Essay On My Favourite Leader

my favourite leader mahatma gandhi essay

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favourite Leader

My favorite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was a political and spiritual leader in India who fought for independence from British rule through non-violent civil disobedience.

What I admire about Gandhi is his unwavering commitment to non-violence and his belief in the power of peace and love to bring about social change. He inspired millions of people through his actions, speeches, and writing to stand up against injustice and fight for their rights in a peaceful way.

Gandhi’s leadership and activism led to India’s independence in 1947, and he remains an inspiration to people around the world who are fighting for peace and justice. He taught us that true power comes not from the use of force, but from the strength of one’s beliefs and the ability to inspire others to act.

Another aspect of Gandhi that I admire is his simplicity and humility. He lived a very simple life, wearing simple clothing, and eating simple food. He believed in living a life of service to others and dedicated his life to the betterment of his country and its people.

In conclusion, Gandhi is my favorite leader because of his unwavering commitment to non-violence, his ability to inspire change through peaceful means, and his humility and simplicity. His legacy continues to live on and serve as an inspiration for people everywhere who are fighting for justice and peace.

Long Essay On My Favourite Leader

We all have someone we look up to, someone who has inspired us and motivated us to become better versions of ourselves. In this article, I will be exploring my favourite leader – the qualities they possess, their achievements, and what makes them so special to me. Through this essay, you will get a glimpse into why I admire them so much and why I believe that they are an inspiring role model for many people today.


A leader is someone who can inspire and motivate others to achieve a common goal. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, with different levels of experience and expertise. Some leaders are born, while others are made through experience and learning.

My favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. I admire him because he was a great political leader who fought for India’s independence from British rule. He was also a spiritual leader who preached non-violence and peace. Gandhi was a man of great principle and conviction, and he inspired others to stand up for what they believe in.

I believe that leaders should be compassionate and understanding, yet firm and decisive. They should have the ability to motivate and inspire others, and to bring out the best in people. Leaders should also be able to make tough decisions when necessary, and stick to their convictions even in the face of adversity.

Gandhi was all of these things, and more. He was a true inspiration, not just to Indians but to people all over the world. His example shows us that it is possible to achieve great things through peaceful means, even in the face of opposition. For this reason, Gandhi will always be my favourite leader.

Reasons for Choosing My Favourite Leader

There are many reasons for choosing my favourite leader. The first reason is that he is a great motivator. He always puts his team first and helps them to achieve their goals. He is also a great communicator and always keeps his team informed of what is happening. Secondly, he is a great listener and always takes time to listen to his team’s concerns. This shows that he cares about his team and their opinions. Lastly, he is always willing to help out and makes sure that everyone is on the same page. This shows that he is a true leader who cares about his team and wants them to succeed.

Leadership Qualities of My Favourite Leader

There are many qualities that make a great leader. The leadership qualities of my favourite leader are:

1. Integrity: A leader with integrity is someone who is honest and trustworthy. They have a strong moral character and are consistent in their words and actions.

2. Vision: A leader with vision is able to see the future and has a clear plan for where they want to take their team or organisation. They inspire others with their vision and motivate them to achieve great things.

3. Passion: A leader with passion is enthusiastic and committed to their cause. They have a strong desire to achieve their goals and are always looking for ways to improve.

4. courage: A leader with courage is not afraid to take risks or stand up for what they believe in, even when it’s unpopular or difficult. They are brave in the face of adversity and never give up on their goals.

5. determination: A leader with determination is always willing to put in the hard work required to achieve their goals. They never give up, even when things get tough, and they always find a way to overcome challenges

Examples of My Favourite Leader’s Achievements

In my opinion, a great leader is someone who is able to bring about positive change in the lives of those they lead. They possess the ability to motivate and inspire others to achieve their goals, even in the face of adversity. My favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. I admire him for his tireless commitment to championing the rights of India’s oppressed masses. Through his leadership, he was able to unite a nation and lead them in their struggle for independence from British rule.

Gandhi’s achievements are many and varied, but some of my favourites include:

-Leading the Indian people in their struggle for independence from British rule.

-Establishing the principles of satyagraha, or nonviolent resistance, which were instrumental in achieving India’s independence.

-Founding the newspaper Young India, which served as a platform for Gandhi to share his ideas on politics, religion and social reform with a wider audience.

-Working tirelessly to promote religious harmony between Hindus and Muslims during India’s Partition.

Gandhi was an extraordinary leader who left a lasting legacy on both India and the world. His example continues to inspire me today and I am proud to call him my favourite leader.

Impact of My Favourite Leader on Society

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most influential leaders of our time. His philosophy of nonviolent resistance inspired people all over the world to stand up against injustice. He is also credited with helping to bring about India’s independence from British rule.

Gandhi’s impact on society was far-reaching and long-lasting. His ideas and methods influenced subsequent generations of activists, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. His life and work continue to be an inspiration to people who are striving for social change.

I admire my favorite leader for their commitment to making the world a better place. They have inspired me to take up leadership positions and have shown me that leaders are capable of achieving incredible things when they dedicate themselves to doing the right thing. I hope that in writing this essay on my favourite leader, I’ve been able to shed some light on why I find them so inspiring and admirable. As we continue our journey through life, let us all strive to be like my favorite leader and work hard towards creating a more just and peaceful world.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay On My Favourite Leader | Mahatma Gandhi

My favorite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. He was the person who introduced Satyagraha against British Empire. He loved everyone as his brother or neighbor, but he didn’t get married to his sister to avoid a family feud. He was a man of truth who was against unjust and violent acts. He believed that good things should be followed and bad things should be punished.

Brief Essay About My Favorite Leader Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s concept of nonviolent resistance was deeply influenced by his own religious beliefs. He was a Hindu, but he also believed firmly in the brotherhood of all religions. This is reflected in his writing , where he often speaks of the need for Hindus, Muslims, and Christians to come together and work for the common good.

Gandhi’s commitment to religious tolerance also extended to other groups within Indian society. He was a strong advocate for the rights of Dalits (untouchables), and he worked to improve their status within Hinduism. He also spoke out against the discrimination faced by women and supported their right to education and equal treatment.

While Gandhi is best known for his role in the Indian independence movement, his philosophy of nonviolent resistance has been influential far beyond India. After his death, his ideas were adopted by civil rights leaders in the United States , including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. Gandhi’s legacy continues to inspire people around the world who are working for social change.

He believed in the brotherhood of all religions and was a strong advocate for the rights of Dalits, or untouchables. He also worked to improve the status of women in Indian society. Gandhi’s commitment to social justice and equality continues to inspire people around the world.

When we think of influential leaders, many names come to mind. But there is one leader who stands out above the rest: Mahatma Gandhi . Gandhi was the person who introduced the concept of Satyagraha, which is a form of nonviolent resistance, to the world.

