50 Dissertation Topic Ideas in English Literature

50 Dissertation Topic Ideas in English Literature

Young people who strive to obtain a master's degree face a need to write a dissertation in their chosen major. It's considered the most important paper they need to deliver during their academic career. Besides, it represents a wonderful chance to demonstrate advanced writing and analytical skills, critical thinking, and knowledge they've gained during the curriculum. Furthermore, such an assignment provides an opportunity to affect an academic environment positively and pamper your ego a bit. So, if you want to graduate with an outstanding result, you should do your best to deliver a high-grade-worthy paper. Your way to success will start with examining potentially suitable dissertation topic ideas, so it is not worth underestimating its importance. Therefore, we'll go deep down this question to make sure you have something to think about when it comes to working on your paper..

How to Work on Research Topics in English Literature

The very name of its assignment suggests that you will not do without proper research, so you should make enough room in your schedule for this stage. You will have to present a report about your findings and discuss the results provided. Bear in mind that writing a dissertation involves a completely different level of responsibility, diligence, and work than similar assignments you got in the past. It stands out from other academic papers with its complexity since it requires more reading, studying, and writing as well.

If you are new to this type of work, it is worth searching for guidelines on the internet, examining decent ready-made papers, and doing background research to understand what theme is more suitable for you. Allocate enough time to look through all thesis topics in English literature that seem appealing to you. It is a complex and multifaceted field of study, so you will hardly do everything properly if you proceed to write when the deadline is already around the corner. The best thing you can do is to choose a theme from your current field of interest. Thus, you will have enough motivation and inspiration to stay on track with research and writing. Pay attention to the following moments:

  • Your dissertation should be based on high-quality research, so you can show your understanding of the subject you work on.
  • You should demonstrate your analytical skills, choosing only relevant literature on your theme.
  • You should develop a research question and address it in your paper, ensuring your dissertation possesses a clear focus.

Research Proposal Ideas

You will have to write a dissertation proposal and present it to your professor or committee to ensure it is suitable and up to date. Don't postpone this task for too long since time is your biggest enemy when it comes to working on such an assignment. Your research process will spin around literary texts, so you will hardly do without visiting a library. A note-taking process is crucial for developing decent ideas and the research process itself. If you don't know what categories it would be interesting to try, pay attention to the following options:

  • cultural diversity;
  • translated texts;
  • genre studies;
  • historical development;
  • cinematography and literature.

How to Choose a Dissertation Topic in English Literature

If your professor hasn't provided you with a specific theme, it is up to you to decide what you want to write about. Your field of interest should become the main benchmark in picking up the right topic. Reflect on the books or literature aspects that you liked most of all while studying. The research process involves a lot of routine tasks, and if you are not interested in the subject, it will be much harder to stay focused. It is one of the reasons why experts suggest doing background research to ensure that you will not face issues with finding enough trustworthy information to back up your ideas. You can examine some critical literature to determine the most valuable perspectives to take as well as the gaps that you can potentially address in your dissertation. It will not be superfluous to create a well-crafted outline, so you have the required points in front of your eyes.

If you have selected a topic but are not sure about the exact title for your paper, you can come up with several working options. They may have a bit different focus but stay within one theme. In this case, you should keep both of them in mind when doing your research. Thus, it will be easy to make the right final choice. Even though there is no strict rule on how many primary texts a student must include in their dissertation, utilize at least two of them to make your arguments look more powerful. It is worth considering the cultural, historical, and theoretical background of a text to make sure it's reasonable and manageable for such a paper. Finally, you should develop a proper research question since it will guide the research and writing process. Keep it in mind all the time, so your paper can provide robust evidence of its significance.

Literature Topics for a Research Paper

Everyone who proceeds to work on a dissertation has tremendous experience under the belt in writing different papers. Thus, they know that choosing a broad theme is a road to nowhere since it's hard to devote enough attention to all key aspects and preserve the focus. It's worth resorting to special techniques aimed at helping you to narrow down the theme. Most of them suggest free writing within the subject, so you can define which one sounds the best. If you cannot opt for a theme, consider the following options:

  • Correlation between English literature of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  • How did the Renaissance affect English literature?
  • Key differences between English literature in the USA and the UK.
  • Fundamental writing methods of female writers of the 18th century.
  • What are the most popular writers in the detective genre nowadays?
  • What was the most important work of Jane Austen?
  • Impact of the digital revolution on English literature.
  • In-depth analysis of poetry from the Second World War.
  • Feminism's growth in twentieth-century literature.
  • Peculiarities of post-colonialism literature.
  • Female heroes in English Literature.
  • Correlation between famous Shakespeare's sonnets.
  • Gender roles in classic English literature.
  • Medieval traditions depicted in Geoffrey Chaucer's works.
  • Ambiguous issues presented in Thomas More's Utopia.
  • Development of suspense in famous English literary works.
  • John Donne: A comparison of sermons and metaphysical love poems. 
  • Impact of Jane Austen's novels on modern women.
  • Key differences between books and film adaptations of Joanne Rowling's Harry Potter.
  • How Elizabeth Gaskell depicted society and family in her works.
  • The most famous feminist works and their influence on modern society.
  • Peculiarities and depth of Thomas Hardy's poems 1913.
  • Religious doubts depicted by George Eliot.
  • Main inspiration sources of Shakespeare.
  • Peculiarities of rustic writing in the nineteenth century.
  • Role of costumes in Dickens's famous works.
  • Correlation between sex and violence in modern English literature.
  • How politics affected English literature in the nineteenth century.
  • The special role of water in Virginia Woolf's works.
  • Gender stereotyping and patriarchy in The Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Correlation between modernism and postmodernism.
  • The negative influence of postmodernism on the novel.
  • Travel writing in the twenty-first century.
  • The crucial role of philosophy in English literature of the twentieth century.
  • Depiction of architecture in Thomas Hardy's works.
  • The effect Milton's Paradise Lost had on seventeenth-century literature.
  • How science affected nineteenth-century novels.
  • Development of modern literature with the help of high technologies.
  • Psychological tools used in writing modern novels.
  • Self-searching with the help of literature works.
  • Poststructuralist views of language in contemporary poetry.
  • Popular literature genres among representatives of Z generation.
  • Why did Joanne Rowling choose a male alias for working in a detective genre?
  • Can a graphic novel be considered a literature work?
  • Most successful film adaptations of the last decade.
  • The accuracy of history presented in historical novels.
  • An analysis of homosexuality in modern English literature.
  • Influence of LGBT movement on the development of modern English literature.
  • The key appealing features of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.
  • Could literature do well without Shakespeare?

How to Structure Your Literature Dissertation

When you decide on the most appealing dissertation topic in English literature, you can proceed to create the first draft of an outline. The latter will help you keep in mind all the crucial moments you should consider when writing your paper. In addition, most professors pay special attention to the structure of dissertations provided by students, so if you want to get the highest grade for your paper, don't forget to involve the following things:

  • title page;
  • acknowledgments;
  • declaration;
  • list of contents;
  • introduction: you should present background information, project value, main research purposes and objectives, and the research question;
  • literature review : presentation of relevant theories and analysis of literary works within the chosen theme to address the research question;
  • methodology: presentation of data and analysis methods and tools utilized;
  • findings and analysis: presentation of the crucial research results in detail with the help of visual tools like charts, tables, graphs, etc.;
  • discussion and conclusion: presentation of personal interpretation of findings, demonstration of the connection between the results and arguments taken from the literature, highlighting of the research significance, and summarizing of the whole research, recommendations on the further development of the theme;
  • references;
  • bibliography;
  • appendices: presentation of some additional pieces of information, graphs, diagrams utilized to complete your paper that stay beyond its body paragraphs. The main aim of this part is to broaden some data and provide additional explanations.

In fact, your professor should specify all the requirements for your dissertation, but if they have skipped some moments, it is better to clarify everything that stays unclear to you beforehand. Don't leave such things unattended since the final grade will affect only your academic performance and further career development.

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Literature Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On June 7, 2024

  A literature dissertation aims to contextualise themes, ideas, and interests that have grabbed a reader’s interest and attention, giving them a more profound meaning through the movement of time within and outside cultures.

Literature is a comprehensive knowledge of other writers’ views, and to understand them, a student must perform extensive reading and research. A writer coveys their thoughts and ideas through their literary works, including the views and opinions of writers ranging from topics on philosophy , religious preferences, sociology , academics, and psychology .

To help you get started with brainstorming for literature topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your literature dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD qualified writers in our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here .

List Of Free Dissertation Topics On Literature

  • How Has The Rise of Afropolitan Literature Reshaped Identity Discourse
  • Digital Storytelling and the Evolution of Narrative Form in the 21st Century
  • The Influence of Social Media on the Construction of Authorship and the Literary Sphere
  • An Analysis of The Growing Use of AI in Literature
  • The Representation of Mental Health in Contemporary Literature and How This Is Breaking Stigma and Fostering Empathy
  • Examining the Cultural Significance of Culinary Experiences
  • The Evolution of Male Characters in Literature
  • Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Bringing Literature Across Borders
  • A Comprehensive Analysis of the Role of Satire and Irony in Literature
  • The Convergence of Fantasy and Dystopian Literature

Literature Dissertation Topics To Help You Get Started

Topic 1: impact of the second language barrier on the social integration of immigrants- a case of chinese nationals migrating to the uk.

Research Aim: This research proposes an analysis to show the impact of the second language barrier on the social integration of Chinese immigrants in the UK. It will analyse how this barrier affects various segments of their lives by limiting their social interactions. Moreover, it will identify ways (language courses, communal support, financial support, etc.) through which government and civil society help these immigrants overcome this barrier to make them feel included in the UK and play a part in the economy.

Topic 2: The Power of the Writer’s Imagination- A Study Finding the Role of Writer Imagination in the Social Revolution in 19th-Century Europe

Research Aim: This study intends to identify the role of the writer’s imagination in the social revolution in 19 th century Europe. It will show how writers’ imagination is reflected in their writings and how it affects ordinary individuals’ mindsets. It will assess the writings of various authors during the 19 th -century social revolution when Europe replaced the monarchy with democracy. It will show the language used by the authors and its effect on the individuals’ will to achieve democracy.

Topic 3: How Does an Accent Develop? An Exploratory Analysis Finding Factors Shaped Various English Accents in the World- A Case of America, Australia, and India

Research Aim: This research will analyse how an accent develops when a language is imported from one region to the other. It will identify how various factors such as culture, norms, politics, religion, etc., affect accent development. And to show this effect, this research will show how the English accent changed when it came to America, Australia, and India. Moreover, it will indicate whether social resistance in these areas affected the accent or was readily accepted.

Topic 4: “Gender Pronouns and their Usage” a New Debate in the Social Linguistics Literature- A Systematic Review of the Past and Present Debates

Research Aim: This study sheds light on a relatively new debate in politics, sociology, and linguistics, which is how to correctly use gender pronouns in all of these contexts. Therefore, this study will explore these areas, but the main focus will be on linguistics. It will review various theories and frameworks in linguistics to show multiple old and new debates on the subject matter. Moreover, a systematic review will determine the correct usage of gender pronouns.

Topic 5: Are Men Portrayed Better in the English Literature? A Feminist Critique of the Old English Literature

Research Aim: This research will analyse whether men are portrayed better in English literature through a feminist lens. It will assess a different kind of English literature, such as poems, essays, novels, etc., to show whether men are portrayed better than women in various contexts. Moreover, it will analyse multiple classical and modern-day writers to see how they use different male and female characters in their literature. Lastly, it will add a feminist perspective on the subject matter by introducing the feminist theory and its portrayal of men and women.

COVID-19 Literature Research Topics

Topic 1: the scientific literature on the coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will review the scientific literature on the Coronavirus pandemic

Topic 2: Literature and the future world after Coronavirus.

Research Aim: This study will reveal the world’s literature predictions after the pandemic.

Topic 3: Coronavirus is a trending topic among the media, writers, and publishers

Research Aim: COVID-19 has disrupted every sector’s health care system and economy. Apart from this, the topic of the Coronavirus has become trending everywhere. This study will highlight whether the information provided about COVID-19 by all the sources is authentic. What kind of misleading information is presented?

Trending Literature Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: dependence of humans on computers.

Research Aim: This research aims to study the dependence of humans on the computer, its advantages and disadvantages.

Topic 2: Whether or not the death penalty is effective in the current era?

Research Aim: This research aims to identify whether the death penalty is effective in the current era.

Topic 3: Fashion Industry and its impact on people's upward and downward social perception

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the impact on people’s upward and downward social perception

Topic 4: Communication gaps in families due to the emergence of social media

Research Aim: This research aims to address the communication gaps in families due to the emergence of social media and suggest possible ways to overcome them.

Topic 5: Employment and overtime working hours- a comparative study

Research Aim: This research aims to measure the disadvantages of overtime working hours of employees.

Topic 6: Machine translators Vs. human translators

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct a comparative study of machine translators and human translators

Topic 7: Freelancing Vs 9 to 5 jobs- a comparative study

Research Aim: This research aims to compare freelancing jobs with 9 to 5 jobs.

More Literature Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the effects of everyday use of digital media on youth in the uk..

Research Aim: Digital media is a normal part of a person’s life. In this research, the aim is to examine and analyse; how young people between the ages of 15-25 in the UK engage with digital media. The study includes the amount of time interaction occurs and the role of time-space, time elasticities, and online/offline intersections.

Topic 2: Critical analysis of the teenager protagonist in “The Room on the Roof” written by Ruskin Bond.

Research Aim: Many Indian writers and children’s book authors regard Ruskin Bond as an icon. This research will systematically study the alienated teenage protagonist in Ruskin’s “The Room on the Roof” and how Ruskin evolved the character gradually throughout the novel. The way Ruskin used this protagonist to reflect his feelings and convey them to the reader.

Topic 3: Promotion of women empowerment through mass media in Nepal.

Research Aim: The primary purpose of this study is to analyse the role of mass media, including audio, print, and audio-visual, in the empowerment of women in the Nepal region. It also discusses the development of mass media in Nepal and spreading awareness of women’s empowerment.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service , which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Literature Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: eighteenth-century british literature..

Research Aim: This study aims to study the evolution of modern British literature compared to eighteenth-century literature. This research will focus on the genre of comedy only. The research will discuss the causes of laughter in the eighteenth century compared to things that cause laughter in modern times.

Topic 5: A systematic study of Chaucer’s Miller’s tale.

Research Aim: This research aims to take a closer look at Chaucer’s heavily censored story, “The Miller’s Tale.” It seeks to look at why “The Miller’s Tale” is criticised and categorised as obscene and unfit for a general read. The study will analyse the writer’s writing style, language, and method for the research paper.

Topic 3: Understanding 17th-century English culture using a model of Francis Bacon’s idea.

Research Aim: This research aims to take a more in-depth look into Francis Bacon’s idea of modern economic development. To conduct the study, machine learning processes will be implemented to examine Francis’s ideas and their implementations in contemporary times.

Topic 4: The relation between early 18th-century English plays and The emerging financial market.

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the relationship between eighteenth-century plays and a flourishing financial market. Most theatrical plays were written and performed in the middle of the 1720s, but writing carried out contributed to the financial market.

Topic 5: Issues of climate change used in early English literature: Shakespeare’s View of the sky.

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse climate change’s impact on early English writings. Climatic issues were faced even in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, providing writers with another topic to add to their published work. This research will focus on the work of Shakespeare, in which he included the specifics of climate change.

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Nineteenth-Century Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: impact of nineteenth-century gothic vampire literature on female members of the gothic subculture..

Research Aim: This research will look at the introduction of gothic vampire literature and its impact on female members of the gothic subculture. It includes a complete analysis of writing style and the impression it left of the female readers’.

Topic 2: Women theatre managers and the theatre in the late nineteenth century.

Research Aim: This research aims to view the impact on theatres under the management of women theatre managers. The improvement to theatre shows, along with the hardships faced by some managers, is discussed. The proposed study analyses the categories of theatre plays.

Topic 3: The history of American literature.

Research Aim: This research aims to give a brief history of American literature’s development and evolution throughout the centuries. The timeline begins from the early 15th century to the late 19th century. Word variations, sentence structures, grammar, and written impressions will be analysed.

Topic 4: “New women” concept in the novels of Victorian age English writers.

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse women’s position in the early nineteenth and how later Victorian writers used their work to give women a new identity. The method employed by these writers who wrote from a feminist point of view will also be discussed.

Topic 5: Discussing the role of the writer in their own story.

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the form in which the writer reveals their presence to the reader. The methods can be achieved directly or use the characters to replace themselves in the narrative. The study observes the phrases, vocabulary, and situations the writer uses to narrate.

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Twentieth Century Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: effect of gender association in modern literature..

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the issue of gender association in twentieth-century literature. Currently, male characters are described in a more masculine term than before in comparison to female counterparts. This research will also explore the possible approach to the possible characterisation of the two genders.

Topic 2: Feminism and literature.

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the impacts of feminism on modern English literature quality. The study will look into the ideology of feminism and how feminist thoughts impact the readers’ views.

Topic 3: Modern literature based on climate change and eco-themes.

Research Aim: This research will study the various works of writers who tackled climate change and other eco-themes in their work. The study discusses the way they portrayed the item along with their views on preventing climate change. Modern work is compared to the work of previous writers who wrote about climate change.

Topic 4: How are fathers portrayed in modern literature?

Research Aim: This research will study the role of fathers in modern literature. The way the father character is portrayed in recent times has changed compared to writing in the early centuries. This research will look into the evolution of the father figure over time.

Topic 5: Literature for Asian American children.

Research Aim: This research will examine the fusion of classic American literature and Asian literature for children. The different genera’s that are produced and the style of writing will be analysed.

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Children’s Literature Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the influence of the intersection of race and bullying in children’s books..

Research Aim: This research will analyse the literature made for children from 2015 to 2019 in which the intersection between race and bullying is made. The study will evaluate the impact of literature read by a child in which there is bullying. Various picture books are analysed to observe the influence of racism on bullying.

Topic 2: Diversity of culture in children’s literature.

Research Aim: This research will observe the influence of the various cultural aspects of children’s books. The study will analyse the impact of mixed cultures on literature in a community and how it affects children’s mindsets from a young age.

Topic 3: The use of literature to shape a child's mind.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the effects of literature on a child’s mind. Behaviour, intelligence, and interactions between children and their age fellows are to be observed. A child’s behaviour with adults will also be analysed.

Topic 4: Evolution of children's literature.

Research Aim: This research will explore the change in children’s literature trends. This research will compare the literary work from the mid-nineteen century with modern-day children’s books. Differences in vocabulary, sentence structure, and mode of storytelling will be examined.

Topic 5: Racial discrimination in “the cat in the hat” impacts children’s racial views.

Research Aim: This research will take an in-depth analysis of the children’s story, “The Cat in the Hat,” to observe if it has any racial remarks which cause an increase in racism among children. The words used and the pictures found on the page will be thoroughly analysed, and their impact on the children reading it.

Topic 6: Measuring the nature of a child’s early composing.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the development of a child’s writing skills based on the type of books they read. The book’s genera, vocabulary, and the writing style of the child’s preferred book will be considered.

Topic 7: Use of a classroom to incorporate multicultural children’s literature.

Research Aim: This research will reflect on the potential use of a school classroom to promote multicultural literature for children. Since a classroom is filled with children of different cultural backgrounds, it becomes easier to introduce multicultural literature. The difficulties and the advantages to society in the incorporation of multicultural literature in classrooms are discussed.

Important Notes:

As literature looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing literature theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The literature field is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like linguistics , English literature and more. That is why creating a literature dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field is imperative.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best literature dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample literature dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Literature Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Your University’s requirements should complete this
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialise in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good literature dissertation topics.

  • Representation of war in classic literature
  • Gender roles in Shakespearean comedies
  • Role of women during wars in classic literature
  • Use of symbolism in romantic poetry

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50+ Important English Literature Dissertation Topics

50+ Important English Literature Dissertation Topics

Choosing a dissertation topic in English literature can be both exciting and daunting. With a wealth of genres, historical periods, and critical approaches, the possibilities are vast. This comprehensive guide presents over 50 important dissertation topics across various themes and periods, helping you find inspiration for your research.

1. Renaissance Literature

1.1 shakespearean tragedies.

Explore the complexities of human nature, fate, and morality in plays like “Hamlet,” “Macbeth,” or “Othello.” Analyze themes such as ambition, revenge, and madness.

1.2 Metaphysical Poetry

Investigate the works of poets like John Donne, George Herbert, and Andrew Marvell. Focus on their use of metaphysical conceits, religious themes, and exploration of love and mortality.

1.3 Female Voices in Renaissance Literature

Examine the representation of women in the works of male authors or explore the writings of female authors like Mary Sidney and Lady Mary Wroth.

2. Victorian Literature

2.1 social criticism in dickens’ novels.

Analyze Charles Dickens’ critique of social issues such as poverty, child labour, and class disparity in novels like “Oliver Twist,” “David Copperfield,” and “Bleak House.”

2.2 The Brontë Sisters

Compare and contrast the themes of gothic elements, gender roles, and family dynamics in the works of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë.

2.3 The Role of Women in Victorian Society

Explore the depiction of women and their societal roles in the works of authors like Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy.

3. Modernism

3.1 stream of consciousness in james joyce’s “ulysses”.

Examine the narrative technique of stream of consciousness and its impact on modernist literature through Joyce’s “Ulysses.”

3.2 Alienation in Franz Kafka’s Works

Investigate themes of alienation, bureaucracy, and existential angst in Kafka’s stories like “The Metamorphosis” and “The Trial.”

3.3 Gender and Identity in Virginia Woolf’s Novels

Analyze Woolf’s exploration of gender, identity, and consciousness in works like “Mrs. Dalloway” and “Orlando.”

4. Postcolonial Literature

4.1 identity and displacement in salman rushdie’s works.

Explore themes of identity, migration, and cultural hybridity in Rushdie’s novels such as “Midnight’s Children” and “The Satanic Verses.”

4.2 Postcolonial Feminism in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Novels

Examine the intersection of postcolonial themes and feminist issues in Adichie’s works like “Half of a Yellow Sun” and “Americanah.”

4.3 Representation of Colonialism in J.M. Coetzee’s Novels

Analyze how Coetzee portrays the impacts of colonialism and apartheid in South Africa in novels like “Disgrace” and “Waiting for the Barbarians.”

