how do you write a video title in an essay

How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay or Article

how do you write a video title in an essay

When you're writing a paper or article in school or at work, you may be in a situation where you need to write a movie title in your writing. But how should you format them? Should you use italics? Or quotation marks? Or maybe both? Or neither…

The first thing to note is that the rules will be different depending on whether you’re writing an article or an essay. In this guide, we'll explain how to write one in an essay or article so that your writing looks professional and polished. Refer to the relevant section, depending on the piece you are creating. 

The main things to know are:

  • If you are writing a movie title in an article, the format you use is up to you (or the company you work for). Pick a format and stick to it.
  • If you are writing a movie title in an essay, then you should follow your university's or employer's referencing style guidelines. 

Read on for suggestions of different formats for articles, and more in-depth guidance around different university referencing styles.

How to Write a Movie Title in an Article 

Let's begin by exploring why you need a specific format, and examining some key principles and rules around writing a movie title in an article.

Why You Need a Specific Format 

So picture this. You’re writing an article and want to refer to a particular movie - perhaps to illustrate a point, or maybe you’re critiquing it. But you’re unsure how to format it. You don’t want to be marked down for formatting it incorrectly, so you consider leaving it out to avoid the trouble. Not on our watch!

But hold on a sec! Why should you even worry about this? Why do movie titles need to be formatted correctly anyway? Well, it’s simple really. If you don’t differentiate the title from the rest of the text, your readers might not understand you’re referring to a movie title. Imagine, for instance, that you wrote:

I finally got around to watching three billboards outside ebbing missouri.

Can we agree this sentence doesn’t make any sense? With this punctuation (i.e. none) your reader may well believe that you headed out into the night and found a couple of billboards to look at for some time. 

So do you see why it’s important to have some kind of format for writing movie titles? 

Key Principles and Rules

Now here’s the tricky bit: with articles, there’s no hard and fast rule on how to format a movie title in your writing. There are many different options and any of them would be acceptable to use in an article you’re going to publish online or physically. 

So what to do?

Our first advice is to check in with your editor/head of copywriting / your point of reference at the company you work at. They will most likely have a specific format they like to use and will be able to share that with you.

That’s if you are writing for a company.

If you’re self-publishing, say, for example, on your website or, then you’re the boss, friend. The conventions you use are completely up to you. 

But here are a few key principles and rules:

  • Common conventions are to use italics or quotations marks
  • Choose one format and stick with it - not only throughout the article but in everything you write
  • Keep an eye out for the correct spelling of the movie. For example, don’t forget the comma in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. 
  • Title case is a great way to further demarcate the movie title from the rest of the text to make it abundantly clear that it’s a movie title.

How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay 

Now let's turn our attention towards writing a movie title in an essay.

New scenario. You’re writing an essay for your college or university course. Perhaps you’re using the movie as an example, or maybe you’re critiquing it.

But you don’t want to be marked down for getting it wrong, so you consider avoiding mentioning it altogether. But that would be a shame! Let us help you. 

Here are some general rules to get you started:

  • Follow the rules of your school’s academic writing style (APA, MLA, AP, or Chicago.)
  • Use title case
  • Use italics or quotation marks (depending on the writing style)

Academic Referencing Styles

There are different academic referencing/writing styles in the English language, and these vary depending on the education establishment. Different styles have different rules that govern the way that you might write, punctuate and cite within your essay.

The four most common styles are Associated Press (AP), Chicago, American Psychological Association (APA), and Modern Language Association (MLA).

Of course, there are many more than just four in existence, but these are the prevalent ones. 

But why are there so many different writing styles, we hear you ask? Quite simply, this is to cater to different fields. For instance, the scientific sector places a lot of importance on using recent research, hence the APA style places the date before anything. Humanities tend to use the MLA style which places the author's name first. 

Write a Movie Title in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles

Luckily, the APA, MLA, and Chicago styles all use the same format for movie titles, so it’ll be easy to remember.

These styles all require that you place the movie title in italics. Here are some examples:

  • Saving Private Ryan
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 

Do not use any quotation marks! This is not necessary and will be considered incorrect.

You’ll also notice that the title is written in the title case. This means you capitalize certain words in the title. More on that in the next section.

Write a Movie Title in AP style

The AP style is the exception here since it does not use italics to format movie titles. Instead, you’re required to use quotation marks. Let’s use the same examples as above, to make the difference clear:

  • “Kill Bill”
  • “Saving Private Ryan”
  • “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King”

Again, here, remember to use title case. 

Write a Movie Title in Title Case

Using title case means that you capitalize certain words in the title. But depending on the writing style you’re using, there are different rules on which words need capitalizing and which ones don't. Mostly, they disagree on whether or not to capitalize minor words.

Read on to find out the rules for each style, to ensure you’re writing it correctly. 

Note that if you’re writing an article, this will again depend on the rules that the company you work for is using, or if you’re writing for your own business, then you can make your own rules. Remember to pick a structure and stick to it. Consistency is key!

  • Capitalize the major words.
  • Lowercase the articles the, a, and an.
  • Capitalize the ‘to’ in an infinitive (e.g., I Want To Eat Cake)
  • Capitalize the first and last words (overrides other rules)
  • Capitalize all words of four letters or more (overrides other rules)
  • Lowercase the second word after a hyphenated prefix

Chicago Style

  • Lowercase articles, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions
  • Lowercase the second part of Latin species names.
  • Lowercase articles, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions.
  • Do NOT capitalize ‘to’ in infinitives (e.g., I Want to Eat Cake).

As you can see, all four styles share some common rules but are different in certain small details. 

Incorrect ways to write a movie title

Here are some examples of incorrect ways to write a movie title:

  • Saving private ryan
  • Eternal SUNSHINE of a Spotless Mind
  • “Shawshank Redemption”
  • One Flew Over the cuckoo’s Nest

Can you figure out what is wrong with each of these examples? We’ll give you a clue! It has to do with incorrect usage of title cases, block capitals and quotation marks.

A note on reference lists

We just wanted to include a little note here to remind you that when citing a movie in your essay, you should include it in your reference list, or bibliography, depending on the academic writing style you are using. 

Again, the structure of your reference list will vary depending on whether you’re writing in APA, AP, MLA or Chicago, and you can find guidance on this in an official manual for the style (or online).

Other Points of Interest

There are some other things you might be interested in knowing that are related to the topic of how to write a movie title in an essay or article, so we’re detailing those below.

How to write a quote from a movie

So you’ve successfully referenced a movie using the rules outlined above. Now you’d like to quote a line from the movie. Which conventions should you use for this? 

For this, you would use quotation marks. For instance, if you want to quote this famous line from the movie Star Wars , you would write: “May the force be with you.”

Remember that if you’re writing an essay, you might need to also include the reference in your in-text citation. Let us show you a full example of what this would look like:

History was made when General Dodonna said “May the force be with you.” in the iconic movie Star Wars (Lucas, 1977).

How to write the name of an episode of a TV show 

If you wanted to cite a TV series, you would follow the same rules as those for citing a movie - as outlined above. But what if you also wanted to include the name of the episode you’re referring to? 

Similarly to inserting a direct quote from a movie, in this case, we recommend using quotation marks. For example:

Friends , “The One Where Everybody Finds Out.”

If writing an essay, please refer to your academic writing style’s guide to learn about conventions around formatting and using title case.

Where does the word ‘movie’ come from?

Dating back as far as the early 1900s, the word ‘movie’ stems from the term ‘moving picture’.

Before they could be projected onto a screen for wider viewing, the first movies could only be seen by one person at a time, using an Electrotachyscope, Kinetoscope, or Mutoscope.

And there we have it! We hope that this article has helped you better understand the conventions around writing a movie title in your essay or article, so you can feel confident about handing in your essay or turning in your article to your line manager.

To summarize, when you’re writing an article, the rules are pretty much up to you if writing for your own business, or your manager if writing for another company. Check-in with them to find out which conventions are already in place.

If writing an essay, then you should always use the structure set out in the academic writing style’s manual. Find out first of all which style you are expected to use. 

Now that that's done, it's time to get writing! 

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How to Format Movie Titles in Academic Writings

  • by Lesley V.
  • October 26, 2023

How to write a movie title in an essay?

Students, especially those in Arts, often refer to films or movie series in their papers. The formatting rules here are easy to remember. But:

They vary a bit, depending on the citation style you use.

In this post, I’ve gathered the guidelines for citing movie titles in five primary formats. Examples included, for you to compare and remember everything better.

How to Write Movie Titles in Essays

Are movie titles italicized?

It’s the most frequent question students ask when looking for this information online. Indeed, most citation formats prescribe italicizing. Other general rules include:

  • Uppercase for subtitles
  • Extra short movie names (like “It” ) may also go in quotations
  • When using quotation marks (AP style), put punctuation inside them

Below are the details on how to format movie titles in essays and reference lists correctly.

Writing Film Titles in Different Citation Styles

AP“Title Case for Main Words”“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”

For APA style (1):

  • Uppercase all four-letter words and above
  • Uppercase the first and the last word of a movie title, even if they are short articles (a, the) or pronouns (in, at, etc.)
  • Italicize the entire name

For MLA format (2):

  • Uppercase movie titles and subtitles
  • Use capital letters for both parts of hyphenated words
  • No uppercase for articles (a, the) and short conjunctions within the movie name
  • Italicize the entire movie title

For Chicago style:

  • Uppercase all main words
  • Lowercase short conjunctions (below four letters) within the movie title
  • Uppercase prepositions, regardless of their length

For AP citation style:

  • Lowercase articles (a, the) and prepositions/conjunctions that are shorter than four letters
  • Uppercase articles and prepositions/conjunctions in the beginning/end of the title
  • No italics; put movie names in quotation marks

For Harvard style:

  • Uppercase all primary words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.)
  • Lowercase articles and prepositions/conjunctions (below four letters) within the movie title

How to Capitalize Movies in Papers

When writing a film name in a sentence, capitalize every word except for:

  • Articles (a, an, the) within the movie title
  • Short (below four letters) prepositions and conjunctions within the title

If a movie name begins with the above, use uppercase. Also, write long prepositions/conjunctions (moreover, although, etc.) with a capital letter. For example:

In “The Boy and the Heron,” a heartwarming tale unfolds as young Thomas befriends a majestic heron, forging an unbreakable bond.In , a chilling horror film, Freddy Krueger haunts viewers, terrorizing teenagers in their dreams.

