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A Guide to Writing Meaningful Report Card Comments: Tips & Samples

A Guide to Writing Meaningful Report Card Comments: Tips & Samples

Simran Agarwal

Simran is a writer here at Suraasa and has formerly worked as a Teacher. She is passionate about learning and making a difference through her words.

What Are Report Card Comments?

Importance of report card comments, 10 tips for writing meaningful report card comments, 50 quick report card comments based on grade, 30 quick report card comments based on situation, 5 great tips for writing negative report card comments with examples, 10 examples of how to write negative report card comments, wrapping up, additional resources, free template for you.

Picture this: It's the end of the term, and you’re sitting at your desk, surrounded by a mountain of report cards. You’ve taught, inspired, and supported your students through weeks of learning. Now comes the daunting task of encapsulating their progress in a few lines.  As teachers, we know that writing meaningful report card comments can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.  How do you capture a student's journey, their triumphs, and areas for growth, all while being concise, clear, and supportive?

teacher sitting on desk writing quick 50 general report card comments

We’ve all been there—staring at a blank space, wondering how to transform our observations into report card comments that are not only informative but also encouraging and motivating.  The struggle is real! But we’ve got you covered. We’re here to help you navigate this challenge with ease and confidence. In this blog, we’ll dive into the art of writing report card comments that resonate with students and parents alike.  Whether you need 50 quick report card comments, tailored feedback for preschool, kindergarten, or primary school, or strategies for delivering constructive feedback, we’ve everything.  So, bookmark this blog, get comfortable, and let’s turn this task into an enjoyable and rewarding experience!

Report card comments provide insights into a student's academic performance, behavior, and overall development throughout the term. These are in a nutshell, teachers' remarks on the report card that act as a vital communication tool between teachers, parents, and students. 

125 report card comments on a wall or general report card comments on wall

Unlike grades which offer a quantitative measure of achievement, report card comments offer qualitative feedback that paints a fuller picture of a student's progress. Imagine you're a parent eagerly opening your child's report card. The grades are there, but it's the report card comments that tell the real story.  They explain why a child excels in math but struggles with reading, or how their confidence has grown in social settings. 

These comments bridge the gap between home and school—fostering a collaborative environment where everyone is working towards the common goal of the student's success. 

Whether you're writing a few lines or a detailed paragraph, these comments have the power to inspire, guide, and support each student's unique learning journey.

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problem solving and innovating report card comments

Want to make a lasting impact on your students?

Report card comments are a cornerstone of effective education and communication. They are the unsung heroes of student feedback, offering a deeper insight into each learner's journey.  Here’s why they’re so essential:

understanding the importance of meaningful general report card comments

1. Personalized Insights into Student Progress

Grades alone can't capture the nuances of a student's performance.  Imagine telling Neha, "Your creativity in solving math problems is outstanding! " or informing Joseph, "Your curiosity in science class makes you a budding young scientist."  ‍ Personalized feedback like this recognizes each student's unique talents and areas for growth, providing a clearer picture than grades alone ever could. They address individual strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics. It helps students and parents understand the full scope of the student's progress.

2. Motivation through Recognition

Think about the smile on a student's face when they read, "Great job on your recent history project, Sarah! Your research skills are impressive."   Comments like these can inspire students to keep pushing forward, knowing their efforts are noticed and appreciated. Positive reinforcement acknowledges their hard work and achievements, encouraging them to keep striving for success.

‍ 3. Constructive Guidance for Growth

teacher sharing 50 quick report card comments positive for primary school

Constructive feedback highlights areas where students can improve and offers specific suggestions for how to do so For instance, you might write, "Mischelle, you've made great strides in reading. To keep improving, try to read aloud at home for 10 minutes each day." This guidance is crucial for helping students understand what they need to work on and how they can achieve their goals.

4. Trust and Rapport for Parent-Teacher Partnerships

Clear communication builds trust and collaboration. When parents read, "Lily is doing well in math but sometimes rushes through her work. Encouraging her to take her time at home could help."   They gain valuable insights and can better support their child's learning at home. In short, it helps facilitate a partnership that supports the student's overall educational journey. ‍

5. Progress Tracking Over Time

general report card comments help in documenting progress over time

Report card comments provide a written record of a student's development over time.  For instance, comments like, "Over the year, Alex has grown more confident in sharing his ideas in class discussions," help track long-term progress. This documentation is also valuable for identifying trends and making informed decisions about future educational strategies.

6. Holistic View of Student Development

Academic performance is just one piece of the puzzle.  Beyond academics, report card comments can address social skills, behavior, and emotional development.  For example, "Sophia is a great friend to her classmates and always helps others when they need it."  This holistic view ensures that all aspects of the student's growth are considered and supported. By crafting thoughtful and detailed report card comments, teachers not only support their student's academic growth but also contribute to a positive and encouraging learning environment.

It’s all about painting a complete picture of each student’s unique journey, celebrating successes, and providing the guidance they need to thrive.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Crafting effective report card comments requires a thoughtful approach that balances encouragement with constructive feedback. Here’s how you can make your comments impactful:

Tip #1: Be Specific and Detailed

Instead of vague statements, get specific about a student's achievements. For instance,  ❌ "Samantha did well in math." ✅ "Samantha consistently applies creative problem-solving strategies in math, which has led to noticeable improvements in her understanding of fractions."

Tip #2: Use Positive Language

Highlight strengths first to set a positive tone. For instance,  ❌ "John struggles with organization." ✅ "John has shown significant improvement in organizing his assignments, which has helped him complete tasks more efficiently."

Tip #3: Link to Learning Objectives

Connect your comments directly to what students are learning in class. This shows how the feedback relates to the curriculum and educational goals. For example,  ❌ "Emily can analyze historical events.” ✅ "Emily's ability to analyze historical events demonstrates a deep understanding of our unit on World War II."

Tip #4: Provide Actionable Feedback 

Include suggestions for improvement that are clear and achievable. Give suggestions that students can act on. For example,  ❌ "Sarah needs to Improve her reading comprehension.” ✅ "To improve reading comprehension, Sarah could try reading aloud for 10 minutes each day. This practice can help strengthen her understanding of complex texts."

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Tip #5: balance areas of growth.

Acknowledge areas where students excel while gently addressing areas needing development. This helps maintain a balanced perspective on their progress. For example,  ❌ ”Nisha needs to work on her ideas to contribute to the discussions.” ✅ "Nisha is a confident speaker in class discussions but could work on elaborating more on her ideas to deepen her contributions."

Tip #6: Personalize Each Comment

Tailor your comments to reflect each student's unique qualities and learning journey.  This personalized approach demonstrates that you understand and appreciate their individual efforts and challenges. For example, ❌ “Ella’s is a creative child.” ✅ "Ella’s creativity shines through in her artwork, where she consistently experiments with new techniques and styles."

Tip #7: Consider the Student's Perspective

Write comments that respect the student's efforts and progress. Positive reinforcement and constructive advice should inspire students to strive for improvement. For instance, ❌ "Simran needs to improve her writing skills. Her essays lack organization and depth." ✅ "Simran has been working hard to improve her writing skills. With continued practice in organizing her ideas and expanding on key points, she will see further improvement."

Tip #8: Be Professional and Encouraging

Maintain a professional tone while also conveying encouragement and support. Your comments should inspire students to continue striving for improvement. For example, ❌ "Matthew struggles with math. He often gets stuck on difficult problems and takes too long to finish assignments."

✅ "Matthew is making progress in math. He demonstrates dedication to understanding complex concepts and applies a thorough problem-solving approach during class activities."

Tip #9: Invite Parent Involvement

Encourage parents to discuss the comments with their child and ask questions if needed. This fosters a collaborative effort in supporting the student's learning both at school and at home. For example, ❌ ”Khush is often distracted during science experiments. He needs to focus more and participate actively."

✅ "Feel free to ask Khush about his progress in science experiments; he’s shown a keen interest in exploring scientific concepts during our hands-on labs."

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Tip #10: Proofread and Edit

Before finalizing, review your comments to ensure they are clear and supportive. Your comments should effectively communicate how students are progressing toward their learning goals. By following these tips, you'll create report card comments that not only inform parents but also motivate students to continue growing and learning. It’s all about recognizing achievements and guiding them toward even greater success!

We’ve understood, that writing report card comments is a valuable opportunity to provide meaningful feedback to students and their families.  Effective comments should be specific, encouraging, and relevant to each student's academic progress and personal development.  Here are quick comments tailored for each grade level to help communicate achievements and areas for growth effectively.

1. Pre-School

tips for writing 50 Quick Report Card Comments positive for Preschool

A. Tips for Writing Quick Report Card Comments for Preschoolers

  • Focus on Developmental Milestones: Highlight progress in social skills, motor skills, and early learning concepts. ‍
  • ‍ Use Simple Language: Ensure comments are easy for parents to understand and reflect preschool-specific achievements.
  • ‍ Celebrate Individuality: Acknowledge each child’s unique strengths and areas for growth.
  • ‍ Provide Examples: Use specific examples of activities and behaviors to illustrate progress.
  • ‍ Encourage Further Development: Suggest activities parents can do at home to support learning and development. ‍

B. 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Preschoolers

report card comments sample image

Check out 50 quick report card comments for preschoolers below:

  • Emily is making great strides in developing her social skills, actively participating in group activities, and sharing with peers.
  • Jack has shown improvement in motor skills, confidently using scissors and crayons to create detailed artwork.
  • Sophie demonstrates a strong grasp of early learning concepts, showing interest in letters, numbers, and basic shapes.
  • James is progressing well in developing fine motor skills, such as stacking blocks and manipulating small objects.
  • Lily shows enthusiasm in exploring sensory activities, which helps enhance her tactile and cognitive development.
  • Noah is improving in his ability to follow classroom routines and transitions, which supports his social and emotional growth.
  • Ava has made noticeable progress in developing language skills, expanding her vocabulary, and expressing herself more clearly.
  • Emma demonstrates good listening skills during storytime and group discussions, which are essential for early literacy development.
  • Lucas shows interest in exploring different textures and materials during sensory play, which promotes sensory integration.
  • Isabella is developing empathy and understanding of others' emotions, contributing positively to classroom dynamics.
  • Liam is becoming more independent in completing tasks and taking responsibility for his belongings.
  • Mia has shown improvement in her ability to wait for her turn and share toys with classmates.
  • Noah demonstrates curiosity and asks questions to understand new concepts during lessons.
  • Sophia is developing strong friendships with peers and enjoys cooperating with others in group activities.
  • Ethan shows enthusiasm for exploring nature and learning about animals and plants in science lessons.
  • Olivia is becoming more confident in using scissors and crayons to create artwork independently.
  • Benjamin demonstrates good self-control and follows classroom rules consistently.
  • Grace participates actively in physical activities and shows coordination in movement tasks.
  • Lucas enjoys listening to stories and shows understanding by answering questions about the plot.
  • Isabella demonstrates creativity in her artwork, using different colors and materials to express herself.
  • Emily enjoys playing with her friends and is learning to take turns and share toys.
  • Jack loves listening to stories and is starting to recognize familiar words in books.
  • Sophie is doing well with counting and identifying numbers up to 10.
  • James is practicing holding a pencil correctly and enjoys drawing shapes and simple pictures.
  • Lily participates eagerly in circle time activities and follows simple directions.
  • Noah is learning to use words to express his needs and feelings more effectively.
  • Ava shows curiosity about nature and enjoys exploring the outdoor environment.
  • Emma likes singing songs and rhymes, which helps with language development.
  • Lucas is learning new words and using them in short sentences.
  • Isabella shows interest in sorting objects by color and size during classroom activities.
  • Liam enjoys building with blocks and shows creativity in designing structures.
  • Mia is developing a love for books and enjoys looking at picture books independently.
  • Noah demonstrates understanding of basic math concepts such as counting and sorting.
  • Sophia is learning to write her name and recognizes letters in the alphabet.
  • Ethan enjoys playing with musical instruments and shows rhythm in his movements.
  • Olivia participates in group activities and cooperates with peers during games.
  • Benjamin shows interest in science experiments and asks questions to learn more.
  • Grace enjoys participating in art projects and shows enthusiasm for creative activities.
  • Lucas follows classroom routines and transitions with ease, showing readiness for learning.
  • Isabella demonstrates kindness towards classmates and shares materials during activities.
  • Emily demonstrates creativity in her artwork, often incorporating unique ideas into her projects.
  • Jack shows a keen interest in building structures with blocks, showcasing his spatial awareness.
  • Sophie has a natural curiosity about insects and enjoys learning facts about them.
  • James has a great sense of humor that brightens up the classroom environment.
  • Lily shows empathy towards classmates, always willing to help others who are struggling.
  • Noah demonstrates resilience in tackling challenging tasks and shows determination in completing them.
  • Ava expresses her emotions through artwork, using colors to convey different feelings.
  • Emma demonstrates leadership skills by organizing group activities and guiding peers.
  • Lucas shows initiative in exploring new topics and asking questions to learn more.
  • Isabella demonstrates a love for storytelling and enjoys creating narratives during playtime.

