How Many Paragraphs Should a Cover Letter Have [4 Examples]

Understanding the ideal structure and length of a cover letter is crucial for job seekers aiming to make a strong impression on potential employers. A well-structured cover letter complements a resume and allows candidates to introduce themselves, showcase their skills, and demonstrate their enthusiasm for the position and company. In this article, we will answer the question "how many paragraphs should a cover letter have" by providing guidance on the ideal structure and length of a cover letter. Expect expert advice, practical tips, and examples to help you craft an effective cover letter that stands out from the competition.

The Purpose of a Cover Letter

A cover letter serves as a personalized introduction to the employer, highlighting relevant skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for the job and company. It plays a vital role in the job application process, helping candidates stand out from the competition . It is important to tailor the cover letter to the specific job and company, showcasing why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Generic, uninspired cover letters can be detrimental to your application, as they may not capture the reader's interest or demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Ideal Structure and Length

An effective cover letter should have 3 to 6 paragraphs, including an introduction, relevant experience, company details or more qualifications, and a closing. The ideal length for a cover letter is 250-400 words , with concise, focused writing being key to making a strong impression. While there is a suggested structure for an effective cover letter, it is essential to tailor the letter to the job and company. Deviations from the suggested structure may be necessary to best showcase your skills and experiences.

Example of a Well-Structured Cover Letter: Introduction: A compelling opening sentence mentioning the position being applied for and a brief overview of the candidate's suitability for the role. Relevant Experience: A paragraph showcasing the candidate's skills and accomplishments that align with the job requirements. Company Details or Additional Qualifications: A paragraph demonstrating the candidate's knowledge of the company and its values or discussing further qualifications that strengthen their suitability for the position. Closing: A paragraph reiterating the candidate's interest in the position, providing a clear call to action, and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply.

Crafting the Introduction

The introduction paragraph should grab the reader's attention, mention the position being applied for, and provide a brief overview of the candidate's suitability for the role. A strong opening sentence is crucial, as it sets the tone for the rest of the cover letter. Personalizing the introduction and incorporating a compelling hook can capture the reader's interest . Additionally, it is important to connect the introduction to the specific job and company, demonstrating your enthusiasm and understanding of the role.

Example of an Effective Introduction Paragraph: "As a marketing professional with five years of experience driving successful campaigns for well-known brands, I was thrilled to see the opening for a Marketing Manager at XYZ Company. Your commitment to innovation and customer-centric approach aligns with my passion for creating impactful marketing strategies that foster long-lasting relationships with consumers."

Showcasing Relevant Experience

The body of the cover letter should focus on relevant experience, demonstrating how the candidate's skills and accomplishments align with the job requirements. It is important to be selective when discussing experiences and accomplishments, as too much information can dilute the overall impact of your cover letter. Highlighting transferable skills can be especially valuable for candidates transitioning to a new industry or role. Storytelling techniques can be employed to effectively showcase your relevant experience, making it relatable and engaging for the reader. Remember to connect your experiences to the job and company, demonstrating your understanding of the position and its requirements.

Example of an Effective Paragraph Focused on Relevant Experience: "In my previous role as a Marketing Coordinator at ABC Agency, I successfully managed a variety of digital marketing campaigns for clients in the retail and hospitality sectors. Through data-driven strategies and creative content development, I increased website traffic by an average of 30% and boosted social media engagement by 25% across all client accounts. My ability to analyze market trends and adapt campaigns accordingly allowed me to deliver consistent results that exceeded client expectations. I am confident that my experience and skills in digital marketing would make me a valuable asset to XYZ Company's marketing team."

Delving into Company Details or Additional Qualifications

Additional paragraphs can be used to discuss company-specific details or further qualifications that strengthen the candidate's suitability for the position. Showing knowledge about the company and its values demonstrates your genuine interest in the role and organization. When discussing additional qualifications, such as certifications or awards, ensure that they are relevant and add value to your application. Addressing company-specific challenges or goals in your cover letter can help you stand out and show your problem-solving abilities. Maintain a strong connection between these paragraphs and the job and company to keep the focus on your suitability for the role.

Example of an Effective Paragraph Focused on Company Details or Additional Qualifications: "I recently completed a certification in data analytics, which has equipped me with the skills to analyze and interpret large datasets to drive marketing decisions. I understand that XYZ Company values data-driven strategies and continuously seeks to optimize its marketing efforts. My certification, combined with my experience in digital marketing, would enable me to contribute significantly to your team's goal of increasing customer acquisition and retention rates."

Crafting the Closing

The closing paragraph should reiterate the candidate's interest in the position, provide a clear call to action, and express gratitude for the opportunity to apply. A strong closing leaves a lasting impression and reinforces your enthusiasm for the role and company. Offer tips for expressing enthusiasm and interest in the role and company, such as mentioning specific aspects of the job or organization that excite you. A clear call to action guides the reader's next steps, such as scheduling an interview or reviewing your resume. Maintain a professional and courteous tone in the closing, showing respect for the reader's time and consideration.

Example of an Effective Closing Paragraph: "I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to XYZ Company's ongoing marketing success and believe that my skills and experiences align with the requirements of the Marketing Manager role. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further in an interview. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of working with the XYZ team."

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Job seekers should be aware of common mistakes when crafting a cover letter, such as excessive length, lack of personalization, and focusing too much on personal interests. These mistakes can negatively impact the effectiveness of your cover letter and may lead to your application being overlooked. To avoid these pitfalls, keep your cover letter concise and tailored to the job and company. Use specific examples to showcase your skills and experiences, and ensure that your cover letter complements your resume rather than rehashing its content. Proofreading and editing your cover letter is crucial, as errors can leave a negative impression on potential employers. Seek feedback from trusted sources, such as mentors or career advisors, to further refine your cover letter and increase your chances of success.

Final Thoughts

By understanding the ideal structure, length, and content for an effective cover letter, job seekers can make a strong impression on potential employers and increase their chances of landing an interview. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company, ensuring that you demonstrate your understanding of the position and its requirements. Apply the advice and tips provided in this article to craft a compelling cover letter that highlights your unique skills, experiences, and enthusiasm for the role. For further guidance and assistance in crafting an effective cover letter, consider exploring additional cover letter resources and seeking feedback from trusted sources. We wish you the best of luck in your job search and future career endeavors.

Career Sidekick

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? (Examples)

By Biron Clark

Published: November 10, 2023

Cover Letters

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

If you’re wondering how long a cover letter should be, this article has everything you need to know (including exactly how many words to make your cover letter).

I’m going to share why most job seekers are making their cover letters far too long, and why you will likely get more job interviews by writing less in your cover letter.

Let’s get started…

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

Cover letters should be one page long and total 75 to 250 words. This recommendation applies to both printed and email cover letters. It’s okay if your cover letter doesn’t take up an entire page, but it should never exceed one full page.

Job seekers needing to explain gaps in employment , a recent change in career path, etc., may want to utilize more words in their cover letter than someone with a more standard background.

A job seeker who is staying within their current industry and career path (e.g. moving from Software Engineer to Senior Software Engineer) and not needing to explain a lengthy work gap should aim to be on the lower end of the recommended cover letter word count mentioned above — somewhere between 70 and 150 words.

As an example, my favorite cover letter template from Harvard Business Review has only 76 words:

How long should a cover letter be - example of ideal word count

As you customize this cover letter, the word count will likely rise a bit, but it’ll remain much shorter than what most job seekers send. And that’s a good thing!

This type of letter is going to be very different than what most job seekers are sending and what you’ve seen recommended online, and that’s often a plus.

Coming up soon, I’ll explain why a shorter cover letter may improve your odds of hearing back on a job application.

How Many Paragraphs Should a Cover Letter Include?

The typical cover letter should contain three to six paragraphs. Each paragraph should be relatively short, containing two to four sentences. This is especially important in the first paragraph of your cover letter, where you want to entice the reader and encourage them to keep reading by providing a short, punchy opening.

In general, when writing to grab someone’s attention, focus heavily on making the first paragraph compelling, because this is your first impression or “elevator pitch,” for why they should keep reading.

Now that you know how long a cover letter should be, let’s look at some specific benefits of using this length, which is shorter than some people recommend.

Reasons to Consider a Shorter Cover Letter

Now that you know how many words a cover letter should be, let’s talk about why I recommend this as the ideal length, even though some career experts recommend your cover letter be longer.

There are four things that happen when you keep your cover letter relatively short…

1. You Stand Out by Being Different

Here’s an example of a typical full-page cover letter that many job seekers are sending:

how many sentences should be in a cover letter paragraph

If you’ve sent something like that in the past, it’s NOT your fault…

Almost every website with cover letter templates recommends this format, and it’s what you’re constantly told to send.

But that’s the beauty of limiting your cover letter to my ideal cover letter length of 75 to 250 words. It’s different than what everyone else is doing!

From the first glance, you’re showing the hiring manager that your cover letter is unique and worth reading closely . You show that you’re not going to bore them half to sleep with yet another generic letter containing info from a template or info that’s already on your resume.

