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Importance of Data Security Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business , Information , Risk , Security , Company , Internet , Politics , Government

Words: 1500

Published: 06/16/2021


Data security is as important as securing our bank account information. It serves as important information that must be secured not just to avoid financial insecurity, but the person’s personal security. It is also vital for companies that need to secure their important company data to ensure that the organization is free from internet hackers. Confidential pieces of information used for payment process, client information, and even bank account information to personal files as well as the documents must be safely stored. This information, once fallen into the hands of a person with no authorization is a potential danger to a person and business security. In addition, government offices and executives must also ensure their data security. The purpose of this writing is to persuade the importance of data security, not just for our personal benefit, but for the small and big businesses as well. Being aware of data security importance is not enough to achieve the overall data security as there may have some recommendations based on the writings that can be followed and can be taking into consideration whether personally or by businesses.

Protecting the data is important for small businesses. Almost every day, data theft happens either on purpose or by accident (bridgecapitalsolutionscorp.com). Security wise, one data that has been stolen can be a big risk to hundreds or even thousands of the company’s consumers. This occurrence of data theft may also enable the business competitors to gain access to the company’s vital information and may affect the business negatively. That is why protecting the business data should be one of the company’s main focus not just to protect them, but their consumers as well.

Security breach is one of the most important reasons of data protection and security. Aside from the fact that possible unauthorized access of company’s vital information may happen, no one knows what could happen to these data being used for business operation. A computer is a machine that may crash anytime, unfortunate event could also happen during or after office hours, which company may potentially lose their data, or the main computer server could crash unexpectedly. These events are risks when it comes to data storage that is why data security is very important whether or not the business is big. Backing up the data on a regular basis is one of the most important tips that companies must do to secure their data. Jennifer Gregory asserts that creating a back up data does not mean copying unencrypted data to a portable device, but they all data must be encrypted after saving them to avoid the risk of having them stolen (Gregory, 2012).

In our current technological trends, more and more people are using internet to do business, from purchasing a small item online to having a business to business transaction over the internet. Emerging technology allows more people to easily access the data being used to do these transactions that is why data security plays an important role in protecting this information (microsolve.com.au).

Data security is of highest importance especially when the business collects data from their clients whether or not over the internet. This data can be very private, which we may not prefer to share with just anyone. Moreover, once sensitive data has been entrusted and stored, the law requires that it should be well-protected. Protecting data may depend on adequate management of information, limiting the access, and providing limit on the period in which data is stored.

Nowadays, data is considered valuable commodity as it can be used by data thieves to earn profit. Securing our data is very important so as to put more security over our personal bank information. In our current technological status, more people are using internet to make transactions over the internet. An individual may sell and purchase an item through online store in which they must normally provide their personal information so as to complete the transaction.

If our personal data will not be secured during this event, the risk of losing our money is very high. Hackers are experts who can acquire these data for their own good. This is why banks have more intensive security features when it comes to making an online bank transaction.

Moreover, many people are now using social media such as Facebook to communicate with their friends and families. In a way, they primarily needed to provide their basic personal information so they can create their own social media account. In this case, a person is at risk of becoming a victim of identity theft. This is when your own identity will be used by another person to take advantage of it either to steal money from another person, or to use your own identity so they can cover themselves from fraud activities that they might involve with. However, people must be more aware and take further steps to ensure that they will not be a victim of identity theft.

If using a public computer, simply clear all the floating logins and password so that there will be no trace of personal information will be left. Changing logins and passwords regularly will also reduce the risk of being a victim. It is also advisable to monitor your credit card and bank statements regularly so you will know if there is something awry. If possible, shred your sensitive documents that are already outdated. These documents, if stolen, can be used in favor of stealing your money (wsj.com).

Data security can also protect a person from physical harm. That is because some crimes started by identifying their potential victims. Criminals can have your complete name, but once they are able to get more of your personal data, risks become higher. They could have the advantage of planning a crime against a person as they already have the information that they need. We should also take our own extra care as the government may not be able to monitor their plans that easy.

On the other hand, data security is also important in government. Cybersecurity breach is always one of the threats in government offices and agencies (Ferrer, 2012). Government stores important national-security and civilian data in government information systems. This data is being stored and shared between agencies and even stored in their own personal devices. Using these outside devices as well as the virtualization software make their networks susceptible to hack and attack. Data security is essential as there are numerous reports about attacks on government websites, agencies, and their employees (Ferrer, 2012).

Without the data security system in the government, the risk for national security attack becomes higher, which will affect the whole country. Similarly, governmental functions and its agencies may be paralyzed once cybersecurity breach happened. Hackers will be able to shutdown websites and be able to access vital classified and civilian information and even worse, government agency’s information system dealing with foreign intelligence can be accessed.

The importance of data security must not be neglected. Since more and more people are using the internet with their everyday lives, it is imperative for us to know what data or information can we divulge and provide limits in providing our personal information as much as possible. Companies on the other hand should continuously use data security systems for the sake of their clients and to ensure that company information will also be protected. The government, as they are already aware of these data breach attacks, must develop more sophisticated software that would primarily block potential hackers as the government may have most of the vital data of most people in the country. However, overall data security can basically be achieved and must be initiated from our own practice. Having the personal knowledge of what is currently happening regarding data insecurity risks along with careful handling of the important data are the primary key in realizing that data security is a very important aspect of our modern technological life.

Works Cited

Bridge Capital Solution Corp. "Financial Services New York | Data Protection for Small Biz." Bridge Capital Solutions Corp. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. Ferrer, Anita. "Why Cybersecurity Is So Important in Government IT [Infographic]." FedTech Magazine. N.p., 25 Sept. 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. Gregory, Jennifer G. "Data Protection for Small Business." OPEN Forum. N.p., 7 Mar. 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. "Importance of Data Protection | What's Happening in the IT World." Professional IT Support | Infrastructure Solutions | CMS Websites | IT Network Support. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. Schiff, Jennifer. "15 Data Security Tips to Protect Your Small Business." The online tech resource for small business owners and managers - Small Business Computing. Queenstreet Inc., 19 Oct. 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. The Wallstreet Journal. "Identity Theft & Credit Card Fraud – How to Protect Yourself - Personal Finance - WSJ.com." How-To Guides from the Wall Street Journal - Wsj.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014.


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Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption or theft throughout its entire lifecycle.

This concept encompasses the entire spectrum of information security. It includes the physical security of hardware and storage devices, along with administrative and access controls. It also covers the logical security of software applications and organizational policies and procedures.

When properly implemented, robust data security strategies protect an organization’s information assets against cybercriminal activities. They also guard against insider threats and human error, which remain among the leading causes of data breaches today.

Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization’s visibility into the location of its critical data and its usage. Ideally, these tools should be able to apply protections such as  encryption , data masking and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements.

Digital transformation is profoundly altering how businesses operate and compete today. Enterprises are creating, manipulating and storing an ever-increasing amount of data, driving a greater need for data governance. Computing environments have also become more complex, routinely spanning the public cloud, the enterprise data center and numerous edge devices such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, robots and remote servers. This complexity increases the risk of cyberattacks, making it harder to monitor and secure these systems.

At the same time, consumer awareness of the importance of data privacy is on the rise. Public demand for data protection initiatives has led to the enactment of multiple new privacy regulations, including Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) . These rules join longstanding data security laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), protecting electronic health records, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), protecting public company shareholders from accounting errors and financial fraud. Maximum fines in the millions of dollars magnify  the need for data compliance ; every enterprise has a strong financial incentive to ensure it maintains compliance.

The business value of data has never been greater than it is today. The loss of trade secrets or intellectual property (IP) can impact future innovations and profitability, so trustworthiness is increasingly important to consumers.

Gain insights to prepare and respond to cyberattacks with greater speed and effectiveness with the IBM Security X-Force Threat Intelligence Index.

