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IELTS essay and vocabulary (climate change)

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To score high in IELTS writing you first need to understand how IELTS examiners grade this part of the IELTS test .

IELTS examiners do not give you one grade, they give you four grades. You never see these but they are added together to create an overall band score in IELTS Writing. The four areas that they grade you on are:

Task achievement Cohesion and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical range and accuracy

This tutorial focuses on lexical resource:

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Female Voice:  Your host, Ben Worthington.

Ben:  How can you get a high band score in lexical resource in the IELTS writing task? Hi there, my name is Ben Worthington. In this tutorial, I'm going to give you a very useful, very practical strategy to help you score higher with your lexical resource.

This is a strategy that's included in the online course. It’s very easy to learn. It's very quick and the course is absolutely full of these straight forward practical tips and advice that help you improve much, much faster.

So, before we jump into this tutorial, it's very important to understand how the IELTS examiners grade this part of the test. They don't give you one grade. They give you four grades that you do not see. Then these are added together afterward to get an overall band score for your IELTS writing. The four areas are task achievement, cohesion and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy.

I'm going to focus on lexical resource and how we can improve our score. So, as we just mentioned, lexical resource is going to represent 25% of your overall score. So, it's important you choose your vocabulary carefully. Now, a lot of students just focus on answering the question and don't pay enough attention usually to vocabulary.

This might end up us getting a 5 for lexical resource and then it might lower the overall band score. Now, to get over a 6 in your lexical resource, we're going to have to use a range of less common words and phrases. Let's have a look exactly how we can do this with an IELTS essay. We’re going to look at a typical question and this topic is very common as well. It’s about the environment.

Before we even start focusing on the vocabulary, we need to read and understand the question. Let's have a look. "It is the job of governments and companies is to deal with the huge environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own can do little or nothing. What is your opinion about this statement?"

In this question, we need to focus on governments, companies, and individuals. So, the best answer would be-- I would take two strategies. We could take the five-paragraph model and write a paragraph for each one or we could kind of group them into organizations and individuals. We could say-- put governments and companies in the same basket, in one paragraph and then the next paragraph dedicate it just to individuals and it would make it easier to write.

Anyway, in this specific example, we've done three paragraphs. Now, we've understood the question and here is the tip I give in the online course, okay? It's very pragmatic. We're not going to jump in with two feet and start writing the essay. No. We’re going to note down some complex words and phrases we can use in our answer, okay? So, if you do it like this, you’re more likely to include it in your essay.

Now, what kind of vocabulary could we use to improve our lexical resource in this question about the environment? Well, not only are we going to use some less common words and complex language, but we're going to definitely, definitely, definitely use collocations. Collocations, if you don’t know, these are words that go together naturally and there's a higher statistical chance that we find them together when they are used.

They are used by native English speakers and they help you to sound more natural. Here are a few collocations. To tackle climate change: this basically means to deal with climate change. Next one, a pressing problem: a problem that needs dealing with urgently. A pressing problem.

Hopefully, you've whipped out your pen and you're writing these down. If you're not, I hope you're committing them to memory. Next one, a moral responsibility: a duty to behave in a way that is right. The key players: the most important people.

By the way, just as a side note, if you think this tutorial would benefit somebody, please send them the link. Send them a message. Tell them to download this tutorial or the tutorials in general and this way, we can just help make this IELTS burden of frustration a little bit easier for everybody else.

So, just to recap where we've got so far. We read the question, we understand the question, and then we brainstorm complex language related to the topic, complex language which is going to include topic-specific vocabulary and collocations.

So, let's jump into this. What I'm going to do is read you the question then I'm going to read you the answer, okay? Or at least the paragraphs I wrote. Now, as I said, in this example I divided it up into a range of paragraphs. What I'm going to do is read you the answer and I'm going to lower my voice when I mention a collocation, topic-specific vocabulary, or impressive language, less common language.

