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  • Temporary work

Glossary: HR & Recruiting Definitions

What is temporary work?

The term temporary work describes a short-term, temporary form of employment. Although this can technically refer to any form of temporary employment, in general, temporary work refers to work through a so-called temp agency.

This is a form of employment in which employed skilled workers (“temporary workers” or “temp workers”) are deployed on a loan basis in a company (“employee leasing”). Particularly in case of urgent staffing requirements, temporary employment can offer a practical solution for filling a vacancy quickly.

Table of contents

How does temporary employment work?

Why should companies hire temporary workers, other advantages and disadvantages for employers.

Temporary work (often shortened to temp work) refers to a form of employee leasing.

A personnel service provider (an agency) leases out a skilled worker—or their know-how—to an external company that requires personnel immediately. This follows previously agreed terms and conditions and is normally for a fixed period of time.

All in all, temporary employment is the only form of employment in which three parties are involved. However, although the borrowed employee (the temporary worker) is employed in an external company, they are not automatically employed there as well.

The temporary worker initially signs their employment contract with the staffing agency and remains employed by the former throughout their assignment at the third-party company.

The temporary worker also receives their salary — after deducting some fees — from their actual employer (the temp agency).

The third-party company is responsible for onboarding and often for providing any material necessary to perform the job as well. However, the staffing company is responsible for issuing a certificate of employment for the assignment.

Different countries will have different laws regarding how the parties work together. For example, in Germany, all the important rights and obligations of the parties involved are laid down in the German Personnel Leasing Act (AÜG).

What happens when temporary workers are no longer needed?

If the company no longer requires the temporary worker’s services, they will simply stop the collaboration.

The temporary worker initially ends up back in the staffing company’s talent pool until a new assignment is found for the employee. That is why temporary work is often also called staff leasing.

Can temporary workers also be taken on permanently?

Yes. If both the temporary worker and the company enjoy the collaboration, the temporary worker can, in some cases, also be hired and permanently employed by the company.

Personnel leasing (in addition to direct staff placement) is therefore used in many companies as an instrument for personnel recruitment and is sometimes even part of the recruitment strategy .

How long can temporary workers be leased out?

The regulations on this differ per country.

For example, according to the German Temporary Employment Act (AÜG), the maximum period for which a temporary worker can be leased out cannot exceed 18 months.

This means that temporary workers may be employed for a maximum of 1.5 years in one and the same (third-party) company.

If the maximum assignment period is exceeded, an employment contract between the third-party company and the temporary worker may automatically come into effect.

Temporary staffing is an important part of the labour market. This is because temp agencies cover a broad spectrum of workers with a wide range of skills and qualifications. Companies can find both unskilled workers and well-trained specialists.

Sometimes it happens that several team members in a company resign shortly after each other, take maternity leave, or leave for early retirement. Sometimes, a company can struggle with immediate staff shortages due to illness (e.g. Corona or flu).

Another reason can be that the company is scaling rapidly and the workload is causing overwork and burnout in the team… Long story short: There are many reasons that can cause an urgent need for personnel.

In such situations, a company needs new employees ASAP. However, searching via a job ad can take too much time. This is when HR managers can use temporary staffing to provide replacements at very short notice in order to defuse urgent situations and take the pressure off the team.

Of course, alternatively, you can use JOIN’s free recruitment software to attract talent faster and more efficiently.

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temp job assignment

Employers can expect other benefits, including short-term staffing options and a large talent pool. However, recruiters should be aware of a few drawbacks. We briefly outline both below.

Advantages of temporary staffing

  • Custom-fit recruiting: Instead of having to search for the right talent in the broad mass of job seekers , recruiters can specifically request the hard skills they’re looking for from the staffing firm and find suitable talent faster.
  • Significant cost savings in recruiting: A vacant position becomes more expensive the longer it remains unfilled. And the time spent on writing a job ad, applicant management, screening , and interviewing processes are also factors that can be shortened with staff leasing.
  • More flexibility in staff scheduling: For companies looking to compensate for sick or maternity leave, temporary workers are a great solution. They are available quickly and can leave with very short notice (generally between 2 and 14 days, depending on the length of employment) when their help is no longer needed.
  • Contributing to more diversity in the team: Temporary employment also contributes to integration. In fact, foreign professionals who experience problems finding work through the usual channels—for example, due to bad and unfair shortlisting practices—can often get a job through an agency more easily. Integrating them in the third-party company can contribute to the company’s diversity recruitment goals and provide valuable cultural add —that is, enriching the corporate culture with valuable skills—in the team.
  • No ancillary wage costs: In addition, companies only pay the gross remuneration and do not have to pay ancillary wage costs (i.e. social security contributions, holiday days, sick leave). The staffing agency deducts these (in addition to a service fee) before paying the net remuneration to the temporary worker.
  • Easy to calculate: Because companies only compensate the temporary worker for hours actually worked, it’s easier to keep track of the staff leasing budget and costs can be better planned and estimated.

Disadvantages of temporary employment

  • Qualified staffing agencies hard to find: There are many staffing agencies, but not everyone signed up with them is truly qualified for the job. Companies should therefore ideally find out in advance about other recruiters’ experiences with a temporary staffing agency.
  • “Equal Pay” after several months: In Germany, for example, temporary workers must be compensated at the same rate as the company’s permanent workforce after more than nine months of employment with the third-party company.
  • Calculation of deadlines is complicated and often unclear: It is particularly important to know and keep an eye on the deadlines for the deployment of temporary workers (e.g. when equal pay sets in or the maximum transfer period). This can sometimes be difficult and confusing.
  • Takeover is rarely seamless: If a company actively decides to hire temporary workers on a permanent basis, this rarely happens without a transitional phase. For example, the contract with the staffing service provider must first expire, or the temporary worker must give notice and wait for the notice period.

Are you looking for an alternative to temporary workers? Then hiring a trainee or freelancer could be a good solution for you.

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Find out for yourself how we help you attract, screen, and manage the best talent to grow your team.

Related terms

  • Talent acquisition

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The Pros and Cons of Temporary Work

By TERRA Staffing Group

Posted on May 13, 2021

Job seeker deciding whether to do temporary work

There are a lot varying opinions out there on whether or not temping is a good idea. Some people look down on temporary work, while others consider it to be a great solution and alternative to unemployment. And some even prefer temp work to long-term assignments!

But at the end of the day the only question that matters is this: Is temporary employment right for you? 

The only way to really know is to have a better picture of the benefits and drawbacks of temp jobs.

And we’re going to help you.

Here are some of the pros and cons of temporary work: 

Pros of temporary work: , temp jobs offer flexibility., you can learn new skills..

  • Temporary work can help you fill employment gaps. 

Temp jobs can lead to permanent employment.

Cons of temporary work: .

  • Temp jobs are short-term.
  • You may not always feel like part of the team. 

Temp work may not be exciting.

  • Temp jobs may offer lower pay. 

In order to help you make a decision, we will break down some of the advantages and disadvantages of temporary work below. 

Pros of Temporary Work

One of the great things about temporary work is that you can tailor jobs to fit your schedule. You can choose to work as many or as few hours as you want, depending on what your needs are.

It may be ideal for someone who wants to try out a job without making an extensive commitment, or someone looking to earn an income fast. 

In fact, one in five people cite schedule flexibility as a reason for choosing temporary employment.  

That’s because temp work allows you to be the one in control, not just of your schedule, but of what roles you decide to take on. And you have the freedom to try new things whenever you feel like moving on. 

Looking to start a career, change fields, or build upon your current skills? Temporary work can help you. 

Regardless of whether you do warehouse, production, clerical, or other types of work, you can add the skills you gain through temp employment to your resume. 

You might also get highly desirable, on-the-job training through short-term work. For instance, some temp jobs provide forklift or machine operation training. Two valuable skills that are prerequisite for many higher-paying positions. 

All of this can increase your value to potential employers. Hiring managers are always looking for people with a variety of skills. 

And if you are joining the workforce for the first time, temping can be a great way for you to gain necessary experience and build towards a long-term career.

Temporary work can help you fill employment gaps.

Some people are reluctant to take on temporary work, even when unemployed, thinking that temp work may not look “good” on their resume. 

But, in reality, temporary assignments are great for plugging the spaces between long-term roles. In fact, according to the American Staffing Association, 64% of temp employees work in temporary positions to fill in the gaps between jobs .

Not only will you be able to earn some money while you search for the right fit, it will make you look more favorable in the eyes of hiring managers. 

This is because employers can be reluctant to hire people with long periods of unemployment on their resume. For them, it can be reflective of a lack of commitment and dedication.

Showing a consistent work history will reassure hiring managers that you are responsible. And it may increase the likelihood of you getting contacted when applying to long-term jobs.

While a job may begin as a temporary role, it’s possible for it to turn into a permanent position. 

Short-term assignments give you a chance to get your foot in the door with a specific company or team. If you prove to be a reliable worker, hiring managers at that company will be more likely to consider you when an internal position opens up. 

After all, businesses would rather hire someone they know can do the work, than a new person they have to completely train. 

Besides, any temp job gives you an opportunity to build valuable connections with managers and permanent workers, who can then refer you for jobs, in and out of their company. 

Cons of Temporary Work

The jobs are short-term..

Most temporary assignments exist to support companies with immediate, short-term needs. 

For example, you may be supporting a business during their busy season, helping with a special project, or maybe even covering for someone on leave. 

These roles are not typically meant to be ongoing and usually range from a few days to a few weeks. While it is possible for them to last longer, if you are looking for a career home a temp job is not a sure bet. 

If you are considering temping long-term, you will have to be open to frequently looking for your next opportunity. Something to keep in mind if you are looking for something steady and secure. 

You may not always feel like part of the team.

Even though temporary workers do valuable work and play a big part in helping companies meet their business goals, they can sometimes feel isolated or separated from other employees. 

Coworkers might be less likely to build connections with you if they think you won’t be around long. Similarly, you may find yourself excluded from te am meetings or other activities, which could potentially lower your morale.

If the thought of this doesn’t sit right with you, a temp job might not be the best fit for you. But if you are comfortable working independently, and don’t need lots of external validation, it might still be a good option. 

Many temp jobs are not glamorous. As a matter of fact, many are monotonous, maybe even a little boring. 

Due to their short-term nature, temp jobs are usually simple and do not always offer much variety. Nor do they always allow for extensive training or higher-level tasks. 

You may be performing repetitive tasks or even really simple tasks throughout the day.

It’s also important to note that oftentimes, temporary employment is more industrial in nature. You could be working in a warehouse or on a production line. 

So, if you want excitement or a lot of variety in your workday, temp assignments may not be the way to go. But if you are primarily interested in making some money and the type of job you do doesn’t matter as much, it could turn out great for you.

Temp jobs may offer lower pay.

Because a majority of the temporary jobs are entry-level and short-term in nature, they don’t always pay as much as higher-skilled jobs.

That’s not to say that the pay for a temp assignment is not comparable to the same long-term role, but you won’t receive benefits and perks from the employer, meaning that your overall compensation will be lower. 

This might be a deal breaker for some. But if you’re looking to avoid the stress and strain of unemployment and need to pay the bills, temp jobs can be a great option. 

As you can see, temp jobs have lots of advantages, but they may not be right for everyone. It’s up to you to decide whether they are a good choice according to your needs.

Partnering with a Staffing Agency

If you’re considering temporary work, a staffing agency can be a great resource. Recruiters are knowledgeable, motivated and well-connected.

Many staffing firms work with companies across various industries. You will have access to lots of jobs, some that you may not even have thought about. With more options available, you’ll have more say in the types of jobs you take. 

