Essay On Advertisement

500 words essay on advertisement.

We all are living in the age of advertisements. When you step out, just take a quick look around and you will lay eyes upon at least one advertisement in whichever form. In today’s modern world of trade and business, advertisement plays an essential role. All traders, big and small, make use of it to advertise their goods and services. Through essay on advertisement, we will go through the advantages and ways of advertisements.

essay on advertisement

The Various Ways Of Advertisement

Advertisements help people become aware of any product or service through the use of commercial methods. This kind of publicity helps to endorse a specific interest of a person for product sale.

As the world is becoming more competitive now, everyone wants to be ahead in the competition. Thus, the advertisement also comes under the same category. Advertising is done in a lot of ways.

There is an employment column which lists down job vacancies that is beneficial for unemployed candidates. Similarly, matrimonial advertisement help people find a bride or groom for marriageable prospects.

Further, advertising also happens to find lost people, shops, plots, good and more. Through this, people get to know about a nearby shop is on sale or the availability of a new tutor or coaching centre.

Nowadays, advertisements have evolved from newspapers to the internet. Earlier there were advertisements in movie theatres, magazines, building walls. But now, we have the television and internet which advertises goods and services.

As a large section of society spends a lot of time on the internet, people are targeting their ads towards it. A single ad posting on the internet reaches to millions of people within a matter of few seconds. Thus, advertising in any form is effective.

Benefits of Advertisements

As advertisements are everywhere, for some magazines and newspapers, it is their main source of income generation. It not only benefit the producer but also the consumer. It is because producers get sales and consumer gets the right product.

Moreover, the models who act in the advertisements also earn a handsome amount of money . When we look at technology, we learn that advertising is critical for establishing contact between seller and buyer.

This medium helps the customers to learn about the existence and use of such goods which are ready to avail in the market. Moreover, advertisement manages to reach the nooks and corners of the world to target their potential customers.

Therefore, it benefits a lot of people. Through advertising, people also become aware of the price difference and quality in the market. This allows them to make good choices and not fall to scams.

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Conclusion of Essay On Advertisement

All in all, advertisements are very useful but they can also be damaging. Thus, it is upon us to use them with sense and ensure they are entertaining and educative. None of us can escape advertisements as we are already at this age. But, what we can do is use our intelligence for weeding out the bad ones and benefitting from the right ones.

FAQ on Essay On Advertisement

Question 1: What is the importance of advertisement in our life?

Answer 1: Advertising is the best way to communicate with customers. It helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products which can be useful to them.

Question 2: What are the advantages of advertising?

Answer 2: The advantages of advertising are that firstly, it introduces a new product in the market. Thus, it helps in expanding the market. As a result, sales also increase. Consumers become aware of and receive better quality products.

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Advertisement Essay

500+ words essay on advertisement.

Advertisement is a means to make people aware of any product or service using commercial methods. It is a sort of publicity designed to endorse a person’s specific interest intended for product sale. We live in an era where advertisement plays a vital role in promoting business and products. Whether big or small, all brands and companies advertise their products on various mass media platforms. When we step outside our houses, we get to see advertisements for different brands in the form of a billboard, flyers, posters, etc.

In this essay on advertisements, we will discuss the advantages and different ways of creating ads.

The Various Ways of Advertisement

In this modern world of competition, everybody wants to be ahead. So, in this scenario, the advertisement comes in. We get to see or hear advertisements for several things. It proves beneficial for business people and can be used in various forms. Job vacancy ads posted in the employment column prove highly advantageous for the unemployed. Matrimonial ads also provide a trusted platform for both bride and groom for marriage proposals.

People can advertise their shop or property they want to sell, and anyone who wants to buy it can contact the person after seeing the advertisement. Through advertising, we can also find lost people, plots, goods, homes, etc. Previously, we used to see traditional advertisements in magazines, newspapers, and building walls. But, still, today, the most meaningful way of advertising is through television. Advertising your product or brand on television will help to reach the masses.

There are numerous positive effects of advertisement, and due to this, more businesses utilise this medium for their branding and marketing. Big and small companies spend the maximum of their budget on advertising, creating great ads for a positive impression on people. The best and most influential platform for advertisement is the World Wide Web. People are very active on social media in today’s world, and posting a single ad can reach millions of people easily in just a few seconds. Other forms of advertising are banners, posters, road crossings, flyers, billboards, digital screens, walls and railway stations. Sometimes, you can find them written or painted on trains, vehicles, and buses.

Benefits of Advertising

Advertisement is considered the prime means of generating income for magazines, television, and newspapers. They are beneficial for producers as well as consumers. Producers earn loads of money by spending their resources on advertisements. Models also make a handsome income by acting in ads to promote products and services.

In the technologically advanced business world, advertising has been seen to play a critical role in the establishment of contact between sellers and buyers. It is a medium by which the customer learns about the existence and use of goods available in the marketplace. As there is a lot of competition among businesses in various domains, advertisement has become a profitable investment that helps companies reach nooks and corners of the world and target their potential customers.

Drawbacks of Advertising

As every technology has some good and bad points, the same holds for advertisements. It has its share of disadvantages. An advertisement creates an artificial demand for things that we don’t need. It compels us to purchase expensive items. It has also been seen to generate disagreement within the family when the children make wishes for all those advertised goods that they see on television that are beyond the spending capacity of parents.

Watching your favourite stars promoting alcohol, cigarettes, etc., negatively impacts people who follow them. Another disadvantage of advertisement is that superior quality products that are not advertised lose their worth, and inferior ones enjoy more visibility in the market. This proves a means to cheat the innocent public. Buyers also suffer as the cost of advertisement adds to the entire production cost.

Conclusion of Essay on Advertisement

So, we know that advertisements are essential to launching your brand or product in this competitive market. Creative ads will help you to attract more people. These ads are entertaining as well as educational. Signing a celebrity or known personality will be the icing on the cake to advertise your product.

Students of the CBSE Board can get essays based on different topics from the BYJU’S website. They can visit our CBSE Essay page and learn more about essays.

Frequently Asked Questions on Advertisement Essay

What are the advantages of an advertisement.

Advertisements are good sources of information for ordinary people. They reach the public sooner and help in the faster marketing of a product. Advertisements also help in the sustenance of the product in the competitive world.

What are some of the traditional ways of advertisement?

Magazines, newspapers, paintings and posters are some of the traditional ways of advertising a product.

Is advertising good or bad for society?

Although advertisements are majorly beneficial for society, advertisements of harmful or illegal products can pose a threat to the younger section of society.

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2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Advertising: Navigating the Digital Marketplace

3. The Role That Consumer Behavior Plays on Advertising and Cancel Culture

4. Should Artists Music Be Used in Advertisements

5. Typography: From Billboards to Street Signs

6. Way of Struggling Brands and Advertising or Word-Of-Mouth

7. How Advertising Influences Consumer Behaviour

8. The Advertisement Analysis Of The Pears Soap

9. The Analysis Of Small World Machines Advertisement

10. That’s Nutellable’: An Analysis Of Advertisement Of Nutella

11. Analysis Of Comcast Advertisement, A Popular Ad

12. Advertisement Analysis: Analysing The Old Spice Ad

13. Ad Analysis Of The Allies, Hitler’s Campaign

14. The Semiotic Advertisement Analysis: Connotations And Denotations

15. Ad Analysis: The Objectification And Sexism In Original Red

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Starting an Essay on Advertising

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

To start off, whenever you are writing an essay on a particular topic, the first thing is to strive to make your audience get a picture of what you are talking about. The best way to do so is by first defining your topic or explaining what it is that you aim to achieve or how the reader will benefit. As far as advertising goes, we are going to look at some of the angles an advertising essay can be approached from.

Essay on Advertising: Sample Approaches

Essay on Advertising : Sample Approaches

The first way to approach advertising essays can be through looking at how advertisements are brought to life from conception to implementation. This means looking at the different players in the industry and what they do. How they impact advertising and their ways of doing business. This alone can be approached from many different angles depending on the resources one has as a writer and how far they are willing to go to find out the finer details. This is where as an advertising essay writer ; one can cover various media used to roll out advertising campaigns. Whether it is television, the internet, outdoor advertising, print, audio or audio-visual media the list is endless.

Advertising Organization

Advertising Organization

Figure 2 advertising medium

While writing this sort of essay, it is also important to look at how the whole organizations of the industry including the key figures that make advertisements come to life. This includes companies and advertising agencies that create the adverts.

Advertisements are a huge part of our everyday lives; everywhere we go we see different types of ads which appeal to different target audiences differently. Advertising techniques have changed along the way, and this also influences the way companies/business sell to their customers, with the internet or online advertisements, we have seen more online business or e-commerce which has, in turn, forced businesses to do doorstep deliveries. This mostly is common in food and fashion industries.

A Look at Writing Essay on Advertising Ethics

Ethics can be defined as the moral principles that govern a person or group’s behavior. Code of ethics is used by companies, professional organizations and individuals, it contains some rules and principle which help them in making decisions between right and wrong.

Lately, there has been major controversy in the ethics of advertising. A good example is a Calvin Klein undergarment advertisement that appeared in Times Square. On a billboard was a photo of two children in underwear, standing on a sofa, smiling and playful. The advertisement was criticized as sexual and promoting pedophilia.

Some advertisements are very creative and fun; however, with the competitive nature of the industry, they are continuously becoming unethical in comparison to the advertisements in the 50’s. For example:

  • Television consumers today are exposed to many ads which interrupt attention to their most favorite programs.
  • Advertisements wrongly target vulnerable populations with a poor diet such as fast foods the likes of KFC or McDonald’s, hence lifestyle diseases such as obesity or diabetes at a very young age.
  • Some ads brainwash children who attend to them reducing the children into nagging and pestering towards parents in relation to advertised products.
  • Using obscene materials and content has been a great ethical disaster in advertising. Obscenity such as sex appeals has been used to attract viewership a practice that is not ideal for an ethical society.

An ethical ad is the one which does not lie, does not make any fake or false claims and is in the limit of decency. Nowadays advertisers only focus on their sales; they just want to attract customers and increase their sales. They present their ads in such a way that people start thinking that this is the best product as compared to others however most products are found to be fake, false and misleading customers.

Nevertheless, the positive side of advertisements cannot be ignored. Of course, advertising increases awareness about services and products of organizations without which the profitability and sale of these products would be difficult. In other words, demand is a product of advertising since it educates potential consumers about new market offers.

As you can see, there are a lot of angles one can approach an essay on advertising as has been highlighted above. My hope is that this has been an eye opener on the essay possibilities in this industry.

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Advertisement Essay: Writing Tips and Topics

how to write advertisement essay

Advertisements are everywhere, from the streets to your mobile phone. On average, people get to see up to 5,000 advertisements and brands in a day. More than 153 of these advertisements get registered in our minds. Advertisements are not just popular, but subconsciously, they form some of our thinking patterns.

