write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation

6 Emerging workplace trends: Rising to the challenges of change

change management

As South Africa faces a lifting of some restrictions following the country’s move to lockdown Level 2, the impact of Covid on workplaces will remain for some time, and is likely to continue for the foreseeable future, regardless of the progress of the pandemic, an expert says.

Covid and lockdowns have fundamentally shifted how we as human beings, live, work, school our children, shop, entertain and interact with the world around us. And while we may have initially hoped that the disruption caused by hard lockdown would be transitory, we have to accept that some of the things that we thought would only be temporary changes and adaptations to lockdown are now here to stay.

There is no longer talk – as there was during the first months of the pandemic – of ‘when things go back to normal’.

We now understand that there is no going back to the way we were. But while these radical, dynamic and ongoing changes create daily challenges for leadership, it’s also true that they present unique opportunities to recalibrate and move forward positively, with an understanding of the changes, challenges and the strategy that will be required.

Resilient and change-fit leaders will emerge victorious and those trying to turn back the clock to the way that things were will undoubtedly flounder.

Some of the clear trends emerging now, indicating the new direction of the world of work, include:

Trend 1: A Hybrid Work Model as the Default Approach

2020’s remote work is slowly being replaced by a hybrid home/ office work model that represents the best of both worlds, but challenges remain for leaders, particularly in accepting hybrid as the new status quo and not just as a stopgap solution.

To make hybrid really work, the first step is for leaders to set clear, consistent boundaries that apply to all in order to avoid inequality, exclusion or unconscious bias.

Work also needs to be done on building (and embedding) the right culture for hybrid teams. A culture that uses technology and positive internal communication to align all team members and bring them together, irrespective of where they may be based.

Finally, thought needs to go into creating ‘pull factors’ for office space, to encourage social interaction and active engagement so that time spent in-office is about collaboration on team-based projects, while solo tasks that require more introspection or quiet time are done at home.

Ultimately, hybrid work is about holding people accountable, without the need to micromanage.

Trend 2: The Shift Towards a Flatter Organisational Structure

Spurred on by how technology has improved information flow, more companies are adopting flatter organisational structures and are enjoying the benefits of lower operational costs, improved communication and increased motivation.

The role of the leader is also changing. The idea of a ‘hero leader’ who holds all expertise and single-handedly leads the company is outdated. Successful leaders of the future are collaborative, agile, adaptable and, instead of leading from the front, they believe that their role is to articulate vision and inspire their teams to achieve.

Trend 3: The Rise of Continuous Development (for All)

Post-COVID, ongoing and rapid change, evolving technology and ever-increasing information will make continuous development a must, not only to outsmart the competition but also to fill inevitable skills gaps.

To be properly agile and adaptable, we need to gear continuous learning towards the right blend of hard and soft skills, developing traditional left-brained thinking (quantitative analysis and logic), while supporting and promoting right-brained thinking (like design, creativity and empathy). To succeed, we will need people who view the world differently and can see what others can’t imagine.

Trend 4: High Employee Turnover

Short term, companies need to brace for high turnover.

As the pandemic wanes, pent up lag in the system will see many people quit, move jobs or emigrate. Events of the past 18 months have forced us all to rethink our futures – from what we want to do, to where we want to live and how we want to live our lives. In South Africa, the added worry of recent unrest is going to push some of our brightest talent to seek out opportunities offshore as the world reopens.

So it’s vital that we start to think outside the box about talent. From how we can nurture our teams and make them feel valued right now to changing our thinking about how (and from where) we access talent. As an example, changing cities or countries doesn’t have to mean changing jobs.

Trend 5: The Rise of the Non-Permanent Workforce

As turnover rises and the skills gap widens further, non-permanent workforces will become central to company talent strategies. Specialists who are able to deliver on short-term projects, deal with the issues of today or supplement talent gaps (outside of the traditional permanent payroll) will be in demand.

Recently, we have seen an increase in requests from offshore companies looking to set up contracting teams in South Africa to deliver on global projects. We predict that the need for ‘on-demand’ talent will continue to rise over coming years as some companies expect that up to 40% of their total workforce could be non-permanent.

Trend 6: A Sustainable Pace is Non-Negotiable

The hard truth is that the relentless challenges of the past 18 months have worn us all down. We’ve all had to gear up to cope and steer our business’ through recent storms, working long hours at a brutal pace. And, in the post-pandemic world, things are likely to be unstable and unpredictable for a while yet. Leading through a prolonged crisis is exhausting.

Even time off won’t substantially take the edge of pandemic stress.

The only real long-term cure for an unsustainable pace is to create a sustainable pace. This means picking projects carefully, mastering the art of saying no, building time into your diary for downtime and quitting things that aren’t working early. Remember that the price of an unsustainable pace is burnout and no-one can really afford that.

As we continue to try and function optimally within our current environment, it is imperative that we identify and learn from the lessons of the past year and a half, to ensure we smooth, as much as possible, the road ahead.

Georgina Barrick

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write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation

The future of the workplace: Embracing change and fostering connectivity

Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi

Partners with organizations to provide research-backed expertise on leadership, talent management, learning and development, and future of work topics.

Kartik Sharma

Partners with clients across a variety of sectors on topics regarding analytics-led organizational transformations, with expertise in future of work and talent management to drive lasting impact

June 21, 2021 COVID-19 has changed the workplace as we have known it. While the physical space still exists, the overall idea of what a workplace is and what it is for needs to be reimagined. Organizations must deliberately address the changes wrought by the pandemic and the rapid pace of technological investment to enable remote and flexible work. In particular, organizations must take three key actions.

Embrace the hybrid model. The post-pandemic outcome is clear: a hybrid work model in which part of the workforce works outside of the traditional office for part of the time. The more important question: Which portion of the workforce needs to be present in the office, and when, and for what reason?

Employees are craving clarity  about what is coming next in terms of work arrangements. It falls on organizational leaders to chart the path for managers and employees. Transparent and frequent communication, with managers playing a key role, can help ensure that the organization moves in unison.

