cover letter i am writing in response to your

Sample Cover Letters In Response to Ad or Job Posting

Cover letter in response to ad, cover letter in response to a job posting (executive briefing).

Masters degree in accountingI have a masters degree in accounting from the university of ______ with distinction.
Certified AccountantAttained in 2009
Minimum 5 years of experienceI have 7 years of experience
Requirement 4Skill 4
Requirement 5Skill 5
Requirement 6Skill 6
Requirement 7Skill 7

Cover letter in response to a job posting

Cover letter in response to an ad.

Requirement 1Qualification 1
Requirement 2Qualification 2
Requirement 3Qualification 3

Covering letter sample in reply to job advertisement

Sample cover letter in response to job post, sample covering letter in response to job post, cover letter sample in response to job post, sample cover letter in response to job advertisement, sample cover letter in reply to job post, sample covering letter in response to job ad, covering letter sample in response to job advertisement, cover letter sample in reply to job posting, covering letter sample in response to job ad, covering letter sample in response to job listing, sample covering letter in response to job listing, sample cover letter in response to job announcement, sample cover letter in response to job listing, sample cover letter in reply to job announcement, sample cover letter in response to job posting, sample covering letter in response to job posting, sample covering letter in response to job announcement, cover letter sample in reply to job announcement, covering letter sample in response to job posting, covering letter sample in response to job post, sample covering letter in reply to job listing, covering letter sample in response to job announcement, sample covering letter in reply to job ad, sample covering letter in response to job advertisement, sample covering letter in reply to job advertisement, sample cover letter in reply to job posting, covering letter sample in reply to job post, sample covering letter in reply to job posting, covering letter sample in reply to job ad, covering letter sample in reply to job posting, cover letter sample in response to job announcement, sample cover letter in reply to job listing, cover letter sample in reply to job advertisement, cover letter sample in response to job posting, cover letter sample in response to job ad, covering letter sample in reply to job announcement, cover letter sample in response to job listing, cover letter sample in reply to job post, cover letter sample in reply to job ad.

Sample Cover Letters In Response to Ad or Job Posting

Land the Interview: Cover Letter Templates for Job Ads (Free Templates)

Intrigued by your Doe Post ad for a chemical engineer, I'm eager to leverage my experience at Doe Corporation for your new plastics research program. My background includes various polymerization processes and research on aeronautical applications of polyethylene. My passion for plastics started with my graduate thesis on early polyethylene uses at Doe University. My resume details my qualifications. I'm excited to discuss this opportunity further.

Following our conversation with Jane Doe about the clinical director position, I believe my skills and goals perfectly align with your requirements. My six years as a clinical coordinator managing two large units at Springfield resulted in developing two widely-used clinical treatment programs. My postgraduate fellowship in clinical research at Springfield University equips me to manage the experimental units at your main clinic. My attached resume provides more details. I'm eager to discuss how I can address your needs.

Responding to your online ad for a Technical Writer in Springfield University's archaeology lab, I bring a unique combination of archaeological and writing expertise. I hold bachelor's degrees in both fields and possess experience in excavation, lab work (data entry, artifact cataloging, dating methods), and archaeological writing (chapter for Dr. Doe's report). My English background prepares me for diverse audiences, and my creative writing has been published. Under Dr. Doe's guidance, I've honed my archaeological writing skills. Proficiency in popular spreadsheet programs and data analysis further strengthens my qualifications (details on resume). I look forward to discussing my suitability for this position (phone number included on resume).

Building on my experience and recent Master's degree from Springfield University, I'm applying for the English teaching position advertised in The Springfield Herald. My graduate studies focused on adult education, where I developed instructional materials for ESL learners. My exceptional communication, problem-solving skills, and computer literacy make me a valuable asset. With strong interpersonal skills and leadership abilities, I thrive in both independent and collaborative environments. Seeking a full-time opportunity, I'm confident I can contribute significantly to your organization. Please review my attached resume to learn more. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Following the Springfield Herald ad, I'm applying for the Office Manager position. I possess 22 years of experience running a successful carpet cleaning business, managing office staff and a cleaning crew. While my accounting degree is over 20 years old, I've continuously expanded my skills through formal classes, including computer literacy courses (details on resume). I offer a strong work ethic, extensive experience, and a commitment to learning. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further after you review my resume (phone number included).

My passion for health and wellness aligns perfectly with your R&M Health and Fitness position! My BS in health and experience in corporate wellness programs make me a strong candidate. I bring a range of skills, including group exercise instruction, program planning and evaluation, CPR/First Aid certification, excellent organization, and expertise in computer programs. My positive attitude and strong interpersonal skills ensure effective communication (experiences detailed on resume). I've attached my resume for your review and welcome any further information requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

A dedicated professional with a knack for multitasking in fast-paced environments, I'm applying for the Administrative Assistant position advertised in the Times News. My self-motivated nature ensures tasks are completed thoroughly and efficiently. My education, skills, and experience equip me to tackle the demands of this position. Your company's success is my priority, and I'm eager to contribute to its growth and profitability. I possess the qualifications needed to excel and become a valuable asset to your team. Let's discuss how my capabilities align with the position's duties. I'm available by phone (number included) or email (address included) to arrange an interview at your convenience. Thank you for considering my application.

Intrigued by your (Name of Newspaper) ad for the (Name of Position) role, I'm submitting my resume for your review. My diverse educational and work experiences have equipped me with the skills and adaptability to excel in this role. My resume provides a glimpse into my qualifications, but a conversation would allow me to showcase the unique value I can bring to your company. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule an interview (phone number included). My enthusiasm for (Name of Company) and the (Name of Position) opportunity motivates me to adjust my schedule for a phone or in-person interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your (Name of Newspaper) listing for the (Name of Position) position piqued my interest, particularly after exploring (Name of Company)'s website and learning more about your company's mission and goals. The information resonated with my own values and career aspirations, solidifying my belief that my skills and background perfectly align with both the (Name of Position) role and the overall culture of (Name of Company).

Confident that my experience can significantly contribute to your team's success, I've attached my resume for your review. I'm eager to delve deeper into the position's specifics and discuss how my qualifications can benefit your organization. Feel free to contact me at any time to schedule an interview (phone number included). My enthusiasm for (Name of Company) makes me readily available to accommodate your scheduling needs. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to connecting with you soon.

How to Write this Cover Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Pay particular attention to information requested in the advertisement. Be sure to provide it in detail, drawing attention to your strengths. Create a confident tone and a smooth flow. Use more formal but impactful phrasing. Emphasize your value proposition. Showcase your passion and commitment.

  • Identify the newspaper, magazine, person, or other source from which you learned about the position. Specify what job you seek and briefly describe your major qualifications for the position.
  • Expand on your most important work experience by providing specific details, cases, and examples. If you are qualified for the position only by your education and have no real job experience, you may want to omit this section.
  • Explain how your education has prepared you for the position by discussing such things as significant courses, seminars, professors, presentations, projects, etc.
  • Discuss other qualifications relevant to the position.
  • Refer to your enclosed or attached resume and the kind of information that can be found there.
  • Solicit an interview and provide information about how and when you can be contacted.

Write Your cover in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 identify the newspaper, magazine, person, or other source from which you learned about the position. specify what job you seek and briefly describe your major qualifications for the position., sample sentences for step 1.

  • I saw your classified advertisement in the Doe News regarding a position as a lab technician. I am confident that I have the qualities and skills you specified.
  • Mr. Johnson, a business associate, told me about an opening in your company for a construction estimator. I believe I have the education and work experience you are looking for.
  • A professor in the Communications Department at Doe State University told me that you are looking for a Public Relations Director and suggested that I send you my resume.
  • I read your ad in the Springfield County Journal requesting "a self-motivated programmer in C, UNIX, and Windows."
  • I am submitting my resume in response to your recent advertisement in the Daily News for a civil engineer. ? I was pleased to see your recent ad in the Doe Street Journal for an account executive because your specifications appear to perfectly match my qualifications and experience.
  • I am applying for the Research Technician position that you recently advertised in the Doe Post. I am certain that I have the training and experience you are looking for.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • perfectly match my qualifications
  • according to the advertisement
  • am submitting my resume
  • am applying for
  • am confident that
  • am certain that
  • an ideal candidate for the position of
  • are compatible with
  • as described in
  • as indicated in your job description
  • as advertised in
  • believe I have the training
  • believe that my qualifications
  • caught my attention
  • have the personal qualities and skills
  • hope you will consider
  • in response to your advertisement
  • in answer to your advertisement
  • is the position for which I have been trained
  • looking for an opportunity to
  • position sounds interesting and challenging
  • position interests me because
  • read your ad in
  • regarding the position of
  • the job I have been looking for
  • the notice in last week's edition of
  • the qualifications you are looking for
  • that you advertised in
  • your specifications appear to be

2 Expand on your most important work experience by providing specific details, cases, and examples. If you are qualified for the position only by your education and have no real job experience, you may want to omit this section.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • Administrative/Office Support Because of my broad secretarial background in various settings, I feel I would be an asset to your company. I spent five years working in several different departments at First National Bank of Doe. Skills I developed there enabled me to progress from bookkeeper to Trust Operations Secretary for the Executive Vice President of the bank.
  • I have been Dr. John Doe's executive medical secretary for the past two years. My responsibilities include transcribing medical records, billing insurance, making appointments, greeting patients, scheduling hospital tests, and handling correspondence.
  • During the past three years I have served as legal secretary for a large San Francisco law firm. I am fluent in Spanish and am certified by the state as an interpreter.
  • Accounting/Financial My energy, experience and skill are focused in one direction: maintaining my company's financial records in impeccable condition and above reproach.
  • I was instrumental in introducing computerized methods into the accounting process at Doe Corporation at a time when computers were still innovative and regarded with much skepticism. Since then, I have continually worked to keep the equipment here up to date and operated by competent people.
  • As proven through several IRS audits, the result of this strict attention to detail and efficient use of technology has been an accounting system above reproach.
  • I have experience in several areas of international banking.
  • Computer I have worked as a database programmer and a network supervisor in multi-user environments for the past two years. I have written a wide variety of database programs dealing with problems such as accounting, order entry, inventory tracking, marketing analysis and labeling. I am fluent in C, C++, Pascal, Magic PC, and have experience in the Windows environment. I have also been responsible for maintenance and repair of all of the company's computers.
  • Engineering You requested more information about my experience in California. I was on-site engineer on six highway bridges while working for the Doe Company, and supervised the seismic retrofitting project on the San Francisco Bay Bridge following the 1989 earthquake. All of this work required adherence to state specifications and close cooperation with state engineers and inspectors.
  • Hotel/Restaurant Management I have managed large catering operations for the last 15 years, providing food service for different groups and tastes, including construction crews, movie extras, weddings and corporate groups. I have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide high quality service on time and within budget.
  • Manufacturing Operations Management During the 15 years I worked for Doe Corporation, I was instrumental in doubling the size of the company and radically increasing its market share.
  • Research Science I am well qualified for a position as a research technician because of my experience working with various research projects. While pursuing my degree at Doe University, I performed many tasks dealing with plant breeding and genetics. I have experience in generating and maintaining tissue cultures, collecting data, maintaining experimental viability, and observing and evaluating results.
  • I am familiar with the general techniques required for molecular biological experimentation through my research experience as a lab technician. In this setting I performed many general molecular manipulation procedures required in genetic research. I am proficient in DNA extraction, gene cloning, RAPD amplification, and restriction digest cutting and analysis.
  • Operations Management During the 15 years I worked for Doe Corporation, I was instrumental in doubling the size of the company and radically increasing its market share.
  • Public Relations/Advertising I have worked as a Public Relations Representative with several industries that have had public image problems, including nuclear power and industrial waste disposal. My public relations campaigns have demonstrably changed public opinion and perception.
  • Technical I qualified as an aircraft maintenance technician through on-the-job training during my six years in the military as an avionics equipment repairman.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • a wide variety of
  • ability to perform at
  • am expert in
  • am fluent in
  • am qualified as a
  • am responsible for
  • am currently supervising the work of
  • among other things, this work involved
  • as a result of my experience in
  • because of my broad background in
  • certified by the state as
  • enabled me to progress from
  • energy, experience, and skills are focused on
  • extensive experience in
  • for the last three years
  • have confidence in my ability to
  • have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to
  • have had considerable experience with
  • have been working in the office of
  • have continually pressed for
  • have developed skills in
  • have a broad background in
  • in several different areas
  • introduced improved methods of
  • provided high quality service
  • responsibilities have included
  • skills I have developed there include
  • spent five years working as a
  • that enable me to
  • this position involved
  • was instrumental in
  • work experience includes
  • worked in several different departments at
  • worked in close cooperation with
  • would like to be closely involved in
  • would be an asset to

