• Childhood Obesity Topics Topics: 146
  • Heart Attack Topics Topics: 54
  • Hypertension Essay Topics Topics: 155
  • Breast Cancer Paper Topics Topics: 145
  • Chlamydia Research Topics Topics: 52
  • Hepatitis Essay Topics Topics: 57
  • Asthma Topics Topics: 155
  • Dorothea Orem’s Theory Research Topics Topics: 85
  • Patient Safety Topics Topics: 148
  • Arthritis Paper Topics Topics: 58
  • Communicable Disease Research Topics Topics: 58
  • Nursing Theory Research Topics Topics: 207
  • Nursing Topics Topics: 633
  • Heart Disease Topics Topics: 150
  • Heart Failure Essay Topics Topics: 83

399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples

Are you looking for the best obesity essay topics? You are at the right place! We’ve compiled a list of obesity research questions and catchy titles about various aspects of this problem. Read on to discover the most controversial topics about obesity for your research paper, project, argumentative essay, persuasive speech, and other assignments.

🧃 TOP 7 Obesity Essay Topics

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  • The Causes and Effects of Obesity
  • Unhealthy Food Culture and Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity: The Parents’ Responsibility
  • Causes and Consequences of Childhood Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity: Causes and Solutions
  • Parents Are Not to Blame for Obesity in Children
  • Obesity as a Disease: Arguments For and Against
  • Obesity: A Personal Problem and a Social Issue Obesity is a problem affecting many persons and society as a whole. According to World Health Organization, over 40% of the US population is either overweight or outright obese.
  • Health Promotion for Obesity in Adults This is a health promotion proposal for preventing obesity among adults in the US. People get obesity when they acquire a given body mass index.
  • Obesity Issue: Application of Nursing Theory This analysis will show that well-established theories are valuable to nursing problem-solving as frameworks for analyzing issues and planning solutions.
  • Obesity From Sociological Perspectives The social problem under focus is obesity originating from Latino food norms. The problem of obesity is the direct result of adherence to social norms.
  • Childhood Obesity: Methods and Data Collection The first instrument that will be used in data collection is body mass index (BMI). The BMI is measured by dividing a patient’s weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.
  • Junk Food and Children’s Obesity Eating junk foods on a regular basis causes weight gain and for one in five Americans, obesity, is a major health concern though no one seems to be sounding the alarm.
  • Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Quantitative Methods Obesity in children and adolescents has increasingly become prevalent in the recent past and is now a major problem in most developed countries.
  • The Role of Social Workers in Addressing Teenage Obesity The social worker should be the bridge uniting obese individuals and society advertising social changes, and ending injustice and discrimination.
  • Technology as the Cause of Obesity Today, humanity witnesses the third industrial revolution, or the broad implementation of innovative solutions into various spheres of activity.
  • Childhood Obesity: Research Methodology Based on their body mass index measurement or diagnosis by a qualified physician, all children in the sample should be qualified as having obesity.
  • Humanistic Theory in Childhood Obesity Research The humanistic theory will assist in research investigating how the use of dieting and parental supervision can help to resolve the issue of obesity.
  • Technological Progress as the Cause of Obesity Obesity is the increase of the body’s weight over the natural limit because of accumulated fats. Technology is a cost to the lost creativity and control over the required healthy lifestyle.
  • Depression as It Relates to Obesity This paper will argue that there is a positive correlation between depression and obesity. The paper will make use of authoritative sources to reinforce this assertion.
  • Children Obesity Prevention Proposals The purpose of this paper is to propose the study of motivational interviewing benefits in preventing childhood obesity in the context of the literature review method.
  • Obesity: Background and Preventative Measures Obesity is an epidemic. It tends to have more negative than positive effects on the economy and can greatly reduce one’s life expectancy.
  • Link Between Watching Television and Obesity One of the primary causes of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle, which often includes excessive screen-watching periods.
  • Physical Exercises as Obesity Treatment Exercise cannot be considered an effective tool for weight loss, but it does help individuals to maintain their normal and healthy weight.
  • Childhood Obesity Study and Health Belief Model A field experiment will be used in the research to identify the impact of a healthy lifestyle intervention on children diagnosed with obesity.
  • Health Promotion Proposal Obesity Prevention The purpose of this proposal is to inform and educate parents, children and adolescents of the importance of having a well balance diet and exercise in their daily lives to avoid obesity.
  • Obesity Management and Intervention Many patients within the age brackets of 5-9 admitted in hospital with obesity cases have a secondary diagnosis of cardiovascular disease exceptionally high blood pressure.
  • Obesity: Cause and Treatment The sphere of contemporary medicine faces the problem of obesity as a troublesome trend that proceeds to embrace the global citizens.
  • Obesity Prevention: Social Media Campaign A variety of programs aimed at reducing the risk of obesity has been suggested by healthcare practitioners and scholars. Among them, diet interventions are highly popular.
  • Obesity Prevention and Weight Management Theory The issue of obesity prevention will be guided by a nursing theory. One of the theories applicable in the case of childhood overweight is a theory of weight management.
  • Childhood Obesity Prevention: The Role of Nursing Education Nurse practitioners have to deal with childhood obesity challenges and identity healthy physical and environmental factors to help pediatric patients and their parents.
  • Obesity Caused by Fast-Food as a Nursing Practice Issue The proposed intervention will emphasize the necessity to increase the intake of fruit and vegetables as a method of reducing the consumption of fast food.
  • Children Obesity Research Method and Sampling This paper presents a research method and sampling on the investigation of the issue of childhood obesity and the impact parents` education might have on reducing excess weight.
  • Health Promotion Strategies for Obesity The paper outlines and critically analyses the population based strategy as a method of managing and preventing obesity used in United Kingdom.
  • Obesity From Sociological Imagination Viewpoint Most obese individuals understand that the modern market is not ready to accept them due to negative sociological imagination.
  • Discussion of Freedman’s Article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity” David Freedman, in article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”, talks about various misconceptions regarding healthy food that are common in society.
  • Nature vs. Nurture: Child Obesity On the basis of the given assessment, it is evident that a child’s environment is a stronger influencer than his or her genetic makeup
  • Obesity in the World: the Prevalence, Its Effects to Human Health, and Causes There are various causes of obesity ranging from the quantity of food ingested to the last of physical exercises that utilize the accumulated energy.
  • Childhood Obesity and Nutrition The prevalence of childhood obesity in schools can be compared to an epidemic of a virulent disease on a global scale.
  • Obesity Prevention in Community: Strategic Plan This paper is a plan of how to change the way the community should treat obesity and improve people’s health through the required number of interventions.
  • The Role of Family in Childhood Obesity Families and healthcare providers develop numerous interventions in order to provide their children with a chance to avoid obesity complications.
  • Childhood Obesity and Public Policies in England The study identifies the preventive measures of the English government to deal with childhood obesity and compares the trends in England with the rest of the UK.
  • Prevention of Obesity in Children The aim of the study is to find out whether the education of parent on a healthy lifestyle for the children compared with medication treatment, increase the outcome and prevention of obesity.
  • Childhood Obesity and Socio-Ecological Model Childhood obesity can be significantly reduced through a public health intervention grounded in the socio-ecological model.
  • The Consequences of Obesity: An Annotated Bibliography To review the literature data, the authors searched for corresponding articles on the PubMed database using specific keywords.
  • Obesity, Diabetes and Self-Care The paper discusses being overweight or obese is a high-risk factor for diabetes mellitus and self-care among middle-aged diabetics is a function of education and income.
  • Nursing Diabetes and Obesity Patients Nursing diabetes and obese patients are regarded as one of the most serious problems of contemporary nursing practices.
  • Prevention of Obesity in Teenagers This paper aims to create an education plan for teenage patients and their parents to effectively inform them and help them avoid obesity.
  • Obesity Management: Hypothesis Test Study This paper will show how a hypothesis test study can help inform evidence-based practice regarding obesity management.
  • The Epidemiology of Obesity Nowadays, the weight loss strategies are promoted in modern media as the quickest and easiest ways to become slim.
  • Obesity Treatment in Primary Care: Evidence-Based Guide This paper gives a detailed discussion and critical analysis of the article, “An Evidence-Based Guide for Obesity Treatment in Primary Care” by Fitzpatrick et al.
  • Pediatric Obesity and Self-Care Nursing Theory The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special consideration since healthy childhood is a prerequisite to normal physical and psychological maturation.
  • Childhood Obesity Interventions: Data Analysis The described analysis of research variables will make it possible to test the research and null hypotheses and contribute to the treatment of obesity in children.
  • Obesity Counteractions in Clark County, Washington The prevalence of obesity has been increasing sharply among children and adults in the Clark County because of the failure to observe healthy eating habits.
  • Nutrition and Obesity: Management and Prevention Obesity is currently one of the leading health problems in the United States. Three quarters of all Americans will be either overweight or obese if the current trend continues.
  • Obesity Interventions and Nursing Contributions Detecting health problems that may affect children later in their adulthood is worthwhile. This paper reviews roles of nurses’ actions in replacing obesity with wellness.
  • Parents’ Education in Childhood Obesity Prevention It can be extremely important to compare and contrast the role of parent education and common methods of treatment in childhood obesity prevention.
  • Betty Neuman’s System Model for Adult Obesity Betty Neuman’s system model can beneficially influence a physical and emotional state of the person who is experiencing difficulties with being overweight.
  • Link Between Obesity and Genetics Obesity affects the lives through limitations implemented on the physical activity, associated disorders, and even emotional pressure.
  • Obesity in Miami-Dade Children and Adults The problem of childhood obesity is rather dangerous and may produce a short-term and long-term effect on young patients’ social, emotional, and physical health.
  • Best Interventions for Obesity The best plan for preventing obesity involves the combination of healthy eating habits and regular physical exercises.
  • The Childhood Obesity Problem Significance Childhood obesity is one of the most severe issues that affects children and teenagers. It involves various risks to their health.
  • Parental Education to Overcome Childhood Obesity Parental education plays a crucial role in addressing childhood obesity by influencing children’s behaviors and habits. Encouraging healthy eating, and promoting physical activity.
  • Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions The current project is devoted to the use of educational behavioral interventions in the management of obesity.
  • Reducing Obesity Among Children Aged 5-19 From Low-Income Families According to Jebeile et al., since 1975, the number of obese children has increased by 4.9% among girls and 6.9% among boys.
  • Obesity and Lack of Its Treatment Project The paper aims to treat obesity in a primary care setting, thus reducing the individual and social health burden that obesity poses.
  • “Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS In the article “Overweight and Obesity Statistics” by the USDHHS, the dire situation concerning excessive weight in adults and children is discussed.
  • Obesity: High Accumulation of Adipose Tissue It is important to point out that obesity is a complex and intricate disease that is associated with a host of different metabolic illnesses.
  • Obesity and Iron Deficiency Among College Students The study seeks to establish the relationship between obesity and iron deficiency by analyzing the serum hepcidin concentration among individuals aged between 19 to 29 years.
  • Childhood Obesity During the COVID-19 Pandemic While the COVID-19 pandemic elicited one of the worst prevalences of childhood obesity, determining its extent was a problem due to the lockdown.
  • Overweight and Obesity Prevalence in the US Obesity is a significant public health problem recognized as one of the leading causes of mortality in the United States. Obesity and overweight are two common disorders.
  • Obesity as a Global Health Issue The purpose of this research is to identify obesity as a global health issue, evaluate the methods and findings conducted on obesity, and find solutions to reduce obesity globally.
  • Obesity Screening Training Using the 5AS Framework The paper aims to decrease obesity levels at the community level. It provides the PCPs with the tools that would allow them to identify patients.
  • Prevalence and Control of Obesity in Texas Obesity has been a severe health issue in the United States and globally. A person is obese if their size is more significant than the average weight.
  • Nutrition: Obesity Pandemic and Genetic Code The environment in which we access the food we consume has changed. Unhealthy foods are cheaper, and there is no motivation to eat healthily.
  • Preventing Obesity Health Issues From Childhood The selected problem is childhood obesity, the rates of which increase nationwide yearly and require the attention of the government, society, and parents.
  • Childhood Obesity: Causes and Effects Childhood obesity has many causes and effects, which denotes that parents and teachers should make children with obesity engage in regular physical exercise in school and at home.
  • Describing the Problem of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a problem that affects many children. If individuals experience a health issue in their childhood, it is going to lead to negative consequences.
  • Researching of Obesity in Florida It is important to note that Florida does not elicit the only state with an obesity problem, as the nation’s obesity prevalence stood at 42.4% in 2018.
  • Preventing Obesity Health Issues From the Childhood The paper is valuable for parents of children who are subject to gaining excess weight because the report offers how to solve the issue.
  • Obesity and Health Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges over the last three years, and significant research has been done regarding its health effects and factors.
  • Childhood Obesity in the US from Economic Perspective The economic explanation for the problem of childhood obesity refers to the inability of a part of the population to provide themselves and their children with healthy food.
  • Addressing Teenage Obesity in America The paper states that adolescence is one of the most crucial developmental phases of human life during which the issue of obesity must be solved.
  • Obesity in the United States of America The article discusses the causes of the obesity pandemic in the United States of America, which has been recognized as a pandemic due to its scope, and high prevalence.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity Obesity in childhood is a great concern of current medicine as the habits of healthy eating and lifestyle are taught by parents at an early age.
  • Oral Health and Obesity Among Adolescents This research paper developed the idea of using dental offices as the primary gateway to detect potential obesity among Texas adolescents.
  • Obesity, Weight Loss Programs and Nutrition The article addresses issues that can help increase access to information related to the provision of weight loss programs and nutrition.
  • Should fast-food restaurants be liable for increasing obesity rates?
  • Does public education on healthy eating reduce obesity prevalence?
  • Is obesity a result of personal choices or socioeconomic circumstances?
  • Should the government impose taxes on soda and junk food?
  • Weight loss surgery for obesity: pros and cons.
  • Should restaurants be required to display the caloric content of every menu item?
  • Genetics and the environment: which is a more significant contributor to obesity?
  • Should parents be held accountable for their children’s obesity?
  • Does weight stigmatization affect obesity treatment outcomes?
  • Does the fashion industry contribute to obesity among women?
  • Childhood Obesity in the US From an Economic Perspective Looking at the problem of childhood obesity from an economic point of view offers an understanding of a wider range of causes and the definition of government intervention.
  • The Science Behind Obesity and Its Impact on Cancer The paper addresses the connection between cancer and physical activity, diet, and obesity in Latin America and the USA. The transitions in dietary practices may be observed.
  • The Current Problem of Obesity in the United States The paper raises the current problem of obesity in the United States and informs people about the issue, as well as what effect obesity can have on health.
  • Childhood and Adolescent Obesity and Its Reasons Various socio-economic, health-related, biological, and behavioral factors may cause childhood obesity. They include an unhealthy diet and insufficient physical activity and sleep.
  • Pediatric Obesity and Its Treatment Pediatric obesity is often the result of unhealthy nutrition and the lack of control from parents but not of health issues or hormonal imbalance.
  • Impact of Obesity on Healthcare System Patients suffering from obesity suffer immensely from stigma during the process of care due to avoidance which ultimately affects the quality of care.
  • Trending Diets to Curb Obesity There are many trending diets that have significant effects on shedding pounds; however, the discourse will focus on the Mediterranean diet.
  • Issues of Obesity and Food Addiction Obesity and food addiction have become widespread and significant problems in modern society, both health-related and social.
  • Diet, Physical Activity, Obesity, and Related Cancer Risk One’s health is affected by their lifestyle, which should be well managed since childhood to set a basis for a healthier adulthood.
  • Articles About Childhood Obesity The most straightforward technique to diagnose childhood obesity is to measure the child’s weight and height and compare them to conventional height and weight charts.
  • Childhood Obesity and Overweight Issues The paper discusses childhood obesity. It has been shown to have a negative influence on both physical health and mental well-being.
  • Obesity: Causes, Consequences, and Care Nowadays, an increasing number of people suffer from having excess weight. This paper analyzes the relationship between obesity and other diseases.
  • Obesity Prevention Policy Making in Texas Obesity is a national health problem, especially in Texas; therefore, the state immediately needed to launch a policy to combat and prevent obesity in the population.
  • Childhood Obesity: Quantitative Annotated Bibliography Childhood obesity is a problem that stands especially acute today, in the era of consumerism. Children now have immense access to the Internet.
  • Obesity and How It Can Cause Chronic Diseases Obesity is associated with increased cardiovascular diseases, and cancer risks. The modifications in nutrition patterns and physical activity are effective methods to manage them.
  • Physical Wellness to Prevent Obesity Heart Diseases Heart disease remains to be one of the most severe health concerns around the world. One of the leading causes of the condition is obesity.
  • Obesity and General State of Public Health Obesity is a condition caused by an abnormal or excessive buildup of fat that poses a health concern. It raises the risk of developing various diseases and health issues.
  • Ways of Obesity Interventions The paper discusses ways of obesity interventions. It includes diet and exercise, patient education, adherence to medication, and social justice.
  • Obesity, Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Condition Under Hormones The essay discusses heart-related diseases and obesity conditions in the human body. The essay also explains the ghrelin hormone and how it affects the cardiovascular system.
  • Aspects of Obesity Risk Factors Obesity is one of the most pressing concerns in recent years. Most studies attribute the rising cases of obesity to economic development.
  • Obesity in Adolescence in the Hispanic Community The health risks linked to Hispanic community adolescent obesity range from diabetes, heart problems, sleep disorders, asthma, and joint pain.
  • Obesity as a Wellness Concern in the Nursing Field A critical analysis of wellness can provide an understanding of why people make specific health-related choices.
  • Physio- and Psychological Causes of Obesity The paper states that obesity is a complex problem in the formation of which many physiological and psychological factors are involved.
  • How Junk Diets Can Reduce Obesity To control obesity there is a need to ensure that the junk foods produced are safe for consumption before being released into the foods market.
  • The Problem of Obesity: Weight Management Obesity is now a significant public health issue around the world. The type 2 diabetes, cardiac conditions, stroke, and metabolism are the main risk factors.
  • Behavioral Modifications for Patients With Obesity This paper aims to find out in obese patients, do lifestyle and behavioral changes, compared to weight loss surgery, improve patients’ health and reduce complications.
  • Sleep Deprivation Effects on Adolescents Who Suffer From Obesity The academic literature on sleep deprivation argues that it has a number of adverse health effects on children and adolescents, with obesity being one of them.
  • Hypertensive Patients Will Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Prevent Obesity Despite hypertension and obesity are being major life threats, there are safer lifeways that one can use to combat the problem.
  • Evolving Societal Norms of Obesity The primary individual factors that lead to overeating include limited self-control, peer pressure, and automatic functioning.
  • Obesity: Racial and Ethnicity Disparities in West Virginia Numerous social, economic, and environmental factors contribute to racial disparities in obesity. The rates of obesity vary depending on race and ethnicity in West Virginia.
  • The Worldwide Health Problem: Obesity in Children The paper touch upon the main causes of obesity, its spread throughout the world, the major effects of the condition and ways of prevention.
  • Mental Stability and Obesity Interrelation The study aims to conduct an integrative review synthesizing and interpreting existing research results on the interrelation between mental stability and obesity.
  • Obesity in Low-Income Community: Diet and Physical Activity The research evaluates the relationship between family earnings and physical activity and overweight rates of children in 8 different communities divided by race or ethnicity.
  • Dealing with Obesity as a Societal Concern This essay shall discuss the health issue of obesity, a social health problem that is, unfortunately, growing at a rapid rate.
  • Adolescent Obesity in the United States The article reflects the problem of overweight in the use, a consideration which the authors blame on influential factors such as age and body mass index.
  • Obesity Problem Solved by Proper Nutrition and Exercise Most people who suffer from obesity are often discouraged to pursue nutrition and exercise because their bodies cannot achieve a particular look.
  • Hispanic Obesity in the Context of Cultural Empowerment This paper identifies negative factors directly causing obesity within the Hispanic people while distinguishing positive effects upon which potential interventions should be based.
  • Health Psychology and Activists’ Views on Obesity This paper examines obesity from the psychological and activists’ perspectives while highlighting some of the steps to be taken in the prevention and curbing of the disease.
  • Childhood Obesity Teaching Experience and Observations The proposed teaching plan aimed at introducing the importance of healthy eating habits to children between the ages of 6 and 11.
  • Care Plan: Quincy Town, Massachusetts With Childhood Obesity This study will develop a community assessment program based on the city with the aim of creating a care plan for tackling the issue of child obesity in the town.
  • The link between excess weight and chronic diseases.
  • The role of genetics in obesity.
  • The impact on income and education on obesity risks.
  • The influence of food advertising on consumer choices.
  • Debunking the myths related to weight loss.
  • Obesity during pregnancy: risks and complications.
  • Cultural influences on eating patterns and obesity prevalence.
  • Community initiatives for obesity prevention.
  • The healthcare and societal costs of obesity.
  • The bidirectional relationship between sleep disorders and obesity.
  • Exercise for Obesity Description There are numerous methods by which obesity can be controlled and one of the most effective ways is through exercising.
  • Obesity and Disparity in African American Women Several studies indicate that the rate of developing obesity is the highest in African American populations in the US.
  • Factors Increasing the Risk of Obesity The consumption of fast food or processed products is one of the major factors increasing the risk of obesity and associated health outcomes.
  • Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens The issue of obesity anong Hispanic Americans occurs as a result of poor dieting choices caused by misinformed perceptions of proper eating.
  • Effectiveness of a Diet and Physical Activity on the Prevention of Obesity Research indicates that obesity is the global epidemic of the 21st century, especially due to its prevalent growth and health implications.
  • Community Obesity and Diabetes: Mississippi Focus Study The paper provides a detailed discussion of the correct method to be used in the state of Mississippi to control and avoid obesity and diabetes issues.
  • Multicausality: Reserpine, Breast Cancer, and Obesity All the factors are not significant in the context of the liability to breast cancer development, though their minor influence is undeniable.
  • The Home Food Environment and Obesity-Promoting Eating Behaviours Campbell, Crawford, Salmon, Carver, Garnett, and Baur conducted a study to determine the associations between the home food environment and obesity.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity in the United States Childhood obesity is one of the reasons for the development of chronic diseases. In the US the problem is quite burning as the percentage of obese children increased significantly.
  • The Situation of Obesity in Children in the U.S. The paper will discuss the situation of obesity in Children in the U.S. while giving the associated outcomes and consequences.
  • Childhood Obesity and Healthy Lifestyles The purpose of this paper is to discuss childhood obesity and the various ways of fostering good eating habits and healthy lifestyles.
  • Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity Among School-Aged Children Increased screen time raises the likelihood of children becoming overweight/obese because of the deficiency of physical exercise and the consumption of high-calorie foods.
  • Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis The proposed study will attempt to answer the question of what is the relationship between eating fast food and obesity, using correlation analysis.
  • Policymaker Visit About the Childhood Obesity Problem The policy issue of childhood obesity continues to be burning in American society. It causes a variety of concurrent problems including mental disorders.
  • Public Health Interventions and Economics: Obesity The purpose of this article is to consider the economic feasibility of public health interventions to prevent the emergence of the problem of obesity.
  • Obesity Overview and Ways to Improve Health The main focus of this paper is to analyze the problems of vice marketing and some unhealthy products to teens and children.
  • Nursing: Issue of Obesity, Impact of Food Obesity is a pandemic problem in America. The fast food industry is under pressure from critics about the Americans weight gain problem.
  • Childhood Overweight and Obesity Childhood overweight and obesity have increased in the US. Effective transportation systems and planning decisions could eliminate such overweight-related challenges.
  • Childhood Obesity as an International Problem This paper explores the significance of using the web-based technological approach in combating obesity among Jewish children.
  • Obesity Negative Influence on Public Health In recent years the increased attention has been paid to the growing obesity trends in connection to a possible negative influence on public health.
  • The Effects of Gender on Child Obesity The high percentage of women’s obesity prevalence is a result of poor nutrition in childhood and access to greater resources in adulthood.
  • Problematic of Obesity in Mexican Americans With this strategy, patients and guardians will embrace the best habits and eventually address the problem of obesity among Mexican Americans.
  • Child Obesity Problem in the United States Obesity is a disease commonly associated with children in most countries in the world. Obesity means weighing much more than is healthy for someone.
  • Obesity Rates and Global Economy The process of obesity in modern society is undoubtedly a severe obstacle to the development of the global economy, as well as to the achievement of its sustainability.
  • Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity in School-Aged Children Obesity in school-aged children negatively influences their health, educational accomplishment, and quality of life.
  • Obesity Treatment – More Than Food Researchers concluded that due to underlying issues, obese adolescents failed to achieve their goals in terms of losing weight.
  • Effects of Exercise on Obesity Reduction in Adults One of the most effective methods of managing obesity is physical exercise. Physical exercise promotes weight loss and helps individuals to manage obesity.
  • The Problem of Obesity in the Latin Community The purpose of this paper is to discuss the matter of a large number of overweight people in the Latin community of Florida and how the situation can be improved.
  • Obesity Prevention in Ramsey County, Minnesota The problem of obesity has risen among working-class people but declined barely among children and senior adults. Ramsey has a low level of obesity relative to the national level.
  • Childhood Obesity and Its Potential Prevention The paper delves into the use of early onset obesity detection in children and suggests methods of potentially preventing childhood obesity later on in the child’s life.
  • Non-Surgical Reduction of Obesity and Overweight in Young Adults This paper review exercise, behavioral therapy, and good dietary habit as non-surgical means of managing obesity.
  • Obesity Prevention Due to Education For obesity prevention, the current study will focus on patient education as an initiative that can potentially decrease the incidence of this disease.
  • Physical Activity and Obesity in Children by Hills et al. Obesity has become one of the most significant health issues for high-income countries. Living standards are rising; people can afford to buy more while working less.
  • The Best Way to Address Obesity in the United States This article examines the types of questions and notes the importance of being able to identify the type of question to answer it correctly.
  • The Issues with Obesity of Children and Adolescents One of the primary concerns of medical specialists is the increasing rates of childhood obesity. It is linked to numerous health issues that occur among people with early obesity.
  • Obesity in People with Intellectual Disabilities’: The Article Review Mashall, McConkey, and Moore, in the ‘Obesity in People with Intellectual Disabilities’ article, seek to assess obese and overweight individuals.
  • Non-Surgical Reduction of Obesity in Young Adults The proposal analyzes the multifaceted approach that involves behavioral therapy and good dietary habit as non-surgical means of managing the obesity pandemic among young adults.
  • Obesity in Children in the United States The present paper discusses the most promising practices for planning and managing the question of childhood obesity.
  • Childhood Obesity in Ocean Springs Mississippi The purpose of this article is to look at the problem of childhood obesity and how prevalent it is in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
  • The Problem of Children Obesity The research question is what means could achieve additional mitigation of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity, along with obesity in other age groups, is steadily increasing.
  • “Physical Activity and Obesity in Children” by A. P. Hills
  • “Physical Activity and Obesity in Children” by Hills
  • The Current State of Obesity in Children Issue
  • Effects of Obesity on Human Lifespan Development
  • Obesity and High Blood Pressure as Health Issues
  • Adult Obesity: Treatment Program
  • The Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Children of 1 to 10 Years of Age
  • Obesity as a Major Health Concern in the United States
  • Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity
  • Janet Tomiyama’s “Stress and Obesity” Summary
  • A Dissemination Plan on Adolescent Obesity and Falls in Elderly Population
  • The Issue of Obesity: Reasons and Consequences
  • “Obesity and the Growing Brain” by Stacy Lu
  • Obesity Disease: Symptoms and Causes
  • Obesity Among Mexican-American School-Age Children in the US
  • Obesity as a One of the Major Health Concerns
  • Obesity: Diet Management in Adult Patients
  • Children’s Obesity in the Hispanic Population
  • Childhood Obesity: Problem Analysis
  • Prevention of Childhood Obesity
  • Assessing Inputs and Outputs of a Summer Obesity Prevention Program
  • Designing a Program to Address Obesity in Florida
  • Widespread Obesity in Low-Income Societies
  • Health Policy: Obesity in Children
  • Youth Obesity In Clark County in Vancouver Washington
  • Obesity in Clark County and Health Policy Proposal
  • Obesity: Is It a Disease?
  • Clark County Obesity Problem
  • Obesity Action Coalition Website Promoting Health
  • How to Reduce Obesity and Maintain Health?
  • Obesity Problem in the United States
  • Childhood Obesity: Medical Complications and Social Problems
  • How to Address Obesity in the United States
  • The Epidemic of Obesity: Issue Analysis
  • Eating Healthy and Its Link to Obesity
  • Child Obesity in North America
  • Personal Issues: Marriage, Obesity, and Alcohol Abuse
  • Obesity in Children: Relevance of School-Based BMI Reporting Policy
  • Obesity in the United States: Defining the Problem
  • Depression and Other Antecedents of Obesity
  • Adolescent Obesity: Theories and Interventions
  • Obesity in Children in the US
  • Childhood Obesity: Issue Analysis
  • Data Mining Techniques for African American Childhood Obesity Factors
  • Approaches to Childhood Obesity Treatment
  • Researching Childhood Obesity Issues
  • Infant Feeding Practices and Early Childhood Obesity
  • Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity in U.S. Children
  • Problem of Obesity: Analytic Method
  • Obesity as National Practice Problem
  • Practice Problem of the Obesity in United States
  • Exercise for Obesity Management: Evidence-Based Project
  • Obesity in African-American Women: Methodology
  • Pediatric Obesity Study Methodology
  • Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences
  • Community Health: Obesity Prevention
  • Childhood Obesity and Mothers’ Education Project
  • Childhood Obesity Research Critiques
  • Childhood Obesity: Medication and Parent Education
  • Childhood Obesity Study: Literature Review
  • Motivational Interviewing in Obesity Reduction: Statistical Analysis
  • Obesity Among the Adult Population: Research Planning
  • Research and Global Health: Obesity and Overweight
  • Adolescent Obesity Treatment in Primary Care
  • Obesity in School-Aged Children as a Social Burden
  • The Issues of Childhood Obesity: Overweight and Parent Education
  • Childhood Obesity and Parent Education: Ethical Issues
  • Childhood Obesity Prevention: Physical Education and Nutrition
  • Obesity Reduction and Effectiveness of Interventions
  • Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US in 2011-12
  • Obesity Prevention Advocacy Campaigns
  • Childhood Obesity Study, Ethics, and Human Rights
  • Childhood Obesity, Demographics and Environment
  • Childhood Obesity and Self-Care Deficit Theory
  • Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries Since 1980
  • Childhood Obesity and American Policy Intervention
  • Obesity in Miami as a Policy-Priority Issue
  • Childhood Obesity and Public Health Intervention
  • Childhood Obesity and Healtcare Spending in the US
  • Childhood Obesity, Medical and Parental Education
  • Nursing Role in Tackling Youth Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity Causes: Junk Food and Video Games
  • Childhood Obesity: Problem Issues
  • Adolescent Obesity and Parental Education Study
  • Childhood Obesity: Data Management
  • Obesity Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan
  • “Management of Obesity” by Dietz et al.
  • Obesity, Diet Modification and Physical Exercises
  • Obesity, Its Definition, Treatment and Prevention
  • Childhood Obesity and Eating Habits in Low-Income Families
  • Diet and Lifestyle vs Surgery in Obesity Treatment
  • Obesity: Society’s Attitude and Media Profiling
  • Childhood Obesity and Family’s Responsibility
  • Childhood Obesity: Parental Education vs. Medicaments
  • Childhood Obesity and Healthy Lifestyle Education
  • Childhood Obesity and Health Promoting Schools Program
  • Childhood Obesity Risks, Reasons, Prevention
  • Fast Food as a Cause of Obesity in the US and World
  • Obesity Prevention and Education in Young Children
  • Childhood Obesity: The Relationships Between Overweight and Parental Education
  • Obesity, Its Demographics and Health Effects
  • Obesity Treatment: Surgery vs. Diet and Exercises
  • Child Obesity as London’s Urban Health Issue
  • Childhood Obesity Problem Solution
  • Treat and Reduce Obesity Act and Its Potential
  • Obesity Prevention in Young Children: Evidence-Based Project
  • Advocacy Campaign: Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity as American Social Health Issue
  • Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the US
  • The Role of Nurses in the Obesity Problem
  • The Issue of Obesity in Youth in the U.S.
  • Obesity Among Children of London Borough of Southwark
  • Childhood Obesity Risks and Preventive Measures
  • Ways of Treating Obesity in Older Patients
  • Life Expectancy and Obesity Health Indicators
  • The Overuse of Antibiotics and Its Role in Child Obesity
  • Children and Adolescents With Obesity: Physical Examination
  • Obesity in the United States: Learning Process
  • Pharmacotherapy for Childhood Obesity
  • “Let’s Move” Intervention for Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity Prevention in Childhood
  • Patient Education for Obesity Treatment
  • Childhood Obesity Prevention Trends
  • Obesity Prevention in Young Children in US
  • Wellness, Academics & You: Obesity Intervention
  • Evidence Based Practice Related to Patient Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity and Its Solutions
  • Obesity Problem among the Adult Population
  • Obesity Education in Social Media for Children
  • Childhood Obesity and Governmental Measures
  • Childhood Obesity Research and Ethical Concerns
  • Obesity, Its Contributing Factors and Consequences
  • Obesity Education Plan for Older Adults
  • Childhood Obesity: Prevention and Mitigation
  • Obesity among the Adult Population
  • Multimodal-Lifestyle Intervention for Obesity
  • Technological Education Programs and Obesity Prevention
  • Childhood Obesity and Independent Variable in Parents
  • Childhood Obesity: A Global Public Health Crisis
  • Childhood Obesity, Its Definition and Causes
  • Public Health Initiative for Childhood Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity and Health Promotion
  • Childhood Obesity in the US: Factors and Challenges
  • Obesity: Genetic, Hormonal and Environmental Influences
  • The Problem of Obesity in the USA
  • Childhood Obesity in the USA
  • Racial and Ethnic Trends in Childhood Obesity in the US
  • Diabetic Patients with Obesity or Overweight
  • Childhood Obesity and Public Health Interventions
  • Obesity in Florida and Prevention Programs
  • Obesity in Afro-Americans: Ethics of Intervention
  • Food Ads Ban for Childhood Obesity Prevention
  • Helping Children with Obesity and Health Risks
  • The Role of Nurses in the Problem of Obesity
  • Healthy Nutrition: Obesity Prevention in Young Children
  • Myocardial Infarction, Obesity and Hypertension
  • Childhood Obesity and Parent Education
  • Obesity’s Effect on Children and Elderly People
  • Childhood Obesity and Community Nursing Intervention
  • Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks
  • Family-Based Childhood Obesity and Parental Weight
  • Childhood Obesity and Depression Intervention
  • Problem of the Childhood Obesity
  • Advocacy Campaign: the Problem of Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity in African Americans: Prevention and Therapy
  • Childhood Obesity, Social Actions and Intervention
  • Childhood Obesity and Control Measures in the US
  • Decreasing Obesity in Jewish Children
  • Nutrition: Obesity Epidemics in America
  • Fast Food and Obesity Link – Nutrition
  • Dairy Products Consumption and Obesity – Nutrition
  • Nutrition Issues: Obesity and Breastfeeding
  • The Evidence of Association between Iron Deficiency and Childhood Obesity
  • Food Allergies and Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity: a Population Health Issue
  • Nutrition: Fighting the Childhood Obesity Epidemic
  • What Factors Causes Obesity?
  • What Are Five Problems With Obesity?
  • Can the Government Help the Obesity Issue?
  • What Are the Three Dangers of Obesity?
  • What Are Ten Health Problems Associated With Obesity?
  • Are the Parents to Blame for Childhood Obesity?
  • What Are the Social Effects of Obesity?
  • Does Adolescent Media Use Cause Obesity and Eating Disorders?
  • How Is Obesity Affecting the World?
  • How Does Obesity Impact Quality of Life?
  • Does Society Affect America’s Obesity Crisis?
  • How Does Obesity Affect You Mentally?
  • How Does Obesity Impact Children?
  • How Does Obesity Affect Self-Esteem?
  • How Does Obesity Cause Depression?
  • Are First Generation Mexican Children More Prone to Obesity Than Their Second Generation Counterparts?
  • Should Fast Food Companies Be Held Responsibility for Children’s Obesity?
  • Does Obesity Cause Mood Swings?
  • What Are the Causes and Effects of Childhood Obesity?
  • Is Obesity a Mental or Physical Illness?
  • What Comes First: Depression or Obesity?
  • What Makes Obesity Dangerous?
  • Which European Country Has the Highest Rate of Obesity?
  • What Is the Obesity Rate in Africa?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/