Not to mention, if employed by a staffing agency, you may be eligible to receive health, dental and vision benefits that wouldn’t otherwise be available to you as a short-term worker.

What’s more, recruiters will be with you every step of the way. They will support your job search, prepare you for interviews, check in on you when you’re on a job, and help you find more work when your assignment ends. 

Want to learn more about short-term jobs and how staffing agencies can help you? 

Check out these great articles on our blog:

  • What’s the Difference Between a Staffing Agency and a Temp Agency
  • Three Ways a Staffing Agency Can Help You Change Careers
  • How to Increase Your Odds of Turning a Temp Assignment into a Career
  • 5 Great Reasons to Work with a Staffing Agency

How TERRA Can Be a Resource

Looking for employment and on the fence about taking on temporary assignments? T ry partnering with TERRA!

We specialize in temp, temp-to-hire, contract, and permanent staffing and have many employment opportunities available. 

With offices in the Seattle/Greater Puget Sound , Portland , Phoenix , and Denver metro areas, we can connect you to many employers currently hiring near you. 

To see some of the jobs we offer, check out our current job openings . And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, call us! New jobs become available daily. 

(Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2019 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy and comprehensiveness.)

Categories: Career Tips

Tags: career tips , pros and cons of temporary work , temporary work

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Top Benefits of Temporary Work

There are a number of great benefits for professionals to take on a short-term assignment.

There are a number of great benefits for professionals to take on a short-term assignment. Temporary job opportunities are a great way to fill gaps in your resume, build your network of connections, explore new professional opportunities, and put money in your pocket! You might also find your next full-time position with this strategic move.

Here are some of the top benefits of taking on a temporary assignment:


Are you thinking of making a career change? A temporary assignment offers you the unique opportunity to test out a career move before fully investing yourself and your time into a permanent position. If you’re committed to moving into a new industry or role, completing a temporary job assignment in a related field can help get your foot in the door. Companies look to hire candidates with similar industry experience because you can quickly make an impact once you join the team.


It often takes more than a month to find a permanent job opportunity. Temp work can help keep income coming in and fill in gaps on your resume as you search – providing additional experience in the process. It keeps you going, growing, and looking good to potential future employers. It’s also an opportunity to build valuable references for future positions.

If you’re early in your professional career, landing your dream role without a long CV can make it challenging to get your foot in the door. Taking on a temporary role not only provides networking and upskilling opportunities, but also helps build your professional portfolio and adds professional experiences to your resume.


Temporary positions often allow you to manage your work-life balance better than permanent ones. In between assignments, you’re able to spend time on your “side-hustle”, whether that’s your family, your Etsy business, Uber, or anything else. Depending on the type of position, there also may be limits on overtime so your work hours don’t encroach your personal time, and you’d be eligible for overtime pay that you wouldn’t otherwise have in a salaried position.


Not every temp job will be perfectly aligned with your skillset, and actually, that’s what makes temp work such a great opportunity for you. Not only can you continue to sharpen some of your current skills, but you can also pick up skills that may be brand new to you and learn new platforms you wouldn’t otherwise have exposure to. Research shows that every 4-5 years your skills become half as valuable. And for technology, it’s even less. By learning new skills and keeping your existing expertise up-to-date, you become the top candidate for future roles and an expert industry best practices.


You never know who you will meet while working on a contract job, who they know, and where they can potentially make introductions. Working a contract position only helps to expand your professional network. An estimated 85% of jobs are filled through networking . In addition to meeting valuable contacts, you have an opportunity to gain recommendations on LinkedIn to help build your portfolio of skills.


Staffing companies, like our team at LHH, are here to help guide you through each assignment you take. Our recruiters are trained to work with you to ensure that you’re working on the right assignment, with the right company, for the right compensation. You’ll receive benefits and a steady income, in addition to professional career guidance from your recruiter, all at no expense to you.

If you’re ready to explore short-term opportunities, we’d love to talk! Take a look at our open temp roles or reach out to discuss your goals with one of our talent recruiters.

temp job assignment

How to Make the Most of Your Temporary Job Assignment

Temporary job assignments have become increasingly popular in recent years. They offer workers the flexibility to take on short-term projects or fill in for staff on leave, while also providing companies with the skilled workers they need to meet their business goals. However, temporary assignments can be challenging if you're not prepared for the experience. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your temporary job assignment:

1. Understand your role

One of the most important things you can do when starting a temporary job assignment is to understand your role. Make sure you know what is expected of you and what your responsibilities are. Talk to your supervisor and ask questions about the project or tasks you'll be working on. This will help you feel more confident and productive in your job.

2. Be proactive

Temporary assignments can be short, and you may not have a lot of time to get up to speed. Being proactive and taking the initiative to learn as much as possible about the company and the project you're working on can help you succeed. Attend company meetings and events, and ask your supervisor or colleagues for feedback on your work.

Even if your temporary job assignment is short-term, it's important to build relationships with your colleagues and supervisors. You never know who you might meet or how they might be able to help you in the future. Be friendly, ask questions, and show interest in the work that others are doing. Networking can also help you learn about potential job opportunities in the future.

4. Be adaptable

Temporary job assignments can be unpredictable, and you may need to be adaptable in your work. Be open to changes in your work schedule or job duties, and be willing to learn new skills if necessary. Being adaptable can help you stand out as a valuable employee and make a positive impression on your supervisor.

5. Focus on your goals

While your temporary job assignment may be short-term, it's important to stay focused on your long-term career goals. Think about how this job can help you develop new skills or gain experience that will be valuable in the future. Communicate your career goals to your supervisor and ask for feedback on how you can achieve them.

6. Stay positive

Temporary job assignments can be challenging, but it's important to stay positive and focused. Try to maintain a positive attitude, even when things get tough. This will help you stay motivated and productive, and it will also make a positive impression on your colleagues and supervisors.

In conclusion, temporary job assignments can be a great way to gain valuable experience, build your skills, and make important professional connections. By following these tips, you can make the most of your temporary job assignment and set yourself up for future success.

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  • Ask Amanda: How Do I List...

Ask Amanda: How Do I List Temp Jobs on My Resume?

7 min read · Updated on October 20, 2021

Amanda Augustine

Knowing how to put temporary work on your resume can be the difference between landing the job and getting stuck in the resume black hole.

Each week, TopResume's career advice expert, Amanda Augustine, answers user questions like the one below from Quora and our Ask Amanda form. A certified professional career coach (CPCC) and resume writer (CPRW), Amanda has been helping professionals improve their careers for nearly 15 years. Have a question for Amanda? Submit it here .

Q: How can I make my temp jobs look good on a resume?

For the last 8 years, all of my jobs were temp or contract work through an employment agency. How do I put "achievements" on my resume when all my work looks like just a "do-er?" — Gayle

Knowing how to put temporary work on your resume — and make it look impressive to hiring managers — can be the difference between landing the job and getting stuck in the resume black hole . It may seem impossible to list your temporary jobs in a way that paints you as an “achiever” versus a “doer,” but there are things you can do with this work experience to demonstrate your value to a potential employer.

How to list your temp work on a resume

First, you'll need to decide whether it will serve you better to list each temp job as a separate gig within your work experience or to group them together. This is one of those judgment calls that a professional resume writer is especially good at helping his or her clients make.

How to list temp jobs on a resume: example 1

Generally speaking, if you only have a couple of short-term or contract positions throughout your work history, then you're better off listing each position in a separate entry. Be sure to include the word “temp,” “temporary,” or “contract” next to the job title to explain to the reader why your employment with that company was so short lived. In addition, this is one of those times where you're probably better off listing your start and end dates using both the month and the year. Whatever format you decide to use for the temp jobs on your resume, make sure you are consistent.


Medical Receptionist - Front Desk (Temp) | Mar 2018 - Jul 2018

Answered over…

Checked in…  

NORTH SHORE-LIJ MEDICAL GROUP, Islandia, NY and North Babylon, NY

Office Receptionist (Temp) | Sep 2017 - Feb 2018

Managed schedules for…

Helped to maintain records for…

How to list temp jobs on a resume: example 2

If, like Gayle, your employment history is dominated by temp and contract work, then your best bet is to group your temp jobs together. This works especially well if all your temporary positions were arranged through the same agency, if you held similar titles, or if you performed similar duties during each assignment.

When grouping multiple temp jobs on your resume, list the agency as your employer, write a blurb that explains the types of assignments you accepted during that time, and then include a list of bullets that call attention to tasks you performed that are most noteworthy or are best at demonstrating your qualifications. Depending on your situation, you may or may not choose to list each temporary contract agreement and your employment dates with that company in the bullets.

ROBERT HALF, New York, NY | 2015 - Present

Medical Receptionist - Front Desk (Temp)

Contracted by staffing agency Robert Half to work on a temporary basis as a receptionist for numerous medical facilities, including hospitals, physician private practices, and medical laboratories, throughout the greater New York City area. Performed diversified secretarial duties including, but not limited to: scheduling appointments, greeting and checking in patients, maintaining files and filing systems, and managing the inventory of office supplies.

Northwell Health Labs, New Hyde Park, NY (Mar 2018 - Jul 2018): Answered over 60 phone calls a day at one of the busiest medical labs on Long Island. Checked in 30-50 patients each day, often working with three or more people at any given time.

North Shore-LIJ Medical Group, Islandia, NY and North Babylon, NY (Sep 2017 - Feb 2018): Managed schedules for 10 OB/GYN physicians working out of two locations, often rearranging appointments at a moment's notice. Helped to maintain records for more than 1,200 patients and digitize vital medical information.

How to make your temp work look impressive

Show, don't tell.

When recruiters are evaluating candidates during the job search, they're looking for proof of relevant skills. After all, it's one thing to say you're a great multitasker or that you thrive in a fast-paced work environment, but it's another thing entirely to be able to back up these claims on your resume with work examples.

Once you've made a list of the soft and hard skills that are required to do the job you're seeking, take another look at each role you've held and identify where and how you've used these valuable skills to benefit your former employers.

Find the drama

For some professionals, such as those in sales or finance, it can be relatively easy to position yourself as an “achiever” versus a “doer” to hiring managers. Instead of listing responsibilities, these professionals should focus on sharing the results they've achieved for each employer while carrying out their responsibilities. Click on the following link for more information on how to position yourself as an “achiever” versus a “doer” on your resume .

If you're an entry-level worker or if much of your experience is temporary work, you'll need to get creative if you want to describe your seemingly boring temp job in a way that makes it interesting to hiring managers. In an article my friend, Danny Rubin, penned about how to make any job look remarkable , he advises job seekers to ask themselves the following questions:

How are/were my jobs dramatic?

What made them tense or stressful?

According to Rubin, every job has moments of stress or high emotion. Use those opportunities to demonstrate how you possess the skills required to do the job you're seeking. Your goal is to provide proof of your skills and describe it in a way that hiring managers will find interesting.

Consider which of these statements sounds better to you:

Managed schedules for 10 OB/GYN physicians working out of two locations, often rearranging appointments at a moment's notice.

Scheduled appointments for patients in a timely manner.

Recruiters think so too.

Quantify your temp experience

Every job on your resume will look more impressive when you are able to add numbers. If you're not in a position to talk about how your work led to more revenue, fewer costs, or an increase in customer satisfaction, use numbers to give hiring managers a better sense of the job you did and the environment in which you worked. This could include, but is not limited to, the number of:

Calls you answered or made on a given day.

People you supported, checked in, or fielded questions from.

Emails you replied to.

Product or product categories you helped restock on shelves.

You get the idea. Make a list of your job duties. Then, look for places where you can add numbers to provide a clearer picture of the work you did.

Find out if your resume is positioning you as a "doer" or an "achiever" with our free resume critique.

