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Personal statement - vtac and uac applications, do i need to complete a personal statement.

The VTAC Personal Statement gives you the opportunity to provide additional information about your skills, experiences and ambitions. You can find information about the Personal Statement on the VTAC website. 

The  UAC Personal Statement may or may not be a requirement for your application. If you are required to complete the Personal Statement for a La Trobe course, you'll see this specified in the UAC Guide course search.

Current Year 12 applicants

Most Year 12 applicants don't need to complete a Personal Statement, but where your work experience might be relevant, some courses ask you to complete the form's work experience section.

Non Year 12

Applicants who aren't currently in Year 12 are called Non-Year 12 applicants.  It is recommended that Non-Year 12's complete and submit the Personal Statement.  There may also be other extra requirements for your course, so check the individual entries in  Find a course for further information.

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what is vtac personal statement

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Personal Statement - VTAC and UAC applications

Do i need to complete a personal statement.

The VTAC Personal Statement gives you the opportunity to provide additional information about your skills, experiences and ambitions. You can find information about the Personal Statement on the VTAC website. 

The  UAC Personal Statement may or may not be a requirement for your application. If you are required to complete the Personal Statement for a La Trobe course, you'll see this specified in the UAC Guide course search.

Current Year 12 applicants

Most Year 12 applicants don't need to complete a Personal Statement, but where your work experience might be relevant, some courses ask you to complete the form's work experience section.

Non Year 12

Applicants who aren't currently in Year 12 are called Non-Year 12 applicants.  It is recommended that Non-Year 12's complete and submit the Personal Statement.  There may also be other extra requirements for your course, so check the individual entries in  Find a course for further information.

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  • Direct Applications - Can I make a direct application?
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How to nail your personal statement when applying to university

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Applying for university can be stressful. You’ve got a lot riding on your application, so you must get it right. One place many students seem to get stuck is writing a personal statement.

To help you get cracking with yours, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to write a killer personal statement, with examples. So, no more putting it off!

But first, some advice direct from someone who’s read thousands of applications, Cathy Gutierrez, Manager, Admissions and CPL for Deakin University:

‘Your personal statement is your opportunity to tell us something about you and your achievements that we can’t see by reading your transcript or resume,’ Gutierrez says.

‘This is your chance to shine.’

Why it’s worth the effort

A spot at university is competitive. Thousands of applications flood in every round. So, how do you stand out from the pack? That’s where your personal statement comes in.

Your personal statement is a crucial part of your admission application. A stellar personal statement can make your application leap out of the pile.

If you didn’t get the marks you planned, your personal statement can be what gets you across the line.

Your statement is an opportunity to shine a light on your achievements, especially if you’re applying as a mature age student. It’s your chance to offer a peek at your personality and convince the university you’re a good fit for them.

Ten steps to writing a personal statement

1. Make time

Writing a personal statement takes time. Writing an excellent one takes even longer! Don’t leave it until the last minute – give yourself plenty of time.

2. Just start

Nearly everyone finds it hard to get started writing a personal statement. That’s the trick. Just get started and the hardest bit is over! Try making a list of the best things about you and go from there.

3. Be relevant

Stick to facts relevant to the course you’re applying for or frame them in a way that makes them relevant. For example, use your volunteering experience to highlight teamwork skills:

‘Teamwork was key to my volunteering work with Wagtail Sanctuary. We often worked in pairs to carry out animal health checks and do it safely. We also had to manage and agree on a fortnightly roster.’

Make your statement unique. If you’ve faced obstacles, explain how you overcame them. Talk about your own reasons for wanting to study. For example:

‘Biology is the subject at school I’m passionate about. It was while doing an assignment on infectious diseases for biology that I decided to study medicine at university. I am fascinated by microbiology and want to work in biomedical research.’

5. Sell yourself

Now’s not the time to be shy. Just like when writing a cover letter , list your achievements, skills and experience. Talk about what you’re good at and what you’re proud of.

6. Keep it simple

You don’t need to write an essay (that comes later!). If your writing is clear and concise, a few paragraphs might be all you need. An example introduction:

‘My motivation for study is to upskill and take my career in a new direction. Marketing is part of my current job and the part I enjoy most. I’d like to put myself in a position where I’m confident to apply for roles that are solely marketing-focused.’

7. Show initiative

If you’re passionate about the course you want to study, chances are you’ve already dipped your toe in with extracurricular activity. Show your initiative by highlighting experience and internships . Example:

‘I’m keen to make it in the games industry. I produce a podcast on games design with friends, where we review the latest games and discuss narrative in gaming. As an intern with Yellow Dog Games I created three prototypes, which you can see at’

8. Check your writing

It’s university you’re applying for, so your writing needs to be up to scratch. Proofread , proofread, proofread! Ask a friend to look over what you’ve written.

9. Stick to requirements

Each course can differ in application requirements. Before submitting, double-check you’re using the right format and meeting the word length.

10. Rinse and repeat

If you’re applying for more than one course, there’s no reason why you can’t recycle your personal statement for each application. Just give it a tweak to keep it relevant.

One last thing: don’t get the personal statement mixed up with an access and equity statement. The statement for an access and equity application focuses on any disadvantage you may have faced. Learn about access and equity here.

Perfected your personal statement? Here’s the next step.

Cathy Gutierrez

Manager, Admissions and CPL, Student Administration, Deakin University

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By creating your account with VTAC, you can access VTAC services including applications.

If you have previously created a VTAC account between July 2024 and now, do not create another VTAC account. If you need to change your account information, you can do this by logging into your VTAC account .

Before you start

Unique student identifier (usi).

  • Are a New Zealand citizen and are not currently in Australia
  • Hold a temporary or student visa and are not currently in Australia
  • Are yet to obtain a study/student visa

A USI is mandatory for every new higher education student studying at a tertiary institution in Australia. If you do not have a USI, you will need to get one before commencing your VTAC registration * . Don't have a USI, get one now

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

To proceed, you must first read and confirm you have understood and agreed to the VTAC Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions of creating a VTAC account and application processes through VTAC.

VTAC Privacy Policy

  • Terms and Conditions

1. Purpose of this Privacy Statement

The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre Limited ( VTAC ) values the privacy of every individual's personal information and is committed to handling your personal information consistent with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ( Privacy Act ) and the 13  Australian Privacy Principles ( APPs ) in the Privacy Act and any other appliable privacy and/or health records legislation.

This Privacy Statement sets out how VTAC aims to protect the privacy of your personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information managed by VTAC and the way VTAC collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information.

VTAC is the central office that administers the application processes for places in tertiary courses, Scholarships and Special Entry Access Schemes ( SEAS ) at universities, TAFE institutes and private tertiary colleges in Victoria and a few outside Victoria.  VTAC also undertakes some other functions and services.  Details of VTAC's range of functions and services can be found on the  VTAC website.

If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Statement, you should not use VTAC's website, lodge an application with VTAC, access any of VTAC's other functions or services, or provide VTAC with any personal information or sensitive information.

By visiting the VTAC website, applying for acceptance into a tertiary course, applying for Scholarships or SEAS via VTAC, creating a VTAC account, accessing any of VTAC's functions or services and/or providing VTAC with your personal information, you agree to your personal information and sensitive information being collected, held, used, stored and disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

2. What kinds of personal information does VTAC collect?

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable individual.  During the provision of its functions and services to you, VTAC may collect your personal information.

Depending on which of VTAC's functions or services you access, VTAC may collect the following kinds of information:

  • your contact details and identification information including your name, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth
  • your Unique Student Identifier ( USI )
  • your citizenship details
  • your gender
  • details of your proficiency in English
  • your VCE (including other year 12 equivalents) and other examination results
  • your educational achievements
  • your professional qualifications
  • your course preferences

In addition to the above information, you may also be asked to provide in connection with your application:

  • information related to any disability you may have
  • information which you have consented to us obtaining from Centrelink
  • sensitive information (including health information) which you consent to us collecting in connection with an application under SEAS or a Scholarship application
  • your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank ( ATAR )
  • your status as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • payment details for services provided

VTAC also collects information it is required by the Federal Government to collect, including:

  • highest education level of parent(s)/guardian(s)
  • language spoken at home
  • country of birth
  • year of arrival in Australia
  • number and gender of parent(s)/guardian(s)

In some circumstances, VTAC may also collect and hold other personal information provided to VTAC by you or on your behalf in connection with the provision of its functions and services to you.

3. How does VTAC collect your personal information

Generally, VTAC collects your personal information directly from you, through your online course application and other documentation and information you submit in support of your application.  VTAC may also collect your personal information, including sensitive information (in hardcopy, electronic or verbal form) via any of the following methods:

  • other online applications, functions and services you access via VTAC's website
  • you accessing your online account to update your personal details
  • calculation of the ATAR, if necessary
  • electronic information submitted to VTAC as part of your application(s)
  • surveys you may complete for VTAC
  • digital images captured for applicant identification purposes
  • your exam and tertiary studies results provided to VTAC by relevant participating institutions

VTAC also collects your personal information from other sources, such as from an educational institution you have attended, other interstate Tertiary Admission Centres or a government authority or agency such as the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority ( VCAA ) in order to obtain your results or otherwise confirm details you have provided in support of your application including your results, clearance requirements from Victoria Police and/or from your referees.  

VTAC may also collect personal information or sensitive information from others that you have authorised to provide information on your behalf, such as a health practitioner, an employment agency, a former employer or contractor.  By providing the contact details of such third parties to VTAC, you consent to VTAC's collection of your personal information and sensitive information from them.

