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Being A Mom Is Tough. Being A Mom In A Pandemic Is Even Tougher

helping mother during lockdown essay

From left: Sawsan al-Ramemi of Amman, Jordan, is a mom of two — and expecting her third child. Her husband is working in the U.S. Nienke Pastoor of the Netherlands has been juggling her job as a dairy farmer and helping her four teenagers with their online schoolwork. Jessica Barrera of Eau Claire, Wis., is finding ways to spread joy with her son, Niko, who's a virtual student these days. Nadia Bseiso, Julia Gunther and Lauren Justice for NPR hide caption

From left: Sawsan al-Ramemi of Amman, Jordan, is a mom of two — and expecting her third child. Her husband is working in the U.S. Nienke Pastoor of the Netherlands has been juggling her job as a dairy farmer and helping her four teenagers with their online schoolwork. Jessica Barrera of Eau Claire, Wis., is finding ways to spread joy with her son, Niko, who's a virtual student these days.

When I was growing up, I marveled at how my single mother was able to come home after a long day of work, make dinner, iron our school uniforms and help me and my sister with our homework.

I can't imagine how she would have managed during this pandemic.

What would she have done if she was laid off from her job at the airport? Would she be able to figure out — or afford — virtual school? How would she keep us safe from the virus?

About this story

This story is part of an NPR Special Report on women in the pandemic, " Portraits Of Resilience ."

Over the span of three weeks in September and October, NPR photographed and interviewed 19 women around the world. They shared their challenges and fears — and how they are overcoming them. Read profiles of the women here.

Around the world, mothers have been struggling with these very challenges during the pandemic. We spoke to three mothers who shared how they've been faring: a mom of two in Jordan, expecting her third child and missing the in-person support from family; a dairy farmer with four teenage children — and 165 cows — to look after; and a single mom helping her son, who is on the autism spectrum, find joy in spite of coronavirus restrictions.

Read their stories, check out our special report on 19 women facing the coronavirus crisis — then find out how to nominate a woman to be profiled at the bottom of the story. — Malaka Gharib

helping mother during lockdown essay

Nienke Pastoor, 40, rides herd on 165 cows — and four teenage kids — on the dairy farm she runs with her husband outside the village of Middelstum in the Netherlands. Julia Gunther for NPR hide caption

Calm And Juggling On A Dairy Farm

The cows rode around the milking carousel, a circular platform lined with 30 individual holding pens that slowly turn clockwise. In each pen, a black and white Holstein or brown and white Montbéliarde waited to be milked.

In the pit below the carousel, 40-year-old Nienke Pastoor stood at udder-height, attaching the milk-extracting pump to each cow as it passed her.

Pastoor, her husband Jaap and Henk, an employee, need just 90 minutes to milk all 165 of the farm's dairy cows.

Pastoor and her husband co-manage a 336-acre dairy farm. One of her many responsibilities is to help run the daily milking operation. She's also the mother of four teenage children; she cooks and cleans; and she manages the farm's books. She regularly gives tours to schoolchildren from the nearby city of Groningen, taking them around the farm and letting them milk the cows by hand.

helping mother during lockdown essay

Pastoor stands in her cow shed with her oldest son, Thomas, left, and her husband, Jaap. Thomas, 17, is studying farming and plans on taking over the family farm. When schools were shut due to the lockdown, Pastoor made sure her kids kept up with their schoolwork. Julia Gunther for NPR hide caption

For a while Pastoor cherished the sudden quiet and freedom that COVID-19 brought to the "Other World": the name given to the remote farming district in the far north of the Netherlands where the Pastoor family have been dairy farmers for 75 years. "We established a strange new family rhythm during the lockdown," she said on a blustery blue-skied afternoon.

The only set routines were the morning and afternoon milking of the cows, and the e-lessons of her children: Thomas, 17, Daniel, 15, and twins Emma and Paulien, 13, who like many students in the Netherlands switched to remote learning in March.

"There was less pressure," she said. "No music lessons or sports games to drive the children to. And because the weather was so nice, life definitely felt a little more relaxed." The only visitors to the farm during the lockdown, which lasted from March 15 till June 2, were the truck drivers who came by three times a week to pick up 3,079 gallons of milk, and the vet who visited every two weeks.

How Do You Survive A Pandemic? These Women Have Lessons For Us All

Portraits Of Resilience: How 19 Women Around The Globe Face The Pandemic

But the pandemic also added new tasks to Pastoor's farm routine. She suddenly had to help the children with their schoolwork. "I made sure they were sitting at their laptops when they were supposed to be. I told them, 'We all have responsibilities in life. I have to do things. And so do you. You make sure the thing you are doing is done on time.' "

The children didn't mind the sudden shift to learning at home. They were able to sleep longer in the mornings as they didn't have to bike to school. The only frustration was the frequent technical glitches — no sound, the teacher's screen not working.

Pastoor was so busy she couldn't do the books for a month. Work kept piling up on the long wooden kitchen table where she normally sits.

"In the end, I had to tell [Jaap and the children] to get out of the kitchen so I could have some time for myself."

"It was difficult being a mother and a farm manager," she said, reflecting on lockdown life. "Everyone expected me to successfully juggle everything."

But dealing with all these responsibilities didn't concern Pastoor. What truly worried her was how she would cope if her husband were to get COVID-19 and succumb to the virus — and she'd be left to manage the farm on her own. "The pandemic really brought that home."

helping mother during lockdown essay

Pastoor feeds hay to some of her 165 cows after they've been milked. Julia Gunther for NPR hide caption

So Pastoor spent as much time as she could learning how to operate the farm's tractors, feeders and other heavy machinery — usually her husband's domain. "I also told him to write everything down on paper," she said. "Just in case."

While COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc around the world, life is slowly returning to normal on the Pastoor farm. The children are back at school, the price of milk is stabilizing after dropping dramatically during the lockdown due to a decrease in demand. Last week, Pastoor oversaw the birth of five new calves.

"Nature has a rhythm that dictates life on the farm," she reflected. Pandemic or not, cows need to be milked.

Photos by Julia Gunther. Text by Nick Schönfeld

helping mother during lockdown essay

Jessica Barrera helps her son Niko, 10, with math homework after a day of virtual learning at their home in Eau Claire, Wis. Lauren Justice for NPR hide caption

A Single Mom, Her Son And 'Kindness Rocks'

It was Niko's idea to drop the decorated rocks in the schoolyard. Jessica Barrera, Niko's mother, said it gave him a sense of connection to the school.

"Since he can't be there [in person] at least the rocks could be there from him," Barrera said.

The rocks are a tradition Barrera started when she realized she needed new ways to get outside with her son. The 40-year-old single mother was laid off from her job at an airport shuttle service in Eau Claire, Wis., in March. Niko finished the last few months of fourth grade virtually. Their list of reasons to leave the house was dwindling.

She read about "kindness rocks" online — stones decorated with art or inspiring messages and left conspicuously around a community for strangers to find. It sounded like a fun thing to do with Niko; they could go for walks and leave the rocks around town. Their first one had a simple message: "Be kind." They left it in a park at the confluence of the Chippewa and Eau Claire rivers.

helping mother during lockdown essay

Barrera and her son, Niko, place rocks painted with hopeful messages at his school and other places in their community. They hope the rocks will brighten someone's day. Lauren Justice for NPR hide caption

Niko is not a morning person. He typically starts his day with a granola bar and orange juice in a coffee mug (always a coffee mug). When he used to go to school, Barrera would sometimes take him to the Kwik Trip gas station, get herself a coffee and get him a hot chocolate in a to-go cup.

"He'd go sit with the teachers — they had their little coffees and he had his Kwik Trip hot chocolate. They were just sitting there talking, like he's like a grown-up," Barrera remembered with a chuckle.

"He's an old soul in an 11-year-old body."

Now Niko, who is on the autism spectrum, is one of the millions of kids learning remotely. After breakfast, Barrera helps Niko connect to his classroom on the iPad the school district sent home. When this school year started, the district gave parents the option for virtual learning or a hybrid model with kids in the classroom twice a week. Barrera chose the virtual option because Niko did well with it in the spring, plus Barrera has a rare blood condition that puts her at high risk for serious complications from the coronavirus.

Niko doesn't love it.

helping mother during lockdown essay

Niko sits at the virtual learning workspace that Barrera set up in his bedroom. Lauren Justice for NPR hide caption

Niko sits at the virtual learning workspace that Barrera set up in his bedroom.

"He was like, 'This virtual learning is for the birds,' " Barrera said.

Barrera applied for unemployment benefits for the airport shuttle job but was initially denied regular and federal pandemic benefits by the state unemployment agency because of rules that bar regular aid to laid-off workers who also receive federal disability assistance. (The state subsequently granted her pandemic benefits.)

She started working again in June, before she was really comfortable with the idea. After a few months working in the marketing department of a home improvement chain, she found more meaningful work as a job coach for adults with special needs, three days a week.

On Sept. 21, the day of the interview, Barrera was home to help Niko count on his fingers to solve math problems as his school day wound to a close. By 2:30 p.m. class was done, and they walked their kindness rocks up to Niko's school. They decorated some with an image of the school's mascot — a panther.

The kids learning in-person were lined up outside, waiting to go home. Barrera saw the school's longtime counselor and explained the rocks. He liked the idea and offered to arrange a scavenger hunt of the rocks for the other students.

Barrera knows it has been a tough start to fifth grade for Niko. He misses being around the other students. But she tries to reassure him.

"It's a crappy situation all around," Barrera said, "but it's temporary. It's going to get better."

Photos by Lauren Justice. Text by Bram Sable-Smith

helping mother during lockdown essay

Sawsan al-Ramemi with sons Zain, left, and Omer at home in Amman. She is expecting her third child. Nadia Bseiso for NPR hide caption

Sawsan al-Ramemi with sons Zain, left, and Omer at home in Amman. She is expecting her third child.

Expecting A Baby In Isolation

Sawsan al-Ramemi, 32, is due to have a baby girl in November. But unlike her previous two pregnancies, which she recalls as happy events, this one fills the Jordanian mother with worry.

She got pregnant in March just as the pandemic hit Jordan. Ramemi said she wasn't concerned at first because of the low number of cases in the country, which in March imposed one of the strictest lockdowns in the world. But in September, infections climbed dramatically to a high of almost 2,000 a day in a population of about 10 million.

"I've started being afraid as I'm visiting the hospital for pregnancy follow-up," said the former electrical engineer. "I take precautions like wearing gloves and a mask, but I am still afraid when I'm in a taxi going to the hospital."

And she has a long list of other concerns. Her husband, also an engineer, is working in the United States and is unable to travel home for the delivery. With such high coronavirus rates in the U.S., she worries about her husband contracting it there.

While her own extended family would normally help her through the pregnancy, because of social distancing measures she has been left without that help.

"My family supports me," she said. "But now that support is mostly through phone calls."

Ramemi, dressed in a polka-dot top and leggings with her hair covered with a dusty rose-pink hijab, adjusted the Velcro on the plastic sandals of her 18-month-old son, Zain, as she talked. She thinks about what she will do when the baby is born. She has resolved to keep the infant isolated – a difficult prospect in the effusive Arab culture.

helping mother during lockdown essay

Ramemi attends to her father. She moved in with her parents because her husband is working abroad. Nadia Bseiso for NPR hide caption

"Usually people come to see the baby and they bring gifts," she said. "Suppose they are infected? How can I let them kiss her?"

Ramemi said she is lucky to have a ground-floor apartment with a garden and pavement for Zain and her 5-year-old son, Omer, to run around in. These days, because of the pandemic, they rarely venture beyond the garden with its fig and olive trees and high stone walls.

"Now I don't feel comfortable taking my children to visit public parks and gardens. They are young and I am afraid if they get the virus, they might transmit it to my family," she said. When she does see relatives, it's for very brief visits. She worries in particular about her elderly mother, who has cancer . "Because of that I really limit my movement outside the house."

Ramemi said neither her physician nor the clinic she goes to provided information about the effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy, so she scoured the internet. While the Centers for Disease Control says pregnant women might be at an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19, she said the studies she has read have reassured her.

"2020 is full of surprises," she said, laughing. "I wish that I hadn't gotten pregnant during these times."

Still, she said, she thanks God.

Photos by Nadia Bseiso. Text by Shereen Nanish and Jane Arraf

Nominate A Woman

We'd like to tell more stories about women's lives in the pandemic.

Is there a woman in your community who has overcome great challenges in their personal lives? Or is helping others with their challenges? Send an email to [email protected] with your nomination, with "Women's Stories" in the subject line. We may feature them in a future story on NPR.org.

  • coronavirus
  • single moms
  • dairy farmers
  • portraits of resilience

Read these 12 moving essays about life during coronavirus

Artists, novelists, critics, and essayists are writing the first draft of history.

by Alissa Wilkinson

A woman wearing a face mask in Miami.

The world is grappling with an invisible, deadly enemy, trying to understand how to live with the threat posed by a virus . For some writers, the only way forward is to put pen to paper, trying to conceptualize and document what it feels like to continue living as countries are under lockdown and regular life seems to have ground to a halt.

So as the coronavirus pandemic has stretched around the world, it’s sparked a crop of diary entries and essays that describe how life has changed. Novelists, critics, artists, and journalists have put words to the feelings many are experiencing. The result is a first draft of how we’ll someday remember this time, filled with uncertainty and pain and fear as well as small moments of hope and humanity.

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At the New York Review of Books, Ali Bhutto writes that in Karachi, Pakistan, the government-imposed curfew due to the virus is “eerily reminiscent of past military clampdowns”:

Beneath the quiet calm lies a sense that society has been unhinged and that the usual rules no longer apply. Small groups of pedestrians look on from the shadows, like an audience watching a spectacle slowly unfolding. People pause on street corners and in the shade of trees, under the watchful gaze of the paramilitary forces and the police.

His essay concludes with the sobering note that “in the minds of many, Covid-19 is just another life-threatening hazard in a city that stumbles from one crisis to another.”

Writing from Chattanooga, novelist Jamie Quatro documents the mixed ways her neighbors have been responding to the threat, and the frustration of conflicting direction, or no direction at all, from local, state, and federal leaders:

Whiplash, trying to keep up with who’s ordering what. We’re already experiencing enough chaos without this back-and-forth. Why didn’t the federal government issue a nationwide shelter-in-place at the get-go, the way other countries did? What happens when one state’s shelter-in-place ends, while others continue? Do states still under quarantine close their borders? We are still one nation, not fifty individual countries. Right?
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Award-winning photojournalist Alessio Mamo, quarantined with his partner Marta in Sicily after she tested positive for the virus, accompanies his photographs in the Guardian of their confinement with a reflection on being confined :

The doctors asked me to take a second test, but again I tested negative. Perhaps I’m immune? The days dragged on in my apartment, in black and white, like my photos. Sometimes we tried to smile, imagining that I was asymptomatic, because I was the virus. Our smiles seemed to bring good news. My mother left hospital, but I won’t be able to see her for weeks. Marta started breathing well again, and so did I. I would have liked to photograph my country in the midst of this emergency, the battles that the doctors wage on the frontline, the hospitals pushed to their limits, Italy on its knees fighting an invisible enemy. That enemy, a day in March, knocked on my door instead.

In the New York Times Magazine, deputy editor Jessica Lustig writes with devastating clarity about her family’s life in Brooklyn while her husband battled the virus, weeks before most people began taking the threat seriously:

At the door of the clinic, we stand looking out at two older women chatting outside the doorway, oblivious. Do I wave them away? Call out that they should get far away, go home, wash their hands, stay inside? Instead we just stand there, awkwardly, until they move on. Only then do we step outside to begin the long three-block walk home. I point out the early magnolia, the forsythia. T says he is cold. The untrimmed hairs on his neck, under his beard, are white. The few people walking past us on the sidewalk don’t know that we are visitors from the future. A vision, a premonition, a walking visitation. This will be them: Either T, in the mask, or — if they’re lucky — me, tending to him.

Essayist Leslie Jamison writes in the New York Review of Books about being shut away alone in her New York City apartment with her 2-year-old daughter since she became sick:

The virus. Its sinewy, intimate name. What does it feel like in my body today? Shivering under blankets. A hot itch behind the eyes. Three sweatshirts in the middle of the day. My daughter trying to pull another blanket over my body with her tiny arms. An ache in the muscles that somehow makes it hard to lie still. This loss of taste has become a kind of sensory quarantine. It’s as if the quarantine keeps inching closer and closer to my insides. First I lost the touch of other bodies; then I lost the air; now I’ve lost the taste of bananas. Nothing about any of these losses is particularly unique. I’ve made a schedule so I won’t go insane with the toddler. Five days ago, I wrote Walk/Adventure! on it, next to a cut-out illustration of a tiger—as if we’d see tigers on our walks. It was good to keep possibility alive.

At Literary Hub, novelist Heidi Pitlor writes about the elastic nature of time during her family’s quarantine in Massachusetts:

During a shutdown, the things that mark our days—commuting to work, sending our kids to school, having a drink with friends—vanish and time takes on a flat, seamless quality. Without some self-imposed structure, it’s easy to feel a little untethered. A friend recently posted on Facebook: “For those who have lost track, today is Blursday the fortyteenth of Maprilay.” ... Giving shape to time is especially important now, when the future is so shapeless. We do not know whether the virus will continue to rage for weeks or months or, lord help us, on and off for years. We do not know when we will feel safe again. And so many of us, minus those who are gifted at compartmentalization or denial, remain largely captive to fear. We may stay this way if we do not create at least the illusion of movement in our lives, our long days spent with ourselves or partners or families.
  • What day is it today?

Novelist Lauren Groff writes at the New York Review of Books about trying to escape the prison of her fears while sequestered at home in Gainesville, Florida:

Some people have imaginations sparked only by what they can see; I blame this blinkered empiricism for the parks overwhelmed with people, the bars, until a few nights ago, thickly thronged. My imagination is the opposite. I fear everything invisible to me. From the enclosure of my house, I am afraid of the suffering that isn’t present before me, the people running out of money and food or drowning in the fluid in their lungs, the deaths of health-care workers now growing ill while performing their duties. I fear the federal government, which the right wing has so—intentionally—weakened that not only is it insufficient to help its people, it is actively standing in help’s way. I fear we won’t sufficiently punish the right. I fear leaving the house and spreading the disease. I fear what this time of fear is doing to my children, their imaginations, and their souls.

