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What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?

If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Essay on this topic is commonly assigned to students. This “what would you do with a million dollars” essay will inspire a great paper.

If I Had a Million Dollars: Essay Introduction

What would you do if you won a million dollars: essay body, if you have a lot of money, what will you do: essay conclusion.

People around the world have all sorts of ideas and dreams. However, there is always a limitation to making such dreams or ideas a reality. Most of the time, the limitation is always financial, and whatever one thinks, or dreams of accomplishing it never comes to fruition. Therefore, I asked myself two questions. What would I do if I had a million dollars to spend? What if a million dollars were given to me, or I won them?

To be honest, having money is one thing, but having a lot of it is different. There are many things anyone could think about if they were given a million dollars to spend. Some will become crazy and spontaneous. Others will become extremely flashy and show off in all sorts of ways. However, a few may think of the future and invest some money before spending it all on material things.

I would do the following if I had a million dollars. I would first buy myself a good car, which I know sounds unreasonable, but I think of this as a way of showing I am worth a million bucks. Becoming a millionaire is a strategic process that needs a concrete plan regarding investments and risks that one would have to take. Nothing is as bad as having a lot of money and then having none in the future. Therefore, having that car might not be a good investment decision, but it will always remind me that I should work hard to maintain that status.

Secondly, I would put some money to take me through college. I will ensure that I have the best resources that will make me excel in college because that is the most critical step in becoming a rational thinker. I will need to make sound investment decisions in the future, and a college education will help me do that. Therefore, even if I use the whole amount of study, it would be worth it. However, a million dollars are too much for college. I will have more than enough for my college education.

Thirdly, I would buy a house. It will save me a lot in terms of mortgage payments in the future, and therefore, I would put that money to use better. Most people wish to own a house but cannot afford it. Therefore, having a million dollars will provide various opportunities like getting a house and fulfilling other wants. I will furnish that house with the best quality of furniture. This is important to me because my home would be where I would be heading after long work hours.

After all, the primary reason people work so hard in life is to own a good home, take care of their family, and live a better life. Thus, having a million dollars would enable me to get all that, and the exciting thing is that I would not have worked hard for it. That is not to say that I am lazy. It just means no one would grab the opportunity if it presented itself.

Lastly, I will put the rest of that money in a fixed deposit account so that I will be able to use it in the future to start a business and make millions of dollars. The good thing is that it will earn interest, which also comes in handy.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are numerous ways to spend a million dollars. Personally, I would have invested it in my future education and career. I would have also bought a car and a house. I believe that making bad decisions regarding spending an enormous sum of money is possible. Therefore, I think that wisely investing is crucial.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 4). What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars? https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/

"What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" StudyCorgi , 4 Mar. 2021, studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) 'What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars'. 4 March.

1. StudyCorgi . "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.


StudyCorgi . "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "What Would I Do If I Had a Million Dollars?" March 4, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/what-would-i-do-if-i-had-a-million-dollars/.

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If I Had A Million Dollars Essay | Short and Long Essay on If I Had a Million Dollar

July 31, 2021 by Prasanna

If I Had A Million Dollars Essay: Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have a million dollars. Individuals all throughout the planet have a wide range of thoughts and dreams. In any case, there is consistently a constraint to making such dreams or thoughts become a reality. More often than not, the constraint is consistently monetary, and whatever one thinks or fantasies about, achieving it never works out as expected.

Cash engages, upgrades and works on the way of life of staff procuring it. The greater amount of it is merrier and this is a widespread guideline. Notoriety and name are reciprocal with cash. One brings in cash, the rest two follows of their own. A rich individual is consistently intelligent. To make reference to numerous cerebrums, work ceaselessly at the back, to increase the proprietor’s abundance.

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Short Essay on If I Had One Million Dollars

Winning 1,000,000 (million) dollars can lead your life into various bearings. In the event that I won 1,000,000 dollars, I’d attempt to zero in on overseeing it astutely, on the grounds that cash runs out in case it’s not utilized effectively. Numerous individuals today wind up paying off debtors from spending it excessively fast. Insights show that only disappointment emerges from going through while no cash is returning in.