5. Contemporary Literature

5.1 environmental themes in margaret atwood’s works.

Investigate the portrayal of environmental issues and dystopian futures in Atwood’s novels like “The Handmaid’s Tale” and “Oryx and Crake.”

5.2 The Digital Age in Dave Eggers’ “The Circle”

Examine the critique of technology, surveillance, and privacy in Eggers’ novel “The Circle.”

5.3 Multiculturalism in Zadie Smith’s Novels

Analyze how Smith addresses themes of multiculturalism, identity, and social dynamics in novels like “White Teeth” and “Swing Time.”

6. American Literature

6.1 the american dream in f. scott fitzgerald’s “the great gatsby”.

Explore the critique of the American Dream and the pursuit of wealth in Fitzgerald’s classic novel.

6.2 Race and Identity in Toni Morrison’s Works

Investigate Morrison’s exploration of African American identity, history, and culture in novels like “Beloved” and “Song of Solomon.”

6.3 The Southern Gothic Tradition in William Faulkner’s Works

Analyze the use of gothic elements, decaying settings, and complex family dynamics in Faulkner’s novels like “The Sound and the Fury” and “As I Lay Dying.”

7. Gothic Literature

7.1 the role of the supernatural in edgar allan poe’s stories.

Examine Poe’s use of supernatural elements, psychological horror, and themes of madness in his short stories.

7.2 Female Gothic in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

Explore the representation of gender, creation, and monstrosity in Shelley’s seminal gothic novel.

7.3 Victorian Gothic in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”

Analyze the themes of sexuality, fear of the other, and the clash between modernity and ancient evil in Stoker’s “Dracula.”

8. Science Fiction and Fantasy

8.1 dystopian themes in george orwell’s “1984”.

Investigate Orwell’s critique of totalitarianism, surveillance, and control in his dystopian novel “1984.”

8.2 World-Building in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”

Examine Tolkien’s creation of Middle-earth, focusing on themes of heroism, power, and the struggle between good and evil.

8.3 Gender and Power in Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

Analyze the depiction of gender, power dynamics, and resistance in Atwood’s dystopian novel.

9. Children’s Literature

9.1 moral lessons in aesop’s fables.

Explore the use of anthropomorphism and moral teaching in Aesop’s classic fables.

9.2 Fantasy and Reality in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” Series

Investigate the blend of fantasy and reality, the hero’s journey, and themes of friendship and bravery in the “Harry Potter” series.

9.3 Colonialism and Race in “Peter Pan”

Examine J.M. Barrie’s portrayal of colonialism, race, and the concept of the “other” in “Peter Pan.”

10. Romantic Literature

10.1 nature and the sublime in william wordsworth’s poetry.

Analyze Wordsworth’s depiction of nature, the sublime, and the human experience in his poetry.

10.2 Love and Loss in John Keats’ Poetry

Investigate the themes of love, loss, and mortality in Keats’ poetic works.

10.3 Gothic Elements in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

Explore the blending of Romantic and Gothic elements in Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein.”

11. Feminist Literature

11.1 feminist themes in virginia woolf’s “a room of one’s own”.

Examine Woolf’s arguments about women’s rights, creativity, and the need for financial independence in her extended essay.

11.2 Intersectionality in Audre Lorde’s Works

Analyze Lorde’s exploration of intersectionality, identity, and resistance in her poetry and essays.

11.3 Gender and Power in Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar”

Investigate Plath’s portrayal of gender roles, mental illness, and societal expectations in her semi-autobiographical novel.

12. Historical Literature

12.1 historical accuracy in hilary mantel’s “wolf hall”.

Examine Mantel’s depiction of Thomas Cromwell and the Tudor court, focusing on historical accuracy and narrative style.

12.2 The Representation of War in Erich Maria Remarque’s “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Analyze Remarque’s portrayal of the horrors of World War I and its impact on soldiers.

12.3 The French Revolution in Charles Dickens’s “A Tale of Two Cities”

Investigate Dickens’ depiction of the French Revolution, class struggle, and redemption in “A Tale of Two Cities.”

13. Comparative Literature

13.1 comparing dystopian societies in “1984” and “brave new world”.

Analyze the similarities and differences in the dystopian societies depicted by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

13.2 The Hero’s Journey in “The Odyssey” and “The Lord of the Rings”

Examine the use of the hero’s journey archetype in Homer’s epic poem and Tolkien’s fantasy series.

13.3 Themes of Revenge in “Hamlet” and “The Count of Monte Cristo”

Compare and contrast the themes of revenge, justice, and morality in Shakespeare’s play and Dumas’ novel.

14. Mythology and Literature

14.1 the role of myth in james joyce’s “ulysses”.

Investigate how Joyce incorporates and reinterprets classical myths in his modernist novel “Ulysses.”

14.2 Greek Tragedy in Modern Literature

Analyze the influence of Greek tragedy on contemporary works, focusing on themes of fate, hubris, and catharsis.

14.3 Mythical Motifs in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” Series

Explore the use of mythical motifs, creatures, and archetypes in the “Harry Potter” series.

15. Queer Literature

15.1 queer identity in james baldwin’s “giovanni’s room”.

Examine Baldwin’s exploration of queer identity, love, and societal norms in his novel “Giovanni’s Room.”

15.2 Gender and Sexuality in Oscar Wilde’s Works

Analyze Wilde’s depiction of gender, sexuality, and societal hypocrisy in his plays and novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”

15.3 The Intersection of Race and Sexuality in Audre Lorde’s Poetry

Investigate Lorde’s exploration of the intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality in her poetry.

Choosing a dissertation topic in English literature requires careful consideration of your interests, the scope of available research, and the depth of the material. The above list provides a diverse array of topics across different periods, genres, and themes, offering a solid foundation for your academic exploration. Whether you are drawn to the timeless works of Shakespeare, the social critiques of Victorian literature, the innovative narratives of modernism, or the diverse voices of contemporary literature, there is a rich vein of material to explore in your dissertation.

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100 Best Literature Research Paper Topics For Students

literary research paper topics

Literary research paper topics are among the most interesting to write about. Books are the best teachers for most learners. And, students love reading interesting literature books. But, when asked to write research papers, most students have difficulties choosing their topics. That’s because many issues can be investigated and written about.

For instance, literary topics can be about characters’ personalities in certain works. They can also be about particular characteristics of specific literary genres. Learners can also choose literary analysis topics that focus on the life story of famous writers or poets. But, regardless of what a learner opts to write about, they should choose interesting topics.

What are Interesting Literary Research Paper Topics?

Several factors make a topic interesting to write about. A topic for a research paper or a graduate thesis should generally be definite, specific, and innovative. Also, it should be interesting to research and write about. Here’s how to select interesting literature topics:

Think about something. Explore the idea to select a topic for which you can find sufficient research data from credible sources. Narrow down your subject if you find it too broad.

English literature topics can be classified into different categories. Here some of these categories and topics can be considered in each category.

Great World Literature Research Topics

Perhaps, you’ve been asked to write a literature research paper with a global perspective. Here are some of the literary analysis research paper topics that you can consider.

  • Explain how the supernatural and spirituality help in furthering the development of the plot in the Latin American literature of the early 20th century.
  • What themes are common in the Japanese poems of the early 20th century? How do they differ from those of the early 19th century?
  • Compare the early Chinese literary works and European literary works of the middle ages. How different or alike are they?
  • How were European literary works in the early 20th century shaped by the revolutionary works of Engels and Marx? What examples can demonstrate this influence?
  • Explain how the Muslim philosophers’ work of the 15th century led to new ideas and inventions across the globe.
  • Compare and contrast different anti-British works that originated in India in the 19th century with pro-colonialist works that came from England at the same time.
  • How did the nightmarish utopian future ideas of Aldous Huxley influence modern-day science fiction writers across the world?
  • Explain how the Antigone play by Sophocles deals with the conflict between the central characters while relating to the state laws and individual conscience.
  • How are the sentiments of the authors reflected in Animal Farm by George Orwell and concerns about the October Revolution?
  • Explain some of the examples of literary fiction pieces that have shaped cultures in the world. Have historic, societal, and cultural factors played some roles in shaping these literature pieces?
  • Being a prolific writer in the early and mid-19th century, Charles Dickens’s works were published in serialized forms. How and why has this approach become less fashionable?
  • Compare and contrast the early Japanese literature works and the early Chinese literature works. How do they differ in terms of values and culture?
  • Explain how comedy differs in literature across cultures. What comedy appeared in the early theatrical performances and it’s still present in modern literature?
  • Analyze chivalry and honor critically in the Green Knight and Sir Gawain. What are the qualities of these works from a similar period?
  • Compare and contrast the Odyssey and Iliad by Homer the Ancient Greek. Explain how cultures across the world have adapted the themes presented in the poem.

Top Literary topics for Research Paper

Some topics for literary analysis stand out among students. These are topics that educators recommend for students across the study levels.

  • How is literature an aspect of modern culture?
  • Explain how feminism has influenced modern literature
  • How is psychology utilized in literature?
  • Explain the major social issues that have been exposed by literary works
  • Explain the philosophical tradition of Daoism in the Chinese literature
  • Explain the roles played by death and honor in Japanese literature in the 20th century
  • Explain how the European culture influences the Mid-West literature
  • How has European culture affected modern literature?
  • Analyze the personality of Don Quixote
  • Explain how literature differs between countries.
  • Discuss poetry in the innovative ear of the 21st century
  • Examine racism in the novels of the 1960s and 1970s
  • Explain the exile’s perception in literature
  • Literature and culture? Which one affects the other?
  • How has literature addressed homosexuality?

These can also be great literary debate topics. That’s because learners can have varying opinions about them.

British Literature Research Paper Topics

Students have many topics to choose from when it comes to British literature essay topics. Here are some of the best literature topics from the works of British authors.

  • Discuss Victorian England’s picture with the works of Charles Dickens in mind
  • Discuss the theme of Orphans with the Oliver Twist character in mind
  • Explain how British Literature has influenced different cultures
  • Explain how British literature has addressed gender issues
  • Explain how King Lear highlights the differences between anti-heroes and villains
  • Explain William Shakespeare’s personality- Highlight facts and myths
  • Choose two famous British novels and then compare the characters in them
  • Explain the viewpoint of different writers about the Utopian civilization idea
  • With Harry Potter books in mind, explain why some literature books are considered classics
  • Explain how love and romantic love are presented in Charlotte Bronte’s works
  • Explain how modern literary works have been affected by the Victorian period works
  • Discuss the adultery theme in Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Who are the main characters in Lake Poets’ works?
  • Explain how violent imagery was used in World War I poetry
  • Explain talent as a theme in Milton’s on His Blindness
  • Explain innocence loss in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies
  • Explain the theme of individualism versus collectivism in Oliver Twist
  • Explain why the popularity of detective novels increased in the XIX century
  • What role did the supernatural play in Macbeth: a case study of three witches
  • Class demarcation in XVII century- The vengeance theme

American Literature Topics

Some teachers ask students to choose American literature research topics for certain reasons. If asked to write on such topics, here are some of the American literature research paper topics to consider.

  • Analyze key aspects of American ideology, particularly in the literature written before the 20th century.
  • Determine thematic concerns and literary styles of the major historical period of American literature between the colonial period and post-modernism.
  • Show the American identity uniqueness of texts
  • Propose connections between the American literature concerns and themes in the larger historical development and social issues that face the present world
  • Examine major concerns and themes that reappear across the American literature
  • Highlight the major themes in Absalom, Absalom by William Faulkner
  • Explain the African American Experience with female authors like Alice Walker, Zora Neal Hurston, and Toni Morrison
  • Explain the predominant theme in The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
  • Explain how Jonathan Edwards epitomizes Puritan definitions in his sermons
  • Explain the use of historical personalities and events by Washington Irving as the background for his works
  • The Crucible demonstrates how a community can be torn apart by hysteria. Explain
  • Explain how Sylvia Plath demonstrates the social pressure faced by women in the 1960s in the Bell Jar.
  • Explain how John Knowles demonstrates the impact of war on everyone
  • Explain the strong belief in the education power by Maya Angelou as depicted in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  • Explain how Thornton Wilder conveys life as a gift in Our Town
  • Discuss the themes of anger and pity in the Grapes of Wrath
  • Explain how Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck portrays the Great Depression struggles
  • Discuss the portrayal of the unconquerable spirit in Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.
  • Plays by Eugene O’Neil are tragically realistic. Explain
  • God is humanized in The Creation poem by James Weldon Johnson. Explain

Some of the ideas here are great poetry topics. Nevertheless, they require careful research and analysis to write about.

High School Literary Essay Topics

Some topics in literature are ideal for high school essays. Here are examples of literary analysis paper topics for high school students.

  • Compare and contrast the major characters in your preferred book
  • Choose your favorite character in a book and explain your reasons for liking it
  • Please explain why the quality of a literature book is not determined by its length
  • Highlight the similarities of your favorite books
  • Discuss the top 4 authors in horror books
  • Explain why reading some books is more difficult than reading others
  • Explain what it takes to write a high-quality poem
  • Who is your favorite poet and why?
  • Explain what makes your favorite book interesting
  • Who is your favorite character in literary works and why?
  • What makes some literature books difficult to read?
  • Who are your favorite top 5 authors and why?
  • Should the age of readers be restricted to some books?
  • What is your favorite literary genre?
  • Explain why the author determines the quality of a book more than the story
  • Discuss the literary works of your favorite authors
  • Why is it important to captivate readers with the introductory chapter of a book?
  • Which book genre makes great movies?
  • Why is the work of Harry Potter so popular?
  • Explain why your favorite horror book is scary

Unique Research Topics in English Literature

Some literature research topics are unique and can be written about by learners at different study levels. Here are examples of such topics.

  • Analyze the use of literary devices in novels
  • Discuss the author’s autobiography
  • Analyze literary genres and the role played by an artist in them
  • Compare the works of a similar genre
  • Highlight the gender roles of characters in literary works
  • Social stratification and Harry Potter- Discuss
  • With Charles Dickens’ work in mind, explain the peculiarity of the bildungsroman genre.
  • Explain how The Lord of the Rings uses artificial language
  • Explain how the Sherlock Holmes image influences the world of detective fiction
  • Explain the war theme in the world literature

These are also great literary journalism topics. Nevertheless, they require extensive research to write about.

In a nutshell, students have many literary argument topics to consider. The most important thing is to choose an interesting topic that you can find sufficient data to write about. Also, don’t hesitate to check our history topics .

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101 best english literature thesis topics and ideas.

101 Best English Literature Thesis Topics and Ideas

Writing an English literature thesis involves delving into the depths of literary works, critical theories, historical contexts, and creative insights. It is an opportunity for students to explore and analyze literary texts, theories, and cultural perspectives, culminating in a scholarly contribution to the field of literature. Here’s an introductory overview of English literature thesis writing:

Introduction to English Literature Thesis Writing

An English literature thesis represents an academic pursuit that requires an in-depth understanding of literary works, critical analysis, and the ability to engage with diverse theories and methodologies. It serves as a platform for students to showcase their comprehension, interpretation, and critical evaluation of literary texts, while also contributing their unique perspectives and arguments to the discourse.

Importance and Purpose of an English Literature Thesis

An English literature thesis serves multiple purposes, including:

  • Demonstrating a student’s critical thinking, analytical skills, and scholarly engagement with literary texts.
  • Contributing original insights, interpretations, or arguments to the existing body of literary scholarship.
  • Showcasing the ability to conduct independent research, analyze complex ideas, and articulate them effectively in written form.

101 English Literature Thesis Topics

  • The Portrayal of Gender Roles in Shakespearean Comedies
  • Cultural Identity in Postcolonial African Literature
  • Psychological Analysis of Character Development in Gothic Novels
  • Representations of War and Trauma in Modernist Literature
  • Postmodernist Narratives and Fragmentation in Contemporary Fiction
  • Environmental Concerns in Ecocritical Literature
  • Queer Theory and LGBTQ+ Representation in Literature
  • Folklore and Mythology in Fantasy Literature
  • Metafiction and Self-Reflexivity in Literary Works
  • Psychoanalytic Interpretations of Gothic Literature
  • Indigenous Literature and Identity Representation
  • Intersectionality in Feminist Literature
  • Posthumanism and Speculative Fiction
  • Satire and Social Commentary in British Literature
  • Transcendentalism and Nature in American Romanticism
  • Magical Realism in Latin American Literature
  • Dystopian Fiction and Sociopolitical Commentary
  • Existential Themes in Modern Literature
  • Decolonizing Narratives in Commonwealth Literature
  • Mythic Archetypes in Heroic Epic Poetry
  • Feminist Perspectives on Victorian Literature
  • Religious Motifs in Renaissance Literature
  • Modernist Poetry and the Stream of Consciousness Technique
  • Allegory and Symbolism in Medieval Literature
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Classic Literature
  • Literary Representations of Mental Health and Illness
  • Postcolonial Identity in Caribbean Literature
  • Historical Fiction and Revisionist Narratives
  • Literature of the Harlem Renaissance and Racial Identity
  • Regionalism and Cultural Identity in American Literature
  • Contemporary Adaptations of Classical Works
  • Literary Journalism and Narrative Nonfiction
  • Bildungsroman and Coming-of-Age Narratives
  • Colonialism and Subaltern Voices in Literature
  • Narrative Structure in Contemporary Short Stories
  • Marxism and Socioeconomic Critique in Literature
  • Children’s Literature and Socioemotional Development
  • Gothic Subversions in Victorian Literature
  • Existential Themes in Absurdist Drama
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature and Science
  • The Role of Nature in Romantic Poetry
  • Colonial Discourse in Postcolonial Literature
  • Folklore and Cultural Preservation in Literature
  • Psychological Realism in 19th-century Novels
  • Literature of the Civil Rights Movement
  • Symbolism and Allegory in Renaissance Drama
  • Postmodernist Parody and Intertextuality
  • Transnationalism in Global Literature
  • The Influence of Mythology on Contemporary Fantasy
  • Sentimentalism in 18th-century Literature
  • Aestheticism and Art for Art’s Sake Movement
  • Nostalgia and Memory in Contemporary Memoirs
  • Representations of the Other in Colonial Literature
  • Colonialism and Identity Crisis in African Diaspora Literature
  • Romantic Love and Relationships in Literary Works
  • Subversion of Gender Norms in 20th-century Literature
  • Literary Representations of Mental Health Stigma
  • The Concept of the Hero in Epic Poetry
  • Representations of Power Dynamics in Renaissance Drama
  • Utopian and Dystopian Visions in Science Fiction
  • Literary Explorations of Human Rights and Justice
  • The Influence of Psychoanalysis on Literary Theory
  • Ethical Ambiguities in Postmodernist Literature
  • Feminist Utopias and Gender Equality in Fiction
  • Theatricality and Metafiction in Postmodern Drama
  • Spatial and Urban Identities in Modern Literature
  • Literature of the Beat Generation and Counterculture
  • Deconstruction and Literary Analysis
  • Ethics and Morality in Victorian Literature
  • Metafictional Elements in Contemporary Novels
  • Social Realism and Working-Class Literature
  • Rewriting Mythology in Contemporary Literature
  • Literary Representations of Immigration and Diaspora
  • The Modernist Experimentation in Narrative Structure
  • Indigenous Oral Traditions and Storytelling
  • Ecocritical Perspectives in Poetry
  • Gothic Horror Elements in Victorian Literature
  • Literary Representations of Disability and Difference
  • The Psychological Impact of Trauma in Post-war Literature
  • Postcolonial Literature and the Question of Identity
  • Psychological Depth in Shakespearean Tragedies
  • Literature and Climate Change Discourse
  • The Grotesque in Southern Gothic Literature
  • Postmodernist Irony and Meta-narratives
  • Indigenous Women’s Voices in Literature
  • Utopian Visions and Social Critique in Literature
  • Existential Themes in 20th-century Drama
  • Political Satire in Modern Literature
  • The Role of Memory and History in Historical Fiction
  • Romanticism and the Imagination in Poetry
  • Surrealist Techniques in Contemporary Prose
  • Transculturalism and Hybrid Identities in Literature
  • The Concept of Otherness in Fantasy Literature
  • Mythological Archetypes in Contemporary Fiction
  • Diasporic Literature and the Search for Home
  • Surrealism and Dream Imagery in Poetry
  • Psychological Realism in 20th-century Novels
  • Magical Realism and Cultural Identity
  • Globalization and Literature of the 21st Century
  • The Concept of Time in Postmodern Literature
  • Literary Representations of Displacement and Exile

These topics span diverse periods, genres, cultures, and critical approaches within English literature, offering a broad array of potential research areas for scholars interested in exploring various aspects of literary studies.

