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A Good Name is Better than Riches Essay for Students & Children

A good name is better than riches essay.

People give great importance to earning money. Many activities in society like education, business, employment, etc., are directed towards this end. Money has become so important that people place it above everything else. As a result, often, evil means are employed to earn money. Such means bringing a bad name to the person using them. Though money gives them power and influence, people do not believe or trust such people because of their bad names. One can win faith, trust, confidence, and love of people only through a good name. There are many things in life like respect, trust, goodwill, etc., which money cannot buy. A good name can help a person in such matters. So when one has to choose between money and a good name, the latter should be preferred. It may be difficult to do so but it is beneficial in the long run.

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A Good Name Is Better than Riches Meaning and Meditation

“ A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold. ” (Proverbs 22:1)

When you were born, your parents likely put a great deal of thought into your name. After all, it stays with you for the rest of your life. Other family members, or perhaps someone in the church, probably gave you a keepsake card or plaque with the meaning of your name included; maybe your name was chosen because of what it means or signifies.

But does this verse mean that some names are worth more than others if it is a “good” name?

#1 Known through Symbolism or Context

During biblical times, names were a significant part of who you were. Fathers named their children as a form of prophecy (Genesis 5:29) or of the conditions surrounding their birth (1 Samuel 4:20-22). The names of the twelve tribes of Israel were also rich in meaning, as they told the story of Jacob’s wives and his relationship to them (Genesis 29:31-30:24).

Sometimes, God Himself would give someone a new name as a result of His involvement in their lives (Genesis 17:5, 32:28). Jesus even gave Simon a new name, Peter, because of the role he would play in the church after Jesus’ death and resurrection (Matthew 16:18). Whether you were born with it or given it later on in life, your name mattered and told the world who you were.

#2 Known by Strength of Character

But even deeper than the name itself, the above verse in Proverbs is talking about something bigger. It’s referring to a person’s reputation, their character, their actions, and the qualities they are known for. Far more valuable than their wealth or possessions was their personal integrity and how loyal they were to their friends and family.

A classic example of the bond between two people was David and Jonathan. From the moment they met, Jonathan and David were knit together by the bond of brotherly love (1 Samuel 18:1-4). They encouraged each other in the Lord (1 Samuel 23:16-18), and they mourned when they were apart (1 Samuel 20:41-42). When Jonathan died, David said of his friend that “thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women (2 Samuel 1:26).” The name of Jonathan was precious to David because of what his friend meant to him: their loyalty to each other, their pledge to care for each other’s descendants, and their reverence for God.

#3 Known Separate from Currency

Just because we become wealthy does not mean that we can secure our souls for heaven (Matthew 16:26). We can only be identified with Jesus not by the donations we make or the amount of money we have to our name, but by our love for one another (John 13:35). If we live our lives for the sole purpose of amassing more and more possessions and authority and influence, we will die and leave it all behind (Ecclesiastes 2:21, Luke 12:14-21).

#4 Known and Saved by the Creator

So the “good name” the writer of Proverbs is referring to is a person’s reputation. There are numerous examples of people in the Bible who had good reputations. Although he was mistreated and sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph still behaved with honor and propriety in his master’s house (Genesis 39:6-10). When Job lamented the tragedy God allowed to befall him, he longed for the days when the whole town knew him by his good deeds and respected him because he cared for others (Job 29:7-12). Gideon was given the alternative name Jerub-Baal because he defied the social norms of idol worship (Judges 6:32).

These examples do not mean that our actions can save us, no matter how good or righteous they are (Ephesians 2:8-9), but it does mean that we are known by what we do. When Saul became a follower of Jesus, he was known for his previous abuse of the church (Acts 9:21), but how he lived the rest of his life proved that he was a true believer.

#5 Known as Savior and Christ

Beyond any name on earth is the Name of Jesus. Given to his earthly parents by the angel Gabriel (Matthew 1:21), the Name of Jesus is the ultimate representation of a name given to someone based on their life and actions. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice to save people from their sins and fulfilled the prophecies about Him as the promised Messiah. And Jesus will reign above every ruler on earth by His power, and His Name alone will be worthy to be glorified and praised (Philippians 2:9-11).