There are various things that can be refined with million of dollars. On the off chance that I won million dollars the primary thing I’d do was taken care of enough for my schooling. Training is significant in light of the fact that 1,000,000 dollars will undoubtedly run out. I’d likewise give my folks most of this as a result of all they have accomplished for me.

I trust I’d likewise take a stab at putting resources into stocks. It appears to be a smart thought to acquire cash, yet you need to pick the right business to put resources into. The terrible thing about winning million dollars is the way that numerous individuals would attempt to utilize you. It’s been demonstrated that you acquire relatives than you realized you had when a lot of cash goes along.

Taking everything into account, many would concur that triumphant 1,000,000 dollars could mix your life in a wide range of headings. It tends to be utilized for different things and showing appreciation. It can likewise be utilized to deal with future objectives and instruction. The cash could accompany all the more family, companions, and adversaries, however, you shouldn’t let either use you. With an arrangement, you can deal with your cash well.

If I Had A Million Dollars

Long Essay on If I Had A Million Dollars

Frankly, having money is a certain something however having a great deal of it is something alternate. There are numerous things anybody could ponder in the event that the person was given million (1,000,000) dollars to spend. Some will become insane and unconstrained. Others will turn out to be incredibly showy and flaunt in a wide range of ways. In any case, a couple might think about the future and put away a portion of the cash prior to spending everything on material things.

Actually, on the off chance that I had million dollars, I would do the accompanying. I would initially get myself a decent vehicle, which I know sounds irrational however I consider this a method of showing merit 1,000,000 bucks. Turning into a tycoon is an essential interaction that needs a substantial arrangement as far as ventures and dangers that one would need to take. There isn’t anything as awful as having a ton of cash and afterward having none later on. In this manner, having that vehicle probably won’t be a wise venture choice yet the vehicle will consistently be an update that I should endeavour to keep up with that status.

Furthermore, I would set up some cash to take me to school. I will guarantee that I have the best assets that will cause me to dominate in school since that is the main advance in turning into a normal mastermind. Later on, I should settle on wise speculation choices and an advanced degree will assist me with doing that. In this manner, regardless of whether I utilize the entire measure of the study, everything will work out just fine. Nonetheless, 1,000,000 dollars are a lot for school. I will have all that anyone could need for my advanced degree.

Thirdly, I would purchase a house. This will save me a ton as far as home loan installments later on and hence, I would place that cash into better use. A great many people wish to possess a house yet they can’t manage the cost of it. Thusly, having 1,000,000 dollars will give different freedoms like getting a house and satisfying different needs. I will outfit that house with the best nature of furniture. This is critical to me in light of the fact that my home would be where I would head after extended periods of time off work.

All things considered, the significant motivation behind why individuals buckle down in life is so they can possess a decent home, deal with their family, and carry on with a superior life. Along these lines, having 1,000,000 dollars would empower me to get all that and interestingly, I would not have buckled down for it. Saying this doesn’t imply that I am apathetic. This is simply to imply that nobody would snatch the chance in the event that it introduces itself.

In conclusion, I will place the remainder of that cash in a fixed store account so I will actually want to utilize it in the future to begin a business and make more huge number of dollars. Interestingly, it will procure interest and that would prove to be useful as well.

FAQ’s on If I Had A Million Dollars Essay

Question 1. What if I had million dollars?

Answer: There are different ideas and plans that come into our minds when we speak about money. If I get a million dollars, I would be planning for better education, ensuring to get a house for my parents, donating some amount for charity, helping poor and needy with that money, helping my family to meet their needs, and also save some money for the sake of future.

Question 2. How can one get a million dollars?

Answer: Getting a million dollars is not easy. A person has to get a high profile job to save a lot of money, even then it will take a lot of time to earn such a bulk amount of money. But few people with a business mind can make this money with their ideas and efforts somewhat quickly.

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