Considering the popularity of ads and their importance, it would not be out of place if you are asked to write an advertisement analysis essay. It is commonplace for college essays . This advertisement essay will help you know more about how to write an essay on advertisement.

With advertisement analysis essay examples, you get to learn more about the world of advertisement. There are several ways to write an advertisement essay, from a rhetorical analysis of an advertisement essay to a visual analysis essay advertisement. You can learn about how to write them from our tips on how to write an advertisement analysis essay.

Tips On How To Write An Advertisement Analysis Essay

You do not need an advertisement analysis essay sample to write an advertisement analysis essay. With these tips outlining how you should write an advertisement essay, you can write a good essay. Follow these steps carefully and you will be able to familiarize yourself with these types of essays.

The advertisement analysis introduction is very important. You need to catch the attention of your audience from the first word. Assume your reader has never seen the ad or know the product and include a description of the product and its history.

The introduction of the advertisement analysis should be focused on the subject matter which is the advertisement. You should also point out how the advertisement paints the product as being better than any other product in the market. If the ad doesn’t contain any such description, it is not so effective. After you have done justice to the introduction, your next paragraph should contain the thesis statement.

This part of the essay embodies the description of your point of view on the advertisement. The thesis of an advertisement essay tells you the message the advertisement conveys and how it conveys it. Your thesis should include the aim of the advertisement, whether to improve sales or to make customers carry out a particular action. You want to keep the part of the essay as short and as simple as you can. It should not be longer than a paragraph.

The body of your analysis should build upon your thesis statement, elaborating on various points of the advertisement and how they are used to achieve the aim of the advertisement. One of the details that would be included in the paragraphs of the essay is the set of people or group for which the advertisement was intended.

You should also highlight the popularity and effectiveness of the ad. Why the advertisement was able to become popular and draw people is important in your analysis. The analysis of an advertisement will also have examples of the rhetorical appeals which are ethos, pathos, and logos. The ethos pathos logos advertisement essay part consists of how the rhetorical appeals are used to draw the attention of the audience.

Logos pertains to the logical appeals of the ad, ethos describes its ethical appeal and pathos illustrates its emotional appeal. Any rhetorical analysis essay example advertisement should contain an analysis of the appeals. After writing all the points that you be reviewed while writing an analyzing advertisement essay, you can move on to the last point in the essay.

Your conclusion is the last paragraph after you have written all your relevant points in your analyze advertisement essay assignment. This paragraph should restate the key points you raised in your analysis in summary form. You should also state if the objective of the advertisement was achieved or not.

Following these steps and tips will help you write a great analysis of an advertisement even if it is a print advertisement analysis essay. Now that you know how to write an analysis essay on an advertisement, let’s look at advertisement essay topics that you can practice your prowess on.

Examples of Advertisement Essay Topics

You don’t have to wait until you have an assignment on advertisement analysis before you understand how to write it. You can practice with these topics and other sample advertisement analysis essay. Once you have seen an advertisement analysis essay example and practised the writing of advertisement analysis essays, you will not find it difficult when you have an assignment on it.

Some of the topics you can practice with are:

  • Analysis of a TV Advertisement
  • Selling Women on a King’s Length Advertisement Analysis
  • Advertisement Analysis of a Mermaid Advertisement
  • Advertisement Analysis on the Use of Women in Sport Advertisements
  • Accessing the Company Motive in Media Advertisements
  • Analysis of Vice Principals on HBO Advertisement
  • Advertisement Analysis of Coca-Cola Advertisements

Using the outlined tips and these advertisement essay examples, you can write an advertisement essay sample. You can also check an advertisement analysis essay sample online if you get stuck.

Difference Between An Advertisement Essay and An Advertisement Project

An advertisement project is quite different from an advertisement essay. A school advertisement project could mean in-depth research into an aspect of advertising. These projects are book advertisement projects. Advertisement projects in this regard are longer than an advertisement essay will be.

Advertisement projects could also be the practical execution of an advertisement. You can also be asked to do these projects in the form of coming up with creative advertisement project ideas. These ideas could be implemented in fun ways like the sales of a school play ticket.

Now that you know the difference between advertisement essays and projects, let’s look at how you can make your project ideas stand out above the rest.

How Your Advertisement Project Ideas Can Stand Out?

Devising great project ideas is not as difficult as you might think it is. You just have to put your imagination to it and keep the following tips in mind.

  • Incorporate the pop culture influence
  • Put cute animals in your ads
  • Do funny advertisements; everyone loves a good laugh
  • Freebies, Freebies, Freebies; not only will they help people remember the brand but it could also get their loyalty
  • Use puns; It stays in people’s memories
  • Add some street art to your buildings
  • Think outside the box. Do something unusual
  • Try jingles; those songs and words never really get old
  • Make use of innuendos; give people something to think about for a few minutes after seeing your ad.

Do not worry too much about how you can create an advertisement project. Put one or more of these ideas into good use and you will be able to do so without stress. Contact a writing service and ask for hep. Professionals surely know how to do it properly. Now you know how to write an essay on advertisements and create a great advertisement project.

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Advertising Concept and Campaign Informative Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Advertising agencies are varied from small organizations to large and well established firms that employ hundreds of workers. Hence, it is important to note that the structure of such agencies also range from simple to complex systems depending on the size and activities of the business enterprise.

Advertising agencies have six key departments namely production, media buying, finance and accounts, creative, account planning and account service. For large agencies, departments such as traffic, web development and human resource & facilities may be separated to ease operations (Blakeman, 2011).

These departments work together by coordinating their duties through effective communication. In addition, each of the separate departments plays the role of meeting the goals of a firm. For instance, the research department works towards innovating new skills and competences.

In summing up, the structure of agencies largely depends on their sizes. It is the same kind of structure that guides when setting up departments.

To begin with, it is vital to note that any form of advertising is meant to be appealing and attractive to the targeted audience. Hence, the message being passed on should be precise, simple to understand and appealing. It is against this backdrop that creativity in advertising comes in handy.

Creativity in adverting ahs always been an essential part of marketing campaigns. Therefore, it entails generating campaign messages that are mutually exclusive and can drive positive marketing results. Creative advertising has the ability to build brands, change the behavior of consumers and also great in terms of ideas (Blakeman, 2011).

It is without doubt that any other advertising campaigns should be nurtured towards creativity. A campaign strategy that lacks creativity cannot lead to measurable results.

To recap it all, it is vital to reiterate that creativity in advertising cannot be ignored at all if positive results are needed when carrying out marketing of particular brands.

It is obvious that consumers often have the knowledge of certain brands in their minds. In other words, the brands can be made or broken by consumers. Hence, it is worth to assess some of the parameters that consumers use to assess to endorse particular products or services before accepting them as reputable brands in the market.

The figure below shows how brand can be assessed. The parameters include visibility, benchmarking, parent company, market share/sales capture and advertising likeability (Callen, 2010).

Brand evaluator model

A recent campaign by Unilever Company led to the production of the latest margarine brand called ‘Flora’ into the market. This has positively transformed the brand positioning of the margarine product for two reasons:

  • Consumers have a wide choice between BlueBand and Flora margarines
  • The competitive edge of margarines has been boosted with the launch of the new product.

This section needs to define success or effectiveness in terms of marketing campaigns and in particular advertising of products in a firm.

While it may not be an easy task to measure or define success within a short period of time, it is imperative to mention that the wellbeing of an organization is largely dependent on the set goals and objectives (Callen, 2010).

A firm or business organization that operated without stipulated goals and objectives cannot define or agree on success parameters. Hence, goals and objectives are two vital measurements that can be put in place in order to gauge the performance of an organization. Such measurements can also help in assessing the profitability of firms.

To sum up, the definition of success or effectiveness when assessing the operations of an organization can only be attained by reviewing the earlier set goals and objectives.

Successful marketing campaign can be visualized through measurable results after the campaign has been rolled out. Apart from the element of creativity, successful campaigns should have the following characteristics. Multiple events-successful campaigns should be focused when declaring the intended messages.

Such campaigns should also be multiple. For instance, the use of concerts, festivals, educational seminars and parties can be incorporated in such campaigns (Callen, 2010). Moreover, partner organizations can be used to spread the campaign messages so that the largest audience is reached.

Branded products- various products such as articles and T-shirts can be used to promote successful campaigns. Thereafter, partner orgasisations can then receive the sale of products that have been branded for campaigns.

Consumers will often feel to be taken care of when they are included in the campaigns such as through T-shirts and headgears that they put on.

Charity benefits-a cause marketing campaign can also be enhanced by channeling some funds to charity.

Media planning entails the choice of the type and cost of media to use for driving adverting campaigns. There are several factors to be put into account when planning media. This type of planning is instrumental when launching any form of advertising campaigns.

To begin with, the cost of the campaigns is a vital factor to put into consideration. While the cost of the media to be used may also be proportional to the effectiveness of the campaign, campaign agencies should put that into consideration (Callen, 2010).

Geographical coverage of the advertising media is also part and parcel of media planning. The choice of media should also be based on the number of potential clients that can be reached at any given period.

The type of product to be advertised and the target audience of the campaigns should also be borne in mind during media planning.

Therefore, successful media planning is as important as the advertisement campaign itself.

The choice of media is influenced by the budget of the campaigns as well as the number of target audience to be reached. At this point, it is imperative to observe that each type of product has its own target audience and therefore the choice of media will also vary according to the product being advertised.

Media choice is equally depicted by the earlier set objectives of the media planning. Any marketing campaign has its own objectives that eventually determine the most suitable type of media to use.

Blakeman, R. (2011). Advertising Campaign Design: Just the Essentials . New York : M.E Sharpe Inc.

Callen, B. (2010). Managers Guide to Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity . New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.

D&AD (2010). The Social Media Landscape . Web.

IPA (n.d). Assumptions about the ‘changing media landscape’ could be totally false. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 9). Advertising Concept and Campaign.

"Advertising Concept and Campaign." IvyPanda , 9 July 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Advertising Concept and Campaign'. 9 July.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Advertising Concept and Campaign." July 9, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Advertising Concept and Campaign." July 9, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Advertising Concept and Campaign." July 9, 2019.

Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Marketing and Advertising — The Rhetoric of Advertising: Analyzing Persuasive Techniques and Ethics


The Rhetoric of Advertising: Analyzing Persuasive Techniques and Ethics

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Published: Feb 7, 2024

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The purpose of advertisements, the rhetorical triangle, language use, visual design, target audience, the ethics of advertising.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Literacy Ideas

How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers

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As with persuasive texts in general, advertisements can take many forms – from billboards and radio jingles to movie trailers and pop-ups on your computer.

In this guide, we’ll work towards writing a standard magazine-format advertisement known as the print ad. Print ads are text-heavy enough to provide something meaty for our students to get their teeth into. Though advertisers are increasingly overlooking print ads in favor of more trackable and often cheaper digital forms of advertising, the same strategies and techniques can apply to both.

