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  • IT0001 - Organizational Assignment

Infotype 0001 displays the employee's primary job held at the University and the Org Unit to which the position is assigned. In SAP, each employee is assigned to a position, and each position is assigned to an Org Unit.

Display 0001 Organizational Assignment

  • EE Subgroup : Describes the category of employee (letter) and the pay cycle (1=monthly, 2=biweekly, 0=non-payroll)
  • Benefit percent : The benefit percent is based on the FTE, which in turn determines the University contribution towards the cost of benefits. For example, a 50% FTE will be a 50% benefit percent.
  • Percentage : Percent of an employee's working time spent working in a specific position based on contract length
  • Position Number and Title : Position and Title that the employee holds
  • Organizational (Org) Unit : Department to which the position belongs

Introduction to HR Data in SAP

  • Video -- HR Basics: People and Positions Data in SAP
  • Position vs. Employee in SAP
  • Employee Subgroup Code (ESG)
  • Individual vs. Pooled Positions
  • Find an Employee in SAP
  • Overview of Infotypes
  • Personal Data Infotypes
  • IT0000 - Actions
  • IT0007 - Planned Working Time
  • IT0008 - Basic Pay
  • IT9027 - Cost Distribution by Position
  • IT90001 - Appointments
  • IT0041 - Date Specifications
  • IT0014 - Recurring Payments/Deductions
  • IT0015 - Additional Payments
  • Payroll Infotypes
  • Look Up an Employee's NUID
  • Reference Guides

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SAP HCM Organizational Structure

SAP HCM Organizational Structure

There are 3 fundamental structures in SAP HCM :

  • Enterprise structure
  • Personnel structure
  • Organizational structure

Enterprise and Personnel structures are part of the Personnel Management and Organization structure is part of Organizational Management (OM) submodule of SAP HCM.

The assignment to those 3 structures must allow to precisely locate any employee in the organization. Those structures are used to:

  • Group together employees who share common rules and policies in terms of personnel administration, time management or payroll
  • Generate default values
  • Provide structures selection criteria
  • Structure authorizations on master data

An Employee in SAP HCM Organizational Structure

Overview of SAP HCM Organizational Structure

Now, let’s discuss SAP HCM organizational structure in more details. The organizational unit is a box in the pyramid of the organizational chart: a business unit, a department, a team, etc.

The position can be seen as a chair, on which will seat an employee, or a person.

Those objects are far from being the only ones existing in Organizational Management (OM) and will be detailed later on in this presentation.

An Organizational Structure

Objects and Relationships

OM uses the concept of object and relationship . The following rules apply:

  • An object has a type and is useless if not linked to at least one another object
  • A relationship is always both ways (A and B relationships)
  • A relationship has a type, which has a functional meaning (for example, 008, 012, etc.)
  • All relationships are not allowed between two defined object types

The Concept of Relationship between Objects and Organizational Units

Positions and Jobs

For various purposes, positions that share common characteristics may need to be grouped. This is done using the notion of job . It is used for instance to make easier maintenance of required qualifications, creation of requisitions for recruitment, or simply for reporting.

A Job and Positions

All these objects are linked in an organizational structure with so called ‘relationships’. These assignments between objects intend to cover the following business issues in the system:

Hierarchical structures

Define assignments between objects to describe their hierarchical relationship to each other. For example, you assign organizational units to each other hierarchically to represent the organizational structure of your enterprise or your organization and assign the individual organizational units to the positions that belong to them. You also use assignments to state which employee staffs which position.

Object characteristics

It is possible to use assignments to define object characteristics if own object types are planned to represent these characteristics in the system in the data model for the component Personnel & Organization . You can use the assignment of jobs to positions to describe the characteristics.

Relationships to objects of other components

It is possible to use assignments to represent relationships between objects of the component Personnel & Organization and objects of other components in the system. You can thus assign organizational units or positions to cost centers to represent the relationship between the organizational structure and the cost center structure.

An Example of SAP HCM Organizational Structure

When assigning an employee to a position in the infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment), a link is created between the employee and the position in OM.