Generally, VTAC will only collect your personal information and, if relevant, sensitive information, from sources other than you if it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect your personal information from you (including where necessary for the purposes of confirming the information you have provided in your application or to maintain the integrity of the application process (eg by obtaining results directly from an educational institution)).

VTAC collects only the personal information and sensitive information reasonably necessary for it to fulfil one or more of its functions or services.  Such collection will be by lawful and fair means and will not be unreasonably intrusive.

Sensitive information (including health information) will only be collected if it is reasonably necessary for VTAC to provide one or more of its functions or services or as required by law or with your specific and informed consent.  By proceeding to submit an online application to VTAC, you consent to the collection of your personal information and sensitive information for these purposes.

If VTAC receives unsolicited personal information about you, it will determine as soon as reasonably practicable whether it could reasonably have collected the personal information in accordance with the APPs.  If VTAC determines it could reasonably have collected such personal information, it will retain the personal information.  If VTAC determines it could not have collected the personal information in accordance with the APPs it will, as soon as practicable (and provided it is lawful and reasonable to do so), destroy the information or ensure the information is deidentified.

4. Why does VTAC need your personal information?

VTAC collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the purposes outlined below.

VTAC collects and uses your personal information and, in some circumstances, your sensitive information (e.g. regarding your health), or personal information about someone else (e.g. a parent), in order to:

  • process your application for admission to a participating tertiary institution;
  • assess special consideration through its SEAS;
  • assess scholarship eligibility; and
  • administer the other functions of, and services provided by, VTAC.

VTAC also uses the contact details you provide to VTAC to communicate with you.  These communications will relate to your application, including reminders and other notifications including about assessment requirements, and may also contain information and advice about VTAC's other functions and services such as SEAS, scholarships and careers services.  You consent to VTAC using your contact details for the above communication purposes.

The personal information you provide to VTAC may also be used for research and analysis.  Data provided to third parties for research and analysis purposes will be deidentified and aggregated to ensure your privacy.  

VTAC may also use your personal information for purposes related to the above purposes and for which you would reasonably expect VTAC to use your personal information in the circumstances, or where you have consented, or the use is otherwise in accordance with law.

Where personal information is used or disclosed, VTAC takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure it is relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used or disclosed.

You are under no obligation to provide your personal information or sensitive information to VTAC.  However, without certain information from you, VTAC may not be able to provide its services to you and in particular it may not be able to process your application(s).

Some of VTAC's functions and services are subject to terms and conditions with third parties such as VCAA or QTAC, which may impact the way VTAC uses and discloses the personal information it collects. Those terms and conditions, if applicable, will be notified to you and should be read in conjunction with this Privacy Statement.

5. To whom does VTAC disclose your personal information?

VTAC discloses your personal information for the purposes for which VTAC collects it.  That is, generally, VTAC will only disclose your personal information for a purpose set out at paragraph 4 of this Privacy Statement.

This may include VTAC disclosing:

  • your personal information and, where applicable, your sensitive information, to universities, other tertiary institutions and tertiary admission centres in Australia to which you have applied;
  • your results and ATAR and confirming your results or enrolment to agencies involved in the release of tertiary education results both in Australia and overseas;
  • your personal information to the VCAA, Department of Education (Victoria), the Australian Government Department of Education, TEQSA or its successor, as lawfully required.

To perform its business functions, VTAC may from time to time contract the services of third party providers, such as technology companies.  In these circumstances, and to the extent necessary, your personal information may be shared with these third parties for the express purpose of that third party providing the specified service to VTAC and for no other purpose.   Before disclosing any personal information to a third party provider, VTAC will enter into appropriate contractual arrangements with such provider to ensure that they handle personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act and APPs or other applicable privacy or health records legislation. 

Your personal information may also be shared with any organisations with which VTAC is required by law to share such information.

Personal information gathered by VTAC may also be used for reporting, research and analysis purposes.  Any personal information used in this way will be aggregated and deidentified before being disclosed to ensure the privacy of your information.

6. Security of your personal information

Your personal information and, if applicable, sensitive information is held in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure archive databases and held securely on secure premises within VTAC and/or with VTAC's IT service provider, which resides outside the offices of VTAC.  Your personal information and, if applicable, sensitive information, is accessible only by authorised staff. Staff are bound by security policies and confidentiality agreements, which are regularly revised and re-issued.

Arrangements with VTAC's IT service provider/s require personal information VTAC collects to be stored on a server in Australia and for VTAC's service provider/s to comply with the APPs.

For any payments you make via VTAC's website, over the telephone or face to face, VTAC uses a recognised payment service provider that is required to take reasonable steps to protect your personal information.  VTAC also takes reasonable precautions to ensure that any personal information (including credit card details) you provide to VTAC through its website is transferred and treated securely.

VTAC otherwise takes such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. 

Irrespective of whether your course application is successful, your personal information will become part of VTAC's archive and will be held and retained by VTAC in accordance with the Privacy Act.  VTAC will destroy or de-identify personal information in circumstances where it is no longer required, unless VTAC is otherwise required or authorised by law to retain the information. 

Important note

It is important to note that no data protection and security measures are completely secure. Despite all the measures VTAC has put in place, VTAC cannot guarantee the security of your personal information, particularly in relation to transmissions over the internet. Accordingly, any personal information which you transmit to VTAC is transmitted at your own risk.  You must take care to ensure you protect your personal information (for example, by protecting your VTAC ID and passwords) and you should notify VTAC as soon as possible after you become aware of any security breaches.

7. Overseas disclosure

VTAC may disclose personal information to overseas recipients in order to provide its services and for administrative or other business management purposes, primarily in circumstances where VTAC needs to confirm the personal information you have provided to VTAC in respect of a course of study at an overseas institution attended by you.  It is impracticable to list all countries in which recipients may be located. 

Overseas recipients may have different privacy and data protection standards. However, before disclosing any personal information to an overseas recipient, VTAC takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure the overseas recipient complies with the APPs or is bound by a substantially similar privacy scheme, unless you consent to the overseas disclosure, or it is otherwise required or permitted by law.  If you have any queries or objections to such disclosures, please contact VTAC's Privacy Officer on the details set out in paragraph 13.

8. Direct marketing

VTAC may use and disclose your personal information in order to inform you of additional services that may be of interest to you.  In the event you do not wish to receive such communications, you can opt-out by contacting VTAC via the contact details set out in paragraph 13 or through any opt-out mechanism contained in a marketing communication to you. 

When accessing VTAC's website, VTAC uses 'cookies' which are small pieces of information sent from the website and stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive.  Cookies that VTAC uses enable its systems to provide features of its services to personalise and improve your experience, and improve the functionality and user-friendliness of its services and monitor how its website is used through your computer.

This information is used by VTAC to improve and tailor its website functionality and better understand how you interact with VTAC's services and to monitor aggregate usage and web traffic routing on its website. You can modify your browser setting by editing your browser options to reject VTAC's cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie.  However, if a browser does not accept cookies or if you reject a cookie, some portions of VTAC's online services may not function properly.

10. Can you access and correct the personal information that VTAC holds about you?

Much of the personal information you provide to VTAC will be held in your VTAC account and will be accessible by you.

VTAC otherwise takes reasonable steps in the circumstances to ensure that the personal information it holds is accurate, complete, up to date, and relevant to the purpose for which it was collected and not misleading.  

You must take care to ensure that the personal information you submit to VTAC, including at the time of submitting your application or at any other time, is accurate, relevant, complete, up to date and not misleading and you should notify VTAC as soon as possible if you become aware of any inaccuracies, omissions, or discrepancies.  Unless VTAC disagrees with you about the accuracy or completeness of a record, VTAC will generally correct it upon request, or suggest alternative arrangements for updating its records.

Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access and seek correction of your personal information that is collected and held by VTAC.  If at any time you would like to access or correct the personal information that VTAC holds about you, or you would like more information on VTAC's approach to privacy, please contact VTAC's Privacy Officer on the details set out in paragraph 13 below.  VTAC will grant access to the extent required or authorised by the Privacy Act or other law and take steps reasonable in the circumstances to correct personal information where necessary and appropriate.

Outside of accessing your VTAC account, to obtain access to your personal information held by VTAC:

  • you will have to provide proof of identity to ensure that your personal information is provided only to you and that the privacy of others is protected;
  • VTAC requests that you be reasonably specific about the personal information you would like to access; and
  • VTAC may charge you a reasonable administration fee, which reflects the cost to VTAC, for providing access in accordance with your request.

If VTAC refuses your request to access or correct your personal information, VTAC will provide you with written reasons for the refusal and details of complaint mechanisms. VTAC will also take steps reasonable in the circumstance to provide you with access in a manner that meets your needs and the needs of VTAC.

VTAC will endeavour to respond to your request to access or correct your personal information within 30 days from your request. 

10.1 Access to personal information by authorised nominees

An authorised nominee is a person who has been nominated by an applicant to manage on their behalf, or to assist with managing, the administration of their application and whose name and contact details have been included in the applicant's application or supporting documentation submitted to VTAC.  For details as to what personal information an authorised nominee can access see  Authorised nominee: definition, rights and responsibilities .

10.2 Access to personal information by an authorised agent

An authorised study agent is a person who has been nominated by an applicant to manage on their behalf, or to assist with managing, the administration of their course application for a particular institution/s and whose name and contact details have been included in the applicant's course application or supporting documentation submitted to VTAC.  Authorised study agents will not be able to enquire about SEAS or scholarship applications unless they have been listed as authorised nominees.  For details as to what personal information an authorised agent can access see Authorised nominee: definition, rights and responsibilities .

