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How to Make a Circle Diagram + 10 Customizable Templates

How to Make a Circle Diagram + 10 Customizable Templates

Written by: Raja Mandal

How to Make a Circle Diagram + 10 Customizable Templates

Creating a circle diagram can be challenging—especially if you are a non-designer. There are many things to consider, from correctly positioning the elements to choosing legible fonts. But with the right tools and a little practice, you can make an effective circular diagram in no time.

The right tools that we're talking about are Visme's customizable circle diagram templates . And, to help you practice and create your own, we've developed this comprehensive guide.

So, let's see how to do it!

Table of Contents

What is a circular diagram, when to use a circle diagram, circle diagram vs. pie chart, how to make a circular diagram, 10 best circular diagram templates to make your own.

  • Circle diagrams are one of the best data visualization tools for communicating information simply, clearly and effectively.
  • A circle diagram is a visual representation of information in the form of a circle or oval. They are perfect for showing how parts work together, such as in business processes or supply chain management.
  • Some use cases of circle diagrams are: showing relationships between different entities, explaining the various steps of a process and showing overlapping relationships.
  • Circle diagrams are similar to pie charts in that they divide a whole into parts. But, they are different in that circle diagrams use circles to show the relationship of one entity to another. Circle diagrams can also replace pie charts if you want to avoid their perceived limitations or need more flexibility in presenting data.
  • Creating a circle diagram is easier than you think with Visme's templates. Gather your data, choose the right template, edit it using Visme's drag-and-drop editor and download it once you're happy with the design.
  • From product launching and marketing campaigns to design thinking and business incubation, Visme features a template for every use case. Browse through the template library to find the perfect one.

A circular diagram is a type of graphic that displays information in the form of a circle or an ellipse. It's typically used to show relationships between concepts, such as cause and effect, time sequencing or hierarchical organization.

The diagram consists of a central core and concentric circles representing different information levels—the outermost circle is the highest level and gets progressively smaller as you move inward. Each circle can have its own color, size and shape. The first circle is usually bigger than the rest, but you don't need to follow this rule; it depends on what makes sense for your data set.

You can also use a circular diagram to represent hierarchies, such as a company's organizational chart or an ecosystem with species on different levels.

Though a circle diagram is trendy and cutting-edge, there are other ways to present all kinds of data. So, to help you decide whether you need a circle diagram or not, here are some scenarios when they're helpful:

Explain the Different Steps of a Process

A circle diagram is a perfect tool if you want to present the different steps of a process in an easy-to-understand way. You can show how each step connects to others and what happens when done in a particular order.

Circle diagrams are popular in project management and software development workshops. For example, if your company is creating a new product, you might need to show how it goes from idea to final product just like the template below.

Waterfall Process Circle Diagram

Show Relationships Between Entities

Circle diagrams are also helpful for showing relationships between entities. You can use them to show how one entity relates to another, whether a physical object or a person—for example, a diagram showing the relationship between different departments in your company and how they interact.

Below is an example circle diagram template that explains it. The large circle in the middle is connected to five other secondary circles, each of which has a relationship with more or less three different elements.

SaaS Circle Diagram

Show Overlapping Relationships

You can use a circle diagram to show how two or more sets of data overlap. This means that all sets share some data, but not all of them.

For example, let’s say you want to show how multiple categories of books relate. You can show the overlapping circles using different colors or shades for each circle. You can also create your own custom shapes for the circles by using templates like those available on Visme.

So, in the example below, the outer circle is "Plan," the parent category of all the other circles. The other circles are "Do," "Check," and "Act." These three circles have a relationship with each other and the parent circle, as seen by their overlapping areas in different colors.

Problem Solving Cycle Circle Diagram

This was just the tip of the iceberg; countless other use cases of a circle diagram exist.

Circle diagrams are similar to pie charts in that they show how a whole is divided into parts. However, circle diagrams are different from pie charts in the following ways:

1. Purpose : A circle diagram visually represents concepts or ideas, while a pie chart presents data and information.

2. Composition: Circle diagrams often use symbols, images and illustrations to convey information, while pie charts primarily use numerical data and graphs to represent information.

3. Number of Sections: Pie charts are limited to showing data with only a few categories, typically 2 to 7, while circle diagrams can display many more categories.

4. Labeling: In a circle diagram, data may be labeled around the circle's circumference, while in a pie chart, the data is usually represented by labeling each segment or with a legend.

