
Ph.D. Programs

Mosaic of Graduate Student Images

At the graduate level, five of our departments have Ph.D. programs: Anthropology , Economics , Political Science , Psychological Sciences , and Sociology . All of these programs achieve excellence by concentrating on selected areas for education and research.

If you are interested in earning a doctorate, you are encouraged to learn about our programs by browsing each department's website and by contacting faculty. Each department strives to make sure that there is a good "fit" between a student's interests and the strengths of the department.

For more information on any of our Ph.D. programs please click on the links below:

  • Anthropology
  • Political Science
  • Psychological Sciences
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One Main Street
Houston, TX 77002

    University of Houston Downtown
  Sep 06, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog    
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Joanna Kaftan , PhD, Coordinator N1060, 713-221-8299

The program in sociology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree may prepare a student for graduate school in sociology or in other disciplines of behavioral or social sciences. It also serves as preparation for entry-level positions in public sector social service agencies or in business. The study of sociology provides a unique perspective for studying complex social problems including poverty, deviant behaviors such as crime, violence, and drug use. Further, courses in sociology address the functional importance of social institutions such as the family, religion, government, education, mass media, and health care delivery.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates who earn a BS in Sociology will be able to demonstrate:

  • Understanding of the scientific method in critical analysis and problem solving as applied to sociological issues.
  • Understanding of theoretical perspectives (explanatory paradigms) of sociology.
  • Understanding of key sociological concepts in describing social behavior, social forces and actions of individuals).
  • Knowledge of substantive findings in subfields of Sociology (such as: social inequality, minority groups, deviance, family, health & illness, migration, globalization).

Degree Requirements

To complete a BS in Sociology, students must satisfy the “ Requirements for CHSS Majors   ” and fulfill the coursework listed below.

Common Core Requirements

See listing under Common Core Requirements    in this catalog.

Preparatory Requirements

(Courses in this area can be reused from the common core)

  • SOC 1303 - Introduction to Sociology

Additional Preparatory Requirements

(Courses in this area cannot be reused from the common core)

  • SOS 2304 - Research Methods in the Social Sciences
  • SOS 3312 - Statistics in the Social Sciences

6 Hours in SOC:

Complete 6 semester credit hours of Sociology (SOC), any level.

3 Hours in Nonverbal Analysis:

Complete 3 semester credit hours in Math, Natural Science, or Computer Science.

Major Requirements

  • SOC 4315 - Social Theory

21 Upper-Level Hours in SOC:

Complete 21 semester credit hours in Sociology (SOC), Social Sciences (SOS), or Anthropology (ANTH) at the 33XX or 43XX level.

3 Capstone Hours:

Complete 3 semester credit hours in either SOS 4301 - Special Projects in the Social Sciences    or SOS 4380 - Field Experience in the Social Sciences   .

Free Electives

Upper or lower division courses may be applied to this area, with the exceptions described under the “ Requirements for CHSS Majors   ,” so that the student’s entire coursework, including the above requirements, totals 120 semester credit hours.

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    University of Houston Clear Lake
  Sep 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog    
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Are you curious about social problems? Do you have ideas about how to improve society? Are you interested in social policies and their effects? If so, sociology may be for you. A sociology degree prepares you for a wide range of careers in the following areas: business and industry, government, community and social services, the legal system, education, and research. Our graduates work in nonprofit organizations, government, marketing, urban planning, and human resources. They also work with at-risk youth, senior citizens and people struggling with substance abuse. Our faculty specializes in family sociology, medical sociology, immigration, religion, race and ethnic relations, social inequality, complex organizations and nonprofit organizations, and conflict resolution.

The Candidate Plan of Study (CPS) must include the following requirements:

1.  Students must complete a minimum of 12 undergraduate upper-level hours in the behavioral sciences (anthropology, psychology, and sociology). If this requirement has not been met prior to admission, then such courses should be completed before beginning work toward the SOCI M.A. degree.