2. Kindergarten

tips for writing 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Kindergarten Kids

A. Tips for Writing Quick Report Card Comments for Kindergarten Kids

  • Highlight Foundational Skills: Comment on progress in literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional development.
  • Acknowledge Curiosity: Mention the child’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Note Growth Areas: Identify specific areas where the child has shown improvement throughout the year.
  • Include Positive Language: Start with strengths before addressing areas for improvement.
  • Prepare for Transition: Discuss readiness for first grade and any areas to focus on for continued growth. ‍

B. 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Kindergarten Kids

report card comments sample image

Check out 50 quick report card comments for Kindergarten Kids below:

  • Aisha is making impressive progress in developing early literacy skills, showing enthusiasm for learning new letters and sounds.
  • Mateo demonstrates strong numeracy skills, confidently counting and recognizing numbers up to 20.
  • Mei-Ling shows excellent social-emotional development, building friendships and showing empathy towards classmates.
  • Malik has shown significant improvement in fine motor skills, which is evident in his neat handwriting and precise drawings.
  • Priya actively participates in classroom activities, showing growth in following instructions and completing tasks independently.
  • Emeka's curiosity about the natural world is evident in his enthusiastic participation in science experiments and nature walks.
  • Aaliyah shows a keen interest in learning about different cultures and traditions, sharing her discoveries with excitement.
  • Jamal's curiosity drives his exploration of books and stories, where he eagerly asks questions to learn more.
  • Sofia demonstrates a curious mind, often exploring new ideas and concepts during play and group discussions.
  • Javier's curiosity about how things work is reflected in his hands-on approach to building and creating in the classroom.
  • Zara has made remarkable progress in her ability to write her name and simple words, showing improved letter formation.
  • Anand has shown growth in his social skills, becoming more confident in interacting with peers and sharing during group activities.
  • Leila has made strides in her ability to share and take turns, contributing positively to classroom harmony.
  • Jayden has improved his fine motor skills, which is evident in his ability to cut shapes and manipulate small objects.
  • Layla has grown more comfortable expressing herself verbally, participating actively in class discussions and sharing ideas.
  • Elias consistently demonstrates a positive attitude toward learning, approaching challenges with enthusiasm and determination.
  • Nia's enthusiasm for learning new concepts is infectious, inspiring her classmates to engage more actively in lessons.
  • Kwame shows resilience in the face of challenges, always willing to try again and learn from mistakes.
  • Aisha is a kind and caring classmate, often helping others and fostering a supportive classroom environment.
  • Mateo's creativity shines through in his artwork and storytelling, bringing joy to his peers and teachers alike.
  • Mei-Ling is well-prepared for first grade, demonstrating strong foundational skills in both literacy and numeracy.
  • Malik shows readiness for first grade by consistently meeting academic expectations and showing independence in his work.
  • Priya is eager to take on new challenges in first grade and has shown readiness in adapting to new learning environments.
  • Emeka's positive social interactions and love for learning indicate a smooth transition to the expectations of first grade.
  • Aaliyah's growth in self-regulation and enthusiasm for learning prepare her well for the challenges of first grade.
  • Jamal has developed a strong sense of responsibility and accountability, essential traits for success in first grade.
  • Sofia's creativity and imagination will enhance her learning experiences as she enters first grade.
  • Javier's ability to work well with peers and contribute positively to group activities prepares him for collaborative learning in first grade.
  • Zara demonstrates resilience in overcoming challenges, which will help her adjust to the academic demands of first grade.
  • Anand's progress in problem-solving and critical thinking will support his transition to more complex learning tasks in first grade.
  • Leila's positive relationships with peers and teachers create a supportive environment for learning, setting a strong foundation for first grade.
  • Jayden's growth in expressing ideas verbally and listening attentively prepares him for the interactive learning environment of first grade.
  • Layla's enthusiasm for exploring new concepts and asking questions will contribute to her success in first grade.
  • Elias demonstrates a love for reading and shows readiness for more complex literacy tasks in first grade.
  • Nia's ability to manage transitions and adapt to new routines indicates readiness for the structure of first grade.
  • Kwame shows an eagerness to learn new vocabulary and demonstrates comprehension skills that will benefit him in first grade.
  • Aisha's ability to work independently on tasks and seek help when needed prepares her for the responsibilities of first grade.
  • Mateo's curiosity about the world around him and willingness to explore new ideas will enrich his learning experiences in first grade.
  • Mei-Ling's development in problem-solving and reasoning skills positions her well for the academic expectations of first grade.
  • Malik's growth in self-confidence and willingness to take on challenges indicates readiness for the next academic year.
  • Priya's positive attitude and willingness to learn make her well-prepared for the challenges of first grade.
  • Emeka's ability to problem-solve and think critically will support his transition to more advanced learning in first grade.
  • Aaliyah's growth in expressing ideas verbally and listening attentively prepares her for the interactive learning environment of first grade.
  • Jamal's enthusiasm for exploring new concepts and asking questions will contribute to his success in first grade.
  • Sofia's positive relationships with peers and teachers create a supportive environment for learning, setting a strong foundation for first grade.
  • Javier's growth in social skills and emotional maturity prepares him well for the increased independence of first grade.
  • Zara's enthusiasm for learning new concepts and exploring ideas will be an asset in first grade classrooms.
  • Anand demonstrates a strong foundation in early literacy and numeracy, setting a solid base for continued academic success.
  • Leila has made significant progress in listening and following instructions, crucial skills for a successful transition to first grade.
  • Jayden's progress in problem-solving and critical thinking will support his transition to more complex learning tasks in first grade.

‍ 3. Primary School

tips for writing 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Primary School Students

A. Tips for Writing Quick Report Card Comments for Primary School Students

  • Be Subject-Specific: Provide comments tailored to each subject area (e.g., math, reading, science).
  • Highlight Progress: Note improvements in skills such as reading comprehension, math fluency, and critical thinking.
  • Encourage Effort: Recognize effort and perseverance in tackling challenging tasks.
  • Address Social Skills: Comment on interactions with peers and participation in classroom activities.
  • Set Goals: Discuss goals for the next term or year and how parents can support their child’s learning. ‍

B. 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Primary School Students

report card comments sample image

Check out 50 quick report card comments for Primary School Students below:

  • Emily has shown excellent progress in understanding addition and subtraction concepts.
  • Noah demonstrates strong reading comprehension skills, often summarizing stories accurately.
  • Olivia's curiosity in science is evident in her enthusiastic participation in experiments.
  • Liam has improved his ability to solve word problems and shows a good grasp of multiplication.
  • Aisha's ability to read aloud with expression has greatly enhanced her fluency.
  • Ethan has significantly improved his reading comprehension, now able to infer meanings and themes from texts.
  • Sophia has become more confident in her math skills, particularly in understanding fractions.
  • Lucas has shown a deeper understanding of the scientific method and can now design simple experiments.
  • Mia's writing has improved, with more detailed descriptions and better sentence structure.
  • Ahmed has made great strides in his ability to solve multi-step problems.
  • Jacob's perseverance in tackling challenging books is commendable, and he never gives up.
  • Olivia consistently puts in great effort to understand new math concepts and doesn't hesitate to ask questions.
  • Ethan's effort in completing his science projects on time is impressive, showing dedication and hard work.
  • Aisha always gives her best effort in writing assignments, even when faced with difficult prompts.
  • Lucas shows great determination in improving his math skills and practices regularly at home.
  • Mia is a positive influence in class discussions, often encouraging her peers to participate.
  • Liam works well in group activities, always ready to help and share ideas with his classmates.
  • Emily shows respect towards her teachers and peers, fostering a positive classroom environment.
  • Noah collaborates effectively with his peers during group projects, showing good leadership skills.
  • Sophia is always willing to help classmates who are struggling, showing empathy and kindness.
  • For the next term, let's focus on expanding Ethan's vocabulary by reading a variety of genres.
  • Olivia should work on improving her speed and accuracy with math facts to enhance her fluency.
  • Jacob's goal for the next term is to participate more actively in class experiments and discussions.
  • Aisha should aim to develop her writing by using more descriptive language and varied sentence structures.
  • Lucas can benefit from practicing problem-solving strategies to build his confidence in tackling difficult problems.
  • Maria is progressing well in her reading skills, particularly in identifying main ideas and supporting details.
  • Jayden has shown improvement in understanding geometric shapes and their properties.
  • Emily’s enthusiasm for science is reflected in her detailed and accurate science journal entries.
  • Ahmed's creativity shines through in his storytelling, creating engaging and imaginative narratives.
  • Mia has a strong grasp of basic arithmetic and is beginning to understand more complex concepts.
  • Noah has made noticeable progress in his ability to decode unfamiliar words and read fluently.
  • Olivia's improvement in solving division problems is commendable.
  • Liam has shown growth in his ability to hypothesize and draw conclusions from experiments.
  • Ethan’s use of punctuation and grammar has improved significantly.
  • Sophia’s ability to explain her math thinking processes has greatly enhanced.
  • Jacob's continuous effort to improve his reading speed and accuracy is admirable.
  • Maria consistently works hard on her math homework and classwork, demonstrating a strong work ethic.
  • Jayden shows great effort in participating in class discussions and sharing his ideas.
  • Olivia’s dedication to revising her writing assignments shows her commitment to improvement.
  • Emily puts forth great effort in learning new math concepts and regularly practices at home.
  • Ahmed actively participates in class discussions and always has thoughtful contributions.
  • Mia works well with her peers during group activities, showing strong teamwork skills.
  • Ethan consistently shows respect for his teachers and classmates, contributing to a positive classroom environment.
  • Sophia collaborates effectively in group projects, often taking on a leadership role.
  • Liam displays empathy towards his classmates and is always willing to lend a helping hand.
  • For the next term, let’s encourage Noah to read more challenging texts to enhance his critical thinking skills.
  • Olivia should focus on mastering multiplication and division facts to improve her math fluency.
  • Maria’s goal for the next term is to participate more in class experiments and contribute to discussions.
  • Jayden should aim to expand his vocabulary and use more descriptive language in his writing.
  • Emily can benefit from practicing word problems to strengthen her problem-solving skills.

4. Middle School

tips for writing 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Middle School Students

A. Tips for Writing Quick Report Card Comments for Middle School Students:

  • Acknowledge Growth: Comment on academic progress and maturity in handling more complex subjects.
  • Focus on Study Skills: Discuss organizational skills, time management, and study habits.
  • Encourage Independence: Recognize independent thinking and decision-making skills.
  • Discuss Extracurricular Involvement: Highlight participation in clubs, sports, or community service.
  • Prepare for High School: Mention readiness for high school and areas to strengthen before transitioning. ‍

B. 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Middle School Students

report card comments sample image

Check out 50 quick report card comments for Middle School Students below:

  • Emma has shown remarkable growth in her ability to handle more complex math concepts, demonstrating a deeper understanding and confidence.
  • Jacob's progress in writing is evident in his well-structured essays and thoughtful arguments.
  • Aisha has matured significantly in her approach to science, showing greater curiosity and initiative in experiments.
  • Mateo has improved his reading comprehension, tackling more challenging texts with ease.
  • Leila's growth in social studies is impressive, as she demonstrates a better grasp of historical contexts and critical thinking.
  • Ethan has developed excellent organizational skills, keeping his assignments and notes well-organized.
  • Mia has shown improvement in time management, balancing her academic workload more effectively.
  • Lucas demonstrates strong study habits, regularly reviewing notes and completing homework on time.
  • Nia's dedication to her studies is evident in her thorough preparation for tests and quizzes.
  • Ahmed has improved his focus in class, actively participating and taking detailed notes.
  • Olivia has shown great independence in her projects, often going above and beyond in her research and presentation.
  • Jayden's ability to make thoughtful decisions in group work highlights his independent thinking skills.
  • Sophia consistently demonstrates independent problem-solving abilities, tackling difficult assignments with confidence.
  • Malik's initiative in seeking help when needed shows his growing independence and responsibility.
  • Ava's independent study sessions have paid off, resulting in noticeable academic improvement.
  • Emma's participation in the school choir has enhanced her teamwork and leadership skills.
  • Jacob's dedication to the soccer team is commendable, balancing sports and academics effectively.
  • Aisha's involvement in the art club showcases her creativity and commitment to extracurricular activities.
  • Mateo's participation in community service projects demonstrates his dedication to helping others.
  • Leila's role in the debate team highlights her strong communication and critical thinking skills.
  • Ethan's readiness for high school is evident in his strong academic foundation and effective study habits.
  • Mia should continue to develop her time management skills to ensure a smooth transition to high school.
  • Lucas is well-prepared for high school, demonstrating maturity and a solid grasp of core subjects.
  • Nia's dedication to her studies will serve her well in high school, where she will encounter more rigorous coursework.
  • Ahmed's focus on improving his organizational skills will be beneficial as he transitions to high school.
  • Isabella has shown significant growth in her critical thinking skills, particularly in social studies.
  • Michael's progress in science is evident in his increased participation in lab activities and discussions.
  • Emily has improved her writing skills, crafting more coherent and insightful essays.
  • Daniel's growth in math is impressive, as he tackles more advanced problems with confidence.
  • Grace's ability to analyze literature has matured, leading to deeper understanding and interpretation of texts.
  • Liam's diligent note-taking and regular review sessions have improved his academic performance.
  • Chloe has shown improvement in managing her study schedule, balancing multiple subjects effectively.
  • Noah's consistent homework completion and active class participation are commendable.
  • Ava's ability to plan and execute study sessions has led to better test scores and overall understanding.
  • Jamal's focus on developing good study habits is paying off, with noticeable academic improvement.
  • Maria's independent research projects are well-executed and demonstrate her curiosity and initiative.
  • Ethan's ability to work independently on assignments has improved, resulting in higher quality work.
  • Olivia's self-motivation and drive to succeed are evident in her academic achievements.
  • Jayden's thoughtful decision-making in group projects showcases his independent thinking.
  • Leila's initiative in seeking additional resources for her studies highlights her growing independence.
  • Sophia's leadership in the student council demonstrates her commitment to the school community.
  • Malik's participation in the school band shows his dedication and teamwork skills.
  • Jacob's involvement in the robotics club highlights his interest in technology and engineering.
  • Aisha's role in the environmental club showcases her passion for sustainability and community involvement.
  • Mateo's commitment to the drama club reflects his creativity and teamwork abilities.
  • Emma's readiness for high school is evident in her academic achievements and responsible behavior.
  • Jacob should continue to focus on improving his study habits to ensure success in high school.
  • Aisha's solid understanding of core subjects and extracurricular involvement prepare her well for high school.
  • Mateo's focus on balancing academics and extracurricular activities will benefit him as he transitions to high school.
  • Leila's growth in critical thinking and study skills indicates a strong foundation for high school success.

5. High School

tips for writing 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Highschool Students

A. Tips for Writing Quick Report Card Comments for High School Students

  • Prepare for Future Goals: Comment on academic achievements and alignment with future aspirations.
  • Provide College/Career Readiness Feedback: Discuss skills and experiences that prepare the student for post-secondary education or career paths.
  • Discuss Academic Challenges: Address any challenges faced and strategies for improvement.
  • Highlight Leadership and Responsibility: Recognize leadership roles, responsibilities, and contributions to the school community.
  • Encourage Reflection: Suggest areas for self-reflection and growth in preparation for future endeavors. ‍

B. 50 Quick Report Card Comments for High School Students

report card comments sample image

Check out 50 quick report card comments for High School Students below:

  • Maria's dedication to her studies in biology aligns well with her aspiration to pursue a career in medicine.
  • Ahmed's excellent performance in mathematics and physics prepares him for a future in engineering.
  • Sophia shows a keen interest in literature, which will benefit her as she plans to major in English.
  • Jacob's strong analytical skills in history demonstrate his potential for a future in law or political science.
  • Mia's creativity and talent in the arts align perfectly with her goal of becoming a graphic designer.
  • Ethan has developed strong research skills that will be invaluable in his future college studies.
  • Olivia's participation in debate has enhanced her public speaking and critical thinking abilities, crucial for a career in law.
  • Leo's consistent work in computer science courses shows he is well-prepared for a career in technology.
  • Ava's leadership in group projects and extracurricular activities demonstrates her readiness for college-level collaboration.
  • Noah's ability to manage his time effectively between academics and sports will serve him well in balancing future responsibilities.
  • Isabella has faced challenges in chemistry this semester but shows determination in seeking help and improving her understanding.
  • Michael has struggled with essay writing but is making progress with additional tutoring and practice.
  • Emily finds algebra challenging but has shown improvement through consistent effort and attending extra help sessions.
  • Daniel has had difficulty with time management, but he is working on developing better organizational strategies.
  • Grace has faced obstacles in mastering foreign language skills but is making steady progress with extra practice.
  • Lucas has shown exceptional leadership as the captain of the soccer team, motivating and guiding his teammates.
  • Emma's role as president of the student council highlights her strong leadership and organizational skills.
  • Ethan's involvement in community service projects demonstrates his commitment to giving back and taking on responsibility.
  • Chloe has taken on a leadership role in the school newspaper, showcasing her ability to manage and inspire her peers.
  • Liam has shown great responsibility in his role as a peer tutor, helping others improve their academic performance.
  • Olivia should reflect on her study habits and consider how they impact her overall academic performance.
  • Jayden is encouraged to think about his approach to group work and how he can contribute more effectively.
  • Ava should consider her time management skills and how she can balance extracurricular activities with academic responsibilities.
  • Jacob is advised to reflect on his participation in class discussions and how he can engage more actively.
  • Mia should think about her career goals and seek out additional opportunities to gain relevant experience.
  • Ethan's strong interest in environmental science supports his goal of working in sustainability.
  • Sophia's excellence in foreign languages positions her well for a future in international relations.
  • Ahmed's consistent performance in economics aligns with his aspiration to pursue a career in finance.
  • Maria's passion for creative writing is evident in her outstanding essays and will benefit her in pursuing a degree in journalism.
  • Liam's dedication to physical fitness and health sciences prepares him well for a career in sports medicine.
  • Olivia's critical thinking skills developed through her history coursework will be crucial in her future academic pursuits.
  • Jacob's proficiency in coding and software development showcases his readiness for a career in computer engineering.
  • Ava's involvement in science fairs and research projects demonstrates her preparedness for college-level scientific study.
  • Michael's ability to analyze and interpret data in statistics will be beneficial in his future career in data science.
  • Emma's effective communication skills, honed in her leadership roles, will serve her well in any professional environment.
  • Lucas has encountered difficulties in physics but is showing progress through additional study and support.
  • Mia has found geometry challenging but is improving by seeking help and practicing regularly.
  • Daniel has struggled with maintaining focus in class but is working on strategies to stay engaged.
  • Grace has had challenges in understanding historical contexts but is making strides with extra reading and research.
  • Ethan has faced obstacles in his writing assignments but is making steady improvements with consistent feedback and effort.
  • Sophia has demonstrated leadership in her role as a mentor for younger students, helping them adjust to high school life.
  • Maria's organization of school events shows her ability to take on significant responsibility and manage tasks effectively.
  • Ahmed's leadership in the math club highlights his ability to inspire and guide his peers towards academic success.
  • Jacob's commitment to the school's environmental club demonstrates his leadership in promoting sustainability.
  • Emma's role as the editor of the yearbook showcases her leadership and dedication to preserving school memories.
  • Michael is encouraged to reflect on his study techniques and how they can be improved for better academic outcomes.
  • Lucas should consider how his participation in extracurricular activities affects his academic performance and seek a balance.
  • Grace is advised to reflect on her class participation and find ways to contribute more to discussions.
  • Daniel should think about his long-term goals and how his current academic efforts align with them.
  • Isabella is encouraged to reflect on her learning strategies and seek new methods to enhance her understanding of challenging subjects.

These comments provide specific feedback on each student's progress, efforts, social skills, and goals for future improvement, helping to guide both students and parents in supporting continued growth and learning.

When it comes to report card comments, tailoring them to specific situations can make a world of difference. Imagine giving feedback that truly resonates with your student, offering clear insights and actionable advice.  By focusing on positive performance, identifying areas for improvement, and noting behavioral observations, you can paint a comprehensive picture of each student's journey. In the section below, you'll find examples of encouraging comments, constructive feedback, and observations on social skills and classroom behavior.  These detailed and personalized comments are designed to provide a balanced view of your students’ progress, celebrate their achievements, and guide their future growth. Let’s dive in!

1. Positive Performance: Examples of Encouraging Report Card Comments

Highlighting positive performance is essential to encourage students and acknowledge their hard work and achievements. 

Examples of positive Report Card Comments

Here are some detailed and personalized examples: ‍

  • ‍ Academic Excellence “Ava consistently demonstrates exceptional understanding of math concepts, particularly in algebra and geometry. Her ability to solve complex problems with ease and accuracy is truly impressive." ‍
  • ‍ Creativity "Ethan’s creativity shines in his writing, where he uses imaginative ideas to craft engaging stories. His recent narrative about space exploration was captivating and showed great attention to detail." ‍
  • ‍ Class Participation "Olivia actively participates in class discussions, contributing thoughtful insights and encouraging her peers to engage. Her questions often lead to deeper exploration of the topics we cover."
  • ‍ Improvement "Jacob has made significant progress in reading comprehension, showing a deeper understanding of the material. His ability to summarize and analyze texts has notably improved since the beginning of the term."
  • ‍ Leadership "Sophia has shown outstanding leadership skills in group projects, guiding her team to successful outcomes. Her ability to delegate tasks and support her peers is commendable."
  • ‍ Persistence "Lucas demonstrates perseverance, tackling challenging tasks with determination and never giving up. His efforts in mastering multiplication have paid off, and he now completes problems with confidence."
  • ‍ Collaboration  "Mia works well with her classmates, always ready to help and share ideas, fostering a collaborative environment. Her teamwork skills were particularly evident during our recent science project."
  • ‍ Subject Expertise "Ahmed’s enthusiasm for science is contagious, and he often leads by example in lab activities. His curiosity drives him to ask insightful questions and explore topics beyond the curriculum."
  • ‍ Growth "Emily has made great strides in her reading fluency, now reading aloud with confidence and expression. Her recent book report on 'Charlotte's Web' was thorough and insightful." ‍
  • ‍ Budding Talent "Jayden’s artistic talent is evident in his detailed and creative artwork, which adds vibrancy to our classroom. His recent drawing of the school garden was particularly impressive." ‍

problem solving and innovating report card comments

2. Areas for Improvement: Examples of Constructive Feedback Report Card Comments 

Constructive feedback is crucial for guiding students on how to improve and achieve their full potential. 

Examples of Report Card Comments for Areas of Improvement

Here are some detailed and personalized examples:

  • ‍ Attention to Detail "Ava would benefit from taking more time to review her work for accuracy before submitting assignments. Encouraging her to double-check her math calculations could prevent small errors."
  • ‍ Improvement of Skills "Ethan should focus on practicing his multiplication tables to improve his math fluency. Regular practice at home using flashcards or math games could be beneficial." ‍
  • Class Participation "Olivia is encouraged to participate more in class discussions to share her valuable insights. Her contributions are always thoughtful, and hearing more from her would enrich our discussions." ‍
  • Practice Requirement "Jacob could benefit from reading more diverse genres to expand his vocabulary and comprehension skills. Exploring different types of books, such as historical fiction or science fiction, could enhance his reading experience." ‍
  • Time Management "Sophia should work on managing her time more effectively to ensure all assignments are completed on schedule. Using a planner to keep track of homework and deadlines might help her stay organized." ‍
  • Focus in Class "Mia is encouraged to stay focused during lessons to better grasp the material being taught. Sitting closer to the front of the classroom might help minimize distractions." ‍
  • Organization :  "Ahmed would benefit from organizing his notes and assignments to keep track of his progress more efficiently. A dedicated binder for each subject could help him stay organized." ‍
  • Effort Requirement "Emily is encouraged to put more effort into her science experiments and ask questions when she needs clarification. Partnering with a classmate who excels in science could provide additional support." ‍
  • Homework Completion "Jayden should ensure he completes all his homework assignments on time to reinforce his learning. Setting a regular homework routine at home could improve his consistency." ‍
  • Active Listening "Liam would benefit from improving his active listening skills during lessons. Encouraging him to make eye contact with the speaker and avoid distractions can help him retain information better." ‍

3. Behavioral Observations: Examples of Social Skills and Classroom Behavior Report Card Comments

Behavioral observations provide insights into a student’s social interactions and conduct in the classroom. 

