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Starting An Ostrich Farm – Profitable Business Plan

profitable ostrich farming business plan

Ostrich farming is another unique type of farming which stands out of the box from the usual cow and goat farming. You can easily earn high scale of profits if you are ready to invest more in this business. One thing to remember is checking if the country accepts this business. Some countries oppose the use of ostrich meat and hide. Thus, if you raise ostriches in such countries, you cannot have business in more areas.

You can start your own ostrich farm by following below information on how to construct ostrich farm, how much profits you can make, feeding habits, breeding, etc.

Ostrich products

  • Ostriches have an advantage of providing more meat from a single hen or cock. Meat from ostriches are considered the healthiest of all.
  • The eggs produced by them are extremely rich in nutrition since the yolk of this egg is the largest in the world.
  • Ostrich hide is used by many industries who manufacture shoes and bags. They not only use the hide, but also the feathers on it which is known for its smooth texture.

Why this business runs only in large farms?

These are huge sized birds and considering this, you cannot initiate this business in small farms or places which are closed all around. Investment will be slightly higher than other farming businesses, since the livestock grown here is a rare one. The size of these ostriches plays a major role in deciding the expenses incurred, heavy birds require large quantities of food.

The natural pattern of their habitat forces you to provide them with a large area to live in. And also, the maintenance needs for ostrich farm are more which is kind of a drawback for people who do not have enough money to carry out this business. Animals and birds grow due to food habits and on more important factor, exercise. Thus, for these birds to reach complete growth naturally, a suitable area for them to run and relax is important.

Requirements to start an ostrich farm – Business Plan

The formal setup – You will need acres and acres of land to accommodate the ostriches you raise. Approximately 4 ostriches would require an area of half an acre. So, it is very important to have a vast area for the farm. Within the farm, places should be planned for breeding and incubation. These basic components makeup your setup partially complete.

Ostrich chicks  – After the selection of land, the very next step is to purchase ostrich chicks for further production. You can either select ostrich chocks or matured ostriches. It completely depends on your financial background. Ostrich chicks are priced around $10 and the matured ones at $25. This is just an approximation and the prices change to each country and demand.

Nutritive food – To ensure stable growth of the ostriches in your farm, they should be provided with nutritive food. Ostriches are omnivorous creatures eating a wide range of food items. Here, choosing food for them is not an issue but investment on food is undoubtedly an issue.

Gallons of water – Just another related item to food. Water is a must in your farm 24*7 to have healthy ostriches and chicks.

Containers – The food which is being fed should be put in clean and comfortable containers after knowing the eating habits of the ostrich. Containers should be large in size for storing water since, the consumption is high. Water containers should be at a height where it reaches the ostrich’s chest.

Workers – The size of the business is huge and this creates a condition for employing workers for your farm. Managing them is really not an easy task and it needs more manpower. You will need labourers to maintain the farm, clean the birds, feed the birds, and also for administration purposes.

Incubator – Incubator is a place where the eggs are taken for hatching. They hatch naturally, but when it is a farm you are supposed to carry out every stage of the process in a very technical and planned way.

Fencing or a tall compound – These huge birds are not capable of flying and that does not mean they don’t require roof. Roofs are important to protect them from rain. But, to prevent escaping of these birds from the farm, a compound around is a must.

Legal documents – As already mentioned, this business is feasible only if the country legally permits. Having this, it is safe to obtain the necessary legal documents from the respective governments of each country before the start. Produce them along with the business plan if you are a person seeking for funds from financial institutions.

Financial needs -To be in safer side, it is better to have excess funds with you even after the start of the business. Every day expense of farming will bring in the necessity for a particular account for savings for this purpose from the initial investment.

Water heaters – Ostriches are birds which survive in dry places. Though they can thrive under any climatic condition, you will find certain difference in their behavioural aspect if not grown in right conditions. If your farm is located in a colder region, install heaters having water at 20 degrees centigrade. This will be the ideal temperature of water during winter.

Planning and layout of an ostrich farm

  • Under the layout decision you have two choices. Choose to setup a layout where all the activities of raising the ostriches are carried out at the same place or design the layout so as to have three major divisions for breeding, incubating and raising the chicks. If the layout is the former one, keen supervision is need.
  • Fresh water supply throughout the day is important. Considering this, make the water supply area available to all parts of the farm. Centred location of water supply area will be a very good idea.
  • Layout also includes services done in the farm. Services insists on the installation of electric setup, gas and oil etc.
  • Electric supply is to provide lights and electric energy to the incubator.
  • Gas and oil can supplement the use of heaters to some extent.
  • Above all this irrespective of the layout designed, breeding will require a separate fenced area.

Feeding ostriches

Ostriches should be fed at proper timing. Delay in feeding might end up in unfavourable diseases and also a loss for you. Adult ostriches should be fed twice a day and chicks should be fed at least 5 times a day. Adults are fed in the morning once and mid-evening once. Ostriches drink 9 litres of water a day.

Keep changing the water when it becomes dirty or is filled with food items. Healthy and clean water can alone assure proper growth. Commercially speaking, food items can be chosen to enrich the quality of meat. Foods like maize and soya are highly recommended. And apart from these, you can also concentrate on feeding nutrition separately. Amino acids and yeast will greatly help in rapid growth.

Some of the foods ostriches eat are:-

  • Little rodents
  • Other packed food supplements for ostriches sold at shops

 Breeding practices

  • In the process of production, breeding is the most important phase which involves high supervision. Mating at the right time is important for producing healthy chicks. A male ostrich attains maturity between 2 to 4 years and in case of female it is at an earlier stage.They attain the state of maturity at the age of 6 months.
  • Ostriches are seasonal breeders and thus they are allowed for breeding only at a specific period of time. The most appropriate time is from the month of March to September. Mating should happen only in specific area allotted within the farm. This is to avoid any sort of unfavourable happening due to disturbances caused by other ostriches in the farm.
  • Male ostriches can mate with 4 to 7 females at a time. So, egg production will be an on-going activity in this business.
  • Female ostriches lay eggs in holes and the weight of these eggs are uncertain. It purely depends on the health condition of the mated ostriches.
  • The eggs can either be allowed to hatch naturally or taken care of using incubator. Since the count of ostriches in a farm is high, it is advisable to undergo the incubation process in an incubator. This will prevent infertile eggs and death while hatching.
  • After hatching, the chicks are under close monitoring conditions. The first three weeks of the chicks are spent in separate place in the layout. As already mentioned, during this period the chicks are fed 5 times a day.
  • The chicks then learn to eat on their own from the male ostriches.

Profits in an Ostrich Farming Business

  • Ostrich farming, though a very expensive business generates excess income and profits after the business has reached the market success. The more you invest, the more is the profit. This business is only for patient entrepreneurs who wait for profits without giving up. This whole process takes time and the profits are realised only after 3 to 4 years after the establishment of the business.
  • It is easy to sell the ostriches and realise profits even while they grow. But this will empty the farm and you will be left with only the setup in the end.
  • Breeding will increase the number of ostriches and this will ultimately change the size of the business.
  • Wait for the right time to start selling the ostriches. Meanwhile, you can earn revenue from the eggs. Ostrich eggs are sold for high rates in the market. And from this, it is easy to get money for the everyday operation of your business.
  • Find appropriate markets for selling these eggs and promise them regular supply.
  • To be a successful business person, avoid the habit of compromising on the quality. Make sure you grow healthy and pure breed ostriches and sell clean eggs.
  • Diseased ostriches will completely put down the whole company. If there is a diseased ostrich in your farm, treat it at the right time or just dispose it from the farm. By saving the medical expenses you will end up in a huge loss.
  • Now, going on to the profits from a well-developed ostrich farm. Here, revenue comes from the entire body of the ostrich. Like listed in the ostrich products, people are ready to buy ostriches for their feather to meat.
  • The demand for ostriches is obviously more since most of the people wishing to start a business will end up in chickens, goat, cows or any other small birds.
  • Demand decides the price. Pricing should be done considering the costs incurred during the developmental stages.
  • Feathers are bought for decorative purposes, and here you have a chance to earn income by saving their fallen feathers too.
  • When you sell eggs, pack them properly to avoid cracks while it is transported from your place to the market. To reduce higher transportation costs due to outside transport services, you can invest money and have your own vehicle for delivery purposes.

The end is that, Ostrich farming requires high level of investment but it can assure unimaginable profits if handled properly. All this lies in your hands by proper planning and scheduling. Use your contacts for purchasing your resources at a lower cost. Adopt new techniques and methods which can help in smooth farming. If your farming is a success, you will witness increase in the number of ostriches in your farm along with the increase in income. In such cases, redesign your farm in order to avoid accommodation of large number of ostriches in a small area.

If you think these high-level processes are too difficult for your financial background, then choose to specialise in any one or two. It is just like how you sell one particular product in other businesses. Instead of carrying out the whole business by yourself, indulge in one or two activities. For example, invest less money and do the incubation process alone for farms which do not have incubators. Similarly, decide on small business types involved in ostrich farming. This idea will definitely work even if your land is small. Scope for this farming is increasing at a higher rate nowadays. So, start it as fast as you can to save yourself from the competitors in the future.

The costs associated with starting an ostrich farm can vary greatly depending on the size and scope of the operation. Start-up costs may include the purchase of ostrich chicks, feed, housing, and equipment. Operating costs can include feed, veterinary care, and labor.

It really depends on the scale of your farming operation. A small ostrich farm could get away with only a couple acres, but a commercial ostrich farm could require a few hundred acres.

The housing requirements for ostrich farming differ depending on the climate. In warm climates, ostriches can be kept outdoors year-round with just a shelter for protection from the sun and rain. In cooler climates, they need a barn with access to an outdoor paddock.

The feed requirements for ostrich farming are: 1. A high-quality diet that is rich in protein and energy. 2. A diet that is low in fiber and high in digestible carbohydrates. 3. A diet that is free of harmful toxins and contaminants.

The water requirements for ostrich farming vary depending on the climate and the type of production system. In hot, dry climates, ostriches may require up to 10 litres of water per day. In cooler climates, they may require much less.

The climate requirements for ostrich farming depend on the type of ostrich being raised. For example, the Blue-eyed black ostrich does best in warm climates, while the Somali ostrich does best in cooler climates.

The labor requirements for ostrich farming vary depending on the size of the farm and the number of birds being raised. Large farms may require full-time employees to care for the birds, while smaller operations may only need part-time help. Ostrich farming typically requires workers to feed and water the birds, clean their pens, and collect eggs.

Some of the marketing requirements for ostrich farming include providing a quality product, having a good reputation, and being able to marketing effectively to potential customers.

The start-up costs for ostrich farming can be quite high. In addition to the cost of the land, you will need to purchase or build a suitable shelter, buy equipment and supplies, and purchase chicks. Once your farm is up and running, you will need to pay for feed, vaccinations, and other ongoing costs.

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How to Start an Ostrich Farming Business

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Agriculture Industry » Livestock Farming

Do you want to start an ostrich farm? If YES, here is a complete guide to starting an ostrich farming business with NO money and NO experience plus a   sample ostrich farming business plan template.

If you have always had a dream of owning a farm and rearing livestock on this farm for commercial purposes, then perhaps you should partake in something adventurous rather than rearing regular livestock and look towards starting an ostrich farm.

Ostrich farming is a business that has several advantages because when compared to cattle, ostriches produce more meat for consumption while consuming resources that are smaller in comparison to what a beef cattle consumes. Also, the meat of an ostrich contains less fat, cholesterol as well as calories when compared to chicken, beef, lamb, pork and turkey, making it a win-win situation for any farmer going into this business.

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Ostriches have been consumed by humans as far back as the third century and it enables farmers make faster and higher lucrative returns on investment, which has caused a large number of farmers to convert to ostrich farming.

Before starting the ostrich farming business, you would have to make a decision on the land you intend to use and how you will make use of the land.

This is because the land must be large enough for all the separate activities that will be involved in your ostrich farming business. This includes activities such as breeding, chick rearing, chick housing, raising the birds to slaughter age and also incubation facilities.

Also, you would need to consider space for building facilities that would accommodate an office, farm, shop as well as a workers’ rest area. It is important that you acquire a land that would allow your breeding birds have a total of 1500sq. meters. Climate has to be considered when running an ostrich farm so that you do not allow your birds to die due to heat or cold.

In the united states of America, you would need to complete a course on ostrich husbandry and get certain licenses and permits (owning the birds, transporting the birds, being able to bury the birds, as well as bio security measures) before starting this business. If you are wondering how you would go about all this, the article promises to point you in the right direction.

Steps to Starting an Ostrich Farming Business

1. understand the industry.

Globally, the ostrich industry has remained volatile in certain geographical locations. This is because those starting the business newly usually experience high prices for their birds which however later crashes as the true value of a slaughter bird is realized.

However, even though feed costs accounts for at least 70 percent of total expenses incurred by ostrich farmers, the business is not one however that is run at a loss.

The ostrich industry in America as well as in Europe is still in its breeding phase as there is little commercial processing taking place. As at 1992, more than 150,000 ostriches were slaughtered globally with 95% of this slaughtered amount processed in south africa.

However, present analysis gives no indication on whether the ostrich population will meet current much less future demands.

Although ostrich farming declined In the united states of America during the early periods of 1930, it slowly regained its popularity in the 1990s especially in the eastern part of the country. However, as more people have entered this industry, there has been a drop in prices as breeding supplies have become plentiful.

Even though commercial ostrich farming started in South Africa for more than 15 decades ago, other countries such as the United States of America and Israel have joined in the commercial farming as well. There are about 60,000 ostriches currently in the United States of America.

According to analysts, in order to operate economically, 250,000 breeding pairs would be required to be able to meet up with demands.

According to the 2007 Agriculture Census, 714 farmers raised 11,188 ostriches but marketed about 5,697 birds. This was a marked decrease from 2002 where more than 1,600 farmers raised more than 20,000 ostriches. The three top states in ostrich production in the United States of America are Texas, California and Kansas.

Ostrich meat is promoted as low-cholesterol red meat due to its red colour, low fat content as well as its texture which is like beef. The average carcass dressing percentage stands at 57%. The feathers are usually cropped once a year and sold to several companies in the United States of America.

The last few years has seen a dramatic progression in ostrich farming as globally the ostrich farm business has achieved stability. However, many farms do not still take proper care of the young chicks as scientists have paid the birds less attention even though it has great potential.

2. Conduct Market Research and Feasibility Studies

  • Demographics and Psychographics

The demographic and psychographic compositions of those that require the products of an ostrich range from those who intend to consume it as meat, to those who intend to use other parts of the ostrich for further non-consumable products.

This therefore means that those who require the products of an ostrich cuts across various demographics from restaurants, households, research institutes, furniture manufacturers and to car manufacturers. And so it can be seen that the demographics is all encompassing as it includes those that consume ostrich meat for health purposes, those who use it for financial purposes and for other purposes as well.

3. Decide Which Niche to Concentrate On

Even though ostrich farming offers plenty benefits from the meat to its feathers, if you are just newly starting up, there are certain areas you might wish to concentrate on especially if you do not have the required finance to run all the niches at once.

Starting with few niches does not mean that you cannot later expand your business to offer other niches as soon as you have the necessary human and capital resources available. Therefore some of the major ostrich farming business niches that you may decide to go into are;

  • Full cycle (this include breeders, egg layers, incubating, hatching, and then growing the chicks to slaughter stage)
  • Incubation facility
  • Growing out facility

The Level of Competition in the Industry

The ostrich farm business might be uncommon in the United States of America but it is slowly becoming a very popular business as more people have been known to start the business which has led to more competition in the industry.