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To enable the confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive information, organizations can implement the following data security measures:

Data erasure

Data masking

Data resiliency

By using an algorithm to transform normal text characters into an unreadable format, encryption keys scramble data so that only authorized users can read it.  File and database encryption software  serve as a final line of defense for sensitive volumes by obscuring their contents through encryption or tokenization. Most encryption tools also include security key management capabilities.

Data erasure uses software to completely overwrite data on any storage device, making it more secure than standard data wiping. It verifies that the data is unrecoverable.

By masking data, organizations can allow teams to develop applications or train people that use real data. It masks personally identifiable information (PII) where necessary so that development can occur in environments that are compliant.

Resiliency depends on how well an organization endures or recovers from any type of failure—from hardware problems to power shortages and other events that affect data availability . Speed of recovery is critical to minimize impact.

Data security tools and technologies should address the growing challenges inherent in securing today’s complex, distributed, hybrid or multicloud computing environments. These include understanding the storage locations of data, tracking who has access to it, and blocking high-risk activities and potentially dangerous file movements.

Comprehensive data protection tools that enable enterprises to adopt a centralized approach to monitoring and policy enforcement can simplify the task. These tools include:

Data discovery and classification tools

Data and file activity monitoring

Vulnerability assessment and risk analysis tools

  • Automated compliance reporting

Data discovery and classification tools actively locate sensitive information within structured and unstructured data repositories, including databases, data warehouses, big data platforms and cloud environments. This software automates the identification of sensitive information and the assessment and remediation of vulnerabilities.

File activity monitoring tools analyze data usage patterns, enabling security teams to see who is accessing data, spot anomalies, and identify risks. Security teams can also implement dynamic blocking and alerting for abnormal activity patterns.

These tools ease the process of detecting and mitigating vulnerabilities such as out-of-date software, misconfigurations or weak passwords, and can also identify data sources at greatest risk of exposure. Automated compliance reporting

Comprehensive data protection solutions with automated reporting capabilities can provide a centralized repository for enterprise-wide compliance audit trails.

Data security posture management (DSPM)

Protecting sensitive information doesn't stop with discovery and classification.  DSPM tools go steps further to discover shadow data, uncover vulnerabilties, prioritize risks and reduce exposure. Continous monitoring provides real-time dashboards that help teams focus on remediation and prevention.

A comprehensive data security strategy incorporates people, processes and technologies. Establishing appropriate controls and policies is as much a question of organizational culture as it is of deploying the right tool set. This means making information security a priority across all areas of the enterprise.

Consider the following facets in your data security strategy:

Physical security of servers and user devices

Access management and controls

Application security and patching

Employee education

Network and endpoint security monitoring and controls

You might store your data on premises, in a corporate data center or in the public cloud. Regardless, you need to secure your facilities against intruders and have adequate fire suppression measures and climate controls in place. A cloud provider assumes responsibility for these protective measures on your behalf.

Follow the principle of “least-privilege access” throughout your entire IT environment. This means granting database, network and administrative account access to as few people as possible, and only to individuals who absolutely need it to get their jobs done.

Learn more about access management

Update all software to the latest version as soon as possible after patches or the release of new versions.

Maintaining usable, thoroughly tested backup copies of all critical data is a core component of any robust data security strategy. In addition, all backups should be subject to the same physical and logical security controls that govern access to the primary databases and core systems.

Learn more about data backup and recovery

Transform your employees into “human firewalls”. Teaching them the importance of good security practices and password hygiene and training them to recognize social engineering attacks can be vital in safeguarding your data.

Implementing a comprehensive suite of threat management, detection and response tools in both your on-premises and cloud environments can lower risks and reduce the chance of a breach.

In the changing landscape of data security, new developments such as AI, multicloud security and quantum computing are influencing protection strategies, aiming to improve defense against threats.

AI amplifies the ability of a data security system because it can process large amounts of data. Cognitive computing, a subset of AI, runs the same tasks as other AI systems but it does so by simulating human thought processes. In data security, this simulation allows for rapid decision-making in times of critical need.

Learn more about AI for cybersecurity

Multicloud security

The definition of data security has expanded as cloud capabilities grow. Now, organizations need more complex tools as they seek protection for not only data, but also applications and proprietary business processes that run across public and private clouds.

Learn more about cloud security

A revolutionary technology, quantum promises to upend many traditional technologies exponentially. Encryption algorithms will become much more faceted, increasingly complex and much more secure.

Achieving enterprise-grade data security

The key to applying an effective data security strategy is adopting a risk-based approach to protecting data across the entire enterprise. Early in the strategy development process, taking business goals and regulatory requirements into account, stakeholders should identify one or two data sources containing the most sensitive information, and begin there.

After establishing clear and tight policies to protect these limited sources, they can then extend these best practices across the rest of the enterprise’s digital assets in a prioritized fashion. Implemented automated data monitoring and protection capabilities can make best practices far more readily scalable.

Data security and the cloud

Securing cloud-based infrastructure needs a different approach than the traditional model of defending the network's perimeter. It demands comprehensive cloud data discovery and classification tools, and ongoing activity monitoring and risk management. Cloud monitoring tools can sit between a cloud provider’s database-as-a-service (DBaaS) software and monitor data in transit or redirect traffic to your existing security platform. This enables the uniform application of policies, regardless of the data's location.

Data security and BYOD

The use of personal computers, tablets and mobile devices in enterprise computing environments is on the rise despite security leaders’ well-founded concerns about the risks of this practice. One way of improving bring-your-own-device (BYOD) security is by requiring employees who use personal devices to install security software to access corporate networks, thus enhancing centralized control over and visibility into data access and movement.

Another strategy is to build an enterprise-wide, security-first mindset by teaching employees the value of data security. This strategy includes encouraging employees to use strong passwords, activate multifactor authentication, update software regularly, back up devices and use data encryption.

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Cyber Security Essay for Students and Children

Cyber security essay.

Cybersecurity means protecting data, networks, programs and other information from unauthorized or unattended access, destruction or change. In today’s world, cybersecurity is very important because of some security threats and cyber-attacks. For data protection, many companies develop software. This software protects the data. Cybersecurity is important because not only it helps to secure information but also our system from virus attack. After the U.S.A. and China, India has the highest number of internet users.

cyber security essay

Cyber Threats

It can be further classified into 2 types. Cybercrime – against individuals, corporates, etc.and Cyberwarfare – against a state.

Cyber Crime

Use of cyberspace, i.e. computer, internet, cellphone, other technical devices, etc., to commit a crime by an individual or organized group is called cyber-crime. Cyber attackers use numerous software and codes in cyberspace to commit cybercrime. They exploit the weaknesses in the software and hardware design through the use of malware. Hacking is a common way of piercing the defenses of protected computer systems and interfering with their functioning. Identity theft is also common.

Cybercrimes may occur directly i.e,  targeting the computers directly by spreading computer viruses. Other forms include DoS attack. It is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. It suspends services of a host connected to the internet which may be temporary or permanent.

Malware is a software used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It usually appears in the form of code, scripts, active content, and other software. ‘Malware’ refers to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software, for example, Trojan Horses, rootkits, worms, adware, etc.

Another way of committing cybercrime is independent of the Computer Network or Device. It includes Economic frauds. It is done to destabilize the economy of a country, attack on banking security and transaction system, extract money through fraud, acquisition of credit/debit card data, financial theft, etc.

Hinder the operations of a website or service through data alteration, data destruction. Others include using obscene content to humiliate girls and harm their reputation, Spreading pornography, threatening e-mail, assuming a fake identity, virtual impersonation. Nowadays misuse of social media in creating intolerance, instigating communal violence and inciting riots is happening a lot.

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Cyber Warfare

Snowden revelations have shown that Cyberspace could become the theatre of warfare in the 21st century. Future wars will not be like traditional wars which are fought on land, water or air. when any state initiates the use of internet-based invisible force as an instrument of state policy to fight against another nation, it is called cyberwar’.