Likewise, strategies such as emotive language and other persuasive devices are essential when writing ads. Much of the writing advice that follows applies to the other persuasive texts , which can also be found on our site. Be sure to check it out, also.

Let’s explore the structure and persuasive elements that make an advertisement successful. These elements combine to make us think and act favourably about a service or product. So let’s get into it and learn how to write an advertisement.


how to write an advertisement | ADVERTISING AND MARKETING UNIT 2 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

Teach your students essential  MEDIA LITERACY SKILLS  with this  COMPLETE UNIT  on  ADVERTISING.  It’s packed with  ENGAGING, INFORMATIVE & FUN  activities to teach students the persuasive techniques to  READ ADVERTS  and the skills to  WRITE ADVERTS.

This  COMPLETE UNIT OF WORK  will take your students from zero to hero over  FIVE STRATEGIC LESSONS  covered.


how to write an advertisement | RHETORIC | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |


For students to create their own advertisements and successfully employ the various persuasive techniques, they’ll first need to develop a clear understanding of an advertisement’s underlying structure. We’ll explore the primary structural elements and features of advertisements, though the order of how these appear varies from advert to advert. Here, we’ll take a look at the following persuasive text elements.

  • Call to Action

how to write an advertisement | advertisement features 1 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |


how to write an advertisement | brand names | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

The brand name of the product or service frequently comes at the top of the advertisement – though not always. One of the first tasks for students when writing their own advertisement is to decide on a name for their product or service.

Please encourage students to select a name that reflects the product, service, or values they wish to present to their audience.

Brand names have evolved from being wordy and aspirational to very short and snappy since the inception of the internet, so they can be found easily on a search engine.


  • What are the names of similar already existing products or services?
  • Does the name look and sound good?
  • Is the name short, punchy, and memorable?
  • Does it evoke a feeling or an idea?
  • Is it distinctive and original?


how to write an advertisement | audience persuasive | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

An advertisement’s target audience may not always be immediately apparent and often needs to be inferred through language and imagery choices made by the writer.

However, who the target audience does need to be decided before writing as it will inform subsequent choices on the use of language (e.g. pronouns, tone, etc.) and imagery.

There are several ways to help students determine their target audience. A good starting place is for them to consider creating a target persona, a fictional character who represents the type of person their product or service is aimed at.

  • Education level
  • Marital status
  • Likes/Dislikes
  • Who they trust
  • What they read/watch

An effective print advertisement presents a product or service in an appealing manner. It quickly conveys essential information about that product or service. It will include a clear and specific offer and also provide the information required for the reader to act on that offer.

Once we have the brand name sorted and the audience defined, it’s time to look at the critical structural elements to consider when writing an ad. It’s important to note that not every element will be used in every ad, but the following model serves well for writing most print advertisements.


how to write an advertisement | advert headline for students 1 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

The ad headline should provide a short, snappy preview of what the reader will find in the copy. A good headline grabs the potential customer’s attention and makes them want to read the rest of the ad. There are several tried and tested means of writing a good headline. Here are 3 of the most effective:

The Problem/Solution Headline – This headline details a problem a potential customer may be facing and offers the solution in the form of the product or service. For example: Tired? Sluggish? Overweight? Excero Bike Gets You Where You Need to Go, Fast!

The Testimonial Headline – This headline uses a quote from a customer’s positive review to help sell the product or service. The testimonial allows the potential customer to see some ‘proof’ upfront before buying. “With the Excero Bike, I lost 15lbs in 15 days. I’m now thinner, fitter, and much, much happier!”

The Question Headline – This headline asks a question that the target customer will be seeking an answer to, for example, “Are you paying too much for your x?” Are You Paying Too Much for Your Gym Membership?


how to write an advertisement | advertising logos | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

Logos are visual representations of a brand and are used to help promote a range of products and services under a single umbrella and also to allow for quick identification by the reader. They are more of a design element than a writing one.


how to write an advertisement | persuasive slogans | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

A slogan is a phrase or a short sentence used to represent or sell a particular brand. Usually, they’re designed to be short and snappy to help make them more memorable for readers. Slogans often use alliteration, rhyme, puns, or other figurative language techniques to make their message more memorable.


how to write an advertisement | 1 nike advertising jordan 3 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

A good print ad makes readers an offer. This is usually in the form of a benefit the potential customer will gain or a motivating reason for finding out more about the product or service.

The Offer acts as a ‘hook’ that maintains the reader’s focus and draws them into the body of the ad. It can take the form of a time-limited discount or a 2-for-1 offer, etc. This Week Only – 25% Off!

Offers can also form part of the Call to Action at the end of the ad – more details on this soon.


how to write an advertisement | christmas advertising | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

Good body text (or body copy) in an ad is well-organized and quickly gets to the point. Readers want to get the necessary information with minimum effort. For the writer, this requires skill, patience, and much editing. There are several different types of body copy that students need to consider when writing their ads. Let’s take a look at 5 of these:

Factual – Factual copy gives the reader just enough factual information about the product or service to persuade them that it’s worth buying.

Humor – Using humor is a tried-and-tested means of making an ad memorable. To use it successfully, students will need to have an excellent understanding of their target audience.

Narrative – This copy tells a story as a way to draw the customer in. Many people are resistant to direct selling. Narrative copy uses the power of storytelling to build a connection with the customer to ‘soft sell’ to them.

Testimonial – While testimonial content usually comes from a customer, it can also come from experts, celebrities, or any kind of spokesperson. The testimonial is based on what the customer or spokesperson liked about the product or service. Testimonials are often woven into the humanity of the ad. This copy appeals to emotions. Rather than boasting directly of the benefits of the product or service, this type of ad evokes the senses and appeals to emotions.

The body copy might include details of available products or services, special offers, or specific information the advertiser wants potential customers to know. Subheadings and bullet points can help organize the text and make information easier to find. Texts should be short and easy to read. Walls of text can be off-putting; if the language is too complex, it may turn off potential customers.


how to write an advertisement | call to action | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

The Call to Action or CTA frequently comes at the end of the advertisement. It’s usually made up of a few sentences that invite the reader to take a specific action. This action might take the form of buying the product, sharing contact information, or, in the case of an online ad, clicking on a link to find out more about the product or service.

Call to action Contexts:

  • An electronics company encouraging readers to buy their new computer
  • A helpline requesting readers to call a number
  • A political party urging readers to vote for them in an upcoming election
  • A travel agent appealing to readers to book
  • A travel agent appealing to readers to book their next holiday through them

There are many ways to write a CTA but some effective strategies that are commonly used include:

  • Start with strong action words urging the reader to take action, e.g. Join, Discover, Order, Subscribe, Buy , etc.
  • Let the reader know precisely what you want them to do.
  • Ensure the necessary contact details are included, e.g. address, email, website address, phone numbers, etc.
  • Motivate the reader to take action through the use of promotional offers, e.g. Get 50% off or Book your free consultation today!
  • Provide a reason to take action by communicating the benefits, e.g. Losing weight, Saving money, Performing better, etc.
  • Use numbers to appeal to the reader, e.g. Save 20% on your next video, Now with 33% extra free! etc.
  • Make your audience an offer they can’t refuse, e.g. Book Your School Marketing and Promotion Analysis today – No Strings Attached.
  • Create a sense of urgency by limiting a special offer in some way, e.g. 25% off for the first 100 customers, Free T-shirt if booked today, Buy 2 get 1 free this month only , etc.


how to write an advertisement | persuasive devices guide | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

The use of persuasive devices is an essential aspect of writing an advertisement. Our students must clearly understand the following strategies to confidently produce an advertisement that works.


This is a literary device that involves the repetition of the initial letter or sound of consecutive words or words near each other. It’s more commonly associated with poetry than nonfiction text types; however, it is also a popular technique used in advertising. Alliteration can help make brand names more memorable. Examples abound, e.g. PayPal, Coca-Cola, Range Rover, and Krispy Kreme, to name but a few.

It’s not just in company names that you’ll find alliteration at work, though. We can also see alliteration alive in slogans such as:

The best four by four by far – Land Rover

Made to make your mouth water – Opal Fruits

Greyhound going great – Greyhound

Don’t dream it. Drive It. – Jaguar


Using emotive language involves deliberately choosing words to provoke an emotional response in the reader. Different ways exist to express the same idea.

We can choose to put a positive, neutral, or negative spin on the same event through the words we select. For example:

Positive: She triumphed gloriously against stiff competition in the spelling bee.

Neutral: She won the spelling bee.

Negative: She received first prize in the poorly attended minor-league spelling bee.

Asking questions can help to engage the reader and persuade them to come to the desired conclusion by themselves. This is the ad equivalent of the ‘show, don’t tell’ mantra employed by fiction writers.

As with all the techniques and strategies, this technique must be used with care. It can have the opposite of the desired effect, such as building resistance in the reader, if used carelessly. Students should avoid making hyperbolic suggestions with their rhetorical questions. For example, the question “Want to lose 50lbs in 2 weeks?” implies a highly exaggerated claim that most intelligent readers will not believe. In this instance, the rhetorical question detracts from the ad’s effectiveness rather than enhances it.

The most important thing for students to remember when using this technique is that they should only ask rhetorical questions in their ads when they can predict with a reasonable degree of certainty what the answer will be in the reader’s mind. Nine times out of ten, that answer should be a simple yes. Questions should be straightforward, as should the answers they generate.

how to write an advertisement | Coca ColaBillboardAd1 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

Advertisers know that we usually need to see or hear things several times before we’ll remember them. Also, the reader is more likely to believe something true the more frequently they hear it. For these reasons, advertisements rely heavily on repetition to drive their message home.

In advertising, the repetition of certain keywords or phrases is used to emphasize a specific idea or emotion. When used well, it can increase the overall effectiveness of an ad. However, students should be careful not to bore the reader. Repetition should always be used strategically.

Repetition doesn’t just involve the repeating of words. It can also include repeating colors and images.

Here are some examples of repetition at work.


how to write an advertisement | aplus | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

  • Carefully Consider the recount TYPE and AUDIENCE before writing.
  • Keep the title simple, e.g. My First Day at High School
  • Organize the text using paragraphs, e.g. a new paragraph for each section. Use the first orientation paragraph to set the scene by introducing characters, setting, and context.
  • Write the recount in chronological order – the order in which things happened and keep it in the past tense – relating events that have already happened.
  • Choose the correct perspective from which to write the recount, e.g. personal recounts will be told from a first-person perspective (e.g. I, me, etc.). Factual recounts are most often told from the third-person perspective (e.g. she, he, they, etc.).
  • Use time connectives to help organize the text and link the different sections of the recount together.
  • Avoid repetitive use of language like then x, then y, and then z.”
  • Aim to draw the reader into the action by using descriptive and figurative language
  • Focus on the most critical/exciting parts.
  • Use plenty of detail but ensure it is relevant to the purpose of the recount.