At ArtForum , Berlin-based critic and writer Kristian Vistrup Madsen reflects on martinis, melancholia, and Finnish artist Jaakko Pallasvuo’s 2018 graphic novel Retreat , in which three young people exile themselves in the woods:

In melancholia, the shape of what is ending, and its temporality, is sprawling and incomprehensible. The ambivalence makes it hard to bear. The world of Retreat is rendered in lush pink and purple watercolors, which dissolve into wild and messy abstractions. In apocalypse, the divisions established in genesis bleed back out. My own Corona-retreat is similarly soft, color-field like, each day a blurred succession of quarantinis, YouTube–yoga, and televized press conferences. As restrictions mount, so does abstraction. For now, I’m still rooting for love to save the world.

At the Paris Review , Matt Levin writes about reading Virginia Woolf’s novel The Waves during quarantine:

A retreat, a quarantine, a sickness—they simultaneously distort and clarify, curtail and expand. It is an ideal state in which to read literature with a reputation for difficulty and inaccessibility, those hermetic books shorn of the handholds of conventional plot or characterization or description. A novel like Virginia Woolf’s The Waves is perfect for the state of interiority induced by quarantine—a story of three men and three women, meeting after the death of a mutual friend, told entirely in the overlapping internal monologues of the six, interspersed only with sections of pure, achingly beautiful descriptions of the natural world, a day’s procession and recession of light and waves. The novel is, in my mind’s eye, a perfectly spherical object. It is translucent and shimmering and infinitely fragile, prone to shatter at the slightest disturbance. It is not a book that can be read in snatches on the subway—it demands total absorption. Though it revels in a stark emotional nakedness, the book remains aloof, remote in its own deep self-absorption.
  • Vox is starting a book club. Come read with us!

In an essay for the Financial Times, novelist Arundhati Roy writes with anger about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s anemic response to the threat, but also offers a glimmer of hope for the future:

Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.

From Boston, Nora Caplan-Bricker writes in The Point about the strange contraction of space under quarantine, in which a friend in Beirut is as close as the one around the corner in the same city:

It’s a nice illusion—nice to feel like we’re in it together, even if my real world has shrunk to one person, my husband, who sits with his laptop in the other room. It’s nice in the same way as reading those essays that reframe social distancing as solidarity. “We must begin to see the negative space as clearly as the positive, to know what we don’t do is also brilliant and full of love,” the poet Anne Boyer wrote on March 10th, the day that Massachusetts declared a state of emergency. If you squint, you could almost make sense of this quarantine as an effort to flatten, along with the curve, the distinctions we make between our bonds with others. Right now, I care for my neighbor in the same way I demonstrate love for my mother: in all instances, I stay away. And in moments this month, I have loved strangers with an intensity that is new to me. On March 14th, the Saturday night after the end of life as we knew it, I went out with my dog and found the street silent: no lines for restaurants, no children on bicycles, no couples strolling with little cups of ice cream. It had taken the combined will of thousands of people to deliver such a sudden and complete emptiness. I felt so grateful, and so bereft.

And on his own website, musician and artist David Byrne writes about rediscovering the value of working for collective good , saying that “what is happening now is an opportunity to learn how to change our behavior”:

In emergencies, citizens can suddenly cooperate and collaborate. Change can happen. We’re going to need to work together as the effects of climate change ramp up. In order for capitalism to survive in any form, we will have to be a little more socialist. Here is an opportunity for us to see things differently — to see that we really are all connected — and adjust our behavior accordingly. Are we willing to do this? Is this moment an opportunity to see how truly interdependent we all are? To live in a world that is different and better than the one we live in now? We might be too far down the road to test every asymptomatic person, but a change in our mindsets, in how we view our neighbors, could lay the groundwork for the collective action we’ll need to deal with other global crises. The time to see how connected we all are is now.

The portrait these writers paint of a world under quarantine is multifaceted. Our worlds have contracted to the confines of our homes, and yet in some ways we’re more connected than ever to one another. We feel fear and boredom, anger and gratitude, frustration and strange peace. Uncertainty drives us to find metaphors and images that will let us wrap our minds around what is happening.

Yet there’s no single “what” that is happening. Everyone is contending with the pandemic and its effects from different places and in different ways. Reading others’ experiences — even the most frightening ones — can help alleviate the loneliness and dread, a little, and remind us that what we’re going through is both unique and shared by all.

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What we learned about mothers during a pandemic

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The past year was particularly hard on mothers.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, massive disruptions in school and child care threw more burdens onto women raising children.

Moms and others primarily responsible for caregiving were more likely to take on additional responsibilities at home , including supervising distance learning. Mothers with young children were more likely to leave their jobs altogether during the height of the pandemic and have been far less likely to return to work.

What’s been the experience of mothers and mother figures over the past year? What did they learn about themselves? What was hard, and were there any positive aspects that mothers want to hold onto as we move beyond the pandemic?

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As we headed into Mother’s Day weekend, host Angela Davis talked to two mothers whose jobs involve supporting other moms.

Elizabeth LaRusso, a psychiatrist who works with the Mother Baby Center at Allina Health, said the past year made visible much of the “invisible labor” mothers had already been performing before the pandemic: “A lot of work, and a lot of self-sacrifice, and a lot of being all things — all the time.”

Some mothers called in during the show to talk about how they valued the extra family time the pandemic had given them. But as mothers took on new roles and responsibilities at home, they also experienced stress and exhaustion.

“What are the societal expectations of moms?” LaRusso asked. “And then at what cost?”

Christina Haddad Gonzalez, the director of student support services for Richfield Public Schools, reminded mothers to set limits and be gentle with themselves.

Gonzalez said mothers should try to remember: “I’m doing the best that I can with what I have.”

At a time when many have found it difficult to stay in touch with loved ones, LaRusso emphasized mothers need to rely on their support networks as well.

“You don’t need to be it all for your children,” LaRusso said. “You have this wonderful collective of people who can provide nurturing and love.”

Davis and her guests also listened to children’s tributes to their mothers, honored mothers who passed away this year and those dealing with grief, and celebrated all mother figures and chosen families for the love they give.

“Just look around. This is a shared experience. Thank you for being brave,” Gonzalez said.

Christina Haddad Gonzalez is the director of student support services for Richfield Public Schools.

Elizabeth LaRusso is a psychiatrist with a focus on women's well-being. She works with the Mother Baby Center at Allina Health.

Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.

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We asked the mothers and mother figures in our audience to write in about their experiences over the past year — the good and the bad — and we asked everyone else to share the feats they’ve seen the moms in their lives perform during the pandemic. Here’s what you had to say:

“In the uncertain period of the early lockdown a year ago, my mother lost her husband, my father, to cancer. He died the day after the murder of George Floyd, and our mourning became entangled with the ensuing unrest. In the months following, she traveled back to her homeland of Denmark to be with her ailing mother as she died. I'm so proud of my mom as she navigated these life-changing events, gave love to her adult children and those around her and kept it together under the oppressive nature of a global pandemic. She is a shining example of the subtle strength of mothers.”

— Jais in Brooten, Minn.

“I went from being a creative professional in a large architecture firm with a parking spot in the North Loop to starting a company out of my home after my job was reduced to part-time. I balanced work with connecting my two daughters to hybrid learning at their schools and driving them to activities which they would have been bussed to before. And I supported my husband’s need to fully concentrate on his career while also working from home. I have gone from business suites to leggings and sandals, waiting in my car at the student pick-up line. But I am hopeful that this opportunity will make me a stronger business leader and mom in the coming years. I do get a bit misty when I reflect on the shocking changes.”

— Heather in Minnetonka, Minn.

“This past year my mom had the patience to talk to me on the phone every single day. I'm single, live alone and work freelance, so I’m often working alone. Sometimes my mom is the only person I talk to for days, even if there's not much to say. And for that I am grateful!” 

— Libby in Minneapolis 

“I thought I had a ‘modern’ partnership of shared parenting and household responsibilities. It turns out that’s far from true. Before the pandemic, my husband and I were both working full-time, and the kids went to school and daycare. When everything shut down because of COVID, I started working from home, my husband lost his restaurant manager job, and we were all at home together. I was doing most of the cooking, cleaning, parenting and distance-learning assistance, while my husband spent his unemployment time working on home-improvement projects and excessive lawn maintenance. I quickly became overloaded. The pandemic forced us to confront our ingrained gender roles in the home. We had to actually write out all the household duties and make assignments to maintain my sanity. It's still a struggle, and I sometimes feel like a 1950s housewife who also works full time.”

— Anna in Brooklyn Park, Minn.

“My wife and I are both educators, and she is also a researcher. At the start of the pandemic, we were both teaching from home and able to share responsibility for our two sons, who are six and nine. However, my job required me to return to work, while hers offered her the flexibility to remain teaching from home. She became responsible for supporting our sons in distance learning as well as teaching her students and researching writing for publication. I know this has been a difficult year for her. I would like to acknowledge and thank her deeply for the effort that she has put in when I have been unable to offer the support she needs on a day-to-day basis. She is a passionate teacher, engaging researcher and loving mother and spouse, and she has gone above and beyond this year.” 

— Matthew in St. Paul


Paragraph on How I Spent the Lockdown Period

Global pandemic COVID-19 quarantine our lives at home. After the announcement of Lockdown, we got much time to spend time with our family. The lockdown period was not much gloomy and disappointing as I thought it would be. I developed so many new hobbies during this lockdown. Here I have discussed some of my lockdown activities.

Short and Long Paragraphs on What I did during Lockdown

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

As the Lockdown period started, the news channels were flooded with global and national news of the infected ones. I watched the News every day to keep myself updated and connected to the world. It was very important to keep my dear ones updated and aware of the deadly virus infection.

The news about the essential service workers and their devotion towards our country in a time of crisis was giving a ray of hope. Being at home and surrounded by all family members was one of the best times I have ever spent. During the lockdown, I developed a habit of Yoga in the morning. I fed stray dogs and cows. As the roads were silent only a few animals like dogs, cows were seen roaming, I developed a habit of feeding them on a daily basis.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

The global pandemic Coronavirus was showing its worst phase across the globe, and there was an announcement of Lockdown in India. It was announced to control this deadly virus. All of us were at home and did various activities to spend our time in this lockdown.

I never get time to clean my bookshelf and some of my other belongings. I painted my bookshelf as per my room color and managed my books neatly. Now everything looks matching and I always wanted this kind of room. I also learned some gardening tricks from my grandfather and enjoyed my evening in planting trees and nurturing them. It was time to stay at home without any ground activity but I use to play badminton in my garden. I also had my online classes and in the remaining time, I use to dance, play, and spend time with my grandparents. I really enjoyed their company.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Lockdown taught me so many things. One of the major things I learned from lockdown, that being at home is not as boring as I thought it could be. During this lockdown, I developed a good taste of reading. I went straight to my book stack and picked one of the Non- fiction novels by Robin Sharma. The content was very good and relatable to the contemporary world. I installed so many Yoga Videos and Online Television platforms for watching movies and series.

Apart from my personal stuff I also use to spend an hour in a nearby NGO. they use to cook for the poor and tried all their best to provide groceries and fulfilled all of their requirement. I helped them by working on online portals and provided information about needy people. Actually, I use to post it on my social media, and people used to send me the address of the poor people around them and we use to visit that place and helped people.

We helped Rickshaw pullers, street vendors, beggars, and other marginalized people around us. It was really a good experience to be its part of. Really it feels amazing while helping others and I have thought of continuing this work even after lockdown and now I will help others with my pocket money.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

During Lockdown, I developed a habit of rising early and spending some time with nature. Early morning yoga practice was one of the best ways to keep myself fit during this corona period. I also tried my hand at cooking, it was not a new experience for me but trying every day new recipes from YouTube and other social sites was also one of the hobbies I developed during this lockdown.

I also rearranged my home in a new way. Home decor is the best leisure activity one could include. I watched so many home decor videos and tried to give a new look to my traditionally built house. I also got engaged in gardening and watering plants. During the lockdown, I cleaned the garden area and rearranged all pots in the array. Now they really look systemized and amazing together.

I really missed my school days and friends during this lockdown. I played online Ludo with my friends and we enjoyed ourselves a lot. Thanks to technology that rather than being apart we were able to have our online classes, we played and also had video chats.

Lockdown was special in many ways because it taught me the importance of school, friends, and freedom. Really, we are blessed to have whatever we want otherwise life is not so easy for everyone especially for the poor and daily wage workers. I felt sorry for them because I was financially not so capable of helping each and every one. Still, I and my family managed food and grocery for some of them.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

When you have to stay at home for more than a month, you have to find some engaging activities. Here I have discussed some of the activities that I did during the lockdown period:

Spending Quality Time with Family : Due to our busy schedule, we never stayed together for so long. It was a long time since all the family members together had our dinner or lunch at our dining table. It was the best part of this lockdown; all the members were under a roof and supporting each other during this global pandemic.

Fitness Activities : I decided to focus on my health and I downloaded so many workout videos and regularly followed them. I found many helpful apps that you can also find on the play store. These apps helped me a lot and also use to alarm the entire day to drink water.

Photography : I have a keen interest in photography, and I polished this skill during lockdown; I downloaded some of the editing apps and clicked many photos, and edited them. I also learned new capturing and editing technics on YouTube.

Certificate Courses and Webinar : I attended some of the Online Webinars and a certificate computer course. These courses helped to reduce the habit of unnecessary scrolling of social sites and I learned some new technics like Mail merge, Powerpoint, etc. and they are amazing.

Cooking : It is the best way to reduce boredom. So, I spent most of the time in cooking and I tried new recipes. I learned some smart tricks that I never knew before and really my mother is a genius because she knows many tricks.

Reading and Writing : Reading fiction and non-fiction stories and novels were also part of my routine during the lockdown. Sometimes I also tried my hands at poetry.

Feeding Animals : I regularly kept some food and water in my garden for stray animals, birds, squirrels, etc. They use to party there and it was very satisfying to see these animals so happy.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. In India, the biggest show watched was the Ramayana.

Ans. We can watch shows, read books and learn new things in a lockdown.

Ans. In Lockdown, we can keep ourselves fit by exercising and meditating daily.

Ans. Money Heist and Asur were the most loved Web Series watched during the lockdown.

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The Greatest Life Lessons I Learned Becoming a Mother During Lockdown

Image may contain Human Person Hand Finger and Holding Hands

“I’m sorry, I forgot,” I heard myself say when I realized I had neglected to put my mask back on in the minute break between contractions. The midwife looked at me pitifully, exclaiming that if anyone told me off for not wearing a mask in the final hour of labor, she’d throw in the towel herself after 25 years of midwifery. l bet she said that to all the girls on the COVID-19 labor ward.  My son was born in December 2020 just as one lockdown ended and a similarly restrictive system was implemented in the U.K. My parents had to meet their grandson separately on individual walks outside in the freezing cold. He was so wrapped up, they didn’t see his tiny hands or feet until he was a few months old. Now, his feet are the first part my dad kisses when he sees him. Those early months pushing the stroller around the same two squares near my flat with all the other masked, sleep-deprived mums until the grey sky went black at 3:00pm were bleaker than I let myself acknowledge at the time. It seemed so absurd and unreal, I kept expecting one of us to break into song with that line from the musical Oliver! (“Who will buy this wonderful morning?”) or Les Misérables —all the babies jumping out of their strollers in unison to deliver the oh-so-poignant: “One Day More.” The proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” has been painfully at odds with the realities of pandemic parenting. I was lucky not to have experienced postnatal depression; according to a study by University College London, almost half ( 47.5% ) of new mothers in London in lockdown did—more than twice the European average of 23%. Still, my maternity leave was spent between four walls in my flat, mostly staring lovingly at my baby, but not infrequently crying from exhaustion, nipple pain, and, once my husband went back to work after statutory paternity leave, caring for a newborn alone.

Not that friends and family could have saved me from the newborn delirium (which saw me wake up chewing an ear plug, brush my teeth with moisturizer, and rock my bowl of pasta to sleep), but seeing new mothers on Instagram in pubs and restaurants, with their friends and family by their side, cooing over the baby, I recognize that something has been lost. I don’t think any of us will truly understand what we lost in the pandemic for years to come, but I’m certain we are underestimating the impact it has had on us.  In motherhood, I have felt myself dissolve and expand at the same time. In my light, short sleeps, I dream I am so powerful that I scare myself and others—a poltergeist soaring through the universe. (My mum says that I just need more sleep…) The indecision and anxieties of my former self have, for now, left my consciousness, as I focus all my physical and mental energy on lifting and loving my son. Before having a baby, I worried about taking a break from work, about my mind turning to pureed banana, which it has, but there’s wisdom in pureed banana; a few things I was always confused about have become clear.

Every mother pushing a stroller around all day must surely think herself a philosopher by the end of it, watching human life evolve in real-time as their baby’s eyes begin to focus on the blowing leaves, their tiny hands reaching out curiously to an unknown world. Mothers or not, we are all coming out of the pandemic changed and to a changed world; as the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river, and he’s not the same man.”  Pre-motherhood and pre-pandemic, I didn’t make a habit of talking to strangers. I’d barely ever seen my neighbors, let alone spoken to them. While a baby is an easy conversation starter, everybody’s guard is down post-pandemic—we all seem more friendly, more grateful for each other. Personally, I have lost a lot of cynicism—to the detriment of my sense of humor perhaps—but I’ve realized that life is too short for cynicism. It’s too short not to say good morning and to find common ground with a stranger in a line. It’s too short not to swap numbers, pay any mind to unwashed hair or petty grudges. As a mother, it’s definitely too short to waste time googling celebrity children in the snatched hour I have to work while my baby sleeps.  Mothering through a pandemic has felt like a 24-hour mindfulness class. Through the eyes of a baby, you realize how wondrous everything really is—how freakishly tall trees are, how captivating the sight is of one pigeon trying to hump another. A baby forces you to slow to a snail’s pace and rediscover the world you thought you knew inch by (sometimes painstaking) inch. Lockdown has had a relatively similar effect. With no plans and just endless walks in parks, we’ve all been forced to live in the moment and learned to value what we see there. Almost everyone I know posted the cherry blossom on Instagram this year. Nature has overtaken selfies and outfits.  Pre-baby and pre-pandemic, I hated social media—in fact, I wrote a whole book Mixed Feelings: Exploring the Emotional Impact of Our Digital Habits (Quadrille, 2019) on how bad it made people (read: me) feel. But as a lockdown mother, it’s been a lifeline, and I’ve found tremendous support on Instagram from other mothers. I also surprised myself by posting dozens of photos of my son online—something I never intended to do, and indeed agreed with my husband that we wouldn’t. But I was lonely and most of my friends hadn’t met my son or seen me in my new role as a mother and I felt a strong urge to show him off. A classic case of pics or my baby didn’t happen. I’m not ashamed to say that I wanted some attention for him, since I felt I wasn’t getting it in real life. I’ve always judged people who sought validation and attention on social media, but now I realize it’s a normal human urge and probably the result of a lack of attention elsewhere. Journalist Charlie Brooker once wrote in The Guardian : “There has never been a single tweet that couldn’t be replaced with PLEASE AUTHENTICATE MY EXISTENCE.” The first few months of motherhood were such a surreal, exhausting experience, I felt I needed outside confirmation that my baby and I did, in fact, exist.  Losing your identity is a common experience for new mothers. I can hardly remember the person who commuted to work and went out for dinner several times a week with friends—who had gossip to share, slept more than two hours at a time and showered without singing “The Wheels on the Bus” to a miniature version of myself on the bath mat. Maybe that person will re-emerge, but I have a feeling she won’t. To a greater or lesser extent, we all have to re-find ourselves coming out of the pandemic. We have to remember to make plans again and bother to go to them. It’s the whole world, not just new mothers, asking, “What did we use to do? What did we use to say?” People have lost relatives and jobs, had babies, landscaped their gardens, watched all of The Wire —we’re not the same as we were, our collective identities have changed, and we may find that we don’t want to do and say the same things we used to. That’s OK, I think. Maybe it’s healthy.  In her brilliant book My Wild and Sleepless Nights (Penguin, 2021) mother-of-five Clover Stroud writes of the newborn period: “These days pass so slowly, but are over too fast.” Part of me feels grateful that I had nowhere to be for the first six months of my son’s life. I was never distracted trying to sound relevant and like my old self in conversation in the pub juggling breastfeeding and a roast dinner. My one maternity-leave fantasy, pre-pandemic, was going to art galleries with the baby—I thought that sounded nice. Now things have opened back up again, I realize that I am just as content with my local park, looking at the huge red poppies and bright pink peonies. I’ve learned, as poet William Blake wrote, “To see the world in a grain of sand.”

