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How To Write a Resume for a Job in Hong Kong – Our 25 Top Tips

Posted by Joanne Rushton | Aug 16, 2021 | Business , Career

How To Write a Resume for a Job in Hong Kong – Our 25 Top Tips

Wanting to create a perfect resume for a job in Hong Kong?

Living in an expensive city like Hong Kong , it’s likely you will need a job, and to land the perfect role in Hong Kong , you’ll need a well-written and well-designed resume.

Creating a resume that turns heads and makes you stand out from the crowd for a hiring manager isn’t easy. It’s even more difficult if you’ve worked for the same company for a long time and haven’t brushed up your CV in a while. What makes writing a CV even more challenging is that standards and expectations have changed in recent years.

Using the right format for your Hong Kong CV or resume

Job Redundancies in Hong Kong

Choose the right order

There isn’t a set standard to how to order your resume or CV, but you do need to make sure it’s logical. Experts suggest you include the following information, in this order:

  • Personal details including contact information
  • Your professional summary or career objective – more on this in a moment
  • Work experience
  • Skills, qualifications, certifications
  • Education history

What to not include

The hiring manager in Hong Kong reading your CV or resume doesn’t care about your fifth-grade swimming certificate. They’re probably not too worried about your high school summer job, either.

Be picky about what makes it into your CV so only the best of your work shines through.

Don’t trash your old CV

You might be looking to take a new career path with your CV in Hong Kong or are looking to change your focus within your industry. This doesn’t mean scrapping what’s on your CV now.

Have a list of your previous work, your skills, and experience ready to drag and drop into a new resume. This will make what you send to recruiters relevant to what they want and you’re not starting from scratch each time.

Using a photo on a CV for a Hong Kong job

It’s not the norm to use a photo on your Hong Kong CV.

If your current CV has a headshot, it’s better to remove it and either use a logo or take up the space with more important information about you. You don’t want to create unconscious bias when a recruiter sees your photo, for better or worse.

There are a few exceptions, such as if you’re applying for a modeling or acting job .

Do a one-pager

If your boss has ever asked you for the talking points or a one-pager about the meeting they send you to, you’ll be great at this one!

Do your best to keep your CV or resume to one page. This shows that you’re able to communicate clearly and concisely, and the hiring manager won’t get bored part-way through.

The information you need on a resume in Hong Kong

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Get your name right

This sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Be sure to include the name that you use professionally on your LinkedIn profile and other work-focused social media. This should also be the name that previous employers knew you by so getting a reference is a painless process.

Use the right contact information

Add all the relevant contact information for you and leave off your residential address.

Have a professional-sounding email address, not the one from your college days.   If you’ve only got your work email and a silly one at the moment, it only takes a second to create a new email on Gmail.

Social media contacts on your resume in Hong Kong

Only give your social media if it has a professional focus.

Hiring managers like puppy photos, too, but save it for when you’re hired. On that note, make any accounts private that you don’t want found.

Get your LinkedIn up to date – more on this later – and include a link. If you’re submitting your CV electronically, include a hyperlink to your profile so it’s super easy for the reader to get to.

A career objective or professional summary

You should use a career objective if you’re relatively new to the job market or role you’re applying for. It outlines why you want the role you’re applying for and the career path you’re aiming for.

A professional summary works for a CV that has a lot of experience and achievements to highlight. Note your work history and two or three things that you’re most proud of.

Adding your work history and education to your Hong Kong CV

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The right order for your work experience

You have three main options when it comes to the order to add your work history:

  • Reverse chronological starts from now and works back. This works well when you have years of employment history that you want to highlight.
  • Functional CVs are better for interrupted work experience, like if you stopped working to have kids or move to an overseas posting with your partner.
  • Combination CVs use a mix of both of these and are much less common and so less familiar to recruiters and hiring managers.

Writing your work experience for your resume in Hong Kong

The most important thing to remember when writing about your employment history on your CV is this:

Focus on your achievements, not your responsibilities.

Rather than telling the reader, “ Oversaw and trained a team of three junior accountants” show them why you were good at that: “ Coached three junior accountants to achieve their advanced certifications, with one moving on to a senior position in another company”.

See the difference?

Provide numbers and facts to show the value you can add to the company.

The right language to use for a Hong Kong CV

We’re not going to tell you to write your CV in Mandarin, don’t worry!

What you do need to focus on when honing your CV writing skills is your use of verbs. Use active verbs that show exactly what you do. Some CV example words to consider include:

  •  Achieved
  • Implemented

These show your activity and all have positive connotations.

Include your industries

Be sure to list the industries you’re familiar with. For example, a CV for a civil engineer could cover many things, from bridges to roads and commercial spaces – be specific to show the person reading your resume that you’re a perfect fit for the role.

Writing your skills and education section for your Hong Kong CV

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Leave off your high school

Unless you’re just starting out on the career ladder, you don’t need to include your high school.

If high school is the highest level of education you achieved, you can note it. An example of a CV education section when you didn’t finish university could look like this:

High school diploma 2002

3 A-levels in English, French, and business studies 2002

Or similar, depending on the country you come from and what your education system looks like.

Maybe don’t add your GPA to your CV for Hong Kong

Your GPA, or grade point average for those who didn’t go to university in the states, only belongs on your resume if it’s impressive. As a rule, if it was 3.5 or below then don’t include it.

For other degree grading systems, the top tier or top two tiers are worth mentioning, but if you got the average grade for your degree, you don’t need to add it on.

Specify your course and your classes

We don’t mean add all your classes; you don’t want to bore the hiring manager with irrelevant info.

Be sure to specify the subject you graduated in. This is especially important if your degree relates to the career you’re in or hoping to move into.

Think about your coursework and classes, are any of them directly relevant to your prospective new job? It’s worth highlighting them if so, and if they’re not too long ago.

Show off your skills

Around the same area of your CV, include the skills that are relevant to the job.

Go through the job advert and highlight the skills they’re looking for then match these skills to what you have. You may not have all ten competencies but if you can hit four to six of them, you’re doing good.

Avoid putting a measure of your skills, such as adding a star rating or a progress bar. You can’t quantify the skills so stick with the facts.

Are you qualified?

As well as your schooling, you’ve probably done your fair share of continuing professional development.

List the courses, classes, and certifications that you’ve completed relevant to the work. The Udemy course on Google Analytics is probably important, the Skillshare class to knit a teapot, less so.

