
Capco Mock Interview

To help you prepare for a Capco job interview, here are 35 interview questions and answer examples.

Capco was updated by Kevin Downey on November 23rd, 2022. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 35

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What You Need to Know

Entry level example, experienced example.

This question serves several purposes. By getting you out of interview mode, this seemingly fun question may offer insights into your personality. Additionally, your interviewer stands to gain further insight into your cultural competence by understanding how well-traveled you are and how many other cultures you've been immersed in. Lastly, your answer could tell them how aware you are of their other global office locations and your interest in working in, or visiting, one of those other locations. Familiarize yourself with those locations, and be sure to mention if you've visited any of those countries. It may also be worthwhile to mention any other languages you speak if you haven't offered this information already.

"I haven't done nearly as much travel as I'd like to. But I've always dreamt of visiting the U.K., especially London. As I understand it, Capco is headquartered in London. I learned the company was founded in Belgium after its rebranding in 2001. How did the headquarters end up in London?"

"I spent some time backpacking through Nepal. My wife and I originally intended to travel to India but changed course and traveled to Nepal instead since it effectively housed those from India, thanks to its open border and Tibetans. This allowed us to experience a more diverse cultural immersion experience, which is what we were after. However, we both very badly still want to visit India. Especially the region surrounding Mumbai."

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35 Capco Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Capco interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

Table of Contents

  • 1.   Behavioral Questions
  • 2.   Career Goals Questions
  • 3.   Communication Questions
  • 4.   Compatibility Questions
  • 5.   Conflict Questions
  • 6.   Creative Thinking Questions
  • 7.   Customer Service Questions
  • 8.   Diligence Questions
  • 9.   Diversity Questions
  • 10.   Education Questions
  • 11.   EQ Questions
  • 12.   Experience Questions
  • 13.   Job Satisfaction Questions
  • 14.   Leadership Questions
  • 15.   Performance Based Questions
  • 16.   Problem Solving Questions
  • 17.   Teamwork Questions

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Written by Kevin Downey on November 23rd, 2022

2. How do you exercise logic?

We define logic as a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something. Logical thinkers will use formal processes when reasoning and mulling over a plan of action. The interviewer would like to know that you can exercise logic and good judgment. Your projects as a management consultant will be based primarily on logical thinking and data analysis. Capco places a lot of value on "strategic, critical thinking and communication skills to effectively collaborate with clients and co-workers." Use this opportunity to showcase your talents and how your approach would uniquely benefit Capco's teams and clientele.

"I exercise logic every day, and my reasoning skills are strong. I learned and implemented several formal processes in university, including studying prior case studies to come to logical conclusions in tougher situations. I consider myself resourceful and would like to expand my skills with Capco. I'd love to learn more hands-on skills in the Associate Training Program, especially with what Capco's classroom and interactive training has to offer."

Answer Example

"Logical thinking is all about putting the pieces together. I do a lot of IQ and mental exercises in my spare time. The activities seem fun, but they also help me refine my logic and reasoning skills. I am always evaluating everything, trying to identify every growth opportunity and look at everything from the viewpoint of water. Water will always take the path of least resistance. Logic should flow like water. I have trained myself to think in conditional statements so that my brain automatically searches for the logic in any situation."

Career Goals

3. Would you be willing to relocate or travel for work?

With over thirty office locations in over twenty countries, there may be opportunities to expand your skills and further your career in one of their other branches. Thoroughly explore the job expectations before your interview to determine whether travel is a job requirement. It is always best to be honest rather than set up false expectations. You want this job to be as much of a good fit for you as you are for them. So explore whether this is conducive to your goals. It is also acceptable to not close the door on this question and explain you'd like to explore this further before committing one way or the other.

"As I understood it, the ATP is offered globally, so the Associate Training Program was at this branch. But, if required, I would be willing to travel anywhere. Can you tell me more about the expectations surrounding this and what it looks like?"

"I am looking for a long-term career opportunity with the benefit of rapid career advancement. I would be willing to do whatever it took to foster a mutually beneficial relationship."

4. Where are you hoping to take your career over the next five years?

Share with your interviewer some of the details of your five-year career plan. If your career plan is outdated, draft an updated plan, adjusting your time frames based on how far you've come and a realistic career progression aligned with what is possible within Capco. Familiarize yourself with what Capco calls their "Career Path Performance Driven Progression," which follows these eight stages; Associate, Consultant, Senior Consultant, Principal Consultant, Managing Principal, Executive Director, Associate Partner, Partner. Most importantly, assure your interviewer that you are a career-focused professional that would enjoy a long-term career relationship with Capco if granted the opportunity.

"I recently revised my career plan after completing my degree from grad school. I have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, strong verbal and written communication skills, am fully versed in the Microsoft Office suite, am passionate about my work, and am very interested in working in consulting and the financial services industry with Capco. Over the next five years, If I were lucky enough to be rewarded the opportunity, I'd look forward to completing the ATP, moving into hand's-on work experience with a client, and from there, working my way up to associate and, hopefully, consultant."

"If I were honored with this position, I would work hard for every client, doing my best to represent the brand as an ambassador of Capco. Over the next five years, after delivering above and beyond, I'd like to work my way up from Senior Consultant to Principal Consultant in two years and Managing Principal in five."

5. How can Capco motivate you?

Why the interviewer asks this question.

Every employer should know what motivates their staff. Capco knows motivation contributes to employee tenure and productivity. Research the company and what Capco has to offer you. You'll need to explore the language of their various job postings to find their appropriate keywords, key phrases, and unique talking points. When talking to the interviewer about what motivates you in your job search or career, align your motivators with what they have to offer. This will communicate that you are invested in pursuing this opportunity with them, as opposed to finding any job anywhere that you are qualified for.

Capco offers "a work culture focused on innovation and building lasting value for our clients and employees. Ongoing learning opportunities to help you acquire new skills or deepen existing expertise. A flat, non-hierarchical structure that will enable you to work with senior partners and directly with clients. A diverse, inclusive, meritocratic culture. Enhanced and competitive family-friendly benefits, including maternity, adoption, or shared parental leave, and paid leave for sickness, pregnancy loss, fertility treatment, menopause, and bereavement." Here are some suggestions for common motivators: - Incentive programs where points are earned - Showing complete trust in your work and performance - Setting smaller, more achievable goals - Helping you to find your higher career purpose - Being a positive example to you - Maintaining an open and transparent workplace - Personalized incentives vs. team-driven incentives - Getting to know you on a personal level - Positive feedback-based rewards system - Offering a stable work/life balance by encouraging time off - Letting you know your voice matters - Allowing you to take the lead on projects that excite you - Handing out big-picture projects so you feel you are contributing to the company's future - Public recognition

"Thank you for asking! I appreciate that Capco cares about employee motivation levels. I am best motivated through words of praise and recognition for a job well done. My current manager motivates me by reminding me that she has full faith in my work. Those words boost my confidence and feed my fire, especially on more challenging client projects. I like to know that my efforts are noticed. In my current position, we have a team leaderboard, and I like that concept because it creates healthy competition."

"One of the aspects of Capco's employee culture that was most appealing to me was the fact that you are assigned a leadership mentor, or coach, that guides you through your career with Capco. I pride myself on my ability to coach and have always tried to help further along the goals of those who are less experienced than I am. So this is a great motivator for me."