Think about your friends and coworkers. You undoubtedly have opinions about them from the moment you say their name. Some have positive memories associated with them, and others cause you to frown. Some cause feelings of love and adoration, and others cause irritation or even anger. The important question is, what do others think when they hear your name? Do you live your life worthy of the Name of Jesus written on your heart? If we show love to others and remain faithful in this life, we will be given new names in heaven (Revelation 2:17).

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2010 WAEC English Language Theory Write a story to illustrate the saying: A good name is better than riches.

Write a story to illustrate the saying: A good name is better than riches.


      Indeed, a good name is better than riches. Once upon a time, in the city of Lagos lived a man whose name was Mr. Akpan Effiong. He had a wife and three children. Mr. Akpan Effiong was an accountant who worked in a firm known as Emirate Investment and Holdings Limited. He had two colleagues who worked with him as accountants and their names were Mr. Akinwande and Mr. Nwokocha. They all worked in the same office but Mr. Akinwande and Nwokocha were fraudulent. They doctored the company's accounts at will and stole company's money through dubious means. They tried to introduce their fraudulent deal to Mr. Effiong but he refused to join them in defrauding the company because he had always wished to live a clean life. free of dubious activities as his parents had admonished him that a good name is always better than riches. They tried every means possible to convince Mr. Effiong to join them in their devilish acts but he refused. When they were not successful in convincing Mr. Effiong to join them. Mr. Akinwande and Mr. Nwokocha continued to defraud the company and at times converted company properties to their private uses. They opened several accounts bought land and houses in choice areas of the city of Lagos.

      Mr. Effiong knew all these things but he determined that he would not contradict what his parents told him. At a particular period of time there was a project which the firm was commissioned to execute. The project was worth about twenty million U S dollars Akinwande and Nwokocha saw it as a wonderful opportunity to make more money and they seized it. They devised a plan to trick Mr. Effiong to sign a forged cheque so as to collect a large sum from the project fund. When they realized that this might be difficult, they resorted to forging Mr. Effiong's signature. When the firm found out that they had been duped they invited the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission to investigate into the fraud in the company It was found out that the forged cheque had Mr. Effiong's signature. Mr. Effiong was disgraced and arrested. The firm fired him. froze his accounts and impounded his cars as well as seized his house. He was forced out of his house to go and rent an apartment. His name was smeared as all newspapers had a coverage of the crime he had allegedly committed.

      Mr. Akinwande and Nwokocha having fulfilled their mission, they were very happy and they continued in their dubious acts They were promoted to the posts of Head Accountant and Assistant Head Accountant respectively. They enjoyed their new status had the best of everything and didn't bother to know what was happening to Mr. Effiong's family.

      After a short while their evil acts caught up with them as their plan to swindle the firm of another big sum of money failed. The skeleton in their cupboards were exposed and it was found out that they had been the ones duping the company all along Through their confessions when they were tortured by the EFCC, Mr. Effiong was exonerated. He was restored to his former office and shortly after. he was promoted. His name became a synonym for honesty and he also won the Silverbird Man-of-the-Year award for his honesty. He forgave Mr. Akinwande and Nwokocha and even gave them money for the upkeep of their families. Thus indeed, a good name is better than riches.

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English Language Paper 1, May/June 2010  
Questions:   5  
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The candidate is asked to write a story to illustrate the saying: "A good name is better than riches". Most of the compositions on this topic were unsatisfactory, as they neither illustrated the saying nor showed that the writers knew what the topic meant

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3 Reasons A Good Name Is Better Than Riches (Proverbs 22:1)

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.” – Proverbs 22:1

Have you ever thought about the status of your name? Would you say it is good? Do you even care how those around you view your name?

a good name is better than riches

I’m talking about what your name implies. When people hear your name mentioned, what do they immediately think about you?

In this context, a “good name” really speaks to your integrity. It’s about your reputation and the character you possess inside. It identifies who you are from a moral and ethical standpoint. Essentially it is what you are all about.

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:1 “a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches…” That’s amazing when you think about it. Your good name is better than all the money in the world!

