
Essay on Money Market

Students are often asked to write an essay on Money Market in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Money Market

What is the money market.

The money market is a place where people and companies can borrow or lend money for a short time. It’s like a market where instead of buying and selling fruits or clothes, people deal with money. Banks, governments, and other big groups use the money market to manage their cash needs.

Types of Money Market Tools

There are several tools in the money market. Some examples are treasury bills, which are like IOUs from the government, and certificates of deposit, which are like saving accounts in a bank that you promise not to touch for a while.

Importance of the Money Market

The money market is important because it helps keep the financial system stable. It makes sure there is enough cash flowing in the economy so that businesses can run smoothly and people can get loans when they need them quickly.

Risks in the Money Market

Even though the money market is for short-term and is considered safe, there are still some risks. Sometimes, the people or groups who borrow money might have trouble paying it back. But these risks are smaller compared to long-term investments.

250 Words Essay on Money Market

Types of money market instruments.

In this market, there are special tools called instruments. These include treasury bills, which are like promises from the government to pay back money it borrows from investors after a short time. There are also certificates of deposit, which are like saving accounts in a bank that earn a little bit of extra money over a short time. Commercial paper is another instrument, which is a way for companies to get money quickly by selling short-term IOUs to investors.

Why is the Money Market Important?

The money market is very important for keeping the economy stable. It helps banks have enough money to give to people who want to take out loans. It also allows the government to manage its cash flow and make sure it has enough money to pay for its activities. For everyday people, the money market keeps the value of money steady, so when we buy things, prices don’t change too much from day to day.

In summary, the money market is a vital part of the financial system. It helps people and organizations with their short-term money needs and keeps the economy running smoothly. Even though it might sound complex, it’s just about borrowing and lending money for a little while.

500 Words Essay on Money Market

Imagine a big marketplace, but instead of buying and selling fruits and vegetables, people are trading with money. This place is called the money market. It’s a part of the financial world where people and companies with extra cash lend it to those who need cash quickly. This lending and borrowing happen for a short time, usually less than a year.

Who Uses the Money Market?

The money market is used by many different people. Governments, businesses, banks, and regular folks like us can all be part of it. For example, if a government needs money to pay for something right away, they can borrow it from the money market. Or, if a business is waiting to get paid for its services but needs money now, it might use the money market too.

The money market is important because it helps keep the financial system running smoothly. It makes sure that there is always enough cash available for those who need it. This helps businesses grow and governments to operate without running out of money. Also, it’s a safe place for people and organizations to put their extra cash, where it can earn a little bit of interest before they need to use it.

How Does the Money Market Stay Safe?

The money market is generally considered a safe place to put your money. This is because the loans are for a short time and are usually backed by trustworthy promises. Also, the people who lend money in the money market often spread their money around, lending a little bit to many different borrowers. This way, if one borrower can’t pay back, it doesn’t hurt the lender too much.

Interest Rates in the Money Market

The money market is a crucial part of our financial system. It’s like a community pool of money that helps make sure everyone can get the cash they need when they need it. It’s safe, useful, and helps everyone from big governments to small businesses and even individuals to manage their finances better. Understanding the money market can help you see how money moves around in the world and how it can work for you.

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What is the Money Market?

Functions of the money market, types of instruments traded in the money market, other resources, money market.

Market for lending and borrowing for short-term cash flow needs

The money market is an organized exchange market where participants can lend and borrow short-term, high-quality debt securities with average maturities of one year or less. It enables governments, banks, and other large institutions to sell short-term securities to fund their short-term cash flow needs. Money markets also allow individual investors to invest small amounts of money in a low-risk setting. 

Some of the instruments traded in the money market include Treasury bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, federal funds, bills of exchange, and short-term mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities.

Large corporations with short-term cash flow needs can borrow from the market directly through their dealer, while small companies with excess cash can borrow through money market mutual funds.

Individual investors who want to profit from the money market can invest through their money market bank account or a money market mutual fund. A money market mutual fund is a professionally managed fund that buys money market securities on behalf of individual investors.

The money market contributes to the economic stability and development of a country by providing short-term liquidity to governments, commercial banks, and other large organizations. Investors with excess money that they do not need can invest it in the money market and earn interest.

Here are the main functions of the money market:

1. Financing Trade

The money market provides financing to local and international traders who are in urgent need of short-term funds. It provides a facility to discount bills of exchange, and this provides immediate financing to pay for goods and services.

International traders benefit from the acceptance houses and discount markets. The money market also makes funds available for other units of the economy, such as agriculture and small-scale industries.

2. Central Bank Policies

The central bank is responsible for guiding the monetary policy of a country and taking measures to ensure a healthy financial system . Through the money market, the central bank can perform its policy-making function efficiently.

For example, the short-term interest rates in the money market represent the prevailing conditions in the banking industry and can guide the central bank in developing an appropriate interest rate policy. Also, the integrated money markets help the central bank to influence the sub-markets and implement its monetary policy objectives.

3. Growth of Industries

The money market provides an easy avenue where businesses can obtain short-term loans to finance their working capital needs. Due to the large volume of transactions, businesses may experience cash shortages related to buying raw materials, paying employees, or meeting other short-term expenses.

Through commercial paper and finance bills, they can easily borrow money on a short-term basis. Although money markets do not provide long-term loans, they influence the capital market and can also help businesses obtain long-term financing. The capital market benchmarks its interest rates based on the prevailing interest rate in the money market.

4. Commercial Banks Self-Sufficiency

The money market provides commercial banks with a ready market where they can invest their excess reserves and earn interest while maintaining liquidity. Short-term investments, such as bills of exchange, can easily be converted to cash to support customer withdrawals.

Also, when faced with liquidity problems, they can borrow from the money market on a short-term basis as an alternative to borrowing from the central bank. The advantage of this is that the money market may charge lower interest rates on short-term loans than the central bank typically does.

Several financial instruments are created for short-term lending and borrowing in the money market. They include:

1. Treasury Bills

Treasury bills are considered the safest instruments since they are issued with a full guarantee by the United States government. They are issued by the U.S. Treasury regularly to refinance Treasury bills reaching maturity and to finance the federal government’s deficits. They come with a maturity of one, three, six, or twelve months.

Treasury bills are sold at a discount to their face value, and the difference between the discounted purchase price and face value represents the interest rate. They are purchased by banks, broker-dealers, individual investors, pension funds, insurance companies, and other large institutions.

2. Certificate of Deposit (CD)

A certificate of deposit (CD) is issued directly by a commercial bank, but it can be purchased through brokerage firms. It comes with a maturity date ranging from three months to five years and can be issued in any denomination.

Most CDs offer a fixed maturity date and interest rate, and they attract a penalty for withdrawing prior to the time of maturity. Just like a bank’s checking account, a certificate of deposit is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) .

3. Commercial Paper

Commercial paper is an unsecured loan issued by large institutions or corporations to finance short-term cash flow needs, such as inventory and accounts payables. It is issued at a discount, with the difference between the price and face value of the commercial paper being the profit to the investor.

Only institutions with a high credit rating can issue commercial paper, and it is therefore considered a safe investment. Commercial paper is issued in denominations of $100,000 and above. Individual investors can invest in the commercial paper market indirectly through money market funds. Commercial paper comes with a maturity date of between one month and nine months.

4. Banker’s Acceptance

A banker’s acceptance is a form of short-term debt that is issued by a firm but guaranteed by a bank. It is created by a drawer, providing the bearer the rights to the money indicated on its face at a specified date. It is often used in international trade because of the benefits to both the drawer and the bearer.

The holder of the acceptance may decide to sell it on a secondary market, and investors can profit from the short-term investment. The maturity date usually lies between one month and six months from the issuing date.

5. Repurchase Agreements

A repurchase agreement (repo) is a short-term form of borrowing that involves selling a security with an agreement to repurchase it at a higher price at a later date. It is commonly used by dealers in government securities who sell Treasury bills to a lender and agree to repurchase them at an agreed price at a later date.

The Federal Reserve buys repurchase agreements as a way of regulating the money supply and bank reserves. The agreements’ date of maturity ranges from overnight to 30 days or more.

Thank you for reading CFI’s guide on Money Market. To keep learning and developing your knowledge base, please explore the additional relevant resources below:

  • Types of Markets – Dealers, Brokers, Exchanges
  • Revolving Credit Facility
  • Debt Capital Markets
  • Cost of Debt
  • See all fixed income resources
  • See all capital markets resources
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Money Market, Objectives, Types, Instruments, Structure_1.1

Money Market, Concept, Objectives, Types, Instruments, Structure

Money Market is a marketplace for short-term borrowing, lending & trading of low-risk and highly liquid financial instruments. Read all about Money Market, Objectives, Types, Instruments & Structure.

Money Market

Table of Contents

Money Market

Money Markets refer to the segment of the financial market where short-term borrowing and lending of funds take place. It primarily deals with highly liquid and low-risk instruments that have maturities typically ranging from overnight to one year. Money markets play a vital role in facilitating the efficient allocation of funds and meeting the short-term funding requirements of various participants in the economy.

Money Market Objectives

The objectives of the Money Market can be summarized as follows:

  • Short-term financing: Facilitating borrowing and lending for immediate funding needs.
  • Liquidity management: Providing a platform for efficient management of cash positions.
  • Low-risk investments: Offering secure investment options with stable returns.
  • Benchmark interest rates: Establishing reference rates for pricing other financial instruments.
  • Monetary policy implementation : Supporting central banks in managing liquidity and interest rates.
  • Market stability and transparency: Ensuring a stable and transparent marketplace through regulations and oversight.

Read about: Monetary System

Money Market Characteristics

Key characteristics of money markets include:

Short-term Maturity Money market instruments have short durations, providing quick access to funds and flexibility in cash management.
High Liquidity Money market instruments can be easily bought or sold without significant price impact, meeting immediate cash needs and serving as a benchmark for short-term interest rates.
Low Risk Money market instruments are considered low-risk due to their short maturities and high credit quality, often comprising government securities and high-quality corporate instruments.
Diverse Participants Money markets attract banks, financial institutions, corporations, mutual funds, insurance companies, and individual investors, each with unique objectives like managing liquidity, short-term funding, or investing idle cash.
Market Regulation Money markets are regulated by central banks or financial authorities, ensuring stability, transparency, and fair practices through guidelines for issuance, trading, and settlement.

Read about: Financial Market

Money Market Instruments 

Common Money Market Instruments include:

Treasury Bills (T-bills) Short-term debt securities are issued by governments to fund short-term cash requirements. Issued at a discount to face value. Maturity typically in three months, six months, or one year.
Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Time deposits issued by banks and financial institutions. Fixed maturities range from a few days to one year. Offer fixed interest rates. Negotiable instruments are tradable in the secondary market.
Commercial Papers (CPs) Unsecured promissory notes are issued by corporations to raise short-term funds. Fixed maturities range from a few days to one year. Typically issued at a discount to face value.
Repurchase Agreements (Repos) Short-term agreements are where one party sells securities with an agreement to repurchase at a later date. Commonly used for short-term borrowing or lending of funds. Government securities are often used as collateral.
Money Market Mutual Funds Investment funds that pool money from individual investors and invest in a diversified portfolio. Provide access to money market investments with relatively low investment amounts. Invest in a variety of money market instruments.
  • Definition: Short-term government securities issued at a discount and redeemed at face value.
  • Features: High safety, zero risk of default, and issued by the central bank or government.
  • Maturities: Typically 91, 182, or 364 days.
  • Definition: Unsecured, short-term promissory notes issued by corporations to raise funds for short-term needs.
  • Features: Issued at a discount, with maturities ranging from 1 to 270 days.
  • Purpose: Used to finance working capital, accounts receivable, and other short-term liabilities.
  • Definition: Time deposits issued by banks with a fixed interest rate and maturity date.
  • Features: Higher returns than regular savings accounts, with maturities ranging from 1 month to 5 years.
  • Purpose: Used by banks to attract deposits and provide liquidity to meet short-term funding needs.
  • Definition: Short-term loans where securities are sold with an agreement to repurchase them at a higher price on a specified date.
  • Features: Provides short-term liquidity to financial institutions, with maturities ranging from overnight to a few weeks.
  • Purpose: Used by banks and financial institutions to manage short-term funding requirements.
  • Definition: Short-term loans between banks, usually for overnight or very short periods.
  • Features: Highly liquid and used for managing day-to-day cash flows.
  • Purpose: Helps banks meet their reserve requirements and manage liquidity.
  • Definition: Investment funds that invest in short-term money market instruments.
  • Features: Provide liquidity and diversification to investors, with relatively low risk.
  • Purpose: Allows investors to earn returns on their short-term investments while maintaining liquidity.

