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Essays about Culture and Identity: 9 Examples And Prompts

Writing essays about culture and identity will help you explore your understanding of it. Here are examples that will give you inspiration for your next essay.

Culture can refer to customs, traditions, beliefs, lifestyles, laws, artistic expressions, and other elements that cultivate the collective identity. Different cultures are established across nations, regions, communities, and social groups. They are passed on from generation to generation while others evolve or are abolished to give way to modern beliefs and systems.

While our cultural identity begins at home, it changes as we involve ourselves with other groups (friends, educational institutions, social media communities, political groups, etc.) Culture is a very relatable subject as every person is part of a culture or at least can identify with one. Because it spans broad coverage, there are several interesting cultural subjects to write about.

Our culture and identity are dynamic. This is why you may find it challenging to write about it. To spark your inspiration, check out our picks of the best culture essays. 


1. Sweetness and Light by Matthew Arnolds

2. how auto-tune revolutionized the sound of popular music by simon reynolds, 3. how immigration changes language by john mcwhorter, 4. the comfort zone: growing up with charlie brown by jonathan franzen, 5. culture and identity definition by sandra graham, 6. how culture and surroundings influence identity by jeanette lucas, 7. how the food we eat reflects our culture and identity by sophia stephens, 8. identity and culture: my identity, culture, and identity by april casas, 9. how america hinders the cultural identity of their own citizens by seth luna, 1. answer the question, “who am i”, 2. causes of culture shock, 3. your thoughts on dystopia and utopia, 4. gender inequality from a global perspective, 5. the most interesting things you learned from other cultures, 6. the relationship between cultural identity and clothes, 7. describe your culture, 8. what is the importance of honoring your roots , 9. how can a person adapt to a new culture, 10. what artistic works best express your country’s culture, 11. how has social media influenced human interaction, 12. how do you protect the cultures of indigenous peoples, 13. are k-pop and k-drama sensations effectively promoting korea’s culture , 14. what is the importance of cultural diversity.

“… [A]nd when every man may say what he likes, our aspirations ought to be satisfied. But the aspirations of culture, which is the study of perfection, are not satisfied, unless what men say, when they may say what they like, is worth saying,—has good in it, and more good than bad.”

Arnolds compels a re-examination of values at a time when England is leading global industrialization and beginning to believe that greatness is founded on material progress. 

The author elaborates why culture, the strive for a standard of perfection, is not merely driven by scientific passions and, more so, by materialistic affluence. As he esteems religion as “that voice of the deepest human experience” to harmonize men in establishing that ideal society, Arnolds stresses that culture is the effort to “make reason and the will of God prevail” while humanizing gained knowledge to be society’s source of “sweetness and light.”

“Few innovations in sound production have been simultaneously so reviled and so revolutionary. Epoch-defining or epoch-defacing, Auto-Tune is indisputably the sound of the 21st century so far.”

Reynolds shows how Auto-Tune has shaped a pop music genre that has cut across cultures. The article maps out the music landscape Auto-Tune created and examines its impact on the culture of song productions and the modern taste for music. While the author debunks accusations that Auto-Tune destroyed the “natural” process of creating music, he also points out that the technology earned its reverence with big thanks to society’s current custom of using technology to hide blemishes and other imperfections.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about culture shock .

“… [T]he heavy immigration that countries like Italy are experiencing will almost certainly birth new kinds of Italian that are rich with slang, somewhat less elaborate than the standard, and… widely considered signs of linguistic deterioration, heralding a future where the “original” standard language no longer exists.”

American linguist McWhorter pacifies fears over the death of “standard” languages amid the wave of immigration to Europe. On the contrary, language is a vital expression of a culture, and for some, preserving is tantamount to upholding a cultural standard. 

However, instead of seeing the rise of new “multiethnolects” such as the Black English in America and Kiezdeutsch in Germany as threats to language and culture, McWhorter sees them as a new way to communicate and better understand the social groups that forayed these new languages.

“I wonder why “cartoonish” remains such a pejorative. It took me half my life to achieve seeing my parents as cartoons. And to become more perfectly a cartoon myself: what a victory that would be.”

This essay begins with a huge fight between Franzen’s brother and father to show how the cultural generation gap sweeping the 60s has hit closer to home. This generation gap, where young adults were rejecting the elders’ old ways in pursuit of a new and better culture, will also be the reason why his family ends up drifting apart. Throughout the essay, Franzen treads this difficult phase in his youth while narrating fondly how Peanuts, a pop culture icon at the time, was his source of escape. 

“…Culture is… your background… and Identity is formed where you belong to… Leopold Sedar Senghor and Shirley Geok-Lin Lim both talks about how culture and identity can impact… society…”

In this essay, Graham uses “To New York” by Senghor and “Learning To Love America” by Lim as two pieces of literature that effectively describe the role of culture and identity to traveling individuals. 

The author refers to Sengho’s reminder that people can adapt but must not forget their culture even if they go to a different place or country. On the other hand, Lim discusses immigrants’ struggle to have double identities.

“Culture is something that surrounds all of us and progress to shape our lives every day… Identity is illustrated as the state of mind in which someone or something distinguishes their own character traits that lead to determining who they really are, what they represent.”

Lucas is keen on giving examples of how his culture and surroundings influence an individual’s identity. She refers to Kothari’s “If you are what you eat, then what am I?” which discusses Kothari’s search for her identity depending on what food she eats. Food defines a person’s culture and identity, so Kothari believes that eating food from different countries will change his identity.

Lucas also refers to “Down These Mean Streets” by Piri Thomas, which argues how different cultural and environmental factors affect us. Because of what we encounter, there is a possibility that we will become someone who we are not. 

“What we grow is who we are. What we buy is who we are. What we eat is who we are.”

Stephens’ essay teaches its readers that the food we grow and eat defines us as a person. She explains that growing a crop and harvesting it takes a lot of effort, dedication, and patience, which mirrors our identity. 

Another metaphor she used is planting rice: it takes skills and knowledge to make it grow. Cooking rice is more accessible than cultivating it – you can quickly cook rice by boiling it in water. This reflects people rich in culture and tradition but who lives simpler life. 

“Every single one has their own unique identity and culture. Culture plays a big role in shaping your identity. Culture is what made me the person I am today and determines who or what I choose to associate myself with.”

Casas starts her piece by questioning who she is. In trying to learn and define who she is, she writes down and describes herself and her personality throughout the essay. Finally, she concludes that her culture is a big part of her identity, and she must understand it to understand herself.

“When it comes to these stereotypes we place on each other, a lot of the time, we succumb to the stereotypes given to us. And our cultural identity is shaped by these expectations and labels others give us. That is why negative stereotypes sometimes become true for a whole group or community.”

In this essay, Luna talks about how negative stereotyping in the United States led to moral distortion. For example, Americans are assumed to be ignorant of other countries’ cultures, making it difficult to understand other people’s cultures and lifestyles. 

She believes that stereotyping can significantly affect an individual or group’s identity. She suggests Americans should improve their intellectual competence by being sensitive to other people’s cultures.

14 Prompts on Essays about Culture and Identity

You can discuss many things on the subject of culture and identity. To give you a starting point, here are some prompts to help you write an exciting essay about culture. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips and our round-up of the best essay checkers .

Understanding your personality is vital since continuous interaction with others can affect your personality. Write about your culture and identity; what is your personality? How do you define yourself? Everyone is unique, so by writing an essay about who you are, you’ll be able to understand why you act a certain way and connect with readers who have the same values. 

Here’s a guide on writing a descriptive essay to effectively relay your experience to your readers.

Sometimes, people need to get out of their comfort zone and interact with other individuals with different cultures, beliefs, or traditions. This is to broaden one’s perspective about the world. Aside from discussing what you’ve learned in that journey, you can also focus on the bits that shocked you. 

You can talk about a tradition or value that you found so bizarre because it differs from your culture. Then add how you processed it and finally adapted to it.

Essays about Culture and Identity: Your Thoughts on Dystopia and Utopia

Dystopia and Utopia are both imagined worlds. Dystopia is a world where people live in the worst or most unfavorable conditions, while Utopia is the opposite. 

You can write an essay about what you think a Dystopian or Utopian world may look like, how these societies will affect their citizens, etc. Then, consider what personality citizens of each world may have to depend on the two worlds’ cultures.

Today, more and more people are fighting for others to accept or at least respect the LGBTQ+ community. However, countries, territories, and religions still question their rights.

In your essay, you can talk about why these institutions react the way they do and how culture dictates someone’s identity in the wrong way. Before creating your own, feel free to read other essays and articles to learn more about the global gender inequality issue. 

The world has diverse cultures, traditions, and values. When you travel to a new place, learning and writing about your firsthand experiences with unique cultures and rituals will always be an interesting read.

In this prompt, you’ll research other cultures and how they shaped their group’s identity. Then, write about the most exciting aspects you’ve learned, why you found them fascinating, and how they differ from your culture.

Those proud of their culture will wear clothes inspired by them. Some wear the same clothes even if they aren’t from the same culture. The debate over cultural appropriation and culture appreciation is still a hot topic. 

In this essay, you may start with the traditions of your community or observances your family celebrates and gathers for. Then, elaborate on their origins and describe how your community or family is preserving these practices. 

Learning about your roots, ancestors, and family cultures can help strengthen your understanding of your identity and foster respect for other cultures. Explore this topic and offer examples of what others have learned. Has the journey always been a positive experience? Delve into this question for an engaging and interesting essay.

When a person moves country, it can be challenging to adapt to a new culture. If there are new people at work or school, you can interview them and ask how they are coping with their new environment. How different is this from what they have been used to, and what unique traditions do they find interesting?

Focus on an art piece that is a source of pride and identity to your country’s culture, much like the Tinikling of the Philippines or the Matryoshka dolls of Russia. Explore its origins and evolution up to its current manifestation and highlight efforts that are striving to protect and promote these artistic works.

The older generation did not have computers in their teen years. Ask about how they dated in their younger years and how they made friends. Contrast how the younger generation is building their social networks today. Write what culture of socialization works better for you and explain why.

Take in-depth navigation of existing policies that protect indigenous peoples. Are they sufficient to serve these communities needs, and are they being implemented effectively? There is also the challenge of balancing the protection of these traditions against the need to protect the environment, as some indigenous practices add to the carbon footprint. How is your government dealing with this challenge?