Does that seem odd? It certainly doesn’t fit with what culture thinks about having money. I mean, I could find some really positive ways to use great riches. It sure would set my mind at ease knowing I’d never need to worry about money again.

Related Content: My Go to Bible Verse When I Worry About Money

That may be true but a good name still provides more value than money. Here’s why.

Why a Good Name Is Better Than Riches

I can think of three reasons why a good name is better than great riches:

1. A good name provides stability

When you have a good name people can trust you. That trust is a stabilizing factor in your relationship with them. They know what to expect from you and can lean on your decisions with absolute confidence, knowing they were made with pure motives.

Those whose good name has been tarnished have a difficult time building trust and consequently maintaining friendship. Their motives will always be questioned as insincere. They are more or less seen as looking out for themselves and taking little consideration for the needs of others.

And how often do you question the motives of those who throw their great wealth around? Doesn’t it seem like there are often strings attached? That they have an ulterior motive for using their money?

You don’t want to be in situation or relationship where people don’t trust you. Trust helps relationships and friendships grow deeper. Your good name will go a long way in making that happen.

Related Content: 12 Bible Verses About Friendship That Will Make You a Better Friend

2. A good name is eternal

Riches are fleeting. They could be with us one minute and gone the next. And of course we know that we can’t take riches with us once we leave this world at the time of our death.

A good name however is theoretically eternal. How many men and women of history are still being spoken of in a positive light? Wouldn’t it be special if that could be you?

How will your legacy be remembered and portrayed by family, friends or colleagues once you are gone? Will they focus on the value of your life or only remember that you cared about yourself and your wealth? One of those will provide fonder memories and produce more positive future dialogue than the other.

Additionally, your character will have an influence on those around you, especially children. Kids are more likely to model the character traits of their parents and others (like teachers or coaches) who have positions of influence over them. In that way, the best parts of you can theoretically be passed down from generation to generation, thus making your good name eternal.

3. A good name brings loving favor

The ending phrase of Proverbs 22:1 says, “…loving favor rather than silver and gold.” As we are to seek a good name instead of riches, so we are also to seek loving favor over riches. And I can think of no better way to garner loving favor than to have a good name.

People will love you for having integrity. They appreciate you for the kindness, mercy and attention to their needs that you show. They will stay by your side when you are attacked.

And let’s be honest – we all would prefer to be loved, right? “I want to be loved” is one truism to which we can all relate.

While riches we could live without, a life that doesn’t experience love would be devastating.

In conclusion, riches are not evil and there is nothing wrong with having them. But a good name is better than riches, better than all the riches of the world. It provides more value in the present and the future.

So ask yourself, “Do you need to start working on your good name today?” It might take awhile to build or rebuild, but there is no doubt in the end it will be worth it.

Leave a Comment or Answer a Question Below: Do you believe that a good name is better than riches? Is your name in good standing with those around you? If not, what caused it and how could you turn it around? Have you lost sight of your integrity in the pursuit of riches? How popular is your actual name (click on the link above at “most popular first name”)?

Original image courtesy foto76 at

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Pro 22:1 is not talking about your reputation…the verse specifically says…”rather to be chosen”. Reputation is what others think of you, you dont get to choose what others think. its talking about a name of a person. God named Adam, told him to give names to every living creature. Named Abraham &Sarah, Isaac. Jacob to Israel. John the Baptist and ultimately Jesus. Name your kids with good names, not after other gods or idols. I know some who have the name Ford. God not respect or of persons

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I’ve never read any commentary that suggests this verse means what you are saying. How did you come to this conclusion?

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This has really helped me on the importance of positive reputation.. that with a good name, other things get their way into one’s life

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This is just awesome. I enjoyed reading the way this scripture Prov. 22:1 was analysed. There’s hidden and an unknown wealth that people don’t always go after and that’s favor with men in terms of relationship. A good name is one of the factors that attracts this favor. When you’re favored by men, there are things and places you can’t afford to get or to go. But this favor can earn you all of these things.

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God bless you for such a good information.

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When your integrity is good and your motives pure day by day, your name will withstand any attack. Most in your territory will consider the source, not stand for it, and then defend your good name. Consider the source.

