7 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Leave of Absence Request

By Editorial Team on November 9, 2023 — 11 minutes to read

  • Understanding the Basics of a Leave of Absence Request Part 1
  • Steps to Write a Leave of Absence Request Part 2
  • What to Include in a Leave of Absence Request Part 3
  • Examples of Leave of Absence Requests Part 4
  • Leave of Absence Request Template Part 5
  • Personal Reasons Leave of Absence Templates Part 6
  • Maternity Leave of Absence Template Part 7
  • What to Avoid in Your Leave of Absence Request Part 8

Part 1 Understanding the Basics of a Leave of Absence Request

Before you start writing your leave of absence request, it’s important to understand the basics. A leave of absence request is a formal document that you submit to your employer, asking for time off from work for a specific reason. This can be for personal reasons, medical issues, or family matters. It’s important to know the policies and guidelines of your company to ensure your request is submitted appropriately.

  • Check your company’s leave policy. Familiarize yourself with the types of leaves that are allowed, the maximum duration you can request, and any approvals or documentation required. This information is usually found in your company handbook or can be requested from Human Resources.
  • When drafting your request, be clear about the reason for your leave. It’s important to be honest and straightforward, without going into too much personal detail. State the specific dates you plan to be away from work and any necessary arrangements, like reassigning your tasks to a colleague.

Try to submit your leave of absence request well in advance, allowing enough time for your employer to review and approve your request. This will demonstrate your professionalism and consideration for your team.

Part 2 Steps to Write a Leave of Absence Request

Subject line and formal greeting.

Start your leave of absence request with a clear and concise subject line. Include relevant information, such as your name and the dates of your intended leave. For example: “John Doe’s Leave of Absence Request – June 1-15, 2025.” As a friendly way to start your message, address your email or letter to your supervisor or manager using their appropriate title, such as “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Dr. Johnson.”

Explaining Your Reason for Leave

In the opening paragraph, state the purpose of your leave in a clear and simple manner. Explain the reason for your absence, whether it’s a personal matter, family emergency, or medical concern. Be genuine with your reason to help your supervisor better understand your situation.

Providing the Time Frame

Clearly state the exact dates of your requested leave in the second paragraph. Include the start and end dates of your absence. This shows consideration for your employer’s planning and helps them to manage workload adjustments. For example: “I will be absent from work starting on June 1 and plan to return on June 15.”

Plan of Action During Your Absence

Demonstrate your responsibility by outlining a plan of action for your workload during your leave. This may include delegating tasks to colleagues, completing certain projects before your absence, or being available for limited communication if required. For instance: “Before my leave, I will complete all of my current projects and assign any ongoing tasks to my colleague, Jane Smith. If needed, I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters.”

Closing Your Letter

In the closing paragraph, express your gratitude for your employer’s understanding and support. Offer to discuss your request further in a meeting or call if needed. Example: “Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if you would like to discuss my request further.”

Review Before Sending

Before hitting send, give your email or letter a thorough read. Check for any spelling or grammar errors, ensure all important details are included, and that your message is clear and concise. This will help you present a polished and professional leave of absence request.

Part 3 What to Include in a Leave of Absence Request

When writing a leave of absence request, make sure to include the following elements:

  • Your name and contact information: Begin by mentioning your full name, position, and department. It’s also good to provide your contact information such as email and phone number in case your manager needs to reach you.
  • Leave type and reason: Clearly state the type of leave you’re requesting and provide a brief explanation for the reason behind your request. Be specific but maintain your privacy, especially when dealing with sensitive matters.
  • Start and end dates: Include the exact dates you plan to be away from work. Providing this information helps your manager know how long they should expect you to be gone and allows them to plan accordingly.
  • Work coverage plan: Explain how you’ve arranged for your work to be covered during your absence. If you’ve talked with a coworker who has agreed to handle your tasks, mention their name and workload distribution.
  • Additional documentation (if applicable): In some cases, you may be required to provide medical or legal documentation to support your leave request. Attach any necessary documents as per your company’s policy.

Part 4 Examples of Leave of Absence Requests

In this section, you’ll find some practical examples and templates to help you write a leave of absence request with ease.

Example for Personal Reasons

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence for personal reasons, specifically from [start date] to [end date]. I understand that this time away may require adjustments within the team, and I assure you that I will do my best to minimize any potential disruption.

Before my leave begins, I intend to delegate my tasks to [colleague’s name or team] and provide them with any necessary guidance. If any urgent situations arise during my absence, please feel free to contact me via [phone/email], and I will promptly respond.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in accommodating my request.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Example for Maternity Leave

I am excited to share that I am expecting a baby, with the due date being around [due date]. With this, I kindly request maternity leave, which I would like to start on [start date] and return on [expected return date]. This should provide ample time for me to prepare, give birth, and bond with my newborn.

During my leave, I will ensure a smooth transition of my responsibilities to [colleague’s name or team], keeping you updated on my progress. If any questions or concerns arise during my absence, I will be available via [phone/email].

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support during this exciting time in my life.

Templates for Leave of Absence Request

Below are a few templates to help you write a leave of absence request for different situations. They will serve as a starting point for your own letters, ensuring you cover all necessary details in a professional manner.

Part 5 Leave of Absence Request Template

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] due to [reason for leave]. I have reviewed our company’s leave policy and believe that I qualify for this time off.

During my absence, I have arranged for [colleague’s name] to handle my responsibilities, ensuring a smooth transition in my absence.

Please find the attached documentation relating to my request [if applicable]. I understand that this request is subject to approval and would appreciate your prompt response so I can finalize any necessary arrangements.

Thank you for considering my request, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information or clarification.

[Your Name] [Your contact information]

Part 6 Personal Reasons Leave of Absence Templates

Personal reasons leave template 1.

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request

I am writing to request a personal leave of absence from work for [duration, e.g., two weeks] starting from [start date] and ending on [end date]. My leave is due to [briefly explain your personal reason, e.g., a family matter or other personal matter that requires your attention].

During my absence, I have planned for [colleague’s name or your suggestion] to cover my workload and ensure a smooth transition. I will also be available via email for urgent matters.

Please let me know if you require additional information to consider my leave request. I kindly request your approval for my leave, and I will be happy to discuss any concerns or adjustments if necessary.

[Your Name]

Personal Reasons Leave Template 2

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request for Personal Reasons

I hope you are doing well. I would like to request a [length of leave] leave of absence starting from [start date] due to personal reasons. I understand this might cause some inconvenience, but I assure you I will do my best to ensure a smooth handover of my current tasks and responsibilities.

During my absence, I propose [colleague’s name] as a suitable replacement, but I am open to any other arrangements you suggest.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. Please let me know of any paperwork or further details required.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Personal Reasons Leave Template 3

Subject: [Your Name] – Leave of Absence Request (Start Date – End Date)

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to request a leave of absence from my position as [Your Position] in the [Your Department] department. I am requesting this leave for personal reasons and plan to be away from [Start Date] to [End Date].

During my absence, I have spoken with [Coworker’s Name], who has agreed to cover my responsibilities. We’ll work together before I leave to ensure a smooth transition and minimize any disruptions to the team.

Please let me know if there are any additional steps needed or if you require further information. I look forward to your understanding and approval of my leave request. Thank you.

[Your Name] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]

Part 7 Maternity Leave of Absence Template

Subject: [Your Name] – Maternity Leave of Absence Request

I am excited to inform you that I am expecting a baby, and the due date is [due date]. I would like to request maternity leave of absence as per company policy, starting from [start date] until [end date].

Before my leave, I will coordinate with my team and [colleague’s name] who can cover my responsibilities while I am away. Please let me know if you require any further information or arrangements to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to celebrating the birth of my child with you all upon my return.

Part 8 What to Avoid in Your Leave of Absence Request

When writing a leave of absence request, there are certain things you should avoid to ensure your request doesn’t come across as unprofessional or lack clarity.

1. Sharing Too Much Information: You may feel the need to share every detail of your personal life or reasons for the leave. However, this may not be necessary. Share only what is relevant to your leave request and maintain a professional tone. A simple explanation like “medical reasons” or “family emergency” will suffice.

2. Ignoring Timing: Be mindful of the timing of your request. If your company experiences busy seasons or has significant projects in progress, it may not be the ideal time to request a leave. It’s important to be considerate of your company’s needs while also taking care of your own.

3. Making Demands: A leave of absence request is not a demand, but rather a polite inquiry. Approach your request with a collaborative and understanding mindset. Frame your request as a courteous question—not as an entitlement or expectation.

4. Being Vague: Your request must include specific information about the duration of your leave and the start and end dates. Being vague can make it difficult for your employer to make decisions and cause confusion.

5. Skipping the Proofreading: Ensure your request is well-written, free of grammatical errors, and typo-free. Your leave request represents you and your seriousness about the matter. A poorly edited request might cast doubt on your professionalism and commitment to your job.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common reasons to request a leave of absence from work.

Some common reasons for requesting a leave of absence from work include personal reasons, medical reasons (for you or a family member), education or professional development, and vacation. You may also request a leave for parental reasons, such as maternity or paternity leave.

How do I start my leave of absence request letter?

To start your leave of absence request letter, begin with a professional and respectful salutation, addressing the recipient by name (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith” or “Dear Ms. Brown”). Then, in the opening paragraph, clearly state your intention to request a leave of absence, specifying the reason for your request and the desired start and end dates.

What should be included in the body of a leave of absence request?

In the body of your leave of absence request, provide any relevant details to support your request and address the potential impact of your absence on your work and team. You may want to include information about the reason for your leave, such as medical documentation or confirmation of a family event. Also, mention any arrangements you have made to cover your work responsibilities during your absence or suggest possible solutions to minimize the impact on your team.

Are there any important tips for writing a leave request for vacation?

When requesting a leave for vacation, make sure to submit your request with ample notice, considering your workplace’s leave policy and any peak periods that may require your presence at work. Provide the specific dates of your planned vacation, offer assistance in making arrangements to delegate your work during your absence, and be flexible about adjusting your plans if necessary to accommodate your team’s needs. Keep your request concise and professional, while expressing your enthusiasm for the time off.

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  • Nov 29, 2023

How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter: Tips & Samples

Everything you need to know.

Joanna Zambas

Joanna Zambas

Content Manager and Career Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

Worker writing and sending leave of absence letter to manager

Do you need to  take some time off work  for a period that’s longer than your usual holiday allowance?

Whether it’s for personal reasons,  illness  or to further your education, asking for extended leave can be a tricky and nerve-wracking situation. Whatever your reasons, it’s important to stop putting off the inevitable and put in your request as soon as possible.

To help you out, we’ve put together this in-depth guide with tips and tricks on how to format your leave of absence request letter and, most importantly, get the answer you want.

What is a leave of absence letter?

A leave of absence letter can be a physical document or an email that an employee submits to their employer to request time away from work due to a big life event. As such, it is a formal letter that needs to be concise, free of errors and submitted well in advance (at least where possible) to the employee’s manager or boss.

Maintaining a professional tone is essential when writing a leave of absence letter, and so is sticking to a an easy-to-follow structure. In most cases, around three short paragraphs are sufficient to state the reason why you’re requesting time off, specifying the dates on which you’ll be away, and suggesting how the team might handle your responsibilities while you’re out of the office.

Reasons to request a leave of absence

Sometimes, life doesn’t go according to plan. Unexpected events, both good or challenging, can cause us to reconsider or shuffle around our needs and priorities so we can navigate big changes as best as possible. When that happens, a break from work can also be needed.

These are some of the most common circumstances that require employees to submit a leave of absence from work:

  • Dealing with a serious medical condition
  • Taking on the role of caretaker for someone in the family
  • Adopting or giving birth to a child
  • Continuing your education
  • Relocating to a new state or country
  • Going on military leave

Preparing to write your letter

Asking for leave can be a troublesome situation — after all, your employer won’t want a valued team member out for a long period of time. To make the situation a little easier for everyone involved, follow these tips:

1. Warn your employer early on

If a member of your family has a life-threatening illness, for example, let your employer know early on, as they will expect you to take time off to bereave if that relation sadly passes away. Likewise, if you know you’ll need to be scheduled in for some kind of operation, do let your manager know as soon as you do.

2. Don’t send the application without a word of warning

In order to get approval for that vacation of a lifetime or a medical leave that you badly need, you’ll have to  speak with your manager  before sending a formal application.

This is best done face-to-face and in private, away from your other colleagues. Send your boss an email or IM and ask for a quick chat when it’s convenient for them.

If you  work in a remote setting , however, you should ask your manager to have a call with you before you put anything in writing. It’s important to keep your communication levels high and maintain personal contact.

3. Be specific

Be as transparent as possible by being honest about your time off.