In a recent survey, we found that organizations that articulated more specific policies and approaches for the future workplace have seen employee well-being and productivity rise . More specifically, organizations that have clearly communicated post-COVID-19 work arrangements have seen a two-fold increase to employee-reported feelings of support, a three-fold increase to feelings of inclusion, and an almost five-fold increase to reported feelings of individual productivity. Attempting to force a one-size-fits all solution can have detrimental effects  on the workforce, particularly on women, people of lower socio-economic status, and people in less advanced economies.

Reimagine the physical space. The office of the future requires organizations to consider the altered footprint and layout that will emerge from a hybrid work model. Since in-person work will look substantially different, organizations need to make sure that their physical space is in tune with the objectives of the people within it. Pre-pandemic cubicle setups may be a thing of the past, making way for areas of collaboration, innovation, and community-building.

Real-estate footprints of many organizations will also change significantly. Already, we have seen many companies move to new geographies to tap new talent pools. For example, a large technology company recently announced some roles could remain remote indefinitely, allowing them to leverage talent from around the country. Others, such as a large financial company that is planning on having 60 desks per 100 employees, are rethinking their real-estate spend as they move to hybrid working models.

Manage fundamental human needs. The overnight shift to remote work has been one of the most notable real-time social experiments of recent times. It has shown that remote work does not necessarily come at the cost of productivity. In fact, many companies have reported increased productivity. A McKinsey analysis found that more than 20 percent of the workforce  could work remotely three to five days a week as effectively as from an office.

However, remote employees complain that it is difficult to feel connected to colleagues and manage work-life boundaries . Some companies are adamant about the value of remote work while also being concerned about its effect on employee well-being. One online retailer, for example, is addressing these concerns  and is acquiring over 900,000 square feet of new office space across six U.S. cities. The gradual return of in-person work alongside the newfound importance of virtual workspaces means organizations need to figure out ways to increase connectivity and a sense of belonging, regardless of where employees are.

The relationship between employees and the workplace has changed in ways that require organizations to invest seriously in helping people navigate through their vision for the hybrid workplace and any changes to the physical workspace. Doing so can help employees balance productivity, well-being, and a sense of connection in the evolving future of work.

This blog post is part of a series on the future of work post-pandemic, exploring three symbiotic elements of work , the workforce , and the workplace .

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Management Notes

Emerging Trends in Organization Behavior

Emerging Trends in Organization Behavior – Organizational Behavior | Management Notes

Emerging trends in organizational behavior.

Table of Contents

Emerging Trends in Organizational Behavior: The emerging trends in Organizational Behaviour mostly focuses on aspects of making human resource a strategic partner. The present context calls for understanding how human capital management impacts business results.

By most estimates, Organizational Behavior emerged as a distant field around the 1940s. However, its origin can be traced/drawn much further back in time. Organizational Behavior has been around for a long time; it just wasn’t organized into a unified discipline until World War II.

During the passage of time, over the years, managers have adopted different practices (models of Organizational Behavior) to manage the behavior of people in organizations. Models are frameworks for possible explanations of why people do as they do at work.

All the models of organizational behavior are broadly classified into four types: autocratic, custodial, supportive, and collegial.

The journey of Organizational Behavior has been started from the autocratic model and its ultimate destination is the collegial model. Different experts of OB have presented different emerging trends in Organizational Behavior .

In this section, we describe in detail the trends presented by Keith Davis as these trends seem simple, comprehensive, and much more universally applicable in nature. At the same time, we also request the readers to go through the trend offered by the other two experts for a better understanding of the subject matter.

Closed System Open System
Materialistic Orientation Human Orientation
Centralized Power  Distributed Power
Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivation
Negative Attitude about People Positive Attitude about People
Focus on Organizational needs Balanced Focus on employee and organizational needs
Imposed Discipline Self Discipline
Authoritative managerial role  Managerial role of leadership and team support

1. Open System

All organizations have two organizational systems: Closed system and Open system. The trend is toward considering the organization as an open system. An open system is composed of subsystems and the focus is on integration of them and getting a synergy effect.

Previously an organization was considered a closed system. The open systems anchor of organizational behavior states that the closed system is self-contained and governed by rigid structures and tight rules and regulations.

Key Aspects :

  • Environmental Sensitivity : Organizations are increasingly aware of their impact on the environment and are taking steps to reduce their ecological footprint. This includes sustainability initiatives, reducing waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices.
  • Stakeholder Engagement : Companies are focusing on building strong relationships with various stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, and communities. They understand that these relationships can affect their success and reputation.
  • Adaptability : Open systems are more adaptable to change. Organizations are investing in agility, flexibility, and the ability to pivot in response to market shifts or unexpected disruptions.

Example : A tech company actively seeks feedback from its customers through online surveys and social media. They use this feedback to improve their products and services, demonstrating their commitment to being an open system.

2. Human Orientation

Many managers in the past viewed that employees come to the workplace to satisfy their economic needs only. Therefore, managers mostly offered material rewards like money, benefits, commodities, etc. to get the job done. Today, the expectations of employees have changed a lot.

Therefore, managerial practices have been changed more towards cooperation, teamwork, support, and guidance. People are no more one of the factors of production – they are both ends and means of development.

Human orientation has been supported and practiced by organizational behavior. As viewed as the most important resource in an organization, it simply means putting people first.

Individuals are developed to their full potential, which increases their abilities, creativity, and skills required to succeed on the job. Performance is actively supported by the organization. Employees are encouraged to have a positive attitude.

  • Work-Life Balance : Organizations are recognizing the need for work-life balance and are offering flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and mental health support.
  • Employee Development : Investing in training, upskilling, and career development opportunities helps employees feel valued and motivated.
  • Inclusive Culture : Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion fosters a sense of belonging among employees, leading to higher morale and productivity.

Example : A pharmaceutical company offers on-site daycare facilities to help working parents balance their responsibilities, demonstrating their commitment to a human-oriented approach.

3. Distributed Power

Under the classical organizational structure, people were viewed only as a means of production. Power was in the hands of managers; only employees were powerless. Organizations followed the centralization of authority. But now, the trend is towards the decentralization of power.

