The Top 10 Biggest Cyber Attacks Of 2021

A throwback on some of the most high profile cyberattacks of 2021, how they were remediated, and what could have been done to prevent them..

Expert Insights

2021 was a year that carried forward a lot of the chaos from 2020. This couldn’t be truer for cybersecurity, as we saw seemingly almost every kind of attack increase exponentially in number and grow in sophistication. 

In fact, according to a  recent report by SonicWall,  2021 saw  ransomware attacks  increase by 105% from the previous year and encrypted threats rise by 167%.  While ransomware might have been front and center in the report, there were also significant concerns over  phishing  and  business email compromise (BEC)  attacks, which also saw significant rises.

As business-aimed attacks have continued to increase in severity, cost, and sheer prevalence throughout 2022, we’ve rounded up some of the most high-profile cases that hit headlines last year—and how they could potentially have been prevented. The suggestions made, however, aren’t standalone and work best when working in tandem with each other.

While we pride ourselves on accuracy, we like to note that this isn’t an exhaustive list and barely scratches the surface of the sheer scale of cyberattacks that occurred throughout all of 2021 but includes a portion of the ones everyone was talking about last year.

Without further ado are (some of) the highest profile cyberattacks of 2021:

Microsoft Exchange Attack, January – March

When governments and businesses were still reeling from the SolarWinds attack of December 2020, opportunistic attackers from a Chinese hacking group took advantage of the residual chaos to instigate their own attack against Microsoft’s Exchange Server. The group, called Hafnium, are usually associated with espionage, and historically have frequently leveled attacks at US organizations.

Rather than instigating a single attack, the perpetrators conducted waves of attacks after their four successful zero-day exploits granted attackers access to user emails and passwords, admin privileges, and access to connected devices within the network on affected servers. Hackers were able to  access the accounts of at least 30,000 organizations in the USA alone, with 250,000 globally reported as being affected .

By the end of March, Microsoft had announced that nearly all servers affected by the attack had been patched and mitigated. It was still costly and time consuming to rectify, however, and caused significant damage to companies who had suffered subsequent breaches and attacks as a result.

These waves of attacks were borne out of multiple vulnerabilities within the network that attackers took advantage of. Companies can sidestep this issue by ensuring that their network perimeter stays secure by employing a strong, automated patch management solution that finds vulnerabilities and patches them before they result in a breach. 

For more on patch management and how it actually works and why you might need it, read on in our blog:

What Is Patch Management?

Accellion Supply Chain Attack, January

As we saw with Microsoft, even trusted tech providers aren’t safe from experiencing devastating attacks and breaches. And security software specialist Accellion (now Kiteworks) is no exception. 

In late January, the company reported a successful supply chain attack that affected many of its high-profile clients. Supply chain attacks involve an attacker infiltrating a company network through an affiliated partner, suppliers or any other party that would have access to the network. 

In this instance, Accellion was the “secondary” target, as attacking through it gave threat actors access to numerous Accellion customers and partners. The attack was achieved via a zero-day attack that targeted Accellion’s File Transfer Appliance (FTA) software. Hackers were able to find a P0 vulnerability in the software to exploit and launch a widespread attack with four zero-day attacks. 

Of Accellion’s 300 clients, roughly  100 were affected by this breach . Big names like Kroger, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and the University of Colorado were affected. Remediation of the vulnerabilities and breach for both Accellion and their affected customers took  weeks  to achieve.

The zero-day attack was successful in that it also took advantage of vulnerabilities within Accellion’s network perimeter, much like what we saw with the Microsoft Server attack. A robust patch management software solution that automatically searches for and patches vulnerabilities is a must for most organizations:

The Top 10 Patch Management Software For Business

Florida Water Supply, February

In an attack that erred more on the side of horrifying and harmful than actually financially damaging, a hacker managed to—albeit briefly— take control of a Floridian city Oldsmar’s water supply and change the amount of lye in the supply to dangerous levels . Lye is used in water supplies to treat the water, but in high enough levels can cause serious harm if touched or ingested.

In the early stages of the attack, a plant operations employee noticed that their cursor was moving on its own and setting the amount of lye to dangerous levels. After quickly reverting the levels back down to where they should be, the employee raised the breach with their superiors. 

The remote-access system, TeamViewer—used by employees and what was used by the hacker to access the operating systems—was disabled in response. The  FBI released a statement  that they suspected poor password hygiene and out-of-date software were the cause of the issue. It was also  further reported that credentials tied to the plant had been leaked prior .

While poisoning the water supply with lye sounds like something Arthur Conan Doyle would write about, the method to instigate this potentially harmful attack was less Victorian in nature. It was later suspected by  security firm Dragos  that the origin of the attack could have also stemmed from a watering hole attack—an attack that compromises a particular site visited by the actual target rather than directly attacking the target itself.

Dragos reported that it had found damaging code inserted into a WordPress-run website affiliated with a Floridian water infrastructure construction company that liaises with the Oldsmar water plant. With the code inserted, attackers were able to harvest information, including operating systems, browsers, touchpoints, input methods, what hardware was in use such as cameras and microphones, and much more. Dragos’ best guess was that threat actors harvested this information to help improve the botnet malware’s ability to mimic legitimate web browser activity.

Making sure credentials don’t become compromised is a critical part of overall strong password hygiene. You can do this by making them hard to guess and having them regularly rotated and changed whenever there’s a detected breach, as well as through the deployment of a  password manager .

Australia Channel 9 News Ransomware Attack, March

In March, threat actors were successfully able to disrupt  Australia’s Channel 9 News live broadcast, preventing the channel from airing several other shows and affecting 9 News’ print production . The confirmed ransomware attack, in addition to successfully taking shows off the air, also locked staff out of their emails, blocked their internet access, and halted print production systems. At the time, it was the largest cyber-attack on an Australian media company.

After isolating the incident, admins were able to bring production back online but only after several hours of disruption to operations. While it was never made public or discovered what the root cause was, 9 News admins suspected it was probably either due to vulnerabilities that hadn’t been patched or from a phishing email,  yet the possibility of a state-sponsored attack hadn’t been ruled out either and at the time they closely consulted with the Australian Signals Directorate and the Australian Cyber Security Centre . 

No ransom was reported as being requested and nor was one paid, with 9 News working on  remediation  of the issue. 

Having strong anti-phishing solutions in place can prevent your employees from inadvertently downloading malicious code that acts as a gateway for a ransomware attack. Most phishing attacks occur via email, so  enhancing email security  is an excellent preventative step against ransomware attacks.

CNA Financial Ransomware Attack, March

Ransomware attacks are particularly devastating, as companies can experience severe financial losses from disruption in activities. And, more often than not, companies can’t afford the downtime, which results in them paying the ransom to get servers back up and running. 

The ransomware attack leveled at CNA Financial, a finance company based in Chicago, had this unfortunate end result, with CNA paying a hefty $40 million ransom in exchange for the key to un-encrypt its files and data. In its report,  it noted that the breach had affected a staggering 75,349 individuals .

So, how did it happen?

Phoenix, the attacker group responsible for the hack, used a type of malware called Phoenix Locker, which was derived from Hades—a popular form of ransomware created by REvil. The ransomware works by masquerading as a browser update which entices employees into downloading it before moving laterally across the network until it can gain enough privilege to identify important and sensitive data. It then continues by sending copies outside of the network and encrypts data at rest in the network and instigating the ransom attack.

A couple of tools appropriately deployed and configured could’ve prevented and mitigated the attack here.  Data loss prevention solutions , when properly configured, can prevent sensitive data from leaving the network if the solution notices that certain information or data is leaving the network without proper authorization.

The second important measure that could have helped in this instance is security awareness training (SAT). The entire attack was instigated by employees clicking and downloading on a bogus browser update, which worked as an attack vector for Phoenix. Having staff appropriately trained to spot these tactics and respond accordingly could have prevented the breach.

Not sure what SAT is? Check out our guide:

Ultimate Guide To Security Awareness Training

Quanta Ransomware Attack, April

Quanta is an original design manufacture (ODM) supplier to Apple, Dell, Lenovo, Cisco, Microsoft, and others, who were hit with a financially crippling ransomware attack in April last year by Russian ransomware-as-a-service group, with perhaps the most appropriate, Resident Evil-esque name ever, REvil. While not quite Umbrella Corporation level, they’re still able to do a lot of damage and requested a cool $50 million by way of ransom.

Initially, the attack began with REvil demanding the ransom from Quanta in exchange for all data they had encrypted in the attack, but after accessing the server and acquiring unreleased designs for future products, REvil quickly changed tactics and demanded the sum from Apple in exchange for not leaking  more  designs for future products.

While the exact specifications of the attack are unclear,  it was reported by Quanta  that only a small part of the network had actually been affected by the breach and that they were working closely with local authorities to contain and remediate the attack.

REvil did make good on their promises to release designs until the ransom was paid, insisting that the ransom needed to be paid by May 1 of that year. However, as luck may have it, the situation de-escalated just as quickly as it had begun, with all Apple-related content disappearing from the attackers’ website. At the time, it left us in the dark about what actually happened and why the ransomware attack seemingly ran out of steam, but as it happens Quanta hadn’t been its only target and plenty of other countries and organizations had personal beef with the ransomware group. REvil had targeted  Acer with another $50 million ransom attack  earlier that year, amongst plenty of others in the past. In a joint operation between several governments,  REvil was targeted and hacked last year and their operations disbanded .

While Quanta and Apple might have had a happy ending in this particular instance, it was still a high-profile case in that a ransomware attack was able to significantly affect and target a huge–and ironically–, tech company, showing that no one is truly safe. 

Ransomware attacks are particularly devastating as in addition to the ransomware fee, they can also run costs accrued via lost business and downtime needed to get operations up and running again, so safeguarding against these types of attacks is critical:

How To Stop Ransomware Attacks

Brenntag Ransomware Attack, April

In April, hackers successfully deployed a high-profile ransomware attack against German chemical distribution company Brenntag. Brenntag is a large corporation and a world leader in their field, with thousands of employees across the world at over 670 locations. 

The perpetrators in this scenario were hacker group DarkSide, who netted an eye-watering $4.4 million ransom paid for in Bitcoin by Brenntag in a bid to prevent stolen data from being released and for the key to decrepit their files to be handed over. 

The attack, which focused on the North American side of the business, managed to encrypt the company network and  steal 150GB of data, including highly sensitive personal information pertaining to the company’s employees .

The ransom had originally been much higher but was reduced to $4.4 million after negotiations. Part of these negotiations included DarkSide telling Brenntag how they managed to pull off the attack. When it came down to it, the “gateway” to this attack turned out to be  stolen credentials, or so DarkSide claims .

This article has already stressed the importance of proper management of credentials and strong password hygiene, but it’s also worth pointing out that alongside this, having sensitive data and information stored elsewhere is also a beneficial step in mitigating risk and data losses from ransomware attacks. Cloud storage solutions can store data away from the main network, making it more difficult for attackers to access.

Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack, May

And who could forget the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack of May 2021? 

For those not in the know, the Colonial Pipeline is an oil pipeline that delivers gasoline and jet fuel to a large number of states in the southeastern part of the USA. The pipeline saw the halting of production while the company worked to contain and respond to the threat. The pause in production resulted in the cancellation of flights and fuel shortages, the latter of which was exacerbated by panic buying.

After some deliberation, and in a move that was overseen by the FBI, the company paid the $4.4 million ransom within a few hours of receiving the ransomware notification in exchange for the decryptor needed to bring the network back up. However,  the processing time for this was incredibly long  which resulted in the company having to use planning tools and time and effort in getting everything up and running again anyway.

But how did this all happen? Well, the attack vector into the Colonial Pipeline’s network turned out to be  a set of compromised credentials . Strongly suspected that the credentials in question were acquired from the dark web, the account in question reportedly was no longer in use and was regarded as a dead account—except for the fact that it still could provide access to the Pipeline’s network. 

It’s unsurprising, seeing as  stolen credentials account for 61% of all breaches . It was further reported that the account that led to the breach and subsequent ransomware attack  didn’t have multi-factor authentication in place either.

Having a robust identity and access management (IAM) solution in place perhaps would’ve circumvented the issue. IAM solutions combine the processes of identifying, managing, and authorizing accounts within a system. This usually entails having a database that contains all user identities and access privileges, tools to help manage these privileges including monitoring them, and a system that enables the auditing of login and access history.

Regularly cleaning up accounts and removing any dead and unused accounts would have proven beneficial in preventing the breach. Any unused or dead accounts are often left unmanaged and forgotten about, which is a huge risk. Every single set of credentials—used or not—are entry points into a network and therefore potential attack vectors, and need to be managed accordingly.

The Top 10 Identity And Access Management Solutions

JBS Foods Ransomware Attack, May

JBS Foods is a Brazilian company that is one of the largest meat processing companies in the world and supplies one-fifth of the world’s meat. It was also  hit with a particularly devastating ransomware attack in spring, 2021 . 

The ransomware attack was highly successful in halting production in the US, Canada, and Australia, before JBS paid the ransom of $11 million in bitcoin to resume production—one of the largest ransom payments to date. Prior to the ransom,  JBS  had apparently consulted with cybersecurity experts and made the decision to prevent any more data exfiltration and pay the ransom.

While no one took credit for this attack, it is still strongly suspected that Russian hacking group REvil was to blame, though the incident was being investigated by the FBI to find the culprits. Since the attack, it hasn’t come to light who was behind the attack or indeed the specifics of how the attack actually functioned.

However, data exfiltration took place in the two months preceding June 1 when the attack hit and JBS staff found their network encrypted. Data exfiltration was directed towards the file-sharing site Mega, along with some other locations. Prior to this,  Security Scorecard  found in their research that leaked credentials belonging to JBS Australia employees had been found on the dark web, adding to suspicions that a breach had occurred in February of that year.

While the situation remains unclear as to how the attack actually happened, it’s clear that data loss prevention tools, IAM solutions, and patch management could have potentially mitigated risk.

Kaseya VSA Ransomware Attack, July

The Kaseya VSA ransomware attack was also perpetrated by Russian (or at the least, Russian speaking) hacking group, REvil. Kaseya is a software company specializing in IT products that are particularly suited for MSPs.

The whole issue actually began in April, when  Kaseya was made aware of seven, easy-to-spot vulnerabilities in their software by the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure . While there was considerable effort to patch these vulnerabilities, Kaseya was not able to patch all of them in time, leading to REvil’s attack in early July. 

The root cause of the attack stemmed from Kaseya’ Virtual System Administrator, which is a remote monitoring and management software tool that became compromised. Attackers spread the ransomware through hosts managed by the software and increase the overall attack surface. The company, in response, shut down the VSA’s cloud and SaaS servers.

By mid-to-late July,  Kaseya had announced that they had received the key to unlock all remaining encrypted files from a “trusted third party”  and that they were working closely with still affected businesses within their network. While they had not paid the ransomware to REvil and had worked hard to contain the issue, significant financial losses were still accrued from heavy downtime and anywhere from  800 to 1500 business had been affected .

Like with the Microsoft Exchange attack listed above, Kaseya’s ransomware attack stemmed from vulnerabilities within their network which hadn’t been patched yet. Having a strong patch management solution in place can mitigate the brunt of attacks if properly configured and automated, as mentioned above.

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The Attack on Colonial Pipeline: What We’ve Learned & What We’ve Done Over the Past Two Years

Jen Easterly, CISA Director

Tom Fanning, Chairman and CEO of Southern Company and Chair of CISA’s Cybersecurity Advisory Committee

Today marks two years since a watershed moment in the short but turbulent history of cybersecurity. On May 7, 2021, a ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline captured headlines around the world with pictures of snaking lines of cars at gas stations across the eastern seaboard and panicked Americans filling bags with fuel, fearful of not being able to get to work or get their kids to school. This was the moment when the vulnerability of our highly connected society became a nationwide reality and a kitchen table issue.

The good news is that since that event, the Biden-Harris Administration has made significant strides in our collective cyber defense, harnessing the full power of the U.S. government to address the full spectrum of the threat. At the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), we have been laser focused on improving resilience across our Nation’s critical infrastructure. Recognizing that organizations need a simple way to access actionable and timely cybersecurity information, we developed to provide a central location for alerts and guidance for businesses and individuals. Recognizing that only cohesive collaboration across government will scale to meet the threat, we launched the Joint Ransomware Task Force with our FBI partners to orchestrate the federal government’s response to the epidemic of ransomware. And recognizing the need to bring together industry, government, and internal partners and tear down siloes that create gaps for the adversary, we established the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC) —a concept born out of the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission on which one of us served as a Commissioner—to catalyze a community of experts on the front lines of cyber defense—from across the public and private sectors—to share insights and information in real time to understand threats and drive down risk to the nation.

Since its establishment, the JCDC led the national response to one of the most extensive software vulnerabilities discovered; played a central role in CISA’s Shields Up campaign to protect critical infrastructure from potential Russian cyber-attacks; and, along with our partners at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), brought together more than 25 major pipeline operators and industrial control systems partners to strengthen security practices to safeguard the operational technology networks critical to pipeline operations, efforts that complement the Security Directives TSA issued in the aftermath of the attack on Colonial Pipeline. Separately, with the support of Congress, we expanded our capability known as “CyberSentry” which enables heightened visibility into and more rapid detection of cyber threats that could target our nation’s most critical operational technology networks. Finally, we worked to help organizations of all sizes and skill levels prioritize the most impactful cybersecurity investments with the introduction of cybersecurity performance goals, or CPGs .

While we should welcome this progress, much work remains to ensure the security and resilience of our critical infrastructure in light of complex threats and increasing geopolitical tension. The U.S. Intelligence Community issued a stark warning of a potential future in its recent Annual Assessment , noting that “If Beijing feared that a major conflict with the United States were imminent, it almost certainly would consider undertaking aggressive cyber operations against U.S. homeland critical infrastructure…China almost certainly is capable of launching cyber-attacks that could disrupt critical infrastructure services within the United States, including against oil and gas pipelines, and rail systems.”

We cannot afford to dismiss this warning. We must do everything today to be prepared for such a scenario. First, we must ensure that the technology that underpins the services that Americans rely on every hour of every day is safe and secure . For too long, we have sacrificed security for features and speed to market, leaving us increasingly vulnerable, with the burden of security placed on those least able to bear it. As listed in one of the core pillars in the President’s National Cyber Strategy we need security to be built into the creation of new technology—as a foundational imperative—rather than bolted on at the end requiring continuous security updates from consumers. 

Second, we need to prioritize cybersecurity at the highest levels. The days of relegating cybersecurity to the CIO or the CISO must end. CEOs and Boards of Directors must embrace cyber risk as a matter of good governance and prioritize cybersecurity as a strategic imperative and business enabler.

Third, we must continue to invest in the JCDC model of persistent and proactive operational collaboration between government and industry where the default is to share information on malicious cyber activity, knowing that a threat to one is a threat to all.

Finally, we need to normalize cyber risks for the general public with the recognition that cyber-attacks are a reality for the foreseeable future. We cannot completely prevent attacks from happening, but we can minimize their impact by building resilience into our infrastructure and into our society. We need to look no further than our Ukrainian partners for an example of the power of societal resilience.  

These changes are not easy, but we need to hold ourselves accountable to the hard lessons learned from two years ago. Are we going to make the choices that will lead us to a secure, resilient, and prosperous future or are we going to allow inaction to dictate a future in which our national security and our way of life hang in the balance? We have proven that it can be done but only if we act now…together.  

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2021 Internet Crime Report

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released its annual report for 2021. Their 2021 Internet Crime Report outlines information related to the 847,376 complaints of suspected cybercrime, with reported losses at $6.9 billion, that they received throughout the year.

According to IC3 data, phishing scams, non-payment/non-delivery scams, and personal data breach were the top 3 reported crimes in 2021, and victims lost the most money to business email compromise scams, investment fraud, and romance and confidence schemes. People in the 60+ age group were hit the hardest, as well those residing in California. A more in-depth look at data regarding cybercrime in individual states can be found in the IC3’s accompanying 2021 State Reports .

Along with the cybercrime statistics, the report offers guidance for protection and prevention of future crimes. It also presents case studies to highlight the FBI’s recent work to fight internet crime.

To view IC3’s other annual reports and public service announcements or report an online crime yourself, visit .

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REVIEW article

Phishing attacks: a recent comprehensive study and a new anatomy.

Zainab Alkhalil

  • Cardiff School of Technologies, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

With the significant growth of internet usage, people increasingly share their personal information online. As a result, an enormous amount of personal information and financial transactions become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Phishing is an example of a highly effective form of cybercrime that enables criminals to deceive users and steal important data. Since the first reported phishing attack in 1990, it has been evolved into a more sophisticated attack vector. At present, phishing is considered one of the most frequent examples of fraud activity on the Internet. Phishing attacks can lead to severe losses for their victims including sensitive information, identity theft, companies, and government secrets. This article aims to evaluate these attacks by identifying the current state of phishing and reviewing existing phishing techniques. Studies have classified phishing attacks according to fundamental phishing mechanisms and countermeasures discarding the importance of the end-to-end lifecycle of phishing. This article proposes a new detailed anatomy of phishing which involves attack phases, attacker’s types, vulnerabilities, threats, targets, attack mediums, and attacking techniques. Moreover, the proposed anatomy will help readers understand the process lifecycle of a phishing attack which in turn will increase the awareness of these phishing attacks and the techniques being used; also, it helps in developing a holistic anti-phishing system. Furthermore, some precautionary countermeasures are investigated, and new strategies are suggested.


The digital world is rapidly expanding and evolving, and likewise, as are cybercriminals who have relied on the illegal use of digital assets—especially personal information—for inflicting damage to individuals. One of the most threatening crimes of all internet users is that of ‘identity theft’ ( Ramanathan and Wechsler, 2012 ) which is defined as impersonating the person’s identity to steal and use their personal information (i.e., bank details, social security number, or credit card numbers, etc.) by an attacker for the individuals’ own gain not just for stealing money but also for committing other crimes ( Arachchilage and Love, 2014 ). Cyber criminals have also developed their methods for stealing their information, but social-engineering-based attacks remain their favorite approach. One of the social engineering crimes that allow the attacker to perform identity theft is called a phishing attack. Phishing has been one of the biggest concerns as many internet users fall victim to it. It is a social engineering attack wherein a phisher attempts to lure the users to obtain their sensitive information by illegally utilizing a public or trustworthy organization in an automated pattern so that the internet user trusts the message, and reveals the victim’s sensitive information to the attacker ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). In phishing attacks, phishers use social engineering techniques to redirect users to malicious websites after receiving an email and following an embedded link ( Gupta et al., 2015 ). Alternatively, attackers could exploit other mediums to execute their attacks such as Voice over IP (VoIP), Short Message Service (SMS) and, Instant Messaging (IM) ( Gupta et al., 2015 ). Phishers have also turned from sending mass-email messages, which target unspecified victims, into more selective phishing by sending their emails to specific victims, a technique called “spear-phishing.”

Cybercriminals usually exploit users with a lack of digital/cyber ethics or who are poorly trained in addition to technical vulnerabilities to reach their goals. Susceptibility to phishing varies between individuals according to their attributes and awareness level, therefore, in most attacks, phishers exploit human nature for hacking, instead of utilising sophisticated technologies. Even though the weakness in the information security chain is attributed to humans more than the technology, there is a lack of understanding about which ring in this chain is first penetrated. Studies found that certain personal characteristics make some persons more receptive to various lures ( Iuga et al., 2016 ; Ovelgönne et al., 2017 ; Crane, 2019 ). For example, individuals who usually obey authorities more than others are more likely to fall victim to a Business Email Compromise (BEC) that is pretending to be from a financial institution and requests immediate action by seeing it as a legitimate email ( Barracuda, 2020 ). Greediness is another human weakness that could be used by an attacker, for example, emails that offering either great discounts, free gift cards, and others ( Workman, 2008 ).

Various channels are used by the attacker to lure the victim through a scam or through an indirect manner to deliver a payload for gaining sensitive and personal information from the victim ( Ollmann, 2004 ). However, phishing attacks have already led to damaging losses and could affect the victim not only through a financial context but could also have other serious consequences such as loss of reputation, or compromise of national security ( Ollmann, 2004 ; Herley and Florêncio, 2008 ). Cybercrime damages have been expected to cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021, up from $3 trillion in 2015 according to Cybersecurity Ventures ( Morgan, 2019 ). Phishing attacks are the most common type of cybersecurity breaches as stated by the official statistics from the cybersecurity breaches survey 2020 in the United Kingdom ( GOV.UK, 2020 ). Although these attacks affect organizations and individuals alike, the loss for the organizations is significant, which includes the cost for recovery, the loss of reputation, fines from information laws/regulations, and reduced productivity ( Medvet et al., 2008 ).

Phishing is a field of study that merges social psychology, technical systems, security subjects, and politics. Phishing attacks are more prevalent: a recent study ( Proofpoint, 2020 ) found that nearly 90% of organizations faced targeted phishing attacks in 2019. From which 88% experienced spear-phishing attacks, 83% faced voice phishing (Vishing), 86% dealt with social media attacks, 84% reported SMS/text phishing (SMishing), and 81% reported malicious USB drops. The 2018 Proofpoint 1 annual report ( Proofpoint, 2019a ) has stated that phishing attacks jumped from 76% in 2017 to 83% in 2018, where all phishing types happened more frequently than in 2017. The number of phishing attacks identified in the second quarter of 2019 was notably higher than the number recorded in the previous three quarters. While in the first quarter of 2020, this number was higher than it was in the previous one according to a report from Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG 2 ) ( APWG, 2018 ) which confirms that phishing attacks are on the rise. These findings have shown that phishing attacks have increased continuously in recent years and have become more sophisticated and have gained more attention from cyber researchers and developers to detect and mitigate their impact. This article aims to determine the severity of the phishing problem by providing detailed insights into the phishing phenomenon in terms of phishing definitions, current statistics, anatomy, and potential countermeasures.

The rest of the article is organized as follows. Phishing Definitions provides a number of phishing definitions as well as some real-world examples of phishing. The evolution and development of phishing attacks are discussed in Developing a Phishing Campaign . What Attributes Make Some People More Susceptible to Phishing Attacks Than Others explores the susceptibility to these attacks. The proposed phishing anatomy and types of phishing attacks are elaborated in Proposed Phishing Anatomy . In Countermeasures , various anti-phishing countermeasures are discussed. The conclusions of this study are drawn in Conclusion .

Phishing Definitions

Various definitions for the term “phishing” have been proposed and discussed by experts, researchers, and cybersecurity institutions. Although there is no established definition for the term “phishing” due to its continuous evolution, this term has been defined in numerous ways based on its use and context. The process of tricking the recipient to take the attacker’s desired action is considered the de facto definition of phishing attacks in general. Some definitions name websites as the only possible medium to conduct attacks. The study ( Merwe et al., 2005 , p. 1) defines phishing as “a fraudulent activity that involves the creation of a replica of an existing web page to fool a user into submitting personal, financial, or password data.” The above definition describes phishing as an attempt to scam the user into revealing sensitive information such as bank details and credit card numbers, by sending malicious links to the user that leads to the fake web establishment. Others name emails as the only attack vector. For instance, PishTank (2006) defines phishing as “a fraudulent attempt, usually made through email, to steal your personal information.” A description for phishing stated by ( Kirda and Kruegel, 2005 , p.1) defines phishing as “a form of online identity theft that aims to steal sensitive information such as online banking passwords and credit card information from users.” Some definitions highlight the usage of combined social and technical skills. For instance, APWG defines phishing as “a criminal mechanism employing both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers’ personal identity data and financial account credentials” ( APWG, 2018 , p. 1). Moreover, the definition from the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) states phishing as “a form of social engineering that uses email or malicious websites (among other channels) to solicit personal information from an individual or company by posing as a trustworthy organization or entity” ( CISA, 2018 ). A detailed definition has been presented in ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 , p. 1), which describes phishing as “a form of social engineering in which an attacker, also known as a phisher, attempts to fraudulently retrieve legitimate users’ confidential or sensitive credentials by mimicking electronic communications from a trustworthy or public organization in an automated fashion. Such communications are most frequently done through emails that direct users to fraudulent websites that in turn collect the credentials in question.”

In order to understand the anatomy of the phishing attack, there is a necessity for a clear and detailed definition that underpins previous existent definitions. Since a phishing attack constitutes a mix of technical and social engineering tactics, a new definition (i.e., Anatomy) has been proposed in this article, which describes the complete process of a phishing attack. This provides a better understanding for the readers as it covers phishing attacks in depth from a range of perspectives. Various angles and this might help beginner readers or researchers in this field. To this end, we define phishing as a socio-technical attack, in which the attacker targets specific valuables by exploiting an existing vulnerability to pass a specific threat via a selected medium into the victim’s system, utilizing social engineering tricks or some other techniques to convince the victim into taking a specific action that causes various types of damages.

Figure 1 depicts the general process flow for a phishing attack that contains four phases; these phases are elaborated in Proposed Phishing Anatomy . However, as shown in Figure 1 , in most attacks, the phishing process is initiated by gathering information about the target. Then the phisher decides which attack method is to be used in the attack as initial steps within the planning phase. The second phase is the preparation phase, in which the phisher starts to search for vulnerabilities through which he could trap the victim. The phisher conducts his attack in the third phase and waits for a response from the victim. In turn, the attacker could collect the spoils in the valuables acquisition phase, which is the last step in the phishing process. To elaborate the above phishing process using an example, an attacker may send a fraudulent email to an internet user pretending to be from the victim’s bank, requesting the user to confirm the bank account details, or else the account may be suspended. The user may think this email is legitimate since it uses the same graphic elements, trademarks, and colors of their legitimate bank. Submitted information will then be directly transmitted to the phisher who will use it for different malicious purposes such as money withdrawal, blackmailing, or committing further frauds.

FIGURE 1 . General phishing attack process.