Because of the health benefits of ostriches, more people are beginning to see the importance of consuming this meat and yet supply still outweighs demand which has led to the increase in competition amongst ostrich farmers as measures are being put in place by some farms to ensure that they create a website that will make them more visible to others around the country.

Also, already established ostrich farms have an advantage over new ostrich farms and this is because the large businesses already have a network of contacts and large economies of scale. The smaller ostrich farms on the other hand are able to compete by offering specialized services and better customer care than the large ostrich farms and in this way, the smaller farms are able to generate revenue for themselves.

4. Know Your Major Competitors in the Industry

Every industry has brands that are well known either for having existed for long or for standing out from others offering same services. Also, other factors that make brands to become popular are ones that treat their customers very well, have well crafted publicity strategies and so many other such factors.

Therefore even though ostrich farming in the United States if uncommon, there are certain brands that have stood out and made a name for themselves and they are;

  • Ostrichland USA
  • Arizona ostrich farm
  • R&M Ostrich Farm
  • American Ostrich Farms
  • Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch

Economic Analysis

In the United States of America, those that intend to start an ostrich farm and run it as a business must not only have the required financial capability to do so, they are also mandated to select eggs and breeding ostriches from reliable and trusted breeders, whilst also stocking the appropriate food needed for the ostriches to survive.

The ostrich rearing business though uncommon is largely growing and even though some variations exists amongst farmers as regards rearing habits and techniques, all farmers need at least healthy eggs or one healthy breeding pair of ostriches to start.

According to the North Carolina State University, ostriches are expensive and a breeding pair that is of high quality can cost $6,000. Even though purchasing a breeding pair might be deemed costly, immediate ostrich production is however ensured.

This does not however mean that farmers have to start on a high note; they can choose the less expensive options such as buying the eggs and hatching the chicks. However, with this option, the farmers would need to wait for at least 2 years in order for their ostrich to begin production. Another option is to buy juveniles that will shorten production time to one year.

Ostrich farmers must ensure that there are suitable feeds such as pellets, game meat and greens as well as fresh water. However, when the birds begin to age, natural food is also provided alongside the commercial feed. Also, every pair is allotted 1 acre, with the space enclosed by a 6-foot fence and shelter as ostriches aren’t supposed to get wet.

An ostrich produces up to 40 eggs every year which normally reach market size within 14 months and yields meat that weighs up to 1,800 kilograms.

Other products that can be produced by a mature ostrich include 50 square meters of leather as well as 36 kilograms of feather in a year. A properly bred single female ostrich during her economic lifetime can produce up to 72,000 kilogram of meat, 2,000 kilograms of feathers and 2,000 square meters of leathers.

5. Decide Whether to Buy a Franchise or Start from Scratch

The ostrich farm business industry is without franchise and the only options that exist are either starting from scratch or buying off an existing business to run it as your own brand.

6. Know the Possible Threats and Challenges You Will Face

Every business faces threats and challenges either during start-up or whilst running the business; and because this is a business related to rearing and breeding livestock, one major challenge that you will face is the outbreak of disease that could wipe out your birds either due to mistakes in your breeding process or through no fault of yours.

Another threat that you are likely to face is the arrival of a competitor within your area of operation and also offering the same services that you offer.

Also, you are likely going to battle with gaining customer attention regarding consuming ostrich meat as an alternative to other readily available meats. Also, stringent government regulation is likely to be a threat to your business. You should however draft plans that will allow you overcome these challenges and make your business grow and boom.

7. Choose the Most Suitable Legal Entity (LLC, C Corp, S Corp)

When starting a business of whatever kind, it is important that a legal structure be chosen. However, deciding on what kind of legal structure to use might depend largely on what kind of business you intend to run. It should also be noted that the kind of legal entity you choose for your business will go a long way in determining how your business would likely fare in the future.

Traditionally, most farms that have gone commercial have always stuck to sole proprietorships , with more choosing cooperatives due to the value added businesses that they are offering. The cooperatives for instance, have majorly been in use for farmers who come together to start a business.

The benefit of the cooperative form of legal entity for farmers for over more than 15 decades is that they have helped with decision making, education as well as profit sharing.

Recently, more farmers in adapting to the changing trends in the environment have taken a new organizational form which is referred to as the New Generation Cooperative. The New Generation Cooperative (NGC) is a type of cooperative that is being used primarily by farmers who engage in the processing of agricultural commodities.

Even though most cooperatives have undergone incorporation and are referred to as corporate cooperatives, certain states have enacted laws that will see cooperatives having similar features to be changed to a Limited Liability Company.

There are other forms of legal entity that are available to the farmers such as the C Corporation and the S Corporation. With the C Corporation , the business owner enjoys limited liability; however the stringent paperwork can make it very difficult to pull money out of the business.

The S Corporation on the other hand has a more relaxing structure than the C Corporation as advances against profits are usually allowed.

One of the most popular legal entities for a farm business is the Family Limited Partnership (FLP) as it allows transfer of assets from one generation to the other. Other forms of legal entities are Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

This is why it is advisable for an entrepreneur to consult with a lawyer that has knowledge regarding the business that he or she intends going into in order to receive the best advice as to what legal entity is best for the particular farm business one intends to run. Although it is possible to upgrade on legal entities, it is usually best to start on the best footing.

8. Choose a Catchy Business Name

If you are going to choose a name that does not reflect the kind of business you run, ensure you link your business in there somehow so that your target market would have an idea. If you are considering starting your own ostrich farm business, then here are some eye catching names for you to use in growing your brand;

  • Boorish Ostrich Farms
  • Danes Ostriches and More Inc
  • Meat and Eggs Ostrich Farms
  • Ostrich chicks only Farms
  • Big Joe Ostrich Farms
  • Mamagee Ostriches Inc

9. Discuss with an Agent to Know the Best Insurance Policies for You

Having insurance in the United States of America for an individual is very important and doubly so for a business organization, because the law regulating business operations requires that a business acquires certain basic insurance policies.

If you are confused on the right insurance policies for your business, you would need to approach an insurance agent or broker to help you choose the most appropriate policies for you. This would then allow you to create a budget knowing the insurance covers you intend to buy for your business.

Some of the basic insurance policies that you would need to consider getting when starting your own ostrich farm in the United States of America are;

  • General Insurance
  • Liability insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Equipment insurance
  • Auto insurance
  • Property Insurance
  • Overhead expense disability insurance

10. Protect your Intellectual Property With Trademark, Copyrights, Patents

The ostrich farming business is not one that requires securing an intellectual property protection for as this is a business that requires breeding and slaughtering of ostrich meat and putting other related ostrich products for sale. And so this is unlike technical business where new things are produced that would require some sort of protection.

Some ostrich farmers however go as far as protecting their logos as an intellectual property. While this is not a bad idea, it is not something that you should bother yourself with.

If however, you intend to intellectually protect the logo or the name of your company, then you would need to file an application to the United States Property Protection Organization (USPTO) so that the process can go on while you run your business.

11. Get the Necessary Professional Certification

Asides from having the necessary financial capacity required to start an ostrich farm, it is usually required by the United States Government agencies that anyone that intends to go into ostrich farming complete a course in ostrich husbandry.

This is because government is strict with those who engage in the ostrich farming business as it shows that not only will they be committed to the business but this will also ensure that they apply the best practices when starting and running the business. There isn’t much certification you would need to run an ostrich farm, but below are what you might need;

  • Course in ostrich husbandry
  • Other related certifications

This is not a business that is wholly dependent on certification but based more on experience and ensuring that the industry standard as well as best practices are strictly adhered to, as this is the best way to get the needed clients.

12. Get the Necessary Legal Documents You Need to Operate

In a place like the United States of America, it is important that certain documentations are in place so that the business can be run legally. In fact, no country on earth condones a business that does not have proper legal documents as the penalty is always very severe.

Therefore, it goes without saying that this is an aspect that cannot be overlooked in any way. Some of the basic legal documents that you would need to have in place before starting and running your own business in the United States of America are;

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Business Plan
  • Business License and permits
  • Insurance Policy
  • Employment Agreement
  • Contracts Document
  • Operating Agreement
  • Employee Identification Number (EIN)

13. Raise the Needed Startup Capital

Financing is such a very important part of any business for while one might have a business concept that looks good, without the financing to make the business concept become a reality, it will remain just a business idea.

Deciding how much you would need to start and run your business to a successful standard is very important and this is why it is usually necessary to have written a comprehensive business plan that will help you convince any external investor or financial institution if you do not have the required funds to start your business and need to consider taking a loan.

Some of the options you would need to explore when sourcing for start-up capital for your ostrich farm business are;

  • Generating your capital from personal savings and sale of stocks or properties
  • Sourcing for soft loans from friends and family members
  • Applying for loan from the bank
  • Applying for federal or state agricultural grant
  • Seeking funds from venture capitalists
  • Applying to the U.S Small Business Agency (SBA) for funds

14. Choose a Suitable Location for your Business

Choosing the right location for your ostrich farm business is very important as you cannot locate your business in a suburb or metropolitan city and so it is necessary that you either locate your farm outside the city limits, the countryside or the rural areas . You would only need to ensure that you are conspicuous and easily accessible for your customers.

The area that you must choose for your ostrich farm business must be a land that is large enough to accommodate the birds and also accommodate you and your workers. This makes it very easy to start this business as buying a land outside the city limits or in the countryside is very cheap and will also allow you to source for cheap labour as well.

Another issue that must be taken into consideration when locating your business is how many birds you intend to raise. This is because the birds need more space as they grow, as a pair of ostrich would require 1 acre as they are very large birds; and this space would need to be enclosed by a 6 foot fence and have shelter as well so that they don’t get wet.

Therefore, it would be necessary when getting a realtor to ensure that the realtor understands the kind of business you are going into and will therefore give you something very appropriate.

So, if you are looking for where to start and run your ostrich farm from, ensure that it is located outside the city limits, so you don’t run afoul of the city laws, or buy a land in the rural areas and start your farm. The good thing about this business is that you would not need all those that love ostrich meat to come to you as you will be in contact with only major customers.

15. Hire Employees for your Technical and Manpower Needs

There are several ways by which farmers may choose to run their ostrich farms such as breeding of live birds which involves selling eggs, breeders or chicks. This is one process of the ostrich business that requires a bit of technicality especially when raising the chicks as several facilities need to be in place to ensure that many of the chicks do not die.

Setting up a slaughter facility can come into effect when you intend to slaughter the birds yourself and market the produce. You might need to know where the slaughter facilities are if it will be too expensive for you to set up a slaughter facility yourself.

Marketing the skin of the ostriches would require knowing how to correctly shape and store them so as to have a marketable product. You might need to get a unit where the skins will be stored in temperatures of between 4 and 10 degrees centigrade and yet they mustn’t be frozen.

As regards the number of employees you would need to start and run your business efficiently in order to have as less hitches as possible, they would be Chief Executive Officer, an Admin and Human Resource Manager, Farm Manager, Marketing Executive, Customer Service Officer/Front Desk Officer, Accountant, Cleaner and Driver.

To be able to run an ostrich farm business that is of standard and also successful, you would need at least 8 people.

The Service Delivery Process of the Business

When starting with a breed stock, one starts with 1 male and 2 – 4 females. The female ostriches then lay up to 40 eggs throughout the year and only stops laying eggs except she needs to incubate her eggs. To enable an all year round production, eggs when produced are quickly moved to a machine incubator so as to ensure that the ostrich chicks survive well. Some of the eggs are usually infertile, some die during incubation, while others simply fail to hatch.

Due to how tall they grow – about 9 feet – and how fast they run – 70 miles per hour; ostriches usually require a lot of space. They thrive well in differing climates from deserts, forest regions, grassland to swamps. However dry climates and semi-arid areas are most favorable to ostrich production. A family of 4 birds would usually require half an acre of space for optimal results.

Ostriches survive on a variety of foods, from insects, rodents to grass. However, it is essential that they are properly fed especially if they are being bred for commercial purposes.

A good feed for any commercial farm raising ostriches should consist of alfalfa, maize, dehulled soya, major and minor minerals, vitamins as well as amino acids and yeast. This feed is what makes the ostrich produce good meat in excess of 35 kilograms.

16. Write a Marketing Plan Packed with ideas & Strategies

While starting an ostrich farm might look very easy, turning it into something that will generate revenue and bring in profit for your business is another kettle of fish. To ensure that you are able to meet with your revenue goals and targets, it will require that you make out a plan on how you intend to market your products and services.

What you might need to do when it comes to this stage of your business is to ensure that you liaise or visit other ostrich farms in your location or far from you to garner information on how they generate the needed revenue for their business.

Due to the seriousness of marketing, you would need to conduct a market research that would help you determine just how well you know your target market and what strategies would be more effective on them. The market research will also enable you to easily know who your target market are, what they expect from you as a business and how well you are likely to penetrate the market and get a huge share for your business.

You might be required to meet with some clients personally to formally market your business to them in a bid to get a long term contract from them.

If it comes to this, you must ensure that you have done a thorough assignment so that you could make them see reasons why you are better than your competitors. Some of the platforms that you can therefore use to market and grow your ostrich farm business are;

  • Ensure that your ostrich farm business is formally introduced to several big chain hotels and restaurants, grocery stores and meat marts, other ostrich farmers and any other stakeholders in the industry..
  • Ensure that you place adverts in newspapers, agriculture, food and lifestyle magazines as well as on radio and television stations.
  • Ensure that your ostrich farm business is listed in farmers’ guide, yellow pages as well as online directories.
  • Attend livestock farmers seminars and conventions in order to remain aware of industry trends while also using the chance to market your business.
  • Work with other farmers by forming a cooperative in order to be able to market your produce to the larger markets.
  • Create cooking instructions as well as recipes for your ostrich meat and conduct presentations for customers.

17. Develop Strategies to Boost Brand Awareness and Create a Corporate Identity

Boosting the awareness of your brand is a must if you intend to generate awareness about your business and also increase revenue for your company.

Every entrepreneur who goes into business does so with the aim of ensuring that the business has the desired awareness that will sustain it and cause it to exist for a long time. Every business engages in boosting its brand, from new businesses to already existing businesses either big or small.

Publicity takes several ways and almost any method – conventional and unconventional – can be used. Any enterprising entrepreneur that intends for his business to remain for a long time has to invest in promotions and advertisement in order to boost the brand of the business.

While it might be a bit overwhelming to craft strategies that would effectively promote and boost your brand especially if you intend to concentrate on your farming business, then you might need to engage the services of a promotions and advertising consultant in your area who has a deep knowledge of the business you are going into and who understands the local environment as well as the national environment and its target market so that he or she will help you draft the right promotions and advertising strategies for your business.

There are several strategies that you can use and it is best you know which strategies are going to be more effective so that you could set aside a budget for it instead of engaging in a trial and error method. Below therefore are the platforms that you can leverage on in order to boost your brand while promoting and advertising your business;

  • Ensure that you make use of your website as well as social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram to increase awareness and promote your business vigorously
  • Place adverts in local and national newspapers plus food and agricultural magazines as well as on radio and television stations
  • Distribute handbills and paste fliers in certain strategic locations all around the city
  • Place and position billboards in strategic locations all around the area where your ostrich farm will be located
  • Write guest articles for popular food and agricultural related blogs and websites that will educate and inform the audience and use this to generate awareness for your brand
  • Ensure that you encourage your loyal customers to help you spread the word about your business

[Complete Guide] Ostrich Farming For Beginners Pdf

Ostrich farming is a unique and lucrative venture that has gained popularity in recent years due to the increasing demand for ostrich meat, feathers, and leather. These flightless birds are not only fascinating but also offer a sustainable source of income for those interested in the agriculture industry. If you’re considering starting an ostrich farm as a beginner, this step-by-step guide in PDF format will help you get started on the right foot.

