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NYC Teaching Application essay

  • Thread starter bklynteach35
  • Start date Feb 26, 2010


  • Feb 26, 2010

Looking for ideas on how to get started. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank You!! CASE STUDY Together, Teacher A and Teacher B teach a class of 25 students three periods a week; both teach the same subject area, have equal years of teaching experience and are new to School 123. However, Teacher A and Teacher B have different styles of classroom management. Teacher A believes in setting definitive rules for all student behavior and activities in the classroom, while Teacher B believes that students should always work cooperatively and direct their own learning. A few months into the school year, School 123's principal provides feedback to Teacher A and Teacher B that she has concerns about student performance based on the latest periodic assessment results and a recent observation of the classroom. The assessment revealed that students performed at various grade levels (above grade level, on grade level and below grade level). However, students — regardless of performance level — demonstrated little to no growth in their academic performance compared to the diagnostic assessment results from the beginning of the school year. The principal also notes that when she observed the class, only about a quarter of the students seemed engaged in the lesson. The principal asks both Teacher A and Teacher B to submit a plan that addresses her concerns over the next 30 days. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS Please address the following three questions. a) What are some possible issues that are contributing to the classroom's problems? b) What plan would you suggest that Teacher A and Teacher B submit to address the principal's concerns? Provide specific examples illustrating what Teacher A and Teacher B would do over the next month. c) How should Teacher A and Teacher B demonstrate that they have successfully addressed the principal's concerns?  



Senior member.

That is awful! That is a horrible application question! It sounds more like a college assignment. Do you really, really want to apply there?  

I came across the same question and decided to come back to the application later. I guess I need to get to it this weekend as I think they must be completed by Monday. Good luck!  

  • Feb 27, 2010

Crgallen22.... Good luck to you too!! Let me know how it goes. I really didn't want to write it so I paid a company to write it was a scam and now I have no choice. I want to try another writing service but now I'm scared.  


Full Member



Clearly they want you to address the difference in teaching styles and the fact that the students don't have consistent expectations since that's the only other information they gave you and everything else is equal. (Part A) I would also mention something about meeting in small groups over the next month to meet the needs of the students who are below/meeting/exceeding expecations. (Part B) Teachers can show that students have made growth by retesting them in 30 days using the same assessment tool that they used previously. (Part C) I also agree that paying a service is NOT a good idea and will come back to bite you. I also agree that you may want to rethink applying for this district. If their application process is this arduous can you imagine what working for them is going to be like?  


  • Feb 28, 2010

I just want to point out to the other posters that this is one of the application questions for the NYC public school system, as in a system with 1600 schools so if you want to teach in NYC, you need to complete the application!  


As someone who spent a decent amount of time writing HER OWN essay for NYC, it makes me sick that you PAID someone to write it for you. You deserved to be scammed. How can you teach writing to children, when you cannot write yourself?  

Work ethic? Not only that, but I have been thinking about it and if you're not willing to put the work in to get the job, what kind of work ethic are you going to have if/when you get the job? If you're worried about your writing skills, dialogue it with a friend. But paying a company to do your application is actually plagarism. When I apply for jobs I have to sign a statement saying that everything is true and to the best of my knowledge. If you have to sign that same form and you pay a company to do your application I'm thinkng you can be terminated for that. Be ready to be flamed here.  

  • Mar 3, 2010

Don't Even Waste Your Time Flamed? You have no idea. She posted the same on's NY Teachers Chatboard, was criticized, lashed out, and still doesn't get it.  

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Example Of Essay On An Application For A New York Teaching Fellow Position

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Education , Children , Teaching , Career , Skills , Family , Students , Life

