1. Jainism: A Religion of Compassion and Non-violence

    Jainism is not only a religion but also a philosophy of the Jīva (soul), advocating a code of conduct for the purification of the soul for all living beings on earth (Bagadia, 2016).The Jain religion is picturized as a non-theist religion, with Jains believing in the universe's cyclical nature, a universe without a beginning, without an end, and a single creator ...

  2. Jainism Introduction

    As such, this section represents an emic, or insider's, view of Jainism. It includes three essays that might fit more within the genre of a sermon than an academic paper, but which nonetheless make an important contribution to this emerging discourse. These chapters point to new directions to be taken within the practice of Jainism, grounded ...

  3. Jainism and Society

    have identified Jainism as a reified body of doctrine that is essentially unchanging over time, whereas I view Jainism as the sum total of the practices and beliefs of all people who call them selves Jains throughout the centuries'. See also Laidlaw's (1995: 9, 21) concept of 'Jainism as an. enduring form of life'.

  4. Overview Essay

    Jainism and Ecology. Christopher Key Chapple, Loyola Marymount University. Abstract: Jainism posits the vibrant existence of a living universe. Jains advocate the protection of life, from its most advanced forms down to the microbes and the elements. In addition to exploring the history and philosophy of Jainism and its implications for an ...

  5. Ecology as religious practice: Jainism and the environment in a

    The basis of Jainism is Ahimsa, which means non-violence or the conduct of social relationships in ways that consciously avoid harm. Jains extend the concept of society to the entire web of life, and human relationships with the rest of nature. The parallels between the Jain perspective and the perspective of Deep Ecology are fairly explicit.

  6. PDF Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

    activism, tensions between Jainism and ecology, and the universe filled with living beings. -----, ed. Jainism and Ecology: Nonviolence and the Web of Life. Harvard: Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions, 2002. This is a collection of essays on the ecological implications of the philosophy and history of Jainism.

  7. Jainism: Key Themes

    Abstract. The Jains have constituted a small but highly culturally significant minority community in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years. Probably best known for the profound commitment to an ethos of ahimsa, or nonviolence in thought, word, and deed, it is in the areas of nonviolence and ascetic practice that the Jains have had ...

  8. Jainism and Ecology

    ISBN 9780945454342. Publication date: 09/01/2002. The twenty-five-hundred-year-old tradition of Jainism, which emphasizes nonviolence as the only true path leading to liberation, offers a worldview seemingly compatible with the goals of environmental activism. But can Jainism adopt a sociocentric environmentalism without compromising its own ...

  9. Jainism

    A symbol to represent the Jain community was chosen in 1975 as part of the commemoration of the 2500th anniversary of Mahavira's attainment of nirvana.The stylized hand is in a gesture of blessing, and on the palm is inscribed "ahimsa," which for many is the essence of Jain ethical teachings.The phrase at the bottom of the symbol states "all life is bound together by mutual support and ...

  10. Jainism and Nonviolence

    Jainism has grown immensely since Virchand Ghandi, apparently the first Jain to arrive in the United States, settled in the country in 1893 (Johnson, 2009, History and Geography section, para. 8). ... It contains various essays on the evolution of environmentalism and an in-depth look at several ecological viewpoints. Although Tucker and Grimm ...

  11. Religions

    Jainism's influence on India's long history is now better recognized and more avidly studied. The growing ecological crisis too, has likely contributed to the upsurge of interest in Jainism, as environmentalists and animal activists have found in its teachings a message of sanity for a world tinkering on madness. In 2009, the Jainism ...

  12. Jainism

    Jainism, Indian religion teaching a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through disciplined nonviolence (ahimsa, literally "non-injury") to all living creatures.. Overview. Along with Hinduism and Buddhism, Jainism is one of the three most ancient Indian religious traditions still in existence and an integral part of South Asian religious belief and practice.