3 Explain how your education has prepared you for the position by discussing such things as significant courses, seminars, professors, presentations, projects, etc.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • Accounting In a few more weeks, I will complete my accounting degree at Springfield State University. In addition to the standard accounting courses, I have minored in Spanish. I am fluent in the language and fully prepared to work with your Spanish-speaking clients.
  • Administrative Support I am a recent graduate of the Secretarial Science program at Springfield Community College where I took courses in Typing, Dictation, Office Machines, WordPerfect, Lotus 123, Technical Writing, and Office Management.
  • I recently completed an Administrative Assistant certification program at Springfield Community College, which included proficiency training and testing in WordPerfect and other word processing programs.
  • Advertising I have prepared myself for a career in advertising by attending Springfield State, where I received a bachelor's degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in International Business.
  • Computer I plan to graduate with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science in December of this year. I have programming experience in UNIX, Windows, Pascal, C, and C++ programming.
  • I am currently studying Computer Science at Doe where I have become proficient in the C programming language and use of the UNIX operating system. Projects I have written include a 32-bit operating system, data base, graphics system, data management system and many other programs. Most of these projects were written under the UNIX operating system. I have also taught myself how to program in the Windows operating system.
  • Construction Management I took a degree in Construction Management from Springfield State University five years ago, and am still happy with the high quality of training I received there. I know many people like to emphasize experience and poke fun at "theory," but I have frequently found myself ahead of my peers who did not seek degrees, especially when it comes to understanding and using the new technology that seems to be flooding the industry.
  • Engineering My degree in Mechanical Engineering from Springfield University has prepared me for the kind of communications work you described in your advertisement. I took several courses in communication systems and participated in the design of a new system during my internship with NASA.
  • My expected degree from Springfield State University is designed to provide a cutting-edge background in Engineering. I have taken courses in instrumentation and have studied systems for reducing noise and vibration of components. I have designed and built both high and low pass filters, and have hands-on experience with accelerometers.
  • I just received my B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Springfield State University, and my education has provided me with the knowledge necessary to deal with all levels of complexity associated with polymers.
  • I am a recent graduate of Springfield State University, and during my two years there as an Electrical Engineering student, I was frequently on the Dean's List for academic achievement.
  • Hotel/Restaurant Management I received my degree in Restaurant and Hotel Management at Doe University in 1988.
  • Legal I completed my law degree at the University of Springfield, graduating in the top 25 percent of my class. My area of expertise, by training and experience, is in riparian rights.
  • Operations Management My Doe University BSME and MBA degrees make me a strong candidate for consideration in a variety of operations management positions.
  • I will complete my MBA at Springfield State University in a few more weeks, and am eager to apply the skills I have acquired from one of the finest programs in the country.
  • Research Science I am currently a senior at Doe, where I maintain a 3.7 GPA. I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology and a minor in Microbiology in April. Much of my experience with genetic research comes from working with DNA cloning and DNA restriction digest cutting and analysis. I intend to become a research scientist.
  • The microbiology program at Springfield State University has taught me valuable skills such as research and investigative methods, lab skills, data processing, verification techniques, instrumentation, and graphing and reporting results.
  • While earning my degrees from Doe University in Human Biology and Molecular Biology, I have learned the essential components and techniques of research. I have also gained laboratory experience in chemistry and molecular biology. I am confident that I am now on the path that will allow me to realize my career goals.
  • Sales I have prepared myself for a position in medical sales by completing an undergraduate degree in biology at Springfield State College with a minor in Communications.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • a bachelor's degree in
  • am fully prepared to work with
  • am a recent graduate of
  • carried a minor in
  • currently a senior at
  • currently studying at
  • deal with all levels of
  • eager to apply the skills I have acquired
  • education has provided me with
  • expect to receive my degree within
  • for a position in
  • fully prepared to work with
  • has prepared me to
  • has taught me valuable skills
  • have the ability to
  • have designed and built
  • have learned the essential techniques of
  • have had experience in
  • have hands-on experience with
  • have prepared myself for a career in
  • have become proficient at
  • have received training in
  • have worked with
  • in the top 10 percent of my class
  • maintained a GPA of
  • obtained a thorough grounding in
  • one of the finest programs in the country
  • papers I have written include
  • participated in the
  • plan to graduate with
  • projects I have designed include
  • received a degree in
  • received a thorough grounding in
  • taught myself how to
  • took part in the
  • completed a degree in
  • took courses in
  • understand the use of
  • will complete my degree in

4 Discuss other qualifications relevant to the position.

Sample sentences for step 4.

  • I also meet your specifications for a "computer literate person." This ability has been acquired through certification programs and on-the-job experience.
  • I am a hard worker, a quick learner, and an enthusiastic problem solver with experience in translating requests into working programs.
  • I speak, read, and write Japanese fluently. Additionally, I am familiar with the culture because I lived in Japan for two years.
  • Along with my experience in the field, I am also active in the community. I feel that people involved in real estate should be informed about local issues and be sensitive to community feeling.
  • I will provide references if our discussions develop further.
  • I am willing to both relocate and travel, according to the company's needs.
  • Much of my employment has been overseas.
  • I will be happy to provide references at your request.
  • I am interested in a position that offers long-term stability in one area.

Key Phrases for Step 4

  • a great supporter of
  • able to speak, read, and write in
  • active in the community
  • along with my experience in
  • always been a quick learner
  • am willing to relocate
  • am familiar with your company's
  • am interested in a position that offers
  • an enthusiastic problem-solver
  • enjoy participating in
  • familiar with the culture of
  • familiar with your company's procedures
  • former intern with
  • have worked as a volunteer for
  • have an abiding interest in
  • have learned to
  • have followed the growth of your company
  • interested in a position that offers
  • is a longtime hobby of mine
  • meet your specifications for
  • on-the-job experience in
  • received an award for
  • social and business contacts offer
  • that offers long-term stability
  • wide experience in the field of
  • will provide references
  • will travel as necessary
  • willing to relocate
  • with experience in
  • with volunteer experience at

5 Refer to your enclosed or attached resume and the kind of information that can be found there.

Sample sentences for step 5.

  • My attached resume provides details of my experience.
  • I have attached a copy of my resume describing my skills and accomplishments.
  • My credentials are summarized in the enclosed resume. I will be happy to provide additional information and references as necessary.
  • I will provide references.
  • I will be happy to provide references.
  • My qualifications for this position are detailed in my enclosed resume.
  • Please refer to my enclosed resume for further details.

Key Phrases for Step 5

  • a strong background in
  • am interested in a position in
  • are detailed in my resume
  • as they relate to your requirements
  • at your request
  • credentials are summarized in
  • describing my skills and accomplishments
  • highlights some of my achievements
  • in the attached resume
  • list of credentials
  • plus extensive experience in
  • provides details of my experience
  • qualifications for this position
  • my resume is enclosed
  • the enclosed copy of my resume
  • the attached copy of my resume
  • will provide additional information
  • will provide additional references

6 Solicit an interview and provide information about how and when you can be contacted.

Sample sentences for step 6.

  • If you are interested in what I have to offer your company, please give me a call at 555-5555, and I'll be happy to meet with you.
  • I look forward to having a personal meeting with you after you have had time to consider my resume.
  • I am eager to discuss my qualifications with you in relation to the needs of Doe Corporation. I will call your office in a few days to follow up.
  • I am interested in filling the Laboratory Technician position you advertised and feel I can be an asset to your organization. I will call you next week to answer any questions you may have and arrange a time for a meeting.
  • I believe I can make a valuable contribution to your company and would like to set up a meeting to discuss the position in more detail.
  • I look forward to speaking with you in person.

Key Phrases for Step 6

  • a personal meeting with you
  • after you have had time to
  • after reading my resume
  • am interested in filling the
  • am eager to discuss
  • am available to meet at
  • at your convenience
  • can make a valuable contribution
  • can be an asset to
  • can reach me at
  • discuss in more detail
  • discuss my skills and your needs
  • discuss my qualifications with
  • education and experience can meet your needs
  • for the position of
  • look forward to
  • meet your company's needs
  • schedule an interview with
  • set up a meeting
  • speak with you directly
  • to arrange an interview with
  • to meeting with you
  • to offer your company
  • will be happy to meet with you
  • would be happy to meet with you

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  • Cover Letters

10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

10+ Cover Letter Examples (+ Different Types & Formatting Guide)

Whether you’re looking to land your first job, changing careers, or simply exploring new job opportunities, writing a great cover letter might seem daunting at first. However, once you read this comprehensive guide and check out our superb cover letter examples, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an expert cover letter crafter.

Cover Letter Examples (By Career Situation and Seniority)

Our resume cover letter examples are just what you need if you’re going to learn how to write one for yourself. Keep in mind that all cover letters have a similar structure that you should follow:

  • Contact Info –  Add your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Greeting – Always start with a professional greeting that addresses the hiring manager by name.
  • Introduction – Grab your reader’s attention with a first paragraph in which you introduce yourself and state your intention to apply for the open role.
  • Body paragraphs – Write one or two paragraphs that highlight your professional experience, achievements, skills, and education.
  • Closing paragraph – Insert your call to action and ask the hiring manager to invite you for an interview. Don’t forget to sign your name at the end.

With this information in mind, let’s check out some of the best cover letter examples!

Cover Letter Example 1: Returning to Work after a Job Gap/Relocation

Dear Mr. Hennessy,  My name is John Young, and I’m applying for a software engineering position at your company. I’m excited about your organization’s mission to change the world, and I’m passionate about your tech stack that includes Scala, Java, React, and Python, all languages I’ve used in the past. 