5. Interactivity: A circle diagram is more interactive, as users can hover over different sections for more information, whereas a pie chart is typically a static image.

Despite their differences, circle diagrams and pie charts have similar purposes: to convey information. And the list above doesn't prove one is better than the other. Both can be extremely useful in data visualization for different purposes.

So, here is a visual representation of the differences between a pie chart and a circle diagram.

Circle Diagram vs. Pie Chart

We have already discussed when you should use a circle diagram. Read this guide on when to use a circle graph to know the use case of a pie chart.

The major drawback of data visualization tools like circle diagrams is that they are challenging to create–especially if you are not a designer. However, with a little effort and the right tools like Visme, you can create your own circle diagram that clearly displays your data.

Now that you know what a circle diagram is and how to use one in your work, we will show you how easy it is to create a circle diagram using Visme's free circle diagram template .

Ready to see the results? Follow the seven steps below to create your circle diagram in minutes.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

Step 1: Gather Your Data

The shape, size and overall design of a circle diagram heavily rely on the amount of data you want to include. Therefore, start your design process by gathering all the data you want to visualize.

This can include numbers, statistics and processes to your opinions and feelings. The more information you have about the topic, the clearer and more accurate your circle diagram will be.

For this example, we will explain the process of creating a circle diagram using a circle diagram.

Step 2: Choose a Circle Diagram Template

Creating a circle diagram from scratch can be difficult and time-consuming. Using a template is the best way to start. Once you have gathered all of your data, it's time to choose a circle diagram template from Visme's extensive library.

Many templates are available for you to use with various topics and themes. The choice is up to you!

For this example, we will use this Problem-Solving Cycle Circle Diagram Template to help you understand how to customize your template better.

Step 3: Include the Text in Your Circle Diagram

Now that you have chosen your template, it's time to add the text. Make sure that all the circles are positioned where you want them to be on your diagram. Click on each circle to add text inside of them.

You can type your text manually or copy and paste your own text. Additionally, you can add text blocks to add more information to your diagram.

To customize your text and create a visual hierarchy , you can change the size, color and type of the fonts you choose. Also, you can try different font combinations already available in Visme.

Step 4: Use Colors to Differentiate the Data

To make your diagram more precise, you can use colors to differentiate between the data points. The template we are using already has different colors in each circle. This adds more clarity to the design and makes each step stand out.

Select the circles you want to change the color of and use Visme's color dropper tool to change them. You can choose from the color presets, your saved palettes, or a custom color using the color wheel or typing a hex code.

Step 5: Add the Necessary Design Elements

Depending on the type of diagram you are creating, you may need to add other elements. For example, if your data represents different types of people or organizations, you can add labels in the circles with their names.

Here is a different circle diagram template that includes arrows, lines, icons and other elements.

Sales Cycle Circle Diagram

In addition, you can add additional design elements to make your diagram more visually appealing. For example, you can add icons or images to represent different concepts. With Visme, you get access to thousands of icons, illustrations, 3D graphics, high-quality images and more.

Step 6: Involve Your Team in the Process

Once you’re done with the design, share the final product with your team. Ask them to provide feedback on what could be improved and what they would like to see in future versions of your diagram. They may come up with new ideas or suggestions to help improve your process.

And don't worry about the collaboration challenges people face while working on a design project. Visme's collaboration features make it super easy to share your design with team members, get feedback and make changes on the go.

Anyone from your team members can get access to your design and pin, circle, point or draw any part of the design and review, respond and resolve comments. The tool also offers live editing features that help them make changes to the design.

Read this article about collaborative design  or watch the video below to learn more about it.

problem solving circular template

Step 7: Download, Share or Publish Your Circle Diagram

Now that you have a stunning circle diagram ready to use, you can download, share or publish it from Visme.

Click on the "Download" button on the top right corner of the Visme editor to download the diagram as a high-quality JPG, PNG or PDF file.

You can also share your design on social media or embed it in an external website using the "Share" button beside the "Download" button. To publish your circle diagram online, click on "Publish" and choose your preferred social media channels to publish it.

Click the “Embed” button on the popup window to generate a code to embed your design anywhere on the web.

So, here is the final result that we get after customizing the template.

Pro Tip: Make Your Circle Diagram Interactive

You can easily turn your circle diagram into a clickable and interactive one by adding links, videos and other multimedia elements.