11. Privacy complaints

Please direct all privacy complaints to VTAC's Privacy Officer, either by email to  The Privacy Officer , or by post to Level 7, 130 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.  If possible, please include in your complaint details of:

  • the name/s and position/s of VTAC staff who have contacted you;
  • your VTAC application number; and
  • copies of any correspondence that illustrates your privacy concern.

VTAC's Privacy Officer will ensure that your complaint:

  • is treated seriously;
  • is dealt with promptly;
  • is dealt with in a confidential manner; and
  • does not adversely impact your application.

VTAC's Privacy Officer will commence an investigation into your complaint.  You will be informed of the outcome of your complaint following completion of the investigation.  In the event that you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

12. Changes to this Privacy Statement

VTAC reserves the right to review and amend this Privacy Statement from time to time and to notify you by posting an updated version on VTAC's website at .

13. How to contact us

If you would like further information about or clarification of VTAC's information handling practices, if you have any enquiries regarding your personal information, or if you would like to opt out of receiving any promotional or marketing communications, please contact VTAC's Privacy Officer at:

Privacy Officer VTAC Level 7, 130 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000

Telephone: (03) 9926 1020 Email: [email protected]

Terms and Conditions of registration, applications and forms

These terms and conditions of registration, applications and forms (Terms) apply to all applications made to VTAC Ltd (VTAC) for acceptance into a course of study with a participating institution, and any supporting documentation provided to or obtained by VTAC in connection with an application.

If you have any questions before submitting a VTAC Course Application , Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) Application , Scholarship Application or the VTAC Personal Statement , please refer to the VTAC website or contact the VTAC Customer Service team on (03) 9926 1020.

Please take the time to review this document in its entirety before proceeding to submit an application to VTAC. By submitting one or more applications of the kind referred to above, you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms and you will be legally bound by and required to comply with these Terms.


Course applications.

VTAC charges a processing fee to process your course application(s). Processing of your application(s) begins once you have submitted the relevant course application(s) to VTAC. A processing fee is payable in respect of each course application you submit.

The processing fee payable in respect of a particular course application depends on the date your application is received. Please refer to our dates and fees page for a full list of fees associated with lodging a course application. Payment of fees can only be done online via your VTAC account.

VTAC does not waive or refund any processing fees paid in respect of course applications, unless VTAC has agreed to the waiver or refund in writing. If VTAC fails to process your application in accordance with these Terms or otherwise breaches its legal obligations to you regarding the processing of your application, VTAC will not unreasonably withhold any request that you submit to VTAC for a refund of the relevant processing fees.

Only course applications for which VTAC has received the requisite processing fee will be submitted to the relevant participating institution/s for consideration.

For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that you have submitted an application to VTAC for provision to a participating institution does not in any way guarantee acceptance by the participating institution/s into any of the courses for which you have applied. Acceptance into a course is based on a range of factors, which vary from course to course, and may include but are not limited to your ATAR result, and any prerequisite studies and other applicable selection requirements, such as your portfolio submission, interview, test and more. Any decision regarding your acceptance into a course is a matter for the relevant participating institution and not for VTAC.

SEAS and Scholarships

Applications for SEAS and/or Scholarships that are linked to your course application do not incur any additional fees.

However, in instances where your SEAS and/or Scholarship applications are linked to course applications, non-payment of a course application processing fee will result in your SEAS and/or Scholarship application not being processed or provided to the relevant participating institution/s for selection consideration.


Purpose of collection.

VTAC collects personal information and, in some circumstances, sensitive information (e.g. regarding your health), or personal information about someone else (e.g. your parent), in order to process your application for admission to a participating institution and for VTAC's other functions and activities in accordance with its Privacy Statement .

Circumstances of collection

While VTAC generally collects your personal information directly from you, VTAC also collects information about you from educational institutions that you have attended, and other persons or agencies you have authorised to act as your referees or to supply personal information on your behalf ( authorised person or agency ).

By providing the details of an authorised person or agency to VTAC, you consent to VTAC collecting your personal information from that authorised person or agency.

Use and disclosure of your personal information

VTAC may, to the extent relevant and necessary, disclose your personal information including, where applicable, your sensitive information, to each participating institution to which you have applied.

Where relevant, and in accordance with the Privacy Statement, VTAC may disclose your personal information to any overseas tertiary institution(s) you have attended in order to confirm the results or other information you have provided to VTAC in connection with your application.

Your personal information may also be used by VTAC for research and analysis purposes. When used for these other purposes, your personal information will be deidentified and aggregated to maintain your privacy and to ensure that you cannot be identified.

Consequences if personal information not collected

If you do not consent to VTAC's collection of your personal information in support of your application, you should be aware that VTAC may not be able to process your application. Please contact VTAC's Privacy Officer if you have any queries regarding VTAC's collection and handling of your personal information.


Application conditions, course application.

  • My VTAC ID;
  • the fact that I have applied for courses through VTAC;
  • my course preferences and payment indicators (after an application has been submitted);
  • my offer(s) from tertiary institutions;
  • my enrolment details.
  • should I wish to withdraw my school's access to the personal information set out in point 2 above, this may impact on my school's ability to provide me course and career counselling.

To withdraw access by your school to your personal information held by VTAC, please email The Privacy Officer , providing your name, the name of your school, your VTAC ID and a readable scanned copy of your photo ID together with your request that access to your personal information by your school be withdrawn.

SEAS and Scholarship Applications

  • VTAC may disclose the personal information(including sensitive information) I have included in my application and accompanying documents to institutions to which I have applied for SEAS or a Scholarship; and
  • information I provide in respect of my SEAS or Scholarship application may also be used by VTAC for research and analysis purposes. When used by VTAC for these other purposes, I understand that the information will be deidentified and aggregated to ensure my privacy and that I cannot be identified by such use.

Provision of aggregated and deidentified information derived from sensitive information to third parties

VTAC may disclose aggregated and deidentified information derived from your sensitive information held by VTAC to third parties for research purposes. If you do not consent to aggregated and deidentified information derived from your sensitive information being disclosed for research purposes, you may opt-out by emailing The Privacy Officer and specifying your request to opt out of any disclosure of aggregated and deidentified information derived from your sensitive information.

Direct marketing

VTAC may use your contact details for direct marketing purposes including to communicate with you about VTAC's functions or services, such as the course advisory services provided by the VTAC Careers Hub. By agreeing to these Terms, you consent to VTAC using your contact details for direct marketing purposes. You understand that VTAC will continue to use your contact details for direct marketing purposes unless you opt-out of such use by emailing The Privacy Officer and specifying your request to opt out of the use of your personal information for direct marketing purposes or unless you opt out using any opt out process or mechanism in a direct marketing message.



You must read and accept the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions before proceeding.

If you do not understand or have questions about the VTAC privacy policy, please call (03) 9926 1020 for clarification.

To create an account, you need to provide personal and contact details.

These details will be attached to each type of application you lodge through VTAC.

Please be aware that creating an account does not in any way commit you to lodging an application.

Invalid data

We cannot match your details against current 2024 enrolment files. Please review your personal details.

If your details have been entered correctly, do not proceed with the creation of this account by varying your personal information. You must update your information with your school and then contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020 to ensure you lodge the correct application.

We have matched your details against 2024 senior secondary enrolment files. Please review your personal details.

If your details have been entered correctly, and you have no senior secondary studies in 2024, please contact VTAC (03) 9926 1020 for assistance.

We have matched your details against 2024 senior secondary enrolment files. Please review your personal details. If your details have been entered correctly, and you have no senior secondary studies in 2024, you should contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020 to complete this process.

All fields are mandatory unless marked (optional).

Please enter your full, legal name as it appears on your birth certificate or other legal documentation.

Examples: another legal name, such as a maiden name OR A common name/name used by a school that is different from above

Other name 1

Other name 2, other name 3, date of birth, citizenship type.

Please ensure the visa sub class you note in the section below is a permanent visa. If the visa you have is a temporary visa, you need to change your citizenship type above.

050, 051 and 010 bridging visa holders that are awaiting the outcome of a refugee/humanitarian substantive visa are eligible for Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and Scholarships . If you intend to apply for SEAS and/or Scholarships, please provide your visa grant notice with proof of the substantive visa you are awaiting the outcome of. You must upload a copy of your visa grant notice in your account after you submit this registration and before the SEAS and Scholarships closing date.

The visa subclass you have listed is identified as refugee/humanitarian visa according to the Department of Home Affairs website. You may be eligible for Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and Scholarships To apply for SEAS and/or Scholarships, you must upload a copy of your visa grant notice in your account after you submit this registration and before the SEAS and Scholarships closing date.

The visa subclass you have listed is identified as refugee/humanitarian visa according to the Department of Home Affairs website. You may be eligible for Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and Scholarships

You have listed that you currently hold a bridging visa, please indicate the visa subclass that you are awaiting the outcome of below. What is the visa sub class you are awaiting the outcome of?

You must upload a copy of your passport (photo page) in your account after you submit your course application under the 'submit course application documents' option. VTAC collects this information to assist you with submitting a SEAS and/or Scholarships application.

Country of citizenship

This citizenship category applies only for overseas students intending to study outside Australia. Australian student visas will not be granted for online courses

Country of birth

Unique student identifier (usi).

A USI is mandatory for every new higher education student studying at an tertiary institution in Australia. If you do not have a USI, you will need to get one before commencing your VTAC registration.

A USI is mandatory for every new higher education student studying at an tertiary institution in Australia. If you already have a USI, you must enter it in the above field. If you don't have a USI, you will need to get one after you arrive in Australia.

Current year 12

Are you studying/have you studied in 2024 the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE, any unit level or VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM)), a standard interstate Australian year 12, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia or New Zealand?

