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Essays About Heroes: 5 Examples And Topic Ideas

Here, we’ll look at examples of essays about heroes and questions that can be used as topics for essays about an imagined or real hero.

A few different images likely come to mind when you hear the word hero. You may imagine Superman flying above the world with his superpower of flight. You may imagine a personal hero, a real person who has made a significant impact on your life for the better. You might think of a true hero as someone who has shown heroic qualities in the public eye, working to help ordinary people through difficult situations.

When writing an essay about your life hero, it’s important to consider the qualities of that person that make them stand out to you. Whether you choose to write an essay about how your mom got you through tough times and became your role model or about a political figure who made a difference in the lives of people in history, it’s key to not just focus on the person’s actions—you’ll also want to focus on the qualities that allowed them to act heroically.

Here, we’ll explore examples of hero essays and potential topics to consider when writing about a hero.

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Examples Of Essays About Heroes

  • 1. These Are The Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic By Ruth Marcus
  • 2. Why Teachers Are My Heroes By Joshua Muskin
  • 3. Martin Luther King Jr.—Civil Rights Activist & Hero By Kathy Weiser-Alexander

4. Steve Prefontaine: The Track Of A Hero By Bill O’Brian

5. forget hamilton, burr is the real hero by carey wallace, topic ideas for essays about heroes, 1. what makes a hero, 2. what are the most important characteristics of heroes in literature, 3. what constitutes a heroic act, 4. is selflessness required for heroism.


1.  These Are The Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic  By Ruth Marcus

Examples of essays about heroes: These Are The Heroes Of The Coronavirus Pandemic By Ruth Marcus

“Is this what they signed up for? There is some danger inherent in the ordinary practice of medicine, but not this much. I confess: I do not know that I would do the same in their circumstances; I am not sure I am so generous or so brave. If my child were graduating from medical school, how would I deal with her being sent, inadequately protected, into an emergency room? If my husband were a physician, would I send him off to the hospital — or let him back into the house in the interim?” Ruth Marcus

Healthcare workers have had no choice but to go above and beyond in recent years. In this essay, Marcus discusses the heroism of those in the healthcare field. He delves into the traits (including selflessness and courage) that make doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers heroes.

2.  Why Teachers Are My Heroes   By Joshua Muskin

“Teachers are my heroes because they accept this responsibility and try extremely hard to do this well even when the conditions in which they work are far from ideal; at least most do. Our jobs as society, education systems, and parents is to do our best to be strong allies to teachers, since their success is essential to ours.” Joshua Muskin

In this essay, Dr. Muskin discusses the many challenges teachers face and what parents, administrators, and education researchers can do to help teachers support students. Muskin explains that most teachers go above and beyond the call of duty to serve their classrooms.

3.  Martin Luther King Jr.—Civil Rights Activist & Hero   By Kathy Weiser-Alexander

“During this nonviolent protest, activists used boycotts, sit-ins, and marches to protest segregation and unfair hiring practices that caught the attention of the entire world. However, his tactics were put to the test when police brutality was used against the marchers, and King was arrested. But, his voice was not silenced, as he wrote his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” to refute his critics.” Kathy Weiser-Alexander

In this essay, Weiser-Alexander details both the traits and the actions of Dr. King before and during the civil rights movement. The author touches on King’s commitment to justice, persistence, and willingness to stand for his beliefs despite difficult circumstances.

“I remember this so vividly because Prefontaine was a hero to me, a hero in a way that no one was before, or really has been since. A British commentator once called him “an athletic Beatle.” If so, his persona was much more Lennon than McCartney. Actually, I thought of him more as Mick Jagger — or ultimately James Dean.” Bill O’Brian

A hero to many in the running world, Prefontaine’s confidence, unique style, and unmatched athletic ability have been heralded for decades. In this essay, O’Brian shares how he, as a distance runner during the era of Pre, related to his struggles and ambition.

“Burr fought against an ugly tide of anti-immigrant sentiment in the young republic, led by Hamilton’s Federalist party, which suggested that anyone without English heritage was a second-class citizen, and even challenged the rights of non-Anglos to hold office. In response, Burr insisted that anyone who contributed to society deserved all the rights of any other citizen, no matter their background.” Carey Wallace

In this essay, Wallace explains why Aaron Burr, the lifelong nemesis of founding father Alexander Hamilton, should be considered a historical hero. This essay exposes someone seen as a villain but much of society with a different take on their history. 

