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Comprehensive & curriculum aligned, try an activity or get started for free, year 6 english worksheets.

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Your child can learn, practice and test their year 6 (age 10 - 11) English skills with these automatically marked interactive year 6 English worksheets. In year 6, it’s important your child starts their revision for SATs which is why our year 6 English worksheets with answers are more important than ever, giving your child practice for the exam and helping them to understand where they go wrong. This year they'll be working towards mastering Upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 and 6) topics. This can be achieved with our range of resources including year 6 spelling  and vocabulary worksheets as well as many others, helping to prepare them for their year 6 English tests.

Year 6 English tests & assessments

  • Assessment: Back-to-school (Y6) Start Test
  • Key Stage 2 SATs Reading Practice Paper Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 1 Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 2 Start Test
  • Assessment: End of Term 3 Start Test

Revise popular English topics

  • Reading Comprehension View Worksheets
  • Spelling View Worksheets
  • Writing View Worksheets
  • Punctuation View Worksheets
  • Grammar View Worksheets

This terms popular year 6 English worksheets

If you're trying to help your child prepare for their SATs or they just need a little bit more help outside of the classroom, our year 6 English worksheets is the ideal learning resource. Our team of dedicated UK teachers have worked hard to make our year 6 English worksheets fun, so take a look at some of our most popular options below!

Learn Tricks For Spelling...

homework year 6 english

Consider Techniques Used...

homework year 6 english

Summarise Ideas From a Pa...

homework year 6 english

Good news! Our content is mapped to the Curriculum - giving you confidence that EdPlace matches everything your child will learn at school. Use our parent-friendly Topic filter or filter by Curriculum.

homework year 6 english

Try an activity or get started for free.


Assessment: Back-to-school (Y6) PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Combined Assessment

Assessment: English, Maths and Science Combined (Y6) PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Comprehension: Fiction

Identify Facts and Opinions from a Story TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Apply Comprehension Skills to a Text from the Genre of Legends PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Develop Inference Skills TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Discuss the Meaning of Language Devices TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Comprehension: Non-Fiction

Predict, Order and Summarise Events TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Ask Questions to Improve Understanding of Texts PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Develop Skills in Understanding Non-Fiction Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Distinguish Fact from Opinion in a Non-fiction Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Comprehension: Poetry

Compare Two Poems: 'The Echoing Green' and 'The Chimney Sweeper' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Compare Two Poems: 'Wind on the Hill' and 'The Wind Begun ...' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Consider Techniques Used in the Poem 'Night Mail' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Terms Used in Poetry TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

End of Term 1

Assessment: End of Term 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Term 2

Assessment: End of Term 2 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Term 3

Assessment: End of Term 3 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

End of Year

Assessment: End of Year PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Exam-Style Questions: Inference Questions

Understand Inference Questions PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Understand Inference Questions 2 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Understanding Inference Questions 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Exam-Style Questions: Poetry Questions

Apply Comprehension Skills to a Given Poetry Text PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Understand How to Apply Comprehension Skills to a Poetry Text PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Understand Poetry and Apply Comprehension Skills to a Poetry Text PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Exam-Style Questions: Retrieval Questions

Practise Retrieval Questions PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Understand Retrieval Questions 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Understanding Retrieval Questions 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Exam-Style Questions: Spellings

Identify Active and Passive Voice TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Homophones and Homonyms PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Identify Synonyms and Antonyms TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understanding and Using Word Beginnings TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Exam-Style Questions: Text Marking

Practise Text Marking 1 TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Text Marking 2 TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Text Marking 3 TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Exam-Style Questions: Word Questions

Practise Word Questions TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Word Questions 1 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Practise Word Questions 2 PREVIEW WORKSHEET

National Curriculum Objectives

Assessment: Reading Comprehension PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Writing - Composition PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Writing - Transcription PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Assessment: Writing - Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Reading Words

Know the Suffixes: -cede and -ceed TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Know Your Number Prefixes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Know Your Prefixes: aero- TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Know Your Prefixes: audi- and aqua- TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

SATs English Practice Papers

Key Stage 2 SATs Reading Practice Paper PREVIEW WORKSHEET


Speaking Skills

Use Spoken Language in Groups TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Apply Knowledge of Structure of Words to Help Spelling TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Develop Skills in Proofreading TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Spelling Errors in Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn to Spell a Range of Suffixes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose Appropriate Vocabulary TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE



Create Antonyms by Adding Prefixes TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: Grammar

Correct Errors in Subject Verb Agreement TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Different Types of Noun TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Subject and Object in a Sentence TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Writing: How to Write

Change the Order of Sentence Structure for Effect TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Develop Understanding of Antonyms TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion in Statements TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Active and Passive Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: Punctuation

Understand the Use of a Dash for Joining Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Proofread for Spelling and Punctuation Errors TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Correct Use of the Dash TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Bullet Points Correctly TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Writing: What to Write

Analyse and Edit Text for Errors and Ambiguity TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Assess the Effectiveness of Vocabulary in a Fiction Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Choose Appropriate Vocabulary and Sentence Types TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Develop Understanding of Using Vocabulary for a Specific Purpose TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE


Increase range of texts.

Practise a Range of Comprehension Skills PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Study Stories from Other Cultures PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Use Comprehension Skills to Read Myths TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Distinguish Fact from Opinion

Distinguish Fact from Opinion in a Fictional Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Comparisons of Texts

Explore meaning.

Find Synonyms for Words in a Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify the Meaning of Words in a Story TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Word Meaning TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify and Summarise Main Ideas

Summarise Ideas From a Paragraph PREVIEW WORKSHEET

Identify Themes and Conventions

Understand the Features of Discussion Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Features of Explanation Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Features of Non-Chronological Reports TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Awareness of Structure and Purpose

Understand the Features of Instructional Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Features of Persuasive Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Features of Recount Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Questions to Understand Texts

Draw inferences about texts.

