What to Include in Your Education Section

The education section on a resume gives hiring managers a glimpse into your academic achievements , interests, and skills.

It can demonstrate your commitment to learning, your ability to succeed in a structured environment, and the relevant knowledge you've acquired.

The information you should include in this section, though, varies based on things like your career level, the exact job you're applying for, and how recent your education is.

This means you don’t always have to be super detailed. Some of the information about your education is optional, and some of it may even be redundant if you have relevant work experience, so you should only use it if you think it can give your resume a boost.

Let’s start with the details most employers expect to see:

Essential Information

  • Degree Name. Include the type of degree and the relevant major. (E.g.: BFA in Graphic Design)
  • University Name. Add the name of the institution you studied at. (E.g.: University of Saint Andrews)
  • Location. If the university isn’t well known or the name doesn’t specify where it is, include the general location. (E.g.: St Andrews, Scotland)
  • Years Attended. Usually, only the years you attend there are enough, but the mm/yyyy format is also popular. (E.g.: 09/2018 - 06/2021)

Optional Information

  • Honors and Awards. If you’ve received any acknowledgments, list them here. (E.g.: Dean's List, Summa Cum Laude, Merit Scholarships, Valedictorian)
  • Relevant Coursework. List three to five courses that directly apply to your target job. (E.g.: Marketing 101, Marketing Strategy, PR Basics)
  • Thesis or Dissertation. We recommend including this for graduate-level degrees in research-heavy fields.
  • Minor. If relevant, include any additional areas of study. (E.g.: BA in Creative Writing, Minor in Journalism)
  • Grade Point Average. Only include your GPA if it's 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale. Anything lower can undermine your application.
  • Extracurricular Activities. Mention any clubs or organizations that seem relevant. (E.g.: Debate team, Theater Club, School Newspaper)

Here’s an example of an education section that includes information from both categories:

education on resume

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How to Format Education on Your Resume

Now that you have an idea of what to include in your education section, let’s explain how you should do it.

In terms of structuring your education section, follow a reverse-chronological order ; this means, list your latest educational entry first and then go backward from there.

And remember – if you have a relevant university degree, there’s no need to waste precious space on your resume by listing your high school education .

As a general rule, if you’re an experienced professional and you have a Master’s degree, you can also omit your undergrad degree. Hiring managers are a lot more interested in your work experience section, so your education section should only focus on the basics.

However, if you’re a recent graduate , you might want to include more details to give your resume an extra kick. It’s always a good idea to leverage your education if you don’t have enough relevant work experience.

Now, regardless of your level of experience, add the name of your degree at the very top of the entry in your education section.

The same degree can be written down differently, for instance:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Culture with a Minor in Teaching
  • BA in English Language and Culture, Minor in Teaching
  • B.A. English Language and Culture (Major), Teaching (Minor)
  • BA, English Language and Culture

Here’s an example of what the formatting in your education section should look like:

how to list education on a resume

If you graduated from a famous university with a good reputation, you can highlight that first. For example, list “Harvard University” before the name of your degree.

Where to Place Education on Your Resume

Another important thing to consider is where to position the education section on your resume.

This mostly depends on where you are in your career. Do you have a lot of relevant achievements in the field, or are you looking for your first job ?

As a rule of thumb, the top third of your resume should be reserved for your accomplishments , which are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

So before you place this section on your resume, ask yourself: is your education your biggest selling point to the hiring manager?

Most of the time, it won’t be. Work experience is way more important for just about any position above entry level, so it should be listed first.

Let’s look at an example of a resume that puts this into action:

education on resume examples

As you can see, this architect resume starts by listing their relevant work experience and then includes a detailed entry of their most recent degree.

When Does Education Go Before Work Experience?

While your work experience section is generally more important, there are a few cases where you should list your education first.

These include:

  • You have no work experience. When you have absolutely no work experience yet, you should focus on your academic achievements instead.
  • You just graduated college. If you don’t have relevant work experience, you’re often better off not listing it. For example, if you’re applying for an entry-level office job, the part-time teenage jobs you had won’t be anywhere near as relevant as your recently earned BA in Marketing.
  • You are currently studying. If you’re in the process of earning a degree that’s relevant to your targeted field, it’s better to list education before work experience. For example, if you’re making a career change , you would want your new education to be the first thing the hiring manager sees.
  • You recently earned a new degree. Getting a fresh MSc, Ph.D., or MBA in your field is worth showing off. For example, if you’ve been a line manager for years but earned an MBA to qualify for an executive position, your education section should go first.
  • You are applying to academia. Usually, when applying for a research or teaching position in academia, you’ll need an academic CV , not a resume. In that case, your education will always come first.

Not sure if you need a CV or a resume ? Check out our guide to learn what the difference between the two is and when to use which.

cv vs resume example

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16 Examples of Education on a Resume

Looking for inspiration?

We’ve compiled a list filled with real-life examples of how education can be listed on a resume, with practical examples for different types and levels of education:

#1. High School Education

If you’re a high school student, you might have some volunteer experience or extracurriculars you can show off. In that case, you can start by listing those sections, so long as they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for.

For example, if you volunteered with your local branch of the Red Cross, that’s a good experience to have when you’re applying to work at a shelter.

In most other cases, the education section would take the upper hand, and it would look something like this:

High School Diploma

Chapel Hill High School

2017 - 2021

  • Courses: AP Science, Mathematics, Advanced Chemistry

If you’re still in high school, you can disclose it in your resume by writing down your expected graduation year or otherwise specifying that you’re currently still there.

2021 - Present

#2. General Education Development

If you were homeschooled or haven’t graduated high school, the previous example won’t apply to you.

But if you still received a General Education Development certificate, you can mention that in your resume in the following way:

GED Diploma

Durham Literacy Center

Just like with high school education, you can include the location of your school or GED center, as well as any relevant courses, if you have enough space.

#3. Associate Degree

If you went to a community college or opted for a vocational program, you can list it in your education section the same as any other undergraduate degree.

Associate degrees are typically cheaper and take less time than a bachelor’s degree. They tend to be focused on specific occupations and place more emphasis on daily job functions. Other than that, they follow the same formatting as any other educational entry.

Let’s look at some real-life examples of different types of degrees at this level.

First, an Associate of Arts degree:

AA in Business Designation

Community College of Denver

2015 - 2016

Summa Cum Laude

Next, here’s how you would list an ongoing Associate’s of Applied Science degree:

AAS in Medical Assisting

2018 - Present

Some associate degrees are what’s known as “transfer degrees.” Here, the long-term goal is to transfer into a bachelor’s degree program.

Similarly, if you’ve completed accredited courses at a community college that can go towards a degree, you can list them under your education section, like this:

Medical Assisting Certificate

  • 30 credits completed

#4. Certificates

Certificates can be included on your resume, either as part of the education section or in a dedicated section.

Unlike broad academic degrees, certificates can show specialized expertise and commitment to professional development. They tend to demonstrate more focused, essential skills that are directly applicable to a particular job or industry.

Treat these entries the same as any other: list the name of the certificate, the institution or organization that issued it, and the year you obtained it.

Here’s an example of how to list a professional certificate in an education section:

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

American Institute of CPAs

And here’s how they would look in a separate section:


  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) - National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2020
  • Certified Nutrition Coach - American Nutrition Association, 2023

But there are also other certificates you could list , such as after specialized software courses:

  • Maya Autodesk: Advanced 3D & Animation Udemy, 2022
  • Creation of Pixel Art Scenes for Video Games Domestika, 2023

#5. Undergraduate Degree

There are different ways to list a bachelor’s degree.

Let’s take a look at three different cases for a candidate with an engineering degree.

First, if you’ve graduated from university and received the degree, list it according to the following template:

B.Sc. Mechanical Engine ering

University of California, Berkeley

2002 - 2006

If you obtained a double major, you would write it down as:

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering

If you have two or more majors, keep in mind that you should list the major that’s most relevant to the job you are applying to.

For example, if you majored in Applied Languages and International Relations, you should focus on the languages for a job as a translator.

Lastly, if you’re still attending college, just omit the finishing year when filling in your education section and add “Present” instead, like so:

But there are also different ways you can specify that you’re still studying. Instead of “Present,” you could write:

  • 2021 - Current
  • Expected Graduation: 2024
  • 2021 - 2024 (expected graduation)
  • 2021 - In progress
  • To Be Completed: 2024

#6. Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees

Graduate-level education is, in general, more detailed since it requires participating in a more focused area of research on top of your graduate-level work. 

At this level, you probably contributed to the field with a dissertation of your own, which you should include in your resume.

Here’s an example:

Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences

University of Rochester

Dissertation: Imaging, Computational Analysis, & Neural Representations in Young Children

Graduate and postgraduate education often includes scholarships , fellowships, or outside funding involved, which you might want to include in addition to all the general information about your degree.

Here are some real-life examples:

MBA in Business Administration

University of Maine

  • Avangrid Scholarship
  • Magna Cum Laude

When it comes to honors and awards, there are different ways you can list them to save space on your resume. Here’s an example that mentions them but leaves more space for the dissertation title:

MSc. in Information Systems

WU Vienna University of Economics & Business

Salutatorian, Summa Cum Laude

2015 - 2017

Dissertation: Leveraging User-Generated Content for Advertising Purposes Through Information Systems

And if you’re still studying, don’t forget to check out our student resume templates to get started on your job hunt.

#7. Unfinished Education

Even if you didn’t graduate from university, you can still mention it in your education section. Just be strategic about it.

If you have several years of relevant coursework from a degree program that relates to the job you're applying for, it can show that you’re knowledgeable even without the final credential.

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

34 credits completed

2018 - 2019

However, if you only have basic courses or your degree isn’t relevant to the role, you might be better off skipping it altogether. There’s no need to draw attention to an unfinished degree if it won’t help you impress the hiring manager.

Need more examples? Check out our 90+ resume examples for different professions .

Do you still wonder something about education on a resume? Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions here:

#1. How Do You Put Your Degree on a CV?

Adding your degree to your CV is pretty much the same as adding it to your resume.

List your degrees in reverse chronological order, with the most recent degree on top. Always include the essential information, such as the degree name, your major, the name of the university, and the years you attended. If relevant, you can include your GPA, thesis title, study abroad experiences, and academic honors.

#2. How Do You Write Down Your Bachelor’s Degree?

There are different ways that a bachelor's degree can be written down on your resume. Usually, there’s no need to spell out the full degree name, so there are ways you can abbreviate it for your resume. These include:

BA (Bachelor of Arts) BS (Bachelor of Science) BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)

Just use the specific abbreviation that matches your degree type. (E.g.: BSc Computer Science, BA History, BBA Economics, etc. )

#3. What If I Have an Education Gap or Took Time Off from Studies?

Treat any gaps in your education the same as you would treat an employment gap . Be upfront with the hiring manager and list the start and end dates to account for the time of the gap on your resume.

Use your cover letter to briefly explain the gap without going into too much detail. Hiring managers are understanding, and reasons like health, family, or professional experience are all common to justify education gaps.

#4. How Far Back Should I Go When Listing My Education History?

Generally, you only need to list basic information about your education if you graduated a long time ago. Your work experience and more recent achievements will have a lot more weight than details about your time in college 14 years ago.

For most professionals, listing just your highest degree is more than enough. However, an academic CV for scientific or research-heavy roles might need a more comprehensive educational background.

Key Takeaways

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of our article!

We’re confident you’re an expert on how to list education on a resume by now, but before we part ways, let’s quickly wrap up our main points:

  • Your education section belongs after your work experience section, though there are some exceptions.
  • If you don’t have any work experience, recently earned a relevant degree, or if you’re applying for a research-oriented position or in academia, the education section should be listed first.
  • When listing your educational entries, use a reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent degree you have and go backward from there.
  • If you have some sort of higher education, there’s no need to list your high school education.
  • Unless your GPA is exceptional, don’t list it. It might undermine your resume otherwise.
  • There are different ways to list your education, depending on the type of school you went to and what you want to highlight. Scroll back up if you want to see some examples.

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How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 (With Examples & Tips)

Not sure what degree to list? If you should include a GPA? It just so happens that there's a variety of ways to effectively list your eduction.

Ed Moss

The education section of a resume may not always be the star of the document but knowing how to properly list your education can be essential for advancing into the next phase of the hiring process.

In this guide, we will cover all the ins and outs of crafting an education section for your resume. 

We'll cover the following:

  • What to Include in an Education Section?

Tips for Listing Degrees (College, High-School, GED)

Listing incomplete education.

  • Where to Include Education on a Resume?

What Employers Look for in an Education Section

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job.

College Student

What to Include in an Education Section

As we've covered, different formats of resumes may require different information to be included within an education section.