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Walker, Daniel (June 2015) – “Sociable Uncertainties: Literature and the Ethics of Indeterminacy in Eighteenth-Century Britain”

Reilly, Ariana (June 2015) – “Leave-Takings: Anti-Self-Consciousness and the Escapist Ends of the Victorian Marriage Plot”

Lerner, Ross (June 2015) – "Framing Fanaticism: Religion, Violence, and the Reformation Literature of Self-Annihilation”

Harrison, Matthew (June 2015) – "Tear Him for His Bad Verses: Poetic Value and Literary History in Early Modern England”

Krumholtz, Matthew (June 2015) – “Talking Points: American Dialogue in the Twentieth Century”

Dauber, Maayan (March 2015) – "The Pathos of Modernism: Henry James, Virginia Woolf, and Gertrude Stein (with a coda on J.M. Coetzee)”

Hostetter, Lyra (March 2015) – “Novel Errantry: An Annotated Edition of Horatio, of Holstein (1800)”

Sanford, Beatrice (January 2015) – “Love’s Perception: Nineteenth-Century Aesthetics of Attachment”

Chong, Kenneth (January 2015) – “Potential Theologies: Scholasticism and Middle English Literature”

Worsley, Amelia (September 2014) – “The Poetry of Loneliness from Romance to Romanticism”

Hurtado, Jules (June 2014) – “The Pornographer at the Crossroads: Sex, Realism and Experiment in the Contemporary English Novel”

Rutherford, James (June 2014) – "Irrational Actors: Literature and Logic in Early Modern England”

Wilde, Lisa (June 2014) – “English Numeracy and the Writing of New Worlds, 1543-1622”

Hyde, Emily (November 2013) – “A Way of Seeing: Modernism, Illustration, and Postcolonial Literature”

Ortiz, Ivan (September 2013) – “Romanticism and the Aesthetics of Modern Transport”

Aronowicz, Yaron (September 2013) – “Fascinated Moderns: The Attentions of Modern Fiction”

Wythoff, Grant (September 2013) – “Gadgetry: New Media and the Fictional Imagination”

Ramachandran, Anitha (September 2013) – "Recovering Global Women’s Travel Writings from the Modern Period: An Inquiry Into Genre and Narrative Agency”

Reuland, John (April 2013) – “The Self Unenclosed: A New Literary History of Pragmatism, 1890-1940”

Wasserman, Sarah (January 2013) – “Material Losses: Urban Ephemera in Contemporary American Literature and Culture”

Kastner, Tal (November 2012) – "The Boilerplate of Everything and the Ideal of Agreement in American Law and Literature"

Labella, John (October 2012) – "Lyric Hemisphere: Latin America in United States Poetry, 1927-1981"

Kindley, Evan (September 2012) – "Critics and Connoisseurs: Poet-Critics and the Administration of Modernism"

Smith, Ellen (September 2012) – "Writing Native: The Aboriginal in Australian Cultural Nationalism 1927-1945"

Werlin, Julianne (September 2012) – "The Impossible Probable: Modeling Utopia in Early Modern England"

Posmentier, Sonya (May 2012) – "Cultivation and Catastrophe:  Forms of Nature in Twentieth-Century Poetry of the Black Diaspora"

Alfano, Veronica (September 2011) – “The Lyric in Victorian Memory”

Foltz, Jonathan (September 2011) – “Modernism and the Narrative Cultures of Film”

Coghlan, J. Michelle (September 2011) – “Revolution’s Afterlife; The Paris Commune in American Cultural Memory, 1871-1933”

Christoff, Alicia (September 2011) – “Novel Feeling”

Shin, Jacqueline (August 2011) – “Picturing Repose: Between the Acts of British Modernism”

Ebrahim, Parween (August 2011) – “Outcasts and Inheritors: The Ishmael Ethos in American Culture, 1776-1917”

Reckson, Lindsay (August 2011) – “Realist Ecstasy: Enthusiasm in American Literature 1886 - 1938"

Londe, Gregory (June 2011) – “Enduring Modernism: Forms of Surviving Location in the 20th Century Long Poem”

Brown, Adrienne (June 2011) – “Reading Between the Skylines: The Skyscraper in American Modernism”

Russell, David (June 2011) – “A Literary History of Tact: Sociability, Aesthetic Liberalism and the Essay Form in Nineteenth-Century Britain”

Hostetter, Aaron (December 2010) – "The Politics of Eating and Cooking in Medieval English Romance"

Moshenska, Joseph (November 2010) – " 'Feeling Pleasures': The Sense of Touch in Renaissance England"

Walker, Casey (September 2010) – "The City Inside: Intimacy and Urbanity in Henry James, Marcel Proust and Virginia Woolf"

Rackin, Ethel (August 2010) – "Ornamentation and Essence in Modernist Poetry"

Noble, Mary (August 2010) – "Primitive Marriage: Anthropology and Nineteenth-Century Fiction"

Fox, Renee (August 2010) – "Necromantic Victorians: Reanimation, History and the Politics of Literary Innovation, 1868-1903"

Hopper, Briallen (June 2010) – “Feeling Right in American Reform Culture”

Lee, Wendy (June 2010) -- "Failures of Feeling in the British Novel from Richardson to Eliot"

Moyer, James (March 2010) – "The Passion of Abolitionism: How Slave Martyrdom Obscures Slave Labor”

Forbes, Erin (September 2009) – “Genius of Deep Crime:  Literature, Enslavement and the American Criminal”

Crawforth, Hannah (September 2009) – “The Politics and Poetics of Etymology in Early Modern Literature”

Elliott, Danielle (April 2009) – "Sea of Bones: The Middle Passage in Contemporary Poetry of the Black Atlantic”

Yu, Wesley (April 2009) – “Romance Logic: The Argument of Vernacular Verse in the Scholastic Middle Ages”

Cervantes, Gabriel (April 2009) – "Genres of Correction: Anglophone Literature and the Colonial Turn in Penal Law 1722-1804”

Rosinberg, Erwin (January 2009) – "A Further Conjunction: The Couple and Its Worlds in Modern British Fiction”

Walsh, Keri (January 2009) – "Antigone in Modernism: Classicism, Feminism, and Theatres of Protest”

Heald, Abigail (January 2009) – “Tears for Dido: A Renaissance Poetics of Feeling”

Bellin, Roger (January 2009) – "Argument: The American Transcendentalists and Disputatious Reason”

Ellis, Nadia (November 2008) – "Colonial Affections: Formulations of Intimacy Between England and the Caribbean, 1930-1963”

Baskin, Jason (November 2008) – “Embodying Experience: Romanticism and Social Life in the Twentieth Century”

Barrett, Jennifer-Kate (September 2008) – “ ‘So Written to Aftertimes’: Renaissance England’s Poetics of Futurity”

Moss, Daniel (September 2008) – “Renaissance Ovids: The Metamorphosis of Allusion in Late Elizabethan England”

Rainof, Rebecca (September 2008) – “Purgatory and Fictions of Maturity: From Newman to Woolf”

Darznik, Jasmin (November 2007) – “Writing Outside the Veil: Literature by Women of the Iranian Diaspora”

Bugg, John (September 2007) – “Gagging Acts: The Trials of British Romanticism”

Matson, John (September 2007) – “Marking Twain: Mechanized Composition and Medial Subjectivity in the Twain Era”

Neel, Alexandra (September 2007) – “The Writing of Ice: The Literature and Photography of Polar Regions”

Smith-Browne, Stephanie (September 2007) – “Gothic and the Pacific Voyage: Patriotism, Romance and Savagery in South Seas Travels and the Utopia of the Terra Australis”

Bystrom, Kerry (June 2007) – “Orphans and Origins: Family, Memory, and Nation in Argentina and South Africa”

Ards, Angela (June 2007) – “Affirmative Acts: Political Piety in African American Women’s Contemporary Autobiography”

Cragwall, Jasper (June 2007) – “Lake Methodism”

Ball, David (June 2007) – “False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism, 1850-1950”

Ramdass, Harold (June 2007) – “Miswriting Tragedy: Genealogy, History and Orthography in the Canterbury Tales, Fragment I”

Lilley, James (June 2007) – “Common Things: Transatlantic Romance and the Aesthetics of Belonging, 1764-1840”

Noble, Mary (March 2007) – “Primitive Marriage: Anthropology and Nineteenth-Century Fiction”

Passannante, Gerard (January 2007) – “The Lucretian Renaissance: Ancient Poetry and Humanism in an Age of Science”

Tessone, Natasha (November 2006) – “The Fiction of Inheritance: Familial, Cultural, and National Legacies in the Irish and Scottish Novel”

Horrocks, Ingrid (September 2006) – “Reluctant Wanderers, Mobile Feelings: Moving Figures in Eighteenth-Century Literature”

Bender, Abby (June 2006) – “Out of Egypt and into bondage: Exodus in the Irish National Imagination”

Johnson, Hannah (June 2006) – “The Medieval Limit: Historiography, Ethics, Culture”

Horowitz, Evan (January 2006) – “The Writing of Modern Life”

White, Gillian (November 2005) – “ ‘We Do Not Say Ourselves Like That in Poems’: The Poetics of Contingency in Wallace Stevens and Elizabeth Bishop

Baudot, Laura (September 2005) – “Looking at Nothing: Literary Vacuity in the Long Eighteenth Century”

Hicks, Kevin (September 2005) – “Acts of Recovery: American Antebellum Fictions”

Stern, Kimberly (September 2005) – “The Victorian Sibyl: Women Reviewers and the Reinvention of Critical Tradition”

Nardi, Steven (May 2005) – “Automatic Aesthetics: Race, Technology, and Poetics in the Harlem Renaissance and American New Poetry”

Sayeau, Michael (May 2005) – “Everyday: Literature, Modernity, and Time”

Cooper, Lawrence (April 2005) – “Gothic Realities: The Emergence of Cultural Forms Through Representations of the Unreal”

Betjemann, Peter (November 2004) – “Talking Shop: Craft and Design in Hawthorne, James, and Wharton”

Forbes, Aileen (November 2004) – “Passion Play: Theaters of Romantic Emotion”

Keeley, Howard (November 2004) – “Beyond Big House and Cabin: Dwelling Politically in Modern Irish Literature”

Machlan, Elizabeth (November 2004) – “Panic Rooms: Architecture and Anxiety in New York Stories from 1900 to 9/11”

McDowell, Demetrius (November 2004) – “Hawthorne, James, and the Pressures of the Literary Marketplace”

Waldron, Jennifer (November 2004) – “Eloquence of the Body: Aesthetics, Theology, and English Renaissance Theater”

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100+ English Literature Dissertation Topics in 2024

Vandana Thakur Image

Vandana Thakur ,

Mar 4, 2024

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Dissertation Topics in English Literature include research topics from poems, stories, literature study etc. It contains topics like Milton & the Bible, The Origins of the Novel, George Eliot and Religious Doubt, Ruskin and Heritage, etc.

100+ English Literature Dissertation Topics in 2024

Dissertation topics in English literature consist of academic topics in literature that allow students to present their creativity and imagination through writing. It allows students to examine a topic, analyse its significance and portray their views after research in their dissertation.

The dissertation topics in English literature contain topics like Freud and early modernism, Bernard Malumud and Jewish writing, Kipling's India, Psychology and the modern novel etc.

List of 100+ Dissertation Topics in English Literature

There are a wide range of dissertation topics in English literature that students can choose from, research and create their dissertation. Below are the category-wise Dissertation Topics in English Literature.

17th and 18th Century Dissertation Topics in English Literature

19th century dissertation topics in english literature, 20th century dissertation topics in english literature, interdisciplinary subjects dissertation topics, identity and place dissertation topics in english literature, children's dissertation topics in english literature, postcolonialism and dissertation topics in english literature, eco literature dissertation topics in english literature.

The 17th & 18th centuries witnessed the emergence of the novel script, permitting writers to crossways comment on the world utilising plot, metaphor, interior monologues & innovative dramatic devices. Below are some of the dissertation topics in English Literature for students to choose from.

  • Milton & the Bible.
  • Paradise Lost & the Fall from Grace: The nearest look at the redemption poetry of the 17th century.
  • The Genesis Myth & famous literature of the 17th century.
  • Love, loss & the geographical vision in the poetry of John Donne.
  • The foremost literary explorers: How findings shaped the literary vision of the 17th century.
  • Stendhal & the onset of consumerism.
  • Visions of nature: Wordsworth & the Eighteenth-Century poetical vision.
  • Interiors & interiority in the 18th novel.
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge & the issue of the aesthetic.
  • The roots of the novel.
  • How Paradise Lost formed the future of the novels.
  • The Female Voice: How Girls Become Ladies in 17th Century Fiction.
  • How & why Laurence Sterne revealed the artefacts of fiction.

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The nineteenth-century English literature reflects Britain's transformations due to industrialisation and the fall of religious life. It marks new ways of living while grieving the past, exploring the effects of secularisation on individuals. Below are some of the dissertation topics in English Literature for candidates to research.

  • Love & loss in Thomas Hardy's poems (1912-1913)
  • Retrieving the buried life: Imaginative aspiration in the poetry of Matthew Arnold.
  • Love & transmission in the poetry of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  • Bulwer-Lytton and the magical tradition.
  • George Eliot and holy doubt.
  • Naturalist & mystic: Discovering the origin of Richard Jefferies' inspiration.
  • Digging for the simple life: Rustic paper in the nineteenth century.
  • An analysis of provincial life: Trollope writing after Austen.
  • The extent of costume in the work of Dickens.
  • Micro & macro: Comprehending the power relations in The Old Curiosity Shop & Bleak House.
  • The changing spiritual imagination of the 19th century.
  • How did politics alter literature in the 19th century?
  • Gender expression in the gothic novel.
  • The changing sense of the Victorian family in the creation of Gaskell.
  • Ruskin & heritage.
  • How did Realism emerge in 19th-century literature?
  • How did Frankenstein expect Science Fiction?

The twentieth century noticed significant aesthetic & philosophical shifts that disrupted the boundaries between prose & poetry in English literature. Below are some of the unique dissertation topics in English literature for students to pick for their dissertation:

  • Imaginative closure in the 20th novel.
  • W.H. Auden & poetic syntax.
  • Understanding the War: Ivor Gurney & the new poetic format.
  • Water imagery in the creation of Virginia Woolf.
  • 'Is there anything better to be Found?': T.S Eliot & the Wasteland.
  • Ted Hughes & Seamus Heaney: An analysis of similarity and difference.
  • 'Daring to break convention': The catastrophe of Sylvia Plath.
  • Time, Space in The Time Machine & The Island of Dr Moreau.
  • Aldous Huxley & the quest for the 'Other.'
  • Concerning the idea of being in the position of Milan Kundara.
  • A breakdown of character & identity in the creation of Ian McEwan.
  • Freud & before modernism.
  • Circular narrative form in the work of May Sinclair.
  • Investigations in Form: Joyce & the Twentieth Century.
  • Bernard Malumud & Jewish writing.
  • Magic & fantasy in the innovation of Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • Kipling's India and its impact on the readers.
  • Jack Kerouac & travel script.
  • An analysis of the similarities & distinctions between modernism & postmodernism.
  • How did postmodernism try to kill the novel?
  • Lost in the Amusing House: How John Barth revealed the artefacts of fiction?

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Interdisciplinary study concerns combining literature with various disciplines like philosophy, architecture, religion, sociology, art, history, etc. It helps students to gain knowledge regarding techniques, themes, and contexts. Below are the dissertation topics of English literature regarding interdisciplinary subjects.

  • Describe architecture in the work of Thomas Hardy.
  • Science & the 19th-century novel.
  • Solving the space age: Publications of the twenty-first century.
  • Astronomy and the poetic fantasy of the 19th century.
  • Why philosophy counts as literature.
  • Travelling the disciplinary boundaries: English writings & archaeology.
  • Transforming political relations in novels since 1900.
  • The interrelation of science & the arts since the 19th century.
  • Psychology & modern fiction.
  • Memory & view in Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the day.
  • Pursuing the self: Psychology in twenty-first-century publications.
  • Darwin & the Evolutionary Chronology.
  • The significance of history in interpreting the modern text.
  • Sister Arts: modern poetry & painting. Poststructuralist theories of language & the postmodern reader.
  • Print culture, mass diffusion, and their effects on the publications of the Renaissance.
  • A sociolinguistic study of The Twilight series.

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Landscapes serve as inspiration and character development tools for writers of different literary genres. Novels use narrative techniques to portray inner lives, and identity is closely related to place and culture. Students can find dissertation topics in English literature given below regarding identity and place.

  • Transforming landscapes: How urban or rural partition was represented in the 19th century.
  • Travel documenting in the 20th century.
  • What were the consequences of 'Enclosure' on the poetry of the Romantics?
  • The significance of place to the Romantic poet.
  • The changing depiction of city living since the 19th century.
  • Nature, narrative, and poem since 1940.
  • Thomas Hardy & Wessex.
  • Richard Jefferies' Wiltshire.
  • The Lake District is placed in poems of the 18th century.
  • The Mountain was a character in the 19th century.
  • Landscape & uniqueness in Lesley Glaister's Honour Thy Father.
  • Reporting in the desert: Narratives of Africa.
  • Identity, place, and history in postcolonial literature.
  • The essence of the sea in colonial exploration narratives.
  • Cornish terrains in the work of Thomas Hardy.
  • Charles Kingsley & ‘Westward Ho! ‘.
  • Terms of the Wealden Forest in Literature since 1800.
  • The beach has been a site for transformation in literature since the 19th century.
  • Post-9/11 fiction: dislocation and globalisation.
  • Wilderness and immigrant nationhood in North American fiction and verse.

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Children's literature utilises imagination, humour, and tradition to create complex themes and imagery. When writing a dissertation on children's literature, consider the age range and societal expectations for appropriate content. Below are some of the children's dissertation topics in English literature.

  • What creates an Epic?: A dialogue of favourite children's novels from 1900.
  • Fabulous Beasts: Imagery in J.K. Rowling & Tolkien.
  • Finding Wonderland: Narrative method and visionary understanding in the work of Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • The quest for Utopia in island stories for children.
  • Beatrix Potter & the importance of illustration.
  • Animals & their role in children's literature since the 19th century
  • Hans Christian Anderson & the essence of the fairytale.
  • Why humour counts in children's literature.
  • Lucy Maud Montgomery & the story of the young artist.
  • Roald Dahl, the absurd and the sublime.
  • Enid Blyton and the famous adventure story.
  • A historical study of the origins of children's literature.
  • The significance of names in children's literature.
  • Reading to the under-fives: growing imaginations & relationships.
  • Enabling children to learn through storybooks.
  • What did the Victorians read to their kids?
  • Replicas of disability in young literature.

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The subject matter of postcolonialism, an influential academic theory, provides critical perspectives on race, belonging, power, politics, and emancipation. Below are some of the specific dissertation topics in English literature regarding postcolonialism.

  • Exploring the 'Other' in Victorian novels.
  • Postcolonialism in Naipaul's The Enigma of Incoming.
  • How has the Black Lives Matter campaign impacted contemporary black literature?
  • A postcolonial lesson of contemporary refugee publications.
  • Postcolonialism & climate adaptation literature.
  • The postcolonial reading of Things Fall Apart by Achebe.
  • Postcolonial information in Toni Morrison's Beloved & Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things.

Ecocriticism is a rapidly evolving field that examines the connection between literature and the natural world. It inspires dissertations, close readings, & real-life environmental activism. Below given are some of the dissertation topics in English literature regarding ecocriticism.

  • Exploring the corner between eco and spiritual histories in Matthiessen's The Snow Leopard.
  • An ecocritical reading of verse from the Romantics.
  • Vegan reports in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam trilogy.
  • Ecocriticism as vegan/climate modification activism?
  • Exploring the applicability of Thoreau's Walden in 2021.
  • Exploring the influence of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring on US activism.
  • Covid-19, ecocriticism & the modern novel.

Important Points for Dissertation Topics in English Literature

There are certain pointers that students must acknowledge while working on their dissertation topics in English literature. The topics must meet the following criteria in the initial stage for a better dissertation copy. The important pointers are stated below.

  • Students should select a topic that is logically valid and allows them to research practically.
  • Students must seek genuine advice from their mentors and peers before creating their dissertation.
  • Students must select a trending dissertation topic in English literature to identify gaps and create a winning dissertation.
  • Candidates must acknowledge that their dissertation topic must address the problem, be unique and be practically useful.

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How to Structure Dissertation Topics in English Literature?

A well-structured dissertation topic helps students to get better scores and excel in their studies. Students must follow the below-mentioned dissertation structure to create a winning dissertation copy.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Findings & Analysis
  • Discussion & Conclusion
  • Bibliography


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English Literature Research Paper Topics

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This guide, centered on English literature research paper topics , serves as a comprehensive resource for students seeking to delve deep into the diverse epochs, authors, and themes that have shaped English literary tradition. Navigating the intricate tapestry of English literature offers scholars a multitude of avenues for exploration. From the mystique of medieval tales to the introspective narratives of modernism, this guide not only provides a plethora of English literature research paper topics but also offers insights on choosing the ideal topic, structuring the research paper, and harnessing the unmatched writing services of iResearchNet. Dive in to unravel the rich heritage of English literature and discover the myriad opportunities it presents for academic exploration.

100 English Literature Research Paper Topics

Diving into English literature is like embarking on a journey through time and culture. From ancient ballads to modernist narratives, it offers a vast panorama of themes, styles, and societal reflections. Below is a comprehensive list of English literature research paper topics spanning across different eras and genres:

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Medieval Literature

  • The significance of chivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight .
  • The Christian and Pagan elements in Beowulf .
  • Courtly love in The Knight’s Tale from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales .
  • Dream visions in Pearl and Piers Plowman .
  • The role of fate and providence in The Consolation of Philosophy .
  • The art of storytelling in The Decameron vs. The Canterbury Tales .
  • The Seven Deadly Sins in Everyman .
  • The evolution of the English language: Old English vs. Middle English.
  • Religious allegory in The Second Shepherd’s Play .
  • Women and femininity in the Lais of Marie de France .

Renaissance and Elizabethan Age

  • Shakespeare’s portrayal of power in Macbeth .
  • Love and beauty in Sonnet 18 .
  • The idea of the “New World” in The Tempest .
  • The virtues in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene .
  • Magic and science in Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe.
  • The pastoral settings of As You Like It .
  • The politics of gender in Twelfth Night .
  • Revenge and madness in Hamlet .
  • John Donne’s metaphysical poetry and its innovation.
  • The darker side of the Renaissance: The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster.

The Restoration and the 18th Century

  • The satirical world of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels .
  • Class struggles in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders .
  • Alexander Pope’s critique of society in The Rape of the Lock .
  • Aphra Behn and the emergence of the woman writer.
  • The wit and wisdom of Samuel Johnson’s essays.
  • The rise of the novel: Richardson vs. Fielding.
  • Sentimentality and society in Sterne’s Tristram Shandy .
  • Politics and plays: John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera .
  • Women, education, and literature: Mary Wollstonecraft’s ideas.
  • The mock-heroic in English literature.

Romantic Period

  • Nature and transcendence in Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey .
  • The Byronic hero in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage .
  • Shelley’s Ozymandias and the ephemeral nature of power.
  • The Gothic romance of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights .
  • George Gordon Lord Byron and the Romantic antihero.
  • The visionary world of William Blake’s poems.
  • The exotic and the familiar in Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
  • Keats’s exploration of beauty and mortality.
  • The industrial revolution’s reflection in literature.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the dangers of ambition.

