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speech on save our planet earth

Our Planet. Our Future

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen

Thank you for coming here today, and thank you to the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area for organizing this gathering to celebrate UN Day. My thanks also to the UN Foundation for their support of this event, which is part of the UNA-NCA’s efforts to build a strong UN-US partnership. I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with you and make my small contribution to this worthwhile goal.

Our discussions today are themed around “Our Planet. Our Future” for good reason. The health of our planet and humanity’s future are inseparable. Both are in serious danger.

Multiple threats

I often talk about the multiple threats facing people and planet. Climate change is eating into our well-being, economic development, peace and stability, and unfortunately unless we take action, it will only get worse. In converting land for agriculture, infrastructure and urban expansion, we have destroyed ecosystems, biodiversity and the services they provide. We are polluting the land, air and sea, causing millions of deaths each year, burdening healthcare systems and, again, destroying nature’s foundations. In reality, though, there is only one threat: humanity. Our reliance on fossil fuels, our pursuit of unrestrained growth, our prioritization of the short-term over the long has caused these challenges. We are our own worst enemy.

Tipping point

But things are changing. I am sure many of you either attended, or followed, the Climate Action Summit, the other summits and the General Assembly last month. You saw, as I did, governments, international organizations, the private sector, civil society, and powerful young voices coming together to find more-sustainable ways of running our societies.

People are taking to the streets to insist  that we change our ways. We are seeing environmental concerns dominate in the media, in voting booths, in cabinet meetings, in city councils, in the boardroom, and in classrooms.

The UN has always been at the core of finding common grounds and the platform where we develop collective action, whether on the Sustainable Development Goals or the Paris Agreement. The environment challenge is one that travels across boundaries, and in a sense, binds nations together. The environment is the platform that can enable multilateral action.

The role of UNEP

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The United Nations Environment Programme – as the authoritative voice on the environment within the UN system – is dedicated to this better future. UNEP has been at the heart of the environmental movement since the Stockholm Conference in 1972. It has been central to bringing us to the positive tipping point on environmental action we see today. UNEP’s main task now is to build on the new support to ensure humanity prospers in harmony with the planet.

So, how do we do this? UNEP does not view climate change, ecosystem and biodiversity loss, and pollution as separate issues. They are all closely interlinked and driven by the same forces. To negate these forces, UNEP is focusing on three transformations.

Decarbonize economies

We must decarbonize our economies. This means a rapid transition to clean, renewable energy – accompanied by improved energy efficiency in everything from vehicles to appliances. We have made progress. Renewable energy is beginning to edge out fossil fuels. Investment in renewable energy capacity from 2010 to the end of 2019 is likely to reach a cumulative 2.6 trillion US dollars. In 2017, renewables avoided an estimated 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. But we can do much more. If we shift investments and subsidies from fossil fuels to renewables, we can slow climate change, cut air pollution, create sustainable jobs and power  communities across the world.  

Decouple and detoxify

Fixing the planet’s problems is not as simple as weaning ourselves off fossil fuels, however. We need to rethink how we exploit resources, how we build our cities and infrastructure, how we grow our food, and how we manage our waste. Our production and consumption is unsustainable. Natural resource use has tripled from 1970 and continues to grow. Extraction and processing of materials, fuels and food causes 50 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions and 90 per cent of biodiversity loss and water stress. We need to move to circular economy models that decouple growth from resource use and detoxify our planet.

Work with nature, not against it

It is just as crucial to place nature at the heart of our societies. Nature-based solutions – such as large-scale afforestation – can deliver one-third of the cuts needed to meet the 1.5 degree C target of the Paris Agreement. They can restore biodiversity, boost livelihoods and health, and create climate resilience. To give just one example, restoring 350 million hectares of degraded landscapes by 2030 could generate 9 trillion US dollars in ecosystem services, and put significant amounts of carbon back in the ground. We need to embed nature in our cities, our infrastructure, our farmlands and our working landscapes. We need to value nature, and account for it in every decision at every level.

These are the transformations we  need. Let me now turn to what UNEP is doing to make them a reality. There are many strands to our work, but they all have one common factor: multilateralism.

Science-Policy interface

UNEP’s core task is to link science to policy action by governments.

We support governments in delivering stronger commitments under every international accord – including the three Rio Conventions: the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.

UNEP’s science and know-how also helps governments design and implement the right policies to make these commitments a reality. UNEP co-founded the world’s top independent climate and biodiversity science bodies, the IPCC and IPBES, and continues to work with them. It founded the International Resource Panel. It publishes reports that track progress, or lack thereof, such as the Emissions Gap and the Global Environment Outlook series. It provides direct technical advice on issues as diverse as duty regimes promoting electric vehicles and policies that reduce food waste.

Multilateral Agreements

While action by individual governments is important, it is only through globally agreed rules that we can transform the whole planet. With this in mind, UNEP hosts the secretariats of many global multilateral agreements – such as those on biodiversity, the trade in species, and chemicals and waste – and works closely with those it does not.

These agreements demonstrate the power of multilateralism, which is no more apparent than in the Montreal Protocol. Under the Protocol, the world slashed the use of gases that were causing the hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is on track to completely recover by mid-century, protecting human health and ecosystems. The Protocol is now targeting climate change under its Kigali Amendment. This amendment aims to shave 0.4 degrees C off global warming this century by phasing down climate-warming gases used in the cooling industry.

Working with cities

It is important to note that our work is not just with national governments. We collaborate and inform at all levels, with a growing focus on cities. Over half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, making them major drivers of environmental challenges. But just as cities cause problems, they can solve them. Well-designed cities could cut up to 54 per cent off greenhouse gas emissions, and save on land, water and metals. They can make buildings zero-emission and resilient. They can prioritize sustainable transport solutions. They can implement energy and resource efficiency measures and nature-based solutions – such as the renaturing of urban spaces to bring biodiversity back and keep cities cool naturally.

All of these levers are in the hands of local governments, which is why UNEP is working with the C40 cities network and individual cities on everything from clean and efficient cooling to exploring innovative new building designs.

Private sector

UNEP also collaborates with the private sector, without whom system shifts at speed and scale will not be possible. We need private capital. But our main message to the private sector is that bottom lines are dependent on backing sustainability. We help them see the environmental externalities in their supply chains, which are already hitting profits. We encourage banks, businesses and investors see that the smart money on sustainability.

The private sector is increasingly hearing this message and acting. At the Climate Action Summit, 130 banks signed up to the Principles of Responsible Banking, which UNEP created with leading banks. These banks, collectively holding 47 trillion US dollars in assets, are promising to align their businesses with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs. We also saw institutional investors promise to transition their portfolios – worth 2 trillion US dollars – to net-zero emissions by 2050, under the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance.

Partnerships and coalitions

UNEP is a small organization, but it punches above its weight. It does this by creating partnerships and coalitions across the UN system, governments, the private sector and civil society. There are too many examples to list, so let me highlight one of the newest: The Cool Coalition. Members of this UNEP-led coalition, including multinational corporations, have made real commitments to reducing the climate impact of the cooling industry, while increasing access to life-saving technology.

The benefits of action are huge. A 30 per cent improvement in the energy efficiency of room air conditioners could avoid the need for 2,500 power plants and save 3 trillion US dollars by 2050. Meanwhile, halving food loss with sustainable refrigeration and cold chains could help to feed one billion undernourished people.

I could go on. I could talk about our work encouraging ordinary citizens to adopt sustainable lifestyles. I could point to our work reducing resource-based conflicts and helping communities recover from disaster. I could tell you how we help boost the enforcement of environmental laws. But I have talked enough.

How we can improve

Let me just close by saying that UNEP is striving to improve in this new era of multilateralism. UNEP is working more collaboratively internally to ensure that environmental challenges are treated as one. It is reaching deeper into other sectors to influence decisions made there – part of which means changing the UN Environment Assembly to include a wider range of actors. It is looking to take advantage of the UN reform process to work closer with UN offices on the ground, heeding the call for support on the environmental dimensions of the SDGs.

UNEP must improve quickly, as must everybody. We are up against the clock. The next few years will be critical. We have nations updating their pledges under the Paris Agreement. We have the Convention on Biological Diversity setting the post-2020 framework on biodiversity. We have preparations for the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.

In just three years’ time, it will the 50 th anniversary of the Stockholm Declaration, which said, “A point has been reached in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world with a more prudent care for their environmental consequences.” The world has not lived up to these words. By 2022, we must be sure that our societies are finally on the right path.

There is no excuse. With the multilateral processes in place, and levels of support never seen before, we can recalibrate our relationship with the environment. We can design and implement an inclusive global society that thrives within planetary limits. We can ensure a better future for this planet and all of the creatures that live on it.

UNEP is fully engaged in making this future a reality. Your very presence here today tells me that you are too. And for that, I thank you.

Inger Andersen

Executive Director, UN Environment Programme

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speech on save our planet earth

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Save Environment Speech for Students and Children

Save environment speech.

Our environment is under distress and it is not a hidden fact anymore. The threat it is facing right now is alarming and it is our duty to save it before it gets too late. As inhabitants of this earth, everyone must come together to do their bit to save our environment. After all, it is because of our activities that our ecological balance has been disturbed. We must make sure that instead of over-exploiting the environment’s resources, we must conserve them. It is important to note that even the littlest of actions impact the environment directly or indirectly. Read Save Environment Speech here.

save environment speech

Need to Save Environment

The degrading quality of life on earth is well-known to all. It is all around us, one just needs to start noticing the signs. The harsh weather patterns are proof that our environment needs saving more than ever.

The occurrences of natural calamities are increasing day by day which is resulting in loss of lives. Further, the melting of the glaciers is another alarming point as to why we need to save the environment.

In addition to that, the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is proving to be more harmful than ever. If we do not take immediate action, we will have to face grave consequences at the hands of nature.