This proved to be an effective method against the British empire, and it is a philosophy that is still used today. But Gandhi was not only a leader of the Indian independence movement. He was also a man of great religious tolerance. He believed in the brotherhood of all religions and was a strong advocate for the rights of Dalits, or untouchables. He also worked to improve the status of women in Indian society. Gandhi’s commitment to social justice and equality continues to inspire people around the world.

To conclude, Gandhi was a true leader in every sense of the word. He was a man of great integrity who was committed to social justice and equality. His ideas and philosophy continue to inspire people all over the world who are working for change.

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Essay On My Favourite Leader

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  • Reading time: 9 mins read

Set 1: Essay On My Favourite Leader

The world has seen many leaders. But my favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. He is called the Father of the Nation. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar in Kathiawar, Gujarat. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. His father, Karamchand Gandhi, was the Diwan of Rajkot. His mother, Putli Bai, was a simple and pious lady.

Gandhi was married to Kasturba at the age of thirteen. He received his early education at Rajkot and after passing his matriculation, went to England for higher studies. He returned to India as a barrister. He then went to South Africa to follow a case. There he was pained to see the deplorable condition of Indians at the hands of foreign rulers. He fought for the rights of Indians living there. His love for the oppressed and the neglected led him to start a movement against this oppression. He came back to India in 1913 and started taking active part in the movement against the British rule.

Gandhiji left his practice as a lawyer and worked for freedom of India. He suffered much for India’s freedom and had to go to jail several times. Gandhi gave a new shape to the freedom movement. He introduced nonviolent methods to fight the Britishers. He became a leader of the masses very soon as he took the movement to the common Indian by caring for the problems of the lowest of the low.

He loved the Harijans and worked for them all his life. He believed in truth and non-violence. He worked for rural upliftment and Hindu-Muslim unity. People of India called him ‘Bapu’. He started many non-violent movements such as “Satyagrah”, “Non Cooperation Movement”, “Quit India Movement” and “Salt Satyagrah”.

Gandhi tried to rid the masses of the fear of the landlord, police and money-lender. He was a staunch Indian, a Hindu, a believer of the principle “work is worship”. He won freedom for India following the path of Ahimsa’ which means non-violence, India became free from the British yoke on 15th August, 1947 because of the persistent efforts of Gandhiji. A maniac, Nathu Ram Godse shot Gandhiji dead on 30th January, 1948, when he was going for his evening prayers. He was a great man in the true sense who lived, worked and died for the sake of his country. He is no more with us but his ideals will remain immortal, and if we follow them, we can also do a great service to our motherland.

Essay On My Favourite Leader

Set 2: Essay On My Favourite Leader

My favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The word ‘mahatma’ (great soul) was conferred upon him by his great friend, Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian poet.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869, at Porbandar in Gujarat. He had his education in India, and then went to study Law in London. And he became a barrister. He practiced law for few years in South Africa. Then Mahatma Gandhi returned to India and joined the Indian National Congress.

He participated in the freedom movement in India. He introduced a new method of non-violence, noncooperation into the movement, considering the helplessness of his unarmed poor countrymen.

Mahatma Gandhi organized mass movement in India, and went to jail several times in his life. In 1942, he began his historic ‘Quit India’ movement and bravely faced all kinds of odds. After long struggle, India won its freedom in 1947.

After the partition of India, Gandhi Ji worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. On 30th January 1948, Nathu Ram Godse, a Hindu fundamentalist, shot him dead for his sympathy towards the Muslim Community. The Indians pay homage to this great leader on his birthday qnd I consider Mahatma Gandhi as the greatest leader of India.

Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest man of the 20th century; he was respected by the whole world. The greatest scientists, Eienstein, said that the coming generation would not easily believe that such a man ever lived on the earth.

Set 3: Essay On My Favourite Leader

The greatest thing about him was that he was a human to the core and has a loving heart for the poor and the homeless. He felt for all and wished well to the entire humanity.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, in the Kathiawar region of Gujarat on 2nd October, 1869. He received his early education at home. His father advised his son to go to England for higher studies. In England, Gandhiji qualified for the bar.

But on his return from England he did not succeed as a lawyer. So he went to South Africa. There he found that his countrymen were suffering under cruel laws. He led a protest movement successfully. His movement was entirely non-violent.

Returning to India in 1916, he threw himself into politics. He started the non-violent and noncooperation movements. He was sent to Jail many times and thousands of his countrymen followed him. Prof 1206 it to gran A long agitation finally forced the British Government to grant independence to India on 15th August, 1947.

Subsequently it was renamed as India and Pakistan. This caused untold sufferings to life and property on both sides of the borders. But the Father of the Nation-Bapu as he was called-was not in Delhi to rejoice. He was in distant Naokhali in East Bengal trying to bring peace among the Hindus and Muslims there.

Mahatma Gandhi lived a splendid long life. He achieved the greatest of his wishes—the freedom of India. He also wished to see India prosperous but God willed it otherwise.

Three bullets from a misguided young man finished his glorious career. He met a martyr’s death, for he was pleading for Hindu-Muslim unity and this was not acceptable to certain self interested and shortsighted people.

Mahatma Gandhi has set a standard before us. He has shown that great heights can be reached by man. By his life and later death he has served his mother country, and he has served humanity no less. He has shown the world the true way to peace.

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  • Mahatma Gandhi Essay


Important Essay on Mahatma Gandhi for Students in English

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, often called the 'Father of the Nation' , was a leader who fought for India's freedom from British rule. He believed in non-violence. Every year on October 2nd, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti to honor his efforts in freeing India.

English Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Rabindranath Tagore was the first to call Gandhiji 'Mahatma,' which means 'Great Soul' in Sanskrit. His wise ideas and beliefs led people to respect and call him 'Mahatma Gandhi.' His dedication to the country and efforts to turn his ideas into reality make Indians around the world very proud of him .

According to Mahatma Gandhi’s biography, he was born on October 2, 1869 , in Porbandar, a coastal town in the present-day Indian state of Gujarat. He grew up in a Hindu family and ate basic vegetarian meals. His dad, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi, was an important leader in Porbandar State. In South Africa, he was the first to lead a peaceful protest movement, setting him apart from other demonstrators. Mahatma Gandhi also introduced the idea of Satyagraha, a nonviolent approach to opposing unfairness. He devoted 20 years of his life to battling discrimination in South Africa.