It includes hacking of vital information, important webpages, strategic controls, and intelligence. In December 2014 the cyberattack a six-month-long cyberattack on the German parliament for which the Sofacy Group is suspected. Another example 2008 cyberattack on US Military computers. Since these cyber-attacks, the issue of cyber warfare has assumed urgency in the global media.

Inexpensive Cybersecurity Measures

  • The simplest thing you can do to up your security and rest easy at night knowing your data is safe is to change your passwords.
  • You should use a password manager tool like LastPass, Dashlane, or Sticky Password to keep track of everything for you. These applications help you to use unique, secure passwords for every site you need while also keeping track of all of them for you.
  • An easy way for an attacker to gain access to your network is to use old credentials that have fallen by the wayside. Hence delete unused accounts.
  • Enabling two-factor authentication to add some extra security to your logins. An extra layer of security that makes it harder for an attacker to get into your accounts.
  • Keep your Softwares up to date.

Today due to high internet penetration, cybersecurity is one of the biggest need of the world as cybersecurity threats are very dangerous to the country’s security. Not only the government but also the citizens should spread awareness among the people to always update your system and network security settings and to the use proper anti-virus so that your system and network security settings stay virus and malware-free.

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Networks (internet) are not secure enough due to the lack of efficient cybersecurity. As a result, ransomware attacks are increasing, affecting most businesses and individuals today. Enacting measures to detect cyberattacks and ransomware attacks can be helpful in preventing unforeseen repercussions from the attacker in the corporate network. Cybersecurity needs to implement new policies and recommendations so that ransomware attacks can be reduced. This report will first discuss some ransomware attacks that have happened before. Next, the report will discuss […]

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Cybersecurity for a Successful Acquisition Report

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1. Substandard User ID and Password Every individual need to have their own password secure and stronger. For an instance strong password can be obtained by latest maintaining minimum of having15-character length with an least one special character, number, capital and small alphabet. Most importantly choosing password like own name, date of birth, phone number may become hacker to simply figure out easy to break through your personal account security. In the same way User ID should not be shared […]

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Advantages of Cybersecurity in a Digital World

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How To Write an Essay About Cyber Security

Understanding cyber security.

Before writing an essay about cyber security, it is essential to understand what it encompasses. Cyber security refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyber attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Begin your essay by defining cyber security and discussing its importance in the contemporary digital world. Explore the different types of cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, ransomware, and denial-of-service attacks. It’s also crucial to understand the impact of these threats on individuals, businesses, and governments.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on cyber security should be anchored by a clear, focused thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about cyber security. For instance, you might discuss the evolving nature of cyber threats, the challenges of cyber security in a particular sector (like finance or healthcare), or analyze the effectiveness of current cyber security measures. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and provide a structured approach to your analysis.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from credible sources. This might include recent studies on cyber security, statistics about cyber attacks, examples of significant security breaches, or expert opinions. Use this evidence to support your thesis and build a persuasive argument. Remember to consider different perspectives, including technological, ethical, and legal viewpoints.

Analyzing Cyber Security Strategies and Challenges

Dedicate a section of your essay to analyzing cyber security strategies and the challenges faced in implementing them. Discuss various approaches to cyber security, such as technological solutions, policy measures, and user education. Explore the challenges in keeping up with constantly evolving cyber threats and the balance between security and privacy. For example, consider how advancements in areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning are influencing cyber security practices.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the significance of cyber security in the digital age. You might also want to reflect on future trends in cyber security or suggest areas where further research or policy development is needed.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and edit it for clarity and coherence. Ensure that your arguments are well-structured and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or experts in the field to refine your essay further. A well-written essay on cyber security will not only demonstrate your understanding of the topic but also your ability to engage with complex technological and societal issues.

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Free Cyber Security Essay Examples & Topics

Need to write a cyber security essay? It won’t be a problem. This is a broad subject that offers a wide variety of issues to discuss. Besides, writing a paper on it can help you understand how data is stored and preserved nowadays.

Cyber security is the protection of electronic systems, servers, computers, and mobile devices from hacker attacks. Today, a lot of operations are performed online. Medical, financial, military, governmental services collect and store data on electronic devices and transfer it via the Internet. Moreover, people share their personal information in the network. That’s why cyber security is so important.

With the rapid technological progress, the number of cyber-crimes increased as well. To avoid data leaks and prevent cyber threats, people invented new ways to secure their information.

In this article, you will find topics prepared by our experts . You can write an essay or research paper on them using the recommendations we’ve provided. If our ideas and tips aren’t enough, check the cyber security essay examples. They will get you inspired and excited to complete the task.

The risks associated with data security are indeed dangerous. The hackers can do actual harm to you by:

  • erasing your entire system,
  • delivering your data to third parties,
  • stealing your personal information, such as your bank account details.

Thus, everyone who deals with electronic systems needs proper cyber security. It can be divided into five key types. You can explore them in your essay about cyber security:

  • Network Security.

It focuses on protecting your internal networks from unauthorized intrusion. Security teams use artificial intelligence machines to detect abnormal traffic and prevent threats in real-time. Network security can reduce your risks of becoming a victim of a cybercrime. For that, you can employ their antivirus programs, antispyware software, extra logins, etc.

  • Critical Infrastructure Security .

There are numerous examples of critical infrastructure that you may be familiar with. Think of the following: electricity grid, water purification, traffic lights, shopping centers, hospitals, etc. These infrastructures are vital to society. Therefore, protecting them properly should be the top priority. Critical infrastructure security is responsible for keeping their data protected.

  • Application Security .

This type plays an essential role for ordinary Internet users. We download and use various apps daily. Yet, we tend to disregard possible threats that these apps may cause. In reality, the majority of cyber-crimes happen through such networks as they can be easily hacked. Thus, application security is a must-have in cyberspace. You can explore it in your cyber security research paper.

  • Cloud Security.

As organizations store more and more information on electronic devices, a new issue arises. There isn’t enough space for all the data. Therefore, companies started applying cloud computing. It’s a technology that helps to preserve data online. Cloud security focuses on protecting sensitive information stored this way.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security.

The term IoT is used to describe critical and non-critical cyber systems. These are sensors, televisions, appliances, routers, security cameras, printers, etc. IoT devices usually offer very poor security patching. Thus, IoT security’s main emphasis is on preventing cyber-attacks caused by the use of gadgets.

In the following section, you will find unique ideas for your essay on cyber security. Choose the most appropriate one and create your outstanding paper. Don’t forget to compose a catchy introduction, a clear thesis statement, and a dynamic conclusion.

You can get more ideas by using our topic generator . Or come up with your own based on one of these:

  • An important email or attempt to fool you: the most effective ways to detect phishing.
  • What security threats arise when using public Wi-Fi?
  • The most efficient methods to prevent network attacks.
  • The role of cyber services in ensuring national security.
  • What is the purpose of data encryption?
  • Cybersafety 101: what should you do when your social media profile is hacked?
  • The risks associated with online banking.
  • What are the cookies on the Internet, and how do they work?
  • Is cyber warfare as much harm to society as actual war?
  • Why are software updates essential for digital security?
  • Schools should have a cyber security awareness subject.
  • Pros and cons of double-step authentication.
  • Windows vs. macOS: what security measures are more effective?
  • Security challenges that an ordinary Internet user may face.
  • Are there any laws against cyber-crimes adopted in the USA?

Thanks for reading our article. We are sure that now you will be able to start any paper on the subject. See some useful cyber security essay examples below.

394 Best Essay Examples on Cyber Security

Cyber attack on ebay company: the summer of 2014.

  • Words: 3081

Sony Pictures: The Cyber Attack

Jpmorgan chase: cyberattacks and network security, cyberstalking and cyberbullying laws in kentucky.

  • Words: 1172

The Cloud Storage: Advantages and Disadvantages

Sony’s response to north korea’s cyberattack, the future career in cybersecurity, incident detection precursors and indicators, cybersecurity and corporations’ role, artificial intelligence in cybersecurity, cyber attacks on accounting information systems.

  • Words: 1704

Social Engineering Techniques for Bill’s Meat Packing Plant

The general data protection regulation, defamation on the internet.

