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The Dream House Example Questions AND Analysis

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My Dream House Essay: Designing the Perfect Home

  • My Dream House Essay


Read My Dream House Essay on Vedantu

English is one of the leading languages ​​in the world. Since English is the language of international trade, English is a basic requirement for everyone. Not only that, you can also interact with people from all over the world. Today, fluency in English is one of the basic requirements for a trouble-free life. To be perfect in any language, you must be able to write, read, and speak. These skills include understanding the grammatical aspects of English, writing letters, essays, etc.

Essay-writing is a fun activity for every kid. Kids enjoy writing essays as it gives them creative freedom and allows them to express their thoughts. Essay writing has many benefits: it improves students’ command over the language, allows them to learn sentence formation, etc. Kids can get free essays on several topics on Vedantu’s site. 

My Dream House- An Essay 

I always imagine how my future house will be. A home is a place surrounded by the people one loves. A house is not made beautiful by its furniture or decor, but by the people that live inside it. My dream house should be a house that I can share with my family when I grow old. I always dream of a wooden house in the hilly areas. My dream house should be the one facing a small river. Through the windows, I could see the sun setting and disappearing into the mountains. My dream house would have a small garden where I will grow my own vegetables and fruits. 

The house that I fancy would be considerably big with four rooms and a spacious common area. My dream house should be comfortable for my parents, grandparents and siblings. The house should be equipped with all the modern amenities. It should have a big TV with a home theatre system and a Playstation attached to it. The walls of the house will have light colours that will make it appear bright. There will be sufficient light bulbs and lamps in every room. I also dream of a chandelier in the guest room and a big sofa where everyone will sit and enjoy watching TV together. My grandparents love reading. I wish that my dream house will have a reading space with lots of books.

I have a 3-year old pet dog called Tiger. I also want to have a small yet cosy space in my house for Tiger where he can sleep and relax when he grows old. The house will have beautiful interiors and will have all the facilities like a modern kitchen, three bathrooms, a staircase leading to the terrace, ACs, etc. My dream home should be the one where we all can live happily and comfortably.  

FAQs on My Dream House Essay: Designing the Perfect Home

1. Why should students write essays about My Dream House?

Essay writing is loved by all ages. When writing an essay on any topic, they can describe their chain of thoughts and ideas. Children must be able to understand the importance of home. Home is a symbol of togetherness and love. Writing an essay about my dream house gives students the opportunity to express their feelings about the dream house in simple words. My dream house essay tries to introduce children to the most important aspects of a home that they can include in their essay. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the perfect home. With this article, the experts try to write what a children's dream house looks like. Writing a short essay about my dream house encourages children to gather their thoughts and develop their own ideas about the subject. It develops better language skills and increases self-confidence. Therefore, writing essays has been a part of the curriculum since the formation years of children. 

2. What is a dream house?

Home is the dream of many people because it is one of the few things that give happiness and comfort to everyone. Dream homes can have designs that vary from person to person and this has led to many beautiful dream homes. A dream home should be a place where the person finds comfort, no matter where they go, they will find peace at that one place. A dream house is a place that a person dreams and each day wishes to be in that place. There are many essays on dream homes that can easily be found on the Vedantu website for the students to refer to. 

3. Why should students be encouraged to write essays?

An essay is written to convince someone about a certain topic or just to inform the reader. In order to convince or properly inform the reader, the essay must include several elements that are important to be convincing and logical. Essay writing is a very important part of the English curriculum because it understands how to describe something in words or how to express your point of view without losing its meaning. Essays are the most important way to understand the structure of writing and present it to the reader.

4. How does Vedantu help students write essays?

Writing an essay takes a little guidance and a lot of practice. To understand this, Vedantu offers students various essays on various topics to understand the proper way to write an essay. Students can refer to these essays and reproduce them in their own style to get a better test. On the Vedantu website, there are complete guidelines on how to write an essay and its types. These tips and ample examples available on the website are the perfect guide for any student to write an essay.

5. What perspectives should students keep in mind when writing an essay entitled My Dream House?

Home is a completely safe place to live with our family. We live with our parents, grandparents, and siblings and it is a place that gives us love and warmth. In this article, we'll review the essay ook, "My Dream Home," and understand the importance of a dream home from a toddler's perspective. When I write "My Dream home", the child needs to understand the importance of the dream house in his life. In addition, children should see the house as a symbol of human togetherness, a place where everyone learns the first steps in his life.