Remember you’re a member

List any professional bodies and trade organizations that you’re a member of, if they’re relevant.

You might be super happy you got into one of the great clubs in Hong Kong , but it’s not exactly relevant to the project management role you’re applying for!

What is an applicant tracking system?

resume writing service hong kong

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a piece of software that recruiters use to screen CVs and resumes when they come in to help create a shortlist of candidates.

ATSs are becoming more and more popular, with 99% of Fortune 500 companies using one . The place you’re applying to probably uses an ATS, too, so what do you need to know.

Keep it simple

An ATS scans the words on your document. If you’re using too much color or non-standard fonts it won’t pick up your words.

Lose the pretty pinks and swirly lettering and have a simple, easy-to-read resume that won’t confuse a computer.

Loosely does it

You want to pack as much information about how awesome you are on your CV. Hong Kong isn’t ready for everything you’ve got to offer!

You might be tempted to:

  • Use a small font
  • Decrease your line spacing
  • Widen your margins
  • Not use bullets

So you can pack more onto your single page that defines your career.

All of these things will make it much tougher for an ATS to find what it’s looking for in your CV.

What exactly is an ATS looking for when it scans your resume?

It’s searching for keywords and phrases that the recruiter or hiring manager has requested. The types of words they can ask for include:

  • Required certifications

Be sure to match what the job description is looking for with the words you use.

Cast your spell

Spelling lists were no one’s favorite homework, but having decent spelling is going to get you past the ATS.

Be sure that everything is spelled correctly on your CV and use a free tool like Grammarly . Rope in a friend who has a keen eye to check over everything for you, and as a last check use a text-to-speech tool like Wideo to listen for any mistakes your eyes might miss.

Use the right job titles for your Hong Kong resume

As we’ve just noted, an ATS is looking for job titles. Even if you’ve had fun and funky job titles in previous roles, think about the standard roles that would best describe what you did.

While being a Number Ninja or in-house Influencer might sound fun when your friends ask what you do, an ATS is looking for Head Accountant or Social Media Manager.

You can go on to wow your recruiter in your interview – you need to get past the ATS before you get in front of anyone, though.

Saving your future

An ATS generally works best when reading a Word document or a PDF.

Make sure you save your CV for a job in Hong Kong in a format that won’t pose any problems, such as .doc, .docx, or .pdf. What’s great about these file types is that they’re also small and should fit easily into limited upload boxes.

Handy hint : If you’ve not got Microsoft Word, you can still download a .docx or a .pdf file from Google Drive, which is completely free to use.

Should I hire a CV or resume writer in Hong Kong?

There’s a whole lot you need to think about in there – is your mind swimming yet?

Honestly, we know how it is. Not everyone has writing skills and there are lots of people who aren’t into blowing their own trumpet.

It’s a challenge to write a CV, for Hong Kong or anywhere else in the world. Bringing in professional help can pay dividends for years.

4 reasons to hire a professional CV writer in Hong Kong

  • They know the local job market and the expectations for your CV or resume because they work in the industry every day
  • Your Hong Kong CV writer knows how to take what you do and craft it into a list of coherent, measurable achievements
  • Writing is their job – a CV writer will be able to craft a phrase and pick just the right verb for the goal you smashed
  • The best resume writers in Hong Kong know all about ATSs and what they look for, meaning you can get a CV that’s optimized and well-written

The best resume writer in Hong Kong

We recommend Elissa Campbell as the best CV writer in Hong Kong.

She’s got years of experience writing resumes and has helped plenty of people land their dream job in Hong Kong.

Her background is in PR and recruiting so she sees your CV from two angles. Elissa knows how to sell you as a “product” and what the person reading your CV is looking for when inviting people for an interview.

To discuss your needs, your goals, and your career history, you can contact her via WhatsApp on +852 9855 9845.

FAQs about Hong Kong resumes

What is an ats-friendly cv.

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software tool used by recruiters and hiring managers to scan through your resume, along with other job application documents. The algorithm is looking for words to do with your jobs, education, and experience and matching them against a list of words the company is looking for. To make your CV work with these systems, you need to: – Format your CV correctly – Use the right layout for your CV – Save the right type of file – Use words that match the job description

This will give you the best chance of getting past the computer and getting your CV in front of a person who’ll be dazzled by what you can do.

Is a professional resume writer worth it?

Yes, they’re definitely worth it. Consider it as an investment in your future when you hire a professional resume writer. It’s not just about saving you time and effort now; their work will pay dividends throughout your whole career. They know exactly what hiring managers and ATS tools are looking for – it’s their job!

What is a resume?

A resume is a professional document that contains all the information a recruiter needs to know about you. It should cover your work history, skills, and education and show you in the best possible light.

A resume is also called a CV in many parts of the world. Whatever you know it as, the purpose is the same; to give to a person looking to hire you for a job so they can understand why you’re the best candidate.

How do I list skills on a resume?

List your skills on your resume or CV as a bulleted list that’s relevant to the job advertisement that you’re applying for.

There will be a mix of hard and soft skills that you’ll likely need, but list them in the order that they appear in the job listing – only include skills you have, though.

It can be a lot of work targeting your skills to the jobs you’re applying for, but it’s worth it to get to the top of the candidate pile.

How can I find a job in Hong Kong?

To find a job in Hong Kong, you’ll first need a great CV. Next, you need to build a professional network and track who you know who will be aware of jobs in the fields you’re interested in.

It’s ok to start approaching them, face-to-face or online, and ask them if they know of any prospects. Connect with recruiters, again in person or digitally, and let them know what you can do and that you’re looking for a new role.

For more details on navigating the job market in Hong Kong , check out our full post on the subject.

Writing a great CV for Hong Kong jobs isn’t easy, but it’s definitely rewarding.

Generally, the expectations for a resume in Hong Kong are the same as international standards, so be sure to avoid using a photo, keep things concise and focused on achievements, and only include specific and relevant information.

Once you’ve got your job interview, don’t forget to get your wardrobe into shape and ready for your first meeting with your new company, hopefully!

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  • How to Find a Job in Hong Kong 2021 – 12 Best Tips

About The Author

Joanne Rushton

Joanne Rushton

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Klaxos LinkedIn Profile & Resume Writing Services

Hong Kong’s Top-Rated Professional Resume/CV & LinkedIn Profile Writers

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80% of resumes-CVs never get viewed.