Whereas, if you send a full-page cover letter like the image/example above, the hiring manager is thinking, “Okay, here’s another huge page of info to read through that’s probably based on a template.”

This happens to them over and over, all day.

That brings me to my next benefit…

2. You Get Your Cover Letter Read (Not Skimmed!)

Most job seekers send cover letters that so long-winded that nobody wants to read them. The hiring manager may read to the second or third paragraph, but they’re unlikely to through to the end.

Beyond that, job hunters send cover letters that repeat information from their resume, which doesn’t provide any value to the hiring manager or recruiter .

But because your cover letter is short, and ideally has small paragraphs, it’s inviting to read. Hiring managers open your email or letter and think, “Great, I can read this no problem.”

So they read your cover letter from start to finish without skipping a word!

This is why you should always send the hiring manager a short cover letter where each line has a purpose and message and does something to sell them on why you deserve the interview.

You don’t have to take my word for it, though. Test it! Send half of your cover letters in the standard, full-page style seen above, but with the other half, test what I’m suggesting here. Greatly reduce the word count, get right to the point, only offer info that’s not on your resume.

We’ve now looked at two reasons why the full-page cover letter is not the ideal length/approach. But I’ve got two more reasons for you…

3. You Draw Attention to Your Strongest Points/Skills

If you’re naming 20 different skills and qualifications in your cover letter, it’s hard for a recruiter or hiring manager to pick out the most important pieces.

Whereas, if you just name your three or four strongest arguments for why you’d be a great fit for their job description, those points will stand out (and get read, as mentioned above).

Sometimes less is more, and with cover letters, it’s often the case!

So this is another factor to consider when deciding how long your cover letter should be.

4. You Get Your “Call to Action” Read So You Win More Interviews

Finally, you should end each cover letter with a “Call to Action,” which I’ll explain in the next section.

This is where you ask for the interview, which is something many job seekers don’t do properly (or don’t do at all) in their cover letter.

And by keeping your letter brief, this closing paragraph comes relatively quickly… sometimes as the third or fourth paragraph… so it’s much more likely to get the reader’s full attention which means you’ll get more interviews.

Recommended Cover Letter Font Size

The best font size for your cover letter is 12 points, whether you’re sending a printed or an email cover letter. Avoid fancy fonts and choose a simple, easy-to-read font like Calibri or Arial. Include plenty of white space and small, punchy paragraphs. It’s better to have multiple, concise paragraphs in your cover letter than one or two very long paragraphs. This helps with readability.

How to End Your Cover Letter: Ask for the Interview

This is one other mistake a lot of job seekers make with their cover letters, along with repeating info on the resume and just being far too long-winded. They don’t ask for the interview in their closing paragraph!

The whole point of the cover letter is to win you job interviews . So after you’ve got the specific word count you want, make sure to finish up by actually asking the hiring manager to call you and set up a time to discuss in more detail!

Here’s an example of how you could conclude an email cover letter:

I’d love to discuss the position over the phone and provide a bit more context for how I can help you in this role. Are you available for a phone call later this week or early next week? My phone number is 555-218-4987.

Or, simply use the cover letter conclusion from the first example in this article, from Harvard Business Review:

I have attached my resume for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime.

However, I prefer a slightly stronger conclusion to a cover letter that really prompts the hiring manager to reply to a direct question. That should get you more responses from your cover letter, no matter your cover letter length!

Conclusion: How Many Words Should a Cover Letter Be?

To reiterate how long a cover letter should be, I recommend sticking to 250 words or less and never exceeding one page.

It’s beneficial to keep your letter short and concise for both a printed cover letter and a cover letter sent by email.

The shorter format allows you to focus on your strongest points and grab the hiring manager’s attention without overwhelming them with too much text or info. This will help you get more interviews and separate you from other job seekers who send long, generic, cut-and-paste cover letters with their applications.

However, as mentioned earlier, the length of your cover letter will vary depending on the industry (in a very formal, traditional industry, you may want to go for a slightly longer word count).

If you have an unusual scenario to explain, then your ideal cover letter length may be longer, too.

So don’t take the advice above as a hard-and-fast rule, but just a general guideline on how long a typical cover letter should be to win more job interviews.

As a final step, make sure to proofread everything! Sending a cover letter with a typo or mistake can cost you the job interview even if you have great qualifications and writing style.

More cover letter resources:

  • Do you need to send a cover letter?
  • How to write a cover letter with no experience
  • 3 steps to writing a cover letter that stands out

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024? (+Examples)

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Do you want to know what the perfect length of a cover letter is? What is the ideal number of words that a cover letter should have? And how many paragraphs should you include?  If you are looking for answers to these and more cover letter questions, you are in the right place.

The quick answer is that a cover letter should never be longer than a page, 400 words, or six paragraphs.

However, if you want to dive deeper into the cover letter nuances and become a real expert, you are in the right place. So, if you want to learn in detail how to write the perfect cover letter of a perfect length, just keep reading.

For more general information about cover letters , go and have a look at the first article from our series Cover Letter Guide: What is the Cover Letter. There, you will find a definition of what a cover letter is, what makes it different from a letter of motivation, and a short guide on how to write a great cover letter.

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What is the ideal cover letter length for 2024?

When it comes to cover letters,  the longer, the better  does not apply.  Even if you have years of expertise and you worked extremely hard on gathering professional skills and experiences  — and now you want to show it off all in detail on four pages — don’t.

Sometimes, less is more. This is the case for a good cover letter. It is crucial to highlight the experiences that are truly relevant to the advertised position. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time to talk about your skills and achievements in more detail once you get the interview.

Rather, think of a cover letter as a tasteful, comprehensive, short advertisement. You want to catch the attention of a hiring manager and make it clear that you are a highly experienced professional fit for the role. Yet, at the same time, you don’t want to bore and overwhelm the person who is making the selection in the first round of the hiring process.

It is important to realize that in large companies, the hiring manager and the HR department have a very short time to go through your application.  On average, per one vacancy, there  are  up to 250 applicants. This means you must make your cover letter stand out from the crowd – but also be easy to read.

What follows are the tips on how to do it!

Read the instructions

Always make sure you read the employers’ instructions properly.  In many vacancy announcements, there is a clear list of what is required from an applicant. Often, these also indicate the expected length and form of a cover letter.

If specific regulations are not included, don’t worry. In this case, you can go for the standardized version of a cover letter.

Junior vs Senior

If you are at the start of your career  and are applying for a junior position   where it is expected to have a lack of practical experience, writing around 200 words is perfectly acceptable. A cover letter for an internship can be equally long. If you don’t have prior experience, you can focus on your inner motivation, education, and extra-curricular activities.

For an experienced candidate , the word count can be doubled. However, it really shouldn’t exceed 400 words in any scenario – unless specifically requested. At the same time,  a cover letter should never exceed 1 page.  If you do so, you completely disobey all the rules of this genre, and it won't work to your advantage.

While this length may sound too short, and you may feel tempted to write more about many of your professional accomplishments, it may eliminate you from the selection process. Being selective and cutting straight to the point makes you a better candidate as opposed to one who writes their whole life story.

How long should a cover letter be by Kickresume

Career vs Academic cover letter

The rules listed in the previous paragraph are almost universally true when we speak of a career cover letter.

However, an academic cover letter is conventionally longer. If you are wondering how long an academic cover letter should be, know that  the standard length is one page and a half . On the other hand, it is never longer than two pages.

Cover letter heading length

The same cover letter rules apply here, too. A short, simple, and catchy heading will get you far.

Do not exceed two sentences; one is advisable. Either use your full name or a catchphrase, such as: “ Why am I the best for the role of XY ”. However, do this only when you are sure that the company and the position that you are interested in aren't too formal.

How long should the first paragraph be

This paragraph is to capture the attention of the reader.  It does not have to be longer than two or three sentences.  State who you are, where and how you found the opportunity, and why you are interested in it. Do this in a catchy way, though! If you heard about the position from a person in common, do not hesitate to mention their name.

Remember, the first paragraph is short – do not waste words. Make yourself an attractive candidate right from the beginning, and mention your biggest assets right here – such as the length of experience or quality of your education.

How long should the second paragraph be

Arguably the most important part of your cover letter. Therefore,  you should make the second paragraph the most extensive and longest part of your cover letter.  Write about your accomplishments and past work experiences in detail. Explain why you are the best candidate for the role and what your skills are that no one else has.

On the other hand, remember —  you still must write at least one more paragraph in the body of the cover letter, as well as the closing paragraph. Therefore, don’t go overboard with the length.

The best thing to do is to initially write freely and more. Then, you can cut the number of words down later during later stages of editing. This way, you won’t limit your creativity from the start by being too focused on the correct word count.

