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Writing Essays in Art History

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Art History Analysis – Formal Analysis and Stylistic Analysis

Typically in an art history class the main essay students will need to write for a final paper or for an exam is a formal or stylistic analysis.

A formal analysis is just what it sounds like – you need to analyze the form of the artwork. This includes the individual design elements – composition, color, line, texture, scale, contrast, etc. Questions to consider in a formal analysis is how do all these elements come together to create this work of art? Think of formal analysis in relation to literature – authors give descriptions of characters or places through the written word. How does an artist convey this same information?

Organize your information and focus on each feature before moving onto the text – it is not ideal to discuss color and jump from line to then in the conclusion discuss color again. First summarize the overall appearance of the work of art – is this a painting? Does the artist use only dark colors? Why heavy brushstrokes? etc and then discuss details of the object – this specific animal is gray, the sky is missing a moon, etc. Again, it is best to be organized and focused in your writing – if you discuss the animals and then the individuals and go back to the animals you run the risk of making your writing unorganized and hard to read. It is also ideal to discuss the focal of the piece – what is in the center? What stands out the most in the piece or takes up most of the composition?

A stylistic approach can be described as an indicator of unique characteristics that analyzes and uses the formal elements (2-D: Line, color, value, shape and 3-D all of those and mass).The point of style is to see all the commonalities in a person’s works, such as the use of paint and brush strokes in Van Gogh’s work. Style can distinguish an artist’s work from others and within their own timeline, geographical regions, etc.

Methods & Theories To Consider:




Social Art History

Biographical Approach


Museum Studies

Visual Cultural Studies

Stylistic Analysis Example:

The following is a brief stylistic analysis of two Greek statues, an example of how style has changed because of the “essence of the age.” Over the years, sculptures of women started off as being plain and fully clothed with no distinct features, to the beautiful Venus/Aphrodite figures most people recognize today. In the mid-seventh century to the early fifth, life-sized standing marble statues of young women, often elaborately dress in gaily painted garments were created known as korai. The earliest korai is a Naxian women to Artemis. The statue wears a tight-fitted, belted peplos, giving the body a very plain look. The earliest korai wore the simpler Dorian peplos, which was a heavy woolen garment. From about 530, most wear a thinner, more elaborate, and brightly painted Ionic linen and himation. A largely contrasting Greek statue to the korai is the Venus de Milo. The Venus from head to toe is six feet seven inches tall. Her hips suggest that she has had several children. Though her body shows to be heavy, she still seems to almost be weightless. Viewing the Venus de Milo, she changes from side to side. From her right side she seems almost like a pillar and her leg bears most of the weight. She seems be firmly planted into the earth, and since she is looking at the left, her big features such as her waist define her. The Venus de Milo had a band around her right bicep. She had earrings that were brutally stolen, ripping her ears away. Venus was noted for loving necklaces, so it is very possibly she would have had one. It is also possible she had a tiara and bracelets. Venus was normally defined as “golden,” so her hair would have been painted. Two statues in the same region, have throughout history, changed in their style.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Most introductory art history classes will ask students to write a compare and contrast essay about two pieces – examples include comparing and contrasting a medieval to a renaissance painting. It is always best to start with smaller comparisons between the two works of art such as the medium of the piece. Then the comparison can include attention to detail so use of color, subject matter, or iconography. Do the same for contrasting the two pieces – start small. After the foundation is set move on to the analysis and what these comparisons or contrasting material mean – ‘what is the bigger picture here?’ Consider why one artist would wish to show the same subject matter in a different way, how, when, etc are all questions to ask in the compare and contrast essay. If during an exam it would be best to quickly outline the points to make before tackling writing the essay.

Compare and Contrast Example:

Stele of Hammurabi from Susa (modern Shush, Iran), ca. 1792 – 1750 BCE, Basalt, height of stele approx. 7’ height of relief 28’

Stele, relief sculpture, Art as propaganda – Hammurabi shows that his law code is approved by the gods, depiction of land in background, Hammurabi on the same place of importance as the god, etc.

Top of this stele shows the relief image of Hammurabi receiving the law code from Shamash, god of justice, Code of Babylonian social law, only two figures shown, different area and time period, etc.

Stele of Naram-sin , Sippar Found at Susa c. 2220 - 2184 bce. Limestone, height 6'6"

Stele, relief sculpture, Example of propaganda because the ruler (like the Stele of Hammurabi) shows his power through divine authority, Naramsin is the main character due to his large size, depiction of land in background, etc.

Akkadian art, made of limestone, the stele commemorates a victory of Naramsin, multiple figures are shown specifically soldiers, different area and time period, etc.


Regardless of what essay approach you take in class it is absolutely necessary to understand how to analyze the iconography of a work of art and to incorporate into your paper. Iconography is defined as subject matter, what the image means. For example, why do things such as a small dog in a painting in early Northern Renaissance paintings represent sexuality? Additionally, how can an individual perhaps identify these motifs that keep coming up?

The following is a list of symbols and their meaning in Marriage a la Mode by William Hogarth (1743) that is a series of six paintings that show the story of marriage in Hogarth’s eyes.

  • Man has pockets turned out symbolizing he has lost money and was recently in a fight by the state of his clothes.
  • Lap dog shows loyalty but sniffs at woman’s hat in the husband’s pocket showing sexual exploits.
  • Black dot on husband’s neck believed to be symbol of syphilis.
  • Mantel full of ugly Chinese porcelain statues symbolizing that the couple has no class.
  • Butler had to go pay bills, you can tell this by the distasteful look on his face and that his pockets are stuffed with bills and papers.
  • Card game just finished up, women has directions to game under foot, shows her easily cheating nature.
  • Paintings of saints line a wall of the background room, isolated from the living, shows the couple’s complete disregard to faith and religion.
  • The dangers of sexual excess are underscored in the Hograth by placing Cupid among ruins, foreshadowing the inevitable ruin of the marriage.
  • Eventually the series (other five paintings) shows that the woman has an affair, the men duel and die, the woman hangs herself and the father takes her ring off her finger symbolizing the one thing he could salvage from the marriage.

Visual Analysis: How to Analyze a Painting and Write an Essay

writing an essay about a painting

A visual analysis essay is an entry-level essay sometimes taught in high school and early university courses. Both communications and art history students use visual analysis to understand art and other visual messages. In our article, we will define the term and give an in-depth guide on how to look at a piece of art and write a visual analysis essay. Stay tuned until the end for a handy visual analysis essay example from our graduate paper writing service .

What Is Visual Analysis?

Visual analysis is essential in studying Communication, English, and Art History. It's a fundamental part of writing about art found in scholarly books, art magazines, and even undergraduate essays. You might encounter a visual analysis as a standalone assignment or as part of a larger research paper.

When you do this type of assignment, you're examining the basic elements of an artwork. These include things like its colors, lines, textures, and size. But it goes beyond just describing these elements. A good analysis also considers the historical context in which the artwork was created and tries to understand what it might mean to different people.

It also encourages you to look closely at details and think deeply about what an artwork is trying to say. This kind of analysis makes you appreciate art more and teaches you how to explain your ideas clearly based on what you see in the artwork.

What is the Purpose of Visual Analysis?

The purpose of a visual analysis is to recognize and understand the visual choices the artist made in creating the artwork. By looking closely at different elements, analysts can learn a lot about how an artwork was made and why the artist made certain choices. 

For example, studying how colors are used or how things are arranged in the artwork can reveal its themes or the emotions it's trying to convey. Also, understanding the time period when the artwork was created helps us see how societal changes and cultural ideas influenced its creation and how people reacted to it.

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How to Write a Visual Analysis Step-by-Step

To create an insightful visual analysis, you should not only examine the artwork in detail but also situate it within a broader cultural and historical framework. This process can be broken down into three main steps: 

  • Identifying, describing, and analyzing the visual material
  • Situating the visual material in its context
  • Interpreting and responding to the content of the visual material.

Let’s discuss each of these steps in more detail.

Step 1: Identify, Describe, and Analyze the Visual Material

Begin by clearly identifying the visual material you will analyze. This could be a painting, photograph, sculpture, advertisement, or any other visual artwork. Provide essential information such as the title, artist, date, and medium. 

Next, offer a detailed description of the visual material. Focus on the key elements and principles of design, such as:

  • Composition

Describe what you see without interpreting its meaning yet. For instance, note the use of bright colors, the placement of objects, the presence of figures, and the overall layout. This descriptive part forms the foundation of your analysis, allowing your reader to visualize the artwork.

Afterward, consider how the artist uses elements like contrast, balance, emphasis, movement, and harmony. Analyze the techniques and methods used and how they contribute to the overall effect of the piece. 

Step 2: Situate the Visual Material in its Context

To fully understand a piece of visual material, you need to consider its historical and cultural context. Start by researching the time period when the artwork was created. Look at the social, political, and economic conditions of that time, and see if there were any cultural movements that might have influenced the artwork.

Next, learn about the artist and their reasons for creating the visual material. Find out about the artist's life, other works they have made, and any statements they have made about this piece. Knowing the artist’s background can give you valuable insights into the artwork's purpose and message.

Finally, think about how the visual material was received by people when it was first shown and how it has impacted others over time. Look for reviews and public reactions, and see if it influenced other works or movements. This will help you understand the significance of the visual material in the larger cultural and artistic context.

Step 3: Interpret and Respond to the Content of the Visual Material

Now, combine your description, analysis, and understanding of the context to interpret what the visual material means. Talk about the themes, symbols, and messages the artwork conveys. Think about what it reveals about human experiences, society, or specific issues. Use evidence from earlier steps to support your interpretation.

Afterward, consider your own reaction to the visual material. How does it personally resonate with you? What emotions or thoughts does it provoke? Your personal response adds a subjective aspect to your analysis, making it more relatable.

Finally, summarize your findings and emphasize the importance of the visual material. Highlight key aspects from your identification, description, analysis, context, and interpretation. Then, it concludes by reinforcing the impact and significance of the visual material in both its original setting and its enduring influence.

Who Does Formal Analysis of Art

Most people who face visual analysis essays are Communication, English, and Art History students. Communications students explore mediums such as theater, print media, news, films, photos — basically anything. Comm is basically a giant, all-encompassing major where visual analysis is synonymous with Tuesday.

Art History students study the world of art to understand how it developed. They do visual analysis with every painting they look it at and discuss it in class.

English Literature students perform visual analysis too. Every writer paints an image in the head of their reader. This image, like a painting, can be clear, or purposefully unclear. It can be factual, to the point, or emotional and abstract like Ulysses, challenging you to search your emotions rather than facts and realities.

6 Questions to Answer Before Analyzing a Piece of Art

According to our experienced term paper writer , there are six important questions to ask before you start analyzing a piece of art. Answering these questions can make writing your analysis much easier:

  • Who is the artist, and what type of art do they create? - To place the artwork in context, you should identify the artist and understand the type of art they create. 
  • What was the artist's goal in creating this painting? - Determine why the artist created the artwork. Was it to convey a message, evoke emotions, or explore a theme?
  • When and where was this artwork made? - Knowing the time and place of creation helps understand the cultural and historical influences on the artwork.
  • What is the main focus or theme of this artwork? - Identify what the artwork is about. This could be a person, place, object, or abstract concept.
  • Who was the artwork created for? - To provide insight into its style and content, consider who the artist intended to reach with their work. 
  • What historical events or cultural factors influenced this painting? - Understanding the historical background can reveal more about the significance and meaning of the artwork.

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Elements of the Visual Analysis 

To fully grasp formal analysis, it's important to differentiate between the elements and principles of visual analysis. The elements are the basic building blocks used to create a piece of art. These include:

Art Element 🎨 Description 📝
✏️Line A mark with length and direction, which can define shapes, create textures, and suggest movement.
🌗Value The lightness or darkness of a color, which helps to create depth and contrast.
🔶Shapes Two-dimensional areas with a defined boundary, such as circles, squares, and triangles.
🔲Forms Three-dimensional objects with volume and thickness, like cubes, spheres, and cylinders.
🌌Space The area around, between, and within objects, which can be used to create the illusion of depth.
🌈Color The hues, saturation, and brightness in artwork, used to create mood and visual interest.
🖐️Texture The surface quality of an object, which can be actual (how it feels) or implied (how it looks like it feels).

Principles of the Visual Analysis

The principles, on the other hand, are how these elements are combined and used together to create the overall effect of the artwork. These principles include:

Principle of Art 🎨 Description 📝
⚖️Balance The distribution of visual weight in a composition, which can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
🌗Contrast The difference between elements, such as light and dark, to create visual interest.
🏃‍♂️Movement The suggestion or illusion of motion in an artwork, guiding the viewer’s eye through the piece.
🎯Emphasis The creation of a focal point to draw attention to a particular area or element.
🔄Pattern The repetition of elements to create a sense of rhythm and consistency.
📏Proportion The relationship in size between different parts of an artwork, contributing to its harmony.
🔗Unity The sense of cohesiveness in an artwork, where all elements and principles work together effectively.

Visual Analysis Outline

It’s safe to use the five-paragraph essay structure for your visual analysis essay. If you are looking at a painting, take the most important aspects of it that stand out to you and discuss them in relation to your thesis. 

Visual Analysis Outline

In the introduction, you should:

  • Introduce the Artwork : Mention the title, artist, date, and medium of the artwork.
  • Provide a Brief Description : Offer a general overview of what the artwork depicts.
  • State the Purpose : Explain the goal of your analysis and what aspects you will focus on.
  • Thesis Statement : Present a clear thesis statement that outlines your main argument or interpretation of the artwork.

The body of the visual analysis is where you break down the visual material into its component parts and examine each one in detail. This section should be structured logically, with each paragraph focusing on a specific element or aspect of the visual material.

  • Description: Start with a detailed description of the visual material. Describe what you see without interpreting or analyzing it yet. Mention elements such as color, line, shape, texture, space, and composition. For instance, if analyzing a painting, describe the subject matter, the arrangement of figures, the use of light and shadow, etc.
  • Analysis of Visual Elements: Analyze how each visual element contributes to the overall effect of the material. Discuss the use of color (e.g., warm or cool tones, contrasts, harmonies), the role of lines (e.g., leading lines, contours), the shapes (e.g., geometric, organic), and the texture (e.g., smooth, rough). Consider how these elements work together to create a certain mood or message.
  • Contextual Analysis: Examine how the context in which the visual material was created and is being viewed influences its interpretation. This includes historical, cultural, social, and political factors. Discuss how these contextual elements impact the meaning and reception of the visual material.
  • Interpretation: Discuss your interpretation of the visual material. Explain how the visual elements and contextual factors contribute to the meaning you derive from it. Support your interpretation with specific examples from the material.
  • Comparative Analysis (if applicable): If relevant, compare the visual material with other works by the same creator or with similar works by different creators. Highlight similarities and differences in style, technique, and thematic content.

The conclusion of a visual analysis essay summarizes the main points of the analysis and restates the thesis in light of the evidence presented.

  • Restate Thesis: Reiterate your thesis statement in a way that reflects the depth of your analysis. Show how your understanding of the visual material has been supported by your detailed examination.
  • Summary of Main Points: Summarize the key points of your analysis. Highlight the most important findings and insights.
  • Implications: Discuss the broader implications of your analysis. What does your analysis reveal about the visual material? How does it contribute to our understanding of the creator's work, the time period, or the cultural context?
  • Closing Thought: End with a final thought that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This could be a reflection on the significance of the visual material, a question for further consideration, or a statement about its impact on you or on a broader audience.

If you want a more in-depth look at the classic essay structure, feel free to visit our 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY blog.

Visual Analysis Example

In this section, we've laid out two examples of visual analysis essays to show you how it's done effectively. Get inspired and learn from them!

Key Takeaways

Visual analysis essays are fundamental early in your communications and art history studies. Learning how to formally break down art is key, whether you're pursuing a career in art or communications.

Before jumping into analysis, get a solid grasp of the painter's background and life. Analyzing a painting isn't just for fun, as you need to pay attention to the small details the painter might have hidden. Knowing how to do this kind of assignment not only helps you appreciate art more but also lets you deeply understand the media messages you encounter every day. 

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What are the 4 Steps of Visual Analysis?

How to write a formal visual analysis, what is the function of visual analysis.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

writing an essay about a painting

  • Added new sections
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  • Duke University. (n.d.). Visual Analysis . https://twp.duke.edu/sites/twp.duke.edu/files/file-attachments/visual-analysis.original.pdf  
  • Glatstein, J. (2019, December 9). Formal Visual Analysis: The Elements & Principles of Composition . Www.kennedy-Center.org. https://www.kennedy-center.org/education/resources-for-educators/classroom-resources/articles-and-how-tos/articles/educators/visual-arts/formal-visual-analysis-the-elements-and-principles-of-compositoin/  
  • MADA: Visual analysis . (n.d.). Student Academic Success. https://www.monash.edu/student-academic-success/excel-at-writing/annotated-assessment-samples/art-design-and-architecture/mada-visual-analysis  

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Essays About Art: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

Essays about art inspire beauty and creativity; see our top essay picks and prompts to aid you.

Art is an umbrella term for various activities that use human imagination and talents. 

The products from these activities incite powerful feelings as artists convey their ideas, expertise, and experience through art. Examples of art include painting, sculpture, photography, literature, installations, dance, and music.

Art is also a significant part of human history. We learn a lot from the arts regarding what living in a period is like, what events influenced the elements in the artwork, and what led to art’s progress to today.