In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume:

  • The name of the school — "e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology"
  • The location of the school
  • Your degree ( high-school diploma, GED, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, etc. )
  • Graduation year ( if applicable )
  • Major field or department of study (if applicable )
  • Minor field or department of study (if applicable and relevant )
  • GPA ( If you're a student or graduates who held lower GPAs, this bit of information may be good to omit unless specifically requested by the employer )

Here's what that looks like for and university grad:

Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, GA B.S. in Computer Engineering, 2006 - 2010 GPA: 3.9/4.0

For high-school students, you can do something like the following:

Georgia Institute of Technology • Atlanta, GA High School Diploma, Graduated in 2010 GPA: 3.9/4.0

Remember, including a GPA  is optional. Only add it if it's required by the job listing or it's relatively high. If your GPA is low (under 3.5), it's better to just leave it out.

Listing Education with Limited Work Experience

In resumes that have limited or no work experience , as may be the case with college students or recent graduates, the education section may be a good opportunity to show off educational achievements instead.

Additional information that can be included in longer education sections can include:

  • Internships completed as part of a curriculum 
  • Academic awards or sponsorships
  • Relevant coursework
  • Academic assistantships with professors or other academic professionals

As covered, in documents such as CVs the education section could be fairly lengthy.

However, the education section for most resumes will be one of the shortest sections.

This is mostly because standard resumes will be used for entry-level or mid-level positions, while longer-form resumes like the CV will only come into play for more prestigious or hard to obtain positions. 

It is much more important to show either a robust work history or detail relevant and transferable skills, using your education as support rather than the main point of interest. 

Here are some quick tips for deciding what educational information to include in a resume:

1) When including professional hobbies and extra curricular activities, it is important to keep relevance in mind

Incorrect: Do not include information about sports clubs or other clubs that cannot be connected back to your qualifications for a job.
Correct: If you held leadership positions in clubs or other extra-curricular activities, this can be useful information to include to highlight non-paid leadership or management experience.

Keep your descriptions simple and concise

Incorrect: Including long-winded and wordy paragraphs explaining the relevance of a certain piece of information. If a piece of information is relevant, it should be easily explained in one, simple sentence.
Correct: Use bullet points to separate bits of information to keep your resume easy to read or skim.

The readability of a resume can be the defining factor of whether or not a job recruiter or potential employer moves the candidate into the next phase of the hiring process.

As such, using clear and concise wording and formatting is essential for not just the education section, but for all sections. 

Here are a few tips for different formatting options depending on the level and type of education you have completed.

1) Adding High School and GED on Resume

  • If your highest level of education is a high school diploma or a GED, this should still be included as there are many jobs that are open to high school graduates as well as college graduates.
  • Generally, this type of education section should be kept short and sweet. Listing that you have received either a diploma or a GED should be sufficient.
  • If you have recently graduated high school or received your GED, including additional high school-related achievements may be beneficial (such as leadership positions, honor roll awards, athletics, etc.)

2) Adding Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees on Resume

  • When listing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree on a resume, always include the name and location of the institution, as well as the date or expected date of graduation.
  • While the education section should still be kept short, inclusion of any collegiate level academic achievements, such as honor societies or dean’s lists, can be useful to include.
  • Don’t go too crazy including coursework of extracurricular information – stick to including the most relevant information. 

3) Adding Graduate School or Doctoral Programs on Resume

  • Graduate and doctoral students may feel inclined to always include this information; however, it is important to be wary of including too much academic information in scenarios where it may render you overqualified for the position.
  • Graduate and doctoral information is more likely to come into play for candidates seeking higher level positions at the management level. 
  • For candidates seeking jobs in academic or scientific fields, a CV-style resume and longer-form education section providing higher level of details regarding graduate or doctoral programs may be necessary.

4) Adding Certifications on Resume

  • In some cases, a candidate may not have attended college but may have completed a trade school or other program that resulted in various certifications. These certifications should be included when relevant.
  • Certifications such as CPR or First Aid can be useful to include in most resumes, although they should perhaps be saved for a separate certifications section .

5) Listing Incomplete Education on Resume

Incomplete education can be tricky to include in a way that sounds positive — as such, if you have incomplete education, be wary of your wording and avoid words such as “incomplete” or “unfinished.” Instead try to do the following:

  • Include relevant coursework or credits earned during your duration of education before the point of departure from the institution.
  • Omit any wordy or lengthy explanations of why the education is incomplete. 

However, we've seen this be a common problem that many candidates have. Continue reading below to see how to effectively list education that is left incomplete. ‍

In some cases, a job applicant may have a partially-complete or incomplete educational credential they want to list on their resume.

Incomplete education can result from a variety of circumstances, including:

  • A person who is still in the process of earning their diploma, GED, or degree, but has not yet earned the credential or graduated.
  • A person who started a degree and completed relevant coursework, but ultimately did not finish the degree program.
  • A person who chose a different career path than what they studied for, but still has relevant coursework for the new career path.

When listing incomplete education on a resume, it is important to stay highly mindful of how you are wording your limited educational credentials — as words such as “ unfinished ” or “ incomplete ” are not ideal to include within a resume. 

Here are some quick examples on how to properly list incomplete education in the education section of a resume:

For applicants who are in the process of completing a degree, it is important to note the expected timeframe of completion.

Incorrect: ‍ B.S. in Communications University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Not yet complete
Correct: B.S. in Communications University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Expected graduation May 2021

For applicants who began a degree, but ultimately did not complete the degree, it is key to be mindful of how you frame the education you did receive. 

Incorrect: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC

Why is this incorrect? Sure, this example indicates you, at some point, attended a university.

However, it provides no insight as to what relevant coursework or studies you may have completed.

Here's the correct way to describe your educational experience instead:

Correct: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC Completed 20 credits towards a BS in Communications

Alternatively: This could be a good opportunity to include a bulleted list of relevant coursework.

For applicants who did not complete high school, it is important to note if you either earned a GED or are in the process of earning a GED.

Incorrect: ‍ Watauga County High School Boone, NC Incomplete
Correct: General Educational Development Diploma Earned May 2021 — OR — Expected to earn May 2021

Generally speaking, the majority of jobs will require applicants to have earned at minimum a GED certification in order to qualify.

In some cases, an applicant may lack a degree but may be certified by a trade school.

For instance, a beautician would want to include any beauty and health related certifications or licenses earned under the education section. 

Take a look at this resume example of a college student below to see how to do this.

College Student

Where to Include Education on a Resume

When it comes to placing your educational credentials on a resume, there are many considerations to make.

Resumes can serve a variety of purposes and, as a general rule of thumb, should be tailored for specific jobs . 

It is also important to take into consideration the level of education you have completed, as this will impact how it should be presented as well.

For instance, a job applicant seeking a position in academia would have a much heavier emphasis on education and academic-related achievements — than someone seeking a job in a corporate environment.

Ultimately, not all resumes are the same, so the placement of the education section will differ depending on the type of resume being used and the intention behind its structuring. 

Choosing the right resume format

There are several different types of resume formats to choose from, but the main ones that are used are as follows:

1) Reverse-Chronological

‍ Emphasis is placed on the most relevant work experience, listing jobs from most recent to oldest. Education can be placed before or after the work experience section. However higher degrees that qualify a candidate for the position may be beneficial to mention sooner rather than later. 

2) Functional

‍ Functional resumes place a much heavier emphasis on skillsets and areas of expertise. This format of resume is typically used by job applicants lacking the relevant work experience or educational credentials. In this format, the education section may lead if the applicant has educational credentials but limited work experience but should follow after the skills section if education is limited. 

‍ Hybrid resumes combine the reverse-chronological work experience ordering with the emphasizing of skills. This can help to supplement resumes of applicants who may have some relevant work experience but still need to beef up their resumes with a skills section . The placement of the education section will depend on how applicable or high level the credentials are and should generally be kept brief. 

4) Curriculum Vitae (CV)

‍ CVs are a type of long-form and multi-page resume used most commonly by applicants seeking positions in either academic or scientific fields. In a CV, the education section will be a prominent component and should appear early in the document. This type of education section should include all credentials, published works, projects, awards, or other academic achievements — no details should be spared. 

The below example of a Physician Assistant's resume is listing education in the bottom-right corner as it's using a reverse-chronological resume format to shine on it's work history.

Data Analyst

Employers can gather a variety of information about a job candidate from an education section, including:

  • A job applicant’s work ethic, reflected through GPAs or other grade-related information
  • Relevant skills or training an applicant has received through their schooling
  • Name recognition of specific universities, such as ivy leagues, that may give a candidate a leg up on the competition
  • Insight into a candidate’s interests or talents based on academic-related extracurricular activities included 

Understanding what employers are looking for in an education section included on a resume is key to understand how much or how little information to include.

What an employer is looking for will vary depending on the nature of the job being offered. 

For instance, an entry-level communications job at a corporation is likely to require a bachelor’s degree in communications or a related field.

Comparatively, a job in the welding industry may require the completion of a trade school program but not require a four-year degree. 

It is of the utmost importance when you are applying to various jobs that you read the job descriptions provided carefully, as this is where you will find the necessary information regarding what educational credentials are required of eligible candidates.

This will also help you to tailor your education section according to what credentials or qualifications you have that meet the requirements of the job. 

In general, what an employer is mostly looking for is simply that an education section exists on a resume.

The majority of employers will want candidates who have shown a commitment to their education, reflected through the inclusion of an education section.

For candidates lacking a completed education, it is still considered best practice to include some information regarding what level of education was reached before the point of incompletion, as well as the inclusion of any relevant coursework and knowledge gained from the time the candidate spent pursuing further education. 

Here is a quick rundown of a few key factors to consider for applicants who may be unsure how much information to provide in an education section for a specific employer or position:

  • The education section should prove that you have the credentials necessary to complete the job at hand.
  • Oversharing of education can be detrimental in some situations, as overqualified candidates may not be considered by employers.
  • Job descriptions will always be the best place to look for indicators regarding how much educational background information an employer is looking for.
  • Never lie or over-exaggerate — while not all employers double-check applicants’ educational histories, many still do, and dishonesty can cost you the position in the long run.

Physician Assistant

Final Thoughts

Unless you are crafting a longer-form resume, such as a CV, the education section will generally be a fairly short summary of your academic credentials and achievements.

Education sections can be longer in some cases where job applicants may have hefty academic backgrounds but limited work experience.

Ultimately, the key to making a strong education section is to include only the most relevant information.

Always avoid deceptive wording, as employers can fairly easily run academic background checks if need be. 

Check out our resume templates to get your creativity flowing and get started on your ideal resume today. 

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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How to List Degrees on Your Resume

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You’ve worked hard for years to earn your degree, and now you have it in your hands. So, how do you list your degree on your resume to attract the attention of hiring managers?

Keep reading to learn the following key tips:

  • How to format your resume for associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees.
  • How to list incomplete degrees on your resume.
  • The best way to list in-progress education on your resume.
  • How to list multiple degrees on your resume.
  • Where to include your education section on your resume.

In our analysis of a million resumes , we found that job seekers with a higher degree, including bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD are 2.5 times more likely to get an interview than those without a degree.

NOTE : If you’re building your resume from scratch, try Jobscan’s free resume builder . There are no hidden costs and it allows you to build an ATS-compatible resume in no time!

How to list an associate degree on your resume

An associate’s degree is a 2 or 3-year college program. It can be a stepping stone to your bachelor’s degree or a short stand-alone program. Types of associate’s degrees and their abbreviations include:

  • Associate of Arts (AA or A.A.)
  • Associate of Business (AB or A.B.)
  • Associate of Business Administration (ABA or A.B.A.)
  • Associate of Applied Science (AAS or A.A.S.)
  • Associate of Science (AS or A.S.)

It’s best practice to write out the full degree name to eliminate confusion, but if you don’t have space, hiring managers know what the abbreviations mean.

All your education should include at least the college or university name , the location , and your degree and program .

Examples of how to list an associate’s degree on your resume

If the name of the university or the city you attended are wordy, it’s possible to shorten the degree name to create white space. In the example below, the resume uses an abbreviated form of the associate’s degree that’s commonly understood. This saves space for more specific and relevant information.

screenshot of an associate's degree formatted on a resume

Listing your GPA isn’t an obligation. But if you’re a new grad and have an impressive GPA, you can include it.

In the examples below, the entirety of the degree is spelled out. Associate’s degrees can be listed as “Associate of Arts” or “Associate in Arts.”

If you have additional degrees, keep the format consistent.

screenshot of an associate's degree formatted on a resume

How to write a bachelor’s degree on your resume

In many professional circles, bachelor’s degrees are the gold standard of post-secondary education, both for stable employment and earning potential. 

A bachelor’s degree is a 4-year (or longer) undergraduate degree. They’re highly flexible and personal, with endless combinations of major and minor subjects. 

Popular bachelor degrees and their abbreviations include:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA or B.A.)
  • Bachelor of Science (BS or BSc or B.S./B.Sc.)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom or B.Com.)
  • Bachelor of Education (BEd or B.Ed.)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng or B.Eng.)
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA or B.F.A.)