Examples of Report Card Comments for Social Skills and Classroom Behavior

  • ‍ Respectfulness "Ava consistently shows respect towards her teachers and classmates, contributing to a positive classroom environment. Her polite demeanor and willingness to listen to others set a great example." ‍
  • Teamwork "Ethan works well in group settings, always willing to listen to others and collaborate effectively. His ability to mediate and ensure everyone’s voice is heard is particularly noteworthy." ‍
  • Empathy "Olivia demonstrates empathy towards her peers, often helping those who are struggling. Her kind actions, such as assisting a classmate with their reading, create a supportive atmosphere." ‍
  • ‍ ‍ Self-Control "Jacob has shown improvement in self-control, staying focused and calm during class activities. His ability to manage distractions has positively impacted his learning experience." ‍
  • Classroom Conduct "Sophia maintains excellent classroom behavior, following rules and setting a good example for her peers. Her respectful attitude and readiness to participate make her a model student." ‍
  • Initiative "Lucas takes initiative in class, often volunteering for tasks and leading by example. His proactive approach to learning inspires his classmates to be more engaged." ‍
  • Peer Relationships "Mia has built strong relationships with her classmates, showing kindness and cooperation. Her friendly nature and willingness to include others in activities are admirable." ‍
  • Conflict Resolution "Ahmed handles conflicts maturely, often mediating disputes and finding peaceful solutions. His ability to understand different perspectives helps resolve issues amicably." ‍
  • Positive Attitude "Emily brings a positive attitude to class every day, which is infectious and motivates her peers. Her enthusiasm for learning creates a lively and dynamic classroom environment." ‍
  • Listening Skills "Jayden is a good listener, always attentive during lessons and respectful when others are speaking. His ability to absorb information and respond thoughtfully is a valuable asset." ‍

By addressing these different aspects of student performance and behavior, you can provide comprehensive feedback that supports student growth and development in both academic and social areas. Interested in implementing modern teaching methods that inspire and motivate students to achieve their best? Connect with a Suraasa mentor and see the difference in your teaching effectiveness.

4. Students with High Potential but Low Motivation: Examples of Inspirational Report Card Comments

Students with high potential but low motivation often require thoughtful encouragement to fully apply themselves. By recognizing their natural abilities and providing targeted motivation, teachers can help these students unlock their full capabilities. Here are some detailed and personalized examples:

  • Recognizing Potential  "Ava demonstrates a strong understanding of complex concepts, but she sometimes lacks the drive to consistently apply herself. Encouraging her to set small, achievable goals could help her maintain focus and maximize her potential."
  • Encouraging Effort  "Jacob’s aptitude for writing is evident, though his enthusiasm varies. By finding topics that ignite his interest and setting personal challenges, he could fully harness his talent and produce outstanding work."
  • Setting Goals   "Olivia has shown flashes of brilliance in her science projects, yet she occasionally struggles with motivation. Setting specific academic goals and tracking her progress could help her maintain her momentum and achieve great things."
  • Positive Reinforcement   "Ethan has exceptional problem-solving skills but sometimes needs encouragement to fully engage. Recognizing and celebrating each small success could help boost his motivation and lead to consistent effort."
  • Inspiring Growth  "Sophia’s creativity is remarkable, though she occasionally needs a push to fully explore her ideas. Encouraging her to take pride in her progress and challenge herself further could unlock even greater achievements."
  • Encouraging Initiative   "Lucas has a natural grasp of the material, but he sometimes waits for direction rather than taking the initiative. Challenging him to explore topics that interest him could help reignite his enthusiasm for learning."
  • Promoting Self-Motivation "Mia’s talent shines during group activities, but she struggles with self-motivation when working independently. Setting personal rewards for completing tasks might help her develop a more consistent work ethic."
  • Highlighting Potential Impact   "Ahmed has the ability to excel across subjects, but his inconsistent motivation holds him back. Encouraging him to consider the long-term benefits of his hard work might inspire him to apply himself more fully."
  • Encouraging Reflection  "Emily’s work often reflects deep insight, but she doesn’t always apply herself fully. Reflecting on how much more she could achieve with consistent effort might help her realize the full extent of her abilities."
  • Offering Support   "Jayden shows flashes of brilliance in his work, but maintaining that level of engagement has been a challenge. I’m here to support him in finding new ways to stay motivated, whether through setting goals or exploring new, exciting topics." ‍

By addressing these different aspects of student motivation and potential, you can provide comprehensive feedback that encourages students to strive for excellence and fully develop their talents.

Writing negative report card comments can be challenging, but it’s important to provide constructive feedback that helps students improve.  The goal is to be honest yet supportive, guiding students towards better performance while maintaining a positive tone.  Here are some tips to help you craft thoughtful and effective negative comments:

Tips for Writing Negative Report Card Comments with Examples

Tip #1:  Be Specific and Objective

Avoid generalizations and focus on specific behaviors or areas where improvement is needed. This makes the feedback clear and actionable. Example:

Tip #2: Balance the Negative with Positive

Start with a positive observation before addressing the negative issue. This helps soften the feedback and keeps the student motivated. Example:

Tip #3: Offer Solutions and Next Steps

Provide specific suggestions for improvement. This gives students a clear path to follow and shows them that improvement is possible. Example :

Tip #4: Keep the Tone Encouraging

While it's important to address issues, maintaining an encouraging tone can make the feedback more palatable and constructive. Example :

Tip #5: Address Behavior Separately from Academics

If the issue is behavioral, address it separately from academic performance. This clarifies that the behavior, not the student as a whole, is the concern. Example :

Here are some detailed and comprehensive examples of negative report card comments, using the tips above:

report card comments for negative feedback sample image‍

  • ‍ Attention to Task "Sarah has great potential but often has difficulty staying on task. Setting clear goals and providing short breaks might help her maintain focus during assignments." ‍
  • Homework Completion "Michael is a bright student but has struggled to complete his homework consistently. Creating a dedicated study space at home could help him develop better homework habits." ‍
  • Class Participation "Lily has insightful ideas but is often hesitant to participate in class discussions. Encouraging her to share her thoughts more often could boost her confidence." ‍
  • Time Management "James needs to work on his time management skills. He frequently submits assignments late. Using a planner to keep track of deadlines might help him stay organized." ‍
  • Behavior in Class "Noah often talks to his friends during lessons, which disrupts the class. Reminding him of classroom rules and the importance of respecting others' learning time could improve this behavior." ‍
  • Effort in Subjects "Ella shows a lot of enthusiasm for her favorite subjects but tends to put less effort into areas she finds challenging. Encouraging her to tackle difficult tasks with the same energy could help her improve overall." ‍
  • Listening Skills "Mason sometimes struggles to follow instructions the first time they are given. Encouraging him to ask questions if he's unsure and repeating instructions might be helpful." ‍
  • Group Work "Sophia excels in individual tasks but finds group work challenging. Working on her collaboration skills through structured group activities could be beneficial." ‍
  • Test Preparation "Ethan's test scores suggest he may not be preparing effectively. Helping him develop a study schedule and practice test-taking strategies might improve his performance." ‍
  • Respect for Others "Avery occasionally has difficulty respecting her classmates' opinions during discussions. Encouraging her to listen actively and consider different perspectives can enhance her social skills." ‍

By addressing negative feedback with specificity, balance, and encouragement, you can help students understand their areas for growth while motivating them to improve.

And there you have it—your guide to writing effective report card comments. 

celebrating how to write general report card comments

From understanding the purpose and significance of report card comments to practical tips and examples tailored for every grade level and situation, you’re now equipped to deliver feedback that inspires growth and fosters collaboration. Remember, each comment you write is a chance to celebrate achievements, guide improvements, and strengthen partnerships. Whether highlighting progress or addressing challenges , your words hold the power to make a meaningful impact on each student’s educational journey. As you continue to craft personalized feedback with care and insight, you're not just documenting progress but actively shaping futures.  Here’s to creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment where every student can thrive. Happy writing, and all the best for your future report card comments!

Talk to Mentor

  • Video on Stages of Child Development | Theory by Jean Piaget
  • Masterclass on AI-Powered Teaching: Maximizing Outcomes, Minimizing Efforts
  • Blog on Heuristic Method of Teaching: A Modern Approach to Student-Centered Learning ‍

Good comments or teachers' remarks on report cards are specific, constructive, and personalized to each student. They should highlight strengths, and areas of improvement, and provide clear guidance for future growth. Examples include praising effort and progress, acknowledging achievements, and offering actionable feedback.

A good remark for a student focuses on their individual qualities and achievements. It should be encouraging, specific, and reflect a teacher's genuine observations. Effective remarks highlight strengths, academic progress, positive behavior, and contributions to the classroom environment.

To write positive remarks, start by acknowledging the student's strengths or achievements. Use specific examples to illustrate their progress or positive behavior. Emphasize their efforts, attitude towards learning, and any improvements they have made. End with encouragement for continued success.

Positive comments for students struggling academically should still focus on their efforts and any improvements observed. Acknowledge their persistence and any specific areas where they have shown progress. Offer support and strategies for improvement, while maintaining a supportive and encouraging tone.

To write a good comment or teachers remarks on report card, be specific and objective. Focus on observable behaviors or achievements. Balance positive feedback with areas for improvement. Provide clear suggestions or next steps for the student. Use language that is supportive, constructive, and tailored to the student's needs.

When writing teachers remarks on report card consider the student's overall performance and behavior. Start with positive observations or achievements. Address any areas where improvement is needed with constructive feedback. Use examples to illustrate your points and offer specific recommendations for growth. Ensure the remarks are clear, and respectful, and encourage parent-teacher collaboration.

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Report Card Comments & Phrases for Kindergarten

Stephen Solomon, TeacherVision Contributor

Wondering how and what to write for report card comments for kindergarten?

Help make the kindergarten grading and evaluation process easier with this selection of editable, categorized comments .

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creative writing
children's book
classroom tools
language arts and writing

Academic Achievement and Improvement Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ has made solid progress in [reading/writing/math] and is performing [at grade level/above grade level] benchmarks. Good job!
  • ____________ is an attentive student who has shown regular improvement in [reading/writing/math] skills since [his/her] last report card.
  • ____________ works hard in class and has excellent [reading/writing/math] skills for [his/her] age. [He\she] enjoys [these/this subject(s)]. Please encourage [him/her] to use these skills at home!
  • ____________ enjoys school and [his/her] enthusiasm is reflected in the quality of work [he/she] does in class and at home. [He/she] is a great student!
  • ____________ has shown remarkable progress in [reading/writing/math] and consistently exceeds grade-level expectations. Keep up the excellent work!
  • ____________ demonstrates a strong grasp of [reading/writing/math] concepts and consistently applies them in class. [He/She] is a dedicated learner who consistently strives for improvement.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is making progress in [his/her] core subjects but is having some difficulty with _________. I am not concerned about this at the moment, and believe that with continued hard work [he/she] will see improvement quickly.
  • I am concerned with ___________’s academic progress, and would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss how best to support [his/her] efforts both in school and at home.
  • ____________ is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school. [He/she] is having some difficulty with [reading/writing/math] - please continue to review with [him/her] nightly.
  • ____________ has continued to struggle with [reading/writing/math], despite additional in-class and at-home support. I would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss benchmark testing and possible specialist support.
  • ____________ is working hard in all core subjects but is facing challenges with ___________. I am confident that with targeted support and continued effort, [he/she] will make significant progress in this area.
  • I have concerns about ___________'s academic progress, particularly in [reading/writing/math]. It would be beneficial to schedule a meeting to discuss strategies and interventions to help [him/her] improve in these areas both at school and at home.

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Language and Literacy Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ demonstrates a strong vocabulary and uses a variety of words to express ideas and thoughts. Well done!
  • ____________ shows enthusiasm for reading and actively participates in shared reading activities. Keep up the great work!
  • ____________ has made significant progress in letter recognition and is starting to blend sounds to read simple words. Excellent effort!
  • ____________ enjoys writing and is beginning to use punctuation marks and capital letters correctly. Keep practicing!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates a love for books and actively engages in independent reading. Keep up the great reading habits!
  • ____________ shows great improvement in phonics skills and is now able to decode and blend more complex words. Well done on your progress!
  • ____________ is still developing phonemic awareness skills and needs additional support to identify and manipulate sounds in words.
  • I would like to see ____________ demonstrate more confidence in reading aloud and taking risks in sounding out unfamiliar words.
  • ____________ needs to work on letter formation and improving handwriting legibility. Consistent practice at home will help.
  • ____________ is struggling with comprehending longer texts and needs more practice in summarizing and retelling stories.
  • ____________ shows improvement in recognizing letter sounds, but still needs practice in blending them together to read words fluently.
  • I encourage ____________ to expand [his/ her] vocabulary by using more descriptive words in [his/her] writing and speaking.