It can be interesting to think about your definition of a hero. When describing what the term hero means to you, you may want to choose a person (or a few people) you look up to as a hero to solidify your point. You might want to include fictional characters (such as those in the Marvel universe) and real-life brave souls, such as police officers and firefighters.

A word of caution: stay away from the cliche opening of describing how the dictionary defines a hero. Instead, lead-in with a personal story about a hero who has affected your life. While talking about a public figure as a hero is acceptable, you may find it easier to write about someone close to you who you feel has displayed heroic qualities. Writing about a family member or friend who has shown up as a heroic main character in your life can be just as exciting as writing about a real or imagined superhero.

From Beowulf to Marvel comics, heroes in literature take on many different traits. When writing an essay on what trait makes a hero come alive in a short story, novel, or comic, choose a few of your favorite heroes and find common themes that they share.

Perhaps your favorite heroes are selfless and are willing to put themselves last in the name of sacrifice for others. Perhaps they’re able to dig deep into the truth, being honest even when it’s hard, for the greater good. There’s no need to list endless heroes to make your point—choosing three or four heroes from literature can be a great way to support your argument about what characteristics define heroism in literature.

When someone is named a hero in real life, we often picture them saving people from a burning building or performing a difficult surgical operation. It can be difficult to pin down exactly what constitutes a heroic act. When writing about what constitutes a heroic act, think about people who go above and beyond, performing feats of courage, honesty, and bravery to support themselves or others. When writing about what constitutes a heroic act, discuss real-life or literary examples of heroes at work.

To many people, being a hero means giving back to others. While giving something away or trading in one’s well-being for others can certainly be seen as a heroic act, many people wonder if selflessness is required for heroism or if a hero can serve the greater good in a way that also supports their happiness. When writing about whether selflessness is required for heroism, choose examples from literature and real-life to support your point.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’re still stuck, check out our available resource of essay writing topics .


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110 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Everyone has heroes in their lives ''' people they look up to, admire, and aspire to be like. Whether it's a celebrity, a family member, a teacher, or even a fictional character, heroes can come in all shapes and sizes. Writing an essay about your hero can be a great way to express your admiration and appreciation for them. If you're struggling to come up with a topic for your hero essay, here are 110 ideas and examples to help get you started:

  • My Mom/Dad: The person who has always been there for me, no matter what.
  • My Grandparent: A wise and loving figure in my life.
  • My Sibling: The person I look up to and learn from every day.
  • My Best Friend: The person who always has my back and lifts me up when I'm feeling down.
  • My Teacher: The person who has inspired me to learn and grow.
  • My Coach: The person who pushes me to be my best self.
  • My Favorite Author: The person whose words have shaped my worldview.
  • My Favorite Musician: The person whose music speaks to my soul.
  • My Favorite Actor/Actress: The person whose performances have moved me.
  • My Favorite Artist: The person whose art has touched my heart.
  • My Favorite Athlete: The person whose dedication and skill inspire me.
  • My Favorite Activist: The person who fights for what they believe in.
  • My Favorite Historical Figure: The person whose legacy continues to impact the world.
  • My Favorite Fictional Character: The person who embodies the qualities I strive for.
  • My Role Model: The person who sets a positive example for me to follow.
  • My Mentor: The person who guides me and helps me grow.
  • My Hero from History: The person who changed the world for the better.
  • My Hero from Literature: The character who has stayed with me long after I finished reading their story.
  • My Hero from Film/TV: The character who has inspired me with their courage and strength.
  • My Hero from Music: The musician whose lyrics have spoken to me in times of need.
  • My Hero from Sports: The athlete who has shown me what it takes to succeed.
  • My Hero from Science: The scientist who has made groundbreaking discoveries.
  • My Hero from Politics: The leader who fights for justice and equality.
  • My Hero from Art: The artist whose work has challenged and inspired me.
  • My Hero from Business: The entrepreneur who has built a successful career while giving back to their community.
  • My Hero from Technology: The innovator who has revolutionized the way we live and work.
  • My Hero from Medicine: The doctor who has saved lives and improved healthcare for all.
  • My Hero from Education: The teacher who goes above and beyond to help their students succeed.
  • My Hero from Humanitarian Work: The volunteer who dedicates their time and resources to helping those in need.
  • My Hero from Environmentalism: The activist who fights to protect our planet and its resources.
  • My Hero from Social Justice: The advocate who works to create a more just and equitable society.
  • My Hero from Animal Rights: The activist who fights to protect and care for animals.
  • My Hero from LGBTQ+ Rights: The advocate who fights for the rights and equality of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • My Hero from Disability Rights: The advocate who fights for the rights and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.
  • My Hero from Women's Rights: The advocate who fights for gender equality and women's empowerment.
  • My Hero from Civil Rights: The activist who fights for racial equality and social justice.
  • My Hero from Peace and Nonviolence: The advocate who works to promote peace and nonviolence in a world torn by conflict.
  • My Hero from Community Service: The volunteer who dedicates their time and energy to improving their community.
  • My Hero from Public Service: The leader who serves their country and community with integrity and dedication.
  • My Hero from the Military: The service member who sacrifices their own safety to protect their country and its citizens.
  • My Hero from Law Enforcement: The officer who puts their life on the line to keep their community safe.
  • My Hero from Firefighting: The firefighter who bravely battles fires to save lives and property.
  • My Hero from Emergency Medical Services: The paramedic who provides life-saving care in times of crisis.
  • My Hero from Nursing: The nurse who provides compassionate care to patients in need.
  • My Hero from Medicine: The doctor who saves lives and improves the health of their patients.
  • My Hero from Mental Health: The therapist who helps individuals overcome their struggles and find healing.
  • My Hero from Addiction Recovery: The counselor who supports individuals on their journey to sobriety.
  • My Hero from Disability Services: The advocate who fights for the rights and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.
  • My Hero from Homelessness Services: The social worker who helps individuals find housing and support.
  • My Hero from Youth Services: The mentor who supports and guides young people in need.
  • My Hero from Elderly Care: The caregiver who provides compassionate support to elderly individuals.
  • My Hero from Animal Welfare: The activist who fights to protect and care for animals in need.
  • My Hero from Environmentalism: The advocate who works to protect our planet and its resources.
  • My Hero from Social Justice: The advocate who fights for equality and justice for all.
  • My Hero from LGBTQ+ Rights: The activist who fights for the rights and equality of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • My Hero from Education: The teacher who goes above and beyond to help their students

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Essay on Heroism

Students are often asked to write an essay on Heroism in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Heroism

What is heroism.

Heroism is the act of showing courage or bravery, often in challenging or dangerous situations. It’s about doing the right thing, even if it’s hard or scary. Heroes can be everyday people who stand up for what’s right or help others in need.

Types of Heroes

Heroes come in many forms. Some are famous, like firefighters or soldiers, who risk their lives to protect others. Others are ordinary people, like a friend who stands up to a bully, or a neighbor who helps an elderly person with their groceries.

Qualities of a Hero

Heroes are brave, but they’re also kind. They think about others before themselves, and they’re willing to act even when it’s hard. They’re honest, responsible, and they never give up, no matter how tough things get.

Why Heroism Matters

Heroism is important because it inspires us to be better people. When we see someone act bravely or kindly, it makes us want to do the same. Heroes show us that we all have the power to make a difference in the world.

250 Words Essay on Heroism

Heroism is the act of showing great courage and strength. It is often linked with people who do brave things to help others, even if it means putting themselves in danger. A hero can be anyone, from a firefighter saving lives to a student standing up against bullying.

There are many types of heroes. Some are famous, like Superman or Wonder Woman, who use their special powers to fight evil. But, real-life heroes do not have superpowers. They are ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Doctors, soldiers, and even our parents can be heroes.

Heroes have many qualities that make them special. They are brave, selfless, and always ready to help others. They don’t think twice before jumping into action, even if it means risking their own safety. They believe in doing what’s right, no matter how hard it is.

Why are Heroes Important?

Heroes are important because they inspire us. When we see someone acting bravely, it encourages us to be brave too. They show us that even in tough times, we can make a difference. Heroes remind us that we all have the power to do good.