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A woman in a backpack walking through a forest

Fitter, better rested, more appreciative: research reveals the positive changes experienced by some during lockdown

helping mother during lockdown essay

Reader in Psychology, University of Strathclyde

Disclosure statement

Lynn Williams has received funding from the Scottish Government's Chief Scientist Office.

University of Strathclyde provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK.

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National lockdowns have been the most profound and significant public health interventions within living memory. They have been difficult socially and economically, and have negatively affected people’s health in many different ways .

But for some people lockdowns have provided an unexpected opportunity to make positive changes to their lives, running counter to prevailing narratives of disrupted daily lives, health inequalities and damaged mental health .

In May 2020, my colleagues and I surveyed over 3,000 people in Scotland to find out what positive changes people had made in their lives during the lockdown period. We also wanted to find out who had made these positive changes, to see if there were particular groups that were more able to do this than others.

In the survey, we assessed the positive changes that people had experienced across a number of different aspects of their lives since the start of lockdown. There were questions about whether people had experienced positive changes in relationships with family and friends and in the wider community. We also asked about beneficial changes in people’s behaviour relating to their health, including physical activity and sleep.

More than half the people we surveyed reported these changes for the better: being more appreciative of things usually taken for granted (reported by 83% of participants), having more time to do enjoyable things (by 67%), spending more time in nature or outdoors (by 65%), paying more attention to personal health (by 62%), doing more physical activity (by 54%) and spending more time with a partner or spouse (by 53%).

A man doing exercises in his living room

An Australian study (still in preprint, meaning its findings are yet to be reviewed by other scientists) also sought to find out similar information. In a survey of over 1,000 people, it found that 70% of participants reported having experienced at least one positive effect of the pandemic. Three main positive effects noted in this survey were: having the opportunity to spend more time with family, having greater flexibility in working arrangements and appreciating having a less busy life.

The important role of time was highlighted across both studies. Lockdown has removed many of life’s routines and demands – and for some people this has afforded them more time to spend on activities they enjoyed and valued. Noticing that how we spend time has changed – and thinking about what we can do with any additional time that we have – may be an important first step in making positive changes to our lives during lockdown.

People also noted being more appreciative of things previously taken for granted and the slower pace of life that lockdown has brought. For many people, this may have enabled them to step back and reflect on their lives, their futures and what is important to them in a way that they would not otherwise have the opportunity to do, without the demands of daily commutes or social commitments.

Positive changes not universal

Turning to who experienced the positive changes, our study revealed that the groups with higher levels of positive change were women, younger people, people who were married or living with their partner, those who were employed and those reporting better health. These findings suggest that while some groups were able to take advantage of lockdown as an unexpected opportunity to make positive changes in their lives, others – such as older adults and those living on their own – were not.

A woman being woken up by an alarm clock on a sunlit morning

We were also interested in finding out what would happen to the positive changes that people had made once restrictions started lifting. Would they be able to keep them up? In a separate paper , based on the same group of participants, we examined the changes that people had made to their physical activity, sitting and sleep during the first national lockdown period and whether they had maintained these two months later, once restrictions had been eased.

The good news was that half of the participants who reported positive changes in their behaviours during lockdown were able to keep these going once restrictions were eased. Some were even able to improve them further. So, while we are currently experiencing another period of national lockdown in the UK, it’s reassuring to know that some positives could emerge.

However, we should keep in mind that winter, the new strains of the virus circulating and being over a year into the pandemic will all give this lockdown a different feel to last spring’s, and that this might have an influence on what positive changes people are able to make and sustain. But as we think ahead to the post-pandemic recovery phase, the lesson from our research is that there are definitely some changes people will want to keep.

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Short Essay

Life During Lockdown Essay for Students – 100, 500, 1000+ Words, & 10 Lines

Life During Lockdown Essay for Students: Explore the challenges, experiences, and lessons learned during the pandemic with “Life During Lockdown Essay for Students.” Understand the impact on education, mental health, and daily life, as students navigate through this unprecedented period.

Reflect on resilience, adaptability, and the importance of community support. Discover insights into remote learning, coping mechanisms, and maintaining social connections in the face of isolation. This Life During Lockdown Essay for Students delves into the unique aspects of students’ lives during lockdown, offering a comprehensive perspective on this transformative period.

Life During Lockdown Essay for Students in 100 Words

Table of Contents

Life During Lockdown Essay in English for Students in 10 Lines

Explore the transformative journey of students during lockdown in “Life During Lockdown Essay for Students.” This Life During Lockdown Essay for Students encapsulates the challenges, adaptations, and resilience displayed by students, providing a comprehensive Life During Lockdown Essay for Students in view of their unique experiences in just 10 lines.

  • Shift to Online Learning: With schools and colleges closed, education shifted to virtual platforms like Zoom and Google Meet.
  • Work from Home: Many adults adapted to remote work setups, blurring the lines between personal and professional spaces.
  • Increased Family Time: Lockdowns brought families together, fostering stronger bonds and shared activities.
  • Rediscovery of Hobbies: People explored new hobbies or revisited old ones, finding solace in activities like painting, reading, or gardening.
  • Digital Fatigue: Excessive screen time for work, classes, and socializing led to digital fatigue and burnout.
  • Heightened Awareness of Health: The pandemic underscored the importance of physical and mental health, leading to increased focus on well-being.
  • Challenges of Isolation: Social distancing measures caused feelings of isolation, emphasizing the need for human connection.
  • Economic Uncertainty: Many faced financial challenges due to job losses or economic downturns during the pandemic.
  • Reflection and Self-Discovery: The quieter pace of life allowed individuals to reflect on their goals and priorities, prompting self-discovery.
  • Community Support: Acts of kindness and community support became prominent, with neighbors helping each other during challenging times.

Also See – Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay – 100, 500, 1000 Words & 10 Lines

Life During Lockdown Essay for Students in 100 Words

Amidst the lockdown, students experienced a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. From adapting to virtual learning to discovering new hobbies, this Life During Lockdown Essay for Students delves into the multifaceted aspects of their lives during this unprecedented time.

The life of students during the lockdown was a paradigm shift, transforming traditional classrooms into virtual spaces. Adjusting to online learning, students navigated a digital landscape for education and social interaction. The challenges were met with innovation, as virtual classrooms became the new norm. Beyond academics, the lockdown encouraged self-reflection and personal growth.

Students adapted, honing their resilience and creativity. Despite the uncertainties, the experience unveiled new opportunities for learning, collaboration, and adapting to the evolving educational landscape. The lockdown period will be remembered as a time of transformation, where students not only faced challenges but also discovered their capacity to overcome and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Life During Lockdown in English Essay for Students in 500 Words

This Life During Lockdown Essay for Students explores the transformative journey of students during the lockdown, covering aspects such as online education, mental health, and personal growth. Life During Lockdown Essay for Students delves into the challenges faced and the resilience displayed, offering a comprehensive perspective on the student experience during this extraordinary period.

Life During Lockdown: Navigating Challenges and Discovering Resilience

The onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic triggered an unprecedented disruption to normal life, profoundly impacting students and their educational journeys. As classrooms shifted to virtual spaces, students faced a myriad of challenges, yet amidst the chaos emerged stories of resilience and personal growth.

The abrupt transition to online education was a significant hurdle for many students. Technological limitations, internet connectivity issues, and adapting to new learning platforms became recurrent obstacles. However, amidst these challenges, students displayed commendable adaptability. They quickly learned to navigate virtual tools, collaborate effectively in a digital environment, and manage their time efficiently.

The toll on mental health was palpable. Isolation, uncertainty about the future, and the pressure to adapt to new educational norms contributed to heightened stress levels among students. Yet, this period of upheaval also revealed the strength of the human spirit. Many students sought mental health support, and communities rallied together to foster emotional well-being.

The lockdown also provided a unique opportunity for personal reflection and growth. With the constraints of daily routines lifted, students delved into hobbies and passions, rediscovering interests that had been neglected in the hustle of pre-pandemic life. This newfound free time became a catalyst for personal development beyond academic pursuits.

Family dynamics underwent a significant transformation. With extended periods spent at home, students found themselves in the midst of increased family bonding. Shared experiences, conversations, and collaborative activities became integral to this period, fostering stronger familial ties and creating enduring memories.

As students navigated these challenges, they reflected on their priorities. The lockdown became a time of introspection, prompting individuals to reconsider their career goals, academic pursuits, and personal aspirations. Many emerged from this period with a more intentional approach to life, understanding the importance of balance and well-being.

The lessons learned during this period are invaluable, shaping not only the trajectory of education but also the personal development and priorities of students around the globe. As the world moves beyond the pandemic, these experiences will continue to influence how students approach education and life’s challenges in the future.

Life During Lockdown Essay for Students in 1000+ Words

This comprehensive Life During Lockdown Essay for Students delves into the multifaceted experiences of students during the global lockdown, exploring the challenges faced, the lessons learned, and the transformative journey towards personal and academic growth.


The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 led to unprecedented global challenges, prompting governments worldwide to implement lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus.

This essay delves into the multifaceted aspects of life during lockdown, exploring the challenges faced by individuals and communities, the shift to remote work and online education, the impact on mental health, and the resilience demonstrated in adapting to the “new normal.”

Challenges Faced During Lockdown

Social Isolation

One of the immediate and palpable challenges of lockdown was social isolation. The restrictions on movement and gatherings meant that people were cut off from their social circles, friends, and extended families. The absence of face-to-face interactions led to feelings of loneliness and a longing for human connection.

Economic Uncertainty

Lockdowns had a severe impact on the global economy, leading to job losses, furloughs, and economic uncertainty for millions. Small businesses faced closures, and various industries experienced significant setbacks. The sudden economic downturn left individuals and families grappling with financial stress and uncertainty about the future.

Education Disruption

Schools and universities worldwide had to adapt swiftly to the new reality of remote learning. The sudden shift to online education posed challenges for both students and educators. Limited access to resources, varying levels of technological proficiency, and the absence of the traditional classroom environment made the learning experience challenging for many.

Work-from-Home Challenges

Remote work became the norm for many professionals, introducing a new set of challenges. Balancing work responsibilities with household chores, the lack of a clear boundary between work and personal life, and the technological adjustments required for effective collaboration presented hurdles for individuals navigating this new work paradigm.

Adapting to Remote Work and Online Education

Remote Work Dynamics

While the sudden transition to remote work posed initial challenges, it also highlighted the adaptability and resilience of individuals and organizations. Video conferencing tools, collaborative platforms, and flexible work hours became integral to maintaining productivity and communication.

Online Education Innovations

Educational institutions embraced technology to ensure continuity in learning. Virtual classrooms, online assessments, and interactive learning platforms became essential components of the educational landscape. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital tools in education, prompting innovation in pedagogical approaches.

Digital Connectivity

The importance of digital connectivity became more apparent than ever. High-speed internet, online communication tools, and digital platforms became lifelines for individuals working and studying remotely. The digital divide, however, underscored the need for equitable access to technology.

Impact on Mental Health

Isolation and Anxiety

The isolation imposed by lockdowns took a toll on mental health. Anxiety, depression, and feelings of helplessness became prevalent as individuals grappled with uncertainties about the future, health concerns, and the disruption of routine.

Work-Life Balance Challenges

Remote work, while offering flexibility, also blurred the boundaries between professional and personal life. Many individuals found it challenging to establish a work-life balance, leading to burnout and increased stress levels.

Educational Stress

Students faced unique challenges, including the pressure of adapting to online learning, concerns about academic performance, and the absence of the social support traditionally provided by the school environment.

Resilience and Adaptability

Community Support

Communities around the world demonstrated resilience by coming together to support one another. Mutual aid groups, online forums, and community initiatives emerged to provide assistance, share resources, and foster a sense of solidarity.

Innovation and Creativity

The pandemic spurred innovation in various fields. From virtual events and conferences to innovative approaches in education, individuals and organizations showcased creativity in adapting to the constraints imposed by lockdown.

Digital Transformation Acceleration

Businesses and institutions accelerated their digital transformation efforts. E-commerce, telehealth, and virtual services saw increased adoption, reflecting the adaptability of industries in responding to the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Life during lockdown presented a myriad of challenges, from social isolation to economic uncertainties and disruptions in education and work. However, amidst these challenges, individuals and communities showcased remarkable resilience and adaptability. The embrace of remote work and online education, coupled with the acceleration of digital transformation, highlighted the capacity for innovation and creativity in the face of adversity.

As societies gradually emerge from the throes of the pandemic, the lessons learned during lockdown underscore the importance of building resilient systems, prioritizing mental health, and fostering a sense of community. The shared experience of navigating life during lockdown serves as a testament to the collective strength of humanity and the potential for positive transformation in the face of global challenges.

the Life During Lockdown Essay for Students serves as a poignant testament to the resilience and adaptability that define the human spirit. As students navigated the uncharted waters of remote learning, disrupted routines, and the emotional toll of isolation, they discovered hidden strengths within themselves. The challenges posed by the pandemic became catalysts for growth, fostering adaptability and fortitude.

The diverse narratives shared by students underscore the universality of the human experience during these trying times. From moments of frustration to unexpected joys and self-realization, the Life During Lockdown Essay for Students encapsulates the spectrum of emotions and lessons learned.

As the world gradually emerges from the shadows of the pandemic, these insights into life during lockdown become invaluable markers of endurance and perseverance.

This Life During Lockdown Essay for Students not only chronicles the challenges faced by students but also emphasizes the profound lessons embedded in adversity. Life During Lockdown Essay for Students stands as a testament to the resilience cultivated amid uncertainty, providing a hopeful outlook for the future.

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Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

Helping Others Can Help You Cope with Lockdown

It’s easy to feel, these days, that we’re swirling in a coronavirus-induced vortex of helplessness. In many regions, COVID-19 case counts are jumping dramatically. Health care workers face impossible decisions about who to disconnect from ventilators. And those of us who remain well must comply with “stay at home” orders, which anchor us in place as the needs of people around us keep growing.

Our first instinct may be to hunker down and protect ourselves and our immediate families. But to get through these times with our sanity and well-being intact, we may need to push back on this initial impulse—to turn outward, not just inward. Research shows that when we put a high priority on reaching out to others, our own mental and physical health flourish.

It’s a rare win-win proposition in a bleak landscape: In helping other people get through this crisis, you can help yourself in equal measure. “It’s a way of reframing your existence,” says bioethicist Stephen Post, “getting out from the negative vortex and feeling free to do something that is meaningful.”

Helping buoys the helper, not just the recipient

helping mother during lockdown essay

While we’ve never faced a foe quite like COVID-19 before, doctors and scientists have studied what happens when people pull together and help others after a setback. About a year after the 2008 financial crisis, when thousands of people lost their jobs and homes, Post and his Stony Brook University colleagues surveyed 4,500 Americans about their volunteering habits and their mental health.

In the wake of the financial downturn, rates of volunteering were higher than they had been the year before—and that bump came with clear psychological benefits.

Eighty-nine percent of people felt happier overall thanks to their helping efforts, and 78 percent reported that volunteering helped them better deal with disappointment and loss. About three in four volunteers felt less stressed. Many respondents reported making deeper friendships by connecting with other helpers.

“When people feel vulnerable, they can take their mind off the self and the problems of the self, and just experience the simple gratification of contributing to the life of another human being,” Post says. “That’s how people were coping.”

Helping also buoys us mentally because it directs our focus away from scary abstractions and back toward concrete, solvable problems. One of this pandemic’s defining features is the numbing parade of numbers—new cases mounting by the thousands, hospitals inching closer to capacity overrun.

Psychologist Paul Slovic has long contended that our brains check out when we consider the abstract fate of large populations: We aren’t fully equipped to process what it means when a small town’s worth of people dies each day. Concentrating on what individual people need, on the other hand, motivates us to help—and we then reap the benefits that come with that decision.

At the height of a pandemic, it seems especially relevant that helping promotes robust physical health, as well.

In a 2013 study of adults over 50, those who volunteered regularly were 40 percent less likely than non-volunteers to have high blood pressure years later. And incredibly, frequent volunteers have lower mortality rates across the board. A Stanford University team reported that, over an eight-year period, people who volunteered occasionally had a 25 percent lower risk of dying than those who didn’t help—while people who volunteered frequently were 33 percent less likely to die.

Creative stay-at-home helping ventures abound

But how do you help people when you’re stuck at home?

Social distancing and shelter-in-place restrictions do put some volunteer opportunities out of reach, especially for members of high-risk groups. However, motivated helpers have found plenty of creative ways to serve others remotely.