A Position in Organizational Management (OM) and Personnel Administration

The relationship between a position and a person holds a notion of staffing percentage . This percentage needs to be correctly set to reflect the real situation. Mostly this will be set to 100%, but it may be otherwise. This is typically the case of “double hats” (people that occupy two or more positions at the same time):

One Person Occupies Two Positions at the Same Time with Different Staffing Percentage

This represents employees splitting their time between two (or more) positions.

Transactions for SAP HCM Organizational Structure

Below is the list of common transactions to display, create or change the organizational structure in SAP:

PP01 – Maintain Plan Data

PPOME – Change Organization and Staffing

PP02 – Maintain Plan Data

PPOSE – Display organization and Staffing Basis – Organizational Management

PPOCE – Create Organization and Staffing Basis – Organizational Management

PO10 – Maintain organizational units

PO13 – Maintain positions

PPOSE/PPOME are very complete transactions which give many display possibilities:

  • Many search tools are available
  • Display of structure area is adaptable to add or remove columns
  • Display is time-dependent and shows movements
  • Various structure views are available: with or without staff, reversed, etc.
  • Infotype data shown in bottom part of the screen have been adapted to best suit our needs.

With these transactions you can

Display Planned Movements of Employees within a Company

  • Change the display dates to show the organizational structure on a desired date in the past or in the future

Change Display Date

  • Search in various ways on various object types

Different Options for Search

Organizational units and positions should be modified only using transaction PP01 , PO10 (organizational units only) or PO13 (positions only). They are more expert oriented and give you the full control over what you’re modifying and access to all the infotypes.

Whichever transaction is used, it is important to correctly manage dates. Indeed, the date on which data is starting in the SAP system must reflect the reality. For instance, if you decide to change an organizational unit title, then you would want to keep the historical name and date before changing to the new name before the real start date.

Changing a Name of Organizational Unit

PP01 is an expert transaction which allows accessing all the infotypes available for a particular object. It handles the following situations:

  • A position changes its title on the 1 st  of March.
  • A cost center associated with the position you created has to be changed from a particular date.
  • The job associated with the position you created has to be changed from a particular date.
  • Move a position to another organizational unit.
  • Change your organizational unit manager.

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4 thoughts on “SAP HCM Organizational Structure”

what do u need to become a SAP certified professional in HR

Can two people occupy one position?

I think position is not unique here, so two people can assign to same position

Sir, What is the tcode to view the Example SAP HCM Organizational Structure in this page. In ppome we are able to see this reporting structure. Is there a tcode to view this reporting structure comprising of all objects. This is exactly what I was looking for.

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Explain the Organizational Structures

After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain the organizational structures

Organizational Structures

As a long-term SAP user, you want to some insight into the use of the organizational structures in SAP S/4HANA, and the areas in which we use organizational structure.

The enterprise structure of a company is mapped to SAP applications using organizational units.

Organizational units represent the enterprise structure in terms of legal or business-related purposes.

Organizational units include legal company entities, plants, storage locations, sales offices, and profit centers.

The following are examples of organizational levels:

Client is the highest-level unit of all organizational elements. It represents the enterprise or headquarters group.

Company code is a unit used in the balance sheet of a legally independent enterprise. It is the central organizational element of Financial Accounting (FI).

Sales organization is the central organizational element of Sales and Distribution that controls the terms of sale to the customer. A division is usually used to represent a product line.

Plant is the central organizational unit in the context of production planning. A plant can manufacture product, distribute product, or provide a service.

Material stocks can be differentiated within one plant according to the storage location in the context of inventory management.

Organizational units may be assigned to a single application or to several applications. For example, a sales organization is assigned to Sales and Distribution, while a plant is assigned to materials management, production planning, and sales.

Master data is created and assigned to organizational structures at various levels.

Enterprise Structure – Financials and Logistics

A controlling (CO) area is the basic organizational unit in Management Accounting. It is a closed entity that is used for cost accounting. You can allocate costs only within a CO area. These allocations do not affect objects in other CO areas.

An operating concern is the central organizational unit in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA). It represents the structure of external market segments for the enterprise. You can assign several CO areas to each operating concern so you can analyze them together.