In conclusion, heroism is about bravery, selflessness, and doing the right thing. We can all be heroes if we choose to stand up for what’s right, help others, and face our fears. So, let us try to be a hero in our own little ways and make the world a better place.

500 Words Essay on Heroism

There are many types of heroes. Some are famous, like firefighters, police officers, or soldiers. These people risk their lives every day to keep us safe. But there are also everyday heroes who may not be as well-known. These could be teachers who inspire their students, doctors who save lives, or even a friend who stands up for someone being bullied.

Heroes have special qualities that make them stand out. They are brave, and not afraid to face danger. They are selfless, thinking of others before themselves. They are also kind, showing compassion and understanding to those in need. But most importantly, heroes are determined. They do not give up, even when things are tough.

Heroes in History

Heroes around us.

We do not have to look far to find heroes. They are all around us. Maybe it’s a parent who works hard to provide for their family, or a friend who helps you when you’re feeling down. You might even be a hero to someone without knowing it. By showing kindness and courage, we can all be heroes in our own way.

In conclusion, heroism is about more than just being strong or brave. It’s about caring for others, standing up for what is right, and never giving up. Heroes can be anyone, from famous figures to everyday people. And the best part is, we all have the potential to be heroes. So let’s strive to be the best we can be, and maybe one day, we will be someone’s hero.

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Hero Essay Examples

Hero - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Have you ever been someone’s hero? Have you ever been brave enough to face danger or adversity for someone else? I’m not just talking about a superhero with superpowers. A normal person who is admired for courageous acts or noble qualities is also a hero. Heroes come in many forms. It might be someone who saved someone’s life or just someone who you look up to as a person. Maybe you have a favorite basketball player who has qualities you hope to acquire. Heroes are often afraid and scared like a firefighter or police officer who faces danger daily, but they still are willing to help at any cost. Being a hero isn’t an easy task but worth it in the end.

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  • My Mom, My Hero
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  • How does steinbeck portray George, hero or villian?
  • Robert Warshow’s “The Gangster as Tragic Hero”
  • Tragic Hero of The Kite Runner
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How to Write Essay About Hero

Writing an essay about a hero is a challenging task. It requires you to be creative and come up with a unique way of describing the hero. The key to writing a good essay is to start with a strong thesis statement that clearly explains your point of view.

The best way to write an essay about a hero is to use an outline format. By using this method, you will ensure that you have all of the main points included in your essay. You can then use subheadings within each section to break down each point more clearly.

The most common way to start an essay on a hero is by defining what it means to be a hero. The definition should include both positive and negative qualities that are associated with being a hero or heroine. You can then compare and contrast these qualities with other historical figures who have been considered heroes or heroines throughout history by explaining how they differ from each other based on their actions or accomplishments during their lifetime(s).

When writing about heroes from history, it’s important not just describe what they did but also explain why it was important at the time (or still is today). This will help readers understand why we should still remember them today as well as what lessons we can learn from their lives in order to make better choices ourselves.

What is a Hero?

A hero is someone who helps others. Heroes are people who do things that are hard to do, but they do them because they are good people. Heroes can be anyone. They could be your mom or dad, your teacher, a friend or even a stranger.

It’s important to know that heroes aren’t just the people who have superpowers and save the day by themselves. Heroes are also the people who help other people when they’re in trouble or need help with something important to them.

A hero can be anyone! You don’t need to be big or strong or very smart to be a hero—you just need to care about other people and want to help them out!

heroism essay topics

Ways to trigger Hero in your man

How to Choose a Good Topic on Hero Essay

Choosing a good topic for your hero essay can be tough. There are a lot of things to consider, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with this guide to choosing a good topic on hero essay.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you search for the perfect hero essay topic:

  • What is your hero’s greatest strength?
  • How does that strength translate into their actions?
  • Does your hero have any weaknesses? How do they overcome them?

How Do You Structure A Hero Essay?

Writing a hero essay is not as hard as you might think. The key to writing a good hero essay is to focus on the qualities of your subject and how he or she has demonstrated those qualities throughout his or her life.