2.  No more than 6 credit hours may be transferred toward the SOCI M.A. Courses may be transferred if: 

       a. The courses are pertinent to the degree.

       b. The courses were taken no more than five years before admission to graduate study at UHCL.

       c. Grades of B- or better were earned.

       d. The courses were not applied to a graduate degree already earned.

       e. The courses were not taken by correspondence or extension.

3. At least 24 credits of the degree plan must be earned at UHCL.

4. Grades of B- or better must be earned for all coursework.

5. Students must complete a capstone in order to earn the SOCI MA. Registering for a capstone should not be seen as a right. Prior to beginning a capstone, students must make arrangements with a graduate faculty adviser and complete the online graduate course option form, which will be routed to the instructor of record for approval.

  • Students wishing to complete a master’s thesis must submit a 3-6 page project proposal, which includes a literature review with references and a statement of the proposed methodology for carrying out the thesis.
  • Students wishing to complete an internship must work with a graduate faculty adviser to select an internship site. Students must meet all required criteria, including a grade point average of 3.00 or better. The university reserves the right to deny admittance to or to remove a student from an internship.
  • Students wishing to pursue the coursework option must work with a graduate faculty adviser who agrees to oversee either a written comprehensive exam or a detailed research proposal during the student’s final semester of enrollment.

Completion of GRE is not required for applicants to this program. Applicants with a last 60-hour GPA of 3.0 or higher and those who have completed advanced degrees will be automatically admitted. Applicants with a last 60-hour GPA below 3.0 or without prior completion of advanced degrees will undergo individual review. To complete individual review, applicants should submit a statement of purpose, not to exceed two single-spaced pages, describing the reasons for desiring this degree and how it fits into the applicant’s career goals. Personal statements should be emailed directly to the Director of the Sociology program, Dr. Mike McMullen at [email protected]

Degree Requirements

General requirements.

SOCI 6730    and SOCI 6432    must be completed for credit within the first three long semesters (fall/spring) of a student’s graduate coursework. Students seeking an exception must obtain written approval from the sociology program director.

Note: SOCI 6432    is offered in the spring and SOCI 6730    is offered in the fall and spring.

Core Sociology Courses

  • SOCI 5032 - Mental Health and Illness Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5233 - Religion and Immigration Studies in Houston Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5236 - Religion and Global Change Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5333 - Minorities and Majorities Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5334 - Social Stratification Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5337 - Complex Organizations Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5433 - Social Conflict and Mediation Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5434 - Marriage and Family Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5435 - Gendered Inequality: Work and Family Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5438 - Sociology of the Life Course and Aging Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5537 - Urban Problems Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5538 - Graduate Studies in Social Movement Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5633 - American Immigration Studies Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5731 - Graduate Political Sociology Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 5732 - Seminar in Social Problems Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 6734 - Women’s Health Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 6737 - Medical Sociology Credit Hours: 3


Sociology graduate students are encouraged to work with their faculty adviser to structure their plans of study to reflect concentrations within the discipline. Seven concentrations are available.

Concentration in Diversity

Choose three of the following courses. For SOCI 5236   , the following may be substituted: CRCL 5033   .

Concentration in Work and Occupations

Choose three of the following courses: 

Concentration in Urban Studies

Choose three of the following courses:

  • GEOG 5134 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Credit Hours: 3

Concentration in Health and Medicine

Choose three of the following courses:

  • CRCL 5533 - Community Health in Cross-Cultural Perspective Credit Hours: 3

Concentration in Family Sociology

  • SOCI 5533 - Sociology of Human Intimacy Credit Hours: 3

Concentration in Gender Studies

Choose from the following courses:

Concentration in Research Methods

Choose three of the following courses. SOCI 6432    and SOCI 6730    are required; you may take GEOG 5134 as an elective in order to earn the concentration.

  • SOCI 6432 - Qualitative Research Methods Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 6730 - Advanced Non-Experimental Research and Statistics Credit Hours: 3

Master’s Options

Thesis option (30 hours).

In addition to the courses below, students should choose 12 hours from the Core Sociology Classes listed above; students should also complete a 3-hour SOCI elective.