A company code is an independent accounting unit. You prepare financial and profit and loss (P&L) statements at the company code level to meet legal reporting requirements. You can use business areas (BAs) to group strategic business units for reporting financial and P&L statements. BAs are not suitable for auditing; they are only suitable for reporting purposes. BAs can also group business units that are associated with different company codes.

In logistics, a plant is an organizational unit for categorizing an enterprise according to production, procurement, maintenance, and materials planning. A plant is a place where materials are produced, or goods and services are provided. A plant is assigned to a company code.

A purchasing organization is an organizational unit used in MM – purchasing.

A sales organization is an organizational unit that is used in sales order management.

Purchasing Organization

The purchasing organization is an organizational unit within logistics that subdivides the enterprise according to the purchasing requirements.

The purchasing organization is responsible for procuring materials or services and negotiating the conditions of purchase with vendors, and assumes responsibility for the purchasing activities.

Purchasing Group

A purchasing group is a key to represent a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities.

The purchasing group is internally responsible for the procurement of a material or class of materials. Externally, the purchasing group supplies the contact person for vendors. The purchasing group is not assigned to other units in the company structure.

The plant is an organizational unit within logistics that subdivides an enterprise into production, procurement, and materials planning. The system defines a plant in the client using a four-character alphanumeric key.

A plant can represent a variety of entities, including the following:

The production facility

The central issuing storage location

The regional sales office

The corporate headquarters

The maintenance location

Storage Location

The storage location is an organizational unit that facilitates the differentiation of stocks of materials in a plant. Inventory management is carried out in the plant at the storage location level.

The system defines a storage location using a four-character alphanumeric key. Each storage location has a unique key.

Enterprise Structure in Manufacturing Execution

sap hr organizational assignment

Enterprise Structure in Sales and Distribution

sap hr organizational assignment

Organizational levels represent the structure of an enterprise organization. They also represent the legal and organizational views of an enterprise. The order-to-cash process is part of the Sales and Distribution (SD) application component.

A sales and distribution component module includes organizational levels that are unique to the sales and distribution processes, such as sales organization, distribution channel, division, and shipping point. It also includes organizational levels, such as company code or plant, which are used in SD and in other modules.

You can represent your enterprise structure using organizational levels based on your business processes.

Enterprise Structures in SAP ERP Human Capital Management (HCM)

Display the organizational structures.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Personnel Administration and Organizational Management in SAP HR


Table of Contents

Overview of SAP HR

SAP HR (Human Resources) is a complete software solution advanced with the aid of SAP SE that allows agencies control their human sources processes correctly. It encompasses numerous modules inclusive of Personnel Administration (PA), Organizational Management (OM), Time Management, Payroll, and greater, permitting corporations to streamline HR operations and decorate personnel management.

Importance of integration among PA and OM

The integration between Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) inside SAP HR is crucial for ensuring correct and efficient HR techniques. PA offers with worker-related statistics which includes non-public statistics, process assignments, and compensation information, while OM specializes in defining the organizational structure, inclusive of positions, departments, and reporting relationships. Integrating those modules permits seamless synchronization of worker statistics with the organizational shape, ensuring consistency and reliability in HR operations.

Purpose of the combination

The primary purpose of integrating PA and OM in SAP HR is to set up a cohesive framework for managing human assets inside an enterprise. By integrating those modules, organizations can gain the following targets:

Unified Data Management: Ensure that employee information stays steady across all HR techniques and organizational gadgets, decreasing data redundancy and minimizing errors.

Enhanced Reporting and Analysis: Enable HR professionals to generate comprehensive reports and analytics on staff demographics, organizational shape, and staffing requirements, facilitating knowledgeable selection-making.

Streamlined Processes: Automate key HR processes which include employee hiring, transfers, and promotions by leveraging incorporated PA and OM functionalities, thereby improving operational performance and productivity.

Improved Compliance and Governance: Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and internal regulations by retaining accurate and updated employee statistics aligned with the organizational structure.

Better Talent Management: Facilitate skills identification, succession making plans, and career development tasks with the aid of integrating employee records with organizational hierarchy and job roles, permitting HR to perceive and nurture top talent efficaciously.

Overall, the integration between PA and OM in SAP HR serves as the muse for efficient HR control, enabling agencies to optimize their group of workers abilities and drive enterprise achievement.

Personnel Administration (PA)

Definition and functionalities.