Your hero essay should be structured in the following way:

  • Grab the reader’s attention with an engaging lead paragraph, which should include a quote from your hero about his or her goals in life.
  • Give the reader details about your hero’s background, including where he or she grew up and when (but avoid too much detail).
  • Discuss how your hero has demonstrated these qualities throughout his or her life—make sure you have plenty of examples!
  • End with a strong conclusion that summarizes everything you’ve said in the body paragraphs and leaves readers wanting more information on this person!

heroism essay topics

Tips on How to Write a Perfect Hero Essay

  • Start with a hook. A good hook is important in any essay, but especially when you’re trying to get your reader’s attention right away.
  • Use specific details and examples to support your thesis statement. The more concrete you can make your argument, the better—this will help you persuade your reader that what you’re saying is true or correct.
  • The hero must be a relatable character to the audience
  • The hero should be someone that the audience can understand, relate to and/or sympathize with
  • The hero should be someone who experiences change throughout the story (whether it’s internal or external)
  • The hero should be someone who has a goal, an objective or a mission they have to complete
  • If a character is not the main character of your story, but they are still given importance and influence over the plot, then they can also be considered as a hero in their own way
  • Make sure to include a strong conclusion that ties everything together and leaves them feeling satisfied at the end of the essay.
  • Proofread! Don’t let typos or grammatical errors slip through—these are some of the most common mistakes in written English and they’ll distract your reader from what you’re trying to say if they catch them before they finish reading the argument or story you’re telling them about why someone should be considered a hero (like yourself!).

heroism essay topics

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We have many satisfied customers who have already used our services and we would be glad to help you too. If you need help with your essay, please contact us.

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Hero - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

The notion of heroism has been celebrated across cultures and historical epochs, often embodying qualities such as bravery, self-sacrifice, and moral integrity. Essays could delve into the social construction of heroism, exploring how different societies and eras have defined and revered heroic figures. They might also discuss the psychological and philosophical underpinnings of heroism, perhaps engaging with theories that elucidate the motivations and ethics of heroic actions. Discussions could also extend to the examination of literary and historical heroes, analyzing how their narratives have been constructed and disseminated over time. The discourse may also touch on the dichotomy between heroism and villainy, examining how these constructs are often contingent upon cultural, social, or political perspectives. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Hero you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.


John Proctor is a Tragic Hero

The characteristics of a hero are hamartia, peripeteia, anagnorisis, and hubris. John Proctor was a tragic hero because he had all of that. Although John Proctor did some things he shouldn't have done he is still a tragic hero. He made some mistakes he did things that cost him his life. But he faced his consequences with his head up and was not scared. Proctor had made adultery, he did not know all his ten commandments, he didn't go to […]

John Proctor the True Tragic Hero

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The Iliad and Beowulf

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Oedipus is a Tragic Hero

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Macbeth: a Tragic Hero

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Heroism Essay: Learn To Write By Example And Writing Tips

May 21, 2022 | 0 comments

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May 21, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

So, what exactly is a heroism essay?

A heroism essay is a narrative story about someone who has gone above and beyond their duty to help others. The hero, in this case, is not just any older adult but someone who has done something extraordinary for the benefit of humanity. Heroes are among us every day—they might be teachers, doctors, or anyone who helps others when needed most.

The word “hero” comes from ancient Greek mythology: heroes were men and women known for their strength and bravery in battle (and sometimes even being born half-god). These days we don’t worship Greek gods or fight wars over land–but we still admire people who do great things for their communities!

Table of Contents

Definition of heroism essay.

A heroism essay is a type of writing that describes a heroic act by a person. It includes facts and details about the person’s life, including what they did to be considered “heroic.” This paper is interesting because it allows you to show your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs. You can also make a difference in people’s lives by writing about someone brave enough to do something good for society.

This article will teach you how to write an excellent heroism essay for your class or any other purpose that requires this kind of paper (for example persuasive essay).

Examples of Heroes

The word “hero” has many meanings. Some people would use this word to describe a movie star or celebrity; however, there are some very real heroes in the world. These individuals have gone above and beyond their job descriptions to help someone else. The same can be said for someone who doesn’t have a job at all but still saves another person’s life by doing something considered heroic by most people.