6. Why do companies need consultants?

This question centers around the value proposition you would offer as a Brand Ambassador of Capco. A value proposition is the innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers. As Capco says on their job board, as a consultant, "you will be required to work on-site to deliver change initiatives for leading clients, understand the client business model, analyze challenges and help arrive at innovative solutions to overcome their business problems." So be prepared to deliver a value proposition that would highlight the value of what you have to offer their clients.

Here is another statement from their site where they describe briefly what they offer their clients; "Capco Consulting combines industry innovation and technology solutions with deep domain, regulatory and consulting expertise to solve complex business challenges. Our global, cross-functional teams collaborate with clients to develop tailored solutions across strategy, design, and end-to-end delivery."

"Companies may have pain points due to differing opinions in the c-suite. Some companies just need an outside perspective when it comes to processes and spending. Others may want to scale but don't understand how to do so. They may also have antiquated processes, but no internal employee is knowledgeable enough to change that."

"I believe every company needs a consultant group at any stage. If you are determined to succeed, you should never take any individual success for granted, and discovery should always be the aim of achieving further success. This means taking advantage of every tool within reach. One of those is recruiting the help of a specialist, and the most invested will take that step and hire one. This is where consultants can lend that outside perspective, leading to discovery, which will open the doors to several previously untapped avenues of success."

7. What are the components of a successful and effective presentation?

In the management consulting industry, there is a high likelihood that you will be required to give presentations to your clients or group. This question further explores your communication skills. It tests how well you communicate in written form or through visuals and how effectively you capture the attention of your audience and retain it. Do your research online on the elements of a successful presentation. Also, familiarize yourself with some of the innovations Capco offers, including Augmented Reality in their presentations and other multimedia tools.

Many factors make a successful presentation. Some include thorough preparation and understanding of your audience, utilizing the art of storytelling and developing a compelling hook and a story-like structure, engaging your audience by using relatable terms and jargon, having a clear and transparent objective and agenda with clear and effective delivery, and introducing multimedia or other visuals to capture and retain their attention.

"I've given many presentations in the past. I pride myself on my verbal and written communication skills. I took several marketing courses and understand what kind of design can effectively capture an audience's attention. I do this with thorough preparation, making the purpose of the presentation clear and keeping it simple to retain their attention while using visual aids. I am straightforward and try to engage the audience by regularly engaging them and keeping it conversational."

"In my consulting career, I present pitches to my clients regularly. I've found when I start with a story, provide some facts, and end with how those facts pertain to the story, I can capture and retain the attention of my audience. You want to make it relatable. Everyone loves a great story, especially one that is relatable to their personal or professional situation and addresses their interests and pain points. You must also back up your facts with compelling data, percentages, numbers, and results. By following these points, you make your audience feel as if they are stakeholders, suddenly invested in what you have to offer."

8. Do you consider yourself a persuasive person?

This is another test of your communication skills and your skill level as a consultant. You need to convince your interviewer that you are skilled in this regard. Part of being an excellent consultant is also harnessing the power of persuasion when necessary. You'll work with many clients who may be emotionally attached to their way of doing things and have doubts or reservations about the approach you'd offer. One of Capco's core values is integrity, and they state, "Transparency, openness, and honesty are critical to enhancing and maintaining the trust of clients, employees, and partners."

"I consider myself a persuasive person. Persuasion is a necessary tool in management consulting methods. I persuade others by displaying how my approach could benefit their business and bottom line. It's important to lay out the intentions of any suggested change and then express the importance of those changes. I help my clients understand the logic behind our group's recommendations. So my approach is not sly or combative in any way."

"Persuasion is an interesting word that often seems to have a deceitful connotation. I would rather say that I am effective at getting my clients to see the logic and benefit of our approach. I try to display the utmost integrity to gain and retain their trust. If I detect any resistance, I will exhibit calm and emotional intelligence, taking advantage of my strong communication skills and asking questions to see what triggered their reservations or fear. I will then be as transparent as possible to bring them around to my point of view. I call it sharing the telescope. Some consultants hog the telescope, playing captain. I am more democratic in my approach, being open and honest every step of the way. I share the telescope, show them what they are looking at on the horizon, and share the path I've charted so that they, too, understand how we will all get there."

9. How would you explain management consulting to someone unfamiliar with it?

When working for a company, you are effectively a representative of their organization, or as Capco calls it, a "Brand Ambassador." Consider this question an opportunity to showcase your communication skills and how adeptly you'd represent their brand by communicating as succinctly as possible what management consulting is in a way that compliments Capco's language and values. Preparing and memorizing this will make you sound confident and focused on your career path.

Here are a few key statements from Capco's career page and job postings; "Capco is a global technology and business consultancy, focused on the financial services sector. Working with Capco and being a Consultant you will be required to understand the client business model, analyze challenges and help arrive at innovative solutions to overcome their business problems. You will be playing a key role in the delivery of projects, working on the client site to deliver change initiatives for leading clients. We are passionate about helping our clients succeed in an ever-changing industry. "

"Management consulting is best described as a group of people who help businesses answer tough questions surrounding their operations, strategy, and profits."

"I explain management consultants as people who help businesses clarify their operations and strategy. We help businesses of all kinds max out their profitability. We implement solutions and technology to help our clients do what they do best but better."


10. What do you believe is the most important service we offer at Capco?

Before your interview, comb through the Capco website and explore their digital services and offerings, consulting services and offerings, and technology services and offerings. Looking at this question from a client's point of view, and your industry experience, volunteer which services you feel seem to offer the most value, and express why they are significant.

From my research, I believe that much of your business comes from clients seeking cultural transformation and organizational development. The two go hand in hand, and it appears that Capco believes you cannot have one without the other. I appreciate that you stand firm on your ability to help your clients define the culture that will deliver their best organizational strategy.

What stands out the most to me is your team's expertise in strategic workforce planning. When you can optimize a client's workforce and introduce them to cutting-edge tech in their industry, you can change their profitability exponentially. I agree with the statement on your website that agile organizations use strategic workforce planning to stand out from the competition.

11. What informal or more personable techniques do you employ to connect with your clients while on the job?

This question serves several purposes. It helps your interviewer get to know you. It allows you to showcase the interpersonal skills you'd employ while on the job. Lastly, it informs the interviewer of your professionalism and how that would play into your serving as a Brand Ambassador for Capco. As they state in their charter, "Demonstrate collegiate behavior, collaborate openly and share knowledge, ideas, and information appropriately."

"Well, just about everyone is an animal person. So, I typically will ask if someone is a dog or a cat person. This can give me some perspective on their personality. I have cats and dogs, so I am universal in that regard and can connect with just about anyone."

"You want to build relationships. There has to be an exchange for people to trust you with who you are. I have sharp attention to detail, so when I start with a client, I ask to meet them at the offices where I'll be working to do a walkthrough during their off hours. If they feel okay with it, I'll briefly gaze over everyone's workstations and observe. You might notice a photo of one person fishing or an employee's kids in little league. I'll try to find any interest point I can connect with them on. Whenever that is lacking, I'll try to offer something relatable or interesting about myself. Keep it professional, but be personable as well. If I'm lucky, we'll be golfing or jogging together in a few weeks."