Draw Inferences from Fiction Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Draw Inferences in Comprehension TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Make Inferences about a Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Predict Story Development

Learn How to Predict and Summarise Events TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Predicting, Summarising and Ordering Events from a Fiction Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Predicting, Summarising and Ordering Events from a Non-Fiction Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Discuss Author Language

Explore the Meaning of Similes, Metaphors and Personification TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Different Language Devices TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Metaphor and Personification TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Retrieve and Record Information

Find Facts from a Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Retrieval Skills TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Retrieve Information from a Piece of Descriptive Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Justify Views

Practise Justifying Points with Evidence TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Using Point, Evidence and Explain to Interpret a Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand How to Back up a Point with Evidence TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand How to Prove a Point with Evidence TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Root Word Awareness

Know Your Prefixes: auto-, bi-, circum-, tele- and trans- TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Know Your Roots: 'cred' TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Spoken Language in Groups

Use hyphens to clarify.

Practise Using Hyphens, Bullet Points and Ellipses TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Punctuate Independent Clauses

Understand How to Use Colons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand How To Use Colons and Semicolons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand How To Use Semicolons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Colons in Lists

Practise Using Colons in Lists TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Colons and Semicolons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Colons Correctly in Lists and Quotations TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Formal Speech Awareness

Find Formal Synonyms for Informal Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Features of Formal Language TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Formal and Informal Language TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand Differences Between Informal and Formal Language TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Passive Verb Awareness

Practise Changing Sentences from Active to Passive TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Recognise Active and Passive Sentences TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand How to Change Sentences into the Passive Structure TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Grammar Awareness (learn the grammar of Y5 and 6)

Identify Adverbials TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Punctuate Bullet Points


Use Punctuation For Meaning TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Use Prefixes and Suffixes

Know Your Prefixes: micro- and photo- TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn to Spell Words with the Prefix Connected with a Hyphen TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Homophone Awareness

Practise Homophones: Affect and Effect TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Practise Spelling Complex Homophones TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Spell Commonly Misspelt Homophones TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Spell Complex Homophones TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Spelling Awareness (use knowledge of morphology and etymology in spelling)

Learn to Spell Some Commonly Misspelt Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn to Spell Some More Commonly Misspelt Words TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Learn to Spell Words with Latin or Greek Roots TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Plan What and Who to Write For

Grammar and vocabulary awareness, build paragraph cohesion.

Identify Connectives Showing Cause and Effect TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Connectives That Compare and Contrast TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Connectives that Give Emphasis or Add Information TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Identify Connectives that Qualify Information TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Assess Effect and Meaning

Understand Non-Fiction Texts TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Understand the Effect of Language in a Non-Fiction Text TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Assess Use of Tenses

Use Tenses Consistently TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Correct Subject and Verb Agreement

Identify Correct Subject and Verb Agreement TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Proofread Own Work for Errors

Practise Proofreading for Spelling Errors TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Reading Practice Papers

Spelling practice papers.

SATs Spelling Practice Paper 1 TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

SATs Spelling Practice Paper 2 TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

SATs Spelling Practice Paper 3 TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Grammar and Punctuation Practice Papers



Understand and Apply Semi-Colons TRY WORKSHEET FOR FREE

Core Subjects

Above, you'll find a list of interactive and printable PDF year 6 English worksheets , assessments and revision materials by topic which have been designed by teachers to help your child improve their understanding and comprehension of the topics taught in schools, including our year 6 poetry worksheets . These are important to begin to understand what questions might be asked in their year 6 English tests.

As well as our resources on uses of the English language, we also have grammar worksheets for year 6 to help improve writing as well as comprehension.  Our year 6 worksheets are 100% aligned to the National Curriculum and can provide you visibility to your child's progress throughout the year. Our English worksheets with answers for year 6 are available to be completed online and marked interactively, and also printable in PDF format to give you flexibility when it comes to lesson planning . We also offer some free questions and revision material across other subjects, including our year 6 maths worksheets and our year 6 science worksheets . Try one of the below sample free year 6 English worksheets to test your child's attainment levels - we're here to help your child succeed!

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National Tutoring Awards 2023 Shortlisted / Parents

Home learning for year 6 – English  is designed to ensure you have all your home learning activities for year 6 English in one place. Including differentiated tasks for reading, writing composition and GPS, there’s a task for every week of the school year. Whether you use it as a workbook or dip in and out, it's perfect for teachers and home tutors of children in year 6.

What's included?

  • 39 photocopiable tasks, differentiated where appropriate
  • mapped to the NC objectives for year 5/6
  • answers where relevant
  • teacher’s tick list to keep track of work set.

What's inside?

Section 1 – pupil’s section.

Reading resources (pages 4-35)

  • Comprehension resources
  • Book review resources
  • Poetry performance resources
  • Different genres resources
  • Figurative language resources
  • Predictions resources

Unit 2 – Writing composition resources (pages 36-66)

  • Proofreading resources
  • Assessing a piece of writing resources
  • Describing characters resources
  • Describing settings resources
  • The plot resources
  • The big write resources
  • A newspaper report resources
  • Persuasive writing resources
  • Formal or informal resources
  • A précis resources
  • Advice for year 5
  • Your school report resources

Unit 3 – GPS resources (pages 67-100)

  • Prefixes and suffixes resources
  • Homophones resources
  • Using a dictionary and thesaurus resources
  • A conversation resources
  • Parenthesis resources
  • Spelling resources
  • Passive verbs resources
  • Relative clauses resources
  • Lists resources
  • Modal verbs resources
  • Avoiding ambiguity resources
  • The perfect tense resources
  • Expanded noun phrases & independent clauses resources

Section 2 – teacher’s section

Teaching notes and curriculum mapping (page 101)

Teacher’s tick list (page 102)

Reading (pages 104-110)

Writing composition (pages 111-112)

GPS (pages 113-129)

  • Homophones resources
  • Using a dictionary and thesaurus resources
  • Parenthesis resources
  • Spelling resources
  • Passive verbs resources
  • Relative clauses resources
  • Lists resources
  • Modal verbs resources
  • Avoiding ambiguity resources
  • The perfect tense resources

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Leaning Street

We have over 300 English worksheets for year six children. They have been designed to mirror the year six literacy curriculum in an engaging way.