When doctors and nurses in the San Francisco Bay Area started running out of personal protection equipment (PPE), thousands of people donated surgical and N95 masks, face shields, antiseptic wipes, and other materials to Kaiser Permanente and other health care organizations.

helping mother during lockdown essay

Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus

Practices, resources, and articles for individuals, parents, and educators facing COVID-19

After medical students around the country were pulled from clinics, fourth-year University of Michigan student Marina Haque launched an online community under the hashtag #students_against_covid to support and amplify the helping efforts of many other students and allies. Some students, Haque says, are caring for the children of doctors on the front lines, while others are reaching out to local labs that can donate PPE to hospitals.

In Boston, high school teacher Randi Stern has created an uplifting newsletter called The Daily Drop, complete with suggested lockdown activities, book recommendations, and inspiring quotes. She sends it regularly to her friends and family. “It calms me for a couple hours each day,” Stern says. “It’s also nice to get emails back in response to what I’ve written.” She enjoys fostering social connection at a time when so many are hungry for it.

On an even more individual level, Kara Loewentheil, a life coach and host of the Unf*ck Your Brain podcast , is offering free web meetings and coaching calls to help people stay grounded and optimistic during the coronavirus pandemic.

Efforts like these are “the key to staying sane, I think,” Loewentheil says. “When we focus on others, we get connected back into the community and big picture and out of our stress-response brain.”

Matching your strengths to the right opportunities

We tend to get caught up in thinking that only medical personnel and first responders can make a meaningful difference during this crisis. Yet in the coronavirus era, “simply reaching out to people is being helpful and heroic in small ways,” says University of Richmond psychologist Scott Allison. “Each of us can make a positive difference by tapping into our strengths and sharing them.”

In a shelter-in-place context, that might mean teaching a free online math class to kids who can’t attend regular school, or a few minutes a day doing Skype check-ins with lonely members of your social circle.

You don’t have to commit full-time to these practices to make a major difference in others’ lives—and your own. In Post’s study, most volunteers “weren’t overdosing. They were volunteering on average 100 hours a year,” he points out. “If you wanted to space that out, you’re talking about a couple of hours a week, more or less.”

Thinking about helping as an incremental venture, rather than an all-or-nothing one, may help you overcome any initial inertia. Even making a donation to a helping organization whose mission you support—which may take less than a minute—can boost your well-being measurably.

If you live alone and you’re in good health, you may be eligible for essential helping roles that involve a higher degree of risk. Food banks around the country desperately need volunteers at community centers to distribute produce and pantry staples to households in need. Opportunities like this require you to weigh the positive impact you can have against the likelihood of contracting the virus.

In stepping into a helping identity in times of hardship, Post observes, you can embark on a kind of inner journey philosopher Martin Buber described : the transition from an “I-It” mindset, in which you see other people as peripheral objects in your own universe, to an “I-Thou” mindset, in which you relate to others as worthy, complete beings in their own right. This journey mirrors Joseph Campbell’s vision of finding your highest self in the act of helping others. It’s also a productive alternative to waiting impatiently for a coronavirus vaccine.

“‘They’re gonna come up with something’ is passive,” Post says. “Volunteering is an active form of hope.”

About the Author

Headshot of Elizabeth Svoboda

Elizabeth Svoboda

Elizabeth Svoboda is a writer in San Jose, CA, and a regular contributor to Greater Good . She is the author of What Makes a Hero?: The Surprising Science of Selflessness . Her newest book, for kids, is The Life Heroic .

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The impact of helping others – a deep dive into the benefits of providing support to those in need.

Essay about helping others

Compassion is a virtue that ignites the flames of kindness and empathy in our hearts. It is an innate human quality that has the power to bring light into the lives of those in need. When we extend a helping hand to others, we not only uplift their spirits but also nourish our own souls. The act of kindness and compassion resonates in the depths of our being, reminding us of the interconnectedness and shared humanity we all possess.

In a world that can sometimes be filled with hardships and struggles, the power of compassion shines like a beacon of hope. It is through offering a listening ear, a comforting embrace, or a simple gesture of kindness that we can make a profound impact on someone else’s life. The ripple effect of compassion is endless, as the seeds of love and understanding we sow in others’ hearts continue to grow and flourish, spreading positivity and light wherever they go.

The Significance of Compassionate Acts

The Significance of Compassionate Acts

Compassionate acts have a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver. When we extend a helping hand to others in need, we not only alleviate their suffering but also experience a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Compassion fosters a sense of connection and empathy, strengthening our bonds with others and creating a more caring and supportive community.

Moreover, compassionate acts have a ripple effect, inspiring others to pay it forward and perpetuate kindness. One small act of compassion can set off a chain reaction of positive deeds, influencing the world in ways we may never fully realize. By showing compassion to others, we contribute to a more compassionate and understanding society, one that values empathy and kindness above all else.

Understanding the Impact

Helping others can have a profound impact not only on those receiving assistance but also on the individuals providing help. When we lend a hand to someone in need, we are not just offering material support; we are also showing compassion and empathy . This act of kindness can strengthen bonds between individuals and foster a sense of community .

Furthermore, helping others can boost our own well-being . Studies have shown that acts of kindness and generosity can reduce stress , improve mood , and enhance overall happiness . By giving back , we not only make a positive impact on the lives of others but also nourish our own souls .

Benefits of Helping Others

Benefits of Helping Others

There are numerous benefits to helping others, both for the recipient and for the giver. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Increased feelings of happiness and fulfilment
  • Improved mental health and well-being
  • Building stronger connections and relationships with others
  • Reduced stress levels and improved self-esteem
  • Promoting a sense of purpose and meaning in life
  • Contributing to a more compassionate and caring society

By helping others, we not only make a positive impact on the world around us but also experience personal growth and benefits that can enhance our overall happiness and well-being.

Empathy and Connection

Empathy plays a crucial role in our ability to connect with others and understand their experiences. When we practice empathy, we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and try to see the world from their perspective. This act of compassion allows us to build a connection based on understanding and mutual respect.

By cultivating empathy, we can bridge the gap between different individuals and communities, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity. Empathy helps us recognize the humanity in others, regardless of their background or circumstances, and promotes a culture of kindness and inclusivity.

Through empathy, we not only show compassion towards those in need but also create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and understood. It is through empathy that we can truly make a difference in the lives of others and build a more compassionate society.

Spreading Positivity Through Kindness

One of the most powerful ways to help others is by spreading positivity through acts of kindness. Kindness has the remarkable ability to brighten someone’s day, lift their spirits, and create a ripple effect of happiness in the world.

Simple gestures like giving a compliment, lending a helping hand, or sharing a smile can make a significant impact on someone’s life. These acts of kindness not only benefit the recipient but also bring a sense of fulfillment and joy to the giver.

When we choose to spread positivity through kindness, we contribute to building a more compassionate and caring society. By showing empathy and understanding towards others, we create a supportive environment where people feel valued and respected.

Kindness is contagious and has the power to inspire others to pay it forward, creating a chain reaction of goodwill and compassion. By incorporating acts of kindness into our daily lives, we can make a positive difference and help create a better world for all.

Creating a Ripple Effect

When we extend a helping hand to others, we set off a chain reaction that can have a profound impact on the world around us. Just like a stone thrown into a calm pond creates ripples that spread outward, our acts of compassion can touch the lives of many, inspiring them to do the same.

By showing kindness and empathy, we not only make a difference in the lives of those we help but also create a ripple effect that can lead to positive change in our communities and beyond. A small gesture of kindness can ignite a spark of hope in someone’s heart, motivating them to pay it forward and spread compassion to others.

Each act of generosity and care has the power to create a ripple effect that can ripple outwards, reaching far beyond our immediate circles. As more and more people join in this chain of kindness, the impact multiplies, creating a wave of positivity that can transform the world one small act of kindness at a time.

Building a Stronger Community

One of the key benefits of helping others is the positive impact it can have on building a stronger community. When individuals come together to support one another, whether it’s through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply being there for someone in need, it fosters a sense of unity and connection. This sense of community helps to create a supportive and caring environment where people feel valued and respected.

By helping others, we also set an example for those around us, inspiring others to also lend a hand and contribute to the well-being of the community. This ripple effect can lead to a chain reaction of kindness and generosity that can ultimately make the community a better place for everyone.

Furthermore, when people feel supported and cared for by their community, they are more likely to be happier and healthier, both mentally and physically. This sense of belonging and connection can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness, and can improve overall well-being.

In conclusion, building a stronger community through helping others is essential for creating a more positive and caring society. By coming together and supporting one another, we can create a community that is resilient, compassionate, and unified.

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  • Review Article
  • Published: 27 September 2021

Why lockdown and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to increase the social class achievement gap

  • Sébastien Goudeau   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7293-0977 1 ,
  • Camille Sanrey   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3158-1306 1 ,
  • Arnaud Stanczak   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2596-1516 2 ,
  • Antony Manstead   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7540-2096 3 &
  • Céline Darnon   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2613-689X 2  

Nature Human Behaviour volume  5 ,  pages 1273–1281 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced teachers and parents to quickly adapt to a new educational context: distance learning. Teachers developed online academic material while parents taught the exercises and lessons provided by teachers to their children at home. Considering that the use of digital tools in education has dramatically increased during this crisis, and it is set to continue, there is a pressing need to understand the impact of distance learning. Taking a multidisciplinary view, we argue that by making the learning process rely more than ever on families, rather than on teachers, and by getting students to work predominantly via digital resources, school closures exacerbate social class academic disparities. To address this burning issue, we propose an agenda for future research and outline recommendations to help parents, teachers and policymakers to limit the impact of the lockdown on social-class-based academic inequality.

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The widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in 2019–2020 have drastically increased health, social and economic inequalities 1 , 2 . For more than 900 million learners around the world, the pandemic led to the closure of schools and universities 3 . This exceptional situation forced teachers, parents and students to quickly adapt to a new educational context: distance learning. Teachers had to develop online academic materials that could be used at home to ensure educational continuity while ensuring the necessary physical distancing. Primary and secondary school students suddenly had to work with various kinds of support, which were usually provided online by their teachers. For college students, lockdown often entailed returning to their hometowns while staying connected with their teachers and classmates via video conferences, email and other digital tools. Despite the best efforts of educational institutions, parents and teachers to keep all children and students engaged in learning activities, ensuring educational continuity during school closure—something that is difficult for everyone—may pose unique material and psychological challenges for working-class families and students.

Not only did the pandemic lead to the closure of schools in many countries, often for several weeks, it also accelerated the digitalization of education and amplified the role of parental involvement in supporting the schoolwork of their children. Thus, beyond the specific circumstances of the COVID-19 lockdown, we believe that studying the effects of the pandemic on academic inequalities provides a way to more broadly examine the consequences of school closure and related effects (for example, digitalization of education) on social class inequalities. Indeed, bearing in mind that (1) the risk of further pandemics is higher than ever (that is, we are in a ‘pandemic era’ 4 , 5 ) and (2) beyond pandemics, the use of digital tools in education (and therefore the influence of parental involvement) has dramatically increased during this crisis, and is set to continue, there is a pressing need for an integrative and comprehensive model that examines the consequences of distance learning. Here, we propose such an integrative model that helps us to understand the extent to which the school closures associated with the pandemic amplify economic, digital and cultural divides that in turn affect the psychological functioning of parents, students and teachers in a way that amplifies academic inequalities. Bringing together research in social sciences, ranging from economics and sociology to social, cultural, cognitive and educational psychology, we argue that by getting students to work predominantly via digital resources rather than direct interactions with their teachers, and by making the learning process rely more than ever on families rather than teachers, school closures exacerbate social class academic disparities.

First, we review research showing that social class is associated with unequal access to digital tools, unequal familiarity with digital skills and unequal uses of such tools for learning purposes 6 , 7 . We then review research documenting how unequal familiarity with school culture, knowledge and skills can also contribute to the accentuation of academic inequalities 8 , 9 . Next, we present the results of surveys conducted during the 2020 lockdown showing that the quality and quantity of pedagogical support received from schools varied according to the social class of families (for examples, see refs. 10 , 11 , 12 ). We then argue that these digital, cultural and structural divides represent barriers to the ability of parents to provide appropriate support for children during distance learning (Fig. 1 ). These divides also alter the levels of self-efficacy of parents and children, thereby affecting their engagement in learning activities 13 , 14 . In the final section, we review preliminary evidence for the hypothesis that distance learning widens the social class achievement gap and we propose an agenda for future research. In addition, we outline recommendations that should help parents, teachers and policymakers to use social science research to limit the impact of school closure and distance learning on the social class achievement gap.

figure 1

Economic, structural, digital and cultural divides influence the psychological functioning of parents and students in a way that amplify inequalities.

The digital divide

Unequal access to digital resources.

Although the use of digital technologies is almost ubiquitous in developed nations, there is a digital divide such that some people are more likely than others to be numerically excluded 15 (Fig. 1 ). Social class is a strong predictor of digital disparities, including the quality of hardware, software and Internet access 16 , 17 , 18 . For example, in 2019, in France, around 1 in 5 working-class families did not have personal access to the Internet compared with less than 1 in 20 of the most privileged families 19 . Similarly, in 2020, in the United Kingdom, 20% of children who were eligible for free school meals did not have access to a computer at home compared with 7% of other children 20 . In 2021, in the United States, 41% of working-class families do not own a laptop or desktop computer and 43% do not have broadband compared with 8% and 7%, respectively, of upper/middle-class Americans 21 . A similar digital gap is also evident between lower-income and higher-income countries 22 .

Second, simply having access to a computer and an Internet connection does not ensure effective distance learning. For example, many of the educational resources sent by teachers need to be printed, thereby requiring access to printers. Moreover, distance learning is more difficult in households with only one shared computer compared with those where each family member has their own 23 . Furthermore, upper/middle-class families are more likely to be able to guarantee a suitable workspace for each child than their working-class counterparts 24 .

In the context of school closures, such disparities are likely to have important consequences for educational continuity. In line with this idea, a survey of approximately 4,000 parents in the United Kingdom confirmed that during lockdown, more than half of primary school children from the poorest families did not have access to their own study space and were less well equipped for distance learning than higher-income families 10 . Similarly, a survey of around 1,300 parents in the Netherlands found that during lockdown, children from working-class families had fewer computers at home and less room to study than upper/middle-class children 11 .

Data from non-Western countries highlight a more general digital divide, showing that developing countries have poorer access to digital equipment. For example, in India in 2018, only 10.7% of households possessed a digital device 25 , while in Pakistan in 2020, 31% of higher-education teachers did not have Internet access and 68.4% did not have a laptop 26 . In general, developing countries lack access to digital technologies 27 , 28 , and these difficulties of access are even greater in rural areas (for example, see ref. 29 ). Consequently, school closures have huge repercussions for the continuity of learning in these countries. For example, in India in 2018, only 11% of the rural and 40% of the urban population above 14 years old could use a computer and access the Internet 25 . Time spent on education during school closure decreased by 80% in Bangladesh 30 . A similar trend was observed in other countries 31 , with only 22% of children engaging in remote learning in Kenya 32 and 50% in Burkina Faso 33 . In Ghana, 26–32% of children spent no time at all on learning during the pandemic 34 . Beyond the overall digital divide, social class disparities are also evident in developing countries, with lower access to digital resources among households in which parental educational levels were low (versus households in which parental educational levels were high; for example, see ref. 35 for Nigeria and ref. 31 for Ecuador).

Unequal digital skills

In addition to unequal access to digital tools, there are also systematic variations in digital skills 36 , 37 (Fig. 1 ). Upper/middle-class families are more familiar with digital tools and resources and are therefore more likely to have the digital skills needed for distance learning 38 , 39 , 40 . These digital skills are particularly useful during school closures, both for students and for parents, for organizing, retrieving and correctly using the resources provided by the teachers (for example, sending or receiving documents by email, printing documents or using word processors).

Social class disparities in digital skills can be explained in part by the fact that children from upper/middle-class families have the opportunity to develop digital skills earlier than working-class families 41 . In member countries of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), only 23% of working-class children had started using a computer at the age of 6 years or earlier compared with 43% of upper/middle-class children 42 . Moreover, because working-class people tend to persist less than upper/middle-class people when confronted with digital difficulties 23 , the use of digital tools and resources for distance learning may interfere with the ability of parents to help children with their schoolwork.

Unequal use of digital tools

A third level of digital divide concerns variations in digital tool use 18 , 43 (Fig. 1 ). Upper/middle-class families are more likely to use digital resources for work and education 6 , 41 , 44 , whereas working-class families are more likely to use these resources for entertainment, such as electronic games or social media 6 , 45 . This divide is also observed among students, whereby working-class students tend to use digital technologies for leisure activities, whereas their upper/middle-class peers are more likely to use them for academic activities 46 and to consider that computers and the Internet provide an opportunity for education and training 23 . Furthermore, working-class families appear to regulate the digital practices of their children less 47 and are more likely to allow screens in the bedrooms of children and teenagers without setting limits on times or practices 48 .

In sum, inequalities in terms of digital resources, skills and use have strong implications for distance learning. This is because they make working-class students and parents particularly vulnerable when learning relies on extensive use of digital devices rather than on face-to-face interaction with teachers.

The cultural divide

Even if all three levels of digital divide were closed, upper/middle-class families would still be better prepared than working-class families to ensure educational continuity for their children. Upper/middle-class families are more familiar with the academic knowledge and skills that are expected and valued in educational settings, as well as with the independent, autonomous way of learning that is valued in the school culture and becomes even more important during school closure (Fig. 1 ).

Unequal familiarity with academic knowledge and skills

According to classical social reproduction theory 8 , 49 , school is not a neutral place in which all forms of language and knowledge are equally valued. Academic contexts expect and value culture-specific and taken-for-granted forms of knowledge, skills and ways of being, thinking and speaking that are more in tune with those developed through upper/middle-class socialization (that is, ‘cultural capital’ 8 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 ). For instance, academic contexts value interest in the arts, museums and literature 54 , 55 , a type of interest that is more likely to develop through socialization in upper/middle-class families than in working-class socialization 54 , 56 . Indeed, upper/middle-class parents are more likely than working-class parents to engage in activities that develop this cultural capital. For example, they possess more books and cultural objects at home, read more stories to their children and visit museums and libraries more often (for examples, see refs. 51 , 54 , 55 ). Upper/middle-class children are also more involved in extra-curricular activities (for example, playing a musical instrument) than working-class children 55 , 56 , 57 .