Is your resume-cv and linkedin not delivering next-level jobs, do you struggle to write your skills, experiences, and accomplishments.

Solution: Since 2012, we have enabled 6,000+ global clients in 100+ occupations and 60+ countries to obtain next-level jobs quickly at top organizations by writing personal, custom, impactful career stories!

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Hong Kong professional resume/CV example

Hong Kong Professional Resume/CV Example. Click to enlarge.

Hong Kong LinkedIn Profile Example

Hong Kong LinkedIn Profile Example. Click to enlarge.

ATS Friendly Resume Format Explained

Applicant tracking system (ATS) is software job recruiters use to automatically import, scan, filter, and rank resumes submitted when candidates upload them to job postings. ATS cannot read and process documents with fancy formats. A resume with tables, charts, images, two columns, boxes, headers, and footers, will likely be rejected by the ATS before a human sees it. Professional resumes use a simple, text-only format. LinkedIn is the place to add images, videos, articles, and other creative examples of your work.

Good Vs Bad ATS Resume Examples

Resume/CV layout Hong Kong job recruiters expect to see:

Format: use reverse-chronological work experience resume format. List your most recent job at the top.

Fonts: use narrow width fonts like Calibri or another sans-serf font like Arial

Heading font-size: 11 or 12-point size

Body text font-size: 10.5 is the standard resume font size, but 10 or 11 are acceptable.

Line spacing: prefer .5 between experiences, but 0 is acceptable.

Resume margins: .5 or .75 inches all around.

Dates: include year and month 01/202-07/2023.

File type: submitting a resume in Microsoft Word is acceptable. A PDF is not required.

Hong Kong resume/CV critical parts and sections:

Header: Your contact information.

Headline: One line that summarizes your skills and presumed new job goals

Biography: 5-8 sentence summary of your abilities and accomplishments.

Skills: add your skills that match the jobs you seek in common industry terminology.

Work Experience: your job scope and quantifiable achievements.

Education: degrees, certifications, and certificates. As Hong Kong’s top-rated best resume/CV and LinkedIn writing service, you can learn from our helpful client samples below. They include achievements that are optimized for ATS scanners, ensuring your job employment application gets read by human resources. Job recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary job board to post vacancies and search for candidates.

Many Hong Kong professionals struggle to write about their career achievements. We can help! Since 2012, we have helped numerous clients in every career function/trade get hired at top organizations by writing personal, custom, impactful career stories that make their unique skills, experiences, and accomplishments stand out! We write keyword-optimized professional resumes/CV and LinkedIn profiles that deliver more visibility in search results, leading to more interviews.

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What our users have to say

Well-articulated summary.

Satisfied. Action verbs are good, bullet points are well articulated, and summary is also well formulated. I feel more template options could have been offered.

~ Samriddh Jaiswal

Dynamic Project Manager

Summarised my vast experience

They have done a remarkable job by summing up my vast experience in multiple industries into 2 pages and rephrased it without compromising my key skills and achievements.

Chief Operating Officer - 16 years

Professional and timely service

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Telecom Consultant - 10 years

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive my resume.

You will receive your professionally crafted resume within 5 working days, allowing us ample time to deliver a high-quality document tailored to your career goals.

What ATS score can I expect? Will I receive the score after confirmation?

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CV & Resume Editing

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The different aspects of revising your CV and preparing for interviews are explained in great detail. It also made me understand the empathy of the interviewers and think from their different perspectives. In terms of writing a CV, he was able to write down what I needed. In preparing for the interview, every aspect was explained in great detail, which gave me the confidence and courage to face the very picky interviewer when preparing for the interview.

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About Resume Editing – CV Templates/ Resume & CV Writing

All CV/resume editors on Toby have undergone identity authentication and a professional review. They possess extensive experience in CV/resume editing, professional knowledge of the job market, and a sincere attitude and offer service that includes proofreading, typesetting, and content review. Our editors can ensure that your CV/resume is flawless in terms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and format and can highlight your strengths. We offer professional and reliable CV/resume editing service to give you a peace of mind.

All you need to do is submit a quotation request that includes your industry, career level, and requirements. Our CV/resume editors will contact you asap and you can easily receive up to 4 quotations to review and compare for making your hiring decision. Toby can offer you the best solution for CV/resume editing at any time and any place.

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Top Writing Services in Hong Kong

Handling any business content solutions is a meticulous task requiring hard work and accuracy to manage it effectively. Hence, businesses should work with the best writing companies in Hong Kong. However, it is easier said than done since a careful evaluation of all the firms must be done before reaching any decision in selecting one. Since this is a challenging task, GoodFirms has prepared a list highlighting the professional writers in Hong Kong, including in-depth analytical data and qualitative rankings that will improve your decision-making. Utilize the analysis, rankings, and critical reviews to find the ideal service provider offering writing services in Hong Kong.

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List of Top Writing Companies in Hong Kong

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The Quick Word Company

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All CVs are written and approved by the first resume writing expert in Hong Kong certified by the US CPRW (Certified Professional Résumé Writer) to ensure the quality of CVs, allowing you to easily run out of competitors and increase interview ... read more about CV Pro

Successful Resumes Hong Kong

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With more than 25 years’ experience and 40 offices in 6 countries, Successful Resumes is a worldwide leader in professional resume writing. We are in business because we care about your success. In fact, we believe ... read more about Successful Resumes Hong Kong

Impala Services

Impala Services

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Hong Kong Translation

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HelloReporter is a Hong Kong based unconventional PR agency that aims to make public relations and digital marketing affordable to startups and all businesses with high flexibility.


Specializing in digital marketing, web design, web development and graphic design. We are a team of specialists with the aim to carve a path of excellence in performance in an ever-changing digital world. Our team ... read more about Upmedio

JIN Communications

JIN Communications

Established in 2012, JIN Communications is a Hong Kong-headquartered marketing communications agency specialising in the launching and ongoing promotion of restaurant, wine & spirits, hotel, and lifestyle brands. Our track record is renowned in providing ... read more about JIN Communications

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Three reasons why to use job nexus to speed up your job search:.

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Are you sure?

How to use a CV template for jobs in Hong Kong

Whatever position you hold (or want to hold), CV templates provide guidance on how best to present your experience, skills and passions to new employers in Hong Kong.

Some will use the templates just as they are, customised easily with a candidate’s relevant details and experience.