A large population is now riding the Hallyu or the Korean pop culture, with many falling in love with the artists and Korea’s food, language, and traditional events. Research how certain Korean films, TV series, or music have effectively attracted fans to experience Korea’s culture. Write about what countries can learn from Korea in promoting their own cultures.

Environments that embrace cultural diversity are productive and innovative. To start your essay, assess how diverse your workplace or school is. Then, write your personal experiences where working with co-workers or classmates from different cultures led to new and innovative ideas and projects. Combine this with the personal experiences of your boss or the principal to see how your environment benefits from hosting a melting pot of cultures.

If you aim for your article to effectively change readers’ perspectives and align with your opinion, read our guide to achieving persuasive writing . 


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130 Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Culture is a rich and diverse concept that encompasses various aspects of human society. When writing an essay on culture, it is essential to choose a topic that is not only interesting but also allows for in-depth exploration and analysis. To help you get started, here are 130 culture essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The impact of globalization on traditional cultures.
  • Cultural appropriation: the line between appreciation and exploitation.
  • The role of social media in shaping modern culture.
  • The influence of pop culture on youth identity.
  • The impact of immigration on cultural diversity.
  • The significance of language in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Cultural stereotypes: their origins and consequences.
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures.
  • The portrayal of gender roles in different cultures.
  • The role of food in cultural identity.
  • The impact of technology on cultural practices.
  • The influence of religion on cultural values.
  • Cultural assimilation versus cultural preservation.
  • The role of museums in preserving cultural artifacts.
  • The impact of music on cultural expression.
  • The significance of traditional clothing in different cultures.
  • The role of education in promoting cultural understanding.
  • The impact of cultural tourism on local communities.
  • Cultural differences in communication styles.
  • The role of art in reflecting and shaping culture.
  • The impact of globalization on indigenous art forms.
  • Cultural practices surrounding birth and death.
  • The influence of media on cultural perceptions.
  • Cultural taboos: understanding and respecting diverse norms.
  • The role of folklore in preserving cultural traditions.
  • Cultural rituals and their significance in different societies.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on teamwork and collaboration.
  • Cultural expressions of love and romance.
  • The role of family in transmitting cultural values.
  • The influence of culture on healthcare practices.
  • Cultural appropriation in the fashion industry.
  • The significance of cultural festivals and celebrations.
  • Cultural differences in parenting styles.
  • The impact of colonialism on language extinction.
  • The role of sports in promoting cultural unity.
  • Cultural perceptions of beauty and body image.
  • The influence of technology on traditional storytelling.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of time and punctuality.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on self-identity.
  • Cultural expressions of grief and mourning.
  • The role of cultural heritage in sustainable development.
  • Cultural differences in attitudes towards aging.
  • The influence of culture on political ideologies.
  • Cultural practices surrounding marriage and weddings.
  • The significance of cultural symbols and their meanings.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on workplace dynamics.
  • Cultural differences in educational systems.
  • The role of culture in shaping personal values.
  • Cultural expressions of power and authority.
  • The influence of culture on decision-making processes.
  • Cultural differences in attitudes towards mental health.
  • The impact of colonialism on cultural appropriation.
  • Cultural expressions of hospitality and etiquette.
  • The role of culture in shaping environmental attitudes.
  • Cultural differences in approaches to conflict resolution.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in post-conflict reconciliation.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards gender equality.
  • Cultural expressions of spirituality and religion.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on economic development.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of privacy and personal space.
  • The role of culture in shaping political systems.
  • Cultural practices surrounding food and eating habits.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in urban planning.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on intercultural communication.
  • Cultural expressions of humor and satire.
  • The influence of culture on consumer behavior.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of success and achievement.
  • The role of culture in shaping environmental conservation efforts.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in disaster resilience.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare access and outcomes.
  • Cultural expressions of social justice and activism.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards disability.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of leadership and authority.
  • The role of culture in shaping peacebuilding efforts.
  • Cultural practices surrounding gender and sexuality.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting social cohesion.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on media representation.
  • Cultural expressions of protest and resistance.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards technology.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of beauty and aesthetics.
  • The role of culture in shaping educational policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting intergenerational dialogue.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on cultural diplomacy.
  • Cultural expressions of identity and belonging.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards immigration.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of justice and fairness.
  • The role of culture in shaping urban design and architecture.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting peace and reconciliation.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on employment opportunities.
  • Cultural expressions of resistance and resilience.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards climate change.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of morality and ethics.
  • The role of culture in shaping public policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting social inclusion.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on intercultural relationships.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural hybridity and fusion.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards animal rights.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of health and well-being.
  • The role of culture in shaping immigration policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting sustainable tourism.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on educational opportunities.
  • Cultural expressions of resilience and post-traumatic growth.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards artificial intelligence.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of democracy and governance.
  • The role of culture in shaping social welfare policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting human rights.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on intercultural friendships.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural preservation and revitalization.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards genetic engineering.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of peace and conflict.
  • The role of culture in shaping criminal justice systems.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting gender equality.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on access to financial resources.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural resistance and decolonization.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards space exploration.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of identity and belonging.
  • The role of culture in shaping educational curricula.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting intercultural dialogue.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on artistic collaborations.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural exchange and cross-pollination.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards nuclear energy.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of citizenship and belonging.
  • The role of culture in shaping healthcare policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The impact of cultural stereotypes on access to housing.
  • Cultural expressions of cultural resilience and adaptation.
  • The influence of culture on attitudes towards space ethics.
  • Cultural differences in concepts of social justice and equity.
  • The role of culture in shaping social media policies.
  • The significance of cultural heritage in promoting cultural diplomacy.

Remember, these topics are just a starting point. Feel free to modify or combine them to suit your interests and research goals. Good luck with your essay on culture!

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Cultural Identity Essay

27 August, 2020

12 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

No matter where you study, composing essays of any type and complexity is a critical component in any studying program. Most likely, you have already been assigned the task to write a cultural identity essay, which is an essay that has to do a lot with your personality and cultural background. In essence, writing a cultural identity essay is fundamental for providing the reader with an understanding of who you are and which outlook you have. This may include the topics of religion, traditions, ethnicity, race, and so on. So, what shall you do to compose a winning cultural identity essay?

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity Paper: Definitions, Goals & Topics 

cultural identity essay example

Before starting off with a cultural identity essay, it is fundamental to uncover what is particular about this type of paper. First and foremost, it will be rather logical to begin with giving a general and straightforward definition of a cultural identity essay. In essence, cultural identity essay implies outlining the role of the culture in defining your outlook, shaping your personality, points of view regarding a multitude of matters, and forming your qualities and beliefs. Given a simpler definition, a cultural identity essay requires you to write about how culture has influenced your personality and yourself in general. So in this kind of essay you as a narrator need to give an understanding of who you are, which strengths you have, and what your solid life position is.

Yet, the goal of a cultural identity essay is not strictly limited to describing who you are and merely outlining your biography. Instead, this type of essay pursues specific objectives, achieving which is a perfect indicator of how high-quality your essay is. Initially, the primary goal implies outlining your cultural focus and why it makes you peculiar. For instance, if you are a french adolescent living in Canada, you may describe what is so special about it: traditions of the community, beliefs, opinions, approaches. Basically, you may talk about the principles of the society as well as its beliefs that made you become the person you are today.

So far, cultural identity is a rather broad topic, so you will likely have a multitude of fascinating ideas for your paper. For instance, some of the most attention-grabbing topics for a personal cultural identity essay are:

  • Memorable traditions of your community
  • A cultural event that has influenced your personality 
  • Influential people in your community
  • Locations and places that tell a lot about your culture and identity

Cultural Identity Essay Structure

As you might have already guessed, composing an essay on cultural identity might turn out to be fascinating but somewhat challenging. Even though the spectrum of topics is rather broad, the question of how to create the most appropriate and appealing structure remains open.

Like any other kind of an academic essay, a cultural identity essay must compose of three parts: introduction, body, and concluding remarks. Let’s take a more detailed look at each of the components:


Starting to write an essay is most likely one of the most time-consuming and mind-challenging procedures. Therefore, you can postpone writing your introduction and approach it right after you finish body paragraphs. Nevertheless, you should think of a suitable topic as well as come up with an explicit thesis. At the beginning of the introduction section, give some hints regarding the matter you are going to discuss. You have to mention your thesis statement after you have briefly guided the reader through the topic. You can also think of indicating some vital information about yourself, which is, of course, relevant to the topic you selected.

Your main body should reveal your ideas and arguments. Most likely, it will consist of 3-5 paragraphs that are more or less equal in size. What you have to keep in mind to compose a sound ‘my cultural identity essay’ is the argumentation. In particular, always remember to reveal an argument and back it up with evidence in each body paragraph. And, of course, try to stick to the topic and make sure that you answer the overall question that you stated in your topic. Besides, always keep your thesis statement in mind: make sure that none of its components is left without your attention and argumentation.


Finally, after you are all finished with body paragraphs and introduction, briefly summarize all the points in your final remarks section. Paraphrase what you have already revealed in the main body, and make sure you logically lead the reader to the overall argument. Indicate your cultural identity once again and draw a bottom line regarding how your culture has influenced your personality.

Best Tips For Writing Cultural Identity Essay

Writing a ‘cultural identity essay about myself’ might be somewhat challenging at first. However, you will no longer struggle if you take a couple of plain tips into consideration. Following the tips below will give you some sound and reasonable cultural identity essay ideas as well as make the writing process much more pleasant:

  • Start off by creating an outline. The reason why most students struggle with creating a cultural identity essay lies behind a weak structure. The best way to organize your ideas and let them flow logically is to come up with a helpful outline. Having a reference to build on is incredibly useful, and it allows your essay to look polished.
  • Remember to write about yourself. The task of a cultural identity essay implies not focusing on your culture per se, but to talk about how it shaped your personality. So, switch your focus to describing who you are and what your attitudes and positions are. 
  • Think of the most fundamental cultural aspects. Needless to say, you first need to come up with a couple of ideas to be based upon in your paper. So, brainstorm all the possible ideas and try to decide which of them deserve the most attention. In essence, try to determine which of the aspects affected your personality the most.
  • Edit and proofread before submitting your paper. Of course, the content and the coherence of your essay’s structure play a crucial role. But the grammatical correctness matters a lot too. Even if you are a native speaker, you may still make accidental errors in the text. To avoid the situation when unintentional mistakes spoil the impression from your essay, always double check your cultural identity essay. 