How many words/paragraphs should a cover letter be

  • As we've already stressed, your cover letter shouldn’t be too long. Keep it under one page. However, sometimes only half a page may not be long enough. Find the right balance.
  • When it comes to the number of words, never exceed 400 words. 250-300 words are the ideal length of an average cover letter.
  • The perfect number of paragraphs in a cover letter ranges from three to four.  The maximum number of paragraphs that are acceptable is six.

Cover letter examples by length

If you want to see the instructions applied in real life, have a look at the cover letter examples of various lengths examples below. All three of these people managed to land the job by using the kickresume cover letter template ! 

Cover letter example 1: Short version: Half a page

Cover Letter Example short by Kickresume

Cover letter example 2: Medium version: Between half a page and a page

Cover Letter Example medium by Kickresume

Cover letter example 3: Long version: A page

Cover leter example long by Kickresume

If you liked these  cover letter samples  and you want your cover letter to look the same, use  one of our  cover letter templates!  You can go for the free or the premium version. It is super easy to use, so you’re just a click away from the cover letter of your dreams!

Cover letter formatting

Not only length but also the way you format the cover letter matters. Your goal is to  make it very easy to read.  You will achieve this by keeping your cover letter structured, nicely designed, and well-formatted. Here are the tips on how to achieve this:

  • When it comes to the font of a cover letter,  try to imagine being a busy hiring manager. You want to make their job as easy as possible – so go for a font that is easy to read. At the same time, you want to create a professional impression. In other words, the best font for your cover letter would be the classic  Times New Roman, Arial , or  Calibri . However, if you are confident enough to experiment and you want to make your cover letter stand out from the crowd with a more eye-catching design, go for it. But forget to ensure that the text should be easy to navigate and read – that is the priority. 
  • The letter size  matters, too. Anything between 10.5 and 12 is good. You don’t want to make the letters too small, so they would be hard to read, or too large, so you don’t exceed one page.
  • The margins  of a cover letter are conventionally 1.5 or 1.
  • A cover letter should never be   double-spaced. You want to fit all the information on one page — with double spacing, you wouldn’t be able to.

How long should an email cover letter be? 

Today, unless specifically instructed to do otherwise, the cover letter is conventionally sent as an email attachment.

Just like with the cover letter itself, sending a short and precise email is better than a long and overly complicated one.

In your email you must include:

  • a relevant subject:  if the subject title is not included in the vacancy instructions, use the name of the position for which you are applying;
  • a polite greeting:  address the person by their full name/if not available, Dear Sir/Madam will do
  • refer to your attached cover letter and resume;
  • express hopes for the future , consider attaching a phone number where they can reach you;
  • close with best regards/best wishes and your full name and surname;

Email cover letter length examples

Email cover letter example 1.

how many sentences should be in a cover letter paragraph

Email cover letter example 2

Email cover letter example 2

Email cover letter example 3

Email cover letter example 3

And that’s about it. There is no need to make it too elaborate – all the important information is in the attachment.

Now hit that send sign and wait for the response. After listening to all the advice, we have no doubts you will receive positive news. The Kickresume team wishes you the best of luck!

Now, when you have that cover letter in your pocket, we are sure you also want an amazing-looking resume. The good news is that you are just a click away from our Kickresume CV templates!  You can even easily  turn your LinkedIn profile into a great resume .

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be FAQ

What is the ideal word length of a cover letter.

Your cover letter should be between 250 to 400 words long.

A cover letter isn't required – should I still send it?

Yes, this is your chance to stand out from the crowd of applicants and make it clear that you’re willing to put in the effort.

Is a 1000-word cover letter too long?

Yes, it is. It's never advised to exceed 400, max. 500 words.

Is it ok to have a cover letter that is two pages long?

No, you should always limit your cover letter to only one page. Recruiters don't have time to read long essays. They also like familiarity and known formats.

Can bullet points be used to shorten a cover letter?

Yes, using bullet points can help make your cover letter concise and highlight key achievements without reducing its effectiveness. Bullet points should be used to emphasize specific accomplishments, break up large blocks of text, and quickly convey important information.

Kaja Jurčišinová — Staff Writer

Kaja Jurčišinová

Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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How Long Should Should A Cover Letter Be? (With Examples)

  • Cover Letter Format
  • Salutation and Greeting
  • Who To Address When Unknown
  • How To Start A Cover Letter
  • How To End A Cover Letter
  • Best Cover Letter Font And Size
  • Cover Letter Spacing
  • Cover Letter Length
  • Key Elements Of A Cover Letter
  • How To Write An Address
  • Official Letter Format
  • Cover Letter Opening

Find a Job You Really Want In

Along with your resume , crafting a standout cover letter is one of the most important things you can do to get an interview for your dream job. In almost all cases, you should send a cover letter when applying for a job, unless the job posting explicitly says not to. Now comes the tricky part: how long should a cover letter be? If you write too little, an employer may think you haven’t put much effort into your application and that you, therefore, aren’t serious about getting the job. But if you write too much, an employer may not bother reading it at all. We’re here to show you what cover letter length employers find just right, so hiring managers will give your cover letter the attention it deserves. Key Takeaways: Your cover letter should be one page with three to six paragraphs and roughly 200-400 words long. Use the STAR method (situation, task, action, and result) to write your cover letter. Tailor your cover letter to each job which can help keep it short. In This Article    Skip to section Check Length Requirements How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? What to Include In Your Cover Letter How to Keep Your Cover Letter Concise Cover Letter Examples Tips for Cover Letter Length Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More Check Length Requirements

Before we get into a bunch of advice on getting your cover letter to the proper length for most jobs, it should be clearly stated that your primary goal when applying for jobs is to show that you can follow instructions.

In this context, that means reading the job posting carefully for any details a company provides with regards to your cover letter . If they give you a prompt or questions to answer, then respond to them. If they provide instructions about word count or page length, do what they say and forget everything else you read here vis-a-vis length.

You only get one chance to make a first impression , and ignoring the instructions listed in a job posting is a surefire way to make a bad one.

How to write a cover letter

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

So you’ve checked the job posting and they’ve requested a cover letter, but haven’t given any guidelines for how long it should be. Or maybe they’ve stated that a cover letter is optional. Should you still send one? Emphatically, yes, you should. As for how long you should make it, follow our guidelines below.

Page count. In all circumstances, your cover letter should never exceed one page . Ideally, you should shoot for between half a page and a page, always aiming for the lower end of that spectrum. About 70% of employers want a half-page cover letter or feel that the shorter the better.

Word count. Considering that preferred page count leaves us with about 200-400 words with 10 or 12-point font, single-spaced, with spaces between paragraphs.

The shorter the better approach continues here; if you can say everything you need to in a 200-word cover letter, great! Stop right there and don’t worry that you’re being lazy or not including enough information.

Paragraph count. The standard advice is to aim for between 3-6 paragraphs. Three is the absolute minimum to do the following: introduce yourself, state your qualifications, and express interest in the specific company. However, it may be a good idea to give yourself four paragraphs, so you have more time to tout your credentials.

We don’t recommend going over 4 paragraphs in most scenarios, because otherwise, each paragraph is going to look super short if you’re working with ~300 words. Additionally, it shouldn’t take multiple paragraphs to introduce yourself , express interest in the company, or thank the reader for their consideration.

What to Include In Your Cover Letter

No matter what job you’re applying for, cover letters follow a standard format . A pysical cover letter should include the following, in order:

Employer’s Address

Your address

Body paragraphs

Closing lines

For an email cover letter, you can omit the date and addresses. You also don’t need to actually sign it. However, if you can sign it and then scan it, it’s a nice touch.

Make sure to follow the employer’s directions for how you save your cover letter file. PDFs keep their formatting across devices and operating systems, making them a safe choice. However, if the employer specifically prohibits PDFs or requires a particular file type, like DOCX, follow those instructions.

How to Keep Your Cover Letter Concise

Great, you’re thinking, but how do I fit how awesome I am into such a tight length limit? Fear not; once you’ve broken down a cover letter into sections , it’s easy to say what needs saying efficiently.

First paragraph. This may be the only paragraph a hiring manager will read in full; sad, but true. Make your opener count and get straight to the point: what job are you applying for, what do you know about the company, and how much experience do you have?

Second paragraph. The meat of your cover letter , and your chance to show off. This is probably the part where people have the most trouble keeping things concise.

The trick is to narrow down your greatness; what is the company looking for in a candidate for this position? Read the job posting , underline all verbs and industry-specific nouns.

Then, try to use those same words when talking about your qualifications. Think: what about your work history, your skills, or accomplishments are most fitting for the specific job for which you’re applying.

Whenever possible, include numbers to back up your claims. For instance, saying you provide great customer service is one thing, but showing evidence of that fact by stating you increased customer satisfaction by 17% is quite another.

Third paragraph . This is your chance to express interest in the company. Why do you want to work for them ? Research the company so you know what sort of projects they’ve developed and what their future goals are.

Don’t stop at simply mentioning that you know what the company is up to, though. Tell the hiring manager what you could do to further the company’s goals. It’s also appropriate to call back to your qualifications here: “I know I can be an asset in developing XYZ project successfully, because of my outstanding results with ABC project at [former employer].”