"399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "399 Obesity Essay Topics & Research Questions + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/obesity-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Obesity were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

90+ Obesity Essay Topics

Obesity is one of the most widespread diseases. Today it’s easy to meet an obese or overweight person. Look around – it’s your neighbor, classmate, or colleague. If you are lucky enough, and all of the people close to you are thin and slender, the problem still exists. Even the growing popularity of healthy eating and being fit cannot significantly decrease obesity rates. While fat people may often be considered as soft and cheerful persons, their weight badly influences their overall health. This disease affects all age groups: children, adolescents, adults, and elderly.

In this article our essay writers want to show you a list of topics connected with obesity that you can freely use for your own essay. You can paraphrase them or use them as they are, unchanged. We strive to cover the most interesting and recent topics about obesity and being overweight. Enjoy!

Childhood obesity research topics

childhood obesity research topics

Obesity can dramatically influence the physical and social well-being of children. Usually, overweight children grow up to be adults with health problems. Let’s see what topics you can discuss in relation to childhood and adolescent obesity.

  • Explain how parents with obesity increase the chances of their children to be obese.
  • What are the main reasons for child obesity in well-developed/developing countries?
  • Explore the local statistics of obesity rates among adults and children in your state. What treatment and social programs are available?
  • Do TV, computers, and other gadgets influence childhood obesity rates?
  • How fast food advertising influences childhood obesity .
  • How do regular exercises and sports in childhood protect from obesity in adulthood?
  • Explain the effect of childhood abuse and neglect in relation to obesity in adulthood.
  • How does obesity affect the psychological well-being and emotions of a child?
  • How do childhood and adult obesity influence your community and you personally?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of isocaloric fructose restrictions for children with obesity.
  • Do electronic medical records improve the diagnostics and screening of children with obesity?
  • Think about whether childhood obesity influences the level of academic performance of a child.
  • Is it true that children raised within a single-parent family are more prone to obesity?
  • How can exercises among children and adolescents be promoted? How can they be made interesting and engaging?
  • Explain the main causes of obesity among pre-adolescents in the US.
  • Explain the causes of the increasing prevalence of adolescent obesity in Hong Kong (or another country of your choice).
  • What measures can schools and universities use to decrease obesity rates?
  • Persuade your audience that one of the most effective ways to decrease the obesity of students in schools is removing sweets and high-fat snacks from vending machines.
  • Examine physical education programs in schools and colleges. How is it connected to obesity?
  • How does the obesity of a mother affect a newborn?
  • Analyze how childhood obesity influences the early development of chronic diseases.

Obesity argumentative essay topics

obesity argumentative essay topics

Obesity is a quite controversial issue. Doctors and researchers actively seek for the real causes of obesity and find working methods to fight the disease. Also, scientists still argue whether obesity is a disease or not.

  • Does a vegetarian diet decrease chances of obesity? Why?
  • Can surgery methods overcome obesity? Is it the right choice? Why?
  • Think about who should be responsible for controlling obesity rates: individuals themselves, parents, local authorities, educational institutions, mass media, etc.
  • Can obesity be considered a mental illness? Explain why.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of warning statements on food labels as a preventative tool for obesity and chronic diseases in Australia. Should this practice be provided worldwide?
  • Describe the most effective methods of obesity prevention in the US. What methods are used in other countries?
  • Does education and the economic situation in the country play a role in the growing trend of obesity?
  • Is obesity connected to a person’s behavior and lifestyle?
  • Is obesity an international health issue? Provide arguments to your position.
  • Does mass media influence obesity rates? How?
  • What are the reasons for obesity in your school/college/community?
  • Why is obesity a social problem? How can society address the issue?
  • How do weight management and dietary changes influence a person’s health?
  • Explain the importance of a well-balanced menu in the school cafeteria. Write a persuasive essay about promoting healthy meals in schools and restricting junk food.
  • What nutritional programs are available in the US? Do they help lower obesity rates?
  • Can obesity be considered a chronic or non-chronic disease?
  • Does breastfeeding decrease the chances of occurrence of childhood obesity?
  • Explain the meaning of healthy play places for children in terms of reducing obesity.
  • How does the right kind of daily routine prevent obesity?

Obesity topics for research paper: discussing causes and consequences

obesity topics for research papers

There are many reasons why obesity occurs. To make the treatment more effective, we should find out what has caused the weight gain. Each case of obesity is unique, and therefore, the patient should undergo an individual treatment program. In this section you will find topics connected to the causes and consequences of obesity.

  • Analyze the articles related to the reasons of obesity. Identify ideas presented in articles and define their viability.
  • Is obesity connected to genetics? Can obesity be predicted?
  • The obesity rates continue to rise. Why do you think this happens?
  • Why are US immigrants more affected by obesity? Relate the environment and segregation to this issue.
  • How do you think fast food restaurants influence the rising rates of obesity?
  • Are women more prone to obesity? Why? In what counties or cultures?
  • How is stress related to obesity? Find out the most recent publications on this issue.
  • How does the urban environment affect obesity? Are people from big cities more prone to obesity than those who live in small towns and the countryside? Why?
  • Define the obesity rates among African American citizens. What are the main causes of obesity?
  • How does eating behavior depend on media and advertisement? Does it influence the occurrence of obesity?
  • What is the life expectancy for people with obesity? What is the main identification? What are the solutions to increase this level?
  • Analyze the scholarly article, “Genetic Influences on the Response of Body Fat and Fat Distribution to Positive and Negative Energy Balances in Human Identical Twins” by Claude Bouchard. What makes this research unique? What questions does the author strive to answer?
  • Analyze the article “What’s Behind the Obesity Epidemic” by Carlotta Pozza and Andrea M. Isidori.
  • Identify particular eating habits as an important cause of obesity. How does family eating habits influence obesity rates?
  • Quantify the phenomenon of obesity in your region. Collect the data from reliable sources, identify reliability and validity, and interpret the received data.
  • What are the negative effects of obesity on children/teenagers/adults?
  • Analyze the causes and consequences of obesity among US military personnel.

Economics and sociology of obesity topics

economics and sociology of obesity topics

Currently, a significant increase in the number of people suffering from being overweight has actually become a serious problem for ensuring sustainable socio-economic development at the state and local levels. Here are some topics connected with this issue.

  • Can local socioeconomic status be associated with the causes of obesity?
  • Analyze the film “The Weight of the Nation” about the obesity epidemic.
  • Explain the influence of food prices and food quality on obesity. How to fix it?
  • Analyze the film “Globesity” available online. What have you learned from the film? Describe how China and other countries can control the threat of obesity.
  • Should the government play an active part in preventing obesity? What governmental regulations can help?
  • Do people with obesity suffer from discrimination in the workplace? Is it legal?
  • Discuss the situation of obesity in Latino communities in the US.
  • Critically evaluate Zinczenko’s views on obesity, the fast food industry, and healthy food.
  • Analyze the current situation of the food industry in the US. Do people have the opportunity to buy quality, healthy foods? Does the food industry influence obesity rates?
  • Describe the current situation of obesity in the US. Provide statistical data, analyze the most frequent causes, and define the tendency. How does obesity affect the US economy and society?
  • Will tax on sugary drinks lower the obesity rates? What economic effect will it lead? Give two other ways to decrease obesity level.
  • Analyze the obesity rates among Maori or Islander citizens in New Zealand.
  • Compare and contrast the situation with obesity rates in the US and Asian countries.
  • What are the cultural differences related to obesity in India and China?
  • Identify the ethical principles and issues in the context of the obesity epidemic.
  • The role of body image on the rising occurrence of obesity.

Biology and treatment of obesity topics

treatment of obesity essay topics

Still, there is no single answer about the biological causes of obesity and influence of body state on the occurrence of this disease. Here are some insights into the problem from various perspectives.

  • Describe metabolic complications and the role of fat distribution in people with obesity.
  • Explain the linking mechanism between obesity, type 2 diabetes, and inflammation.
  • What digestive diseases are associated with obesity?
  • Explain the interconnection of insulin resistance and obesity.
  • How does heart failure relate to obesity and type 2 diabetes?
  • Explain the occurrence of bone fraction and obesity in women during menopause.
  • Does obesity influence a woman’s childbearing experience?
  • Explain the meaning of personal responsibility in relation to the US (or another country of your choice).
  • Find out the influence of fructose and corn syrup on obesity and gaining weight.
  • What is the obesity stigma? How does it worsen outcomes in obese people?
  • Explain the effect of obesity on healthcare staff and personnel from the emergency unit. What are the underlying causes?
  • Explain the relationship between endocrine-disrupting organotin and obesity.
  • Analyze obesity from a sociological perspective. What is the role of sociological imagination?
  • Compare and contrast obesity and anorexia. What health problems do they lead?
  • Explain the influence of gut microbiome on obesity and metabolic syndrome.
  • Explain the meaning of morbid obesity. What conditions are related to morbid obesity? Describe treatment methods and risks connected. Explain what may happen to a person if obesity is not treated.
  • Can gastric bypass surgery cure obesity? How? In what cases?
  • Explain the role of nurses in obesity treatment.
  • Are there any drugs for obesity treatment? Are they effective? What side effects do they have? Why?
  • What is the difference between being overweight and obesity? How do healthy nutrition and physical activity help to cure the disease?
  • How can nurses monitor and negotiate the problem of obesity in and outside the hospital?

Obesity and being overweight are massive issues that can be discussed from many angles. As this problem is one of the most challenging issues of public health, it should be actively discussed at schools and colleges to raise awareness about the seriousness of this problem and how to prevent it.

How we can help with obesity papers writing

It can be hard to find a good topic on obesity, which is why we have created this list. We will be happy if one of our topics will inspire you on writing. This means that all of our efforts were not spent in vain! However, we know that finding a topic is only half of the way to writing a good essay. If you have troubles with writing, ask our expert writers to help you! Just fill in the order form on this page, or in an essay writing app and get assistance from EssayShark 24/7.

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150 Obesity Essay Topics + [Obesity Essay Example]

  • September 15, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

Obesity is a serious issue in the United States, and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of American adults are obese, which is a worrying statistic. If you’re looking for obesity essay topics to write about, you’ve come to the right place!

Here's What You'll Learn

  • What is Obesity?

Obesity is an excess of body fat that leads to health problems. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) above 30. BMI is a measure of weight in relation to height. It uses the following formula:

BMI = weight (kg) / height (m2)

A BMI over 30 indicates obesity. A BMI over 25 indicates being overweight, and a BMI over 30 indicates obesity. Obesity is associated with an increased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, some types of cancer, and arthritis.

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How to Write an Obesity Essay

The format of an obesity essay is similar to writing any other essay. If you need help regarding how to write an obesity essay , it is the same as writing any other essay. 

Obesity Essay Introduction

The trick is to start your essay with an interesting and catchy sentence. This will help attract the reader’s attention and motivate them to read further. You don’t want to lose the reader’s interest in the beginning and leave a bad impression, especially if the reader is your teacher.

A hook sentence is usually used to open the introductory paragraph of an essay in order to make it interesting. When writing an essay on obesity, the hook sentence can be in the form of an interesting fact or statistic.

Once you have hooked the reader, the next step is to provide them with relevant background information about the topic. Don’t give away too much at this stage or bombard them with excess information that the reader ends up getting bored with. Only share information that is necessary for the reader to understand your topic.

Next, write a strong thesis statement at the end of your essay , be sure that your thesis identifies the purpose of your essay in a clear and concise manner. Also, keep in mind that the thesis statement should be easy to justify as the body of your essay will revolve around it.

Body Paragraphs

The details related to your topic are to be included in the body paragraphs of your essay . You can use statistics, facts, and figures related to obesity to reinforce your thesis throughout your essay. 

If you are writing a cause-and-effect obesity essay , you can mention different causes of obesity and how it can affect a person’s overall health. The number of body paragraphs can increase depending on the parameters of the assignment as set forth by your instructor.

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that is the crux of its content. It is necessary to write an engaging topic sentence as it helps grab the reader’s interest . Check out this detailed blog on writing a topic sentence to further understand it.

End your essay with a conclusion by restating your research and tying it to your thesis statement . You can also propose possible solutions to control obesity in your conclusion. Make sure that your conclusion is short yet powerful.

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Obesity Essay Topics

Argumentative obesity essay topics.

  • How does Obesity Affect Health ?
  • What Causes Obesity?
  • Is Obesity a Disease?
  • What are the Effects of Obesity on Health?
  • How Can Obesity be treated?
  • What are the Risks Associated with Obesity?
  • How Can Obesity Be Prevented?
  • The Causes of Obesity
  • The Effects of Obesity on Health
  • Strategies for Reducing Obesity
  • Solutions to the Problem of Obesity

Analytical Obesity Essay Topics

  • What is obesity?
  • Causes of obesity
  • Diagnosis and treatment of obesity
  • Preventing obesity in children
  • Obesity in the elderly
  • Epidemiology of obesity
  • What are the causes of obesity?
  • How can obesity be prevented or treated?
  • How has obesity become a global epidemic?
  • What are the health risks associated with obesity?
  • How can obese individuals live healthier and happier lives?
  • What are the economic costs of obesity?
  • What is the role of diet and exercise in the prevention and treatment of obesity?
  • What are the social and cultural implications of obesity?
  • How can obesity be addressed in international health policy ?
  • What are the future prospects for obesity research ?