The focus is on the participation and empowerment of people in organizations. Traditionally, organizations were centralized at the top. On the other hand, new trends focus on employee empowerment through autonomy and flexibility at work.

Increasingly, employees are able to manage their own work and increase organizational effectiveness because of the decentralization and distribution of power.

  • Empowerment : Organizations are granting more autonomy to employees, allowing them to make decisions that impact their work and the organization as a whole.
  • Flatter Hierarchies : Hierarchical structures are becoming flatter, reducing the number of layers between top management and front-line employees.
  • Cross-Functional Teams : Collaboration across departments and the inclusion of diverse perspectives in decision-making processes are becoming the norm.

Example : An e-commerce company encourages its customer support team to resolve customer issues without needing managerial approval for refunds up to a certain amount, empowering them to provide excellent customer service.

4. Intrinsic Motivation

The focus of managers previously was mostly on extrinsic motivation. The factors in this category are salary, supervision, job security, company policy, etc. In recent years, managers have started offering more intrinsic motivational factors as compared to extrinsic factors to their employees.

Intrinsic motivational factors include achievement, recognition, work itself, etc. Organizational behavior traditionally engaged in extrinsic motivation, induced by financial incentives; on the other hand, nowadays, intrinsic motivation is emphasized — it is self-generated, resulting from a sense of job satisfaction.

By encouraging teamwork, providing power to delegate, and focusing on high-order needs, employees have become empowered, resulting in intrinsic motivation.

  • Purpose-Driven Work : Organizations are aligning their missions with employees’ values, allowing them to find purpose in their work.
  • Autonomy : Allowing employees to have control over their work and decision-making enhances their intrinsic motivation.
  • Mastery and Growth : Providing opportunities for skill development and personal growth fosters intrinsic motivation.

Example : A software development company encourages developers to spend a portion of their workweek on personal projects of their choice, fostering creativity and intrinsic motivation.

5. Balanced Focus

The organization started its journey by focusing much on organizational needs, objectives, and results to be achieved. Objectives, needs, and feelings of employees were neglected. But later on, managers realized that there should be mutuality of interest–people need organizations, and organizations need people.

The result is that there is a balanced focus on employee and organizational needs. So, managers have started formulating superordinate goals.

  • Sustainability : Organizations are balancing profit goals with sustainability initiatives, recognizing the long-term benefits of environmentally responsible practices.
  • Ethical Leadership : Leaders are focusing on ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility, not just financial metrics.
  • Customer-Centricity : A balanced focus also means prioritizing customer satisfaction and building long-term relationships over short-term profits.

Example : A food production company invests in sustainable farming practices and ethical sourcing, even if it leads to slightly higher production costs, in alignment with their balanced focus.

6. Self- Discipline

Disciplines are codes of behavior at workplaces. Traditionally managers focused on an imposed discipline like in theory ‘X’. They exercised the ‘carrot and stick’ approach to control the behavior and get the job done. But it provided only a short-term solution and resulted in serious side effects.

The emerging trend in Organizational Behavior is towards self-discipline which produces higher results and costs less. It is achieved by managers by creating an environment where employees take themselves as citizens of the organization.

In this type of situation, employees are self-motivated, self-controlled, and guided by their own judgment.

  • Remote Work : With the rise of remote work, employees need self-discipline to manage their time and tasks effectively.
  • Goal Setting : Encouraging employees to set their own goals and deadlines promotes self-discipline.
  • Time Management : Training programs and tools for time management help employees improve their self-discipline.

Example : A marketing agency allows employees to work remotely and measures their performance based on results achieved, rather than hours spent working, promoting self-discipline.

7. Leadership and Team Support

The authoritative managerial role is characterized by power exercise, obedience, dependence on the boss, and a negative attitude toward subordinates. The result is minimum performance, reward, and low job satisfaction.

This situation forced managers to adopt a collegial role i.e. the managerial role of leadership and team support. Managers build a feeling of partnership with employees – employees feel needed and useful. The result (is) increased motivation, performance, and job satisfaction.

  • Mentorship : Leaders act as mentors, providing coaching and development opportunities to team members.
  • Emotional Intelligence : Leaders are expected to have high emotional intelligence, understanding and empathizing with their team’s needs and concerns.
  • Psychological Safety : Creating an environment where employees feel safe to voice their opinions and take calculated risks is crucial for team support.

Example : A tech startup’s CEO holds regular one-on-one meetings with team members to discuss their career aspirations and provide guidance, demonstrating leadership and team support.

In conclusion, these emerging trends in organizational behavior reflect a shift towards more humane, adaptable, and forward-thinking workplaces. By embracing open systems, human orientation, distributed power, intrinsic motivation, balanced focus, self-discipline, and leadership and team support, organizations can position themselves for success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

These trends not only improve employee engagement and satisfaction but also contribute to long-term organizational sustainability and growth.

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The MBA Institute

Emerging Trends in Work Organisations: Exploring the Latest Developments in the Workplace

Table of Contents

In this blog, we’ll explore emerging trends in work organizations and what they mean for the future of work.

The Shift towards Remote Work

Remote work is becoming increasingly common in today’s organizations. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses shifted to remote work as a way to keep their employees safe. This trend is expected to continue as many workers have found that they prefer the flexibility of working from home.

Focus on Employee Well-being

Organizations are placing a greater emphasis on employee well-being. This includes physical health, mental health, and work-life balance. Companies are offering wellness programs, mental health days, and flexible work arrangements to support their employees’ well-being.

Increased Automation

Automation is transforming the workplace. As machines become more advanced, many jobs are being replaced by automation. However, this also presents new opportunities for workers who can learn how to work with and program these machines.

Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are important issues in the workplace. Companies are working to create more diverse and inclusive work environments by hiring more women, people of color, and individuals from other underrepresented groups.

Greater Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in the workplace. From chatbots to data analytics, AI is being used to streamline processes and improve productivity.

The workplace is evolving rapidly, and it’s important to stay informed about emerging trends. By understanding these trends, you can position yourself for success in the future of work. Keep an eye on these developments and be ready to adapt to the changing landscape.