Beyond this implicit familiarization with the school curriculum, upper/middle-class parents more often organize educational activities that are explicitly designed to develop academic skills of their children 57 , 58 , 59 . For example, they are more likely to monitor and re-explain lessons or use games and textbooks to develop and reinforce academic skills (for example, labelling numbers, letters or colours 57 , 60 ). Upper/middle-class parents also provide higher levels of support and spend more time helping children with homework than working-class parents (for examples, see refs. 61 , 62 ). Thus, even if all parents are committed to the academic success of their children, working-class parents have fewer chances to provide the help that children need to complete homework 63 , and homework is more beneficial for children from upper-middle class families than for children from working-class families 64 , 65 .

School closures amplify the impact of cultural inequalities

The trends described above have been observed in ‘normal’ times when schools are open. School closures, by making learning rely more strongly on practices implemented at home (rather than at school), are likely to amplify the impact of these disparities. Consistent with this idea, research has shown that the social class achievement gap usually greatly widens during school breaks—a phenomenon described as ‘summer learning loss’ or ‘summer setback’ 66 , 67 , 68 . During holidays, the learning by children tends to decline, and this is particularly pronounced in children from working-class families. Consequently, the social class achievement gap grows more rapidly during the summer months than it does in the rest of the year. This phenomenon is partly explained by the fact that during the break from school, social class disparities in investment in activities that are beneficial for academic achievement (for example, reading, travelling to a foreign country or museum visits) are more pronounced.

Therefore, when they are out of school, children from upper/middle-class backgrounds may continue to develop academic skills unlike their working-class counterparts, who may stagnate or even regress. Research also indicates that learning loss during school breaks tends to be cumulative 66 . Thus, repeated episodes of school closure are likely to have profound consequences for the social class achievement gap. Consistent with the idea that school closures could lead to similar processes as those identified during summer breaks, a recent survey indicated that during the COVID-19 lockdown in the United Kingdom, children from upper/middle-class families spent more time on educational activities (5.8 h per day) than those from working-class families (4.5 h per day) 7 , 69 .

Unequal dispositions for autonomy and self-regulation

School closures have encouraged autonomous work among students. This ‘independent’ way of studying is compatible with the family socialization of upper/middle-class students, but does not match the interdependent norms more commonly associated with working-class contexts 9 . Upper/middle-class contexts tend to promote cultural norms of independence whereby individuals perceive themselves as autonomous actors, independent of other individuals and of the social context, able to pursue their own goals 70 . For example, upper/middle-class parents tend to invite children to express their interests, preferences and opinions during the various activities of everyday life 54 , 55 . Conversely, in working-class contexts characterized by low economic resources and where life is more uncertain, individuals tend to perceive themselves as interdependent, connected to others and members of social groups 53 , 70 , 71 . This interdependent self-construal fits less well with the independent culture of academic contexts. This cultural mismatch between interdependent self-construal common in working-class students and the independent norms of the educational institution has negative consequences for academic performance 9 .

Once again, the impact of these differences is likely to be amplified during school closures, when being able to work alone and autonomously is especially useful. The requirement to work alone is more likely to match the independent self-construal of upper/middle-class students than the interdependent self-construal of working-class students. In the case of working-class students, this mismatch is likely to increase their difficulties in working alone at home. Supporting our argument, recent research has shown that working-class students tend to underachieve in contexts where students work individually compared with contexts where students work with others 72 . Similarly, during school closures, high self-regulation skills (for example, setting goals, selecting appropriate learning strategies and maintaining motivation 73 ) are required to maintain study activities and are likely to be especially useful for using digital resources efficiently. Research has shown that students from working-class backgrounds typically develop their self-regulation skills to a lesser extent than those from upper/middle-class backgrounds 74 , 75 , 76 .

Interestingly, some authors have suggested that independent (versus interdependent) self-construal may also affect communication with teachers 77 . Indeed, in the context of distance learning, working-class families are less likely to respond to the communication of teachers because their ‘interdependent’ self leads them to respect hierarchies, and thus perceive teachers as an expert who ‘can be trusted to make the right decisions for learning’. Upper/middle class families, relying on ‘independent’ self-construal, are more inclined to seek individualized feedback, and therefore tend to participate to a greater extent in exchanges with teachers. Such cultural differences are important because they can also contribute to the difficulties encountered by working-class families.

The structural divide: unequal support from schools

The issues reviewed thus far all increase the vulnerability of children and students from underprivileged backgrounds when schools are closed. To offset these disadvantages, it might be expected that the school should increase its support by providing additional resources for working-class students. However, recent data suggest that differences in the material and human resources invested in providing educational support for children during periods of school closure were—paradoxically—in favour of upper/middle-class students (Fig. 1 ). In England, for example, upper/middle-class parents reported benefiting from online classes and video-conferencing with teachers more often than working-class parents 10 . Furthermore, active help from school (for example, online teaching, private tutoring or chats with teachers) occurred more frequently in the richest households (64% of the richest households declared having received help from school) than in the poorest households (47%). Another survey found that in the United Kingdom, upper/middle-class children were more likely to take online lessons every day (30%) than working-class students (16%) 12 . This substantial difference might be due, at least in part, to the fact that private schools are better equipped in terms of online platforms (60% of schools have at least one online platform) than state schools (37%, and 23% in the most deprived schools) and were more likely to organize daily online lessons. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, in schools with a high proportion of students eligible for free school meals, teachers were less inclined to broadcast an online lesson for their pupils 78 . Interestingly, 58% of teachers in the wealthiest areas reported having messaged their students or their students’ parents during lockdown compared with 47% in the most deprived schools. In addition, the probability of children receiving technical support from the school (for example, by providing pupils with laptops or other devices) is, surprisingly, higher in the most advantaged schools than in the most deprived 78 .

In addition to social class disparities, there has been less support from schools for African-American and Latinx students. During school closures in the United States, 40% of African-American students and 30% of Latinx students received no online teaching compared with 10% of white students 79 . Another source of inequality is that the probability of school closure was correlated with social class and race. In the United States, for example, school closures from September to December 2020 were more common in schools with a high proportion of racial/ethnic minority students, who experience homelessness and are eligible for free/discounted school meals 80 .

Similarly, access to educational resources and support was lower in poorer (compared with richer) countries 81 . In sub-Saharan Africa, during lockdown, 45% of children had no exposure at all to any type of remote learning. Of those who did, the medium was mostly radio, television or paper rather than digital. In African countries, at most 10% of children received some material through the Internet. In Latin America, 90% of children received some remote learning, but less than half of that was through the internet—the remainder being via radio and television 81 . In Ecuador, high-school students from the lowest wealth quartile had fewer remote-learning opportunities, such as Google class/Zoom, than students from the highest wealth quartile 31 .

Thus, the achievement gap and its accentuation during lockdown are due not only to the cultural and digital disadvantages of working-class families but also to unequal support from schools. This inequality in school support is not due to teachers being indifferent to or even supportive of social stratification. Rather, we believe that these effects are fundamentally structural. In many countries, schools located in upper/middle-class neighbourhoods have more money than those in the poorest neighbourhoods. Moreover, upper/middle-class parents invest more in the schools of their children than working-class parents (for example, see ref. 82 ), and schools have an interest in catering more for upper/middle-class families than for working-class families 83 . Additionally, the expectation of teachers may be lower for working-class children 84 . For example, they tend to estimate that working-class students invest less effort in learning than their upper/middle-class counterparts 85 . These differences in perception may have influenced the behaviour of teachers during school closure, such that teachers in privileged neighbourhoods provided more information to students because they expected more from them in term of effort and achievement. The fact that upper/middle-class parents are better able than working-class parents to comply with the expectations of teachers (for examples, see refs. 55 , 86 ) may have reinforced this phenomenon. These discrepancies echo data showing that working-class students tend to request less help in their schoolwork than upper/middle-class ones 87 , and they may even avoid asking for help because they believe that such requests could lead to reprimands 88 . During school closures, these students (and their families) may in consequence have been less likely to ask for help and resources. Jointly, these phenomena have resulted in upper/middle-class families receiving more support from schools during lockdown than their working-class counterparts.

Psychological effects of digital, cultural and structural divides

Despite being strongly influenced by social class, differences in academic achievement are often interpreted by parents, teachers and students as reflecting differences in ability 89 . As a result, upper/middle-class students are usually perceived—and perceive themselves—as smarter than working-class students, who are perceived—and perceive themselves—as less intelligent 90 , 91 , 92 or less able to succeed 93 . Working-class students also worry more about the fact that they might perform more poorly than upper/middle-class students 94 , 95 . These fears influence academic learning in important ways. In particular, they can consume cognitive resources when children and students work on academic tasks 96 , 97 . Self-efficacy also plays a key role in engaging in learning and perseverance in the face of difficulties 13 , 98 . In addition, working-class students are those for whom the fear of being outperformed by others is the most negatively related to academic performance 99 .

The fact that working-class children and students are less familiar with the tasks set by teachers, and less well equipped and supported, makes them more likely to experience feelings of incompetence (Fig. 1 ). Working-class parents are also more likely than their upper/middle-class counterparts to feel unable to help their children with schoolwork. Consistent with this, research has shown that both working-class students and parents have lower feelings of academic self-efficacy than their upper/middle-class counterparts 100 , 101 . These differences have been documented under ‘normal’ conditions but are likely to be exacerbated during distance learning. Recent surveys conducted during the school closures have confirmed that upper/middle-class families felt better able to support their children in distance learning than did working-class families 10 and that upper/middle-class parents helped their children more and felt more capable to do so 11 , 12 .

Pandemic disparity, future directions and recommendations

The research reviewed thus far suggests that children and their families are highly unequal with respect to digital access, skills and use. It also shows that upper/middle-class students are more likely to be supported in their homework (by their parents and teachers) than working-class students, and that upper/middle-class students and parents will probably feel better able than working-class ones to adapt to the context of distance learning. For all these reasons, we anticipate that as a result of school closures, the COVID-19 pandemic will substantially increase the social class achievement gap. Because school closures are a recent occurrence, it is too early to measure with precision their effects on the widening of the achievement gap. However, some recent data are consistent with this idea.

Evidence for a widening gap during the pandemic

Comparing academic achievement in 2020 with previous years provides an early indication of the effects of school closures during the pandemic. In France, for example, first and second graders take national evaluations at the beginning of the school year. Initial comparisons of the results for 2020 with those from previous years revealed that the gap between schools classified as ‘priority schools’ (those in low-income urban areas) and schools in higher-income neighbourhoods—a gap observed every year—was particularly pronounced in 2020 in both French and mathematics 102 .

Similarly, in the Netherlands, national assessments take place twice a year. In 2020, they took place both before and after school closures. A recent analysis compared progress during this period in 2020 in mathematics/arithmetic, spelling and reading comprehension for 7–11-year-old students within the same period in the three previous years 103 . Results indicated a general learning loss in 2020. More importantly, for the 8% of working-class children, the losses were 40% greater than they were for upper/middle-class children.

Similar results were observed in Belgium among students attending the final year of primary school. Compared with students from previous cohorts, students affected by school closures experienced a substantial decrease in their mathematics and language scores, with children from more disadvantaged backgrounds experiencing greater learning losses 104 . Likewise, oral reading assessments in more than 100 school districts in the United States showed that the development of this skill among children in second and third grade significantly slowed between Spring and Autumn 2020, but this slowdown was more pronounced in schools from lower-achieving districts 105 .

It is likely that school closures have also amplified racial disparities in learning and achievement. For example, in the United States, after the first lockdown, students of colour lost the equivalent of 3–5 months of learning, whereas white students were about 1–3 months behind. Moreover, in the Autumn, when some students started to return to classrooms, African-American and Latinx students were more likely to continue distance learning, despite being less likely to have access to the digital tools, Internet access and live contact with teachers 106 .

In some African countries (for example, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Tanzania and Uganda), the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in learning loss ranging from 6 months to more 1 year 107 , and this learning loss appears to be greater for working-class children (that is, those attending no-fee schools) than for upper/middle-class children 108 .

These findings show that school closures have exacerbated achievement gaps linked to social class and ethnicity. However, more research is needed to address the question of whether school closures differentially affect the learning of students from working- and upper/middle-class families.

Future directions

First, to assess the specific and unique impact of school closures on student learning, longitudinal research should compare student achievement at different times of the year, before, during and after school closures, as has been done to document the summer learning loss 66 , 109 . In the coming months, alternating periods of school closure and opening may occur, thereby presenting opportunities to do such research. This would also make it possible to examine whether the gap diminishes a few weeks after children return to in-school learning or whether, conversely, it increases with time because the foundations have not been sufficiently acquired to facilitate further learning 110 .

Second, the mechanisms underlying the increase in social class disparities during school closures should be examined. As discussed above, school closures result in situations for which students are unevenly prepared and supported. It would be appropriate to seek to quantify the contribution of each of the factors that might be responsible for accentuating the social class achievement gap. In particular, distinguishing between factors that are relatively ‘controllable’ (for example, resources made available to pupils) and those that are more difficult to control (for example, the self-efficacy of parents in supporting the schoolwork of their children) is essential to inform public policy and teaching practices.

Third, existing studies are based on general comparisons and very few provide insights into the actual practices that took place in families during school closure and how these practices affected the achievement gap. For example, research has documented that parents from working-class backgrounds are likely to find it more difficult to help their children to complete homework and to provide constructive feedback 63 , 111 , something that could in turn have a negative impact on the continuity of learning of their children. In addition, it seems reasonable to assume that during lockdown, parents from upper/middle-class backgrounds encouraged their children to engage in practices that, even if not explicitly requested by teachers, would be beneficial to learning (for example, creative activities or reading). Identifying the practices that best predict the maintenance or decline of educational achievement during school closures would help identify levers for intervention.

Finally, it would be interesting to investigate teaching practices during school closures. The lockdown in the spring of 2020 was sudden and unexpected. Within a few days, teachers had to find a way to compensate for the school closure, which led to highly variable practices. Some teachers posted schoolwork on platforms, others sent it by email, some set work on a weekly basis while others set it day by day. Some teachers also set up live sessions in large or small groups, providing remote meetings for questions and support. There have also been variations in the type of feedback given to students, notably through the monitoring and correcting of work. Future studies should examine in more detail what practices schools and teachers used to compensate for the school closures and their effects on widening, maintaining or even reducing the gap, as has been done for certain specific literacy programmes 112 as well as specific instruction topics (for example, ecology and evolution 113 ).

Practical recommendations

We are aware of the debate about whether social science research on COVID-19 is suitable for making policy decisions 114 , and we draw attention to the fact that some of our recommendations (Table 1 ) are based on evidence from experiments or interventions carried out pre-COVID while others are more speculative. In any case, we emphasize that these suggestions should be viewed with caution and be tested in future research. Some of our recommendations could be implemented in the event of new school closures, others only when schools re-open. We also acknowledge that while these recommendations are intended for parents and teachers, their implementation largely depends on the adoption of structural policies. Importantly, given all the issues discussed above, we emphasize the importance of prioritizing, wherever possible, in-person learning over remote learning 115 and where this is not possible, of implementing strong policies to support distance learning, especially for disadvantaged families.

Where face-to face teaching is not possible and teachers are responsible for implementing distance learning, it will be important to make them aware of the factors that can exacerbate inequalities during lockdown and to provide them with guidance about practices that would reduce these inequalities. Thus, there is an urgent need for interventions aimed at making teachers aware of the impact of the social class of children and families on the following factors: (1) access to, familiarity with and use of digital devices; (2) familiarity with academic knowledge and skills; and (3) preparedness to work autonomously. Increasing awareness of the material, cultural and psychological barriers that working-class children and families face during lockdown should increase the quality and quantity of the support provided by teachers and thereby positively affect the achievements of working-class students.

In addition to increasing the awareness of teachers of these barriers, teachers should be encouraged to adjust the way they communicate with working-class families due to differences in self-construal compared with upper/middle-class families 77 . For example, questions about family (rather than personal) well-being would be congruent with interdependent self-construals. This should contribute to better communication and help keep a better track of the progress of students during distance learning.

It is also necessary to help teachers to engage in practices that have a chance of reducing inequalities 53 , 116 . Particularly important is that teachers and schools ensure that homework can be done by all children, for example, by setting up organizations that would help children whose parents are not in a position to monitor or assist with the homework of their children. Options include homework help groups and tutoring by teachers after class. When schools are open, the growing tendency to set homework through digital media should be resisted as far as possible given the evidence we have reviewed above. Moreover, previous research has underscored the importance of homework feedback provided by teachers, which is positively related to the amount of homework completed and predictive of academic performance 117 . Where homework is web-based, it has also been shown that feedback on web-based homework enhances the learning of students 118 . It therefore seems reasonable to predict that the social class achievement gap will increase more slowly (or even remain constant or be reversed) in schools that establish individualized monitoring of students, by means of regular calls and feedback on homework, compared with schools where the support provided to pupils is more generic.

Given that learning during lockdown has increasingly taken place in family settings, we believe that interventions involving the family are also likely to be effective 119 , 120 , 121 . Simply providing families with suitable material equipment may be insufficient. Families should be given training in the efficient use of digital technology and pedagogical support. This would increase the self-efficacy of parents and students, with positive consequences for achievement. Ideally, such training would be delivered in person to avoid problems arising from the digital divide. Where this is not possible, individualized online tutoring should be provided. For example, studies conducted during the lockdown in Botswana and Italy have shown that individual online tutoring directly targeting either parents or students in middle school has a positive impact on the achievement of students, particularly for working-class students 122 , 123 .

Interventions targeting families should also address the psychological barriers faced by working-class families and children. Some interventions have already been designed and been shown to be effective in reducing the social class achievement gap, particularly in mathematics and language 124 , 125 , 126 . For example, research showed that an intervention designed to train low-income parents in how to support the mathematical development of their pre-kindergarten children (including classes and access to a library of kits to use at home) increased the quality of support provided by the parents, with a corresponding impact on the development of mathematical knowledge of their children. Such interventions should be particularly beneficial in the context of school closure.

Beyond its impact on academic performance and inequalities, the COVID-19 crisis has shaken the economies of countries around the world, casting millions of families around the world into poverty 127 , 128 , 129 . As noted earlier, there has been a marked increase in economic inequalities, bringing with it all the psychological and social problems that such inequalities create 130 , 131 , especially for people who live in scarcity 132 . The increase in educational inequalities is just one facet of the many difficulties that working-class families will encounter in the coming years, but it is one that could seriously limit the chances of their children escaping from poverty by reducing their opportunities for upward mobility. In this context, it should be a priority to concentrate resources on the most deprived students. A large proportion of the poorest households do not own a computer and do not have personal access to the Internet, which has important consequences for distance learning. During school closures, it is therefore imperative to provide such families with adequate equipment and Internet service, as was done in some countries in spring 2020. Even if the provision of such equipment is not in itself sufficient, it is a necessary condition for ensuring pedagogical continuity during lockdown.

