Best if you can show other dog-chewed items.
We head our list up with the classic - who hasn't heard about that homework-hating dog that must eat every assignment? Or maybe it's a homework-loving dog who craves the taste of graphite and ink.
Over the centuries, dogs have been accused of eating everything including, in one story published in 1808, a playing card that would have lost its master the high-stakes game he was playing.
This excuse is based on the true account of an Anglican priest, whose sermons tended to go on and on. He had to cut his preaching short one Sunday because a dog had gotten into his study and had eaten several pages of the sermon. The worshippers were reportedly delighted at spending less time in the pews.
The original dog who ate homework was allegedly Saint Ciarán of Clonmacnoise's pet fox.
The bottom line: despite its long history, this is not the most subtle or workable of excuses. However, should you have a dog… If all else fails, bring a few chewed-on pages as proof.
Today's technology poses problems for your alleged Swiss cheese memory . It makes it much harder to say you forgot about homework assignments. Upon any claim of faulty memory on your part, your teacher will ask if you checked with your mates.
Besides, what if your teacher assigned homework online , through your school's web-based learning portal? They'll see that you logged in, clearly proving you knew you had work to do.
You're golden with this excuse, but only if your teacher uses no web-based learning platforms . You probably DO remember getting your homework, but they can't be sure of that, right? This particular excuse work best if the whole class - or, at least a majority of your classmates made the same claim.
This is one of the best excuses for not doing homework if your assignment is particularly difficult. You and your mates can agree to back each other's stories up. Likewise, if you'd prioritise doing your homework , a study group is a fine idea.
This excuse works for just about anything, from the money you owe a friend to the book you promised to return. And, of course, for homework not done. It is particularly effective if you first dig into your backpack as you normally would.
And then, more frantically, your fingers scrabble and scour every pocket, even as you cast panicked glances around the room. If you could work up an embarrassed flush, that would be the icing on the cake.
You should make sure not to use this excuse too often with the same teacher. If you don't bring your homework to class several times in the same week, your teacher will probably realise that you simply haven't done it.
This is one of the best excuses for not doing homework for science and maths classes . That doesn't mean it won't fly if the assignment called for you to write at length. You might need to explain that you didn't get you were supposed to write about.
This story hits two birds with one stone when you combine it with "Could you explain it to me, please?". You'll get help with your homework and a deadline extension , especially if you actually don’t understand the assignment.
You might also try to have a quick look at the assignment before you start explaining why you haven't done it. Your argument will be more convincing if you point to the exact part of the assignment that was unclear. Should you choose this one from your list of homework excuses, beware of these possible teacher-counters (remember these answers!).
Did you ask your classmates?
"Ma'am/Sir, I asked my dad/mom/older sister for help. They couldn't advise me, either."
You're too good a student!
"Ma'am/Sir, this isn't my usual style, I know. But I truly did struggle with this assignment!"
You're pulling a fast one on me!
(Bursting into tears) "Nobody ever takes me seriously! Everyone expects so much from me!"
Anyone using these homework excuses should be aware that their teachers will not always believe them. Indeed, depending on how much experience the teacher has, they will know that the student is trying to deceive them. To avoid that kind of situation, it's best to do your homework effectively .
More schools are turning to web-based platforms to assign and turn in homework. This gives us a whole new spectrum of good excuses for not doing homework.
When the student's laptop is out of service, there is no way they can get their homework done. Calling a technician to repair the laptop may take several days and buying a new computer just to do your homework would be too expensive.
Besides laptop crashes, you might invoke pets and/or younger siblings breaking your laptop. Hackers, power failures and even that your printer ran out of ink could work, in a pinch. Of course, that last will be the least effective excuse, especially if you are a serial homework offender . Your teacher may say you could have loaded your work onto a USB drive and taken it to a print shop.
Beware too that, if no other student suffered a power outage , invoking that reason may force to veer into the 'parents didn't pay the bill' territory. That would be the only other reason that only you had no electricity to power your devices.
Primary and secondary school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign. Besides, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check. They may start by asking your classmates; their responses might prove embarrassing for you.
Even if you lay out everything you did for that supposed other class, this story puts you and your teacher in a difficult position. This excuse might work if your professor is too inexperienced to know better or a bit on the negligent side.
On one hand, they might think: "Poor you, clearly you’ve been given far too much homework!". However, on the other, they may contend that other teachers' assignments aren't their concern. Furthermore, being a college/university student, you should manage your schedule and workload more efficiently.
This excuse would work best for college and university students.
Some teachers could take this excuse the wrong way, as though you care more about the other subject than theirs. So, use this argument very carefully and insist that it was an exceptional case in which you had no other choice. Keep this one in reserve for when you truly have nothing else to offer.
You might have earned your attendance tick in the register the day of the assignment announcement. Still, this story could fly if you can convince your teacher you were in the loo when they announced it. It would work particularly well if you are, indeed, a frequent visitor to the loo during class.
If you don't routinely excuse yourself from class, you must try to convince your teacher that they marked you present by mistake.