Recently, I took a year-long hiatus to aid my friend who launched a startup accelerator. During that time, I learned quite a bit about business strategy and going from zero to one hundred while working on a very limited budget. I’m confident that I can turn those skills into new products for your company. 

I’m prepared to get back into the game and restart my career as a software engineer in your beautiful city. I’m positive that I’m the perfect person to lead your middle-out engineering team. I would love to schedule a meeting and discuss this further. 

Our Take: The candidate starts by expressing his excitement about the company’s goals and then seamlessly proceeds to highlight the programming languages that he excels in. This way, he showcased that he is the right person for the job. He then explains that the job gap that appears in his resume was due to working on a personal project that has taught him some valuable new skills.

Cover Letter Example 2: Changing Careers

Dear Ms. Garcia,

Blending a formal background in marketing with proven success in retail sales and customer service roles, I am looking to transition into public relations and believe I would make a great fit for the advertised position of Public Relations Specialist at your company.

Having both used and sold your products, I am already well versed in your brand and both present and past years’ offerings. I have followed with excitement as you launched in European and Asian markets and incorporated an international feel into your product line. I would bring both passion and expertise to championing your company with the press and public.

I am already trained in creating buzz and awareness through social media channels including Twitter and Facebook. When my sales team decided to participate in Walk for a Cure three years ago, we used social media to heighten our sponsorship support and raised more than $20K for the event.

Confident my transferable skills make me a solid candidate for this opening, I respectfully submit my resume for your review and request a meeting to discuss the opportunity further. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call to arrange a time. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Our Take: This candidate leads off with a strong statement about her career change goal and her fit for the specific position at hand. She uses the rest of the letter to discuss her interest in the company and some of her key transferable skills/experience.

Cover Letter Example 3: New Graduate/Entry Level

Dear Ms. Morris:

I am writing in response to your listing in the Memphis Gazette for a nurse’s aide. Please accept my enclosed resume for consideration.

As a CPR-certified lifeguard and an LPN student at Memphis Community College, I have the formal training necessary for this position. Additionally, with two years of experience in retail sales, I have excellent customer service skills that can translate well to patient relations.

After you have reviewed my resume, I hope to meet with you to discuss how I can be beneficial to your team. I look forward to hearing from you to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.

Our Take: Nice concise approach for an entry-level candidate. She doesn’t have years of nursing experience to point to, so she highlights her training and how her non-nursing work experience has also helped to prepare her.

Cover Letter Example 4: Professional

Dear Mr. Carter,

As an Accounts Payable & Receivable Specialist , I offer a proven ability to accurately process invoices, payments, reimbursements, and tax reports. I quickly learn and adapt to software changes and updates and help team members resolve issues and problems they are having with data input and processing.

Examples of my accomplishments include:

  • Handled biweekly accounts payable processing of checks and ACH payments; reconciled payments made to accounts payable software and addressed any discrepancies that arose.
  • Created a spreadsheet that listed bank and routing numbers to expedite the processing of expense reports.
  • Uploaded and reconciled monthly phone bills for approximately 200 branches and 4 operational centers; total billing amounts were coded for various departments and branches as required.
  • Confident I will prove valuable to your company, I respectfully submit my resume for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your upcoming goals and how I can help you achieve them. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: For an experienced candidate, a bit more detail is expected. This candidate customized the bullet points to specifically communicate his experience with the position responsibilities listed in the job description.

Cover Letter Example 5: Manager

Dear Ms. Nguyen,

As a Human Resources Manager with a strong customer service background, I offer expertise in employee relations, benefits administration, and generalist duties. I have made significant contributions to succession planning and workforce engagement as well as ensuring compliance with employment and labor requirements.

I am also known for my ability to help identify and implement key technology and process improvements. I am well-versed in Six Sigma methods and have led projects which produced significant and sustainable savings. Other examples of my work include:

  • Creates positive employee engagement for 2,000+ personnel at Company XYZ via proactive communications, prompt issue resolution, and fair/equitable treatment.
  • Led Six Sigma project related to FMLA administration and online orientation programs for Lean Belt training.
  • Proved instrumental in the deployment of an E-recruitment system that serviced a Fortune 200 company; defined policies, procedures, and communication planning for the project.

Confident I will make a positive impact on your organization, I respectfully submit my résumé for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your goals for this position and my potential contributions. I will be available at your convenience and look forward to your call to arrange a time. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: This cover letter highlights the applicant’s relevant accomplishments as a leader and manager. It goes beyond stating familiarity with the required job duties and emphasizes results in key projects. Remember that you don’t want to copy and paste your whole resume into the cover letter. Think about the key selling points that you want to feature prominently. The goal is to make them excited to learn more about you.

Cover Letter Example 6: Senior-Level Executive

Dear Mr. Jones,

As a Senior-Level Finance & Operations Executive , I offer proven success in maximizing productivity and improving profit margins. My work spans companies and business units at various stages of growth, including start-up, established, and turnaround settings.

Believing profitability requires strong revenue generation and cost controls, I monitor budgets and sales performance closely to identify areas for improvement. I am known for enhancing overall performance through technology upgrades, advanced employee training, and implementation of best practices.

Examples of my work include:

  • Drove successful launch of start-up company by hiring a talent team, defining product development plans, and leading go-to-market strategies to achieve $35M+ revenue and 50% margins within two years.
  • Managed daily operations of a $150M subsidiary that provided a complete suite of manufacturing solutions in the US and Canada; improved profit margins on overall product line by 10%.
  • Proved vital to reorganization leadership that cumulated in a 10% productivity improvement in the sales and service organization and a 20% improvement in support organizations.

As CPA and MBA, I am confident I will prove valuable to your company and respectfully submit my resume for your review. I would also like to request a personal meeting to discuss your upcoming goals and how I can help you achieve them. I will make myself available at your convenience and look forward to your call. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: This cover letter nicely distills years of experience into a concise overview that really “sells” achievements most relevant to the specific advertised role. Each bullet presents a compelling high-level overview of a specific position, complete with impressive data points. It’s hard to be this concise when talking about a long career! However, a concise letter is always more effective — make the most exciting information jump out of the letter and grab the recruiter’s attention.

Cover Letter Examples (By Industry)

Teacher cover letter example.

Dear Principal Townson,

With five years of experience in teaching high school and a master’s degree in Chemistry, I believe I am an ideal candidate to fill the science teaching position you have open with the retirement of Stacy Jones. My teaching experience was at John Smith High School in Smallville where I taught all levels of Chemistry and helped host the science fair each year.

I keep up with all developments in teaching and chemistry by reading literature and attending conferences hosted by the American Association of High School Science Instructors. I have also volunteered my time at the community center, tutoring all levels of students in general sciences.

I look forward to working in this community and teaching at Rosewood High School. Please review my attached resume. I will be contacting you next week to schedule an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Our Take: We love how this cover letter emphasizes the applicant’s relevant qualifications in the first line. This puts emphasis on her ability to do the job. Later, she briefly explains how she has kept current with industry developments and shows passion for her career by mentioning her volunteer work.

Nursing Cover Letter Example

Dear Dr. Manning,

Five years ago, I worked my first shift as an emergency room nurse and have never before left the workplace more fatigued and fulfilled. Today, I am proud to declare that I am still an ER nurse. I love this work partly because I flourish in a fast-paced environment. I also take great pleasure in the opportunity to care for patients every day and be there for their loved ones. This is not easy work, but I can’t see myself doing anything else which is why I am applying for the position of Emergency Room Nursing Lead. I believe that I can be a great asset to your team and that I have a proven track record when it comes to patient care as further shown in my attached resume. 

I have reviewed the qualifications required for this position. I am confident to say that I possess all the skills and experience needed. I have a BSN in nursing and have held a nursing license in good standing for over five years. I have experience working in emergency rooms at several large hospitals, and I fully understand all of the regulations that are in place. I also have the kind of team leadership that you need to ensure that even the busiest nights in the emergency room go as smoothly as possible. 

I would love to sit down with you and discuss my qualifications along with your needs when you are free. Meanwhile, please review the rest of my application package. There you will find all the information you need. 

Our Take: The candidate starts by stating her experience and expresses how difficult a nursing job can be. However, she then turns it around by stating that the rewards are worth the effort. We like her storytelling approach and how she highlights her passion for working with patients and transitions into why her abilities qualify her for the job.

Business Analyst Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Sousa,

I am applying for the advertised business analyst job at your company that was posted on your website. I am a data-driven critical thinker with excellent interpersonal skills who holds teamwork in high esteem but can also function independently. I am always searching for fresh ideas and solutions that I can bring to the table to increase the company’s efficiency. 

During my time at XYZ Group, Ltd., my previous employer, I developed and implemented a new program designed to drop needless business expenses. In just one year, the costs were reduced by 15%. Apart from project management, I spearheaded the collection and analytics of business processes and data toward creating more efficient business models. Thanks to my achievements, I was ranked as one of the best employees in the company and received recognition from top stakeholders.

I would be delighted to join your team because I believe that the experience, skills, and vast knowledge that I bring to the table could improve the company’s operational performance. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to speaking to you soon. 

Our Take: Adopting a confident tone in your cover letter is a good way of showing the hiring manager that you have the necessary skills and experience to shine at the job you’re applying to. It’s also great when candidates state their accomplishments and showcase the contributions they can make to a company if hired.

Cover Letters: Basic Rules to Follow

What is a cover letter and how do you write one? It can feel like a chore but it’s actually one of the surefire ways to get an actual job interview.

There are five simple rules to follow if you want to write cover letters that make hiring managers giddy with excitement before meeting you:

1. Your cover letter should be grammatically correct and error-free

Avoid making grammar and formatting mistakes to give your cover letter a professional appearance (regardless of the job you’re applying for). If you’re not a particularly good writer, use a tool such as Grammarly to clean up your text, or kindly ask someone to read and edit your document.

Hiring managers get turned off when noticing mistakes in your cover letter. It sends them the wrong message about your professionalism and attention to detail.

2. The maximum length of your printed cover letter should be one page

If an employer asks for a physical cover letter, make sure it’s only one page long. You’ll want to add essential information highlighting your professional experience and best personality traits. The letter should also be printed on high-quality paper just like your resume.

If you send your cover letter digitally, cut and paste it into the email and attach your resume. Make sure that the letter is easy to read with minimal scrolling. Get to the point and be succinct. 

3. The letter should include examples of your qualifications

You can write a cover letter in paragraph or bulleted formats, but either way, you should include examples of your achievements and credentials. While you want to be brief, you also want to encourage the reader to review your resume for greater detail. The best way to do that is to call out two or three things you have done professionally to catch their attention and make them want to know more about you.

4. Your letter should address a specific person

Whenever possible, do some research and learn a few things about the person who will be reading your cover letter. This is a minor detail and some hiring managers won’t care, but it can distinguish you from your competition all the same. More importantly, don’t send an obviously-generic letter that has not been customized for the company/position.

5. Your letter should end with a call to action

When you close your letter, be sure to ask for a meeting. It is obvious that you want an interview when you submit a cover letter and resume, but job hunting is usually helped along with a proactive approach. Therefore, at every point in the application process, you should seek to move along to the next stage of consideration.

