because LaTeX matters

Template for latex phd thesis title page.

Often universities provide official LaTeX templates for PhD theses. If your university doesn’t, here is a template. The template includes the most common elements of a thesis title page:

  • University’s or institute’s logo
  • Thesis title
  • Author’s name
  • Degree the thesis is submitted for
  • Submission date


A few remarks

The template may have to be adapted, as it most likely won’t fulfil your university’s or institute’s official thesis guidelines.

If the official guidelines do not explicitly state it, do not use more than two different font sizes. In the template, I used the same font size throughout the title page ( \Large ).

To center content of the title page and still use twoside -margins for the thesis, use the geometry package :

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' src=

13. May 2014 at 19:21

Tom, do you know how I can make the page numbers in an index to be hyperlinks please? I haven’t found any way of doing it online.

' src=

14. May 2014 at 7:35

Just use the linktoc=all option when you load the hyperref package .

14. May 2014 at 11:07

I’ve tried it but it didn’t work, FYI this is the relevant part of my file header –

There is no change at all in the index page, unfortunately! 🙁

14. May 2014 at 11:18

You load the hyperref package twice with different options. Use this instead:

Also, hyperref has to be the last package loaded ( exceptions ).

Finally, always typeset twice for changes to appear in the TOC.

14. May 2014 at 11:22

sorted by using

14. May 2014 at 11:26

Great to hear, thanks!

' src=

19. May 2014 at 9:44

Hello Tom, I like how your template looks so clean and simple. Do you think it is wise to use the “titlepage” environment for a title? It is used in the Wikibook about LaTeX ( ).

19. May 2014 at 10:28

Thanks for the positive feedback! Personally, I’ve never used the titlepage environment, \maketitle has done the job so far. You may want to take a look at the discussion on the topic here to decide what’s your best choice…

' src=

3. September 2014 at 9:55

I have really liked the templete. Can you please tell me where should I put the logo if I also want to mention the name of the university in the title page?

5. September 2014 at 2:59

Personally, I’d place the university name right before the year and keep the logo on top. There might be guidelines of your school defining the order.

' src=

11. September 2014 at 2:50

Hi Tom, Thanks for the template! It seems that newgeometry does not work with version 4 of the geometry package. Is there another possibility to get the twoside margins?

12. September 2014 at 4:25

Interesting question. You could either update your version of geometry, \newgeometry was introduced in version 5, or use the gmeometric package instead.

' src=

18. September 2014 at 15:49

Nice, simple, clean template. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, when I use this, it adds page numbers (which I do not want) and also includes a blank first page.

I have to use this as my preamble.

If I do not comment out the first line, it does no compile

How can I remove the page numbers and the blank first page.

20. September 2014 at 16:36

To switch pages number off, use:

' src=

5. February 2015 at 17:51

Hi Tom Is it possible to have two logos side by side on the cover page (joint phd and both univversities’ logos must appear). Any idea how I can implement this?

14. February 2015 at 5:50

Hi Michael,

Try the minipage environment as shown below. If this doesn’t work, please provide a minimal working example. Thanks, Tom.

' src=

11. May 2015 at 18:45

Thanks Tom for the Template

' src=

10. August 2015 at 17:54

If the titlepage has different margin settings, which is quite often the case, i tend to recommend to include the titlepage as a standalone document with includepdf from pdfpages. A titlepage doesn’t change every few minutes and is quite static. Clompetely avoiding the newgeometry stuff.

11. August 2015 at 12:15

Thanks for your comment. I agree, that’s a neat way of keeping the titlepage separated from the rest of the document. Best, Tom.

' src=

8. May 2016 at 9:23

Sir Please tell me how to write 4 to 5 authors in title page of a report?

10. May 2016 at 10:58

You can use the author macro as shown in the minimal working example below.

10. May 2016 at 18:14

Depending on how you want your complete author section output, there might be better ways. In some cases, it is even more painless to do the titlepage by hand.

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LaTeX/Title Creation

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For documents such as basic articles, the output of \maketitle is often adequate, but longer documents (such as books and reports) often require more involved formatting. We will detail the process here.

There are several situations where you might want to create a title in a custom format, rather than in the format natively supported by LaTeX classes. While it is possible to change the output of \maketitle , it can be complicated even with minor changes to the title. In such cases it is often better to create the title from scratch, and this section will show you how to accomplish this.