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Pros and Cons of Temporary Jobs: A Complete Guide.

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Temporary jobs have become increasingly popular in today’s economy, offering both flexibility and opportunity. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the pros and cons of temporary jobs.

Temporary jobs are positions that are contracted for a specific length of time, including seasonal, project-based, or short-term assignments. These jobs may be full-time or part-time, and they typically offer a variety of benefits and drawbacks.

Brief history of temporary jobs

The history of temporary jobs dates back to the early 1900s when staffing agencies began to emerge. During World War II, the government relied heavily on temporary workers to meet the increased demand for manufacturing and other essential services. Since then, the temporary job market has grown significantly, with many companies opting to hire contract or freelance workers instead of traditional employees.

Importance of temporary jobs in today’s economy

Temporary jobs have become increasingly important in today’s economy for several reasons. These positions offer flexibility for workers who may desire a work-life balance, need to supplement their income, or are in between permanent jobs. Additionally, businesses are increasingly turning to temporary workers to fill positions quickly, especially during peak seasons or periods of high demand.

Advantages of Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs are becoming increasingly popular among job seekers due to the many advantages they offer. Not only do temporary jobs provide a flexible work schedule, but they also offer opportunities for gaining new skills, networking, and higher pay rates. In this section, we will discuss these benefits in more detail.

A. Flexibility

One of the most significant advantages of temporary jobs is the flexibility they provide. Temporary workers can often choose their own schedules, making it easier to manage other obligations or responsibilities. If you are a student, a caregiver, or someone looking for extra income, temporary jobs can be an excellent way to earn money without sacrificing your other commitments.

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B. Opportunities for Gaining New Skills

Temporary jobs are an excellent way to gain new skills and experience. Employers often seek out temporary workers for specialized projects or one-time assignments, which can provide unique opportunities to learn and grow. These jobs can help you build your resume, gain experience in new industries, and develop new skills that you can use in your future career.

C. Networking Opportunities

Temporary jobs can be an excellent way to expand your professional network. Often, temporary workers are brought on as additional support during busy seasons or projects, which means they have more opportunities to work with a diverse group of people. This can be especially valuable for individuals who are starting their careers and looking to build connections in their industry.

D. Higher Pay Rates

Temporary jobs can also offer higher pay rates than traditional full-time positions. Employers often offer temporary workers higher salaries or hourly rates to compensate for the lack of job security or benefits. Temporary workers can use this additional income to help pay off debt, save for future expenses, or enjoy more flexibility in their personal lives.

Temporary jobs offer many advantages to job seekers looking for flexibility, diverse experiences, professional connections, and increased pay rates. However, it’s essential to consider the potential downsides of temporary work, including job uncertainty, lack of benefits, and limited opportunities for advancement. By carefully weighing the pros and cons, you can determine if temporary work is the right choice for you.

Disadvantages of Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs offer many benefits to both employers and employees. However, as with any type of employment, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered. In this section, we will discuss the most significant disadvantages of temporary jobs.

A. Lack of job security

One of the most significant disadvantages of temporary jobs is the lack of job security they provide. Temporary employees are often hired for short-term projects or to help cover busy periods, which means that they may not have a job once the project is complete or the busy period subsides.

This lack of job security can be especially challenging for those who rely on a steady income to pay bills or support their families. Temporary employees may find themselves constantly searching for new job opportunities, which can be stressful and time-consuming.

B. Limited benefits

Another disadvantage of temporary jobs is the limited benefits they offer. Temporary employees may not have access to the same benefits as full-time employees, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.

This lack of benefits can make it challenging for temporary employees to manage their finances and plan for the future. Additionally, they may not have access to the same support system as full-time employees, which can be especially challenging in times of need.

C. Uncertainty about future employment

Temporary employees may also experience uncertainty about future employment. Because they are often hired for short-term projects, they may not know when their current job will end or if they will be offered future opportunities with their current employer.

This uncertainty can make it challenging for temporary employees to plan for the future and can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.

D. Less job satisfaction

Lastly, temporary employees may experience less job satisfaction than their full-time counterparts. Because they are often hired for short-term projects or to cover gaps in staffing, they may not have the same level of investment in their work as full-time employees.

temp job assignment

Temporary employees may feel disconnected from their work and their colleagues, which can lead to a lack of job satisfaction and motivation.

While temporary jobs offer many benefits, including flexibility and the ability to gain experience in different industries, they also present some significant disadvantages. These include a lack of job security, limited benefits, uncertainty about future employment, and less job satisfaction. It’s essential to consider these factors when deciding whether a temporary job is the right fit for you.

Types of Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs come in different forms, each with unique characteristics and requirements. Here are the most common types of temporary employment:

A. Seasonal Jobs

Seasonal jobs refer to work opportunities that are available only during specific times of the year. Examples of seasonal jobs include holiday gift wrapper, park ranger, lifeguard, and tax preparer. These types of jobs are ideal for students or individuals who need to supplement their income during an off-peak season. But, it also means that there may be periods of unemployment or underemployment.

B. Contract Jobs

Contract jobs are temporary positions that have a specific starting date and end date, often for a specific project or task. Contract jobs are more common in industries such as engineering, consulting, and information technology. These types of jobs often offer higher pay rates and more flexibility in terms of work hours, location, and work content. However, contract workers are not eligible for benefits, and may have a harder time finding new contracts after their current one ends.

C. Freelance Jobs

Freelance jobs are short-term or project-based work opportunities that allow individuals to work as independent contractors. Freelance jobs can range from writing, graphic design, copywriting, and web development, in addition to other service lines. Freelancers usually have more control over their schedules, rates and work content. However, they are responsible for their own taxes, health insurance, and other benefits.

D. Part-time Jobs

Part-time jobs are temporary jobs that offer fewer hours of work than full-time jobs in the same position. Part-time jobs have become increasingly popular in retail, healthcare, and hospitality industries. Part-time work can provide flexibility in work hours and more time for other activities outside of work. However, there are generally fewer benefits available for part-time employees.

Temporary Jobs vs Permanent Jobs

When it comes to employment, there are two main options to choose from: temporary jobs and permanent jobs. Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

A. Overview of Differences

Temporary jobs, also known as contract or freelance work, are positions that typically have a set end date or are based on a project’s completion. The employee is employed by a staffing agency or directly by the company and is paid by the hour, week or month. On the other hand, permanent jobs are positions that are indefinite and offer more job security.

B. Pros and Cons of each type

Temporary jobs.

  • Flexibility: Temporary jobs offer more flexibility, as you can pick which projects or contracts to work on and when to take breaks in between.
  • Variety: Temporary jobs provide the opportunity to work in multiple industries or projects, which can broaden your skillset and resume.
  • Higher pay: Temporary jobs often pay more because there are fewer benefits involved.
  • Lack of Job Security: Temporary jobs do not provide the same level of job security as permanent jobs.
  • No employer benefits: Temporary jobs typically do not offer benefits such as health insurance, sick leave or 401(k).
  • Inconsistent workload: Temporary jobs sometimes have a fluctuating workload, which could lead to financial instability.

Permanent Jobs

  • Job Stability: Permanent jobs provide job security and a consistent workload.
  • Benefits: Permanent jobs offer employer benefits such as health insurance, vacation days, and retirement benefits.
  • Opportunities for career growth: Permanent jobs provide opportunities to grow and build a career within the company.
  • Less flexibility: Permanent jobs are less flexible in terms of work hours and projects.
  • Limited industry experience: Permanent jobs within one specific company may limit your exposure to different industries.
  • Lower pay: Permanent jobs typically have a lower hourly or contract rate compared to temporary jobs.

C. When to Choose Temporary Jobs and When to Choose Permanent Jobs

Deciding whether to take a temporary job or permanent job depends on the individual’s goals and priorities.

Choose a temporary job if:

  • You are looking for higher paying job opportunities
  • You value flexibility and variety in your projects
  • You are not concerned with job stability in the long-term

Choose a permanent job if:

  • You value job stability and predictability
  • You want employer benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans
  • You are looking for opportunities for career growth within a company

Both temporary jobs and permanent jobs offer unique advantages that are worth considering. It’s important to carefully assess one’s own situation and goals before making a decision.

Finding Temporary Jobs

There are several ways to find temporary job opportunities, and each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

A. Traditional Job Search Methods

  • One of the oldest and most established methods of job hunting.
  • Can help you discover job openings that may not be advertised online.
  • In-person interaction may give you the edge over other candidates.
  • Limited access to job postings.
  • Time-consuming to visit potential employers in person.
  • May require transportation costs.

B. Online Job Search Methods

  • Access to a wide range of job postings.
  • Easy to search and apply for jobs.
  • Allows you to apply to multiple job openings at once.
  • Can be difficult to stand out from other applicants.
  • Limited interaction with potential employers.
  • May require time to sift through irrelevant job postings.

C. Recruitment Agencies

  • Recruiting specialists who can offer personalized placement assistance.
  • May have access to unadvertised job openings.
  • Many agencies will handle the administrative side of employment, such as payroll and taxes.
  • Agencies may focus more on filling their own company needs versus finding you the right job.
  • Some agencies require an upfront fee.
  • Not all agencies specialize in all industries.

D. Networking

  • Personal referrals can give you an inside edge over other candidates.
  • Connections with industry professionals can open up job opportunities.
  • Can help you discover unadvertised job openings.
  • Requires a lot of effort to build a strong professional network.
  • May require attending events or joining industry associations to make connections.
  • Connections may not always have leads on job opportunities.

There are several ways to find temporary job opportunities, and each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to consider each option and determine which one is best suited for your needs and job search goals.

Applying for Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs can be a great way to gain work experience, earn money, and explore different industries. However, before you begin your job search, it’s important to prepare your resume and cover letter, as well as brush up on your interviewing skills. In this section, we’ll cover:

A. Preparing your resume and cover letter

  • Tailor your resume  to the specific job and industry. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that show you are a good fit for the temporary position.
  • Include keywords  that match the job description to increase your chances of getting past the initial screening process.
  • Be clear and concise  in presenting information about your background, education, work experiences, and other relevant details.
  • Proofread  your resume and cover letter thoroughly for grammar and spelling errors, and format them in a professional-looking manner.

B. Interviewing tips

  • Do your research  on the company and the job before the interview. Look at their website, mission statement, and other relevant information.
  • Dress appropriately  for the interview. Dress professionally in business attire or in clothes that fit the company’s dress code.
  • Arrive early  for the interview. This will give you enough time to adjust to the environment, fill out any necessary paperwork, and calm your nerves.
  • Make eye contact  and be engaged during the interview. This shows you are interested in the position and the company.
  • Be prepared to ask questions  about the company, the job, and your potential role.

C. Common temporary job interview questions

  • Why are you interested in a temporary position?
  • What relevant experience do you have for this temporary job?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are your long-term career goals and how does this temporary position fit into them?
  • Can you work flexible hours and handle changing job requirements?
  • How do you handle difficult or stressful situations in the workplace?
  • What motivates you to do your best work?

By following these tips and familiarizing yourself with common temporary job interview questions, you will be in a better position to succeed in your job search. Remember, temporary jobs have their pros and cons, but with the right preparation, you can use them to your advantage and advance your career.

Negotiating Pay and Benefits for Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs may offer flexibility and experience, but negotiating pay and benefits is essential to ensure you are being compensated fairly. Here are some tips to help you negotiate pay and benefits for temporary jobs:

A. Understanding the market rates

Before negotiating pay and benefits, it’s important to research the current market rates for your role and industry. This will help you understand what you should be earning and what benefits you should be receiving. You can use online resources such as salary comparison websites, job boards, or speak with recruiters to get an idea of the current rates.