Visme allows you to add hover effects, links, pop-ups, buttons and even embedded content to your circle diagram. This is especially useful if you want to share or present the diagram online and add additional information. Viewers can click on the data points to view additional content or visit an external webpage.

Also, you can animate any part of your template for an extra layer of creativity. Select any object in the template and add exit and enter animation effects.

By now, you should've learned to create a circle diagram using Visme's templates and tools. Below are the ten best circular diagram templates you can choose according to your needs. All the templates are fully customizable and free to download from Visme.

1. Design Thinking Circle Diagram Template

Let's start with this Design Thinking Circle Diagram Template. This type of circle diagram is also called a stacked Venn diagram. The template includes three different categories: understand, explore and materialize.

The template creates an easy way to present your ideas visually and you can use it in meetings and workshops when brainstorming complex issues. It’s great for capturing creative thoughts or organizing them before moving forward with your project.

You can use this or other venn diagram templates for any industry, but it’s especially useful for designers and illustrators.

Design Thinking Circle Diagram

2. Sales Cycle Circle Diagram Template

This diagram is based on a traditional 8-step sales cycle. The template is easy to use and works perfectly for any business owner who wants a better understanding of their sales process. It will help you visualize the whole process from start to finish.

You will be able to identify where in the cycle you have problems and opportunities, so you can take action to improve. It's beneficial if your sales process spans different teams or departments because it can help you pinpoint which areas are performing well—or not—compared to others.

Business Incubation Circle Diagram

3. Waterfall Process Circle Diagram Template

This template is perfect for representing the stages of a process simply and elegantly. It helps visualize the process early on in a project, from start to finish, so everyone can understand what they will do and when they will do it.

The vector icons to represent each step, the use of different colors and the additional 3D icons—everything about this template creates a visual hierarchy.

The template is ideal for project management teams who want to ensure that each step of the process is clearly defined.

4. Problem-Solving Cycle Circle Diagram Template

This circle diagram template is designed to provide a visual representation of the problem-solving cycle. It offers an accessible and easy way to share critical concepts such as brainstorming, solution development, testing, evaluation and refinement.

The small circles in the template represent the steps in the cycle and the four ellipses show each step's sub-steps. The circles are color-coded to make it easier for the viewer to differentiate between steps, sub-steps and other important elements.

Use this template to brainstorm solutions, develop an action plan and evaluate your progress.

5. Product Launch Circle Diagram Template

Are you planning to launch a product and need a template to help you organize your thoughts? This product launch circle diagram is a simple way to visualize the different components of your plan.

Use it to outline the key steps in your launch, such as marketing and sales activities. It also makes it easier for others to understand how everything fits together.

This template is ideal for marketing managers and business owners who want to demonstrate how their marketing strategy will increase awareness, interest, excitement and demand for their product launch.

Product Launch Circle Diagram

6. Machine Learning Circle Diagram Template

The machine learning circle diagram template helps you plan, document and describe the steps for building a machine learning model. All the steps are clearly defined, from collecting data and creating the model to testing it and predicting its use cases.

The steps are color-coded and organized logically for easy understanding and reference. This template is suitable for data scientists and machine learning experts who want to share their work process with others while they create a model.

Machine Learning Circle Diagram

7. Marketing Campaign Circle Diagram Template

Similar to the machine learning template, the marketing campaign circle diagram template helps you visualize and document the steps of your marketing campaign.

The template includes all the necessary information to plan a successful marketing strategy, including the target audience, creating content and analyzing the results.

The template is easy to use and can be customized to suit your needs. It’s also an excellent resource for marketing professionals who want to share their work process with others while creating a marketing campaign.

Marketing Campaign Circle Diagram

8. SaaS Circle Diagram Template

Do you need a holistic view of what it takes to run a SaaS business? Or, maybe you have a solid SaaS business idea and want your team to understand how it will fit together.

This SaaS circle diagram template is a great way to visualize your business model and gain clarity about what needs to happen next. It includes all the major components of a SaaS business and makes it easy for everyone on your team to understand how each piece fits into the bigger picture.

9. Digital Policy Circle Diagram Template

This circle diagram template clearly defines the five stages of the policy cycle. The policy cycle is one of the key concepts of policy analysis and describes how policies are made and implemented.