Finally, after prolonged periods of school closure, many students may not have acquired the skills needed to pursue their education. A possible consequence would be an increase in the number of students for whom teachers recommend class repetitions. Class repetitions are contentious. On the one hand, class repetition more frequently affects working-class children and is not efficient in terms of learning improvement 133 . On the other hand, accepting lower standards of academic achievement or even suspending the practice of repeating a class could lead to pupils pursuing their education without mastering the key abilities needed at higher grades. This could create difficulties in subsequent years and, in this sense, be counterproductive. We therefore believe that the most appropriate way to limit the damage of the pandemic would be to help children catch up rather than allowing them to continue without mastering the necessary skills. As is being done in some countries, systematic remedial courses (for example, summer learning programmes) should be organized and financially supported following periods of school closure, with priority given to pupils from working-class families. Such interventions have genuine potential in that research has shown that participation in remedial summer programmes is effective in reducing learning loss during the summer break 134 , 135 , 136 . For example, in one study 137 , 438 students from high-poverty schools were offered a multiyear summer school programme that included various pedagogical and enrichment activities (for example, science investigation and music) and were compared with a ‘no-treatment’ control group. Students who participated in the summer programme progressed more than students in the control group. A meta-analysis 138 of 41 summer learning programmes (that is, classroom- and home-based summer interventions) involving children from kindergarten to grade 8 showed that these programmes had significantly larger benefits for children from working-class families. Although such measures are costly, the cost is small compared to the price of failing to fulfil the academic potential of many students simply because they were not born into upper/middle-class families.

The unprecedented nature of the current pandemic means that we lack strong data on what the school closure period is likely to produce in terms of learning deficits and the reproduction of social inequalities. However, the research discussed in this article suggests that there are good reasons to predict that this period of school closures will accelerate the reproduction of social inequalities in educational achievement.

By making school learning less dependent on teachers and more dependent on families and digital tools and resources, school closures are likely to greatly amplify social class inequalities. At a time when many countries are experiencing second, third or fourth waves of the pandemic, resulting in fresh periods of local or general lockdowns, systematic efforts to test these predictions are urgently needed along with steps to reduce the impact of school closures on the social class achievement gap.

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We thank G. Reis for editing the figure. The writing of this manuscript was supported by grant ANR-19-CE28-0007–PRESCHOOL from the French National Research Agency (S.G.).

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Université de Poitiers, CNRS, CeRCA, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition et l’Apprentissage, Poitiers, France

Sébastien Goudeau & Camille Sanrey

Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, LAPSCO, Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et Cognitive, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Arnaud Stanczak & Céline Darnon

School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK

Antony Manstead

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Goudeau, S., Sanrey, C., Stanczak, A. et al. Why lockdown and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to increase the social class achievement gap. Nat Hum Behav 5 , 1273–1281 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01212-7

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Received : 15 March 2021

Accepted : 06 September 2021

Published : 27 September 2021

Issue Date : October 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01212-7

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Life During Lockdown Essay in English for Students – 10 Lines, 100 & 1000 Words

  • Entrance Exams
  • November 6, 2023

Life During Lockdown Essay in English – The COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has disrupted our lives in ways we could have never imagined. Lockdowns, social distancing, and the sudden shift to remote learning have become the new normal for students around the world. Lockdowns were imposed in many parts of the world to curb the spread of the virus.

This essay explores the experiences of students during these challenging times and how their lives were affected by lockdowns. This article delves into the experiences, challenges, and resilience displayed by students during this trying time.

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About Lachit Borphukan in 10 Lines

Here, we have provided a brief overview of Life During Lockdown Essay – experience & Challenges in 10 lines.

  • Life during lockdown has been a unique and challenging experience for students worldwide.
  • Lockdowns forced a sudden shift to online education, with students facing technical issues and a need to adapt.
  • Social isolation and restrictions on gatherings led to feelings of loneliness and separation from friends.
  • Mental health concerns, such as stress and anxiety, became more prevalent among students.
  • Some students discovered new hobbies and interests, from art and music to cooking and writing.
  • Family time became more valuable as lockdowns brought loved ones closer together.
  • Reflection and personal growth became a focus for some students during the lockdown.
  • Online connections and virtual events offered ways to combat isolation and stay connected with peers.
  • The lockdown experience highlighted the resilience and adaptability of students in the face of adversity.
  • As we move beyond the pandemic, these experiences will be remembered as a time of transformation and change.

Write About Life During Lockdown Essay in 500 Words

Life During Lockdown: Adapting to a New Normal


The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 sent shockwaves through the world, disrupting almost every facet of daily life. One of the most significant changes brought about by the pandemic was the imposition of lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted experiences and challenges faced by individuals during these unprecedented times.

Online Education: A Digital Transformation

One of the most profound changes during lockdown was the abrupt shift from traditional classroom education to online learning. This transition had a profound impact on students of all ages. For students, it meant attending classes through a computer screen, submitting assignments electronically, and communicating with teachers and peers in virtual spaces. Online education offered flexibility but also presented various challenges, including technical issues, difficulties in maintaining focus in a home environment, and a lack of personal interaction with teachers and classmates.

Social Isolation: A Loneliness Epidemic

Lockdowns, with their strict restrictions on social gatherings and activities, resulted in a pervasive sense of social isolation. Students found themselves missing out on birthdays, parties, and extracurricular events. The inability to interact with friends in person took a toll on their mental health, leading to feelings of loneliness and separation from their social circles. Many students struggled to adapt to this new reality, where personal connections were limited to the digital realm.

Mental Health: Coping with Stress and Anxiety

The pandemic placed significant stress on students. Uncertainty, academic pressures, and the abrupt shift to online learning exacerbated pre-existing mental health issues and created new ones. Students grappled with stress and anxiety, trying to find effective coping mechanisms. Some turned to mindfulness and meditation to manage their mental well-being, while others maintained physical activity and exercise routines to alleviate stress. For many, seeking professional help became a crucial step in managing their mental health during lockdown.

Discovering New Interests: Hobbies as a Lifeline

Amid the challenges of lockdown, some students discovered a silver lining – the opportunity to explore new hobbies and interests. With extracurricular activities canceled and reduced homework, students found themselves with more free time on their hands. Some turned to creative outlets, such as art, music, writing, cooking, or other forms of self-expression. These new interests not only helped pass the time but also provided a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

Quality Family Time: Strengthening Bonds

As lockdowns confined families to their homes, they had the chance to spend more quality time together. Parents and siblings became a source of support and companionship. Family dinners, movie nights, and long conversations became a cherished part of life during lockdown, fostering stronger connections and bonds among family members.

Reflection and Personal Growth: A Time for Transformation

For some students, lockdown provided an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. The slowed pace of life allowed them to set new goals, acquire new skills, and build resilience in the face of adversity. Many used this period of introspection to gain insights into their values, priorities, and aspirations.

Life during lockdown has been a journey filled with challenges and opportunities. The sudden shift to online education, the struggles of social isolation, and the impact on mental health have been significant. However, amidst these challenges, students have discovered new interests, strengthened family bonds, and embarked on personal journeys of growth and self-discovery. As the world moves forward beyond the pandemic, these experiences will serve as a testament to the adaptability and resilience of students in the face of unprecedented challenges. The lessons learned during this period will undoubtedly shape their lives and future endeavors.

Essay on Student Life in Lockdown

A Day in the Life of a Student in Lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic, which swept the globe in 2020, has ushered in an era of unprecedented change. Lockdowns, social distancing, and remote learning have become the new reality for students worldwide. This article offers an in-depth exploration of a day in the life of a student during lockdown, comparing their current situation to pre-lockdown life and delving into the motivations that keep them going in these challenging times.

Pre-lockdown Life: A Time of Routine and Freedom

Morning Routine

Before the pandemic, students typically followed a well-defined morning routine. They would rise early, preparing themselves for the day ahead. Mornings often began with the pleasant aroma of breakfast and conversations with family members. Students would then embark on their daily commute to their respective educational institutions, be it school, college, or university. During this journey, they would interact with friends and classmates, share stories, and engage in light banter. The world was bustling with life, and students were an integral part of this vibrant ecosystem.

In-person Classes

In pre-lockdown life, students enjoyed the privilege of in-person learning. They would engage with their teachers face-to-face, have open discussions with peers, and participate in various extracurricular activities. The classrooms were alive with energy and enthusiasm as students actively participated in discussions, group projects, and hands-on learning experiences. Lunch breaks were a time for bonding with friends, and laughter filled the air as they shared meals and stories.

Afternoon and Evening

The afternoon and evening hours in pre-lockdown life were equally eventful. Students attended additional classes, worked on assignments, or participated in clubs and sports. The prospect of meeting friends after the day’s activities acted as a constant source of motivation. When the school day or college classes ended, students returned home in the late afternoon, bringing with them the excitement and experiences of the day. The evenings were a time for relaxation, socializing with friends, pursuing hobbies, and completing homework. Life had a sense of routine and normalcy.

Current Lockdown Life: A New Normal

In the wake of the pandemic, students have had to adapt to an entirely new routine. The early morning alarm still rings, but the circumstances have changed. Students now wake up at a different time, with more flexibility in their schedules. The day starts with a virtual breakfast, either with family members or alone, as the morning hustle and bustle of getting ready for a commute has been replaced by a more relaxed atmosphere. The absence of the daily commute is a significant change that many have come to appreciate.

Virtual Classes

Current lockdown life is defined by the transition to virtual education. Students have shifted from physical classrooms to virtual ones, attending lectures via video calls and web conferencing platforms. While this change offers flexibility in terms of location, it also presents various challenges. Staring at screens for prolonged periods can lead to screen fatigue, and maintaining focus within the distractions of a home environment can be difficult. The traditional classroom’s lively atmosphere and face-to-face interactions with teachers and peers have been replaced by a digital realm. While technology enables learning to continue, the loss of in-person interactions is palpable.

The afternoons and evenings for students in lockdown are a mix of academic responsibilities, self-study, and managing assignments. The energy and camaraderie of the physical campus are sorely missed. Students grapple with the absence of friends and the vibrancy of campus life. Evenings are largely spent indoors, with limited physical interaction with friends. This change has prompted students to turn to digital entertainment, such as movies, video games, and social media, to fill the void left by social interactions. The absence of physical engagement and extracurricular activities has left a vacuum in their daily lives.

Motivation in Lockdown: Finding Purpose

Dealing with Isolation

A significant challenge in the life of students during lockdown is dealing with isolation. The lack of social interaction, which was once an integral part of their daily routine, has left many feeling isolated and lonely. Students often turn to video calls and online chats to stay connected with friends and peers, seeking ways to bridge the gap created by physical distance. While virtual interactions are a lifeline, they can never fully replace the energy and spontaneity of in-person encounters.

Staying Motivated

Motivation during lockdown is an ongoing struggle. The lack of a physical classroom environment, the isolation from peers, and the blurred lines between home and school make it challenging for students to stay motivated. Self-discipline and time management become essential skills for maintaining productivity. Students often establish their own routines and set personal goals to ensure they stay on track academically. They use tools like to-do lists and time management apps to help them stay organized and focused on their studies.

To overcome the absence of physical extracurricular activities, students have turned to virtual alternatives. Online clubs, webinars, and workshops have become a source of motivation and engagement. These virtual activities provide students with a sense of community and an opportunity to pursue their interests and passions.

Coping with Uncertainty

The uncertainty surrounding the pandemic’s duration and its long-term effects on education and the job market has created anxiety and stress among students. Coping with this uncertainty is a significant aspect of their daily lives. Many students find inspiration in the resilience of the global community, witnessing how people come together in times of crisis. They draw strength from stories of individuals who have overcome adversity and have found innovative ways to adapt to the new normal.

For emotional support, students often turn to friends and family, engaging in open conversations about their fears and concerns. Many students have also sought professional counseling to help them navigate the emotional challenges posed by the pandemic.

A day in the life of a student during lockdown offers a stark contrast to the pre-lockdown routine. While pre-lockdown life was characterized by a structured daily schedule, in-person interactions, and a vibrant atmosphere, current lockdown life is marked by virtual classes, isolation, and a struggle for motivation. However, students have displayed remarkable adaptability and resilience in the face of these challenges. They have found ways to cope with isolation, stay motivated, and deal with the uncertainty brought about by the pandemic.

As the world continues to navigate the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic, the experiences of students during lockdown serve as a testament to their ability to adapt to challenging circumstances. Their determination and resilience are shaping their lives and will undoubtedly influence their future endeavors. While the journey has been filled with challenges, it has also offered opportunities for personal growth and a deeper understanding of the importance of community, adaptability, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

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Essay on Lockdown

Students are often asked to write an essay on Lockdown in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Lockdown

What is a lockdown.

A lockdown is when people must stay where they are, usually due to an emergency. This can happen for different reasons, like a dangerous person in the area or a disease outbreak. During a lockdown, you can’t go to places like school or the park. It’s a rule to keep everyone safe.

Lockdown and Staying Home

In a lockdown, you stay home to avoid getting sick or spreading germs. Schools and shops may close, and you might not see your friends for a while. It’s important to listen to adults and stay inside.

Learning in Lockdown

Even in a lockdown, you can keep learning. Schools might do classes online, so you can study from home. You’ll use a computer or tablet to see your teacher and classmates. It’s different but still a way to learn.

Fun at Home

Lockdown doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. You can play games, read, or do crafts. It’s a chance to spend time with family and try new hobbies. Remember, it’s not forever, just for now.

250 Words Essay on Lockdown

A lockdown is when people must stay where they are, usually in their homes, to stay safe. This can happen when there is a big problem, like a dangerous virus spreading. During a lockdown, schools, offices, and shops can close, and people must work, study, and shop from home if they can.

Why Lockdowns Happen

Lockdowns are used to stop people from getting sick or hurt. When too many people get sick at once, hospitals can get too busy. By staying home, fewer people get sick at the same time, and hospitals can help everyone who needs it.

Life During Lockdown

Life changes a lot in a lockdown. You can’t visit friends or go to the park like before. Many turn to books, games, and the internet to learn and have fun. Families spend more time together, and people find new ways to connect, like video calls.

Challenges of Lockdown

Lockdowns can be hard. People might miss their friends or feel sad and worried. It’s not easy to stay inside for a long time. Some people also worry about their jobs and money if they can’t go to work.

After a Lockdown

When a lockdown ends, things slowly start to open again, like schools and stores. It’s important to be careful and listen to rules to keep everyone safe. Lockdown teaches us to be strong, care for each other, and that by working together, we can handle big challenges.

500 Words Essay on Lockdown

A lockdown is when people are told to stay where they are, usually in their homes, because of an emergency. This could be because of a health crisis, like a big outbreak of sickness, or for safety reasons, like when there’s a danger in the community. During a lockdown, schools, offices, and shops may close, and people have to follow special rules.

Reasons for a Lockdown

Life during a lockdown.

When there’s a lockdown, daily life changes a lot. People can’t go to school or work like they usually do. Instead, they might have classes or meetings online. Being at home all the time can be hard. Families have to find new ways to stay busy and happy without leaving their houses. This can mean playing games, reading, or learning new hobbies.

The Good and the Bad

Lockdowns can be helpful because they keep people safe from danger. With fewer people moving around, it’s easier for doctors and nurses to take care of those who are sick. But lockdowns can also be tough. People might miss their friends or family members who don’t live with them. Some people might even feel sad or worried because of all the changes.

Following Rules

Learning from lockdown.

A lockdown can teach us many things. We learn to be patient and to take care of each other. We also learn how to solve problems in new ways, like studying from home or talking to friends and family online. It shows us that by working together and helping each other, we can get through tough times.

After the Lockdown

When a lockdown ends, things slowly start to go back to normal. Schools and shops open again, and people can go outside more. But it’s important to remember what was learned during the lockdown. We should keep washing our hands well and stay home if we feel sick, so we can keep ourselves and others safe.

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helping mother during lockdown essay

Essay on Impact of lockdown on Students and People

Nobody ever imagined that life could turn like this. Despite being most countries democratic, people are forced to live inside their homes. The basic freedom given to us by our constitutions is taken back from us. Nobody is free to move. If anyone is found breathing in the open air he is beaten by the police and imposed with heavy penalties. What has forced all the governments to take this dictator style decision? Why are people all over the world simultaneously forced to live a completely altered life during lockdown 2020? This Essay on the Impact of lockdown on Students and People will answer all the above questions.

Essay on Impact of lockdown | Coronavirus Impact on Students and other people

With the outbreak of covid 19, the world was locked down. The fast-paced life came to a standstill. Covid 19, a disease caused by Corona Virus, started in China initially and spread all over the globe. All were helpless because the medical fraternity could not invent its antidote. So, the safest and the only option seemed was world lockdown. All the national and international borders were sealed. Some countries announced a 3-6 months stay at home order while others declared complete lockdown in phases.

People, businesses, and governments around the world have changed the way they spend, move, communicate and travel because of COVID-19. Let’s see how life has changed during the lockdown period. Did it alter our life for the better?

Lockdown 2020 in India

Indian Prime Minister Mr Modi announced a country lockdown on 21st march 2020 for 21 days. Later it got extended for more and more days. As Indians are notorious for not following the rules, everyone expected it to last for 3-4 days. But the story was different this time. Police drove away from the people who ventured on roads by giving physical punishments and charging fines. Covid 19 triggered lockdown brought a significant change in the life of all.

Impact of Lockdown on Students in India

This disease has affected all segments of the population. And students are no exception. In India, a lockdown was announced just at the time when CBSE exams were going on. Students of the 10th and 12th classes got stuck in the middle. National level entrance exams had to be postponed. Generally, the months of March and April are very crucial for students preparing for these papers. The pandemic diverted students’ focus from their studies. It has created an atmosphere of anxiety and depression among some students and parents.

Seeing from another angle, Children were the happiest creature in the world after the announcement of lockdown. But due to the setting up of virtual classrooms, their happiness did not last long. Now regular classes were going on with no escape from home assignments. However, they learned a new way of education.

Although, schools and coaching institutes have started online classes. The devices required for attending virtual classrooms are not accessible to all in India. It might create a burden on students’ psychology.

Effect of Lockdown on Senior citizens

The government officials appealed that the elderly people stay inside the home during the period of lockdown. According to doctors adults were more vulnerable to coronavirus. Morning walks and evening strolls were their only way to bring some movement in their stiff bodies. This curtailment left them immobile. But they got the company of all the family members who were otherwise too busy to talk to them. Board games and mythological serial telecasts on national television came to their rescue.