If it’s to further your education, for example, make sure you explain how it will benefit the company in the long run. However, if your leave of absence is for an illness or to look after a sick family member, you don’t have to go into much detail if you do not feel comfortable doing so.

4. Discuss how your work will be handled in your absence

Let your supervisor know how you plan to distribute your work while you’re away.

You can take a plan of action with you, where you have delegated tasks to other team members that can continue those duties while you’re away. This will show that you have been proactive and that you care about your responsibilities.

5. Consider any alternatives

If you’ll still be able to  work remotely  during this period of time, let your employers know. This will benefit both you and them, as you will earn an income and get the work done, meaning the company won’t have to hire a temporary replacement.

Understanding your rights

Under the  Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) , certain eligible employees in the US are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year. It also mandates that employees’ group health benefits are maintained during this time.

Reasons to take FMLA leave include:

  • The birth and care of a newborn child of the employee
  • The placement of a child for adoption or foster care
  • To care for an immediate family member (spouse, child or parent) with a serious health condition
  • To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition

Bear in mind that, according to the FMLA, you’re required by law to provide 30-day advance notice in writing if your leave of absence is predictable (such as the anticipated birth of a child). In an emergency situation, however, this 30-day requirement is waived.

Depending on your contract with your employer, after a few years of working there, you should be entitled to a  sabbatical  (unpaid leave) for up to three months. Your allowance may vary in accordance to your  company’s policies , so it’s important to check the fine print to see what your rights are before you place a formal request.

UK employees are entitled to the same benefits.

Structuring your letter

When writing a formal leave of absence letter, you must follow some formatting rules to make sure it’s presented in a clear and professional manner.

These useful points will help you create an appropriate structure:

  • Sender’s address: Type in your address in the top left-hand corner of the page.
  • Date: Include the date below the letterhead. If your request is  via email , you can skip this part.
  • Subject: If you’re sending your request by email, you should have a suitable subject line — depending on the circumstance, you could alter it or simply include something like: “Requesting Leave of Absence”.
  • On-arrival notices (optional ): You can also include a notation to indicate that the letter contains sensitive or confidential content. Type in your notation by using uppercase, eg: “PERSONAL” or “CONFIDENTIAL”.
  • Inside address: Add in your company’s address just a few lines below the above — again, if it’s via email, skip this step.
  • Salutation: Even if you’re pals with your boss, you need to address them properly in a formal letter. Open with something like “Dear Emma” or “Dear Ms Gray”.
  • Opening paragraph: Start by stating the reason for your request, as well as the dates that you will be out of work.
  • Body: It’s important to be as transparent as possible and explain why you need the specified days off work. This will minimize any potential conflict with your manager and it will help them understand why you have placed this request.
  • Final paragraph: Here you should explain how your work will be covered in your absence, how you plan on making your departure as easy as possible (ie: with detailed notes on each project, etc) and how you can be reached in the event of an emergency.
  • Closing: It’s important to close your letter with appreciation for your job and company, and to thank your boss for their consideration.
  • Your name and signature: If you’re handing in a printed letter, add a handwritten signature. If you’re sending an email, simply type in your name.

Sample letters

We’ve put together a few different templates that you could follow when requesting a leave of absence.

For medical leave

Example of a medical leave letter

To care for a sick family member

Example of a caregiver leave request letter

To further your education

Example of an education leave request letter

Holiday request (email)

Example of a holiday leave request letter

Leave for personal reasons

If you want to keep your reason private:

Example of a leave request letter for personal reasons

If you don’t mind sharing your reason for your absence request:

Example of absence request leave for personal reasons

Leave for your wedding

Wedding leave request letter example

Leave of absence letter template

If you need some help getting started with writing your leave of absence request, use our customizable template to simplify the process:

Absence of Leave Template

Get the template

Things to remember

When it’s time to write a leave request and hand it in to your employer, bear in mind the following four points to ensure that the process goes smoothly:

1. Copy in the HR department

Remember to give a copy of your request to the HR department — they’ll need this information for your personal records. They may also be able to assist with your application, as they’ll be involved in finding a temporary replacement depending on the specific circumstances.

2. Review before you send

Be sure to proofread your request before you send it to your employer, ensuring that you have the correct information and dates, and have made valid and clear points.

3. Wait an appropriate amount of time

If you haven’t heard back straight away, don’t panic, and don’t begin to hassle your manager for an answer. Give it some time for the decision makers to deliberate before they get back to you.

4. Prepare a handover

Before leaving your job, you’ll need to think about how your tasks will be handled until you’re able to return to work. Starting as early as you can, prepare a detailed, clearly written document a colleague can refer to when taking over your tasks and projects, outlining the tools and processes you use and your deliverables.

Free checklist

To ensure that you don't forget anything in the process, save this checklist to stay organised. 

Checklist of things you need to do before sending your absence request letter

Key takeaways

Asking for an extended period of time off can be stressful, but remember that you’re legally allowed to do so if you have a valid reason. By following this guide, you’ll ensure that you do it in the most professional and considerate manner.

To summarize:

  • A leave of absence request is a formal letter, and must be well structured, free of errors, have a professional tone and be submitted as early as possible.
  • Leave of absence requests are submitted when employees are met with a big life event, such as the birth or adoption of a child and the need to go on maternity leave.
  • When writing your letter, you must outline your reason for stepping away from the office, how long you’ll be gone for, and how your team might handle your projects in your absence.
  • Check your employee handbook (if you have one) for specific guidelines on what your employer expects from you at this time.

Have you recently requested a leave of absence? If so, let us know how you placed your application in the comments section below.

Originally published on February 13, 2020. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

Workplace Etiquette

Annual Leave

Professional Letters

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How to Request a Leave of Absence From Work

cover letter for leave of absence

What Is a Leave of Absence?

  • Before You Ask for a Leave

How to Request a Leave of Absence

  • Letter Samples Requesting a Leave

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

At some point, you may need to request a leave of absence from work. It could be for one of many reasons: personal or family health problems, the birth or adoption of a child, relief from excessive job stress, the loss of a loved one, the desire to travel or pursue a hobby, or another reason.

Depending on the organization, you may simply be able to ask for time off from work. Or there may be a formal process you need to follow to get approved for a leave of absence. In most cases, a leave of absence is an agreement between an employee and an employer. Depending on the type of leave of absence you take, your benefits may, or may not, continue.

Here's everything you need to know to request leave from work, including example letters to send your boss or human resources department.

Key Takeaways

  • Employers are required by law to provide leave for some reasons. Other leave benefits are covered by company policy or an informal agreement between an employee and an employer.
  • Check your employer’s leave policies before applying so you know what you’re entitled to and how to request a leave.
  • When you request a leave of absence, include the reasons for your request and clarify anything you're willing or able to do to help with the transition.
  • Give your employer as much notice as you can to make scheduling coverage for your absence easier.

What’s a leave of absence, and how does it impact your employment? A leave of absence is an extended period of time off from your job.

Other than for leaves covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act  (FMLA), military duty, jury duty, and some other particular circumstances, federal law does not require your employer to approve your request, nor are they required to provide paid personal leave.

Some cities and states have laws that provide for paid sick or family leave from work. Your employer may provide paid or unpaid leaves of absence to employees under certain circumstances.

Check with your manager, human resources department, or state department of labor for guidelines in your location.

Before You Ask for a Leave From Work

Regardless of why you're asking for a leave of absence, it's important to approach the request properly so you can get the leave approved and maintain your good standing at work:

Casual Workplace

Requesting and obtaining a leave of absence when you work in a casual environment can be as simple as saying to your boss, "I need a leave of absence. Would it be possible to take a leave from work for two months?"

Formal Workplace

In more formal workplaces, you may need to frame your request per company policy. The company may have guidelines for who is eligible for a leave of absence, and when and how often one can be taken.

Know Company Policy

Before submitting a request, be sure to familiarize yourself with your company's policies. You should also have a well-practiced explanation on hand. Be prepared for a variety of responses you might get from your employer, including your request being turned down. Perhaps you can come ready to inquire about other options if a leave is not approved.

Below are some tips for requesting a leave of absence, with examples of letters you can use to get ideas for your own correspondence.

Check Your Eligibility Before You Request Leave

Research your organization's policy regarding leaves of absence and determine whether your situation is addressed under the policy. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • The Family and Medical Leave Act requires employers to provide employees with time off (without pay) for serious family and personal medical conditions requiring care, the birth or adoption of a child (or the placement of a child into foster care with the employee), and emergencies arising from a family member’s active military duty.
  • Some states and local municipalities have legislation that provides for paid sick or family leave.
  • Employees are also entitled to a  leave of absence for jury duty  or if they're called into active military duty.
  • Employers are not, however, required to give you a leave of absence simply because you want one.

Explore Options for Taking a Leave

Before you request a leave, consider how flexible you can be if your employer isn't able to give you the time you requested.

If a partial leave will enable you to meet your goals, explore the feasibility of reducing your hours.  In some cases, a partial leave is preferable for all involved. A part-time proposal may be more acceptable to your employer, and you will maintain some cash flow.

Consider a temporary work-from-home arrangement rather than a full leave.  For example, if you need to care for a sick family member, telecommuting might be ideal. Or perhaps you can work from home four days a week and come in one day for a weekly check-in or meetings. Have a variety of alternatives in mind that you can share if your employer is open to considering other options.

Plan your next steps before submitting your request.  If your employer says no to your leave of absence, will you continue with your job, or will you need to leave permanently? The next steps will vary significantly depending on your reasons for the leave, and if you're filing the request out of want or need. Either way, you should have some idea in mind as to how you'll respond if your request is denied.

Plan your finances before filing your request.  Make sure you can pay your bills without the normal cash flow from your job. You will usually be able to withdraw a request for a leave for financial reasons, but you should avoid the potential embarrassment if possible.

Explore the implications of your benefits.  If you're taking a leave for reasons covered by the FMLA, your employer will be obligated to continue providing health care coverage. However, you will still be responsible for the same employee contribution to the premium you paid before your leave. For other leaves, your employee benefits may not continue while you’re away from work.

The Best Way to Ask for a Leave From Work

Start the leave of absence process with your immediate supervisor.  You don't want your direct supervisor to hear the news from HR or upper management first. Additionally, don't mention your desire to take a leave of absence to co-workers until you clear it with your manager.

Word can spread fast in an office. For the best response, you should talk to your immediate supervisor before broaching the topic with anyone else.

Outline your request in writing so your supervisor can digest your request before a formal discussion.  You can submit your request via email before your in-person meeting. Be sure to include the reasons for your request, and clarify anything you're willing or able to do to ease the transition, including training your replacement, writing a procedure manual, and fielding questions while you're gone.

Schedule a meeting when your boss is the least stressed or overworked. If you ask for a leave of absence when your boss is feeling overwhelmed, he or she may refuse you right away. On a day when things barely seem to be running with all hands on deck, a leave request won’t find a receptive audience. Be tactful and patient. Yes, it’s important to provide as much lead time as possible, but you should also be strategic when presenting your request.

Give your employer as much time as possible before your leave.  Advance notice will make it easier for your employer to fill the void left by your departure and make them more likely to accept your request.

Indicate an end date, if possible, so your supervisor has the comfort of knowing when you'll return.  Your request will likely go over much better if you can provide some idea as to when you'll return. Even if you can't provide an exact date, it's still better to give your employer a general timeframe for how long you expect to be gone.

Don't provide any ultimatums with your initial request.  Let your employer feel that they're in control and can allow you to take the leave out of goodwill. If necessary, you can invoke any legal protection later on with the assistance of your HR department, but legality should not come up in your first request.

Letter Samples Requesting a Leave of Absence From a Job

Below is a leave of absence example letter that includes a written request for a leave of absence from work for personal reasons. The letter offers to answer questions while the employee is on leave and provides a date for returning to work.

You can use this letter sample as a model, download the template  (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), and review more examples below.

The Balance

Leave of Absence Request Sample (Text Version)

George Jenkins 1245 James Avenue Pocatello, ID 83201 (000) 123-1234

May 10, 2024

Ms. Janice Smith Supervisor ABC Company 9876 Industry Avenue Pocatello, ID 83201

Dear Ms. Smith:

I would like to request a 30-day leave of absence for personal reasons. If possible, I would like to leave work on November 1 and return on December 1.

If approved, I will be traveling during this period, but I would be glad to assist with any questions via email or phone.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Signature (hard copy letter)

George Jenkins

Medical Leave of Absence Request Letter Example

Subject: Medical Leave Request - Jonas Hemmingway

Dear Mr. Smith:

I would like to request a leave of absence for medical reasons. I will be having hernia surgery on September 1 and expect to return to work approximately three weeks later.