Our worksheets cover every area of the literacy syllabus for year six including Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, Writing, Reading and Comprehension.

Below you can see a selection of our worksheets. Some of these are downloadable, others are only available within one of our courses . Full answers are provided within all our courses but are not provided with individual worksheets for free download.

Our Primary School courses  which are adapted to suit the level of your child are now available. To find the course which is right for you use the course finder .

Free year 6 English worksheets to download – no registration needed

Find the Mistakes – Children need to focus on accuracy to do well in their written work and this series of worksheets help children to develop accurate writing skills.

Homophones – Words which sound the same but are spelt differently often catch children out. These worksheets help children to become more familiar with this group of words

Words from Past Papers – It’s useful for children to understand the type of vocabulary they will face in tests in year six. This is one example from a series designed to help children taking 11 Plus exams to become familiar with the more complex vocabulary they will need to know.

Personal Words List  –  We ask all our students to note down any words which they are unfamiliar with or encounter difficulty spelling. Developing a wide and advanced vocabulary will not only help children during examinations but also during all English related activities.

Recommended Book List  –  At Learning Street we stress the importance of regular reading due to its vocabulary benefits. The list contains a selection of books chosen by the BBC tailored towards ages 9-12.

Other worksheet examples included as part of year six English courses

Homographs – Words which are spelt the same but have different meaning such as TEMPLE (part of your head and a place of worship). Children with as wide a knowledge of these will do well in year 6 and then go on to do well in their secondary schools.

Synonyms revision – Children who write well are able to use accurate vocabulary. Knowing an extended range of synonyms really helps in this area. This is an example of a revision worksheet with children having previously learnt and been tested on these words as part of our courses.

Diminutives – The literacy syllabus builds up using very many smaller topics. The use of diminutives and what they are is part of that process and this worksheet helps to enhance knowledge in this area

Comprehension- Westminster Abbey – Comprehension remains a core topic during year six with lots of individual worksheets using varying text including fiction, non-fiction and poems. This non-fiction text includes a brief history of Westminster Abbey.

Compound words –  These compound word worksheets are used by us not only to enhance vocabulary but also to help children develop thinking skills. They are puzzles which children will need to come back to a few times to solve. The worksheets present the right sort of challenge for pupils at this level who often need help developing the type of resilience they will need to do well in exams and tests.

Describing characters – Our approach to helping children with their creative writing skills development is to focus on simplicity of plot and detailed and engaging descriptions. This worksheet helps children to develop their character descriptions so that they really stand out from the crowd.

KS2 Punctuation revision – Punctuation continues to be a focus throughout year six. By this time children will be familiar with all the key elements of punctuation so for the bulk of the year the task is to keep their knowledge fresh through the use of punctuation revision worksheets like this one

Find out which course is right for your child.


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Year 6 English

IXL offers more than 100 Year 6 English skills and games to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalised Recommendations wall to find a skill that looks interesting, or select a skill plan that aligns to your textbook, national curriculum, or standardised test.

Reading strategies

A. main idea.

  • 1 Use key details to determine the main idea
  • 2 Determine the main idea of a passage
  • 3 Combine main ideas from two texts
  • 1 Determine the themes of short stories

C. Author's purpose and tone

  • 1 Identify the purpose of a text
  • 2 Which sentence is more formal?

D. Text structure

  • 1 Determine the order of events in informational texts
  • 2 Compare and contrast in informational texts
  • 3 Match causes and effects in informational texts
  • 4 Match problems with their solutions
  • 5 Identify text structures

E. Sensory details

  • 1 Sort sensory details

F. Literary devices

  • 1 Identify similes and metaphors
  • 2 Determine the meanings of similes and metaphors
  • 3 Analyse the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone

G. Point of view

  • 1 Compare and contrast points of view

H. Inference

  • 1 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters
  • 2 Compare and contrast characters
  • 3 Draw inferences from a text

I. Story elements

  • 1 Identify story elements

J. Visual elements

  • 1 Compare mythological illustrations

K. Literary texts: level 1

  • 1 Read fantasy with illustrations
  • 2 Read realistic fiction with illustrations
  • 3 Read historical fiction with illustrations

L. Literary texts: level 2

  • 1 Read realistic fiction
  • 2 Read historical fiction
  • 3 Read poetry
  • 4 Read drama

M. Informational texts: level 1

  • 1 Read about animals
  • 2 Read about art, music and traditions
  • 3 Read about famous places
  • 4 Read about sports and hobbies

N. Informational texts: level 2

  • 1 Read about famous people
  • 2 Read about business and technology
  • 3 Read about science and nature
  • 4 Read about history

Writing strategies

O. organising writing.

  • 1 Put the sentences in order
  • 2 Use coordinating conjunctions
  • 3 Choose the best transition
  • 4 Order items from most general to most specific
  • 5 Organise information by topic
  • 6 Remove the sentence that does not belong

P. Introductions and conclusions

  • 1 Choose the best topic sentence
  • 2 Choose the best concluding sentence

Q. Developing and supporting arguments

  • 1 Distinguish facts from opinions
  • 2 Identify an author's statement of opinion
  • 3 Choose reasons to support an opinion
  • 4 Identify supporting details in literary texts
  • 5 Identify supporting details in informational texts

R. Descriptive details

  • 1 Show character emotions and traits
  • 2 Revise the sentence using a stronger verb

S. Editing and revising

  • 1 Use the correct frequently confused word
  • 2 Correct errors with frequently confused words

T. Research skills

  • 1 Identify and correct plagiarism

U. Prefixes and suffixes

  • 1 Words with pre-
  • 2 Words with re-
  • 3 Words with sub-
  • 4 Words with mis-
  • 5 Words with un-, dis-, in-, im- and non-
  • 6 Words with -ful
  • 7 Words with -less
  • 8 Words with -able and -ible

V. Greek and Latin roots

  • 1 Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots
  • 2 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words
  • 3 Use the meanings of words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  • 4 Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  • 5 Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  • 6 Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots
  • 7 Match words with Greek and Latin roots to their meanings

W. Categories

  • 1 Select the members of a group
  • 2 Select the words that don't belong

X. Synonyms and antonyms

  • 1 Choose the synonym
  • 2 Find synonyms in context
  • 3 Choose the antonym
  • 4 Find antonyms in context

Y. Analogies

  • 1 Analogies

Z. Homophones

  • 1 Use the correct homophone

AA. Multiple-meaning words

  • 1 Which definition matches the sentence?
  • 2 Which sentence matches the definition?