Victorian Era

  • Charles Dickens and his critique of Victorian society.
  • The challenges of morality in Thomas Hardy’s novels.
  • The bildungsroman in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre .
  • The plight of women in George Eliot’s Middlemarch .
  • Oscar Wilde’s wit and irony in The Importance of Being Earnest .
  • The debate on science and religion in In Memoriam A.H.H by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
  • The mystery and suspense of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories.
  • The “Woman Question” in Victorian literature.
  • The realism of Anthony Trollope’s Chronicles of Barsetshire.
  • Gothic elements in Dracula by Bram Stoker.
  • The fragmented narrative of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse .
  • T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and the disillusionment of the post-war era.
  • The struggles of the working class in D.H. Lawrence’s novels.
  • The impact of World War I on English poetry.
  • James Joyce’s revolutionary narrative techniques in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man .
  • E.M. Forster’s exploration of social and racial themes.
  • The critique of colonialism in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness .
  • W.B. Yeats and the Irish literary revival.
  • The emergence of the stream-of-consciousness technique.
  • The Jazz Age and decadence in the writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The Gothic Tradition

  • Origins of Gothic fiction: Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto .
  • The supernatural and macabre in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
  • Ann Radcliffe’s influence on the Gothic novel.
  • The role of the Byronic hero in The Vampyre by John Polidori.
  • Duality of human nature in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde .
  • The haunting atmospheres in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.
  • Gender and sexuality in Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu.
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on English Gothic literature.
  • Dracula by Bram Stoker: Themes of sexuality and fear of the unknown.
  • The Gothic novel as a reflection of societal fears and anxieties.

The Angry Young Men Era

  • Social criticism in John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger .
  • Exploring masculinity in Saturday Night and Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe.
  • The disillusionment of post-war Britain in The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner .
  • The class struggle in Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim .
  • Existential themes in John Wain’s Hurry on Down .
  • Feminine perspectives in the era: Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey .
  • The critique of academia in The History Man by Malcolm Bradbury.
  • The Angry Young Men and their influence on modern theater.
  • The transformation of British literature in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • The lasting legacy of the Angry Young Men movement in contemporary literature.

Postmodern British Literature

  • Metafiction in Julian Barnes’s Flaubert’s Parrot .
  • The playfulness of language in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses .
  • Intertextuality in Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit .
  • The fragmented narrative in Graham Swift’s Waterland .
  • Reality and fiction in Ian McEwan’s Atonement .
  • Gender and postcolonial themes in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve .
  • The exploration of identity in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth .
  • The deconstruction of traditional narrative in Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.
  • Postmodern gothic in The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
  • Magical realism in The Porcelain Doll by Julian Barnes.

Contemporary English Literature

  • The multicultural London in Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
  • Exploring family dynamics in On Beauty by Zadie Smith.
  • The concept of time in Ian McEwan’s Amsterdam .
  • The role of history in Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall .
  • The exploration of love and loss in Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending .
  • Postcolonial Britain in Andrea Levy’s Small Island .
  • The challenges of modern life in Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity .
  • The evolution of the English detective novel: Kate Atkinson’s Case Histories .
  • The legacy of the British Empire in The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai.
  • The digital age and its influence on literature: The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon.

English literature boasts a rich and varied tapestry of themes, periods, and genres. This comprehensive list is a testament to the dynamism and depth of the field, offering a myriad of research avenues for students. As they venture into each topic, they can appreciate the nuances and complexities that have shaped the literary tradition, making it an invaluable component of global culture and heritage.

English Literature and the Range of Topics It Offers

English literature, encompassing the vast historical, cultural, and artistic legacy of writings in the English language, boasts a rich tapestry of narratives, characters, and stylistic innovations. From the earliest Old English epic poems to the reflective and multifaceted postmodern novels, English literature offers an expansive array of topics for analysis, discussion, and research. The depth and breadth of this literary tradition are mirrored by the diverse range of English literature research paper topics it can inspire.

The Medieval Foundation

Diving into the early origins of English literature, we encounter works like Beowulf , an Old English epic poem of heroism, fate, and the struggle against malevolent forces. Medieval English literature, characterized by religious texts, chivalric romances, and philosophical treatises, sets the stage for the evolution of narrative styles and thematic explorations. The rich allegorical narratives, like Piers Plowman or Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , present intricate societal and spiritual commentaries that still resonate with readers today. These works invite inquiries into the socio-religious dynamics of medieval England, the evolution of the English language, and the literary techniques employed.

Renaissance and Enlightenment: A Burst of Creativity

The Renaissance and Elizabethan Age saw the emergence of revered playwrights like William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, whose dramas, whether tragedies, comedies, or histories, plumbed the depths of human emotion, politics, and existence. The genius of Shakespeare’s Hamlet or Othello , juxtaposed against Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus , provides a fertile ground for investigating themes of ambition, betrayal, love, and existential angst. Moreover, with poets like Edmund Spenser and his epic The Faerie Queene , English literature expanded its horizons, both thematically and stylistically.

The subsequent Restoration and the 18th century ushered in a period of social and literary change. With authors like Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope, satire became a powerful tool to critique society and politics. Furthermore, the emergence of the novel, as exemplified by Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and Samuel Richardson’s Pamela , offered researchers a chance to explore the evolving societal values, gender norms, and narrative techniques.

Romanticism, Victorian Era to Modernism: A Spectrum of Emotion and Thought

The Romantic period, marked by poets like William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and John Keats, celebrated nature, emotion, and individualism. In contrast, the Victorian era, with novelists like Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, and the Brontë sisters, addressed societal change, morality, and industrialization. Both periods are a goldmine for English literature research paper topics around the individual vs. society, the role of nature, and the exploration of the self.

Modernism in English literature, with heavyweights like Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and T.S. Eliot, revolutionized narrative structure and thematic depth. Works from this era, such as To the Lighthouse or The Waste Land , demand analysis on fragmented narrative, stream of consciousness, and the introspective exploration of the human psyche.

Contemporary Reflections

Contemporary English literature, shaped by postcolonial, feminist, and postmodern influences, gives voice to a plethora of perspectives. Authors like Salman Rushdie, Zadie Smith, and Julian Barnes tackle issues of identity, multiculturalism, history, and reality versus fiction. Such works present a plethora of avenues for research, from analyzing the postcolonial identity in Rushdie’s narratives to the intricate tapestries of familial and societal dynamics in Smith’s novels.

Concluding Thoughts

In essence, English literature is an evolving entity, reflecting and shaping societal, cultural, and individual values and challenges over the centuries. For students and researchers, the wealth of English literature research paper topics it offers ranges from historical and linguistic analyses to deep dives into thematic cores and stylistic innovations. Whether one wishes to explore the chivalric codes of medieval romances, the biting satires of the 18th century, the emotional landscapes of Romanticism, or the fragmented realities of postmodern narratives, English literature provides an inexhaustible reservoir of research opportunities.

How to Choose an English Literature Topic

Choosing a research paper topic, especially within the expansive field of English literature, can be a challenging endeavor. The centuries-spanning literature offers a treasure trove of stories, themes, characters, and socio-political contexts that beckon exhaustive exploration. As such, students often find themselves at a crossroads, wondering where to begin and how to narrow down their choices to find that one compelling topic. Here’s a detailed guide to streamline this process:

  • Align with Your Interests: Dive into periods, genres, or authors that genuinely intrigue you. If Victorian novels captivate your imagination or if Shakespearean dramas resonate with you, use that as your starting point. Genuine interest ensures sustained motivation throughout your research journey.
  • Evaluate Academic Relevance: While personal interest is vital, ensure your chosen topic aligns with academic goals and curriculum requirements. Some English literature research paper topics, while intriguing, might not offer substantial academic value for a particular course or level of study.
  • Seek Familiar Ground (But Not Too Familiar): Leverage your previous readings and coursework. Familiarity offers a foundation, but challenge yourself to explore uncharted territories within that domain. If you enjoyed Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice , maybe delve into its feminist interpretations or comparative studies with other contemporaneous works.
  • Embrace Complexity: Opt for English literature research paper topics that lend themselves to multifaceted exploration. Simple topics might not provide enough depth for comprehensive research papers. Instead of a general overview of Romantic poetry, explore the portrayal of nature in Wordsworth’s works versus Shelley’s.
  • Historical and Cultural Context: Literature isn’t created in a vacuum. Understand the historical and societal backdrop of a literary work. This context can offer a fresh perspective and can be an excellent lens for your research.
  • Contemporary Relevance: How does a particular work or literary period converse with today’s world? Exploring the modern implications or relevance of classic works can be both enlightening and academically rewarding.
  • Diverse Interpretations: Embrace English literature research paper topics open to various interpretations. Works like George Orwell’s 1984 or Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot can be analyzed from political, psychological, existential, or linguistic viewpoints.
  • Consult with Peers and Professors: Engage in discussions with classmates and seek advice from professors. Their feedback can provide new perspectives or refine your existing topic ideas.
  • Read Critiques and Literary Journals: Academic journals, critiques, and literary analyses offer insights into popular research areas and can help you identify gaps or lesser-explored aspects of a work or period.
  • Flexibility is Key: As you delve deeper into your research, be open to tweaking or even changing your topic. New findings or challenges might necessitate slight shifts in your research focus.

Choosing the right research topic in English literature requires a blend of personal passion, academic relevance, and the potential for in-depth exploration. By aligning your interests with academic goals, and being open to exploration and adaptation, you pave the way for a fulfilling and academically enriching research experience. Remember, the journey of researching and understanding literature can be as enlightening as the end result. Embrace the process, and let the vast ocean of English literature inspire and challenge you.

How to Write an English Literature Research Paper

Penning an English literature research paper is a task that demands meticulous planning, a deep understanding of the subject, and the ability to weave thoughts coherently. English literature, with its vast and rich tapestry, offers endless avenues for exploration, making it both an exciting and daunting endeavor. Below are step-by-step guidelines to craft a compelling research paper in this domain:

  • Understanding the Assignment: Before diving into the research phase, ensure you fully understand the assignment’s requirements. Is there a specific format? Are certain sources mandatory? What’s the word count? This foundational clarity sets the stage for efficient research and writing.
  • Preliminary Research: Start with a broad exploration of your topic. Read general articles, introductory chapters, or review papers. This will give you a general overview and can help narrow down your focus.
  • Thesis Statement Formulation: Your thesis is the backbone of your research paper. It should be clear, precise, and arguable. For instance, instead of writing “Shakespeare’s plays are influential,” you might specify, “ Macbeth illustrates the dire consequences of unchecked ambition.”
  • Diving Deeper – Detailed Research: With your thesis in hand, dive deeper into primary (original texts) and secondary sources (critiques, essays). Libraries, academic databases, and literary journals are treasure troves of valuable information.
  • Organize Your Findings: Use digital tools, index cards, or notebooks to categorize and annotate your findings. Grouping similar ideas together will make the writing process smoother.
  • Drafting an Outline: An organized structure is essential for clarity. Create an outline with clear headings and subheadings, ensuring a logical flow of ideas. This will serve as a roadmap as you write.
  • Introduction Crafting: Your introduction should be engaging, offering a glimpse of your thesis and the significance of your study. Remember, first impressions count!
  • Literary Analysis: Delve into the text’s intricacies – symbols, themes, character development, stylistic devices, and historical context.
  • Critiques and Counter-arguments: Discuss various interpretations of the text, and don’t shy away from addressing dissenting views. This lends credibility and depth to your paper.
  • Comparative Analysis (if applicable): Compare the chosen work with others, drawing parallels or highlighting contrasts.
  • Maintaining Coherence and Transition: Each paragraph should have a clear main idea and transition smoothly to the next, maintaining the paper’s flow and ensuring the reader’s engagement.
  • Conclusion Crafting: Reiterate your thesis and summarize your main findings. Discuss the broader implications of your study, potentially suggesting areas for further exploration.
  • Citing Your Sources: Always attribute ideas and quotations to their original authors. Depending on the assigned format (MLA, APA, etc.), ensure that in-text citations and the bibliography are correctly formatted.
  • Revision and Proofreading: Once your draft is complete, take a break before revisiting it. Read it aloud to catch awkward phrasings. Check for grammatical errors, consistency in argumentation, and clarity in presenting ideas. Consider seeking peer reviews or utilizing editing tools.
  • Seek Feedback: Before final submission, consider sharing your paper with a mentor, professor, or knowledgeable peer. Their insights can be invaluable in refining your research paper.

Writing an English literature research paper is as much an art as it is a science. While meticulous research and structured writing are crucial, allowing your passion for literature to shine through will elevate your paper. Remember, literature is about exploring the human experience, and as you dissect these masterpieces, you’re not just analyzing texts but delving into profound insights about life, society, and humanity. Embrace the journey, and let every step, from research to writing, be a process of discovery.

iResearchNet Writing Services for Custom English Literature Research Paper

For any student of English literature, the voyage through various eras, authors, and their imaginative universes is both exhilarating and overwhelming. Each period, from the mystical narratives of the Middle Ages to the raw modernism of the 20th century, has its distinctive character, themes, and voices. However, writing a research paper on such vast and diverseEnglish literature research paper topics can be challenging. This is where iResearchNet steps in, bridging the gap between intricate literary exploration and top-notch academic writing.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team consists of scholars who not only hold advanced degrees in English literature but are also passionate about their specialization. Whether you’re delving into Chaucer’s tales or Virginia Woolf’s modernist prose, rest assured, there’s an expert at iResearchNet familiar with the nuances of the topic.
  • Custom Written Works: Each paper is crafted from scratch, ensuring originality and authenticity. We understand that English literature is an interpretative art, and we strive to provide fresh insights tailored to your specific requirements.
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At iResearchNet, our primary goal is to support and elevate your academic journey in English literature. With a blend of profound literary knowledge and impeccable writing skills, we bring to life the narratives, themes, and voices of the past and present. So, whether you’re venturing into the allegorical world of The Faerie Queene or analyzing the post-colonial undertones in Wide Sargasso Sea , with iResearchNet, you’re not just getting a paper; you’re obtaining a piece of scholarly art.

Delve into the Literary Chronicles with iResearchNet

English literature, a tapestry woven with tales of heroism, love, tragedy, and introspection, spans over centuries, capturing the essence of an evolving nation and its people. From the ethereal romance of the Arthurian legends to the stark realism of the 20th century, the literary works of England are a testament to the country’s rich cultural and historical legacy.

But as profound and diverse as English literature is, the challenge lies in understanding its nuances, interpreting its layers, and articulating insights in a coherent and captivating manner. That’s where the journey often becomes daunting for many students. But what if this journey could become less overwhelming and more enlightening?

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Are you ready to illuminate the chronicles of England’s literary heritage? With iResearchNet, the odyssey of English literature awaits. Dive in, and let the literary saga unfold!


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180 English Literature Dissertation Ideas To Try

English Literature Dissertation Ideas

The task of coming up with top-grade English dissertation ideas is no mean feat. Although most students underpin such studies, the fact remains that professional assistance is necessary to achieve the best out of such assignments.

An English literature paper will require a student to incorporate creative and critical thinking skills for maximum productivity. Are you one of those who get turned off at the sight of an English dissertation paper? Well, my friend, you have a unique opportunity to change that mindset today! With our top-notch writing ideas, you will be able to develop undisputed English literature papers that will guarantee you high grades in return.

Get ready as our experts unleash 180 of the cream topics for your inspiration today.

Creative British English Dissertation Ideas

  • Write about a cozy spot you enjoy at home
  • How to describe the physical appearance of a person in an essay
  • Interesting words to say ‘hello’ in a British paper
  • Discuss the impact of using informal contractions in a British English paper
  • What are some of the advisable internet slang and abbreviations to use in a paper?
  • How to introduce an essay on a horrible experience.’
  • Ways to say ‘I don’t like it’s in a British English paper
  • How to ask someone to repeat something in British English
  • Verbs and prepositions that make an English paper stand out
  • Other ways to say ‘you are so beautiful’ in British English
  • Why most students have a problem differentiating British and American English

Top-Notch Dissertation Topics In English Literature

  • A closer look at the poetry of William Shakespeare
  • The impact of the first literary explorers in shaping literary imagination
  • The role of visions of nature in the 17 th century poetical works
  • Discuss the origins of the English novels and short plays
  • How and why did fiction stories develop over the centuries?
  • The impact of the renaissance period on the development of literature
  • Discuss the effects of secularization on the individual view of life
  • The role of the radical scientific advancement on literary works
  • Discuss the implications of the 19 th -century literature to modern-day works
  • The themes of love and loss in traditional literature
  • A study of the micro and macro literary themes of the ancient literary works

Hot English Literature Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the interplay between sex and violence in sensational fiction works
  • The role of politics in changing literature of the 18 th century
  • Discuss the concept of gender representation in the gothic novel
  • Evaluate the emergence of realism among literature writers in the 19 th century
  • How romance shaped the growth of literature among British writers
  • The impact of science fiction on English literature
  • The emergence of postmodernism and the events that transformed literature
  • The relationship between psychology, philosophy, and literature
  • Evaluate visionary closure as seen in the 19 th -century novels
  • Comprehending water imagery in the works of Virginia Woolf
  • A study of time and space in ancient literary works

The Best English Literature Dissertation Titles

  • Discuss the notion of being in the modern literary works
  • A study of character and identity the works of Leonardo da Vinci
  • What is the implication of magic and fantasy in ancient works?
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between modernism and postmodernism
  • How literary studies interrelate with other subjects
  • Interpreting the literature of the 21 st century
  • The role of philosophy in understanding and interpreting literature
  • Why changing political relations had a gross impact on literature
  • Discuss the implication of Darwin and his evolutionary narrative to literature
  • What is the new relationship between poetry and painting?
  • The role of print culture and mass distribution in advancing literary works

World-Class Literature Dissertation Writing Ideas

  • How authors use landscape as a source of literary inspiration
  • Describe how most authors portrayed the rural-urban divide
  • Why is the concept of place so crucial in romantic literary works?
  • Analyze the correlation between nature, narrative, and literature
  • How do the descriptions of Africa differ from those of the West?
  • The impact of globalization on promoting and inspiring literature
  • Who determines what literature is appropriate for society or not?
  • A discussion of the features that make an Epic
  • The use of imagery in communicating crime and violence
  • What is the function of animals in children’s literature?
  • The unmatchable role of humor in children’s literature

Top English Literature Dissertation Ideas

  • What is the critical role of names in any literary work?
  • Why storybooks are the most acceptable form of literature among children
  • The importance and social contexts of various literary works
  • How disability is represented in modern and ancient literature
  • The effects of everyday use of social media on literacy levels
  • A critical analysis of the promotion of women empowerment through literary works
  • Discuss the evolution of modern literature compared to 18 th -century literature
  • A systematic study of ancient literature writers
  • The relationship between early 17 th century plays and emerging plays
  • How climate change has contributed to modern literature
  • The impact of feminist movements on contemporary literary works

Example Dissertation Titles on Gender

  • Discuss the history of British and American literature on gender
  • Discuss the ‘new women’ concept among modern literature writers
  • What role does the writer play in his/her own story?
  • Why gender affiliations affect the overall thought of a literary work
  • Discuss the characterization of the male and female genders
  • Evaluate the circulation of feministic literary works as compared to the patriarchal works
  • Explore the various myths and misconceptions associated with literature and gender
  • Analyze the issue of gender association in the 20 th -century literature
  • The impact of women theatre managers on literary works performed
  • Discuss the writing styles and impression of gender-based literary works
  • Look at the role of the female members of the Gothic subculture in literature

Out-of-the-World Ideas For Dissertation Topics

  • Analyze the various 20 th -century representations of Black males
  • The globalizing nature of modern literary works
  • The emerging logic of the Public Sphere in writing
  • Discuss the poetics, rhetoric, and social struggle of select literary works
  • How the politics of feeling and belonging affects the effectiveness of literature
  • Discuss the colonial and postcolonial differences in American fiction
  • A critical analysis of the national and continental writing styles
  • Developing an interactive literature audience through the internet
  • How to write for social action: A case study of activism
  • Discuss the impact of racial discrimination on the development of literary works
  • How to register for the local and global audience at the same time

Custom English Language Dissertation Ideas

  • The characterizations of womanhood in modern-day literature
  • A critical analysis of the characters in a play of your choice
  • The extent to which literary works shape the reality of today
  • Discuss the aspects of nationalism and regionalism within novels
  • Analyze various forms of historical fiction and their impact on today’s society
  • Compare and contrast romantic, historical fiction, and recessionary pressures
  • Techniques used to bring a sense of place in ancient literature
  • Changing approaches to imagery in modern literary works
  • The impact of living in a media-oriented world on the success of literature
  • The aspects of history and sociology in analyzing literary works
  • An analysis of the roles of blindness and nature Shakespeare’s classical works

Professional Examples of Dissertation Titles

  • A comparison of John Donne’s metaphysical love poems and sermons
  • Discuss the undisputed value of text speech in literature
  • Compare and contrast the literature in Marxists versus communist societies
  • The role of gender and patriarchy stereotyping in literature
  • A comparative study of the various themes displayed in Shakespeare’s works
  • An evaluation of the use of plot and characters in plays
  • The impact of discriminatory attitudes towards other marginalized sectors in literary works
  • Do literary works depict the contemporary reality of any society?
  • The role of literature in controversial issues such as homosexuality and abortion
  • The role of clowns in comic literary works
  • An exploration of the facets of evil in highly controlled societies

Dissertation Titles For ‘A’ Grade Students

  • Explore the various genres used in college literature
  • The reception of the 19 th -century novels by academicians and the public alike
  • How the understanding of literary works affects our modern-day perspective of life
  • An analysis of abortion in literature
  • Discuss the ever-changing role of women in modern literary works
  • Why some literary works are appealing to adults and children alike
  • The growth of feminism in the 21 st -century literature
  • How did Milton’s Paradise Lost affect 17 th -century literature?
  • The critical role of imagination in any work of literature
  • How accurate is history in various historical novels?
  • The role of J.K. Rowling to modern-day literature

Literature Based Dissertation Example Topics

  • A rhetorical analysis of American and British literature
  • How to achieve creative writing for college literature papers
  • The role of place and culture in novels and plays
  • Why dramatic memoirs are efficient in illustrating grief and love
  • The influence of other disciplines on the study of literature
  • Discuss the subject of love in medieval romance
  • A close textual analysis of modern-day authors
  • The role of pros poems centered around death in communicating loss
  • How to narrate colonialism and slavery in the expansion of capitalism
  • Critique the American literary naturalism and the aesthetic of integration
  • The role of short stories in communicating themes

Expert Thesis Topics in English Literature

  • Effects of representation of class and nation in women’s writing
  • Discuss the various multi-ethnic literature in the UK
  • A study of the medieval European romances
  • Evaluate some of the stories that queer kids tell themselves
  • Analyze multimodal composition and digital technology
  • An examination of the old English literature
  • How to expand the theoretical and instructional frameworks for literature
  • An investigation of American Yogi
  • An interrogation of death in literature
  • Explorations of the Bible
  • Why does there exist an intimate debate between the reader and the work?