I can provide written documentation from the surgeon, if necessary.

Jonas Hemmingway

Do employees continue to get employee benefits while on leave?

If an employee with employer-provided health insurance is on leave that is covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act, they can continue group health insurance coverage on the same terms as they had continued to work. Continuation of other benefits depends on company policy and state law.

Are employees paid during a leave of absence from work?

Whether you are paid while on leave depends on the company you work for and state law. Some employers provide paid leave as an employee benefit. Federal law does not require employers to pay employees for time not worked.  Some states and localities mandate paid family, sick, parental, and school leave.

U.S. Department of Labor. " Leave Benefits ."

U.S. Department of Labor. " Family and Medical Leave Act ."

National Conference of State Legislatures. " State Family and Medical Leave Laws ."

Department of Labor. " Leave Benefits ."

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. " Leave Policy Tips ."

U.S. Department of Labor. " Fact Sheet #28A: Employee Protections under the Family and Medical Leave Act ."

U.S. Department of Labor. " Personal Leave ."

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The best guide on how to write a leave of absence letter

Yauhen Zaremba

Yauhen Zaremba Director of Demand Generation at PandaDoc

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At some point in your career, you’ll find yourself in a situation where you’ll need to request a leave of absence from work.

It could be for various reasons, including personal or family health issues, childbirth or adoption, relief from excessive job stress, or the opportunity to explore through travel or pursue a hobby.

PandaDoc has put together a comprehensive guide that will help you write a formal letter requesting a leave of absence while you fully understand the circumstances that allow and support this act.

If you want to jump straight to it, you can use our free time off request form that helps you to customize your time off request form easily with drag-and-drop form fields.

And, if you are in need of other types of forms, check out PandaDoc’s library of online forms templates .

What is a leave of absence?

What exactly is a leave of absence, and how does it affect your job? A leave of absence is an extended period of time when you are not coming to the office/are not working.

If your company is casual or semi-casual, you may be able to just request time off from work, without having to go through any formal protocols.

Alternatively, if your company is formal and follows strict rules, you may need to go through a formal process to be accepted for a leave of absence.

A leave of absence is usually the result of an agreement between an employee and their employer. Your benefits may or may not continue depending on the type of leave of absence you take.

cover letter for leave of absence

Leave of Absence Letter Template

Used 5866 times

This Leave of Absence Letter Template outlines the period away time, and justifications for absence. Fill out, sign, and send in a minute.

Is taking a leave of absence the same as quitting?

No, a “leave of absence” refers to a period of time during which an employee is not working in their current role but remains employed. During this time, employees may be paid and get benefits.

Time off to deliver and bring a child home, for example, is considered a paid or unpaid leave of absence, following which the employee returns to work.

The same is true for protracted medical treatment with no set deadline for returning to work. In essence, it’s an agreement between the employer and the employee that the employee will still have a job after whatever they’re doing away from work is finished or settled.

When you leave an organization, i.e., quit, all links to it are severed, and your income and benefits are terminated. In addition, a leave of absence letter has a different template to a resignation letter as their intents are different in nature.

What reasons are good enough to take a leave of absence?

There are numerous reasons to request an extended leave, including conditions not covered by the FMLA or any other labor legislation.

For instance, some of the most common reasons to submit a formal leave of absence letter are different joyous occasions employees want to celebrate with time off from work.

An employee may, for example, request a leave of absence to take a sabbatical , complete graduate school, or travel abroad for an extended honeymoon.

Believe it or not, some employees use the leave of absence if they are handling a big project, and they need time and focus to write a winning project proposal , a business case study , or something else critical for the firm they are in.

There are also some unhappy reasons why time away from work may be required.

A worker, for example, may need to grieve the loss of a friend or make funeral preparations for a relative.

When these situations don’t come with legal safeguards, your employer’s employee handbook may have procedures in place to help you cope with them.

What are bad reasons to take a leave of absence?

There aren’t many “wrong” reasons to take a leave. Experts suggest that if you ask the right questions, anything from a medical emergency to taking time off due to stress might be considered fair game.

If you’re taking a paid leave of absence and the timing is within your control, it’s probably not a good idea to spend all your money in the process.

Before taking time off, you should ensure that your finances and savings are in good shape.

Of course, there are times when you may be placed on a leave of absence without asking for it.

For example, if an employee is accused of improper behavior, the corporation may place him/her on paid leave while the allegations are examined.

Is the employer legally obliged to grant a leave of absence to an employee?

Except for medical leave of absence (i.e., sick days) covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)*, military leave, jury duty, and some other special circumstances, your employer is not compelled by federal law to approve your request or to grant paid personal leave.

Some towns and states have passed legislation allowing for paid sick leave. Under certain conditions, your company may offer you a paid or unpaid leave of absence.

*FMLA leave should have its own form .

Medical leave of absence request letter sample

Subject: Medical Leave Request – Georga Smith

Dear Mr Johnson,

For medical reasons, I’ would like to request a leave of absence.

I will be having pancreatic tumour removal surgery on February 10 and expect to return to work approximately four to five weeks later.

If necessary, I can provide written documentation from the surgeon.

Thank you for your consideration.

Georga Smith*

*If you are sending a hard copy, sign it by hand. If you are sending the letter in a digital form, use PandaDoc e-signature .

Voluntary and mandatory leaves of absence

There are numerous valid reasons to take a long(er) time off from work. In addition, some types of leave, such as maternity leave and paternity leave, are protected by federal law and fall underpaid time off.

Other leaves of absence, such as a prolonged vacation, may be approved at your employer’s discretion. As a result, it’s critical to understand which type you’re seeking.

What to do before you ask for a leave of absence?

Regardless of why you’re requesting a leave of absence, it’s critical to approach the request appropriately in order to get the leave authorized and keep your job.

Different rules apply to different types of the workplace:

  • Casual workplace : When you work in a casual workplace, requesting and securing a leave of absence might be as simple as telling your supervisor, “I need to take some time off. Is it possible to take a two-month leave of absence from work?”
  • Formal workplace : You may need to formulate your request according to corporate rules in more formal environments. The organization may have policies in place that specify who is eligible for a leave of absence and when and how often you can take them.
  • Learn about the company’s policies : Make sure you’re aware of your company’s policies before making a request and that you’ve researched the employee handbook thoroughly. Read about labor standard rules in your country, too or the country your company is registered in.

You should also be prepared with a well-rehearsed explanation, whether you are requesting a leave of absence due to personal reasons or something else.

What is the best way to ask for a leave of absence?

Here are some suggestions for obtaining a leave of absence, along with sample letters you can use as inspiration for your own letter.

Be sure you’re eligible for a leave of absence

Examine your company’s policy on leaves of absence to see if your scenario is covered by it. Here are a few things to remember:

  • Employers are required by the Family and Medical Leave Act to provide employees with unpaid time off for serious family and personal medical conditions, the birth or adoption of a child, child placement into foster care, as well as emergencies arising from a family member’s active military duty.
  • Some states and local governments have passed legislation allowing for paid sick leave.
  • Employees are also entitled to a leave of absence if they are called to active military duty or if they are called to jury duty.
  • Employers are not obligated to provide you with a leave of absence simply because you request one.

Take a look at your options for taking a vacation

Consider how flexible you can be if your company is unable to provide you with the time you wanted before requesting a leave.

  • If taking a partial break will help you achieve your goals, consider lowering your hours: A partial leave is sometimes the best option for all parties concerned. Your company may be more receptive to a part-time proposal, and you will have greater cash flow.
  • Instead of taking a lengthy absence, consider a short work-from-home arrangement : Telecommuting, for example, may be great if you need to care for a sick family member. Alternatively, you might work from home four days a week and come in for a weekly check-in or meetings on the fifth day. Have a number of ideas and options ready that you can present to your boss if they are willing to consider them.

Leave of absence request letter sample

When putting together your formal absence request, make sure you provide all contact information necessary so your supervisor can contact you if needed.

Also, include your company’s contact information as well, along with the company name, address, phone number, ZIP code, and other relevant information.

Here’s an example of a leave of absence letter.

Melissa Thorn

Oklahoma City, Yukon, ZIP: 73085

(000) 123-4567

[email protected]

December 18, 2021

Mr Edgar Johnson

XYZ Company

1234 Industry Avenue

I would like to request a sixty-day leave of absence for personal reasons. I would like to leave work on February 1 and return on April 1.

I will be traveling during this time and will have limited access to email and phone. However, if my request gets approved, I would be glad to assist with any questions via email or phone whenever I catch a signal.

Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely,

Melissa Thorn*

Before submitting your leave of absence request, plan your next steps

Will you be able to keep your job if your employer refuses your leave of absence, or will you have to resign permanently?

The next steps will differ significantly based on your reasons for the vacation and whether you’re requesting it out of wanting or necessity. In any case, you should have a plan in place for how you’ll react if your request is denied.

Prior to submitting your request, make adequate financial arrangements

Make sure you can pay your bills even if you don’t have a steady stream of income from your employment. You can generally rescind a leave request for financial reasons, but try to minimize embarrassment if at all feasible.

Consider potential consequences that concern your benefits

If you’re on leave for medical reasons, and under the FMLA, your employer is obligated to continue providing health care coverage while you’re away.

You will, however, be accountable for the same employee contribution to the premium that you were responsible for before your leave. Your employment benefits may not continue if you’re on leave for other reasons.

The best way to submit a formal request for a leave of absence from work

Before you officially submit your written request for a leave of absence, take the following tips into consideration:

1. Begin the process of taking a leave of absence with your immediate supervisor

Respect the chain of command, and speak to your supervisor first about taking leave. You don’t want HR or top management to be the ones to inform them you’ve submitted a request.

Also, don’t tell your coworkers about your desire to take a leave of absence until you’ve cleared it with your boss.

2. Outline your request in writing so that your boss can think about it before a formal meeting

Prior to your in-person meeting, you can send your request via email. Include the reasons for your request, as well as anything you’re willing or able to do to help with the transition, such as training your successor, developing a procedure manual, or answering queries while you’re away.

3. Schedule a meeting when your supervisor’s schedule is light

If you request a leave of absence when your supervisor is stressed, they may reject your request immediately. Be patient, diplomatic, and cautious.

Yes, giving as much notice as possible is crucial, but you should also convey your request strategically.

4. Allow as much time as possible for your employer to prepare for your absence

Your employer will be more likely to accept your request if you give them advance notice. This will make it easier for them to make a plan of action amid your departure.

If feasible, include the amount of time you’ll be absent, i.e., an end date to your leave, so your boss knows how to organize things.

If you can give an estimate of when you’ll return, your absence letter request will go over a lot better. Even if you don’t have a certain date in mind, it’s always a good idea to offer your boss a rough estimate of how long you’ll be gone.

5. Don’t include any legal ultimatums

Allow your boss to believe that they are in charge and that you can take the leave as a gesture of goodwill.

Legal protection can be invoked later with the help of your HR department if necessary, but legality should not be a concern in your initial request.

Why is it better to take a leave of absence than quit?

In a nutshell – there are plenty of financial risks and uncertainties that arise from taking a year off. Y

our source of income has dried up, so you’re surviving off your savings.

If you don’t return to work, that money will ultimately run out, and you will be broke. You lessen the chance of running out of money if you already have a job lined up for when you return.

A leave of absence also lets you relax as you know there is a job waiting for you once you are back.

It also eliminates some mental strain that may be interfering with your ability to concentrate on your time off and the purpose behind it.

If, however, you do decide to quit your current job and decide to look for something better, PandaDoc can help you write an effective cover letter to go along with your fresh resume and/or CV .

Before requesting a leave of absence, make sure you understand your worth as an employee. It will help you make your case for taking time off.

Employers are more willing to accommodate leave-of-absence requests from essential team members since they don’t want to lose them as employees.

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Request / Sample Leave of Absence Letters | How to Write (Examples)

Sample Leave of Absence Letters | How to Write (Examples)

As an employee, there may come a point when you may need to take extra time off from work . Whether it is for a personal or health reason, you need to ensure that your request is done in writing. The letter for such a purpose is known as a leave of absence letter from work.

In addition, ensure that you document your plea to make it easier for your employer or manager to understand its purpose. With this letter, you will be able to seek permission to be absent from work and inform your employer of the reasons behind making this request. This will ensure that you maintain your working relationship with your employer.

It is a professional letter. That means that you need to observe the proper format, including the required content, and learn the tips to write an effective letter. With this article, you will have the proper guidance to create a professional leave letter.

What is a Leave of Absence Request?

An absence letter is an official letter that you should write as an employee to request that your employer permit you to leave work or LOA.

