflow in ZEN navx. A combination of detector designs, including the high resolution 40x-Prime detector with 450 nm spatial resolution, allows for the widest range of sample sizes and types to be studied efficiently and accurately. With more X-ray photons available on ZEISS VersaXRM, users can now achieve even faster time to results for varied sample sizes without compromising resolution.

ZEISS VersaXRM 730 is also equipped with game-changing AI, unlocking entirely new application capabilities. The highly effective DeepRecon Pro, a module from the Advanced Reconstruction Toolkit, is now a standard feature on ZEISS VersaXRM platforms, with a high-performance workstation and two-year software license. Innovation in throughput and image quality performance across both hardware and software help users to achieve maximum impact with their research.

ZEISS VersaXRM 730 and VersaXRM 615 are both available now. ZEISS invites researchers to experience the power of perfect tomographies, for every user, every sample, every time with these systems.

Further information

Zeiss versaxrm product page.

  • +49 (0)3641 64 3949
  • Download vCard


ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. In the previous fiscal year, the ZEISS Group generated annual revenue totaling 10 billion euros in its four segments Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Quality & Research, Medical Technology and Consumer Markets (status: 30 September 2023).

For its customers, ZEISS develops, produces and distributes highly innovative solutions for industrial metrology and quality assurance, microscopy solutions for the life sciences and materials research, and medical technology solutions for diagnostics and treatment in ophthalmology and microsurgery. The name ZEISS is also synonymous with the world's leading lithography optics, which are used by the chip industry to manufacture semiconductor components. There is global demand for trendsetting ZEISS brand products such as eyeglass lenses, camera lenses and binoculars.

With a portfolio aligned with future growth areas like digitalization, healthcare and Smart Production and a strong brand, ZEISS is shaping the future of technology and constantly advancing the world of optics and related fields with its solutions. The company's significant, sustainable investments in research and development lay the foundation for the success and continued expansion of ZEISS' technology and market leadership. ZEISS invests 15 percent of its revenue in research and development – this high level of expenditure has a long tradition at ZEISS and is also an investment in the future.

With over 44,000 employees, ZEISS is active globally in around 50 countries with more than 60 sales and service locations, 35 research and development facilities, and 35 production facilities worldwide (status: 31 March 2024). Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany. The Carl Zeiss Foundation, one of the largest foundations in Germany committed to the promotion of science, is the sole owner of the holding company, Carl Zeiss AG.

Further information at

ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions

ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions is the leading provider of light, electron, X-ray microscope systems, correlative microscopy and software solutions leveraging AI technologies. The portfolio comprises of products and services for life sciences, materials and industrial research, as well as education and clinical routine applications. The unit is headquartered in Jena. Additional production and development sites are located in Germany, UK, USA and China. ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions is part of the Industrial Quality & Research segment.

Further information at

Press photos

Preview image of ZEISS VersaXRM 730 3D X-ray microscope

ZEISS VersaXRM 730 3D X-ray microscope

Preview image of 3D renderings and 2D slice view of rechargeable lithium ion 2025 coin cell battery

3D renderings and 2D slice view of rechargeable lithium ion 2025 coin cell battery

Preview image of Workflow selection smartshieldON

Workflow selection smartshieldON

Preview image of Red Dot "Best of the Best interface design" award for 2024

Red Dot "Best of the Best interface design" award for 2024

Visit the ZEISS Download Center for available translations and further manuals.

Further press releases

The figure displays a cross-sectional view of an intestinal gut organoid captured at 20X magnification on ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 and segmented using ZEISS arivis Pro image analysis software. The image highlights outer cell layer nuclei in pink and the inner luminal nuclei in yellow.