This includes South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), South Australian Matriculation (SAM), Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) or other equivalent qualifications taken overseas. For example, if you are undertaking the SAM in Malaysia, you MUST answer yes to the question below.

If you will not/did not complete the IB diploma, chose May as the month

StateStudent number  

You have been confirmed as currently enrolled in a standard Australian year 12 or IB in Australia or NZ.

Note: If you are not currently studying the VCE, a standard interstate Australian year 12, or IB in Australia or NZ your account will be incorrect if you proceed. If you are not currently enrolled in one of these programs, exit and contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020.

Someone with similar details has been identified as enrolled in the VCE, standard interstate Australian year 12, or IB program. Do not proceed unless you are definitely not enrolled/were not enrolled in 2024 in the VCE, an interstate Australian year 12, or IB in Australia or NZ. If you are attempting to create an account without claiming your 2024 senior secondary study, go back and amend your details before completing this process.

Based on your citizenship and visa status, you are classified as an international applicant. You will only be allowed to apply for courses through VTAC if

  • you are studying at the University of Melbourne in which case you can apply for University of Melbourne courses or
  • you are studying or have completed the NCEA in New Zealand and not attempted any tertiary studies in which case you can apply for courses at Monash University and/or Monash College

If you do not meet these conditions, or want to apply to other institutions, you must contact them directly.

Note: If you are studying the VCE, a standard interstate Australian year 12, or IB in Australia or New Zealand, your account will be incorrect if you proceed. You must exit this account registration and contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020.

We have confirmed that you are not currently enrolled in the VCE, standard interstate Australian year 12, or IB in Australia or NZ.

Click proceed to acknowledge this confirmation and continue with your account registration.

Note: If you are currently studying any of the above curricula, your account will be incorrect if you proceed. You must exit this account registration and contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020.

Warning: Possible duplicate account

If you have created an account with VTAC between July 2024 and now, do not proceed.

Updating your personal details and claims can be done through your user account.

Lost your login details? Use the Lost ID/PIN request or contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020 (9:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday). If you have not created an account with VTAC between July 2024 and now, you can proceed.

Duplicate registration

You already have a valid account. You may only create one account between July 2024 and now.

Lost your login details? Use the Lost ID/PIN request or contact VTAC on (03) 9926 1020 (9:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

Demo Application

You have used demo data for this application. You cannot continue with a live application. Please use

As you are a temporary resident or are planning to obtain a student visa, you are encouraged to provide VTAC with an Australian mailing address, but will need to provide your permanent overseas residential address if this is different from your mailing address.

1. What is your permanent residential address? (Cannot be a PO box address)

Please enter your residential address below

1.1 How long have you lived / did you live at your permanent residential postcode?

2.1 What is your mailing address (the primary address where you receive mail - postal box is accepted)?

Please enter your address below

Enter phone numbers in the following format:

  • within Australia, include your area code, e.g. 03 9876 9876.
  • outside Australia, include the country code as well as the full phone number, e.g. +1 512 512 5122

4. What is your email address?

Emails are used as the primary communication tool.

Ensure the email address you provide below is one that you:

  • Can and do access often
  • Will be able to access until the end of July 2025 (i.e. school based addresses are discouraged)
  • Can configure so that you receive emails from and any institutions to which you may apply. (i.e. you may need to look in your 'spam' or 'junk' folder)

You now need to choose two security questions. The answers will be used to identify you, should you lose your PIN.

To prevent others from accessing your results and private details without your permission, please ensure that your questions have answers that only you know and cannot be guessed by family or friends.

Warning: Be as creative as you like, however any questions or responses deemed offensive, violent or inappropriate will not be used by customer service staff to identify you and additional steps will be required for us to assist you.

If it is not correct, go back and amend your details before completing this process.

Preferred Name:
Previous names:
Date of birth:
Place of birth as it appears on passport:
Passport number:
Country of passport:
Date of issue:
Date of expiry:
Place of issue as it appears on passport:
Country of citizenship:
Country born:
Primary language at home:
Arrival year:
Unique student identifier (USI):
Mailing address:
Residential address:
Time at residential address:
Home phone:
Business phone:

You will need your VTAC ID and PIN to access your VTAC account. You will receive an email to acknowledge this account once completed. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam/junk mail and/or ensure your email address is correctly recorded with VTAC.

Deakin University Australia

  • Domestic or International?
  • Current students
  • My Courses 0

How to write a personal statement

To give yourself the best chance possible, your personal statement should be relevant, well-written and uniquely about you. It's your opportunity to explain or expand on the other documents you submit as part of your application.

What should I include in my personal statement?

Think of a personal statement like a job application cover letter. It should outline your motivation to study, your previous education and employment history, and how this course can assist your career aspirations or progression.

Tell us about your experience

Keep in mind that your statement should be relevant and demonstrate your commitment and interest in the course or study area you're applying for. Talk about what you are good at and what you are proud of. Start writing a list that includes:

  • achievements
  • work experience
  • obstacles you have overcome.

Include any voluntary work or activities, as these are a great reflection of who you are as a person and what you believe in.

Pro tip: keep it brief – stick to around 500 words.

Write it yourself!

This is your chance to let us know why you would make a great Deakin student or why you may not have previously performed as well as you know you could. Your personal statement is an alternative way for our admissions team to learn more about you and your strengths.

Pro tip: only you can express what you are passionate about and why.

Double-check your writing

Allow yourself time to revise and refine, getting rid of any information that is not relevant to your course. It may seem obvious, but getting your spelling and grammar right is important. Choose a tense and stick with it.

Pro tip: ask a friend to look over your personal statement.

Applications are now open

The  Deakin Application Portal has made applying for your ultimate course easier than ever. Plus, you can chat with our application experts on 1800 693 888 if you need support at any step.

How to navigate the application portal

Here is how to upload your personal statement to the portal:

  • login to
  • click on the ‘Supporting documents’ tab
  • upload your personal statement (max file size 15MB)
  • select personal statement from the pop-up
  • continue your application.

Got a question but can’t find the answer?

Here are some of the most asked questions our awesome future student advisers get about applying to Deakin:

Common questions

I'm having trouble creating an account on the application portal. how do i register.

If you've previously registered your details through the application portal , you won't be able to register again with the same email. If you don't remember your login details simply contact Student Central on +61 3 9244 6333 or submit an enquiry online .

For more information on future student services and courses:

Think of a personal statement like a job application cover letter. It should outline your motivation towards studying, your previous education and employment history, and how this course can assist your career aspirations or progression.

Can I get help to write my personal statement?

Yes! Please have a read of How to write a personal statement . You’re also welcome to chat to one of our friendly advisers on 1800 693 888 for advice on what to include in your personal statement.

Do I have to provide a personal statement?

It depends on the course you're applying for and its specific entry requirements. Either way, it will strengthen your chances of being offered a place at Deakin in your desired course. Check the entry requirements on the relevant course page for more information.

What is special consideration?

Special consideration acknowledges the hard work you've put in to get to uni, while recognising what you could have achieved if your circumstances were different. A successful application can adjust your rank. This means you can be offered a place in a course at Deakin, with a lower rank than would usually be required.

How do I apply for special consideration?

Applying for special consideration is simple, and in some cases, you won't need to provide any details outside of your course application. The process is different for each VTAC category, or Deakin's programs, so please visit the relevant special consideration page for step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

I have submitted an application through VTAC, can I also submit an application directly to Deakin?

It depends on the course/s you're applying for, but generally, no. Get in touch with our Prospective Student Enquiry Centre on 1800 693 888 or via live chat to discuss your options.

What is SEAS?

VTAC's Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) is for those who may not have been able to reach their full potential for study due to a range of challenging factors. SEAS enables institutions to consider the circumstances you've experienced and their impact on your studies when making selection decisions.

What are SEAS aggregate points?

The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) adds points to your aggregate to reflect the level you may have achieved if your circumstances had been different. This can increase your chance of receiving an offer but does not guarantee it. Deakin will give a maximum of 15 aggregate points per applicant.

Can you tell me if I'm definitely eligible before I apply?

Unfortunately not. Multiple factors are taken into consideration when an application is being assessed. This includes individual course requirements , which are subject to change, and the quality and size of the cohort of the year or trimester you're applying in.

When will I hear back about my application?

The general turnaround time for direct applications to Deakin is two to four weeks from submission. You can check the progress of your application by logging into the application portal . If you applied through VTAC , offers are released in rounds.

How do I find out my application status?

Once you've submitted your application successfully, you can log back into the application portal to check the progress of your application.

When can I expect my offer?

Direct offers from Deakin are generally sent out two to four weeks post application. You can check the status of your application at anytime by logging into the application portal .

Will my first preference still be considered if I receive an offer for a lower preference?

Yes, whether you're applying through VTAC or directly to Deakin , you may still be considered for your first or higher-preferred courses regardless of whether you've accepted, declined or deferred an offer for a lower preferred course.

What support is available to help me complete my application?

Get top tips and advice from our how to apply video guide . Our Prospective Student Enquiry Centre can also provide step-by-step guidance on the application process. Call 1800 693 888 to chat with one of our friendly advisers or contact an authorised agent in your country or region.

Can I speak to someone in person about my study options?

Yes! We regularly host events , including 1:1 consultations and information sessions, to assist you with study options and career planning. You can also connect with our Prospective Student Enquiry Centre on 1800 693 888 from 9am-5pm weekdays, or chat with a team member live online, Monday–Friday.

Can I include references in my application?

Yes, you can! References are required for our MBA but are also welcome for other course applications. If you don't have an academic record, a written reference is considered to be a strong supporting document . Keep in mind, references may enhance your application but don't guarantee entry.

Will references help my application?