The letter should have a brief explanation of why you need the leave and the time you need off. A leave of absence is an extended time off from work taken by employees when they have to deal with certain serious matters. In the case of absence, also known as long-term absence (LOA), this period is usually unpaid unless your employer decides to pay you. This form differs from paid time off (PTO) because it is brief and you typically get paid.  PTO usually consists of sick days or vacations.

Free Templates

Free Leave of Absence Letter Sample 01 for Word File

Reasons for Requesting a LOA from Work

There are different reasons why you, as an employee, can request a leave of absence. Before submitting your letter of request for a leave of absence from work, make sure you ascertain whether the cause is legally protected or covered by the employer’s regulations.

 Some of the reasons include the following:

Family and medical leave act (FMLA)

This type of leave is protected by federal laws, including the ADA and FMLA . The law requires the company to permit you an extended period of leave, usually up to 12 work weeks.

This act allows you to take leave from work for health reasons such as taking care of an ill family member, surgery, ongoing medical issues, trauma caused by an accident, birth or adoption of a child, mental health issues such as depression, etc., or an injury or illness.

Personal leave

Personal leave may involve taking some time off to deal with personal emergencies like death in the family or personal stress. Most companies will permit you a few days off of work to deal with any such personal issues.

Military leave

When it comes to military leave, your employer is required by law to permit you this type of leave. As an employee, you can request this leave if you have a military duty to attend to if you are in the armed forces.

If you have jury duty, your employer must permit you a leave from work. In this case, the company’s policies will regulate your prolonged absence. For instance, the company may decide to use your remaining vacation and personal days to pay you as you take this time off for jury duty.

Extended vacation

In most companies, the set policies will guide such requests for leave. Your employer may or may not permit you to take an extended vacation from your job. They are not required by law to give you this type of voluntary leave. To get this extended vacation, ensure that you are on good terms with your employer by handling and completing all your work correctly.

Short or long-term disability

This form of leave is legally protected, and your employer is required to give you paid time off. Whether you are recovering from surgery or have a broken finger, such a short-term disability guarantees you leave work. You will receive your full salary for the first 14 weeks of your leave, which will reduce to 60 percent of your salary for the next 15 to 26 weeks of leave.

For a long-term disability, your employer must permit you to leave work, which counts from the day your disability started. You will receive 66 percent of your salary, up to $15,000 monthly.

Maternity or paternity leave

As an employee, you can request extended time off work when it comes to the birth of a child. This is known as either maternity or paternity leave and is usually covered by the company’s policy and FMLA. Usually, your employer may permit you a few weeks off of work and pay you during this leave period.

You can request your employer for extended periods off of work if you need to pursue your education or get advanced training relating to your work. As an employee, you need to indicate details about your education leave in the letter.

Usually between two months and two years, a sabbatical leave involves taking time off work to focus on resting, traveling, learning new skills, or even taking a religious journey. In most cases, you will receive payment for only six months if you choose to take an extended sabbatical leave.

Format of the Letter

When it comes to a leave letter, there is a particular format that you need to observe when writing it.

Here is the proper format for writing this type of letter:

  • Ensure that you provide your complete details as an employee. This will include your contact information, name, address, and phone number.
  • The date on which you will submit it should also be included.
  • Ensure you also include your supervisor’s or manager’s name along with their title.
  • Include the name and location of the company. Ensure that you provide proper and correct company details.
  • You will need to include the following details: the salutation or a greeting, which is usually Dear , followed by the recipient’s last name.
  • After the greeting, start the body by including a brief but detailed request and the reason for your request. Ensure that you write this section in the first person and in a polite tone.
  • Finally, add the closing section, which can either be sincere or thank you.
  • For the final part of the letter, you should include your full name and signature.

Groundwork Before Writing

You should be aware of the following pre-considerations and keep them in mind when preparing the absence letter.

Some of these pre-considerations include:

Speak to your boss first

Ensure that you first verbally inform your boss or manager about your need to take a leave from work. A face-to-face conversation will make it easier for your employer to understand why you need this extended time off from work.

You are not obligated to provide every detail during your conversation but ensure you help your manager understand your request. This will improve your chances of having your leave from work approved.

Give as much time as possible

If at all possible, make sure to give your employer adequate notice of your request for a leave. Your employer will need to find somebody to take over your role and responsibilities, which might take time. That is why; it is vital to give your employer as much time as possible before it is time for you to go on your leave.

Know your rights (company’s absence policy)

When it comes to requesting a leave, you need to know your rights before preparing the letter. In addition, you need to understand the company’s policies and the federal laws that govern employees’ leaves. This way, you know how to prepare your letter and whether or not your chances of getting your leave are high or low.

Put it in writing

After you have informed your supervisor about your request, you need to write it for record-keeping and reference purposes, especially for mandated leaves like those involving FMLA. The best way to do this is by writing a leave letter to your employer. You can also send an email in cases when you need a leave for personal reasons. Ensure you send a copy to all the required parties, including your supervisor, HR, co-workers in a project, and colleagues in your department.

Consider any other alternatives

Before requesting it, you can consider other alternatives and negotiate with your employer. For example, depending on your reasons for the leave, you can arrange with your boss to venture into temporary part-time work, flexible hours, work from home, or even telecommuting. This will help you handle your work and still manage your issues.

What Should be Included in a LOA Request?

With the format of writing the absence letter in mind, you also need to know what to include in the letter. As an employee, you need to ensure that your letter is effective by including the following details.

Here is what to include in a letter:

Request for a leave of absence

The first piece of information you need to include in your letter is a leave request. You need to inform your supervisor that you need some extended time off work at the beginning of your letter.

Reason for taking leave

Ensure that you follow the request by including your reason for taking the leave. As much as you need to make your manager understand your reason, ensure that your explanation is brief. You can also include information about where you will be during the leave period.

The dates you expect to be away from work

You also need to include the dates you expect to be away from work. This will include the number of days or the time you will not be available. Ensure you also state when the absence is set to begin and end. This will help them plan how to deal with it at work.

The date you plan to return to work

Ensure that you also clearly inform your manager of the date when you plan to return to work. This will give them enough time to strategize on how best to help you get back to work. In addition, you will need to catch up on the work and projects done. Providing this date is important for your manager, co-workers, and even colleagues.

An offer to provide assistance

You can also offer to assist your supervisor and colleagues, if possible. If you are willing to offer them your help, ensure you provide proper contact details for them to reach you during your leave period. In other cases, you can offer to help your employer during the transition period before you leave work. This can include training, cross-training, or even organizing documents and records.

Finally, be courteous and respectful by thanking your manager or employer for their time and for considering your request from work.

Letter Template

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Department/Team]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Position]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my position as [Your Position] with [Company Name], starting from [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. This leave is requested due to [briefly state the reason, e.g., personal health issues, family obligations, educational pursuits, etc.], which necessitates my full attention during this period.

Details of the Leave Request:

  • Type of Leave: [Specify the type of leave you are requesting, such as medical leave, personal leave, or educational leave.]
  • Duration: The total duration of the leave is [mention the duration, e.g., two weeks, one month, etc.], starting from [Start Date] and planning to return on [End Date].
  • Current Projects and Responsibilities: I have taken steps to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. This includes [briefly outline your plan to manage your work before leave, such as handing over responsibilities, completing tasks, or any other arrangements you’ve made].

Plan for Continuity:

I have discussed my upcoming absence with [Name of the colleague or supervisor taking over], who has agreed to oversee my responsibilities during my leave. We have worked together to ensure that all ongoing projects will continue without interruption, and I am confident that my duties will be in capable hands.

Additionally, I am willing to provide any necessary training or support to my colleagues before my leave to ensure a seamless transition.

Contact Information:

While I intend to fully focus on the reasons necessitating my leave, I will be reachable by [email/phone] for any urgent issues or to assist with a smooth transition. Please feel free to contact me should the need arise.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience my absence may cause and greatly appreciate the company’s understanding and support in this matter. I am committed to resuming my duties on [End Date] and continuing to contribute to the success of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my request. I am hopeful for a favorable response and am available to discuss this further or provide any additional information required.

Warm regards,

[Your Job Title]

[Your Contact Information]

Sample Letters for Leave of Absence

Dear Mr. Freeman,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of a personal health matter that requires immediate and significant medical attention. After recent consultations, my doctors have recommended a course of treatment that necessitates my taking a leave of absence from work. It is with a heavy heart that I must request this leave, understanding the challenges it may present to our team and ongoing projects.

Duration and Details:

  • Start Date: April 1, 20XX
  • Expected Return Date: May 15, 20XX
  • Duration: Approximately 6 weeks

During my absence, I propose the following plan to ensure continuity in the Creative Solutions Department:

  • Project Handover: I have prepared detailed project briefs and status reports for all my current assignments. These documents are designed to provide a seamless transition to any team member who takes over my duties.
  • Point of Contact: I have spoken with Emily Torres, who has kindly agreed to be the primary contact for my projects. Emily and I will spend the next week ensuring she is fully briefed on all aspects of these projects.
  • Availability for Urgent Matters: While my primary focus must be on my health and recovery, I will make myself available via email for any urgent issues that may arise during my absence.

I deeply regret any inconvenience my absence may cause and sincerely appreciate your understanding and support during this challenging time. I am committed to doing everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition and to returning to my role with renewed health and vigor.

Thank you for considering my request for a leave of absence. I am happy to discuss this matter further and provide any additional information or documentation required.

Warmest regards,

Maria Gonzalez

Graphic Designer

Creative Solutions Dept.

[email protected]

(123) 456-7890

Dear Dr. Hsu,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out today with some news that marks a significant milestone in my professional development journey. I’ve been granted a unique opportunity to attend a specialized coding bootcamp focused on the cutting-edge realms of AI and machine learning. This intensive program runs for three months, starting April 15, 20XX, and is hosted in the heart of Silicon Valley.

The prospect of attending this bootcamp is not just a personal achievement but an opportunity I believe will directly benefit our team at TechGenius Software, Inc. The advanced skills and insights gained from this program are directly applicable to our ongoing and future projects, particularly those centered around AI development.

Given the nature of this opportunity, I am submitting a request for a leave of absence, detailed as follows:

  • Leave Period: April 15, 20XX, to July 15, 20XX
  • Objective: Participation in an advanced coding bootcamp

To mitigate the impact of my absence, I propose the following measures:

  • Project Management: I’ve already started preparing comprehensive documentation for my current assignments. This includes progress reports, critical contacts, and next steps, ensuring a smooth handover to designated team members.
  • Weekly Engagement: Despite my full immersion in the bootcamp, I commit to remaining accessible for weekly virtual meetings. This will allow me to stay connected with ongoing projects and provide any necessary support or clarification.
  • Enhanced Contribution Post-Bootcamp: The knowledge and skills I aim to acquire from this bootcamp will significantly enhance my contributions to our team. I’m particularly excited about applying new AI and machine learning techniques to our projects, driving innovation and efficiency.

I fully understand the challenges my temporary departure may pose to our team’s workflow. However, I am dedicated to facilitating a seamless transition and ensuring that my absence does not hinder our progress.

I am keen to discuss this request further and explore the best way forward. Your support in this endeavor means a great deal to me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to enhance my skills in a way that will ultimately benefit our team and projects at TechGenius Software, Inc.

Thank you for considering my leave of absence request. I look forward to your feedback and any additional steps I need to take to formalize this process.

Ethan Clark

Software Engineer, Tech Innovations Team

[email protected]

(321) 654-0987

These sample letters effectively communicate requests for leaves of absence due to personal and professional reasons. They maintain a clear and concise communication style, stating the reason for the leave, start date, expected duration, and proposed plans for continuity. Each letter acknowledges the potential impact on their teams and projects and proposes solutions to mitigate this impact, demonstrating professionalism and responsibility. The writers maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout, expressing gratitude for understanding and support while also showing commitment to fulfilling their responsibilities despite the temporary absence. Additionally, they propose practical measures such as project handovers and designated points of contact to address challenges posed by their leave. Furthermore, each writer expresses openness to further discussion, indicating a willingness to collaborate with supervisors and address any concerns. Overall, these letters effectively convey the writers’ requests for leave while demonstrating professionalism, consideration of others, and commitment to their roles and responsibilities.

Consequences of Not Using a LOA

It is professional suicide to fail to use the letter that is harmful to your employment. to make a formal request to your manager. In addition, even if your supervisor grants you verbal consent to take your leave, there will be no proper record of communication with your co-workers and company executives without this letter.

You may risk termination or even face legal issues if you did not prepare an absence letter and exceeded your paid time off and vacation days. In addition, your company may penalize you since there will be no record to prove that you requested a leave. This falls under the “no call/no show” rule. A penalty, in this case, may include losing your vacation days, losing sick days, and even losing your job position by getting demoted.