Don’t miss the opportunity to encourage a meeting with the hiring manager when ending your letter. Also, be sure to thank them for their time and consideration.

Do You Need a Cover Letter?

Second chances to make good first impressions in the job search are scarce. Adding a great cover letter at the beginning of your resume gives you the opportunity to “wow” the hiring manager. It also helps you influence their opinion prior to meeting you. Remember that your resume cover letter will be reviewed by a real live person who will be deciding whether or not you are worth their time to interview. It makes the difference between your resume going to the “yes” pile rather than the “file for future opening” (or the real or digital garbage can).

Even though there are times when a recruiter or hiring manager will skip right over your cover letter and focus on the resume, other screeners won’t even look at your resume if the cover letter doesn’t get their attention. Why take a chance? Write a strong cover letter and you’ll know that you’re doing everything possible to get past the gatekeepers and score an interview.

There are plenty of resources on the internet that you can learn from. A simple Google search might take you a long way when looking for a job. But once you find one you really want, you start thinking that you’re not ready to go get it.

A strong cover letter can give you confidence in your application. Send one along with your resume and you’ll know that you might have already stirred a potential employer’s curiosity.

If you’re struggling with writing your cover letter, the samples that you’ve seen so far will supplement Big Interview ’s Resume Curriculum. Everything you need to know about writing persuasive resumes and cover letters can be found there including structure formatting, writing great summary statements, and meaningful ‘Thank You’ notes.

It’s really easy to use. Just log in to your Big Interview account, select ‘My Resume’, and press the ‘Watch Lessons’ button under Resume Curriculum.

Cover Letter Examples - This is a photo showing you how to access Big Interview's Resume Curriculum.

You’ll then be taken to the lessons page where you’ll have access to some great advice like how to add high-value details to your letter, how to follow a job application’s requirements, and how to turn them into advantages.

Cover Letter Examples - This is a photo of Big Interview's Resume Curriculum video lessons list. The selected lesson is 'Writing Persuasive Cover Letters'.

Three Situations When a Good Resume Cover Letter is Critical

1. when you need to include information that should not go into the resume.

A resume is a formal business document with strict rules that must be followed. These rules include not writing in the first person or including personal information like your desire to relocate.

However, there are times when you need to communicate this type of information in order to make the case for your fit for the position.

​​ Example: Your cover letter can be used to communicate your intention to make a transition in your career or move to another city/state. Recruiters receive thousands of unqualified resumes for every position. They will look at your resume and cover letter and immediately trash them if they don’t see a fit — assuming that you are another one of those annoying applicants who applies for every job posted. This is always a challenge for career changers and individuals looking to relocate and a good cover letter can make a big difference.

Example: Your cover letter can also explain away other aspects of your particular career situation that might not be appropriate to include on your resume. For example, if you took some time away from the workforce, but have kept your skills and knowledge up-to-date.

In some job ads, the company will ask for specific information to be included in your cover letter. This technique is used to make screening easier – if someone can’t follow simple application directions, why waste time on an interview? Pay careful attention to the information they request and be sure to address it.

One problematic area is if they ask for salary requirements to be included in your cover letter. Companies make this request to help them rule out individuals with higher salary requirements than they have budgeted for the position, but it can also lock you into a lower pay range than they might offer you otherwise.

However, ignoring the request could disqualify you as well. Ergo, I suggest you research the average salary for the position you are applying to in the state of the opening and include a range slightly above and below that number .

2. When you want to reference a network connection

There is no right way to include in your resume, “Our mutual associate John Smith referred me to this role and says he thinks I will make a great fit for the job opening.” That is a reference line reserved solely for the opening paragraph of a cover letter. There are multiple ways you can mention a network connection or mutual friend in a cover letter, but such a statement has no place in a resume whatsoever.

Note: In professional resume writing, it has become passé to include a list of references on your resume or even the line “references available upon request.” Such information takes up valuable real estate on your resume (which should be 1-2 pages max) and it is best to focus on your achievements and qualifications instead. Besides, the hiring managers know you will give them references when they request them.

Rather than waste space on your resume, prepare a reference sheet with the same header as your resume and give it to the interviewer at the end of your meeting.

This sheet should include the first and last names of your references, their titles and company names, city and state, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses if possible.

You can even be proactive and have letters of recommendation ready to hand to the hiring manager at the end of your meeting, but don’t send them prior to that initial interview.

3. When you want to emphasize why you’re interested in the company

One way to distinguish yourself as a job candidate is to research the company you are interviewing with and talk about things you like or ask questions about the work they have coming up. This demonstrates your interest in their particular organization as opposed to them being just another job ad you responded to in your desperate attempt to find employment.

You can use your cover letter to show that you’ve done your homework and see a strong fit with the organization. Within the second or closing paragraphs of your cover letter, you can mention being interested in the specific work the company does, recent grants they have been awarded, a product they recently released, etc.

Again, this is not appropriate for inclusion on your resume, but adding it to your cover letter can help you stand out from the stack of applications the hiring manager is sorting through on the day your resume passes by him/her.

Cover Letter Format Examples

When choosing a cover letter format, consider what stage your job search is in and how you want hiring managers to perceive you. Cover letters are used for many different reasons and the proper format for each one varies.

The three main types of cover letters are the application cover letter, the prospecting cover letter, and the networking cover letter. You may also send cover letter emails which are an effective and increasingly common way to introduce your resume.

Let’s take an in-depth look at each type of cover letter and see exactly what sets them apart.

Application Cover Letter

This is the most common cover letter used alongside a resume during a job application. It’s geared toward a specific job, and it is designed to highlight the skills and specifications listed in the job posting.

The application cover letter is a vital instrument that gives you the ability to sell yourself as a job candidate. It rounds off your resume and expands on relevant parts of your work history and qualifications.

Application Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Osbourne,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in the graphic designer opening as advertised on your website. 

If hired, I believe I can begin making valuable contributions to the design team of your company from day one. I possess a wide range of abilities that combine fresh art and design principles. Furthermore, my knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, HTML, and CSS will allow me to play a pivotal role in the implementation of your design initiatives. 

During my previous job, I led a team of six designers to develop and implement the graphic, layout, and production of communication materials while helping clients cut their costs by an average of 17%. I also oversaw the efficient use of production budgets running from $3,000 – $20,000 and developed a myriad of marketing programs including advertisements, presentations, infographics, newsletters, brochures, and logos that have improved client transactions by an average of 35%.

I look forward to discussing face to face how my skills and strengths can best serve your company. In the meantime, please review the enclosed resume and portfolio. Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Our Take: In the first paragraph , the candidate is quick to mention all the tools they employ to bring value to the company. They use the second paragraph as a canvas on which to paint all of their accomplishments and relevant experiences.

Prospecting Cover Letter

Prospecting cover letters are also known as letters of inquiry or cold call letters. They are useful if you’re looking to apply to a company that isn’t actively hiring or isn’t widely advertising. A prospecting cover letter shows your interest in learning about available positions while at the same time demonstrating eagerness and initiative.

If the company decides to expand its talent pool, sending a prospecting cover letter could put you at the top of the list of desirable candidates.

Prospecting Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Patel,

Your company recently came to my attention while reading a very interesting LinkedIn article about how you’re becoming innovators in the industry. I’d very much like to embark on this journey with you. I haven’t seen any open positions on your website, but I’d like to be considered for open positions in the future. I’m interested in pursuing a career in software engineering. The hybrid work model that your company employs couples well with my extensive remote experience. 

I have a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, and in the following months, I will obtain a certification from the Institute of Certification of Computing Professionals. In addition to my two years as a freelance software engineer, I also have four years of software engineering experience at a publicly traded corporation. 

Please review the resume I’ve attached which contains additional information on my skills and experience relevant to your company. I’d love to discuss any openings you may have coming in the near future. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  

Our Take: This candidate took the bull by the horns and went straight to knocking on the company’s door. Even if there is no open position, their chances will grow when a job becomes available.

Networking Cover Letter

Networking is a highly effective method of finding a job. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking. It can help you discover job opportunities that might not be advertised yet or it can provide you with a job opportunity that was previously non-existent.

Sending a networking cover letter during your job search is a good idea if you need help from a contact in your industry or career field to introduce you to a potential employer.

Networking Cover Letter Example

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m reaching out about possibly meeting to get some information from you as a top professional in our field. 

As you might remember from our time as co-workers at our previous company, I have always thrived when working in client-facing positions. I’m looking for a new career opportunity in that direction and I wanted to ask for your advice. 

As I’m aware of your experience and your vast area of expertise in working with job seekers on a more personal level, I feel confident that you are the right person to discuss this matter with. 

I know that it’s a busy period for you right now, but I’d appreciate it if you’d let me buy you a drink and pick your brain. I’d also value your thoughts on the matter via reply if we can’t meet. 

Our Take: This candidate knows that a networking cover letter has a casual tone. He uses an informal greeting but still sounds professional throughout. He makes sure to emphasize his former co-worker’s skills and success before asking for a casual meeting and some friendly advice.

Email Cover Letter

This simple, short, and professional cover letter is sent over email when a formal cover letter is not requested in a job posting. It does not follow a specific format but usually includes a greeting and a simple body of text explaining your experience and interest in the company. You should also include a closing with references to any attachments such as your resume, portfolio, samples, or any other necessary documents.

An email cover letter should be a maximum of two paragraphs long and the writing style should be casual but still professional. Remember to create a subject line that includes the position you’re applying for.

Email Cover Letter Example

Subject line: Following Up on Your Content Writer Job Posting on LinkedIn

Dear Mr. McClane, 

This letter is being submitted as an introduction. I am applying for the position of Content Writer with your company. I believe my verbal skills and writing style would be of great value to your team and I can guarantee that if hired I would offer original content with a quick turnaround time. 

I’ve been writing content for over six years and have contributed to several notable blogs in the IT, Finance, and Cryptocurrency industries which I’ve mentioned in my resume. I would like to continue my passionate journey toward advancing my writing career within your company. I am adept at writing SEO (search engine optimization) articles that convert efficiently which would suit your article marketing business model well. I also write highly engaging copy for social media campaigns as seen in my portfolio. 

I read in your job posting that you’d like a candidate who possesses in-depth knowledge of working with keyword research tools. I’m happy to say that I’ve been using Semrush successfully for the last four years. 

Please review my attached resume and portfolio. I’m looking forward to meeting you and discussing my writing skills and history in more detail. 

Our Take: The candidate keeps it short and sweet. They shed light on their relevant skills and then guide the hiring manager towards the resume and portfolio.

Cover Letter Examples – Bottom Line

Adding a cover letter to your resume is the best way to connect with a potential employer from the get-go. Hiring managers get a glimpse of your accomplishments and experience as soon as they open your email or letter.

By analyzing good resume cover letter examples, and understanding their purpose, it will become simpler for you to write one yourself.

Make sure to stick to the structure and include only the best things about your career. Also, remember that your cover letter should only include valuable information that does not repeat itself in your resume.

Stay fresh, always.