Fourth paragraph. Your closing paragraph should have three things: a reiteration of your interest in the position, a thank-you , and a call-to-action.

Remind the reader why you’re perfect for the position and what you can offer the company, not what the company can offer you (e.g., don’t say you look forward to learning more skills — you should already have those skills!)

Express gratitude for being considered for the position. People like polite people.

More optional paragraphs. Your introduction and conclusion should always be just one paragraph. If you feel you need more than four paragraphs, do so by breaking your second and/or third paragraphs into two paragraphs. However, we strongly recommend keeping your cover letter to four paragraphs.

Cover Letter Examples

We’ve been discussing cover letter length in abstract terms so far. Let’s look at a couple of cover letter examples to see all this advice in practice:

Cover Letter Example 1:

Dear Ms. Macnamara, When I saw the NextMark was hiring a Marketing Manager , I knew I had to apply. With over 8 years of experience in the marketing industry, I have a wide breadth of knowledge and am eager to apply my skills to open up new and exciting business opportunities for NextMark. I currently work as a Marketing Manager at MyComp, where I developed a digital marketing campaign that saw revenue increase by 34% YoY. I accomplished this through various SEO efforts built on a backlinking campaign worth $2M and a content marketing strategy that saw organic traffic increase threefold in just under six months. Additionally, I’ve worked side-by-side with the sales and product teams to ensure customer satisfaction never fell below 98%. For the past 3 years, I’ve managed a budget of $5-7M, including brand management, product launches, and promotional materials. I’ve also designed new social media elements targeted at environmentally-conscious consumers that saw our new Green Line reach record profits. My proudest achievement has been turning our social marketing strategy into a few hundred subscribers to over a million, with engagement through the roof. My background of business acumen and marketing know-how is just what NextMark needs to take its new product launch to the next level. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing the next steps. Sincerely, Margaret Tanner

Cover Letter Example 2:

Dear Mr. Brown, As a person who loves selling technology solutions that make consumers’ lives easier, I was excited to see an opening for the Sales Representative position open up at Green Mosely. With over 4 years of experience selling software and customer support solutions, I have all the skills and qualifications you’re looking for. In my current role as Junior Sales Associate with TT Organization, I’ve achieved a number of impressive results: Leveraged negotiation skills to increase up-selling and cross-selling of sister products, resulting in a 44% boost in customer lifetime value Exceeded sales quotas by a minimum of 20% each quarter since 2017 Named “Top Salesperson” in March 2019 for making over $500,000 in sales, setting a new company-wide record for junior sales staff I’m confident that I can accomplish the same results and then some for Green Mosely. Additionally, your mission to provide software solutions for underserved communities in the third world really resonates with me. I volunteer time each weekend to help negotiate better deals for inner-city schools to make sure their technology is competitive. I appreciate you taking the time to read over my application. I look forward to speaking with you more about how we can make sure that Green Mosely is the top name that comes to mind when people think of software solutions at scale. Sincerely, John Tressel

Tips for Cover Letter Length

Don’t be afraid of white space. You may think your cover letter looks sort of bare with four short paragraphs taking up just half a page. Don’t sweat it; keep to our formatting tips and your cover letter will be readable and nice to look at.

Don’t be super wordy. People often fall into the trap of thinking that a formal document (like a cover letter) has to be chock full of big words and complicated sentences. The opposite is actually true. Focus on keeping your sentences short and sweet — readers prefer it.

Cut your stories down. It’s great to give examples of when you did something particularly excellent at your previous job. But the hiring manager doesn’t need to know every little detail.

Just like you would in an interview, use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) for your cover letter. Set the scene, describe what your job was, what you did, and what the result was. Any other information is superfluous.

Don’t tell too many stories. You may be delighted that you used the STAR method to get your anecdote in at just 60 words and think you have room for another now. Resist the temptation.

Get a second pair of eyes. It’s always good to get a second opinion . You might think you’ve written the most beautifully crafted sentence in the world, but if your friend can’t understand it, then there’s a chance the hiring manager won’t be able to either.

Tailor your cover letter. It’s okay to have a master cover letter, but make sure to customize it to each job. Make sure to include the company or organizations name in the letter, and why you would want to work there.

Employers are able to tell when you use a cover letter for each application, so make sure to customize it so you stand out.

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Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? There Is an Answer (+5 Cover Letter Samples)

  • Júlia Mlčúchova , 
  • Updated May 31, 2024 12 min read

When you sit down to write a cover letter, one of the first questions that might pop into your mind is: How long should a cover letter be?

Too long, and you risk losing the reader's interest.

Too short, and you might not convey enough about why you're the perfect fit for the role.

So, what's our recommendation? The ideal cover letter is somewhere between half a page and a full-page long.  

If you want to learn how to use this relatively small space to its fullest potential , keep on reading this article and find out:

  • What is a cover letter and why you need one;
  • How long should a cover letter be;
  • What are the key components of an effective cover letter;
  • 7 tips that will make your cover letter stand out.

Table of Contents

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What is a cover letter and why you need one

How long should a cover letter be, key components of a great cover letter, more cover letter samples, 7 tips that will make your cover letter stand out, key takeaways: how long should a cover letter be.

You can think of a cover letter as your personal introduction to the employer.

And because recruiters usually read your cover letter before your resume, the responsibility of making a positive first impression lies on this compact document. 

Similarly to a resume , a cover letter gives you the space to explain why you're the best candidate for the job and how you can contribute to the company. 

But since both resume and cover letter are so similar, isn't writing one just a waste of time? 

Well, as research shows, 87% of hiring managers would strongly disagree! In fact, 49% of hiring managers admit to having invited candidates to a job interview even if their resume was weak. And that's just because of the quality of their cover letter!

So, yes, taking your time to craft a compelling cover letter does make a difference. 

But if you're still not convinced, here are 3 more reasons :

  • Getting your personality across. While a resume shows the facts and figures of your professional life, a cover letter allows you to add a personal touch to your application. It’s your opportunity to speak directly to the hiring manager and show a bit of your personality.
  • Showcasing your knowledge. It’s also a chance to show that you’ve done your research about the company (its needs, values, and challenges) and the role. 
  • Explaining career gaps or changes . Additionally, if you have gaps in your employment history or are changing careers , your cover letter is the best place to address these points.

In short, you should always attach a cover letter to your job application. Even if the job posting you're responding to doesn't ask for it. 

Is the writer's block kicking in?

Don't let this stand between you and the perfect cover letter! Let our AI Cover Letter Writer handle it for you.

And now, let's get to the real reason why you're here. 

This is how long the ideal cover letter should actually be:

  • Word count: Try to hit the 250 - 400 words range. This should be long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep the reader's attention.
  • Number of paragraphs: When it comes to structure, your cover letter should consist of 2-4 body paragraphs, framed by an introductory and a closing paragraph. 
  • Pages: Overall, your cover letter should be between half a page and a full page in length. 

Anything longer would defeat the purpose of a cover letter, which is to present yourself concisely and straightforwardly.

As you can see, a cover letter is a relatively compressed medium. So how can you make the most of its limited space? 

We’ll show you which elements shouldn't be missing from any cover letter: 

  • Contact information 
  • Personalized greeting
  • Introductory paragraph
  • Body paragraphs
  • Closing paragraph
  • Proper sign-off

And now, let's zoom in on each of these separately!

Contact information

Firstly, you should place your contact information at the very top of your cover letter. Make sure you include: 

  • your full name,
  • e-mail address,
  • phone number,
  • and link to your LinkedIn profile/ online portfolio (optional).

For the sake of conventions, you should also include the contact information of the recipient of your cover letter:

  • their name,
  • the name of the company,
  • the company's address. 

The main purpose of this section is to let the recruiters know how to contact you. So, keep in mind that your contact details should always be visually distinct from the rest of the text.

When it comes to cover letters, starting off on the right foot is crucial. So, instead of a generic salutation, you should address the recipient of your cover letter by their name, like so:

  • “ Dear [First Name] [Last Name], “
  • or “ Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name], ”

But how can you figure out the hiring manager's name? Well, ideally you'll see it in the job posting. If not, you can check the company's website, LinkedIn profile, or give them a quick call. 

Greeting the recipient by their name is certainly preferable, because it adds that personal touch. But there are ways to address a cover letter without a name and still make a great impression.

Thirdly, you need to open up your cover letter with a bang! 

Since the purpose of the opening paragraph is to catch the recruiter's attention from the get go, you need to start with a compelling hook.  

But there really isn't just one way of achieving this. For example , your introduction can look something like this: 

Introductory paragraph example #1: Mentioning key achievement

“ In my previous role at DEF Corp, I led a team that developed a customer relationship management system that increased client retention by 30% within the first year. Now, I am excited to bring my experience and skills to your team.”