Read about: Broad Money and Narrow Money

Money Market in India Evolution

The beginning of the money market in India can be traced back to the late 19th century during the colonial era. The establishment of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in 1875 played a crucial role in the development of the money market. Initially, the market operated as a platform for trading stocks and shares, but it gradually expanded to include short-term borrowing and lending activities.

The evolution of the money market in India can be divided into different phases:

Pre-Independence Era (Late 19th century to 1947)

During this period, the money market was largely unregulated and informal. Indigenous bankers, known as Shroffs and Mahajan, facilitated short-term borrowing and lending transactions. The bill market, comprising of treasury bills, commercial bills, and promissory notes, started gaining prominence.

Post-Independence Era (1947 to 1991)

After India gained independence, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was established as the central bank in 1935 and took on a more prominent role in regulating the money market. The RBI introduced various measures to develop and regulate the money market, including the issue of Treasury Bills, the establishment of the Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI) in 1988, and the introduction of Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Commercial Papers (CPs) in 1990.

Liberalization and Reforms (1991 Onwards)

In the early 1990s, India initiated economic reforms and liberalization. These reforms aimed to modernize the financial sector and promote market-oriented policies. The money market underwent significant changes during this period. The RBI introduced new money market instruments, such as inter-bank call money, term money, and the introduction of the Negotiated Dealing System (NDS) for trading government securities. The reforms also led to the establishment of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as the regulatory authority for the securities market.

Technological Advancements and Integration (Late 1990s to present)

With the advancement of technology and the implementation of electronic trading platforms, the money market in India witnessed further evolution. The introduction of the Negotiated Dealing System-Order Matching (NDS-OM) in 2002 facilitated the electronic trading of government securities. Additionally, the introduction of the Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) in 2001 brought efficiency and transparency to the settlement of money market transactions.

Furthermore, the money market in India has expanded to include various participants, including banks, financial institutions, corporates, mutual funds, and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs). The RBI continues to play a crucial role in regulating and developing the money market by implementing policies and measures to ensure stability and liquidity.

Read about: Kuznets Curve

Types of Money Market

There are different types of money markets that cater to specific segments and requirements within the financial system. These include:

Interbank Money Market

This refers to the market where banks and financial institutions engage in short-term borrowing and lending among themselves. It facilitates liquidity management and helps banks meet their reserve requirements or bridge temporary funding gaps.

Treasury Bill Market

This market deals with short-term government securities known as Treasury Bills (T-bills). T-bills are issued by governments to raise funds for short-term cash requirements. They are considered low-risk investments and serve as benchmarks for short-term interest rates.

Commercial Paper Market

The commercial paper market is where corporations issue unsecured promissory notes to raise short-term funds. Commercial papers (CPs) are typically issued by companies with good credit ratings and have fixed maturities ranging from a few days to one year.

Certificate of Deposit Market

The Certificate of Deposit (CD) market involves banks and financial institutions issuing time deposits with fixed maturities, offering a fixed interest rate. CDs provide a secure investment option for individuals and institutions with surplus funds.

Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs)

MMMFs are investment funds that pool money from individual investors and invest in a diversified portfolio of money market instruments. MMMFs offer individuals an opportunity to access money market investments with relatively low investment amounts.

Repo (Repurchase Agreement) Market

The repo market involves short-term agreements where one party sells securities to another party with an agreement to repurchase them at a later date at a slightly higher price. Repos are commonly used for short-term borrowing or lending of funds, with government securities often used as collateral.

Foreign Exchange Money Market

This market deals with short-term borrowing and lending of different currencies. It provides a platform for participants to manage their foreign exchange liquidity needs, including banks, corporations, and central banks.

Read about: Green Accounting

Money Market Structure

The money market structure enables short-term financing, liquidity management, and risk mitigation in the financial system. The money market structure comprises:

Participants Banks, financial institutions, corporations, mutual funds, NBFCs, and individual investors.
Regulators Central banks or financial regulatory authorities.
Instruments Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Papers, Repurchase Agreements, CBLO, and MMMFs.
Market Infrastructure Electronic trading systems, and clearing entities like CCIL.
Interbank Market Short-term borrowing and lending among banks and financial institutions.
Market Pricing Based on interest rates, creditworthiness, and market dynamics.
Transparency Disclosure of transaction information and regulatory oversight.

Read about: Phillips Curve

Money Market UPSC

The topic of the money market is important for UPSC preparation as it falls under the Economics part of the UPSC syllabus, provides insights into the Indian economy and government policies, relates to current affairs, enhances analytical skills. Aspirants can join UPSC online coaching and UPSC mock tests to improve their understanding and make their exam preparation comprehensive.

Read about: Gini Coefficient

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Money Market FAQs

What is money market in simple words.

Money market is a marketplace where short-term borrowing, lending, buying, and selling of financial instruments occur.

What is money market and its types?

Money market includes various types of short-term instruments like Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Papers, and Repurchase Agreements.

How money markets work?

Money markets work by facilitating the borrowing and lending of funds among participants, providing liquidity and short-term financing.

What are 4 characteristics of money markets?

Characteristics of money markets include short-term instruments, high liquidity, low risk, and diverse participants.

What are the 5 functions of money market?

Functions of money market include providing short-term financing, liquidity management, offering low-risk investments, benchmarking interest rates, and supporting monetary policy implementation.

Sakshi Gupta

I, Sakshi Gupta, am a content writer to empower students aiming for UPSC, PSC, and other competitive exams. My objective is to provide clear, concise, and informative content that caters to your exam preparation needs. I strive to make my content not only informative but also engaging, keeping you motivated throughout your journey!

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Money Market: Meaning, Structure, Instruments, Roles & More

Money Market

The Money Market, as a crucial segment of the financial market, is integral for managing liquidity and funding short-term obligations for banks, governments, and corporations. Understanding its dynamics is essential for developing a grasp of the Indian Financial System. This article of NEXT IAS aims to study in detail the Money Market, including its meaning, structure, major instruments, roles, and other related concepts.

Money Market

What is Money Market?

  • Thus, it caters to the short-term borrowing needs of working capital.
  • Because of the short maturity period, it offers high liquidity of securities, and hence money market investments are also called cash investments.
– is a broad term, referring to any center or arrangement where buyers and sellers participate in the trade of financial claims such as equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives.
– The Financial Market is classified into
a. – Market for trading
b. – Market for borrowing and lending of

Structure of Indian Money Market

Broadly speaking, the money market in India comprises two sectors.

structure of indian money market

Organized Money Market

  • This sector of the money market in India is characterized by registration, approval, and license from market regulators.
  • It is called organized because it is systematically coordinated by the RBI and other market regulators.
  • Major participants in the Organized Money Market in India include – the RBI , Banks , NBFCs, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies, etc.

Unorganized Money Market

  • This sector of the money market in India refers to the one that is not registered and not regulated.
  • It is called unorganized because it is not systematically coordinated by the RBI or any other market regulator.
  • Major participants in the Unorganized Money Market in India include – Local Moneylenders, Chit Funds, etc.

Major Instruments of Money Market

Various types of Money Market Instruments are used in India, each catering to specific needs and participants. Some of the major instruments of Money Market in India are discussed in detail in the sections that follow.

Call Money or Money at Call

  • Call Money refers to inter-bank borrowing and lending for a very short period, typically overnight to upto 14 days.
  • The Call Money or Money at Call enables banks and financial institutions to manage their short-term liquidity requirements.
  • The Call Money Rate keeps changing on an hourly basis, depending on the demand and supply.
  • Call Money Market has 2 segments:

Call Market or Overnight Market

It refers to the market for borrowing and lending of money between banks for 1 day.

Short Notice Market

It refers to the market for borrowing and lending of money between banks for upto 14 days.

Treasury Bills (T-Bills)

  • Treasury Bills or T-Bills refer to short-term securities issued by the RBI on behalf of the Central Government.
  • They act as short-term fundraising tools for the government.
  • One other type of Government Securities (G-Secs) is Government Bonds, which have a maturity period of more than 1 year and hence are Capital Market instruments.

Features of Treasury Bills (T-Bills)

  • For example, a Rs 100 treasury bill can be availed of at Rs 95, but the buyer is paid Rs 100 on the maturity date. This is called redemption at par or face value.
  • Thus, they are non-interest bearing i.e. 0 coupon or 0 interest, and hence are also called 0 coupon bonds.
  • Being backed by the Government, these bills are considered risk-free and are highly liquid.
  • The State Governments do not issue T-Bills.
  • The option of bidding ensures the highest revenue for the government as well as transparency in the issuing process.
  • T-Bills are available for a minimum amount of ₹ 25,000 or in multiples of ₹ 25,000.
  • 91-day T-Bills – Have a maturity period of 91 days.
  • 182-day T-Bills – Have a maturity period of 182 days.
  • 364-day T-Bills – Have a maturity period of 364 days.
  • Keeping as part of their SLR requirements.
  • Providing as collateral to the RBI for getting loans under Repo.

Cash Management Bills (CMBs)

  • Similar to T-Bills , CMBs are also short-term securities sold by the RBI on behalf of the Central Government, but with a maturity period of less than 91 days.
  • It is also aimed at meeting the short-term cash flow mismatches of the Government of India.
  • Similar to T-Bills, CMBs are also issued at a discount to the face value through auctions by the RBI.
  • Banks are allowed to keep CMBs to meet their SLR requirements.

Ways and Means Advances (WMAs)

  • Way and Means Advances (WMAs) are temporary loans or overdraft facilities extended by the RBI to the Governments.
  • This facility is available to both Central Government as well as State Governments.
  • WMA was introduced as per an agreement between the RBI and the Government of India under Section 17(5) of the RBI Act.
  • They replaced the Ad-hoc T-Bills, which were earlier used by the Government to meet short-term expenditure for a particular purpose.
  • WMAs are not considered as a source of finance for the government. Rather, they are aimed to bridge the time interval of mismatch between the government’s expenditures and expected receipts.
  • If the government avails immediate cash from the RBI under normal WMA, it has to return the amount within 90 days. In case the WMA repayment surpasses 90 days, it is treated as an overdraft.
  • For the normal WMA , the rate of interest charged by the RBI is the Repo Rate. For the overdraft , the rate of interest is (Repo Rate + 2%).

Certificate of Deposit (CD)

  • Note: Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are not allowed to issue Certificates of Deposit (CDs).
  • Certificates of Deposit (CDs) should be issued in multiples of ₹1 lakh, with a minimum amount of ₹1 lakh.
  • They are issued at a discount on face value and are redeemed at par or face value.
  • Their maturity period is, usually, more than 7 days and less than 1 year.
  • Withdrawal of a CD before the maturity date results in a penalty.
  • Banks are not allowed to provide loans against the CDs.

Commercial Paper (CP)

  • Commercial Paper (CP) is a type of unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by large Corporations, Primary Dealers, and Financial Institutions (FIs).
  • The eligible institutions may issue Commercial Papers (CPs) to finance their short-term needs, such as inventory management, meeting payroll expenses, funding new projects, etc.
  • A Commercial Paper is issued as an unsecured promissory note and is placed privately.
  • They should be issued in multiples of ₹5 lakh, with a minimum amount of ₹5 lakh.
  • Their maturity period is a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of upto 1 year.

Commercial Bill (CB) or Trade Bill

  • Commercial Bill (CB) is a negotiable instrument drawn by the seller or buyer of goods/services for the value of goods/services delivered.
  • Commercial Bills (CBs) act as a way for a seller (drawer) to extend credit to a buyer (drawee) for goods or services purchased.
  • Note: A Commercial Bill or Trade Bill is discounted by the Commercial Bank first. The Bank, then, gets it re-discounted by the RBI.

Importance of Money Market

  • It provides a mechanism for managing liquidity. Banks and other financial institutions use various instruments of money market to balance their short-term surplus and deficits, ensuring cash availability is aligned with their operational needs.
  • It enables the growth of businesses and industries by allowing them to finance their short-term capital requirements and expenses without dipping into long-term funding resources, which may be costlier and less flexible.
  • It plays a crucial role in financing both internal as well as international trade.
  • It reflects short-term interest rates, offering insights into the broader economy’s health.
  • Interest rates in the money market serve as benchmark rates for the economy. The rates for various instruments in this market form the basis for pricing loans, mortgages, and other types of credit in broader financial markets.

In conclusion, the Money Market plays a pivotal role, serving as a mechanism for the efficient management of liquidity and short-term funding needs for individuals, businesses, and governments. Its critical role in ensuring financial stability means that it is crucial for the smooth functioning of the financial system.