Math Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ demonstrates a solid understanding of basic math concepts, such as number recognition, counting, and basic addition/subtraction. Well done!
  • ____________ shows enthusiasm for math and actively engages in hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks. Keep up the great work!
  • ____________ has made significant progress in understanding and applying math skills, such as identifying shapes, sorting objects, and recognizing patterns. Excellent effort!
  • ____________ enjoys exploring numbers and is beginning to understand basic math operations, such as adding and subtracting small quantities. Keep practicing!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates a strong foundation in math skills and applies them in various real-life situations. Keep up the great math abilities!
  • ____________ shows great improvement in math skills and is now able to solve simple word problems and use basic math vocabulary. Well done on your progress!
  • ____________ is still developing a solid understanding of basic math concepts, such as number recognition and counting. Additional practice and reinforcement at home will be beneficial.
  • I would like to see ____________ demonstrate more confidence in solving math problems independently and applying math skills in different contexts.
  • ____________ needs to work on developing a stronger grasp of basic math operations, such as addition and subtraction. Consistent practice and support at home will help.
  • ____________ is struggling with understanding and applying more complex math concepts, such as measurement and time. Additional guidance and targeted practice will be beneficial.
  • ____________ shows improvement in math skills, but still needs practice in solving word problems and explaining math thinking. Continued practice and support will help strengthen these areas.
  • I encourage ____________ to expand [his/her] math vocabulary and use more precise math language when explaining math concepts and reasoning.

Art and Creativity Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ demonstrates a strong sense of creativity and imagination in [his/her] artwork. [He/She] enjoys exploring different materials and techniques.
  • ____________ shows great enthusiasm for art activities and is always eager to experiment with colors and textures.
  • ____________ consistently produces artwork that is unique and showcases [his/her] individuality. [He/She] is not afraid to take risks and try new approaches.
  • ____________ pays attention to details and takes pride in [his/her] artwork. [His/Her] pieces often display a high level of craftsmanship.
  • ____________ effectively uses various art mediums to express [his/her] ideas and emotions. [His/Her] artwork is visually engaging and thought-provoking.
  • ____________ shows a natural talent for art and consistently produces visually appealing and imaginative artwork.
  • ____________ is encouraged to take more risks and explore different art techniques. [He/She] tends to stick to familiar styles and materials.
  • ____________ needs guidance in developing [his/her] fine motor skills for more precise artwork. Encouraging [him/her] to practice control and attention to detail would be beneficial.
  • ____________ sometimes struggles with following instructions in art projects, resulting in incomplete or messy artwork. Encouraging [him/her] to listen carefully and follow step-by-step instructions would help improve [his/her] work.
  • ____________ would benefit from experimenting with a wider range of art materials and techniques to expand [his/her] creativity and artistic expression.
  • ____________ needs to work on focusing on the task at hand during art activities, as [he/she] can become easily distracted and rush through [his/her] work.
  • ____________ is encouraged to put more effort into completing [his/her] artwork. [He/She] sometimes shows a lack of commitment and may need reminders to finish [his/her] projects.

Fine Motor Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ demonstrates excellent fine motor skills, showing precision and control when handling small objects and tools. [He/She] can manipulate small items with ease.
  • ____________ has made significant progress in developing fine motor skills, such as cutting, coloring, and writing. [He/She] can now complete tasks that require good hand-eye coordination.
  • ____________ shows great dexterity and coordination in [his/her] fine motor activities. [He/She] can complete intricate tasks with ease and accuracy.
  • ____________ is still developing fine motor skills and may need additional practice and support to improve [his/her] handwriting and control when using small tools.
  • I encourage ____________ to work on strengthening [his/her] fine motor skills, such as using scissors and holding a pencil correctly. Consistent practice at home will help improve [his/her] control and precision.
  • ____________ needs to focus on developing better control over [his/her] fine motor movements, such as coloring within the lines and using proper grip while writing. Continued practice and guidance will support [his/her] progress in this area.

Gross Motor Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ demonstrates excellent gross motor skills, showing coordination and control in activities such as running, jumping, and throwing. [He/She] participates actively and confidently in physical activities.
  • ____________ has made great progress in developing gross motor skills. [He/She] is now able to perform more complex movements, such as skipping and hopping on one foot. Well done!
  • ____________ shows enthusiasm and skill in various gross motor activities. [He/She] can maintain balance and coordination while participating in games and sports.
  • ____________ is still developing gross motor skills and may need additional practice and support to improve [his/her] coordination and balance. Encouraging participation in physical activities at home would be beneficial.
  • I encourage ____________ to work on strengthening [his/her] gross motor skills, such as running, jumping, and catching. Continued practice and engagement in physical activities will help improve [his/her] overall coordination.
  • ____________ needs to focus on developing better control over [his/her] gross motor movements, such as skipping and throwing. Targeted practice and guidance will support [his/her] progress in this area.

Work Habit Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ has made great progress in improving [his/her] work habits, and is now submitting work that is grade-level appropriate. Great job!
  • ____________ has excellent work habits and always completes [his/her] work and other tasks on time and with great care. [He/she] is a great model for other students in our class!
  • ____________ works very well independently, is enthusiastic and conscientious, and submits neat, correct, and high-quality work every time. Awesome job!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates excellent work habits and takes pride in completing assignments to the best of [his/her] ability. [He/She] is always focused, and attentive, and ensures that [his/her] work is neat and accurate.
  • ____________ has shown tremendous growth in [his/her] work habits throughout the year. [He/She] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic, takes initiative, and goes above and beyond in completing tasks. [His/Her] dedication and commitment to quality work are commendable.
  • ____________ does mostly good work, but [he/she] is not consistent. We will continue to work on helping [him/her] submit [his/her] best work every time - please continue with the great support at home!
  • As discussed in previous meetings, ___________’s work habits still require continued support and attention to get [him/her] to an acceptable level.
  • ____________ is struggling with completing work and other tasks on time and without assistance. {He/she] is easily distracted and has difficulty staying on task when this happens.
  • ____________ generally does quality work, but is sometimes too focused on getting [his/her] independent work done too quickly, which leads to issues with accuracy and unnecessary errors. Please help to reinforce a careful and focused work pace at home.
  • ____________ needs help to finish independent assignments. [He/she] has made progress in managing time and making serious efforts, but needs continued support in this area to develop the skills necessary for doing great work on [his/her] own.

Personality and Attitude Remarks for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ is thoughtful, pleasant, curious, and a hard worker. [He/she] enjoys school and is a great classmate. Great job!
  • ____________ shows interest in and enthusiasm for school, [his/her] classmates, and learning and applying new skills and concepts. [He/she] is a joy to have in class.
  • ____________ enjoys participating in class activities, working in groups, and helping others. [He/she] adds a lot to the personality of our classroom and is well-liked by other students.
  • ____________’s attitude toward school and [his/her] classmates has improved dramatically since the last reporting period. Thank you for being so helpful!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates a positive attitude towards school, showing enthusiasm and a genuine love for learning. [He/She] approaches challenges with a positive mindset and is always willing to help and support classmates.
  • ____________ displays a friendly and respectful demeanor towards peers and teachers. [He/She] actively contributes to a positive classroom environment by being kind, considerate, and inclusive towards others. [His/Her] positive attitude is contagious and helps create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone.
  • ____________ is struggling with consistency in [his/her] attitude in school. While [he/she] is very good at [behavior/attitude], [he/she] sometimes struggles with [behavior/attitude]. We will continue to work on this, and your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  • ____________ needs to be encouraged to participate more in class activities and group work. [He/she] has progressed with this since the beginning of the year, but has more work to do.
  • ____________ is struggling with consistently following classroom rules, especially those having to do with [behavior/attitude/norm]. I am confident that with ongoing support and reminders, [he/she] will quickly improve this area.
  • ____________ has continued to struggle with adapting to classroom rules and routines. I would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss how we can work together to improve [his/her] behavior.
  • ____________ is having difficulty demonstrating consistent positive behavior and attitude in school. While [he/she] is capable of showing [behavior/attitude], [he/she] sometimes struggles with [behavior/attitude]. Continued support and assistance from both home and school will be beneficial in helping [him/her] improve in this area.
  • ____________ needs encouragement to actively participate in class activities and group work. Although there has been progress since the beginning of the year, [he/she] still has room for improvement. Continued practice and support will help [him/her] become more engaged in these activities.

Social-Emotional Skills Remarks and Comments for Kindergarten Students

  • ____________ manages and regulates [his/her] emotions appropriately and responds well to feedback.
  • ____________ is very good at finishing things that [he/she] starts and seeing them all the way through to the end result.
  • ____________ communicates very effectively with classmates, teachers, and other staff members.
  • ____________ is dependable, responds well to direction and coaching, and follows through on [his/her] commitments to [him/her]self and others.
  • ____________ is responsible and accountable for [his/her] work, behavior, and communication both inside and outside the classroom.
  • ____________ is always looking for ways to be helpful to other students and members of the school community.
  • ____________ works very well with classmates and others on group projects and activities, and is comfortable being a leader.
  • ____________ relates well to others and is appreciative of different perspectives, experiences, and circumstances.
  • ____________ struggles with managing [his/her] emotions appropriately and could benefit from additional support in this area.
  • ____________ has difficulty staying focused and may need reminders to stay on task during class activities.
  • ____________ has shown inconsistent problem-solving skills and would benefit from strategies to help [him/her] approach challenges more effectively.
  • ____________ has difficulty taking responsibility for [his/her] actions and may need guidance in understanding the consequences of [his/her] choices.
  • ____________ has trouble working cooperatively with peers and may need support in developing positive collaboration skills.
  • ____________ has difficulty following classroom rules and would benefit from consistent reminders and reinforcement of expectations.

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Animal Poems and Animal Shapes for Language Arts Class

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Report Card Comments & Phrases for Distance Learning

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Stephen Solomon, TeacherVision Contributor


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70+ Meaningful Report Card Comments

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 4, 2024

An important part of our work as teachers and educators is to provide meaningful feedback to our students. By meaningful I mean constructive feedback whose aim is to provide a fair evaluation of student’s learning, highlight areas of strength and poinpoints areas that need more work. The general goal of meaningful feedback is the betterment of students learning.

Report cards comments are one of the ways we provide students with such feedback. Report card comments provide a detailed description and evaluation of different student skills and abilities, as well as recommendations for improvement. These comments can be used to describe student’s academic performance, behavior and social development. Furthermore, report card comments provide an opportunity for teachers to communicate their expectations for the student and to encourage them to do better.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

To help you with the writing of report card comments, here are some useful meaningful report card comments that you can customize and use in your own teaching situation:

Positive comments

Here 14 examples of positive report cards comments:

1.Your child shows a good ability to reason and problem solve.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

2.Your student displays a good understanding of the material.

3.The learner is well organized and completes tasks on time.

4.Your child is an enthusiastic participant in class discussions.

5.The student displays a strong commitment to academic achievement.

6.The learner shows a positive attitude towards learning.

7.Your kid is enthusiastic about participating in class activities.

8.I am pleased with the good progress your child made in the subject since the beginning of the year.

9.The learner works well independently and is able to follow instructions.

10.Your kid is able to apply concepts from the class in real-world scenarios.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

11.Your student demonstrates a clear understanding of the material.

12.The learner is able to work effectively in groups.

13.The learner displays a strong focus and enthusiasm when completing tasks.

14.I enjoy your child’s ability to effectively express ideas in written and spoken form.

Constructive criticisms

Here are 30 examples of constructive criticism:

1.Your child needs to develop better organizational skills in order to be successful.

2.The learner should show more enthusiasm when participating in class discussions.

3.Your child needs to work harder in order to make expected progress.

4.The learner needs to focus more in order to complete tasks efficiently.

5.Your child needs to work on following instructions independently.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

6.The learner should practice problem solving skills in order to achieve success.

7.Your child needs to apply concepts from the class in real-world scenarios.

8.The learner needs to improve his/her understanding of the material in order to progress.

9.Your child should show a more positive attitude towards learning.

10.The learner should be more cooperative when working in groups.

11.Your child needs additional support to make expected progress.

12.The learner should practice expressing ideas in written and spoken form.

13.Your child should seek help when needed.

14.The learner should pay more attention to detail in order to be successful.

