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Essay on Life after School

List of essays on life after school, essay on life after school – short essay (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on life after school – 10 lines written in english (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on life after school (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on life after school – facts (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on life after school (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on life after school – for school students (class 11 and 12 standard) (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on life after school – challenges and hardships (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on life after school – long essay for college and university students (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Life after school isn’t always easy and without stress. Once we leave school, things and situations around us begin to change in a very drastic way; life itself changes drastically for us. After leaving school we have a lot of new experiences and challenges.

School life is considered as the golden period of one’s life. However, as soon as one finishes the school and moves to college, there comes a sense of freedom as if one is a free bird now.

No matter what, life after school is entirely contrasted from what it used to be in school. It is important, however, to make the students aware of the challenges that lie ahead when they venture into life after school.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 11 and 12 Standard) and college students.

Life after school can cause great anxiety in many young people. After the years we spend in education, one can be overwhelmed by all the responsibilities that await us and most of them are concerned with earning money.

Life after school can strike us suddenly and without warning so it is better to think about the future before it strikes us on the face. In the life after school, you need to take decisions regarding career choice and ultimately the job you want to do in future. Life after school comes as a natural transition from one period to another without too much stress.

Learning to lead a life after school is an important and the last step in our process of growing up and maturing as individuals. Making the necessary preparations is the best thing we can do to help us in this transition.


As a student, the focus is always on life after school. The ambitious minds of young students wander into every possibility in life. There is always the desire of a good life for everyone, which is the assumption of life after school. To some of the students, it is a motivating factor while to some it does not make an impact whatsoever. It is important to have a vision and a desire in life. Life after school is basically adulthood and there is a lot about adulthood that students do not yet understand. Most of us hate school because we believe that life out there is nice and warm.

Reality of Life After School:

The future is what begins in life after school. This is when important life decisions have to be made. It is evident that people end up in different paths from what they had anticipated but it is still important to have an idea of the path to take. Parents usually put pressure on their children and force them to make life choices that they are not comfortable with.

It is important that students seek advice from counsellors or any other role model to get guidance. When diving into life after school, it is not strange to change your mind on the career path you had earlier decided on because as people grow older, there is change in perspective which influence a change in decision-making. Dedication and determination are the important moral values that help to build better life after school.

I remember being both sad and happy when my school was about to end. Of course, I had my college to ponder about and at the same time, there was a sense of freedom and responsibilities as well.

A lot of people believe that life after school takes a U-turn as you realize how big the world truly is and how minuscule we may be. The truth really is that you need to keep an eye out on your career and understand well what you want to do and how you desire to live life after school.

The Career Foundation:

When I think about my life after school, I often wonder about the hours and hours I had put in to ensure that I got into the best college. I always believe that choosing a good college is essential because it kind of prepares you for your career and the rest of the life.

At the same time, my life after school was also devoted a great deal to understanding the different career streams and wondering what the right choice was for me. I was the kind of student who wanted to plan things well in advance and duly.

The Social Butterfly:

Also, when I look back at life after school, I realize that it was then that I really grew into being a social butterfly. I had always been an introvert in school but I knew I wanted to shirk that image more than ever. I started mixing with people, heading to parties and even tried and put in an effort to stay in touch with my friends as well. This helped me become a social butterfly and I believe that it also influenced the way I planned my career ahead.

So, life after school can vary a great deal based on who you are as a person!

Life after school is very different from life in the school. Life after school is very different and changes drastically once we are out of school. Schooling normally ends after class 12 or equivalent or sometimes after class 10.

School Life:

While in school, we are considered as children and our parents and teachers take all the decisions for us. We have strict rules that needs to be obeyed. The school timings, teaching-study pattern, activities and playtime – everything is fixed as decided by teachers and by parents at home. We do not take decision and the strict routine and rigid rules are quite exhausting. The advantage in school life is that we live a carefree life and we do not have to worry about the consequences.

Take Decisions:

All above changes after school and we face new experiences every day. As we step out of the school, we get flexibility and choices but we need to take decisions and be responsible for the consequences. Therefore, we have to be very careful about every decision we take in the life after school.

Challenges of Life After School:

Life after school is full of challenges. One of the biggest challenge is to decide the career and build it – to go for higher studies or to do job or to be an entrepreneur – all are to make a good living. This is most critical issue in life after school. For higher studies, we need to decide career path – engineering, science, medical, humanities, law – research or service – public or private sector, etc., and to pursue the path, choose a good course-university-college and attain required qualifications. A search needs to be done and several factors be considered before finalizing. If the decision is job, we need to hunt for job opportunities. To be an entrepreneur, we need to be innovative. We need to face the real world, meet, deal and build contacts with all kinds of people in the life after school.

Life After School is Full of Challenges:

The freedom to choose – career, course, job, life partner, recognition, decent living etc., pose continuous challenges at every step after we move out of school and get into life after school. However, freedom comes with responsibilities. We are accountable for our decisions and actions. Maintaining balance between personal and professional life is yet another challenge in life after school. Life can be handled smartly if we plan things properly and work diligently.

Life after school isn’t always easy and without stress. Once we leave school, things and situations around us begin to change in a very drastic way; life itself changes drastically for us. After leaving school we have a lot of new experiences and challenges. We begin to realise that the world is a lot different than we thought. As we leave school, we discover that every step and decision we take matters a lot and we need to start paying full attention to them. This period is a very important phase in our lives.

It is particularly during this period that we learn a lot of things that can help us advance in life. Once we are out of school and without the guidance and check up of teachers and professionals we begin to see who we truly are and our personality comes out. It is during this period that our parents grant us the opportunity to take independent decisions on our own.

What we can make out of life after school:

There are a lot of things we should try to do in life after school to help develop ourselves.

We will be looking at some of the things we can do below:

1. Pursue Hobbies:

With all of the stress of school including the bulky syllabus, assignments and other challenges we face in school, it is almost impossible for us to create time to go after all of our habits. When we leave school, before taking any further decisions or steps in our lives, we should take time to pursue all of our hobbies and develop skills that might be useful for us in the future. The truth is that the little period after school might be the only time we will ever have to ourselves. Therefore, it is best to use the time to do the things we love and enjoy and also try to learn new skills that might come in handy in the future.

2. Make Time for Personal Relationships:

Because of the constant pressure to study and the very strict schedule. Students don’t usually have the time to spend time with their relatives and loved ones, attend family functions and even go on trips and vacations with their friends. All of the above listed things can be done after school. It is important to note that taking time out to be with friends and family is essential for our development. We are able to fully understand all of these relationships and value them a lot more. It is very important that we make time for personal relationships in life after school.

3. Take Personal Decisions:

While we were in school, we didn’t take decisions of our own. Most of our decisions as students are largely influenced by our parents and teachers in school. Our teachers have a lot of say on our lives as students, most parents entrust the education of their children into the hands of the teachers. Once we live school and don’t have teachers again, we should start taking decisions of our own.

Life after school can be tough exciting and frustrating. As young people, schools have always provided a comfort zone. There is no obligation to work or provide for anyone since your needs are met by family. Also, aside from passing your exams, there is no intense pressure to succeed.

However, as soon as you leave school, you are faced with a hostile environment. Everyone is out for himself and you quickly realize that for the first time you are alone. Also, you suddenly have bills to pay and responsibilities to bear.

Life after school can also be rewarding. You no longer have to listen to anyone about your personal decisions. You are free to think about the future direction of your life. In other words, your destiny is finally in your hands.

Taking Your Fears for Life after School:

Taking on this phase of your life can be daunting challenging. The thought of fending for yourself alone can give you Goosebumps. The safety net of having less responsibility and being concerned about yourself alone is about to be taken off. So it’s only natural that you’re scared of what’s coming next.

However, to properly navigate this transition in your life, you must rid yourself of fear. Fear paralyzes the mind and rids it of its ability to respond to challenging situations. Thus, you would not get too far in life after school if you maintain this state of mind.

The better approach is to use your fears as a fuel for your drive to succeed. See life after school as an opportunity to surprise yourself and prove your critics wrong. This way you’ll increase your chances of success.

Preparing for Life after School:

The skills required to succeed when you were in school are not the same skills needed on the outside. For instance, to pass an exam all you have to do is study and have a decent ability to remember facts. However, life after schools dictates that you are able to solve daily challenges by rational thinking.

Thus, while you are in school, there are certain skills that you must learn to succeed on the outside.

Some of them are highlighted below:

i. Logical thinking:

Life after school would bombard you with complex problems that requires depth to solve. In school, you were probably given parameters that would help you solve your problems. However, life after school is complex and lawless. What matters, in this case, is the result. You would also get little or no help in solving your problems.

Thus, to survive in this setting you need to learn how to think logically. This form of thinking involves making sound deductions from a given set of facts. This skill would be important in several parts of your life after school.

ii. Taking responsibility:

You probably refused to be the group leader in school or failed to do your assignments a few times with little or no repercussions. Life after school isn’t so forgiving in similar circumstances. When you refuse to take responsibility, the consequences can be immediate and damning.

iii. Perseverance:

Once you step out of the comfort zone of your various campuses, things would not always go your way. Life after school demands that you maintain a tough skin when faced with challenges. The ability to persevere in the face of a daunting task is the difference between champions and losers.

iv. Management:

The ability to manage a situation cannot be overemphasized. If you cannot control how you spend your time, money and your relationship with people, life after school might be rocky for you. Consequently, you must learn to manage all the resources at your disposal.


Growth can be painful because of the changes it brings along with it. Life after school is not an exception to this rule. See this process as an avenue to grow and you’ll be fine.

School life is always memorable and carefree time the students have as they are free of any responsibilities and seriousness rather than studies. Once this is finished, then your life will take a sharp turn to a completely different atmosphere.

The change in the life of a student from the secured and guided school to a rather responsible and independent life after school is going to be challenging. Teachers and parents try their best to mold the students to be able to face these challenges, however, it is not that easy to pass this phase of life after school.

Comparison of both Life Phases:

The comparatively carefree life they lived as a school student is not going to continue in life after school. During school, in your home, everything was decided and spoon fed to you by your parents. From the time you wake up to the food you eat to the school you study, everything was decided by them.

There were fixed decisions taken by your parents about your mode of studies and the free time activities you do. Your study time was set by them and play times too. All these decisions made will help the students to live a free-minded and happy life, which was controlled and well balanced by the parents. They won’t be asked to choose or take any options of their actual interest, which in turn may affect the person badly. But the good part was that life was easier and stress-free.

At school, all the activities and studies were under the strict supervision of your teachers. They constantly guided you to the correct path and according to the school rules, they led you to the disciplined school life. They were there to continuously observe your actions and punish you when you are wrong. Your life was moving according to the school time and timetables, which were set by the elders. The students didn’t get to make any decisions of their interest.

But thing are completely in life after school. The best part in life after school is that the students get more free decision making authorities. You can decide your stream of interest and further proceed with your career. The old school pattern will be totally deleted and in this phase, once your study time is over you can do any activity of your interest. Colleges won’t be as strict as schools and most probably there won’t be anyone to control your wishes. You can pursue your dreams and spend the extra time as you wish.

Even though this freedom is a gift, it also means an extra effort should be put from your part.

Challenges and Hardships:

Once you are out of school life, the actually responsible section of your life has started, where you will be considered responsible for every action you take and the consequences. Each and every option you choose will lead you to some part of your future career, whether success or failure. The freedom of decision making should not be taken lightly and proper researches should be done before fixing on any decision.

Life after school is full of responsibilities and expectations. We should take the responsibility of parents, who took care of you from your childhood and look after them from then on. Another responsibility and challenge are to build a good career. This can be done by deciding the right stream that compliments your interest and further work harder for achieving an admission in a reputed college through selection exams.