Related Concepts

Promissory note.

A Promissory Note is a legal document that serves as a written promise by the issuer to repay a certain sum of money to another party (the payee) under specific terms and conditions.

Government Securities (G-Secs)

  • A Government Security or G-Sec refers to a tradable instrument issued by the Central Government or the State Government.
  • Being backed by the government, these securities are considered risk-free.
  • G-Secs are, mainly, of 2 types.

Treasure Bills (T-Bills)

  • Thus, they are a Money Market instrument and not a Capital Market instrument.
  • State Governments are not empowered to issue Treasury Bills (T-Bills).

Government Bonds or Dated Government Securities or Gilt-Edged Securities

  • Thus, they are a Capital Market instrument and not a Money Market instrument.
  • In India, both the Central Government and the State Governments can issue Government Bonds.


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Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types

📄 Words: 1127
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📑 Pages: 3
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A capital market is defined as a market in which a government, a business organization, or a financial institution can accumulate funds to carry on its functions and long-lasting investments. Capital markets have grown in importance to such an extent that they are looked upon as the suppliers of the lifeblood of capitalism. Money Market Securities is one of the 3 principal kinds of securities that are purchased and sold in capital markets.

Characteristics of Money Market Securities

Money Market Securities constitute cheap ways to borrow funds to meet short-term obligations. They have 3 main features (Orrill).

Money Market Securities are very safe

These securities supply investors with a conservative and dependable way to maintain capital. Government watchdog agencies such as the U.K’s Financial Services Authority [FSA] and the Securities & Exchange Commission [SEC] of the U.S make sure of the safety of these securities by issuing regulations that a minimum of 95 percent of a money market fund’s securities should be those that have been given highest credit ratings by a minimum of 2 principal credit rating institutions in the country. As a result, the high credit ratings [provided by trustworthy credit rating institutions such as Moody’s and Standard & Poors] earned by Money Market Securities far exceed the ratings of nearly all other investment-grade securities (Orrill).

Money Market Securities have early maturity

The primary function of Money Market Securities is to cover the short-term capital needs of governments, business entities, and financial institutions. A majority of these securities have maturity dates below 3 months, while a few mature later – but not more than 12 months (Orrill).

Money Market Securities have high liquidity

These securities are highly liquid in the sense that they can be changed into cash rapidly. The short-term feature of such securities is largely responsible for the liquidity of money market investments because their principal is repaid very quickly. Such liquidity, in addition to the better return on principal as compared to savings accounts, serves to make Money Market Securities highly attractive to investors (Orrill).

Money Market Securities facilitate the creation of Money Market Funds

Given the fact that a majority of Money Market Securities are traded in big denominations, money market funds have become the ideal way for people to invest in them. The high safety and extreme liquidity features make money market funds highly appealing not only to investors who do not like taking risks but also to those looking for a haven to harbor money between high-risk and high-return investments (Orrill).

Types of Money Market Securities

There are 6 types of Money Market Securities.

Treasury Bills

They are short-term securities issued by the government with maturity dates up to or below 12 months. Treasury Bills are sold at prices below their face value, but when they mature, their full face value is paid. These securities are advantageous because they are easily affordable, easy to purchase, and free of risk. Their disadvantage lies in their extremely low return rate (Economywatch.com).

Certificates of Deposit

They are time deposits [varying from 3 months to 5 years] allotted by commercial banks. Certificates of Deposits are advantageous because their rate of return is higher than Treasury Bills or bank savings accounts, and they are considered very safe because not only is it possible to know the returns in advance, but the deposit certificate depicts the country’s national Insurance corporation as guarantor of the investment. These securities are disadvantageous because their rate of return is lesser than several other types of investments, and the funds are frozen as a result of the lengthy period of maturity, while high penalties are levied in case of premature withdrawal (Economywatch.com).

Commercial Paper

They are promissory notes issued by big business organizations. Their face value is higher than Treasury Bills and Certificates of Deposit. The maturity periods of these securities do not exceed 9 months. They are advantageous because they are considered very safe as it is fairly easy to correctly guess the financial status of the organization over a short period (Economywatch.com).

Bankers’ Acceptance

They are investments whose repayment is guaranteed by a bank. These securities are almost exclusively used to fund international trade [exports and imports]. The main advantage here is that holders need not wait until Bankers’ Acceptance matures, but can sell them in the secondary market whenever they like (Economywatch.com).

Euro Dollars

These securities are dollar-denominated deposits kept by non-U.S banks. As the Eurodollar market is not hampered by strict rules, such banks can function at margins lower than U.S banks. Maturity periods of Euro Dollars do not exceed 6 months. The main disadvantage of these securities is difficult attainability as the Eurodollar market is accessible only by big organizations, while individual investors can reach it only through the medium of money market funds (Economywatch.com).

Repurchase Agreements

Government security holders use Repurchase Agreements when they sell the securities to lenders while pledging to repurchase from them overnight. Repurchase Agreements, therefore, have terms varying from 1 night to 30 days. Their main advantage lies in their high safety factor brought about due to guarantee by the government (Economywatch.com).

It is a well-established fact that the capital market holds a position of vital importance in the modern world. Today, capital market investment is no longer limited to individual countries, but investors [subject to certain rules] can invest in the capital market of any nation; this has led to a significant increase and improvement in international trade. Due to the huge setbacks suffered by stock/bonds courtesy of massive, high-profile international scandals such as Enron and WorldCom [U.S], Vivendi Universal [France], and the U.K’s Oxford drugs company British Biotech, Money Market Securities have emerged as the favorite type of securities that are traded in capital markets.

References used

  • “Money Market Instruments.” Economywatch. (N.d). Web.
  • Orrill, Jim. “Characteristics of Money Market Securities.” eHow. 2010. Web.

Title: Money Market Securities.

  • Governments, businesses and financial institutions get funds for their functions in capital markets.
  • A capital market supplies the lifeblood of capitalism.
  • Money Market Securities are one of 3 main types of securities traded in capital markets.
  • They are safe.
  • They have quick maturity.
  • They have high liquidity.
  • They facilitate creation of Money Market Funds.
  • Treasury Bills.
  • Certificates of Deposit.
  • Commercial Paper.
  • Bankers’ Acceptance.
  • Euro Dollars.
  • Repurchase Agreements.
  • Capital markets are vitally important in the modern world.
  • Investors can today invest in the capital market of any nation in the world.
  • Huge scandals involving stocks/bonds have caused investors to prefer Money Market Securities.

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BusinessEssay. (2023, July 2). Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types. https://business-essay.com/money-market-securities-characteristics-and-types/

"Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types." BusinessEssay , 2 July 2023, business-essay.com/money-market-securities-characteristics-and-types/.

BusinessEssay . (2023) 'Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types'. 2 July.

BusinessEssay . 2023. "Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types." July 2, 2023. https://business-essay.com/money-market-securities-characteristics-and-types/.

1. BusinessEssay . "Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types." July 2, 2023. https://business-essay.com/money-market-securities-characteristics-and-types/.


BusinessEssay . "Money Market Securities: Characteristics and Types." July 2, 2023. https://business-essay.com/money-market-securities-characteristics-and-types/.

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260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples

Looking for a topic about money? Money won’t leave anyone indifferent! There are lots of money essay topics for students to explore.

🏆 Best Money Essay Examples & Ideas

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You might want to focus on the issue of money management or elaborate on why money is so important nowadays. Other exciting topics for a money essay are the relation between money and love, the role of money in education, etc. Below you’ll find a list of money topics to write about! These ideas can also be used for discussions and presentations. Money essay examples are a nice bonus to inspire you even more!

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/

"260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "260 Money Topics to Write About & Essay Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/money-essay-topics/.

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Pros and cons of a money market account

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Key takeaways

  • Advantages of money market accounts often include high yields, liquidity and federal insurance for your funds. They may come with the ability to pay bills, write checks and make debit card purchases.
  • Disadvantages of money market accounts may include hefty minimum balance requirements and monthly fees — and you might be able to find better yields with other deposit accounts.
  • A money market account that earns a high yield and provides easy access to your cash can be a good place to set aside money for an emergency fund or your next big planned expense.

As you consider deposit options for your funds, money market accounts (MMAs) will likely come up in your search. Think of a money market account as a parking spot for cash that you could need at a moment’s notice, but with a few guardrails to prevent you from accessing that money for easy spending.

Just as you compare the pros and cons of any place where you’ll put your money, it’s important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of money market accounts. (And to clarify, we’re talking about money market accounts, not money market funds .)

Money market account features

Money market accounts are somewhere between a checking and savings account, providing annual percentage yields (APYs) on par with savings accounts with the flexibility of a checking account. As such, they may have:

  • Check-writing and debit/ATM card access
  • Monthly fees and minimum deposit requirements
  • Online bill pay
  • Transaction limits

That last bullet is especially important. A bank’s transaction limit will tell you how many times per month you can withdraw money out of the account before incurring a fee. And if you surpass the transaction limit too often, some banks may even convert your MMA into a checking account or close your account altogether.

Advantages of money market accounts

Perks of money market accounts often include competitive annual percentage yields (APYs) and easy access to your cash, and your funds are protected when the account is with a federally-insured bank or credit union.

MMAs earn interest

When you make a deposit in a money market account, it does more than just sit there. It grows. The average money market account rate is currently 0.48 percent, according to Bankrate data . Make sure to shop around, though. The best money market rates are significantly higher than the average, with many over 4 percent and up to 5.25 percent.

You have easy access to cash

You don’t have to jump through hoops to withdraw the money from a money market account when you need it. You don’t have to completely redo your banking portfolio, either. Instead, you can link your checking account at your existing financial institution to a money market account at a new bank for online transfers.

Additionally, many money market accounts come with debit cards for ATM access and check-writing privileges. There is typically a limit of six withdrawals per statement period , though.

Money is protected by federal insurance

At federally insured institutions, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the funds in a money market account. Provided the bank or credit union has insurance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) or National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) , respectively, up to $250,000 is protected even if the institution fails and shuts its doors.

Disadvantages of money market accounts

Better rates may be available elsewhere.

While the best money market accounts offer some decent earning potential, it’s important to note that you might be able to find higher interest rates with other savings products that come with additional restrictions.

For example, you often won’t earn as much with a money market account as you would with a traditional CD because the CD has a time commitment: The bank will pay you more in exchange for locking up your funds longer. Keep the possible trade-off of a lower yield in mind when you’re thinking about opening an account.

Minimum balance requirements may stand in the way

Most money market accounts have fairly low minimum balance requirements – as little as $0, in some cases. However, capitalizing on the interest rate that initially grabbed your attention might only be possible with a significant deposit. Some banks and credit unions have a $100,000 minimum in order to score their best rates.

Banks may charge monthly fees

While CDs don’t charge monthly service fees, money market accounts sometimes do charge them. It pays to research monthly service fees when you’re shopping for a money market account. Some will waive the fee if you maintain a set minimum balance or set up a direct deposit into the account. Finding a money market account that charges no monthly fees — or makes them easy to avoid — helps ensure such fees won’t eat away at your balance every month.

Is a money market account worth it?

The safety, liquidity and yield of money market accounts makes them great candidates for a few key pieces of your personal finance portfolio.

  • Your emergency fund : The importance of having money set away for those unplanned, unwanted expenses — a medical emergency, a major car repair or a job loss, for example — cannot be overstated. A money market account makes those funds easily accessible if you need them while keeping them separate from your checking account and the temptation to dip into them.
  • Your next big expense: Whether you’re saving for a wedding or a vacation , a money market account gives you a good place to park those funds. Plus, you can take advantage of the interest rate to help give your savings a bump and get you closer to the finish line a bit faster.
  • Your tax payments: For independent contractors and freelance workers, setting money aside for taxes can be tricky. A money market account can help you make sure you’re saving the appropriate amount of money and send quarterly tax estimates .

While online high-yield savings accounts and CDs are also options for storing money away for different goals, a money market account might be a better option when more frequent access to that money is desired. If you’re saving for a particular goal, such as buying a car, a money market account will allow you to write a check from the account when it comes time to use those funds.

Money market accounts vs. other savings products

It can pay to compare money market accounts to other savings products to determine which is best for your needs. Points to compare include the APYs and any fees, as well as any restrictions that come with each account.

Savings accounts

Money markets commonly reward larger balance tiers with higher APYs, which can make them attractive to big savers. If you’re not looking to store a large balance in the account, you may find a savings account to be a better option.

Unlike some money markets, savings accounts generally don’t provide the ability to pay bills, write checks and make debit card purchases. Those who aren’t looking for such capabilities may prefer a standard savings account instead.