To help you create an excellent essay about art, we prepared five examples that you can look at:


1. Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? by Linda Nochlin

2. what is art by writer faith, 3. my art taught me… by christine nishiyama, 4. animals and art by ron padgett, 5. the value of art by anonymous on arthistoryproject.com, 1. art that i won’t forget, 2. unconventional arts, 3. art: past and present, 4. my life as an artist, 5. art histories of different cultures, 6. comparing two art pieces, 7. create a reflection essay on a work of art, 8. conduct a visual analysis of an artwork, 9. art period or artist history.

“But in actuality, as we all know, things as they are and as they have been, in the arts as in a hundred other areas, are stultifying, oppressive, and discouraging to all those, women among them, who did not have the good fortune to be born white, preferably middle class, and above all, male. The fault lies not in our stars, our hormones, our menstrual cycles, or our empty internal spaces, but in our institutions and our education–education understood to include everything that happens to us from the moment we enter this world…”

Nochlin goes in-depth to point out women’s part in art history. She focuses on unjust opportunities presented to women compared to their male peers, labeling it the “Woman Problem.” This problem demands a reinterpretation of the situation’s nature and the need for radical change. She persuades women to see themselves as equal subjects deserving of comparable achievements men receive.

Throughout her essay, she delves into the institutional barriers that prevented women from reaching the heights of famous male art icons.

“Art is the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects that can be shared with others. It involves the arranging of elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions and acts as a means of communication with the viewer as it represents the thoughts of the artist.”

The author defines art as a medium to connect with others and an action. She focuses on Jamaican art and the feelings it invokes. She introduces Osmond Watson, whose philosophy includes uplifting the masses and making people aware of their beauty – he explains one of his works, “Peace and Love.” 

“But I’ve felt this way before, especially with my art. And my experience with artmaking has taught me how to get through periods of struggle. My art has taught me to accept where I am today… My art has taught me that whatever marks I make on the page are good enough… My art has taught me that the way through struggle is to acknowledge, accept and share my struggle.”

Nishiyama starts her essay by describing how writing makes her feel. She feels pressured to create something “great” after her maternity leave, causing her to struggle. She says she pens essays to process her experiences as an artist and human, learning alongside the reader. She ends her piece by acknowledging her feelings and using her art to accept them.

“I was saying that sometimes I feel sorry for wild animals, out there in the dark, looking for something to eat while in fear of being eaten. And they have no ballet companies or art museums. Animals of course are not aware of their lack of cultural activities, and therefore do not regret their absence.”

Padgett recounts telling his wife how he thinks it’s unfortunate for animals not to have cultural activities, therefore, can’t appreciate art. He shares the genetic mapping of humans being 99% chimpanzees and is curious about the 1% that makes him human and lets him treasure art. His essay piques readers’ minds, making them interested in how art elevates human life through summoning admiration from lines and colors.

“One of the first questions raised when talking about art is simple — why should we care? Art, especially in the contemporary era, is easy to dismiss as a selfish pastime for people who have too much time on their hands. Creating art doesn’t cure disease, build roads, or feed the poor.”

Because art can easily be dismissed as a pastime, the author lists why it’s precious. It includes exercising creativity, materials used, historical connection, and religious value. 

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9 Prompts on Essays About Art

After knowing more about art, below are easy prompts you can use for your art essay:

Essays About Art: Art that I won't forget

Is there an art piece that caught your attention because of its origin? First, talk about it and briefly summarize its backstory in your essay. Then, explain why it’s something that made an impact on you. For example, you can write about the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile – or is she smiling? You can also put theories on what could have happened while Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.

Rather than focusing on mainstream arts like ballet and painting, focus your essay on unconventional art or something that defies usual pieces, such as avant-garde art. Then, share what you think of this type of art and measure it against other mediums.

How did art change over the centuries? Explain the differences between ancient and modern art and include the factors that resulted in these changes.

Are you an artist? Share your creative process and objectives if you draw, sing, dance, etc. How do you plan to be better at your craft? What is your ultimate goal?

To do this prompt, pick two countries or cultures with contrasting art styles. A great example is Chinese versus European arts. Center your essay on a category, such as landscape paintings. Tell your readers the different elements these cultures consider. What is the basis of their art? What influences their art during that specific period?

Like the previous prompt, write an essay about similar pieces, such as books, folktales, or paintings. You can also compare original and remake versions of movies, broadway musicals, etc.

Pick a piece you want to know more about, then share what you learned through your essay. What did the art make you feel? If you followed creating art, like pottery, write about the step-by-step process, from clay to glazing.

Visual analysis is a way to understand art centered around what the eyes can process. It includes elements like texture, color, line, and scale. For this prompt, find a painting or statue and describe what you see in your essay.

Since art is a broad topic, you can narrow your research by choosing only the most significant moments in art history. For instance, if you pick English art, you can divide each art period by century or by a king’s ruling time. You can also select an artist and discuss their pieces, their art’s backstory, and how it relates to their life at the time.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

How to analyze an artwork: a step-by-step guide

Last Updated on August 16, 2023

This article has been written for high school art students who are working upon a critical study of art, sketchbook annotation or an essay-based artist study. It contains a list of questions to guide students through the process of analyzing visual material of any kind, including drawing, painting, mixed media, graphic design, sculpture, printmaking, architecture, photography, textiles, fashion and so on (the word ‘artwork’ in this article is all-encompassing). The questions include a wide range of specialist art terms, prompting students to use subject-specific vocabulary in their responses. It combines advice from art analysis textbooks as well as from high school art teachers who have first-hand experience teaching these concepts to students.

COPYRIGHT NOTE: This material is available as a printable art analysis PDF handout . This may be used free of charge in a classroom situation. To share this material with others, please use the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. Copying, sharing, uploading or distributing this article (or the PDF) in any other way is not permitted.

READ NEXT: How to make an artist website (and why you need one)

How to analyse a piece of art

Why do we study art?

Almost all high school art students carry out critical analysis of artist work, in conjunction with creating practical work. Looking critically at the work of others allows students to understand compositional devices and then explore these in their own art. This is one of the best ways for students to learn.

Instructors who assign formal analyses want you to look—and look carefully. Think of the object as a series of decisions that an artist made. Your job is to figure out and describe, explain, and interpret those decisions and why the artist may have made them. – The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10

Art analysis tips

  • ‘I like this’ or ‘I don’t like this’ without any further explanation or justification is not analysis . Personal opinions must be supported with explanation, evidence or justification.
  • ‘Analysis of artwork’ does not mean ‘description of artwork’ . To gain high marks, students must move beyond stating the obvious and add perceptive, personal insight. Students should demonstrate higher order thinking – the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesize information and ideas. For example, if color has been used to create strong contrasts in certain areas of an artwork, students might follow this observation with a thoughtful assumption about why this is the case – perhaps a deliberate attempt by the artist to draw attention to a focal point, helping to convey thematic ideas.
Although description is an important part of a formal analysis, description is not enough on its own. You must introduce and contextualize your descriptions of the formal elements of the work so the reader understands how each element influences the work’s overall effect on the viewer.  – Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art 2
  • Cover a range of different visual elements and design principles . It is common for students to become experts at writing about one or two elements of composition, while neglecting everything else – for example, only focusing upon the use of color in every artwork studied. This results in a narrow, repetitive and incomplete analysis of the artwork. Students should ensure that they cover a wide range of art elements and design principles, as well as address context and meaning, where required. The questions below are designed to ensure that students cover a broad range of relevant topics within their analysis.
  • Write alongside the artwork discussed . In almost all cases, written analysis should be presented alongside the work discussed, so that it is clear which artwork comments refer to. This makes it easier for examiners to follow and evaluate the writing.
  • Support writing with visual analysis . It is almost always helpful for high school students to support written material with sketches, drawings and diagrams that help the student understand and analyse the piece of art. This might include composition sketches; diagrams showing the primary structure of an artwork; detailed enlargements of small sections; experiments imitating use of media or technique; or illustrations overlaid with arrows showing leading lines and so on. Visual investigation of this sort plays an important role in many artist studies.
Making sketches or drawings from works of art is the traditional, centuries-old way that artists have learned from each other. In doing this, you will engage with a work and an artist’s approach even if you previously knew nothing about it. If possible do this whenever you can, not from a postcard, the internet or a picture in a book, but from the actual work itself. This is useful because it forces you to look closely at the work and to consider elements you might not have noticed before. – Susie Hodge, How to Look at Art 7

Finally, when writing about art, students should communicate with clarity; demonstrate subject-specific knowledge; use correct terminology; generate personal responses; and reference all content and ideas sourced from others. This is explained in more detail in our article about high school sketchbooks .

What should students write about?

Although each aspect of composition is treated separately in the questions below, students should consider the relationship between visual elements (line, shape, form, value/tone, color/hue, texture/surface, space) and how these interact to form design principles (such as unity, variety, emphasis, dominance, balance, symmetry, harmony, movement, contrast, rhythm, pattern, scale, proportion) to communicate meaning.

As complex as works of art typically are, there are really only three general categories of statements one can make about them. A statement addresses form, content or context (or their various interrelations). – Dr. Robert J. Belton, Art History: A Preliminary Handbook, The University of British Columbia 5
…a formal analysis – the result of looking closely – is an analysis of the form that the artist produces; that is, an analysis of the work of art, which is made up of such things as line, shape, color, texture, mass, composition. These things give the stone or canvas its form, its expression, its content, its meaning. – Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art 2

This video by Dr. Beth Harris, Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Naraelle Hohensee provides an excellent example of how to analyse a piece of art (it is important to note that this video is an example of ‘formal analysis’ and doesn’t include contextual analysis, which is also required by many high school art examination boards, in addition to the formal analysis illustrated here):

Composition analysis: a list of questions

The questions below are designed to facilitate direct engagement with an artwork and to encourage a breadth and depth of understanding of the artwork studied. They are intended to prompt higher order thinking and to help students arrive at well-reasoned analysis.

It is not expected that students answer every question (doing so would result in responses that are excessively long, repetitious or formulaic); rather, students should focus upon areas that are most helpful and relevant for the artwork studied (for example, some questions are appropriate for analyzing a painting, but not a sculpture). The words provided as examples are intended to help students think about appropriate vocabulary to use when discussing a particular topic. Definitions of more complex words have been provided.

Students should not attempt to copy out questions and then answer them; rather the questions should be considered a starting point for writing bullet pointed annotation or sentences in paragraph form.

How to write art analysis


Subject matter / themes / issues / narratives / stories / ideas.

There can be different, competing, and contradictory interpretations of the same artwork. An artwork is not necessarily about what the artist wanted it to be about. – Terry Barrett, Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary 6
Our interest in the painting grows only when we forget its title and take an interest in the things that it does not mention…” – Françoise Barbe-Gall, How to Look at a Painting 8
  • Does the artwork fall within an established genre (i.e. historical; mythical; religious; portraiture; landscape; still life; fantasy; architectural)?
  • Are there any recognisable objects, places or scenes ? How are these presented (i.e. idealized; realistic; indistinct; hidden; distorted; exaggerated; stylized; reflected; reduced to simplified/minimalist form; primitive; abstracted; concealed; suggested; blurred or focused)?
  • Have people been included? What can we tell about them (i.e. identity; age; attire; profession; cultural connections; health; family relationships; wealth; mood/expression)? What can we learn from their pose (i.e. frontal; profile; partly turned; body language)? Where are they looking (i.e. direct eye contact with viewer; downcast; interested in other subjects within the artwork)? Can we work out relationships between figures from the way they are posed?
What do the clothing, furnishings, accessories (horses, swords, dogs, clocks, business ledgers and so forth), background, angle of the head or posture of the head and body, direction of the gaze, and facial expression contribute to our sense of the figure’s social identity (monarch, clergyman, trophy wife) and personality (intense, cool, inviting)? – Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art 2
  • What props and important details are included (drapery; costumes; adornment; architectural elements; emblems; logos; motifs)? How do aspects of setting support the primary subject? What is the effect of including these items within the arrangement (visual unity; connections between different parts of the artwork; directs attention; surprise; variety and visual interest; separates / divides / borders; transformation from one object to another; unexpected juxtaposition)?
If a waiter served you a whole fish and a scoop of chocolate ice cream on the same plate, your surprise might be caused by the juxtaposition , or the side-by-side contrast, of the two foods. – Vocabulary.com
A motif is an element in a composition or design that can be used repeatedly for decorative, structural, or iconographic purposes. A motif can be representational or abstract, and it can be endowed with symbolic meaning. Motifs can be repeated in multiple artworks and often recur throughout the life’s work of an individual artist. – John A. Parks, Universal Principles of Art 11
  • Does the artwork communicate an action, narrative or story (i.e. historical event or illustrate a scene from a story)? Has the arrangement been embellished, set up or contrived?
  • Does the artwork explore movement ? Do you gain a sense that parts of the artwork are about to change, topple or fall (i.e. tension; suspense)? Does the artwork capture objects in motion (i.e. multiple or sequential images; blurred edges; scene frozen mid-action; live performance art; video art; kinetic art)?
  • What kind of abstract elements are shown (i.e. bars; shapes; splashes; lines)? Have these been derived from or inspired by realistic forms? Are they the result of spontaneous, accidental creation or careful, deliberate arrangement?
  • Does the work include the appropriation of work by other artists, such as within a parody or pop art? What effect does this have (i.e. copyright concerns)?
Parody: mimicking the appearance and/or manner of something or someone, but with a twist for comic effect or critical comment, as in Saturday Night Live’s political satires – Dr. Robert J. Belton, Art History: A Preliminary Handbook, The University of British Columbia 5
  • Does the subject captivate an instinctual response , such as items that are informative, shocking or threatening for humans (i.e. dangerous places; abnormally positioned items; human faces; the gaze of people; motion; text)? Heap map tracking has demonstrated that these elements catch our attention, regardless of where they are positioned –  James Gurney writes more about this fascinating topic .
  • What kind of text has been used (i.e. font size; font weight; font family; stenciled; hand-drawn; computer-generated; printed)? What has influenced this choice of text?
  • Do key objects or images have symbolic value or provide a cue to meaning ? How does the artwork convey deeper, conceptual themes (i.e. allegory; iconographic elements; signs; metaphor; irony)?
Allegory is a device whereby abstract ideas can be communicated using images of the concrete world. Elements, whether figures or objects, in a painting or sculpture are endowed with symbolic meaning. Their relationships and interactions combine to create more complex meanings. – John A. Parks, Universal Principles of Art 11
An iconography is a particular range or system of types of image used by an artist or artists to convey particular meanings. For example in Christian religious painting there is an iconography of images such as the lamb which represents Christ, or the dove which represents the Holy Spirit. – Tate.org.uk
  • What tone of voice does the artwork have (i.e. deliberate; honest; autobiographical; obvious; direct; unflinching; confronting; subtle; ambiguous; uncertain; satirical; propagandistic)?
  • What is your emotional response to the artwork? What is the overall mood (i.e positive; energetic; excitement; serious; sedate; peaceful; calm; melancholic; tense; uneasy; uplifting; foreboding; calm; turbulent)? Which subject matter choices help to communicate this mood (i.e. weather and lighting conditions; color of objects and scenes)?
  • Does the title change the way you interpret the work?
  • Were there any design constraints relating to the subject matter or theme/s (i.e. a sculpture commissioned to represent a specific subject, place or idea)?
  • Are there thematic connections with your own project? What can you learn from the way the artist has approached this subject?

Wider contexts

All art is in part about the world in which it emerged. – Terry Barrett, Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary 6
  • Supported by research, can you identify when, where and why the work was created and its original intention or purpose (i.e. private sale; commissioned for a specific owner; commemorative; educational; promotional; illustrative; decorative; confrontational; useful or practical utility; communication; created in response to a design brief; private viewing; public viewing)? In what way has this background influenced the outcome (i.e. availability of tools, materials or time; expectations of the patron / audience)?
  • Where is the place of construction or design site and how does this influence the artwork (i.e. reflects local traditions, craftsmanship, or customs; complements surrounding designs; designed to accommodate weather conditions / climate; built on historic site)? Was the artwork originally located somewhere different?
  • Which events and surrounding environments have influenced this work (i.e. natural events; social movements such as feminism; political events, economic situations, historic events, religious settings, cultural events)? What effect did these have?
  • Is the work characteristic of an artistic style, movement or time period ? Has it been influenced by trends, fashions or ideologies ? How can you tell?
  • Can you make any relevant connections or comparisons with other artworks ? Have other artists explored a similar subject in a similar way? Did this occur before or after this artwork was created?
  • Can you make any relevant connections to other fields of study or expression (i.e. geography, mathematics, literature, film, music, history or science)?
  • Which key biographical details about the artist are relevant in understanding this artwork (upbringing and personal situation; family and relationships; psychological state; health and fitness; socioeconomic status; employment; ethnicity; culture; gender; education, religion; interests, attitudes, values and beliefs)?
  • Is this artwork part of a larger body of work ? Is this typical of the work the artist is known for?
  • How might your own upbringing, beliefs and biases distort your interpretation of the artwork? Does your own response differ from the public response, that of the original audience and/or  interpretation by critics ?
  • How do these wider contexts compare to the contexts surrounding your own work?