Once you start your college life, your challenges increases trying to complete the course with good marks and the list will go on till you think your goal is attained. When you complete your whole study procedure, you will be facing the real world trying to get a good job and a living. In this stage, it will be challenging and stressful to maintain calm and composed life.

Unlike the school atmosphere, in life after school, you will be made to mingle with more diverse types of people and environments, whether at your college or at your workplace. There will be a need to choose your contacts and friends wisely, which is also a challenge as they will be playing a major role in your further growth.

All these processes will completely be weighing a lot on your shoulders, once you step out of your school life. But when you start the journey, you will remember that many lessons taught by your teachers and parents will help you to take many valuable decisions. All the strict rules and discipline you learned from school will help you to lead a smooth life in the life after school.

In India, a child on attaining the age of three is required to be admitted to a school for formal schooling. The child remains in school for fourteen years and passes out only after completing class twelfth. At this time around, the child is in his / her teens at around 17 years of age. The remaining part of life is considered as life after school. But, the question is what life is after school? Is it the same what you had in school or is it totally in contrast to the school life?

The College Life:

First and foremost challenge a student faces in his /her life after school is choosing the right college. At times, you may not have the desired marks required to get admission in the college of your choice. This is perhaps the first learning of life after school. It is that you don’t get things on a platter and you have to earn them. So, you get to choose a college as per your efforts done during your school time.

Having said that another important lesson of life learnt here is that it not the end of the road. What if the college is not the one you dreamt, try and choose the course of your choice as your career is dependent on the course you choose, be it a science stream, some field of accounts or a graduation in subjects related to humanities. Every subject has its own future.

New Friends Vs. the Older Ones:

Regardless of whether it sounds unfathomable at the present time, your whole lot of friends may not stay together with you for your lifetime. The vast majority of friends keep in contact with a bunch of their absolute best companions from secondary school and that is it. With time, fiends tend to keep busy and you may not able to enjoy those times of enjoyment with your friends like the one you used to have in your school life. In the event that that idea makes you pitiful, don’t stress, the general group who are extremely worth keeping around in your life will dependably be there for you. Moreover, you are bound to make new friends as you grow up and meet new people.

The Process of Growing Up:

In life after school, Graduation is a mammoth achievement; however, it is not everything in the world. There are still more milestones to come and graduation is just the beginning. You’re still going to feel like a lost little child some of the time, particularly when it comes to documentation for that new occupation or settle on a significant choice about your master’s degree. The mystery is realizing that each and every other individual your age feels the very same way.

Becoming Fearless:

Life after school makes you fearless. Since you have a confirmation added to your collection, the result of long periods of diligent work and commitment, you realize you can go up against any test and finish it with energy. It means that you become more fearless with age. And to top it, mostly it is for your own betterment and you learn to take risks in life. Nothing seems harder to achieve and there is this strong desire to show the world what you are capable of.

Changing Expectations of Parents:

But, there is another side of the coins as well. Growing up and living a life after school comes with responsibilities also. Especially at home, your parents expect much more from you than when you were at school. First of all, they probably won’t have disapproved of when you skipped keeping your utensils in the kitchen once you are done with your lunch or dinner. In any case, now that you’re out of school, they will begin treating you like a genuine grown-up, which implies more obligations. Here’s the peculiar thing of managing yourself is something you may hate to do. It may make you think that your parents have changed. However, it is just that you have grown up.

The First Thought of Money:

You know growing up is quite an expensive affair and you must have often seen your parents struggling with money matters in trying to provide you with all that you dream of. In any case, now that you’re a secondary school graduate, you’ll be paying for your own gas, titbits, and garments soon, and perhaps more. So, it is time for a payback now. The drive to make and spare the money you earn is quite natural. Remember, the first occasion when you see a noteworthy number in your financial balance is the most fulfilling inclination on earth. It gives you that immense peace of mind for which you would have probably been dreaming since your school days.

All is not over yet. There are many other things which are bound to happen to you when you live your life after school. For instance, you grow up and do not look the same cute baby you were in school. You need to accept the changes in your body as well. Additionally, you have longer schedules to adjust to and remember, managing personal and professional life in today’s competitive times is not an easy task.

Growing up is a natural part of our life cycle. So is life after school. It happens to everyone. So there is nothing that you are the first one of the planet to have to go through it.

However, one thing you must not forget is that you must accept the changes in your life in a positive manner and just don’t succumb to the pressures of the real world.

The world is a beautiful place to live in and there is life beyond school. And trust your elders, the life after school is much enjoyable, have a lot of stress as well as emotions but in the end, it gives you the freedom to live a life of your choice. It is up to you what you want to make of it. So, dream big today and strive to achieve your goals once you step out for life after school.

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Essay on Life After School for Students and Children

500+ words essay on life after school.

School life is one of the most memorable and relaxing times in one’s life. You enjoy that period tension-free and just go with the flow. However, what happens after our school life ends? We are taught about all the equations and numerical, but we are not prepared about life after school. Life after school requires a more practical approach. It is the most crucial time of your life which will determine your future. We must be prepared beforehand so that life after school will become full of comfort for us. The most important thing is to set goals and build a career.

essay on life after school

Building a Career

As we all know, school life is a time which is very easy and comfortable. You stay in the same place for over 12-14 years and the main concern is just to make it to the next class. However, after school life ends, you are sent out in the world to make choices for yourself. That is why it becomes essential to build a career from the point so that you can have a brighter future.

In order to build your career, you need to set goals . The goals do not have to necessarily be long-term. In order to achieve success, you can set both long-term and short-term goals. To begin with, choose a career path that brings you interest. It is highly unlikely that you will excel in some fields that you do not take interest in. Similarly, also make sure that it has a fine scope in the future.

Most importantly, make sure that you possess the skills to pursue that career. If you do not, there is no harm as you have time to acquire those skills through courses and classes. You can enroll yourself in different types of courses which will help you build a fine career out of your skills and talents. For instance, those who want to go into the culinary field can take up cooking classes learn the art beforehand.

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The Balancing Act

Once you go out of school, you will learn life after school is all about striking the perfect balance. Unlike your school life, you will now have to balance your work and life. There will be people who will ask you to bury your head into books or just constantly work on mastering certain skills. But, you must not forget to strike a perfect balance.

As we all know that excess of anything is harmful, whether it is studies or play. Therefore, you must not let the pressure get to you. It will only be harmful to you as it will hamper with your health and impact it negatively.

Always remember to maintain a schedule with an adequate amount of recreational facilities. Give time to yourself and keep taking short breaks. There is no harm in hanging out with friends whenever you feel the pressure is too much.

Also, remember to exercise well to keep your mind and body fresh. Goals have the influence to reorganize things. However, your goals and schedule arranged to attain the same must not be too rigorous. It should be feasible and you must work with all your heart to achieve them.

Q.1 What is the most important thing to do after school?

A.1 The most important thing to do after school is to choose your career path. One must utilize this time carefully as it will determine what their future will be like.

Q.2 How can we balance things in our life after school?

A.2 Try to strike a balance between work and play. Do not bury yourself into books or burden yourself with back to back coaching. Make time for yourself and recreational activities to pave a brighter future.

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Essay on Life After School | Life After School Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Life After School: Life after School is challenging, but it also brings in various opportunities to achieve your goal. It makes us independent and brings us new responsibilities. This is the tone where we give real and practical tests. We make our own decisions and are responsible for everything we do. We face failures sometimes and get depressed, but we should rise and overcome the challenges too. This will help us to build our character and personality. This phase is crucial and should be taken in a sportive manner. We are required to utilise our time and invest them properly to achieve our goals and reach our ambitions.

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Long and Short Essays on Life After School for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Life After School.

Long Essay on Life After School 500 words in English

Long Essay on Life After School is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Our entire childhood and adolescent period are spent in the school premises where we study, get important lessons from our teachers, play together in the school playground, go for picnics, attend school exhibitions, participate in school functions and make friends. It is the time where we learn and enjoy St at the same time. We also make mischiefs and get punished for it. Thus, it is a very beautiful phase of life. However, this beautiful phase’s sadder part is temporary, and we all have to leave our schools after we pass our 10 th and 12 th boards. Life after School is an important period we have to face and apply every knowledge we have gained while in School.

The real test of life begins just after school life. The exams we give in our practical lives are harder than the school exams, the way you tackle these problems will determine our future life. Moreover, there is no one to protect us, as our teachers and parents used to in our childhood days. By the time we pass our examination and are out of our School, we have become mature and sensible. We take the important decisions of our life and are liable for every good and bad consequence of the decision.

One of the important things to be focused after school life is the making decision for the career. Career plays an important role in our life. Because by achieving good milestones in our career, we can be independent and choose an economically useful life. While choosing our career, we should give special attention to our interests and fascination. Because our career includes our passion, we are more likely to bring more name and fame in that particular field. We should be responsible enough to make ourselves able for the jobs and services we seek during this period.

The values we have learnt in our School, including politeness, sharing, kindness, honesty, sincerity, punctuality, leadership and all other qualities come to the real play as we try to confront life. If this phase of life is not utilised in a  calculative manner, there are high chances of failure. However, the failure should not prevent us from trying those again and again. This determines our consistency and perseverance.

This crucial period has both the youthfulness and energy in us. Thus, we must utilise them to reach out to the goals we have set during our schools. Not only that but also we must endeavour to become good citizens and good human beings. We must polish our career, do some recreational works amidst our career making process. We should also engage in spiritual works and take care of our physical health. In this way, we can prove to be an asset to our country and achieve our dreams.

Life After School is definitely challenging and hard, but it is a phase too, only if we know how to manoeuvre it proper efficiency, we will also reap the fruits of our hard work.

10 Lines on Life After School Essay

Short Essay on Life After School 150 words in English

Short Essay on Life After School is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Life after School is boring and tiring. Thus, we need to be very vigilant for our well being. It is time we are required to apply everything we have learnt in our school days. One of the foremost work to be done is deciding about a good career for ourselves. Because it is perhaps for the career, we had gained knowledge in our School. We should have a well-planned routine to work hard to achieve our goals.

Not only we should plan well, but also we should properly follow it. It is very much likely that parents and relatives will bug you for a particular career, but do not get swayed away and pressurised for it until you are genuinely interested in it. You might do this to please them initially, but later on if you won’t cope with it, you are more likely to suffer for bad decisions. So, take everybody’s suggestions and analyse well, hone your skills and talent, and convince your parents. This way, you will certainly enjoy whatever you do.

10 Lines on Life After School Essay

  • School life is a beautiful phase where we make friends, learn our lessons and have our memorable childhood.
  • But after school, you should not move into depression thinking about the future or your past.
  • Life after School pushes new real-life problems with fewer number of guardians to protect us.
  • You should take proper decisions for yourself.
  • Now, after school life, we all are adults, and we should behave in a matured way.
  • We should have practical applications of the knowledge we were taught at our schools.
  • While setting and working for the goals, we should give importance to our physical and mental health.
  • We are required not to fall in case of failure, but to fight against it.
  • We should strive to become a better person.
  • We should also give time to ourselves to mend both our career and character.

Life After School Essay

FAQ’s on Life After School Essay

Question 1. Is life after School boring?

Answer: You may start missing your School and friends, which might be boring for you initially. But it will also bring a lot of challenges and opportunities to you so that you will be the best version of yourself.

Question 2. Should we only focus on our career after School?

Answer: The career should be of primary importance; however, it need not be the only important part after School. You should engage yourselves in recreational activities and also take care of your health.

