• An Essay On If I Were A Prime Minister For A Day

"If I were the Prime Minister for a day..." - a thought that often sparks a cascade of imaginative ideas and aspirations. Stepping into the shoes of a nation's leader, even for a brief moment, allows us to envision the changes we'd bring, the priorities we'd set, and the impact we'd make. In this fleeting role of authority, my focus would center on critical aspects that define a progressive and compassionate society. Through four distinct templates, I'll delve into the realms of education, environmental sustainability, youth empowerment, and international relations, outlining the measures I would undertake to leave a lasting mark on the nation and its people.Education, often hailed as the cornerstone of progress, would be a prime concern. A well-educated populace not only drives economic growth but also cultivates informed citizens capable of steering the country towards a brighter future. With this in mind, my first template envisions a day spent enhancing educational infrastructure, investing in teacher training, and ensuring equal access to quality education.Next, my attention would turn to environmental sustainability, recognizing that the health of the planet is intrinsically linked to the prosperity of its inhabitants. In the second template, I delve into the implementation of green energy initiatives, promoting clean technologies, and spearheading a national movement to combat plastic waste and deforestation.The third template zooms in on the energetic potential of youth and the dynamism of entrepreneurship. Recognizing that empowering the younger generation is essential for a thriving nation, I explore measures to provide education tailored to the evolving job market, as well as initiatives to nurture and support young entrepreneurs who drive innovation and economic growth.Lastly, I'd address the global stage, acknowledging that no nation is an island. International relations and peace take the spotlight in the fourth template, as I contemplate the role of diplomacy in resolving conflicts, building international partnerships, and extending a helping hand to those in need.In the pages that follow, I'll paint a vivid picture of how each of these templates would come to life, envisioning a day as Prime Minister brimming with transformative actions and impactful decisions. While the tenure may be brief, the potential for change is immense, and through these templates, I aim to convey the essence of the legacy I would strive to build if I were the Prime Minister for a day.

Template Prioritizing Education and Welfare

If I were the Prime Minister for a day, my focus would be on education and welfare. Education is the cornerstone of progress, and I would initiate measures to ensure quality education for all. I would allocate funds to improve school infrastructure, train teachers, and introduce modern teaching methods.

Furthermore, I would enhance social welfare programs to uplift marginalized communities. A comprehensive healthcare plan and social security for the elderly and disabled would be among my top priorities. I believe that a nation's greatness lies in the well-being of its citizens, and I would strive to create an inclusive society where no one is left behind.

Template Environmental Sustainability and Innovation

In my day as Prime Minister, environmental sustainability and innovation would take center stage. I would launch a national campaign to promote renewable energy sources and incentivize green practices. My government would encourage research and development in clean technology, aiming to make our country a leader in sustainable innovation.

I would also work towards reducing plastic waste and increasing afforestation efforts. Preserving the environment for future generations is a duty we must embrace. By promoting sustainable practices and fostering a culture of innovation, we can pave the way for a greener and more prosperous nation.

Template Empowering Youth and Entrepreneurship

As Prime Minister for a day, I would focus on empowering the youth and promoting entrepreneurship. I believe that young minds hold the key to a nation's progress. I would establish mentorship programs, scholarships, and vocational training to equip them with the skills needed for the future job market.

To foster entrepreneurship, I would simplify business regulations, provide financial incentives, and establish startup incubators across the country. Entrepreneurship not only drives economic growth but also encourages creativity and self-reliance. By investing in the potential of our youth, we can unlock a brighter future for our nation.

Template Strengthening International Relations and Peace

During my brief tenure as Prime Minister, I would concentrate on strengthening international relations and promoting peace. I firmly believe in the power of diplomacy and collaboration. I would work towards resolving conflicts through dialogue and peaceful negotiations, emphasizing the importance of global unity.

I would also prioritize humanitarian efforts, extending our support to countries facing crises or natural disasters. By building strong alliances and fostering goodwill, we can contribute to a more stable and harmonious world. Even in my short time in office, I would aim to leave a lasting impact on global peace and cooperation.

Remember, these templates are just starting points. Feel free to personalize and expand upon the ideas presented to create a unique essay that reflects your thoughts and perspective on what you would do if you were the Prime Minister for a day.

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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  • Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister of India


Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister of India in English for Students

One of the most important topics in English which are also covered in the further higher competition exams is the political criteria. Students are tested on topics like If I were the prime minister of India, to know what they think about the condition of India and how they think it can be improved. Basically, they test the creative imagination of the children to know how far they can think for the betterment of the country.