  • What is the overall size, shape and orientation of the artwork (i.e. vertical, horizontal, portrait, landscape or square)? Has this format been influenced by practical considerations (i.e. availability of materials; display constraints ; design brief restrictions; screen sizes; common aspect ratios in film or photography such as 4:3 or 2:3; or paper sizes such as A4, A3, A2, A1)?
  • How do images fit within the frame (cropped; truncated; shown in full)? Why is this format appropriate for the subject matter?
  • Are different parts of the artwork physically separate, such as within a diptych or triptych ?
  • Where are the boundaries of the artwork (i.e. is the artwork self-contained; compact; intersecting; sprawling)?
  • Is the artwork site-specific or designed to be displayed across multiple locations or environments?
  • Does the artwork have a fixed, permanent format, or was it  modified, moved or adjusted over time ? What causes such changes (i.e. weather and exposure to the elements – melting, erosion, discoloration, decaying, wind movement, surface abrasion; structural failure – cracking, breaking; damage caused by unpredictable events, such as fire or vandalism; intentional movement, such as rotation or sensor response; intentional impermanence, such as an installation assembled for an exhibition and removed afterwards; viewer interaction; additions, renovations and restoration by subsequent artists or users; a project so expansive it takes years to construct)? How does this change affect the artwork? Are there stylistic variances between parts?
  • Is the artwork viewed from one angle or position, or are dynamic viewpoints and serial vision involved? (Read more about Gordon Cullen’s concept of serial vision here ).
  • How does the scale and format of the artwork relate to the environment where it is positioned, used, installed or hung (i.e. harmonious with landscape typography; sensitive to adjacent structures; imposing or dwarfed by surroundings; human scale)? Is the artwork designed to be viewed from one vantage point (i.e. front facing; viewed from below; approached from a main entrance; set at human eye level) or many? Are images taken from the best angle?
  • Would a similar format benefit your own project? Why / why not?

Structure / layout

  • Has the artwork been organised using a formal system of arrangement or mathematical proportion (i.e. rule of thirds; golden ratio or spiral; grid format; geometric; dominant triangle; or circular composition) or is the arrangement less predictable (i.e. chaotic, random, accidental, fragmented, meandering, scattered; irregular or spontaneous)? How does this system of arrangement help with the communication of ideas? Can you draw a diagram to show the basic structure of the artwork?
  • Can you see a clear intention with alignment and positioning of parts within the artwork (i.e. edges aligned; items spaced equally; simple or complex arrangement; overlapping, clustered or concentrated objects; dispersed, separate items; repetition of forms; items extending beyond the frame; frames within frames; bordered perimeter or patterned edging; broken borders)? What effect do these visual devices have (i.e. imply hierarchy; help the viewer understand relationships between parts of artwork; create rhythm)?
  • Does the artwork have a primary axis of symmetry (vertical, diagonal, horizontal)? Can you locate a center of balance? Is the artwork symmetrical, asymmetrical (i.e. stable), radial, or intentionally unbalanced (i.e. to create tension or unease)?
  • Can you draw a diagram to illustrate emphasis and dominance (i.e. ‘blocking in’ mass, where the ‘heavier’ dominant forms appear in the composition)? Where are dominant items located within the frame?
  • How do your eyes move through the composition?
  • Could your own artwork use a similar organisational structure?
  • What types of linear mark-making are shown (thick; thin; short; long; soft; bold; delicate; feathery; indistinct; faint; irregular; intermittent; freehand; ruled; mechanical; expressive; loose; blurred; dashing; cross-hatching; meandering; gestural, fluid; flowing; jagged; spiky; sharp)? What atmosphere, moods, emotions or ideas do these evoke?
  • Are there any interrupted, suggested or implied lines (i.e. lines that can’t literally be seen, but the viewer’s brain connects the dots between separate elements)?
  • Repeating lines : may simulate material qualities, texture, pattern or rhythm;
  • Boundary lines : may segment, divide or separate different areas;
  • Leading lines : may manipulate the viewer’s gaze, directing vision or lead the eye to focal points ( eye tracking studies indicate that our eyes leap from one point of interest to another, rather than move smoothly or predictably along leading lines 9 . Lines may nonetheless help to establish emphasis by ‘pointing’ towards certain items );
  • Parallel lines : may create a sense of depth or movement through space within a landscape;
  • Horizontal lines : may create a sense of stability and permanence;
  • Vertical lines : may suggest height, reaching upwards or falling;
  • Intersecting perpendicular lines : may suggest rigidity, strength;
  • Abstract lines : may balance the composition, create contrast or emphasis;
  • Angular / diagonal lines : may suggest tension or unease;
  • Chaotic lines : may suggest a sense of agitation or panic;
  • Underdrawing, construction lines or contour lines : describe form ( learn more about contour lines in our article about line drawing );
  • Curving / organic lines : may suggest nature, peace, movement or energy.
  • What is the relationship between line and three-dimensional form? Are  outlines used to define form and edges?
  • Would it be appropriate to use line in a similar way within your own artwork?

leading lines - composition

Shape and form

  • Can you identify a dominant visual language within the shapes and forms shown (i.e. geometric; angular; rectilinear; curvilinear; organic; natural; fragmented; distorted; free-flowing; varied; irregular; complex; minimal)? Why is this visual language appropriate?
  • How are the edges of forms treated (i.e. do they fade away or blur at the edges, as if melting into the page; ripped or torn; distinct and hard-edged; or, in the words of James Gurney, 9 do they ‘dissolve into sketchy lines, paint strokes or drips’)?
  • Are there any three-dimensional forms or relief elements within the artwork, such as carved pieces, protruding or sculptural elements? How does this affect the viewing of the work from different angles?
  • Is there a variety or repetition of shapes/forms? What effect does this have (i.e. repetition may reinforce ideas, balance composition and/or create harmony / visual unity; variety may create visual interest or overwhelm the viewer with chaos)?
  • How are shapes organised in relation to each other, or with the frame of the artwork (i.e. grouped; overlapping; repeated; echoed; fused edges; touching at tangents; contrasts in scale or size; distracting or awkward junctions)?
  • Are silhouettes (external edges of objects) considered?
All shapes have silhouettes, and vision research has shown that one of the first tasks of perception is to be able to sort out the silhouette shapes of each of the elements in a scene. – James Gurney, Imaginative Realism 9
  • Are forms designed with ergonomics and human scale in mind?
Ergonomics: an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely – Merriam-webster.com
  • Can you identify which forms are functional or structural , versus ornamental or decorative ?
  • Have any forms been disassembled, ‘cut away’ or exposed , such as a sectional drawing? What is the purpose of this (i.e. to explain construction methods; communicate information; dramatic effect)?
  • Would it be appropriate to use shape and form in a similar way within your own artwork?

Value / tone / light

  • Has a wide tonal range been used in the artwork (i.e. a broad range of darks, highlights and mid-tones) or is the tonal range limited (i.e. pale and faint; subdued; dull; brooding and dark overall; strong highlights and shadows, with little mid-tone values)? What is the effect of this?
  • Where are the light sources within the artwork or scene? Is there a single consistent light source or multiple sources of light (sunshine; light bulbs; torches; lamps; luminous surfaces)? What is the effect of these choices (i.e. mimics natural lighting conditions at a certain time of day or night; figures lit from the side to clarify form; contrasting background or spot-lighting used to accentuate a focal area; soft and diffused lighting used to mute contrasts and minimize harsh shadows; dappled lighting to signal sunshine broken by surrounding leaves; chiaroscuro used to exaggerate theatrical drama and impact; areas cloaked in darkness to minimize visual complexity; to enhance our understanding of narrative, mood or meaning)?
One of the most important ways in which artists can use light to achieve particular effects is in making strong contrasts between light and dark. This contrast is often described as chiaroscuro . – Matthew Treherne, Analysing Paintings, University of Leeds 3
  • Are representations of three-dimensional objects and figures flat or tonally  modeled ? How do different tonal values change from one to the next (i.e. gentle, smooth gradations; abrupt tonal bands)?
  • Are there any unusual, reflective or transparent surfaces, mediums or materials which reflect or transmit light in a special way?
  • Has tone been used to help communicate atmospheric perspective (i.e. paler and bluer as objects get further away)?
  • Are gallery or environmental light sources where the artwork is displayed fixed or fluctuating? Does the work appear different when viewed at different times of day? How does this affect your interpretation of the work?
  • Are shadows depicted within the artwork? What is the effect of these shadows (i.e. anchors objects to the page; creates the illusion of depth and space; creates dramatic contrasts)?
  • Do sculptural protrusions or relief elements catch the light and/or create cast shadows or pockets of shadow upon the artwork? How does this influence the viewer’s experience?
  • How has tone been used to help direct the viewer’s attention to focal areas?
  • Would it be appropriate to use value / tone in a similar way within your own artwork? Why / why not?

Color / hue

  • Can you view the true color of the artwork (i.e. are you viewing a low-quality reproduction or examining the artwork in poor lighting)?
  • Which  color schemes have been used within the artwork (i.e. harmonious; complementary; primary; monochrome; earthy; warm; cool/cold)? Has the artist used a broad or limited color palette (i.e. variety or unity)? Which colors dominate?
  • How would you describe the intensity of the colors (vibrant; bright; vivid; glowing; pure; saturated; strong; dull; muted; pale; subdued; bleached; diluted)?
  • Are colors transparent or opaque ? Can you see reflected color?
  • Has color contrast been used within the artwork (i.e. extreme contrasts; juxtaposition of complementary colors; garish / clashing / jarring)? Are there any abrupt color changes or unexpected uses of color?
  • What is the effect of these color choices (i.e. expressing symbolic or thematic ideas; descriptive or realistic depiction of local color; emphasizing focal areas; creating the illusion of aerial perspective; relationships with colors in surrounding environment; creating balance; creating rhythm/pattern/repetition; unity and variety within the artwork; lack of color places emphasis upon shape, detail and form)? What kind of atmosphere do these colors create?
It is often said that warm colors (red, orange, yellow) come forward and produce a sense of excitement (yellow is said to suggest warmth and happiness, as in the smiley face), whereas cool colors (blue, green) recede and have a calming effect. Experiments, however, have proved inconclusive; the response to color – despite clichés about seeing red or feeling blue – is highly personal, highly cultural, highly varied. – Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art 2
  • Would it be appropriate to use color in a similar way within your own artwork?

Texture / surface / pattern

  • Are there any interesting textural, tactile or surface qualities within the artwork (i.e. bumpy; grooved; indented; scratched; stressed; rough; smooth; shiny; varnished; glassy; glossy; polished; matte; sandy; grainy; gritted; leathery; spiky; silky)? How are these created (i.e. inherent qualities of materials; impasto mediums; sculptural materials; illusions or implied texture , such as cross-hatching; finely detailed and intricate areas; organic patterns such as foliage or small stones; repeating patterns ; ornamentation)?
  • How are textural or patterned elements positioned and what effect does this have (i.e. used intermittently to provide variety; repeating pattern creates rhythm ; patterns broken create focal points ; textured areas create visual links and unity between separate areas of the artwork; balance between detailed/textured areas and simpler areas; glossy surface creates a sense of luxury; imitation of texture conveys information about a subject, i.e. softness of fur or strands of hair)?
  • Would it be appropriate to use texture / surface in a similar way within your own artwork?
Industrial and architectural landscapes are particularly concerned with the arrangement of geometries and form in space… Dr. Ben Guy, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment using CGI Digital Twins, Urban CGI 12
  • Is the pictorial space shallow or deep? How does the artwork create the illusion of depth (i.e. layering of foreground, middle-ground, background ; overlapping of objects; use of shadows to anchor objects; positioning of items in relationship to the horizon line; linear perspective ( learn more about one point perspective here ); tonal modeling; relationships with adjacent objects and those in close proximity – including the human form – to create a sense of scale ; spatial distortions or optical illusions; manipulating scale of objects to create ‘surrealist’ spaces where true scale is unknown)?
  • Has an unusual viewpoint been used (i.e. worm’s view; aerial view, looking out a window or through a doorway; a scene reflected in a mirror or shiny surface; looking through leaves; multiple viewpoints combined)? What is the effect of this viewpoint (i.e. allows certain parts of the scene to be dominant and overpowering or squashed, condensed and foreshortened ; or suggests a narrative between two separate spaces ; provides more information about a space than would normally be seen)?
  • Is the emphasis upon mass or void ? How densely arranged are components within the artwork or picture plane? What is the relationship between object and surrounding space (i.e. compact / crowded / busy / densely populated, with little surrounding space; spacious; careful interplay between positive and negative space; objects clustered to create areas of visual interest)? What is the effect of this (i.e. creates a sense of emptiness or isolation; business / visual clutter creates a feeling of chaos or claustrophobia)?
  • How does the artwork engage with real space – in and around the artwork (i.e. self-contained; closed off; eye contact with viewer; reaching outwards)? Is the viewer expected to move through the artwork? What is the relationship between interior and exterior space ? What connections or contrasts occur between inside and out? Is it comprised of a series of separate or linked spaces?
  • Would it be appropriate to use space in a similar way within your own artwork?

Use of media / materials

  • What materials and mediums has the artwork been constructed from? Have materials been concealed or presented deceptively (i.e. is there an authenticity / honesty of materials; are materials celebrated; is the structure visible or exposed )? Why were these mediums selected (weight; color; texture; size; strength; flexibility; pliability; fragility; ease of use; cost; cultural significance; durability; availability; accessibility)? Would other mediums have been appropriate?
  • Which skills, techniques, methods and processes were used (i.e. traditional; conventional; industrial; contemporary; innovative)? It is important to note that the examiners do not want the regurgitation of long, technical processes, but rather to see personal observations about how processes effect and influence the artwork in question. Would replicating part of the artwork help you gain a better understanding of the processes used?
  • Painting: gesso ground > textured mediums > underdrawing > blocking in colors > defining form > final details;
  • Architecture: brief > concepts > development > working drawings > foundations > structure > cladding > finishes;
  • Graphic design: brief > concepts > development > Photoshop > proofing > printing.
  • How does the use of media help the artist to communicate ideas?
  • Are these methods useful for your own project?

Finally, remember that these questions are a guide only and are intended to make you start to think critically about the art you are studying and creating.

How to analyse your own artwork

Further Reading

If you enjoyed this article you may also like our article about high school sketchbooks (which includes a section about sketchbook annotation). If you are looking for more assistance with how to write an art analysis essay you may like our series about writing an artist study .


[1] A guide for Analyzing Works of Art; Sculpture and Painting, Durantas

[2] A Short Guide to Writing About Art , Sylvan Barnet (2014) (Amazon affiliate link)

[3] Analysing Paintings , Matthew Treherne, University of Leeds

[4] Writing in Art and Art History , The University of Vermont

[5] Art History: A Preliminary Handbook , Dr. Robert J. Belton, The University of British Columbia (1996)

[6] Criticizing Art: Understanding the Contemporary , Terry Barrett (2011) (Amazon affiliate link)

[7] How to Look at Art , Susie Hodge (2015) (Amazon affiliate link)

[8] How to Look at a Painting , Françoise Barbe-Gall (2011) (Amazon affiliate link)

[9] Imaginative Realism: How to Paint What Doesn’t Exist James Gurney (2009) (Amazon affiliate link)

[10] Art History , The Writing Centre, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

[11] Universal Principles of Art: 100 Key Concepts for Understanding, Analyzing and Practicing Art , John A. Parks (2014) (Amazon affiliate link)

[12] Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment using CGI Digital Twins , Dr. Ben Guy, Urban CGI (2023)

Amiria Gale

Amiria has been an Art & Design teacher and a Curriculum Co-ordinator for seven years, responsible for the course design and assessment of student work in two high-achieving Auckland schools. She has a Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Bachelor of Architecture (First Class Honours) and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching. Amiria is a CIE Accredited Art & Design Coursework Assessor.


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What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

What is a compare / contrast essay.

In Art History and Appreciation, contrast / compare essays allow us to examine the features of two or more artworks.

  • Comparison -- points out similarities in the two artworks
  • Contrast -- points out the differences in the two artworks

Why would you want to write this type of essay?

  • To inform your reader about characteristics of each art piece.
  • To show a relationship between different works of art.
  • To give your reader an insight into the process of artistic invention.
  • Use your assignment sheet from your class to find specific characteristics that your professor wants you to compare.

How is Writing a Compare / Contrast Essay in Art History Different from Other Subjects?

You should use art vocabulary to describe your subjects..

  • Find art terms in your textbook or an art glossary or dictionary

You should have an image of the works you are writing about in front of you while you are writing your essay.

  • The images should be of  high enough quality that you can see the small details of the works. 
  • You will use them when describing visual details of each art work.

Works of art are highly influenced by the culture, historical time period and movement in which they were created.

  • You should gather information about these BEFORE you start writing your essay.

If you describe a characteristic of one piece of art, you must describe how the OTHER piece of art treats that characteristic.

Example:  You are comparing a Greek amphora with a sculpture from the Tang Dynasty in China.

Greek amphora

If you point out that the color palette of the amphora is limited to black, white and red, you must also write about the colors used in the horse sculpture.

Organizing Your Essay

Thesis statement.

The thesis for a comparison/contrast essay will present the subjects under consideration and indicate whether the focus will be on their similarities, on their differences, or both.

Thesis example using the amphora and horse sculpture -- Differences:

While they are both made from clay, the Greek amphora and the Tang Dynasty horse served completely different functions in their respective cultures.

Thesis example -- Similarities:

Ancient Greek and Tang Dynasty ceramics have more in common than most people realize.

Thesis example -- Both:

The Greek amphora and the Tang Dynasty horse were used in different ways in different parts of the world, but they have similarities that may  not be apparent to the casual viewer.