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Essay On Life After School for Students and Children

Once you pass your board exams and leave school, you’ll realize that life after school is not easy and stress-free. As you leave your school, situations and things go through a massive change.

In fact your overall life changes dramatically. You have to look forward to accepting new challenges and facing new experiences.

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Essay On Life After School In English

Essay On Life After School

There’s no doubt that school life is definitely the golden period of a student’s life. But as soon as you finish your school and move to college, you enjoy a strange sense of freedom.

You find yourself to be a free bird that can do whatever he wishes to. No matter what, your school life stands in stark contrast to your college life.

How is your school life?

It has been unanimously acknowledged by everyone who has left school that school life is the most memorable time spent in one’s life. When you’re in school, all you have to do is go with the glow and enjoy that phase without any tension.

You learn all the life’s lessons while you’re in school and you’re always guided by the extremely caring school teachers. Being under their constant supervision and guidance helps you walk on the right path.

But what is the scenario when you leave school? Does life remain the same or does it go through a drastic change?

School life teaches us a lot about numerical and equations but solving the equation of life starts when you leave your school and step into college. You have to adopt a practical and rational approach towards life after school.

This is, in another way, a crucial phase of your life as you tend to determine your future during this period. Unless you are prepared beforehand, life after school can get tough and uncomfortable. You should know when to set the right goals and start building your career.

Life after school – Coming to terms with reality

Your future is that which starts after your school. This is the time when you have to take all the vital decisions of life. You may have had a great gang of friends while in school but all of them must have ended in different paths from what they had planned for themselves.

Parents play a role in exercising too much pressure on their children and often coerce them into making life decisions that they don’t own.

If students face such a situation at their home where they are suffering under peer and parental pressure, they should seek help of counselors or from any other role model for proper guidance.

You may have thought about a certain career while in school but after you leave school, it is natural to change that thought process and move towards something totally different.

The change in perspective will have an impact on your decision-making capabilities. Determination and dedication are the prerequisite moral values that let you build a better life.

Choosing the right career post school

School life is lot easier as you stay at the same place for a long span of 12-14 years and your sole concern is to make it to the next standard. But when your school life comes to an end, you’re thrown into the real world where you have to make your own choices. This is why it becomes necessary to build an appropriate career so that you don’t have to face challenges for shaping a bright future.

You need to set objectives and aims in order to build your career. It is not necessary that all your goals have to be long term as you can set both short term and long term goals in order to attain success.

To start off with, select a career that interests you. Don’t choose anything that doesn’t interest you as that will not help you excel in those fields. At the same time, make sure that the path you choose offers you enough potential and scope in the distant future.

Do you have all the skills that are required for pursuing your career in the way that you have planned? If at present you think you don’t have the skills, you needn’t fret as you have time to acquire those skills through different classes and courses.

Talk to your parents and get yourself enrolled in various courses that can assist you in building a proper career that matches your talents and skills.

Mastering the act of balancing

When you leave school, you’ll know that life after school deals with striking the perfect balance. Now that you are no longer in your school, you have to balance between your personal life and work life.

There will be lots of people who’ll ask you to keep studying or just keep mastering a certain skill set. But this is not the way to go. You have to strike the right balance between whatever you do.

We all are aware of the fact that excess of anything is harmful for you, be it games or studies. So, don’t allow the pressure to set on you as this will hamper your mental as well as physical health. Too much of mental pressure will have an adverse impact on your career.

Try to maintain a pre-set schedule with enough of recreational options. Allot time for short breaks where you do something you love doing. Whenever you think there’s too much pressure on you, hangout with your friends. Don’t ever feel guilty about it.

Don’t forget to exercise everyday in order to keep your physical and mental health fresh. Setting the right goals can have the right influence of reorganizing your life.

Nevertheless, the schedule that you set in order to attain your goals shouldn’t be too rigorous. The schedule should be feasible and you should work with enough motivation.

Therefore, always try to prepare yourself well before leaving school so that you don’t meet with a shock when you leave school. Parents play a huge role in shaping the future of the students as they have to instill the faith in their children.

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Essay On Life After School

essay about life after school

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Short Essay On Life After School

Life after school can be both exciting and challenging. On one hand, you are free from the structure and routine of school and can explore new opportunities and experiences. On the other hand, you are faced with important decisions about your future career, relationships, and personal growth.

One of the first things to consider is further education or career training. Many individuals choose to pursue a college degree or technical certification to enhance their career prospects. Others may opt to enter the workforce directly, either through a full-time job or starting their own business.

Another key aspect of life after school is personal growth and development. This may involve traveling, volunteering, or engaging in new hobbies and interests. It is also important to maintain and grow relationships with friends and family. This can be done through regular communication and spending time together.

Finances also play a big role in life after school. It is important to learn about budgeting, saving, and investing in order to secure your future.

In conclusion, life after school presents new challenges and opportunities. It is important to have a plan for education and career, focus on personal growth, maintain relationships, and manage finances. With careful consideration and hard work, life after school can be fulfilling and rewarding.

long Essay On Life After School

Have you ever given thought to what life might be like after graduating from school? In this article, I explore the changes that come when we leave our educational institution and move into the “real world”. From an emotional standpoint, to the practicalities of finding work and managing finances, I discuss how our lives can change for better or worse when we enter a post-school society. With personal anecdotes and reflections on my own experience, I aim to provide a unique perspective on this important life transition.


It is often said that life begins after school. This is because, for most people, school is a time when you are growing up and learning about the world around you. After you finish school, you enter the next phase of your life where you are responsible for yourself and your own decisions.

Life after school can be both exciting and daunting. On one hand, you have the freedom to do what you want and make your own choices. On the other hand, you also have to manage your own time and finances, and make sure that you are on the right path in life.

The best way to approach life after school is to plan ahead and think about what you want to achieve. Make sure that you set realistic goals for yourself, and work towards them step by step. Be patient, and don’t be afraid to ask for help from others when you need it. Most importantly, enjoy this new phase of your life and make the most of it!

Advantages of Life After School

There are many advantages to life after school. For one, you don’t have to wake up early for classes and can sleep in as late as you want. You also have more free time to do the things you love, whether that’s pursuing a hobby or simply relaxing.

In addition, you no longer have to stress about exams and homework. Once you graduate, you can finally take a break from all the studying and focus on enjoying your life. And speaking of graduation, that’s another great thing about life after school: no more school!

Of course, there are also some challenges that come with life after school. For example, you may feel lost without the structure and routine of school. And you may miss your friends and classmates once you’re no longer seeing them every day.

But overall, life after school can be very rewarding. It’s a time to explore new things, make new friends, and learn more about yourself. So make the most of it!

Challenges Faced After School

It is often said that life after school is a tough one. It is true that leaving the comfort and security of school can be a challenge, but it is also an exciting time full of new opportunities. Here are some of the biggest challenges faced after school:

1. Finding a job: The job market is competitive, and it can be hard to find a job that matches your skills and interests. Be patient and don’t give up – eventually you’ll find something that’s right for you.

2. Money: Once you start working, you’ll have to start managing your own finances. This can be tricky, but there are plenty of resources available to help you budget and save money.

3. Time management: With work, social commitments and other responsibilities, it can be hard to find time for yourself. It’s important to make time for activities that make you happy and relaxed, such as reading, going for walks or listening to music.

4. Relationships: After school, you’ll be spending less time with your friends and family. It’s important to stay in touch with the people who matter to you, even if it means making an effort to keep in touch through phone calls, text messages or social media.

What Can You Do After School?

After school, there are many things that you can do. You can go to college, get a job, or start your own business. You can also travel the world, or volunteer for a cause that you care about. The possibilities are endless!

If you’re not sure what you want to do after school, that’s okay! Take some time to explore your options and figure out what feels right for you. There’s no rush to make a decision – take your time and enjoy the journey.

How to Create Connections and Networking

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This old saying is especially true when it comes to finding a job after graduation. The most important thing you can do during and after your time in school is to create connections and networking opportunities. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Get involved in extracurricular activities and clubs. This is a great way to meet people with similar interests as well as potential employers.

2. Attend career fairs and networking events. These are great places to meet people in your field and learn about different companies and job openings.

3. Use social media to your advantage. LinkedIn is a great professional networking site that can help you connect with potential employers and other professionals in your field.

4. Keep your resume up-to-date and tailored to the type of job you’re interested in. Make sure to highlight any relevant experience or skills you have that would make you a good fit for the position.

5. Stay positive and be persistent. It may take some time and effort, but eventually, by utilizing these tips, you’ll be able to create the connections and network necessary to find the perfect post-graduation job for you!

How to Find a Suitable Career Path for Yourself

It can be tough to figure out what you want to do with your life after school. There are so many options and paths you can take, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. But don’t worry, there are ways to figure out what career path is right for you. Here are some tips:

1.Think about what you’re passionate about. What subjects do you love learning about? What activities make you lose track of time? Your career should be something that you’re excited about and enjoy doing.

2. Consider what skills you have and what kinds of jobs would utilize those skills. Are you good at writing? Creative? Organized? Think about the kinds of jobs that would require those skills and see if any of them interest you.

3. Talk to people who are already doing the kind of work that you’re interested in. They can give you insights into what the job is really like and whether or not it’s a good fit for you.

4. Do some research into the different types of careers that interest you. See what the job outlook is like, what kind of education or training is required, and how much money you can expect to earn. This will help narrow down your options and make it easier to choose a career path.

5. Make a decision and go for it! Once you’ve done your research and thought about what interests and excites you, it’s time to make a decision and follow your chosen path.

Ultimately, the best career path for you is the one that makes you happy. Take the time to figure out what interests you, consider all of your options, and choose a career that will make you feel fulfilled and successful.

Tips for Managing Stress in Life After School

It can be tough to manage stress after school. Here are a few tips to help you out:

-Find a routine that works for you and stick to it. This will help you feel more in control of your life and less stressed.

-Make time for yourself every day. This can be something as simple as reading, taking a walk, or taking a relaxing bath.

-Talk to someone about what’s going on in your life. It can be helpful to talk to a friend, family member, therapist, or anyone else who will listen and offer support.

-Write down your thoughts and feelings. This can help you process what’s going on and figure out what’s causing your stress.

-Take breaks when you need them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, step away from whatever is causing the stress and take a few deep breaths.

Life after school can be an exciting time full of possibilities and opportunities. It is important to remember that life does not stop at graduation, but rather continues on with many new adventures ahead. As such, it is essential for graduating students to take the time to prepare themselves for this journey by setting goals, developing a plan of action, and being open-minded about the various paths their lives may take. With these tips in mind, graduates will be well on their way to achieving success in their post-school life!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Life after School in English for Children and Students

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School plays a significant role in the life of a child up to his/her teenage. A child’s life is spent shuffling between school and home, under the guidance and protection of guardians and teachers. But, a day comes in the life of every child when s/he has to finally leave school for further studies. This transition is unavoidable, as life goes on and one has to move on looking for better prospects of growth.

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Yet, leaving the safe environment of school and stepping into a completely different world could be emotionally intense and challenging as well. It’s not easy to leave old friends behind; nevertheless, the step needs to be taken. Life after school is filled with challenges, opportunities, choices, decisions and ambitions. There is a lot in life beyond school; you just have to have the courage to take that first step. New friends, new curriculum, profession, marriage etc all are experienced only when one comes out of school.

Long and Short Essays on Life after School in English

We have provided below Essay on Life after School in simple and easy to remember English language.

These Life after School Essay have been written to answer all your inquisitive questions about the life after school.

After going through the essays you will know what life has in store for you, once you step out of school, what it takes to be successful in life after school etc.