Others will use them as a source of inspiration, motivated to create a truly unique and personalised document.

However you choose to use our sample CVs, know that they can assist you on your way to a perfect resume and more importantly, that perfect job.

Related: How to write a CV in Hong Kong

Download our free CV templates for Hong Kong jobs:

  • Accounting CV template
  • IT CV template

Here are our top tips on using our free CV templates when applying for jobs in Hong Kong.

1. Contact details

When using a resume template, it’s vital to update the contact details to your own, and for them to be current and professional.

Ensure these details are, in some form, on every page of your CV, so that if the pages are ever split, it’s clear they all refer to you and your work experience.

Most important in this increasingly digital age are email addresses and mobile phone numbers, so double check these are correct and appropriate before submitting your CV.

2. Career objective

A career objective should be a taste of what the rest of your CV has to offer.

It should be bannered at the top and setting the tone for all the information and experience that’s to follow, it should broadly summarise the information in your CV, briefly mention your passion and ambition, and run no more than two lines.

Remember, it is only a taster, the main course is, metaphorically, still to come.

Related: Here’s our checklist for nailing the CV format

This is really up to you, but should be informed by the industry you work in or are hoping to break into, and the conventions that it demands.

For example, if you’re applying for a corporate finance or accounting job , keep your CV neat, logical and simple.

Focus of the accuracy of the information and skills you’re listing. If you’re applying for a web developer or IT role, consider showing employers your capability with specific systems and aptitude for good design by customising and personalising your CV template.

No matter what industry you’re in or what resume template you choose to use, we highly recommend keeping yours between two and three pages.

In the same way that your cover letter is the appetiser to your CV, and your career objective is a taster for the bulk of your resume, you can similarly consider your CV the entrée to securing a job interview.

To help you keep your CV to the ideal length, include only the most recent or relevant roles.

Three or four roles should provide sufficient opportunity for you to show a prospective employer that you have the technical skills, soft skills , industry experience and initiative required to succeed in the role.

Related: 5 unique skills to highlight on your CV

Use job or role titles that are understood at an industry level, and avoid role-specific terminology or jargon.

Most importantly, make them professional. Opt for Web Developer instead of “Innovation Sherpa”, Customer Service Officer in the place of “Disseminator of Critical Information”, and most definitely choose to use Senior Executive over “Decision-Making Rockstar”.

Your past and current titles gives employers, at a glance, a sense of the professional responsibilities and duties you were tasked with in the various roles you’ve had, so make them easy to read and use labels that are both recognisable and credible.

6. Keywords

It’s important that when you’re ready to tailor your resume template, you include keywords that appropriately summarise and celebrate your skills and experience.

This can be a balancing act of selecting positive, engaging words while avoiding overused or generic descriptors, but like job titles, they will be expected and important in showing what you can and can’t do. For example, if you’re going for an administration role than it’s important to cite key terms like ‘organisation skills’, ‘scheduling ability’ and ‘proficiency with MS Word programs’.

Similarly, IT CVs would be remiss not to include the names of programs a candidate is skilled in, for example, ‘JavaScript’ and ‘HTML’, or links to the websites a candidate has worked on.

Nominating the right keywords in your CV is about more than just showing an employer you understand the language and rhetoric of a certain role type or industry. It also proves you’ve thoroughly read the role description and application documents, and know what is required of you. Whether your application is being read by a member of HR, is parsed by an applicant tracking system, or both; using enough keywords, but not too much, will play a critical role in progressing you to the interview stage.

Related: How to explain career gaps in your resume

Using CV templates for Hong Kong roles

CVs are important, personal documents that will always be a part of your career no matter where you go.

Done well, they are your ticket to progressing through to a job interview , and will edge you one step closer to securing the job you’re looking for in HK.

Take a look at our CV guide page for more advice on how to write a CV .

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Our Clients Have Landed Great Jobs At

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Success Stories From Our Clients

  • Aiming for a HIGH-FLYING position?
  • NOT landing the interview?
  • TRAPPED in your current role?

Studies show that 80% of resumes are rejected by recruiters within only 6 seconds! Does yours beat the CRITICAL 6 second test?

Why Choose Us

Transforming resume writing, we offer more than traditional services. Our comprehensive offer includes the latest LinkedIn techniques, connecting clients with top head-hunters for increased online visibility.

As industry leaders, our methods for securing top roles for our clients are emulated worldwide. Whether you’re pondering “How to write a resume”, “How to write a cover letter”, “How to prepare a high-converting LinkedIn profile”, read on.

Unlike limited services, we provide a complete turnkey solution. Skip the search for basic services and join ExcellenceResumes for increased online visibility, introductions to top recruiters, and high-converting resume.

ExcellenceResumes delivers a one-stop solution for job seekers worldwide. From personalised profile optimisation to headhunters introductions as well as job interview, salary and LinkedIn training, our all-in-one approach guarantees impressive results. Contact us for a faster hiring process and significant salary increases.

Some of the services YOU get when you work with us. We guarantee you will be impressed by our all-in-one solution:

  • Personalised profile (we do not use generic resume templates)
  • Head hunters introduction
  • LinkedIn training
  • Job-interview
  • Salary negotiation coaching

3 Reasons to Get In Touch!


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We Craft High-Converting Resumes And LinkedIn Profiles For Ambitious Professionals.

Our professional writers will help you write a perfect resume and a cover letter that covert! Numerous business leaders from around the world have already enjoyed our services since 2015.

Crafting Careers, One Exceptional Resume at a Time.

“Our Clients CONSISTENTLY Land Amazing Jobs. Even Jobs They Would Have Never Bothered To Apply For!”

Discover NOW!

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80% of resumes are IMMEDIATELY screened out without ever getting a second look simply because they contain at least 1 CRITICAL mistake.

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If you’ve prepared your resume yourself, the chances are HIGH it will close doors to opportunities as it will certainly include AT LEAST one critical mistake.”

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To land the position you’re targeting, your resume must be FULLY OPTIMISED by professionals who know how to get the best out of it and clear away any doubts you may have.

People Rave About Us.

“ExcellenceResumes is the Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writing Agency with the highest number of 5-star reviews… in the WORLD!

ER Facebook reviews (2)

I got a high paying job in Dubai shortly after using ExcellenceResumes! From start to finish, my experience with ExcellenceResumes has been nothing short of outstanding. Their complete resume writing and LinkedIn profile optimization services, combined with their job sourcing hacks, truly set them apart and put me ahead of 80% of job seekers.