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  • Cultural Identity Essay: Exhaustive Writing...

Cultural Identity Essay: Exhaustive Writing Guide, Topic Ideas, Examples


Are you required to submit an identity essay as part of your college or university admission application? Cultural identity essay is an academic assignment not just for students who want to start higher education but also for those in their first, second, or even third year.  It’s an essay that can be assigned at any academic level. This academic paper is popular because professors want to know more about the student’s personal life to build rapport. Before you start writing the essay, it’s essential first to understand the definition of cultural identity.

What is Cultural Identity?

It’s what you identify with or feel most that you belong to based on heritage, religion, traditions, language, rituals, ethnicity, social class, and other community norms. Your cultural identity can influence how you react or interpret the world around you and give you a sense of belonging. Therefore, before you embark on the writing process, first ask yourself, “what is my cultural identity?” or what is cultural identity in your own words? Your answers will go a long way in helping you learn more about your roots, strength, strong beliefs, and influences that have shaped who you are today. Besides, thinking through the answers to those two questions helps you to come up with main points to use in an essay and share your identity perceptions. 

What is a Cultural Identity Essay?

A well-written cultural identity essay tells the reader how your culture has shaped who you are, your personality, beliefs, outlook, background, and point of view. It’s more like a mini-biography but focuses more on your culture and its peculiarities.  Since cultural identity is a broad topic, there are numerous angles you can focus on to make your essay fascinating from start to finish. For example, you can talk about rituals or unique cultural events that have influenced your personality, a special location, influential people in your community, or racial stereotypes in the USA.

 Cultural Identity Essay Structure

Like any other academic paper, a cultural identity essay structure will be composed of three crucial components: introduction, body, and conclusion. Writing in the first person is recommended, especially when including emotions, feelings, and personal experience. However, if you’re writing a short story or analyzing Jane Collier and Milt Thomas's theory, you can write the essay in the third person.

How to Write a Cultural Identity Essay

If it’s your first time writing a cultural identity essay, you might have difficulties writing text that meets academic standards. The wide array of information available online can be confusing. However, a well-written cultural identity essay example from our writer and the information provided in this post can be an excellent guide. Hers how to write a good cultural identity essay.

Start with Topic Selection

How do you start a cultural identity essay? The first step to writing a quality cultural identity paper is to choose a specific focus area. If you intend to talk about your culture, then good topic examples would be:

  • Influential people in your community
  • Habits that are inherent only to your culture
  • Specific cuisine that tells about your culture
  • How cultural orientation has affected your self-concept
  • A place of significance that tells about your culture
  • Cultural significance in art and how it influenced your personality
  • Self-awareness and cultural identity
  • Specific ingredients and traditional foods from your region
  • A specific cultural event that influenced your personality
  • How your cultural orientation and characteristics facilitate or hinder social competency in a multicultural setting

In case you don’t want to write about yourself, you can focus on how culture relates to education, politics, ethnicity, nationality, religion, social status, or any other unique factor. Some topic examples include:

  • Cultural identity and health equity
  • Cultural identity in a learning environment
  • Evaluating Cultural Identity Using Caryl Phillips Cambridge
  • Cultural identity and globalization
  • The role of language in building cultural identity
  • The position of cultural identity in society
  • Racial stereotypes in America
  • Cultural identity development in ethnic minority
  • Sexuality, gender, and cultural identity
  • Cultural difference between America and China
  • Impact of culture identity change on family

 After getting a good topic, the next step is to develop a thesis statement that focuses on the paper. Next, create an outline. This involves coming up with several main points that you will include in your essay. Ensure they are relevant to the topic. Then assign each point to a specific paragraph.

Write the Introduction

Start with a sentence that will catch the reader’s attention (hook). Follow that up with background information on the topic, then end the introduction with a thesis statement. The first paragraph is a vital part of your cultural identity essay since it tells the reader why that topic is important to you and how it made you the person you are today. Remember, the introduction is only meant to introduce the topic and not really everything. So keep it brief; not more than 10% of the maximum word count. 

Main Body of a Cultural Identity Essay

Present your analysis in this part of the essay. Since this will be the bulky part of your paper, use it to prove your thesis by showing how the events or what you are talking about shaped your cultural identity. Don’t forget to start each paragraph with a topic sentence and show instead of telling. Present the evidence while keeping the thesis statement in mind. 

Remember the main points you used to create an outline, summarize them, and then paraphrase the thesis to wrap up the essay. Remind the reader how your culture has influenced your personality. Use words that express the emotions you have about your cultural identity. Overall, the last paragraph of a cultural identity essay should paraphrase the meaning of cultural identity in your own words and its impact on you. 

Bottom Line

Are you still having trouble coming up with a good topic to write about? If you have been staring at a blank page for hours wondering, “How can I explain my cultural identity?” there is a solution. Acemyhomework has subject experts that are ready to assist you. 

Just give the writer the information to incorporate, and you shall have a high-quality cultural identity essay within the agreed deadline. Students from all academic levels have benefited immensely from our service and reading our identity essay examples. Contact us now and let us create a paper that will boost your academic performance.


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How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on November 1, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Table of contents

What is a diversity essay, identify how you will enrich the campus community, share stories about your lived experience, explain how your background or identity has affected your life, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Diversity essays ask students to highlight an important aspect of their identity, background, culture, experience, viewpoints, beliefs, skills, passions, goals, etc.

Diversity essays can come in many forms. Some scholarships are offered specifically for students who come from an underrepresented background or identity in higher education. At highly competitive schools, supplemental diversity essays require students to address how they will enhance the student body with a unique perspective, identity, or background.

In the Common Application and applications for several other colleges, some main essay prompts ask about how your background, identity, or experience has affected you.

Why schools want a diversity essay

Many universities believe a student body representing different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community.

Through the diversity essay, admissions officers want students to articulate the following:

  • What makes them different from other applicants
  • Stories related to their background, identity, or experience
  • How their unique lived experience has affected their outlook, activities, and goals

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Think about what aspects of your identity or background make you unique, and choose one that has significantly impacted your life.

For some students, it may be easy to identify what sets them apart from their peers. But if you’re having trouble identifying what makes you different from other applicants, consider your life from an outsider’s perspective. Don’t presume your lived experiences are normal or boring just because you’re used to them.

Some examples of identities or experiences that you might write about include the following:

  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Nationality
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Immigration background
  • Religion/belief system
  • Place of residence
  • Family circumstances
  • Extracurricular activities related to diversity

Include vulnerable, authentic stories about your lived experiences. Maintain focus on your experience rather than going into too much detail comparing yourself to others or describing their experiences.

Keep the focus on you

Tell a story about how your background, identity, or experience has impacted you. While you can briefly mention another person’s experience to provide context, be sure to keep the essay focused on you. Admissions officers are mostly interested in learning about your lived experience, not anyone else’s.

When I was a baby, my grandmother took me in, even though that meant postponing her retirement and continuing to work full-time at the local hairdresser. Even working every shift she could, she never missed a single school play or soccer game.

She and I had a really special bond, even creating our own special language to leave each other secret notes and messages. She always pushed me to succeed in school, and celebrated every academic achievement like it was worthy of a Nobel Prize. Every month, any leftover tip money she received at work went to a special 509 savings plan for my college education.

When I was in the 10th grade, my grandmother was diagnosed with ALS. We didn’t have health insurance, and what began with quitting soccer eventually led to dropping out of school as her condition worsened. In between her doctor’s appointments, keeping the house tidy, and keeping her comfortable, I took advantage of those few free moments to study for the GED.

In school pictures at Raleigh Elementary School, you could immediately spot me as “that Asian girl.” At lunch, I used to bring leftover fun see noodles, but after my classmates remarked how they smelled disgusting, I begged my mom to make a “regular” lunch of sliced bread, mayonnaise, and deli meat.

Although born and raised in North Carolina, I felt a cultural obligation to learn my “mother tongue” and reconnect with my “homeland.” After two years of all-day Saturday Chinese school, I finally visited Beijing for the first time, expecting I would finally belong. While my face initially assured locals of my Chinese identity, the moment I spoke, my cover was blown. My Chinese was littered with tonal errors, and I was instantly labeled as an “ABC,” American-born Chinese.

I felt culturally homeless.

Speak from your own experience

Highlight your actions, difficulties, and feelings rather than comparing yourself to others. While it may be tempting to write about how you have been more or less fortunate than those around you, keep the focus on you and your unique experiences, as shown below.

I began to despair when the FAFSA website once again filled with red error messages.

I had been at the local library for hours and hadn’t even been able to finish the form, much less the other to-do items for my application.

I am the first person in my family to even consider going to college. My parents work two jobs each, but even then, it’s sometimes very hard to make ends meet. Rather than playing soccer or competing in speech and debate, I help my family by taking care of my younger siblings after school and on the weekends.

“We only speak one language here. Speak proper English!” roared a store owner when I had attempted to buy bread and accidentally used the wrong preposition.

In middle school, I had relentlessly studied English grammar textbooks and received the highest marks.

Leaving Seoul was hard, but living in West Orange, New Jersey was much harder一especially navigating everyday communication with Americans.

After sharing relevant personal stories, make sure to provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, activities, and goals. You should also explain how your background led you to apply to this university and why you’re a good fit.

Include your outlook, actions, and goals

Conclude your essay with an insight about how your background or identity has affected your outlook, actions, and goals. You should include specific actions and activities that you have done as a result of your insight.

One night, before the midnight premiere of Avengers: Endgame , I stopped by my best friend Maria’s house. Her mother prepared tamales, churros, and Mexican hot chocolate, packing them all neatly in an Igloo lunch box. As we sat in the line snaking around the AMC theater, I thought back to when Maria and I took salsa classes together and when we belted out Selena’s “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” at karaoke. In that moment, as I munched on a chicken tamale, I realized how much I admired the beauty, complexity, and joy in Maria’s culture but had suppressed and devalued my own.

The following semester, I joined Model UN. Since then, I have learned how to proudly represent other countries and have gained cultural perspectives other than my own. I now understand that all cultures, including my own, are equal. I still struggle with small triggers, like when I go through airport security and feel a suspicious glance toward me, or when I feel self-conscious for bringing kabsa to school lunch. But in the future, I hope to study and work in international relations to continue learning about other cultures and impart a positive impression of Saudi culture to the world.