Ostrich Farming For Beginners Pdf Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: research and education.

Before diving into ostrich farming, it’s essential to educate yourself about these remarkable birds. Research the basic biology, behavior, and habitat requirements of ostriches. Familiarize yourself with the various products you can obtain from ostriches, such as meat, feathers, and leather, and understand their market demand.

Step 2: Legal Requirements and Regulations

Contact your local agricultural department and other relevant authorities to learn about the legal requirements and regulations for ostrich farming in your area. You may need permits and licenses to raise ostriches, and zoning laws may apply to your property.

Step 3: Suitable Location

Choose a suitable location for your ostrich farm. Ostriches require ample space to roam and graze. Ideally, the land should be flat, well-drained, and securely fenced to prevent predators from entering and ostriches from escaping.

Read Also:  [Beginner’s Guide] How To Start Ostrich Farming In Australia

Step 4: Housing and Fencing

Step 5: procuring ostriches.

Source your ostriches from reputable breeders or farms. Choose healthy chicks or young adults to start your flock. Ensure they have been vaccinated and are free from diseases.

Step 6: Nutrition and Feeding

Ostriches have specific dietary requirements. Consult with a veterinarian or experienced ostrich farmer to develop a feeding plan. Their diet typically includes a mix of grains, greens, and supplements. Fresh water should be readily available at all times.

Step 7: Health and Care

Regularly monitor the health of your ostriches. Develop a vaccination schedule and establish a relationship with a local veterinarian experienced in avian medicine. Ostriches are hardy birds but can be susceptible to certain diseases.

Step 8: Breeding and Reproduction

If you plan to expand your ostrich farm, you’ll need to understand the breeding and reproduction process. Ostriches typically reach sexual maturity at around 2-3 years old. Consult with an expert on breeding practices and consider artificial insemination if needed.

Step 9: Marketing and Sales

Explore marketing strategies to sell ostrich products such as meat, feathers, and leather. Local markets, restaurants, and specialty stores can be potential buyers. Create a website or social media presence to reach a broader audience.

Step 10: Continuous Learning

Disadvantages of ostrich farming:.

Ostrich farming, like any agricultural venture, has its drawbacks. Some disadvantages include the initial high setup costs, susceptibility to diseases, a steep learning curve, and the limited market for ostrich products in some regions.

How Many Ostriches per Acre:

The number of ostriches you can raise per acre depends on the quality of your land and the local climate. On average, you can keep around 2 to 3 ostriches per acre of well-managed pastureland.

How Much Does an Ostrich Cost:

How profitable is ostrich farming:.

Ostrich farming can be profitable if managed well. However, profitability depends on factors like market demand, feed costs, and disease management. Some successful ostrich farms have reported substantial profits, while others have faced financial challenges.

Are Ostriches Hard to Farm:

Ostrich farming can be challenging for beginners due to their specific care requirements, health concerns, and the need for specialized knowledge. However, with proper research and dedication, it can be a rewarding venture.

Why is Ostrich Meat Not Popular:

How often do ostriches lay eggs in a year:.

Ostriches typically lay eggs during the breeding season, which occurs in cooler months. A healthy female ostrich can lay around 40 to 60 eggs per year.

How Much Does it Cost to Feed an Ostrich a Month:

Feeding costs vary based on factors like location, availability of feed, and dietary needs. On average, it can cost around $100 to $200 per month to feed one ostrich.

Why Did Ostrich Farming Fail:

What do farmers feed ostriches:.

Ostriches require a balanced diet consisting of grains, greens, and supplements. This diet helps ensure they receive essential nutrients for growth and health.

Are Ostriches Low Maintenance:

Ostriches are not considered low-maintenance animals. They require proper shelter, fencing, nutrition, and health monitoring. However, with the right knowledge and dedication, their care can become more manageable.

How Much Does it Cost to Own an Ostrich:

Ostrich farming can be a rewarding venture for beginners, offering the opportunity to produce highly sought-after products. With careful planning, proper research, and dedication to the well-being of your ostriches, you can establish a successful and sustainable ostrich farm. Remember that success in ostrich farming comes with time and experience, so be patient and committed to the process. Good luck with your ostrich farming journey!

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How to Start an Ostrich Farm: Step-by-Step Guide to Establishing a Profitable Ostrich Farming Business

Have you ever considered starting an ostrich farm? Ostriches are fascinating animals that have become increasingly popular in the farming industry due to their large size, fast growth rates, and high-quality meat and eggs. Establishing a profitable ostrich farming business requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. In this step-by-step guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to start your own ostrich farm.

Why Start an Ostrich Farm?

There are many reasons why starting an ostrich farm could be a profitable venture. The demand for ostrich meat and eggs has been steadily increasing in recent years due to their low-fat content, high protein, and exotic nature . Additionally, ostriches are hardy animals that can adapt to a variety of climates and require minimal maintenance compared to other livestock.

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting an Ostrich Farm

Starting an ostrich farm requires careful planning and preparation. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you establish your own profitable ostrich farming business:

  • Research and Planning
  • Secure Land and Facilities

Purchase Ostrich Chicks

  • Feeding, Housing, and Health Care
  • Marketing and Selling Ostrich Products

Each of these steps requires careful consideration and attention to detail to ensure the success of your ostrich farming business. By following this guide, you can establish a profitable ostrich farm and join the growing market for ostrich meat and eggs.

ostrich farm planning

Step 1: Research and Planning

Starting an ostrich farm requires a considerable amount of planning, research, and preparation. Before investing your time and money into this venture, it is essential to research the market and develop a solid business plan to ensure that your farm is profitable.

Research the Market

Conducting market research is crucial in determining the demand for ostrich products in your area. You should identify potential buyers, such as restaurants, supermarkets, and specialty stores, and find out their preferences and requirements. Additionally, you should research the prices of ostrich meat, eggs, feathers, and leather to determine the profitability of your farm.

It is also important to research the competition in your area. Find out how many ostrich farms are already established, what they offer, and how they market their products. This information will help you identify gaps in the market and develop a unique selling proposition for your farm.

Develop a Business Plan

Once you have conducted market research, you should use the information gathered to develop a comprehensive business plan for your ostrich farm. Your business plan should include:

  • A description of your farm and its products
  • An analysis of the market and competition
  • Your marketing and sales strategies
  • Your financial projections, including startup costs, operating expenses, and revenue projections
  • Your management and operational plans

Your business plan should be detailed and realistic , accounting for all possible expenses and risks. It should also include contingency plans for unforeseen circumstances, such as disease outbreaks or market fluctuations.

Tip: Consider seeking the advice of a business consultant or accountant to help you develop a solid business plan.

By conducting thorough market research and developing a comprehensive business plan, you will be better equipped to start and run a profitable ostrich farm.

ostrich farm facilities

Step 2: Secure Land and Facilities

After conducting market research and developing a business plan, the next step in starting an ostrich farm is to secure suitable land and facilities. This step is crucial as it will determine the success of your ostrich farming business.

Find Suitable Land

When looking for land to establish your ostrich farm, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Size of land: Ostriches require a lot of space to roam around and exercise. The minimum recommended size of land for an ostrich farm is 5 acres, but ideally, you should aim for at least 10 acres.
  • Location: Choose a location that is easily accessible and close to major roads. This will make it easier for you to transport your ostriches and products to the market.
  • Climate: Ostriches thrive in dry and warm climates, so choose a location with a semi-arid climate.
  • Water source: Ostriches require a lot of water, so make sure the land has access to a reliable source of water.

Once you find suitable land, you will need to prepare it for ostrich farming. This may involve clearing the land, constructing fences, and installing water and electricity infrastructure.

Build or Renovate Facilities

After securing land, the next step is to build or renovate facilities for your ostrich farm. Facilities may include:

  • Shelters: Ostriches require shelter from extreme weather conditions such as rain, wind, and sun. You can build simple shelters using wood or steel.
  • Feeders and waterers: Ostriches require a constant supply of food and water. You can purchase or build feeders and waterers.
  • Nesting areas: Ostriches require nesting areas to lay their eggs. You can build simple nesting areas using hay or straw.
  • Processing facilities: If you plan to process your ostriches for meat or leather, you will need processing facilities such as a slaughterhouse and tannery.

When building or renovating facilities, it is important to ensure they meet the necessary regulations and standards for ostrich farming.

Step Action
1 Find Suitable Land
2 Build or Renovate Facilities

ostrich chicks

Step 3: Acquire Ostriches

Once you have established your ostrich farm, the next step is to acquire ostriches. There are a few options to consider when purchasing ostrich chicks.

The first option is to purchase ostrich chicks from a reputable breeder. When choosing a breeder, it is important to ensure that they are experienced and knowledgeable in ostrich farming. They should also be able to provide you with healthy and well-bred ostrich chicks.

You can purchase ostrich chicks at different ages, but it is recommended that you start with day-old chicks. This will allow you to raise and train the ostriches from a young age, which will make them easier to handle and manage as they grow older.

Raise and Care for Ostriches

Once you have acquired your ostrich chicks, it is important to provide them with proper care and nutrition. Ostriches require a specialized diet that is high in protein and low in fat. They also require plenty of water and access to a dust bath to help keep their feathers clean.

It is important to provide your ostriches with adequate space to move around and exercise. Ostriches are active birds and require plenty of room to run and stretch their legs. A general rule of thumb is to provide at least 100 square feet of space per ostrich.

Regular veterinary check-ups are also important to ensure the health and well-being of your ostriches. It is recommended that you establish a relationship with a veterinarian who has experience in treating ostriches.

Acquiring and raising ostriches can be a rewarding and profitable venture. By purchasing healthy ostrich chicks from a reputable breeder and providing them with proper care and nutrition, you can raise healthy and productive ostriches that will help establish your ostrich farming business.

ostrich meat and eggs

Step 4: Market and Sell Ostrich Products

Now that you have successfully raised your ostriches and have a steady supply of ostrich products, it is time to start marketing and selling them. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Identify Potential Customers

One of the first things you need to do is identify your potential customers. Ostrich products are popular among health-conscious consumers who are looking for leaner meat options. Some potential customers include:

  • Restaurants and cafes that offer healthy menu options
  • Grocery stores that specialize in organic and natural products
  • Online retailers that sell specialty meats
  • Fitness enthusiasts who are looking for high-protein, low-fat meats

Once you have identified your potential customers, you can start reaching out to them and promoting your products.

Price Your Products Competitively

When it comes to pricing your ostrich products, it is important to be competitive. Do some research and find out what other ostrich farmers are charging for their products. You should also consider the cost of production and the quality of your products.

Remember that consumers are willing to pay more for high-quality, organic, and sustainably-raised products. Make sure to highlight the benefits of your ostrich products, such as their low-fat content, high protein content, and unique flavor.

Product Price (per pound)
Ostrich meat $25-$30
Ostrich eggs $20-$25
Ostrich feathers $5-$10

Make sure to also offer discounts for bulk orders and repeat customers. This will help you attract and retain customers in the long run.

By identifying your potential customers and pricing your products competitively, you can successfully market and sell your ostrich products and establish a profitable ostrich farming business.

ostrich farm conclusion

Starting an ostrich farm can be a profitable venture if done correctly. It requires a lot of planning, research, and hard work to establish a successful ostrich farming business . However, with the right resources and knowledge, you can start and run a profitable ostrich farm.

Key Takeaways

  • Before starting an ostrich farm, research the market demand for ostrich products and identify potential buyers.
  • Plan your ostrich farm layout and facilities to ensure the comfort and safety of your birds.
  • Choose healthy ostrich chicks from reputable breeders and provide them with proper care and nutrition.
  • Implement effective disease prevention and biosecurity measures to protect your ostriches from illnesses.
  • Develop a marketing strategy to sell your ostrich products and build relationships with potential buyers.

Final Thoughts

Starting an ostrich farm can be a fulfilling and lucrative business venture. It requires dedication, hard work, and patience, but the rewards can be significant. Remember to always prioritize the health and welfare of your ostriches and stay informed about industry trends and best practices.

John Doe
June 15, 2021

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How to start an ostrich farming business tips guide.

Ostrich farming has existed for decades, but people did not start paying much attention to it until very recently. Because ostriches are not as easy to find as other animals, ostrich farmers make more profit than other ranchers.

Ostrich eggs can cost up to $500, while live ostrich eggs can sell for up to $5,000. Yes, that’s how lucrative ostrich farming can be.

Starting Your Ostrich Farm Business

Obtain a license:.

First, you must register your business and obtain the necessary license to start an ostrich farm. You must also write your business plan for ostrich farming and study all the rules and regulations of ostrich farming in your state, including the rules and regulations for export.

Hey! Ostriches run very fast. They love to run, so first you have to provide them with a large area of land to raise them and also fence them in to prevent them from running away.

In addition, ostriches can reach up to 9 feet tall, so if you want to build a shelter for them, you must take into account their height. Another thing to consider is water, because ostriches drink a lot of water. You can choose a spot near a stream or build an artificial pond to allow access to an adequate water supply.

Due to the enormous initial costs, it is advisable that anyone who wants to dedicate themselves to the breeding of ostriches should start working on a smaller scale. You should start with at least one male ostrich and one female ostrich. Due to the high level of ostrich production, you will have your hands full in no time. So you shouldn’t be afraid to start small.

You can feed your ostriches with fruits, tubers, grains, leaves and even small animals. You can also buy food specially formulated for them to promote growth and productivity.

Health care:

Although ostriches have a very strong immune system and are less likely to get sick, it wouldn’t hurt to have a veterinarian take care of your health and make sure you include these costs on your income statement.


Ostrich farming is a unique business and not as popular as other livestock operations, and as a beginner, you may sometimes find yourself in a state of confusion.

This is why it takes a lot of networking to run a successful ostrich breeding business. You should consider joining forums on the Internet, watching videos on YouTube, and joining ostrich farmer groups or unions, if you can find one in your area. There is no limit to what you can learn from other experienced ostrich farmers.

Benefits of ostrich farming

I’d like to start by telling you some of the benefits you could get from raising ostriches before I tell you how to start an ostrich-breeding business. Some of the benefits of raising ostriches include:

  • Profitability: I’ve already mentioned that an ostrich egg can sell for up to $500. Now imagine that you sell only 10 of them in a month and that’s a very conservative estimate considering the growing popularity of ostrich farming. Also, a live ostrich sells for up to $5,000 for one, which is a lot of money.
  • High Return on Investment: You would also recover your investment in ostrich farming faster than in pig or cattle farming. A single ostrich can produce up to 40 eggs per year and within 14 months, chicks can grow to market size.
  • Meat production: Many people do not know that an ostrich produces more meat than cows. A single ostrich can produce up to 1,800 kilograms of meat, while a cow only produces 250 kilograms of meat.
  • Leather: An ostrich can also produce up to 50 square meters of leather that can be sold for profit apart from the meat.
  • Feathers: Ostrich feathers are also in high demand by designers, decorators and manufacturers of furniture and decorations, as well as artists. Up to 36 kilograms of feathers can be obtained from an ostrich.
  • Easy to raise: You would think that with the amount of profit they produce, they would be very difficult to raise, but that is far from the case, since ostrich breeding is as easy as it is lucrative. All you need is an adequate space, enough food and medical attention and you are ready to go.