  • SOCI 5131 - Contemporary Sociological Theory Credit Hours: 3
  • SOCI 6939 - Master’s Thesis Research Credit Hours: 3

(Repeat for a total of 6 hours)

Additional Information

The thesis is a 35-40 page paper that could potentially be published in a sociology scholarly journal; it must be in American Sociological Association format, use real data (qualitative and/or quantitative), contain a literature review and test at least one hypothesis derived from a sociological theory. Students must work with a thesis committee consisting of at least two faculty members. A thesis proposal must be approved by the student’s thesis committee and the completed thesis must be approved by the committee, as well as by the dean and the associate dean. Students are required to hold a public defense (presentation) of their completed thesis.

Internship Option (30 hours)

In addition to the courses below, students should choose 15 hours from the Core Sociology Classes listed above; students should also complete a 3-hour SOCI elective.

  • SOCI 6739 - Graduate Internship Credit Hours: 3

Internships are a 100-hour commitment to be completed over one long semester. Internships may be completed in one of three ways: 1) Community Placement: students may complete an internship at a social service agency, nonprofit organization or other association related to career goals and with approval of the sociology internship coordinator; 2) Teaching: students may complete a teaching internship, in which the student will be partnered with a UHCL faculty member to gain experience teaching an undergraduate course. The course will be decided in consultation with the faculty member; or 3) Research: students may complete a research internship in the area of medical sociology. 

Additional Coursework Option (30 hours)

In addition to the courses below, students should choose 18 hours from the “Core Sociology Classes” listed above; student should also complete a 3-hour SOCI elective.

Students should complete SOCI 6909    in the last semester of the degree. The comprehensive exam will be either a research proposal developed by the student in consultation with a faculty adviser or a written examination that questions contributed by all full-time sociology faculty.

  • College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
  • Prospective Students

Admission Requirements

3551 Cullen Boulevard, Room 450 Houston, TX 77204-3012 Phone: 713.743.3940

Link to Sociology Facebook page

  • Applicants must have a B.A. or B.S. from an accredited institution , preferably with a major in sociology or any other social science.
  • It is strongly recommended, but not required, that applicants have taken undergraduate courses in social theory (or its equivalent), social statistics (or its equivalent) and research methods (or its equivalent).
  • Grade point averages are considered in the context of the applicant’s whole record, but a strong applicant will normally have at least a 3.0 grade point average (A=4.0) on the most recent 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework.
  • International students must also provide evidence of satisfactory English proficiency . The TOEFL or the IELTS exams provide this evidence and must be taken at least a month before submitting your application. TOEFL and IELTS scores must not be more than 2 years old. The scores must be sent electronically to UH Admissions directly by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) using system code #6870. On the TOEFL, a total combined minimum score of 79 is required. The TOEFL score cannot be older than 2 years. On the IELTS, a minimum band score of 6.5 is required. The IELTS score can be older than 2 years. Official TOEFL scores must be received by the University before the application is considered complete.
  • Ultimately, 2 letters of recommendation , preferably from academic sources are required. During the CollegeNet application process, the names and emails of individuals who will provide recommendations will be required. Once provided, CollegeNet will contact the individuals and request that they submit recommendation information.
  • A Statement of Purpose (SOP) must be submitted through the CollegeNet application. Without it, the application cannot be finalized. An SOP is a brief essay of 1–2 pages about why the applicant wants to pursue graduate work in sociology, their experiences in sociology and plans after receiving a graduate degree.
  • A current résumé   must be provided through the CollegeNet application. Without it, the application cannot be finalized.
  • All applicants must pay the required application fees (Domestic Applicants: $50; International Applicants: $80) before their application is considered complete and ready for review.
  • Graduate Application through CollegeNet .
  • Official transcripts from all higher educational institutions must be sent online directly to the University of Houston Admissions using code #6870. In cases where a digital copy cannot be sent from the sending institution, an official hard copy must be mailed to the UH Graduate School. Consideration of an application can be made with unofficial transcripts; however, once admitted, the prospective student must provide an official transcript in order to be given the ability to enroll.
  • International Students must send original or certified transcripts of previous education both in the original language and the English translation to the UH Graduate School.
  • International Students have other application requirements . For a complete list of requirements, check the UH International Admissions  website for international students. The requirements include, but are not limited to, a statement of understanding, a letter of financial backing, degree clarification form, two passport-sized photos and a statement of purpose.
  • Address information for the UH Graduate School can be found at UH Graduate School Admissions .
  • For more information or clarifications , please contact Stella Grigorian, Graduate Faculty Advisor. Phone: 713.743.3960 Email: [email protected] Address: University of Houston – Department of Sociology Attn: Stella Grigorian, Graduate Faculty Advisor 3551 Cullen Boulevard, 473 Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall (PGH) Houston, Texas 77204-3011