Here again, your classmates would have to vouch for you. Failing that, you might rope your parents into providing a note . Be sure it explains that, of course, you were absent on that day because you had to do something far more important than attending class.
Beware that telling teachers that you did not hear them announce the assignment may not be a good idea. It would be mean you did not pay attention in class. It is better not use excuses that can damage your reputation as a student and anger the teacher at the same time.
Did you know you could polish your civic, duty-bound image and still deploy homework excuses? Saying you couldn't do any homework because you were helping others would be a sure bet.
Our schools strive to provide citizenship education to all learners. If a student demonstrates social awareness, their teacher will be happy and proud about that.
Claiming team sports or group activities as your extracurricular activity is another good option. Even rowing, playing chess and singing in the church choir can be good excuses for not doing homework. They are beneficial activities that teach students new skills and widen their general knowledge.
Just remember that you should choose the reason you're too busy for homework wisely. If volunteering is your excuse, it would be best to actually volunteer. Should your deception find exposure, your fall from grace will be twice as far.
Not so long ago, in the halcyon, pre-COVID days, being sick was a classic homework excuse . One could claim a 24-hour bug, food poisoning or come to class looking convincingly wan and plead a fever the night before.
Not only would you be excused from turning in your assignments but you might have garnered a bit of sympathy... to say nothing of a handy extension on your deadline for turning work in.
Post-COVID, you may well be so ill that you're unable to distinguish your cat from your homework. However, if you claim you were bedridden and feverish, you may land yourself in quarantine. Missing out on classes, as well as leisure activities, can't outweigh the best excuses for not doing homework.
If you always dole out excuses for why your homework isn't done on time, perhaps it’s time to pull out your ace in the hole – the truth.
Honesty is still the best policy, after all. Your teacher will appreciate you telling the truth. It should be a refreshing change from the usual bombardment of (only somewhat believable) excuses.
Use truth-telling when you’re feeling especially sincere (and desperate). Or, the best yet: tell the truth all the time. The consequences for what we do (or don't do) may seem terrible, at the time. In reality, they often turn out to be less serious.
You teacher might give you additional homework to counterbalance the one you did not do. That way, you will still get a good mark and improve your subject knowledge. Besides, if you knew how to do homework , you wouldn't have to worry about recycling excuses and getting bad marks in class.
The all-time best excuses for not doing homework might not suit you. Or, maybe you've used them all at least once this school year. You might need extra excuses to save you from the wrath of Teacher :
Admittedly, for all that they are plausible, some of these excuses are quite funny. Your teacher may give you props for your inventiveness when you use them. However, if chronic homework neglect is your study style, be careful not to use the same excuse too many times. Otherwise, your teacher may not be sympathetic towards you.
Especially not if you have a legitimate reason for not completing homework. In fact, it would be easier to concentrate on your homework , and save your inventiveness for creative writing assignments.
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A student by trade, Daniel spends most of his time working on that essay that's due in a couple of days' time. When he's not working, he can be found working on his salsa steps, or in bed.
🤷♂️how do i excuse myself from unfinished homework.
There is no definite answer to this question as it depends on the person's situation and the school's policy. However, some ways to excuse oneself from unfinished homework could be to say that you are not feeling well, that you have other commitments, or that you do not have enough time.
'I thought it was due tomorrow' is a classic, but any excuse from this list will work, if used properly.
Maybe you don't like homework because exhaustion or anxiety weigh you down. You might have other issues, like fear and perfectionism, and situational factors, like distractions and unclear instructions.
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My math teacher gave me detention when i said my sister drew on it
Hello. Thank you for always good blog
My teachers to smart
I got detention for telling the truth. I’ve learnt something today from that always lie.
I had a detention when I said that my dog had eaten my homework
Good but i think my teacher wont beleive these excusise
Homework is something that a lot of students choose not to do, even though they know they can get into a lot of trouble for skipping it. If you’re an educator, you’ve probably heard an unlimited number of excuses from your students, and some of them might have been absolutely hilarious.
Who’s going to want to do that math homework or write college papers when a new Marvel comic book has just been released, right?
1. “My brother’s friend , who came to our house yesterday, said he could eat paper, and I didn’t believe him. So he decided to show how much paper he could eat and grabbed my homework right out of my desk. I didn’t see that it was my homework and realized that it was too late.”
2. “ My dad needs a paper shredder for work, and it was delivered to our house yesterday. He wanted to show us how it works and mistakenly took my homework and destroyed it.”
4. “ I didn’t do my homework because I figured I’d do it tomorrow, because I’ll be older, and therefore be wiser, then.”
5. “ Yesterday, I didn’t have time to complete the homework because I was at the rally all day. The rally was calling for an increase to teacher pay, so I had to be there.”
7. “ Well, incredible story. I was going to school this morning and it was very windy. I carried the homework in my hands, but it slipped out of them and blew away. I tried to chase it for a couple of blocks, so that’s why I’m late to class.”