Italics vs. Quotations vs. Underlines

Most citation styles, except AP, prescribe italicization for movies and film series titles. When writing in AP, use quotation marks.

Quotes are also possible to use if you mention super short movie names like “It” or “M.” You italicize them in APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Underlines are for handwritten essays. When written by hand, you can’t italicize, huh? Use underlining instead to highlight a movie title somehow.

How to Format Punctuation in Movie Titles

If punctuation is a part of a film name, place it inside quotation marks or italicize it.

For example:

Writing Movie Titles in Reference Lists

APADirector Last name, Initials. (Director). (Year). [Film]. Studio.Nolan, Ch. (Director). (2023). [Film]. Syncopy Inc.
MLA . Directed by First name Last name, Performances by 3 main actors’ First name Last name, Studio, Year. Directed by Christopher Nolan, Performances by Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, and Matt Damon, Syncopy Inc., 2023.
ChicagoDirector Last name, First name, director. . Production Company or Distributor, Year. Movie length. URL.Nolan, Christopher, director. . Universal Pictures, 2023. 181 min.
Harvard (Year). Directed by Full name. Place of production: Production company. . (2023). Directed by Christopher Nolan. USA: Syncopy Inc.

Do You Italicize Movie Titles?

Here they go, the rules on formatting movie titles in essays. Now that you know how to write a movie title in an essay properly, the only detail remains:

Check the formatting guidelines before writing. What citation style does an educator or editor ask you to follow? If none assigned, choose one and stick to it for consistency.



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How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay: Expert Tips for Students

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How to Write a Movie Title in an Essay

Often, in order to get your argument across, you can make a better impression by referencing a movie. Or, perhaps, you were tasked to write a review after analyzing a certain film? Well, if so, then you’ve probably asked yourself how to write a movie title – and this guide will answer the question once and for all. From regular movie quotes to special cases, below you can find the tips necessary for referencing that will make your paper look even more polished.

Are Movie Titles Italicized?

First things first, let's talk about italics. When you're writing an essay and you want to mention a movie title, the general rule is to italicize it. Italics make the title stand out and show that it’s the name of a movie. For example:

  • Interstellar explores the depths of space and human emotion.
  • Parasite is a thrilling commentary on class disparity.

By italicizing them, you clearly indicate that you are talking about a movie. This rule applies to all full-length movie titles since they are the most popular in student works, so don’t forget it.

How to Write Movie Titles in Quotes

Now, what if you’re mentioning a short film or a part of a larger collection? 

In that case, you should use quotes instead of italics. This helps differentiate shorter works from full-length movies, especially when you are talking about several bodies of work and need to reference them. For instance:

  • “Paperman” is a delightful short film about a chance meeting and a paper airplane.
  • “Sanjay's Super Team” explores the balance between modern culture and traditional values.

Using quotes for short films, TV episodes, or segments within a larger work keeps things clear and organized – and that’s exactly what you want to see in an academic paper.

Different Cases When Writing Movie Titles

Okay, now that the basic stuff is out of the way – what if the film you want to reference isn’t that simple? If you have a nitpicky professor, surely they would want to see proper formatting, if the film is foreign, re-released, or has several directors? Well, below you can find the most common cases (other than regular films) that might come up when writing your essay.


When writing movie titles, always capitalize the major words. This includes the first and last words of the title, as well as all principal words in between. Articles (like "the," "a," and "an"), prepositions (like "in," "on," "with"), and conjunctions (like "and," "but," "or") are not capitalized unless they are the first or last word in the title.

Example : The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Reference Page Entries

When listing movies on a reference page, you’ll need to follow a specific format. For example, in APA style, you would write:

Example : Nolan, C. (Director). (2014). Interstellar [Film]. Paramount Pictures.

Always check the citation style you’re using (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) as they have slightly different rules.

In-Text Citations

For in-text citations, you’ll include the director’s name and the year the movie was released. For example:

Example : (Nolan, 2014) or (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999)

This helps readers find the full citation in your reference list.

Multiple Directors

When a movie has multiple directors, include all their last names in the citation. For example, for The Matrix :

Example : (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999)

Special Editions and Re-Releases

If you’re referring to a special edition or re-release of a film, make sure to mention the version you’re talking about. For example:

Example : Blade Runner: The Final Cut is often considered the definitive version of the film.

Foreign Language Films

When writing about foreign language films, include the original title and its English translation in parentheses if the translation is not well-known. For example:

Example : Amélie (original title: Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain )

So, as you can see, there is a way to mention a movie no matter how many hidden details there are – you just have to pay attention (and maybe take a peek at this guide once again, just to remember).

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By imagineHarry from Sketchify.

Adding Your Personal Touch

Adding your personal touch to your essay can make it more engaging. You can include your thoughts or experiences related to the movie. For instance, if Finding Nemo made you fall in love with the ocean, share that! Personal anecdotes can make your writing stand out and resonate with your readers.

The goal is to reflect, to discuss, to create something new; there is no need to state the obvious. When mentioning a movie in your work, don’t just give the main plot and say “how greatly the characters impacted you.” It can be extremely hard to get inspired, but more often than not professors want to see your own thoughts and reactions – maybe you can be the next person to take a new look at an old film and see something that was never seen before? Just give it some time to brew and you will surely deliver a great essay.

Most Popular Movie Titles Referenced in Student Essays

Sometimes students are given an assignment, but don’t know which film to talk about. Here's a list of some popular movie titles with several plot lines and themes, so you can choose the one you want to talk about. These can serve as inspiration for your essays:

Movie Title

Short Description

A gritty and realistic take on Batman's fight against the Joker in Gotham City.

The life journey of a man with a kind heart and a unique perspective on history.

The story behind the creation of Facebook and the controversies surrounding its founders.

An animated tale of a young lion cub's journey to reclaim his kingdom.

A powerful depiction of the Holocaust and one man's mission to save lives.

Dinosaurs are brought back to life in a modern theme park, leading to unexpected chaos.

Marvel superheroes team up to save the world from a powerful threat.

An animated adventure of a young girl navigating a magical and mysterious world.

A teenager travels through time in a DeLorean, experiencing past and future adventures.

A touching story of a man's struggle to achieve his dreams and provide for his son.

These movies offer rich themes, compelling characters, and memorable stories that can be analyzed from many angles. However, this list isn’t limited, obviously.

Final Thoughts

Writing movie titles in an essay might seem tricky at first, but with these tips, you’ll be a pro in no time. Remember to italicize full-length movies, use quotes for short films, capitalize correctly, and follow the specific citation style your teacher or professor prefers. And don’t be afraid to dig deep and share your personal insight to make your essay unique and engaging.

How do you put movie titles in an essay?

When writing an essay, you should italicize the titles of full-length movies to make them stand out. For example, you would write The Dark Knight . This applies to all major works such as books, movies, and TV shows. Short films and parts of a larger work should be placed in quotes.

How to put a movie title in an essay APA?

In APA style, you should italicize the titles of full-length movies. For example, you would write Interstellar . Additionally, include the director’s name and the year of release in your reference list like this: Nolan, C. (Director). (2014). Interstellar [Film]. Paramount Pictures.

How do I refer to a film in an essay?

To refer to a film in an essay, italicize the title if it is a full-length movie, for instance, Schindler’s List . Mention the director and the release year in your text or citations. For example, you could write, “Spielberg’s Schindler’s List (1993) is a powerful film about the Holocaust.”

Is movie title in quotes?

Movie titles are not placed in quotes if they are full-length films; instead, they should be italicized. For example, you would write Jurassic Park . However, if you are referring to a short film or an episode of a TV series, you should use quotes, such as “The Red Balloon.”

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How to Format Movie Titles in Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

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How to Format Movie Titles in Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

Formatting Movie Titles in Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

– understanding the importance of formatting movie titles, – capitalization rules for movie titles, – italics or quotation marks: choosing the right format, – correctly formatting movie titles in essays and research papers, – formatting movie titles in screenplays and scripts, – handling foreign-language movie titles, – how to format movie titles in social media and blog posts, – additional tips and guidelines for formatting movie titles, frequently asked questions.

When it comes to writing about movies, it’s essential to know the proper formatting for movie titles. Correctly formatting movie titles not only ensures consistency and professionalism in your writing, but also shows respect for the creative works you’re discussing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential rules and conventions for formatting movie titles.

1. Capitalization and punctuation: – In general, capitalize the principal words of the movie title. – Use italics to format movie titles, unless you’re writing by hand or on a platform without italics capability. – Don’t place a period at the end of a movie title, even when the title itself is a complete sentence.

2. Styling specific movie types: – For feature films, documentaries, and TV series, capitalize the first and last word of the title, as well as any other principal words. – Denote a series or franchise by including the series name or number in italics after the movie title, separated by a comma. – When discussing a specific episode of a TV series, put the episode title in quotation marks instead of italics. Examples: “The One Where They All Turn Thirty,” Friends; “The Winds of Winter,” Game of Thrones.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to confidently format movie titles in your writing, whether it be for blog posts, essays, or academic papers. Remember, accurate formatting not only enhances the readability of your work, but also displays your adeptness as a skilled writer.