The Dream House

by Craig Higginson

The dream house quotes and analysis.

There are many houses we pass through during our lives. Maybe it’s true that they also pass through us. Some of them remain with us, and we are able to return to them long after they are gone. One such house was a farmhouse in KwaZulu-Natal, just over the hill of the boarding school I attended between the ages of ten and fourteen. Higginson, vii

These lines are extracted from an opening essay which the author utilizes to help illuminate his process of creation. He proceeds from here to describe the farmhouse from his youth as a way of setting the stage for linking the way that reality influences the writing process; he sees this as done in both an intrusive way that is sometimes explicit, as well as a way that exerts its power subliminally. What is most insightful about this addition to the novel in its revised and updated edition is the revelation of the extent to which the real-life inspiration for the titular domicile took hold of the author’s imaginative spirit.

It has been her technique, perfected over the years, to survive her husband by noticing him as rarely as possible. Narrator, 31

One of the central components of the novel is the brittle, painful marriage of Patricia and Richard, which has nearly always been marked by discord. The story commences on the last day that Patricia and Richard are to spend in the Dwaleni house. One might see the house, by virtue of the title, as the centerpiece of the narrative, but ultimately the novel suggests that a house is just another building unless there is something warm, loving, and sustaining inside to make it a home . Patricia and Richard most assuredly do not have a home under this claim, and Patricia hopes desperately that things will be different at Durban.

Drinking from the cup makes her feel simple, clear, strong. Narrator, 14

Beauty enjoys drinking from a cup of Patricia's that Patricia no longer cares for. It has a faded image of Queen Elizabeth on it and isn't much to look at, but it makes Beauty feel elegant and special. She also takes a small, perverse pleasure in the fact that she has decided to make it her own and take it with her; this is one of the only examples we see of Beauty doing or thinking anything contrary to her general loyalty and honesty, and thus it is significant. It is a subtle message that she is her own person, that she and other black South Africans are coming into their power, however slowly, and that colonial rule and codified white supremacy no longer hold sway. That's a big message to take away from an old teacup, but Higginson does it purposefully, paralleling it with other examples of how times are changing.

In almost every room the floor is filled with boxes, boxes spilling objects from the past whose meaning is unclear to Beauty. Narrator, 22

The boxes are a ubiquitous component of the house, remarked upon by all the characters and occupying a steady and unobtrusive presence in the rooms. They represent the past, as they are cluttering the space, full of inexplicable things, and subject to determination as to whether or not they must be brought into the future or disposed of—just like painful, repressed memories. The fact that they've sat here for so long and that they aren't immediately coming to Durban parallels Patricia's journey from wanting to live ensconced in the comfortable past even though it was not serving her to wanting to move on and leave some of the past behind, albeit in a truer, more authentic way due to Looksmart's visit.

The bloodwoods, solemn as totems, are barely visible above the old dog-run. She doesn't know what possessed them to plant those trees. Narrator, 3

Patricia comments upon the bloodwoods multiple times, starting with this passage from the novel's very first page. We learn they are where Rachel is buried and that they have been around for a long, long time. Higginson did not choose these trees accidentally; rather, this type of bloodwood (there are bloodwoods worldwide, but the one in the text is a specific South African variation) is known for its distinctive red sap that gives the tree the appearance of bleeding. This is wholly appropriate given the violence perpetrated on the land and the black body here at Dwaleni and in South Africa as a whole.

He has a shameful secret: even today, he's unaccustomed to the freedom he's been given to drive around the country and go wherever he likes. Whenever he sits down in a restaurant or cinema, surrounded by white people, part of him still expects someone to ask him politely to leave. Narrator, 34

Looksmart has a good job, expensive clothes, an expensive car, and is by all accounts very successful. Yet, because he is black and lives in South Africa, a country obsessed with racial hierarchy and separation, even after apartheid's official end, he cannot easily navigate his world. It might seem fair and equal, or even actually be fair and equal, but the psychic trauma for those who grew up in apartheid is real and difficult to eradicate. For so long, Looksmart was treated as inferior, and even though he ostensibly is not now, the vestiges of that powerful racist system live on. This fact colors all of the present-tense events of the novel, for even though apartheid is over, Patricia and Looksmart are examples of how difficult it is to navigate the new, "free" world.