ZEISS arivis software enhances custom microscopy image analysis

ZEISS and Argolight announce strategic partnership

ZEISS and Argolight announce partnership to enhance microscopy imaging quality control

Inauguration Event, Oxford-ZEISS Centre of Excellence, 21st February 2024

Oxford-ZEISS Centre of Excellence officially opened

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  • Online Survey Tools
  • Customer Value Analysis
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  • Balanced Scorecards
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  1. How Quality Research Leads to Quality Solutions

    research service quality solutions

  2. Our Services

    research service quality solutions

  3. Research Quality Management Program (RQMP)

    research service quality solutions

  4. Reasons Why Enterprise Need ISO 9001 For Quality Management, 42% OFF

    research service quality solutions

  5. IJFS

    research service quality solutions

  6. Why make service quality monitoring a business priority

    research service quality solutions


  1. (PDF) Service quality implementation: problems and solutions

    According to the model, the four main sources of. service quality problems are: (1) The expectations gap. The difference between what customers expect, and what. appropriate employees, make sure ...

  2. About Quality Solutions Management Consulting Firm

    Blending of Software, Tools and Expertise, Customer Feedback and Quality Management. Quality Solutions, Inc. has become internationally recognized as a management consulting firm offering clients a wide range of market research support and quality management services. Our services are designed with one goal in mind, "Performance Excellence.".

  3. Satisfaction Survey, ISO 9001 Consultants

    Along with being the consulting firm that was instrumental in helping us develop this system, Quality Solutions continues to provide their capable and qualified support assisting us in maintaining our ISO 9001, TS 16949 and ISO 13485 registrations. They have been a trusted management advisor for over 12 years.".

  4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Services from Quality Solutions

    A well-designed and professionally executed customer satisfaction survey gets the answers you need to identify problems, develop solutions, maintain a competitive edge and maximize your business. At Quality Solutions, we work alongside our partner client to determine the right questions, collect the data, work though the analysis, and provide ...

  5. How To Measure Quality of Service

    Reliability: ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. Responsiveness: willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence. Empathy: the caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

  6. Service Quality: What it is + Top 5 Components

    Understanding how to improve the service quality of your product is the key step to growth for any organization. Measuring and improving service quality is a valuable art. But this requires research and expertise. To learn more about service quality we need to understand the key dimensions of service quality. The 5 Service Quality Components

  7. Service Quality: Definition, 5 Dimensions and Implementation

    5 dimensions of service quality. The five dimensions of service quality are: 1. Reliability. This refers to an organization's ability and consistency in performing a certain service in a way that satisfies its customers' needs. This process involves every step of customer interaction, including the delivery or execution of the good or service ...

  8. 11 Top market research services and solutions that deliver expert

    4. Suzy. Suzy is a versatile market research tool for US-based businesses. It makes it easy to collect qualitative data and customer feedback and conduct user research, offering a variety of research methods, like 1-1 video interviews and survey questions—almost like focus groups.

  9. Service Quality

    Description. Contents. The importance of service and service quality has been growing in the world economy since the late 1970s. Establishing new levels of sophistication and rigor, as well as a broad set of approaches, Service Quality presents the latest research and theory in customer satisfaction and services marketing.

  10. (PDF) Service quality: Status and research directions

    Status and Research Directions. ABSTRACT. Once a service is de ned, its quality must also be de ned. Many service quality measur es from marketing, supply chain, and Information Systems have been ...

  11. Quality Management & Assurance Solutions > Premier Research

    Both flexible and precise, ePremier enables processes, applies rigorous standards, and supports the careful management of all study data to minimize risk and meet regulatory guidelines. Get our fact sheet. Quality management is part of a wide range of service offerings that include medical affairs, project management, and global compliance.

  12. Service Quality And Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction

    ABSTRACT. Service quality and customer satisfac tion have been widely recognized as funda mental drivers in. the formation of pu rchase intentions. The concepts ar e important for companies to ...

  13. 12 Top Full-Service Research Companies

    Full-service marketing research agencies offer a wide array of solutions and resources to fit your every need. ... In return, we deliver valuable solutions and high-quality recruitment for their consumer, health care, B2B and technology projects. For the last seven years Murray Hill National LLP, rebranded under new ownership, has advanced to ...

  14. Top Customer Service Quality Needs & Measurement Companies

    Leading market research companies providing information on point of sale activities at specific business locations. Locate a firm that collects data to evaluate customer service quality needs and measurements. Information provided can include customer service, selling skills, pricing, signage, store appearance, and policy compliance for ...