Thesis Topics For English Literature Students

  • Explore the various essay writing styles
  • The impact of literature on life decisions
  • Confronting social issues using literature
  • How we can use literature to deal with grief and loss
  • The psychology of reading novels in the afternoon
  • Discuss the modalities of material culture in religious narratives
  • An examination of sexuality in modern literature
  • How different people respond to literary works
  • The role of poems in exploring culture and history
  • Dealing with racism and poverty using literary works
  • The media and proliferation of literature

British Lit Research Paper Topics

  • Is memory all that matters when composing a literary work?
  • A discourse of gender and race in British literature papers
  • Poetic and economic interpretations of the Great Revolt of 1381
  • Stigma and subjectivity in British works
  • Discuss politics, aesthetics, and the urban space in postcolonial British literature
  • The innovative perspective of British Literature
  • Discuss the similarities between British Literature and American literature
  • Survey the various perspectives of humanity contemporary British literature
  • The English imperial selfhood in British literature
  • Discuss female education and reading of the 18 th century British novels
  • Considering the sublime through the late 19 th century, British works
  • Reconfiguration of British literary works
  • Discuss female subjectivity in British literature
  • A case study of early books in the UK
  • Experimental narrative structures in Britain

First-Class English Literature Topics

  • Role of symbolism in literature
  • Love in literature
  • Traditions in literature
  • Melancholy as used in poetry
  • How each genre tells a story
  • Allusions in novels
  • Gender roles in literature
  • Historical background of plays
  • Religion and novels
  • Critiquing a novel
  • Psychological realism in literature

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Literature Dissertation Topics

The opportunity for you to demonstrate your critical writing skills and ability to manage existing scholarship, a literature dissertation allows you to make your mark on the world of academia. Much longer than a typical essay, the extensive nature of a literature dissertation allows you to examine a specific text and explain its significance, and how it relates to broader literary movements.

The choice of texts that you engage with is up to you, but you should bear in mind that you’ll get higher grades for an original dissertation. As literature is influenced by and in discourse with other disciplines, a dissertation in this field will often mean that you’ll refer to ideas found in philosophy, religion, psychology and other art forms. To help you get started with your dissertation, this article will suggest possible topics in the areas of seventeenth century literature, eighteenth century literature, nineteenth century literature, twentieth century literature, and children’s literature.

Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Literature Dissertation Topics

Nineteenth century literature dissertation topics, twentieth century literature dissertation topics, interdisciplinary subjects dissertation topics, identity and place in the literature dissertation topics, children’s literature dissertation topics, postcolonialism and literature dissertation topics, eco literature dissertation topics.

From the shifting social and political climate of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries emerged a whole new kind of fiction. Indeed, with the birth of the novel came a host of writers who used the form to obliquely commentate on the world around them. Using established literary strategies such as plot and metaphor, writers also began to experiment with interior monologues and innovative dramatic devices to express their ideas to readers. For provoking and relevant subjects for your literature dissertation, consider the following topics:

  • Milton and the Bible.
  • Paradise Lost and the Fall from Grace: A closer look at the redemption poetry of the seventeenth century.
  • The Genesis Myth and popular literature of the seventeenth century.
  • Love, loss and the geographical imagination in the poetry of John Donne.
  • The first literary explorers: How new discoveries shaped the literary imagination of the seventeenth century.
  • Stendhal and the onset of consumerism.
  • Visions of nature: Wordsworth and the Eighteenth-Century poetical imagination.
  • Interiors and interiority in the Eighteenth-century novel.
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the problem of the aesthetic.
  • The origins of the novel.
  • How Paradise Lost shaped the future of the novel.
  • The female voice: How girls became women in seventeenth century fiction.
  • How and why Laurence Sterne exposed the artifices of fiction.

Responding to the fall of the pastoral and the rise of industry, the English literature of the nineteenth century reflects the drastic changes Britain underwent around this time. Celebrating new ways of living whilst mourning the past, novels and poetry became distinctly national in nature. At the same time, writers examined the effects that secularisation had on the individual and their view of life. Indeed, whilst meaning was a fixed concept for people in centuries gone by, radical scientific advancement and an increased religious doubt caused Victorians to consider their place in the world from a wholly different perspective. For these reasons, the nineteenth century in literature is a period defined by alienation, doubt, and, overall, the question of what it means to live in an increasingly unfamiliar world. Nineteenth century literature provides many topics that you could study for a literature dissertation.

  • Love and loss in Thomas Hardy’s poems 1912-13.
  • Recovering the buried life: Visionary aspiration in the poetry of Matthew Arnold.
  • Love and communication in the poetry of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  • Bulwer-Lytton and the metaphysical tradition.
  • George Eliot and religious doubt.
  • Naturalist and mystic: Discovering the source of Richard Jefferies’ inspiration.
  • Searching for the simple life: Rustic writing in the nineteenth century.
  • A study of provincial life: Trollope writing after Austen.
  • The importance of costume in the work of Dickens.
  • Micro and macro: Understanding the power relations in The Old Curiosity Shop and Bleak House.
  • Sex and violence in sensation fiction.
  • The changing religious imagination of the nineteenth century.
  • How politics changed literature in the nineteenth century.
  • Gender representation in the gothic novel.
  • The changing meaning of the Victorian family in the work of Gaskell.
  • Ruskin and heritage.
  • How Realism emerged in nineteenth century literature.
  • Reading the romance: how the Bronte sisters redefined the novel.
  • How Frankenstein anticipated Science Fiction.

An era defined by significant aesthetic and philosophical shifts; the twentieth century produced some of the most remarkable literature. Indeed, with the boundaries between prose and poetry being disrupted, a whole new kind of expression became available to writers of fiction and verse. A century marked by two major traditions, the first fifty years was given over to modernism, whilst the latter half of the century saw the emergence of postmodernism. Whilst these two literary movements are seemingly opposed to one another, both attempted to express a range of ideas related to psychology, philosophy, and society. For this reason, you may consider the following topics for your literature dissertation:

  • “Heaving into Uncreated Space”: D.H Lawrence after Hardy.
  • Visionary closure in the twentieth century novel.
  • W.H Auden and poetic syntax.
  • Comprehending the War: Ivor Gurney and the new poetic form.
  • Water imagery in the work of Virginia Woolf.
  • ‘Is there anything more to be Found?’: T.S Eliot and the Wasteland.
  • Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney: A study of similarity and contrast.
  • ‘Daring to break convention’: The tragedy of Sylvia Plath.
  • Time and Space in The Time Machine and The Island of Dr Moreau.
  • Alduous Huxley and the search for the ‘Other’.
  • Discussing the notion of being in the work of Milan Kundara.
  • A study of character and identity in the work of Ian McEwan.
  • Freud and early modernism.
  • Circular narrative structure in the work of May Sinclair.
  • Experiments in Form: Joyce and the twentieth century.
  • Bernard Malumud and Jewish writing.
  • Magic and fantasy in the work of Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • Kipling’s India.
  • Jack Kerouac and travel writing.
  • A study of the similarities and differences between modernism and postmodernism.
  • How postmodernism attempted to destroy the novel.
  • Lost in the Funhouse: How John Barth exposed the artifices of fiction.

Literature intersects with many areas of study, including philosophy, architecture, religion, sociology, art, history, and politics. Interdisciplinary study is more than placing literature within the context of another discipline – true interdisciplinary research yields insights into the techniques, themes and contexts of texts that can’t be fully understood using the disciplinary tools of literary study alone. Interdisciplinary dissertations use research from more than one subject and examine the benefits and limitations both of literary study and of the other discipline. The topics in the following list reflect these aims, and are possibilities for your language and literature dissertation:

  • Architecture in the work of Thomas Hardy.
  • Science and the nineteenth-century novel.
  • Interpreting the space age: Literature of the twenty first century.
  • Astronomy and the poetic imagination of the nineteenth century.
  • Why philosophy matters to literature.
  • Crossing the disciplinary boundaries: English literature and archaeology.
  • Changing political relations in novels since 1900.
  • The interrelation of science and the arts since 1900.
  • Psychology and the modern novel.
  • Memory and perspective in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day.
  • Seeking the self: Psychology in twenty first century literature.
  • Darwin and the evolutionary narrative.
  • The importance of history in deciphering the modern text.
  • Sister Arts: contemporary poetry and painting. Poststructuralist views of language and the postmodern text.
  • Print culture, mass distribution, and their effects on the literature of the Renaissance.
  • A sociolinguistic analysis of The Twilight series.

The themes of identity and place have been intertwined in many literary periods and genres. Apart from using landscape as a source of inspiration, authors often need landscapes to help contextualise and develop their characters. Narrative techniques associated with landscape are often used in novels to portray the inner lives of characters. Identity is closely related to, and often described as being a product, of place and its cultural associations. Therefore, a study in this subject can be useful in other areas of future research and offers an accessible, adaptable and relevant topic for your language and literature dissertation.

  • Changing landscapes: how the rural/urban divide has been represented since 1900.
  • Travel writing in the twentieth century.
  • What were the effects of ‘Enclosure’ on the poetry of the Romantics?
  • The importance of place to the Romantic poet.
  • The changing portrayal of city living since 1900.
  • Nature, narrative, and verse since 1940.
  • Thomas Hardy and Wessex.
  • Richard Jefferies’ Wiltshire.
  • The Lake District as setting in poems of the eighteenth century.
  • The Mountain as a symbol in the nineteenth century.
  • Landscape and identity in Lesley Glaister’s Honour Thy Father.
  • Writing in the desert: Narratives of Africa.
  • Identity, place, and narrative in postcolonial literature.
  • The importance of the sea in colonial exploration narratives.
  • Cornish landscapes in the work of Thomas Hardy.
  • D.H Lawrence and the Sussex Landscape.
  • Dylan Thomas and the Sea.
  • Ted Hughes and the Yorkshire Moors.
  • Of Bawn and Bog: the Irish troubles and the North in Seamus Heaney’s poetry.
  • John Fowles at Lyme Regis.
  • Charles Kingsley and ‘Westward Ho! ‘.
  • Representations of the Wealden Forest in Literature since 1800.
  • The beach as a site for change in literature since 1900.
  • Citizens of nowhere: dislocation and globalisation in post-9/11 fiction.
  • Wilderness and settler nationhood in North American fiction and poetry.

Writing for children involves the effective use of imagination, humour and often, the sensitive and dynamic use of tradition. As a result, children’s literature is often imbued with complex themes and imagery, which speaks to adults and children on separate yet complementary and intersecting levels. When choosing a topic to write about on children’s literature it can be useful to target a specific age range to avoid making generalisations and to help recognise the differing levels of academic competence associated with different children’s ages. It’s also helpful to understand what is at stake in society’s understanding of what makes for appropriate children’s literature, which goes to the heart of what – and how – we teach our children. Children’s literature addresses universal themes that concern all readers – not just children. The challenge in pursuing a dissertation in children’s literature is therefore to address both the universality of the themes and the specificity of the audience. The following are some ideas that you could use for your language and literature dissertation:

  • What makes an Epic?: A discussion of favourite children’s novels since 1900.
  • Fabulous Beasts: Imagery in J.K. Rowling and Tolkien.
  • Discovering Wonderland: Narrative technique and visionary insight in the work of Robert Louis Stevenson.
  • The search for Utopia in Island Stories for children.
  • Beatrix Potter and the significance of illustration.
  • Animals and their function in children’s literature since 1900.
  • Hans Christian Anderson and the meaning of the fairytale.
  • Why humour matters in children’s literature.
  • Lucy Maud Montgomery and the development of the young artist.
  • Roald Dahl, the ridiculous and the sublime.
  • Enid Blyton and the popular adventure story.
  • A historical analysis of the origins of children’s literature.
  • The importance of names in children’s literature.
  • Reading to the under-fives: developing imaginations and relationships.
  • Helping children to learn through storybooks.
  • What the Victorians read to their children.
  • Think of the children! What banning books for the young tells us about the importance and social contexts of reading.
  • Representations of disability in young adult literature.

Postcolonialism is one of the most influential theories in academia. If you are interested in critical perspectives that touch upon issues of race, belonging, power, politics, and emancipation, then you might want to bring postcolonial perspectives into your dissertation. Here are some titles to consider:

  • Exploring the ‘Other’ in Victorian fiction.
  • Postcolonialism in Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival.
  • How has the Black Lives Matter movement influenced contemporary black literature?
  • A postcolonial reading of contemporary refugee literature.
  • Postcolonialism and climate change literature.
  • A postcolonial reading of Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.
  • Postcolonial narratives in Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things.

‘Ecocriticism’ studies the relationship between literature and the natural world. It is a fast-growing area of study, fuelled mainly by the increased concern over climate-change and environmental protectionism. If you are interested in the natural world, you might feel inspired to write a dissertation in this area. You could choose to do a close-reading of a book that deals with the themes of nature. Or you might analyse if/how ecocritical books have inspired real-life environmental activism. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Exploring the intersection between eco and spiritual narratives in Matthiessen’s The Snow Leopard.
  • An eco-critical reading of poetry from the Romantics.
  • Vegan narratives in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy.
  • Ecocriticism as vegan/climate change activism?
  • Exploring the relevance of Thoreau’s Walden in 2021.
  • Exploring the effect of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring on US activism.
  • Covid-19, eco-criticism and the contemporary novel.

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Are you looking for an engaging literary research paper topic? Whether you're writing a college-level essay or a master's thesis, the right literature research paper topics can make all the difference. They range from exploring particular genres or authors to examining the use of language in literary works. By researching these topics, you will gain a greater understanding of the ideas, improve your critical thinking skills, and learn to appreciate the nuances. This article will explore such literature topics for research and open up endless possibilities for analysis and interpretation, ranging from classic to modern-day texts. Are you ready to choose a trending topic and write a paper that will win your professor’s heart? 

What Are Literary Research Paper Topics?

Literary research paper topics focus on a particular literary work, such as a book, poem, novel, play, or story. They provide a great starting point for researching the specific aspect you're planning to explore for a better perception of the idea and help to eliminate any artificial facet. Literary research topics may analyze a single text, compare different writings by the same author, or contrast different authors' styles.  Common literature topics for research papers comprise symbolism, characterization, themes, plot structure, historical context, point-of-view analysis, biographical contexts, and intertextual connections. These research paper topics may also focus on how an author has been interpreted or evaluated over time, analyzing the critical reception of their works and examining any changes within literary canonization. Additionally, these topics can explore how literary works intersect with other disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, politics, or economics.

Characteristics of Good Literature Research Paper Topics

Literary research paper topics are usually considered good when they are:

  • Relevant They should be engaging, thought-provoking, and appropriate to the academic work.
  • Specific Similarly, good literature research topics must have a narrow focus and not be overly broad.
  • Interesting They should pique your interest and encourage you to explore and aspire to know more about the literary work.
  • Challenging Deep analysis, thoughtful reflection, and creative thinking are also vital.
  • Unique They should be memorable and offer new insights into academic work.

With these important characteristics of literary topics for research papers in mind, you're ready to start writing!

How to Choose a Literature Research Paper Topic?

Choosing a literature research paper topic can be daunting, but with careful thought and planning, you're sure to find the perfect one. In order to do this, you need to complete the following:

  • Brainstorm: First, start by brainstorming topics that interest you. Think about the works you've been studying, authors and genres you enjoy reading, and themes that have resonated with you.
  • Narrow it down: Once you've identified a few research topics that intrigue you, narrow them down to one that is most relevant and specific.
  • Research: Explore if it is relevant. This will guarantee that you have enough material to work with.
  • Refine: Once you have researched, refine your topic to ensure it is specific and engaging. Consider the most interesting aspects and how they can be explored further.
  • Choose: Finally, choose the title that best reflects your interests and passions for an enjoyable research experience!

With these tips, you can find the perfect literary research paper topic! Don’t have time for reading piles of books? Get professional help with research paper writing from StudyCrumb and have your study completed by a real pro.

List of Literature Research Paper Topics

A list of literature topics for research offers a wide range of literary-related issues that can be explored and studied for your project. It includes ideas that could spark your creativity and help you choose the best title. Whether you're interested in exploring the works of Shakespeare or examining modern literature, this list of literary research paper topics has something for everyone!

  • Use of symbolism in romantic poetry.
  • Importance of technology within cyberpunk genres.
  • Impact of fantasy on contemporary culture.
  • Representation of male or female authors as represented by classic literary works.
  • Postmodernist views of time and space in literature.
  • Representation of race and ethnicity within contemporary fiction.
  • Representation of LGBTQ characters in literary works.
  • The role of mythology during the era of ancient works.
  • Social media impact on modern texts.
  • Classic and contemporary literary criticism.

Interesting Literary Research Paper Topics

If you are interested in classic books or modern trends, these ideas can be a fascinating starting point for your project. They include theories, criticism, comparison, and specific authors or genres. Besides providing an analysis of the work, a literary research paper topic could also comprise examining different themes. Explore the following interesting literature topics for your project:

  • Literary influences of Jane Austen's works.
  • Symbolism as represented by gothic texts.
  • Relevance of classic mythology within contemporary fiction.
  • The role of magic or fantasy in children's literature.
  • The role of women in Victorian literature.
  • Representation of race and ethnicity in early 20th-century literature.
  • Themes of love and loss in romantic poetry.
  • The use of horror genres in contemporary fiction.
  • Postcolonialism's impact on literary works.
  • Nature in 19th-century literature .
  • Representation of LGBTQ characters as represented by contemporary fiction.
  • Technology's impact on modern literary works.
  • Classic and contemporary interpretations of gothic texts.
  • The role of magic and fantasy in modern literary works.
  • Representation of death and loss in 20th-century works.

Great Literature Research Paper Topics

A list of great literature research topics provides a variety of ideas related to literary works. These research topics in literature can offer an exciting starting point for your English paper:

  • Rebellion themes in Shakespeare's tragedies.
  • Class and economic status in Victorian texts.
  • Symbolism in romantic poetry.
  • Impact of British imperialism on literary fiction worldwide.
  • Gender and sexuality representation in early 20th-century writings.
  • Postcolonialism in 19th-century fiction.
  • The literary influence of WWII on modern writings.
  • Vampires' role in gothic literary texts.
  • Use of fantasy in childhood writings.
  • Technology's impact on contemporary literary works.
  • Race and ethnicity as represented by postmodern fiction.
  • Religion in romantic poetry.
  • Themes of love and loss in 20th-century texts.
  • Horror genres in literary fiction.
  • Postmodernism's impact on contemporary literary works.

Unique Literature Research Paper Topics

Unique literature topics for research papers can help students explore new concepts and gain a deeper understanding of their subject. Below are rare literature paper topics for you to review:

  • The role of jealousy in 17th-century literary works.
  • Gender identity as represented by reformist fiction.
  • Mythological figures as portrayed by Greek and Roman poetry.
  • The relationship between gender and power in Shakespeare's plays.
  • Themes of isolation in 20th-century British poetry.
  • Metaphors in the works of Gabriel García Márquez .
  • Themes of rebellion and revolution in African American literary texts.
  • The role of women in medieval romance literature.
  • Poverty representation in Victorian novels.
  • Themes of oppression and freedom in colonial Latin American texts.
  • Use of metaphor and allegory in Dante's divine comedy.
  • Influence of industrialization on 19th-century fiction.
  • Dystopian settings within modern literature.
  • Religion in contemporary fiction.

Spotted any ideas for your literature research paper? Now it’s time to compose your study. Leave us ‘ do my research paper ’ notice and get a professional writer to work on your project. 

Controversial Literary Research Paper Topics

Controversial literary research topics can provide students with an opportunity to explore complex and sometimes contentious issues related to literary texts. Find below a controversial literary research paper topic for your dream English project!

  • Racial stereotypes during 19th-century English literature.
  • Themes of sexuality and desire in ancient Greek poetry.
  • The relationship between political power and language in Shakespeare's plays.
  • Conflict representation during 20th-century English fiction.
  • English role in colonial Indian literature.
  • Gender and racial representations within African American autobiographies.
  • Themes of justice and control in Victorian English novels.
  • Themes of oppression and resistance in feminist texts.
  • The role of English in modern Japanese fiction.
  • Themes of identity and belonging in postcolonial Indian literature.
  • Censorship, free speech, and social responsibility in 19th-century English novels.
  • Politics and power representations in Latin American poetry.
  • Gender, race, and class representations in English renaissance drama.
  • English as a tool for political ideology within the works of George Orwell.
  • Language used to defy authority during modern fiction writing.

Fresh Literature Research Paper Ideas

Coming up with fresh ideas for literature research topics can be daunting. Students may want to look at the works they have studied or venture outside the traditional reading list and explore different authors and genres. Some literature research paper ideas comprise studying how certain authors influenced the literary movement, analyzing how language has been used throughout history, or examining gender, race, and class representations from a literary text. Here is a perfect list of fresh ideas!

  • Aesthetics as presented by postmodern fiction.
  • The theme of loss as portrayed by African authors .
  • Use of language throughout history.
  • Identity and belonging representation in contemporary young adult fiction.
  • The intersection between art and literature in modern poetry.
  • Themes of authority, rebellion, and revolution in medieval epic poetry.
  • Role of fantasy in horror fiction.
  • Gender, race, and class representations within British romanticism.
  • American literary realism and naturalism.
  • Influence of symbolism on French modernist poetry.
  • Construction of memory within African American autobiographies.
  • Representation of narrative time in Latin American fiction.
  • Social injustice theme during early 20th-century American drama.
  • The relationship between social identity and language during postcolonial fiction.
  • Values and beliefs representations as presented by ancient Greek mythology.