Still it feels like a place that has never experienced the sun. Narrator, 48

Looksmart returns to Dwaleni, the place where he experienced so much of his youth, and its concomitant feelings of happiness, frustration, confusion, love, and rage. He compares what he sees to what he remembers; here, he concludes that it is a place that seems to never have "experienced the sun." He isn't just being literal, because the symbolic connotations of the sun—light, illumination, revelation, warmth—are also lacking in this house. The house is dark and dank, rotting, cluttered with boxes; thus, it is full of secrets, lies, repression, and death.

"Unimportant?" she says. "I have no idea—but the past doesn't amount to much in the end, does it?" Patricia, 70

Patricia has a complicated relationship with the past. On the one hand, a lot of her past was undeniably painful and it is no wonder that she has purposefully and unconsciously repressed a lot of it. She needs to move on by going to Durban; she needs to put Richard and John Ford behind her, and forgive herself for Rachel's death. Yet as this quote reveals, she is also approaching the concept of the past from a place of privilege, selfishly denying Looksmart a confrontation he needs and a reckoning she needs to endure. It is easy for her to tell Looksmart to stop being fixated on the past because she's talking about his past, and it does not, to her knowledge at the time, affect her.

...for Patricia, Grace was in another category: like that cry of hers they heard, she was slightly less than human. Narrator, 111

Looksmart's critique of Patricia here is damning: he is suggesting that she does not see Grace as really human, or if she does, she is a lesser sort. She barely factors into Patricia's thinking at all, he claims; Grace is the "other," an unimportant setpiece on the stage of Patricia's life. Indeed, Patricia initially seems to reinforce this view. She remembers only that Grace was "half-clothed," which seems to be a judgment and that she herself was "irritated" with Grace for apparently taunting the dog and for making this mess for her to deal with. As time passes, though, Patricia does begin to confront some of her prejudices and problematic conclusions; though she still has a long way to go, she is open to being challenged and critiqued, as well as apologizing.

"I'll be leaving for Durban now, Janet. I'm sorry I won't be able to return for the funeral." Patricia, 228

For a moment at John Ford's house, Patricia allows her doubts to take over. She tells herself Durban was only a dream, that it was unlikely she'd ever go, and that she should stick around for Ford's funeral. But moments later, she has steeled herself and reversed course. This is a profoundly important moment for Patricia, though it is rather subtle in the text. Instead of allowing herself to remain stuck in the past, ruminating over Ford, staying in Dwaleni, and doing what she thinks is her duty, she decides that she will learn from her reunion with Looksmart and the soul-searching that resulted from it. She knows she should leave, put Richard in a home, and settle in a "home," not a "house." There, she will be living with greater knowledge of the past, but living in an authentic and meaningful way that centers the present and gingerly hopes for the future.

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The Dream House Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Dream House is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

The point essay argues that there is more tability to be found in the owining of the home. Give examples of chages that might ocurrió for a renter that are out of his or her control. Use the text for support.

All of the characters are, in some way, searching for a real home—for their "dream house." Even if they have a roof over their heads, it is difficult sometimes for them to feel as if they were really at home. Beauty longs for a home of her own, ...

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The Dreamhouse by Craig Higginson

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Study Guide for The Dream House

The Dream House study guide contains a biography of Craig Higginson, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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  • The Dream House Summary
  • Character List

Lesson Plan for The Dream House

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My Dream House Essay | Essay on My Dream House for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

My Dream House Essay in English: Having an idea about a dream house sets up a goal for an individual to achieve. Having a dream is essential for triggering that spark within a person that he or she needs to work hard towards making this dream into reality.

We have some long and short essays about one’s dream house that can be used by the students.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more

Long And Short Essays On My Dream House for Kids and Students In English

We are providing children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “My Dream House” for reference.

A Long Essay on My Dream House is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Essay on My Dream House is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Essay On My Dream House 500 Words In English

If I were to choose and describe my dream house, I would choose a house according to my personality. It helps people to get an impression about you, and this leaves a long-lasting effect on others.

I would love a house in Frankton, Indiana. There are so many reasons why I love this area. It quiet, and there are not many people around this locality. Everything is within walking distance, and that is where I have grown up. These are some of the reasons why I would love to stay in this rural community.