Vocabulary can elicit an emotional response beyond the literal meaning of the words used. When students understand this, they understand a powerful tool of persuasion.

how to write an advertisement | Picture1 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |


how to write an advertisement | persuasive elements | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |

The Pain Solution: Persuades by highlighting a problem and suggesting a solution.

The Bandwagon: Persuades to do, think, or buy something because it is popular or because “everyone” is doing it.

The Testimonial: Persuades by using a previous customer or famous person to endorse a product or idea.

The Logical Appeal: Persuades by using reason, usually in the form of a claim backed by supporting evidence.

The Emotional Appeal: Persuades using words that appeal to emotions instead of logic or reason.

The Youth Appeal: Persuades by suggesting you’ll feel younger and more energetic using this product or service.

The Romantic Appeal: Persuades the reader by invoking the powerful and inspiring feelings of love.

The Empathy Appeal: Persuades the reader by encouraging them to identify with the plight of another.

The Testimonial: Persuades the reader by using a previous customer or famous person to endorse a product or idea



It’s a competitive world out there! Advertisements must catch and hold attention in an overwhelmingly noisy world, and images are a powerful means of doing this. Photos, pictures, diagrams, logos, color schemes – the visual look of an ad is as important as the text and, in some cases, more important!

Interesting images capture interest. They can intrigue the reader and encourage them to read the text they accompany.

Images also help the reader visualize the product or service offered. Advertising space can be expensive, and, as the old adage has it, a picture tells a thousand words. Images help advertisers make the most of their advertising real estate.

Students should carefully choose (or create) images to accompany their text. They should ensure that images are relevant and appropriate for their selling audience. They should look natural and genuine rather than posed.

Students can create their own images using their cell phones or graphic designer apps such as Canva .

This is our complete guide on writing an advertisement for students, and be sure to browse all our persuasive articles whilst you are here. Finally, we also have a complete unit of work on advertising for students and teachers that can be found here.


how to write an advertisement | 1 Copy of Copy of Copy of HOW TO WRITE POEMS 1 1 | How to Write an Advertisement: A Complete Guide for Students and Teachers |


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Essay on Marketing

Students are often asked to write an essay on Marketing in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Marketing

The world of marketing.

Marketing is about spreading the word on products and services. It helps companies connect with customers.

Understanding Customers

Effective marketing begins with understanding what customers want and need. Companies study people’s preferences and behaviors.

Creating Products

Using customer insights, businesses develop products that solve problems or bring joy.

Communication is Key

Marketing involves telling people about products through ads, social media, and more. Clear communication is crucial.

Building Brands

Adapting and growing.

Marketing strategies change based on feedback. Companies adapt to stay relevant and successful.

Marketing is like sharing stories that connect what people need with what companies offer. It’s an exciting way to make products part of our lives.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Marketing

Understanding the power of marketing.

Marketing: a concept that shapes the modern world. It’s more than just ads and promotions; it’s the engine driving business success. Let’s explore its significance.

The Essence of Marketing

At its core, marketing is all about connecting products or services with people’s needs and desires. It’s about creating value, not just selling. Effective marketing answers the question, “Why should customers choose us?”

Segmentation and Targeting

Value creation through branding.

Branding isn’t just a logo; it’s the emotions and perceptions associated with a product. Strong brands build trust and loyalty, allowing companies to command premium prices.

The Digital Revolution

The digital age has revolutionized marketing. Social media, search engines, and online ads allow for precision targeting and personalized communication. It’s not about bombarding, but about engaging.

Content is King

Analyzing and adapting.

Marketing isn’t a one-shot deal. It’s a constant process of analyzing results and adapting strategies. Tools like analytics help track what works and what doesn’t, leading to informed decisions.

Ethics in Marketing

With great power comes great responsibility. Marketing should be ethical, transparent, and respectful. Deceptive practices might bring short-term gains, but they erode trust in the long run.

The Bottom Line

In a nutshell, marketing is the bridge that connects what you offer with those who need it. It’s not just about selling but about creating lasting value. Understanding its principles can propel businesses toward success in the modern world.

500 Words Essay on Marketing

Marketing: connecting the dots for successful business.

Marketing is like a magical thread that weaves businesses and customers together, creating a world where products and services find their perfect match. In this modern age, new-age techniques like Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), Chatbots and Conversational Marketing, Programmatic SEO , Social Commerce, and Neuromarketing have added exciting dimensions to this field. Let’s delve into the basics of marketing and explore how these techniques have transformed the way businesses reach out to us.

Imagine you’ve baked the most delicious cookies in town. You want everyone to know how tasty they are. That’s where marketing comes into play. Marketing involves all the activities that help you promote and sell your products or services. It’s about understanding what people want, creating something they’ll love, and then letting them know it exists.

Meeting New Friends: Customers and Businesses

In the world of marketing, two important players dance together: customers and businesses. Customers are people like you and me who need things. Businesses are the ones that make those things. Marketing helps these two groups find each other.

Traditional vs. Modern Marketing

Traditional marketing used to be all about newspapers, TV ads, and posters. But today, things have changed a lot. Businesses use new-age techniques to grab our attention in creative ways. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) let us experience products almost like they’re real. Chatbots talk to us on websites and social media, making shopping feel like chatting with a friend. Social Commerce lets us buy things through platforms like Instagram and Facebook, as if we’re shopping with friends online.

Getting Found: SEO

Think about searching for something online. How often do you go past the first page of search results? That’s why businesses use SEO. It’s like making sure your cookie recipe appears at the top when someone searches for “delicious cookies.” This technique helps businesses get noticed by improving their online visibility.

Understanding Your Brain: Neuromarketing

Ever wondered why some ads just stick in your head? Neuromarketing dives into how our brains respond to ads. Businesses use this technique to create ads that connect with us on a deeper level. It’s like making sure your cookie commercial triggers happy thoughts every time you see it.

Chatting with Businesses: Conversational Marketing

Have you ever had a chat with a robot on a website? That’s Conversational Marketing. Businesses use chatbots to talk to us, answer our questions, and even help us choose the right products. It’s like having a helpful assistant while shopping.

Shopping in Your Pajamas: Social Commerce

Putting it all together.

Marketing is like a puzzle where every piece matters. Businesses create amazing products, use modern techniques like VR/AR, Chatbots, Programmatic SEO, Social Commerce, and Neuromarketing to make us notice them, understand us better, and make shopping a breeze.

In conclusion, marketing is the bridge that connects what we need with what businesses offer. Through traditional and new-age techniques, it has evolved into a captivating journey that is all about understanding, connecting, and engaging with customers. Whether it’s through the immersive experiences of VR/AR, the friendly conversations of chatbots, the smart visibility of SEO, the emotional impact of Neuromarketing, or the convenience of Social Commerce, marketing continues to shape the way we discover, choose, and enjoy the products and services that make our lives better.

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Advertising: essay on advertising (488 words).

write a short essay about advertising


Here is your essay on Advertising!

The term ‘advertising’ is derived from the original Latin word ‘advertere’ which means ‘to turn’ the attention. Every piece of advertising turns the attention of the readers or the listeners or the viewers or the onlookers towards a product or a service or an idea. Therefore, it can be said that any thing that turns the attention to an article or a service or an idea might be well called as advertising.


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According to American Marketing Association, “Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor”.

Advertising includes any informative or persuasive message carried by a non-personal medium and paid for by a sponsor whose product is in some way identified in the message. Traditional mass media, such as television and magazines, are most commonly used. However, the direct mailing of catalogues, electronic media advertisements featuring computerized ordering, and other direct-response vehicles are becoming increasingly popular.

Global promotion involves a variety of activities, ranging from in- store point-of-purchase displays and Sunday newspaper coupons to satellite TV advertising and sponsorship of symphony orchestras, athletic events such as the Olympics, Soccer’s World Cup, and major tennis tournaments.

All of these various tools need to be integrated and project a consistent message and image for maximum effectiveness. This is a stiff challenge for global marketers since the tools are not equally effective everywhere and some are not even available in certain country markets.

The most visible promotional activity is perhaps global advertising. Global sales promotion, public relations, and publicity have also become powerful promotional tools because of developments in global communications and the opening-up of new markets. Then there is participation in international trade fairs, direct marketing, and personal selling, the last typically much more localized but still important.

Global advertising can be defined as advertising more or less uniform across many countries, often not necessarily, in media vehicles with global reach. In many cases, complete uniformity is unobtainable because of linguistic and regulatory differences between nations or differences in media availability, but as with products, localized advertising can still be basically global. In contrast, multi-domestic advertising is international advertising deliberately adapted to particular markets and audiences in message and/or creative execution.

There are several traditional problems facing the decision-maker in global advertising. These are as follows:

1) How to allocate a given advertising budget among several market countries?

2) What the message to be use in these various markets?

3) What media to select?

But even before tackling these management decisions, the advertiser needs to define the objectives of the advertising in the different countries. And before doing that it is imperative that the decision-maker identify what can conceivably be expected from the global advertising effort. Thus, the logical starting point in global advertising management is the assessment of the role of advertising in the country markets and the availability of alternative advertising media.

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Analysis Essay On An Advertisement (Writing Guide)

How to write good analysis essay on an advertisement.

Analysis Essay On An Advertisement, Writing Guide,

Outline example

How to start, introduction example.

  • How to write the thesis statement

Thesis example

How to write body paragraphs, example of body paragraphs.

  • How to conclude

Conclusion example

  • Revision tips

Advertising plays a major role in our society today; everywhere you go you will find products being advertised on television, online pages, billboards. Advertisement analysis is a common assignment students are required to undertake. Writing an analysis of an advertisement is more about writing a review of the advertisement using a specific format. There are several strategies to go about this type of assignment. So, below is a step-by-step approach to writing an analysis of an advertisement.

Introduction :

  • What is the advertisement for
  • Summary of the context of the advertisement
  • Background information about the company
  • The thesis statement
  • The effect of the advertisement and the target audience

Body Paragraphs :

  • Present evidence of the effectiveness of the ad on the target audience
  • Give examples
  • Show various components of the advertisement
  • Explain some of the outstanding strategies used to persuade the target audience
  • Describe the values and emotion the ad provokes in the readers
  • Describe the visual strategies
  • Describe the ethos, pathos, and logos
  • Describe the textual strategies, including the diction and the tone.

Conclusion :

  • Present the most important points justify why the advertisement is successful
  • The present technique used that makes the product outstanding
  • Review the intention of the advertisement
  • Provide your opinion.

In the introduction, it is important to state what the analysis will focus on. The ideas to get to the point as early as possible. The essay writer should not assume that the readers are familiar with the product. That is why the first step is to analyze if the advertisement presents a brief history and a detailed description of what the product is about. A good advertisement needs to show how the product is superior to other products in the market.

For example, when a company produces a commercial the aim is to increase sales.

  • Here are also points you should consider when writing your essay:
  • Some people prefer to write the introduction after they have written the essay itself – you should try both ways to see which one works better for you.
  • The introduction must always contain the thesis statement.
  • Any information which is needed for the essay, but doesn’t necessarily fit into any of the body paragraphs, should go into the introduction.
  • Don’t make any arguments in the introduction itself; save it for the body paragraphs.
  • The introduction should summarise the main arguments you intend to make.