12. Capco primarily works with clients in the finance industry. Which of our clients' finance industries interests you the most?

Before your interview, you should have a thorough idea of the clients that Capco takes on. Although they have a dedicated energy division, they primarily work in these finance industries - banking and payments, capital markets, and wealth and asset management. Be prepared to list the related client industries in which you have worked. Show the interviewer that you have experience in the same sectors, which will build their confidence in your abilities to jump in with their clients immediately.

"When researching Capco, I saw that most of your clients are in finance, with a department dedicated to energy. I have a special interest in finance clients, particularly. While attending university, I majored in finance with a heavy focus on banking and payments, especially concerning contactless payment systems, so it's a solid area for me."

"My industry expertise is in wealth and asset management. When I saw that you were hiring, particularly for your clients in the wealth and asset management sector, I knew I had to apply. I am highly confident working in this sector and look forward to learning about the other clients you take on at Capco."

13. Who are our clients at Capco?

Capco has a growing client portfolio comprising over 100 global organizations. Before your interview, you must fully understand the industries and clients that Capco serves. Even though they advertise that they are "a global management consultancy with a focus on financial services including banking and payments, capital markets, and wealth and asset management," go deeper with your research. Consider this an opportunity to advertise an above-and-beyond work ethic by reading up on recent media concerning Capco and its clients. There is even a wealth of articles and press releases on their site. If you have worked with similar clients in the past, mention it.

"Capco has an impressive client portfolio of over 100 global companies, many of which are Fortune 500. They primarily focus on financial services industries, including Banking and Payments, Capital Markets, Wealth and Asset Manage, Insurance, and Energy."

"Through my research, I saw that Capco serves over 76% of Fortune 100 companies and more than 92% of Fortune 500 companies. I also understand that your clients primarily serve industries with a division that serves the energy sector, primarily transitioning to renewable energy. My current client portfolio is with smaller companies with between 500 and 1000 employees. However, the bulk of my experience is in the energy sector, and I hope to make an impact in that area while learning more about your client scope."

14. Who are the biggest competitors of Capco, and how do we stand out from the rest?

Many management consulting firms specialize in finance, from solo-run consultancies to the biggest agencies in the business. Before your interview, research the size of Capco, who their clients are, and who their direct competitors are. Explore their unique offerings and how they distinguish themselves from their competition. Once you have a stronger sense of these, offer your opinion on making them stand out.

"I'd say Accenture is one, and because of their financial services branch, I'd say Deloitte is another, but it would seem Capco joined Deloitte as a partner of InsurTech firm Instanda. I just read about that and found it very interesting. How does this affect the competition between the two?"

"There are a lot of other firms that have been around longer, and Capco is relatively young in comparison. But in my opinion, this younger, fresher perspective and Capco's unique culture set them apart from old-school firms like Orbium, OptumCare, or Cognizant. The messaging from Capco is the most consistent and has the greatest vision and direction. This consistency tells me that you can build better client relationships and foster greater innovation and that your consultants strive for greater growth here."

15. What is the most challenging client issue you have faced this year? How did you overcome the situation?

When the interviewer can understand your significant client pain points and how you overcame them, they can see the level of responsibilities you currently have. Walk the interviewer through how you overcame the hurdle with professionalism and poise. Exhibit your above-average communication, diplomacy, and negotiation skills, and explain how you effectively navigate conflict with emotional maturity, empathy, and active listening. If responded to correctly, this question will allow you to showcase how you already embrace the values Capco prides itself on.

Three of their core values are Integrity, Respect, and Commitment: "Transparency, openness, and honesty are critical to enhancing and maintaining the trust of clients, employees, and partners. We aim to act in a respectful and considerate manner with our clients and employees at all times through active listening to understand their needs and requirements, being respectful of diverse opinions and perspectives, and acting appropriately and empathically in daily interactions. We hold ourselves accountable when it comes to our goals and objectives. Our unwavering dedication to honouring our commitments inspires trust and confidence among our clients, employees and business partners."

"From what I understand from my hands-on training in university, the most challenging client profile is the defensive client. This client debates everything, speaks with authority without entertaining alternate approaches and solutions, and refuses to look at the hard data while bringing emotion into every conversation and process. I've been successful in my work scenarios by firmly yet professionally reminding the client their behavior will not yield results. I try to break down my approach with greater transparency and bring them into my outside perspective, getting them to recommit to our process before I proceed."

"I recently had a client who wanted to control every aspect of my work instead of being open to the process. He was very hands-on, which is great; however, he was not receptive to change. I held a one-on-one meeting with him to discuss the situation head-on. Professionally, I let him know that if he disallowed my process, he would not get the return he sought. The client apologized for the controlling behavior and gave me the room to work that I needed."

Creative Thinking

16. What steps do you take when researching a client's business model and analyzing their challenges?

A successful management consultant should be adeptly skilled at research. As a consultant, Capco will require you to understand their client's business model, adeptly analyze the challenges they face, and help them arrive at innovative solutions to overcome their business problems. Walk the interviewer through your process for researching a client's business model in their unique market and explain it to them in laymen's terms, avoiding industry jargon. Speak as succinctly and professionally as possible. Rehearse this beforehand if you need to.

"Whenever I've taken on a project, I'd find someone I know, trust, and admire in my network and ask for 30 minutes of their time. Essentially, I want to interview a subject matter expert. I uncover their best resources, build a strategy, and research thoroughly from there."

"I have strong research skills and a three-step process when learning about a new market or industry. First, I find what I can from reputable online resources. Next, I create a list of questions that need answering. Third, I source and subject matter expert from my network whom I can ask these questions. It's important to use a wide variety of reputable sources when conducting research and collecting findings."

Customer Service

17. As a management consultant, who is your ideal client?

In your career as a management consultant, you may have the opportunity to work with clients of varying company sizes, business models, strategic processes, company vision, and work cultures. Discuss the type of clients you most prefer working with, but express your willingness to excel in your field and rise to any challenge. Also, fully explore the type of clients that Capco works with. In your interview, you want to come across as flexible, able to adapt to the varying demands of their business, and willing to step outside of your comfort zone.

"I am new to the management consulting industry, so, at this point, my ideal client is one I can learn from, teach new things to, and collaborate with in a way where we both grow. Ideally, I'd prefer to work with clients who are open to working with someone with big ideas and great energy, regardless of being new to the industry. I see that Capco works with startup businesses in the SaaS industry, which is particularly interesting to me."

"My ideal clients are forward-thinking and do not recruit our services as a reaction or out of desperation. I prefer to work with those who are receptive to change and focused on scaling while never forgetting their roots and what their employees offer them. Those who bring us on to grow, not to catch back up and cling onto aspects of their business that they have emotional ties with that don't serve them well. The industries in which I am most interested in working are the finance, real estate, and investment realms. However, I have found excellent clients in every industry imaginable."

18. How do you keep up to date on the changes in our industry, from regulations to tech?

The interviewer would like to see that you invest the time needed to stay up-to-date on the latest in your industry. But this question also tests how familiar you are with the Capco Institute and their "multi-award-winning Journal of Financial Transformation and events that bring together leading thinkers from both academia and the industry." So make sure you read through their journals and be ready to discuss any topics they cover while also offering the resources you typically turn to. They want to ensure that all of their Brand Ambassadors are trusted resources for their clients.