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The ExcellenceResumes team does an incredible job. Efficient, analytical, professional... are adjectives that perfectly describe them. All the doubts I had regarding my resume are now gone - and my LinkedIn profile is simply stunning. Awesome!

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The team did a fantastic job revamping my resume and my LinkedIn profile! They managed to cut down my (very long) resume from six pages to three without losing any content. Awesome job, superb service and very efficient.

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I recently engaged ExcellenceResumes on their 3 in 1 Package. Whilst I have comprehensive work experience, my CV and LinkedIn profile were poorly worded and unstructured – a total mess you might say. The revamp is just short of miraculous – ExcellenceResumes have delivered on all their promises and even threw in some free surprises. Barely 2 days after optimising my CV and LinkedIn profile, I had 3 phone interviews and 4 in-person interviews arranged for next week. I ended landing a position at ones of the companies I was targeting! This is excellent value for money and I have no hesitation in recommending them to my friends and all you business professionals out there. Team: Thank you very much – your friendly & personalised service and professionalism is of very high standards.

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Simply Follow The 5 Steps Below:

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Consult With Our Team

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Receive Your Order

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Start Applying

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Land Many Interviews

Select The Best Job Offer For You!

Writing A Persuasive Resume And LinkedIn Profile Is A Tough Job.

Here is What We’re Able to Produce

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  • Action-driven content
  • Fast results
  • Unique approach

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  • ATS-Optimised Content
  • Search Engine Visibility

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  • Top Viewed Profile
  • Increased Visibility
  • Interview Opportunities

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  • Animated Impact
  • Unique Showcase
  • Adds Significant Value

Animated Resumes

The ultimate tool to get a dramatic advantage over your competitors

Animated resumes are currently one of the most exclusive ways to engage the recruiter. They look good online and on mobile sites and grab a lot of attention. By using one as a resume, you are demonstrating your creativity and ability to think outside of the square. The one we’ll create for you, will depict you and your work in the most interesting and compelling way.

Results Guaranteed. 

See How We Are Positioned

We combine expertise in copywriting with solid experience in digital marketing, especially on LinkedIn. Our knowledge and commitment to our work position us at a totally different level than most agencies you might know.

How did we start? We created ExcellenceResumes after we noticed there was a real need for ambitious executives to stand out from the noise through their personal branding and their online presence – and we knew it would give them impressive results. Most professionals, especially Senior Executives and Board Members, are already very busy with their current responsibilities, and this is the reason why we decided to provide services for these high-level professionals.

How Does It Work?

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  • Collaborative Process
  • Package Selection
  • Personalised Service

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We Work Hard!

  • Efficient Production
  • Fast Delivery Time
  • Revision Flexibility

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We Deliver!

  • Final Copy Delivery
  • Reusable Format
  • Access to extra tools

I Have a question About the Process

How will I communicate with my writer? Is there a phone consultation included?

A phone consultation was initially included in our Triple Packages but we quickly realised it was, most of the time, totally unnecessary. Our clients were paying for something they didn’t need as the first step of our process is to fill up a questionnaire. Most of the time, this questionnaire provides our writing team with all the necessary information as long as filled up properly.

That’s the reason why we decided to remove the phone consultation from our packages and  reduced our pricing accordingly.

However, for our clients who feel like talking to our copywriters, we’ve added the phone consultation as an option.

Want to see the price of it?

> Click  HERE   if you have less than 5 years of work experience.

> Click  HERE   if you have between 5 and 10 years of work experience.

> Click  HERE   if you have more than 10 years of work experience.

Do you use templates?

How do I place an order?

How to place an order?

Step-by-Step Ordering Process:

  • Select Your Package: Begin by navigating to the “ Select your package ” section on our website. Alternatively, you can click on any of the provided links to directly access the package options.
  • Choose the Right Package: Determine the most suitable package based on your total professional experience , including internships. Our packages are tailored to cater to different career stages.
  • Secure Your Items: Once you’ve made your selection, add the desired services to your cart by clicking on “ BUY NOW ” or “ ADD TO CART ”.
  • Complete Your Purchase: Proceed to fill in your personal details and confirm your order by clicking on “ PLACE ORDER ”.

Payment Gateway Security: Rest assured, our payment gateway is among the most secure and user-friendly in the industry. We prioritize your safety and convenience, ensuring a worry-free transaction.

Order Confirmation: Upon successful payment, you will immediately receive an email notification confirming your order.

Next Steps: Within one business day (often just a few hours), our dedicated team will reach out to you via email to gather the necessary information to kickstart your journey to your next job.

To make it easier, we’ve included the links below for you!

How long does it take until I receive my new documents? What is the process?

Our process is very smooth and straight forward. You can assume that from 5 to 6 days from your order confirmation you will have all your new documents in hand.

The steps to follow are:

  • Select your package and proceed to the checkout.
  • Check your mailbox ( INCLUDING YOUR SPAM FOLDER! ) and open our welcome email.
  • Complete the questionnaire attached to the email. The executive writer assigned to your order will contact you via email within 1 business day to introduce themselves and collect the questionnaire when you are done with it.
  • Our practice is to deliver the first drafts of your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn content within 3 working days after receiving your supporting documents. However, should your project take longer due to some factors such as the length of your experience, your writer will be in touch for adjustments to the timeline.
  • Request as many amendments as you want for 7 days after you’ve received the first version of your documents, until you are fully satisfied. Note that we offer an option for a VIP urgent delivery if you are in a rush.
  • Order complete. You’re now ready to prospect and to get the best of LinkedIn (we’ll share plenty of tips with you) to land your next role.

Select your package and get started now, you won’t be disappointed with our work.

Do you provide services to professionals based out of Singapore?

Your location doesn’t make any difference to us since we have developed an online-based process that allows you to work with us wherever you are located.

Is it possible to arrange a face-to-face meeting?

We’d love to, but that would increase the price for our services and decrease our productivity. For your own benefit, we work exclusively online.

Let’s get started:

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  • "Why Do We Exist"
  • "What Happened Since Then?"
  • "Should You Go Ahead?"

I’m Fabien. After spending 10 successful years in the corporate world where I provided recruitment and talent acquisition consultancy to a large portfolio of multinational companies, I noticed a big problem. Candidates and recruiters were obviously frustrated.