- Understanding the Importance of Formatting Movie Titles

Formatting movie titles correctly is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it enhances the overall professionalism and aesthetic appeal of any written or digital content. Properly formatted movie titles demonstrate attention to detail and respect for the art of filmmaking. Whether you’re writing a review, creating a poster, or citing sources in an academic paper, applying the appropriate formatting to movie titles stands as a testament to your meticulousness and expertise.

Secondly, consistent and accurate formatting ensures clarity and avoids confusion for readers or viewers. By adhering to the correct formatting guidelines, you enable people to easily identify and locate the movies you’re referring to. This is particularly important in an era where countless films are released each year across various platforms. Consistency also helps maintain the integrity of databases, libraries, and online streaming platforms, enabling users to easily search, sort, and access movie titles without any ambiguity or mix-ups.

- Capitalization Rules for Movie Titles

Capitalization Rules for Movie Titles

When it comes to capitalizing movie titles , following the correct rules can make a significant difference in your writing. Here are some guidelines to help you get it right:

– Always capitalize the first and last word of the title, regardless of their parts of speech. For example, “The Lord of the Rings” and “Gone with the Wind.” – Capitalize all principal words in the title, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Skip articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, but, or), and prepositions (in, on, at) unless they are the first or last word in the title. For instance, “Singin’ in the Rain” and “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.” – Capitalize any other words that are typically capitalized, such as proper nouns and proper adjectives. Notable examples include names of specific people, places, or brands within the title. For example, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” and “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.”

- Italics or Quotation Marks: Choosing the Right Format

When it comes to emphasizing words or phrases in your writing, two common options are italics and quotation marks. These formatting choices can add clarity and emphasis to your text, making it easier for readers to understand your intended meaning. However, deciding between the two can sometimes be a daunting task. Let’s delve into the differences and help you choose the right format for your needs.

Italics are typically used to emphasize words or phrases by shifting the font style to a slanted position. Italicized text stands out as it appears slightly different from the surrounding text. You can use italics in various scenarios, such as:

1. Titles of works: Italicize book titles, newspaper or magazine titles, movie or song titles, or even the titles of TV shows to help them stand out. 2. Foreign words or phrases: Italics can be used when incorporating non-English words or phrases to indicate that they are not part of the native language. 3. Introducing new terms: If you introduce a new technical or scientific term, you can italicize it to draw attention and let readers know it’s something they should pay attention to.

On the other hand, quotation marks are punctuation marks used to enclose quoted or spoken language within a text. They are useful in various situations, such as:

1. Direct quotations: When directly quoting someone’s words, enclose them in quotation marks to indicate that the words are not your own. 2. Words used in a special way: Quotation marks can be used to highlight words used in an ironic or sarcastic sense or when discussing the definition or meaning of a specific word. 3. Titles of shorter works: Unlike italics, quotation marks are used to identify shorter works, such as chapters, articles, or short stories, within a larger body of work.

Overall, the decision to use italics or quotation marks depends on the specific context and purpose of your writing. Both formats have their own significance and can be powerful tools in effective communication. Taking a moment to consider the most suitable option for each situation will ensure that your words are formatted in a way that resonates with your readers.

When it comes to correctly formatting movie titles in your essays and research papers, it is important to follow specific guidelines to ensure clarity and consistency. Here are a few tips to help you appropriately format movie titles:

1. Capitalization: The first and last words of the title should always be capitalized, regardless of their part of speech (e.g., nouns, pronouns, verbs). Additionally, all major words in the title should be capitalized. However, minor words such as articles (e.g., a, an, the), conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or), and prepositions (e.g., of, in, on) should be lowercase unless they are the first or last word of the title.

2. Formatting Dialogue: When referencing movie titles that include dialogue, it is important to properly format the dialogue. Enclose the dialogue in double quotation marks and use single quotation marks within the dialogue for any relevant quotes or references. This helps distinguish the dialogue from the rest of the title and ensures clarity for the readers.

Remember, correct formatting of movie titles not only enhances the overall presentation of your essay or research paper but also shows your attention to detail. By following these guidelines, you will create a polished and professional document that adheres to proper formatting standards.

When it comes to formatting movie titles in screenplays and scripts, it’s important to follow certain conventions to ensure clarity and professionalism. Here are some guidelines to help you correctly format movie titles in your writing:

1. Capitalization: Movie titles should be capitalized, including all major words. This applies to both the main title and any subtitles. For example, “The Dark Knight Rises” or “Avengers: Endgame.”

2. Italicize or Underline: Movie titles should be italicized or underlined to distinguish them from the rest of the text. This helps make them stand out and easily identifiable to readers.

3. Quotation Marks: If you’re writing a screenplay or script that is referencing a specific scene or dialogue from a movie, you can use quotation marks around that particular reference. For instance, if a character exclaims, “I’ll be back,” make sure to enclose it in quotation marks to indicate that it’s a direct quote from a movie.

- Handling Foreign-Language Movie Titles

Foreign-language movies often come with intriguing titles that can leave us curious and sometimes confused. But fret not! Here are some tips on how to handle those foreign-language movie titles with ease.

1. Research the literal translation: Often, foreign-language movie titles are translated into English preserving the original meaning. To uncover the essence behind a title, search for its literal translation. For example, the French film “Amélie” translates to “The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain.” Knowing the original translation can give you a clearer understanding of what the movie might be about.

2. Pay attention to cultural significance: Different languages and cultures have unique ways of assigning meaning to words. Some movie titles may have cultural references that may not make sense when directly translated. Keep an open mind and try to grasp the cultural implications associated with a title. For instance, the Spanish film “Volver” means “to return” but carries a deeper connotation of going back to one’s roots or returning to a familiar place.

3. Consider international recognition: Sometimes, foreign-language films gain international fame and decide to keep the original title for marketing purposes. If a title remains unchanged, it’s essential to include the original language to distinguish it. For example, the Japanese film “Ringu” became a global sensation and is commonly referred to as “The Ring” internationally. Including the original language helps connect the film to its origins and allows audiences to identify it correctly.

4. Embrace subtitles: While some foreign-language movie titles are eventually translated into English, many films keep their original titles with English subtitles during screenings. It’s important to remember that embracing subtitles is crucial to fully appreciate the artistry and authenticity of a foreign-language film. Subtitles ensure that language barriers are overcome without altering the essence of the movie.

Handling foreign-language movie titles may seem daunting at first, but with a little research and an open mindset, you can unlock a world of cinematic wonders. From understanding literal translations to recognizing cultural significance, these tips will help you appreciate foreign films in their truest form. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the captivating journey that foreign-language films have to offer.

When it comes to social media and blog posts, it’s essential to know how to properly format movie titles to engage your audience and maintain a professional appearance. Follow these simple guidelines to ensure that your movie titles stand out and capture readers’ attention.

1. Capitalize the principal words: When writing movie titles, capitalize all the principal words, such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. For example, “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.”

2. Use italics: Italicize movie titles to distinguish them from the rest of the text. This helps grab readers’ attention and enhances the aesthetic appeal of your post or article. For instance, “Have you watched the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow ?” or “I was blown away by the cinematography in Inception !”

3. Include quotation marks for shorter works: If you’re referencing a shorter work within a blog post or social media content, such as a short film or an episode from a TV series, use quotation marks. For example, “I highly recommend watching the TV series episode titled ‘The One with the Embryos’ from Friends .”

Remember, consistency is key when formatting movie titles. By applying these guidelines, you’ll elevate the appearance and readability of your blog posts and social media content, allowing your readers to easily identify and engage with the movie titles you mention. Don’t be afraid to showcase your love for cinema through appropriately formatted movie titles – it’s a great way to capture your audience’s attention and fuel conversations about everyone’s favorite films!

When it comes to formatting movie titles, there are a few additional tips and guidelines that can help ensure consistency and professionalism. One important thing to remember is that all movie titles should be formatted in italics. This distinguishes them from regular text and makes them stand out. To format movie titles in HTML, you can use the ` ` tag for italics. For example, if you were referencing “The Shawshank Redemption,” you would write it as ` The Shawshank Redemption `.

Another tip to keep in mind is the correct capitalization of movie titles. In general, the first and last words in a title, as well as all major words, should be capitalized. This includes nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. However, do not capitalize articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or), or prepositions, unless they are the first or last word of the title. For instance, the correct formatting for “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” would be ` The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring `. Keep this capitalization rule in mind to ensure your movie titles are formatted correctly and consistently throughout your work.

Q: What is the correct way to format movie titles in writing? A: When writing about movies, there are specific formatting rules to follow for movie titles. Generally, italicizing movie titles is the preferred format. For example, “Gone with the Wind” or “The Shawshank Redemption” should be italicized. However, if you are unable to use italics, you can capitalize the title instead.

Q: Are there any exceptions to this rule? A: Yes, there are a few exceptions. Short films, like those you would find on YouTube or Vimeo, should be put in quotation marks. For example, “Piper” or “The Present” should be written with quotation marks. Additionally, the titles of movies that are part of a larger body of work, such as a series or trilogy, should be italicized or put in quotation marks, depending on the original format. For instance, “Star Wars: A New Hope” or “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.”

Q: What about titles within the movie, like the names of songs or books? A: If you need to mention a song or book title within your text, those should be formatted the same way as regular book titles, which is to italicize or underline. For example, if you were discussing the movie “La La Land,” you would italicize the song titles like “City of Stars” or “Another Day of Sun.”

Q: Can movie titles also be capitalized without using italics? A: Yes, if you are unable to use italics, another acceptable method is to capitalize the title instead. This is especially useful when writing by hand, such as in handwritten notes or on physical documents. For example, if you were creating a movie poster by hand, you can capitalize the movie title like “AVATAR” or “INCEPTION.”