B. Negotiation techniques

When negotiating pay and benefits for temporary jobs, it’s essential to be clear on your expectations and what you can bring to the role. Here are some tips:

  • Start by respectfully asking for what you think you are worth, but remain flexible.
  • Highlight relevant experience and skills that you can bring to the position.
  • Be confident and assertive but avoid being aggressive or confrontational.
  • Consider non-monetary compensation such as vacation days or flexible work hours.

C. Common benefits offered in temporary jobs

Temporary jobs may not offer the same benefits as permanent positions, but there are some common benefits to look out for:

  • Health and dental insurance: Some temporary positions may offer health and/or dental insurance as a benefit.
  • Retirement plans: Some companies may offer a 401k or other retirement plan.
  • Paid time off: Some temporary positions may offer vacation days or sick leave.
  • Flexible work hours: Certain temporary positions may allow for flexible work hours which can be beneficial for those who need to balance work with other responsibilities.

Negotiating pay and benefits for temporary jobs is important to ensure you are being fairly compensated. Researching market rates, utilizing negotiation techniques, and being aware of common benefits offered can help you secure the best possible compensation package.

Making the most of Temporary Jobs

Temporary jobs can be an excellent way to gain valuable experience, earn some money, and even transition to a permanent position. In this section, we will cover three essential aspects of making the most of temporary jobs: impressing your employer, adapting to new environments, and using your temporary job to transition to a permanent position.

A. How to impress your employer

Impressing your employer is essential if you want to maximize your temporary job’s benefits. Here are some tips to help you make a great impression:

  • Be punctual: Always arrive on time or, even better, a little early.
  • Be professional: Dress appropriately for the job and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Be proactive: Take the initiative to learn new things and ask questions.
  • Be productive: Do your job to the best of your ability and take pride in your work.
  • Be a team player: Work well with others and be willing to help out when needed.

By following these tips, you can show your employer that you are a responsible and valuable asset to their team.

B. Tips for adapting to new environments

Temporary jobs often require you to adapt to new environments quickly. Here are some tips to help you adjust:

  • Be open-minded: Be willing to learn new things and try new approaches.
  • Be observant: Pay attention to how things are done and what is expected of you.
  • Be flexible: Be willing to adjust to changes in the work environment.
  • Be social: Make an effort to meet and interact with your co-workers.

Adapting to a new environment can be challenging, but by taking an open and flexible approach, you can quickly become an integral part of the team.

C. How to use your temporary job to transition to a permanent position

One of the most significant advantages of temporary jobs is the potential for transitioning to a permanent position. Here are some steps you can take to increase your chances of landing a full-time job:

  • Be reliable: Show up on time, do your job well, and be dependable.
  • Be positive: Maintain a positive attitude and be a team player.
  • Be proactive: Look for ways to go above and beyond your job duties.
  • Be forward-thinking: Express your interest in a permanent position and ask about any opportunities for advancement.

By showing a genuine interest in the company and taking an active approach to your job, you can position yourself as a valuable candidate for a permanent position.

Making the most of temporary jobs requires you to impress your employer, adapt to new environments, and take steps to transition to a permanent position. By following these tips, you can turn your temporary job into a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth.

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Temporary staffing versus gig work: fundamental differences.

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By Novo Constare, CEO and Co-Founder, Indeed Flex .

In the modern world of digital staffing, the terms temp worker and gig worker seem, at times, to be interchangeable. This is especially true as both types of workers predominantly focus their job-seeking efforts on mobile platforms, giving them greater control over their work schedule.

And yet, there’s a marked difference between these two types of work, and what they mean to individual workers, hence the two terms needing to exist. I think it’s important to make this distinction. It’s been projected that 86.5 million people will be working a gig or temporary job in the U.S. alone by 2027, so we need to understand this market better.

At my company, we offer assignments to workers as short as two hours or as long as several months, consisting of multiple shifts. We even offer temp-to-perm positions in many instances. These assignments are offered by us as an employer, whereas gig workers are largely self-employed contractors or freelancers.

Based on these experiences and others as the head of a temporary staffing solutions provider, here are some of my insights on the distinction between gig work and temp work.

Gig Work Versus Temp Work

Gig work is usually measured in units—such as one delivery, one ride or the assembly of some flat-pack furniture. Temp work, by comparison, is more about the composition of shifts: From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., for example.

Taxes And Benefits

With gig work, individuals have to file their own taxes and sort out their own pensions; the amount of work available can be somewhat inconsistent, although platforms like Uber do offer greater consistency. It’s worth mentioning that gig work offers a lot more flexibility, too. With temp work, individuals work for an employer, who sees that they pay the correct tax, sets up a pension scheme for them and offers other benefits besides this.

Another fundamental difference between temp workers and gig workers is the benefits they often receive. In short, gig workers don’t have the same statutory rights, as they’re effectively self-employed. This means that things like a pension, private medical insurance, and even paid time off aren’t always guaranteed. Temp workers, on the other hand, do have statutory employment rights, and, more often than not, access to additional benefits.

Employee Rights And Legal Considerations

When it comes to employee rights there are some stark differences too. While most gig workers usually get some form of minimum wage, it’s not universally guaranteed, and there are ongoing legal disputes around this. In addition to this, they’re not guaranteed pay for sick leave or holiday, although, in a landmark court case , Uber drivers successfully argued that they were employees of the company and were entitled to such rights.

Temp workers, on the other hand, are guaranteed a minimum wage and accrue a certain amount of paid time off, based on the length of their assignment.

Advantages And Flexibility Of Gig Work

But ultimately, despite certain drawbacks, gig work does come with a number of benefits. You can work on many different projects with many different clients/companies in a short space of time, learning new skills much more quickly than you would in a traditional job.

This also means you can build up a bank of word-of-mouth recommendations very quickly to help land new gigs. And then there’s the "be your own boss" mentality since you have control over the work you choose to take on and can set your pay rates.

In fact, potentially, your earnings are uncapped. In line with being your own boss, gig work can often be done online, at home or at any location of your choosing with no need to be on-site with an employer. This allows for a certain degree of freedom and also avoids the transport costs that come with some jobs.

Yet, gig work comes with risks, and a lack of certain rights and benefits. But I find this is often evened out by the freedom, control and higher earning potential. The appetite for gig work is certainly growing with gig workers making up an estimated 12% of the global workforce , according to the World Bank. And it’s becoming increasingly popular with younger generations, with 52% of Gen Z workers and 44% of millennial workers in the U.S. taking on freelance work in 2023.

The Structure And Stability Of Temp Work

Temp work, by comparison, is more structured, often offers additional benefits from the employer, certain employees rights, by law and consistency. But doesn’t offer quite the same level of freedom as gig work, and, of course, earnings are set by the employer, not the individual.

It does, however, cover an incredibly broad range of industries. For example, at my company alone, we cover the retail, hospitality, light industrial, facilities management and healthcare sectors. In the wider temp jobs market, work is available in admin and office roles, construction, IT, sales and marketing, education, creative sectors, accounting and finance, legal services, HR and even government departments.

The Future Of Flexible Work

The required skill sets vary greatly depending on the role. But, as time goes on, and the lines blur between the rights of gig workers and temp workers, and legislation evolves for both of them, don’t be surprised if the two marketplaces begin to blend into one another, and we end up with just one overall concept: Flexible work.

Either way, whether you are utilizing gig workers or temp workers, it's important that you put people first. In doing this, you can create workers who—with that safety net of certain rights, hours, pay and benefits—are also committed, reliable, diligent and hard-working.

As an employer, the burden of the cost of providing pensions, healthcare, holiday pay and other benefits doesn’t have to fall on you; you simply have to provide the work. Both gig work and temp work are seen as the preferred option by many, otherwise, the two things wouldn’t exist. It pays to know the difference between the two, how it affects individual workers and how it affects you as an employer.

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Producer; International Projects (Project Hire/Temporary Assignment)

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"I didn't think it was possible that something I did for fun - telling sports stories through stats - could become my job until I came here."

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Job Summary:

About the role & team.

Through innovative storytelling and a culture of collaboration, Disney Live Entertainment creates, produces, and delivers remarkable and engaging entertainment experiences. From the intimate to the spectacular, our work can be seen at Disney theme parks, resort hotels, cruise ships and other locations the world over! This diverse team – representing a wide variety of disciplines and talents from technical directors, writers and lighting designers to choreographers, cosmetologists, and music producers – brings magical worlds to life through technical expertise, performance excellence, incomparable resourcefulness, unparalleled spectacle… and a dash of pixie dust.

The Producer-International Projects , oversees and drives the production process, financial management, design implementation, client interface, and overall delivery of live entertainment production for Disney's International Parks and Resorts. In this role, the Producer leads international and domestic project teams in development and execution of creative intent and will be accountable for, but not limited to: project goals and milestones, status reports, risk assessment, and overall financial targets and client satisfaction. The Producer is the champion in delivering all project objectives while adhering to company/departmental standards and policies.

You will report to the Executive Producer.

This is a Project Hire role with no guarantee of permanent placement.

What You Will Do

  • Responsible for leading the team through all aspects of the show life cycle – concept feasibility, development, design, production, opening, closeout, and sustainment of assignment projects
  • Participate in and lead production teams to develop new Disney Live Entertainment projects, specifically for our International Parks and Resorts, and Glendale, CA teams
  • Work and lead the project teams to deliver in a high volume, fast paced, quick turnaround environment
  • Understand the big picture, know the collaborators, including multi-cultural stakeholders , leverage partnerships, and effectively deliver and integrate new live entertainment experiences into our International Parks and Resorts
  • Invest in the development of Cast Members and prepare them for future opportunities
  • Lead a team through the financial process and having a level of confidence in project financials
  • Partners closely with the show director, always looking for ways to support creative vision, innovation, and immersive storytelling with a focus on eliminating barriers for the entire team
  • Negotiate contracts and make creative/design compromises where vital
  • Provide concise and clear direction to the team and communicate project concepts and key information to all levels of leadership, always mindful of company-wide efficiency efforts and targets
  • Provide leadership, mentorship, and Cast Member support to Production Managers, Production Assistants, Guest Experience Managers, and other production team members on assigned projects
  • Champion for safety, environmental stewardship, inclusion, and other corporate initiatives, ultimately improving the Guest/Cast Experience and driving business results

Required Qualifications & Skills

  • Strong leadership, mentoring, and coaching skills
  • Minimum 8 years of experience in strong, diversified team leadership in entertainment show production, live event production, and/or technical disciplines
  • Proven track record building and working in a team environment with a focus on partnership and inclusiveness
  • Core knowledge and experience with theatrical technologies, i.e. Lighting, Special Effects, Pyrotechnics, Audio, Projection, Set Design, and Construction
  • Comfortable communicating with multiple partners at various levels, including site, domestic, and global executives
  • Ability to negotiate, coordinate, and provide direction as well as complete multiple tasks in a timely manner
  • Strong interpersonal relationship skills with the ability to lead conflict resolution and confirmed experience in team building and cross-functional collaboration
  • Strong business knowledge of budgets and schedules
  • Available and willing to work weekends, holidays, and third shift, as needed
  • Willing to try new things and adjust as needed to the desired outcome
  • Willingness to travel on various domestic and international assignments as needed, for extended periods of time

Preferred Qualifications

  • Knowledge of Entertainment Production and Operations in a professional theatrical, theme park, or cruise line environment.
  • Fluency in any other language is a plus (Mandarin, French, Japanese, Spanish, etc.)
  • High school diploma or equivalent experience in entertainment production or related field required. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in entertainment production or related field preferred.