It is rather important to note that by saving the environment, we will be saving mankind. We have to do this for our survival and not the earth’s survival. Mother earth has survived for millions of years and will continue to do so. It is mankind that is at risk, so we must start now.

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Ways to Save Environment

We need to start with the proper handling of waste materials. To do so, one must begin with recycling and proper disposal of waste items. The use of coal must be reduced and we must switch to reusable power like hydro or solar power.

This way, we can adopt a healthy and greener lifestyle. On a bigger level, we see that cities must be planned as per the available water resources. This will help in the conservation of water resources. Avoid using hot water, and make do with cold water when possible. Further, the farmers must use organic fertilizers in place of pesticides.

Further, air pollution must be reduced at all costs. Everyone must avoid taking their personal cars or bikes if possible. Try carpooling or taking public transport for the same. Do not waste electricity so as to prevent global warming.

Switch off fans and light when not in use, unplug electrical appliances as well. Try to use recycled products so no unnecessary waste is produced. Moreover, avoid the use of plastic and switch to greener alternatives. For instance, use reusable bags and containers. Do not litter the roads and prevent your loved ones from doing so too.

Most importantly, plant trees as many as you can. As the amount of carbon dioxide present in the air and the rate of deforestation happening is very disruptive. So, as the trees will enhance the air quality, we must encourage the planting of trees. Moreover, it is equally important to discourage deforestation.

Every year, we are losing our forests which carry the potential to make the air cleaner. It must begin with us and our children. Teach them from a young age to be responsible for the environment and work to save it for a better and greener future.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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speech on save our planet earth


speech on save our planet earth


speech on save our planet earth

How to save the planet: a kids’ guide!

Check out our top tips for becoming an eco-hero….

Here at National Geographic Kids, we know how much our readers want to make a positive difference to our world! So, read on to find out how to save the planet…

1. Be a habitat hero!

how to save the planet | a big view of pristine rainforest. a river runs through the middle and there are mountains in the background.

All over the world, wild places are in trouble . As the human population has increased , we’ve taken over more and more land for our homes, farms, factories and roads .

In the rainforest , around 80,000 acres of trees are cut down every day to make way for farming , or to provide wood for industry. In other countries, habitats like grasslands, underwater habitats, and wetlands are also at risk – and so are the animals and plants that live there.

Luckily, lots of people are working hard to protect these precious places, and you can be one of them!

  • – Stand up against deforestation , by avoiding foods that contain unsustainable palm oil .
  • – Keep your local habitats safe by sticking to the paths .
  • – Make your garden wildlife-friendly by setting aside space for nature! You could build a bee hotel , have a log pile , or even create a pond .
  • – If you own a cat that goes outdoors, put a bell on its collar so that vulnerable wildlife can hear it coming and make their escape!

2. Reduce, reuse, recycle!

how to save the planet | three big bins sit alongside eachother. one green one is for compost, one red one for waste, and a yellow one for recycling

We live in a ‘ throwaway culture ‘, where many of our things aren’t built to last. Each year, every house in the UK produces about 1 tonne of waste – that’s about the same weight as a great white shark !

What’s worse, is that 60% of what we throw away, is actually recyclable ! That’s why it’s super important to check the label on every piece of rubbish, to make sure you’re putting it in the right bin.

Check out our article on the circular economy to find out more about this wasteful culture…

Even better, you can avoid throwing things away altogether , by buying fewer things, taking better care of the things you have, and finding ways to repair or reuse things that are old or broken.

  • – Before you throw something away, stop and think about what else it could be used for! For example, rather than using disposable paper towels to clean up in the kitchen, why not turn old clothes or bedsheets into cloths ? Then, you can use them over and over again!
  • – Ask a grown-up if they can teach you to mend small rips in your clothes, so that they last longer! And if you really have to get rid of something, see if you can give it to charity instead.
  • – Fight plastic pollution by using reusable water bottles , bringing reusable bags with you to the shops, and always taking your rubbish home with you.
  • – Take your plastic prevention one step further by checking out our ten top tips , learning how to make plastic-free gifts , and reducing plastic waste in school too!

3. Be a green eater!

dead fish lie in barrels of ice waiting to be sold

In the past, people thought that we could take whatever we wanted from the planet, without any consequences! Now, we know that’s not true. If we keep taking as much as we want, whenever we want, our planet’s resources could one day run out .

That’s why it’s important that we try to live sustainably. Issues like overfishing , water scarcity (when there’s not enough clean water to go around), and climate change are all affected by our lifestyle choices. Thankfully, there’s lots we can do to help.

Around the world, we eat a whopping total of 360 million tonnes of meat and 156 million tonnes of fish every year. That’s an astonishing amount!

If we could all cut down, just a little bit, it would take the pressure off natural ecosystems, and ensure that these animals – and their habitats – have a healthy future .

  • – Talk to your family, and ask if you could all try some vegetarian or vegan meals . There are loads of meat-free and plant-based recipes available online, or you can try our veggie pasta bake !
  • – Know where your food comes from! When you’re in the supermarket, ask a grown-up to help check things like tins of tuna for signs that they’ve been sustainably fished , like the blue MSC label . These will have been sourced responsibly , in a way that helps protect fish populations .

4. Keep an eye on what you use!

Two young girls play in clean water that spills down from a tap

Our daily lives require an amazing amount of water and energy . In countries like the UK, Australia , or the USA , these things are available at the push of a button or turn of a tap – but sadly, that’s not the case for everyone…

Around the world, 2.5 billion people have no (or unreliable) access to electricity. Plus, 4.2 billion struggle to access clean water every day, which they need for drinking , bathing , washing , growing crops and rearing animals . That’s why those of us that have access to these precious resources should be careful not to waste them.

  • – Go on a vampire hunt! Household appliances that are unnecessarily left on standby are known as ‘ vampire devices ‘ as they sneakily suck up lots of electricity! Make sure they’re all turned off at the wall , to stop them wasting power.
  • – On a sunny day, hang things outside to dry ! This saves energy that would have been used on the dryer.
  • – If you can, try cycling, walking, or using public transport to get out and about, rather than using the car.
  • – Turn off any dripping taps , and make sure you don’t run them for longer than necessary. Turn the taps off while brushing your teeth, and take short showers of four minutes or less!

5. Be a planet advocate!

two blond children, a boy and a girl, sit together. they are filling in a clipboard and clearly working together.

The real secret of how to save the planet? Sharing your knowledge with others, and helping them to become eco-heroes too! Whether it’s spectacular habitats, cool creatures, or eco-friendly living, don’t be afraid to speak up and tell others about your planet passions! It takes lots of people working together to make change happen – so share, share, share!

How to save the planet | Young girl plants tree

Now, get out there and save the world – you can do it!

Thanks to Markus Spiske; Sabine van Erp; Surfing Croyde Bay; Louis Reed; Eutah Mizushima; Boudewijn Huysmans; Nareeta Martin and Abigail Keenan for the images used in this article.

What’s your top tip for other kids learning how to save the planet let us know in the comments below, leave a comment.

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help save the earth

lets go save earth!

Lets take care of the planet!

lets take care of all the planet! And take care wherever we go!

nice good job

amazing lets take care of the planet

Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Gooo Greeeeen

A big thanks to Greta!!! I ❤️ her personality, confidence and attitude. Age 11

I like water but it doesn't taste like anything

We really have to keep the water clean for the rest of the month, I’ve been worried about that big oil spill. We must do our part!

let take action and recycle :}

We can go to grocery shopping with clothe bags which we can reuse every time we go grocery shopping. Let's not throw trash , recyclable things, and biodegradable things anywhere . WE should put things in recycle bins , trash bins, and biodegradable bins.

lets take care of the planet

let's take care of the environment

It is highly recommended because it will be our planet in the future and it helps you reflect and raise awareness of the change that we are all going to make in the future on the planet and it will be disastrous that is why national geographical helps people echo tips to save the planet.

I think they are good ideas to take care of the environment, reuse, not deforest, not waste water, plant trees, do not pollute, are very easy things that we can do in our daily lives.

I like that they want to include children in the care of the world



it is so Cool Kids will like it

I love it so cool


The only way to save our planet is if we all do our part, because some people are thinking that it is not their problem, but we’re all in this together!

If we want to save the planet for future generations for them to enjoy then we should start saving our planet through all the ways we kids can! Let’s take part!

Yeah people should step up and at least try to save our world. I worry about climate change every single day. This article is almost reading my mind and saying my views publicly. So please, everyone do something in here to help save the world!!!

I love nat geo doing all this stuff, it's a pity people just are too lazy to get moving and start seeing how the things we humans do are going to destroy the world someday.

save the planet be kind to it if you dont the planet wont be kind to you think about it.

Grow your own fruit and vegetables .

As well as being good for the environment, eating less meat improves your health and saves lives. Why wouldn't you go vegan or vegetarian?

Donate to people who help animals!

Do not litter we want a plastic free world when we are older from a 5th Grader

Kids should not litter . They should say no when they see anybody cutting trees

Pollution is harmful..very harmful. It can take lives of people with breathing problems if it’s not taken care of. I’d rather spend my time planting trees than watching television. Help me take care of my earth please. P.S from a 4th grader child.

love the eirth it is my and your home and we need to take care of itttttt ps. Emma from 2 grade

take care of the eirth isabel and cat

Plloution is lame would love to plant trees

Tillie i agree i have never used palm oil before but I'm agreeing

I love the Eirth take care of it

Pollution is bad for...well Anything. it hurts Creachers, pets,and us. Thats why we need to stop people doing it.almost the whole earth is hurt from pollution! PLEASE HELP ME SAVE THE EARTH PLEASSSEEE! P.S Catherine from 2 grade

I’m never using palm oil again!

Pollution is lame.... I would rather spend time cleaning the air and environment!

Fight back against pollution and rescue the earth HELP THE EARTH AND STOP POLLUTION!!!!!

I will care for the planet and be an eco warrior! LETS TAKE ACTION!!!