Most recruitment techniques were a failure and often brilliant candidate profiles were overlooked simply because they didn’t possess the tools and skills required to sell themselves properly. I knew something was wrong. I wanted to equip professionals with efficient, intelligent job search methods and the tools required to be spotted by the radars of recruiters and HR managers in the modern world.

To fulfil this purpose I built a small yet highly efficient, personally-selected-by-me team of HR managers, executive recruiters, copywriters and marketing experts who would obsess over one single goal: to position the candidates as the leaders within their industry. This is when ExcellenceResumes was BORN. Since that day we’ve worked hard to help job hunters win in the contemporary, constantly changing, increasingly digital, job hunt market.

Rapidly, ExcellenceResumes emerged as the World’s number #1 leader in the professional resume and LinkedIn profile writing space, and also in the digital world. As I always say: “We do a lot more than simply writing resumes”.

I am confident that the digital marketing tools we’re about to introduce will leave you amazed. We got there by constantly going the extra mile, setting ourselves apart with our ability to boost resumes and LinkedIn profiles with real, relevant-in-today’s-world HR and recruitment expertise, captivating designs, while our competitors focused on filling documents using the same outdated techniques over and over…

I have added the latest in digital marketing capability to what we can offer you. Doing so has enabled ExcellenceResumes to extend your visibility far and wide into the digital world, where recruiters and employers are more likely to be looking for you today: on LinkedIn.

If you’ve made it this far, you definitely should go ahead. We’ve served hundreds of professionals since we started and the end result has always been the same: happy clients impressed by the ROI they get. Also, I keep a close eye on each order we process.

All our clients get a World-Class service. Simply get your best package and the executive writer assigned to your order will reach out to you via email within the next hours to get started on. (Check your spam folder)

Fabien Ghys is a Trainer At These Organisations

Asset 108

Download the ExcellenceResumes Free Ebook and Boost Your Job Search now!

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Do You Want To Learn More About Us?

Secure Your Package Below and Get Started Today!

“The return on investment for our services can be profound. Shorten your job search by only a few days and our packages have paid for themselves. We’ve got clients increasing their salary by 40% securing their dream job in less than 2 weeks.”

Get started by simply selecting your package here below. We’ll reach out to you via email

Junior Career Level

  • For Young Professionals .
  • Less than 5 years experience.
  • Mostly have short work experiences and internships.
  • We’ll highlight them in such a way that recruiters will beg you for an interview!

Middle Career Level

  • For Experienced Professionals .
  • 5 to 10 years experience.
  • Fairly established in your career and want to increase your pay.
  • For clients who want to land jobs with up to 50% salary increase or simply want a new challenge.

Senior Career Level

  • For Senior Professionals .
  • Over 10 years experience.
  • The main challenge is to highlight all your experiences in a few lines and organise them efficiently.
  • We'll optimise your brand, showcasing your experience concisely and impactfully.

I Have A Question About The Payment Or About The Price​

How can I make a payment on your website?

Payment Options: We offer a variety of payment methods to ensure a seamless checkout experience. You can choose from the following options:

  • Credit/Debit Cards: We accept all major payment cards , including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
  • Digital Wallets: For a faster and more secure transaction, you can use Apple Pay or Google Pay .

Using Someone Else’s Card: If you wish to use a payment card that is not in your name, please ensure you have obtained explicit consent from the cardholder before proceeding. This is to prevent unauthorized use and to protect all parties involved.

Security Assurance: Your security is our top priority. Our website employs state-of-the-art encryption and security measures to protect your personal and payment information. You can place your order with confidence, knowing that your data is safe with us.

Let us show you what we’re able to do, we’ll turn your resume into an interview dispensing machine!

Do you offer discounts?

We’re proud to say that we offer the best value for money. As our testimonials show, we provide a world-class service at an unbeatable price. For this reason,  we do not offer discounts. We do, however, offer a  FULL REFUND  guarantee if you feel we have not added value to your documents.

Note that for each order, there are a few freebies included… Want to discover what they are?

Is it safe to pay on our website?

Yes, making payments on our website is secure and reliable. We use HitPay, a Singapore-based payment gateway trusted by thousands of businesses. It offers a trustworthy integration with e-commerce platforms and supports a wide range of payment methods, ensuring convenience and flexibility for our customers.

We take security seriously, which is why we've chosen HitPay for our payment processing needs. HitPay adheres to stringent security standards, including PCI DSS compliance, and employs advanced encryption to protect every transaction. With HitPay's in-principle approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for a Major Payment Institution (MPI) License, you can trust that your payments are in safe hands.

Rest assured, your payment details are securely handled, and privacy is maintained at every step of the payment process. We are committed to providing you with a safe, transparent, and hassle-free payment experience.

Why do you charge in USD?

Global Currency: We have chosen to charge in USD (United States Dollars) because it is one of the most widely accepted currencies worldwide. This allows us to serve professionals from every corner of the globe without currency barriers.

Currency Conversion: We understand the importance of local currency for our clients. That’s why, during the checkout process, you will have the option to convert the charges to your preferred currency. Currently, we support conversions to SGD (Singapore Dollars), HKD (Hong Kong Dollars), and AED (United Arab Emirates Dirham).

Ready to Begin? If you’re all set to take the next step in your career journey, simply click the link below to get started. Our streamlined process will guide you through each stage, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

How much do your services cost?

Our services start from 29 USD.

The investment from your side is actually very reasonable considering that, for example, we work between 5 and 8 hours on your profile if you order a “Triple Package” from us.

You certainly understand that the amount of this investment in your career depends directly on what items you choose and how willing you are to invest in your future.

We always recommend our Triple Package  (High-Converting Resume, Persuasive Cover Letter, LinkedIn profile + introduction to a few secret plugins)  as it is excellent value for money and has given impressive results.

Here are the details:

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You read that right. 110% money back guarantee.

We are so confident that you will be happy with the results that we offer you UNLIMITED amendments for 7 days from the day you receive your first draft. Also we have in place a 110% money back guarantee.

That means that we will give you a full refund AND an extra 10% if you feel like we haven’t added any value to your documents after receiving the first draft. But don’t get too excited, we never have to use it.

resume writing service hong kong

You read well. 110% money back guarantee.