The smell of the early morning dew and the welcoming whinnies of my family’s horses are some of my most treasured childhood memories. To this day, our farm remains so rural that we do not have broadband access, and we’re too far away from the closest town for the postal service to reach us.

Going to school regularly was always a struggle: between the unceasing demands of the farm and our lack of connectivity, it was hard to keep up with my studies. Despite being a voracious reader, avid amateur chemist, and active participant in the classroom, emergencies and unforeseen events at the farm meant that I had a lot of unexcused absences.

Although it had challenges, my upbringing taught me resilience, the value of hard work, and the importance of family. Staying up all night to watch a foal being born, successfully saving the animals from a minor fire, and finding ways to soothe a nervous mare afraid of thunder have led to an unbreakable family bond.

Our farm is my family’s birthright and our livelihood, and I am eager to learn how to ensure the farm’s financial and technological success for future generations. In college, I am looking forward to joining a chapter of Future Farmers of America and studying agricultural business to carry my family’s legacy forward.

Tailor your answer to the university

After explaining how your identity or background will enrich the university’s existing student body, you can mention the university organizations, groups, or courses in which you’re interested.

Maybe a larger public school setting will allow you to broaden your community, or a small liberal arts college has a specialized program that will give you space to discover your voice and identity. Perhaps this particular university has an active affinity group you’d like to join.

Demonstrating how a university’s specific programs or clubs are relevant to you can show that you’ve done your research and would be a great addition to the university.

At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to study engineering not only to emulate my mother’s achievements and strength, but also to forge my own path as an engineer with disabilities. I appreciate the University of Michigan’s long-standing dedication to supporting students with disabilities in ways ranging from accessible housing to assistive technology. At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to receive a top-notch education and use it to inspire others to strive for their best, regardless of their circumstances.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

In addition to your main college essay , some schools and scholarships may ask for a supplementary essay focused on an aspect of your identity or background. This is sometimes called a diversity essay .

Many universities believe a student body composed of different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community, which is why they assign a diversity essay .

To write an effective diversity essay , include vulnerable, authentic stories about your unique identity, background, or perspective. Provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your outlook, activities, and goals. If relevant, you should also mention how your background has led you to apply for this university and why you’re a good fit.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from

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Writing An Excellent Cultural Identity Essay For All Levels

cultural identity essay

Before starting an identity essay, it’s important that you first consider what the assignment prompt is asking you to do. This kind of writing is closely associated with narrative writing because it can be quite personal, but sometimes you will need to write about others. In the latter case, you should refer to some cultural identity essay examples to learn how to talk about a cultural group you may not feel a part of without causing any offense. An identity essay can be tricky if you don’t fully understand the definition, so we will discuss it a bit in this article as well as give you a few ideas on the subject worth your consideration.

What is Cultural Identity?

The widely accepted definition of cultural identity is that it is the concept or belief of belonging to a specific group of people. This is, of course, filled with many sub-factors and is debatable because of the various cultural, historical, and generational characteristics (among others) that one can use to classify oneself or a group. It can be a bit complicated and many experts suggest that is no absolute definition since the characteristics one chooses to use often expand to overlap with others.

Students may find themselves having to write an essay response for an application or a personal narrative that asks them to answer the question “What is my cultural identity?” and not have a clear idea of where to begin. In such cases, it’s probably best for students to review an identity essay example to develop a better understanding of the best method for defining and writing a logical response. With a little bit of practice, students will get a full grasp of what readers are looking for when dealing with this subject. As for the structure and format, you can follow a typical five-paragraph essay outline.

12 Essay Topics on Identity Issues

The following 12 topics deal with a variety of areas appropriate for an identity paper assignment for high school, college, and graduate school courses. We encourage students to consider each one carefully and thoroughly, and then to apply their own twist to the ideas presented in order to make the subject truly personal:

  • Language is an essential piece of what makes us who we are culturally speaking. But many people take their families traditional forms of communicating for granted and instead adopt a new language to fit in with their surroundings. Write a cultural identity essay about myself where you discuss being bi-lingual.
  • Describe a real-life experience that helped you connect with a group in a self-identity essay. This can be a connection you felt with family, friends, or strangers. It should be something that you believe has influenced you to become the person you are today.
  • How did the foods that you ate and the language that you spoke at home when growing up, affect the way you identify? Write a culture and identity essay focused on your family and upbringing. Consider how things were different from you than others in your neighborhood.
  • Do you identify as an American or do you hold on to another country’s culture? Write an American identity essay where you explore what it means to be an American and whether or not the blinds between being single or multi-cultural is still relevant today.
  • How does the way we communicate with family, friends, and strangers influence the way we think about identity? How are these two things linked and how important is the former to the latter? Write a language and identity essay exploring this relationship, and consider using personal examples.
  • Write an ethnic identity essay comparing and contrasting two different groups of people that are often combined in generalized discussions. For instance, Chinese and Japanese, Mexican and Salvadorians, or English and Scottish, etc. How are these generalizations offensive and why are they still prevalent in media and the way people perceive them?
  • With so many people conducting various day-to-day activities, are we to blame for being victims to cyber-crimes? Give an example of such a crime in an identity theft essay that examines cause and effect – and take an unbiased approach towards casting blame.
  • Examine how American Literature of the 20th century lends itself to common beliefs about ethnicity and equality in a racial identity essay. Do writers set racial boundaries that are encouraged or promoted in today’s society or do they aim to bring down such boundaries by citing the existence of such barriers?
  • Give an explanation behind the personal identity definition. For instance, how does one’s personal identity change over time as a result of environmental and social factors that have a great influence on the way one may view him or herself?
  • Write an essay about identity in the 21st century. Consider the different ways in which people are generally more inclined to be untruthful when it comes to stating beliefs over the internet as a result of anonymity without checks. Does this strengthen people’s perception of their own identity or does it take them further away from reality?
  • Write an essay about identity in a world where social media communication has become the primary way for people to communicate with masses who they don’t know personally. Think of followers on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and a user’s quest to reach out to more people and increase followers and fans.
  • Describe how an identity essay introduction for something like a university admission or scholarship application can give the wrong impression if it is poorly written. What are the most important qualities that should be expressed in the opening paragraph?

Finding High-Quality Writing Assistance on the Web

In order to learn more about proper structure and format for a personal identity essay, students are encouraged to visit a professional academic writing service online. There they will find a variety of resources, including identity essay examples, custom-written templates, and original topics to fit specific assignment prompts. For an affordable price, students can also hire a professional to write, review, edit, or proofread a cultural identity essay to ensure they hand in an assignment that meets the highest standards of academic quality at any grade level.

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culture and identity essay topics

Guide to Writing a Culture Essay: Example Topics and Tips

Read our crash-course guide on writing an essay about culture with basic dos and don’ts, actionable tips, and topic suggestions on various essay types.

Culture can be too big and vague a concept to comprehend, let alone explore in a short academic assignment. The trick is to establish limits within which you are going to operate. If your prompt has given you nothing to go by apart from the word count, fear not. We have created this quick primer to kickstart your paper-writing process. It’s super short and general, but it should give you an idea of how to approach this task.

Another excellent fix for the assignment you don’t quite understand is a well-written example you can learn from and emulate. Get your customized sample now!

Writing College Essay about Culture

College essays about culture are as diverse as the culture itself. Let’s break them into broad categories and give more focused tips for each type depending on its purpose and intended audience.

How to approach “What is culture” essays

This type of essay is less of a cultural analysis and more of a definition. You will have to define culture. It may be your original take, especially if the prompt asks you, “What culture means to you?” However, it also must ring true for others and be relatable enough.

— Read several definitions and compare them. What is common in their understanding of culture, and what differs?

— Choose the general approach . For example, will you be defining culture from an aesthetical, anthropological, social, psychological, political, or some other perspective? Would you describe it as arts and intellectual achievements, as customs and social behaviors, as values and norms accepted by a group, etc.?

— Come up with your perspective , the one you think is the most relevant for you, your peers, and your colleagues within the context of your essay.

— Accept limitations . You should understand that your definition may work wonderfully in some contexts but may be lacking essential properties in others. For example, your understanding of culture fits public discussions about cultural appropriation but would not necessarily fit archeological research. As much as we strive for universality, it’s important to acknowledge those limitations.

Tips on writing a culture shock essay

Culture shock essay has strong elements of narrative and personal essays. Even if you are writing a definition of culture shock, it begs some anecdotal evidence to illustrate those experiences. Here are some rules of thumb for essays on culture shock.

— Don’t just list the things you have found baffling in another culture and leave it at that. Although culture shock is by definition a conflict, your essay should be rooted in empathy and seeking to reconcile cultural differences based on shared humanity.

— Contextualize things that induce the shock. Explain the beliefs, history, or rituals behind those things. Do your research.

— Use parallels or reverse the situation to elicit empathy and understanding from your audience. For example, “In his culture, sneezing in public is inappropriate, so he felt compelled to leave the classroom each time he felt he was about to sneeze. Not unlike us, when we have to, say, burp.”

Writing culture identity essay

Cultural identity is one of the most popular topics for personal statements. For many young people applying to college, it’s a touchstone for reflecting on who they are as a person in this big world. For some scholarships, a cultural identity essay is a compulsory component. Here are a few tips on writing impactful cultural essays about your identity:

— Avoid clichés . Concentrate on unique experiences — childhood memories, family traditions, an aspect of identity that is particularly meaningful to you. Remember that your essay’s purpose is to stand out among others.

— Put an original spin on this topic by subverting the expectation and ending a seemingly predictable story with a twist. Alternatively, address one aspect of your culture, one issue that might not be widely discussed outside of it (for example, colorism within your community and your experience with that.)

— End on a positive note . If you are talking about your struggles to fit in or difficulties with learning a new language, focus not on the challenges but on the ways you have conquered them, on things you’ve learned, and on the character traits that helped you triumph over the adversity.

Advice on approaching “My Culture” essay

This essay is somewhat different from the cultural identity essay discussed above. It’s less personal and more representative. Here, you act as a guide showing your friends around the place you know better than they do. There are several ways to approach this topic:

— Highlights . Your short essay on culture cannot possibly give a comprehensive view of such a complex thing as lifestyle, folklore, and knowledge of the entire ethnic group. Concentrate on the several things you believe are the most interesting, lesser-known, misunderstood, or most representative of your culture.