Personnel Administration (PA) is a core module inside SAP HR that specializes in managing worker-related statistics and approaches all through the entire employee lifecycle. Its functionalities encompass:

Employee Master Data Management: Capturing and keeping comprehensive worker facts, along with non-public facts, organizational assignments, employment details, and repayment data.

Organizational Assignment Management: Managing employee assignments to positions, departments, value centers, and other organizational devices in the company.

Time and Attendance Tracking: Recording worker attendance, leaves, absences, and time beyond regulation hours for accurate payroll processing and attendance control.

Personnel Actions Processing: Handling diverse employees movements together with hiring, promotions, transfers, earnings modifications, and terminations, ensuring compliance with organizational regulations and felony necessities.

Benefits Administration: Administering worker advantages packages, consisting of medical health insurance, retirement plans, and different worker perks, to make certain worker satisfaction and retention.

Reporting and Analytics: Generating reviews and analytics on employee demographics, headcount, turnover costs, and other HR metrics to help strategic choice-making and team of workers planning.

Key features and additives

The key capabilities and components of SAP HR’s Personnel Administration module consist of:

Employee Master Data: Central repository for storing and dealing with employee information, which includes non-public details, employment history, and organizational assignments.

Info type Maintenance: Flexible facts shape together with info types (statistics kinds) to seize specific worker statistics elements, permitting for personalisation and adaptation to organizational requirements.

Dynamic Organizational Structure: Ability to outline and hold the organizational shape, including positions, organizational devices, reporting relationships, and hierarchies, to reflect the enterprise’s organizational hierarchy correctly.

Personnel Actions: Predefined procedures and workflows for executing numerous employees actions inclusive of hiring, promotions, transfers, and terminations, making sure constant and standardized HR strategies.

Integration with Other Modules: Seamless integration with different SAP HR modules consisting of Organizational Management (OM), Time Management, Payroll, and Benefits Administration for end-to-quit HR control.

User Interfaces: Intuitive user interfaces (e.g., SAP GUI, Web Dynpro) for accessing and preserving employee facts, facilitating consumer adoption and productiveness.

Data structure and employer

Personnel Administration in SAP HR is organized around a hierarchical statistics structure comprising various info types, which represent distinctive categories of worker statistics. Each info type corresponds to specific employee information, such as personal info, organizational assignments, repayment, and benefits. The records structure permits for the garage and retrieval of comprehensive worker information, ensuring information consistency and accuracy at some point of the device. Additionally, PA integrates with Organizational Management (OM) to keep alignment between employee facts and the organizational shape, ensuring that personnel are efficaciously assigned to positions and organizational gadgets within the organisation’s hierarchy.

Organizational Management (OM)

Organizational Management (OM) is a essential module inside SAP HR that specializes in defining and managing an employer’s shape, which includes positions, organizational units, reporting relationships, and hierarchies. Its functionalities consist of:

Organizational Structure Design: Creating and keeping the employer’s hierarchical structure, which include departments, divisions, groups, and reporting relationships, to mirror the organization’s organizational hierarchy.

Position Management: Defining and dealing with positions within the organisation, such as task roles, obligations, qualifications, and reporting relationships, to ensure readability and consistency in activity assignments.

Workforce Planning: Analyzing organizational shape and staffing requirements to perceive gaps, align staff competencies with business targets, and facilitate strategic personnel making plans initiatives.

Succession Planning: Identifying excessive-ability personnel, developing expertise pipelines, and planning for management succession to ensure continuity and sustainability in key roles within the organization.

Organizational Change Management: Managing organizational restructuring, mergers, acquisitions, and other adjustments through adjusting the organizational shape and aligning team of workers assets with new business requirements.

Reporting and Analytics: Generating reviews and analytics on organizational shape, headcount, span of control, and other organizational metrics to aid decision-making and organizational improvement projects.

Key capabilities and components

The key functions and components of SAP HR’s Organizational Management module include:

Organizational Units: Defining hierarchical units along with departments, divisions, and commercial enterprise gadgets to symbolize the organisation’s organizational shape.

Positions: Defining individual positions within the organisation, together with task titles, roles, duties, qualifications, and reporting relationships, to facilitate function control and team of workers making plans.