Money market funds

While money market accounts and money market funds may be similar in name, they are completely different products.

Money market funds are relatively safe. However, they do not have insurance, so they’re not worry-free. Money market funds are better suited for your brokerage account, giving you the ability to hop on investment opportunities at a moment’s notice. They can be easily mixed up with money market accounts, which serves as a valuable lesson: Always do thoughtful research any time you’re thinking about depositing, investing or spending your hard-earned money.

— Greg McBride, CFA, is Bankrate’s chief financial analyst. As a personal finance expert , he is regularly quoted in the media for his in-depth commentary and practical advice to consumers. Bankrate’s Marcos Cabello , René Bennett and Karen Bennett contributed to updates of this story.

What’s the difference between a money market account and a money market fund?

Best Money Market Accounts

Essay on the Indian Money Market

essay about money market

In this essay we will discuss about the Indian Money Market. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Structure of Indian Money Market 2. Characteristics and Defects of Indian Money Market 3. Under-Development 4. Measures to Reform.

  • Essay on the Measures to Reform and Strengthen Indian Money Market

1. Essay on the Structure of Indian Money Market:

The Indian money market cannot be considered as an integrated unit. It can be broadly divided into two different parts, i.e., the unorganised and organised segments. There are lot of differences between unorganised and organised segment of Indian money market.

While the unorganised sector is constituted by money lenders and the indigenous bankers but the organised sector is again constituted by the nationalised and private sector commercial banks, the foreign banks, co-operative banks and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The unorganised segment of the Indian money market is not a homogenous and integrated sector but the organised sector of the Indian money market is a fairly integrated one.


Chart 14.3 below shows the structure of Indian money market :

Structure of Indian Money Market

Unorganised Sector of Indian Money Market:

Unorganised segment of the Indian money market is composed of unregulated non-bank financial inter­mediaries, indigenous bankers and money lenders which exist even in the small towns and big cities. Their lending activities are mostly restricted to small towns and villages. The persons who normally borrow from this unorganised sector include farmers, artisans small traders and small scale producers who do not have any access to modern banks.

The following are some of the constituents of unorganised money market in India.

(i) Indigenous Bankers:

Indigenous bankers include those individuals and private firms which are engaged in receiving deposits and giving loans and thereby acting like a mini bank. Their activities are not at all regulated. During the ancient and medieval periods, these indigenous bankers were very active. But with the growth of modern banking, particularly after the advent of British, the business of the indigenous bankers received a setback.

Moreover, with the growth of commercial banks and co-operative banks the area of operations of indigenous bankers has again contracted further. Even today, a few thousands of indigenous bankers are still operating in the western and southern parts of the country and engaging themselves in the traditional banking business.

Indigenous bankers are classified into four main sub groups, i.e., Gujarati Shroffs, Multani-or Shikarpuri Shroffs, Chettiars and Marwari, Kayast. Gujarati Shroffs are mostly operating in Mumbai, Kolkata and in industrial and trading cities of Gujarat. The Multani or Shikarpuri Shroffs are operating mainly in Mumbai and Chennai. The Chettiars are mostly found in the South.

The Marwari Shroffs are mostly active in Mumbai, Kolkata, tea gardens of Assam and also in different other parts of North-East India. Among the four aforesaid groups, the Gujarati indigenous bankers are considered as the most powerful groups in respect of its volume of business.

The indigenous bankers are mostly engaged in both banking and non-banking business which they do not want to separate. Their lending operations remain mostly unregulated and unsupervised. They charge high rate of interest and they are not influenced by bank rate policy of the Reserve Bank of India.

(ii) Unregulated Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries:

There are different types of unregulated non-bank financial intermediaries in India. They are mostly constituted by loan or finance companies, chit funds and ‘nidhis’. A good number of finance companies in India are engaged in collecting substantial amount of funds in the form of deposits, borrowings and other receipts.

They normally give loans to wholesale traders, relailers, artisans, and different self-employed persons at a high rate of interest ranging between 36 to 48 per cent.

There are various types of chit funds in India. They are doing business in almost all the states but the major portion of their business is concentrated in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Moreover, there are ‘nidhis’ operating in South India which are a kind of mutual benefit funds restricted to its members.

(iii) Moneylenders:

Moneylenders are advancing loans to small borrowers like marginal and small farmers, agricultural labourers, artisans, factory and mine workers, low paid staffs, small traders etc. at very high rates of interest and also adopt various malpractices for manipulating loan records of these poor borrowers.

There are broadly three types of moneylenders:

(i) Professional moneylenders dealing solely with money lending;

(ii) Itinerant moneylenders such as Kabulis and Pathans and

(iii) Non-professional moneylenders.

The area of operation of the moneylenders is very much localised and their methods of operation is also not uniform. The money lending operation of the moneylenders is totally unregulated and unsupervised which leads to worst exploitation of the small borrowers.

Moneylenders have become a necessary evil in the absence of sufficient institutional sources of credit to the poorer sections of society. Although various measures have been introduced to control the activities of moneylenders but due to lack of political will, these are not enforced, leading to a exploitation of small borrowers.

Organised Sector of Indian Money Market:

The organised segments of the Indian money market is composed of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the State Bank of India, Commercial banks, Co-operative banks, foreign banks, finance corporations and the Discount or Finance House of India Limited. The segment of Indian money market is quite integrated and well organised.

Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore and Ahmedabad are the leading centres of the organised sectors of the Indian money market. The Mumbai money market is a well organised, having head offices of the RBI and different commercial banks, two leading well developed stock exchanges, the bullion exchange and fairly organised market for Government securities. All these have placed the Mumbai money market at par with New York money market of USA and London money market of England.

The main constituents of the organised sector of Indian money market include:

(i) The Call Money Market,

(ii) The Treasury Bill Market,

(iii) The Commercial Bill Market,

(iv) The Certificates of Deposits Market,

(v) Money Market for Mutual Funds and

(vi) The Commercial Paper Market.

(i) Call Money Market:

The call money market is a most common form of developed money market. It is a most sensitive segment of the financial system which reflects clearly any change in it. The call money market in India is very much centred at Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata and out of which the Mumbai is the most important one. In such market, lending and borrowing operations are carried out for one day.

The call money market in also termed as inter-bank call money market. Normally, scheduled commercial banks, Co­operative banks and the Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI) operate in this market and in a special situation; the LIC, UTI, the GIC, the IDBI and the NABARD are permitted to operate as lenders in this call money market. In this market, brokers usually play an important role.

(ii) Treasury Bill Market:

Treasury bill markets are markets for treasury bills. In India such treasury bills are short term liability of the Central Government which are of 91 day and 364 day duration. Normally, the treasury bills should be issued so as to meet temporary revenue deficit over expenditure of a Government at some point of time. But, in India, the treasury bills are, nowadays, considered as a permanent source of funds for the Central Government.

In India, the RBI is the major holder of the treasury bills, which is around 90 per cent of the total. In India, ad-hoc treasury bills have now been replaced by ways and means Advances since April 1, 1997, so as to finance temporary deficits of the Central Government.

(iii) Commercial Bill Market:

The Commercial bill market is a kind of sub-market which normally deals with trade bills or the commercial bills. It is a kind of bill which is normally drawn by one merchant firm on the other and they arise out of commercial transactions.

The purpose for issuing a commercial bill is simply to reimburse the seller as and when the buyer delays payment. But, in India, the commercial bill market is not so developed. This is mainly due to popularity of the cash credit system in bank lending and the unwillingness on the part of large buyer to bind himself to payment schedule related to the commercial bill and also the lack of uniform approach in drawing bills.

Commercial bills are an instrument of credit which is very much useful to business firms and banks. In India, the outstanding amount of commercial bills rediscounted by the banks with different financial institutions at the end of March, 1996 was to the extent of only Rs 374 crore.

(iv) Certificate of Deposit (CD) Market:

The certificate of Deposit (CD) was introduced in India by the RBI in March 1989 with the sole objective of widening the range of money market instruments and also to attain higher flexibility in the development of short term surplus funds for the investors. Initially the CDs are issued by scheduled commercial banks in multiples of Rs 25 lakh and also to the extent of a minimum of Rs 1 crore.

Maturity period of CDs varied between three months and one year. In India, six financial institutions, viz., IDBI, ICICI, IFCI, IRBI, SIDBI and Export and Import Bank of India were permitted in 1993 to issue CDs for period varying between 1 to 3 years.

Banks normally pay high rates of interest on CDs. In 1995-96, the stringent conditions in the money market induced the bankers to mobilise a good amount of resources through CDs. Accordingly in recent years, the outstanding amount of CDs issued by the commercial banks has almost been doubled from Rs 8,017 crore in March, 1995 to Rs 16,316 crore as on 29th March, 1996.

(v) Commercial Paper Market:

In India, the Commercial Paper (CP) was introduced in the money market in January 1990. A listed company having working capital not less than Rs 5 crore can issue CP. Again the CP can be issued in multiples of Rs 25 lakhs subject to a minimum of Rs 1 crore for a maturity period varying between three to six months. CPs would be again freely transferable by endorsement and delivery.

(vi) Money Market Mutual Funds:

In India, the RBI has introduced a scheme of Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs) in April 1992. The main objective of this scheme was to arrange an additional short term avenue for the individual investors. This scheme has failed to receive much response as the initial guidelines were not attractive. Thus, in November, 1995, the RBI introduced some relaxations in order to make the scheme more attractive and flexible.

As per the existing guidelines, the banks, public financial institutions and the private financial institutions are allowed to set up MMMFs. In the mean time, the limits of investment in individual instruments by MMMF have already been deregulated. Since April 1996, the RBI has allowed MMMFs to issue units to corporate enterprises and others at par with the mutual funds introduced earlier.

As per the latest data available from Association of Mutual Funds, overall, the combined Assets Under Management (AUM) of all the mutual fund houses in country stood at Rs 5,06,692.6 crore. The top five mutual funds of the country include—Reliance MF, ICICI Prudential MF, UTI-MF, HDFC MF and Franklin Templeton MF. Reliance MF continued to be the most valued fund house in the country with assets under management (AUM) of Rs 90,937.94 crore at the end of March 31, 2008.

The industry body Assocham Chamber recently conducted a survey on “MF Growth Patterns” and accordingly observed that the Mutual Fund industry has growth 25 per cent between 1999 and 2007 to stand at Rs 4,67,000 crore and the trend would improve as MFs are becoming a preferred choice for both rural and urban retail investors.

The mutual fund sector would grow at compound annual rate of 30 per cent in next three years to become Rs 9,50,000 crore industry as predicted by the survey. The share of privately managed MF players in the total MF industry is expected to fall to 70 per cent from the current estimation of 82 per cent. The reduction would result from the alliance of the private players with overseas partners.

2. Essay on the Characteristics and Defects of Indian Money Market:

The Indian money market has many distinctive characteristics but it also suffers from various defects.

Following are some and defects:

(i) Lack of Adequate Integration:

There is lack of adequate integration in the Indian money market. The organised and the unorganised sector of Indian money market are totally separate from each other and they have independent financial operations of their own. Therefore, activities of one sector have no impact on the activities of the other sector. It is very difficult to establish a national money market under such a background.

However, the Mumbai money market has been emerging as a strong money market in recent times. Moreover, various constituents of the Indian money market viz., commercial banks, Co-operative banks and foreign banks are competing among themselves and particularly, the competition is much in the countryside. Even the commercial banks are competing among themselves. Again, the monetary policy of the RBI is also not effective to maintain adequate integration among various constituents of Indian money market.

(ii) Shortage of Funds:

Another important feature of Indian money market is the shortage of funds. Therefore, the demand for loanable funds in the money market is much higher than that of its supply.

This shortage of fund is mostly resulted from:

(i) Small capacity to save arising out of low per capita income;

(ii) Inadequate banking network and poor banking habit of the people, in general;

(iii) Absence of adequate and diversified investment opportunities and finally, the emergence of strong parallel economy having a huge magnitude of black money.

In recent years, the development of rural banking structure, with the opening rural branches of commercial banks and with the expansion of Co-operative banks, has improved the fund position of the Indian money market, to some extent.

(iii) Lack of Adequate Banking Facilities:

Indian money market is also characterised by lack of adequate banking facilities. Rural banking network in the country is still inadequate. Population per bank office in India was 12,000 persons in 1993 as compared to that of only 1,400 persons in USA. In the rural areas, a substantial number of population, having small saving potential, have no access to facilities.

Under such a system, a huge amount of small savings are not mobilised which needs to be mobilised for its productive uses through the expansion of banking network.