Analysis Essay On An Advertisement,

Now, you know the main rules of writing an introduction. Next, please find an example of the introduction.

Old Spice’s advertisement “How Your Man Could Smell Like” is an attractive phrase used to lure the audience to purchase the product. The advertisement meant to capture men’s attention through women. It presents an ideal image of how a man should smell. The advertisement used sexually themed strategy to grab the reader’s attention.

How to write a thesis statement

To write a thesis statement, make sure that you have done all the research you want to do, and that you know everything you want to when it comes to your essay. Try and boil down the ultimate point of the essay into a small amount of space – at the most two sentences. It should be clear enough that every part of your essay will be able to relate to it without much trouble.

The advertisement conveys a strong message about a strong personality where a man needs not only to be attractive but also to be confident by smelling like a real man. The advertisement uses emotional appeal to influence young women who value strong qualities in a man.

Any advertisement is meant for a specific audience, therefore, a good analysis should present the target audience. The body paragraphs should clearly present, which groups of people are being targeted, discusses how the intention presented work together to create a good impression. When writing an advertisement analysis essay, it is important to explain how popular and effective the advertisement is. Describe the rhetorical appeals, including pathos, ethos, and logo, these are concepts that provoke emotion among the target audience in an attempt to convince them to like the product.

Tips on body paragraph writing:

  • Each paragraph should only deal with one argument, to keep from being cluttered.
  • Each paragraph should have a topic sentence to introduce it, and a summary sentence at the end of both wind things up, and lead into the next sentence.
  • Each paragraph should reference the thesis statement in some way.
  • Each paragraph should fit into the essay in a way which makes it flow properly, leading readers through the essay to a similar conclusion.
  • Each paragraph should contain just the right amount of research – not so much as to confuse the issue, but not so little that it seems like there is nothing to say.

Below is an example of the body paragraphs for advertising analysis.

1st paragraph

The commercial appeals to women more than men. This is important because it does not rely on the attractiveness of the model and the setting, but on sensational, emotional responses presenting how perfect men should translate into the reality the ideal image of who a man should be and what he should smell like to attract a wider audience.

2nd paragraph

The advertisement uses an attractive man who seems to be physically fit, giving the product an image that men are appealing to women’s tastes. The advertisement also presents the notion that a man’s’ emotional needs to smell like a real man to attract a woman. The advertisement uses a reliable strategy of sexuality. Sexually themed advertisements appeal to not only men and women but to a wider audience. Using such themes is the surest way to attract more people to use the product.

3rd paragraph

Normally, these advertisements focus on men who are physically attractive to try and sell their products, with the implication that the product will give an entire lifestyle, not simply a way to smell good. This is one way in which the advertisements appeal to people – making it seem as though they too can aspire to be as ‘cool’ as the man presents, simply by purchasing the aforementioned product.

How to write a conclusion

After review, the advertisement giving appropriate evidence to support the claim the next step of the analysis is to wrap up by reviewing the key points of the analysis. The conclusion of the analysis should be a brief summary justifying if the advertisement has achieved its objectives.

Tips to remember when writing your conclusion

  • Remember to restate the thesis statement.
  • Round up the arguments made in the essay – do not make any original arguments in the conclusion.
  • The conclusion is your last chance to bring people round to your point of view, so make it count.
  • Remember that you can bring in the history or additional information which is used in the introduction, to remind people of anything that might be useful.
  • Your conclusion should mention every argument made in the essay.

Example of a conclusion is shown below.

The Old Spice ad is successful because it makes a good impression on people and makes the audience believe that smelling good can be attractive. The advertisement carefully uses sex appeal, making it attractive for both men and women. Mixing the right amount of humor makes it stand out because of its no offensive. Old Spice’s appeal to women makes men want to look and smells like a real man. The advertisement presents an ideal man as good looking, masculine and romantic. Any advertisement that arouses people’s emotions and people want to watch and remember their products can be termed as a successful advertisement.

Research paper revision

Revision is important since it gives you the opportunity to create the best essay you are capable of. Revision lets you check whether or not your essay flows correctly, whether it makes sense, as well as the smaller things like grammar and punctuation.

  • Do two revisions – one for spelling and grammar, and one for structure.
  • Check to make sure that the argument through the paper flows correctly.
  • Try and come to revision with fresh eyes, since this will help you see problems more easily.
  • If you can, ask someone else to read your essay, to point out any errors.
  • Make sure to specifically check things like thesis statements, topic sentences, etc.

Need a custom essay?

1.How to write an analysis essay on an advertisement? To analyze an advertisement, one needs first to figure out the objectives behind the Ad film. Then, the analysis will deal with weighting the theme of the Ad and how well it conveyed the message. However, several other aspects are also mentioned in an ad analysis. Discuss the brand’s values and beliefs? Elaborate on the Ad appeal, emotional or rational? Discuss the storyline, the big idea, overall execution of the Ad film.

2.Who can write an analysis essay on an advertisement? Advertisement analysis is best written by field experts available on The platform provides wiring help to students who face difficulty in completing their college assignments. The writing company is good with deadlines, free revisions, professional proofreading, and guaranteed high-quality paper delivered on time written by native English speakers.

3.How to conclude an analysis essay on an advertisement? The conclusion simply summarizes the objectives the ad aimed at and how well it conveyed the message to the audience. Mention both the wins and losses. Also, give a sneak preview of how well the persuasion appeal worked for the brand in the ad.

4.What should an analysis essay on an advertisement include? Ad Analysis should identify the rhetorical appeals—logos, pathos, and ethos in the ad. Analyze the ad’s target demography. Moreover, several points to be included in an advertisement analysis are: · The big idea · Type of advertisement campaign – thematic or tactical · Persuasion appeal – emotional or rational · Core brand values · Subliminal message · Testimonial · Production value · budgets · Cast · Locations

write a short essay about advertising

Essay on Marketing: Top 9 Essays on Marketing

write a short essay about advertising

Essay on‘Marketing’. Find paragraphs, long and short term papers on ‘Marketing’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Marketing

Term Paper Contents:

  • Essay on the Challenges and Opportunities of Marketing

Essay # 1. Introduction to Marketing:


Marketing is everywhere. Everything from presenting yourself for a job interview to selling your products includes marketing. Main objective of any company is to gain profits which can be achieved only through marketing of the products. Marketing enables the companies to create demand and earn profits. If these two aspects are not taken care of, then the company will not survive in the market.

“Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” – (American Marketing Association)

“Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” – (Philip Kotler)

Thus it can be safely said that a company reaches its customer through marketing and communicates to them about the products and services offered by the company.

ADVERTISEMENTS: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Essay # 2. Evolution of Marketing :

In earlier days, an organization was mainly concerned with production of goods. It used to believe on mass production and paid less or negligible attention on quality of the product and the customer’s demand.

After some time, the focus of organization shifted from production of the product to the sale of the product. The concept of marketing emerged gradually in 1970’s after the production and sales era. It took many years for organizations to realize that a customer is the key for making profits in the long run. The marketing concept is evolved through various stages.

These stages are explained below:

1. Production Era :

The production era began with the Industrial Revolution in the 17th century and continued till 1920s. Say’s law – Supply creates its own demand – was applicable in this era. The demand for products was more than the supply in the market; thus, it was a seller’s market. In the production era, the main aim of an organization was to manufacture products faster and at low prices. In this era, customers were concerned only about the availability of products and no importance was given to features and quality of products.

2. Sales Era :

The sales era came into existence in 1920s and continued till the mid of 1950s. This era was marked by the great depression of 1923. The depression proved that manufacturing products was not everything because the sale of the products was also important for organizations to earn profit.

Thus, the need for developing promotion and distribution strategies emerged to sell products. The organizations started advertising their products to increase their sales. Many organizations created specialized market research departments to collect and analyze the prevailing market data.

3. Marketing Era :

The sales era merely focused on selling the goods and ignored the consumers’ needs and demands. The year 1970 marked the advent of marketing era. In the marketing era, organizations realized the importance of customers and started designing the products as per customers’ needs.

Therefore, the marketing era led to the development of customer-centered activities over the production and selling activities. Organizations came up with different techniques, such as customer survey, to collect and analyze data for understanding the customer’s expectations, needs, and wants.

ADVERTISEMENTS: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Essay # 3. Approaches to the Study of Marketing:

The meaning of marketing is different to different people. In common parlance, marketing is the process of selling something at a market place. To a salesman it means selling whereas to an advertising manager it means advertising. To some it means the study of individual commodities and their movement in the market place, to some others marketing means the study of institutions and persons who move their products or study of the economic contributions.

Thus, there are different approaches to the study of marketing:

1. Commodity Approach:

The commodity approach focuses a specific commodity and includes the sources and conditions of supply, nature and extent of demand, the distribution channels used and the functions, such as buying, selling, financing, advertising storage etc. various agencies perform. Prof. Paul Mazur defined as “the delivery of a standard of living to society. Prof. Malcolm McNair expanded the definition to “the creation and delivery of a standard of living”.

2. Institutional Approach:

The institutional approach focuses on the study of various middlemen and facilitating agencies.

3. Functional Approach:

The functional approach considers different kinds of functions recognized for their repetitive occurrences and necessarily performed to consummate market transactions. Converse, Huegy and Mitchell define marketing as the “business of buying and selling and as including those business activities involved in the flow of goods and services between producers and consumers.” American Marketing Association, perhaps, gives more factual or descriptive definition. It defined marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user.

4. Managerial Approach:

The managerial approach concentrates on the decision making process involved in the performance of marketing functions at the level of a firm. Howard, Phelps and Westing and Lazo and Corbin are the pioneers of the managerial approach.

5. Societal Approach:

The societal approach consider the interactions between the various environmental factors (socio-logical, cultural, political, legal) and marketing decisions and their impact on the well- being of society. Kotler, Feldman and Gist, were the main proponents of the societal approach.

6. Systems Approach:

The systems’ approach is based on Von Bartalanffy’s general systems theory. He defined system as a “set of objects together with the relationships among them and their attributes”. This approach recognizes the inter-relations and inter-connections among the components of a marketing system in which products, services, money, and equipment and information flow from marketers to consumers that largely determine the survival and growth capacities of a firm.

7. Modern Concept:

The new managerial awareness and desire reflected in the consumer orientation for all all-out commitment to the market consideration and to connect all marketing operations to the consumer needs has given birth to a new operational concept. Felton views the marketing concept as “a corporate state of mind that insists on the integration and coordination of all marketing functions that, in turn, are welded with all other corporate functions, for the basic objective of producing maximum long-range corporate profits.

According to Kotler, the marketing concept is a customer orientation backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organizational goals. According to McNamara,” marketing concept is … a philosophy of business management, based upon a company- wide acceptance of the need for customer orientation, profit orientation, and recognition of the important role of marketing in communicating the needs of the market to all major corporate departments”.