phd sociology houston

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Department of Sociology

Sociology at sam.

Sociology is a scientific discipline concerned with equality, justice, and social responsibility within society’s cultural, political, and economic systems. The mission of the Sociology Department at Sam Houston State University is to cultivate sociological mindfulness, which involves understanding how social forces and cultural contexts shape people’s experiences, how personal troubles are connected to broader social issues, and how social arrangements create both constraints and opportunities for individuals and groups. Sociological mindfulness promotes critical and analytical thinking and equips students with the theoretical, methodological, and communication skills to work with others to solve problems and improve social conditions in their local communities and the broader society

 The sociology faculty at Sam Houston State University are engaged teacher-scholars who have won numerous awards in teaching, research, and service. The department strongly encourages and supports student research and research collaborations with faculty members. SHSU sociology majors, minors and graduate students regularly present their papers at regional and national conferences and publish their work in academic student journals.  Our majors and minors have gained admittance to top-ranked professional and doctoral programs across the United States, and our graduates have careers in a diverse array of fields. To learn about the experiences of our students and the careers of our alumni, please see our Alumni Spotlight page. 

Undergraduate Programs

The Sociology Department offers a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Science, and a Minor in Sociology. The BA and BS programs provide students with strong conceptual and methodological foundations, training in applied methods, and a wide range of elective course options. All our programs are offered both in-person and online. The department is also home to the Minor in Community Leadership, and the Minor in Cultural Competency and co-hosts the Minor in Environmental Studies. Course advisor ranks the undergraduate sociology program as the 8th best value in Texas and the #1 online program ! To learn more about our programs, please see our undergraduate programs page  and flyer .

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
  • Bachelor of Science in Sociology 
  • Minor in Community Leadership
  • Minor in Cultural Competency
  • Minor in Environmental Studies 

Graduate Programs

The Sociology Department at Sam Houston State University offers a 30-hour Master of Arts and an 18-hour graduate certificate. Both programs are designed to meet the needs of active students and professionals. Both the Master of Arts in Sociology and Graduate Certificate in Sociology emphasize public sociology and are entirely online . In both programs, students develop the professional skills necessary to analyze social issues in applied settings and advance their careers. The master's program offers both thesis and capstone options. Ranked the 4 th best online program by Best Colleges , , and Online Masters Colleges ! To learn more about our programs, please see our graduate programs page  and flyer .

  • 30-hour Master of Arts
  • 18-hour Graduate Certificate in Sociology 

Recruitment Scholarships

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the sociology department has eight $3,000 scholarships available for new graduate students. the scholarship will provide $1,500 in funding for fall and spring semesters. , program objectives.

The sociology programs at Sam Houston State University focuses on developing skills that enable its graduates to be successful in their future careers and be leaders in their communities. Graduates of the sociology programs at Sam Houston will have:

  • Knowledge and experience in problem solving, data analysis, and critical thinking. 
  • Appreciation for cultural differences and experience working on diverse teams. 
  • Written and verbal communication skills. 
  • Interpersonal and cross-cultural communication skills. 
  • Experience using conceptual frameworks and diverse research methods to think systematically about and assess equality, justice, and social responsibility within society's institutions. 
  • The ability to identify practical solutions to an array of social problems and help improve social conditions in their local communities and the broader society. 