8. “ While I was getting ready for school this morning, I was putting some books inside my backpack. When it was time for my homework, my mom said she needed to see me in the kitchen right away. I went there, and when I came back, my homework wasn’t there. Clearly, my dad accidentally took it to work because his briefcase was next to my backpack.”
9. “ I was in the school yard when I heard some student saying bad things about you. I felt like that should let him know that he was wrong. It would be wrong to hurt him, so I thought a good way was to throw something at him. I quickly looked through my backpack, but the only thing I could find was the homework I had to submit today. After hesitating a bit, I let him have it. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find it afterward; someone must have taken it.”
12. “ I was sunbathing near the pool yesterday and doing the homework at the same time. When I was about done, something pushed me forward and I dropped my work right into the pool. It was so wet I couldn’t put it together, so I don’t have it right now.”
The amount of homework is steadily increasing , so more and more students are finding creative excuses to avoid it. We collected just a small amount in this article, but there are literally thousands of excuses like these, and students keep coming up with new ones.
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Chris Drew (PhD)
Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]
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Students need extensions on their assignments all the time. There are good excuses for an extension … and there are not so good excuses. I’m a professor, and I’ve heard them all. So has your professor. Here are the best ones I’ve heard.
Travel. | I’ve got a pre-planned vacation that I can’t change. |
Illness. | I’ve come down with a sickness and I’m stuck in bed. |
No excuse. | I don’t have an excuse, I’m sorry – can you cut me a break? |
Miscommunication. | I thought the assignment was due next week. I didn’t realize until this morning! |
Anxiety. | I’m suffering from an episode of anxiety/depression. I’ve booked a doctor’s appointment asap. |
Death in the family. | There was a death in the family (usually your grandma.) |
Writer’s block. | I’ve had writer’s block. |
Your job. | Work called me in for extra shifts and I really need the money. |
Work presentation. | My job assigned me a presentation that is due this week. |
A promotion. | My job assigned me a presentation that is due this week. |
A wedding. | I have a wedding coming up that is taking a lot of planning. |
Public transport. | The trains weren’t on time so I couldn’t get the assignment in today. |
Computer issues. | I’m having computer issues. Here’s a screenshot of the issue. |
For the rest of this article, I’m going to explain exactly how to ask your professor for an extension – with a focus on just 9 extension excuses.
Some of these are good excuses for turning in a paper late. Others are ones you’ll want to avoid.
Read on to learn which ones to avoid and which to use!
Professors like myself get a lot of extension requests, so knowing how to ask in a way that will get your teacher to grant the extension is very important.
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This extension excuse gets a lot of sympathies.
A little secret: teachers hate group work assignments , too. We usually set them because we have to embed it into a degree as an ‘employability skill’.
So, when you come to your teacher 3 days before submission and say “Teacher, one of my teammates didn’t pull through!”, your teacher will roll their eyes, but totally understand.
What you need to make this excuse work is a paper trail showing evidence that you pulled your weight. Evidence can be:
If you can show that you’ve put in the effort and genuinely tried to be a good team member, chances are your teacher will want to help you out.
Just beware: you still might lose points for teamwork. It’s an unfortunate reality that sometimes our team members bring our work down and we can’t do anything about it.
But, if you can show you’re a good student and have worked in good faith, this one might just help you pull through and win you that precious extra few days to work on your piece.
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This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.
This reason for asking for an extension on a paper will probably be respected more than most.
Teachers hate when a student comes to them with an obvious lie like:
These are time-tested lies that we get all the time . It’s rarer for a student to step up and confess: “Look, it’s just a really tough assessment.”
For this excuse to work, it’s best to provide evidence of three things:
First, show you actually have put hours into the assessment.
Bring to your teacher (either in person or via email) evidence that you’ve read through a lot of readings on the topic.
Bring to the printed readings with highlighting and notes in the margins.
Talk to them about how you thought you might be able to use the information in these pieces for your work.
Second, show that you’ve sought help.
This excuse works best if you’ve primed the teacher already with a few emails spaced out over the previous few weeks asking questions about whether you’re on the right track.
If you’ve already managed to email the teacher a few times about the assignment, send your extension request as your final reply to that email chain of discussion.
Another way of showing that you’ve sought help is showing that you’ve accessed help from the library or another member of the university staff.
Explain to your teacher that you attended a library workshop , talked to your academic advisor, or had ongoing conversations with a Teacher’s Assistant about the assessment.
Third, show how you’ve developed skills to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Explain to your teacher that you’ve thought up some study solutions that you’ll put in place during the week or so in which the extension would take place.
For example, you could note how some study skills you’ve thought might help you out of this situation might be:
Make sure you not only tell, but show your teacher you’ve tried hard, you’ve sought help, and you’ve identified solutions. If you do this, you’re more likely to have your extension request granted.
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Here’s another reason to ask your professor for an extension on a paper that gets a lot of sympathies.
We teachers have been there. Poor, living off microwaved noodle. In fact, many of us are still there with you.
When explaining that work has called you in for extra shifts, make sure your teacher knows you needed that money. You don’t need to cry poor or ask for a sympathy card. But let them know:
This extension excuse strategy works best when you give advance notice. Let your teacher know as soon as you pick up those extra shifts. Send them an email making them feel like they were a part of the discussion ( Click here to download all my Assignment Extension Request Letter Templates ).