The main topic of speech that is given to students or teachers for certain occasions or assignments is ‘ If I Were The Prime Minister of India’. The head of the council of ministers in Lok Sabha and the leader of the Majority party in Lok sabha are known as the prime minister.

He is the main voice that aids and advises the president in the exercise of his duties and functions. PMO is the prime minister’s office, also called the prime minister secretariat. 

The Prime Minister is the de facto head of the state as he is the utmost elected representative of the public. The advice of the cabinet, which is headed by the Prime Minister, is always sent to the President for due consideration.

Long and Short Speech for Students and Kids- ‘If I Were The President Of India’

Vedantu has provided students with a long speech of 500 words on  If I Were The Prime Minister Of India and also they have given a short speech of 150 words on the same topic. Also, we have provided 10 Lines on If I Were the Prime Minister of India Speech 

This is the topic that is asked to almost every grade of the student, to test their views on the politics of India and the improvements that can be made according to the thinking capacity of the child.

The long speech is mostly required by the students of classes 7 to 12. And the short speech is used by class- 1- 6 students.

The Prime Minister is appointed by the President, who also appoints other ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister. He/she has an essential role in sustaining and coordinating the government by controlling the general policy direction of the government. Usually, the Prime Minister has overall ministerial responsibility for national security and intelligence matters, and may also hold other portfolios. Here we have provided both a long and short Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister Of India In English for students and children.

Long If I Were the Prime Minister of India Speech

Greeting everyone present here. Today, I am going to deliver a Speech On If I Were The Prime Minister Of India In English. Since becoming Prime Minister, my first job will be to select the best ministers for my cabinet. I would also ensure that young men who are technically sound can also find a position in the cabinet so that their experience is used to develop the country. 

I would then see that all the major mills are nationalized so that the benefit gained by the hard work of the workers does not go to the capitalists alone. Employees have to get their due share. I would ensure that, even though they are not government employees, only specialist individuals can head those industries. The foreign dependency will be reduced to the maximum extent possible. That move would also guarantee the nation's security.

In the agriculture sector, special steps will be taken. To get the best seeds for enhancing production, research centres will be built. The farmers will be given all the facilities. A complete change in the educational structure will be introduced. Students will undergo vocational training in addition to academic training after completing basic education up to 10th grade. All the courses are going to be job oriented. 

Corruption of any manner will be dealt with in the strictest way and severe penalties will be awarded to dishonest individuals. I know that it is not an easy job to rule a country. Without the active participation of the people, it can not be achieved. To eliminate all kinds of social evils, I will do my best to educate people. In the minds of people, a deep sense of patriotism must be inculcated. Only then can I take necessary measures to rekindle our national pride in India and make progress. 

Most individuals do not know how to read and write. I have plans to educate people and make them citizens who are responsible and aware. The problem of overpopulation neutralizes all attempts to raise the quality of life of the masses. We have more than doubled the figure of 1951 by now, and when we bid goodbye to this century, there is no knowing what figure will replace this. To arrest this alarming development, something urgent has to be done. As Prime Minister, it will be my first responsibility to resolve this issue of population growth and approach it on a war footing. 

While I believe in peace and non-violence, I will strengthen the security of my country. In the event of external threats, we must be prepared to protect ourselves.

I will work tirelessly for the country, knowing very well that the P.M. The office isn't a bed made of roses.

Short Speech on If I Were the Prime Minister of India in English

Today, I am here to tell you about the things I would do if I were the Prime Minister of India. I would turn India into a stable and self-reliant nation if I were the esteemed Prime Minister of India. I'd try to present the mightiest Indian forces in the world. I want to do away with India's poverty and joblessness. I will also seek to achieve a literacy rate of 100 percent. 

If I were the Prime Minister, I would take action for the development of agricultural fields. I'd offer old pensions and unemployment insurance to people in need. In several parts of the country, I would generate small-scale industries. I will control the black marketing of essential commodities and the hoarding of them. With the neighbouring countries, I will demonstrate harmony. People will be taught about their rights established by the constitution. In order to punish them harshly, attention will be given to corrupt elements. I will give priority to setting up a community free of fear and uncertainty. 

The preservation of peace is the ultimate objective of my tenure. It will elevate the integrity of individuals and their outstanding values. I plan to eliminate the large income inequality between the rich and the poor that exists at present. I will then regulate the increase in prices. It will make the distribution system of critical goods more competitive. Because of strict laws, the host and business people will not take advantage of anything.