— One thing . Physical objects can be very relatable points of entry into other cultures.

— Choose an object (alternatively, a ritual or a custom) and explain its significance in your culture. Of course, it’s just one facet of your world, but it can reflect many things like a drop of water.

— Debunk stereotypes . If your culture is routinely represented in media in simplified, reduced ways, addressing those depictions can be a great take on the topic. Debunk myths or explain the historical context for how those misconceptions originated and proliferated.

Identity and Culture Essay Topics

If, after reading the guidelines above, you still struggle to come up with the topic, here are some suggestions for inspiration:

Indian culture essay

— How appropriations of Indian culture by American yoga enthusiasts make me feel

— Caste bias in the American Indian community

— Mixing tradition and trends in the brown beauty industry

— Arranged marriages, their role in a community, and personal dilemmas

— Things about Bollywood people misunderstand

African American culture essay topics

— Soul sisters: how race segregation split music genres in XX century America

— The true meaning behind “black-sounding” names

— Nourishing with love: health trends in soul food

— Harlem Renaissance Fashion and its Significance in Contemporary Culture

— Misogyny in hip hop and the real tension of gender relationships in the African-American community

Asian American culture topics

— Harmful real-life consequences of Lotus Blossom and Dragon Lady stereotypes in modern media

— Japanese “picture brides” of the early 20th century and their role in community building

— Healing narratives of Cambodian American authors

— Chinese-American adoptees’ struggle for identity

— Vietnamese American war babies

Mexican culture essay topics

— Spicy Latina fetishization in romantic comedies

— Frida Kahlo’s authenticity and constructed identity

— The visual narrative of Mexican history in the Muralist movement

— Indigenous languages of Mexico

— Pre-Columbian elements in Dia de los Muertos

Art and Popular Culture Essay Topics

The word “culture” conjures up museums, symphonic orchestras, theaters, libraries, and universities. However, everything that surrounds us is our culture. How we dress, where we live, how we greet each other, how we entertain ourselves. Yes, arts and history often take center stage, but it doesn’t mean you have to limit your culture essays to those! This time, let’s start with topics for popular culture essays for a change.

Pop culture essay topics

— The rise and fall of high school movies

— The appeal of K-dramas: the secret of global popularity

— How “Netflixing” as a consumer habit changes the narratives in the series

— “Good” monsters vs. “bad”: visual language in films

— Quest for meaning in Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods”

Art and music topics

— Protest music of the 20th century

— Finding a contemporary divide between art and craft

— Space-age discoveries and their influence on music

— Transgression and reliability in performance art

— Narrative techniques of fake-fiction documentaries

Culture history topics

— Written word vs. spoken word: shifting perceptions throughout history

— Gender and sexuality in Cassone’s paintings of Renaissance

— Baroque music and its role in the community

— The part of book printing in witch hunt trials

— Land attainment mythology in Irish culture

Not enough topics? Not a problem! Our writers can create an insightful title for you based on your assignment details. Just leave the “Topic” field empty when you place your order, and one of our experts will take care of that. Get your unique culture essay sample!

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Cultural Identity Essay Examples

Cultural Identity - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Scholars, writers and analysts have recently discussed a phenomenon known as globalization. This phenomenon has dominated literature for several years and is defined as the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. Most scholars however have focused on the economic and political dimensions of globalization and have neglected its most crucial dimension: culture. Culture can be defined as a social behaviour between different groups, reflecting the actions of their ancestors. Through globalization, world powers have utilized culture as a tool to project power and dominance.

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Essay examples

Essay topic.

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  • The Impact of Globalization to Cultural Identity
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  • Developing a Sense of The Unique Combination of Identifications Self
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What Is Culture Identity Essay and How Do You Write One?

Culture identity essay is a form of writing that explains the author’s cultural background. The essay can be written as a personal narrative or opinion piece, but it will always focus on the author’s experiences growing up. It may also include information on how they grew up and what their upbringing was like, as well as how they’ve changed since their childhood. This is an important essay because it helps the reader understand who the author is and what influenced them to become who they are today.

Definitions of Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity: The sense of self-identity that a person or group has based on their cultural heritage, which can include language, ethnicity, nationality and/or religion.

Cultural Hybridization: The mixing of different cultures that can result in new cultural forms.

Ethnicity: The sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group, rooted in common language, ancestry and/or culture

culture and identity essay topics

What is cultural identity?

Types of Cultural Identity

Cultural identity is a term that describes the social, cultural, and economic characteristics of a group or community. It refers to an individual or group’s sense of self-awareness and belonging to a particular culture. This can be based on ethnic, religious, racial, linguistic, or other cultural factors. Cultural identities are often formed by the interaction between groups in society and their environments. There are many types of cultural identity, including:

  • Ethnicity – People who share a common heritage may identify with each other based on their shared history and/or language. Ethnic groups have been defined by physical characteristics such as skin color or facial features (e.g., Eskimos) or by social conventions such as having similar customs and beliefs (e.g., Jews).
  • Religion – Religions often have distinctive practices and rituals that help members feel part of a larger community while also encouraging them to follow certain codes of conduct within that community. Religious identity can encourage people to participate in certain behaviors that they may not otherwise engage in (e.g., fasting during Ramadan).
  • Language – A person’s first language serves as an important identifier because it helps them communicate with others around them who speak the same language fluently

culture and identity essay topics

Cultural Identity Essay Structure


-Introduction to essay and thesis statement.

-Discuss what cultural identity is, why it’s important, and how the author will define it in this essay.

-A statement of the argument that you will make in your essay.

Body paragraphs:

-A point made about cultural identity (1) with support (2).


-Restate thesis statement and discuss how this knowledge is relevant to my life, society, or culture.

Tips on How to Write a Perfect Cultural Identity Essay

Writing a perfect cultural identity essay is not an easy task. There are so many things that you need to consider before writing the essay. However, with the right approach and proper planning, writing a perfect cultural identity essay can be made easier for you. Here are some of the tips that will help you write a perfect cultural identity essay.

  • Do some research about your topic before starting to write your essay. This will help you understand what exactly should be included in your essay and how it should be written in order for it to be considered as a perfect one by your professor or teacher.
  • Identify who your audience is and what purpose does their opinion matter? If it’s just for fun, then go ahead with whatever comes to mind first but if there is something more significant, then make sure that you have done enough research so that nothing goes wrong at the end of it all!
  • Have a clear goal in mind before starting to write anything down; this way, everything will come together neatly at the end of it all!

culture and identity essay topics

Cultural Identification in the U.S.

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We have many satisfied customers who have already used our services and we would be glad to help you too. If you need help with your essay, please contact us.

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Electrifying guide to a cultural identity essay.

cultural identity essay

“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people.” A simple statement but carrying worth centuries and decades of wisdom. In layman’s language, the account would mean that without diversity, then the world would be one boring place to stay.

Imagine the world with only men, or women, or even animals from one place alone. It wouldn’t have been impressive as it is now with people from all walks of life. And robots are also joining the community, adding to the diversity of this blooming planet, earth. 

So, what is culture? Simply put, it denotes the ways of life of different people. It can be in various aspects, such as the following:

  • Social relations

These are just but a few of how different people differ from each other. Now, to what brought you here, what is a cultural identity essay?

Definition of a Cultural Identity Essay

A cultural identity paper is one that brings out the identity of a person concerning the place where they grew up, religion, economic, or family status. Cultural identity, therefore, means a group of people that one can identify within his/her essay. But wait, there’s more!

Structure of a Cultural Identity Essay

Essays about cultural identity take the same format as other types of academic essay assignments. So, what’s the catch?

The main difference between a cultural identity essay and the other types is that it, unlike the others, it uses the first-person pronoun (I and We). 

To add on that, hardly will students be required to do citations of sources because this paper is more of personal experiences. Students will, therefore, need to have substantial background information to come up with an outstanding cultural identity paper.

The MLA formatting style takes center stage in this type of essay. One would need to be creative enough and have sufficient information to convince the reader. Here are some sources you could use for your cultural identity essay:

  • Your parents (preferably the grandparents)
  • Television documentaries on culture
  • History books in libraries

Bear in mind that all these sources should be operating or found in your national or locality. Let me tell you why.

People who are from a particular area understand their culture and heritage than those from outside. Can a visitor to come to your house for the first time and know what is under your bed? I bet no. 

The crucial differences which distinguish human societies and human beings are not biological. They are cultural. Ruth Benedict.

Are you ready for some cultural identity essay ideas? Then, move that scroll wheel downwards.

Cultural Identity Essay Ideas for You!

The ideas are so many ideas that you can choose from for your essay on cultural identity. A starting point would be asking yourself, “What is my cultural identity?”. You can consider the following ideas:

  • An experience that you went through
  • The story behind a specific famous locality
  • The impact of a particular culture
  • A common practice among people and where it originated from
  • Think of one particular language and trace its roots
  • How have the people around you influenced you?
  • What kinds of food do you eat differently from others, and why?
  • How do you feel when sited with a person of a different race?
  • How do you dress, and why?
  • The impact your religion has had on you
  • What activities did you engage in as a child?

Again the ideas are not limited to what I have listed above. Have you ever watched a football derby, let’s say between Barcelona and Real Madrid? Do you see the number of spectators in attendance? Well, the ideas for essays about identity are more than that.

You may also make use of the numerous cultural identity essay examples found on the internet to generate more ideas. We advise you to take a look at racism essay topics .

And as if that’s not enough, let me share some tips that will help a long way in cranking up your next cultural identity essay.

Great Tips for an Excellent Essay on Cultural Identity

Let’s get down to them right away.

  • Significant on personal experiences unless stated otherwise
  • Make use of linking words
  • Use vivid description
  • MLA formatting
  • Don’t assume, every detail matters

Although these are general tips, their application in your essay will make a high impact on your grades. Now, this is important.

How Would you Describe your Cultural Identity?

A vivid description of the use of personal experiences is the most recommended way that you can use.

What Are Examples of Cultural Identity?

They include nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, and locality, just but a few to mention.

Why is Having a Cultural Identity Important?

It gives people a sense of belonging to a particular social or ethnic group. Cultural identity also contributes to acknowledging and balancing the beliefs and values of other people and their cultures.

Difference Between Culture and Identity?