Introductory paragraph example #2: Showing particular interest in the company

“I was excited to see the Marketing Manager position at XYZ Company posted on your website, and I am eager to bring my five years of digital marketing experience to your dynamic team. I am particularly impressed by XYZ Company’s commitment to sustainability and innovative product development, which aligns perfectly with my values and professional goals.”

Introductory paragraph example #3: Sharing a personal story

“My fascination with architecture began when I was a child, building intricate cities out of LEGO blocks. The sense of creativity and accomplishment I felt then has only grown stronger, leading me to pursue a degree in architecture and design. When I discovered the Architectural Intern position at XYZ Architects, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to combine my lifelong passion with my academic knowledge.”

Of course, the main focus rests on your body paragraphs . And once again, nothing is set in stone. Well, at least regarding the number of the paragraphs (2-4). 

But when it comes to their content , the most successful cover letters address the following: 

  • Showcasing your skills and experience. But don't just list your skills and be done with it. Instead, put your skills into a real professional context. Describe a problem you've encountered in your previous job and the skills you utilized to solve it. Don't forget to also mention your results. 
  • Presenting your most illustrious achievements. Whether you've obtained a certificate vouching for your skills, or any awards and recognitions, mention it! Because this might be just the thing that sets you apart from the competition.  
  • Expressing your motivation for joining the company. For example, you can mention a particular project, company values, or goals that appeal to you. And be specific — recruiters don't like vagueness. 
  • Demonstrating your passion for the role. Finally, you need to show that you not only have the necessary skills and experience, but also passion and genuine interest in the profession. 

You can either go for the 4-body paragraph structure, dedicating each paragraph to a different topic, or combine them as you see fit. In either case, the flow of the text has to make sense!

When you’re writing your closing paragraph, keep it short and sweet. Ideally, you'll do these 4 things:

  • Reiterate your desire to work for the company. 
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration.
  • Express your desire to discuss further steps in-person (a.k.a. a call to action ).
  • (Optionally) remind them how they can get in touch with you .

Don't know how to finish on a high? Let these 8 great cover letter endings be your inspiration!

And finally, you need to wave the hiring manager goodbye professionally. 

There's no need to come up with anything original. On the contrary, a good old “Yours sincerely,” or “ Yours faithfully,” are your best bets.

Cover letter example

Here's an example of what a good cover letter can look like. 

But this isn't just any old sample! It belongs to a real person who got hired with the help of our beautiful cover letter templates . 

So, if you like what you see, don't be shy and go explore!

Quality Control Project Technician Cover Letter Example

This cover letter sample was provided by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

But what if you’re currently switching careers or trying to get an internship? Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about you either. 

Here are 4 more samples , two for each of these situations.

And if you happen to fancy any of them, just click on the red button in the bottom right corner and adjust the chosen sample to your liking.

How long should a cover letter be for an internship

The ideal length of your internship cover letter will probably be closer to a full page .

Since you don't have much work experience, if any, you need to dedicate more space to proving that you have what is needed to be successful. Instead of work, you can talk about your:

  • academic achievements,
  • relevant coursework,
  • dissertation project,
  • extracurricular activities that add to the internship position,
  • volunteering,
  • or membership in relevant societies.

Warner Bros. Public Relations Intern Cover Letter Example

University of massachusetts boston intern cover letter example, how long should a cover letter be if you're changing careers.

On the other hand, career change cover letters must focus on any transferable skills you've picked up in the past and that can be useful for your new career position. In this case, your cover letter will also probably be closer to a full page. 

Also, you need to explain the career pivot you're currently undergoing. Your cover letter should answer the following questions: 

  • What's the reason for the switch? 
  • What useful skills do you have? 
  • How can your expertise add value to the company? 

Just to be clear, you'll eventually have to address the career change. And the sooner, the better. So don't be afraid to slide this information straight into your introductory paragraph.

Junior UX Designer Career Change Cover Letter Example

This cover letter was made using Kickresume templates.

Career Change Cover Letter Example

This cover letter was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

Are these samples not enough? In case you'd like to see more, feel free to browse through our cover letter database . Inside, you'll find even more samples submitted by real people and also those created by our professional resume writers.

You know what's even better than a well-written cover letter? An outstanding cover letter, of course! So, what can you do to elevate yours? We've gathered the best writing tips that have stood the test of time:

  • Before you start writing, do a bit of research. 
  • Make sure your cover letter is visually appealing.
  • Use quantifiable data to support your achievements.
  • Don't simply repeat your resume. 
  • Don't be shy to play the name game.
  • Accessorize your cover letter with relevant keywords. 
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread!

Let us expand on them a little more!

Tip #1: Before you start writing, do a bit of research

Gathering information about the company's projects, values, goals, initiatives, or even challenges gives you massive advantage. Firstly, it helps you tailor your cover letter so it fits the company's needs like a glove. Secondly, showing that you know about the company's struggles and mission creates the impression that for you it's not just about the money. 

Tip #2: Make sure your cover letter is visually appealing

Because the last thing recruiters want to see is a wall of text that's difficult to read and doesn't even make sense. Instead, work with white space and keep your paragraphs neatly organized. You can also use bullet points to make your cover letter more structured.

Tip #3: Use quantifiable data to support your achievements

Including numbers in your cover letter is an excellent way to communicate your potential — they’re specific, universal, and impactful. For example: “ I led a team that developed a customer relationship management system that increased client retention by 30% within the first year.”

Tip #4: Don't simply repeat your resume

Sure, some of the information you include in your cover letter is bound to be repeated in your resume. But instead of copy-pasting, try to provide more context. For example, why was this particular result so essential for your former team. Or, what makes you so determined to get this job (apart from the salary, of course).

Tip #5: Don't be shy to play the name game

If you know someone who's already working for the employer, make sure you name-drop them in your cover letter. Having that personal connection always helps. For once, it makes the recruiters trust you more. And it's also a good indicator that you're likely to fit in with the company culture.

Tip #6: Accessorize your cover letter with relevant keywords

This tip is especially valuable if you're submitting your job application through the ATS. Because without the right keywords, your application might not even reach the recruiters’ eyes.

But how to find out which keywords to include? Well, you need to start by reading your job posting carefully. Take note of any words or phrases that describe candidate requirements (for example skills, degrees, responsibilities, industry-specific words, etc.). Then, sprinkle these keywords naturally throughout your cover letter.

Tip #7: Proofread, proofread, proofread

And finally, we recommend you to always go through your text multiple times! Because nothing can ruin the first impression quite like stupid and unnecessary mistakes such as typos, grammatical errors, or misspellings.

The purpose of a good cover letter is to present yourself as the best candidate for the job in a concise and straightforward manner. 

That's why you should always aim for 250-400 words; 2-4 body paragraphs (framed by an introductory and a closing paragraph); and a layout that’s between half a page and a full page in length.

Despite this humble space, you should be able to cover the following sections : 

FAQ: How long should a cover letter be?

A good cover letter should be between 250 to 400 words. This range is long enough to cover all the necessary points but short enough to keep the reader's attention.

Typically, a cover letter should have 2-4 body paragraphs. These should be framed by an introductory and a closing paragraphs. Ideally, each paragraph should serve a specific purpose and be concise.

No, a cover letter should never be longer than one page. Keeping it to one page ensures that you present your qualifications concisely and respect the hiring manager's time.

In that case, you’re running the risk of not providing enough information to make a compelling case for why you're the best fit for the job.

While it's possible, a cover letter less than half a page might not fully showcase your qualifications and interest in the position. Try to write at least half a page to ensure you cover all essential points without overwhelming the reader.

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024?

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Finally, an organization posted your dream job. You crafted a flawless resume and now you’re ready to apply. You land on the cover letter section of the application and see that it is optional. Is it truly optional?

Will not submitting make me less likely to land the job? Where do I even start and how long should the cover letter be?

These are some things that might run through your head. But don’t panic, we are here to help. No matter what your career level is, your cover letter can set you apart from the other applicants. But how much do you have to write?

This can be a complicated question. Too much text? The hiring manager might glance over it. Too short? The recruiter may think that you didn’t put much thought or effort into writing the cover letter . 

Cover letters should range from a half-page to one full page. Your cover letter should never exceed one page in length.

  • Page Count: 0.5 to 1
  • Word count: 250 to 400
  • Paragraph count: 3 to 6

how long should a cover letter be

How to Keep Your Cover Letter to One Page

Tip #1: keep it concise.

While the cover letter is a great way to showcase your personality, it is also very important to be concise. Hiring managers are sifting through dozens, and maybe even hundreds, of applications.

They do not have time to read a full two-page article about your daily tasks. Instead, highlight any relevant experiences that show your qualifications for the specific job.

Demonstrate your passion for the industry and end the letter. The decision-maker will appreciate your brevity and may even reward you with an interview . 

Tip #2: Highlight Only Relevant Experiences

Unless the employer requests a specific word count, keep it short. Take only the amount of space required to show that you are an ideal candidate for the job.

Highlight your qualifications and any relevant stories. It’s important to be specific, and not regurgitate the content on your resume. 