Relationships: Establishing relationships between organizational devices and positions to reflect reporting systems, matrix relationships, and different dependencies in the employer.

Job Catalog: Maintaining a catalog of standardized activity descriptions, abilties, and qualifications to support role management, recruitment, and talent control processes.

Workflow and Approval Processes: Configuring workflows and approval strategies for organizational modifications, position creations, and different OM-associated sports to ensure compliance with organizational policies and governance requirements.

Integration with Other Modules: Seamless integration with different SAP HR modules which include Personnel Administration (PA), Recruitment, Performance Management, and Training and Development for holistic HR management.

Data shape and business enterprise

Organizational Management in SAP HR is organized round a hierarchical records structure comprising diverse factors together with organizational gadgets, positions, relationships, and attributes. Organizational devices represent the specific departments, divisions, and enterprise gadgets inside the employer, even as positions define character task roles and responsibilities. Relationships establish connections between organizational gadgets and positions, reflecting reporting systems and dependencies. Additionally, OM integrates with other SAP HR modules, consisting of Personnel Administration (PA) and Time Management, to make certain alignment between organizational structure and worker records. The statistics structure permits for the effective control and analysis of organizational statistics, helping staff planning, succession planning, and organizational improvement tasks.

Integration Points

Employee grasp statistics synchronization

Personnel actions triggering organizational adjustments: When personnel actions along with promotions, transfers, or terminations arise, they’ll necessitate changes in the organizational structure. For instance, a merchandising might require reassignment to a new function or branch in the organizational hierarchy.

Position challenge and reporting relationships: Changes in employee positions or reporting relationships must reflect accurately inside the organizational shape. This guarantees that employees are efficiently aligned with their roles and reporting traces within the enterprise.

Organizational shape synchronization

Mapping organizational units to personnel assignments: Organizational devices defined in Organizational Management (OM) want to be mapped effectively to personnel assignments in Personnel Administration (PA). This guarantees that personnel are assigned to the right organizational units primarily based on their process roles and obligations.

Updating organizational structure modifications in employee’s statistics: Any modifications made to the organizational structure, together with creating new departments, editing reporting relationships, or restructuring teams, have to be reflected in worker records. This guarantees that worker information remains aligned with the modern organizational setup.

Workflow and approval techniques

Streamlining approval methods for organizational changes: Workflow and approval strategies must be established to facilitate the overview and approval of organizational modifications, which includes creating new positions, modifying reporting relationships, or reassigning employees to specific departments. Integration among Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) ensures that these tactics are streamlined and that approvals are routed to the best stakeholders correctly.

Ensuring information consistency among PA and OM at some point of approvals: During the approval of organizational adjustments, it’s important to hold statistics consistency among Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM). This includes making sure that any updates or modifications made in a single module are pondered correctly within the other module to prevent discrepancies and hold statistics integrity at some point of the HR machine.

By addressing those integration factors, companies can ensure seamless synchronization between Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM), streamline approval strategies, and maintain records consistency throughout the HR system, in the long run enhancing efficiency and accuracy in HR operations.

Benefits of Integration

Benefits of Integration

Improved information accuracy and consistency

Integration among Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) ensures that worker information, inclusive of non-public facts, process assignments, and organizational structure, stays correct and constant throughout the HR system. By casting off statistics redundancy and discrepancies between modules, organizations can rely on a unmarried source of truth for HR data, main to better decision-making and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Streamlined HR approaches

Integration streamlines HR approaches through automating information exchange and workflows among Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM). This automation gets rid of guide information access, reduces processing time, and minimizes the chance of errors associated with replica statistics entry or inconsistent statistics. As a result, HR professionals can awareness greater on strategic obligations inclusive of expertise control and worker improvement, rather than administrative responsibilities.

Enhanced reporting and analytics abilities

Integration among PA and OM complements reporting and analytics capabilities by using providing a comprehensive view of worker information aligned with the organizational structure. HR professionals can generate reviews and analytics on staff demographics, organizational hierarchies, staffing requirements, and other key metrics, allowing informed decision-making and strategic group of workers making plans. Moreover, included data allows fashion evaluation and forecasting, helping businesses anticipate future HR wishes and demanding situations.