A reference is considered to be a supporting document . If it provides more context about your work or life experience, it may enhance your application but will not guarantee you entry.

Do I have to apply via VTAC if I'm not in Year 12?

If you're applying for more than one course in Trimester 1, you'll need to apply through VTAC . If you're applying for one course only, or multiple courses in Trimesters 2 and 3, you can apply direct to Deakin. Use our course finder to check entry requirements for your chosen course.

I didn't complete high school. Can I still apply?

Yes. If you don’t currently meet the academic entry requirements, or need to bridge the gap between previous study and university, we offer several pathway options . We encourage you to apply so our admissions team can process your application and recommend the best pathway for you.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

Each Deakin scholarship has a unique set of entry requirements – be sure to check the individual scholarship page for full details on how to apply, as well as our top tips for scholarship applications .

Will I find out if I'm successful for a scholarship before getting an offer?

The application timeline for each Deakin scholarship is different – be sure to check the individual scholarship page for full details on dates and how to apply. You can also check out our top tips for scholarship applications .

Do I need to provide certified transcripts with my application?

If you’re a domestic student there’s no need to provide certified documentation unless you’ve changed your name or status (i.e. residency). If you’re an international student you’ll need to provide certified documentation before you commence on campus. It’s important to attach all requested supporting documentation in English when you apply to avoid any delays.

Apply with confidence. We are committed to giving you the guidance you need throughout the application process.

Domestic students  1800 693 888 Enquire online

International students  +61 3 9918 9188 Enquire online

Discover more

Which best describes you?

Domestic student

  • an Australian citizen;
  • an Australian permanent resident;
  • an Australian permanent humanitarian visa holder;
  • a New Zealand citizen.

International student

  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia;
  • a permanent resident (visa status) of New Zealand;
  • a resident or citizen of any other country, intending to study on a student visa.

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what is vtac personal statement

Applying via VTAC

Applying through Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) is a simple process but there are some things you should know about applying and the type of information you’ll need.

What is VTAC?

The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) is the main body for applying to tertiary institutions in Victoria. Most Year 12 students apply for university via a VTAC application, though some non-Year 12 applications use VTAC as well.

The VTAC website should have answers to most questions about courses, but here are some important things you need to know:

  • VTAC course codes. These are 10-digit codes that are used in your VTAC application. The easiest way to find your VTAC course code is to search for your course . The VTAC course code can be found next to other key information such as course dates and duration.
  • The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS). This scheme is available to students who experience educational disadvantages. Swinburne participates in all four SEAS categories — learn more about SEAS . 
  • Location adjustments. We offer automatic adjustments to your application if you live in outer regions or remote communities. 

This applies if you are currently studying Year 12 (or Year 12 is your highest level of study), and you submit a VTAC course application where assessment is based on ATAR .

  • VTAC Change of Preference Learn more about Change of Preference for VTAC applicants , including key dates for Semester 2 intake.

Upcoming Swinburne events

A flying start: aviation info session, are you a current year 12 student.

Learn more about our Early Entry Program, your ATAR-free alternative pathway into uni next year.

SEAS Category 1– Personal information and location

The list of schools below has been defined by the University as being under-represented at Swinburne. Under-represented schools form part of SEAS Category 1.

If you attend one of the schools below, please ensure you submit your SEAS application by the VTAC deadline to be considered for this category.

Under-represented schools list

  • Academy Of Mary Immaculate 
  • Al-Taqwa College
  • Alexandra Secondary College
  • Alphington Grammar School
  • Ararat Community College - Secondary
  • Ashwood Secondary College
  • Bacchus Marsh College
  • Baimbridge College Hamilton
  • Ballarat High School
  • Ballarat Secondary College
  • Bayside Christian College
  • Bayswater Secondary College
  • Beaufort Secondary College
  • Beechworth Secondary College
  • Belgrave Heights Christian School
  • Bellarine Secondary College
  • Beth Rivkah Ladies College
  • Bialik College
  • Birchip P-12 School
  • Boort District P-12 School
  • Boronia K-12 College- Mount View Campus
  • Brauer College
  • Bright P-12 College
  • Broadford Secondary College
  • Bundoora Secondary College
  • Camperdown College
  • Casey Grammar School
  • Casterton Secondary College
  • Castlemaine Secondary College
  • Cathedral College
  • Catholic College Bendigo
  • Chairo Christian School
  • Charles La Trobe P-12 College
  • Charlton College
  • Cobram Anglican Grammar School
  • Cobram Secondary College
  • Cohuna Secondary College
  • Colac Secondary College
  • Collingwood College
  • Corryong College
  • Damascus College
  • Darul Ulum College Of Victoria
  • Daylesford Secondary College
  • Diamond Valley College
  • Dimboola Memorial Secondary College
  • Donald High School
  • Dromana Secondary College
  • East Preston Islamic College
  • Emmanuel College
  • Epping Secondary College
  • Euroa Secondary College
  • Firbank Grammar School
  • Fitzroy High School
  • Flinders Christian Community College - Latrobe City Camp
  • Footscray High School
  • Forest Hill College
  • Galen College
  • Glenroy Secondary College
  • Gordon Institute
  • Goroke P-12 College
  • Grovedale College
  • Healesville High School
  • Heathmont College
  • Heritage College
  • Heywood And District Secondary College
  • Highview Christian Community College
  • Hoppers Crossing Secondary College
  • Horsham College
  • Hume Central Secondary College - Town Park Campus
  • Ilim College Of Australia
  • Sirius College - Meadow Fair Campus
  • Kerang Technical High School
  • Keysborough Secondary College - Acacia Campus
  • Kilvington Grammar School
  • Korowa Anglican Girls' School
  • Korumburra Secondary College
  • Kurnai College - Precinct Campus
  • Kurunjang Secondary College
  • Kyabram P-12 College
  • Kyneton Secondary College
  • Lalor North Secondary College
  • Lara Secondary College
  • Lauriston Girls School
  • Lavalla Catholic College
  • Laverton P-12 College - Bladin Campus
  • Leibler Yavneh College
  • Leongatha Secondary College
  • Lighthouse Christian College
  • Edinburgh College
  • Lilydale Heights College
  • Loreto College
  • Lowanna College
  • Macleod College
  • Macrobertson Girls High School
  • Mallacoota P-12 College
  • Manangatang P-12 College
  • Marian College Ararat
  • Marian College Myrtleford
  • Maryborough Education Centre
  • Matthew Flinders Girls' Secondary College
  • Mcclelland Secondary College
  • Mcguire College Shepparton
  • Melba College
  • Melbourne Girls Grammar
  • Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School
  • Melton Christian College
  • Melton Secondary College
  • Mentone Girls' Grammar School
  • Mercy College
  • Mercy Regional College Camperdown
  • Minaret College
  • Mirboo North Secondary College
  • Monterey Secondary College
  • Montmorency Secondary College
  • Mordialloc College
  • Mortlake College
  • Mount Alexander 7-12 College
  • Mount Beauty Secondary College
  • Mount Clear College
  • Mountain District Christian School
  • Mt Hira College
  • Murtoa P-12 College
  • Nagle College
  • Narre Warren South P-12 College
  • Neerim District Secondary College
  • Newcomb Secondary College
  • Noble Park Secondary College
  • Northern Bay P-12 College
  • Northside Christian College
  • Oberon High School
  • Ouyen P-12 College - Secondary Campus
  • Ozford College
  • Pakenham Secondary College
  • Phoenix P-12 Community College
  • Plenty Valley Christian College
  • Presbyterian Ladies' College
  • Preshil The Margaret Lyttle Memorial School
  • Red Cliffs Secondary College
  • Reservoir High School
  • Robinvale P-12 College
  • Rochester Secondary College
  • Roxburgh College
  • Rushworth P-12 College
  • Rutherglen High School
  • Ruyton Girls' School
  • Sacred Heart College
  • Sacred Heart College Kyneton
  • Saint Ignatius College Geelong
  • Sale College
  • Sirius College
  • Scoresby Secondary College
  • Sherbrooke Community School
  • Somerville Secondary College
  • Foster Secondary College
  • South Oakleigh Secondary College
  • St Augustine'S College
  • St Brigid'S College
  • St John'S Greek Orthodox College
  • St Joseph'S College Echuca
  • St Margarets School
  • St Mary Mackillop College
  • St Mary Of The Angels School
  • St Mary'S Coptic Orthodox College
  • St Patrick'S College
  • Stawell Secondary College
  • Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School
  • Sunbury Downs Secondary College
  • Sunshine College
  • Swan Hill College
  • Taylors Senior College
  • The Hamilton And Alexandra College
  • The King David School
  • Thomas Carr College
  • Thornbury High School
  • Tintern Ggs
  • Trafalgar High School
  • Traralgon College
  • Trinity College Colac
  • Tyrrell College
  • Upper Yarra Secondary College
  • Victoria University Of Technology - Tafe
  • Victoria University Secondary College - St Albans
  • Victorian College Of The Arts Secondary School
  • Victory Lutheran College
  • Wanganui Park Secondary College
  • Westall Secondary College
  • Western Heights Secondary College
  • Western Port Secondary College
  • Whittlesea Secondary College
  • William Ruthven Secondary College
  • Wodonga Senior Secondary College
  • Wyndham Central College
  • Yarram Secondary College
  • Yarrawonga College P-12
  • Yea High School
  • Antonine College
  • Apollo Bay P-12 College
  • Auburn High School
  • Australian International Academy Of Education
  • Bairnsdale Secondary College
  • Ballarat Christian College
  • Balmoral K-12 Community College
  • Bayview College
  • Benalla P-12 College
  • Coburg High School
  • Craigieburn Secondary College
  • Derrinallum P12 College
  • East Loddon P-12 College
  • Echuca College
  • Edenhope College
  • F.C.J College
  • Geelong High School
  • Geelong Lutheran College
  • Good News Lutheran College
  • Hawkesdale College
  • Holmes Secondary College
  • Hopetoun P-12 College
  • Kaniva P-12 College
  • Kerang Christian College
  • Kings College
  • Lakes Entrance Secondary College
  • Lakeside Lutheran College
  • Lavers Hill K-12 College
  • Lorne P-12 College
  • Lynall Hall Community School
  • Mansfield Secondary College
  • Murrayville Community College
  • Myrtleford P-12 College
  • Nathalia Secondary College
  • Nhill College
  • North Melbourne Grammar College
  • Numurkah Secondary College
  • Nunawading Christian College - Secondary
  • Peter Lalor Vocational College
  • Rosehill Secondary College
  • Seda College
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Two doctors and the 'ketamine queen' are charged in the overdose death of actor Matthew Perry

A web of people motivated by greed — two doctors, a live-in-personal assistant, an acquaintance and a drug dealer known as the “ketamine queen” — conspired to provide Matthew Perry with the ketamine that caused his accidental overdose death last year, federal authorities announced Thursday.