(iv) Lack of Rational Interest Rate Structure:

There is lack of rational interest structure which is mostly resulted from lack of co-ordination among different banking institutions. Recently, there is some improvement in this regard, particularly after the introduction of standardisation of interest rates by the RBI for its rationalisation.

However, the present system of administered interest rates is suffering from the defects like:

(i) Too many concessional rates of interest;

(ii) Comparatively low yield on government securities, and

(iii) Improper lending and deposit rates fixed by the commercial banks.

(v) Absence of Organised Bill Market:

There is absence of organised bill market in India although the commercial banks purchase and discount both inland and foreign bills to a limited extent. Although, the RBI has introduced its limited bill market under its scheme of 1952 and 1970, but the same scheme has failed to popularize the bill finance in India.

The popularity of the cash credit system and lack of uniformity in commercial bills are mostly responsible for the poor development of bill market in the country. Even after the introduction of Bill Market Scheme, 1970, the bill finance has declined and its extent been declined from 20.3 per cent in 1971 to a mere 11.0 per cent in 1995-96.

(vi) Existence of Unorganised Money Market:

Another important feature of Indian money market is the existence of its unorganised character, where one of its segments is constituted by the indigenous bankers and moneylenders. This unorganised segment in completely separated from the organised segment of the money market.

Although the RBI has tried to bring the indigenous bankers under its direct control yet all the attempts have failed. Thus, as the indigenous bankers remained outside the organised money market, therefore, RBI’s control over the money market is quite limited.

(vii) Seasonal Stringency of Money and Fluctuations in Interest Rates:

Another important feature of Indian money market is seasonal stringency of money and the volatile fluctuation of interest rates. India, being an agricultural country has to face huge demand for funds during the period of October to June every year so as to meet its requirement for farm operations and also for trading in agricultural produce.

But the money market is not having sufficient elasticity thus it creates seasonal stringency of funds leading to a rise in the rate of interest. But in the rainy and slack season the demand for fund slumps down leading to a automatic fall in the rate of interest. Such regular fluctuations in interest rates are not at all conducive to developmental activities of the country.

3. Essay on the Under-Development of Indian Money Market:

Considering various defects of Indian money market it can be observed that the money market in India is relatively underdeveloped. Moreover, in respect of resources, organisation stability and elasticity, the said market cannot be compared with the developed money markets of London and New York. But among the third world countries India has been maintaining the most developed banking system. Even then the organisation of the money market is still underdeveloped.

The underdevelopment nature of Indian money market is mostly determined by the following shortcomings:

Firstly, Indian money market fails to possess an adequate and continuous supply of short term assets such as treasury bills, bills of exchange, short term Government bonds etc.

Secondly, this market is lacking the highly organised banking system, so important for the successful working of a money market.

Thirdly, the sub-markets like acceptance market and the commercial bill market are non-existent in Indian money market.

Fourthly, Indian money market has totally failed to develop market for short term assets and accordingly there are no dealers of short term assets who act as intermediaries between the Government and the entire banking system.

Fifthly, Indian money market in suffering from lack of co-ordination between its different constituents.

Sixthly, Indian money market again fails to attract any foreign funds.

Finally, Indian money market cannot be termed as a developed one considering its supply of fund and the liquidity position.

4. Essay on the Measures to Reform and Strengthen Indian Money Market:

In recent years, serious efforts have been made by the Government and the RBI to remove the shortcomings of Indian money market. RBI, in the mean time has reduced considerably the differences between the various constituents of money market. Differences in the interest rates have also been reduced by the RBI and the monetary stringency has also been reduced by the RBI through open market operations and bill market scheme.

Even then, Indian money market is still very much dependent on the call money market which is again characterised by high volatility. In the mean time, the RBI has introduced various measures to reform the money market as per recommendations of the Sukhamoy Chakraborty Committee on the “Review of the working of the Monetary system” and the Narasimham Committee report on the working of the Financial System in India.

Following are some of the important reform measures introduced to strengthen the Indian money market:

(i) Remission of Stamp Duty:

In order to remove the major administrative constraint in the use of bill system, the Government has remitted the stamp duty in August 1989. However, the experts feel that unless the cash credit system is discouraged this government decision to remit the stump duty is not going to favour the prevailing bill system.

(ii) Deregulation of Interest Rates:

Another important step to strengthen the money market was to deregulate the money market interest rates since May, 1989. This will bring interest rate flexibility and transparency in money market transactions.

Again in November, 1991.as per the recommendations of the Narasimham Committee, the interest rates have been further deregulated and the banks and other financial institutions have been advised to determine and adopt market related rates of interest as far as practicable.

(iii) Introduction of New Instruments:

The RBI has introduced certain money market instruments for strengthening the market conditions. These instruments are—182 days treasury bills, longer maturity treasury bills, Certificates of Deposits (CDs), Commercial Paper (CP) and dated Government securities.

Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI) promoted the 182-day treasury bills systematically and these bills were the first security sold by auction for financing the fiscal deficit of the Central Government. Again, the DFHI has also developed a secondary market in these bills and they become popular with the commercial banks.

Again in 1992-93, the Government decided to introduce 364 day treasury bills and discontinued the 164-day treasury bills. The 364 day treasury bills can be held by commercial banks for meeting its statutory liquidity ratio. CDs received a considerable market during 1995-96.

The volume of outstanding CDs gradually rose from Rs 6,385 crore in January 1995 to Rs 20,815 crore on July 5, 1996. CPs are another instrument which made considerable progress in 1992-93 and 1993-94. Outstanding amount of CPs increased from Rs 64.70 crore in June 1991 to Rs 3,264 crore in March 1994. Again the activity of CP market declined sharply in 1995-96 and thereby the outstanding CPs as on April 30. 1996 was only Rs 71.3 crore.

The Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI) was set up on April 25, 1988 as a part of the reform package for strengthening money market. The main function of DFHI is to bring the entire financial system consisting of the scheduled commercial banks, co-operative banks, foreign banks and all- India financial institutions, both in the public and private sector, within the fold of the Indian money market.

This House will normally buy bills and short term papers from different banks and financial institutions in order to invest all of their idle funds for short periods. DFHI has also started to buy and sell government securities from April 1992 in limited quantity with the necessary refinance support from the RBI.

(v) Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs):

The Government announced the establishment of Money Market Mutual Funds (MMMFs) in April 1992 with the sole objective to bring money market instruments within the reach of individuals. The MMMFs have been set up by different scheduled commercial banks and public financial institutions.

The shares or units of MMMFs have been issued only to individuals. Thus the aforesaid measures to reform Indian money market have helped it to become more advanced, solvent and vibrant. With the introduction of new instruments, the secondary market has also developed considerably.

Moreover, with the setting up of DFHI and MMMFs, the lot of Indian money market has achieved considerable progress in recent rimes and is also expected to achieve further progress in the years to come.

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

essay about money market

Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

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White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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What Is a Money Market Fund?

  • How It Works

Special Considerations

  • Advantages and Disadvantages

Money Market Funds Today

The bottom line.

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Money Market Funds: What They Are, How They Work, Pros and Cons

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Investopedia / Mira Norian

A money market fund is a kind of mutual fund that invests in highly liquid, near-term instruments. These instruments include cash, cash equivalent securities, and high-credit-rating, debt-based securities with a short-term maturity (such as U.S. Treasuries). Money market funds are intended to offer investors high liquidity with a very low level of risk. Money market funds are also called money market mutual funds and are insured by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).

While they sound similar in name, a money market fund is not the same as a money market account (MMA). A money market fund is an investment that is sponsored by an investment fund company. Therefore, it carries no guarantee of principal. A money market account is a type of interest-earning savings account. Money market accounts are offered by financial institutions. They are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and they typically have limited transaction privileges.

Key Takeaways

  • A money market fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in high-quality, short-term debt instruments, cash, and cash equivalents.
  • Though not quite as safe as cash, money market funds are considered extremely low-risk on the investment spectrum.
  • A money market fund generates income (taxable or tax-free, depending on its portfolio) but little capital appreciation.
  • Money market funds should be used as a place to park money temporarily before investing elsewhere or making an anticipated cash outlay; they are not suitable as long-term investments.

How a Money Market Fund Works

Money market funds work like a typical mutual fund. They issue redeemable units or shares to investors and are mandated to follow the guidelines drafted by financial regulators (for example, those set by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ).

A money market fund may invest in the following types of debt-based financial instruments:

  • Bankers' Acceptances (BA) : Short-term debt guaranteed by a commercial bank
  • Certificates of deposit  (CDs) : Bank-issued savings certificate with short-term maturity
  • Commercial paper : Unsecured short-term corporate debt
  • Repurchase agreements (Repo) : Short-term government securities
  • U.S. Treasuries : Short-term government debt issues

Returns from these instruments are dependent on the applicable market interest rates, and therefore, the overall returns from the money market funds are also dependent on interest rates.

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Types of Money Market Funds

Money market funds are classified into various types depending on the class of invested assets , the maturity period, and other attributes.

Prime Money Fund

A prime money fund invests in floating-rate debt and commercial paper of non-Treasury assets, like those issued by corporations, U.S. government agencies, and government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs).

Government Money Fund

A government money fund invests at least 99.5% of its total assets in cash, government securities, and repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by cash or government securities. Treasury Funds are also included in Government Money Funds, which invest in standard U.S. Treasury-issued debt securities, such as Treasury bills, Treasury bonds, and Treasury notes.

Tax-Exempt Money Fund

A tax-exempt money fund (also called a municipal money market fund) offers earnings that are free from U.S. federal income tax. Depending on the exact securities it invests in, a tax-exempt money fund may also have an exemption from state income taxes. Municipal bonds and other debt securities primarily constitute such types of money market funds.

Some money market funds are targeted to attract institutional money with a high minimum investment amount (often $1 million).

Retail money funds are accessible to individual investors as a result of their small minimums.

The Net Asset Value (NAV) Standard

All the features of a standard mutual fund apply to a money market fund, with one key difference. A money market fund aims to maintain a  net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share. Any excess earnings generated through interest on the portfolio holdings are distributed to the investors as dividend payments. Investors can purchase or redeem shares of money market funds through investment fund companies, brokerage firms, and banks.

One of the primary reasons for the popularity of money market funds is their maintenance of the $1 NAV. This requirement forces the fund managers to make regular payments to investors, providing a regular flow of income for them. It also allows easy calculations and tracking of the net gains the fund generates.

Breaking the Buck

Occasionally, a money market fund may fall below the $1 NAV. This creates a condition that is sometimes referred to with the colloquial term " breaking the buck ." When this condition occurs, it may be attributed to temporary price fluctuations in the money markets. However, if it persists, the condition may trigger a moment when the investment income of the money market fund fails to exceed its operating expenses or investment losses.

For example, if the fund used excess leverage in purchasing instruments—or overall interest rates dropped to very low levels nearing zero—and the fund broke the buck, then one of these scenarios could lead to a condition where the fund cannot meet redemption requests. If this happens, regulators may jump in and force the fund's liquidation. However, instances of breaking the buck are very rare.

In 1994, the first instance of breaking the buck occurred. The Community Bankers U.S. Government Money Market Fund was liquidated at $0.96 per share. This was the result of large losses that the fund incurred following a period of heavy investment in derivatives.

In 2008, following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the venerable Reserve Primary Fund also broke the buck. The fund held millions of the Lehman Brothers debt obligations, and panicked redemptions by its investors caused its NAV to fall to $0.97 per share. The pullout of money caused the Reserve Primary Fund to liquidate. This event triggered mayhem throughout the money markets.

To prevent this from happening again, in 2010—in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis—the SEC issued new rules to better manage money market funds. These rules were intended to provide more stability and resilience by placing tighter restrictions on portfolio holdings and introducing provisions for imposing liquidity fees and suspending redemptions.

Money Market Fund Regulation

In the U.S., money market funds fall under the purview of the SEC. This regulatory body defines the necessary guidelines for the characteristics, maturity, and variety of allowable investments in a money market fund.

Under the provisions, a money fund mainly invests in the top-rated debt instruments, and they should have a maturity period under 13 months. The money market fund portfolio is required to maintain a weighted average maturity (WAM) period of 60 days or less. This WAM requirement means that the average maturity period of all the invested instruments—taken in proportion to their weights in the fund portfolio—should not be more than 60 days. This maturity limitation ensures that only highly liquid instruments qualify for investments, and the investor’s money is not locked into long-maturity instruments that can mar the liquidity.