Examples of how to list a bachelor’s degree on your resume

The example below illustrates how to clearly format your resume education section with all the required information.

screenshot of a bachelor's degree formatted on a resume

If you’re an older applicant with a proven work history, excluding your graduation year can help combat ageism in the hiring process.

To include your major and minor on your resume, see this example below of using a bulleted list to help the information stand out.

screenshot of a bachelor's degree formatted on a resume

In the below example, the resume uses a common abbreviation for bachelor of science in nursing to keep the degree list compact and clear.

screenshot of a bachelor's degree formatted on a resume

While not required, if you want to include your achievements like honors, your degree list is the ideal place. This example uses the abbreviation for bachelor of commerce to leave space to show off accolades.

screenshot of a bachelor's degree formatted on a resume

How to list a master’s degree on your resume

When you go to graduate school after an undergraduate degree, you earn a master’s degree. 

A list of master’s degrees and their abbreviations include:

  • Master of Arts (MA or M.A.)
  • Master of Science (BS or BSc or B.S./B.Sc.)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.)
  • Master of Engineering (ME or MEng or M.E/M.Eng.)
  • Master of Education (MEd or M.Ed.)

Examples of how to list a master’s degree on your resume

Since the master’s degree is the higher and more recent degree, it’s listed first in this example. And since this person earned their undergraduate and graduate degrees at the same school, grouping them together saves precious space and eliminates redundant information.

screenshot of a master's degree formatted on a resume

In the following example, the resume lists the degree with both the complete spelling and abbreviation. This is helpful if you’re referencing your degree in other sections of your resume so you don’t have to spell it out each time.

screenshot of a master's degree formatted on a resume

Not all post-graduate degrees are master’s degrees. Law school graduates earn a Juris Doctor, Doctor of Jurisprudence, or J.D. degree. All these variations mean they become an entry-level lawyer.

A graduate will likely list their degree like in this example below. You can also include societies or organizations to give your resume a competitive edge.

screenshot of a master's degree formatted on a resume

How to include unfinished degrees on your resume

Sometimes, the path to finishing your education gets interrupted. Should you include an unfinished degree on your resume?

If the job you’re applying for is relevant to your existing coursework, including it on your resume can boost your resume . But it’s important to make clear that your degree is incomplete. 

Examples of how to list unfinished degrees on your resume

Even if your degree is incomplete, you can still draw on your completed credits to enhance the strength of your resume.

In the following examples, both resumes highlight the completed credits and the years they attended school, but makes clear to the hiring manager that the degrees are incomplete.

screenshot of an unfinished degree formatted on a resume

How to include in-progress education on your resume

If you’re getting a head start on your post-grad job applications, listing your degree as in progress is important for transparency. Luckily, it’s simple to list your in-progress degree on your resume.

Example of how to list an in-progress degree on your resume

Below is an example of a resume with a detailed degree section without the degree. But the resume clearly states when they’ll complete the program, so hiring managers know how close they are to graduation.

screenshot of an in-progress degree formatted on a resume

How to list multiple degrees on your resume

When you have multiple degrees, how can you organize them on your resume? 

Your degrees should be listed in reverse chronological order, meaning the most recent, and often most advanced, degree is first. 

Example of how to list multiple degrees on your resume

Your education section can show the trajectory of your learning. In this example, the hiring manager will see an increasing specialization in healthcare management from an associate’s to a master’s degree.

screenshot of multiple degrees formatted on a resume

In the below sample resume, the standard reverse chronological format highlights the most advanced degree. But both degrees are loosely related, so it’s important to highlight the relevant skills related to the job you’re applying for.

screenshot of multiple degrees formatted on a resume

Read more about essential resume skills .

How to add a professional certificate to your resume

The prevalence of professional certifications is on the rise. Of all the post-secondary students in the country, around 50% are choosing associate’s degrees and professional certificates . They differ from bachelor’s degrees because they offer direct pathways to a given career. 

As an affordable option for higher education, certifications can help you develop specialized skills to show off on your resume. 

Example of how to list professional certifications on your resume

In the below examples of alternative education, the diploma earned is niche, so there are no universal abbreviations.

screenshot of professional certificates formatted on a resume

Where to place your education section

Once you know how to list your degrees on your resume, the next question is, where does it go? 

When you’re just starting your professional career or are a new grad, you can include your education section near the top of the document.

If you have a prestigious degree or a new relevant certification, placing it near the top of your resume makes it more noticeable. 

When you’re well into your career, your work experience and skills matter more. So keep your education to the bottom of your resume and leave more valuable real estate for relevant information.

How to format your education section for ATS

There’s more than one way to format your education section, depending on your work experience and what details may be most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

However, consider the ATS when you choose your formatting. 

The ATS , or applicant tracking system, is a database that houses your resume once you apply for a job. It organizes all the resumes, making it easier for the hiring manager to review them. They’ll input keywords from the job description, and the ATS will organize the strongest matches. 

A key detail in this process is the ATS’ ability to read your resume. If your resume isn’t formatted correctly or the formatting is inconsistent, the information can be lost in translation. 

To ease your ATS concerns, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to ensure your resume is formatted correctly, dates are consistent, and your resume is readable by the ATS .  

The scanner also provides you with a resume score that tells you how closely your resume matches the wording of the requirements in the job description. The higher the score on your AI resume , the more likely you are to get a job interview!

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There are essential details to keep in mind when adding your degrees to your education section. 

List in reverse chronological order

You already know to list your work history in reverse chronological order, and you should do the same with your degrees. 

If you got your bachelor’s degree several years ago but just completed your master’s, place your graduate degree first. 

Keep your formatting consistent

Whatever format you choose, consistency is vital for a readable, professional-looking resume .

When your degree is incomplete but in progress, include your expected graduation date on your resume’s education section. If your degree is incomplete because you took a break or dropped out, include the degree if it’s relevant to your application. However, it’s important not to suggest you have a completed degree. Instead, include the amount of credits you hold towards that degree.

When you list your degree, some universal information to add include: • The degree type and program. • The college or university that granted your degree. • Dates you attended, though it’s optional. • Dean’s list, awards, clubs, or GPA, if applicable to the job you’re applying for.

You can list a dual degree as two separate education bullets. If one is more relevant than the other in your application, list the most valuable one first.

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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How To List Degrees on Your Resume

Jacob Meade

Write the Full Name of Your Degree

List multiple degrees in reverse-chronological order, recent graduates should feature extra information, how to list an associate degree on your resume, how to list a bachelor’s degree on your resume, how to list a master’s degree on your resume, education section frequently asked questions.

Education is often a key asset to your job search, so it’s important to list your academic credentials on your resume correctly. First, give the name of your degree, followed by your major if it relates to your target job. Next, write the full name of your school as well as the city, state, and (optionally) your graduation date. In this guide, we’ll show you how to properly feature your associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees on your resume.

Provide the full name of your degree followed by its abbreviation in parentheses. This ensures your document will achieve Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compliance for either “Bachelor of Arts” or “B.A.” when the software parses your document for keywords. Regarding the use of periods in degree abbreviations, standards differ among the Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), and other academic institutions. But whether you choose to write “Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)” or “Bachelor of Arts (BA),” stay consistent for all degrees in your education section.

When citing multiple degrees on your resume, put them in reverse-chronological order, or newest to oldest. If you’ve earned a master’s, bachelor’s, and associate degree all within the same major, feel free to leave off your associate to save space.

Master of Science (M.S.), Information Technology University of Florida, Gainesville, FL | 2020

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Information Technology University of Florida, Gainesville, FL | 2018

If you’re just out of school and don’t have relevant work experience to highlight, you can compensate for this by noting the stronger aspects of your education. These extra details may include your grade point average (GPA), academic awards, associations, or even coursework.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Philosophy Harvard University, Cambridge, MA | 2021 GPA: 3.92/4.0

  • President, Continental Philosophy Association, 2020 – 2021
  • Member, Harvard Diversity Student Coalition, 2018 – 2021
  • Editor, Harvard University Literature Magazine, 2017 – 2019
  • Summa cum laude
  • Dean’s List, 2017 – 2021

Write out the full name of your associate degree followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. If your work experience is limited, flesh out your education section with any academic honors or awards you’ve won.

Associate of Science (A.S.), Nursing University of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY | 2021 GPA: 3.8/4.0

Follow the same format when detailing your bachelor’s degree. Keep your years of experience in mind here, as you won’t need to include details such as your GPA, academic awards, or an associate degree if you already have substantial hands-on experience in your field.

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Software Engineering University of Seattle, Seattle, WA | 2021

In most cases, show both your master’s and bachelor’s degrees on your resume. Although hiring managers will likely assume you’ve earned a bachelor’s, failing to cite this degree could hinder your resume during the initial ATS scan. As previously mentioned, order your degrees from newest to oldest. You can also leave off additional academic achievements unless you lack relevant work experience to feature on your resume.

Master of Science (M.S.), Chemical Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI | 2021

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Chemical Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI | 2019

Should my degree be at the top of my resume? -

Not usually. As a general rule, order your resume sections by relevance. For most job seekers, that means putting the work experience section first and education second. But you may opt to reverse this order if, say, you just graduated, and your degree program speaks strongly to your target job.

How do I list an unfinished college degree? -

Although you may be tempted to leave your college experience off your resume if you didn’t finish your degree, it is helpful to include. Having some higher-level education is better than none, and may help you avoid being rejected by ATS if the company scans for a particular word or term like “bachelor's degree.” Write "Coursework toward" before the degree name, and list the dates you attended and the number of credits you earned so you don’t give the wrong impression that you graduated.

If you’re still completing the degree in question, put "Candidate" in front of the title, as in Candidate: Bachelor of Science (BS).

Coursework toward: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), English Literature University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA | 2016 – 2018

  • Completed 40 credits in English literature

Does it ever make sense to omit degrees on my resume? -

Yes, but rarely. As mentioned above, you might leave out an associate degree to save space. In rare cases, you may also choose to omit an advanced degree if it would overqualify you for the job opening at hand.

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Jacob Meade

Jacob Meade

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW, ACRW)

Jacob Meade is a resume writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience. His writing method centers on understanding and then expressing each person’s unique work history and strengths toward their career goal. Jacob has enjoyed working with jobseekers of all ages and career levels, finding that a clear and focused resume can help people from any walk of life. He is an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) with the Resume Writing Academy, and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches.

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How to Write Your Degree on a Resume

Last Updated: April 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Colleen Campbell, PhD . Dr. Colleen Campbell is the Founder and CEO of The Ignite Your Potential Centers, Career and Life Coaching based in the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. Colleen received her MA and PhD in Clinical Psychology from Sofia University and has been career coaching since 2008. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 403,531 times.

Including information about your degree in a resume can be tricky business. You might wonder where to place your education section, how to list multiple degrees, or whether to list things like dates or your GPA. While there are few set rules about formatting or including content, there are several guidelines to follow. Format your education and other sections consistently. Include your university, its location, and your degree title, and list the date only if you’re a recent grad. Be concise and strategic when writing your resume, and try to include only relevant information that will make your application as competitive as possible.    

Sample Resumes

how to list college degree on resume

Formatting Your Education Section

Step 1 Format your resume consistently.

  • For example, if you bold employers’ names in your experience section, write your college in bold, especially if it’s a prestigious school or one known for excellence in your field.
  • Use a standard sans-serif font, like Arial, for easy readability. Use a 10-12 point size for general text and 14-16 point for section headings.   

Step 2 Write the institution, its location, your degree, and any honors.

  • If you’re a recent grad with a high GPA, you could opt to include your GPA. Just be sure to explain your GPA system by writing, for example, “3.92/4.0.”
  • You can also include your graduation year if you’re a recent grad. Otherwise, you should avoid including dates, especially if your degree is older than 15 years.
  • An example degree listing could be: Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, Magna cum laude .

Step 3 Avoid including unnecessary or obvious words.

  • Avoid unnecessary words elsewhere in your resume, too. For example, don’t write “Email:” or “Phone:” before listing your contact information. Just write your email address and phone number.

Step 4 Place the education section near the top if you’re a recent grad.

  • If you’re not a recent grad or have substantial professional experience, place your relevant experience section ahead of your education. In general, professional experience is more valuable information than your education.

Step 5 List your most recent degree first.

  • If you double majored, you can just list both degrees in the same section under your university: Yale University , New Haven, CT. Double major: Bachelor of Arts, English. Bachelor of Arts, Art History.

Step 6 List your high school diploma if it's your highest degree.

  • If not, and if your high school diploma is your highest degree, include your high school's name and location, graduation date (if it's within the last three years), and, if it's above a 3.5/4.0, your GPA: Nashua High School, Nashua, New Hampshire High School Diploma, 2016. GPA: 3.8
  • If your highest degree is a GED diploma or state equivalent certificate, include it if you don't have substantial work experience: Education General Educational Development Diploma, 2016. Education CHSPE (Certificate of Proficiency from the State of California), 2016.

Including the Best Information

Step 1 List minors or concentrations after your major.