BB. Shades of meaning

  • 1 Describe the difference between related words
  • 2 Positive and negative connotation

CC. Context clues

  • 1 Find words using context
  • 2 Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
  • 3 Use context to identify the meaning of a word
  • 4 Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures

DD. Reference skills

  • 1 Order alphabetically based on the first two letters
  • 2 Order alphabetically based on the first three letters
  • 3 Order alphabetically: challenge
  • 4 Use guide words
  • 5 Use dictionary entries
  • 6 Use dictionary definitions
  • 7 Use thesaurus entries

Grammar and mechanics

Ee. sentences, fragments and run-ons.

  • 1 Is the sentence declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory?
  • 2 Identify the complete subject or complete predicate of a sentence
  • 3 Identify the simple subject or predicate of a sentence
  • 4 Is it a complete sentence or a fragment?
  • 5 Is it a complete sentence or a run-on?
  • 6 Is it a complete sentence, a fragment or a run-on?
  • 7 Identify dependent and independent clauses
  • 8 Is the sentence simple or compound?
  • 9 Is the sentence simple, compound or complex?
  • 10 Order the words to create a sentence
  • 1 Identify nouns – with abstract nouns
  • 2 Identify common and proper nouns
  • 3 Form plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y
  • 4 Form and use plurals of nouns ending in f, fe, o and y
  • 5 Form plurals: review
  • 6 Form and use plurals: review
  • 7 Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives
  • 8 Form the singular or plural possessive
  • 9 Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns

GG. Pronouns

  • 1 Identify personal pronouns
  • 2 Choose between subject and object personal pronouns
  • 3 Replace the noun with a personal pronoun
  • 4 Compound subjects and objects with 'I' and 'me'
  • 5 Compound subjects and objects with personal pronouns
  • 6 Use possessive pronouns
  • 7 Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns
  • 8 Use reflexive pronouns
  • 9 Identify relative pronouns
  • 10 Use relative pronouns: who and whom
  • 11 Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that

HH. Verb types

  • 1 Identify main verbs and helping verbs
  • 2 What does the modal verb show?
  • 3 Use the correct modal verb

II. Subject-verb agreement

  • 1 Use the correct subject or verb
  • 2 Use the correct subject or verb – with compound subjects

JJ. Verb tense

  • 1 Is the sentence in the past, present or future tense?
  • 2 Form and use the regular past tense
  • 3 Form and use the irregular past tense
  • 4 Form and use the simple past, present and future tense
  • 5 Correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense
  • 6 Use the progressive verb tenses
  • 7 Form the progressive verb tenses
  • 8 Choose between the past tense and past participle
  • 9 Use the perfect verb tenses
  • 10 Form the perfect verb tenses

KK. Adjectives and adverbs

  • 1 Identify adjectives
  • 2 Order adjectives
  • 3 Identify adverbs
  • 4 Use relative adverbs
  • 5 Choose between adjectives and adverbs
  • 6 Is the word an adjective or adverb?
  • 7 Use adjectives to compare
  • 8 Spell adjectives that compare
  • 9 Use adjectives with more and most
  • 10 Use adverbs to compare

LL. Prepositions

  • 1 Identify prepositions
  • 2 Identify prepositions and their objects
  • 3 Identify prepositional phrases
  • 4 Prepositions: review

MM. Conjunctions

  • 1 Identify coordinating conjunctions
  • 2 Identify subordinating conjunctions
  • 3 Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions
  • 4 Fill in the missing correlative conjunction

NN. Contractions

  • 1 Pronoun-verb contractions
  • 2 Contractions with 'not'
  • 1 Commas with direct addresses, introductory words and interjections
  • 2 Commas with compound and complex sentences

PP. Capitalisation

  • 1 Correct capitalisation errors
  • 2 Capitalising titles

QQ. Formatting

  • 1 Formatting titles
  • 2 Formatting and capitalising titles
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Year Six English Homework

Year Six English Homework

Subject: English

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Relevant Resources Shop

Last updated

22 February 2018

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homework year 6 english

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The ideas inside of these tasks are great, but the sheets are quite basic. I do like the success criteria and the option for children to create their own topic, though! Thank you for making these free to use.


Yes, the sheets are basic so that you can edit it to meet the needs of your class.


We are trying to create a bank of resources for use as online learning during this covid 19 crisis. These resources are good and clear and will be very useful. Thank you.


Amazing work :)

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KS2 English learning materials that will help students practise their comprehension skills, skimming a text for information and inferring meaning from it.

Part of KS2 English

What is inference?

Inference is when you read between the lines and look for clues in a story.

homework year 6 english

Discussing books

Find out how to share your thoughts and feelings about a book and give reasons for your opinions.

homework year 6 english

Using social and historical context

Find out how to use social and historical context to understand more about a text.

homework year 6 english

Making predictions using context

Learn how to use context to make predictions.

homework year 6 english

Play Crystal Explorers game!

All Bitesize Primary games

The Regenerators Green Lessons

BBC Teach: KS2 English

Royal Shakespeare Company

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Little Bridge

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Year 6 English

Our growing collection of Year 6 English lesson packs are stuffed with everything you need to teach challenging, engaging literacy lessons. Each scheme of work is created by an experienced teacher and includes a variety of pdf resources including worksheets, slides and activity ideas.

Floodland English Pack

This Floodland KS2 English Planning Pack will help develop and extend your class’s reading and writing skills using Marcus Sedgwick's debut dystopi...

Skellig English Pack

Use David Almond's inspiring, thought-provoking novel, 'Skellig', to develop and extend your Year 6 class's reading and writing skills. Spanning 20...