A money market fund is not allowed to invest more than 5% in any one issuer (in order to avoid issuer-specific risk). However, government-issued securities and repurchase agreements provide an exception to this rule.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Money Market Funds

Money market funds compete against similar investment options, such as bank money market accounts, ultrashort bond funds , and enhanced cash funds. These investment options may include investing in a wider variety of assets and aiming for higher returns.

The primary purpose of a money market fund is to provide investors with a safe avenue for investing in secure and highly liquid , cash-equivalent, debt-based assets using smaller investment amounts. In the realm of mutual-fund-like investments, money market funds are characterized as low-risk, low-return investments.

Many investors prefer to park substantial amounts of cash in such funds for the short term. However, money market funds are not suitable for long-term investment goals like retirement planning. This is because they don’t offer much capital appreciation.

Money market funds appear attractive to investors as they come with no loads (no entry or exit charges). Many funds also provide investors with tax-advantaged gains by investing in municipal securities that are tax-exempt at the federal tax level (and in some instances at the state level, too).

Very low-risk

Highly liquid

Better returns than bank accounts

Insured by SIPC

Not FDIC-insured

No capital appreciation

Sensitive to interest rate fluctuations, monetary policy

It's important to keep in mind that money market funds, while covered by the SIPC, are not covered by the FDIC's federal deposit insurance, which covers money market deposit accounts, online savings accounts, and certificates of deposit. Like other investment securities, money market funds are regulated under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

An active investor who has time and knowledge to hunt for the best possible short-term debt instruments—offering the best possible interest rates at their preferred levels of risk—may prefer investing on their own in the various available instruments. On the other hand, a less-savvy investor may prefer taking the money market fund route by delegating the money management task to the fund operators.

Fund shareholders can typically withdraw their money at any time, but they may have a limit on the number of times they can withdraw within a certain period.

History of Money Market Funds

Money market funds were designed and launched during the early 1970s in the U.S. They gained rapid popularity because they were an easy way for investors to purchase a pool of securities that, in general, offered better returns than those available from a standard interest-bearing bank account.

Commercial paper has become a common component of many money market funds. Previously, money market funds held only government bonds . However, this transition away from only government bonds resulted in higher yields. At the same time, it was this reliance on commercial paper that led to the Reserve Primary Fund crisis.

In addition to the reforms that the SEC introduced in 2010, the SEC also implemented some fundamental structural changes to the way they regulate money market funds in 2016.

These changes required prime institutional money market funds to float their NAV and no longer maintain a stable price. Retail and U.S. government money market funds were allowed to maintain the stable $1 per share policy. The regulations also provided non-government money market fund boards with new tools to address runs.

Today, money market funds have become one of the core pillars of the present-day capital markets. For investors, they offer a diversified, professionally managed portfolio with high daily liquidity. Many investors use money market funds as a place to park their cash until they decide on other investments or for funding needs that may arise in the short term.

The interest rates that are available on the various instruments that constitute the portfolio of a money market fund are the key factors that determine the return from a given money market fund. Looking at historical data is enough to provide sufficient details on how money market returns have fared.

During the decade spanning from 2000 to 2010, the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve Bank led to short-term interest rates—the rates banks pay to borrow money from one another—hovering around 0%. These near-zero rates meant money market fund investors saw returns that were significantly lower compared to those in the prior decades. Further, with the tightening of regulations after the 2008 financial crisis, the number of investable securities grew smaller.

Another economic policy in recent years that has had an adverse impact on money market funds is quantitative easing (QE). QE is an unconventional monetary policy where a central bank purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply.

As major economies across the globe—including the U.S.—followed QE measures in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, a good portion of the QE money made its way into money market mutual funds as a haven. This migration of funds led to interest rates remaining low for a long duration and diminishing returns from money market funds.

Are Money Market Funds a Good Investment?

Yes. For the most part, money market funds are among the safest of all investments , with a target value of $1 per share. Money market funds have only dipped below this value ("broken the buck") on a small number of occasions (associated with financial crises) and have quickly bounced back,

How Safe Is Money in a Money Market Fund?

Money market funds are relatively safe investments and are protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, but they are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

What Is in a Money Market Fund?

A money market fund is a mutual fund investment that holds short-term treasuries and other money market instruments like corporate bonds or certificates of deposits.

A money market fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in low-risk, short-term debt instruments such as U.S. Treasuries, commercial paper, and certificates of deposit (CDs). These funds offer investors high liquidity with a very low level of risk. While similar in name to money market accounts (MMAs), money market funds differ because they are investment products without FDIC insurance, and their principal value fluctuates. They are intended as a short-term, liquid investment, providing little capital appreciation but generating modest income through interest. Money market funds aim to maintain a net asset value (NAV) of $1 per share and are popular for their stability and regular income generation, although they are sensitive to interest rate fluctuations.

The regulation and structure of these funds have evolved, especially following the 2008 financial crisis, to enhance market stability and investor protection. Today, money market funds remain a vital part of the capital markets, offering a safe, liquid investment option for institutional and individual investors.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " 2014 Money Market Fund Reform Frequently Asked Questions ."

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " Money Market Fund ."

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " Order Instituting Public Administrative and Cease-And-Desist Proceedings, Making Findings, and Imposing Remedial Sanctions And Cease-And-Desist Orders In the Matter Of John E. Buckland, et.al ."

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " ECF Case 09 Civ. 4346 (PGG) Memorandum Opinion ," Page 8.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " SEC Approves Money Market Fund Reforms to Better Protect Investors ."

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " Staff Responses to Questions About Money Market Fund Reform ."

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " SEC Adopts Money Market Fund Reform Rules ."

Securities Investor Protection Corporation. " What SIPC Protects ."

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. " Are My Deposit Accounts Insured by the FDIC? "

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. " Money Market Funds ."

essay about money market

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Your Path to Success: How Our Essay Writing Service Works

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Specify as many details as possible, or just attach us your instructions. We are no mind-readers, so make sure to tell us what’s needed.

Once the order is placed, you will see applications from different writers coming in. Choose the one that feels right, or have our support agent advise you on the matter.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Essay Writing Service

Everything you might want to know about EssayMarket

After specifying the details of your order, you will get an extensive list of writers ready to accomplish your assignment. Additionally, you will see the bids they make, so the only thing you will have to do is to make the right choice. Pay due attention to the skills, rates, and prices offered by the professionals.

We have many experienced and highly qualified writers ready to assist with literally any assignment. Specify the requirements and wait until you get the first quote.

No, we offer 100% privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality guarantees.

There are no fixed prices on the website. Instead, you will get numerous quotes from various writers so that you can always choose the best bid.

The shortest deadline is 6 hours.

Yes, ordering papers here, you will get three revisions for free.

You can always contact the writer online. No matter if you need to get a quick answer for the paper-related question, add some requirements or specify the descriptions, the writers are always ready to help.

Most of our writers are professional ghostwriters with an academic degree in a certain area of knowledge. Some of them have years of experience working in the sphere.

We have a list of requirements the writers should meet to get an opportunity to work on the platform. Therefore, you can be 100% confident to deal with the most qualified and experienced writers and receive a top-quality paper accomplished within the specified time. As an intermediary service, we will help you deal with controversial issues and other problems that may appear.

You fill in the paper description section, choose the writer who offers the best quote and pay for the assignment. We reserve the money till the writer releases the final version of the paper.

We are a platform that connects customers with writers. We do not take any responsibility for the quality of the papers, the deadlines, or the content. We are not responsible for the actions of the writers, as they are independent contractors.

The customer support team is available around the clock, so you can always get a quick response and deal with the order-related issues fast. As for the writers, we encourage them to answer ASAP, but it is inevitable to remember that they are freelancers who also need time for their personal life. Therefore, you can be sure that the writer will answer your question fast, but sometimes you will have to be patient.

Essay Writing Experts: Professionals Who Know How to Help Students

What is EssayMarket? It is a company that is not like other essay writing services. We are the leader among English essay mills because we have accumulated the best ideas and offers on the market. Moreover, we decided to take a unique approach to customer interaction and focus on each student. So, how can we help those who need academic assistance? Here are our suggestions.

Bidding System: An Idea That Helps Millions of Students

We decided not to follow the trends and developed a unique offer. Surely you are tired of companies offering you unknown writers’ services. Usually, students don’t know who will craft their assignments. But this state of affairs is extremely wrong since people need to know who provides them with academic services. So we decided to change this approach and established the so-called bidding system.

Our paper writers are experts with top degrees who work as freelancers. We have assembled a huge team of well-versed people (write my essays team) in many subjects and topics. This approach allowed us to accumulate the best experts in the English-speaking community. Plus, we know how important it is for people to have writers they can trust. That is why we have established ratings.

By visiting our site, you will see that the bidding system is the best idea to understand who can create the papers you need. Surely this approach is the most important in the modern world. Why rely on a writer’s professionalism when you can choose the best of the best? Thanks to EssayMarket, you can visit our website and click on the profile of the most experienced expert in your field.

Services Worth Your Attention

Now let’s talk about what our company can do for you. You are probably looking for academic assistance as you are tired of your daily routine. Usually students often turn to us with requests for help. They write, “write my essays, please.” That is why we decided to cover almost the entire range of academic services. But first, we are ready to craft all types of essays, regardless of your academic level.

But you probably understand that we are ready to write any research papers, article reviews, admission papers, dissertations, lab reports, and whatever your professor says. Check out the full list of our writing services, and you’re sure to be impressed. Crafting all types of papers is not a problem because we have gathered many professionals ready to help you.

Why We Deserve Your Attention

Do not forget that we are a company that consists of the mastodons of the academic market. Each member of our team has worked in the academic field for decades. That is why we know how to deal with tricky papers and never forget deadlines. In addition, any instructions are not a problem for us. Our experts have experience in crafting original assignments and are always ready to offer the best quality of service. It is the idea of our company.

The bidding system allows us to provide flexible academic services that are superior to similar offerings from other companies. We are experts who also guarantee you a large number of extra services and exceptional quality. So say no to the days when you chose Russian roulette writing services. Now you do not need to take risks because all our services are time-tested. In addition, our bidding system allows you to choose the perfect writer to craft your papers.

Impeccable Reputation

You will learn a lot about our company if you open a web browser and check the reviews. We work on the principle of “quality above all” and never disappoint students. That is why many review aggregators praise us. Moreover, we decided to change the rules of the game from the very moment the company was founded. For example, many companies provide vague refund and revision policies. For us, this is unacceptable since all students need to know what they can expect.

We decided that such an idea was key and developed our own clear rules and conditions. That is why you will always know what options you can count on. This approach allowed us to be honest with all users. We also immediately decided that selecting professional writers is our duty to you. That is why our selection criteria are quite strict. All experts who work with us know what high competition is.

Top Anonymity

EssayMarket is very different from companies you might see on the Internet. We do not make empty promises and do not deceive people. Moreover, we understand how important it is to create papers from scratch. Our experts are ready to craft original assignments so that your professor does not suspect anything. By the way, here is another important aspect you should know about our team. We know how to analyze information, combine data from different sources and interpret research results according to your instructions and principles of originality. Therefore, you are unlikely to be disappointed with the result.

Since anonymity is important to us, we have created a secure website that is almost impossible to hack. Moreover, we do not store your personal data so no one will know about your order. Think of us as a group of strangers who greeted you on the street and handed you an envelope with papers. We like this approach because we are used to keeping secrets away from the public. That is why you can trust us and not worry about your reputation.

Here is another reason we are completely confident in the anonymity of our services. Our website is highly secure, and we guarantee that no one can hack into the database. We have created a multi-level encryption system that is unlikely to fall because someone tries to gain access to information. As you can see, we have seriously prepared to provide you with the best conditions for delegating papers. That is why you should not worry or hesitate. Contact our support agents, and we will solve all the academic problems that concern you.

A Website That Never Fails Customers

Our company has always sought to satisfy the needs of the audience. That is why we strive to regularly introduce innovative ideas and ensure a stable process of crafting assignments. This approach is ensured through total control and discipline. We know that we have no right to let you down. That is why we control every academic aspect and ensure that writers create polished papers for you.

Place your first order, and you will see how easy it is to delegate anything. Our site is very convenient, and the process of ordering your essays and other works is almost completely automated. However, we do not want students to spend much time on routine activities. So we created this website and reduced the ordering process to a few steps. Now you do not need to waste time clicking on the mouse because everything you need is already in the options.

Surely you have already seen how convenient our bidding system is. We are well aware that such an idea is the only correct one in a world where the needs of students change every day. Thanks to the bidding system and our incredible experts, we can maintain a quality our competitors cannot match. Moreover, we take self-control and compliance with standards very seriously. Nothing will make us change our minds!