  • Don’t include undergraduate degree acronyms after your name. For example, never write, “Jane Smith, B.A.”

Step 3 List only the institution that awarded you a degree.

  • Exceptions to this rule include study abroad programs or coursework at prestigious institutions. For example, you might include relevant information like this: University of Georgia , Athens, GA. Bachelor of Science in Biology (Marine Biology emphasis), 2016. University of Auckland , Auckland, New Zealand. Study abroad program with emphasis in ecological preservation.

Step 4 Include information about your incomplete degree.

  • For example, you could describe an incomplete undergraduate degree like this: Yale University , New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Science, Biology (expected 2017)
  • You could describe a graduate degree like this: Yale University , New Haven, CT Master of Business Administration degree candidate Thesis under development; anticipated completion June 2018

Tailoring Your Resume for Each Application

Step 1 List the most relevant degree for the job you’re applying to first.

  • For example, suppose you’re applying for an engineering job and earned an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering in 2009 and a master’s in graphic design in 2012. You should list your engineering degree first.
  • You might have also researched your prospective job and found that the department head who will read your resume graduated from your undergraduate university. You might then want to include your undergraduate degree first and place your education section at the top of your resume.

Step 2 Include specific coursework if the information is relevant.

  • For example, you could structure your education section like this: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering , University of Texas, Austin, TX. Relevant courses : Thermodynamics, Properties of Engineering Materials, Solid Mechanics, Dynamics of Machines, Strength of Mechanical Components.

Step 3 Create separate sections for important skills and honors.

  • For example, instead of listing computer programs and other skills you learned at school in a block of text under your degree, put them in a separate section at the top of your resume. Be sure to include skills, programs, and other keywords from the job posting.    

Expert Q&A

Colleen Campbell, PhD

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  • ↑ https://careercenter.georgetown.edu/major-career-guides/resumes-cover-letters/resume-formatting-tips/
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/how-to-list-education-on-a-resume
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/high-school-education-on-resume
  • ↑ https://www.southeastern.edu/admin/career_srv/student_alumni/build_a_resume/assets/resume-faq2.pdf
  • ↑ https://careerservices.fas.harvard.edu/blog/2023/01/17/exactly-when-where-and-how-to-list-certifications-on-your-resume-because-youve-earned-them/
  • ↑ https://career.arizona.edu/resources/tailoring-your-resume/
  • ↑ https://icc.ucdavis.edu/materials/resume/step2

About This Article

Colleen Campbell, PhD

To write your degree on your resume, start by writing the name of your school, followed by where it's located. Then, write your degree and any honors you received. For example, you would write something like, “Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, 2.1” If you’re a recent grad with a high GPA, you can include your score at the end. Write your degree at the top of your education section so it’s above your high school. If you've completed or you're currently studying a postgraduate degree, put this above your undergraduate degree so it's in chronological order. In addition to your major, feel free to include your minor underneath if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you haven’t graduated yet, you can still include your degree on your resume, but make it clear that you’re still studying by putting something like, “Expected 2020,” in brackets at the end. For more tips from our Careers co-author, including how to tailor your resume for each job application, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to List a Degree on a Resume

Jawaria Suhail, MD

When creating a resume, experience, and skills are often highlighted. However, it’s important to remember that your educational background is also essential. Specific courses of study and levels of education are required for specific jobs.

Correctly listing your educational qualifications , such as a seminar you’ve attended, or a course or certification you’ve completed, shows that you have the training and, therefore, the skills you need.

Arguably the most influential titles you can will be a diploma or degree .  

So if you’re interested in applying for a job fresh out of college should you add your degree to your resume?

It’s definitely a great option. Having a degree or diploma says something about you as a future employee – you had the determination and perseverance to complete multiple years of study.

In fact, according to the BLS, median usual weekly earnings increase based on the level of education completed, which you can see in the graph below:

How much you can earn according to your degree. BLS data 2023.

That’s why it’s essential to know how to list your bachelor or master’s degree on your resume along with any other title.

Follow our tips below and examples of degrees in a resume to understand the best ways to add your qualifications and stand out when looking for some of the most in-demand jobs out there.

How to Write a Degree on a Resume

Many types of degrees exist, but the same basic format is used for each in your resume education section.

You’ll need to include the following details to display your credentials in an organized manner:

  • Name of the school
  • Location of the school
  • Type of degree earned

You can also choose to list the year you graduated . However, depending on when you finished college, it may be better to add it or leave it out.

If you have more than 5 years of experience, you don’t need to list the year you graduated in your resume.

Remember to include the city and state when you mention the location or country if you studied abroad.

Try our  intelligent resume builder  to  ensure that these details stay organized  in your application. Nothing looks worse than a sloppy education section.

How to List Different Degrees on a Resume

You may think that having more than one college degree is automatically a positive and will look good no matter what.

It’s fantastic that you can display your advanced knowledge, but having the right plan in place for listing your degrees on a resume is critical.

To effectively add your well-deserved degrees you should:

  • List your degrees in reverse chronological order
  • Place your highest level of education at the top of your education section and continue from there
  • Separate your double majors with an & symbol to avoid clutter

Remember to  include any noteworthy honors or distinctions  along with your  degrees , especially if they’re relevant to the position you are applying to.

Here’s an example of how to list a bachelor of science degree on a resume:

Master of Business Administration, Focus on Finance, Ivy League University, 2023

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Double Major: Marketing, Management, State University, 2020

  • Relevant Coursework: Strategic Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior
  • Achievements: Graduated Cum Laude, President of the Business Club (2019-2020)

How to Write Your Associate’s Degree on a Resume and Impress Employers

While it may take less time to get an associate’s degree is  nothing to look over , especially on a resume.

That means you’ll need to highlight your achievements,  just like on bachelor’s or master’s degrees .

Generally, you will record your associate’s degree in the format of the example below:

Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design, Springfield Community College, 2021

  • Relevant Coursework: Digital Illustration, Typography, Web Design
  • Honors: Graduated with Distinction

As a general rule, you should spell out the name of the degree rather than abbreviating it. This prevents confusion on the part of the recruiter.

If you’re running out of space on your one-page resume,  you can opt to abbreviate . These are common associate’s degree abbreviations and their meanings:

  • AA means Associate in Arts
  • AAB means Associate of Applied Business
  • AAS means Associate in Applied Science
  • AAT means Associate of Arts in Teaching
  • ABA means Associate of Business Administration
  • AS means Associate in Science

Depending on your college, your degree may be called “Associate of” or “Associate in.” Double-check to make sure you are using the correct terminology. Also, never write “Associate’s Degree” on your resume.

It should always be listed as the proper degree name, without an apostrophe “s”.

How to List Bachelor’s Degree on a Resume

A bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree that takes four or more years of study. As like an associate’s degree, you will list your degree with the years you were in school, the university name, the city, and state, the type of degree, and the subject of study. Here’s an example:

Bachelor of Science in Marketing, Magna Cum Laude, University of Michigan, 2021

  • Major: Marketing, Minor: Communication Studies
  • Relevant Coursework: Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing, Public Relations, Social Media Marketing

Remember to  spell out the name of your degree  rather than abbreviating it. If you need an abbreviation to save space, you can use BA for Bachelor of Arts or BS for Bachelor of Science. Additional, less common abbreviations include:

  • B.A. for Bachelor of Arts
  • Bach. Sci., B.Sc., S.B., B.S., BCs for Bachelor of Science
  • BJHum for Bachelor of Journalism and Humanities
  • BMPD for Bachelor of Media Production and Design
  • BMusA for Bachelor of Musical Arts
  • BPAPM for Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management
  • BScFS for Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science.

Before using any of these uncommon abbreviations, think seriously about whether the meaning will be clear to your hiring manager.

Again, you won’t be using an apostrophe. It’s “Bachelor of” not “Bachelor’s.” As with the high school diploma, you can also cite your GPA if it was above 3.5 and include any distinctions, such as graduating Cum Laude .

How to Include Unfinished Degrees on a Resume

What if you are currently working on your degree, but have not yet graduated?

An in-progress degree on a resume doesn’t look bad at all so go ahead and add it!

List it similarly, with your expected graduation date on your resume as the closing year.

If you list a future date, your hiring manager will understand it is your expected graduation date. Optionally, following the listing, you can place the words “Expected graduation in [year]”.

What if you worked hard in college but  did not finish your degree ?

Don’t worry! Life happens. This experience can  still be placed on your resume . You can still list your relevant classes and focus on the transferable skills you picked up while studying.

Consider this unfinished degree on resume example:

2019-2022 Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN Completed 48 credits toward a Bachelor of Arts in English

How to List a Master’s Degree on a Resume

Once you’ve obtained a bachelor’s degree, you might get a master’s degree. These graduate degrees usually require two additional years of study.

Always  list your master’s degree first  and your bachelor’s degree second.

Like previously discussed degrees, your master’s degree listing will include the standard format, meaning dates, the institution’s name, etc.

If you need to abbreviate, the following are common master’s degree abbreviations:

  • A.M., M.A., or MA for Master of Arts
  • M.B.A. or MBA for Master of Business Administration
  • M.E., ME, MEng, or M.Eng. for Master of Engineering
  • M.Ed. or MEd for Master of Education
  • M.S., MS, M.Sc., or MSc for Master of Science
  • M.S.Met. for Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering

How to Add a Ph.D. to a Resume

If you have a Ph.D. it will look fantastic on your resume or CV , especially if you are looking for a position in the field of education.

Having a Ph.D. in a field that values it will help your application big time. 

However, if you are applying to a field that is unrelated to your Ph.D. no need to show it off that much.  But let’s say your Ph.D. is relevant to the position . Where should you place it?

Since it’s the highest distinction you can earn in education, you’ll want to place your Ph.D. at the top of your education section , and even s how it off in your summary.

Here’s how it should look when written on a resume:

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Focus on Artificial Intelligence, ABC Institute, 2019

  • Dissertation: “Deep Learning Approaches to Natural Language Processing”
  • Advisor: Dr. John Doe
  • Research Interests: Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Sentiment Analysis
  • Publications: 3 peer-reviewed articles published in leading journals
  • Teaching Experience: Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Programming, Prestigious Institute (2019-2021)
  • Awards: Best Paper Award, International Conference on Machine Learning (2022)

How to List a High School Diploma

If you’ve only completed high school, don’t worry; your education section can still shine! A large portion of the U.S. job market only has a high school diploma to their name.

However, there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself before including your high school diploma:

  • What if you received a General Education Development Diploma or a General Education Development Certificate (GED)?
  • Should you list your high school education on your resume if you have later degrees?

Firstly, a GED is the equivalent of a high school diploma , and it should be listed similarly.

Secondly, If you have just one additional degree, you can also list your high school. Remember to place the college degree first and the high school diploma second, following the reverse chronological order.

Listing your high school information is unnecessary if you have multiple graduate and undergraduate degrees.

Variations in Listing Your Degrees

Now that we’ve looked at how to list each type of degree, let’s look at  some acceptable variations .

First, you don’t always have to list all the years you attended a college in [Year-Year] style. It’s also okay to list the year you graduated.

You can also adjust the order of the listing if you want to  emphasize  what  you studied  rather than  when  you graduated.

This is especially helpful if you  completed your education many years ago . You can replace the year, school/place, and degree order with a degree, school, and year order. Here’s an example of what that might look like:

[Type of Degree] in [Subject] [University Name, City, State] [Graduation Year]

You can also do this if you’re still working on your degree. Then, it will look like this:

[Type of Degree] in [Subject] [University Name, City, State] Expected Graduation in [Year]

The important thing is that you maintain the same format throughout your resume.

In Conclusion

Having the right education can mean the difference between getting your desired job and missing out. Therefore, it is essential to master listing your degrees in your resume education section.

Whether you need to list a high school diploma, GED, associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or Ph.D., the steps are the same.

Remember to always list your education in reverse chronological order , placing the most recent achievements – and the highest degrees – first. It’s up to you to place the education section before or after the work experience section.

Your choice should depend on how much experience you have, as education is great for new applications, and if education is more pertinent to the position. 

In either case, you can use a resume template and these tips to ensure you create a stand-out application.

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  • Career Development

How to List Education in Progress on Your Resume (+ Examples)

Marsha Hebert, professional resume writer

10 min read

A man sitting outside in front of some windows using his Apple laptop.

Are you unsure about how to list your in-progress education on your resume? Many people are, including current students, students taking online classes, and people taking a break from their degree programs.

Is it acceptable to include unfinished degrees on a resume?

ZipJob’s career experts agree that education in progress should usually be included on a resume. A degree in progress is still important to employers, as well as a degree that was started and holds relevance to a position. However, it needs to be included in an honest way so it’s an accurate reflection of your learning and accomplishments.

If you’re currently pursuing a degree, here is how you can list education in progress on your resume – plus some examples for you to use as templates on your own resume.