Seven Best Practices

You should observe the following tips when writing it:

  • Ensure you observe a professional tone and language as you write your letter. This will show your employer that you are willing to cooperate before and even during your time off.
  • Also, ensure that your request is shared in writing to provide a reference point for both you as the employee and your employer. For instance, you may both need to confirm the agreed-upon dates for the leave, and this letter will facilitate that.
  • Before requesting your leave, ensure that you find out your company’s absence policies. You will be able to determine the length of the leave period and whether it is paid or unpaid, according to them.
  • It is also essential to ask your human resources department or check your company’s employee handbook to understand what is required in your letter and the proper guidelines to follow when requesting a leave of absence.
  • Although it is vital to have this request in writing, it is essential and professional etiquette to first verbally inform or request your manager for the leave.
  • For employees who work in a union, you can ask your union representative about the benefits you can receive during the absence, depending on your reasons for the extended time off work.
  • Ensure that your letter is formal and brief but contains all the details required to improve your chances of getting your leave request approved.

Final Remarks

Needing extra time, apart from the assigned sick days and vacation days, to deal with specific issues is a common occurrence among employees. Therefore, you need to know and understand the proper channel to follow to get this time off work without risking your employment. Ensure that you write a proper and effective letter to your employer, supervisor, or boss requesting leave. You will also need to inform your employer of why you are requesting a leave from work. Be professional, polite, and brief when writing this type of letter. Also, ensure that you deliver it on time and to the required parties based on the federal laws of your state or your company policies.

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William Lehr

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3 Sample Leave Of Absence Letters (And Do’s And Don’ts of Writing)

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Needing time off work happens from time to time, which means you’ll need to write a leave of absence letter request. A well-written letter can increase your chances of being granted a leave of absence and staying on good terms with your supervisor and your team. If you’re in need of a leave of absence, we’ll go over how to request a leave of absence from work, provide some example leave of absence letters, and some common reasons for needing a leave of absence. Key Takeaways: A leave of absence is an extended period of time when you will not be formally working while still maintaining your position at a company. The formal process for requesting a leave of absence involves sending a letter to your supervisor as well as higher management and getting this request approved. You do this for documentation purposes, as well as to clarify your specific needs in your request. Leaves of absence are taken for various reasons, including medical needs, birth or adoption of a child, or other urgent personal needs. In This Article    Skip to section How to request a leave of absence from work Example letters for leave of absence Leave of absence letter template What is the family and medical leave act? Do’s and don’ts for requesting a leave of absence Common reasons to request a leave of absence Leave of absence FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More How to request a leave of absence from work

When requesting a leave of absence from work, be sure you know your company policies and state laws regarding your work absence and then determine how long you are going to be gone. Here is a more detailed list of how to request a leave of absence from work:

Know your company policies and state laws regarding work absences. The first thing you’re going to want to do is check your employee handbook and become familiar with your company’s policies on leaves of absence.

See what the leave benefits are (if there are any). Check whether or not your company will still pay you during this leave and plan accordingly.

Determine the time frame. Your second step is determining how long you will need time off of work.

Keep in mind that you’re going to need to justify each day taken off, and your supervisors are not likely to approve a leave of absence that requests an excessive amount of time off without good reason. If you have a doctor ’s note or other documentation specifying the amount of time you need off, be sure to include that and factor it in.

Meet with your supervisor to discuss your absence. As soon as you determine that you need a leave of absence and the general timeline, meet with your direct supervisor to discuss your request.

Consider your options. After meeting with your supervisor, consider the options you discussed or the available options. You may have the opportunity to temporarily reduce work hours, work from home, or other measures in which you will still be working but with added flexibility for your circumstances .

Create your leave of absence letter. Finally — after considering all of the above steps — you’ll create your formal letter notifying your boss of your leave of absence. Craft this letter for your supervisor and whomever else you are required to notify formally.

Tell your team. After sending your letter, decide with your supervisor how you will inform your colleagues of your absence. You may need to tell them personally, or someone may take care of it for you.

Example letters for leave of absence

Your letters should be sent after meeting and discussing your absence with your direct supervisor, but prior to discussing this absence with your coworkers. Here are some examples of letters for a leave of absence for different scenarios you may encounter:

Leave of absence email request example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Megan Gordon] February 19, 2021 Dear Sharon, I’m writing to request a formal leave of absence from work starting next month due to a recent family emergency. I plan to take this leave from March 8, 2023, through April 2, 2023. I plan to return to work on April 5, 2023. As discussed, this is a tentative date based on my current family circumstances. I will update you with adequate notice if I need to create a plan for returning to work at a later date. In preparation for my leave, I am willing to train my colleagues to complete projects in my absence and communicate with my clients. During my leave, I will be available periodically to answer urgent questions through email or cell phone. Thank you for your assistance in this process and your consideration. Regards, Megan Gordon (618)-219-8705 [email protected]

Medical leave of absence request letter example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Treyvon Moore] June 1, 2021 Dear Ms. King, I am submitting this request for a leave of absence following an upcoming medical procedure on June 26. My doctor requires a recovery period of two weeks, so my leave will begin on June 28 and end on July 9, 2023. I have attached her signed recommendation. As per my doctor’s orders, I will be able to return to work on July 12, 2023. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist in covering my workload during my absence. Thank you for your time and understanding. Best regards, Treyvon Moore (919)-231-8124 [email protected]

Leave of absence for personal reasons request letter example

Subject: [Leave of Absence – Elena Forbes] Dear Mr. Gilbert, I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from my position at XYZ Company from August 31 to September 15, 2023. The reason for this leave is due to personal circumstances that require my immediate attention and presence. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during my absence and minimizing any disruption to the team’s operations. During my absence, I will ensure that all pending tasks are completed or handed over to a designated colleague. I am confident that my colleagues have the expertise to manage any unexpected situations that may arise in my absence. I am also open to being available for consultation via email or phone to address any urgent matters that may require my input. Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Please let me know if there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete in order to finalize this request. Sincerely, Elena Forbes (123) 456-7890 [email protected]

Leave of absence letter template

Here is a template for a leave of absence request that gives an example of how you might format a written letter.

Leave of Absence Written Letter Example

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Your Phone Number] [Other Relevant Contact Information] December 8, 2020 [Your Supervisor’s Name] [Company or Organization] [Company or Organization Address] Dear [Supervisor’s name], This is a formal written request notifying of my intention to take a two-week leave of absence for personal reasons. As discussed in our meeting yesterday, I hope to take this leave from [start date] through [return date] if this is still a timeframe that works for you. I will be able to return to work on [return date]. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in making preparations for my absence. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any further questions. Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time. Sincerely, [4 lines of blank space for a written signature] [Your name]

What is the family and medical leave act?

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal labor law established in 1993. The FMLA’s purpose is to protect employees who have genuine private concerns outside of work that they need to take time off from work. There are several key points to FMLA that you will want to understand when requesting a leave of absence:

Eligibility. The FMLA states that eligible employees must receive an unpaid leave of absence in the event of family reasons (birth, adoption, etc.) or health issues. The FMLA only applies to companies that employ more than 50 individuals, and to employees who have worked at least a year with the company for at least 1,250 hours ( part-time ) over the past year.

What you receive. Note that while companies are not mandated to pay employees who take leaves of absence, these employees’ benefits remain, most importantly their employer-sponsored health insurance. Employees who are approved for a leave of absence under the FMLA must receive the same job they had when they left or a job of similar pay with similar responsibilities.

How many weeks. You can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off out of the year under the FMLA. If you need to take a leave of absence to care for a military service member who’s dealing with a serious medical condition, this time frame is extended to 26 weeks. These weeks don’t have to be taken consecutively, and federal holidays don’t count against your total days taken off through the FMLA.

Other state laws. Some states also have laws that are more generous for employees. For example, in California , employees still receive 60-70% of their average earnings while on a family leave of absence. Be sure to look into your state’s guidelines to learn the exact details.

The FMLA is the absolute minimum that companies of this size must follow. Many organizations choose to offer much more generous leave packages, especially for those leaving for parental leave.

Do’s and don’ts for requesting a leave of absence

When giving your leave of absence letter, you should give plenty of notice and be sure to inform your boss first. Here are some more general rules of thumb when requesting a leave of absence.

DO: Give adequate notice.

DON’T: Wait until the last minute.

Give your supervisors and your team time to plan for your absence by submitting your request as soon as possible.

DO: Communicate with your direct supervisor first.

DON’T: Tell coworkers or clients before your supervisor.

You don’t want your supervisor to feel like you are keeping secrets, as this can erode trust. So be sure to tell her of your plans before you tell others.

DO: Offer gratitude and further assistance.

DON’T: Make the details of your departure unclear.

Try to let your team know explicitly how you can help in preparation for and during your absence. Be helpful to others in whatever capacity you are able, as your absence may increase their workload.

Common reasons to request a leave of absence

Having a new child, medical reasons, or a death in the family are some of the most common reasons to request a leave of absence. Some more common reasons to request a leave of absence outside of normal PTO include:

New child. Maternity and paternity leave are the most common reasons why employees take extended leaves of absence. Different companies might have different policies, but the FMLA covers the bare minimum requirements for coverage (more on that below).

Medical reasons. When you need to get surgery or treat a condition, you probably won’t be able to continue with your normal occupation for a little while. The FMLA also covers these reasons, including if the medical issue is with a family member that you’re caring for full-time.

Education. Choosing to go back to school is a legitimate reason to request a leave of absence, but it’s best to talk to your supervisor about your goals and get on the same page about how your education will help you do more at work.

Death in the family. Employers won’t always make you take PTO days when you suddenly need to attend a funeral or deal with a death in the family.

Military. People in the Army Reserve should be forthcoming when taking a job, but most employers are happy to have armed service members working for them. These leaves of absence may also be taken for family members who need time off for military reasons.

Jury duty. It can happen to any over the age of 18. When this happens and you are picked to be a part of a jury, depending on the court case, you could be out of work for a couple of weeks. When this happens you need to let your employer know.

Leave of absence FAQs

What does it mean to take a leave of absence?

A leave of absence is an extended period of time off from work that is due to circumstances not covered by PTO or sick days. A leave of absence is usually longer than what either your PTO or sick days would cover. It is usually the result of out-of-the-ordinary circumstances such as childbirth, death in the family, or medical reasons.

Is a leave of absence better than quitting?

Yes, a leave of absence is better than quitting. If you know you will want to return to your job, or even if you don’t know, but you consider it a possibility, then a leave of absence is a good choice. Quitting your job is final, which will make your professional circumstances much harder down the line.

How do you ask for a leave of absence?

To ask for a leave of absence:

Research your company’s leave of absence policy

Determine your reasons and time frame

Meet with your supervisor

Consider your options

Draft a leave of absence letter

Inform your coworkers

These steps ensure you ask for leave of absence in a professional, thought-out manner.

Can an employer refuse to give you unpaid leave?

Yes, an employer can refuse to give you unpaid leave depending on your reasons and company policy. If your reasons are not covered by FMLA or some other state or Federal law, then it is up to the discretion of your employer to decide what type of unpaid leave is appropriate. That is why it is important for you to look into company policy before you ask for a leave of absence.

What are some reasons for taking a leave of absence from work?

Having a child, caring for a sick family member, or pursuing your education are some common reasons for a leave of absence. Having a medical emergency, a death in the family, and jury duty are other common reasons for needing a leave of absence.

U.S. Department of Labor – Family and Medical Leave Act

Office of Personnel Management – Fact Sheet: Family and Medical Leave

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Roger Raber has been a content writer at Zippia for over a year and has authored several hundred articles. Having retired after 28 years of teaching writing and research at both the high school and college levels, Roger enjoys providing career details that help inform people who are curious about a new job or career. Roger holds a BA in English from Cleveland State University and a MA from Marygrove college.

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How to write a leave of absence letter (plus template)

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What is a leave of absence?

When should i take personal leave, how to write a personal leave letter.

Letter templates

Planning ahead

Every workday, you show up and do your best. But sometimes, your work-life balance feels unmanageable, and your best starts to fall below your regular. It’s hard to perform at 100% all the time.

Eventually, things may begin to feel truly overwhelming, and you’ll find you're losing focus and control.  

When you’re really struggling, you may need to take time away from work to recover. And that’s OK. If that’s relatable — or sounds like it will be soon —  it's important to learn how to write a letter explaining your personal reason for leave to your boss. It’s best to be prepared. Your mental and physical health may depend on it later.

Writing a leave application letter can be a source of stress in itself. It’s a personal letter, but how formal should it be? Do you have to go into lots of detail, or can you maintain your privacy? 