I 'll be an eco warrior

I love surfing, skateboarding and swimming .I care so much for the environment and ecosystem I want everyone to try to be eco friendly. This website is awesome btw


We can do this!

we need to save the planet NOW!

I am really passionate about saving the earth

Save the earth it is beautiful and is worth saving

That is amazing man.

Not eating meat is easier than you think....

Save the planet,We can do this together!

let's save the planet earth

If we save the planet we will regain the world and be able to live fun for a longer time of period

We can do this together!

lets try to save the world


Lets save our planet and take action, anyways this website is brilliant and super fantastic, i bet kids all around the world can understand once agian thank you for making this website natgeo. super good

we need to take action now

this is a great and fantastic website

Lets take action to help the world

Lets save the planet

Lets be eco friendly.

this text is very helpful :)

Lets save the world

I love this stuff it is good for educational kids

come on lets save the planet and us to do that tho we have got to make changes.

people say they will take action but they never do but they do need to start doing what they say

wow I did'nt realise I was making so much damage thanks National Geographic Kids

I eat my veggies to be vegan

This website is very useful to inform and spread information about our surroundings . Thanks for this wonder full tips! And I'll make sure to do these tips.

I want to share to people that we have to care about the environment, Because we are slowly killing it without even noticing.

This article is very good and it thought me to help the planet. and to help the animals.

Nice Website :)

I learned alot from this website and this is really helpful for kids like me thank you and don't forget to plant trees :]

Thank you so much for this very informative article. It is really informative and helps with promoting awareness about biodiversity conservation. <3

This is very cool! We should raise awareness and save earth.

Thank you for the amazing tips, thank you. I'll be vegan from now on.

I will give this 10/10 because its amazing by learning this for science class.

This is super cool and nice! We should always care about the environment.

This is an amazing tips, thank you. I'll make sure I do this- I feel super bad to some animals suffering. I'll be sure to be vegan now :>

i will really try all this stuff

A big thanks for this resource material! It will surely pave a great way in raising awareness about Biodiversity Conservation to our youth today.

I want to share these fruitful and meaningful resources to my students to promote awareness and concern to our environment.

I care about the earth and want to take part in saving it.

this was a great website and I hope to see more off it

Wow cool I care so much about the environment and I agree with every thing that is in the book :)

thanks for tips

I eat veggie foods all the time. I try and do my best to help the environment.

When I think of people being responsible and saving the world changes the world in lots of ways

This makes me feel bad for those creatures who are suffering

this was very useful thank you

this is cool

It's very interising

this is pretty cool

This is absolutely amazing. I am definetly telling my friends.

i love reading these

pretty cool

that was pretty easy to read and its pretty good might read more :D

That is amazing I will have a good go at it

thanks i will be vegan now :)

I feel very happy whenever someone talks about the planet and how to save it.

This is amazing. I’m stealing your idea to use in my presentation. Is there a club?

I love it. I am about to go out to do this thing to protect our plant! I will tell anyone I see to help me save earth.

Everyone should do it,it could change everything.

thanks that really helped out i hope this planet will change new when we tell everyone to do this

Great info got A+ from info Thanks

Save The Planet

this artical realy will bring a change

save the turtles

save the planet.

Everyone needs to do there part save our planet

lets help the planet!!!!!!!!!!!.........................



Save the planet

It's really good

Me to can’t wait

I feel really happy when someone talks about how you can change the world! If you have the guts to change the world, do it! I will also be eco friendly and help the world be back to it's wild beauty!

lets take action!!

lets save the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is really good advice.




Cool! Sign me up!


IM GONNA SAVE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123

People could also start a club to save the world and put up posters as well


Trees are the natural answer to climate control – they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, which then helps to reduce climate change. Trees also provide a home for lots of different birds, insects and creatures. You can easily find tree seeds such as acorns, sweet chestnuts and conkers (horse chestnuts) wherever you find mature trees. However, learning how to identify and grow trees adds an entirely new level of appreciation and understanding of nature. Don’t worry if you have no space to plant trees, as indoor plants also do a great job of cleaning the air. By looking after plants, children can learn about the important conditions needed for plants to grow. There are lots of other ways to get involved in this step too; for example, you could help actually grow a forest by raising money for one of the many tree-planting organisations around the world! Even in the centre of a city, once you start looking you will be surprised at how many different creatures you can spot, such as squirrels, birds and foxes. Lots of wild animal species in the UK are under threat right now. One of the best things you can do to help them is to re-wild an area in your garden or school playground. Sprinkle some soil and dead leaves around and let the grass, daisies and dandelions grow. Wildflowers provide excellent food for bees, who are in turn very important for pollinating food crops. You can also invite wild animals such as endangered hedgehogs in by making piles of leaves and twigs for them to nest in. Make sure that you provide gateways for these creatures to move freely to the next garden.

I can do everything else but not vegan thing

Let’s take Action - We can make a difference!

Save the Planet

Cool I do almost all of them

I am alredy making a groop to help save our planet

I want to take care of this planet

We can make a difference.


Save the planet!

Guide our planet

This is really intresting and we need to save the planet!

Why is saving the planet important

Save the PLANET

Thank you Nat Geo Kids for all you do to spread animal information!!

Let's make a Difference!!

Thank you I had fun reading this and will follow your tips only because this is my favorite nature website.

When you finish brushing your teeth, to save water you shouldn’t turn the tap on when you spit the toothpaste out.

I liked the idea of saving the planet!!!!

Lets take care of the planet!!!!

Love reading

We could write letters to our local councils, and headteachers, and convince them to promote saving the planet to even more people!

planting trees and recicling matterale like plastic drink bottles.

I have a tip for saving the planet maybe plant some trees in your garden or plant wild flowers for bees. If you have any recyclable rubbish recycle it or make something out of it yourself like a fish or a bird.

I have a tip for saving the planet maybe plant some trees in your garden (if you have one) you could also plant some wild flowers in your garden for bees.

Amazing imformation thanks nat geo kids!

Thanks for the tips! Save the Earth!

If everyone in the world just plants one tree imagine how much that would help!

We don't realise it but we can do so much for the environment!

nice tips!!!!!!

nice tips for saving the environment

We must save our planet. Save the planet save lives.

it is relly good :)


Lets do this

Let’s do this!

Awesome! Thank you so much! Now I'm prepared to help my planet!

we can do this

Let's save the planet!

Hi this is cool

I am going to do all of that stuff

I hope we get to help and this is what I’d did - recycle - throw litter -

Cool! Lets Take action !! :))

this is amazing i will try these

Thanks for sharing this now I know how to save the earth

Be careful of wastage

I learnt we should be careful of wasteage

Let's take action! Save the planet! Plant trees! Make animal homes! Eat green! Anything! I'll do anything to save our world!

This is a great article with lots of fantastic information . Thanks . X

thanks a lot mother nature

I love earth.

so much fun

We should take action in putting rubbish in the right bin.

What I think is that we need to put rubbish in the right bin and eat healthy.

save the world

save our world

I love to save the planet and this has given me an idea

Take action

We can save the world!!!

the world is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to help keep trees and animals alive they are important

What is your favourite country of France

i want to save the world

i am lemonade

This is cool


awsome] great



I love this and save the world

I hope everyone can be kind enough to save a bunch of animals even if you see a hurt animal help them because 1 tiny thing can make a HUGE difrents

my avatar is so handsome

Save the world please.

I hope we can save giraffes they play a very important part in your ecosystem I hope we can save other animals too.

i am happy their are kids like me out there i really like animals.

hi I go by the name green girl you all have asome ideas i am not a member yet couse it dont work. i have adopted three animals. i love that i finally found kids like me or even younger

I am so happy their are other kids trying to help the wold. Every one has a saying in this wold and to keep it safe i am not a member yet couse it dont work so i try like every 5 mins # safe the earth.

Lets save the world by a few simple things

I am just happy we have the earth

OMG! Let's save the world!

It's very good that you are writing things like that ,because, every person on our planet earth needs to protect it. Because, if we don't do something now, our planet earth will die quicker then you think.

This is great we can all save the planet together

I love our planet and I will use these ideas to help save the planet.

I find it very interesting

I Love This

we can save the planet!!!

Taking care of the environment is important since in part the plants are also living beings that feel so as not to harm them there to plant more plants and trees instead of cutting them


Thanks so much this was an amazing article to learn about thanks .

Cool thing, I like it

This is a cool article to learn about !

Doing it STRAIGHT away

every one should recycle

Plant one tree each month

Wow! that is amazing-I tried all of it myself. let's take action together!

How to save the planet

This is a good thing to save Are earth maybe I will try some.

Let's do this!

We need to save our planet before it's too late!

These are really good ideas! Everyone should recycle more

Pick up rubbish and take action.

have a great day

save the earth and help recycle so we can save this plait

save the earth

I didn't know how to save our planet earth before reading this. Thank you.

water more trees

Yes we need to start trying to recycling and not be lazy!

i love this

We should take action to save our world!

i like to help the world so this helps me tell me what to do


Plant trees!

This is cool!

Wow! That's awamazing!

That looks fun to recycle!

Recycle looks fun! I'm very good throwing stuff, During St Paul's High School


More like nature.

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Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth:  As humans, we all depend on trees and in terms of energy balance trees depend on animals as well. Other than the important air we are breathing, there are plenty of other natural resources that we get from trees which are essential for our survival.

Humans have harmed the planet enough because of pollution and deforestation, and the adverse effects have started to show. Therefore we all must work actively in saving trees if we want to save our planet Earth or more importantly save ourselves.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Speeches On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth for Kids And Students in English

We are providing long Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth of 500 words and a short Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth of 150 words along with ten lines on the same topic for helping the readers write their speech. These speeches will be useful as a reference for students and environmental activists for their speech writing.