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Organisational Theory and Design

1 Approaches to Understanding Organisations

  • Meaning and Characteristics of Organisation
  • Organisation as System
  • Approaches to Organisation
  • The 7Ss Model

2 Theoretical Frameworks

  • Historical perspectives

3 Organisational Effectiveness

  • Organisational Effectiveness
  • Determinants of Organisational Effectiveness
  • Evaluating Effectiveness
  • How to make organization effective
  • Case Study: Evaluating Branch Performance

4 Fundamentals of Organisational Structure

  • The Design Process
  • Evolutionary Process of Organisation Design
  • Universal Perspectives of Organisation Design
  • From “Strategy- Structure” to “Process: The New Perspective on Organisation Design
  • Restructuring Strategies

5 Factors Affecting Organisational Structures

  • Meaning of Organisational Design/Structure
  • Purposes of The Organisation Design/Structure
  • Principles of Good Organisational Design/Structure
  • Theories of Organisation Design/Structure
  • Key Factors Affecting Organisation Design/Structure
  • Other Factors Affecting Organisational Structures

6 Typology of Organisational Designs

  • Line Organisation
  • Line and Staff Organisation
  • Functional Organisation Structure
  • Product Organisation Structure/Divisional Structure
  • Hybrid Structure
  • Formal and Informal Organisation
  • Centralisation and Decentralisation
  • Vertical Structure
  • Horizontal Organisation
  • Project Organisation
  • Matrix Organisation
  • Virtual Organisation (Network Structure)
  • Boundaryless Organisation
  • Inverted Pyramid
  • Task Forces
  • Mechanistic and Organic Structures

7 Contemporary Organisational Designs

  • Factors Influencing Changing Organisation Designs
  • Choosing the Appropriate Organisational Design
  • Contemporary Organisational Designs

8 Approaches to Job Design

  • Meaning of Job, Occupation and Career
  • Meaning of Job Design
  • Purpose of Job Design
  • Factors Influencing Effective Job Design
  • Approaches to Job Design
  • The Contemporary Approaches
  • Job Design and Technology
  • Designing a Suitable Job
  • Impact of High Technology on Job Design
  • Impediments In Job Design

9 Emerging Trends at Work

  • Emerging Trends in Work Organisations
  • Prophesying the Future
  • Quality of Work Life (QWL)

10 Role of Organisational Culture in Design

  • Concept of Organisation Culture
  • Case-Cultural Values at Bodyshop
  • Uniformity in Organisation Culture
  • Transmission of Organisation Culture
  • Organisation Design and Culture
  • Situational Factors facilitating Culture Change
  • Case-Cultural Change at Dr. Reddy’s
  • Can Culture’s Collide?

11 Organisational Conflict

  • Defining Conflict/Intergroup conflict
  • Case – Conflict at McDonald’s
  • Different perspectives of conflict
  • Sources of organisation conflict
  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Case – The Controversial Tenure of Carly Fiorina at HP
  • Conflict stimulation techniques

10 New Trends in Organizational Change – Explained

If you’re a business leader looking to elevate your organization in an ever-changing business landscape, or a professional aspiring to ascend the corporate ladder then staying informed about the latest trends in organizational change is essential.

Recent studies indicate that over 70% of organizations globally have reported undergoing significant changes in their operational models in the past year alone.

This highlights a universal shift towards innovative practices. 

This blog post explains the emerging trends that are reshaping how organizations operate, from the rise of remote and hybrid work environments to a renewed focus on employee well-being and mental health. 

Let’s check it out in detail.

What is organizational change?

Organizational change refers to the process through which a company or any kind of organization undergoes a transition to adjust or improve its operations, structures, strategies, or culture.

This change can be driven by various factors , including technological advancements, market trends, internal challenges, regulatory changes, or the need to enhance performance and competitiveness.

The nature of organizational change can be wide-ranging, from small-scale adjustments in day-to-day operations to major transformations in business models or organizational culture.

Key aspects of organizational change include:

Strategic Changes:  Altering the organization’s mission, vision, or overall strategy to align with new objectives or market demands.

Structural Changes:  Modifying the organizational structure, such as the hierarchy, role definitions, or departmental configurations, to improve efficiency or adapt to new challenges.

Process Changes:  Streamlining or changing business processes and workflows to enhance performance, quality, or customer satisfaction.

Technological Changes:  Implementing new technologies or upgrading existing ones to improve productivity and adapt to the digital age.

Cultural Changes:  Shifting the organizational culture, values, and behaviors to foster a more positive, inclusive, or innovative work environment.

People Changes:  Adjustments related to the workforce, including training, development, hiring practices, and layoffs or restructuring.

Organizational change is often challenging as it requires managing the resistance from employees, ensuring clear communication, and maintaining operational continuity during the transition.

Successful change management involves careful planning, clear communication, employee involvement, and ongoing evaluation to ensure that the changes achieve the desired outcomes and are sustainably integrated into the organization.

Read more about: Top 10 Change Management Trends 2024

New Trend in Organizational Change

The future of organizational change seems to be guided by the principles of flexibility, inclusivity, and sustainability, alongside the continued integration of advanced technologies.

Here are the new trends in organizational change that indicate a significant shift in the way organizations operate in the future.

Trend # 1: The Rise of Remote and Hybrid Work Models

After COVID 19 Pandemic, one of the most significant trends emerged in organizations has been the widespread acceptance and adoption remote and hybrid work models.

Prior to the pandemic, remote work was often seen as a perk or a niche arrangement, but it has since evolved into a mainstream working model.

This shift is driven by advancements in technology that facilitate communication and collaboration across distances. This trend allows businesses to maintain productivity and even expand their talent pool beyond geographical constraints.

These models offer several benefits, including increased employee satisfaction, reduced overhead costs, and a greater emphasis on work-life balance.

However, they also present challenges in terms of maintaining company culture, ensuring equitable experiences for all employees, and managing remote teams effectively.

Trend # 2: Increased Focus on Employee Well-being and Mental Health

The trend of placing increased focus on employee well-being and mental health represents a significant shift in organizational priorities.