You can say:
Hi [Teacher] ,
My boss has just gotten in touch asking me to cover some extra shifts at work for the rest of this week. I’m pretty short on money at this point of the semester with a few bills coming through, so I’d love to be able to take them.
Obviously this gets in the way of the time I’ve set aside this week for completing the upcoming assignment.
I’m wondering, would you please consider giving me an extra three days to submit my assessment so that I can pick up these shifts? It’d mean a lot to me.
Thank you for considering this request.
Sincerely, [Your name] [Your class]
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This reason for asking for an extension on a paper needs to be flagged very early on.
I’ve granted extensions for this extension excuse, but usually only when students let me know in the first week or two of the semester.
The trick here is to show:
Your personal goal might be to have graduated by a certain date, before your child starts (or finishes) school, or in order to qualify for an internship in a Master’s program that has an application deadline of a specific date.
If you show you’re ambitious and taking your studies seriously, this excuse will go down well.
Teachers don’t always grant this one, so be prepared to be told that your extension is not granted. Your teacher might insist that you submit it before you head off on your vacation, or simply deny the extension.
Something else you need to take into account is that you’re admitting you might miss some classes as well.
It might be worthwhile pointing out that your intention is to complete the weekly readings or tasks in advance of heading off on vacation.
One time when I don’t grant extensions for pre-planned vacations is when the vacation clashes with group work assessments. Your chances are higher if your vacation isn’t putting anyone else out.
Good luck with this one!
This extension excuse gets eye rolls.
Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.
It’s used too often and we expect that more often than not it’s a lie rather than a genuine problem.
If you want to get sympathy for this excuse, provide evidence. Here are some valuable forms of evidence, in order from best to worst:
Your teacher may even expect you to provide a backup of earlier drafts. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of saving your assignments onto a personal internet cloud like Google OneDrive. Personally, I email drafts to myself to ensure I have regularly saved versions.
You should also expect that your teacher will inform you that the university computers are there, available for you to use.
It’s a good idea to get ahead of this response by letting your teacher know you’ve set aside some time to use the university computers to get back on track.
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Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children.
Carers are, frankly, inspiring people, and you’ll get sympathy from your teacher.
I’d recommend letting your teacher know in advance about your situation.
The best way to do this is to ask your student advisor or the course leader to give your teacher a heads-up on this one. Most universities these days assign student advisors to each student for support on issues like this.
Most universities also have a course leader who takes care of a specific degree program or major. If you know who this is, get in touch with them asap and let them know your situation.
Ask them to let your teachers know that you’re a carer which may mean you need special consideration.
Contact the teacher personally towards the start of the semester. Talk to them in person after the first class, or if you’re a distance learner, send them an email early on.
These early emails help to prime your teacher for when you ask for an extension.
If you haven’t informed the teacher of the situation, I’d recommend talking to them in person as soon as possible, telling them what your situation is, and asking for some additional time on your assessment.
As always, some form of evidence of your situation is really helpful. Doctors, social workers, or other support networks should be able to write a letter for you that you can pass on to your teacher.
There are two illnesses that I hear about the most. It’s either your child who’s been sick or you who’s been sick. Let’s take them in order:
1. Your Child’s Sick.
The ‘My Child’s been Sick’ excuse is one that I get a lot, but also one that I usually find believable.
One reason it’s so believable is that often five or six of my students who are parents will come to me explaining that an illness is going around the school.
It’s also an excuse that is easy to sympathize with. Children take up a lot of time, and with many of my students being single parents, I understand that children come first.
This is one that crops up late, but as usual, try to ask for an extension at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the submission deadline.
A letter from a doctor goes a long way here but is not always necessary. If you can’t get a letter from a doctor, copy in some evidence that your child has taken the last few days off school. Attach a copy of your sick note to the school when you email your university professor .
2. You’re Sick.
If it’s you who has been sick, a note from a doctor is usually expected. It also requires some advance warning. If you got sick 6 days before the due date, why did you only email your teacher on the day it was due?
If you didn’t give advance warning, it looks pretty bad.
Similarly, if you got sick 3 days before the due date, what have you already done? Shouldn’t you just have finishing touches to do with 3 days to go?
Therefore, when you contact the teacher, you should also attach your most recent draft. You need to say:
So remember, if you’ve been sick, the two key things to include are:
This is the most common reason for extension requests. Let me be clear: every teacher is bamboozled that there seems to be a spike in the deaths of grandmas whenever assessments are due.
We’re skeptical about this one, to say the least.
If you’re going to use this extension excuse, evidence is a must. Teachers understand that this is a sensitive topic. I’ve accepted a range of evidence for this one, though. This includes:
This is obviously a very sensitive issue, and it’s pretty sad that people abuse this reason. Teachers don’t want to offend you: but they also need to know you’re not pulling the wool over their eyes.
Another worrisome point for this excuse is that often the death occurred a month or more before the assessment is due.