A Long Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth 500 Words In English

A very pleasant morning to the respected dignitaries, my peers and teachers present here today. I am (your name) of (school and class), and I am truly honoured for having the opportunity to deliver a speech on a vital topic as ‘save trees, and you will save the planet’. I believe in this mantra and try my best to help by spreading awareness.

Most of us are hopefully aware of the critical condition of the environment, and this is why the necessity of being concerned about saving the Earth has arisen. Climate change is one of the biggest and most critical concerns of the planet at present, and the only solution to this is the active participation of people in saving and planting trees along with keeping pollution levels in check.

I do not need to elaborate any further about the contribution of trees in our life because we all have been studying about it. And I can assure that the maximum population is also aware of the global environmental problem yet most people have turned a blind eye to it. It is high time the problem should haunt them because if they don’t realize how their daily activities are harming the planet and make efforts to change, then they are evident to suffer more.

The rise of global temperature, the change in the time of monsoon is major because of the extensive exploitation of Nature and its resources. And the only way to solve this issue is not only saving trees but actively taking part in the planting of more trees. Other ways to help the environment are by reducing the amount of waste being produced and stopping littering. And all these movements can begin from our very home with very small steps of control and measure.

I know the question that has arisen in the mind of many individuals sitting here is that when people what difference will the effort of one individual will make, right? Well, the soil is made of innumerable grains, the see is made of innumerable droplets of water, and the body of the person sitting thinking that question is also made of innumerable cells. Now think what if all those or most of grains, droplets or the cells were not present would the end product be as massive as to how we look at it now?

Every single individual’s effort and contribution in the movement of saving the planet is equally important to bring an impact finally. It is true for all kinds of changes that have ever been brought by humans to the existing system, be it social, economical or political. Yes it will take time, and yes sometimes your efforts might go unnoticed, but always remember that your initiative is in one way or another healing the planet.

It is high time that these concrete jungles get a touch of green to them, and with our combined efforts, it is possible to give this planet back its greenery. And always remember that worldwide change starts with our very own neighbourhood.

Short Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth 150 Words In English  

Short Speech On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth 150 Words In English

Greetings and salutations to everyone present here. I am going to address the importance of saving trees very briefly.

Trees are an extremely important asset of the environment and critically important for our survival. Till now, industrialization and technology might have influenced our life highly, but they have not yet come up with solutions that can replace the contribution of trees have to this planet. Even though we cannot go by a day if trees were not to exist, yet we are still responsible for cutting down trees.

If deforestation is not put to stop and active reforestation doesn’t take place, then this Earth will soon turn inhabitable. It is high time we realize that deforestation has resulted in problems like global warming and climate change which continue to leave an adverse effect on Nature. If we do not start taking part in healing the Earth by saving trees, then the doom of this planet is inevitable.

Thank you for being a very supportive and patient audience.

10 Lines On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth Speech In English

  • Earth’s 70% of land animal and plants species belong to forests.
  • According to researches, more than twenty-five thousand creatures live on trees.
  • Climate change is one of the biggest areas of concern than can be battled by saving trees and pollution control.
  • Soil erosion, flooding, desertification, the rise of greenhouse gases are some of the problems caused by deforestation other than climate change.
  • Noise and air pollution are controlled by trees.
  • Trees are air purifiers because they absorb pollutant gases and odours.
  • Fine particulates present in the air are trapped by trees in their leaves and bark, making the air we breathe cleaner.
  • It is a wise idea to own small plants in our houses.
  • Most industries (like paper, rubber, medicine, etc., industries) and their employees are dependent on trees and their products.
  • Trees are the source of oxygen, food, medicine, shelter and much more.

10 Lines On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth Speech In English 

FAQ’s On Save Trees And Save Planet Earth Speech

Question 1. How does the change in climatic conditions impacting the forests?

Answer: It is because of the environmental conditions like precipitation amount and temperature change because of the critical issue of climate change, is acting like stressors for forest plants growth.

Question 2. How can people contribute to saving the planet by planting trees?

Answer: There are many ways in which you can contribute to saving the planet. It can start with a simple step, like planting trees in your backyard or terrace and can grow bigger by organizing campaigns for tree planting and saving.

Question 3. How are wildlife animals helped by tree saving and planting?

Answer: Forest being the home of various species of animals we must be aware of how our activities harm them. It is because of deforestation that such many wildlife creatures lost their home and turned extinct. We need to put major effort in reforestation for restoring the wildlife habitat that is so beneficial for us and precious to Earth.

Question 4. How has deforestation caused harm to Earth?

Answer: Global problems like climate change because of global warming, an increase in floods, extinction of several species, etc. are the result of deforestation and an increase in pollution.

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10 Lines on Save Earth

Earth is the only known planet of the universe which has existence of life. For the existence of life, earth has provided various natural resources. By using these resources all the living beings are able to lead their lives. ‘Save Earth’ is a promotional campaign which shows the importance of our Mother Earth. It tells us that how saving earth is going to help the entire mankind as well as other living beings.

People carry processions, rallies from schools to different places to spread awareness regarding save earth campaign. Save earth campaign is not only a matter of a single person but it’s for the whole human community as we are largest user of the earth’s natural resources. So, we must think about saving it.

Ten Lines on Save Earth in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on save earth in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. These set will not only enhance your overall knowledge but it will also help you while writing save earth essay, speech on save earth, few points on save earth, few lines on save earth.

1) Save Earth is a slogan which is raised to create awareness for saving earth’s environment.

2) The slogan save earth tells us that we should save our mother earth else it will pose severe threats in future.

3) Earth is most crucial component of every living beings and necessity for existence of human race.

4) Earth provides us natural resources which are very much essential for our existence.

5) Unfortunately, the natural resources are getting depleted due to misuse by human beings.

6) Time has come to save natural resources and give stress on their optimum utilisation.

7) In order to spread awareness of save earth, several campaigns are conducted in schools and colleges.

8) Processions, rallies are conducted in the schools along with essay writing and speech competition on save earth.

9) In offices and public places, people take pledge for saving planet earth and not degrading it.

10) Planting of small plants and saplings is also done on large scale by the government and charitable societies.

10 Lines and Sentences on Save Earth

1) We live on a planet which gives us everything required for leading a good life from its natural resources.

2) Earth is the only known planet which has Oxygen and Water which are the basic requirement for existence of life.

3) In order to utilise the natural resources, we hardly think about the consequences of depletion of these natural resources.

4) Save earth is a multidimensional program which includes many things including save trees and stop deforestation.

5) Another way to save natural vegetation is recycling and reducing wastage.

6) Utilization of natural resources such as coal, petroleum, minerals etc should be reduced and focus should be made on renewable source of energy.

7) Water is the main component of every living being and we should save it and avoid its pollution.

8) Pollution is a very grave situation which is rapidly affecting earth and negatively impacting the life of human being and other animals.

9) Global warming is also one of the dangers which the earth is facing which occurs due to increased temperature leading to melting of glaciers.

10) Climate change is also affecting the lives of people as certain change in temperature results huge loss in agriculture sector.

10 Lines on Save Earth

5 Lines on Save Earth

1) Life is only possible on Earth.

2) It provides all the natural resources.

3) Due to many reasons the Earth is in danger.

4) We can save the earth by saving natural resources.

5) Saving Earth is necessary for saving our existence.

20 Lines on Save Earth

1) Earth is our only place of residence; thus, it must be saved from threats at all costs.

2) Earth provides us food, shelter, protection and other necessary resources.

3) Earth is a privilege given to us by nature and it’s our responsibility to protect her.

4) We can do our bit in saving the earth by not littering garbage, not wasting water etc.

5) Humans’ greed to expand their settlement is posing serious threat to earth.

6) Earth needs to be urgently saved from the effects of global warming and climate change.

7) Saving the earth means saving its biological diversity and ecological balance.

8) Earth must be protected in its pristine form with minimum influence from human activities.

9) If we don’t save the earth from pollution, global warming etc, then we too will perish with it.

10) Even saving electricity contributes towards saving the resources and thus the Earth.

11) Human activities are the main cause behind 90% of forest fires encountered around the world.

12) Humans are also causing an irrevocable loss of biodiversity and it must be stopped immediately.

13) Around 7 million hectares of forested area is being cleared annually for making human settlements.

14) Over population of the humans on earth is also primarily responsible for the damages to the earth.

15) The greener we make the earth, the more safe it will become; start planting trees now.

16) Since the gone four decades, number of birds, fishes and other amphibians has reduced by 60%.

17) It is essential to safeguard the earth and its natural resources against human influence.

18) We can save the earth by saying no to the use of plastic and all plastic based products.

19) Only man has the ability to save the earth and its resources against impending threats.

20) Earth is the only planet suitable for sustaining life; therefore, it is our only and last home.

We all have to understand the value and importance of planet earth because it is one and the only source from where we get resources to survive. Be it a human being or any living being, all are dependent on planet earth, but natural resources of earth are also limited which cannot serve the whole population for a longer period.

As we know that the human being has a tendency of greediness and in order to fulfill his greed he just exploits natural resources. Time has come for optimum utilization of resources so that every living being could live on this earth and save the resources for our future generation.

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Essay On ‘Save The Earth’ – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘Save The Earth’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save the earth’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save the earth’, short essay on ‘save the earth’ in english for children, long essay on ‘save the earth’ for children, what will your child learn from the ‘save the earth’ essay.

Practising essay writing from a young age helps young learners develop an understanding of sentence formation and appropriate words. It also allows children to expand their vocabulary and learn new words. Learning new words and using them in sentences helps them improve their writing skills. Our planet is rich in natural resources, but it is rapidly depleting due to human greed. Writing an essay on saving the earth in English makes children aware of their surroundings and familiarises them with the steps that can be taken to improve the situation. This article provides some pointers and examples to help students write a good essay on saving the earth for classes 1, 2, and 3.