Write My Essay! The Way We Can Help

The modern world is like a tsunami. Conditions and rules change too quickly and unexpectedly. Today you know how to craft your assignments; tomorrow, everything changes, and you don’t know how to get off the ground. In addition, the life of many students is extremely intense. What if you are forced to build a sports career in college, write songs or draw in between an essay? For sure, you will be interested in hiring professional essay writers. However, it is unlikely that you will have a desire to spend all your free time on an academic routine.

We know how ambitious today’s students are, and we don’t want them to compromise. Nothing is worse than a young man who gives up on a dream. Fortunately, EssayMarket is always there and ready to lend a helping hand. We will gladly solve your academic problems and give you samples that will allow you to count on high grades. We also understand that many people are forced to work in the evenings. And they do not have the opportunity to write on their own. Therefore, you must visit our website and say, “write my essays for me”. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in delegating papers.

Why Choosing Our Company Is a Good Idea?

Young people are dreamers, innovators, and individuals who can change the world. Students wake up daily and begin academic activities that can lead to amazing innovations. What if you’re the one who can invent perpetual motion, time jumping, or teleportation? Such ideas sound naive, but you certainly get the point. Every student is a potential genius who can create something extraordinary. But even a genius needs time to develop a unique idea, concept, or invention.

That is why we created EssayMarket. Our goal is to give you time for what you need. We have gathered experts ready to handle any paper, regardless of academic level or instructions. The main goal of our experts is to get your papers done. That is why we will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. Moreover, we are ready for the shortest deadlines because we know that students’ free time is more valuable than gold. Time is the most valuable resource, and we are not ready to waste it.

Also, you should know that we offer discounts for all newbies who have just created an account. We know how important it is for many students to get a more affordable price offer. That is why we decided to provide discounts to those who need such options. As you can see, we are ready to make compromises so that you get the best level of services at an affordable price. So, look at our prices, and you will surely be satisfied.

A Wide Range of Services for Everyone!

A free student can create something outstanding and enjoy life. Isn’t that what millions of people around the world need? We are ready to work around the clock so that you have a chance to stand out from the crowd and work on what is important to you at the moment. EssayMarket offers a huge list of services like writing, editing, proofreading, and slide creation. Our experts can handle any tricky assignment.

We love the idea that our papers allow people to be free from academic shackles. Surely you have dreams, plans, ideas, and goals that you want to achieve. That is why you should visit our website and trust our experts. There is nothing wrong with asking someone to handle your papers. Surely you will not regret the result, so do not waste your time. In addition, we are ready to provide you with a lot of extra services, so you should hurry.

As you can see, our vision is to provide students with the best possible writing service. We also understand that people have to waste time on tasks they don’t understand. Consider that we can and are ready to lend you a helping hand if you do not know how to proceed. That is why you should not hesitate and spend time convulsively understanding where you should start. Trust us; we will guide you through this academic path to success. As you can see, this process can be quite easy, and you don’t have to spend much time and money. Let us do our job, and we won’t let you down.

Rethinking Interests: We’re Here to Support You

Imagine that you are at a crossroads and do not know in which direction you should move on. You will probably be a little scared. Where to go next, and why things got out of hand? All these questions are extremely important, and you are probably on the verge of global changes. But do not worry about the academic routine. EssayMarket is ready to lend you a helping hand and solve many of your problems. All you need is time and enough room to maneuver. Surely you need to be alone and rethink the plans that you made earlier. But don’t forget to delegate papers; third-party support is the first thing you need. You may be discouraged or agitated, but don’t be afraid. Soon you will be able to cope with stress thanks to our experts.

We are ready to help you with any papers so you can focus on what is relevant to you at the moment. In addition, no one will refuse the opportunity to get high grades in just a few clicks. EssayMarket is a company that knows how to solve academic problems and make students happy. We understand how difficult it is to balance studies, career, family, and social responsibilities. That is why you should not compromise. Let us do our job, and you won’t regret it.

Can Delegating Papers Give Students More Time?

Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​delegating papers. They think writing services don’t make sense. Why pay someone for an essay or other paper? On the one hand, such questions sound logical. But let’s take a closer look at things. How long does it take you to craft an essay? As a rule, students can cope with such a task daily. But what if you got a tricky topic and don’t know where to start? In this case, you will have to spend up to a week searching for information. Sometimes even this deadline is not enough to complete the writing activity.

EssayMarket lets you say no to academic routine and similar issues. Our writers can handle a lot in less than half a day. That is why you will have a chance to do something more important and enjoy life. We believe that people should not waste time on routine activities. Leave us the dirty work, and we’ll craft your assignments. In addition, you can get good samples and use them in the future. You will unlikely refuse such a format of academic assistance and a chance to learn something new.

Ideal Conditions for Achieving Goals

As you can see, the number of our services is quite large, so we are ready for any academic challenge. Moreover, we’re always there, so you don’t have to waste time looking for experts. Think of us as the fairy godmother who can change your academic life with a magic wand. We have spent a lot of time ensuring a continuous paper-crafting process. That is why you can order what you need in just a few minutes.

Imagine what prospects will be available to you when you contact us. You may even be able to stand out from the crowd and spend time doing something outstanding. It is not worth wandering the earth when you can fly through the sky and reach high in the areas of life that are important to you. Trust us, and we will help you with your academic routine. Surely you will be delighted with the new features, so hurry up!

One of our main advantages is the fact that we are always online. Our writers can start working anytime, so you don’t have to wait. You can contact us in the early morning or the middle of midnight, and we will help. This approach is the only correct one since we know that many English-speaking students live in different parts of the world. We want to provide you with the best papers, so our writers are ready to go 24/7. Also, we do not mind making amendments or any wishes in the workflow. So you should not be shy and clarify all the nuances in advance.

Who Can Do Your Essay? We Can!

The academic world is heavily dependent on crafting papers. That’s why students go crazy when they have to write something. Imagine how difficult it is for young people to cope with academic challenges. The fact is that professors try to give young people as much knowledge and experience as possible. Therefore, some paper requirements can be quite tricky. But everything will change when you visit EssayMarket!

The Best Writers on the English-Speaking Internet!

Here is the first feature that will appeal to all students without exception. Surely you understand that EssayMarket is a company designed for English-speaking students. But you should know that many people speak this language and have to craft papers according to certain regional nuances. That’s why we’re proud of our writing team. We gathered experts from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand within a short period.

Our writers have years of academic experience and can craft any paper on the topic. You don’t even have to worry about the details. Just tell them what to do and relax. Surely the awareness of such opportunities will make you feel safe. Now you are unlikely to face academic force majeure. Moreover, all our writers understand the academic and linguistic nuances, which will be useful to all students.

It is important to us that you can trust us, which is why we only hire professionals with good experience and an obedient list. We also pay attention to how flexible the writer adapts to certain complex topics. It is a prevailing option, as we understand that the academic community is changeable. Those nuances and factors that are relevant at the moment may change dramatically. That is why we hire people ready for all difficulties and do not mind developing as individuals and professionals. As you can see, we create all the conditions so that you can relax and delegate all your papers. It is not your problem; we are ready to handle all tasks.

We Are Ready for Tricky Requirements

Here is another interesting aspect that you should be aware of. Not all students know that our essay service is a company that is not afraid of papers. During our market work, we created an algorithm for analyzing all instructions. And we have gathered professionals who know what to do in stressful situations. Therefore, we can quickly analyze your instructions and write papers according to your wishes. That is why we never experience force majeure associated with misunderstanding customer requirements.

Moreover, we are glad that we chose the bidding system. Thanks to this option, we can offer hundreds of experts who know what modern students need. So find the right professional for your order and enjoy your free time. We will craft your assignments as if the fate of the entire planet depends on them. That is why you hardly have to worry about the results. Trust us, and we won’t let you down!

Feel free to send in files with important instructions, as we are ready to consider all your wishes. The more points and nuances you add, the easier it will be for us to create the perfect paper for you. This hypothesis should become the gold standard for you because we strive to ensure that you can receive exceptionally high marks.

Give Us Any Topic!

Here’s another benefit you can count on. Our experts are guys who have tremendous academic experience. That is why they can craft any paper for you. Your topic will not affect the pace of the writing activity. We know what students need and are ready to work non-stop to provide you with what you want. So say no to fears because our experience allows us to craft anything!

We will find out any details regarding your field of study. As a result, you will receive a paper that meets your expectations. Moreover, your professor will be happy with the final result. Surely you will be surprised when you get high grades. Our professionalism will help you look at the academic process differently. That is why you should not hesitate! Choose what you need and contact us.

Our experts are well-rounded and can handle even the most complex topics. That is why you should not be afraid to trust them with all your instructions. The fact is that we constantly conduct training for our staff and make sure that our experts can expand their horizons. This strategic approach allows us to compete in the academic market and offer the best possible service. That is why you should not be afraid of any details or possible failures. We never take on tasks that we cannot complete. That is why all our experts are so confident in a positive result.

Deadlines Are Not a Problem for Us!

Here is another important aspect that all modern students should remember. We are ready to meet any deadline. Take a look at the options we offer. Surely you will be happy when we craft your papers in half a day or even faster. Many of our experts are experienced enough to analyze all your instructions and quickly find relevant information.

In addition, you will be happy to know that the price depends on the deadlines. However, you are unlikely to spend much money because we offer the most acceptable conditions for ordering assignments. Now you don’t have to worry about the amount you pay for your essay. Contact us, and our support agents will help you find out the details. You can always find a writer on our site and say no to academic stress.

We Are Ready to Polish Your Papers

Surely you have at least heard about the scary stories about unreliable writing services. We know how students are afraid to get involved with dubious companies. That is why we have spent so much time earning our reputation. Moreover, we are ready to confirm our reputation as experts. Let us write your assignment, and we will show you how real professionals should work.

The main secret of our popularity lies in the fact that we know how to polish each paper. First, we write all the paragraphs according to the instructions. The next stage is the analysis of each proposal, the verification of sources, and the verification of all minor parameters. We work like sculptors polishing a statue. As a result, you can count on a masterpiece.

Bidding System Is What You Need!

Surely you have already paid attention to our bidding system. We believe that this type of choice of writers is innovative and the most correct. Let’s be honest: you probably want to hire the most professional writer. But classic writing services have no more than 10-50 writers. At the same time, we are ready to provide you with hundreds of experts who are well-versed in the nuances of many studies and topics.

In other words, we give you the chance to make the right choice. The number of our experts is so large that you do not have to worry about diversity. At the same time, all the guys on our team can surprise you with the results. We are so confident in our writers that we are ready for free revisions and a money-back guarantee if something goes wrong. However, you have nothing to worry about. We always comply with the required level of quality so that nothing threatens you.

We are pleased to realize that we are ready to satisfy students’ requests. It will not be difficult for us to listen to you and take your order. From now on, your problems will disappear like a bad dream. Let us handle your assignments. You will see how delegating papers can positively impact your life. That is why you should not hesitate! Contact us, and you will see how things change for the better.

Get Help From Top-Rated Writers

Students’ world is too complex to cope with all the difficulties alone. That is why there is nothing shameful in delegating your papers to someone else sometimes. But why is this solution ideal? You are not a Terminator and can hardly spend all the time at the computer in search of relevant information. You will need at least some time to rest and do your daily activities.

That is why our company decided to help students. Young people should enjoy life and not spend time perfecting their writing skills. Sometimes delegation is the best procedure you can use on the web. You should look at new opportunities and become part of the modern web community.

Why Do Students Need to Contact Us Right Now?

Surely you are tired of last-minute requirements and know how difficult it is to craft even simple essays, especially when you are not ready for such a step. But you don’t need to worry; we are here to help. Tell us, “write my paper”! We get to work immediately, so you don’t have to worry about the results. The main advantage of our company is the ability to organize the writing process within a couple of minutes! Most people have no idea how quickly we can get to work.

That is why you should not hesitate. Your academic opportunities have never been so advanced! You can get help quickly as we have been able to automate many functions and put together a team of professionals that will give you an academic edge over others. But let’s start with the most important aspects so you can understand all your perspectives.

Bidding System: The Best Solution for Students

Let’s say you want to use the “pay someone to write my essay” option. Such a desire is logical, given that students should not experience stress. Academic life should bring you the knowledge and positive emotions, not depression. That is why you decided to choose a bidding system for our company. But what is the advantage of such a solution? The fact is that such a system allowed us to expand the team of writers to several hundred people.

Our essay writing service can meet the needs of hundreds of people a day, which is a great result. In addition, we are more flexible when delegating tricky topics. Therefore, you can trust us and count on whether any of your papers will be written at the highest level. That is why we have spent so much time recruiting new members for our team.