Real-World Phishing Examples

Some real-world examples of phishing attacks are discussed in this section to present the complexity of some recent phishing attacks. Figure 2 shows the screenshot of a suspicious phishing email that passed a University’s spam filters and reached the recipient mailbox. As shown in Figure 2 , the phisher uses the sense of importance or urgency in the subject through the word ‘important,’ so that the email can trigger a psychological reaction in the user to prompt them into clicking the button “View message.” The email contains a suspicious embedded button, indeed, when hovering over this embedded button, it does not match with Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the status bar. Another clue in this example is that the sender's address is questionable and not known to the receiver. Clicking on the fake attachment button will result in either installation of a virus or worm onto the computer or handing over the user’s credentials by redirecting the victim onto a fake login page.

FIGURE 2 . Screenshot of a real suspicious phishing email received by the authors’ institution in February 2019.

More recently, phishers take advantage of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) to fool their prey. Many Coronavirus-themed scam messages sent by attackers exploited people’s fear of contracting COVID-19 and urgency to look for information related to Coronavirus (e.g., some of these attacks are related to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as facemasks), the WHO stated that COVID-19 has created an Infodemic which is favorable for phishers ( Hewage, 2020 ). Cybercriminals also lured people to open attachments claiming that it contains information about people with Coronavirus within the local area.

Figure 3 shows an example of a phishing e-mail where the attacker claimed to be the recipient’s neighbor sending a message in which they pretended to be dying from the virus and threatening to infect the victim unless a ransom was paid ( Ksepersky, 2020 ).

FIGURE 3 . Screenshot of a coronavirus related phishing email ( Ksepersky, 2020 ).

Another example is the phishing attack spotted by a security researcher at Akamai organization in January 2019. The attack attempted to use Google Translate to mask suspicious URLs, prefacing them with the legit-looking “ ” address to dupe users into logging in ( Rhett, 2019 ). That attack followed with Phishing scams asking for Netflix payment detail for example, or embedded in promoted tweets that redirect users to genuine-looking PayPal login pages. Although the tricky/bogus page was very well designed in the latter case, the lack of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) lock and misspellings in the URL were key red flags (or giveaways) that this was actually a phishing attempt ( Keck, 2018 ). Figure 4A shows a screenshot of a phishing email received by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The email promotes the user to update his payment method by clicking on a link, pretending that Netflix is having a problem with the user's billing information ( FTC, 2018 ).

FIGURE 4 . Screenshot of the (A) Netflix scam email and (B) fraudulent text message (Apple) ( Keck, 2018 ; Rhett, 2019 )

Figure 4B shows a text message as another example of phishing that is difficult to spot as a fake text message ( Pompon et al., 2018 ). The text message shown appears to come from Apple asking the customer to update the victim’s account. A sense of urgency is used in the message as a lure to motivate the user to respond.

Developing a Phishing Campaign

Today, phishing is considered one of the most pressing cybersecurity threats for all internet users, regardless of their technical understanding and how cautious they are. These attacks are getting more sophisticated by the day and can cause severe losses to the victims. Although the attacker’s first motivation is stealing money, stolen sensitive data can be used for other malicious purposes such as infiltrating sensitive infrastructures for espionage purposes. Therefore, phishers keep on developing their techniques over time with the development of electronic media. The following sub-sections discuss phishing evolution and the latest statistics.

Historical Overview

Cybersecurity has been a major concern since the beginning of APRANET, which is considered to be the first wide-area packet-switching network with distributed control and one of the first networks to implement the TCP/IP protocol suite. The term “Phishing” which was also called carding or brand spoofing, was coined for the first time in 1996 when the hackers created randomized credit card numbers using an algorithm to steal users' passwords from America Online (AOL) ( Whitman and Mattord, 2012 ; Cui et al., 2017 ). Then phishers used instant messages or emails to reach users by posing as AOL employees to convince users to reveal their passwords. Attackers believed that requesting customers to update their account would be an effective way to disclose their sensitive information, thereafter, phishers started to target larger financial companies. The author in ( Ollmann, 2004 ) believes that the “ph” in phishing comes from the terminology “Phreaks” which was coined by John Draper, who was also known as Captain Crunch, and was used by early Internet criminals when they phreak telephone systems. Where the “f” in ‘fishing’ replaced with “ph” in “Phishing” as they both have the same meaning by phishing the passwords and sensitive information from the sea of internet users. Over time, phishers developed various and more advanced types of scams for launching their attack. Sometimes, the purpose of the attack is not limited to stealing sensitive information, but it could involve injecting viruses or downloading the malicious program into a victim's computer. Phishers make use of a trusted source (for instance a bank helpdesk) to deceive victims so that they disclose their sensitive information ( Ollmann, 2004 ).

Phishing attacks are rapidly evolving, and spoofing methods are continuously changing as a response to new corresponding countermeasures. Hackers take advantage of new tool-kits and technologies to exploit systems’ vulnerabilities and also use social engineering techniques to fool unsuspecting users. Therefore, phishing attacks continue to be one of the most successful cybercrime attacks.

The Latest Statistics of Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are becoming more common and they are significantly increasing in both sophistication and frequency. Lately, phishing attacks have appeared in various forms. Different channels and threats are exploited and used by the attackers to trap more victims. These channels could be social networks or VoIP, which could carry various types of threats such as malicious attachments, embedded links within an email, instant messages, scam calls, or other types. Criminals know that social engineering-based methods are effective and profitable; therefore, they keep focusing on social engineering attacks, as it is their favorite weapon, instead of concentrating on sophisticated techniques and toolkits. Phishing attacks have reached unprecedented levels especially with emerging technologies such as mobile and social media ( Marforio et al., 2015 ). For instance, from 2017 to 2020, phishing attacks have increased from 72 to 86% among businesses in the United Kingdom in which a large proportion of the attacks are originated from social media ( GOV.UK, 2020 ).

The APWG Phishing Activity Trends Report analyzes and measures the evolution, proliferation, and propagation of phishing attacks reported to the APWG. Figure 5 shows the growth in phishing attacks from 2015 to 2020 by quarters based on APWG annual reports ( APWG, 2020 ). As demonstrated in Figure 5 , in the third quarter of 2019, the number of phishing attacks rose to 266,387, which is the highest level in three years since late 2016. This was up 46% from the 182,465 for the second quarter, and almost double the 138,328 seen in the fourth quarter of 2018. The number of unique phishing e-mails reported to APWG in the same quarter was 118,260. Furthermore, it was found that the number of brands targeted by phishing campaigns was 1,283.

FIGURE 5 . The growth in phishing attacks 2015–2020 by quarters based on data collected from APWG annual reports.

Cybercriminals are always taking advantage of disasters and hot events for their own gains. With the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a variety of themed phishing and malware attacks have been launched by phishers against workers, healthcare facilities, and even the general public. A report from Microsoft ( Microsoft, 2020 ) showed that cyber-attacks related to COVID-19 had spiked to an unprecedented level in March, most of these scams are fake COVID-19 websites according to security company RiskIQ ( RISKIQ, 2020 ). However, the total number of phishing attacks observed by APWG in the first quarter of 2020 was 165,772, up from the 162,155 observed in the fourth quarter of 2019. The number of these unique phishing reports submitted to APWG during the first quarter of 2020 was 139,685, up from 132,553 in the fourth quarter of 2019, 122,359 in the third quarter of 2019, and 112,163 in the second quarter of 2019 ( APWG, 2020 ).

A study ( KeepnetLABS, 2018 ) confirmed that more than 91% of system breaches are caused by attacks initiated by email. Although cybercriminals use email as the main medium for leveraging their attacks, many organizations faced a high volume of different social engineering attacks in 2019 such as Social Media Attacks, Smishing Attacks, Vishing Attacks, USB-based Attacks (for example by hiding and delivering malware to smartphones via USB phone chargers and distributing malware-laden free USBs) ( Proofpoint, 2020 ). However, info-security professionals reported a higher frequency of all types of social engineering attacks year-on-year according to a report presented by Proofpoint. Spear phishing increased to 64% in 2018 from 53% in 2017, Vishing and/or SMishing increased to 49% from 45%, and USB attacks increased to 4% from 3%. The positive side shown in this study is that 59% of suspicious emails reported by end-users were classified as potential phishing, indicating that employees are being more security-aware, diligent, and thoughtful about the emails they receive ( Proofpoint, 2019a ). In all its forms, phishing can be one of the easiest cyber attacks to fall for. With the increasing levels of different phishing types, a survey was conducted by Proofpoint to identify the strengths and weaknesses of particular regions in terms of specific fundamental cybersecurity concepts. In this study, several questions were asked of 7,000 end-users about the identification of multiple terms like phishing, ransomware, SMishing, and Vishing across seven countries; the US, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, and Japan. The response was different from country to country, where respondents from the United Kingdom recorded the highest knowledge with the term phishing at 70% and the same with the term ransomware at 60%. In contrast, the results showed that the United Kingdom recorded only 18% for each Vishing and SMishing ( Proofpoint, 2019a ), as shown in Table 1 .

TABLE 1 . Percentage of respondents understanding multiple cybersecurity terms from different countries.

On the other hand, a report by Wombat security reflects responses from more than 6,000 working adults about receiving fraudulent solicitation across six countries; the US, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Australia ( Ksepersky, 2020 ). Respondents from the United Kingdom stated that they were recipients of fraudulent solicitations through the following sources: email 62%, phone call 27%, text message 16%, mailed letter 8%, social media 10%, and 17% confirmed that they been the victim of identity theft ( Ksepersky, 2020 ). However, the consequences of responding to phishing are serious and costly. For instance, the United Kingdom losses from financial fraud across payment cards, remote banking, and cheques totaled £768.8 million in 2016 ( Financial Fraud Action UK, 2017 ). Indeed, the losses resulting from phishing attacks are not limited to financial losses that might exceed millions of pounds, but also loss of customers and reputation. According to the 2020 state of phish report ( Proofpoint, 2020 ), damages from successful phishing attacks can range from lost productivity to cash outlay. The cost can include; lost hours from employees, remediation time for info security teams’ costs due to incident response, damage to reputation, lost intellectual property, direct monetary losses, compliance fines, lost customers, legal fees, etc.

There are many targets for phishing including end-user, business, financial services (i.e., banks, credit card companies, and PayPal), retail (i.e., eBay, Amazon) and, Internet Service Providers (, 2018 ). Affected organizations detected by Kaspersky Labs globally in the first quarter of 2020 are demonstrated in Figure 6 . As shown in the figure, online stores were at the top of the targeted list (18.12%) followed by global Internet portals (16.44%) and social networks in third place (13.07%) ( Ksepersky, 2020 ). While the most impersonated brands overall for the first quarter of 2020 were Apple, Netflix, Yahoo, WhatsApp, PayPal, Chase, Facebook, Microsoft eBay, and Amazon ( Checkpoint, 2020 ).

FIGURE 6 . Distribution of organizations affected by phishing attacks detected by Kaspersky in quarter one of 2020.

Phishing attacks can take a variety of forms to target people and steal sensitive information from them. Current data shows that phishing attacks are still effective, which indicates that the available existing countermeasures are not enough to detect and prevent these attacks especially on smart devices. The social engineering element of the phishing attack has been effective in bypassing the existing defenses to date. Therefore, it is essential to understand what makes people fall victim to phishing attacks. What Attributes Make Some People More Susceptible to Phishing Attacks Than Others discusses the human attributes that are exploited by the phishers.

What Attributes Make Some People More Susceptible to Phishing Attacks Than Others

Why do most existing defenses against phishing not work? What personal and contextual attributes make them more susceptible to phishing attacks than other users? Different studies have discussed those two questions and examined the factors affecting susceptibility to a phishing attack and the reasons behind why people get phished. Human nature is considered one of the most affecting factors in the process of phishing. Everyone is susceptible to phishing attacks because phishers play on an individual’s specific psychological/emotional triggers as well as technical vulnerabilities ( KeepnetLABS, 2018 ; Crane, 2019 ). For instance, individuals are likely to click on a link within an email when they see authority cues ( Furnell, 2007 ). In 2017, a report by PhishMe (2017) found that curiosity and urgency were the most common triggers that encourage people to respond to the attack, later these triggers were replaced by entertainment, social media, and reward/recognition as the top emotional motivators. However, in the context of a phishing attack, the psychological triggers often surpass people’s conscious decisions. For instance, when people are working under stress, they tend to make decisions without thinking of the possible consequences and options ( Lininger and Vines, 2005 ). Moreover, everyday stress can damage areas of the brain that weakens the control of their emotions ( Keinan, 1987 ). Several studies have addressed the association between susceptibility to phishing and demographic variables (e.g., age and gender) as an attempt to identify the reasons behind phishing success at different population groups. Although everyone is susceptible to phishing, studies showed that different age groups are more susceptible to certain lures than others are. For example, participants with an age range between 18 and 25 are more susceptible to phishing than other age groups ( Williams et al., 2018 ). The reason that younger adults are more likely to fall for phishing, is that younger adults are more trusting when it comes to online communication, and are also more likely to click on unsolicited e-mails ( Getsafeonline, 2017 ). Moreover, older participants are less susceptible because they tend to be less impulsive ( Arnsten et al., 2012 ). While some studies confirmed that women are more susceptible than men to phishing as they click on links in phishing emails and enter information into phishing websites more often than men do. The study published by Getsafeonline (2017) identifies a lack of technical know-how and experience among women than men as the main reason for this. In contrast, a survey conducted by antivirus company Avast found that men are more susceptible to smartphone malware attacks than women ( Ong, 2014 ). These findings confirmed the results from the study ( Hadlington, 2017 ) that found men are more susceptible to mobile phishing attacks than women. The main reason behind this according to Hadlington (2017) is that men are more comfortable and trusting when using mobile online services. The relationships between demographic characteristics of individualls and their ability to correctly detect a phishing attack have been studied in ( Iuga et al., 2016 ). The study showed that participants with high Personal Computer (PC) usage tend to identify phishing efforts more accurately and faster than other participants. Another study ( Hadlington, 2017 ) showed that internet addiction, attentional, and motor impulsivity were significant positive predictors for risky cybersecurity behaviors while a positive attitude toward cybersecurity in business was negatively related to risky cybersecurity behaviors. On the other hand, the trustworthiness of people in some web sites/platforms is one of the holes that the scammers or crackers exploit especially when it based on visual appearance that could fool the user ( Hadlington, 2017 ). For example, fraudsters take advantage of people’s trust in a website by replacing a letter from the legitimate site with a number such as instead of . Another study ( Yeboah-Boateng and Amanor, 2014 ) demonstrates that although college students are unlikely to disclose personal information as a response to an email, nonetheless they could easily be tricked by other tactics, making them alarmingly susceptible to email phishing attacks. The reason for that is most college students do not have a basis in ICT especially in terms of security. Although security terms like viruses, online scams and worms are known by some end-users, these users could have no knowledge about Phishing, SMishing, and Vishing and others ( Lin et al., 2012 ). However, study ( Yeboah-Boateng and Amanor, 2014 ) shows that younger students are more susceptible than older students, and students who worked full-time were less likely to fall for phishing.

The study reported in ( Diaz et al., 2020 ) examines user click rates and demographics among undergraduates by sending phishing attacks to 1,350 randomly selected students. Students from various disciplines were involved in the test, from engineering and mathematics to arts and social sciences. The study observed that student susceptibility was affected by a range of factors such as phishing awareness, time spent on the computer, cyber training, age, academic year, and college affiliation. The most surprising finding is that those who have greater phishing knowledge are more susceptible to phishing scams. The authors consider two speculations for these unexpected findings. First, user’s awareness about phishing might have been increased with the continuous falling for phishing scams. Second, users who fell for the phish might have less knowledge about phishing than they claim. Other findings from this study agreed with findings from other studies that is, older students were more able to detect a phishing email, and engineering and IT majors had some of the lowest click rates as shown in Figure 7 , which shows that some academic disciplines are more susceptible to phishing than others ( Bailey et al., 2008 ).

FIGURE 7 . The number of clicks on phishing emails by students in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHSS), the College of Engineering and Information Technology (EIT), and the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (NMS) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) ( Diaz et al., 2020 ).

Psychological studies have also illustrated that the user’s ability to avoid phishing attacks affected by different factors such as browser security indicators and user's awareness of phishing. The author in ( Dhamija et al., 2006 ) conducted an experimental study using 22 participants to test the user’s ability to recognize phishing websites. The study shows that 90% of these participants became victims of phishing websites and 23% of them ignored security indexes such as the status and address bar. In 2015, another study was conducted for the same purpose, where a number of fake web pages was shown to the participants ( Alsharnouby et al., 2015 ). The results of this study showed that participants detected only 53% of phishing websites successfully. The authors also observed that the time spent on looking at browser elements affected the ability to detect phishing. Lack of knowledge or awareness and carelessness are common causes for making people fall for a phishing trap. Most people have unknowingly opened a suspicious attachment or clicked a fake link that could lead to different levels of compromise. Therefore, focusing on training and preparing users for dealing with such attacks are essential elements to minimize the impact of phishing attacks.

Given the above discussion, susceptibility to phishing varies according to different factors such as age, gender, education level, internet, and PC addiction, etc. Although for each person, there is a trigger that can be exploited by phishers, even people with high experience may fall prey to phishing due to the attack sophistication that makes it difficult to be recognized. Therefore, it is inequitable that the user has always been blamed for falling for these attacks, developers must improve the anti-phishing systems in a way that makes the attack invisible. Understanding the susceptibility of individuals to phishing attacks will help in better developing prevention and detection techniques and solutions.

Proposed Phishing Anatomy

Phishing process overview.

Generally, most of the phishing attacks start with an email ( Jagatic et al., 2007 ). The phishing mail could be sent randomly to potential users or it can be targeted to a specific group or individuals. Many other vectors can also be used to initiate the attack such as phone calls, instant messaging, or physical letters. However, phishing process steps have been discussed by many researchers due to the importance of understanding these steps in developing an anti-phishing solution. The author in the study ( Rouse, 2013 ) divides the phishing attack process into five phases which are planning, setup, attack, collection, and cash. A study ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ) discusses the phishing process in detail and explained it as step-by-step phases. These phases include preparation for the attack, sending a malicious program using the selected vector, obtaining the user’s reaction to the attack, tricking a user to disclose their confidential information which will be transmitted to the phisher, and finally obtaining the targeted money. While the study ( Abad, 2005 ) describes a phishing attack in three phases: the early phase which includes initializing attack, creating the phishing email, and sending a phishing email to the victim. The second phase includes receiving an email by the victim and disclosing their information (in the case of the respondent) and the final phase in which the defrauding is successful. However, all phishing scams include three primary phases, the phisher requests sensitive valuables from the target, and the target gives away these valuables to a phisher, and phisher misuses these valuables for malicious purposes. These phases can be classified furthermore into its sub-processes according to phishing trends. Thus, a new anatomy for phishing attacks has been proposed in this article, which expands and integrates previous definitions to cover the full life cycle of a phishing attack. The proposed new anatomy, which consists of 4 phases, is shown in Figure 8 . This new anatomy provides a reference structure to look at phishing attacks in more detail and also to understand potential countermeasures to prevent them. The explanations for each phase and its components are presented as follows:

FIGURE 8 . The proposed anatomy of phishing was built upon the proposed phishing definition in this article, which concluded from our understanding of a phishing attack.

Figure 8 depicts the proposed anatomy of the phishing attack process, phases, and components drawn upon the proposed definition in this article. The proposed phishing anatomy explains in detail each phase of phishing phases including attackers and target types, examples about the information that could be collected by the attacker about the victim, and examples about attack methods. The anatomy, as shown in the figure, illustrates a set of vulnerabilities that the attacker can exploit and the mediums used to conduct the attack. Possible threats are also listed, as well as the data collection method for a further explanation and some examples about target responding types and types of spoils that the attacker could gain and how they can use the stolen valuables. This anatomy elaborates on phishing attacks in depth which helps people to better understand the complete phishing process (i.e., end to end Phishing life cycle) and boost awareness among readers. It also provides insights into potential solutions for phishing attacks we should focus on. Instead of always placing the user or human in an accusation ring as the only reason behind phishing success, developers must be focusing on solutions to mitigate the initiation of the attack by preventing the bait from reaching the user. For instance, to reach the target’s system, the threat has to pass through many layers of technology or defenses exploiting one or more vulnerabilities such as web and software vulnerabilities.

Planning Phase

This is the first stage of the attack, where a phisher makes a decision about the targets and starts gathering information about them (individuals or company). Phishers gather information about the victims to lure them based on psychological vulnerability. This information can be anything like name, e-mail addresses for individuals, or the customers of that company. Victims could also be selected randomly, by sending mass mailings or targeted by harvesting their information from social media, or any other source. Targets for phishing could be any user with a bank account and has a computer on the Internet. Phishers target businesses such as financial services, retail sectors such as eBay and Amazon, and internet service providers such as MSN/Hotmail, and Yahoo ( Ollmann, 2004 ; Ramzan and Wuest, 2007 ). This phase also includes devising attack methods such as building fake websites (sometimes phishers get a scam page that is already designed or used, designing malware, constructing phishing emails. The attacker can be categorized based on the attack motivation. There are four types of attackers as mentioned in studies ( Vishwanath, 2005 ; Okin, 2009 ; EDUCBA, 2017 ; APWG, 2020 ):

▪ Script kiddies: the term script kiddies represents an attacker with no technical background or knowledge about writing sophisticated programs or developing phishing tools but instead they use scripts developed by others in their phishing attack. Although the term comes from children that use available phishing kits to crack game codes by spreading malware using virus toolkits, it does not relate precisely to the actual age of the phisher. Script kiddies can get access to website administration privileges and commit a “Web cracking” attack. Moreover, they can use hacking tools to compromise remote computers so-called “botnet,” the single compromised computer called a “zombie computer.” These attackers are not limited to just sit back and enjoy phishing, they could cause serious damage such as stealing information or uploading Trojans or viruses. In February 2000, an attack launched by Canadian teen Mike Calce resulted in $1.7 million US Dollars (USD) damages from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on CNN, eBay, Dell, Yahoo, and Amazon ( Leyden, 2001 ).

▪ Serious Crackers: also known as Black Hats. These attackers can execute sophisticated attacks and develop worms and Trojans for their attack. They hijack people's accounts maliciously and steal credit card information, destroy important files, or sell compromised credentials for personal gains.

▪ Organized crime: this is the most organized and effective type of attacker and they can incur significant damage to victims. These people hire serious crackers for conducting phishing attacks. Moreover, they can thoroughly trash the victim's identity, and committing devastated frauds as they have the skills, tools, and manpower. An organized cybercrime group is a team of expert hackers who share their skills to build complex attacks and to launch phishing campaigns against individuals and organizations. These groups offer their work as ‘crime as a service’ and they can be hired by terrorist groups, organizations, or individuals.

▪ Terrorists: due to our dependency on the internet for most activities, terrorist groups can easily conduct acts of terror remotely which could have an adverse impact. These types of attacks are dangerous since they are not in fear of any aftermath, for instance going to jail. Terrorists could use the internet to the maximum effect to create fear and violence as it requires limited funds, resources, and efforts compared to, for example, buying bombs and weapons in a traditional attack. Often, terrorists use spear phishing to launch their attacks for different purposes such as inflicting damage, cyber espionage, gathering information, locating individuals, and other vandalism purposes. Cyber espionage has been used extensively by cyber terrorists to steal sensitive information on national security, commercial information, and trade secrets which can be used for terrorist activities. These types of crimes may target governments or organizations, or individuals.

Attack Preparation

After making a decision about the targets and gathering information about them, phishers start to set up the attack by scanning for the vulnerabilities to exploit. The following are some examples of vulnerabilities exploited by phishers. For example, the attacker might exploit buffer overflow vulnerability to take control of target applications, create a DoS attack, or compromise computers. Moreover, “zero-day” software vulnerabilities, which refer to newly discovered vulnerabilities in software programs or operating systems could be exploited directly before it is fixed ( Kayne, 2019 ). Another example is browser vulnerabilities, adding new features and updates to the browser might introduce new vulnerabilities to the browser software ( Ollmann, 2004 ). In 2005, attackers exploited a cross-domain vulnerability in Internet Explorer (IE) ( Symantic, 2019 ). The cross-domain used to separate content from different sources in Microsoft IE. Attackers exploited a flaw in the cross-domain that enables them to execute programs on a user's computer after running IE. According to US-CERT, hackers are actively exploiting this vulnerability. To carry out a phishing attack, attackers need a medium so that they can reach their target. Therefore, apart from planning the attack to exploit potential vulnerabilities, attackers choose the medium that will be used to deliver the threat to the victim and carry out the attack. These mediums could be the internet (social network, websites, emails, cloud computing, e-banking, mobile systems) or VoIP (phone call), or text messages. For example, one of the actively used mediums is Cloud Computing (CC). The CC has become one of the more promising technologies and has popularly replaced conventional computing technologies. Despite the considerable advantages produced by CC, the adoption of CC faces several controversial obstacles including privacy and security issues ( CVEdetails, 2005 ). Due to the fact that different customers could share the same recourses in the cloud, virtualization vulnerabilities may be exploited by a possible malicious customer to perform security attacks on other customers’ applications and data ( Zissis and Lekkas, 2012 ). For example, in September 2014, secret photos of some celebrities suddenly moved through the internet in one of the more terrible data breaches. The investigation revealed that the iCloud accounts of the celebrities were breached ( Lehman and Vajpayee, 2011 ). According to Proofpoint, in 2017, attackers used Microsoft SharePoint to infect hundreds of campaigns with malware through messages.

Attack Conducting Phase

This phase involves using attack techniques to deliver the threat to the victim as well as the victim’s interaction with the attack in terms of responding or not. After the victim's response, the system may be compromised by the attacker to collect user's information using techniques such as injecting client-side script into webpages ( Johnson, 2016 ). Phishers can compromise hosts without any technical knowledge by purchasing access from hackers ( Abad, 2005 ). A threat is a possible danger that that might exploit a vulnerability to compromise people’s security and privacy or cause possible harm to a computer system for malicious purposes. Threats could be malware, botnet, eavesdropping, unsolicited emails, and viral links. Several Phishing techniques are discussed in sub- Types and Techniques of Phishing Attacks .

Valuables Acquisition Phase

In this stage, the phisher collects information or valuables from victims and uses it illegally for purchasing, funding money without the user’s knowledge, or selling these credentials in the black market. Attackers target a wide range of valuables from their victims that range from money to people’s lives. For example, attacks on online medical systems may lead to loss of life. Victim’s data can be collected by phishers manually or through automated techniques ( Jakobsson et al., 2007 ).

The data collection can be conducted either during or after the victim’s interaction with the attacker. However, to collect data manually simple techniques are used wherein victims interact directly with the phisher depending on relationships within social networks or other human deception techniques ( Ollmann, 2004 ). Whereas in automated data collection, several techniques can be used such as fake web forms that are used in web spoofing ( Dhamija et al., 2006 ). Additionally, the victim’s public data such as the user’s profile in social networks can be used to collect the victim’s background information that is required to initialize social engineering attacks ( Wenyin et al., 2005 ). In VoIP attacks or phone attack techniques such as recorded messages are used to harvest user's data ( Huber et al., 2009 ).

Types and Techniques of Phishing Attacks

Phishers conduct their attack either by using psychological manipulation of individuals into disclosing personal information (i.e., deceptive attack as a form of social engineering) or using technical methods. Phishers, however, usually prefer deceptive attacks by exploiting human psychology rather than technical methods. Figure 9 illustrates the types of phishing and techniques used by phishers to conduct a phishing attack. Each type and technique is explained in subsequent sections and subsections.

FIGURE 9 . Phishing attack types and techniques drawing upon existing phishing attacks.

Deceptive Phishing

Deceptive phishing is the most common type of phishing attack in which the attacker uses social engineering techniques to deceive victims. In this type of phishing, a phisher uses either social engineering tricks by making up scenarios (i.e., false account update, security upgrade), or technical methods (i.e., using legitimate trademarks, images, and logos) to lure the victim and convince them of the legitimacy of the forged email ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). By believing these scenarios, the user will fall prey and follow the given link, which leads to disclose his personal information to the phisher.

Deceptive phishing is performed through phishing emails; fake websites; phone phishing (Scam Call and IM); social media; and via many other mediums. The most common social phishing types are discussed below;

Phishing e-Mail

The most common threat derived by an attacker is deceiving people via email communications and this remains the most popular phishing type to date. A Phishing email or Spoofed email is a forged email sent from an untrusted source to thousands of victims randomly. These fake emails are claiming to be from a person or financial institution that the recipient trusts in order to convince recipients to take actions that lead them to disclose their sensitive information. A more organized phishing email that targets a particular group or individuals within the same organization is called spear phishing. In the above type, the attacker may gather information related to the victim such as name and address so that it appears to be credible emails from a trusted source ( Wang et al., 2008 ), and this is linked to the planning phase of the phishing anatomy proposed in this article. A more sophisticated form of spear phishing is called whaling, which targets high-rank people such as CEOs and CFOs. Some examples of spear-phishing attack victims in early 2016 are the phishing email that hacked the Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s Gmail account ( Parmar, 2012 ). Clone phishing is another type of email phishing, where the attacker clones a legitimate and previously delivered email by spoofing the email address and using information related to the recipient such as addresses from the legitimate email with replaced links or malicious attachments ( Krawchenko, 2016 ). The basic scenario for this attack is illustrated previously in Figure 4 and can be described in the following steps.

1. The phisher sets up a fraudulent email containing a link or an attachment (planning phase).

2. The phisher executes the attack by sending a phishing email to the potential victim using an appropriate medium (attack conducting phase).

3. The link (if clicked) directs the user to a fraudulent website, or to download malware in case of clicking the attachment (interaction phase).

4. The malicious website prompts users to provide confidential information or credentials, which are then collected by the attacker and used for fraudulent activities. (Valuables acquisition phase).

Often, the phisher does not use the credentials directly; instead, they resell the obtained credentials or information on a secondary market ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ), for instance, script kiddies might sell the credentials on the dark web.

Spoofed Website

This is also called phishing websites, in which phishers forge a website that appears to be genuine and looks similar to the legitimate website. An unsuspicious user is redirected to this website after clicking a link embedded within an email or through an advertisement (clickjacking) or any other way. If the user continues to interact with the spoofed website, sensitive information will be disclosed and harvested by the phisher ( CSIOnsite, 2012 ).