It is very important here to showcase how your past achievements can help the company solve their current challenges and how you will use your skills if chosen for the position.

Doing so will show the recruiter or hiring manager the value you can bring to their organization. 

matching resume and cover letter

Tip #3: Break Your Cover Letter into Sections

An effective cover letter contains three to four paragraphs. It’s important to keep the sentences short so the reader can quickly navigate your cover letter.  

Paragraph #1: The Intro

The first paragraph should grab the decision-maker’s attention. This is an opportunity to show your interest in the position and knowledge of the company. Make sure you address your cover letter to the correct person or department. Always be sure to research the company and customize each cover letter to the position you are applying for. 

Example: “I am excited to submit my application for the position of [insert position name] with [insert company name]. I have watched your growth for years and really appreciate the devotion to serving your customer’s needs.” 

Paragraph #2: Your Qualifications

The second paragraph should highlight relevant stories or stats that impress your qualifications. For example, “In the previous company, I grew sales by 150% in my first year and 200% in my second year.” It is helpful if you can be specific in how you achieved success or benefited the company in some way. This highlights what you bring to the table and how you can make an impact on the hiring manager’s business. 

Paragraph #3: Your Interest in the Company

The third paragraph, if you choose to include it, can speak to what drew you to apply to the specific company. This can sway the hiring manager's decision by showing passion and loyalty to the company. 

Paragraph #4: The Closing

The final paragraph should reiterate your interest in the position. It is a great time to thank the reader for their consideration and request an in-person meeting. It’s important to have a call-to-action so the reader knows what to do next. Always include detailed contact information. 

Tip #4: Experience Level

Cover letters can vary based on your experience level. If you are applying for jobs right out of college, don’t include metrics measured in school, such as GPA, unless requested. Instead, focus on your experiences, projects and achievements that make you a strong candidate. 

If you are in the middle of your career, pick out relevant accomplishments and state your experience level. For example, “With 12 years of teaching experience, I am writing to express my interest in the open position in your Mathematics Department.” 

If you have more experience, you likely have more relevant qualifications and stories. This may entice you to make your cover letter longer. Do not fall into the trap.

Longer does not mean better . Select a few key successes and leave others for the interview process. 

cover letter one page length

Tip #5: Formatting

The format is just as important as the length of your cover letter. Pay attention to the amount of white space on the page. More white space keeps the content easier to read for the recruiter or hiring manager.

You want to make sure that you use a font that is legible (as the ones handpicked by our team together with recruiters). Keep standard margins and align your text to the left. 

Writing a cover letter can be intimidating. If you remember to keep your writing concise and highlight only your relevant experiences, you will be on your way to snagging an interview in no time.

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024
  • Resume Formats Guide: How to Pick the Best in 2024
  • Cover Letter Examples

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What do I include in my argument/body?

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In the body of your cover letter (the argument), you should describe the most important qualifications to show why you are a good match for the job and the company.

You should focus your cover letter's body around the two-three qualifications you mention in the introduction. In each paragraph you can concentrate on one quality, seeking to answer the following two questions:

How can I show I am qualified for this position and that I am a good match for the organization?

What have i done that illustrates these qualifications.

You do not want to only mention the skills that you possess; you also have to show that you possess them! When writing about your skills, you can think of it as telling a story. You should describe the experiences of how you received and grew your skills, mentioning specific places you worked and positions you held. For example:

My communication skills in the workplace have grown because of my internships. When I was an intern at Newberry & Jones, I wrote memos and letters to customers and colleagues on a daily basis. This experience taught me to write professionally and to-the-point.

Along with explaining your skills, you want to describe how your experience with that skill is unique. Many people may have communication skills, but have you won an award or scholarship for technical writing? Be specific and match this information to your resume

Here are some ideas about what might set you apart:

  • Explain course work that gives you a type of professional experience.
  • Show that others have recognized the high quality of your work.
  • Include only those awards that relate to the position you desire.
  • Demonstrate how you improved efficiency/productivity at work or school.
  • Include what you did at school that proves your skills.
  • Explain how you set a goal and reached it.

For example:

While at Purdue University, I participated in a collaborative web-consulting project for a Technical Writing class. With two peers, I served as a web consultant for a local business, Patters' Painters. In order to make feasible recommendations for revisions, additions, and deletions to Patters' Painters' website, we conducted interviews, observed the workplace, and completed multiple web analyses...I believe these experiences match the requirements you outline in the job description.

How to Start a Cover Letter: 30 Creative Opening Sentences Recruiters Will LOVE

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Wondering how to start a cover letter? Traditional cover letter wisdom might tell you to begin with something like, “Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the marketing manager position with the Thomas Company.” But we say: A cookie cutter cover letter intro feels as outdated as a Hotmail address.

A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to a hiring manager—who you are, what you have to offer, and why you want the job—but you have an extremely limited amount of space to do it. If you really want to get noticed, you’ve got to start right off the bat with something that grabs your reader’s attention.

What do we mean? Well, we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you. Keep reading to find tips on how to start a cover letter, along with 30 creative cover letter opening lines and sentence examples.

Still looking for that perfect next role? One of these open jobs on The Muse just might be the one »

5 tips on how to start off a cover letter

Here are a few pointers to guide you as you use our example cover letter openings—we’re getting there, we promise!—to craft your own:

1. Avoid boring or overused openers

Recruiters have read cover letters that start with lines like “I’m excited to apply for the front-end engineering position,” or “Your job posting on The Muse prompted me to…” so often they could wallpaper their homes with them. While those are OK and still acceptable, you'll have a better shot at impressing potential employers with a less cliché opening line.

2. Be lively and personable

People like reading interesting, engaging stuff—the kind that paints a picture, tells a story, and maybe even makes them smile. People like it when you’re human, genuine, and memorable. So figure out something about yourself and your background that relates to the company or position you're interested in, and use that to build a connection.

3. Show what you bring the company

You’ll get more into the details after your opening paragraph, of course. But your cover letter opener should still tell the reader, “This person can do something for us,” rather than, “This job would really help them.”

4. Stick to the point

Your opener, while creative, should still be relevant to the job. Don’t begin by highlighting an unrelated accomplishment or recounting an anecdote that never connects back to why you’re applying for the job. Part of writing an effective cover letter is curating key information that relates to that specific job opportunity and shows the reader that you're a good fit for the role.

5. Don't start with “To Whom It May Concern”

Find an alternative to “ To Whom It May Concern .” Seriously, banish those five words from your cover letter vocabulary forever. Nowadays, this phrase is seen as outdated, overused, and even rude—especially when better options exist.

30 cover letter opening sentence examples

We’ve come up with 30 creative cover letter opening sentence examples and separated them by the method they use to grab the reader’s attention. We don’t recommend copying and pasting because, well, your cover letter should be unique to your stories, background, and interests.

But you can most definitely use these examples to get inspired for your next application. (If you’re looking to see what an entire cover letter might look like, check out our article on the best cover letter examples for every type of job seeker .)

Start with passion

Employers want to hire people who care about what they’re doing. If you start your cover letter off talking about your passions and how they relate to the job, you’re telling the reader that you’ll be an engaged and motivated employee who’s likely to stick around. Plus, it’s a good way to tell the company a bit about who you are as a person right off the bat. Just be honest and realistic.

If truly loving data is wrong, I don’t want to be right. It seems like the rest of the folks at [Analytics Company] feel the same way—and that’s just one of the reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for your sales team.

I’ve been giving my friends and family free style advice since I was 10, and recently decided it’s time I get paid for it. That’s why I couldn’t believe it when I found an open personal stylist position at [Company].

After about three years of trying out different roles at early-stage startups around San Francisco, watching more “ find your passion “ keynotes than I’d like to admit, and assuring my parents that, yes, I actually do have a real job, I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that I’m happiest when I’m doing two things: writing great content and getting it out into the world.

The other day, I took a career assessment , which told me I should be a maritime merchant. I’m not quite sure what that is, but it did get me thinking: A role that combines my skills in business development with my lifelong passion for the ocean would be my absolute dream. Which is how I found this role at Royal Caribbean.

As a kid, I once gave up a day of a family vacation to transport an injured lizard I found by our hotel two hours each way to the nearest animal hospital (and talked my dad into driving me pre-GPS!). When I was a bit older, I found out I could care for animals every day for a living, and I’ve been working toward that goal ever since.

I am constantly checking my LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds—and not because of FOMO. Because I’m someone who wholeheartedly believes in the power of sharing ideas in online communal spaces, and I’m positive that I can help spark meaningful conversations as your next social media assistant.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be one of those people who pretend to be statues on the street. Thankfully, my career goals have become a little more aspirational over the years, but I still love to draw a crowd and entertain the masses—passions that make me the perfect community manager.

Start with admiration

Companies often want to hire people who already know, love, eat, and sleep their brand. What better to kick off your cover letter than a little flattery? Of course, remember when you’re telling a company why you love it to be specific and genuine. Because while everyone likes a compliment, no one likes obvious self-serving B.S.