Ordering Details

Let’s discuss the details you need to know to place an order on our website. To get started, you should go through a quick registration procedure. Follow the instructions, and you will complete this step in a minute. Next, you need to move on to the assignment-type selection procedure. Specify the number of pages, academic level, deadlines, and other nuances. You should also attach instructions so writers can understand all the aspects that are relevant to you.

The next step is choosing an expert to handle your paper. Look at all the offers and choose the writer you like the most. We guarantee that our company has a huge number of experts who know how to help you with your paper. Once you have selected a writer, you can delegate all your assignments and proceed with the payment process. Again, choose the transactional method you like best.

The Ideal Solution for the Academic Community

urely you will not deny that the ability to delegate papers is brilliant! In addition, we provide flexible conditions for everyone tired of the daily routine and wants to take a break. Trust us and write, “Do my essay, guys!” You will no longer have to worry about details because we will get to work. Consider that we are your patrons in the academic world, and now nothing threatens you.

You are unlikely to be disappointed with the quality of our work, so do not hesitate. The benefits are obvious, and you can stand out from the crowd. But the most important point is the chance to surprise your professor. We spend a lot of time polishing all the papers, so any college or university representative will be surprised.

Do not forget that the academic community appreciates punctuality, quality, and adherence to all instructions. We are ready to give you what you are looking for so you don’t have to feel stressed anymore. Moreover, we will allow you to relax and abstract from the academic routine. Now you have more time to do your daily activities.

Essay Writing Service: Options That Are Worth Your Attention

Many students are unaware that their lives can change once they open their hearts to new options. You don’t have to craft each paper yourself; we can help you. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Imagine that you need to write an important essay or research paper. Surely you want to solve such problems quickly and radically.

You should contact our company for help because we know how to help you, unlike many other writing services. We offer services that most closely match all your wishes. Moreover, we know how to integrate all your instructions into each paragraph to satisfy your professor. That is why you should pay attention to the options that we offer you in the first place. Here are the services you can count on.

  • Writing from scratch;
  • Proofreading;
  • Problem-solving;
  • Rewriting & paraphrasing;
  • Multiple choice questions.

As you can see, our site is a place with the best paper writers for hire. By the way, we are ready to write any paper from scratch. Also, we will add any nuances or exploratory details you want to see. We need to meet all your parameters to be as accurate and clear as possible in our wording. And we are ready to edit your samples, especially if you are unsure about the final quality. Moreover, we know how to analyze each paragraph and find inconsistencies with the original instructions. For each writer who collaborates with us, we can examine in detail all the parameters you have added to your draft and change those nuances that do not seem right enough.

That is why you can trust each of our writers and us. We are happy to give you access to many writers who can improve your essay or any other type of paper. We also guarantee you the possibility of ordering rewriting services. Now you don’t have to worry about any of your wording or certain academic nuances being inaccurate. We also guarantee that you do not have to spend time analyzing certain parameters and looking for incorrect wording. We are ready to eliminate all typos and spelling errors. Thanks to us, your essay or any other type of assignment will look perfect; this is our company’s mission.

Main Reasons to Choose Us

And now, let’s talk about the nuances that deserve your attention. We are a company that is extremely careful in choosing writers. That is why we guarantee that all the above options and services will be available to you anytime. Moreover, we guarantee the possibility of adapting any instructions to your requirements. That is why you don’t have to worry about something going wrong. By the way, we guarantee polished paragraphs, so you don’t have to worry that some nuances will not be considered

And don’t forget that our writing service is careful about selecting writers, so we guarantee you the absence of any force majeure. And our team is zealous about compliance with all the conditions of the order, so you get what you expect.

One of the main advantages of our writing service is the thoroughness of our experts and the desire to create the best paragraphs. We are happy when students choose our services because we are industry leaders. However, we need to meet your expectations, so we are constantly expanding the list of services that you can use. It is your love and support that motivates us to create services that are worthy of any academic community.

Surely you understand that compliance with certain academic rules is extremely important for you and your professor. That is why you need to contact us in time because we know how to ensure that you get your professor’s approval. The fact is that we are extremely conscientious in matters relating to professional assistance. Moreover, we try to meet all the needs of students by expanding services and providing additional options for those who need to achieve the maximum result. So you can afford to hire an expert essay writer.

Can I Count On Original Papers?

Original papers are very important for students and the entire academic community. The fact is that no one likes both plagiarism and copying other people’s ideas. But our writers work differently. Instead of copying someone else’s quotes or research results, WE conduct an in-depth analysis of your topic. We also use articles from academic journals and books to supplement our research. Instead of copying facts, we interpret information and collect the most important nuances to confirm your hypotheses or specific instructions.

This approach allows us to create papers from scratch AND maintain a high level of originality. Your professor will never know that you ordered a paper from our website. And don’t forget that we guarantee the anonymity of every student. You can safely order any papers, and no one will know. As you can see, this option will positively affect your anonymity and final grade.

Don’t forget that you can upload all your detailed instructions as a document to our website. All of our writers will be happy to see all the important nuances they need to follow during the writing process. We also offer to choose any paper size you need and additional settings. Each writer can handle your wishes, especially if you detail all the parameters that are critical to you. As you can see, we are ready for individual orders and are not afraid of even the most difficult conditions. Our writers are true professionals, and it is not a problem for them to adapt to your requirements.

Free Revisions

One of the important parameters that we provide to each student is free revisions. The fact is that our writers are professional enough to create perfect papers that do not require editing. At the same time, we understand that all students want the extra assurance that they can qualify for higher grades. That is why each of our writers can make certain changes if necessary. Therefore, consider this option as an additional guarantee that you will receive the polished paper.

Hire a Professional Essay Writer!

The academic process can be quite challenging for beginners. That is why third-party support is so important for many students. Our writing service offers unique writing and editing services for various academic papers. Based on this fact, you do not have to worry about the fact that something can go wrong. But first, you need to understand how our website works. Let’s start by listing the steps you need to take to get your paper.

  • Visit the website and create an account;
  • Select all paper details;
  • Attach your instructions;
  • Choose a writer;
  • Pay for essays (or other papers);
  • Wait for the results.

As you can see, all the steps are quite simple, and you do not have to spend much time. Let’s start so that you can understand the whole algorithm of your activities. First, you need to create an account on our website. Then, use your email to create a profile. After that, you can proceed to the section with ordering your paper. Select the assignment type, number of pages, your academic level, and any additional options that are important to you. We also highly recommend downloading a file with instructions to help your chosen writer handle your papers. Be careful and include all important details.

Once you’ve completed the checkout and added instructions, you’ll be taken to the writer selection screen. Please note that our writer selection system allows you to select any expert that suits your requirements. Click on the icon with the writer you like the most. Also, you can see the price you have to pay for your paper in advance. You can confirm the order and proceed to payment if you are satisfied with all the conditions. Once all the formalities are completed, you will have to wait until your paper is completed. As a rule, all our qualified essay writers meet deadlines, so you don’t have to worry about anything.

Crucial Things to Remember!

As you can see, you only need to place an order and pick the most suitable expert. You don’t even have to spend much time, as the automatic selection system can do all the work for you. At the same time, you can open a list of all available writers and select someone manually. We offer freedom of choice so all students can use both options. You can also contact our support agents and say, “I want to pay someone to write my paper”. As you can see, you have many options to solve your problem. And you don’t have to worry. In any case, we will help you solve your problem. So you can count on well-written papers.

Is It That Simple and Safe?

For many first-year students, ordering papers can be quite shocking. But is it that simple and easy? Fortunately, this is true because we decided not to complicate choosing writers. Moreover, we understand that many students value their own time and do not want to spend a lot of effort trying to understand the nuances of the order of each writing service. And we are concerned that you can save time and do the things that are relevant to you at the moment. So let us do our job, and don’t be afraid. All you have to do is spend a couple of minutes delegating your assignments. After that, all your academic problems will become ours, and we will help you deal with all the nuances of writing.

Our bidding system might scare some freshmen, but you have nothing to worry about. We guarantee a high level of quality for every student, which is why we offer you free audits and a money-back guarantee. Whatever happens, we will be at your side and consider each case individually. And that is why you can count on meeting deadlines and originality. In addition, we are always open to your questions so that you can consult with our support agents. Do not be afraid to ask about certain nuances that are not clear to you. We are always ready to answer your questions and suggest any additional options.

Systematization Is the Key to Success

Our company believes systematization is the best solution for the modern academic community. That is why we have created clear rules for ordering and writing papers. This process is the most responsible for us, and we do not want to let you down. That is why we adhere to the rules that allow us to work effectively in the academic market for quite a long time. As you can see, you can trust us and not be afraid of delegating papers. In any case, we will cope with the task, no matter how complicated the instructions are.

Thanks to automation and many writers, we know what to do with your papers and will not let you down. As you can see, we have systematized everything that could cause you any questions. This approach is caused by the desire to help each student reduce the duration of the delegation of papers. Now you only need a few clicks to solve your academic problems. Moreover, we are ready to assist you and suggest certain nuances. Do not be afraid to ask support agents questions, as their task is to make your academic life easier.

Surely you have already seen the rating of each of our writers and the number of completed orders. These parameters will help you choose the expert who will surely cope with all your instructions. We have created a format for displaying information so that beginners are not afraid to trust experienced experts. We select our team those writers who can cope with any task and are not afraid to take responsibility. As you can see, we carefully approach the issue of selecting professionals in order not to let you down. This approach allows you to click on any icon and expect that your chosen expert will justify your trust.

Maybe this isn’t right for you?

We get it, we all have doubts. Talk to our expert to have it all figured out. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority.


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    In summary, the money market is a vital part of the financial system. It helps people and organizations with their short-term money needs and keeps the economy running smoothly. Even though it might sound complex, it's just about borrowing and lending money for a little while. 500 Words Essay on Money Market What is the Money Market?

  3. Money Market

    Here are the main functions of the money market: 1. Financing Trade. The money market provides financing to local and international traders who are in urgent need of short-term funds. It provides a facility to discount bills of exchange, and this provides immediate financing to pay for goods and services. International traders benefit from the ...

  4. Money market

    The money market is a component of the economy that provides short-term funds. The money market deals in short-term loans, generally for a period of a year or less. As short-term securities became a commodity, the money market became a component of the financial market for assets involved in short-term borrowing, lending, buying and selling with original maturities of one year or less.

  5. Money Market vs. Capital Market: What's the Difference?

    The money market deals in short-term debt instruments, typically on a timeline of one year or less. It's where governments, banks, and large corporations go to manage their immediate cash needs.

  6. Getting to Know the Money Market

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  8. (PDF) Money Markets

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    The Money Market, as a crucial segment of the financial market, is integral for managing liquidity and funding short-term obligations for banks, governments, and corporations.Understanding its dynamics is essential for developing a grasp of the Indian Financial System. This article of NEXT IAS aims to study in detail the Money Market, including its meaning, structure, major instruments, roles ...

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  11. How Money Markets Operate?

    The money market is not limited to physical currency trading but it also encompasses trade in other short-term instruments that are either sold in wholesale or retail terms. For example, in most countries money market occur in terms of commercial papers and treasury bills among other non-currency tools.

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  16. Money Market Essay Example For FREE

    Check out this FREE essay on Money Market ️ and use it to write your own unique paper. New York Essays - database with more than 65.000 college essays for A+ grades

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    Role of Government. Money Markets are a significant source of funding state and local governments for public projects such as airports, bridges, road, water and sewage. Credit Institution. Credit institutions use the money market funds as cash management tools that provide a high degree of liquidity and stability at a low cost.

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    13. know who in the money market is in need of quickly available funds, and who has money to lend (although much less is heard now of this function than in earlier times); 6. Federal Reserve Banks. There is no clean-cut separation of functions among all these various types of organizations.

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    1. Essay on the Structure of Indian Money Market: The Indian money market cannot be considered as an integrated unit. It can be broadly divided into two different parts, i.e., the unorganised and organised segments. There are lot of differences between unorganised and organised segment of Indian money market.

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    500+ Words Essay on Money. Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today's world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it.

  22. Money Market Funds: What They Are, How They Work, Pros and Cons

    A money market fund is a type of mutual fund that invests in high-quality, short-term debt instruments and cash equivalents. ... These include white papers, government data, original reporting ...

  23. Personal Essay Writer at $8/page

    And resently, I came across essay market. Now I have much fewer problems with my study. Jan 12, 2023. David M. I like their prices. They completely suit students and let them get quality work for an affordable price. Jan 12, 2023. ... We reserve the money till the writer releases the final version of the paper.