The template will help you visualize all the steps in the policy cycle, from problem definition through implementation. It also allows you to identify the stakeholders and their influence in creating a new policy.

The template is a great tool for educating your team on how the policy cycle works and it’s especially helpful if you have a new member who needs to get up to speed quickly.

Digital Policy Circle Diagram

10. Business Incubation Circle Diagram Template

Have a startup or early-stage business model in mind? So, what's next? How do you get it off the ground? What are some key steps you need to take?

This business incubation circle diagram template will help. It's a great tool for educating your team on how the business incubation cycle works, and you can use it to identify the key steps you need to take to get your new venture off the ground.

From ideation and brainstorming to validating the idea and growing business, this diagram explains everything in a simple and easy-to-understand way. It's a great resource in your arsenal, especially if you're new to business or just starting in the startup world.

Never Create a Boring Diagram Again with Visme

Data visualization tools like charts, graphs and diagrams are powerful tools in many fields, including research, business and marketing. But this doesn't necessarily mean that they have to be boring.

You may have found a lot of circle diagrams on the internet that are either too basic or poorly designed or sometimes both. With Visme, you can easily create various data visualization tools that are aesthetically pleasing and functional. As an online tool, it's easy to use without downloading anything or installing it on your computer.

Choose a circle diagram template from Visme's library, customize it using the drag-and-drop editor and download your design. Sign up to create professional diagrams with Visme's online diagram maker .

Create effective circle diagrams stock pitch in minutes without prior design skills

problem solving circular template

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About the Author

Raja Antony Mandal is a Content Writer at Visme. He can quickly adapt to different writing styles, possess strong research skills, and know SEO fundamentals. Raja wants to share valuable information with his audience by telling captivating stories in his articles. He wants to travel and party a lot on the weekends, but his guitar, drum set, and volleyball court don’t let him.

problem solving circular template

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A segmented diagram can get pretty messy with a boring structure and many values. That is where a circular diagram comes in. It depicts the value of different items by allotting each in a dedicated section.

Regardless of its name, a circular diagram has many real-life applications. It is used in business and economic sectors to categorize resources evenly with their percentages. So, how can you draw it? The easiest and most effective way is via a circle diagram template . That’s why this guide will provide you with 10 typical examples from the templates community of EdrawMax and how to use them.

In this article

  • 10 Free Editable Circular Diagram Templates
  • How to Make Such a Circular Diagram within Minutes?
  • Why Choose EdrawMax for Making Circular Diagrams?

Part 1. 10 Free Editable Circular Diagram Templates

An editable circular diagram template in EdrawMax can make things quicker and simpler. It takes the burden of drawing from scratch. All you need now is to make the modifications according to your requirements. Then, you can save the file as your own!

Here are the 10 best free circle diagram templates in EdrawMax you should know:

1. Circular Framework for Decision-Making Process

Circular Framework for Decision-Making Process

Struggling to make tough decisions? Here is the template that will help you by providing a complete decision-making framework. You can even implement it in your business to make informed decisions.

This diagram has everything from identifying the problem and gathering information to weighing evidence and taking action. Thus, it is a complete solution for your personal and professional decisions.

Another benefit of this free circular diagram template is that it has graphical elements and different colors. As a result, it looks engaging and visually-appealing.

2. Circular Organizational Chart

Circular Organizational Chart

An organizational chart, or org chart, represents the employees’ roles, responsibilities, and relationships in a single entity. It showcases the avatars, names, and roles of each individual. The bigger circles represent a major role, while the smaller ones show junior employees.

Creating org charts is a no-brainer, but this circular template further eases if you are a newbie. It is completely editable, so you can easily edit it according to your organization requirements.

3. Holistically Developed Learners

Holistically Developed Learners

This circular flow diagram template claims that all the developed learners are interconnected. The best part about it is the variety of colors. Each segment is categorized with a different shade. This template can be useful for academics and learners with a few quick edits.

4. Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle

Thanks to this circle flow chart template, highlighting a product’s life cycle has never been this easier. It highlights everything from the beginning to the decline of a product’s lifespan. As you may expect, each section has a different color. You can use this diagram for other applications by changing the text in the middle and editing the template according to your needs.

5. Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Do you want to create the perfect brand strategy to increase its revenue and popularity? This template can help you with its insights. The template covers crucial points, such as market analysis, brand value, management, communication, and product positioning. As a result, you can craft the ideal plan to uplift your business and its operations.