His idea of 'Ahimsa,' which means not hurting anyone, was widely admired and followed by many influential people worldwide. He became an indomitable figure who couldn't be defeated in any situation. Mahatma Gandhi initiated the 'Khadi Movement' to encourage the use of fabrics like khadi or jute. This movement was a crucial part of the larger 'Non-co-operation Movement,' which advocated for Indian goods and discouraged foreign ones. Gandhi strongly supported agriculture and encouraged people to engage in farming. He inspired Indians to embrace manual labor and emphasized self-reliance, urging them to provide for their needs and lead simple lives. He began weaving cotton clothes using the Charkha to reduce dependence on foreign goods and promote Swadeshi products among Indians.

During the fight for India's freedom, Gandhiji faced imprisonment several times along with his followers, but his main goal was always the freedom of his motherland. Even when he was in prison, he never chose the path of violence.

Mahatma Gandhi made significant contributions to various social issues. His efforts against 'untouchability' while he was in Yerwada Jail, where he went on a hunger strike against this ancient social evil, greatly helped uplift the oppressed community in modern times. He also emphasized the importance of education, cleanliness, health, and equality in society.

These qualities defined him as a person with a great soul and justified his transformation from Gandhi to Mahatma. He led many freedom movements, including the "Quit India Movement," which was highly successful. His death was a huge loss to the forces of peace and democracy, leaving a significant void in the nation's life.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale, a prominent Indian nationalist leader, significantly influenced Mahatma Gandhi's political ideology and leadership approach. Gandhi considered him his political teacher.

Mahatma Gandhi played a crucial role in India's fight for freedom from British rule. His life was dedicated to serving his country and its people, and he became an international symbol of Indian leadership. Even today, he continues to inspire and motivate young people worldwide with his values and principles.

Gandhi Ji was known for his strong sense of discipline. He emphasized the importance of self-discipline in achieving significant goals, a principle he applied in promoting his philosophy of Ahimsa (non-violence). Through his own life, he demonstrated that rigorous discipline can lead to the realization of any objective, provided we remain committed and dedicated. These qualities established him as a revered and respected leader whose influence extends far beyond his lifetime. His ideals continue to resonate not only in India but also around the world.


FAQs on Mahatma Gandhi Essay

1. What were the different movements that Gandhi started in order to bring Independence to India?

In order to bring freedom, Gandhi started the Satyagraha movement in 1919, the non-cooperation movement in 1921, and Civil Disobedience movement in 1930 and Quit India movement in 1942.

2. Who killed Mahatma Gandhi?

A young man named Nathuram Godse killed Mahatma Gandhi when he was going to attend an evening prayer meeting.

3. Why is Gandhi known as the ‘Father of the Nation’?

Mahatma Gandhi is known as the ‘Father of the Nation’ because he laid the true foundation of independent India with his noble ideals and supreme sacrifice.

4. How do we commemorate Mahatma Gandhi’s contribution for our Nation?

His birthday on 2 nd October is celebrated as a National Holiday across the nation in order to commemorate his great contributions and sacrifices for the country’s independence.

5. What are the things we should learn from Mahatma Gandhi? 

There are various things one can learn from Gandhiji. The principles that he followed and preached his entire generation and for generations to come are commendable. He believed in ‘Ahimsa’ and taught people how any war in the world can be won through non-violence. To simply state one can learn the following principles from Gandhiji - 


Respect for elders,

English Aspirants

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi [100, 150, 200, 300, 500 Words]

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English: In this article, you are going to read short and long essays on Mahatma Gandhi in English (100, 150, 200-250, 300, and 500 words). This article will be also helpful for you If you are looking for a speech on Mahatma Gandhi or Paragraph on Mahatma Gandhi in English. We’ve written this article for students of all classes (nursery to class 12). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Short Essay on Mahatma Gandhi 100 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was one of the greatest leaders of our country. He was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2, 1869. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Dewan and his mother Putlibai was a pious lady. Gandhiji went to England to become a barrister. In 1893 he went to South Africa and worked for the rights of our people.

He returned to India in 1915 and joined the freedom struggle. He started many political movements like Non-cooperation movement, Salt Satyagraha, Quit India Movement to fight against the British. Gandhiji worked for the ending of the caste system and the establishment of Hindu-Muslim unity. He was killed by Nathuram Godse On January 30, 1948.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 150 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader. His full name was Mohandas and Gandhi. He was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar. His father was a Diwan. He was an average student. He went to England and returned as a barrister.

In South Africa, Gandhiji saw the bad condition of the Indians. There he raised his voice against it and organised a movement.

In India, he started the non-cooperation and Satyagraha movements to fight against the British Government. He went to jail many times. He wanted Hindu-Muslim unity. In 1947, he got freedom for us.

Gandhiji was a great social reformer. He worked for Dalits and lower-class people. He lived a very simple life. He wanted peace. He believed in Ahimsa.

On January 30, 1948, he was shot dead. We call him ‘Bapu’ out of love and respect. He is the Father of the Nation.

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English

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Essay on Mahatma Gandhi 200-250 Words

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer, freedom activist, and politician. Gandhiji was born on October 2, 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the Chief Minister (diwan) of Porbandar state. His mother Putlibai was a religious woman.

He went to England to study law at the age of 18 years. After his return to India, he started a practice as a lawyer in the Bombay High Court. He went to South Africa and started practicing law. There he protested against the injustice and harsh treatment of the white people towards the native Africans and Indians.

He returned to India in 1915 and started to take interest in politics. Mahatma Gandhi used the ideals of truth and non-violence as weapons to fight against British colonial rule. He worked for the upliftment of Harijans. He fought against untouchability and worked for Hindu-Muslim unity.

Through his freedom movements like Non-cooperation movement, Khilafat movement, and civil disobedience movement he fought for freedom against the British imperialists. 1942, he launched the Quit India movement to end the British rule. At last, India got freedom in 1947 at his initiative.

People affectionately call him ‘Bapu’ and the ‘Father of the Nation’. He was shot dead in 1948 by the Hindu fanatic Nathuram Godse.  Gandhiji’s life is a true inspiration for all of us.

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 300 Words

Mahatma Gandhi was born at Porbandar in Gujarat on 2nd October, 1869. His father was the Diwan of the State. His name was Karam Chand Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi’s full name was Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi. His mother’s name was Putali Bai. Mahatma Gandhi went to school first at Porbandar then at Rajkot. Even as a child, Mahatma never told a lie. He passed his Matric examination at the age of 18.

Mohan Das was married to Kasturba at the age of thirteen. Mahatma Gandhi was sent to England to study law and became a Barrister. He lived a very simple life even in England. After getting his law degree, he returned to India.

Mr. Gandhi started his law practice. He went to South Africa in the course of a law suit. He saw the condition of the Indians living there. They were treated very badly by the white men. They were not allowed to travel in 1st class on the trains, also not allowed to enter certain localities, clubs, and so on. Once when Gandhiji was travelling in the 1st class compartment of the train, he was beaten and thrown out of the train. Then Mahatma decided to unite all Indians and started the Non-violence and Satyagrah Movement. In no time, the Movement picked up.