I'm going to lower my voice when I do this because when somebody whispers, you pay much more attention, okay? So, when there is a lowering in the voice what usually happens is that our ears pick up, our listening picks up and we try to pay more attention. This will be a clue for you to pay more attention and you're more likely to remember it. If you've got that pen in your hand, you can write them down or you can just pause the recording, write them down in your phone.

Let's go. Question first. "It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own can do little or nothing. What is your opinion about this statement?" We’ve done our introduction. Let's jump straight into the body paragraphs.

"It cannot be disputed that the world is experiencing an environmental crisis. According to recent research, if nothing is done to tackle climate change in the near future, our planet will face the devastating consequences of global warming. Undoubtedly, it is the role of governments and corporate organizations to take action. However, I strongly feel that individuals need to make a contribution to deal with this pressing problem as well.

Politicians, this is a new paragraph, politicians could certainly invest public finances in order to research the issues connected with climate change and furthermore could pass laws in relation to industrial pollution, which is making a major contribution to the greenhouse effect.

Nevertheless, it requires constant pressure from citizens either alone or in environmental pressure groups on our leaders to make this happen. The general public can protest or lobby the politicians or vote for a political party who proposes introducing green policies if elected.

Similarly, (new paragraph) copper businesses should be adopting more sustainable working practices for instance, by switching to more environmentally friendly ways of manufacturing using renewable energies such as solar panels. Likewise, the individual as a consumer can play a role here too by refusing to purchase products which have been manufactured in a way that damages the environment.

It must also be acknowledged that individuals have a moral responsibility to care for our planet. For example, reducing consumption of fossil fuels whenever possible, becoming self-sufficient by growing their own vegetables and switching off lights when they are not needed. Although some of these actions may seem minor, the cumulative effect of everyone taking such actions would be enormous.”

There we go. I'll read you the conclusion in a second. Let me just recap the impressive or uncommon vocabulary, the topic-specific vocabulary, the collocations, all used in this essay, right? Notice as well that they are used in a natural way. In a second, I will tell you about how we can acquire this vocabulary.

So, the vocab used which would help us score points: an environmental crisis, to tackle climate change, planet, devastating consequences of global warming, this is a pressing problem, industrial pollution, the greenhouse effect, environmental pressure groups, lobby their politicians. "...the general public can protest and lobby their politicians..." Lobby just means to try and persuade, to take action through the courts, to persuade the politicians to do something.

Next one: green policies, sustainable, environmentally friendly, renewable energy, solar panels, a moral responsibility, reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and self-sufficient. All of that is topic-specific vocabulary and all of it is helping you score maximum points for lexical resource.

Now, on  there is a whole page-- there is a whole massive tutorial on IELTS vocabulary and lexical resource. Just go to Google or Bing, whatever you use, put ieltspodcast lexical resource and you will find it, okay? There we talk about how you can learn this, how you can start incorporating it in a natural way because a lot of students might just go out and learn lists, which is better than nothing, but unless you learn those lists in context, unless you learn those words, phrases, and collocations in context, it's going to be a-- it’s not going to sound natural.

As we mentioned before, the environment is a frequently used topic. So, if you want to use decent vocabulary in your exam then hopefully you’ve written down the phrases I’ve just shared with you and go research those phrases and when you come across a new phrase don't just copy the phrase. Copy down the whole sentence and then maybe write down about four or five different sentences using a similar structure or using a different word, but using that collocation.

This will help you to get to use the collocation in a natural form especially if you're getting feedback on your work. If you're lost and you don’t know where to get feedback, then you can have a look at the Essay Correction service we've got on ieltspodcast and there you can send your work and the essay corrector will give you some feedback.

Sometimes I do it as well when the essay corrector is on holiday, but she will give you some feedback and she will help you understand where you need to improve. It’s a very fast and effective way of improving.

So, as I said, if you know anybody who's struggling with their IELTS, then perhaps send them a link with this tutorial or a link to the podcast. Also, the next step if you want to carry on improving is to go and subscribe at . Leave your email and we'll send you more tutorials, a big, big PDF full of model essays and vocabulary resources. If you're in a hurry, then you might want to have a look at the online course.