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Amen Bryan, I was just sent a post highlighting the great names of our country all focusing on the racial disparity, not one name referred to a big black started company. I immediately remembered Proverbs 22:1 and followed a link here. What a wonderful piece and commentary..bless you and keep up the good feeding. 🥰

Appreciate it Dwight…glad you enjoyed the article. Thanks for reading!

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Thank you for sharing your heart with these. Hope a lot more be inspired to live a good name over pursuing riches.

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Thanks Brian for this perspective on “a good name”. Why what people think of us is very important, God’s verdict is final. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was maligned by various persons and religious leaders of His days, however, he remained focus. If someone or group of persons make it a project to assassinate your character do not allow it affect you. If falsehood travels for twenty years the truth will overtake it in one day is a popular adage in my local community. Keep living according to biblical principles and those that de-advertise you will swallow their words at the appropriate time.

” If someone or group of persons make it a project to assassinate your character do not allow it affect you.” You are absolutely right Jesse. But this is so hard, especially when it ends up being people who a) you respect and b) people you thought were friends. In the end, you can’t control what people say about you. They will be held accountable for their own actions one day. It’s not for me to judge why they say or act the way they do.

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God reveal more to you sir, so that we learn more. Thank you Jesus

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Hello Brian! I enjoyed everything about this message, especially the 3 reasons stated above about a good name according to the scriptures, is better than riches. Yes!! But My question is: what about those who you haven’t faulted, circumvented or stolen from before, yet your name have been soiled for no reasons without your knowledge and you have no way to defend yourself, because someone had sowed a wrong seed in the tour name within a forum, community or circle and you don’t have any idea, all you observe is rejections, unkept promises, even when those who aren’t experienced are given the opportunity and they failed and it’s still not a problem, and yet favored.

This scenario could be because someone who feels intimidated by your personality, either because the person is more intelligent, experience or more acceptable to people in that circle, and they have access to the forum and realized that if you are presented positively to the key persons in that forum, community or circle you will be made the head, or controller of some projects which they will have to serve you. Therefore, to prevent that from coming your ways, they will move ahead of you and sow a wrong seed in your name and people just seeing you around with all bunch of ideas and as a problem solver, yet avoid dealing with you or giving you a chance or even told you of your crimes.

How do we address this? And where do you start finding the negativity when there’s no dealings with you.

Hey Manny…thanks for the comment. The situation you present is a real tough scenario. I guess my encouragement and advice to you would be to live your life in a way that contradicts what is being said about you. If someone spreads false accusations about your character to a group of people, you can’t control that. And, it makes sense that that group may be hesitant to deal with you initially. However, if the group sees through their own personal interactions with you, that you do not demonstrate the qualities being spread around by the accuser, they will probably reject what was said about you in the first place. Your actions will speak louder than someone else’s words. And, my guess would be that the initial accusations would come to light eventually (by the group confronting the accuser) because they will see inconsistencies in how you live vs. what was said about you.

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I used your illustrations on Fm Radio program in Nigeria & my listener was thrilled. Thank you. Val

Cool…keep spreading the Word!

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Brill. Thank you so much.

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Thank you for the words of God.You made me realize why God told me to read this bible verse in my dream…

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Hi Brian, thanks for sharing. You know I am in country that is filled with corruption and this article helps me not to be tempted to tarnish my name for the sake of money or anything.

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Jayson is common. I used to hate it because there are lots of people whose name is Jayson. But now, I really need to accept and value it so I am doing the best I can do to make my name a reputable one. I just basically do what is right, always. In all, I hope I am building a good name.

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I am always interested in Biblical passages that set up two sides of a coin. Proverbs 22:1 seems in some ways to contrast with the first part of Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man will prove to be a snare …” So on the one hand, we are not to “fear” what people think of us, but on the other hand, a good name or reputation is of great value. I think that by focusing on the 2nd part of Proverbs 29:25 – “but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe” – we gain the “good name” that the “fear of man” pursues in vain. (I hope I’ve made sense!)

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I agree that a good name has no price. I believe that I have a good name in my community, which I worked hard to cultivate. I am very active in our Church and community and built trusting relationships with my clients. And Michelle is absolutely right – it takes a long time to eliminate negative associations with name/reputation – so I try to be very careful that I don’t do anything damage mine in either God’s or my community’s eyes.