Ostrich marketing

This information is very important for anyone wishing to venture into the ostrich breeding business. You must understand how your ostrich business can give you some money. Ostriches have multiple uses and this means multiple sources of income for you. Some of the ways you can make money from raising ostriches include:

  • Selling the meat: Ostrich meat is a healthier choice for pork, beef or even fish and contains fewer calories and fat, making it very desirable for consumption. In addition to being healthy, they are also tasty and can be sold for up to $12 per kilogram.
  • Selling the Leather: An ostrich skin is also a very hot selling item due to the quality of the leather that can be derived from its skin. Materials made from ostrich leather sell more expensively than those made from cowhide and ostrich leather competes only with crocodile and snake leather.
  • Selling the feathers: No part of an ostrich should be destroyed because even the feather is useful. Ostrich feathers are used for decoration and furniture and are popular in the market.
  • Selling the Eggs: Have you ever seen an ostrich egg? It is the largest egg in the world and can weigh up to 1 pound. These eggs could sell for $500 and a single ostrich can lay up to 40 of these eggs a year.
  • Selling live ostriches: As ostrich farming gains popularity, there is a great demand for live ostriches for people who want to start their own ostrich farms. There is also a demand for live ostriches in the international market.
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Farm & Animals

How To Start An Ostrich Farm: A Simple Guide

June 25, 2021

Ostriches are raised commercially for their hides and their plumes, which are used to make boots and other leather goods, as well as accessories. Ostrich eggs are cooked and eaten in South Africa and in some very upscale restaurants around the world. The shells are useful for artistic pursuits as well as the manufacture of practical items. Lean, healthy ostrich meat is a mainstay in South Africa and is becoming a delicacy worldwide. Read on to learn more on how to start an ostrich farm.

What You'll Learn Today

1. Decide which sorts of ostrich products you want to sell

2. you’ll need to have enough land, 3. you will need to provide some sort of shelter for your ostriches, 4. you will need to construct fencing, 5. you will need to locate a source of food, 6. you’ll need to be sure that you have a good source of water for your ostriches, 7. you’ll need to decide on which type of ostrich you want to raise, 8. you will need to decide how and where you want to purchase your ostriches, how much money does the ostrich farmer make, how much does it cost to open an ostrich farm, are ostriches profitable, ostrich farming in the united states.

are ostriches profitable

Until recently, ostrich hides have come mainly from South Africa, but in the 21st century, ostrich farming has gradually made its way to the United States and around the globe.

If you’ve been thinking about taking up farming but are overwhelmed by the prospect of having to buy a huge amount of acreage or handle large mammals, such as cows, you may want to consider becoming an ostrich farmer.

All in all, ostriches take up less space and eat less food than cattle. In some ways, they can be easier to handle. Even so, caring for ostriches brings its own challenges.

Here are eight considerations to keep in mind when thinking about taking up ostrich farming.

When you raise ostriches you can sell:

  • Mature birds

Naturally, if you want to sell leather or meat, you will need to be comfortable with slaughtering your stock, or you will need to find a processor for your meat and hides.

If this idea makes you squeamish, you may just want to sell eggs, feathers, chicks and/or mature birds.

You’ll need to have enough land to keep your ostriches happily and healthily. Even though ostriches do not need as much space as cattle, they do need to be able to roam freely and live hygienically.

Generally speaking a mature ostrich needs between 1 and 3 acres.

At a bare minimum, they will need a three sided shed large enough for the number of birds you plan to keep to be able to congregate comfortably.

The shed must be a minimum of 12 feet high because ostriches can stand 8 feet high. The shed must protect them against sun, wind, rain and other potentially damaging elements.

Ostrich fencing must be high and sturdy and buried at least a foot deep all the way around. You must use sturdy, welded wire, at least 8 feet high. A couple of strands of barbed wire along the top will help keep predators out.

Generally speaking you will need to be able to easily purchase ample amounts of a commercially prepared ostrich feed. This is typically a pelleted type of feed that is exactly formulated to meet the needs of growing and breeding ostriches.

Be sure your local feed store is able to stock the type of feed you need. If they are able and willing to deliver, that’s a plus.

You may also wish to plant your property in types of grasses and crops that your ostriches will enjoy browsing. Generally speaking, 20% of your ostriches’ feed should come in the form of fresh produce.

Ostriches are very prone to drowning in small amounts of water by simply ducking their heads under or by falling and having their heads fall in the water. You must look for especially designed ostrich watering devices to prevent accidentally losing some of your expensive stock.

There are three types that are typically chosen for ostrich farming. They are:

  • Red neck ostriches
  • Blue neck ostriches
  • African black ostriches

Of these three, the African black is usually preferred because these types of birds are a bit more docile and bit smaller than the other two types.

Both the blue neck and the red neck ostriches tend to be quite large and may be rather aggressive . If you are a beginning ostrich farmer, you are best off choosing African black ostriches.

You can start off with mature birds, but these are rather expensive and a mature bird is an unknown quantity. You may end up with an animal that is difficult to handle.

Other options include purchasing young chicks, which you can raise yourself or purchasing eggs that you can hatch yourself. Both of these options are quite a bit less expensive than purchasing fully grown birds. Even so, both of these options require quite an investment of time in hatching and raising the young birds.

Remember, if you start out with eggs, you will need to start out with a substantial investment in equipment necessitated by purchasing an incubator. If you’re serious about ostrich raising you will eventually need an incubator, anyway, so you might as well start out with one.

how much money does an ostrich farmer make

While it is not really possible to come up with a single estimate as to how much money an ostrich farmer can make, it is possible to do the math for ostrich farming in your area.

Generally speaking, you may be able to sell a full grown ostrich for as much as $40,000; however, when determining how much money you can make as an ostrich farmer, you must also take into account your costs for a wide variety of items including:

  • Veterinary care
  • Start up stock
  • Outbuildings

how much does it cost to open an ostrich farm

The amount it costs to open an ostrich farm is really dependent upon a number of extremely variable factors, including:

  • The price of land in your area
  • Whether you need to build outbuildings and put up fence
  • Whether you decide to start with eggs, chicks or mature birds

Generally speaking, it costs about $50 a month to feed and care for ostrich chicks. Once they reach one year of age, this amount increases to about $75 a month. Adult ostriches, two or more years in age, cost about $100 a month to feed, care for and provide veterinary care.

According to many experts, ostrich farms are a very profitable form of agricultural product project. You may hear them called “farms of the future” . This is because ostriches yield a wide variety of products with very little input.

If you can find, develop and/or create a market for your products, you stand to make a very high return on investment. The key to success in ostrich farming lies both in knowing how to care for these unusual animals and knowing how to market them.

Trying to understand the difference between ostriches and their cousins – emu? Here it is explained . And if you would like to learn how to ride these beautiful animals, here is our guide.

3 thoughts on “How To Start An Ostrich Farm: A Simple Guide”

Around how much money do I need to start an ostrich farm here in Scotland? Is £100,000 enough?

Hi I’m very much interested to start Ostrich farming needs more information. Thank yoy

my father randy waltman lost hes ostrigh farm years back . ineed to continue my familys biz

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Nicky Ellis

Nicky has been an editor at Farm & Animals since 2019. She was raised on a farm in rural Michigan. She is a mom of three who spends all her free time with her family and friends, her mare Joy, or just sipping her favorite cup of tea.

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Ostrich Farming FAQs

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Ostrich Farming: Business Plan And Guide For Beginners

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Ostrich Diseases: Common Diseases And Treatment

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Ostrich Farming Business Plan Template

Explore Options to Get a Business Plan.

Ostrich Farming business plan template

Are you interested in starting your own Ostrich Farming Business?

business plan for ostrich farming


Global market size, target market, business model, competitive landscape, legal and regulatory requirements, financing options, marketing and sales strategies, operations and logistics, human resources & management, why write a business plan.

Why write a business plan for Ostrich Farming? A business plan is essential for any business, but it is especially important for ostrich farming. Here are some reasons why: 1. Clearly define goals and objectives: Writing a business plan forces you to think about the long-term goals and objectives of your ostrich farming business. This helps you stay focused and on track, and also makes it easier to communicate your vision to potential investors or partners. 2. Serve as a roadmap: Ostrich farming is a complex business with many moving parts. A business plan can serve as a roadmap to help you stay organized and on target. It can also help you anticipate potential challenges and develop strategies to overcome them. 3. Communicate your vision: Your business plan can serve as a powerful tool to communicate your vision to employees, customers, and other stakeholders. It helps them understand your business and its unique value proposition, which can lead to increased support and loyalty. 4. Understand the competition: Conducting a thorough market analysis as part of your business plan can help you better understand your competition. This allows you to critically analyze your business model and differentiate yourself from the market. 5. Determine financial needs: Ostrich farming requires significant upfront investment, and a business plan can help you determine the financial needs of your business. This allows you to plan for how much capital is needed and how you will raise funds. 6. Analyze and improve your business model: Writing a business plan forces you to put your business model into words, which can help you identify any weaknesses or gaps in your strategy. This allows you to make improvements and increase your chances of success. 7. Attract investors and partners: A well-written business plan can be an effective tool for attracting investors and partners. It allows them to understand your business and its potential for success, making it more likely for them to invest or collaborate with you. 8. Position your brand: Your business plan can also help you position your brand in the marketplace. By understanding your company's role and unique value proposition, you can develop a clear brand identity and stand out from competitors. 9. Uncover new opportunities: The process of brainstorming and drafting your business plan can help you see your business in a new light. This may lead to new ideas for products, services, or marketing strategies that can help your business grow and succeed. 10. Track growth and success: Writing a business plan allows you to set measurable goals and track your progress towards them. This can help you identify areas of success and areas that may need improvement, allowing you to update your plan and ensure the long-term success of your ostrich farming business.

Business plan content

Business Plan Components for Ostrich Farming Business: 1. Executive Summary: This section provides a concise overview of the entire business plan, highlighting the key points and goals of the ostrich farming business. 2. Company Overview: This section includes information about the company, such as its history, mission, vision, and objectives. It also includes the legal structure of the business and its management team. 3. Industry Analysis: This section provides an in-depth analysis of the ostrich farming industry, including market trends, challenges, and opportunities. It also includes information on the target market and potential customers. 4. Consumer Analysis: This section delves into the characteristics and behaviors of the target market, including their needs, preferences, and buying habits. 5. Competitor Analysis & Advantages: This section identifies the main competitors in the ostrich farming industry and analyzes their strengths, weaknesses, and market position. It also highlights the unique advantages and differentiating factors of the business. 6. Marketing Strategies & Plan: This section outlines the marketing strategies and tactics that the business will use to promote its products and reach its target audience. It includes details on pricing, distribution, advertising, and promotions. 7. Plan of Action: This section provides a detailed plan of action for the business, outlining the steps and timeline for achieving its goals and objectives. It includes information on the production process, supply chain management, and operational strategies. 8. Management Team: This section introduces the key members of the management team and their roles and responsibilities. It also includes their relevant experience and qualifications. 9. Financial Plan: This section includes the financial forecast for the business, including projected income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, and other financial statements. It also includes information on startup costs, funding sources, and financial projections for the next 3-5 years. 10. Appendix: This section includes any supporting documents, such as market research data, legal documents, permits, and licenses. It also includes a list of references and resources used in the business plan.

Instructions for the business plan template

Instructions for the Business Plan Template: 1. Download the Ostrich Farming Business Plan Template from our website. It is a word document that can be easily edited. 2. The template includes all the necessary sections for a comprehensive business plan, except for the financial forecast. 3. The document contains instructions in red font and helpful tips in blue font. Please read these instructions carefully before filling out the template. 4. Begin by filling out the basic information about your Ostrich Farming business, including the name, location, and contact details. 5. The next section is the Executive Summary, which should provide a brief overview of your business plan, highlighting the key points. 6. The Company Description section should include information about the history of your Ostrich Farming business, your mission and vision, and your unique selling points. 7. The Market Analysis section should provide a detailed analysis of the Ostrich Farming industry, including market trends, competition, and target market. 8. In the Marketing and Sales section, outline your marketing strategies and sales tactics to reach your target market and promote your Ostrich Farming business. 9. The Operations and Management section should detail the day-to-day operations of your business, as well as the organizational structure and key personnel. 10. In the Products and Services section, describe the products and services your Ostrich Farming business will offer, including their features and benefits. 11. The Financial Plan section should include your projected income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, as well as your break-even analysis and financial projections. 12. The Appendix section is where you can attach any additional documents or information that support your business plan, such as market research data or legal documents. 13. Once you have completed all the sections of the template, review and edit it for any errors or missing information. 14. If you need any assistance with completing your business plan using our template, please schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with one of our consultants. 15. Congratulations, you now have a comprehensive business plan for your Ostrich Farming business! Use it as a roadmap to guide your business towards success.

Ongoing business planning

Ongoing business planning is crucial for a Ostrich Farming business for several reasons. 1. Adapt to changing market conditions: The market for ostrich products may fluctuate, and ongoing business planning allows the business to adapt to these changes. By regularly evaluating the market and updating the business plan accordingly, the business can stay ahead of competitors and take advantage of new opportunities. 2. Identify and address weaknesses: Ongoing business planning helps identify weaknesses in the business and allows for strategies to be developed to address them. This could include improving operational processes, identifying cost-saving measures, or implementing marketing strategies to increase sales. 3. Set and achieve goals: Business planning provides a roadmap for the business and helps set achievable goals. Ongoing business planning allows for regular assessment of progress towards these goals and adjustments to be made if necessary. 4. Plan for future growth: As a business grows, its goals and strategies may need to change. Ongoing business planning allows for the development of growth plans and ensures that the business is prepared for future expansion. 5. Secure funding: Investors and lenders often require a business plan as part of the funding process. By regularly updating the business plan, the business can demonstrate its progress and future potential, making it more attractive to potential investors. 6. Monitor financial performance: Ongoing business planning involves regularly assessing financial performance against targets and making adjustments to ensure the business remains profitable. This allows for early identification of any financial issues and the implementation of strategies to address them. In conclusion, ongoing business planning is essential for the success of an Ostrich Farming business. It allows for adaptability, goal-setting, addressing weaknesses, and planning for future growth, making it a crucial aspect of running a successful business.

Bespoke business plan services

Looking for a Customized Business Plan for Your Ostrich Farming Business?

About Our Company                 Our company offers high-quality, customizable business plan templates for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With over 10 years of experience in the industry, we have helped hundreds of startups and businesses from various sectors to create successful business plans and secure funding from investors. Our team of consultants has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in startup fundraising and operations, making our business plan templates a valuable tool for any business owner.                 Our Services                 In addition to our business plan templates, we also offer a range of services to support entrepreneurs in starting and growing their businesses. These include a free 30-minute business consultation, bespoke business plan creation, 5-year financial forecasts, and access to investor lists and introductions to Angel Investors. Our goal is to provide entrepreneurs with all the necessary tools and resources to turn their ideas into successful businesses.                 Our Expertise                 Our team has worked with over 300 startups from all around the world and has helped raise over $100 million in funding. We have experience working with businesses in various industries, giving us a broad understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities they face. This expertise is reflected in our business plan templates, which are designed to be user-friendly and suitable for businesses at any stage of development. Whether you are a first-time entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, our templates can help guide you towards success.                 Get Started Today                 Download our business plan template today and take the first step towards turning your business idea into a reality. Our templates are easy to use and can be customized to fit your specific business needs. With our team's expertise and support, you can confidently present your business plan to potential investors and secure the funding you need to grow your business. Don't wait, start your business growth journey today with our business plan templates and services.