Q: How should foreign movie titles be formatted? A: Foreign movie titles should be treated the same as English movie titles. If you can use italics, simply italicize titles like “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” or “Amélie.” If italics are not available, you can capitalize the title instead, like “KIKI’S DELIVERY SERVICE” or “PAN’S LABYRINTH.” The key is to maintain consistency throughout your writing.

Q: Are there any other tips to keep in mind when formatting movie titles? A: Yes, it’s important to remember that regardless of the format—italics or capitalization—the title of the movie should always be written exactly as it appears. This means using any punctuation marks, abbreviations, or specific capitalization that were originally used in the title. However, articles like “a,” “an,” or “the” should typically be excluded when alphabetizing movie titles on reference lists.

In conclusion, correctly formatting movie titles ensures clear and professional writing. Whether you’re writing an essay or a screenplay, this guide has provided all the necessary guidelines for consistent and accurate formatting.

Do You Quote Poem Titles When Writing? Creative Writing Tips

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APA Style (7th Edition) Citation Guide: Films/Videos/TV Shows

  • Introduction
  • Journal Articles
  • Magazine/Newspaper Articles
  • Books & Ebooks
  • Government & Legal Documents
  • Biblical Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Films/Videos/TV Shows
  • How to Cite: Other
  • Additional Help

Table of Contents

Film or Video

Streaming Video From a Website (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)

Streaming video from a subscription media website (netflix, amazon prime, hulu, etc.), streaming video from a library database, television series episode.

Note: All citations should be double spaced and have a hanging indent in a Reference List.

A "hanging indent" means that each subsequent line after the first line of your citation should be indented by 0.5 inches.

This Microsoft support page contains instructions about how to format a hanging indent in a paper.

Who to Credit - Film or Video

The director should be credited as the author of a film. If the director is unknown, someone in a similar role, such as a producer and/or writer, can be credited. To clarify what role the person has in the production, their job title such as Director is put after their name in round brackets if the job title is known.

Who to Credit - Streaming Video from a Website

For videos from websites such as YouTube or Vimeo, credit the person who posted the content. If a real name is provided, use that followed by the person's user name in square brackets. If the real name of the person who posted the content is not known, just use their user name without brackets.

Note : It is not necessary to specify how you watched a film or video (e.g. motion picture, DVD, streaming online). 

In the Body of a Paper

Books, Journals, Reports, Webpages, etc.: When you refer to titles of a “stand-alone work,” as the APA calls them on their APA Style website, such as books, journals, reports, and webpages, you should italicize them. Capitalize words as you would for an article title in a reference, e.g., In the book Crying in H Mart: A memoir , author Michelle Zauner (2021) describes her biracial origin and its impact on her identity.

Article or Chapter: When you refer to the title of a part of a work, such as an article or a chapter, put quotation marks around the title and capitalize it as you would for a journal title in a reference, e.g., In the chapter “Where’s the Wine,” Zauner (2021) describes how she decided to become a musician.

The APA Sample Paper below has more information about formatting your paper.

  • APA 7th ed. Sample Paper

Film or Video

When the Director, Producer and/or Writer is known:

Director/Producer/Writer's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Job Title). (Year film was produced).  Title of film: Subtitle if any  [Film]. Production Company.

Note: If not produced in the United States, list the city name and the country.

Hallam, J. (Producer, Writer), & Lam, K. (Producer, Director). (2010).  Staff relations in healthcare: Working as a team  [Film]. Insight Media.

  • When you have more than one producer, writer and/or writer to credit, separate the names with a comma and put an ampersand (&) before the last person's last name.
  • Serling, R. (Executive Producer). (1959–1964). The twilight zone [TV series]. Cayuga Productions; CBS Productions.

In-Text Paraphrase:

(Producer/Director/Writer's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Hallam & Lam, 2010)

Note: This example has two people to credit, so both last names are given)

In-Text Quote:

(Producer/Director/Writer's Last Name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Hallam & Lam, 2010, 2:30)

Note: Because the timestamp serves the same purpose in a video as page numbers, paragraph numbers or section headings, you include it in the in-text citation. Include only the beginning timestamp.

When the Director, Producer and/or Writer is not known:  Start the citation with the film title.

Title of film: Subtitle if any  [Film]. (Year film was produced). Production Company if Known.

Era of viruses  [Film]. (2006). Films for the Humanities and Sciences.

( Title of Film , Year)

Example: ( Era of Viruses , 2006)

Note: Italicize the title of the film and capitalize the words for the in-text citation.

( Title of Film , Year, Timestamp)

Example: ( Era of Viruses , 2006, 40:00)

When the Poster's Name is known: 

Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. of person who posted the video if known. [User name that posted the video]. (Year video was posted, Month Day).  Title of video  [Video]. Website Name. URL

Note: According to APA, for citing purposes the person who posted the video is credited as the author.

Nye, B. [TheRealBillNye]. (2009, April 8).  Bill Nye the science guy on energy  [Video]. YouTube.

(Creator's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Nye, 2009)

(Creator's Last Name, Year, timestamp)

Example: (Nye, 2009, 0:55)

When the Poster's Name is not known: 

User name that posted the video. (Year video was posted, Month Day).  Title of video  [Video]. Website Name. URL

All Aces Media. (2012, January 19).  Often awesome the series  [Video]. Vimeo.

(User name, Year)

Example: (All Aces Media, 2012)

Example: (All Aces Media, 2012, timestamp)

Producer's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Producer). (Year of Publication).  Title of Video  [Video]. Website Name. URL

Note:  When you have one producer (Producer) is used after the producer's name. If you have more than one producer use (Producers) instead.

Allen, T., et. al. (Producers). (2017). The story of Diana  [Video]. Netflix.

(Producer Last name, Year)

Example: (Allen, et. al., 2017)

(Producer Last name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Allen, et. al., 2017, 6:45)

Name of Company/Organization that Provided Content or Creator's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. if known. (Year video was created, Month Day if known).  Title of video  [Video]. Database Name.

National Film Board of Canada. (2014).  Making movie history: The women  [Video]. NFB Campus. 

(Name of Company/Organization, Year)

Example: (National Film Board of Canada, 2014)

(Name of Company/Organization, Year, Timestamp)

Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Job Title) if known. (Year the episode was originally aired). Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [TV series episode]. In Executive Producer's First Initial. Last Name (Executive producer) if known,  Television series name . Production Company.

Note: For other countries, list the city name and the country.

Young, R. (Writer, Producer, Director). (2010). Flying cheap (Season 2010, Episode 2) [TV series episode]. In  Frontline . American University School of Communication's Investigative Reporting Workshop.

(Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, Year)

Example: (Young, 2010)

(Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Young, 2010, 15:38)

Television Series Episode Viewed on a Subscription Media Website 

Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if given. (Job Title) if known. (Year the episode was originally aired). Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [TV series episode]. In Executive Producer's First Initial. Last Name (Executive producer) if known,  Television series name . Streaming Video Site. URL

Attenborough, D. (Writer). (2001). Ocean world (Season 1, Episode 1) [TV series episode]. In A. Fothergill (Executive producer),  Blue planet: A natural history of the oceans . Netflix.

Example: (Attenborough, 2001)

 (Writer, Producer and/or Director's Last Name, Year, Timestamp)

Example: (Attenborough, 2001, 10:12)

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How to Write a Title of a Movie in a Paper

The formatting and capitalization of a movie title depends on the style guide you are using for your paper. The Modern Language Association, American Psychological Association and Chicago style place movie titles in italics, while Associated Press style uses quotes for such titles. When referring to a movie in the body of a paper, all of the major style guides use title case, which means all of the major words in the title are capitalized.

APA, MLA and Chicago style

Movie or film titles are formatted the same in APA, Chicago and MLA style. In each of these styles, the movie title is italicized in the body of the paper. For instance:

Pirates of the Caribbean broke from Disney's tradition of releasing more mature titles under alternate studio names.

Fritz Lang's M deals with the issues of suspicion and punishment in Weimar Germany.

In the body of a paper, APA, Chicago and MLA all use title case capitalization for titles of movies. All major words -- such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and pronouns -- are capitalized. Minor words -- such as prepositions, conjunctions and articles -- are lower case unless it is the first word of the title.

APA also specifies that all words more than four letters should be capitalized: Gone With the Wind . APA uses sentence case capitalization for movie titles in reference lists, which means only the first word of a title and proper nouns (names of specific people, places or things) are capitalized: For whom the bell tolls .

Associated Press Style

In AP style, movie titles are placed in quotes. Note that the normal rules for quotes within quotes still apply. Here are two examples:

"Star Wars" broke box office records when it was first released.

"I am excited to work on any film as complex as 'The Prestige,'" he said.

AP style uses title case capitalization for movie titles. However, the AP stylebook specifies that any word that is four or more letters as well as the first and last word of a title should always be capitalized.

  • Rasmussen College: When writing a paper, do I use italics for all titles?
  • Purdue University Online Writing Lab: MLA Formatting and Style Guide
  • The Chicago Manual of Style Online: Capitalization, Titles
  • RMIT University: Harvard Referencing Guide for Visual Material
  • Journalist's Resource: Associated Press Style Basics

Jon Zamboni began writing professionally in 2010. He has previously written for The Spiritual Herald, an urban health care and religious issues newspaper based in New York City, and online music magazine eBurban. Zamboni has a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from Wesleyan University.

Step By Step Guide to Writing an Essay on Film Image

Step By Step Guide to Writing an Essay on Film

By Film Threat Staff | December 29, 2021

Writing an essay about a film sounds like a fun assignment to do. As part of the assignment, you get to watch the movie and write an analytical essay about your impressions. However, you will soon find that you’re staring at an empty sheet of paper or computer screen with no idea what to write, how to start writing your essay, or the essential points that need to be covered and analyzed. As an  essay writing service proves, watching the movie countless times isn’t all there is to write a film analysis essay. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you with an essay service :

how do you write a video title in an essay

1. Watch the Movie

This is the obvious starting point, but surprisingly many students skip this step. It doesn’t matter if you’ve watched the movie twice before. If you’re asked to write an essay about it, you need to watch it again. Watching the film again allows you to pay more attention to specific elements to help you write an in-depth analysis about it.  