Writing an essay on ‘save the earth’ can be interesting, provided certain things are kept in mind. Following these tips enables your children to write an essay that is different and unique from others. If you, too, are wondering about how to write an essay on this topic, here are some tips for you:

  • Start with an introductory paragraph giving a general introduction about our planet earth and why is it beneficial for us to save it from depletion. The introduction should be such that it provides a flow to the entire content ahead.
  • The second part of the essay should be its body. The body should be divided into smaller paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect. For instance, one paragraph can talk about all the problems faced by our planet; the second can talk about the reasons behind the same.
  • It is always advised to summarise your thoughts in a concluding paragraph.

Saving our planet, mother earth, is the need of the hour. We should understand our responsibility and do our bit to improve this world. Here are a few lines on save earth that can be used to write a good essay for class 1 and 2 kids:

  • Earth is the only planet in the universe that has life in this universe.
  • The planet has given us abundant natural resources like water, air, sunlight and more.
  • Humans have been exploiting the planet for their greed.
  • This has caused a lot of adversity such as global warming, unnatural disasters etc.
  • All of us should work towards protecting and saving our planet.
  • We should plant more trees.
  • We should stop hunting animals to meet our selfish needs, affecting the ecological balance.
  • We should follow the three R’s, i.e., Reduce, Reduce and Recycle.
  • Saving natural resources, water, and the environment should be our primary goal.
  • We should also spread awareness regarding saving the earth among the public.

Short paragraphs help children of lower classes to read and understand easily. It also guides kids to write a good essay on saving the earth for their classroom activities or even competitions. Given below is a short paragraph on save earth:

As we all know, the earth is the only planet in the universe where life exists. Not only that, but the earth also provides us with numerous natural resources such as sunlight, water, air, minerals, and so on. Humans, however, have depleted almost all natural resources due to greed. They have also hunted down many wildlife animals, causing the majority of species to become extinct. “Save the Earth” is a phrase that should be used to raise public awareness. We must plant more trees, reduce pollution, and conserve natural resources to save the planet. We should also reduce exploiting the gift of nature and follow the 3R’s, i.e., Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Saving the earth is very crucial at this point. Writing a short essay on this topic allows the children to be more aware of their surroundings and also allows them to take steps to protect the environment. Given below is a save earth essay for classes 1,2 and 3:

Short Essay On 'Save The Earth' In English For Children

We often refer to our planet earth as “Mother Nature”, but when it comes to treating it like a mother, we fail to do so. Our planet is the home of many living creatures such as mammals, reptiles, plants and many more and all beings need to sustain an ecological balance. However, due to the unfavourable activities of humans, the ecological balance of the earth is being destroyed. Humans are cutting down trees, creating pollution as a result of which global warming is increasing. We all should take individual steps to save our planet. The government has taken steps to protect the environment, such as banning plastics and plastic products, running campaigns to reduce waste and keep our surroundings clean, and so on. We must also take steps such as planting more trees, replacing large vehicles with bicycles, limiting air conditioners, and using LED lights. We can save our planet if we follow at least a few of these steps.

Writing an essay on ‘save the earth’ helps children understand the world’s serious situation and encourages them to help find solutions. A long essay for class 3 kids is provided below to help them understand what points to include when writing an essay:

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not enough to satisfy every man’s greed,” Mahatma Gandhi once said. Although he made this statement many years ago, it is still valid. Mother Nature, as we fondly refer to our planet Earth, provides us with a wide range of natural resources such as sunlight, minerals, and water, to name a few. Humans have used these resources for a long time and have exploited them to a large extent.

Why Is It Necessary To Save Earth?

Our planet earth is facing plenty of problems due to mindless human behaviour, which has resulted in a difficult position. We have cut down trees to build industrial factories, buildings, and townships, among other things. These industrial plants emit hazardous chemicals that pollute the air and water. Population growth is also a significant contributor to the earth’s depleting condition. The increased number of cars on the road has resulted in pollution and the emission of harmful greenhouse gases, all of which contribute to global warming. As a result, seasons have been pushed back, monsoons have disappeared in some areas while flooding has occurred in others, and glaciers are melting.

Easy Ways To Save Earth

Saving the earth is not difficult if we all contribute our tiny bits towards it. Some of the easy steps that we can take in our daily lives to save our planet are:

  • We should reduce our use of plastic in our daily routine.
  • We need to plant more trees.
  • We should prioritise water conservation. Bathing in a bucket rather than a shower can save litres of water.
  • We should use carpools or shared vehicles to travel daily because it reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • We should adhere to the 3Rs, which emphasise reducing, reusing, and recycling.
  • We should use LED bulbs.
  • We should reduce our electricity consumption by not unnecessarily leaving fans, lights, or other electrical appliances on.
  • We should also concentrate on solar and renewable energy sources, such as solar panels.

This essay will help your children learn more about their surroundings while also making them aware of why we need to save our planet. This also encourages them to participate in various Earth-saving campaigns organised by multiple groups.

Earth has provided us with numerous resources that have been extremely beneficial to humanity over the years. It is our turn to repay our planet by taking steps to protect it.

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  • Save Earth Essay


Essay on Save Earth

Each living being on Earth knows the importance of Earth in our lives. Without Earth, we cannot even imagine living. Have you ever thought how we would walk if there is no Earth, there will be no water to drink, there will not be animals living here, and of course, no cultivation, so no food to eat. This means to say that the life of humans, as well as other living beings, cannot be imagined without Earth. 

Life is possible on the planet Earth and its related resources. Can you imagine a life on the Earth if resources are not available here. And, the answer comes not at all. The resources like air, sunlight, water, creatures, minerals, and vegetation are integral parts of the Earth. But with the increasing level of pollution, these resources are getting affected and either humans are destroying or depleting recklessly. If we have not taken a calculative step to save the Earth, it is going to be difficult to establish a sustainable future on the earth. Let’s understand why is it so crucial to save the Earth from these things: 

WhyiIs Saving The Earth Necessary?

In order to save the earth, we must understand that resources that are provided by earth are limited. However, the majority of us are unaware of this fact and we are not judiciously utilizing the resources. In order to safeguard the existence of humans, we need to protect the earth and take care of it. All living beings are dependent on the earth for their survival and so we should use the gist of nature in a thoughtful way. The increase in pollution and damage caused by humans are affecting the earth so rapidly that it is threatening our survival.  

Saving earth is not merely the need of the hour but much more. The extent of degradation caused by humans is becoming irreparable. This is one of the reasons why all the resources are getting highly polluted. The change in climate is also one of the examples that are caused due to severe pollution. Moreover, animals, birds are getting extinct and the worlds around us are slowly approaching the end. Nothing could be scarier than this. Therefore, saving the earth is the primary need and we should make conscious decisions to make the earth a better and sustainable place to live in. 

It is and has been our responsibility to protect the planet that we live in but rather we become selfish and do such things that create more pollution in our environment. As the most evolved species of the environment, we should understand that our planet is the only planet that supports life. So when the earth will be in peril, we will not have the option to move to another planet for our safety.

Hence, it is important to make the most use of what we have right now in a sustainable manner. Our approach will not only save the earth but our lives as well. Moreover, our future generation will be bestowed with a healthy environment to live in. 

Ten Simple Things to Save the Earth

Live by the mantra- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 

Keep our surroundings clean 

Plant more trees

Conserve water and water bodies

Educate people about the significance of conserving nature

Shop wisely

Cycle more and drive fewer cars on the road

Use LED lights

Don’t discharge industrial effluents in the river or other water bodies

Choose sustainability in every step of life

Therefore, by making small changes in our lifestyle we can make a huge difference. By restoring ecological balance, we can save the earth from getting dreadfully polluted and uninhabitable. 


FAQs on Save Earth Essay

 Why is  Earth an important planet?

We all know the importance of Earth in our lives as it is the planet where we all live. This is one of the crucial planets in our system. Here, other species also live along with human beings. In order to write an effective essay on Earth, we can mention the importance of Earth in our lives.  Ask questions about how life will be if there is no Earth. Will there be a life or not? This way, you can get the correct answers to write interesting things about Earth.

How can we make efforts to save our beautiful planet Earth?

There are a number of ways with which it is possible for us to save Earth. The first thing is to conserve water. Always remember even the little things are going to create a difference. The second thing is to embrace compositing as it itself is a real difference. The third thing is that we all should be car-canaware, we try to use public transport as much as possible. And, the most crucial is to take part in plantations. Remember that each step counts and each step is going to make a difference then why this difference is not from you!

What are the concerning factors about Earth?

We all are aware of the fact due to the persistent torture of humans on the Earth, there are a few matters of concern that need to adressed immediately. We rotation of the Earth has slowed down gradually, so we all need to come in its rescue collectively. There is a single satellite on the Earth planet that has to be taken care of. The Earth is the densest planet on the Earth where factors like global warming have to be tackled. These all are the alarming situations that have to be resolved with collective efforts.

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Essay on Save Earth: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

speech on save our planet earth

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 11, 2023

Essay On Save Earth

There is a popular saying that goes, ’You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Well, then why harm the planet that is providing for you?’ We all should know that our planet Earth is the only planet where life can exist. Our planet provides us with basic necessities such as water, air, food to eat, and much more. So if you want to save our planet Earth for yourself and for the coming future generations then do give this blog a read. Today we will be talking about how you can save your planet Earth by taking all the required measures. We have also listed some sample essay on Save Earth which will help you to talk about the same in public. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is Saving Earth so Important?
  • 2 Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

Why is Saving Earth so Important?

Our planet Earth is the only planet that provides us with raw materials, oxygen, food which we need for fuel, and other essential materials.  

There are a number of reasons why saving the Earth is so important:

  • Our Earth is the only planet that supports life. Despite signs of organic molecules and water on other planets and moons, life is only known to exist on Earth. There would be nowhere else for us to go if not Earth.
  • Our Earth provides us with basic necessities such as medicine, food, clean water, and air to breathe. 
  • The combustion of fossil fuels releases harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which traps heat and warms the earth. Rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and more extreme weather events are just a few of the negative effects of climate change that are already being felt.