Be prepared for your teacher to say: okay, there was a death a month ago. What have you done in the month since the funeral on your work?
If you’re going to use this reason, explain how it’s caused hardship (failure to focus, busy making funeral arrangements, travel to funerals, etc.). You also must think about how you can provide clear evidence that this death did, in fact, happen.
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If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance. There’s really no other way around this one.
Nearly every university these days has support plans for students with learning disabilities .
The most common one is dyslexia . This is the condition in which students struggle with accurate and speedy reading and spelling. It can make university really tough, but universities try to be accommodating for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
Other common personal issues that can qualify for extensions include common migraines and issues with concentration.
Talk to a student advisor at the university about how to get a diagnosis if you think you’ve got a learning disability. Once you’ve received the diagnosis you’ll be able to get a support plan set up.
Support plans are usually sent straight to your teachers at the start of the semester. However, you should also make yourself known to your teacher at the start of the semester. There are additional benefits to this, including that your teacher will be careful not to ask you to read content out loud in class.
If you haven’t told your teacher already that you have a learning disability, but you still want an extension, you’ll need to get in touch as soon as possible.
Highlight how:
When you ask for the extension, include the support plan, diagnosis, or doctor’s note to increase your chances of receiving the extension that you requested.
Extensions are commonplace, but you need to state your case. We have provided an outline of exactly how to ask for the extension that you might want to consult if you think you qualify for an extension. This outline explains that you need to take some key steps, including the steps in the infographic below (plus some more!):
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When it comes to late assignment submissions, honesty and accountability are key. Failing to submit work by the allotted time is a constant dread during the academic years. While students try their best to keep up with their studies, sometimes certain unfortunate occurrences can force them to go off-track.
There are times when the stress of keeping up with everything can prevent them from meeting assignment deadlines. Often enough this is also the result of being careless but there are genuine cases when a student is unable to finish his or her work on time. In such a scenario the student can request for an extension. Though, the reason for the delay in submission has to be substantial in order to get the necessary extension period.
Be careful about making excuses for late assignment submission as it has to be backed by good reasoning. Below are the 20 Excuses for Late Assignment Submission :
I got my backpack stolen: use rampant crime among high school students to your advantage. No teacher in his right mind would expect you to turn in that big assignment if it got stolen the very day it was due. Although most teachers won’t follow through, filing a missing backpack report might not be a bad idea.
My mom and dad got in a huge fight last night and the cops came and I couldn’t concentrate on the assignment: Domestic violence isn’t something to lie about…unless it’s done to save your grade. This excuse works on so many levels:
I stayed at my dad’s this weekend and left it there and my mom refuses to let me go back and get it: Teachers are suckers for dysfunctional family stories. This is an all time classic.
I left my binder in my mom’s car and she’s at work across town: This is a twist on the easy to see through “I left it at home” excuse. A teacher can reasonably expect someone from home to bring your homework, but not even the meanest teacher would expect your mom to leave work.
I was really sick yesterday and unable to do anything. The only reason I came is because I didn’t want to miss any more work: Teachers will admire your perseverance and give you the extra day.
It’s that “time of the month”: If you’re a boy, don’t try this. This only works for females on male teachers.
How about you avoid submitting your assignment late? Hire our assignment experts!
Grandma died: Even if the teacher doubts the veracity of your grandma’s death, he’s not gonna call you out on it just in case it’s true. There are obvious problems with this excuse, including the guilt you’ll feel if your grandma does die that week.
My dog died and I was too upset to do my homework: This is rarely used, but effective, especially if your teacher has a dog. Only a heartless task master would not cut you a break over losing your best friend.
I had to take care of my baby sister who was up last night throwing up: Another underused classic. Be careful your teacher isn’t an e-mailer or he just might e-mail your parents for an update on your baby sister who doesn’t exist.
Tell the truth: This is a revolutionary excuse. Often if you just go to your teacher in the morning and tell him or her the truth, you’ll get some additional time.
Teachers hate group work assignments, too. We usually set them because we have to embed it into a degree as an ‘employability skill’.
This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.
When explaining that work has called you in for extra shifts, make sure your teacher knows you needed that money. You don’t need to cry poor or ask for the sympathy card. But let them know: I pay my own way through life, so the extra money meant a lot to me.
This can get an eye roll.
Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.
It’s used too often and we expect that more often than not it’s a lie rather than a genuine problem.
If you want to get sympathy for this excuse, provide evidence. Here’s some valuable forms of evidence, in order from best to worst:
These are some additional excuses you can give.
Illness : In case you genuinely are not physically fit to do your homework. This reasoning must be authentic and you are required to provide your doctor’s note. Even in case if someone in your family needs your immediate attention or the student has had a mental breakdown. All of them can be strong reasons to ask for an extension in submission date.
Other paper due: In case the student has to prepare for another important paper in the same time frame, he or she can take it up with the professor and request for a late submission. This makes for a valid reason and one can put in an application informing the teacher about the circumstances.
Job interview : This excuse is for slightly older learners. If a student has to appear for a job that is directly related to their subject or area of study then they can be excused for late submission.
