1. Practice-Problem-solving » Disability Dame

    problem solving learning disabled

  2. Teaching Hierarchy of Problem Solving Skills to Children with Learning

    problem solving learning disabled

  3. Dealing With Learning Disabled Children

    problem solving learning disabled

  4. Viscardi School Helps Severely Disabled Learn

    problem solving learning disabled

  5. Improving Math Problem Solving for Students with Learning Disabilities

    problem solving learning disabled

  6. Help Yourself: Problem Solving for the Disabled: Bucy, Douglas R

    problem solving learning disabled


  1. Specific learning disability in mathematics: a comprehensive review

    This article reviews the changing terminology for specific learning disabilities (SLD) in math and describes the emerging genetics and neuroimaging studies that relate to individuals with math disability (MD). It is important to maintain a developmental perspective on MD, as presentation changes with age, instruction, and the different models ...

  2. What Is Dyscalculia? Math Learning Disability Overview

    Dyscalculia Definition Dyscalculia is a math learning disability that impairs an individual's ability to learn number-related concepts, perform accurate math calculations, reason and problem solve, and perform other basic math skills. 1 Dyscalculia is sometimes called "number dyslexia" or "math dyslexia."

  3. Thinking and Learning Teaching Principles for Students with Disabilities

    Tips to help teachers foster thinking and learning among students with disabilities, including positive messaging, providing accessible instructional materials, consulting with the IEP team, and building on existing strengths.

  4. Problem solving by students with intellectual disability

    This chapter concerns with cognitive engagement in students with intellectual disability (ID) when learning to read, and more specifically, with four observable components of cognitive engagement: Selection, elaboration, monitoring, and problem solving. The observable behaviours of these components include linking the presented stimuli to prior knowledge and requesting clarification ...

  5. Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Students with Learning Disabilities

    Students with learning disabilities sometimes struggle with problem-solving in mathematics. This lesson gives you a sense of why and also offers some strategies to help.

  6. Learning Disabilities in Mathematics

    Mathematics learning disabilities do not often occur with clarity and simplicity. Rather, they can be combinations of difficulties which may include language processing problems, visual spatial confusion, memory and sequence difficulties, and/or unusually high anxiety.

  7. Student Perception, Mathematical Problem Solving, and Learning Disabilities

    Abstract The purpose of this article is to discuss student perception of mathematical problem solving. Findings from five studies measuring attitude toward mathematics, perception of performance, perception of the importance of mathematical problem solving, and perception of problem difficulty are presented and discussed.

  8. Illustrative Mathematics Access For Students with Disabilities

    Assistive Technology. Assistive technology can be a vital tool for students with learning disabilities, visual spatial needs, sensory integration, and students with autism. Assistive technology supports suggested in the materials are designed to either enhance or support learning, or to bypass unnecessary barriers. Manipulatives.

  9. PDF Mathematics Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities or

    This report specified recommendations for students with learning disabilities andfor students who were experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics but were not identified as having a math learning disability (i.e., at-risk). The seven 1 effective instructional practices in this document are supported by current research findings.

  10. Teaching Problem Posing to Students With Learning Disabilities

    However, despite these promising results, problem posing in mathematics instruction has rarely been studied in the population of students with learning disabilities (LD). This study describes a problem-posing intervention that draws on an existing Conceptual Model-based Problem-Solving program (COMPS, Xin) into the problem posing task.

  11. Technology-Supported Math Instruction for Students with Disabilities

    Cognitive strategy instruction and mathematical problem solving performance of students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 8 , 223-232.

  12. Adults with Learning Disabilities

    Introduction Learning disabilities (LD), sometimes referred to as "specific learning disorders," are life-long, but adults who have LD can experience great success in all aspects of life when using their strengths together with the strategies, accommodations and technology that are most appropriate and effective for their individual needs.

  13. Understanding, Educating, and Supporting Children with Specific

    Specific learning disabilities (SLD) are highly relevant to the science and practice of psychology, both historically and currently, exemplifying the integration of interdisciplinary approaches to human conditions. They can be manifested as primary conditions—as ...