  • 1 Standard Titles
  • 2 The title for journal submission
  • 3.1 A practical example
  • 3.2 Integrating the title page
  • 4 A title to be re-used multiple times
  • 5 Packages for custom titles
  • 6 More titlepage examples
  • 7 Notes and References

Standard Titles

Most document classes provide a simple interface to store details to be represented in the title and to typeset the actual title. The standard classes provide just four storing commands ( \title , \author \thanks and \date ). You can store any information you want to be shown in the title, including formatting.

The actual title will be typeset by issuing the command \maketitle . The layout is defined by the documentclass in use.

\documentclass{article}% use option titlepage to get the title on a page of its own. \usepackage{blindtext} \title{The Triangulation of Titling Data in Non-Linear Gaussian Fashion via $\rho$ Series\thanks{No procrastination}} \date{2017\\ December} \author{John Doe\\ Magic Department\thanks{I am no longer a member of this department}, Richard Miles University \and Richard Row, \LaTeX\ Academy} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} \blindtext \end{document}

The command \thanks will store content, which will produce a footnote along with the title. As the name suggests, it can be used to thank someone. Or just to print an email address or similar in a footnote.

The authors are separated by the command \and , allowing author blocks to be output next to each other. In the example above, there is not enough horizontal space to fit both authors on the same line.

If \date was not defined, LaTeX will print the current date. If you want to omit the date completely, use \date{} , which stores an empty string.

The commands to store your title data can be used in the preamble. Since \maketitle does actual output, it needs to be used after \begin{document} . Usually, the title is the first thing in a document.

Please see examples for KOMA-script and memoir classes below. Both provide (different) commands to change the appearance of the title. Learn later how to completely design your own titlepage.

\documentclass{scrbook} \setkomafont{author}{\scshape} \usepackage{blindtext} \title{How hard would it be to build a spaceship from scrap} \author{Carl Capybara\thanks{I never procrastinate} \and Walter Wombat} \subtitle{A closer look at the expenses} \subject{a funny paper} \begin{document} \maketitle \addchap{Introduction} \blindtext \end{document}

\documentclass{memoir}% use option titlepage to get the title on a page of its own. \usepackage{blindtext} \title{The influence of colour on the floating velocity of rubber ducks} \author{Peter Piranha} \renewcommand{\maketitlehookb}{\centering You won't expect the results} \begin{document} \maketitle \chapter{Introduction} \blindtext \end{document}

As usual, the class documentation reveals more details about the possible commands.

The title for journal submission

Journals follow a specific layout. To ensure this they often provide a template which defines the layout. What is available for the title (for example emails, affiliation names, keywords) heavily depends on the template and highly differs between different journals. Follow the template if the journal provides one. If they don't you should use the most basic concepts of LaTeX titles described above.

Create a custom title for a report or book

The title page of a book or a report is the first thing a reader will see. Keep that in mind when preparing your title page.

You need to know very basic LaTeX layout commands in order to get your own title page perfect. Usually a custom titlepage does not contain any semantic markup, everything is hand crafted. Here are some of the most often needed things:

If you want to center some text just use \centering . If you want to align it differently you can use the environment \raggedleft for right -alignment and \raggedright for left -alignment.

The command for including images (a logo for example) is the following : \includegraphics [width=0.15\textwidth] { ./logo } . There is no \begin { figure } as you would usually use since you don't want it to be floating , you just want it exactly where want it to be. When handling it, remember that it is considered like a big box by the TeX engine.

If you want to change the size of some text just place it within braces, {like this} , and you can use the following commands (in order of size): \Huge , \huge , \LARGE , \Large , \large , \normalsize , \small , \footnotesize , \tiny . So for example:

{\large this text is slightly bigger than normal}, this one is not.

Remember, if you have a block of text in a different size, even if it is a bit of text on a single line, end it with \par .

The command \vfill as the last item of your content will add empty space until the page is full. If you put it within the page, you will ensure that all the following text will be placed at the bottom of the page.

A practical example

All these tips might have made you confused. Here is a practical and compliable example. The picture in use comes with package mwe and should be available with every complete LaTeX installation. You can start testing right away.