10 Lines on If I Were the Prime Minister of India Speech 

The Prime Minister, elected by the citizens of the country and a member of the Lok Sabha, is a credible person who rules the country.

I would work to eradicate poverty if I were the Prime Minister.

I will make education free, so that poor people can also study in schools and colleges since illiteracy is another major problem in this country.

As rural areas are poorly developed, I will provide electricity, water, schools, and other facilities for rural areas.

Population management is a problem for our country, so I will make policies to effectively control population growth.

To serve the sick and poor people, I want to open hospitals everywhere.

While I believe in peace and non-violence, I will strengthen the security of my country.

In the agriculture sector, special steps will be taken. To get the best seeds for enhancing production, research centres will be built.

I would also ensure that young men who are technically sound can also find a position in the cabinet so that their experience is used to develop the country.

I will work tirelessly for the country, knowing very well that the P.M. the office isn't a bed made of roses.


FAQs on Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister of India

1. What is the importance of the Prime Minister of India?

The most important person that has a pivotal role in keeping up the government is the Prime minister. He is the one who maintains and coordinates the government by looking at its general policy direction. The overall ministerial responsibility of national security and intelligence matters etc is under the prime minister's power. 

Students can go through the complete study guide for the prime minister role in the speech given by Vedantu's experts, it covers all the important duties and responsibilities of the Prime Minister.

2. What does it mean to be a prime minister?

The headman of the cabinet is the prime minister. He is the leader of the ministers in the administrative branch of the ruling government. The chairman of the cabinet and the chief member in the government is known as the prime minister. Some of the major duties of the prime minister include chairing a meeting to discuss the policies and examine bills. The PM selected the members of the government who will be ministers, he is the chief government spokesperson. Therefore the prime minister is the head of the government, the principal minister.

3. What is the role of the President and prime minister?

The prime minister is the head of the cabinet and he is assigned by the president. The President is the main authority who also assigns the ministers on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The president's constitutional duty is to protect, preserve and defend the constitution and laws. The prime minister has the responsibility for executive power. These two are the main powers of the government that are responsible for each and every step taken by the government. Students should have good knowledge about them and know what they can do with the powers they have.

4. What is the power of the prime minister?

To write a Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister of India in English for Students, they should have good knowledge about the role, the powers, the responsibilities of the prime minister. Here you can check some of the major powers of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister decides the prevailing direction of the Government’s practices. 

The Prime Minister pilots the work of the Cabinet of Ministers 

The Prime Minister is accountable before the Saeima.

There are further many roles and responsibilities of the Prime minister which are done to make sure that the government works properly and keeps up the county.

5. Where Can I Find a Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister of India in English for Students?

Vedantu is the best online learning portal that helps you to download free Speech on If I Were The Prime Minister of India in English for Students. You can get the benefits by just clicking on the link given that can help you to complete your assignment or give a powerful speech on an occasion in school or other competitions. Vedantu’s expert team has excellent teachers that have years of experience in making study material for children and guiding them to score good marks.

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Essay on If I Were The Prime Minister!

August 10, 2021 by Sandeep

If I were the Prime Minister! Essay: The famous quote by John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, do more and become more, you are a leader,” encouraged me to have a strong desire to become a Prime Minister of India so that my actions not only inspires people but creates a progressive change.

Essay on If I were the Prime Minister

Below we have provided If I were the Prime Minister Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. This article is helpful for school students who are participating in essay or speech writing competitions.

I have the most magnificent dream that could make me forget my ordinary life. I would love to become the Prime Minister of our country to alter and modify things that need urgent attention and improvement.

Holding the position of India’s Prime Minister brings with it great power and even greater responsibilities. Though it is a distant dream beyond my reach, expressing my ideas won’t cause any harm. If ever my fortune smiles on me, then I could acquire the position of Prime Minister. I have my ideal of what a Prime Minister should possess.

My first target will be to appoint qualified and non-corrupt ministers who would work honestly like me for the nation’s growth and development. Heavy taxes will be charged on the rich and middle class, and the poor will be exempted from taxes. Furthermore, I would eliminate black money circulation in the market by strictly monitoring people who stack money in secret places and do not pay taxes.

The entire education system needs refinement because we create young minds for whom we cannot arrange jobs. Moreover, rote learning will be eliminated, and a practical approach will be adopted. Vocational skills will be introduced to productively utilize their time and produce useful things in school and college workshops. I would maintain a friendly relationship with the neighbouring countries and other nations to receive the necessary help at the time of emergency or crisis.