  • Words: 2200

Various Types of Cybercrime

Ethics in computer technology: cybercrimes.

  • Words: 1334

Cyber Attack: “Guardians of Peace”

Identification of identity theft and prevention techniques.

  • Words: 14865

Tools for Installation Stage of Cyber Kill Chain

The advantages and disadvantages of having a firewall .

  • Words: 1196

Rogue Security Software: Digital Crime Scenario

Impact of cyber crime on internet banking, discussion of cybercrimes in modern world.

  • Words: 1447

Importance of Army Cybersecurity

  • Words: 1114

Technological Advancements in Cybercrime and Fraud

  • Words: 2070

Cyber Crime and Necessity of Cyber Security

Forensic accounting and cyber security.

  • Words: 1399

Email Scams and Auction Fraud and How to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Cybersecurity weaknesses: the case of linkedin, cybersecurity implementation plan for pbi-fs.

  • Words: 4430

Cybersecurity Threats to Educational Institutions

  • Words: 3136

British Airways: Information Security Management

  • Words: 2041

Cybercrime Dilemma and International Cyberwar

  • Words: 1768

Cyber-Security Threats and Their Control

Cybercrime and cybersecurity as challenges, cyber security issue: ransomware.

  • Words: 1225

Technology Acceptance Model and Cybersecurity

Marriott and target: organizational change and security breaches.

  • Words: 1673

Cybercrime and Its Impact in the GCC Region

  • Words: 5268

Hackers: The History of Kevin Mitnick

“cyber warfare: a misrepresentation of the true cyber threat” by troy e. smith.

  • Words: 1098

Information Security: The Main Threats

Cyber security: fortifying the digital fortress, at&t documentation regarding cybersecurity, protecting cyber data with honeypots, how has cyber warfare application changed in modern conflict, improved national cybersecurity strategy.

  • Words: 1420

Low-Code No-Code Platforms’ Cybersecurity Risks

Cybersecurity threats and mitigation using machine learning.

  • Words: 1534

LaGuardia Airport: The Cyber Risk Identification

  • Words: 1491

The Corporation’s Cybersecurity Improvement

  • Words: 2329

Unveiling the Dark Side of Employee Dissatisfaction

  • Words: 2251

The Need for Physical Security in the Modern World

  • Words: 1183

Space Management: Cyber Security Issues

Trends in the cyber-threat landscape.

  • Words: 1585

Role of Cybersecurity in Remote Work

Cyber operations do not risk inadvertent escalation, remote work and smart home.

  • Words: 1185

Cyber Operations as a Part of International Relations

How cybersecurity can benefit from the hispanic community.

  • Words: 2563

Aspects of the Cybersecurity Theories

The home internet and network security, the challenges of controlling speech in cyberspace, case study on ethical issues: cyberbullying.

  • Words: 2587

The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity Mission

Threats that organizations face in securing networks, data protection in the county of anne arundel and odenton township, internet fraud: importance of problem-solving, cybercrime and combating methods, cybersecurity in the financial services industry.

  • Words: 1133

The Biggest Cybersecurity Treat to Expect

Enhancing data security on corporate servers, quantum technologies’ impact on national security.

  • Words: 2801

Advanced Research Methods in Cybersecurity

Data breach management in business, gaps in cyber security caused by byod, digital forensic analysis of fitbit, cybersecurity contingency & incident review process.

  • Words: 1416

Information Security Awareness

Global cybersecurity in the 21st century, the cybercrime impact on people and business, airport security: technological requirements.

  • Words: 1454

Hacking Prevention: Mobile Phone Anti-Virus

Identity theft on credit card fraud using qualitative method.

  • Words: 1431

Information as Instrument of Power

  • Words: 1136

Cyberattacks from Nation-States and Cybercriminals

  • Words: 1278

Cyber Security: Critical Infrastructure Protection

Encryption techniques for protecting big data, digital security and optimization, the philippines elections 2016 cyberattacks, cyber breaches impact on society and methods of its prevention.

  • Words: 1168

Relation Between Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

  • Words: 1394

Information Governance and Digital Transformation

The teams’ approach to security of a network, big brother, big business: private information usage, wagner et al.’s “cyber threat intelligence sharing”, cybersecurity in 2021-2022: cybersecurity advancements.

  • Words: 1170

NASA: Government Organization Policy Evaluation

  • Words: 1556

Encryption and Hacking Techniques

The us, russia, and china cybersecurity conflict, cybercrime: researching of issue, simple local area networks (lan): data protection, reliaquest: information technology security, cybersecurity and geopolitics relationship, cybersecurity and corporations’ input to it, cybersecurity and geopolitical issues, virtual reality and cybersecurity.

  • Words: 3587

Penetration Testing: Cyber-Attacks

  • Words: 1379

Cyberattack Prevention Efforts

Cybersecurity policy regarding critical infrastructures, cybersecurity: critical infrastructure control systems, cybersecurity: the matter of national security, review of “a study of ransomware” by sharad, cybersecurity advancements in electric power systems, cybersecurity dangers and their analysis.

  • Words: 2960

The US and Apple Relationship in the Field of Cybersecurity

Content analysis of cyber insurance policies, cybercrime effects on uae educational institutions.

  • Words: 1294

Data Management and Cybersecurity

Spark and hadoop systems for business.

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127 Cyber Security Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

With the increasing reliance on technology, cyber security has become a critical concern for individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, it is essential to stay informed about the latest trends and issues in this field. If you are tasked with writing an essay on cyber security, here are 127 topic ideas and examples to get your creative juices flowing.

The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing cyber security.

The impact of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.

The ethical considerations of cyber warfare.

The legal frameworks governing cyber security.

The challenges of securing the Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The role of encryption in protecting sensitive information.

The effectiveness of password policies in preventing cyber attacks.

The psychology behind social engineering attacks.

The impact of cyber attacks on the global economy.

The future of biometrics in cyber security.

The role of cyber insurance in mitigating cyber risks.

The ethics of hacking for the greater good.

The impact of cyber attacks on healthcare systems.

The role of education in raising cyber security awareness.

The challenges of securing cloud computing environments.

The implications of quantum computing on cyber security.

The importance of international cooperation in combating cyber crime.

The role of cyber security in protecting intellectual property.

The impact of cyber attacks on national security.

The challenges of securing critical data in the cloud.

The role of cybersecurity audits in identifying vulnerabilities.

The impact of cyber attacks on the banking and financial sector.

The ethical implications of government surveillance for cyber security purposes.

The role of cybersecurity professionals in addressing the skills gap.

The challenges of securing personal information in the digital age.

The impact of cyber attacks on elections and democratic processes.

The role of user awareness training in preventing cyber attacks.

The implications of data breaches for consumer trust.

The challenges of securing mobile devices in the workplace.

The role of cyber security in protecting personal privacy.

The impact of cyber attacks on small businesses.

The role of cyber security in safeguarding intellectual property in academia.

The challenges of securing critical infrastructure in developing countries.

The ethical considerations of vulnerability disclosure.

The impact of cyber attacks on the transportation sector.

The role of cyber security in protecting children online.

The challenges of securing Internet of Things (IoT) in smart homes.

The implications of cyber attacks on the aviation industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against ransomware attacks.

The impact of cyber attacks on the entertainment industry.

The challenges of securing e-commerce platforms.

The role of cyber security in preventing identity theft.

The implications of cyber attacks on the energy sector.

The ethical considerations of government backdoor access to encrypted data.

The impact of cyber attacks on the hospitality and tourism industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting sensitive government information.

The challenges of securing online gaming platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the media and journalism.

The role of cyber security in protecting against social media threats.

The impact of cyber attacks on the transportation and logistics industry.

The challenges of securing online banking and financial transactions.

The role of cyber security in protecting against insider threats.

The implications of cyber attacks on the education sector.

The ethical considerations of using cyber weapons in warfare.

The impact of cyber attacks on the retail industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against insider trading.