The five individuals have all been charged in connection with Perry’s death. As his descent into ketamine addiction deepened last fall, they took advantage of the actor’s vulnerable condition to enrich themselves, authorities said. 

“They knew what they were doing was wrong. They knew what they were doing was risking great danger to Mr. Perry,” U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada said at a news conference. “But they did it anyways. In the end, these defendants were more interested in profiting off of Mr. Perry than caring for his well being.”

Perry, 54, was found face down in the heated end of a pool at his Pacific Palisades home on Oct. 28, 2023. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office attributed his death to the acute effects of ketamine, an anesthetic with psychedelic properties.

According to an 18-count superseding indictment, the events leading to Perry’s death began in September when a Santa Monica doctor, Salvador Plasencia, learned that Perry wanted ketamine. Long known as a club drug, it’s increasingly used to treat people with depression and other mental health issues but carries serious medical risks.

Plasencia reached out to another doctor, Mark Chavez, of San Diego, who had owned a ketamine clinic. Soon the two physicians were discussing how much to charge Perry for the drug.

“I wonder how much this moron will pay,” Plasencia said in a text message to Chavez, according to the indictment. “Lets find out.”

Plasencia went on to provide ketamine to Perry and his assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa, 59. Plasencia repeatedly injected Perry with the drug himself and also instructed Iwamasa on how to do it, the indictment says. 

“It was like a bad movie,” Plasencia wrote in a text message to Chavez, the indictment says.

From September until Perry’s death in late October, the doctors provided him with about 20 vials of ketamine at a price of $55,000 in cash, federal prosecutors said. 

In mid-October, Iwamasa sought an additional source of ketamine for his troubled boss, the indictment said. He reached out to an acquaintance of Perry’s, Erik Fleming, who then reached out to a major underground seller known as the "ketamine queen." 

A dual U.S. and U.K. citizen who lived in North Hollywood, Jasveen Sangha had been selling ketamine and other drugs for years, according to federal prosecutors. 

She knew that ketamine could be fatal. In August 2019, a man overdosed on ketamine provided by Sangha, prosecutors said. Afterward, one of the man’s family members sent a text to Sangha. "The ketamine you sold my brother killed him," they wrote. "It's listed as the cause of death."

According to prosecutors, Sangha then typed a question into Google: “Can ketamine be listed as a cause of death.”

She began providing the drugs to Perry through Fleming, and he coordinated the sales with Iwamasa, the indictment says. On Oct. 28, Iwamasa injected Perry with at least three shots of ketamine using syringes provided by Plasencia, according to the indictment.

The actor, best known for playing Chandler Bing on the hit sitcom “Friends,” was found unresponsive in his pool later that day.

“Matthew Perry’s journey began with unscrupulous doctors who abused their position of trust because they saw him as a payday,” Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Millgram said at the Thursday news conference. “And it ended with street dealers who sold him ketamine in unmarked vials.”

Sangha, 41, and Plasencia, 42, were both arrested Thursday in Southern California. They were charged with one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine. Sangha was also charged with several other drug-related offenses.

Plasencia, who appeared shackled and in dress clothes during a court hearing Thursday, pleaded not guilty. His bond was set at $100,000.

The judge overseeing the case agreed to allow the non-controlled substance part of Placensia’s practice to remain open if he posts a note at his office explaining the charges and seeks releases from patients stating that they understand the allegations against him.

Plasencia's next hearing is scheduled for Aug. 28.

A lawyer for Plasencia, who operated a clinic in a strip mall in Calabasas, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The owner of a local business, who asked not to be named for fear of harassment, said he met Plasencia briefly about two months ago after noticing a sign for weight loss medication at the clinic.

Plasencia offered him weight loss drugs without a consultation, the business owner said. The local business owner declined. “I’m glad I didn’t do it,” he said.

On Thursday afternoon, a sign advertising weight loss medication remained outside Palencia’s clinic but the front doors were locked. A handwritten note said the urgent care would be closed for the day.

After Perry’s death, federal agents and detectives searched Sangha's home. They found approximately 79 vials of ketamine, three pounds of orange pills containing methamphetamine, hallucinogenic mushrooms and cocaine.

Sangha appeared in court wearing large round glasses and a bright green baggy Nirvana T-shirt. After she pleaded not guilty, a judge ordered her to be held without bail, saying she was a flight risk.

Sangha was previously arrested in March in a separate federal drug case in which she was accused of being "a large volume drug dealer." She was released from custody in that case after she posted a $100,000 bond, according to court records.

Iwamasa, Perry's 59-year-old assistant, pleaded guilty on Aug. 7 to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing a death. He admitted to repeatedly injecting Perry with ketamine without medical training, including on the day the actor died, according to prosecutors.

Chavez, 54, the physician based in San Diego, has agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine, prosecutors said. He admitted to selling ketamine to Plasencia, according to prosecutors.

Fleming, 54, the acquaintance who helped Perry procure ketamine, pleaded guilty on Aug. 8 to one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine and one count of distribution of ketamine resulting in death. He admitted to distributing the ketamine that killed Perry — drugs that he received from Sangha, according to prosecutors.

Perry had been undergoing ketamine infusion therapy to treat depression and anxiety, but his last session took place more than a week prior to his death. The medical examiner noted that the ketamine in Perry’s system “could not be from that infusion therapy” given its short half-life. 

The levels of ketamine in his body were high — equivalent to the amount used for general anesthesia during surgery, according to the medical examiner. The coroner ultimately ruled his death an accident.

Perry had been open about his lengthy struggles with opioid addiction and alcoholism, which he chronicled in his 2022 memoir, “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing.”

It’s not uncommon for law enforcement to investigate — and in some cases bring charges against — the people who supplied the drugs that caused a high-profile death.

After the death of Michael Jackson in 2009, his private physician, Dr. Conrad Murray , was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for providing the singer with a fatal dose of powerful drugs. More recently, federal prosecutors in New York brought charges against four men who supplied actor Michael K. Williams with the fentanyl-laced heroin that killed him in 2021.

The family of “Dateline” correspondent Keith Morrison, who is Perry’s stepfather, said in a statement that they welcomed the news of the law enforcement action.

“We were and still are heartbroken by Matthew’s death, but it has helped to know law enforcement has taken his case very seriously,” the family said. “We look forward to justice taking its course.”

Andrew Blankstein is an investigative reporter for NBC News. He covers the Western U.S., specializing in crime, courts and homeland security. 

Eric Leonard is an investigative reporter and joins NBC4 with more than 20 years of experience in the news business.

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Rich Schapiro is a reporter for the NBC News Investigative Unit.

How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This Application Cycle

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Writing the college essay

How do you write a letter to a friend that shows you’re a good candidate for the University of Pennsylvania? What reading list will help the Columbia University admissions committee understand your interdisciplinary interests? How can you convey your desire to attend Yale by inventing a course description for a topic you’re interested in studying?

These are the challenges students must overcome when writing their supplemental essays . Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective beyond the quantitative elements of their applications. However, unlike the personal essay, supplemental essays allow colleges to read students’ responses to targeted prompts and evaluate their candidacy for their specific institution. For this reason, supplemental essay prompts are often abstract, requiring students to get creative, read between the lines, and ditch the traditional essay-writing format when crafting their responses.

While many schools simply want to know “why do you want to attend our school?” others break the mold, inviting students to think outside of the box and answer prompts that are original, head-scratching, or downright weird. This year, the following five colleges pushed students to get creative—if you’re struggling to rise to the challenge, here are some tips for tackling their unique prompts:

University of Chicago

Prompt: We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

What Makes it Unique: No discussion of unique supplemental essay prompts would be complete without mentioning the University of Chicago, a school notorious for its puzzling and original prompts (perhaps the most well-known of these has been the recurring prompt “Find x”). This prompt challenges you to invent a new color-based expression, encouraging both linguistic creativity and a deep dive into the emotional or cultural connotations of color. It’s a prompt that allows you to play with language, think abstractly, and show off your ability to forge connections between concepts that aren’t typically linked—all qualities that likewise demonstrate your preparedness for UChicago’s unique academic environment.

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How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your personality, perspective, and characteristics. With this in mind, begin by considering the emotions, experiences, or ideas that most resonate with you. Then, use your imagination to consider how a specific color could represent that feeling or concept. Remember that the prompt is ultimately an opportunity to showcase your creativity and original way of looking at the world, so your explanation does not need to be unnecessarily deep or complex—if you have a playful personality, convey your playfulness in your response; if you are known for your sarcasm, consider how you can weave in your biting wit; if you are an amateur poet, consider how you might take inspiration from poetry as you write, or offer a response in the form of a poem.