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Speech on If I were the Prime Minister of India in English in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

“If I were the Prime Minister of India” – Doesn’t this thought comes to your mind or doesn’t anyone ask you this question? Either of the situations definitely arises with us. If not, then let’s pose this question to ourselves and see what comes from our mind. Interesting, isn’t it? However, if you are perplexed and nothing triggers your mind, then don’t worry as here we bring you “If I were the Prime Minister of India” speech which will definitely help you with the topic.

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Long and Short Speech on If I were the Prime Minister of India in English

Here we have both short speeches as well as long speeches on “If I were the Prime Minister of India” which are comprehensively written and easy to understand. If you are a student, you can be benefited out of it and prepare one for any appropriate occasion. So do read through them!

If I were the Prime Minister of India – Speech 1

Good Morning to the Principal, Vice Principal, Loving Colleagues and My Dear Friends –Warm Greetings to Everyone!

Being a teacher of this school, I realize the importance of making my country proud and achieving great heights. I would like to thank all of you for this wonderful opportunity given to me to deliver a speech on the topic if I were to become the Prime Minister of India one day.

If my luck and destiny supports me and this miracle happens then I would like to make long lasting changes in certain fields of our society:

  • Firstly, I would make India a proud country by developing its strengths and capabilities. We can all achieve this by spreading literacy campaigns and making people educated. Once the population is educated we can climb the ladder of success especially with the educated youth. I really feel bad when young students like you leave your home country and travel abroad for better opportunities. This leads to brain drain. This is what needs to be changed. We need to inculcate in every young mind that serve your society and achieve success, fame and money. This could only happen if the country provides employment to the younger generation.
  • Secondly, the biggest problem in our society has been the problem of malnutrition. The solution to this is to improve our Public Distribution System (PDS) which is imbalanced due to the presence of middlemen. Once people receive the right amount of food grain that is assigned by the government nobody will sleep without food.
  • The campaign “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” launched by recent government would also be progressed by me but at a fast pace so that the narrow mindset and superstitions in Indian minds can be washed away and make them realize the importance of girl child as educating one girl educates the entire family.

Thus, India needs to give more respect to girl child and its education as they are our future generation who will make us proud. Still girl child is ignored in various rural families and this thinking needs to broaden up. Sex determination tests have also added complexity. If I did become the Prime Minister the issue of sex determination will be looked at by creating stringent norms against those practicing it.

How can you decide what future a girl will bring to your family? Societies need to be educated that girls are also human beings, they too are the creations of god, and they should not be killed just to reduce the burden of the families bearing them. Campaigns and awareness can teach them that superstitions are just created by human beings only and we all need to wash them away from our minds and its only then our country would achieve an overall growth and development.

I hope someday I become the prime minister of India and contribute my share in the growth and development of our country.

Thank you all for your precious time!

If I were the Prime Minister of India – Speech 2

Respected Class Teacher and My Dear Friends – Good Morning to one and all!

Welcome to yet another speech ceremony and I, Srishti Gupta, is going to present before you a speech on the topic “If I were the Prime Minister of India”. I hope everyone present before me would understand the reason why our teacher has allotted this topic to me. Being the citizens of India we all need to understand that India is a functioning Democracy and head of the government is the Prime Minister who has all the governance powers.

Since early years of my growing stages, I nurtured the dream of becoming the P.M. of our country. There are certain thoughts in my mind that I would speak before you and if I get the opportunity I would turn them into practice by achieving the dream of becoming the Prime Minister.

India can be prosperous once it’s free from all the evils present in our society. These social evils include not only the age old caste system, but also corruption that is very much present in our country’s administration. Corruption can be fought when everything in the government becomes transparent before the eyes of the people. Right to Information Act (RTI) is a great initiative, but it needs much more stringent norms so that it can be well implemented.

We all must agree that our head bends down when somebody call us a poor country due to its population. There is a need of rigorous Family Planning norms in place so that people realize their mistakes. This could be solved through awareness campaigns about family planning measures and rules.

India has been always dependent on agriculture for their subsistence. India’s agriculture gets affected due to the uncertainty in our weather conditions which ultimately leads to agricultural losses and farmers are forced to commit suicides as they are not able to repay their agricultural debts. This is also a major reason for unemployment and criminal activities in our country. As a Prime Minister, I would promote a balanced growth of agriculture and other industries in our country so that we are not entirely dependent on agriculture. We need to make people realize that other non-agricultural activities could also help sustain an individual.