Business plan template FAQ

Q: What exactly is ostrich farming? A: Ostrich farming is the commercial breeding and raising of ostriches for their meat, eggs, feathers, and skin. Q: Is ostrich farming profitable? A: Yes, ostrich farming can be a highly profitable business, especially with the growing demand for ostrich products in the market. Q: Do I need a lot of land to start an ostrich farm? A: Yes, ostriches require a large amount of space to roam and graze. The recommended land size for a commercial ostrich farm is at least 10 acres. Q: How much does it cost to start an ostrich farm? A: The cost of starting an ostrich farm can vary depending on the location, size, and infrastructure of the farm. It is recommended to have a budget of at least $100,000 for a small-scale farm. Q: Do I need any special equipment for ostrich farming? A: Yes, you will need specialized equipment for handling, feeding, and housing ostriches. This includes feeders, waterers, fencing, and transport crates. Q: What do ostriches eat? A: Ostriches are omnivores and their diet consists of plants, insects, and small animals. They can also be fed with specially formulated feed for commercial farming. Q: How long does it take for ostriches to reach maturity? A: Ostriches reach sexual maturity at around 2-3 years of age and can start laying eggs. They reach full size at around 5-7 years of age. Q: Are there any specific regulations or permits required for ostrich farming? A: Yes, depending on your location, you may need to obtain permits and comply with regulations from local authorities and agricultural agencies. It is important to research and comply with all necessary regulations before starting your farm. Q: What are the main risks and challenges of ostrich farming? A: The main risks and challenges of ostrich farming include disease outbreaks, predator attacks, and market fluctuations. It is important to have proper biosecurity measures in place and to diversify your products to mitigate these risks. Q: Are there any potential health concerns for humans when consuming ostrich products? A: Ostrich meat is considered a lean and healthy alternative to other meats. However, it is important to follow proper food safety and handling procedures to avoid any potential health risks. Q: Can I sell my ostrich products internationally? A: Yes, ostrich products have a global market and can be exported to other countries. However, it is important to research and comply with all necessary regulations for international trade.

Shalooka »»» Business Guide »»» Growing Ostriches-How to Start and Run a Thriving Ostrich Farm

How To start Ostrich Farm ?

Growing Ostriches-How to Start and Run a Thriving Ostrich Farm

Organic farming is a completely unique type of farming, to learn how to raise ostrich requires a lot of experience, care, and time. If you invest just the right money, you can get almost a 100% return on your money. According to data, ostriches produce meat and consume feed in such a ratio that it becomes more profitable than beef cattle. It may be difficult to learn how to start an ostrich farm, but with the right planning, care and investment, it can be turned into a successful business operation. The best part about an ostrich farm layout is that it requires a small area of land and can be a source of profit in more than one way. You can sell:

  • Meat (ostriches can provide more meat than a single hen, their meat is also considered healthiest out of all)
  • Hide (ostrich hide is used by multiple shoes and bags manufacturers)
  • Eggs (Ostrich eggs are incredibly high in nutrition)
  • Feathers (feathers are also used by manufacturers to provide a smoother texture)

The first step in learning how to start an ostrich farm is to find a piece of land that can be converted into an ostrich farm. Follow the guide on how to raise ostrich step by step to understand how to build a profitable business. 

Blue Mountain Feed has an excellent article on Ostrich farming industry and associated needs.

What Are The Pros & Cons of Ostrich Farming?

While ostrich farming has been a business model for decades, the reason not a lot of people choose ostrich farming as a career option is because they don’t understand the benefits. Recently the ostrich farming industry has boomed, so if you’re planning a new business, the time is right now. Ostriches are 20-30% harder to find in comparison with other animals, this is why ostrich farmers make much more profit than others. Here are all the pros and cons of starting an ostrich farm:

Pros of Ostrich Farming:

  • Higher profitability than other animal farms. A single ostrich egg can be sold for up to $500. If you can do even 10-20 in a month, you can earn a hefty profit on your investments. If you want you can even sell a live ostrich, a live ostrich can be sold for up to $5,000 based on health, and other factors. 
  • Higher than ordinary ROI is another benefit of ostrich farming. You can recover the money you have invested into the farm faster in comparison to pig or cattle farming. An ostrich can lay up to 40 eggs in a year and the chicks can grow up to selling age in 14 months.
  • Ostriches produce even more meat than cows. A single healthy, a fully grown ostrich can produce up to 1,800 KGs of meat while a fully grown cow produces meat up to 300 KGs. 
  • Ostriches produce up to 50 square meters of leathers that can be sold for profit other than meat.
  • A common misconception is that ostriches require a lot of care for the profit they offer. Ostrich breeding is as lucrative as it is profitable. 

Cons of Ostrich Farming:

  • The number of competitors is rising as more and more people enter the industry. More competitors mean a smaller customer base. 
  • The price of ostriches is increasing which means it can become harder to find the ideal price point for your customers.
  • Ostriches are harder to find in comparison to other animals like cock, hen, pigs, cows, etc. Starting an ostrich farming business can take a lot of time and effort. 

What Tools Do You Need to Start Ostrich Farming?

No business can survive without the right set of tools and equipment. Using the right set of tools can help you grow your business out of nothing. Here are the most common tools that you require to start an ostrich farm business:

  • A trailer is a necessary investment when you’re working with live animals. As your farm will be acres wide, you won’t need to rent a trailer every time you wish to move the ostriches from one place to another.
  • A coral system is required to keep all the ostriches in one place when you need them to stay in one place. Apart from your ostrich farm layout, you can place this small enclosure in a field where you want your animals to stay.
  • A manure spreader is another tool required to keep your ostriches healthy. Animals generate a lot of manure, a manure spreader can help in distributing the manure effectively which is hygienic and reduces the risk of diseases. 
  • A feed mixer is a must-have tool if you want to keep your ostriches healthy. You will also need a certain amount of water tanks to feed the ostriches. 

What are The Basic Startup Costs of Ostrich Farming?

Starting an ostrich farm can sound like an expensive ordeal but usually, the costs are more than manageable. Starting an ostrich farm is tough, but with the right kind of investment, you can turn it into a profitable business. The first step includes figuring out how much an ostrich cost? 

An ostrich costs around $500 between the ages of 60-90 days, the price doubles if the ostrich crosses the 90 days mark. A year-old ostrich costs around $2,500 which can be a really expensive investment. Your major expense will be the purchase of ostriches, other basic set-up costs of ostrich farm is: 

  • The documentation including state licenses, business licenses can cost somewhere $100 – $400.
  • Renting a farm based on location can cost $300 – $800.
  • Basic equipment cost can reach up to $1,000.
  • If you have staff then the staff salary is another major experience. 
  • Expenditure for chicks feed can average $800 – $1500 per month.
  • You may have to spend $300 – $500 on local advertising. 

Now that you know how much an ostrich costs, you can decide based on your budget how many ostriches you need on your farm. You need at least 2 male and 2 female ostriches to start a healthy farm. The total cost of an ostrich farm in Texas is around $2,500 – 3,300. 

The cost breakdown mentioned above can differ greatly based on the ostrich farm layout, and if you have a staff helping you on the farm or not. If you have a huge backyard or spare land then you can get rid of costs associated with the land. How much you need to spend as capital greatly depends on different aspects. 

What do You Need to Know Before Start Ostrich Farming?

How to raise an ostrich should be the first question you should ask yourself before blindly stepping into the industry. It is not easy to learn how to start an ostrich farm, but there are some things that you need to know before starting an ostrich farm.

  • Determine which ostrich products you want to sell to earn profit from the ostrich farm. If you don’t wish to kill the bird, you can just sell the eggs and feathers.
  • Ostriches require between one and three acres of land to run freely and remain healthy. You will need to build a basic shelter to protect the birds from environmental changes. 
  • You have to provide them with a good supply of food and water. To keep them healthy, fresh water and feed are required every day.
  • Decide what kind of ostrich you wish to raise, there are several species you can try. If you’re building an ostrich farm for the first time, then the African black ostrich is the right choice.
  • The last thing you need to know is that you should purchase ostriches for your farm and choose from unhatched eggs as they cost the least. The less cost you invest, the more profits you can generate.

How Do You Prepare to Launch Ostrich Farming?

Want to learn how to start an ostrich farm, then you have to make all the preparations for launching the business and turning it into a profitable venture. The formal setup will require acres of land for the ostriches to run and grow healthy as they age. There are a few steps to follow for launching an ostrich farm.

Choosing a Business Name:

The right business name can help you gather new customers and help the customers understand what your business has to offer. Your business name has to be catchy and should be easy to remember. You also need to consider if the name you’ve chosen is similar to any other business. Once you decide on a catchy business name, you will have to go through the legalities of getting that name registered with the government. 

Niche Selection

Choosing the niche you want to do expertise in makes all the difference. The right niche of ostrich farming can increase the amount of profit you can earn from the business. You can start by doing everything, but over time going into a particular niche will help to build a name for your business. Here are some different types of ostrich farming:

  • Arabian ostrich farming (also known as Middle Eastern Ostriches)
  • Black-necked ostrich farming (Southern or Cape ostrich)
  • Blue Necked ostrich farming
  • Masai Ostrich farming
  • Red-necked ostrich farming

Building a Skillset

You need to learn how to start an ostrich farm and how to raise ostrich before you go into investing a huge sum of money for your own farm. It’s obvious that no one’s born with all kinds of skills, you will have to learn every minor detail of ostrich farming. To acquire the right skills, you can volunteer to work part-time or full-time on an ostrich farm close to you. You may also choose to work on any ordinary cattle farm or ranch to get used to routine and understanding of animals needs in general.

Once you understand how to raise ostrich and how the industry works, you can start your own business .

All Set to Launch Ostrich Farming?

Now that you’ve made all the preparations necessary to start an ostrich farm, are you actually ready to start a full-fledged business? You will need to determine whether or not you need a formal business office? You need to determine the cost down to every single penny and then arrange the funds from your friends or family or get a loan from a local bank .

If you are hiring help for managing the ostrich farm, then your cost for salaries will increase. Apart from start-up capital, you will also need to have enough working capital to keep your business afloat for at least 3-6 months. Most businesses don’t start generating revenue till the first few months of the business. 

You also need to determine a price point and sales funnel for the products you are selling. Your products need to be cheaper than your competitors but not so cheap that you can’t generate enough profits to keep your business afloat. Also, cheap products cause customers to lose faith in your product quality. Once you manage all these factors, you are all set to start your ostrich farm. 

Problems You Could Face In Ostrich Farming Business

Learning how to start an ostrich farm can be a tricky process. It can take a lot of time to build a profitable business out of ostrich farming. If you choose to get unhatched eggs, then you will have to wait for months till they become egg laying heath or of slaughter age. Till then you will have to manage expenses of food, shelter, equipment, and staff salaries. 

While ostrich farming is a very expensive business in starting, once the time comes, it generates huge amounts of profits. The more you invest upfront, the more profit you will generate. This whole process takes time and the profits are generated only after a certain period. You just need to find appropriate markets for selling the ostrich eggs, feathers, or meat at a price that helps you generate enough profit. 

Learning how to start an ostrich farm and generating a profitable business out of that may be challenging but it is extremely rewarding in the end. If everything is handled properly, you can generate more profit than you initially expected. The more profit you generate, the more you can invest back into the business. 

Conclusion: How To Start Ostrich Farming?

In the end, it’s all about how much revenue a business can generate. While ostrich farming requires a huge initial investment but it can offer incredible profits if things are handled ideally. You can try new methods and techniques for a smoother and faster ostrich farming process. If you find a solution that can improve your process, you can increase your profits even further.

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to raise an ostrich. Start by building a business plan, figure out your market, buy the right kind of equipment and arrange the funds that are required to start the business, and keep it going for a few months. If you think you can’t manage all ostrich farming niches at the same time, then you can choose to specialize in a single niche for additional profits. 

How much profit can be generated with Ostrich farming?

It all depends on your initial investment, but you can easily get a 100% on your investment. You can generate an incredible amount of profit, while the actual number can’t be determined, you’ll get more profit than you invest.

What are the major benefits of ostrich farming?

Ostrich farming comes with a lot of benefits as it is a profitable business venture. The most noticeable features of ostrich farming are:

  • Much higher profitability ratio than other types of cattle farming, which leads to more revenue.
  • Ostriches produce more meat and ostrich meat sells for a higher amount in comparison to cow meat.
  • Ostriches can produce a lot of leather which can be sold to manufacturers. 

How to Start an Ostrich Farm

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Cows and corn are often the first images that come to mind when thinking about farms, but many non-traditional types of farms also exist. Ostrich farming is one type of agriculture that can have many advantages. According to Mother Earth News, ostriches produce meat and consume resources at a ratio that is much more profitable than beef cattle. A ostrich farm requires only a small areas of land and can generate revenue in several different ways.

Determine which ostrich products to sell in order to produce revenue from the farm. Ostrich meat and ostrich hide are two common sources of revenue. The eggs and feathers of ostriches can also be sold and do not require the slaughter of the bird.

Locate an area of land that can be used for the ostrich farm. Ostriches require between one and three acres of land in order to run and remain healthy. Build a simple shelter to protect the birds from harsh weather, and construct a fence to prevent the ostriches from escaping.

Provide a sufficient supply of food and water for the ostrich farm. Large birds can drink several gallons of water each day. Ensure that the water is kept fresh. Purchase feed that is specially formulated for ostrich nutrition. Alternately, plant crops and grasses for the ostriches to eat.

Choose a type of ostrich to raise. Red neck, blue neck and African black ostriches are the three general types of birds. Red neck and blue neck ostriches are often large and aggressive, while African black birds are smaller and easier to manage. The African black ostrich is often recommended for first-time farm operators.

Purchase ostriches for the farm. Select from unhatched eggs, young chicks or adult ostriches. Unhatched eggs and young chicks are relatively inexpensive but require a significant amount of time and expertise to raise properly. Adult ostriches can begin producing new eggs quickly yet are more expensive to purchase initially.

  • State License Search - Ostrich (Poultry) Farm
  • Before opening an ostrich farm, check with the state agriculture or small business office to determine if a license is required. Contact a veterinarian to obtain an interstate health certificate before transporting animals or live eggs.

Benjamin Aries has been involved in digital media for much of his life and began writing professionally in 2009. He has lived in several different states and countries, and currently writes while exploring different parts of the world. Aries specializes in technical subjects. He attended Florida State University.

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Ostrich Farming 101: A Quick Guide to Starting an Ostrich Farm

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Ostrich Farming 101 A Quick Guide to Starting an Ostrich Farm

Successful ostrich farming requires a combination of proper management practices, adequate facilities, and attention to the birds' specific needs. Here is a list of some key ostrich farming techniques that contribute to a successful operation.

1. Create Flock Management Systems

Regular monitoring.

Keep a close eye on the health, behavior, and performance of the ostrich flock. Detect and address any signs of illness or distress promptly.


Maintain detailed records of each bird's weight, growth rate, egg production, and any medical treatments. This data aids in identifying trends and making informed management decisions.

2. Establish Nutrition and Feeding Protocols

Balanced diet.

Consider our contract farming program (contact us today to find out more) or consult with a poultry nutritionist to develop a balanced diet that meets the specific nutritional needs of ostriches at different life stages.

Consider offering a variety of feed ingredients, including grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals, to ensure optimal health and growth.

3. Develop Habitat and Housing

Spacious enclosures.

Ostriches need ample space to roam and express their natural behaviors. We suggest providing large, well-fenced enclosures to prevent stress and aggressive behaviors.

Offer suitable shelter to protect the birds from extreme weather conditions and predators. Adequate ventilation is crucial to prevent respiratory issues.

4. Generate A Breeding Program

Genetic diversity.

Plan breeding strategies to avoid close inbreeding and maintain a diverse genetic pool.

Selection Criteria

Select breeding birds based on desirable traits, such as growth rate, egg production, and health. Cull birds that don't meet the desired criteria.

5. Understand Incubation and Hatching

Proper incubator setup.