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1. Learn how to turn more job interviews into job offers here . (Rated with 4.9/5 by 1,000,000 users) 2. Learn how to successfully negotiate a better salary. (Take a sneak peek of one lesson for free here )

cover letter i am writing in response to your

Pamela Skillings

Turn interviews into offers

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How To Write an Email Response to a Job Posting

Your Guide To Emailing About a Job Posting and Sending Cover Letters

Emailing About a Job Posting

Emailing a cover letter, examples of how to respond to a job posting, frequently asked questions (faqs).

FG Trade / Getty Images

Imagine you’ve just found your dream job on an online job post. Your resume and cover letter are important, but you’ll also want to make a good first impression with your initial email response to the job posting. A good email response reflects your experience, job skills, and communication skills. It could encourage the hiring manager to read your resume and schedule an interview.

When crafting your response , you have a lot of things to consider. The email response should be the right length, concisely express your interest and qualifications, and follow modern design formats. Once you understand the components of a well-written email response, you can apply for that dream job with confidence and look forward to a bright future.

Key Takeaways

  • The best email responses to job postings are succinct while providing a good overview of your experience and talents.
  • Good grammar and punctuation are important, but you must also pay attention to details such as spacing and fonts.
  • You can write your cover letter in the body of the email; it does not need to be an attachment.
  • Job postings can remain online for weeks or months, so the sooner you respond, the better.

Finding a job posting for a role you really want can cause anxiety, and you might not know the best way to proceed.

“First, follow the instructions of the job posting,” San Francisco human resources director Leslie Brown told The Balance via phone. Include your resume, email address, and phone number in the initial email so they can easily contact you.

“Take a hard look at the job responsibilities and duties, and tailor your resume to that position,” Brown said. “For example, if it’s a customer service position, you need to highlight all your customer service expertise. It can really blend in with the job description.”

After following the application process, if the job posting includes the name of a hiring manager, you can contact them directly via email or through their Linkedin profile. Reaching out personally might help you make a good first impression and show you’re eager to get the job.

You don’t have to apply to the job right away. If you have questions, such as if it’s a remote or in-office position, you can email the hiring manager to get answers before officially submitting an application.

A cover letter is a powerful tool. It offers you an opportunity to make a strong first impression , and when written well, may persuade the hiring manager to review your resume. And if you think no one reads cover letters, think again: A survey of more than 230 recruiters and hiring managers by ResumeGo found that 87% read cover letters. The survey also found that applicants who submit cover letters often get 50% more interviews than those who skip them.

Before drafting the letter, make sure you understand the duties of the position and take time to research the employer to learn more about how you can fit into the organization’s culture and help advance its goals. Tailor your cover letter to the job and company.

When emailing an employer about a job posting, your cover letter should appear in the body of the email, not as an attachment.

“If you attach the cover letter, it looks a little more formal,” Brown said. “Some people don’t prefer such a formal response, especially if it’s a smaller company.”

Components of a Cover Letter

When possible, address your cover letter to a specific hiring manager. In the first paragraph of your letter, state the position you’re applying for and tell the hiring manager why you believe you are the best candidate for the job.

In the next paragraph, explain why your experience and skills qualify you for the position.

“It doesn’t need to be long, just a few major points on your strengths,” Brown said. “Just say, ‘I’d be a great fit because A, B, and C.’ ”

The last paragraph should direct the hiring manager to your attached resume and must include your contact details and availability for an in-person or virtual interview.

“Write something that’s concise,” Brown said. “Using bullet points is important because they draw the eye to your strengths. A cover letter should be half a page, at the most. Make sure it’s double spaced, so it’s easier on the eye.”

Cover Letter Fonts

Use modern fonts when writing your cover letter and resume. While Times New Roman once was the standard font in business communication, Brown told The Balance that it’s outdated today. Instead, choose a rounder, more modern font, such as Verdana.

Choosing a modern font may help you avoid ageism, particularly if you are over 40. A font such as Verdana gives the impression that you’re a contemporary worker, while an outdated font such as Times New Roman could make you appear out of touch.

Email Addresses

Using an outdated email address could also indicate you are not familiar with current workforce trends. For example, AOL and Hotmail email addresses aren’t as popular as they once were.

“Young people have Gmail addresses, period,” Brown said. If you don’t have a Gmail address, you can easily make one in just a few minutes before emailing about the job posting.

Grammar and Punctuation

Do not use the word “I” at the beginning of every sentence or paragraph. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service job, try not to write, “I assisted customers with billing errors. I helped new customers open accounts.” Instead, you could say, “As a customer service agent, I helped new customers open accounts and assisted existing customers with billing errors.”

Before writing an email response or submitting a cover letter and resume, correct all grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. If you write your cover letter and resume in Google Docs or Microsoft Word, use the spelling and grammar tool to check for errors. Microsoft Word also has a “Read Aloud” tool that enables you to hear the flow of your text and helps you catch misspellings or missing words. Grammarly is also a great tool, and it offers a free plan.

Portfolio Materials

Some job application systems have fields in which you can include a link to your portfolio, while others have fields to upload examples of your work, and some offer both. While an online portfolio might provide a broader view of your talents and accomplishments, some employers like to print work samples. Whenever possible, attach portfolio items that the reviewer can print, even if you include links to online work.

Consider attaching PDF documents to emails to make them easy for the hiring manager to open and print.

Let’s say you’re an assistant manager of a doughnut shop and want to apply for a job as a manager of a neighborhood bakery. The job calls for supervising 12 employees, generating sales reports, buying advertising, making bank deposits, and ensuring the bakery complies with health codes. In your email response, you could write a cover letter that mentions you are applying for the manager position. You’ll also want to express why you think you’d be a good fit for the job and what you like about the company.

Next, create a short bullet-point list of your experiences and qualifications as they relate to why you’d be a good fit for the job, such as:

  • Strong management experience, supervising up to 10 employees per shift
  • Detail-oriented when inspecting kitchen and customer area every hour to ensure compliance of health department regulations
  • Manage time well, creating weekly work schedules for all hourly employees
  • Organized inventory of all cooking ingredients and supplies such as bags, boxes, cups, and cleaning products
  • Generate cash register reports after each shift and make bank deposits at the end of the day

In the last paragraph of your cover letter, you’d mention that you look forward to speaking with the hiring manager soon and include your contact information as well as availability to meet for an interview.

Before emailing your cover letter and resume, you must review the job description carefully to make sure you have tailored both documents to the position. You might also want to add a personal touch. For instance, you might add that the bakery makes the best muffins in town and you can always smell them as you walk down the block.

After putting the finishing touches on your cover letter and resume, submit them as directed in the job posting. Attach your resume and paste the text of your cover letter in the body of the email.

After sending the email application, you can look for the hiring manager’s email address on the bakery’s website or find their Linkedin profile, and send a personal message stating that you have applied for the position and feel confident that you are a good candidate for the job.

What are the best job posting websites?

LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed are three top job posting websites for job seekers. However, you should search Google to find other websites that may offer a more narrowed list of job openings based on industry, such as Mediabistro, which focuses on jobs for designers, copywriters, social media managers, proofreaders, and more.

How long does a job posting typically stay up on a job board website?

A job posting can appear on a website for as short as two to three weeks or as long as a few months, depending on how quickly the company needs to fill the position.

Want to read more content like this? Sign up for The Balance’s newsletter for daily insights, analysis, and financial tips, all delivered straight to your inbox every morning!

ResumeGo. “ Cover Letters: Just How Important Are They? ”

Office of Intramural Training & Education. “ How To Write a Cover Letter .”

Microsoft. " Listen To Your Word Documents ."

Grammarly. “ Grammarly Prices and Plans .”

Mediabistro. “ Welcome to Mediabistro .”


Cover Letter Phrases. How to Start a Cover Letter?

cover letter i am writing in response to your

This article contains useful cover letter phrases in English for your job application. Here you can learn: how to start a cover letter, to describe the reasons for applying, to write about your skills, and how to close a cover letter.

Table of Contents

Cover letter phrases. How to Start a Cover Letter.

Start a cover letter phrases.

  • I noticed with interest your advertisement for …
  • I am writing in response to your advertisement posted on…
  • I am very interested in applying for the position of …
  • I am applying for the position of ….., which was advertised in …..
  • I was interested to see your advertisement for …
  • I was referred to you by …./name/, who informed me of a …./position/
  • I have pleasure in applying for the advertised position, as …
  • Please accept this letter as my application for the position of…

Cover Letter Phrases: Reasons for Applying for a Job

  • I would be well suited to the position because …
  • My professional skills appear to be well suited to your company’s requirements.
  • I have a lively interest in … and would appreciate the opportunity to work with you.
  • As you can see from my enclosed résumé, my experience and qualifications match this position’s requirements.
  • My strengths are …
  • I believe the combination of my education and experiences have prepared me…
  • It is a challenging position for which I believe I am well qualified.
  • This position represents an opportunity to continue my committed career path…

Write about Your Skills

  • I have a working knowledge of …
  • I believe I possess the right combination of …
  • I am an experienced user of …
  • My professional experiences are supplemented by…
  • My interest and knowledge in this area was further enhanced by…
  • My particular area of effectiveness is…
  • I have an excellent command of …

Close Cover Letter Phrases

  • I would appreciate the chance to meet with you to discuss …
  • I look forward to our meeting.
  • If you are interested, please contact me at …
  • I am eager to talk with you about the contribution I could make to your firm.
  • I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these and other qualifications with you.
  • Thanking you most sincerely for your time and consideration.
  • I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally.
  • Thank you for considering me for this very important position.
  • I look forward with enthusiasm to an opportunity for an interview.

See also job interview answers and job interview phrases to avoid .

cover letter i am writing in response to your

Marin Valchev, PMP is an IT Project Manager with more than 10 years of experience. He implements cutting-edge technology in a wide-range of Financial and TELCO companies in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Marin shares his knowledge of software, analysis, project management and other business areas.

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How to Write a Cover Letter: Your Full Guide (With Tips and Examples)

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It’s a familiar cycle: You sit down to write a cover letter, open a blank document, check your email, browse cover letter examples , do some chores, watch that cursor blink a few more times, and finally Google something like “how to write a cover letter”—which hopefully brought you here. But you still might be thinking, does anyone really read cover letters? Why do they even exist?

First: Yes, we can assure you that cover letters do, in fact, get read. To some hiring managers, they’re the most important part of your job application. And regardless, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to tell prospective employers who you are, showcase why they should hire you, and stand out above all the other candidates.

To ensure your letter is in amazing shape (and crafting it is as painless as possible), we’ve got easy-to-follow steps plus examples, a few bonus tips, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Get that cover letter out there! Browse open jobs on The Muse and find your dream job »

What is a cover letter and why is it important?

A cover letter is a brief (one page or less) note that you write to a hiring manager or recruiter to go along with your resume and other application materials.

Done well, a cover letter gives you the chance to speak directly to how your skills and experience line up with the specific job you’re pursuing. It also affords you an opportunity to hint to the reviewer that you’re likable, original, and likely to be a great addition to the team.

Instead of using cover letters to their strategic advantage, most job applicants blabber on and on about what they want, toss out bland, cliché-filled paragraphs that essentially just regurgitate their resume, or go off on some strange tangent in an effort to be unique. Given this reality, imagine the leg up you’ll have once you learn how to do cover letters right.

How long should a cover letter be?