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It take a long time to clear up negative associations with “your person/name” This is a very, very important post that I hope a lot of people take the time to read. My name is the 56th most popular name 🙂

“…clear up negative associations with “your person/name”… And in some people’s minds no matter what you do or how much you turn the corner it doesn’t matter. Such is the cost of damaging your character I guess. I hope/plan to never been in that situation.

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Write a story ending with: “A Good Name IS Better Than Riches ”


While I was going through the questions to ascertain the topic to choose and write on, my mind just couldn’t forgo the above topic because it reminds me of what happened two years ago which I would like to narrate here.

It is a lifelong lesson for me and others who might read this story. One sunny afternoon when returning from school after the end of the second paper of the day in the school on the promotion examination, I was across one woman who was neatly dressed and dangling a car key which I assumed was her car’s. true to my assumption, she had a car- a Toyota Camry LXE.

The woman approached me and said, ‘Young boy, what’s your name? and before I could give her my name, Emeka: who was with me then just greeted her and told her my name, oluwaseun. The woman laughed and ‘said that’ she needed a house help and that the way she saw me, I would serve her purpose. I told her my parents would not allow me, that she could instead call on Emeka. She said no, that she would go home with me and inform my parents. In order not to prolong the matter, we were already in her car on the way to my parents. When we got home, my mother was the first to be seen. She was surprised to see me in the car for she thought

I had damaged something in the school. Before I could say anything, the woman introduced herself as Dr. Mrs. Giwa who used to travel always but wanted somebody to take care of her house whenever she was not around. That she wanted Seun. My mother was baffled and called on my father who was enjoying his Beans and Garri for that afternoon. My father called her in and in no time she gave him huge sum of money and my father consented to her request. That was how I got to the woman’s house. She told me I would be working with her and so my movement should not be more than the furnished sitting room. When it was time to sleep, ‘mummy’ for that’s how I started to call her, she called me in and when I entered her bedroom, I ran out saying sorry ma. She shouted at me “come in here!” I went in and she was half n*ked asking me to scratch her back for her. I was thinking of how to scratch and before I knew it, she pounced on me and pressed much on me asking me to sleep with her that,  but I told her, “a good name is better than riches” and I ran back to my parents crying.

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A Good Name is Better Than Riches

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16 In the book of Proverbs, we are told that "A good name is to be more desired than great riches." A good name is such an excellent blessing that the only thing that is of more value is a good conscience. While the eighth commandment provides for the security of a man's property, the ninth commandment provides for the preservation of a man's good reputation. It would be better for a man to be robbed of his riches than to be robbed of his good name. Material things can be replaced.

For the most part, a man's reputation is based on his character. A man's character is known by his conduct and his speech. Christ said "every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit." Having made that observation, the Lord explained that the true character of men will be known by their fruits, that is by their conduct and speech. In spite of the fact that men may be of bad character, some are able to conceal that fact and for awhile enjoy the benefits of a good reputation. Sooner or later there will come a time when their so- called "good reputation" will be betrayed by their conduct or their speech.

Others are of good reputation, not because they have been successful in concealing their bad character traits, but because they are in fact of good character. Their honesty and integrity have been proven time and time again. The ninth commandment forbids the doing or saying of anything that would in anyway jeopardize a man's reputation. What a sad thing it is when a man's good name is ruined because someone deliberately told lies about him. Those who do such a thing take something from a man that can never be fully restored. Once a man's good name has been ruined, it is most difficult to fully restore it. There will always be those who have doubts, who had no doubts before.

God gave the ninth commandment to preserve the good name of men. However, He was willing to send His Son, who in turn was willing to make Himself of no reputation that He might fulfill the Father's will. The Scriptures say of Him, "And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." This is the One of whom it could be said, "He committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth; and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously." The One who was without sin, knew what it was to be falsely accused. He suffered not only false accusations, He also suffered the agonies of the cross that He might redeem guilty sinners.

> > > Verse 1
Proverbs 22:1

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.

A good name is more desirable than great riches; favor is better than silver and gold.