Additional Information

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About Walt Disney Imagineering:

Founded in 1952 as WED Enterprises to design and build the world’s first theme park — Disneyland — Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) is where imagination and creativity combine with cutting-edge technology to create unforgettable experiences. WDI is the creative force that imagines, designs and builds all Disney theme parks, resorts, attractions and cruise ships worldwide. Imagineering’s unique strength comes from its diverse global team of creative and technical professionals, who build on Disney’s legacy of storytelling to pioneer new forms of entertainment. The Imagineers who practice this unique blend of art and science work in more than 100 disciplines to shepherd an idea all the way from “blue sky” concept phase to opening day.

About The Walt Disney Company:

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise that includes three core business segments: Disney Entertainment, ESPN, and Disney Experiences. From humble beginnings as a cartoon studio in the 1920s to its preeminent name in the entertainment industry today, Disney proudly continues its legacy of creating world-class stories and experiences for every member of the family. Disney’s stories, characters and experiences reach consumers and guests from every corner of the globe. With operations in more than 40 countries, our employees and cast members work together to create entertainment experiences that are both universally and locally cherished.

This position is with Disney Entertainment Productions, which is part of a business we call Walt Disney Imagineering.

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41 Temporary Jobs That Offer Great Short-Term Opportunities

By Publisher | Last Updated January 3, 2022

Think temporary jobs are limited to receptionists and office clerks? Think again. Many people don't realize it, but fixed-term positions are available across a huge swath of industries, from manufacturing and accounting to information technology and healthcare. Whatever your skill set, you have plenty of options.

And temporary careers are becoming increasingly common in the American workplace. Roughly 20 percent of U.S. workers are on temporary contracts. And the temporary services industry is expected to grow by 8.5 percent between 2019 and 2025.

Many people get fixated on landing a permanent position, but temporary jobs offer advantages that should not be overlooked. Whether you're seeking a side gig to supplement your income, a flexible schedule, a way to develop new skills and fill out your resume, or even a bridge to permanent employment, short-term contract work can be the way to go.

The information below can help you understand how temporary jobs work and why you may want to consider this type of position. You can also explore our extensive list of seasonal careers, contract jobs, and temporary positions in an array of different occupational sectors.

  • How do temporary jobs work?
  • 6 reasons to consider temporary work
  • Temporary summer jobs
  • Winter seasonal jobs

More temporary jobs in:

  • Business and administration
  • Information technology
  • Health care
  • Construction and manufacturing
  • Shipping and transportation
  • Communications

Salaries are current as of July 23, 2020 and are based on estimates from the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics program unless indicated as being from (1) SnowSkool , (2) PayScale , or (3) JobMonkey .

Job growth data, where included, is for the decade between 2018 and 2028 and is based on employment projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

How Do Temporary Jobs Work?

Having a temporary job means you are hired for a defined period of time. A temporary job can be anywhere from a few hours to a few years long, but it has a specific fixed term. A temporary contract of employment is an agreement between the worker and the employer that specifies the length of employment, the duties expected of the worker, and the compensation to be paid by the employer.

Many companies look for temporary employees to help out during seasonal spikes in demand. For instance, retailers will take on extra staff during the holiday shopping season, and accounting firms will bring on additional workers during the spring tax season. There are also season-specific temporary jobs, such as ski instructor or landscaping worker.

Temporary or contract workers are also sought when regular employees go on extended leaves or when companies need specialized expertise for short-term projects. (Some temporary workers refer to themselves as contractors, consultants, or freelancers.)

You can find temporary work through online postings or through word of mouth within your network of contacts. Many people find jobs through staffing agencies, which interview and screen candidates in order to match them with available job openings. Some agencies specialize in particular industries, such as office administration, healthcare, manual labor, or information technology.

If you work with an agency, you are placed with various companies that pay the agency a set amount per hour for your services. You are paid by the agency, not by the company you actually do the work for. It's important to note that as a temporary employee, you do not generally get benefits, though some temporary services agencies do offer health insurance or other perks to their workers.

Some positions are advertised as temp-to-perm, meaning you start out as a temporary employee so that you and the employer can assess how good of a fit you are for each other. In some cases, these temporary positions can turn into long-term permanent jobs.

6 Reasons to Consider Temporary Work

Close-up of a woman's hand using a smartphone to make a contactless payment at a store checkout counter with colorful shopping bags and POS terminal in the background.

1. It can be a good career builder.

You can get your foot in the door, expand your network of contacts, and start establishing a solid reputation. Temp jobs are also a great way to develop new skills and set yourself up for the job you really want.

2. It lets you test drive a career field.

You can get a taste of what it would be like to focus on that particular career (or that particular employer) without being committed for the long haul. Temporary jobs also let you easily switch gears and experience a variety of different projects and workplaces.

3. It gives you a source of income.

You can use a temporary job as a side gig to make some extra cash, as a stop-gap measure to support yourself while you look for your dream job, or as a stepping stone to another short-term opportunity. In any case, it's money in your pocket.

4. It can add to your resume.

The experience you get from temp work can fill in what might otherwise be large gaps in your work history. And since companies don't have to invest as much in temporary workers, these kinds of jobs can be easier to get, especially if you're just starting out.

5. It lets you control your schedule.

Temp work doesn't have to dominate your life. You can choose the projects and work hours that are most convenient for you. You can take a break between gigs to travel or focus on personal issues without having to worry about arranging for someone else to cover your job duties.

6. It could lead to a permanent job.

Plenty of companies want to "try before they buy." If you can prove that you're an asset to the business, the company may decide to offer you a permanent position.

Temporary Summer Jobs

Female lifeguard with rescue tube standing by outdoor swimming pool with children playing in water in the background

1. Festival organizer

Summer is a prime time for music festivals, food fairs, sports tournaments, and other special events, all of which require organizers to hire performers, plan activities, book venues, and manage budgets. These workers also deal with any issues that arise and make sure that attendees receive the best possible experience. Your scope of responsibilities can vary depending on how large or complex the event is.

  • Median hourly wage: $24.33 for event planners

2. Forestry technician

How would you like to work deep in the woods and have a positive impact on the natural environment? The U.S. Forest Service hires seasonal forestry technicians to track rainfall, collect information on tree conditions, thin out timber stands, and keep watch for forest fires. These technicians generally work under the supervision of foresters or forest managers.

  • Median hourly wage: $21.87

3. Landscaping or groundskeeping worker

Maintaining the green spaces around homes, public buildings, athletic fields, and parks can only be done in the warmer months. Landscaping and groundskeeping workers do anything from laying sod and installing sprinklers to planting flowers and mowing lawns. Horticulture training can serve you well in this field. In many regions, workers who apply fertilizers and pesticides must be licensed.

  • Median hourly wage: $14.63

4. Farm laborer

Lots of farms need seasonal workers to help plant, irrigate, and harvest fruit, vegetable, and grain crops over the summer months. Farm laborers might also pick weeds, apply fertilizers, repair fences, or maintain equipment. Some work on small family farms, while others focus on large corporate agricultural operations.

  • Median hourly wage: $12.23

5. Lifeguard

At pools, water parks, and public beaches, lifeguards keep a watchful eye to make sure people stay safe in the water. They stay alert for hazards like dangerous undertows and ensure that all swimmers obey the safety rules. Many lifeguards are also responsible for teaching swimming classes and adding chemicals to pool water as necessary.

  • Median hourly wage: $11.26

6. Resort staff

Seasonal resorts around the country need all kinds of hospitality staff over the summer, including servers, bartenders, housekeepers, and front desk clerks. Many resorts also include accommodation or meals as part of the employment deal. The most desirable positions tend to fill up early, so make sure to start your research well in advance of the summer season.

  • Median hourly wage: $10 to $12 2

7. Camp counselor

Do you enjoy helping kids discover and appreciate the great outdoors? Camp counselors lead groups of children in activities like nature hikes, water sports, arts and crafts, and campfire sing-alongs. This is one of those temporary careers that can let you have fun outside and get paid for it. There are no formal educational requirements, but first aid training can come in handy.

  • Median hourly wage: $9.82 2

Winter Seasonal Jobs

Woman standing behind the counter in a boutique shop with a laptop and assorted fashion items.

1. Snow plow driver

Without the efforts of snow plow drivers, winter roads would remain icy and impassable. These workers operate trucks with an attached plow to clear snow off highways and city streets. They are on call whenever a storm is approaching and frequently work through the night to make sure that traffic can flow easily the next morning.

  • Median hourly wage: $19.58 for all highway maintenance workers

2. Ski instructor

Do you dream of heading for the hills every winter? Ski instructors spend their workdays showing beginners how to glide down the mountain and helping experienced skiers navigate jumps and moguls. You can expect to work mostly with kids, but some instructors also teach adults. Many find that their hourly wages get topped up with tips.

  • Average earnings: $15 to $20 an hour 1

3. Seasonal retail visual merchandiser

Creating beautiful and compelling commercial displays for malls and store windows becomes especially important in the holiday shopping season, when many retailers earn the bulk of their revenue. That's why visual merchandisers often find temporary opportunities during the winter. Training in art or merchandising can be helpful.

  • Median hourly wage: $14.16

4. Gift wrapper

The end-of-year shopping rush also brings demand for gift wrappers to add the perfect finishing touch to holiday presents. Malls and department stores look for people who know how to use papers, ribbons, and bows to wrap items of any size or shape. Many gift wrappers receive an hourly wage, though some are paid on a per-present basis.

  • Median hourly wage: $12.46 for all hand packers and packagers

5. Retail salesperson

Many seasonal positions are for retail salespeople, who might sell anything from clothing and books to jewelry and electronics. These workers answer customer questions and process payments. Good people skills are important in this line of work.

  • Median hourly wage: $12.14

6. Delivery driver helper

Companies like FedEx and UPS often take on additional staff in November and December to help cope with a huge increase in deliveries. Driver helpers don't actually operate the vehicle; they ride along with the driver, unload packages, and deliver them to people's doorsteps. You need good customer service skills for this job.

  • Median hourly wage: $11.66 2

7. Santa Claus

Do you want to add a little holiday magic to the lives of small children? Donning the red suit and having little ones sit in your lap while they tell you what they'd like for Christmas can be a great way to make some extra cash. You need to be jolly, patient, and creative. (You never know what kids will ask!) Santas have pretty good temporary jobs—earnings can vary widely, but some make $8,000 or more in a single season.

  • Average pay: About $10 an hour, though some can make several thousand dollars in a season 3

Temporary Jobs in Business and Administration

Young woman in white shirt smiling at camera while working on laptop in office setting with shelves of books in the background.

1. Management analyst

Also known as management consultants, these professionals are in charge of examining how a company operates and coming up with ways to make those operations more efficient and more profitable. They interview staff, analyze financial data, and recommend changes as necessary. Many companies look for management analysts who have an MBA.

  • Median hourly wage: $40.99

2. Emergency management specialist

When natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes hit, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) calls on a whole host of temporary workers to help support recovery efforts. Emergency management specialists coordinate public assistance programs and help people get the information and resources they need to get their lives back on track.

  • Median hourly wage: $35.86 for all emergency management directors

3. Accountant

Many financial firms bring on additional temporary accountants in the spring to help cope with the demands of income tax season. Accountants are responsible for calculating taxes, preparing returns, and providing tax-related advice to the general public. Becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) can boost your job prospects.

  • Median hourly wage: $34.40

4. Human resources specialist

Recruiting, interviewing, and orienting workers is the job of human resources specialists. These professionals identify an organization's employment needs, conduct background checks on applicants, and answer candidates' questions about policies.