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Persuasive Obesity Essay Topics

  • Obesity is a problem that is becoming more and more common in the United States . What are some reasons for this increase in obesity?
  • What are some of the consequences of obesity?
  • How can obesity be prevented or cured?
  • What are some ways in which obesity can be treated?
  • What are some of the interventions that are currently being used to treat obesity?
  • What are the ethical implications of obesity?
  • What are some possible solutions to the obesity problem?
  • What are the challenges that will need to be overcome in order to solve the obesity problem ?
  • What are some possible strategies for dealing with obesity?
  • What are some possible implications of obesity on the health of people in the United States?

As you continue, thestudycorp.com has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Obesity Essay Topics )

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Cause and Effect Obesity Essay Topics

  • How has obesity become such a problem in the United States?
  • What are some contributing factors to obesity?
  • How has obesity been linked to various health problems?
  • What can be done to address obesity?
  • What are some possible solutions to obesity?
  • What are the long-term effects of obesity?
  • What are the social and cultural consequences of obesity?
  • What are the public health implications of obesity?

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Top Obesity Essay Topics

  • Obesity and overweight: what is the difference?
  • Obesity: causes & effects
  • Preventing child obesity
  • A Lifetime Condition – Obesity
  • Nursing Phone Call Program for Obesity Control Among Paediatric Patients
  • The Specifics of Obesity Among Pilots
  • Obesity as a Worldwide Problem and Its Solution
  • Obesity Among the Elderly and Behavior Intervention
  • School Lunches Addressing Childhood Obesity
  • The Rising of Obesity in America
  • Childhood Obesity: Prevention Methods
  • Advertising as a Current Issue in Childhood Obesity
  • How Obesity Affects Our Health
  • Obesity and Its Challenges Analysis
  • Health Concerns and Obesity Among Acworth Residents
  • Advertising and Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Intervention
  • Pediatric Obesity and Screen Time
  • Obesity Rates in Lithuania
  • Obesity in America: Gastric Bypass Surgery and Bariatric Surgery
  • Childhood Obesity and Related Program Evaluation
  • Obesity Tackling on Critical Thinking Standards
  • Obesity and Psychosocial Factors Affecting It
  • Japanese Campaign Against Obesity
  • Survey to Study the Relationship Between Fast Food Consumption and Obesity
  • Obesity as a Family Issue in the Community
  • Youth Culture, Obesity and Moral Panic
  • Obesity Blame Culture and Its Major Causes
  • Tobacco Consumption and Obesity
  • The Problem of Obesity: Public Health Infrastructure
  • The Main Reasons and the Ways of Obesity Prevention
  • Dieting Habits Associated With Obesity
  • Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity
  • Food Addiction and Obesity in Children and Teens
  • Health Promotion and Obesity Prevention
  • The Problem of the Childhood Obesity in Modern Society
  • Commercial Advertising Impact on Child Obesity
  • What Is the Cause of Rising Obesity in the America
  • Child Obesity and Overweight in the United States
  • Global Trends in Overweight and Obesity
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity
  • Dunet et al.’s Obesity & State Plan Article Critique
  • Obesity in the UAE: An Overview
  • Management of Obesity and Social Issues That Emerge With Its Development
  • Childhood Obesity Intervention and Its Effectiveness
  • School Lunch Program on Reducing Obesity Among Children
  • Factors That Lead to Obesity Among Children and Adolescents
  • Situational Analysis of Obesity in the United Arab Emirates
  • Utilizing Pender’s Health Promotion Model: Patient Education
  • Childhood Obesity as a Serious Public Health Problem
  • Communication Between Sleep, Behavior and Obesity
  • The Medical and Non-Medical Interventions in Obesity Among School Going
  • Obesity Among Schoolchildren and Solutions
  • Obesity and Nutritional and Surgical Management
  • Obesity and Management
  • Overweight and Obesity Among Primary School Children
  • Screening for Obesity
  • Overweight and Obesity Among African Americans
  • Epidemiology of Obesity: Development and Impact
  • Primary Prevention of Childhood Obesity Guideline
  • Clinical Guidelines for Adult Obesity
  • Five Issues on Obesity and Being Overweight
  • The Relationship Between Hypothyroidism and Obesity
  • Obesity in the U.S.: Ways of Addressing the Problem
  • Obesity Challenge and Changes in American Society
  • Public Health. Epidemiology of Obesity
  • Obesity as a Public Health Issue
  • Obesity in Adults: Issue Review
  • Obesity Among the Elderly People in Warren Township
  • Childhood Obesity: Problems and Issues
  • Advertising and Child Obesity: Content Analysis of Food Commercial on Saturday Morning Television
  • Obesity and Excess Body Fat in Humans and Rats
  • Problem of Obesity in America
  • Obesity in America Caused by Unhealthy Nutrition
  • Television Plus Junk Foods Equal Childhood Obesity
  • Teen Obesity and Social Stratification
  • Obesity Issue in Oklahoma
  • Potential Causes of Obesity
  • Obesity Problem in America
  • Bariatric Surgery and Obesity in America
  • What’s Obesity: Brief Overview
  • Critical Thinking With Obesity
  • COVID-19 and obesity
  • Obesity and cancer: the connection
  • The most common health consequences of obesity
  • Obesity and malnutrition in developing countries
  • Healthy food promotion as a way to prevent obesity
  • Preventing overweight on the societal level
  • Physical activity as a way to fight obesity

Childhood Obesity Essay Topics

  • Impact of parents on the child’s obesity.
  • Reasons why a child is obese if they are well raised.
  • Compare excessive weight rates among adults and children.
  • How can gadgets affect the increased weight among children?.
  • How can wifi contribute to children’s lack of movement?
  • Regular exercise promoting a healthy weight among children.
  • Abuse of children leads to uncontrolled eating as they grow old.
  • Neglected children tend to eat more as a sign of rebellion.
  • Health effects of obesity on children.
  • Rates of bullying among overweight children.
  • The home environment causes children to eat junk food.
  • Children raised with siblings are less likely to be obese.
  • How to promote exercise and proper diet for children at school and home?
  • How to encourage children to skip sweets to prevent obesity?
  • What can the school do to tackle the weight issue?

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Obesity Essay Example

Childhood obesity is not a matter to take lightly. In fact, it has proven to be a very serious health problem not just within our state, but within the United States as a nation. Just as the size of our residents have, the issue of obesity has become much larger than it has before.

It is debatable as to what can be fully attributed to this lifestyle. In fact, I personally do not believe that the issue of obesity is a matter that can be blamed on one particular issue. At this point in human history, we have become unfortunate enough to see this result from genetics, overeating, inactive lifestyles, or just poor self-care in general.

The most unfortunate but most undeniable aspect of obesity is that it is a problem which our children have had the misfortunate to inherit. While the nation may be facing this problem, it is one which medical professionals and the general public alike have already acknowledged to the point of taking action against.

This is not to say that obesity is going to affect everyone. Municipalities throughout the country have different statistics regarding their obesity rates. Moreover, children, regardless of their genetics, must have the same opportunities to become who they want to be while they are still young.

To prevent future obesity in children, West Virginia, among the rest of the states in the union, have implemented legislative plans to work with the NPAP. (Abildso, et. al, 2016) This plan acknowledges the rising rate of obesity in our nation’s children as well as the need to make some significant changes. In West Virginia, the lack of Bachelor’s degrees and physical activity is notably higher than that of the US average.

Moreover, the population is predominately rural. (Abildso, et. al, 2016) This leads me to believe that a lack of proper education and resources can be attributed to West Virginia’s extraordinarily high childhood obesity rate. Moreover, those living in the country as opposed to densely populated areas have fewer access to health resources.

According to a study conducted in Charleston, the largest city in West Virginia, 78 percent of surveyed children met the criteria to either be deemed as obese or have hypertension. (Co, et. al, 2015)

Due to the high number of homeschooled students and students in rural communities, a five-year plan has been implemented in the state of West Virginia. (Partington, et. al, 2015) This plan focuses specifically on children.

From an early age, children in West Virginia will be educated in regards to physical activity as well as eating habits. As opposed to a traditional physical education course, children participating in curriculums that abide by this plan will be taught the significance of how the material of the class. The goal behind this is to encourage children to be wary of their fitness in order to avoid the many outlets for obesity that are promoted to them and their parents.

The primary contributors to these findings have been academic minds. In the case of children, one would hope that a nurse or other medical professional would never be in a position to give them news regarding a negative health condition that they do not have the capacity to understand. However, those in medical fields have been the ones to conduct the necessary studies to reach these conclusions.

 In turn, this has made it easier to pass the necessary legislation to encourage children to be cautious of their health in hopes that they will be able to avoid obesity as adults. While obesity may seem to be a matter of appearing unattractive at an early age, the physical health consequences become more evident later in life.

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Nursing professionals were able to obtain the necessary medical knowledge that paved the way for the academic minds that were able to conduct these studies. As a child, obesity may be the only thing that a child knows. In this modern age, it is often a matter of genetics and disregard for one’s eating habits and physical appearance.

In the case of those who affected in terms of their genes, other health conditions are also likely to ensue later on in life. It is unfair to the child, who has not been educated to act any differently. As the majority of people in West Virginia live in rural communities and have low levels of education, a disregard for one’s personal health and appearance would not be surprising.

However, there is much more to this national problem than just outer appearance alone. As the previously discussed study indicated, many of the people who fell into the group of people who were obese also had hypertension. This indicates an extraordinarily high level of blood pressure, especially considering that the surveyed group was comprised of children.

As children are not yet knowledgeable enough to be held accountable for their actions, it is not fair to them that they inherit the same physical health issues that their parents did. These are avoidable through proper dieting and adequate physical activity, however.

The five-year plan that was established in West Virginia to accommodate specifically focuses on children who are at risk of becoming obese in their adult years. As this happens, it becomes harder to address one’s health conditions and change them for the better. As such, the plan focuses on teaching the importance of physical health at an early age, both in terms of physical activity and proper dieting.

Related FAQs

1. how to write an obesity essay.

The details related to your topic are to be included in the body paragraphs of your essay. You can use statistics, facts, and figures related to obesity to reinforce your thesis throughout your essay. If you are writing a cause-and-effect obesity essay, you can mention different causes of obesity and how it can affect a person’s overall health.

2. What is obesity?

Essay on obesity! Find high quality essays on ‘Obesity’ especially written for school, college, science and medical students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the causes, factors, treatment, management and complications related to obesity. Obesity is a chronic health condition in which the body fat reaches abnormal level .

3. Are there any research paper topics about obesity?

Not to waste your essential study time, we have composed a set of research paper topics about obesity to help you start the writing process quickly. How to Choose Obesity Research Paper Topic? You could be stuck in choosing an interesting, valuable topic for your next research paper .

4. What is a childhood obesity essay?

In many countries, obesity is becoming the leading cause of death. From an overabundance of unhealthy food to a tendency to be less active, the habits of parents often transfer to their children, resulting in the acuteness of a childhood obesity essay .

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Obesity Essay

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

Obesity Essay: A Complete Guide and Topics

By: Nova A.

11 min read

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Aug 31, 2021

Obesity Essay

Are you assigned to write an essay about obesity? The first step is to define obesity.

The obesity epidemic is a major issue facing our country right now. It's complicated- it could be genetic or due to your environment, but either way, there are ways that you can fix it!

Learn all about what causes weight gain and get tips on how you can get healthy again.

Obesity Essay

On this Page

What is Obesity

What is obesity? Obesity and BMI (body mass index) are both tools of measurement that are used by doctors to assess body fat according to the height, age, and gender of a person. If the BMI is between 25 to 29.9, that means the person has excess weight and body fat.

If the BMI exceeds 30, that means the person is obese. Obesity is a condition that increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions like metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and even some types of cancer.

Obesity Definition

Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization as an accumulation of abnormal and excess body fat that comes with several risk factors. It is measured by the body mass index BMI, body weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of a person’s height (in meters).

Obesity in America

Obesity is on the verge of becoming an epidemic as 1 in every 3 Americans can be categorized as overweight and obese. Currently, America is an obese country, and it continues to get worse.

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Causes of obesity

Do you see any obese or overweight people around you?

You likely do.

This is because fast-food chains are becoming more and more common, people are less active, and fruits and vegetables are more expensive than processed foods, thus making them less available to the majority of society. These are the primary causes of obesity.

Obesity is a disease that affects all age groups, including children and elderly people.

Now that you are familiar with the topic of obesity, writing an essay won’t be that difficult for you.

How to Write an Obesity Essay

The format of an obesity essay is similar to writing any other essay. If you need help regarding how to write an obesity essay, it is the same as writing any other essay.

Obesity Essay Introduction

The trick is to start your essay with an interesting and catchy sentence. This will help attract the reader's attention and motivate them to read further. You don’t want to lose the reader’s interest in the beginning and leave a bad impression, especially if the reader is your teacher.

A hook sentence is usually used to open the introductory paragraph of an essay in order to make it interesting. When writing an essay on obesity, the hook sentence can be in the form of an interesting fact or statistic.

Head on to this detailed article on hook examples to get a better idea.

Once you have hooked the reader, the next step is to provide them with relevant background information about the topic. Don’t give away too much at this stage or bombard them with excess information that the reader ends up getting bored with. Only share information that is necessary for the reader to understand your topic.

Next, write a strong thesis statement at the end of your essay, be sure that your thesis identifies the purpose of your essay in a clear and concise manner. Also, keep in mind that the thesis statement should be easy to justify as the body of your essay will revolve around it.

Body Paragraphs

The details related to your topic are to be included in the body paragraphs of your essay. You can use statistics, facts, and figures related to obesity to reinforce your thesis throughout your essay.

If you are writing a cause-and-effect obesity essay, you can mention different causes of obesity and how it can affect a person’s overall health. The number of body paragraphs can increase depending on the parameters of the assignment as set forth by your instructor.

Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that is the crux of its content. It is necessary to write an engaging topic sentence as it helps grab the reader’s interest. Check out this detailed blog on writing a topic sentence to further understand it.

End your essay with a conclusion by restating your research and tying it to your thesis statement. You can also propose possible solutions to control obesity in your conclusion. Make sure that your conclusion is short yet powerful.

Obesity Essay Examples

Essay about Obesity (PDF)

Childhood Obesity Essay (PDF)

Obesity in America Essay (PDF)

Essay about Obesity Cause and Effects (PDF)

Satire Essay on Obesity (PDF) 

Obesity Argumentative Essay (PDF)

Obesity Essay Topics

Choosing a topic might seem an overwhelming task as you may have many ideas for your assignment. Brainstorm different ideas and narrow them down to one, quality topic.

If you need some examples to help you with your essay topic related to obesity, dive into this article and choose from the list of obesity essay topics.

Childhood Obesity

As mentioned earlier, obesity can affect any age group, including children. Obesity can cause several future health problems as children age.

Here are a few topics you can choose from and discuss for your childhood obesity essay:

  • What are the causes of increasing obesity in children?
  • Obese parents may be at risk for having children with obesity.
  • What is the ratio of obesity between adults and children?
  • What are the possible treatments for obese children?
  • Are there any social programs that can help children with combating obesity?
  • Has technology boosted the rate of obesity in children?
  • Are children spending more time on gadgets instead of playing outside?
  • Schools should encourage regular exercises and sports for children.
  • How can sports and other physical activities protect children from becoming obese?
  • Can childhood abuse be a cause of obesity among children?
  • What is the relationship between neglect in childhood and obesity in adulthood?
  • Does obesity have any effect on the psychological condition and well-being of a child?
  • Are electronic medical records effective in diagnosing obesity among children?
  • Obesity can affect the academic performance of your child.
  • Do you believe that children who are raised by a single parent can be vulnerable to obesity?
  • You can promote interesting exercises to encourage children.
  • What is the main cause of obesity, and why is it increasing with every passing day?
  • Schools and colleges should work harder to develop methodologies to decrease childhood obesity.
  • The government should not allow schools and colleges to include sweet or fatty snacks as a part of their lunch.
  • If a mother is obese, can it affect the health of the child?
  • Children who gain weight frequently can develop chronic diseases.

Obesity Argumentative Essay Topics

Do you want to write an argumentative essay on the topic of obesity?

The following list can help you with that!

Here are some examples you can choose from for your argumentative essay about obesity:

  • Can vegetables and fruits decrease the chances of obesity?
  • Should you go for surgery to overcome obesity?
  • Are there any harmful side effects?
  • Can obesity be related to the mental condition of an individual?
  • Are parents responsible for controlling obesity in childhood?
  • What are the most effective measures to prevent the increase in the obesity rate?
  • Why is the obesity rate increasing in the United States?
  • Can the lifestyle of a person be a cause of obesity?
  • Does the economic situation of a country affect the obesity rate?
  • How is obesity considered an international health issue?
  • Can technology and gadgets affect obesity rates?
  • What can be the possible reasons for obesity in a school?
  • How can we address the issue of obesity?
  • Is obesity a chronic disease?
  • Is obesity a major cause of heart attacks?
  • Are the junk food chains causing an increase in obesity?
  • Do nutritional programs help in reducing the obesity rate?
  • How can the right type of diet help with obesity?
  • Why should we encourage sports activities in schools and colleges?
  • Can obesity affect a person’s behavior?

Health Related Topics for Research Paper

If you are writing a research paper, you can explain the cause and effect of obesity.

Here are a few topics that link to the cause and effects of obesity.Review the literature of previous articles related to obesity. Describe the ideas presented in the previous papers.

  • Can family history cause obesity in future generations?
  • Can we predict obesity through genetic testing?
  • What is the cause of the increasing obesity rate?
  • Do you think the increase in fast-food restaurants is a cause of the rising obesity rate?
  • Is the ratio of obese women greater than obese men?
  • Why are women more prone to be obese as compared to men?
  • Stress can be a cause of obesity. Mention the reasons how mental health can be related to physical health.
  • Is urban life a cause of the increasing obesity rate?
  • People from cities are prone to be obese as compared to people from the countryside.
  • How obesity affects the life expectancy of people? What are possible solutions to decrease the obesity rate?
  • Do family eating habits affect or trigger obesity?
  • How do eating habits affect the health of an individual?
  • How can obesity affect the future of a child?
  • Obese children are more prone to get bullied in high school and college.
  • Why should schools encourage more sports and exercise for children?

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Topics for Essay on Obesity as a Problem

Do you think a rise in obesity rate can affect the economy of a country?

Here are some topics for your assistance regarding your economics related obesity essay.

  • Does socioeconomic status affect the possibility of obesity in an individual?
  • Analyze the film and write a review on “Fed Up” – an obesity epidemic.
  • Share your reviews on the movie “The Weight of The Nation.”
  • Should we increase the prices of fast food and decrease the prices of fruits and vegetables to decrease obesity?
  • Do you think healthy food prices can be a cause of obesity?
  • Describe what measures other countries have taken in order to control obesity?
  • The government should play an important role in controlling obesity. What precautions should they take?
  • Do you think obesity can be one of the reasons children get bullied?
  • Do obese people experience any sort of discrimination or inappropriate behavior due to their weight?
  • Are there any legal protections for people who suffer from discrimination due to their weight?
  • Which communities have a higher percentage of obesity in the United States?
  • Discuss the side effects of the fast-food industry and their advertisements on children.
  • Describe how the increasing obesity rate has affected the economic condition of the United States.
  • What is the current percentage of obesity all over the world? Is the obesity rate increasing with every passing day?
  • Why is the obesity rate higher in the United States as compared to other countries?
  • Do Asians have a greater percentage of obese people as compared to Europe?
  • Does the cultural difference affect the eating habits of an individual?
  • Obesity and body shaming.
  • Why is a skinny body considered to be ideal? Is it an effective way to reduce the obesity rate?

Obesity Solution Essay Topics

With all the developments in medicine and technology, we still don’t have exact measures to treat obesity.

Here are some insights you can discuss in your essay:

  • How do obese people suffer from metabolic complications?
  • Describe the fat distribution in obese people.
  • Is type 2 diabetes related to obesity?
  • Are obese people more prone to suffer from diabetes in the future?
  • How are cardiac diseases related to obesity?
  • Can obesity affect a woman’s childbearing time phase?
  • Describe the digestive diseases related to obesity.
  • Obesity may be genetic.
  • Obesity can cause a higher risk of suffering a heart attack.
  • What are the causes of obesity? What health problems can be caused if an individual suffers from obesity?
  • What are the side effects of surgery to overcome obesity?
  • Which drugs are effective when it comes to the treatment of obesity?
  • Is there a difference between being obese and overweight?
  • Can obesity affect the sociological perspective of an individual?
  • Explain how an obesity treatment works.
  • How can the government help people to lose weight and improve public health?

Writing an essay is a challenging yet rewarding task. All you need is to be organized and clear when it comes to academic writing.

  • Choose a topic you would like to write on.
  • Organize your thoughts.
  • Pen down your ideas.
  • Compose a perfect essay that will help you ace your subject.
  • Proofread and revise your paper.

Were the topics useful for you? We hope so!

However, if you are still struggling to write your paper, you can pick any of the topics from this list, and our essay writer will help you craft a perfect essay.

Are you struggling to write an effective essay?

If writing an essay is the actual problem and not just the topic, you can always hire an essay writing service for your help. Essay experts at 5StarEssays can help compose an impressive essay within your deadline.

All you have to do is contact us. We will get started on your paper while you can sit back and relax.

Place your order now to get an A-worthy essay.

Nova A.

Marketing, Thesis

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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Essays About Obesity: Top 5 Examples and 7 Writing Prompts

Obesity is a pressing health issue many people must deal with in their lives. If you are writing essays about obesity, check out our guide for helpful examples and writing prompts. 

In the world we live in today, certain diseases such as obesity are becoming more significant problems. People suffering from obesity have excess fat, which threatens their health significantly. This can lead to strokes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, and even death. It also dramatically alters one’s physical appearance.

However, we must not be so quick to judge and criticize obese people for their weight and supposed “lifestyle choices.” Not every obese person makes “bad choices” and is automatically “lazy,” as various contributing causes exist. Therefore, we must balance concern for obese people’s health and outright shaming them. 

To write insightful essays about obesity, you can start by reading essay examples. 

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5 Best Essay examples

1. obesity as a social issue by earnest washington, 2. is there such a thing as ‘healthy obesity’ by gillian mohney, 3. problems of child obesity by peggy maldonado, 4.  what is fat shaming are you a shamer by jamie long.

  • 5. ​​The Dangerous Link Between Coronavirus and Obesity by Rami Bailony

Writing Prompts for Essays About Obesity

1. what causes obesity, 2. what are the effects of obesity, 3. how can you prevent obesity, 4. what is “fat shaming”, 5. why is obesity rate so higher, 6. obesity in the united states, 7. your experience with obesity.

“Weight must be considered as a genuine risk in today’s world. Other than social issues like body shaming, obesity has significantly more to it and is a risk to human life. It must be dealt with and taken care of simply like some other interminable illness and we as people must recollect that machines and innovation has progressed to help us not however not make us unenergetic.”

Washington writes about the dangers of obesity, saying that it can significantly damage your digestive and cardiovascular systems and even cause cancer. In addition, humans’ “expanded reliance on machines” has led us to become less active and more sedentary; as a result, we keep getting fatter. While he acknowledges that shaming obese people does no good, Washington stresses the dangers of being too heavy and encourages people to get fit. 

“‘I think we need to move away from using BMI as categorizing one as obese/overweight or unhealthy,” Zarabi told Healthline. “The real debate here is how do we define health? Is the vegetarian who has a BMI of 30, avoiding all saturated fats from meats and consuming a diet heavy in simple carbohydrates [and thus] reducing his risk of cardiac disease but increasing likelihood of elevated triglycerides and insulin, considered healthy?

Mohney, writing for Healthline, explains how “healthy obesity” is nuanced and should perhaps be retired. Some people may be metabolically healthy and obese simultaneously; however, they are still at risk of diseases associated with obesity. Others believe that health should be determined by more factors than BMI, as some people eat healthily and exercise but remain heavy. People have conflicting opinions on this term, and Mohney describes suggestions to instead focus on getting treatment for “healthy obese” people

“The absence of physical movement is turning into an increasingly normal factor as youngsters are investing more energy inside, and less time outside. Since technology is turning into an immense piece of present-day youngsters’ lives, exercises, for example, watching TV, gaming, messaging and playing on the PC, all of which require next to no vitality and replaces the physical exercises.”