Impact of lockdown on Women

A lockdown increases the burden of household work for all families.  While all the domestic helpers were stranded at home, there was no one to share the increased household chores. In Indian families, nobody is empathetic towards the mental and physical health of women due to the increased workload.

Impact of lockdown on Men

Men are the most deeply affected victim of this pandemic. Most of the men leave their homes in the morning to complete the task of bread earning for the family. They spend their whole day outside the house. Lockdown has put them inside the four walls of the house which they are not accustomed to. The absence of professional life is making them sick. Some are lucky to do their work from home with the help of computers.

With the extensions in lockdown, they are adapting to enjoy this altered version of life. Playing online ludo and tambola is a common scene in every house. Some gentlemen are trying their hands on cooking to share a story on Instagram. Watching movies and web series, growing a beard is more a compulsion than a hobby. Sharing basic household work to cheer their better halves makes their bonding even stronger.

Conclusion: Impact of lockdown and coronavirus on people

Today, humans are in cages to save themselves from highly contagious disease covid 19. We were so blindfolded in the race of development that we neglected our spouse, our family, our culture, our environment. We were urgently in a need of some change. But nobody knew that the change would appear like this in the disguise of the Corona Virus.

This period of crisis and global volatility is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we should utilise it thoughtfully and productively.

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AlteredChanged, modified, revised
ImposedTo force someone to accept something
SimultaneouslyAt the same time/ moment
Stand-stillTo remain motionless
VenturedDare to do something
EmpatheticUnderstand and sahre the feelings of another
AccustomedHabitual, common, routine

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Coronavirus lockdown helped the environment to bounce back

Shefali arora.

a Department of Chemistry, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, (UK), India

Kanchan Deoli Bhaukhandi

b Department of Health Safety and Environment, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, (UK), India

Pankaj Kumar Mishra

c Department of Mathematics, UIS, Chandigarh University, Punjab, (UK), India

As the transmission of novel corona virus (COVID-19) increases rapidly, the whole world adopted the curfew/lockdown activity with restriction of human mobility. The imposition of quarantine stopped all the commercial activity that greatly affects the various important environmental parameters which directly connected to human health. As all the types of social, economic, industrial and urbanization activity suddenly shut off, nature takes the advantages and showed improvement in the quality of air, cleaner rivers, less noise pollution, undisturbed and calm wildlife. This research aims to discuss the COVID-19 effect on the global environment. The outcome of this research says that “ Although coronavirus vaccine is not available coronavirus itself is earth's vaccine and us humans are the virus ”.

Graphical abstract

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1. Introduction

COVID-19 is a new dangerous infectious disease that causes illness in animals or humans. History provides a record of epidemics such as plague, smallpox, measles, cholera, influenza, Ebola, AIDS, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and now COVID-19 ( David, 2020 ). 2003 was the first known year of SARS illness caused by coronavirus in China as acute respiratory syndrome. A second outbreak was in 2012 in Saudi Arabia as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). World Health organization (WHO) in Dec 31, 2019 named it SARS-COV-2 and the disease as COVID-19 ( Cui et al., 2019 ; Lai et al., 2020 ; Peiris et al., 2004 ; WHO, 2020 ). Genetically the virus of COVID-19 and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are related to each other but disease caused by them is quite different.

World Health Organization gave the name of the disease as COVID-19 on Feb 11 2020. In the name of the disease COVID-19, CO stands for ‘Corona’, VI stands for ‘Virus’ D stands for ‘Disease’. This disease is the first time introduce in the year of 2019 that is why it is called COVID-19. Again, this virus has not previously seen in humans so it is also called “Novel corona virus”. The SAR-COV is a member of the β-coronavirus sub-group from coronaviridae family ( Pyrc et al., 2007 ). The virus having crown like spikes on the outer surface of it that's why we called as corona virus. Its size ranging from 65 to 125 nm in diameter. The effect of the virus is an acute lung jury and respiratory distress syndrome that ultimately causes pulmonary failure and causes a fatality. The virus of COVID-19 is transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets instead of air. The main spreading way of this virus is through respiratory droplets expelled by the person suffering from cold and cough. By touching these droplets present on the surface around the person with COVID-19 is a strong reason for catching this disease. So it is very important to maintain a distance of around 1 m (3 ft) away from person who is sick. The symptoms of this disease are dry cough, fever, difficulty in breathing. Infants, older people and those with medical problems like high B.P., cancer, diabetes, heart problem, asthma are more prone to develop this disease ( Arabi et al., 2019 ; Ashour et al., 2020 ; Dong et al., 2020 ; Zhou et al., 2020 ). As virus spreads COVID-19 so antibiotics do not work. Without much clinical experience, some already medicines such as hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, lopinavir, ritonavir, corticosteroids, paracetamol, ibuprofen and certain nucleotide are proposed for the treatment of COVID-19 ( Gautret et al., 2020 ; Colson et al., 2020 ; Zhonghua, J. H. H. H. X. Z. Z., 2020 ). Although there is no evidence that the above-proposed medicine can prevent or cure the disease surely. However, some traditional or home remedies may improve our resistance power for dealing with this virus. Since there is no effective antiviral medicines or vaccine is investigated until now so the most effective way to protect our self by social distancing. Social lockdown is considered the most effective measure to control COVID-19 ( Das and Patial, 2020 ; Paital et al., 2020 ). The curve can be flattened by social distancing and this has been an incidental boon to the environment. So, in the throes of adversity, yet there is a reason to celebrate in COVID-19. It has been noticed that over a month in this lockdown, air and water pollution have been declined. During the lockdown period, the Ganga water quality improved remarkably. The COVID-19's gift to Ganga was seen within 10 days of nationwide lockdown. As per the data of the Central pollution control board (CPCB's) out of 36 various points of the Ganga river, the 27 points are found suitable for the propagation of wildlife and Fisheries. The dissolved oxygen (DO) values were found to 6.8 mg/ml from 3.8 mg/ml which is an improvement of 79%. Dissolved oxygen (DO) value and Biological oxygen demand (BOD) levels are also increased up to 30%. Ganga water at Haridwar and Rishikesh in India was investigated fit for drinking due to 500% decrease in sewage and industrial effluents as per CPCB assessment report. Domestic sewage, industrial waste, cloth washing near ghats, bathing, fairs and tourism activities were curtailed. At the same time, water is not being lifted by industries, so more flow in the river will dilute the pollutants. The study of water quality monitoring of the Ganga on April 19, 2020 by Central pollution control board (CPCB's) reveals the drinking water standards such as the BOD <3 mg/l, DO >4 mg/l, pH 6 to 9, ammonia 0.49 mg/l. Improvement in Ganga water is a function of quality and quantity. So it can be stated that COVID-19 lockdown will serve as a ventilator not only for the river but also for the entire environment and wildlife. Due to the restriction of human mobility, air pollution reduces up to 44%. Present studies will focus on various aspects of COVID-19 on global environmental pollution and wildlife.

2. COVID-19 lockdown vs global environment

COVID-19 became the opportunity for the earth to build a clear blue sky and clean the air. During the period of lockdown across the world, the sight of the blue sky created a sense of optimism among the people towards a clean and better environment. Before COVID-19, all over the world are being suffered by a high level of urban air pollution especially in the form of CO 2 , SO 2 , NO 2 and particulate matter The major sources of pollution such as transport, industries, power stations are responsible for the increased output of all these pollutants. From years back (2001 to 2019) various agencies all over the world announced such as clean air programs to reduce particulate matter pollution levels. These programs also pointed out the air quality standards, these are much weaker than the world health organization (WHO) guidelines, and more evidence of the health impact of air pollution was investigated. A report of WHO indicates that almost 8% of total death in the world is due to air pollution ( WHO, 2016 ). Many respiratory diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, cognitive and mental illness are already triggered by air pollution. The only difference is that those diseases may not be as immediately lethal as COVID-19 and not transmitted by person to person. It has been established that before COVID-19, emission of CO 2 was raised by 1% per year over the previous decade ( Jackson et al., 2019 ). The positive effect of lockdown is to decrease the CO 2 emission by −17% (−11 to −25%) by 7th April 2020 ( Quere et al., 2020 ) with respect to the mean level of emission in 2019. Air quality index (AQI) is the assessment of air quality. The lower the AQI value, the better is the air. The normal air quality index range is (100−200) and presently it is in the satisfactory range (50–100) category as reported by Gurfam being a scientist at SAFAR. Zambrano-Monserrate et al. (2020) reported that the air quality index (AQI) is decreased by 44%, 33%, 29%, 15% and 32% in north, south, east, central and western India respectively. The same study also shows that from March 16th to April 14th, 2020, 22 cities of India show the reduction of PM 10 (Particulate material), PM 2.5 , CO, NO 2 , by 43, 31, 10 and 18%. During the quarantine period in COVID-19, the amount of NO 2 was decreased by 22.8 μg/m 3 and 12.9 μg/m 3 in Wuhan and China respectively. In 367 cities, the PM 2.5 fell by 18.9 μg/m 3 . As per the report of CAMS 2020 reduction of 20–30% of PM 2.5 is observed in a wide area of China. Mahato et al. (2020) investigated that after three weeks of lockdown period from 24th March 2020, pollution of the Delhi, India, has experienced a noticeable reduction of different air pollution causing materials in the following Table 1 .

Comparison between different pollutant present in air before and after lockdown.

Before lockdown176.0780.5116.0842.591.0334.0533.93
After lockdown84.7937.7513.1920.160.7234.3229.75

From the above table, the positive indirect effects lead to the reduction of PM level, NO 2 , SO 2 , CO, O 3 concentration whereas high concentration of these gases are always been the greatest environmental problem for developed countries ( Sharma and Dhar, 2018 ).

China Health Authority informed the WHO about the several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan City in Hubei Province in central China on December 31, 2019. Since December 8, 2019, the various cases were reported from the patients who worked at or lived around the local Huanan Seafood wholesale market ( Lu et al., 2020 ). Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market's role in spreading the virus is still unclear. Genomic studies provided the evidence for the virus introduced from some another unknown location, into this market where it blowout more hastily, although human-to-human transmission may have occurred earlier ( Yu et al., 2020 ). Medical workers confirmed the presence of person-to-person transmission occurrence among close contacts mainly via respiratory droplets produced by an infected person coughs or sneezes have confirmed from the group of infected family members and ( Chan et al., 2020 ). Fomites may also be considered as a large source of transmission, as SARS-CoV has been found to persist on surfaces up to 96 h and other coronaviruses for up to 9 days ( Kampf et al., 2020 ).

On January 7 WHO identified, a novel coronavirus, originally abbreviated as 2019-nCoV from the throat swab sample of a patient ( Hui et al., 2020 ). Coronavirus Study Group has named the pathogen as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ( Gorbalenya et al., 2020 ) later it was renamed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the WHO. WHO declared the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on January 30, 2020, due to thousands of infected and suspected cases reported in China and other countries ( Burki, 2020 ). The month of February lets the outbreaks continue to spread in Iran, Italy and other parts of the globe. Consequently, the epidemic turns into the great pandemic and by end of March half of the world population was under some form of lockdown ( Tosepu et al., 2020 ). As of May 25, 2020, the total no of COVID-19 cases surpassed 5.5 million globally, with total deaths tolls more than 345,160 ( CoronaTracker, 2020 ). As countries went into lockdown the industrial activities shut down globally. Among many other sectors, transport is the hardest hit sector due to lockdown. Road and air transport came to halt as people are not allowed or hesitate to travel. According to the report, air travel dropped by 96% due to COVID-19, lowest in 75 years ( CNN, 2020 ). Furthermore, not only the transport sector but also industrial and manufacturing sector is heavily affected by the pandemic. Global oil demand declined drastically and prices cut down sharply, as industrial and transport sectors came to halt worldwide. COVID-19 has a severe negative impact on human health and the world economy, however, it also results in pollution reduction due to limited social and economic activities ( Dutheil et al., 2020 ). Lockdown due to COVID-19 reduced transport activities which results in less energy consumption and lower oil demand. These changes in transport activities and oil demand exert a significant impact on environmental quality. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and ESA (European Space Agency) released fresh evidence which suggests that environmental quality improved and the emission of NO 2 reduced up to 30%. NASA collects the data using OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instruments) on its AURA satellite. While ESA collects the data through Sentinel-5P satellite using TROPOMI (Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument). NASA and ESA release satellite images of various countries before and after lockdown ( Muhammad et al., 2020 ).

Reductions in Sulfur Dioxide & Nitrogen Dioxide Air Pollution over South Asia Associated with Efforts to Control the Spread of COVID-19. Aura's OMI data over South Asia show the means of the period in previous years, while comparing to the means for 2020, it is showing a vast improvement after the nationwide stay-at-home order for India's 1.3 billion citizens over South Asia for average of March 25 to April 25. The ( Fig. 1a ) images show the means of the period in previous years, while the bottom images show the means for 2020. Source: ( NASA Air Quality Analysis, 2020 ).

Fig. 1a

The images show Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) data of SO2 (left) and NO2 (right) over South Asia as an average of March 25–April 25. The top images show the means of the period in previous years, while the bottom images show the means for 2020.

The highest SO 2 levels are over eastern India and primarily associated with electricity generation; the coal burned has sulfur impurities. Independent estimates indicate that electricity generation for India was down about 10% and 25% in March and April 2020, respectively, as compared to March and April 2019. One exception is in southern India which could be related to increased thermal power generation that came online before the stay-at-home order. However, there was not a similar increase in NO 2 , so possibly coal with higher sulfur content was used in 2020 relative to 2019 without a significant increase in coal consumed. NO 2 is primarily emitted from fossil fuel use. The images show that widespread decreases (~30–60%) in NO 2 levels have occurred over most of South Asia. The highest NO 2 levels are in eastern India and are primarily associated with electricity generation ( Aura, 2020 ). NASA's Air Quality group is regularly producing images from data collected from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument aboard the Aura satellite showing how one air pollutant, nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), is changing. Changes are driven by changes in human behavior as a response to evolving restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The group also produces images of other air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ). In India, The first case of COVID-19 reported in the state of Kerala is in the late January 2020, and the state undergoes lockdown on 25th March 2020 together with the other states when Prime Minister Modi ordered a nationwide stay-at-home order for India's 1.3 billion citizens in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19. As a consequence, fewer fossil fuels are being consumed and, subsequently, there is less air pollution (e.g., nitrogen dioxide, NO 2 , as shown in previous OMI images, Fig. 1b ) in India and in neighboring countries, including Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka ( NASA Air Quality Analysis, 2020 ).

Fig. 1b

NO 2 pollution before and after lockdown in India and its neighboring countries.

This positive impact on the environment may be temporary but governments and individuals should learn from this lockdown on how to reduce pollution on a long term basis. ( Yunus et al. (2020) attempted to understand the effect of COVID-19 spread in a hydrosphere using remote sensing data products. They have selected one of the severely polluted freshwater lakes in India to evaluate the impact of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 spread on water quality. The analysis of SPM concentrations in Vembanad lake based on the Landsat-8 OLI data revealed that the concentrations during the lockdown period were lower than those in the pre-lockdown period by 15.9% on average (−10.3%–36.4%). The decrease was observed in 18 out of 20 zones of the lake. Eleven of the zones showed that the concentration was the lowest in April of 2013–2020. While non-industrial pollution (e.g. discharge of domestic wastewater) remained during the lockdown period, results suggested that pollution from industries and tourism had a severe impact on lake water quality.

2.1. COVID-19 lockdown vs ozone layer

The ozone layer is found in the upper atmosphere called the stratosphere between 10 and 50 km from the earth. The ozone layer acts as a natural sunscreen and plays a very important function by absorbing the harmful U—V rays from the sun. Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are gases such as chlorine and/or bromine which breaks the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Various ODS are present in the environment are chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs), Methyl chloride and various halones. By the reaction with UV sunlight, these gases form chlorine and bromine and they are responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer. The international community signed the Montreal Protocol on substances about the depletion of the ozone layer, 30 years ago. According to the protocol, the consumption and production of ozone-depleting compounds should be regulated. By banning chlorine-containing synthetic compounds the rate of depletion decline and scientists expect to recover back to the 1980 level up to 2070. As per the scientific data of 2018, the stratosphere recovered at the rate of 1–3% per decade since 2000. After the lockdown began on Jan 23, the particulate matter pollution decreased by an average of 35% and NO 2 decreased by an average of 60%. At the same period, scientists found the average surface ozone concentration increased by a factor of 1.5–2. Emission of ozone-depleting substances is also natural or man-made. All man-made emission is controlled because of lockdown during COVID-19. Production and consumption of ODS are also reduced. The World meteorological Organization (WMO) states that economic activity has been limited during COVID-19 which results in a decline in CO 2 emission. In 2019, As per NASA and NOAA reported that the south pole region of Antarctica has warm temperature in the upper atmosphere which caused a small ozone hole since it was first seen in 1982 ( Fig. 2 ). On 23rd April 2020 Copernicus, atmospheric monitoring services (CAMS) announced that the largest hole was ever seen in the ozone layer over the arctic has been closed. Although lockdown is surely showing the prominent sign of nature balance restoration of the ozone layer is not related to COVID-19. Scientist of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Services (CAMS) reported that is because of strong and long-lived polar vertex and not related to change to air quality.

Fig. 2

a and 2b. The map of hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica on 23rd May 2020 and September 08, 2019 respectively.