  • Median hourly wage: $29.77

5. Administrative assistant

It's common for administrative assistants to take temporary assignments through placement agencies. These workers answer phones, schedule appointments, prepare documents, and perform a range of other clerical tasks that keep an office running smoothly. You need top-notch communication and organizational skills to succeed in this job.

  • Median hourly wage: $18.12

6. Data entry clerk

Many companies hire temporary data entry clerks for short-term gigs that involve scanning documents, transcribing recordings, or updating customer databases. In some cases, data entry clerks also answer phone calls, handle mail, and replenish office supplies. This is an entry-level job with no formal educational requirements, though it's important to have good computer skills.

  • Median hourly wage: $13.46 2

Temporary Jobs in Information Technology (IT)

Three professionals collaborating at a computer in an office setting.

1. Applications software developer

Designing the computer applications that people use, from word processing programs to mobile apps to video games, can easily be done on a project-by-project basis. These developers assess user needs to determine what a piece of software should do, then they create a plan for how to make that happen. Employment in this field is projected to grow an incredible 26 percent between 2018 and 2028.

  • Median hourly wage: $51.69

2. Systems analyst

Many systems analysts work as contractors who move around to different companies as they complete projects. These are big-picture people who assess a company's computer systems and recommend changes, improvements, or upgrades to help the business operate more effectively. You'll likely need a computer science degree, although some employers also look for an MBA.

  • Median hourly wage: $43.71

3. Computer user support specialist

Can you explain technical problems in easy-to-understand English? Do you have a pleasant phone manner and good people skills? Computer user support specialists are experts at diagnosing callers' technical woes and walking them through the steps required to fix their problems. Many companies that don't have in-house IT departments turn to consulting firms to provide contractors for this work.

  • Median hourly wage: $25.13

4. Software tester

Putting new software through the ringer to uncover glitches, errors, and bugs that affect its usability and performance is the role of software testers. They design, run, and document a multitude of tests to let developers know what needs to be fixed or improved. Many of them work as contractors on specific projects.

  • Median hourly wage: $21.51 2

Temporary Jobs in Health Care

Healthcare worker in blue scrubs serving meal to elderly woman at care home, smiling as they interact in a bright, airy dining room.

1. Travel nurse

Travel nursing agencies place registered nurses in temporary postings and assignments all over the country. Most positions last for 13 weeks and come with medical benefits and housing allowances. You'll need to be licensed in whatever state you wish to practice in.

  • Median hourly wage: $35.24

2. Clinical research associate

When a medical research firm wants to conduct a study or trial, it relies on temporary clinical research associates to select and screen participants, administer assessments, and document results. These workers make sure the trial or study is conducted according to established guidelines. An advanced degree in nursing or health sciences is usually required.

  • Median hourly wage: $22.02 2

3. Nursing assistant

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities depend on nursing assistants to help residents with basic everyday tasks like eating, bathing, dressing, and using the toilet. These workers also monitor residents' vital signs and help people move in and out of bed. You'll need to complete a training program and pass a competency exam.

  • Median hourly wage: $14.26

4. Home health aide

Home health aides care for elderly or disabled clients who need support to continue living in their own homes. They help with daily tasks like eating and dressing, but they might also change bandages or administer medications. Employment of home health aides is expected to grow by a staggering 37 percent between 2018 and 2028. Patient care technician training can get you started in this field.

  • Median hourly wage: $12.15

Temporary Jobs in Education

Two professional women engaging in a conversation at a desk with a laptop. One woman is wearing a red sweater and has curly hair, while the other woman is wearing a white blouse.

1. Adjunct professor

The bulk of most colleges' teaching staff is made up of adjunct professors who are hired for short-term contracts. These professors teach classes, mentor students, and grade assignments and exams. In some cases, they also conduct research. You'll need an advanced degree in your field to be considered for an adjunct professor position.

  • Median hourly wage: $38.50 2

Many students who struggle with their classwork depend on tutors to help them understand a concept or master a skill. Tutors could be helping kindergarten kids with the basics of reading or coaching high school students on the fundamentals of physics. They assess each student's strengths and weaknesses and adapt lessons to suit each student's learning style.

  • Median hourly wage: $17.75 2

3. Substitute teacher

Filling in for an absent teacher can be a good way to sharpen your teaching skills while trying out different subjects, grade levels, or schools. Substitute teachers follow the regular teacher's lesson plans, introduce new concepts, and keep order in the classroom. Some substitutes get called in for a single day; others take over for several months.

  • Median hourly wage: $13.84

Temporary Jobs in Construction and Manufacturing

Two construction workers in safety vests and helmets discussing at a construction site with heavy machinery in the background.

1. Heavy equipment operator

Before buildings, bridges, or roads can be built, heavy equipment operators must be called in to move dirt and clear the land. These operators control and drive large construction equipment like bulldozers, backhoes, excavators, and graders. They also clean and inspect the equipment and make basic repairs as needed.

  • Median hourly wage: $23.55

2. Carpenter

From erecting scaffolding and installing wooden concrete forms to framing walls and building cabinets, carpenters can perform a wide range of tasks. They are experts at using hand and power tools to create and repair structures made of wood. On construction sites, carpenters often manage and direct the work of helpers and laborers.

  • Median hourly wage: $23.24

3. Machinist

Crafting metal parts to exacting standards of precision and accuracy requires great concentration and manual dexterity. Machinists use milling machines, drill presses, lathes, and grinders to produce things like steel bolts, pistons, and cylinders. They read blueprints, set up and operate computer numerically controlled (CNC) tools, and examine completed products for flaws or defects.

  • Median hourly wage: $21.36

4. Construction laborer

Many construction laborers find work through employment agencies that assign workers to short-term gigs. Common tasks include clearing trees and debris, unloading building materials, installing traffic barricades, and operating machines like jackhammers or portable concrete mixers. On-the-job training is the usual path into this career.

  • Median hourly wage: $17.72

Temporary Jobs in Shipping and Transportation

Delivery man in blue uniform smiling and carrying cardboard boxes with yellow van in background.

1. On-demand delivery courier

Services like InstaCart, Caviar, Amazon Flex, and Door Dash hire on-demand delivery couriers as independent contractors who accept temporary assignments. When a customer requests an item from his or her local store through a smartphone app, a courier accepts the request, goes to the store, purchases the item with a company debit card, and brings it to the customer's home.

  • Hourly wage: up to $25 3

2. Relief postal carrier

When regular postal carriers are ill or on vacation, temporary relief carriers are called in to help out. Because they use their own vehicles to deliver letters and packages, relief carriers are paid by the mile as well as by the hour. They are especially in demand in rural areas. You'll need a reliable vehicle and a clean driving record.

  • Median hourly wage: $24.67

3. Heavy and tractor-trailer truck driver

Drivers who can maneuver big rigs and get loads of cargo from one place to another can find plenty of temporary work opportunities. These drivers are responsible for securing their cargo, obeying all traffic laws, and keeping their trucks in good working order. Truck driving schools can help you get your commercial driver's license.

  • Median hourly wage: $21.76

Temporary Jobs in Communication

Professional woman in glasses holding a tablet, standing in an office with a laptop and paperwork on the desk.

Whether they're working with an author to shape the overall structure of a manuscript or going through each line of a document to root out grammatical errors, readability issues, and style inconsistencies, editors ensure that written content is presented in the best possible way. A degree in journalism, English, or communications can prepare you for this kind of work.

  • Median hourly wage: $29.50

2. Translator or interpreter

Are you fluent in more than one language? Do you have highly developed concentration, listening, speaking, and writing skills? Plenty of short-term opportunities exist for translators and interpreters who can convert oral speech and written content from one language to another. You could find temporary jobs in areas like education, law, or healthcare.

  • Median hourly wage: $24.92

3. Copywriter

Copywriters craft messages that inspire action. Their job is to write content that makes people want to buy whatever is being sold. They develop anything from radio jingles and marketing slogans to highway billboards and social media ads. Landing an internship at an advertising agency is one of the best ways to get into this line of work.

  • Median hourly wage: $20.03 2

Forge Ahead Into Your Future

As you can see, temporary jobs are abundantly available in virtually every industry. Do you have the skills you need to create the future you want? Vocational colleges, technical institutes, and trade schools offer convenient hands-on training that can prepare you to take advantage of a huge variety of rewarding short-term opportunities. Just enter your zip code into the following search tool to find training programs in your area!

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Temporary assignments vs Fixed-term contracts when hiring Business Support staff

Permanent roles are straightforward to understand, but when it comes to temporary and contract recruitment , many find it difficult to distinguish the difference.

Temporary assignments.

A temporary assignment gives both employees and employers flexibility.

For instance, if an employer requires reception cover because their receptionist is out ill and they’re unsure as to how long they will be on leave for, a temp would be the best option.

Nobody is bound into a formal contract and both parties are aware of this, therefore the employer has the flexibility to keep the temp on for as long as needs be depending on their availability. This will be discussed ahead of the assignment.

Find out how we can help with your Business Support recruitment .

Why do professionals choose to temp over seeking permanent positions?

There are a number of reasons for this and we would be happy to talk through this with you ahead of confirming a candidate.

The main benefit of a temporary assignment is that there is no notice period for both the employer and employee up to 13 weeks of employment. One week's notice will be required by both parties thereafter

Fixed-term contracts (FTC).

Another great option with many benefits is a fixed-term contract (FTC) . 

FTCs give both the employer and employee more security. The reason for this is that they sign a contract and the employee feels like they are part of the company and team in comparison to just filling the gap for somebody who is off.

While some candidates love the idea of temping, as they have the ability to work around their schedule, others want a greater level of security. 

No candidate's situation is the same, so it’s important for us as recruitment consultants to find out exactly what each candidate is looking for and what their motivation is. 

FTCs provide employers with commitment from the employee, due to the contract, so if you are looking for a strong candidate to stay in a role for the required time I would highly recommend going with the option of offering a fixed-term contract. 

Working with Morgan McKinley will make both options extremely easy for the following reasons:

We meet and screen all of our candidates.

This includes talking through and reviewing their resume or CV , covering all aspects. For example; any lengthy career gaps, why they left previous employment, education, their current situation, why they are looking to temp, their personality and whether or not they would be a good fit for your company. 

For us to be able to fully gauge this, I would suggest organising a meeting with your recruitment consultant . This will allow us to get an idea of your company culture and would give you a chance to find out all you need to know about the process.

We would be more than happy to call out to your office at a time that is convenient to you to discuss possible roles, inform you of any stand-out market trends, talk in more depth about what positions we recruit for across the board and how we can help and provide the best service possible. 

We complete reference checks and all of the compliance required.

A majority of our temps and contractors have completed a number of assignments through Morgan McKinley, which means that we receive regular feedback from clients. This feedback allows us to confirm a candidate with confidence.

  • Our temporary and contract roles vary in length from a day to 11 months, which means that we can get a temp into your company at short notice.
  • If your colleague is out unexpectedly and you require cover or you need an extra bit of help, all you need to do is pick up the phone and we can confirm somebody with you.

When you hire Business Support contractors or temps through us , you benefit from our innovative Contractor Experience team. This takes a lot of work away from your teams , reduces your time to hire , and ultimately makes your life easier .

  • Internal compliance
  • Handling of pay
  • Pre-employment screening
  • Issue resolution
  • Post-placement care

So whether you require a temp, are recruiting for a maternity leave contract, or just want to organise a meeting with a recruitment consultant so you can discuss future needs within your organisation, please feel free to get in touch with us today .

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Administrative Assistant II & III (Health) - TP131568

Job description, #tp131568 administrative assistant ii & iii (health).

Position available through UCSD Temporary Employment Services (TES). Employment through TES is an excellent way to gain valuable UCSD experience and get your foot in the door for career positions. TES employment includes medical coverage, paid vacation & sick time, paid holidays, as well as training and development opportunities!