At the end I would like to say that no country could be prosperous when there is a huge gap between its rich and poor population. There is a need of social equality and justice which would reduce the gap between rich getting richer and poor getting poorer. There would be an equitable distribution of wealth in my governance. I would make India into a place worth living which will be free from all social evils and superstitions that blocks a country’s growth and development. Please pray to god that this dream of mine gets fulfilled and my objectives could be achieved.

If I were the Prime Minister of India – Speech 3

Respected Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Students – A Sincere Welcome to All of You!

Today I take the opportunity to thank you all for giving me a chance to deliver a speech on If I were the Prime Minister of India. Being the Principal of this school, I understand the responsibilities that I need to take in order to shape your well-being as students.

In a similar pattern the Prime Minister of India has equal responsibilities of its own country. Students, with my experience I want to share one thing with you all that it’s never easy whether you are handling a school or a country. We need to take certain decisions that are even out of our purview and each decision taken by me or the P.M. should be with utmost care as it would directly affect you and the people of the country. We always need to be aware about our decision capability and to what extent it will change the current scenario.

To be the P.M of India will be a matter of great pride for me as I had always respected and loved my country and it will be a matter of great responsibility serving it. The Prime Minister is always placed at the highest pedestal in the government and a representative of a country. Though the position of President too is considered to be very eminent but the involvement of prime minister in government activities is more as he is the leader of the government chosen by the citizens of India and every major decision for the country is taken by him.

Being the P.M of India I would serve my country with utmost responsibility and devotion. The first thing that our country needs is high literacy rate like other developed countries who have achieved 100% literacy rate. Making the education sector powerful and creating passionate young students like you all would enhance the growth and development of our country.

The focus will be made on creating new opportunities within our country so that students don’t go abroad searching for better job prospects. We need to develop those opportunities in our own country so that we can stop them from leaving our country and also provide them with best attainments in our country itself.

I would make the primary education free so that people from rural areas can send their children to school without any financial worries of fees, books and stationary. They will also be provided mid-day meals so that their families can send them to school without any hassle.

India would always be on the list of nations to maintain peace even during internal conflicts. We all together have to make sure that we make India self-reliant so that India can pursue the objective of non- alignment without any pressure from external world. At the end, we all should understand that it is our own country and whatever it takes to build it strongly we would put in all efforts and energy to any extent possible.

If I were the Prime Minister of India – Speech 4

Good Morning Everyone and a warm welcome to our class teacher who has rejoined us long after a 3-months period.

I, Shikha Agarwal, stand in front of you all today to not only extend our greetings to her, but to also kick start the Monday speech giving ceremonies. Interestingly, the topic that I have chosen for my own self is “If I were the Prime Minister of India”. I am pretty sure that at one point or the other each one of us must have asked this question to ourselves given the deteriorating condition of our nation-state. Isn’t it?

There is much to mull over in our country, such as the growing cases of violence against women, unchecked state of corruption at various governmental and non-governmental organizations, nepotism, etc. And at one high point, we do envisage and wish if we could hold the reign of this country in our hands and make every wrong thing right.

So I would like to take this opportunity and address the same subject in my speech topic. Friends, this is a very pertinent topic and more so in today’s times because we are more enlightened today right from the beginning than our predecessors were and more aware of the social and political currents of the time. Thanks to the social media platforms and the pro-active role of our media.

Now, addressing the speech topic, I would say that if I were to be given this big opportunity, I would try to resolve the burning issues that the people of our country are grappling with, particularly the ever growing cases of sexual molestation against women. Being a woman myself, I can actually relate with other women out there who have to put up with the incidents of eve teasing, stalking, etc. often while being on the go. A nation cannot achieve a holistic development where the women of its country are not safe and secure.

Secondly, I would like to do something for the marginalized sections of our society, which continues to remain at the periphery simply because they do not have enough money to even meet their bare minimum needs. It is extremely essential to tap their energy and talent and harness it for the maximum benefit of their personal growth as well as that of the nation. Then, I would like to keep a check on the public distribution system and make available the essential commodities to the needy people at the subsidized prices while ensuring that the prices of the commodities remain fairly under control.

While the rich people should be made to pay a heavy tax; the middle class on the other hand should be spared. If anyone was to take my opinion, I would say that even the salaried people should be exempted from paying the tax. The next most essential thing is the strengthening of our education system and raising its standard from the grass root level. Every student should be entitled to take admission based on his/her merit and no student should be debarred from taking admission on financial grounds. Besides, I would want to do away with all the reservations based on caste system, but rather on economic grounds.