In recent years, there’s been a growing recognition that the mental health and overall well-being of employees are not just personal issues, but critical factors affecting productivity, engagement, and the overall success of an organization.

This change in perspective has been partly driven by a broader societal acknowledgment of the importance of mental health, as well as by research linking employee well-being to improved business outcomes.

Organizations are now actively implementing strategies to support the mental health and well-being of their workforce.

These include offering access to mental health resources, such as counseling services and stress management programs, creating more flexible work arrangements to improve work-life balance, and fostering a workplace culture that encourages open discussions about mental health.

Read more about: Mental Health and Wellness Programs in the Workplace

Trend # 3: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Nowadays artificial intelligence and automation is one of the most powerful trends in organizational change.

AI and automation technologies are being integrated into various aspects of business operations.

Business organizations are developing customer service with AI-powered chatbots and advanced data analytics is being used for informed decision-making. AI also enables predictive analytics, helping organizations anticipate market trends and customer needs

AI and automation not only enhances productivity and reduces likelihood of human error but it also frees up human resources for more complex and creative work.

While this shift towards AI and automation presents challenges, including workforce re-skilling and ethical considerations.

Read more about: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace – Top 5 Trends

Trend # 4: Emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The increasing emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in organizations represents a profound and necessary shift in the corporate world.

Recognizing the varied experiences and backgrounds of employees, companies are actively working to create environments where everyone feels valued and empowered.

This involves intentional strategies to ensure diverse representation at all levels, equitable access to opportunities and resources, and an inclusive culture where different perspectives are respected and celebrated.

The push for DEI is not just a moral imperative but is also driven by a growing understanding that diverse and inclusive organizations are more innovative, resilient, and successful.

A diverse workforce brings a range of perspectives, leading to more creative problem-solving and decision-making.

Inclusion initiatives help in retaining talent and enhancing employee engagement, as people are more likely to feel committed to an organization where they feel understood and appreciated.

Read more about: Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity

Trend # 5: Agile and Flexible Organizational Structures

Organizational structures have undergone a transformation. Nowadays agile and flexible models are becoming increasingly popular.

This new approach moves away from traditional hierarchical and rigid organizational models. Why? Because alive and flexible organizational structures are more responsive, adaptable, and collaborative.

Agile organizations are characterized by their ability to quickly pivot in response to market changes, customer needs, and emerging technologies.

They often employ cross-functional teams, decentralized decision-making, and a project-based approach, allowing for rapid iteration and innovation.

Flexibility in these structures is not just about organizational design but also extends to work practices. It includes offering employees flexible working hours, remote work options, and the freedom to choose how they accomplish their tasks.

This approach empowers employees, giving them a sense of ownership and involvement in the company’s success.

This trend is particularly appealing in industries that are constantly evolving or where customer demands are swiftly changing.

Read more about: What is Agile Organizational Structure? Its Types and Challenges

Trend # 6: Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

The trend towards prioritizing sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reflects an evolution in how organizations perceive their role in society.

This shift is driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues, ethical considerations, and a broader understanding of stakeholder interests beyond just shareholders.

Sustainability in this context refers to adopting business practices that are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially responsible.

Organizations are increasingly integrating sustainable practices into their operations, such as reducing carbon footprints, using renewable energy sources, and ensuring sustainable supply chains.

These efforts are aimed not only at minimizing negative impacts on the environment but also at creating positive social value.

Corporate social responsibility, on the other hand, involves companies taking responsibility for their effects on societal welfare and the environment.

This includes initiatives like community engagement, philanthropy, ethical labor practices, and corporate governance that upholds transparency and accountability.

The trend towards sustainability and CSR is not just a response to regulatory pressures or a marketing strategy; it’s becoming a core component of corporate identity and long-term business strategy.

Companies are recognizing that sustainable and responsible practices can drive innovation, open up new markets, and build brand loyalty among consumers who are increasingly conscious of these issues.

Furthermore, it enhances employee morale, as people prefer to work for organizations that align with their values.

Trend 7: Culture of Continuous Learning and Development

In an era of technological advancements, the ability of a workforce to adapt and grow continuously is not just an asset, but a necessity.

This trend involves creating an environment where learning is an ongoing process, and employees are encouraged and enabled to acquire new skills and knowledge constantly.

It’s about moving beyond traditional, episodic training programs to a more holistic, continuous approach.

This could involve a variety of initiatives, such as providing access to online learning platforms, facilitating mentorship programs, encouraging attendance at conferences and workshops, and supporting further education and certifications.

The benefits of a culture of continuous learning and development are manifold. For the organization, it ensures that the workforce remains skilled and up-to-date, fostering innovation and maintaining competitive advantage.

For employees, it offers personal and professional growth opportunities, leading to higher job satisfaction and engagement.

By investing in the ongoing development of their employees, organizations are not only preparing their workforce for the challenges of today but also equipping them to drive the business forward in the future.

Read more about: Change Management and Continuous Improvement – Connection and Benefits

Trend # 8: Data Driven Decision Making 

The trend of data-driven decision-making represents a significant shift in organizational strategies and practices.

Business leaders are now moving away from intuition-based or experience-based decisions to those grounded in empirical evidence.

In today’s digital age, where vast amounts of data are generated every moment, organizations are increasingly leveraging this data to inform and guide their strategic and operational decisions.

Data-driven decision-making involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large datasets to uncover valuable insights that can drive business strategies.

This approve is being applied in various domains, from marketing and customer service to product development and human resources.

Key components of this trend include the use of advanced analytics tools, machine learning algorithms, and business intelligence software that can process and analyze data in real-time, providing actionable insights.

This shift not only helps in identifying new opportunities, understanding customer behavior, and predicting market trends but also aids in identifying inefficiencies and risk management.

Trend # 9: Holacracy Structure 

The adoption of Holacracy as a structural approach represents new trends in organizational change.

Holacracy is a method of decentralized management and organizational governance, where authority and decision-making are distributed throughout self-organizing teams rather than being centralized at the top of a management hierarchy.

In a Holacratic system, roles are defined around the work that needs to be done rather than job titles, and employees can have multiple roles across various teams.