Mahatma Gandhi returned to India and joined Indian National Congress. He started the Non-violence, Non-cooperation Movements here also. He travelled all over India, especially the rural India to see the conditions of the poor.

Mahatma Gandhi started Satyagrah Movement to oppose the Rowlatt Act and there was the shoot-out at Jalian-Wala-Bagh. The Act was drawn after many people were killed. He then started the Salt Satyagraha and Quit India Movements. And finally, Gandhiji won freedom for us. India became free on 15th August, 1947. He is called as “Father of the Nation”. Unfortunately, Gandhiji was shot on 30 January 1948 by a Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse.

Also Read: Gandhi Jayanti Speech 10 Lines

Mahatma Gandhi Essay in English 500 Words


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was a politician, social activist, writer, and leader of the Indian national movement. He is a figure known all over the world. His name is a household word in India, rather, in all the world round. His creed of non-violence has placed him on the same par with Buddha, Sri Chaitanya, and Jesus Christ.

Family & Education:

Mahatma Gandhi was born in the small town of Porbandar in the Kathiwad state on October 2, 1869. His father Karamchand Gandhi was the prime minister of Rajkot State and his mother Putlibai was a pious lady. Her influence shaped the future life of Mahatma Gandhi.

He was sent to school at a very early age, but he was not a very bright student. After his Matriculation Examination, he went to England to study law and returned home as a barrister. He began to practice law in Bombay but he was not very successful.

Life in South Africa:

In 1893 Gandhiji went to South Africa in connection with a case. He found his own countrymen treated with contempt by the whites. Gandhiji started satyagraha against this color hated. It was a non-violent protest, yet hundreds were beaten up and thousands were sent to jail. But Gandhiji did not buzz an inch from his faith in truth and non-violence and at last, he succeeded in his mission. He was awarded the title of Mahatma.

Fight for India’s Independence:

In 1915 Gandhiji came back to India after twenty long years in South Africa. He joined the Indian National congress and championed the cause of India’s freedom movement. He asked people to unite for the cause of freedom. He used the weapons of truth and non-violence to fight against the mighty British.

The horrible massacre at Jalianwalabag in Punjab touched him and he resolved to face the brute force of the British Government with moral force. In 1920 he launched the Non-cooperation movement to oppose British rule in India.

He led the famous Dandi March on 12th March 1930. This march was meant to break the salt law. And as a result of this, the British rule in India had already started shaking and he had to go to London for a Round Table Conference in 1931. But this Conference proved abortive and the country was about to give a death blow to the foreign rule.

In 1942 Gandhiji launched his final bout for freedom. He started the ‘Quit India’ movement. At last, the British Government had to quit India in 1947, and India was declared a free country on August 15, 1947.

Social Works:

Mahatma Gandhi was a social activist who fought against the evils of society. He found the Satyagraha Ashram on the banks of the Sabarmati river in Gujarat. He preached against untouchability and worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. He fought tirelessly for the rights of Harijans.


Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation was a generous, god-loving, and peace-loving person. But unfortunately, he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse on 30th January 1948 at the age of 78. To commemorate Gandhiji’s birth anniversary Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated every year on October 2. Gandhiji’s teachings and ideologies will continue to enlighten and encourage us in the future.

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746 Words Essay on My Favorite Leader Mahatma Gandhi

India has produced a number of great men like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira, Guru Nanak, Kabir, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Vinoba Bhave, etc.

Mahatma Gandhi was an illustrious son of India. Throughout his life, he fought for the independence of India. He preached love, non-violence and truth. He was a saintly person like Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and Guru Nanak who were able to change the course of human history by their teachings.

Like Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi had a great passion for truth. He believed that ultimately truth always triumphs over falsehood. He wanted people to speak the truth regardless of its consequences. His book My Experiments with Truth shows how he became a devotee of truth.

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He was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbunder in Gujarat. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. However, people called him Mahatma Gandhi. He deserved the epithet “Mahatma” because of his saintly qualities. Some people loved him like a father. They also lovingly called him “Bapu”. He was truly the Father of our Nation. He believed in simple living and high thinking. He was great but humble. He commanded the love and affection of all sections of people

Gandhiji imbibed saintly qualities from his mother, Putli Bai. She was a very religious lady. She was responsible for kindling religious fervour in Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji was a mediocre student in his school days. He was also not much interested in extra-curricular activities. After passing his matriculation examination in 1888, he went to England for studying law. He was called to the Bar in 1891.

After returning to India, he practised law, first in Bombay and then at Rajkot. In 1893, he went to South Africa in connection with a legal case. He stayed in that country for about 20 years. He helped the Indians settled in that country in their struggle against injustice and tyranny. Soon he became their leader. It is in South Africa that he evolved his ideas regarding truth, non­violence and Satyagraha. His efforts resulted in the grant of some facilities to the Indians settled in South Africa.

Gandhiji returned to India in 1915. He settled down at Sabarmati which later became the nerve centre of his activities. He led the people’s struggle for India’s independence by resorting to Satyagraha. His Satyagraha was peaceful and non-violent. It was called Satyagraha because it was based on truth.

India’s first struggle against the British rule was launched in 1857. But as it was an armed struggle, the Britishers had no difficulty in putting down this rebellion with an iron hand. But Gandhiji’s Satyagraha was non-violent. It shook the foundations of the British regime which had to grant independence to India in August, 1947. Gandhiji was a relentless crusader against injustice and tyranny everywhere.

He was steeped in religion. He was a believer in truth and God. He was a great humanitarian. He hated the evil but not the evil-doer. He did not nurse any ill-will even against his worst opponents.

Gandhiji was a pragmatist. He practised whatever he preached. He respected all the religions of the world. In his life and teachings, he assimilated the good points of all religions. He adopted non-violence from the Jain and Vaishnava saints, love and sacrifice from the life of Jesus Christ and Karmayoga from the Gita.

He treated truth at par with God. According to him, God and truth are two sides of the same coin. They are inseparable. One cannot realise God without sepking truth. He believed that the service of man is the service of God. He saw God even in the poorest of the poor. He called the poor people as “Daridra Narayan”.

Gandhiji was one of the greatest reformers of the country. He believed that the social evil of untouchability was a curse. He wanted that the Hindus should treat the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes as their brothers, inter-mingle with them in all spheres of life and inter-marry with them. He exhorted the Hindus to throw open their temples to them. He called these people “Harijans” i.e., sons of God. He was certain that unless these people were brought within the mainstream of society, our country would not be able to achieve any worthwhile progress.