I love gardening, and having a yard full of trees and plants has been my dream. Freshly bloomed flowers cast a magic spell on me, and I am relaxed when I see it. I would like to have a little treehouse for my kids to play in.

For my living room, I would like a cozy setup. The living room would have a plasma screen television paired with a black leather couch, a white rug, and two recliners. I would love a beautiful wooden finished dark floor—a coffee table, preferably black colour, with white coasters. As I am a plant fanatic, I love succulents and indoor plants. A mini cactus sitting directly in the middle of the table.

I would love to imagine a little hallway and a little bit of a staircase that would lead to the kitchen and dining room. I love ceramic wares, and I want the utensils to be aesthetic. A beautiful granite island top table in the kitchen with some small plants in ceramic bowls would be the perfect set up.

I look to cook, and I would love to invite my full family for dinner, and we would sit around this long skinny table and have a laugh while enjoying the meal.

It was a childhood dream on mine to have a fully furnished basement that people would easily mistake for a bedroom—a movie screen, with a superb sound system. There must be space in the basement where my dogs would run around and play. A bunk bed would be beautiful for the kids to enjoy.

In my garage, I want to have enough room for my car and my two-wheeler. I would also like to do my laundry in the garage, as the garage offers the ideal space one needs to do their laundry.

Coming to the main rooms, I want a study, where my books for study, books for reading in my free time, CDs of my movie collection would be kept. There must be a cozy corner in that room, where there will be a small couch by the window, where I can relax and spend my own sweet time.

The bedroom will be sweet and, with a queen-size bed and a lot of pillows, I have no such specifications about it. Just an addition to my bedroom would be a tiny bed for my dogs.

All in all, I want a sober and peaceful house where I can turn into a home.

Short Essay On My Dream House 150 Words In English

Short Essay On My Dream House 200 Words In English

I want to build a dream house with a garden where I can grow my fruits and vegetables.

I want a spacious living room with four other rooms which can be used as bedrooms and a study room. One bedroom will be there for my grandparents and the other one for my parents.

My bedroom must have a very comfortable bed where I can relax. It would also be nice to have a PlayStation in my room. My room should be brightly colored, and on the walls, my favorite cartoon characters should be drawn.

For the living room, there must be a giant television where we can watch movies together. I also wish to have a pet cat or a pet dog, so there must be an area for them in my dream house.

Overall, my dream house is a house where my family, along with my pets, and I can live happily.

10 Lines On My Dream House In English

  • My ideal dream house would be a house where I can live along with my family.
  • A beautiful balcony is a must in my dream house.
  • It must have a garden in which one can play or plant trees and enjoy it.
  • There should be a sense of comfort in my dream house.
  • All rooms should be spacious and airy.
  • My pets should have their corner.
  • A cozy study room is a necessity in my dream house.
  • Even if the house is not large, it should give out positive energies.
  • The interiors should be well planned.
  • There must be a lot of plants in my dream house.

10 Lines On My Dream House In English

FAQ’s on My Dream House Essay

Question 1. Why do people have a dream house?

Answer: People have a dream house to make this a target and work and fulfill this aspiration and live peacefully there.

Question 2. Is there a difference between a home and a house?

Answer: There is a difference between a home and a house. People can build a house with cement and bricks, but a home is built with love and warmth.

Question 3. Does a dream house need to be planned?

Answer: Even if one cannot entirely place the interiors and everything, one must at least try to figure out how he wants to decorate his house.

Question 4. Is it a good idea to have a garden in your dream house?

Answer: Greenery is good, so it’s a splendid idea to have a garden in your dream house.

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How to Write an Essay About My Dream House

Are you struggling to write an essay about your dream house? Don’t worry! This article about a dream house will equip you with all the essential tools needed to write a descriptive essay about the dream house.

dream house essay questions

What Is an Essay About My Dream House

Why you need to write an essay about house of your dream, how to get the best essay about my dream house, how to start an essay about dream house, make topic research, create a writing plan, outline writing, writing body paragraphs, what to include in dream house essay, how to write a conclusion for an essay about house of your dream, finalizing essay, essay revision, proofread twice, use photo examples, short example of a college essay about my dream house.

An essay on the “house of my dreams” is writing about the perfect house where you hope you are going to live in the future. It will include all the details from the structure of the house to the color of linen used. You will be writing about a place that will make you comfortable and happy.