My name is Ben Worthington. Good luck with your IELTS. Keep on practicing, keep on improving and you will get there. Have a great day.

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Climate Change and the Inuit – IELTS Reading Answers


Updated On Oct 10, 2023


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Climate change and the inuit.

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The Academic passage ‘ Climate Change and the Inuit’  is a reading passage that appeared in an IELTS Test.

Ideally, you should not spend more than 20 minutes on a passage. Let’s see how easy this passage is for you and if you’re able to make it in 20 minutes. If not, try more  IELTS reading practice tests  from

Climate Change and the Inuit 1

27 1. In paragraph B, the keywords ‘ ’ and ‘ ’ can be found. In the fourth line of the paragraph, it is mentioned that they (the Inuit community) are not satisfied ( ) to let the outside expert tell that ‘climate change…is a direct threat to their way of life’. Moreover, these people are very protective (‘jealously guarding’) their hard-won autonomy in Nunavut, because they believe ‘their best hope for survival in this changing environment’ (‘climate change’) is to combine their ancestral knowledge and the best of modern science. As these three keywords – ‘climate change’, ‘Inuit community’ and ‘reaction’  (not ‘content’) are found in paragraph B, it is the answer.
28 6. Paragraph C begins with the description of the Canadian Arctic as a ‘ ’ (landscape) which is a very hard condition to live in. It is further added that in that terrain ‘ ’ and products from nature are ‘meagre’ (difficult). Moreover, it is mentioned that when the environment tested the limits of the colonists – humans who have settled in the Arctic- sometimes they  ’. Therefore, paragraph C is the answer.
29 3. In paragraph D, it is mentioned that life of the Thule people is ‘still harsh’. Most of these people ‘have abandoned their nomadic ways’ but still rely on nature to provide ‘ ’ (essential supplies). It is further added that ‘ ’ (sources) have to be flown on ‘one of the most costly air networks’ and it allows them to ‘  (food) they obtained through hunting with  ’(alternative). Hence, the answer is ‘Alternative sources of essential supplies’.

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30 7. In paragraph E, the writer begins with the idea that climate change may not make the Inuits starve by preventing hunting and trapping, but will have an impact on ‘ ’ (well being). Some health issues like ‘ ’ (negative effects) are becoming prevalent. Besides, ‘a crisis of identity’ due to disappearance of traditional skills of hunting and trapping, there is a ‘ ’ (negative effect) among the adult Inuits as they cannot go out in the world. As the ‘negative effects on well being’ are discussed in this paragraph, it will be the answer.
31 4. Paragraph F begins with the idea that as the Inuits have lived in the Arctic for so long, they will play ‘a key role in teasing out the mysteries of climate change’. As a result, western scientists are ‘  that  (respect). John Amagoalik, an Inuit leader states that ‘ ’ (Inuit opinion). In fact, now it is a   (respect grows). As the keywords are explained in this paragraph, the answer will be ‘Respect for Inuit opinion grows’.
32 2. In paragraph G, it is stated that some of the scientists doubt the traditional knowledge as the life of people settled in the Arctic is relatively new ( ). Others point out that the first weather stations in the north ‘ ’. Moreover, there are   (climate change) and   (limited). As the keywords are explained in this paragraph, the answer will be ‘Understanding of climate change remains limited’.
33 farming In the first sentence of paragraph C, there is a description of the ‘terrain’ – ‘ ’. In such an unproductive place ‘ ’, ‘ (means of supporting themselves for food) is ‘ ’ (impossible to engage). Hence, the answer is ‘farming’.
34 sea mammals In the fourth sentence of paragraph C, the keywords ‘ ’ (for thousands of years) and ‘  (rely on catching) are present. The people, or, ‘they’ who have  ‘ ’ have survived by exploiting ‘ ’ and fish which were their means of sustenance. Hence, the answer is ‘sea mammals’.
35 fish In the fourth sentence of paragraph C, the keywords ‘ ’ (for thousands of years) and ‘  (rely on catching) are present. The people, or, ‘they’ who have  ‘ ’ have survived by exploiting ‘sea mammals’ and ‘ which were their means of sustenance. Hence, the answer is ‘fish’.
36 Thule In the fifth sentence of paragraph C, it is mentioned that some of the settlers in the Arctic were  (latter), while others ‘failed and vanished’. In the sixth sentence, the writer adds that around a thousand years ago, ‘ ’ emerged that was ‘ (environment did not prove unmanageable). In the last sentence, the name of the ‘ ’ is provided as  , who had moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs, pottery and iron tools. Hence, the answer is ‘Thule’.
37 islands The second sentence of paragraph D consists of the keywords ‘ ’,  ,   and  . The writer states that ‘ ’. Hence, the missing blank will be filled by  .
38 nomadic In the third sentence of paragraph D, it is mentioned that ‘  (them) stayed in Nunavut. Over the ‘ (recent years), most of these people have ‘ (obliged to give up) ’ (lifestyle) and settled in 28 isolated communities of Nunavut. The answer is ‘nomadic’.
39 nature In the fourth sentence of paragraph D, it is told that even though the   (they), living in 28 isolated communities of Nunavut, have ‘abandoned their nomadic ways’, they   (continue to depend) on ‘ ’. Hence, the answer is ‘nature’.
40 imported The fifth and the sixth sentence of paragraph D has the keywords  and  . The writer mentions that  (produce) available in local shops in Nunavut were flown on  ’ or supply ship. It costs a family ‘  to replace meat they obtained themselves through hunting with ‘ . Hence, the answer is ‘imported’.