Lazo and Cobin describe marketing concept as ” the recognition on the part of management that all business decisions of a firm must be made in the light of customer needs and wants; hence, that all marketing activities must be under one supervision and that all activities of a firm must be coordinated at the top, in the light of market requirements”. King has given one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the marketing concept. He defined it as, “a managerial philosophy concerned with the mobilization, utilization and control of total corporate effort for the purpose of helping consumers solve selected problems in ways compatible with planned enhancement of the profit position of the firm”.

These definitions suggest that marketing is only concerned with the movement of goods and services from the plant to the consumer. This is thus a production-oriented definition more appropriate for a sellers’ market and dangers in case of buyers’ market. In fact, marketing is related with the sophisticated strategy of attempting to offer what the consumer may want and at a profit.

ADVERTISEMENTS: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Essay  # 4. Objectives of Marketing:

According to Peter F. Drucker, “Marketing means such a perfect understanding of the customer that the product fits him totally and sells itself. Marketing would result in a customer who is ready to buy all that, what should be needed then is to make the product available.”

Organization’s marketing strategies are designed in tune with various marketing objectives.

The objectives of marketing aim at:

1. Creating demand for the products by identifying the needs and wants of customers. The consumers get familiar with the usage of products through different promotional programs, such as advertising and personal selling. This helps in creating demand for the products by the customers.

2. Increasing the market share of the organization. The marketing efforts, such as promotion, create the product awareness in the market. The product awareness helps in capturing the reasonable share in the market by organization.

3. Building the goodwill of the organization in the market. Every organization tries to earn reputation in the market by providing quality goods to the customers. It builds its goodwill by popularizing products supported by advertising, reasonable prices, and high quality.

4. Increasing profits and achieving long-term goals through customer satisfaction. All the marketing activities revolve around the customer. These activities fulfill the organization’s long-term goal of profitability, growth, and stability by satisfying the customer’s demands. All the departments, such as production, finance, human resource, and marketing, coordinate with each other to fulfill the customer’s expectations keeping the maximization of profit as the focus.

Essay # 5. Marketing Process:

Marketing Process —– The marketing process is one that invol­ves the following chain of business activities:

1. Identification and study of the desires, needs, and requirements of the^ consumers;

2. Testing the validity of the consumers’ reaction in respect of product features, price, distribution outlets, new product concepts, and new product introduction;

3. Matching the consumers’ needs with the firm’s offerings and capa­bilities;

4. Creating effective marketing communications and programmes with emphasis on lower price, mass distribution channels and mass advertising to reach numerous market segments so that the consumers know about the product’s availability; and

5. Establishment of resource allocation procedures among the various marketing components like sales promotion, advertisement, distribution, product design, etc. 

Outline of functions in the Marketing Process : In order to place the goods in the hands of the consumers, an integrated group of activities is involved in marketing. Marketing functions cover all those activi­ties which are required for the journey of goods from the producer to the consumer. Goods require some preparations, undergo many operations and pass several hands before they reach the final consumer.

In consideration of the above factors, Clark has divided the modem marketing process into three broad categories as under:

(i) Concentration

(ii) Dispersion

(iii) Equalisation.

These are explained below.

1. Concentration – In a marketing process, concentration is that business activity in which the goods flow from many manufacturers/producers toward a central point or market. If we think of international trade, we find that the customers of a particular corporation or firm world reputation are scattered in different countries and even located thousands of miles, away, and the products are transhipped to points accessible to than. Similar scene is found even in the case of national trade. With the development of trade and commerce, the efforts in the direction of concentration acti­vity have to place more stress on the functions like collection, storage, transportation and inventory of goods in the central markets, and processing of customer’s orders. In addition, the aspects of financing and risk-bearing are also to be taken into consideration.

In India, the concentration activity is undertaken by the Governments at the Central and State levels. Food example, The Food Corporation of India undertakes this activity in case of grains, rice, sugar, etc.

2. Dispersion – In a marketing process, dispersion is that busi­ness activity in which the goods flow from the central locations to the final consumers. The wholesalers and retailers play a great role in this activity. This activity involves many other supporting activities like classification, gradation, storage and transportation of goods. The func­tional aspects of finance and risk-bearing need important considerations.

In India, the agencies like The State Trading Corporation of India, The Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of India, and The Food Corpora­tion of India undertake this dispersion or distribution activity in respect of certain specified goods. Sane large scale manufacturing companies have, of late, undertaken this activity as a part of their marketing activities.

3. Equalisation – In a marketing process, equalisation refers to the adjustment of supply to demand on the basis of tint, quality, and quantity. This process helps to maintain the state of equilibrium between the forces of demand and supply. The primary responsibility of a business unit towards the consumers and customers is to make available the right products of right qualities at the right tine, in right quantity, at the right place and at the right price. The equalisation activity can serve these objectives.

Essay # 6. Integrated Marketing Communication Process:

Marketers operate is a very dynamic environment characterised by changing customer needs and wants, severe competition, changing process technology, advancements in information technology, government regulations, etc. That is why, they are adopting Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC).

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) involves integration of company’s various communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent and compelling message about the company and its products and brands. Most of the companies communicate with target customers by using promotion tools like advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing. Through each of these tools, some message is transmitted to the target customers. IMC calls for careful blending of these promotional tools to ensure effective communication.

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) requires developing a total marketing communication strategy that recognises that all of a firm’s marketing activities (not just promotion) communicate with its customers. Everything a marketer does sends a message to the target market.

The EMC approach is an improvement over the traditional approach of treating various promotional activities as totally separate. It helps to develop the most suitable and effective method to contact customers and other stakeholders.

Often different tools play different roles in attracting, informing and persuading target customers. These tools are carefully coordinated under IMC so that they provide the same clear and consistent information about the company and its products/brands.

IMC leads to a total marketing communication strategy aimed at building strong customer relationships by showing how the company and its products can help customers solve their problems. It ties together all of the company’s messages and images.

The company’s television and print advertisements have the same message, look, and feel as its e-mail and personal selling communications. And its public relations materials project the same image as its Website or social network presence.

Communication Process:

Definition of Communication:

The term ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin word ‘communis’ which means common. That means if a person communicates with another, he establishes a common group of understanding. According to Newman, Summer and Warren, “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons”.

Communication does not mean merely sending or receiving message. It involves understanding also. It is, in fact, a bridge of meaning and understanding between two or more people. Thus, communication is a two- way process.

The salient features of communication are as follows:

(i) Communication involves at least two persons—one who sends the message and the second who receives the message.

(ii) Communication is a two-way traffic. The process of communication is not completed until the message has been understood by the receiver. Understanding is an essential part of communication, but it does not imply agreement.

(iii) The basic purpose of communication is to create an understanding in the mind of the receiver of information.

(iv) Communication may take several forms, e.g., order, instruction, report, suggestion grievance, observation, etc. The message may be conveyed through words spoken or written, or gestures.

Elements of Communication:

Communication is a process involving exchange of facts, viewpoints and ideas between persons placed in different positions in the organisation to achieve mutual understanding as shown in Fig. 11.5. The communication process starts when the sender or communicator has a message communicate to some other person known as receiver. It will be completed when the receiver gets the information and sends feedback to the communicator.  

The essential elements of communication are described below:

(i) Sender or Communicator:

The person who conveys the message is known as communicator or sender. By initiating the message, the communicator attempts to achieve understanding and change in the behaviour of the receiver. In case of marketing it is the marketer (sender) who starts the communication process.

(ii) Message:

It is the subject-matter of any communication. It may involve any fact, opinion or information. It must exist in the mind of the communicator if communication process is to be initiated. In marketing, the marketer’s message relates to product, price and place.

(iii) Encoding:

The sender of information organises his idea into a series of symbols (words, signs, etc.) which, he feels, will communicate to the intended receiver or receivers. This is called encoding of message. Communication may take place through physical gestures also.

(iv) Media or Communication Channel:

The communicator has to choose the channel for sending the information. Communication channels are the media through which the message passes. It may be either formal or informal. In marketing, media may be salespersons, advertisement and publicity.

(v) Receiver:

The person who receives the message is called receiver. The communication process is incomplete without the existence of receiver of the message. It is the receiver who receives and tries to understand the message. The receiver in case of marketing is the prospective or present customer.

(vi) Decoding:

After the appropriate channel or channels are selected, the message enters the decoding stage of the communication process. Decoding is done by the receiver. Once the message is received and examined, the stimulus is sent to the brain for interpreting, in order to assign some type of meaning to it. It is this processing stage that constitutes decoding. The receiver begins to interpret the symbols sent by the sender, translating the message to his own set of experiences in order to make the symbols meaningful.

(vii) Response:

Response refers to the set of reactions that the receiver has after being exposed to the message. In case of advertising, a response may mean developing a favourable attitude towards the product as a result of an advertising campaign. However, in many cases, measuring such responses is not easy.

(viii) Feedback:

Communication is completed when the communicator receives feedback information from the receiver. The feedback may reveal that the receiver has understood the message. It may also contain information about the action taken by the receiver on the basis of message sent by the communicator. Thus, feedback is the backbone of effective communication.

(ix) Noise:

Noise is a very common thing we observe in our day-to-day interaction with others. At times it affects adversely the effectiveness of communication. For example, if a person is talking over the phone to another and there is a noise around him, he will feel great difficulty in listening to the person at the other end of the phone. Even the noise can affect the voice of the sender of the message.

Hurdles or Difficulties in Marketing Communication:

There are four factors which might create hurdles or problems in communication between the marketer and the target customer.

These hurdles include noise, selective attention, selective distortion and selective retention as discussed below:

Noise is a sort of interfering sound in the communication process anywhere along the way from the sender to the receiver and vice versa. It can be sound of running bus, two persons talking close at hand or someone shouting around. Noise of any kind has the potential of creating disruption or barrier to effective communication. The sources of noise can be both internal and external. Noise within the office can be controlled, but it is very difficult to control the external noise.

Noise is one of the biggest obstacles in marketing communication. For example, a driver’s need to provide safety to the traffic sidetracks the role of billboards, banners, etc. during disturbed weather conditions —wind, dust storm, rain, etc. Similarly, too much advertisement exposure during the day of purchase of tyre for a car, would disturb the planned purchasing.

These constitute noise in the communication process. The level of noise may not allow a customer to receive the message as intended. The effectiveness of communication depends upon the level of congruity and compatibility between different elements of the communication.

(ii) Selective Attention:

A person may be exposed to hundreds or thousands of ads or brand communications in a day. Because a person cannot possibly attend to all of these, most stimuli will be screened out. This process is called selective attention. Because of this, the marketers have to work hard to attract consumer’s notice. Generally, people are more likely to notice stimuli that relate to a current need.

Thus, a person who is motivated to buy a car is most likely to notice car ads. The process of selective attention explains why advertisers make extra efforts to grab the audience’s attention through fear, music, or bold headlines.