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Essay on Save Earth in 100 Words

The only planet in the cosmos that is known to sustain life is Earth. Since it is our home, we must take care of it.

There are numerous reasons why protecting the planet is crucial. To begin with, it is our only place of residence. There won’t be somewhere else for us to go if we destroy Earth. Second, Earth gives us food, water, air, and shelter—everything we require to survive. Third, a wide variety of biodiversity exists on Earth, which is vital to human health.

Unfortunately, the health of Earth is being threatened by human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

To save the Earth, we can all do our part. Here are some actions you may take:

  • Cut back on the use of fossil fuels. Make more of an effort to walk or bike, drive less, and take public transit wherever you can.
  • Make the switch to alternative energy sources like wind and solar energy.
  • At home, use less energy and water.
  • Reduce trash via composting and recycling.
  • Encourage companies and groups that are engaged in environmental protection.

Both our own life and the survival of future generations depend on saving the planet. We can contribute to ensuring that our planet is healthy and habitable for many years to come by acting now.

Also Read: Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

Essay on Save Earth in 150 Words

Since the Earth is our home, it is up to us to preserve it. However, the health of the planet is in danger due to human activity. Among the difficulties we confront are deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

The most important environmental issue of our day is climate change. Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, which causes the earth to warm. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution poses a serious threat to Earth as well. Among the materials we use to damage the air, water, and land are chemicals, plastics, and trash. Not only can pollution harm humans and wildlife, but it can also ruin ecosystems.

Deforestation is another issue. In this, the trees are removed and instead, buildings are constructed.  Forests filter water in addition to providing habitat for species and regulating the climate. Deforestation is one of the primary causes of both climate change and biodiversity loss.

We must take action to safeguard Earth from these threats. We can potentially reduce our carbon footprint by switching to renewable energy sources and consuming less energy. We can also reduce pollution by using less plastic, recycling, and composting. We can also safeguard forests by planting trees and promoting sustainable forestry practices.

Preserving the planet is essential for our own existence as well as that of future generations. To keep our world safe, each of us has a responsibility.

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Essay on Save Earth in 200 Words

The only planet in the solar system where humanity can survive is Earth. Since our planet gives us access to fundamental essentials like clean water, fresh air, and food to eat, it is our duty as humans to make sure that it is habitable for future generations.

We can see that, among all the urgent problems, one of the most significant ones that affect humanity is climate change. Among the detrimental repercussions of climate change that are already being felt are rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and an increase in extreme weather occurrences.

Pollution is another major problem. The majority of the materials that are key to pollution of the air, water, and land are harmful chemicals, plastics that are carelessly thrown away, and other materials. This is not only harmful to humans and wildlife but also to the environment. 

Deforestation is the third main issue; it is the removal of trees for construction or other purposes, like agriculture. One of the main contributors to both climate change and biodiversity loss is deforestation. Consequently, we need to act to defend Earth from these dangers. 

We hope this essay on Save Earth helped you with some knowledge of some of the pressing issues we face on a daily basis and what we can do to save our planet. 

Related Articles

We can conserve the globe by avoiding contamination of the Earth and its natural resources, including the air and water.

Reducing carbon emissions is the first step towards saving our planet. This can be done by using environmentally friendly resources, conserving water and following the Reduce, Reuse and Recycling practices.

Clearing forest areas for agricultural, human settlement or any other commercial activities is known as deforestation.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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50 Inspirational Earth Day Quotes to Encourage a Better World

These moving words about conservation will inspire you to do your part to save the planet.

preview for 5 Steps to Take Toward Sustainable Living

In everything humans do, we interact with the elements of nature and sometimes leave the environment as an afterthought. It is for that reason that we should raise awareness to save the planet by sharing and living by Earth Day quotes that inspire and promote a cleaner, greener and more equitable future for everyone around the world, not just select parts of it.

There are little steps we can take and projects we can take on , like shopping sustainably , reusing items you already have or minimizing travel, in order to work towards becoming more eco-friendly . And why not start with the simple gesture of sharing one of these short, funny or inspirational sayings to show your commitment to sustainable living and protecting the planet as a whole.

Short Earth Day Quotes

you can never see a plant grow but they do by carol plum ucci

  • “If the environment is happy, people will laugh and your grief will go away.” ― Srinivas Mishra
  • “The earth is always changing...readjusting to our existence. Each era is full of unique challenges”― Val Uchendu
  • “Land really is the best art.” — Andy Warhol
  • “The Earth is what we all have in common.”— Wendell Berry
  • “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” — Albert Einstein
  • “To leave the world better than you found it, sometimes you have to pick up other people’s trash.” — Bill Nye
  • “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and my soul.” — John Muir
  • “Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished.” — Lao Tzu
  • “The sun does not forget a village just because it is small.” — African Proverb
  • “The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful”. — E. E. Cummings
  • “You don’t live on earth, you are passing through.” —Rumi
  • “We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” — Albert Einstein
  • “The miracle is not to fly in the air or to walk on water, but to walk on the earth.” — Chinese proverb
  • “I firmly believe nature brings solace in all troubles.” — Anne Frank
  • “No one comes from the earth like grass. We come like trees. We all have roots.” — Maya Angelou
  • “Nature is an infinite sphere of which the centre is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.” —Blaise Pascal
  • “It looks big, Earth. But there are lots of us on here (7,523,458,567 and counting) so be kind.” —Oliver Jeffers
  • “The most environmentally friendly product is the one you didn’t buy.” — Joshua Becker
  • “We are on Earth to take care of life. We are on Earth to take care of each other.” — Xiye Bastida
  • “You can never see a plant grow, but they do.” — Carol Plum-Ucci

Inspirational Earth Day Quotes

earth day concept with tropical forest background, natural sence with canopy tree in the wild

  • “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”— Robert Swan
  • “If every day were Earth Day we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in.” — Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • “I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.”— Mother Teresa
  • “A vibrant, fair, and regenerative future is possible — not when thousands of people do climate justice activism perfectly but when millions of people do the best they can.”— Xiye Bastida
  • “We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”— Barack Obama
  • “You are not Atlas carrying the world on your shoulder. It is good to remember that the planet is carrying you.”— Vandana Shiva
  • “Together we can preserve the forest, securing this immense treasure for the future of all these children.” — Chico Mendes
  • “Earth rejoices our words, breathing and peaceful steps. Let every breath, every word and every step make the mother earth proud of us.” ― Amit Ray
  • “An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.” — David Attenborough
  • “The real you is loving, joyful and free. The real you is just like a flower, just like the wind, just like the ocean, just like the sun.” —Don Miguel Ruiz
  • “Look after the land and the land will look after you, destroy the land and it will destroy you.” — Aboriginal Proverb
  • “And He knows what is in the land and sea. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything—green or dry—but is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record.” — Quran 6:59
  • “Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.” — Eckhart Tolle
  • “For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “There is no medicine you can take that has such a direct influence on your health as a walk in a beautiful forest.” —Dr. Qing Li
  • “You don’t have to sit outside in the dark. If, however, you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness is necessary. But the stars neither require nor demand it.” — Annie Dillard
  • “Even if you never have the chance to see or touch the ocean, the ocean touches you with every breath you take, every drop of water you drink, every bite you consume. Everyone, everywhere is inextricably connected to and utterly dependent upon the existence of the sea.” —Dr. Sylvia Earle
  • “The wanting was a wilderness and I had to find my own way out of the woods.” — Cheryl Strayed
  • “Every day is Earth Day, and I vote we start investing in a secure climate future right now.” —Jackie Speier
  • “All we have to do is to wake up and change.” —Greta Thunberg

Funny Earth Day Quotes

a plant growing in dirt

  • “I think it would be great to be born on Earth and to die on Mars. Just not on impact.” —Elon Musk
  • “I don’t know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice.” —Roland A. Browne
  • “If you can’t be in awe of Nature, there’s something wrong with you.” —Alex Trebek
  • “Let us permit nature to have her way. She understands her business better than we do.” —Michel de Montaigne
  • “Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” — Carl Sagan
  • “ It is a blessing to be the color of the earth; do you know how often flowers confuse me for home?” — Rupi Kaur
  • “What about naming trees?…if we have a tree in our name, we want that tree to live.” —Jane Goodall
  • “One reason I wanted to go vegetarian was to help save the environment…I highly recommend it. You’re saving animals, you’re saving the planet, you’re saving a lot of time at Thanksgiving.” —Lily Singh
  • “It's Earth day. I wonder if we can plant more trees than people for a change?” —Stanley Victor Paskavich
  • “Nature gives a free lunch, yet just in the event that we control our cravings.” —William Ruckelshaus


Lilli (she/her) is an editorial intern at Good Housekeeping and a senior undergraduate student at Syracuse University majoring in magazine, news and digital journalism. When she’s not looking into the latest news and trends, she’s seeking her new favorite ice cream flavor or dream travel destination. She has previously covered news at The Daily Orange and The Evening Sun and lifestyle content at The Fit Magazine and Jerk Magazine .

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Essay on Save Earth for Students and Children in 1000 Words

Essay on Save Earth for Students & Children in 1000 Words

In this article, we have published an essay on save earth for students and children in 1000 Words. This includes introduction, different crisis on earth, importance, 10 lines, about saving earth.

Table of Contents

Essay on Save Earth (1000W)

People ought to plant more and more magnificent trees to get adequate oxygen and stop the results of air pollution and global warming.

Effects of technology on Earth

For example, petrol is needed to run a motorcycle, water is required to make electricity, and trees cause significant books in education . It can be seen that gasoline, water, and trees are natural elements.

What can be the crisis on earth?

It is worth noting that non-renewable resources mostly fuel all modern appliances. These will end soon due to unlimited usage.

1. End of Forests

Jungle and tree plants provide food for a large population on Earth. Tree plants are also helpful in human life for many other needs like medicines, clothes, household products, etc.