Culture is a way of life of a particular group of people, whereas identity is the knowledge of who you are as a person. 

It is as simple and straightforward as that. A cultural identity essay would not take you more than an hour to complete with the tips and outline given above. Take one of the recommended ideas above and start writing an essay on it. You will be amazed at how far you’ve improved your skills in cultural identity essays.

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Cultural Identity Essay: Writing Guidelines for an A+ Paper

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  • Icon Calendar 6 July 2024
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Writing a cultural identity essay is an exciting academic exercise that allows students to develop and utilize critical thinking, reflective, and analytical skills. Unlike a standard essay, this type of paper requires learners to use first-person language throughout. In essence, such a composition is about writers and what makes them identify with a particular societal orientation. Further on, they should choose a specific identity and focus on it throughout their texts. Moreover, authors should reflect and brainstorm, use the “show, not tell” method, utilize transitions to create a natural flow of ideas, and proofread their papers to eliminate mistakes and errors. Hence, students need to learn how to write a cultural identity essay correctly to provide high-quality papers to their readers.

General Aspects

Students undertake different writing exercises in their learning environments to develop their critical thinking, reflective, and analytical skills. Basically, one of these exercises is academic writing, and among different types of essays that students write is a cultural identity paper. In this case, it is a type of essay where authors write about their culture, which entails exploring and explaining a real significance of their ethnic roots. Moreover, there are numerous topics that instructors may require students to write about in such documents. In principle, some assignment prompts fall under different disciplines, such as religion, socio-economic status, family, education, ethnicity, and business. Besides, the main defining features of such a composition are what aspects make authors know that they are writing in this type of essay. In turn, these features include language, nationality, gender, history, upbringing, and religion, among many others.

What Is a Cultural Identity Essay and Its Purpose

According to its definition, a cultural identity essay is a reflective and analytical piece of writing that explores an individual’s unique ethnic background, experiences, and influences. The main purpose of writing a cultural identity essay is to explore and articulate various elements of culture that constitute one’s life, such as ethnicity, traditions, language, customs, and values (Greetham, 2023). Through this paper, writers engage in self-examination, present their ethnic narrative, and offer more insights into a uniqueness and complexity of their experiences. Moreover, such a composition promotes self-awareness and allows individuals to acknowledge and appreciate their roots while also recognizing a unique diversity of experiences within their social group. By sharing these experiences and reflections, both a particular writer and his or her readers to recognize various complexities and richness of ethnic identities, highlighting a real importance of cultural heritage in shaping who they are (Wallace, 2021). In terms of pages and words, the length of a cultural identity essay depends on academic levels, specific assignment requirements, academic standards, and a depth of analysis, while general guidelines are:

High School

  • Length: 1-2 pages
  • Word Count: 250-500 words

College (Undergraduate)

  • Length: 3-5 pages
  • Word Count: 750-1,250 words

University (Bachelor)

  • Length: 5-7 pages
  • Word Count: 1,250-1,750 words


  • Length: 8-12 pages
  • Word Count: 2,000-3,000 words
  • Length: 12-20+ pages
  • Word Count: 3,000-5,000+ words

How to write a cultural identity essay

TitleA clear, concise, and engaging title that reflects your essay’s focus.
IntroductionIntroduce a concept of your cultural identity.
Write a short overview of what your essay will cover.
State a thesis that outlines your main points or focus of an essay.
BackgroundProvide context about your ancestral background.
Discuss some origins, history, and key elements of your culture (ethnicity, language, traditions, etc.).
Personal ExperienceShare personal examples and experiences related to your ethnic roots.
Explain how these experiences have shaped your beliefs, values, and identity.
Cultural InfluencesDiscuss various social influences that have impacted your life.
Include family, community, education, and societal factors.
Analysis and ReflectionAnalyze how your ancestral orientation has influenced your worldview and interactions with others.
Reflect on some challenges and benefits of writing about your ethnic heritage.
Cross-Cultural Comparisons (Optional)Compare your culture with other cultures.
Highlight similarities and differences.
ConclusionSummarize your main points discussed in an essay.
Restate your thesis in a particular context of a text presented.
Reflect on some challenges and benefits of your ethnic heritage.
References (Optional)List any sources cited in an essay and follow an appropriate citation style, like MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, etc.

Note: Some sections of a cultural identity essay can be added, deleted, or combined with each other. In writing, people explain their cultural identity by describing a unique mix of traditions, values, language, and personal experiences that have shaped their beliefs and sense of self.

Generally, a cultural identity essay is similar to a standard academic paper regarding its structure and outline. However, a central point of difference is a specific topic to write about. In this case, a cultural identity essay is a reflective exploration of how people’s ethnicities, family traditions, languages, and personal experiences have shaped their beliefs, values, and sense of self (Spelic, 2019). While standard academic papers, such as argumentative, persuasive, and informative essays, require learners to use third-person language, such a composition requires them to use first-person language. As such, authors should use the word “I” throughout to show a target audience that they are writing from their perspective. Indeed, this aspect is a primary objective of such an essay – to give a writer’s perspective concerning his or her culture (Davies et al., 2019). Besides, another point of difference between such an essay and other papers is that the former does not require writers to utilize external sources but to write from a personal viewpoint.

Examples of Cultural Identity Prompts

Cultural Orientation and Socialization in a Learning Environment

Here, this prompt may require students to discuss an actual significance of culture in education, focusing on ethnic heritage and socialization. As such, this topic requires writers to reflect on how culture influences behavior in a learning environment.

The Impact of Culture Change on Family

Here, a writing assignment may require students to explore and discuss how culture impacts a family unit. Moreover, a central theme is a family, and a student’s mission would be to explain how culture in all its dynamics affects families in diverse settings.

The Role of Language in Building an Ethnic Identity

Here, instructions may require students to explore and explain a particular significance of language in ethnic heritage. Hence, writers should focus on explaining a specific place of culture in a sociology discipline, focusing on a direct connection between language and cultural orientation.

The Significance of Culture in a Globalized Economy

Here, such a prompt may require students to explore and discuss how culture affects individuals and businesses in today’s connected world. Besides, a student’s task would be to explain how culture, in all its dynamics, such as language, is essential in business for individuals and enterprises.

How Culture Influences Relations in the Workplace

Here, an essay prompt may require students to explore and explain how culture, in all its dynamics, affects or influences social relations at the workplace. In turn, a particular task of writers, for example, would be to focus on how human resource (HR) departments can use culture to enrich workplace relations.

The Place of Culture in Individuals’ Self-Concept

Here, an analysis of a theme may require students to reflect on how their ethnic orientation has affected their self-concept. Moreover, a student’s task would be to discuss how culture and its dynamics enable individuals to build a strong or weak understanding of themselves.

The Importance of Cultural Orientation in a Multicultural Environment

Here, assignment writing instructions may require students to explore and discuss how their ethnic orientation enables them to operate in a culturally diverse environment, such as a school or workplace. In this case, a student’s task would be to explain how identity characteristics, such as language and religion, facilitate or hamper social competency in a multicultural setting. 

How Global Conflicts Disturb Ethnic Identity for Refugees

Here, this prompt example may require students to explore and explain how conflicts in today’s world, such as civil unrest, affect a unique identity heritage of those who flee to foreign countries. As such, a student’s task would be to explain how one’s culture is affected in a new environment with totally different social dynamics.

The Challenges of Acculturation

Here, this kind of prompt may require students to explore and explain possible challenges that individuals face in identifying with a dominant culture. In particular, a student’s task would be to explain a specific significance of a dominant culture and what those from other cultures that try to identify with it must confront.

Host Country Culture and Multinational Enterprises

Here, this essay prompt sample may require students to explore and explain how a host country’s culture affects expatriates working for multinational corporations. Besides, a student’s task would be to show how one’s culture defines their behaviors and how that can be affected in a new environment with new social characteristics.

Compare and Contrast Native Culture and Dominant Culture in the United States

Here, such instructions require students to explain specific areas of similarity and difference between a Native culture and a dominant culture. In turn, a student’s task would be to define both a Native culture and a dominant culture and help a target audience to understand whether they mean the same thing. Hence, whether they do or do not, students should elaborate.

The Objective of Acculturation

Here, this prompt example requires students to explore and explain why people prefer to identify with a dominant culture. Moreover, a student’s task would be to note some advantages of a dominant culture over others and possible opportunities that one may access to identify with this dominant culture.

The Challenges That the LGBTQ Community Faces in the Modern World

Here, essay prompt instructions require students to explore and discuss potential challenges that lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people face in their normal day-to-day activities. In this case, a student’s task would be to explain an uniqueness of a LGBTQ community and how stereotyping makes their lives miserable in an environment where people are intolerant of different personalities and viewpoints.

Dangers of Cultural Intolerance in the Health Care System

Here, assignment instructions may require students to explore and discuss how nurses who are intolerant of social differences may jeopardize patients’ lives.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Acculturation

Here, such a prompt requires students to discuss some pros and cons of identifying with a dominant culture.

How to Know

Key defining features of a cultural identity essay give students a particular indication that they need to write this kind of paper. For example, cultural identity is important because it shapes people’s traditions, customs, languages, family practices, historical backgrounds, values, beliefs, personal experiences, and sense of belonging, fostering self-awareness and promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of lifestyle diversity (Heersmink, 2021). Hence, when students read instructions regarding their essay topics they need to write about, they should identify one or several defining elements. In turn, these elements include language, nationality, religion, ethnicity, and gender.

Steps on How to Write a Cultural Identity Essay

To write a cultural identity essay, people reflect on and describe some significant aspects of their ethnic backgrounds, such as traditions, language, and experiences, and analyze how they have influenced their worldview. In turn, common steps for writing a good cultural identity essay are:

  • Understand an Assignment: Read and comprehend an essay’s prompt to ensure you meet all requirements.
  • Choose a Focus: Select specific aspects of your ethnic heritage to highlight in your essay.
  • Conduct Research: Gather information about your ancestral background and its historical context.
  • Brainstorm and Outline: Reflect on your cultural experiences and organize your thoughts into an outline.
  • Write a Strong Introduction:   Write an engaging opening with a hook, background information, and a thesis statement.
  • Develop Body Paragraphs: Discuss each aspect of your ethnic heritage with personal examples and reflections.
  • Incorporate Cultural Influences: Explore an actual role of family, community, and society in shaping your social orientation.
  • Address Challenges and Pride: Highlight any challenges faced and express pride in your actual roots.
  • Write a Logical Conclusion: Summarize key points, restate a central thesis, and offer final thoughts on identity heritage.
  • Revise and Edit: Review for coherence, clarity, and errors, and make revisions based on feedback.