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage{mwe} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{example-image-1x1}\par\vspace{1cm} {\LARGE \textsc{Columbidae University}\par} \vspace{1cm} {\Large \textsc{Final year project}\par} \vspace{1.5cm} {\huge\bfseries Pigeons love doves\par} \vspace{2cm} {\Large\itshape John Birdwatch\par} \vfill supervised by\par Dr.~Mark \textsc{Brown} \vfill % Bottom of the page {\large \today\par} \end{titlepage} \end{document}

As you can see, the code looks "dirtier" than standard LaTeX source because you have to take care of the output as well. If you start changing fonts it gets even more complicated, but you can do it: it's only for the title and your complicated code will be isolated from all the rest within its own file.

The result is shown below


Integrating the title page

A title page for a book or a report to get a university degree {Bachelor, Master, Ph.D., etc.) is quite static, it doesn't really change over time. You can prepare the titlepage in its own little document and prepare a one page pdf that you later include into your real document. This is really useful, if the title page needs to have completely different margins compared to the rest of the document. It also saves compile time, though it is not much.

Assuming you have done the title page of your report in an extra document, let's pretend it is called reportTitlepage2016.pdf , you can include it quite simply. Here is a short document setup.

\documentclass{report} \usepackage{pdfpages} \begin{document} \includepdf{reportTitlepage2016} \tableofcontents \chapter{Introducing birds} \end{document}

A title to be re-used multiple times

Some universities, departments and companies have strict rules how a title page of a report should look. To ensure the very same output for all reports, a redefinition of the \maketitle command is recommended.

This is best done by an experienced LaTeX user. A simple example follows, as usual there is no real limit with respect to complexity.

As a starting point, a LaTeX package called columbidaeTitle.sty is generated that defines the complete title matter. It will later be hidden from the end user. Ideally, the person creating the package should maintain it for a long time, create an accompanying documentation and ensure user support.

% Copyright note: This package defines how titles should % be typeset at the columbidae University % Please check for updates \ProvidesPackage{columbidaeTitle}[2015/08/10 v.01 an example package^^J for wikibooks] \RequirePackage{graphicx} \newcommand*{\project}[1]{\gdef\@project{#1}% } \newcommand*{\@project}{Final Year Project} \newcommand*{\supervisor}[1]{\gdef\@supervisor{#1}% } \newcommand*{\@supervisor}{\texttt{\string\supervisor} currently not set. Please fix this.} \renewcommand*{\maketitle}{% \begin{titlepage} {\raggedleft% \includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image-16x9}\par }\vspace{1cm} \centering {\scshape\LARGE Columbidae University \par} \vspace{1cm} {\scshape\Large\@project\unskip\strut\par} \vspace{1.5cm} {\huge\bfseries\@title\unskip\strut\par} \vspace{2cm} {\Large\itshape\@author\unskip\strut\par} \vfill supervised by\par \@supervisor\unskip\strut\par \vfill {\large \@date\par} \end{titlepage} } \endinput

This package can be loaded within a usual document. The user can set the variables for title and the like. Which commands are actually available, and which might be omissible should be written in a documentation that is bundled with the package.

Look around what happens if you leave one or the other command out.

\documentclass{book} \usepackage{columbidaeTitle} %\supervisor{Dr. James Miller} \project{Bachelor Thesis} \author{A LaTeX enthusiast} \title{Why I want to be a duck} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \chapter{Ducks are awesome} \end{document}

Packages for custom titles

The titling package [ 1 ] provides control over the typesetting of the \maketitle and \thanks commands. It is useful for small changes to the standard output.

Italian users may also want to use the frontespizio package [ 2 ] . It defines a frontispiece as used in Italy.

Package authblk [ 3 ] provides new means to typeset the authors. This is especially helpful for journal submissions without an available template.

More titlepage examples

The titlepages package presents many different styles for title pages.

TeX.SE has a collection of titlepages.

Another small collection can be found on Github .

Notes and References

  • ↑ Titling package webpage on CTAN
  • ↑ Frontespizio package webpage on CTAN
  • ↑ authblk package webpage on CTAN

title page of thesis in latex

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LaTeX on Wikibooks has a Bibliography Management page.

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How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it – nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced PDF, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard thesis template from the Overleaf Gallery .

You can upload your own thesis template to the Overleaf Gallery if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files or you may find your university's thesis template already in the Overleaf Gallery.

This video assumes you've used LaTeX before and are familiar with the standard commands (see other tutorial videos  if not), and focuses on how to work with a large project split over multiple files.