The goal is to take a familiar concept and turn it into something new and meaningful through a creative lens. Use this essay to showcase your ability to think inventively and to draw surprising connections between language and life.

Harvard University

Prompt: Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in both form and substance—first, you only have 150 words to write about all 3 things. Consider using a form other than a traditional essay or short answer response, such as a bullet list or short letter. Additionally, note that the things your roommate might like to learn about you do not necessarily overlap with the things you would traditionally share with an admissions committee. The aim of the prompt is to get to know your quirks and foibles—who are you as a person and a friend? What distinguishes you outside of academics and accolades?

How to Answer it: First and foremost, feel free to get creative with your response to this prompt. While you are producing a supplemental essay and thus a professional piece of writing, the prompt invites you to share more personal qualities, and you should aim to demonstrate your unique characteristics in your own voice. Consider things such as: How would your friends describe you? What funny stories do your parents and siblings share that encapsulate your personality? Or, consider what someone might want to know about living with you: do you snore? Do you have a collection of vintage posters? Are you particularly fastidious? While these may seem like trivial things to mention, the true creativity is in how you connect these qualities to deeper truths about yourself—perhaps your sleepwalking is consistent with your reputation for being the first to raise your hand in class or speak up about a cause you’re passionate about. Perhaps your living conditions are a metaphor for how your brain works—though it looks like a mess to everyone else, you have a place for everything and know exactly where to find it. Whatever qualities you choose, embrace the opportunity to think outside of the box and showcase something that admissions officers won’t learn about anywhere else on your application.

University of Pennsylvania

Prompt: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge.

What Makes it Unique: Breaking from the traditional essay format, this supplement invites you to write directly to a third party in the form of a 150-200 word long letter. The challenge in answering this distinct prompt is to remember that your letter should say as much about you, your unique qualities and what you value as it does about the recipient—all while not seeming overly boastful or contrived.

How to Answer it: As you select a recipient, consider the relationships that have been most formative in your high school experience—writing to someone who has played a large part in your story will allow the admissions committee some insight into your development and the meaningful relationships that guided you on your journey. Once you’ve identified the person, craft a thank-you note that is specific and heartfelt—unlike other essays, this prompt invites you to be sentimental and emotional, as long as doing so would authentically convey your feelings of gratitude. Describe the impact they’ve had on you, what you’ve learned from them, and how their influence has shaped your path. For example, if you’re thanking a teacher, don’t just say they helped you become a better student—explain how their encouragement gave you the confidence to pursue your passions. Keep the tone sincere and personal, avoid clichés and focus on the unique role this person has played in your life.

University of Notre Dame

Prompt: What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in that it invites students to share something about themselves by reflecting on someone else’s words in 50-100 words.

How to Answer it: The key to answering this prompt is to avoid focusing too much on the complement itself and instead focus on your response to receiving it and why it was so important to you. Note that this prompt is not an opportunity to brag about your achievements, but instead to showcase what truly matters to you. Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. Be brief in setting the stage and explaining the context of the compliment—what is most important is your reflection on its significance and how it shaped your understanding of yourself.

Stanford University

Prompt: List five things that are important to you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt’s simplicity is what makes it so challenging. Stanford asks for a list, not an essay, which means you have very limited space (50 words) to convey something meaningful about yourself. Additionally, the prompt does not specify what these “things” must be—they could be a physical item, an idea, a concept, or even a pastime. Whatever you choose, these five items should add depth to your identity, values, and priorities.

How to Answer it: Start by brainstorming what matters most to you—these could be values, activities, people, places, or even abstract concepts. The key is to choose items or concepts that, when considered together, provide a comprehensive snapshot of who you are. For example, you might select something tangible and specific such as “an antique telescope gifted by my grandfather” alongside something conceptual such as “the willingness to admit when you’re wrong.” The beauty of this prompt is that it doesn’t require complex sentences or elaborate explanations—just a clear and honest reflection of what you hold dear. Be thoughtful in your selections, and use this prompt to showcase your creativity and core values.

While the supplemental essays should convey something meaningful about you, your values, and your unique qualifications for the university to which you are applying, the best essays are those that are playful, original, and unexpected. By starting early and taking the time to draft and revise their ideas, students can showcase their authentic personalities and distinguish themselves from other applicants through their supplemental essays.

Christopher Rim

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Wally Amos, Creator of Famous Amos Cookies, Dies at 88

With a background as a talent agent, his aunt’s recipe and a winning personality, he built one of the world’s best-known brands of baked goods.

Smiling broadly as he looks at the camera, he wears a bright green and red patterned Panama hat while holding a large aluminum tray of baked cookies.

By Clay Risen

Wally Amos, an indefatigable entrepreneur who in 1975 took a $25,000 loan from a few friends in Hollywood to start Famous Amos, one of the first brands to push high-quality cookies in its own stores and one of the world’s best-known names in baked goods, died on Tuesday at his home in Honolulu. He was 88.

His children Shawn and Sarah Amos said the cause was complications of dementia.

At a time when flavorless, preservative-packed cookies were about the only thing available to consumers not blessed with a baker in the family, Mr. Amos’s confections stood out. Derived from a recipe he had learned from his aunt, they used real ingredients, no coloring or chemicals added, and he kept them as close to handmade as possible, even as his company exploded into national distribution through the early 1980s.

What began with a single store in Los Angeles that made $300,000 in revenue its first year became by 1981 a $12 million company (about $42 million in today’s currency), with dozens of Famous Amos stores across the country and packaged products sold in supermarkets and department stores like Bloomingdale’s as well.

His cookies were small — bite-size, for most mouths — and came in three varieties: chocolate chip with peanut butter, chocolate chip with pecans, and butterscotch chips with pecan. All were handmade, at the store.

“You can’t compare a machine-made cookie with a handmade cookie,” Mr. Amos told MSNBC in 2007. “It’s like comparing a Rolls-Royce with a Volkswagen.”

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Remains of all 62 Brazil plane crash victims retrieved from wreckage

A dark aerial photo showing a group of people among debris from a blown-apart plane.

Rescue teams have retrieved the remains of all 62 passengers from the wreckage of a plane crash in Brazil.

The ATR 72 plane went down in the city of Vinhedo, Brazil, on Friday on its way to São Paulo's international airport.

What's next?

Brazil's Federal Police have begun an investigation into the incident, while the air force's centre for the investigation and prevention of air accidents plans to conduct a criminal probe.

Brazilian rescue teams retrieved the remains of all 62 passengers from the wreckage of a plane crash in São Paulo state on Saturday, as families started gathering in the metropolis to identify and bury their loved ones.

Local airline Voepass' plane — an ATR 72 twin-engine turboprop — was headed for São Paulo's international airport in Guarulhos on Friday with 58 passengers and four crew members when it went down in the city of Vinhedo .

Rain drizzled down on rescue workers as they recovered the first bodies from the scene in the chill of the Southern Hemisphere's winter.

Brazilian authorities began transferring the corpses to the morgue on Friday and called on victims' family members to bring any medical, X-ray and dental exams to help identify the bodies. Blood tests also helped identification efforts.

Local fire department spokesman Maycon Cristo told journalists in Vinhedo that a winch was used to remove parts of the plane from the ground.

The São Paulo state government said in a statement that rescue operations finished at 6:30pm local time, with forensics experts identifying the bodies of the pilot and co-pilot.

There were 34 male and 28 female bodies in the wreckage, the government said.

Crash 'hits all of us' pilots

An aerial shot of a crowd of people around a pile of debris in a gated community.

Images recorded by witnesses showed the aircraft in a flat spin, plunging vertically before smashing to the ground inside a gated community.

It left an obliterated fuselage consumed by fire.

Residents said there were no injuries on the ground.

Initially, the company said its plane had 62 passengers, then it revised the number to 61.

It raised the figure once again early on Saturday, after it found a passenger named Constantino Thé Maia was not on its original list.

Voepass said three passengers who held Brazilian identification also carried Venezuelan documents. One had Portuguese.

A video shared on social media channels on Saturday shows a Voepass pilot telling passengers of a flight from Guarulhos to the city of Cascavel, the same origin of the crashed plane, that the ATR 72 has flown safely around the world for decades.

He also asked passengers to be respectful to the memory of his colleagues and the company, and asked for prayers.

"It was a fatality. The pilot was my personal friend. I have known all the crew from long ago," the unidentified pilot said.

"We are professionals, we have our families. This tragedy doesn't hit only those who perished in this accident. It hits all of us.

"We are giving all our hearts, all our best to be here and fulfil our mission to take you safely and comfortably to your destination."

Ice named as potential cause

Metsul, a meteorological company in Brazil, said on Friday there were reports of severe icing in São Paulo state around the time of the crash.

Local media cited experts pointing to icing as a potential cause for the accident.

A blurry frame of plane crash debris, with one part on fire.

The US Federal Aviation Administration has issued operating procedures for ATRs and similar planes, telling pilots not to use the autopilot in icing conditions.

But Brazilian aviation expert Lito Sousa cautioned that meteorological conditions alone might not be enough to explain why the plane fell in the manner that it did on Friday.

"Analysing an air crash just with images can lead to wrong conclusions about the causes," Mr Sousa told AP by phone.

"But we can see a plane with loss of support, no horizontal speed. In this flat spin condition, there's no way to reclaim control of the plane."

Brazil's air force said on Saturday that both black boxes of the plane had been sent to its analysis laboratory in the capital Brasilia.