The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey: a Year 6 story writing lesson pack that's a great way to get your children writing fantastic stories using the classic story st...

Kensuke's Kingdom: Reading Comprehension

This Kensuke's Kingdom Planning Pack, based on the wonderful book by Michael Morpurgo, is full of Year 6 reading comprehension activities that will...

This is Me English Pack

This pack of Year 6 Writing ideas offers you 20 complete lessons which are perfect end-of-year projects for any KS2 class. From autobiographies to ...

Explanation Texts

Instantly download seven completely resourced Year 6 Explanation Texts lessons to have your class writing their own explanation on a topic of their...

An Emotional Menagerie

This Year 6 Poetry scheme is as much about emotional literacy as it is about English literacy! Introduce your class to the gorgeous 'An Emotional M...

Shackleton's Journey Letter Writing

Are your children ready for adventure? Are they prepared to journey through hazardous conditions and to face constant danger? Are they driven by ho...

HS2: Persuasive Writing

This HS2 Persuasive Writing English Planning Pack for Year 6 contains everything you need to teach your class about the HS2 project, understand its...

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Ray's Review.

Thanks, Ray!

Very cute! Perfect for an introduction.

We're pleased you like the resource, Theresa!

Diwali Pictures Pack

Thanks, Jayne!

What's My Number?

Thanks, Kirsten!

I really like the display cards which are clear and concise with enough information to spark children's interest.

Thanks, Ruth - we're so pleased to hear that you're happy with these resources :-)

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Revising for your assessment week - January 2021

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Top tips for boosting your child's English skills

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Children working in classroom

Year 6 is such an important year, with Key Stage 2 SATs and preparation for secondary school . 

This way for Year 6 success 

Support Year 6 English , Year 6 maths and Year 6 science learning with clear explanations and information as well as an array of teacher-created resources. Got a tricky topic to tackle or a piece of challenging homework? Find out how to explain it to your child then back it up with some practice sessions, using our worksheets and interactive tutorials , which cover all the core areas of the Year 6 curriculum, including angles , square and prime numbers , analysis of texts , improving writing skills and materials . Or you can keep learning on track year-round with our Y6 English , Y6 maths and Y6 science programmes. 

Then try some past KS2 SATs papers and our exclusive practice papers for the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPAG) test .

Year 6 maths and English key topics for home education

Join TheSchoolRun today...

Everything you need to help prepare your child for ks2 sats.

You'll find lots of resources on TheSchoolRun to help your child prepare for their SATs test at the end of Year 6 including:

  • KS2 SATs past papers – the official past papers
  • KS2 SATs practice papers – mock papers, exclusively created for TheSchoolRun
  • KS2 SATs revision course – a programme of worksheets covering all the core learning objectives that your child has to master for the tests
  • SATs revision planner – get your child off to a confident start with these expert revision tips
  • Countdown to SATs action plan - a 6-week plan to get your child ready
  • Ready for SATs – tips, tricks and practical suggestions
  • SATs: Practice Makes Perfect - everything you need to know to help your child prepare in one compehensive eBook
  • Grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPAG) test practice papers

A complete parents' guide to EVERYTHING your child will learn in Year 6 maths

The Parents' Guide to Year 6 Maths will very quickly help you understand what's been going on in your child's lessons all these years – and better equip you for helping your child to really grasp their maths and get ahead in Year 6. You will get an overview of the exact kind of sums, calculations and operations children are expected to be able to perform with whole and decimal numbers, percentages and fractions – as well as how they are taught to do them. You will learn exactly what they are expected to know about – and do with – shapes and measurements and data handling and you will also discover important little insights such as why you should not tell your child to move the decimal point when multiplying or dividing with decimals. This popular eBook includes 50 ideas for maths games to play with your child, as well as resource sheets which you can print again and again to help your child practise place value, column calculations, 2D and 3D shapes, Venn diagrams, Carroll diagrams and more.

Fantastic learning packs to support your child's Year 6 learning

Looking for support on one specific area of the Year 6 curriculum?  Browse through our range of learning packs and chances are you'll find just what your need. Our learning packs cover all aspects of a tricky subject, from information for parents to practical activities to help your child master it. Whether it's times tables or handwriting your child needs practice in, everything you need is just a download away. For starters, why not check out:

  • Primary geometry: shape and space
  • Great grammar games
  • Year 6 English Booster pack
  • Year 6 Maths Booster pack
  • Reading comprehension pack
  • Decimals made simple
  • Verbal and non-verbal reasoning
  • Fractions made simple

Prepare your child for the transition to secondary school

The move to secondary school is a big turning point in your child's life and you'll want to spend a lot of Year 6 preparing. You'll find lots of resources on TheSchoolRun to help ensure your child has the best start ever in Year 7, including: Your guide to choosing a secondary school What to look for during a secondary school visit Common secondary school application mistakes Choosing, applying and appealing A Parents' Guide to Secondary School How to survive starting secondary school

homework year 6 english

History, georgraphy or science homework? Let the Homework Gnome help

In Year 6, your child will cover some core learning areas of history, geography and science. For many of these topic-areas, you'll find top facts, timelines, did you knows, pictures, videos and more, in the Homework Gnome. Why not check out the following: History: Julius Caesar Isambard Kingdom Brunel William Shakespeare Life in the Victorian era Greek life and culture Greek gods and mythology Science: Animal adaptation Conservation and endangered species Geography: Rivers Brazil China  

homework year 6 english

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Year 6 Homework

New year 6 welcome letter.

Welcome Letter

Year 6 Summer 2 Information Letter

Spring half term 2, february 26th home learning.