Don't let these unknowns stop you from putting in a leave request. In 2021, 3,200 American full-time workers took a leave of absence from work. It's perfectly common, so don't hesitate to take advantage of this option. And remember that it’s not a failure: taking steps to care for yourself is always a victory.

Don’t worry — if you've never written a leave of absence letter, you're in good hands. We’ll guide you through writing the perfect leave of absence letter so you don’t have to struggle and stress when you’re not feeling your best. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive in.

A leave of absence is when you take time off to handle a personal matter. Sometimes these matters are unexpected, like a sudden illness. Other times, you see them coming, like needing time to move a parent into a retirement home. 

These absences span a period of time — sometimes fixed, sometimes not — when you're away from your work responsibilities to dedicate more focus to your personal life. Think of it like a sabbatical where you spend time away from work to care for yourself. 

Depending on the matter, you might only need a week to feel better or resolve a situation. Your employer might be able to offer you sick days or PTO to cover this break.

But if the matter you need to attend to will take longer than a few days, you’ll need a true personal leave. A leave of absence grants you more time off than a string of sick days without leaving your job . You'll return to work eventually, but you need more time than the standard employment agreement offers.

Personal leave of absence reasons include:

  • Experiencing a medical condition that makes you chronically ill or in pain
  • Having a baby and taking maternity leave
  • Address mental health issues or mental illness
  • Supporting a loved one or family member in need
  • Undergoing major life changes like moving cities or getting married 

When you submit your leave request, make sure you document everything. If you had a conversation with your HR manager and worked out all the details, remember to follow up with an email so you have a written record of the conversation. It’s uncomfortable to ask , but having your request in words is handy should you need to reference it down the road.

It’s normal to be worried your personal circumstances won’t be enough to convince your employer to grant you a leave of absence. Not to worry — that's why the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) exists. 

The FMLA is a law that provides employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave each year. During that time, your health benefits are maintained and you can take time off without fear of losing your job. 

Here are the situations in which you can take an FMLA leave of absence:

  • The birth of your child and caring for them
  • Adopting or fostering a child
  • Taking care of an immediate family member with a serious health condition
  • Taking medical leave to address your own health condition

For example, if you have a spouse dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder , the FMLA would support your decision to care for them from home. If your child is experiencing burnout from work that has resulted in an intense episode of mental illness, the FMLA grants you a period of time to care for your child while they need you.


Sometimes, your leave of absence letter for personal reasons won’t meet the FMLA guidelines. These circumstances require a voluntary leave of absence, which means your job and benefits aren’t protected.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t request the leave — in many cases, your boss will be compassionate about your needs. They might offer to protect your position, even though the law doesn’t require it. 

Here are a few examples of voluntary leave:

  • Continuing your education
  • Taking a break to travel
  • Relocating to a new home
  • Mourning the loss of a loved one

A leave request letter goes to your HR manager or boss, so it should be formal and professional. Because your letter describes personal circumstances, strive to be clear and concise.

Give enough details to justify your request, but only disclose what’s comfortable and necessary. For example, if you’re undergoing cancer treatment and don’t want to bring that part of your life to work, you can simply say you’re undergoing medical treatment that requires you to stay home. 

Another thing to keep in mind is timing. Ideally, your letter should be sent in advance of when you'd like to have your time off. Sending your letter with two days' notice isn't always enough time for your employer to cover your responsibilities and make an effective plan for your time away.

Giving ample heads-up means you're being courteous to your team. But emergencies happen, so try to cooperate while navigating the terms of your leave.


Here are five things to include in your leave application letter:

1. How much time you require off

This seems like a no-brainer, but you shouldn’t forget this key piece of information: how much time you need. Perhaps you only need to request six weeks off, or maybe you'd like to take the full 12. That's a big difference.

Explaining how much time you'd like off will better prepare your workplace for your absence. It also gives your boss some perspective on how the rest of the workplace will be impacted.

2. The start and end date of your leave

Besides how long you'd like your leave to be, you need to give exact dates and times. A concrete start date acknowledges when your time away will begin. An end date will also let your employer know when they can expect your return, so they know when to start scheduling work for you.

Setting a timeline also holds you accountable. You'll know when you should push work from your mind and when it's time to get back into the zone.

3. The reason you're requesting leave

Personal circumstances are exactly that: personal. But your boss will need to know, in general terms, why you're writing a leave application. If it's difficult to talk about, know that you can describe your reason for requesting terms within your boundaries. 

Keep in mind that this letter is private — the rest of your coworkers won’t be taking a peek. So try to describe your circumstance succinctly, but don’t feel pressured to describe every little detail.

4. Contact information and a plan

You're going to be missing some work. Do you have any solutions planned so your workplace doesn't fall behind? Provide some suggestions about how someone could manage your work while you're away and highlight any resources the team might need for a smooth transition. 

If you have the capacity to answer messages while you’re away, share your contact information with your manager (if they don’t already have it). Provide an emergency contact, like a family member or friend, too.

If you’re not up for helping out, no problem. During your leave of absence, you’re entitled to your rest. Any emails you answer are a favor, not an obligation.

5. A thank you

Save room for a thank you to close out your absence letter. Politely thanking your employer for considering your letter and taking the time to find a solution shows you're grateful for their support.

Letter templates 

You're ready to ask for time off , but how do you start your letter? Sometimes you need a little inspiration to start your writing. That’s where templates come in. 

Every letter of request looks different, so copy-pasting a template will only get you so far. But using a template as a jumping-off point and making the words your own is a straightforward way to pen a letter with confidence. 


Here are two sample leave letters for personal reasons:

[Your name]

[Your address]

[Your supervisor’s name]

[Organization name]

Dear [name of your supervisor],

I would like to request a leave of absence. My spouse is on sick leave, and they require my care while they regain their strength. If possible, I'd like my absence start date to be March 1 and my end date to be June 1. 

If my request is approved, I'll be reachable via email or Slack if you need me. I was talking with [coworker’s name], and they think they’ll be able to take on some of my responsibilities while I’m away. I'd be happy to chat more about how to make this temporary transition as smooth as possible.

Thank you for considering my leave of absence request. As you know, family is very important to me, and I'd be grateful for the time to support my spouse.

All the best,

I would like to formally request a six-week leave of absence. I'm requesting medical leave after an operation. I'd like my absence start date to be July 1, making August 12 the end date. My doctor has asked that I take it easy so my body can heal properly, requiring me to spend a few weeks on bed rest. 

If my request is approved, I won't be able to come into the office. However, I’ll be reachable via email, Slack, and video call if necessary. I'm very willing to chat about how we can work this out with minimal inconvenience to you and my coworkers. If you'd like to discuss this more, my phone number is [your number].

Thank you for considering my leave application.


When it’s a personal reason, leave requests can be overwhelming. Taking the initiative to learn how to write a strong leave of absence letter will help you in the long run.

Your leave request letter could make a big difference in your life. Research has found that having flexibility at work is something workers value the most . Flexibility at work helps with job engagement, job satisfaction, and overall happiness. If taking a leave of absence will make your life a run bit smoother, resulting in less stress and leaving you with fewer regrets, why not take it? 

Life isn't all about work. Don't forget to make time for yourself and your health. 

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Maggie Wooll, MBA

Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

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Leave of Absence Letters

43 free leave of absence letters (work & school).

When we encounter an emergency, you may need to skip work to deal with it. Such a situation may involve accidents, illnesses, deaths, and more. As such, you would have to write a leave of absence letter to notify your employer of your predicament. This is a formal letter which documents your reason for requesting a leave.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Leave of Absence Letters
  • 2 When do you need a leave of absence letter?
  • 3 Letters Of Absence From Work
  • 4 How long can you take a leave from work?
  • 5 Leave Of Absence Forms
  • 6 Paid and unpaid leave
  • 7 Leave Of Absence Letter Samples
  • 8 What to include in your leave of absence letter?
  • 9 How do I write a leave of absence letter?
  • 10 Leave Of Absence Letters For School
  • 11 What is a good reason for leave of absence?

Free leave of absence letter 01

When do you need a leave of absence letter?

In a letter of absence from work, you request for days off to attend to personal matters. These days aren’t covered by personal days and sick days granted by your company. It is always a good policy to complete a formal leave of absence form that notifies your employer of your situation.

But before you request a leave of absence, you must first find out whether the time off gets honored according to the federal and state laws or your employee handbook . The laws governing the request for leaves of absences like the FMLA and ADA have specific requirements.

In some cases, you might need to meet specific criteria along with your leave of absence letter. Here are some situations where you might need to create such letter sample:

  • If you have jury duty, your company must accept your letter of absence from work without prejudice to your employment.
  • Many companies have their own protocols when dealing with extended absences. For instance, one company may offer the use of existing personal days and vacation days allowing for the maximum amount of time-off with pay.
  • There could be instances when your situation isn’t covered under the law or by your company’s policies. Nevertheless, it’s still worth a try to formally request a leave of absence. Your company might not be legally obligated to grant your request but doing so could in the long run still be to its benefit.

Letters Of Absence From Work

Free leave of absence letter 10

How long can you take a leave from work?

When it concerns small or medium-sized businesses, the thought of an employee leaving for a prolonged period of time could be very daunting, whether unpaid or paid. Just the need to cover for the employee’s workload could already be very challenging.

The maximum allowable amount of time for leave depends on each individual situation. Some requests for leave may have regulatory requirements while others don’t. The company has to determine how to balance its business interests with the leave requests of employees .

Leave Of Absence Forms

Free leave of absence letter 20

Paid and unpaid leave

Many businesses know the importance of time off . Their employees are human and they need a break from work every now and then. Balancing work and life is essential to the wellness of employees to be able to retain their retention and productivity.

How the company can afford to allow employees to take leaves without or with pay depends on the reasons of the employee, the pressure on the company, and other factors. Whatever reason you have in your leave of absence letter, the company should have in place a policy for it.

This ensures that any time they deny or grant the employee, the decision will have to remain consistent with all of the employees. Discrimination can factor in if the company grants leave to one employee and not to another. Decisions should always remain fair and consistent.

When it comes to retaining employees, the granting of paid and unpaid leaves can be a valuable tool for retention and engagement. Employee leaves may cost the company some dollars and the absence could be a disruption to operations. But employers know better because these expenses are only short-term. Granting a couple of weeks or a month’s leave could mean keeping a high-value employee for years to come.

Leave Of Absence Letter Samples

Free leave of absence letter 30

What to include in your leave of absence letter?

When you enjoy work at your present employment, you should write a letter of absence from work or accomplish a leave of absence form instead of resigning your position if you need to take some time off. Employers are well-informed of the best employees in the company.

So even if your employer isn’t legally obligated to grant you leave or that the company rules don’t provide for family and personal leaves, you could still work out a compromise or an agreement with your employer. When writing your leave of absence letter sample, include the following essential information:

  • Begin the letter by indicating the amount of time you plan to take off, when the leave would start, and when you plan to go back to work.
  • Give a short explanation of your reasons for taking time off.
  • If you can still offer assistance while on leave, provide the company with a way to contact you while you’re not around.

How do I write a leave of absence letter?

Whatever the reason for your leave of absence letter for school or letter of absence from work, it can be a nerve-wracking and tricky situation. If you really need time off, whether it be for personal reasons, illness or to further your education, you have to act on it as soon as possible. Here are some pointers you may want to consider to make your leave of absence easier for yourself and your company:

  • Submit your letter as early as possible For instance, if a close family member has a terminal disease, inform your employer of this fact beforehand about your plan to take time off should your relation pass away. Or if you’re scheduled to undergo an operation, let your employer know about it before the surgery takes place.
  • Give your employer a word of warning first before submitting your letter Talk to your employer about your plans to take some time off before sending the leave of absence letter. The best way to do this is face-to-face and in private. Send an email and ask for a short meeting about a personal matter. After the meeting, then send the letter to make your leave official.
  • Be as specific as possible A leave of absence carries a sense of urgency. Make the contents of your letter as honest as possible. Be open and transparent about your reasons for the time off. In cases where you’re writing a leave of absence letter for school, explain why you need to take time off too. If your reason is because of illness or to take care of a sick member of the family, state this. However, there is no need to go into detail if you feel uncomfortable doing so.
  • Have a discussion about who will handle your responsibilities while you’re away Make a plan on how to delegate your workload among your co-workers during your hiatus. The plan of action assigns your team members to continue your duties while you’re out of the office.
  • Consider alternatives If you can work remotely during your leave of absence, let your employer know. This benefits you and your employer as you would still earn your salary and your work still continues. This also means there would be no need to hire a temporary replacement to take over your chores.
  • Provide a copy to the HR Department This is Standard Operational Procedure . Don’t forget to furnish the HR Department with a copy of your letter as this information becomes part of your employee records. Moreover, HR can help you with your request when you involve them. This is especially important if they need to find a temporary replacement for you.
  • Review your letter before submitting Proofread the letter before sending to your employer. This ensures that you’re sending the correct details, dates, and you’ve made valid points.
  • Wait for a response within an appropriate time frame You need to wait for feedback from your employer. If there has been no response, don’t panic. Don’t hassle your employer for a reply either. Give it some time as your employer may still be in the process of deliberating your request before they finally give you an answer.

