The 0% Policy: What is Going On?


  • April 10, 2020

assignment minder qut

Policy change happens once in a blue moon at universities, and when it comes up, it matters. Currently, QUT is reviewing the 0 %   late   assessment  policy.   

QUT’s approach to assessment has changed exponentially in the past 10 years.  QUT has had a myriad of assessment submission styles, from hardcopy submission at Assignment Minder  locations on QUT campuses ,  B lackboard submission,  T urn I t I n  and the like.  In the past, QUT has used  academic concession  policies that have varied   from  faculty to faculty, including a Sliding Scale akin to UQ and other Australian universities, before eventually  tr ansitioning to a complete  all-faculty  0% Late Assessment policy .   

Current Policy

A s  mentioned, QUT currently operate s  under a 0% late a s s e s s ment policy. E s s ent i ally, if you  s ubmit  after the due date without an  approved exten s ion, your a s s ignment will not be  marked .   H ere i s  a li s t of  s ome  pro s  and con s .   

assignment minder qut

According to QUT’s MOPP rule, 6.3.5 “ assessment work submitt ed after the due date without an approved extension of time will ordinarily not be marked and a grade of 1 or 0% will be awarded against the assessment item ” .  Th is  policy is stri ct in comparison to  other Australian  universities .   You can find the full Late Assessment Policy here.

This would explain the constant warnings given to ‘not leave submitting your work until last minute’ as technological issues are not considered an excuse for missing the minuscule window. If you’re 2 seconds late to submitting online, you will not be marked and a grade of 1 or 0% will be awarded against the assessment. The main argument favouring the 0% Policy is that it prepares students for ‘The Read World,’ despite the fact that many organisations in the real world do not operate in this fashion. 

Current Review of Policy

This policy is  currently in a review phase,  where  collab orati on is taking place  between   the  QUT  G uild  and the Student Suc cess Group ,  which is a department of the university .  This review began in 2019 and student and staff opinion has been gathered through various committee meetings and focus groups.  These focus groups aimed  to gather feedback from students on the problems with the current 0% late assessment policy. The feedback collected from these focus groups resulted in 9 key recommendations for change. The first recommendation was clear: ‘Replace 0% late submission policy with a sliding scale of penalties .  The current  proposal  is that the  late assessment policy is changed from a 0% policy to a new framework.  The proposed option is a 48hr no-penalty concession window that students can elect to use. No documentation will be required for students to access this extra time.  At the end of the 48-hour extra window,  the 0% policy will still be enforced.   

Previously in 2019, the focus groups looked at a v ariety of options, including a ‘Sliding Scale’ policy. This is a policy wh erein  a student will lose a percentage of marks for each day an assessment  is late. This policy is in place in a variety of universities across Australia with varying percentage penalties. These universities include   The University of Quee nsland, Griffith Universities, University of the Sunshine Coast, Edith Cowan University, the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourn e and La Trobe University. The sliding scale option has been a part of the conversation for QUT during this process,  however, the currently proposed policy is the 48-Hour policy.   

Concerns Surrounding Review Proceedings

Concerns have been raised b y the  QUT  G uild  regarding the process of proposing the 48-Hour Policy , which has been mirrored by student views in fo cus groups  and  S tal ker S pace .  To read some of these student concerns, follow this link to a post  by the QUT  Guild in   Stal kserSpace , the comments  reflect a variety of student opinions on the matter.   2 019 Student Rights Vice President of t he QUT Guild, Sarah McCutcheon said in a statement to Glass that, “ I don’t believe that the 48-hour extension option really addresses the core iss ues that come along with the 0% Late Assessment Policy.”   The report that came out of the 2019 committee, which was worked on extensively by Ms McCutcheon   and  other members of the  committee, found that there was a pref erence for a  S liding  S cale to be introduced .  This was the initial recommendation which emerged from the 2019 review.   H owever ,   in a meeting   of the steering committee  that took place on the 15 th  of November  2019,  the wording of the report that called for chang ing the 0% Policy  to a Sliding Scale policy  was altered  to read that  the committee should   Replace 0% late submission policy  and explore more flexible options .   the 0% Policy should be changed to an alternate policy.  This  change led to several alternative options being explored and ultimately  the 48-Hour Policy  was chosen .   