Go further by showing that you consider anyone you share your current with as a potential client and that you will always represent their brand according to their core values, Integrity, Respect, Commitment, Excellence, and Knowledge. "We believe that knowledge is power, and that the expertise that we have accrued through our client engagements, and our employees' deep knowledge of the latest industry trends and best practices, help us deliver innovative solutions to our clients." Lastly, ask the interviewer about their favorite resources. This is a great way to get to know their preferences while potentially learning something new.

"It is worth mentioning that I've read through Capcos' journal and enjoyed what I found there. I use trusted and reputable sources for industry news, such as Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and McKinsey. When it comes to tech, I have a subscription to MIT Technology Review. If you have any recommendations, I am happy to hear them!"

"The resources I visit most include Tech Crunch and BCG Henderson Institute. I am keenly interested in the views and insights of other management consultants, so I follow the blog of other high-profile consultants, such as Tom Peters from McKinsey. Do you have any favorite resources I could check out? I genuinely enjoy learning and growing."

19. What have you done in the last few months to strengthen your professional network?

The interviewer would like to see how you go about networking and how plugged into your industry you are. This goes beyond actively reading and staying current with the happenings in your field. Whether you attend conferences and seminars, belong to local organizations, and make efforts to meet potential clients and business comrades, this question explores how career-focused you are and the degree to which you eat, drink, breathe and live your career. Whether you are just starting or established in your career, offer them insights into your ambition and the lengths you go to stay connected and promote yourself professionally.

"Networking is a huge component of gaining business, so I'm active in the online consultants' community. I recently started a LinkedIn group for Management Consultants in my city, and we will have our first meetup next month. I have also joined a consultants mastermind, where we meet once every quarter to share tools and resources and read up on client success stories, and I plan to keep focused on these activities in years to come."

"I am very focused on building my professional network. I am a big fan of traveling as a tax write-off, from Paris to Dubai, and I make every effort to attend every conference, tradeshow, and convention I can. For the past six months, I have also enjoyed membership at the local Chamber of Commerce."

20. How do you feel about working in a culturally diverse and inclusive environment?

This question allows your interviewer to observe your comfort level through your responses. How you respond could offer them insights into your cultural competence. Capco has a strong focus on fostering "an inclusive culture, rooted in openness, fair treatment and respect at work so each of us can 'Be Yourself at Work'" where you'll be expected to promote "a culture founded on respect for others at work, adopt a zero-tolerance standard in relation to any form of bullying or harassment at work and encourage staff to report to leadership any instances staff witness or experience."

"You may have noticed the car in the parking lot covered with equal rights activist stickers. That's mine. Everyone should be given fair wages, regardless of sex or background, and everyone should be given a fair chance. This is one of the reasons Capco is at the top of my list of places to work. Every other company could learn a lot from the merit-based systems Capco employs."

"I'd prefer to work in an inclusive environment--the more diverse and varied, the better. I want to work with and collaborate with the best of the best. Drawing from a small pool of people who share similar backgrounds leaves out a lot of the best, and very little is learned or gained."

21. Our best consultants continually grow and learn. What have you done to expand your knowledge in the past three months?

As they state on their site, "Growth is in our DNA. Is it in yours?" This is the heart of this interview question. Professional growth is vital and directly associated with your career success. The interviewer would like to know that you understand the importance of expanding your knowledge and taking the lead in your professional development.

Whether you attended conferences, or seminars, took coursework, participated in a workshop, read books, or listened to podcasts, share with the interviewer how you continually invest in your career and expand your knowledge. This can also apply to emotional experiences, such as embracing a growth mindset towards learning from your experiences and becoming a more seasoned professional or leader. In this case, explore what you've learned, leadership columns or books you read, and what you intend on exploring next.

How to Answer

While answering this question, take the time to try to incorporate their language and culture into your response. Additionally, recognize the opportunities they offer in this regard. "At Capco, we will train and support you to help accelerate your career. We will allow you to show us your potential and then help you on your path to a successful and fulfilling career. We'll make sure to offer you the opportunity to grow and evolve in your career."

"To expand my professional knowledge, I have started an online course through NYU on microeconomics. I needed to take the initiative to learn more on this topic and keep my knowledge current. To grow personally, I have read a couple of books on leadership. I love to read and learn from other professionals and behavioral experts."

"I appreciate that you have asked about professional development. It's a topic that is important to me. I have committed to reading one new book per month on a topic related to organizational development, leadership, and strategy. On my commute, I listen to The Growth podcast every day to hear business turnaround stories. I find them inspiring."

22. In consulting, much of your growth will come from feedback on client projects. How do you accept and implement feedback?

Capco places "an emphasis on building long-term strategic partnerships that foster collaboration and trust," and they state, "we know that the more successful our employees are, the more successful our clients are." Growth is also a considerable part of their culture. Being able to accept feedback, observe the feedback situationally and not emotionally, and learn from the experience to improve your performance and sharpen your skills exhibits a high level of emotional intelligence. Therefore, your interviewer wants assurances you'll be able to accept feedback while building trust and strengthening your relationships with their clients.

"I would give my clients, and their entire team, a survey focused specifically on my service and knowledge base and if they felt they received the value from me that they expected at the end of every project. The feedback would be blind, and I would take every bit of it as though it came from the company's CEO. I'd analyze the comments for common denominators as well. If the feedback were consistent, I would create a learning plan based on that common feedback. Regarding how I would deliver feedback, if I noticed correct behavior, I'd ask them why they were taking that approach, find out their reasoning, validate it, and then offer an alternate approach that would hit their target goal more successfully."

"I ask for feedback every month from one of my toughest-to-please managers. Her feedback is accurate, and I trust it. Once she tells me what I could try doing differently, I will take the time to research and plan how I can implement the change. This practice has helped me grow in my career significantly. I try to deliver feedback as promptly, often, and specifically as possible. When you notice a client doing something that compromises their goals, you want to curb that immediately and keep them on track by helping them keep them on the ball. But I prefer to look at that as coaching."

23. How do you react when your team misses a deadline?

Missed deadlines occur in the management consulting industry, and we all make mistakes as we learn and grow in our careers. Interviewers ask this question to ascertain whether you learn and grow from such setbacks and to gauge your overall emotional responses to disappointment and plans not going your way. Give an example of a time your team missed a deadline or didn't meet expectations. Describe how you reacted and applied the lessons learned from that experience to your future successes at work. Showcase how you grew from the experience.

"If I missed a deadline, I'd ask my team for feedback. I want to know what I could have done better as a leader to ensure we hit our goal next time and it never happens again. When I slip up or make a mistake, I'll inform my superiors of what happened because I'd always want them to hear it from me first. I'd also assure them it would never happen again. Then, I'd ask them to look internally and tell me what they honestly feel they could have done differently. I prefer a collaborative approach to these types of conversations."

"My team is highly efficient, and we rarely miss a deadline. However, we once had a very challenging client who made significant changes throughout the project. These changes and adjustments caused us to miss our deadline. I blamed myself and the client onboarding process I'd used. My new process made sure we dug deeper with each client at the start, which resulted in fewer mid-project changes."