It is essential to write about your dreams and especially about your house. It will not only help people in understanding your goals such as your future house but your personality too. The essay that describes your dream house will always be a source of motivation for you in achieving it.





Doing topic research before writing an essay is very important. To write a dream house essay in English, you must first visualize the entire house in your mind. Then it would help if you decided what details and how many details you want to include in your dream house essay. These will include the words or phrases that you want to include.

Planning before writing not only saves time but helps you in organizing your ideas. You will have to spend some time in developing a basic outline of your essay. It will help you in improving the flow of your writing and will help the reader in visualizing your dream house.

As discussed before, having a writing plan proves to help bring your thoughts on a piece of paper. An outline of my dream house essay will be like a blueprint that will serve as a guide when you sit down to write the actual essay.

An example of the essay outline that describes your house can be:

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1: Details about the exterior of the house
  • Body Paragraph 2: Details about the interior of the house

You should feel free to include as many details or points as you wish or deem appropriate. With that said, make sure the flow is logical and the essay segues smoothly from the introduction to the body and then to the concluding part.

Your dream house essay should engage the readers. It can be only achieved when the body paragraphs are cohesive, linked, and are in a flow. It is unnecessary to make two separate paragraphs to communicate similar ideas; hence, they should be grouped together. Topic sentences should be used along with content to support it. All the paragraphs should have a similar length. The use of transition words (such as ‘furthermore’, ‘however’, and ‘besides’) will improve the connection and flow between paragraphs. Do not use intricate sentence structure that is difficult to read and understand. Simple sentences are easier to understand and will help in visualizing the house. The dream house essay example written at the end will provide you with a better idea of how paragraphs are written.

Your essay should include all of the details regarding the house. It would be best if you start by putting a “my dream house paragraph” at the start, which will give the reader a basic idea or introduction. It can be followed by a paragraph of what living in a dream house would be like for you. Then you can continue by explaining the exterior, interior, and particular areas or features of the house which make the house a “dream house” for you. You can mention the tiniest details as it helps the reader in visualizing better. You can also imagine yourself living in that house and then jot down different activities that you might be carrying out, such as hosting parties and having movie nights.

The conclusion of the essay will give a summary of all the points you have mentioned in your essay “the house of my dream”. It will wrap up your essay in a neat manner. When concluding your essay, please do not restate the idea or the statement that you want to have a dream house as it will be redundant. The conclusion is not supposed to bring any new ideas as they should only be explained in the body paragraphs.

Once you are done writing the essay, its time to sit back and revise it carefully. The revision process lets you look at the essay from a fresh perspective. You can be critical while reading it. It is the rethinking phase in which you reconsider the details, add something in case anything was missed, and reorganize the paragraphs. If you have missed details about the exciting floor tiling, while describing your dream house, now is the time to add those.

The golden rule of writing is not relying on the first draft of an essay about a dream house or of any essay. If you are not considering this, then you are risking more than just having confused readers. What if you have made spelling mistakes or errors in the sentence structure. It might derail the reader and can hinder the visualization process of your dream house. Proofreading can help you maintain quality and can help you in recognizing areas that could have been written and explained better.

To help with the visualization process, pictures that resemble your dream house can be added. It will also ensure the attentiveness of the reader as images are better at grabbing attention. Also, the human brain can process images much faster than words. Check out the example in the dream house college assignment written below.

essay about my dream house

Since childhood, I have been dreaming of the perfect house that will be a place of happiness, inspiration, and peace. The idea of having a house in a noisy city is something I have always dreaded. My dream house will be in the suburbs, outside the city. I would be very excited is there is a lake nearby as I adore nature. Though the house will be far from the city, that does not mean that I will live in isolation. Everything will be a walking distance, whether it is a supermarket or a car wash.

The house of my dreams will have a simple but modern design that would be appealing to the eyes. I would like to have a huge lawn where I can grow my vegetables and fruits. The parking would be spacious enough for several cars. I will place modern furniture on the front porch, where we can relax and enjoy the view. The backyard will have enough space to hold a party and entertain at least fifty people. I have a huge family, and we are always hosting parties. I also want a pool in the backyard so that I can host pool parties.

The house will have plenty of large glass windows that will make the house bright and spacious. I will plan each detail of the interior of my house. I want it to be very modern and minimalistic. Bulky furniture, dark wallpapers, and bohemian décor is something that I do not want in my house.