Literature Research Paper Topics for Students

For students looking for research topics in literature for study, there is a wide variety of options available. Depending on the level and course, they might focus on analyzing particular authors, literary movements, or genres, exploring the use of language throughout history, or examining representations of gender, race, and class in books. You also need to study literary devices and their effects on readers when exploring literary topics for a research paper . Below are examples of literature topics for different students:

Literature Research Paper Topics for High School

These are literature topics to research, specifically tailored to high school students. They involve exploring the influence of literary work on culture, analyzing a single author's literary movement or genre, or investigating language use throughout history. This list of research topics in literature for high school provides an original starting point for your literary project!

  • Racism as presented during early 20th-century works.
  • Social criticism within contemporary dystopian young adult fiction.
  • Folklore's impact on contemporary poetry.
  • Representation of nature in modern literature.
  • Spirituality as portrayed by reformist literature.
  • Social class representation within postmodern novels.
  • The theme of environment in romantic works.
  • Colonialism representation during postcolonial works.
  • Effects of pop culture on modern fiction.
  • Mental illness representation during 19th-century poetry.
  • The role of music and art in early 20th-century literary texts.
  • Literature's influence on identity building in minority cultures.
  • Family dynamics in postmodern poetry.
  • Family and community representations during gothic fiction.
  • Literature as a tool for social change.

Literature Research Paper Topics for College Students

These titles entail more serious and in-depth scrutiny than a high school literary paper. A college-level literary research paper topic provides students with a broader range of analysis. It encompasses looking at literature as a form of political commentary to get its relationship with other art forms. Below are literature research paper topics for college students:

  • Identity construction during postmodern poetry.
  • Alienation themes within modern fiction.
  • Gender role representations in Shakespearean tragedies.
  • The relationship between narrative and memory within Holocaust literature.
  • Nature's role in contemporary American fiction.
  • Authority and subversion themes during the early 20th-century drama.
  • Race, class, and gender representation within African American autobiographies.
  • Social media influence the literary language.
  • The relationship between social identity and language in postcolonial fiction.
  • Values as presented by ancient Greek mythology .
  • Psychological distress during 20th-century war narratives.
  • Attitudes towards mental illness as portrayed by gothic texts.
  • The relationship between science and literary imagination.
  • Social hierarchy within Victorian novels.
  • Religion's role in southern American literature.

Literary Research Paper Topics by Categories

Research paper topics for literature by category offer an exclusive and stimulating perspective on literary analysis worldwide. They can be grouped into literary movements, authors, and genres, as well as topics related to language and history. If you are interested in European, American, and English literature topics, these ideas will help you find the perfect literary research paper topic for your project.

World Literature Research Paper Topics

Research paper topics for world literature allow students to explore literary works from any part of the world, including texts written in English, Spanish, and other languages. Below is a list that provides original world literature research topics for any project:

  • Impact of colonialism on native literary traditions.
  • Gender representation within French literature.
  • Religion's role within literary works from Latin America.
  • Symbolism in English poetry from the 19th century.
  • Themes of nationalism within modern Russian fiction.
  • Power and politics in Spanish plays.
  • Conflict as portrayed by African literature.
  • The role of folklore within Chinese fiction.
  • Themes of cultural identity in Japanese drama.
  • Family ties in Italian poetry.
  • Symbolism in Arabic literature.
  • Social class representation in Indian novels.
  • Impact of globalization on middle eastern fiction.
  • Human rights themes by contemporary Australian poets.
  • Western representations of other cultures in modern literature.

American Literature Research Paper Topics

In research paper topics for American literature, you examine the works of early American writers and poets, as well as those from later periods. Here is a list of American literature topics for your paper!

  • Attitudes towards race in early American novels.
  • Colonialism during 19th-century poetry.
  • Freedom and rebellion themes within revolutionary literature.
  • The emergence of gothic horror in American fiction.
  • Impact of transcendentalism on American writing.
  • Gender representation during pre-civil war literature .
  • Themes of morality in post-World War II American fiction.
  • Role of religion during 19th-century American novels.
  • Slavery and its abolition by American poets.
  • Social class representation during early American drama.
  • Themes of identity in postmodern American fiction.
  • Industrialization of 20th-century literature.
  • War and conflict representation by contemporary American playwrights.
  • Racism in 20th-century American novels.
  • Assimilation and immigration themes in post-World War II American literature.

British Literature Research Paper Topics

In British literature research topics, you explore works from early British writers to contemporary authors. Ideally, research topics for British literature should encompass works written by authors from all eras, including Medieval, Renaissance, and modern. Here is a list of English literature research paper topics for your perfect essay!

  • Gender representation during medieval English literature.
  • Colonialism's effects on British literary works during the 18th century.
  • Influence of British writers on modern literature.
  • The role of nature in 18th-century British novels.
  • Interpretations of classic British literary works.
  • Social class representations during 19th-century British fiction.
  • Themes of love and romance within Victorian literature.
  • Industrialization's impact on 20th-century British novels.
  • Patriotism and nationalism during post-World War II literary work.
  • Multiculturalism representations in postmodern British fiction.
  • Effects of censorship on British authors during the 20th century.
  • Mental health representation in modern British poetry.
  • Representation of historical events in British works throughout time.
  • Technological representations in 21st-century British Novels.
  • Intersectionality by contemporary British playwrights.

Did you know that you can generate a bunch of title ideas using our Research Paper Topic Generator ?

European Literary Research Paper Topics

European literature research paper topics offer an excellent opportunity to explore the works of European authors. They allow you to study and analyze the academic traditions and cultures of some of Europe's most influential writers. You can find such literary research paper topic ideas in the list below:

  • Representations of the European monarchy in classic novels.
  • Censorship effects on European authors during the 20th century.
  • Impact of World War II on European authors.
  • Gender representations within Victorian poetry.
  • Literary works from different countries and cultures in Europe.
  • Use of language, symbolism, and imagery to explore themes in European texts.
  • Themes of nature and environment within German short stories.
  • Technology representations in late Victorian poetry.
  • Popular culture's influence on European literary movements from the 20th century to modern times.
  • Impact of European literary works on people's perceptions of other cultures.
  • Use of supernatural elements within European gothic writings from the 18th to 19th centuries.
  • Identity representations in French social realism texts.
  • Technology's impact on contemporary European literary works.
  • Family and community representations during post-war theater.
  • Themes of justice and injustice within European dystopian texts.

Literature Research Paper Ideas by Periods

You may aspire to find literature topics for research papers from different historical periods. This involves studying literature from various cultures or eras, such as ancient, medieval, or modern ones. These ideas also cover the examination of themes and symbols used in writings and scrutinizing characters and their development through various works. Other topics include the exploration of texts from a political perspective in relation to their historical contexts. These ideas contain some literary research topics from various periods:

Ancient Literary Research Paper Topics

There are many exciting options to consider if you're looking for ancient literature research paper topics. They can be studied with regard to history, culture, art, and philosophy. To gain more insight, you could explore the works of Homer, Henry James, Virgil, and the Mahabharata, or old Egyptian writings, such as The Iliad and Odyssey . Below is a list of ancient literature topics for research you can choose from.

  • Gender representations in epic poetry.
  • Role of mythology and religion in ancient texts.
  • Influence of philosophy on ancient literature.
  • Power representations in Greek tragedy.
  • Heroism by early epic authors.
  • Love and marriage in ancient texts.
  • Ancient narratives of war and conflict.
  • Slavery representations in Roman poetry.
  • The role of music and art in classical literature.
  • Nature representations in ancient texts.
  • Politics' influence on Greek comedy.
  • Family and community representations in roman narratives.
  • Characters' representation in epic poetry.
  • The role of technology in early literary works.
  • Representations of the divine in ancient texts.
Read more: History Research Topics for Students 

Medieval Literature Research Paper Topics

The medieval literary study provides a unique opportunity to explore literature research topics of the Middle Ages. From Beowulf to The Canterbury Tales , these works offer insights into this era's cultural beliefs and values. Here are such literary topics for research papers to focus on:

  • Representations of medieval chivalry in literary works.
  • Religion's influence on medieval works.
  • Gender representation in medieval texts.
  • The role of magic in medieval narratives.
  • The impact of feudalism on medieval texts.
  • Honor and loyalty representations by chivalric texts.
  • The role of courtly love in medieval works.
  • Knights and warriors' representations in literary works.
  • Warfare representations in medieval texts.
  • The role of education and learning in medieval literature.

Renaissance Literary Research Paper Topics

The Renaissance literature research paper ideas explore works of literature during the Renaissance era, which spanned from the 14th to the 17th century. They focus on the themes, authors, and literature of this period to provide a better understanding of how literary works have evolved within this timeframe and their impact on our current literature. Some of the most influential figures who contributed immensely to writings during this era were William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. If you are interested in researching this period, you can consider a literature research paper topic from the list below:

  • Love and romance representations in Renaissance texts.
  • Science and technology in 16th-century literature.
  • Class and social status representations in Renaissance literary works.
  • Classical mythology in Renaissance poetry.
  • Representations of family and community in Renaissance narratives.
  • Effects of humanism on Renaissance literature in Europe.
  • Imagery role by William Shakespeare .
  • Representations of art, music, and theater in Renaissance texts.
  • Politics' role in 16th-century literary texts.
  • Nature representation by John Milton or Torquato Tasso.
  • Exploration influence on Renaissance narratives.
  • Influence of Renaissance literature on modern writing.
  • Women's representation in literary texts by Anne Bradstreet or Aphra Behn.
  • Magic and supernatural representations in literary works of Renaissance.
  • Humanism and individualism themes within Renaissance literature.

Romantic Literature Research Paper Ideas

Romantic literature emerged during the late 18th century and flourished throughout the early 19th century in Europe. It is characterized by its focus on emotion and depictions of nature. This movement had a lasting impact on literary works and has been highly influential. Research topics in literature can explore the writings of authors such as Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and William Wordsworth. Here are some ideas related to romanticism:

  • Nature representations in Romantic texts.
  • The role of emotion as depicted in 19th-century literature.
  • Influence of Romantic authors on modern literature and culture.
  • Women's representation in Romantic narratives.
  • Industrialization impact on 19th-century texts.
  • Influence of religion and superstition in early Romantic texts.
  • Use of technology to discuss themes in Romantic texts from the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
  • The role of education as portrayed by Romantic narratives.
  • Character analysis and plot structure in gothic fiction.
  • Nationalism and patriotism as represented by post-Napoleonic war poems.

Modernist Literary Research Paper Topics

Modern literature emerged during the early 20th century until the end of World War II. It is characterized by a rejection of traditional conventions and focused on experimentation with form. This movement had an unprecedented impact on literature research topics and is highly influential today. If you are looking for literary topics for research papers that focus on modernism, consider exploring the following:

  • Nature representations by modern texts.
  • Social inequality in 21st-century novels.
  • Modernism's influence on current literature and culture.
  • Climate change within contemporary fiction.
  • Impact of social injustice on 20th-century literary works.
  • Urbanization representations by modern literary texts.
  • Education's influence on modernist narratives.
  • Wealth and power in early modernist texts.
  • Themes of urban life by Ezra Pound or Wallace Stevens.
  • Modernism's impact on classical literature.
  • Globalization themes within postmodern poetry.
  • Multiculturalism themes in contemporary literary works.
  • Mental health representations in modern British novels.
  • Global conflict representation in modern fiction.
  • The influence of psychoanalysis on modernist literature.

Current Literature Research Paper Ideas

Current literature paper topics can look at the latest trends. They include exploring contemporary works such as Harry Potter by J.K Rowling and Stardust by Neil Gaiman. These topics may also involve analyzing social media's effects on literary writings. If you are looking for current literary topics for a research paper, consider the following:

  • Technological impact on literary works in the 21st century.
  • Art, music, and theater in modern texts.
  • Impact of conflict on recent literary works.
  • Social injustice in 21st-century narratives.
  • Racism, ethnicity, and slavery in contemporary texts.
  • Wealth and power in recent literary works.
  • Globalization themes in postmodern poetry.
  • Urbanization in modern writings.
  • Immigration within postmodern British novels.

In case you need more paper topics, feel free to browse our blog. We have a wide arsenal of ideas starting from philosophy research paper topics to education research paper topics .  

Bottom Line on Literature Research Paper Topics

Literature topics for research can explore a wide range of themes and works. Whether you are looking for visionary ideas about poetry, fiction, or books from different eras, there is no shortage of literature paper topics to choose from. To narrow down your focus and find the best idea for your project, consider researching literary movements, reading widely, and thinking about the areas that interest you most.  Literature topics for research papers should be chosen based on students' interests and areas of expertise. By conducting in-depth research, you will gain a greater appreciation for literary work and its impact on society. With this article as a guide, you can take the time to find a topic that speaks to you and create an engaging research paper.


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Education Research Topics


100+ Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature

With the Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature, you can easily make your research perfect. PhD in English Literature is a pursuit that requires both passion and precision.

English Literature serves as a lens through which societal changes, cultural shifts, and human experiences are analyzed, critiqued, and understood. These research topics not only foster intellectual curiosity but also encourage critical thinking, enabling scholars to push the boundaries of conventional scholarship and contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse in the field.

In this article, we delve into the vibrant realm of English Literature, presenting an extensive array of the latest research topics tailored for aspiring PhD candidates. These topics encompass a wide spectrum of themes, genres, and methodologies, catering to the diverse interests and scholarly inclinations within the discipline.

Let’s now delve into the comprehensive compilation of 100+ of the latest research topics designed to inspire and guide scholars on their doctoral journey in English Literature.

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Table of Contents

What Is A Good Research Topic For Literature?

A good research topic for literature is both relevant and engaging and contributes to the existing scholarly discourse. It should encompass a specific area within literature that holds significance in terms of cultural, historical, social, or theoretical implications. A strong research topic in literature often addresses unexplored territories. It offers innovative perspectives or re-examines existing narratives through a fresh lens.

Additionally, an effective research topic should be well-defined, allowing for focused inquiry and enabling the researcher to delve deeply into the subject matter. It should be feasible within available resources and time constraints while providing ample scope for critical analysis, interpretation, and argumentation.

Moreover, a good research topic should generate interest and provoke discussion among scholars, contributing new insights, interpretations, or methodologies to the field. Whether exploring themes, genres, historical contexts, theoretical frameworks, or cultural perspectives, a compelling research topic in literature can expand knowledge, challenge assumptions, and offer nuanced understandings of literary texts or trends.

How Do You Choose A Topic For Research In English Literature?

Following are the steps for choosing the Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature.

How Do You Choose A Topic For Research In English Literature?

List of 100+ Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature

Here are the best and Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature.

Literary Theory and Criticism

  • New Materialism and its Implications for Literary Analysis
  • Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Redefining Nature and Gender Relations
  • Reception Theory: Understanding Reader Responses in Literary Texts
  • Posthumanist Perspectives in Science Fiction Literature
  • Queer Temporalities in Literature: Rethinking Chronology and Narrative
  • Postcolonial Feminism: Intersectional Approaches in Literary Criticism
  • Aestheticism and Decadence in 19th-century Literature: Relevance Today
  • Formalist Criticism in Contemporary Literary Analysis
  • Cognitive Literary Studies: Exploring the Mind and Imagination in Reading
  • Critical Animal Studies: Ethics and Representation in Literature
  • Hermeneutics and the Art of Interpretation in Literary Texts
  • Structuralism and Semiotics: Analyzing Signs and Symbols in Literature
  • Reception Aesthetics: Examining Reader Response in Literary Reception
  • Marxist Literary Criticism and Socioeconomic Analyses in Texts
  • Ecocritical Hermeneutics: Environmental Interpretation in Literature

Historical Contexts and Literary Movements

  • Gothic Revival in Contemporary Literature and Culture
  • Post-War Literature and the Reconstruction of Identity
  • Harlem Renaissance: Exploring Socio-cultural Transformation through Literature
  • Literary Responses to Colonialism in the Caribbean
  • Decolonizing the Literary Canon: Perspectives from Global South Writers
  • Literature of the Roaring Twenties: Cultural Shifts and Literary Expression
  • Modernism and Postmodernism in Contemporary Literature: Parallels and Divergence
  • The Harlem Renaissance and Jazz Culture: Intersections in Literature
  • Post-War Trauma in Holocaust Literature: Representing Unimaginable Experiences
  • The Literature of Revolution: Voices of Change and Rebellion
  • Literature of the Jazz Age: Cultural Shifts and Literary Contributions
  • The Lost Generation Writers: Their Impact on Modern Literature
  • Literature of the Cold War Era: Politics, Paranoia, and Cultural Reflection
  • The Prague School and its Influence on Literary Theory and Analysis
  • The Postcolonial Literary Boom: Emergence, Evolution, and Influence

Genre Studies Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature

  • Cyberpunk Literature and the Technological Imagination
  • Evolution of the Bildungsroman in Modern Literature
  • Steampunk as a Subgenre: Victorian Aesthetics in Contemporary Works
  • Literary Journalism in the Digital Age: Challenges and Innovations
  • Satire and Political Commentary in Modern Literary Forms
  • Speculative Fiction and Social Commentary: Critiquing the Present through Future Worlds
  • Indigenous Science Fiction and Futurism: Reimagining Traditions and Technology
  • Evolution of the Detective Genre: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovations
  • Non-binary Identities in Poetry: Challenging Gender Norms and Language
  • Transmedia Storytelling: Literature in Conjunction with Multiple Media Forms

Cultural Studies and Identity in Literature

  • Disability Narratives in Graphic Novels and Comics
  • Representations of Masculinity in Post-Millennial Literature
  • Indigenous Perspectives in Eco-Literature and Environmental Activism
  • Muslim Identity in Contemporary Western Literature
  • Post-9/11 Literature: Shifting Paradigms in Cultural Representation
  • Diasporic Literature and Identity Politics: Negotiating Belonging
  • Post-Modern Feminist Narratives in Literature: Reclaiming Agency and Voice
  • Disability in Young Adult Literature: Empowerment and Representation
  • Multiculturalism in Contemporary Picture Books: Reflecting Diversity
  • Transcultural Narratives in a Globalized World: Literature as a Bridge

Environmental and Ecocritical Perspectives

  • Animal Studies in Literature: Ethics and Representations
  • Urban Ecology and the Cityscape in Literature
  • Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi): Imagining Environmental Futures in Literature
  • Environmental Justice in Indigenous Literature
  • Eco-Poetics: Nature, Language, and Poetry
  • Indigenous Ecocriticism: Land, Spirituality, and Survival Narratives
  • Urban Wastelands in Literature: Representing Environmental Degradation
  • Ecofeminist Poetry and the Connection Between Women and Nature
  • Environmental Apocalypse in Literature: Fear, Hope, and Activism
  • Rewilding in Literature: Reconnecting Humanity with the Natural World

Technology and Literature Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature

  • Virtual Reality Narratives: Immersive Storytelling in Literature
  • AI and Ethics: Dystopian and Utopian Visions in Science Fiction
  • Literature in the Age of Data Mining and Surveillance
  • Transhumanism in Speculative Fiction and its Cultural Implications
  • Digital Narratives: Exploring Interactive and Hypertextual Literature
  • Augmented Reality in Literature: Blurring the Lines Between Real and Imaginary
  • Blockchain Technology and its Potential in Preserving Literary Works
  • Literature in the Age of Gaming: Interactive Storytelling and Narrative Structures
  • Surveillance Culture in Dystopian Literature: Reflections on Privacy and Control
  • AI-Penned Literature: Exploring Machine-Generated Creative Writing

Global and Comparative Literature

  • Border Literature: Identity, Migration, and Cultural Hybridity
  • Postcolonial Diasporic Literature: Negotiating Home and Belonging
  • Comparative Study of Mythologies in Global Literary Traditions
  • Literature of Exile and Displacement: Narratives of Refugees
  • Cultural Translation and Adaptation in Global Literary Contexts
  • Borderlands Literature: Narratives of Conflict and Coexistence
  • Comparative Analysis of Folktales from Different Cultures
  • Diaspora Writing: Literature as a Cultural and Emotional Space
  • The Global Impact of Translated Literature: Understanding Cross-Cultural Influences
  • Literature of Protest Movements: Worldwide Expressions of Dissent

Psychological and Medical Perspectives in Literature

  • Trauma and Memory in Post-Conflict Narratives
  • Representations of Mental Health in Young Adult Literature
  • Psychoanalysis and Character Development in Literary Texts
  • Disability Studies and Chronic Illness Narratives in Literature
  • Existentialism in Literature: Navigating Meaning and Absurdity
  • Neurodiversity in Contemporary Fiction: Depicting Cognitive Diversity
  • Psychoanalysis and Trauma Narratives: Healing Through Storytelling
  • Illness and Healing in Indigenous Literature: Cultural Perspectives
  • Existential Crisis in Young Adult Literature: Coming-of-Age in Uncertain Times
  • Madness and Sanity in Literature: Representation and Interpretation

Performance and Adaptation Studies

  • Shakespearean Adaptations in Different Cultural Contexts
  • Film and TV Adaptations: Impact on Literary Interpretation
  • Oral Tradition and Folklore: Preservation and Adaptation in Writing
  • Theatre of the Oppressed: Social Change through Performance
  • Literary Festivals and Cultural Exchange: Engaging Global Audiences
  • Adaptation and Appropriation in Theatre: Transforming Literary Works
  • The Influence of Manga and Anime on Contemporary Literature
  • Digital Storytelling and Social Change: Engaging Audiences in New Media
  • Indigenous Oral Traditions and Their Transition into Written Literature
  • Literary Tourism: Exploring the Impact of Literature on Travel and Place

So, these are the most amazing Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature.

Conclusion – Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature

These are all about the Latest Research Topics For PhD In English Literature. We give the latest research topics presented for a PhD in English Literature that embodies the dynamic and evolving nature of the field. These topics span diverse thematic areas, encompassing contemporary societal concerns, technological advancements, cultural shifts, and interdisciplinary intersections. They beckon aspiring scholars to embark on nuanced inquiries that transcend traditional boundaries, offering opportunities to explore uncharted territories within literary studies.

The curated list encapsulates the multifaceted dimensions of literature, inviting critical engagement with global perspectives, marginalized narratives, environmental concerns, technological impacts, and identity explorations. These research avenues not only stimulate intellectual curiosity but also encourage scholars to contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse by presenting innovative interpretations, challenging conventions, and providing fresh insights into the ever-expanding realm of English Literature.

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Graduate Thesis Examples

The subjects of MA theses have included studies of individual poets or dramatists, novelists or autobiographers, as well as explorations of literary movements, themes or periods. View our more recent titles below.