Short Essay on Life after School 200 words

Life after school is quite different from the life in school. Children are nurtured in a particular manner for around fifteen years of their life and suddenly everything changes. Many teenagers tend to get perplexed by the kind of choices and atmosphere they are exposed to after school.

We do not need to take any major decision while we are in school. We continue to study and indulge in different activities as advised by our parents and teachers during school days. All we need to worry about is our grades. We know that our whole and sole job is to study thoroughly and the rest shall follow.

However, as soon as we step out of the school, the first major decision we need to take is to choose a course. This course needs to be chosen very carefully considering various aspects as it will determine our career up to a great extent. We need to appear for entrance exams in order to get admission in a reputed college and pursue a good course.

The challenges keep on increasing at every step. After this, we need to look for a job and work meticulously to establish a position at our workplace. Once we are settled professionally, people advise us to settle in our personal life too. The tasks and responsibilities are varied and endless. This is the reason why people often remember their carefree school days fondly and wish they could go back in time to relive those moments.

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Essay on Challenges of Life after School 300 words

School life is comparatively quite simple as compared to life after school. We do not require making any major decisions during our school life and keep moving in a particular direction. However, life after school can be quite tough. We are faced with several challenges after the completion of our school. We are expected to act more responsibly, build our career and also keep our personal life intact.

Choosing a Course

One of the first challenges we face after school is choosing a course. There are numerous options to choose from and a number of things need to be considered before drilling down to one. Our grades in twelth standard play a major role in determining the course we can take up. Besides, we must also consider our interest, calibre and the scope of the course.

Seeking College Admission

Once we decide on which course to opt for, it is time to look for the colleges where that course is available. Filling up the forms, preparing for entrance exam and other nitty-gritty’s involved in taking admission need to be taken care of. This involves a good amount of research. The experience is quite unlike the school days where we don’t have to look for anything. The school management, teachers and parents take care of everything.

Building Career

After pursuing a course, we need to decide whether we wish to pursue another degree or diploma to specialise in the field or whether it is better to start working and gain some experience before going for a course. Building career is a never ending process. We need to learn new skills and improvise continually in order to stay ahead of the competition and build a lucrative career.

Life after school is extremely challenging. One needs to take wise decisions and work hard to ensure a good life after school.

Essay on Goals of Life after School 400 words

Setting goals and giving your best shot to achieve them is the key to succeed in life. It is important to set goals for life after school in order to ensure it moves in a planned and systematic manner. Your goals must not be restricted to your higher studies, career and profession. It is important to set goals related to personal life too.

Career Related Goals

It is important to build a career in order to ensure a good lifestyle and a comfortable life ahead. To build a lucrative career, it is important to set both short term and long term goals and work hard to achieve them. The first step towards this is to choose a course that has a good scope in the market. Apart from this, you must also consider your interest and competence. You would not be able to excel in a stream if you are not good at it even if it has a good market value.

It is a good idea to set goals for achieving/ improvising different skills. This can be done by joining part time courses alongside your main course. This can involve soft skills course, personality development course, courses to enhance analytical and problem solving skills or any course related to your main degree course.

Strike Work Life Balance

It is important to strike a work life balance. You will be advised to focus completely on your studies to build a lucrative career. There will be a lot of pressure and you might want to spend most of your time learning your lessons and looking for ways to perform better than your classmates. However, you need to understand that all work and no play can make you dull. It would eventually decline your power to concentrate and may even have a negative effect on your health.

One of your goals should be to maintain a balance between your studies and your personal life. It is important to rejuvenate amid the hectic study schedule. This is good for the mental as well as physical health. Studying continually can lower the ability to learn. This is why it is essential to take short breaks in between.

It is also necessary to exercise for an hour each day. Going out with friends every once in a while and spending quality time with family must also be on your list.

Goals have the power to streamline things. However, your goals and schedule prepared to achieve the same must not be too stringent. It should be workable and you must work with all your heart to achieve the same.

Essay on Importance of Life after School 500 words

Life after school is an important phase. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality comes out once we are out of school as we are no longer guided and checked at every step unlike the school days. Our parents give us a chance to take decisions independently and this helps us learn and experience many new things.

Pursue Hobbies

School life is full of fun but it isn’t as easy. It has its own set of challenges. With the growing competition and vast amount of syllabus in the higher classes, there is no room for pursuing hobbies. The schedule is strict. Half the day of the school going students is spent in the school. Several things such as self study sessions, coaching classes and preparation for entrance exams needs to be accommodated in the second half.

School going students need to indulge in numerous activities that are lined up back to back. Life after school can offer some respite. Before they join a course or even as they seek admission in college, they can pursue their hobbies. They may join a hobby class or learn it online by spending an hour or two.

Give Time to Personal Relationships

The constant study pressure and strict schedule deprives the students from attending family functions, spending time with relatives and going on trips with friends. They can indulge in all this after school.

Spending time with family and friends is important for the all round development of a child. As they grow up, they are able to understand these relationships better and begin to value them more than ever. It is good that they get time for their personal relationships as they are out of school.

Take Own Decisions

Children are mostly spoon fed till the time they are in school. Parents take all the important decisions for them. Teachers take care of various things in the school. From the kind of co-curricular activities they should participate in to the number of hours they should dedicate for studies – students hardly have a say in anything. This is because the parents and teachers think that they can take better decisions on their behalf as they do not really have a sense of right and not.

However, as they enter life after school, parents begin to value their opinion in many decisions. They are even given the chance to take various decisions for themselves. While the parents and teachers may suggest various courses to the children, the ultimate decision in most cases is that of the children. They are given the chance to choose the course and college they wish to seek admission in. Likewise, parents trust their grown-ups with various other decisions. They give them the flexibility to take their own decisions.

The actual life of a person begins after school. A number of challenges await us once we pass out from our school. These challenges have the power to make or break us. It is important to stay calm and take decisions wisely in order to lead a fulfilling life ahead.

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Long Essay on Life after School 600 words

The life of a student undergoes a major change after school. There is a big difference between the school culture and the college culture and the life that follows is never the same. A lot of restrictions that school going students face are done with as they enter life after school. However, a lot more responsibilities and challenges await them.

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School Life Vs Life after School

Life after school and the school life are two different phases of a person’s life. There are more differences than resemblance between the two.

Schools have strict rules that need to be adhered to. Every student must respect and obey these rules. The school timings, study pattern, time table – everything in the schools is fixed. There is no flexibility. The students do not get much chance to take any decision on their own. Most of the times, even the co-curricular activities and competitions the students participate in are not their choice. It is the teachers who decide as to who will participate in what based on their calibre whether or not it interests them.

At home, it is the parents who take all the decisions on the behalf of the children. The school they should go to, the activity or hobby classes they should join and the number of hours they should study – it is the parents who make all these decisions. The advantage here is that the children live a carefree life. They do not have to take any main decision and thus do not have to worry about the consequences. However, the negative point here is that at times the children are forced to indulge in things that don’t interest them at all. Besides, the strict routine and rigid rules can be quite exhausting.

Life after school gets a bit flexible. Most colleges do not require the students to come and leave at a fixed time each day. Students just have to attend their lectures and can plan the rest of the day as per their wish. The initial months in most courses do not require any extra coaching. So, the students have enough time to pursue their hobbies and interests. They also get ample time to spend with friends and family. Parents are more confident about the choices made by their children as they grow up so they let them make their own decisions. Likewise, in college they also get the chance to choose the competition and activity they wish to participate in.

The freedom to choose and live, grows as people move out of the college, start working and get older. However, it comes with a price. With freedom come responsibilities. They are accountable for their decisions and actions. This is the toughest part of life after school.

Life after School – Full of Challenges

Life after school is said to be full of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is to earn money and make a good living. For this, we need to pursue a good course and attain degree. A lot of research needs to be done and several things need to be considered before opting for one. This is one of the biggest challenges after school.

We cannot depend on our parents’ income for long. As we complete our studies, we need to dive into the real world and make a living. We get to meet all kinds of people as we begin working. We need to deal with them and build contacts. This can get stressful at times. Maintaining calm amid stressful conditions can be quite challenging. Maintaining balance between personal and professional life can be yet another challenge after school.

Life after school has its set of advantages and disadvantages. It can be handled smartly if we plan things properly and work diligently.

Essay on Life after School FAQs

How do you write a life after school essay.

To write a life after school essay, start by describing your plans, dreams, and goals for the future, and share your thoughts on how school has prepared you.

What happens after school life?

After school life typically involves pursuing higher education, entering the workforce, or exploring various career options, depending on your aspirations.

What is after school speech?

After school speech is a talk or presentation about your experiences and plans for the future after graduating from school.

A life after school essay can be written by discussing your post-school aspirations, challenges, and your vision for the future.

After finishing school, individuals often transition to college, work, or other opportunities to shape their adult lives.

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Graduation — Life After High School: Setting Goals and Exploring Career Options


Life after High School: Setting Goals and Exploring Career Options

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Words: 701 |

Published: Sep 7, 2023

Words: 701 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The importance of setting life goals, the significance of career exploration.

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essay about life after school

Argumentative Essay About Attending College After Highschool


In today’s rapidly changing workforce, going to college after high school is advisable. The change in the employment scene makes it clear that more and more jobs now demand a college education. The change, combined with the many advantages of going to college, makes it a logical choice for high school graduates looking to have a happy and rewarding life. College after high school is a win-win choice that can increase an individual’s chances of finding a career, help him become a well-adjusted adult, and add to the health of society.

Although the job market is changing, it is precisely because jobs now require higher knowledge and skills. In the recession of 2007-2010, as jobs requiring a college degree grew rapidly, those for high school graduates or those with some college education declined sharply. This trend underlines the need for a college education to adjust to changing needs in the labor market. Furthermore, the unemployment rates strengthen the incentive of higher education. As of December 2019, the rate of unemployment for people over 25 with bachelor’s degrees was only 1.9 %, which is lower than the rates (listed in descending order) for those with some college or an associate’s degree (2.7 %), high school graduates (3.7 %), and high school dropouts (5. The figures assert that higher education provides an avenue to employment and may guarantee a degree of job security that would be unheard of without a college degree.

Besides studying and learning, colleges become places for professional development and contact. All the resources colleges provide–career services, internships, job fairs, and volunteer programs–help prepare students for the job market. More than 80 % of college students take part in internships before graduating, acquiring practical experience and important contacts for their professions. There are many channels on college campuses for networking, which is an integral part of career development. From fraternities and sororities to clubs, students can make connections that will last beyond graduation.

The most compelling reason to go to college after high school is the significant financial gain it promises. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s calculations, a bachelor’s degree has given an average rate of return over even that from the stock market or housing. During a lifetime, college graduates make $ 570,00 more than high school graduates. Their career earnings are 71 %to 136 %higher. This correlation is reflected in Forbes ‘list of America’s richest people, 85 % of whom have a college education. College is an even more significant financial investment, and college graduates also have lower rates of underemployment than high school-only graduates or those with no high school diploma.

Outside of academics, colleges also develop vital personal skills, which are the key to success in life. The campus communities are many and varied. Students become acquainted with different cultures, religions, and viewpoints, which provide them with a deeper understanding of the world. Via a poll of 11,000 college students, interpersonal skills proved to be the skill most needed in daily life. Furthermore, college graduates’ contributions to society are not limited to their professional lives. Higher productivity, lower crime, better health, and better citizenship come from a college education.

The college offers more than just professional benefits. Its effects also include health and longevity of life. According to studies, 83 percent of college graduates report being in excellent health, up from the high school graduate’s 73. Adults over 65 with college degrees have more years spent in good cognition and fewer years suffering from dementia. This health boost does not stop with the individual but carries over to their family. Also, a college-educated parent can provide a stable environment and support the family unit. However, schools, in particular, should combine traditional college courses with vocational ones.