  • Duration: Assignments typically run for approximately 3-6 Months.
  • Compensation and Benefits: $23.68 - $27.36/hr, including paid holidays and vacation/sick leave. Full-medical insurance also available.
  • Work Schedule: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm, but can vary.
  • Location: Most positions are on-site or hybrid.


TES has current openings for entry-level administrative to advanced level administrative positions within our health sciences and medical offices. Skill requirements vary by position.

Typical duties for applicants with general office support are as follows:

Receptionist: answer phones, respond to emails, and greet customers/patients.

Photocopy, file, and scan sensitive departmental documents.

Maintain HIPAA Compliance.

Heavy data entry and maintaining spreadsheets.

Working in EPIC EHR software.

Scheduling basic appointments and managing shared physician or faculty calendars.

Maintain and order medical and/or non-medical inventory.

Take meeting minutes for department/interdepartmental meetings or projects.

Customer service for patients, students, and/or staff and faulty of UCSD health systems.

Responsibilities for applicants with advanced level administrative and executive support skills are as follows:

Use of independent judgment to determine best resources and most effective tools to resolve administrative and operational problems.

Provide direct administrative support for various physicians and faculty.

Manage complex physician and faculty calendars: responsible for making decisions related to planning and implementation of meetings, special events, and travel.

Make travel arrangements: liaison with travel agency, hotel, airlines etc. and process reimbursement requests.

Process various fiscal transactions.

Drafting correspondence and reports.

Coordination of event, conference, and program logistics including: video conferencing (Zoom), transportation, accommodations, activities, reserving room space, and catering for scheduled events.


Solid communication skills and ability to communicate professionally and effectively with a diverse population of all levels of organization in person, over the phone and in writing.

Ability to work in an interactive environment and possess excellent customer service skills both in person and over phone.

Must have strong organizational skills with ability to set priorities, handle deadlines, and manage conflicting demands.

Proficiency with MS Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Adobe Acrobat, and various email, database and desktop publishing programs. Proven typing/word processing skills to prepare correspondence, reports, and spreadsheets.

Demonstrated typing/word processing skills to prepare correspondence, reports, and spreadsheets.

Must have strong organizational skills with the ability to set priorities, handle deadlines, and manage conflicting demands.

Proven ability to work independently with minimum supervision, establish priorities, follow through on tasks to completion, and meet deadlines in an environment of multiple interruptions and changing priorities while maintaining a high degree of judgment and clarity.

Administrative assistance experience in a hospital or medical office.


Experience providing senior-level administrative support for clinical or non-clinical staff within a healthcare clinic, hospital, or organization.

Previous directly related experience in a large complex healthcare setting.

Experience and knowledge of billing software and EPIC/electronic health record systems.

Experience using medical terminology.

Ability to manage and optimize the use of multiple databases with extreme attention to detail.

Manage complex calendars, schedule meetings and appointments; executing, coordinating, and managing event planning for programs, special events, meetings, and conferences.

Experience analyzing and identifying problems, independently resolve discrepancies with ability to recommend solutions, effectively participate in short and long term planning for administrative needs of unit.

Proven experience monitoring department budgets, including expenditures and purchasing.

Ability to read, interpret and analyze financial data.

Experience utilizing UCSD business systems (e.g., IFIS, PPS, FinancialLink, MyTravel, MyEvents, MyPayments, EmployeeLink, and/or Marketplace).


A background check is required. A medical screening may be required.

This position has been identified as a Mandated Reporter pursuant to the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) and requires immediate reporting of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect of anyone under the age of 18. It is the responsibility of the Mandated Reporter to ensure that they obtain proper training in order to fulfill their reporting responsibilities as required by the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and University policy, and to complete and submit the required reports to the UC San Diego Police Department without delay.

Pay Transparency Act

Annual Full Pay Range: $33,900 - $72,996 (will be prorated if the appointment percentage is less than 100%)

Hourly Equivalent: $16.24 - $34.96

Factors in determining the appropriate compensation for a role include experience, skills, knowledge, abilities, education, licensure and certifications, and other business and organizational needs. The Hiring Pay Scale referenced in the job posting is the budgeted salary or hourly range that the University reasonably expects to pay for this position. The Annual Full Pay Range may be broader than what the University anticipates to pay for this position, based on internal equity, budget, and collective bargaining agreements (when applicable).

If employed by the University of California, you will be required to comply with our Policy on Vaccination Programs, which may be amended or revised from time to time. Federal, state, or local public health directives may impose additional requirements.

To foster the best possible working and learning environment, UC San Diego strives to cultivate a rich and diverse environment, inclusive and supportive of all students, faculty, staff and visitors. For more information, please visit UC San Diego Principles of Community .

UC San Diego is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status.

For the University of California’s Affirmative Action Policy please visit: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4010393/PPSM-20 For the University of California’s Anti-Discrimination Policy, please visit: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1001004/Anti-Discrimination

UC San Diego is a smoke and tobacco free environment. Please visit smokefree.ucsd.edu for more information.

Application Instructions

Please click on the link below to apply for this position. A new window will open and direct you to apply at our corporate careers page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Administrative assistant ii & iii (health) - tp131568.

Pay : $23.68 to $27.36/hour

</li><li><strong></strong> $23.68 - $27.36/hr

Posted : 8/8/2024

Job Reference # : TP131568


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Tim Walz, Who Spent Decades as an Enlisted Soldier, Brings Years of Work on Vets Issues to Dem Ticket

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz visits Minnesota National Guard

A retired Army National Guard noncommissioned officer who was once the top Democrat on the House Veterans Affairs Committee could become the next vice president.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris announced Tuesday that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will be her running mate. That puts someone with an enlisted background on both presidential tickets after Republican nominee former President Donald Trump chose Marine veteran Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate.

Patrick Murphy, an Army veteran who was Walz' roommate when they were both freshmen in Congress, called Walz a "soldier's soldier."

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"The two largest federal agencies are DoD and the VA, so someone who has intimate knowledge of both is incredibly important," Murphy, who served as Army under secretary during the Obama administration, said in a phone interview with Military.com. "He was a field artilleryman who has tinnitus as diagnosed by the VA, so he understands the plight of our brother and sister veterans."

Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard in Nebraska in 1981 and retired honorably in 2005 as the top enlisted soldier for 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment, in the Minnesota National Guard, according to a copy of his records provided by the Minnesota Guard. He reached the rank of command sergeant major and served in that role, but he officially retired as a master sergeant for benefits purposes because he didn't finish a required training course, according to the records and a statement from the Minnesota Guard.

His Guard career included responding to natural disasters in the United States, as well as a deployment to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan, according to a 2018 article by Minnesota Public Radio . Walz earned several awards, including the Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals, according to his military records. Working a civilian job as a high school teacher and football coach, the Nebraska native was also named that state's Citizen Soldier of the Year in 1989, according to official biographies.

During the 2022 Minnesota governor's race, Walz' opponent accused him of leaving the Guard when he did in order to avoid a deployment to Iraq, though Walz maintained he retired in order to focus on running for Congress, according to the Star Tribune newspaper .

Far-right commentators and media resurfaced those allegations and knocked him for never serving in combat -- something he has never claimed to do -- in contrast with Vance's deployment to Iraq as a combat correspondent.

"Looks like it is time to bring back Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Oof. Walz is a really unforced error. He bailed on the military when they decided to send him to Iraq. JD Vance actually served," conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson posted on social media Tuesday.

Walz was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2006, becoming the highest-ranking retired enlisted soldier to serve in Congress.

His tenure in Congress included sitting on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, rising to be its ranking member in 2017.

"Walz' leadership on behalf of his fellow veterans when he was in the U.S. House of Representatives is notable at a time when our all-volunteer force continues to struggle to recruit," Allison Jaslow, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, said in a statement praising the choice of a veteran to be vice presidential nominee. "How we care for our veterans is as important to our national security as how we care for our troops, and Walz has a record to prove that he understands that imperative."

As the top Democrat on the committee, Walz was a chief adversary for the Trump administration's Department of Veterans Affairs . He battled with then-acting VA Secretary Peter O'Rourke in 2018 during a standoff over O'Rourke's handling of the inspector general's office, and pushed for an investigation into the influence of a trio of informal VA advisers who were members of Trump's Mar-a-Lago club. An investigation by House Democrats completed after Walz left Congress concluded that the so-called Mar-a-Lago trio "violated the law and sought to exert improper influence over government officials to further their own personal interests."

Walz also opposed the Mission Act, the bill that expanded veterans' access to VA-funded care by non-VA doctors that Trump considers one of his signature achievements. Walz said in statements at the time that, while he agreed the program for veterans to seek outside care needed to be fixed, he believed the Mission Act did not have sustainable funding. VA officials in recent years have said community care costs have ballooned following the Mission Act.

Walz supported another bill that Trump touts as a top achievement, the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, which sought to make it easier for the VA to fire employees accused of misconduct or poor performance. But the implementation of that law was later part of Walz' fight with O'Rourke . The law also faced legal challenges that prompted the Biden administration to stop using the expedited firing authorities granted by the bill.

Walz was also an early proponent of doing more for veterans exposed to toxins during their military service, sponsored a major veterans suicide prevention bill and advocated for the expansion of GI Bill benefits. And he repeatedly pushed the VA to study marijuana usage to treat PTSD and chronic pain, something that could come up in a future administration if the Department of Justice finalizes reclassifying marijuana into a category of drugs considered less dangerous.

Walz' time in Congress also included a stint on the House Armed Services Committee, a perch he used to advocate for benefits for members of the National Guard .

Walz consistently voted in support of the annual defense policy bill, as well as advocated for repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that effectively banned gay and lesbian service members.

"He was my battle buddy in the fight to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' and it wouldn't have happened if we didn't have Command Sgt. Maj. Tim Walz helping lead the fight," Murphy said.

Since becoming governor of Minnesota in 2019, Walz' role as commander in chief of the Minnesota National Guard has come under a spotlight several times. In response to a request from the Minneapolis mayor, he activated the Guard in May 2020 to assist law enforcement when some protests over the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd turned destructive. At the time, Minneapolis' mayor accused Walz of being too slow to order the deployment, a charge he denied.

"It is time to rebuild. Rebuild the city, rebuild our justice system, and rebuild the relationship between law enforcement and those they're charged to protect," Walz said in a statement when he announced the activation.

He also activated the Guard to protect the Minnesota state Capitol in January 2021 amid fears that Trump supporters could riot at state houses like they did at the U.S. Capitol that month. And he's used the Guard for missions that are more routine for the service, such as to help after heavy flooding earlier this summer .

As news broke Tuesday of Walz' selection, he quickly won praise from other Democratic veterans.

"Having a person who wore the uniform and who deployed around the world adds to the ticket someone who can connect with veterans and military families in a way that no one but a veteran can," Jon Soltz, chairman of liberal political action committee VoteVets, said in a statement.

-- Steve Beynon contributed to this story.

Related: Here's Kamala Harris' Record on Veterans and Military Issues

Rebecca Kheel

Rebecca Kheel Military.com

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How long can an employee work in a temporary status?

While there is no one answer to this question, a key factor in setting a time limit is benefits eligibility. If a temporary employee is working the same hours as a regular employee, with no set end date in sight, denying him or her benefits simply because of the "temporary" classification can be problematic.