15.The learner needs to show greater commitment and dedication to academic work.

Related: 50 Icebreaker Questions for Kids

Meaningful Report Card Comments

16.Your child needs to work on his/her organizational skills.

17.Your student needs to show more enthusiasm in class discussions.

18.Unfortunately,your child has not made the expected progress

19. focus and attentiveness are two areas your child needs to work and improve

20.The learner has difficulty following instructions independently.

21.Your child needs to work on his/her problem solving skills

22.Your child has not been able to apply concepts from the class in real-world scenarios.

23.The learner needs to improve his/her understanding of the material.

24.Your child needs to show a more positive attitude towards learning.

25.The learner needs to be more cooperative when working in groups.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

26.The learner requires additional support in order to make progress.

27.Your child needs to practice expressing ideas in written and spoken form.

28.The learner should seek help when needed.

29.Your child needs to pay more attention to detail in order to be successful.

30.The learner needs to show greater commitment and

Goals and expectations

Here are 15 examples of goals and expectations:

1.The learner should develop better organizational skills in order to be successful.

2.Your child needs to demonstrate enthusiasm when participating in class discussions.

3.The learner must make expected progress in order to succeed.

4.Your child should display focus and attentiveness when completing tasks.

5.Your child needs to strive to follow instructions independently.

6.The learner should practice problem solving skills regularly.

7.Your child must be able to apply concepts from the class in real-world scenarios.

8.Your child should demonstrate a clear understanding of the material.

9.Your child must display a positive attitude towards learning.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

10.Your child needs to be cooperative when working in groups.

11.The learner should make use of additional support to make progress.

12.The learner must practice expressing ideas in written and spoken form.

14.The learner must pay attention to detail in order to be successful.

15.The learner should show dedication and commitment to academic work.

Encouraging Comments

Here are 15 examples of encouraging report cards comments:

1.You are making steady progress and showing dedication to your studies.

2.You have made significant improvements in your organizational skills.

3.You are participating actively and demonstrating enthusiasm during class discussions.

4.You have been putting in a lot of effort and making expected progress.

5.You are displaying good focus when completing tasks.

6.You are striving to follow instructions independently.

7.You have been practicing problem solving skills and showing progress.

8.You have been able to apply concepts from the class in real-world scenarios.

9.Your understanding of the material has been greatly improved.

10.You have displayed a positive attitude towards learning.

11.You have been cooperative when working in groups.

12.You have been taking advantage of the available support and making progress.

13.You have been able to express your ideas in written and spoken form.

Meaningful Report Card Comments

14.You have been seeking help when needed and making use of the available resources.

15.You have been paying attention to detail and showing commitment to academic work.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, providing meaningful feedback through report card comments is essential for fostering student growth and development. Whether acknowledging strengths, offering constructive criticism, setting goals, or providing encouragement , these comments play a crucial role in guiding students towards success. By customizing and using these samples, educators can effectively communicate with students and their families, creating a supportive learning environment that promotes continuous improvement and achievement.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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problem solving and innovating report card comments

100 Quick Report Card Comments for Kindergarten

For the Teacher , In the Classroom , Language Arts , Math | 2 comments


Writing report card comments doesn’t need to be stressful, and leave you feeling mentally exhausted.

As a former teacher, I’m here to help you keep a positive attitude, and get through the school year, and report card time, with less stress.

Did you know report card comments are sometimes the only part parents read to summarize their child’s progress?

For that sake, your original comments need to be well-written, show the strengths of the student, clearly communicate if the child is having a tough time, and offer a list of ideas to practice at home.


Below are some sample comments as a starting point to write perfect comments.

Throughout the post, you’ll also find a Kindergarten Report Card Writing product throughout to help you write comments with little effort.

Writing Student Report Cards

Whether you’re a student teacher or a veteran teacher, writing report card comments for any grade level is time consuming.

When teaching younger grade levels, such as Prek, kindergarten , and first grade, you will most likely be expected to write personalized comments to summarize each child’s performance.

Whereas, the upper elementary, middle school, and high school are a reflection of teachers choosing a select comment from a drop-down menu.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

While the drop-down menus and letter grades are easy, they don’t relay personal experiences, or specific examples of the students’ behavior and/or school work.

As a parent, and a kindergarten teacher for 17 years, I learned a child’s development is worth much more than a passing grade on recognizing numbers and letters. 

Don’t get me wrong; letter recognition, letter-sound correspondence, number identification, and counting are the foundation of one’s education.

However, we cannot fail to inform parents on the social-emotional and work habits that these little ones are developing.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Tips for Writing Report Card Comments

When writing comments, you will want to craft your thoughts in a way that will grab the parents attention. 

It’s a good idea to recognize their child’s strengths while also give suggestions to help them improve.

Here are tips for new teachers or veteran teachers to use when writing kindergarten report card comments :

  • Always include a student name. This shows specific student progress.
  • Start with a positive note. Leave a very specific comment that highlights the great work done and positive qualities.
  • Put a positive spin on areas of weakness.
  • Give parents insight and suggestions for practicing at home.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

In short, positive report card comments include a strength, an area that needs improvement, and give suggestions to practice at home.

It is our personal responsibility, as teachers, to put in the extra work, and give parents more than report card grades.

Kindergarten Report Card Comments is a helpful resource that will save you time writing a couple dozen report cards each grading period.

Sample Report Card Comments

Let’s take a look at some examples of kindergarten report card comments often found at the end of a student’s report card.

These sample report card comments are broken down into categories for positive, needs improvement, and suggestions for home. 

Then, we will look at ways you can compile these comments into well-written paragraphs for the parents.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Positive Report Card Comments

The following statements are examples of positive comments reflecting great progress and hard work during classroom activities: 

  • is very kind and inquisitive
  • enjoys participating in small group lessons
  • is continuing to show positive changes with his/her work habits
  • takes great pride in her/his work
  • has a pleasant personality and an excellent attitude towards learning.
  • has a good foundation of basic academic skills; such as letter identification, sounds, and number recognition.
  • is a hard worker and demonstrates excellent progress in core subjects.
  • excels in group activities and contributes positively to the learning process.
  • displays a good attitude and consistently puts forth their best effort in class assignments.

Needs Improvement Report Card Comments

The following statements are used to communicate when a child is having a hard time during class discussions, group work, reading skills, and/or basic math facts.

  • continuing to work on understanding boundaries, getting along with others, and putting more effort into work.
  • having a difficult time accepting redirection from adults
  • unexcused absences have greatly effected his/her grades.
  • respecting others personal space
  • needs frequent reminders to complete work in a timely manner.
  • needs extra time when learning new skills
  • _____’s attitude towards classroom rules needs improvement.
  • requires additional at-home support to improve organizational skills.
  • struggles with time management and may benefit from extra practice.
  • Suggestions for Home
  • Play-doh, puzzles, cutting, and stringing beads are great activities to help with fine motor skills at home.
  • Download apps to practice letters, sight words, and basic math skills. Have them use the learning app for 15 minutes prior to playing games or watch videos.
  • Continue working on letters and sounds.
  • Let’s touch base with a phone call to discuss additional work to best prepare him/her for next year.
  • Encourage spending time on homework assignments to reinforce learning skills.
  • Practice at-home support to enhance academic progress in core subjects.
  • Foster a sense of responsibility for school supplies and encourage good manners in social situations.

Now that you have examples kindergarten report card comments, let’s look at an example of how to put everything together for the parents to get a clear picture.

  • _______ is a great listener and participates often. He/she follows directions, completes his/her work, and is always willing to help out. He/she tries very hard, but is struggling with the basic academic skills. As previously stated, _______ needs extra support at home to catch up with his/her classmates. Thank you.


Parent Teacher Communication

Well-written report card comments can help build the  communication  between you and the families.

The parents will greatly appreciate your effort to recognize their child’s academic and social development.

Report cards, sending home parent letters, and requesting parent volunteers, are great strategies to build a trusting relationships with families.

Although writing detailed comments can be time consuming, there are ways to make this teacher task less daunting and more pleasurable. 

Effective report card comments provide constructive feedback and meaningful insights into the student’s progress.

It’s important to communicate ongoing support to parents and provide concrete examples of student learning.

To help you save hours of time, and build parent-teacher communication, I have put together easy comments inside this  Kindergarten Comments resource .

Kindergarten Report Card Comments

If you plan on teaching past this year, you will find that you will need to write new reports year after year.

Thankfully, with the Kindergarten Report Card Comments resource , you won’t have to!

These easy comments are going to save you so much time and stress!

Focus on the kids, spend more time with your family; whatever it is that you love – just not spending hours writing report card comments for all of your students.

Like the examples shown above, I have created and organized the comments into 4 categories.

  • Needs Improvement
  • Complete paragraph comments

Build the perfect comment by choosing from the organized lists, or simply insert students names in the complete paragraph comments.

Here are some of the topics and skills covered throughout these kindergarten report comments:

  • peer relationships
  • class participation
  • expressive and receptive language skills
  • tardies and absences
  • work habits
  • letter recognition
  • reading comprehension
  • disruptive habits to the learning environment
  • fine motor skills
  • problem solving skills
  • social skills
  • organization

There are over 65 comments, as well as 25 paragraph-length comments to choose from.

You can also mix and match the bulleted comments to best fit your students. Simply copy, paste, and insert a name.

What Teachers are Saying

With over 900 Five Star Reviews on Teachers Pay Teachers , you can see whey these comments are a must have for kindergarten. 

Many first grade teachers have also found these to be very helpful when writing their first quarter report cards.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Here’s what teachers are saying about this time-saving resource:

 “Very helpful and saved me a lot of time! Thanks” (Andrea)

 “Great ideas! This was one of the best purchases I’ve ever made !” (Katharina R.)

 “ Huge help thank you!” (Sybill T)

 “Loved these! Helped me sooooooo much!” (ShabbyinSecond)

 “Very useful. I always need help writing remarks that are concise, helpful, but not harsh.” (Donna H.)

 “ Very helpful when creating comments.” (Lesley R.)

“I had a bad bout of procrastination when it came to report writing…these helped me stay focused!” (Belinda B.)

Reduce your teacher stress, save yourself hours of time, and build parent communication, with these prewritten comments.

With a over 900 5-star reviews, you can see how the comments have saved teachers so much time, and helped parents better understand their child’s progress.

Reduce teacher stress by utilizing effective report card comments that highlight student progress and potential.

Overall, the quality of work and positive behaviors should be acknowledged in the progress report. 

You can purchase the set of comments from my TPT store , or save 10% when you purchase using the link below.

Before you go, here are some blog posts you may enjoy:

How to do Math Talks in Kindergarten

185 Awesome Questions of the Day

33 Amazon Must Haves for Kindergarten Teachers

Report Card Comments for Kindergarten

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Thank you, Lee.

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100+ Great End of Year Report Card Comments Teachers Can Use In Every Classroom – Encouraging & Appropriate Tips

report card comments

Every parent wants to know how their child is doing at school. End of year report card comments is valuable insights on how the teacher assessed the child for that year. These card comments tell parents, and students, about their performances, accomplishments, and required improvements.

Table of Contents

Great ideas for how to make it easier to write appropriate report card comments, general concepts to remember when writing report card comments for students.

  • Report Card Comments on Student’s Strengths, Skills, Achievements or Positive Habits & Attitude

Negative Report Card Comments Focused on Potential Areas of Improvement

Free downloadable report card comments for students, final report card comments for the end of the year, eo year report card comments for good reading comprehension, project based learning, a positive growth mindset, excellent attitude and participation.

Communication skills, language attention and student behavior and wellbeing all go together great during the year. Whether distance learning or in community classroom, perseverance for children is key.

For Math, History, Vocabulary, Writing and other homework

Praises desire to improve and build great habits, thoughtful negative feedback for homework mistakes and social skills improvement to build confidence in classrooms.

We will cover end of year report cards creative motivation in classroom comments for all years. Library year report cards, solution-focused thinking and curriculum, emotional social skills and worksheets. Comment when improvement is difficult, learning directions and discussions makes great writing strategy for others.

Difficulty in grade school, middle school and high school

The average college professor isn’t an online prodigy – they have a variety of lifestyle skills and character traits.

Teachers know the value of report card comments, and they don’t take writing it lightly. Despite knowing how important report card comments are, few teachers look forward to writing it.

We’ve created a list of ideas for comments that teachers can use as inspiration and adapt for each student.

Often writing report card comments are at the bottom of the end-of-year to-do-list. There are so many other things that need to happen at the same time, and good report card comments take time to write. It’s not something that can be rushed.