24. Which leading-edge technology management tools have you used in your career?

Before your interview, familiarize yourself with the tech and tools developed and used by Capco. "We are creative technologists and thought leaders. Our team of product managers, designers, developers, and data scientists are enthusiastic champions of innovation and collaborative problem-solving. We focus on client-driven solutions that address your customer pain points through a unique fusion of technologies, methodologies, and an extensive network of industry partners." Do your best to get a clearer idea of the programs and tools you have used in your previous roles that are most akin to those they use. If you are new to the industry or your career, speak to your ability and willingness to learn their systems quickly.

"In your job posting, you mentioned that Capco uses many Salesforce and Oracle products. Also, as I understand it, Capco also uses a great deal of proprietary software. I would love to learn more about these and your internal systems. I have about one year of experience with Salesforce; however, I am eager to learn the offerings in greater depth."

"I have experience with application management and implementation tools. I have leveraged software and other tech offerings from companies such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Cisco. These tools are essential for accelerating projects and elevating the result. I also can learn any software quickly, inside and out, and should have zero difficulties quickly getting up to speed on any proprietary software you use."

25. What do you think makes a good management consultant?

Not only will you want to research the company and find mention of the traits they are looking for in a candidate, but you want the characteristics and traits you mention to be ones that you also possess. On their website, Capco mentions meeting these criteria: "Possess exceptional analytical skills and problem-solving abilities. Have strong verbal and written communication skills. Be passionate about your work and focused on delivering excellence." You can find more information on these values by looking up and reading the Capco Employee Charter.

What You Should Say

Discuss with the interviewer what you believe makes a good management consultant. Some other suggestions for the traits of a good consultant are: - Create a professional environment where their client is comfortable. - Exercise excellent judgment when it comes to problem-solving. - Come to conclusions that are well-researched and unbiased. - Lead their team with integrity, clear communication, and excellent time management. - Offer expert and well-researched advice to clients at all times. - Tap into their network of experts to find answers to questions they do not know.

"A good management consultant will have the ability to adapt and pivot on a moment's notice. They will be well-trusted, well-researched, and communicate clearly at all times, verbally, nonverbally, and in written form. They'll possess exceptional analytical skills and above-average problem-solving abilities. I value these skills and am passionate about and work on improving myself daily."

"A good management consultant will actively listen to their clients and commit to providing only the most sound and well-researched advice. They operate with integrity, transparency, and the most advanced communication skills. These are just some of the skills I have honed over my years in consulting, and I look forward to making them work for Capco and your clients."

26. What do you believe are the most critical KPIs for a management consulting firm to consider?

This question tests your experience in management consulting and your understanding of what makes a firm successful. Whether you are newer to the industry or have years of experience, prepare for your interview by brushing up on your knowledge and being in a position of seeming ready to answer any question they throw your way. Rehearse the goals and targets within management consulting. Some of the most critical KPIs may be: - Number of leads generated - Number of clients - Customer acquisition percentage - Average fee per hour - Repeat business rate One KPI that you should never forget to mention is the 'Client Satisfaction Rate.' Discuss with the interviewer what you believe to be the most important metrics for a management consulting firm to consider.

"I believe the most critical KPI to consider is the repeat business rate. This metric is directly associated with client satisfaction and will tell a consultant or agency a lot about their business and likeability factor."

"The most critical KPI to consider is the number of leads generated. Without an active pipeline of business, there is nothing else to consider! Once you start with a healthy leads list, the next KPI to consider is customer acquisition percentage."

Job Satisfaction

27. How do you learn the company culture of a new client when taking on their project?

A large part of understanding your clients' needs is understanding their company culture and the culture they want to achieve. The interviewer would like to know your process for onboarding and getting to know a new client. More so, they want to ensure that you share their values when doing so. Frequently across their career pages, they repeat the phrase "our shared values." So make sure that your answer not only comes from your nature but is framed in a way that shows you already share the same or similar values as their organization, conveying you are a good fit for their culture and environment. Consider these points when discussing how you learn an organization's workplace culture and values and build trusting relationships with your clients.

"I'd begin with a checklist - the same one for each client, no matter their industry. This checklist gives me a baseline of what I am looking for within an organization. I'd ask questions of the employees and leaders related to values, relationships, corrective action, development opportunities, and more. Also, I must immerse myself in the culture, so if I have a client I'll be working with for a few months, I'll spend a few days inside their office, learning their operations first-hand."

"When I was an independent consultant, I would work with clients anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. I developed a questionnaire that contained discovery questions surrounding how the c-suite viewed various relationships, how they reward their employees, how they approach disciplinary action, and more. I would spend time immersed in their environment and then create a brief report based on the data and my direct exposure."

28. How does a career in management consulting fulfill and satisfy you?

The largest driving factor for employee retention is job satisfaction. One of the biggest catchphrases Capco uses to recruit new talent on their career page is "Find your place." Talk to the interviewer about what you are looking for in your ideal working environment, your core values, and how Capco is aligned with what you are looking for in this regard. Detail what working for them could offer your career goals. Describe how your career in management consulting drives you to continue on this particular path. Be sure to show your passion for your field and your enthusiasm for this opportunity.

Your interviewer wants to filter out candidates who may be ill-suited for their environment and burn out quickly on the job. Interviewing, hiring, and onboarding are expensive affairs, and they want to ensure whomever they invest their resources in will be worth the investment.

"I've always had a personal drive to help others. My father told me years ago to identify what you are good at and help others be good at it too. I always had strong business sensibilities. The most satisfying part of my career as a management consultant is the opportunity to change the course of someone's business. Being a problem solver for complex issues is incredibly satisfying. I love a challenge, and each client presents new ones. It's like solving a cool puzzle every day."

"Over the past eight years, I've found management consulting to be most fulfilling. I am looking forward to furthering my career, being both dedicated and passionate about business, about driving success, especially when it means resuscitating a failing business. I love a great comeback story, and I get to participate with them all the time. Another reason I love this career path is the many opportunities for development and learning new approaches and methodologies. Each experience with every client has just as much to offer you as you have to offer them."

29. How would you make Capco more profitable?

Your interviewer isn't looking for someone to reinvent their organization. Instead, this question simply asks how you would contribute to their organization and what your unique skills could offer them, either on a micro or macro scale. Something as simple as having a great attitude, fully embracing their values, and bolstering your teams can make a world of a difference in how a department operates. As they state in their employee charter, "Contribute actively to growing our business, enhancing our culture, and demonstrating our values every day at work so each of us can be fully engaged at work, take pride in Capco, and contribute positively to the firm."

"I look forward to helping Capco be more profitable every day. During my application process, I conducted a lot of research on your organization. I noticed one area of opportunity is your social media presence. For instance, a strong presence on Instagram can draw users to your website, creating more opportunities to create additional touchpoints and educational potential for pre-existing clients. I also specialize in workforce optimization, so I always see room for opportunity in that realm. When I applied to Capco online, I saw some areas where the application process could be streamlined, saving time and frustration. I would be happy to walk you through my ideas."