Leave Of Absence Letters For School

Free leave of absence letter 40

What is a good reason for leave of absence?

There are several reasons why you would write a leave of absence letter. The law covers some of these while your company may cover other reasons. Here is a list of the most common reasons why you would formally request a leave of absence:

  • Childbirth Generally, paternity and maternity leaves fall under the company’s policy and the FMLA. Your company may allow this with pay for a determined number of weeks.
  • Death in your family Many companies allow employees to take extended leaves when there is a death in the family .
  • Military Duty Most companies cover military leaves of absences. This may include employees who are part of the military and their family members.
  • Health Reasons This may include employees who need surgery, have ongoing medical conditions , trauma, mental health issues, and so on.
  • Education In some cases, employees request leave of absence to pursue advanced education or training.
  • To take care of sick family members In some cases, employees need to care for members of the family who suffer from an illness or injury.

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Home Employee Leave of Absence Letter

Leave of Absence Letter Template

Use our leave of absence letter template to request an extended leave from work.

leave of absence letter template

Updated July 31, 2024 Written by Sara Hostelley | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

A leave of absence letter is a formal letter from an employee to a supervisor requesting a leave of absence from work. It’s an essential document when an employee requires time away from their job, as it provides a written record of the notice they give their company in advance of their impending leave of absence.

While you, as an employee, can explain your situation in person, a written letter documents the reason for the request and offers a reference point for later.

The letter can be forwarded to other executives within the company rather than relying on a manager to explain the situation. From a legal standpoint, this formal letter also records your request if your case falls under situations protected by law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act  (ADA) or the  Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Most Common Uses for a Leave of Absence Letter

How to request a personal leave of absence, what to include in your leave of absence letter, time off request form vs. leave of absence letter, example leave of absence letter, sample leave of absence letter, related forms.

These are a few of the most common reasons why people request a formal leave of absence:

  • Birth of a Child.  Maternity and paternity leave are often covered under company policy and the FMLA. Your company may allow for a set number of paid weeks off.
  • Death in the Family.  Many companies offer extended days off when a family member passes away.
  • Military Duty/Family Member. If an employee or their spouse needs to complete service as required by the armed forces, the employee may qualify for a leave of absence.
  • Health Reasons. Health reasons might include surgery, a medical emergency, an ongoing medical issue, mental health issues, or trauma from an accident.
  • Education. In some scenarios, employees will request a leave of absence to pursue advanced career training.
  • Family Reasons . An employee may take time to attend to a relative with a serious illness or injury.
  • Jury Duty: Employees summoned to jury duty may need an extended period away from work.

When submitting a formal leave of absence letter for time off not covered by sick or personal days, please follow company policy and any applicable legal requirements per the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Here’s how to request a leave of absence for personal reasons:

Step 1 – Determine How Long You Need

Determine when you’d like your leave to begin and how long you need it to last. Consider how your absence could affect your team’s productivity and workflow. If possible, adjust your departure date to lessen the impact on your team.

Step 2 – Review Your Company’s Policies

Read through your company’s handbook to understand its policies on personal leaves of absence. Determine if you will receive paid or unpaid leave. In some instances, you may receive a portion of your salary or wage while you’re gone.

Please ask your supervisor or an HR personnel member for clarification if necessary.

Step 3 – Write Your Absence Request

Write your request in letter format. Provide a reason for your request for an extended period of time off. Only share the information that you’re comfortable with. Offer a proposed start and end date for your leave.

State how you’ll be available, if applicable, while you’re away. If you won’t be able to respond to phone calls and emails or meet in person, specify this condition in your letter.

Step 4 – Follow Up

Prepare to discuss your request in person with your supervisor or whoever must approve the request. If your situation allows for it, be open to adjusting the terms of your leave so that you can increase your chances of receiving approval.

Read more about taking a leave of absence to facilitate a successful request.

Include the following elements in your letter:

  • The Date.  Write the date at the top of your letter.
  • Your Information. Include your name, title or position, home address, email, and phone number.
  • Your Manager’s Information. This information shows to whom you’re making the request and lets you properly address the individual.
  • The Reason for the Request. Briefly explain why you want the leave of absence.
  • The Dates of Your Proposed Absence.  Include the exact dates you desire to be away.

If you discuss the request with your supervisor before writing your letter, you should reference the discussion date in the body of your letter to promote greater clarity.

Many employees write the majority of their correspondence through email. It’s acceptable to send this letter through email and keep the electronic verification of its receipt.

While some people may use the terms “ time-off request form ” and “leave of absence letter” interchangeably, they have distinct differences to be aware of:

For short-term absences (sick days, vacation days, PTO)For longer-term absences (sabbaticals, family leave, medical leave)
The time off granted ranges from a few hours to a few days (sometimes weeks)The time off granted ranges from several weeks to months
Usually less complex; only requires approval from one managerUsually more intricate; may require additional documentation and approval from multiple parties
Less formal (can be submitted as a short email or request form)More formal (includes a detailed letter with supporting documentation)
Includes minimal information, such as the requested time offIncludes more in-depth information, such as the reason for the absence and coverage arrangements
Requires notifying just a supervisor or managerMay require notifying HR and other departments (depending on the reason for the leave)

Here is an example leave of absence letter for an employee requesting a leave of absence to take care of his wife:

July 31, 2024

Gregory and Smith Accounting 313 Oak St., Minneapolis, MN

Dear Mr. Fields,

Please accept this letter as my formal request for a leave of absence. My leave is due to the need to care for my wife, who will be recovering from a total knee replacement surgery.

I am requesting two weeks of leave, from August 9, 2024, to August 23, 2024.

If my leave of absence is approved, I will be available to assist with any questions by phone or email.

Please let me know if you have any questions and an appropriate time for us to discuss the terms of my leave of absence.

Sincerely, Michael Marin

Download a leave of absence letter template in PDF or Word format below:

leave of absence letter template

Leave of Absence Agreement

If the leave of absence is approved, it is recommended for the parties to outline the terms of the leave in a leave of absence agreement.

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How To Write a Leave of Absence Letter (Templates)

How To Write a Leave of Absence Letter (Templates)

A leave of absence letter is a powerful tool that can grant you the time you need for various reasons, personal matters, medical issues, or burnout recovery . In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what a leave of absence is, how to craft a leave of absence, and provide you with valuable examples and templates.

Table of Contents

What is a leave of absence, how to write a leave of absence letter.

  • Dos and Don’ts for Making a Leave of Absence Request

Email of Absence Letter Templates

Example leave of absence request letters, frequently asked questions.

A leave of absence (LOA) is a temporary period during which an individual is permitted to be away from their workplace or educational institution. LOAs can serve multiple purposes, including addressing personal needs and health concerns or taking time to recover.

Writing a leave of absence letter is a critical step in the process to ensure that the request is clear, formal, and well-documented. Let’s break down the steps to create a leave of absence letter:

Familiarize Yourself with Your Employer’s Leave of Absence Policy Begin by thoroughly reviewing your organization’s leave of absence policy. Understanding your rights, responsibilities, and available options is essential when navigating the leave request process.

Calculate the Estimated Duration of Your Leave of Absence. Decide on the duration of your leave. Be realistic and considerate of your specific circumstances, whether for a few days, weeks, or extended periods.

Arrange a One-on-One Meeting with Your Immediate Supervisor Initiating a conversation with your supervisor is a crucial step. Discuss your intention to take a leave of absence, allowing both parties to address any concerns, clarify expectations, and explore potential alternatives.

Put Your Request in Writing Compose a formal leave of absence letter that includes details such as the reason for the leave, proposed start and end dates, and any supporting documents required by your organization.

Consider Whether There Are Any Alternatives Consider whether there are alternative solutions that might meet your needs without the need for a full leave before finalizing your leave request. Flexibility in work arrangements or reduced hours could be potential options.

Communicate Your Leave of Absence Submit your written request to your HR department or the designated personnel responsible for leave requests. Ensure that you maintain open lines of communication throughout the process.

Dos and Don’ts for Making a Leave of Absence Request:

  • Give adequate notice
  • Provide genuine reasons
  • Follow the leave policies of the organization.


  • Leave your employer in the dark
  • Provide vague information
  • Disregard established procedures.

When crafting a leave of absence letter, having a well-structured template for your leave letter can significantly simplify the process. Here are three carefully designed templates for different types of leave requests:

Template 1: Medical Leave of Absence Request

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Department] [Date]

[Supervisor Name] [Supervisor Position] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Dear [Supervisor Name],

I am composing this letter to formally request a medical leave of absence, which I anticipate needing from [Start Date] to [End Date]. My physician has advised this leave to address a [briefly describe the medical condition]. I understand and fully comply with [Company Name] leave of absence policies and procedures.

During my absence, I will ensure that my responsibilities are properly delegated, and I am committed to providing any necessary documentation to support this request. I believe that this time off will allow me to recover and return to work in good health.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and working with you to ensure a smooth transition during my leave.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Personal Leave of Absence Request

I am writing to formally request a personal leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This leave is necessary to attend to [briefly explain the personal matter, e.g., family obligations, educational pursuits, etc.]. I understand and respect [Company Name]’s policies regarding leaves of absence.

During my absence, I will ensure that my workload is managed efficiently, and I am committed to providing any necessary assistance in the transition. I believe that this leave will allow me to address the personal matter effectively and return to work with renewed focus.

I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any details or arrangements.

Template 3: Burnout Recovery Leave of Absence Request

[Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Position] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] to address burnout-related issues. I understand the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and appreciate [Company Name]’s commitment to employee well-being.

During my absence, I will ensure that my responsibilities are handled by [mention the colleague or team member who will cover for you]. I believe that this time off will provide me with the opportunity to recuperate, recharge, and return to work as a more productive and engaged team member.

I value my role at [Company Name] and am committed to facilitating a smooth transition during my leave. I look forward to your positive response and any necessary discussions.

Certainly, here are three examples of leave of absence request letters, each tailored to different situations. These examples can serve as templates and be customized to suit your specific needs.

Example 1: Medical Leave of Absence Request Letter

I am writing to formally request a medical leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date]. My treating physician has diagnosed me with [mention the medical condition], and they have advised that I take this leave to focus on my recovery.

I understand and fully respect [Company Name]’s policies regarding leaves of absence, and I am committed to adhering to all necessary procedures during this time. I have attached the medical documentation outlining my condition and the recommended leave duration for your reference.

During my absence, I will ensure that my responsibilities are transitioned smoothly to my colleague, [Colleague’s Name], who has kindly agreed to cover for me during this period. I will be reachable via email for any urgent matters that may require my attention.

I value my role at [Company Name] and am dedicated to returning to work in the best possible condition to contribute effectively to the team. Your comprehension and backing regarding this matter are sincerely valued.

Please let me know if there are any additional details or steps required on my part to facilitate a smooth leave of absence process.

Example 2: Personal Leave of Absence Request Letter

I am writing to request a personal leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date]. The reason for this leave is [briefly explain the personal matter, e.g., attending a family wedding, pursuing higher education, etc.], which I consider important and necessary at this time.

I understand the policies and procedures regarding leaves of absence at [Company Name] and assure you that I will follow them diligently. I am more than willing to assist in the transition process, and I have discussed this with my colleague, [Colleague’s Name], who has kindly agreed to cover for me during my absence.

During my leave, I will be accessible via email should any urgent matters arise. I trust that my responsibilities will be well managed by [Colleague’s Name].

I’m grateful for your understanding and support as you evaluate my request. Please let me know if there are any additional steps or information required to process my leave effectively.

I would like to express my gratitude for your attention to this issue.

Example 3: Burnout Recovery Leave of Absence Request Letter

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] to address burnout-related concerns. I deeply appreciate [Company Name]’s commitment to employee well-being and believe that this leave will help me rejuvenate and return to work as a more productive and engaged team member.

During my absence, I have made arrangements with my colleague, [Colleague’s Name], who will oversee my responsibilities to ensure a seamless workflow in my absence. I am confident that my team will continue to excel during my leave, and I will be reachable via email should any urgent matters require my attention.

I am dedicated to facilitating a smooth transition during my leave and returning to work with a fresh perspective. Your understanding and support are invaluable to me, and I would appreciate any guidance or steps required to formalize this request.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your positive response.