An ideal cover letter typically ranges from a half page to one full page. Aim to structure it into four paragraphs, totaling around 250 to 400 words, unless the job posting states otherwise. Some employers may have specific guidelines like word or character limits, writing prompt, or questions to address. In such cases, be sure to follow these instructions from the job posting.

How to write a cover letter hiring managers will love

Now that you’re sold on how important cover letters are, here are eight steps to writing one that screams, “I’m a great hire!”

Step 1: Write a fresh cover letter for each job (but yes, you can use a template)

Sure, it’s way faster and easier to take the cover letter you wrote for your last application, change the name of the company, and send it off. But most employers want to see that you’re truly excited about the specific position and organization—which means creating a custom letter for each position.

While it’s OK to recycle a few strong sentences and phrases from one cover letter to the next, don’t even think about sending out a 100% generic letter. “Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply to the open position at your company” is an immediate signal to recruiters and hiring managers that you’re mass-applying to every job listing that pops up on LinkedIn.

At the same time, there’s nothing that says you can’t get a little help: Try out one of our free cover letter templates to make the process a bit easier.

Step 2: Add your contact info

At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you’d like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in):

  • Your pronouns (optional)
  • Your location (optional)
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number (optional)
  • Your Linkedin, portfolio, or personal website URL (optional)

Note that only name and email are mandatory, and you don’t need to put a full address on a cover letter or resume anymore. A city and state (or metro area) are more than enough. So your header might look like this:

Inigo Montoya he/him Florin Metropolitan Area [email protected] 555-999-2222

If the job posting tells you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can add your contact info at the end, after your name (and if you’d like to forgo the email address here, you can—they have it already). So your sign off could look like this:

Violet Baudelaire she/her [email protected] 123-123-1234

Step 3: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager—preferably by name

The most traditional way to address a cover letter is to use the person’s first and last name, including “Mr.” or “Ms.” (for example, “Dear Ms. Jane Smith” or just “Dear Ms. Smith”). But to avoid accidentally using the wrong title—or worse, inadvertently misgendering someone—first and last name also work just fine.

If “Dear” feels a bit too stiff, try “Hello.” But never use generic salutations like “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear Sir or Madam.”

For more help, read these rules for addressing your cover letter and a few tips for how to find the hiring manager .

Step 4: Craft an opening paragraph that’ll hook your reader

Your opening sets the stage for the whole cover letter. So you want it to be memorable, friendly, conversational, and hyper-relevant to the job you’re pursuing.

No need to lead with your name—the hiring manager can see it already. But it’s good to mention the job you’re applying for (they may be combing through candidates for half a dozen different jobs).

You could go with something simple like, “I am excited to apply for [job] with [Company].” But consider introducing yourself with a snappy first paragraph that highlights your excitement about the company you’re applying to, your passion for the work you do, and/or your past accomplishments.

This is a prime spot to include the “why” for your application. Make it very clear why you want this job at this company. Are you a longtime user of their products? Do you have experience solving a problem they’re working on? Do you love their brand voice or approach to product development? Do your research on the company (and check out their Muse profile if they have one) to find out.

Read this next: 30 Genius Cover Letter Openers Recruiters Will LOVE

Step 5: Convey why you’d be a great hire for this job

A common cover letter mistake is only talking about how great the position would be for you. Frankly, hiring managers are aware of that—what they really want to know is what you’re going to bring to the position and company.

So once you’ve got the opening under wraps, you should pull out a few key ideas that will make up the backbone of your cover letter. They should show that you understand what the organization is looking for and spell out how your background lines up with the position.

Study the job description for hints . What problems is the company looking to solve with this hire? What skills or experiences are mentioned high up, or more than once? These will likely be the most important qualifications.

If you tend to have a hard time singing your own praises and can’t nail down your strengths , here’s a quick trick: What would your favorite boss, your best friend, or your mentor say about you? How would they sing your praises? Use the answers to inform how you write about yourself. You can even weave in feedback you’ve received to strengthen your case (occasionally, don’t overuse this!). For example:

“When I oversaw our last office move, my color-coded spreadsheets covering every minute detail of the logistics were legendary; my manager said I was so organized, she’d trust me to plan an expedition to Mars.”

Step 6: Back up your qualifications with examples and numbers

Look at your list of qualifications from the previous step, and think of examples from your past that prove you have them. Go beyond your resume. Don’t just regurgitate what the hiring manager can read elsewhere.

Simply put, you want to paint a fuller picture of what experiences and accomplishments make you a great hire and show off what you can sashay through their doors with and deliver once you land the job.

For example, what tells a hiring manager more about your ability to win back former clients? This: “I was in charge of identifying and re-engaging former clients.” Or this: “By analyzing past client surveys, NPS scores, and KPIs, as well as simply picking up the phone, I was able to bring both a data-driven approach and a human touch to the task of re-engaging former clients.”

If you're having trouble figuring out how to do this, try asking yourself these questions and finding answers that line up with the qualifications you’ve chosen to focus on:

  • What approach did you take to tackling one of the responsibilities you’ve mentioned on your resume?
  • What details would you include if you were telling someone a (very short!) story about how you accomplished one of your resume bullet points?
  • What about your personality, passion, or work ethic made you especially good at getting the job done?

Come up with your examples, then throw in a few numbers. Hiring managers love to see stats—they show you’ve had a measurable impact on an organization you’ve worked for. Did you bring in more clients than any of your peers? Put together an impressive number of events? Make a process at work 30% more efficient? Work it into your cover letter!

This might help: How to Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Don't Work With Numbers)

Step 7: Finish with a strong conclusion

It’s tempting to treat the final lines of your cover letter as a throwaway: “I look forward to hearing from you.” But your closing paragraph is your last chance to emphasize your enthusiasm for the company or how you’d be a great fit for the position. You can also use the end of your letter to add important details—like, say, the fact that you’re willing to relocate for the job.

Try something like this:

“I believe my energy, desire to innovate, and experience as a sales leader will serve OrangePurple Co. very well. I would love to meet to discuss the value I could add as your next West Coast Sales Director. I appreciate your consideration and hope to meet with you soon.”

Then be sure to sign off professionally , with an appropriate closing and your first and last name. (Need help? Here are three cover letter closing lines that make hiring managers grimace, plus some better options .)

Step 8: Reread and revise

We shouldn’t have to tell you to run your cover letter through spell-check, but remember that having your computer scan for typos isn’t the same as editing . Set your letter aside for a day or even just a few hours, and then read through it again with fresh eyes—you’ll probably notice some changes you want to make.

You might even want to ask a friend or family member to give it a look. In addition to asking them if they spot any errors, you should ask them two questions:

  • Does this sell me as the best person for the job?
  • Does it get you excited?

If the answer to either is “no,” or even slight hesitation, go back for another pass.

Cover letter examples

Here are four example cover letters that follow the advice given above. Keep in mind that different situations may require adjustments in your approach. For instance, experienced job seekers can emphasize accomplishments from previous roles, while those with less experience might highlight volunteer work, personal projects, or skills gained through education.

Example #1: Cover letter for a job application

Alia Farhat San Francisco Bay Area [email protected] 444-000-1111

Hello Danny Tanaka,

If I’m being honest, I still haven’t fully gotten over the death of my first Tamagotchi pet when I was six years old. (His name was Tommy, and I’ve gotten far more creative since then, I promise.) When I was older, I discovered NeoPets and I was hooked for years—not just on the site, but on the community that surrounded it. So when I heard about FantasyPets last year, I immediately started following news about your development process, and that’s how I saw your post looking for a marketing strategist. Not only do I have eight years of experience in digital marketing, but as a lifelong gamer with a passion for pet-focused titles who’s spent years in online communities with like-minded people, I also know exactly what kind of messaging resonates with your target audience.

You’re looking for someone to help you craft a social media marketing campaign to go along with your game launch, and I’ve been a part of three launch-day marketing campaigns for mobile and web-based games. In my current role as social media manager at Phun Inc., I proposed a campaign across Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok based on competitor research and analysis of our social campaigns for similar games to go along with the launch of the mobile game FarmWorld. Using my strategy of featuring both kids and adults in ads, we ended up driving over one million impressions and 80k downloads in the first three months.

I’ve always believed that the best way to find the right messaging for a game is to understand the audience and immerse myself in it as much as possible. I spend some of my research time on gaming forums and watching Twitch streams and Let’s Plays to see what really matters to the audience and how they talk about it. Of course, I always back my strategies up with data—I’m even responsible for training new members of the marketing team at Phun Inc. in Google AdWords and data visualization.

I believe that my passion for games exactly like yours, my digital marketing and market research experience, and my flair for turning data into actionable insights will help put FantasyPets on the map. I see so much promise in this game, and as a future player, I want to see its user base grow as much as you do. I appreciate your consideration for the marketing strategist role and hope to speak with you soon.

Alia Farhat

Example #2: Cover letter for an internship

Mariah Johnson

New York, NY [email protected] 555-000-1234

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the software development internship at Big Tech. As a student at New York University majoring in computer science with a keen interest in social studies, I believe I would be a good fit for the role. Big Tech's mission to promote equality and a more sustainable world is deeply inspiring, and I would be thrilled to contribute to this mission.

In a recent hackathon, I demonstrated my ability to lead a team in designing and developing an app that directs members of a small community to nearby electronics recycling centers. My team successfully developed a working prototype and presented it to a panel of industry experts who awarded us second place.

I’ve also been an active volunteer at my local library for over four years. During this time, I organized book donation drives, led book fairs, and conducted reading sessions with children. This experience strengthened my presentation and communication skills and confirmed my motivation stems from supporting a good cause. I would be more than happy to bring my passion and dedication to an organization whose mission resonates with me..

Through these experiences, along with my coursework in software engineering, I am confident I am able to navigate the challenges of the Big Tech internship program. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.

Example #3: Cover letter with no experience

Sarah Bergman

Philadelphia, PA [email protected] 1234-555-6789

Dear Chloe West,

I’m excited to apply for the entry-level copywriting position at Idea Agency. As a recent graduate from State University with a major in mass communications, I’m eager to delve deeper into copywriting for brands, marketing strategies, and their roles in the business world.

Over the past two years, I’ve completed courses in creative writing, copywriting, and essentials of digital marketing. I’ve also been actively involved in extracurricular activities, creating content and promoting student events across multiple online platforms. These experiences expanded my creativity, enhanced my teamwork skills, and strengthened my communication abilities.

As an admirer of your visionary marketing campaigns and Idea Agency’s commitment to sustainability, I’m enthusiastic about the prospect of joining your team. I'm confident that I can contribute to your future projects with inventive thinking and creative energy.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards,

Example #4: Career change cover letter

Leslie Smith

Chicago, IL [email protected] 111-222-3344

Dear Paul Jones,

Over the past year, I’ve volunteered to represent my company at a local fair and there I discovered how much fun working face to face with clients would be. Everytime I sold a product for The Solar Company, I often wished it was my full-time job. Now, I'm excited to submit my application for the sales coordinator position with Bloom Sales.