In her essay, Maldonado discusses the causes and effects of childhood obesity. For example, hereditary factors and lack of physical activity make more children overweight; also, high-calorie food and the pressure on kids to “finish their food” make them consume more. 

Obesity leads to high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer; children should not suffer as they are still so young. 

“Regardless of the catalyst at the root of fat shaming, it persists quite simply because we as a society aren’t doing enough to call it out and stand in solidarity against it. Our culture has largely bought into the farce that thinness equals health and success. Instead, the emphasis needs to shift from the obsession of appearance to promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors for all, regardless of body size. A lean body shouldn’t be a requisite to be treated with dignity and respect. Fat shaming is nonsensical and is the manifestation of ignorance and possibly, hate.”

Long warns readers of the dangers of fat shaming, declaring that it is reprehensible and should not be done. People may have “good intentions” when criticizing overweight or obese people, but it does not, in fact, help with making them healthier. Long believes that society should highlight a healthy lifestyle rather than a “healthy” body, as everyone’s bodies are different and should not be the sole indicator of health. 

5. ​​ The Dangerous Link Between Coronavirus and Obesity by Rami Bailony

“In a study out of NYU, severe obesity (BMI >40) was a greater risk factor for hospitalization among Covid-19 patients than heart failure, smoking status, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. In China, in a small case series of critically ill Covid-19 patients, 88.24% of patients who died had obesity versus an obesity rate of 18.95% in survivors. In France, patients with a BMI greater than 35 were seven times more likely to require mechanical ventilation than patients with a BMI below 25.”

Bailony’s essay sheds light on research conducted in several countries regarding obesity and COVID-19. The disease is said to be “a leading risk factor in mortality and morbidity” from the virus; studies conducted in the U.S., China, and France show that most obese people who contracted the coronavirus died. Bailony believes obesity is not taken seriously enough and should be treated as an actual disease rather than a mere “lifestyle choice.”

It is well-known that obesity is an excess buildup of body fat, but what exactly causes this? It is not simply due to “eating a lot,” as many people simply understand it; there are other factors besides diet that affect someone’s body size. Look into the different causes of obesity, explaining each and how they are connected.

Obesity can result in the development of many diseases. In addition, it can significantly affect one’s physique and digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems. For your essay, discuss the different symptoms of obesity and the health complications it can lead to in the future.

Essays About Obesity: How can you prevent obesity?

It can be safely assumed that no one wants to be obese, as it is detrimental to one’s health. Write an essay guide of some sort, giving tips on managing your weight, staying healthy, and preventing obesity. Include some dietary guidelines, exercise suggestions, and the importance of keeping the balance between these two.

“Fat shaming” is a phenomenon that has become more popular with the rise in obesity rates. Define this term, explain how it is seen in society, and explain why it is terrible. Also, include ways that you can speak about the dangers of obesity without making fun of obese people or making them feel bad for their current state. 

The 21st century has seen a dramatic rise in obesity rates worldwide compared to previous decades. Why is this the case? Explore one or more probable causes for the increase in obese people. You should mention multiple causes in your essay, but you may choose to focus on one only- explain it in detail.

The United States, in particular, is known to be a country with many obese people. This is due to a combination of factors, all connected in some way. Research obesity in the U.S. and write about why it is a bigger problem than in other countries- take a look at portion size, fitness habits, and food production. 

If applicable, you may write about your experience with obesity. Whether you have struggled or are struggling with it in the past or know someone who has, discuss how this makes you feel. Reflect on how this knowledge has impacted you as a person and any lessons this may have taught you. 

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How To Write A Strong Obesity Research Paper?

Jessica Nita

Table of Contents

good titles for obesity essay

Obesity is such a disease when the percent of body fat has negative effects on a person’s health. The topic is very serious as obesity poisons the lives of many teens, adults and even children around the whole world.

Can you imagine that according to WHO (World Health Organization) there were 650 million obese adults and 13% of all 18-year-olds were also obese in 2016? And scientists claim that the number of them is continually growing.

There are many reasons behind the problem, but no matter what they are, lots of people suffer from the wide spectrum of consequences of obesity.

Basic guidelines on obesity research paper

Writing any research paper requires sticking to an open-and-shut structure. It has three basic parts: Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion.

According to the general rules, you start with the introduction where you provide your reader with some background information and give brief definitions of terms used in the text. Next goes the thesis of your paper.

The thesis is the main idea of all the research you’ve done written in a precise and simple manner, usually in one sentence.

The main body is where you present the statements and ideas which disclose the topic of your research.

In conclusion, you sum up all the text and make a derivation.

How to write an obesity thesis statement?

As I’ve already noted, the thesis is the main idea of your work. What is your position? What do you think about the issue? What is that you want to prove in your essay?

Answer one of those questions briefly and precisely.

Here are some examples of how to write a thesis statement for an obesity research paper:

  • The main cause of obesity is determined to be surfeit and unhealthy diet.
  • Obesity can be prevented no matter what genetic penchants are.
  • Except for being a problem itself, obesity may result in diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and many others.
  • Obesity is a result of fast-growing civilization development.
  • Not only do obese people have health issues but also they have troubles when it comes to socialization.

good titles for obesity essay

20 top-notch obesity research paper topics

Since the problem of obesity is very multifaceted and has a lot of aspects to discover, you have to define a topic you want to cover in your essay.

How about writing a fast food and obesity research paper or composing a topic in a sphere of fast food? Those issues gain more and more popularity nowadays.

A couple of other decent ideas at your service.

  • The consequences of obesity.
  • Obesity as a mental problem.
  • Obesity and social standards: the problem of proper self-fulfilment.
  • Overweight vs obesity: the use of BMI (Body Mass Index).
  • The problem of obesity in your country.
  • Methods of prevention the obesity.
  • Is lack of self-control a principal factor of becoming obese?
  • The least obvious reasons for obesity.
  • Obesity: the history of the disease.
  • The effect of mass media in augmentation of the obesity level.
  • The connection between depression and obesity.
  • The societal stigma of obese people.
  • The role of legislation in reducing the level of obesity.
  • Obesity and cultural aspect.
  • Who has the biggest part of the responsibility for obesity: persons themselves, local authorities, government, mass media or somebody else?
  • Why are obesity rates constantly growing?
  • Who is more prone to obesity, men or women? Why?
  • Correlation between obesity and life expectancy.
  • The problem of discrimination of the obese people at the workplace.
  • Could it be claimed that such movements as body-positive and feminism encourage obesity to a certain extent?

Best sample of obesity research paper outline

An outline is a table of contents which is made at the very beginning of your writing. It helps structurize your thoughts and create a plan for the whole piece in advance.

…Need a sample?

Here is one! It fits the paper on obesity in the U.S.


  • Hook sentence.
  • Thesis statement.
  • Transition to Main Body.
  • America’s modern plague: obesity.
  • Statistics and obesity rates in America.
  • Main reasons of obesity in America.
  • Social, cultural and other aspects involved in the problem of obesity.
  • Methods of preventing and treating obesity in America.
  • Transition to Conclusion.
  • Unexpected twist or a final argument.
  • Food for thought.

Specifics of childhood obesity research paper

good titles for obesity essay

A separate question in the problem of obesity is overweight children.

It is singled out since there are quite a lot of differences in clinical pictures, reasons and ways of treatment of an obese adult and an obese child.

Writing a child obesity research paper requires a more attentive approach to the analysis of its causes and examination of family issues. There’s a need to consider issues like eating habits, daily routine, predispositions and other.

Top 20 childhood obesity research paper topics

We’ve gathered the best ideas for your paper on childhood obesity. Take one of those to complete your best research!

  • What are the main causes of childhood obesity in your country?
  • Does obesity in childhood increase the chance of obesity in adulthood?
  • Examine whether a child’s obesity affects academic performance.
  • Are parents always guilty if their child is obese?
  • What methods of preventing childhood obesity are used in your school?
  • What measures the government can take to prevent children’s obesity?
  • Examine how childhood obesity can result in premature development of chronic diseases.
  • Are obese or overweight parents more prone to have an obese child?
  • Why childhood obesity rates are constantly growing around the whole world?
  • How to encourage children to lead a healthy style of life?
  • Are there more junk and fast food options for children nowadays? How is that related to childhood obesity rates?
  • What is medical treatment for obese children?
  • Should fast food chains have age limits for their visitors?
  • How should parents bring up their child in order to prevent obesity?
  • The problem of socializing in obese children.
  • Examine the importance of a proper healthy menu in schools’ cafeterias.
  • Should the compulsory treatment of obese children be started up?
  • Excess of care as the reason for childhood obesity.
  • How can parents understand that their child is obese?
  • How can the level of wealth impact the chance of a child’s obesity?

Childhood obesity outline example

As the question of childhood obesity is a specific one, it would differ from the outline on obesity we presented previously.

Here is a sample you might need. The topic covers general research on child obesity.

  • The problem of childhood obesity.
  • World’s childhood obesity rates.
  • How to diagnose the disease.
  • Predisposition and other causes of child obesity.
  • Methods of treatment for obese children.
  • Preventive measures to avoid a child’s obesity.

On balance…

The topic of obesity is a long-standing one. It has numerous aspects to discuss, sides to examine, and data to analyze.

Any topic you choose might result in brilliant work.

How can you achieve that?

Follow the basic requirements, plan the content beforehand, and be genuinely interested in the topic.

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50 Best Ideas For Research Paper Topics

Obesity Essay Topic Ideas & Titles

🏆 good obesity essay topic ideas, đŸ„‡ interesting obesity topic ideas for college, 📍 essay topics to write about obesity.

  • Breastfeeding in first six months and Childhood Obesity Reilly and C.H.I.Team."Breastfeeding and lowering the risk of childhood obesity". Lefebvre, C.M.and R.M.John."The effect of breastfeeding on childhood overweight and obesity: a systematic review of the literature".
  • How I Write an Essay About Childhood Obesity Once I had all of my notes in front of me, I finally chose the specific points I wanted to make and figured out exactly what my thesis would be. Determining the three main points that I was going to ...
  • Childhood Obesity in America Parents of obese children are left in a difficult position of fearing for the social and health consequences of their child's obesity, and fighting a losing battle against the powerful presence of the media and constant exposure to unhealthy foods. ...
  • Media And Childhood Obesity The article found that childhood obesity was caused by advertising of junk foods and a lack of physical activity due to the amount of television watched. This study emphasized the role of the media in advertising to children as a ...
  • Health Essays - Childhood Obesity Overweight The following is a compilation of all the disciplines used along with each of their contributions in the process of addressing the issue of childhood obesity. Biology will basically lay a foundation for the rest of the disciplines as to ...
  • Parents Are to Blame for Child Obesity One reason that parents are the most responsible for the rise in obesity is that they do not pay attention to how they are feeding their children. A third reason to why parents are responsible for their child's obesity is ...
  • Central Florida: The Social Implications of Childhood Obesity This study found that the less support a child has to eat healthy at home, the more likely they are to eat non-nutritious foods and gain weight. Children have, unfortunately, been predisposed to childhood obesity based on social determinants such ...
  • Child Obesity Violence and Video Games Because of his weight he would get tired quicker and be out of breath, so he would just come back in and play more video games. Research has suggested that exposure to violent video games may increase angry and hostile ...
  • Childhood Obesity: Who is really responsible? This argument defends the parents, reduces the thought of all of the responsibility belonging to the parents, and highlights other responsible parties, namely the responsibility of the school system and their implementation of school lunch programs and vending machines.II. While ...
  • How Effective Is a Fat Tax in Dealing with Obesity Research proves that in the last few years, there is a rocketing increase in the number of the Mc Donalds and Pizza Hut stores clearly showing the growing inclination of the people choosing the fatty foods. In summation, fat tax ...
  • Chichen obesity Responsible research practices and fair use of logic and emotion appeals contribute to the writer's credibility, an important element in persuasion, and appeal to our need to trust that the writer is a legitimate and ethical individual. Propaganda is the ...
  • Causes of Obesity Essay A sedentary lifestyle plays an important role in the increase of obesity. In another words, the mutation of one's genetic code can lead to obesity.
  • Fast Food as the Biggest Reason of Child Obesity in United States We are not to blame parents which feed their kids fast food, but the restaurants for being the easy way out. Fast food is really convenient, but it's one of the most dangerous things we do to ourselves.
  • Obesity In Children Research Paper Samples On the qualitative part, the study will focus to establish the background of the participants. It will be established whether there is a connection between the rate at which the children consumes fast foods and the rate at which the ...
  • Youth obesity Game consoles, MacDonald's, KFC, all companies that provide entertainment and fried foods for kids are the main causers of the growing number of children becoming obese. It is amazing is it not all we have to do to change this ...
  • The Problem Of Obesity in Canada By utilizing wellbeing markers as a wellspring of data about the wellbeing status of a general public general wellbeing builds the strength of the general public by keeping the sicknesses and advancing a sound way of life. General wellbeing diminishes ...
  • Background and Methodology of the Research Process- Childhood Obesity They may have wanted the reader to be aware of the risks of childhood obesity that comes directly from the foods that their child may be buying from the schools vending machines or from the a la carte options. Hypothesis ...
  • The Effects Of Childhood Obesity I want to share what childhood obesity means, because in order to understand it, you have to know what it means and the effects it could have on children and some suggestions that could help reduce kid chances of becoming ...
  • Obesity In America Research Paper Examples As portrayed in Modern Healthcare America is not only the most powerful nation in the world but the fattest as well richest. It is as well argued, though, that the lifestyle features are larger contributors to obesity increasing prevalence in ...
  • Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity Essay Sample Since the 1970s, the rate of obesity more than doubled among US children aged 2 to 5 years,1,4 and recent data from studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5-7 indicate that this increased prevalence of obesity ...
  • The Cure For Obesity Though statistically the percentage of successful procedures is dramatically high, there are many factor to consider to coming to the conclusion if surgery is in fact a cure. There are many reason why this method is ranked as the most ...
  • Obesity: What Is It And What Causes It? There are many types of obesity which are caused due to the type of lifestyle one is living, lack of outdoor activity, family background, or due to any sickness. Environment is one of the most important factors leading to obesity.
  • Free Critical Thinking About Childhood Obesity Related To Emotion And Shortness Of Sleep: A Critical Synthesis In light of this, it is reasonable to adopt a hegemonic thinking about the cause of obesity and that is that it is caused by excessive and unhealthy eating. Is it justifiable to assume or conclude that the sole cause ...
  • Essay On Health Care Plan On Child Obesity The obesity rate of children age of the state is 15 / 41 amongst the other states of the country. The State of obesity in Newyork.
  • Running head: Childhood Obesity Many children run out of the house in the morning to catch a bus or to get to school and they skip breakfast. Parents have to be placed in a position that watches out for the welfare and health of ...
  • The Young People And Obesity We often fall short in our efforts to teach good eating habits because we do not have them ourselves. We work late and then do not' have time to cook.
  • Television and Childhood Obesity The evidence between childhood obesity and children's excessive amount of time in front of the television has done nothing but increase each year. According to Zimmerman and Bell, "steering children away from commercial television may be effective in reducing childhood ...
  • Obesity In Children Research Paper With the recent severe rise in the totalnumber of obese school children, there has been recorded a dramatic flawing in the academic performance of obese children, therefore, attracting a lot of researches with the aim of designing sound amelioration model, ...
  • Child and Adolescent Obesity Research Paper Example Managing obesity is a task that should be assumed by both the parents of overweight children and the children themselves. Facts of families obesity in children and teens.
  • Example Of Research Paper On What Are The Impacts Of Advertisement On Child Obesity Thesis: Advertisement of unhealthy food products undermines the role of public health and the government in fighting obesity and is one of the major suspects for the apparent rise in obesity prevalence. Television food advertising and the prevalence of childhood ...
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NerdySeal . (2021) 'Obesity'. 19 October.

NerdySeal. (2021, October 19). Obesity. Retrieved from https://nerdyseal.com/topics/obesity-essay-topics/

NerdySeal . 2021. "Obesity." October 19, 2021. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/obesity-essay-topics/.

1. NerdySeal . "Obesity." October 19, 2021. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/obesity-essay-topics/.


NerdySeal . "Obesity." October 19, 2021. https://nerdyseal.com/topics/obesity-essay-topics/.

"Obesity." NerdySeal , 19 Oct. 2021, nerdyseal.com/topics/obesity-essay-topics/.

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Home Essay Samples Health

Essay Samples on Obesity

How important is the role of genetics in common obesity.

Frequently characterised by a body mass index greater than 30kg/m^2, obesity is rapidly becoming a serious problem for not just high-income countries, but also middle-income countries, with trends predicting that by 2025, 21% of women and 18% of men will be obese. Even in lower-income...

Childhood Obesity: Will Children Live Long Enough To Make a Difference

The late 1940’s brought on a radical and drastic new change to the American culture when McDonald’s first opened its doors and started introducing the public to quick, easy, and convenient new ways to consume their food. McDonald’s prided themselves on being able to easily...

  • Childhood Obesity

Effects of Sleep and on Childhood Obesity and Multiple Studies

Around the world there are very large numbers of obesity in children. Obesity is one factor that will carry on into your adulthood if not treated or prevented from happening. The International Journal of Obesity recognized this and decided to do a study on the...

Unhealthy Eating Habits and Childhood Obesity

Obesity in children is a growing public health concern (Memedi, Tasic, Nikolic, Jancevska, Gucev, 2013). According to the report of (WHO2018) “in just 40 years the number of school-age children and adolescents with obesity has risen more than 10-fold, from 11 million to 124 million...

Spread Of Obesity In Large Social Network: Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

In 2007 July, Nicholas Christakis, a professor of public health at Harvard Medical School, and James Fowler, an associate professor of political science at UC San Diego, published a cover article in medicine's most prestigious journal, the New England Journal of Medicine, complete with a...

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Obesity Is A Disease: Social Problem Of Being Overweight

Nowadays obesity and overweight become a major social problem. They not only have high correlation with many serious and chronic diseases but also cause economic impact. The definition of obesity and overweight is deviant or excessive fat accumulation may impair health. Body mass index (BMI),...

Considering Obesity A Disease: The Spreading Condition

What is Obesity? Obesity is a medical condition in both children and adults that occurs when someone is extremely overweight which can give rise to medical conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. It is measured using a BMI scale which takes sex,...

Childhood Obesity: A Realistic Solution

According to the Britannica Encyclopedia, Obesity is classified as having a BMI, also known as body mass index, of forty or higher (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). A person’s body mass index is meant to be an indicator of high body fatness and, although it does not...

The Rates Of Childhood Obesity

The number of children experiencing childhood obesity continues to remain too high and poses health threats. Although childhood obesity is multifactorial, research has shown over and over again the impact physical activity has on decreasing this risk, as well as reducing many other health risks....

An Attempt To End Obesity With Junk And Healthy Food

In an article published by The Atlantic magazine David H Freedman poses the statement “How junk food can end obesity.” the article focuses on how the media, and Health Food enthusiasts have been demonizing industrialized, and processed foods. When I came across David’s article, the...

  • Healthy Food

The Crucial Issue Of Child Obesity In The World And Methods Of Its Prevention

Abstract Child obesity is a condition of excessive body fat that results from a chronic energy imbalance whereby intake exceeds expenditure. There was telephone survey conducted among the selected minorities that have the history of child obesity. There were 10,000 respondents to the survey. Aged...

  • Healthy Lifestyle

Deadly Consequences Of Sugar And Glucose Epidemic In The United States

Questions Obesity rate in the United States have been increased since the past 20 years because of the amount of food we eat which contains a lot of sugar. In addition to the obesity rate, studies have shown a connection between to large amounts of...

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup

Link Between the Beverage Consumption and Body Fat in U.S Children

Abstract Soft drinks have become a major contribution to obesity and other health related problems in America. The soft drink epidemic provides many calories with added sugar. it has been linked to overall diet quality and meeting nutrient requirements. Additional eighty-five empty calories or five...

My Personal Opinion on the 'Supersize Me'

My personal opinion on the 'Supersize Me' video is Americans and everyone else on this earth is responsible for their personal choices. I don’t think restaurants should be held accountable for people gaining weight because humans have the choice if they should eat out or...

  • Documentary
  • Super Size Me

Obesity Epidemic in America In Documentary 'Supersize Me'

14 years ago award winning director Morgan Spurlock flamboyantly demonstrated the consequences of trying to sustain yourself on a calorie filled diet. Over a 30-day period, the producer and star of the documentary ate nothing but McDonalds for his daily three meals. He also travels...

The Vitro Meat: Meat Gone Wrong

In the United States the rate of obesity was 39.8% and affected 93.3 million US adults in 2015 and 2016, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention data (“Adult Obesity Facts”). The rate of obesity is up due to technology that is constantly...

The Occurrences of Child Obesity in U.S and Canada

Abstract This paper I will be summarizing four different articles from four different sources that’s associated with Child Obesity. Topic includes: (1) Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity in US Children,1999-2014. (2) Canadian kids aren’t playing outside enough, experts say, and it’s harming their health....

The Various Causes of Child Obesity

Why is there's a big epidemic of child and adolescent obesity? Obesity is a condition that is associated with having an excess amount of body fat, defined by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to control when dieting. The state of Ohio has the...

Child Obesity Situation in Oklahoma

On September 18, 2018, an article in Metro News written by Tanveer Mann was published about a child whose name is unknown for privacy reasons who died from a heart disease caused by obesity. The child was only 13 years old and had a body...

The Problem of Child Obesity Abuse

A rhetorical analysis on child obesity abuse, over Childhood Obesity: Is it Abuse? By Abigail Darwin is an informative article on Childhood Obesity being inhibited, she describes to us what our country as a whole is doing to fight against obesity in children. She also...

Physical Activity: Learning the Outcomes and Benefits

Physical activity can be a broad spectrum which can including all forms of activity, stated by Davies (2011) “walking, cycling, active play, working out at a gym, dancing, gardening and competitive sport” (Davies et al., 2011: 1e61) (Active, 2011). Regular activity (leisure-time physical activity, workouts,...

  • Physical Exercise

The Economics of Weight Loss Under Condition of Obesity

Abstract Obesity is now being considered one of the biggest health concerns globally. Ironically, while India records the largest no. of underweight population in the world along with China, it has also been placed in the top 5 countries in terms of obesity as per...

  • Weight Loss

Childhood Bedtime On Adolescent Obesity

Introduction Obesity is one of the largest growing incidences in today’s society however, your sleep as a child can impact your weight as an adolescent and into adulthood. Many individuals know the importance of eating healthy and exercising, but don’t know as much about the...

  • Adolescence

The Role of Evolution on Food and Eating Habits

Evolution is always happening and will always be as long as there is life to carry it out. We must admit that evolution is happening today all around us. Evolution shapes every human’s day to day life. Our knowledge of how things change, specifically how...

  • Eating Habits

Popularity Of Nas And Obesity/Diabetes Spike

Non-caloric artificial sweeteners (NAS) are a popular food additive used among people of different body types. Initially, NAS were marketed to be “healthy” and a lower calorie option than for example sucrose, common table sugar. NAS are commonly found in an array of food items...

Coca-Cola In Global Fight Towards Obesity

Coca-Cola is one of the most popular brand in the world. It is also the highest selling soft drink in history. Coca-Cola is developing its business future plan is to become a total beverage company by giving people more of the drinks they demand which...

Obesity – A Multifactorial Disorder With A Genetic Basis

In past times, the genetic makeup of an individual has been said to be the main link of inheriting diseases. For some diseases, this claim may be true, however some diseases differ in the aspect as environmental factors now contribute widely to a person’s health....

Obesity – Extremely Fast Rising Public Health Problem In The United States

Obesity is currently considered the most significant public health problem in the United States that continues to rise at high levels in our world today. Unfortunately, with the struggles to manage obesity once recognized, there is still not a long-term preventative policy that exists. The...

  • Public Health

Obesity As An Epidemic In America

Obesity is a condition where one has so much body fat that it could potentially affect their health negatively. A person is considered obese if their BMI (Body mass Index) is 30 kg/m2 or more. Obesity in an epidemic in the United States. Obese people...

The Problem Of High Level Of Obesity In Malaysia

Overview of Obesity According to NHMS studies from 1996-2015, the rate of obesity in Malaysia had significantly increased within these year. In term of states in Malaysia, Putrajaya recorded as the highest state that has prevalence of obesity which is 25.8% compare to Sabah that...

An Epidemic Of Obesity In Papua New Guinea

OBESITY IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Obesity is one of the immense problem of lifestyle disease as far as health is concerned. What is obesity? Medically obesity is simply defined as the build-up or accumulation of excessive fats in the adipose tissue of the human body....