There is so much more to say on this, but I would like to end my speech on this note and would rather want to invite others opinion on the same.

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Speech on If I Were the Prime Minister of India for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On ‘If I Were The Prime Minister Of India: The Prime Minister of India is weighed the leader of the majority party in Lok Sabha and is the head of the Council of Ministers.

His functions subsume to aid and advise the President in the exercise of his functions. The Office of Prime Minister or the Prime Minister’s Office, also referred to as the PMO, is the prime minister’s Secretariat.

The Prime Minister of India is the utmost elected representative of the people, and the advice of the Cabinet to the President is binding, which makes the Prime Minister the de facto Head of State.

Long And Short Speeches On ‘If I Were The President Of India’ In English for Kids And Students

We are delivering a long Speech on If I Were The President Of India of 500 words and a short Speech on the said topic of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for the readers.

These speeches on the If I Were The President Of India would be useful for students and teachers who might be required to give a speech or an assignment.

A Long Speech on If I Were the Prime Minister of India is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech on If I Were the Prime Minister of India is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On ‘If I Were The President Of India’ 500 Words In English

Greetings and salutations to everyone present here.

India is the largest democratic nation. The Prime Minister depicts the country and is considered as the first among equals. It is a fact of pride to be the Prime Minister of such a vast nation. I would put into practice all the following strategies if I were the Prime Minister of India.

In the first place, my country is impoverished. Millions of people dwell in extreme poverty. I would take steps to abolish poverty. The poor must not be in shortage of any of the essentials. I would also have plots for the refinement of national health.

Another significant drawback in our country is ignorance and illiteracy, which should be eradicated. I would prioritize the achievement of 100% literacy. Also, higher education would be based on merit. Gifted people would be provided with proper placements. Required steps would be taken to pluck unemployment.

Next, I would charge heavy taxes on the wealthy and use the money to help the country. It is not fair that a few wealthy people live in luxury, and the rest should be inferior. I aim to abolish the significant disparity in income that exists at present between the rich and the poor.

Then I would control the price rise. The distribution system of essential commodities would be made more effective. The hoarders and business people would not take under the advantage of things because of strict rules. Law and order would be maneuvered for smugglers, hoarders, and black marketeers, and will be mended at all costs. Corruption would be stamped out altogether.

A problem that is neutralizing all efforts to improve the standard of living of the masses is that of overpopulation. Some of its direct consequences are malnutrition, insufficient medical care, high infant mortality rates, and problems of aged people. Steps have to be taken to avert this alarming growth. It will be my first duty as Prime Minister to turn to this problem of population growth and tackle it.

Another aim of mine is to make our country self-sufficient and self-reliant. I know that we cannot rely on ourselves for everything. Yet I would make people realize that we should depend on ourselves as far as possible.

People would be schooled about their duties provided by the constitution. Attention will be given to immoral elements to punish them severely. I would prioritize establishing a society free from fear and insecurity. Restoral of peace would be the final goal of my tenure. The dignity of the individuals and the more exceptional qualities of the citizens would be elevated.

I would strengthen my country’s defense system. We must be ready to fence ourselves in case of a foreign attack. Then we will never be taken unawares. We will be able to meet and successfully repel all foreign attacks.

I have many more plans for the development of my country. It is only a lack of time that prevents me from mentioning them all here.

Short Speech On 'If I Were The President Of India' Of 150 Words In English

Short Speech On ‘If I Were The President Of India’ Of 150 Words In English

Greetings, everyone.

If I were the respected Prime Minister of India, I would form India into a healthy and self-reliant nation. I would try to frame Indian forces the mightiest in the world. I want to do away with poverty and unemployment from India. I would also aim towards achieving 100% literacy rate.

I would take steps for the enhancement of agricultural fields if I were the Prime Minister. I would give old pensions and unemployment allowance to the needy personages. I would produce small-scale industries in several parts of the nation. I would regulate the black-marketing and hoarding of necessary commodities.

I would demonstrate peace with the neighboring countries. I would create a surrounding of friendship and unity over the country.

We all should go through that it is our own country, and whatever it takes to build it actively, we would put in all efforts and energy to any extent possible.