Going to college after high school is not only a good decision but also a wise strategy. It opens many great doors for one’s career. It offers rich opportunities for personal development while contributing more than its fair share to the well-being of society as a whole. The various advantages described in the previous section of this argument emphasize just how crucial a role higher education plays in teaching individuals to live and lead a vital and rich existence. The figures speak for themselves, and the costs of gaining a college education pale compared to its benefits, making it an essential investment for every high school graduate.

ProCon.org. (2023, June 29).  Is a College Education Worth It?  Procon.org; Britannica. https://college-education.procon.org/

Freedman, D., & Davis, L. (2018).  Linfield Magazine Linfield Magazine College or Career? College or Career? https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1709&context=linfield_magazine

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Life after School Essay

School plays a significant role in the life of a child up to his/her teenage. A child’s life is spent shuffling between school and home, under the guidance and protection of guardians and teachers. But, a day comes in the life of every child when s/he has to finally leave school for further studies. This transition is unavoidable, as life goes on and one has to move on looking for better prospects of growth.

Yet, leaving the safe environment of school and stepping into a completely different world could be emotionally intense and challenging as well. It’s not easy to leave old friends behind; nevertheless, the step needs to be taken. Life after school is filled with challenges, opportunities, choices, decisions and ambitions. There is a lot in life beyond school; you just have to have the courage to take that first step. New friends, new curriculum, profession, marriage etc all are experienced only when one comes out of school.

Long and Short Essays on Life after School in English

We have provided below Essay on Life after School in simple and easy to remember English language.

These Life after School Essay have been written to answer all your inquisitive questions about the life after school.

After going through the essays you will know what life has in store for you, once you step out of school, what it takes to be successful in life after school etc.

Short Essay on Life after School – Essay 1 (200 words)

Life after school is quite different from the life in school. Children are nurtured in a particular manner for around fifteen years of their life and suddenly everything changes. Many teenagers tend to get perplexed by the kind of choices and atmosphere they are exposed to after school.

We do not need to take any major decision while we are in school. We continue to study and indulge in different activities as advised by our parents and teachers during school days. All we need to worry about is our grades. We know that our whole and sole job is to study thoroughly and the rest shall follow.

However, as soon as we step out of the school, the first major decision we need to take is to choose a course. This course needs to be chosen very carefully considering various aspects as it will determine our career up to a great extent. We need to appear for entrance exams in order to get admission in a reputed college and pursue a good course.

The challenges keep on increasing at every step. After this, we need to look for a job and work meticulously to establish a position at our workplace. Once we are settled professionally, people advise us to settle in our personal life too. The tasks and responsibilities are varied and endless. This is the reason why people often remember their carefree school days fondly and wish they could go back in time to relive those moments.

Essay on Challenges of Life after School – Essay 2 (300 words)


School life is comparatively quite simple as compared to life after school. We do not require making any major decisions during our school life and keep moving in a particular direction. However, life after school can be quite tough. We are faced with several challenges after the completion of our school. We are expected to act more responsibly, build our career and also keep our personal life intact.

Choosing a Course

One of the first challenges we face after school is choosing a course. There are numerous options to choose from and a number of things need to be considered before drilling down to one. Our grades in twelth standard play a major role in determining the course we can take up. Besides, we must also consider our interest, calibre and the scope of the course.

Seeking College Admission 

Once we decide on which course to opt for, it is time to look for the colleges where that course is available. Filling up the forms, preparing for entrance exam and other nitty-gritty’s involved in taking admission need to be taken care of. This involves a good amount of research. The experience is quite unlike the school days where we don’t have to look for anything. The school management, teachers and parents take care of everything.

Building Career

After pursuing a course, we need to decide whether we wish to pursue another degree or diploma to specialise in the field or whether it is better to start working and gain some experience before going for a course. Building career is a never ending process. We need to learn new skills and improvise continually in order to stay ahead of the competition and build a lucrative career.

Life after school is extremely challenging. One needs to take wise decisions and work hard to ensure a good life after school.

Essay on Goals of Life after School – Essay 3 (400 words)

Setting goals and giving your best shot to achieve them is the key to succeed in life. It is important to set goals for life after school in order to ensure it moves in a planned and systematic manner. Your goals must not be restricted to your higher studies, career and profession. It is important to set goals related to personal life too.

Career Related Goals

It is important to build a career in order to ensure a good lifestyle and a comfortable life ahead. To build a lucrative career, it is important to set both short term and long term goals and work hard to achieve them. The first step towards this is to choose a course that has a good scope in the market. Apart from this, you must also consider your interest and competence. You would not be able to excel in a stream if you are not good at it even if it has a good market value.

It is a good idea to set goals for achieving/ improvising different skills. This can be done by joining part time courses alongside your main course. This can involve soft skills course, personality development course, courses to enhance analytical and problem solving skills or any course related to your main degree course.

Strike Work Life Balance

It is important to strike a work life balance. You will be advised to focus completely on your studies to build a lucrative career. There will be a lot of pressure and you might want to spend most of your time learning your lessons and looking for ways to perform better than your classmates. However, you need to understand that all work and no play can make you dull. It would eventually decline your power to concentrate and may even have a negative effect on your health.

One of your goals should be to maintain a balance between your studies and your personal life. It is important to rejuvenate amid the hectic study schedule. This is good for the mental as well as physical health. Studying continually can lower the ability to learn. This is why it is essential to take short breaks in between.

It is also necessary to exercise for an hour each day. Going out with friends every once in a while and spending quality time with family must also be on your list.

Goals have the power to streamline things. However, your goals and schedule prepared to achieve the same must not be too stringent. It should be workable and you must work with all your heart to achieve the same.

Essay on Importance of Life after School – Essay 4 (500 words)

Life after school is an important phase. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality comes out once we are out of school as we are no longer guided and checked at every step unlike the school days. Our parents give us a chance to take decisions independently and this helps us learn and experience many new things.

Pursue Hobbies

School life is full of fun but it isn’t as easy. It has its own set of challenges. With the growing competition and vast amount of syllabus in the higher classes, there is no room for pursuing hobbies. The schedule is strict. Half the day of the school going students is spent in the school. Several things such as self study sessions, coaching classes and preparation for entrance exams needs to be accommodated in the second half.

School going students need to indulge in numerous activities that are lined up back to back. Life after school can offer some respite. Before they join a course or even as they seek admission in college, they can pursue their hobbies. They may join a hobby class or learn it online by spending an hour or two.

Give Time to Personal Relationships

The constant study pressure and strict schedule deprives the students from attending family functions, spending time with relatives and going on trips with friends. They can indulge in all this after school.

Spending time with family and friends is important for the all round development of a child. As they grow up, they are able to understand these relationships better and begin to value them more than ever. It is good that they get time for their personal relationships as they are out of school.

Take Own Decisions

Children are mostly spoon fed till the time they are in school. Parents take all the important decisions for them. Teachers take care of various things in the school. From the kind of co-curricular activities they should participate in to the number of hours they should dedicate for studies – students hardly have a say in anything. This is because the parents and teachers think that they can take better decisions on their behalf as they do not really have a sense of right and not.

However, as they enter life after school, parents begin to value their opinion in many decisions. They are even given the chance to take various decisions for themselves. While the parents and teachers may suggest various courses to the children, the ultimate decision in most cases is that of the children. They are given the chance to choose the course and college they wish to seek admission in. Likewise, parents trust their grown-ups with various other decisions. They give them the flexibility to take their own decisions.

The actual life of a person begins after school. A number of challenges await us once we pass out from our school. These challenges have the power to make or break us. It is important to stay calm and take decisions wisely in order to lead a fulfilling life ahead.

Long Essay on Life after School – Essay 5 (600 words)

The life of a student undergoes a major change after school. There is a big difference between the school culture and the college culture and the life that follows is never the same. A lot of restrictions that school going students face are done with as they enter life after school. However, a lot more responsibilities and challenges await them.

School Life Vs Life after School

Life after school and the school life are two different phases of a person’s life. There are more differences than resemblance between the two.

Schools have strict rules that need to be adhered to. Every student must respect and obey these rules. The school timings, study pattern, time table – everything in the schools is fixed. There is no flexibility. The students do not get much chance to take any decision on their own. Most of the times, even the co-curricular activities and competitions the students participate in are not their choice. It is the teachers who decide as to who will participate in what based on their calibre whether or not it interests them.

At home, it is the parents who take all the decisions on the behalf of the children. The school they should go to, the activity or hobby classes they should join and the number of hours they should study – it is the parents who make all these decisions. The advantage here is that the children live a carefree life. They do not have to take any main decision and thus do not have to worry about the consequences. However, the negative point here is that at times the children are forced to indulge in things that don’t interest them at all. Besides, the strict routine and rigid rules can be quite exhausting.

Life after school gets a bit flexible. Most colleges do not require the students to come and leave at a fixed time each day. Students just have to attend their lectures and can plan the rest of the day as per their wish. The initial months in most courses do not require any extra coaching. So, the students have enough time to pursue their hobbies and interests. They also get ample time to spend with friends and family. Parents are more confident about the choices made by their children as they grow up so they let them make their own decisions. Likewise, in college they also get the chance to choose the competition and activity they wish to participate in.

The freedom to choose and live, grows as people move out of the college, start working and get older. However, it comes with a price. With freedom come responsibilities. They are accountable for their decisions and actions. This is the toughest part of life after school.

Life after School – Full of Challenges

Life after school is said to be full of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is to earn money and make a good living. For this, we need to pursue a good course and attain degree. A lot of research needs to be done and several things need to be considered before opting for one. This is one of the biggest challenges after school.

We cannot depend on our parents’ income for long. As we complete our studies, we need to dive into the real world and make a living. We get to meet all kinds of people as we begin working. We need to deal with them and build contacts. This can get stressful at times. Maintaining calm amid stressful conditions can be quite challenging. Maintaining balance between personal and professional life can be yet another challenge after school.

Life after school has its set of advantages and disadvantages. It can be handled smartly if we plan things properly and work diligently.

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Essay on life after school

Essay on life after school 3 Models

 Essay on life after school, in this important topic we must talk about the stage that follows the school years. Where some students may be satisfied with high school and are looking for work, and some students go to university.

Therefore, we will talk about the post-study phase in a 500 words presentation. Below we will provide you with sentences and phrases about the skills that we must acquire after studying. We will learn about the professions available for students besides studying.

Essay on life after school

Life after school means the period following the school years. Where the student remains for several years between school and studying, but in the end he manages to finish studies.

In our essay on life after school, we will talk about how young people feel after completing their studies, the problems they face during this important period of their lives, and what they should do in order to live this period in peace and achieve the greatest gains.

What is the importance of studying?

When a young child goes to nursery, he must cry and refuse to go, and this is because of his great fear of leaving the house and leaving safety. When a child has been living indoors for years, he is afraid of the idea of ​​changing this situation and going out to try another situation.

But the child must be accustomed from a young age to get out of one situation to another. This training will help him throughout his life so that he can accept these changes and the different stages in everyone’s life. No one remains in the same position for the rest of his life, but his position  must be changed.

Study is the method that forces the child to get out of the walls of his house, leaving the mother who protects him from the danger surrounding him. This child goes out to study and learns how to rely on himself, without the help of the mother, and without hiding behind the walls of the house.

What happens if the child refuses to go out to study?

If the child refuses to go out to study and does not want to mix with others, we must hire a specialist to help us teach him how to trust the outside world. He learns with the specialist how to recognize the dangers, and how to deal with them in a good way.