Better organizational making plans and control

Integration enables better organizational planning and management through imparting actual-time visibility into worker records and organizational shape. HR managers can speedy check staffing tiers, discover skill gaps, and make knowledgeable decisions approximately recruitment, training, and succession making plans. Additionally, integration enables businesses to adapt more correctly to organizational changes including restructuring, mergers, or expansions by using ensuring that employee facts and organizational structure are updated right away and accurately.

Overall, integration among Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) gives several blessings, together with progressed facts accuracy, streamlined methods, better reporting capabilities, and higher organizational planning and control. By leveraging integrated HR systems, organizations can optimize their HR operations, decorate group of workers control, and drive commercial enterprise success.

Implementation Steps

Pre-implementation assessment

Analyzing present PA and OM configurations: Conduct a complete overview of contemporary Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) configurations to understand existing data systems, workflows, and enterprise processes.

Identifying integration requirements and objectives: Collaborate with key stakeholders to perceive integration requirements, which includes information synchronization points, workflow automation needs, and targets for streamlining HR methods.

Configuration and customization

Setting up integration parameters in SAP HR: Configure integration settings within SAP HR to establish information synchronization points between PA and OM. This may contain defining mapping regulations, statistics transfer techniques, and area mappings to make certain seamless facts exchange.

Customizing workflows and approval methods: Customize workflows and approval procedures to automate the managing of personnel actions, organizational modifications, and different HR strategies. Define approval hierarchies, notification triggers, and escalation methods to streamline choice-making.

Testing and validation

Unit trying out of integration factors: Conduct unit trying out to validate the functionality of integration factors among PA and OM. Test facts synchronization, workflow triggers, and statistics consistency to ensure that integration parameters are configured efficiently.

Integration trying out with sample information: Perform integration trying out the use of pattern records to simulate real-international scenarios and validate give up-to-stop capability. Verify facts accuracy, workflow automation, and system behavior under various conditions to become aware of and deal with any problems.

Deployment and education

Rollout of included solution: Deploy the incorporated solution into the production surroundings following a phased method or a full device cutover, depending on organizational necessities. Coordinate with IT teams to ensure smooth deployment and minimal disruption to HR operations.

Training for HR personnel on new strategies and systems: Provide comprehensive schooling and assist to HR personnel on the use of the incorporated answer, which include navigating the device, executing HR techniques, and handling workflows. Offer arms-on schooling sessions, user manuals, and on-line sources to facilitate adoption and proficiency.

By following these implementation steps, groups can efficiently integrate Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) inside SAP HR, permitting seamless facts synchronization, streamlined approaches, and advanced efficiency in HR operations. Regular monitoring and ongoing aid are important to make sure the ongoing achievement of the integrated solution.

Best Practices and Considerations

  • Data governance and security measures: Implement sturdy statistics governance guidelines and security features to make certain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of HR facts. Define get admission to controls, records encryption standards, and audit trails to protect touchy worker statistics.
  • Regular monitoring and renovation of integration points: Establish monitoring techniques to music statistics synchronization, workflow automation, and machine overall performance. Conduct normal renovation activities to cope with any problems, optimize machine overall performance, and ensure compliance with evolving enterprise requirements.
  • Documentation and understanding switch: Document integration configurations, workflows, and exceptional practices to facilitate expertise switch and permit powerful troubleshooting and help. Provide training and assets to empower HR personnel and IT teams to manage and keep the incorporated answer effectively.
  • Continuous improvement and optimization: Foster a culture of non-stop development via soliciting comments from users, tracking key overall performance signs, and identifying opportunities for enhancement. Regularly overview and update integration techniques, workflows, and configurations to optimize performance and address evolving enterprise desires.

Case Studies and Examples

  • Real-world examples of a success PA and OM integration: Examples include multinational agencies imposing SAP HR to combine Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) for streamlined HR tactics and more suitable statistics accuracy. These corporations have visible enhancements in personnel management, reporting abilties, and organizational planning.
  • Challenges faced and lessons discovered: Challenges may additionally include data nice troubles, complex organizational structures, and resistance to alternate from stakeholders. Lessons learned consist of the importance of thorough pre-implementation planning, powerful trade control techniques, and ongoing conversation and collaboration among HR and IT teams.