Home Learning Timetable

Maths Warm up

Arithmetic Test

The Rush for Gold Text

Reading Application

Zeus Research

Introduction WAGOLL

How we see PowerPoint

I can explain how the eye works PowerPoint

I can explain how we see things Worksheet

February 25th Home Learning

Reading Inference Task

Zeus Planning Frame with Guidance

Human Rights PowerPoint

Everybody – We are all born free clip

Human Rights Poster

Human Rights Sorting Worksheet

Human Rights Sorting Answers

DT PowerPoint

My Greek Bust Design

February 24th Home Learning

Reading Vocabulary Text

GPS Revision Challenge

GPS Revision Challenge Answers

Past Perfect Worksheet

Past Perfect Answers

BLP PowerPoint

BLP Worksheet

Imports and Exports Geography Worksheet

Imports and Exports Geography Answers

Geography Worksheet 2

Geography Worksheet 2 Answers

February 23rd Home Learning

The Rush for Golf Text

Reading Orientation Task

GPS Challenge

GPS Challenge Answers

Present Perfect Worksheet

Present Perfect Answers

February 22nd Home Learning

GPS Challenge Task

Using Semi-Colons PowerPoint

Semi-Colon Worksheet

Semi-Colon Answers

Prediction Sheet – The Rush for Gold

Parts of the Eye PowerPoint

Parts of the Eye Descriptions

Science Worksheet

Science Answers

Spring Half Term 1

February 12th home learning.

Midas and the Golden Wish Text

Reading Application Task

Book Review

Editing Stations

Positive Mental Health PowerPoint

Exercise Investigation PowerPoint

WSFL – Helping Heart

WSFL – Spreading the Word

February 11th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting between all 3

Growing up in Sparta Text

WAGOLL Sparta Boy Letter

Judgement of King Solomon Story

Holy Cakes Story

Ancient Greek Recipes

RE What is Justice PowerPoint

RE Task Sheet

February 10th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting from Percentages

Reading Vocabulary Task

History Battle of Marathon PowerPoint

History Storyboard

Wellbeing Jar Example

February 9th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting from Fractions

February 8th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting from fractions

Reading Prediction Task

Science Investigation Task

Science Task 1

Science Task 2

February 5th Home Learning

Maths Starter

Maths Starter Answers

Writing Planning Sheet

California’s Unlikely Warriors Text

Importance of Exercise PowerPoint

Lifestyle Worksheet

February 4th Home Learning

FDP Equivalences PowerPoint

Equivalences Information Worksheet

FDP Equivalences Worksheet

FDP Equivalences Extension Worksheet

Verb Tenses PowerPoint

Verb Tenses Worksheet

River Users PowerPoint

River Users Worksheet

RE Freedom PowerPoint

Freedom Religion Beliefs

February 3rd Home Learning

Maths Task Fraction Arithmetic Questions

Maths Task Fraction Arithmetic Answers

Active and Passive PowerPoint

Active and Passive Worksheet

Greek House Information Sheet

Life in a Greek House Diagram

February 2nd Home Learning

Dividing Fractions Sheet 3

Diving Fractions Sheet 3 Answers

Dividing Fractions Sheet 4

Dividing Fractions Sheet 4 Answers

Reasoning and Problem Solving Extension

Reasoning and Problem Solving Extension Answers

WAGOLL Spartan Boy Letter


February 1st Home Learning

Dividing Proper Fractions Sheet 1

Dividing Proper Fractions Sheet 1 Answers

Dividing Mixed Numbers Sheet 2

Dividing Mixed Numbers Sheet 2 Answers

Reading Word Cloud

Growing up in Sparta Questions

Using 2Connect to create a Plan for your blog

Science Picture for Fact File

Healthy Diet PowerPoint

January 25th Home Learning

Maths Independent Task

Rain and Shine Texts


Blog Features

Blogs PowerPoint

Science PowerPoint

Parts of the Digestive  System Labels

Science Diagram to Label

January 22nd Home Learning

Percy Jackson Summary of chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Shared Write Example PowerPoint

Spelling List

The Lungs in the Human Body

The Lungs Diagram and Questions

January 21st Home Learning

Equivalent Fractions Maths Task

Challenge Equivalent Fractions Questions

Challenge Equivalent Fractions Answers

Reading Step 4 Application

Year 5 and 6 Spellings

Percy Jackson Summary of chapters 2,3,4 and 5

Rivers of the World PowerPoint

Rivers of the World Task Sheet

Fact Sheets – Beliefs About Heaven

January 20th Home Learning

Simplifying Fractions Maths Task

Diary Planning Sheet

Diary Writing Checklist

Reading Step 3 Vocabulary

Greece maps to look at the States

Greek City States Information

The Greek City States Fill the Gap Activity

January 19th Home Learning

Formal or Informal PowerPoint 1

Formal or Informal PowerPoint 2

Formal or Informal Task

Formal or Informal Extension Task

Reading Step 2 Orientation

January 18th Home Learning

Maths HCF and LCM Task

The Subjunctive Form PowerPoint

Subjunctive Mood PowerPoint

Subjunctive Form Task

Reading Continuum Step 1 Mon

January 14th Home Learning

Long Division worksheet

Reading Inference Questions

Relative clauses PowerPoint

Lesson Presentation Features of a River

River Features

January 12th Home Learning

Steps to Success Long Division

Apostrophe PowerPoint

Apostrophe for Possession

Apostrophe for Contractions

Instruction Video

January 11th Home Learning

Short Division worksheet

Rain and Shine Text

Monday Retrieval Application Questions

Percy Jackson Summary of chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5


January 8th Home Learning

Well being tasks

Newly Discovered Amphibains

Newly Discovered Amphibians Answers

January 7th Home Learning

Steps to success short division

Short division worksheet

Rain and Shine text

English Blurb picture

Blurb Questions

Creating Optical Art

January 6th Home Learning

Arithmetic test 1

BLP targets for online learning

BLP Progression document for Spring

January 5th Home Learning

Maths (Answers)

Homework 11/12/10

Maths Arithmetic

Reading Comprehension Text

Reading Comprehension Answers

Homework 27/11/20

Maths prep 4 sheet

Mrs Atherton Reading

Mrs Atherton Grammar

Mrs Scott and Mrs Chouhery Reading

Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery Grammar

Week 4 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 4 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott’s English sets

Homework 20/11/20

Maths prep 3 sheet

Week 3 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 3 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott’s English sets