Watching the movie is crucial because it helps you not specific parts of the movie that can be used as illustrations and examples in your essay. You’re also going to explore and analyze the movie theme within your structured plan. Some of the critical elements that you have to look out for while watching the movie that may be crucial for your essay are:

  • Key plot moments
  • Editing style
  • Stylistic elements
  • Scenario execution
  • Musical elements

2. Introduction

Your introduction will contain essential information about the film, such as the title, release date, director’s name, etc. This familiarizes the reader with the movie’s primary background information. In addition, researching the filmmaker may be crucial for your essay because it may help you discover valuable insights for your film analysis.

The introduction should also mention the movie’s central theme and explain why you think it was made that way.

Do not forget to include your thesis statement, which explains your focus on the movie.

3. Write a Summary

According to an  essay writing service  providing students   help with essays , a movie summary comes after the introduction. It includes the film’s basic premise, but it doesn’t have to reveal too many details about the film. It’s a summary, after all. Write the summary like your readers have not heard about the movie before, so you can mention the most basic plots but assume you have minimal time so you won’t be going into great details.

how do you write a video title in an essay

4. Write Your Analysis

This is the central part of the essay in which you analyze the movie critically and state your impressions about the film. Ensure to support your claims with relevant materials from the movie.

There are also several creative elements in a movie that are connected to make the film a whole. You must pay attention to these elements while watching the movie and analyze them in this part of the essay.

In this, you are looking out for the dialogs, character development, completion of scenes, and logical event sequences in the film to analyze.

Ensure you try to understand the logic behind events in the film and the actor’s motives to explain the scenario better.

The responsibility of different parts of the movie, such as plan selection and scenario execution, falls on the director. So, your analysis here focuses on how the director realized the script compared to his other movies. Understanding the director’s style of directing may be crucial to coming up with a conclusion relevant to your analysis and thesis.

The casting of a film is a significant element to consider in your essay. Without a great actor, the scriptwriter and director can’t bring their ideas to life. So, watch the actor’s acting and determine if they portrayed the character effectively and if their acting aligns with the film’s main idea.

  • Musical element

A movie’s musical element enhances some of the sceneries or actions in the film and sets the mood. It has a massive impact on the movie, so it’s an essential element to analyze in your essay.

  • Visual elements

This includes special effects, make-up, costumes, etc., which significantly impact the film. These elements must reflect the film’s atmosphere. It is even more crucial for historical movies since it has to be specific about an era.

Ensure to analyze elements relevant to your thesis statement, so you don’t drift from your main point.

5. Conclusion

In concluding your essay, you have to summarize the primary concepts more convincingly to support your analysis. Finally, you may include a CTA for readers to watch or avoid the movie.

These are the crucial steps to take when writing an essay about a film . Knowing this beforehand prevents you from struggling to start writing after watching the movie.

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how do you write a video title in an essay

It’s really amazing instructions! I have got the great knowledge.

[…] now and then. Unfortunately, not all of us can afford to get cinema tickets to do so.  Some…Writing an essay about a film sounds like a fun assignment to do. As part of the assignment, you get…Since a few decades the film and entertainment sector have undergone some drastic transformation. […]

how do you write a video title in an essay

I can’t list the number of essays that don’t follow this format in the least. But then I find most reviews of movies terrible and most people who purport themselves to be writers as people who need to spend more time drafting and editing before publishing.

how do you write a video title in an essay

Thanks for this

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Forging good titles in academic writing

Published on March 20, 2015 by Shane Bryson . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The title is the first thing your reader will see, and most readers will make their first judgements of your work based on it. For this reason, it’s important to think about your titles carefully.

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Informative, striking, appropriate, title templates, writing effective headings, other interesting articles, informative title.

Your title should, above all else, convey the topic of your paper. In other words, no matter how witty, clever, original, or otherwise appealing your title may be, it fails if it is not informative.

Decide whether you’ve given a sense of the paper’s topic and claims by comparing your title’s content to the most important aspect(s) of your dissertation statement or hypothesis and conclusions.

Striking title

A striking title is one that entices your audience to read, so know your audience’s tastes.

The analogy of cultivating sexual attraction in a prospective mate is useful here: some audiences will be enticed by a title’s edginess (as with, for example, V. Alneng’s “‘What the Fuck is a Vietnam?’ Touristic Phantasms and the Popcolonization of [the] Vietnam [War],” published in Critique on Anthropology ); others will almost always prefer a more straightforward title (as with J.C. Henderson’s “War as a tourist attraction: The case of Vietnam,” published in the International Journal of Tourism Research ).

You should be able to gauge how edgy your title can be by the tone of your discipline or the publication you’re submitting to, and your main concern should be forming a title that appeals to your readers’ specific tastes.

Consider also that a title that highlights the paper’s fresh insights will often be striking.

An endocrinologist, for example, might become very excited upon seeing the collaboratively authored article “Comparison of the effects on glycaemic control and β-cell function in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients of treatment with exenatide, insulin or pioglitazone: A multicentre randomized parallel-group trial,” published in 2015 in the Journal of Internal Medicine .

This rather long title is more acceptable in the sciences, where what readers tend to find provocative in a title is the degree to which it reveals the paper’s specifics.

Appropriate title

Ensuring that your title is appropriate in a way of making sure not only that your audience understands it, but also that its appeal contributes to its meaning. To make sure the title will be understood, you need to consider how familiar your research topic will be to your audience.

In an academic essay, you can use highly technical terms in your title, but generally avoid terms that the average well-read person in your discipline might not know.

In any writing that has a broad audience, titles need to avoid language that is too sophisticated; a news article, for example, should be easily understood by all.

As a second consideration of appropriateness, make sure that your title does not entice without substance.

The title of Alneng’s paper, for example, does not use “fuck” merely to shock and therefore entice the reader; the uncommon use of a swearword here helps convey the topic of the article: more or less vulgar representations of Vietnam.

The same is true for other striking titles, such as Nancy Tuana’s “Coming to Understand: Orgasm and the Epistemology of Ignorance,” published in Hypatia .

The title’s sexually charged play on words (“coming to understand”) hooks the audience, but is not merely a hook. The pun is directly relevant to the essay’s argument, which is that sexual pleasure offers an important form of knowledge.

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  • Use key terms. Find words that your audience can easily identify as markers of the topic matter. These will include, for example, terms that convey the field of research, central concepts, or subjects of study.
  • Identify the context (sometimes called “the location”). By context, I mean the source or the setting of the discussion, depending on discipline. In a history paper this might be a certain century or era; in literary studies a certain book or author; and in the sciences an organism or compound.

The following is a list of title formats, with examples of each. I’ve given the names of the publications in brackets to give a sense of how different disciplines treat titles.

Note that these are not mutually exclusive patterns (i.e. it’s possible to have various combinations; e.g. General & interesting: Informative & specific). Note also that this is not meant to be an exhaustive list.

  • Striking: Informative – The Specter of Wall Street: “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and the Language of Commodities ( American Literature )
  • Informative: Striking – Carbon capture and storage: How green can black be? ( Science )
  • General: Specific – The issues of the sixties: An exploratory study in the dynamics of public opinion ( Public Opinion Quarterly )
  • “Quotation”: Discussion (social studies) – “I’d rather not talk about it”: Adolescents’ and young adults’ use of topic avoidance in stepfamilies ( Journal of Applied Communication Research )
  • “Quotation”: Discussion (literary studies) – “I Would Prefer Not To”: Giorgio Agamben, Bartleby and the Potentiality of the Law ( Law and Critique )
  • Simple and precise – Methodological issues in the use of Tsimshian oral Traditions (Adawx) in Archaeology ( Canadian Journal of Archaeology )
  • Topic: Method – Mortality in sleep apnea patients: A multivariate analysis of risk factors ( Sleep )
  • Topic: Significance – LC3 binds externalized cardiolipin on injured mitochondria to signal mitophagy in neurons: Implications for Parkinson disease ( Autophagy )
  • Technical and very specific – Single-shot quantum nondemolition measurement of a quantum-dot electron spin using cavity exciton-polaritons ( Physical Review )

Although similar, headings are not the same as titles. Headings head paragraphs and help structure a document. Effective headings make your paper easily scannable.

Common high level headings in dissertations and research papers are “Methods”, “Research results”, and “Discussion”. Lower level headings are often more descriptive.

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Bryson, S. (2023, July 23). Forging good titles in academic writing. Scribbr. Retrieved August 19, 2024, from

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What is a Video Essay - Best Video Essays Film of 2020 - Top Movie Video Essay

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What is a Video Essay? The Art of the Video Analysis Essay

I n the era of the internet and Youtube, the video essay has become an increasingly popular means of expressing ideas and concepts. However, there is a bit of an enigma behind the construction of the video essay largely due to the vagueness of the term.

What defines a video analysis essay? What is a video essay supposed to be about? In this article, we’ll take a look at the foundation of these videos and the various ways writers and editors use them creatively. Let’s dive in.

Watch: Our Best Film Video Essays of the Year

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What is a video essay?

First, let’s define video essay.

There is narrative film, documentary film, short films, and then there is the video essay. What is its role within the realm of visual media? Let’s begin with the video essay definition. 


A video essay is a video that analyzes a specific topic, theme, person or thesis. Because video essays are a rather new form, they can be difficult to define, but recognizable nonetheless. To put it simply, they are essays in video form that aim to persuade, educate, or critique. 

These essays have become increasingly popular within the era of Youtube and with many creatives writing video essays on topics such as politics, music, film, and pop culture. 