Temporary workers are often ineligible for employer-provided benefits due to the limited duration of their employment. When employees classified as "temporary" are denied benefits and temporary jobs are allowed to continue without clear limits, it can be argued that the employer is denying benefits to otherwise eligible employees, thereby violating the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

While each employer determines what length of time defines temporary employment within the organization, it is recommended that such employees be hired for a fixed period of time or for the duration of a specific project, rather than for an ongoing period without limits. For the greatest protection, an employer may want to impose limits on the length of time a temporary employee can work that would not exceed the defined waiting periods for benefits. At a minimum, an employer should be able to state an end date to the temporary assignment, such as the end of a project, the return of an employee on parental leave or the end of a defined busy season to uphold the "temporary" classification.

To ensure the fair classification of temporary employees, employers should train hiring managers on the appropriate use of temporary workers, establish clear policies on the status of temporary employees and set specific time limits for temporary assignments.

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Can I Collect Unemployment After a Temp Job Ends?

Can you collect unemployment if a project ended.

Doing temp work is a common way to make ends meet when you are between jobs. In most states, once you register to work through a temp agency, that agency becomes your employer of record. The agency is responsible for finding you regular job assignments. Unfortunately, there are some things the temp agency may not tell you when it comes to collecting unemployment benefits. For this reason, it's important to educate yourself before accepting a temporary assignment.

Yes, You Can

If the agency fails to find you another assignment, it is possible to collect unemployment benefits after your last assignment ends. You can also collect unemployment while working the temp job, depending upon the amount you are paid for the temp assignment. Most state unemployment security commissions have unemployment benefits calculators that allow you to calculate how much you qualify to receive while working your temp job.

The Determining Factor

There are factors that can prevent you from collecting unemployment benefits, including whether you quit your job. With temp jobs, this test is tricky, because you can be labeled a job quitter and not know it. The secret is that you must continually call the agency to see if temp assignments are available. If you neglect to call daily, the agency can say you quit. As such, make it your duty to call every single day to ask whether a job assignment is available. Keep a paper trail by documenting the date and time you called, as well as the person you spoke with. This documentation comes in handy if the agency tells the unemployment office you failed to call in.

Don't Wait Too Long

Unemployment benefits are calculated based on the amount of wages you earn during the 12 to 15 month period leading up to your unemployment. This period of time is referred to as your “base period.” It's important to keep regular job assignments during the base period. As soon as the assignments become irregular, file for unemployment. If you wait too long, it lowers the amount of money earned in your base period, which may disqualify you from receiving benefits.

Word of Caution

There are instances where an individual may collect unemployment before working a temp job and receive reduced benefits after working a temp job. For instance, you may receive $400 per week before working with the temp agency and only receive $150 per week afterward. That's a major reduction in benefits. To prevent this from happening, only accept temporary job assignments that have compensation comparable to your last steady job. If you take a lower paying job, the wages from that job will be calculated as base period wages. The good news is that the unemployment office only requires you to accept “suitable work.” Suitable work includes job assignments that are not illegal and that have wages equal or comparable to the previous job you lost. If the unemployment office asks why you turned down an assignment, explain how the assignment was “unsuitable.”

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Faizah Imani, an educator, minister and published author, has worked with clients such as Harrison House Author, Thomas Weeks III, Candle Of Prayer Company and "Truth & Church Magazine." Her dossier includes JaZaMM WebDesigns, assistant high-school band director, district manager for the Clarion Ledger and event coordinator for the Vicksburg Convention Center.

Tim Walz's military record: What to know about potential VP's National Guard service

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Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, choosing a progressive yet plain-spoken VP candidate from America’s heartland to help her win over rural, white voters.

“I’m pleased to share that I’ve made my decision: Minnesota Governor Tim Walz will join our campaign as my running mate,” Harris said via text to supporters. “Tim is a battle-tested leader who has an incredible track record of getting things done for Minnesota families. I know that he will bring that same principled leadership to our campaign, and to the office of the vice president.”

We look at Walz, a 60-year-old U.S. Army National Guard veteran, and his military career over the years.

More: Tim Walz is Kamala Harris' VP pick: Minnesota governor named running mate: Live updates

How long was Walz in the military?

Walz served in the military for 24 years, enlisting in the Nebraska National Guard at 17 in 1981 and then transferring to the Minnesota National Guard in 1996. He retired in 2005 to begin his successful run for the U.S. House, representing Minnesota as command sergeant major, among the highest ranks for enlisted soldiers. His battalion went on to deploy to Iraq shortly after Walz's retirement.

Walz specialized in heavy artillery and had proficiency ribbons in sharpshooting and hand grenades.

But during the 21 years that Walz spent working with large artillery pieces, he suffered hearing loss and tinnitus in both ears, Minnesota Public Radio reported. He was allowed to continue his service after undergoing surgery, which partially resolved his hearing loss.

Where did Walz serve, and what did he do in the National Guard?

During his service, Walz responded to natural disasters, including floods and tornadoes in Minnesota and Nebraska, and was deployed overseas for months at a time, according to MPR.

In 2003, he was sent to Italy, where he served with the European Security Force to support the war in Afghanistan. He was also stationed in Norway for joint training with other NATO militaries.

Walz told MPR that he reenlisted in the National Guard after the September 11 attacks but never saw active combat in his years in the military.

Stars and Stripes reported in 2020 that Walz credited his Army experience with helping him steer Minnesota through the COVID-19 pandemic as governor.

As governor of Minnesota, Walz is commander in chief of the 13,000-soldier Minnesota National Guard. “I’m certainly proud of my military service, but it’s one piece of me,” he told Minnesota Public Radio in 2018. “It doesn’t define me.”

Reuters and USA TODAY reporter Tom Vanden Brook contributed to this story.

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Accepting a Temp Assignment Allows You to Still Collect Unemployment Benefits

Accepting a Temp Assignment Allows You to Still Collect Unemployment Benefits

If you find a temp job or part-time job with a new employer, the good news is that you are still eligible to collect unemployment benefits . You still should continue to look for full-time work (if your unemployment claim is based on full-time work), but if you do not look for full-time work or a temp job, you may be ineligible for unemployment benefits.

Whether you are working less than full-time or part-time, you must report your weekly gross wages when you claim your benefits. The wages you report will be subtracted from your Partial Benefit Rate. The Partial Benefit Rate is 20% higher than your weekly benefit rate.  Since you are now working for UNIFORCE and can still collect unemployment, you actually earn more than your weekly benefit rate.   (Read below for more information about weekly benefit rates).

For example, if your weekly benefit rate is $200, your Partial Benefit Rate is $240 (20% higher than $200). If you earn $50 during a week, you would receive $190 in unemployment benefits ($240 – $50 = $190).

The Truth About Unemployment Benefits.

The amount of unemployment benefits you may collect each week is your Weekly Benefit Rate (WBR) . In 2013, the amount is 60% of the average weekly earnings during your base year period, up to a maximum of $624.

The total amount of benefits you may collect is called your  Maximum Benefit Amount (MBA) . The MBA is equal to the WBR times the total number of weeks worked in the base year period. Generally, for every week you worked during your base year period, you may be entitled to a week of benefits, up to a maximum of 26 times your Weekly Benefit Rate.

Example 1: An individual worked 20 weeks during the base year period. His Weekly Benefit Rate is $200. His Maximum Benefit Amount will be $200 times 20 weeks ($4,000).

Example 2: An individual who is entitled to a maximum 26-week claim (because he worked at least 26 or more weeks during the base year period) at a Weekly Benefit Rate of $300 will have a Maximum Benefit Amount of $7,800. (This is because $300 times 26 weeks = $7,800.)

Your unemployment claim will be in effect for approximately one year from the date of your claim. If you return to work before you collect all the benefits in your claim, and then become unemployed again before the one-year period ends, you should immediately reopen your claim. If your one-year benefit year expires before you collect all the benefits in your claim, all you need to do is file a new claim for benefits.

Source: New Jersey Department of Labor

The moral of the story is to remain vigilant in pursuing a position that suits your career path, whether it be a temp job or a full time job.  A job seeker should continue to gain work experience, earn comparable wages, develop a rapport with an employment agency and still be able to re-open and collect unemployment when the temp job ends.

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Murmansk Weather Forecast Murmansk Weather Forecast

Murmansk is 91   m above sea level and located at 68.98° N 33.13° E . Murmansk has a population of 319263. Local time in Murmansk is MSK.

(1–3 days)

Some drizzle, heaviest during Fri night. Warm (max 24°C on Thu afternoon, min 12°C on Sat morning). Wind will be generally light.

Mostly dry. Warm (max 22°C on Mon afternoon, min 10°C on Sat night). Wind will be generally light.

(7–10 days)

Light rain (total 8mm), mostly falling on Tue afternoon. Very mild (max 17°C on Wed afternoon, min 9°C on Wed night). Winds decreasing (fresh winds from the WSW on Wed morning, calm by Thu night).

(10–12 days)

Mostly dry. Warm (max 20°C on Mon afternoon, min 11°C on Fri night). Wind will be generally light.


Murmansk Weather Today

Some drizzle, heaviest during Fri night. Warm (max 24°C on Thu afternoon, min 12°C on Sat morning). Wind will be generally light.

Murmansk Weather

Mostly dry. Warm (max 22°C on Mon afternoon, min 10°C on Sat night). Wind will be generally light.

10 Day Murmansk Weather

Light rain (total 8mm), mostly falling on Tue afternoon. Very mild (max 17°C on Wed afternoon, min 9°C on Wed night). Winds decreasing (fresh winds from the WSW on Wed morning, calm by Thu night).

Murmansk Weather Next Week

Mostly dry. Warm (max 20°C on Mon afternoon, min 11°C on Fri night). Wind will be generally light.

Live weather stations near Murmansk

Weather StationTemp.WeatherWindGusts
km NW m alt. ° C -
km SSW m alt. ° C No report. km/h at SSW°).
km SSW m alt. ° C No report.
km ENE m alt. ° C No report. km/h at E°).
km S m alt. ° C No report.
km NW m alt. ° C No report. km/h at SSE°).
km W m alt. ° C Light rain showers.
km S m alt. ° C -
km SE m alt. ° C No report.
km WNW m alt. - - km/h at S°).

* NOTE: not all weather stations near Murmansk update at the same time and we only show reports from the nearest stations that are deemed current. Weather reports submitted by any ship (SYNOP) that is close to Murmansk within an acceptable time window are also included. Read More

Murmansk Location map

Murmanskaya oblast’ weather map.


Murmansk Weather Photos

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Weather forecast for places near Murmansk:

116  km
Some drizzle, heaviest during Fri night. Mostly dry. Light rain (total 5mm), mostly falling on Tue afternoon. Some drizzle, heaviest during Sun afternoon.

154  km
Light rain (total 3.1mm), mostly falling on Fri night. Some drizzle, heaviest during Sun afternoon. Moderate rain (total 13mm), heaviest on Tue afternoon. Some drizzle, heaviest during Sun afternoon.

157  km
Light rain (total 3mm), mostly falling on Fri night. Some drizzle, heaviest during Sun afternoon. Moderate rain (total 12mm), heaviest on Tue afternoon. Some drizzle, heaviest during Sun afternoon.

205  km
Light rain (total 4mm), mostly falling on Fri night. Mostly dry. Some drizzle, heaviest during Wed afternoon. Light rain (total 3.2mm), mostly falling on Sat night.

416  km
Mostly dry. Some drizzle, heaviest during Sat night. Light rain (total 2.7mm), mostly falling on Thu night. Light rain (total 2.6mm), mostly falling on Sun night.


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' class=

Hi, is it possible to see NL around end Apr to early May? Can we see it by naked-eyes even in town?

' class=

In May the chances are almost zero, in late April close to zero, because in May day in the region becomes very long, culminating tlin the Polar day at the end of May. No, or very little night means no Polar lights... Also spring is a season change-clowdy time.

' class=

No, it's not possible

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