I pretty much spent my childhood in the cheap seats at Cubs games, snacking on popcorn and cheering on the team with my grandfather. It’s that memory that’s shaped my career—from helping to establish the sports marketing major at my university to leading a college baseball team to an undefeated season as assistant coach—and what led me to apply for this position at the Chicago Cubs.

It was Rudy, my Golden Retriever, who first inspired me to apply to your operations assistant opening—not only have we used your app to find other dogs to play with in our neighborhood, he’s really excited about the prospect of coming to work with me every day. As I learned more about how [Company] is using modern tech to help pets thrive in cities, I couldn’t help but get excited to be part of it, too.

Example 10:

When I was seven, I wanted to be the GEICO gecko when I grew up. I eventually realized that wasn’t an option, but you can imagine my excitement when I came across your events manager position, which would have me working side by side with my favorite company mascot.

Example 11:

When I attended SXSW for the first time last month, I didn’t want to leave. So I decided I shouldn’t—and immediately went to check out job openings at the company.

Example 12:

If I could make the NYC apartment rental process better for just one person, I would feel like the horrors of my recent search would all be worth it. So a customer service role at [Apartment Search Company], where I could do it every day? I can’t think of anything more fulfilling.

Example 13:

[Vacation Rental Company] is synonymous with luxury and escape, known for spaces that inspire. I’ve felt this firsthand every time I’ve stayed at one of your properties—whether I was throwing a bachelorette party or working from home in a new locale—and I would love the chance to contribute to this reputation as your destination manager.

Example 14:

I was an hour out from hosting my first big dinner party when I realized I had forgotten to pick up the white wine. In a panic, I started Googling delivery services, and that’s when I first stumbled across [Delivery Service Company]. I’ve been hooked ever since, so I couldn’t help but get excited by the idea of bringing this amazingness to nervous hosts like me as your next social media and community manager.

Example 15:

Though I’m happily employed as a marketing manager, seeing the job description for your company’s PR director position stopped me in my tracks. I’ve been wearing your glasses for many years, and have always been impressed by the way the company treats its customers, employees, and the community at large.

Example 16:

A group of us IT folks were sitting around talking about our favorite Pacific Northwest companies this morning (coincidentally, over coffee). As you might figure, Starbucks was among the first names that came up. What makes you such a standout among Seattle-based corporations? Here’s the list we compiled:

Start with accomplishments

For any given job, you’re going to be competing with a lot of other job seekers—presumably, a lot of other similarly qualified people. A great way to stand out in your cover letter is to highlight something about yourself—a character trait, an accomplishment, a really impressive skill—that’ll quickly show how you stand out.

Example 17:

My last boss once told me that my phone manner could probably defuse an international hostage situation. I’ve always had a knack for communicating with people—the easygoing and the difficult alike—and I’d love to bring that skill to your open office manager position.

Example 18:

Among my colleagues, I’m known as the one who can pick up the pieces, no matter what amount of you-know-what hits the fan. Which is why I think there’s no one better to fill this customer service leader position.

Example 19:

Last December, I ousted our company’s top salesperson from his spot—and he hasn’t seen it since. Which means, I’m ready for my next big challenge, and the sales manager role at your company is exactly what I’m looking for.

Example 20:

After spending three years managing the internal communications for a 2,000-person company, I could plan a quarterly town hall or draft an interoffice memo in my sleep. What do I want to do next? Put that experience to work as a consultant for executives looking to level up their communications strategy.

Example 21:

While you won’t find the title “community manager” listed on my resume, I’ve actually been bringing people together online and off for three years while running my own blog and series of meetups.

Example 22:

If you’re looking for someone who can follow orders and doesn’t like to rock the boat, I’m probably not the right candidate. But if you need someone who can dig into data, see what’s working (and what’s not), and challenge the status quo, let’s talk.

Example 23:

I recently relocated my family to Texas. As we neared our new home, I noticed with intrigue the many wind turbines dotting the landscape. Suddenly, it hit me: “This is the career for me.” After unloading the moving van, I promptly researched companies in this sector that may benefit most from a skilled field engineer with expert electromechanical skills. And I discovered that [Company] is where I want to be.

Example 24:

You might be wondering what a 15-year veteran of the accounting world is doing applying to an operations role at a food startup. While I agree the shift is a little strange, I know you’re looking for someone who’s equal parts foodie and financial expert, and I think that means I’m your person.

Example 25:

Over the last 10 years, I’ve built my career on one simple principle: Work smarter. I’m the person who looks for inefficient procedures, finds ways to streamline them, and consistently strives to boost the productivity of everyone around me. It’s what’s earned me three promotions in the supply chain department at my current company, and it’s what I know I can do as the new operations analyst for [Company].

Start with humor and creativity

OK, before you read any of these, we have to stamp them with a big, blaring disclaimer: Do your homework before trying anything like this—learn everything you can about the company and the hiring manager to gauge whether or not they’d appreciate some comedic relief or a bit of snark. If it seems like they would, it’s a great way to make them smile (then call you). If they don’t? Try a different approach.

Example 26:

Have you ever had your mom call five times a day asking for a status update on how your job search is going, and then sound incredulous that you haven’t made more progress since the last phone call? That’s my life right now. But I’m hoping that soon my life will revolve around being your full-time social media manager. The good news is, I bring more to the table than just an overbearing mom. Let me tell you more.

Example 27:

Thank you so much for offering me the marketing manager position at [Company]! I wholeheartedly accept. OK, I know we’re not quite there yet. But if we were, here are just a few ideas for what I would do once in the role.

Example 28:

I considered submitting my latest credit card statement as proof of just how much I love online shopping, but I thought a safer approach might be writing this cover letter and describing all the reasons I’m the one who can take [E-Commerce Company]’s business to the next level.

Example 29:

I never thought that accidentally dropping my iPhone out of a second story window would change my life (it’s a funny story—ask me about it). But thanks to my misfortune, I discovered [Phone Repair Company]—and found my dream job as an expansion associate.

Example 30:

If we were playing “Two Truths and a Lie,” I’d say: I’ve exceeded my sales quotas by at least 20% every quarter this year, I once won an international pie-eating contest, and I have an amazing job at [Company]. The last, of course, is the lie. For now.

Frequently asked questions

How do you start off a cover letter.

When unsure how to open a cover letter, a good rule of thumb is to steer clear of clichés or overused opening lines. Instead, start by highlighting a passion or accomplishment relevant to the company or role you're applying for. You could also mention something about the company that caught your attention. Get creative, but keep it professional and make sure your narrative makes sense in that context.

How to start a cover letter greeting?

Try to find the hiring manager's name on LinkedIn or the company's website and address them directly, like “Dear Jane Doe”. If you can't find their name, “Dear Hiring Manager” is a good alternative. Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern” as it sounds outdated and impersonal.

How do I introduce myself in a cover letter?

Introducing yourself in a cover letter is straightforward: just share a bit about yourself. For example, “I'm a copywriter with seven years of experience in online content writing. At least officially. Since my first year of college I've been working on personal projects and keeping a track record of my accomplishments throughout the years.” No need to repeat your name since it's already in your contact information at the beginning of the letter.

How to start a cover letter without a name?

If you don't know the name of the person receiving your cover letter, start with “Dear Hiring Manager” or similar. Other possibilities include: “Dear Hiring Team”, “To the Hiring Team”, “To the Hiring Team”, “Dear Recruiter/Recruiting Team”, or “Dear Hiring Committee” if your industry evaluates cover letters and applications through a board.

Jenny Foss , Erica Breuer , Regina Borsellino , Amanda Cardoso also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

how many sentences should be in a cover letter paragraph

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  • Career Planning
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  • Cover Letters

What to Include in the Body Section of a Cover Letter

how many sentences should be in a cover letter paragraph

What Is the Body of a Cover Letter?

What to include in each paragraph, first paragraph, middle paragraphs, final paragraph, what else to include in your letter, include keywords.

  • Write a Custom Cover Letter
  • When You're Emailing a Cover Letter

Short and Sweet is Fine

Aim for natural language, proofread and proofread again.

Writing cover letters is no one’s favorite part of the job search process, and the body of the letter is the hardest part. This is where you try to capture the hiring manager’s attention and emphasize your unique qualifications for the job, without repeating the same exact information you’ve included on your resume.

The body of your cover letter is the section which tells the hiring manager what position you're applying for and why the employer should select you for an interview. You're selling your candidacy to the reader, so it's important to be specific about your qualifications as they relate to the position.

The body of your cover letter should include an explanation of why you're interested in and qualified for the job for which you're applying. These persuasive paragraphs are intended to convince the reader that you're the perfect person for the position.

A successful cover letter will win you an interview, so it's important to be compelling and show the hiring manager that you're a strong candidate. The hiring manager will spend seconds reviewing your letter or email message , which means you don't have much time to connect with the employer and make a positive impact.