10 Lines On Speech On ‘If I Were The Prime Minister Of India’ In English

  • The Prime Minister is a compelling person and rules the country, elected by the people of the country, and is a member of Lok Sabha.
  • If I were the Prime Minister, I would work for removing poverty.
  • Illiteracy being another major problem of this country, I would make education free, so that poor people can also study in schools and colleges.
  • The rural areas being poorly developed, I would provide rural areas with electricity, water, school, and other facilities.
  • Population control is a challenge before our country, so I would make policies to check population growth effectively.
  • I want to open hospitals everywhere to serve the sick and poor people.
  • I would maintain a good relationship with neighboring countries, but I would not allow the enemies to disturb peace in my land.
  • I would try that children of India get the best facilities in all the fields for the overall growth and nourishment of the nation.
  • I would try my best to suppress terrorism in any part of India and do my best to save innocent people from their attacks.
  • As a leader, I would lead a simple life and not run after power and wealth, which would set a good example before my countrymen.

10 Lines On Speech On 'If I Were The Prime Minister Of India' In English

FAQ’s On Speech On ‘If I Were The Prime Minister Of India’

Question 1. What is the importance of Prime Minister?

Answer: The Prime Minister has a pivotal role in maintaining and coordinating the Government by overseeing the Government’s general policy direction. The Prime Minister customarily has overall ministerial responsibility for national security and intelligence matters, and may also hold other portfolios.

Question 2. What does it mean to be a prime minister?

Answer: A prime minister is the headman of a cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the administrative branch of Government. The prime minister is the chief member and chairman of the Cabinet, in most systems.

Question 3. What are the role of the President and prime minister?

Answer: A Council of Ministers, steered by the Prime Minister, is to aid and adjure the President in the exercise of his functions. The Prime Minister is assigned by the President, who also appoints other ministers on the advice of the prime minister. The Council is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha.

Question 4. What is the power of prime minister in points?

Answer: The Prime Minister decides the prevailing direction of the Government’s practices. The Prime Minister pilots the work of the Cabinet of Ministers and is accountable before the Saeima.

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Essay on “If I were the Prime Minister of India” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

If I were the Prime Minister of India

Total 4 Essays 

Essay No. 01

I wish I were the Prime Minister of India so that I might serve my country in a most humble manner The Prime Minister enjoys the highest place in the Government of India, next to the President. However, in reality, it is the Prime Minister who has the real power invested in him by the people of the country. He is the captain of the team of ministers who head various departments of the country. A Prime Minister should be a person with all the qualities of head, heart, and soul. He should be the benefactor of the masses. Any selfish motive on behalf of the Prime Minister can put the country into irreparable losses.

As a Prime Minister of India, I would see that poverty has vanished from this land forever and people get at least two square meals a day.

As a Prime Minister, I would work to bring about communal harmony in the country. People would not fight in the name of religion, caste, or language. I would take effective steps to check communal riots. My next step would be to fight corruption which is rampant these days throughout the country.

My next priority as a Prime Minister would be that India continues to acquire strength so that she can face internal disturbances and external aggressions from any quarters. I would not allow any complacence in this regard, because a weak nation always invites invaders. Armed forces of the country would be well-provided in all respects so that no enemy dares have evil designs against our sovereignty.

However, I would continue to follow the policy of peaceful co-existence and maintain friendly relations with our neighboring countries like China, Pakistan, Srilanka, and Bangladesh. India would not join any power blocs but she would always take a keen interest in the non-aligned movement. She would work for the welfare of mankind and endeavor to bring about a new economic order so that the developed countries of the world may not exploit the developing countries.

India is a country with a glorious past and it should be our effort to preserve our cherished culture and safeguard our independence and integrity through all possible efforts. The spirit of true nationalism needs to be improved in the people to work for its progress by leaps and bounds and fulfill the dreams of our great leaders who sacrificed their lives for her freedom.

Essay No. 02

If I were the Prime Minister of India, I would first dismiss all the corrupt ministers from my cabinet. After adding good, sincere and honest men and women to the cabinet, I would go in for a ‘clean up’ operation. I would deal harshly with all those people who have been cheating the citizens of our country and filling their own pockets with money.

Next, I would ensure that every single man, woman, and child became literate, and attained at least a basic education so that each could become a self-respecting individual, able to support himself and his family in an honorable way. I would create job opportunities for everybody and try to help make them grow into good citizens who value the dignity of labor. No beggar would then be seen on the streets of India. With honesty and education, progress, and quality of life would follow naturally.

Lastly, I would try to put India on top of the world by giving a boost to the tourist industry, doing away with terrorism, and reviving some of our lost culture and traditions. At the same time, I would make sure that our science and technology progresses so that my country too can find its place among the developed countries of the world.

Essay No. 03

If I Were the Prime Minister!