What is a video essay used for?

  • To persuade an audience of a thesis
  • To educate on a specific subject
  • To analyze and/or critique 

What is a video essay based on?

Establish a thesis.

Video analysis essays lack distinguished boundaries since there are countless topics a video essayist can tackle. Most essays, however, begin with a thesis. 

How Christopher Nolan Elevates the Movie Montage  •  Video Analysis Essays

Good essays often have a point to make. This point, or thesis, should be at the heart of every video analysis essay and is what binds the video together. 

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interviews in video essay

Utilize interviews.

A key determinant for the structure of an essay is the source of the ideas. A common source for this are interviews from experts in the field. These interviews can be cut and rearranged to support a thesis. 

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Utilizing first hand interviews is a great way to utilize ethos into the rhetoric of a video. However, it can be limiting since you are given a limited amount to work with. Voice over scripts, however, can give you the room to say anything. 

How to create the best video essays on Youtube

Write voice over scripts.

Voice over (VO) scripts allow video essayists to write out exactly what they want to say. This is one of the most common ways to structure a video analysis essay since it gives more freedom to the writer. It is also a great technique to use when taking on large topics.

In this video, it would have been difficult to explain every type of camera lens by cutting sound bites from interviews of filmmakers. A voice over script, on the other hand, allowed us to communicate information directly when and where we wanted to.

Ultimate Guide to Camera Lenses  •  Video essay examples

Some of the most famous video essayists like Every Frame a Painting and Nerdwriter1 utilize voice over to capitalize on their strength in writing video analysis essays. However, if you’re more of an editor than a writer, the next type of essay will be more up your alley. 

Video analysis essay without a script

Edit a supercut.

Rather than leaning on interview sound bites or voice over, the supercut video depends more on editing. You might be thinking “What is a video essay without writing?” The beauty of the video essay is that the writing can be done throughout the editing. Supercuts create arguments or themes visually through specific sequences. 

Another one of the great video essay channels, Screen Junkies, put together a supercut of the last decade in cinema. The video could be called a portrait of the last decade in cinema.

2010 - 2019: A Decade In Film  •  Best videos on Youtube

This video is rather general as it visually establishes the theme of art during a general time period. Other essays can be much more specific. 

Critical essays

Video essays are a uniquely effective means of creating an argument. This is especially true in critical essays. This type of video critiques the facets of a specific topic. 

In this video, by one of the best video essay channels, Every Frame a Painting, the topic of the film score is analyzed and critiqued — specifically temp film score.

Every Frame a Painting Marvel Symphonic Universe  •  Essay examples

Of course, not all essays critique the work of artists. Persuasion of an opinion is only one way to use the video form. Another popular use is to educate. 

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Video analysis essay

Visual analysis.

One of the biggest advantages that video analysis essays have over traditional, written essays is the use of visuals. The use of visuals has allowed video essayists to display the subject or work that they are analyzing. It has also allowed them to be more specific with what they are analyzing. Writing video essays entails structuring both words and visuals. 

Take this video on There Will Be Blood for example. In a traditional, written essay, the writer would have had to first explain what occurs in the film then make their analysis and repeat.

This can be extremely inefficient and redundant. By analyzing the scene through a video, the points and lessons are much more clear and efficient. 

There Will Be Blood  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Through these video analysis essays, the scene of a film becomes support for a claim rather than the topic of the essay. 

Dissect an artist

Essays that focus on analysis do not always focus on a work of art. Oftentimes, they focus on the artist themself. In this type of essay, a thesis is typically made about an artist’s style or approach. The work of that artist is then used to support this thesis.

Nerdwriter1, one of the best video essays on Youtube, creates this type to analyze filmmakers, actors, photographers or in this case, iconic painters. 

Caravaggio: Master Of Light  •  Best video essays on YouTube

In the world of film, the artist video analysis essay tends to cover auteur filmmakers. Auteur filmmakers tend to have distinct styles and repetitive techniques that many filmmakers learn from and use in their own work. 

Stanley Kubrick is perhaps the most notable example. In this video, we analyze Kubrick’s best films and the techniques he uses that make so many of us drawn to his films. 

Why We're Obsessed with Stanley Kubrick Movies  •  Video essay examples

Critical essays and analytical essays choose to focus on a piece of work or an artist. Essays that aim to educate, however, draw on various sources to teach technique and the purpose behind those techniques. 

What is a video essay written about?

Historical analysis.

Another popular type of essay is historical analysis. Video analysis essays are a great medium to analyze the history of a specific topic. They are an opportunity for essayists to share their research as well as their opinion on history. 

Our video on aspect ratio , for example, analyzes how aspect ratios began in cinema and how they continue to evolve. We also make and support the claim that the 2:1 aspect ratio is becoming increasingly popular among filmmakers. 

Why More Directors are Switching to 18:9  •  Video analysis essay

Analyzing the work of great artists inherently yields a lesson to be learned. Some essays teach more directly.

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Writing video essays about technique

Teach technique.

Educational essays designed to teach are typically more direct. They tend to be more valuable for those looking to create art rather than solely analyze it.

In this video, we explain every type of camera movement and the storytelling value of each. Educational essays must be based on research, evidence, and facts rather than opinion.

Ultimate Guide to Camera Movement  •  Best video essays on YouTube

As you can see, there are many reasons why the video essay has become an increasingly popular means of communicating information. Its ability to use both sound and picture makes it efficient and effective. It also draws on the language of filmmaking to express ideas through editing. But it also gives writers the creative freedom they love. 

Writing video essays is a new art form that many channels have set high standards for. What is a video essay supposed to be about? That’s up to you. 

Organize Post Production Workflow

The quality of an essay largely depends on the quality of the edit. If editing is not your strong suit, check out our next article. We dive into tips and techniques that will help you organize your Post-Production workflow to edit like a pro. 

Up Next: Post Production →

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How to Write a Video Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide and Tips

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • January 5, 2024
  • Writing Tips


The video essay has become an increasingly popular way of presenting ideas and concepts in the age of the internet and YouTube. In this guide, we present a step-by-step guide on how to write a video essay and tips on how to make it.

While it is easy to write a normal essay, the structure of the video essay is a bit of a mystery, owing to the newness of the term.

However, in this article, we are going to define what is a video essay, how to write a video essay, and also How to present a video essay well in class.

What is a Video Essay?

A video essay is a video that delves into a certain subject, concept, person, or thesis. Video essays are difficult to characterize because they are a relatively new form, yet they are recognized regardless. Simply, video essays are visual compilations that try to persuade, educate, or criticize.

What is a video essay?

These days, there are many creatives making video essays on topics like politics, music, movies, and pop culture.

With these, essays have become increasingly popular in the era of video media such as Youtube, Vimeo, and others.

Video essays, like photo and traditional essays, tell a story or make a point.

The distinction is that video essays provide information through visuals.

When creating a video essay, you can incorporate video, images, text, music, and/or narration to make it dynamic and successful.

When you consider it, many music videos are actually video essays. 

Since making videos for YouTube and other video sites has grown so popular, many professors are now assigning video essays instead of regular essays to their students. So the question is, how do you write a video essay script?

Steps on How to Write a Video Essay Script

Unscripted videos cost time, effort, and are unpleasant to watch. The first thing you should do before making a video writes a script, even if it’s only a few lines long. Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of writing a script. All you need is a starting point.

A video script is important for anyone who wants to film a video with more confidence and clarity. They all contain comparable forms of information, such as who is speaking, what is said, where, and other important details.

While there are no precise criteria that a video essay must follow, it appears that most renowned video essayists are adhering to some steps as the form gets more popular and acknowledged online. 

1. Write a Thesis

Because a video essayist can handle a wide range of themes, video analysis essays lack defined bounds. The majority of essays, on the other hand, begin with a thesis.

A thesis is a statement, claim, theme, or concept that the rest of the essay is built around. A thesis might be broad, including a variety of art forms. Other theses can be quite detailed.

A good essay will almost always have a point to express. Every video analysis essay should have a central idea, or thesis, that ties the film together.

2. Write a Summary

Starting with a brief allows you and your team to document the answers to the most pressing project concerns. It ensures that everyone participating in the video production is on the same page.

This will avoid problems of mixing ideas or getting stuck when you are almost completing the project.

3. Choose a Proper Environment and Appropriate Tools

When it comes to writing your script, use any tool you’re familiar with, such as pen and paper. Also, find a writing atmosphere that is relaxing for you, where you can concentrate and be creative.

Consider what you don’t have to express out loud when you’re writing. Visual elements will be used to communicate a large portion of your content.

4. Use a Template

When you don’t have to reinvent the process every time you sit down, you get speed and consistency.

It’s using your cumulative knowledge of what works and doing it over and over again. Don’t start with a blank page when I sit down to create a script- try to use an already made template. 

5. Be Conversational

You want scripts that use language that is specific and targeted. Always avoid buzzwords, cliches, and generalizations. You want your audience to comprehend you clearly without rolling their eyes.

6. Be Narrative

Make careful to use a strong story structure when you’re trying to explain anything clearly. Ensure your script has a beginning, middle, and end, no matter how short it is. This will provide a familiar path for the viewers of your video script.

7. Edit Your Script

Make each word work for a certain position on the page when you choose your words.

script editing

They must serve a purpose.

After you’ve completed your first draft, go over your script and review it.

Then begin editing, reordering, and trimming. Remove as much as possible.

Consider cutting it if it isn’t helping you achieve your goal.

 8. Read Your Script Loudly

Before recording or going on in your process, it’s recommended to read your script aloud at least once. Even if you won’t be the one reading it, this is a good method to ensure that your message is clear. It’s a good idea to be away from people so you may practice in peace.

Words that flow well on paper don’t always flow well when spoken aloud. You might need to make some adjustments based on how tough certain phrases are to pronounce- it’s a lot easier to change it now than when recording.