A name rather to be chosen than great riches, loving favour rather than silver and gold.

A name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.

A name is to be more desired than great wealth; Favor is better than silver and gold.

A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.

A name is to be more desired than great riches, Favor is better than silver and gold.

A name is to be chosen over great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.

A name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor is better than silver and gold.

A good name is to be chosen over great wealth; favor is better than silver and gold.

A good name is to be chosen over great wealth; favor is better than silver and gold.

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, And loving favor rather than silver and gold.

The Name is better than great wealth, and compassion is better than gold or silver.

A fair name is better than much wealth, and good favour is above silver and gold.

A good reputation and respect are worth much more than silver and gold.

A good name is better than great riches: and good favour is above silver and gold.

A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

A good name is more desirable than great wealth. Respect is better than silver or gold.

If you have to choose between a good reputation and great wealth, choose a good reputation.

A good reputation is more desirable than great wealth, and favorable acceptance more than silver and gold.

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, And loving favour rather than silver and gold.

A name is chosen rather than much wealth, | Than silver and than gold—good grace.

A good name is more desirable than great riches; favor is better than silver and gold.

A good name is more desirable than great riches, and high esteem, than gold and silver.

A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth, good favor more than silver or gold.

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.

A good name is more desirable than great riches, and loving favor is better than silver and gold.

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.

A good name is more desirable than great riches, and loving favor is better than silver and gold.

A name is chosen rather than much wealth, Than silver and than gold -- good grace.

1 2The rich and the poor have this in common: The LORD is Maker of them all.… ·

The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.

A good name is better than fine perfume, and one's day of death is better than his day of birth.

A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.

loving favour rather than

And delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house.


Proverbs 21:31

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The Value of a Good Name

September 6, 2009 ?Proper 17 Proverbs 22:1-2 , Proverbs 22:8-9 , Proverbs 22:22-23 Here is an idea so quaint and antiquated that it actually makes sense: Your name is valuable. Don’t run out and try to sell it on eBay. It may not have that sort of worth. Instead, the value of your name is in direct proportion to your character. The formula is quite simple to sketch but extremely difficult to attain: “Good character = good name; bad character = bad name.” The writer of Proverbs leads us to consider the value of a good name.

I. The Value of a Good Name (vv. 1-2) We receive a name at birth and then spend our lives attaching meaning to it. We all know people who have built great value around their names. If you mention the name, people will remember something about that person’s character. The opposite is also true. Verse 1 says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” The reason that is so important is that a person can have riches but a name that nearly incites riots. Think of Bernie Madoff. The writer of Ecclesiastes agrees that your name is valuable: “A good name is better than fine perfume.” It leaves a pleasant fragrance in the air when it is spoken.

II. How to Achieve a Good Name (vv. 8-9) So how do we achieve a good name? We do so by choosing righteous behavior over wicked action. Verses 8 and 9 give a portrait of two ways of living. The first way is to squander our lives by living as if no one else matters. Wickedness is an extreme form of selfishness. During the Great Depression Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics.” The second way is the life of openness and generosity. This man shares with others who have nothing. Generosity is a form of righteousness. Achieving a good name also happens when we are careful with the reputation of others. This includes God. Deuteronomy 5:11 says, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.” Even God wants His name protected!

III. Actions to Keep a Good Name (vv. 22-23) So you have worked hard to develop a good name. How do you keep it? We keep a good name by remembering who we are. As followers of Jesus we commit ourselves to doing what is right all the time. As verses 22-23 put it, we take care of those who can’t take care of themselves. We will not “exploit the poor because they are poor” or “crush the needy in court.” People who forget this fact cause chaos in their lives and in society at large. Those whose greed claimed the lifetime savings of millions may never know the devastation they caused. This tongue-in-cheek list helps explain how bad things have gotten: • CEO’s now play miniature golf. • HotWheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM. • McDonald’s now is selling the quarter-ouncer. • The most high-paid job is now jury duty. • Motel 6 won’t leave the light on. Always remember that your name is valuable. Build it up and make it worth something. May it be that people smile and thank God for you whenever your name is mentioned.

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A good name is to be chosen...