If wishes were granted, I would definitely wish to become a Prime Minister. But the office of Prime Minister seems so distant from the reach of an ordinary student like me. Still, I have my own views about how a Prime Minister should be like. Should a fairy godmother ever smile on me, I have my own agenda which I would try to implement in our current political system for the betterment of the nation and people.

In the first place, I shall try to change the educational system of the country. The politicians would not be given any say in the educational system, as is the case these days. They seek votes in the name of caste, religion, and community. Since religion is the personal affair of every individual, I would not allow it to be played upon by the politicians. I shall sincerely try to keep violence away from the youth who are mostly infected by it.

Youths will be given jobs according to their qualifications. In my Prime Ministership, I would make education compulsory for both boys and girls up to the age of 18 yrs. I would also ban child labor and those who will still make them work will be punished heavily.

I would also implement vocational courses apart from studies in the school so that after schooling they can make careers of their own choice in life.

I shall also try to promote friendship with other countries in the world. I will invite the teams from other countries to play in India and all teams abroad.

The money spent on the purchases and ammunition would be spent on other projects from which India can truly gain.

Essay No. 04

If I Were The Prime Minister

If someday a fairy godmother asks me my wish, I would wish to become a Prime Minister.

The office of the Prime Minister seems so distant that it is beyond the reach of a person like me. But, still, I have my own ideas which I would like to implement if I were the Prime Minister.

I would definitely change the present educational system of the country and see that the politicians do not have any say in the education system as it is happening these days. Moreover, I would not allow seeking a vote in the name of caste, religion, and community because they are an emotional part of the personal affairs of each individual and the political parties should not be allowed to play with these.

Instead, the youths should be given jobs according to their qualifications and talent. In my tenure, I would make education compulsory for both boys and girls till the age of 18. I would also ban child labor and those who take work from children will be heavily fined.

I shall also promote friendship with other countries and will insist on the teams from other countries to play in India. Most importantly the money spent on the purchase of arms and ammunition would be spent on some useful projects from which my country will gain. And I would also make sure that no arms and ammunition are given in the hands of today’s youth, as it destroys their future.

To conclude, I would make India a corruption-free country.

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Essay on If I Were Prime Minister of India

Students are often asked to write an essay on If I Were Prime Minister of India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on If I Were Prime Minister of India

If I were the Prime Minister of India, my primary goal would be to ensure the welfare of all citizens. I would focus on education, health, and equality.

Healthcare would be another priority. I would work on improving public health facilities and making healthcare affordable for all.

Lastly, I would strive for equality. I would ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has equal opportunities in life.

250 Words Essay on If I Were Prime Minister of India

Introduction, education for all.

A robust education system would be my first priority. I would strive to make quality education accessible to every child, regardless of their socio-economic background. I would also promote skill development programs to equip the youth with the necessary skills to thrive in the 21st century.

Healthcare Reforms

Healthcare would be another critical area of focus. I would work towards a comprehensive healthcare system that ensures affordable and quality healthcare services for all. I would also emphasize preventive healthcare and promote a healthy lifestyle among citizens.

Economic Development

To boost economic development, I would foster an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation. I would focus on creating job opportunities, encouraging start-ups, and promoting foreign and domestic investments.

Environmental Sustainability

Recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability, I would ensure the implementation of green technologies and sustainable practices in various sectors. I would also strive for India to play a leading role in global efforts to combat climate change.

Being the Prime Minister of India would indeed be a challenging role, given the country’s diversity and complexity. However, with a focus on education, healthcare, economic development, and environmental sustainability, I believe we could make significant strides towards a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future.

500 Words Essay on If I Were Prime Minister of India

Alleviating poverty and inequality.

As the Prime Minister, my foremost priority would be to alleviate poverty. I would implement policies that provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of their caste, religion, or socio-economic background. This would involve strengthening social security schemes and ensuring their effective implementation at the grassroots level. I would also aim to bridge the wealth gap by promoting inclusive growth and progressive taxation.

Revamping the Education System

Education is the cornerstone of a nation’s development. I would ensure that quality education is accessible to every child in the country. This would involve revamping the education system to make it more skill-based and practical, with a focus on critical thinking and creativity. I would also invest in digital infrastructure to facilitate online learning and bridge the digital divide, especially in rural areas.

Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure

Addressing environmental concerns, enhancing india’s global standing.

As the leader of the world’s largest democracy, I would work towards enhancing India’s global standing. I would strive to foster stronger relations with other countries through diplomatic engagement and cultural exchange. I would also ensure that India plays a proactive role in global platforms to address shared challenges such as terrorism, cybercrime, and climate change.

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