2. Water Loss

3. other elements.

Many other elements are also present in nature, which is helpful in life. Their termination means Earth’s completion, and after the Earth’s conclusion, there is no possibility of human life.

Why is it important to conserve the Earth?

10 lines on save earth.

There are a lot of plans and ideas to save the earth, which is quite easy and can be done on a personal level.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Save Earth In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about saving the earth. Life is only possible on Earth because of the planet’s resources.

Our access to the planet’s resources is limited. In our opinion, those advantages are not taken into account. The earth’s resources are being swiftly depleted by the greedy species that the human race has developed into. We must protect them in order to save our lives. This is true since the planet is essential to human survival as well as the survival of all other life.

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Essay on Save Earth for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Save Earth: Earth is our home and it is the only planet that we know of that can support human life. It has limited resources and we need to conserve them so that future generations can enjoy them. Not to mention, earth is a beautiful place and we should do everything we can to protect it. Saving earth is our responsibility as stewards of this planet.

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Target Exam ---

Find “Save earth essay” for students, kids and children details given here. Best essay, short essay, long essay, short paragraph, long paragraph, & more are discussed.

Long and Short Essay on Save Earth in English

Earth is our planet and a most important need for the continuity of life. It is full of all the basic resources to continue a life however; it is getting declined continuously because of some unethical behavior of the human being. Saving earth is the most important social awareness which everyone must know about to bring some positive changes on the earth. In order to spread awareness among students, teachers may assign them to write some paragraph or complete essay on save earth. Now-a-days, essay writing is one of the good strategies followed by teachers in the schools and colleges. It enhances the English writing skill and knowledge of the students about any topic. It is also an effective way to get views, ideas and positive suggestions about any topic by the students. Following are some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on save earth to help students in completing their task. All the save earth essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay according to your need and requirement:

Essay on Save Earth in 100 words

Our earth is the only planet we know that harbors life. Recognizing the unique value of our “blue planet”, it’s crucial that we adopt practices to preserve and nurture it. Protecting our planet not only involves planting more trees to combat the effects of pollution and global warming prevention but also involves adopting sustainable living habits. Eco-friendly practices, such as recycling, reducing waste, and using renewable energy sources, play an instrumental role. Campaigns like “10 ways to save the earth” and save environment initiatives emphasize the importance of natural resource conservation. Quoting one of the popular save earth quotes, “What we save, saves us.” Let’s work together in ensuring we hand over a healthy planet to our future generations, supporting movements like afforestation, conservation movements, and harnessing green energy initiatives.

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Essay on Save Earth in 150 words

Earth stands alone in this vast universe as the sole haven for life as we know it. It offers a unique blend of essential elements like oxygen, water, and the necessary gravitational pull, creating an environment conducive to life. However, the urgency to preserve our planet has never been greater. With every passing day, the need to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices becomes paramount for the welfare of our future generations.

Planting trees is a fundamental step, not just for oxygen, but as a counter to air pollution and global warming prevention . The relentless deforestation, especially of our rainforests, threatens our ecosystem, the atmosphere, and the myriad species that call these forests home. We must pivot towards alternative energy solutions such as solar lights and wind energy to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Embracing the principle of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle can further ensure that we tread lightly on this planet, safeguarding its treasures for the generations to come.

Essay on Save Earth in 200 words

Our planet, Earth, is a unique gem in the cosmos, blessed with oxygen, water, and the myriad resources essential for sustaining life. Unfortunately, due to some of our unsustainable actions, these invaluable resources are depleting rapidly. With increasing pollution, global warming, and other environmental challenges, our actions are endangering not just human life but also the myriad species that inhabit this planet.

Several species have already gone extinct because their natural habitats have been destroyed or drastically altered. The escalating rates of pollution and the overwhelming threats of global warming demand immediate corrective measures.

Every year, on April 22nd, Earth Day is observed globally, aiming to raise awareness and inspire collective efforts to preserve our planet’s beauty and resources. This day reminds us that Earth doesn’t merely belong to us; countless other organisms share this home with us.

It’s imperative that we rethink our consumption patterns. Reducing waste, especially plastic and wood, along with promoting recycling and reuse, can play a pivotal role in reducing our environmental footprint. The principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle aren’t just catchphrases; they are essential strategies in our fight against pollution and global warming. By committing to sustainable and eco-friendly practices, we can ensure that the Earth remains a nurturing habitat for all its inhabitants.

Essay on Save Earth in 250 words

The state of our planet is currently at a pivotal juncture. Challenges like air and water pollution, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental crises threaten the balance and health of the Earth. However, the solutions to these pressing issues lie in our hands. Simple yet effective measures can pave the way to a more sustainable future if undertaken collectively.

Adopting environment-friendly technologies and reducing our dependency on non-renewable resources is a start. Prioritizing reduction in consumption, reusing what we can, and recycling wherever possible can significantly cut down waste generation. It’s essential to be informed consumers. For instance, many cleaning products, while efficient, contain chemicals harmful to the environment. By opting for eco-friendly products , we can reduce the detrimental impact on our water, soil, and air.

Industrial sectors, a major contributor to pollution and global warming, must pivot to sustainable practices. Abiding by environmental regulations and shifting to producing greener products are steps in the right direction. Governments and policymakers play a pivotal role in setting standards that industries should meet.

Equally vital is educating the younger generation about Earth’s challenges. Schools and colleges should integrate environment-centric subjects and activities such as tree planting, discussions, essay competitions, and events like Earth Day, celebrated every April 22nd. Such initiatives instill environmental consciousness in the youth, ensuring that they grow up with a sense of responsibility to safeguard our planet.

In essence, saving Earth requires collective action and awareness. Each effort, no matter how small, counts in ensuring a greener, healthier future for all its inhabitants.

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Essay on Save Earth in 300 words

Our Earth is a unique entity in the vast expanse of the universe, offering the essential conditions for life to thrive. However, to ensure the continuity of life, it’s imperative to maintain the planet’s pristine environment. With the increasing threats from pollution, greenhouse gases, and other environmental challenges, the clarion call for “Save earth, save environment” and “Save earth, save life” grows louder. It’s our collective responsibility to ensure Earth remains a nurturing space for all.

Understanding Earth Day

Earth Day, observed every April 22nd since 1970, is a global initiative to raise awareness about the planet’s welfare. It serves as a reminder to be stewards of our environment and rally for a healthier Earth.

Ways to Champion Earth’s Well-being

Here are some actionable steps we can incorporate into our daily lives:

  • Water Conservation : Avoid wastage of water. Use what’s necessary. Opt for cold water when washing clothes to save energy.
  • Green Transportation : Embrace public transport, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Carpooling or cycling for short distances can make a huge difference.
  • The 3R Philosophy : Adopt the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ mindset to minimize waste and resource exploitation.
  • Natural Fertilizers : Create compost from organic waste. It’s not only eco-friendly but also nourishes the soil.
  • Energy-efficient Lighting : Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs). They consume less energy and last longer than traditional bulbs.
  • Smart Energy Use : Use heating and air conditioning judiciously. Only use them when absolutely necessary.
  • Mindful Driving : Regular vehicle maintenance reduces emissions. Practice efficient driving techniques to lessen environmental impact.
  • Conscious Consumption : Turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. This not only saves electricity but also reduces your carbon footprint.
  • Afforestation : Plant trees. They are Earth’s lungs, combating pollution and the detrimental effects of greenhouse gases.

Earth is our mother planet which gives us all the necessary things we need for living a life. So, we are also responsible to maintain its natural quality and greenery environment. We should not waste and pollute its natural resources for our small benefits

Essay on Save Earth in 400 words

Our planet, Earth, is a unique and essential entity that supports life. The concepts of ‘Save Earth’ and ‘Save Environment’ are interconnected, emphasizing the significance of sustaining life on the planet. With rising pollution, global warming, and other environmental challenges, it’s imperative that we, as responsible inhabitants, act to counteract these threats.

Steps to Safeguard Our Planet

The Earth is the only celestial body we know that supports life. Its impeccable balance has been disrupted over time due to human activities, like urbanization, industrialization, and deforestation. These actions have given rise to problems such as climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, and the extinction of countless species. Some key measures to counteract these challenges include:

  • Forestation Efforts : Actively participating in afforestation and reforestation can restore Earth’s green cover. Plants not only provide oxygen, food, and shelter but also play a pivotal role in maintaining Earth’s ecological balance.
  • Wildlife Conservation : With accelerating deforestation, we’re witnessing a decline in biodiversity. Preserving forests can ensure the survival of various species and maintain a balanced food chain.
  • Environmental Protection : The rising levels of pollution, stemming from industrialization and urbanization, are detrimental to the environment. We must advocate for sustainable practices and cleaner technologies.
  • Eco-City Development : Urban areas should transition towards becoming eco-cities to ensure an ecological equilibrium.
  • Global Collaboration : Environmental challenges know no borders. International collaboration is vital to tackle global issues like climate change.

Why the Emphasis on Saving Earth?

The urgency to save Earth is more pertinent now than ever, given the constant threats of rising global temperatures, melting polar ice caps, and increasing instances of natural disasters. Our actions today determine the future of our planet. Earth is our primary source for sustenance, providing us with vital resources. Regrettably, our negligence towards the environment, exemplified by toxic emissions, waste disposal, and noise pollution, is degrading this very source.

While various governments have initiated steps to protect our environment, the real change begins at the grassroots level. The slogans ‘Save Earth, Save Life’ and ‘Save Earth, Save Environment’ are not just words; they encapsulate a profound message. Our planet’s health is intricately linked to our well-being.

Essay on Save Earth FAQs

What are 10 ways to save earth.

Planting more trees. Recycling and reusing products. Conserving water and electricity. Reducing the use of plastic. Supporting renewable energy sources. Reducing car usage and promoting public transport. Participating in afforestation and reforestation. Reducing waste generation. Spreading environmental awareness. Participating in local environmental campaigns and movements.