Like m any university functions, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the proceedings of this policy  review . The  focus groups have been confined to group zoom sessions that were held last week .  The original timeline accounted for more extensive student collaboration regarding the 48-Hour Policy  p roposals, including several focus group sessions on campus. Because of the pandemic, the size and  sc o p e   o f   t h e sessions were reduced to the Z o o m s  sessions that were held in  l i e u of the in – person consults .  The QUT Guild has raised some  c o n c e r n s   with the  l im i t e d   opportunity  s t u d e n t s   n o w  have t o   engage   w i t h   a n d provide fe e d back  o n   this p r o p o s ed  policy change, however, they  acknowledg e that the pandemic has affected this  process  sig nificantly.  The QUT Guild President , Olivia Brumm,  had this to say on the matter ;  

“This review process presents a rare opportunity for students to directly influence academic policy at QUT. It is absolutely imperative that consultation with the broader student community about the proposed 48-hour alternative is comprehensive, thorough and engages as many students as possible. At the end of the day the most important thing is that the alternative policy has student’s welfare at its core. “

Make Your Voice Count

This change will affect all students, whether you like it or not. Currently, the QUT Guild is putting together  a  report to present t o the st eering committee on the 17 th  of April, next Friday. If you have strong thoughts on  the 48-hour policy proposal , please   email  presi d ent  with the subject line ‘0% Policy Student Opini on’ to share your views and have your views included in the report.  Is there a Policy you prefer? Do you have concerns or feedback about how the 48-Hour Policy would affect you or your faculty? Let the Guild know so that yo ur ideas can be heard.  

Transparency  Note:  Em  Readman  and Jasmin Graves , Glass editors who contributed to this article,   sit on the steering committee for the 0% review.   


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Application for assignment extension, deferred examination or special consideration

If you have special circumstances that are impacting on your ability to complete your assessment, you may be eligible to apply for a concession.

Assignment extension

Apply for an assignment extension if special circumstances prevent you from completing your assignment by the due date.

Apply for an assignment extension

Deferred examination

Apply for a deferred examination if you're unable to sit an examination due to medical or other special circumstances. This is available for the end-of-semester examination period or an examination organised by your unit coordinator during the semester (in-semester).

Apply for a deferred examination

Special consideration

Apply for special consideration if you believe your performance in an examination or assignment was adversely affected by medical, compassionate or other special circumstances.

Apply for special consideration

Lodging your application

Start by selecting the link above relevant to your circumstances. You'll be asked to log in to HiQ.

Lodge your application as early as possible.

It may take up to five working days to receive a response to assignment extension or deferred exam applications. You should continue working on your assessment while your application is being processed.

Supporting documentation

All other applications will be processed as normal and will need supporting evidence.

You must provide relevant supporting documentation by scanning or photographing documents and uploading them to your online application form.

Applications won't be processed until your documentation is received.

The original supporting documentation must be available to be produced on request. Medical certificates must make it clear that your doctor thought you were unable to study.

Multiple assessment items

A separate application is required for each assessment item.

Further advice

Check our assignment extension , deferred exam and special consideration advice for full details on applying, including when to apply and requirements for supporting documentation.

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Referencing: Formatting for Assignments - transcript

This is a transcript of the video Referencing: Formatting for Assignments .

[Caption] Referencing: Formatting for Assignments. Part of QUT Library's Learning for study video series. .

Once you've completed your research, and kept the details of your sources, you will then need to complete the referencing of your sources in your assignment.

At QUT there are four referencing styles: Vancouver, Law, APA and Harvard. The official guide to referencing in these styles is called cite|write - style guides can be found on the cite|write website.

Your lecturer or tutor will tell you which style to use. You can also find out the required style on blackboard, by checking the unit outline or week one document.

Both APA and Harvard are author-date systems. This is because you use the in-text citation of the author's last name and the date to find the full reference in the reference list. There are many different ways you can cite in text, for example, you may like to use the author's name as part of the sentence. You may also need to use a page number to show exactly where you found your information. The reference list is ordered alphabetically by the author's family name.

The Vancouver system works by the same general principle but instead uses a number in the text of your essay to identify the full reference in the reference list. The reference list reflects the order in which the sources were cited in your essay.