We are so confident that you will be happy with the results that we offer you UNLIMITED amendments for 7 days from the day you receive your first draft. Also we have in place a 110% money back guarantee. That means that we will give you a full refund AND an extra 10% if you feel like we haven’t added any value to your documents after receiving the first draft. But don’t get too excited, we never have to use it.

I Have A Question About ExcellenceResumes

Most common question: How to get started? What package should I choose? What does your service include?

We always recommend our triple package (see link below) as well as all the extras we offer.

You must select your items depending on the TOTAL number of years of work experience that you have (internships included).

Your responsibility level DOESN’T MATTER for the choice of your package, but only the total number of years of experience.

To get started, click on one of the links below:

Important: our “set of extra tools”, valued at more than USD300, currently comes automatically for FREE with any triple package. You won’t find this anywhere else! See below (zoom in).

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Are you a recruiting or a headhunting agency?

We go way beyond. We focus on creating  High-Converting  documents that can drastically change the way you’ve been job-hunting so far. We’re able to position you as the  obvious leader  in your industry so recruiters will want to hire you instead of hiring any other candidate.Also, we’ve developed a solid expertise when it comes to LinkedIn and we’re always willing to share our secrets. We’ll give you all our tips if you decided to work with us. Get ready to be impressed. After working with us, you won’t need help from any headhunter at all: your own LinkedIn profile will become your 24/7 personal headhunter.

If you select our Triple Package, we’ll introduce you to a network of more than 10 Executive Headhunters we are working in hand with, most of them are based in Singapore but operate in the APAC region.

Check below if you’d like to discover more details about the documents we craft.

Are you a Singapore based company?

Yes, we are a  Singapore-registered company. is operated by Blue Mango Services Pte Ltd (UEN 201614555Z). Although many of our clients are from Asia, we do operate worldwide.

Select your package and get started now, you won’t be disappointed with our work! We give you a full-refund if you feel like we haven’t added value to your profile anyway, ZERO risk!

What services do you provide?

ER is a Personal Branding Agency. We help professionals from several sectors OUT-MARKET their competitors, positioning them as OBVIOUS leaders in their industries.

We combine expertise in copywriting with solid experience in digital marketing, especially when it comes to LinkedIn.

Examples of what we do:

– High-Converting resumes.

– LinkedIn profiles optimisation. Some of our clients are receiving up to 5 job offers/week via LinkedIn after we optimise their profile. Other clients become the MOST VIEWED profile among all their connections and are contacted by recruiters/headhunters on a DAILY BASIS.

– Ultra convincing cover letters, animated resumes, and a lot more…

– We introduce our clients to a network of Headhunters, provide them with LinkedIn video training courses, social media tools, career progression guidance, interview tips, business card templates and a lot more.

We’ve had a lot of clients securing a 30% salary increase thanks to us. Our most impressive case was an executive who  doubled her salary  after we helped her.

We are highly committed to our clients’ satisfaction and we work hard for them to get results. Our methods have been tested and approved by thousands of professionals since 2015.

Are your testimonials genuine?

Incredibly, all our testimonials are genuine. We are the personal branding agency with the highest number and proportion of 5-star reviews worldwide! You can view the profiles of our clients who have left recommendations via our Google business page, our Facebook page or LinkedIn – be ready to be impressed!

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You can see hundreds of testimonials on our Facebook page, click on the image below:

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Lastly, our Director and Founder Fabien has one of the most recommended LinkedIn profiles in Singapore with a very high number of recommendations from other LinkedIn users!

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Working with us is a guarantee of satisfaction. Be our next success story and let us boost your personal branding now!

Do you guarantee results? How does your refund policy work?

We do! We assure you that if you get your professional documents optimised by us and follow all our tips, you’ll land plenty of interviews. With our ZERO risk policy, we give you a full refund AND  an extra 10% off your purchase we haven’t added value to your profile after you’ve received the first version of your new documents. Don’t get too excited though, it never happens. We accept orders only when we know there’s a certain scope for improvement on the documents.

Full Terms and Conditions available  HERE .

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Check out our  testimonials   if you still doubt!

Select your package and get started now, you won’t be disappointed with our work!

Do you contribute to society?

Do you contribute to Society?

We do! A part of the profit generated via our referral system is donated to the Children’s Society Of Singapore.

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Working with us, you’ll contribute to society in a real way. Ready to get started?

Are your writers native English speakers?

Are your writers native english speakers?

They are! To provide such high-standard services as ExcellenceResumes does, a  perfect command of the English language  is necessary. For this reason, all our executive writers are native English speakers. They’re even able to write in British or American English depending on your profile. Amazing, isn’t it?

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Got questions? Fill out the form for a chat with our team. We’ll dive into your career goals, discuss expectations, and explore how we can assist you. Upload your resume for free feedback in this complimentary consultation.

We’re a Singapore-based company with global reach.

Upload your resume here. If you’re on a mobile, drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.

Hold On! Enter Your Email Below And Learn How To Hack The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) !

ATS is the new software that most companies now use to screen out resumes. We know how to BEAT them to help you get your resume shortlisted!

Michael Page - Jobs and recruitment agency in Hong Kong, link to home page

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Hong Kong pro-democracy media mogul Jimmy Lai to testify when national security trial resumes in November

James Lee

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Pro-democracy tycoon Jimmy Lai will take the stand in his national security trial in November, a Hong Kong court has heard, after judges denied the Apple Daily founder’s bid to have charges against him dropped.

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai arrives at the West Kowloon Magistrates Court on May 18, 2020. Photo: Anthony Wallace/AFP.

Senior Counsel Robert Pang on Wednesday argued that the prosecution had not presented evidence that Lai intended to continue carrying out an initial agreement to invite sanctions against the Hong Kong government after the security law came into effect, and thus the charges against Lai should be dropped.

“We rule that the first defendant has a case to answer on all the charges,” judge Esther Toh said on Thursday morning.

Lai, 76, is  stands accused of two counts of taking part in a “conspiracy to collude with foreign forces” under the Beijing-imposed security law, and for conspiring to publish “seditious” materials  under a colonial-era law . He faces up to life in prison if convicted.

West Kowloon Law Courts Building. File photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP.

The self-made millionaire who founded pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily appeared at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts on Thursday to hear the judges’ ruling. The trial was adjourned until November 20, when Lai is expected to take the stand.

Originally estimated to last 80 days, Thursday marked the 92nd day of proceedings. The four month delay was due to the availability of the three judges, each handpicked to handle national security cases.