  • Cultural Identity

The Policy Against Obesity In Canada

With Canada being labeled as one of countries with the most overweight population in OECD’s 2017 Obesity Calendar, there is a rising concern among policy makers to battle this epidemic. At least 25.8% of Canada’s population above the age of 15 is considered obese. (Ferreras)...

Best topics on Obesity

1. How Important is the Role of Genetics in Common Obesity

2. Childhood Obesity: Will Children Live Long Enough To Make a Difference

3. Effects of Sleep and on Childhood Obesity and Multiple Studies

4. Unhealthy Eating Habits and Childhood Obesity

5. Spread Of Obesity In Large Social Network: Birds Of A Feather Flock Together

6. Obesity Is A Disease: Social Problem Of Being Overweight

7. Considering Obesity A Disease: The Spreading Condition

8. Childhood Obesity: A Realistic Solution

9. The Rates Of Childhood Obesity

10. An Attempt To End Obesity With Junk And Healthy Food

11. The Crucial Issue Of Child Obesity In The World And Methods Of Its Prevention

12. Deadly Consequences Of Sugar And Glucose Epidemic In The United States

13. Link Between the Beverage Consumption and Body Fat in U.S Children

14. My Personal Opinion on the ‘Super Size Me’

15. Obesity Epidemic in America In Documentary ‘Super Size Me’

  • Mental Illness
  • Blood Donation
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Medical Marijuana

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186 Obesity Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 obesity research papers examples, 💡 essay ideas on obesity, 👍 good obesity essay topics to write about, 🏆 best obesity essay titles, 🎓 simple research topics about obesity, ❓ obesity research questions.

Definition Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body, leading to an increase in body weight. The diagnosis is made when the patient’s body weight exceeds the norm by more than 20%.
Specialty Endocrinology
History Since the 17th century, obesity has been viewed as a medical problem. In the literature, descriptions of cases of obesity have appeared that have been recorded in the history. The English physician Thomas Sydenham (1624-1689), followed by the Dutch doctor Malcolm Fleming, first pointed out that obesity can be considered a disease, since it impedes body functions. In 1948, obesity received an independent place in the international classification of diseases.
Symptoms Main symptoms of obesity include: enlargement of body parts and change in their ratio, shortness of breath, tachycardia, heartburn, esophageal reflux, decrease in muscle mass, joint pain, and episodic high blood pressure.
Causes In most cases, obesity develops due to excessive food intake (90% of cases), reduced energy expenditure due to a sedentary lifestyle, and metabolic disorders. However, doctors consider obesity as a complex disease that develops from several causes. Main factors include external, internal, hereditary, and hormonal.
Prevention To prevent obesity, it is enough to correlate the calorie content of food with energy consumption, observe the daily routine, and provide intense physical activity for at least 2 hours a week.
Diagnostic Method Overweight people turn to an endocrinologist or a nutritionist. Doctor calculates BMI and ideal weight according to the formula of Brock, Devine or Robinson, and evaluates body fat based on the ratio of waist to hips. Additionally, the doctor should gather anamnesis of the patient’s life: the presence of overweight in the next of kin, features of the profession, lifestyle, and nutrition.
Treatment Treatment of obesity is carried out in a complex and includes: diet, physical activity, medicines prescribed by a doctor, and treatment of complications (if any).
Duration There is no certain duration for the disease, as its course is highly individual for every patient.
Prognosis The prognosis depends on the presence of complications in the form of systemic and organic diseases. Overall, every 10% weight loss reduces the risk of developing diabetes and obesity-related cancers by 30% and 40%, respectively. Weight loss can reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, unload the joints, prevent the development of heart complications, hypertension, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the joints.
Complications Obesity increases the risk of developing life-threatening diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, stroke, myocardial infarction, kidney and liver disease. In addition, obesity can lead a person to disability. Diseases such as influenza, SARS, pneumonia and many other diseases in obese patients are more severe and prolonged, often with a number of complications.
Frequency in Population According to 2017–2018 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), nearly 1 in 3 adults (30.7%) are overweight, more than 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) have obesity, and about 1 in 11 adults (9.2%) have severe obesity.
Deaths Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with at least 2,8 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese.
Society The problem of obesity is becoming more and more urgent and begins to pose a social threat to people’s lives, regardless of their social and professional affiliation, area of ​​residence, age, and gender.
  • Health Promotion Model and Childhood Obesity Using Nola Pender Health Promotion Model, the research explores if obesity affects physical activity on African American children in Baltimore City Public School.
  • Obesity Prevention in Young Children The main of this paper is to lay stress on the criticality of the problem by pointing to the national trends in childhood obesity as well as identifying local issues.
  • Obese Patients and Weight Control The purpose of the given study is to summarize the main approaches to obesity in scientific literature and compare the efficiency of diet, exercises, and lifestyle modifications.
  • Childhood Obesity, Its Trends, Causes, Economics Obesity is currently one of the main health problems in the United States that affect a significant portion of the population.
  • Obesity as a Problem in the United States Obesity is a major problem in American society, and there is a need for people to take it more seriously because it can jeopardize the future of the American nation.
  • An Urban Health Profile Report on Childhood Obesity The researcher reviewed current academic literature on childhood obesity as an urban health issue, paying close attention to those environmental factors.
  • Obesity: Education of Parents vs Pharmacotherapy The study compares the effectiveness of education of parents about healthy lifestyles with pharmacotherapy for obesity in reducing negative outcomes of obesity and it preventing.
  • Obesity as a Chronic Disease and Trends Towards Progress Obesity is a global problem that increases the risk of developing related diseases. This illness is also associated with increased mortality.
  • Childhood Obesity and Barriers to Physical Activity The problem of childhood obesity is one of the central concerns of modern healthcare. Several aspects limit opportunities for children`s physical activities.
  • Obesity Diagnosis: Dependent and Independent Variables In adults, aged 20-65 diagnosed with obesity, will a nurse-led educational intervention as compared to standard medical care decrease obesity rates.
  • The Problem of Obesity in Children of Modern World Pediatric obesity that is found among children with body mass index (BMI) 95 and more is one of the most crucial forms of weight issues.
  • Obesity and Endometrial Cancer in Women The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast two studies on obesity and endometrial cancer, with a close focus on their hypotheses, methods, and findings.
  • Patients With Morbid Obesity The given research is focused on the problem of obesity, particularly on the efficaciousness of sports exercises in comparison with medication therapy.
  • The Obesity Rates The costs of healthcare are bound to rise for a nation where many people suffer from obesity and related diseases.
  • Nurses Role in Prevention of Overweight among Adolescents The focus was given to the investigation of adolescent-nurse relationships, identifying specific instruments to affect young people.
  • Nursing Research: Adult Obesity This study investigates alteration in behaviors and lifestyles as one of the efficient ways to manage obesity and preserve the appropriate state of health.
  • Childhood Obesity Research Methodology This essay presents a methodology for research childhood obesity, including extraneous variables, instruments, description of the intervention, and data collection procedures.
  • After-School Obesity Prevention Program An after-school obesity prevention program is a planned intervention. It is educating children and their parents on the significance of a healthy diet and physical exercises.
  • Childhood Obesity in the United States The outcome of the research will provide evidence-based guidance on the required policies and interventions to help manage childhood obesity in the United States.
  • Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes Type 2: Assessment Obesity plays a substantial role in adipocytokine dysregulation which is suggested to be a pathogenic trigger of insulin resistance and other diabetes-related problems.
  • Childhood Obesity and Community Nursing Intervention This essay presents the methodology of the community nursing intervention, including a plan for data analysis for demographic variables and study variables.
  • Childhood Obesity Study: Ethical and Cultural Issues The role of school-based physical activity in affecting childhood obesity is an important issue that is widely discussed in the scholarly literature.
  • Research Questions about Childhood Obesity – Student Guide Want to learn about childhood obesity? 🍟 Read this article to find out more about the topic and the research questions about childhood obesity. ➡ You’ll also find amazing papers samples here! 🌟
  • Childhood Obesity Essay: Example of Application of the Social Ecological Model to the Disease Looking for a childhood obesity essay? ➀ Read our paper example to learn ✅ how, by applying the social ecological model, obesity in children can be explained.
  • Obesity Healthcare Policy Presentation The implementation of obesity healthcare policy is a significant step in eliminating the spread of this serious healthcare problem.
  • Obesity Issues in Hispanic Population Group Obesity in Hispanics is related to generational poverty. This paper discusses obesity issues in Hispanic population group in presentation form.
  • Childhood Obesity Interventions: Problem Analysis Childhood obesity is one of the major health challenges impacting affecting the global healthcare sector in general and the US society, in particular.
  • School-Based Physical Activity and Childhood Obesity While school-based physical activity interventions could be effective in reducing obesity prevalence, it is also essential to address children's diet.
  • Obesity and Related Healthcare Policy Concern Obesity is a problem that bothers millions of people around the whole world. The policy to combat obesity is characterized by a number of positive issues.
  • The Problem of Pediatric Obesity Pediatric obesity is a crucial public health problem in the United States and internationally due to severe complications of the condition.
  • Childhood Obesity Study: Ethical Considerations The current study on childhood obesity should address the ethical considerations and propose a plan on how to protect human rights.
  • Childhood Obesity, Its Causes and Consequences The modern world is dominated by two overarching tendencies - nutrition deficiency and overweight, which accounts for a great deal of polarization on the issue.
  • Obesity Management in Families of Mentally Ill Youth The article by Bourassa et al. aims at analyzing the causes of obesity in children with mental and behavioral problems and finding solutions to these causes.
  • Fad Diet Impact on Overweight Patients: Problem Analysis Fad diets are a loosely defined category that includes popular diets that are not recognized by official healthcare institutions.
  • "Childhood Obesity Risk in Overweight Mothers" the Article by James, K., Matsangas, P., & Connelly, C. Childhood obesity risk among overweight women is higher if to compare with other families adhering to appropriate dietary and nutritional behaviors.
  • "Family-Based Childhood Obesity Prevention Interventions" the Article by Ash, T., Agaronov, A., Young, T., Aftosmes-Tobio, A., & Davison, K. K. Because of the direct influence of parents on the success of weight management interventions, the researchers wanted to explore how effective programs involving parents would be.
  • Pediatric Obesity Prevention and Change Project The nursing-focused plan is to design a lifestyle intervention that would reduce fast-food consumption in children, thus decreasing their risk of obesity.
  • Childhood Obesity: Prevention and Treatment Childhood obesity is a problem that has diverse aspects, so it demands a careful analysis to come to a single conclusion about the most suitable methods of preventing and managing it.
  • Preschool Children's Obesity Study by Vale et al. The problem of obesity in children is an important medical issue since overweight at an early age is fraught with dangerous health effects.
  • Pediatric Obesity Prevention Strategies In this paper the analysis of an anti-obesity intervention that includes physical exercises, diet, education, and monitoring sessions will be developed.
  • Motivational Interviewing as Obesity Treatment The systematic review addressed the issue of the motivational interviewing potential in affecting weight loss.
  • Healthy Eating in Obese Adults Apart from the information on healthy eating habits, the participants received comprehensive information about obesity, including its potential risks, causes, and management.
  • Pediatric Obesity and Parent-Child Involvement Childhood obesity could be one of the most prominent and pressing issues in modern-day pediatric health issues, affecting minors throughout the US.
  • Obesity Impact on Children and Adolescents Health professionals form a crucial section with respect to the tackling of obesity among children and teenagers.
  • Childhood Obesity Treatment Programs: Ethical Considerations The research problem that led to this study is the inadequacy of the current childhood obesity treatment programs in dealing with this health condition.
  • Adult Obesity: Disease Analysis This paper includes information concerning obesity prevalence, treatment, prevention, associated stress and its management, and disparity related to this health problem.
  • Reducing Body Mass IndexI Measures in School-Aged Children The Body Mass Index rates are very high among school-aged children in the United States, which implies that the existing framework for managing obesity needs improvements.
  • Children Diagnosed With Obesity and Their Relatives The purpose of this paper is to come up with a lesson for children diagnosed with obesity and their relatives. The lesson will target three groups of people, including children, their parents, and medical staff.
  • Epidemiology Topics for Signature Assignment The topic of diabetic retinopathy is relevant to my future career as I will seek to encourage every patient with diabetes to have an eye examination regularly.
  • Childhood Obesity and Intervention Program This paper addresses the childhood obesity problem and discovers the inconsistency between the existing programs and their implementation in real life.
  • Fad Diet Effects on Overweight Individuals The popularity of fad diets has grown tremendously due to the availability of social media and the promise to deliver results within a short time.
  • Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the US In order to fight childhood obesity statewide and improve the overall levels of health for our nation, the USA requires taking a more proactive stance.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity in Modern Society The problem of childhood obesity is an important part of the list of health problems since such an issue at an early stage may cause serious consequences in the future.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity in United States The levels of obesity in U.S. children not only remain stable, but they also increase while indicating the lack of working policies and strategies.
  • Treatment Interventions for Early Childhood Obesity The main finding of the systematic review article is that the implementation of EBP interventions positively impacts weight reduction among obese children.
  • The Issue of Childhood Obesity in Modern Society Childhood obesity is one of the common lifestyle diseases in contemporary times, and its prevalence is on the rise.
  • Childhood Obesity: Causes and Consequences It is essential to restate the immense importance of the problem of childhood obesity in the contemporary society of the United States.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity in 21st Century Obesity has become a global epidemic in the 21st century. This paper defines obesity and highlights its epidemiology, clinical presentation, complications, and diagnosis.
  • Fad Diets Dangers for Overweight Individuals The available evidence shows that fad diets are counterproductive for obese people trying to reduce and manage their weights.
  • Children Obesity: Lifestyle and Pharmacotherapy Many children today suffer from obesity and it increases the rate of diseases and fatalities in the children population.
  • Childhood Obesity Issue and Defense of Solution The completed research study analyzed the problem of childhood obesity and proposed the most appropriate strategies to deal with it.
  • Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the United States "Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the United States" states that in many cases, children with significant birth weight and Afro-American heritage have a predisposition towards developing obesity.
  • Behavioral Pediatric Obesity and Prevention Pediatric obesity is an essential issue in the modern world since it affects children of different genders and origins.
  • Obesity Is a Severe Problem Obesity is one of the major health problems occurring in people and is not only caused by genetic factors but also due to environmental causes.
  • Solving Obesity in America If one is well aware of the impact and future consequences of obesity this assertion is easy to make. First there is the health issue.
  • “Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity” Critical Review The main issue is to point out the significance of the specially-oriented medical examination of children with obesity.
  • Obesity Care Plan for American Patients Want to learn about the obesity issue? 🍟 Read this article to learn more about obesity care plan. ➞ Here you’ll also find great paper samples on the topic! đŸ”„
  • Latino School-Age Population and Obesity American society has to face major public health issues. Such diseases as cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes are some of the primary areas of concern.
  • Adult Obesity Research: Protect Human Rights This paper describes various aspects of a study to be conducted on adult obesity: plan to protect Human Rights, limitations of the proposed study, and implications for practice.
  • Nurses Education the Latino School-Age Population Suffering From Obesity American society has to face major public health issues. Cancer, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes are regarded as some of the primary areas of concern.
  • Definition of Overweight and Obesity To avoid further health problems in their adult life, they should be diagnosed with obesity in time and receive proper treatment.
  • Obesity as an Intricate Health Problem Based on the information in the articles, several evidence-based practice changes can be suggested for the proper nursing practice towards obese patients’ management.
  • Epidemiology in Miami-Dade County Modern healthcare being generally divided into the community and environmental health has now become one of the major research fields due to its relevance in the global context.
  • Child Obesity: Community Nurse Role The purpose of the following research paper is to examine the community nurse role in terms of the childhood obesity issue in the example of the case study provided in the setting.
  • Obesity Treatment Challenges in a 32-Year-Old Patient The case of the patient’s obesity was analyzed in terms of his clinical manifestations and functional patterns to clarify if bariatric surgery is an alternative.
  • Obesity Among Teenagers: Evaluation and Intervention The acuteness of obesity should be addressed by healthcare organizations to prevent the population from any further complications.
  • The Obesity in Younger Population Issue It is vital to address this public health concern in younger populations to prevent and timely treat the condition to maintain healthy adulthood for the population.
  • The Efficacy of a School-Based Intervention for Obesity The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of a school-based intervention for obesity with the objective of improving diet, activity, and BMI among obese adolescents.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity Obesity in children and adults is diagnosed based on the measurement of the body mass index BMI. Childhood obesity can lead to the development of severe and even deadly diseases.
  • Childhood Obesity Between the Ages of 2 and 12 Children with obesity grow up in adults with the same problem and could become a burden for the government because such people could become unable to work in the neglected case.
  • Statistics on Adolescent Obesity The paper includes statistics on adolescent obesity, a discussion of the economic and social marketing considerations affecting the implementation of the health promotion campaign.
  • Muscle Strengthening Activity Practice to Reduce Obesity This essay discusses obesity and recommends participation in muscle-strengthening activities thus reducing its prevalence.
  • Implications of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Obesity remains one of the most serious health public issues. One of the Healthy People 2020 objectives is to promote healthy diets and maintain healthy body weights.
  • Health Problems: Obesity This essay aims to analyze two qualitative studies to provide background information and support on obesity in patients between the ages of 40 and 60.
  • Nursing Debate: Childhood Obesity Is a Form of Parental Neglect This paper is a nursing debate on the topic: Childhood obesity is a form of parental neglect and should be punishable by law.
  • Diabetes: Obesity in Children This paper will discuss obesity in children and the management strategies that may help to reduce cases of overweight among the kids.
  • Model for the Treatment of Obesity In relating health promotion messages to obese patients the ‘Three Es’ model calls for action on three broad fronts – encouragement, empowerment, and environment.
  • Childhood Obesity in America Childhood obesity in America is a huge health problem because its prevalence has doubled in the past three decades.
  • Obesity Among Children and Adolescents The local government takes measures to prevent obesity, but there are other factors that influence children’s food consumption and physical activity.
  • Why Have Americans Become More Obese? The government and other non-governmental bodies have worked together in order to fight some of the common diseases that are impediments to the development of this country.
  • Fighting Against Childhood Obesity: Florida’s Child Care Food Program Implementing the proposal and Florida's Child Care Food Program (CCFD) could help children suffering from obesity adopt lifestyle changes needed for normalizing BMI.
  • The Obesity Prevention Community Activity in Schools The implementation of the obesity prevention community activity in schools requires significant support, including material and authoritative.
  • Diagnosing a Patient: the Numerous Threats of Obesity Even with the efforts of healthcare experts all over the world, obesity remains one of the foundational sources of health issues on a global scale.
  • Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Interventions for Obesity Obesity is an emerging epidemic in several developing and developed countries worldwide. This paper will describe the effectiveness of the interventions for managing obesity.
  • Importance of Preventing Obesity Obesity refers to a condition in which a person is usually overweight with unusually high levels of body fat, obesity and overweight do not refer to the same thing.
  • Mr. C. Clinical Manifestations, Potential Health Risks for Obesity Mr. C. is a 32-year-old male who seeks information regarding possible bariatric surgery. He is overweight and has several related complications.
  • Obesity Case Study: Mr. C Mr. C has several clinical presentations of an underlying disease condition seen from the subjective and the objective data.
  • Mexican-American Cuisine and Brownsville’s Obesity Rate According to the research, Mexican-American cuisine is responsible for the higher rates of obesity and other illnesses in Brownsville.
  • Transformational Leadership for Obesity Prevention Project For a healthcare professional to organize an obesity prevention project, several key competencies are required.
  • The Importance of Obesity Management The paper argues for patients who have obesity-associated risk factors weight loss is the pathway to their health improvement that's why medications for weight loss can help.
  • Adolescent Obesity in the United States The purpose of this paper is to review the issue of adolescent obesity in the contemporary environment and potential support options.
  • Obesity in the Elderly: The Case Study Specialist management of obesity is needed for its management in the elderly. The client can be referred to a nutritionist for further nutritional assessments and counseling.
  • Obesity and Its Relation With Psychology and Aging The paper provides annotated bibliography about theme of obesity and its relation with psychological health and impact on healthy aging.
  • The Treatment of Overweight or Obesity in Preschool Children Preschool age is crucial for lifestyle interventions comprising habits of regular physical activity and healthy eating.
  • Childhood Obesity and Parental Awareness Most parents understand the seriousness of childhood obesity as a public health concern that endangers the lives of their children.
  • Childhood Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Related Risks This paper analyzes two articles that are related to the topic of childhood obesity, obesity-related metabolic syndrome and related risks.
  • Youth Obesity Prevalence in Florida The high number of childhood obesity cases in Florida is attributed to various factors, including unhealthy dietary behaviors, physical inactivity, and genetics.
  • The Problem of Childhood Obesity The problem of childhood obesity is one of the most severe problems of modern health care. In almost all countries worldwide, the number of sick children is growing steadily.
  • Maternal Antibiotic Use During Pregnancy and Childhood Obesity Heerman et al. argued that identifying early determinants of obesity can assist in developing obesity prevention strategies.
  • Nurse Practitioners Preventing Pediatric Obesity Hessler's "Self-efficacy and knowledge of nurse practitioners to prevent pediatric obesity" identifies the issue related to childhood obesity.
  • Obesity Care and Practice Change Intervention The article examines how healthcare providers use nutritional therapy and mobile tracking devices to promote weight loss and behavior modification among adults.
  • Obesity in Adults and Related Practice Change Obesity in adult patients is a big problem in the United States. Obesity is a complex disease involving excessive fat accumulation, which leads to numerous health risks.
  • Obesity in Adolescents as a Health Issue Obesity is an illness that is characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat. It is a significant health concern.
  • Childhood Obesity: An Annotated Bibliography Obesity prevalence differs by race and gender in recent years. There is also a correlation between social barriers, a greater likelihood of poverty, and childhood obesity.
  • Lewin’s Model of Change of Childhood Obesity Lewin’s three-step model of change can be particularly useful for managing the issue of childhood obesity which has become significantly prevalent in recent decades.
  • Childhood Obesity from Nutritional Perspective When taking into account the problem of childhood obesity, the share of food consumed in the energy ratio should be assessed.
  • Relationship Between Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obesity and the Australian Public Health Debate
  • Prevention and Intervention Plan for Childhood Obesity
  • Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity in Patients With Muscular Dystrophy
  • Obesity and Relevant Nursing Theories
  • Biochemical and Hormonal Changes in Childhood Obesity
  • The Definition and Prevalence of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
  • Obesity and the Effects of the Increase Weight on the Health and Physical Body of a Child
  • Prevention Road for Escaping Child Obesity
  • Bariatric Surgery The Quick Fix to Obesity
  • Relation Between Childhood Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease Synthesis
  • Adipose Tissue-resident Immune Cells in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Prescription Medications to Treat Overweight & Obesity
  • Direct and Indirect Determinants of Obesity: The Case of Indonesia
  • Obesity and Kidney Disease: Hidden Consequences of the Epidemic
  • Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Obesity, and High Blood Pressure
  • Causal and Contributing Factors of Obesity
  • Relationship Between Obesity and Physical Activity
  • Diabetes and Sarcopenic Obesity: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatments
  • Unhealthy Eating and Poor Diet Cause Juvenile Obesity
  • For Obesity Variant Circuitry and Adipocyte Browning in Humans
  • Chronic Adipose Tissue Inflammation Linking Obesity to Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
  • Child’s Obesity, Cognitive Function Linked Study Finds
  • Constitutional Obesity vs Acquired Obesity and Their Cardiovascular Risks
  • Preventing, Treating, and Controlling Childhood Obesity
  • Adiponectin, Leptin, and Visfatin in Hypoxia and Its Effect for Weight Loss in Obesity
  • Diet-induced Obesity and Circadian Disruption of Feeding Behavior
  • Obesity and Its Impact on Health in Canada’s Aboriginal Population
  • Affluence, Obesity and Non-communicable Diseases in India
  • Adipose-tissue and Intestinal Inflammation Visceral Obesity and Creeping Fat
  • Vanillin Alleviates High Fat Diet-induced Obesity and Improves the Gut Microbiota Composition
  • The Dietary Drug Xenical: A Breakthrough in Combating Obesity
  • Obesity and the Important Role of Parents and Schools in Preventing the Health Issue
  • Arguments for and Against Obesity as a Disease
  • Calories, Obesity and Health in OECD Countries
  • Anti Obesity Drug That Prevents Liver Diseases
  • Adult Obesity and Its Effects on Our Health
  • Aging, Obesity, and Inflammatory Age-related Diseases
  • The Connection Between Obesity and Type II Diabetes
  • Hypertension and Obesity: How Weight-loss Affects Hypertension
  • Can Breastfeeding Prevent Childhood Obesity?
  • How does Dietary Choice Impact the Risk of Obesity?
  • Why Dietary Therapy Works Best for the Treatment of Childhood Obesity Critical Thinking Sample?
  • What Is the Growth of Obesity in Georgia?
  • Are People With Anorexia or Obesity Deviant?
  • Why Science Will Not Solve the Obesity Problem?
  • Why Is the Obesity Epidemic Linked to Nutrition Education?
  • How Obesity Affects Epidemiology?
  • Does Healthy Food Prevent Obesity?
  • How Obesity Affects Lung Function and Health?
  • What Is the Association Between Obesity and Prescribed Medication in England?
  • Why Have Obesity Trends Increased in the United States?
  • What Are the Current Challenges in Brown Fat Thermogenesis To Fight Obesity?
  • How has Obesity Affects America for the Past Thirty Years?
  • How Has Obesity Changed Society?
  • Food Addiction and Obesity: Do Macronutrients Matter?
  • Is There a Relationship Between Inequality and Obesity?
  • Childhood Overweight and Its Results on the Obesity Epidemic?
  • How Does the Childhood Obesity Rates Compare in Wales and USA?
  • Does Sugar Addiction Cause Obesity?
  • Body Type and Obesity: What Factors Causes Obesity?
  • Does Health Insurance Encourage Obesity?
  • Does Smoking Affect Body Weight and Obesity in China?
  • How Did Childhood Obesity Become a Deadly Epidemic?
  • Why Has Childhood Obesity Become a Paramount Problem in the United States?
  • What Is the Link Between Teenage Obesity and Severe Obesity in Adults?
  • Does Increased Daytime Sleep Correlate to Obesity?
  • What Are the Nutritional Factors Influencing Obesity?
  • Exercise and Adipose Tissue Macrophages: New Frontiers in Obesity Research?
  • Brown Adipose Tissue Therapeutic Target in Obesity?