There are a few different ways of using your sources in your writing. Your in-text citation can be a direct, word-for-word quote from a source, an indirect paraphrasing of an author's idea using your own words or a summary of an author's complete argument. It is important to get this part right, so that you are referencing fairly and accurately.

Once you have all the details of your sources, arrange them according to the style you are required to use. While these styles use different punctuation and formatting, they generally use the same details to describe the source. The trick is to be organised and have all the details you need ready.

Let's now look at a few examples of sources formatted in the reference list, starting with the full reference for a book. For this reference we'll use APA style. The author's name is broken down into last name, and first name initial. The title is italicised. All you need to know is to follow the template, swapping in the details of your source and noting what punctuation is used.

An ebook is similar - let's use Harvard style this time. The author is broken down into name followed by first name. The title is also italicised. Date used will be the date you accessed the source.

A book chapter is a little more complex. This example uses APA. Note that there are two authors, the chapter author and the editor. The chapter author is listed first. There are also two titles, it is the title of the book which is italicised.

Here is a journal article in Harvard style. Note that there are also two titles for journals, the article title and the journal title. The journal title is italicised. Details specific to a journal article include the volume, the issue, so that the specific journal can be found, and the DOI.

For our last example, a website in APA. Most often, a website fit for academic use will have a corporate author, a group or organisation responsible for the content. Note that when you are referencing a web site, the title is not italicised.

Before your first assignment, make sure you are familiar with the basic rules of referencing in the cite write booklet, and the particular formatting used in your referencing style on the Cite|Write website.

[Caption] QUT. For more visit

[End of video]

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Sometimes life gets in the way of your studies. Depending on what your circumstances are and what you are seeking, you can apply for:

  • An assignment extension
  • Special consideration
  • A deferred exam
  • A supplementary assessment
  • Withdrawal without academic and/or financial penalty

1. Assignment Extension

Automatic 48-hour extension.

* Extension requests will open 48 hours before the assignment due date and close 48 hours after the due date.

Some units may not be eligible, please check your unit outline. 

If you have already applied for a Formal Extension, you cannot receive another 48-hour extension on top, however; if you apply for the 48-hour extension you can then apply for the formal extension if required. 

The 48-hour is included in your requested extension time (for example a student applies for a 7-day extension during their 48-hour (2 days) extension they will be granted an extra 5 days. 

Longer Extension 

Consider this option if you cannot submit your assignment on time due to special circumstances and need extra time to work on your assignment. Special circumstances include:

  • Health conditions
  • Family or personal circumstances
  • Employment-related circumstances 
  • Unavoidable commitments

You must apply for an extension on or before the assignment due date and provide supporting documentation to support your claim.

You must apply for an extension on or before the assignment due date.

Late Extension 

If you need more time to submit an assignment and it’s already past the 48-hour late period, your request will only be considered if you can provide proof of an exceptional situation that stopped you from turning it in on time. This is done through the extension portal.

This proof needs to clearly show what the exceptional situation was and how it prevented you from submitting the assignment.

For instance, just having a note from a doctor saying you were sick isn’t enough. The note must also explain how serious your illness was and how it affected your ability to submit the assignment.

2. Special Consideration

Consider applying for special consideration if you have submitted – or plan to submit – your assignment on the due date but feel that your special circumstances reduced the quality of your work. If approved, QUT can choose to:

  • reconsider the final unit grade.  But be careful, reconsideration of you grade does not guarantee an increase of your grade. QUT may choose to leave your grade unaltered after reconsidering it.  
  • issue an alternative or additional assessment item.
  • re-weigh your assessment.  Let’s say you have a 20% assignment, 20% quiz and a 60% exam, but special circumstances impacted your performance in the assignment. QUT may reduce the weight of the assignment to 0% and increase the quiz to 40%.
  • give you a  late  assignment extension.  This outcome is only relied on where a student fails to submit an extension application on time due to extenuating circumstances.

Unlike assignment extensions, special consideration only applies to students who are experiencing:

  • Health issues, except for minor illnesses that only lasted 1-2 weeks and occurred a week (or more) before the assessment due date; and
  • Personal/family circumstances.

You must apply  on or within 3 days  of the assessment due date.