Phone Phishing (Vishing and SMishing)

This type of phishing is conducted through phone calls or text messages, in which the attacker pretends to be someone the victim knows or any other trusted source the victim deals with. A user may receive a convincing security alert message from a bank convincing the victim to contact a given phone number with the aim to get the victim to share passwords or PIN numbers or any other Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The victim may be duped into clicking on an embedded link in the text message. The phisher then could take the credentials entered by the victim and use them to log in to the victims' instant messaging service to phish other people from the victim’s contact list. A phisher could also make use of Caller IDentification (CID) 3 spoofing to dupe the victim that the call is from a trusted source or by leveraging from an internet protocol private branch exchange (IP PBX) 4 tools which are open-source and software-based that support VoIP ( Aburrous et al., 2008 ). A new report from Fraud Watch International about phishing attack trends for 2019 anticipated an increase in SMishing where the text messages content is only viewable on a mobile device ( FraudWatchInternational, 2019 ).

Social Media Attack (Soshing, Social Media Phishing)

Social media is the new favorite medium for cybercriminals to conduct their phishing attacks. The threats of social media can be account hijacking, impersonation attacks, scams, and malware distributing. However, detecting and mitigating these threats requires a longer time than detecting traditional methods as social media exists outside of the network perimeter. For example, the nation-state threat actors conducted an extensive series of social media attacks on Microsoft in 2014. Multiple Twitter accounts were affected by these attacks and passwords and emails for dozens of Microsoft employees were revealed ( Ramzan, 2010 ). According to Kaspersky Lab’s, the number of phishing attempts to visit fraudulent social network pages in the first quarter of 2018 was more than 3.7 million attempts, of which 60% were fake Facebook pages ( Raggo, 2016 ).

The new report from predictive email defense company Vade Secure about phishers’ favorites for quarter 1 and quarter 2 of 2019, stated that Soshing primarily on Facebook and Instagram saw a 74.7% increase that is the highest quarter-over- quarter growth of any industry ( VadeSecure, 2021 ).

Technical Subterfuge

Technical subterfuge is the act of tricking individuals into disclosing their sensitive information through technical subterfuge by downloading malicious code into the victim's system. Technical subterfuge can be classified into the following types:

Malware-Based Phishing

As the name suggests, this is a type of phishing attack which is conducted by running malicious software on a user’s machine. The malware is downloaded to the victim’s machine, either by one of the social engineering tricks or technically by exploiting vulnerabilities in the security system (e.g., browser vulnerabilities) ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). Panda malware is one of the successful malware programs discovered by Fox-IT Company in 2016. This malware targets Windows Operating Systems (OS). It spreads through phishing campaigns and its main attack vectors include web injects, screenshots of user activity (up to 100 per mouse click), logging of keyboard input, Clipboard pastes (to grab passwords and paste them into form fields), and exploits to the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) desktop sharing system. In 2018, Panda malware expanded its targets to include cryptocurrency exchanges and social media sites ( F5Networks, 2018 ). There are many forms of Malware-based phishing attacks; some of them are discussed below:

Key Loggers and Screen Loggers

Loggers are the type of malware used by phishers and installed either through Trojan horse email attachments or through direct download to the user’s personal computer. This software monitors data and records user keystrokes and then sends it to the phisher. Phisher uses the key loggers to capture sensitive information related to victims, such as names, addresses, passwords, and other confidential data. Key loggers can also be used for non-phishing purposes such as to monitor a child's use of the internet. Key loggers can also be implemented in many other ways such as detecting URL changes and logs information as Browser Helper Object (BHO) that enables the attacker to take control of the features of all IE’s, monitoring keyboard and mouse input as a device driver and, monitoring users input and displays as a screen logger ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Viruses and Worms

A virus is a type of malware, which is a piece of code spreading in another application or program by making copies of itself in a self-automated manner ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ; F5Networks, 2018 ). Worms are similar to viruses but they differ in the execution manner, as worms are executed by exploiting the operating systems vulnerability without the need to modify another program. Viruses transfer from one computer to another with the document that they are attached to, while worms transfer through the infected host file. Both viruses and worms can cause data and software damaging or Denial-of-Service (DoS) conditions ( F5Networks, 2018 ).

Spying software is a malicious code designed to track the websites visited by users in order to steal sensitive information and conduct a phishing attack. Spyware can be delivered through an email and, once it is installed on the computer, take control over the device and either change its settings or gather information such as passwords and credit card numbers or banking records which can be used for identity theft ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Adware is also known as advertising-supported software ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). Adware is a type of malware that shows the user an endless pop-up window with ads that could harm the performance of the device. Adware can be annoying but most of it is safe. Some of the adware could be used for malicious purposes such as tracking the internet sites the user visits or even recording the user's keystrokes ( cisco, 2018 ).

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the user's data after they run an executable program on the device. In this type of attack, the decryption key is held until the user pays a ransom (cisco, 2018). Ransomware is responsible for tens of millions of dollars in extortion annually. Worse still, this is hard to detect with developing new variants, facilitating the evasion of many antivirus and intrusion detection systems ( Latto, 2020 ). Ransomware is usually delivered to the victim's device through phishing emails. According to a report ( PhishMe, 2016 ), 93% of all phishing emails contained encryption ransomware. Phishing, as a social engineering attack, convinces victims into executing actions without knowing about the malicious program.

A rootkit is a collection of programs, typically malicious, that enables access to a computer or computer network. These toolsets are used by intruders to hide their actions from system administrators by modifying the code of system calls and changing the functionality ( Belcic, 2020 ). The term “rootkit” has negative connotations through its association with malware, and it is used by the attacker to alert existing system tools to escape detection. These kits enable individuals with little or no knowledge to launch phishing exploits. It contains coding, mass emailing software (possibly with thousands of email addresses included), web development software, and graphic design tools. An example of rootkits is the Kernel kit. Kernel-Level Rootkits are created by replacing portions of the core operating system or adding new code via Loadable Kernel Modules in (Linux) or device drivers (in Windows) ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Session Hijackers

In this type, the attacker monitors the user’s activities by embedding malicious software within a browser component or via network sniffing. The monitoring aims to hijack the session, so that the attacker performs an unauthorized action with the hijacked session such as financial transferring, without the user's permission ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Web Trojans

Web Trojans are malicious programs that collect user’s credentials by popping up in a hidden way over the login screen ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). When the user enters the credentials, these programs capture and transmit the stolen credentials directly to the attacker ( Jakobsson et al., 2007 ).

Hosts File Poisoning

This is a way to trick a user into going to the phisher’s site by poisoning (changing) the host’s file. When the user types a particular website address in the URL bar, the web address will be translated into a numeric (IP) address before visiting the site. The attacker, to take the user to a fake website for phishing purposes, will modify this file (e.g., DNS cache). This type of phishing is hard to detect even by smart and perceptive users ( Ollmann, 2004 ).

System Reconfiguration Attack

In this format of the phishing attack, the phisher manipulates the settings on a user’s computer for malicious activities so that the information on this PC will be compromised. System reconfigurations can be changed using different methods such as reconfiguring the operating system and modifying the user’s Domain Name System (DNS) server address. The wireless evil twin is an example of a system reconfiguration attack in which all user’s traffic is monitored via a malicious wireless Access Point (AP) ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Data theft is an unauthorized accessing and stealing of confidential information for a business or individuals. Data theft can be performed by a phishing email that leads to the download of a malicious code to the user's computer which in turn steals confidential information stored in that computer directly ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). Stolen information such as passwords, social security numbers, credit card information, sensitive emails, and other personal data could be used directly by a phisher or indirectly by selling it for different purposes.

Domain Name System Based Phishing (Pharming)

Any form of phishing that interferes with the domain name system so that the user will be redirected to the malicious website by polluting the user's DNS cache with wrong information is called DNS-based phishing. Although the host’s file is not a part of the DNS, the host’s file poisoning is another form of DNS based phishing. On the other hand, by compromising the DNS server, the genuine IP addresses will be modified which results in taking the user unwillingly to a fake location. The user can fall prey to pharming even when clicking on a legitimate link because the website’s domain name system (DNS) could be hijacked by cybercriminals ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Content Injection Phishing

Content-Injection Phishing refers to inserting false content into a legitimate site. This malicious content could misdirect the user into fake websites, leading users into disclosing their sensitive information to the hacker or it can lead to downloading malware into the user's device ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ). The malicious content could be injected into a legitimate site in three primary ways:

1. Hacker exploits a security vulnerability and compromises a web server.

2. Hacker exploits a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability that is a programming flaw that enables attackers to insert client-side scripts into web pages, which will be viewed by the visitors to the targeted site.

3. Hacker exploits Structured Query Language (SQL) injection vulnerability, which allows hackers to steal information from the website’s database by executing database commands on a remote server.

Man-In-The-Middle Phishing

The Man In The Middle attack (MITM) is a form of phishing, in which the phishers insert communications between two parties (i.e. the user and the legitimate website) and tries to obtain the information from both parties by intercepting the victim’s communications ( Ollmann, 2004 ). Such that the message is going to the attacker instead of going directly to the legitimate recipients. For a MITM, the attacker records the information and misuse it later. The MITM attack conducts by redirecting the user to a malicious server through several techniques such as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning, DNS spoofing, Trojan key loggers, and URL Obfuscation ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

Search Engine Phishing

In this phishing technique, the phisher creates malicious websites with attractive offers and use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics to have them indexed legitimately such that it appears to the user when searching for products or services. This is also known as black hat SEO ( Jakobsson and Myers, 2006 ).

URL and HTML Obfuscation Attacks

In most of the phishing attacks, phishers aim to convince a user to click on a given link that connects the victim to a malicious phishing server instead of the destination server. This is the most popular technique used by today's phishers. This type of attack is performed by obfuscating the real link (URL) that the user intends to connect (an attempt from the attacker to make their web address look like the legitimate one). Bad Domain Names and Host Name Obfuscation are common methods used by attackers to fake an address ( Ollmann, 2004 ).


A range of solutions are being discussed and proposed by the researchers to overcome the problems of phishing, but still, there is no single solution that can be trusted or capable of mitigating these attacks ( Hong, 2012 ; Boddy, 2018 ; Chanti and Chithralekha, 2020 ). The proposed phishing countermeasures in the literature can be categorized into three major defense strategies. The first line of defense is human-based solutions by educating end-users to recognize phishing and avoid taking the bait. The second line of defense is technical solutions that involve preventing the attack at early stages such as at the vulnerability level to prevent the threat from materializing at the user's device, which means decreasing the human exposure, and detecting the attack once it is launched through the network level or at the end-user device. This also includes applying specific techniques to track down the source of the attack (for example these could include identification of new domains registered that are closely matched with well-known domain names). The third line of defense is the use of law enforcement as a deterrent control. These approaches can be combined to create much stronger anti-phishing solutions. The above solutions are discussed in detail below.

Human Education (Improving User Awareness About Phishing)

Human education is by far an effective countermeasure to avoid and prevent phishing attacks. Awareness and human training are the first defense approach in the proposed methodology for fighting against phishing even though it does not assume complete protection ( Hong, 2012 ). End-user education reduces user's susceptibility to phishing attacks and compliments other technical solutions. According to the analysis carried out in ( Bailey et al., 2008 ), 95% of phishing attacks are caused due to human errors; nonetheless, existing phishing detection training is not enough for combating current sophisticated attacks. In the study presented by Khonji et al. (2013) , security experts contradict the effectiveness and usability of user education. Furthermore, some security experts claim that user education is not effective as security is not the main goal for users and users do not have a motivation to educate themselves about phishing ( Scaife et al., 2016 ), while others confirm that user education could be effective if designed properly ( Evers, 2006 ; Whitman and Mattord, 2012 ). Moreover, user training has been mentioned by many researchers as an effective way to protect users when they are using online services ( Dodge et al., 2007 ; Salem et al., 2010 ; Chanti and Chithralekha, 2020 ). To detect and avoid phishing emails, a combined training approach was proposed by authors in the study ( Salem et al., 2010 ). The proposed solution uses a combination of tools and human learning, wherein a security awareness program is introduced to the user as a first step. The second step is using an intelligent system that detects the attacks at the email level. After that, the emails are classified by a fuzzy logic-based expert system. The main critic of this method is that the study chooses only limited characteristics of the emails as distinguishing features ( Kumaraguru et al., 2010 ; CybintCyberSolutions, 2018 ). Moreover, the majority of phishing training programs focus on how to recognize and avoid phishing emails and websites while other threatening phishing types receive less attention such as voice phishing and malware or adware phishing. The authors in ( Salem et al., 2010 ) found that the most used solutions in educating people are not useful if they ignore the notifications/warnings about fake websites. Training users should involve three major directions: the first one is awareness training through holding seminars or online courses for both employees within organizations or individuals. The second one is using mock phishing attacks to attack people to test users’ vulnerability and allow them to assess their own knowledge about phishing. However, only 38% of global organizations claim they are prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber-attack ( Kumaraguru et al., 2010 ). Wombat Security’s State of the Phish™ Report 2018 showed that approximately two-fifths of American companies use computer-based online awareness training and simulated phishing attacks as educating tools on a monthly basis, while just 15% of United Kingdom firms do so ( CybintCyberSolutions, 2018 ). The third direction is educating people by developing games to teach people about phishing. The game developer should take into consideration different aspects before designing the game such as audience age and gender, because people's susceptibility to phishing is varying. Authors in the study ( Sheng et al., 2007 ) developed a game to train users so that they can identify phishing attacks called Anti-Phishing Phil that teaches about phishing web pages, and then tests users about the efficiency and effectiveness of the game. The results from the study showed that the game participants improve their ability to identify phishing by 61% indicating that interactive games might turn out to be a joyful way of educating people. Although, user’s education and training can be very effective to mitigate security threats, phishing is becoming more complex and cybercriminals can fool even the security experts by creating convincing spear phishing emails via social media. Therefore, individual users and employees must have at least basic knowledge about dealing with suspicious emails and report it to IT staff and specific authorities. In addition, phishers change their strategies continuously, which makes it harder for organizations, especially small/medium enterprises to afford the cost of their employee education. With millions of people logging on to their social media accounts every day, social media phishing is phishers' favorite medium to deceive their victims. For example, phishers are taking advantage of the pervasiveness of Facebook to set up creative phishing attacks utilizing the Facebook Login feature that enables the phisher to compromise all the user's accounts with the same credentials (VadeSecure). Some countermeasures are taken by Social networks to reduce suspicious activities on social media such as Two-Factor authentication for logging in, that is required by Facebook, and machine-learning techniques used by Snapchat to detect and prevent suspicious links sent within the app ( Corrata, 2018 ). However, countermeasures to control Soshing and phone phishing attacks might include:

• Install anti-virus, anti-spam software as a first action and keep it up to date to detect and prevent any unauthorized access.

• Educate yourself about recent information on phishing, the latest trends, and countermeasures.

• Never click on hyperlinks attached to a suspicious email, post, tweet, direct message.

• Never trust social media, do not give any sensitive information over the phone or non-trusted account. Do not accept friend requests from people you do not know.

• Use a unique password for each account.

Training and educating users is an effective anti-phishing countermeasure and has already shown promising initial results. The main downside of this solution is that it demands high costs ( Dodge et al., 2007 ). Moreover, this solution requires basic knowledge in computer security among trained users.

Technical Solutions

The proposed technical solutions for detecting and blocking phishing attacks can be divided into two major approaches: non-content based solutions and content-based solutions ( Le et al., 2006 ; Bin et al., 2010 ; Boddy, 2018 ). Both approaches are briefly described in this section. Non-content based methods include blacklists and whitelists that classify the fake emails or webpages based on the information that is not part of the email or the webpage such as URL and domain name features ( Dodge et al., 2007 ; Ma et al., 2009 ; Bin et al., 2010 ; Salem et al., 2010 ). Stopping the phishing sites using blacklist and whitelist approaches, wherein a list of known URLs and sites is maintained, the website under scrutiny is checked against such a list in order to be classified as a phishing or legitimate site. The downside of this approach is that it will not identify all phishing websites. Because once a phishing site is taken down, the phisher can easily register a new domain ( Miyamoto et al., 2009 ). Content-based methods classify the page or the email relying on the information within its content such as texts, images, and also HTML, java scripts, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) codes ( Zhang et al., 2007 ; Maurer and Herzner, 2012 ). Content-based solutions involve Machine Learning (ML), heuristics, visual similarity, and image processing methods ( Miyamoto et al., 2009 ; Chanti and Chithralekha, 2020 ). and finally, multifaceted methods, which apply a combination of the previous approaches to detect and prevent phishing attacks ( Afroz and Greenstadt, 2009 ). For email filtering, ML techniques are commonly used for example in 2007, the first email phishing filter was developed by authors in ( Fette et al., 2007 ). This technique uses a set of features such as URLs that use different domain names. Spam filtering techniques ( Cormack et al., 2011 ) and statistical classifiers ( Bergholz et al., 2010 ) are also used to identify a phishing email. Authentication and verification technologies are also used in spam email filtering as an alternative to heuristics methods. For example, the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) verifies whether a sender is valid when accepting mail from a remote mail server or email client ( Deshmukh and raddha Popat, 2017 ).

The technical solutions for Anti-phishing are available at different levels of the delivery chain such as mail servers and clients, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and web browser tools. Drawing from the proposed anatomy for phishing attacks in Proposed Phishing Anatomy , authors categorize technical solutions into the following approaches:

1. Techniques to detect the attack after it has been launched. Such as by scanning the web to find fake websites. For example, content-based phishing detection approaches are heavily deployed on the Internet. The features from the website elements such as Image, URL, and text content are analyzed using Rule-based approaches and Machine Learning that examine the presence of special characters (@), IP addresses instead of the domain name, prefix/suffix, HTTPS in domain part and other features ( Jeeva and Rajsingh, 2016 ). Fuzzy Logic (FL) has also been used as an anti-phishing model to help classify websites into legitimate or ‘phishy’ as this model deals with intervals rather than specific numeric values ( Aburrous et al., 2008 ).

2. Techniques to prevent the attack from reaching the user's system. Phishing prevention is an important step to defend against phishing by blocking a user from seeing and dealing with the attack. In email phishing, anti-spam software tools can block suspicious emails. Phishers usually send a genuine look-alike email that dupes the user to open an attachment or click on a link. Some of these emails pass the spam filter because phishers use misspelled words. Therefore, techniques that detect fake emails by checking the spelling and grammar correction are increasingly used, so that it can prevent the email from reaching the user's mailbox. Authors in the study ( Fette et al., 2007 ) have developed a new classification algorithm based on the Random Forest algorithm after exploring email phishing utilizing the C4.5 decision tree generator algorithm. The developed method is called "Phishing Identification by Learning on Features of Email Received" (PILFER), which can classify phishing email depending on various features such as IP based URLs, the number of links in the HTML part(s) of an email, the number of domains, the number of dots, nonmatching URLs, and availability of JavaScripts. The developed method showed high accuracy in detecting phishing emails ( Afroz and Greenstadt, 2009 ).

3. Corrective techniques that can take down the compromised website, by requesting the website's Internet Service Provider (ISP) to shut down the fake website in order to prevent more users from falling victims to phishing ( Moore and Clayton, 2007 ; Chanti and Chithralekha, 2020 ). ISPs are responsible for taking down fake websites. Removing the compromised and illegal websites is a complex process; many entities are involved in this process from private companies, self-regulatory bodies, government agencies, volunteer organizations, law enforcement, and service providers. Usually, illegal websites are taken down by Takedown Orders, which are issued by courts or in some jurisdictions by law enforcement. On the other hand, these can be voluntarily taken down by the providers themselves as a result of issued takedown notices ( Moore and Clayton, 2007 ; Hutchings et al., 2016 ). According to PHISHLABS ( PhishLabs, 2019 ) report, taking down phishing sites is helpful but it is not completely effective as these sites can still be alive for days stealing customers' credentials before detecting the attack.

4. Warning tools or security indicators that embedded into the web browser to inform the user after detecting the attack. For example, eBay Toolbar and Account Guard ( eBay Toolbar and Account Guard, 2009 ) protect customer’s eBay and PayPal passwords respectively by alerting the users about the authenticity of the sites that users try to type the password in. Numerous anti-phishing solutions rely mainly on warnings that are displayed on the security toolbar. In addition, some toolbars block suspicious sites to warn about it such as McAfee and Netscape. A study presented in ( Robichaux and Ganger, 2006 ) conducted a test to evaluate the performance of eight anti-phishing solutions, including Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, EarthLink, eBay, McAfee, GeoTrust, Google using Firefox, Netscape, and Netcraft. These tools are warning and blocking tools that allow legitimate sites while block and warn about known phishing sites. The study also found that Internet Explorer and Netcraft Toolbar showed the most effective results than other anti-phishing tools. However, security toolbars are still failing to avoid people falling victim to phishing despite these toolbars improving internet security in general ( Abu-Nimeh and Nair, 2008 ).

5. Authentication ( Moore and Clayton, 2007 ) and authorization ( Hutchings et al., 2016 ) techniques that provide protection from phishing by verifying the identity of the legitimate person. This prevents phishers from accessing a protected resource and conducting their attack. There are three types of authentication; single-factor authentication requires only username and password. The second type is two-factor authentication that requires additional information in addition to the username and password such as an OTP (One-Time Password) which is sent to the user’s email id or phone. The third type is multi-factor authentication using more than one form of identity (i.e., a combination of something you know, something you are, and something you have). Some widely used methods in the authorization process are API authorization and OAuth 2.0 that allow the previously generated API to access the system.

However, the progressive increase in phishing attacks shows that previous methods do not provide the required protection against most existing phishing attacks. Because no single solution or technology could prevent all phishing attacks. An effective anti-phishing solution should be based on a combination of technical solutions and increased user awareness ( Boddy, 2018 ).

Solutions Provided by Legislations as a Deterrent Control

A cyber-attack is considered a crime when an individual intentionally accesses personal information on a computer without permission, even if the individual does not steal information or damage the system ( Mince-Didier, 2020 ). Since the sole objective of almost all phishing attacks is to obtain sensitive information by knowingly intending to commit identity theft, and while there are currently no federal laws in the United States aimed specifically at phishing, therefore, phishing crimes are usually covered under identity theft laws. Phishing is considered a crime even if the victim does not actually fall for the phishing scam, the punishments depend on circumstances and usually include jail, fines, restitution, probation ( Nathan, 2020 ). Phishing attacks are causing different levels of damages to the victims such as financial and reputational losses. Therefore, law enforcement authorities should track down these attacks in order to punish the criminal as with real-world crimes. As a complement to technical solutions and human education, the support provided by applicable laws and regulations can play a vital role as a deterrent control. Increasingly authorities around the world have created several regulations in order to mitigate the increase of phishing attacks and their impact. The first anti-phishing laws were enacted by the United States, where the FTC in the US added the phishing attacks to the computer crime list in January 2004. A year later, the ‘‘Anti-Phishing Act’’ was introduced in the US Congress in March 2005 ( Mohammad et al., 2014 ). Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, the law legislation is gradually conforming to address phishing and other forms of cyber-crime. In 2006, the United Kingdom government improved the Computer Misuse Act 1990 intending to bring it up to date with developments in computer crime and to increase penalties for breach enacted penalties of up to 10 years ( eBay Toolbar and Account Guard, 2009 ; PhishLabs, 2019 ). In this regard, a student in the United Kingdom who made hundreds of thousands of pounds blackmailing pornography website users was jailed in April 2019 for six years and five months. According to the National Crime Agency (NCA), this attacker was the most prolific cybercriminal to be sentenced in the United Kingdom ( Casciani, 2019 ). Moreover, the organizations bear part of the responsibility in protecting personal information as stated in the Data Protection Act 2018 and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Phishing websites also can be taken down through Law enforcement agencies' conduct. In the United Kingdom, websites can be taken down by the National Crime Agency (NCA), which includes the National Cyber Crime Unit, and by the City of London Police, which includes the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) ( Hutchings et al., 2016 ).

However, anti-phishing law enforcement is still facing numerous challenges and limitations. Firstly, after perpetrating the phishing attack, the phisher can vanish in cyberspace making it difficult to prove the guilt attributed to the offender and to recover the damages caused by the attack, limiting the effectiveness of the law enforcement role. Secondly, even if the attacker’s identity is disclosed in the case of international attackers, it will be difficult to bring this attacker to justice because of the differences in countries' legislations (e.g., exchange treaties). Also, the attack could be conducted within a short time span, for instance, the average lifetime for a phishing web site is about 54 h as stated by the APWG, therefore, there must be a quick response from the government and the authorities to detect, control and identify the perpetrators of the attack ( Ollmann, 2004 ).

Phishing attacks remain one of the major threats to individuals and organizations to date. As highlighted in the article, this is mainly driven by human involvement in the phishing cycle. Often phishers exploit human vulnerabilities in addition to favoring technological conditions (i.e., technical vulnerabilities). It has been identified that age, gender, internet addiction, user stress, and many other attributes affect the susceptibility to phishing between people. In addition to traditional phishing channels (e.g., email and web), new types of phishing mediums such as voice and SMS phishing are on the increase. Furthermore, the use of social media-based phishing has increased in use in parallel with the growth of social media. Concomitantly, phishing has developed beyond obtaining sensitive information and financial crimes to cyber terrorism, hacktivism, damaging reputations, espionage, and nation-state attacks. Research has been conducted to identify the motivations and techniques and countermeasures to these new crimes, however, there is no single solution for the phishing problem due to the heterogeneous nature of the attack vector. This article has investigated problems presented by phishing and proposed a new anatomy, which describes the complete life cycle of phishing attacks. This anatomy provides a wider outlook for phishing attacks and provides an accurate definition covering end-to-end exclusion and realization of the attack.

Although human education is the most effective defense for phishing, it is difficult to remove the threat completely due to the sophistication of the attacks and social engineering elements. Although, continual security awareness training is the key to avoid phishing attacks and to reduce its impact, developing efficient anti-phishing techniques that prevent users from being exposed to the attack is an essential step in mitigating these attacks. To this end, this article discussed the importance of developing anti-phishing techniques that detect/block the attack. Furthermore, the importance of techniques to determine the source of the attack could provide a stronger anti-phishing solution as discussed in this article.

Furthermore, this article identified the importance of law enforcement as a deterrent mechanism. Further investigations and research are necessary as discussed below.

1. Further research is necessary to study and investigate susceptibility to phishing among users, which would assist in designing stronger and self-learning anti-phishing security systems.

2. Research on social media-based phishing, Voice Phishing, and SMS Phishing is sparse and these emerging threats are predicted to be significantly increased over the next years.

3. Laws and legislations that apply for phishing are still at their infant stage, in fact, there are no specific phishing laws in many countries. Most of the phishing attacks are covered under traditional criminal laws such as identity theft and computer crimes. Therefore, drafting of specific laws for phishing is an important step in mitigating these attacks in a time where these crimes are becoming more common.

4. Determining the source of the attack before the end of the phishing lifecycle and enforcing law legislation on the offender could help in restricting phishing attacks drastically and would benefit from further research.

It can be observed that the mediums used for phishing attacks have changed from traditional emails to social media-based phishing. There is a clear lag between sophisticated phishing attacks and existing countermeasures. The emerging countermeasures should be multidimensional to tackle both human and technical elements of the attack. This article provides valuable information about current phishing attacks and countermeasures whilst the proposed anatomy provides a clear taxonomy to understand the complete life cycle of phishing.

Author Contributions

This work is by our PhD student ZA supported by her Supervisory Team.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

AOL America Online

APWG Anti Phishing Working Group Advanced

APRANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.

ARP address resolution protocol.

BHO Browser Helper Object

BEC business email compromise

COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019

CSS cascading style sheets

DDoS distributed denial of service

DNS Domain Name System

DoS Denial of Service

FTC Federal Trade Commission

FL Fuzzy Logic

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

IE Internet Explorer

ICT Information and Communications Technology

IM Instant Message

IT Information Technology

IP Internet Protocol

MITM Man-in-the-Middle

NCA National Crime Agency

NFIB National Fraud Intelligence Bureau

PIPCU Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit

OS Operating Systems

PBX Private Branch Exchange

SMishing Text Message Phishing

SPF Sender Policy Framework

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SMS Short Message Service

Soshing Social Media Phishing

SQL structured query language

URL Uniform Resource Locator

UK United Kingdom

US United States

USB Universal Serial Bus

US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team.

Vishing Voice Phishing

VNC Virtual Network Computing

VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol

XSS Cross-Site Scripting

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2 APWG Is “the international coalition unifying the global response to cybercrime across industry, government and law-enforcement sectors and NGO communities” ( APWG, 2020 ).

3 CalleR ID is “a telephone facility that displays a caller’s phone number on the recipient's phone device before the call is answered” ( Techpedia, 2021 ).

4 An IPPBX is “a telephone switching system within an enterprise that switches calls between VoIP users on local lines while allowing all users to share a certain number of external phone lines” ( Margaret, 2008 ).

Abad, C. (2005). The economy of phishing: a survey of the operations of the phishing market. First Monday 10, 1–11. doi:10.5210/fm.v10i9.1272

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Zissis, D., and Lekkas, D. (2012). Addressing cloud computing security issues. Future Generat. Comput. Syst. 28, 583–592. doi:10.1016/j.future.2010.12.006

Keywords: phishing anatomy, precautionary countermeasures, phishing targets, phishing attack mediums, phishing attacks, attack phases, phishing techniques

Citation: Alkhalil Z, Hewage C, Nawaf L and Khan I (2021) Phishing Attacks: A Recent Comprehensive Study and a New Anatomy. Front. Comput. Sci. 3:563060. doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.563060

Received: 17 May 2020; Accepted: 18 January 2021; Published: 09 March 2021.

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Copyright © 2021 Alkhalil, Hewage, Nawaf and Khan. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Chaminda Hewage, [email protected]

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Top cybersecurity statistics, trends, and facts

Survey data from the past year paints a picture for what your threat landscape will potentially look like in the coming months..