By making notes throughout the year, the teacher will have ready-to-use data to draw from.  These notes help to remember specific achievements or memorable things the student did or said.

Create a databank of comment ideas that you can adapt for a specific student. A list of comment ideas may inspire and help to say similar things differently.

Begin with the card comments of students that you know what to write. Writing the easy comments first starts the process and makes it easier to continue.

If stuck, create a list of adjectives that describe the student. Then use these words to write the report card comments.

Report card comments are often focused on direction to work, enthusiastic vocabulary phrases to learn how effort shows quickly developing improved potential completing independent daily respectful activities. Role models in an organization like high school language arts are participating in teaching around subject matter which requires other students to consistently throughout proofread their report card. Recess is motivation and classroom reward for above helpful responsible developed willing literature.

Before you start, make sure you are familiar with the school’s rules regarding writing report card comments. Does the school prefer a personalized comment, or do they use general comments?

If left to the last minute, errors could occur. Write the comments with enough time available to proofread for any grammatical or spelling errors. Proofreading also helps to make sure the comment says what the teacher meant to say and that it is clearly understood by the reader. Make sure the student’s name is spelled correctly and that letters in words weren’t interchanged like “ot” instead of “to.”

Here is a checklist of things to look out for when creating comments.

  • Always write the truth.
  • Be specific.
  • Write clear, simple, and concise.
  • Avoid educational jargon and terms.
  • Use synonyms instead of repeating the same words.
  • Write sentences of different lengths.

Generally, comments should be in line with the student’s grades. The comments should be in context to the rest of the assessment. Explaining the student’s grade may be helpful to the parents to know why the child did so well, improved or why they underachieved.

100 Report Card Comment Ideas

Report card comments includes the student’s best achievements, strengths or attributes; their areas of success; and where they need improvement.

Report Card Comments on Student’s Strengths, Skills , Achievements or Positive Habits & Attitude

  • I enjoyed having _____ in my class
  • It was wonderful to have ___ in my class
  • It was a pleasure to have ____ in my class. He/she positively contributed to group activities
  • It was wonderful to have ___’s enthusiasm in the class
  • ____ helped make the year a pleasant one
  • ____ is a pleasant addition to any class with his/her friendly and cooperative attitude
  • ____has a pleasant personality and makes friends easily
  • ____ is friendly and sincere
  • ____’s friendly and fair manner makes him//her good at mediating conflict
  • ____’s friendly and polite manner made him/her a popular member of the __ grade.
  • ____ is eager to help and mentor classmates
  • ____is willing to help
  • ____volunteers regularly
  • ____ is anxious to please
  • ____ showed a willingness to learn with an enthusiastic and positive attitude
  • ____ works well in a group
  • ____ showed appreciation for the contribution and efforts of classmates
  • ____ comfortably takes a leadership role and works well in a team
  • ____ effectively makes and receive suggestions in group activities
  • ____ has a positive attitude toward classmates
  • ____ looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom
  • ____ comprehends quickly
  • ____ enthusiastically participates in
  • ____ is focused in class and eagerly participates
  • ____ is willing to participate in the class and group discussion
  • ____has improved steadily throughout the year
  • ____ accepts responsibility and owns up to his/her mistakes
  • ____’s work habits improved greatly
  • ____ is ready to accept more responsibility
  • ____ has a positive attitude in improving
  • ____ has earned a fine report card
  • ____ progressed consistently
  • ____ pays attention in class and follows directions carefully
  • ____ listens and follows instructions well
  • ____ listens attentively, wants to learn, and tries to avoid distractions
  • ____ listens attentively and follows instructions accurately
  • ____learned to listen better and paying attention in class
  • ____ participates actively in classroom discussions. He/she has matured so much this year and now eagerly raises his/hands
  • ____ follows directions precisely
  • ____ responsible and accountable for his/her actions. He/she admits mistakes and is eager to improve. He/she listens to suggestions on how to improve.
  • ____ communicates maturely with classmates
  • ____ uses his/her time wisely and finishes assignments on time
  • ____ expresses ideas clearly
  • ____ exhibits organizational skills
  • ____ does neat and thorough work
  • ____ is a willing worker who takes a keen interest in all his/her work
  • ____ has great potential and diligently works toward achieving his/her goals
  • ____ is a conscientious worker
  • ____ demonstrates leadership skills
  • ____ performs well in everything he/she undertakes
  • ____ is a hard worker and performed solidly this year with growth in
  • ____ matured nicely this year, academically and socially
  • ____ demonstrates maturity in solving problems and challenging situations
  • ____ has grown in so many ways this year and worked hard to meet
  • ____ manages emotions maturely with appropriate responses to feedback
  • ____ has matured nicely and is no longer so shy but participates enthusiastically and easily in social situations
  • ____ has done wonderfully in overcoming challenges this year. Thank you for your help and cooperation in supporting him/her
  • Thank you for your assistance at home with _________
  • Thank you for the help I know you have given him/her
  • Thank you for your cooperation

Writing the truth isn’t always that easy. Here are card comments ideas to write negative traits or achievements positively.

  • ____ could benefit from
  • ____ could benefit from reading more/many library books
  • ___ needs help with organizational skills, such as
  • ___ could benefit from improving his/her work habits such as
  • ___ needs repetition to retain information
  • ___ would benefit from improving self-control skills
  • Please continue this summer with as many reading experiences as possible
  • ___ has done well in facing challenges this year. Please continue to encourage this behavior over the summer
  • ___ needs to listen more attentively during lessons and group sharing times
  • ___ needs frequent reminders to be attentive during
  • ___ needs to be more attentive during
  • ___ would benefit from contributing and participating more actively in class
  • ___ would benefit from cooperating more in group activities. He/she could work on how to listen to others and voicing his/her opinions
  • ___ would benefit from working more independently and asking assistance only when needed.
  • ____ needs to improve using time wisely when completing assignments
  • ____ needs more practice in completing assignments on time
  • ____ grasps difficult concepts but needs to work faster
  • ____ is encouraged to be responsible in
  • ____ would benefit from practicing ____ this summer. His/her eagerness to do the right thing will help him/her to improve in
  • ____ is encouraged to focus more on completing work within the time frame.
  • ____ would benefit more in engaging in the learning process with improved quality of work and using time wisely
  • ____ needs to work on increasing his/her speed in completing tasks
  • ____ has shown improvement in ____ He/she will benefit more by practicing these skills during the summer
  • ___ sometimes takes too long in completing assignments. With additional practice to working faster, he/she will accomplish even more
  • ___ needs to develop a more mature sense of responsibility
  • ____ will benefit if he/she improves his/her work habits
  • ____needs to listen more attentively to directions
  • ____ has difficulty in retaining
  • ____ needs more practice to complete
  • ____ will benefit if he/she is more consistent in his/her efforts, especially in
  • ____ needs to finish assignments
  • ____ will benefit from practicing his/her handwriting
  • ____ needs the motivation to complete tasks
  • ____ does not work according to his/her ability
  • ____ needs to proofread his/her work before handing in assignments
  • ____’s assignments aren’t neat
  • ____ needs to spend more time on assignments
  • ____ needs to learn to be less sensitive about
  • ____ needs to learn to listen and wait until someone has finished talking and not interrupt them
  • ___ will benefit from applying his/her skills to all work, especially

Great Year End Report Card Extras For Kindness, Respect, Extra Time Preschool Social Skills – Quality Report Card Comments

End of term development of time management – end messages – ending comments for grades, hard work habits and skills.

If you’d like a Free Downloadable copy of this list, we now have that available. Just click the button below to download the pdf file of these report cards for students.

Bryan Bigari is the current editor of Fractus Learning. As a father of three, Bryan has a passion for helping kids to both excel in school and have fun with friends and parents. He has worked on education issues at the state and federal level, and is looking forward to sharing his first hand education and toy knowledge with you.

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Kindergarten communication of learning

Read about what's included in a kindergarten communication of learning and how this report card can support your child's learning through ongoing communication with their educators.

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The purpose of the kindergarten communication of learning is to:

  • foster your child’s learning and development
  • support your child in becoming an independent learner

The communication of learning is like a report card for your kindergarten child.

Just like educators who teach students in Grades 1 to 12, kindergarten educators assess and evaluate children to offer feedback that is clear, meaningful and timely.

The kindergarten communication of learning offers:

  • clear, meaningful information about your child’s key learning and growth in learning
  • three formal opportunities to hear from your child’s educators throughout the school year
  • a basis for supporting ongoing communication between home and school

Children do better at school when everyone is involved. Families, educators and caregivers who work as partners enjoy a meaningful relationship and share valuable communication that can support a child’s sense of trust, belonging, well-being and success as a learner.

Initial observations report

Schools send an initial observations report between late October and November.

This report has a summary of observations of your child’s learning since the start of the school year and provides early evidence of growth in their learning.

Educators makes these observations using the overall expectations set out in Ontario’s kindergarten program .

This first formal communication of learning of the school year can help educators and families develop a positive relationship as partners who share the goal of helping your child be successful. The report will also give you information about next steps to support your child’s learning at school and at home.

Communication of learning reports

Schools will send two additional communication of learning reports during the school year.

The communication of learning is organized by four areas that reflect how learning happens through children’s play and inquiry in kindergarten:

  • belonging and contributing
  • self-regulation and well-being
  • demonstrating literacy and mathematics behaviours
  • problem solving and innovating

In each of these sections educators add personalized comments about your child’s learning that are clear and easy to understand.

For Catholic schools, the report also includes a section for comments about “Religious and family life education”.

The comments:

  • tell you about your child’s key learning and growth in learning
  • provide specific examples to illustrate your child’s learning
  • include next steps to support your child’s learning at school and home

Educators will indicate if the expectations for your child need to be modified by checking the ESL (English as a Second Language) box or the IEP (Individual Education Plan) box.

Terms used in kindergarten communication of learning

Your child’s communication of learning will include terms that have a specific meaning.

Learning means more than just knowing the facts. Children can demonstrate learning by communicating and applying what they have learned in different contexts. When educators evaluate growth in learning and record it on your child’s report they consider:

  • the ways in which your child learns
  • how your child is developing
  • the direction your child’s learning is taking

Key learning

Key learning is the most significant learning for your child at the time each communication of learning is completed. Educators describe the most important and significant skills, interests or knowledge your child has demonstrated based on the overall expectations in Ontario’s kindergarten program .

Growth in learning

Growth in learning can refer to one or more of the following:

  • movement to a more complex stage of development
  • an increase in skills or scope of knowledge
  • an increase in learning related to concepts such as belonging, contributing, self-regulation, well-being, math, literacy, problem solving and innovation

Next steps in learning

Educators compare their observations of how your child is learning with the kindergarten program expectations to determine appropriate learning goals for your child.

You can find next steps in each kindergarten communication of learning that you receive. There may be ongoing and less formal communication about your child’s next steps at other times during the school year.

Educators work with your child to set personalized learning goals and support your child’s progress in the classroom. You can also speak with your child’s educators about ways to encourage your child’s progress at home.

The role of educators

Communication with parents.

Ongoing, clear and meaningful communication between you, your child and the educator team footnote 1 [1] is vital to your child’s learning. Your child’s educators will contact you regularly throughout the school year.

In addition to written documents, you might get updates from:

  • school or class blogs or websites
  • photos of your child’s work
  • discussions between you and your child’s educator, with or without your child
  • your child’s portfolio (that their educator might share with you)
  • informal communication such as phone calls, notes, letters or emails

The educators and the principal in your child’s school will be able to provide more information about what kinds of communication you can expect to receive.

Evaluation and observation

Educators observe your child working with other children, adults and materials. They see what your child creates, and how they work with materials such as paint, blocks, crayons and books to show what they are thinking and learning.

Educators have many conversations with your child to understand how your child is making sense of their experiences. They also observe how children problem solve, use social skills, and how they understand their own thoughts and feelings.

Educators use these conversations and observations to gather as much information as possible about your child’s learning. It is this information that educators use to evaluate your child’s key learning and growth in learning. This evaluation is reflected in the comments they write on the communication of learning report.

  • footnote [1] Back to paragraph ^ an Early Childhood Educator is required in classes of 16 or more children

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Kindergarten Four Frame Program: Problem Solving and Innovating

  • Belonging and Contributing
  • Music and Movement!
  • Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours
  • Problem Solving and Innovating
  • Parents & Friends

   The learning encompassed by this frame supports collaborative problem solving and bringing innovative ideas to relationships with others.   