There are many heroes out there from different walks of life who have shown us courage and bravery in times when others were not willing to stand up for what was right or needed to be done. One such individual is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought against racism and hatred during his time as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

He worked hard towards equality among all races. He tried his best to improve himself and those around him because he felt everyone deserved equal rights regardless of race, background, etcetera. Main Info Text: “It may well be true that death will be more painful than birth while birth lasts only nine months instead of forty years.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

If you’re struggling to pick an example, here’s one approach: Think of someone who has been an important part of your life—a family member, friend, or teacher—who has done something heroic at some point in their life. Then try to figure out why this person inspires you and what makes them special to you (their strength? Their bravery? Their willingness to put others first?).

Essay Structure of Heroism Essay

Introduction: The introduction is the first paragraph of your essay. It should be short (one or two sentences) and clear. This paragraph aims to provide a context for the rest of your work, giving readers some background information about what you plan to talk about in the body paragraphs. You might also want to provide some personal reflection on heroism or even a quote or two that will shape what you say later in the essay.

Body paragraphs: Each paragraph should begin with an introductory sentence that clearly states its main point—what argument are you making? Then provide examples from literature or history, from real life (if applicable), etc., to support this point with evidence from sources outside yourself. When appropriate, include quotes as well!

Conclusion: A conclusion wraps up your thoughts by summarizing what they have been throughout the essay and provides a final statement on them—what have we learned here? What has changed?

How to Write a Heroism Essay

  • Choose and Write about a hero.
  • Define the concept of a hero.
  • Describe your hero in the body of the essay.
  • Summarize the main points you’ve made in your paper, including how you chose your topic, what definition of heroism you used, and how you described your hero as part of this definition.

Choose A Worthy Example Of A Hero

The first step in learning how to write an essay about your hero is to choose a worthy example of a hero. There are many heroes: real and fictional, historical and modern, famous and obscure. While it’s true that many people can look up to the same person as their hero (for instance, both you and your best friend may admire Bill Clinton), keep in mind that when choosing someone as your inspiration or role model, you must select someone who means something special to YOU.

Your essay will be most effective if there is a connection between yourself and the subject of your writing. Perhaps this person has been especially helpful or inspiring throughout their life; perhaps they have achieved success in their way despite obstacles they’ve faced; maybe they have some other quality that makes them stand out from others around them. Whatever qualities made this person stand out for YOU personally makes up part of why they deserve recognition as one of YOUR heroes!

Start by defining the concept.

Before you begin writing, it’s important to define the concept of heroism itself. When you read books or watch movies about heroes, do they all seem the same person? How does one distinguish between a hero and a villain in fiction?

The term “hero” is used quite often today. You can use it about someone who saves lives from danger, such as firefighters and doctors; people who inspire others by setting an example; or even someone who has overcome great difficulties. The characteristics of heroism differ from culture to culture and from person to person; however, there are some basic traits that all heroes share: courage and selflessness are two very important ones!

Tell about your hero in the body of the essay.

Tell about your hero in the body of the essay. After all, you’re writing a paper on heroism, and it makes sense to talk about who has inspired you. Give examples of who your hero is and explain why they are your hero. For example, say something like: “My mom taught me how to be kind and caring for others. She always helps people in need, no matter what day or night.”

You could also talk about how they have impacted others’ lives and yours. The best way to do this is by providing specific examples or stories that illustrate their heroic qualities—this will make it easier for readers to understand why this person was so special in your life (and hopefully inspire them).

If there’s one thing that you can say definitively about heroes, it’s that they inspire us all by helping give meaning and purpose to our own lives through acts of selflessness or bravery beyond compare; therefore, these individuals deserve recognition not only from those close friends but also from society at large through media coverage and public acknowledgment via awards ceremonies such as Oscars®, Emmys®, etcetera!

Conclude with a summary of the main points

A conclusion is essential to every essay because it’s your last chance to leave an impression on the reader. It would help if you used this section to summarize the main points of your essay and reiterate your thesis statement . A good conclusion will tie everything together by showing how everything in the body of work you’ve just presented fits into a larger whole—and why they’re relevant.

Many writing experts recommend summarizing each paragraph from your introduction to help focus attention on the major points you’ve made in your paper. You can also restate or paraphrase one or more sentences from each paragraph, depending on how many points in total there are; for example: “In summary,” “Accordingly,” or “Finally.”