(iii) Selective Distortion:

Selective distortion is the tendency to interpret information in a way that fit one’s perception. Consumers often distort information to be consistent with prior brand and product beliefs. Thus, the target audience will hear what fits into their belief systems.

As a result, receivers often add things to the message that are not there and do not notice other things that are there. The advertiser’s task is to strive for simplicity, clarity, interest and repetition to get the main points across.

(iv) Selective Retention:

People retain in their long-term memory only a small fraction of the messages that reach them. If the receiver’s initial attitude towards the brand is positive and he rehearses support arguments (that is, tells himself things such as the product is in fashion or that it is reasonably priced or that it delivers good value, etc.), the message is likely to be accepted and have high recall.

If the initial attitude towards the brand is negative and the person rehearses counter arguments (that is, tells himself that the product is highly overpriced or that the competing products offer more value to customers or that the brand is not doing well in the market, etc.) the message is likely to be rejected but to stay in long-term memory.

Thus, the advertiser’s task is two-fold here. He not only has to create an initial favourable attitude towards the brands but also through his ads communicate to the audience strong points about the brands so that the customers can rehearse the same and the brand is positively placed in the long-term memory of the customers.

Essay # 7. Role of Marketing in Economic Development :

In today’s era of globalization role of marketing is increasing to fulfill different needs and requirements of people. Due to increase in scale of production and expansions of markets, producers need support of marketing tools to distribute their goods and services to the real customer.

High competition in market and product diversification has increased the marketing activities like advertising, storage, sales promotion, salesmanship etc. Now high profits can be attained by high sales volume and good quality of products and services. Marketing has acquired an important place for the economic development of the whole country. It has also become a necessity for attaining the objective of social welfare and high quality of life.

The importance of marketing can be explained as under:

(a) Importance of Marketing to a Firm:

Marketing is considered to be the prime activity among all the business activities. Success of any business depends on success of marketing. Peter F. Drucker has rightly said that, “Marketing is the business.” Objective and goals of any organization can be achieved through efficient and effective marketing polices. The success of an enterprise depends to a large extent upon the success of its marketing activities.

The importance of marketing to the firm can be explained as under:

1. Marketing in Business Planning and Decision Making:

Marketing research is helpful in searching opportunities and potential in market. It is necessary for an organization to decide what can be sold before deciding that what can be produced. Unless and until these key decisions are taken, it is not practical to take the decisions regarding production, quality of product, type of product and quantity of production etc.

Marketing is very helpful in taking all such decisions therefore its plays an important role in business planning. Marketing provides valuable information regarding production policies, pricing policies, advertisement and sales promotion policies of competitors, so that a suitable policy may be formulated by the top management.

2. Increase in the Profits:

The main objective of every firm is to increase the profitability by successful operations of its activities. Maximization of profits can be possible only through the successful operations of its activities. Marketing department need the help of other departments as well for discharging its duties successfully, marketing department coordinate with other departments like finance, production, to fulfill the needs of customers and regular supply according to market demand.

3. Flow of Marketing Communication:

Integrated marketing communication makes it possible to flow marketing information to intermediaries, publics and customers. Marketing acts as a medium of communication between the society and the firm. Various information regarding trends, needs, attitudes, fashions, taste preferences etc., are collected by marketing department.

(b) Importance of Marketing to the Society:

1. To Uplift Standard of Living:

Ultimate objective of marketing is to produce goods and services for the society according to their needs and tastes at reasonable prices. Marketing discovers the needs and wants of the society, produces the goods and services according to their needs, creates demand for these goods and services encourages consumers to consume them and thus improves the standard of living of the society. By advertising utility and importance of products and services are communicated to the people.

2. To Decreases the Total Marketing Cost:

Next important responsibility of marketing is to control the cost of marketing. Distribution cost and production cost can be decreased by creation of high demand in market. Decrease in cost of production will have two impacts, firstly the high profitability of organization and secondly to increase in the market share of the firm.

3. Increase in the Employment Opportunities:

Marketing provides direct and indirect employment in society. Employment opportunities are directly related with the development of marketing. Successful operation of marketing activities requires the services of different enterprises and organizations such logistics, warehousing, transportation, retailing finance, etc.

4. In controlling Business Fluctuations:

Business fluctuations like recession and depression causes unemployment, and deflation. Marketing helps in protecting society against all these problems. Marketing helps in innovation and discovery of new markets for the goods, modifications and alterations in the quality of the product and development of alternative uses of the product. It reduces the cost of production and protects the business enterprise against the problem of recession.

5. Increase Per Capita Income:

Marketing operations create, maintain and increase the demand for goods and service. Marketing activities flow money from one part of economic system to other. By generation of new employment opportunities it helps to increases income of people.

(c) Importance of Marketing in Economic Development:

Marketing plays an important role in the development of a country. Most of developed countries like USA, Japan, and Germany are having strong marketing system, they are moving towards global marketing. Industrial growth and development need support of marketing, large scale of production requires new markets. In these countries, the production exceeds the demand it need marketing system to be much more effective so that the produced goods and services can be sold.

Marketing has a vital role to play in the development of an underdeveloped and developing economy. In developing economies the industrialization and urbanization is increasing at a faster rate and so the importance of marketing is also increasing as it is required for selling the produced goods and services. A rapid development of underdeveloped economy is possible only if the modern techniques of marketing are used in these countries marketing activities are increasing at a fast rate in developing countries.

Essay # 8. Importance of Marketing :

Role of Marketing in a Firm :

Efficient marketing management is a pre-requisite for the successful operation of any business enterprise. A business organisation is differentiated from other organisations by the fact that it produces and sells products.

The importance of marketing in modern business is discussed below:

Marketing is the beating heart of the business organisation. The chief executive of a business cannot plan, the production manager cannot produce, the purchase manager cannot purchase, and the financial controller cannot budget until the basic marketing decisions have been taken. Many departments in a business enterprise are essential for its growth, but marketing is still the sole revenue producing activity. Marketing function is rightly considered the most important function of management.

Marketing gives top priority to the needs of customers. Quality of goods, storage, display, advertisement, packaging, etc. are all directed towards the satisfaction of customer.

Marketing helps in the creation of place, time and possession utilities. Place utility is created by transporting the goods from the place of production to consumption centres. Time utility is created by storing the goods in warehouses until they are demanded by customers. Possession or ownership utility is created through sale of goods. The significance of marketing lies in the creation of these utilities to satisfy the needs of the customers and thereby earn profit. It a firm is able to satisfy its customers, it will have better chances of survival and growth even in the fast changing environment.

Marketing generates revenue for the business firm. Marketing is an important activity these days, particularly in the competitive economies. Marketing generates revenue for the business enterprises. No firm can survive in the long-run unless it is able to market its products. In fact, marketing has become the nerve-centre of all human activities.

Role of Marketing in the Economy :

Marketing plays a significant role in the growth and development of an economy. It acts as a catalyst in the economic development of a country by ensuring better utilisation of the scarce resources of the nation. Since a business firm generates revenues and earns profits by its marketing efforts, it will engage in better utilisation of resources of the nation to earn higher profits.

Marketing determines the needs of the customers and sets out the pattern of production of goods and services necessary to satisfy their needs. Marketing also helps to explore the export markets.

Marketing helps in improving the standards of living of people. It does so by offering a wide variety of goods and services with freedom of choice. Marketing treats the customer as the king around whom all business activities revolve. Besides product development, pricing, promotion, and physical distribution of products are carried out to satisfy the customer.

Marketing generates employment for people. A large number of people are employed by modern business houses to carry out the functions of marketing. Marketing also gives an impetus to further employment facilities. In order to ensure that the finished product reaches the customer, it passes through wholesalers and retailers and in order to perform numerous jobs, many people are employed.

On the whole, marketing leads to economic development of a nation. It increases the national income by bringing about rise in consumption, production and investment. It mobilises unknown and untapped resources and also facilitates full utilisation of production capacity and other assets. It helps in the integration of industry, agriculture and other sectors of the economy. It also contributes to the development of entrepreneurial and managerial talent in the country.

Essay # 9. Challenges and Opportunities of Marketing:

A large number of changes have taken place in the recent years which have influenced the field of marketing as discussed below:

1. Globalisation :

The term ‘globalisation’ means the process of integration of the world economy into one huge market through the removal of all trade barriers or restrictions among countries. In India, restrictions on imports and exports and inflow and outflow of capital and technology have been lifted by the Central Government so that Indian business may become globally competitive.

The broad features of globalisation are as follows:

(i) Free flow of goods and services across national frontiers through removal or reduction of trade barriers.

(ii) Free flow of capital across nations.

(iii) Free flow of technology across nations.

(iv) Free movement of human resources across nations.

(v) Global mechanism for the settlement of economic disputes.

The aim of globalisation is to look upon the world as a ‘global village’ which would allow free flow of goods, capital, technology and labour between different countries. Because of globalisation, there has been a tremendous impact on marketing strategies of business firms, particularly engaged in international marketing. They have to design product, price, promotion, place or distribution strategies to meet the challenges of global marketing.

2. Information Technology (IT) :

Information technology has enabled real-time access and sharing of digital information through digital networks, information database, and computer graphics. It has brought about many changes in the business landscape.

Electronic technology has facilitated purchase and sale of goods and services electronically. E-Commerce can be used not only to market product, but also to build better customer relationships. Thus, marketers are facing new challenges as regards booking of e-orders, e-deliveries of intangible products, receiving e-payments and Customer Relation Management (CRM).

3. Increased Leisure Time :

As a result of shorter working week, vacations, and labour-saving devices available for domestic use, most wage-earners now enjoy more leisure time. So there has grown a market for articles used for recreational purposes to enjoy the leisure time. In the developing countries also, cinema shows, holiday trips, sports and games have come into importance.

4. Changing Role of Women :

Throughout the world more and more women are taking up jobs and have gained economic independence to a large extent. They accept even challenging jobs. They also exert greater influence on buying decisions of their families. It may happen that husband buys a commodity according to the decision of the wife. This has necessitated special study of the buying motives of the working women.

5. Demand for Services :

Over the years, consumers’ demand for services is on the rise as in case of tour and travel, educational, medical, repair and maintenance services, etc. Due to growing complexity, business firms also need expert services like accounting, taxation, advertising, customer care, etc.

6. Increased Competition :

Business has become more competitive these days and this has brought about many changes in the field of marketing, e.g., product differentiation, competitive pricing, competitive advertising, customer support services, etc.

7. Social Emphasis :

Marketing is now concerned with the long-term health and happiness of consumers and well-being of society. Marketers in are getting involved in improving the quality of life of consumers and preventing or minimising the evil effects of environmental pollution on the society by practising green marketing.

Emerging Concepts in Marketing :

1. Social Marketing:

It refers to the design, implementation, and control of programs seeking to increase the acceptability of a social idea, cause, or practice among a target group. For instance, a recent publicity campaign for prohibition of smoking in Delhi explained the place where one can and can’t smoke in Delhi.