It is not right to leave a child to live isolated from the world. This isolation will not benefit him and will not protect him from the outside world. Because he will go out one day, or some people will come to live with him, then one day he will marry and have children. Because of the isolation, he will be a naive and hypersensitive person, which will lead to his failure in his life.

How do I develop myself after studying?

Every graduate should be interested in developing himself immediately after graduation, in order to find a suitable place in the labor market. Everyone is looking for work, and most of them have graduated from prestigious universities. However, not everyone developed themselves, but they were satisfied with university education, which causes the owners of companies to reject those who did not develop themselves.

Why do some people get depressed after finishing school?

Some people suffer from a disease of attachment to things and people. And this disease makes them attach to everyone around them a pathological attachment, so they are affected by leaving things to the point of becoming depressed, or going back to the same thing again, even if it no longer suits them.

After they are attached to study and friends, they get a great shock when they wake up one day and find neither school nor friends.

This problem makes the person stop in the middle of the road and try to go back to the past, and not look forward to the future, which wastes his years of life without any progress forward.

How do you live your life after school in peace?

In order to live your life after the end of the school years in peace and happiness, you must know that life’s stages and changes due to the nature of the universe. The child will not remain in the arms of his mother. If we watch a young man in his teenage years sleeping in his mother’s arms all the time, we will be surprised because of the different stages. This teenager must study and work, or practice sports that fill his spare time and strengthen his body.

The same applies to those who have completed their school years, who must be financially independent from their parents. They must find a suitable job for them. After finding a suitable job, it is the turn to buy or rent a suitable home. Then it is necessary to associate with a good person in order to form a healthy family and have healthy children.

Is it possible to study forever?

Studying for a lifetime is an obsession and it must be cured. It is acceptable for a person to read books and listen to content that educates his mind, but to go to universities and study academically all his life, it is strange. That is why the person must go to a specialized doctor in order to help him solve this pathological attachment to the study so that it does not affect his life.

How do we adapt to the different stages of life?

If we want to adapt to the different stages of life, we must live a normal life from childhood. It is not possible to isolate the child in his childhood from the surrounding world, out of fear for him. Because isolating the child makes him more shy and more rejecting of society at school age. It is not right to deprive children of friends of their age. Because these friendships train him to deal with different types of people.

The older child and adolescent must be left to do some tasks that develop their social skills, so that the child becomes stronger and can act alone in the various stages of his life.

If we notice that the child has a pathological attachment to things, and does not accept any change that occurs in his life easily, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor to help him overcome this problem. A young child can change his thoughts at an early age.

We have come to the end of our topic for today, an essay on life after school, and we learned about the problems that a number of people may face in adapting to their lives after completing their school years. And what should be done for the young child to integrate into society, and not feel isolated and lonely.

We talked about the importance of self-development so that we can get a suitable job, which will enable us to start a healthy family life.

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Best Things About the School Life for Students

School Life is the best time of our life as we make new friends, learn new things and build our career there. School time is the only time which we enjoy most, and when we enter college, we always miss our school life. School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the challenges of life. I love my school life and really enjoy it. I have lots of friends, and all my teachers love me. I love my school and enjoy going there every day to meet my friends and learn new things. 

Everyone keeps on saying that school life is the best time of your life. When listening to these phrases from their elders, the school students think about what is good about this life. All we do in the entire day is to attend the classes and to do the homework. But once school life gets over, the students realise that school life was the best time of their life.

Apart from learning great things in school, you make new friends, play different sports and create memories for the rest of your life. The students also learn many life skills like teamwork, good manners, etc., and understand what they want to become in their life.

About My School and School Life

I study in the reputed private school in my city, and I am glad to be a student of this school. My school is one of the most renowned schools in my town. It is very beautiful and huge. My school has all the facilities for sports, study and other activities. Built-in a three-storey building, it is a Co-Ed and Senior Secondary School having Science, Arts and Commerce stream. The atmosphere at my school is delightful. We have a huge playing ground where we all students play different games like Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, etc. We have a separate Basketball and Tennis court, as well as a small and beautiful garden for kids.

The students practice these sports every day. The school also has a big swimming pool and sports area for indoor games. In this area, the students can play Table Tennis and Chess. There is also a big skating rink. Different physical training teachers train us for all these sports. These sports not only keep us fit but also increase our stamina and coordination.

School life is not just limited to studies and sports. There are also other activity rooms such as the music room, art room, and dance room. The Art room is a big hall with lots of colourful charts and various types of paints. The students can portray their imagination and can create beautiful art here. Dance and music are also very important in school life as they help the students express themselves in a new manner. The different movements in dance help the students in unwinding themselves.

My school has a big library where we all read different kinds of books, novels and comics. Apart from the library, my school has well-equipped scientific labs where we all practise various experiments of Chemistry, Physics and Biology. I have learned a lot of things in these labs. My school also has a big computer lab with trained technical staff that help us to learn everything about computers. I love playing on the computer and learning new things in the computer lab. In the computer lab, the students learn about using MS Word and PowerPoint. The computer lab is also called the ICT lab. The ICT teacher teaches the students about the internet and how to use it safely.

All the staff at my school are very polite, educated and experienced. Our teachers not only teach us but also prepare us for various competitions, and every year, my school wins many prizes in various competitions. I have even represented my school in a hockey championship and scored the second position.

The classrooms are big and decorated beautifully with different artwork done by the students. Various projects and models are kept in the classroom for the students to keep on revising their concepts. The teachers use smartboards, and every day a new word is taught to enhance the students’ vocabulary. Every day one student presents the ‘Thought for the Day’. These positive thoughts keep us motivated.

All the teachers at my school are very dedicated and punctual. They always teach us discipline and ask us to come to school on time. Our teachers love us, and they teach us in a very simple and easy way. Whenever we fail to understand anything, they try to make us understand it again without shouting at us. They give equal attention to all the students, and that is why my school has an excellent academic record. 

The teachers are well qualified. They use different techniques to teach us the concepts. The atmosphere in the school is fun-filled and fruitful at the same time. The school’s entire staff, from the security guard to the teachers, is very helpful and polite.

We learn many life skills also in school. Discipline, hard work, and punctuality are some of them. During sports classes, we learn teamwork and work together to win.

The best part of my school is its auditorium where all the school events and competitions take place. Our school auditorium is one of the best auditoriums in the town with a great sound and light facility. It is fully air-conditioned with lots of seats. Every year, my school organises an annual cultural festival which lasts for two days. Many cultural events take place within these two days like singing, dancing, debate competition, etc. I love to participate in a poem writing competition every year, and many times I have won prizes as well. Every year, the toppers of our school get awarded on this annual cultural day and we all students love to participate in various events of the annual cultural day.

We also have school assemblies in our Auditorium. Sometimes the students from other schools come and participate in the different competitions organised in our schools. These events are called inter-school competitions. These events are very good as we get to learn new things from other students and make many new friends.

Apart from the annual cultural day, my school is famous for organising one of the biggest annual sports meets. I love this annual sports meet because sports are my favourite. In this annual sports meet, various sports competitions are organised, and almost 50 schools participate in these competitions and win multiple titles. Me, my friends, and our seniors also participate in these competitions and make our school proud by winning in them. My school has great teachers, excellent faculty and all the facilities that one student needs to excel in his/her life.

The biggest reason behind the success and fame of my school is our Principal Sir. He is 50 years old, yet very active and disciplined. He has an attractive personality, and his knowledge is commendable. He loves all the students and always spare some time from his busy schedule to monitor the progress of all the students. I admire his personality and principles. He always encourages us to take part in various extracurricular activities, and it is the result of his support & dedication that the students of my school always perform better in all the competitions. We all are fortunate to have him as our Principal.

Principal sir awards the students who participate and win in different cultural and sports events. He has a good memory and remembers the name of every child. The students feel proud when Principal sir calls them by their names.

After each term, assessments are also being conducted in the school. The teachers prepare us for these assessments, and the results are also shared with the parents. The assessment is a good system as students understand the learning gaps and can work on them. The teachers are very helpful as they assist the students wherever it is required.

I love my school and my school life. Every day I learn new things here and enjoy it with my friends. All my teachers love me and always support me. I have learned discipline and punctuality from my teachers, and it will help me a lot in my future. I am proud to be a student at this school, and I will always miss my school after leaving it. My school life has taught me many things and given me some best friends who will be my friends forever. I wish all the success to my school and love everything about my school life. 

The different experiences which the students get in school life help them to become better human beings. When they leave school, they are not just taking the memories with them, but they take many friends, a career and good manners for life. It is the first place where the students come out of their family circles and create a new one with their teachers and friends. 

One should also remember that everyone is not privileged enough to get an education. If one gets this opportunity, then be grateful and work towards being a better human being. Cherish your school life and stay motivated.


FAQs on Essay on My School Life in English for Students and Children

1. Do you think Sports are important during school life?

2. What are life skills learnt during school life?

Some of the Life Skills learnt during school life are:


Life After High School Essay

Of course, there are some challenges that come with being out of high school. For one thing, it can be tough to stay motivated without the structure of school. But I’ve been able to manage by setting my own goals and keeping myself on track.

At the end of 8th grade, your teachers, friends, and family all congratulate you on completing the school year. You’ve finished the year with excellent grades and perhaps made new acquaintances like other kids in the school. Is this how you want to be remembered for being ordinary? A legacy is a term used to describe how you will be remembered for your actions in life. Your legacy will have a long-term influence on your life as well as others’ lives.

You can be the next big thing and change the world, or you could just go to school, get good grades, and have a successful job. Everyone has their own legacy they want to leave behind, but not everyone knows how to do it. This is what I want to talk about today: my legacy and what I will do after high school.

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Life after School Essay

Long and short essay on life after school in english for children and students.

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Life changes drastically once we are out of school. Life after school is exposed to new challenges and experiences. It is a different world altogether. We need to be more particular about every decision we make as we step out of the school.

Long and Short Essays on Life after School in English

Here are essay on Life after School of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Life after School essay as per your need:

Short Essay on Life after School – Essay 1 (200 words)

Life after school is quite different from the life in school. Children are nurtured in a particular manner for around fifteen years of their life and suddenly everything changes. Many teenagers tend to get perplexed by the kind of choices and atmosphere they are exposed to after school.

We do not need to take any major decision while we are in school. We continue to study and indulge in different activities as advised by our parents and teachers during school days. All we need to worry about is our grades. We know that our whole and sole job is to study thoroughly and the rest shall follow.

However, as soon as we step out of the school, the first major decision we need to take is to choose a course. This course needs to be chosen very carefully considering various aspects as it will determine our career up to a great extent. We need to appear for entrance exams in order to get admission in a reputed college and pursue a good course.

The challenges keep on increasing at every step. After this, we need to look for a job and work meticulously to establish a position at our workplace. Once we are settled professionally, people advise us to settle in our personal life too. The tasks and responsibilities are varied and endless. This is the reason why people often remember their carefree school days fondly and wish they could go back in time to relive those moments.

Essay on Challenges of Life after School – Essay 2 (300 words)


School life is comparatively quite simple as compared to life after school. We do not require making any major decisions during our school life and keep moving in a particular direction. However, life after school can be quite tough. We are faced with several challenges after the completion of our school. We are expected to act more responsibly, build our career and also keep our personal life intact.

Choosing a Course

One of the first challenges we face after school is choosing a course. There are numerous options to choose from and a number of things need to be considered before drilling down to one. Our grades in twelth standard play a major role in determining the course we can take up. Besides, we must also consider our interest, calibre and the scope of the course.