Key Takeaway

KEY TAKEAWAY: Are you working on a degree and want to tell prospective employers about your efforts? These tips can help you to list your in-progress education on your resume.

How to list education in progress on a resume

There are two things you need to learn if you want to know how to list education in progress on your resume. The first is how to provide that information in a way that clearly conveys your education status to an employer. The second is where to place that information in the body of your resume. With respect to the how, there are a few different ways to convey these details. There are only a couple of basic rules to follow when you list these education details:

Be as clear as possible. You don’t want to give the employer the wrong impression, after all. If you have completed one degree and are pursuing advanced education, be sure to clearly state that fact. If your degree is not yet complete, be clear about that as well.

Be honest. If you are in the process of withdrawing from school, don’t list that educational program. Don’t try to enhance your education section in any way. Just state the facts in an honest way.

Feel free to include in-progress university degrees , as well as online degrees that you may be pursuing. Both are popular in 2023/2024.

Resume degree in progress examples

When you include details indicating that you’re currently pursuing a degree on your resume, it’s important to provide clarity. The last thing you want is to inadvertently leave the impression that you’re trying to pretend like you’ve completed the degree. And while it might be tempting to just note that the degree is still a work-in-progress, we believe that you should be even more specific. The best way to do that is to include the anticipated graduation date.

Now, if you’re like many students, you may not be entirely sure that you’ll complete your degree by a set date. However, that shouldn’t stop you from providing an anticipated date of completion. In fact, it’s essential that you provide this information so that employers know that you’re serious about your studies. This is especially true in cases where the job you’re seeking requires that degree. Fortunately, it’s a relatively easy task to accomplish.

We wrote a good post here on how to include an MBA on a resume.

For example, check out this listing from a sample resume with a master’s degree in progress:

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Human Resources Program

Dynamic University, Anytown, AnyState. Expected completion 2025

If you’re closer to graduation and are more certain about the date, you can use something like this:

Graduate Studies, Computer Engineering

XYZ University, MyCity, MyState, Graduation Date: Spring, 2024

What if I don't expect to finish the degree?

If you are taking a break from your education (or a permanent hiatus) you need to consider whether or not the coursework you did complete is relevant. Ask yourself:

Is this degree related to the job I'm applying for?

Is this degree more relevant to the job than my other relevant experience including jobs, volunteer work, or certifications?

Is this in-progress degree recent enough? (Can I still remember what I learned? Has a lot changed in the industry since I learned it?)

Is having a degree required for this job?

While you should never lie about having a degree you don't have, including any progress made toward a required degree may help you reach the interview stage. The trick is you have to be qualified for the job in every other aspect. If you don't have an MBA, but you do have 10+ years in the business field, you may still have a shot at landing the interview.

To accurately represent this on your resume, don't include a prospective graduation date. Instead, try including the number of credits and the years you attended.

University of California, Riverside (2019 to 2021) | Riverside, CA

36 units toward a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies

EXPERT TIP: View 200+ more professional resume samples for all industries, along with a guide to writing resumes from our career experts.

Should I include other information about my degree?

You may want to consider whether you should list relevant coursework and major projects on your resume. In general, work experience is more compelling than education, but either way, adding classes that you’ve taken or capstone-type projects can elevate your resume with more relevant keywords.

Relevant coursework

Adding relevant coursework to the education section of your resume can be a great idea, especially if you lack the professional experience needed to set you apart from other job seekers. The great thing about adding coursework is that you can include it whether you’ve finished your degree or not. Here’s what it would look like:

Bachelor of Arts in Media and Cultural Studies | University of Chicago (GPA: 3.89) 

Relevant Coursework: Media Technology, Games Culture, Intercultural Communication, Web Design, Advanced Video Production, Multimedia Performance, and Strategic Social Media

Adding coursework isn’t a place to dump every class you took pursuing your degree. Rather, it’s a place to inject relevant keywords into your resume. So, if the job description calls for someone with experience in video production and you haven’t had a job that allowed you access to that but you did take a class in college, then you can add it to your Education section. 

Related read: Relevant Coursework on a Resume: Good or Bad?

Capstone or other major projects

Similar to adding coursework, you can talk about projects you’ve worked on. Remember that relevancy is critical. You should always be thinking about how your experience and education relate to what the prospective employer is looking for in a new hire. If you need to add something else on your resume that helps you demonstrate skills or knowledge, a project from school can be just the ticket. Write the project details in your Education section in the same way you’d write a job role – meaning, use bullet points to call attention to things you achieved as you worked on the project. Here’s what that looks like:

Notable project: Project title

Describe the project and goals along with how many team members were involved

Talk about what you did – your role – to achieve the project goals

Mention the skills you gained – “Honed skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3]

If you won an award or earned some recognition for a project well done, write about it

Where to place education in progress on your resume

The second issue you need to address is placement. Where should you place these details when you’re trying to figure out how to list education in progress on a resume? There are two main possibilities, depending upon whether the degree is needed for the job you’re seeking.

If the job requirements include the degree that you’re pursuing, then you should try to emphasize that information in your resume. Position it near the beginning of your resume, after the summary section. That way, the employer will see that you’re close to completing that requirement before he or she delves any further into the document. This placement helps showcase your interest and suitability right away.

On the other hand, you should place this detail later in the resume if the degree isn’t needed for the position. In that instance, you can put your work history and skills higher up in the resume and leave your education for the end.

Tie it all together in your cover letter

Don’t forget about the power of your cover letter . Since your cover letter is meant to complement your resume, a degree in progress could give you another opportunity to sell the point that you are qualified for the role. Talking about education in progress or unfinished education in your cover letter can also allow you to explain any gaps on your resume that are related to pursuing education. 

Gaps can happen if you decide to go to school, and then change your mind. If you didn’t work while you were in school, then you’ll have a gap. It’s not something to fret about, gaps happen all the time. You just have to be ready to explain why it exists and being able to tell a story about how you were actively working to improve your qualifications and skills can go a long way in showing future employers your dedication to continuous improvement. 

As always, whether you bring up unfinished education in your cover letter depends on whether it’s relevant to the job you’re applying to. If it doesn’t add value to your job application, then leave it off. 

Here are some example statements you can use when mentioning a resume degree in progress on your cover letter:

I am currently pursuing a degree in [field or industry] to enhance my skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3].

While my education journey is still ongoing, I’m excited to apply the knowledge I’ve gained to the [position name] role.

I am actively working toward completing my [degree name] to meet the educational requirements for this position.

A final note: grade point average

We should also address another common question that we encounter: do you need to include your grade point average ? There are different schools of thought on this, so it’s really up to you. As a rule, however, most experts agree that it’s generally unwise to include anything less than the best GPAs. That typically means leaving it out unless it’s at least 3.5. In most instances, however, you won’t need to include that detail unless the job description requires a certain grade point average or you’re seeking a job at a major firm.

For your resume, a degree in progress is one more tool for success!

As you can see, it is not difficult to enhance your resume with a degree in progress. Yes, you need to know the right format to use, and where to list that information. Still, it is a relatively simple thing to handle if you stick to the basic principles we’ve outlined here. So, be sure to include those educational details, to showcase your developing skills and help you stand out from the crowd!

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Marsha Hebert, Professional Resume Writer

Marsha is a resume writer with a strong background in marketing and writing. After completing a Business Marketing degree, she discovered that she could combine her passion for writing with a natural talent for marketing. For more than 10 years, Marsha has helped companies and individuals market themselves. Read more advice from Marsha on ZipJob's blog .

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Husson University Online

How to Choose the Right College Major

Published on: June 4, 2024

Animated image of a person trying to decide which college major they should pursue.

Selecting the right college major can be one of the most significant decisions you'll make in your academic journey. It's a choice that shapes your future career and personal growth, reflecting your interests and strengths. While this decision might feel overwhelming, understanding your passions, researching potential career paths and considering the long-term impact of your choice are crucial steps in easing your mind and making an informed decision.     

Below, we explore practical tips to help you navigate the process and find a major that aligns with your goals. By examining factors such as job market trends, educational opportunities and personal fulfillment, you'll be better equipped to choose a path that not only leads to professional success but also enriches your college experience and personal development. Now, let’s delve into how to choose a college major.  

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Major    

Choosing the right major is crucial because it directly influences your future career opportunities and trajectory. A major aligned with your career interests can open doors to specific industries, provide specialized knowledge and equip you with skills valued by employers. In addition, your major will shape much of your academic life—including the courses you take and the projects you work on—impacting how deeply you engage with your studies. Socially, your choice of major can also affect your college experience by determining the communities and networks you join, from study groups to professional organizations, all of which can enrich your college experience and provide lasting connections.    

What to Consider Before Choosing a Major  

When it comes to how to choose a college major, reflect on your personal interests, strengths and career goals. Consider how different majors align with your passions and the job market as well as the academic and extracurricular opportunities they offer.   

The Benefits of Pursuing a Certificate   

In addition to traditional degree programs, pursuing a certificate can be a valuable option for students looking to expand their knowledge in specific areas of study. While certificate programs differ from degree programs, they still offer opportunities for professional and personal growth. Certificates often focus on specialized skills and can be completed in a shorter time frame, making them a flexible and practical choice for many students. This additional qualification can enhance your resume, provide a competitive edge in the job market, and allow you to explore new fields without the long-term commitment of a degree program.    

How to Know What Major Is Right for You  

Choosing the right major is a personal journey that involves introspection and exploration. Understanding your interests and strengths is key, but equally important is gathering information and experiencing different fields. The following actionable steps can help guide you through key factors to evaluate, helping lead you to a major that supports both your academic success and future aspirations.   

Explore Potential Fields of Interest    

Start by identifying areas that captivate your curiosity and reflect your passions. Make a list of subjects or activities that you enjoy and explore related fields. You can read articles, watch videos and talk to (and even job-shadow) professionals in those industries to get a sense of what different fields entail and what career opportunities they offer. University websites and career counseling centers can also provide valuable insights into various disciplines.  

Research and Narrow Down Your Options  

Once you have a list of potential majors, research each one to understand its academic requirements, potential career paths and the skills you'll develop. Look into the job market for each field to see which areas are in demand and offer good career prospects. Resources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics , professional associations and academic journals can provide comprehensive information on job outlooks and industry trends. Narrow down your options by comparing how each major aligns with your personal and professional goals.  

Attend Introductory Courses or Workshops    

To get a feel for different subjects, consider enrolling in introductory courses or attending workshops related to the majors you're interested in. Many colleges offer seminars, guest lectures or short courses that allow you to sample different disciplines without a long-term commitment. Engaging in these activities can give you a better understanding of what studying that major would be like and help you gauge your interest and aptitude for the subject.  

Evaluate and Finalize Your Decision    

After exploring and researching, evaluate your options by considering both your personal preferences and practical factors like job prospects and academic workload. Reflect on how each major aligns with your long-term goals and lifestyle. It may also be helpful to seek advice from an academic advisor, mentors or professionals in your field of interest. Once you have weighed all the factors, you may make a more confident and informed decision about which major will best support your aspirations and provide a fulfilling academic experience.  

How Internships Can Help You Choose a Major    

Internships offer a hands-on way to explore potential career paths and gain practical experience in various fields. By participating in internships, you can apply academic concepts in real-world settings, understand industry expectations and assess your interest in specific careers. Additionally, many universities encourage students to have engaged with an internship or two by graduation, as it stands out on future job resumes .  

What Is a Double Major?    

As it comes down to choosing a major, you may consider a double major, which involves pursuing two different majors and distinct fields of study simultaneously and, ultimately, the completion of two sets of academic requirements. This allows students to gain comprehensive knowledge and skills in more than one area of interest. Opting for a double major can broaden your career prospects, enhance your expertise and provide a multidisciplinary perspective on your education.   

Changing Majors: It's OK to Change Your Mind    

Changing your major is a common and acceptable part of the college experience, and some students even change their major well into their college career . With this in mind, it doesn’t matter if you’re changing your major in your sophomore year or beyond. As you gain new insights and experiences, your interests and career goals may evolve, leading you to reconsider your initial choice. This flexibility allows you to realign your academic path with your true passions and strengths.   

Excel In Your Education at Husson University    

Hopefully, you have a better sense of how to know what major is right for you—even if you haven’t decided quite yet. When you’re ready to take the next step toward a fulfilling and versatile education, Husson University offers a range of degree programs online that are designed to fit your unique interests and career goals, plus the flexibility to learn at your own pace. Whether you're considering a single major, double major or even exploring new fields, Husson's online programs can help you achieve your academic aspirations.  

Apply today and start building a brighter future with Husson University!   

Explore Our Degree Programs

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how to list college degree on resume

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27 Great Resume Summary Examples to Get Hired

20 min read · Updated on June 03, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Your resume summary is the first impression you make on potential employers, so it's crucial to get it right

When it comes to job applications, your resume is often the first point of contact with prospective employers. It's essential to make a good impression right from the start and that's where your resume summary comes in. Your summary is a brief statement at the top of your resume that highlights your skills , experiences , and achievements , making it a key part of your job application.