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Justin is our Exam Prep Master and helps our learners with the important information, tips to tackle the IELTS Test. He has his way of researching and putting into words the details that students need to know while prepping for the IELTS Test. Justin joined us right after working with an NGO, which helped students study. He understood the difficulties for local students who took up the IELTS Test as English wasn't their first language and thus took it upon him to educate and help students learn the basics of the language and how to tackle the test.

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Essay 16: Climate change

 Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Climate change represents a major threat to life on Earth, but some people argue that we need to accept it rather than try to stop it. I completely disagree with this opinion, because I believe that we still have time to tackle this issue and reduce the human impact on the Earth’s climate.

There are various measures that governments and individuals could take to prevent, or at least mitigate, climate change. Governments could INTRODUCE LAWS TO LIMIT THE CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS (đưa ra các luật lê hạn chế lượng C02 thải ra) that LEAD TO GLOBAL WARMING (dẫn tới sự nóng lên toàn cầu) . They could IMPOSE “GREEN TAXES” ON (áp đặt các loại thuế xanh lên) drivers, airline companies and other POLLUTERS (nguồn ô nhiễm), and they could INVEST IN RENEWABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION FROM SOLAR, WIND OR WATER POWER (đầu tư vào sản xuất năng lượng tái tạo từ năng lượng mặt trời, gió hoặc nước) . As individuals, we should also TRY TO LIMIT OUR CONTRIBUTION TO CLIMATE CHANGE (cố gắng hạn chế các hoạt động gây ra biến đổi khí hậu) , by BECOMING MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT (sử dụng năng lượng hiệu quả hơn), by FLYING LESS (dùng máy bay ít hơn) , and by using bicycles and public transport. Furthermore, the public can affect the actions of governments by VOTING FOR POLITICANTS WHO PROPOSE TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE (bỏ phiếu cho các chính trị gia những người mà đưa ra giải pháp giải quyết vấn đề biến đổi khí hậu) , rather than for those who would prefer to ignore it.