"By bringing my track record for success and my best self to our mutual clients every day. I have a great attitude. I consider myself an excellent coach and can bring people around to share my view of the big picture. I have a strong track record for success and unmatched turnaround times. I have also never missed a deadline, almost always coming in weeks ahead. I am great at bringing others on our team under my wing and increasing performances far and wide. I have no intention of reinventing the company, but I am a top performer. I raise the bar and am a role model to everyone I work with. I'm a friend to all and enemy to none."

30. Have you ever supervised or trained junior consultants?

The interviewer would like to know more about your leadership style and potential. How you answer should offer them insights into how team-oriented your approach is. Coaching, mentoring, and developing those on your teams are a large part of Capco's "meritocratic culture." As they say in their employee charter, you'll be expected to "support career-long development and provide opportunities for accelerated career progression for our strongest performers, provide ongoing feedback and coaching, empower people so they take part in the decisions that influence and shape our business and the way we work, provide channels for staff suggestions, comments, and feedback, and encourage people to raise proposals, concerns, or issues at work." Share your experience encouraging, mentoring, or coaching your fellow employees, formally or informally, to display your like-minded values.

"I have not been asked to train any other consultants in my career formally; however, I make it a habit of taking less experienced teammates under my wing to ensure they get off to a successful start. I share the tools and resources that I find helpful, share my tricks of the trade, and remind them that my door is open whenever they have a question. I am very open to formal leadership opportunities should those arise with Capco, and would love to work my way up into a leadership role."

"Throughout my career, I have trained over 25 new consultants. In my current role, I oversee the activities of five junior consultants. I look forward to bringing my strategic leadership and effective management skills to Capco."

Performance Based

31. How do you manage the life cycle of your projects, ensuring on-time deliverables and deadlines?

An efficient process can be the difference between a job well done and a job that fails to meet expectations. To ensure they hire the right person to uphold the reputation Capco has built, your interviewer needs to know your process is fully developed for when you take on a new project. Share the tools, resources, and methods you employ to ensure that you meet client deadlines and expectations in a way that would complement Capco's brand.

"Whenever I took on a new project, I broke it into four phases; initiate, plan, execute, and close. These four phases are broken down into further categories, all with a linear timeline attached. My 'go-to' tools to ensure everyone is aware of their tasks and deadlines when I am coordinating with teams are Asana and Slack. I book regular check-ins with my team and schedule client touchpoints. My high-level view of the project, through all stages, ensures there are rarely any surprises and that everyone is on the same page."

"The last time I missed a deadline was five years ago. I trust my process fully and believe in its effectiveness. When I begin a new client project, I call a meeting with my client to create a detailed outline and lay out expectations. From there, I meet with my team to build the task list and attach each task to a team member with a specific deadline. We track all activity in Trello. We move as a team, meeting regularly and touching base with our client for end-of-day updates. This method brings a high level of buy-in from my team and accountability from all people involved."

Problem Solving

32. What makes you a strong problem solver?

Share your systematic approach to problem-solving, displaying the skills and qualities that have helped you overcome obstacles or thrive when dealing with challenging projects. Consider your attention to detail, your resourcefulness, or where you've exhibited outside-of-the-box thinking. Share any examples where you came up with innovative solutions. Try to incorporate Capco's values and language into your answer whenever you can do so naturally. This will showcase a strong work ethic and that you embrace their approach, values, and culture. As they declare, "We combine innovative thinking with unrivaled industry knowledge. Our collaborative and efficient approach helps clients reduce costs, and manage risk and regulatory change while increasing revenues."

"I have been told that I am an excellent problem solver, and I believe this is because I have a bit of an engineering mind. I can take the issue, work it backward to solve it, and then use that resolution to avoid the same issue on future projects. I have strong attention to detail and am also a big-picture thinker, which allows me to come up with various resolutions per problem."

"I am a great problem solver because I can compartmentalize all aspects of a problem before studying it. When I don't have all the answers or am missing information, I tap into any resources I have. Sometimes that means asking for help, which I'll do only when it doesn't take others' attention away from higher priorities. Only then do I bring more experienced team members in to add to the solution. I'll never try to be a hero and solve a complicated problem without tapping into the resources around me."

33. What will be your greatest challenges in this job? How will you overcome these challenges?

Starting a new role is always challenging, and your interviewer is using this question to assess how familiar you are with the expectations of this job and the company as a whole. It may also inform them of where you currently stand in your career progression, how defined your goals are, and how aware you are of your growth opportunities. Lastly, it could inform them of whether Capco's promise to "support career-long development and provide opportunities for accelerated career progression for our strongest performers" motivated you to pursue this position. Taking ownership of your growth opportunities exhibits emotional maturity and displays drive, transparency, and integrity, which are highly valued by Capco.

"I would say the greatest challenge I'll face in this role is learning the industry ins and outs well enough to be perceived as an expert when making project pitches to clients. I've already begun subscribing to and reading the leading industry publications to get a fuller understanding. I will also find a mentor who is an expert in the industry, as it's important to learn from those who have already walked the path."

"The greatest challenge will be getting to know my coworkers and colleagues at Capco and our clients and their preferences. In so many ways, the reputation you bring with you only carries so much weight, and the rest you have to earn all over again. When your coworkers back you and stand behind your reputation, you can feel it. Also, every client has quirks that need to be considered during projects. I have a lot of relationship-building ahead of me, and I plan to read as many project notes as possible before diving into face-to-face meetings. I intend to come across to your clients as well-prepared and earnest."

34. How do you prioritize multiple projects when they all seem equally important?

Prioritizing is a skill that requires practice. This question will allow your interviewer to assess your skill level and where you are in your career development. For the less experienced, this question may seem more complicated than it is and may feel more daunting. Yet the answer is quite simple. All you need to do is share how you prioritize pressing short-term goals in balance with the big-picture goals. Share any systems you've developed for such things. Detail how skilled you are at managing your time and estimating what can be accomplished in any given time frame. Lastly, share that you can delegate or recruit help when necessary. This will assure them you can capably prioritize and juggle multiple responsibilities without dropping the ball or becoming emotionally overwhelmed.

Thoroughly read through their charter and find points you can incorporate into your answers when describing your approach to your work. Such as, "Take personal responsibility for your performance and the performance of your teams, the quality of your work, your development and career progression."

"I love to keep running lists of everything I need to do, big or small. I've started utilizing a free project management software for lists and task categorization and then labeling them by the level of urgency. Whenever I set a deadline for myself, I will get notifications. This has helped me improve upon estimating timeframes for any given task. By estimating how long each task will take and taking advantage of gained time, I can tackle the quick to-dos whenever I have a few minutes between projects. I take care of the most time-sensitive issues first, and then move along to the equally important, but perhaps less time-sensitive items."

"I aim to be as effective as possible and use every minute of every day to my advantage. In my current role, I have three to five projects at once. I am the lead on some, the delegator on others, and the reviewer on others. I communicate the estimated timeframes it will take every person I've delegated to, based on their strengths and experience, and split up the roles and work responsibilities appropriately, setting realistic deadlines. My teams have a strong track record for being the most efficient with our time."

35. Tell me about a time you had to collaborate with a colleague with whom you did not see eye-to-eye. What did you do to make it a success?