Unnecessary furniture clutters the house and makes me claustrophobic. The hall and large living room should have enough space so that people can move around quickly. I want to have comfortable sofas and soft furry carpet on the floor. The kitchen should be large and neat, as I am fond of cooking and baking. It will be equipped with all the latest appliances to make the whole baking process more comfortable. I would love to cook for my family on weekends. We can all sit on the large wooden dining table and enjoy the scrumptious meal.

The bedrooms will have attached bathrooms. I want a rain shower and a bathtub in every bathroom in my house. The bedrooms will have king-size, cozy beds with linen sheets. Just like the house, I want the color of the beddings to be light. Unlike most of the houses, I would like to have a small home theatre in my bedroom. I am not a bookworm so I might turn the room that was meant to be a library in a proper movie theatre so that I can host movie nights.

My dream house will be warm and welcoming. I want it to be my happy place, away from all the hustle and bustle. It will fulfill my desire of living near nature. It would be a perfect place for me to relax after a tough day at work. I wish that one day I can build this house and live in it.

Buy Pre-written Essay Examples on The Topic

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If it is difficult for you to describe a house in your essay, you can always use EduJungles , which will help in writing your essay from scratch. It is the best website you can find when you search for write my essay in 8 hours for cheap and hit search.

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Good My Dream House Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: House , Room , Floor , Bedroom , Bachelor's Degree , Dream , Life , Living

Published: 05/29/2023


Every person dreams about his/her house. Nowadays people live more in small flats as it is not easy to buy or build a big house, but to live in a big house is nice. The big cities build many story buildings with small flats where people can feel free as in a separate house with a garden and a gate. I have been dreaming about my dream house since my childhood. In my head, it has to be a big house in the suburb of the town with great nature around and a small garden near it. I also want to have a huge fence around my house. There has to be a cellar, too. I want to have a personal heating system and a conservatory on my area to grow different vegetables. The view has to be great from my windows. Likewise, I would like to see a river or a lake and a riverside beach around my dream house. I think such a house can be an excellent valuable. It has to be ideally placed and have it as a two-story building. There has to be a raised ground floor. My dream house has to be attractive, exceptional and charming. It has to give unique appeal, have a distinct air of luxury. I like modern houses with a symmetrical and well-proportioned facade. I plan to have flowerbeds near my house with different flowers. I adore flowers and different small bushes and trees. I want to have a living room, two bedrooms, a guest’s room, a nursery, a dining room, and a library in my house as well as a great terrace. I hope it will have an efficient floor plan. I want my house to have all amenities. Let’s start with a kitchen; Like many women, I like to cook. So, my dream kitchen has to be an island one with a pantry, too. I think it would be great to have a combined formal living room and dining room. I want to have a walk-in-closet. The main idea of my living room is a fireplace with a fur carpet on the floor near it. I believe it is comfortable. My first floor has to be ample with space for socializing. Moreover, my upper floor has to have two bedrooms and a guest room. My bedroom has to be deluxe, elegant, and trendsetting in ivory shades with pastel curtains and modern furniture. Another bedroom will be for my future children. It can be in blue or green colors but attractive, sunny and comfortable. I would like to have a spa-tub in my bathroom or bedroom. In conclusion, it is possible to say that dreams can come true and we need to work on them to make them real. Living in a house is nice as it is your castle and the place where all the family can gather together and feel comfortable. It is more comfortable for children to live in a house where they have more space to play. So, a separate house is your independent area.


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Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

dream house essay questions

My Dream House Essay | Essay on My Dream House for Students and Children

My Dream House Essay: Home is where we reside with our family in full security and wellbeing. As we stay with our folks, grandparents and kin together, it is a spot that gives us fondness and a feeling of warmth. In this article, we will investigate “My Dream House Essay for class 1” kids and comprehend the significance of a fantasy house from a little youngster’s viewpoint. While composing the My fantasy house article, a youngster ought to comprehend the significance of a fantasy home in his/her life. Furthermore, a kid ought to consider home as an image of human harmony i.e, where each individual learns the initial steps of his/her life.

Having a thought regarding a fantasy house lays out up an objective for a person to accomplish. Having a dream house is fundamental for setting off that sparkle inside an individual that the person needs to buckle down towards accomplishing this fantasy.