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88 Obesity Essay Topics & Examples

In 2020, 42 percent of adults in America have obesity. Black people have had the highest level of it – 49.9 percent. The level of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975 worldwide, so it continues to be a serious problem. Obesity is associated with many health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and even mental health issues. It also has social and economic consequences. Obesity might lead to negative attitudes, discrimination, and social isolation. It can also lead to lost productivity and higher healthcare costs.

If you’re looking for obesity essay topics, you’re in the right place. Here we’ve collected exciting childhood obesity essay topics, ideas for your cause-and-effect paper, and A+ obesity essay examples.

📝 Childhood Obesity Esay Examples

🏆 best obesity essay titles, 😋 catchy obesity essay topics, ❓ obesity research questions, đŸȘ exciting obesity research topics.

  • Fast Food and Culture Fast food is used to refer to the food that is prepared and served within a short period of time which is sold in a restaurant or store.
  • Obesity Problem in American Schools American schools are in a unique position to help improve youth dietary behaviors and prevent cases of obesity.
  • Nutrition: Childhood Obesity and Sustainability Problem This paper is aimed at discussing the relationship between childhood obesity and sustainability. There are many problems that attract much attention of the mass media.
  • Childhood Obesity Prevalence The paper explores the prevalence of childhood obesity, examines the effects of child obesity on health, and recommends the approaches that can aid in solving theproblem.
  • The Effects of Media on Child Obesity This paper will demonstrate that the media has contributed to the prevalence of childhood obesity in the country by highlighting the effects that the media has on child obesity.
  • Child Obesity in the United States The number of overweight children in most of the states has been on an upward trend despite the increased media campaigns sensitizing the public on this health condition.
  • Fast Food Addiction Essay – the Case of UAE This fast food addiction essay explores the causes of obesity in UAE. The United Arab Emirates in one of the world’s most obese countries, and one of the key reasons is junk food consumption.
  • Hispanic Adolescents' Obesity and Fast Food Consumption The current study sought to establish the relationship between Hispanic adolescents and fast food consumption.
  • Technology and Children This paper argues that technology has negative effects on children, and therefore, their exposure should be regulated and closely monitored.
  • Home Environment and Obesity in Preschool Children Østbye et al. affirm that though obesity in children has an intricate etiology, the home setting controls the weight of children through shaping their physical exercise.
  • The Fast Food Industry: Negative Impacts Review The fast food industry is one of the largest businesses in the world. Fast food has been recognized to be a large area of assets concerning food.
  • Marketing to Children Overview This paper will explore how big advertising companies transform kids into consumers and explain why marketing to children may represent a significant social problem.
  • Effect of Television Marketing on Children’s Choice of Food The impact of television advertising on children’s choice of food can be minimized through self-regulation, responsible marketing, education programs, and governmental control.
  • Development in Video Games Created More Problems Than Solutions This paper shall argue that developments in the gaming industry have created more problems than solutions. It shall discuss the various problems that are attributed to video games.
  • Obesity Issue in Society: A Growing Concern The paper focuses on obesity, reveals its prevalence in society, identifies solutions, and concludes by showing measures to be taken in controlling this condition.
  • No to Obesity—a Child’s Anti-obesity Program Studies have revealed that over two-thirds of American adults are considered to be overweight, and nearly one-third of the children and adolescents are obese.
  • Popular Diets, and Their Benefits and Concerns A proper diet should contain all required nutrients, including energy, vitamins, and minerals, and it should be easy to ingest, digest and absorb.
  • Preparations of a Food and Nutrition Policy This paper discusses regulating food advertising to children, obesity as a strong health concern, children’s obesity statistics, television ads and child obesity.
  • Fast Food’ Effects on Children This is a research paper on the effects of fast food on the society, but specifically, more emphasis is put on the younger generation, the children.
  • Argument for and Against the Fast Food Industry in USA Fast food has quickly gained preference in modern society becoming a major source of nutrition in many countries among different demographics and cultures across the world
  • Health Effects of High Fructose Containing Sugars Studying the health effects of high fructose corn syrup will enable the adverse effects of HFCS to be identified and allow for their prevention and management.
  • Why Is Obesity Not Considered a Disease? Obesity is a health condition that arises as a result of a high accumulation of body fat, which can cause health complications.
  • Childhood Obesity and Parent Education Parent education and their competent attitude may be crucial in solving childhood obesity since parents can influence their children’s lifestyles.
  • Fighting the Childhood Obesity Crisis in America
  • Morbid Obesity and Gastric Bypass Surgery
  • Eating Disorders: Obesity, Anorexia, and Bulimia
  • Identifying Endogenous Peer Effects in the Spread of Obesity
  • Childhood Obesity Among America’s Children
  • Factors Affecting the Rate of Obesity
  • Interventions for Obesity Among College Students
  • Three Different Level Solutions to the Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity: Definition, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
  • Combating Childhood Obesity and Its Effects
  • The Socio-Ecological Model of Childhood Obesity
  • Cultural Causal Factors for Obesity
  • Household Food Insecurity and Childhood Obesity
  • Bariatric Surgery the Quick Fix to Obesity
  • The Long Term Effects of Obesity
  • Fight Obesity Promotion Program
  • The Relationship Between Poverty and Obesity
  • McDonald’s and Its Effects on Obesity
  • Life Struggles That Come With Obesity
  • Factors That Affect Overweight and Obesity
  • Measuring the School Impact on Child Obesity
  • Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity
  • Obesity Epidemic Among African American Women
  • Genetic Factors For and Against Obesity
  • The Alarmingly Increasing Rates of Obesity in the United States
  • Factors That Affect Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
  • The Impact of Advertising on Childhood Obesity
  • Health and Illness Among Childhood Obesity
  • The Obesity Epidemic Sweeping the Nation
  • Motivation Modeling for Obesity
  • Physical Education in California Schools
  • The Negative Side Effects of Obesity on the Human Body
  • Low-Calorie Food and Obesity Diet
  • Relationship Between Obesity and Depression
  • Government Intervention vs. Obesity Problem
  • Measures for Controlling Childhood Obesity
  • Government Programs That May Lower the Country‘s Obesity Rate
  • Factors Affecting Adolescent Obesity in Urban China
  • Interventions for Childhood Obesity Program
  • Solving the Childhood Obesity Epidemic
  • Physical Appearance Informs Impression Bias The facial morphology and physical appearance send a strong message towards people, informing them about others’ personality traits.
  • Life Expectancy for Australia’s Rising Epidemic of Obesity
  • How Does Obesity Affect Lung Function and Health?
  • How Can Socioeconomic Factors Shape the Obesity Problem?
  • What Are the Characteristics of Obesity?
  • Can Soda Tax Prevent Obesity?
  • How Increased Portion Sizes Effect Obesity Drama?
  • Does Smoking Affect Body Weight and Obesity in China?
  • Do TV, Computers, and Other Gadgets Influence Childhood Obesity Rates?
  • How Do Regular Exercises and Sports in Childhood Protect From Obesity in Adulthood?
  • How Do Childhood and Adult Obesity Influence Your Community and You Personally?
  • Is It True That Children Raised Within a Single-Parent Family Are More Prone to Obesity?
  • What Measures Can Schools and Universities Use to Decrease Obesity Rates?
  • Does Increased Daytime Sleep Correlate to Obesity?
  • How Are Fast Food Advertising and Childhood Obesity Related?
  • Factors in the Sexual Satisfaction of Obese Women Factors in the Sexual Satisfaction of Obese Women in Relationship” research is dedicated to factors that might help obese women overcome their emotional barriers.
  • Does Counseling Help Children With Issues of Obesity?
  • Does a Vegetarian Diet Decrease Chances of Obesity? Why?
  • Can Surgery Methods Overcome Obesity? Is It the Right Choice? Why?
  • Can Obesity Be Considered a Mental Illness?
  • Does Education and the Economic Situation in the Country Play a Role in the Growing Trend of Obesity?
  • Is Obesity Connected to a Person’s Behavior and Lifestyle?
  • Why Is Obesity a Social Problem? How Can Society Address the Issue?
  • Does Breastfeeding Decrease the Chances of Occurrence of Childhood Obesity?
  • Can Obesity Be Considered a Chronic or Non-chronic Disease?

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Home > Books > Role of Obesity in Human Health and Disease

Top 100 Most Cited Studies in Obesity Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

Submitted: 07 June 2021 Reviewed: 14 June 2021 Published: 22 December 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98877

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Role of Obesity in Human Health and Disease

Edited by Venketeshwer Rao and Leticia Rao

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Obesity represents a major global public health problem. In the past few decades the prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide. In 2016, an estimated 1.9 billion adults were overweight; of these more than 650 million were obese. There is an urgent need for potential solutions and deeper understanding of the risk factors responsible for obesity. A bibliometric analysis study was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of top 100 most cited studies on obesity indexed in Web of Science database. The online search was conducted on June 6, 2021 using the keywords “Obesity” OR “Obese” OR “Overweight” in title filed with no limitations on document types or languages. The top 100 cited studies were selected in descending order based on number of citations. The obtained data were imported in to Microsoft Excel 2019 to extract the basic information such as title, authors name, journal name, year of publication and total citations. In addition, the data were also imported in to HistCiteℱ for further citation analysis, and VOSviewer software for windows to plot the data for network visualization mapping. The initial search retrieved a total of 167,553 documents on obesity. Of the total retrieved documents, only top 100 most cited studies on obesity were included for further analysis. These studies were published from 1982 to 2017 in English language. Most of the studies were published as an article (n = 84). The highly cited study on obesity was “Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey” published in BMJ-British Medical Journal (Impact Factor 39.890, Incites Journal Citation Reports, 2021) in 2000 cited 10,543 times. The average number of citations per study was 2,947.22 (ranging from 1,566 to 10,543 citations). Two studies had more than 10,000 citations. A total of 2,272 authors from 111 countries were involved. The most prolific author was Flegal KM authored 14 studies with 53,558 citations. The highly active country in obesity research was United States of America. The included studies were published in 33 journals. The most attractive journal was JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association (Impact Factor 56.272) published 17 studies and cited globally 51,853 times. The most frequently used keywords were obesity (n = 87) and overweight (n = 22). The countries with highest total link strength was United States of America (n = 155), followed by England (n = 140), and Scotland (n = 130). Our results show that most number of highly cited studies were published in developed countries. The findings of this study can serve as a standard benchmark for researchers to provide the quality bibliographic references and insights into the future research trends and scientific cooperation in obesity research.

  • bibliometric analysis

Author Information

Tauseef ahmad *.

  • Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected];, [email protected]

1. Introduction

Obesity represents a major public health challenge, in the past few decades the prevalence of obesity has increased worldwide and associated with serious adverse health outcomes [ 1 , 2 ]. According to the statistics of World Health Organization, in 2016, an estimated 1.9 billion adults (18 years and older) were overweight, of these more than 650 million were obese. In 2019, 38 million children (under age of 5 years) were overweight or obese [ 3 ].

Obesity associated comorbidities including certain cancer, depression, fatty liver disease, hepatic steatosis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, orthopedic conditions, type 2 diabetes mellitus and social isolation [ 1 , 4 , 5 ]. There is an urgent need for potential solutions and deeper understanding of the risk factors responsible for obesity.

Bibliometric type studies are of great interest, conducted not only to present an overall overview of the published scientific literature but also critical and subjective summarization of the most influential scientific studies [ 6 , 7 , 8 ].

This study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of top 100 most cited studies on obesity. The finding can serve as a standard benchmark for researchers and to provide the quality bibliographic references.

3.1 Study design

Bibliometric citation analysis study.

3.2 Searching strategy and database

On June 6, 2021 the online search was conducted on Web of Science, Core Collection database (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United State of America). The search keywords used were “Obesity” OR “Obese” OR “Overweight” in title filed with no limitations on documents types or languages. The top 100 cited studies were selected in descending order based on number of citations.

3.3 Data extraction

The obtained studies were imported in to Microsoft Excel 2019 to extract the basic information such as title, authors name, journal name, year of publication and total citations. In addition, the downloaded dataset were imported in to HistCite™ for further citation analysis.

3.4 Visualization network

Visualization network co-authorship countries and co-occurrence all keywords were plotted by using VOSviewer software version 1.6.15 ( https://www.vosviewer.com/ ) for windows.

4. Ethical approval

This study did not involve any human or animal subjects, thus, ethical approval was not required.

The initial search retrieved a total of 167,553 documents on obesity indexed in Web of Science database. Of the total retrieved documents, only top 100 most studies on obesity were included in this study. The included studies were published in English language. Most of the studies were published as an article (n = 84) followed by review (n = 14) and letter (n = 1). The average number of citations per study was 2,947.22, ranging from 1,566 to 10,543 citations.

The most cited study on obesity was “Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey” published in BMJ-British Medical Journal in 2000 cited 10,543 times. Another study “Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homolog” published in Nature in 1994 was cited 10,214 times. A total of 10 studies were cited more than 5,000 times. Furthermore, 52 studies were cited at least 2,000 times, while the remaining studies were cited more than 1,500 times. The top 100 studies on obesity is presented in Table 1 .

5.1 Most prolific authors

A total of 2,272 authors contributed to top 100 most cited studies. The most prolific author was Flegal KM authored 14 studies with 53,558 citations, followed by followed by Carroll MD (n = 10, citations = 36,950), and Ogden CL (n = 9, citations = 34,784). Only nine authors authored at least five studies as shown in Table 2 . In addition, only 22 authors contributed in at least three studies.

RankStudy referenceLCSLCS/tGCSGCS/t
1Cole et al. [ ]50.2810543585.72
2Zhang et al. [ ]140.5810218425.75
3Alberti et al. [ ]00.007170796.67
4Ogden et al. [ ]70.586501541.75
5Weisberg et al. [ ]90.606360424.00
6Turnbaugh et al. [ ]90.756237519.75
7Ng et al. [ ]20.5060921523.00
8Turner et al. [ ]10.055585279.25
9Ogden et al. [ ]20.5055301382.50
10Hotamisligil et al. [ ]120.485305212.20
11Calle et al. [ ]20.134927328.47
12Considine et al. [ ]10.054888222.18
13Ley et al. [ ]40.334624385.33
14Flegal et al. [ ]90.564575285.94
15Flegal et al. [ ]50.634510563.75
16Xu et al. [ ]50.334501300.07
17Turnbaugh et al. [ ]20.224499499.89
18Pi-Sunyer et al. [ ]00.004046202.30
19Halaas et al. [ ]80.353846167.22
20DeFronzo et al. [ ]00.003653135.30
21Flegal et al. [ ]30.503653608.83
22Pelleymounter et al. [ ]70.303611157.00
23Yamauchi et al. [ ]30.183603211.94
24Arita et al. [ ]40.213588188.84
25Ley et al. [ ]70.543439264.54
26Steppan et al. [ ]40.243335196.18
27Furukawa et al. [ ]10.073314236.71
28Cani et al. [ ]30.273183289.36
29Must et al. [ ]30.163081162.16
30Hedley et al. [ ]80.573077219.79
31Kopelman [ ]30.173001166.72
32Maffei et al. [ ]30.132989129.96
33Black et al. [ ]10.202937587.40
34Sjostrom et al. [ ]00.002910264.55
35Hubert et al. [ ]60.17290883.09
36Frayling et al. [ ]00.002908264.36
37Haslam and James [ ]10.082900223.08
38Mokdad et al. [ ]20.132816187.73
39Whitaker et al. [ ]20.102766131.71
40Barlow [ ]00.002764251.27
41Lumeng et al. [ ]00.002762251.09
42Kahn et al. [ ]10.082747228.92
43Ogden et al. [ ]10.172704450.67
44Weyer et al. [ ]00.002694158.47
45Christakis and Fowler [ ]10.092687244.27
46Ogden et al. [ ]50.312660166.25
47Ozcan et al. [ ]10.072602185.86
48Despres and Lemieux [ ]00.002581215.08
49Hotamisligil et al. [ ]70.302580112.17
50Cani et al. [ ]20.202516251.60
51Hirosumi et al. [ ]20.132304144.00
52Huszar et al. [ ]10.052295109.29
53Calle and Kaaks [ ]00.002286163.29
54Swinburn et al. [ ]40.572196313.71
55Weiss et al. [ ]00.002178155.57
56Flegal et al. [ ]70.352166108.30
57Kuczmarski et al. [ ]110.46213789.04
58Montague et al. [ ]50.24208199.10
59Ezzati et al. [ ]00.0020732073.00
60Kahn and Flier [ ]30.172068114.89
61Gregor and Hotamisligil [ ]00.002026289.43
62Flegal et al. [ ]20.402021404.20
63Locke et al. [ ]00.001967655.67
64Luppino et al. [ ]00.001951243.88
65Wortsman et al. [ ]00.001934107.44
66Hotamisligil et al. [ ]50.23193387.86
67Flegal et al. [ ]20.151907146.69
68Yudkin et al. [ ]20.11187398.58
69Mokdad et al. [ ]20.121861109.47
70Popkin et al. [ ]10.171856309.33
71Yusuf et al. [ ]10.081841141.62
72Guh et al. [ ]00.001836204.00
73Everard et al. [ ]00.001836367.20
74Wang and Lobstein [ ]10.081832152.67
75Ebbeling et al. [ ]00.001823113.94
76Wang and Beydoun [ ]10.091821165.55
77Ridaura et al. [ ]00.001799359.80
78Kenchaiah et al. [ ]40.251725107.81
79Afshin et al. [ ]00.0017031703.00
80Elchebly et al. [ ]00.00170289.58
81Dietz [ ]10.05170185.05
82Poirier et al. [ ]10.081687140.58
83Van Gaal et al. [ ]00.001682140.17
84Newgard et al. [ ]10.111682186.89
85Turnbaugh et al. [ ]20.201674167.40
86Spiegelman and Flier [ ]20.12166397.82
87Kanda et al. [ ]30.251661138.42
88Uysal et al. [ ]70.33166079.05
89Hu et al. [ ]30.14165975.41
90Finkelstein et al. [ ]10.111645182.78
91Mozaffarian [ ]00.001640820.00
92Larsson et al. [ ]10.03163348.03
93Mokdad et al. [ ]20.11163185.84
94Visser et al. [ ]10.05161585.00
95Kissebah et al. [ ]10.03161244.78
96Wang et al. [ ]30.431610230.00
97Clement et al. [ ]10.05158879.40
98Puhl and Heuer [ ]00.001582175.78
99Flegal et al. [ ]00.001574787.00
100Turek et al. [ ]00.001566120.46

Top 100 most cited studies on obesity.

Note: LCS: Local citation score; LCS/t: Local citation score per year; GCS: Global citation score; GCS/t: Global citation score per year.

S. No.AuthorStudiesLCSLCS/tGCSGCS/t
1Flegal KM14675.461386535586340.429
2Carroll MD10474.171429369505114.773
3Ogden CL9403.821429347845006.473
4Hotamisligil GS7341.541382184101110.571
5Dietz WH6150.819507225381238.22
6Gordon JI6242.044017222722196.711
7Johnson CL5402.25476214615869.3149
8Mokdad AH580.856244141033609.046
9Spiegelman BM5291.26563113140585.4702
10Kengne AP420.5119417372
11Khang YH420.5119417372
12Kit BK481.566667139082846.2
13Ley RE4221.844017187991669.511
14Turnbaugh PJ4171.505556170341572.372

Authors with at least 4 studies.

5.2 Most active countries

A total 111 countries were involved in top 100 most cited studies on obesity. The most active country was United States of America (studies contributed: 75, citations: 217,788), followed by United Kingdom (studies contributed: 18, citations: 57,015), Canada (studies contributed: 9, citations: 17,920), Japan (studies contributed: 9, citations: 26,695), France (studies contributed: 8, citations: 21,228), Sweden (studies contributed: 8, citations: 20,632), and Netherlands (studies contributed: 7, citations: 13,018) as shown in Table 3 . Only 21 countries were involved at least in four studies.

S. No.CountryNumber of studiesLCSGCS
1United States of America75207217788
2United Kingdom183257015
18Peoples Republic of China4211835
19Saudi Arabia4211835
20South Korea4211835

Country with at least 3 studies.

Note: LCS: Local citation score; GCS: Global citation score.

5.3 Journals

The top 100 most cited studies were published in 33 journals. The most attractive journal was JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association published 17 studies and cited globally 51,853 times as shown in Table 4 . Only seven journals published at least 4 studies, six journals published two studies each, while the remaining journals published a single study each.

Journal nameNumber of studiesLCSLCS/tGCSGCS/t
JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association (IF: 56.272, Q1)17655.400378518536276.611
Nature (IF: 49.962, Q1)14523.120612485243834.997
Lancet (IF: 79.321, Q1)9131.903846270575484.994
Science (IF: 47.728, Q1)9331.430875252721644.342
New England Journal of Medicine (IF: 91.245, Q1)8100.614935237843157.565
Journal of Clinical Investigation (IF: 14.808, Q1)7281.725776232461577.351
Circulation (IF: 29.690, Q1)470.254762134051840.336

Journals published at least 4 studies.

Note: IF: Impact Factor, Incites Journal Citation Reports, 2021; Q: Quartile; LCS: Local citation score; LCS/t: Local citation score per year; GCS: Global citation score; GCS/t: Global citation score per year.

5.4 Commonly used keywords

A total of 366 keywords were used in the top 100 most cited studies. The most widely used keywords were obesity (n = 87) and overweight (n = 22) as shown in Table 5 .

S. No.WordOccurrenceLCSGCS

The keywords used at least ten times.

5.5 Year of publication

The top 100 most cited on obesity were published from 1982 to 2017 as shown in Figure 1 . The highest number of studies were published in 2006 (n = 9, citations = 29,552) and 2007 (n = 7, citations = 19,035) as presented in Figures 1 and 2 .

good titles for obesity essay

Publication years of top 100 most cited studies in obesity research.

good titles for obesity essay

Total global citation score per year of top 100 most cited studies in obesity research.

5.6 Co-authorship countries network visualization

The minimum number of studies for a country was fixed at 3. Of the total countries, only 38 countries were plotted based on total link strength (TLS) as shown in Figure 3 . The countries with highest TLS were United States of America (155), England (140), and Scotland (130).

good titles for obesity essay

Co-authorship countries network visualization. Two clusters are formed; red color represents cluster 1 (24 items), and green color represents cluster 2 (14 items).

5.7 Co-occurrence all keywords network visualization

Of the total keywords, only 69 were plotted as shown in Figure 4 . The keyword body-mass index has the highest TLS 117, followed by overweight (65), adipose-tissue (56), prevalence (53), weight (52), and obesity (49).

good titles for obesity essay

Co-occurrence all keywords network visualization. Three clusters are formed; red color represents cluster 1 (29 items), green color represents cluster 2 (26 items), and blue color represents cluster 3 (14 items).