Visualizing a Compare & Contrast Essay: 

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs) .

  • Creates interest in your essay
  • Introduces the two art works that you will be comparing.
  • States your thesis, which mentions the art works you are considering and may indicate whether the focus will be on similarities, differences, or both. 

Body paragraphs 

  • Make and explain a point about the first subject and then about the second subject 
  • Example: While both superheroes fight crime, their motivation is vastly different. Superman is an idealist, who fights for justice …… while Batman is out for vengeance. 

Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs) 

  • Provides a satisfying finish 
  • Leaves your reader with a strong final impression. 

Downloadable Essay Guide

  • How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay in Art History Downloadable version of the description on this LibGuide.

Questions to Ask Yourself After You Have Finished Your Essay

  • Are all the important points of comparison or contrast included and explained in enough detail?
  • Have you addressed all points that your professor specified in your assignment?
  • Do you use transitions to connect your arguments so that your essay flows into a coherent whole, rather than just a random collection of statements?
  • Do your arguments support your thesis statement?

Art Terminology

  • British National Gallery: Art Glossary Includes entries on artists, art movements, techniques, etc.

Lee College Writing Center

Writing Center tutors can help you with any writing assignment for any class from the time you receive the assignment instructions until you turn it in, including:

  • Brainstorming ideas
  • MLA / APA formats
  • Grammar and paragraph unity
  • Thesis statements
  • Second set of eyes before turning in

Contact a tutor:

  • Phone: 281-425-6534
  • Email:  w [email protected]
  • Schedule a web appointment: https://lee.mywconline.com/

Other Compare / Contrast Writing Resources

  • Southwestern University Guide for Writing About Art This easy to follow guide explains the basic of writing an art history paper.
  • Purdue Online Writing Center: writing essays in art history Describes how to write an art history Compare and Contrast paper.
  • Stanford University: a brief guide to writing in art history See page 24 of this document for an explanation of how to write a compare and contrast essay in art history.
  • Duke University: writing about paintings Downloadable handout provides an overview of areas you should cover when you write about paintings, including a list of questions your essay should answer.
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Art Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Art Essay Examples to Get You Inspired - Top 10 Samples

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

art essay examples

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Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your art essay? Or are you looking for examples to help guide you in the right direction? 

Look no further, as we have got you covered!

In this blog, we provide a range of art writing examples that cover different art forms, time periods, and themes. Whether you're interested in the classics or contemporary art, we have something for everyone. These examples offer insight into how to structure your essay, analyze art pieces, and write compelling arguments.

So, let's explore our collection of art essay examples and take the first step toward becoming a better art writer!

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Good Art Essay Examples

In the following section, we will examine a selection of art essay examples that are inspiring for various academic levels.

College Art Essay Examples

Let’s take a look at college art essay examples below:  

The Intersection of Art and Politics: An Analysis of Picasso's Guernica

The Role of Nature in American Art: A Comparative Study

University Art Essay Examples

University-level art essay assignments often differ in length and complexity. Here are two examples:

Gender and Identity in Contemporary Art: A Comparative Study

Art and Activism: The Role of Street Art in Political Movements

A Level Art Essay Examples

Below are some art paper examples A level. Check out: 

The Use Of Color In Wassily Kandinsky's Composition Viii

The Influence of African Art on Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles D'avignon

A Level Fine Art Essay Examples

If you're a student of fine arts, these A-level fine arts examples can serve as inspiration for your own work.

The Use Of Texture In Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night

Exploring Identity Through Portraiture: A Comparative Study

Art Essay Examples IELTS 

The Impact of Art on Mental Health

The Effects of Technology on Art And Creativity

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AP Art Essay Examples

A Comparison of Neoclassical and Romantic Art

An Examination Of The Effects Of Globalization On Contemporary Art

Types of Art Essay with Examples

Art essays can be categorized into different types. Let's take a brief look at these types with examples:

Art Criticism Essay : A critical essay analyzing and evaluating an artwork, its elements, and its meaning.

The Persistence of Memory" by Salvador Dali: A Critical Analysis

Art History Essay: A comprehensive essay that examines the historical context, development, and significance of an artwork or art movement.

The Renaissance: A Rebirth of Artistic Expression

Exhibition Review: A review of an art exhibition that evaluates the quality and significance of the artwork on display.

A Review of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Exhibition

Contemporary Art Essay: An essay that explores and analyzes contemporary art and its cultural and social context.

The Intersection of Technology and Art in Contemporary Society

Modern Art Essay: An essay that examines modern art and its significance in the development of modernism.

Cubism and its Influence on Modern Art [insert pdf]

Art Theory Essay: An essay that analyzes and critiques various theories and approaches to art.

Feminist Art Theory: A Critical Analysis of its Impact on Contemporary Art [insert pdf]

Additional Art Essay Example

Let’s take a brief look at some added art essay samples:

Artwork Essay Example

Artist Essay Example

Advanced Higher Art Essay Example

Common Art Essay Prompts

Here are some common art essay topics that you may encounter during your coursework:

  • Describe a piece of artwork that has inspired you.
  • A comparative analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David.
  • Analyze the cultural significance of a particular art movement.
  • Discuss the relationship between art and politics.
  • Compare and contrast two works of art from different time periods or cultures.
  • The representation of identity in art
  • The Evolution of Artists' Paintings:
  • From Traditional to Contemporary Art
  • The representation of identity in Frida Kahlo's self-portraits.
  • The significance of oil on canvas in the history of art.
  • The significance of the Mona Lisa in the Italian Renaissance

Art Essay Topics IELTS

Here are some art essay topics for IELTS students. Take a look: 

  • The value of art education.
  • The role of museums in preserving art and culture.
  • The impact of globalization on contemporary art.
  • The influence of technology on art and artists.
  • The significance of public art in urban environments.

Tips For Writing a Successful Art Essay

Here are some tips for writing a stand-out art essay:

  • Develop a clear thesis statement that guides your essay: Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely state the main argument of your essay.
  • Conduct thorough research and analysis of the artwork you are writing about : This includes examining the visual elements of the artwork, researching the artist, and considering the historical significance.
  • Use formal and precise language to discuss the artwork: Avoid using colloquial language and instead focus on using formal language to describe the artwork.
  • Include specific examples from the artwork to support your arguments: Use specific details from the artwork to back up your analysis.
  • Avoid personal bias and subjective language: Your essay should be objective and avoid using personal opinions or subjective language.
  • Consider the historical and cultural context of the artwork: Analyze the artwork in the context of the time period and cultural context in which they were created.
  • Edit and proofread your essay carefully before submitting it: Ensure your essay is well-organized, coherent, and free of grammatical errors and typos.
  • Use proper citation format when referencing sources: Follow the appropriate citation style guidelines and give credit to all sources used in your essay.
  • Be concise and focused in your writing: Stick to your main thesis statement and avoid going off-topic or including irrelevant information.
  • Read your essay aloud to ensure clarity and coherence: Reading your essay out loud can help you identify inconsistencies or any other mistakes.

The Bottom Line!

We hope that the art essay examples we've explored have provided you with inspiration for your own essay. Art offers endless possibilities for analysis, and your essay is a chance to showcase your unique opinions.

Use these examples as a guide to craft an essay that reflects your personality while demonstrating your knowledge of the subject.

Short on time? Let CollegeEssay.org help you! All you have to do is to ask our experts, " write college essay for me " and they'll help you secure top grades in college.

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Cathy A. (Literature)

For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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Art Essay Writing Guide

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of an art essay?

Generally, an art essay is an essay that talks about art in sculpture, paintings, architecture, music and portraits.

These kinds of essays are used for:

  • Painting visual pictures: an art essay is an essay that showcases visual arts and creative ideas that people have come up with.
  • Improving creativity: the whole purpose of art essays is to provide a platform for students to tap into their creative side and vividly paint a picture of a certain image using words.

art essay writing

Art essay topic choice

Like every other essay, there are general tips that should be considered when coming up with an art essay writing topic.

  • The type of art: this may include a painting, a sculpture or just a simple hand diagram. The type of art is important as it sets out what you are supposed to write about.
  • What intrigues you about the art: this is the most important part of the essay. The whole art essay is based on what you want others to know about the piece of art.
  • Personal interests: what you, as a writer, love is very important as it narrows down the topic. It is easier to write on topics that are well-known to you.

There are a number of art essay writing topics to choose from.

Below is a list of topics for an art essay

  • Differences between Picasso’s concepts and Matisse’s
  • The history of art in the Netherlands
  • Differences between Bernini and Borromini
  • The inspiration behind famous painting
  • The Mona Lisa
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Ancient Roman structures
  • The sculptures of nude women
  • Impressionism era of art in Netherlands
  • The graphics of modern day art
  • Insinuations behind ‘The Thinker’
  • The Pieta of Michelangelo
  • The contribution of Vincent Van Gogh and Piet Mondrian
  • Flemish Baroque in the 17th century.

The above are some of the good topics for an art essay.

Structure of an art essay

The art essay topics determine the kind of structure to build on. However, most have a standard art essay structure.

Sample of art essay outline


The Mona Lisa is one of the most known paintings in the world. This is the painting of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco Del Giocondo, believed to have been painted in the 16th century. It is the work of Leonardo da Vinci and it was purchased by King Francis I. The Mona Lisa is currently under the ownership of the French government.

Thesis statement

The Mona Lisa has had a great impact towards the contribution of art in France:

(i)    It is one of the most famous paintings in the world. The Mona Lisa is the painting that everyone wants to see. It is so precious that only a copy of it is actually showcased in the museum.

(ii)    It has led to the growth of art. The Mona Lisa has inspired artists all over France. There has been a rise of many artists including Camille Pissarro, a painter, and Etienne-Jules Marey, a photographer.

It is clear that the Mona Lisa is the soft spot in France. The French take pride in it and have used it to improve their lives. Besides its contribution to art, it has also placed France among the leading countries that celebrate art. This has therefore created a culture of being drawn to art and it is reflected in their way of life.

The above is a sample of outline for an art essay.

art essay tips

Arts essay tips on writing the introduction

An art essay introduction identifies the art and the artist. Art is diverse, as it could be sculptures, architecture, performing arts or paintings in it. This is where you state why you chose that topic.  It also contains a history of the said art and brief details, like who the artist is, the year, the location, etc.

The introduction for an art essay states the thesis. It may be a general statement about the art or a specific aspect of it.

Tips on thesis writing

The thesis statement should be simple and easy to write about. Too complex statements tend to be confusing.

  • Pick a statement that is closer to your understanding.
  • Ensure it is as simple as possible.
  • To avoid irrelevancy, one can have an art essay draft that they can build on.

Tips on the body (transitions, paragraphs, and length)

This is the main part of the essay where you derive analysis based on your point of view.  Describe why the art is so appealing to you. Ensure that your defense covers an angle that has not already been covered for uniqueness. For example, one can focus only on the strokes of a portrait. However, ensure that what you describe is relevant to the thesis of your art essay topics.

The essay should not be too long. The sentence construction should also be well done. For this reason, it is advisable to have your points arranged into paragraphs. Ensure that each paragraph is independent and speaks volumes. This ensures that the art essay hooks the reader.

The transition from one paragraph to the next should also be smooth. Using cliché transitions makes the essay boring; therefore, you need to be creative.

Tips on conclusion writing

In an art essay conclusion, one needs to state their opinion. What you think the artists` feelings were and why they decided to paint it the way they did. At this point, you can state the events that contributed to the artist coming up with that art. The conclusion for an art essay requires a lot of research into the background of both the art and the artist(s). For this reason, the references and sources of the information should be cited.

Advice for writers

In art essay writing it is important to first do your research. Art is so diverse and this can be sometimes confusing. The topic to write on should be related to your interests, for example, as a musician, you would find it easier to write about performing arts and music. Besides this, do not plagiarize any work done. Cite and state all sources, making sure that you observe all rules of patent and copyrights.

For you to be a good writer, these art essay tips will be very helpful.  The best writer is the one who admits to being in a need of help. The art essay writing guide can also be used to find more about art essay writing steps. Different sources could give different art essay outlines so you need to be careful.

Finalizing the essay

After writing the art essay, it is important to have a clean essay. This calls for proofreading and editing. Proofreading ensures that you do not have any grammatical errors, the art essay outlining is as required, your sentence construction is good and the language used is the required one. Some sites offer art essay writing guide for use when one gets stuck.  Proofreading also ensures that the art essay structure is followed. After this is done, ensure that the format used is correct whether APA, MLA or Chicago.

writing an essay about a painting

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Art Critique Examples & Essay Writing Guide

Art is an integral part of the human experience, as it inspires and helps us develop a sense of beauty. It can catch you off guard during a visit to an art gallery or on a forest walk in the autumn. Even such a mundane thing as a sunset can invoke expressive feelings you can’t quite explain. And oftentimes, the emotion spectrum of a painted sunset differs from a photograph. However, writing your critique review about art can be more challenging than admiring it.

Don’t stress and fret if you get an art critique assignment and need to improve your skills. Our team has created a guide that contains everything you need to know about writing this type of essay. We will also explain its four components and provide art critique examples that can inspire your own writing.

🎭 What Is an Art Criticism Essay?

  • 🖼️ How to Write an Art Critique
  • 🧐 10 Questions to Ask
  • 👩‍🎨 Tips for Writing Art Criticism

🎨 Artwork Critique Examples

  • 💡 Essay Topic Ideas

📎 References

“Why do you even need to criticize art?” is a legitimate question that you might be asking. Isn’t it enough that someone spent their time and made something? What’s the point of breaking down their work?

While it is true that the word “critique” evokes negative associations, there is more to it than just pointing out an artwork’s flaws. A well put criticism allows you, your audience, and the artist themselves to see the work from a different angle.

An art critic is someone who appreciates art, except for any particular piece of art – Robert Breault.

A good critique paper provides several things:

  • An outside opinion of the work. Despite the common misconception, artists love to discuss their creations and those of their peers. A critique provides valuable data for their subsequent artistic pursuits and may point towards things artists didn’t consider because of their limited scope of work.
  • A better understanding of one’s skills. A well-written art critique never seeks to tear down its subject. Instead, it serves as an assessment of the person’s artistic skills . A good analysis helps them pay attention to unexplored parts of their work.
  • A new perspective. An artist can grow only when they know what needs improvement. Listening to praise all the time limits their development. A critical paper can point them in a better direction without being obnoxious or judgmental.
  • A more profound sense of community. An art critique helps artists develop and see themselves from the other side. It makes them more open to discussing their opinions and values. That gives them a better understanding of what motivates and guides others.

An art critique is an outside opinion of the creator’s work that helps them improve their style and techniques. A well-made art critique tells what other people think of the artist’s efforts and draws attention to issues that must be solved, which leads to better professional and personal growth. Additionally, it lets us understand the work of old masters on a deeper level, evaluating where they succeeded or failed.

🖼️ Guide: How to Write an Art Critique

When you get down to basics, criticizing a creative work is also an art form in itself. That’s why students often struggle to describe works of art, especially if it’s their first time doing so.

How to write an art critique: 4 main steps.

When working on a critique, you must include several components we’ll cover later:

  • Description of the work.
  • Artist’s intentions and analysis.
  • Response and interpretation.
  • Conclusions and evaluation.

This approach is also known as the Feldman model and is widely used in art. Let’s look at each part and its role in writing an excellent art critique.

Description of the Work

When making an art critique, examining the subject thoroughly is essential. Your first impression and initial response to the piece are critical, so take the time to absorb it. When evaluating an artwork, learn about its background (author, significance, prominent motifs , and techniques.) You can also discuss the work’s medium, brushstrokes, color scheme, or any other relevant details.

Next, address the content of the work: the scene, figures, and objects depicted on the canvas or in the sculpture. You can mention the size of the work, texture, lines, composition, and perspective. If you’re looking for excellent art to examine, check out Caravaggio’s The Calling of St. Matthew . It’s a masterpiece that combines light, shadow, expressions, and movement to tell a story in a single frame.

Artist’s Intentions & Analysis

After you’re done admiring the piece, it’s time to determine what makes it work. When going through your visual findings, try answering the reason behind their use. For example, why did the artist use a particular type of paint or composed the frame in a certain way? It helps to establish an artist’s intent behind their work.

To make a comprehensive art criticism essay, look at the larger context. Learn about the artist, what drove them to create, and the biggest influences on their work. This helps better understand why they chose to create a particular piece during a certain artistic period. For example, Carravagio made some of his best paintings as church commissions, hence the wide use of Christian symbolism in many of his works.

Response & Interpretation

Art critique essays often hyperfocus on the artist and their work, forgetting that, ultimately, spectators are the ones experiencing it. In this part of the analysis, share what feelings the painting or sculpture evokes in your mind. There are no wrong answers here, as everybody sees art from their perspective. Look past what the artist tries to depict and explain the meaning you see behind the art.

When evaluating a work of art, think about what it makes you feel (joy, anger, sadness, and so on.) Next, think about the area or figure that draws your attention. Note the artistic choices that brought the whole thing together. Addressing these things will make your analysis more comprehensive.

Conclusions & Evaluation

Remember that a criticism is largely a personal opinion based on your experience and interpretation. The conclusion section of the art criticism essay should also evaluate the effectiveness of the artist’s choices in creating the right impact on the viewers and seeing their vision through. Think about how the artwork made you feel, using personal thoughts and feelings.