These examples should provide you with a solid foundation for crafting your leave of absence request letter. Remember to tailor the letter to your specific situation, including the reason for your leave and any details required by your organization.

  • What is the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and how does it apply to LOAs? U.S. federal law includes the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) which entitles eligible employees to unpaid, job-protected leave for specific family and medical reasons. It applies to qualified employers and employees. To determine your eligibility and understand how FMLA may apply to your leave of absence, consult your HR department or legal counsel.
  • When is the right time to consider taking personal leave? Personal leave is a flexible option that can be considered for various reasons, including family events, educational pursuits, or personal development. The right time to take personal leave depends on your circumstances and the specific need for the leave. It’s essential to discuss your intentions with your supervisor and follow your company’s policies when requesting personal leave.
  • How does a leave of absence affect my benefits and compensation? The impact of a leave of absence on your benefits and compensation varies depending on your employer’s policies, the type of leave, and your specific situation. Generally, some benefits may continue during an approved leave, such as health insurance, while others, like paid time off, may not accrue during your absence. It’s crucial to review your company’s leave policies and communicate with your HR department to understand the implications for your benefits and compensation during your leave. If you have any further questions or concerns about requesting a leave of absence, do not hesitate to reach out to your HR department for guidance and support. Your well-being is important.

In conclusion, these templates, examples, and FAQs aim to assist you in navigating the process of requesting a leave of absence effectively. Crafting a well-structured leave of absence letter and understanding relevant policies can ensure a smooth transition during your time away from work.

Take the initiative to create your leave of absence letter today and address your specific needs with confidence.

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Letter Draft

Leave of Absence Letter to Clients

A leave of absence letter to clients is a formal notification informing them of your temporary unavailability. Its purpose is to manage client expectations and ensure they are aware of who will handle their needs in your absence. Clear communication helps maintain professional relationships and smooth operations.

In this article, we will provide various templates and examples of leave of absence letters for clients. These samples are designed to simplify the process of crafting your own letter, making it easier for you to communicate your absence effectively.

Our goal is to make your task easier by offering ready-to-use templates. With these examples, you can quickly write a professional and informative letter to your clients, ensuring they are well-informed and your absence is managed smoothly.

Sample of a Leave of Absence Letter to Clients

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[Client’s Name] [Client’s Position] [Client’s Company] [Client’s Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Client’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I will be on leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, I will be unavailable to handle our ongoing projects and communications.

To ensure that your needs are met while I am away, [Colleague’s Name] will be your primary point of contact. [He/She/They] is fully briefed on our current work and will be able to assist you with any inquiries or issues that arise. Please feel free to reach out to [Colleague’s Name] at [Colleague’s Email Address] or [Colleague’s Phone Number].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I will respond to your messages as soon as possible upon my return.

Best regards, [Your Name]

How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter to Clients

Understand the purpose of a leave of absence letter to clients.

A leave of absence letter to clients is a crucial communication tool for informing clients about your temporary unavailability. Its primary purpose is to manage client expectations and ensure they know who will handle their needs while you are away. This letter maintains professional relationships and prevents any disruption in service.

Choose the Appropriate Timing for Your Notification

Send your leave of absence letter well in advance of your departure. Ideally, notify your clients at least a few weeks before your leave begins. Early notification allows clients to adjust their expectations and plan accordingly, which helps in maintaining smooth operations.

Clearly State Your Absence Dates

Be explicit about the dates of your absence. For example, “I will be out of the office from [Start Date] to [End Date].” Clear dates prevent misunderstandings and ensure clients know exactly when you will be unavailable. This clarity is essential for effective planning.

Provide a Brief Explanation for Your Absence

While a detailed explanation is not necessary, a brief reason for your absence adds context. For instance, “I will be on vacation” or “I am taking a personal leave.” This helps clients understand the nature of your absence without delving into excessive personal details.

Designate a Point of Contact

Specify who will be handling your responsibilities in your absence. Mention a colleague or team member who will be the primary contact for clients. Provide their contact details and ensure they are fully briefed on ongoing projects. This step ensures clients have someone to turn to for assistance.

Reassure Clients About Continuity

Assure your clients that their needs will be met during your absence. Emphasize that your designated point of contact is well-prepared to manage their concerns. Reassurance helps maintain client confidence and reduces any anxiety about service continuity.

Close with Professionalism and Appreciation

End your letter with a professional and appreciative tone. Thank your clients for their understanding and patience. A closing statement like, “Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to reconnecting upon my return,” reinforces your professionalism and keeps the relationship positive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about a Leave of Absence Letter to Clients

When drafting a leave of absence letter to clients, several common questions often arise. Addressing these questions helps ensure that the communication is effective and professional.

What information should be included in a leave of absence letter to clients?

A leave of absence letter to clients should include your name, the specific dates of your absence, a brief reason for the leave, and details about who will be handling your responsibilities while you are away. It should also provide contact information for your substitute and express appreciation for the client’s understanding.

How far in advance should I send a leave of absence letter to clients?

It is advisable to send your leave of absence letter at least a few weeks before your planned leave. This advance notice gives clients ample time to adjust their expectations and makes arrangements for their needs during your absence.

Do I need to provide a detailed reason for my absence?

No, a detailed reason is not necessary. A brief explanation, such as “I will be on vacation” or “I am taking personal leave,” is sufficient. The focus should be on ensuring clients know who to contact and how their needs will be managed.

How can I ensure my clients are well-informed about who will cover my responsibilities?

Clearly specify in your letter who will be handling your duties during your absence. Include their contact information and assure clients that this person is well-informed about ongoing projects. This helps maintain continuity and client confidence.

What should I do if my clients have urgent issues during my absence?

Provide your clients with the contact details of the colleague or team member who will be covering for you. Mention in your letter that they can reach out to this person for urgent matters. Reassure clients that their concerns will be addressed promptly and effectively.

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    Keep mentions of gaps in employment brief, and explain the absence in a few short sentences. Here is a list of seven steps to writing a cover letter when returning to the workforce: 1. Identify who you are. List your full name, address, phone number, email address and any other contact information you deem appropriate.

  2. 7 Examples: How to Write a Perfect Leave of Absence Request

    Start your leave of absence request with a clear and concise subject line. Include relevant information, such as your name and the dates of your intended leave. For example: "John Doe's Leave of Absence Request - June 1-15, 2025.". As a friendly way to start your message, address your email or letter to your supervisor or manager using ...

  3. How To Write a Leave of Absence Request (With Examples)

    San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Mr. Diaz, I am writing to request a one-month medical leave of absence beginning Monday, Sept. 10, and ending Wednesday, Oct. 10. I will be having surgery—my surgeon has ordered a minimum three-week recovery period (see doctor's signed recommendation attached.)

  4. Writing a Leave of Absence Letter With Examples

    Add the company name. Include the company's location. Add a salutation (Dear, followed by the appropriate person's name). Include a clear and succinct explanation of the request, written in first person (I am requesting, I will return). Add a closing like 'sincerely' or 'thank you.'. Include your full name.

  5. Formal Leave of Absence Letter Example

    Formal leave of absence letter template to use to request leave from work, plus what to include in the letter, more examples, and letter writing tips. ... If approved, I would be glad to help with a plan to cover my workload in my absence. I would also be available to answer questions and provide assistance while I am on leave.

  6. How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter: Tips & Samples

    When it's time to write a leave request and hand it in to your employer, bear in mind the following four points to ensure that the process goes smoothly: 1. Copy in the HR department. Remember to give a copy of your request to the HR department — they'll need this information for your personal records.

  7. How to Ask for a Leave of Absence From Work (With Examples)

    Subject: Leave of absence request: (your name) Dear (manager's name), I am writing to formally request a leave of absence, which we discussed when we met on (date). The requested dates for my ...

  8. How to Request a Leave of Absence From Work

    Letter Samples Requesting a Leave of Absence From a Job . Below is a leave of absence example letter that includes a written request for a leave of absence from work for personal reasons. The letter offers to answer questions while the employee is on leave and provides a date for returning to work.

  9. Formal Leave of Absence Letter for Work

    Dear Mr./Mrs. [Manager.LastName], This is a formal request for a leave of absence from my position as [Employee.Title] at [Employee.Company]. I would be away from work from (MM.DD.YYYY) through (MM.DD.YYYY). I would like to inform you that the reason for my request is (explain the reason to justify your time off from work, making sure it is ...

  10. The best guide on how to write a leave of absence letter

    Medical leave of absence request letter sample. Subject: Medical Leave Request - Georga Smith. Dear Mr Johnson, For medical reasons, I' would like to request a leave of absence. I will be having pancreatic tumour removal surgery on February 10 and expect to return to work approximately four to five weeks later.

  11. Sample Leave of Absence Letters

    Sample 01. Dear Mr. Freeman, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of a personal health matter that requires immediate and significant medical attention. After recent consultations, my doctors have recommended a course of treatment that necessitates my taking a leave of absence from work.

  12. How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter

    Leave of absence letter example. Dear [human resources contact and/or your manager's title and last name], I'm writing to formally request a leave of absence, starting on [date] and ending on [date], due to [reason for the request]. [If desired, you can include additional details about your reason here or note relevant attachments, such as ...

  13. Leave of Absence From Work Letter Templates + Tips

    The purpose of a leave of absence from work letter is to get permission from your employer to be away from your job for a specific time period. This type of letter should cover four basic elements: the reason for the request, the dates you expect to be gone, your understanding of the leave policy (including required documentation), and coverage ...

  14. 3 Sample Leave Of Absence Letters (And Do's And Don'ts of Writing

    A leave of absence is an extended period of time off from work that is due to circumstances not covered by PTO or sick days. A leave of absence is usually longer than what either your PTO or sick days would cover. It is usually the result of out-of-the-ordinary circumstances such as childbirth, death in the family, or medical reasons.

  15. How to request a leave of absence from work

    In a larger organization, your HR department might have a formal process for requesting a leave of absence. In some cases, you might need to submit paperwork requesting your leave. Either way, the ...

  16. Writing a Leave of Absence Letter: A 2024 Step-By-Step Guide

    Example Leave Of Absence Letters Here are two examples you may refer to when writing a leave of absence letter: Medical leave of absence If you are applying for a medical leave of absence, you may review the sample below to write yours effectively: Medical leave of absence 8 August 2022 Rohit Das Arctic Company, Inc. 10 Sarkar Street, West Bengal Dear Mr Das, I write this letter to request a ...

  17. Personal Reason Leave: How to Write a Leave of Absence Letter

    You'll return to work eventually, but you need more time than the standard employment agreement offers. Personal leave of absence reasons include: Experiencing a medical condition that makes you chronically ill or in pain. Having a baby and taking maternity leave. Address mental health issues or mental illness.

  18. 43 Free Leave of Absence Letters (Work & School)

    There are several reasons why you would write a leave of absence letter. The law covers some of these while your company may cover other reasons. Here is a list of the most common reasons why you would formally request a leave of absence: Childbirth Generally, paternity and maternity leaves fall under the company's policy and the FMLA.

  19. Best Leave Letter Templates To Customize

    This can be seen as pushy and rude. Forming your letter as a nice request like our leave letter templates minimizes the chance of a confrontation and shows your supervisor that you care about the job and fully intend to return to your position. 9. Offer to train your temporary replacement.

  20. Free Leave of Absence Letter Template

    313 Oak St., Minneapolis, MN. Dear Mr. Fields, Please accept this letter as my formal request for a leave of absence. My leave is due to the need to care for my wife, who will be recovering from a total knee replacement surgery. I am requesting two weeks of leave, from August 9, 2024, to August 23, 2024.

  21. How To Ask for a Leave of Absence in 5 Steps (With Examples)

    Try to schedule a meeting with your immediate supervisor to discuss your need for a leave of absence. After your conversation, send a follow-up email to confirm the details of your leave. 3. Put your request in writing. Submit your formal request for a leave of absence by letter or email.

  22. Leave Letter for Work: How to Write, Template & Examples

    Set out your leave letter for maximum readability. Set the line spacing in your leave letter to 1.15 and use double spaces between paragraphs. Leave all four margins at the default one inch. Try to keep your letter to a single page, but don't bunch up your text to make this happen. Aim to make your leave letter as easy to read as possible.

  23. How To Write a Leave of Absence Letter (Templates)

    A leave of absence letter is a powerful tool that can grant you the time you need for various reasons, personal matters, medical issues, or burnout recovery.In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what a leave of absence is, how to craft a leave of absence, and provide you with valuable examples and templates.

  24. Leave of Absence Letter to Clients

    A leave of absence letter to clients should include your name, the specific dates of your absence, a brief reason for the leave, and details about who will be handling your responsibilities while you are away. It should also provide contact information for your substitute and express appreciation for the client's understanding. How far in ...