Ready to seamlessly integrate Personnel Administration and Organizational Management in SAP HR? Dive deeper into this comprehensive guide and enhance your skills with our specialized SAP HR Training in Chennai . Explore hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios to optimize HR processes effectively. Take the next step towards expertise today!

  • Summary of key points : Integration between Personnel Administration (PA) and Organizational Management (OM) within SAP HR offers severa benefits, which include progressed facts accuracy, streamlined procedures, and better organizational planning. Key considerations include statistics governance, monitoring, documentation, and continuous improvement.
  • Future trends and tendencies in PA and OM integration: Future tendencies might also include advancements in records analytics, artificial intelligence, and cloud-primarily based HR answers, allowing groups to in addition enhance HR approaches and decision-making capabilities.
  • Importance of ongoing help and optimization efforts: Ongoing guide and optimization efforts are essential to maintaining the achievement of PA and OM integration. Organizations need to prioritize non-stop monitoring, training, and improvement projects to maximize the fee in their incorporated HR structures.

sap hr organizational assignment

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Creating and Editing SAP Organizational Object Assignments

So that you can define rules using organizational data, you must create and edit assignments between SAP Organizational Objects and Organizational Management organizational objects.

You want to restrict the task of buying certain materials to certain individuals within a specific organizational unit. This is achieved by creating an assignment between a purchasing group (purchasing groups are SAP Organizational Object Types ) and an organizational unit.

You can create assignments between any object classified as an SAP Organizational Object , and the Organizational Management objects (organizational units, positions, jobs , and work centers ). You apply a validity period to these assignments, so that changes in responsibility can be shown.

The SAP organizational object types must be defined in the Business Object Repository. For more information, see Editing the Basic Data of an Object Type .

In Organizational Management Customizing you must specify which Organizational Management objects can be assigned to an organizational object type. For more information, see Organizational Management Administration .

If you want to assign an organizational object type to an Organizational Management object that is not an organizational unit (for example, job or position), you must know an organizational unit in which it is used. Organizational Management objects to be assigned are always selected via an organizational unit.

Assignments between SAP organizational objects and objects from Organizational Management can also be created in Infotype 1208 , or using the function module RH_SAP_ORG_OBJEC_RELATE .

Creating Assignments

The Initial Screen: Assignment to SAP Organizational Objects screen appears.

Select the Organizational unit for which you want to create an assignment, or that contains the Organizational Management object for which you want to create an assignment. If necessary, choose a Selection period .

Choose one or more SAP Organizational Object Types for which you want to create an assignment. You have the following options:

Organizational object type

You can only create assignments to objects with this one SAP Organizational Object Type . This reduces the number of steps you perform later, if creating assignments.

All organizational object types

You can create assignments to objects with any SAP Organizational Object Type .

sap hr organizational assignment

The Assignment to SAP Organizational Objects: Change screen appears. The system displays the organizational unit and all the Organizational Management objects that are related to it.

Select the Organizational Management object you want to assign to an SAP organizational object .

sap hr organizational assignment

If you choose All organizational object types in step 3, the Choose organizational object type dialog box appears. Enter the organizational object type to which you want to create an assignment.

In the next dialog box, choose a specific object to which you want to create the assignment.

The system creates an assignment between the two objects with unlimited validity.

sap hr organizational assignment

Delete Assignment

Only delete object assignments that were created incorrectly or by accident. To depict changed responsibilities, you must delimit the assignment, and create a new assignment.

Select the SAP organizational object whose assignment you want to delete.

sap hr organizational assignment


  1. Organizational Assignment (Infotype 0001)

    In the Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype, the employee's integration into the organizational structure on the one hand, and into the personnel structure on the other hand is defined. This information is paramount for both the authorization behavior and control of Payroll. The Organizational Assignment (0001) infotype has the time ...

  2. Organizational Assignment (Infotype 0001)

    This infotype stores details of the employee's integration in the following structures: If the integration between employee and organizational data is active, the employee's assignment to a position is stored in this infotype and in addition in the Relationships infotype (1001). This infotype also contains information that is important for ...