Curriculum Expectations

This frame encompasses children's learning and development with respect to:

  • exploring the world through natural curiosity, in ways that engage the mind, the senses, and the body;
  • making meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems, and engaging in creative and analytical thinking;
  • the innovative ways of thinking about and doing things that arise naturally with an active curiosity, and applying those ideas in relationships with others, with materials, and with the environment.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

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For login in information for our board resources and databases, please ask your LCI or teacher!

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K-Gr. 6: Teacher Resources

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I Love Computers!

Colour changing milk.

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Fun to read

little bear tucked into bed with a book.

Check with your Learning Commons Informationist or public library to see if this title is available to borrow.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Fun Science for Kinders!

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Computer Technology

All about COMPUTERS!!

annimated image of a wind-up computer, spitting out numbers

Mouse Practice

Activities to help practice mouse manipulation.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

Keyboarding Skills

Activities to practice keyboard skills and alphabet recognition.

problem solving and innovating report card comments

iPads & Tablets

iPads & tablets ~ goals for JK/SK students:

-Use the iPad (Drag items across the screen, tap items on the screen)

-vocabulary development

-letter/number/shape/alphabet recognition

-expressive language/speech practice

problem solving and innovating report card comments

  • << Previous: Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours
  • Next: Parents & Friends >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024 2:24 PM
  • URL: https://vlc.ucdsb.ca/kindergarten

TVO Learn


Problem solving and innovating, kindergarten program overview.

In Ontario, the Kindergarten program is made up of four “frames”, or broad areas of learning. This frame captures children’s learning and development with respect to:

  • exploring the world through natural curiosity, in ways that engage the mind, the senses and the body;
  • making meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems and engaging in creative and analytical thinking;
  • the innovative ways of thinking about and doing things that arise naturally with an active curiosity, and applying those ideas in relationships with others, with materials and with the environment.

How to Use these Resources:

TVO Learn is designed to meet each child where they are on their learning journey. Learning Activities are comprehensive and require guided instruction from an adult. Interested in learning more? Explore the Ontario Kindergarten Program .

On this page:

Learning activities, resources for learning, apply the learning.

Learning Activities provide opportunities for deeper exploration of each frame of the Kindergarten program. A trusted adult should serve as a guide for each.

Please note: To access the learning activities, visit this page with a computer or tablet.

Looking for a Different Frame?

Choose from the options below to explore a different frame

Chosen by TVO educators, these resources support the curriculum outlined above. Review the below list of options along with the activities. Then, read, watch, listen or play to build understanding and knowledge.

Please be aware by accessing the resources below you will be leaving TVO Learn and entering other TVO domains that are subject to different privacy policies and terms of use.

Complete the suggested activities using these resources and other TVO resources.

Choose from the following to consolidate learning across all curriculum frames.

Choose an object around your home and compare its length to other objects. For example is the length of a pencil longer than a cereal box?

Create sentences with 10 of the words in the vocabulary list. Count the number of steps from your bed to the front door.

  • Count the number of steps from your bed to the front door.
  • Arrange objects in order of least to greatest mass.
  • Imagine reading a story, where a boy said to his friend, “You broke my airplane!” What helps you understand how he might be feeling? What do you think the boy might do next?
  • Think of a story you recently read or someone read to you. “Who was your favourite character and why?” “How did the ending of the story make you feel?”
  • Make a poster to explain how showing care and respect for all living things helps to maintain a healthy environment
  • Design and construct a device that uses energy to perform a task (for example, a kite that uses wind, an instrument that uses human energy to make sounds).
  • How would you describe the park nearby? What in your opinion makes a park a good one? Are there things that all parks have? Why are parks considered to be important for communities to have? What role might they play?
  • Draw a flower with a repeating pattern.
  • Walk around your neighbourhood with a family member or guardian, spot up to 50 items that you see in nature. For example, can you find 10 leaves? Can you make these leaves into groups of 2s, 5s and 10s?
  • Think about your favourite fairy tale. Role-play or dramatize the story using puppets or props by retelling the fairy tale including the main idea and important events. Make sure you do this in the right order.

Review this list of vocabulary associated with the curriculum. Practice spelling, research definitions, and find these vocabulary words when engaging with the TVO resources or completing learning activities.

Select a Strand

  • choosing a selection results in a full page refresh
  • press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection

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Do you have feedback for us?

FREE Kindergarten Report Card Comments: The Ontario Kindergarten Program

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*****This product is a FREE SAMPLE. It contains comments for the Belonging and Contributing frame. Please click here for a BUNDLE of ALL FOUR FRAMES. *****

This product was created to help teachers compose report card comments for Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes in Ontario. The comments were created based on the most recent Kindergarten Curriculum document, which was implemented in September 2016. The comments can be applied to both Initial Observations reports (released to parents in the fall) and Kindergarten Communication of Learning reports (issued at the end of the second and third reporting periods).

Frames are divided into three categories: Key Learning, Growth in Learning, and Next Steps in Learning. These categories are outlined in the templates provided in Growing Success: The Kindergarten Addendum.

PLEASE NOTE that these comments are to be used as a skeleton for your report card comments. Final comments should include specific evidence of growth in learning for evaluation for your students. In other words, comments should be supported by your own observations of each student. As stated in Growing Success: The Kindergarten Addendum, “Evidence of growth in learning for evaluation is collected over time using pedagogical documentation. It is expected that multiple sources of evidence will be used in order to increase the reliability and validity of the evaluation of learning.”

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  1. Kindergarten Report Card Comments

    problem solving and innovating report card comments

  2. Problem Solving and Innovating Kindergarten Communication of Learning

    problem solving and innovating report card comments

  3. FREE 10+ Problem Solving Report Samples in PDF

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  4. Kindergarten Report Card Comments

    problem solving and innovating report card comments

  5. Kindergarten Report Card Comments

    problem solving and innovating report card comments

  6. Ontario FDK Report Card Comments Problem Solving & Innovating by Nicole

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  1. Report card comments

  2. Report card comments for Pre

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  4. Result sheet Comments

  5. Tip#3 to write good report card comments || how to write report card comments #preschoolteaching

  6. Skyward Report Card Comments


  1. 205 Report Card Comments—Academic Achievement & Improvement

    Authored by: TeacherVision Staff. Last edited: January 30, 2024. 205 ready-to-use comments and phrases on academic achievement, improvement, and student progress to use while completing report cards. This free bank of editable and customizable comments and phrases includes positive feedback and suggestions for areas that need improvement.

  2. Kindergarten Report Card Comments

    This extensive list of report card comments covers the levels from Level 4(A) to Level 1(D) in all areas of problem-solving and innovating. Rated 4.54 out of 5, based on 13 reviews 4.5 ( 13 ratings )

  3. Problem solving and innovating report card comments ontario

    Problem Solving and Innovating: Ontario Kindergarten Term 1 Report Card Comments /Communication of Learning CommentsThis resource is a Google Sheet Document which is shared in a PDF file with a copy link. The PDF also includes instructions on how to use the comment builder Google Sheet. *NOTE: A FREE GOOGLE ACCOUNT IS NEEDED TO ACCESS THIS RESOURCE.Included in this Resource:10 Examples of ...

  4. PDF 100 Sample Report Card Comments

    problem-solving skills. • Has difficulty understanding/solving word problems. • Understands skills and strategies but has a difficult time explaining processes. • Would benefit from memorizing math facts. • Has difficulty solving multi-step problems. • Needs to slow down and check work.

  5. 50 Quick Report Card Comments for Teachers: Tips & Examples

    6. Holistic View of Student Development. Academic performance is just one piece of the puzzle. Beyond academics, report card comments can address social skills, behavior, and emotional development. For example, "Sophia is a great friend to her classmates and always helps others when they need it."

  6. Report Card Comments

    Shares appropriate and relevant information to enhance class discussions. Needs constant reminders to have materials prepared for class. Sometimes loses focus and requires prompts to stay on task. Tends to submit assignments after they are due. Our FREE printable list has tons of suggestions for report card comments—covering everything from ...

  7. Results for problem solving and innovating report card comments

    Browse problem solving and innovating report card comments resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  8. Report Card Comments & Phrases for Kindergarten

    We gathered the top report card comments for kindergarteners with these 96 ready-to-use remarks and examples of positive feedback for students and suggestions for improvement. 100% free to access. ... _____ shows enthusiasm for math and actively engages in hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks. Keep up the great work! _____ has made ...

  9. 70+ Meaningful Report Card Comments

    Here 14 examples of positive report cards comments: 1.Your child shows a good ability to reason and problem solve. 2.Your student displays a good understanding of the material. 3.The learner is well organized and completes tasks on time. 4.Your child is an enthusiastic participant in class discussions. 5.The student displays a strong commitment ...

  10. 100 Quick Report Card Comments for Kindergarten

    Here are tips for new teachers or veteran teachers to use when writing kindergarten report card comments: Always include a student name. This shows specific student progress. Start with a positive note. Leave a very specific comment that highlights the great work done and positive qualities.

  11. 100+ Great Report Card Comments Teachers Can Use In Every Classroom

    Great Ideas For How To Make It Easier To Write Appropriate Report Card Comments. Often writing report card comments are at the bottom of the end-of-year to-do-list. There are so many other things that need to happen at the same time, and good report card comments take time to write. It's not something that can be rushed.

  12. 4.6 Problem solving and innovating

    As children progress through the Kindergarten program, they: 1. communicate with others in a variety of ways, for a variety of purposes, and in a variety of contexts. 4. demonstrate an ability to use problem-solving skills in a variety of contexts, including social contexts. 6. demonstrate an awareness of their own health and well-being.

  13. Results for problem solving and innovation report card comments

    3.3. (3) $9.99. PDF. Enjoy this document which will help you in writing report cards for Jk/Sk and grade 1. You will find 25 pages and 52 comments divided into categories:Opening CommentsLiteracy and Numeracy BehavioursProblem Solving and InnovationSelf- Regulation and Well-BeingBelonging and Contributing.These are the 4 pillars of the Ontario ...

  14. Report Card Comments Samples

    SAMPLE REPORT CARD COMMENT #4. - Responsibility: N. - Organization: N. - Independent Work: S. - Collaboration: N. - Initiative: S. - Self-Regulation: S. Steven has had a generally good academic year overall and will need to set some goals for next year. He sometimes fulfills responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment.

  15. Problem solving & innovating

    24. use technological problem-solving skills, on their own and with others, in the process of creating and designing (i.e., questioning, planning, constructing, analyzing, redesigning, and communicating). 25. demonstrate a sense of identity and a positive self-image. 28. demonstrate an awareness of their surroundings.

  16. Kindergarten communication of learning

    problem solving and innovating; In each of these sections educators add personalized comments about your child's learning that are clear and easy to understand. For Catholic schools, the report also includes a section for comments about "Religious and family life education". The comments:

  17. Problem Solving and Innovating

    making meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems, and engaging in creative and analytical thinking; the innovative ways of thinking about and doing things that arise naturally with an active curiosity, and applying those ideas in relationships with others, with materials, and with the environment.

  18. Kindergarten

    This frame captures children's learning and development with respect to: exploring the world through natural curiosity, in ways that engage the mind, the senses and the body; making meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems and engaging in creative and analytical thinking; the innovative ways of thinking ...

  19. Ontario Kindergarten Report Card Comments Problem Solving and ...

    Problem Solving and Innovating: Ontario Kindergarten Term 1 Report Card Comments/Communication of Learning CommentsThis resource is a Google Sheet Document which is shared in a PDF file with a copy link. The PDF also includes instructions on how to use the comment builder Google Sheet.*NOTE: A FREE ...

  20. NEW!

    These documents can be edited. clickable options for ease of entry. This is an amazing resource for Ontario Kindergarten teachers, but can help teachers all over the World to help observe, track and document student behaviours throughout the year, and put together content for their report cards. Check out our other resource packages too!

  21. Problem Solving and Innovating Kindergarten Communication of ...

    These comments are my go-to! They are a collection of my in-person and virtual learning comments. This document was created for fellow teachers. It is based on the Communication of Learning (COL) report card comments for Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes in Ontario. The comments can be applied to both Initial Observations reports (released ...

  22. Report Card Comments: Learning Skills Communication and ...

    Report Card Comments - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides teachers with suggestions for writing report card comments in different categories, including learning skills, academic progress, learning behavior and attitude, social skills, end-of-year comments, and comments for distance learning.

  23. FREE Kindergarten Report Card Comments: The Ontario Kindergarten ...

    This product was created to help teachers compose report card comments for Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes in Ontario. The comments were created based on the most recent Kindergarten Curriculum document, which was implemented in September 2016. The comments can be applied to both Initial Observations reports (released to parents in the ...