In this article, you'll learn how to write the ultimate resume summary that will grab the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. You'll discover what makes a good summary and what to avoid, as well as how to sell yourself effectively to potential employers.

You may be wondering: what exactly is a resume summary and how do I write one? We'll answer these questions and provide examples of professional summaries for various industries.

By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to create a standout resume summary that will help you to land your dream job.

What is a resume summary?

To understand a resume summary, it's important to understand the challenge that good summaries are designed to overcome. Employers who are looking for new hires often need to compare many dozens or even hundreds of resumes to find the best candidates for the job. Few hiring personnel have the time needed to thoroughly examine every single resume that they receive.

Instead, employers typically spend no more than five or six seconds scanning any given resume. If a resume manages to capture their interest in those few seconds, they'll take the time to read it in greater detail. 

However, if your resume doesn't grab their attention, it's likely to be rejected without any further examination. So, the challenge is to find a way to quickly earn the reader's interest and inspire them to read the rest of the document.

That's where your resume summary comes into play. As you'll see from our resume summary examples, a good summary is the resume equivalent of a salesperson's elevator pitch. 

This brief statement should highlight your experience and job title, one or two key skills, and a couple of your most prominent achievements. When your summary is crafted well, it will provide the employer with a quick overview of your potential value as a new hire.

Once you've written your summary, you should place it right after your contact information and resume headline , so that it's the first thing employers see. If you've done your job properly, that summary will be compelling enough to make the reader want to learn more about the type of value you can bring to the job.

How should you start a resume summary?

After your headline, you should include a brief opening statement that summarizes who you are. This statement should be concise and compelling, and it should clearly communicate your unique value proposition. Here are some examples of strong opening statements:

Innovative Marketing Manager with over five years of experience in developing and executing successful campaigns for Fortune 500 companies

Results-driven Sales Executive with a proven track record of exceeding revenue targets and building strong client relationships

Skilled Customer Service Representative with expertise in problem-solving, conflict resolution, and communication

Tips for writing a resume summary

To make sure you get your summary spot on, follow our top tips:

Be specific

When writing a resume summary, it's essential to be specific and quantify your achievements wherever possible. Instead of saying, "Experienced marketing professional," try saying, "Experienced marketing professional with expertise in managing successful social media campaigns, resulting in increases of up to 30% in website traffic."

This provides concrete evidence of your skills and demonstrates your value to potential employers.

Reflect on your career

When it comes to writing a strong resume summary, you should engage in some self-reflection. Before putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), take some time to think about your key skills, experiences, and achievements. This will help you to identify the most important information to include in your summary. Review your past roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments, and think about how they relate to the job you're applying for. Ask yourself:

What have I achieved in my career?

What skills have I developed?

What makes me stand out from other applicants?

Identify your key skills

One of the most important things to include in your resume summary is your key skills. These are the abilities that set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your value to potential employers. Begin by making a list of your top skills, then prioritize them based on relevance to the job you're applying for.

Highlight your relevant experiences

Next, think about relevant experiences that you can include in your summary. This includes any previous jobs or internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that have given you valuable experience. Consider what you've learned and achieved in each role and how that relates to the job you're applying for.

You should focus on what is most relevant to your target job. Here are some examples:

Proven ability to increase sales revenue by 20% year on year

Expertise in project management and team leadership

Proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft 365

Confident working with a diverse range of clients and stakeholders

Keep it concise

Remember, your resume summary should be concise and to the point. Stick to the most important information and avoid filler words or irrelevant details. A good rule of thumb is to keep your summary to 3-5 sentences.

Use action verbs

When describing your experiences and achievements, use strong action verbs and adverbs to convey a sense of accomplishment and momentum. For example, instead of saying, "Responsible for managing social media accounts," say, "Successfully manages social media accounts."

Quantify your achievements

Wherever possible, use numbers and statistics to quantify your achievements. This provides concrete evidence of your skills and demonstrates your value to potential employers. For example, instead of saying, "Helped to increase sales," say, "Helped to increase sales by 20% in the first year."

Tailor it to the job

Make sure your resume summary is tailored to the job you're applying for. This means highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the role. Look at the job description and identify the key requirements, and then make sure your summary addresses these points.

Professional resume summary examples

Since there's nothing quite like seeing an example of a great summary, we've compiled twenty-seven great resume summary examples that you can use as inspirational templates for your own perfect resume . Below, you'll find summary examples for a variety of different job roles, including:

Customer Service Representative

Sales Representative

Marketing Manager

Project Manager

Software Developer

Human Resources Manager

Graphic Designer

Registered Nurse

Financial Analyst

Administrative Assistant

Data Entry Clerk 

Business Analyst

Operations Manager 

Mental Health Counselor

High School Teacher

Event Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Content Marketer

SEO Specialist

Bank Teller

Software Support Specialist

Data Scientist

Dental Assistant

1.     Customer Service Representative resume summary example

"Highly motivated Customer Service Representative with 5 years of experience in delivering service excellence. Skilled in conflict resolution and problem-solving, resulting in a 95% customer satisfaction rate. Proven ability to multitask in fast-paced environments while maintaining accuracy and attention to detail."

Why it works : This summary highlights the candidate's experience and skills while also showcasing their relevant achievements in ensuring customer satisfaction. It mentions how much experience they have and calls out a measurable success.

2.     Sales Representative resume summary example

"Dynamic Sales Representative with a track record of exceeding sales quotas by 20%+. Proficient in consultative sales techniques and relationship building. Exceptional communication and negotiation skills with the ability to close deals."

Why it works : This summary provides a quantifiable achievement to show the candidate's success in their previous sales roles while also highlighting their key skills in relationship building and communication.

3.     Marketing Manager resume summary example

"Strategic Marketing Manager with 7+ years of experience in developing and executing successful marketing campaigns across multiple channels. Skilled in market research and analysis, campaign optimization, and team leadership. Proven track record of driving revenue growth and increasing brand awareness."

Why it works : This summary emphasizes the candidate's experience and leadership skills while also showcasing their ability to drive results through successful marketing campaigns. The candidate has also demonstrated their ability to grow revenues and raise brand awareness.

4.     Project Manager resume summary example

"Accomplished Project Manager, with confidence in leading cross-functional teams and managing project timelines, budgets, and resources. Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to build relationships with stakeholders. Proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget."

Why it works : This summary highlights the candidate's extensive project management experience and emphasizes their ability to successfully deliver projects while working with multiple stakeholders.

5.     Software Developer resume summary example

"Innovative Software Developer with 5+ years of experience in designing, developing, and implementing complex software applications. Skilled in programming languages including Java, Python, and C++. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in Agile environments to deliver high-quality code on time."

Why it works : This job seeker has taken the time to highlight some of the technical skills they possess, while emphasizing their ability to work in Agile environments. They also call attention to the fact that they can take a software development project from design to implementation.

6.     Human Resources Manager resume summary example

"Experienced Human Resources Manager specializing in talent acquisition, employee relations, and performance management. Skilled in developing and implementing HR policies and procedures that align with business objectives and values. Proven track record of building and managing high-performing teams."

Why it works : This summary highlights the candidate's experience in various HR functions and emphasizes their ability to build and manage teams. It also shows that they can perform managerial functions like developing policies and procedures.

7.     Graphic Designer resume summary example

"Creative Graphic Designer with particular expertise in developing and executing visually stunning designs for print and digital media. Proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud, with a focus on typography and layout. Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously."

Why it works : This summary works well because it showcases their technical skills and experience while also emphasizing creativity and an ability to work collaboratively.

8.     Registered Nurse resume summary example

"Compassionate Registered Nurse with over 10 years' experience in providing high-quality patient care. Skilled at patient assessment, medication administration, and treatment plan development. Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to build rapport with patients and their families."

Why it works : This summary emphasizes the candidate's clinical and patient care experience and highlights their key nursing and interpersonal skills.

9.     Financial Analyst resume summary example

“Detail-oriented Financial Analyst with a strong background in financial modeling, data analysis, and forecasting. Combines advanced Excel skills with the ability to create and manage financial reports. Able to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.”

Why it works : This summary showcases the applicant's specific skills and experience in financial analysis and highlights their proficiency in Excel, a crucial tool for the role.

10.  Administrative Assistant resume summary example

“Skilled Administrative Assistant with 8 years of experience in administrative support and office administration. Resilient, detail-oriented, and able to work under extreme pressure in a team environment. Excellent interpersonal, client management, and interdepartmental liaison skills. Committed to successful management of multiple simultaneous projects, strict adherence to deadline requirements, and accurate maintenance of schedules, meeting obligations, and records.”

Why it works : An Administrative Assistant wears many hats and experiences many challenges. This resume summary covers a lot of ground to demonstrate that the candidate understands those obstacles and knows how to overcome them.

11.  Data Entry Clerk resume summary example

“Task-driven and results-oriented professional with more than 10 years of experience in data entry, project coordination, and customer service. Uses interpersonal skills including effective communication to build rapport and positive relations with customers, gather vital information, and ensure rapid and accurate entry of data into designated software programs.”

Why it works : This resume summary is effective because it gets right to the heart of the job: dealing with customers and entering data into databases. The candidate also emphasizes their results-focused mindset, project skills, and key soft skills.

12.  Business Analyst resume summary example

“Results-driven Business Analyst with a proven record in expanding profitability by 55% in the retail industry.  Confident carrying out data-focused analysis that provides key insights and recommendations for growth strategies. Strong interpersonal and team building skills, innovative approach to problem-solving , and resolute commitment to efficiency and productivity.”

Why it works : Business analysis is all about using data and research to deliver key insights that result in improved operations and greater business success. This summary hits all the right notes as it focuses on key skills, a solutions-oriented mindset, and notable achievements that reflect real value for employers.

13.  Operations Manager resume summary example

“Results-oriented Operations Manager with more than 10 years of supervisory experience in high-level operational environments. Adept at coordinating both large and small teams, outside consultants, and mid-level management personnel. Successfully introduced Lean manufacturing principles that reduced costs by 32% via waste elimination and process revitalization.”

Why it works : This candidate's summary emphasizes key skills that the employer wants to see in any managerial candidate, while also showcasing their knowledge of best operational practices and a commitment to cost reduction.

14.  Mental Health Counselor resume summary example

“Compassionate Mental Health Counselor with more than a decade of experience addressing mental health issues and behavioral concerns. Proven success in both individual and group counseling environments, assisting clients in gaining insight and understanding of their unique conditions. Specialized focus on working with young adults and families, with an emphasis on addressing substance abuse root causes and other social factors involved in mental health.”

Why it works : This resume summary is notable for citing important skills like empathy and compassion. It also focuses attention on the candidate's experience in dealing with common mental health concerns and hints at their preferred approach to assisting patients.

15.  High School Teacher resume summary example

“Dynamic high school teacher with 12 years of experience developing approved curricula for more than 500 students in grades 9-12. Proven track record of helping students to achieve a 98% passing rate in both Western Civilization and World History instruction. Actively engaged in every aspect of education, at the district, local, and parent-teacher level.”

Why it works : This candidate's resume summary highlights their vast experience, while illustrating their success in ensuring that their students learn what they need to know to pass the class. They also demonstrate their commitment to the educational process by highlighting their involvement in every area of education.

16.  Accountant resume summary example

“Diligent and detail-oriented CPA with seven years of experience in accounting, process improvement, and problem-solving. Skilled at identifying inefficiencies and using reporting to offer insights that can guide employers to better practices and greater profitability. At XYZ Corp., identified labor usage inefficiency that motivated management to introduce new scheduling that eliminated $300,000 in labor waste.”

Why it works : In addition to highlighting a wide range of valuable skills, this candidate also focused on a quantifiable achievement that illustrates real value. This type of summary would certainly capture a hiring manager's attention and make them want to read more!

17.  Event Manager resume summary example

“Resilient and creative Event Manager with 6 years of corporate experience. Detail-oriented perfectionist with experience in project management, team leadership, and customer relations. Successfully organized and executed more than 40 major business conferences, hosting thousands of guests. Major clients have included three Fortune 500 firms with multi-million-dollar event budgets.

Why it works : As Event Managers go, this one has certainly made the rounds. That summary of achievements highlights their ability to manage even large-scale events, dealing with every aspect of the project. How could a serious hiring manager not want to learn more about this candidate?

18.  IT Manager resume summary example

“Dedicated IT Manager with significant experience in an innovative and growing tech firm. Skilled leader with experience in systems analysis, database architecture, problem-solving, and troubleshooting. Superior client satisfaction rate of more than 99%. Created and implemented IT troubleshooting process that reduced internal client service time by 30%.”

Why it works : This IT professional focuses attention on their key leadership skills , while also mentioning the hard skills that any hiring manager is likely to be looking for. There's also a nice nod to their history of satisfying clients, as well as a notable and measurable achievement.