Once everything is said, you have to provide a summary of the art piece. Don’t try to imagine what the person could have done with the work. Instead, evaluate what they achieved with it. When working on this part of the essay, analyze the author’s intention, whether they were successful, and whether the piece was worth evaluating.

🧐 Artwork Critique – 10 Questions to Ask

In addition to this guide, we would like to provide a set of questions that will help you with your art criticism essay. There’s no need to answer all of them in your work, but knowing about them won’t hurt. Whether you’re writing a work about one of the classical pieces or contemporary abstract art, these questions can guide you. They can help you overcome your writer’s block, provide new ideas, or ensure that you stay on the right track.

  • Is the choice of colors balanced, or do they clash?
  • Where is the horizon line placed, and how does it influence the work?
  • How does the color scheme work to set the piece’s mood?
  • Is the composition set to make the scene look three-dimensional?
  • Are the elements of the art piece positioned the right way?
  • What idea did the artist want to convey in the work?
  • Does the author use light and shadow properly?
  • How does the artist express human emotions?
  • Are there any errors with the composition?
  • What is the main focus of the artwork?

👩‍🎨 Helpful Tips for Writing Constructive Art Criticism Essay

Sometimes, it is challenging to describe some details or set the tone for a critical essay. So, we’ve picked tips to help you create the perfect analysis paper.

Three useful tips for constructive art criticism.

🤗 Begin and conclude with positivity.Highlight the aspects of the artwork that you find striking, intriguing, or well-executed. It establishes a positive tone and sets the stage for a balanced critique. This way, you create a well-rounded and constructive analysis.
📌 Don’t be vague in your remarks.Be specific in your descriptions and evaluations. If you appreciate the , specify which colors and how they contribute to the artwork’s mood or message. Concrete details and specific examples enhance the depth and credibility of your critique.
🔎 Avoid picking on the tiny details.Focus on aspects that significantly impact the overall impression or meaning of the artwork. If a minor flaw doesn’t detract from the , it might not be worth dwelling on extensively. We recommend discussing more significant concepts and themes central to the artist’s intent.

To provide a better understanding of writing an art criticism essay, we’d like to give you a couple of examples to think about. These small samples will help you choose the proper language and paragraph structure to create a good artwork analysis. We hope you’ll find our art critique essay examples inspiring.

Raphael’s Madonna in a Chair .

Rightfully admired as one of the best painters of the High Renaissance era , Raphael showed a human side of the divine, most notably in his works related to the Madonna and baby Christ. Even the small-scale Madonna in a Chair showcases his talent despite the size of the canvas. The title is a bit misleading, as its main focus is the Son of God. Here, he is depicted in the embrace of Mary, cradling him with both her arms. The piece heavily utilizes the U shape in the figures of the Madonna, Christ, and the praying child who’ll grow up to be John the Baptist. The latter looks at them with awe and adoration, hands clasped in prayer. As in all his works, Raphael depicted the Mother of Christ not as a divine figure but as a mother, fearful and protective of her child. A slight off-balance to the left makes this scene more warm and intimate, with Christ’s and Madonna’s shapes radiant with an inner light. The color scheme used lighter hues for parts of the shawl, dress, and cloth the baby was wrapped in. Raphael showed a true mastery of color, light, and shadow to capture the essence of motherhood. He deliberately dimmed the colors on the sides of the painting to make its centerpiece more vibrant and life-like. The rounded shape of the work accentuates the effect of looking at people through an open window. This is how the painter made it feel like we have witnessed the tender moment and have been discovered, with both Madonna and Christ looking at us.

A Bar at the Folies-Bergere by Edouard Manet.

Edouard Manet is a figure well-known to the admirers of the French impressionist movement. His works gave a rare insight into Paris’s everyday and social life during the mid-1800s. One of Manet’s later works, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère, continues this pursuit and takes us to the rowdy scene of a nightclub in the historical district of the capital. Instead of painting a vibrant scene, Manet focused on a single person working at the establishment’s bar. She’s a young woman (probably in her 20s) who stands behind the counter selling fruit and alcohol to the patrons of Folies-Bergère . Despite the atmosphere of the place, the woman looks detached from things happening around her. She’s the only person to have distinguishing features. Manet used multiple brushstrokes for each object to make them look distorted and out of focus. The further we get from the center of the piece, the blurrier the lines become. Sometimes, they turn into haze, erasing the lines between individuals. The use of dark and gray tones in the mirror’s reflection further emphasizes the cold feel of the place despite its intended atmosphere. In my opinion, the mirror lets the audience perceive the scene from the eyes of the woman as if we were the ones looking at the bar. The painting beautifully depicts two things: isolation and movement. Although visitors surround her, the person in the center of the image doesn’t seem to enjoy it. Her eyes are slightly cast down, perhaps in contemplation or daydreaming. Despite her state, the world carries on.

Artwork Critique: How to Choose Masterpiece for Analysis

In this section, we’ve compiled a little guide for picking the perfect piece of art for you to analyze. Check it out:

How to choose a work of art for critical analysis: 3 tips.

📌 Make preliminary research to understand different art forms, styles, or movements. It’s beneficial to familiarize yourself with artists’ backgrounds and historical context.

📌 Think about the themes and concepts you want to reveal in your analysis. Do you want to explore the artwork’s symbolism, aesthetic qualities, or historical significance?

📌 Select an artwork that personally resonates with you or piques your interest. A genuine connection with the piece will make the analysis more enjoyable and insightful.

📌 Consider exploring a diverse range of art periods. Analyzing a variety of artworks will broaden your perspective and enhance your critical analysis skills.

💡 Art Criticism Essay Topic Ideas

Finally, we’d like to offer a list of topics on which you can write your following critical paper. Perhaps here you’ll find something inspiring for your next piece of work.

  • The role of Christian symbolism in Caravaggio’s works.
  • Van Gogh’s Starry Night and the impressionist movement.
  • Claude Monet’s Poppies : a study in perspective.
  • Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and 20th century art.
  • Explore the composition of Sandro Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi .
  • Describe the main focus of Raphael’s The School of Athens piece .
  • Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks and social isolation.
  • Evaluate the use of light and shadow in Rembrandt’s The Night’s Watch.
  • How did Johannes Vermeer achieve the realistic effect in his Girl with a Pearl Earring portrait?
  • Discuss the symbolism of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.
  • What message did Hieronymus Bosch try to convey in The Garden of Earthly Delights ?
  • Explore the minimalist style used in Georges Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte .
  • Comparison of the Caravaggio, Bernini, and Rembrandt Artworks.
  • Describe the artistic significance of Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware .
  • The use of color in J. W. Waterhouse’s The Lady of Shalott .
  • Explain the use of the perspective in Claude Monet’s Woman with a Parasol .
  • Which techniques were used to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
  • Peter Paul Rubens’ The Raising of the Cross .
  • Explore the use of color in Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa .
  • Which events are depicted in Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People ?
  • The Persistence of Memory and the surrealist movement.
  • The Swing by Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
  • Analyze The Great Wave of Kanagawa and its influence on the ukiyo-e genre.
  • Wanderer above the Sea of Fog and solitude.
  • Explore the themes of Pieter Bruegel’s The Hunters in the Snow .
  • Claude Monet’s Water Lilies .
  • Examine the use of color in Leighton’s Flaming June .
  • How Renoir composed the scene in Bal du moulin de la Galette .
  • A critical look at The Sistine Madonna .
  • Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss.

Our guide will help you write a better art critique essay about ancient and contemporary masterpieces. We’re sure that it has all the answers you seek. And if you still need to come up with a topic, you can always try our essay topic generator.

  • Guidelines for Analysis of Art. – UA Little Rock, School of Art and Design
  • Art History Writing Guide. – Swarthmore College
  • How to Critique a Work of Art. – Holland Central School District, Finalsite
  • The Value of a Good Critique. – Georgia Schumacher, The Arts Institutes International
  • How to Become an Art Critic in 5 Steps (Definition and FAQs). – Indeed
  • 4 Reasons Critiques Need to Be Part of Your Curriculum. – Debi West, The Art of Education University
  • Elemental Questions for Art Critique. – Lyric Montgomery Kinard
  • How to Approach Writing Art Criticism. – Collin Kavanaugh, The Wheaton College Writing Center Blog
  • Art Critique Vs. Art Bashing: How To Art Critique Right. – Nicole Adamson
  • What is the Purpose of Art Criticism Today? – Elena Martinique, WideWalls

How to Write a Visual Analysis Essay: Examples & Template

A visual analysis essay is an academic paper type that history and art students often deal with. It consists of a detailed description of an image or object. It can also include an interpretation or an argument that is supported by visual evidence.

In this article, our custom writing experts will:

  • explain what a visual analysis is;
  • share useful tips on how to write a good visual analysis essay;
  • provide an essay sample.
  • 🎨 Visual Analysis Definition
  • 🏺 Artwork Analysis Tips
  • ✅ Visual Analysis Writing Guide
  • 📑 Example & Citation Tips

🎨 What Is a Visual Analysis?

The primary objective of visual analysis is to understand an artwork better by examining the visual elements. There are two types of visual analysis: formal and contextual.

  • A formal analysis focuses on artwork elements such as texture, color, size, and line. It aims to organize visual information and translate it into words. A formal analysis doesn’t interpret the piece.
  • Unlike formal analysis, contextual analysis’ primary goal is to connect artwork to its purpose or meaning within a culture. A contextual analysis includes formal analysis. Additionally, it discusses an artwork’s social purpose and significance.

Usually, students deal with formal visual analysis. Before starting to work on your essay, make sure to ask your professor whether to include contextual analysis or not.

The Purpose of Analyzing Images

Why is visual analysis important? What does it help to learn? There are several things that visual analysis helps with:

  • It allows students to enhance their appreciation of art.
  • It enables students to develop the ability to synthesize information.
  • It encourages students to seek out answers instead of simply receiving them.
  • It prompts higher-order critical thinking and helps to create a well-reasoned analysis.
  • By conducting visual analysis, students learn how to support and explain their ideas by studying visual information.

What Is Formal Analysis: Art History

When we look at an artwork, we want to know why it was created, who made it, and what its function was. That’s why art historians and researchers pay special attention to the role of artworks within historical contexts.

Visual analysis is a helpful tool in exploring art. It focuses on the following aspects:

  • Interpretation of subject matter ( iconography). An iconographic analysis is an explanation of the work’s meaning. Art historians try to understand what is shown and why it is depicted in a certain way.
  • The analysis of function. Many works of art were designed to serve a purpose that goes beyond aesthetics. Understanding that purpose by studying their historical use helps learn more about artworks. It also establishes a connection between function and appearance.

Formal Analysis: Art Glossary

Now, let’s look at some visual elements and principles and learn how to define them.

Visual Elements :

Line Lines can be obvious, or they can be formed by the placement of objects. They can vary in length, width, and direction.
Shape Shapes are two-dimensional. They can be geometric or organic. Familiar shapes help us focus on particular parts of an artwork.
Form Forms are three-dimensional. Such figures as cylinders, pyramids, and spheres are forms.
Color Color is light that reflects off of objects. Its main characteristics are hue, value, and intensity. Colors can also be warm or cool.
Texture A texture is a feel, appearance, or quality of a surface of an object. It can be used in two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks.
Space Space is a feeling of depth. It also refers to the artist’s use of the area within the painting. Space can be positive or negative.

Visual Principles :

Balance Balance is the distribution of visual elements and weights of objects, colors, textures, and space. Balance can be symmetrical and asymmetrical.
Emphasis Emphasis defines the center of interest in a painting and catches the viewer’s attention. It’s usually different from the rest of the work.
Subordination Subordination supports the center of interest. It is a part of an artwork that is played down to let the emphasis stand out.
Rhythm Rhythm is the relationship between elements. It creates a visual tempo and establishes a sense of harmony by repeating certain features.
Movement Movement is the path the viewer’s eyes follow, coming to the focal points of a work. The movement is usually directed by the lines, shapes, and colors of an art piece.

🏺 How to Analyze Artworks: Different Types

Writing a formal analysis is a skill that requires practice. Being careful and attentive during the pre-writing stage is essential if you want to create a good and well-structured visual analysis. 

Visual analysis essay mainly consists of two components:

  • Description of the selected image or object,
  • Interpretation built on the visual evidence.

During the pre-writing stage:

  • Collect general information about an artwork. Describe it briefly. Pay special attention to visual elements and principles:
✔️ What do you notice first? Why?
✔️ What colors are used? How are they arranged?
✔️ Are the figures abstract or realistic?
  • Develop an interpretation. Think critically. What does the information in your notes imply? How can it be interpreted?
  • Support your ideas. To do it, refer to the visual elements directly. Avoid generalizing art and double-check your prompts. 

How to Analyze a Painting Using the Elements of Art

To write an excellent formal visual analysis, you need to consider as many visual principles and elements as you can apply. In the formal analysis part:

  • Target your description;
  • Address only those elements relevant to your essay;
  • Pay attention to visual elements and principles;
  • Introduce the subject of the painting and describe it;
  • Explain why you have decided to discuss specific elements;
  • Discuss the relationship between visual elements of the artwork;
  • Use the vocabulary terms.

If you are asked to do a contextual analysis , you may want to:

  • Focus on the historical importance of an artwork;
  • Explore the style or movement associated with an artwork;
  • Learn about the historical context and the public’s reaction to the artwork;
  • Learn about the author and how they’ve created the piece of art.

Painting Analysis Essay Example & Tips

Here is a template you can use for your essay.

Give a brief description of the painting. What do you see? What areas of the artwork grab your attention?
In the analysis part, pay attention to visual elements and principles. Describe them and say how they all come together.
Look at the artwork from a cultural perspective. What does the author express? What does it mean to the viewer?
Finally, state your personal opinion. What do you feel when you look at the art piece?

Now, let’s take a look at an essay example.

(1889) is a Vincent van Gogh oil painting of a night landscape brimmed with whirling clouds, luminous stars, and a bright crescent moon. The artist uses a mix of warm, cold, and neutral colors. Yellows on top of blues create a clear contrast, making the stars and crescent moon stand out.
In , van Gogh uses his unique thick brush strokes. The technique adds depth and rich texture to the painting. The use of whites and yellows draws more attention to the sky. Vertical lines in the form of a cypress tree and a church tower break up the composition.
Through his painting, van Gogh contrasts life and death, brightly shining stars, and a gloomy yet peaceful village.
is a painting that reflects Vincent van Goh’s inner world. It embodies his unique style and personality. The piece has a major influence on modern art.

How to Analyze a Photograph

Analyzing photos has a lot in common with paintings. There are three methods on which photo visual analysis relies: description, reflection, and formal analysis. Historical analysis can be included as well, though it is optional.

  • Description . It implies looking closely at the photo and considering all the details. The description needs to be objective and consists of basic statements that don’t express an opinion.
Good descriptionBad description
The girl in the middle is the tallest one. She wears a white linen dress. The girl in the middle is the most beautiful among the three.
  • Reflection. For the next step, focus on the emotions that the photograph evokes. Here, every viewer will have a different opinion and feelings about the artwork. Knowing some historical context may be helpful to construct a thoughtful response.
  • Formal analysis . Think of the visual elements and principles. How are they represented in the photograph?
  • Historical analysis. For a contextual analysis, you need to pay attention to the external elements of the photograph. Make sure that you understand the environmental context in which the photo was taken. Under what historical circumstances was the picture made?

Photo Analysis Essay Tips

Now that we’ve talked about analyzing a photograph let’s look at some helpful tips that will help you write an essay.

✔️ Dos❌ Don’ts

Visual Analysis Essay on a Sculpture: Writing Tips

A sculpture analysis consists of the following parts:

  • Description . Include specific details, such as what the sculpture may represent. For instance, the human figure may be an athlete, an ancient God, a poet, etc. Consider their pose, body build, and attire.
  • Formal analysis . Here, visual elements and principles become the focus. Discuss the color, shape, technique, and medium.
  • Contextual analysis . If you decide to include a contextual analysis, you can talk about the sculpture’s function and how it conveys   ideas and sentiments of that period. Mention its historical and cultural importance.

When it comes to sculpture analysis, you may also want to collect technical data such as:

  • The size of the sculpture
  • Medium (the material)
  • The current condition (is it damaged, preserved as a fragment, or as a whole piece)
  • Display (Was a sculpture a part of an architectural setting, or was it an independent piece of work?)

For instance, if you were to do a visual analysis of Laocoön and His Sons , you could first look up such details:

  • Location: Discovered in a Roman vineyard in 1506
  • Current location: Vatican
  • Date: Hellenistic Period (323 BCE – 31 CE)
  • Size: Height 208 cm; Width 163 cm; Depth 112 cm
  • Material: Marble
  • Current condition: Missing several parts.

Visual Analysis Essay: Advertisement Analysis

Visuals are used in advertisements to attract attention or convince the public that they need what is being advertised. The purpose of a visual argument is to create interest. Advertisements use images to convey information and communicate with the audience.

When writing a visual analysis of an advertisement, pay attention to the following:

  • text elements,
  • illustrations,
  • composition.

All of this influences how the viewer perceives the information and reacts to it.

When you write about an advertisement, you conduct a rhetorical analysis of its visual elements. Visual rhetoric is mainly directed at analyzing images and extracting information from them. It helps to understand the use of typography, imagery, and the arrangement of elements on the page.

Think of the famous visual rhetoric examples such as the We can do it! poster or a Chanel №5 commercial. Both examples demonstrate how persuasive imagery has been used throughout history.