If instead of taking the above measures we simply try to live with climate change, I believe that the consequences will BE DISASTROUS (thảm khốc) . To give just one example, I am not optimistic that we would be able to COPE WITH EVEN A SMALL RISE IN SEA LEVELS (đối phó với sự tăng lên của mực nước biển dù chỉ là nhỏ) . Millions of people WOULD BE DISPLACED by flooding (sẽ phải di dời bởi lũ lụt) , particularly ‘in countries that DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS TO SAFEGUARD LOW-LYING AREAS (không có phương tiện để bảo vệ các khu vực nằm thấp hơn so với mực nước biển) . These people would lose their homes and their jobs, and they WOULD BE FORCED TO MIGRATE TO NEARBY CITIES (bị buộc phải di chuyển đến các thành phố lân cận) or perhaps to other countries. The potential for human suffering would be huge, and it IS likely that WE WOULD SEE OUTBREAKS OF DISEASE AND FAMINE (chúng ta có thể sẽ phải thấy sự bùng phát của dịch bệnh và nạn đói) , as well as INCREASED HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY (sự gia tăng nạn vo gia cư và nghèo đói) .

In conclusion, it is clear to me that we must address the problem of climate change, and I disagree with those who argue that we can find ways to live with it.


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Climate change impact on global migration

IELTS Writing Task 2: Mastering Essays on Climate Change and Global Migration

Climate change and its effects on global migration patterns have become increasingly prevalent topics in IELTS Writing Task 2. Based on recent trends and the growing importance of this issue, we can expect to see more questions related to this theme in future IELTS exams. Let’s explore a sample question and learn how to craft compelling essays on this subject.

Climate change impact on global migration

Table of Contents

Analyzing the Task

Let’s consider the following IELTS Writing Task 2 question:

Climate change is causing rising sea levels and extreme weather events, leading to increased migration from affected areas. Some people argue that governments should focus on reducing carbon emissions to address this issue, while others believe adapting to these changes is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

This question touches on a critical aspect of climate change – its impact on human migration. It presents two perspectives on how to address this issue:

  • Focusing on reducing carbon emissions
  • Adapting to the changes caused by climate change

As an IELTS candidate, you need to discuss both viewpoints and provide your own opinion on which approach you believe is more effective.

Sample Essay (Band 8-9)

Here’s a high-scoring sample essay that addresses the given task:

Climate change has become one of the most pressing global issues, with rising sea levels and extreme weather events forcing people to leave their homes and migrate to safer areas. While some argue that governments should prioritize reducing carbon emissions to tackle this problem at its root, others believe that adapting to these changes is a more practical approach. In my opinion, a combination of both strategies is crucial for effectively addressing climate-induced migration.

Those who advocate for focusing on carbon emission reduction argue that this approach targets the root cause of climate change. By limiting greenhouse gas emissions , we can slow down global warming and potentially reverse some of its effects. This could, in turn, reduce the need for climate-induced migration in the long term. Additionally, international efforts like the Paris Agreement demonstrate that many countries recognize the importance of this approach. However, critics point out that significant emission reductions require global cooperation and may take decades to show results, leaving current climate migrants without immediate solutions.

On the other hand, proponents of adaptation strategies argue that climate change is already affecting millions of people, and immediate action is necessary. Adaptation measures could include building sea walls to protect coastal communities, developing drought-resistant crops for areas experiencing changing rainfall patterns, and creating comprehensive resettlement plans for those who must relocate. These actions can provide more immediate relief to affected populations and help communities become more resilient to climate change impacts. However, detractors argue that adaptation alone does not address the underlying cause of climate change and may be seen as accepting defeat in the fight against global warming.

In my view, a balanced approach combining both emission reduction and adaptation strategies is essential. While we must continue efforts to mitigate climate change through carbon emission reduction, we cannot ignore the urgent need to help those already affected by its impacts. Governments and international organizations should invest in renewable energy and sustainable practices to reduce emissions while simultaneously developing and implementing adaptation plans for vulnerable communities.

In conclusion, the complex issue of climate-induced migration requires a multifaceted response. By addressing both the root causes of climate change and its current impacts, we can work towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all. (343 words)

Sample Essay (Band 6-7)

Here’s a sample essay that would typically score in the Band 6-7 range:

Climate change is causing many problems in the world, including making people move from their homes because of rising sea levels and bad weather. Some people think governments should focus on reducing carbon emissions to fix this, while others say we should adapt to these changes. I will discuss both ideas and give my opinion.