How you answer this question will offer your interviewer insight into your communication skills, diplomacy, and sense of teamwork. "Always treat other people fairly and with respect" is one of the declarations on their employee charter. So communicate how you navigate such terrain, according to their values, and how you can overcome any personal differences you have on an individual level while fostering collaboration in a positive team environment.

"Recently, I was assigned a project with another grad student who was known to have a strong personality and could be very passive-aggressive and sometimes offensive as a way of seeking attention. But, knowing I'd be working with all sorts of personalities when working with my future clients or collaborating with other departments, I made a habit of being my best self at all times. It was up to me to ensure that everyone worked smoothly together. My professor pulled me aside and said I would go far in my career. She said that the strongest communicators and those with the highest EQ adapt to those who are less skilled or more internally conflicted. She said she saw that in me and that those skills would serve me well. That felt good to hear, and I have taken it to heart."

"One of my coworkers and I were presenting to a prospective client. It was a high-stakes presentation, and he and I have very different styles of performance and preparation. Luckily, we both identified this as a potential obstacle from the get-go and came to the table, literally, with our ideas on how the outline would go and who would say what. Because we both recognized that we might clash, we took a proactive approach to delegating tasks and dividing the presentation. We worked very well together, and our presentation was a tremendous success."

Suggested keywords

  • Entry Level & ATP
  • Entry Level / Associate Talent Program (ATP) - United Kingdom

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United kingdom atp .

Thank you for your interest in the UK Associate Programs. Capco offers several programs for various skillsets and interests. 


Our program starts with an intensive developmental training program that provides you with the necessary soft and hard skills to hit the ground running at a client site. Our program provides you with a strong foundation of skills to help jumpstart your career at Capco, including:

  • Consulting methodologies
  • Enterprise technology standards
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Solving complex business problems
  • Personal brand development


  • Learn more about our various  industries  and the  services  we provide at Capco.
  • Learn about our  Be Yourself at Work  culture and  what makes Capco so unique .
  • See what is  new  and trending in our organization.
  • Follow us on  Instagram ,  LinkedIn  and  Twitter .

associate consulting program (ACP)


• Bachelor’s degree 2:1 or above from any discipline, must have an interest in financial services.

• Previous professional experience is required but not limited to those from within financial services.

• Strong verbal and written communication skills, with strong Microsoft Office knowledge.

Office Location(s):

London and Edinburgh

To keep informed on when you can apply, please register your interest below. 

associate data Program (ADP)

• Bachelor’s degree 2:1 or above in a relevant discipline (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), must have an interest in financial services. 

• Previous data experience is advantageous, but not mandatory. 

• Strong verbal and written communication skills, with strong Microsoft Office knowledge. 

  Office Location:

associate engineering program (AEP)

Qualifications :

• Bachelor’s degree 2:1 or above in a Computer Science or related discipline, must have an interest in financial services.

• Previous professional experience is advantageous, but not mandatory. 

• Knowledge of General Cloud Computing Services would also be advantageous, however, as we offer training in specific services, we do not expect you to be an expert in a specific field.

Office Location:

next generation fellowship program

• Doctorate (e.g., PhD, EngD) preferably (but not necessarily) in STEM subjects. 

summer internship program

• Enrolled on or have completed a bachelor’s degree 2:1 or above from any discipline, must have an interest in financial services.

• Previous professional experience is advantageous by not limited to those from within financial services.

apprenticeship programs        (data and consulting)

• Minimum of C/4 grade in both GCSE Mathematics & English and four other subjects. 

• Computer literacy and an ability to learn new programs. 

• Good analytical and numerical skills for fast data analysis. 

• Strong communication and listening skills in English, including written and verbal.


capco case study interview uk


What can I expect throughout the interview process?

Our interview process is designed not only to get to know you and to understand more about your strengths and interests, but also to allow you to learn more about our people and our business.

  • After you submit your application on our website, we’ll send you an email confirmation , and if your qualifications and experience match our requirements, a recruiter will contact you .
  • The next step in our process is our virtual video interview round , in which you will answer four questions in a recorded video format. After successfully completing this round, you will be invited to participate Assessment Centre . This will consist of three interviews with our Capco consultants and a group case study activity. The interviews will provide us the opportunity to learn more about your background, interests, and goals as well as for you to learn about our firm. The case study activity is an interactive exercise in analytical thinking that allows us to assess how you approach and evaluate a problem and work within a team.
  • The final stage of our process is a 2-part final stage interview - one with a Consulting Lead and one with HR/Recruitment.

Tips to be successful as you navigate our process:

Do your research – Take time to understand Capco and what our services offer our clients. Be able to articulate your interests in the company and the particular program you applied to.

Practice interviewing – They say practice makes perfect! There are a number of ways you can practice your interviewing skills before the virtual Launchpad or final rounds:

Leverage your universities career services department. Many schools offer mock-interviews and resume reviews – take advantage of these opportunities!

Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself on your phone. It might feel unnatural to stare at yourself and answer questions in the virtual Launchad round but if you rehearse your answers while maintain eye contact to the webcam/screen it will eventually feel more comfortable.

Showcase your strengths – Be prepared to share details beyond what you provided on your resume. We want to hear about specific projects or leadership roles that helped shape your experience.

Provide details on what your responsibilities were, what skills you applied and what learnings you took away from the experience.

Be your authentic self – At Capco we fully believe everyone should #BYAW (Be Yourself At Work) and we expect you to bring your authentic self to the interview process. We look forward to learning more about you and your unique experiences and encourage you to ask questions along the way to better get to know our Capco employees, as well.

Contact us for more information on any of our programs [email protected]

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Help! Anyone ever interviewed with Capco UK?

Hi, I am thrilled to be invited to a HR, Business Consulting Competency and Case Study Interview with Capco UK soon for a Business Analyst role (one above the associate program). I'm swotting up on case interview questions, trying to learn case frameworks etc...but has anyone here actually every done it and can offer some insight into their own experience? I'm bricking it here and could really do with some support :)

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How to crack a consulting case study interview

Consulting is one of the biggest sectors of interest for bright, job-hunting graduates and with the attractions of variety in both work and locations it's no surprise that top consulting firms have demanding screening processes.

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Succeeding in these interviews can be tough, especially as many of them focus on an exercise that is arguably more difficult to practise: a case study.

How to crack a consulting case study interview

As a consultant, you'll constantly be pushed into unchartered territory, helping your clients solve their problems - from cash flows to expansion to changing the internal structure of a company. In a case study, you'll be given a simplified business situation (normally fictional but modelled on a real case the company has worked on) and assessed on how you have the potential to deal with this calmly and logically.

Here are four little hints on how to approach case studies.

1. Work out what sort of exercise you have been given

This will help you break it down in your head and work out how you can best answer it, and what your interviewer will be looking for you to demonstrate. You might be given a brain teaser (why are manholes round?), an estimation exercise (how many cars are there in the world?) or an analysis exercise (we have started to make losses to two fast-growing competitors, how can we turn this around?).

Go prepped with a few basic macroeconomic details that you can use (e.g. the population totals for the world, the UK and the USA), and think your way through the problem in stages - just how you'd tackle an examination at university. Did you know that China's population has now reached 1.3 billion? If you thought it was roughly 1 billion, remember you've just rounded out the entire population of the US. It's these sort of macro figures you need for a graduate application, so swot up.