Please note that Special Consideration is a significant concession that requires either a major health condition or a personal/familial circumstance that occurred before the due date for an assignment/exam, and which have adversely impacted upon your ability to complete assessment items to your usual standard.

This application will need to be supported with appropriate documentation detailing the special circumstances that impacted your performance. You must apply on or within 3 working days of the assessment due date.

Available outcomes are determined by the appropriateness to address the special circumstances, and include the following:

  • No change to the assessment item or final grade;
  • Completion of an alternative or additional assessment of a similar academic level;
  • The ability of the student to demonstrate the unit learning outcomes;
  • Whether this reweighting is equitable;
  • Any inherent requirements of the course.
  • Academic concessions applied for and granted in the relevant teaching period
  • The duration and extent of special consideration with reference to the assessment item/s
  • The student’s level of achievement in all assessment items in the unit with reference to the learning outcomes.

The full policy can be found in Manual of Policies and Procedures, Student Academic Concessions Policy, Section 9.

Review the decision:

If you are dissatisfied with QUT’s decision for the type of special consideration that may be applied , or the decision to reject your application, you will need to submit a Review of Academic Ruling (embed link for Review of Academic Ruling below) to dispute this. 

3. Deferred Exam

Consider applying for a deferred exam if you are physically unable to attend your exam due to special circumstances and would like to sit your exam at a later date. You must apply  on or within 3 days  of your exam.

Also keep in mind that:

  • You cannot defer an already deferred exam.  If you extenuating circumstance are present the day of your deferred exam, attempt your exam where you are able to and apply for special consideration.
  • You cannot defer your exam if you attended it, regardless if you left early or not.  The most you can do in this scenario is apply for special consideration.

4. Supplementary Assessment

Consider applying for supplementary assessment (’supps’) if:

  • You failed a unit with a grade of 3; and
  • You would like a second chance at passing the unit; and
  • This unit is  not  a designated unit; and
  • one of your final 96 credit points (for students in a degree that is 3 years or more fulltime); or
  • one of your final 48 credit points (for students in a degree that is less than 3 years fulltime.

Students may be granted supplementary assessment in a limited number of cases where a grade of 3 has been achieved. This limit is such that the maximum number overall in a course is:

  • two in the final 96 cp in coursework programs of three or more years full-time duration or equivalent, or
  • one in the final 48 cp in coursework programs of less than three years full-time duration or equivalent.

5. Withdrawal Without Academic and/or Financial Penalty

Consider applying for  withdrawal without academic and/or financial penalty  if your special circumstances

  • caused you to fail a unit; or
  • forced you to withdraw from a unit after the census date;  and   you would like QUT to
  • wipe the fail grade from my academic record; and/or
  • waive any obligations to pay the unit’s tuition fees.

You  must  provide independent supporting documentation to prove to QUT that:

  • These circumstances must have:
  • made its full impact on your academic performance or after the relevant census date for that teaching period;
  • made it impracticable for you to complete the unit that semester
  • been beyond your control; and
  • been severe, uncommon and abnormal for you.
  • You have 12 months to submit this application, counting from day you completed or withdrew from the unit.

Download and read our Withdrawal Without Penalty Checklist and Student Guide to determine your eligibility to apply for special circumstances.


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QUT cite|write

QUT cite|write is the University's official guide to referencing, so should be your go-to guide to work out how to cite and reference correctly. It includes guidance for the following styles:

QUT cite|write is an invaluable tool to check how to reference a particular item. It gives you guidance on how to construct a reference exactly to the specifications of a particular referencing style - for all different source types, from YouTube videos to Government reports. So first, check with your Unit Coordinator or Tutor as to which referencing style is expected in your Unit and then use QUT cite|write for the specifics on how to do it.

Activity - Construct a citation

Activity - format the citation.

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Why do I need to use and cite the research of others?

Scholarship involves researching, understanding and building upon the work of others.

It requires that you give credit where it is due and acknowledge the contributions of others to your own intellectual efforts, be they world famous experts, your teachers or fellow students.

Incorporating the research of others by citing demonstrates your ability to research and your understanding of a topic or problem. It identifies who is bringing what voice to the conversation.