If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance. There’s really no other way around this one.
Nearly every university these days has support plans for students with learning disabilities.
The most common one is dyslexia. This is the condition in which students struggle with accurate and speedy reading and spelling. It can make university really tough, but universities try to be accommodating for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children. Carers are, frankly, inspiring people, and you’ll get sympathy from your teacher.
I’d recommend letting your teacher know in advance about your situation.
There are other unforeseen circumstances that can range from a natural disaster or even an unfortunate incident like an accident. In all such scenarios, students are excused.
Although Late submission is a common situation during school or college days, there must be a good excuse for the same. Here is an email (or application) format you can use to request your teacher to accept your late submission.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This letter is to present my sincere apologies for late submission of my assignment that was due (Insert Date). I understand the inconveniences my lateness might have caused you.
The delay occurred because (Insert your excuse for lateness). I have completed my assignment and can guarantee you that no such mistake will ever happen.
Please accept my sincere apologies.
(Student Name)
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Late assignment submission excuses that don’t fail.
June 27, 2023 • 10 min read
Academic success depends on completing assignments on time, but occasionally unexpected obstacles arise in life. Although it's always best to plan ahead and manage your time well, late submission excuses have become a common part of student life. In these situations, we need to be resourceful. In this article, we examine a few original and creative justifications for late assignment submissions.
But before you do anything, take a deep breath and think about your options. There are some good excuses for turning in an assignment late, and there are some that are just plain bad.
Although it is typically not advisable to give justifications for late assignment submissions because it is crucial to prioritize responsibility and time management, there might be occasions when unavoidable circumstances arise. Here are a few valid justifications for submitting an assignment after the deadline:
While it's critical to be open and truthful about legitimate justifications for late assignment submissions, it's equally crucial to identify and refrain from offering lame justifications that lack veracity or show a lack of accountability. Examples of justifications that are typically viewed as inappropriate or unconvincing include the following:
If you do have a legitimate reason for turning in an assignment late, it's important to write a clear and concise excuse. Here are some tips:
You can use the following example of an email to ask your professor to accept a late assignment:
Dear Professor [Name of the Professor],
I'm writing to ask for a delay in the due date for my [course name and number] assignment, [name of assignment]. The assignment was supposed to be turned in on [original due date], but I need it by [new due date].
I apologize for the submission's tardiness. I am aware that this is not an excuse, but a few unforeseen events kept me from finishing the assignment on time.
I had a family emergency that needed to be attended to first. I had to travel to be with my [relationship to family member] because they were in the hospital. This consumed a substantial amount of time.
Second, my computer was having some technical issues. My files were completely lost when my hard drive crashed. I lost a few days as a result of having to start the assignment from scratch.
Even though I am aware that the circumstances are not ideal, I am determined to do my very best to complete the task. The finished assignment is attached to this email.
I would appreciate it if you would give my request for a delay some thought. I am sure I can finish the assignment by the new due date.
I appreciate your consideration and time.
Sincerely, [Your Name]
While excuses for late assignment submissions can be amusing and humorous, it's important to keep in mind that accountability and time management should always come first. These ingenious justifications ought to be used sparingly and shouldn't serve to reinforce dishonesty or procrastination as bad habits. It's best to be open with your professors, ask for extra time when you need it, and make an effort to turn in assignments on time. Always keep in mind that education is a journey towards growth and development on both a personal and academic level. If you follow these tips, you will increase your chances of having your request granted.
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Aug. 13, 2023 • 10 min read
Aug. 7, 2023 • 10 min read
July 21, 2023 • 10 min read
It is a common scenario to fail to submit the assignment within the timeframe during your academic years. With many reasons for late assignment submission, there are a number of excuses you can give and they soften the stance of your professor.
Any student should strive to stay updated when it comes to matters of studies and assignments. However, some may face some uncertainties which can derail their concentration and affect how they are working, leading to delays.
In that case, here is a comprehensive list and explanation of the excuses you can give for late submissions.
A student may develop stress of keeping with the environment and hinder them from keeping assignment deadlines.
Although we may not deny the chances of a student being careless, genuine cases can prompt a student to fail to finish the work on time.
If found in such a scenario, then look for any possibility of asking for an extension. Here, you must have a compelling reason that can bargain your request.
Illness and sickness are natural happenings that are unavoidable in someone’s life. Such situations may make one lack the physical and emotional strength to work on the assignment or homework.
While giving such an excuse, ensure that it is valid by backing it up with the note from your doctor. Some sickness can still occur on your immediate family member, thereby affecting how you work.
For example, your parent or a sister may be highly sick, prompting you to leave what you are doing and take care of him or her. Such is a strong reason that can compel one to ask for a late submission.
Domestic flights are typical cases in any marriage setup. Such can be a sensitive excuse which a teacher must consider and probably bring it up to your parents.
Also, a teacher can report such cases to the guiding and counseling office, who can talk to your parents concerning such ordeals. They should understand the impacts of such actions on your academic life.