Read: How to prepare for the consulting case study interview

2. Make the most of all of the information you are given and break it down

Your interviewer will explain the exercise to you and give you any information you will need. If there is anything you don't understand, or that you would like clarified, make sure you ask the interviewer, rather than sit in silence and think you'll be able to work it out for yourself. If you need more information, you can ask for it. As you go through the exercise, make sure you take each issue or bit of information you're presented with one step at a time.

Learn everything you need to know before you head to work with these  free e-learning courses . Discover everything from how to develop your transferable and digital skills to how to smash the application process. 

3. Silence is not golden

Don't shut your interviewer out of your thought process as you go through the exercise. Talk them through every stage and show them how you work.

Remember in GCSE or A-level Maths when you had to show all your working to get full credit for an exam answer? It's like that here: how you approach the problem and the information you have is key. In fact, there may not even be a "right" answer, just a sensible range of responses that require intelligent thought processes to get there.

It's all because communication is a vital business skill, especially on client projects, and you're being assessed on whether you have the ability to do this throughout your interview.

Scratch up on the consulting recruitment process .

4. Be creative but credible

This exercise is a good way of assessing how you will cope and behave if you're put in front of a client. Once you've gained some consulting experience, you'll be expected to take on more responsibility, so you can use the case study to show your assessor you have the potential to be a real credit to their firm.

Firms use consultants to help them find solutions to problems they can't solve, so you'll need to be able to think creatively - supported by analysing the data you've been given. Suggesting a new product or strategy without being able to justify to your client why they should implement it will leave you red-faced. There may not be a "right answer" but make sure your suggestions are credible.

Finally, make sure you sum up your creative thinking and credible findings and analysis in this exercise with a strong, concise conclusion (including some next steps that the client could act upon).

So there you have a few bright little hints for cracking one of the more challenging tasks you might be presented with at an interview - whether you're looking to start a graduate career, change sectors or move from industry into consulting.

Read: Common Interview Mistakes

Ready to kickstart your career in consulting? Browse available graduate opportunities and take the first step towards a rewarding career in this sector.

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Capco final stage case study.

Hello! I am in the final stage of an interview where I will be doing a case study. It is for banking and payments with Capco For senior consultant.

They will be sending me a case study where I have a couple days to complete and then return to them. And then I will have a 45 mins presentation with a couple members of the team.   

This is my first consulting interview experience so I am not sure what to expect. I have 10+ years of experience in lending, banking and fintech but have never had to do this before. Any help would be appreciated in what steps I should take

Overview of answers

  • Date ascending
  • Date descending

Q: They will be sending me a case study where I have a couple days to complete and then return to them. And then I will have a 45 mins presentation with a couple members of the team. Any help would be appreciated in what steps I should take.

In general for a case study of this type you will have to prepare for three things: how to do the research on the case study material, how to create the deliverable (usually some slides) and how to present your findings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


For the research part, the exact degree of what you should do depends on what they will assign you, so it is difficult to provide tips without additional information. If you have a few days to create the deliverable, most likely you will have to do some research on your own to complement the material sent.

The key outcome is usually a  deck of 5-10 slides with your answers,  which you will then have to present to the interviewers.


To create a good deliverable (usually slides) I would recommend to take into account the following:

a) General structure of the deck

Normally the structure for a 5-slide presentation is the following:

  • The first slide summarizes the question  and provides the answer
  • The second, third and fourth slides have the supporting arguments  for the first slide
  • The fifth slide includes the next steps

If you have/want to create a longer deck, you can increase the number of slides with supporting arguments.

b) Content of each slide

There are three basic components for most slides:

  • Chart/information

In some cases, you can add a takeaway as well.

Many candidates structure the title as a mere description of what the chart/information is about.

A great title instead shows the implication of the content presented as well.

Example: say the graph is showing a cost structure for a division.

  • A bad title would be:  Cost structure from 2005 to 2015 .
  • A good title would be:  Cost structure of Division XYZ is not sustainable”.
  • A great title would be  Cost structure of Division XYZ is not sustainable due to ABC , assuming you have insights on that.

The rule of thumb is that if you read all the titles of the slides together you should get a clear idea of the message of the presentation.


When you present, I would suggest the following steps for each slide:

  • Introduce the slide:  “ Let’s move to slide 2, which will show us why we have an issue with this division ”
  • Present the main message  of the slide: “ As you can see, we have a cost structure that makes it unfeasible to be competitive in this market ”
  • Provide details : “ The graph, indeed, shows how our fixed cost is XYZ, while competitors can benefit from economies of scale. Indeed… ”

If you want to prepare more,  I do a session exactly on this kind of case study.

Before the session,  I can send you a case study to work on. We can then  simulate the presentation during the class, reviewing step-by-step all the improvements needed.

For any questions please feel free to PM me.

First of all, congratulations on reaching the final stage of the interview process for a senior consultant position at Capco!

I think this is an interesting question that may be relevant for many people. I would be happy to share my thoughts on it:

  • Carefully review the case study materials provided by Capco. Make sure you understand the problem being presented, and consider what information you might need to solve it.
  • Develop a structured approach to solving the case. This might involve breaking the problem down into smaller parts, generating and evaluating potential solutions, and selecting the best course of action.
  • Prepare a slide deck to present your solution to the case. Consider using visual aids, such as slides or diagrams, to help illustrate your points. Make sure to focus on the most important points and keep the number of slides to a minimum.
  • Practice presenting your solution to the case. Consider using visual aids, such as slides or diagrams, to help illustrate your points.
  • Practice with sample case studies to gain experience and build confidence. You can find a variety of sample case studies online, or you can ask a friend or colleague to help you practice.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to address your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Sure - happy to help. I've worked with several candidates who had this sort of interview with firms ranging from Tier 2 and 3 from to tech companies like Bolt. 

It's rather difficult to explain to you in a message how to best approach it - that's why it's worth having a proper session - but do reach out and I can at least send you an example of a such a case for you to practice on. 

First, good luck!

I recommend the following:

  • Remember that most casing tips apply here (i.e. be very clear+focused on the objective, ruthlessly cut out information that doesn't help you meet this objective/question, make sure to thinking + communicate in a structured way, etc. etc.)
  • Practice/simulate this as much as possible beforehand...getting a coach to help you run through scenarios + how to react in inevitably challenging moments will do a world of good.

I have a number of written case I'd be more than happy to share with you! What I generally do with my candidates is, give them a written case x hours before our scheduled session (adjust # of hours based on the specific interview they're going to have), and then review their work during the session (as well as talk through tips+tricks to get better).

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Anyone here recently interviewed? can give me context how case study round in Capco looks like please Capco

Case study i just interviewed with like 6 people across too many rounds then waited months for them to randomly get back to me., what region/city what specific position are you going for.

Data science Uk based

In the UK it was 1 informal, then based on the informal interview you would have a case study aligned to your second based on back ground and domain experience. I use to just openly ask the candidates what subject matter they were most comfortable with. The case study would be 15 mins to look at a scenario question and then answer the 5 questions about it, or other subject matter related questions on how you came up with your solution or deliverable roadmap.

You mean the business interview

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    Response 1 of 5: Case study? I just interviewed with like 6 people across too many rounds then waited months for them to randomly get back to me.