This structure is designed to foster transparency, agility, and rapid innovation. Decisions are made locally by team members who are closest to the subject, rather than by managers or executives.

This approach encourages autonomy and empowers employees, giving them more control over their work and the way decisions are made.

One of the key components of Holacracy is regular, structured meetings that help in aligning team members and in the governance of the organization.

However, it also presents challenges, such as the need for significant cultural change, training for employees to adapt to new roles and responsibilities, and the potential for confusion in the absence of traditional management structures.

While not suitable for all organizations, the trend towards Holacracy highlights a growing interest in more dynamic, flexible, and innovative organizational models, especially in industries where rapid change and adaptability are crucial.

Trend # 10: Use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality 

The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies is a burgeoning trend in organizational change.

These immersive technologies are moving beyond their initial entertainment and gaming applications to become powerful tools in the corporate world.

AR and VR offer unique opportunities for enhancing and transforming business processes.

For instance, in training and development, VR can simulate real-world scenarios in a controlled environment, allowing employees to gain hands-on experience without the risks associated with on-the-job training.

This is particularly valuable in sectors like healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing, where practical experience is crucial.

In terms of customer engagement and marketing, AR provides interactive and engaging ways for customers to experience products or services.

Retailers, for example, use AR to allow customers to visualize products in their own homes before making a purchase, enhancing customer experience and satisfaction.

Virtual meeting rooms and collaborative spaces allow for a more immersive and interactive experience than traditional video conferencing, making remote work more efficient and engaging.

Final Words 

As we navigate through these new trends in organizational change, it’s clear that the landscape of the modern workplace is undergoing a profound transformation. From the adoption of remote and hybrid work models, increased emphasis on employee well-being, to the innovative use of technologies like AI, AR, and VR, organizations are redefining how they operate, interact, and grow. While each trend presents its own set of challenges and opportunities, together they paint a picture of a future where organizations are more agile, employee-centric, and technologically advanced.

About The Author

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Tahir Abbas

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Megatrends: The trends shaping work and working lives

The purpose of this report is to highlight some of the key trends that have been shaping our economies and the world of work

The purpose of this report is to highlight some of the key trends that have been shaping our economies and the world of work in order to prompt a debate among practitioners, academics and policy-makers on the implications of change and what the HR profession can do to adapt to change and help shape the future.

In this report we group our analysis of the trends under three broad themes: the changing nature of work; the diverse and changing nature of the workforce; and the changing nature of organisations and the workplace context and environment. These themes will guide our future research, strategic conversations and policy development.

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The trends shaping work and working lives

Megatrends infographic.

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Future Of Work: The 5 Biggest Workplace Trends In 2022

Much has been written about the huge changes in our working lives during the past two years – driven of course by necessity and concerns for safety. In 2022, the pandemic is very much still a fact of life for many of us. However, it’s fair to say that we’ve learned to adapt to new behavioral patterns and expectations as we do our jobs. If we are among the millions of “knowledge workers” who find ourselves with more freedom to choose when and where we work, then hopefully, we are making the most of the opportunity to strike a better balance between home and working life.

Future of Work: The 5 Biggest Workplace Trends In 2022

Of course, however much there is to write about the widespread shift away from offices and centralized workplaces, there are many occupations and professions where this simply isn't an option. To frontline workers in healthcare, retail, teaching, transport, and security – among many other industries – buzzwords like “hybrid workplace” probably have very little impact on their day-to-day lives. But they are unlikely to remain untouched by other trends on this list, as technology opens up opportunities for new ways of working and continues to redefine the relationship between us and our workplaces.

Hybrid working  

When it comes to where we work, there will continue to be three main models – centralized workplaces, decentralized remote organizations, and the hybrid “best of both worlds” approach. What’s likely to change in 2022 is that it’s more likely that we, as workers, will have the choice rather than being forced to align with whatever model your organization has chosen out of necessity.

Organizations are clearly undergoing a change in their relationship with the idea of a centralized workplace. At the height of the pandemic in 2020, 69% of large companies expected an overall decrease in the amount of office space they would be using, according to research by KPMG.  

Hybrid structures will range from companies maintaining permanent centralized offices with hot-desking to accommodate the fact that staff will more frequently work remotely, to doing away with offices entirely and relying on co-working spaces and serviced meeting rooms to support the needs of a primarily remote workforce.

A report recently commissioned by video messaging platform Loom found that 90% of employees surveyed – including workers and managers – are happier with the increased freedom they now have to work from home, suggesting that this is likely to be a trend that is here to stay as we move into 2022.

AI-augmented workforce

The World Economic Forum predicts that AI and automation will lead to the creation of 97 million new jobs by 2025. However, people working in many existing jobs will also find their roles changing,  as they are increasingly expected to augment their own abilities with AI technology. Initially, this AI will primarily be used to automate repetitive elements of their day-to-day roles and allow workers to focus on areas that require a more human touch – creativity, imagination, high-level strategy, or emotional intelligence, for example. Some examples include lawyers who will use technology that cuts down the amount of time spent reviewing case histories in order to find precedents, and doctors who will have computer vision capabilities to help them analyze medical records and scans to help them diagnose illness in patients. In retail, augmented analytics helps store managers with inventory planning and logistics and helps sales assistants predict what individual shoppers will be looking for when they walk through the door. Marketers have an ever-growing range of tools at their disposal to help them target campaigns and segment audiences. And in engineering and manufacturing roles, workers will increasingly have access to technology that helps them understand how machinery works and predict where breakdowns are likely to happen.

Staffing for resilience

Pre-pandemic, the priority was generally to have been to hire staff that would create efficient organizations. Mid and post-pandemic, the emphasis has shifted firmly in the direction of resilience. Whereas built-in redundancy or overlaps in skills might previously have been seen as inefficient, today, it's seen as a sensible precaution.

This certainly encompasses another sub-trend, which is that employers are coming to understand the critical importance of building employee healthcare and wellbeing (including mental health) strategies into their game plan. Many are now trying to take more responsibility for helping their workforce maintain physical, mental, and financial wellbeing. A challenge here that companies will come up against in 2022 is finding ways to do this that hit objectives without being overly intrusive or invasive of employees’ privacy and personal lives.