Published: 01/26/2020


As a communications graduate from the Cum Laude college, I have developed an urge to serve as school teacher in a high need school. My strong dedication to children’s general development and particularly to their educational needs have consistently pushed me into securing this position. My background in communication and public relations has given me a better insight of teaching and training. In particular, my experience at AHRC-Brox in New York gave me practical platform to exercise my communicative abilities. This was also a moment of practicing my ability of educating, testing, evaluating and assessing performance and capability of individuals. Specifically, I developed relationship with eleven community based organizations and employers to create volunteer and employment opportunities for 24 program participants. I went ahead to evaluate and monitor work standards to determine the satisfactory completion of work assignments. To make this more successful, I also assessed its competency levels and came up with appropriate skills and behavior for individuals with intellectual and developmental retardations. I started developing my interest in teaching career during my teenage life when I saw the way young children from poor families yarned for education. The experience I had during my early career pursuit highly strengthened my desire to teach and improve lives of knowledge starved children from poor families in New York City. I still believe in this motivation and strongly agree that this is a call to change these young children’s lives. As a New York teaching fellow, I will many benefits. First of all, this teaching position in a high need school will provide me with a better platform from which to nurture my teaching career. Since I may not have thoroughly trained for a teaching job, securing a chance in one of these schools will give me a sequential adaptation and growth towards a successful career. Unlike the high class schools which have all sorts teaching and learning resources, high need schools fall sort of these important instructional resources. High standard schools have state of art libraries, laboratories, workshops and even classrooms. As a teaching fellow in high needs school, I will have no option other than to adopt high levels of creativity and innovativeness. In simpler terms, I will have to improvise these resources to ensure that the instructional objectives are met. This will also help in boosting my experience as I will be engaging much of my time in real life practical activities rather than over-relying on modern technology. Above all, I strongly believe than no amount of money can satisfactorily pay for a teacher’s services. In fact, a teaching career is a call and not a profession like medicine or law. Children in with high education needs face very many challenges in accessing quality education. They come from poor families which cannot fully support this crucial process. I am also aware that many teachers would not wish to pursue their career from such schools. I am confident that I have gained excellent mentoring and training abilities that can add value to these children of high needs. These abilities are coupled up with my excellent communication skills. Successful content delivery in class highly depends on the methodology applied. Again, the methodology is also highly dependent on language usage. During my tenure as Pharmaceutical manufacturing technician, I successfully managed to mentor and train 27 fellow associates on vaccine manufacturing compliance regulations. Some of the major obstacles that I expect to encounter in executing my teaching duties in high need schools are inadequate financial resources, poor facilities and inadequate teaching and learning aids. (Dooley and Assaf, 2009). Besides, being a teaching fellow is very challenging and I cannot assume the temptation of quiting. However, I strongly believe that my personal motivation to improve children’s lives can hardly let me give up. I would be highly privileged to join this distinguished New York teaching fellows staff. I strongly believe that this body can help me achieve my goals and to fully exploit my abilities of quick rapport establishment and building and cultivating and sustaining credible lasting relationships with these children.


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NYC Teacher Application Essay - Help Please! I am Lost.

Discussion in ' General Education ' started by ESLNYC , Apr 22, 2012 .


ESLNYC New Member

Apr 22, 2012

I am writing my essay for the NYC DOE and I am not sure where to start. I am an ESL teacher who has worked with adults for 9 years. I am transitioning into teaching children and I have never really dealt with what they are asking. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Here is the question: Essay Question 1 (600 words) You are new to NYC Public School 123 and are one of three teachers in your subject and grade level. It is the first month of the school year and your principal asks you to identify one end of year academic goal that would apply to all your students. Your principal wants you to use student data to help determine your goal. Last year's assessment results indicate the following about your students. 20% above grade level 50% on grade level 30% below grade level 33% of your classroom is comprised of students with special needs whose assessment results range across all three levels Identify the most important end of year academic goal for your students (be sure to assume a specific subject area and grade level; if you have multiple certifications or teach multiple subjects, select one). Please write a plan that addresses your principal's directives in essay format.Your response should also include the following. What is your goal? Why did you select this goal? Identify and explain the strategies you would employ to meet this goal. Provide concrete examples. What would you do if you realized in February that a quarter of your students were not on track to reach the end of year goal you set?  




czacza Multitudinous

Post what you've got so far and we'll help you polish it up.  

Bored of Ed

Bored of Ed Enthusiast

Um... I am trying to figure out how to say this nicely... the POINT of the application essay is to see what YOU can come up with. Granted, I fully agree that it's a doozy of a question and I'm struggling with it myself, but I also realize that it's one thing I'll have to tough out on my own. Frankly, I think that "above, on, and below grade level" is not nearly specific enough "student data" to help you form goals. It's also borderline ridiculous, given that variation in levels, to want the same goal for all students. Geez, it was almost enough to make me say "maybe I don't want to teach in this system after all..." I am wondering if it would be OK to have a really vague goal and say I'd define it differently for each set of students. The way that on IEP's the "goal" is broad and then there are more specific "objectives." I can't think of any other way to do it. What do you think?  


JustMe Virtuoso

I agree 100%, Bored! But are they asking about IEP goals or just goals in general?  
No they're not asking about IEP goals. It's a general ed question, clearly, since it says only (only?!) 33% of the students have special needs. I just meant maybe I could use that definition of "goal?" It doesn't seem that way from the way the question is put, but anything else would seem absurd. I think this is why I never did complete my application last year. I really think I should do it this year, though; even though I'm not looking to move in September, you never know when something might come up before the next round of applications...  
I re-read what you read first and get it now.  
I just can't figure out what they're looking for here. And I am just about the expert in figuring out what testers are looking for when they aim their questions. Somehow I suspect that my idea is NOT what they're looking for. I was thinking along the lines of a goal such as "Students will apply mathematics concepts to real-world problems" in which case they can all be applying different concepts to different types of problems depending on their levels. But based on the way the question is set up, that doesn't seem to be their idea. After all, it's not inherently measurable, so how do you determine whether the students are on track in February? And WTH - You need to make "a plan that addresses the principal's directive." The principal's only directive was to IDENTIFY a goal. That's it. S/he didn't mention anything beyond that. What are you supposed to plan exactly? In 600 words (and is that a minimum or maximum? I think maximum. Will have to double check the original application. It's due this week. Cripes.) It just amazes me that one of our nation's largest cities' Department of Education can't seem to formulate an essay question.  