Public Sociology @ Sam Research Initiative: Equity and Student Success at SHSU

The Sociology Department has launched a research initiative to examine how social inequities affect the college experiences and academic performance of SHSU students. To learn more about the initiative and current projects, please see the Equity and Student Success at SHSU webpage.

What's Happening in the Department? 

  • Future Students
  • How to Apply
  • Admitted Students
  • Tuition, Costs and Aid
  • Degrees and Programs
  • Contact Admissions
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  • Class Schedule
  • Academic Calendar
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  • Student Services and Resources
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  • Give to UHCL
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Faculty Highlights
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  • Course Development
  • Maps and Directions
  • News and Events
  • UHCL at Pearland
  • Mental Health
  • Academic Resources and Offices
  • First Year Seminar
  • Centers and Institutes
  • Extended and Professional Education
  • Commencement
  • Global Learning
  • Military and Veteran Services


  • Apply for Admission
  • Visit Campus
  • International
  • Non-Degree Seeking
  • Former Students


  • Cost of Attendance
  • Apply for Aid
  • Types of Aid
  • Scholarships
  • Forms and Resources
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Costs and Aid

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Campus Life

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Events at UHCL

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  • Impact 2025 and Beyond

About UHCL

  • Career Outcomes
  • Student Success
  • Institutional Success
  • Notable Alumni

Success and Outcomes

  • Request Info
  • Sociology M.A.
  • Undergraduate Programs
  • Graduate Programs
  • Certificate Programs
  • Programs By Interest

Build a Better Society

Untangle today's most intricate problems when you pursue a Master of Arts in Sociology from University of Houston-Clear Lake. This degree considers social issues, contexts and policies with the ultimate goal of improving society. From massive social structures to small group dynamics, sociology explores many facets of human organization and experience. Working closely with expert faculty in small classes, you'll explore topics such as family sociology, medical sociology, immigration, religion, race and ethnic relations and much more. Request Info How to Apply Visit

Understand and Explore Today's Pressing Issues

  • Family sociology
  • Health and medicine
  • Urban studies
  • Work and occupation

Admission Requirements

  • How to Apply as a Graduate Student
  • How to Apply as an International Graduate Student

A standard university application is required.

  • GRE Scores Not Required: The GRE requirement will automatically be removed after successful submission of the admission application.
  • Recommended last 60-hour GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Please review New Student Admissions in the Graduate Catalog under Transcripts and Records Information to learn how to submit an official college transcript to UHCL.

If the last 60-hour GPA is below a 3.00 or an applicant has not completed a prior advanced degree, student admission files will be sent to the program for individual review.

Individual Review Requirements: To complete individual review, all required supporting documents must be submitted with your admissions application or by using your E-services account for admission to the University of Houston-Clear Lake as a graduate student. All E-services  account(s) are generated after an application is submitted and processed.

  • Statement of Purpose (not to exceed two single-spaced pages): describing the reasons for desiring this degree and how it fits into your career goals.

Degree Requirements

Interested in discovering the classes you'll need to take to earn your degree from the College of Human Science and Humanities at University of Houston-Clear Lake? Find out now.

Cost Information

Examine how much it could cost to receive a degree from the College of Human Sciences and Humanities at UHCL.

Tuition and Fees Net Price Calculator Fee Schedule Calculator

Deadlines for Applying

  • Graduate Deadlines
  • Fall New Degree-Seeking Students - August 1 Returning UHCL Students - August 15
  • Spring New Degree-Seeking Students - January 5 Returning UHCL Students - January 15
  • Summer New Degree-Seeking Students - May 1 Returning UHCL Students - May 25

Please note, some graduate programs have special deadlines and requirements. For more information, go to How to Apply as a Graduate Student . The online application is scheduled to close for Graduate students after the Formal UHCL Student deadline of each semester.