Ensuring a workforce is healthy enough to keep a business running is clearly a critical element of resilience, but it also covers the implementation of processes that are more flexible, with built-in redundancies to provide cover when disaster strikes, resulting in operational efficiency becoming compromised. These processes are sure to play an increasingly big part in the day-to-day lives of workers as we move through 2022.

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Less focus on roles, more focus on skills

Gartner says , "To build the workforce you'll need post-pandemic, focus less on roles – which group unrelated skills – than on the skills needed to drive the organization's competitive advantage and the workflows that fuel this advantage."

Skills are critical because they address core business challenges, with the competencies needed in a workforce to overcome those challenges. Roles, on the other hand, describe the way individual members of a workforce relate to an overall organizational structure or hierarchy. We've certainly seen this trend gestating for some time, with the move towards more "flat" organizational structures as opposed to strictly hierarchical teams with a direct reporting, chain-of-command approach to communication and problem-solving. By focussing on skills, businesses address the fact that solving problems and answering their core business questions is the key to driving innovation and success within information-age enterprises.

From the worker’s point of view, focusing on developing their skills, rather than further developing their abilities to carry out their role, leaves them better positioned to capitalize on new career opportunities. This shift in focus from roles to skills is likely to be a key trend for both organizations and workers during 2022.  

Employee monitoring and analytics

Controversial though it may be, research shows that employers are increasingly investing in technology designed to monitor and track the behavior of their employees in order to drive efficiency. Platforms such as Aware that allow businesses to monitor behavior across email and tools such as Slack in order to measure productivity, are being seen as particularly useful by managers overseeing remote workforces. It builds on functionality created by earlier products such as Hitachi’s Business Microscope that tracked movements of staff around physical office blocks and could be used to monitor, among other things, how often bathroom breaks were taken, and which workers spend the most amount of time talking to others as opposed to sitting at their workstation.

Of course, it seems that it would be easy for companies to use these tools in a way that would be seen as overbearing or intrusive by their workers, and in my opinion, that would clearly be a recipe for disaster. However, ostensibly at least, the idea is to use them to gain broad oversights into workforce behavior rather than focus on individuals' activity and use them as tools for enforcing discipline. Companies that invest in this technology have a fine line to tread, and it remains to be seen whether the net effect will be a boost to productivity or a “chilling effect” on individual freedoms. If it’s the latter, it’s unlikely to end well for the companies involved. However, for better or worse, it seems likely that this kind of technology will play an increasingly large role in the workplace during 2022.

Read more about these and other future trends in my new book, Business Trends in Practice: The 25+ Trends That are Redefining Organizations .


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The Future of Leadership Development

  • Mihnea Moldoveanu
  • Das Narayandas

write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation

Companies spend heavily on executive education but often get a meager return on their investment. That’s because business schools and other traditional educators aren’t adept at teaching the soft skills vital for success today, people don’t always stay with the organizations that have paid for their training, and learners often can’t apply classroom lessons to their jobs. The way forward, say business professors Mihnea Moldoveanu and Das Narayandas, lies in the “personal learning cloud”—the fast-growing array of online courses, interactive platforms, and digital tools from both legacy providers and upstarts. The PLC is transforming leadership development by making it easy and affordable to get personalized, socialized, contextualized, and trackable learning experiences.

Gaps in traditional executive education are creating room for approaches that are more tailored and democratic.

Idea in Brief

The problem.

Traditional approaches to leadership development no longer meet the needs of organizations or individuals.

The Reasons

There are three: (1) Organizations, which pay for leadership development, don’t always benefit as much as individual learners do. (2) Providers aren’t developing the soft skills organizations need. (3) It’s often difficult to apply lessons learned in class to the real world.

The Solution

A growing assortment of online courses, social platforms, and learning tools from both traditional providers and upstarts is helping to close the gaps.

The need for leadership development has never been more urgent. Companies of all sorts realize that to survive in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment, they need leadership skills and organizational capabilities different from those that helped them succeed in the past. There is also a growing recognition that leadership development should not be restricted to the few who are in or close to the C-suite. With the proliferation of collaborative problem-solving platforms and digital “adhocracies” that emphasize individual initiative, employees across the board are increasingly expected to make consequential decisions that align with corporate strategy and culture. It’s important, therefore, that they be equipped with the relevant technical, relational, and communication skills.

Whom do you know, and what can they teach you?

  • MM Mihnea Moldoveanu is the Marcel Desautels Professor of Integrative Thinking, a professor of economic analysis, and director of the Desautels Centre for Integrative Thinking and of Rotman Digital at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.
  • DN Das Narayandas is the Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.

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Emerging Workplace Trends that Challenge the Organization


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Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation

The landscape of work organization is undergoing profound transformations driven by technological advancements, shifts in workforce demographics, and evolving societal expectations.. Several new trends are influencing how work is organized as firms try to stay competitive and adaptable to the changing needs of their customers and employees. The gig economy, digital transformation, employee well-being, remote work and virtual collaboration, and the rethinking of organizational structures and leadership are just a few of the major topics it on this.

Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation

Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration: One of the most prominent trends in work organization is the widespread adoption of remote work and the increased reliance on virtual collaboration tools. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a trigger, hastening the transition to remote work as companies had to make swift adjustments to maintain business continuity. Apart from the short-term reaction to the epidemic, remote work is turning becoming a regular component in many companies. Employees may work easily across geographic borders thanks to virtual collaboration solutions like cloud-based platforms, project management software, and video conferencing. This movement challenges conventional ideas of office-centric work paradigms while simultaneously providing employees with increased flexibility.

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The Gig Economy: The gig economy, characterized by short-term and freelance work arrangements, continues to gain prominence. Organizations are increasingly tapping into a pool of independent contractors and freelancers to access specialized skills on-demand. This trend provides flexibility for both employers and workers, allowing organizations to scale up or down quickly based on project requirements. However, it also raises questions about job security, benefits, and the traditional employer-employee relationship. As the gig economy expands, organizations are exploring new ways to balance flexibility with the need for a stable and engaged workforce.