The challenges of securing online voting systems.

The implications of cyber attacks on the gaming industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against intellectual property theft.

The impact of cyber attacks on the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry.

The challenges of securing social media platforms.

The ethical considerations of cyber security in autonomous vehicles.

The implications of cyber attacks on the hospitality industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against credit card fraud.

The impact of cyber attacks on the manufacturing industry.

The challenges of securing online dating platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the insurance industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against corporate espionage.

The impact of cyber attacks on the food and beverage industry.

The challenges of securing online marketplaces.

The implications of cyber attacks on the pharmaceutical industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against intellectual property infringement.

The impact of cyber attacks on the nonprofit sector.

The challenges of securing online streaming platforms.

The ethical considerations of cyber security in wearable technology.

The implications of cyber attacks on the real estate industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against medical identity theft.

The impact of cyber attacks on the telecommunications industry.

The challenges of securing online job portals.

The implications of cyber attacks on the automotive industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against data breaches in the legal sector.

The impact of cyber attacks on the music industry.

The challenges of securing online auction platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the construction industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online harassment.

The impact of cyber attacks on the advertising and marketing industry.

The challenges of securing online learning platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the fashion industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online stalking.

The impact of cyber attacks on the sports industry.

The challenges of securing online travel booking platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the beauty and cosmetics industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online scams.

The impact of cyber attacks on the hospitality and catering industry.

The challenges of securing online dating applications.

The implications of cyber attacks on the healthcare and wellness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online bullying.

The impact of cyber attacks on the entertainment and events industry.

The challenges of securing online food delivery platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the fitness and wellness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online fraud.

The impact of cyber attacks on the home services industry.

The challenges of securing online social networking platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the pet care industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online piracy.

The impact of cyber attacks on the restaurant industry.

The challenges of securing online fashion retail platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the healthcare and fitness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online hate speech.

The impact of cyber attacks on the wedding and event planning industry.

The challenges of securing online grocery delivery platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the gaming and entertainment industry.

The impact of cyber attacks on the music and entertainment industry.

The challenges of securing online travel and tourism platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the beauty and wellness industry.

The role of cyber security in protecting against online identity theft.

The impact of cyber attacks on the fashion and retail industry.

The challenges of securing online health and wellness platforms.

The implications of cyber attacks on the food and beverage industry.

These essay topic ideas cover a broad range of industries and sectors, highlighting the pervasive nature of cyber security threats. Whether you choose to explore the implications of cyber attacks on a specific industry, examine the challenges of securing a particular platform, or discuss the ethical considerations of cyber security, there are endless possibilities for research and analysis in this field. Remember to choose a topic that interests you and aligns with your objectives, ensuring a rewarding and engaging essay-writing experience.

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Essay on Data Security and Encryption


Data security and encryption are important in maintaining data on information systems. If properly implemented, data security and encryption processes may improve the level of assurance to users. Data security strategies in a system are effective in ensuring that unauthorized persons do not view vital data. Therefore, security measures and encryption strategies are effective in preventing interception of data, theft and view by unauthorized persons. In respect to data security, it is imperative to note that it relates to a range of measures in protecting databases (Pfleeger, and Shari, 2002). This type of security also values protection of servers, stored functions. The potential threats to databases include unauthorized transactions on servers by administrators. Another influence relates to infections by malware, overloads, programming and design flaws and physical damage.

Encryption on the other hand relates to the process of encoding messages. This process of encoding is important in a system since it ensures that only authorized individuals view the message. Diverse software has been effective in encrypting data. The methods of encryption of data include symmetric key encryption technique. The other method relates to the application of public key encryption. However, for a system to function properly such measures is of great importance. Military organizations use such measures in transmitting secret information. For the civilian populations such measure ensures verification of messages (Pfleeger, and Shari, 2002). To make it a success, the use of digital signature and message authentication codes is of importance. In order to attain an effective data security and encryption, various activities are necessary.

Mandatory Access Control

Mandatory access control is a process in which the operating system is programmed to limit the access of subjects on the system. The designers of such systems ensure that initiators or subjects are unable to access the general performance of the database. Mandatory access control works in a fantastic fashion. The process of its functions depends on the Kernel of the system. In practice if one wishes to access the system, an authorization process is necessary. For one to access the system the Kernel examines the request of the user then a rule enforced on the system takes place.

The rule has security attributes that process users requests; either rejecting or accepting it (Kuhn, Xie, and Hwang, 2011). Various fronts on the field have been in practice in many corporations. For example, MAC computers have been effective in using Multi-level security systems. Trusted Computer systems Evaluation Criteria is another important invention. Other innovations on the front include TOMOYO Linux, Gsecurity and SUSE Linux. Maybe the innovation of application has made security an important feature. Trusted Mandatory Access controls have been a feature for ipad, iphone as well as other fronts. Such aspects include SELinux, MAC Os and FLASK fronts (Sun et al 2009).

Discretionary Access Control

Unless Mandatory Access control is in use, Discretionary Access may be effective. However, for Discretionary control to take place, Trusted Computer Evaluation Criteria needs to be implemented (Popa et al 2012). This type of control ensures that individual’s restriction to accessing the system bases on their allegiances. Their allegiances may be in form of a group or certain subjects. In this type of security, the control is discretionary. This means that an individual has permission to access the database. On the other hand, the user of the system may share this permission with other individuals. Discretionary Access control ensures that a user has ultimate control of programs and files (Fong, 2008). The user might decide to provide permission to other users as well as prohibit others. This type of control on the other hand refers to the provision of access to those who need it.

Role-Based Access Control

Role- Based access control revolves around use of Mandatory access control as well as discretionary control. When one visits huge corporation that feature over 400 workers, it becomes apparent that role based Access control is essential. Role based system Access control uses the properties of the discretionary as well as Mandatory Access controls (Zhang and Yang, 2003). The feature ensures that access permission has its hierarchy (Galante, 2009). In an organization, subjects might have specific permission in accessing the system. On the other hand, assignment of such permission of access might require authorization from specific individuals. Such permissions might include role assignment exercises or role authorization on the system.

Oracle Transparent Data Encryption

Oracle Transparent Data Encryption is another important feature in the securing of data in databases. This form of security uses the property of Authentication, authorization and the use of auditing features in solving security breaches. However, one needs to take note that the encryption works only on databases. Oracle transparent Data Encryption system protects sensitive data on database columns rather than on operating systems (Pan, Chang and Cungang, 2006). It enables the encryption of data without contributions from applications and users. The security system stops attackers from by passing the database and in reading system’s information. This becomes a reality using Data- at –Rest encryption criteria on the database region.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Encryption

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Encryption is an important factor in providing security for computer system. Organizations have undergone various losses due to security breaches. In relation to the Encryption, Microsoft SQL server has a transparent data encryption (TDE). The system also has an extendible key management that manages third parties. On the other hand, the system provides an automatic encryption by use of custom application codes (Thales 2012). The system further is important for enterprise and above users in the business environment.

Reference List

Pfleeger, Charles P., and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger.2002.  Security in computing . Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference.  http://dl.acm.org

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Pan, L, Chang N., Z, & Cungang, Y 2006, ‘A Role-Based Multilevel Security Access Control Model’,  Journal Of Computer Information Systems , 46, 3, Pp. 1-10

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Essay on Cyber Security | Cyber Security Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Cyber Security:  Nowadays, personal and business operations depend on technologies and computers, so it is easy for attackers to steal information through the internet. Cybersecurity covers all aspects of ensuring citizens’ protection, critical infrastructures, and businesses from any threat from using the internet.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Cyber Security for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on Cyber Security for reference.

Long Essay on Cyber Security 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Cyber Security is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The main definition of cyber security is protecting networks, data, programs, and other information from unattended or unauthorized access, change, or destruction. Around the globe nowadays, cyber security is very vital because of some cyber-attacks and cyber-attacks. Many companies develop software for data protection.