Our Recent Titles:

  • “The Bottom and the Orchard: Where Space and Place are Created, Controlled, and Maintained in  Sula  and  Recitatif ” (2024 Anyabwile)
  • “The Great (Genre) Escape” (2024 Perrin)
  • “Modality and Sociality in Elizabeth Gaskell’s  Cranford ” (2024 Perry)
  • “‘Don’t Question the Experts’: Autistic Autobiographies, Expert Paratexts, and Epistemic Injustice” (2024 Thompson)
  • “Preracial Panem: Understanding Racial Identity in Suzanne Collins’s  The Hunger Games  Trilogy and Prequel  The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes ” (2024 Wooten)
  • “Parts of the Story: An Illustrated Short Story Collection” (2023 Beal)
  • “‘What lady wouldn’t wish to join causes with women who stood up for other women?’: Heroines’ Rivalries and Friendships in Popular Romance Novels” (2023 Bradford)
  • “Breaking Away: Some Essays on Influence” (2023 Ferrer)
  • “Posting to Engage: A Study of the Effects of Recovery-Oriented Rhetoric on Community Building for Individuals with Eating Disorders and Associated Symptoms on Instagram” (2023 Horton)
  • “Being Born: A Memoir of Self-Making in Four Parts” (2023 Langford)
  • “‘Widen the Lens and See’: Poetry, Photography, and the Act of Witness in Muriel Rukeyser’s ‘The Book of the Dead’” (2023 Marlow)
  • “Engaging Secondary Students Through Secondary Worlds: An Approach to Teaching Tolkien at the High School Level” (2022 Casey)
  • “The Religious and the Secular Mythology in  Idylls of the King ” (2022 Kirkendall)
  • “‘…A Hideous Monster’: Social Repression and Rebellion in Gregory Corso’s ‘The American Way’” (2022 LeBey)
  • “Individualism, Materialism, and Sacrifice in Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ and Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Nightingale’” (2022 Nalbandian)
  • “Burying the Carnival” (2022 Overdurf)
  • “Attending to Time in Narratives of Enslavement: Temporal Alterities and Lived Experiences of Time in Toni Morrison’s  Beloved ” (2021 Bischoff)
  • “‘Beasts who walk alone’: Narrating Queer Abjection in Djuna Barnes’s  Nightwood  and Jordy Rosenberg’s  Confessions of the Fox ” (2021 McGuirk)
  • “Reach Out and Touch Faith: Haptic Reciprocity in Milton’s  Paradise Lost ” (2021 Ricks)
  • “Gender Matters: Amante’s Gender Construction in Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘The Grey Woman’” (2021 Willis)
  • “Braddon’s Body of Bigamy: A Corpus Stylistics Analysis” (2021 Waxman)
  • “‘Memory is all that Matters;’ Queer Latinx Temporality and the Memory-Making Process” (2020 Caicedo)
  • “Old Wives’ Tales: Mothers & Daughters, Wives & Witches (Stories)” (2020 Champagne)
  • “‘Numbed and Mortified’: Labor, Empathy, and Acquired Disability in  King Lear  and  Titus Andronicus : (2020 Harrington)
  • “‘More Forms and Stranger’: Queer Feminism and the Aesthetic of Sapphic Camp (2020 Kennedy)
  • “A Discourse and Statistical Approach to Intersections of Gender and Race in Melville’s  Typee ” (2020 Post)
  • “Prophetic Un-speaking: The Language of Inheritance and Original Sin in  Paradise Lost  and S alve Deus Rex Judaeorum ” (2019 Darrow)
  • “‘The Frame of her Eternal Dream’: From  Thel  to Dreamscapes of Influence” (2019 Gallo)
  • “‘The Murmure and the Cherles Rebellying’: Poetic and Economic Interpretations of the Great Revolt of 1381” (2019 Noell)
  • “Dialogic Convergences of Spatiality, Racial Identity, and the American Cultural Imagination” (2019 Humphrey)
  • “Troubling Vice: Stigma and Subjectivity in Shakespeare’s Ambitious Villains” (2019 Simonson)
  • “Beyond Mourning: Afro-Pessimism in Contemporary African American Fiction” (2018 Huggins)
  • “‘Harmonized by the earth’: Land, Landscape, and Place in Emily Brontë’s  Wuthering Heights ” (2018 Bevin)
  • “(Re)membering the Subject: Nomadic Becoming in Contemporary Chicano/a Literature” (2018 Voelkner)
  • “Werewolves: The Outsider on the Inside in Icelandic and French Medieval Literature” (2018 Modugno)
  • “Towards Self-Defined Expressions of Black Anger in Claudia Rankine’s  Citizen  and Percival Everett’s  Erasure ” (2018 Razak)
  • “Echoes Inhabit the Garden: The Music of Poetry and Place in T.S. Eliot” (2018 Goldsmith)
  • “‘Is this what motherhood is?’: Ambivalent Representations of Motherhood in Black Women’s Novels, 1953-2011” (2018 Gotfredson)
  • “Movements of Hunters and Pilgrims: Forms of Motion and Thought in  Moby-Dick ,  The Confidence Man , and  Clarel ” (2018 Marcy)
  • “Speaking of the Body: The Maternal Body, Race, and Language in the Plays of Cherrie Moraga, Suzan-Lori Parks, and Tony Kushner” (2018 King)
  • “Passing as Jewish: The Material Consequences of Race and the Property of Whiteness in Late Twentieth-Century Passing Novels” (2017 Mullis)
  • “Eliot through Tolkien: Estrangement, Verse Drama, and the Christian Path in the Modern Era” (2017 Reynolds)
  • “Aesthetics, Politics, and the Urban Space in Postcolonial British Literature” (2017 Rahmat)
  • “Models of Claim, Resistance, and Activism in the Novels of Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Hays, and Frances Burney” (2017 Smith)
  • “English Literature’s Father of Authorial Androgyny: The Innovative Perspective of Chaucer and the Wife of Bath” (2017 Ingold)
  •  “’Verbal Hygiene’ on the Radio: An Exploration into Perceptions of Female Voices on Public Radio and How They Reflect Language and Gender Ideologies within American Culture” (2017 Barrett)
  • “Divided Bodies: Nation Formation and the Literary Marketplace in Salman Rushdie’s  Shame  and Bapsi Sidhwa’s  Cracking India”  (2016 Mellon)
  • “Metaformal Trends in Contemporary American Poetry” (2016 Muller)
  • “Power Through Privilege: Surveying Perspectives on the Humanities in Higher Education in the Contemporary American Campus Novel” (2016 Klein)
  • “‘I always cure you when I come’: The Caregiver Figure in the Novels of Jane Austen” (2016 McKenzie)
  • “English Imperial Selfhood and Semiperipheral Witchcraft in  The Faerie Queene, Daemonologie,  and  The Tempest”  (2016 Davis)
  • “With Slabs, Bones, and Poles: De/Constructing Narratives of Hurricane Katrina in Jesmyn Ward’s  Salvage the Bones , Natasha Trethewey’s  Beyond Katrina , and Selah Saterstrom’s  Slab”  (2016 Lang)
  • “The Ghost of That Ineluctable Past”: Trauma and Memory in John Banville’s Frames Trilogy” (2016 Berry)
  • “Breaking Through Walls and Pages: Female Reading and Education in the 18th Century British Novel” (2015 Majewski)
  • “The Economics of Gender Relations in London City Comedy” (2015 Weisse)
  • “Objects, People, and Landscapes of Terror: Considering the Sublime through the Gothic Mode in Late 19th Century Novels” (2015 Porter)
  • “Placing the Body: A Study of Postcolonialism and Environment in the Works of Jamaica Kincaid” (2015 Hutcherson)
  • “Wandering Bodies: The Disruption of Identities in Jamaica Kincaid’s  Lucy  and Edwidge Danticat’s  The Farming of Bones ” (2015 Martin)
  • “Mythogenesis as a Reconfiguration of Space in an ‘Alternate World’: The Legacy of Origin and Diaspora in Experimental Writing” (2015 Pittenger)
  • “Cunning Authors and Bad Readers: Gendered Authorship in ‘Love in Excess’” (2015 Bruening)
  • “‘The Thing Became Real’: New Materialisms and Race in the Fiction of Nella Larsen” (2015 Parkinson)
  • “‘Projections of the Not-Me’: Redemptive Possibilities of the Gothic within Wuthering Heights and Beloved” (2015 Glasser)
  • “Distortions, Collections, and Mobility: South Asian Poets and the Space for Female Subjectivity” (2015 Wilkey)
  • “From Text to Tech: Theorizing Changing Experimental Narrative Structures” (2015 Ortega)
  • “A Moral Being in an Aesthetic World: Being in the Early Novels of Kurt Vonnegut” (2015 Hubbard)
  • How to Order

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Thesis Topics

Caleb S.

Interesting Thesis Topics & Ideas To Get Started

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Thesis Topics

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If you’re a student who’s nearing graduation and wondering, “What is the best topic for your thesis?”, you’ve come to the perfect place!

It’s a well-established fact that thesis documents require extreme levels of research and dedication. But, when it comes to choosing a topic for your thesis, it is far from being an easy task as well!

If your supervisor hasn’t assigned you a thesis topic, you can get valuable help from this blog. With thesis ideas ranging from education to diverse fields of study, you can pick the topic perfect topic for thesis writing.  

So without further ado, let’s get started!

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  • 1. Thesis Topics for Students
  • 2. Thesis Topics for Multiple Fields
  • 3. How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic?

Thesis Topics for Students

We’ll start with a comprehensive list of thesis ideas for students, then move on to topics for multiple fields. 

Thesis Topics for College Students

  • Exploring the psychological effects of student loan debt on college graduates
  • The challenges and opportunities of globalization
  • The role of education and social mobility in reducing inequality
  • The impact of immigration on the economy and society
  • The potential of new technologies to improve healthcare outcomes
  • The impact of online learning on student engagement and achievement 
  • What is the role of artificial intelligence in business decision-making?
  • High school bullying and its long-term effects on mental health and social adjustment
  • The challenges and opportunities of diversity and inclusion in education
  • The impact of early childhood education on long-term success

Senior Thesis Topics

  • The industrial revolution has increased the gap between the rich and the poor. How?
  • What are the effects of global warming on the world’s population?
  • Feminism is becoming as bad as racism. How?
  • The relationship between social media usage and perceptions of loneliness
  • The long-term effects of income inequality on economic growth
  • Placement by age vs. placement by academic ability. Which should be preferred?
  • How have viruses such as HIV-AIDS, affected the African economy?
  • What are the common sleep disorders and their treatments?
  • Using animals for sports and entertainment: Is it legal or illegal?
  • Discuss Trump’s “America First” trade and foreign policy.

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Bachelor Thesis Topics

  • The impact of E-Sports on traditional sports and the future of competitive gaming
  • The economics of renewable energy transition: Case study of Germany
  • The influence of music on cognitive performance and productivity in the workplace
  • The influence of social media on political movements and activism
  • The ethical implications of gene editing technologies: A case study on CRISPR-Cas9
  • Urban green spaces and their impact on mental health: A case study of Singapore
  • The relationship between smartphone use and sleep quality in young adults
  • Investigating the psychological factors influencing consumer brand loyalty
  • Cybersecurity threats and mitigation strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises
  • The impact of video games on cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities in children

Masters Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the relationship between literature and the political climate in the 18th century
  • Explain the relationship between rational thinking and religion
  • The Civil War is the greatest inspiration for art. Discuss the concept
  • Gun violence in the USA during the 2010s: A comparative analysis
  • Cyberbullying can lead to suicides - A case study of Australia
  • Campus shootings in the USA: Discuss the causes and risk factors
  • Labor markets in China: An in-depth analysis
  • What are the impacts of global warming on weather conditions in Iceland?
  • Explain the women's empowerment in Saudi Arabia in the 2000s
  • Write a detailed comparison of the anti-nuclear movements in Germany and Japan

MBA Thesis Topics

  • Discuss a case study of rural marketing projects.
  • What are the impacts of reducing the retirement age in America?
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Evaluating the factors contributing to success or failure
  • How can the banking sector influence the economic growth of India?
  • Analysis of global supply chain resilience in the post-pandemic business environment
  • Online marketing on social media platforms is useful for small companies. How?
  • Write a comparative study of organized trading in the USA and UK
  • How is technical knowledge essential to make wise financial decisions?
  • How can consumer purchases influence brand design?
  • Explore the positive and negative impacts of mobile banking

PhD Thesis Topics

  • What are the primary professors’ teaching patterns in China?
  • Discuss the social benefits of same-sex marriages
  • Discuss the legal issue of child labor in Third World countries.
  • What is the positive impact of music therapy on patients with brain injuries?
  • Explain the impacts of 9/11 on new policies against terrorism
  • Discuss the marketing strategies used in political campaigns
  • The US presence in Syria: Is it providing justice or violating the law?
  • Elaborate on the preventive measures to fight obesity among teenagers.
  • How to treat injuries in diabetic patients?
  • What are the political and economic effects of Brexit on the UK?

Thesis Topics for Multiple Fields

Here are some interesting and easy to write thesis topics from multiple fields of study.

Thesis Topics in Education

  • Special education policies in the USA: Are they effective or ineffective?
  • Why is studying abroad a legitimate excuse for traveling?
  • Strategies for supporting undergraduate students' transition to college life
  • Family involvement has a direct impact on a child's performance. Discuss how?
  • Why are students more likely to do the homework assigned by good-looking professors?
  • Role of Parental Involvement in early childhood education for academic readiness
  • Explain the development of emotional intelligence for modern education
  • Informal learning in rural areas through social networks. Is it possible?
  • Public school students interact at the same level as the other students. Is it true?
  • How can reality television disempower students to some extent?

Thesis Topics in Healthcare

  • How does increased physical activity promote healthy aging?
  • The impact of telemedicine on healthcare access and quality
  • Mental health stigma: Addressing barriers to seeking and receiving care
  • How do Supervised Machine Learning models help in Breast Cancer diagnosis?
  • Exploring the mental health implications of prolonged pandemic-related stress and isolation
  • Innovations in remote patient monitoring for chronic disease management
  • How can we improve the affordability of healthcare without sacrificing quality?
  • Strategies for addressing the global burden of non-communicable diseases
  • How can we use social media to promote health literacy and engagement?
  • How can we use genomics to improve disease prevention and treatment?

Thesis Topics for Computer Science

  • Quantum computing: The future of data processing and cryptography
  • How does the feedback system in personnel management work?
  • Describe the development of an automated workplace
  • How can data be analyzed by using robust AI algorithms?
  • Discuss the benefits of the development of a taxi service website
  • The dark web: Anonymity, security, and law enforcement challenges
  • Verification of webpage layouts. How is it beneficial?
  • What are the impacts of mobile computing on global development?
  • Big data analytics for predictive maintenance in IoT systems
  • How can AI-assisted surveillance systems decrease mass school shootings in the US?

Architecture Thesis Topics

  • How have religious buildings in the British Empire affected architecture?
  • Discuss the role of architects in combating the impacts of climate change
  • Why should we construct sustainable buildings for offices?
  • Discuss a case study of small houses to solve homelessness
  • Why should we develop public places in small cities?
  • How can architecture revitalize urban areas sustainably?
  • Are underwater hotels sustainable?
  • Discuss the transformation of urban design in the 21st century
  • How can we construct houses in developed countries with low income?
  • How can architectural design create healing environments in healthcare facilities?

Thesis Topics for Interior Design

  • Role of biophilic design in reducing stress and anxiety in workplaces
  • Designing interior spaces for people with dementia
  • The use of technology to create immersive and interactive interior experiences
  • Design of interior spaces for future generations
  • Impact of culture on prisons and other correctional facilities design
  • Use of universal design to create inclusive restaurants and cafés
  • Use of materials and finishes to create a sustainable and resilient built environment
  • What is the impact of interior design on human performance?
  • Creating inclusive and accessible interior spaces for people with disabilities
  • What is the future of interior design in the age of climate change?

Thesis Topics for Textile Designing

  • How to design textiles that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional?
  • Environmental impact of textile design and how to reduce it
  • How can textile design improve the performance of sportswear and activewear?
  • Design a textile collection that is accessible and affordable for people with disabilities
  • Develop a sustainable textile production process that reduces environmental impact
  • Investigate the impact of textile design on consumer behavior
  • Explore the use of sustainable materials in textile design
  • Challenges and opportunities of new technologies in textile design
  • Ethical implications of materials and production methods in textile design
  • How can textile design reduce fashion waste and promote circularity?

Psychology Thesis Topics

  • Why is emotional intelligence an important factor in professional satisfaction?
  • The notion of the self – Is it a myth or reality?
  • Evaluating the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral
  • Therapy in managing anxiety
  • Self-efficacy and academic achievement: A longitudinal study of students
  • A good IQ level can have long-term benefits for children. Discuss how?
  • How are emotional disorders directly connected to social cognition?
  • Analyze the relationship between emotional and episodic memory
  • How can rational thinking allow us to make better decisions?
  • How common is depression among homosexual teenagers?
  • What are the psychological techniques to help obese teens?

Political Science Thesis Topics

  • Compare the foreign policies of the US and the UK
  • What were the causes of the American Revolution?
  • How is religion used as a political power?
  • What is the role of social movements in politics?
  • Discuss the consequences of the Civil War
  • Immigration policies and their impact on social cohesion and diversity
  • The impact of campaign finance reform on political corruption
  • What are the negotiation methods during wartime?
  • Explain the difference between political and armed conflicts
  • Give a detailed review of the Human Rights Act 1998

Thesis Topics for Law Students

  • The role of international law in addressing global cybersecurity threats
  • Human rights and refugee law: Analyzing the legal status of stateless individuals
  • Legal aspects of intellectual property rights in the fashion industry
  • Consumer protection laws in E-Commerce: Challenges and emerging trends
  • How can we ensure that plea bargaining is used fairly and ethically?
  • Examining the legal and ethical implications of genetic testing and genetic privacy
  • The evolution of copyright law in the digital era: Balancing innovation and protection
  • How has globalization changed the landscape of international law?
  • What is the future of International Law in a world of increasing nationalism?
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on criminal sentencing

International Relations Thesis Topics

  • What is the impact of Russia’s intervention in Syria?
  • Discuss the trade relations between India and Pakistan
  • Discuss the impacts of the US sanctions on Iran
  • Explain the reasons for OIC failure
  • What is the US foreign policy towards North Korea?
  • Critically analyze the human rights violations in Kashmir
  • What is the policy of the United States toward Russia?
  • Discuss lessons learned politically since 9/11
  • Political problems in Africa have been affected by colonial rule. How?
  • Discuss how is Israel playing the victim card in the war against Palestine

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History Thesis Topics

  • How has World War II saved the world?
  • What is the impact of Buddhism on the Chinese empire?
  • Discuss the struggles of the North American colonies for independence
  • Describe the role of the monarchy in the domestic policy of Great Britain
  • Discuss the impacts of the North Korean nuclear program in Northeast Asia
  • Evaluate the American and Britain relations during the Cold War Era
  • Discuss the global impacts of the Great Depression
  • Explain the Women's rights and woman suffrage: 1848-1920.
  • Enlist the Military Innovations between WWI & WWII
  • Discuss the feminist movement from 1845 to 1920

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

  • What are the ways to deal with domestic violence?
  • How can we reduce racial disparities in the criminal justice system?
  • How is electronic monitoring an abuse of privacy rights?
  • What can be done to prevent cyber crimes?
  • What are the common child abuse crimes committed?
  • How can body cameras reduce police violence?
  • Why are men more likely to get the death penalty?
  • How can drug courts help people with addictions?
  • Discuss the strategies used to stop criminal behavior
  • Discuss the effectiveness of capital punishment in deterring crime

Thesis Topics in English Literature

  • The influence of feminist theory on the work of Margaret Atwood
  • Discuss the effectiveness of verbal communication in displaying feelings
  • How do people communicate when there is no shared language?
  • Language travels through time. Discuss the concept
  • Elaborate on the advantages of learning a second language in graduate school
  • Discuss the effectiveness of non-verbal communication for displaying emotions.
  • Shakespearean adaptations in modern literature and film
  • Narrative techniques in experimental literature and their impact on storytelling
  • What are the benefits of learning two languages at once as a child?
  • How to best communicate: Verbally or non-verbally? 

Thesis Topics in Mass Communication

  • Effects of user-generated content on news credibility and trust in online journalism
  • Impact of deep fake technology on media manipulation and trust in visual media
  • The role of media in promoting political polarization and extremism
  • The challenges of reporting on sensitive topics such as war, violence, and trauma
  • The ethics of using media to exploit or harm vulnerable populations
  • The influence of TikTok on youth culture and entertainment consumption
  • How does sports journalism respond to evolving media landscapes?
  • The role of social media influencers in shaping brand image and consumer behavior
  • The role of media in promoting corporate interests and agendas
  • What is the role of media in the surveillance state and the erosion of privacy?

Thesis Topics in Business Administration 

  • How is digital transformation changing business models and strategies?
  • What role does venture capital play in funding and supporting startups?
  • The role of data analytics in decision-making and improving business outcomes
  • The challenges and opportunities of expanding into new markets
  • What factors influence call center industry employee retention?
  • Comparing leadership structures in manufacturing and retail sectors
  • How do varying leadership styles impact worker performance?
  • Challenges and opportunities of managing supply chains in a globalized economy
  • Is a Human Resources Officer still relevant in today's businesses?
  • What is the impact of internal communications on organizational objectives?

Thesis Topics in Physical Education

  • Role of physical education in preventing childhood obesity
  • Impact of physical activity on sleep quality and overall well-being
  • Influence of physical education on self-esteem and body image in adolescents
  • What strategies promote gender equity in physical education?
  • How can cultural competency be integrated into physical education programs?
  • How does virtual physical education impact student engagement?
  • What factors contribute to successful youth sports and athlete development?
  • How does assessment and feedback improve student learning in physical education?
  • How can older adults be encouraged to maintain active lifestyles?
  • Does physical education have a measurable impact on academic performance?