He also preached eradication of other social evils like casteism, communalism, drinking, gambling, dowry etc. He breathed his last on 30th January when Nathuram Godse, a religious fanatic, shot him dead. He died a martyr’s death.

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Essay on “My Favourite Leader – Mahatma Gandhi” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Kids and Students for Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE, ICSE Board, 286 Words.

My Favourite Leader – Mahatma Gandhi

India has produced many great leaders. The history of its freedom movement is crowded with leaders. They served the country with heart and soul. They made supreme sacrifices to get the country freed from the British rule. Some were tortured and some were hanged. They left behind them foot-prints on the sands of time. My favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi was born in a common family. After his schooling he went to England to study law. He became a barrister. When he came back, he was sent to South Africa. In Africa he saw Indians maltreated and insulted. He himself was insulted several times. He launched movements to uphold the dignity of Indians. He came to India and decided to fight against the Britishers.

Mahatma Gandhi organised the people of his country. He prepared them to struggle for the freedom of the country. He launched many agitations. He violated the rules of the government. He started movements like Non-Co-operation and Quit India. He spent a major part of his life in different jails. He adopted the weapons of non-violence and strike.

Mahatma Gandhi was a true representative of common people. He tried to live like them. He championed the cause of the poor people. Although he looked weak and thin, he had a powerful soul in him. He was a man of strong will-power. The Britishers were afraid of him.

Finally he succeeded in achieving his objective. The Britishers had to bow before his fighting capacity. They left India for ever in 1947 unfortunately he was shot dead on 30th January 1948. People like Gandhi never die. They live in their hearts. He is rightly called the father of the nation.

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Essay on Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle

Students are often asked to write an essay on Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle

The birth of a leader.

Mahatma Gandhi was born in India in 1869. He studied law in England before returning to India. He later moved to South Africa, where he first used nonviolent resistance.

Gandhi’s Philosophy

Gandhi believed in ‘Satyagraha’, or truth-force. He thought peaceful protests were the best way to resist unfair laws. This was a new idea in the fight for freedom.

Gandhi and India’s Freedom Struggle

Gandhi returned to India in 1915. He led the Indian National Congress, guiding India towards independence. He organized nonviolent protests against British rule.

Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s nonviolent methods inspired many, and India gained independence in 1947. His ideas continue to influence people worldwide.

250 Words Essay on Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle

Introduction, non-violent approach.

Gandhi’s primary weapon in the struggle was non-violence or ‘Ahimsa.’ His philosophy was grounded in the belief that moral superiority could not be achieved through violent means. This approach resonated with the masses and enabled widespread participation, thereby intensifying the struggle against the British Raj.

Mass Mobilization

Gandhi’s leadership was marked by his ability to mobilize the masses. His simple lifestyle and empathetic nature helped him connect with the common people. He initiated campaigns like the Non-Cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, and Quit India Movement, which saw mass participation unprecedented in the history of the Indian freedom struggle.

Championing Swaraj

Gandhi’s concept of ‘Swaraj’ or self-rule was not just political independence but also economic and social self-reliance. He advocated for the boycott of British goods and promoted indigenous industries, enhancing India’s economic independence and providing a blueprint for post-colonial economic development.

Mahatma Gandhi’s role in India’s freedom struggle was transformative. His non-violent approach, ability to mobilize the masses, and vision for Swaraj were instrumental in shaping the course of India’s freedom struggle. His philosophies have left an indelible mark on India’s ethos and continue to inspire movements for civil rights and freedom across the globe.

500 Words Essay on Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, famously known as Mahatma Gandhi, played a pivotal role in the Indian freedom struggle against British rule. His unique approach of ‘Satyagraha’ (insistence on truth) and ‘Ahimsa’ (non-violence) left an indelible mark on the world and significantly contributed to India’s independence.

Advent of Satyagraha

Non-cooperation movement.

Returning to India in 1915, Gandhi transformed the Indian National Congress from an elitist party into a mass movement. The Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922) was the first large-scale initiative against British rule under his leadership. Gandhi called for a complete boycott of British goods and services, which included schools, courts, and government services. The movement stirred the nation, uniting Indians across regions, religions, and classes. Despite its abrupt end due to the Chauri Chaura incident, the movement marked the beginning of a nationwide struggle for freedom.

Civil Disobedience Movement

The Civil Disobedience Movement, initiated with the Dandi March in 1930, was another milestone in India’s struggle for freedom. Gandhi and his followers marched about 240 miles from Sabarmati Ashram to the coastal village of Dandi, where they made salt, defying the British salt laws. This act was a symbolic defiance of the British monopoly and a peaceful protest against their oppressive regime.

Quit India Movement

Gandhi’s philosophy and its impact.

Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence and truth was not merely a strategy for the freedom struggle, but a way of life. His principles of simplicity, self-reliance, and communal harmony continue to inspire millions around the world. His innovative methods of civil resistance have influenced numerous freedom struggles globally, including the civil rights movement in the U.S. led by Martin Luther King Jr.

Mahatma Gandhi’s role in the Indian freedom struggle was monumental. His non-violent resistance against British rule united the diverse Indian population and instilled in them a sense of national pride. His principles and methods, though criticized by some, proved to be effective in achieving India’s independence. Gandhi’s legacy continues to influence and inspire movements for civil rights and social change worldwide, making him a global icon for peace and justice.

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Short Essay on My Favourite Leader (Mahatma Gandhi)

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My favorite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi is a universal symbol of peace and hope. This only came to be due to his relentless struggle against injustice, violence and intolerance. He was an exemplary man with a great personality. All who had the privilege of meeting him in person during his life speak of him with great regard. He was a leader, a visionary and a saint.

His peaceful nature has earned him global recognition. He propagated unity, brotherhood and truth among his brethren. He was a charismatic leader with high principles. He promoted nationalism by urging his fellow Indians to support homespun clothing businesses. This led to a significant decrease in poverty and led to economic changes in Indian lifestyle. He worked tirelessly to eradicate class division and united the people under one flag.

His accomplishments included being a barrister of the highest order. Yet he chose to live his simply, free of materialistic indulgences. He ate simple food and dressed simply. He believed in the truth and stood by it even in the face of great opposition. These qualities made him popular among people and they began to follow his footsteps. India flourished greatly due to the sacrifices and efforts of Gandhi. He led peaceful passive protests known as Satyagraha and worked tirelessly to rid the Indians of oppression from the British tyrants.

Gandhi was an arbiter of peace, truth and justice. He practiced what he preached. He raised his voice for the downtrodden, women and children. He advocated for education and discouraged child marriage practices. He sought to remove the caste differences and promote a sense of community among the masses. His reputation was such that people used to seek him out for advice on matters of great import. Since then scholars have devoted their times into understanding the teachings of Gandhi. Implementing them in our lives will yield a better life for us.