How to Write a Visual Analysis Paper on an Advertisement

The presentation of visual elements in advertising is essential. It helps to convince the audience. When you analyze visual arguments, always keep the rhetorical situation in mind. Here are some crucial elements to focus on:

Who is the advertisement targeted at?
What does the image try to convey to the audience?
How is the information presented? What colors are used? Are there any highlights or repetitions?
Does the image use any humor, celebrities, or cultural references to make the point?
Is there any text within the picture? If so, how does it work together with the image to create an intended effect?
Who are the characters of an advertisement? Where are they?
What are the implications behind the words used in the picture?

✅ How to Write a Visual Analysis Paper: Step by Step

Now, we’ll focus on the paper itself and how to structure it. But first, check out the list of topics and choose what suits you best.

Visual Analysis Essay Topics

There are a lot of artworks and advertisements that can be analyzed and viewed from different perspectives. Here are some essay topics on visual analysis that you may find helpful:

  • Analyze Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss (1907-1908.)
  • The theme of humanity and The Son of Man (1964) by René Magritte.
  • The use of visual elements in Almond Blossom by Vincent van Gogh (1888-1890.)
  • Identity and Seated Harlequin (1901) by Picasso .
  • Explore the themes of Paul Klee ’s The Tree of Houses , 1918.
  • Objectives, activities, and instructions of Pietro Perugino’s fresco The Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter .
  • Reflection on social issues of the time in Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo and Untitled by Ramses Younan.
  • Analyze the importance of Mural (1943) by Jackson Pollock.
  • The political message in John Gast’s painting American Progress (1872).
  • Describe the visual techniques used in Toy Pieta by Scott Avett .
  • The interpretation of the painting Indian Fire God by Frederic Remington.
  • Explore the historical significance and aesthetic meaning of Ognissanti Madonna by Giotto di Bondone .
  • Analyze different interpretations of The Three Dancers by Pablo Picasso .


  • The idea behind Lindsay Key (1985) by Robert Mapplethorpe.
  • Explore the mythical appeal of Robert Capa’s photograph The Falling Soldier (Spain,1936) from Death in Making photobook.
  • Describe Two Boys with Fish (2018) from Faith series by Mario Macilau.
  • Kevin Carter’s Starving Child and Vulture (1993) as the representation of photojournalism.
  • The story behind Philippe Halsman’s Dali Atomicus , 1948.
  • Describe The Starving Boy in Uganda photograph by Mike Wells
  • Analyse the view of a historic disaster in San Francisco photograph by George R. Lawrence.
  • The statement behind Eddie Adams’s photo Shooting a Viet Cong Prisoner .
  • How is Steve McCurry’s perception of the world reflected in his photo Afghanistan Girl .
  • Analyze the reflection of Ansel Adams’s environmental philosophy in his photo Moon and Half Dome (1960).
  • Describe Girl on the Garda Lake (2016) by Giuseppe Milo.
  • Combination of internal geometry and true-to-life moments in Behind the Gare Saint Lazare by Henri Cartier-Bresson .
  • Modern art and Couple on Seat by Lynn Chadwick (1984.)
  • Analyze the biblical context of Pieta (1498-1499) by Michelangelo.
  • The use of shapes in Louise Bourgeois’ Spider (1996.)
  • Analysis of the symbolism behind The Thinker (1880) by Rodin.
  • The historical meaning of Fountain (1917) by Duchamp .
  • Analyze the Miniature Statue of Liberty by Willard Wigan
  • The combination of Egyptian culture and classical Greek ideology in statue of Osiris-Antinous.
  • Reflection of the civilization values in emperor Qin’s Terracotta Army .
  • The aesthetic and philosophical significance of Michelangelo’s David .
  • Explore the controversial meaning of Damien Hirst’s sculpture For the Love of God (2007).
  • Analyze the elements of art and design used in The Thinker by August Rodin .
  • Symbolic elements in the Ancient Greek statues of Zeus .
  • Depiction of the fundamental aspects of Buddhism in The Parinirvana of Siddhartha/Shakyamuni.


  • How Volkswagen : Think Small (1960) ad changed advertising.
  • Analyze the use of figures in California Milk Processor Board: Got Milk? (1993) ad campaign .
  • Analyze the use of colors in Coca-Cola — The Pause that Refreshes (1931.)
  • Explore the historical context of We Can Do It! (1942) campaign.
  • The importance of a slogan in 1947: A Diamond Is Forever by De Beers.
  • Examine the specifics of visual advert: dogs and their humans.
  • Describe the use of visual techniques in Kentucky Fried Chicken company’s advertisement.
  • Analyze the multiple messages behind the print ad of JBL .
  • Discuss the methods used in Toyota Highlander advertisement .
  • Elucidation of people’s dependency on social networks in the advertising campaign Followers by Miller Lite.
  • The use of the visual arguments in Schlitz Brewing Company advertisement .
  • The role of colors and fonts in Viva la Juicy perfume advertisement .

Visual Analysis Essay Outline

You can use this art analysis template to structure your essay:

The picture shows the main steps in writing a visual analysis essay: introduction, main body, conclusion.

How to Start an Art Essay

Every analysis starts with an introduction. In the first paragraph, make sure that:

  • the reader knows that this essay is a visual analysis;
  • you have provided all the necessary background information about an artwork.

It’s also important to know how to introduce an artwork. If you’re dealing with a panting or a photograph, it’s better to integrate them into the first page of your analysis. This way, the reader can see the piece and use it as a reference while reading your paper.

Art Thesis Statement Examples & Tips

Formulating a thesis is an essential step in every essay. Depending on the purpose of your paper, you can either focus your visual analysis thesis statement on formal elements or connect it with the contextual meaning. 

To create a strong thesis, you should relate it to an artwork’s meaning, significance, or effect. Your interpretation should put out an argument that someone could potentially disagree with. 

  • For instance, you can consider how formal elements or principles impact the meaning of an artwork. Here are some options you can consider:
Focus on interpreting how formal elements and principles give meaning to the artwork.  In , the village is painted with dark colors, but the brightly lit windows create a sense of comfort.
Comment on the overall organization of an art piece. Van Gogh’s swirling sky directs the viewer’s eye around the painting.
Another option is to relate the painting to the other artworks you have studied or seen before. If we compare Munch’s to van Gogh’s  , we can see that a similar swirling technique was used to paint the sky.
  • If your focus is the contextual analysis, you can find the connection between the artwork and the artist’s personal life or a historical event.

How to Write Visual Analysis Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs of formal analysis consist of two parts—the description and the analysis itself. Let’s take Klimt’s The Kiss as an example:

The painting shows an embracing couple concealed behind a large golden cloak. Two distinct parts constitute the image. First, the part of the cloak covering the man has a repeating geometric black and white motif. Meanwhile, the second part of the cloak, covering the woman, has flowers and circles on it.
The author uses predominantly warm shades such as gold and bronze brown. Spatial flatness using two-dimensional patterns was deliberately employed except at the couple’s exposed skin. Klimt was heavily influenced by the art of Japan, ancient Egypt, and Byzantine Ravenna, which preferred two-dimensional perspective styles to emphasize human subject matter.

The contextual analysis includes interpretation and evaluation.

Gustav Klimt’s  is the reflection of tenderness and passion Klimt was working on   during his Golden Phase. Within the paintings of that period, Klimt treats the human figures as two-dimensional. They are also all surrounded by flat, brightly composed, and highly ornamental decorations.
is a very significant piece for several reasons. It represents the apex of Klimt’s Golden Period and shows his distinctive style. The piece is also a fantastic example of the Art Nouveau movement.

Visual Analysis Essay Conclusion

When you work on the conclusion, try to conclude your paper without restating the thesis. At the end of your essay, you can present an interesting fact. You can also try to:

  • Compare an artwork to similar ones;
  • Contrast your own ideas on the piece with the reaction people had when it was first revealed.
  • Talk about an artwork’s significance to the culture and art in general.

📑 Visual Analysis Essay Example & Citation Tips

In this section of the article, we will share some tips on how to reference an artwork in a paper. We will also provide an essay example.

How to Reference a Painting in an Essay

When you work on visual analysis, it is important to know how to write the title of an artwork properly. Citing a painting, a photograph, or any other visual source, will require a little more information than citing a book or an article. Here is what you will need:

  • Size dimensions
  • Current location
  • Name of the piece
  • Artist’s name
  • Date when artwork was created

If you want to cite a painting or an artwork you saw online, you will also need:

  • The name of the website
  • Website URL
  • Page’s publication date
  • Date of your access

How to Properly Credit an Artwork in APA

Works you see in personWorks you see online
[Description of material]. 
Example: Picasso, P. (1905). [Oil canvas]. Metropolitan Museum Of Art, New York City, NY.
[Description of material].
Example: Picasso, P. (1905). [Oil canvas]. Metropolitan Museum Of Art, New York City, NY. The Met (n.d.). Retrieved from:

How to Properly Credit an Artwork in MLA

Works you see in personWorks you see online
or description.
Example: Monet, Claud. 1882, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
or description. , URL.
Example: Monet, Claud. 1882, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago.

How to Properly Credit an Artwork in Chicago Format

Works you see in personWorks you see online

Example: Bacon, Francis. . 1953. Oil on canvas. 153cm x 118cm. Des Moines Art Center, Iowa.

Example: Bacon, Francis. . 1953. Oil on canvas. 153cm x 118cm. Des Moines Art Center, Iowa. Accessed July 24, 2020.

Finally, here’s a sample visual analysis of Rodin’s sculpture The Thinker in APA format. Feel free to download it below.

Many people believe that works of art are bound to be immortal. Indeed, some remarkable masterpieces have outlived their artists by many years, gaining more and more popularity with time. Among them is The Thinker, a brilliant sculpture made by Auguste Rodin, depicting a young, athletic man, immersed deep into his thoughts.

You can also look at the following essay samples to get even more ideas.

  • The Protestors Cartoon by Clay Bennett: Visual Analysis
  • Visual Analysis – Editorial Cartoon
  • Visual Analysis: “Dust Storm” Photo by Steve McCurry
  • Visual, Aural, Read & Write, Kinesthetic Analysis
  • Schlitz Brewing Company Advertisement: Visual Arguments Analysis

Thanks for reading through our article! We hope you found it helpful. Don’t hesitate to share it with your friends.

Further reading:

  • How to Write a Lab Report: Format, Tips, & Example
  • Literature Review Outline: Examples, Approaches, & Templates
  • How to Write a Research Paper Step by Step [2024 Upd.]
  • How to Write a Term Paper: The Ultimate Guide and Tips

❓ Visual Analysis FAQs

To write a visual argument essay, you need to use rhetorical analysis. Visual rhetoric is directed at analyzing images and extracting the information they contain. It helps to analyze the visuals and the arrangement of elements on the page.

A well-though contextual analysis will include:

1. formal analysis, 2. some information about the artist, 3. details on when and where the piece was created, 4. the social purpose of the work, 5. its cultural meaning.

It is better to include pictures  in the introduction  part of your paper. Make sure to cite them correctly according to the format you’re using. Don’t forget to add the website name, the URL, and the access date.

To analyze means not only to describe but also to evaluate and synthesize visual information. To do that, you need to learn about visual elements and principles and see how and why they are used within artworks.

🔍 References

  • Art History: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Visual Analysis: Duke University
  • Writing a Formal Analysis in Art History: Hamilton College
  • Contextual Analysis: Pine-Richland School District
  • How to Analyze an Artwork: Student Art Guide
  • Introduction to Art Historical Analysis: Khan Academy
  • Guidelines for Analysis of Art: University of Arkansas at Little Rock
  • Elements of Art: Getty.edu
  • Formal or Critical Analysis: LibreTexts
  • Analyzing a Photograph: University of Oregon
  • Picture Composition Analysis and Photo Essay: University of Northern Iowa
  • Visual Analysis Guidelines: Skidmore College
  • How to Analyze Sculpture: NLA Design and Visual Arts: WordPress
  • Visual Rhetoric: Purdue University
  • Formal Visual Analysis: The Elements & Principles of Composition
  • Share to Facebook
  • Share to LinkedIn
  • Share to email

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Art Marketing

The art of writing about your art: from artwork description to artist statement.

writing an essay about a painting

There is a popular saying we all have accepted as a truth: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. But what happens when we want to talk about the picture, and what we think of it, what it made us feel, what it reminded us of? For visual artists, words are a tool needed to effectively communicate what they do, and spark conversation around their work.

For artists and art businesses alike, mastering the art of writing about their creations is a key communicational asset that can help them improve how they present their work to their target audience.

Good communication can elevate a pitch for exhibitions and events, strengthen the connections built through networking, and drive more traffic to a website, generating opportunities for more art sales or commissions. Keep reading to find helpful guides, prompts, and even “fill in” forms to improve your art writing skills.

writing an essay about a painting

Why polishing your writing skills is key to growing as an artist or art business

Language helps us elaborate on a subject and create a connection with the reader. It’s also a tool to focus people’s attention on particular characteristics and even, to drive them to follow an action, like moving forward in the art buyer’s journey you have designed for people that have shown interest in your work.

Writing is an indispensable skill in a world where the digital and physical spaces are intertwined . Creative writing is an essential part of any art marketing strategy or communication plan that aims to promote your work and get it noticed online or offline. 

Plus, there are several instances where you will need to use your writing skills as an artist, for example:

-Creating your own business or professional website .

-Writing a blog post to engage with your audience.

-Coming up with a creative caption for your social media posts ,

-Improving your artwork descriptions for exhibitions or e-commerce websites .

-Describing your virtual exhibition or online art show .

-Crafting an artist statement or an exhibition statement .

-Updating your artist resume .

-Crafting an exhibition proposal for a gallery .

-Writing invitations for an art show.

-Creating an art or artist newsletter or any email communication.

-Submitting your work for art fairs.

-Applying for scholarships, awards, grants, and residencies.

-Filling out your application for teaching opportunities.

-Drafting an art business plan.

How to break free from “writer’s block” as an artist

Have you ever faced the fear that only a blank canvas can produce? The same thing might happen when you face a blank page and the pressure to write. It happens to everyone, even the most prolific writers.

Writer’s block is only a period when your creative flow finds a roadblock, and there are many ways to break from it. Here are some ideas to spark your imagination and get you into writing:

– Record yourself: use the recording app on your mobile phone and freely talk about the subject you want to write about. After, you can listen to yourself, take notes, and turn them into text.

– Talk to a friend: a really good prompt to get you writing about any subject is leaving aside the pressure of sounding “artsy” or “professional”, and telling whatever you want to express in your own words like you would do in an intimate conversation with a friend.

– Use AI tools: technology is always there to help you, if you don’t know where to start you can use AI software to draft general ideas or even the structure of the text. Here are some proven ChatGPT prompts to write everything from an artwork description to an email.

– Feed your creativity: remember that Pablo Picasso quote, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”? Well, sometimes, you need to work to get inspired. Read a book or an article about the subject you want to write about, listen to music that gets you in the right mindset, and even watch a movie or series that can give you a different point of view about that theme. 

writing an essay about a painting

Prompts to write about your artwork

If you want to exercise the way you write about your art and what you create, following creative prompts is a good way to take you to new places and express yourself beyond the canvas (or medium of preference). Here is a list of prompts, ideas, or phrases to follow and get you writing about your art and create a first draft: 

-I usually find inspiration in…

-I created this because…

-My primary emotion while making this was…

-My main influences are…

-I decided to work with this medium because…

-What you are looking at is…

-Through my creations, I’m investigating…

-I chose this subject because…

-The concept of this artwork came to me when…

-I could describe my creative process as

-What defines my body of work/collection/group of artworks is…

writing an essay about a painting

List of adjectives to write about your art

In their most simple definition, adjectives are words we use to describe characteristics of a certain subject. When you are writing about art, these are your tools to convey your impressions and ideas about a certain piece and communicate them to the reader.

Here is a list of art-related adjectives you can use to nurture your writing:

– About the style or genre: abstract, realistic, modern, contemporary, digital, postmodern, expressionist, mixed media, avant-garde, minimalist, pop art, pointillist, sculptural, surrealist. 

– About the subject: portrait, self-portrait, still-life, landscape, symbolic, figurative, seascape, mythological. 

– About the tone: expressive, symbolic, provocative, articulated, crude, defying, dramatic, dynamic, evocative, fragmented, gestural, harmonious, introspective, interactive, organic, subliminal, traditional, and experimental.

– About the colors: bright, saturated, muted, subtle, bold, monochrome, contrasting, tonal, complementary, balanced, vibrant, warm and cool.

Want to continue expanding your vocabulary? Check these lists of art terms every creative should know: Part 1 and Part 2 .

writing an essay about a painting

Start writing about your artworks: “fill in the blank” exercises

Now that you know how to find inspiration, and even have a list of prompts to motivate you to write, it’s time to work on different formats that you will certainly use for career or art business purposes .

Take these “fill in the blank” exercises as a first draft for any of the suggested content, you should always revisit them, and edit them before publishing. Remember to always check twice for grammar and spelling mistakes.

How to write an artist’s statement

Artist’s statements are usually the welcome message to their exhibitions and related publications. This text is also a way to present themselves and their work in summary, covering the main information any art lover or potential collector should know about their body of work and the person behind it at first glance.

Draft your first artist’s statement with this “fill in the blank” example:

“(Artist’s name) is a (type of artist) whose work delves into ideas of (broad topic). This exhibition brings together (types of artworks) that explore (narrow theme).”