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Sample Essay on “My Dream House”

I am very much obsessed with my dream house, since my childhood. I would get drawn to any drop, sleek yet straightforward house. I have imagined myself in a four-story house with a huge compound or a home with 5 rooms however my fantasy house is none of that. It ought to be great, inviting and huge to meet my family’s requirements. Everybody sometimes has a thought of what sort of house they need when they grow up or have a family.

My fantasy house ought to be an ideal meaning of my white house. It ought to be exquisite, snazzy and huge. It ought to be a one-story working with 6 rooms all fitted with extra-large exquisite beds. In every room, I might want to have a TV or a music framework for the diversion of my family and visitors. I love innovation and my home ought to have a Wifi set box for limitless web to peruse and get to my web-based media accounts calm. It ought to have enormous windows for adequate broadcasting and lighting. The floor ought to be flawlessly shrouded in tiles to make it seriously inviting mind h a delicate rug.

I love nature and I need my home to be arranged in an encased region covered with a wide range of trees. Climate loaded up with trees will guarantee I have clean air, harmony and bliss. Paying attention to the birds sing is the thing that I love as that gives me delight and leaves me invigorated and energized. Blossoms of various types like lilies, hibiscus and others should praise my compound. Having a little nursery for my vegetable and natural products is an absolute necessity. It ought to have a huge compound for playing or raising creatures. A homestead is an additional benefit as I love cultivating. The house ought to be almost a shopping centre, school and church for shopping, instruction and my otherworldliness separately.

An extraordinary plan is a thing that I need for my home. The plan should meet the necessity of a protected house strategy for wellbeing. It ought to have a conventional look with uncommon stones and great quality materials. It ought to be splendid and bright as that will carry light to any individual who visits. The entryways ought to be of value from the mahogany wood ideally, painted profound earthy coloured tone. The windows ought to be uniform with clear window sheets. At the point when you go into my home, you should see the excellence inside from the splendidly shaded dividers, basic couch sets, rich eating tables and seats, round glass tables to supplement the couch sets. There ought to be a chimney in the parlour for unwinding and warmth during the evening or old seasons. There ought to be a set spot for plants or indoor blossoms for magnificence and different advantages. The inside plan ought to be wonderful to give you a lovely encounter when you venture into the house.

Since I love cooking, the kitchen ought to be huge and roomy with a huge arrangement of kitchen machines including a cooler, microwave, cooker, blender, stove, cooking pots, etc. I have consistently imagined having exceptional visitors and cooking my delights without a battle. Every room ought to have a different restroom with a shower. The room floor ought to have a delicate rug for solace. There ought to be jazzy lampshades for my lights and an excellent dressing table in every room.

For additional solace, the parlour ought to have a huge TV for greater diversion. The steps to the main floor ought to be solid and up-to-date with a twisting plan. The blinds of my entryways and windows ought to be coordinating with an incredible plan and customary feel. The tone should supplement the agreeable couch sets and the dividers.

My compound ought to have an encased pool for the well-being of my pets. The pool ought to be intended for swimming, unwinding and parties. I need my youngsters to figure out how to swim at a youthful age. Close to the pool, there ought to be looked for of a seashore house for unwinding and for solace. The blossoms ought to be managed just like the fence. There ought to be a piece of workmanship with an engraved picture of a heart to represent love; a home of adoration.

We as a whole hope to have a fantasy house that will fit every one of our assumptions from its area, plan and its provisions. Yet, making it a reality requires a great deal of work and assets, such as understanding costs in your space by utilizing rent reports like this one, and numerous different components. One can require a very long time to accomplish a fantasy place of their decision however before that, you can be satisfied with the straightforward house you have as you get ready for it.

FAQ’s on My Dream House Essay

Question 1. How do you describe your dream house?

Answer: My dream house has five rooms, with an attached balcony. Two large windows for at least three rooms. My bedroom will have a balcony attached with a large window. The house will be having a big garden outdoor and a terrace garden also. It should be a duplex house. The living area should be big enough to make at least 20 people sit at a time with a 55 inch TV and sofa sets. Just next to the living room, we will have an open kitchen. A small library is a must in the house.

Question 2. What makes your dream house a perfect place?

Answer: Even having everything in our dream house, it will still not be perfect unless we have our family living with us in it.

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