The results of its investigations are expected to be published within 30 days, it said.

Voepass director of operations Marcelo Moura told reporters on Friday night that, while there were forecasts for ice, they were within acceptable levels for the aircraft.

A red lorry is directed through a street by two men in security uniforms.

Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Henrique Baldi of the Brazilian Air Force's centre for the investigation and prevention of air accidents told reporters in a press conference that it was still too early to confirm whether ice caused the crash.

The plane is "certified in several countries to fly in severe icing conditions, including in countries unlike ours, where the impact of ice is more significant", Mr Baldi said.

In an earlier statement, the centre said the plane's pilots did not call for help or say they were operating under adverse weather conditions.

An American Eagle ATR 72-200 crashed on October 31, 1994, and the United States National Transportation Safety Board determined that the probable cause was ice build-up while the plane was circling in a holding pattern.

That plane rolled at about 2,438 metres and dove into the ground, killing all 68 people on board.

Criminal probe expected

Four police officers stand outside a gated community.

There has been no evidence either that the pilots tried to contact controllers of regional airports, Ports and Airports Minister Silvio Costa Filho told reporters on Friday night in Vinhedo.

Brazil's Federal Police said it began its own investigation and dispatched specialists in plane crashes and the identification of disaster victims.

French-Italian plane manufacturer ATR said in a statement it had been informed that the accident involved its ATR 72-500 model, and that company specialists are "fully engaged to support both the investigation and the customer".

The ATR 72 is generally used on shorter flights. The planes are built by a joint venture of Airbus in France and Italy's Leonardo SpA.

Crashes involving various models of the ATR 72 have resulted in 470 deaths going back to the 1990s, according to a database of the Aviation Safety Network.

Costa Filho, the airports minister, said the air force's centre will also conduct a criminal probe of the accident.

"We will investigate so this case is fully explained to the Brazilian people," he said.

It was the world's deadliest airline crash since January 2023, when 72 people died on board a Yeti Airlines plane in Nepal that stalled and crashed while making its landing approach .

That plane also was an ATR 72, and the final report blamed pilot error .

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WWH Club administrators

Data theft forum admins busted after flashing their cash in a life of luxury

Two men without a clear source of income landed cyberfraud charges after being so flash with their ill-gotten cash that it gained the attention of the authorities.

In 2022, Russian national Pavel Kublitskii and Kazakhstan national Alexandr Khodyrev arrived in Florida and requested asylum, which was granted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  Both provided DHS with the same residence address in Hollywood, Florida.

However, their lavish lifestyle was unusual. For example, Kublitskii opened a Bank of America account with a cash deposit of $50,000 and rented a luxury house, while Khodyrev purchased a 2023 Corvette with approximately $110,000 cash. All while appearing to not have a job.

The investigation indicated that the two men were involved in the activities of the dark web platform WWH Club and related forums Skynetzone, Opencard, and Center-Club.

WWH Club and the other forums are Dark Web marketplaces where cybercriminals buy, sell, and trade login credentials, personal identifying information (PII), malware, fake identification documents, and financial credentials. The forums even provide training for aspiring cybercriminals.

The FBI was able to determine the IP addresses of the WWH Club site’s administrators after obtaining a search warrant for the US-based Cloud company Digital Ocean. Based on the information derived from the logs, the FBI agent concluded:

“In addition to the forum owner and creator, it appears there are several other top administrators who operate the site and receive a portion of the generated revenue. One of those top administrators operates under the usemame “Makein.” The FBI agent provides details which show there is probable cause to believe that Kublitskii and Khodyrev both serve as administrators of WWH and share the Makein username.”

Makein is also the handle of the owner and primary administrator of Skynetzone.

Part of the offered training at WWH was a scheme that recruited and taught users to purchase items with stolen credit card data. An FBI covert online employee registered for an account on WWH and paid approximately $1,000 in bitcoin to attend the WWH training.

While on the forums, the agent saw an post where a user was selling stolen PII of people and businesses in the US. Buyers could choose how many people’s PII they wished to buy and specify the particular US state of residence, gender, age, and the credit score of their desired victims. In exchange for $110, paid in Bitcoin, the WWH seller sent the undercover agent a folder containing 20 files, each of which contained the name, date of birth, Social Security Number (SSN), state of residency, address, credit score, credit report, and account information from for a US citizen.

The lead FBI agent explained:

“I know, based on my training and experience, that the presence of account information from suggests that this stolen PII derived from a February 2022 breach of LendingTree that compromised the data of over 200,000 customers.”

The FBI researched domain registrations, exchanged messages, Bitpay transactions, blockchain analysis, and other digital evidence and came to the conclusion that the suspects shared the Makein account and were responsible for the cybercrimes committed by that persona.

Agents obtained records from Google which revealed that messages from and to their accounts often contained stolen PII and credit card information and which tied the account to the suspects.

With probable cause provided, the FBI agent requested the court to authorize the requested criminal complaint charging the suspects with conspiracy for trafficking in unauthorized access devices and possession of 15 or more unauthorized access devices.

Kublitski has been placed under arrest. It is not clear if Khodyrev was arrested as well. The WWH forums are running as usual and the current administrators acknowledge that the suspects were involved, but only as moderators.

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Re: What should I write in my personal statement on VTAC?

thanks for all that information... my social worker told to i have to complete it, in order to apply for scholarship through vtac

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“This Has Been Going On And On”: CNN Cuts Away From Donald Trump Press Conference As Former President Makes Marathon Opening Statement — Update

UPDATE: Donald Trump defended his personal attacks on Kamala Harris, despite some suggestions from allies that he focus on issues of the economy and the border.

“I think I am entitled to personal attacks,” Trump told reporters at a press conference at his golf club in Bedminster, NJ. “I don’t have a lot of respect for her.”

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Trump noted that Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, have been engaged in their own personal attacks, calling him and JD Vance “weird.”

The press conference appeared to be a Trump campaign effort to get the candidate to do a bit of a reset. For the first 50 minutes or so, Trump read from notes, hammering Harris on the economy as well as the border and crime. Behind him were props of household goods, designed to emphasize the rise in prices during the Biden administration.

But Trump often meandered into different subjects. A reporter asked him about reports that Harris will propose new restrictions on price gouging, something that conservative critics already have decried as price controls. Trump briefly chided Harris for the proposal, before then quickly moving to her position on fracking.

At another moment, Trump got in a swipe at CNN’s Chris Wallace. “Not the father. There’s no resemblance between him and Mike Wallace, that I can tell you.”

Nikki Haley, Trump’s GOP primary rival who has since endorsed him, said earlier this week on Fox News that he should focus on issues. Trump said that he appreciated her advice, but “I have to do it my way.”

Fox News stayed with the remarks and the press conference. CNN carried the initial 30 minutes of remarks, cut away and then returned when Trump started to take reporters’ questions. The network cut away again about about a half an hour. MSNBC skipped the press conference altogether.

PREVIOUSLY: Donald Trump opened his latest press conference by delivering an opening statement that went on … and on.

After 30 minutes, CNN cut away.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer told viewers, “We’re continuing to monitor the former president of the United States. He’s still with his so called opening statement that’s been going on well more than a half an hour, close to 40 minutes already…This has been going on and on.”

In his remarks, Trump, reading from written remarks, laid the blame for inflation on his rival Kamala Harris, while accusing her of pursuing “communist” policies. But he also attacked Harris on the border, crime and other issues, and even predicted that her election would lead to a 1929-style stock market crash. On Fox News, which stayed with the remarks, the ticker showed the market getting a big boost during the day, with the Dow rising more than 500 points.

MSNBC bypassed the remarks altogether.

The networks faced some criticism last week for carrying Trump’s press conference in Palm Beach, allowing him to advance falsehoods without a real-time fact check.

As it typically does, CNN went to a fact check with Daniel Dale, who said that many of Trump’s claims have been “debunked before.” He focused on two: One that California allows people to rob stores as long as the thieves take under $950, and the other that mortgage rates are at 10%, when the standard 30-year fixed is at 6.9%. Trump also claimed that “substantially more” than 100% of new jobs went to migrants.

CNN did return to the press conference once Trump started taking questions — after about 50 minutes. But they cut away again about a half hour later.

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  1. VTAC Personal Statement

    Open the Personal Statement. To open the VTAC Personal Statement, click on the 'Personal Statement' tab in your VTAC account followed by the link at the bottom of the page. 3. Fill in the form. There are five sections that make up the VTAC Personal Statement. You only need to fill out the sections that are relevant to your course application.

  2. How to create a VTAC account

    How to create an account. To create a VTAC account, follow the steps below. 1. Click on 'Create an account'. When applications are open, there will be a link to 'create an account' on the home page and a 'Sign up' link at the top of the VTAC site. 2. Enter your personal details. You will be asked to enter your full name, gender and date of birth.

  3. Personal Statement

    The VTAC Personal Statement may or may not be a requirement for your application. In most cases, you should only submit a VTAC Personal Statement if it is listed under essential requirements and admission criteria in the course information for any of the preferences on your VTAC course application.

  4. FAQs for future students, La Trobe University

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  6. How to apply

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  8. VTAC: Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre

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  9. How to write a personal statement

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  11. Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre

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  14. How to start personal statement

    How to start personal statement ... VTAC, QTAC and the VCAA have no involvement in or responsibility for any material appearing on this site. Nor does VCAA and QTAC endorse or make any warranties regarding the study resources available on this site or sold by ATAR Notes Media Pty Ltd. VCE Study Designs and related content can be accessed ...

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  20. VTAC personal statement

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  22. VTAC Year 12 Guide

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  23. What should I write in my personal statement on VTAC?

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  26. vtac personal statement : r/vce

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