How to write a press release

Part of the success of a virtual or in situ exhibition relies on a killer art marketing strategy to promote it. One of the main assets you will need to prepare to get media attention and assistance is a press release. You can start working on your own with this exercise, just fill in the blank spaces:

“Press release title: (name of artists) presents (name of exhibition) at (venue or website)

(Artist’s name or collective) presents their latest exhibition (name of the art show) based on (overall theme) in (name and location of the venue or link to website for online shows) from (opening date) to (full duration of the exhibition).

Dive into the work of (artist’s name), who lives in (location), where they have developed a body of work focused on (themes). They have a background on (education or experience) and have been the recipient of (awards, grants, and residencies).

With their latest work (artist’s name) explores (themes), focusing on (subjects) through the use of (medium or technique). The exhibition conveys (visitor’s experience) as a result of the work with (name of curator).

Contact information: email, phone number, website, and social media channels”

Check Gita Joshi ’s prompts and recommendations for writing a press release on this exclusive ArtPlacer Academy webinar “ How to craft an art show proposal ”. Take the lesson by logging into your ArtPlacer account or starting your free trial.

How to write an artwork description

One of the most important texts you will write is an artwork description, this text is essential to drive traffic to your website, and e-commerce page, to get your art noticed by people looking for similar creations on social media. This is also used for gallery and exhibition purposes. 

With this basic “fill in the blank” form, you will be able to quickly come up with a draft for a description for any artwork:

“(name of the artwork) created by (artist’s name) on (medium) with (technique or style). This piece details/captures (subject matter) inspired by (theme).”

writing an essay about a painting

How to write a short bio for an artist

A short bio of you as an artist could be requested when applying for a job, when working on the “About me” page of your website, or the brochure of your next exhibition. This might be one of the texts that artists usually hesitate to write because it is difficult to summarize oneself in a few words, but with this “fill in” exercise you’ll come up with a starting paragraph for it.

Remember: your bio can be written in the first or third person depending on where you are going to present it and the tone you need to convey.

“(Artist’s name) is a (type of artist), based on/from (country, city). Born in (year), his/her/their work focuses on (main themes) which they explore through (preferred medium). They have a background in (expertise) having assisted to (academic background) and have worked with (previous commissioned work or general working background). They are inspired by (themes) and moved by the exploration of (subjects), they have been influenced by (general influences). They have exhibited their work in (previous exhibitions) and are the recipient of (awards, residencies)” 

Now that you know the basics, you can start working on your texts and polishing your writing skills to better communicate your vision as an artist!

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An Essay About a Painting: What to Write?


Indeed, writing an essay on paintings can be a tricky task. When having got an assignment to complete an essay on painting, you may think: “This is easy, I will need half an hour at most”. However, in an hour, you may realize that you are facing a sheet of paper with around 150 words on it, and you do not know what else to add.

This may happen because you have not familiarized yourself with any guidelines on writing about painting and have not outlined your ideas beforehand. Yet, it is necessary to pay some attention to such things as they may appear to be really helpful and save your time greatly. So, we advise you to check the following hints on managing your work and spend no more than an hour on your essay writing.

Below you will find a range of universal recommendations for your essay about a painting, which you can follow confidently regardless of the picture you are going to describe. They can help you define the most significant aspects of the painter’s work, understand its thrust and put all your ideas and conclusions on paper in the neat order. In addition, you can explore a few examples of how you should build your description and what is worth including in it depending on which particular picture you want to analyze and interpret.

Get Prepared

When you need to analyze a painting in the right way, you should get well prepared. Note that your preparation will include not only getting access to the image. Here are the points to consider:

To get a proper impression about the picture, you should learn more about the epoch when it was created. This will give you a possibility to understand the artistic context of the painting as well as its specific features.

It will also be a good idea to learn more about the other works of the painter, as well as about his or her biography. Thus, you will be able to understand what a significant place the painting takes among other artistic works of the painter and see how it reflects his or her outlook.

Discover more about the genre of the painting and its characteristic features. This will aid you in understanding whether the painting was performed basing on the standards or it was a violation of the existing genre limitations.

There might be some scientists who have reviewed and written about the same painting. Discover their impressions and comments, because you can cite them in your paper as well.

A Structure of an Essay About Painting

Now, when you have obtained all the necessary information, start writing in the following order:

This is an informative basis to be included. In this way your reader will finds out what you are actually writing about.

Some masterpieces, mostly the ancient ones, have long and interesting stories about their creation. There may be even a few versions regarding one and the same painting. Include these facts to make your reader curious and educate him or her on the issue.

Now get concentrated on the object of your essay: what do you see in the picture? This part will be easy for realistic paintings and tough for modernistic ones. Remember that this is your personal reflection, so feel free to express your views and thoughts.

Look at the picture attentively: what details does it have? Try to write down your analysis on what the purpose of adding those details could be.

Picture with a detail

Now, as you know the basic techniques applied within the time when the painting was being created, you may highlight the artist`s specific stylistic features and the methods applied to design the given image. Remember that everything has its motivation, so try to explain the choice of the painting techniques, the probable purpose and obvious result of the artistic work, the way the artist expressed the meanings. Try to disclose what stays beyond the elements of the painting, but do not go too far into your reflections as you might lose the general sense of your writing.

To crown up your essay on painting, tell what your impressions about it are: how well the artist delivered his or her idea and whether you got the feelings the author might want you to experience. Avoid the words “good” and “bad”, and try to be more specific.

Choose Your Picture: How to Write About a Painting (Examples Provided)

Let us consider your assignment in a more detailed way now. We have already worked out the general approaches to describing a picture, but still you may come across certain difficulties which are mostly determined by the differences between various types of painting. What we mean here is the fact that the things you should focus more on and the structure of your essay on painting are tightly connected not only with the style of the work you have chosen, but also with its type.

To put it all simply, we are going to explore 3 main types of painting and think of their most remarkable features which can be easily analyzed in your paper. Besides, there will be a few tips on how to organize the essay of such kind and make it as informative and interesting as possible.

Landscape Paintings

A landscape always depicts the nature in all its diversity. In the picture there can be a winter forest or spring riverside, misty mountains or even a caravan in an endless desert. Depending on the style of such painting, you will see either an absolutely realistic scenery or, for example, a set of lines and figures which, we can say, encode or schematize the real image.

You should take into account one very important thing, which will be true for any picture you select to write about in your painting essay: when you are given the opportunity to describe any landscape you like, spend some time searching through numerous online galleries and find the one you understand well. You see, on the one hand, it may seem really easy to describe the picture when you see just some mountains and a lake in it. However, on the other hand, you need to explain why exactly this scenery has attracted you. It is fine if you simply like mountains. So, think why you would like the depiction of forbidding rocks more than that of the summer meadow. There definitely should be the reason.

From Theory to Practice: Ivan Aivazovsky and His “Sea View”, 1841

Ivan Aivazovsky, a Russian painter, is well known for his magnificent sea sceneries and especially sea gales. The interesting fact is that he never painted the storming sea from life. He memorized the picture he wanted to carry onto his easel and then painted every detail from his memory. However, the painting “Sea View” depicts a quiet night scenery when the tired sea is breathing peacefully under the goldish moonlight and a few small boats are rocking drowsily on small waves.

  • Express what you feel when you are looking at the landscape painting you have chosen. Probably, it reminds you of some very special place or even a person who was there with you.
  • Use comparisons and metaphors which can help you describe the picture much better and demonstrate your own impressions of it.
  • Add some more info about this particular place and shed some light on how the painter’s life was or is connected with it.

Still Life Paintings

Apple on Table

If you are going to draw your inspiration from still lifes to write your essay about painting, then you should pay more attention not to the objects depicted but to the combination of colors, play of light and shadows, as well as to the shapes and arrangement of these objects. Bet that when you hear the term “still life”, you imagine the classic painting with flowers and fruit in a big gilded vase with many volutes. But we are going to come up with something really extravagant.

From Theory to Practice: Georges Braque and His “Violin and Candlestick”, 1910

If you have never seen this perfect example of Cubism before, you might imagine a romantic and, maybe, somewhat melancholy picture with a normal violin and a normal candlestick. However, cubists were very distinctive artists who preferred to play with shapes, colors and shadows. What you will see in Braque’s masterpiece can make you think of the complex collage of blurred figures and shapes among which you will probably discern two violins, a candlestick with a candle, even a shape of a person and many other things which thematically can hardly be related to violins and candles.

Besides a very unusual presentation of rather ordinary objects, one of the most remarkable features of this painting is its palette. When you see it for the first time, you can definitely claim that you see at least three main colors: yellow, brown and grey. Yet, you will be surprised to find out that it is painted in the so-called monochromatic style: all colors you see in the painting are hues of only one particular color.

“Violin and Candlestick” is one of those special masterpieces in which everyone of us can notice different things, tones and moods which, in their turn, will make us experience different feelings.

  • Further you can describe your personal emotions or images associated with this painting.
  • A violin and a candlestick are very meaningful symbols, so you can muse over why the artist depicted them.

Portraits & Self-Portraits

Even though you are sure that you know how to write an essay about a painting, it can be quite challenging to describe portraits. Most of them depict rich people or monarchs who ordered the paintings, so an artist’s task was to portray their customers in the best possible way. On the other hand, portraits keep the spirit of the age when they were created. We can learn a lot about the way people dressed as well as about some aspects and elements of their everyday lives.

Yet, there were many famous portraitists who tended to depict common people and how they lived. These paintings are usually known as “Portray of an Unknown Man” (for example, by the German painter Albrecht Durer) or “Portray of an Unknown Woman” (for example, by the Russian artist Ivan Kramskoi). Probably, such works reveal the artists’ unique styles in the best way, letting them paint different faces as they want to paint them, putting certain emotions and moods in their heroes without trying to add anything that does not belong to them.

From Theory to Practice: Gustave Courbet and His “Le Desespere”, 1845

It is claimed that the artist really liked this very portrait of a young man who looks desperate and frightened. However, he has a handsome face, deep black eyes and the mixed expression of horror and despair does not make him scary or ugly. When you are looking at the painting, it seems that you can read the mind of this young man: he is thinking to himself “What have I done?” or “How could it all be like this?”; and you can even notice how all his thoughts are bouncing around in his head.

The portray is very realistic. The young man is depicted in motion, with his hands over his head and a scream congealed on his bright lips. At the same time, he looks bewildered, as if he did not know what he should do next.

  • You can try to invent a short story and meditate on why this man has this desperate expression in his eyes.
  • Pay attention to the play of contrasting colors and think how it helps to depict the emotions of the portrayed man.

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Exploring the art of essay writing – a collection of insights and reflections.

Essays about writing

Essay writing is a craft that allows individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, and arguments in a structured and compelling manner. It is a form of art that requires creativity, critical thinking, and eloquence. Through the art of essay writing, writers have the power to influence and persuade their readers, sparking new perspectives and inspiring change.

When delving into the realm of essay writing, one explores the nuances of language, the intricacies of rhetoric, and the depth of analysis. Essays come in various forms, from persuasive to analytical, from narrative to argumentative. Each type of essay challenges the writer to convey their message effectively, captivating the audience and leaving a lasting impression.

Through this journey of exploration and discovery, writers discover new insights, hone their writing skills, and find inspiration in the world around them. The art of essay writing transcends mere academic requirements; it becomes a form of self-expression, a tool for communication, and a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas with others.

Unlocking the Secrets

Essay writing is often seen as a daunting task, but with the right approach and strategies, it can become a rewarding and enlightening experience. Here are some key secrets to unlocking your potential as an essay writer:

1. Understand the Prompt: Before you start writing, make sure you fully grasp the essay prompt. Take the time to analyze the requirements and expectations, so you can tailor your response accordingly.

2. Plan and Organize: A well-structured essay is a key to success. Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ideas before diving into the writing process. This will help you stay focused and ensure a logical flow of information.

3. Research Thoroughly: Good essays are backed by solid research. Take the time to gather relevant sources, quotes, and data to support your arguments and claims. Remember to cite your sources properly.

4. Develop a Strong Thesis: Your thesis statement should be clear, concise, and specific. It is the central idea of your essay, and all your arguments should revolve around it. Make sure your thesis is arguable and sets the tone for the rest of your paper.

5. Revise and Proofread: Don’t underestimate the power of revising and proofreading. Take the time to review your essay, fix any errors, and polish your writing. A well-edited essay will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

By following these secrets and incorporating them into your writing process, you can unlock the full potential of your essay writing skills and create compelling and impactful essays.

The Journey into Creativity

Embarking on the journey into creativity is an exhilarating experience that opens up a world of possibilities and inspiration. As you delve into the realm of essay writing, you have the opportunity to explore your unique perspective, voice, and style.

Creativity in writing is not just about coming up with innovative ideas or flashy phrases. It’s about approaching your topic from new angles, weaving together compelling narratives, and engaging your readers in thought-provoking ways.

Throughout this journey, you may encounter challenges and roadblocks, but these obstacles can be catalysts for creativity. Embrace the process of brainstorming, drafting, revising, and refining your essays. Allow yourself to experiment with different techniques, structures, and approaches.

Remember, creativity is a journey, not a destination. Stay curious, open-minded, and willing to push the boundaries of your writing. Let your imagination roam free and see where it takes you. The journey into creativity is an ongoing and rewarding adventure that will shape you as a writer and thinker.

Discovering the Power

In the realm of essay writing, one of the most powerful tools at your disposal is the ability to convey your thoughts and ideas with clarity and precision. By mastering the art of crafting well-structured and compelling essays, you open the door to a world of influence and impact.

Through the process of writing, you have the opportunity to delve deep into your subject matter, exploring its nuances and complexities. This journey of discovery not only enriches your own understanding but also allows you to share your insights with others, shaping their perspectives and sparking thought-provoking conversations.

As you hone your essay-writing skills, you tap into the power of words to inspire, persuade, and educate. Each sentence becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of your ideas, painting a vivid picture that captivates your readers and leaves a lasting impression.

By discovering the power of essay writing, you unlock a world of creativity and expression that knows no bounds. Embrace the journey, and let your words soar.

Unleashing Your Imagination

Unleashing Your Imagination

One way to unleash your imagination is to brainstorm and jot down all your ideas, no matter how wild or unconventional they may seem at first. By embracing the unexpected, you can discover unique angles and fresh insights that will make your essay stand out.

Inspiration Tip: Take a walk in nature, listen to music, or read a book that sparks your curiosity. These activities can stimulate your imagination and help you see things from a new perspective.

Remember, the art of essay writing is not about following rules – it’s about letting your imagination run wild and expressing your ideas in a way that is uniquely yours. So, don’t be afraid to take risks, experiment with different writing styles, and explore the boundaries of your creativity. Unleash your imagination and watch your writing come to life!

Embracing the Craft

Essay writing is not just a task or an academic exercise; it is an art form that allows us to express our thoughts, ideas, and emotions in a structured and coherent manner. To truly excel in the art of essay writing, one must embrace the craft with passion, dedication, and creativity.

Embracing the craft of essay writing means approaching each piece with an open mind and a willingness to experiment with different styles, tones, and techniques. It involves honing your skills through practice, feedback, and continuous learning. Embracing the craft also requires a deep appreciation for language, storytelling, and the power of words to create impact and inspire change.

By embracing the craft of essay writing, you can transform your ideas into compelling narratives, persuasive arguments, and thought-provoking reflections. Whether you are writing for academic purposes, personal expression, or professional communication, embracing the craft will help you communicate effectively, connect with your audience, and leave a lasting impression.

Key Points:
1. Approach each essay with passion and dedication.
2. Experiment with different styles and techniques.
3. Hone your skills through practice and feedback.
4. Appreciate the power of language and storytelling.
5. Transform your ideas into compelling narratives.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay- Steps with Examples

Being a student and writing essays is not something everybody enjoys, but in my personal opinion as a writer, anyone can find contentment and pleasure in writing, especially when it comes to argumentative essays. While they may seem tricky to navigate, they offer this unique opportunity to express your opinions and make your voice heard. Consider this a growing process—once you overcome the challenges of writing argumentative essays, you will learn the art of agreeing or disagreeing with popular opinions and defending your stance. As far as the essay is concerned, I will show you how to master this process on how to write an argumentative essay.

When is an Argumentative Essay Written?

You will likely be required to write argumentative essays throughout your academic life, from high school to university. These assignments will present opportunities to develop and showcase your critical thinking and persuasive writing skills. Here are some scenarios where you might encounter the need to write argumentative essays:

Academic Assignments

Often assigned in school or college courses to help students develop critical thinking and persuasive writing skills. These assignments encourage students to research thoroughly, form coherent arguments, and present their viewpoints convincingly.

Debates and Discussions

Serve as the basis for presenting and defending viewpoints in academic or competitive settings. Argumentative essays provide a structured way to organize thoughts and evidence, helping participants articulate their arguments effectively during debates.

Opinion Pieces

Commonly used in newspapers, magazines, and online publications to influence public opinion on current issues. These essays allow writers to present their stance on controversial topics, backed by evidence and reasoning, to sway readers' views.

Policy Proposals

Utilized in government and policy-related fields to propose and defend specific policy changes or solutions to societal problems. Argumentative essays in this context present well-researched arguments to persuade policymakers and stakeholders of the necessity and viability of the proposed changes.