19.  Product Designer resume summary example

“Innovative Design Engineer with 5 years of experience in the development of products and packages. Skilled in market research, brand development and alignment, and design elements. Led team of seventeen Designers in the creation of industrial products that yielded $20 million in sales in the first month after launch.”

Why it works : This resume summary uses some important keywords, action verbs, and descriptive language to describe the candidate's key skills and experiences. It also cites an impressive product design achievement, along with real numbers that showcase value.

20.  Content Marketer resume summary example

“Creative marketing professional with 7 years' experience as a Content Marketer. Skilled writer who understands how written communication empowers business growth and expansion. Expertise in development of compelling content that drives activities across multiple media channels. Adaptable , detail-oriented, and focused on a brand-building approach to content strategy that drives real results. Developed a cross-platform content strategy that boosted sales conversion rates by 37%.

Why it works : This Content Marketer focuses on their key skills and keen insights into how content impacts business profitability. They even included a measurable result that demonstrates their focus on adding value to their employer's bottom line.

21.  SEO Specialist resume summary example

“Results-focused SEO expert with 6 years of experience in keyword mastery, the promotion of sustainable content, and growing organic website search engine rankings. Proven track record of SEO success, using content development and link outreach to expand website traffic activity from 10,000 daily visitors to more than 2,000,000 per year.”

Why it works : Many hiring managers may not fully understand SEO, but they will understand the need to get more eyes on their digital content. This candidate speaks to that need by focusing on website rankings, content, and overall web traffic - while including a quantifiable achievement that demonstrates their ability to make things happen.

22.  Copywriter resume summary example

“Website Copywriter with 5 years of experience in developing content that creates real conversions. Cross-channel expertise including website content, advertising, newsletters, press releases, email, and podcast / video scripts. Proven track record of increasing social traffic by 36% and driving a 22% boost in landing page conversions.”

Why it works : This candidate's summary is focused not only on the type of things they write, but how those content pieces directly contribute to the company's online presence and sales conversion rate. This illustrates the writer's understanding of how their work aligns with their employer's business needs and goals.

23.  Bank Teller resume summary example

“Empathetic and personable Bank Teller with more than 4 years of experience in client interactions at First Bank. Detail-oriented customer management approach, focused on superior customer experiences and client retention. Strict adherence to bank policy, including safety deposit guidelines, customer account security, and due diligence. Efficiently and effectively processed more than 200 client account interactions each day.”

Why it works : For a Bank Teller, much of the role's value lies in the employee's ability to serve as the face of the branch. This summary is effective because it showcases the Teller's knowledge of bank procedures, while also highlighting their commitment to creating an excellent customer experience.

24.  Software Support Specialist resume summary example

“Problem-solving Software Support Specialist with 8 years of experience in customer-facing user assistance. Provided key problem resolution services for hundreds of customers, with a focus on maximizing their satisfaction with the company to increase loyalty and retention. Experienced in both customer and B2B interactions, with a specialized talent for explaining technical problems in language that is easily understood by the average layperson.”

Why it works : This resume summary focuses not only on the candidate's specialized skills in solving computer issues, but also highlights their ability to simplify their explanations to customers.

25.  Data Scientist resume summary example

“Committed Data Scientist focused on analytical insights that can drive company growth and development. More than eight years of experience providing data-driven analysis to Fortune 500 executives, based on comprehensive statistical models and detailed historical data patterns. Successfully provided insights and recommendations used to increase company profits by 32% over a two-year period.”

Why it works : Data science may not seem like the most exciting field, but hiring managers are always on the hunt for candidates who understand why data matters. This candidate's focus on providing insights that can translate into real value for the employer is something that is likely to earn a hiring manager's interest.

26.  Dental Assistant resume summary example

“Dental Assistant with 5 years of experience with patient preparation, processing, and administrative support. Keen attention to detail and a commitment to dental health and aesthetics. Skilled in dental impressions, hands-on assistance during procedures, x-rays, and record maintenance. Fully committed to developing rapport with patients that creates a welcoming environment and a joyful experience.”

Why it works : This candidate's resume summary not only highlights key Dental Assistant requirements, but also conveys their personal approach to teamwork and patient care.

27.  Architect resume summary example

“Creative Architect experienced in high-end architectural design and development oversight. Ten years of proven success in creating sustainable designs that earn rave reviews and commendations from clients. Skilled in adapting to new challenges and working under pressure to achieve every client's vision. Consistently produces designs and project plans that come in on time and under budget, at 10%-30% less cost than industry competitors.”

Why it works : In this summary, the candidate highlights key skills that employers will want to see, while also emphasizing quantifiable results that demonstrate competitive value for the employer. They also showcase their ability to not only design architectural structures but to do so with a conscious awareness of critical factors like budgetary concerns, deadlines, sustainability and market competition.

Bonus: how to write a resume summary if you have no experience

Of course, it's also important to know how to write a resume summary if you have no experience. Here's a quick resume summary example that you can adapt if you are just entering the job market:

“Recent Marketing graduate, seeking an entry-level position to kickstart a career in the field. Demonstrated strong leadership and teamwork skills gained through involvement in various extracurricular activities, including volunteering at local events and leading group projects. Proficient in Microsoft 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud. Passionate about using marketing strategies to create engaging content and drive brand awareness.”

Why it works: This summary works because it highlights the candidate's relevant hard and soft skills and qualifications, even though they don't have direct career experience. The use of action words such as "demonstrated" and "proficient" shows the candidate's confidence in their abilities, which can be attractive to potential employers, showcasing the candidate's potential for success in an entry-level marketing role.

Key takeaways

A well-written resume summary can make a significant impact on a job application. A good summary should highlight relevant skills and experiences, use clear and concise language, and avoid unnecessary information. Feel free to customize any of the resume summary examples we've provided to help ensure that your resume captures the attention of potential employers.

We know it can be difficult to condense a whole career full of skills and achievements into a paragraph of only a few sentences. If you're unsure about the document you've crafted, why not send it for a free resume review by our team of expert resume writers? 

Recommended reading:

Ask Amanda: How Are a Resume Objective and a Resume Summary Different?

How to Write a Standout Career Summary

Business Acumen: What It Is and How You Can Showcase It On Your Resume

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Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

See how your resume stacks up.

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10 tips for writing a resume in English

10 tips for writing a resume in English

Writing a resume can be challenging, especially if it’s not your first language! Grammar and spelling should be spot-on, plus cultural formatting preferences vary. For example, in the U.S., resumes never include photos, and are usually limited to a single page. Although style preferences vary, best practices are universal. 

Let’s look at some dos and don’ts for writing a resume in English!

DOs for writing a resume in English

✅ 1. DO use bullet points and incomplete sentences. Incomplete sentences may seem unusual, but not in resumes! For example, an applicant for a lab research assistant might list prior experience as follows:

  • Implemented a research project
  • Developed a serum

💡 Tip: You can put periods after the bullets or leave them off, as long as you’re consistent.

✅ 2. DO ensure verb tenses are consistent. Resumes follow parallel structure , meaning the starting words are the same part of speech. They can be verb phrases (example 1), or noun phrases (example 2):

  • Organized data
  • Assisted with administrative tasks
  • Implementation of a research project
  • Organization of data
  • Assistance with administrative tasks

You can use either, as long as it’s consistent and easy to read!

✅ 3. DO only include relevant experience. It’s not necessary to list every experience or skill. You only have one page, but don’t worry, more will be covered in interview questions ! Focus on job listing requirements and highlight your most relevant skills and experience.

Example 1: For the lab assistant position, highlight relevant skills, especially those mentioned in the listing.

  • Skills: coding, chemistry, research
  • ❌ Don’t include “cooking skills,” even if you have them!

Example 2: For a restaurant job, it would look different!

  • Skills: prepping, catering, customer service
  • ❌ Don’t include “research skills.”

✅ 4. DO include all language skills, even your native language(s)! Language skills are helpful for ANY job: the more languages you know, the better! You can say you have "excellent written and verbal skills” wherever applicable, as both are incredibly valuable. You may think it’s a given, but it’s not! Employers will be glad to know that you’d never send an email saying “heres the doc 4 u,” or use other unprofessional-sounding language. 

You can also consider listing the CEFR level of your languages or using other standardized measures, like your Duolingo English Test score, and breaking down your proficiency by speaking, reading, writing, and listening , especially if relevant for the position.

✅ 5. DO include commonly relevant skills you have. Think about skills broadly: What are tools and technology you know how to use? What are things you do well, and what do your colleagues come to you for help with? Your skills might include things like software, including Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, and task-management platforms, or your abilities, like time-management skills.

💡 Tip: You can say “proficient” for more than just languages! For example, you can also say “ proficient in Microsoft Excel” to mean that you know how to use it really well. Again, just make sure the list is consistent:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Time management
  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel
  • Excellent at time management

Now that we have the basics for a great resume, let’s highlight common pitfalls.

DON’Ts for writing a resume in English

The “don’t”s for a resume go hand-in-hand with the “do”s:

❌ 1. DON’T use “I.” This is unnecessary, as the employer knows you’re referring to yourself.

  • ❌ “I implemented a research project. I formulated a serum.”

❌ 2. DON’T write full sentences for job titles. This takes up room, leaving less space for other experiences and skills.

  • ❌ Job title: “I completed an internship at Duolingo Laboratories.” Instead, your title could be “Intern, Duolingo Laboratories."

❌ 3. DON’T use inconsistent tenses. This is easy to miss, and can make a resume look disorganized.

  • ❌ Implemented a research project
  • ❌ Organization of data
  • ❌ Report writer

💡 Tip: Say each bullet point aloud to check for consistency. If you’re using verbs to start each bullet, you can say them as “I” statements to ensure they match: “ I implemented, I organization? Wait, it should be… I implemented, I organized…” Or for noun phrases, try “Implementation of a research project… (is what I did). Organization of data… (is good).”

❌ 4. DON’T use specialized language unless applicable. A recruiter or employer should understand what you’re talking about. You don’t want them to do extra work interpreting your resume, especially when they have a pile to sift through! If there’s specific vocabulary related to your previous experience, list synonyms:

  • ❌ Monolingual exercise writer for Duolingo
  • ✅ Content writer for Duolingo

❌ 5. DON’T use uncommon abbreviations. While YOU may know what they mean, an employer or recruiter may not. Stick to universal abbreviations and try to avoid jargon :

  • ✅ PhD, Feb., CEO
  • ❌ L&C, OSI, KR

💡 Tip: Consistency is key on a resume, and this also applies to abbreviations for dates! Don’t write “Feb-Oct” on one line and “July-January” on another.

Now that we’ve reviewed the dos and don’ts, let’s put it all together and see a sample resume section! Here’s how that former research intern might format their experience on their resume, and how they might format their “Skills” section:

Text box labeled "Sample resume section" with part of a resume. The first section is "Experience" and it reads: Research Intern, Duolingo Laboratories, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, followed by the dates May 2022-April 2023. Then there are three bullets: Developed and implemented a research project involving owls, Formulated a serum to transform owls into humans, and Wrote reports about owl transformations. The second section is "Skills" and it has three bullets: Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Excellent time management skills, and Excellent written and verbal skills.

Don’t let different formats and styles overwhelm you. Remember two things:

A resume is your potential employer’s first impression of you and your work, and we’re rooting for you! 💪

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What to Know About Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service Director

She has spent more than 20 years with the agency and provided security for President Bill Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney and other leaders.

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Two men in police uniforms flank a woman in a navy suit jacket.

By Tim Balk

  • Published July 18, 2024 Updated July 23, 2024

Kimberly A. Cheatle, the Secret Service director who has come under intense scrutiny after the assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump, is an agency veteran who helped protect President Bill Clinton and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Ms. Cheatle joined the Secret Service in 1995 and spent more than two decades there before leaving in 2021 to lead the North American security operations for PepsiCo. She returned to the agency in 2022 after President Biden asked her to serve as its director .

In her 22 months as director, the ranks of the Secret Service have grown, prompting claims from some employees that a focus on hiring more people with diverse backgrounds has hampered the agency.

Ms. Cheatle, 53, is the second woman to lead the Secret Service. Former colleagues have described her as capable and career-focused.

While working for PepsiCo, she told Security Magazine that she enjoyed doing home renovations in her spare time. “Burnout is real,” she told the magazine. “This industry can be difficult, and it’s important to discover yourself.”

Growing up in Illinois, Ms. Cheatle studied at a Catholic high school in Danville, Ill., about 130 miles south of Chicago, and at Eastern Illinois University, which she graduated from in 1992.

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how to list college degree on resume

Kamala   Harris

The Vice President

Download Official Portrait Download the Vice President’s Biography

Kamala D. Harris is the Vice President of the United States. She always fights for the people – from her barrier-breaking time as District Attorney of San Francisco and Attorney General of California, to proudly serving as a United States Senator and the Vice President.

On January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris was sworn in as Vice President – the first woman, the first Black American, and the first South Asian American to be elected to this position.