Emphasis on Employee Well-being: A growing awareness of the importance of employee well-being is reshaping work organization. Organizations are recognizing that employee well-being is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage. Initiatives like work-life balance, mental health support, and flexible work schedules are examples of this trend. 

Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation- Businesses are realizing that a happy and healthy workforce boosts output, lowers attrition, and improves the reputation of the company. This change in viewpoint denotes a departure from an output-driven strategy and toward a more comprehensive comprehension of the requirements and satisfaction of employees.

Digital Transformation: By incorporating technology into every facet of corporate operations, digital transformation is completely transforming the way that work is organized. Organizations are utilizing digital technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT), to improve decision-making, optimize workflows, and expedite processes. This trend not only improves operational efficiency but also demands a shift in the skill sets required from employees. Organizations need to invest in upskilling and reskilling initiatives to ensure their workforce remains equipped to navigate the digital landscape.

Reimagining Leadership and Organizational Structures: The traditional hierarchical organizational structure is giving way to more agile and adaptive models. Organizations are moving towards flatter structures that encourage collaboration, quick decision-making, and innovation.

Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation- Leadership is evolving to embrace a more inclusive and transformational approach. The concept of servant leadership, where leaders prioritize the well-being and growth of their team members, is gaining traction. This shift in leadership style aligns with the changing expectations of employees who seek purpose, mentorship, and a supportive work environment.

The emerging trends in work organization underscore the transformative nature of the contemporary workplace. Remote work and virtual collaboration have broken down geographical barriers, fostering a more flexible and interconnected work environment. 

Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation- The gig economy has redefined the employment landscape, emphasizing agility and on-demand talent. The growing emphasis on employee well-being recognizes the holistic needs of the workforce, acknowledging that a healthy and engaged workforce is essential for organizational success.

Digital transformation has emerged as a key component, transforming company operations and putting workers under pressure to learn new skills. Rethinking organizational structures and leadership shows a move toward models that are more purpose-driven, flexible, and inclusive. Taken as a whole, these trends show how important it is for businesses to welcome change, put employee happiness first, and use technology to maintain their competitiveness in a constantly changing global market.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the trend of remote work?

The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for the widespread adoption of remote work. Organizations had to quickly adapt to ensure business continuity, and the experience has led to a more permanent acceptance and integration of remote work into work organization strategies.

What challenges does the gig economy pose to traditional employment models?

The gig economy introduces challenges related to job security, benefits, and the traditional employer-employee relationship. While it offers flexibility, it also prompts organizations to reconsider how they provide stability and support for workers in non-traditional arrangements.

How does the emphasis on employee well-being contribute to organizational success?

Employee well-being contributes to organizational success by fostering a healthy and motivated workforce. Organizations that prioritize well-being experience increased productivity, reduced turnover, and enhanced organizational reputation, ultimately contributing to improved business outcomes.

What skills are becoming more crucial in the era of digital transformation?

Skills such as digital literacy, data analysis, and adaptability are becoming crucial in the era of digital transformation. As organizations leverage technology, employees need to be equipped with the skills to navigate and leverage digital tools effectively.

How does the reimagining of leadership impact organizational culture?

The reimagining of leadership towards more inclusive and transformational models, such as servant leadership, positively impacts organizational culture. It fosters collaboration, mentorship, and a supportive work environment, aligning with the changing expectations of employees and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

Are these trends applicable to all industries, or are there specific sectors where they are more relevant?

While the degree of relevance may vary, these trends are applicable across various industries. The common thread is the need for organizations to adapt to a changing landscape, driven by factors like technology, workforce expectations, and global interconnectedness. Industries that embrace these trends are better positioned for sustained success.


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  15. Future Of Work: The 5 Biggest Workplace Trends In 2022

    The global COVID-19 pandemic transformed many places of work over the past two years. Here we look ahead and explore the five biggest workplace trends in a post-coronavirus world.

  16. 9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond

    9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2021 and Beyond. by. Brian Kropp. January 14, 2021. Kevin Van Aelst. Summary. While 2020 was the most volatile year in modern history, it would be a mistake to ...


    the up-and-coming trends in work organizations; the concept of quality of work life; and how the emerging trends affect the quality of work life of employees. Structure 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Emerging Trends in Work Organizations 7.3 Prophesying the Future 7.4 Quality of Work Life (QWL) 7.5 Summary 7.6 Self Assessment Questions 7.7 Further Readings

  18. Emerging Work Place Trends That Challenge the Organization ...

    Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. Workplace diversity is about acknowledging differences and adapting work practices to create an inclusive environment in which diverse skills, perspectives and backgrounds are valued.

  19. The Future of Leadership Development

    The Problem. Traditional approaches to leadership development no longer meet the needs of organizations or individuals. The Reasons. There are three: (1) Organizations, which pay for leadership ...

  20. The Emerging Trends Or Challenges In The Management Of ...

    Several emerging trends are impacting organizational life. Of these emerging trends, five will be examined in this paper: globalization, diversity, flexibility, flat, and networks. These five emerging trends create tensions for organizational leaders and employees as they go through waves of changes in their organizations.

  21. Emerging Trends of Hrm

    Human Resource Management is a technique process of managing people in the workplace to enable and enhance organization performance (Leopold and Harris, 2009). This theory involved the responsible to attracting, selecting, training and managing people which make employees become more valuable to the organisations.

  22. Emerging Workplace Trends that Challenge the Organization

    Essay Writing Service With the increase in competition, locally or globally, organizations must become more adaptable, resilient, agile, and customer-focused to succeed. And within this change in environment, the HR professional has to evolve to become a strategic partner, an employee sponsor or advocate, and a change mentor within the ...

  23. Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation

    Remote work and virtual collaboration have broken down geographical barriers, fostering a more flexible and interconnected work environment. Write an essay on emerging trends in work organisation-The gig economy has redefined the employment landscape, emphasizing agility and on-demand talent. The growing emphasis on employee well-being ...