Additional tips on writing a heroism essay

Writing a heroism essay is not difficult once you are the know-how. If you want to write well, then I suggest that you take a look at the following additional tips:

  • Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion. These are your essay’s first and last sentences, which means they’re also the most important ones! You want them to grab your reader’s attention and make sure they know what you’re talking about right off the bat.
  • Avoid clichés, but don’t be afraid to use them if it helps your argument. Some clichés can be cliché for a reason—they’re true! If you need an example of this, consider that love is always “a battlefield in pop music.” It’s not necessarily bad; it works better in certain contexts than others.
  • Avoid too much detail (unless it’s necessary). Don’t get bogged down by extraneous facts or arguments—these distract from what makes heroism truly heroic: selflessness for others’ sake. Don’t use more than three examples unless necessary—and even then, ask yourself if there are other ways you could express yourself instead of citing specific instances from history or pop culture that would illustrate your point just as well (or better). For example: “There was once an extraordinary man named Bernie Sanders who fought tirelessly against wealth inequality…” vs., “There was once an extraordinary man named Bernie Sanders who made sure everyone had access to healthcare…”
  • Specificity and details are important. To make your essay stand out from the crowd, you must use specifics and examples in your writing. For example, instead of saying, “The hero’s actions were brave,” try something like, “The hero jumped onto the train tracks without hesitation.” This shows more about what happened during the heroic moment than just stating it flatly.
  • Make sure that every idea supports one another with evidence from different sources for your argumentation to make sense as a whole piece of work (not just an incomplete collection).
  • Try avoiding passive voice sentences when possible. They tend to sound less engaging than active voice ones because they don’t tell us much about who did what when/where etcetera which can sometimes be useful information depending on context (see below).

Heroism Essay Sample

Key takeaways.

In this article, you learned some tips and tricks on how to write a good essay about heroism. A hero has done something extraordinary, and it can be someone who is famous or someone you know personally. You also need to choose an interesting topic for your essay because if you have a boring topic, there’s no point in writing the essay at all!

A good way of making your essay more interesting is by using stories, but only if they’re relevant to your topic. It’s not necessary that you have to base your essay on a personal experience; it could be based on anything else too!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you define heroism essay.

heroism is the highest manifestation of devotion and courage in public duty performance. A hero is a person who, for his achievements or qualities, is seen as an ideal, an example to follow.

What is the true meaning of heroism?

Heroism consists of putting others first, even at your own peril. The noun heroism comes from the Greek hērōs, which referred to a demigod. As someone who shows great courage and valor is referred to as a hero, their actions are considered to be acts of heroism.

What is the importance of heroism?

Learning about heroes like Lewis, researchers say, can inspire kids with reverence and awe – and motivate them to be heroic themselves. Heroes exemplify cherished values, display qualities we admire, show us how to overcome challenges – and call us to stand up for others. They help build a better world for us all.

What is a hero short essay?

It is a short essay of about 1 or 2 pages or about 300 to 500 words on a hero. A hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem. A hero is a person who is able to help another in various ways. A person can become a hero by saving someone who is in danger. Another example of a hero is someone who is there to help others and gives them the strength to go on through life’s difficulties.

Jamie Boone

Experienced writer and dedicated professor with a passion for crafting compelling narratives and nurturing the next generation of critical thinkers

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Heroism Concept and Its Causes Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

A hero can be defined as a person who can show courage and the will for sacrifice despite facing challenges or various weaknesses. Heroism is therefore an act of being able to face challenges by showing courage which makes one successful in the end. Characteristics of a hero include bravery, perseverance, courage, dedication, selflessness, determination, sacrifice, and courage among others. Bravery is the most important characteristic. One has to be brave to stand up for a cause. A person has to be courageous to fight a situation no matter how hard it is. One has to show determination to push for something no matter how weak they are. On the other hand, selflessness comes up whereby a person does not necessarily have to receive the benefits of their rewards. Valour is whereby the individual has the strength of spirit that enables him to encounter danger with firmness. On dedication, the person has to give oneself fully for the fight. An individual also has to sacrifice some of the things that are dear to him to achieve his goal. A hero also has to be humble and stand with others and not above them.