In short, Gandhi was and continues to be a source of wisdom. His leadership remains unsurpassed. No other leader can match his dedication, strife, service to his nation. His anti-violence message is acknowledged by many in the present times as the initiative that changed India for the better.

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My Favorite Leader Essay in 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000 Words

  • Entrance Exams
  • November 10, 2023

My Favorite Leader Essay – Throughout history, numerous great individuals have left an indelible mark on the world, shaping the course of events with their profound thoughts and remarkable personalities. Some notable examples include Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Malala Yousafzai etc.

The essay on “My Favorite Leader” revolves around the life and contributions of a leader, serving as a tribute to their impactful journey It delves into the individual’s background, achievements, and the qualities that make them stand out as a role model. The narrative may explore their leadership style, notable accomplishments, and the lasting impact they’ve had on society or a particular field.

In this article we have given the Some Favorite Leader Essays in 10 Lines, 100, 500, 1000 Words.

My favorite leader Essay – Mahatma Gandhi

The essay on Mahatma Gandhi, my favorite leader , explores the life and impact of one of the most iconic figures in history. Mahatma Gandhi is widely regarded as the “Father of the Nation” in India. The essay delves into Gandhi’s early life, his education, Gandhi’s principles in the contemporary world.

My Favorite Leader – Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India, is not just a historical figure but a symbol of non-violent resistance and a beacon of moral leadership. His teachings and actions during India’s struggle for independence continue to inspire millions around the world. He is commonly called as “Bapu”.

Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence, or “Ahimsa,” became the cornerstone of India’s freedom movement. He led various campaigns, including the famous Salt March, where he and his followers walked miles to protest against the British salt monopoly. His commitment to truth, simplicity, and self-reliance earned him the title “Mahatma,” meaning “Great Soul.”

Gandhi’s impact extended beyond India’s borders, influencing civil rights movements and leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. His life was dedicated to social reforms, communal harmony, and the upliftment of the oppressed. He died on 30 January 1948.

His famous words, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world,” resonate across generations, urging individuals to embody the principles they believe in. Mahatma Gandhi remains a timeless inspiration, emphasizing the transformative power of peaceful resistance and the pursuit of justice.

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Short Essay on My favorite Leader – B. R. Ambedkar (1891–1956)

The essay highlights Ambedkar’s tireless efforts in advocating for social justice, promoting education, empowering the downtrodden and his contributions. Ambedkar played a pivotal role in shaping India’s destiny by leading the drafting committee of the Indian Constitution, ensuring the inclusion of principles of equality, justice, and fundamental rights. The essay portrays Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as an inspirational leader, an advocate for social equality, and a key architect of modern India.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, born on April 14, 1891, was a towering figure in Indian history and a champion of social justice. As an influential leader and the principal architect of the Indian Constitution, Ambedkar’s life and works have left an indelible mark on the nation.

Ambedkar, affectionately known as Babasaheb, dedicated his life to eradicating caste-based discrimination. Despite facing immense social challenges due to his Dalit background, he pursued education relentlessly. He earned a doctorate in law from the University of London, becoming the first Dalit to achieve such a feat.

His tireless efforts in drafting the Indian Constitution reflect his commitment to creating a just and egalitarian society. Ambedkar advocated for the rights of the marginalized, ensuring the inclusion of provisions that guarantee equality, justice, and fundamental rights for all citizens.

As the first Law Minister of independent India, Ambedkar played a crucial role in shaping the legal framework of the nation. His contributions extended beyond legal reforms; he was a key force behind the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India, emphasizing economic empowerment.

Ambedkar’s scholarly prowess is evident in his numerous writings and speeches, where he addressed issues of social inequality, untouchability, and the need for education. His famous quote, “Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence,” underscores his belief in the transformative power of education. Ambedkar is died on 6 December 1956 (aged 65) in New Delhi, India.

In recognition of his remarkable contributions, Ambedkar was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor, in 1990. His legacy continues to inspire generations, and his vision for a socially just India remains a guiding force in the pursuit of equality and human dignity.

Short Essay on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

The essay on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, my favorite leader, delves into the life and contributions of this iconic figure in Indian history. Patel earned the title “Sardar,” meaning leader, for his instrumental role in uniting the princely states after India’s independence.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, often referred to as the “Iron Man of India,” was a stalwart leader and key figure in the Indian independence movement. Born on October 31, 1875, Patel played a pivotal role in unifying the country after independence. He is widely known as the “Iron Man of India” .

Patel’s leadership qualities became evident early in his career as a lawyer, and he soon joined Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for India’s freedom. Known for his unwavering commitment and strong resolve, Patel became a prominent leader during the Salt Satyagraha and Quit India Movement.

One of Patel’s most significant contributions was his role in integrating princely states into the Indian Union after independence in 1947. His diplomatic skills and persuasive abilities were instrumental in convincing the princely states to accede to India. This process earned him the title “Sardar,” meaning leader or chief.

Appointed as India’s first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Patel worked tirelessly to establish a strong and united nation. His efforts led to the creation of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and the Indian Police Service (IPS), laying the foundation for a robust administrative system.

Sardar Patel’s leadership during the challenging period of partition showcased his commitment to maintaining communal harmony and ensuring the safety of citizens. His stern but fair approach to governance earned him respect and admiration.

Unfortunately, Patel’s life was cut short when he passed away on December 15, 1950. Despite his relatively brief tenure in post-independence India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s legacy endures as a symbol of unity, strength, and statesmanship. The iconic Statue of Unity, erected in his honor in Gujarat, stands as a testament to his indomitable spirit and enduring influence on the nation.

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Short Essay on Atal Bihari Vajpayee

The essay on Atal Bihari Vajpayee, my favorite leader, explores the life and contributions of one of India’s most respected political figures. Born on December 25, 1924, Vajpayee was a prominent statesman, poet, and a key player in Indian politics. The essay covers early life, leadership skills, political career and challenges – including the Kargil War and the Kandahar hijacking incident.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee: A Statesman’s Journey

Atal Bihari Vajpayee, born on December 25, 1924, in Gwalior, was a towering figure in Indian politics. His multifaceted personality, marked by statesmanship, eloquence, and literary prowess, left an indelible mark on the nation.

Vajpayee’s political journey began with his association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) during his early years. He played a pivotal role in the formation of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 1980, emerging as a key leader known for his inclusive approach.

Elected as the Prime Minister of India thrice, Vajpayee’s leadership was characterized by a commitment to economic reforms and development. His tenure witnessed landmark initiatives, including the National Highways Development Project, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana, and the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

One of the defining moments of his leadership was India’s nuclear tests in 1998, asserting the country’s strategic capabilities on the global stage. Despite facing international criticism, Vajpayee emphasized India’s commitment to maintaining a credible nuclear deterrent.