It is imperative to maintain stable temperature, humidity, and ventilation in the incubator to ensure successful hatching.

Regularly candle eggs to check for fertility and monitor embryo development. After day 14 in the incubator is when you can begin to see an embryo forming.

6. Consider Healthcare and Veterinary Support


Determine if you choose to vaccinate the animals, and if so at what age. Consult with your qualified veterinarian to establish an applicable vaccination schedule to protect against common diseases. At Superior Ostrich, we have chosen to stay away from vaccinations with our birds. 

Regular Check-ups

Schedule routine health checks to detect and treat health issues early.

7. Think About Socialization and Handling

Gentle handling.

We suggest getting your ostrich chicks accustomed to human presence from an early age to minimize stress and facilitate easier handling as adults.

8. Discover Parasite Control

Regular inspections.

Regularly inspect birds for signs of external parasites like mites and ticks.

Develop a worm prevention or deworming program to control internal parasites that could affect the birds' health.

9. Establish Egg Collection and Management Methods

Daily collection.

Eggs should be collected daily to prevent breakage and contamination.

Egg Storage

Store eggs properly at a suitable temperature and humidity to maintain their viability.

10. Consider  Environmental Factors


Adopt environmentally friendly practices to reduce the farm's ecological footprint.

Waste Management

Implement proper waste management techniques to minimize environmental impact.

11. Undergo Education and Training

Continuous learning.

Stay informed about advancements in ostrich farming through workshops, seminars, and educational resources.

Staff Training

Ensure that farm staff is well-trained in ostrich care and management practices.

12. Familiarize with Compliance and Regulations

Legal requirements.

Familiarize yourself with local and national regulations governing ostrich farming, including zoning, permits, and animal welfare standards.

Ensure the farm complies with all necessary permits and licenses.

By diligently applying these ostrich farming techniques, we hope to help curious farmers understand how to ensure the health, welfare, and productivity of ostriches on their farm, while building a successful and sustainable business.

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Ostrich farming: a high profitable business

Ostrich farming is much more profitable than raising other traditional farm animals. Ostriches are loving birds, they are quite easy to raise and require little maintenance from farmers. One of the reasons why ostrich farming is a lucrative business is the number of valuables an ostrich has to offer; and very little ever goes to waste.

Ostrich farming a high profitable business - Farm4Trade|Ostrich farming a high profitable business

The origin of ostrich farming

Ostrich ( Struthio camelis ) belongs to a flightless bird family (Ratite), the birds belonging to this family are the largest ones compared to all the other bird species. Ostrich farming originated in the 1860s in South Africa (Hastings, n.d). However, there is contradicting information about their origin as palaeontologists displayed evidences that ostrich farming has its origin in Asian steppes in the Eocene Epoch about 40 to 50 million years ago. In the 18th century, ostriches were on the verge of extinction because their precious feathers were highly demanded. However, in 19th we witnessed an increase in the number of ostriches because at that period the ostrich’s breeding became very popular due to the good profit margin arising from the sale of their feathers .

Characteristics of the species

Ostriches are game animals, they are omnivores and their diet is based on shrubs, succulent plants, seeds and insects . They can live up to 30-70 years . Males and females can be distinguished by the color of their feathers: males have black plumage with some white shades in the final part, while the females have shades of brown and grey . Ostriches start mating at 2-3 years of age and start to lay eggs between April and August.

Five types of subspecies of ostriches are known

JTVCdGFibGUlMjBpZCUzRDIwJTIwJTJGJTVEHowever, the Arabian ostrich became extinct and nowadays only 4 subspecies of ostriches are still existing.

Characteristics that makes ostrich the best bird to farm:

  • Highly adaptable

Ostrich can survive under harsh conditions and they hardly need to be in the shade. In addition, their feathers act as a good insulator minimizing the amount of heat coming from direct sun rays (Shanawany, n.d). They can survive without drinking a lot of water being able to maintain their normal body temperature also without a large amount of water intake. The ostriches can either usetheir wings to dispose of heat during hotter seasons or to keep themselves warmer during winter seasons .

  • Good predators

Having ostriches acute hearing and eyesight from a distance of about 12 km away farmers do not need to take preventive measures to protect their animals ( Shanawany, n.d; Abbas, 2018 ). They are able to protect themselves from predators by means of a power kick thanks their long legs with two toes on the feet, they are the fastest bird on ground at a speed of 70 km/h (43.5 mph), thanks to their wings that keep them balanced while running (Abbas, 2018) and they can also lay flat on the ground

  • Ostrich products
  • Meat: The meat is red with lower fat (3.0 g), cholesterol (83 mg) and calories (142 KCal). It is also a good source of iron (3.2 mg) and protein (26.9 %) (Iwuoha, 2013).
  • Eggs: The eggs are about 6 inches long, 5 inches wide and weighs 2 kg. The ostriches can lay about 15-45 eggs per season. The ostrich egg is rich in protein, 1 ostrich egg is equivalent to 25 chicken eggs . Ostrich eggs are believed to protect houses from lighting and their shells can also be used as a water vessel, cups and vase. In addition, the eggshells are used in making necklace beads.
  • Feathers: The feathers are extremely valuable and durable. Feathers should be harvested when the birds weigh 60 kg of more (Engelbrecht, 2014). The feathers are used to make dusters for cleaning, hat and home decorations.
  • Skin (leather): Ostrich leather is of high quality being thick, soft and durable . It is used to makes handbags, carpets, clothing, boots etc.

Ostrich farming is much more profitable than raising other traditional farm animals. Ostriches are loving birds, they are quite easy to raise and require little maintenance from farmers. One of the reasons why ostrich farming is a lucrative business is the number of valuables an ostrich has to offer; and very little ever goes to waste. References Abbas G., 2018. Ostrich farming. Retrieved from Engelbrecht A., 2014. Ostrich Manual. Hastings M.Y., n.d. A HISTORY OF OSTRICH FARMING - ITS POTENTIAL IN AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURE. Retrieved from Iwuoha J-P. 2013. Ostrich farming - how this amazing business makes million for a Malian entrepreneur. Retrieved from Kale S., 2018. Types of Ostriches. Retrieved from Murchie J. 2008.Struthio camelus, the common ostrich. Retrieved from Shanawany M. M., Recent developments in ostrich farming. Retrieved from Discover the Suite of Apps for Livestock Management The most complete set of tools to improve productivity

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The Comprehensive Guide to Ostrich Farming

Kickstart your journey into the world of ostrich farming and uncover the untapped potential and profitability that awaits.

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Written by: Peter C. Downs

Published on: January 29, 2024

complete ostrich farming manual

Welcome to the world of ostrich farming, where you can embark on an exciting journey of raising these majestic creatures.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the intricacies of managing an ostrich farm, from flock management to breeding programs.

But it doesn't stop there. We'll also explore the various commodities that can be produced from ostriches and delve into the potential profitability of this unique farming venture.

So, if you're ready to discover the secrets of successful ostrich farming and unlock a world of possibilities, then keep reading.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Flock management systems are crucial for monitoring the health, behavior, and performance of ostriches.
  • A balanced diet with grains, protein sources, vitamins, and minerals is essential for the nutrition and feeding protocols of ostrich farming.
  • Spacious enclosures, suitable shelter, and proper waste management techniques are important for creating a suitable habitat and housing for ostriches.
  • Breeding programs should focus on selecting birds with desirable traits, monitoring breeding performance, and preventing inbreeding to maintain genetic quality.

Flock Management Systems

To effectively manage your ostrich flock, it's crucial to implement a comprehensive flock management system that regularly monitors the health, behavior, and performance of each bird. Flock management systems play a vital role in the successful ostrich production and can significantly impact the overall profitability of your ostrich farming venture.

One of the key aspects of a flock management system is the ability to detect and address any signs of illness or distress promptly. Regular health checks should be conducted to identify any potential health issues and take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of diseases.

Maintaining detailed records of each bird's weight, growth rate, egg production, and medical treatments is essential. This data allows you to identify trends and make informed management decisions to optimize the productivity of your flock.

Biosecurity measures are also crucial in flock management systems. These measures help prevent the introduction and spread of diseases within your ostrich farm. Strict protocols should be established to ensure that visitors, equipment, and other potential sources of contamination are properly monitored and controlled.

Nutrition and Feeding Protocols

As we move into the discussion of 'Nutrition and Feeding Protocols', ensuring a well-balanced diet tailored to the specific nutritional needs of ostriches at different life stages becomes paramount in optimizing their health and growth. Ostrich farming requires a comprehensive understanding of the nutritional requirements of these magnificent birds.

To provide them with the best nutrition, consider the following protocols:

  • Consult with experts : Engage in a contract farming program or seek advice from a poultry nutritionist who specializes in ostrich farming. Their expertise will guide you in formulating the most suitable diet for your ostriches.
  • Balanced diet : Offer a variety of feed ingredients to meet the nutritional needs of ostriches. This includes grains, protein sources such as soybean meal or fish meal, vitamins, and minerals. A well-balanced diet provides the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and health.
  • Grains : Include a mix of grains like corn, wheat, barley, and oats to provide energy and carbohydrates.
  • Protein sources : Incorporate high-quality protein sources like soybean meal or fish meal to support muscle development and egg production.
  • Vitamins and minerals : Ensure the inclusion of essential vitamins and minerals to maintain overall health and immune function.

Habitat and Housing

Provide ostriches with spacious enclosures that allow them to roam and exhibit natural behaviors. It's crucial to create well-fenced enclosures to prevent stress and aggressive behaviors among the birds. Ostriches require suitable shelter to protect them from extreme weather conditions and predators. Ensure that the shelter provides adequate ventilation to prevent respiratory issues, as ostriches are prone to respiratory problems.

Implementing proper waste management techniques is essential to maintain a clean and healthy environment for the ostriches. Livestock farmers must be aware of the cost to raise ostriches, including the expenses associated with habitat and housing. Building spacious enclosures and providing suitable shelters can be costly, but it's a necessary investment for successful ostrich farming.

Breeding Program

To establish a successful breeding program for ostriches, carefully plan your strategies to maintain genetic diversity and prevent inbreeding. This is crucial as it will ensure the health and productivity of your flock. Here are some key steps to consider when developing your breeding program:

  • Select breeding birds based on desirable traits : When choosing birds for breeding, focus on traits such as growth rate, egg production, and overall health. This will help improve the overall quality of your flock and increase the chances of producing offspring with these desirable characteristics.
  • Regularly cull birds that don't meet the desired criteria : It's important to regularly evaluate the performance of your birds and remove those that don't meet your breeding standards. This will help maintain the genetic quality of your flock and prevent the spread of undesirable traits.
  • Monitor breeding performance and adjust strategies accordingly : Keep track of the breeding performance of your ostriches. This includes factors such as egg production, fertility rates, and hatch rates. By closely monitoring these metrics, you can identify any issues and make necessary adjustments to your breeding strategies.
  • Implement proper mating techniques : Ostriches have their own unique mating behaviors and techniques. It's important to understand and utilize these techniques to maximize breeding success. This may involve implementing natural mating or artificial insemination methods, depending on your specific goals and circumstances.

Incubation and Hatching

When moving from the breeding program to the crucial stage of incubation and hatching, it's imperative to maintain stable environmental conditions in the incubator to ensure the successful development of ostrich embryos. Ostrich farming has gained popularity in the United States, and many farmers are now venturing into this lucrative business.

To start your own ostrich farm, it's important to first purchase ostrich eggs from reputable breeders, which can be easily found online. Once you have acquired the eggs, it's crucial to create a controlled environment in the incubator, maintaining a stable temperature between 97.5°F and 98.5°F and a humidity level of 40-50%. Regularly candle the eggs to check for fertility and monitor embryo development.

Candlelighting helps identify infertile or non-viable eggs, ensuring only healthy embryos continue to develop. Follow proper incubation procedures, including turning the eggs several times a day, to ensure uniform heat distribution and promote healthy development. As the hatch date approaches, reduce the humidity level to around 30% to facilitate hatching.

After hatching, provide proper care and nutrition to the newly hatched chicks, ensuring they've access to water, feed, and appropriate shelter. Monitor hatch rates and adjust incubation parameters if necessary to optimize future hatchings. With the right techniques, incubation and hatching can be successfully managed, contributing to the overall success of your ostrich farming venture.

Congratulations! You're now equipped with the comprehensive knowledge and expertise needed to embark on a successful ostrich farming venture.

This invaluable guide has covered all aspects of flock management, nutrition, housing, breeding, and incubation.

By following these protocols, you can maximize the profitability of your farm and explore the vast potential of ostrich commodities.

Remember, with this guide in your hands, you'll be soaring to new heights in the world of ostrich farming!

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About Peter C. Downs

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Ostrich farming – How this amazing business makes millions for a Malian entrepreneur

business plan for ostrich farming

Did you know that ostrich farming in Africa is a huge business opportunity? You’re about to learn some incredible stuff about this business.

Although many people don’t know this, ostriches produce more meat than cattle and contain the least fat, calories and cholesterol of all meats (beef, chicken, pork, lamb and turkey).

Because it’s not as common as other meats, ostrich meat fetches a very high and handsome price.

Mamadou Coulibaly is an ostrich farmer with a flock of 3,000 birds in his native Mali. His income from this business in 2011 was $1.4 million and continues to grow in leaps.

In a world that is more than likely to switch to low-calorie and healthier meats in the near future, Mr. Coulibaly is positioning himself to cash in on the huge opportunity.

Read on to find out more about this amazing business opportunity …

An Ostrich Farmer with a humble beginning…

Ostrich farming in Africa

Mamadou started his ostrich farm in 2008 with about 100 birds. Today, his farm, which sits in the village of Banguineda, located South of Bamako (the Malian capital) has grown to 3,000 birds.

Far from satisfied by this astounding success, he intends to grow his ostrich flock to 10,000 birds by the year 2014, making it the largest ostrich farm in the whole of Africa.

This man has a big vision for a big bird that brings in big profits!

Apart from a few farms in South Africa, North America, Europe and Asia, ostriches are probably the least farmed birds in the world. This is quite shocking given the amazing features of the ostrich that make it such a lucrative business venture.

So, when Mamadou decided to start his ostrich farming project, he sought the help of a Korean company with specialist experience in raising and managing ostriches on a commercial scale.

Mamadou, who also owns a crocodile farm, houses his ostrich eggs in a high-tech incubator which is a major part of his strategy to expand the size of his flock to 100,000 ostriches in the long term, making it the world’s largest ostrich farm!

To give you an idea of the profitability of this venture, an ostrich egg can fetch up to $500, a breeding ostrich can sell for up to 5,000 US dollars and those with feathers which are highly prized in fashion and décor circles can be sold for up to 3,000 US dollars.

Here’s a short but very interesting video of Mamadou on his impressive ostrich farm…

Short video: Mamadou on his ostrich farm in Mali

Why should you consider ostrich farming in Africa? How can you make money from it?

Ostriches allow the farmer to make higher and quicker returns on investment. In recent years, a number of European and American beef producers have converted to ostrich farming because of its amazing profitability.

Some serious comparison here would be great.

On one hand, a typical cow produces one calf every year. This calf will be ready for market in two years and produce about 250kg of beef at slaughter.

On the other hand, an ostrich produces up to 40 eggs every year and these chicks usually reach market size in about 14 months yielding meat that weighs up to 1,800 kilograms!

In addition to meat, an ostrich (including its mature offspring) can produce up to 50 square metres of leather and 36 kilograms of feather… in just one year!

Ostrich farming in Africa

If properly managed, a single female ostrich can produce up to 72,000 kilograms of meat, 2,000 square metres of leather and 2,000 kilograms of feathers during her economic (productive) lifetime.