As Vice President, she has worked to bring people together to advance opportunity, deliver for families, and protect fundamental freedoms across the country. She has led the fight for the freedom of women to make decisions about their own bodies, the freedom to live safe from gun violence, the freedom to vote, and the freedom to drink clean water and breathe clean air. While making history at home, she is also representing the nation abroad – embarking on more than a dozen foreign trips, traveling to more than 19 countries, and meeting with more than 150 world leaders to strengthen critical global alliances.

The Vice President has been a trusted partner to President Joe Biden as they work together to deliver monumental achievements that are lifechanging for millions of Americans. Together, they have invested in the economy to create a record number of jobs and keep unemployment low. Their work has led to more small business creation in a two-year period than any previous administration.

how to list college degree on resume

They capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors, cut prescription prices, and improved maternal health by expanding postpartum care through Medicaid. They passed the first meaningful gun safety law in three decades. Forming a bipartisan coalition, they enacted a $1 trillion investment in the country’s infrastructure to remove every lead pipe in America and make the most significant investment in public transit, repairing bridges, and high-speed Internet in history.

As President of the Senate, Vice President Harris set a new record for the most tie-breaking votes cast by a Vice President in history – surpassing a record that had stood for nearly 200 years. And her votes have been consequential. This includes casting the decisive vote to secure passage of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment ever in tackling the climate crisis. She also presided over the unprecedented vote to confirm the first Black woman, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court while working alongside President Biden to achieve historic representation of women and people of color among nominees at all levels of the federal government.

“At every step of the way, I’ve been guided by the words I spoke from the first time I stood in a courtroom: Kamala Harris, For the People.” Kamala Harris, August 19, 2020

Fighting for the people is nothing new for Vice President Kamala Harris.

In 2017, she was sworn into the United States Senate where she championed legislation to fight hunger, provide rent relief, improve maternal health care, expand access to capital for small businesses, revitalize America’s infrastructure, and combat the climate crisis. She questioned two Supreme Court nominees while serving on the Judiciary Committee. She also worked to keep the American people safe from foreign threats and crafted bipartisan legislation to assist in securing American elections while serving on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

In 2010, Vice President Harris was elected Attorney General of California where she oversaw the largest state justice department in the country. She took on those who were preying on the American people, winning a $20 billion settlement for Californians whose homes had been foreclosed on and a $1.1 billion settlement for students and veterans who were taken advantage of by a for-profit education company. She also defended the Affordable Care Act in court and enforced environmental laws.

Vice President Harris smiles at a crowd at the Pride Parade in San Francisco, CA, accompanied with her husband, Doug, and her niece, Meena

In 2004, Vice President Harris was elected District Attorney of San Francisco where she was a national leader in the movement for LGBTQ+ rights, officiating the first same-sex wedding after Proposition 8 was overturned. She also established the office’s environmental justice unit and created a ground-breaking program to provide first-time drug offenders with the opportunity to earn a high school degree and find employment, which the U.S. Department of Justice designated as a national model of innovation for law enforcement. And years earlier, in 1990, she joined the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office where she specialized in prosecuting child sexual assault cases.

Vice President Harris was born in Oakland, California. As the daughter of immigrants, she grew up surrounded by a diverse community and a loving extended family. She and her sister, Maya, were inspired by their mother, Shyamala Gopalan, a breast cancer scientist and pioneer in her own right who came to the United States from India at the age of 19 and then received her doctorate the same year that Kamala was born.

In a red, checkered sweater and white-knit shoes, a toddler-aged Kamala smiles with her mother, Shyamala

Both of the Vice President’s parents were active in the civil rights movement, and instilled in her a commitment to build strong coalitions that fight for the rights and freedoms of all people. They brought her to civil rights marches in a stroller and taught her about heroes like Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and civil rights leader Constance Baker Motley.

Vice President Harris went on to graduate from Howard University and the University of California Hastings College of Law. In 2014, she married Douglas Emhoff, a lawyer. They have a large blended family that includes their children, Ella and Cole.

As a trailblazer throughout her entire career, the Vice President is committed to fulfilling her mother’s advice:

“My mother would look at me and she’d say, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last.’” Kamala Harris, January 28, 2019

A jubilant Harris embraces a smiling young girl in a purple t-shirt

Service Academy Nominations

The Vice President is authorized to nominate individuals to the United   States Military, Naval, and Air Force   Academies.

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  1. 4 Ways to Write Your Degree on a Resume

    how to list college degree on resume

  2. Resume Education Section: What to Include and How to Format

    how to list college degree on resume

  3. Sample Graduate Degree Resume

    how to list college degree on resume

  4. How to List a Degree on a Resume (Associate, Bachelor’s, MA)

    how to list college degree on resume

  5. 4 Ways to Write Your Degree on a Resume

    how to list college degree on resume

  6. How to List Education on a Resume [13+ Real-Life Examples]

    how to list college degree on resume


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  2. Unfinished degree on your resume?

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  1. How to List a Degree on a Resume

    How to list a bachelor's degree on a resume. You should list your bachelor's degree along with your university's name, dates of study, major, GPA (if a 3.5 or above), minor (if applicable), and honors and relevant coursework. Similar to an associate's degree, there are numerous ways to abbreviate different types of bachelor's degrees.

  2. How to List a Degree on a Resume (Associate, Bachelor's, MA)

    Put it either before or after the experience section (depending on your experience). List all your degrees in the education section of your resume. Put your degrees on a resume in the reverse-chronological order. Consider adding extra information about your degree on a resume (e.g. GPA, Latin honors, coursework, etc.).

  3. How to list a degree on your resume: Quick and easy guide

    How to write a bachelor's degree on your resume. Next up, let's talk about bachelor's degrees. When listing this type of degree on your resume, you should use the words 'Bachelor of' plus your discipline. So, you might write that you have a 'Bachelor of Science' or a 'Bachelor of Education'.

  4. How to List Education on a Resume [13+ Real-Life Examples]

    Use a (Free) Resume Template 16 Examples of Education on a Resume #1. High School Education #2. General Education Development #3. Associate Degree #4. Certificates #5. Undergraduate Degree #6. Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees #7. Unfinished Education FAQs Key Takeaways. Share this article.

  5. How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 (With Examples & Tips)

    In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume: The name of the school — "e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology". The location of the school. Your degree ( high-school diploma, GED, associate's degree, bachelor's degree, etc.)

  6. How to List Degree on Resume (Examples & Tips)

    Write your degree and major. Add your graduation date or dates attended. If you are still in school, write the date you expect to graduate. Add relevant coursework or projects for added impact. For example: Education. University of Arizona. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Graduated May 2020.

  7. How to List Education on Your Resume (with Examples)

    University, college, or institution. Add some context to your education by listing the university, college, or institution where you went to school. This is especially important if you attended a well-respected program in your field, because it will make you seem all the more impressive. 4. Years attended.

  8. How To List Education on a Resume (With Examples)

    Listing your education on a resume should be strategic and concise. It's essential to highlight the most relevant and recent educational experiences that align with the job requirements. Focus on providing key details such as the degree earned, institution name and graduation year. Emphasize any honors, scholarships or academic achievements ...

  9. How to List a Degree on a Resume for 2024

    You should include any degree you've completed, even if it doesn't seem to relate to the role directly. It'll show your background, interests, skills and hard work. List a degree on a resume in the education section.. If you're fresh out of school, a college student or graduated within the past two years, your education can be near the top of your resume.

  10. How to List Degrees on Your Resume

    When you go to graduate school after an undergraduate degree, you earn a master's degree. A list of master's degrees and their abbreviations include: Master of Arts (MA or M.A.) Master of Science (BS or BSc or B.S./B.Sc.) Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) Master of Engineering (ME or MEng or M.E/M.Eng.)

  11. How to List Unfinished College Degree on a Resume + Examples

    Here are three more examples that specify the type of unfinished college degree sought: 1. Unfinished degree on resume example (incomplete bachelor's): Westgate College Sun Prairie, ID. 45 credit hours to a bachelor's degree Sociology. GPA: 3.8. 2. Unfinished degree on resume example (incomplete master's degree):

  12. How to List Education on a Resume With Examples

    Second, list the time period that you attended or date that you graduated, making sure it is clear whether this education is completed, ongoing or unfinished. Third, include the specialization, degree, certification or diploma, if applicable. Fourth, list the field of study, major and/or minor, if applicable.

  13. How to List Education on a Resume in 2024 + Examples

    Overall, the process of listing your education is always the same. You'll list each school you attended in reverse-chronological (most recent first) order. You need these details in each entry: The degree or certificate earned. Name of the school that you attended. The city/state location of the school.

  14. How To List Degrees on Your Resume

    Write "Coursework toward" before the degree name, and list the dates you attended and the number of credits you earned so you don't give the wrong impression that you graduated. If you're still completing the degree in question, put "Candidate" in front of the title, as in Candidate: Bachelor of Science (BS). Example.

  15. How to List Education on Your Resume [Examples 2024]

    In terms of a layout, a resume's education section includes: Name of the institution. Degree. School location. Date of graduation. GPA (only when over 3.0) When wondering how to list education on resume: Start with your highest qualification and work your way back in reverse-chronological order.

  16. 4 Ways to Write Your Degree on a Resume

    3. Avoid including unnecessary or obvious words. Using "Education" to head the appropriate section is the only descriptive word you'll need. Including words like "College:" or "Degree:" before the appropriate information is superfluous. Avoid unnecessary words elsewhere in your resume, too.

  17. How To List Your Major and Minor on a Resume (With Examples)

    For example, if you earn a bachelor's degree in education and another in mathematics, you might list it as: Bachelor of Science: Education and Mathematics. 4. List your minor. Minors go on the same line, if possible, with your major and a comma separates them. Minors are always formatted the same.

  18. How to List Degrees on a Resume [+Examples]

    When it comes to a professional resume, less is usually more, so don't be afraid to stick with the basics. Your education section should include: Each of your degrees in reverse-chronological order. The name and location of the school where you got your degree. The date of your graduation if it was recent.

  19. How to List a Degree on a Resume

    AS means Associate in Science. Depending on your college, your degree may be called "Associate of" or "Associate in." Double-check to make sure you are using the correct terminology. Also, never write "Associate's Degree" on your resume. It should always be listed as the proper degree name, without an apostrophe "s".

  20. How to List Education on Your Resume (2024 Examples)

    There are specific details a hiring manager is looking for in your educational section that include: Your most recent degree, or education in progress. The name of the school. The location of the school. Your field of study or degree major. Graduation year or expected graduation date. Your GPA, if above 3.5.

  21. How to List an Unfinished Degree on a Resume (With Examples)

    Here's an example of how to list unfinished college on your resume if it's highly relevant to the job: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2018-2020, GPA: 3.8/4.0. Completed 75 credits towards a B.A. in Environmental Studies with a specialization in Urban Planning.

  22. How to List Education in Progress on Your Resume (+ Examples)

    Here are some example statements you can use when mentioning a resume degree in progress on your cover letter: I am currently pursuing a degree in [field or industry] to enhance my skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3].

  23. How to Choose the Right College Major

    Certificates often focus on specialized skills and can be completed in a shorter time frame, making them a flexible and practical choice for many students. This additional qualification can enhance your resume, provide a competitive edge in the job market, and allow you to explore new fields without the long-term commitment of a degree program.

  24. 27 Great Resume Summary Examples to Get Hired

    Learn how to write a resume summary that showcases your skills and achievements in a concise and compelling way. TopResume offers 27 great examples and tips to help you get hired.

  25. 7 Critical Steps to Find the Right Grad School

    Application essays allow an applicant to present a narrative that connects past achievements with career goals, and detail how a graduate degree from a particular school can help bridge the gap ...

  26. How to Write a Resume in English—and What Not to Do

    Again, just make sure the list is consistent: Microsoft Excel; Time management; Or: Proficient in Microsoft Excel; Excellent at time management; Now that we have the basics for a great resume, let's highlight common pitfalls. DON'Ts for writing a resume in English. The "don't"s for a resume go hand-in-hand with the "do"s: 1. DON ...

  27. What to Know About Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service Director

    By the time she had graduated from college four years later, Ms. Cheatle had applied for a job at the Secret Service, the newspaper said. She joined the agency three years later, starting at the ...

  28. 55 Things to Know About JD Vance, Trump's VP Pick

    2024 Elections. 55 Things to Know About JD Vance, Trump's VP Pick Donald Trump's pick for vice president made a 180-degree turn from fierce critic to bulldog surrogate for the former president.

  29. What to know about Kamala Harris, from prosecutor to politician

    There, she joined Alpha Kappa Alpha, the country's oldest Black sorority, and earned a bachelor's degree in political science and economics. She would later become the first HBCU graduate to ...

  30. Kamala Harris: The Vice President

    Kamala D. Harris is the Vice President of the United States of America. She was elected Vice President after a lifetime of public service, having been elected District Attorney of San Francisco ...