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2021 has been a banner year for cybercriminals, they have taken advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increase in remote work, attacking both technical and social vulnerabilities. This historic increase in cybercrime resulted in everything from financial fraud involving CARES Act stimulus funds and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to a spike in phishing schemes and bot traffic. Piled on top of that is a growing wave of ransomware and software supply chain attacks. 

The most vital and current cybersecurity stats below show how threats have grown in scale and complexity over the past year-plus. While most of the research cited here was released within the past year, it does not necessarily reflect today’s risk environment. The data collectively suggest trends that are likely to continue into the near future.

Top cybersecurity threats and trends

A total of 5,258 confirmed data breaches occurred in 16 different industries and four world regions, according to the Verizon 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) , which analyzed data from 29,307 incidents. Of those breaches, 86% were financially motivated. That’s a sharp rise from the 3,950 confirmed breaches (out of 32,002 incidents) from the 2020 DBIR.

Nearly half (49%) of IT executives said their top security priority is the protection of sensitive data, according to the 2020 IDG Security Priorities Study , which surveyed 522 IT and security executives.

In 2020, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received over 28,500 complaints related to COVID-19, according to the 2020 FBI Internet Crime Report .

IC3 saw a 69% increase in complaints from 2019 , receiving 791,790 complaints total, with losses exceeding $4.1 billion. According to IC3, the costliest attacks are business email compromise (BEC) schemes , with 19,369 total complaints and a loss of $1.8 billion.

By September 2020, the average ransom payment peaked at $233,817 , according to  the 2021 Webroot Brightcloud Threat Report . The report also found that 86% of malware is unique to a single PC , and phishing spiked by 510% from January to February 2020 alone.

Phishing statistics and trends

Phishing and other forms of social engineering, with criminals targeting human rather than technical vulnerabilities, remains a tried-and-true attack method. According to the FBI’s IC3, as of 2020 phishing is by far the most common attack performed by cybercriminals. In 2020, the key drivers for phishing and fraud were COVID-19, remote work, and technology, said the 2021 State of Phishing & Online Fraud Report .

In 2020, 6.95 million new phishing and scam pages were created , with the highest number of new phishing and scam sites in one month of 206,310.

  • Key themes used for scams include COVID, gift cards, and gaming hacks.
  • The top three industries targeted in phishing attacks were technology, retail and finance.
  • The top three countries where scams were hosted were US, Russia and British Virgin Isles.
  • The top email service used for phishing kits was Gmail.

Not surprisingly with the increase in phishing attacks, email security was ranked as the top IT security project of 2021 , according to the Greathorn 2021 Email Security Benchmark Report .

Botnet statistics and trends

Cybercriminal groups use botnets —automated collections of compromised, internet-connected devices—to disrupt targets via distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks or enhance the effectiveness of other activities. That includes sending large volumes of spam, stealing credentials at scale, or spying on people and organizations.

Botnets have been a problem for years and it’s getting worse. Many internet of things (IoT) devices have few or no security features, and organizations often fail to follow best practices to mitigate the risks of device compromise.

According to the 2021 Imperva Bad Bot Report , bad bot traffic amounted to 25.6% of all website traffic in 2020 , up 6.2% from the previous year. What’s worse, advanced persistent bots (APBs) accounted for 57.1% of bad bot traffic in 2020. That indicates cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated in their use of botnets.

How criminals use botnets varies by industry. Below is a breakdown of the most common malicious botnet activity in the top five industries with the most bad-bot traffic:

  • Telecom and ISPs (45.7%): account takeover, competitive price scraping
  • Computing and IT (41.1%): account takeover, scraping
  • Sports (33.7%): data scraping of scores, betting odds
  • News (33%): custom content scraping, ad fraud, comment spam
  • Business services (29.7%): attacks on the API layer, data scraping, account takeover

Over 28% of bots are self-reporting as mobile user agents , an increase of 12.9% from the previous year. This coincides with a drop of over 11% (79.4% to 68%) of bots self-reporting as either Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer for the same period.

Cloud security statistics and trends

With so many employees now working remote, either full time or in a hybrid environment, more business is also being done on cloud platforms, increasing the need for security policies and controls around cloud infrastructure.

This is evident in the Unit 42 Cloud Threat Report , which found that in the early days of the pandemic employees working remotely grew from 20% to 71%. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020, not only did remote work increase but organizations accelerated their cloud migration plans overall. Using data pulled from a global array of sensors, cloud threat researchers found a correlation between the increased cloud spend due to COVID-19 and security incidents. Enterprises quickly scaled their cloud spend in the third quarter of 2020 with an increase of 28% from the same quarter in 2019. In the second quarter of 2020, cloud security incidents:

  • Increased by 188% overall
  • Grew by 402% in retail
  • Grew by 230% in manufacturing
  • Grew by 205% in government

Open-source and third-party risks

As businesses accelerate their digital transformations, the popularity of code reuse, which includes open-source libraries and frameworks, has expanded with today’s typical application containing dozens to hundreds of libraries for core functionality. The efficiencies of using libraries like this have in turn created another potential attack vector for cyber criminals. Today the average Java application has 50 open-source vulnerabilities , said the Contrast Labs Open Source Security Report .

  • The average application has 118 libraries, but only 38% of those libraries are active .
  • The average library uses a version that is 6 years old and has 50 open-course vulnerabilities .
  • Java libraries in apps have a 16% chance of having a critical or major vulnerability
  • The odds of an app having a vulnerability in a Java library increase from 7% to 44% when the library ages from one to four years .
  • 69% of Java apps have a library with a high-risk license
  • 99% of organizations have at least one high-risk Java license .

Cyber fraud statistics and trends

The huge increase in traffic and volume across digital channels has led to an historic increase in cyber fraud, with criminals often using the volume to hide their activities. Experts estimate more than $1 trillion was lost globally to cybercrime in 2020. According to the Sift Q1 2021 Trust & Safety Index , in 2020 the pandemic increased online giving by 20.7%. This increase in traffic provided cover to fraudsters that hid behind transaction surges:

  • Ransomware attacks grew by over 40%.
  • Email malware attacks were up by 600% compared to 2019.
  • Loyalty merchants saw fraud rates jump by 275% compared to 2019.

The top three targets by vertical in 2020 were:

  • Transportation (8.4% attempted fraud rate)
  • Crypto exchanges (4.6%)
  • Gaming/gambling (3.7%)  

DDoS attack statistics and trends

DDoS attacks are getting bolder and bigger. Akamai, the content delivery network (CDN) and cloud services company, reported mitigating some of the largest attacks ever seen, according to Akamai’s 2020 DDoS retrospective . In 2021 it had already seen more attacks over 50 Gbps than in all of 2019. Akamai also reports the number of customers targeted were up 57% year over year, with numbers increasing to record volume and diversity across regions and geographies.

In March 2021, three of the six biggest volumetric DDoS attacks Akamai ever recorded occurred, including the two largest known DDoS extortion attacks to date.

Ransomware statistics and trends

Ransomware is one of the top threats in cybersecurity. With 878 cyberattacks in 2020 , 18% of which were ransomware , according to the Identity Theft Resource Center . Organizations around the world are being held hostage by ransomware, with many paying up solely to avoid the cost and downtime of not paying the criminals. In short, cybercriminals are making and demanding more money than ever.

  • The average ransom paid increased 171% from 2019 to 2020 ($115,123 to $312,493), said the 2021 Unit 42 Ransomware Threat Report .
  • The highest ransom paid doubled from 2019 to 2020 from $5 million to $10 million .

Defensive preparation and response statistics and trends

The unpredictability of planning for security and budgeting has become even more challenging with the advent of the pandemic. As threat actors have ramped up their efforts in the wake of the pandemic, 31% of respondents believe their risk response efforts are under-funded , According to the 2020 CSO Security Priorities Study.

  • 38% said they will spend more on response planning.
  • 30% will update and modernize business continuity plans.
  • 28% were piloting zero-trust.
  • 40% say it’s on their radar or they are evaluating options.

Cybersecurity hiring/staffing statistics and trends

With the increase in remote working and a reliance on technology tools and infrastructure, COVID-19 has shifted demand for certain roles, with an increased need for developers , as well as help desk and cybersecurity professionals , according to a study by Robert Half Technology . This is critical since according to 74% of workers they want to work remotely more frequently following the pandemic, regardless of their business’s hybrid work plans.

IT managers (44%) said they have shortened the hiring process as a direct result of COVID-19 trying to get in demand skilled tech workers in the door before they get poached by other firms. For companies that cannot bring in qualified people from the outside, 42% of companies plan to launch upskilling initiatives , said a Korn Ferry study .

The top three hiring changes Korn Ferry found US companies making due to COVID-19 were:

  • Conducted remote interviews and onboarding (54%)
  • Shortened the hiring process (42%)
  • Advertised fully remote jobs (42%)

There is considerable debate on the internet about whether cybersecurity truly faces a shortage of qualified workers, or whether corporate hiring practices and preferences are creating that perception . Nevertheless, one widely cited stat is ISC2’s finding that more than half (57%) of organizations surveyed face increased risks due to staffing challenges.

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Brian Carlson is a digital media executive with 20 years' experience in content strategy and development, website development, operational management and digital product management and development.

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Cybercriminal Connected to Multimillion Dollar Ransomware Attacks Sentenced for Online Fraud Schemes

An Estonian man was sentenced today to 66 months in prison for his years-long role in furthering and facilitating computer intrusions, the movement of fraudulently obtained goods and funds, and the monetization of stolen financial account information. He also participated in ransomware attacks causing over $53 million in losses and was ordered to pay over $36 million in restitution.

According to court documents, Maksim Berezan, 37, of Estonia, who was apprehended in Latvia and extradited to the United States, pleaded guilty in April 2021 to conspiracy to commit wire fraud affecting a financial institution and conspiracy to commit access device fraud and computer intrusions. Berezan was an active member of an exclusive online forum designed for Russian-speaking cybercriminals to gather safely and exchange their criminal knowledge, tools, and services. From 2009 through 2015, Berezan not only furthered the criminal aims of the forum, but he also worked closely with forum members and other cybercriminals for purposes of obtaining and exploiting stolen financial account information.

“This case is a prime example of how the Department of Justice can leverage its traditional tools – criminal investigations and prosecutions – to combat ransomware,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Many of the world’s ransomware players began as fraudsters engaged in other types of online crimes, and this case demonstrates that their crimes will catch up to them. The United States is committed to working with its international partners to hold cybercriminals accountable.”

“Cybercrime has become increasingly more sophisticated, but so have our methods for combatting it,” said U.S. Attorney Jessica D. Aber for the Eastern District of Virginia. “Ransomware attacks are devastating to people and organizations alike, and we have honed our strategies and techniques to target both the individual actors who perpetrate these attacks and the networks that support them. This case is just one example of how EDVA and the Justice Department are tackling this threat.”

“The Secret Service remains committed to ensuring that modern conveniences of today that facilitate our lawful transactions and economic health are not leveraged by criminals for illicit activity and personal gain,” said Special Agent in Charge Matthew Stohler of the U.S. Secret Service. “While we have long been in the business of protecting money, from the earliest days of coins and paper, to plastic, and today’s more accessible and commonplace digital currencies, we also remain in parallel footprint to the evolution of criminal behavior into cyberspace. Ransomware thieves are not safe in any dark corner of the internet in which they may think they can hide from our highly trained investigators and law enforcement partners worldwide. Together with our critical partners we are dedicated to protecting the public and securing every iteration of our money and every part of our national financial infrastructure.”

According to court documents, following Berezan’s arrest, investigators uncovered within his electronic devices evidence of his involvement in ransomware activities. The post-extradition investigation determined that Berezan had participated in at least 13 ransomware attacks, seven of which were against U.S. victims, and that approximately $11 million in ransom payments flowed into cryptocurrency wallets that he controlled. Berezan used his ill-gotten gains to purchase two Porsches, a Ducati motorcycle, and an assortment of jewelry. In addition, authorities recovered from Berezan’s residence currency worth more than $200,000 and electronic devices storing passphrases to bitcoin wallets that contained bitcoin worth approximately $1.7 million, which has been forfeited.

Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Jessica D. Aber for the Eastern District of Virginia; Special Agent in Charge Matthew Stohler of the Washington Field Office of the U.S. Secret Service and Special Agent in Charge Jason Kane of the Criminal Investigative Division of the U.S. Secret Service made the announcement.

Senior Trial Attorney Laura Fong and Trial Attorney Alison Zitron of the Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Alexander P. Berrang, Jonathan Keim, and Zoe Bedell of the Eastern District of Virginia prosecuted the case.

The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs provided vital assistance. The Department of Justice extends its gratitude to authorities in Estonia and Latvia for their significant cooperation and assistance, in particular, the Latvian State Police and Estonian Police.

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Facts + Statistics: Identity theft and cybercrime

In this facts + statistics, identity theft and fraud complaints, identity theft and fraud reports, 2019-2023 (1), top five types of identity theft, 2023 (1), identity theft by state, 2023, top 10 writers of identity theft insurance by direct premiums written, 2023 (1), top 10 states by number of cybercrime victims and by losses, 2023 (1), top 10 writers of cybersecurity insurance by direct premiums written, 2023 (1), additional resources.

  • According to The Identity Theft Research Center (ITRC) Annual Data Breach Report , 2023 had a record high number of data compromises in the U.S. in a single year. A 72 percentage point hike from the previous all-time high number of compromises set in 2021. At least 353 million individuals were impacted.
  • According to the FBI’s  Internet Crime Report 2023 , 880,418 complaints of cyber-crime were reported to the FBI by the public, a 10 percent increase from 2022. The potential total loss increased to $12.5 billion in 2023, up from $10.3 billion in 2022. California, Texas, and Florida had the highest number of cybercrime victims.
  • The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Consumer Sentinel Network took in over 5.39 million reports in 2023, of which 48 percent were for fraud and 19 percent for identity theft. Credit card fraud accounted for 40.2 percent of identify thefts, followed by miscellaneous identity theft at 25.1 percent, which includes online shopping and payment account fraud, email and social media fraud, and other identity theft. Georgia, Florida, and Nevada had the most identity theft reports.


(1) Percentages are based on the total number of Consumer Sentinel Network reports by calendar year. These figures exclude "Do Not Call" registry complaints.

Source: Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Sentinel Network.

View Archived Graphs

Type of identity theft Number of reports Percent of total top five
Credit card fraud-new accounts 381,122 42.0%
Miscellaneous identity theft (2) 279,221 30.7
Bank fraud-new accounts 84,335 9.3
Government benefits fraud-applied for/received 82,419 9.1
Loan fraud-business/personal loan 81,342 9.0

(1) Consumers can report multiple types of identity theft. In 2023, 15 percent of identity theft reports included more than one type of identity theft. (2) Includes online shopping and payment account fraud, email and social media fraud, and medical services, insurance and securities account fraud, and other identity theft.

View Archived Tables

State Reports per 100,000
population (1)
Number of
Rank (2), (3) State Reports per 100,000
population (1)
Number of
Rank (2), (3)
Alabama 245 12,228 18 Nebraska 137 2,673 38
Alaska 114 839 46 Nevada 404 12,362 3
Arizona 262 18,539 16 New Hampshire 138 1,892 37
Arkansas 169 5,071 28 New Jersey 283 26,136 14
California 304 119,929 10 New Mexico 134 2,825 39
Colorado 222 12,729 23 New York 256 51,484 17
Connecticut 384 13,848 4 North Carolina 243 25,142 19
Delaware 359 3,523 5 North Dakota 118 913 45
Florida 438 93,547 2 Ohio 294 34,616 12
Georgia 457 48,606 1 Oklahoma 153 6,032 32
Hawaii 122 1,773 43 Oregon 177 7,444 26
Idaho 123 2,223 42 Pennsylvania 314 40,778 8
Illinois 307 39,314 9 Rhode Island 216 2,357 24
Indiana 176 11,870 27 South Carolina 294 14,931 12
Iowa 141 4,468 35 South Dakota 94 833 50
Kansas 150 4,405 33 Tennessee 185 12,709 25
Kentucky 119 5,340 44 Texas 350 101,002 7
Louisiana 275 12,816 15 Utah 165 5,345 29
Maine 126 1,714 40 Vermont 97 620 49
Maryland 298 18,327 11 Virginia 224 19,211 22
Massachusetts 351 24,540 6 Washington 165 12,582 29
Michigan 235 23,621 20 West Virginia 110 1,977 47
Minnesota 142 8,063 34 Wisconsin 141 8,301 35
Mississippi 225 6,663 21 Wyoming 106 609 48
Missouri 161 9,873 31 D.C. 478 3,268  
Montana 126 1,354 40 Puerto Rico 51 1,690  

(1) Population figures are based on the 2019 U.S. Census population estimates. (2) States ranked per complaints per 100,000 population. States with the same number of complaints per 100,000 population receive the same rank. (3) Excludes the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

See also the Identity Theft section of our website Click here.

Rank Group/company Direct premiums written (2) As a percent
of total direct
premiums written
1 State Farm $36,014 14.9%
2 Nationwide Mutual Group 29,535 12.2
3 Travelers Companies Inc. 23,104 9.6
4 Hanover 15,598 6.5
5 Liberty Mutual 12,767 5.3
6 American Family Insurance Group 11,627 4.8
7 Erie Insurance 10,956 4.5
8 Farmers Insurance Group of Companies 10,672 4.4
9 Allstate Corp. 9,420 3.9
10 Munich Re 8,244 3.4

(1) Includes stand-alone policies and the cybersecurity portion of package policies. Does not include premiums from companies that cannot report premiums for cybersecurity coverage provided as part of package policies. (2) Before reinsurance transactions

Source: NAIC data, sourced from S&P Global Market Intelligence, Insurance Information Institute.

Rank State Number Rank State Losses
($ millions)
1 California 77,271 1 California $2,159.5
2 Texas 47,305 2 Texas 1,021.6
3 Florida 41,061 3 Florida 874.7
4 New York 26,948 4 New York 750.0
5 Ohio 17,864 5 New Jersey 441.2
6 Arizona 16,584 6 Pennsylvania 360.3
7 Pennsylvania 16,407 7 Illinois 335.8
8 Illinois 15,783 8 Arizona 324.4
9 Michigan 14,784 9 Georgia 301.0
10 Washington 14,600 10 Washington 288.7

(1) Based on the total number of complaints submitted to the Internet Crime Complaint Center via its website from each state where the complainant provided state information.

Source: Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Rank Group/company Direct premium written (2) As a percent of tota
direct premiums written
1 Chubb Ltd. $573,583 7.9%
2 AXA 487,196 6.7
3 Fairfax Financial Holdings 462,954 6.4
4 Travelers Companies Inc. 384,851 5.3
5 Tokio Marine 377,857 5.2
6 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 289,300 4.0
7 Arch Capital 282,136 3.9
8 American International Group (AIG) 274,377 3.8
9 Sompo 262,948 3.6
10 Starr International Co. 260,014 3.6

(1) Includes stand-alone policies and the cybersecurity portion of package policies. Does not include premiums from companies that cannot report premiums for cybersecurity coverage provided as part of package policies. (2) Before reinsurance transactions.

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2021 was another year of high activity in the realm of data event and cybersecurity litigations with several noteworthy developments.  CPW has been tracking these cases throughout the year.  Read on for key trends and what to expect going into the 2022.

Recap of Data Breach and Cybersecurity Litigations in 2020

2021 heralded several developments in data breach and cybersecurity litigations that may reshape the privacy landscape in the years to come.  However, in many ways 2021 litigation trends were congruent with the year prior.  Before delving into where we may be headed for this important area of data privacy litigation in 2022, let’s do a short recap of where we were at the end of 2020.

Recall that the number of data events in 2020 was more than  double  that of 2019, with industries that were frequent targets of cyberattacks including government, healthcare, retail and technology.  In this instance, correlation equaled causation—as more entities experienced crippling security breaches, the number of data breach litigations filed also increased.  There were three trends that marked the cybersecurity landscape that we covered in CPW’s 2020 Year in Review:

First , in 2020 plaintiffs bringing data breach litigations continued to rely on common law causes of action (negligence and fraud, among others) in addition to asserting new statutory claims ( although of course there were exceptions ).  Challenges to a plaintiff’s Article III standing in the wake of a data event were pervasive, with defendants arguing that allegations of future speculative harm were inadequate to establish federal subject matter jurisdiction.

Second , in spring 2020, a federal court ordered production of a forensic report prepared by a cybersecurity firm in the wake of a data breach.  The report was found  not  protected as attorney work product  despite having been prepared at the direction of outside counsel .  Commentators at the time wondered if this was a harbinger of future rulings regarding privilege in the context of privacy litigations.

And  third , there were several warning signs that the legal fallout from a data breach can extend to company executives and the board.  As just one instance, in 2020 a company’s former Chief Security Officer (CSO) was charged with obstruction of justice and misprision of felony for allegedly trying to conceal from federal investigators a cyberattack that occurred in 2016, exposing the data of 57 million individuals.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, these earlier trends signaled in part what was on the horizon in 2021 as discussed in greater detail below.

Article III Standing in Cybersecurity Class Action Litigations

The past several years have seen a not-so-quiet revolution in standing jurisprudence, and 2021 was no different.  Standing under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, in the Supreme Court’s oft-repeated phrasing, is an “irreducible constitutional minimum” requiring that a party be able to demonstrate: (1) an injury in fact; (2) that the injury was caused by defendant’s conduct; and (3) that the injury can likely be redressed by a favorable judicial decision.

The standing issue that defined 2021 was “speculative future harm.”  In February, the Eleventh Circuit highlighted a long-running circuit split regarding whether plaintiffs had standing to assert claims based solely on the disclosure of their information couples with an increased risk of future harm.  In  Tsao v. Captiva MVP Rest. Partners, LLC , 986 F.3d 1332 (11th Cir. 2021) , the court found that standing required a concrete and particularized injury that was actual or imminent.  The  Tsao  plaintiff based his injuries on fear of future harm, as well as preemptive steps taken to ward off potential identity theft.  In line with the majority of circuits to have addressed the issue, the court found that none of these potential injuries conferred standing.

Other courts likewise joined in this skepticism of standing based on speculative future harm.  The Central District of Illinois expressed doubt in  McGlenn v. Driveline Retail Merch., Inc. , 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 9532 (C.D. Ill. Jan. 19, 2021)  whether speculative future harm could confer standing at all.  The Middle District of Florida, following  Tsao , recommended in  Hymes v. Earl Enters. Holdings , 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 26534, (M.D. Fla. Feb. 10, 2021)  that approval for a settlement be withheld based on a lack of standing based on injuries similar to those alleged in  Tsao .  In March, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania likewise weighed in via  Clemens v. Execupharm, Inc ., No. 20-cv-3383, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 35178 (E.D. Pa. Feb. 25, 2021) , reaching the same conclusions regarding speculative future harm.  In April, the Ninth Circuit joined the party, again finding in  Pruchnicki v. Envision Healthcare Corp. , 845 F. App’x 613, 614 (9th Cir. 2021)  speculative future injury, coupled with lost time, worry, and purported loss of value of her information, was insufficient to confer standing.  Even some state courts got in on the fun: the Superior Court of Delaware, applying that state’s similar standing principles, found in  Abernathy v. Brandywine Urology Consultants, P.A. , No. N20C-05-057 MMJ CCLD, 2021 Del. Super. LEXIS 46 (Del. Super. Ct. Jan. 21, 2021)  that the mere notice of a data breach coupled with speculative future harm was insufficient to confer standing.

In the midst of this growing chorus of cases rejecting speculative future harm as a basis for standing came the Second Circuit, which issued a massive opinion trying to harmonize years of precedent both finding and rejecting standing.   McMorris v. Carlos Lopez & Assocs., LLC , 995 F.3d 295, 297 (2d Cir. 2021)  held that, in the abstract, a plaintiff  could  establish standing based on a substantial risk of identity theft or fraud, but that such an argument would be fact and case-specific.

Then came June’s  Ramirez v. Transunion , 141 S. Ct. 2190 , in which the Supreme Court revisited the question of what constitutes an “injury in fact” in the data breach context.  The  Ramirez  class consisted of affected individuals who, in the main, alleged only that inaccurate information existed on their credit files, with no corresponding dissemination to a third party or any harm resulting from that dissemination.  The Supreme Court determined that where the vast majority of a putative class suffered no actual injury, let alone the type of injury suffered by a class representative, no standing existed.  The Supreme Court also determined that “the mere risk of future harm, without more, cannot qualify as a concrete harm in a suit for damages.”

On a related note, while commentators worried that  Ramirez  would preclude data breach litigations from being brought in federal courts, such concerns have not yet materialized.  The courts in  Blackbaud  and  Cotter v. Checkers Drive-In Restaurants, Inc. , 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 160592 (M.D. Fla. Aug. 25, 2021), distinguished  Ramirez  on procedural grounds.  Meanwhile, some courts have indicated that an impending injury or substantial risk could suffice for injury in fact in data breach litigation.  The court in  Griffey v. Magellan Health Inc. , 20210 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 184591 (D. Az. Sep. 27, 2021), found that plaintiffs alleged risks of future harm that were “certainly impending” and thus had standing.  All in all, however, pleading a data incident without something more probably does not survive a motion to dismiss.  That’s what happened in  Legg v. Leaders Life Ins. Co. , 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 232833 (W.D. Okla. Dec. 6, 2021), where plaintiffs’ allegations of  general  risks of harm did not suffice.

Ramirez  has also led to consideration of timing and cause-and-effect in data privacy litigation, with courts focusing not only on the existence of concrete harm, but whether the harm could have actually been caused by the breach itself.  The Eastern District of Missouri determined in  Mackey v. Belden, Inc. , 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 145000 (E.D. Mo. Aug. 3, 2021)  that the theft of a Social Security number, coupled with the filing of a false tax return after the theft occurred, was sufficient to confer standing, while the Central District of California determined in  Burns v. Mammoth Media, Inc ., 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 149190 (C.D. Cal. Aug. 6, 2021)  that standing requires a plaintiff show an actual connection between his or her damages and the breach, rather than simply speculating that any purported harm that occurred must have been the result of the breach.

Discovery Disputes Over Work Product and Attorney Client Privilege

2021 has also seen a continuation and cementing of 2020’s developments in how courts treat the attorney-client privilege and work product doctrines in connection with data breach litigation.  Specifically, courts have continued to scrutinize closely whether and how clients may protect post-breach forensic reports from production in subsequent litigation.  Two decisions this year –  Wengui v. Clark Hill , 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5395 (D.D.C. Jan. 12, 2021)  and  In re Rutter’s Data Sec. Breach Litig ., No. 1:20-CV-382, 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 136220 (E.D. Pa. July 22, 2021)  – have addressed these issues.

As a reminder, 2020 brought us the  Capital One  decision,  In re Capital One Consumer Data Security Breach Litigation  (Capital One), 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 91736 (E.D. Va. May 26, 2020), aff’d, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 112177 (E.D. Va. June 25, 2020).  Capital One, though it logically followed from a number of attorney-client privilege and work product doctrine [1]  cases, shook up how counsel had to approach privilege in data breach remediation and subsequent litigation.

If you recall, the  Capitol One  decision involved a motion to compel a report on a data breach prepared by Capital One’s pre-established security consultant.   Capital One , 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 91736, at *12.  This was probably Capitol One’s biggest mistake: This “long-standing” business relationship became the key dispositive liability for keeping that report protected under the work product doctrine.   Id .  The court in  Capital One  scrutinized that business relationship as well as prior reports prepared for cybersecurity purposes and, as a result, ascertained that the consultant’s report would have been prepared in a similar form regardless of the litigation.  Thus, the report did not meet the “because of” litigation standard for work product protection.  Presumably because of the preexisting relationship, that decision did not need to address the narrow  Kovel  test for whether the report would be protected under the attorney-client privilege as work essentially prepared by the litigation counsel’s expert or paralegal.

Relying on the  Capitol One  decision, a D.C. district court decided  Clark Hill  earlier this year.   Clark Hill  involved a cybersecurity attack directed at a law firm.  In attempting to avoid production of the breach report, Clark Hill sought to rely on the work product doctrine arguing that the report they sought to withhold was created “because of” anticipated litigation.   Clark Hill, PLC , 338 F.R.D. at 10.  Rather than simply assert that, given that case law exists noting that incident response reports serve business functions as well, Clark Hill attempted to make a more nuanced argument.  Specifically, Clark Hill argued, relying on a concept first introduced by  In re Target , that two reports existed; one which was prepared for litigation and the other of which was to be used to address security concerns.  That distinction, while accepted by the Court, failed Clark Hill because their other report was nowhere near as substantive, was not described in the interrogatory responses as a basis for their response, and the report Plaintiff sought had been circulated outside of the circle of employees and lawyers who needed to know about it for the litigation.   Id . at 12.  Clark Hill similarly lost on the attorney-client privilege because, in attempting to invoke the Kovel Doctrine.  Clark Hill failed to meet the criteria of this test because the numerous security improvement recommendations in the breach report at issue demonstrated that the report was not prepared by an expert advising litigators on how to provide legal advice but was rather the result of independent vendors working to cure a business issue – Clark Hill’s cybersecurity deficiencies.   Clark Hill, PLC , 338 F.R.D. at 11.

Issued this summer,  In Re Rutter  is the third federal court decision addressing these issues.  While  Clark Hill  cited  Capitol One  in its analysis,  In Re Rutter’s  presents an independent analysis and arrives at the same conclusion.  The potential data breach at issue in  In re Rutter’s  concerned payment card information at the point-of-sale (POS) devices used by defendants.  Rutter’s received two alerts on May 29, 2019, which “detail[ed] the execution of suspicious scripts and indications of the use of potentially compromised credentials.”  In response, Rutter’s hired outside counsel, BakerHostetler, “to advise Rutter’s on any potential notification obligations.”  BakerHostetler in turn hired a third party security firm “to conduct forensic analyses on Rutter’s card environment and determine the character and scope of the incident.”     In re Rutter’s Data Sec. Breach Litig ., 2021 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 136220, at *3.