  13. Jainism and Buddhism: A Comparative Survey of their Ethics

    A Comparative Chart of Monastic Ethics between Jainism and Buddhism Monastic Ethics Jainism Buddhism Pa ca-Mahā Vratas 1). Ahiṃs : Not to hurt any living being by actions and thoughts. 2). Satya: Not to lie or speak what is not commendable. 3). Asteya: Not to take anything if not given. 4).

  14. PDF Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

    Essays on Buddhism and Nonviolence, ed. Kenneth Kraft, 49-62. Albany: State University of ... Jainism and Environmental Philosophy: Karma and the Web of Life. Routledge, 2018. Sangave, Vilas Adinath. Facets of Jainology: Selected Research Papers on Jain Society,

  15. PDF An Analytical Study of Meditation in Jain Philosophy Yash Deep ...

    k should meditate regularly in the second part of the day and night. Even today, a Jain monk has to meditate after giving up sleep, returning from almsgiving and padayatra, after going out and immersing e. crement etc. and while doing pratikraman in the morning and evening. The process of. meditation at eve.

  16. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Jainism in kerala a historical perspective with

    Title: Jainism in kerala a historical perspective with special reference to wayanad region: Researcher: Dhiraj, M.S. Guide(s): Chandramouli, N. Keywords:

  17. The History of Jainism in India

    Larger local Jain communities maintain buildings called upashrayas, often attached to temples, for renouncers to lodge in (Shah 82). In sum, Jainism is one of the oldest religions in India based on century old traditions and unique beliefs. Jainism is at its most distinctive on two counts: in its conceptions of the universe and of the soul.

  18. Dissertations / Theses: 'Jainism'

    This thesis intends to provide an integrated analysis of the "non-killing" idea from four "āgama sutranta-pitaka" doctrines, including the Buddha-preached "Sajyuktāgama" the " Madhyamāgama" the "Dīrghāgama" and the "Ekottarikāgama" etc., in Early Buddhism era. As for the "Jainism" this thesis focuses on its rigid "Ahimsa" precept.

  19. Jainism

    Jainism - Philosophy and Doctrine by Jayaram V The Nigantha Nataputta, sir, who knows and sees all things, who claims perfect knowledge and faith (in the following terms) : 'walking and standing, sleeping or waking, I am always possessed of perfect knowledge and faith' teaches the annihilation by austerities of the old Karma, and the prevention ...

  20. Anekantavada

    In Jain history, it was a metaphysical doctrine and a philosophical method to formulate its distinct ascetic practice of liberation. Jain history shows, to the contrary, that it persistently was harshly critical and intolerant of Buddhist and Hindu spiritual theories, beliefs and ideologies.

  21. Essay on Jainism

    In this essay we will discuss about Jainism. After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Jainism 2. Life of Mahavira 3. Main Jaina Sects 4. Growth of Jainism 5. Jaina Doctrines and Philosophy 6. Jaina Sanghas 7. Causes of the Rise of Jainism 8. Causes of the Decline of Jainism 9. Religious Texts of Jainas 10. Jainism's Contribution to Indian Culture. Essay Contents ...

  22. Essay on Jainism in India

    It took its deep roots in the soil of India through several ages. Even in the 21st century Jainism has stood firm in the religious firmament of India. A religion with such remote antiquity and rich heritage had its natural influence on the culture of the sub-continent of India. Jainism has enriched the cultural tradition of India in many respects.

  23. low-cost tiny house addresses india's residential needs

    Harshit Singh Kothari and Tanvi Jain reveal the Tiny House, a compact residence that serves as a prototype for affordable living in Indore, India. The house, built with concrete foundations, ...

  24. PDF Jainism and Ecology Bibliography

    Produced by Marion Hunt. Narrated by Lindsay Wagner. Direct Cinema Ltd. 58 min. Public Broadcasting Corporation, 1987. As the first documentary to examine Jainism, this one-hour film portrays various aspects of Jain religion and philosophy, including its history, teachers, rituals, politics, law, art, pilgrimage sites, etc.