Firstly, reducing carbon emissions is important because it can help stop climate change from getting worse. If we use less fossil fuels and more clean energy, we might be able to slow down global warming. This could mean fewer people will have to move in the future because of climate problems. Many countries are trying to do this already, which shows it’s a good idea. But it might take a long time to see results, and people who need help now might have to wait.

On the other hand, adapting to climate change can help people right away. We can build walls to stop the sea from flooding cities, grow different types of food that can survive in hotter weather, and help people move to safer places if they need to. This can make life better for people who are already having problems because of climate change. However, some people say this doesn’t fix the real problem and we should focus on stopping climate change instead.

I think we need to do both things. We should try to reduce carbon emissions to help stop climate change in the future, but we also need to help people who are having problems now. Governments should invest in clean energy and also make plans to help people adapt to the changes that are already happening.

In conclusion, climate change and migration are big problems that need more than one solution. We should work on reducing emissions and helping people adapt at the same time to create a better future for everyone. (295 words)

Key Writing Tips

When tackling this topic in IELTS Writing Task 2, keep the following points in mind:

Structure : Ensure your essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs discussing both viewpoints, and a conclusion that summarizes your opinion.

Vocabulary : Use a range of climate-related vocabulary. Higher band scores require more sophisticated and precise language use.

Grammar : Demonstrate your ability to use complex sentence structures and a variety of tenses. For Band 8-9, aim for error-free writing and natural use of advanced structures.

Coherence and Cohesion : Use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas smoothly. Ensure each paragraph has a clear central topic.

Task Response : Address all parts of the question, including discussing both viewpoints and clearly stating your own opinion.

Essential Vocabulary

Here are some key terms to remember when writing about climate change and migration:

Climate-induced migration (noun) – /ˈklaɪmət ɪnˈdjuːst maɪˈɡreɪʃən/ – Movement of people due to changes in the environment caused by climate change.

Adaptation strategies (noun phrase) – /ædæpˈteɪʃən ˈstrætədʒiz/ – Plans or actions to adjust to new climate conditions.

Mitigation (noun) – /ˌmɪtɪˈɡeɪʃən/ – The action of reducing the severity or seriousness of something, in this case, climate change.

Resilience (noun) – /rɪˈzɪliəns/ – The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.

Sustainable (adjective) – /səˈsteɪnəbl/ – Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level without depleting natural resources.

Greenhouse gas emissions (noun phrase) – /ˈɡriːnhaʊs ɡæs ɪˈmɪʃənz/ – The release of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Extreme weather events (noun phrase) – /ɪkˈstriːm ˈweðər ɪˈvents/ – Unusual, severe, or unseasonal weather.

Carbon footprint (noun) – /ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/ – The amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of activities.

The topic of climate change and its effect on global migration is likely to remain relevant in IELTS Writing Task 2. To prepare, practice writing essays on related themes such as:

  • The role of international cooperation in addressing climate change
  • The economic impacts of climate-induced migration
  • The responsibilities of developed nations in helping climate refugees

Remember to structure your essays clearly, use appropriate vocabulary, and provide balanced arguments. Feel free to share your practice essays in the comments section for feedback and further improvement. Good luck with your IELTS preparation!

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  • Vocabulary List

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Global Warming Vocabulary IELTS 2023


  • Updated on  
  • May 11, 2023

Global Warming Vocabulary IELTS

IELTS is one of the most common English Proficiency Tests accepted in English-speaking nations. In any English Proficiency Test vocabulary plays a very important role. It affects every section of the English proficiency test. If you want to improve your IELTS score, you must spend time improving your vocabulary . In this blog, we will add some words and tips to improve Global Warming Vocabulary IELTS, so students can answer writing and speaking questions easily. 

This Blog Includes:

Importance of knowing global warming vocabulary , global warming vocabulary ielts , global warming synonyms , conversing .

Memorizing thousands of words for the English proficiency test will not be beneficial. You need to see the relevancy and frequency of the topic. Global Warming and Climate change are one such topic that is very usual in the IELTS exam. Here are some reasons why you should learn Climate change vocabulary/ Global Warming vocabulary for IELTS. 