Compared to other traditional farm animals (cattle, goats, pigs, fish, chicken and turkey), ostriches are quite easy to raise and most ostrich farm projects turn out to be very successful.

The most important period in the life of every ostrich is the first 3 to 5 months of its life when a good and balanced diet containing the sufficient quantities of important nutrients are required.

The market for ostrich products

One of the reasons why ostrich farming is so profitable is the number of valuables an ostrich has to offer; and very little ever goes to waste.

Ostrich eggs, meat, hide (leather) and feather are very highly priced and command high prices on the local and international markets.

Ostrich farming - How large is ostrich meat?

As we mentioned earlier, ostrich meat is by far the healthiest alternative to all traditional meats.

It has lower fat, calories and cholesterol than beef, chicken , turkey, pork and fish !

In contrast to chicken and turkey (which are classified as ‘white meat’), ostrich meat is a “red meat” similar in colour and taste to beef.

A huge portion of all the meat from an ostrich comes from the leg, thigh, and back. Because ostrich meat is very lean, they are fast becoming a favourite with people who want to live healthy but still love read meat. Ostriches give these people the best of both worlds! (photo credit:  

According to the Maasai Ostrich Farm in Kenya,

‘a well-fed eight to ten month-old juvenile ostrich produces 45-50 kg of meat on-the-bone and sells for US$12 per kg. Steak fetches around US$24/kg, and US$28 for fillet.’

Comparing ostrich versus other meats (per 100 grams serving)

Ostrich farming - Ostrich meat versus other meats

(2) Leather

Compared to cattle (which yields less than 3 square metres of leather a year, an average ostrich (offspring included) will average about 50 square metres of leather. That’s more than ten times the return in a single year!

Ostrich skin (hide), with its characteristic and distinctive ‘goose bump’ look is a very high-quality, thick, soft and extremely durable leather product that fetches one of the highest prices in fashion shops and boutiques.

A lot of fashion enthusiasts consider ostrich leather to be very luxurious and equal to (if not better than) snake or crocodile leather.

Ostrich leather is currently used by many major fashion houses including Hermès, Prada, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton . The leather is used for a wide variety of products including jackets, bags, shoes, purses, caps, wallets and belts.

Ostrich farming - Ostrich leather products

(3) Feathers

The best feathers come from ostriches bred in the dry and semi-dry regions of the world such as Africa and the Middle East. As a result, the quality of feathers produced from ostriches raised in Europe and North America differs in many respects from those produced in Africa.

Ostrich feathers are used to make feather dusters for cleaning fine machinery and equipment as well as for decorations, furniture stuffing and in the fashion industry. They also have a wide application in creative arts and has proved to be a very versatile and popular material.

how large is an ostrich egg?

As expected, the ostrich lays the largest egg by any bird in the world!

An ostrich egg is roughly the size of a football and can weigh almost 2 kilograms (approx. 1 pound) . A mature female ostrich can lay up to 40 of these eggs in a single year!

As the size of the international market for ostrich grows, the demand for live exports is also on the rise, with markets as far afield as France, Holland, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates (UAE), South Africa and China.

Considering ostrich farming in Africa? Here are a couple of things you should know

We’ve looked at the economic and business potential of ostrich farming, it’s now time to look at some of the things you need to successfully start your own ostrich farm.

This is by no means a full business plan. You should see this as a checklist that helps you organize your thoughts while you’re considering this business opportunity.

(a) Registration

It’s always good to make sure that you are  licensed to operate an ostrich farm in your area. Registration used to be overlooked before the bird flu epidemic. Nowadays, operators of bird farms (poultry) are required to be registered and licensed with the relevant government agency.

You should double check and make sure you don’t run afoul of any laws or regulations.

(b) Breeding

It’s usually advised to start with a breed stock of 1 male and 2 – 4 females. Depending on your location, a mature breeder (male or female) could cost from as low as $800 up to $5,000.

Ostriches are very fertile and can lay up to 40 eggs throughout the year. However, a female ostrich stops laying eggs if she has to incubate them. For all-year round production, eggs must be moved to a machine incubator on the facility. In many areas, ostrich chicks may suffer high mortality.

(c) Space, equipment and facilities

Well, if we haven’t told you yet, you should know that ostriches can grow to be 9 feet tall and can reach speeds of 70 miles per hour. Yes, these guys can run!

They need a lot of space and the geography doesn’t matter. Ostriches thrive very well in all climes including deserts, grassland, forest regions and swamps. But dry climes and grasslands/semi-arid areas are most favourable to ostrich production.

You may be unable to successfully breed these guys in small and confined spaces. They typically need a lot of space to thrive. A family of four birds would need up to ½ an acre of space for optimal results.

Ostriches also drink a lot of water so a nearby and steady source of clean water would be a great idea.

(d) Feeding

Ostriches are very adaptable birds and can survive on quite a wide variety of foods. Ostriches in the wild feed on insects, rodents (rats and mice) and even grass! But if you’re raising them for profit, it makes a whole lot of sense to provide good quality, balanced and nutritious poultry diets so they can grow well and fetch a handsome market price!

Ostrich farming in Africa is on the rise…

Ostrich farming has been aptly called a ‘business of the future.’

From the current market economics, the benefits from this venture clearly trumps other traditional livestock (including cattle, chicken, pigs and turkey).

Although the startup costs are higher than other types of livestock, its payout can be huge.

If you have any experience in this area or know a little more about it, we’re sure a lot of people reading this would love to learn from you. Please leave a comment in the section below or share this opportunity with a friend using the Facebook, Twitter and Google+ buttons below.

Remember, you can always check out more ideas in the Business Ideas section of Smallstarter!

To your success!

And by the way, if you enjoyed reading this article and you’re thinking of raising capital to start or grow your business, you’ll love my amazing and life-changing FREE course.

Click the course banner below or click here to get started with the course.

business plan for ostrich farming

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About the author: john-paul iwuoha.

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Tufiakwa! Not sure I can eat this type of meat oo… But anyways, I’m glad I now know there’s a bird whose skin is used as leather. Nice one guys.

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Hi It is a mail from the ostrich farm . our company decide to sell ostrich to another countries and your country is one of them. If you want to work with us connect by this email address . Thank you Hamid rajabi nasab

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Pls, I am intrested in the Ostrich farming and i live in Nigeria how can I receive help from you in terms of technical know how. Also i will like to have solid connection with you. Thank you. Samuel.

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Hello I am very interested in staring an ostrich farm for commercial purpose. How can I start with this and what is your contact information?

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Hi Charles,

What’s your location and what specific information do you need to get started?


Hello again

I want to start my ostrich farm in the Philippines. I am looking for seminars to know more about how to start/raise/hatch ostriches. Also the fees for it.

thanks again

Charles Grageda

Hello Charles,

I did some research and found that Hastings Ostrich Australia would be a great source of all the information, knowledge and materials you need to start and operate your own ostrich farm.

You can contact their Consultancy Service centre and make enquiries about seminars by following this link:

Please remember to share your feedback with us. Many other readers would surely benefit from it.

Thanks again for your comments.

Hi, how much is an ostrich with 12 months age in Phillipines?

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plz i would like to know more from you about this business difficulties.

[email protected]

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I was able to formulate for Ostrich feed when I was in UAE in one of the feedmills there.

As of the moment, i am in the Agri-media and want more information about ostrich production especially successful hatching of ostrich eggs. Can u send me email on this? thank you

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I have ostrich farm in Iran

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Hi Alireza,

Can you please provide your contact details so that we can contact you ..Thanks

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Please where can I buy young ostrich birds in Nigeria, or any area in Oyo state in particular.

Ostrich farming in Nigeria is concentrated in the middle and northern regions of the country. I did some research online and couldn’t find much.

However, there’s a Sambawa Farms located in Kaduna but with a head office in Abuja. You should check out [b] [/b]and follow up with the contact addresses on the site. Although they don’t have any ostriches in stock at the moment, they should have contacts to source young ostriches from.

I hope this helps. And thanks for leaving a comment.

Can you please advise about India from where I can get young ostriches. or any where in word.

Thanks Ashok

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obasanjo farms they bread ostrich but i dont know how they sell it so make your findings

I have ostrich farm in Iran .we looking for market.also for get good adviser, to god fertilize egg and good hatching with more egg production

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Hope you are fine We need 15 ostrich eggs for hatching and 5 chicks. and whats the procedure this quotations and whats your terms and condition We need these ostrich eggs and chicks in Pakistan in Karachi.whats the procedure. tell us. and how many days you give delivery. Best Regards FANJET INCUBATOR 0092-342-2147815

Hi We are in iran and can deliver it to you at sistanbalochestan in Iran.

The price is: One month old is 165 $ Tow month old is 200 $ Three month old is 270 $ One year old is 650 $ One egg is 60 $ I hope deal together We deliver to you 9 days after order and payment.

Hamid rajabi Thank you.

I am based in Nigeria. Does it mean you can not deliver outside Iran?

Hi, of course we can but you have to pay the transportation costs and pass import rules.

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I am in Ghana and I am interested in starting a farm for ostriches, and would be grateful for your advice and information. Is it advisable to start with chicks or eggs? What sort of incubator is used to hatch the egg? How are the chicks cared for before they are six months old?

Many thanks for asking these questions. Because you have asked, many more people will now have the opportunity to learn from the answers.

While it is true that ostriches are very rugged animals and can survive under the toughest conditions, they are usually very sensitive and often suffer a high mortality (death) rate at the early part of their lives. As a rule of thumb, for every 100 eggs laid by an ostrich, 75 would be fertile, 56 would hatch and about 42 of the chicks would likely maturity.

We suggest that you start with chicks instead of eggs. Hatching ostrich eggs is quite a delicate process that requires technical expertise and experience. The size, weight and porosity of the egg and incubation temperature are just a few of the factors that determine how well your eggs will hatch.

There’s also the option of allowing the birds to incubate the eggs. The only draw back is that the female will stop laying eggs until the chicks are hatched and have reached four to five weeks of age.

We found a rich and informative resource on the internet that you’ll find very useful. You can read it at:

We hope you find all the information you’re looking for.

Thanks again for the questions.

[b] John-Paul[/b] 🙂

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Hello MR Rajabi

I want to buy some of your products, However, would you please provide more detailed information about raising them in cold weather and the feed. Thank you

Khalil Moussa

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Hello Hamid, I would like to buy one male and three female three months old to be raised in The Sultanate of Oman. Do you know some thing about The procedures? Any suggestion? Thank you in advance, Warda

Hi Dear Warda,

I hope to be happy. I know about the price in Iran. Three months old ostrich in Iran is about 250 US$. If you want I can deliver these to you in FOB Bandarabbas in Iran.

Thank you. Hamid

Dear Hamid, thank you for answering. I don’t know about the requirements for importing alive animals in Oman. I heared that there is a ostrich farm in Barka. Do you know anything of it? It might be easier to get the chicks from them, if they sell… Best Warda

Hi Dear Warda I do not know anything about that farm but hope to be successful to buy ostrich chick.

Warda, I’m planning to run a new business, export saffron to all around the world. If you like this, you can search about price and requirements for importing in your country and send to me the result.

I am waiting to your answer Thanks Hamid

Did you get any info related to ostriches if yes please revert on this quote.

Regards, Ashok

Did you get any information about Barka ostrich farm if yes please provide the same because I am also interested in the same in India. Thanks

Ashok Kumar 008800334887

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[quote name=”hamid rajabi”]Hi We are in iran and can deliver it to you at sistanbalochestan in Iran.

Hamid rajabi Thank you.[/quote]

Can you please supply me with your contact details. We are based in Kuwait.

Mobile: +989354017793 Email: [email protected]

Dear Rajabi,

I tried to make you a call but got a response that the phone number is not valid. I need some information that you would be able to export the ostriches in India or not?

Regards, Ashok Kumar

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I am from Portugal. Anyone know of any company that exports to Portugal (European Community).

WE are looking for ostrich market

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Hi guys. I have a complete Ostrich incubation system.I believe all it needs is a building. I just need investors to get it up and running again.I can bring together a team of man and woman to properly manage the Ostrich project. They have 10 years of experience. Thank you.

Hello Oswald,

Your ostrich incubation system idea is a very interesting one. Do you have a detailed business plan yet? Any serious investor will want to see a plan first before he/she gives you any money.

I’m not sure if you have read our “[b]What’s your Plan?[/b]” article. You can find it at: . Take a minute to read it and start working on a business plan if you don’t have one already.

We’ll be looking forward to your detailed plan that will help interested investors to make an informed decision.

Thank you for sharing this opportunity.

[b]John-Paul[/b] 🙂

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Great stuff John-Paul.

What really caught my eye is the potential to have investors. I am in Zimbabwe. Yeah here we are talking ostrich, but I have a great potential in mushroom production here. Where do I sent my detailed plan

Hello Tapiwa,

We are glad you like the article. Thank you for your kind feedback.

Mushroom production? Not sure if I know anything about it but it surely sounds interesting. If you don’t mind, could you send us a copy at [u]mail{at}[/u]? We could write a full article that exposes the potentials of a mushroom production business and attract the attention of investors.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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Hi, I am interested to invest. Where are you based. Can you plz send me the details at [email protected]

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Hi I am from Greece,I have 75 birds ready for slaughtering ,I prefer to export em all at once,either live or slaughtered,my whole sale price will be 15 euros per kg or 8 euros live.Each bird weight is an average 110 kg live,I would be glad to hear from serious buyers,REGARDS.

Hi Giorgos,

Thank you very much for your kind offer and information. We are sure some interested buyers will come by soon to show their interest.

Thanks again for taking the time to leave your comment.

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I feel really inspired to rear and run an ostrich farm in my locality which will really be boosting up my economic status as well as of the whole nation. i like to persuade others fellows who are interested to do on their own to choose this agribusiness.

Well said Kuber Neupane! I hope that one day you will achieve your dream of starting an ostrich farm.

All the best!

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I have two ostriches one male and female on a large area. Thesebirds are about 1 year old so we have used the last 7 months to learn about the management regime. We intend to go into commercial production in a years time and therefore looking to learn from successful farmers possibly partnerships too.

I need some information related to ostriches if you have some info that where I can get ostriches for farming purpose. Thanks in advance.

Ashok 008800334887

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Hello, I’m Pino Grazioli, I own an ostrich farm in the south of Italy, in a few months I will have the sanitary authorization for slaughter, I’m looking for ostrich eggs, ostrich chicks and ostrich weighing about 100 kg each, in 2014 I plan to slaughter, about 1500 ostriches, you can supply me like that? I do a complete estimate of transport in southern Italy? Appearance your email Best Regards Pino Grazioli

Hi Pino Grazioli,

I am a beginner in this and I am in EMU farming but I need some ostriches to pet I have big area to pet but have lack of resources to get this birds, Please help me from where I can get these birds. Thanks in advance

Thanks Kipwa and Pino Grazioli for sharing your plans for your ostrich farms. I believe your comments here will attract just the kind of suppliers and help you’re looking for.

Will be watching. And thank you again for taking the time to leave your comments.

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I am interested in this ostrich business.Please how do I buy the chicks to start at once? Direct me where to buy the chicks.

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Greetings.i am looking for investors to partner with i have a large piece of land in mozambique which is conducive for ostrich farming.those intrested can email me at [email protected] so we can map the way forward

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Hi All, I live in the UK but want to set up a farm in Pakistan. Where can I get information on obtaining Chicks and other specific information on breeding and hatching in Pakistan?

Hamid Rajabi – I am quite interested in your products as they seem to be the closest to Pakistan.

A general question – what are thebest export markets for Ostrich meat and does anyone export Ostrich meat to other countries on a large scale and what is the best way to do it.