As stated previously, a primary point of similarity between a cultural identity essay and standard papers is its writing structure and outline. In this case, to start a cultural identity essay, people begin with an engaging hook, provide background context on their ethnic heritage, and present a clear thesis statement that outlines main aspects of their roots they will explore further (Spelic, 2019). Basically, this structure and outline comprise three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. Like in all other papers, writing such a composition requires students to address specific issues, which are, in essence, a defining characteristics of an essay’s structure and outline. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning a cultural identity essay include:

  • Growing up in a household where [specific cultural practices] were a daily routine, my ethnic heritage was shaped by specific traditions and values of my [ethnicity/nationality] heritage.
  • A rich picture of my lifestyle is woven from diverse threads of my family’s history, which includes [briefly mention key ethnic elements].
  • From a young age, I was impressed by unique customs of my [specific social group], where celebrations and rituals played a crucial role in shaping my sense of self.
  • My journey to understanding my cultural roots began with shared stories that my grandparents told me about their experiences in [country/region], which instilled in me a deep appreciation for our heritage.
  • A direct connection between [ethnicity] and [ethnicity] cultures in my upbringing provided me with a unique perspective on life and allowed me to embrace my complex heritage.
  • Living in a multicultural community, I was constantly surrounded by different traditions and practices, which enriched my understanding of my own ethnic identity.
  • Reflecting on my childhood, I realized that cultural festivals and family gatherings we celebrated were essential in fostering a strong connection to my [specific culture] roots.
  • A particular influence of my ancestral background on my personal values and beliefs is profound, as it has shaped my worldview and interactions with others in significant ways.
  • As a child of immigrants, my life was shaped by blending my parents’ homeland traditions with new cultural norms of our adopted country.
  • Understanding and embracing my ethnic roots has been a continuous journey, marked by moments of both pride and challenge, as I strive to honor my heritage while finding my place in a current world.

Introduction and Its Defining Characteristics

An introduction is the first paragraph of a cultural identity essay. Here, students introduce themselves to a target audience, giving a brief background of their ethnic heritage. Moreover, rules of academic writing dictate that this part should not exceed 10 percent of a whole word count of an entire paper (Greetham, 2023). In this case, writers should be brief and concise. Then, the most prominent component of this section is a thesis, a statement that appears at the end of an introduction paragraph and whose objective is to indicate a writer’s mission. In summary, the introduction part’s defining features are a writer’s background and thesis statement. In turn, the former gives a hint about a writer, and the latter provides a target audience with insight into a author’s objective in writing a cultural identity essay.

Body Paragraphs

A body element of a cultural identity essay is the most significant section of a paper and takes the largest part. Generally, writers use several paragraphs to advance different arguments on their ethnic heritage to explain specific concepts (Karjalainen, 2020). In writing a cultural identity essay, authors can use different paragraphs to explain important aspects of their ethnic heritage. Nonetheless, what determines the number of paragraphs and the content of each is a paper topic (Greetham, 2023). Besides, the most prominent defining features of a essay’s body are paragraphs, with each advancing a unique concept about a writer’s ethnic heritage. In turn, paragraphs are where writers provide real-life experiences and other personal anecdotes or examples that help a target audience to develop a deeper understanding of authors from a cultural perspective.

A conclusion part is the last section of a cultural identity essay. In particular, writers restate a thesis statement and summarize main points from body paragraphs (Greetham, 2023). Moreover, authors provide concluding remarks about a topic, which is mostly an objective personal opinion. In summary, the conclusion part’s defining features are a restatement of a thesis, a summary of main points, and writer’s final thoughts about a topic.

Outline Template

I. Introduction

A. Hook statement/sentence. B. Background information. C. A thesis statement that covers main ideas from 1 to X in one sentence.

II. Body Paragraphs

A. Idea 1 B. Idea 2 … X. Idea X

III. Conclusion

A. Restating a thesis statement. B. Summary of the main points from A to X. C. Final thoughts.

An Example of a Cultural Identity Essay

Topic: Identifying as a Naturalist

Introduction Sample

The period of birth marks the beginning of one’s identity, with culture playing a significant role. However, from the stage of adolescence going forward, individuals begin to recognize and understand their cultural makeup. In my case, I have come to discover my love for nature, an aspect that I believe has made me a naturalist both in belief and action.

Examples of Body Paragraphs

Idea 1: Parents

Parents play a critical role in shaping a cultural and personal identity of their children. In my case, it is my mother who has instilled in me a love for nature. Although I may not say exactly when this love started, I can only reason that since it was ingrained in me since childhood, it has developed gradually.

Idea 2: Naturalism

Today, naturalism defines my interactions with people and the environment. In short, I can say it shapes my worldview. As a lover of nature herself, my mother had this habit of taking me outdoors when I was a toddler. I have seen family photographs of my mother walking through parks and forests holding my hand. What is noticeable in these pictures besides my mother and me is the tree cover that gives the setting such a lovely sight. Moreover, I can now understand why I seem more conversant with the names and species of flowers, trees, and birds than my siblings- my mother was the influence. In turn, my siblings and friends make a joke that I have developed a strong love for nature to the point of identifying myself with the environment. Hence, the basis for this argument is my love for the green color, where even my clothes and toys are mostly green.

Conclusion Sample

Naturally, human beings behave in line with their cultural background and orientation. Basically, this behavior is what determines or reflects their ethnic identity. In turn, my intense love for nature underscores my naturalist identity. While I may not tell the stage in life when I assumed this identity, I know my mother has played a significant role in shaping it, and this is since childhood.

What to Include

Ethnicity and NationalityExplore your ancestral background and national heritage, including traditions, customs, and cultural history.
Family TraditionsDiscuss some unique rituals, celebrations, and customs practiced by your family, as well as their significance.
LanguageDescribe particular languages you speak, dialects, regional languages, and how being multilingual affects your identity.
Religion and SpiritualityShare your religious beliefs, spiritual practices, and faiths and how they influence your daily life and ethnic heritage.
CuisineHighlight traditional dishes, cooking practices, and family recipes that hold a real social significance.
Music and ArtsWrite about traditional music, dance, cultural festivals, and artistic expressions that are part of your heritage.
Clothing and FashionDescribe your traditional dress code, its significance, and unique aspects, as well as how such a fashion influences your ethnic roots.
Social Norms and ValuesExplore cultural etiquette, community values, gender roles, and expectations within your ethnic context.
EducationReflect on how social influences shape educational choices, learning experiences, and some roles of bilingual or multicultural education.
Historical BackgroundProvide a particular context on important historical events, ethnic heritage sites, and figures that influenced your culture.
Personal ExperiencesShare personal examples, interactions with others from the same or different cultures, and moments of cultural pride or challenge.
Community and Social LifeDiscuss a specific role of your community in shaping your identity, including social gatherings, communal activities, and support systems.
Migration and AcculturationDescribe experiences of immigration, adaptation to new cultures, and balancing multiple ethnic identities.

Common Mistakes

  • Lack of Focus: Failing to narrow down an essay to specific aspects of cultural identity, leading to an unclear narrative.
  • Vague Thesis Statement: Providing a weak or unclear thesis statement, which makes it difficult for readers to understand an essay’s main argument.
  • Insufficient Personal Reflection: Neglecting to include personal examples and reflections, which are crucial for illustrating an actual impact of ethnic heritage.
  • Overgeneralization: Making broad and unsupported statements about specific groups rather than focusing on personal and specific experiences.
  • Ignoring Historical Context: Failing to provide historical or ethnic background that can help readers to understand a real significance of certain traditions or practices.
  • Poor Organization: Structuring an essay poorly, resulting in an illogical and difficult-to-follow narrative.
  • Lack of Depth: Addressing ethnic heritage without explaining how it shapes beliefs, values, and behaviors.
  • Cultural Stereotyping: Relying on stereotypes or clichés rather than presenting a personal perspective on ethnic roots.
  • Inadequate Conclusion: Providing a weak conclusion that does not effectively summarize main points or reflect on a real significance of a particular ethnic heritage.
  • Ignoring Feedback and Revision: Failing to seek feedback from others or revise a cultural identity essay, which can leave writing errors and unclear sections unaddressed.

Like any standard paper, writing a cultural identity essay allows students to build essential skills, such as critical thinking, reflective, and analytical skills. In this case, a real essence of such a paper is to provide a writer’s cultural identity, background, or orientation. As such, in order to learn how to write a good cultural identity essay, students should master following tips:

  • Decide where to focus. Culture is a broad topic, and deciding what to focus on is essential in producing such an essay. Basically, one may have several ethnic identities, and addressing all may lead to inconclusive explanations.
  • Reflect and brainstorm. Given a close link between one’s cultural orientation and personal experiences, learners need to reflect on experiences that would provide a target audience with an accurate picture of their ethnic heritage.
  • Adopt a “Show, not tell” approach by providing vivid details about one’s experiences. Using personal anecdotes may be effective in accomplishing this objective.
  • Use transitions , such as “therefore,” “thus,” ” additionally,” and “furthermore,” to enhance a natural and logical flow throughout an essay.
  • Stay personal by using first-person language to describe one’s background and experiences.
  • Proofread a final document to eliminate spelling and grammatical mistakes and other notable errors, such as an inconsistent life storyline.

Davies, S. R., Halpern, M., Horst, M., Kirby, D., & Lewenstein, B. (2019). Science stories as culture: Experience, identity, narrative and emotion in public communication of science. Journal of Science Communication , 18 (05), 1–17.

Greetham, B. (2023). How to write better essays . Bloomsbury Academic.

Heersmink, R. (2021). Materialised identities: Cultural identity, collective memory, and artifacts. Review of Philosophy and Psychology , 14 (1), 249–265.

Karjalainen, H. (2020). Cultural identity and its impact on today’s multicultural organizations. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management , 20 (2), 249–262.

Spelic, S. (2019). Care at the core conversational essays on identity, education and power . Tredition.

Wallace, K. (2021). Network self: Relation, process, and personal identity . Routlage.