Applying After the Priority Deadline

New, non-degree seeking, and returning UHCL students applying after the deadlines above may be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the appropriate graduate enrollment counselor for more information. A $50.00 Late Registration Fee or $50.00 Late Payment may apply.

Review the UHCL Academic Calendar for registration and payment dates and deadlines.

  • International Deadlines

Priority Deadline - May 1 Extended Deadline - June 1

Deadline - October 1

Deadline - April 1

For more information regarding deferring your application, please visit Deferring International Admission .

Students interested in qualifying for scholarships &/or applying for visas outside the U.S. should apply and submit the application documents/test scores by the priority deadline

*International freshmen applicants will not be accepted for Summer semester.

University of Houston-Clear Lake

2700 Bay Area Blvd Houston, TX 77058 Phone: 281-283-7600

Sociology M.A. Faculty

Jennifer Arney

Jennifer Arney

Associate Professor of Sociology, Human Sciences and Humanities

Contact number:   281-283-3441 Email:   [email protected] Office:  Bayou 2121

Jennifer Arney Faculty Bio

Stephen Cherry

Stephen Cherry

Professor of Sociology, Human Sciences and Humanities

Contact number:   281-283-3434 Email:   [email protected] Office:  B2233

Stephen Cherry Faculty Bio

Amy Lucas

Contact number:   281-283-3413 Email:   [email protected] Office:  Bayou 2121.04

Amy Lucas Faculty Bio

Michael McMullen

Michael McMullen

Contact number:   281-283-3435 Email:   [email protected] Office:  Bayou 2617.13

Michael McMullen Faculty Bio


Our Faculty

Affiliated faculty, lecturers and adjuncts, emeritus faculty.


  1. Graduate Program

    Graduate Faculty Advisor Stella Grigorian, Ph.D. Office: 473 Philip G. Hoffman Hall E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 713-743-3960 University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204 (713) 743-2255

  2. The Rice Sociology PhD

    The Rice Sociology PhD. Rice Sociology is eager to welcome applications for our Fall 2025 cohort of Ph.D. students! Applications will open September 1, 2024, with an application deadline of December 1, 2024. In 2008, the sociology department received a generous, $6.4 million dollar grant from the Houston Endowment to design and launch a ...

  3. Department of Sociology

    About Sociology at UH. The department of sociology at the University of Houston is comprised of an innovative and highly productive faculty, producing cutting-edge research in the areas of social inequality, health, work, education, social psychology and culture. We offer training to undergraduate and graduate students in sociological theory ...

  4. Degree Requirements PhD

    Admission Policy. Students are admitted on a competitive basis. Admitted students must have a Baccalaureate degree (BA or BS) or equivalent, a minimum 3.0 (B) GPA in undergraduate work, and the intent to complete a Ph.D. in sociology. We consider GRE scores, undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, writing samples, a personal essay, and ...

  5. Prospective Students

    Prospective Students. The Department of Sociology at the University of Houston offers graduate training directed towards professional career success in both academic and applied non-academic fields. Our department has successfully placed graduates in top-ranked Ph.D. programs as well as in non-academic positions in public institutions and ...

  6. How to Apply

    The application fee is $85.00 and can be paid through the online graduate application. Applications can be processed only after the application fee is received. ... Sociology MS-28 6100 Main St. Houston, TX 77005 We also accept official transcripts that are electronically sent directly from the granting institution and emailed to [email protected].

  7. Ph.D. Programs

    For more information on any of our Ph.D. programs please click on the links below: Anthropology. Economics. Political Science. Psychological Sciences. Sociology. Fostering diversity and an intellectual environment, Rice University is a comprehensive research university located on a 300-acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Texas.

  8. Sociology, Ph.D.

    connections with Houston's premier research, science, and educational institutions; collaborative work across the university and with other institutions; new approaches to the dissemination of ideas, including digital modes of publication, social media, and community outreach or "public sociology." I want to find another Phd Course

  9. Handbook

    Handbook. Sociology Graduate MA Program. Introduction. The Graduate MA Program at the University of Houston is designed to offer career preparation for students who seek to use their sociological training in applied settings and students who plan to continue their studies through the Ph.D. Both career tracks provide students with ...