QUT APA citation style  is the required referencing style. APA style involves citing resources in-text as well as in your reference list.

QUT cite|write has detailed information about APA style and examples of in-text citations and reference lists.

Ways to cite

Direct quote vs paraphrase vs summarise.

Original source:

Transit provides basic mobility services to people in their day-to-day activities. It helps to reduce road congestion, travel time, air pollution, and energy consumption compared to other travel modes. Nevertheless, a large proportion of commuters are reluctant to use transit as their preferred mode choice. Understanding of reasons behind disinclination to transit ridership is of utmost importance to transit agencies.   Source: Kashfi, S. A., Bunker, J. M., & Yigitcanlar, T. (2015). Understanding the effects of complex seasonality on suburban daily transit ridership. Journal of Transport Geography , 46 , pp. 67-80.

Direct quote: word-for-word from source
Paraphrase: in your own words
Summary: brief mention in own words

Traffic congestion due to car use is a major issue in cities, however “a large proportion of commuters are reluctant to use transit as their preferred mode choice” (Kashfi, Bunker & Yigitcanlar, 2015, p. 67).

Kashfi, Bunker and Yigitcanlar (2015) found that commuters are hesitant to use public transport as the standard method of travel (p. 67).

It is important to consider why many commuters do not use public transport, as it affords many benefits (Kashfi, Bunker & Yigitcanlar, 2015).

How do I...

Incorporate others' images, diagrams or tables....

The image should have relevance to the content, be referred to in the text of the assignment and be referenced.

  • In text: "The strategic priorities of Engineers Australia as illustrated in Figure 1. prioritise sustainability…"
  • Refer to the image with a caption (i.e. Figure 1. Engineers Australia Strategic Priorities )
  • If an online source, provide a link to the URL (e.g. )
  • Provide the full reference in the reference list eg.  Engineers Australia. (2014). Strategic priorities 2014-15 to 2016-17. Retrieved September 7, 2016, from http://

QUT cite|write

For more information on referencing and academic integrity visit:

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A quick way to create an APA reference from a publication is to copy and paste the title into QUT Library Search, locate the publication, when displayed click on the " icon and choose APA to obtain the reference. The example below is a journal article:

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  • if-statement
  • declaration

Vlad from Moscow's user avatar

You may not enclose in parentheses a declaration. So using additional parentheses around a declaration would generate an error.

As for the first if statement then there is used an expression with the assignment operator. So the compiler warns whether using of the assignment is intended.

In the second case there is a declaration with an initializer. There is no an assignment. The value of the condition is determinate by whether the value of the declared variable after the initialization equal or not to the zero.

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When and how do higher degree research (hdr) students  need to advise qut about returning from leave     search advanced search opens new dialog search tips search terms screen reader users press enter to select a filter by product.  filter by product select a product screen reader users press enter to select a filter by category.  filter by category select a category sort by default summary new or updated description date updated direction ascending descending.

When Higher Degree Research (HDR) students are due to return from leave, they will receive an email with a link to their online return from leave form. Students complete the form to confirm they have returned within three days of the intended return date stipulated in the original online leave form. If they return more than three days after the intended return date they must complete the online return from leave form and submit a new online leave form for the additional leave period. The Graduate Research Centre Scholarships team require at least two weeks notice to reinstate scholarship payments, otherise scholarship payments may be late.  If a student returns to study on a weekend, their scholarship will begin from the following Monday. International students with visa concerns relating to leave should contact International Student Support Services:  [email protected] For further information about taking leave visit:

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  5. QUT

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  6. QUT

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    As for the first if statement then there is used an expression with the assignment operator. So the compiler warns whether using of the assignment is intended. In the second case there is a declaration with an initializer. There is no an assignment. The value of the condition is determinate by whether the value of the declared variable after ...

  21. QUT

    Yes, you can pay your fees by BPAY. To pay via BPAY, you'll need: to have internet or phone banking with your bank. the QUT Biller code, which is 254334, and reference number from your QUT student tax invoice next to the BPAY symbol. Further payment instructions are available on the how to pay your fees page.

  22. QUT

    QUT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands where QUT now stands. TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12079 CRICOS No. 00213J ABN 83 791 724 622 Page updated 27/02/2023 Accessibility