6. Discussion

In recent years, bibliometric type studies have been increased significantly, these studies not only recognize the most influential studies in certain area but also determine the research shift and other important insights into the bibliometric parameters. Globally, obesity is a major public health problem and the prevalence has increased in the past few decades. Therefore, this study was undertaken to recognize the most influential studies in obesity research and provide essential bibliographic information. To the best of our knowledge this is the first bibliometric analysis on top 100 most cited studies on obesity indexed in Web of Science database. The highly cited study in obesity research received a total of 10,543 citations. The study published in a highly rated journal in medicine had an impact factor of 39.890 and placed in quartile 1 (Q1) category. The study entitled “Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey” provides cut off points for body mass index in childhood of six large nationally representative cross sectional growth studies [ 9 ].

Another study received a total of 10,218 citations. The study titled “Positional cloning of the mouse obese gene and its human homologue” discusses the potential role of obese gene and these genes may function as part of a signaling pathway from adipose tissue that acts to regulate the size of the body fat depot [ 10 ].

The top 100 most cited were published in 33 journals. The most attractive and core journals in obesity research were JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association (n = 17), and Nature (n = 14) had an impact factor of 56.272, and 49.962 respectively. A total of 31 studies were published in these two journals with a total citations of 100,377, thus representing the quality of work and aiming of the authors for high impact factor journals. Influential studies on obesity were published in higher impact factor journals. Furthermore, studies published in higher impact factor journals are more likely to be cited by the scientific community. The impact factor shows importance and quality of a journal [ 109 ]. The top three authors based on number of studies in obesity research were Flegal KM (n = 14, citations = 53,558), followed by Carroll MD (n = 10, citations = 36,950), and Ogden CL (n = 9, citations = 34,784). In our study, the leading country was United States of America contributed in a total of 75 studies with a total citations of 217,788. The finding is in line with studies in other research areas [ 110 , 111 , 112 , 113 ].

7. Conclusion

This study provides a comprehensive information of the most cited studies in obesity research. Majority of the most cited studies were published by developed countries in higher impact factor journals. The current study might be helpful to researchers for insights into the future research trends and scientific cooperation.

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Essay on Obesity

List of essays on obesity, essay on obesity – short essay (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on obesity (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on obesity – written in english (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on obesity – for school students (class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 standard) (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on obesity – for college students (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on obesity – with causes and treatment (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on obesity – for science students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on obesity – long essay for medical students (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Obesity is a chronic health condition in which the body fat reaches abnormal level. Obesity occurs when we consume much more amount of food than our body really needs on a daily basis. In other words, when the intake of calories is greater than the calories we burn out, it gives rise to obesity.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard), college, science and medical students.


Obesity means being excessively fat. A person would be said to be obese if his or her body mass index is beyond 30. Such a person has a body fat rate that is disproportionate to his body mass.

Obesity and the Body Mass Index:

The body mass index is calculated considering the weight and height of a person. Thus, it is a scientific way of determining the appropriate weight of any person. When the body mass index of a person indicates that he or she is obese, it exposes the person to make health risk.

Stopping Obesity:

There are two major ways to get the body mass index of a person to a moderate rate. The first is to maintain a strict diet. The second is to engage in regular physical exercise. These two approaches are aimed at reducing the amount of fat in the body.


Obesity can lead to sudden death, heart attack, diabetes and may unwanted illnesses. Stop it by making healthy choices.

Obesity has become a big concern for the youth of today’s generation. Obesity is defined as a medical condition in which an individual gains excessive body fat. When the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person is over 30, he/ she is termed as obese.

Obesity can be a genetic problem or a disorder that is caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits of a person. Physical inactivity and the environment in which an individual lives, are also the factors that leads to obesity. It is also seen that when some individuals are in stress or depression, they start cultivating unhealthy eating habits which eventually leads to obesity. Medications like steroids is yet another reason for obesity.

Obesity has several serious health issues associated with it. Some of the impacts of obesity are diabetes, increase of cholesterol level, high blood pressure, etc. Social impacts of obesity includes loss of confidence in an individual, lowering of self-esteem, etc.

The risks of obesity needs to be prevented. This can be done by adopting healthy eating habits, doing some physical exercise regularly, avoiding stress, etc. Individuals should work on weight reduction in order to avoid obesity.

Obesity is indeed a health concern and needs to be prioritized. The management of obesity revolves around healthy eating habits and physical activity. Obesity, if not controlled in its initial stage can cause many severe health issues. So it is wiser to exercise daily and maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than being the victim of obesity.

Obesity can be defined as the clinical condition where accumulation of excessive fat takes place in the adipose tissue leading to worsening of health condition. Usually, the fat is deposited around the trunk and also the waist of the body or even around the periphery.

Obesity is actually a disease that has been spreading far and wide. It is preventable and certain measures are to be taken to curb it to a greater extend. Both in the developing and developed countries, obesity has been growing far and wide affecting the young and the old equally.

The alarming increase in obesity has resulted in stimulated death rate and health issues among the people. There are several methods adopted to lose weight and they include different diet types, physical activity and certain changes in the current lifestyle. Many of the companies are into minting money with the concept of inviting people to fight obesity.

In patients associated with increased risk factor related to obesity, there are certain drug therapies and other procedures adopted to lose weight. There are certain cost effective ways introduced by several companies to enable clinic-based weight loss programs.

Obesity can lead to premature death and even cause Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Cardiovascular diseases have also become the part and parcel of obese people. It includes stroke, hypertension, gall bladder disease, coronary heart disease and even cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer and colon cancer. Other less severe arising due to obesity includes osteoarthritis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease and even infertility.

Hence, serious measures are to be taken to fight against this dreadful phenomenon that is spreading its wings far and wide. Giving proper education on benefits of staying fit and mindful eating is as important as curbing this issue. Utmost importance must be given to healthy eating habits right from the small age so that they follow the same until the end of their life.

Obesity is majorly a lifestyle disease attributed to the extra accumulation of fat in the body leading to negative health effects on a person. Ironically, although prevalent at a large scale in many countries, including India, it is one of the most neglect health problems. It is more often ignored even if told by the doctor that the person is obese. Only when people start acquiring other health issues such as heart disease, blood pressure or diabetes, they start taking the problem of obesity seriously.

Obesity Statistics in India:

As per a report, India happens to figure as the third country in the world with the most obese people. This should be a troubling fact for India. However, we are yet to see concrete measures being adopted by the people to remain fit.

Causes of Obesity:

Sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, junk food, medications and some diseases such as hypothyroidism are considered as the factors which lead to obesity. Even children seem to be glued to televisions, laptops and video games which have taken away the urge for physical activities from them. Adding to this, the consumption of junk food has further aggravated the growing problem of obesity in children.

In the case of adults, most of the professions of today make use of computers which again makes people sit for long hours in one place. Also, the hectic lifestyle of today makes it difficult for people to spare time for physical activities and people usually remain stressed most of the times. All this has contributed significantly to the rise of obesity in India.

Obesity and BMI:

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the measure which allows a person to calculate how to fit he or she is. In other words, the BMI tells you if you are obese or not. BMI is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kg with the square of his / her height in metres. The number thus obtained is called the BMI. A BMI of less than 25 is considered optimal. However, if a person has a BMI over 30 he/she is termed as obese.

What is a matter of concern is that with growing urbanisation there has been a rapid increase of obese people in India? It is of utmost importance to consider this health issue a serious threat to the future of our country as a healthy body is important for a healthy soul. We should all be mindful of what we eat and what effect it has on our body. It is our utmost duty to educate not just ourselves but others as well about this serious health hazard.

Obesity can be defined as a condition (medical) that is the accumulation of body fat to an extent that the excess fat begins to have a lot of negative effects on the health of the individual. Obesity is determined by examining the body mass index (BMI) of the person. The BMI is gotten by dividing the weight of the person in kilogram by the height of the person squared.

When the BMI of a person is more than 30, the person is classified as being obese, when the BMI falls between 25 and 30, the person is said to be overweight. In a few countries in East Asia, lower values for the BMI are used. Obesity has been proven to influence the likelihood and risk of many conditions and disease, most especially diabetes of type 2, cardiovascular diseases, sleeplessness that is obstructive, depression, osteoarthritis and some cancer types.

In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or genes. There is no medical data to support the fact that people suffering from obesity eat very little but gain a lot of weight because of slower metabolism. It has been discovered that an obese person usually expends much more energy than other people as a result of the required energy that is needed to maintain a body mass that is increased.

It is very possible to prevent obesity with a combination of personal choices and social changes. The major treatments are exercising and a change in diet. We can improve the quality of our diet by reducing our consumption of foods that are energy-dense like those that are high in sugars or fat and by trying to increase our dietary fibre intake.

We can also accompany the appropriate diet with the use of medications to help in reducing appetite and decreasing the absorption of fat. If medication, exercise and diet are not yielding any positive results, surgery or gastric balloon can also be carried out to decrease the volume of the stomach and also reduce the intestines’ length which leads to the feel of the person get full early or a reduction in the ability to get and absorb different nutrients from a food.

Obesity is the leading cause of ill-health and death all over the world that is preventable. The rate of obesity in children and adults has drastically increased. In 2015, a whopping 12 percent of adults which is about 600 million and about 100 million children all around the world were found to be obese.

It has also been discovered that women are more obese than men. A lot of government and private institutions and bodies have stated that obesity is top of the list of the most difficult and serious problems of public health that we have in the world today. In the world we live today, there is a lot of stigmatisation of obese people.

We all know how troubling the problem of obesity truly is. It is mainly a form of a medical condition wherein the body tends to accumulate excessive fat which in turn has negative repercussions on the health of an individual.

Given the current lifestyle and dietary style, it has become more common than ever. More and more people are being diagnosed with obesity. Such is its prevalence that it has been termed as an epidemic in the USA. Those who suffer from obesity are at a much higher risk of diabetes, heart diseases and even cancer.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of obesity, it is important to learn what the key causes of obesity are. In a layman term, if your calorie consumption exceeds what you burn because of daily activities and exercises, it is likely to lead to obesity. It is caused over a prolonged period of time when your calorie intake keeps exceeding the calories burned.

Here are some of the key causes which are known to be the driving factors for obesity.

If your diet tends to be rich in fat and contains massive calorie intake, you are all set to suffer from obesity.

Sedentary Lifestyle:

With most people sticking to their desk jobs and living a sedentary lifestyle, the body tends to get obese easily.

Of course, the genetic framework has a lot to do with obesity. If your parents are obese, the chance of you being obese is quite high.

The weight which women gain during their pregnancy can be very hard to shed and this is often one of the top causes of obesity.

Sleep Cycle:

If you are not getting an adequate amount of sleep, it can have an impact on the hormones which might trigger hunger signals. Overall, these linked events tend to make you obese.

Hormonal Disorder:

There are several hormonal changes which are known to be direct causes of obesity. The imbalance of the thyroid stimulating hormone, for instance, is one of the key factors when it comes to obesity.

Now that we know the key causes, let us look at the possible ways by which you can handle it.

Treatment for Obesity:

As strange as it may sound, the treatment for obesity is really simple. All you need to do is follow the right diet and back it with an adequate amount of exercise. If you can succeed in doing so, it will give you the perfect head-start into your journey of getting in shape and bidding goodbye to obesity.

There are a lot of different kinds and styles of diet plans for obesity which are available. You can choose the one which you deem fit. We recommend not opting for crash dieting as it is known to have several repercussions and can make your body terribly weak.

The key here is to stick to a balanced diet which can help you retain the essential nutrients, minerals, and, vitamins and shed the unwanted fat and carbs.

Just like the diet, there are several workout plans for obesity which are available. It is upon you to find out which of the workout plan seems to be apt for you. Choose cardio exercises and dance routines like Zumba to shed the unwanted body weight. Yoga is yet another method to get rid of obesity.

So, follow a blend of these and you will be able to deal with the trouble of obesity in no time. We believe that following these tips will help you get rid of obesity and stay in shape.

Obesity and overweight is a top health concern in the world due to the impact it has on the lives of individuals. Obesity is defined as a condition in which an individual has excessive body fat and is measured using the body mass index (BMI) such that, when an individual’s BMI is above 30, he or she is termed obese. The BMI is calculated using body weight and height and it is different for all individuals.

Obesity has been determined as a risk factor for many diseases. It results from dietary habits, genetics, and lifestyle habits including physical inactivity. Obesity can be prevented so that individuals do not end up having serious complications and health problems. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart diseases and relate to obesity in terms of causes and complications.

Factors Influencing Obesity:

Obesity is not only as a result of lifestyle habits as most people put it. There are other important factors that influence obesity. Genetics is one of those factors. A person could be born with genes that predispose them to obesity and they will also have difficulty in losing weight because it is an inborn factor.

The environment also influences obesity because the diet is similar in certain environs. In certain environments, like school, the food available is fast foods and the chances of getting healthy foods is very low, leading to obesity. Also, physical inactivity is an environmental factor for obesity because some places have no fields or tracks where people can jog or maybe the place is very unsafe and people rarely go out to exercise.

Mental health affects the eating habits of individuals. There is a habit of stress eating when a person is depressed and it could result in overweight or obesity if the person remains unhealthy for long period of time.

The overall health of individuals also matter. If a person is unwell and is prescribed with steroids, they may end up being obese. Steroidal medications enable weight gain as a side effect.

Complications of Obesity:

Obesity is a health concern because its complications are severe. Significant social and health problems are experienced by obese people. Socially, they will be bullied and their self-esteem will be low as they will perceive themselves as unworthy.

Chronic illnesses like diabetes results from obesity. Diabetes type 2 has been directly linked to obesity. This condition involves the increased blood sugars in the body and body cells are not responding to insulin as they should. The insulin in the body could also be inadequate due to decreased production. High blood sugar concentrations result in symptoms like frequent hunger, thirst and urination. The symptoms of complicated stages of diabetes type 2 include loss of vision, renal failure and heart failure and eventually death. The importance of having a normal BMI is the ability of the body to control blood sugars.

Another complication is the heightened blood pressures. Obesity has been defined as excessive body fat. The body fat accumulates in blood vessels making them narrow. Narrow blood vessels cause the blood pressures to rise. Increased blood pressure causes the heart to start failing in its physiological functions. Heart failure is the end result in this condition of increased blood pressures.

There is a significant increase in cholesterol in blood of people who are obese. High blood cholesterol levels causes the deposition of fats in various parts of the body and organs. Deposition of fats in the heart and blood vessels result in heart diseases. There are other conditions that result from hypercholesterolemia.

Other chronic illnesses like cancer can also arise from obesity because inflammation of body cells and tissues occurs in order to store fats in obese people. This could result in abnormal growths and alteration of cell morphology. The abnormal growths could be cancerous.

Management of Obesity:

For the people at risk of developing obesity, prevention methods can be implemented. Prevention included a healthy diet and physical activity. The diet and physical activity patterns should be regular and realizable to avoid strains that could result in complications.

Some risk factors for obesity are non-modifiable for example genetics. When a person in genetically predisposed, the lifestyle modifications may be have help.

For the individuals who are already obese, they can work on weight reduction through healthy diets and physical exercises.

In conclusion, obesity is indeed a major health concern because the health complications are very serious. Factors influencing obesity are both modifiable and non-modifiable. The management of obesity revolves around diet and physical activity and so it is important to remain fit.

In olden days, obesity used to affect only adults. However, in the present time, obesity has become a worldwide problem that hits the kids as well. Let’s find out the most prevalent causes of obesity.

Factors Causing Obesity:

Obesity can be due to genetic factors. If a person’s family has a history of obesity, chances are high that he/ she would also be affected by obesity, sooner or later in life.

The second reason is having a poor lifestyle. Now, there are a variety of factors that fall under the category of poor lifestyle. An excessive diet, i.e., eating more than you need is a definite way to attain the stage of obesity. Needless to say, the extra calories are changed into fat and cause obesity.

Junk foods, fried foods, refined foods with high fats and sugar are also responsible for causing obesity in both adults and kids. Lack of physical activity prevents the burning of extra calories, again, leading us all to the path of obesity.

But sometimes, there may also be some indirect causes of obesity. The secondary reasons could be related to our mental and psychological health. Depression, anxiety, stress, and emotional troubles are well-known factors of obesity.

Physical ailments such as hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, and diabetes often complicate the physical condition and play a massive role in abnormal weight gain.

Moreover, certain medications, such as steroids, antidepressants, and contraceptive pills, have been seen interfering with the metabolic activities of the body. As a result, the long-term use of such drugs can cause obesity. Adding to that, regular consumption of alcohol and smoking are also connected to the condition of obesity.

Harmful Effects of Obesity:

On the surface, obesity may look like a single problem. But, in reality, it is the mother of several major health issues. Obesity simply means excessive fat depositing into our body including the arteries. The drastic consequence of such high cholesterol levels shows up in the form of heart attacks and other life-threatening cardiac troubles.

The fat deposition also hampers the elasticity of the arteries. That means obesity can cause havoc in our body by altering the blood pressure to an abnormal range. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Obesity is known to create an endless list of problems.

In extreme cases, this disorder gives birth to acute diseases like diabetes and cancer. The weight gain due to obesity puts a lot of pressure on the bones of the body, especially of the legs. This, in turn, makes our bones weak and disturbs their smooth movement. A person suffering from obesity also has higher chances of developing infertility issues and sleep troubles.

Many obese people are seen to be struggling with breathing problems too. In the chronic form, the condition can grow into asthma. The psychological effects of obesity are another serious topic. You can say that obesity and depression form a loop. The more a person is obese, the worse is his/ her depression stage.

How to Control and Treat Obesity:

The simplest and most effective way, to begin with, is changing our diet. There are two factors to consider in the diet plan. First is what and what not to eat. Second is how much to eat.

If you really want to get rid of obesity, include more and more green vegetables in your diet. Spinach, beans, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc., have enough vitamins and minerals and quite low calories. Other healthier options are mushrooms, pumpkin, beetroots, and sweet potatoes, etc.

Opt for fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, and berries. Oranges, grapes, pomegranate, pineapple, cherries, strawberries, lime, and cranberries are good for the body. They have low sugar content and are also helpful in strengthening our immune system. Eating the whole fruits is a more preferable way in comparison to gulping the fruit juices. Fruits, when eaten whole, have more fibers and less sugar.

Consuming a big bowl of salad is also great for dealing with the obesity problem. A salad that includes fibrous foods such as carrots, radish, lettuce, tomatoes, works better at satiating the hunger pangs without the risk of weight gain.

A high protein diet of eggs, fish, lean meats, etc., is an excellent choice to get rid of obesity. Take enough of omega fatty acids. Remember to drink plenty of water. Keeping yourself hydrated is a smart way to avoid overeating. Water also helps in removing the toxins and excess fat from the body.

As much as possible, avoid fats, sugars, refined flours, and oily foods to keep the weight in control. Control your portion size. Replace the three heavy meals with small and frequent meals during the day. Snacking on sugarless smoothies, dry fruits, etc., is much recommended.

Regular exercise plays an indispensable role in tackling the obesity problem. Whenever possible, walk to the market, take stairs instead of a lift. Physical activity can be in any other form. It could be a favorite hobby like swimming, cycling, lawn tennis, or light jogging.

Meditation and yoga are quite powerful practices to drive away the stress, depression and thus, obesity. But in more serious cases, meeting a physician is the most appropriate strategy. Sometimes, the right medicines and surgical procedures are necessary to control the health condition.

Obesity is spreading like an epidemic, haunting both the adults and the kids. Although genetic factors and other physical ailments play a role, the problem is mostly caused by a reckless lifestyle.

By changing our way of living, we can surely take control of our health. In other words, it would be possible to eliminate the condition of obesity from our lives completely by leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Obesity Essay | Essay on Obesity for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Prasanna

Obesity Essay: Obesity is a condition that occurs when a person puts on excess body fat. It is a sudden and unusual increase in body fat. It can lead to heart-related diseases, blood pressure, hypertension, cholesterol, and various other health issues. The main cause of obesity is over-eating. Consuming junk food and staying away for physical activities can lead to an increase in the cases of obesity. Every 1 out of 5 children is facing obesity around the globe.

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Long and Short Essays on Obesity for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided a long essay and a short essay, along with ten lines on the topic, to help students write this essay in examinations. Given below is a long essay composed of about 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words on Obesity in English.

Long Essay on Obesity 500 words in English

Obesity essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The world today is facing various complex diseases. Out of them, obesity is one. Obesity is a condition wherein a person starts to gain unnecessary body fat. This is an excessive and abnormal increase in body fat which can lead to various other related health issues like heart problems, blood pressure, hypertension, cholesterol, and many more. Some people think of obesity as only a cosmetic and physical concern but that’s not true.

The lifestyle of people has changed a lot. Instead of focusing more on physical activities, there has been a paradigm shift to adapting non-physical activities. Children used to play in parks and playgrounds with friends whereas now the preference has been shifted to mobile and computer games. Not only children but also elders have changed their lifestyle a lot. Previously, people preferred to do everything by themselves. Right from doing household chores to getting things from the market, everything was done manually. But time has changed a lot. Now, everything gets delivered at the doorstep. This type of lifestyle has lead to various diseases including obesity.

Additionally, obesity is even caused due to genetics as well. Some people have heredity or have genes that force them to gain weight faster as compared to others. Also, there are some medications like those consumed by bodybuilders (steroids), antidepressants, and medicines for diabetes that make changes in the body metabolism in such a way that the appetite increases resulting in gaining weight. Some people are couch potatoes and foodaholic which means they can’t stay away from food. Under such a situation the appetite increase and the chances to fill oneself with junk food enhances. This kind of habit positively increases the chances of becoming obese.

Ever-increasing cases of obesity are surely a cause of concern, but there are various cures available to treat it. Also, not every treatment is related to medication or surgery. Some of the treatments are such that are related to changes in diet and adapting to physical activities. Eating a healthy, fibrous, and nutritious diet can help reduce that excess weight. Also not munching in between and following a diet routine can help to cure obesity.

Secondly, by doing some physical activities like walking, jogging, running, or exercising one can also burn unwanted fat and calories, thereby reducing obesity. There are various drug therapies as well as surgeries like bariatric surgery that can help reduce the weight. The drug therapies can be long term as well as short term depending on the weight to be reduced. But usually, these are clubbed with natural therapies like exercising and yoga.

Obesity is now concerning more and more people. It is thus necessary to make people aware of the symptoms, causes, and cures of the disease as well. This will help to take the necessary steps and combat obesity. Everybody should adapt to the health-enhancing lifestyle and should try to reduce unhealthy habits as much as possible. It is quite true that junk food is attractive and a healthy plate looks dull but to stay healthy and fit, one needs to choose the healthy plate over junk. This is the best way to keep the self and family away from obesity.

Short Essay on Obesity 150 words in English

Obesity essay is usually provided to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Obesity is a cause of serious concern today. Although, many may not think of obesity as the disease still the effects of obesity can lead to various health issues. Obesity is a situation where a person faces a continuous increase in body mass. This increase is usually not normal and hence is a cause of concern. The diseases linked to obesity range from blood pressure, heart issues, hypertension, and diabetes as well. There are many causes of obesity. The most common cause of obesity is unhealthy food habits. An increase in the consumption of junk foods and munching in between leads to obesity.

The second cause of obesity is a decrease in physical activities. People have turned to couch potatoes. They prefer to sit and watch television rather than going out and doing physical exercises like running, walking, jogging, or yoga. The third reason is related to heredity or genetics. Apart there are other reasons related to medication that result in weight gain. There are various natural as well as medical treatments available for obesity. Adapting to healthy food habits and daily exercising can reduce weight. It can lead to a reduction in obesity. Apart there are drug-related therapies as well as surgeries like bariatric surgery available to reduce that excess weight.

It is important to adapt to a healthy lifestyle which includes intake of nutritious food and exercise to reduce obesity. Also making people aware of cause and cures of obesity can be of great use. The best way to keep the self and family away from obesity is to have a healthy lifestyle.

10 Lines on Obesity Essay in English

  • Obesity is very common today. It is a situation where a person gains excessive and abnormal weight.
  • It has affected 1 out of every 5 individuals in the world.
  • It can lead to various diseases such as heart-related, hypertension, blood pressure, and many more.
  • There are various causes of obesity right from genetic to habit related.
  • Increased intake of junk food, decreased physical activities, increased medication, and unhealthy lifestyle is some major causes of obesity.
  • The cases of obesity are more prevalent in children as they tend to be couch potatoes.
  • Obesity can be cured by natural as well as medical ways.
  • Natural ways to cure obesity include healthy food habits, a healthy lifestyle, and exercising.
  • Medical treatments for obesity include drug treatment and surgeries like bariatric surgery.
  • Making people aware of how to adapt to a better lifestyle can reduce the chances of obesity.

FAQ’s on Obesity Essay

Question 1. What is Obesity?

Answer: Obesity refers to a situation where the person gains abnormal and excessive weight. Such an increase in weight can lead to health issues.

Question 2. What are the causes of Obesity?