Apr 23, 2012

Thank you all for your help! I am still a little confused but now I am starting to get an idea of what they are asking me to write (not completely clear though!) I am sorry if you think I should not have asked for help because I have to figure it out for myself. I have never posted a question such as this one. In fact, I usually do well in exams. Unfortunately, I did not understand exactly what was asked. I agree with Bored of Ed. The question was not well formulated. Again, thank you very much for your assistance.  


bkfinest New Member

May 16, 2012

the answer It would be nice if her question was answered. The question the NYCBOE is asking is vacuous and very close to impossible answer with certainty. What do they want to hear, how much jargon you have learned over the years or in school. PUH-LEASE! What is called an academic goal in NYC could be called a professional objective in Chicago. While I understand the thought of providing the answer could lead to that answer being used repeatedly, I would trust my colleagues to exercise a little discretion and common sense.  


Aliceacc Multitudinous

bkfinest said: ↑ It would be nice if her question was answered. The question the NYCBOE is asking is vacuous and very close to impossible answer with certainty. What do they want to hear, how much jargon you have learned over the years or in school. PUH-LEASE! What is called an academic goal in NYC could be called a professional objective in Chicago. While I understand the thought of providing the answer could lead to that answer being used repeatedly, I would trust my colleagues to exercise a little discretion and common sense. Click to expand...


TeacherGroupie Moderator

ESLNYC, welcome to A to Z, and hugs. Please forgive our skittishness about giving too much help: you'd be astonished how many people come to A to Z to pose very specific (and researchable) questions, on the expectation that we'll spoon-feed 'em the answer. A question this open-ended is a rather different kettle of jambalaya. I think we can safely discuss the dimensions of the task without it being spoon-feeding. The problem that the NYBOE faced was to write ONE question that would work across grade levels and subject areas. That being the case, I think the question is better formulated than it looks. "Please write a plan..." is the overall task. The rest of the question simply lays out the ground rules: it's to be an essay, which means organized paragraphs, and it's to have certain features. "Identify the most important end of year academic goal for your students" and "What is your goal?"invites you to show that you know what "academic goal" means by choosing one that is appropriate for YOUR grade level and/or subject area. "Why did you select this goal?" invites you (briefly) to justify your choice on the basis of what you know about grade level expectations plus what the students will need to have learned for the next grade; the chances are that it's less important exactly what you choose than that you can defend your choice in terms that make sense to fellow teachers. I'd be inclined to deal with the name task and the justify task in one paragraph, simply because the justify task expands on the name task. (If there isn't a list of academic goals by grade and/or subject area somewhere on the BOE Web site, I will be surprised. Given the equivalent question in California, I'd send the writer to the California state content standards. The jargon might involve "strands" - but, bkfinest, I submit that it IS in the state's interest to ensure that its teachers can talk to each other like professionals.) "Identify and explain the strategies you would employ to meet this goal. Provide concrete examples" directs you to name and briefly describe what you as teacher can do to help your students achieve the academic goal; this is also where you note that strategy x may not work for the students in subgroup s so you will also use strategy y. (And, yes, do please use the jargon that is current in New York: in California, one would use the term "differentiation".) Don't forget about the special-ed students: in 600 words, you can't deal with all the possibilities, but choose one or two to mention as for-instances. "What would you do if you realized in February that a quarter of your students were not on track to reach the end of year goal you set?" is a remarkably real-world question. You're not expected to give an exhaustive answer (again, 600 words is the maximum), but it's important to show that you know the possibility exists and must be dealt with (and preferably not by throwing up one's hands). Does this help?  
The 600 word limit made this task VERY difficult. I write quite concisely, I gave only 1-2 details or examples for each question part, and I still had to measure every word three times before it all fit.  
Hugs, Bored. I'm guessing you're going to have rocked this thing. I forgot to add something important. This is an exercise scored by practicing teachers or teacher educators, and they want to know that the test taker is a member of the club, not an outsider. The practical consequence of this for the test taker is that one can use terms like "academic goal" or "differentiation" and other buzzwords as the shorthand they are intended to be, and one needn't define those terms: one's choices of goals and strategies, and one's discussion of their appropriateness, show the definition in action. I'll also add that formal introductions and conclusions are probably unnecessary, and - within the text - using a bullet list where appropriate should be fine.  
Yes, they accepted my application, thanks for the vote of confidence TG I didn't think of using a bullet list, but I guess that could work. When I think "essay," I think sentences and paragraphs. Since this was more of a screening application and doesn't really get you that much closer to the jobs (as opposed to an actual job application, or the certification exams farther back) I didn't sweat it too hard, I figured they were probably just trying to weed out the worst and nothing I would do could put me that low I took my own advice that I gave at the beginning of the thread and just made the goal really general so it would apply to all the different levels and include a lot of important things (considering that it had to be THE most important goal). Y'know, along the lines of "derive information from text" for a reading teacher (except that's not what I did).  
Bored, that approach will probably work, yes - though choosing a goal that's specific and measurable makes it easier to show when it's been reached.  


TeachOn Habitué

May 17, 2012

I tell my students this: there is no substitute when writing a paper for having something actually to say. So what do you have to say?  

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