Persuasive Speeches

Prepared as a foundation for delivering persuasive speeches. Writing an argumentative essay helps speakers organize their thoughts and evidence logically, providing a solid framework for their oral presentations.

What is the Structure of an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay uses factual evidence and logical support to convince the reader of a particular point of view. Here's a breakdown of the structure and what goes into each part of an argumentative essay:

Basic Argumentative Essay Structure


Purpose: Introduce the topic, present the thesis, and set up the argument.

Hook: A sentence to grab the reader’s attention.

Background Information: Brief context about the topic.

Thesis Statement: The main argument or claim.

2.Body Paragraphs

Purpose: Present arguments and evidence to support the thesis and refute opposing arguments.

Topic Sentence: Introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

Evidence and Analysis: Present facts, statistics, quotes, or examples to support the argument.

Counterarguments and Rebuttals: Address opposing views and explain why they are invalid or less significant.


Purpose: Summarize the arguments, restate the thesis in light of the evidence presented, and offer final thoughts.

Restate Thesis: Reiterate the main argument.

Summarize Key Points: Highlight the main points made in the body paragraphs.

Final Thought: A closing statement that underscores the importance of the topic

How to Write an Argumentative Essay [4 Steps with Examples]

As an experienced writer, I've come to understand the structure of argumentative essays quite well. But what I found truly challenging when I first started was nailing the right approach. Many beginners, myself included at one point, fall into traps like letting personal biases creep in or thinking that being argumentative means being aggressive. Trust me, that's not the case at all!

In this section, I'm going to lay out an effective approach on how to write an argumentative essay step by step for beginners. I'll break it down in a way that I wish someone had done for me when I was starting out. Plus, I'll share some insider tips on tools like WPS Office that I've come to rely on to streamline my writing process. So let's learn how to write an argumentative essay with a few examples.


When I sit down to craft an argumentative essay, my first step is to engage in a comprehensive brainstorming session. This is your opportunity to let your creativity run wild and explore every angle of your topic. Write down every idea that comes to you, whether it supports or opposes your topic. Remember, at this stage, there are no bad ideas.

Now, while there's nothing wrong with the classic pen and paper approach, I've found that using WPS Office takes my brainstorming to a whole new level. It's not just about having a digital notepad; the AI features often toss out ideas that I might never have thought of on my own. It's like having a creative partner who never gets tired! Let me show you how I use it:

Let's say our topic is "Are Electric Cars Better for the Environment?"

Step 1: Open WPS Office and type "@AI" on a blank document to activate WPS AI.

Step 2: Click on the "Brainstorm" option and enter your prompt. Make sure it's detailed and clearly explains what you want. Here's an example of an effective prompt:

"Generate a list of arguments both for and against the idea that electric cars are better for the environment. Consider factors like emissions, manufacturing processes, battery disposal, and energy sources"

Step 3: WPS AI will generate several arguments on both sides. If you want more, simply click "Rewrite”.

Jot down any valuable arguments before hitting "Rewrite", as you might not see the same ones again.

With these arguments in hand, you'll likely find yourself leaning towards one side of the debate. Armed with a variety of points and counterpoints, you'll be well-equipped to write an effective argumentative essay. Remember, a strong argumentative essay is built on a foundation of thorough preparation and diverse ideas.


Now that we've generated our initial arguments and counterarguments, it's time to dive deeper into research to strengthen our position. Let's continue with our example topic: "Are Electric Cars Better for the Environment?"

Let's continue with our example topic: "Are Electric Cars Better for the Environment?" Our next step is to select the most impactful supporting arguments and conduct in-depth research to substantiate them with solid evidence. Simultaneously, we'll identify the strongest counterarguments and explore ways to address or neutralize them through our research.

All of this might seem a little overwhelming, but with the help of WPS AI, the research phase becomes significantly more manageable. As we gather research papers, we can upload them to WPS Office and quickly gain insights using the AI features.

Here's how to leverage WPS AI for efficient research:

Step 1: Open your research paper PDFs in WPS Office, then click on the WPS AI widget in the top right corner.

Step 2: In the WPS AI panel that appears on the right side of your screen, click "Upload" to add your PDF.

Step 3: Once processed, WPS AI will provide you with key insights from the PDF at a glance.

Step 4: For more specific information, click on the "Inquiry" tab and use the WPS AI chatbot to ask further questions about the PDF contents.

As you conduct your research, begin organizing your findings into an outline. Remember to structure your outline according to the elements we discussed in previous sections. This will ensure your outline contains all the necessary components for an effective argumentative essay.

3.First Drafting

Now that we have our research and outline ready, it's time to start writing our first draft. This is where your essay really starts to take shape. Don't worry about perfection at this stage—the goal is to get your ideas down coherently.

Using the outline we prepared during our research, you'll find it easier to organize your thoughts for your essay. To make things simpler, use WPS Office editing tools. When I write my essay, I always ensure it is properly formatted, giving it a cleaner look and helping me focus better.

Now, simply start your draft on WPS Office with an introduction, followed by a body paragraph, and conclude with a strong summary that reviews your main points and leaves the reader with something to think about.

Once you have your draft ready, make use of WPS Office's AI features, which can help you improve writing, shorten or elongate your paragraphs, and much more. Let's say you've written your first body paragraph, and it's a bit too long. So, let's shorten it with WPS AI:

Step 1: Select the paragraph you want to shorten, then click on the WPS AI icon in the hover menu.

Step 2: From the list of options, simply click on "Make shorter" to shorten your paragraph.

Step 3: WPS AI will display the shorter version on a small screen. Click on "Replace" to replace the original text with the shorter version.

4.Revising & Proofreading

Congratulations on completing your first draft! However, there is one crucial step remaining: revising and proofreading.  Revising and proofreading are where good essays become great essays.

A method I find most effective for revising my essay is reading it aloud. This technique helps in identifying awkward phrasing and run-on sentences that may go unnoticed when reading silently. As you read, ask yourself:

Does my introduction effectively grab the reader's attention and clearly state my thesis?

Do my body paragraphs each focus on a single main idea that supports my thesis?

Have I provided enough evidence to support each of my arguments?

Have I addressed potential counterarguments?

Does my conclusion effectively summarize my main points and leave a lasting impression?

You might find that you need to make some structural changes. For instance, you might realize that your second body paragraph would be more effective if it came first. Don't be afraid to move things around!

Once you have made the necessary changes to your essay, the next step is to ensure it does not have any grammatical errors. For this, I use WPS AI's spell check feature. With just a single click, WPS AI spell check ensures that my essay is complete and ready to be submitted!

Bonus Tips: How to Polish your argumentative Essay with WPS AI

WPS Office is already a premium choice among students, offering all the features needed to write a perfect essay. With WPS Office, students can write better without payment issues, annoying ads, or difficulty navigating the tools. It's a free tool with advanced features, including WPS AI, which supports the entire writing process.

1.Check for Grammar and Spelling:

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FAQs about Writing an Argumentative Essay

1. what’s the difference between an expository essay and an argumentative essay.

An argumentative essay is typically more extensive and requires independent research to establish a unique claim regarding a specific topic. It includes a thesis statement that presents a debatable assertion, which must be supported by objective evidence. In contrast, an expository essay strives for objectivity but does not propose an original argument. Instead, it aims to clarify and explain a topic straightforwardly, such as a process or concept. Generally, expository essays are shorter and do not rely as heavily on research.

2. When do I need to cite sources?

In a college environment, accurately citing sources is vital for essays, research papers, and other academic assignments, but this requirement does not extend to exams or in-class tasks. Proper citations are needed for direct quotes, paraphrased material, and summaries, and it is necessary to provide complete source information in a bibliography or reference list. Following the specified citation style, such as APA or MLA, is essential for maintaining academic integrity. Whenever you utilize information or ideas from another work in college-level writing, proper citation is required to acknowledge the original source.

3. What is an Argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that asserts a specific stance on a debatable issue, backing it up with reasoning and evidence. The main objective is to convince the reader to accept or seriously consider the author's viewpoint. This essay usually contains a clear thesis statement and develops arguments while addressing opposing views to reinforce its position. Ultimately, it seeks to encourage critical engagement with the topic at hand.

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A look at James Baldwin’s enduring influence on art and activism

Jeffrey Brown

Jeffrey Brown Jeffrey Brown

Lena I. Jackson

Lena I. Jackson Lena I. Jackson

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The legendary writer and activist James Baldwin would have turned 100 this month. He is best known for his novels and essays and as a moral voice addressing race, sexuality and the very fabric of American democracy. Jeffrey Brown looks at Baldwin's enduring legacy for our series, Art in Action, exploring the intersection of art and democracy and for our arts and culture coverage, CANVAS.

Read the Full Transcript

Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors.

Amna Nawaz:

This month, the legendary writer and activist James Baldwin would have turned 100 years old.

Baldwin is best known for his novels and essays and as a moral voice addressing race, sexuality and the very fabric of American democracy. Nearly 40 years after his death, his words are more relevant than ever.

Jeffrey Brown looks at his enduring legacy for our series Art in Action, exploring the intersection of art and democracy, and our ongoing Canvas coverage.

James Baldwin, Writer:

The inequality suffered by the American Negro population of the United States has hindered the American dream.

Jeffrey Brown:

James Baldwin, novelist, essayist, civil rights activist, public intellectual, here debating William F. Buckley Jr. at the University of Cambridge in 1965.

Eddie Glaude Jr., Princeton University:

He's engaged in this ongoing work of self-creation, in this sustained reflection on the power of the American idea. He's bringing the full weight of his intellect to bear on this project.

Eddie Glaude Jr. is a professor of African American studies at Princeton University and author of the 2020 book "Begin Again: James Baldwin's America and Its Urgent Lessons for Our Own."

Eddie Glaude Jr.:

I think, if you read Baldwin closely, there is this underlying idea that we have yet to discover who we are, right, because the ghosts of the past in so many ways, not only blind us, but they have us by the throat.

James Arthur Baldwin was born in Harlem in 1924 and raised there by his mother and stepfather, a Baptist preacher. The oldest of nine children, he excelled in school and served as a junior minister.

A man on the margins, Black and queer, he spent years of his life abroad, much of it in France, beginning at age 24. He wrote novels, including "Go Tell It on the Mountain," an autobiographical book about growing up in Harlem, and "Giovanni's Room" about a tormented love affair between two men living in Paris, and powerful essays exploring race and American identity, including "Notes of a Native Son" and "The Fire Next Time."

He's one of the greatest essayists we have ever produced, the world has ever produced I think, and his subject is us. But his vantage point, it's not that of a victim. His vantage point is from those who've had to bear the burden of America's refusal to look itself squarely in the face.

He was also a playwright and poet, an activist who marched and spoke out for civil rights, including on television, here on "The Dick Cavett Show" in 1969.

James Baldwin:

And the word Negro in this country really is designed, finally, to disguise the fact that one is talking about another man, a man like you, who wants what you want.

And insofar as the American public wants to think there has been progress, they overlook one very simple thing. I don't want to be given anything by you. I just want you to leave me alone, so I can do it myself.

Baldwin died in 1987, but he's remained a powerful cultural presence, one that's only grown in the past decade.

There are days — this is one of them — when you wonder what your role is in this country and what your future is in it.

In the 2016 documentary "I Am Not Your Negro," director Raoul Peck drew from Baldwin's own words. As he told me then:

Raoul Peck, Director:

He was already a classic, and he wrote those things 40, 50 years ago. And watching the film, you think that he would have — he wrote that in the morning, the morning before watching the film, because those words are so accurate, they are so prescient and so impactful, that you can't do it better.

In 2018, Baldwin's 1974 novel "If Beale Street Could Talk" was adapted by Oscar-winning director Barry Jenkins.

Barry Jenkins, Director:

Whether I had won eight Oscars or no Oscars, it's James damn Baldwin, you know? It's James Baldwin. That's pressure enough, in and of itself, because I wanted to honor his legacy in the way that I thought it should be honored.

And now a celebration of the centennial of his birth, including an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery called This Morning, This Evening, So Soon: James Baldwin and the Voices of Queer Resistance, which takes its name from a short story he published in 1960, another at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture titled Jimmy: Gods Black Revolutionary Mouth, presenting Baldwin's archive of personal papers.

There's a new album by singer-songwriter and bassist Meshell Ndegeocello called No More Water: The Gospel of James Baldwin, and reissues of seminal works with new introductions and artwork.

Cree Myles, Host, "The Baldwin 100": What is the best lesson you have learned being in the spiritual community that you are in with James Baldwin?

Along with a podcast, "The Baldwin 100," in which host Cree Myles talks with contemporary writers and thinkers.

What is his relevance today, especially when you think about younger people, younger readers, younger citizens?

Cree Myles:

Despite the time that has passed, his amount of truth is still relatively radical. When I think about his novels and "Giovanni's Room," and we're thinking about the ways that he grappled with, like, sexuality, those are things were still coming to terms with.

Acclaimed Irish novelist Colm Toibin contributed the new book "On James Baldwin."

Colm Toibin, Author, "On James Baldwin": I'm interested in him as, I suppose, someone who really found ways of dealing with individuality versus community, with being an artist in a difficult time.

But more than anything, more than anything, he wrote well.

Toibin saw connections to his own upbringing and told us how Baldwin has influenced him as writer and man.

Colm Toibin:

It's a question of engaging with this great intelligence and with the sensuous intelligence, with someone sort of thinking brilliantly and glittering sort of way.

But it is also, of course, developing strategies, which he did in relation to his family, in relation to Harlem, in relation to Black America, in relation to exile, in relation to attempting to being an artist in a time of flux, and also in a way of being a gay artist, a homosexual artist coming out of a world which is very conservative and very religious, and attempting also to build strategies around that that give you energy, rather than ones that take you down.

One deeply resonant thread through all the commemorations, Baldwin's focus on the fragility of democracy itself.

Baldwin's exposing the lie that is the source of the suffering, that defines this fragile project, it seems to me. He's committed to democracy. He's committed to America. After all, we are deeply American. But, by virtue of that commitment, he has to relentlessly critique it.

It comes as a great shock to discover the country, which is your birthplace and to which you owe your life and your identity, has not, in its whole system of reality, evolved any place for you.

A commitment, as Glaude puts it, to the complex experiment called America.

For the "PBS News Hour," I'm Jeffrey Brown.

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In his more than 30-year career with the News Hour, Brown has served as co-anchor, studio moderator, and field reporter on a wide range of national and international issues, with work taking him around the country and to many parts of the globe. As arts correspondent he has profiled many of the world's leading writers, musicians, actors and other artists. Among his signature works at the News Hour: a multi-year series, “Culture at Risk,” about threatened cultural heritage in the United States and abroad; the creation of the NewsHour’s online “Art Beat”; and hosting the monthly book club, “Now Read This,” a collaboration with The New York Times.

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Artists and Activists Both Have a Role. But Not the Same One.

As the literary world is roiled by fights over politics and war, are we losing sight of the writer’s purpose?

Credit... Photo illustration by Derek Brahney

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By Phil Klay

Phil Klay is a novelist and an essayist and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq war.

  • Aug. 5, 2024

Two decades ago, I was a public-affairs officer in the Marine Corps, a public-relations guy for the military, tasked with “telling the Marine Corps story” and providing accurate information about military operations to maintain the trust of the American people. We weren’t propagandists — we told the truth, and in Iraq we welcomed plenty of embedded reporters who we knew would write extremely skeptical articles on the progress of the war — but there were fairly tight borders around what the military thought the American people needed to know.

Listen to this article, read by Robert Petkoff

Coming back from Iraq in 2008, though, I had a set of stories that didn’t fit perfectly with the official one I had a license to tell. Some were things I’d seen, things I could report on in a journalistic way, sure of the facts, but others were things I’d heard, stories that I couldn’t vouch for personally but that, passed to me by word of mouth and preserved in my memory, that unstable medium, nevertheless seemed to express something true and unsettling.

One was told to me by a young combat correspondent, a Marine whose job in the corps was writing articles and making videos about the work we were doing. He had been in Ramadi when a suicide bomber detonated among a crowd of civilians, killing and grievously wounding dozens. The local unit took the injured to the Ramadi combat hospital, where Navy doctors, nurses and corpsmen got to work as Marines lined up to donate blood.

Horrible slaughter in a region of Iraq where violence has spiraled out of control does not make for a good news story, but there were messages the Marine Corps was happy to put out: that unlike our barbaric enemy, who brutally murdered men, women and children, we cared about Iraqi civilians and would work tirelessly to save lives. And so this young combat correspondent asked one of the Navy surgeons, who for long hours had been feverishly working among the mangled and bloody innocents, to give an interview. And because the only quiet place was the room where they had placed and bagged the dead, the cameraman set up near the bodies of all the people they had failed to save.

Undoubtedly, the doctor knew what messages he was supposed to deliver to the camera, and undoubtedly, he believed in them, too — that he had a noble mission to carry out, and that his noble colleagues were dedicated and skilled and humane. Nor was he new to death. He was a surgeon in a shock-trauma platoon in the most violent city in Iraq, all too familiar with amputating limbs, with stitching intestines back together, with treating burns that devoured faces, ears and fingers. That day could not have been the first time he bowed his head as the chaplain whispered prayers over those who died on the table. But before the interview started and the red light of the camera turned on, he took a moment, sat down among the dead and quietly wept. The young Marine cameraman stood there, silent, patient, and waited for the doctor to collect himself so he could tell his story about the good will of the American military, whose invasion had unleashed this chaos.

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