Seeking College Admission 

Once we decide on which course to opt for, it is time to look for the colleges where that course is available. Filling up the forms, preparing for entrance exam and other nitty-gritty’s involved in taking admission need to be taken care of. This involves a good amount of research. The experience is quite unlike the school days where we don’t have to look for anything. The school management, teachers and parents take care of everything.

Building Career

After pursuing a course, we need to decide whether we wish to pursue another degree or diploma to specialise in the field or whether it is better to start working and gain some experience before going for a course. Building career is a never ending process. We need to learn new skills and improvise continually in order to stay ahead of the competition and build a lucrative career.

Life after school is extremely challenging. One needs to take wise decisions and work hard to ensure a good life after school.

Essay on Goals of Life after School – Essay 3 (400 words)

Setting goals and giving your best shot to achieve them is the key to succeed in life. It is important to set goals for life after school in order to ensure it moves in a planned and systematic manner. Your goals must not be restricted to your higher studies, career and profession. It is important to set goals related to personal life too.

Career Related Goals

It is important to build a career in order to ensure a good lifestyle and a comfortable life ahead. To build a lucrative career, it is important to set both short term and long term goals and work hard to achieve them. The first step towards this is to choose a course that has a good scope in the market. Apart from this, you must also consider your interest and competence. You would not be able to excel in a stream if you are not good at it even if it has a good market value.

It is a good idea to set goals for achieving/ improvising different skills. This can be done by joining part time courses alongside your main course. This can involve soft skills course, personality development course, courses to enhance analytical and problem solving skills or any course related to your main degree course.

Strike Work Life Balance

It is important to strike a work life balance. You will be advised to focus completely on your studies to build a lucrative career. There will be a lot of pressure and you might want to spend most of your time learning your lessons and looking for ways to perform better than your classmates. However, you need to understand that all work and no play can make you dull. It would eventually decline your power to concentrate and may even have a negative effect on your health.

One of your goals should be to maintain a balance between your studies and your personal life. It is important to rejuvenate amid the hectic study schedule. This is good for the mental as well as physical health. Studying continually can lower the ability to learn. This is why it is essential to take short breaks in between.

It is also necessary to exercise for an hour each day. Going out with friends every once in a while and spending quality time with family must also be on your list.

Goals have the power to streamline things. However, your goals and schedule prepared to achieve the same must not be too stringent. It should be workable and you must work with all your heart to achieve the same.

Essay on Importance of Life after School – Essay 4 (500 words)

Life after school is an important phase. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality comes out once we are out of school as we are no longer guided and checked at every step unlike the school days. Our parents give us a chance to take decisions independently and this helps us learn and experience many new things.

Pursue Hobbies

School life is full of fun but it isn’t as easy. It has its own set of challenges. With the growing competition and vast amount of syllabus in the higher classes, there is no room for pursuing hobbies. The schedule is strict. Half the day of the school going students is spent in the school. Several things such as self study sessions, coaching classes and preparation for entrance exams needs to be accommodated in the second half.

School going students need to indulge in numerous activities that are lined up back to back. Life after school can offer some respite. Before they join a course or even as they seek admission in college, they can pursue their hobbies. They may join a hobby class or learn it online by spending an hour or two.

Give Time to Personal Relationships

The constant study pressure and strict schedule deprives the students from attending family functions, spending time with relatives and going on trips with friends. They can indulge in all this after school.

Spending time with family and friends is important for the all round development of a child. As they grow up, they are able to understand these relationships better and begin to value them more than ever. It is good that they get time for their personal relationships as they are out of school.

Take Own Decisions

Children are mostly spoon fed till the time they are in school. Parents take all the important decisions for them. Teachers take care of various things in the school. From the kind of co-curricular activities they should participate in to the number of hours they should dedicate for studies – students hardly have a say in anything. This is because the parents and teachers think that they can take better decisions on their behalf as they do not really have a sense of right and not.

However, as they enter life after school, parents begin to value their opinion in many decisions. They are even given the chance to take various decisions for themselves. While the parents and teachers may suggest various courses to the children, the ultimate decision in most cases is that of the children. They are given the chance to choose the course and college they wish to seek admission in. Likewise, parents trust their grown-ups with various other decisions. They give them the flexibility to take their own decisions.

The actual life of a person begins after school. A number of challenges await us once we pass out from our school. These challenges have the power to make or break us. It is important to stay calm and take decisions wisely in order to lead a fulfilling life ahead.

Long Essay on Life after School – Essay 5 (600 words)

The life of a student undergoes a major change after school. There is a big difference between the school culture and the college culture and the life that follows is never the same. A lot of restrictions that school going students face are done with as they enter life after school. However, a lot more responsibilities and challenges await them.

School Life Vs Life after School

Life after school and the school life are two different phases of a person’s life. There are more differences than resemblance between the two.

Schools have strict rules that need to be adhered to. Every student must respect and obey these rules. The school timings, study pattern, time table – everything in the schools is fixed. There is no flexibility. The students do not get much chance to take any decision on their own. Most of the times, even the co-curricular activities and competitions the students participate in are not their choice. It is the teachers who decide as to who will participate in what based on their calibre whether or not it interests them.

At home, it is the parents who take all the decisions on the behalf of the children. The school they should go to, the activity or hobby classes they should join and the number of hours they should study – it is the parents who make all these decisions. The advantage here is that the children live a carefree life. They do not have to take any main decision and thus do not have to worry about the consequences. However, the negative point here is that at times the children are forced to indulge in things that don’t interest them at all. Besides, the strict routine and rigid rules can be quite exhausting.

Life after school gets a bit flexible. Most colleges do not require the students to come and leave at a fixed time each day. Students just have to attend their lectures and can plan the rest of the day as per their wish. The initial months in most courses do not require any extra coaching. So, the students have enough time to pursue their hobbies and interests. They also get ample time to spend with friends and family. Parents are more confident about the choices made by their children as they grow up so they let them make their own decisions. Likewise, in college they also get the chance to choose the competition and activity they wish to participate in.

The freedom to choose and live, grows as people move out of the college, start working and get older. However, it comes with a price. With freedom come responsibilities. They are accountable for their decisions and actions. This is the toughest part of life after school.

Life after School – Full of Challenges

Life after school is said to be full of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is to earn money and make a good living. For this, we need to pursue a good course and attain degree. A lot of research needs to be done and several things need to be considered before opting for one. This is one of the biggest challenges after school.

We cannot depend on our parents’ income for long. As we complete our studies, we need to dive into the real world and make a living. We get to meet all kinds of people as we begin working. We need to deal with them and build contacts. This can get stressful at times. Maintaining calm amid stressful conditions can be quite challenging. Maintaining balance between personal and professional life can be yet another challenge after school.

Life after school has its set of advantages and disadvantages. It can be handled smartly if we plan things properly and work diligently.

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Literary Analysis “Life After High School”. (2016, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/literary-analysis-life-after-high-school-essay

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StudyMoose. (2016). Literary Analysis “Life After High School” . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/literary-analysis-life-after-high-school-essay [Accessed: 25 Aug. 2024]

"Literary Analysis “Life After High School”." StudyMoose, Apr 16, 2016. Accessed August 25, 2024. https://studymoose.com/literary-analysis-life-after-high-school-essay

"Literary Analysis “Life After High School”," StudyMoose , 16-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/literary-analysis-life-after-high-school-essay. [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Literary Analysis “Life After High School” . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/literary-analysis-life-after-high-school-essay [Accessed: 25-Aug-2024]

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Literary Analysis “Life After High School” essay

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After my daughter beat cancer, I wanted to control her entire life. Then she went to college

My daughter Emily and me.

By the time I moved my daughter into her freshman dorm last August, she’d had it with my “helping.” We stood in the tiny space cluttered with labeled boxes, bedding, an ottoman and a totally impractical but everyone-has-one headboard. 

“Let me hang up your pictures,” I said. “No, I’m good,” she protested. When I reached for the nails, she pushed back harder. “You don’t get it. I don’t want your help.” 

I chalked up her reaction to nerves — hers and mine. We look alike, talk alike and think alike. This may be our superpower, but it is also our kryptonite. Miscommunication defines a lot of our back and forth, and passive-aggressive behavior (hers and mine) runs amuck. A slammed car door — or, this time, the hammer tossed back into a box — tells me all I need to know.

In hindsight, Emily’s frustration was justified. For over a decade, I’d made an occupation out of helping her. Guilt and desperation can make a mother “do too much.” (Her words, not mine.) 

Emily had high-risk cancer when she was 4. Her odds of survival were 50/50. We spent more than 300 nights in Boston Children’s Hospital staring at the infamous Citgo sign and trudging through a protocol of care that threatened to kill her before the cancer did. We were lucky. She lived, but a lot of kids like her die.   

Emily had cancer when she was a child and was given a 50% chance of living.

The treatment left her legally deaf and damaged her endocrine system, kidneys, height and fertility. Still, the only thing she hated more than hair that refused to grow back was the way I showed up to fix all of her problems. 

For the next fourteen years, I convinced myself it was my responsibility to keep her alive. After all, I was the one who’d shrugged off her knee pain (a softball-sized tumor rested on her left adrenal gland and caused pressure) as growing pains. Doctors dismissed my self-blame, assuring me there was nothing I could’ve done, but I didn’t let myself off the hook so easily. My one job was to keep her safe, and I’d failed.  

Now, on this, my second-chance at mothering her, I needed to up my game. Every decision felt urgent and monumental. 

Cancer recovery books made me paranoid, so I overhauled her diet, replacing SpaghettiOs with chickpea pasta and organic tomato sauce. “This is awful,” she said, and refused to eat it. In middle school, she stashed empty Dorito wrappers in her dresser drawer and backpack. Her pushback was in gestures, not in words. Popping a red frosting flower into her mouth knowing red dye made me cringe amused her.

If mother-daughter relationships can be complicated, our tangled mess of emotion and trauma took complicated to a new level. No one told me the best way to mother a kid who’d had cancer. I did my best every day. It was too much and never enough. 

My post-cancer fallout duties included things like picking up prescriptions, making school accommodations, handling health insurance disputes, scheduling medical appointments, and finding a therapist for a teenager who didn’t want therapy. Yet I was also responsible for normal-mom things like not letting her quit soccer or a job she hated, caring for her sister, and holding firm to a curfew time. 

I was the caregiver, bad cop, pseudo-doctor, education advocate, phone location lurker, and on-call nurse while side-hustling as her mother. She resented all of it. In turn, I resented her lack of appreciation for everything I did. I said things I didn’t mean. She did, too. 

On my way home from freshman drop-off , I wondered if we’d ever talk or text. Emily held the power on everything now — her health choices, social life, nutrition. And, her engagement with me. 

Now Emily is a college student — and, to my surprise, the space apart has been good for us.

I thought I’d be terrified. Instead, I felt relief. 

The proverbial gun to my head for the past 14 years rested on the car dashboard. I could see it but no longer felt threatened by it. My guess is Emily felt similar but different. Maybe more like a caged bird being set free. 

In the passenger seat flying along the highway, I scrolled my Facebook feed and felt weird for not sobbing like fellow moms, heartbroken that their baby had left the nest . For days, I waited for that feeling to come. 

Instead, something miraculous happened. 

Little by little, day by day, the best part of me — the part that had been buried under the unrealistic expectations of mothering a sick kid for 14 years — perked up. Just a little at first, in the form of a good morning mood and a pot of coffee I didn’t need to save a cup of for Emily. 

Not having direct access to Emily forced me to surrender the details of her day to her. Decisions that had always struck me as high-stakes were, to her, just part of life. I didn’t feel the need to call and make sure she took her medicines. And I knew if I did, she’d get aggravated at the implication I didn’t trust or believe she was capable of taking care of herself. 