2. Relationship Marketing:

It is the process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing strong value-laden relationships with customers and other stakeholders. For example, British Airways offers special lounges with showers at many airports for frequent flyers. Thus, providing special benefits to valuable the customers to strengthen bonds will go a long way in building relationships.

To achieve relationship marketing, a marketer has to keep in touch with the regular customers, identify most loyal customers to provide additional services to them, design special recognition and reward schemes, and use them for building long-term relationships.

3. Direct Marketing:

It means marketing through various advertising media that interact directly with consumers, generally calling for the consumer to make a direct response. Direct marketing includes Catalogue Selling, Mail Order, Tele computing, Electronic Marketing, Selling, and TV Shopping.

4. Service Marketing:

It is applying the concepts, tools, and techniques, of marketing to services. Service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Services may be financial, insurance, transportation, banking, savings, retailing, educational or utilities.

5. Non-Business Marketing:

Marketing is applied not only to business firms but also to non-business organisations. Voluntary institutions are adopting principles and practices of marketing to promote their ideologies, schemes and programs among the target groups.

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Essay on Digital Marketing | Short and Long Essays on Digital Marketing for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Digital Marketing: Digital marketing is when any product is promoted through a minimum of one form of electronic media. This form of marketing is vastly different from traditional marketing. Digital marketing consists of various methods and channels that allow any organization or company to have and study this form of marketing to find out what works for them and what does not.

The core of this sort of marketing is the internet. The internet, as it is, is a potent tool to help us achieve a lot. It helps in marketing as well as it assists sellers in promoting their products across the across. Advertisements on various forms of social media and other sites, emails, and YouTube can be used by organizations to sell their products.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Digital marketing makes selling and buying products extremely simple. It is good progress that the world has seen over the last few years.

Very Short Essay on Digital Marketing 150 Words in English

Digital marketing is, as the word suggests, the use of digital media to market products. There are multiple websites like Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, etc., where people can buy products. This applies to products such as clothes, technical tools, groceries, medicines, food, and so much more. So much so that one doesn’t have to leave the house if one doesn’t want to.

The challenge is for the right information of the right products to reach the right customer. This is where digital marketing comes in. Through data mining, it is easy for marketers to target the right audience with the right advertisement of products that they might need. This is what makes digital marketing successful more than anything. Finding and targeting the right audience can increase sales drastically. Some tools can be used to analyze and suggest better options for marketing as well. This helps sellers market their products.

Short Essay on Digital Marketing 200 Words in English

Digital Marketing can be seen as a new philosophy and business practice emerging with improvements in technology. Goods, services, and even ideas and information can be marketed using the internet today. Traditional marketing still exists, but it may slowly begin to dissolve for a majority of the market in the coming decades. Digital marketing makes shopping easier for the consumer. If a seller knows what his target audience wants, it makes marketing so much more easier.

This is exactly how digital marketing helps. It gives you to analyze what worked where, for who, and how much. So that, the next time, they can target a more specific audience.

Digital marketing often works in the form of advertisements or any other form of promotion. Promotions of products these days are not just limited to ads. Many celebrities or influencers that promote products play a significant role in helping the sellers market their products. There are also gurus of sorts that review products as well. This can be about goods, services, and even brands themselves.

Marketing also helps in building a brand and its reputation. If used right, digital marketing can provide a significant boost in selling anything.

Digital Marketing Essay

Long Essay on Digital Marketing 250 Words in English

Introduction to Essay on Digital Marketing: Digital marketing can majorly benefit the promotion of any business. Be it service provision, application development, or anything practically that can be sold. Compared to traditional marketing, digital marketing provides more benefits. Some of these are as follows.

Affordability: If a company or an organization wants to invest money in marketing and advertising a product or service, they will not invest in newspapers, televisions, and such, as much as they would in online advertising. For one, the latter is a lot cheaper than the former and vastly cost-effective.

At lower prices, a wider audience can be captured. And not just any audience, a very targeted audience that increases the sales.

Better ROI (Return On Investment): Digital marketing has the ability as well as the potential to provide returns on investments. As mentioned in the point above, this form of marketing is cost-effective and enables you to reach a larger, more targeted audience. The return on investment from this type of marketing is considerably larger than in traditional advertising.

Tracking and Measuring Gains: Due to analytical tools and very clear data that is available, it is easy to determine what caused success and what did not. This is almost immediate and helps companies rethink and change campaigns and strategies that do not work almost immediately.

Conclusion on Digital Marketing Essay

Digital marketing is a major boon to the business industry. It also gives small businesses a good chance at promoting their business. It works for everyone and is also not very expensive to use to help in the promotion of goods or services.

Very Long Essay on Digital Marketing 400 Words in English

Introduction on Digital Marketing Essay: Digital marketing is a very good tool that organizations and companies can use to promote their goods and services. There are about nine different types of digital marketing. They are as follows:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization helps with the expansion of online visibility in results that come up in search engines. What happens is that if your business ranks high on the search engine results page (SERP), the amount of traffic that your website gets is increased. With the use of SEOs, passive visits to your page can become active and receive more traction.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is a technique where a business or a company can buy a particular advertising space. This can be seen on search platforms like Bing Ads, Facebook Paid Promotions, or even Google or Instagram. One example is Pay Per Click advertising. It is, as the name suggests that the marketer pays the search engine for every click that a user makes.

Social Media Marketing

Social media now plays a very crucial role in the promotion of the goods and services of any company. It gives the marketer a way to engage with potential consumers in a targeted manner. It connects with a much more comprehensive range of people in a more intimate way. It is easy to gain feedback or engagement from social media. Social media is also used to place orders, which makes it so much simpler for the user to find the page, see if it is trustworthy, based on interactions by other customers, and also place orders with no hassle.

These companies don’t just post content that relates to their product. Making statements on current situations or having posts only for the sake of engagement and witty commentary can all help have a large customer base. This enables visibility and also promotion of the product itself.

Content Marketing

To amplify visibility, reputation, and to advertise itself, a lot of attention and effort has to be put into the content. The content has to be precise, good quality, transparent, and sharp so that it stands out and boosts SEOs.

These various forms of digital marketing are all available at the click of a finger at a much cheaper price than traditional advertising. It is not difficult to see why so many businesses prefer this form of marketing for promotion. It is cost-effective in multiple ways and can even help small businesses.

Short Essay on Digital Marketing

Very Long Essay on Digital Marketing 800 Words in English

Introduction to Digital Marketing Essay: In today’s technologically advanced world, digital marketing is the new way to promote and sell products. Compared to traditional marketing, it is cost-effective, easily managed, and simple to analyze and learn. Campaigns can almost immediately be changed to do better and sell more. But due to data mining, it has also become dangerous and more than a tool. It is almost as if the customer can become the product due to information sold. Let’s explore both sides of that in this essay.

Importance of Digital Marketing

As already mentioned, today we live in a technologically advanced world where anything is possible through the internet. Digital marketing functions and is possible only because of the internet and nothing else. It is the core of what digital marketing is.

In a society where we struggle with scarcity and rising prices, digital marketing is the way to turn that around. The internet is easily accessible by everyone in any part of the globe. It is no longer only for a specific class of society. It is easier to connect with people and without even having to meet them. Digital marketing is an advantage for businesses in this era.

It is incredibly convenient for people to buy anything required from the internet without taking a foot outside of their homes. It saves time and shows a person the various reviews people have left. A person can easily compare prices on multiple websites and pick what is best suited to their needs. It is beneficial to those who are disabled and can help them get their work done and live a life of independence.

It also helps businesses themselves, big or small. The traders can advertise for less money, or even for free if one knows how to do it well. Products can often go viral without any money being invested in marketing. It helps small businesses majorly and helps them get traction.

Types of Digital Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization or SEO: This medium helps place your website right at the top of the results that search engines bring. This increases the number of visitors and therefore helps in marketing. This works when certain SEO words are used in the content that is put up on the website.
  • Social Media Marketing: This is one of the most effective forms of marketing and also helps engage with people and form a relationship of trust with them. It is incredibly effective and cost-effective. It helps a business read a wider but targeted audience as compared to traditional forms of advertising. One meme or one viral video can make the products of any business famous. One example is the Bernie Sanders meme of him sitting on a chair with mittens. The person who made those mittens got thousands of orders, and her business took off.
  • Email Marketing:  Email marketing is advertising done through emails. It brings advertisements right to the person’s inbox unobtrusively. This mainly happens when people log in to shopping websites and such with their emails.
  • YouTube Channel:  This is also a form of marketing that comes under social media but has another side to it. Often people make videos reviewing products and services to a large fanbase. If the reviews are good, many people flood in to buy the product or service.

The Problem With Digital Marketing

One main problem with digital marketing is data mining. No rules or laws have been put in place to curb the buying of users’ data. It is used to such an extent that it has been said that the user has become a product.

It is spoken as a conspiracy theory that we are being spied upon. But that is not far from the truth. Former employees of Google, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc., have spoken of how much data is stored by websites of users that use social media sites. This information is sold to marketers so they can target specific audiences with their products. These sites are designed to keep the person coming back and engaging with the sites. Almost like an addiction. Proof of this is how much the rates of online shopping increased during the lockdown. This means that social media is unsafe and has become more than a tool.

Conclusion on Digital Marketing Essay

Digital marketing majorly helps all businesses, big and small, take off. It is vital in this day and age and even helps with the employment problem. This form of marketing is how one can take advantage of technology and further their business. But it is also crucial for users to be careful of what information is put out on the internet to stay safe. There must be a balance of both, and companies should be taxed on the amount of data they have.

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    Advertising includes any informative or persuasive message carried by a non-personal medium and paid for by a sponsor whose product is in some way identified in the message. Traditional mass media, such as television and magazines, are most commonly used. However, the direct mailing of catalogues, electronic media advertisements featuring ...

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    Present evidence of the effectiveness of the ad on the target audience. Give examples. Show various components of the advertisement. Explain some of the outstanding strategies used to persuade the target audience. Describe the values and emotion the ad provokes in the readers. Describe the visual strategies.

  21. Essay on Marketing: Top 9 Essays on Marketing

    5. Societal Approach: The societal approach consider the interactions between the various environmental factors (socio-logical, cultural, political, legal) and marketing decisions and their impact on the well- being of society. Kotler, Feldman and Gist, were the main proponents of the societal approach. 6.

  22. Essay on Digital Marketing

    You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. ... Short Essay on Digital Marketing 200 Words in English. Digital Marketing can be seen as a new philosophy and business practice emerging with improvements in technology. Goods, services, and even ideas and information can be marketed using the ...

  23. Write a short essay explaining the advertising techniques used in each

    Find an answer to your question Write a short essay explaining the advertising techniques used in each ad. Refer to "Hidden Messages in Advertising." ... Write two to three sentences explaining how Gilgamesh demonstrates the characteristics of an epic hero. Use evidence from the text to support your answer. star. 4.5/5.