9. Get Feedback

Sometimes it is very difficult to point out your mistakes in any piece of writing. Therefore, if you want a perfect video essay script, it is advisable to seek feedback from people who are not involved in the project.

Keep in mind that many will try to tear your work apart and make you feel incompetent. However, it can also be an opportunity to make your video better.

The best way to gather feedback is to assemble a group of people and read your script to them. Watch their facial reaction and jot own comments as you read. Make sure not to defend your decisions. Only listen to comments and ask questions to clarify.

After gathering feedback, decide on what points to include in your video essay. Also, you can ask someone else to read it to you so that you can listen to its follow.

A video essay can be a good mode to present all types of essays, especially compare and contrast essays as you can visually contrast the two subjects of your content.

How to make a Good Video from your Essay Script

You can make a good video from your script if you ask yourself the following questions;


  • What is the video’s purpose? What is the purpose of the video in the first place?
  • Who is this video’s intended audience?
  • What is the subject of our video? (The more precise you can be, the better.) 
  • What are the most important points to remember from the video?- What should viewers take away from it?

If the context had multiple characters, present their dialogues well in the essay to bring originality. If there is a need to involve another person, feel free to incorporate them.

How to Present a Video Essay Well in Class

  • Write down keywords or main ideas in a notecard; do not write details- writing main ideas will help you remember your points when presenting. This helps you scan through your notecard for information.
  • Practice- in presentations it is easy to tell who has practiced and who hasn’t. For your video essay to grab your class and professor’s attention, practice is the key. Practice in front of your friends and family asking for feedback and try to improve.
  • Smile at your audience- this is one of the most important points when presenting anything in front of an audience. A smiley face draws the attention of the audience making them smile in return thus giving you confidence.
  • Walk to your seat with a smile- try not to be disappointed even if you are not applauded. Be confident that you have aced your video presentation.

Other video presentations tips include;

  • Making eye contact
  • Have a good posture
  • Do not argue with the audience 
  • Look at everyone around the room, not just one audience or one spot
  • Rember to use your hand and facial expressions to make a point.

how do you write a video title in an essay

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

Essay Title: Rules, Tips, Mistakes to Avoid


Table of contents

  • 1 What Makes a Good Title?
  • 2.1 Use your essay to develop your topic
  • 2.2 Identify keywords and take advantage of them
  • 2.3 Use Multiple Titles
  • 3.1 MLA Format
  • 3.2 APA Format
  • 3.3 Chicago Format
  • 4 What to Avoid When Writing a Title for an Essay?
  • 5 Take into account Your Paper Style
  • 6 Types Of Papers and the Best Titles For Them
  • 7.1 Questions make Catchy
  • 7.2 Describe the Paper in 5 Words
  • 7.3 Use One Direct Word
  • 7.4 Extract a Sentence from the Paper
  • 7.5 Take advantage of Pop-Culture
  • 7.6 Put “On” at the beginning
  • 7.7 Start with a Verb in “-ing”
  • 7.8 Give a Mental Visualization of Your Topic
  • 7.9 Modify a Title that was Rejected
  • 7.10 Choose 2 Variants That Were Considered and Declined; Then Join Them Together
  • 8.1 Why is an essay title important?
  • 8.2 Can a title be a question?
  • 8.3 How long should the title be?

Good paper titles could be the difference between the audience viewing or ignoring your essays. When chosen carefully, essay titles could well capture the attention of someone who would not typically read the topic. Learning the proper method for titling an article can work wonders in creating an attention-grabbing heading. A well-titled article will also tell readers what to expect. Knowing how to create a topic for an essay that commands the reader’s attention is important. That is why this piece is designed to help you write just that.

What Makes a Good Title?

The importance of a great title cannot be overemphasized in the essay-writing process . And that is where you question yourself – what makes good essay headlines?

  • A good title for an essay must be memorable. You want to think up something that stands out as much as possible to capture the audience’s eyes and minds. Remember – your title is the first thing your reader sees.
  • Your essay name must possess a near-perfect degree of accuracy. Titling an essay like a clickbait heading could have the viewer on strings at the beginning, but they may not be disposed towards reading it to the end. Even so, it might not leave them with the desired impression.
  • A good essay title has to be written in a language the target audience would understand easily. You might want to keep the language of your essay headline simple, but it should reflect as much expertise as the target audience would reasonably expect.
  • A proper heading for an essay must be easy to read. The main idea is that your title gives a brief insight into what the audience should expect. Keep it concise and eye-catching, and ensure it is in active voice.

How to Title an Essay?

Having understood the importance of creative essay titles, you also know what features they are supposed to contain. The next item on the agenda is for you to know how to make a title for a write-up. This is not an arbitrary undertaking. It is a multi-step ritual that helps you ensure you are on the right track to connect with your audience using a catchy essay title.

Use your essay to develop your topic

This may seem rather confusing, but it is a very efficient step to follow while coming up with great naming ideas. You should start writing your essay once you have a subject matter identified. By the time you finish writing your essay, you can use the write-up details to construct the most suitable title. It would also give you much more clarity on the subject matter and what the audience wants from it since you would have conducted more research on the issue. As such, your title can be more precise and connected to the paper.

Identify keywords and take advantage of them

Your essay’s title must scream “This is what you want” to the reader. And no matter how fun and memorable it may be, it might not be as successful if it does not capture what the audience is exactly looking for. This is where keywords will work for you. They are terms that would let readers know that your essay is relevant to what is in question.

For instance, imagine trying to research articles on symptoms of pregnancy – but the name you see has nothing like “symptoms” or “pregnancy” in them. They might be catchy essay headers and even end up being related to the search, but they don’t exactly strike you like that is what you seek. You don’t need to stuff your title with key phrases. Just two or three core ones will do the trick.

Use Multiple Titles

Nobody said you have to use just one main topic. Segmenting your paper and sub-titling each makes your essay much more readable.


Essay Title Formats and Punctuations

It is perfectly fine if you would rather freestyle your essay heading. After all, a little creative license never hurts as long as you craft a good essay title. Though, you might want to play it safer by defining parameters, especially if your essay is formal. In that case, you should opt for an essay title format. These are internationally recognized sets of prescribed guidelines for titling your papers. There are three main essay title styles – the MLA, the APA, and the Chicago.

The rules of MLA style  emphasize that your essay topics should be centralized on the page. Perhaps the most important rule of this style is that the title must be written in “title case”. This means every word should begin using capital letters except prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, “to” when it is alongside a verb in its infinitive form, and articles. However, the first and last words must have capital letters, no matter what they are. This style also discourages italicizing, underlining, or placing the topics in quotation marks.

This formatting APA style is particular about the brevity of the title, stipulating a maximum of 12 words. It emphasizes a short and straight-to-the-point without abbreviations or redundancies. A title in this style aims to share as much information with the audience in as few words as possible. It does not encourage the use of figurative words because it is used in technical and professional writing. Thus, expect to see it deployed toward a research paper title and formal articles. It also supports centralizing the title toward the top of the page.

Chicago Format

Like the other two formats, this style is particular about having the title in the title case. However, it gives more leeway and license to the writer than the others. In fact, the Chicago style prescribes no further guidelines beyond title casing.


What to Avoid When Writing a Title for an Essay?

Developing interesting titles for essays can be a challenge for some. Tips include avoiding negativity and offensive or controversial terms and keeping it professional. Even the cover page could be done properly thanks to a writing service like the APA title page generator, which can also help you write a good title for an essay.

Making a good start means staying positive. Even when the essay topics are dreary, attempt to write less negatively. Good headlines for essays also use appropriate language to attract more possible readers to the paper. Lastly, its image should remain neutral – don’t overshare.

Take into account Your Paper Style

The style of your essay is essential to your topic. Identify and study what kind of essay it is, e.g., an argumentative essay or narrative essay, and ensure that the essay topic reflects it. Essays have tones depending on their kind, the audience, and the subject matter. For instance, academic writing would likely assume a formal tone. Having identified the tone of your essays, you should ensure your essay topics don’t go off-key. It should complement the tone of the essay itself in order to have the desired effect on the readers.

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Types Of Papers and the Best Titles For Them

There are several situations that could involve you writing an essay paper. And depending on the situation or the target of the piece, several kinds of papers exist as well. These may include a narrative paper, expository essay, business paper, and thesis statement in academic writing, among others. Some of the most creative examples of titles include:

Research Paper

The Role of COVID-19 in the Growth of Digital Services

Impacts of Climate Change on Developed Countries

Business Paper

Why Franchising Is the Way for New Small Business Owners

How Digital Services Can Influence the Global Supply Chain

College Essay

The Golden Rule of Wholesome Studentship

Finding Success in My Failures

Reflective Essay

The Time I Met My Mentor

My First Surgery

Personal Statement

My Nine Lives as an Immigrant Student

The Three Horsemen of Ambition

Literary Analysis

The Use of Symbolism in The Pulley

Thematic Preoccupations of Shakespeare’s Othello

Report Titles

Earlier Vaccinations Would Not Have Subsided the Coronavirus Pandemic

Students Want Mixed Dormitories in American Universities

Good Titles for Essays about Yourself

Why I Am the Way I Am

A Letter To the 7-Year-Old Me

Good Titles for Narrative Writing

The Day the World Stood Still

My Perfect Birthday Party

MLA Essay Title Format

The Old Man and the Sea: A Critical Analysis of Ernest Hemingway

Why You Can Do What You Do Without Knowing Who You Are

Argumentative Essay

Are Electric Cars the Solution To Carbon Emissions?

Should Reparations Be Paid To Marginalized Groups?

Compare and Contrast Essay

Left Wing Versus Right Wing: What Ideologies Do We Need?