Answer: There are various causes of obesity. The main causes of obesity are unhealthy food habits, reduced physical exercises, increased medication, couch potato nature, and heredity.

Question 3. How can we cure obesity?

Answer: There are various natural and medical cures available for obesity. These include healthy food habits, exercising, drug treatment, and surgeries like bariatric surgery.

Question 4. What steps can be taken to reduce cases of obesity?

Answer: The steps that can be taken to reduce the chances of obesity are as follow:

  • Intake of healthy food
  • Adapting to a better lifestyle
  • Say no to munching and junk food.
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Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment Essay

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Predisposing factors, tackling obesity.

In the recent years, obesity and its related conditions have plummeted to a high record. Obesity, a condition once considered as an adult problem, has spread among more young people in the 21 st century, than in the past. This disease can be explained as the presence of excess fat in the body. A simple way of diagnosing obesity is by the use of Body Mass Index (BMI), which is simply weight (kg)/height (m)2. Speaking about the youth, once the BMI is determined it is then compared to that of other children of the same age and sex. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers a BMI with more than 30kg/mÂČ as obese (deOnis, Blossner, & Borghi, 2010). This paper will delve into the causes and the solutions of this problem.

Diet, in particular, plays a vital role in the health of a young person. Consumption of the processed foods with a high content of fat and sugar, affects the normal metabolism in the young body. This happens by causing a surge in the levels of blood glucose immediately after the consumption of the food. Moreover, this causes energy slumps in the body prompting a hunger impulse that in turn makes one eat a lot (Wieting, 2008).

Besides the constituents of the diet, other factors can predispose a young individual to develop obesity. To begin with, working parents increase the risk of their children developing obesity by being too busy to closely monitor or prepare what their children eat. Secondly, the fast food industry spends fortunes in advertisements to entice the youth to buy their products. Another factor is the proximity of these fast food outlets to schools and colleges. Finally, poor families often do not have enough funds to spend on healthy food and thus going for the cheaper options like junk foods (Danner, 2008).

Sedentary lifestyles

There is less physical activity among the youth today. Nowadays, most young people prefer remaining indoors and watch TV or play online virtual reality games. In turn, they rarely have time to get involved in physical activities. Schools, on the other hand, have also reduced the number of hours allocated to the physical education classes in an attempt to improve performance in state proficiency examinations (Wieting, 2008).

There is an increased possibility of a child born to obese parents to get the same condition. It has been noted that the condition is also more prevalent among the black Americans and Hispanics than in the Caucasians (Wieting, 2008).

Health issues

Some diseases may increase the risk of obesity. A good example is the Cushing’s disease that results from over secretion of a stress hormone called cortisol . It leads to the deposition of fat around the stomach and the upper side of the back. In addition, some drugs used in the treatment of mental problems/psychosis, such as diazepam, can lead to an increased appetite (Wieting, 2008).

A responsible guardian should analyse all areas of their children’s lives. They should also think over their own lifestyle choices, as they could be the source of the problem. The following are some of the suggested solutions in preventing and controlling obesity.

Changes in diet

A meal should always have three main food groups. High fiber foods are the best form of carbohydrates. These include foods such as whole grain flours, brown rice and yams. White meat sources of protein like chicken are preferred to red meat. Beans and peas are also good protein sources. Vegetables and fruits are the best sources of vitamins (Danner, 2008).

Parents should control the hours their children spend in front of the TV set. Instead of buying video games as gifts, they should substitute this with play kits such as a tennis racquets, bats, etc. Parents should also participate in these physical activities with their children in order to encourage them. Similarly, schools should allocate adequate time to physical education and encourage students to manage their time well to excel in their class work.

Screening for predisposing diseases

Children from families that have a disposition to develop Type 2 diabetes mellitus are supposed to be screened. Good dietary management is also very important for such an individual to prevent the condition, delay its onset or manage the symptoms if the condition is already present. Patients undergoing antipsychotic drug therapy should be put on a diet and exercise regimen by a nutritionist or physician.

There are no drugs recommended for children, however Orlistat (Xenical) can be used in teenagers. It causes a small but steady decline in weight. Its use is often recommended alongside that of good dietary management. Sibutramine is another example; however, it is obligatory to consult a doctor when opting to use this remedy (Wieting, 2008).

It is very clear that obesity is no longer an individual problem. The world needs to do something about this condition. In fact, it is important to note that preventing and controlling obesity reduces the costs that one would otherwise incur in treating obesity related ailments like stroke, heart conditions, and blood pressure. Everyone is at risk of becoming obese; it is important to take the above steps in order to protect children from developing this scourge.

Danner, F. W. (2008). A national longitudinal study of the association between hours of TV viewing and the trajectory of BMI growth among US children. Journal of Pediatric Psychology , 33 (10), 1100-1107.

deOnis, M., Blössner, M., & Borghi, E. (2010). Global prevalence and trends of overweight and obesity among preschool children. The American journal of clinical nutrition , 92 (5), 1257-1264.

Wieting, J. M. (2008). Cause and effect in childhood obesity: solutions for a national epidemic: JAOA. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association , 108 (10), 545-552.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 22). Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-predisposing-factors-and-treatment/

"Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment." IvyPanda , 22 Aug. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-predisposing-factors-and-treatment/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment'. 22 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment." August 22, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-predisposing-factors-and-treatment/.

1. IvyPanda . "Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment." August 22, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/obesity-predisposing-factors-and-treatment/.


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Click here to enlarge figure

Inclusion Exclusion
PopulationRegistered nurses
Case management nurses
General practice nurses
Student nurses
Advanced practice nurses
Nurse practitioner (NP)
Clinical nurse specialist (CNS)
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)
ConceptIndividuals with obesity
Adults (19–64 years old)
Nurses’ role or intervention
RN’s role indecipherable from other disciplines
Primary focus on other disease (e.g., cancer, serious mental illness, NAFLD, T2DM, etc.)
Bariatric and pharmaceutical related interventions
Population who requires expertise beyond scope of this paper (i.e., perinatal, postnatal, prenatal, and parenting and people with developmental, and intellectual disabilities)
Primary healthcare setting
District nursing
General practice
Community settings (home care, occupational health, or faith-based)
Any setting outside inclusion criteria
Medical Subject Headings (MeSHs)
and Descriptors
(Title or Abstract)
Population“nurses” OR “nursing” OR “Public Health Service Nurses”Ornurs*
Concept“role” OR “Nursing Role” OR “Nursing Interventions” OR “Professional Role” OR “Delivery of Health Care” OR “Practice Patterns, Nurses” OROrrole* or “nurs* intervention*” OR “nurs* strateg*” OR “nurs* role” OR “nurs* guided” OR “nurse-directed” OR “nurse-led” OR “nurse-managed” OR “nurs* function*”
“obesity” OR “Obesity, Morbid” OR “weight control” OR “Weight Reduction Programs” OR “weight management” OR “obesity management” OR “Body Weight Maintenance” OR “Body Weight Changes” OR “weight loss+” OR “Weight Reduction Programs+” OR “Body Weight” OR “overweight” OR “body mass index” OR “Obesity (Attitudes Toward)”Orobes* OR “high BMI” OR “high body mass index” OR “weight control” OR “weight reduction” OR “weight management” OR “overweight”
ContextOmitted (too restrictive) Omitted (too restrictive)
Frist Author/Year/CitationTitleStudy DesignPopulationSettingCountry
Barrea (2021)
[ ]
The role of the nurse in the obesity clinic: a practical guideline.Review RNs caring for people living with obesity (PwO)Outpatient obesity clinicsItaly
Braga (2020)
[ ]
Actions of nurses toward obesity in primary health care units.Qualitative Primary healthcare nurses (PHNs)Primary healthcare UnitsBrazil
Brewah (2018)
[ ]
Can community nurses take on obesity?Commentary District/ community RNs caring for homebound PwO Home careU.K.
Campbell- Scherer (2019)
[ ]
Changing provider behaviour to increase nurse visits for obesity in family practice: the 5As Team randomized controlled trial (RCT).Mixed-methods, RCT, and qualitative Chronic disease RNs in a primary care clinic providing care for PwO Primary care network clinicsCanada
FernĂĄndez- Ruiz (2018)
[ ]
Short-medium-long-term efficacy of interdisciplinary intervention against overweight and obesity: randomized controlled clinical trial.RCTMultidisciplinary program for PwO led and coordinated by RNsCommunity care centreSpain
Ruiz (2018)
[ ]
Impact of the I(2)AO(2) interdisciplinary program led by nursing on psychological comorbidity and quality of life: randomized controlled clinical trial.RCTMultidisciplinary program for PwO led and coordinated by RNs Community care centreSpain
[ ]
Experiences of overweight and obese patients with diabetes and practice nurses during implementation of a brief weight management intervention in general practice settings serving culturally and linguistically diverse disadvantaged populations.Qualitative RNs
PwO who are culturally and linguistically diverse with socioeconomic disadvantage
General practice officeAustralia
Hinks (2022)
[ ]
Exploring community nurses’ views on the implementation of a local weight management pathway.QualitativeDistrict and community RNsCommunity careIsle of Man
Kelley (2018)
[ ]
The role of the faith community nurse in weight management.Opinion Faith community RNs providing care for PwOFaith community setting (church)USA
Palmeira (2019)
[ ]
Effect of remote nursing monitoring on overweight in women: clinical trial.RCTRNs providing remote weight monitoring for PwO Primary care
Remote nursing
[ ]
Preventing chronic disease in patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.ProtocolRNs caring for PwOGeneral practiceAustralia
[ ]
Preventing chronic disease in overweight and obese patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare (HeLP-GP): a cluster randomised controlled trial.RCTRNs caring for PwOGeneral practice Australia
[ ]
Exploring organisational readiness to implement a preventive intervention in Australian general practice for overweight and obese patients: key learnings from the HeLP-GP trial.QualitativeRNs caring for PwOGeneral practiceAustralia
Shaji et al.
[ ]
Effectiveness of nurse-led lifestyle modification intervention on obesity among young women in India.QuantitativeRN caring for PwOGeneral practice office and telehealthIndia
Virtanen (2021)
[ ]
The impact of lifestyle counselling on weight management and quality of life among working-age females.Quantitative cohort study RNs caring for PwO Primary healthcareFinland
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Piwowarczyk, E.; MacPhee, M.; Howe, J. Nurses’ Role in Obesity Management in Adults in Primary Healthcare Settings Worldwide: A Scoping Review. Healthcare 2024 , 12 , 1700. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12171700

Piwowarczyk E, MacPhee M, Howe J. Nurses’ Role in Obesity Management in Adults in Primary Healthcare Settings Worldwide: A Scoping Review. Healthcare . 2024; 12(17):1700. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12171700

Piwowarczyk, Emilia, Maura MacPhee, and Jo Howe. 2024. "Nurses’ Role in Obesity Management in Adults in Primary Healthcare Settings Worldwide: A Scoping Review" Healthcare 12, no. 17: 1700. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12171700

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Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact

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  • Copy URL https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fact-checking-warnings-from-democrats-about-project-2025-and-donald-trump

Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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The poisonous global politics of water

Polarisation makes it harder to adapt to climate change.

20 litre water cans are filled from pools dug in a dry river-bed in Androy Province, Madagascar

T HE WATER thieves come at night. They arrive in trucks, suck water out of irrigation canals and drive off. This infuriates Alejandro Meneses, who owns a big vegetable farm in Coquimbo, a parched province of Chile. In theory, his landholding comes with the right to pour 40 litres of river-water a second on his fields. But thanks to drought, exacerbated by theft, he can get just a tenth of that, which he must negotiate with his neighbours. If the price of food goes up because farmers like him cannot grow enough, “there will be a big social problem,” he says.

The world’s water troubles can be summed up in six words: “too little, too much, too dirty”, says Charlie Iceland of the World Resources Institute ( WRI ), a think-tank. Climate change will only aggravate the troubles. Already, roughly half of humanity lives under what the WRI calls “highly water-stressed conditions” for at least one month a year.

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Adapting will require not only new technology but a new politics. Villages, regions and countries will need to collaborate to share scarce water and build flood defences. The needs of farmers, who use 70% of the world’s freshwater, must be balanced with those of the urbanites they feed, as well as industry. In short, a politics of trust, give-and-take and long-term planning is needed. Yet the spread of “them-and-us” demagoguery makes this harder. A global study by Jens Marquardt and Markus Lederer of the University of Darmstadt notes that populists stir up anger, sow distrust of science and dismiss climate policies as the agenda of liberal elites.

Around 97% of the water on Earth sits in the salty ocean; land-, lake- and river-bound life depends on the remaining 3%. Although the amount of water on the planet is immutable, the daedal workings that move it around are not. The water cycle is made up of a dizzying number of processes, many of them non-linear, which operate across various timescales and areas. All are, ultimately, driven by the energy of the sun, which makes seawater evaporate, plants transpire and, by disproportionally heating the tropics, powers ocean currents and weather systems.

Global warming alters the ways water behaves. It intensifies the water cycle, increasing the severity of both very wet events and very dry ones . Warmer air can hold more moisture, which also evaporates more readily up out of warmer oceans. More moisture in the atmosphere means more can fall back out as rain or snow. This increases the likelihood of heavier deluges in wet regions . That, in turn, means less potential precipitation is left for drier spots. “Thirsty” air there is more likely to suck moisture out of the soil, prolonging and worsening droughts.

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The UN reckons that, between 2002 and 2021, flooding affected around 1.6bn people, killed nearly 100,000 and caused economic losses of over $830bn. Droughts, in the same period, affected 1.4bn, killed over 20,000 and cost $170bn. The World Bank estimates that by 2099, the global supply of freshwater per head will fall by 29% from what it was in 2000; and by a massive 67% in Africa, while rising 28% in Europe (see chart).

In Chile, “too little” is becoming a crisis, for which politics is nowhere close to finding a solution. It is the most water-stressed country in South America. “Santiago [the capital] is OK now but in ten years it might not be,” warns Jessica López, the public-works minister.

For centuries, Chileans who wanted water simply took it from streams and rivers, or sank wells to pump groundwater. But as parts of the country dry up, rules written in wetter times are increasingly out of date. Intense distrust between left and right—in a country that has seen massive protests in recent years—makes them hard to revise.

Conservative governments granted many landowners “water rights”, allowing them to pump a generous amount each day, for free and for ever. Today, the total volume of granted water rights far exceeds what can sustainably be extracted. So farmers like Mr Meneses have had to sit down with their local water association and agree on how much everyone can pump. Yet some people cheat, sinking illicit boreholes. Tension between big farmers, small farmers and villagers is high. “We’re surrounded by farms with illegal wells, and that’s why we have no water,” says Erica Díaz, a hard-up villager who relies on water trucks and recycles her washing-up water onto her vegetable patch.

Conservative Chilean landowners think of “water rights” as a natural part of property rights. But water is not like land. A house need not encroach upon a neighbour; but a well depletes groundwater for everyone. Granting a fixed volume of water rights in perpetuity is nuts.

Meanwhile, the Chilean left push the notion that water is a human right. A draft constitution , backed by the current government but rejected by voters in 2022, mentioned “water” 71 times, affirming everyone’s right to it, especially if they were poor or indigenous, but giving little clue as to how that right might be delivered.

The trickiness of water politics is on display at a meeting of small farmers in Punitaqui, a town in northern Chile. Everyone agrees water is too scarce. Some farmers complain big companies have taken an unfair share. Others complain of widespread criminality—including a water inspector getting death threats. An expert shows how to use ultrasound to detect leaks, which are common. Yet many farmers in the room admit they don’t even know where their local pipes are buried.

In one sense Chile has plenty of water: to the west is the Pacific Ocean. But getting a permit to build a desalination plant can take more than a decade. The problems are political more than technical. Just for permission to use a bit of shoreline for a plant, a firm must apply to the ministry of defence—taking three or four years. The archaeological-monuments council needs to be assured nothing of cultural interest is being damaged. That can take another three or four years. And then transporting water is a bureaucratic maelstrom.

Chile needs to think about water logically, says Ulrike Broschek of FundaciĂłn Chile, a think-tank. Desalination is useful, but unless powered by renewables it is bad for the climate. By one estimate, global emissions from desalination could match all of those from Britain by 2025.

In Chile, bigger, cheaper gains are to be made. Farms, which account for four-fifths of water use, could use drip irrigation and hydroponics more. If farmers paid directly for water, they would use it more efficiently. Cities, instead of having impermeable pavement everywhere, could use “rain gardens” to capture rain and recharge the groundwater below. And the rules need to be simpler: 56 public bodies regulate water, with no overall co-ordinator, Ms Broschek complains.

Ms López, at least, offers an encouragingly pragmatic view. A pending bill will speed up permits for desalination, she promises, and more water infrastructure will be built. More broadly, she argues that water “needs to have an appropriate price”.

Elsewhere, sensible water pricing is as rare as it is necessary. Even in places where it has been shown to work, it can be politically fraught. Take Australia, another dry country where farmers use more water than everyone else combined. Federal and state governments thrashed out an agreement in 2012 to conserve water in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia’s biggest system of interconnecting rivers. It relied on an existing scheme allowing farmers to buy or sell water entitlements. The goal was to save 3,200 gigalitres (gl) by 2024, either by “buying back” entitlements from farmers or by investing in projects that could save equivalent amounts, such as more efficient irrigation systems.

Australia has conserved about 2,130gl of water, equivalent to over 20% of what was previously consumed. Meanwhile, farm output has risen. It helps greatly that the country is rich. The government has pumped A$13bn ($8.8bn) into water-saving. Systems for measuring water use are sophisticated. When Malcolm Holm, a dairy farmer, needs to irrigate his pastures, he orders water online. Sensors measure out the volumes. Locks are raised, and it trickles into his fields. The system sustains his 1,200 cattle.

Yet nearly everyone is unhappy. Environmentalists say the targets should be more ambitious. Farmers say they are too strict. No one is forced to sell their water to the government, but because many do, the system reduces the total amount available to trade for irrigation. This is one reason why water prices have risen in the past decade. That is the point: higher prices spur conservation. But they also threaten rural livelihoods. Protests have erupted in rural New South Wales. “Preschools are struggling to get children in. Footy clubs haven’t got enough players,” says Linda Fawns, a councillor in Deniliquin, a small town. Jamie Tasker, a local agricultural mechanic, claims the government is “scaremongering” about the environment and squeezing irrigation to shore up city votes.

Almost nine out of ten Australians live in cities, and politicians, certainly, do not want their taps to run dry. But priorities change as parties alternate in power. The (conservative) Liberal Party, which is more pro-farmer and reluctant to do much about climate change, stopped doing water buybacks. The Labor Party, in federal power since 2022, resumed them.

Allegations of water theft abound. Last year a farmer was fined a mere A$150,000 for illegally taking over A$1.1m-worth of groundwater. “Theft is a business model, because fines don’t fit the crime,” grumbles Robert McBride, who runs an outback sheep station.

The Murray-Darling plan comes up for review in 2026. As droughts grow worse, the government ought to buy back more water, thus raising water prices and driving the least water-efficient farms out of business. They won’t go quietly.

From conflict to compromise

If the politics of water is touchy in well-off, stable places like Australia and Chile, it is explosive in poorer countries. Climate change seems to be making the weather more erratic in many of them, for example, by magnifying the variability inherent in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation , a global driver of monsoons and their rains.

In April and May floods in Kenya were the worst in memory. Bridges, schools and railways were destroyed. Perhaps 300 people died. Following years of drought, the government was caught off-guard, says Kennedy Odede of SHOFCO , an NGO serving Kenya’s slums. “When it started raining, people were happy. Nobody was expecting there to be too much.”

The government should have been better informed. Persistent drought paves the way for flooding, since the soil hardens and the water has nowhere to go but sideways. Kenya’s populist president, William Ruto, ignored warnings last year of impending floods.

A child collects water from a station pipe which supplies water used for cleaning trains at Mymensingh train station in Bangladesh

Benninah Nazau, a vegetable hawker in Mathare, a Nairobi slum, recalls rain pounding on her tin roof at 5pm on April 23rd. When she peered out, she saw tables and chairs swept along by the nearby river. By 1am the water was surging through her home. She grabbed her five children and took them to higher ground, unable to salvage any possessions. “It was life or death.” Neighbours were carried off in the deluge.

Political dysfunction makes cities less resilient. Rules barring the construction of homes dangerously close to the river—such as Ms Nazau’s, which was only six metres—are ignored. Landowners bribe officials to look the other way when they flout planning codes. Builders pave over wetlands.

Whereas scarcity has an obvious solution—higher prices—the problem of too much water does not. Flood defences must be built and people discouraged from living in the riskiest places. But where, and how? Kenya’s government is sponsoring tree-planting along Nairobi’s river banks, to help hold back future floods. A moratorium has been placed on new building permits in the city. Officials are evicting people from homes built 30 metres or less from the riverbanks and destroying the buildings. In the worst-affected part of Mathare, all that remains is rubble and a stench of sewage. Each household was offered 10,000 shillings ($77.60) compensation.

Many residents, however, are resisting. Some are still in shacks by the river, refusing to leave. Others want more compensation. Many distrust the government, widely seen as corrupt. Some Kenyans think politicians deliberately caused the flooding, to pave the way for the slum clearances that followed. Belief in such far-fetched conspiracy theories makes co-operation between state and citizens less likely.

Squabbles over water can turn violent. The Water, Peace and Security partnership, a global body, crunches data to predict water-related conflicts. Its latest update, in June, notes that herders and farmers across the Sahel are fighting over scarce water. Drought-related skirmishes are expected in South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique, and floods in Iran and Afghanistan have displaced populations into areas where they may not be welcome.

Tensions between states are common, too. As rivers grow more erratic, negotiations between downstream countries and upstream ones may grow more fraught. Dry countries (such as China and the Gulf states) are buying up farmland in Africa and the Americas to secure future supplies of food. In effect, they are importing vast quantities of water in the form of wheat and soyabeans. This could become a political flashpoint.

Water wars between states are fortunately rare. But Egypt is furious about an Ethiopian dam that could disrupt its access to the Nile river, from which it gets nine-tenths of its water. Talks over how to share the water keep failing. Egyptian officials hint they might go to war. They may be bluffing, but no one can be sure.

To avoid water wars, countries need to use water more efficiently (Egypt wastes it copiously) and negotiate more amicably. Much work needs to be done in both areas. The world spends roughly 0.5% of GDP on water, the World Bank estimates, but 28% of allocated public funds go unspent, and a typical water utility has “efficiency losses” (leaks and theft) of around 16%. As for amicable haggling, three-fifths of the world’s 310 international river basins lack frameworks to govern disputes.

Another thing that makes water policy hard is that many people—such as those whose homes are too costly to defend from floods, or whose crops wither—will eventually have to move. Chilean vineyards are already shifting south. Outback towns will shrink. Inundated Africans and Asians will keep migrating to cities or abroad.

Rich countries may be able to help compensate those whose homes and fields are rendered worthless, but the process will be disruptive everywhere. Nonetheless, it should be manageable. The WRI estimates that solving the world’s water crises would cost 1% of GDP per year until 2030, and that every $1 invested in sensible ways to do so would yield $6.80 in benefits. However, getting the politics right will require calm, collaborative leadership, disproving the epigram attributed, perhaps erroneously, to Mark Twain: “Whisky’s for drinking; water’s for fighting.” ■

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    Essay on obesity! Find high quality essays on 'Obesity' especially written for school, college, science and medical students. These essays will also guide you to learn about the causes, factors, treatment, management and complications related to obesity. Obesity is a chronic health condition in which the body fat reaches abnormal level.

  22. Essay on Obesity for Students and Children in English

    February 12, 2024 by Prasanna. Obesity Essay: Obesity is a condition that occurs when a person puts on excess body fat. It is a sudden and unusual increase in body fat. It can lead to heart-related diseases, blood pressure, hypertension, cholesterol, and various other health issues. The main cause of obesity is over-eating.

  23. Obesity: Predisposing Factors and Treatment Essay

    Obesity, a condition once considered as an adult problem, has spread among more young people in the 21 st century, than in the past. This disease can be explained as the presence of excess fat in the body. A simple way of diagnosing obesity is by the use of Body Mass Index (BMI), which is simply weight (kg)/height (m)2.

  24. Healthcare

    Obesity is a chronic, prevalent, and complex health condition that adversely impairs physical and mental health. The World Health Organization calls for integrating obesity care into existing chronic disease management programs within primary healthcare services. This scoping review aimed to examine registered nurses' roles in the primary healthcare management of individuals with obesity.

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    Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about "Trump's Project 2025" agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn't claim the ...

  26. The poisonous global politics of water

    The UN reckons that, between 2002 and 2021, flooding affected around 1.6bn people, killed nearly 100,000 and caused economic losses of over $830bn. Droughts, in the same period, affected 1.4bn ...