Homework 13/11/20

Maths prep 2 sheet

Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery Reading

Week 2 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 2 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott English sets

Homework 6/11/20

Maths prep 1 sheet

Mrs Choudhery and Mrs Scott Reading

Mrs Choudhery and Mrs Scott Grammar

Week 1 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 1 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott’s English sets

October Half Term Holiday Homework

Reasoning Quiz 5

Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English sets

Reading Challenge

Homework 16/10/20

Reasoning Quiz 4

Mrs Atherton English set

Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery’s English sets

Week 6 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 6 Mrs Scott and Mrs Atherton’s English sets

Homework 9/10/20

Reasoning Quiz 3

Word Classes

Week 5 Home Learning Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 5 Home Learning Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Homework 2/10/20

Reasoning Quiz 2

Mrs Atherton’s English set

Mrs Choudhery’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Week 4 Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Homework 25/9/20

Reasoning Quiz

Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Mrs Choudhery’s English sets

Homework 18/9/20

Homework week 2

Homework 11/9/20

Week 1 Mrs Atherton English set

Week 1 Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery’s English set

New Year 6 Holiday Homework

Holiday Homework

Amazing Person Worksheet

What positives have come from lockdown

Home Learning Pack

Children in ‘bubbles’ Monday and Tuesday

Children in ‘bubbles’ Thursday and Friday

Children not in school or in Care Club

Class on 2020 – Leavers and Transition Booklet

Monday addition and subtraction – tiered challenge

Monday Reading Assessment Booklet

Monday Reading Assessment Answer Booklet

Monday Reading Assessment Mark Scheme

Tuesday multiplication and division – tiered challenge

Tuesday Reading Assessment Booklet

Tuesday Reading Assessment Answer Booklet

Tuesday Reading Assessment Mark Scheme

Wednesday negative numbers – tiered challenge

Thursday time – tiered challenge

Friday Activity 1 Maths

Friday Activity 2 Maths

Friday Activity 3 Maths

Accelerated Reader

Activities to support children through anxiety

WPS Challenge

Online Learning Resources

Additional Online Resources to Support Home Learning Key Stage 2

Additional Online Resources to Support Home Learning SEND

Week 16 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 9

Y6 Day 1 Powerpoint for teachers

Well being task page 1

Well being task page 2

Well being task page 3

Week 15 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 8

Reading and Interpreting pie charts

Draw pie charts

PE (Home Learning)

Week 14 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 7

D Day comprehension sheets

D Day Powerpoint

Drawing Line Graphs

Line Graph problems

Moving on up Scenario Cards

Reading and Interpreting Line Graphs

Science Investigations

Week 13 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 6

Battle of Britain Comprehension and Answers

Week 12 home learning timetable

Reasoning  Quiz 1

Arithmetic Paper 5

Geometry Questions

Position and Direction Quiz

Respect Worksheets

Football Themed Coordinates

Spanish (Home Learning)

Resources to support parents and carers keep children safe online

Holiday Challenge

Holiday Menu

Air Rocket investigation

Rocket template

Anderson Shelter Worksheet – Starter

Anderson Shelter paper model – Easy

Anderson Shelter paper model diorama


Arithmetic paper 4

Quizzes 3D shapes and their nets

Quizzes circles and rotation

Quizzes properties of 2D shapes

Quizzes symmetry

Strong Societies


Arithmetic Paper3

Chapter 3 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire.’

Chapter 3 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Chapter 4 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire.’

Chapter 4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Chapter 5 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire.’

Chapter 5 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Electricity Quiz

It’s Electrifying PowerPoint PDF with Quiz Answers

Maths Challenges

TTS Home Learning Resources Pack

Music (Home Learning)

Arithmetic Paper 2

Chapter 1 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire’

Chapter 1 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Chapter 2 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire’

Chapter 2 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Electricity Safety Poster

Propaganda PowerPoint

Propaganda Photo Detectives

VE Day  PowerPoint

VE Day Menu

Arithmetic Paper

Spelling activity sheet (Questions)

Spellings activity sheet (Answers)

World War II Evacuation Text and Questions

PE (Week 3 Netball Answers)

Spanish (In the town 1)

Spanish (In the town 2)

Spanish (Sentence Link up)

Maths and GPS Activities

Reading Activities

Year 6 All Subjects

Maths SATs Paper with tutorial


Science steps to success

TTS Home Learning Resource Pack

Makaton Greetings Flash Cards

Spanish Home Learning (St George’s Day)

Sant Jorge vocabulario

Easter Home Learning Menu 2

Pick a Science Investigation to complete

Science Investigation Examples

Easter Home Learning Menu

PE (Week 3)

PE (Netball questions)

Year 6 Week 2 Home Learning

WW2 Topic Booklet

Home Learning Resources

Home Learning Pack Guidance and Answers

homework year 6 english


10- minute SAT Buster:

10- minute SAT Buster

10- minute SAT Buster:

2. Mathletics
Times Table Rock Stars

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  1. Year 6: Literacy Printable Resources & Free Worksheets for Kids

    homework year 6 english

  2. Year 6 English Grammar Worksheets

    homework year 6 english

  3. Year 6 English Worksheets Pdf

    homework year 6 english

  4. Year 6 Term 1 Homework Booklet :: Teacher Resources and Classroom Games

    homework year 6 english

  5. English worksheets: Homework Year 6

    homework year 6 english

  6. Year Six English Homework

    homework year 6 english


  1. Year 6 English Worksheets

    Our year 6 worksheets are 100% aligned to the National Curriculum and can provide you visibility to your child's progress throughout the year. Our English worksheets with answers for year 6 are available to be completed online and marked interactively, and also printable in PDF format to give you flexibility when it comes to lesson planning.

  2. Year 6 English Home Learning (16 worksheets) includes Parental Guidance

    The content comes from common Year 6 fiction and non-fiction themes. The activities are designed to support work done across the curriculum as well as in literacy teaching. The activities follow the main literacy priorities in Year 6 and are designed to be used flexibly.