Plaintiffs in  In re Rutter’s  learned about the defendant’s investigation and resulting report during the Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(b)(6) deposition of Rutter’s ill-prepared Vice President of Technology.  Following that deposition and as a result of the deponents framing of the process underlying the report, Plaintiffs sought production of the security firm’s written report and related communications.  Rutter’s objected, citing the work product doctrine and attorney-client privilege.  Applying the general work product doctrine precedent described above, the court held that the work product doctrine did not protect the security firm’s report and related communications from disclosure in discovery largely because of how that report was characterized at deposition as indistinct from a factual report prepared without involvement of counsel.

Thus, both  Clark Hill  and  In re Rutter’s  serve as sobering reminders that while reports prepared for and at the request of counsel in anticipation of litigation can be privileged, compliance officers and counsel must scrupulously avoid blurring the lines between “ordinary course” factual reports and reports genuinely prepared for assisting trial counsel.   In re Rutter’s  also serves as a reminder that preparing 30(b)(6) witnesses can be critical as their testimony can be highly significant, if not dispositive, for a court when assessing assertions of privilege.

These two new cases further cement the widespread implications from  Capitol One  for both data privacy litigation strategy.   All three cases pose lessons for litigators and incident response counsel on the appropriate framing of incident response efforts before and during litigation.   For more a more in depth analysis of the facts underlying these cases and the take-away lessons from them, see our earlier publication here .

  Plaintiff-Side Developments

Data breach litigations continued to be filed at a brisk pace in 2021 in industries ranging from ecommerce, finance, mortgage providers, technology, and software cloud companies to healthcare, wellness, retail, and fast-food, among others.

Many of these litigations were dismissed at the pleadings stage, either for lack of Article III standing (discussed above) or for failure to plead a cognizable claim.   These cases reiterate that merely alleging that a data event or cyberattack occurred, without more, does not mean that plaintiffs automatically can go forward with a case.  Conclusory, ipse dixit allegations are not sufficient .  Plaintiffs are taking note of these decisions and increasingly relying on a blunderbuss pleading strategy (by raising multiple statutory and common law claims in a single complaint) in an effort to have their claims survive a motion to dismiss.

However, because plaintiffs (particularly those that allege merely speculative future harm as a result of a data event) have difficulty establishing the core elements of causation and damages, these efforts have met with mixed success.   Mere alleged misappropriation of personal information may not suffice for purposes of establishing a plaintiff’s damages .

Of course, it goes without saying that class action plaintiffs have also taken an expansive pleading strategy in the hopes that they will be able to cobble together a claim under one of the state or federal privacy statutes that provides for liquidated statutory damages upon establishment of a violation (the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and  federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act  were two frequent targets).

Other Trends: Emergence of the Data Breach Consumer Pricing Dispute and a Decline in MDLs

Additionally, 2021 also saw the first instance in which a data event litigation was framed as a quintessential consumer pricing dispute—perhaps signaling that such cases may become more common.  In the wake of a ransomware attack involving the Colonial Pipeline, two groups of Plaintiffs filed suit alleging that the owners of the Colonial Pipeline failed “to properly secure the Colonial Pipeline’s critical infrastructure – leaving it subjected to potential ransomware attacks like the one that took place on May 7, 2021.”   See  Dickerson v. CDCP Colonial Partners , L.P., Case No. 1:21-cv-02098 (N.D. Ga.) ;  EZ Mart 1, LLC v. Colonial Pipeline Company , Case No. 1:21-cv-02522 (N.D. Ga.) .  This included the assertion that Defendants “failed to implement and maintain reasonable security measures, procedures, and practices appropriate to the nature and scope of [Defendants’ business operations].”  Plaintiffs sought to the Complaint seek to certify a nationwide class consisting of  “[a]ll entities and natural persons  who purchased gasoline from May 7, 2021 through Present and  who paid higher prices for gasoline as a result of the Defendant’s conduct alleged herein  (hereinafter the “Class”).”  Will we see more of this going forward?  Time will tell.

Finally, although  the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (“JPML”) recently transferred and centralized over 40 data event and cybersecurity class actions brought against T-Mobile in the Western District of Missouri , data breach multidistrict litigations (“MDLs”) declined over prior years.  There were several instances in which the JPML declined requests to consolidate and coordinate pretrial proceedings in the wake of a data event.  Justifications given by the JPML in declining consolidation this year included that “centralization under Section 1407 should be the last solution after considered review of all other options,” which include “agreeing to proceed in a single forum via Section 1404 transfer of the cases and voluntary cooperation and coordination among the parties and the involved courts to avoid duplicative discovery or inconsistent rulings.”  When cybersecurity litigations have been primarily filed in the same forum or the parties are already coordinating, the JPML especially was disinclined to order MDL formation in 2021.

Looking Forward

In many regards, 2021 demonstrated the axiom “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”  Cybersecurity litigation trends in 2021 were a continuation of 2020.  Article III standing, privilege considerations and novel pleading strategies used by plaintiffs to survive a well-crafted motion to dismiss are expected to remain key issues in data event litigations in 2022.  Additionally, a larger development on the horizon remains the specter of liability to corporate officers and the board in the wake of a widespread cyberattack.  While the majority of cybersecurity litigations filed continue to be brought on behalf of plaintiffs whose personal information was purportedly disclosed, shareholders will increasingly look to hold executives responsible for failing to adopt reasonable security measures to prevent cyberattacks in the first instance.

Needless to say, 2022 should be another interesting year for data event litigations and for data privacy litigations more broadly.  Not to worry, CPW will be there to keep you in the loop.  Stay tuned.

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This timeline records significant cyber incidents since 2006, focusing on cyber attacks on government agencies, defense and high tech companies, or economic crimes with losses of more than a million dollars.

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This timeline records significant cyber incidents since 2006. We focus on cyber attacks on government agencies, defense and high tech companies, or economic crimes with losses of more than a million dollars. If you think we’ve missed something, please send an email to [email protected] .

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July 2024:  South Korea’s military is investigating the leak of highly sensitive information on Seoul’s espionage activities and issued an arrest warrant for a suspect. The information included personal data on Seoul’s non-official agents conducting undercover espionage overseas. The information was transferred to the suspect’s personal laptop before being leaked. Lawmakers said the leak was first discovered in June and was not the result of a hack.

July 2024:  A faulty software update for Microsoft Windows issues by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike caused a global IT outage that disrupted airline and hospital operations. It affected approximately 8.5 million machines and cost Fortune 500 companies $5.4 billion, according to reports. 

July 2024 : Germany accused China of directing a “serious” cyberattack against Germany’s Federal Office for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), which conducts precision mapping of the entire country, in 2021. The findings come at the end of a three-year investigation into the incident and as Germany plans a rip-and-replace project for Chinese telecommunications infrastructure in Germany over security concerns.

July 2024: Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand issued a warning about malicious Chinese state-sponsored cyber activity in their networks. It marked the first time South Korea and Japan joined with Australia to attribute malicious cyber actions to China, and the first time Australia led a cyber attribution effort against China.

June 2024: Japan’s space agency has suffered a series of cyberattacks since last year, according to the Japanese government. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary claimed the targeted networks did not contain sensitive rocket or satellite information, and that the attackers were “from outside of Japan.”

June 2024: Hackers deployed ransomware in Indonesia’s national data center which briefly disrupted a variety of immigration services, including immigration document management services at airports, and deleted information that was not backed up. The attack prompted Indonesia’s Director General of Informatics Applications at the Communications and Informatics Ministry to resign and initiated and a nation-wide audit of Indonesia’s national data centers.

June 2024: Belarusian state-sponsored hackers launched an espionage campaign Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense and a Ukrainian military base. The attackers sent targets phishing emails with drone image files a malicious Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

June 2024: Germany’s main opposition party, the Christian Democratic Union, suffered a cyberattack just ahead of European Parliamentary elections. Germany’s interior ministry did not disclose the extend of the attack or the suspected perpetrator, but acknowledged it was “serious.” The attack occurred shortly after Germany’s Social Democratic party was attacked by Russian hackers. The party briefly took down parts of its IT service as a precaution.

June 2024: The government of Palau accused Chinese hackers of stealing over 20,000 government documents shortly after the island nation signed a 20-year economic and security deal with the United States in March 2024. Palau’s president said this was the first major attack on government records that the island has seen.

May 2024: A new report from Canada’s Communications Security Establishment detected Chinese espionage activity against eight members of Parliament and one senator starting in 2021. The spies likely attempted to obtain information from the targets’ personal and work devices but were unsuccessful, according to the report. The Parliamentarians were members of Canada’s Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, which focuses on how democracies should approach PRC-related issues. The report also mentioned this activity was similar to activity against 19 European countries dating back to 2020. 

May 2024: Recent media reports stated Pakistani cyber spies deployed malware against India’s government, aerospace, and defense sectors. The group sent phishing emails masquerading as Indian defense officials to infect their targets' devices and access sensitive information. The attack’s extent is unknown.

May 2024:  Chinese hackers hit Britain’s Ministry of Defense with a cyberattack that exposed sensitive information on every troop apart from the UK’s special forces. The attackers targeted a third-party contractor to access names and bank details of current and former members of the armed forces. The UK Minister of Defence stopped short of publicly naming China as the culprit. 

May 2024: Poland and the Czech Republic accused Russian cyber spies of targeting government and infrastructure networks. Both countries claim the attacks occurred around the same time Russian hackers attacked the German government. Hackers gained access by exploited a Microsoft Outlook vulnerability, and the extent of the compromised data is currently unknown.

May 2024: Germany accused Russian hackers of breaking into the emails of Germany’s Social Democrats, the leading party in its governing coalition, and recalled its ambassador from the country. The campaign started in March 2022 when hackers exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Outlook to target the party’s executive committee, as well as German defense and aerospace companies.

April 2024: Ukraine’s military intelligence agency launch a cyberattack against Russia’s ruling United Russia party the same day Russia hosted its Victory Dictation. Attackers launched a barrage of DDoS attacks against United Russia’s servers, websites, and domains to make them inaccessible. United Russia publicly admitted to suffering from a “massive” DDoS attack. 

April 2024: Belarusian pro-democracy hackers, known as the Belarusian Cyber-Partisans, crippled the website of Belarus’ main security service agency for over two months. The hackers also published a list of website administrators, its database, and server logs on its Telegram channel. This is the latest in a series of attacks against the Belarusian government by the group. 

April 2024: Police in the United Kingdom are investigating a series of “honey trap” attacks against British MPs. Attackers sent explicit messages allegedly of themselves over WhatsApp to their target for the apparent purpose of acquiring compromising images of the target. The perpetrators of these attacks are currently unknown. 

April 2024: Germany plans to create a cyber military branch as part of its military restructuring. Germany's defense minister, Boris Pistorius, stated the new Cyber and Information Domain Service (CIR) would help deter increasing cyber aggression from Russia against Germany and its NATO allies. 

April 2024: Hackers attacked El Salvador’s national cryptocurrency wallet Chivo and exposed over 144 GB of sensitive personal information of millions of Salvadorians. The hackers also released Chivo’s source code publicly. The Salvadorian government has not released an official public statement on the attack. 

March 2024: A “massive” cyberattack disrupted the African Union’s systems for over a week and infected over 200 user devices, according to the deputy chair of the AU Commission. The cause of the cyberattack is unknown.

March 2024: Iranian hackers compromised an IT network connected to an Israeli nuclear facility. Hackers leaked sensitive facility documents but did not compromise its operational technology network. 

March 2024: Russian hackers launched phishing attacks against German political parties. Hackers concealed ransomware in a fake dinner invitation from Germany’s Christian Democratic Union to install a backdoor in their victim’s computer.

March 2024: India’s government and energy sectors was breached in a cyber espionage campaign. Hackers sent a malicious file disguised as a letter from India’s Royal Air Force to offices responsible for India’s electronic communications, IT governance, and national defense. Researchers have not yet determined who conducted the attack. 

March 2024: A U.S. Department of Justice indictment revealed Chinese hackers targeted several EU members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China and Italian MPs. The attack was designed to detect IP addresses and the targets’ locations.

March 2024: Canada pulled its financial intelligence system FINTRAC offline after a “cyber incident” by a currently unidentified attacker. FINTRAC claims the attack does not involve its intelligence or classified systems but declined to disclose further details of the incident.

March 2024: Russian hackers leaked an intercepted conversation between German military officials about the country’s support for Ukraine. In the call, the head of Germany's Air Force discussed the possibility of supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine and commented on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's hesitance to send the missiles. Germany announced it would investigate the incident and believes the leak was intended to inflame divisions in Germany.

March 2024: Switzerland’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) confirmed that leaded data from a May 2023 breach included 65,000 documents from the Federal Administration. The documents contained sensitive personal data, classified information, and passwords, and were from Switzerland’s federal police, judiciary, and migration offices. Swiss officials had originally assessed that breach only impacted non-government documents. 

March 2024: Microsoft claims Russian hackers stole its source code and are continuing to gain unauthorized access to its internal systems as part of their November 2023 campaign to spy on senior Microsoft executives. Microsoft also said attackers increased the volume of their “password spray” attacks by nearly tenfold between January and February 2024. The company did not disclose further details on the source code access or breached internal systems. 

February 2024: Russian hackers launched an espionage campaign against the embassies of Georgia, Poland, Ukraine, and Iran beginning in 2023. Hackers exploited a bug in a webmail server to inject malware into servers at the embassies and collect information on European and Iranian political and military activities. 

February 2024: Roughly 190 megabytes of data from a Chinese cybersecurity company were exposed online, revealing the company’s espionage efforts on the governments of the United Kingdom, India, Indonesia, and Taiwan. The leak’s source is unknown.

February 2024: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police suffered a cyberattack against its networks. The RCMP stated it is investigating this “alarming” incident and does not believe it had an impact on its operations or the safety and security of Canadians. It is so far unclear who is behind the attack and if it was a data breach or security incident. 

February 2024: U.S. officials hacked an Iranian military spy ship that was sharing intelligence with Houthi rebels who have been firing on ships in the Red Sea. According to U.S. officials, the attack was part of the Biden administration’s response to an Iranian drone stroke that killed three U.S. soldiers in Jordan.

February 2024: A data breach of French health insurance companies in January 2024 affected 33 million French citizens, or nearly half the country’s population. The attack compromised sensitive birth date, social security, and marital status information, but not medical history. The French data protection agency opened an investigation to determine if the companies complied with cybersecurity guidelines under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations. 

February 2024: Chinese spies places malware in a Dutch military network in 2023. The network was not connected to the defense ministry’s main network, which reduced damage. This is the first time the Netherlands has publicly accused China of cyber espionage.

January 2024: Hackers breached Global Affairs Canada’s secure VPN in December 2023, allowing hackers to access sensitive personal information of users and employees. It affected staff emails, calendars, and contacts. It’s unclear if classified information was compromised or lost. The hacker's identity is currently unknown. 

January 2024: Russian hackers launched a ransomware attack against Sweden’s only digital service provider for government services. The attack affected operations for 120 government offices and came as Sweden prepared to join NATO. Sweden expects disruptions to continue for several weeks. 

January 2024: Microsoft announced that Russian hackers broke into its corporate systems. Hackers used a “password spray attack” to steal emails and documents from accounts of Microsoft’s senior leadership, cybersecurity, and legal teams back in November 2023.

January 2024: Russian hackers attacked 65 Australian government departments and agencies and stole 2.5 million documents in Australia’s largest government cyberattack. Hackers infiltrated an Australian law firm that worked with the government to gain access to government files. 

January 2024: The Australian government identified and sanctioned Aleksandr Ermakov as the Russian hacker who breached Medibank, the country’s largest private health insurance provider, in 2022. He stole information from 9.7 million current and former Medibank customers. This is the first time Australia has issued cyber sanctions against an individual since the framework was established in 2021. The U.S. and UK also sanctioned Ermakov. 

January 2024: Russian agents hacked residential webcams in Kyiv to gather information on the city’s air defense systems before launching a missile attack on Kyiv. Hackers changed the cameras’ angles to gather information on nearby critical infrastructure facilities and stream the footage on YouTube. Ukraine has since ordered webcam operators in the country to stop live broadcasts. 

December 2023:  Israeli-linked hackers disrupted approximately 70% of gas stations in Iran. Hackers claimed the attack was in retaliation for aggressive actions by Iran and its proxies in the region. Pumps restored operation the next day, but payment issues continued for several days. 

December 2023: Ukrainian state hackers crippled Russia’s largest water utility plant by encrypting over 6,000 computers and deleting over 50 TB of data. Hackers claimed their attack was in retaliation for the Russian Kyivstar cyberattack.

December 2023: Russian hackers hit Ukraine’s largest mobile phone provider, Kyivstar, disabling access to its 24 million customers in Ukraine. Hackers claim to have destroyed more than 10,000 computers and 4,000 servers, including cloud storage and backup systems. The attack began hours before President Zelenskyy met with President Biden in Washington D.C.

December 2023: Ukraine’s military intelligence service (the GRU) claims to have disabled Russia’s tax service in a cyberattack. According to the GRU, the attack destroyed the system’s configuration files, databases, and their backups, paralyzing Russia’s tax service.

November 2023: Suspected Chinese hackers launched an espionage campaign against Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea. Hackers use phishing campaigns to gain access to their target’s systems and decrypt their information. 

November 2023: Chinese-linked hackers attacked Japan’s space agency during summer 2023 and compromised the organization’s directory. The agency shut down parts of its network to investigate the breach’s scope, but claims it did not compromise critical rocket and satellite operations information.

November 2023: Chinese hackers compromised Philippine government networks. Beginning in August 2023, hackers used phishing emails to imbed malicious code into their target’s systems to establish command-and-control and spy on their target’s activities.

November 2023: Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley declared the latest ransomware attack against the country’s telecommunications service to be a “national security threat.” Hackers stole an estimated six gigabytes of data, including email addresses, national ID numbers, and phone numbers.  

November 2023: Denmark suffered its largest cyberattack on record when Russian hackers hit twenty-two Danish power companies. The attack began in May 2023 and appeared to be aimed at gaining comprehensive access to Denmark’s decentralized power grid. Hackers exploited a critical command injection flaw and continued to exploit unpatched systems to maintain access.

November 2023: Chinese cybercriminals targeted at least 24 Cambodian government networks, including the National Defense, Election Oversight, Human Rights, National Treasury, Finance, Commerce, Politics, Natural Resources and Telecommunications agencies. Hackers disguised themselves as cloud storage services to mask their data exfiltration. Initial research indicates the attack is part of a broader Chinese espionage campaign. 

October 2023: Hacktivists stole 3,000 documents from NATO, the second time in three months that hacktivists have breached NATO’s cybersecurity defenses. Hackers described themselves as “gay furry hackers” and announced their attack was retaliation against NATO countries’ human rights abuses. NATO alleges the attack did not impact NATO missions, operations, or military deployments.  

October 2023:  Researchers discovered what appears to be a state-sponsored software tool designed for espionage purposes and used against ASEAN governments and organizations. 

October 2023:  Pro-Hamas and pro-Israeli hacktivists have launched multiple cyberattacks against Israeli government sites and Hamas web pages in the aftermath of Hamas’ attacks on Israel on October 7th. Russian and Iranian hacktivists also targeted Israeli government sites, and Indian hacktivists have attacked Hamas websites in support of Israel.  

October 2023: Vietnamese hackers attempted to install spyware on the phones of journalists, United Nations officials and the chairs of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The spyware was designed to siphon calls and texts from infected phones, and the unsuccessful deployment comes while Vietnamese and American diplomats were negotiating an agreement to counter China’s growing influence in the region.   

October 2023:  New reporting reveals Chinese hackers have been targeting Guyana government agencies with phishing emails to exfiltrate sensitive information since February 2023.  

October 2023: North Korean hackers sent malware phishing emails to employees of South Korea’s shipbuilding sector. South Korea’s National Intelligence Service suggested that the attacks were intended to gather key naval intelligence that could help North Korea build larger ships. 

September 2023: Indian hacktivists targeted Canada’s military and Parliament websites with DDoS attacks that slowed system operations for several hours. Hacktivists referenced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s public accusation against India of killing Sikh independence activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar as motivation for the hack. 

September 2023: Iranian hackers launched a cyberattack against Israel’s railroad network. The hackers used a phishing campaign to target the network’s electrical infrastructure. Brazilian and UAE companies were also reportedly targeted in the same attack. 

September 2023: U.S. and Japanese officials warn that Chinese state-sponsored hackers placed modifying software inside routers to target government industries and companies located in both countries. The hackers use firmware implants to stay hidden and move around in their target’s networks. China has denied the allegations. 

September 2023: A massive cyberattack hit Bermuda’s Department of Planning and other government services. The country’s hospitals, transportation, and education centers remained functional, but other services were down for several weeks. Bermuda announced that it is investigating the attack and declined to state if any sensitive data was compromised.  

September 2023: Cybercriminals targeted Kuwait’s Ministry of Finance with a phishing ransomware attack. Kuwait isolated the Ministry and other government systems to protect them from potential further attacks. 

September 2023: Russian is stepping up cyberattacks against Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, specifically units collecting and analyzing evidence of Russian war crimes, according to Ukrainian officials. Russian cyberattacks have primarily targeted Ukrainian infrastructure for most of the war.  

September 2023: Russian forces in occupied Crimea reported a cyberattack on Crimean Internet providers. The attack happened around the same time that a Ukrainian missile strike aimed at Russian naval headquarters in the area. Ukrainian officials have yet to comment.  

September 2023: Russian cybercriminals breached the International Criminal Court’s IT systems amid an ongoing probe into Russian war crimes committed in Ukraine.  

September 2023:  A new Microsoft report indicates an increase of Chinese cyber operations in the South China Sea, as well as increased attacks against the U.S. defense industrial base and U.S. critical infrastructure. The increase comes amid rising tensions between China and the U.S. 

September 2023: A Russian ransomware group leaked Australian federal police officers’ details on the dark web. The leak is the latest phase of a Russian attack which started in April 2023 against an Australian law firm that services several Australian government agencies.   

September 2023: The iPhone of a Russian journalist for the independent newspaper Meduza was infected with Pegasus spyware in Germany this year. The incident is the first known instance of the spyware being used against a prominent Russian target. The country behind the spyware placement is unknown, but Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan are all suspects given past use of Pegasus spyware or their allegiance to Russia.  

September 2023: Suspected Chinese hackers attacked the national power grid of an unspecified Asian country earlier this year using Chinese malware. The group corrupted a Windows application that allowed them to move laterally within their target’s systems.  

September 2023: A ransomware attack wiped four months of Sri Lankan government data. The country’s cloud services system didn’t have backup services available for the data from May 17 to August 26, according to reporting. Malicious actors targeted Sri Lanka’s government cloud system starting in August 2023 by sending infected links to government workers.  

September 2023: An Indian cybersecurity firm uncovered plans from Pakistani and Indonesian hacking groups to disrupt the G20 summit in India. The hacktivists are expected to use DDoS attacks and mass defacement in their attacks, which are presumed to be the latest development in the hacktivist battle between these nations according to the firm’s research. 

September 2023: Russian hackers stole thousands of documents from the British Ministry of Defense and uploaded them to the dark web. The documents contained accessibility details for a nuclear base in Scotland, high-security prisons, and other national security details. Hackers acquired the documents by breaking into a British fencing developer and gaining backdoor access to Ministry files. 

September 2023:  Russian cyber criminals accessed sensitive information from South Africa’s Department of Defense, including military contracts and personnel information. The Department reversed its previous statement denying the data leak. 

August 2023: Russian hacktivists launched DDoS attacks against Czech banks and the Czech stock exchange. The hackers cut online banking access to the banks’ clients and demanded that the institutions stop supporting Ukraine. Bank representatives claim the hacks did not threaten their clients’ finances. 

August 2023: Unnamed hackers took X, formerly known as Twitter, offline in several countries and demanded that owner Elon Musk open Starlink in Sudan. Attackers flooded the server with traffic to disable access for over 20,000 individuals in the U.S., UK, and other countries.  

August 2023: Cybercriminals are allegedly selling a stolen dataset from China’s Ministry of State Security. The full data set purportedly includes personal identification information for roughly half a billion Chinese citizens and “classified document[s],” according to the criminals’ post about the sale. 

August 2023: Russian hacktivists launched several DDoS attacks that knocked the Polish government’s website offline, as well as the Warsaw Stock exchange and several Polish national banks. 

August 2023: Russian hacktivists disabled Poland’s rail systems by gaining access to the system’s railway frequencies and transmitted a malicious signal that halted train operations. Attackers blasted Russia’s national anthem and a speech from Putin on Russia’s military operation in Ukraine during the attack.  

August 2023: Chinese hackers targeted a U.S. military procurement system for reconnaissance, along with several Taiwan-based organizations. Attackers targeted high-bandwidth routers to exfiltrate data and establish covert proxy networks within target systems.  

August 2023: Ukrainian hackers claim to have broken into the email of a senior Russian politician and leaked medical and financial documents, as well as messages that allegedly connect him to money laundering and sanctions evasion plots. 

August 2023: Ecuador’s national election agency claimed that cyberattacks from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Indonesia and China caused difficulties for absentee voters attempting to vote online in the latest election. The agency didn’t elaborate on the nature of the attacks. 

August 2023: Suspected North Korean hackers attempted to compromise a joint U.S.-South Korean military exercise on countering nuclear threats from North Korea. Hackers launched several spear phishing email attacks at the exercise’s war simulation center.   

August 2023: Bangladesh shut down access to their central bank and election commission websites amid warnings of a planned cyberattack by an Indian hacking group. The shutdown was intended to prevent a cyberattack similar to a 2016 incident in Bangladesh where hackers stole nearly $1 billion, according to the central bank’s statement. 

August 2023: Belarusian hackers targeted foreign embassies in the country for nearly a decade, according to new reporting. Hackers disguised malware as Windows updates to get diplomats to download it onto their devices.  

August 2023: Chinese hackers obtained personal and political emails of a U.S. Congressman from Nebraska. The hackers exploited the same Microsoft vulnerability that gave them access to emails from the State Department and Department of Commerce. 

August 2023: Iranian cyber spies are targeting dissidents in Germany, according to Germany’s domestic intelligence unit. The spies are using false digital personas tailored to victims to build a rapport with their targets before sending a malicious link to a credential harvesting page. 

August 2023: Ukraine’s State Security Service (SBU) claims that Russia’s GRU is attempting to deploy custom malware against Starlink satellites to collect data on Ukrainian troop movements. SBU members discovered malware on Ukrainian tablets that were captured by the Russians before being recovered by Ukrainian forces. 

August 2023: Russian hackers launched a ransomware attack against a Canadian government service provider, compromising the data of 1.4 million people in Alberta. The organization paid the ransom and claimed that very little data was lost. 

August 2023 : A Canadian politician was targeted by a Chinese disinformation campaign on WeChat. The attack included false accusations about the politician’s race and political views. The Canadian government believes the attacks are retaliation against the politician's criticism of China's human rights policies.  

August 2023:  The Canadian government accused a “highly sophisticated Chinese state-sponsored actor” of hacking a prominent Canadian federal scientific research agency.  

August 2023: Russia’s military intelligence service attempted to hack Ukrainian Armed Forces’ combat information systems. Hackers targeted Android tablets that Ukrainian forces use for planning and orchestrating combat missions.   

August 2023:  The United Kingdom’s Electoral Commission revealed that Russian hackers breached the commission’s network beginning in August 2021. They obtained information on tens of thousands of British citizens by accessing the commission’s email and file-sharing system.  

August 2023: According to a new report, North Korean hackers breached computer systems at a Russian missile developer for five months in 2022. Analysts could not determine what information may have been taken or viewed. 

July 2023:  China claims that an earthquake monitoring system in Wuhan was hacked by “U.S. cybercriminals.” Chinese state media asserts that a backdoor program with the capacity to steal seismic data was inserted into the program. 

July 2023: Kenya’s eCitizen service was disrupted by pro-Russian cybercriminals for several days. Kenya’s Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy claimed that no data was accessed or lost. 

July 2023: Russian-linked cyber hackers have targeted Ukrainian state services such as the app “Diia” using malware and phishing attacks. The primary targets are Ukrainian defense and security services. 

July 2023:  The Ministry of Justice in Trinidad and Tobago was hit with a DDoS attack that disrupted court operations across the country. The ministry reported outages beginning in late June, which are believed to be linked to this same attack. 

July 2023: New Zealand’s parliament was hit by a cyberattack from a Russian hacking group. The group said their attack was retaliation against New Zealand’s support for Ukraine, such as its assistance with training Ukrainian troops and sanctions against Russia. Heckers temporarily shut down the New Zealand Parliament, Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO) and Legislation websites in a DDoS attack. 

July 2023: Russian hackers targeted twelve government ministries in Norway to gain access to sensitive information. The hackers exploited a vulnerability in a software platform used by the ministries.

July 2023:  A South Korean government-affiliated institution fell victim to a phishing scandal that resulted in a loss of 175 million wons, reportedly the first phishing incident against a South Korean government public organization. 

July 2023: Chinese-linked hackers infected a Pakistani government app with malware. A state bank and telecoms provider were also targeted in the attack. 

July 2023: Chinese hackers breached the emails of several prominent U.S. government employees in the State Department and Department of Commerce through a vulnerability in Microsoft’s email systems.

July 2023: Russian hackers targeted numerous attendees of the latest NATO Summit in Vilnius. The assailants used a malicious replica of the Ukraine World Congress website to target attendees. 

July 2023: A Polish diplomat’s advertisement to purchase a used BMW was corrupted by Russian hackers and used to target Ukrainian diplomats. The hackers copied the flyer, imbedded it with malicious software and distributed it to foreign diplomats in Kyiv.

June 2023: A group allegedly tied to the private military corporation Wagner hacked a Russian satellite telecommunications provider that services the Federal Security Service (FSB) and Russian military units. The attack comes after Wagner’s attempted rebellion against President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine. 

June 2023: A Pakistani-based hacker group infiltrated the Indian army and education sector in the group’s latest wave of attacks against Indian government institutions.The hack is the latest in a series of targeted attacks from this group that have intensified over the past year. 

June 2023: Pro-Russian hacktivists attacked several European banking institutions, including the European Investment Bank, in retaliation against Europe’s continued support of Ukraine. The hacktivists used a DDoS attack to disrupt EIB.