After completing a degree in business administration, I decided to put my outgoing personality and strong communication skills to work as a sales specialist at The Solar Company. I’ve sharpened my presentation and critical thinking skills in client meetings and sourced more than $20,000 in new partnerships. This experience has given me an invaluable foundation, and now I’m confident it's the time to move business administration to sales coordination.

I’m comfortable seeking out new business opportunities, making cold calls, and selling potential clients on the advantages of Bloom Sales products. I attend an average of 10 in-person meetings a week, and interacting with a lot of different personalities is what excites me the most. As a detail-oriented, tech-savvy professional, I have advanced knowledge of Excel and data analysis.

I would love to learn more about your sales strategy for the second semester and discuss how my experience in business administration and client-facing sales exposure would help Bloom Sales achieve its goals. Thank you for your consideration.

Extra cover letter examples

  • Pain point cover letter example
  • Recent graduate cover letter example
  • Stay-at-home parent returning to work cover letter example
  • Sales cover letter example
  • Email marketing manager cover letter example
  • No job description or position cover letter example (a.k.a., a letter of intent or interest)
  • Buzzfeed-style cover letter example
  • Creative cover letter example (from the point-of-view of a dog)

Bonus cover letter tips to give you an edge over the competition

As you write your cover letter, here are a few more tips to consider to help you stand out from the stack of applicants:

  • Keep it short and sweet: There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, for resumes and cover letters alike, don’t go over a page. (Check out these tips for cutting down your cover letter .)
  • Never apologize for your missing experience: When you don’t meet all of the job requirements, it’s tempting to use lines like, “Despite my limited experience as a manager…” or “While I may not have direct experience in marketing…” But why apologize ? Instead of drawing attention to your weaknesses, emphasize the strengths and transferable skills you do have.
  • Strike the right tone: You want to find a balance between being excessively formal in your writing—which can make you come off as stiff or insincere—and being too conversational. Let your personality shine through, for sure, but also keep in mind that a cover letter shouldn’t sound like a text to an old friend.
  • Consider writing in the company’s “voice:” Cover letters are a great way to show that you understand the environment and culture of the company and industry. Spending some time reading over the company website or stalking their social media before you get started can be a great way to get in the right mindset—you’ll get a sense for the company’s tone, language, and culture, which are all things you’ll want to mirror—especially if writing skills are a core part of the job.
  • Go easy on the enthusiasm: We can’t tell you how many cover letters we’ve seen from people who are “absolutely thrilled for the opportunity” or “very excitedly applying!” Yes, you want to show personality, creativity, and excitement. But downplay the adverbs a bit, and keep the level of enthusiasm for the opportunity genuine and believable.

The bottom line with cover letters is this: They matter, much more than the naysayers will have you believe. If you nail yours, you could easily go from the “maybe” pile straight to “Oh, hell yes.”

Cover letter FAQs (a.k.a., everything else you need to know about cover letters)

  • Are cover letters still necessary?
  • Do I have to write a cover letter if it’s optional?
  • Can I skip the cover letter for a tech job?
  • What does it mean to write a cover letter for a resume?
  • How can I write a simple cover letter in 30 minutes?
  • How can I show personality in my cover letter?
  • What should I name my cover letter file?
  • Is a letter of intent different from a cover letter?
  • Is a letter of interest different from a cover letter?

Regina Borsellino , Jenny Foss , and Amanda Cardoso contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

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July 26, 2018

5 Mistakes To Avoid In A Cover Letter

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You only have one chance to make a first impression. If the first impression you need to make is through a cover letter to a prospective employer, school admissions office, or internship sponsor, make sure it shines a light on your qualifications and displays your enthusiasm for the position or that seat in the class. Unfortunately, too many cover letters I see are dull as dust, containing only generalities or jargon and lacking confidence. These letters hurt your cause.

Here are 5 common mistakes in cover letters. Don’t make them in yours!

1. Sound as if you’re bored.

“I am writing in response to your opening for a marketing manager, listed on Job Site website.” This response is honest and to the point, but it also lacks a sense that you really want this gig.  Better: “I am enthusiastically applying for the position of marketing manager for Best Company Ever. My experience as a top saleswoman for the last three years for an organic beauty supply is an ideal match for your needs.” Feel the energy of the second sentence? The reader will, too.

2. Don’t make any effort to get inside knowledge about the company or school, or explain why you want to attend their program/get hired by them. Also omit your most relevant experiences that should make them want to give careful consideration to your resume.

There could be a dozen different reasons why you’ve chosen to apply for this job or to attend this program. For example, if it’s a start-up, you’ll have more opportunity to perform multiple roles and gain a broader view of small businesses. In a larger company, you may have more chances for travel or longstanding career growth. Perhaps the company has innovated a technology, product type, or employee-friendly atmosphere that you strongly admire. Identify these things, as well as your most relevant experience/qualifications that match what they are looking for. Don’t go into too many details; keep it short. For example:

“My friend Bonnie V. told me how much she learned about digital media sales and marketing as a result of her internship with Best Company Ever last summer. My experience with the Streaming Live Network in building their salesforce over the last year will make me an ideal fit for your team.”

“As a future entrepreneur in green technology, I admire Live Green Now’s innovations in environmentally friendly plastics and am eager to learn more about these innovations from the inside. My master’s degree in Environmental Studies and research into new techniques for recycling plastics without water makes me a strong candidate for this position.”

3. Ignore the stated requirements for acceptance or position.

If a company says that knowledge of a particular software knowledge, skillset, or academic record is required for a position, don’t waste your time or theirs by submitting a letter if you don’t have it. If you feel you are still qualified, you had better have a compelling explanation and say so up front. Otherwise move on. Pay attention to what companies and schools say they are looking for. They mean it.

4. Sound needy or wishy-washy about getting a call back for an interview. 

A recent cover letter I edited – by someone whose professional experience spanned more than 20 years, numerous awards and 10 patents in his name – ended his letter like this: “If after reviewing my materials you believe that there is a match, please contact me.” This sentence is passive and sounds insecure, as if he doesn’t really expect them to call. And they probably wouldn’t.

I suggested he end the letter like this: “I look forward to the opportunity to meet you to discuss this position and how I can add value to Best Company Ever.” See how the simple change of writing in active voice (“I look forward. . . “) exudes confidence in his ability to demonstrate value.

5. Make them take the extra step of going back to you to get references.

This is one of the mistakes that drives me crazy every time I see it, which is often. Why in the world would you write “References available upon request” instead of providing the actual references in the letter, and/or the resume? List names, titles, phone numbers and emails. If a reference doesn’t have a title, put the person’s relationship to you so the caller will know in what context he or she is providing the recommendation.

Finally, keep the letter short – preferably only a half to three-quarters of a page. This is an appetizer only to get them to want to give your resume careful review, and then call you for the next step. Using active voice, specific facts about your qualifications and the reasons you like the company or school, will demonstrate you are not sending cover letters in a scattershot way, but in a thoughtful, carefully considered manner. And this should help you bring your job search to a swifter and happier conclusion.

Download your free copy of the Quick Guide to Admissions Resume now!

Related Resources:

• 5 Fatal Flaws to Avoid in Your Application Essay or Personal Statement • Ten Do’s and Don’ts for Your Resume  • Sample Resumes and Cover Letter

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How to Write a Cover Letter Ending that will Ensure a Positive Response

cover letter i am writing in response to your

Always leave the reader wanting more. This is the secret to any well-written story, and it rings true for cover letters as well. A hiring manager’s chances of calling you in for an interview should increase the more of your cover letter they read. You should write a cover letter so compelling it gets the recruiter to turn the page, go through your resume, and say, “Let’s call this one in for an interview.”

How you close your cover letter matters; it’s your call-to-action. And it could determine whether you get called in for that interview. Many job seekers tend to underestimate the importance of a cover letter. Instead, choosing to focus mainly on polishing their resume. Don’t make this mistake. A poor cover letter may dissuade a hiring manager from even glancing at your resume. Your resume just spells out your skills and experience – it says nothing about you as a person.

Let’s cover how you can write a cover letter ending so good that it will boost the prospects of a positive response.

What Should the Final Paragraph of a Cover Letter Include?

Here’s a little tip you can use when crafting your cover letter! When presented with a lot of information at once, odds are you’ll only remember the first and last thing you read. That’s just how the human brain works. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as the serial position effect. Use this tidbit to your advantage.

With this in mind, your cover letter ending should accomplish four things.

  • Provide a succinct summary of the value you can bring to the organization. Use the final paragraph to sum up, your strengths. Be careful not to repeat what you’ve said before in the same way. The last thing you want to do is bore your reader—also, pepper in small details about the company and tailor your strengths to the job description.
  • Include a gentle call-to-action. And this is where you should be careful. You want to come across as confident, not needy, pushy, or desperate. Also, you should never be demanding. Mind your language when requesting an interview or follow-up. If you want a call-back, don’t end your cover letter with “I look forward to hearing from you.” Think of how many emails and cover letters they see that end in this way. You don’t want to blend in with the crowd.
  • Reiterate your enthusiasm. End your cover letter on a high note. After all, your ending is what will stick in their minds. It should be direct and firm.
  • Appreciate the reader for their consideration. It takes time and patience to go through a cover letter. Always communicate your thanks; it’s the polite thing to do.

Your ending should provide a clear indication of who you are and why you deserve a call-back.

Signing Off

How you sign-off your cover letter is just as crucial as your greeting. Knowing your audience can make a world of difference. As with anything work-related, always strive to achieve the right level of formality. Avoid sounding too friendly or casual. A cover letter is not the place for “Take care” or worse, “Sent from my iPhone.” Being casual or careless will not help you seal the deal.

You can sign off with the usual ‘Yours Sincerely’ or ‘Thank You.’ They’ve stood the test of time. You can also try:

  • Respectfully
  • Yours Truly
  • Best Regards

End the cover letter with your name and ensure any contact information you’ve provided is accurate. Adding a phone number and an email address below your name makes it easier for your potential employer to contact you.

Here’s an excellent template for this:

Best Regards,

Your LinkedIn Profile URL

Your Email Address

Your Phone Number

End Your Cover a Letter with a P.S.

Recruiters skim through cover letters all day long, and this can get monotonous. Naturally, their eyes will be drawn to anything that stands out. Ending with a postscript is your secret weapon. It may even be the first thing they read. Intrigue them.

Make sure it stands out. It should not regurgitate the same information in your resume or the rest of your cover letter. It’s the cherry on top. Also, here’s another tip: if possible, quantify your achievements. This will get you noticed. Here’s how you can do this.

P.S. – I’d be thrilled for an opportunity to discuss how my sustainability initiatives at XYZ Inc. reduced the office building energy costs by 23% and transformed it into a net-zero energy building.

Cover Letter Closing Mistakes

Before we get to the examples, let’s go through some common closing mistakes.

  • Being too generic. Your closing should be straight to the point and specific. Make it clear what position you’re applying for and how you’re qualified.
  • Being overly confident. Confidence is great, but too much can be a red flag.
  • Using humour to stand out. It’s unprofessional, and a cover letter is simply not the place for humor.

Examples of How to End a Cover Letter

Here are some closing paragraphs you can use as inspiration for your own.

  • Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I’m particularly excited to learn more about your app’s intuitive U.I. and how it’s revolutionizing the fintech space. I think my background and skillset in app development would make me an invaluable member of your organization. I would love the chance to discuss this position and demonstrate how I can help ABC Inc achieve its vision. ­I can be reached at (email and phone) if you require any other information.
  • With my six years of experience in the climate change sector, I believe I will be an excellent match for this role and your organization. I welcome the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and the skills I would bring to the job. Thank you for your time.
  • I appreciate your time and consideration. I have attached my resume for your perusal. You’ll note that in my eight years as a human resource manager, I improved employee retention by 35%. I would love the opportunity to discuss the role in person.

Good Luck on the Job Hunt!

With the above tips, you’ll be able to craft an elegant yet professional cover letter that will guarantee you a positive response. Think of a cover letter as an opportunity not just to impress your potential employer but to convince them that you’d be a great addition to their company. So, make sure you ace the landing; this is how you reel them in.

About nexus IT group

Google best IT staffing agencies near me and you’ll see nexus IT group near the top of the page.  Our IT staffing agency recruits top IT talent in large cities like Dallas, Kansas City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin, Washington, D.C., Boston, and New York CIty.  If you have an immediate tech opening, or are an IT job seeker looking to advance your IT career, you’ve come to the right IT staffing firm,  contact nexus IT group . We have access to highly skilled, tech talent most recruiters can’t easily get in front of, so let our IT recruiting team show you why so many companies trust our staffing agency with their most important IT hires.

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Cover Letter Example

  • Writing Skills
  • Pronunciation & Conversation
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Business English
  • Resources for Teachers
  • TESOL Diploma, Trinity College London
  • M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music
  • B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music

A key part of almost any job application is a cover letter. Sometimes, that becomes even more important than your resume itself, as the cover letter shows the human behind the paper. It allows you to shine through your list of certifications and experiences and show off your soft skills and enthusiasm and convince the hiring manager you are the best match for the position.

At the end of this article, you will find an example of a cover letter written in response to an online advertisement. However, before you jump straight to it, it may be a good idea to read through a typical structure of a cover letter , some writing and preparation tips, and useful key phrases. After all, you are representing yourself and your strong attributes, not someone else's online template.

Structure of a Cover Letter

3-5 paragraphs.

Cover letters usually run between three and five paragraphs. Note, however, that unless specifically outlined in the job posting, there is no prescribed length for this type of writing . A good thing to keep in mind is that hiring managers often only spend a brief time reviewing each application. Keeping it short and/or making it stand out in any other way (interesting and unusual words, descriptions, and/or accomplishments) could benefit you.

  • Addresses and date
  • The position you are applying for
  • How you heard of the position
  • One-sentence pitch of who you are as a professional and a mention that/how your qualifications match the position and/or the company perfectly
  • Elaborate on your desire to work for this company in this position
  • Elaborate on your background and how it matches the required profile (to sound genuine, make sure you use synonyms and different sentence structures than the words and phrases in the job posting)
  • Relate one or two anecdotes depicting skills or accomplishments that are not immediately noticeable on your resume
  • Tie them back to the job description. Show how these skills make you the best choice for the position
  • Thank the hiring manager
  • Express one more time how enthusiastic you are about working for their company and how perfect of a match you are for the advertised position
  • Provide another form of contact (telephone number) and express your willingness to be reached out to for any further information

Tips for Writing Cover Letters

  • Always refer to the exact position for which you are applying. Make sure you know all the details about it and the company. 
  • Researching the company and the position prior to writing your letter will help you sound on point and will help frame your attributes more specifically for the position.
  • Point out those aspects of your career that you feel are especially important. Be confident and proud of your accomplishments, yet still matter-of-fact.
  • Don't point out too many of your qualifications. You've enclosed your resume for that purpose. Instead, select one or two details or anecdotes and elaborate on those.
  • Refer in a positive way to a future interview. Don't be shy about stating that you'll follow-up. 

Useful Phrases

Referring to the position.

  • I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for...
  • I would like to apply for the position of...
  • I'm interested in applying for...

Pointing Out Important Qualifications

  • As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements closely.
  • I believe my...make of me an ideal candidate for this position.
  • I would like to point out...
  • During..., I improved (furthered, extended, deepened, etc.) my knowledge of...
  • My superiors really appreciated my... / when I...
  • I was responsible for...
  • My former position required me to..., which...

Referring to Future Interview

  • Please, feel free to contact me at...(for any further questions).
  • I look forward to an opportunity to speak with you in person. 
  • I look forward to speaking with you personally. 
  • I look forward to discussing how I can...

Kenneth Beare

2520 Vista Avenue Olympia, Washington 98501

Mr. Bob Trimm, Personnel Manager

Importers Inc. 587 Lilly Road

Olympia, Washington 98506

April 19, 2019

Dear Mr. Trimm,

My name is Kenneth Beare and I am applying for the position of the Legal Assistant specializing in Port Regulatory Law at Importers Inc., as advertised on Indeed. I am a seasoned attorney and, as you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements closely.

I graduated Cum Laude from the University of Tacoma and was directly hired by Shoreman and Co. due to my expertise in port authority regulations. During my four years with the company, I further deepened my knowledge of the fast-changing regulatory laws in our state. My employer also thought highly enough of my abilities to promote me to head legal researcher after my first year of employment.

I am now ready to take my career to the next level, and Importers Inc. seems to be the perfect place for my aspirations. Your prestige along with the attentive care you give your customers are aspects that I value highly, and I believe that my profound knowledge of the industry, as well as my people skills, would help your company reach an even wider clientele.

Please, feel free to contact me by email or at (206) 121-0771 for any additional information. I would love to become a part of Importers Inc. and help further your mission. Thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you.

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  • Letter Writing

How to Write a Response Letter

Last Updated: June 19, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 289,902 times.

A response letter is an answer to an original letter asking a question or looking for information. These are especially common business communications. To craft a perfect response letter, first, review the original letter carefully and determine what the writer was asking you. Then, find out any additional information you need to answer the request. Write a polite, clear letter addressing every concern or question from the original letter. Keep the tone friendly and informative to ensure that your recipient is happy with your response.

Writing a Letter of Response

Formally greet the person you’re responding to with “Dear” and their title (like Mr., Mrs., or Dr.). Start with a sentence stating that you’re responding to their letter. Then, address their questions or concerns directly and succinctly. Thank them for making their request and sign your name.

Sample Template

cover letter i am writing in response to your

Reviewing the Original Letter

Step 1 Determine what the original letter was asking.

  • Sometimes determining what a letter is asking isn’t very easy, especially if the letter wasn’t written clearly. Review the letter to figure out what the original writer needs from you.
  • If you have to, take some notes on the letter to determine the point. Jot down what the letter is asking and how you might answer it.

Step 2 Find out the information the letter asks for if you don’t know it already.

  • For example, the letter may be asking the status of a job application. If you’re not connected with the hiring process, call the hiring manager to check on the application status before responding.

Step 3 Forward the letter to someone else if you aren’t qualified to answer it.

  • If the person you gave the letter to may take some time to answer, it’s good practice to respond to the original writer saying that you’ve passed the letter to someone more qualified to answer it. This shows the writer that their message was received and someone is working on it.

Constructing the Response

Step 1 Address the letter to the person who requested the information.

  • If you don’t know the person personally, use the titles Mr., Mrs., or Ms., followed by the person’s last name. If the person has a known title, like Dr., use this instead.
  • If you know the person or are unaware of their gender, use their first name.
  • As a good rule, open the letter with the same name and title that the person signed their letter with. For example, if they signed their letter “Dr. Johnson,” then open your letter with "Dear Dr. Johnson."

Step 2 State that you’re responding to the original letter.

  • Very simply sating, “I am writing in response to your letter from June 13th” is a perfect opening for a response letter.
  • If you aren’t the original person that the recipient wrote the letter to, state where you got the letter from. For example, write, “Our customer service representative, Michelle Harris, forwarded your letter to me.” [5] X Research source

Step 3 Answer the person’s inquiry as directly as you can.

  • State what the original letter inquired about, and then answer the question. For example: “Your letter asked who the contact person for media inquiries is. The person is Janet Walters. Her email address and phone number are as follows.”
  • For longer inquiries, use a numbered list to answer each question. This is easier to read and shows that each concern has been addressed.
  • Be thorough, but brief. A few sentences per question should be enough to respond to the person’s original inquiry. [7] X Research source

Step 4 Acknowledge clearly if you can’t fulfill the person’s request.

  • Always use an understanding tone while turning down a request, but also provide a firm response. State, “Unfortunately, I’m unable to fulfill this request. We don’t have the information you need, and I can’t say when we may have it.”
  • If you might be able to answer the question with more information, ask the person for a response. State, “I’d like to answer your inquiry but I need to know more about your situation first. At your convenience, please respond with the date of your application and the name of the person you contacted, and I will answer as soon as possible.”

Step 5 Thank the person for writing.

  • Some people prefer to open their letter with a thank-you instead. The exact placement isn’t very important, as long as you thank the person at some point.

Step 6 Sign the letter with your name and title.

  • If you’re handwriting or printing the letter, leave room for your signature after printing your name. If you’re sending an email , then writing your name is fine.

Step 7 Review the letter to make sure you’ve answered the person’s question.

  • Having a friend or coworker read the letter is helpful as well. They can put themselves in the recipient's shoes and tell you if they'd be satisfied with the response.

Using a Professional Tone

Step 1 Use the typical...

  • On the top left, write your name, title, company (if applicable), and address. Underneath that, write the date. Finally, write the full name and address of the person you’re responding to.
  • For typed letters, use 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins around the border. Use single-spaced text with 2 spaces in between paragraphs.
  • If you’re typing the letter, use 12-point font and a standard text setting. If you’re handwriting the letter, make sure you write legibly.

Step 2 Make the recipient feel as if you’re happy to receive their request.

  • Just a simple, "Thanks so much for writing, we appreciate hearing from you," can make a big difference in the tone of your letter. Make phrases like this a habit in your letters.
  • Never give off the idea that you’re annoyed with the person writing to you. It’s better to go overboard with friendliness than make someone think you’re angry or annoyed.

Step 3 Keep the letter brief so your recipient can read it quickly.

  • This is especially important if you’re running a business or answering a customer service inquiry. Your customer may get frustrated if they have to spend time reading a long letter that could have been half the size.
  • Of course, don’t be so brief that you haven’t answered the person’s question. If something requires a lot of explanation, then provide the explanation. Just don’t ramble on or provide more information than you have to.

Step 4 Write clearly so the recipient understands your response.

  • As a good rule of thumb, imagine your reader is skimming the letter quickly. Will they be able to see all the main points you were making? If not, improve your language and make it clearer.

Step 5 Avoid jargon and technical terms that the reader may not understand.

  • Edit your letter by asking yourself, “Would someone who doesn’t do my job know what I’m talking about?” If not, then change your language so average people can understand it. This is a good way to eliminate jargon from your writing.

Step 6 Proofread your letter.

  • Don't just rely on spell check to catch your mistakes. These programs usually don't catch grammar errors. Read the letter word-for-word to find your mistakes.
  • If this is a very important letter, like to a business partner, have someone else read it as well. A fresh set of eyes could see mistakes that you missed.

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