Vajpayee’s diplomatic initiatives, such as the bus journey to Lahore in 1999, aimed at fostering peace with Pakistan, reflected his statesmanship. However, his term also saw challenges, including the Kargil War and the Kandahar hijacking incident.

Beyond politics, Vajpayee was a prolific poet, with his literary contributions adding a unique dimension to his persona. His poems, infused with deep emotions and patriotism, resonated with people across the country.

The statesman’s journey came to a close on August 16, 2018, but his legacy lives on. Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s contributions to Indian politics, economy, and literature remain an inspiration for generations to come.

Short Essay on J. R. D. Tata

Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, commonly known as J. R. D. Tata, holds a special place as my favorite leader due to his remarkable contributions to Indian industry, philanthropy, and aviation. This essay provides insights into the life, values, and impact of J. R. D. Tata, portraying why he is a source of inspiration.

Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, better known as J. R. D. Tata, was a pioneering industrialist and philanthropist who left an indelible mark on India’s industrial landscape. Born on July 29, 1904, in Paris, France, J. R. D. Tata belonged to the illustrious Tata family, known for its contributions to business and society.

Life and Early Years : J. R. D. Tata was the second child of Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata and Suzanne Brière. Despite being born in France, he considered India his homeland. He received his education in France and later moved to England for further studies.

Leadership of the Tata Group: J. R. D. Tata assumed leadership of the Tata Group in 1938 after the sudden demise of his cousin, Nowroji Saklatwala. Under his visionary leadership, the Tata Group expanded and diversified across various industries, including steel, aviation, chemicals, and hospitality.

Aviation Pioneer: J. R. D. Tata was instrumental in establishing Tata Airlines, which later became Air India. On October 15, 1932, he piloted the first flight of Tata Airlines from Karachi to Bombay (now Mumbai). His passion for aviation played a crucial role in shaping the Indian aviation industry.

Philanthropy and Social Initiatives: Known for his commitment to social causes, J. R. D. Tata played a key role in the establishment of institutions like the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and Tata Memorial Hospital. His philanthropic efforts extended to education, healthcare, and community development.

Awards and Recognitions: J. R. D. Tata received several accolades for his contributions. In 1992, he was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, in recognition of his exceptional services to the nation.

Legacy: J. R. D. Tata’s legacy goes beyond his business acumen. He was a visionary leader who believed in combining industrial development with social responsibility. His emphasis on ethical business practices and nation-building continues to inspire generations of entrepreneurs.

J. R. D. Tata passed away on November 29, 1993, leaving behind a legacy of innovation, leadership, and philanthropy that continues to shape the Tata Group’s ethos today.

Short Essay on Subhas Chandra Bose

Subhas Chandra Bose, often referred to as Netaji, was a prominent Indian nationalist and a key figure in India’s struggle for independence against British colonial rule. In this essay, we will delve into the key aspects that make Subhas Chandra Bose my favorite leader.

Subhas Chandra Bose:

Subhas Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897, in Cuttack, Odisha, into a prominent Bengali family. He displayed early signs of leadership and patriotism.

Educational Journey:

Bose pursued his education in England and qualified for the Indian Civil Service. However, he was deeply moved by the call for India’s freedom and chose to dedicate himself to the cause of independence.

Role in Independence Movement:

Subhas Chandra Bose played a crucial role in the Indian National Congress but later formed the Forward Bloc after ideological differences with Mahatma Gandhi. He believed in more aggressive measures to attain freedom.

Formation of Azad Hind Fauj:

One of Bose’s most significant contributions was the formation of the Azad Hind Fauj (Indian National Army) during World War II. He sought help from Axis powers to fight against the British and liberate India.

Famous Slogan:

Bose’s famous slogan “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!” resonated with the spirit of those times, inspiring many to join the struggle for independence.

Mystery Surrounding Death:

Subhas Chandra Bose’s death remains a subject of mystery and controversy. While the officially accepted version is that he died in a plane crash in Taiwan in 1945, some theories suggest otherwise.

Netaji’s legacy is remembered for his unwavering dedication to India’s freedom. The INA trials after the war brought the struggle for independence to the international stage.


Subhas Chandra Bose’s life is a testament to his fearless spirit and commitment to the idea of a free India. His contributions to the independence movement and the formation of the Azad Hind Fauj remain etched in the history of India’s fight for freedom.

Short Essay on Lal Bahadur Shastri

Lal Bahadur Shastri, the second Prime Minister of India, holds a special place in my heart as my favorite leader. His life and leadership are characterized by simplicity, humility, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare of the nation. In this essay, we will delve into the key aspects that make Lal Bahadur Shastri my favorite leader.

Lal Bahadur Shastri:

Lal Bahadur Shastri was born on October 2, 1904, in Mughalsarai, Uttar Pradesh, in a humble family. Despite facing financial constraints, he showed early signs of leadership and a dedication to education.

Freedom Struggle:

Shastri actively participated in the freedom struggle against British rule. He was deeply influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of non-violence and participated in various movements.

Role in Post-Independence India:

After India gained independence, Shastri held several key positions in the government. He became the Prime Minister of India in 1964, succeeding Jawaharlal Nehru.

Leadership during the Indo-Pak War:

One of the defining moments of Shastri’s leadership was during the Indo-Pak War of 1965. His slogan “ Jai Jawan Jai Kisan ” reflected his emphasis on both the well-being of soldiers and farmers.

Tashkent Agreement:

To end the conflict, Shastri attended the Tashkent Agreement in 1966. Unfortunately, he passed away under mysterious circumstances soon after signing the agreement.

Lal Bahadur Shastri’s legacy is marked by his commitment to social justice, economic development, and the welfare of the common man. Despite his short tenure, he left an indelible mark on Indian politics.

Lal Bahadur Shastri’s life exemplified simplicity, integrity, and a dedication to the service of the nation. His leadership during crucial moments in India’s history, including the war with Pakistan, is remembered with respect and admiration.

My Favorite Leader Jawaharlal Nehru Essay in 500 Words

Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, holds a special place as my favorite leader due to his pivotal role in shaping the nation’s destiny. This essay provides insights into Nehru’s life, his contributions, and why he remains a source of inspiration.

Jawaharlal Nehru: Architect of Modern India

Introduction: Jawaharlal Nehru, the charismatic leader and statesman, stands as a towering figure in the history of independent India. Born on November 14, 1889, he played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of the nation. His leadership, vision, and commitment to democratic ideals have left an indelible mark on India’s political landscape.