June 2023: Several U.S. federal government agencies, including Department of Energy entities, were breached in a global cyberattack by Russian-linked hackers. Cybercriminalstargeted a vulnerability in software that is widely used by the agencies, according to a US cybersecurity agent.

June 2023: An Illinois hospital became the first health care facility to publicly list a ransomware attack as a primary reason for closing. The attack, which occurred in 2021,permanently crippled the facility’s finances.

June 2023: Pro-Russian hackers targeted several Swiss government websites, including those for Parliament, the federal administration, andthe Geneva airport. The DDoS attacks coincide in conjunction with preparations for Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky’s virtual address before the Swiss parliament.

June 2023: According to new reporting,North Korean hackers have been impersonating tech workers or employers to steal more than $3 billion since 2018. The money has reportedly beenused to fundthe country’s ballistic missiles program, according to U.S. officials.

June 2023: Ukrainian hackers claimed responsibility for an attack on a Russian telecom firm that provides critical infrastructure to the Russian banking system. The attack occurred in conjunction with Ukraine’s counteroffensive. 

June 2023: Russia’s Federal Security Services (FSB) alleged that Apple worked closely with US intelligence agencies to hack thousands of iPhones belonging to Russian users and foreign diplomats. Apple denied theclaims, and the NSA declined to comment.

May 2023:  Belgium’s cyber security agency has linked China-sponsored hackers to a spearfishing attack on a prominent politician. The attack comes as European governments are increasingly willing to challenge China over cyber offences. 

May 2023:  Chinese hackers breached communications networks at a U.S. outpost in Guam. The hackers used legitimate credentials, making it harder to detect them.  

May 2023:  Chinese hackers targeted Kenyan government ministries and state institutions, including the presidential office. The hacks appeared to be aimed at gaining information on debt owed to Beijing. 

May 2023:  A likely Russia state group has targeted government organizations in Central Asia. The group is using previously unknown malware, and the attacks focused on document exfiltration.  

May 2023:  An unidentified group hacked targets in both Russia and Ukraine. The motive for the attacks was surveillance and data gathering, 

May 2023:  Russian-linked hackivist conducted an unsuccessful cyberattack against Ukraine’s system for managing border crossings by commercial trucks through a phishing campaign 

April 2023: Sudan-linked hackers conducted a DDoS attack on Israel’s Independence Day, taking the Israeli Supreme Court’s website offline for several hours. Israeli cyber authorities reported no lasting damage to network infrastructure. Hackers claimed to have also attacked several other Israeli government and media sites, but those attacks could not be confirmed. The group has been active since at least January 2023, attacking critical infrastructure in Northern Europe and is considered religiously motivated. 

April 2023:  NSA cyber authorities reported evidence of Russian ransomware and supply chain attacks against Ukraine and other European countries who have provided Ukraine with humanitarian aid during the war in Ukraine. There were no indications of these attacks against U.S. networks. 

April 2023: Iranian state-linked hackers targeted critical infrastructure in the U.S. and other countries in a series of attacks using a previously unseen customized dropper malware. The hacking group has been active since at least 2014, conducting social engineering and espionage operations that support the Iranian government’s interests. 

April 2023: Recorded Future released a report revealing data exfiltration attacks against South Korean research and academic institutions in January 2023. The report identified Chinese-language hackers. Researchers believe that this is a hacktivist group motivated by patriotism for China. 

April 2023: Researchers at Mandiant attributed a software supply chain attack on 3CX Desktop App software to North Korea-linked hackers. During its investigation, Mandiant found that this attack used a vulnerability previously injected into 3CX software. This is Mandiant’s first discovery of a software supply chain attack leveraging vulnerabilities from a previous software supply chain attack. 

April 2023: Chinese hackers targeted telecommunication services providers in Africa in an espionage campaign since at least November 2022. Researchers believe the group has targeted pro-domestic human rights and pro-democracy advocates, including nation-states, since at least 2014. Using the access from the telecom providers, the group gathers information including keystrokes, browser data, records audio, and captures data from individual targets on the network. 

April 2023: A Russia-linked threat group launched a DDoS attack against Canadian prime Minister Justin Trudeau, blocking access to his website for several hours. The operation’s timing coincided with the Canadian government’s meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, suggesting that the operation was retaliation. 

April 2023: North Korea-linked hackers are operating an ongoing espionage campaign targeting defense industry firms in Eastern Europe and Africa. Researchers at Kaspersky believe the hacking group shifted its focus in 2020 from financially motivated coin-mining attacks to espionage.  

April 2023: Researchers discovered Israeli spyware on the iPhones of over 5 journalists, political opposition figures, and an NGO worker. Hackers initially compromised targets using malicious calendar invitations. The hackers’ origin and motivations are unclear. 

April 2023: Ukraine-linked hacktivists targeted the email of Russian GRU Unit26165’s leader, Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Alexandrovich, leaking his correspondence to a volunteer intelligence analysis group. The exfiltrated data contained Alexandrovich’s personal information, unit personnel files, and information on Russian cyberattack tools.  

April 2023: North Korean-linked hackers targeted people with expertise on North Korea policy issues in a phishing campaign. Hackers posed as journalists requesting interviews from targets, inviting them to use embedded links for scheduling and stealing their login credentials. The amount of information stolen and number of targets are unclear. 

March 2023. Russian hackers brought down the French National Assembly’s website for several hours using a DDoS attack. In a Telegram post, hackers cited the French government’s support for Ukraine as the reason for the attack.  

March 2023. CISA and FBI reported that a U.S. federal agency was targeted by multiple attackers, including a Vietnamese espionage group, in a cyberespionage campaign between November 2022 and January 2023. Hackers used a vulnerability in the agency’s Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) server to install malware.  

March 2023. A Chinese cyberespionage group targeted an East Asian data protection company who serves military and government entities that lasted approximately a year.  

March 2023: (3/24) A South  Asian  hacking group targeted firms in China’s nuclear energy industry in an espionage campaign. Researchers believe the group commonly targets the energy and government sectors of Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, and Saudi Arabia. 

March 2023. Estonian officials claim that hackers unsuccessfully targeted the country’s internet voting system during its recent parliamentary elections. Officials did not release details about the attacks or provide attribution.  

March 2023. North Korean hackers targeted U.S.-based cybersecurity research firms in a phishing campaign. The campaign was meant to deliver malware for cyberespionage.  

March 2023. A Chinese cyber espionage group targeted government entities in Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, using newly developed malware optimized to evade detection.  

March 2023. Russian hackers launched social engineering campaigns targeting U.S. and European politicians, businesspeople, and celebrities who have publicly denounced Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Hackers persuaded victims to participate in phone or video calls, giving misleading prompts to obtain pro-Putin or pro-Russian soundbites. They published these to discredit victims’ previous anti-Putin statements.  

March 2023. Slovakian cybersecurity researchers discovered a new exploit from a Chinese espionage group targeting political organizations in Taiwan and Ukraine.  

March 2023. Poland blamed Russia hackers for a DDoS attack on its official tax service website. Hackers blocked users’ access to the site for approximately an hour, but no data was leaked in the attack. A pro-Russian hacking group had earlier published a statement on Telegram about its intention to attack the Polish tax service.  

February 2023. Russian hackers deployed malware to steal information from Ukrainian organizations in a phishing campaign. The malware is capable of extracting account information and files, as well as taking screenshots. Researchers believe the group is a key player in Russia’s cyber campaigns against Ukraine. 

February 2023. A pro-Russian hacking group claimed responsibility for DDoS attacks against NATO networks used to transmit sensitive data. The attack disrupted communications between NATO and airplanes providing earthquake aid to a Turkish airbase. The attack also took NATO’s sites offline temporarily.  

February 2023.  Polish officials reported a disinformation campaign targeting the Polish public. Targets received anti-Ukrainian refugee disinformation via email. Officials claimed these activities may be related to Russia-linked hackers.  

February 2023. A North Korean hacking group conducted an espionage campaign between August and November 2022. Hackers targeted medical research, healthcare, defense, energy, chemical engineering and a research university, exfiltrating over 100MB of data from each victim while remaining undetected. The group is linked to the North Korean government.  

February 2023. Latvian officials claimed that Russian hackers launched a phishing campaign against its Ministry of Defense. The Latvian Ministry of Defense stated this operation was unsuccessful.  

February 2023. Iranian hacktivists disrupted the state-run television broadcast of a speech by Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi during Revolution Day ceremonies. Hackers aired the slogan “Death to Khamenei” and encouraged citizens to join antigovernment protests.  

February 2023. An Iranian hacking group launched an espionage campaign against organizations in the Middle East. Hackers used a backdoor malware to compromise target email accounts. Researchers claim the hacking group is linked to Iranian intelligence services.  

February 2023. Iranian hacktivists claimed responsibility for taking down websites for the Bahrain international airport and state news agency.  

February 2023. Hackers launched a ransomware attack against Technion University, Israel’s top technology education program. Hackers demanded 80 bitcoin ($1.7 million USD) to decrypt the university’s files. Israeli cybersecurity officials blamed Iranian state-sponsored hackers for the attack.  

February 2023. Hackers disabled Italy’s Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrane) website. While the website was disabled, users received phishing emails directing them to a false login page that mirrored the official agency site.  

February 2023. Chinese cyberespionage hackers performed a spear-phishing campaign against government and public sector organizations in Asia and Europe. The emails used a draft EU Commission letter as its initial attack vector. These campaigns have occurred since at least 2019. 

January 2023. Latvian officials claimed that Russia-linked hackers launched a cyber espionage phishing campaign against its Ministry of Defense. The Latvian Ministry of Defense stated this operation was unsuccessful. 

January 2023. CISA, the NSA, and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center released a joint advisory warning of an increase in hacks on the federal civilian executive branch utilizing remote access software. This follows an October 2022 report on a financially motivated phishing campaign against multiple U.S. federal civilian executive branch agencies. 

January 2023. Russia-linked hackers deployed a ransomware attack against the UK postal service, the Royal Mail. The attack disrupted the systems used to track international mail. 

January 2023.  Iran-linked hackers executed ransomware attacks and exfiltrated data from U.S. public infrastructure and private Australian organizations. Australian authorities claim that the data exfiltrated was for use in extortion campaigns. 

January 2023.  Hackers used ransomware to encrypt 12 servers at Costa Rica’s Ministry of Public Works, knocking all its servers offline.  

January 2023. Albanian officials reported that its government servers were still near-daily targets of cyber-attacks following a major attack by Iran-linked hackers in 2022. 

January 2023.  Hackers launched a series of cyber-attacks against Malaysian national defense networks. Malaysian officials stated that the hacking activities were detected early enough to prevent any network compromise. 

January 2023. Hackers targeted government, military, and civilian networks across the Asia Pacific leveraging malware to obtain confidential information. The malware targeted both the data on victim machines as well as audio captured by infected machines’ microphones. 

January 2023 . Hackers sent over a thousand emails containing malicious links to Moldovan government accounts.  

December 2022. China-linked hackers launched phishing attacks against government, education, and research sector victims across the Asia Pacific. These attacks contained malware designed for espionage. 

December 2022. Hackers launched email phishing attacks against Ukranian government agencies and state railway systems. The emails included information on kamikaze drone identification and deployed malware designed for espionage onto victim machines. 

December 2022. Hackers obtained contact information for more than 80,000 members of FBI threat information sharing program, InfraGard. They then posted this information for sale on a cybercrime forum.  

December 2022. Microsoft reported that it observed a pattern of attacks targeting Ukranian critical infrastructure from Russian hacking group, Sandworm. These attacks were accompanied by pro-Russian propaganda.  

December 2022. The Human Rights Watch reported an ongoing, well-resourced cyber espionage, social engineering, and phishing campaign against human rights activists, journalists, diplomats, and politicians located across the Middle East. The organization attributed these operations to Iran-linked hackers.  

December 2022. Hackers made Italy’s Ministry of Agriculture website unavailable through a DDoS attack. Italian officials described the attacks as “demonstrative” and claim that no data was breached and that they expect no lasting damage. 

December 2022.  Russia-linked hackers leveraged the networks of healthcare organizations, businesses, and critical infrastructures across the U.S., UK, France, and other countries to attack targets in Ukraine. Hackers’ primary motivations appear to be information stealing and disruption. 

December 2022. Iran-linked hackers obtained and leaked data from government ministries in Saudi Arabia. 

December 2022. Russia-linked hackers launched a DDoS attack against Vatican City servers, knocking its official website offline. The attack came three days after Russian government officials criticized Pope Francis for his comments about the war in Ukraine. 

December 2022.  Hackers launched a DDoS attack against the Danish defense ministry that disrupted access to its websites.  

December 2022. Russia’s foreign minister claimed to be the target of coordinated cyber aggression by external intelligence agencies, IT companies, and hacktivists. According to Russian officials, such attacks have “doubled or tripled” over the past year. 

December 2022 . Chinese government-linked hackers stole at least $20 million in COVID-19 relief funds from the U.S. government, including Small Business Administration loans and unemployment insurance money. The U.S. Secret Service announced they retrieved half of the stolen funds thus far.  

December 2022. Chinese-linked hackers targeted Amnesty International of Canada in an apparent espionage operation.  

December 2022.  A U.S. lawmaker predicted spyware hacks of U.S. government employees could be in the hundreds, including diplomats in multiple countries. This follows a probe into how many devices spyware are affected in the U.S. government. 

November 2022. Hackers disrupted operations at an Indian hospital by cutting off access to its online networks and patient records. It took hospital officials and federal authorities nearly two weeks to regain access to hospital servers and recover lost data. 

November 2022. Microsoft and ESET attributed cyberattacks aimed at the energy sector and logistics industries in Ukraine and Poland to a Russian GRU hacking group. The campaign began in late September 2022.  

November 2022.  Hackers targeted Bahraini government websites with DDoS attacks prior the country’s parliamentary and local elections.  

November 2022.  Iranian government-sponsored hackers compromised the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, exploiting the log4shell vulnerability as early as February 2022. After breaching the network, hackers installed cryptocurrency-mining software and deployed malware to obtain sensitive data. 

November 2022.  Hackers damaged Danish State Railways’ network after targeting an IT subcontractor's software testing environment. The attack shut down train operations for several hours.  

November 2022.  An Indian-based hacking group targeted Pakistani politicians, generals and diplomats, deploying malware that enables the attacker access to computer cameras and microphones. 

November 2022.  State-sponsored hackers with possible ties to the Chinese government targeted multiple Asian countries in an espionage operation since March 2022, compromising a digital certificate authority in one country. 

November 2022.  Hackers disabled digital services of the Vanuatu government in a cyberattack. The attack affected all government services, disabling emails, websites, and government systems, with only partial access restored a month later. Australian sources stated the hack was a ransomware attack.  

November 2022.  Hackers targeted the Guadeloupe government, forcing the shutdown of all government computers to “protect data” during incident response and detect the scope of the attack. 

November 2022.  Indian hackers targeted Pakistani government entities, including the military, and companies since April 2020. The attacks enabled hackers to infiltrate systems and access computer controls.  

November 2022.  Suspected Chinese-linked hackers carried out an espionage campaign on public and private organizations in the Philippines, Europe, and the United States since 2021. The attacks used infected USB drives to deliver malware to the organizations.  

November 2022.  Chinese state-affiliated actors increased attacks on smaller nations in Southeast Asia for cyberespionage purposes.  

October 2022. Hackers targeted a communications platform in Australia, which handles Department of Defence data, in a ransomware attack. The government believes hackers breached sensitive government data in this attack.  

October 2022 . A Ukrainian newspaper published hacked data claiming to be sensitive information from Russian defense contractors. The hackers responsible are part of an anti-Putin group in Russia.  

October 2022.  Hackers targeted Bulgarian websites belonging to the presidential administration, the Defense Ministry, the Interior Ministry, the Justice Ministry, and the Constitutional Court in a DDoS attack. A pro-Russian hacking group claimed responsibility for the attack, stating it was punishment “for betrayal to Russia and the supply of weapons to Ukraine.” 

October 2022 . Hackers targeted several major U.S. airports with a DDoS attack, impacting their websites. A pro-Russian hacking group promoted the attack prior to its execution. 

October 2022 . Pro-Russian hackers claimed responsibility for an attack that knocked U.S. state government websites offline, including Colorado’s, Kentucky’s and Mississippi’s. 

October 2022 . CISA, the FBI, and NSA announced state-sponsored hacking groups had long-term access to a defense company since January 2021 and compromised sensitive company data. 

September 2022. Iranian hackers targeted Albanian computer systems, forcing Albanian officials to temporarily shut down the Total Information Management System, a service used to track individuals entering and exiting Albania. This attack closely followed Albania’s decision to sever diplomatic ties with Iran as well as the American sanctions and NATO’s condemnation of an Iranian cyberattack against Albania in July. In the July attack, Iranian actors deployed ransomware on Albanian Government networks that destroyed data and disrupted government services. 

September 2022.  A newly discovered hacking group targeted telecommunications, internet service providers, and universities in the Middle East and Africa. The group deploys malware platforms directly into systems’ memory, bypassing native security solutions.  

September 2022. Hackers targeted Montenegro’s government networks, rendering Montenegro’s main state websites and government information platforms inaccessible. Montenegrin officials blamed Russia for the attack. 

September 2022. Hackers targeted the state-level parliamentary website of Bosnia and Herzegovina, rendering the sites and servers inaccessible for multiple weeks. 

September 2022. China accused the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) of numerous cyberattacks against China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University. Authorities claim the NSA stole user data and infiltrated digital communications networks.  

September 2022. The group Anonymous took responsibility for a series of cyberattacks against the Iranian government that took down two main Iranian government websites and the websites of several state media organizations. 

September 2022. Hackers targeted the Mexican Defense Ministry and accessed six terabytes of data, including internal communications, criminal data, and data that revealed Mexico’s monitoring of Ken Salazar, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed the authenticity of the data, including personal health data released to the public.  

September 2022. A Russian-based hacking group targeted the website of the United Kingdom’s intelligence agency MI5 with a DDoS attack that temporarily took the site offline. 

August 2022. Hackers breached Italy’s energy agency, Gestore dei Servizi Energetici (GSE), compromising servers, blocking access to systems, and suspending access to the GSE website for a week. 

August 2022.  Hackers used a DDoS attack to temporarily take down the website of Taiwan’s presidential office. The Taiwanese government attributed the attack to foreign hackers and stated normal operations of the website resumed after 20 minutes. Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry also noted hackers targeted their website and the main portal website for Taiwan’s government.  

August 2022.  Hackers targeted the Finnish Parliament with a DDoS attack that rendered the Parliamentary website inaccessible. A Russian group claimed responsibility for the attack on Telegram.  

August 2022.  Hackers targeted the website of Ukraine’s state energy agency responsible for the oversight of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants. The agency stated Russian hackers carried out the attack.  

August 2022.  Hackers targeted the website of the Latvian Parliament with a DDoS attack that temporarily paralyzed the website’s server. A Russian hacking group claimed responsibility for the attack on Telegram.  

August 2022.  Hackers targeted Greece’s largest natural gas distributor DESFA causing a system outage and data exposure.  

August 2022.  A Russian group claimed responsibility for breaching a privately owned UK water supply company South Staffordshire Water and leaking files in an extortion attempt. 

August 2022.  Hackers targeted Montenegro’s government institutions, breaching the computer systems of several state bodies. Montenegro’s Defense Minister stated there was sufficient evidence to suspect Russia was behind the attack.  

August 2022.  A DDoS campaign targeted the websites of both government and private Estonian institutions. Estonia stated that the attack was largely repelled, and the impact was limited. 

August 2022. Hackers used phishing emails to deploy malware in government institutions and defense firms throughout Eastern Europe in January 2022. A report by Russian-based company Kaspersky linked the campaign to a Chinese hacking group. 

July 2022.  Hackers targeted the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in a spearfishing campaign to deploy malware and obtain sensitive files. Pakistani and Chinese organizations claimed the attack came from Indian-linked hackers. 

July 2022.  Hackers targeted Iran’s Islamic Culture and Communication Organization (ICCO). The attack took down at least 6 websites, placed images of Iranian resistance leaders on fifteen additional sites, wiped databases and computers, and allowed hackers to obtain access to sensitive ICCO data.  

July 2022.  A hacker claimed to acquire records on 1 billion Chinese from a Shanghai police database and posted the data for sale online.  

July 2022.  Belgium’s Foreign Ministry accused China of a cyberespionage campaign against Belgian targets, including Belgium’s Ministries of Interior and Defense. A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Belgium denied the accusations. 

July 2022.  Hackers targeted social media accounts owned by the British Royal Army. The attack included the takeover of the British Army’s Twitter and YouTube accounts. 

July 2022.  Hackers targeted Lithuania’s state-owned energy provider in a DDoS attack. Killnet, which Lithuanian officials link to Russia, claimed responsibility for the attack. 

July 2022.  Hackers temporarily took down websites belonging to the Albanian Prime Minister's Office and the Parliament, and the e-Albania portal used to access public services. 

July 2022.  Hackers breached a Ukrainian media company to broadcast on multiple radio stations that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in critical condition. Zelenskyy refuted the claims and blamed Russia for the attack. 

July 2022. China stated the United States stole 97 billion pieces of global internet data and 124 billion pieces of telephone data in June, specifically blaming the National Security Agency (NSA)'s Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO). 

June 2022.  Hackers targeted Lithuania’s state railway, airports, media companies, and government ministries with DDoS attacks. A Russian-backed hacking group claimed responsibility for the attack.  

June 2022.  The FBI, National Security Agency (NSA) and CISA announced that Chinese state-sponsored hackers targeted and breached major telecommunications companies and network service providers since at least 2020. 

June 2022.  Hackers targeted former Israeli officials, military personnel, and a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel. An Israeli cybersecurity firm stated Iranian-linked actors used a phishing campaign to gain access to the targets’ inboxes, personally identifiable information, and identity documents. 

June 2022.  Hackers targeted three Iranian steel companies, forcing the country’s state-owned plant to halt production. 

June 2022.  Hackers leaked files and photos known as “The Xinjiang Police Files” displaying human rights abuses committed by the Chinese government against the Uyghur population.  

June 2022.  An attack targeted users of Australia’s largest Chinese-language platform, Media Today. The hackers made over 20 million attempts to reset user passwords in the platform’s registration system. 

June 2022.  Hackers targeted municipal public address systems in Jerusalem and Eliat, triggering the air raid sirens systems throughout both cities. An Israeli industrial cybersecurity firm attributed the attack to Iran. 

June 2022.  A Chinese-linked disinformation campaign targeted an Australian mining company. The campaign included spreading disinformation on social media platforms and websites regarding the company’s alleged environmental record. 

June 2022.  A phishing campaign targeted U.S. organizations in military, software, supply chain, healthcare, and pharmaceutical sectors to compromise Microsoft Office 365 and Outlook accounts.  

June 2022.  Hackers compromised accounts belonging to officials in Germany’s Greens party, including ones used previously by Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck, who now serve as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. 

June 2022.  Hackers targeted Norwegian public institutions with DDoS attacks, disrupting government websites. The Norwegian NSM security authority attributed the attack to pro-Russian hackers. 

May 2022.  A DDoS attack targeted the Port of London Authority, forcing its website to go offline. A group linked to Iran took responsibility for the hack. 

May 2022.  A phishing campaign targeted the Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Researchers attributed the attack to an Iranian cyber espionage actor. 

May 2022.   The Ethiopian Information Network Security Agency (INSA) stated hackers targeted the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Ethiopia’s communications security agency thwarted the attacks before hackers could gain access to the networks.  

May 2022 . Hackers targeted Greenland’s healthcare system, causing networks to crash throughout the island. While an initial diagnosis determined the attack did not damage or expose citizens’ data, it made health services severely limited. 

May 2022 . A Chinese hacking group stole intellectual property assets from U.S and European companies since 2019 and went largely undetected. Researchers believe the group is backed by the Chinese government.  

May 2022.  State-sponsored hackers took down RuTube, the Russian version of YouTube, according to the company.  

May 2022 . Russian hackers hit Italian websites with a DDoS attack, including the Senate, the Ministry of Defence, and the National Health Institute. The group states its goal was to target NATO countries and Ukraine.  

April 2022. The Romanian National Directorate of Cyber Security said that multiple public and private sector websites were hit with DDoS attacks. The victims included the ministry of defense, border police, national railway company, and the OTP Bank. A group claiming credit for the attack said on Telegram that it hacked the websites because Romania supported Ukraine since the Russian invasion of the country.  

April 2022. Cybersecurity researchers identified a new campaign by Russian-linked hackers that started in January and targets diplomats and embassy officials from France, Poland, Portugal, and other countries. The hacks started with a phishing email to deliver a malware-laden file to the target.  

April 2022. Iranian state television claimed that the government foiled cyber intrusions that targeted more than 100 public sector agencies. They provided no further information on the incident.  

April 2022 . Russian hackers targeted the Costa Rican Ministry of Finance in a cyberattack, crippling tax collection and export systems. The newly elected President of Costa Rica declared a national emergency as a result of the attack and the group asked for $20 million in ransom or it plans to leak the stolen data.  

April 2022. Hackers targeted members of the European Commission with spyware developed by NSO Group. An Apple notification from November to thousands of iPhone users stating they were targeted by state-sponsored actor alerted the Commission of this spyware use. 

April 2022. A North Korea-linked hacking campaign using phishing emails sent from fake job recruiters targeted chemical companies in South Korea. 

April 2022. A Citizen Lab study discovered actors used NSO Group spyware to target at least 65 Catalonian activists and political figures.  

April 2022. The U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control attributed the March 29 hack of Ronin Network to a North Korean hacking group and announced sanctions against the hackers. The group stole over $540 million in Ethereum and USDC.  

April 2022. Hackers launched DDoS attacks against websites belonging to the Finnish Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs. The attack’s botnet used over 350 IP addresses from around the world and the denial of service was sustained for four hours.  

April 2022. Hackers targeted the Telegram accounts of Ukrainian government officials with a phishing attack in an attempt to gain access to the accounts.   

April 2022. Cybersecurity researchers observed hackers penetrating the networks of at least 7 Indian State Load Dispatch Centres (SLDCs) which oversee operations for electrical grid control. The SLDCs manage SCADA systems and researchers suggested that PLA-linked hackers may be involved. 

April 2022. A social media platform disrupted two Iranian-linked cyber espionage campaigns that targeted activists, academics, and private companies. The campaign targeted businesses in the energy, semiconductor, and telecom sectors in countries including the U.S., Israel, Russia, and Canada by using phishing and other social engineering techniques. 

April 2022. A group targeted several Ukrainian media organizations in an attempt to gain long-term access to their networks and collect sensitive information, according to researchers. The group has connections to the Russian GRU.  

April 2022 . The United States removed Russian malware from computer networks around the world, a move made public by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. While it is unclear what the malware’s intention was, authorities noted it could be used from anything from surveillance to destructive attacks. The malware created a botnet controlled by the Russian GRU. 

April 2022 . Hackers targeted a Ukrainian energy facility, but CERT-UA and private sector assistance largely thwarted attempts to shutdown electrical substations in Ukraine. Researchers believe the attack came from the same group with ties to the Russian GRU that targeted Ukraine’s power grid in 2016, using an updated form of the same malware. 

April 2022:  Hackers targeted Ukraine’s National Post Office with a DDoS attack, days after releasing a new stamp honoring a Ukrainian border guard. Th attack affected the agency’s ability to run their online store.   

cyber crime case study 2021

  • Hackers and cybercrime prevention

cyber crime case study 2021

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Top 10 cyber crime stories of 2022

Cyber crime continued to hit the headlines in 2022, with impactful cyber attacks abounding, digitally enabled fraud ever more widespread and plenty of ransomware incidents.

Alex Scroxton

  • Alex Scroxton, Security Editor

High-profile cyber attacks elevated cyber security and cyber crime to dinner table conversation in 2021, and although there was no repeat of the Colonial Pipeline incident in 2022, awareness of cyber issues among the general public has never been higher.

And cyber criminals showed no sign of slowing down in 2022, even though ransomware attack volumes appeared to drop off for a time, in a trend likely linked to the war in Ukraine.

This year saw high-profile attacks on well-known organisations, disruption to the UK’s supply of crisps and new battles in the fight against digitally enabled fraud, while a cyber crime spree by a gang of troublesome kids caused consternation.

Here are Computer Weekly’s top 10 cyber crime stories of 2022.

1. Umbrella company Brookson self-refers to NCSC following cyber attack on its network

In January, contractor payroll service provider Brookson Group referred itself to the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) after an “extremely aggressive” cyber attack that forced it to take systems offline . Coming amid the ongoing IR35 controversy, this incident, and a separate attack on a different umbrella firm, disrupted salary payments for thousands.

2. Cyber attacks on European oil facilities spreading

In February, a series of cyber attacks targeting oil distribution terminals and other facilities in Europe  had authorities on high alert, given rising fuel prices and the threat of supply disruption as the political crisis in Ukraine escalated into conflict.

3. How Lapsus$ exploited the failings of multifactor authentication

A series of attacks on technology suppliers by a group known as Lapsus$ grabbed the headlines early in 2022, and although some gang members were arrested, these attacks have continued later into the year. In March, we explored how Lapsus$ attacks on Nvidia and Okta highlighted weak multifactor authentication  and the risks of employees being bribed or falling victim to social engineering.

4. Crisp supply shortage looms after KP Snacks hit by ransomware

Every so often, a cyber attack hits the front pages of the UK’s tabloid newspapers, and February’s Conti ransomware attack on the systems of KP Snacks , the company behind iconic brands such as Hula Hoops, Space Raiders and the eponymous peanuts, made the cut. Computer Weekly heard from security experts about the incident, one of whom spoke of a “dark day for crisp aficionados”.

5. Did the Conti ransomware crew orchestrate its own demise?

Conti hit the headlines again in May, when it shut down amid suggestions it had orchestrated its own downfall for its members to split off into new operations . Ransomware cartels come and go, but Conti was a particularly dangerous group, and its loss was not mourned.