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My Culture, Identity, and Cultural Identity

This essay about cultural identity explores how culture deeply influences personal identity through traditions, language, art, and cuisine. It examines the integral role culture plays in shaping individual perspectives and how it evolves over time through interactions within a global community. The narrative highlights the importance of cultural heritage in connecting with one’s roots and the broader human experience, emphasizing culture as a dynamic, enriching force in the modern interconnected world.

How it works

Within the vast mosaic of human existence, culture emerges as a profound element, serving as a lens through which we view the world, mold our identities, and integrate into the wider societal matrix. My cultural identity is not simply a collection of customs and traditions; it represents the core of my existence, seamlessly integrated into my personal narrative.

From my early days, I was enveloped in a diverse array of cultural influences. The values, beliefs, and traditions of my family laid the foundation of my personal identity.

The inviting scents from my grandmother’s cooking, the sounds of folk music during celebrations—each experience was imbued with the essence of my cultural heritage.

Language has been a vital component in shaping who I am. The rhythms and nuances of my native language resonate within me, linking me to my forebears and anchoring me to my cultural roots. Through language, I keep alive the wisdom and tales handed down over generations.

Culture is more than language; it includes numerous elements that inform our perspectives and shape how we perceive the world. From social norms to the meaning behind gestures, each component of my culture provides insight into the collective psyche of my community.

Artistic expression is a significant reflection of cultural identity, whether through the vibrant colors of traditional art, the pulsating rhythms of native drums, or the rich stories in classic literature. As an artist, I draw comfort and motivation from the myriad of artistic forms that are part of my cultural background.

Cuisine also acts as a portal into the essence of a culture, offering a taste experience that goes beyond words. The aroma of spices, the sounds of cooking, and the explosion of flavors recall communal and familial celebrations, each meal narrating the culinary skill and cultural amalgamation that characterize my gastronomic legacy.

However, I acknowledge that cultural identity is fluid and ever-evolving, influenced by time and interaction with the world. As a member of the global community, I am keen to engage with different cultures, learning and enriching my own through these interactions.

In our globally connected society, cultural identity serves both as a point of pride and a bridge for mutual understanding. It is a collage of various influences, each adding to the unique fabric of my being. As I traverse the complexities of contemporary life, I carry the legacy of my ancestors, the customs of my culture, and the endless opportunities for cultural interaction.

In essence, my culture is more than a reflection of history; it is a beacon for the future, guiding my path of self-exploration, fostering connections, and celebrating the richness of diversity. It reminds us that, despite our varied backgrounds, we are all woven into the same complex human tapestry, united by our collective experience of what it means to be human.


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Home — Essay Samples — Sociology — Individual and Society — Personal Identity

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Essays on Personal Identity

Personal identity essay topics.

Exploring personal identity can be a deeply reflective and enlightening process. These essay topics allow writers to delve into various aspects of what makes us who we are, from cultural and social influences to personal experiences and inherent traits.

The theme of Personal Identity is of paramount importance as it delves into the essence of what makes us unique individuals. It encompasses a wide array of factors including culture, language, gender, family dynamics, religion, and personal experiences that together shape our sense of self. Exploring personal identity helps in understanding the complex interplay between individual traits and societal influences, fostering a deeper comprehension of oneself and others.

How to Choose Personal Identity Essay Topics

When selecting a topic for a personal identity essay, consider the following factors:

  • Reflect on personal experiences that have shaped your identity.
  • Think about the cultural, social, and familial influences in your life.
  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about and that resonates with you personally.
  • Consider the relevance and significance of the topic in your life and in society.
  • Ensure the topic provides ample scope for analysis, reflection, and discussion.

Writing essays on Personal Identity is crucial for several reasons:

  • It encourages self-reflection and introspection, allowing individuals to explore and articulate their understanding of their own identity.
  • It promotes empathy and cultural awareness by examining how diverse backgrounds and experiences contribute to the mosaic of society.
  • Essays on this topic can contribute to critical discussions about the role of external factors, such as social media and globalization, in shaping personal identity.
  • They offer a platform for discussing pressing issues related to identity, such as gender identity and the impact of mental health, in a nuanced and informed manner.
  • Writing about personal identity challenges writers to consider the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of identity in the modern world.

List of Popular Personal Identity Essay Topics 2024

  • Exploring the Impact of Culture on Personal Identity Formation
  • Uncovering the Layers of Personal Identity
  • The Role of Language in Shaping Individual Identity
  • Personal Identity in the Digital Age: Social Media and Self-Perception
  • Gender Identity: Navigating the Landscape of Self-Discovery
  • The Impacts of Racism and Identity in James Baldwin's "Notes of a Native Son"
  • The Influence of Family Dynamics on the Development of Personal Identity
  • Religion and Spirituality: Their Contribution to Personal Identity
  • The Interplay Between Personal Identity and Mental Health
  • Personal Growth and Identity: The Journey Through Life Transitions

List of Personal Identity Essay Topics by Category

Cultural and ethnic identity.

  • The Impact of Cultural Heritage on Personal Identity
  • Exploring Multicultural Identities: Challenges and Benefits
  • The Role of Language in Shaping Cultural Identity
  • How Immigration Influences Personal and Cultural Identity
  • The Intersection of Race and Identity in Modern Society

Social and Familial Identity

  • The Influence of Family Traditions on Personal Identity
  • Growing Up in a Single-Parent Household: Effects on Identity
  • Siblings and Their Role in Shaping Personal Identity
  • How Socioeconomic Status Affects Personal Identity Development
  • The Impact of Social Media on Personal and Social Identity

Gender and Sexual Identity

  • Exploring the Journey of Gender Identity and Expression
  • The Role of Society in Shaping Gender Roles and Identity
  • Understanding Non-Binary and Gender-Fluid Identities
  • The Intersection of Sexual Orientation and Personal Identity
  • Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Individuals in Asserting Their Identity

Personal Experiences and Identity

  • Overcoming Adversity: How Challenges Shape Personal Identity
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Personal and Professional Identity
  • How Travel and Exposure to Different Cultures Influence Identity
  • The Impact of Major Life Events on Personal Identity Development
  • Self-Discovery Through Artistic and Creative Expression

Psychological and Philosophical Perspectives

  • The Role of Memory in Constructing Personal Identity
  • Nature vs. Nurture: Which Has a Greater Impact on Identity?
  • Understanding the Concept of the "Self" in Different Philosophies
  • The Influence of Childhood Experiences on Adult Identity
  • How Personality Traits Contribute to a Sense of Identity

The Multifaceted Role of Clothes in Human Culture and Identity

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Understanding The Significance of Personal Identity

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Personal Identity refers to the unique characteristics, qualities, beliefs, and values that define an individual and differentiate them from others.

The concept of personal identity, explored in philosophy and psychology, has ancient origins. In ancient Greece, Plato proposed an immortal soul, while Aristotle emphasized the mind and memory. Eastern philosophies like Hinduism embrace reincarnation, and Buddhism suggests identity is impermanent. During the Enlightenment, John Locke argued that personal identity is rooted in consciousness and memory, with continuity of experiences shaping one's sense of self.

  • Psychological Continuity: This theory, popularized by John Locke, emphasizes the importance of psychological attributes, such as memory, consciousness, and personality traits, in defining personal identity. According to this view, a person's identity is based on the continuity of their mental states and experiences over time.
  • Biological Continuity: This theory emphasizes the role of biological factors in personal identity. It posits that an individual's identity is primarily determined by their physical characteristics and genetic makeup. Biological continuity theorists argue that bodily continuity is essential for personal identity.
  • Narrative Identity: This theory, influenced by narrative psychology, asserts that personal identity is constructed through the stories we tell about ourselves. Our sense of self is shaped by the narratives we create to make sense of our experiences, relationships, and life events.
  • Bundle Theory: This theory, advocated by David Hume, challenges the notion of a unified and continuous self. According to bundle theory, personal identity is a collection of interconnected mental and physical attributes, thoughts, sensations, and experiences. There is no underlying substance that remains constant over time.
  • Social Identity: This theory emphasizes the role of social interactions, cultural contexts, and group affiliations in shaping personal identity. It suggests that identity is not solely an individual construct but is influenced by social norms, roles, and relationships.
  • According to a study published in the journal Science, researchers found that our sense of personal identity can be influenced by external factors, such as the opinions of others. The study showed that people were more likely to conform to a group's judgment, even if it conflicted with their own initial perceptions.
  • Personal identity can be influenced by language. Linguistic relativity theory suggests that the language we speak affects our perception and understanding of the world, including our sense of self. Different languages may have unique ways of expressing personal identity, which can shape how individuals perceive themselves.
  • Personal identity can evolve and change over time. This concept, known as identity fluidity, suggests that individuals may experience shifts in their self-perception due to personal growth, new experiences, or changing social and cultural contexts.

Personal identity is an important topic as it helps individuals understand who they are and how they relate to others. It impacts self-esteem, relationships, career choices, and overall happiness. Exploring personal identity can lead to greater self-awareness, acceptance, and personal growth. It also highlights the importance of embracing diversity and respecting the uniqueness of each individual.

1. Shoemaker, D., & Tobia, K. (2019). Personal identity. ( 2. Olson, E. (2016). Personal identity. Science fiction and philosophy: From time travel to superintelligence, 69-90. ( 3. Swinburne, R. G. (1973, January). Personal identity. In Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (Vol. 74, pp. 231-247). Aristotelian Society, Wiley. ( 4. Glover, J. (1988). I: The philosophy and psychology of personal identity. ( 5. Floridi, L. (2011). The informational nature of personal identity. Minds and machines, 21, 549-566. ( 6. Schechtman, M. (2005). Personal identity and the past. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 12(1), 9-22. ( 7. Shoemaker, D. W. (2007). Personal identity and practical concerns. Mind, 116(462), 317-357. ( 8. Garrett, B. (2002). Personal identity and self-consciousness. Routledge. ( 9. Luckmann, T., & Berger, P. (1964). Social mobility and personal identity. European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 5(2), 331-344. ( 10. McLean, K. C., & Syed, M. (2015). Personal, master, and alternative narratives: An integrative framework for understanding identity development in context. Human Development, 58(6), 318-349. (

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culture and identity essay topics

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Cultural Identity Essay Examples

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About Cultural Identity

Cultural identity refers to identification with, or sense of belonging to, a particular group based on various cultural categories, including nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, and religion.

Main components that make up a person's cultural identity: are cultural knowledge, category label, and social connections. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->