Early Life and Education: Nehru hailed from a distinguished family, with roots deeply embedded in India’s struggle for freedom. His father, Motilal Nehru, was a prominent lawyer and freedom fighter. Jawaharlal Nehru’s education, both in India and abroad, exposed him to diverse intellectual influences, laying the foundation for his later political career.

Role in the Independence Movement: Nehru’s fervor for independence led him to actively participate in the freedom struggle. He aligned himself with Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent approach, becoming a prominent leader within the Indian National Congress. His commitment to Swaraj and social justice made him a natural choice to lead the nation towards its quest for freedom.

Architect of India’s Foreign Policy: As India gained independence in 1947, Nehru assumed the role of the country’s first Prime Minister. His vision extended beyond national boundaries, and he became a staunch advocate of non-alignment. Nehru played a crucial role in establishing the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), a significant diplomatic initiative that shaped India’s stance during the Cold War.

Nation-Building and Economic Policies: Nehru’s leadership was marked by a focus on nation-building and economic development. The initiation of the First Five-Year Plan in 1951 reflected his commitment to economic progress. He emphasized the importance of scientific and industrial advancements, laying the groundwork for India’s modernization.

Challenges Faced: Nehru’s leadership faced challenges, notably the Indo-China war of 1962. The conflict had a profound impact on his political legacy. Despite the setback, Nehru’s commitment to secularism, democracy, and social justice remained unwavering.

Legacy and Enduring Impact: Jawaharlal Nehru’s legacy endures in various facets of Indian society. His emphasis on education led to the establishment of prestigious institutions like the IITs and IIMs. Nehru’s vision of a secular, democratic, and pluralistic India continues to guide the nation. His birthday is celebrated as Children’s Day, recognizing his love for and commitment to the welfare of children.

Death: Nehru’s death on May 27, 1964, marked the end of an era, but his legacy endured.

Inspiration for Future Generations: Nehru’s legacy serves as a wellspring of inspiration for future leaders. His commitment to democracy, social justice, and scientific temper continues to resonate with those who aspire to contribute positively to society.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Jawaharlal Nehru’s role in shaping the destiny of India is immeasurable. As a leader, visionary, and architect of modern India, he left an indelible imprint on the nation’s political, social, and economic landscape. Nehru’s legacy serves as a guiding light for future generations, reminding us of the ideals that form the bedrock of the Indian republic.

About Mother Teresa in 10 Lines

Mother Teresa, an epitome of compassion and selfless service, stands as my favorite leader, exemplifying virtues that transcend boundaries and inspire hearts. This essay delves into the life, contributions, and enduring impact of Mother Teresa.

  • Mother Teresa, born as Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, was an Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary.
  • She dedicated her life to serving the poor and destitute, embodying the principles of love and compassion.
  • Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata, India, in 1950, to provide care for those in need.
  • The Missionaries of Charity grew into a global organization with missions in various countries.
  • She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her selfless humanitarian work.
  • Mother Teresa focused on helping the sick, orphaned, and dying, providing them with dignity and care.
  • Her commitment to serving humanity earned her the title “Saint of the Gutters.”
  • Despite criticism, she continued her work with unwavering dedication and humility.
  • Mother Teresa passed away on September 5, 1997, but her legacy of kindness and service lives on.
  • In 2016, she was canonized as Saint Teresa of Calcutta by the Catholic Church.

My Favorite Leader Essay on A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (1931–2015)

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam stands as my favorite leader, exemplifying a rare blend of visionary leadership, scientific brilliance, and unwavering dedication to the welfare of the nation. Fondly known as the “People’s President” and the “Missile Man of India,” was a visionary scientist, leader, and 11th President of India. This essay delves into the life, contributions, and enduring impact of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (1931–2015): A Visionary Scientist and People’s President

Introduction: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, widely known as A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, was an Indian scientist, educator, and statesman who left an indelible mark on the nation’s history. Born on October 15, 1931, in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, Dr. Kalam’s journey is a saga of dedication, innovation, and leadership.

Early Life and Education:

  • Roots in Rameswaram: Abdul Kalam’s childhood was rooted in the scenic town of Rameswaram, where he imbibed values of simplicity and integrity from his parents.
  • Academic Pursuits: Despite facing financial challenges, Kalam pursued education in aerospace engineering. His journey through institutions like Madras Institute of Technology laid the foundation for his future endeavors.

Scientific Career:

  • Association with ISRO: Dr. Kalam joined the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 1963, contributing significantly to India’s space program.
  • Role in Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV): Kalam played a pivotal role in the development of SLV, India’s first satellite launch vehicle, showcasing his prowess in rocket technology.

Defining Moments in Missile Development:

  • Project Devil and Valiant: The successful development of these early indigenous missiles marked the beginning of India’s self-reliance in defense technology.
  • Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP): Kalam led IGMDP, resulting in the development of Agni and Prithvi missiles, bolstering India’s strategic capabilities.

Presidency and People’s President:

  • Election as the 11th President: Dr. Kalam’s nomination and subsequent election as the President of India in 2002 were a testament to his widespread popularity and respect.
  • Vision for a Developed India: Throughout his term, Kalam emphasized a vision for a developed India, advocating for education, innovation, and self-reliance.

Writings and Philosophy:

  • Wings of Fire: Kalam’s autobiography, “Wings of Fire,” provides insights into his life, struggles, and aspirations, inspiring millions of young minds.
  • Philosophy of Education: As an advocate for education, Kalam believed in nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and a scientific temper among students.

Post-Presidency Contributions:

  • Role in Education: After his presidency, Kalam continued his engagement with education, interacting with students and encouraging scientific research.
  • Advocacy for Youth: Dr. Kalam consistently encouraged the youth to dream big, work hard, and contribute to the nation’s progress.

Awards and Recognition:

  • Bharat Ratna: In 1997, Abdul Kalam received India’s highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna, recognizing his exceptional contributions.
  • International Acclaim: Kalam’s global impact was acknowledged with honorary doctorates and awards from various countries.

Legacy and Impact:

  • Inspiring Leadership: Abdul Kalam’s leadership style, characterized by humility, accessibility, and a focus on innovation, continues to inspire leaders across domains.
  • Missile Man of India: Fondly remembered as the “People’s President” and the “Missile Man of India,” Dr. Kalam’s legacy extends beyond scientific achievements to encompass his role as a mentor and motivator.

Tragically A. P. J. Abdul Kalam passed away on July 27, 2015, while delivering a lecture at the Indian Institute of Management Shillong.

Conclusion: In conclusion, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s life represents the fusion of scientific brilliance, visionary leadership, and a commitment to the welfare of the nation. His journey from a small town to the highest office in the land serves as an enduring source of inspiration for millions. Dr. Kalam’s legacy lives on, shaping the aspirations of generations and instilling a sense of pride in being contributors to India’s progress.

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