Picture of A good name is to be chosen...

Proverbs 22:1 – “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.”

Both riches (silver and gold) and an honorable reputation (loving favor, i.e., respect) are good. But if one has to choose between them, Solomon says, “Choose a good name.” Solomon’s son Rehoboam chose wealth (i.e. higher taxes) rather than the love and respect of his people. Choosing poorly, he lost most of his kingdom.

With whom does one want a good reputation? Other people, certainly! Elders need a good reputation towards outsiders (I Timothy 3:7), as well as those inside the church. A remarkable thing said of young King David was that, “And all the people took notice of it, and it pleased them, as everything that the king did pleased all the people (II Samuel 3:36).” Paul always tried to have a good conscience both toward God and his fellow men (Acts 24:16).

The reason a good name is better than riches? In the end we have to deal with God, and riches do not impress Him. He loves the upright man who fears Him and who walks before His face. Our fate, in this life and the next, rests in His hands. Therefore, if you have to choose between a good reputation and wealth, choose a good reputation, a good proxy for keeping God’s Law.

What kills a good reputation? Slander does, sometimes for a lifetime and beyond. Against that sort of murderous attack, we have little power. But one’s own sin that becomes known also destroys a reputation. Cheating, lying, stealing, breaking one’s word, adultery, murder, and witchcraft are all shortcuts to success. All sin is a short cut, a way to get what one wants without following God’s law.

I had a student once who had destroyed his reputation with both me and his parents, by lying constantly. In a meeting with his school guidance counselor and his teachers about his poor performance, when it was my turn to speak, I said, “Failing Algebra is Harry’s small problem. Lying is his big one.” The guidance counselor was not pleased, but the parents knew their son and instantly nodded their heads in hearty agreement. Next day, Harry complained to me about what I had said, explaining, “But Mr. Edgar, you don’t understand. Lying is how I get what I want.” Reputation confirmed!

Solomon combines the matter of a good name and riches because a common place where people cut corners is with money. They rob their employers, stab fellow workers in the back for promotions, skirt the law to improve profits, cheat on their taxes, pay workers badly, and sell shoddy goods – all shortcuts to make more money. But the price is a bad name, a bad choice because “A good name is more desirable than great wealth, the respect of others is better than silver or gold (Jerusalem Bible).”

-Dr. Bill Edgar, Geneva College Board of Trustees Member and Former President

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A good name is better than riches

This page is about the saying "A good name is better than riches"

Possible meaning: Your good reputation is worth more than money.

Someone who believes that "a good name is better than riches" would prefer to have

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger

Proverbs 22:1

1  p A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches ,

and favor is better than silver or gold .

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  1. Proverbs 22:1

    write an essay a good name is better than riches

  2. Proverbs 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; favor is

    write an essay a good name is better than riches

  3. A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is

    write an essay a good name is better than riches

  4. A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is

    write an essay a good name is better than riches

  5. Joseph Smith Jr. Quote: “Wherefore a good name is better than riches.”

    write an essay a good name is better than riches

  6. English saying

    write an essay a good name is better than riches


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    HOME New Join Forum Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Listening Speaking Reading Writing Articles Gymglish 7 Secrets Guest eQuiz.Me Teflnet. EnglishClub: Learn English: Vocabulary: Reference: Sayings: A: A good name is better than riches. A good name is better than riches. This page is about the saying "A good name is better than riches"

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    Chaitanya1696. report flag outlined. We are asked to write a story to illustrate that having a good name is better than riches. The story to illustrate this fact is as under: There was a land where everyone used to live happily as friends. Once in this land, there was a famine. Everything was destroyed and the poor felt it the hardest.

  20. A good name is better than riches

    HOME New Join Forum Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Listening Speaking Reading Writing Articles Gymglish 7 Secrets Guest eQuiz.Me Teflnet. EnglishClub: Learn English: Vocabulary: Reference: Sayings: Money: A good name is better than riches. A good name is better than riches. This page is about the saying "A good name is better than riches ...

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  22. Proverbs 22:1

    Proverbs 22:1. 1 p A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold. Read in Context.

  23. Essay on a good name is more than great riches Free Essays

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