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5-part Guide on How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX

5-part LaTeX Thesis Writing Guide

Part 1: Basic Structure corresponding  video

Part 2: Page Layout corresponding  video

Part 3: Figures, Subfigures and Tables   corresponding video

Part 4: Bibliographies with Biblatex corresponding video

Part 5: Customizing Your Title Page and Abstract corresponding video

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Abstract on the title page in LaTeX

I would like the abstract on the title page in the following style: 1. The word 'Abstract' centred above the text 2. A horizontal line immediately underneath the word 'Abstract', with a width equal to that of the text 3. A horizontal line of that same length immediately underneath the text 4. The word 'Keywords:' at the left-side that allows me to put some keywords specific to the thesis.

I have been trying to get this right, but apparently I am missing something. Thanks for the help! Current code can be found here:

Picture of the end result I aspire:

enter image description here

  • You realize that the quote environment adds extra margin to the left and right? –  John Kormylo Commented Jun 2, 2018 at 13:41
  • @JohnKormylo I did not know that. However, after removing 'quote' it lead to a less desire result, so I like the style it gives. –  Sean Commented Jun 2, 2018 at 13:44
  • As far as I can tell, the ONLY thing quote does is change the margins. Unless you are using some other document class. –  John Kormylo Commented Jun 2, 2018 at 15:00
  • You should decide where to ask. Either here or on Once again, you post a snippet, you do not give any indication which document class you are using, alas, you are never posting a suitable MWE. And what does the question have to do with {sharelatex}? –  Johannes_B Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 5:24
  • A former question of yours asked for a title page that seems to contradict with this newer question. If the old question is obsolete, please either delete it or mark as duplicate of… –  Johannes_B Commented Jun 3, 2018 at 5:54

3 Answers 3

A solution based on tabularx , threeparttable and xparse for the keywords: it defines the abstract as a threeparttable – the abstract itself being a single row of a tabularx environment, and the list of keywords, input as an optional argument of the environment, inserted as a table note.

enter image description here

It might help to look at the definitions is the base folder (article.cls for example).

Since \rule expands in hmode, it always takes up \baselineskip , while \hrule expands in vmode and adds NO extra vertical space. The center environment add extra space at the end, which can be removed using \unskip .


I said it before and I will say it again: There is no need to redefine the abstract environment.


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title page of thesis in latex

Academic Title Page

This title page is useful for academic works such as assignments, reports, theses or books. The headings can be used to neatly display the institute, course or subject matter of the work. It design is clean with the major feature being two horizontal lines highlighting the title. The template contains code for an alternate layout without a supervisor name and for an institution logo at the bottom of the page.


The template compiles as a standalone document but comes with instructions for integrating it into another LaTeX document.

title page of thesis in latex

This title page was originally created for WikiBooks but has been extensively modified for this website by Vel .

Current Version

v2.0 (July 17, 2017)

This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

Open Template for Free Editing Online

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This page last updated on: July 17, 2017

title page of thesis in latex

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General enquiries [email protected]

Most templates licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

LaTeX Templates is developed in New Zealand

© Creodocs Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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Your thesis or dissertation is often the most important single piece of work you’ll produce as a student (whether it be your final year undergraduate research project or your complete Masters / PhD thesis). These templates, many provided by the university themselves as official layout guidelines, include sections for you to add all the relevant author information (your university, department, supervisor, year, etc) along with placeholder chapters for your introduction, background, method, results, conclusion / discussion, references and appendices.

Cal Poly Thesis Template

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    Abstract. This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start ...

  21. Abstract on the title page in LaTeX

    2. I would like the abstract on the title page in the following style: 1. The word 'Abstract' centred above the text 2. A horizontal line immediately underneath the word 'Abstract', with a width equal to that of the text 3. A horizontal line of that same length immediately underneath the text 4. The word 'Keywords:' at the left-side that allows ...

  22. LaTeX Templates

    Description. This title page is useful for academic works such as assignments, reports, theses or books. The headings can be used to neatly display the institute, course or subject matter of the work. It design is clean with the major feature being two horizontal lines highlighting the title. The template contains code for an alternate layout ...

  23. Gallery

    Malmö University, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, LaTeX template 1st semester. This template is for written assignments during the first semester at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology at Malmö University. Steve Dahlskog. Game Lab Graz Theses Template. This document contains the template for scientific ...