6. Uber suffers major cyber attack

Ride-sharing service Uber was one of 2022’s high-profile cyber attack victims in September, when it suffered a supposed social engineering attack on an employee by an apparent teenage hacktivist who wanted the company to pay its drivers more money . The incident saw multiple systems at Uber disrupted, which later blamed the Lapsus$ collective.

7. South Staffs Water customer data leaked after ransomware attack

A somewhat botched Clop/Cl0p ransomware attack on South Staffordshire Water in August seemed to have been largely forgotten, until it emerged at the end of November that the gang had stolen customer data and leaked it on the dark web . The data included names and addresses, bank details including sort codes and account numbers, and possibly other personal data. Customers of sister company Cambridge Water also seem to have been hit.

8. TalkTalk hacker Daniel Kelley gives up his black hat for good

The Lapsus$ cyber crime spree put teenage hackers and so-called script kiddies, rather than advanced ransomware gangs, in the spotlight this year, and in June, Computer Weekly spoke to one of the UK’s most famous teenage hackers, Daniel Kelley, who was just 17 when he played a key role in the infamous TalkTalk cyber attack . Kelley is still laser-focused on cyber security, but is planning to pursue a legitimate career.

9. UK police arrest 120 in largest-ever cyber fraud crackdown

Ransomware gangs rarely directly target consumers, making digitally enabled fraud arguably the most likely way the average person is going to fall victim to cyber crime. The fight against fraud continued in 2022, and in November, the Metropolitan Police revealed details of its role in a major operation that took down a cyber criminal website  and saw more than 100 arrests.

10. Rackspace email outage confirmed as ransomware attack

At the beginning of December, a sudden drop in service for users of Rackspace’s Hosted Exchange business caused widespread chaos before being confirmed as a ransomware attack by an unspecified group . Full details of the incident are not yet known, but given how many Computer Weekly readers tuned in, it will likely prove one of the more disruptive cyber crime incidents of the year.

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cyber crime case study 2021

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  • Open access
  • Published: 23 February 2023

Exploring the global geography of cybercrime and its driving forces

  • Shuai Chen   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Mengmeng Hao   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Fangyu Ding   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Dong Jiang 1 , 2 ,
  • Jiping Dong 1 , 2 ,
  • Shize Zhang 3 ,
  • Qiquan Guo 1 &
  • Chundong Gao 4  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  10 , Article number:  71 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

13k Accesses

15 Citations

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  • Criminology
  • Science, technology and society

Cybercrime is wreaking havoc on the global economy, national security, social stability, and individual interests. The current efforts to mitigate cybercrime threats are primarily focused on technical measures. This study considers cybercrime as a social phenomenon and constructs a theoretical framework that integrates the social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity factors that influence cybercrime. The FireHOL IP blocklist, a novel cybersecurity data set, is used to map worldwide subnational cybercrimes. Generalised linear models (GLMs) are used to identify the primary factors influencing cybercrime, whereas structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to estimate the direct and indirect effects of various factors on cybercrime. The GLM results suggest that the inclusion of a broad set of socioeconomic factors can significantly improve the model’s explanatory power, and cybercrime is closely associated with socioeconomic development, while their effects on cybercrime differ by income level. Additionally, results from SEM further reveals the causal relationships between cybercrime and numerous contextual factors, demonstrating that technological factors serve as a mediator between socioeconomic conditions and cybercrime.

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Cybercrime is a broad term used by government, businesses, and the general public to account for a variety of criminal activities and harmful behaviours involving the adoption of computers, the internet, or other forms of information communications technologies (ICTs) (Wall, 2007 ). As an emerging social phenomenon in the information age, cybercrime has aroused growing concern around the world due to its high destructiveness and widespread influence. In 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack affected more than 230,000 computers across 150 countries, resulting in economic losses of more than 4 billion dollars and posing a serious danger to the global education, government, finance, and healthcare sectors (Ghafur et al., 2019 ; Castillo and Falzon, 2018 ; Mohurle and Patil, 2017 ). Although there is currently no precise and universally accepted definition of cybercrime (Phillips et al., 2022 ; Holt and Bossler, 2014 ), it is generally acknowledged that the term covers both traditional crimes that are facilitated or amplified by utilising ICTs as well as new types of crimes that emerged with the advent of ICTs (Ho and Luong, 2022 ). Based on the role of technology in the commission of the crime, the most widely utilised typology divides cybercrime into cyber-dependent crime (such as hacking, distributed denial of service, and malware) and cyber-enabled crime (online fraud, digital piracy, cyberbullying) (Brenner, 2013 ; Sarre et al., 2018 ; McGuire and Dowling, 2013 ). Along with the rapid development of ICTs and the increasing prevalence of the internet, these criminal activities are significantly disrupting the global economy, national security, social stability, and individual interests. Although it is difficult to estimate the precise financial cost of cybercrime (Anderson et al., 2013 ; Anderson et al., 2019 ), statistical evidence from governments and industries indicates that the economic losses caused by cybercrime are extremely enormous and are still rising rapidly (McAfee, 2021 ).

Cybercrime is complicated in nature and involves many disciplines, including criminology, computer science, psychology, sociology, economics, geography, political science, and law, among others (Holt, 2017 ; Dupont and Holt, 2022 ; Payne, 2020 ). Computer science and cybersecurity efforts are primarily focused on applying technical approaches such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), firewalls, and anti-virus software to mitigate cyberattack threats (Kumar and Carley, 2016 ; Walters, 2015 ). These methods may help to some extent lessen the adverse impacts of cybercrime on both organisations and individuals. However, these technical solutions are largely unaware of the human and contextual factors that contribute to the issues, providing only reactive solutions, and are unable to keep up with the rapidly evolving modus operandi and emerging technologies (Clough, 2015 ; Neal, 2014 ). It is suggested that cybercrime is a complex social phenomenon driven by the compound interactions of underlying socioeconomic factors. Human and social factors play a substantial role in the formation of cybercrime agglomerations (Waldrop, 2016 ; Watters et al., 2012 ; Leukfeldt and Holt, 2019 ). They are also important aspects of cybercrime prevention and control (Dupont and Holt, 2022 ). The human factors influencing cybercrime have been the subject of an expanding body of sociological and psychological study in recent years. These studies, which covered cyberbullying, online harassment, identity theft, online fraud, malware infection, phishing, and other types of cybercrime, generally applied traditional criminological and psychological theories, such as routine activities theory, lifestyle-routine activities theory, self-control theory, and general strain theory, to explain the victimisation and offending of various cybercrimes (Bergmann et al., 2018 ; Mikkola et al., 2020 ; Ngo and Paternoster, 2011 ; Pratt et al., 2010 ; Williams, 2016 ). Results from these studies suggested that by altering criminal motivations and opportunity structures, individual factors (i.e., age, gender, ethnicity, education, socioeconomic status, and self-control) and situational factors (online activities, time spent online, risk exposure, deviant behaviours) may have an impact on cybercrime offence and victimisation. These findings advanced our knowledge in understanding the impact of technology on criminal behaviours, factors affecting the risk of cyber victimisation, and the applicability of traditional criminological theories to cybercrime (Holt and Bossler, 2014 ).

Cybercrime is a highly geographical phenomenon on a macro-level scale, with some countries accounting for a disproportionate amount of cybercrimes (Kigerl, 2012 ; Kigerl, 2016 ). This spatial heterogeneity is closely related to specific socioeconomic contexts (Kshetri, 2010 ). Academic efforts have been made to identify the clusters of high cybercrime countries and to explain the potential socioeconomic factors that led to the formation of these clusters. For example, Mezzour, Carley, and Carley ( 2014 ) found that Eastern European countries hosted a greater number of attacking computers due to their superior computing infrastructure and high levels of corruption. Similarly, Kumar and Carley ( 2016 ) found that higher levels of corruption and large internet bandwidth would favour attack origination. They also noted that countries with the greater gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and better ICT infrastructure were targeted more frequently. Meanwhile, Srivastava et al. ( 2020 ) pointed out that countries with better technology and economic capital were more likely to become the origins of cybercrime, but countries with better cybersecurity preparedness may reduce the frequency of the cybercrime originating within them. Moreover, Holt, Burruss, and Bossler ( 2018 ) suggested that nations with better technological infrastructure, greater political freedom, and fewer organised crime were more likely to report malware infections, while Overvest and Straathof ( 2015 ) suggested that the number of internet users, bandwidth, and economic ties were significantly related to cyberattack origin. Kigerl ( 2012 ) found that a higher unemployment rate and more internet users were linked to an increase in spam activities. However, these studies have tended to utilise a restricted range of predictor variables and only included certain aspects of cybercrime. Besides, most of the studies have been conducted at the national level, which could potentially hide many disparities within countries.

In this work, we construct a conceptual model to better represent the context from which cybercrime emerges, which is applied as a framework to analyse the underlying socioeconomic driving forces. A novel cybersecurity data set, the FireHOL IP blocklist, is adopted as a proxy to reflect the levels of cybercriminal activities within different areas. A set of social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity indicators is used as explanatory variables. Generalised linear models (GLMs) are used to quantify the effect of each factor on cybercrime, while structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to estimate the complex interactions among various factors and their direct and indirect effects on cybercrime.

Conceptual framework

We propose a conceptual framework for examining the driving forces of cybercrime by reviewing existing empirical literature and integrating different criminological theories. The conceptual framework includes five interrelated components: the social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity factors. The potential pathways by which each component may directly or indirectly influence cybercrime are illustrated in Fig. 1 .

figure 1

The solid line indicates a direct effect, and a dashed line indicates indirect effect. H1–H5 refer to the five hypotheses, “+” indicates a positive effect, and “−” indicates a negative effect.

The social and economic factors depict the level of regional development, serving as the fundamental context in which cybercrime emerges. Given the intrinsic technological nature of cybercrime, global urbanisation, and the information technology revolution have promoted global connectivity and created unprecedented conditions and opportunities for cybercrime (UNODC, 2013 ). From the perspective of general strain theory, poverty, unemployment, income inequality, and other social disorders that are accompanied by social transformations could lead to cultures of materialism and stimulate motivations of cybercrime for illegal gains (Meke, 2012 ; Onuora et al., 2017 ). On the other hand, economically developed regions generally have superior ICT infrastructure, which can provide convenient and low-cost conditions for cybercriminals to commit crimes. High educational attainment is also likely to be associated with cybercrime, given that cybercrime usually requires some level of computer skills and IT knowledge (Holt and Schell, 2011 ; Asal et al., 2016 ). In general, better socioeconomic conditions are associated with more cybercriminal activities, which leads us to develop the first two hypotheses:

H1: Social factor is positively associated with cybercrime .
H2: Economic factor is positively associated with cybercrime .

The influence of political factors on cybercrime is mainly reflected in the regulation and intervention measures of governments in preventing and controlling cybercrime, such as legal system construction, government efficiency, control of corruption, and political stability. The offender’s decision to engage in illegal activity is a function of the expected probability of being arrested and convicted and the expected penalty if convicted (Ehrlich, 1996 ). As with traditional crimes, the lack of efficient social control and punishment mechanism will breed criminal behaviours. The deterrent effect of the legislation makes cybercriminals have to consider the consequences they need to bear. While the virtual and transnational nature of cyberspace makes it easier for perpetrators to avoid punishment, cybercrime can be deterred to some extent by increasing the severity of punishment and international law enforcement cooperation (Hall et al., 2020 ). On the other side, cybercriminals could seek protection through corrupt connections with the local institutional environment, which would weaken law enforcement operations and encourage cybercriminal activities (Hall et al., 2020 ; Lusthaus and Varese, 2021 ; Sutanrikulu et al., 2020 ). For instance, corruption in law enforcement authorities makes it hard for cybercriminals to be punished, while corruption in network operators or internet service providers (ISPs) makes it easier for cybercriminals to apply for malicious domain names or register fake websites. Some studies have shown that areas with high levels of corruption usually have more cybercriminal activities (Mezzour et al., 2014 ; Watters et al., 2012 ). Cybercrimes are typically attributed to political corruption, ineffective governance, institutional weakness, and weak rule of law across West Africa and East Europe (Asal et al., 2016 ). Therefore, we propose that:

H3: Political factor is negatively associated with cybercrime .

The technological environment, which is composed of communication conditions and underlying physical ICT infrastructure, serves as an essential medium through which cybercrime is committed. According to the rational choice theory, crime is the result of an individual’s rational consideration of the expected costs and benefits attached to their criminal activity (Mandelcorn et al., 2013 ; Brewer et al., 2019 ). Better internet infrastructure, greater internet penetration, and faster connection could facilitate cybercrimes by reducing crime costs, expanding opportunities, and increasing potential benefits. For example, in a majority of spam and DDoS attacks, cybercriminals often carry out large-scale coordinated attacks by sending remote commands to a set of compromised computers (also known as botnets). High-performance computers and high-bandwidth connectivity such as university, corporate, and government servers allow for more efficient attacks and could expand the scope of cybercrime, making them preferred by cybercriminals (Hoque et al., 2015 ; Van Eeten et al., 2010 ; Eslahi et al., 2012 ). We thus hypothesise that:

H4: Technological factor is positively related to cybercrime .

Cybersecurity preparedness reflects the capabilities and commitment of a country to prevent and combat cybercrime. According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), cybersecurity preparedness involves the legal, technical, organisation, capacity, and cooperation aspects (Bruggemann et al., 2022 ). Legal measures such as laws and regulations define what constitutes cybercrime and specify necessary procedures in the investigation, prosecution, and sanction of cybercrime, providing a basis for other measures. Technical measures refer to the technical capabilities to cope with cybersecurity risks and build cybersecurity resilience through national institutions and frameworks such as the Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs) or Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs). Organisation measures refer to the comprehensive strategies, policies, organisations, and coordination mechanisms for cybersecurity development. Capacity development reflects the research and development, awareness campaigns, training and education, and certified professionals and public agencies for cybersecurity capacity building. Cooperation measures refer to the collaboration and information sharing at the national, regional, and international levels, which is essential in addressing cybersecurity issues given the transnational nature of cybercrime. According to the general deterrence theory and routine activity theory of criminology (Leukfeldt and Holt, 2019 ; Hutchings and Hayes, 2009 ; Lianos and McGrath, 2018 ), cybersecurity preparedness serves as a deterrent or a guardianship of cybercrime. It is crucial in defending a country from external cybercrime as well as reducing cybercrime originating from within. Therefore, we hypothesise that:

H5: Cybersecurity preparedness is negatively associated with cybercrime .

The five hypotheses proposed in the conceptual model (Fig. 1 ) outline the direct effects of various contextual drivers on cybercrime. The social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity factors may interact in other ways, which could also have an indirect impact on cybercrime. Then, using a combination of two statistical methods and a set of explanatory covariates, we test the hypothesised pathways.

Cybercrime data

It is commonly acknowledged among cybercrime scholars that the lack of standardised legal definitions of cybercrime and valid, reliable official statistics makes it difficult to estimate the prevalence or incidence of cybercrime around the world (Holt and Bossler, 2015 ). Although in some countries, law enforcement agencies do collect data on cybercrime (e.g., police data and court judgement), there are inevitable under-reporting and under-recording issues with these official data (Holt and Bossler, 2015 ; Howell and Burruss, 2020 ). This has prompted some researchers to use alternative data sources to measure cybercrime, including social media, online forums, emails, and cybersecurity companies (Holt and Bossler, 2015 ). Among these data sources, technical data such as spam emails, honeypots, IDS/IPS or firewall logs, malicious domains/URLs, and IP addresses are often used as proxies for different aspects of cybercrime (Amin et al., 2021 ; Garg et al., 2013 ; Kigerl, 2012 ; Kigerl, 2016 ; Kigerl, 2021 ; Mezzour et al., 2014 ; Srivastava et al., 2020 ; Kshetri, 2010 ), accounting for a large proportion in the literature of macro-level cybercrime research. However, due to the anonymity and virtuality of cyberspace, cybercriminals are not restrained by national boundaries and could utilise compromised computers distributed around the world as a platform to commit cybercrime. Meanwhile, IP addresses can be faked or spoofed by using technologies such as proxy servers, anonymity networks, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to hide the true identity and location of cybercriminals (Holt and Bossler, 2015 ; Leukfeldt and Holt, 2019 ). As a result, the attribution of cybercriminal becomes extremely challenging and requires a high level of expertise and coordination from law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity teams (Lusthaus et al., 2020 ). Therefore, instead of capturing where cybercriminals reside in physical space, most studies using these technical data are measuring the possible locations where the cyberattacks or cybercrimes originate, even if part of them could be locations where cybercriminals choose to host their botnets or spam servers. Though there is partial support that certain types of cyberattacks originate from physically proximate IP addresses (Maimon et al., 2015 ), more elaborate and comprehensive research is lacking.

In this study, we used a novel cybersecurity data set, the IP addresses from FireHOL blocklist (FireHOL, 2021 ), as a proxy to measure cybercrime. The FireHOL IP blocklist is a composition of multiple sources of illegitimate or malicious IP addresses, which can be used on computer systems (i.e., servers, routers, and firewalls) to block access from and to these IPs. These IPs are related to certain types of cybercrime activities, including abuse, attacks, botnets, malware, command and control, and spam. We adopt FireHOL level 1 blocklist, which consists of ~2900 subnets and over 600 million unique IPs, with a minimum of false positives. The anonymous IPs, which are used by other parties to hide their true identities, such as open proxies, VPN providers, etc., were excluded from the analysis. Next, we applied an open-source IP geolocation database, IP2Location™ Lite, to map these unique IP addresses in specific geographic locations in the form of country/region/city and longitude/altitude pair. The location accuracy of the IP geolocation is high at the national and regional levels, with ~98% accuracy at the country level and 60% at the city level. In order to reduce uncertainty, we focused on the analysis at the state/region level. At last, we calculated the counts of unique IPs located within each subnational area to measure the global distribution of cybercrimes.

Although FireHOL IP blocklist has the same restrictions as other technical data, it was used in this study for several reasons. The basic function of IP addresses in the modern internet makes it an indispensable element in different phases of cybercrime, it is also the key ingredient of cybercrime attribution and digital evidence collection. As a result, an IP-based firewall is one of the most effective and commonly used preventive measures for cybersecurity defence. FireHOL IP blocklist has the advantage of global coverage and includes different cybercrime types. It dynamically collects cybercrime IPs from multiple sources around the world. Although it is difficult to determine whether the IPs in the blocklist are the real sources of cybercrime or come from infected machines, it does reflect the geographical distribution of the malicious IPs that are related to certain cybercrime activities. Besides, it provides a more fine-grained estimate of the subnational cybercrime geography than country-level statistics.

Explanatory variables

We adopted a broad set of explanatory variables to characterise the social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity conditions based on the conceptual model presented above (Fig. 1 ). The social environment is represented by population, the population aged 15–64, education index, nighttime light index, and human development index (HDI); The economic condition is measured by income index, GDP growth, Gini index, unemployment (% of the total labour force) and poverty rate; The political environment is measure by 5 dimensions of the World Governance Indicators (WGI), including control of corruption, government effectiveness, rule of law, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, voice and accountability. The technological environment is reflected by the internet infrastructure (the number of internet data centres and internet exchange centres), internet users (% of the population), international bandwidth (per internet user), secure internet server (per 1 million people), and fixed broadband subscriptions (per 100 people). Moreover, we applied the five dimensions of the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) to assess the level of commitment among various nations to cybersecurity, including legal measures, technical measures, organisational measures, capacity development measures, cooperation measures, and one overall cybersecurity index (the sum of the 5 measures above). Population, income index, education index, HDI, nighttime light, and infrastructure data are collected at the subnational administrative level, while other variables are derived at the country level. Log transformations (base 10) were used to improve normality for variables with skewed distributions, including population, nighttime light, infrastructure, fixed broadband, secure internet server, and bandwidth. All variables were normalised for further analysis.

Generalised linear models (GLMs)

In this study, GLMs were used to assess the potential influence of various explanatory variables on cybercrime and to identify the most important factors. A GLM is an extension of a regular regression model that includes nonnormal response distributions and modelling functions (Faraway, 2016 ). GLM analyses were conducted at two scales: the global scale and the income group scale. All GLMs were built in R version 4.1.2 using the “glm” function of the “stats” package (R, Core Team, 2013 ), and a gaussian distribution is used as the link function. The Akaike information criterion (AIC), the determination coefficient ( R 2 ), and the significance level of the predictors ( p -value) are used to evaluate GLMs. The model with the lowest AIC and highest R 2 value is chosen as the optimal model. Variance inflation factors (VIFs) were calculated using the “car” package (Fox et al., 2012 ) to test for collinearity between quantitative explanatory variables prior to the GLM analysis. Variables with a VIF value greater than 10 (VIF > 10) were regarded as collinearity generators and were therefore excluded from further analysis. The relative contribution and coefficients of each GLM were plotted using the “GGally” package.

Structural equation modelling (SEM)

SEM was used to examine the causal relationships within the networks of interacting factors, thereby distinguishing the direct from indirect drivers of cybercrime. SEM is a powerful, multivariate technique found increasingly in scientific investigations to test and evaluate multivariate causal relationships (Fan et al., 2016 ). SEM differs from other modelling approaches in that it tests both the direct and indirect effects on pre-assumed causal relationships. The following fit indices were considered to evaluate model adequacy: (a) root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), which is a “badness of fit” index in which 0 indicates a perfect fit while higher values indicate a lack of fit; (b) standardised root mean square residual (SRMR), which is similar to RMSEA and should be less than 0.09 for good model fit; (c) comparative fit index (CFI), which represents the amount of variance that has been accounted for in a covariance matrix ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with a higher CFI value indicating better model fit; (d) Tucker–Lewis index (TLI), which is a non-normed fit index (NNFI) that proposes a fit index independent of sample size. In this study, SEM analysis was conducted using AMOS (Arbuckle, 2011 ).

Spatial distribution of cybercrime IPs

We mapped the subnational distribution of cybercrime IPs globally, which reveals significant spatial variability (see Fig. 2 ). On a global scale, most cybercrime IPs were located in North America, Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia, India, and eastern Australia. Meanwhile, areas with low numbers of cybercrime IPs were primarily found in large parts of Africa except for South Africa, western and northern parts of South America, Central America, some regions of the Middle East, southern parts of Central Asia, and some regions of Southeast Asia. On a continental scale, we found that the number of cybercrime IPs increased gradually from Africa to Europe. The two continents with the most cybercrime IPs were North America and Europe, with North America showing more variations. This trend seems to be closely associated with the regional socioeconomic development level. To further investigate this relationship, we grouped the subnational regions by income level according to the World Bank classification rules. We found a more evident pattern, with high-income regions hosting the majority of cybercrime IPs and lower-middle-income regions hosting the least.

figure 2

a Number of cybercrime IPs at the subnational level. b Log-transformed cybercrime IP count by continent: Africa (AF), Asia/Oceania (AS/OC), South America (SA), North America (NA) and Europe (EU). c Log-transformed cybercrime IP count by income group: low-income (LI), lower-middle-income (LMI), upper-middle-income (UMI) and high-income (HI) groups. The centre line, boxes, and whiskers show the means, 1 standard error (SE), and 95% confidence interval (CI), respectively.

Major factors influencing cybercrime

GLMs were built based on the 5 categories of 26 representative influential variables identified in the conceptual framework. After excluding 8 collinear variables (i.e., government effectiveness, rule of law, HDI, and 5 cybersecurity measures) and 7 nonsignificant variables (GDP growth, unemployment, poverty, political stability, voice and accountability, bandwidth, and internet users), the global scale GLM model includes 11 variables with an R 2 value of 0.82. Figure 3 shows the relative contribution of each predictor variable to the model. Globally, the social and technological factors contribute most to the model, with relative contribution rates of 53.4% and 30.1%, respectively. Infrastructure alone explains up to 18.1% of the model variance in cybercrimes ( R 2 to 0.504). However, the inclusion of the population and education index improves the explanation of model variance by 18.3% and 28.5%, respectively ( R 2 to 0.596 and 0.766). This is also the case with GLMs of different income groups, indicating that despite the main effects of technological factors, the inclusion of a broad set of socioeconomic factors significantly improves the accuracy of models that attempt to quantify the driving forces of cybercrime.

figure 3

Relative contribution of predictor variables to cybercrime.

When assessed by income group, we noted that although the social and technological factors were the most important factors in explaining cybercrime, the contribution of each variable varies by income group. For example, the contribution of the income index decreases gradually from low-income regions to wealthier regions, while the Gini index is more significant in upper-middle regions and high-income regions than in low-income regions and lower-middle-income regions. Fixed broadband subscriptions contributed the most in low-income regions and the least in high-income regions. Additionally, cybersecurity preparedness has a greater influence on low-income and lower-middle-income regions.

Estimated effect of factors on cybercrime

The coefficient values in Fig. 4 represent effect sizes from the GLMs for the relationship between cybercrime and the five categories of contextual factors. At the global scale, cybercrime is positively correlated with social, economic, and technological factors, suggesting that most cybercrimes are launched in regions with a higher population, higher urbanisation, better educational and economic conditions, and, most importantly, improved internet infrastructure and communication conditions. By contrast, cybercrime is negatively related to political and cybersecurity factors, indicating that the control of corruption and the commitment to cybersecurity show certain inhibitory effects on cybercrime.

figure 4

The coefficient values are represented as dots, significant variables are represented as filled dots, nonsignificant variables are represented as hollow dots, and bars represent 95% CIs.

From the perspective of income groups, the ways contextual factors affect cybercrime remain basically consistent with the global results, but subtle differences are observed. In low-income countries, the influence of the income index on cybercrime is the strongest, and cybercrime is significantly associated with a higher income index, higher education index, better infrastructure, and higher fixed broadband subscriptions. This pattern may indicate that in low-income countries, wealthier areas tend to have more cybercrimes due to the existence of better communication conditions in these areas. However, in high-income countries, where the internet is universally available, the roles of income index and fixed broadband subscriptions gradually weaken. In contrast, the effects of the Gini index and education are stronger in wealthier countries, indicating that economic inequality and education in these countries can be important drivers of cybercrime. Moreover, the control of corruption is negatively related to cybercrime in lower-middle, upper-middle, and high-income regions.

Pathways of factors for cybercrime

To understand the intricate interactions among different predictors, we perform SEM based on the conceptual model. The SEM model is composed of five latent variables, representing the social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity context, and each latent variable has five components reflected by the explanatory variables. Overall SEM fit is assessed, showing a good fit (CFI = 0.917, TLI = 0.899, SRMR = 0.058). SEM confirms many of the hypotheses in the conceptual model, and all relationships are statistically significant. Fig. 5 shows the results of SEM.

figure 5

Black arrows indicate a positive effect, red arrows indicate a negative effect, and values on the straight arrows between variables represent the standardised path coefficients.

According to the SEM, all the hypotheses are tested and supported. Specifically, social, economic, and technological factors have direct positive effects on cybercrime (standardised path coefficients of direct effect are 0.03, 0.10, and 0.61, respectively), indicating that when social, economic, and technological factors go up by 1 standard deviation, cybercrime goes up by 0.03, 0.10, and 0.61 standard deviations, respectively. By contrast, the political and cybersecurity factors have direct negative effects on cybercrime (standardised path coefficients of direct effect are −0.22 and −0.07, respectively), indicating that 1 standard deviation rise in political and cybersecurity factors are associated with 0.22 and 0.07 standard deviations decrease of cybercrime, respectively. It is worth noting that although the direct effects of social and economic factors on cybercrimes are relatively small, their indirect effects on cybercrime through the mediation of technological and political factors are non-negligible.

In sum, SEM quantifies the direct and indirect effects of social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity factors on cybercrime, consistent with the hypotheses outlined in the conceptual model. More importantly, the results suggest that even though cybercrimes are primarily determined by technological factors, the direct and indirect effects of underlying social, economic, political, and cybersecurity also play significant roles. This suggests that the technological factor is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the occurrence of cybercrime.

In the current study, we mapped the global subnational distribution of cybercrimes based on a novel cybersecurity data set, the FireHOL IP blocklist. Given the widespread difficulty in obtaining cybercrime data, the data sources used in this study could provide an alternative measure of the subnational cybercrime level on a global scale. Compared to country-level studies (Amin et al., 2021 ; Garg et al., 2013 ; Goel and Nelson, 2009 ; Solano and Peinado, 2017 ; Sutanrikulu et al., 2020 ), the results present a more fine-grained view of the spatial distribution of cybercrime. The map reveals high spatial variability of cybercrime between and within countries, which appears to be closely related to local socioeconomic development status.

To recognise the driving forces behind cybercrime, we proposed a theoretical framework that encompasses the social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity factors influencing cybercrime, drawing on existing theoretical and empirical research. On this basis, we used GLMs to identify the major factors and their contributions to cybercrime and SEM to quantify the direct and indirect effects of these driving forces. The GLM results show that using technological factors alone as explanatory variables is insufficient to account for cybercrime, and the inclusion of a broad suite of social, economic, political, technological, and cybersecurity factors can remarkably improve model performance. Global scale modelling indicates that cybercrime is closely associated with socioeconomic and internet development, as developed regions have more available computers and better communication conditions that facilitate the implementation of cybercrime. Some studies have argued that wealthier areas might have fewer incentives for cybercrime, while poorer areas could benefit more from cybercrime activities (Ki et al., 2006 ; Kigerl, 2012 ; Kshetri, 2010 ). However, our study shows that the technological factors constituted by the internet infrastructure and communication conditions are necessary for the production of cybercrime, rendering wealthier areas more convenient for committing cybercrime.

Meanwhile, the GLMs of the 4 income groups demonstrate important differential impacts of the explanatory variables on cybercrime. For example, in low-income countries, where the overall internet penetration rate is low, cybercrime originates mainly in more developed areas with better internet infrastructure, higher internet penetration, and higher education levels. A typical example is the “Yahoo Boys” in Nigeria, referring to young Nigerians engaged in cyber fraud through Yahoo mail, mostly well-educated undergraduates with digital skills (Lazarus and Okolorie, 2019 ). A range of factors, such as a high rate of unemployment, a lack of legitimate economic opportunities, a prevalence of cybercrime subculture, a lack of strong cybercrime laws, and a high level of corruption, have motivated them to obtain illegal wealth through cybercrime. In contrast, cybercrime in high-income regions originates in areas with a high Gini index and a high education level. One possible explanation for this finding may be that well-educated individuals who live in countries with a high Gini index are paid less for their skills than their counterparts, which motivates them to engage in cybercrimes to improve their lives.