Civil Engineering Thesis Topics

  • Assessing the impact of climate change on infrastructure resilience
  • Optimizing traffic flow and transportation systems for urban mobility
  • Risk assessment and management in civil engineering projects
  • Green infrastructure and stormwater management in urban environments
  • Geotechnical engineering challenges in high-rise building construction
  • Resilient infrastructure for mitigating the impact of extreme weather events
  • Smart grids and energy-efficient infrastructure for future cities
  • The role of 3D printing in construction: Feasibility and applications
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality in civil engineering education and design
  • What are the risk factors involved in building skyscrapers?

Cyber Security Thesis Topics

  • How can network security deal with cyber crimes?
  • How can an informational system protect your data?
  • How can we prevent the growth of cyber hackers?
  • What are the different types of cyber crimes?
  • How can we make network security affordable for everyone?
  • Discuss the effectiveness of malware protection software.
  • How can we improve cybersecurity in wireless networks?
  • What are the ways to prevent cyber attacks in organizations?
  • How do people become cyber criminals?
  • What are the current trends in the field of cybercrime and security?

Sociology Thesis Topics

  • What are the consequences of adopting a child?
  • Discuss the concept of female empowerment in a conservative society
  • Organ transplantation in our society. Is it ethical?
  • Explain the diffusion and innovation in European culture
  • What are the challenges that most women face at workplaces?
  • How difficult is it to be a single parent in a society?
  • The impact of economic disparities on how people Live: A sociological study
  • Technology has changed the way we eat. How?
  • Violations of social norms can be a positive act. How?
  • What is the relationship between poverty and education?

Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • What is the nature of truth and reality in a post-modern world?
  • Is there any life after death?
  • Can a person be happy without friends and family?
  • Why is there a need to engage children in physical activities?
  • Will you have eternal satisfaction if you had all the wealth in the world?
  • How morality and religion are related to each other?
  • Why do people commit crimes when they’re at the brink of poverty? 
  • How to develop a personal philosophy of life: Influences, values, and decision-making
  • Can free will exist in a deterministic universe, and what are its implications for agency and responsibility?
  • What is the nature of consciousness, and how does it relate to our perception of reality?

Economics Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the differences in commercial practices in rural and urban areas
  • Critically analyze regional divergence in Europe
  • Discuss the relationship between economic geography and the contemporary environment
  • What are the impacts of intellectual capital in growing markets?
  • Labor regulations are a way to solve the issue of unemployment. Discuss how?
  • Explain the factors that determine the market value of a business
  • What is the effect of labor force participation on the economy?
  • Discuss the impact of government expenditure on the economic growth of Australia
  • Discuss the impact of Brexit on small and middle businesses in the UK
  • Write a review of the aid and economic growth of developing economies

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Now that you have access to a wide range of thesis topics for multiple fields, you could use some tips to understand how you should pick a good thesis topic. 

How to Choose a Good Thesis Topic?

Follow the easy tips given below to choose a good topic for your thesis.


The following is a detailed description of the tips for choosing thesis paper topics.

  • Know Your Target Audience : Understand your audience's preferences, opinions, and ideas, and always consider their feedback for better grades
  • Consider Your Strengths : Identify your skills and strengths, and focus on your areas of knowledge
  • Follow Your Interests : Select a topic that aligns with your passions and leverage your creativity for an engaging idea 
  • Combine Different Ideas : Brainstorm multiple ideas based on your interests and knowledge to create a unique idea 
  • Read and Find Gaps : Explore existing literature and research, to identify gaps or areas that require further investigation
  • Put Your Idea to the Test : Conduct small experiments or surveys to test your concept, and utilize data and human resources for a comprehensive analysis. Make sure to identify and address any flaws or weaknesses in your thesis idea.

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thesis writing

Sample Topics

Literature and Culture: Great Britain (Prof. Feldmann)

Topics for Bachelor and Master theses

1. the following is a list of titles chosen for bachelor or master theses. it is meant as a guideline for finding a suitable topic of your own:.

Beeton’s Book of Household Management as Self-Help Manual for the Victorian Housewife

Blurring Identity Boundaries: The Liminality of Gender and Race in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet and Why Don’t You Stop Talking

Lost in Austen as a Post-Modern Re-Creation of Pride and Prejudice

Commercial Aesthetics: Representations the Female Body in Victorian Advertisements

Domestic Spaces in Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) and Stoker’s Dracula (1897)

Transcending the Eyes: Marginalised Discourses of Perception in Mayhew’s London Labour and the London Poor

The Representation and Function of the Female Body and Motherhood in Richard III

Negotiating ‘Irishness’ in Transnational Spaces between an (Imagined) Homeland and the Diaspora

Negotiating Identity in Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and its 1992 Film Adaptation

Travelling the Slum: Voyeurism and the Sensational in Mayhew’s London Labour and the London Poor

Gothic Fiction and Representations of Science: Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde  and H.G. Wells’  The Time Machine

‘A brave man’s blood is the best thing on this earth when a woman is in trouble’: Types of Masculinity in Bram Stoker’s Dracula

‘Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown’: Zur Darstellung englischer Königinnen in zeitgenössischen Spielfilmen

Chick Lit zwischen Tradition und Innovation – ein Vergleich von Erzählerinnen, Protagonistinnen und Milieus am Beispiel von Helen Fielding und Janet Evanovich

‘Tedious virtue, fascinating evil’? Forms and Functions of the Villain in Gothic Melodrama

Detecting the Neo-Victorian: The Detective as an Element in the Intertextuality in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Crime Writing

Kulturelle Differenzen und Identitäten in zeitgenössischer britischer Literatur und Film

Konstruktionen städtischer Armut in der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts

Neue Helden braucht das Land? Zur Darstellung von Arbeiterklasse und Männlichkeit im Kontext der Neuformulierung eines Mythos im Britischen Film der 1990er Jahre

Konzepte der Liebe in William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew und in filmischen Adaptionen

2. Here are some additional fields you might want to consider when choosing a topic:

Popular culture and popular myths

Popular cultural practices, such as tourism

Forms of canonization and popularization

The ‘cultural work’ of texts and their ideological functions

The intersections of categories of difference (e.g. gender, class, ethnicity, religion, age…)

The interplay of discourses in texts (e.g. scientific, economic, political…)

Discourses of gender and sexuality

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105 Thesis Topics In English Literature For Your Papers

Oct 21, 2022

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Oct 21, 2022 | Topics

Thesis topics in English literature are a great way to begin your research and writing process, especially if you don’t know where to start your project. Finding a good topic can also be difficult; luckily, we’ve got them all right here.

If you are an English literature student, you must search for thesis topics in English literature. Here are some good literature dissertation topics you can consider for your thesis.

Table of Contents

Best Thesis Topics In English Literature

  • The Influence Of The Romantic Movement On English Literature
  • Female Writers In The Victorian Era: How They Influenced Society And Why They Weren’t Taken Seriously
  • The Evolution Of Gender Roles In Shakespeare’s Plays
  • Romanticism And Postmodernism: How Their Similarities And Differences Shape Modern Culture
  • The Use of Time in Literature: How Authors Use Time to Create Plot, Character Development, and Setting
  • Love and Hate in Literature: An Analysis of the Differences Between the Two Emotions and Their Impact on Characters and Stories
  • The Role of Nature in Literature: How Writers Use Natural Elements to Reflect the Human Condition
  • The representation of gender roles in Shakespearean comedies and tragedies
  • The influence of Greek mythology on literary works
  • How women are portrayed as heroines in the works of Jane Austen
  • The use of magic realism in 20th-century literature
  • The impact of war on literature
  • The portrayal of gender in Shakespeare’s plays
  • Elements of satire in postmodern fiction
  • The role of the teacher in Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • The theme of loneliness in the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
  • The portrayal of women as victims in Faulkner’s Sanctuary, especially Temple Drake and Lena Grove
  • The representation of evil as a destructive force in Dracula by Bram Stoker
  • The concept of existentialism in Sartre’s Nausea and Camus’ The Stranger
  • The concept of alienation in Faulkner’s Light in August

Interesting Thesis Topics In English Literature

  • A comparison between the portrayals of women in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Dante’s Divine Comedy
  • The role of fear in Poe’s short stories
  • A look at the influence of Greek mythology on Shakespeare
  • A study of the theme of madness in Hamlet by William Shakespeare
  • The portrayal of women in Elizabethan literature
  • The role of self-destruction in suicide
  • The function of language in postmodern fiction
  • The influence of Freud’s psychoanalysis on literary criticism
  • The role of fate in the works of Shakespeare
  • The role of the teacher as a character in Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • The role of women as victims in Faulkner’s Sanctuary, especially Temple Drake and Lena Grove
  • The theme of love in Jane Austen’s novels
  • The role of women in Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey
  • The portrayal of evil in Shakespeare’s Macbeth
  • The role of fate in Greek tragedy
  • The theme of identity crisis in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  • A comparison of the English and French versions of the book.
  • The influence of literature on our lives.
  • A study of how the English language has changed over time in a particular text or historical period.
  • How does Shakespeare use language to convey his meaning in his plays?
  • What role do imagination, fantasy, and magic play when reading Shakespeare’s works?
  • Is there any relationship between magic/imagination/fantasy with the main characters` personalities?

Simple Thesis Topics In English Literature

  • Is there any relationship between magic/imagination/fantasy with the main characters` personalities
  • What is the relationship between literature, philosophy, and religion?
  • How do you think English literature has changed over time?
  • What role does humor play in Shakespeare’s plays?
  • The role of imagination in the short story “The Dead” by James Joyce.
  • The irony and repetition in the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth.
  • The theme of fate vs free will in Greek tragedy (Oedipus Rex)
  • A comparison of the English and French versions of Heart of Darkness Conrad’s novel.
  • How does Shakespeare use language to convey his meaning?
  • Is there any relationship between magic/imagination/fantasy
  • How literary studies interrelate with other subjects
  • Comprehending water imagery in the works of Virginia Woolf
  • How did Milton’s Paradise Lost affect 17th-century literature?
  • Analyze the 19th-century poetic imagination.

Easy Thesis Topics In English Literature

  • The influence of Christianity on Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
  • A comparison between romantic love and friendship themes in Coleridge’s Christabel and Keats’ Lamia.
  • The importance of Macbeth as a tragic hero and the role of fate in his downfall.
  • How the theme of revenge is explored in both Othello and Hamlet.
  • The role of fate in the downfall of Macbeth and Othello.
  • How the imagery in Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” reflects his nostalgia.
  • The effect of the Industrial Revolution on Victorian society and its influence on the works of Dickens.
  • How Shakespeare’s Hamlet explores the idea of revenge.
  • The role of fate in the downfall of Macbeth and Othello
  • The Role of Women in The Canterbury Tales
  • “The Miller’s Tale” and the Sexuality of Women
  • Chaucer’s Portrayal of The Wife of Bath in “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” and “The Merchant’s Tale”
  • Chaucer’s Portrayal of Women Through John, Nicholas, and Absolon in his Works
  • Literary Devices Used by Chaucer to Present His Views on Marriage and Courtship in His Works
  • Controversial Thesis Topics In English Literature
  • The Role of the Wife of Bath in The Canterbury Tales
  • The Role of Women in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: Indeterminate Identity, the Power of Love, Deception and Self-Deceit
  • The Importance of Macbeth as a Tragic Hero: The Role of Fate in His Downfall
  • How the Imagery in Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” Reflects His Nostalgia
  • The influence of French literature on Shakespeare’s work
  • The influence of Native American literature on British literature
  • The use of humor in the plays of Shakespeare and Moliere
  • The representation of women in Shakespeare’s plays

Thesis Topics In English Literature for College

  • Write a thesis paper on “Influential Characters in Literature..”
  • Analyze the role of characters in literature and how they impact the development of the plot.
  • Discuss how a character can influence other characters, even if they are not around.
  • The effect of the Victorian age on English literature.
  • The influence of Shakespeare on modern writers.
  • The role of women in English literature from the 1800s to the present day.
  • The effect of the environment on the characters in The Merchant of Venice.
  • How does Shakespeare use language to convey meaning in his plays?
  • A comparison between two or more different texts or historical periods.
  • The role of fate in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar.”
  • The influence of Christianity on Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales.”
  • A comparison between the themes of romantic love and friendship in Coleridge’s “Christabel” and Keats’ “Lamia” (1)
  • The influence of Shakespeare’s Hamlet on James Joyce’s “Ulysses.”

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If you’re looking for a thesis topic on English literature, then this article should be able to help you choose a topic. We have compiled a list of thesis topics in English literature that will help narrow down your research. We have covered children’s literature, nineteenth-century, and twentieth-century literature. We believe a comprehensive list will help you in literature research and provide some inspiration for what to write about in your next paper.

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Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Thesis Topics

You are invited to pursue any topic that falls under the English department’s purview, and the Honors Committee will assume that you will pursue it with scholarly rigor, intellectual seriousness, and artistic integrity. You should follow your own interests and commitments in defining your project, though you should avail yourself of the advice of those faculty members whose expertise will help you focus your ideas and give them depth. Again, we welcome critical, creative, interdisciplinary, mixed genre, and hybrid creative/critical projects. Most successful applicants have derived their projects from interests developed during their time as English majors at Georgetown. During the actual writing of the thesis, of course, you will work closely with a faculty mentor.

Here is a partial list of the kinds of literary and interdisciplinary topics that Honors students have pursued over the past few years:

  • Polyphony in the novels of Cormac McCarthy
  • Women in post-Stonewall gay male literature
  • Madness and skepticism in Hamlet and Don Quixote
  • Dialogism in Toni Morrison and Christa Woolf
  • The Booker Prize as post-colonial phenomenon
  • Jazz in the Harlem Renaissance
  • The scientific revolution and 18th-century narratives
  • Irvine Welsh and dialect writing
  • Sound and structure in scripts
  • Identity and memory in Maxine Hong Kingston
  • Influence of the internet on writing
  • The written legacy of oral narratives in Amerindian culture
  • Medieval women troubadours
  • African-American women writers and their Biblical heritage
  • Adult-child discourse in real-life conversation and classic children’s literature
  • The role of bible-making in the works of Blake, Wordsworth, and Hardy
  • Morality plays in the Middle Ages and the twentieth century

In addition, Honors students have written short story collections, memoirs, and collections of poetry. Students have also written hybrid creative/critical projects, such as a critique of postcolonial memoir within a postcolonial memoir. Those students who propose creative projects should have developed their skills through taking courses with the Georgetown English Department creative writing faculty or through participation in campus and professional journals and other creative venues.


Home > College of Arts and Sciences > English Language and Literature > Master's Theses

Master's Theses - English Language and Literature

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

“Hideous things have happened here”: Rape myths, rape culture, and healing in adolescent literature , Holly J. Greca

Moments of excess: Type 1 diabetes and the myth of control in adolescent fiction for girls , Michelle E. LeGault

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A sociophonetic analysis of female-sounding virtual assistants , Alyssa Allen

Vampire narratives: Looking at queer-centric experiences in comparison to hetero-centric norms in order to model a new queer vampiric experience , Marah Heikkila

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Overhearers’ perceptions of familiarity between interlocutors in computer-mediated communication based on GIF usage , Alexa F. Druckmiller

Feminism by proxy: Jane Austen’s critique of patriarchal society in Pride and Prejudice and Emma , Alexis Miller

The memory of mythmaking: Transgenerational trauma and disability as a collective experience in Afrofuturist storytelling , Jessica Tapley

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Body image/imagining bodies: Trauma, control, and healing in graphic memoirs about anorexia , Kristine M. Gatchel

Word-final /t/-release and linguistic style: An investigation of the speech of two Jewish women from metro Detroit , Janet Leppala

Hermione syndrome: Reexamining feminist sidekicks and power in 2000-2010 children’s and young adult fantasy literature , Josiah Pankiewicz

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Fear and (non) fiction: Agrarian anxiety in “The Colour Out of Space” , Antonio Barroso

Sculpted from clay, shaped by power: Feminine narrative and agency in Wonder Woman , Mikala Carpenter

Players in a storm: Climate and political migrants in The Tempest and Othello , Darcie Rees

Reclaiming racial/ethnic identity vs. reconstructing Asian American masculinity in Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese , Hyun-Joo Yoo

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The organization of turn-taking in fieldwork settings: A case study , Amy Brunett

Exploring the political impact of literature and literary studies in American government , Taylor Dereadt

"We met in a bar by happenstance": Master narratives in couples stories , Brent A. Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

What is the negro woman's story?: Negro Story Magazine and the dialogue of feminist voices , Maureen Convery

Illustrating adolescent awareness: Teaching historical injustices and promoting agency through picture books in secondary classrooms , Melissa Hoak

Phonemic inventory of the Shor language , Uliana Kazagasheva

Cannibalism in contact narratives and the evolution of the wendigo , Michelle Lietz

Parody and the pen: Pippi Longstocking, Harriet M. Welsch, and Flavia de Luce as disrupters of space, language, and the male gaze , Kelsey McLendon

Haec fortis sequitur illam indocti possident: A linguistic analysis of demonstratives in genres of early Latin fragments , Erica L. Meszaros

Tricking for change: Establishing the literary trickster in the western tradition , Christopher Michael Stuart

Because, x: A new construction of because in popular culture , Stephanie Walla

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MA in English Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2018 2018.

Implementing Critical Analysis in the Classroom to Negate Southern Stereotypes in Multi-Media , Julie Broyhill

Fan Fiction in the English Language Arts Classroom , Kristen Finucan

Transferring the Mantle: The Voice of the Poet Prophet in the Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson , Heidi Brown Hyde

The Effects of Social Media as Low-Stakes Writing Tasks , Roxanne Loving

Student and Teacher Perceptions of Multiliterate Assignments Utilizing 21st Century Skills , Jessica Kennedy Miller

The Storytellers’ Trauma: A Place to Call Home in Caribbean Literature , Ilari Pass

Post Title IX Representations of Professional Female Athletes , Emily Shaw

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

“Not as She is” but as She is Expected to Be: Representations, Limitations, and Implications of the “Woman” and Womanhood in Selected Victorian Literature and Contemporary Chick Lit. , Amanda Ellen Bridgers

The Intrinsic Factors that Influence Successful College Writing , Kenneth Dean Carlstrom

"Where nature was most plain and pure": The Sacred Locus Amoenus and its Profane Threat in Andrew Marvell's Pastoral Poetry , James Brent King

Colorblind: How Cable News and the “Cult of Objectivity” Normalized Racism in Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign , Amanda Leeann Shoaf

Gaming The Comic Book: Turning The Page on How Comics and Videogames Intersect as Interactive, Digital Experiences , Joseph Austin Thurmond

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Nature, Function, and Value of Emojis as Contemporary Tools of Digital Interpersonal Communication , Nicole L. Bliss-Carroll

Exile and Identity: Chaim Potok's Contribution to Jewish-American Literature , Sarah Anne Hamner

A Woman's Voice and Identity: Narrative Métissage as a Solution to Voicelessness in American Literature , Kali Lauren Oldacre

Pop, Hip Hop, and Empire, Study of a New Pedagogical Approach in a Developmental Reading and English Class , Karen Denise Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Abandoning the Shadows and Seizing the Stage: A Perspective on a Feminine Discourse of Resistance Theatre as Informed by the Work of Susanna Centlivre, Eliza Haywood, Frances Sheridan, Hannah Cowley, and the Sistren Theatre Collective , Brianna A. Bleymaier

Mexican Immigrants as "Other": An Interdisciplinary Analysis of U.S. Immigration Legislation and Political Cartoons , Olivia Teague Morgan

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

"I Am a Living Enigma - And You Want To Know the Right Reading of Me": Gender Anxiety in Wilkie Collins's The Haunted Hotel and The Guilty River , Hannah Allford

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Gender Performance and the Reclamation of Masculinity in Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns , John William Salyers Jr.

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

"That's a Lotta Faith We're Putting in a Word": Language, Religion, and Heteroglossia as Oppression and Resistance in Comtemporary British Dystopian Fiction , Haley Cassandra Gambrell

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

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Tim Walz’s Class Project on the Holocaust Draws New Attention Online

Mr. Walz, now the Democrats’ vice-presidential nominee, asked his high school students in 1993 which country was most at risk for genocide. Their prediction came to pass: Rwanda.

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Tim Walz, wearing a suit and tie, gestures with his hands as speaks to a class of students.

By Neil Vigdor

  • Aug. 9, 2024

The prediction was spot on: Rwanda was barreling toward a devastating genocide.

It did not emanate from a think tank, but from a high school geography class in western Nebraska. The year was 1993. The teacher? Tim Walz, now the Democratic vice-presidential candidate and Minnesota governor.

Thirty-one years later, the class project is drawing new attention. Mr. Walz, a geography teacher at the time, had asked his students to take what they had learned about the Holocaust to predict which nation was most at risk for genocide.

“They came up with Rwanda,” Mr. Walz said, talking about the project at a conference last month . “Twelve months later, the world witnessed the horrific genocide in Rwanda.”

The project was reported on in a 2008 On Education column for The New York Times that has been widely shared in recent days. Mr. Walz had drawn the attention of the reporter, Samuel G. Freedman, for an earlier column because Mr. Walz was the only K-12 teacher serving in Congress at the time, Mr. Freedman said.

“While I was interviewing Walz for the initial column, he told me how the genocide project was one of his proudest moments as an educator,” said Mr. Freedman, who is now a journalism professor at Columbia University . That sparked Mr. Freedman to revisit the story later.

Mr. Walz, when he delivered the lesson plan, had been teaching global geography in Alliance, Neb., and had been chosen for a Belfer fellowship to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum that was opening. Speaking at the conference last month, held by Esri, a company that makes G.I.S. software widely used in mapping, he said the project had a profound effect on his students and bred some cynicism.

“How could a bunch of students in western Nebraska, in Alliance, use a computer program and some past historical knowledge to come up with this?” he said. “Why was nobody doing anything about that?”

Several years later, when he was studying for his master’s degree in experiential education at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mr. Walz wrote his thesis on Holocaust education, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported .

As governor, Mr. Walz signed a bill last year that requires high schools and middle schools to teach about the Holocaust, along with other genocides.

Neil Vigdor covers politics for The Times, focusing on voting rights issues and election disinformation. More about Neil Vigdor


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  23. Tim Walz's Class Project on the Holocaust Draws New Attention Online

    Mr. Walz, now the Democrats' vice-presidential nominee, asked his high school students in 1993 which country was most at risk for genocide. Their prediction came to pass: Rwanda.