A student can read many books until he/she develops writer’s block. Such situations are overwhelming, thereby affecting the productivity of a student. One can diagnose such an experience by taking a short break and come back while fresh.
A teacher should listen to your story and grant you leave of some days before you recollect and work on your assignment before submitting it as agreed.
When you have another paper to work on ahead, you may need time to prepare. About that, you can request your professor to give you more time so that you can prepare for another paper that you are about to handle.
That can be a valid reason that could justify your late submission. The best practice is to put such information in the application and let the teacher acknowledge your request.
One can receive a request for a job interview which can be unavoidable. A teacher should listen and accept such an apology by granting ample student time to prepare and attend that interview in the subject area. It is a valid reason that can lead to the late submission of assignments.
One should inform the university in advance in case you have a learning disability. The most common issue is dyslexia which is an abnormal condition that makes a student struggle in making speedy and accurate spelling and reading.
Nearly all universities have plans that support students who experience learning disabilities. Such conditions are harsh, and that is why a college should accommodate such cases.
Death is unavoidable in the life of someone. When you lose an immediate family member, it can be distractive, leading to divided attention
If found in such circumstances, you can ask your professor to extend the submission date to assist you in overcoming such a situation.
A student may be caring for a disabled person like a sick partner or a disabled parent. You have to let your teacher know in advance about that situation for you to enjoy the window of late submissions.
Group assignments are not new in the academic world. You might get assigned to someone who is lazy and drag your group leading to late submission.
If you are sensing that, it is critical to inform your instructor of late submissions. You can join this by saying that he forgot to submit the assignment early, especially his or her part.
As a group, you can join forces and assist that student who might be the cause of the delay and finish the assignment within the agreed timeframe as agreed by your teacher. You can choose to cover up the ills of a lazy student for success.
Online assignments present a little bit different excuses on top of the ones discussed above. However, ensure that you back your excuse with sound reasoning.
Such creates a better impression with your instructor as it indicates sincerity towards the pending task. This works better if you send a good late assignment email to your professor to explain more about the situation.
In this section, we can examine some of the good excuses you can provide to justify your late submission of the online assignment.
When your laptop fails to work, it can lead to the destruction of your schedule. Such an excuse co only be valid if you provide evidence for your argument.
You can provide a receipt from your technician indicating the service quotation. Alternatively, you can take it to the university’s ICT department to see if they can assist in data recovery.
Wi-Fi is a technological issue that the school can address objectively. Schools should provide such a service to allow the students to work effectively.
However, when the students go out and encounter an internet challenge, it could cause a delay in the submission of assignments.
This is also one of the excuses for student lateness in class and can be used as a common reason. You can present the same evidence for missing classes and assignments.
Every student learns uniquely. We have quick learners who need simple directions to learn. Some may be slow hence requiring more lessons to grasp the subject.
If you are in the category of slow learners, it may take you a while before completing the same assignment leading to late submission.
One can fail to submit the assignment at school due to sickness. It would help if you wrote to your instructor to explain why it was challenging to work in such conditions.
You can back up your points with a medical report from your doctor to ascertain your honesty.
The student could be doing a different course elsewhere. When the programs clash, the student must find a way of balancing them. If you are examining another cause, then it is reasonable to seek leave for a late submission.
Different schools and colleges deal with such situations uniquely. For example, some universities and colleges would take off some points from the total mark.
In most universities, a late assignment submission penalty is taking 5% off the total allocated marks for that assignment. Such would be deducted for the first seven days, after which the professor will not accept the assignment again. While the late submission penalty varies, most universities follow a similar plan to deter lateness.
Another consequence of being late with your assignment is that it could lead to your studies’ postponement.
If you fail to submit it within the semester’s schedules, it will be difficult for the faculty to compile your marks and decide your course overall within the program leading to deferments.
On the other hand, some extreme cases could lead to suspension or expulsion. Before your join, any academic institution, ensure you understand the policies that govern your studies. Also, it is good to apply tips to beat homework due dates so as to avoid these consequences.
It is essential to adhere to the laid down procedures so that you are on the safe side. However, lecturers sometimes decide on the pros and cons of accepting late student assignments before applying the penalties. Here are the common penalties.
University of Colorado | A student gets a 5% penalty after the agreed date. |
New Yolk University | The student must notify the faculty on any lateness. Failure leads to a deduction of 5% on the overall assignment mark. |
Michigan State University | Failure to submit the assignment on time may lead to a repeat of the unit involved. |
Minnesota State University | There will be a deduction of 5%of the first seven days of lateness. |
I am an educational writer and blogger focussing on tech, education, and life improvement.
If you're an educator, you've undoubtedly heard your fair share of excuses from students who don't have their assigned homework with them, which can range from plausible to hilariously absurd.
We've compiled some of the best homework excuses that educators in our Facebook community have heard during their time in the wacky world of teaching.
This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.
3. "We have surprised guest visitors and they stay the whole day.". 4. "Because I didn't know where to start, I'm unable to complete the homework.". 5. "There's some fixing work going on at my home, especially in my room.". 6. "I was about to do homework, but I don't understand a thing.". 7.