  3. Organizational Assignment

    Features. The Organizational assignments view has a link named as History and on clicking this it launches a window that displays the organization unit assignment history of the employee. The Organizational assignment history data can be filtered based on the period (Number of years in Back and Number of Years in Forward).

  4. Human Capital Management Structures

    Human Capital Management Structures. An HCM system enables you to set up three integrated structures, the enterprise structure, the personnel structure and the organizational structure. You must be able to evaluate and report on employee data from all enterprise-specific organizational aspects. Every employee is included in the structure of the ...

  5. Learn Organizational Management (OM) in SAP HR

    The Personnel Administration (PA) module of the SAP HR system holds the person related data in infotypes in the master data file. The Organization Management (OM) module looks at the organization's departmental structure and holds the data in object types. OM object types are a way of grouping similar data. The system assigns a code for each ...

  6. Replicating Organizational Assignments from SAP SuccessFactors Em

    You can configure what data is replicated from SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central to reflect the organizational assignments of your employees in the SAP S∕4HANA system. In the SFSF EC INTEGRATION (PA_SE_IN) add-on, the replication of organizational assignments wasn't configurable.

  7. IT0001

    IT0001 - Organizational Assignment. Infotype 0001 displays the employee's primary job held at the University and the Org Unit to which the position is assigned. In SAP, each employee is assigned to a position, and each position is assigned to an Org Unit. EE Subgroup: Describes the category of employee (letter) and the pay cycle (1=monthly, 2 ...

  8. Navigating and Using the SAP HR System

    If required, select the Core Employee Info tab. Select the Organizational Assignment infotype. You select an infotype by selecting the box to the left of the infotype name. In the application toolbar, choose Display to see the most recent record. Find help on specific fields in the Display Organization Assignment record.

  9. 2449918

    When HR administrator is performing organizational reassignment action for an employee via PA40, a warning message 'No authorization for the specified organizational assignment exists'( message number PG100) is shown up when saving IT0000. This warning message ... SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP ...

  10. Indirect Role Assignment Using Organizational Management (OM)

    The infotype 0105 is maintained in the HR system, so that the connection between the employee and the user ID can be created. The Customizing switch HR_ORG_ACTIVE in table PRGN_CUST is set to YESto activate the organizational management for role administration. The evaluation path US_ACTGR (table T77AW) is adjusted.

  11. SAP HCM Organizational Structure

    Transactions for SAP HCM Organizational Structure. Below is the list of common transactions to display, create or change the organizational structure in SAP: PP01 - Maintain Plan Data. PPOME - Change Organization and Staffing. PP02 - Maintain Plan Data. PPOSE - Display organization and Staffing Basis - Organizational Management.

  12. Organizational Assignment Tables in SAP

    Organizational Assignment Database Tables in SAP (81 Tables) Login; Become a Premium Member; ... assignment to SAP organizational Object Type Basis - Organizational Management: Transparent Table 52 : ... HR Data - organizational assignment: EHS - Environment, Health and Safety: Structure 71 :

  13. 3516759

    About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). Search for additional results. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search.

  14. Explain the Organizational Structures

    Organizational units represent the enterprise structure in terms of legal or business-related purposes. Organizational units include legal company entities, plants, storage locations, sales offices, and profit centers. The following are examples of organizational levels: Client is the highest-level unit of all organizational elements.

  15. SAP Help Portal

    Procedure. Linking a Work Center with HRMS. In work center maintenance choose Goto HR assignment. If the work center is already linked to HR, the Organization structure screen appears and you can see the existing assignment. If this is an assignment to an HR work center, you can assign further objects (for example people) to the work center (see the next section - Assigning People, Positions ...

  16. A Comprehensive Guide to Integrating Personnel Administration and

    Personnel Administration in SAP HR is organized around a hierarchical statistics structure comprising various info types, which represent distinctive categories of worker statistics. Each info type corresponds to specific employee information, such as personal info, organizational assignments, repayment, and benefits.

  17. Creating and Editing SAP Organizational Object Assignments

    Enter the organizational object type to which you want to create an assignment. In the next dialog box, choose a specific object to which you want to create the assignment. The system creates an assignment between the two objects with unlimited validity. If you want to put a time limit on the validity of the assignment, select the SAP ...