The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you're writing. Mention the position you're applying for and where you saw the listing. Include the name of a contact or reference, if you have one.

The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Make strong connections between your qualifications and the position requirements. Mention specifically how your skills and experience match the job you're applying for. Use several shorter paragraphs or a bulleted list of your qualifications rather than one large block of text. This will make it easy for the reader to quickly scan and absorb this important information.

Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow up if you have the contact information for the hiring manager to do so.

The rest of letter is important, too. You will need to include your contact information, which is listed at the top of a written letter or below your signature in an email cover letter.

Your letter also needs to include a professional greeting, a professional closing, and your signature. You will sign your name on a printed cover letter. If you upload or email your cover letter, your signature will be your typed name.

This is especially important if you’re submitting your cover letter and resume to an online listing. To get past the applicant tracking system and to a real human being, your cover letter will need to contain the right keywords. To find these, scan the job listing for keywords related to the skills and qualifications required.

Write a Custom Cover Letter Every Time

It’s fine to begin with a cover letter template , but you’ll want to customize your cover letter to each role. Include details like how you found out about the job, why you’re particularly interested in the role, and why your experience, skills, and qualifications make you the perfect candidate.

Here is an example of a cover letter. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Custom Cover Letter Sample (Text Version)

Jasmine Applicant  123 Main Street  Anytown, CA 12345  555-555-5555

September 1, 2018

Michael Lee  Director, Human Resources  Calico Corner  123 Business Rd.  Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing to apply for the store manager training program as posted on the careers page of Calico Corner’s website. I was excited to see this opening because I enjoy shopping at your stores and I have experience in retail management.

After reading the requirements, I believe I would be an excellent fit for the management position. I’ve spent the past three years as an assistant manager of a small convenience store, while finishing my bachelor’s degree. This job has given me the opportunity to manage employees as well as work with the general public. In addition, I have a background in textiles and recently graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western State University, with a minor in business and marketing. 

I’ve included my resume so you may review my education and work experience in addition to the skills I’ve gained, such as customer service, employee management, communication, social media marketing, and design.

If you have any questions or wish to know more about my qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. My cell phone number is 555-555-5555 and my email is

I look forward to hearing from you about this exciting position.

Jasmine Applicant

When You're Emailing a Cover Letter

If you're emailing a cover letter , list your contact information after your typed name instead of at the top of the letter.

Don’t feel the need to go on and on. Three well-written paragraphs that highlight your experience and make your case are better than a lengthy letter that no one will read.

While resumes are necessarily a bit more to the point, you’re trying to woo the hiring manager, and that means letting your natural charm and enthusiasm shine through. Think about what would make you sit up and take notice if you were reading this cover letter. What would inspire you to call you in for an interview?

It can never be said enough, have a trusted friend proofread your cover letter before you send it along. Even professional editors miss mistakes in their own writing. Get a second set of eyeballs on your cover letter before you hit send or upload. 


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  2. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? (+Formatting Tips)

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  4. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2021 (12+ Examples)

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  5. What To Include In A Cover Letter (With Examples)

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  6. 3 Paragraph Cover Letter Template Cover Letter Template, Free Cover

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  1. Q&A: What's the Ideal Cover Letter Length?

    Limit your cover letter to four paragraphs. Generally, your cover letter should be between half a page and one full page in length. Divide your cover letter into three or four short paragraphs that can be read in around 10 seconds or less. In these paragraphs, include a strong topic sentence and write just enough to prove that you're ...

  2. How Many Paragraphs Should a Cover Letter Have [4 Examples]

    Ideal Structure and Length. An effective cover letter should have 3 to 6 paragraphs, including an introduction, relevant experience, company details or more qualifications, and a closing. The ideal length for a cover letter is 250-400 words, with concise, focused writing being key to making a strong impression.

  3. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? Length & Word Count

    As featured in *. Typically, a cover letter should be 250-400 words or three to four concise paragraphs. The ideal cover letter length is a half-page to one page long. This cover letter length gives you enough space to communicate your experience and convey your interest in applying while also respecting the hiring manager's time.

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  5. 6 Tips for Formatting a Cover Letter, With Examples

    Set margins to one inch on all sides. Use 1.15 line spacing throughout and insert a blank line between each paragraph. Format your cover letter as a PDF. Name your cover letter file with your first name, last name, the words "cover letter," and the job title or company name.

  6. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? (Examples)

    The typical cover letter should contain three to six paragraphs. Each paragraph should be relatively short, containing two to four sentences. This is especially important in the first paragraph of your cover letter, where you want to entice the reader and encourage them to keep reading by providing a short, punchy opening.

  7. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be and What Should Be Included?

    A cover letter can be anything between half a page and a full-page long. Generally, you should aim for a cover letter word count of 250 to 400 words and about three to six paragraphs. A short, concise cover letter serves as a written introduction to a prospective employer and outlines why you're the best fit for the job.

  8. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024? (+Examples)

    When it comes to the number of words, never exceed 400 words. 250-300 words are the ideal length of an average cover letter. The perfect number of paragraphs in a cover letter ranges from three to four. The maximum number of paragraphs that are acceptable is six.

  9. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be (+ Examples)

    Every paragraph in a cover letter has a purpose. Keeping your text focused on achieving these goals makes it easy to make your cover letter the proper length. First paragraph goals: The first paragraph of your cover letter should be two to four sentences long. The aim is to introduce yourself, mention the role you want and the top skills or ...

  10. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2022?

    The ideal cover letter length is: Less than one page. Three to five paragraphs. Less than 400 words. At least that's the approximate consensus we came to based on research and input from a few experts who have worked as hiring managers, recruiters, or both.

  11. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? Ideal Length in 2024

    An electronic cover letter should be the length of cover letters on paper. Namely, three paragraphs, 250-300 words, and less than a full page. The difference is, write a great subject line and leave the address section off the top.

  12. How Long Should Should A Cover Letter Be? (With Examples)

    Key Takeaways: Your cover letter should be one page with three to six paragraphs and roughly 200-400 words long. Use the STAR method (situation, task, action, and result) to write your cover letter. Tailor your cover letter to each job which can help keep it short.

  13. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be? (+5 Cover Letter Samples)

    This is how long the ideal cover letter should actually be: Word count: Try to hit the 250 - 400 words range. This should be long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to keep the reader's attention. Number of paragraphs: When it comes to structure, your cover letter should consist of 2-4 body paragraphs, framed by an introductory and ...

  14. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2024?

    Cover letters should range from a half-page to one full page. Your cover letter should never exceed one page in length. Perfect Cover Letter Length Characteristics. Page Count: 0.5 to 1. Word count: 250 to 400. Paragraph count: 3 to 6.

  15. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Outline and Examples)

    Follow these guidelines: Make your cover letter single-spaced. Add a space between each section: contact information, salutation, opening paragraph, middle paragraph, closing paragraph and complimentary closing. (There's no need to indent any of your paragraphs.)

  16. How Long Should a Cover Letter Be

    How many paragraphs should a cover letter have? The body of a cover letter should consist of four to five paragraphs. To be clear and impactful, focus each paragraph on one central theme and include three to five short sentences in it. Here is how you can structure the body of the cover letter: 1) First paragraph: Catchy Introduction

  17. Cover Letter Body Paragraphs

    In the body of your cover letter (the argument), you should describe the most important qualifications to show why you are a good match for the job and the company. You should focus your cover letter's body around the two-three qualifications you mention in the introduction. In each paragraph you can concentrate on one quality, seeking to ...

  18. PDF Cover Letter Writing

    Your cover letter can be the body of the email with your resume as an attachment. If you are using your cover letter in the body of an email you do not need to do the standard business letter format you will see on the samples with physical addresses. A cover letter should be 3 paragraphs - Introduction, Sales Pitch and Conclusion.

  19. Q&A: What's the Ideal Cover Letter Length in 2024?

    4. Limit your cover letter to four paragraphs. Generally, your cover letter should be between half a page and one full page in length. Divide your cover letter into three or four short paragraphs that can be read in around 10 seconds or less. In these paragraphs, include a strong topic sentence and write just enough to prove that you're ...

  20. 7 Key Components of an Effective Cover Letter

    A great cover letter uses a logical progression of ideas to advertise your skills. There are seven sections that every cover letter should include to fit employer expectations and highlight your best qualities: 1. Header. All cover letters start with a header that includes your contact information.

  21. How to Start a Cover Letter: 30 Creative Opening Sentences

    3. Show what you bring the company. You'll get more into the details after your opening paragraph, of course. But your cover letter opener should still tell the reader, "This person can do something for us," rather than, "This job would really help them.". 4.

  22. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    1. Begin by introducing yourself. To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2.

  23. What to Include in the Body Section of a Cover Letter

    The body of your cover letter should include an explanation of why you're interested in and qualified for the job for which you're applying. These persuasive paragraphs are intended to convince the reader that you're the perfect person for the position. A successful cover letter will win you an interview, so it's important to be compelling and ...