  • Global Warming is a very hot topic related to the environment.
  • Global Warming is a big issue due to its threatening effect on the lives on Earth. It is a major topic of discussion that is common and repetitive in the IELTS exam. 
  • Knowing a wide range of Global Warming Vocabulary will help you to write essays related to global warming, Global heating, Environment, and climate change. 
  • Learning Global Warming related vocabulary will help you to understand comprehensions and audio related to Climate change, Global Warming, and Greenhouse gases easily. 

Now that you know why you should focus on learning Global warming vocabulary for IELTS. Let’s get started with learning the words related to it. 

AtmosphereThe blanket of Air surrounding the earth 
Co2The chemical formula of Carbon Dioxide 
Climate Weather conditions for a long period 
Climate ChangeChange in the weather condition due to global warming 
Emissions Discharge of harmful gases or smoke into the open air 
Global Warming Emissions of greenhouse gases resulting in an increase in temperature on earth 
Greenhouse effect Heat is trapped by greenhouse gases on the surface of the earth 
Solar Radiation Radiation by Sun 
WeatherState of the atmosphere for example cloudy. 
ContaminatedMixing of harmful gases with the pure air 
Fossils FuelNon- Renewable energy derived from the remains of organisms that died thousands of years ago 
Sea level riseRise in the sea level due to rise in temperature 
Global temperatureEarth’s Average Temperature 
MethaneComponent of natural gas 
MitigationSomething that will reduce the emission of greenhouse gases 
Carbon footprintAmount of CO2 produced 
OrganicThat doesn’t involve chemicals 
Climate resiliencePreventing the harmful effect of climate change
Climate actionAttempt to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases 

Must Read: Tips to Improve Your Vocabulary For Best PTE Score

Learning synonyms will always improve your content quality, you will be able to write things in a variety of ways to make them more informative as well as interesting. Here are some synonyms for the word Global Warming.

  • Climate change
  • Global heating 
  • Atmospheric Warming
  • Atmosphere heating 
  • Greenhouse Emission 
  • Climate crisis

Tips to Improve Vocabulary 

Vocabulary can be enhanced in a number of ways, but it will surely take some time. You need to be persistent and give proper time to improve your vocabulary. Here are some ways that can ae you to improve your vocabulary.  

Reading is a fantastic way to increase your vocabulary. While reading you come across new words and learn its meaning. Read your favourite genre of books or follow newspapers daily to enhance your vocabulary. 

Watching movies and web series is an exciting way to enhance your vocabulary. Turn on the subtitles while you watch something this will assist you in learning new terms and their spellings. 

Listen to your favourite podcasts and music with lyrics. This is a fun way to get familiarised with new words. Listening will not only upgrade your vocabulary skills but also help you in learning the pronunciation of words. 

Using the words you have learned while conversing is a great way to test your vocabulary. This not only helps you to recall the terms you have learned but also helps in understanding the context of the words.  

Global Warming is a big issue due to its threatening effect on the lives on Earth and a major topic of discussion that is common in the various exams. Knowing a wide range of Global Warming Vocabulary will help you to write essays and put your views on environment-related topics.

Yes, Knowing a wide range of Global Warming Vocabulary will help you to write essays and understand comprehensions, audio related to global warming, Global heating, Environment, climate change, and Greenhouse gases easily.

Reading is a fantastic way to increase your vocabulary. While reading you come across new words and learn its meaning. Read your favourite genre of books or follow newspapers daily to enhance your vocabulary.

Now that you have a wide Global warming-related vocabulary, you will be able to write and speak in a more compelling way on environment-related topics in the IELTS exam. Hope the information provided above is useful for the readers.

If you are aiming to appear for IELTS 2023, Then follow Leverage Edu ‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Fulfil your dreams of studying abroad with Leverage Edu, to get a free counselling session, reach us at 1800527130. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn , and Twitter .

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Alivia a budding journalist and content writer with 2 years of experience in SEO-focused content related to education.

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