6. Circular Organizational Chart for Business

Circular Organizational Chart for Business

A business’ organizational chart can be complex, considering its large workforce. This template can come in handy with its colorful and wisely-crafted segments. The best part is that each shade represents a different department. Along with the circle, the template also defines the levels of its employees.

7. Content Marketing Cycle

Content Marketing Cycle

Every company has a marketing section, regardless of its category. Thus, this editable circular diagram template is suitable for all businesses. It includes the integral marketing phases, like promotion, content creation, and evaluation.

8. Brand Communication

Brand Communication

Good communication can lead to success in business. This diagram template emphasizes this point with its brand communication theme. It contains heavy topics, like brand awareness, presentation, innovation, and development, in neutral color segments.

9. Circular Process Flow Diagram

Circular Process Flow Diagram

A process flow diagram can be good for tracking the performance of a project. Similarly, this template divides the circles into time portions. Each segment’s size is allotted based on its hours. You can easily customize this template with a few changes to fit your needs.

10. Government Circular Flow Diagram

Government Circular Flow Diagram

Last but not least, this template represents the framework of government. It also creates relationships of the main topic with households, businesses, and the resource market. From net taxes to expenditures, this diagram covers all essential points.

Part 2. How to Make Such a Circular Diagram within Minutes?

Now if you also want to make such an informative diagram like those above or further customize them, you will need a diagram maker like EdrawMax , which offers a wide range of templates for all types of diagrams. You can easily get started by editing these free examples.

First, download and install EdrawMax. It is available across major platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. After installing, sign in with your social credentials or create a new Wondershare account for free.

Once done, here’s how to edit and customize a circle diagram template in EdrawMax:

Click Basic to expand the section. Once inside, select Basic Diagrams and Circular Diagram from the main screen.


Now, click More Templates under the Circular Diagram section.


Scroll down to find a suitable template. For this guide, let’s work with the Evolution Circular Diagram , presented as the first option. Click Use Immediately on the proposed template to open it.


Next, double-click the title to change it. Let’s edit this template to make it a problem-solving diagram. We can also change its font, style, color, and size.


Similarly, edit the center text. Change the text for each section by double-clicking it. You can also change the color and spacing of each segment.


Finalize the circle diagram template by making necessary edits.


Go to the File button at the top-left corner. Click Save As or Export to save the file on your device.

Part 3. Why Choose EdrawMax for Making Circular Diagrams?

EdrawMax is an all-in-solution for circular diagramming. With an intuitive interface and tons of ready-made templates, it is user-friendly to both beginners and pros. What’s best? You could try it online for free, you can start working today. If that does not sound good enough, here are more reasons to give it a shot:

1. Library of Templates

EdrawMax’s templates community offers 15,000 templates in total. The best part is that every free circular diagram template provides value to the user. That means you will find personal and business-centric templates for different purposes.

2. Ease of Use

EdrawMax is one of the most user-friendly drawing applications. It can suit beginners and experienced users alike. That’s due to the app’s straightforward drag-and-drop framework and easy UI.

3. Graphical Elements

EdrawMax makes visualization easier with its 26,000+ symbols. These elements can seamlessly be added to your diagrams. As a result, they help create more engaging and visually-attractive illustrations.

4. AI Features

From one-click diagram generation to diagram analysis and the chatbot, Edraw AI is here to help boost your diagramming efficiency.

5. Import/Export Support

EdrawMax supports a wide range of formats for both import and export options. You can easily integrate a circular diagram PowerPoint template or other formats into your creations. Similarly, you can choose the desired file extension when saving your work.

6. Collaboration and Teamwork

Do you want to work with your team members on a single project? You can do so with EdrawMax’s collaboration features that allow users to invite people in a project. You can also directly share your project with others via email and social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

7. Colorful and Vibrant

A circular diagram with no or fewer colors will not be engaging. EdrawMax enables users to create vibrant and eye-catching illustrations. The app has various color themes, styles, and customization options.

More often than not, a circle diagram template can be a quick way to get started for you to diagram, saving you from the confusion of drawing from scratch. It is also a great method to find inspiration. With a few modifications here and there, you can make that template your own circular diagram. Follow the steps introduced in the article to make one with EdrawMax or customize the templates to better suit your needs.

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