I look forward to your responses

Sorry anyone with information/answers to my questions please email me on [email protected]

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aslam-o-alaikum yousaf im live in pakistan distt okara i know about ostrich farming and i have a 7 acre plot if u intrest in ostrich farming so contact me on my no 0345 4357741 or mail me thanks

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Hi Pino Grazioli! We can fulfil your requirments. Can you contact me at my email address nayyar_shahzad1 at hotmail

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I would like to know, do u give personal training on how to properly care for the ostrich and starting an ostrich business. Also,how much money does it take to start a good ostrich business?

By the way I’m from the U.S., and would like to learn more. Looking forward to hearing from u. My e-mail is [email protected]

Hello Shron,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. At the moment, we do not provide a training service on ostrich farming. However, we recommend that you do a quick search on ostrich farms around your location in the US. Find an ostrich farm close to you and approach them to get trained. Armed with the information you have learned here, you would get value for the money you invest in your training.

The amount of money required to start a good ostrich farm depends on your location and the cost of the materials and other inputs needed to start a farm. Some of the requirements (already covered in this article) are: about half an acre of land, a shed, good water source, a pair of breeding ostriches, feed and a couple of other inputs.

Like we advised, getting an ostrich farm close to your location will benefit you in terms of training and mentorship. It also gives you easy access to easily buy the ostriches you need to start your own farm.

I hope you find this response useful.

Thanks again for leaving a comment here. We appreciate it.

Cheers. [b] John-Paul[/b] 🙂

Hi, Dear Sir, I am in Iran and I know about cost of here. Here for start you need up to 100 ostriches and the total cost of buying the chicks, farm and feed the ostriches to 12 months is about 75,000 US$.

I hope that it help you. thanks.

Hello Again

I am interested also in any seminars that you have? the fees? I am new to this and would like to know how to raise, breed, ostriches. also what food to give them.

Is you rate negotiable? I am in the Philippines, how do you transport the ostrich? what is your payment method?

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Hope you fine

I am looking for fertile ostrich egg from all around the world while between Oct to Feb. Please call me for commence business

+98 913 1860151

Dear Sahab,

Did you get any information about ostrich.

As a matter of fact no, I am looking for fertile ostrich egg (FOE), while I find out that Australian farms could not export FOE. I need a steam company not fake.

Hope to response Shahab

Thanks for writing me once you get information please contact me on my email :-> [email protected] or my mobile :-> 008800334887

Regards, AShok

Dear John-Paul

Please send your phone No or Email for me.

[email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you in near future

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I will start it soon. Nice information.

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it is a great job & please advise if can I have the email address or any contact information of Mr. Mamadou to share experience with him.

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We are Al Refaa company in Qatar and planning to establish an Ostrich farm. Please advise us.

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Does anyone know the market for good African Ostrich feathers? if you do please contact on [email protected]

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LEVENTIS FARM NIGERIA LIMITED IS GIVING DISCOUNT TO ALL OUR FARMER THAT PURCHASE ANY ITEMS FROM US. WE DEAL ON THE FOLLOWING ANIMAL FEEDS, CROPS, FERTILIZER CATFISH. WE HAVE TOP FEEDS, HYBRID FEEDS,VITAL FEEDS,ANIMAL CARE FEEDS!! WE ALSO HAVE THEIR DRUGS FOR SALE… CALL 09039593015 ANIMAL CARE FEEDS!!! TOP STARTER: #2,600, TOP GROWER: #2,100, TOP FINISHER: #2,200, TOP LAYERS: #2,200, HYBRID STATER: #2,500 HYBRID LAYER: #2,500 HYBRID FINISHER: #2,500 HYBRID GROWER: #2,200. HYBRID LAYERS: #2,300 ANIMAL CARE STATER: #2,500 ANIMAL CARE GROWER: #2,200 ANIMAL CARE FINISHER: #2,500 RELAYER: #2,300 EGGS #15 per one TOMATOES: #10,000 VITAL STARTER: #2,500 VITAL GROWER: #2,100. CAT FISH FEEDS!!!. multi feed:#6000mm – #4,400 coppens 4mm & above- #5,100 durantee 2mm = #5,400 durantee 4mm & above = #5,200 ziegler = #5,200 aqua manna – #4,000. Fresh Big Eggs——————–N20 Day Old Layers——————-N150 Day Old Broilers——————N110 Turkey Day Old(Foreign)——–N450 Turkey Day Old (Local)———-N250 White Cockerel.——————-N30 Black Cockerel.——————-N50 Pullet. —————————–N100 Parent Stock ( broiler)———–N480 Parent Stock (pullet) ————N500 8 Weeks Cockerel —————-N105 4 Weeks Broiler. —————–N220 10 Weeks Broiler —————-N700 Parent Stock of Broiler———-N350 Parent Stock of Pullet————N500 CONTACT: PHONE: 09039593015 Address: KM 5, Idiroko Road, Ota, Ogun State. BRANCH Leventis farms in Weppa-Wano Agenebode Days of Delivery—-Monday-Friday FERTILIZER!!! NPK: #2,500 UREA: #2,000. multifeed:#6000 Local feed with 25kg fish meal/ 100kg = #26,000 For esquire contact us on whatapp. 09039593015. Thanks we love you all. NOTE!!! WE ALSO HAVE PUPPY FOR SALE. ANY KIND OF BREED YOU WANT WE HAVE.

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Hi , I am from PAKISTAN and working in Saudi Arabia i am moving back to my country soon . i have 6 acres of land instructed to start OSTRICH farm So please share all required information ,instructions and advises.

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World’s ‘largest solar precinct’ approved by Australian government


The Williamsdale Solar Farm, shown from the air and located south of Canberra, Australia, on Oct. 15, 2020, has about 30 hectares (74 acres) of solar panels. (Mick Tsikas/AAP Image via AP)

Some of the about 30 hectares (74 acres) of solar panels at the Williamsdale Solar Farm are displayed south of Canberra, Australia, on June 29, 2020. (Lukas Coch/AAP Image via AP)

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NEWCASTLE, Australia (AP) — An ambitious plan to build a massive solar farm in remote northern Australia that would transmit energy by submarine cable to Singapore is a step closer after the Australian government granted environmental approvals for the 30 billion Australian dollar ($19 billion) project Wednesday.

Australian company Sun Cable plans to build a 12,400-hectare solar farm and transport electricity to the northern Australian city of Darwin via an 800-kilometer (497-mile) overhead transmission line, then on to large-scale industrial customers in Singapore through a 4,300-kilometer (2,672-mile) submarine cable.

The Australia-Asia PowerLink project aims to deliver up to six gigawatts of green electricity each year, which according to Australian Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek will “help turn Australia into a renewable energy superpower” and boost its economy.

“This massive project is a generation-defining piece of infrastructure,” Plibersek said in a written statement on Wednesday. “It will be the largest solar precinct in the world – and heralds Australia as the world leader in green energy.”


The project was initially backed by Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest and Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes. The plans were highlighted during a state visit by then Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as part of a ’ Green Economy ’ agreement in 2022.

In January 2023, the project collapsed when Sun Cable entered voluntary administration due to a funding dispute between Forrest and Cannon-Brookes. By May of that year, a consortium led by Cannon-Brookes’ Grok Ventures acquired the company, finalizing the takeover in September 2023.

SunCable Australia’s managing director Cameron Garnsworthy said it was pleased to have cleared a major regulatory hurdle “and will now focus its efforts on the next stage of planning to advance the project towards a Final Investment Decision targeted by 2027.”

The company said electricity supply would commence in the early 2030s.

Energy has been a politically charged issue for nearly two decades in Australia, which is reliant on coal and gas as well as royalties from exporting those fuels to help underpin its economy.

This reliance on fossil fuels has historically made it one of the world’s worst greenhouse gas emitters on a per capita basis.

Australia’s main opposition party in June announced plans to build the country’s first nuclear power plants as early as 2035, ensuring the major parties will be divided on how Australia curbs its greenhouse gas emissions at elections due within a year.

The parties haven’t gone to an election with the same carbon reduction policies since 2007.

“Australians have a choice between a renewable energy transition that’s already underway creating jobs and driving down prices; or paying for an expensive nuclear fantasy that may never happen,” Plibersek said.

business plan for ostrich farming


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  1. Ostrich Farming Business Plan [Sample Template]

    A Sample Ostrich Farming Business Plan Template 1. Industry Overview. south africa had the monopoly of the ostrich market for a century and a half, until mid 1980s, when some US farmers imported breeder ostriches with the intention to ranch the ostriches. However, the government of South Africa soon banned exportation of the birds as it didn ...

  2. Ostrich Farming Business Plan And Guide For Beginners

    Step 2. Select a Good Location. Selecting a good location for ostrich farming is very important for the successful business. Try to select a location with a dry and warm climate, ample land availability, accessibility, proximity to services, availability of water, and favorable zoning regulations. Step 3.

  3. Starting An Ostrich Farm

    Requirements to start an ostrich farm - Business Plan. The formal setup - You will need acres and acres of land to accommodate the ostriches you raise. Approximately 4 ostriches would require an area of half an acre. So, it is very important to have a vast area for the farm. Within the farm, places should be planned for breeding and incubation.

  4. How to Start an Ostrich Farming Business

    Although it is possible to upgrade on legal entities, it is usually best to start on the best footing. 8. Choose a Catchy Business Name. If you are going to choose a name that does not reflect the kind of business you run, ensure you link your business in there somehow so that your target market would have an idea.

  5. [Complete Guide] Ostrich Farming For Beginners Pdf

    Step 3: Suitable Location. Choose a suitable location for your ostrich farm. Ostriches require ample space to roam and graze. Ideally, the land should be flat, well-drained, and securely fenced to prevent predators from entering and ostriches from escaping. Read Also: [Beginner's Guide] How To Start Ostrich Farming In Australia.

  6. How to write a business plan for an ostrich farm?

    Before you begin writing your business plan for an ostrich farm, conducting market research is a critical step in ensuring precise and realistic financial projections. Market research grants you valuable insights into your target customer base, competitors, pricing strategies, and other crucial factors that can impact the success of your ...

  7. Ostrich Farm Business Plan Template

    A business plan for an Ostrich Farm business is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial forecasts for establishing and operating an ostrich farming venture. It serves as a roadmap for the entrepreneur, providing a detailed overview of the business, its operations, and how it aims to achieve profitability. ...

  8. Getting Started With Ostrich Farming: a Comprehensive Guide

    Develop a comprehensive business plan: Create a detailed business plan that outlines your goals, budget, and strategies for ostrich farming. Include your financial projections, marketing strategies, and contingency plans. A well-structured business plan will help you stay focused, attract investors, and navigate any challenges that may arise.

  9. How to Start an Ostrich Farm: Step-by-Step Guide to Establishing a

    Here is a step-by-step guide to help you establish your own profitable ostrich farming business: Research and Planning; Secure Land and Facilities; Purchase Ostrich Chicks; Feeding, Housing, and Health Care; Marketing and Selling Ostrich Products; Each of these steps requires careful consideration and attention to detail to ensure the success ...

  10. PDF How to Start a Successful Ostrich Farm

    Locate an area of land that can be used for the ostrich farm. Ostriches require between one and three acres of land in order to run and remain healthy. Figure 1. Ostriches freely roaming about. Build a simple shelter to protect the birds from harsh weather, and construct a fence to prevent the ostriches from escaping.

  11. How to Start an Ostrich Farming Business Tips Guide

    Starting Your Ostrich Farm Business Obtain a license: First, you must register your business and obtain the necessary license to start an ostrich farm. You must also write your business plan for ostrich farming and study all the rules and regulations of ostrich farming in your state, including the rules and regulations for export. Location: Hey!

  12. How To Start An Ostrich Farm: A Simple Guide

    Ostrich fencing must be high and sturdy and buried at least a foot deep all the way around. You must use sturdy, welded wire, at least 8 feet high. A couple of strands of barbed wire along the top will help keep predators out. 5. You will need to locate a source of food.

  13. Ostrich Farming And Raising Guide

    Nowadays, many countries around the world have started ostrich farming as a new business venture. But ostrich farming is comparatively a new agribusiness idea compared to those birds. ... Ostrich Farming Business Plan And Guide For Beginners. Ostrich Diseases and treatment. Food Of Ostrich. Ostrich Housing guide for beginners. Search for ...

  14. Ostrich Farming Business Plan Template

    Why write a business plan for Ostrich Farming? A business plan is essential for any business, but it is especially important for ostrich farming. Here are some reasons why: 1. Clearly define goals and objectives: Writing a business plan forces you to think about the long-term goals and objectives of your ostrich farming business.

  15. PDF Part 1 of 5

    Chapter 2 - Farming Options In chapter 2 of our Information Guide on "How to Start a Successful Ostrich Farm without Breaking the Bank", we look at Farming Options. There are various ostrich farming options you may wish to consider. Full Cycle This tends to be the norm. You have breeders, they lay eggs, you do the incubating and

  16. Growing Ostriches-How to Start and Run a Thriving Ostrich Farm

    You may have to spend $300 - $500 on local advertising. Now that you know how much an ostrich costs, you can decide based on your budget how many ostriches you need on your farm. You need at least 2 male and 2 female ostriches to start a healthy farm. The total cost of an ostrich farm in Texas is around $2,500 - 3,300.

  17. How to Start an Ostrich Farm

    3. Provide a sufficient supply of food and water for the ostrich farm. Large birds can drink several gallons of water each day. Ensure that the water is kept fresh. Purchase feed that is specially ...

  18. Ostrich Farming 101: A Quick Guide to Starting an Ostrich Farm

    Successful ostrich farming requires a combination of proper management practices, adequate facilities, and attention to the birds' specific needs. Here is a list of some key ostrich farming techniques that contribute to a successful operation. 1. Create Flock Management Systems.

  19. Ostrich farming: a high profitable business

    Eggs: The eggs are about 6 inches long, 5 inches wide and weighs 2 kg. The ostriches can lay about 15-45 eggs per season. The ostrich egg is rich in protein, 1 ostrich egg is equivalent to 25 chicken eggs. Ostrich eggs are believed to protect houses from lighting and their shells can also be used as a water vessel, cups and vase.

  20. The Comprehensive Guide to Ostrich Farming

    To start your own ostrich farm, it's important to first purchase ostrich eggs from reputable breeders, which can be easily found online. Once you have acquired the eggs, it's crucial to create a controlled environment in the incubator, maintaining a stable temperature between 97.5°F and 98.5°F and a humidity level of 40-50%.

  21. How To Start Ostrich Farming

    This video can covers all of the following questions for beginners who want to start Ostrich farming.Ostrich farmingbusiness starting plan for beginnersrisin...

  22. Ostrich farming

    This is by no means a full business plan. You should see this as a checklist that helps you organize your thoughts while you're considering this business opportunity. (a) Registration. It's always good to make sure that you are licensed to operate an ostrich farm in your area. Registration used to be overlooked before the bird flu epidemic.

  23. PDF Manual

    the Ostrich Business Chamber. Published by: Western Cape Department of Agriculture Private Bag X1 ELSENBURG 7607 ... Ostrich farming was very lucrative business and farmers accumulated wealth rapidly. In 1882, the export value of ostrich feathers reached its highest level ever. In 1884, the Cape Government imposed heavy export

  24. World's 'largest solar precinct' approved by Australian government

    NEWCASTLE, Australia (AP) — An ambitious plan to build a massive solar farm in remote northern Australia that would transmit energy by submarine cable to Singapore is a step closer after the Australian government granted environmental approvals for the 30 billion Australian dollar ($19 billion) project Wednesday.