3. COVID-19 lockdown vs water pollution

The research on water quality assessment of Ganga river and Yamuna river and factor controlling ionic chemistry of water were studied by a number of researchers in and around the world ( Raymahasay, 1970 ; Abbas and Subramanain, 1984 ; Krishnaswami et al., 1992 ; Dalai et al., 2002 ; Chakrapani, 2005 ; Chakrapani and Subramanian, 1996 ; Bahukhandi et al., 2008 ; Bahukhandi and Bartarya, 2012 ; Bahukhandi and Bartarya, 2014 ; Bahukhandi et al., 2015 ; Bahukhandi et al., 2017 ; Dudeja et al., 2011 ; Thakur et al., 2018 ). It was found that the water quality of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers were deteriorated over the past few decades due to increased urbanization, industrialization and changing the land use pattern ( Chakrapani and Subramanian, 1996 ; Dudeja et al., 2011 ; Bahukhandi et al., 2017 ). Around 10% of toxic load comes from industries that constitute around 700 MLD per day discharge in the Ganga river as per the report of Singhal and Mato. It is estimated that in the Ganga river around 6500–6700 million liters per day (MLD) in its UP stretch were discharged and 30% of the total BOD load was due to industries along the river, which include 130–150 tons per day(CPCB). More than 80% of pollution in the Ganga is due to domestic sewage from surrounding towns and villages. The rest is contributed by industrial waste. This is also the fact that the surface water quality of i.e. Ganga river and Yamuna river improved drastically in the past few months. The industries were closed down after lockdown 1, Lockdown 2 and Lockdown 3 in India and the majority of the industrial effluent which were discharged in these rivers were also stopped. The water quality of all the major river of India has been improved due to shut down of industries ( Singhal and Matto, 2020 ). An assessment of Ganga water quality at Rishikesh was carried. Among anions HCO 3 was the most dominant (73%) followed by SO 2− 4 (15.4%), Cl − (6.6%), NO 3 (4.8%), F − (0.6%) and PO 4 (0.3%) and among cations, Ca 2+ is the most dominant (71%) followed by Mg 2+ (19%), Na + (7.7%), and K + (2%) Bahukhandi et al., 2017 ). The mean value of pH, TDS, Bicarbonate, Nitrate, Calcium were 7.9, 169 mg/l, 109 mg/l, 1.5 mg/l and 32 mg/l respectively at various sampling location at Ganga River at Haridwar. The water quality of the Assan river, which is sub tributaries of the Yamuna river was investigated. In Yamuna river the concentration of EC (Electric conductivity) were ranged from 54.2 micro Siemens/cm to 135micro Siemens/cm, TDS ranged from 91 mg/l to 553 mg/l, HCO 3 were ranged from 21.0 mg/l to 366 mg/l and pH were ranged from 6.0 to 8.7 in all sampling location ( Bahukhandi and Bartarya, 2014 ). Assessment of Major ion chemistry and spatial variation of Ganga river at Haridwar were carried out and abundance of various ions in the sample was in order of HCO 3 (63.8 mg/l) > Ca (19.2 mg/l) > Mg (5.9 mg/l) Na (3.05 mg/l) > Cl (1.6 mg/l) > K (0.5 mg/l). The pH value was ranged from 6.2 to 7.5 with a mean value of 6.5. The EC was ranged from 89 μs/cm to 485 μs/cm with a mean value of 166.2 μs/cm. To clean Ganga river one of the biggest initiatives was taken by Government of India that is Namami Gange Project under National Mission for Clean Ganga Mission and number of effort being done to improve the quality of the Ganga River. Due to lock down the tourism industry also stopped this affected influx of tourism. Tourism was considered one of the important sources of pollution in the Ganga River. Due to tourism all markets near the Ganga river site at Haridwar, Rishikesh, Allahabad were affected. Hotel, shops, lodges, the restaurant all were discharged sewage waste in the Ganga river. In 2015, the biggest-ever initiative, Namami Gange was launched with a budget of over Rs 20,000. Despite numerous programs and huge funds were allocated for the lean Ganga mission but the number of pollutants keeps on increasing in the Ganga river. The Ganga water at Haridwar and Rishikesh were found clean and safe for drinking due to 500% decrease in sewage and industrial effluents after lockdown due to COVID 19 pandemic. A drop in the number of visitors at Ghats in Haridwar also helped in improving river water quality. The mean concentration of DO, BOD, were found respectively 8 mg/l, 2.1 mg/l, pH 7.9 in upstream Ganga Barrage, while in down-stream of Ganga barrage were DO (7.90), BOD (2.1 mg/l) and pH (7.9) during lockdown period due to COVID 19 of March 2020 (Source CPCB). The Uttarakhand state is the source of the Ganga river and it enters Uttar Pradesh in Bijnor district and passes through major districts such as Meerut, Bulandshahar, Aligarh, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, among others. The nationwide lockdown was imposed on March 25, 2020, and within 10 days the quality of the Ganga river improved significantly. The concentration of DO at Varanasi's Nagwa Nala was significantly improved from 3.8 mg/l on March 6 and increased up to 6.8 mg/l on April 4 during the lockdown period after COVID 19 and thus it showed 79% improvement in DO concentration. Other activities such as tourism, fairs, bathing and cloth washing near the ghats were also reduced. The water quality of the Ganga River improved by 40–50% during the lockdown period which was imposed after the outbreak of COVID 19 (The New India Express 2020). The mean value of DO was (>6 mg/l), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD (<2 mg/l) and Total Coliform 5000 per 100 ml) and pH ranged from 6.5 to 8.5 ( Mandal and Pal, 2020 ). The TDS concentration has significantly reduced in surface water after lockdown and was reduced from 2457 mg/l to 987 mg/l ( Mandal and Pal, 2020 ) ( Fig. 3 ).

Fig. 3

Impact of Covid 19 on Water quality of Ganga on (Source CPCB 28th March 2020).

4. COVID-19 lockdown vs noise pollution

The noise comes under the National Ambient Air Quality standard and considered one of the major pollutants as per the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. Noise is an unwanted sound that causes a disturbance in communication ( Berglund et al., 1999 ). Noise consists of unpleasant obtrusive, annoying, distracting, or persistent sounds that interfere with sleep or the ability to concentrate or enjoy life. The noise level should be 30db during the night for good sleep as per WHO guidelines. Several scientists have conducted studies on Noise pollution and found motor vehicular noise is predominant sources of noise pollution in India. Several studies have been conducted in various parts of the country to assess the ambient noise level. The majority of the total environmental noise is caused by motor vehicles ( Banerjee et al., 2008 ). Day time noise levels measured along roads between two campuses of a University in Bangalore, Orissa, ranged from 70.1 dB(A) to 120.4 dB(A) which are above the permissible limits for road traffic noise (70 dB[A]). Long term exposure of high noise level can cause irritation, stress, mental disorders, annoyance, stress, hypertension, loss of concentration, sleeplessness, etc. ( Ohrstrom, 1989 ; Rabinowitz, 2000 ; WHO, 2005 ; Stansfeld et al., 1996 ; Chakraborty et al., 1998 ). The ambient noise level in major cities of India i.e. Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai were ranged from 45 db to 86 db during day time, 37 db to 76 db during night time in a residential area, 63 db to 90 db during day time, 46 db to 78 db during night time in commercial area, 50 to 89 db during day time, 40–70 db during night time insensitive area however in Industrial area the noise level ranged from 44 db to 86 db during day time and 42 db to 70 db during night time (sources NIUF 2000). The level of noise pollution was decreased drastically in a different part of globe including India. It has been estimated that the Noise level was reduced up to 35% to 68% from 8 am to 4.00 pm. The noise pollution at Govindpuri metro station which earlier recorded the noise level 100 db now after lockdown the noise level reduced up to 50% and constituted 50 db noise level (Times of India 23rd April 2020). Most of the residential area of New Delhi the Noise level reduced from 55 db to 30–35 db. The noise level was found reduced up to 30 to 40% during the lockdown period and in most of the places of over stone quarrying and crushing areas, entire study units fall under the noise level < 65dBA ( Mahato et al., 2020 ). COVID 19 also affected noise pollution and coral reef (Florina Jacob 30/4/20). The sources of noise pollution in the marine ecosystem are classified into two categories natural and anthropogenic sources ( Hildebrand, 2009 ). Natural sources include tides, tsunami, earthquake, sea breeze rainfall and cyclone etc. The anthropogenic sources include navigation, commercial shipping, traffic noise and industrial around the coastal area, ship for commercial activities and recreational activities. In some places, radar is also used for fishing ( Slabbekoorn et al., 2010 ). Noise pollution also harms wildlife. It is estimated that most of the marine noise that is derived from human activities is of low-frequency ( Hildebrand, 2009 ). The coral reef is also found to be a noisy ecosystem (University of Rhode Island, 2001). Boat noise causes some negative effects on the coral reef and causes a decrease in the recruitment of reef fish and coral larvae, possibly due to greater difficulty in “listening” and finding a reef to settle in ( Hollles and Stephen, 2013 ). Due to COVID 19 the lockdown also affected the marine ecosystem ( Fig. 4 ), all transport processes in the marine ecosystem also stopped and the pollution level caused by human activities also reduced drastically.

Fig. 4

Coral reefs relax from decrease in noise pollution during COVID-19 lockdown period.

5. COVID-19 lockdown vs wild-life

As per the wildlife experts “The animal-borne disease is the outbreaks of the destruction of nature”. Human confinement during lockdown gives space to animals and birds which was usually occupied by a human and their activities. It was noticed that many animals around and coming into the spotlight during the coronavirus period globally. Deer, peacocks, monkeys, elephants, birds, dolphins, etc. are the best examples during lockdown who came out in notice much more frequently and greater in number ( Fig. 5a ).

Fig. 5a

An African penguin walks in the parking lot of an empty restaurant, close to popular Boulders Beach in Cape Town, South Africa, on April 14, 2020. The beach closed during the lockdown across South Africa, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some experts say that during this period few birds spreading their wings and breeding in the human-occupied areas which is now-a day's having no activity. Migratory birds are returning to lakes and water bodies more in number During this period we could see the difference in how birds communicate. As traffic noise is reduced so we can hear the perceived quality of their songs with more chirping sound. Now migratory birds can fly freely without human interference. All the fishing activity has stopped so dolphins do come closer to the shore.

Lockdown Wildlife Tracker app ( Fig. 5b )on play.google.com by Wildlife Institute of India (WII) was the great initiative to witness the real-time data using an app to share comfortable wildlife movement in human restricted zones ( Wild Life Institute of India, 2020 ).

Fig. 5b

Lockdown wildlife tracker app. by wild life Institute of India.

Ample evidence found in the various part of the globe to indicate the use of man-zones by wildlife. Coyote ( Canis latrans ) is a species of canine native to North America. It is smaller than its close relative, the gray wolf that normally timid of traffic. It has been observed that coyote found near the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA ( Fig. 5c ).

Fig. 5c

Coyotes taking over the empty streets of SF by Johnny Funcheap.

Deer is pasturing near Washington homes which is just a few miles away from the White House. Italy, Barcelona and Bergamo witnessed wild boar becoming more bolder. Peacocks have strutted through Bangor and goats through Cap Town and sheep in Wales ( Loring, 2020 ). A civet is a small, lean, mostly nocturnal mammal native to tropical Asia and Africa, especially the tropical forests. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, Meppayur in Kozhikode (India) had an unusual visitor one afternoon: a small Indian civet. Some policemen got the attention that the civet used a zebra crossing ( Singh, 2020 ). At last, we can say that nature has pressed the reset button and rejuvenate its wildlife during the lockdown. Although this is a short-term improvement, one day we go to back to business-as-usual, so we have to restore it. We have to find ways of using natural resources and live in harmony with it permanently.

6. Conclusion

This study finds the impact of lockdown on the global environment including various types of emission, on the ozone layer, water, industrial and noise pollution. The impact of COVID-19 on wildlife is also considered. Overall this research direct the India and cross-country investigation for better insight of COVID-19 and how current lockdown effects the various parameter of the environment during COVID-19. So, we can conclude that if we do climate deterioration than the mother-nature is trying to bounce back, also we should understand the world climate can anticipate. There is a chance that when the lockdown period is over environmental pollution can be back with more pace so human effort towards saving the environment can do everlasting effect.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors are thankful to University of Petroleum and Energy Studies for providing the platform to write this current and interesting research.

Editor: Jianmin Chen

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Modern Love

Welcome to the Rejected Housewives Suite!

My single (and yes, cat-lady) home became a landing zone for friends after their breakups.

An illustration of three women huddled together, filling a house.

By Maggie Slepian

“I don’t want to own a house by myself,” I said to my partner of four years as we discussed the benefits of owning property in Bozeman, Mont., our increasingly unaffordable mountain town. “We have to try to make this work.”

I was a 30-year-old writer; he was a carpenter and house framer, several years younger. We had been “trying to make it work” for the past year. We fought bitterly, took breaks, got back together. I moved out of our shared house, back in, and out again. Then, in June 2018, a reasonably priced house came on the market during one of our “Let’s try again” periods.

The house was spacious: three bedrooms, a two-car garage and a fenced-in backyard. The mortgage was manageable for two people, but not for me alone.

Which is why, after the final meeting with the real estate agent, we agreed to split the monthly payment down the middle. My credit was better, so I would be the only person on the actual paperwork, but I would have my partner’s financial contribution and his construction skills to ease the stress of solo homeownership — if we could make our relationship work.

Two months later, I closed on the house. Two days after that, we had one last fight and broke up for good, leaving me alone in the house with my cat.

For as long as I can remember, I have been told that romantic partnerships are the most important part of life. Having a partner comes before friendship and community, taking root as the central element of your life and pushing everything else to the side. Regardless of how full and rich the rest of your life may be, if you are not partnered, you are not complete.

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    The past year was particularly hard on mothers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, massive disruptions in school and child care threw more burdens onto women raising children. Moms and others primarily ...

  4. Paragraph on How I Spent the Lockdown Period

    Paragraph 1 - 100 Words. As the Lockdown period started, the news channels were flooded with global and national news of the infected ones. I watched the News every day to keep myself updated and connected to the world. It was very important to keep my dear ones updated and aware of the deadly virus infection.

  5. A mother's journey through the COVID-19 pandemic

    Clementine*, 27, became a mom during the global COVID-19 pandemic, and what a journey it's been. Her son, Lelo Matthew, was born in a busy government hospital in Johannesburg on 23 June 2020. At the time, South Africa was in the grip of one of the world's strictest coronavirus lockdowns. Clementine endured hours of labour pains, without her ...

  6. How families are coping during the COVID-19 lock down

    06 May 2020. In Uganda, the COVID-19 pandemic and lock down has left many families with no option but to stay home and keep safe. Schools have been closed, workplaces shut, and many parents and caretakers are home with their families, save for those providing critical services. Before the lock down, Iculent Veronica a mother of five children ...

  7. What I Learned Becoming a Mother During Lockdown

    The Greatest Life Lessons I Learned Becoming a Mother During Lockdown. "I'm sorry, I forgot," I heard myself say when I realized I had neglected to put my mask back on in the minute break ...

  8. Life in lockdown: Social isolation, loneliness and quality of life in

    Introduction. The COVID-19, which was declared as an epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020, caused great concern all over the world; it spread rapidly, affecting more than 223 countries and regions.1, 2, 3 In this pandemic disease, older people (especially older than 80 years old) are at higher risk of mortality. 4 While 80% of deaths in the US are among adults aged ...

  9. Lockdown diaries: the everyday voices of the coronavirus pandemic

    A diary is by its very nature an intensely personal thing. It's a place to record our most intimate thoughts and worries about the world around us. In other words, it is a glimpse at our state ...

  10. Fitter, better rested, more appreciative: research reveals the positive

    The good news was that half of the participants who reported positive changes in their behaviours during lockdown were able to keep these going once restrictions were eased. Some were even able to ...

  11. PDF Learning at home: Parents' lived experiences on distance learning

    family during lockdown; struggle with the use and availability of technology; and personal problems on health, stress, and learning style. This study serves as a basis for providing a comprehensive and inclusive education policies while considering the perspective of the learners' parents during the pandemic and beyond. Keywords:

  12. Life During Lockdown Essay for Students

    The life of students during the lockdown was a paradigm shift, transforming traditional classrooms into virtual spaces. Adjusting to online learning, students navigated a digital landscape for education and social interaction. The challenges were met with innovation, as virtual classrooms became the new norm.

  13. Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and

    In order to cover up the loss of education during lockdown, many schools have offered distance learning or online courses to students. ... Children need to be given fact based information with the help of presentations and video material provided by authorized international organizations like WHO and UNICEF or government resources which have ...

  14. Things we learned to appreciate more during COVID-19 lockdown

    Македонски. 06 July 2020. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is of a scale most people alive today have never seen. Lockdowns and curfews to contain the spread of the virus impacted the way children learn, the way their families earn a living, and how safe they feel in their homes and communities. Despite the ongoing threat ...

  15. Helping Others Can Help You Cope with Lockdown

    Research shows that when we put a high priority on reaching out to others, our own mental and physical health flourish. It's a rare win-win proposition in a bleak landscape: In helping other people get through this crisis, you can help yourself in equal measure. "It's a way of reframing your existence," says bioethicist Stephen Post ...

  16. The Importance of Helping Others: An Essay on the Power of Compassion

    The Impact of Helping Others - A Deep Dive into the Benefits of Providing Support to Those in Need. Compassion is a virtue that ignites the flames of kindness and empathy in our hearts. It is an innate human quality that has the power to bring light into the lives of those in need. When we extend a helping hand to others, we not only uplift ...

  17. Why lockdown and distance learning during the COVID-19 ...

    For example, studies conducted during the lockdown in Botswana and Italy have shown that individual online tutoring directly targeting either parents or students in middle school has a positive ...

  18. "My Life during the Lockdown": Emotional Experiences of European

    However, only a few of them focused on the emotional reactions of adolescents during the COVID-19 outbreak and on psychological distress [16,17,18]. Understanding the emotional reactions of secondary school students during the lockdown might help us to identify students at risk of psychological distress and inform preventive actions.

  19. Life During Lockdown Essay in English for Students

    November 6, 2023. Essay. Life During Lockdown Essay in English - The COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has disrupted our lives in ways we could have never imagined. Lockdowns, social distancing, and the sudden shift to remote learning have become the new normal for students around the world. Lockdowns were imposed in many parts of the world to ...

  20. Essay on Lockdown

    A lockdown is when people are told to stay where they are, usually in their homes, because of an emergency. This could be because of a health crisis, like a big outbreak of sickness, or for safety reasons, like when there's a danger in the community. During a lockdown, schools, offices, and shops may close, and people have to follow special ...

  21. Essay on Impact of lockdown on Students and People

    Impact of Lockdown on Students in India. This disease has affected all segments of the population. And students are no exception. In India, a lockdown was announced just at the time when CBSE exams were going on. Students of the 10th and 12th classes got stuck in the middle. National level entrance exams had to be postponed.

  22. Coronavirus lockdown helped the environment to bounce back

    It has been established that before COVID-19, emission of CO 2 was raised by 1% per year over the previous decade ( Jackson et al., 2019 ). The positive effect of lockdown is to decrease the CO 2 emission by −17% (−11 to −25%) by 7th April 2020 ( Quere et al., 2020) with respect to the mean level of emission in 2019.

  23. Welcome to the Rejected Housewives Suite!

    When Mackenzie left to move in with her new partner, my closest friend, Hailey, was signing divorce papers during the turbulence of early lockdown life. She landed, stunned, surrounded by boxes in ...