Why is Earth important to save?

Earth is the only known planet where life exists. Saving Earth ensures the survival and well-being of present and future generations, and the preservation of its diverse ecosystems, resources, and natural beauty.

What is the slogan of Save Earth?

One of the popular slogans is Save Earth, Save Life. However, there are numerous other slogans like Save Earth, Save Environment and Protect Our Planet that convey a similar message.

What is earth writing?

Earth writing refers to essays, articles, and other forms of literature that focus on the environment, conservation efforts, and the importance of preserving the Earth.

How do you explain save earth?

Save Earth is a call to action, urging people to protect and conserve the planet's natural resources, ecosystems, and environment. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and the collective responsibility we hold in ensuring a healthier and safer planet for everyone.

Why is the mother earth important?

Mother Earth is vital as it provides us with essential resources like water, air, food, and shelter. Additionally, Earth supports diverse ecosystems and species. By addressing it as Mother, we emphasize its nurturing nature and the integral role it plays in sustaining life.

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Earth day 2024: a call for sustainability in the new space age.

Forbes Technology Council

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Shelli Brunswick , is CEO & Founder of SB Global LLC and an international keynote speaker on tech used for the betterment of humanity.

As Earth Day 2024 dawns, humanity stands at the threshold of a crucial transition. While my focus last year was on celebrating the power of space technology in addressing terrestrial challenges, this year, my spotlight shifts upward toward the pressing need for space sustainability. Our ventures beyond the Earth, while driven by boundless curiosity and innovation, have left an unintended legacy: a growing cloud of debris threatening the very future of space exploration.

This year, on Earth Day, let's acknowledge this responsibility and explore how we can forge a sustainable path for generations to come with the principles of "reduce, reuse and remove" and how they can be applied to ensure a sustainable space ecosystem.

Reduce: Building A Sustainable Space Infrastructure

Minimizing debris generation is the cornerstone of a sustainable space future. Gen. David “DT” Thompson, the former vice chief of space operations for the U.S. Space Force, emphasizes the need to stop making the orbital debris problem worse . He highlights that the U.S. Space Force is looking for ways to partner with innovative companies to develop solutions and technologies to safeguard future space activities.

SpaceX and Blue Origin's reusable launch vehicle innovations reduce production costs by reducing the need for new rockets and minimizing the amount of debris left behind after each launch. Space Forge is developing a reusable satellite platform that aims to lessen the footprint of our space endeavors.

NASA's 2021 National Orbital Debris R&D Plan , alongside advancements in in-space manufacturing and resource utilization, lays the groundwork for a future of minimized debris generation and sustainable exploration.

Reuse: A Circular Economy In Space

Extending the lifespan of existing resources is crucial for establishing a circular economy in space and minimizing waste and environmental impact. This approach involves maximizing the utilization of existing infrastructure through several innovative techniques.

One such technique involves in-orbit servicing companies like Astroscale, which is developing a vehicle designed to refuel communications satellites using a specially formulated propellant and rendezvousing with Orbit Fab’s fuel depot, extending the operational life of these critical assets and reducing the need for replacements and associated debris generation.

Another form of reuse involves creating modular and upgradeable satellites. Modular design allows for easier replacement of malfunctioning parts, extending the overall lifespan of the satellite. The European Space Agency's Clean Space initiative is a prime example, promoting the development of such modular satellites for the future.

Furthermore, utilizing advanced materials with longer lifespans and improved resistance to space debris can further reduce the need for frequent replacements and the associated environmental footprint. Research into radiation-resistant composites and self-healing materials is ongoing, promising even more sustainable solutions in the future.

By reducing the need for new launches and extending satellite lifespans, these reuse strategies offer significant environmental and economic benefits, paving the way for a more sustainable space economy.

Remove: A Global Effort To Reclaim Our Skies

The ever-growing swarm of space debris transcends national borders, posing a critical threat to the future of space exploration. This complex challenge demands a united global response, surpassing the capabilities of any single nation. Fortunately, collaborative efforts are underway, paving the path for a cleaner and safer space environment.

Organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) play vital roles in fostering international collaboration. They advocate for the development of harmonized guidelines and standards, ensuring a unified approach across nations and industries.

Emphasizing the urgency of collective action, former Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) Simonetta Di Pippo , stated: "Space debris poses a clear risk. ... The space economy calls for a safe, secure and sustainable space environment. UNOOSA welcomes working with ESA to disseminate clear, accessible public information on space debris ... and contribute to strengthening international cooperation on mitigation measures."

This collaborative spirit is paramount to the success of active debris removal initiatives. Pioneering companies like ClearSpace and Astroscale are at the forefront of developing active debris removal technologies. Their efforts, coupled with international cooperation, remain the cornerstone of tackling this global challenge and offer a beacon of hope for a cleaner and more sustainable future in space.

Our Shared Journey Toward A Sustainable Space Future

As we celebrate Earth Day 2024, let's acknowledge a crucial truth: The future of space exploration is inextricably linked to the well-being of our home planet. We stand at a crossroads, with the potential to either leave a legacy of debris-filled chaos or forge a path of sustainable exploration for all generations to come.

The "reduce, reuse and remove" framework offers a roadmap for achieving this sustainable future. By minimizing debris generation through reusable technologies, extending satellite lifespans and actively removing existing debris, we can collectively pave the way for a clean and accessible space environment.

This journey requires a global village. The dedication of government agencies, private companies and international organizations is already fostering the spirit of collaboration needed to tackle this complex challenge. Their efforts, coupled with the ingenuity of pioneering entrepreneurs, offer a beacon of hope, a pulsing quasar in the galaxy of possibilities, illuminating a future where ambition and responsibility go hand in hand.

As we celebrate Earth Day, let's rededicate ourselves to this shared journey. Let our exploration of the cosmos be guided by a sense of stewardship, ensuring that our celestial endeavors not only push the boundaries of human knowledge but also safeguard the future of our planet and the wonders beyond. We’re all in this together.

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Scientists Uncovered the Amazon's Secret Dark Earth. What If It Saves the World?

This ancient soil buried deep in the forest might just be our greatest hope for the future.

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  • The Amazon Rainforest is known in part as one of the biggest carbon reserves on the planet (despite our best efforts to make it less so).
  • A new study from U.S. and Brazilian scientists discerns how much “dark earth”—lands cultivated by indigenous peoples known to sequester carbon more effectively than the Amazon’s typical sandy soils—is in the Xingu Indigenous Park in the southeast Amazon.
  • The results show that 3.4 percent of the park is covered in “dark earth,” and is capturing 9 million more tons of carbon than previously estimated, showing that the Amazon is even more precious than ever.

Although the Amazon contains 123 billion tons of carbon above and below ground—making it one of the most important carbon sinks in the world—humans continue to illegally mine and deforest the region, or set up cattle ranches that just burp out more CO 2 rather than sequestering it. In 2022, the Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project (MAAP) estimated that 13.2 percent of the Amazon rainforest biome has been lost, which is an area roughly one-tenth the size of the U.S.

Now, a new study from U.S. and Brazilian scientists shows that the Amazon Basin could be even more adept at capturing carbon than experts previously realized via a highly nutrient- and carbon-rich soil called terra preta , or “dark earth.” While that ominous title might sound like the description of some evil-mirror-universe version of our home planet, the name simply refers to the color of a type of soil that’s been meticulously cultivated by native peoples in the Amazon Basin for generations.

According to this study, this soil—formed by spreading ash and waste around settlements—is much more adept at locking in carbon than the basin’s typical sandy soils. And by some estimates, it could contain as much carbon as the Amazonian plants themselves. The results of the study were published in the journal Nature Sustainability .

Back in September of 2023 , scientists from the University of Miami and MIT discerned that indigenous practices were the source of ‘dark earth” found throughout the Amazon Basin by focusing on sites in the Xingu Indigenous Park in the southeast Amazon.

“The ancient Amazonians put a lot of carbon in the soil, and a lot of that is still there today,” University of Miami’s Samuel Goldberg, who is also a co-author of this new study, said in a press statement at the time . “That’s exactly what we want for climate change mitigation efforts. Maybe we could adapt some of their indigenous strategies on a larger scale, to lock up carbon in soil, in ways that we now know would stay there for a long time.”

In this new study, Goldberg and his colleagues set out to discover just how much of this soil might be spread throughout the entire 6-million-acre Xingu Indigenous Park by using satellite images. But because the Amazon’s tree canopy obscures the ground, scientists relied instead on the higher amounts of chlorophyll found in undisturbed trees growing on these ancient middens to indicate regions of dark earth.

The team then trained a machine-learning algorithm on these satellite images to discern what areas of the Amazon contained these concentrations of carefully cultivated soil. The algorithm predicted that at least 3.4 percent of the park contains terra preta —roughly 91,000 hectares (224,865 acres) of the stuff. That means this small piece of the Amazon is actually capturing 9 million tons more carbon dioxide than normal, which means that the Amazon in total could be sequestering billions more tons of CO 2 than we realize.

However, the researchers are wary of applying this 3.4 percent to the entirety of the Amazon. For one, there are likely many uncontacted tribes in the Amazon that we still don’t know about , and archaeologists are only beginning to uncover entire cities lost to time throughout the rainforest. So, knowing definitively how many of these cultivated “dark earth” areas exist throughout the basin is difficult, but the evidence suggests that the “lungs of the Earth” are doing more than their fair share to keep the planet healthy.

Now, it’s time for humanity to do its part and kick its centuries-long, CO 2 -spewing addiction.

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Darren lives in Portland, has a cat, and writes/edits about sci-fi and how our world works. You can find his previous stuff at Gizmodo and Paste if you look hard enough. 

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    As Earth Day 2024 dawns, humanity stands at the threshold of a crucial transition. ... The future of space exploration is inextricably linked to the well-being of our home planet. We stand at a ...

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