Common excuses for not doing homework can range from: Difficulty comprehending the assignment. Being swamped with other coursework. A stolen backpack. Malfunctioning computer, etc. Other students might claim confusion over the instructions, a packed extracurricular schedule, or simply forgetting that homework was assigned.
Blame the Parents. 41. My parents don't believe in homework and won't let me do it. There are some parents like this. If a student said this to me, I'd be on the phone to the parents. So, if you don't want your teacher to call your parents, don't use this excuse. 42. My mother said band practice was more important.
Excuses for not doing homework. We researched this topic and asked an English teacher of 35 years about some of her students' most common and best excuses for not doing homework.She helped us put together the following list: 1. I was sick. Being sick, or claiming that you're sick, can be used to get out of almost any scenario, including an instance where you did not complete your homework.
Instead, try to manage your time better to avoid last-minute homework crises. If you use this excuse often, consider discussing a homework plan with your teacher in advance to accommodate potential health-related setbacks. 2. MY COMPUTER CRASHED. In today's digital age, computer problems can indeed disrupt homework.
02 Your reputation. If you are a good student who always does homework, most teachers will give you a pass if you fail to do it once or twice. But, if you are a frequent offender, they'll have a hard time believing you. 03 How believable it is. Your excuses not to do homework must not be over the top or surreal.
2. Keep things short and to the point. The briefer your excuse, the easier it will be to remember. When making up an excuse for a teacher, keep your story short. Going into excessive detail can seem suspicious and you'll also be more likely to accidentally change aspects of your story.
Here are some of the most common excuses for not doing homework: I didn't understand the assignment. This is a common excuse, especially if you're in a class where the material is new or unfamiliar. If this is the case, don't be afraid to ask your teacher for clarification. They'll be more than happy to help you understand the ...
Excuse #1: You lack the required knowledge. Let your parents and teacher know if you're taking a class and feel as if you lack the necessary skills or knowledge to complete the homework. Ask your teacher for extra guidance so you don't fall too far behind. See if your parents can find the time to help you, or you can look for a tutor.
5. "I didn't have the required materials.". Not having your textbooks, notebooks, or other necessary resources might make it difficult for you to finish your assignment. To get through this defense: Double-check your bag before leaving school to ensure you have all the necessary materials.
5. Too Much Homework From Another Class. This excuse would work best for college and university students. Elementary, middle, and high school teachers usually have an idea of how much homework their colleagues assign and, if they didn't, it would be a snap for them to check.
100 FUNNY Excuses for Not Doing Homework (I.e. Lies!)
3. Ask a parent to write an excuse for you. A dangerous move, you can forge a note from a parent explaining why you couldn't do your homework. If you decide to forge one, be warned that your teacher might know it's a fake. If you are caught, you face punishment from both your parents and teacher. Method 3.
There are still ways to make your reasons more plausible. For instance, try to use excuses that don't involve technology. If you say your computer crashed and lost all your work, your teacher will likely ask for a hard copy or proof that you did the task. Second, try to use excuses that are specific to the assignment.
Too much homework from another class. Use sparingly! I was absent when you assigned the work. Best if your mates back you up. I was busy volunteering. Best if you have pictures to show, and if the volunteering was noble. I was so sick! Works well when mates back you up, or if you have a note from home. Tell the truth.
4. " I didn't do my homework because I figured I'd do it tomorrow, because I'll be older, and therefore be wiser, then.". 5. " Yesterday, I didn't have time to complete the homework because I was at the rally all day. The rally was calling for an increase to teacher pay, so I had to be there.". 6.
2. You've had Writer's Block. >>> Related Post: How to Write an Essay at the Last Minute. This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say "Look, I've read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn't come" then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.
Job interview: This excuse is for slightly older learners. If a student has to appear for a job that is directly related to their subject or area of study then they can be excused for late submission. 18. You have a Learning Disability. If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance.
Late work penalties are almost always noted in the syllabus, and it's hard to fight a grade reduction when things are clearly laid out in writing well before the homework is due. You can try ...
Get a list of creative and valid excuses to use for late assignment submissions. Connect on WhatsApp: +91 74786 38563, Uninterrupted Access, 24x7 ... Planning ahead and making prompt use of the resources at hand are crucial. How to Write an Excuse for a Late Assignment: ... we will give you the best Online Assignment Help and Our experts are ...
Don't try to lie or make up excuses. Your professor will be able to tell if you're not being truthful. Be specific. Explain exactly what happened and why it prevented you from turning in your ...
In this section, we can examine some of the good excuses you can provide to justify your late submission of the online assignment. 1. Computer Issues. When your laptop fails to work, it can lead to the destruction of your schedule. Such an excuse co only be valid if you provide evidence for your argument.
August 21, 2015. If you're an educator, you've undoubtedly heard your fair share of excuses from students who don't have their assigned homework with them, which can range from plausible to hilariously absurd. We've compiled some of the best homework excuses that educators in our Facebook community have heard during their time in the wacky ...