Causes of heroism include empathy, courage, respect for human life compassion, physical and moral courage, self-esteem, confidence in the ability to prevail, impulsive and risk-taking behavior, spirituality, and sensation seeking. All these may motivate a person to pursue a cause despite the dangers that their actions may involve.

The concept of heroism in ancient Greek is different from the ideologies we have about heroes today. A heroin ancient Greek was supposed to be someone religious; mainly a dead person who had received cult honors and came back to bring prosperity in the society in form of the fertility of animals and plants. First, a hero had to suffer during his lifetime and die significantly. After the death, the person was to receive immortalization in songs and cults. Just like the modern world view of heroism, in ancient Greek, a hero had to struggle against fear of death to be able to achieve a perfect death. The perfect moment of a hero’s death was then recorded in a song known as kleos. These were songs of fame and glory to give them festivals and worship as a way of compensating for his death (Burkert 1985). These forms of honors were given to the dead hero since society could not completely compensate for what he had done for them. However, the honors did not cease; they were performed seasonally in remembrance of the hero and to show him that his spirit will forever live in the society. Historically, heroes were great warriors.

The modern fiction of heroism is more of a fantasy feature. This is because a hero is an ordinary person who in extraordinary circumstances despite all the odds manages to save the life of people or stop something from happening. This can be seen in most movies and stories. A hero must exhibit characteristics like superhuman strength which will make them endure all the suffering and pain (Campbell 1949). There must be evil or danger that the hero is fighting against and in the end, concurs and that is what makes a hero.

The Hero Effect can be good or dangerous since there is nothing you can do to stop it. It is always something that a person possesses. Being present to experience someone’s greatness can help to create sense in a person. A person can see the strength he/she possesses hence will develop courage after developing the thought that he is ready to attack life with great power and passion. This means that heroes can positively or negatively affect people. A person can gain power, strength, and courage for being close to a hero’s heroism. People can develop strength from heroes especially when they leave in the same environment with the hero which shows the effects of heroism. Someone who is attempting great things in life beyond their status quo whereby they take impossible odds and have a great attitude amidst everything can succeed if he leaves with a hero. His presence will give the person the strength he needs to succeed. The presence of a hero can make a person foster in risky environments, become passionate and develop a spirit of conquering. This means that heroes whether they are loud or quiet will always tend to produce the Hero Effect in the surroundings they are in; they make other people heroes. Anyone who acts heroically can create a Hero Effect on other people.

Some of the benefits of heroism are that it creates fame and respect. In the past and even in the society we are leaving in today, heroes are respected by everyone. They are shown love everywhere they go. Someone who has done an extraordinary thing in society always becomes famous since everyone desires to know who saved them or how courageous enough the hero was to pass a particular test. For example, in the modern world, someone who has battled a particular disease like cancer can be considered a hero. Usually, they are broadcasted in the media to the public to act as an example; someone who is worth being like. They become an inspiration to the sick people suffering from the same disease to have faith and courage to fight the disease (Allison 2010).

There are also dangers of heroism. Heroes are always expected to be great and be readily available to help at all times. Society usually expects so much from them. Any form of failure will be a great disappointment to society. Heroes are expected to be courageous and stay strong all the time. This always puts pressure on the life of a hero making his life hard. Mostly, such heroes may include those who attained heroism after saving people’s life or winning a tough task. The fame that comes with heroism can be disturbing at times. Heroes are always followed by the press and that denies them the chance to have a quiet peaceful private life. All the information concerning their lives is known by the public. Most of the time, they always have crowds of people around them who want to take a picture or sign a paper for them.

In conclusion, heroism involves having courage, more moral and mental strength to persevere, venture and withstand fear, difficulty, and danger. Heroes always have firmness of mind and that is why they always have a hero effect in them. Courage and compassion can motivate a person to pursue a cause despite the dangers that their actions may involve making them heroes at the end of the task. Heroism creates fame but at the same time can be very dangerous to the hero himself.

Allison, S. (2010). Heroes: What They Do and Why We Need Them . Virginia: Oxford University Press . Web.

Burkert, W. (1985). The dead, heroes and chthonic gods. Cambridge : Harvard University Press . Web.

Campbell, J. (1949). The Hero with a Thousand Faces . Princeton: Princeton University Press. Web.

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