The main task of the software developed by the companies is to protect the data in their system. Not only does cyber security helps to secure information, but it also protects it from a virus attack. India is one of the countries with the highest number of internet users, after the USA and China.

Cyber threats can be classified into two major types: Cyber crime, which happens against an individual, corporate, etc. and Cyber-warfare, which happens against a state.

Cyber-crime is the use of cyberspace such as cellphones, computers, the internet or other technical devices, etc. By using numerous codes and software in cyberspace, cyber attackers can commit cyber crime. Through the use of malware, the attackers exploit the weakness in the hardware and software design. Hacking is an ordinary way of penetrating the defences of protected computer systems and disrupting their functioning.

Cyber crimes may occur directly by targeting the computers and spreading the computer viruses or by using Denial of service attacks, which is an attempt to make a network or machine unavailable to its projected users. A software named malware is used to gain access to a private computer, gather sensitive information, or disrupt computer operation.

Snowden exposures have shown that cyberspace can become the theatre of warfare in the 21st century. The future battles will not be fought on land, air, or water but more of wars using cyber-attacks. The use of internet-based invisible force as an instrument initiated by any state to fight against another nation is known as the Cyber-warfare.

The easiest thing that an individual can do to up their security and relax knowing their data is safe is to change their passwords. Many password management tools can be used to keep track of everything for an individual as these applications help them use unique, secure passwords for every website one needs and keep track of all the passwords.

Deleting old unused accounts is a good way to secure someone’s information. In many cases, an attacker can easily access someone’s network by using their old credentials that have fallen by the curb.

To add extra security to logins, one can enable two-factor authentication as the extra layer of security makes it harder for an attacker to get into someone’s accounts. Keeping one’s software up to date is also a way to prevent cyber-attacks.

Cyber security is one of the world’s biggest needs due to today’s high internet penetration as cyber security threats are very dangerous to a country’s security. The government and the citizens should both spread awareness among the people to update their network security settings and their systems and use proper anti-virus so that their system and network settings stay malware and virus-free.

Short Essay on Cyber Security 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Cyber Security is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Protection of networks, data, programs, and other sensitive information from unauthorized access, change, and destruction is known as cyber security. Cyber security is a major concern in this era where the use of computers has become ordinary for everyone. With the development of technology and the internet’s availability to most of the public, the pathway of cyber crimes has also increased.

Malware, spyware, ransomware, fraud, phishing, etc. are the different types of viruses used in a cyber-attack. Hackers gains access to someone’s computer systems easily if the user of that computer clicks on infected web pages, links, malicious websites, or unintentionally downloads a dangerous program. Cyber security plays an important role in preventing some difficult and heinous crimes like blackmailing, fraud transactions through another account, leakage of personal information.

It is the responsibility of every citizen to spread awareness among everyone and keep their system and network security updated to prevent cyber attacks from happening worldwide.

10 Lines on Cyber Security in English

  • Cyber Security is the body of technologies, operations, and applications designed to protect programs, devices, networks, and data.
  • As numerous amounts of data are collected, processed, and stored on computers by government, military, and corporate, cyber security is necessary.
  • Organizations tasked with protecting information relating to national records should take steps to protect this information with cyber attacks’ growth.
  • India ranks higher than its global peers as 54% of ransomware and malware attacks occur in India, whereas globally, 47% of attacks occur.
  • Brutal terrorist attacks like 9/11 and 26/11 in Mumbai and America also took place due to a lack of cyber security.
  • Three billion accounts were breached in 2013, as reported by Yahoo.
  • The government has taken some huge steps to improve India’s cyber security and has established many cyber-crime police stations.
  • Cyber security is one of the major challenges in the contemporary world due to its complexity in technology and politics.
  • In December 2014, a six-month-long cyber-attack on the German parliament, and in 2008, a cyber-attack on US military computers were launched.
  • Citizens and governments have to spread awareness about cyber attacks among the public; otherwise, the rate of cyber attacks will increase more and not control it.

FAQ’s on Cyber Security Essay

Question 1.  What are the major types of cyber-attacks?

Answer: The main cyber-attacks are:

Question 2.  Is there any difference between IT and cyber security?

Answer: IT security is applying measures and systems designed to safely protect the information using various forms of technologies, whereas cyber security is more about the protection of data in its electric form.

Question 3.  Name the biggest cyber attack to date?

Answer: The Internet Giant in September 2016 announced that a cyber-attack that compromised 500 million users’ personal information took place, which is the biggest cyber attack to date.

Question 4. What are some of the main foundations of cyber security?

Answer: Some of the main foundations of cyber security consists of information security, end-user education, business continuity planning, application security, operational security.

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What Is Data Security?

Understand how data security enables organizations to protect information against cyberattacks.

Data Security Meaning and Definition

Data security  is the process of safeguarding digital information throughout its entire life cycle to protect it from corruption, theft, or unauthorized access. It covers everything—hardware, software, storage devices, and user devices; access and administrative controls; and organizations’ policies and procedures.

Data security uses tools and technologies that enhance visibility of a company's data and how it is being used. These tools can protect data through processes like data masking,  encryption , and redaction of sensitive information. The process also helps organizations streamline their auditing procedures and comply with increasingly stringent data protection regulations.

A robust data security management and strategy process enables an organization to protect its information against cyberattacks. It also helps them minimize the risk of human error and insider threats, which continue to be the cause of many  data breaches . 

Why Is Data Security Important?

There are many reasons why  data security  is important to organizations in all industries all over the world. Organizations are legally obliged to protect customer and user data from being lost or stolen and ending up in the wrong hands. For example, industry and state regulations like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) outline organizations’ legal obligations to protect data.

Data cybersecurity is also crucial to preventing the reputational risk that accompanies a data breach. A high-profile hack or loss of data can result in customers losing trust in an organization and taking their business to a competitor. This also runs the risk of serious financial losses, along with fines, legal payments, and damage repair in case sensitive data is lost.

Benefits of Data Security

What is data security? In a way, data security is easier to define by looking at the benefits, which are explained in more detail below:

  • Keeps your information safe: By adopting a mindset focused on data security and implementing the right set of tools, you ensure sensitive data does not fall into the wrong hands. Sensitive data can include customer payment information, hospital records, and identification information, to name just a few. With a data security program created to meet the specific needs of your organization, this info stays safe and secure.
  • Helps keep your reputation clean: When people do business with your organization, they entrust their sensitive information to you, and a data security strategy enables you to provide the protection they need. Your reward? A stellar reputation among clients, partners, and the business world in general.
  • Gives you a competitive edge: In many industries, data breaches are commonplace, so if you can keep data secure, you set yourself apart from the competition, which may be struggling to do the same.
  • Saves on support and development costs: If you incorporate data security measures early in the development process, you may not have to spend valuable resources for designing and deploying patches or fixing coding problems down the road.

Data Security vs. Data Privacy

Data security and data privacy both involve protecting data, but they are different. Data security entails controlling access to data using stark, black-and-white terms. For example, a data security policy may dictate that no one other than someone troubleshooting a database issue is allowed to see customer payment information—period. In that way, you reduce your chances of suffering a data security breach.

Data privacy, on the other hand, involves more subtle, strategic decisions around who gets access to certain kinds of data. Using the same example, another organization may say, “Well, it may help the development team to know if a lot of customers have been paying using PayPal. Then they could decide whether it would be wise to start accepting Payoneer, Skrill, or Stripe, too. Let’s give them access to payment info for the next two weeks.”

When it comes to data security in cloud computing or on-premises environments, these kinds of decisions fall more under the purview of data privacy.

Learn more about Cloud Data Protection : Secure what you store in the cloud.

Best Practices for Ensuring Data Security and Privacy

Why is data security important? Primarily, it keeps your data secure and builds confidence among your customers. Here are some best practices that have been effective for other organizations:

  • Secure your information: This means managing who has access and encrypting your data. Only people who need it to perform essential functions should have access, and information should be encrypted as it goes back and forth between the database and their computer or device.
  • Prepare ahead of time for threats: You can get ready for a potential data security incident by testing your system, educating employees, devising an incident management plan, and creating a data recovery plan.
  • Delete data you are not using: You should get rid of both digital and physical copies of data you no longer need. In this way, you reduce the chances of a hacker discovering it and using it for profit.