  10. PhD in Sociology Programs in Houston 2024+

    PhD in Sociology programs offer students the opportunity to learn advanced sociological and political concepts, while conducting research of their own. Earning a PhD Programs in Sociology degree may also qualifiy you as a Sociologist or for careers in academia. Sociologists study and analyze human society and social behavior by examining various social, religious, political, social ...

  11. Department of Sociology

    Postal Address Department of Sociology, MS-28 Rice University P.O. Box 1892 Houston, TX 77005

  12. Sociology, BS

    Joanna Kaftan, PhD, Coordinator N1060, 713-221-8299. The program in sociology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree may prepare a student for graduate school in sociology or in other disciplines of behavioral or social sciences. It also serves as preparation for entry-level positions in public sector social service agencies or in business.

  13. Sociology, M.A.

    Choose three of the following courses: SOCI 5434 - Marriage and Family Credit Hours: 3. SOCI 5435 - Gendered Inequality: Work and Family Credit Hours: 3. SOCI 5438 - Sociology of the Life Course and Aging Credit Hours: 3. SOCI 5533 - Sociology of Human Intimacy Credit Hours: 3.

  14. PhD in Sociology

    For more information about our sociology doctoral program, please contact: Paul Bones, PhD. Graduate Program Director. 940-898-2063. [email protected]. Page last updated 2:43 PM, August 20, 2024. We provide a solid foundation in the core areas of research methods and sociological theory, as well as benefits and opportunities from the combined.

  15. Graduate Program

    For questions, concerns, or compliments please call or e-mail Dr. Tze-Li Hsu , Director of Graduate Studies (936-294-2675). To learn more about department events and faculty and student accomplishments follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. A guide to master degrees in Sociology at Sam Houston State University.

  16. Graduate Students

    About People Undergraduate Graduate Research Support/Donate BACK TO TOP 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005-1827 | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892 |

  17. Admission Requirements

    For more information or clarifications, please contact Stella Grigorian, Graduate Faculty Advisor. Phone: 713.743.3960 Email: [email protected] Address: University of Houston - Department of Sociology Attn: Stella Grigorian, Graduate Faculty Advisor 3551 Cullen Boulevard, 473 Philip Guthrie Hoffman Hall (PGH) Houston, Texas 77204-3011

  18. Sociology , Master of Arts

    The graduate programs in Sociology at Sam Houston State University are entirely online and designed to provide students with advanced instruction in methodological techniques, theoretical perspectives, and empirical evidence in substantive areas that guide sociological inquiry. Given our faculty's varying research agendas, our program ...

  19. Sociology Department

    The Sociology Department at Sam Houston State University offers a 30-hour Master of Arts and an 18-hour graduate certificate. Both programs are designed to meet the needs of active students and professionals. Both the Master of Arts in Sociology and Graduate Certificate in Sociology emphasize public sociology and are entirely online.

  20. Research

    Research. The department of sociology at the University of Houston is a vibrant center of scholarly activity. The department's thirteen full-time research faculty members conduct basic and applied research in traditional areas of the discipline, including demography, education, health, stratification and social psychology.

  21. Sociology M.A.

    Professor of Sociology, Human Sciences and Humanities. Contact number: 281-283-3435 Email: [email protected] Office: Bayou 2617.13. Michael McMullen Faculty Bio. The graduate program in Sociology at UHCL prepares students to navigate the complex and diverse social world and to pursue a purposeful life and a variety of careers.

  22. Research

    Our faculty are involved in research centers and programs across various disciplines, listed below: Fostering diversity and an intellectual environment, Rice University is a comprehensive research university located on a 300-acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Texas. Rice produces the next generation of leaders and advances tomorrow's thinking.

  23. Department Faculty

    About People Undergraduate Graduate Research Support/Donate BACK TO TOP 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005-1827 | Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892 |