  15. Bioanalytical Laboratory for LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Services

    Alturas Analytics is a Contract Research Organization (CRO) specializing in preclinical and clinical bioanalysis. Using liquid and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS) platforms, Alturas supports drug candidates from discovery through late phase clinical trials. Our scientists and regulatory experts work with you to ...

  16. Management Consulting & Market Research Services

    Quality Solutions! Quality Solutions, Inc. provides a full range of management consulting and market research services for companies seeking a competitive advantage through improved customer satisfaction. Our services blend offline and online survey tools, and our extensive business process improvement capabilities.

  17. EcoAnalysts

    Alternatively, you can call us at 208-882-2588, we are open 8-4pm Pacific Time. Sincerely, The EcoAnalysts Team. EcoAnalysts provides ecological consulting and laboratory services. We provide field-based environmental sampling; laboratory-based biological analyses including freshwater, and marine aquatic toxicity testing; freshwater, marine ...

  18. ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions

    Connect to productivity and manufacture a better future. ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions is a leading manufacturer of multidimensional metrology solutions. These include coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), optical and multisensor systems and metrology software for the automotive, aerospace, medical technology, additive manufacturing ...

  19. Merck

    Together, we impact life and health with science. We offer one of the broadest portfolios in the industry for scientists, best-in-class products for pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, and a fully integrated service organization to support CDMO and contract testing across traditional and novel modalities.

  20. Analytical Sciences Laboratory

    The University of Idaho Analytical Sciences Laboratory (ASL) is a full-service laboratory that operates within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Our staff of scientists, technicians and support personnel is committed to providing the highest quality analytical and research services. ASL directs its services and research support to ...

  21. (Pdf) Service Quality and Its Dimensions

    banking services "personal banker" plays the role of. key contact person. This dimension focuses on job. knowledge and skill, accuracy, courtesy etc of. employees and security ensured by the firm ...

  22. Tim Hamel, PMP

    Tim Hamel has extensive experience across the medical device, appliance, automotive, and research industries. Currently serving as a Sr Director in Laboratory Equipment for Thermo Fisher Scientific, Tim spearheads customer-centric digital transformations and the deployment of Generative AI solutions to enhance customer service, supply chain, and commercial processes.

  23. Laboratory

    Laboratory. INVITRO is a provider of full Central laboratory services and Clinical trial management services for Phase I-IV. INVITRO Laboratory also performs Local laboratory services for International clinical trials. Because of our broad experience and specialized expertise, we're in unique position to support safety laboratory tests as an ...

  24. Adobe Workfront

    Content as a Service v2 - workfront-overview - Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 16:04. See all Workfront resources. style. xl spacing. #F5F5F5. Unlock more with Adobe integrations. Connect Adobe products to create experiences that are right on time and just right for your customers.

  25. Elevating 3D characterization with enhanced performance and efficiencies

    ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions is the leading provider of light, electron, X-ray microscope systems, correlative microscopy and software solutions leveraging AI technologies. The portfolio comprises of products and services for life sciences, materials and industrial research, as well as education and clinical routine applications.

  26. Ep. 177

    Episode · The Alex Rudd Fishing Podcast · Send us a Text Message.We are back with another live Alex Rudd Fishing podcast recording! In this episode we are joined by Garrett Stamport. Garrett Stamport is a fisheries biologist with a degree in Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic science from Texas A&M University in College Station. During his undergrad, he spent 3.5 years working as a research ...

  27. Contact Quality Solutions to Improve Customer Satisfaction

    Quality Solutions, Inc. has become internationally recognized as a management consulting firm offering clients a wide range of market research support and quality management services. Our services are designed with one goal in mind, "Performance Excellence." Read More. Contact.

  28. Merck

    Together, we impact life and health with science. We offer one of the broadest portfolios in the industry for scientists, best-in-class products for pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, and a fully integrated service organization to support CDMO and contract testing across traditional and novel modalities.