For weeks, I didn’t completely trust the feeling of freedom. Allowing Emily to take care of herself felt reckless, irresponsible. Did normal parents feel like this? Or just cancer parents?

It didn’t matter. I shifted my focus to little pleasures that for years, I’d been too overwhelmed and distracted to enjoy. I replaced headspace about what I’d make her for dinner, or if she had enough gas in her car with debating what Netflix series I wanted to watch. 

My softening made room for me to really get to know Emily — a funny kid who can always justify buying another crop top. And Emily got to know me too — a woman with good intentions who’d made a lot of mistakes because I’m human. I could be “just” her mom. She could be “just” my daughter. 

The two of us in Emily's college dorm room.

Every day at school, Emily called, texted or FaceTimed me. I thought she’d stop after finding her place at school, but she didn’t. I felt special, loved, forgiven. If my mood was off, I’d wait to connect. She did the same thing. The time allowed one of us to let a mood pass — one that had nothing to do with the other — but had the potential to trigger us. 

Our talks were light, lacking the tension that defined so many talks of before. She amused me with tales about weekend jaunts around campus and her lack of willpower to pass up dining hall pizza. “It just calls to me every night,” she joked. Our running joke was if she’d break down and hang something on her bare dorm room walls. “It bothers you so much more than it bothers me,” she said.  

Emily shared one of her Spotify playlists (who knew she loved Stevie Nicks? ), and texted me in real time while we watched Joey on “The Bachelor.” It turns out, the space apart had brought us closer together. 

We were able to nurture our relationship outside of cancer, chronic health issues, mother control tendencies, and teenage nonsense (yes, even kids with medical conditions pull shenanigans). 

Most days, I wish for a do-over. A chance to tell my younger self to resist so much helping and fixing because nothing, especially Emily, is broken. But maybe realizations like that only come with time and space and hard-earned experience. And maybe where we are now is at least in part thanks to who I was then?

Most days, I wish for a do-over. A chance to tell my younger self to resist so much helping and fixing because nothing, especially Emily, is broken.

This summer is different than last. Emily does her thing, and I do mine. I don’t lurk on our shared location app anymore. We take day trips and go shopping together. She asks me to buy organic fruit and vegetables for the big salads she makes for dinner. 

Sometimes we hit bumps — like the way she tosses dishes into the dishwasher — but we bounce back after her text to me: sooooorrrrryyyyyy. 

I love when she’s home. And, I love when she goes back to school. I think the feeling is mutual. 

With the start of school just about here, I remind her to order her dorm essentials soon. “Yup,” she says as she heads to her bedroom. “I think this year, I’ll hang up pictures.”

Amy McHugh is a teacher and writer living on Cape Cod. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Oprah Daily, Newsweek and HuffPost, among others. She's currently working on her memoir, "Permission to Be Human." Find her online at  www.amymchughwriter.com  or on Twitter at  @AmyMcHughWriter .

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Why counsellors should prepare students for life after high school

Counsellors help students with academic planning, essay writing and choice of university – but their job doesn’t end when students hit ‘submit’ on university applications

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College counsellors play a pivotal role in preparing students not only for university but also for life beyond graduation. As students transition from high school to higher education and the workforce, they face a multitude of challenges that require more than academic knowledge.

While college counsellors help students with their academic planning, essay writing, well-rounded university list building and university applications, there is still much to be covered after students hit “submit” on their university applications.

Effective college counselling should also encompass guidance on gap-year opportunities , as well as essential life skills such as paying taxes, living with roommates, learning to cook and learning to be self-reliant. It should also cover social and societal preparedness, ensuring that students are well-rounded and ready for the real world.

Exploring gap-year opportunities

One valuable aspect of college counselling involves encouraging students to consider taking gap years if it benefits their individual learning journeys. This time can be used to travel, immerse themselves in new cultures, learn or practise a foreign language and develop a broader world view.

Whether it’s volunteering in a different country, participating in a cultural exchange programme or simply travelling, a gap year offers students a unique chance to grow personally and intellectually. By stepping outside their comfort zones, students can cultivate a deeper understanding of global diversity and become more open-minded global citizens.

College counsellors can provide resources and advice on planning a gap year, helping students find programmes that align with their interests and career goals . Then, when they come back from this educational adventure, students will be more mature and mentally equipped to tackle the academic endeavours ahead.

Life-skills education

Life skills are crucial for students’ success and independence. College counsellors can collaborate with teachers to offer workshops on essential topics such as managing personal finances.

These workshops can cover practical skills such as opening a bank account, understanding the differences between saving and investing and the implications of interest rates. Additionally, understanding how credit cards work and the importance of maintaining good credit can be invaluable as students start to build their financial futures.

One particularly important area is debt management, especially given the prevalence of student loans. Counsellors can educate students about the long-term impacts of student debt , strategies for repayment and how to avoid falling into unmanageable debt. Knowledge of tax obligations, including how to file taxes, can also be included in these sessions, providing a foundation for financial literacy that will serve students well into adulthood.

Social skills and etiquette

Living on one’s own for the first time presents another set of challenges. College counsellors can offer workshops on social skills and etiquette, which are crucial for adapting to new social environments.

These can include lessons on living with roommates, such as how to share space respectfully and resolve conflicts amicably. Workshops on making new friends and building social networks can help students feel more comfortable in new settings and reduce feelings of isolation .

Moreover, understanding the basics of dining etiquette, professional communication and dressing appropriately for various occasions can boost students’ confidence in social and professional settings. By providing guidance on these topics, college counsellors help students navigate the social complexities of adult life.

The importance of holistic education

While academic achievements are often prioritised, life and social skills are equally important for success in the real world. College counsellors play a critical role in ensuring that students are not only prepared academically but are also equipped with the necessary tools to handle adult responsibilities and social interactions that have a greater impact on society as a whole.

The transition from high school to the next stage of life can be daunting, but with comprehensive guidance students can approach this new chapter with confidence and excitement. This will enable them to thrive as they step into adulthood, fully prepared for the realities of the world beyond the classroom.


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    Life After school is a time of uncertainties, fears and hope. It's a journey that gives room for personal growth. Instead of putting unnecessary pressure on yourself, embrace the process, and allow yourself to grow naturally. Enjoy the journey and all the experiences it brings, knowing that it's a time of exploration and learning.

  7. Long Essay on Life After School

    Essay On Life After School: The initial education and knowledge of a person are acquired from school life. School life is the most cherishable, the memories made in school will be etched in our mind everlastingly. The era spent in school is the golden period of every student's life. This period of life is stress-free, we study the syllabus ...

  8. Essay on Life after School in English for Children and Students

    These Life after School Essay have been written to answer all your inquisitive questions about the life after school. After going through the essays you will know what life has in store for you, once you step out of school, what it takes to be successful in life after school etc. Short Essay on Life after School 200 words

  9. Essay on Life after School

    Life after School Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) School life is the best phase of every student's life. 2) During school, students are only limited to scoring good academic marks. 3) Life after school becomes complex and full of career tension. 4) After school every decision should be taken carefully as it can affect our career.

  10. Paragraph and Short Essay on Life after School

    Short Essay on Life after School School Life vs. Life after School (400 Words) Introduction. School life is the best part of every student's life of an individual. The time spent in school is memorable. After the school days are over we can recall it in our memories only. Students get into an entirely different world after completing school life.

  11. Life after High School: Setting Goals and Exploring Career Options

    Graduating from high school marks a significant milestone in one's life, and it is often accompanied by a sense of excitement and anticipation for the... read full [Essay Sample] for free

  12. Argumentative Essay About Attending College After Highschool

    The most compelling reason to go to college after high school is the significant financial gain it promises. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's calculations, a bachelor's degree has given an average rate of return over even that from the stock market or housing. During a lifetime, college graduates make $ 570,00 more than ...

  13. Life after School Essay

    Essay on Importance of Life after School - Essay 4 (500 words) Introduction. Life after school is an important phase. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality comes out once we are out of school as we are no longer guided and checked at every step unlike the school days.

  14. Essay on life after school

    Life after school means the period following the school years. Where the student remains for several years between school and studying, but in the end he manages to finish studies. In our essay on life after school, we will talk about how young people feel after completing their studies, the problems they face during this important period of ...

  15. Essay on My School Life for Students in English

    Best Things About the School Life for Students. School Life is the best time of our life as we make new friends, learn new things and build our career there. School time is the only time which we enjoy most, and when we enter college, we always miss our school life. School life teaches us lots of new things and prepares us to face all the ...

  16. Life After High School

    Back To School Life After High School. 8. Literary Analysis "Life After High School". Words • 676. Pages • 3. Paper Type: 650 Word Essay Examples. The short story, "Life After High School" by Joyce Carol Oates, is set in the small town of South Lebanon, New York in 1959.

  17. Life After High School Essay

    Life After High School Essay. I graduated from high school about a year ago, and since then my life has been pretty busy. I've been working as a leader in my community, and also taking classes to improve my education. Overall, I'm really enjoying my life after high school. One of the best things about no longer being in high school is that ...

  18. Argumentative Essay: Life After High School

    23 March 2016. Life after High school. Fewer than half of high school students across the country feel like they are ready for college and careers, even though these remain top goals for students. Results from a survey given by College and Career Readiness of 165,000 high school students conducted by YouthTruth, Found that 45 percent of ...

  19. Life after high school Essay

    The essay 'Life After High School" by Annie Murphy Paul is about the effect of a persons high school experience on what they do later in life. Paul had been asked to be the commencement speaker at her old high schools graduation which made her wonder if our high school experience determines who people become as adults. To see both sides of ...

  20. Life after School Essay

    Essay on Importance of Life after School - Essay 4 (500 words) Introduction. Life after school is an important phase. There is a lot of learning that one goes through during this time. Our true personality comes out once we are out of school as we are no longer guided and checked at every step unlike the school days.

  21. life after high school essay

    After graduating high school I finally came to a conclusion of what I wanted to do with my life. My senior year in high school not only did my hopes change multiple times they also changed tremendously. One of the biggest obstacles that I ran into or that I face everyday is my cell phone. My cell phone. 261 Words.

  22. Free Essay: Life After High School

    I never even wanted to go to college. At that time, I felt that college was a waste of time. The reasons why I decided to go to college was to see if college is for me. Secondly, I decided to go because of my mom and my mentor. Lastly, I want to better myself as person and succeed in life.…. 755 Words.

  23. Literary Analysis "Life After High School" Free Essay Example

    Analysis, Pages 3 (676 words) Views. 7817. The short story, "Life After High School" by Joyce Carol Oates, is set in the small town of South Lebanon, New York in 1959. The first three quarters of the story is the tragic tale of one-sided love where Zachary Graff, the intelligent but socially awkward teenager falls in love with Sunny Burhman ...

  24. After my daughter beat cancer, I wanted to control her entire life

    "Let me hang up your pictures," I said. "No, I'm good," she protested. When I reached for the nails, she pushed back harder. "You don't get it. I don't want your help." I chalked ...

  25. Why counsellors should prepare students for life after high school

    While college counsellors help students with their academic planning, essay writing, well-rounded university list building and university applications, there is still much to be covered after students hit "submit" on their university applications. ... The transition from high school to the next stage of life can be daunting, but with ...

  26. North Carolina Governor's School

    Students are selected to attend through a competitive process after being nominated by their public school unit or non-public school. GS Announcement: Location for Western Campus. We are excited to announce that the 2024 session of NC Governor's School West will be hosted by Greensboro College! Click the link below to read more.