His testimony and cross-examination would take three to four weeks, While judge Alex Lee said Lai’s testimony and cross-examination would take three to four weeks, Pang said it would take 30 working days, but added that he “hesitated” to say how much time would be enough.

Apple Daily's final edition dated June 24. 2021. Photo: Kelly Ho/HKFP.

Judge Esther Toh said the court would do its best to accommodate if Lai’s testimony went into January, while judge Susanna Remedios said the court will take a Christmas break.

The defence will also call an expert witness come November to clarify technical matters on the messaging app Signal, Pang said on Thursday.

Lai’s trial began on December 18, 2023 , at which point he had already spent more than 1,000 days in custody after his bail was revoked in December 2020.

Legal representative of Jimmy Lai outside the West Kowloon Law Courts Building on February 2, 2024. Photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP.

Beijing inserted the national security law into Hong Kong’s mini-constitution in June 2020 following a year of pro-democracy protests and unrest. The legislation criminalised  subversion, secession, collusion with foreign forces and terrorist acts , giving police sweeping new powers  and leading to hundreds of arrests amid  new legal precedents , while dozens of  civil society groups disappeared .

The authorities say it  restored stability and peace  to the city, rejecting criticism from  trade partners , the  UN  and  NGOs .

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James Lee

James Lee Reporter

James Lee is a reporter at Hong Kong Free Press with an interest in culture and social issues. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in Journalism from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he witnessed the institution’s transformation over the course of the 2019 extradition bill protests and after the passing of the Beijing-imposed security law.

Since joining HKFP in 2023, he has covered local politics, the city’s housing crisis, as well as landmark court cases including the 47 democrats national security trial. He was previously a reporter at The Standard where he interviewed pro-establishment heavyweights and extensively covered the Covid-19 pandemic and Hong Kong’s political overhauls under the national security law.

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Dianne Woo

ResumeWriter Hong Kong is part of the ResumeWriter APAC Group (which also includes ResumeWriter Singapore , ResumeWriter Malaysia , and CV Expert Australia )

We’re a CV writing company staffed by HR Veterans. More than that, we’re also active recruiters (with both a recruiting arm and an outplacement arm ).

By being on both sides of the market (recruiting and CV writing), we’re able to be plugged in completely to the pulse of the industry. This is what allows us to write CVs that consistently get our clients more interviews.

Our firm believes in delivering results. We only take on clients whose profiles we can add value to. And even when we do take on clients, we stand behind our 100% money back guarantee.

If you’re not happy with the work we’ve produced, we don’t deserve to get paid. That’s our promise to you.


Harry Suresh

Founder & CEO, Hitesh is a Licensed Recruiter with over a decade of experience. A well-respected industry figure, he has countless connections across Tech, Finance, Engineering, Product Development, Sales, and IT.

David Whitaker

Business Director, David is a former Account Manager with Oracle, an ex-Headhunter, and a professional writer. With a proven track record, he’s highly knowledgeable across Business Development, Strategy, Marketing, and Sales.


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Explainer | Hong Kong civil service jobs: how to apply and are they still a big draw for graduates?

  • The Post dives into the requirements for high-paying jobs in the civil service

Jeffie Lam

Hong Kong government recruitment drives for administrative officer, executive officer and several other roles popular with university graduates start in September.

While civil service jobs have lost their appeal for some Hongkongers under the shifting political environment, the pay and security offered by the so-called iron rice bowls remain attractive to many.

Here is what you need to know about the application process for high-paying jobs that attract thousands of young graduates every year.

1. What jobs are on offer?

Four types of posts are covered in the latest recruitment exercise.

First, the administrative officer. These are members of an elite corp in the civil service who help draft most policies.

Second, the executive officer II is a role specialising in resource and system management.

Third, the assistant trade officer II. Their duties include helping with research on trade, industry, innovation and technology matters.

And the fourth role available is transport officer II. These are employees tasked with analysing the operations of public transport services and facilities.

2. How much is the pay?

The administrative officer grade has been known for its lucrative package, with its entry level last year starting from HK$60,065 (US$7,690) per month.

Meanwhile, monthly salaries for newly hired executive officers, trade officers and transport officers fell between HK$32,430 and HK$34,060 last year.

Government positions typically offer more attractive salaries than other jobs in the market.

According to data from Hong Kong’s eight publicly funded universities in 2022, fresh graduates earned HK$300,000 a year on average, or HK$25,000 a month.

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3. What are the requirements?

Beyond having a bachelor’s degree, applicants are also required to take the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) held by the government, which consists of three 45-minute papers that test candidates’ levels in the use of English and Chinese, as well as their aptitude, in a multiple-choice format.

Applicants who have obtained level 5 or above in English language and Chinese language in the Diploma of Secondary Education Examination will not be required to take the two language papers.

They are also required to take a test on their understanding of the Basic Law, the city’s mini-constitution, as well as the national security law.

Candidates hoping to apply for the four posts can sign up from Saturday to August 9 for the CRE as well as the Basic Law and national security law test, tentatively scheduled to be held on October 5.

The tests are also tentatively scheduled to be carried out on December 7 in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, London, New York, Toronto, Vancouver and Sydney.

4. Is there much competition?

In 2023, more than 12,500 and 18,500 applications – the highest in three years – were received respectively for administrative officer and executive officer posts, which had 50 and 220 vacancies.

That meant 250 people were competing for an administrative officer position, while 84 were vying for an executive officer post.

5. Have posts lost their appeal to young Hongkongers?

Hong Kong’s civil service has been hit by an exodus over the past few years following the 2019 social unrest and Beijing’s subsequent imposition of the national security law on the city.

Data in 2023 showed that the number of civil servants in their thirties who had quit their jobs had more than tripled over the past five years to almost 1,300. This group also accounted for the most number of resignations among the 174,000-strong service in 2022.

Some union representatives have attributed the surge of resignations to the emigration wave, as well some workers’ reluctance to take a required pledge of allegiance to the government following the implementation of the national security law in 2020.

In response to a manpower crunch, the administration introduced a new scheme last year to allow undergraduates to apply for civil service jobs before their final year in university and join the government immediately after they complete their studies.

Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung Ho Poi-yan said earlier that the increase in applications in last year’s recruitment drive showed many fresh graduates and undergraduates were interested in joining the government.


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