  3. Year 6 English

    Support your child with hundreds of Year 6 English worksheets so they feel confident in their skills and ready for KS2 English SATs.. You'll find activities and games to help your child develop their comprehension and interpretation skills on a wide range of material, develop their own reading tastes and express their ideas imaginatively and clearly, whether they are working on fiction, non ...

  4. English: Age 10-11 (Year 6)

    English: Age 10-11 (Year 6) Year 6 will be a formative and exciting year for your child. Now that they are at the top of the school, they will be preparing for both SATs and secondary school in earnest, and they will develop much more independence and resilience over the year. ... homework helps children to progress. ...

  5. Year 6 English worksheets

    Key Stage 2 - 2018 English SATs Papers. Help your child prepare for the Year 6 English SATs, taken at the end of Key Stage 2, with some revision and at-home practice. These complete 2018 Y6 SATs past papers are the official past papers from the Department for Education, used in schools. Login or Register to add to your saved resources.

  6. Home learning for year 6

    KS2. Resource type. Homework. Teaching pack. Home learning for year 6 - English is designed to ensure you have all your home learning activities for year 6 English in one place. Including differentiated tasks for reading, writing composition and GPS, there's a task for every week of the school year. Whether you use it as a workbook or dip ...

  7. Year 6 English Worksheets

    Free year 6 English worksheets to download - no registration needed. Find the Mistakes - Children need to focus on accuracy to do well in their written work and this series of worksheets help children to develop accurate writing skills. Homophones - Words which sound the same but are spelt differently often catch children out.

  8. IXL

    1. Formatting titles. 2. Formatting and capitalising titles. Make learning fun with these educational English games! Welcome to IXL's year 6 English page. Practise English online with unlimited questions in 163 year 6 English skills.

  9. Year 6 English/Literacy Home Learning Pack (46 sheets) including

    Our Literacy Homework Activities for Year 6 provide forty-six challenging and engaging Literacy homework activities sheets. The activity sheets are structured around the narrative, non-fiction and poetry blocks of the new literacy Framework. The content comes from common Year 6 fiction and non-fiction themes.

  10. 1,215 Top "Year 6 English" Teaching Resources curated for you

    Year 6 Winter English Activity Booklet 15 reviews. Year 5 and 6 Correct the Spelling Mistakes Worksheets - English 62 reviews. Reading Comprehension Skills: Inference Worksheet ( Year 5- 6) 17 reviews. Edit and Improve Sentences Worksheets 135 reviews. SATs Survival: Year 6 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Revision Mats Activity Pack 27 ...

  11. Year Six English Homework

    Year Six English Homework. Subject: English. Age range: 7-11. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. jpg, 89.86 KB. zip, 1.57 MB. I was the English Coordinator at a small private school for several years, teaching both Year Five and Year Six English. I found that after Christmas (and most 11+ exams), my Year Six pupils were becoming ...

  12. Grammar

    Year 6; Grammar. KS2 English videos, quizzes and activities that will help students practise the skills and knowledge they need for using grammar correctly.

  13. Comprehension

    Year 6; Comprehension. KS2 English learning materials that will help students practise their comprehension skills, skimming a text for information and inferring meaning from it.

  14. Year 6 English

    Writing in Year 6 - your child will be: Using further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them. Spelling some words with silent letters. Learning the spelling of more difficult homophones (words which sound the same but are spelt differently) Using a dictionary and a thesaurus. Understanding synonyms and antonyms.

  15. Year 6 English worksheets and lesson plan packs by PlanBee

    HS2: Persuasive Writing. This HS2 Persuasive Writing English Planning Pack for Year 6 contains everything you need to teach your class about the HS2 project, understand its... Downloadable Year 6 English worksheets and ready-to-teach lesson plan packs, created by experienced teachers and packed with slides and literacy activities.

  16. Year 6 English Topics

    These comprehensive unit packs are designed to take the stress out of lesson planning. Every Year 6 English topic pack is designed by our team of teachers, and is in line with National Curriculum guidelines, helping your Year 6 class to meet their targets and excel in their SATs. We've also included a display pack in each unit with ...

  17. Revision Central

    Revising for your assessment week - January 2021. Here are your materials to prepare for your January 2021 assessment week - you can use the booklet and then check your answers in order to see your progress and what you still need to revise! If you need any extra resources, check out the links below! cycle_2_-_year_6_revision_pack.pdf.

  18. Activity Pack

    These year 6 English literacy homework tasks help parents to offer that additional support in the home in a stress-free and reliable environment. As a parent, if you want to know more about what your year 6 English literacy student should be learning, check out our Year 6 English Guide: ...

  19. Year 6 Home Learning Resource Pack (teacher made)

    Continue the learning journey while the schools are closed with this fantastic pack of year 6 resources, designed for use as year 6 homework. With activities to cover the core curriculum subjects, this is the perfect home learning pack to send your Y6 student home with. Year 6 homework may become the new normal for many students around the country, and we have put together this huge selection ...

  20. Year 6 English, maths and science learning

    Year 6 is such an important year, with Key Stage 2 SATs and preparation for secondary school.. This way for Year 6 success . Support Year 6 English, Year 6 maths and Year 6 science learning with clear explanations and information as well as an array of teacher-created resources. Got a tricky topic to tackle or a piece of challenging homework? Find out how to explain it to your child then back ...

  21. Year 6 Homework

    Week 2 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott English sets. Homework 6/11/20. Maths prep 1 sheet. Mrs Atherton Reading. Mrs Atherton Grammar. Mrs Choudhery and Mrs Scott Reading. ... YEAR 6 HOMEWORK DUE IN 22 nd JANUARY 2020: Spellings Rule: -ent or -ant1. observant 2. innocent 3. hesitant 4. tolerant 5. decent 6. frequent 7. assistant

  22. Year 6 Home Learning Resource Pack (teacher made)

    Continue the learning journey while the schools are closed with this fantastic pack of year 6 resources, designed for use as year 6 homework. With activities to cover the core curriculum subjects, this is the perfect home learning pack to send your Y6 student home with. Year 6 homework may become the new normal for many students around the country, and we have put together this huge selection ...