Good Versus Bad: The Constant Clashes of Morality

Persuasive Essay

Why Dogs Make Better Pets Compared to Cats

Digital Banking: The Peak of Fintech

Scholarship Essay Titles Examples

What Can You Contribute to the Student Community?

Narrate a Defining Experience in Your Life

Nursing Essay

COVID-19 and the Growing Demand for Nursing Staff

Prioritizing Ethical Education in the Nursing Profession

Title The Government’s Role in Poverty Alleviation

Myths and Facts about Tuberculosis

10 Tips to Create an Exceptional Title

There are numerous ways in which a writer can craft a quality naming experience. Unless you use a title generator for an essay , titling an essay is as simple or as hard as the writer makes it. It is often necessary to edit the essay online multiple times. Finding their own style is dependent on the type of essay and the purpose of the writing. In the quest to title an essay, here are some tips for arriving at a really creative title.

Questions make Catchy

Titles Interesting headings for essays can be created by using a cause-and-effect approach. Start considering a common problem and think about what question does that paper answers. You can compose a title out of it.

Describe the Paper in 5 Words

If you were, to sum up the entire paper in 5 words, what words would be chosen? Not only does this unique creation bring some fun to the process, but it can also birth a catchy phrase – which translates to a highly effective title.

Use One Direct Word

Sometimes the best essay title ideas are simpler than we think. For some essay topics, one idiom could be all you need. Though it might not be easy how to come up with one, it may give your research paper an edge over others.

Extract a Sentence from the Paper

It’s usually a good solution to pick the heading after the text is drafted. At this point, there are many title options. Just pick one that sums up your concepts better than the others.

Take advantage of Pop-Culture

Don’t be shy to use something related to pop culture. Titles for papers may definitely contain references to songs, books, or movies as long as they fit the paper topic. This could be especially powerful for college essay titles and other essays for younger readers. You just need to ensure that the audience can recognize it easily.

Put “On” at the beginning

Depending on what you’re writing, this option might be a bit tricky. It works very well for books, songs, or movie reviews. Just name the object of your research paper or article. For example, “On The Importance of Being Earnest.”

Start with a Verb in “-ing”

Especially persuasive essay types can greatly benefit from titles for papers starting like this. Be sure to find a verb straightforward enough to grab the attention.

Give a Mental Visualization of Your Topic

This works wonders when the topic you write about is art-oriented. Even if the mental image brings something that is not seen by most people, it could go far for those that grab it.

Modify a Title that was Rejected

Using old, rejected essay topics to design new ones is usually possible. All it takes is a bit of creativity and a decent name.

Choose 2 Variants That Were Considered and Declined; Then Join Them Together

Although 2 separate entities did not work out, it does not mean that those phrases can’t work together for your new paper. So keep that list of paper titles!

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Can a title be a question, how long should the title be, readers also enjoyed.

How to Write a Research Paper in APA Format


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how do you write a video title in an essay

How do I treat the title of a work uploaded to a video sharing site?

Note: This post relates to content in the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook . For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook .

In general, copy the title of the work exactly as it appears on the site. For example, YouTube contains a video that an uploader has labeled “ Night of the Comet Widescreen Full Movie 1984.” In your works-cited-list entry, you would therefore provide the title of the work given by the uploader because you’re citing that version of the work, not the original version of the movie, Night of the Comet :

Night of the Comet Widescreen Full Movie 1984 .  YouTube , uploaded by Jen Dobbins, 20 Sept. 2013,

It’s important to cite the publication details of the version you consult because parts of the original work could be cut off, distorted by poor recording quality, or even altered in invisible ways. Disambiguation is also important: the same work often appears in multiple versions on video sharing sites. For example, a commercial performed by the comedy team Elaine May and Mike Nichols is posted on YouTube with different titles, and the recordings vary in length by five seconds:

“G E Refrigerators Commercial with Mike Nichols and Elaine May.” YouTube , uploaded by recycledboy, 7 Nov. 2014,
“Elaine Maye and Mike Nicholes Freeze Each Other Out.” YouTube , uploaded by theatrecorner, 18 June 2008,

Faithful presentation of the work in the list of works cited does not mean that you must refer to the official version of the work in your writing using the uploaded title. If you are writing generally about Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales , you would refer to it as such, even though you may be quoting from an edition titled The Canterbury Tales: Fifteen Tales and the General Prologue or Canterbury Marriage Tales . Similarly, you would refer to Night of the Comet when discussing the movie generally but Night of the Comet Widescreen Full Movie 1984  (where the name of the movie appears in roman font as a title within a title) when referring specifically to the YouTube version or citing from it:

In the movie Night of the Comet , two valley girls fend off zombies and evil scientists to survive the apocalypse. At the start of the film, the narrator says, “The citizens of Earth would get an extra Christmas present this year” (Night 1:09-12).

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How do I mention a video game in a formal piece of writing?

What is the proper convention for mentioning the title of a video game in a formal research paper? Would I place the title in quotations, like the name of a short story ("Myst"), underline it, like the title of a book, or italicize it ( Myst )? I would prefer an answer backed up by a formal standard such as MLA, APA, Chicago, or AP, if they cover this.

  • punctuation

Matt's user avatar

4 Answers 4

According to Diana Hacker's Research and Documentation (Bedford-St. Martin's), the MLA citation for a video game should follow this format:

enter image description here

From the same source, the APA citation for a video game should follow this format:

enter image description here

(You can't tell from the example of Sims 2, but in an APA citation, only the first word of a title is capitalized. Therefore, Call of Duty would be listed as Call of duty.

These are the formats for a Works Cited/References entry. In the text itself, the title of the video game should be capitalized and italicized, just as the title of a book would be.

Nicole's user avatar

The APA does in fact cover this, though under the broader category of "software."

In text, the title of the video game should NOT be italicized (p. 210). When citing the video game, you'd use the following convention:

Copyright Holder (Year of Publication). Game Title [Software]. Location of Producer: Producer.

Note that Copyright Holder and Producer may be the same.

Source: APA manual, 6th edition. I'll confirm with MLA and Chicago when I get home.

emsoff's user avatar

  • OP, thanks for accepting my answer, but please see the revised answer! I left out the most important word, "not." The titles should not be capitalized. For added reference, I included the page number. –  emsoff Commented Dec 29, 2014 at 20:08

Chicago Manual of Style 8.190. In running text video game titles are italicized.

SSedits's user avatar

According to this blog post , you simply capitalize the title when writing it in-text. The citation style in the previous two answers appears correct.

Johnny Galang's user avatar

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how do you write a video title in an essay

American Psychological Association

Title Page Setup

A title page is required for all APA Style papers. There are both student and professional versions of the title page. Students should use the student version of the title page unless their instructor or institution has requested they use the professional version. APA provides a student title page guide (PDF, 199KB) to assist students in creating their title pages.

Student title page

The student title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation, course number and name for which the paper is being submitted, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number, as shown in this example.

diagram of a student page

Title page setup is covered in the seventh edition APA Style manuals in the Publication Manual Section 2.3 and the Concise Guide Section 1.6

how do you write a video title in an essay

Related handouts

  • Student Title Page Guide (PDF, 263KB)
  • Student Paper Setup Guide (PDF, 3MB)

Student papers do not include a running head unless requested by the instructor or institution.

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names

Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Cecily J. Sinclair and Adam Gonzaga

Author affiliation

For a student paper, the affiliation is the institution where the student attends school. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author name(s).

Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

Course number and name

Provide the course number as shown on instructional materials, followed by a colon and the course name. Center the course number and name on the next double-spaced line after the author affiliation.

PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology

Instructor name

Provide the name of the instructor for the course using the format shown on instructional materials. Center the instructor name on the next double-spaced line after the course number and name.

Dr. Rowan J. Estes

Assignment due date

Provide the due date for the assignment. Center the due date on the next double-spaced line after the instructor name. Use the date format commonly used in your country.

October 18, 2020
18 October 2020

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


Professional title page

The professional title page includes the paper title, author names (the byline), author affiliation(s), author note, running head, and page number, as shown in the following example.

diagram of a professional title page

Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the professional title page.

Paper title

Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired. There is no maximum length for titles; however, keep titles focused and include key terms.

Author names


Place one double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Center author names on their own line. If there are two authors, use the word “and” between authors; if there are three or more authors, place a comma between author names and use the word “and” before the final author name.

Francesca Humboldt

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals after author names to connect the names to the appropriate affiliation(s). If all authors have the same affiliation, superscript numerals are not used (see Section 2.3 of the for more on how to set up bylines and affiliations).

Tracy Reuter , Arielle Borovsky , and Casey Lew-Williams

Author affiliation


For a professional paper, the affiliation is the institution at which the research was conducted. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution, separated by a comma. Center the affiliation on the next double-spaced line after the author names; when there are multiple affiliations, center each affiliation on its own line.


Department of Nursing, Morrigan University

When different authors have different affiliations, use superscript numerals before affiliations to connect the affiliations to the appropriate author(s). Do not use superscript numerals if all authors share the same affiliations (see Section 2.3 of the for more).

Department of Psychology, Princeton University
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue University

Author note

Place the author note in the bottom half of the title page. Center and bold the label “Author Note.” Align the paragraphs of the author note to the left. For further information on the contents of the author note, see Section 2.7 of the .


The running head appears in all-capital letters in the page header of all pages, including the title page. Align the running head to the left margin. Do not use the label “Running head:” before the running head.

Prediction errors support children’s word learning

Use the page number 1 on the title page. Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word processing program to insert page numbers in the top right corner of the page header.


Donald J. Trump, wearing a blue suit and a red tie, walks down from an airplane with a large American flag painted onto its tail.

Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

Donald J. Trump intends to bring independent regulatory agencies under direct presidential control. Credit... Doug Mills/The New York Times

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Jonathan Swan

By Jonathan Swan Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

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