Global Threat Landscape Report 2H 2023

FortiGuard Labs Global Threat Landscape Report 2H 2023 shows Cybercriminals Exploiting New Industry Vulnerabilities 43% Faster than 1H 2023.

Types of Data Security

Organizations can use a wide range of  data security  types to safeguard their data, devices, networks, systems, and users. Some of the most common types of data security, which organizations should look to combine to ensure they have the best possible strategy, include:

Data encryption is the use of algorithms to scramble data and hide its true meaning. Encrypting data ensures messages can only be read by recipients with the appropriate decryption key. This is crucial, especially in the event of a data breach, because even if an attacker manages to gain access to the data, they will not be able to read it without the decryption key. 

Data encryption also involves the use of solutions like tokenization, which protects data as it moves through an organization’s entire IT infrastructure.

Data Erasure

There will be occasions in which organizations no longer require data and need it permanently removed from their systems. Data erasure is an effective data security management technique that removes liability and the chance of a data breach occurring.

Data Masking

Data masking enables an organization to hide data by obscuring and replacing specific letters or numbers. This process is a form of encryption that renders the data useless should a hacker intercept it. The original message can only be uncovered by someone who has the code to decrypt or replace the masked characters.

Data Resiliency

Organizations can mitigate the risk of accidental destruction or loss of data by creating backups or copies of their data. Data backups are vital to protecting information and ensuring it is always available. This is particularly important during a data breach or ransomware attack, ensuring the organization can restore a previous backup.

Biggest Data Security Risks

Organizations face an increasingly complex landscape of security threats with cyberattacks being launched by more sophisticated attackers. Some of the biggest risks to data security include:

Accidental Data Exposure

Many data breaches are not a result of hacking but through employees accidentally or negligently exposing sensitive information. Employees can easily lose, share, or grant access to data with the wrong person, or mishandle or lose information because they are not aware of their company’s security policies.

Phishing Attacks

In a phishing attack, a cyber criminal sends messages, typically via email, short message service (SMS), or instant messaging services, that appear to be from a trusted sender. Messages include malicious links or attachments that lead recipients to either download malware or visit a spoofed website that enables the attacker to steal their login credentials or financial information. 

These attacks can also help an attacker compromise user devices or gain access to corporate networks. Phishing attacks are often paired with  social engineering , which hackers use to manipulate victims into giving up sensitive information or login credentials to privileged accounts.

Insider Threats

One of the biggest data security threats to any organization is its own employees. Insider threats are individuals who intentionally or inadvertently put their own organization’s data at risk. They come in three types:

  • Compromised insider: The employee does not realize their account or credentials have been compromised. An attacker can perform malicious activity posing as the user.
  • Malicious insider: The employee actively attempts to steal data from their organization or cause harm for their own personal gain.
  • Nonmalicious insider: The employee causes harm accidentally, through negligent behavior, by not following security policies or procedures, or being unaware of them.

Malicious software is typically spread through email- and web-based attacks. Attackers use malware to infect computers and corporate networks by exploiting vulnerabilities in their software, such as web browsers or web applications. Malware can lead to serious data security events like data theft, extortion, and network damage.

Ransomware attacks pose a serious data security risk for organizations of all sizes. It is a form of malware that aims to infect devices and encrypt the data on them. The attackers then demand a ransom fee from their victim with the promise of returning or restoring the data upon payment. Some ransomware formats spread rapidly and infect entire networks, which can even take down backup data servers.

Cloud Data Storage

Organizations are increasingly moving data to the cloud and going cloud-first to enable easier collaboration and sharing. But moving data to the cloud can make controlling and protecting it against data loss more difficult. The cloud is critical to remote working processes, where users access information using personal devices and on less secure networks. This makes it easier to accidentally or maliciously share data with unauthorized parties.

Critical Data Security Solutions

There is a wide range of solutions available to help organizations protect their information and users. These include: 

Access Controls

Access controls  enable organizations to apply rules around who can access data and systems in their digital environments. They do this through  access control lists (ACLs) , which filter access to directories, files, and networks and define which users are allowed to access which information and systems.

Cloud Data Security

As organizations increasingly move their data to the cloud, they need a solution that enables them to:

  • Secure data while it is moving to the cloud
  • Protect cloud-based applications

This is even more crucial for securing dynamic working processes as employees increasingly work from home.

Data Loss Prevention

Data loss prevention  (DLP) enables organizations to detect and prevent potential data breaches. It also helps them detect  exfiltration  and unauthorized sharing of information outside the organization, gain improved visibility of information, prevent sensitive data destruction, and comply with relevant data regulations.

  • Email Security

Email security tools allow organizations to detect and prevent email-borne security threats. This plays an important role in stopping employees from clicking on malicious links, opening malicious attachments, and visiting spoofed websites. Email security solutions can also provide end-to-end encryption on email and mobile messages, which keeps data secure.

Key Management

Key management involves the use of cryptographic keys to encrypt data. Public and private keys are used to encrypt then decrypt data, which enables secure data sharing. Organizations can also use hashing to transform any string of characters into another value, which avoids the use of keys.

Data Security Regulations

Data security allows organizations to comply with industry and state regulations that include:

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The GDPR legislation is a piece of law that protects the personal data of European citizens. It aims to increase people's control and privacy rights over their data and places strict controls on how organizations process that information. GDPR ensures that organizations process personal data securely and protect it from unauthorized processing, accidental loss, damage, and destruction. It also carries a fine of 4% of a company’s annual turnover or €20 million, whichever is highest.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The CCPA aims to give consumers more control over how businesses collect their personal data. This includes the right to know what information a business has and how it is shared or used, the right to delete that information, the right to opt out of that data being sold to third parties, and the right to avoid discrimination for exercising these CCPA rights. Organizations must provide consumers with notice of their privacy practices.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

HIPAA is a federal law that protects patients’ health data from being exposed without their consent or knowledge. HIPAA contains a privacy rule, which addresses the disclosure and use of patient information and ensures that data is properly protected. It also has a security rule, which protects all individually identifiable health information that an organization creates, maintains, receives, or transmits electronically. 

Compliance failure can result in fines of up to $50,000 per offense, a maximum annual fine of $1.5 million, and a potential prison term of up to 10 years.

Learn more about Healthcare Data Security.  

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act

Sarbanes-Oxley is a federal law that provides auditing and financial regulations for public organizations. The regulation protects employees, shareholders, and the public from making accounting errors and committing fraudulent financial activity. The primary aim of the regulation is to regulate auditing, financial reporting, and other business activity at publicly traded organizations. Its guidelines also apply to other enterprises, private organizations, and nonprofit firms.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

The  PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)  ensures organizations securely process, store, and transmit credit card data. It was launched by the likes of American Express, Mastercard, and Visa to control and manage PCI security standards and enhance account security during online transactions. PCI DSS  is administered and managed by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). Failure to comply can result in monthly fines of up to $100,000 and the suspension of card acceptance.

International Standards Organization (ISO) 27001

ISO 27001 is an international standard for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving information security management systems. It provides organizations with practical insight on how to develop comprehensive security policies and minimize their risks.

Frequently Asked Questions about Data Security

What is data security.

Data security is the process of safeguarding digital information throughout its entire life cycle to protect it from corruption, theft, or unauthorized access. It covers everything—hardware, software, storage devices, and user devices; access and administrative controls; and organizations’ policies and procedures.

Why is data security important?

Organizations are legally obliged to protect customer and user data from being lost or stolen and ending up in the wrong hands. Data cybersecurity is also crucial to preventing the reputational risk that accompanies a data breach. A high-profile hack or loss of data can result in customers losing trust in an organization and taking their business to a competitor.

What are the types of data security?