  14. Developmental Problems, Learning Disabilities, and Critical Thinking

    Learning Disabilities What is a learning disability? The spectrum disorders just described impact many areas of the child's life. And if a child is mentally retarded, that child is typically slow in all areas of learning. However, a child with a learning disability has problems in a specific area or with a specific task or type of activity related to education. A learning difficulty refers ...

  15. Creative Problem Solving and Children with Learning Disabilities

    Children with learning disabilities, because of their distinct neurological profiles, may be primed to succeed in such environments. By allowing children, particularly those with learning disabilities, to develop and build their creative problem solving skills, we will be setting them up to succeed in a creative society.

  16. Solve it! Strategy instruction to improve mathematical problem solving

    This mathematical problem-solving program has been successful for students with mathematical learning disabilities and, therefore, can be used in inclusive, general education classrooms as well as special education classes.

  17. Integrated learning: explicit strategies and their role in problem

    Abstract This study investigated the effectiveness of an explicit strategy as a means of linking facts, concepts, and problem solving in an unfamiliar domain of learning. Participants were 37 secondary students with learning disabilities. All students were taught health facts and concepts, which they then applied to problem-solving exercises presented through computer-simulation games ...

  18. Helping Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Develop Problem-solving

    This can be done by teaching problem-solving skills. Problem solving requires the person to identify the problem, come up with different solutions to solve the problem, choose the best solution to the problem, and implement the chosen solution.

  19. Separability of metacognition and cognition: Problem solving in

    Results show that the learning disabled Ss were less skilled in 2 forms of metacognition with respect to the set of problems: (a) knowledge about cognition, or in this case knowledge about their problem-solving skills; and (b) regulation of cognition, or in this case the ability to monitor their problem-solving performance.

  20. Cognitive Profiles of Mathematical Problem Solving Learning Disability

    Three cohorts of third-grade students (N = 813) were evaluated on achievement, cognitive abilities, and behavioral attention according to contrasting research traditions in defining math learning disability (LD) status: low achievement versus extremely ...

  21. Learning disabilities and social problem solving skills

    PDF | Recent studies showed that children with learning disabilities present significant difficulties in learning as well as in social skills... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

  22. The Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Instruction on the

    Abstract This study investigated the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction on the mathematical problem solving of six middle school students with learning disabilities. Conditions of the multiple baseline, across-subjects design included baseline, two levels of treatment, setting and temporal generalization, and retraining. For Treatment 1, subjects received either ...

  23. Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem Using a Genetic Algorithm

    A Genetic Algorithm, GA, is a machine learning technique that is modelled on biological evolution. It is a guided random search algorithm that can explore a large solution space very efficiently. A GA involves building a population of 'chromosomes' which act as potential solutions to the problem we are attempting to solve.

  24. Cognitive Profiles of Mathematical Problem Solving Learning Disability

    Three cohorts of third-grade students (N= 813) were evaluated on achievement, cognitive abilities, and behavioral attention according to contrasting research traditions in defining math learning disability (LD) status: low achievement versus extremely low achievement and IQ-achievement discrepant ve …

  25. Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving (Cps) Berbasis

    The purpose of this research is to analyse the effectiveness of the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) learning model with the use of Serial Image Media on the short story writing skills of grade IV elementary school students. This researcher used a quantitative research approach, using a pre-experiment design with the One Group Pretest-Posttest ...

  26. Generalization of temporal logic tasks via future dependent

    Temporal logic (TL) tasks consist of complex and temporally extended subgoals and they are common for many real-world applications, such as service and navigation robots. However, it is often inefficient or even infeasible to train reinforcement learning (RL) agents to solve multiple TL tasks, since rewards are sparse and non-Markovian in these tasks. A promising solution to this problem is to ...

  27. Cognitive profiles of mathematical problem solving learning disability

    Three cohorts of third-grade students (N = 813) were evaluated on achievement, cognitive abilities, and behavioral attention according to contrasting research traditions in defining math learning disability (LD) status: low achievement versus extremely low achievement and IQ-achievement discrepant versus strictly low-achieving LD. We use methods from these two traditions to form math problem ...