Encouragingly, both the GLM and SEM results suggest that political factors and cybersecurity preparedness can mitigate the incidence of cybercrime to some extent, in agreement with the hypotheses. Though previous country-level studies suggest that countries facing more cybersecurity threats tend to have a high level of cybersecurity preparedness (Makridis and Smeets, 2019 ; Calderaro and Craig, 2020 ), our results indicate that cybersecurity preparedness could in turn reduce cybercrimes that originate from a country. This emphasises the importance of government intervention and cybersecurity capacity building. The necessary intervening measures may include the enactment and enforcement of laws, regulation of telecommunication operators and internet service providers (ISPs), strengthening of strike force by security and judicial departments, and improvement of cybersecurity capacity. Given the interconnectedness of cyberspace and the borderless nature of cybercrime, it must be recognised that cybersecurity is not a problem that can be solved by any single country. Thus, enhancing international cooperation in legal, technical, organisational, and capacity aspects of cybersecurity becomes an essential way to tackle cybersecurity challenges.

As presented through SEM, technological factors are closely associated with the development of socioeconomic development and serve as a mediator between socio-economic conditions and cybercrime. In the past decades, ICTs have developed unevenly across different parts of the world due to a range of geographic, socioeconomic, and demographic factors, which has led to the global digital divide (Pick and Azari, 2008 ). The disparities in internet access in different regions have largely determined the spatial patterns of cybercrime. Currently, developing countries (especially those within Asia, Africa, and Latin America) are the fastest-growing regions in terms of ICT infrastructure and internet penetration (Pandita, 2017 ). However, even in developed countries, the progress of technological innovation has outpaced the establishment of legal regulations, national institutions and frameworks, policies and strategies, and other mechanisms that could help manage the new challenges (Bastion and Mukku, 2020 ). Many developing countries are facing difficulties in combating cybercrime due to a lack of adequate financial and human resources, legal and regulatory frameworks, and technical and institutional capacities, providing a fertile ground for cybercrime activities. In this vein, it is extremely urgent and necessary to enhance the cybersecurity capacities of developing countries and engage them in the international cooperation of cybersecurity, ensuring that they can maximize the socio-economic benefits of technological development instead of being harmed by it.

Cybercrime is a sophisticated social phenomenon rooted in deep and comprehensive geographical and socioeconomic causes. This study offers an alternative perspective in solving cybersecurity problems instead of pure technical measures. We believe that improvements in cybersecurity require not only technological, legal, regulatory, and policing measures but also broader approaches that address the underlying social, economic, and political issues that influence cybercrime. While the results presented in this study are preliminary, we hope that this work will provide an extensible framework that can be expanded for future studies to investigate the driving forces of cybercrime.

However, our study has several limitations due to the disadvantages of data. First and foremost, the geo-localisation of cybercrimes or cybercriminals remains a major challenge for cybercrime research. Although the FireHOL IP blocklist has the potential to measure global cybercrime at a high spatial resolution, IP-based measures may not accurately capture the true locations of cybercriminals, as they may simply exploit places with better ICT infrastructure. Therefore, caution should be exercised in interpreting the associations between cybercrime and socioeconomic factors. Future studies combining survey data, police and court judgement data, and cybercrime attribution techniques are needed to further validate the accuracy and validity of IP-based technical data in measuring the geography of cybercrime and gain a deeper understanding of the driving forces of cybercrime. Besides, COVID-19 has greatly changed the way we live and work, and many studies have suggested that the pandemic has increased the frequency of cybercrimes within the context of economic recession, high unemployment, accelerated digital transformation, and unprecedented uncertainty (Lallie et al., 2021 ; Eian et al., 2020 ; Pranggono and Arabo, 2021 ). Unfortunately, the blocklist data cannot well capture this dynamic due to a lack of temporal attributes. Furthermore, different types of cybercrime can be influenced by different mechanisms. We use the total amount of all types of cybercrime IPs instead of looking into a specific type of cybercrime, given that such segmentation may result in data sparsity for some groups. Future studies are needed to determine how different categories of cybercrimes are affected by socioeconomic factors. At last, micro-level individual and behaviour characteristics and more fine-grained explanatory variables should be included to better understand cybercrime.

Data availability

The FireHOL IP lists data are publicly available at the FireHOL website ( and ); population, education index, income index, HDI, and subnational regions data are available from Global Data Lab ( ); nighttime light data are available from the Earth Observation Group ( ); Population aged 15–64, Gini index, GDP growth, unemployment, poverty rate, control of corruption, government effectiveness, rule of law, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, and voice and accountability, are obtained from World Bank ( ), the internet users, international bandwidth, secure internet server, and fixed broadband subscriptions are available from International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ( ); the internet infrastructure are collected from TeleGeography ( ) and the World Data Centers Database ( ); the legal measures, technical measures, organisational measures, capacity development, cooperation measures and overall cybersecurity index were obtained from the Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) of the ITU ( ).

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This research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Project of China, grant number 2020YFB1806500 and the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, grant number ZDRW-XH-2021-3. We thank Yushu Qian, Ying Liu, Qinghua Tan for providing valuable suggestions.

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Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Shuai Chen, Mengmeng Hao, Fangyu Ding, Dong Jiang, Jiping Dong & Qiquan Guo

College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Shuai Chen, Mengmeng Hao, Fangyu Ding, Dong Jiang & Jiping Dong

Big Data Center of State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing, China

Shize Zhang

The Administrative Bureau of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

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DJ, QQG and CDG designed the research; SC, FYD, DJ, SZZ and MMH performed the research; SC, FYD and JPD analysed the data; SC, FYD, DJ and MMH wrote the first draft of the paper; JPD, SZZ, QQG, CDG and DJ gave useful edits, comments and suggestions to this work.

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Chen, S., Hao, M., Ding, F. et al. Exploring the global geography of cybercrime and its driving forces. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10 , 71 (2023).

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Received : 19 May 2022

Accepted : 14 February 2023

Published : 23 February 2023


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cyber crime case study 2021

Financial crime and fraud in the age of cybersecurity

In 2018, the World Economic Forum noted that fraud and financial crime was a trillion-dollar industry, reporting that private companies spent approximately $8.2 billion on anti–money laundering (AML) controls alone in 2017. The crimes themselves, detected and undetected, have become more numerous and costly than ever. In a widely cited estimate, for every dollar of fraud institutions lose nearly three dollars, once associated costs are added to the fraud loss itself. 1 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, January 23–26, 2018; LexisNexis risk solutions 2018 True Cost of Fraud study, LexisNexis, August 2018, Risks for banks arise from diverse factors, including vulnerabilities to fraud and financial crime inherent in automation and digitization, massive growth in transaction volumes, and the greater integration of financial systems within countries and internationally. Cybercrime and malicious hacking have also intensified. In the domain of financial crime, meanwhile, regulators continually revise rules, increasingly to account for illegal trafficking and money laundering, and governments have ratcheted up the use of economic sanctions, targeting countries, public and private entities, and even individuals. Institutions are finding that their existing approaches to fighting such crimes cannot satisfactorily handle the many threats and burdens. For this reason, leaders are transforming their operating models to obtain a holistic view of the evolving landscape of financial crime . This view becomes the starting point of efficient and effective management of fraud risk.

The evolution of fraud and financial crime

Fraud and financial crime adapt to developments in the domains they plunder. (Most financial institutions draw a distinction between these two types of crimes: for a view on the distinction, or lack thereof, see the sidebar “Financial crime or fraud?”) With the advent of digitization and automation of financial systems, these crimes have become more electronically sophisticated and impersonal.

Financial crime or fraud?

For purposes of detection, interdiction, and prevention, many institutions draw a distinction between fraud and financial crime. Boundaries are blurring, especially since the rise of cyberthreats, which reveal the extent to which criminal activities have become more complex and interrelated. What’s more, the distinction is not based on law, and regulators sometimes view it as the result of organizational silos. Nevertheless, financial crime has generally meant money laundering and a few other criminal transgressions, including bribery and tax evasion, involving the use of financial services in support of criminal enterprises. It is most often addressed as a compliance issue, as when financial institutions avert fines with anti–money laundering activities. Fraud, on the other hand, generally designates a host of crimes, such as forgery, credit scams, and insider threats, involving deception of financial personnel or services to commit theft. Financial institutions have generally approached fraud as a loss problem, lately applying advanced analytics for detection and even real-time interdiction. As the distinction between these three categories of crime have become less relevant, financial institutions need to use many of the same tools to protect assets against all of them.

One series of crimes, the so-called Carbanak attacks beginning in 2013, well illustrates the cyber profile of much of present-day financial crime and fraud. These were malware-based bank thefts totaling more than $1 billion. The attackers, an organized criminal gang, gained access to systems through phishing and then transferred fraudulently inflated balances to their own accounts or programmed ATMs to dispense cash to waiting accomplices (Exhibit 1).

Significantly, this crime was one simultaneous, coordinated attack against many banks. The attackers exhibited a sophisticated knowledge of the cyber environment and likely understood banking processes, controls, and even vulnerabilities arising from siloed organizations and governance. They also made use of several channels, including ATMs, credit and debit cards, and wire transfers. The attacks revealed that meaningful distinctions among cyberattacks, fraud, and financial crime are disappearing. Banks have not yet addressed these new intersections, which transgress the boundary lines most have erected between the types of crimes (Exhibit 2).

A siloed approach to these interconnected risks is becoming increasingly untenable; clearly, the operating model needs to be rethought.

As banks begin to align operations to the shifting profile of financial crime, they confront the deepening connections between cyber breaches and most types of financial crime. The cyber element is not new, exactly. Until recently, for example, most fraud has been transaction based, with criminals exploiting weaknesses in controls. Banks counter such fraud with relatively straightforward, channel-specific, point-based controls. Lately, however, identity-based fraud has become more prevalent, as fraudsters develop applications to exploit natural or synthetic data. Cyber-enabled attacks are becoming more ambitious in scope and omnipresent, eroding the value of personal information and security protections.

In a world where customers infrequently contact bank staff but rather interact almost entirely through digital channels, “digital trust” has fast become a significant differentiator of customer experience. Banks that offer a seamless, secure, and speedy digital interface will see a positive impact on revenue, while those that don’t will erode value and potentially lose business. Modern banking demands faster risk decisions (such as real-time payments) so banks must strike the right balance between managing fraud and handling authorized transactions instantly.

The growing cost of financial crime and fraud risk has also overshot expectations, pushed upward by several drivers. As banks focus tightly on reducing liabilities and efficiency costs, losses in areas such as customer experience, revenue, reputation, and even regulatory compliance are being missed (Exhibit 3).

Bringing together financial crime, fraud, and cyber operations

At leading institutions the push is on to bring together efforts on financial crime, fraud, and cybercrime. Both the front line and back-office operations are oriented in this direction at many banks. Risk functions and regulators are catching on as well. AML, while now mainly addressed as a regulatory issue, is seen as being on the next horizon for integration. Important initial steps for institutions embarking on an integration effort are to define precisely the nature of all related risk- management activities and to clarify the roles and responsibilities across the lines of defense. These steps will ensure complete, clearly delineated coverage—by the businesses and enterprise functions (first line of defense) and by risk, including financial crime, fraud, and cyber operations (second line)—while eliminating duplication of effort.

All risks associated with financial crime involve three kinds of countermeasures: identifying and authenticating the customer, monitoring and detecting transaction and behavioral anomalies, and responding to mitigate risks and issues. Each of these activities, whether taken in response to fraud, cybersecurity breaches or attacks, or other financial crimes, are supported by many similar data and processes. Indeed, bringing these data sources together with analytics materially improves visibility while providing much deeper insight to improve detection capability. In many instances it also enables prevention efforts.

In taking a more holistic view of the underlying processes, banks can streamline business and technology architecture to support a better customer experience, improved risk decision making, and greater cost efficiencies. The organizational structure can then be reconfigured as needed. (Exhibit 4).

From collaboration to holistic unification

Three models for addressing financial crime are important for our discussion. They are distinguished by the degree of integration they represent among processes and operations for the different types of crime (Exhibit 5).

Generally speaking, experience shows that organizational and governance design are the main considerations for the development of the operating model. Whatever the particular choice, institutions will need to bring together the right people in agile teams, taking a more holistic approach to common processes and technologies and doubling down on analytics—potentially creating “fusion centers,” to develop more sophisticated solutions. It is entirely feasible that an institution will begin with the collaborative model and gradually move toward greater integration, depending on design decisions. We have seen many banks identify partial integration as their target state, with a view that full AML integration is an aspiration.

  • Collaborative model. In this model, which for most banks represents the status quo, each of the domains—financial crime, fraud, and cybersecurity—maintain their independent roles, responsibilities, and reporting. Each unit builds its own independent framework, cooperating on risk taxonomy and data and analytics for transaction monitoring, fraud, and breaches. The approach is familiar to regulators, but offers banks little of the transparency needed to develop a holistic view of financial-crime risk. In addition, the collaborative model often leads to coverage gaps or overlaps among the separate groups and fails to achieve the benefits of scale that come with greater functional integration. The model’s reliance on smaller, discrete units also means banks will be less able to attract top leadership talent.
  • Partially integrated model for cybersecurity and fraud. Many institutions are now working toward this model, in which cybersecurity and fraud are partially integrated as the second line of defense. Each unit maintains independence in this model but works from a consistent framework and taxonomy, following mutually accepted rules and responsibilities. Thus a consistent architecture for prevention (such as for customer authentication) is adopted, risk-identification and assessment processes (including taxonomies) are shared, and similar interdiction processes are deployed. Deeper integral advantages prevail, including consistency in threat monitoring and detection and lower risk of gaps and overlap. The approach remains, however, consistent with the existing organizational structure and little disrupts current operations. Consequently, transparency is not increased, since separate reporting is maintained. No benefits of scale accrue, and with smaller operational units still in place, the model is less attractive to top talent.
  • Unified model. In this fully integrated approach, the financial crimes, fraud, and cybersecurity operations are consolidated into a single framework, with common assets and systems used to manage risk across the enterprise. The model has a single view of the customer and shares analytics. Through risk convergence, enterprise-wide transparency on threats is enhanced, better revealing the most important underlying risks. The unified model also captures benefits of scale across key roles and thereby enhances the bank’s ability to attract and retain top talent. The disadvantages of this model are that it entails significant organizational change, making bank operations less familiar to regulators. And even with the organizational change and risk convergence, risks remain differentiated.

The imperative of integration

The integration of fraud and cybersecurity operations is an imperative step now, since the crimes themselves are already deeply interrelated. The enhanced data and analytics capabilities that integration enables are now essential tools for the prevention, detection, and mitigation of threats.

Most forward-thinking institutions are working toward such integration, creating in stages a more unified model across the domains, based on common processes, tools, and analytics. AML activities can also be integrated, but at a slower pace, with focus on specific overlapping areas first.

The starting point for most banks has been the collaborative model, with cooperation across silos. Some banks are now shifting from this model to one that integrates cybersecurity and fraud. In the next horizon, a completely integrated model enables comprehensive treatment of cybersecurity and financial crime, including AML. By degrees, however, increased integration can improve the quality of risk management, as it enhances core effectiveness and efficiency in all channels, markets, and lines of business.

Strategic prevention: Threats, prediction, and controls

The idea behind strategic prevention is to predict risk rather than just react to it. To predict where threats will appear, banks need to redesign customer and internal operations and processes based on a continuous assessment of actual cases of fraud, financial crime, and cyberthreats. A view of these is developed according to the customer journey. Controls are designed holistically, around processes rather than points. The approach can significantly improve protection of the bank and its customers (Exhibit 6).

To arrive at a realistic view of these transgressions, institutions need to think like the criminals. Crime takes advantage of a system’s weak points. Current cybercrime and fraud defenses are focused on point controls or silos but are not based on an understanding of how criminals actually behave. For example, if banks improve defenses around technology, crime will migrate elsewhere—to call centers, branches, or customers. By adopting this mind-set, banks will be able to trace the migratory flow of crime, looking at particular transgressions or types of crime from inception to execution and exfiltration, mapping all the possibilities. By designing controls around this principle, banks are forced to bring together disciplines (such as authentication and voice-stress analysis), which improves both efficacy and effectiveness.

Efficiencies of scale and processes

The integrated fraud and cyber-risk functions can improve threat prediction and detection while eliminating duplication of effort and resources. Roles and responsibilities can be clarified so that no gaps are left between functions or within the second line of defense as a whole. Consistent methodologies and processes (including risk taxonomy and risk identification) can be directed toward building understanding and ownership of risks. Integrating operational processes and continuously updating risk scores allow institutions to dynamically update their view on the riskiness of clients and transactions.

Data, automation, and analytics

Through integration, the anti-fraud potential of the bank’s data, automation, and analytics can be more fully realized. By integrating the data of separate functions, both from internal and external sources, banks can enhance customer identification and verification. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can also better enable predictive analytics when supported by aggregate sources of information. Insights can be produced rapidly—to establish, for example, correlations between credential attacks, the probability of account takeovers, and criminal money movements. By overlaying such insights onto their rules-based solutions, banks can reduce the rates of false positives in detection algorithms. This lowers costs and helps investigators stay focused on actual incidents.

The aggregation of customer information that comes from the closer collaboration of the groups addressing financial crime, fraud, and cybersecurity will generally heighten the power of the institution’s analytic and detection capabilities. For example, real-time risk scoring and transaction monitoring to detect transaction fraud can accordingly be deployed to greater effect. This is one of several improvements that will enhance regulatory preparedness by preventing potential regulatory breaches.

The customer experience and digital trust

The integrated approach to fraud risk can also result in an optimized customer experience. Obviously, meaningful improvements in customer satisfaction help shape customer behavior and enhance business outcomes. In the context of the risk operating model, objectives here include the segmentation of fraud and security controls according to customer experience and needs as well as the use of automation and digitization to enhance the customer journey. Survey after survey has affirmed that banks are held in high regard by their customers for performing well on fraud.

Unified risk management for fraud, financial crime, and cyberthreats thus fosters digital trust, a concept that is taking shape as a customer differentiator for banks. Security is clearly at the heart of this concept and is its most important ingredient. However, such factors as convenience, transparency, and control are also important components of digital trust. The weight customers assign to these attributes varies by segment, but very often such advantages as hassle-free authentication or the quick resolution of disputes are indispensable builders of digital trust.

A holistic view

The objective of the transformed operating model is a holistic view of the evolving landscape of financial crime. This is the necessary standpoint of efficient and effective fraud-risk management, emphasizing the importance of independent oversight and challenge through duties clearly delineated in the three lines of defense. Ultimately, institutions will have to integrate business, operations, security, and risk teams for efficient intelligence sharing and collaborative responses to threats.

How to proceed?

The target fraud-risk operating model: key questions for banks.

In designing their target risk operating model for financial crimes, fraud, and cybersecurity, leading banks are probing the following questions.

Processes and activities

  • What are the key processes or activities to be conducted for customer identification and authentication, monitoring and detection of anomalies, and responding to risks or issues?
  • How frequently should specific activities be conducted (such as reporting)?
  • What activities can be consolidated into a “center of excellence”?

People and organization

  • Who are the relevant stakeholders in each line of defense?
  • What skills and how many people are needed to support the activities?
  • What shared activities should be housed together (for example, in centers of excellence)?
  • What is the optimal reporting structure for each type of financial crime—directly to the chief risk officer? To the chief operations officer? To IT?

Data, tools, and technologies

  • What data should be shared across cybersecurity, fraud, and other financial-crime divisions? Can the data sit in the same data warehouses to ensure consistency and streamlining of data activities?
  • What tools and frameworks should converge (for example, risk-severity matrix, risk-identification rules, taxonomy)? How should they converge?
  • What systems and applications do each of the divisions use? Can they be streamlined?
  • What are the governance bodies for each risk type? How do they overlap? For example, does the same committee oversee fraud and cybersecurity? Does committee membership overlap?
  • What are the specific, separate responsibilities of the first and second lines of defense?
  • What measurements are used to set the risk appetite by risk type? How are they communicated to the rest of the organization?

When banks design their journeys toward a unified operating model for financial crime, fraud, and cybersecurity, they must probe questions about processes and activities, people and organization, data and technology, and governance (see sidebar “The target fraud-risk operating model: Key questions for banks”).

Most banks begin the journey by closely integrating their cybersecurity and fraud units. As they enhance information sharing and coordination across silos, greater risk effectiveness and efficiency becomes possible. To achieve the target state they seek, banks are redefining organizational “lines and boxes” and, utility.

Most have stopped short of fully unifying the risk functions relating to financial crimes, though a few have attained a deeper integration. A leading US bank set up a holistic “center of excellence” to enable end-to-end decision making across fraud and cybersecurity. From prevention to investigation and recovery, the bank can point to significant efficiency gains. A global universal bank has gone all the way, combining all operations related to financial crimes, including fraud and AML, into a single global utility. The bank has attained a more holistic view of customer risk and reduced operating costs by approximately $100 million.

As criminal transgressions in the financial-services sector become more sophisticated and break through traditional risk boundaries, banks are watching their various risk functions become more costly and less effective. Leaders are therefore rethinking their approaches to take advantage of the synergies available in integration. Ultimately, fraud, cybersecurity, and AML can be consolidated under a holistic approach based on the same data and processes. Most of the benefits are available in the near term, however, through the integration of fraud and cyber operations.

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What happened in the Kolkata rape case that triggered doctors’ protests?

Activists and doctors in India demand better safeguarding of women and medical professionals after a trainee medic was raped and murdered in Kolkata.

Following a murder of a 31 year old post-graduate trainee (PGT) doctor by rape and torture inside a government hospital, activists of different humanitarian and political organisations and medical professionals participate in a rally with posters and torches demanding adequate intervention of the ruling government and exemplary punishment of the culprits, in Kolkata, India, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024.

Activists and doctors across India continued to protest on Wednesday to demand justice for a female doctor, who was raped and murdered while on duty in a hospital in the eastern city of Kolkata.

Feminist groups rallied on the streets in protests titled “Reclaim the Night” in Kolkata overnight on Wednesday – on the eve of India’s independence day – in solidarity with the victim, demanding the principal of RG Kar Medical College resign. Some feminist protesters also marched well beyond Kolkata, including in the capital Delhi.

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While the protests were largely peaceful, a small mob of men stormed the medical college and vandalised property. This group was dispersed by the police.

This comes after two days of nationwide protests by doctors following the incident at RG Kar Medical College in West Bengal’s capital city. “Sit-in demonstrations and agitation in the hospital campus will continue,” one of the protesting doctors, identified as Dr Mridul, told Al Jazeera.

Services in some medical centres were halted indefinitely, and marches and vigils shed light on issues of sexual violence, as well as doctors’ safety in the world’s most populous nation.

What happened to the doctor in Kolkata?

A 31-year-old trainee doctor’s dead body, bearing multiple injuries, was found on August 9 in a government teaching hospital in Kolkata.

The parents of the victim were initially told “by hospital authorities that their daughter had committed suicide,” lawyer and women’s rights activist Vrinda Grover told Al Jazeera. But an autopsy confirmed that the victim was raped and killed.

Grover has appeared for victims in sexual violence cases in India in the past, including Bilkis Bano , a Muslim woman who was gang-raped during the 2002 Gujarat riots, and Soni Sori, a tribal activist based in Chhattisgarh state.

Thousands of doctors marched in Kolkata on Monday, demanding better security measures and justice for the victim.

On Tuesday, the Kolkata High Court transferred the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

The Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA) called for a nationwide halting of elective services in hospitals starting on Monday. Elective services are medical treatments that can be deferred or are not deemed medically necessary.

Doctors hold posters to protest the rape and murder of a young medic from Kolkata, at the Government General Hospital in Vijayawada on August 14

On Tuesday, FORDA announced on its X account that it is calling off the strike after Health Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda accepted protest demands.

One of these demands was solidifying the Central Protection Act, intended to be a central law to protect medical professionals from violence, which was proposed in the parliament’s lower house in 2022, but has not yet been enacted.

FORDA said that the ministry would begin working on the Act within 15 days of the news release, and that a written statement from the ministry was expected to be released soon.

Press release regarding call off of strike. In our fight for the sad incident at R G Kar, the demands raised by us have been met in full by the @OfficeofJPNadda , with concrete steps in place, and not just verbal assurances. Central Healthcare Protection Act ratification… — FORDA INDIA (@FordaIndia) August 13, 2024

Why are some Indian doctors continuing to protest?

However, other doctors’ federations and hospitals have said they will not back down on the strike until a concrete solution is found, including a central law to curb attacks on doctors.

Those continuing to strike included the Federation of All India Medical Associations (FAIMA), Delhi-based All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Indira Gandhi Hospital, local media reported.

Ragunandan Dixit, the general secretary of the AIIMS Resident Doctors’ Association, said that the indefinite strike will continue until their demands are met, including a written guarantee of the implementation of the Central Protection Act.

Medical professionals in India want a central law that makes violence against doctors a non-bailable, punishable offence, in hopes that it deters such violent crimes against doctors in the future.

Those continuing to protest also call for the dismissal of the principal of the college, who was transferred. “We’re demanding his termination, not just transfer,” Dr Abdul Waqim Khan, a protesting doctor told ANI news agency. “We’re also demanding a death penalty for the criminal,” he added.

“Calling off the strike now would mean that female resident doctors might never receive justice,” Dr Dhruv Chauhan, member of the National Council of the Indian Medical Association’s Junior Doctors’ Network told local news agency Press Trust of India (PTI).

Which states in India saw doctors’ protests?

While the protests started in West Bengal’s Kolkata on Monday, they spread across the country on Tuesday.

The capital New Delhi, union territory Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh capital Lucknow and city Prayagraj, Bihar capital Patna and southern state Goa also saw doctors’ protests.


Who is the suspect in the Kolkata rape case?

Local media reported that the police arrested suspect Sanjoy Roy, a civic volunteer who would visit the hospital often. He has unrestricted access to the ward and the police found compelling evidence against him.

The parents of the victim told the court that they suspect that it was a case of gang rape, local media reported.

Why is sexual violence on the rise in India?

Sexual violence is rampant in India, where 90 rapes were reported on average every day in 2022.

Laws against sexual violence were made stricter following a rape case in 2012, when a 22-year-old physiotherapy intern was brutally gang-raped and murdered on a bus in Delhi. Four men were hanged for the gang rape, which had triggered a nationwide protests.

But despite new laws in place, “the graph of sexual violence in India continues to spiral unabated,” said Grover.

She added that in her experience at most workplaces, scant attention is paid to diligent and rigorous enforcement of the laws.

“It is regrettable that government and institutions respond only after the woman has already suffered sexual assault and often succumbed to death in the incident,” she added, saying preventive measures are not taken.

In many rape cases in India, perpetrators have not been held accountable. In 2002, Bano was raped by 11 men, who were sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2022, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi authorised the release of the men, who were greeted with applause and garlands upon their release.

However, their remission was overruled and the Supreme Court sent the rapists back to jail after public outcry.

Grover believes that the death penalty will not deter rapists until India addresses the deeply entrenched problem of sexual violence. “For any change, India as a society will have to confront and challenge, patriarchy, discrimination and inequality that is embedded in our homes, families, cultural practices, social norms and religious traditions”.

What makes this case particularly prominent is that it happened in Kolkata, Sandip Roy, a freelance contributor to NPR, told Al Jazeera. “Kolkata actually prided itself for a long time on being really low in the case of violence against women and being relatively safe for women.”

A National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report said that Kolkata had the lowest number of rape cases in 2021 among 19 metropolitan cities, with 11 cases in the whole year. In comparison, New Delhi was reported to have recorded 1, 226 cases that year.

Prime Minister Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has called for dismissing the government in West Bengal, where Kolkata is located, led by Mamata Banerjee of All India Trinamool Congress (AITC). Banerjee’s party is part of the opposition alliance.

Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in parliament, also called for justice for the victim.

“The attempt to save the accused instead of providing justice to the victim raises serious questions on the hospital and the local administration,” he posted on X on Wednesday.

Roy spoke about the politicisation of the case since an opposition party governs West Bengal. “The local government’s opposition will try to make this an issue of women’s safety in the state,” he said.

Have doctors in India protested before?

Roy explained to Al Jazeera that this case is an overlap of two kinds of violence, the violence against a woman, as well as violence against “an overworked medical professional”.

Doctors in India do not have sufficient workplace security, and attacks on doctors have started protests in India before.

In 2019, two junior doctors were physically assaulted in Kolkata’s Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital (NRSMCH) by a mob of people after a 75-year-old patient passed away in the hospital.

Those attacks set off doctors’ protests in Kolkata, and senior doctors in West Bengal offered to resign from their positions to express solidarity with the junior doctors who were attacked.

More than 75 percent of Indian doctors have faced some form of violence, according to a survey by the Indian Medical Association in 2015.

What happens next?

The case will now be handled by the CBI, which sent a team to the hospital premises to inspect the crime scene on Wednesday morning, local media reported.

According to Indian law, the investigation into a case of rape or gang rape is to be completed within two months from the date of lodging of the First Information Report (police complaint), according to Grover, the lawyer.

The highest court in West Bengal, which transferred the case from the local police to the CBI on Tuesday, has directed the central investigating agency to file periodic status reports regarding the progress of the investigation.

The FIR was filed on August 9, which means the investigation is expected to be completed by October 9.

Bengal women will create history with a night long protest in various major locations in the state for at 11.55pm on 14th of August’24,the night that’ll mark our 78th year as an independent country. The campaign, 'Women, Reclaim the Night: The Night is Ours', is aimed at seeking… — purpleready (@epicnephrin_e) August 13, 2024


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  25. What happened in the Kolkata rape case that triggered doctors' protests

    A National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report said that Kolkata had the lowest number of rape cases in 2021 among 19 metropolitan cities, with 11 cases in the whole year.