Some of the most common types of data security, which organizations should look to combine to ensure they have the best possible strategy, include: encryption, data erasure, data masking, and data resiliency.

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Home — Essay Samples — Law, Crime & Punishment — Security — Protection Against Data Breaches


Protection Against Data Breaches

  • Categories: Network Security Security

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Words: 539 |

Published: Apr 11, 2019

Words: 539 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

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Centralize identity, implement strong authentication, reduce attack surface, enable visibility and response.

  • Centralize your accounts and access with a single sign-on.
  • Consider eliminating passwords where possible.
  • Enable strong, unique passwords everywhere else.
  • Implement Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
  • Harden authentication to as many places as you can. Sometimes a hacker gets in with a stolen identity and then takes advantage of privilege access escalation.
  • Enable an MFA solution with adaptive capability. This technology can help make intelligent, contextual access decisions based on device and connection attribute. Overall, this increases usability by reducing end-user burden so they don't prompted all the time, but only when needed.
  • Automate provisioning and deprovising when possible. When you automate the onboarding and off-boarding process, you don't have to remember to update roles/permissions or deactivate accounts.
  • Enable reporting so you can see who/what groups has access to apps or if the access is over privileged.
  • Make sure the right people have the right level of access for their role
  • Augment your visibility to see what's going on with identity data. That means knowing who was impacted by a breach, what applications/accounts were accessed) etc. For example, maybe you're getting several failed authentications from a specific IP address, which could be flagged for investigation and response.
  • Correlate identity data with other security logs/data for greater visibility
  • Enable faster response with identity e.g. revoking access to application / prompting for step-up authentication in the case of suspicious events/incidents

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write an essay on data security


Data Security – Essay Sample

For all corporations, businesses, government programs and even individuals, data protection is fundamental to preserving integrity, profits and records. Without data security, people are at risk for identity fraud, theft, destruction of property and much worse. General data security seeks to protect an individual database or group of databases from unapproved access, tampering and destruction. This preserves individual rights and upholds many national and international laws, which strive to preserve the integrity and ownership of different databases. There are many different methods to establishing effective data protection, but all of them have to do with guarding important information on a computer or other technological storage unit.

One of the most popular methods for data protection includes ‘backing-up.’ Individuals that ‘back-up’ information will make a copy of all desired data, and put that copy in a separate place. Back-up data may be available on a portable hard drive, an internet source or an external back-up program (like Apple, Inc.’s Time Machine). By having a back-up, individuals know that even if their data is destroyed on the original database, the information is still safely stored in a separate location. This is, perhaps, the most dependable method of data security.

Other data security methods focus on the database’s hard drive. Individuals may encrypt the drive, which will establish a complicated code on the drive and make it nearly impossible for unauthorized users to access the content. Other security methods include tokens, which only allow users to access the database in a certain location or on a certain computer. Data can also be hidden or even completely erased, if files are found to be invaded or corrupted. These methods, however, have several downfalls and are not always as dependable; they are still subject to invasion by unauthorized users or threaten individuals with complete loss of data.

In today’s technology-dependent world, data security is absolutely necessary. Improved data security methods are constantly being developed to protect important databases, and it’s likely that data security will only rise in importance as our technology increases.

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Essay on Cyber Security for Students in English [500 Words]

January 3, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Cyber Security: The data, networks and other important confidential information present online needs to be protected from prospective hackers and hacker groups to prevent them from leakage. Cyber security acts and rules are enacted and enforced in situations where there is a cyber-crime on the spot. Accessing data in an unauthorized way, destruction of information, using data without permission, introducing malicious software and viruses to extract data are some of the common cyber crimes taking place worldwide.

Essay on Cyber Security 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Cyber Security Essay in English, suitable for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

“If you spend more on coffee than on IT, you will be hacked.” ~ Richard Clarke

The world is now one global digital village with all of its population and cultures connected. India has the second-largest internet-using population in the world, with more than 400 million users. Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems from damage to their hardware, software and electronic data. It is also a measure to prevent thefts, disruption of data and misleading of services. The need for cybersecurity has drastically increased because of the huge reliance on wireless networks and the internet .

Need for Cyber Security

It is estimated that on average, companies spend more than 400 billion dollars on cybersecurity. While many choose to protect their systems, others do not invest in cybersecurity to keep their costs down. Following are some reasons why you should invest in cybersecurity now more than ever-:

The cost of a security breach can be very high for a company. It not only causes financial damage but affects the reputation of the firm as well. Clients or customers upon knowing that a breach has happened would think that the company has a flawed security system and would hence like to take their business elsewhere. People who illegally enter into your electronic systems are known as hackers.

The number of hackers in the world has increased, and so has their level of sophistication. When even Deloitte, the largest cybersecurity consultant company in the world was not able to protect itself from a cyber-attack, think of how easy it would be for a hacker to enter your cell phones. The easy availability of hacking tools on the internet has made cyber attacks an even stronger possibility. These tools are getting more updated and superior day by day, and so are the people using them.

Cyber Crime

Cybercrime is any criminal or illegal activity that takes place on or through the internet. There are various types of cybercrimes-: Many innocent individuals, mostly women, are victims of cyberstalking. It is a type of sexual harassment that involves sending messages and emails online. The content of these messages and emails may be threatening and even provocative.

Phishing is another very common type of cyber-attack. In this, identical emails are sent to a very large number of people. The cyber attacker poses as a trustworthy entity of an institution and tries to obtain sensitive information from you like your bank details, credit card details and passwords.

Email bombing and spamming have also been in use for a long time now. Email bombing happens when a cyber attacker sends thousands of emails to the same email addresses through the help of bots. The emails sent are mostly meaningless and use up lots of internet bandwidth. Because of receiving such heavy traffic in the account at once, the email accounts of many people are crashed, and then they fail to access them. Through email spamming, people are sent inappropriate links, fake news and attachments that when clicked on, inject viruses in the computer .

Benefits of Cyber Security

Individuals and companies are always on the risk of cyber-attacks. No one is safe from them in the current world. Hence, it is advisable to have a cyber security plan or some sort of protection software. The advantages of having a cybersecurity solution are as follows-:

The major advantage to companies is that cybersecurity helps in protecting their business. Small companies and newer businesses are more prone to such breaches, and hence, having a cybersecurity plan can save the company its resources in more than one way. It allows employees to work and surf freely without any threats and does not let work productivity diminish. Cybersecurity also helps the company’s website from shutting down by getting electronically infected. The crashing of the website can cause e-commerce giants to lose a lot of revenue and transactions.

Data Security and Privacy: Protecting Sensitive Information

  • First Online: 12 September 2024

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write an essay on data security

  • Dimitrios Sargiotis 2  

This chapter provides a thorough exploration of the critical aspects of safeguarding sensitive data in the digital era. It emphasizes the dual importance of data security and privacy within data governance, explaining their definitions, implications, and the necessity for robust protective measures. The chapter delves into key concepts such as encryption, access control, and data masking, illustrating how these tools can help prevent unauthorized data access and potential breaches.

A significant portion of the discussion is dedicated to outlining major data privacy laws such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA, detailing their requirements and the impact of compliance on organizational practices. Through practical examples and case studies, the chapter demonstrates real-world applications of security and privacy strategies, highlighting their effectiveness in various industry settings.

The narrative also stresses the increasing complexity of cyber threats and the evolving landscape of technological advancements, which necessitate continuous adaptation and enhancement of security protocols. Ethical considerations are underscored as well, noting the shift toward more ethically driven data practices and the importance of maintaining public trust through responsible data management.

Overall, the chapter serves as a comprehensive guide for organizations looking to bolster their data security and privacy measures, ensuring compliance with legal standards and fostering a culture of trust and safety in handling sensitive information.

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National Technical University of Athens, Marousi, Greece

Dimitrios Sargiotis

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Sargiotis, D. (2024). Data Security and Privacy: Protecting Sensitive Information. In: Data Governance. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-67268-2_6

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-67268-2_6

Published : 12 September 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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